Google PhD fellowship program

Google PhD Fellowships directly support graduate students as they pursue their PhD, as well as connect them to a Google Research Mentor.

Nurturing and maintaining strong relations with the academic community is a top priority at Google. The Google PhD Fellowship Program was created to recognize outstanding graduate students doing exceptional and innovative research in areas relevant to computer science and related fields. Fellowships support promising PhD candidates of all backgrounds who seek to influence the future of technology. Google’s mission is to foster inclusive research communities and encourage people of diverse backgrounds to apply. We currently offer fellowships in Africa, Australia, Canada, East Asia, Europe, India, Latin America, New Zealand, Southeast Asia and the United States.

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Program details

Application status, how to apply, research areas of focus, review criteria, award recipients.

Applications are currently closed.

Decisions for the 2024 application cycle will be announced via email in July 2024. Please check back in 2025 for details on future application cycles.

  • Launch March 27, 2024
  • Deadline May 8, 2024
  • Winner selected by July 31, 2024

The details of each Fellowship vary by region. Please see our FAQ for eligibility requirements and application instructions.

PhD students must be nominated by their university. Applications should be submitted by an official representative of the university during the application window. Please see the FAQ for more information.

Australia and New Zealand

Canada and the United States

PhD students in Japan, Korea and Taiwan must be nominated by their university. After the university's nomination is completed, either an official representative of the university or the nominated students can submit applications during the application window. Please see the FAQ for more information.

India and Southeast Asia

PhD students apply directly during the application window. Please see the FAQ for more information.

Latin America

The 2024 application cycle is postponed. Please check back in 2025 for details on future application cycles.

Google PhD Fellowship students are a select group recognized by Google researchers and their institutions as some of the most promising young academics in the world. The Fellowships are awarded to students who represent the future of research in the fields listed below. Note that region-specific research areas will be listed in application forms during the application window.

Algorithms and Theory

Distributed Systems and Parallel Computing

Health and Bioscience

Human-Computer Interaction and Visualization

Machine Intelligence

Machine Perception

Natural Language Processing

Quantum Computing

Security, Privacy and Abuse Prevention

Software Engineering

Software Systems

Speech Processing

Applications are evaluated on the strength of the research proposal, research impact, student academic achievements, and leadership potential. Research proposals are evaluated for innovative concepts that are relevant to Google’s research areas, as well as aspects of robustness and potential impact to the field. Proposals should include the direction and any plans of where your work is going in addition to a comprehensive description of the research you are pursuing.

In Canada and the United States, East Asia and Latin America, essay responses are evaluated in addition to application materials to determine an overall recommendation.

What does the Google PhD Fellowship include?

Students receive named Fellowships which include a monetary award. The funds are given directly to the university to be distributed to cover the student’s expenses and stipend as appropriate. In addition, the student will be matched with a Google Research Mentor. There is no employee relationship between the student and Google as a result of receiving the fellowship. The award does not preclude future eligibility for internships or employment opportunities at Google, nor does it increase the chances of obtaining them. If students wish to apply for a job at Google, they are welcome to apply for jobs and go through the same hiring process as any other person.

  • Up to 3 year Fellowship
  • US $12K to cover stipend and other research related activities, travel expenses including overseas travel
  • Google Research Mentor
  • 1 year Fellowship
  • AUD $15K to cover stipend and other research related activities, travel expenses including overseas travel
  • Up to 2 year Fellowship (effective from 2024 for new recipients)
  • Full tuition and fees (enrollment fees, health insurance, books) plus a stipend to be used for living expenses, travel and personal equipment
  • US $10K to cover stipend and other research related activities, travel expenses including overseas travel
  • Yearly bursary towards stipend / salary, health care, social benefits, tuition and fees, conference travel and personal computing equipment. The bursary varies by country.

Early-stage PhD students

  • Up to 4 year Fellowship
  • US $50K to cover stipend and other research related activities, travel expenses including overseas travel

Late-stage PhD students

  • US $10K to recognise research contributions, cover stipend and other research related activities, travel expenses including overseas travel
  • US $15K per year to cover stipend and other research related activities, travel expenses including overseas travel

Southeast Asia

  • US $10K per year for up to 3 years (or up to graduation, whichever is earlier) to cover stipend and other research related activities, travel expenses including overseas travel

Is my university eligible for the PhD Fellowship Program?

