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Clinical Research Study Investigator's Toolbox

The purpose of the NIA Clinical Research Toolbox is to provide a Web-based informational repository for investigators and staff involved in clinical research. The Toolbox contains templates, sample forms, guidelines, regulations and informational materials to assist investigators in the development and conduct of high quality clinical research studies.

Issued by: National Institutes of Health (NIH)

NIA Clinical Research Investigator's Toolbox

Supporting clinical research, study startup.

  • NIA Guidance on Clinical Trials

Forms and Templates

  • Glossary of Terms

Data Safety and Monitoring

As depicted in the NIA Guidance on Clinical Trials , NIA is responsible for overseeing the data and safety monitoring of the clinical research it supports. Data and safety monitoring of a clinical trial is commensurate with the risks posed to the study participants and with the size and complexity of the study.

Applicants requesting support for any intervention study must complete "PHS Human Subjects and Clinical Trials Information" form of the SF424 (R&R), describe a data and safety monitoring plan (DSMP), which discusses the need for an independent data and safety monitoring body or justifies why such a body is not needed to monitor the study and proposes an alternative safety monitoring mechanism. For example, for a single-site, low risk study, the PI may propose a local safety monitor, while a multi-site, higher risk study might propose a Data and Safety Monitoring Board (DSMB).

  • Data and Safety Monitoring Plan (DSMP) Template and Guidelines (MS Word, 37K) and DSMP Checklist (MS Word, 43K) were developed to assist investigators in preparation of a sound data and safety monitoring plan. All clinical trials require study-specific monitoring procedures to ensure participant safety and data integrity. The DSMP outlines procedures that investigators and study staff will follow when implementing a clinical trial. Investigators submitting grant applications for clinical trials are required to include a general description of the DSMP as part of the research grant application.
  • Guideline for Budgeting for Data and Safety Monitoring Activities (MS Word, 25K) aids investigators in budgeting for an independent DSMB or a Safety Officer when preparing the budget section of a grant application.

Data Sharing

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) advocates making available to the public the results and accomplishments of the activities that it funds. NIH assures that research resources developed with public funds become readily available to the broader research community in a timely manner for further research, development, application, and secondary data analysis. The expectation is that this will lead to products and knowledge of benefit to public health. To ensure that future research can build on previous efforts and discoveries, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has developed a data sharing policy effective October 1, 2003, for applicants seeking NIH funding of $500,000 or more in direct costs in any one year. The policy expects final research data, especially unique data, from NIH-supported research efforts be made available to the investigators. The NIH policy on data sharing applies to:

  • Basic research, clinical studies, surveys, and other types of research supported by the NIH.
  • Human subjects and laboratory research.
  • Data not produced with NIH funding but used in an NIH-supported activity in some instances.

Investigators are expected to include in their grant application a brief description of how final research data will be shared, or explain why data-sharing is not possible (for example: human subject protection concerns). Please see NIH’s Example Plan (MS Word, 55K) for a template you may modify to fit the data you plan to share.

Initial Proposal Concept Form (MS Word, 39K) - This form should be used to advocate for an initiative by the Division of Geriatrics and Clinical Gerontology (DGCG) for a clinical trial or trials that exceed $2 million in direct costs in any year of funding. DGCG Clinical Trials Advisory Panel, a task force of the National Advisory Council on Aging (NACA), will evaluate the concept proposals in October – November of each Fiscal Year and will provide its recommendations to DGCG, NACA, and to the NIA Director on initiatives for large clinical trials.

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The clinical protocol is a document that describes how a clinical study will be conducted by detailing the objective(s), design, methodology, statistical considerations and organization of a clinical study, and describes methods used to ensure the safety of the study participants and integrity of the data collected.

Protocol (MS Word, 93K) - The Clinical Intervention Study Protocol Template outlines a clinical study protocol and provides guidance on important content to include in each section. The template can be downloaded as an MS Word file for adaptation by the study investigator.

Manual of Procedures

A Manual of Procedures (MOP) is a handbook that details a study’s conduct and operations as well as facilitates consistency in protocol implementation and data collection across study participants and sites. It operationalizes the study protocol and describes each step of the study and how it is to be executed. A copy of the MOP should be provided to each member of the Study Team. Ideally, the MOP would contain an adequate amount of detail that any individual(s) at any site(s) could run the study consistently with only the information contained in the MOP and its appendices.

Get resources to support your study recruitment

Visit NIA’s ADORE (Alzheimer’s and Dementia Outreach, Recruitment, and Engagement) Resources for a searchable collection of materials for clinical trials recruitment and retention.

The NIA recognizes the importance of a MOP and has developed documents to assist principal investigators in writing their study MOP. Investigators with a multi-site study are required to submit a MOP, while single-site study investigators are strongly encouraged to review the MOP and determine which sections are necessary in order to ensure the study procedures are performed as intended. The Guidelines below provide details on each section of the MOP, while the MOP Outlines are an overview listing the sections that are most relevant in those types of studies.

  • Manual of Procedures (MOP) Outline – Multi-Site (MS Word, 30K)
  • Manual of Procedures (MOP) Guidelines – Multi-Site (MS Word, 179K)
  • Manual of Procedures (MOP) Outline – Single-Site (MS Word, 27K)
  • Manual of Procedures (MOP) Guidelines - Single-Site (MS Word, 170K)

The following documents can also be found within the MOP template:

  • Screening Log provides documentation of all individuals who were evaluated for participation in a research study. The log typically contains a unique identification number for each person screened along with individuals’ initials, age, gender, race and ethnicity, screening date, and eligibility status.
  • Schedule of Events presents the activities that take place at each contact with the participant.
  • Protocol Deviation Log provides participant-specific documentation of missed visits and other actions that deviate from the protocol.

Informed Consent

The consent process provides individuals with sufficient information for making informed decisions about participation in a clinical research study. The following documents are provided as a tool to assist NIA investigators for developing a comprehensive informed consent:

  • Informed Consent Template (MS Word, 115K) provides a general outline of a study specific informed consent form (ICF). It is critical that investigators consult with their local IRB for any institution-specific templates and/or requirements regarding the format and content of the consent form.
  • Informed Consent Checklist (MS Word, 55K) presents required and additional elements of the consent forms as set forth in Code of Federal Regulations.
  • Informed Consent Version Tracker (MS Excel, 20K) provides a template with two examples of tools that sites may use to track informed consent versions; this helps minimize the use of expired versions and the occurrence of consent deviations.

Data Safety and Monitoring Boards

The Data and Safety Monitoring Board (DSMB) is an independent group of experts that advises the NIA Director and the study investigators. The members of the DSMB serve in an individual capacity and provide their expertise and recommendations. The need for DSMB oversight is based on assessment of the study’s overall risk. Investigators may propose a DSMB in their grant application, or NIA may require that a DSMB be established following consideration of review panel’s comments, NIA’s National Advisory Council on Aging (NACA) advice, and/or input from NIA staff.

  • Sample Data and Safety Monitoring Board Charter (MS Word, 24K) The DSMB Charter describes the responsibilities of the DSMB to ensure ongoing, independent study review and assure the study is conducted according to the highest scientific and ethical standards.
  • DSMB Conflict of Interest and Confidentiality Statement (MS Word, 20K) - All members of the DSMB are required to be independent of the studies being reviewed and need to certify this by signing a DSMB Conflict of Interest and Confidentiality statement.
  • DSMB Report - Single Site Open (MS Word, 323K)
  • DSMB Report - Single Site Closed (MS Word, 342K)
  • DSMB Report - Multi Site Open (MS Word, 449K)
  • DSMB Report - Multi Site Closed (MS Word, 348K)

Additional Startup Tools

  • Recruitment and Retention Tips (MS Word, 33K) describe approaches to recruitment and retention of older individuals from diverse ethnic and racial groups in clinical research studies.
  • Data Management Tips (MS Word, 30K) help to ensure adequate data management processes and procedures in a clinical study. Investigators are encouraged to use Data Management Tips to describe how data will be handled in the study.
  • Best Practices for Data Coordinating Centers – This Compendium, developed by the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI) provides helpful tips for clinical researchers and other stakeholders for developing large, multisite clinical trial programs.

Investigators must include in their application proposed adverse event (AE) and serious adverse event (SAE) definitions and discuss their monitoring and reporting. All clinical trials of drugs and biological products conducted under an Investigational New Drug Application (IND) must use definitions of adverse events and adverse reactions and follow the reporting requirements established by 21 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 312.32. Trials of medical devices conducted under an Investigational Device Exemption (IDE) must use the definitions and reporting requirements established by 21 CFR 812. All other interventional studies must propose their definitions of adverse events and their reporting procedures. See the NIA Guidance on Clinical Trials for additional information .

  • Adverse Event Form ( MS Word , 38K or screen-readable PDF , 69K) provides a template for a study form for collecting information about adverse events that is reviewed by safety monitoring bodies.
  • Serious Adverse Event Form ( MS Word , 31K or screen-readable PDF , 769K) provides a template for a study form for collecting information about serious adverse events. The form includes major components of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Form 3500.
  • AE/SAE Process Flow ( MS Word , 79K or screen-readable plain text file , 4K) illustrates how adverse events and serious adverse events are handled within a study.

The NIA Safety Training Course (available below), an online training venue, provides an overview of human subject safety surveillance and reporting requirements in clinical research studies. The intent of the course is to help clinical study investigators and staff understand and implement NIA and regulatory requirements for safe, high quality clinical research. The topics covered include Good Clinical Practice (GCP), Human Subject Protections, Adverse Events and Unanticipated Problems, Safety Monitoring and Reporting Requirements, Safety Monitoring and Oversight: Data and Safety Monitoring Boards (DSMBs) and Safety Officers, Regulatory Requirements and Responsibilities of Principal Investigators, and Data and Safety Monitoring Plans. The course requires about 40 minutes to complete.

Administrative Forms

Site Signature Log - Delegation of Authority Log ( MS Excel, 47K or screen-readable PDF, 294K ) A record of all study personnel and their specific responsibilities, signatures, and dates of involvement during the conduct of a clinical research study.

Note to File Template (MS Word, 20K) - Used by clinical site staff to document protocol deviations or other discrepancies identified during the conduct of the clinical research study and plans for resolution/prevention.

Sample Visit Flow and Schedule (MS Word, 25K) – The visit schedule tracks an individual participant’s progress through the study and helps to ensure that visits take place during the protocol-specified timeframe. The visit flow provides an overview of the activities that take place at each study visit, and may be customized for each study site.

Study Drug/Investigational Product Tracker (MS Excel, 12K) - Used to track study drug/investigational product disposition and accountability by the clinical research site. For multi-site studies under an investigational new drug (IND) application, this tracker could be used by coordinating centers to track the overall distribution of investigational product.

Study Drug/Investigational Product Compliance Log (MS Word, 30K) - Used to track study drug/investigational product disposition and accountability for each individual participant. This form may be used to track protocol adherence via amount dispensed and returned and is designed to be used in conjunction with the Study Drug/Investigational Product Tracker. May also be used to track study drug/investigational return or destruction.

Study-wide Forms

Adverse Events Form ( MS Word, 38K or screen-readable PDF, 68K )

Prior and Concomitant Medications ( MS Word, 34K or screen-readable PDF, 58K )

Protocol Deviations Form ( MS Word, 46K or screen-readable PDF, 80K )

Serious Adverse Events Form ( MS Word, 31K or screen-readable PDF, 769K )

Study Disposition Form ( MS Word, 32K or screen-readable PDF, 56K )

Baseline Visit Forms

Visit Checklist ( MS Word, 34K or screen-readable PDF, 53K )

Eligibility Form ( MS Word, 29K or screen-readable PDF, 184K )

Demographics Form ( MS Word, 32K or screen-readable PDF, 661K )

Medical History Form ( MS Word, 50K or screen-readable PDF, 87K )

Medical History Conventional ( MS Word, 54K or screen-readable PDF,184 K )

Vital Signs Form ( MS Word, 33K or screen-readable PDF, 101K )

Physical Exam Form ( MS Word, 73K or screen-readable PDF, 193K )

Randomization and Enrollment Form ( MS Word, 32K or screen-readable PDF, 806K )

HHS is committed to making its websites and documents accessible to the widest possible audience, including individuals with disabilities. We are in the process of retroactively making some documents accessible. If you need assistance accessing an accessible version of this document, please reach out to the [email protected] .

DISCLAIMER: The contents of this database lack the force and effect of law, except as authorized by law (including Medicare Advantage Rate Announcements and Advance Notices) or as specifically incorporated into a contract. The Department may not cite, use, or rely on any guidance that is not posted on the guidance repository, except to establish historical facts.

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The NIA Clinical Trial Toolbox: A resource for quality studies October 19, 2016

Sergei Romashkan

So you think you want to conduct a clinical trial? Of course, it’s a very complex undertaking. Each stage requires you to comply with regulatory and research standards. And, about a month ago NIH announced plans to improve stewardship, accountability, and transparency to build a better overall clinical trial enterprise. We expect to see a number of new guidelines, policies, and procedures in this area early in 2017.

