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APA Citation Style, 7th Edition: In-Text Citations & Paraphrasing

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When do I use in-text citations?

When should you add in-text citations in your paper .

There are several rules of thumb you can follow to make sure that you are citing your paper correctly in APA 7 format. 

  • Think of your paper broken up into paragraphs. When you start a paragraph, the first time you add a sentence that has been paraphrased from a reference -> that's when you need to add an in-text citation. 
  • Continue writing your paragraph, you do NOT need to add another in-text citation until: 1) You are paraphrasing from a NEW source, which means you need to cite NEW information OR 2) You need to cite a DIRECT quote, which includes a page number, paragraph number or Section title. 
  • Important to remember : You DO NOT need to add an in-text citation after EVERY sentence of your paragraph. 

Paragraph Rules of Thumb: Cite after 1st paraphrase, continue writing, add a new cite for a new source or a direct quote.

What do in-text citations look like?

In-text citation styles: .

(Forbes, 2020) Forbes (2020) stated... 
(Bennet & Miller, 2019) Bennet and Miller (2019) concluded that... 
(Jones et al., 2020)  Jones et al. (2020) shared two different... 
(East Carolina University, 2020)  East Carolina University (2020) found... 

Let's look at these examples if they were written in text: 

An example with 1 author:

Parenthetical citation:  Following American Psychological Association (APA) style guidelines will help you to cultivate your own unique academic voice as an expert in your field (Forbes, 2020). 

Narrative citation : Forbes (2020) shared that by following American Psychological Association (APA) guidelines, students would learn to find their own voice as experts in the field of nursing. 

An example with 2 authors: 

Parenthetical citation: Research on the use of progressive muscle relaxation for stress reduction has demonstrated the efficacy of the method (Bennett & Miller, 2019). 

Narrative citation: As shared by Bennett and Miller (2019), research on the use of progressive muscle relaxation for stress reduction has demonstrated the efficacy of the method. 

An example with 3 authors: 

Parenthetical citation: Guided imagery has also been shown to reduce stress, length of hospital stay, and symptoms related to medical and psychological conditions (Jones et al., 2020).

Narrative citation: Jones et al. (2020) shared that guided imagery has also been shown to reduce stress, length of hospital stay, and symptoms related to medical and psychological conditions. 

An example with a group/corporate author: 

Parenthetical citation: Dr. Philip G. Rogers, senior vice president at the American Council on Education, was recently elected as the newest chancellor of the university (East Carolina University, 2020). 

Narrative citation: Recently shared on the East Carolina University (2020) website, Dr. Philip G. Rogers, senior vice president at the American Council on Education, was elected as the newest chancellor. 

Tips on Paraphrasing

Paraphrasing is recreating someone else's ideas into your own words & thoughts, without changing the original meaning (gahan, 2020).  .

Here are some best practices when you are paraphrasing: 

  • How do I learn to paraphrase? IF you are thoroughly reading and researching articles or book chapters for a paper, you will start to take notes in your own words . Those notes are the beginning of paraphrased information.
  • Read the original information, PUT IT AWAY, then rewrite the ideas in your own words . This is hard to do at first, it takes practice, but this is how you start to paraphrase. 
  • It's usually better to paraphrase, than to use too many direct quotes. 
  • When you start to paraphrase, cite your source. 
  • Make sure not to use language that is TOO close to the original, so that you are not committing plagiarism. 
  • Use theasaurus.com to help you come up with like/similar phrases if you are struggling. 
  • Paraphrasing (vs. using direct quotes) is important because it shows that YOU ACTUALLY UNDERSTAND the information you are reading. 
  • Paraphrasing ALLOWS YOUR VOICE to be prevalent in your writing. 
  • The best time to use direct quotes is when you need to give an exact definition, provide specific evidence, or if you need to use the original writer's terminology. 
  • BEST PRACTICE PER PARAGRAPH: On your 1st paraphrase of a source, CITE IT. There is no need to add another in-text citation until you use a different source, OR, until you use a direct quote. 

References : 

Gahan, C. (2020, October 15). How to paraphrase sources . Scribbr.com .   https://tinyurl.com/y7ssxc6g  

Citing Direct Quotes

When should i use a direct quote in my paper .