Africa, Australia/New Zealand , Canada, East Asia, Europe and the United States : universities must be an accredited research institution that awards research degrees to PhD students in computer science (or an adjacent field).

India, Latin America and Southeast Asia : applications are open to universities/institutes in India, Latin America (excluding Cuba), and in eligible Southeast Asian countries/regions (Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam).

Restrictions : All award payments and recipients will be reviewed for compliance with relevant US and international laws, regulations and policies. Google reserves the right to withhold funding that may violate laws, regulations or our policies.

What are the eligibility requirements for students?

All regions

  • Students must remain enrolled full-time in the PhD program for the duration of the Fellowship or forfeit the award.
  • Google employees, and their spouses, children, and members of their household are not eligible.
  • Students that are already supported by a comparable industry award are not eligible. Government or non-profit organization funding is exempt.
  • Past awardees from the PhD Fellowship program are not eligible to apply again.
  • Grant of the Fellowship does not mean admission to a PhD program. The awardee must separately apply and be accepted to a PhD program in computer science (or an adjacent field) at an eligible institution.
  • Grant of the Fellowship will be subject to the rules and guidelines applicable in the institution where the awardee registers for the PhD program.

Nominated students in Africa, Australia and New Zealand, Canada and the United States, East Asia and Europe.

Universities should only nominate students that meet the following requirements:

  • Africa: Incoming PhD students are eligible to apply, but the Fellowship award shall be contingent on the awardee registering for a full-time PhD program in computer science (or an adjacent field) within the academic award year of the Fellowship award, or the award shall be forfeited.
  • Australia and New Zealand : early-stage students enrolled in the first or second year of their PhD (no requirement for completion of graduate coursework by the academic award year).
  • Canada and the United States : students who have completed graduate coursework in their PhD by the academic award year when the Fellowship begins.
  • East Asia: students who have completed most of graduate coursework in their PhD by the academic award year when the Fellowship begins. Students should have sufficient time for research projects after receiving a fellowship.
  • Europe: Students enrolled at any stage of their PhD are eligible to apply.

Direct applicant students in India, Latin America and Southeast Asia

  • Latin America : incoming or early stage-students enrolled in the first or second year of their PhD (no requirement for completion of graduate coursework by the academic award year).

What should be included in an application? What language should the application be in?

All application materials should be submitted in English.

For each student nomination, the university will be asked to submit the following material in a single, flat (not portfolio) PDF file:

  • Student CV with links to website and publications (if available)
  • Short (1-page) resume/CV of the student's primary PhD program advisor
  • Available transcripts (mark sheets) starting from first year/semester of Bachelor's degree to date
  • Research proposal (maximum 3 pages, excluding references)
  • 2-3 letters of recommendation from those familiar with the nominee''s work (at least one from the thesis advisor for current PhD students)
  • Student essay response (350-word limit) to: What impact would receiving this Fellowship have on your education? Describe any circumstances affecting your need for a Fellowship and what educational goals this Fellowship will enable you to accomplish.
  • Transcripts of current and previous academic records
  • 1-2 letters of recommendation from those familiar with the nominee's work (at least one from the thesis advisor)

Canada, East Asia, the United States

  • Cover sheet signed by the Department Chair confirming the student passes eligibility requirements. (See FAQ "What are the eligibility requirements for students?")
  • Short (1-page) CV of the student's primary advisor
  • 2-3 letters of recommendation from those familiar with the nominee's work (at least one from the thesis advisor)
  • Research / dissertation proposal (maximum 3 pages, excluding references)
  • Student essay response (350-word limit) to: Describe the desired impact your research will make on the field and society, and why this is important to you. Include any personal, educational and/or professional experiences that have motivated your research interests.
  • Student essay response (350-word limit) to: Describe an example of your leadership experience in which you have positively influenced others, helped resolve disputes or contributed to group efforts over time. (A leadership role can mean more than just a title. It can mean being a mentor to others, acting as the person in charge of a specific task, or taking the lead role in organizing an event or project. Think about what you accomplished and what you learned from the experience. What were your responsibilities? Did you lead a team? How did your experience change your perspective on leading others? Did you help to resolve an important dispute at your school, church, in your community or an organization? And your leadership role doesn’t necessarily have to be limited to school activities. For example, do you help out or take care of your family?)

