English class (Carla Sánchez)

Miércoles, 16 de diciembre de 2015, the innocent victim (book).

the innocent victim book report

  • Book title: The title of the book is The Innocent Victim.
  • Author: The book is written by Simon Betterton
  • Plot: Richard loved motorbikes when he stole the motorbike and after he is accused of the robbery of the jewel when he is innocent. And the thief travels to Scotland with the Richard's motorbike. Richard and Anthony were enemies because Anthony loved Richard's girlfriend who is called Alison.
  • Setting: Street Tower Rood, Richard's house, and jewellery Apple number nine.
  • Beginning: When Richard was in a bank he stole a motorbike. And after he is accused of the robbery in the jewellery Apple number nine.
  • End: Richard is an innocent victim, and the thief is in Scotland. And Alison's new boyfriend is Anthony. The end Anthony and Richard are friends.
  • Characters: The characters in the story are: Alison, Richard, Anthony, the police, old woman, the thief, the owner of the motorbike shop, the judge.
  • Opinion: My opinion of this book is good because it is very simple and interesting.
  • Recommendation: I recommend this book because it is a beautiful story and the end is amazing and unexpected.

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  • Reverend James Squire
  • Oct 19, 2023

The Innocent Victim

the innocent victim book report

One of the most difficult psychological concepts to explain is the power of the innocent victim. Power is a word that doesn’t juxtapose well with innocent. Normally we think of three positions that define our relationships with others. We can be one down, or shared power in the relationship, or someone who is one up. An example of a one down position is someone who has a boss who that person has to please. Shared power in relationships is just that, when two people are communicating as equals. This is seen as the best kind of relationship to have where two people feel empowered by each other. This is often seen as a time when the work of therapy has been done and the person feels independent and ideally interdependent on others. A person can also feel as though they are one up on others. It is one of the loneliest positions to have. It is like the teacher or student who seems to know it all where they know the answer to any question and are off putting to others.

R. D. Laing, a psychiatrist, wrote a book, The Politics of Experience, in which he posits that countries and interpersonal relationships share a common experience that just as individuals work to get along with others so do countries. When I taught political ethics, I dealt with the one up. shared, and a one down relationship that involve power, who has it, and how do I get it.

It would have been much easier to understand the power of the innocent victim if I was teaching ethics in the time of Trump. People think that Trump is not very smart. He doesn’t read. He is notorious for not reading intelligence reports. He wanted more visuals. He is smart the way that we wish that he wasn’t. We see how he moves people to places where we would not want them to go. Think January 6. I want to focus on just one of his foibles. It is his desire to balance that he is the best and smartest of anyone. “I am a genius!” with being the innocent victim. He a paradox, a self-contradiction on terms. He will make America Great Again and he is the opposite as he presents himself as the victim of various witch hunts. “I did nothing wrong! I will be your revenge!”

The question that everyone wants an answer to is how do his poll numbers go up with each crime that he commits and where we know history will not treat him well? Notice first, when necessary, he will make “we comments” and not “I comments.” The dynamic is “I, your follower, may be inferior but we will feel great if we follow you.” It is the same dynamic as why Philly fans are so loud in their cheering. They could be having a difficult week, but when the Philly’s win, I win. The fans are rewarded as well when the players indicate that they are the best fans in the world. The Philly’s identity becomes the fans’ identity. The opposite is true as well that when the Philly’s lose, I lose!

Let’s just take this week as an example where a judge has given Trump a gag order to protect the process of his court case. Watch how Trump vacillates between two extremes, I am powerful seen in the money I made (didn’t make) and the judge took away my rights to free speech. I am a victim here when I did nothing wrong. Even though Trump was raised with a silver spoon in his mouth, he has found the victim spot in our culture. His base no matter how much money they have or don’t have are motivated to follow him. You must get into the Trump voters’ shoes to understand the paradox. It is not my idea. It comes straight from Freakonomics written by Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner. The book tells us why we make irrational decisions and why conventional wisdom is often wrong, and what motivates us to do what we do.

The authors’ point is that we think that we do things based on morality and ideals when incentives and disincentives tend to motivate us. You guessed it. Here it comes! “Show me the money.” There is a chapter in the book with the intriguing title of “Why do drug dealers live with their mothers?” We think that we believe that we always do things through our lens of morality and ideology, when we really do things with money or power on our mind. Think House of Representatives. The authors did a research study on why drug dealers will stay with a job, person, or dream where they are used and perceived as victims used by a drug czar. If they see what might be theirs like the guy at the top who is riding around in a luxurious Cadillac, they will be the innocent victim. So, Trump is the drug czar and his followers are the drug dealers. “I am going to Washington to get rid of the swamp. They aren’t interested in hurting me as much as hurting you.” We are all helpless victims (stay with me, helpless victims like I am) and I will make You and America great again. He works the innocent victim side of the coin and combines it with greatness. This is the same dynamic as a cult.