Direct quotes should only be used occasionally: 

  • When you need to share an exact definition 
  • When you want to provide specific evidence or information that cannot be paraphrased
  • When you want to use the original writer's terminology

From:  https://americanlibrariesmagazine.org/whaddyamean/ 

Definitions of direct quotes: 

, around the quote, are incorporated into the text of the paper. (Shayden, 2016, p. 202)
(by indenting 0.5" or 1 tab) beneath the text of the paragraph. (Miller et al., 2016, p. 136)

, therefore you need a different way to cite the information for a direct quote. There are two ways to do this: 

(Jones, 2014, para. 4)

(Scotts, 2019, Resources section)

  • Western Oregon University's APA Guidelines on Direct Quotes This is an excellent quick tutorial on how to format direct quotes in APA 7th edition. Bookmark this page for future reference!

Carrie Forbes, MLS

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Home / Guides / Citation Guides / MLA Format / Paraphrasing in MLA

Paraphrasing in MLA

Paraphrasing is a valuable skill. It allows you to seamlessly integrate another person’s ideas into your work, and it is the preferred way to integrate most research information into a paper.

In addition to writing a good paraphrase, you must also include a citation with the paraphrase. One effective way to do this is by using MLA in-text citations .

But first, let’s define paraphrasing.

What is a paraphrase? Why is it beneficial?

  • A paraphrase is a piece of information written in a new way after reading and analyzing a source.
  • A paraphrase translates the main ideas of a passage into a new passage that uses your own words and perspective.
  • A paraphrase lets you control what point or information is highlighted.
  • A paraphrase allows you turn a long passage into a condensed, focused passage.
  • Direct quotes are helpful, but paraphrasing allows you show that you truly understand a work. Think about it: Is it easier to quote a source or paraphrase?

What does MLA have to do with it?

Academic integrity is extremely important, and a paraphrase allows you to use someone’s ideas efficiently in your work…but that is only part of the work. In order to stay ethical, you’ll also need include an in-text citation. That’s where MLA style comes in.

An MLA in-text citation gives appropriate credit to the original source. By following the guidelines of the MLA style and including an accurate citation, you can avoid accusations of plagiarism.

MLA stands for the Modern Language Association, which is a scholarly association dedicated to the study and advancement of languages. The MLA style comes from their published MLA Handbook , which provides rules and guidelines on research and writing. The latest update to the MLA style occurred in 2021, and careful consideration needs to be paid to these guidelines.

Although there are other styles of research and writing, MLA is the primary style guide for humanities, language, and literature in the United States.

How to paraphrase

Steps in paraphrasing.

  • Read the original source material carefully. It is always a good idea to read it more than once so you can paraphrase accurately.
  • Consider why the source was written, when it was written, who it was written by, and who the target audience was.
  • What were the key ideas or points communicated?
  • What is the key point you want to highlight from the source?
  • What other contextual facts about the source do you think are important to include?
  • Based on your notes, put together a paraphrase.
  • Next, take a minute to double check your paraphrase against the original to ensure that you have used your own writing style.
  • Finally, add an MLA in-text citation.

How to add an MLA in-text citation

In order to give credit for ideas that are not yours, citing is key. According the MLA, after you create a paraphrase, you should include an in-text citation with the paraphrase. In addition to the short, in-text citation, a full reference of the source should be included on your Works Cited page. This article will focus only on the in-text citation, but see this guide for more information on MLA works cited citations.

An MLA in-text citation can be done in two ways:

  • Parenthetical

Both approaches require you to know the following:

  • Last name of the author
  • Page number

Parenthetical citation

One way to cite in the text is to use a parenthetical citation after the paraphrase. This includes putting the author’s last name and page number where you found the information at the end of the sentence, before the final period.

Using a website as a source? Note that if a source does not have page numbers, you do not have to include the page number in your parenthetical citation.

Parenthetical in-text citation structure:

Paraphrase (Author Last Name Page #)

Parenthetical example:

I kept pounding on the doors ’til my hands hurt and I woke up the dogs (Bronte 12).

Place that end punctuation carefully! Note that there is no period at the end of the sentence, but the period is outside the parentheses. Also, there is no comma between the author’s last name and the page number.

Citation in prose

A citation in prose means that you include the author’s last name within the page text and the page number at the end of the sentence in parentheses. A citation in prose would look like this:

Citation in prose citation structure:

Paraphrase with Author Last Name (Page #)

In-prose example:

Bronte explains how Lockwood kept pounding on the doors until his hands began to hurt and he woke up the dogs (12).