In the meantime—for those of you currently preparing a clinical trial application or actually conducting a trial—several key documents drive both trial operations and protocol compliance. I’m pleased to let you know that NIA has a way to help you streamline study start-up and adhere to standards.

The NIA Clinical Research Study Investigator’s Toolbox provides you and your study team with a central source of materials to develop and manage high-quality clinical research studies. Templates, sample forms, guidelines, training overviews and other related information are on the site too. So you may use these materials to customize your protocol.

Why an NIA toolbox and why should you use it?

The Toolbox is one of the few such resources online. It’s widely used by the research community at large and is referenced in a number of textbooks.

The Toolbox can help you incorporate consistent processes, collect accurate data, and maintain appropriate safety oversight. It can serve as a starting point for designing your study and also as a reference in an ongoing study. We don’t require that investigators use the Toolbox materials, but we do encourage you to review, revise, and customize the documents that best support the goals of your study protocol. For example, a phase III clinical trial with a drug intervention may use most of the Toolbox documents, but a non-interventional behavioral research study would need only a portion of the materials to conduct the study.

What does the Toolbox contain?

The sections of the NIA Toolbox cover:

  • Startup – templates for interventional study protocols, a manual of procedures for single- and multi-site trials, data sharing guidelines, as well as data management and recruitment tips and best practices. A multimedia safety training course provides an overview of how best to protect the safety of clinical study participants.
  • Adverse Events – guidelines and sample forms for reporting requirements and processes for unanticipated problems, adverse events, and serious adverse events (yes, they are different) during the study
  • Data and Safety Monitoring – reference materials for investigators and monitoring bodies responsible for human subjects oversight, including a data and safety monitoring plan and report templates
  • Informed Consent – tools to develop the informed consent documents for people in a clinical study
  • Study Forms – templates and outlines of case report forms (CRFs) to use when collecting clinical data. CRFs include visit forms with demographic and medical history information, as well as administrative tools for visit schedules and investigational product tracking.

A separate section contains the NIA Glossary of Clinical Research Terms . This comprehensive set of definitions for general clinical research terminology is essential reading for the whole research team involved in a clinical trial and pertains to the entire Toolbox.

NIA reviews the Toolbox each year, and new materials are added to support the changing clinical research and regulatory landscapes. If you’d like more information on the NIA Toolbox, please contact me . I’d also be very interested in getting your feedback if you have used the Toolbox contents or have suggestions to improve it.


An official website of the National Institutes of Health

Foundations of Clinical Research

This Harvard Medical School six-month, application-based certificate program provides the essential skill sets and fundamental knowledge required to begin or expand your clinical research career.

Women at computer assessing research

Associated Schools

Harvard Medical School

Harvard Medical School

What you'll learn.

Understand and apply the foundational concepts of biostatistics and epidemiology

Develop a research question and formulate a testable hypothesis

Design and begin to implement a clinical research study

Cultivate the skills required to present a clinical research study

Critically evaluate the research findings in medical literature

Synthesize crucial statistical analyses using Stata software

Course description

The Foundations of Clinical Research program is rooted in the belief that clinical research training is critical to professional development in health care. Clinical research training not only creates potential independent investigators, but also enables clinicians to advance their careers through a greater understanding of research evidence. Designed to provide learners with the foundational knowledge and skill sets required to produce high-quality clinical research, our program will lay the fundamental groundwork in epidemiology and biostatistics required for a multifaceted career in clinical research.

The overarching goal of the Foundations of Clinical Research program is to equip the next generation of researchers with the skill sets essential to evaluating evidence, understanding biostatistics, and beginning their clinical research careers. Our aim is to ensure that learners develop a strong foundation in the design, implementation, analysis and interpretation of clinical research studies.

During the program, our innovative active learning approach emphasizes the traditional tutorial system with weekly live video tutorials, seminars and symposia anchored by 3 live intense weekend online workshops.  The Foundations of Clinical Research program’s six-month online curriculum emphasizes real-time skill-based learning. 

Participants will be eligible for Associate Alumni status upon successful completion of the program. Early tuition and need-based tuition reductions may be available.

Course Outline

Live Workshops

The interactive workshop curriculum will focus on hands-on skill development through active learning. To that end, the intensive schedule is designed to accelerate the growth of high-yield clinical research skills via individual and team-based workshop exercises. Students will be immersed in a dynamic learning environment that encourages collaboration and collegial networking with faculty and peers. 

Essential elements of the workshop include instruction and practical exercises in the core concepts of biostatistics, epidemiology and research question development, as well as critical assessment of the medical literature and practical training in statistical software using real-life datasets. In addition to providing training in mentorship, academic career development and leadership, we create a supportive and active learning environment where opportunities for knowledge retention and networking abound.

Live Symposia, Tutorials and Seminars

Symposia, tutorials and seminars are mandatory and will be delivered live online and organized according to eight specific clinical research topics. 

Eight 3-Hour Symposia

  • Instruction on a specific clinical research topic (e.g., cohort study design and interpretation)
  • In-depth discussion on a related epidemiology concept (e.g., odds ratio)
  • Hands-on guidance for implementing the related analysis with statistical programming in Stata

Eight 1-Hour Tutorials

  • Interpret and report on papers related to the specific clinical research topic

Eight 1-Hour Special-Topic Seminars

  • The biostatistical and epidemiological concepts to specific clinical research topics with concrete examples


All students will be expected to complete all assignments by the due dates. Assignments will be graded as either “pass” or “fail.”

Individual Assignment 1

Individual Research Question and Study Design

  • Generate a novel research question in the evidence-based PICO format
  • Receive expert faculty review

Individual Assignment 2

Design, Implement and Present an Original Abstract

  • Design and implement a clinical research study based on a publicly available dataset
  • Analyze and create data visualizations via a user-friendly R Shiny web app
  • Write a formal 350-word abstract suitable for submission to an international conference
  • Present a digital poster to faculty at Workshop 3

Online Lectures

Research Study Introduction 

  • Designing a Clinical Research Study I–III
  • Introduction to Evidence-Based Medicine, Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
  • Study Design 1 – Observational
  • Study Design 2 – Randomized Controlled Trials
  • Study Design 3 – Quasi-Experimental Studies
  • Introduction to Biostatistics
  • An Investigator’s Responsibility for Protection of Research Subjects
  • How to Search PubMed
  • Overview of Evidence-Based Medicine

Statistical Programming in Stata

  • Loading Data
  • Basic Programming Commands
  • Data Cleansing
  • Data Analytics I – Central Tendency
  • Data Analytics II – Statistical Testing
  • Data Analytics III – Regression Testing


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Jamie Robertson

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Clinical Trials and Clinical Research: A Comprehensive Review

Venkataramana kandi.

1 Clinical Microbiology, Prathima Institute of Medical Sciences, Karimnagar, IND

Sabitha Vadakedath

2 Biochemistry, Prathima Institute of Medical Sciences, Karimnagar, IND

Clinical research is an alternative terminology used to describe medical research. Clinical research involves people, and it is generally carried out to evaluate the efficacy of a therapeutic drug, a medical/surgical procedure, or a device as a part of treatment and patient management. Moreover, any research that evaluates the aspects of a disease like the symptoms, risk factors, and pathophysiology, among others may be termed clinical research. However, clinical trials are those studies that assess the potential of a therapeutic drug/device in the management, control, and prevention of disease. In view of the increasing incidences of both communicable and non-communicable diseases, and especially after the effects that Coronavirus Disease-19 (COVID-19) had on public health worldwide, the emphasis on clinical research assumes extremely essential. The knowledge of clinical research will facilitate the discovery of drugs, devices, and vaccines, thereby improving preparedness during public health emergencies. Therefore, in this review, we comprehensively describe the critical elements of clinical research that include clinical trial phases, types, and designs of clinical trials, operations of trial, audit, and management, and ethical concerns.

Introduction and background

A clinical trial is a systematic process that is intended to find out the safety and efficacy of a drug/device in treating/preventing/diagnosing a disease or a medical condition [ 1 , 2 ]. Clinical trial includes various phases that include phase 0 (micro-dosing studies), phase 1, phase 2, phase 3, and phase 4 [ 3 ]. Phase 0 and phase 2 are called exploratory trial phases, phase 1 is termed the non-therapeutic phase, phase 3 is known as the therapeutic confirmatory phase, and phase 4 is called the post-approval or the post-marketing surveillance phase. Phase 0, also called the micro-dosing phase, was previously done in animals but now it is carried out in human volunteers to understand the dose tolerability (pharmacokinetics) before being administered as a part of the phase 1 trial among healthy individuals. The details of the clinical trial phases are shown in Table ​ Table1 1 .

This table has been created by the authors.

MTD: maximum tolerated dose; SAD: single ascending dose; MAD: multiple ascending doses; NDA: new drug application; FDA: food and drug administration

Clinical trial phaseType of the studyNature of study
Phase 0ExploratoryExamines too low (1/100 ) concentrations (micro-dosing) of the drug for less time. Study the pharmacokinetics and determine the dose for phase I studies. Previously done in animals but now it is carried out in humans.
Phase I, Phase Ia, Phase IbNon-therapeutic trialAround <50 healthy subjects are recruited. Establishes a safe dose range, and the MTD. Examines the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic effects. Usually single-center studies. Phase Ia: SAD, and MTD. Duration of one week to several months depending on the trial and includes 6-8 groups of 3-6 participants. Phase Ib: MAD and the dose is gradually narrowed down. Three groups of 8 individuals each.
Phase II, Phase IIa, Phase IIbExploratory trialRecruiting around 5-100 patients of either sex. Examines the effective dosage and the therapeutic effects on patients. It decides the therapeutic regimen and drug-drug interactions. Usually, multicentre studies. Phase IIa: Decides the drug dosage, includes 20-30 patients, and takes up to weeks/months. Phase IIb: Studies dose-response relationship, drug-drug interactions, and comparison with a placebo.
Phase IIITherapeutic confirmatory trialMore than 300 patients (up to 3000) of either sex are recruited in this study and are multicentric trials. Pre-marketing phase examines the efficacy and the safety of the drug. Comparison of the test drug with the placebo/standard drug. Adverse drug reactions/adverse events are noted. Initiate the process of NDA with appropriate regulatory agencies like the FDA.
Phase IVPost-approval studyAfter approval/post-licensure and post-marketing studies/surveillance studies. Following up on the patients for an exceptionally long time for potential adverse reactions and drug-drug interactions.

Clinical research design has two major types that include non-interventional/observational and interventional/experimental studies. The non-interventional studies may have a comparator group (analytical studies like case-control and cohort studies), or without it (descriptive study). The experimental studies may be either randomized or non-randomized. Clinical trial designs are of several types that include parallel design, crossover design, factorial design, randomized withdrawal approach, adaptive design, superiority design, and non-inferiority design. The advantages and disadvantages of clinical trial designs are depicted in Table ​ Table2 2 .

Trial design typeType of the studyNature of studyAdvantages/disadvantages
ParallelRandomizedThis is the most frequent design wherein each arm of the study group is allocated a particular treatment (placebo (an inert substance)/therapeutic drug)The placebo arm does not receive the trial drug, so may not get the benefit of it
CrossoverRandomizedThe patient in this trial gets each drug and the patients serve as a control themselvesAvoids participant bias in treatment and requires a small sample size. This design is not suitable for research on acute diseases.
FactorialNon-randomizedTwo or more interventions on the participants and the study can provide information on the interactions between the drugsThe study design is complex
Randomized withdrawal approachRandomizedThis study evaluates the time/duration of the drug therapyThe study uses a placebo to understand the efficacy of a drug in treating the disease
Matched pairsPost-approval studyRecruit patients with the same characteristicsLess variability

There are different types of clinical trials that include those which are conducted for treatment, prevention, early detection/screening, and diagnosis. These studies address the activities of an investigational drug on a disease and its outcomes [ 4 ]. They assess whether the drug is able to prevent the disease/condition, the ability of a device to detect/screen the disease, and the efficacy of a medical test to diagnose the disease/condition. The pictorial representation of a disease diagnosis, treatment, and prevention is depicted in Figure ​ Figure1 1 .

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.
Object name is cureus-0015-00000035077-i01.jpg

This figure has been created by the authors.

The clinical trial designs could be improvised to make sure that the study's validity is maintained/retained. The adaptive designs facilitate researchers to improvise during the clinical trial without interfering with the integrity and validity of the results. Moreover, it allows flexibility during the conduction of trials and the collection of data. Despite these advantages, adaptive designs have not been universally accepted among clinical researchers. This could be attributed to the low familiarity of such designs in the research community. The adaptive designs have been applied during various phases of clinical trials and for different clinical conditions [ 5 , 6 ]. The adaptive designs applied during different phases are depicted in Figure ​ Figure2 2 .

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.
Object name is cureus-0015-00000035077-i02.jpg

The Bayesian adaptive trial design has gained popularity, especially during the Coronavirus Disease-19 (COVID-19) pandemic. Such designs could operate under a single master protocol. It operates as a platform trial wherein multiple treatments can be tested on different patient groups suffering from disease [ 7 ].