That is why Trump’s week has been so terrible. The chickens have come home to roost. He isn’t as powerful or wealthy as he seems. That is why he hid his tax returns. In fact, he is the opposite. He has to keep that illusion alive. He really doesn’t have any policies or ideas per se . During the last Republican Convention, the politicians did not have a platform for the first time ever, they had Trump. He told them what they were going to do. It really isn’t the Republican Party as we know it. It is Trumpism. We need and flourish with a real Republican Party based in policy and not performance.

You give me your innocent victimhood and I will give you greatness in whatever way you measure it.

There is a book that I read years ago and entered into conversation with the author, David Callahan, The Cheating Culture . Are you wondering as well why Trump is so popular with his group? Callahan did a study on the motivation of the American people. What he discovered was very helpful in understanding the motivation and incentive in our culture. He indicates in his research that it is financial hard times as well as the divisions in our country between the haves and have nots that inform us and our behavior. These divisions have gradually gotten rid of the notion of the level playing field which is at the heart of political ethics embedded in the American dream. As we have lost this notion of equality, we have sacrificed our values and morality. His concluding premise is given the choice between integrity and financial security or advancement no matter who it hurts or helps, we will more often than not choose financial security. That is what Trump knew and still knows. If you don’t have it, whatever the American dream for you happens to be, it is because you have been an innocent victim like me.

His followers are the drug dealers and he is the drug czar. We aren’t the only nation to be led down this road. Just ask General Milley in his final address before his retirement. We need to rekindle our values and ethics and not those of “a want-to-be dictator.” Yes, the innocent victim is one of the most powerful dynamics of one’s personal psychology and is a cautionary tale for us and other nations around the world that share in the political values of our Constitution.

I am willing to bet that Trump has never read the Constitution. We do know that Tommy Tuberville didn’t know the three parts of our government when he was asked that question when running for Senator in Alabama while living in Florida. If he did, he would not put the bravest of the brave in our military leadership in jeopardy.

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Trump assassination attempt: Graphics, maps show you what happened

Corrections and clarifications: An earlier version of this story misstated the approximate distance between the rooftop and the stage. The distance is about 150 yards. The approximate location of the shooter's body has also been updated in the graphics .

An investigation continues into the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump at a rally in Bulter, Pennsylvania, on Saturday, in which one attendee was shot and killed and two others seriously injured.

The gunman was shot and killed by Secret Service agents. The FBI later identified him as Thomas Matthew Crooks , 20, of Bethel Park, Pennsylvania, about 40 miles south of Butler. His motive is not yet known.

Details continue to emerge. Trump says a bullet pierced the upper part of his right ear before Secret Service agents hustled him off the stage and into a limousine. He was reported to be otherwise unharmed.

The gunman, who is believed to have acted alone, fired at the rally stage from a building rooftop about 150 yards away, outside the rally's security perimeter. Agents recovered an AR-style rifle from the scene.

Here is what we know at the moment. All times are Eastern:

Where was Trump?

1 p.m.: The Butler Farm Show, site of the rally, opens its doors to attendees. Trump is scheduled to speak at 5 p.m.

6:03 p.m.: Trump takes the stage and greets the crowd as the Lee Greenwood song “God Bless the USA” plays.

6:05 p.m.:  The song ends, and Trump begins speaking.

Unable to view our graphics? Click here to see them.

6:11 p.m.: While Trump is speaking, multiple shots are fired toward the stage. Videos show Trump grabbing his right ear, looking at his bloody hand and dropping to the ground behind the podium. People can be heard saying, "Shots, shots, shots."

6:12 p.m.: Secret Service agents jump on top of Trump and escort him off stage and into a vehicle. Trump gives a thumbs up as he leaves.

How many shots were fired?

6:14 p.m.: Trump's motorcade leaves the fairgrounds surrounded by law enforcement vehicles.

6:42 p.m.: The Secret Service  issues a statement confirming “an incident”  took place at the rally and that Trump “is safe.” Shortly after, the Trump campaign issues a statement saying Trump “is fine and is being checked out at a local medical facility."

7:24 p.m.: The Butler County district attorney says the suspected shooter is dead and one rally attendee has been killed, the Associated Press reports.

Where was the shooter?

7:49 p.m.: Secret Service spokesman Anthony Guglielmi  releases a statement  saying agents neutralized the shooter and that he was dead. The statement says one person was killed and two spectators have been seriously injured.

8:13 p.m.: In a short televised briefing, President Joe Biden says he was trying to call Trump  to speak with him as soon as possible.

8:42 p.m.: Trump posts on Truth Social confirming he was shot :

  • “It is incredible that such an act can take place in our Country. Nothing is known at this time about the shooter, who is now dead. I was shot with a bullet that pierced the upper part of my right ear. I knew immediately that something was wrong in that I heard a whizzing sound, shots, and immediately felt the bullet ripping through the skin. Much bleeding took place, so I realized then what was happening. GOD BLESS AMERICA!"

9:33 p.m.: The FBI's Pittsburgh office says it has assumed the lead in the shooting investigation.