Students will need the following documents in a single, flat (not portfolio) PDF file in order to complete an application (in English only):

  • Student applicant’s resume with links to website and publications (if available)
  • Short (one-page) resume/CV of the student applicant's primary PhD program advisor
  • 2-3 letters of recommendation from those familiar with the applicant's work (at least one from the thesis advisor for current PhD students)
  • Applicant's essay response (350-word limit) to: Describe the desired impact your research will make on the field and society, and why this is important to you. Include any personal, educational and/or professional experiences that have motivated your research interests.
  • Applicant's essay response (350-word limit) to: What are your long-term goals for your pathway in computing research, and how would receiving the Google PhD Fellowship help you progress toward those goals in the short-term?

How do I apply for the PhD Fellowship Program? Who should submit the applications? Can students apply directly for a Fellowship?

Check the eligibility and application requirements in your region before applying. Submission forms are available on this page when the application period begins.

India, Latin America and Southeast Asia: students may apply directly during the application period.

Africa, Australia, Canada, East Asia, Europe, New Zealand, and the United States : students cannot apply directly to the program; they must be nominated by an eligible university during the application period.

How many students may each university nominate?

India, Latin America and Southeast Asia : applications are open directly to students with no limit to the number of students that can apply from a university.

Australia and New Zealand : universities may nominate up to two eligible students.

Canada and the United States : Universities may nominate up to four eligible students. We encourage nominating students with diverse backgrounds especially those from historically marginalized groups in the field of computing. If more than two students are nominated then we strongly encourage additional nominees who self-identify as a woman, Black / African descent, Hispanic / Latino / Latinx, Indigenous, and/or a person with a disability.

Africa, East Asia and Europe : Universities may nominate up to three eligible students. We encourage nominating students with diverse backgrounds especially those from historically marginalized groups in the field of computing. If more than two students are nominated then we strongly encourage the additional nominee who self-identifies as a woman.

*Applications are evaluated on merit. Please see FAQ for details on how applications are evaluated.

How are applications evaluated?

In Canada and the United State, East Asia and Latin America, essay responses are evaluated in addition to application materials to determine an overall recommendation.

A nominee's status as a member of a historically marginalized group is not considered in the selection of award recipients.

Research should align with Google AI Principles .

Incomplete proposals will not be considered.

How are Google PhD Fellowships given?

Any monetary awards will be paid directly to the Fellow's university for distribution. No overhead should be assessed against them.

What are the intellectual property implications of a Google PhD Fellowship?

Fellowship recipients are not subject to intellectual property restrictions unless they complete an internship at Google. If that is the case, they are subject to the same intellectual property restrictions as any other Google intern.

Will the Fellowship recipients become employees of Google?

No, Fellowship recipients do not become employees of Google due to receiving the award. The award does not preclude future eligibility for internships or employment opportunities at Google, nor does it increase the chances of obtaining them. If they are interested in working at Google, they are welcome to apply for jobs and go through the same hiring process as any other person.

Can Fellowship recipients also be considered for other Google scholarships?

Yes, Fellowship recipients are eligible for these scholarships .

After award notification, when do the Google PhD Fellowships begin?

After Google PhD Fellowship recipients are notified, the Fellowship is effective starting the following school year.

What is the program application time period?

Applications for the 2024 program will open in March 2024 and close in May 2024 for all regions. Refer to the main Google PhD Fellowship Program page for each region’s application details.

A global awards announcement will be made in September on the Google Research Blog publicly announcing all award recipients.

How can I ask additional questions?

Due to the volume of emails we receive, we may not be able to respond to questions where the answer is available on the website. If your question has not been answered by a FAQ, email:

Africa: [email protected]

Australia and New Zealand: [email protected]

Canada and the United States: [email protected]

East Asia: [email protected]

Europe: [email protected]

India: [email protected]

Latin America: [email protected]

Southeast Asia: [email protected]

See past PhD Fellowship recipients.

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Monthly updates on industry salary changes and top paying companies

Google Research Scientist Salary

Below you’ll find our most up-to-date salary data for L4-L6 research scientist roles at Google as of April 2023. Rora has coached hundreds of MLEs and research scientists over the past 5 years across many of the best companies in the industry (DeepMind, OpenAI, Google Brain, Anthropic, FAIR, MSR, Tesla) and reviewed 1000s of verified offers. In addition to comp numbers, we’ve also included some helpful context below on how Google compares to the highest AI salaries in the industry, taking into account the generative AI wave and the current tech hiring pullback.