Example of how to paraphrase

Here is a piece of text taken from the novel Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen:

“In vain I have struggled. It will not do. My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you.”

Elizabeth’s astonishment was beyond expression. She stared, coloured, doubted, and was silent. This he considered sufficient encouragement; and the avowal of all that he felt, and had long felt for her, immediately followed. He spoke well; but there were feelings besides those of the heart to be detailed; and he was not more eloquent on the subject of tenderness than of pride. His sense of her inferiority—of its being a degradation—of the family obstacles which had always opposed to inclination, were dwelt on with a warmth which seemed due to the consequence he was wounding, but was very unlikely to recommend his suit.

A paraphrase of the above would go something like this:

Mr. Darcy had meant to communicate that he loved Elizabeth, but in the end all he managed to do was communicate all the reasons he had fought against his feelings for her (Austen 390).

Notice the benefits of paraphrasing here?

  • The paraphrase is (thankfully) much shorter than the full excerpt.
  • The paraphrase writer could have mentioned several different ideas and points. Instead, paraphrasing allowed the writer to focus on the main point they wanted to highlight.
  • The paraphrase demonstrates the writer’s deep understanding of what was communicated in the original passage.

Also, as mentioned previously, every in-text citation needs to have a matching, full citation in the Works Cited page. Here is the full citation for the above example:

Austen, Jane. Pride and Prejudice . 1813. Project Gutenberg , 2008, www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/42671.

How NOT to paraphrase

When you paraphrase, do not do the follow:

  • Use most of the same words and switch out a few words for synonyms.
  • Use most of the same words and change the sentence order a little.
  • Take key phrases from the sentences and put them into a new paragraph without quoting them.
  • Create a good paraphrase but forget to include an in-text citation.
  • Create a good paraphrase but cite the wrong source.

Other MLA considerations

The Modern Language Association advises that summaries, paraphrases, and direct quotations can all be used to back up your argument. However, direct quotations should be used infrequently. Try to save them for experts who are speaking on the topic.

Although you are putting a paraphrase into your own words, you still need to cite it because the ideas are not your own. MLA style asks for the author’s last name and the page number where you found the information.

Key takeaways

  • The ability to paraphrase is of the utmost importance in regard to academic integrity.
  • To paraphrase well, read the original a few times, consider the context, jot down the key ideas, compose your paraphrase, compare your paraphrase to the original, and add an in-text citation.
  • The MLA advises using in-text citations in order to give proper credit to a paraphrase’s original source.

Published October 28, 2020. Updated July 18, 2021.

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When you write information from a source in your own words, cite the source by adding an in-text citation at the end of the paraphrased portion as follows:

Mother-infant attachment became a leading topic of developmental research following the publication of John Bowlby's studies (Hunt, 1993).

Note : If you refer to the author's name in a sentence you do not have to include the name again as part of your in-text citation, instead include the year of publication following his/her name:

Hunt (1993) noted that mother-infant attachment became a leading topic of developmental research after the publication of John Bowlby's studies.

Paraphrasing Examples

Original Source

Homeless individuals commonly come from families who are riddled with problems and marital disharmony, and are alienated from their parents. They have often been physically and even sexually abused, have relocated frequently, and many of them may be asked to leave home or are actually thrown out, or alternatively are placed in group homes or in foster care. They often have no one to care for them and no one knows them intimately.

Source from: 

Rokach, A. (2005). The causes of loneliness in homeless youth.  The Journal of Psychology , 139, 469-480. 

Example:  Incorrect  Paraphrasing

The homeless come from families with problems. Frequently, they have been physically or sexually abused, or have lived in group homes. Usually no one cares for them or knows them intimately (Rokach, 2005). 

Note : In this incorrect example the writing is too similar to the original source. The student only changed or removed a few words and has not phrased the ideas in a new way. 

Example:  Correct  Paraphrasing

Many homeless experience isolation in part due to suffering from abuse or neglect during their childhood (Rokach, 2005).

Note : The example keeps the idea of the original writing but phrases it in a new way.