11:52 p.m.: In a news conference, Kevin Rojek, special agent in charge of the Pittsburgh FBI office, says the shooting was an attempted assassination of Trump and that investigators are working to determine a motive.

Who shot Trump? What gun was used?

Sunday: Law enforcement sealed off the home of Thomas Matthew Crooks for investigation.

Crooks used a legally-purchased "AR-style 556 rifle," said Kevin Rojek, a special agent in charge of the FBI's Pittsburgh field office, on a call with reporters. The agent likely refers to a rifle that fires 5.56 mm ammunition, though there are some firearm models with "556" in their name.

The weapon was located next to Crooks on the scene, Rojek said.

Rojek said law enforcement located "a suspicious device" when they searched the Crooks' vehicle. The device is being analyzed at the FBI crime lab in Quantico, Virginia.

Agents also obtained a court order to examine Crooks' cellphone in hopes its contents will provide clues into the shooting.

"At this time, the information that we have indicates that the shooter acted alone and that there are currently no public safety concerns," Rojek said. Another unidentified official on the call said the FBI believes the weapon was bought by the shooter's father. The family is cooperating with the investigation, officials said.

More coverage:

Trump rally shooting victims: Pennsylvania firefighter killed, 2 local residents wounded

Read more : Trump rally shooter Thomas Crooks appears to have acted alone, used 'AR-style 556' rifle: FBI

Nursing aide turned sniper : Thomas Crooks' mysterious plot to kill Trump

the innocent victim book report

CONTRIBUTING Natalie Neysa Alund and Aysha Bagchi, USA TODAY.

SOURCE USA TODAY Network reporting and research; Reuters

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Review of Innocent Victim

Post by Maggie Johnson 2 » 22 Apr 2023, 22:31

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Re: Review of Innocent Victim

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The Innocent Victim (Paperback)

The Innocent Victim By Gideon Jimmy, Dealer Blunt Cover Image


The innocent victim stories

express that; It is better to let 100 criminals go free than to imprison innocent

"As a prosecutor is to do justice. And justice is served when a guilty man is convicted not an innocent man

It specially written for anyone who wish to improve and perception towards living a good life

This book was published presently in December 2022 and has a potentiality to be widely use by many who needs happy life

To crown it all, this book will simply make you a better person if you follow implement every single step

Read and stay bless.

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The Victimology of a Wrongful Conviction: Innocent Inmates and Indirect Victims (Hardcover)

The Victimology of a Wrongful Conviction: Innocent Inmates and Indirect Victims By Nicky Ali Jackson, Kathryn M. Campbell, Margaret Pate Cover Image

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This book exposes the myriad of victims of wrongful conviction by going beyond the innocent person who has been wrongfully incarcerated to include the numerous indirect victims who suffer collaterally. In no way overlooking the egregious effects on the wrongfully convicted, this book widens the net to also examine consequences for family, friends, co-workers, witnesses, the initial victims of the crime, and society in general-all indirect victims who are often forgotten in treatments of wrongful conviction.

Utilizing interviews of exonerees and indirect victims, the authors capture the tangible and intangible costs of victimization across the board. The prison experience is examined through the lens of an innocent person, and the psychological impact of incarceration for the exoneree is explored. Special attention is given to the often-ignored experience of female exonerees and to the impact of race as a compounding factor in a vast number of miscarriages of justice. The book concludes with an overview of the victimization experiences that follow exonerees upon release.

Unique to this book is its interdisciplinary approach to the troubling subject of wrongful conviction, combining perspectives from a number of fields, including criminal justice, criminology, victimology, psychology, sociology, social justice, history, political science, and law. Undergraduate and graduate students in these disciplines will find this book helpful in their respective areas of study, and professionals in the legal system will benefit from appreciation of the far-reaching costs of wrongful convictions.

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The Victimology of a Wrongful Conviction

The Victimology of a Wrongful Conviction

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This book exposes the myriad of victims of wrongful conviction by going beyond the innocent person who has been wrongfully incarcerated to include the numerous indirect victims who suffer collaterally. In no way overlooking the egregious effects on the wrongfully convicted, this book widens the net to also examine consequences for family, friends, co-workers, witnesses, the initial victims of the crime, and society in general—all indirect victims who are often forgotten in treatments of wrongful conviction. 

Utilizing interviews of exonerees and indirect victims, the authors capture the tangible and intangible costs of victimization across the board. The prison experience is examined through the lens of an innocent person, and the psychological impact of incarceration for the exoneree is explored. Special attention is given to the often-ignored experience of female exonerees and to the impact of race as a compounding factor in a vast number of miscarriages of justice. The book concludes with an overview of the victimization experiences that follow exonerees upon release. 

Unique to this book is its interdisciplinary approach to the troubling subject of wrongful conviction, combining perspectives from a number of fields, including criminal justice, criminology, victimology, psychology, sociology, social justice, history, political science, and law. Undergraduate and graduate students in these disciplines will find this book helpful in their respective areas of study, and professionals in the legal system will benefit from appreciation of the far-reaching costs of wrongful convictions.