Top of band numbers for Google research scientist salary, equity, and signing bonus from L4-L6

L4 Google Research Scientist Salary

2023 Top of Band Numbers

Base Salary

Equity (4-years)

Signing Bonus

Performance Bonus

While Google often lowballs, they are also the company where we see the most extreme above band offers. For L4 RS roles we've negotiated $200K base, $1.25M in equity and over $100K as the signing bonus. This is an extreme outlier though and in most cases you should target the numbers outlined above.

L5 Google Research Scientist Salary

We've seen equity go as high as $1.8M for L5 RS roles in the past year. But, top of band is closer to $1.2M as of April 2023.

L6 Google Research Scientist Salary

For L6+ ML roles the bands are very wide. You should use the numbers above as a guide but each offer should be analyzed on a case-by-case basis.

ML/AI Compensation Landscape

To call the current AI hiring market unique would be an understatement. On one hand, big tech companies are doing frequent layoffs and freezing hiring for many groups. But simultaneously, hundreds of tech companies have declared AI their top priority for the next few years and are ramping up hiring in this area. As a result, we’ve seen huge variance in AI offers, with careful negotiation making the difference since companies and recruiters are struggling to balance budgets while hitting AI growth goals.

Recently we shared a detailed report on salary negotiation for AI Researchers in 2023, which included this table outlining the highest offers from our recent PHD negotiations. While top of band is not always achievable, it is still a good guide for which companies are paying the most and how much can still be negotiated despite a slower hiring market.

2023 AI/ML Offers

Research Scientist Negotiations

As you can see from the table above, salary negotiation can still significantly impact total compensation. Many research scientists we speak with say it is hard to get a sense for current negotiation strategies as the market is so different now compared to even 1 year ago. To help with that, we’ve compiled a number of resources below that we’d recommend you review before starting any negotiation.

First, the salary negotiation section of this article ( 2023 AI salary Negotiation Report ) is certainly worth a read.

Additionally, it’s often helpful to just hear first-hand accounts of other people going through the negotiation process. As you will see, recruiters are certainly putting more consistent pressure on candidates, but this can be managed throughout the negotiation.

  • Deepmind and Databricks Research Engineer Negotiation
  • FAIR & DeepMind Research Scientist Salary Negotiation
  • Facebook and Google Research Scientist Salary Negotiation ‍

Hopefully these resources will help, but each negotiation is unique, and the best next step would be to jump on a free 1-1 call with a negotiation lead from Rora.

1:1 Salary Negotiation Support

We've negotiated more than $25m in google offers this year. our largest google increase was $720k..

Negotiation strategy

Step 1 is defining the strategy, which often starts by helping you create leverage for your negotiation (e.g. setting up conversations with FAANG recruiters).

Negotiation anchor number

Step 2 we decide on anchor numbers and target numbers with the goal of securing a top of band offer, based on our internal verified data sets.

Negotiation execution plan

Step 3 we create custom scripts for each of your calls, practice multiple 1:1 mock negotiations, and join your recruiter calls to guide you via chat.

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  • Connecticut
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Topics of study for a PhD in Computer Science may include information security, database systems, compilers, software engineering, and computational theory.

When the faculty award a Ph.D., they certify that the student has a broad foundation and awareness of core concepts in computer science, has advanced the field by performing significant original research and has reported that work in a scholarly fashion.

Whilst the most common first degree is Computer Science, we also consider students with backgrounds in an appropriate subject for the research topic (e.g.

During the first two years of the program, you’ll gain the foundation of knowledge that will allow you to become an expert researcher in computer science, primarily by.

Learners can devote their studies to general computer science or choose a specialty area, such as one of the following:.

Next, you’ll gain a broad understanding of fundamental research issues in major areas of computer science through coursework and original research.

View Job Skills and Competency Data for more than 15,000 Job Titles, 18 Industries, and 26 Job Families.

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Doctorate (PhD)

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Avg. Salary $88k — $137k

Years of Experience

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google phd starting salary

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Google Data Scientist Salary: What to Expect

Entry-level data scientists earn an average of $120,000 per year at Google, while experienced data scientists have an average salary of $167,000 per year at Google. Both of these rates are well above the industry average for data scientists. 