In this review, we comprehensively discuss the essential elements of clinical research that include the principles of clinical research, planning clinical trials, practical aspects of clinical trial operations, essentials of clinical trial applications, monitoring, and audit, clinical trial data analysis, regulatory audits, and project management, clinical trial operations at the investigation site, the essentials of clinical trial experiments involving epidemiological, and genetic studies, and ethical considerations in clinical research/trials.

A clinical trial involves the study of the effect of an investigational drug/any other intervention in a defined population/participant. The clinical research includes a treatment group and a placebo wherein each group is evaluated for the efficacy of the intervention (improved/not improved) [ 8 ].

Clinical trials are broadly classified into controlled and uncontrolled trials. The uncontrolled trials are potentially biased, and the results of such research are not considered as equally as the controlled studies. Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) are considered the most effective clinical trials wherein the bias is minimized, and the results are considered reliable. There are different types of randomizations and each one has clearly defined functions as elaborated in Table ​ Table3 3 .

Randomization typeFunctions
Simple randomizationThe participants are assigned to a case or a control group based on flipping coin results/computer assignment
Block randomizationEqual and small groups of both cases and controls
Stratified randomizationRandomization based on the age of the participant and other covariates
Co-variate adaptive randomization/minimizationSequential assignment of a new participant into a group based on the covariates
Randomization by body halves or paired organs (Split body trials)One intervention is administered to one-half of the body and the comparator intervention is assigned to another half of the body
Clustered randomizationIntervention is administered to clusters/groups by randomization to prevent contamination and either active or comparator intervention is administered for each group
Allocation by randomized consent (Zelen trials)Patients are allocated to one of the two trial arms

Principles of clinical trial/research

Clinical trials or clinical research are conducted to improve the understanding of the unknown, test a hypothesis, and perform public health-related research [ 2 , 3 ]. This is majorly carried out by collecting the data and analyzing it to derive conclusions. There are various types of clinical trials that are majorly grouped as analytical, observational, and experimental research. Clinical research can also be classified into non-directed data capture, directed data capture, and drug trials. Clinical research could be prospective or retrospective. It may also be a case-control study or a cohort study. Clinical trials may be initiated to find treatment, prevent, observe, and diagnose a disease or a medical condition.

Among the various types of clinical research, observational research using a cross-sectional study design is the most frequently performed clinical research. This type of research is undertaken to analyze the presence or absence of a disease/condition, potential risk factors, and prevalence and incidence rates in a defined population. Clinical trials may be therapeutic or non-therapeutic type depending on the type of intervention. The therapeutic type of clinical trial uses a drug that may be beneficial to the patient. Whereas in a non-therapeutic clinical trial, the participant does not benefit from the drug. The non-therapeutic trials provide additional knowledge of the drug for future improvements. Different terminologies of clinical trials are delineated in Table ​ Table4 4 .

Type of clinical trialDefinition
Randomized trialStudy participants are randomly assigned to a group
Open-labelBoth study subjects and the researchers are aware of the drug being tested
Blinded (single-blind)In single-blind studies, the subject has no idea about the group (test/control) in which they are placed
Double-blind (double-blind)In the double-blind study, the subjects as well as the investigator have no idea about the test/control group
PlaceboA substance that appears like a drug but has no active moiety
Add-onAn additional drug apart from the clinical trial drug given to a group of study participants
Single centerA study being carried out at a particular place/location/center
Multi-centerA study is being carried out at multiple places/locations/centers

In view of the increased cost of the drug discovery process, developing, and low-income countries depend on the production of generic drugs. The generic drugs are similar in composition to the patented/branded drug. Once the patent period is expired generic drugs can be manufactured which have a similar quality, strength, and safety as the patented drug [ 9 ]. The regulatory requirements and the drug production process are almost the same for the branded and the generic drug according to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), United States of America (USA).

The bioequivalence (BE) studies review the absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion (ADME) of the generic drug. These studies compare the concentration of the drug at the desired location in the human body, called the peak concentration of the drug (Cmax). The extent of absorption of the drug is measured using the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC), wherein the generic drug is supposed to demonstrate similar ADME activities as the branded drug. The BE studies may be undertaken in vitro (fasting, non-fasting, sprinkled fasting) or in vivo studies (clinical, bioanalytical, and statistical) [ 9 ].

Planning clinical trial/research

The clinical trial process involves protocol development, designing a case record/report form (CRF), and functioning of institutional review boards (IRBs). It also includes data management and the monitoring of clinical trial site activities. The CRF is the most significant document in a clinical study. It contains the information collected by the investigator about each subject participating in a clinical study/trial. According to the International Council for Harmonisation (ICH), the CRF can be printed, optical, or an electronic document that is used to record the safety and efficacy of the pharmaceutical drug/product in the test subjects. This information is intended for the sponsor who initiates the clinical study [ 10 ].

The CRF is designed as per the protocol and later it is thoroughly reviewed for its correctness (appropriate and structured questions) and finalized. The CRF then proceeds toward the print taking the language of the participating subjects into consideration. Once the CRF is printed, it is distributed to the investigation sites where it is filled with the details of the participating subjects by the investigator/nurse/subject/guardian of the subject/technician/consultant/monitors/pharmacist/pharmacokinetics/contract house staff. The filled CRFs are checked for their completeness and transported to the sponsor [ 11 ].

Effective planning and implementation of a clinical study/trial will influence its success. The clinical study majorly includes the collection and distribution of the trial data, which is done by the clinical data management section. The project manager is crucial to effectively plan, organize, and use the best processes to control and monitor the clinical study [ 10 , 11 ].

The clinical study is conducted by a sponsor or a clinical research organization (CRO). A perfect protocol, time limits, and regulatory requirements assume significance while planning a clinical trial. What, when, how, and who are clearly planned before the initiation of a study trial. Regular review of the project using the bar and Gantt charts, and maintaining the timelines assume increased significance for success with the product (study report, statistical report, database) [ 10 , 11 ].

The steps critical to planning a clinical trial include the idea, review of the available literature, identifying a problem, formulating the hypothesis, writing a synopsis, identifying the investigators, writing a protocol, finding a source of funding, designing a patient consent form, forming ethics boards, identifying an organization, preparing manuals for procedures, quality assurance, investigator training and initiation of the trial by recruiting the participants [ 10 ].

The two most important points to consider before the initiation of the clinical trial include whether there is a need for a clinical trial, if there is a need, then one must make sure that the study design and methodology are strong for the results to be reliable to the people [ 11 ].

For clinical research to envisage high-quality results, the study design, implementation of the study, quality assurance in data collection, and alleviation of bias and confounding factors must be robust [ 12 ]. Another important aspect of conducting a clinical trial is improved management of various elements of clinical research that include human and financial resources. The role of a trial manager to make a successful clinical trial was previously reported. The trial manager could play a key role in planning, coordinating, and successfully executing the trial. Some qualities of a trial manager include better communication and motivation, leadership, and strategic, tactical, and operational skills [ 13 ].

Practical aspects of a clinical trial operations

There are different types of clinical research. Research in the development of a novel drug could be initiated by nationally funded research, industry-sponsored research, and clinical research initiated by individuals/investigators. According to the documents 21 code of federal regulations (CFR) 312.3 and ICH E-6 Good Clinical Practice (GCP) 1.54, an investigator is an individual who initiates and conducts clinical research [ 14 ]. The investigator plan, design, conduct, monitor, manage data, compile reports, and supervise research-related regulatory and ethical issues. To manage a successful clinical trial project, it is essential for an investigator to give the letter of intent, write a proposal, set a timeline, develop a protocol and related documents like the case record forms, define the budget, and identify the funding sources.

Other major steps of clinical research include the approval of IRBs, conduction and supervision of the research, data review, and analysis. Successful clinical research includes various essential elements like a letter of intent which is the evidence that supports the interest of the researcher to conduct drug research, timeline, funding source, supplier, and participant characters.

Quality assurance, according to the ICH and GCP guidelines, is necessary to be implemented during clinical research to generate quality and accurate data. Each element of the clinical research must have been carried out according to the standard operating procedure (SOP), which is written/determined before the initiation of the study and during the preparation of the protocol [ 15 ].

The audit team (quality assurance group) is instrumental in determining the authenticity of the clinical research. The audit, according to the ICH and GCP, is an independent and external team that examines the process (recording the CRF, analysis of data, and interpretation of data) of clinical research. The quality assurance personnel are adequately trained, become trainers if needed, should be good communicators, and must handle any kind of situation. The audits can be at the investigator sites evaluating the CRF data, the protocol, and the personnel involved in clinical research (source data verification, monitors) [ 16 ].

Clinical trial operations are governed by legal and regulatory requirements, based on GCPs, and the application of science, technology, and interpersonal skills [ 17 ]. Clinical trial operations are complex, time and resource-specific that requires extensive planning and coordination, especially for the research which is conducted at multiple trial centers [ 18 ].

Recruiting the clinical trial participants/subjects is the most significant aspect of clinical trial operations. Previous research had noted that most clinical trials do not meet the participant numbers as decided in the protocol. Therefore, it is important to identify the potential barriers to patient recruitment [ 19 ].

Most clinical trials demand huge costs, increased timelines, and resources. Randomized clinical trial studies from Switzerland were analyzed for their costs which revealed approximately 72000 USD for a clinical trial to be completed. This study emphasized the need for increased transparency with respect to the costs associated with the clinical trial and improved collaboration between collaborators and stakeholders [ 20 ].

Clinical trial applications, monitoring, and audit

Among the most significant aspects of a clinical trial is the audit. An audit is a systematic process of evaluating the clinical trial operations at the site. The audit ensures that the clinical trial process is conducted according to the protocol, and predefined quality system procedures, following GCP guidelines, and according to the requirements of regulatory authorities [ 21 ].

The auditors are supposed to be independent and work without the involvement of the sponsors, CROs, or personnel at the trial site. The auditors ensure that the trial is conducted by designated professionally qualified, adequately trained personnel, with predefined responsibilities. The auditors also ensure the validity of the investigational drug, and the composition, and functioning of institutional review/ethics committees. The availability and correctness of the documents like the investigational broacher, informed consent forms, CRFs, approval letters of the regulatory authorities, and accreditation of the trial labs/sites [ 21 ].

The data management systems, the data collection software, data backup, recovery, and contingency plans, alternative data recording methods, security of the data, personnel training in data entry, and the statistical methods used to analyze the results of the trial are other important responsibilities of the auditor [ 21 , 22 ].

According to the ICH-GCP Sec 1.29 guidelines the inspection may be described as an act by the regulatory authorities to conduct an official review of the clinical trial-related documents, personnel (sponsor, investigator), and the trial site [ 21 , 22 ]. The summary report of the observations of the inspectors is performed using various forms as listed in Table ​ Table5 5 .

FDA: Food and Drug Administration; IND: investigational new drug; NDA: new drug application; IRB: institutional review board; CFR: code of federal regulations

Regulatory (FDA) form numberComponents of the form
483List of objectionable conditions/processes prepared by the FDA investigator and submitted to the auditee at the end of the inspection
482The auditors submit their identity proofs and notice of inspections to the clinical investigators and later document their observations
1571This document details the fact that the clinical trial is not initiated before 30 days of submitting the IND to the FDA for approval. The form confirms that the IRB complies with 21 CFR Part 56. The form details the agreement to follow regulatory requirements and names all the individuals who monitor the conduct and progress of the study and evaluate the safety of the clinical trial
1572This form details the fact that the study is conducted after ethics approval ensures that the study is carried out according to protocol, informed consent, and IRB approval

Because protecting data integrity, the rights, safety, and well-being of the study participants are more significant while conducting a clinical trial, regular monitoring and audit of the process appear crucial. Also, the quality of the clinical trial greatly depends on the approach of the trial personnel which includes the sponsors and investigators [ 21 ].

The responsibility of monitoring lies in different hands, and it depends on the clinical trial site. When the trial is initiated by a pharmaceutical industry, the responsibility of trial monitoring depends on the company or the sponsor, and when the trial is conducted by an academic organization, the responsibility lies with the principal investigator [ 21 ].

An audit is a process conducted by an independent body to ensure the quality of the study. Basically, an audit is a quality assurance process that determines if a study is carried out by following the SPOs, in compliance with the GCPs recommended by regulatory bodies like the ICH, FDA, and other local bodies [ 21 ].

An audit is performed to review all the available documents related to the IRB approval, investigational drug, and the documents related to the patient care/case record forms. Other documents that are audited include the protocol (date, sign, treatment, compliance), informed consent form, treatment response/outcome, toxic response/adverse event recording, and the accuracy of data entry [ 22 ].

Clinical trial data analysis, regulatory audits, and project management

The essential elements of clinical trial management systems (CDMS) include the management of the study, the site, staff, subject, contracts, data, and document management, patient diary integration, medical coding, monitoring, adverse event reporting, supplier management, lab data, external interfaces, and randomization. The CDMS involves setting a defined start and finishing time, defining study objectives, setting enrolment and termination criteria, commenting, and managing the study design [ 23 ].