Part 1 | 54  pages, victimology: the wrongly convicted as victims, chapter 1 | 8  pages, introduction, chapter 2 | 12  pages, victimology, chapter 3 | 12  pages, the nature and extent of wrongful convictions, chapter 4 | 20  pages, victimizing the innocent, part 2 | 88  pages, the many victims of a wrongful conviction, chapter 5 | 14  pages, the exoneree as victim, chapter 6 | 16  pages, female victims of a wrongful conviction, chapter 7 | 16  pages, families as victims of a wrongful conviction, chapter 8 | 12  pages, revictimization of the original victim, chapter 9 | 9  pages, society as a victim of a wrongful conviction, chapter 10 | 14  pages, post-release victimization, chapter 11 | 5  pages, final thoughts and future considerations.

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Police were warned of Trump rally shooter at least 86 seconds before gunfire, video shows

A Post analysis of the video backs up reports from other witnesses, who have said they tried to alert police in the moments before shots rang out.

Almost immediately after the assassination attempt on former president Donald Trump at his campaign rally in western Pennsylvania on Saturday, some in the crowd told reporters that they had tried to alert law enforcement that a suspicious man was on a nearby roof. Now, a newly surfaced video backs up those accounts of warnings, showing a chaotic scene in which bystanders started calling out to police nearly a minute and a half before the shots rang out.

The footage, posted to social media late Sunday, shows several witnesses yelling and directing at least one police officer toward the roof of a neighboring business. Authorities say that 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks shot at Trump and attendees from the roof before he was killed by law enforcement.

In the new video, one man shouts “Officer! Officer!” as others point toward the building. “He’s on the roof!” a woman says. The video also shows a police officer in a black uniform looking up toward the top of the building.

Growing evidence that law enforcement were made aware of Crooks before he opened fire has put the Secret Service under pressure to explain what analysts have described as a major security failure. After Crooks fired on the rally, Trump was wounded, two members of the audience were injured and one was dead .

The Secret Service did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle sent a memo to her agents Sunday praising their fast efforts to move Trump to safety after shots were fired. Also Sunday, President Biden said he had ordered an “independent review” of security at the rally. Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas on Monday echoed that call for an independent investigation, calling the attempted assassination a security “failure.”

Trump rally shooting

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Crooks began firing two minutes and two seconds after the starting point of the newly published video, which begins with a man’s voice saying that people were pointing toward the roof, according to a Washington Post analysis of footage from the event. The shots began 86 seconds after the first audible attempts to alert police, according to the analysis, which synchronized several clips based on the sound of Trump’s voice over the public address system as he addressed supporters at a farm show grounds in Butler County, Pa.

The new video supports previously reported statements from other witnesses, who said in interviews with The Post and other media that they warned police that a man had climbed onto the roof of the business, Agr International, which makes industrial equipment.

The Agr building was not inside the secure area guarded by the Secret Service, which required members of the public to pass through a metal detector before entering.

While Secret Service officers monitored the event inside the secure area, police officers from local township and county departments were assigned to secure the outer perimeter, The Post has reported . Officials said it was typical for the Secret Service to assign local police this responsibility, but that plans for securing the perimeter are structured and signed off by the Secret Service and are ultimately part of the overall Secret Service security plan for the event.

The uniform and department emblem worn by the police officer in the new video appears to match those of the Butler Township Police Department. The department, which had personnel at the event according to local and county officials, did not respond to questions from The Post.

Ben Maser, who was watching the event from just outside the security perimeter, told The Post that he reported to a police officer twice in the span of two minutes that he had seen a suspicious-looking man on the building roof. Maser, who confirmed that he is visible in the newly surfaced video clip, said he first warned the officer an estimated 30 seconds before the time period captured in the video.

The police officer “didn’t say anything” to Maser in response to either alert, he said. On the first occasion, when Maser saw the man on the roof moving forward in a crouched position, the officer looked in the direction of the building, according to Maser. On the second, when the man was lying down, Maser said that he advised the officer to move to a spot where he would be able to see the man.

“When I turned to go back to that spot is when I heard the gunshots, and then it was just chaos,” said Maser, a 41-year-old welder who lives near the event site.

Maser said he never saw a gun with the man on the roof, and no gun can be seen in the newly surfaced video.

Another witness, Greg Smith, told BBC News that he and other attendees outside the secure perimeter tried for “two or three minutes” to alert police to Crooks, after they saw him crawl on the Agr roof carrying a rifle. Smith said he was dismayed that Trump was not removed from the stage before shots rang out.

“The police are down there running around on the ground,” Smith said. “We’re like, ‘Hey man, there’s a guy on the roof with a rifle.’ And the police were like ‘Huh? What?’ like they didn’t know what was going on.”

Smith did not respond to requests for comment from The Post.