As our world becomes more interconnected and reliant on our little internet- and gadget-based electronic buddies, data science has become increasingly important. Cutting edge technology like AI, deep learning, and big data all require data scientists. Data scientists also examine the information flowing to and from devices or websites and interpret that data to direct and adjust their company’s digital assets. Good data science allows a company to stay agile and able to alter their approach as the market and their clients require. 

Find your bootcamp match

As the 800-lb gorilla of the internet, it stands to reason that Google needs the best and sharpest data scientists around, and they’re willing to pay handsomely to get and keep them. But, how handsome are we talking here? What sort of salaries do Google data engineers make? Can bootcamp grads get a job at Google ?

In this article, we look at Google data scientist salaries across a wide range of roles. We’ve consulted Comparably to get some hard data on Google employees. We examine starting salaries the wet-behind-the-ears data scientist types receive on average, and we go over the sort of wages the more-seasoned data scientists are making. Salaries vary depending on whether the position involves management as well—we also take that into account and find out what data science managers take home compared to their rank-and-file data science compatriots. However you slice it, Google data scientist salaries are worth pursuing, so let’s get going and discover the perfect-paying role for you!

Entry-Level vs Experienced

As with most jobs, data scientist salaries at Google vary according to how much experience you bring with you. You don’t generally throw the highest salaries at the newest scientists, after all; years of experience bring extra responsibilities and the ability to handle more complex and high-pressure roles. It’s natural to expect a paycheck that compensates you adequately for those added expectations. Google appreciates that and pays well enough to appeal to both raw newcomers and grizzled data science veterans.

If you’re new to data science, Google is a great first stop. Entry-level data scientists earn an average total of $120,000 a year. Google is an even better deal for those of us with some previous data science work history under our belts—experienced data scientists at Google have an average salary of about $167,000. Both of these rates are well above the industry average for data scientists, so both are good bets for job-seekers.

A pile of U.S. dollar banknotes.

Staff vs. Management

Alongside your seniority—or lack thereof—the most significant indicator of what you can plan on being paid as a Google data scientist is your organizational role. Are you a hard-working staff member with, at most, a couple of people reporting to you? You’ll get a fantastic paycheck, but the big money goes to data scientist management types. Data science salaries at Google skyrocket once the word “manager” starts getting thrown around.

As a Google manager, you can expect to make upwards of $250,000 a year along with perks and benefits. In part, Google managers rake in those big paychecks because of their visibility. Google is one of the leading companies on the planet and one of the internet’s biggest and most relied-upon cornerstones. Any manager, data science or otherwise, who works for Google has to deal with that public gaze and internal pressure at all times. If you’re the type who can thrive under the spotlight, Google management might be a good target at which to aim.

A neon sign that says 'Google'

And that’s the way it is, my beautiful data-sciencing compatriots. If you’re looking for a data scientist position that will offer challenging work and substantial compensation, Google might be right up your alley. Their data scientist salaries are not only competitive compared with their industry rivals but exceed the average. Between the excellent salaries and benefits such as stock options and flex time, a Google data scientist position could be a perfect fit for you.

About us: Career Karma is a platform designed to help job seekers find, research, and connect with job training programs to advance their careers. Learn about the CK publication .

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All Intern Salaries

google phd starting salary

Research Intern

Summer 2024

$67.78 / hr

Mountain View, CA – $2,000 / mo housing, company provided transportation, $3000 relocation

Data Points

Season / Year
Hourly Salary
Monthly Salary
Housing, Transportation, Tags
Apply Link
Summer 2024
Mountain View, CA
$67.78 / hr
$11,748 / mo


$2,000 / mo housing, company provided transportation, $3000 relocation

Summer 2024
Sunnyvale, CA
$69.71 / hr
$12,083 / mo


$2,333 / mo housing

Summer 2023
Mountain View, CA
$67.70 / hr
$11,735 / mo

Undergrad (Senior)

$7,000 housing, $3,000 transportation

Summer 2023
Sunnyvale, CA
$67.79 / hr
$11,750 / mo


$2,000 Housing, $3,000 Relocation

Summer 2023
New York City, NY
$67.78 / hr
$11,748 / mo


$7,000 housing, $3,000 transportation

Summer 2023
San Francisco, CA
$67.00 / hr
$11,613 / mo


$8,000 Housing

Fall 2023
Mountain View, CA
$60.00 / hr
$10,400 / mo

Undergrad (Junior)