Among the various key application areas of clinical trial systems, the data analysis assumes increased significance. The clinical trial data collected at the site in the form of case record form is stored in the CDMS ensuring the errors with respect to the double data entry are minimized.

Clinical trial data management uses medical coding, which uses terminologies with respect to the medications and adverse events/serious adverse events that need to be entered into the CDMS. The project undertaken to conduct the clinical trial must be predetermined with timelines and milestones. Timelines are usually set for the preparation of protocol, designing the CRF, planning the project, identifying the first subject, and timelines for recording the patient’s data for the first visit.

The timelines also are set for the last subject to be recruited in the study, the CRF of the last subject, and the locked period after the last subject entry. The planning of the project also includes the modes of collection of the data, the methods of the transport of the CRFs, patient diaries, and records of severe adverse events, to the central data management sites (fax, scan, courier, etc.) [ 24 ].

The preparation of SOPs and the type and timing of the quality control (QC) procedures are also included in the project planning before the start of a clinical study. Review (budget, resources, quality of process, assessment), measure (turnaround times, training issues), and control (CRF collection and delivery, incentives, revising the process) are the three important aspects of the implementation of a clinical research project.

In view of the increasing complexity related to the conduct of clinical trials, it is important to perform a clinical quality assurance (CQA) audit. The CQA audit process consists of a detailed plan for conducting audits, points of improvement, generating meaningful audit results, verifying SOP, and regulatory compliance, and promoting improvement in clinical trial research [ 25 ]. All the components of a CQA audit are delineated in Table ​ Table6 6 .

CRF: case report form; CSR: clinical study report; IC: informed consent; PV: pharmacovigilance; SAE: serious adverse event

Product-specific audits programPharmacovigilance audits program
Protocol, CRF, IC, CSR
SupplierSafety data management
Clinical database
Investigator siteCommunications and regulatory reporting
Clinical site visit
Study managementSignal detection and evaluation
SAE reporting
Supplier audits programRisk management and PV planning
Supplier qualification
Sponsor data audit during the trialComputerized system
Preferred vendor list after the trials
Process/System audits programSuppliers
Clinical safety reporting
Data managementRegulatory inspection management program
Clinical supply
Study monitoringAssist with the audit response
Computerized systemPre-inspection audit

Clinical trial operations at the investigator's site

The selection of an investigation site is important before starting a clinical trial. It is essential that the individuals recruited for the study meet the inclusion criteria of the trial, and the investigator's and patient's willingness to accept the protocol design and the timelines set by the regulatory authorities including the IRBs.

Before conducting clinical research, it is important for an investigator to agree to the terms and conditions of the agreement and maintain the confidentiality of the protocol. Evaluation of the protocol for the feasibility of its practices with respect to the resources, infrastructure, qualified and trained personnel available, availability of the study subjects, and benefit to the institution and the investigator is done by the sponsor during the site selection visit.

The standards of a clinical research trial are ensured by the Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences (CIOMS), National Bioethics Advisory Commission (NBAC), United Nations Programme on Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS) (UNAIDS), and World Medical Association (WMA) [ 26 ].

Recommendations for conducting clinical research based on the WMA support the slogan that says, “The health of my patient will be my first consideration.” According to the International Code of Medical Ethics (ICME), no human should be physically or mentally harmed during the clinical trial, and the study should be conducted in the best interest of the person [ 26 ].

Basic principles recommended by the Helsinki declaration include the conduction of clinical research only after the prior proof of the safety of the drug in animal and lab experiments. The clinical trials must be performed by scientifically, and medically qualified and well-trained personnel. Also, it is important to analyze the benefit of research over harm to the participants before initiating the drug trials.

The doctors may prescribe a drug to alleviate the suffering of the patient, save the patient from death, and gain additional knowledge of the drug only after obtaining informed consent. Under the equipoise principle, the investigators must be able to justify the treatment provided as a part of the clinical trial, wherein the patient in the placebo arm may be harmed due to the unavailability of the therapeutic/trial drug.

Clinical trial operations greatly depend on the environmental conditions and geographical attributes of the trial site. It may influence the costs and targets defined by the project before the initiation. It was noted that one-fourth of the clinical trial project proposals/applications submit critical data on the investigational drug from outside the country. Also, it was noted that almost 35% of delays in clinical trials owing to patient recruitment with one-third of studies enrolling only 5% of the participants [ 27 ].

It was suggested that clinical trial feasibility assessment in a defined geographical region may be undertaken for improved chances of success. Points to be considered under the feasibility assessment program include if the disease under the study is related to the population of the geographical region, appropriateness of the study design, patient, and comparator group, visit intervals, potential regulatory and ethical challenges, and commitments of the study partners, CROs in respective countries (multi-centric studies) [ 27 ].

Feasibility assessments may be undertaken at the program level (ethics, regulatory, and medical preparedness), study level (clinical, regulatory, technical, and operational aspects), and at the investigation site (investigational drug, competency of personnel, participant recruitment, and retention, quality systems, and infrastructural aspects) [ 27 ].

Clinical trials: true experiments

In accordance with the revised schedule "Y" of the Drugs and Cosmetics Act (DCA) (2005), a drug trial may be defined as a systematic study of a novel drug component. The clinical trials aim to evaluate the pharmacodynamic, and pharmacokinetic properties including ADME, efficacy, and safety of new drugs.

According to the drug and cosmetic rules (DCR), 1945, a new chemical entity (NCE) may be defined as a novel drug approved for a disease/condition, in a specified route, and at a particular dosage. It also may be a new drug combination, of previously approved drugs.

A clinical trial may be performed in three types; one that is done to find the efficacy of an NCE, a comparison study of two drugs against a medical condition, and the clinical research of approved drugs on a disease/condition. Also, studies of the bioavailability and BE studies of the generic drugs, and the drugs already approved in other countries are done to establish the efficacy of new drugs [ 28 ].

Apart from the discovery of a novel drug, clinical trials are also conducted to approve novel medical devices for public use. A medical device is defined as any instrument, apparatus, appliance, software, and any other material used for diagnostic/therapeutic purposes. The medical devices may be divided into three classes wherein class I uses general controls; class II uses general and special controls, and class III uses general, special controls, and premarket approvals [ 28 ].

The premarket approval applications ensure the safety and effectiveness, and confirmation of the activities from bench to animal to human clinical studies. The FDA approval for investigational device exemption (IDE) for a device not approved for a new indication/disease/condition. There are two types of IDE studies that include the feasibility study (basic safety and potential effectiveness) and the pivotal study (trial endpoints, randomization, monitoring, and statistical analysis plan) [ 28 ].

As evidenced by the available literature, there are two types of research that include observational and experimental research. Experimental research is alternatively known as the true type of research wherein the research is conducted by the intervention of a new drug/device/method (educational research). Most true experiments use randomized control trials that remove bias and neutralize the confounding variables that may interfere with the results of research [ 28 ].

The variables that may interfere with the study results are independent variables also called prediction variables (the intervention), dependent variables (the outcome), and extraneous variables (other confounding factors that could influence the outside). True experiments have three basic elements that include manipulation (that influence independent variables), control (over extraneous influencers), and randomization (unbiased grouping) [ 29 ].

Experiments can also be grouped as true, quasi-experimental, and non-experimental studies depending on the presence of specific characteristic features. True experiments have all three elements of study design (manipulation, control, randomization), and prospective, and have great scientific validity. Quasi-experiments generally have two elements of design (manipulation and control), are prospective, and have moderate scientific validity. The non-experimental studies lack manipulation, control, and randomization, are generally retrospective, and have low scientific validity [ 29 ].

Clinical trials: epidemiological and human genetics study

Epidemiological studies are intended to control health issues by understanding the distribution, determinants, incidence, prevalence, and impact on health among a defined population. Such studies are attempted to perceive the status of infectious diseases as well as non-communicable diseases [ 30 ].

Experimental studies are of two types that include observational (cross-sectional studies (surveys), case-control studies, and cohort studies) and experimental studies (randomized control studies) [ 3 , 31 ]. Such research may pose challenges related to ethics in relation to the social and cultural milieu.

Biomedical research related to human genetics and transplantation research poses an increased threat to ethical concerns, especially after the success of the human genome project (HGP) in the year 2000. The benefits of human genetic studies are innumerable that include the identification of genetic diseases, in vitro fertilization, and regeneration therapy. Research related to human genetics poses ethical, legal, and social issues (ELSI) that need to be appropriately addressed. Most importantly, these genetic research studies use advanced technologies which should be equally available to both economically well-placed and financially deprived people [ 32 ].

Gene therapy and genetic manipulations may potentially precipitate conflict of interest among the family members. The research on genetics may be of various types that include pedigree studies (identifying abnormal gene carriers), genetic screening (for diseases that may be heritable by the children), gene therapeutics (gene replacement therapy, gene construct administration), HGP (sequencing the whole human genome/deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) fingerprinting), and DNA, cell-line banking/repository [ 33 ]. The biobanks are established to collect and store human tissue samples like umbilical tissue, cord blood, and others [ 34 ].

Epidemiological studies on genetics are attempts to understand the prevalence of diseases that may be transmitted among families. The classical epidemiological studies may include single case observations (one individual), case series (< 10 individuals), ecological studies (population/large group of people), cross-sectional studies (defined number of individuals), case-control studies (defined number of individuals), cohort (defined number of individuals), and interventional studies (defined number of individuals) [ 35 ].

Genetic studies are of different types that include familial aggregation (case-parent, case-parent-grandparent), heritability (study of twins), segregation (pedigree study), linkage study (case-control), association, linkage, disequilibrium, cohort case-only studies (related case-control, unrelated case-control, exposure, non-exposure group, case group), cross-sectional studies, association cohort (related case-control, familial cohort), and experimental retrospective cohort (clinical trial, exposure, and non-exposure group) [ 35 ].

Ethics and concerns in clinical trial/research

Because clinical research involves animals and human participants, adhering to ethics and ethical practices assumes increased significance [ 36 ]. In view of the unethical research conducted on war soldiers after the Second World War, the Nuremberg code was introduced in 1947, which promulgated rules for permissible medical experiments on humans. The Nuremberg code suggests that informed consent is mandatory for all the participants in a clinical trial, and the study subjects must be made aware of the nature, duration, and purpose of the study, and potential health hazards (foreseen and unforeseen). The study subjects should have the liberty to withdraw at any time during the trial and to choose a physician upon medical emergency. The other essential principles of clinical research involving human subjects as suggested by the Nuremberg code included benefit to the society, justification of study as noted by the results of the drug experiments on animals, avoiding even minimal suffering to the study participants, and making sure that the participants don’t have life risk, humanity first, improved medical facilities for participants, and suitably qualified investigators [ 37 ].

During the 18th world medical assembly meeting in the year 1964, in Helsinki, Finland, ethical principles for doctors practicing research were proposed. Declaration of Helsinki, as it is known made sure that the interests and concerns of the human participants will always prevail over the interests of the society. Later in 1974, the National Research Act was proposed which made sure that the research proposals are thoroughly screened by the Institutional ethics/Review Board. In 1979, the April 18th Belmont report was proposed by the national commission for the protection of human rights during biomedical and behavioral research. The Belmont report proposed three core principles during research involving human participants that include respect for persons, beneficence, and justice. The ICH laid down GCP guidelines [ 38 ]. These guidelines are universally followed throughout the world during the conduction of clinical research involving human participants.

ICH was first founded in 1991, in Brussels, under the umbrella of the USA, Japan, and European countries. The ICH conference is conducted once every two years with the participation from the member countries, observers from the regulatory agencies, like the World Health Organization (WHO), European Free Trade Association (EFTA), and the Canadian Health Protection Branch, and other interested stakeholders from the academia and the industry. The expert working groups of the ICH ensure the quality, efficacy, and safety of the medicinal product (drug/device). Despite the availability of the Nuremberg code, the Belmont Report, and the ICH-GCP guidelines, in the year 1982, International Ethical Guidelines for Biomedical Research Involving Human Subjects was proposed by the CIOMS in association with WHO [ 39 ]. The CIOMS protects the rights of the vulnerable population, and ensures ethical practices during clinical research, especially in underdeveloped countries [ 40 ]. In India, the ethical principles for biomedical research involving human subjects were introduced by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) in the year 2000 and were later amended in the year 2006 [ 41 ]. Clinical trial approvals can only be done by the IRB approved by the Drug Controller General of India (DGCI) as proposed in the year 2013 [ 42 ].

Current perspectives and future implications

A recent study attempted to evaluate the efficacy of adaptive clinical trials in predicting the success of a clinical trial drug that entered phase 3 and minimizing the time and cost of drug development. This study highlighted the drawbacks of such clinical trial designs that include the possibility of type 1 (false positive) and type 2 (false negative) errors [ 43 ].