Butler County Sheriff Michael T. Slupe told The Post that one local police officer did confront Crooks before the shooting. It was not immediately clear whether that officer was the one seen examining the building in the newly surfaced video footage.

The officer hoisted himself up on the roof to check on reports of a suspicious man, Slupe said. But the officer, who was not able to access a gun because he was gripping the edge of the roof, had to drop down when the shooter aimed his weapon at him, the sheriff said.

“He lets go because he doesn’t want to get killed,” Slupe said. The shooter then began firing at the rally site, the sheriff said.

An executive at Agr International, which manufactures quality control equipment for the bottle industry, told The Post that the company had worked with local police before the event on security matters. Police blocked off public access to the company’s parking lot and that space was available for law enforcement use, said William Bellis, the firm’s chief financial officer.

Bellis said there was no easy way to access the roof of Agr’s building. “If they were on the roof they’d need a ladder,” he said soon after the shooting Saturday. Aerial video footage from after the event showed a ladder propped against the building that evening. It is not clear when it was placed there.

Carol D. Leonnig contributed to this report.

The shooter: The FBI named Thomas Matthew Crooks , who is now dead, as the gunman who tried to kill Donald Trump at a rally . The 20-year-old Pennsylvania man had searched online for information about Trump and President Biden and had photos of both men saved on his phone, according to lawmakers and others briefed on the investigation.

Victims: The man killed at the rally was Corey Comperatore , a married father of two daughters who Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro (D) said died trying to protect his family. The two rally attendees who were critically injured were identified as David Dutch and James Copenhaver.

Layout of shooting site: The Washington Post built a 3D model of the site of the attempted assassination at a Trump rally in Pennsylvania based on more than 40 videos and photos. The Post’s analysis found that two Secret Service countersniper teams may not have been able to see the shooter at first.

Secret Service: Growing evidence that law enforcement were made aware of the shooter before he opened fire has put the Secret Service under pressure to explain what analysts have described as a major security failure .

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What We Know About the Trump Rally Shooting Victims

One attendee was killed and two others were critically wounded. They were all adult men and include a longtime volunteer firefighter and a Marine Corps veteran.

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Empty chairs in disarray, with police tape and a red-white-and-blue banner with white stars in the background.

By Isabelle Taft and Christina Morales

  • Published July 14, 2024 Updated July 15, 2024

The assassination attempt against former President Donald J. Trump at his rally Saturday evening, besides wounding him, also killed a father of two and critically wounded two other men on Saturday evening.

Those attendees, all adult men, include a longtime volunteer firefighter and a U.S. Marine Corps veteran. All were from the Pittsburgh area, according to the Pennsylvania State Police. One died at the scene, while two others were transported to Allegheny General Hospital in Pittsburgh and were in critical but stable condition, officials said.

As more details began to emerge on Sunday, tributes and prayers for the victims and their families were pouring in, including from officials such as Mayor Ed Gainey of Pittsburgh and Pennsylvania’s governor, Josh Shapiro.

Steve Bicehouse, director of emergency services for Butler County, said that he had set up set up a “portable hospital” with four of his staff members and about 30 medical professionals. Mr. Bicehouse said that he was not aware of any other shooting-related victims at the rally besides Mr. Trump and the three attendees.

Here’s what we know so far about the victims.


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Innocent Victims: The True Story of the Eastburn Family Murders by Scott Whisnant Published | Book Review (March 1, 1993)

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Fort Bragg, North Carolina, had seen it all before – when Dr. Jeffrey MacDonald was convicted of savagely slaying his wife and children. Now another officer’s wife had been raped and murdered, another pari of children viciously butchered. And another member of the military was brought to trial. This time the state had no trouble winning a conviction. Tim Hennis was found guilty and sentenced to death. Only Hennis’ parents, wife, and dedicated defense team refused to give up. Piece by piece they ripped the state’s case to shreds, revealing a stunning story of perversion of justice, false witnesses, hidden evidence, and, incredibly, a baby-sitter who had a fascination with Dr. Jeffrey MacDonald. With the brutal truth and chilling suspense of Fatal Vision, this riveting account recreates a vicious crime, the behind-the-scenes story of its investigation, the compelling drama of one of the very few men ever released from Death Row, and an unsolved mystery that still casts a spell of terror. ( Innocent Victims by Scott Whisnant )

Book Review:

I read the Innocent Victims book while I was camping and honestly I could not put it down. I was reminded of it while listening to the Military Murder Podcast and inspired to read it because of the level of detail available in the book. It was a great read because there were so many twists and turns in the case. If I didn’t know about the fact that a DNA match to Timothy Hennis helped prove his guilt in a 2010 military trial , I would have been convinced Timothy Hennis was wrongfully convicted. Timothy Hennis was luckier than most because he had the staunch support of his adopted family and wife Angela, who all believed wholeheartedly in his innocence. This case is one for the history books because it’s not every day someone is found guilty in a civilian trial, then found not guilty in a civilian trial on appeal, and then tried again by the military in a third trial and found guilty. Timothy Hennis was sentenced to death and is one of four service members languishing on military death row. The military hasn’t executed anyone since they hanged Army Pvt. John Bennett on April 13, 1961.