Summer 2022
Mountain View, CA
$63.13 / hr
$10,942 / mo

$2,000 housing / mo $1,000 transportation

Summer 2022
New York City, NY
$57.69 / hr
$10,000 / mo

$6,000 housing, $3,000 relocation

Fall 2022
Cambridge, MA
$47.50 / hr
$8,233 / mo

$2,000 housing / mo, $3,000 transportation

Fall 2022
$45.00 / hr
$7,800 / mo

laptop WFH setup provided (including monitor)

Spring 2022
$53.70 / hr
$9,308 / mo

$6,000 sign on bonus

Winter 2022
London, United Kingdom
$40.07 / hr
$6,946 / mo


$870 / mo housing, $3,400 sign-on bonus

Summer 2021
Mountain View, CA
$50.48 / hr
$8,750 / mo

$1,000 reimbursement for business-related equipment and furnishings, including tech accessories; Internet reimbursement

Summer 2020
Mountain View, CA
$50.00 / hr
$8,667 / mo

$9,000 lumpsum housing

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  • 🇮🇳 INR - ₹ Indian Rupee
  • Indic (Indian Sub) 10,00,000 - 10L 10,00,000 10L


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    google phd starting salary

  5. PhD vs mD salary

    google phd starting salary

  6. Differential in Starting Salaries Between Bachelor’s and Master’s Grads

    google phd starting salary


  1. Starting Your Master's or PhD Thesis: Using Google Docs to Track Research Progress

  2. How to Break into Google, Starting Salary, Dumb AI, and the Success of Indian Americans

  3. Google PhD Fellowship Program 2022-23 for Indian Universities #google

  4. The Perfect Salary for Entry-Level Security Analysts

  5. Starting salary at MYNTRA???

  6. Ph.D Scholarship NET-JRF Amount & Non NET Amount ||


  1. Google PhD Salaries

    The estimated total pay range for a PhD at Google is $196K-$275K per year, which includes base salary and additional pay. The average PhD base salary at Google is $158K per year. The average additional pay is $72K per year, which could include cash bonus, stock, commission, profit sharing or tips. The "Most Likely Range" reflects values ...

  2. Google PhD Student Salaries

    Total salary range for Google PhD Student. The estimated total pay range for a PhD Student at Google is $177K-$246K per year, which includes base salary and additional pay. The average PhD Student base salary at Google is $172K per year. The average additional pay is $36K per year, which could include cash bonus, stock, commission, profit ...

  3. Google PhD fellowship program

    The Google PhD Fellowship Program recognizes outstanding graduate students doing exceptional work in computer science, related disciplines, or promising research areas. ... Yearly bursary towards stipend / salary, health care, social benefits, tuition and fees, conference travel and personal computing equipment. ... starting from first year ...

  4. Google Salaries

    Salaries. Google's salary ranges from $94,068 in total compensation per year for a Copywriter at the low-end to $2,595,038 for a Software Engineer at the high-end. collects anonymous and verified salaries from current and former employees of Google. Last updated: 7/22/2024.

  5. Google Research Scientist Salary

    The median yearly total compensation reported at Google for the Research Scientist role in India is $32,573. View the base salary, stock, and bonus breakdowns for Google's total compensation packages.

  6. Google Research Scientist Salaries

    The estimated total pay range for a Research Scientist at Google is $282K-$415K per year, which includes base salary and additional pay. The average Research Scientist base salary at Google is $194K per year. The average additional pay is $142K per year, which could include cash bonus, stock, commission, profit sharing or tips.

  7. Google Software Engineer Salary

    The median yearly total compensation reported at Google for the Software Engineer role in United States is $291,000. Software Engineer compensation in United States at Google ranges from $190K per year for L3 to $2.6M per year for L9. The median compensation in United States package totals $292K. View the base salary, stock, and bonus ...

  8. 20 of the Highest Paying PhD Degrees (Plus Salaries)

    20. Immunology. National average salary: $182,342 per year Immunologists with a Ph.D. study infectious diseases and create public health policies related to disease transmission and prevention. A background in a relevant degree program related to immunology is typically a prerequisite for this area of study.

  9. Google Phd Salaries

    PhD Student salaries at Google can range from £12,522-£13,567. This estimate is based upon 1 Google PhD Student salary report(s) provided by employees or estimated based upon statistical methods. See all PhD Student salaries to learn how this stacks up in the market.