The usefulness of animal studies during the preclinical phases of a clinical trial was evaluated in a previous study which concluded that animal studies may not completely guarantee the safety of the investigational drug. This is noted by the fact that many drugs which passed toxicity tests in animals produced adverse reactions in humans [ 44 ].

The significance of BE studies to compare branded and generic drugs was reported previously. The pharmacokinetic BE studies of Amoxycillin comparing branded and generic drugs were carried out among a group of healthy participants. The study results have demonstrated that the generic drug had lower Cmax as compared to the branded drug [ 45 ].

To establish the BE of the generic drugs, randomized crossover trials are carried out to assess the Cmax and the AUC. The ratio of each pharmacokinetic characteristic must match the ratio of AUC and/or Cmax, 1:1=1 for a generic drug to be considered as a bioequivalent to a branded drug [ 46 ].

Although the generic drug development is comparatively more beneficial than the branded drugs, synthesis of extended-release formulations of the generic drug appears to be complex. Since the extended-release formulations remain for longer periods in the stomach, they may be influenced by gastric acidity and interact with the food. A recent study suggested the use of bio-relevant dissolution tests to increase the successful production of generic extended-release drug formulations [ 47 ].

Although RCTs are considered the best designs, which rule out bias and the data/results obtained from such clinical research are the most reliable, RCTs may be plagued by miscalculation of the treatment outcomes/bias, problems of cointerventions, and contaminations [ 48 ].

The perception of healthcare providers regarding branded drugs and their view about the generic equivalents was recently analyzed and reported. It was noted that such a perception may be attributed to the flexible regulatory requirements for the approval of a generic drug as compared to a branded drug. Also, could be because a switch from a branded drug to a generic drug in patients may precipitate adverse events as evidenced by previous reports [ 49 ].

Because the vulnerable population like drug/alcohol addicts, mentally challenged people, children, geriatric age people, military persons, ethnic minorities, people suffering from incurable diseases, students, employees, and pregnant women cannot make decisions with respect to participating in a clinical trial, ethical concerns, and legal issues may prop up, that may be appropriately addressed before drug trials which include such groups [ 50 ].


Clinical research and clinical trials are important from the public health perspective. Clinical research facilitates scientists, public health administrations, and people to increase their understanding and improve preparedness with reference to the diseases prevalent in different geographical regions of the world. Moreover, clinical research helps in mitigating health-related problems as evidenced by the current Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic and other emerging and re-emerging microbial infections. Clinical trials are crucial to the development of drugs, devices, and vaccines. Therefore, scientists are required to be up to date with the process and procedures of clinical research and trials as discussed comprehensively in this review.

The content published in Cureus is the result of clinical experience and/or research by independent individuals or organizations. Cureus is not responsible for the scientific accuracy or reliability of data or conclusions published herein. All content published within Cureus is intended only for educational, research and reference purposes. Additionally, articles published within Cureus should not be deemed a suitable substitute for the advice of a qualified health care professional. Do not disregard or avoid professional medical advice due to content published within Cureus.

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

Masks Strongly Recommended but Not Required in Maryland, Starting Immediately

Due to the downward trend in respiratory viruses in Maryland, masking is no longer required but remains strongly recommended in Johns Hopkins Medicine clinical locations in Maryland. Read more .

  • Vaccines  
  • Masking Guidelines
  • Visitor Guidelines  

Understanding Clinical Trials

Clinical research: what is it.

a man talking to a doctor

Your doctor may have said that you are eligible for a clinical trial, or you may have seen an ad for a clinical research study. What is clinical research, and is it right for you?

Clinical research is the comprehensive study of the safety and effectiveness of the most promising advances in patient care. Clinical research is different than laboratory research. It involves people who volunteer to help us better understand medicine and health. Lab research generally does not involve people — although it helps us learn which new ideas may help people.

Every drug, device, tool, diagnostic test, technique and technology used in medicine today was once tested in volunteers who took part in clinical research studies.

At Johns Hopkins Medicine, we believe that clinical research is key to improve care for people in our community and around the world. Once you understand more about clinical research, you may appreciate why it’s important to participate — for yourself and the community.

What Are the Types of Clinical Research?

There are two main kinds of clinical research:

Observational Studies

Observational studies are studies that aim to identify and analyze patterns in medical data or in biological samples, such as tissue or blood provided by study participants.

blue icons representing people

Clinical Trials

Clinical trials, which are also called interventional studies, test the safety and effectiveness of medical interventions — such as medications, procedures and tools — in living people.


Clinical research studies need people of every age, health status, race, gender, ethnicity and cultural background to participate. This will increase the chances that scientists and clinicians will develop treatments and procedures that are likely to be safe and work well in all people. Potential volunteers are carefully screened to ensure that they meet all of the requirements for any study before they begin. Most of the reasons people are not included in studies is because of concerns about safety.

Both healthy people and those with diagnosed medical conditions can take part in clinical research. Participation is always completely voluntary, and participants can leave a study at any time for any reason.

“The only way medical advancements can be made is if people volunteer to participate in clinical research. The research participant is just as necessary as the researcher in this partnership to advance health care.” Liz Martinez, Johns Hopkins Medicine Research Participant Advocate

Types of Research Studies

Within the two main kinds of clinical research, there are many types of studies. They vary based on the study goals, participants and other factors.

Biospecimen studies

Healthy volunteer studies.

Clinical trials study the safety and effectiveness of interventions and procedures on people’s health. Interventions may include medications, radiation, foods or behaviors, such as exercise. Usually, the treatments in clinical trials are studied in a laboratory and sometimes in animals before they are studied in humans. The goal of clinical trials is to find new and better ways of preventing, diagnosing and treating disease. They are used to test:

Drugs or medicines

clinical research study material

New types of surgery

clinical research study material

Medical devices

clinical research study material

New ways of using current treatments

clinical research study material

New ways of changing health behaviors

clinical research study material

New ways to improve quality of life for sick patients

clinical research study material

 Goals of Clinical Trials

Because every clinical trial is designed to answer one or more medical questions, different trials have different goals. Those goals include:

Treatment trials

Prevention trials, screening trials, phases of a clinical trial.

In general, a new drug needs to go through a series of four types of clinical trials. This helps researchers show that the medication is safe and effective. As a study moves through each phase, researchers learn more about a medication, including its risks and benefits.

Is the medication safe and what is the right dose?   Phase one trials involve small numbers of participants, often normal volunteers.

Does the new medication work and what are the side effects?   Phase two trials test the treatment or procedure on a larger number of participants. These participants usually have the condition or disease that the treatment is intended to remedy.

Is the new medication more effective than existing treatments?  Phase three trials have even more people enrolled. Some may get a placebo (a substance that has no medical effect) or an already approved treatment, so that the new medication can be compared to that treatment.

Is the new medication effective and safe over the long term?   Phase four happens after the treatment or procedure has been approved. Information about patients who are receiving the treatment is gathered and studied to see if any new information is seen when given to a large number of patients.

“Johns Hopkins has a comprehensive system overseeing research that is audited by the FDA and the Association for Accreditation of Human Research Protection Programs to make certain all research participants voluntarily agreed to join a study and their safety was maximized.” Gail Daumit, M.D., M.H.S., Vice Dean for Clinical Investigation, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

Is It Safe to Participate in Clinical Research?

There are several steps in place to protect volunteers who take part in clinical research studies. Clinical Research is regulated by the federal government. In addition, the institutional review board (IRB) and Human Subjects Research Protection Program at each study location have many safeguards built in to each study to protect the safety and privacy of participants.

Clinical researchers are required by law to follow the safety rules outlined by each study's protocol. A protocol is a detailed plan of what researchers will do in during the study.

In the U.S., every study site's IRB — which is made up of both medical experts and members of the general public — must approve all clinical research. IRB members also review plans for all clinical studies. And, they make sure that research participants are protected from as much risk as possible.

Earning Your Trust

This was not always the case. Many people of color are wary of joining clinical research because of previous poor treatment of underrepresented minorities throughout the U.S. This includes medical research performed on enslaved people without their consent, or not giving treatment to Black men who participated in the Tuskegee Study of Untreated Syphilis in the Negro Male. Since the 1970s, numerous regulations have been in place to protect the rights of study participants.

Many clinical research studies are also supervised by a data and safety monitoring committee. This is a group made up of experts in the area being studied. These biomedical professionals regularly monitor clinical studies as they progress. If they discover or suspect any problems with a study, they immediately stop the trial. In addition, Johns Hopkins Medicine’s Research Participant Advocacy Group focuses on improving the experience of people who participate in clinical research.

Clinical research participants with concerns about anything related to the study they are taking part in should contact Johns Hopkins Medicine’s IRB or our Research Participant Advocacy Group .

Learn More About Clinical Research at Johns Hopkins Medicine

For information about clinical trial opportunities at Johns Hopkins Medicine, visit our trials site.

Video Clinical Research for a Healthier Tomorrow: A Family Shares Their Story

Clinical Research for a Healthier Tomorrow: A Family Shares Their Story

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Topics: Clinical & Translational Research , Five Questions

How to Accelerate Clinical Research

Five questions with michelle beck and yemi talabi-oates on making connections..

Illustration of a group of medical doctors talking with thought bubbles above their heads.

At Brigham and Women’s Hospital (BWH), oncologists who’ve been doing gene therapy trials for a decade are teaming up with researchers in other fields to apply their knowledge to the new wave of non-oncology cell and gene therapy studies and avoid recreating the wheel.

And at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC), one researcher’s challenges enrolling Black patients for a diet intervention study led to the development of a satellite center at a community-based clinic, which other researchers are exploring for their own studies.

These are among the ways Harvard Catalyst’s Connector sites facilitate and accelerate clinical/translational research across the hospitals affiliated with Harvard Medical School (HMS). Connector links investigators to the medical centers’ sprawling clinical research enterprises and troubleshoots research bottlenecks. (Boston Children’s Hospital and Mass General Hospital also have Connector sites.)

Need a research problem solved?

The premise behind Connector is that clinical research can be challenging, especially in complex academic healthcare environments. Individual scientists can’t do it alone. Connector sites help researchers get science done right–hopefully the first time–while maintaining the highest standards for patient protection, regulatory compliance, and quality.

Connector draws upon the collective expertise of HMS-affiliated institutions to guide studies through the lifecycle of science. For investigators struggling to recruit or wrestling with logistics, the programs offer a kind of life-raft of resources and support, big or small.

As the administrative directors of Connector sites at BIDMC and BWH, respectively, Michelle Beck and Yemi Talabi-Oates are like the Ghostbusters of translational research: They are “who you gonna call” when you’ve got a research problem to solve.

We caught up with them both in one Zoom to find out what they wish investigators knew about Connector.

What’s your cocktail-party summary of what Connector is?

MB: A cocktail-party summary is hard because Connector does a bit of everything, depending on what the investigator wants. Connector sites are really good at figuring out how to set studies up. Our special sauce, so to speak, is the experience in knowing how to make things work.

“Connector sites are really good at figuring out how to set studies up. Our special sauce, so to speak, is the experience in knowing how to make things work.”

At BIDMC, Connector encompasses our Clinical Research Center, a full-service operation providing research coordination and personnel for the lifecycle of a study, including recruitment. We provide laboratory, dietary, specialized nursing–because research nursing is a little different than clinical care nursing–and all affiliated services for inpatients and outpatients in our own research space as well as in other locations.

We help research teams get the tools and resources they need in other parts of BIDMC or across the network of HMS-affiliated hospitals. We might refer them elsewhere or integrate their research into our portfolio.

YTO: Brigham’s version of the Connector is the Center for Clinical Investigation (CCI). We call ourselves the home of clinical research. We are the first stop if an investigator needs help or wants to learn how to implement clinical and translational research studies.

Investigators can use any or all of our resources, from something small to running the whole study. We can connect them with potential collaborators or just find somebody to read an EKG, if that’s what’s needed.

We have clinical space dedicated to research so we can accommodate patient visits. But just as importantly, investigators have access to vital services that are not patient-facing, such as data management, research coordination, and biostatistics support.

What do you wish investigators knew about Connector?

MB: People sometimes think that Connector is the CRC. While it is at some level, it’s also much more. Our strength lies in the collective experience of the many people who have already figured out how to design and conduct high-quality studies, who understand the steps for getting from point A to point B.

Our program director regularly meets with investigators to provide feedback on their grant applications, offer advice on how to find funding, or connect them with mentors.

All of the Connector sites have a role called a navigator. BIDMC navigators are experts in regulatory and operations. Depending on when they’re brought in, they can point investigators to resources or work through specific aspects of their study that might be challenging.

YTO: What I find with investigators is they don’t know what they don’t know. They may come to us with one question and not realize how many other things need to be considered before we can address that one question. Having that dialogue as early in the process as possible will help the investigator in the end.

Connector lets investigators tap the experience of a diverse clinical research team, whether it’s the nurses on the floor or a physician-investigator who’s done this before. It’s about knowing your patient population and what works with recruiting, right down to which time of day is easier for patients. It’s helping avoid the pitfalls that may come with being a newbie to research.