Journalists and scholars have questioned the military’s ability to try someone found not guilty in a civilian court because of the double jeopardy concerns. Due to the fact that Timothy Hennis was found not guilty in a second civilian trial, he was allowed to resume his career in the U.S. Army and retired as a MSG in 2004. As far as we know, Timothy Hennis committed no other crimes and was well respected by those he served with. It would be because of his retirement from the military, the Army was able to bring him back on active duty status and try him in a third trial for the murders of the Eastburn family. This practice is also controversial. On appeal Timothy Hennis challenged the military’s jurisdiction to recall him to active duty status to prosecute him and questioned the double jeopardy concerns. In January 2020, an Appeals Court decided military retirees can be recalled to active duty status and court-martialed . In February 2020, the U.S. Court of Military Appeals rejected Hennis’ constitutional rights challenges to the military court’s jurisdiction to try him.

Is it constitutional for retirees to be court martialed? Highest military court to decide soon. (Connecting Vets, July 8, 2020)

Do you love podcasts? Check out the Military Murder Podcast and get up to speed with the Timothy Hennis murder case here .

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Related Links: Air Force Spouse Kathryn Eastburn & Daughters Cara & Erin Found Murdered in Fayetteville, NC Home; Youngest Toddler Jana Discovered Unharmed (May 9, 1985) A Military Jury Delivered a Guilty Verdict in a Death Penalty Trial to Retired Army MSG Timothy Hennis for the Triple Murders of Kathryn, Cara & Erin Eastburn (April 8, 2010) In 3rd Trial, Retired Army MSG Timothy Hennis Sentenced to Death by Military Court Martial for the Murders of Kathryn, Cara & Erin Eastburn in Fayetteville, NC (April 15, 2010) Unusual Suspects Premiered ‘Mother’s Day Murders’ on ID: Timothy Hennis on Military Death Row for Murders of Kathryn, Cara & Erin Eastburn (October 8, 2012) Death’s Door Podcast Featured the Case of Military Death Row Inmate Army MSG Timothy Hennis (September 14, 2017) Crime Junkie Podcast Featured ‘Murdered: The Eastburn Family’; Army MSG Timothy Hennis on Military Death Row for Rape & Three Murders (May 13, 2019) Military Murder Podcast Premiered First Three Episodes on Veteran’s Day: Stephen Schap, Russell Williams, and Timothy Hennis (November 11, 2019) Seven Intriguing True Crime Podcasts Spotlighting Active Duty Military Suicide, Missing, and Murder Cases Four Service Members on Military Death Row at Fort Leavenworth, Army Private John Bennett was Last Military Execution by Hanging in 1961 Violent Crime, Non Combat Death and Suicide at Fort Bragg, North Carolina (US Army)

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Innocent Victims: The True Story of the Eastburn Family Murders

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Scott Whisnant

Innocent Victims: The True Story of the Eastburn Family Murders Kindle Edition

  • Print length 435 pages
  • Language English
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  • Publisher Open Road Media
  • Publication date February 21, 2017
  • File size 8551 KB
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  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B01N5VD3R7
  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Open Road Media (February 21, 2017)
  • Publication date ‏ : ‎ February 21, 2017
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • File size ‏ : ‎ 8551 KB
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  • Sticky notes ‏ : ‎ On Kindle Scribe
  • Print length ‏ : ‎ 435 pages
  • #54 in Criminal Procedure
  • #183 in Violence in Society (Kindle Store)
  • #228 in Criminal Procedure Law

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Scott whisnant.

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Customers say

Customers find the book a good read with an enthralling story. They also praise the writing style as well-written and interesting. Readers also mention the research quality as well done and well-told.

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Customers find the plot enthralling, fascinating, and dark. They also say the book is a great true crime read with a shocking ending.

"...Especially this book. THIS book is defiantly the most suspenseful . Jaw dropping. I'm in shock. And I know what I BELIEVE happened. I'm shocked...." Read more

"This is an excellent true crime book It tells the story of a man who was convicted of a triple murder, placed on death row and then acquitted..." Read more

"Author does an incredible job of telling the story . Couldn't put it down and loved every page! Recommend for lovers of true crime" Read more

"The story is interesting but the way Whisnant chose to write the book was a challenge for the reader...." Read more

Customers find the book a good read that keeps them entertained and is a page-turner.

"This is an awesome book ! One of the better books I've read in awhile...." Read more

"This was a really good book but what a roller coaster ride...." Read more

"This is a really interesting book , it’s well written but clearly biased toward the defense which makes it a little difficult to not side with them...." Read more

"...Surprise ending that I didn't see coming Excellent read ." Read more

Customers find the writing style of the book well-written and interesting.