  10. Google PhD Graduate Student Salaries

    See how it works. The estimated total pay range for a PhD Graduate Student at Google is $185K-$277K per year, which includes base salary and additional pay. The average PhD Graduate Student base salary at Google is $127K per year. The average additional pay is $96K per year, which could include cash bonus, stock, commission, profit sharing or ...

  11. Doctorate (PhD), Computer Science (CS) Salary

    Avg. Salary $130k. Master of Technology (MTech), Database Management. Avg. Salary $131k. Bachelor of Science, Electrical Engineering (BSEE), Computer Information Systems (CIS) Avg. Salary $76k ...

  12. Google L4-L6 Research Scientist Salary

    L4 Google Research Scientist Salary. While Google often lowballs, they are also the company where we see the most extreme above band offers. For L4 RS roles we've negotiated $200K base, $1.25M in equity and over $100K as the signing bonus. This is an extreme outlier though and in most cases you should target the numbers outlined above.

  13. Computer Scientist yearly salaries in the United States at Google

    Estimated average pay. $121,436. per year. matches. Meets national average. Average $121,436. Low $112,935. High $136,008. The estimated middle value of the base pay for Computer Scientist at this company in the United States is $121,436 per year.

  14. PhD offer at Google -- Fair? : r/cscareerquestions

    The offer they made is roughly as follows: 130k base, 15% target bonus, 40 google stock units/year for first 4 years. Based on what I've been seeing (glassdoor, etc) I think that is somewhat low, but I wanted some others' opinions. I currently work at a startup where I'm making 135k with a 15% bonus and 1% equity over 4 years (we're currently ...

  15. Google PhD Software Engineer Salaries

    The estimated total pay range for a PhD Software Engineer at Google is $202K-$287K per year, which includes base salary and additional pay. The average PhD Software Engineer base salary at Google is $163K per year. The average additional pay is $75K per year, which could include cash bonus, stock, commission, profit sharing or tips.

  16. Google Data Scientist Salary

    The median yearly total compensation reported at Google for the Data Scientist role in United States is $232,500. Data Scientist compensation in United States at Google ranges from $147K per year for L3 to $881K per year for L8. The median compensation in United States package totals $244K. View the base salary, stock, and bonus breakdowns for ...

  17. Phd Computer Science Salary in the United State

    Top 5 States with Higher Salaries For. Phd Computer Science in the United States: Phd Computer Science in District of Columbia: $132,019. Phd Computer Science in California: $130,833. Phd Computer Science in New Jersey: $130,002. Phd Computer Science in Alaska: $129,172. Phd Computer Science in Massachusetts: $129,054.

  18. Doctorate (PhD) Salary

    Gender Breakdown for Doctorate (PhD) Male. 57.5 %. Avg. Salary: $69k - $170k. Female. 42.0 %. Avg. Salary: $58k - $160k. This data is based on 798 survey responses. Learn more about the gender pay ...

  19. Google Data Scientist Salary: What to Expect

    November 23, 2022. Entry-level data scientists earn an average of $120,000 per year at Google, while experienced data scientists have an average salary of $167,000 per year at Google. Both of these rates are well above the industry average for data scientists. As our world becomes more interconnected and reliant on our little internet- and ...

  20. Google Graduate Program Salaries

    The estimated total pay range for a Graduate Program at Google is $67K-$102K per year, which includes base salary and additional pay. The average Graduate Program base salary at Google is $83K per year. The average additional pay is $0 per year, which could include cash bonus, stock, commission, profit sharing or tips.

  21. Kamala Harris: A Guide to Her Life, Career, Political History, 2024

    Vice President Kamala Harris is now the obvious heir as the Democratic nominee following President Joe Biden's announcement that he would not seek reelection. Harris's ascent is a remarkable ...

  22. Google Research Intern Salaries

    Research interns at Google make $67.78 per hour. Apply to open internships and view details such as housing, relocation, transportation, and more. ... PhD. $2,333 / mo housing. Summer 2023 Mountain View, CA: $67.70 / hr $11,735 / mo: ... Full Time Salaries at Google Chat with employees at Google. Get updates on salary trends, career tips, and more.

  23. How Much Does Google Pay in 2024? (114,525 Salaries)

    How much does Google pay? The average Google salary ranges from approximately $39,784 per year (estimate) for . The average Google hourly pay ranges from approximately $19 per hour (estimate) for . Google employees rate the overall compensation and benefits package 4.4/5 stars.