“Connector lets investigators tap the experience of a diverse clinical research team, whether it’s the nurses on the floor or a physician-investigator who’s done this before. It’s helping avoid the pitfalls that may come with being a newbie to research.”

One of the things I often say to early-career investigators or those testing a really novel idea is if you’re going to fail, fail fast. It’s okay to fail because you can use what you learn to make the next study better.

Give us an example of something you’re engaged in right now that illustrates how the Connector sites work.

YTO: One of our big pushes right now is to help investigators in the non-oncology space who are interested in conducting cell and gene therapy studies. We don’t want to recreate the wheel, so we’re connecting them to oncology physicians who have been doing these studies for a while. We’re bringing together players who aren’t otherwise talking to one another to figure out how current systems might be adapted for studies outside of oncology.

MB: We have a general medicine investigator who is running a diet intervention study for hypertension, focusing on enrolling Black Boston residents in areas with ‘food deserts’ –areas with grocery store scarcity. This investigator met with our Connector team early in his grant planning process. His studies are now funded, and he’s running them through our main Clinical Research Center at the Boston campus. But he is having a really hard time meeting his recruitment goals, so we are working with him to set up research support at our Bowdoin Street clinic.

Because of that collaboration, the clinic is being developed as a CRC satellite with a focus on community-engaged research that allows the local community to provide input on the studies conducted there. We are now working with other clinical groups to expand research at the site.

So by addressing a recruitment problem one investigator was having, we’re establishing a resource that other investigators can access to bring research to our community and potentially improve participant diversity in their studies.

Connector’s goal is to accelerate translational science, in line with the mission of Harvard Catalyst and other clinical and translational science programs funded by the National Center for Clinical and Translational Science (NCATS). From your perspective, is clinical research efficient enough?

MB: I think sometimes we have unrealistic expectations about efficiency. I honestly believe that we make things very efficient in our programs and within our institutions, but I don’t think clinical research itself is efficient, through no fault of our own.

It’s really difficult to run a study, especially if you think about the whole lifecycle. For an industry-initiated clinical trial for example, a sponsor wants you to have a budget, contract, IRB approval, and be ready to enroll your first patient within 60 days of being selected as a site, which is crazy. It’s not impossible but it’s highly unlikely, with so many steps and the complexity of various studies.

If you move too fast, you risk making mistakes. If you don’t think carefully about what’s involved in a study from a participant’s perspective, for example, you might meet your recruitment goals right away but have 60% who don’t meet inclusion/exclusion criteria at screening and 20% who didn’t realize they’d have to come in every day for the next six weeks. Those kinds of circumstances can be largely avoided with the right planning.

YTO: We definitely take some time on the front end to get all the information and tweak things where necessary to make sure the patient’s experience and the study team’s experience is positive and efficient. We want to make sure it’s done right, and that might take a little longer.

In the end I’d rather be confident that patients are safe and the data is accurate because we thought these things through up-front. That’s the time to do it, not when the patient shows up for the visit or the investigator sits down to write that paper with flawed data.

How does Connector affect the experience of patients involved in clinical research and why does that matter?

MB: Using a Clinical Research Center is hugely beneficial from the participant perspective. We had a study many years ago in which two people came in every month for seven years for the same study. They got to know each other, and they knew all our staff; they would even bake banana bread for the research center staff. I think if patients get to know the research center, that’s another mechanism for patient retention, particularly for longitudinal studies.

YTO: Agreed. Our nurses and clinical staff on the floor definitely make connections with the research participants, and they often learn something that could be valuable to the study team. Having that connection is key.

It’s not just the study team; it’s every member of the staff. It’s the person who smiles when they walk in the door, or the one who knows about their child or their cat and asks about it. That matters when you want a patient to come back again and again into the next month or year.

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Click on the resources listed below to download the full versions of Biogen’s materials. 

Biogen’s Commitment to Build Trust and Diversity in Clinical Trials [VIDEO]

Biogen Trial Link

The TALLY Clinical Trial

Biogen introduces new schizophrenia clinical trial

The Hidden Face of MS

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Click on the resources listed below to download the full versions of Drugviu’s materials. 

Pandemic Response Network Flyer: English

Red de Respuesta a una Pandemia: Español

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Click on the resources listed below to download the full versions of these materials. 

Peer Plus: Mission and Capabilities

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Latino Union of Chicago

Click on the resources listed below to download the full latino union of chicago annual report. .

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Advocate Aurora Health

Click on the resources listed below to download the full versions of advocate’s materials. .

  • Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer’s Network Trial Unit 

Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer’s Disease Brochure Expanded Registry Flyer (English)

Enfermedad de Alzheimer de herencia dominante Expanded Registry Flyer (Spanish)

  • Clarity AD Clinical Study Information

Forgetting the Little Things Concerned About Memory Loss?

  • US POINTER Volunteer Study Brochure

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Allergy & Asthma Network

Click on the resources listed below to download the full versions of the allergy & asthma network’s materials. , institute for population and precision health (ipph), click on the resources listed below to download the full versions of ipph’s materials. .

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Einstein Healthcare Network

Click on the resources listed below to learn more about einsteing healthcare network’s resources. .

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TREND Community

Click on the resources listed below to download the full versions of the trend community’s materials. , community voice report july 2020: covid-19 positive, community voice report august 2020: pericarditis, fox chase cancer center - temple health, click on the resources listed below to download the full versions of the fox chase cancer center’s materials. , be the breakthrough: understanding clinical trials.

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Click on the resources listed below to download the full materials from Otsuka. 

PsychU Brochure

NephU Brochure

PsychU App Flyer

PsychU Patient & Caregiver Collection Flyer

Collaborating for Improved ADPKD Management: Considerations for the Healthcare Team

Lung Cancer Initiative of North Carolina

Click on the resources listed below to view the full versions of LCI’s materials. 

Lung Cancer Risk Assessment Handout

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PRA Health Sciences

Click on the resources listed below to view the full versions of pra’s materials. .

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Duke Health

Click on the resources listed below to view the full versions of duke’s materials. .

Visit Discover Duke Research on Facebook

Download the handout below in English or Spanish

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North Carolina Clinical Research

Visit north carolina clinical research’s website .

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  • Preparation Resources

Certification Program Reference Manual

Once a candidate’s certification application has been approved, a complimentary electronic copy of the certification program reference manual will be sent.  The purpose of the reference manual is to help you prepare for the Examination. It is a resource to assist you with your preparation however; it is not an all-inclusive resource. See the Exam Overview and Exam Outline sections of the website for a detailed description of the concepts included in the examination. The preface to the reference manual is the Candidate Handbook  

The Certification Program Reference Manual includes:

  • The Nuremberg Code
  • The Belmont Report
  • The Declaration of Helsinki
  • 21 U.S. Code of Federal Regulations – Parts 11, 50, 56, 312, 812
  • 45 U.S. Code of Federal Regulations - Part 46
  • ICH GCP Guideline for Good Clinical Practice E6(R2), and
  • ICH Clinical Safety Data Management: Definitions and Standards for Expedited Reporting (E2A)

Please note: The examination assesses your knowledge and understanding of the FDA regulations . You will not be tested on FDA guidance. However, some of these documents published by the FDA may be helpful in explaining concepts.

The Reference Manual is also available for purchase here .

Additional Resources

Applicants are encouraged to consider information provided in applicable journal articles, textbooks, manuals, workshops, or meetings specific to clinical trials and investigational drugs.

Disclaimer: The additional resources listed below may be helpful to you in your studies. However, please take note of the publication dates, as these references may contain outdated material. Please remember that the Examination assesses your knowledge and understanding of the United States Code of Federal Regulations and the International Conference of Harmonisation E6 and E2A Guidelines.

The following is a list of additional resources that you may wish to include in your study:

  • Guide to Clinical Trials, Spilker, B., (Lippencott-Raven Publishers, 1991)
  • Investigator's Handbook, Manual for Participation in Clinical Trials of Investigational Agents Sponsored by the Division of Cancer Treatments, National Cancer Institute (1986).
  • Investigator's Handbook  (Updated January 24, 2012)
  • Fundamentals of Clinical Trials, Feidman, L.; Furgerg, C.; DeMets, D., (Springer-Verlag Publishers, 1998)
  • Protecting Study Volunteers in Research, Cynthia McGuire Dunn, M.D, Gary Chadwich, PharmD
  • The CRC’s Guide to Coordinating Clinical Research. Karen E. Woodin, Ph.D.
  • Conducting Clinical Research, Judy Stone, MD.

The following is a list of websites that you may wish to include in your study:

  • FDA Website: www.fda.gov
  • FDA's Role: ClinicalTrials.gov Information
  • ICH Website: www.ich.org
  • Guidance for Industry - E6 Good Clinical Practice: Consolidated Guidance: View/print the "Guidance for Industry" (198 KB) (PDF)
  • OHRP Website: www.hhs.gov/ohrp/
  • Information Sheet Guidance for Institutional Review Boards (IRBs), Clinical Investigators, and Sponsors. Website: Click Here.

(There have been new FDA Regulations enacted since the publication of these documents and the documents have not been updated to reflect the new regulations; however, they may be helpful in clarifying concepts)

  •   21 CFR Part 314- Applications for FDA Approval to Market a New Drug
  • 21 CFR Part 814- Premarket Approval of Medical Devices

CITI website: www.citiprogram.org

NIH GCP Training Here


  • Program Overview
  • CCRP Certification Quick Facts
  • Definition of a Clinical Research Professional
  • Certification Program Policies
  • Removal of CCRP® Credential
  • Verify Certification
  • Exam Overview
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  • Application and Fee
  • Computer Based Testing Exams
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  • Refunds, Rescheduling and Retesting
  • SOCRA Sponsored Exam Schedule
  • Preparing for the Exam
  • Examination Results
  • Host an Exam at Your Site
  • Apply Online
  • Exam Schedule SOCRA Sponsored Sites
  • Requirements for Maintaining Certification
  • Continuing Education Requirements
  • Descriptions of Acceptable CE
  • CE Recordkeeping Requirements
  • Request for SOCRA CE for Courses / Workshops
  • Installment Plan Payment
  • Renewal of Certification
  • Recertification Audit
  • Recertification Learning Module
  • Accreditation




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Downloadable Templates and Tools for Clinical Research

Welcome to global health trials' tools and templates library. please note that this page has been updated for 2015 following a quality check and review of the templates, and many new ones have been added. please click on the orange text to download each template., the templates below have been shared by other groups, and are free to use and adapt for your researchstudies. please ensure that you read and adapt them carefully for your own setting, and that you reference global health trials and the global health network when you use them. to share your own templates and sops, or comment on these, please email [email protected]. we look forward to hearing from you.

These templates and tools are ordered by category, so please scroll down to find what you need.













































































To share your own templates and SOPs, or comment on these, please email [email protected]. We look forward to hearing from you!

  • Webinar on community engagement in clinical research involving pregnant women
  • Free Webinar: Science, technology and innovation for upskilling knowledge-based economies in Africa
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This is Degena Bahrey Tadesse from Tigray, Ethiopia. I am new for this web I am assistant professor in Adult Health Nursing Could you share me the sample/templet research proposal for Global Research Nurses Pump-priming Grants 2023: Research Project Award


I have learned lot..Thanks..


i was wondering why there is no SOP on laboratory procedures ?


Hi, Can you provide me the SOP for electronic signatures in Clinical trial


Do you have an "SOP for Telephonic site selection visit". Kindly Share on my registered mail ID


Thank you for sharing the resources. It is very kind of you.


Hi These tolls are very useful! Thank you

Do you have a task and responsability matrix template for clinical trial managment ? Best


I am very much happy to find myself here as a clinician


Dear Getrude

We have a free 14-module course on research ethics on our training centre; you'll receive a certificate if you complete all the modules and quizzes. You can take it in your own time. Just visit 'Training centre' in the tabs above, then 'short courses'.

Kind regards The Editorial Team


need modules on free online gcp course on research ethics


Estimados: me parece excelente el aporte que han hecho dado que aporta. por un lado a mejorar la transparencia del trabajo como a facilitar el seguimiento y supervisión de los mismos. Muchas gracias por ello

We also have an up to date list of global health events available here: https://globalhealthtrials.tghn.org/community/training-events/

Dear Nazish

Thank you, I am glad you found the seminars and the training courses useful. We list many training events (all relevant to Global Health, and as many of them as possible are either free or subsidised) on the 'community' web pages above. Keep an eye on those for events and activities which you can get involved with. Also, if you post an 'introduction' on the introduction group stating where you are from and your research interests, we can keep you updated of relevant local events.


Thanks so much. These are very helpful seminars. Please let me know any other websites/links that provide free or inexpensive lectures on clinical Research. Appreciate your help.