"This a well written TRUE CRIME . To say the case is troubling is an understatement...." Read more

"This was a very well written account of a crime that never should have happened...." Read more

" Easy to read . Keeps you interested and wanting to continue. I thought slightly favored defense. If DNA there then so was he. Have to accept obvious...." Read more

"This is a really interesting book, it’s well written but clearly biased toward the defense which makes it a little difficult to not side with them...." Read more

Customers find the book well researched, with the author's ability to explain events accurately. They also appreciate the remarkable objectivity.

"...Despite Mr. Whisnant's talent for writing and ability to explain events accurately , the ending left me confused and unsure...." Read more

"Be prepared to have more questions than answers. This is a well documented and written book . I’m still at a loss...." Read more

"... A lot of interesting information , I would love to see more on this case from a more neutral standpoint." Read more

" Excellent job finding facts ...." Read more

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You are here, the innocent victim (paperback).

The Innocent Victim By Gideon Jimmy, Dealer Blunt Cover Image


The innocent victim stories

express that; It is better to let 100 criminals go free than to imprison innocent

"As a prosecutor is to do justice. And justice is served when a guilty man is convicted not an innocent man

It specially written for anyone who wish to improve and perception towards living a good life

This book was published presently in December 2022 and has a potentiality to be widely use by many who needs happy life

To crown it all, this book will simply make you a better person if you follow implement every single step

Read and stay bless.

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  1. English class (Carla Sánchez): The Innocent Victim (book)

    Book title: The title of the book is The Innocent Victim. Author: The book is written by Simon Betterton Plot: Richard loved motorbikes when he stole the motorbike and after he is accused of the robbery of the jewel when he is innocent. And the thief travels to Scotland with the Richard's motorbike. Richard and Anthony were enemies because Anthony loved Richard's girlfriend who is called Alison.

  2. Sonya Massey shooting: Illinois police release bodycam video of fatal

    Body-camera footage showing the fatal police shooting of Sonya Massey, a 36-year-old Black woman who had called 911 for help, was released Monday in a case that has led to murder charges against a ...

  3. The Innocent Victim

    Think January 6. I want to focus on just one of his foibles. It is his desire to balance that he is the best and smartest of anyone. "I am a genius!" with being the innocent victim. He a paradox, a self-contradiction on terms. He will make America Great Again and he is the opposite as he presents himself as the victim of various witch hunts.

  4. Innocence Project

    Explore our impact through the numbers. Learn More. We've helped free more than 240 innocent people from prison. Support our work to strengthen and advance the innocence movement. Give Monthly Donate Once. We work to free the innocent, prevent wrongful convictions, and create fair, compassionate, and equitable systems of justice for everyone.

  5. The Innocent Victim

    Get Textbooks on Google Play. Rent and save from the world's largest eBookstore. Read, highlight, and take notes, across web, tablet, and phone.

  6. Innocent Victims Summary of Key Ideas and Review

    Innocent Victims by Scott Whisnant is a gripping true crime book that delves into the tragic murders of a mother and her two young daughters. Through meticulous research and interviews, Whisnant uncovers the shocking details of the crime and the wrongful conviction of an innocent man. This compelling narrative sheds light on the flaws of the ...


    Chapter 1 Your browser does not support the audio element. Chapter 2 Your browser does not support the audio element. Chapter 3 Your browser does not support the ...

  8. Maps, graphics show how Trump assassination attempt unfolded.

    7:24 p.m.: The Butler County district attorney says the suspected shooter is dead and one rally attendee has been killed, the Associated Press reports.

  9. Cyanide poisoning likely killed six found dead in luxury hotel

    Six people, including two US citizens, who were found dead inside a luxury hotel room in central Bangkok likely drank from tea and coffee cups laced with cyanide following a dispute linked to bad ...

  10. Review of Innocent Victim

    Innocent Victim is a fast-paced crime novel by Brian Cornett. The story follows Alex as he tries to solve Madeline's murder. I enjoyed the plot of this book. The case started off straightforward but quickly became more complex. There were quite a few twists in the story, and I liked that I couldn't guess what was going to happen next.

  11. The Innocent Victim (Paperback)

    The innocent victim stories . express that; It is better to let 100 criminals go free than to imprison innocent "As a prosecutor is to do justice. And justice is served when a guilty man is convicted not an innocent man ... This book was published presently in December 2022 and has a potentiality to be widely use by many who needs happy life.

  12. The Victimology of a Wrongful Conviction: Innocent Inmates and Indirect

    This book exposes the myriad of victims of wrongful conviction by going beyond the innocent person who has been wrongfully incarcerated to include the numerous indirect victims who suffer collaterally. In no way overlooking the egregious effects on the wrongfully convicted, this book widens the net to also examine consequences for family ...

  13. Corey Comperatore: Man killed at Trump rally in Pennsylvania a

    Friends and neighbors are remembering firefighter Corey Comperatore -- the man shot and killed during the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump - as a family man who served ...

  14. THE INNOCENT VICTIM by Enrique Jesús Pérez Ojeda on Prezi

    The Innocent Victim was written by Simon Betterton. He left Madrid to go to Hong Kong seven years ago with his girlfriend, later he got married, had a son and became a professor. He says that he started to write about twenty years ago and it's wasn't great. But after 3 full-length film scripts, number of short films, numerous short stories and ...

  15. The Victimology of a Wrongful Conviction

    ABSTRACT. This book exposes the myriad of victims of wrongful conviction by going beyond the innocent person who has been wrongfully incarcerated to include the numerous indirect victims who suffer collaterally. In no way overlooking the egregious effects on the wrongfully convicted, this book widens the net to also examine consequences for ...

  16. Innocent Victims: The True Story of the Eastburn Family Murders

    I'm a huge true crime fan and read Innocent Victims when it was first published 20 years ago. Despite Mr. Whisnant's talent for writing and ability to explain events accurately, the ending left me confused and unsure. I looked forward to rereading this book to refresh my memory but mainly to find out what happened afterwards.

  17. Witnesses warned police of Trump rally shooter before gunfire, video

    A Post analysis of the video backs up reports from other witnesses, who have said they tried to alert police in the moments before shots rang out. 6 min. ... Victims: The man killed at ...

  18. ‎60 Minutes: 07/21/2024: Healing Justice and One Small Step on Apple

    It's rare we follow a story for 15 years. Lesley Stahl reports on Jennifer Thompson, a rape victim who learned years after her attack that an innocent man was sent to prison. Thompson is now bringing together exonerees and crime victims. Norah O'Donnell sits down with Dave Isay, founder of the "One Small Step" program.

  19. Innocent Victim Ebook by Brian Cornett

    "Innocent Victim" is a fast-paced police procedural/murder mystery set in a small Midwestern city. When a prominent businessman's daughter is murdered, Detective Lieutenant Alex Macarios and his fellow offers are thrust into a crime where few people are what they seem to be.

  20. The Innocent Victim at emaze Presentation

    The Innocent Victim. My name is: esa ghzaleen . my grade : 11 "4" Writer's name :Simon Betterton. Main characters : Richard he is an 18 years old teenager. He has a girlfriend names Alison. He had a 500 Suzuki purple motorbikes that he always parks it near the park or by the supermarket and if it was raining he parks it at the bank. He was ...

  21. What We Know About the Trump Rally Shooting Victims

    Here's what we know so far about the victims. Corey Comperatore Governor Shapiro said on Sunday that Mr. Comperatore "died a hero," adding: "Corey was the very best of us."

  22. The Victimology of a Wrongful Conviction

    This book exposes the myriad of victims of wrongful conviction by going beyond the innocent person who has been wrongfully incarcerated to include the numerous indirect victims who suffer collaterally. In no way overlooking the egregious effects on the wrongfully convicted, this book widens the net to also examine consequences for family, friends, co-workers, witnesses, the initial victims of ...

  23. The Victimology of a Wrongful Conviction: Innocent Inmates and Indirect

    In The Victimology of a Wrongful Conviction: Innocent Inmates and Indirect Victims, Drs. Nicky Jackson, Kathryn M. Campbell, and Margaret Pate powerfully position the experiences of people who are wrongly convicted as "victims" of a criminal legal system in desperate need of reform. The authors take their analysis one step further, and extend the victimology framework to the other victims of ...

  24. Innocent Victims: The True Story of the Eastburn Family Murders by

    Innocent Victims by Scott Whisnant (Amazon Books) Description: Fort Bragg, North Carolina, had seen it all before - when Dr. Jeffrey MacDonald was convicted of savagely slaying his wife and children. Now another officer's wife had been raped and murdered, another pari of children viciously butchered. And another member of the military was brought to…

  25. The Innocent Victim (Paperback)

    The innocent victim stories . express that; It is better to let 100 criminals go free than to imprison innocent "As a prosecutor is to do justice. And justice is served when a guilty man is convicted not an innocent man ... This book was published presently in December 2022 and has a potentiality to be widely use by many who needs happy life.

  26. Innocent Victims: The True Story of the Eastburn Family Murders Kindle

    I'm a huge true crime fan and read Innocent Victims when it was first published 20 years ago. Despite Mr. Whisnant's talent for writing and ability to explain events accurately, the ending left me confused and unsure. I looked forward to rereading this book to refresh my memory but mainly to find out what happened afterwards.

  27. The Innocent Victim (Paperback)

    The innocent victim stories . express that; It is better to let 100 criminals go free than to imprison innocent "As a prosecutor is to do justice. And justice is served when a guilty man is convicted not an innocent man ... This book was published presently in December 2022 and has a potentiality to be widely use by many who needs happy life.

  28. The Innocent Victim PDF Download & Read Online

    INNOCENT VICTIM is popular PDF and ePub book, written by Anonim in 2024-07-20, it is a fantastic choice for those who relish reading online the Foreign Language Study genre. Let's immerse ourselves in this engaging Foreign Language Study book by exploring the summary and details provided below.