Hi Nazish, and welcome to the Network. The items here are downloadable templates for you to use; it sounds like you may be seeking lectures and eLearning courses? If so - no problem! You can find free seminars with sound and slides here: https://globalhealthtrainingcentre.tghn.org/webinars/ , and you can find free, certified eLearning courses here: https://globalhealthtrials.tghn.org/elearning . Certificates are awarded for the eLearning courses for those scoring over 80% in the quiz at the end of each course. If you need anything else, do ask! Kind regards The Editorial Team

Hi, I am new to this website and also to the Clinical Research Industry for that matter I only am able to see the PDF of these courses, just wanted to know are these audio lectures and also happen to have audio clips that go with the pdf?


This site is impeccable and very useful for my job!!!!

Thank you for your kind comments.


Fantastic resources


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We have developed the following materials to connect individuals to ClinicalResearchTrials.nih.gov . You will find things like resources for grantees, which can be personalized by following the instructions on the poster webpage.


This one-page guide describes different kinds of clinical studies. It explains why researchers might use them and highlights each type’s strengths and weaknesses. We hope this guide can serve as a useful resource, whether you’re describing the results of a study to the public or the design of a trial to a potential participant.


Why do researchers do different kinds of clinical studies?

“Why do researchers do different kinds of clinical studies?” | en español

Different types of clinical studies are used in different circumstances. Depending on what is known and what isn’t, scientists may even study the same research question using different kinds of studies and in different groups of people.

Help Get the Word Out! You can help raise public awareness of clinical trials by displaying these posters in your clinic or hospital. They were specifically designed for this NIH clinical research initiative and are the result of extensive testing through focus groups, in-depth interviews, and online surveys. We encourage you to use them in your clinics, waiting and exam rooms, labs, public spaces, and other areas. You may downloaded these posters for free and print them on a standard office printer or use a commercial printer.


"Learn how you too can participate in tomorrow's medical progress..." poster

“Learn how you too can participate in tomorrow’s medical progress...” Poster

“Be part of tomorrow’s medical progress. Visit the Clinical Research Trials website to learn whether one is right for you. Clinical trials — consider the possibilities.”


Poster: What You Don’t Know Could Help You.

“What You Don’t Know Could Help You.” Poster

“If you’re diagnosed with a medical issue, tomorrow’s treatment may already be in reach — as part of a clinical trial. It’s where treatments are first available. Clinical trials can have risks and are not for everybody, but they are an option anyone with a diagnosed condition should consider.”


“Kiss My Asthma.” poster

“Kiss My Asthma.” Poster

“Look your diagnosis in the eye, then consider every way to conquer it. Like participating in a clinical trial. When you participate in a clinical trial, you are joining the front line against a disease. This is where treatments are tested and medical science advanced. It’s where researchers learn what works.”


“Kick Cancer Where It Counts.” poster

“Kick Cancer Where It Counts.” Poster


“Alzheimers? Make It a Distant Memory.” poster

“Alzheimers? Make It a Distant Memory.” Poster

You can help raise public awareness of clinical trials by distributing this 3x9 inch flyer in your clinic or hospital. Simply download the flyer and have your commercial printer print and trim them to size. The downloaded file contains two duplicate flyers on a page.


“Feeling Better. Brought to You by Clinical Trials.” flyer

“Feeling Better. Brought to You by Clinical Trials.” Flyer

“We feel better today because of what clinical trials uncovered years ago. Be part of tomorrow’s medical breakthroughs by talking to your doctor about clinical trials, their risks, and whether one is right for you. Clinical trials — consider the possibilities.”

Presentation Slides

Consider using these slides or selected slides in meeting or workshop presentations to help educate colleagues, health care providers, and other audiences about NIH clinical research and the importance of participation. Speaker notes are provided on each slide.


“Why NIH Clinical Research Matters” PowerPoint title slide

“Why NIH Clinical Research Matters” PowerPoint Presentation

This page last reviewed on December 13, 2016

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Stanford Online

Design and conduct of clinical trials.

Stanford School of Medicine

This course focuses on the theoretical underpinnings of clinical research and the practical aspects of conducting clinical trials: the rationale for design features of Phase I, II, and III trials, recruitment of participants, techniques for randomization, data collection and endpoints, interim monitoring, and results reporting. Experts will deliver lectures on such topics as pitfalls in design and interpretation, missing data, nonpharmacological trials, and clinical trials involving medical devices. Students will prepare a full proposal for an original clinical trial, using the NIH Research Project (R01) grant format, and will critique proposals of fellow students in a mock study section setting.

This class is credit/no credit. For it to count towards the certificate, you must earn credit.

Topics Include

  • Introduction to clinical trials
  • Overview of phase I and II trials
  • Interventions, participants, and outcomes
  • Basic trial designs
  • Sample size and power
  • Early phase trials
  • Adaptive trials
  • Handling missing data
  • Recruitment, retention, and adherence
  • Data analysis overview
  • Interim monitoring, statistical issues
  • Interim monitoring, data monitoring committees
  • Pragmatic trials; multicenter trials
  • Comparative effectiveness trials; point-of-care trials
  • Pitfalls in design and interpretation
  • Clinical trials involving medical devices
  • Mock study section overview and sessions


  • A conferred bachelor’s degree with an undergraduate GPA of 3.0 or better
  • EPI225 and EPI259; or prior equivalent course background (with permission of the instructor)

What You Need To Get Started

Before enrolling in your first graduate course, you must complete an online application .

Don’t wait! While you can only enroll in courses during open enrollment periods, you can complete your online application at any time.

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Learn more about the graduate application process .

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Clinical Trials at Stanford Medicine

Join our community of volunteers leading the way in transformative research

awareness ribbon

Stanford Cancer Institute offers leading-edge research and compassionate care with over 250 actively recruiting clinical trials, investigating a broad spectrum of new preventative, diagnostic, and treatment strategies. 

More about the Cancer Institute  

doctor and patient

Stanford Pediatric Clinical Trials play a vital role in developing new therapies for a large range of conditions that affect children. These trials can help pave the way for a brighter healthier future for our youngest generation.

More about Stanford Children's Health  

beating heart

Healthy volunteers play a vital role in clinical studies, helping researchers learn how to keep people well. Some studies compare healthy people to those who have a specific disease or condition. 

More about being a healthy volunteer  

Clinical trial patients

What is a clinical trial?

Clinical trials are research studies that explore whether a medical strategy, treatment or device is safe and effective for humans. These studies may also show which medical approaches work best for certain illnesses or groups of people. Clinical trials produce information that helps patients and their health-care providers make better health-related decisions. 

We're looking for healthy volunteers

Stanford research registry.

The Stanford Research Registry  connects people like you, with teams conducting research, to improve health care. If you are eligible for a study, researchers may contact you to see if you would like to learn more.

COVID-19 Clinical Studies

Explore COVID-19 Clinical Studies . Stanford Medicine researchers and scientists have launched dozens of research projects as part of the global response to COVID-19.  By participating in our COVID-19 clinical research, you help accelerate medical science by providing valuable insights into potential treatments and methods of prevention.

Stanford Diabetes Research Center

The Stanford Diabetes Research Center  (SDRC) is looking for participants, including healthy volunteers, to join the various diabetes-related studies being conducted at Stanford. Join the SDRC research registry

Project Baseline

Project Baseline  is a broad effort designed to develop a well-defined reference, or “baseline,” of good health. Its rich data platform will be used to better understand the transition from health to disease and identify additional risk factors for disease.

Stanford Well for Life

Stanford WELL for Life  wants to help you improve your health, wellness, and well-being through challenges, resources and tips to improve your well-being from Stanford experts.

Latest Clinical Trials News

Organoids mimicking celiac disease show new link between gluten, intestinal damage

Organoids mimicking celiac disease show new link between gluten, intestinal damage

Trial of cell-based therapy for high-risk lymphoma leads to FDA breakthrough designation

Trial of cell-based therapy for high-risk lymphoma leads to FDA breakthrough designation

MRI scans predict recovery from spinal cord injury

MRI scans predict recovery from spinal cord injury

Stanford Medicine offers gene therapy for a devastating pediatric neurologic disease

Stanford Medicine offers gene therapy for a devastating pediatric neurologic disease

Existing high blood pressure drugs may prevent epilepsy, Stanford Medicine-led study finds

Existing high blood pressure drugs may prevent epilepsy, Stanford Medicine-led study finds

Clinicial trial faq.

Why should I participate in a clinical trial?

Clinical trials are critical to progressing medical advancements and helping people live longer. Many of the treatments used today would not be available if they were not first tested in clinical trials.

At Stanford, our physician-researchers and scientists perform collaborative research to improve diagnosis and treatment options for people worldwide. Because of their level of expertise, some of the trials and innovative treatments we offer are not available elsewhere in the world.

How do I know if a clinical trial is right for me?

To determine if a clinical trial is right for you, talk to your doctor. He or she can refer you to a study coordinator for more information on research studies that may be suitable for your specific condition.

You can also find the guidelines for who can participate in a particular clinical trial online. However, it is best to work with your doctor to decide the right care approach for your needs.

Why are clinical trials done in phases?

Clinical trials are executed in phases to determine their safety and effectiveness. Specific scientific questions are answered in each phase to demonstrate the potential of a new drug, device, or medical approach.

Is there a cost associated with participating in a clinical trial?

As a study participant, you receive a new drug, device, medical approach, or other treatment for free. 

Why are some clinical trials closed and others open?

Open trials refer to studies currently accepting participants. Closed trials are not currently enrolling, but may open in the future for enrollment.

Duke Health

Clinical trials and research.

Clinical trials and research are made possible with the support and participation of study volunteers. Participant materials for clinical research, including study flyers, advertisements, social media posts, marketing materials and informed consent forms, should be participant-centric, engaging and written using plain language. These materials also must adhere to the Duke Health brand guidelines, which includes following our standards for font, color and style.

The Federal Drug Administration and Institutional Review Board consider research recruitment material to be the beginning of the informed consent process. You may advertise a research study or clinical trial at Duke, but you may not explicitly state or imply that participation will lead to improved health or financial gain. 

For some quick tips on what materials are reviewed by which entities for which reasons, please download this  reference   guide .

Any clinical recruitment materials targeted to members of the community, patients or participants of any kind should use the Duke Health logo. 

Logos cannot be created for individual studies. The Duke Health logo or an approved Duke Health clinical service logo should be used to represent your study on all recruitment materials. Even if the study or trial is being conducted through the Duke University School of Medicine or Duke University School of Nursing, any public-facing materials must use a Duke Health logo.

Duke Health does not allow endorsements for or cobranding with other organizations. However, in a situation where Duke is collaborating with another organization on the study or trial, both logos can be used if there is a qualifying line listed above the Duke logo. For example, "Sponsored by" or "Study in collaboration with." A line like this would be needed any time a Duke logo is used with an outside organization's logo. The logos should also be spaced adequately from each other.

Adult and minor consent forms are considered legal documents, which can use the Duke University Health System (DUHS) logo at the top. This is the only use case where the DUHS logo can be used.

Reading Level

Participant-facing materials that advertise or explain clinical research should be written at a 6th-8th grade reading level at minimum. Strive for 5th grade when you can.


Readability is about both reading level and reading ease.

Paragraphs should be short – no more than three sentences is a standard principle of good readability. Sentences should be short and only convey one idea at a time. Try to limit sentences to no more than 10 words. Use bullets when you can in order to shorten sentences and keep things visually simple.

Use plain language to describe the clinical trial or study and avoid the use of medical jargon that is not typically used outside of a healthcare setting. There are several resources to assist you in the use of lay-friendly plain language, including:

  • Duke University Medical Center Library and Archives Health Literacy Resource
  • CDC Plain Language Materials and Resources
  • University of Michigan Plain Language Medical Dictionary
  • Health Literacy in Clinical Research Resource
  • Plain Language Alternatives for Medical Jargon
  • The RIC has a Medical Jargon Thesaurus – reach out for a copy. 
  • Write in the first person (use “we”) and avoid use of the passive voice.
  • Avoid words with more than three syllables when possible.
  • Keep sentences short. Do not include more than a few sentences in a paragraph.
  • Consider replacing complex sentences with charts or bullet points to explain concepts. 
  • Ensure your materials have adequate white space to enhance readability.
  • When including phone numbers, use hyphens between digits and eliminate parenthesis around the area code (ex: 919-999-9999).
  • Websites should exclude the www or https:// in front of the url. Capitalize words in the url for easier reading (ex: DukeHealth.org).

All materials should follow the Duke Health branding guidelines on style.  Here is an all-in-one resource to help you understand the Duke Health brand and style.

Below are some common do’s and don’ts for style on recruitment materials.

  • Use colors from the  approved Duke Health color palette, ensuring Duke Blue is the most prominent color in your materials.
  • Text should be black, and headers and subheads can be Duke Blue. Text should not be any other color than black or Duke Blue.
  • Photos used should be lifestyle photos or photos that represent the demographic of the community being recruited. Photos not accepted include:
  • Clip art graphics
  • Photos of medical equipment, procedures or internal organs (ex: syringes, blood, IV bags, depictions of internal organs or body parts)
  • Photo collages
  • Use of stock imagery to portray members of our care team
  • Black and white photography

Research Marketing Material Creation

For information and support marketing and advertising your clinical research study or creating participant-facing materials, please reach out to the  Recruitment Innovation Center (RIC) . The RIC provides free support to study teams planning or needing to enhance awareness, engagement, recruitment and retention to their research projects.

Latest News

Study: temporarily removing firearms from people at risk of harm saves lives, some e-cigarette chemicals mimic nicotine, possibly bypassing regulation, study finds genetic variant among people who experience a rare recovery from als.


A randomized double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial of Guanfacine Extended Release for aggression and self-injurious behavior associated with Prader-Willi Syndrome

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Introduction: Prader-Willi Syndrome (PWS), a rare genetic disorder, affects development and behavior, frequently resulting in self-injury, aggression, hyperphagia, oppositional behavior, impulsivity and over-activity causing significant morbidity. Currently, limited therapeutic options are available to manage these neuropsychiatric manifestations. The aim of this clinical trial was to assess the efficacy of guanfacine-extended release (GXR) in reducing aggression and self-injury in individuals with PWS. Trial Design: Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial conducted under IRB approval. Methods: Subjects with a diagnosis of PWS, 6-35 years of age, with moderate to severe aggressive and/or self-injurious behavior as determined by the Clinical Global Impression (CGI)-Severity scale, were included in an 8-week double-blind, placebo-controlled, fixed-flexible dose clinical trial of GXR, that was followed by an 8-week open-label extension phase. Validated behavioral instruments and physician assessments measured the efficacy of GXR treatment, its safety and tolerability. Results: GXR was effective in reducing aggression/agitation and hyperactivity/noncompliance as measured by the Aberrant Behavior Checklist (ABC) scales (p=0.03). Overall aberrant behavior scores significantly reduced in the GXR arm. Aggression as measured by the Modified Overt Aggression Scale (MOAS) also showed a significant reduction. Skin-picking lesions as measured by the Self Injury Trauma (SIT) scale decreased in response to GXR. No serious adverse events were experienced by any of the study participants. Fatigue /sedation was the only adverse event significantly associated with GXR. The GXR group demonstrated significant overall clinical improvement as measured by the CGI-Improvement (CGI-I) scale. (p<0.01). Conclusion: Findings of this pragmatic trial strongly support the use of GXR for treatment of aggression, skin picking, and hyperactivity in children, adolescents, and adults with PWS. Trial Registration: ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier - NCT05657860

Competing Interest Statement

I have read the journal's policy and the authors of this manuscript have the following competing interests: DS has served as a consultant to Soleno Therapeutics, Acadia Pharmaceuticals, Tonix Pharmaceuticals, and Consynance Therapeutics. MS and TJ have no other competing interests to report.

Clinical Trial

ClinicalTrials.gov identifier: NCT05657860

Funding Statement

Author declarations.

I confirm all relevant ethical guidelines have been followed, and any necessary IRB and/or ethics committee approvals have been obtained.

The details of the IRB/oversight body that provided approval or exemption for the research described are given below:

This study was approved by the Institutional Review Board of Maimonides Medical Center (# 2020-11-03-MMC). Written, IRB-approved informed consent was obtained from each participant's parent or legal guardian, and assent was obtained from each participant, as applicable.

I confirm that all necessary patient/participant consent has been obtained and the appropriate institutional forms have been archived, and that any patient/participant/sample identifiers included were not known to anyone (e.g., hospital staff, patients or participants themselves) outside the research group so cannot be used to identify individuals.

I understand that all clinical trials and any other prospective interventional studies must be registered with an ICMJE-approved registry, such as ClinicalTrials.gov. I confirm that any such study reported in the manuscript has been registered and the trial registration ID is provided (note: if posting a prospective study registered retrospectively, please provide a statement in the trial ID field explaining why the study was not registered in advance).

I have followed all appropriate research reporting guidelines, such as any relevant EQUATOR Network research reporting checklist(s) and other pertinent material, if applicable.

Data Availability

All relevant data are within the manuscript and its Supporting Information files and will be available upon its publication.

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  1. Clinical Research

    clinical research study material

  2. The Clinical Research Application Note Book- Get Your Copy Today!

    clinical research study material

  3. (PDF) Clinical research study designs: The essentials

    clinical research study material

  4. (PDF) Understanding Clinical Research

    clinical research study material

  5. Designing Clinical Research, 5th Edition

    clinical research study material

  6. Introductory Research Methods Data Analysis In Clinical Research

    clinical research study material


  1. Clinical Research Study Investigator's Toolbox

    Supporting Clinical Research The purpose of the NIA Clinical Research Toolbox is to provide a Web-based informational repository for investigators and staff involved in clinical research. The Toolbox contains templates, sample forms, guidelines, regulations and informational materials to assist investigators in the development and conduct of high quality clinical research studies.

  2. Clinical Research Study Investigator's Toolbox

    Back to top. Forms and Templates Administrative Forms. Site Signature Log - Delegation of Authority Log ( MS Excel, 47K or screen-readable PDF, 294K) A record of all study personnel and their specific responsibilities, signatures, and dates of involvement during the conduct of a clinical research study. Note to File Template (MS Word, 20K) - Used by clinical site staff to document protocol ...

  3. Handbook for Good Clinical Research Practice (Gcp)

    Good Clinical Research Practice (GCP) is a process that incorporates established ethical and scientifi c quality standards for the design, conduct, recording and reporting of clinical research involving the participation of human subjects. Compliance with GCP provides public assurance that the rights, safety, and well-being of research

  4. The NIA Clinical Trial Toolbox: A resource for quality studies

    The NIA Clinical Research Study Investigator's Toolbox provides you and your study team with a central source of materials to develop and manage high-quality clinical research studies. Templates, sample forms, guidelines, training overviews and other related information are on the site too. So you may use these materials to customize your ...

  5. PDF Lesson 1: Clinical Trials Overview

    therapies for treating these diseases. Clinical trials represent an essential component of evidence based medical research. Clinical trials are research studies involving people (healthy volunteers or patients) that test the safety and efficacy of a new treatment. A 'treatment' in this context could mean: A medicine.

  6. Educational Resources

    Information About Children and Clinical Research Trials. Children and Clinical Studies. Kids in Research. Infographic: Pediatric Drug Research at NICHD. Today's Research on Medicines for Children Offers Hope for Tomorrow (Duchenne muscular dystrophy)

  7. Planning and Conducting Clinical Research: The Whole Process

    Abstract. The goal of this review was to present the essential steps in the entire process of clinical research. Research should begin with an educated idea arising from a clinical practice issue. A research topic rooted in a clinical problem provides the motivation for the completion of the research and relevancy for affecting medical practice ...


    INTRODUCTION TO CLINICAL RESEARCH Scientific Concepts for Clinical Research Karen Bandeen-Roche, Ph.D. July 15, 2013 Acknowledgements • Scott Zeger • Marie Diener-West • ICTR Leadership / Team July 2013 JHU Intro to Clinical Research 2 July 2013 JHU Intro to Clinical Research 3 Section 1: The Science of Clinical Investigation 1.

  9. PDF An Overview of Clinical Study Tasks and Activities Copyrighted Material

    1. Development of the clinical protocol and study materials 2. Qualifi cation and selection of the clinical investigators and study sites 3. FDA approval for the study if required 4. IRB approval of the protocol, informed consent form (ICF), and advertising materials 5. Study research contract 6. Study initiation visit

  10. Foundations of Clinical Research

    Foundations of Clinical Research. This Harvard Medical School six-month, application-based certificate program provides the essential skill sets and fundamental knowledge required to begin or expand your clinical research career. Learn More. September 28, 2024 - April 6, 2025. $6,900 - $7,900.

  11. (PDF) Introduction to Clinical Research and Study Designs

    ChapterPDF Available. Introduction to Clinical Research and Study Designs. January 2008. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4020-8486-7_2. In book: Essentials of Clinical Research (pp.13-27) Authors: Stephen P ...

  12. Clinical Trials and Clinical Research: A Comprehensive Review

    There are various types of clinical trials that are majorly grouped as analytical, observational, and experimental research. Clinical research can also be classified into non-directed data capture, directed data capture, and drug trials. Clinical research could be prospective or retrospective. It may also be a case-control study or a cohort study.

  13. Clinical Research What is It

    Clinical research is the comprehensive study of the safety and effectiveness of the most promising advances in patient care. Clinical research is different than laboratory research. It involves people who volunteer to help us better understand medicine and health. Lab research generally does not involve people — although it helps us learn ...

  14. PDF Introduction To Clinical Research

    Clinical research can be observational (e.g. health economic research) or interventional (e.g. clinical trials). Improving standard care is one of the aims of clinical research. Clinical research has resulted in huge improvements in global health in the 20th century. Though currently under represented in world-wide research activities, areas of

  15. How to Accelerate Clinical Research

    We are the first stop if an investigator needs help or wants to learn how to implement clinical and translational research studies. Investigators can use any or all of our resources, from something small to running the whole study. ... Using a Clinical Research Center is hugely beneficial from the participant perspective. We had a study many ...

  16. Understanding Clinical Trials

    The Center for Information and Study on Clinical Research Participation, Inc. is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization advocating for clinical research education. ... Click on the resources listed below to download the full versions of the TREND Community's materials. ...

  17. PDF Training Resources for Clinical Research Coordinators

    An essential course for all clinical research professionals involved in the design and/or feasibility assessment of clinical research protocols. This interactive eLearning course incorporates a high-level overview of concepts and real-world scenarios you are likely to encounter when developing a protocol. And when reviewing protocols to ensure ...

  18. Preparation Resources

    The following is a list of additional resources that you may wish to include in your study: Investigator's Handbook, Manual for Participation in Clinical Trials of Investigational Agents Sponsored by the Division of Cancer Treatments, National Cancer Institute (1986). The CRC's Guide to Coordinating Clinical Research.

  19. Downloadable Templates and Tools for Clinical Research

    Study and Site Management : Trial contacts sheet. Investigator site file (Master File) set up and maintenance SOP. Logs List Template. Communication with sponsor or contract research organisation SOP. Essential documents checklist : Trial Master File Contents List : Study Initiation : Site initiation checklist. Site initiation, activation and ...

  20. Promotional Materials

    You can help raise public awareness of clinical trials by displaying these posters in your clinic or hospital. They were specifically designed for this NIH clinical research initiative and are the result of extensive testing through focus groups, in-depth interviews, and online surveys. We encourage you to use them in your clinics, waiting and ...

  21. PDF Research Introduction to Clinical Trial

    1 Research. ard J. MillsKey Points of This ChapterThis chapter introduces clinical research concepts and randomised clinical trials, covering the basics and building blocks that are necessary to understand the topics of adap. ive trial designs and master protocols.The key points of this chapter are: Clinical trials are a type of prospective ...

  22. Design & Conduct of Clinical Trials Course I Stanford Online

    Students will prepare a full proposal for an original clinical trial, using the NIH Research Project (R01) grant format, and will critique proposals of fellow students in a mock study section setting. This class is credit/no credit. For it to count towards the certificate, you must earn credit. Topics Include. Introduction to clinical trials


    This Study Guide was compiled from the notes I took when I was studying. From these notes, I was able to pass the SOCRA CCRP exam with a score of 96% (I answered 130 questions correctly out of 135 questions total). The notes have been updated to fit the new exam outline for those taking the exam after June 1, 2014.

  24. Clinical Trials

    Clinical trials are research studies that explore whether a medical strategy, treatment or device is safe and effective for humans. These studies may also show which medical approaches work best for certain illnesses or groups of people. Clinical trials produce information that helps patients and their health-care providers make better health ...

  25. Clinical Trials and Research

    Clinical Trials and Research. Clinical trials and research are made possible with the support and participation of study volunteers. Participant materials for clinical research, including study flyers, advertisements, social media posts, marketing materials and informed consent forms, should be participant-centric, engaging and written using ...

  26. Comparative analysis of dental implant placement accuracy: Semi‐active

    Clinical Implant Dentistry & Related Research is an oral & maxillofacial research journal covering osseointegrated implants, bone biology, bone grafts & bone substitutes. ... 2 MATERIALS AND METHODS 2.1 Study design. The present study was a multi-center, randomized controlled clinical trial with simple randomization (1:1 allocation ratio ...

  27. Can naloxone improve survival rates of patients with cardiac arrest?

    Recent studies estimate 17.6% of all OHCA, and 34% of OHCA in those under 60 years of age, are the result of opioid toxicity. Study results. For this retrospective study, researchers collected data from San Francisco, Sacramento and Yolo county EMS agencies between 2015-2023. In total, 8,195 patients with OHCA were treated by the three agencies.

  28. A randomized double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial of

    Introduction: Prader-Willi Syndrome (PWS), a rare genetic disorder, affects development and behavior, frequently resulting in self-injury, aggression, hyperphagia, oppositional behavior, impulsivity and over-activity causing significant morbidity. Currently, limited therapeutic options are available to manage these neuropsychiatric manifestations. The aim of this clinical trial was to assess ...