No Author and/or No Date

No Known Author:

Note that in most cases where a personal author is not named, a group author may be cited instead (eg. Statistics Canada). However, in certain cases, such as religious ancient texts, the author is unknown. Where you'd normally put the author's last name, instead use the first one, two, or three words from the title. Don't count initial articles like "A", "An" or "The". You should provide enough words to make it clear which work you're referring to from your References List.

If the title in the References list is in italics, italicize the words from the title in the in-text citation.

If you are citing an article, a chapter of a book or a page from a website, put the words in double quotation marks.

Capitalize the titles using title case (every major word is capitalized) even if the reference list entry uses sentence case (only first word is capitalized).

( Cell Biology , 2012, p. 157)

("Nursing," 2011, p. 9)

No Known Date of Publication :

Where you'd normally put the year of publication, instead use the letters "n.d.".

(Smith, n.d., p. 200)

In-Text Citation For Two or More Authors/Editors

Number of Authors/Editors First Time Paraphrased Second and Subsequent Times Paraphrased First Time Quoting Second and Subsequent Times Quoting

(Case & Daristotle, 2011)

(Case & Daristotle, 2011)

(Case & Daristotle, 2011, p. 57) (Case & Daristotle, 2011, p. 57)
Three or more (Case et al., 2011) (Case et al., 2011) (Case et al., 2011, p. 57) (Case et al., 2011, p. 57)

In-Text Citation for Group or Corporate Authors

Type of Group First Time Paraphrased Second and Subsequent Times Paraphrased First Time Quoting Second and Subsequent Times Quoting
Groups readily identified through abbreviations

National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH, 2003)

(NIMH, 2003)

National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH, 2003, p. 5) (NIMH, 2003, p. 5)
Groups with no abbreviations (University of Pittsburgh, 2005) (University of Pittsburgh, 2005) (University of Pittsburgh, 2005, p. 2)

(University of Pittsburgh, 2005, p. 2)


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What's paraphrasing

What is paraphrasing?

Paraphrasing involves expressing someone else’s ideas or thoughts in your own words while maintaining the original meaning. Paraphrasing tools can help you quickly reword text by replacing certain words with synonyms or restructuring sentences. They can also make your text more concise, clear, and suitable for a specific audience. Paraphrasing is an essential skill in academic writing and professional communication. 

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Frequently asked questions

The act of putting someone else’s ideas or words into your own words is called paraphrasing, rephrasing, or rewording. Even though they are often used interchangeably, the terms can mean slightly different things:

Paraphrasing is restating someone else’s ideas or words in your own words while retaining their meaning. Paraphrasing changes sentence structure, word choice, and sentence length to convey the same meaning.

Rephrasing may involve more substantial changes to the original text, including changing the order of sentences or the overall structure of the text.

Rewording is changing individual words in a text without changing its meaning or structure, often using synonyms.

It can. One of the two methods of paraphrasing is called “Fluency.” This will improve the language and fix grammatical errors in the text you’re paraphrasing.

Paraphrasing and using a paraphrasing tool aren’t cheating. It’s a great tool for saving time and coming up with new ways to express yourself in writing.  However, always be sure to credit your sources. Avoid plagiarism.  

If you don’t properly cite text paraphrased from another source, you’re plagiarizing. If you use someone else’s text and paraphrase it, you need to credit the original source. You can do that by using citations. There are different styles, like APA, MLA, Harvard, and Chicago. Find more information about citing sources here.

The Paraphrasing Tool on our page is powered by the QuillBot service, which uses advanced language processing technology.

Both Scribbr and QuillBot are Learneo, Inc. services, ensuring that your inputs are processed in accordance with Learneo’s Privacy Policy.

For more, please read the QuillBot section of the Learneo Privacy Policy . Your use of our Paraphraser is subject to QuilBot Terms .

Paraphrasing without crediting the original author is a form of plagiarism , because you’re presenting someone else’s ideas as if they were your own.

However, paraphrasing is not plagiarism if you correctly cite the source . This means including an in-text citation and a full reference, formatted according to your required citation style .

As well as citing, make sure that any paraphrased text is completely rewritten in your own words.

Plagiarism means using someone else’s words or ideas and passing them off as your own. Paraphrasing means putting someone else’s ideas in your own words.

So when does paraphrasing count as plagiarism?

  • Paraphrasing is plagiarism if you don’t properly credit the original author.
  • Paraphrasing is plagiarism if your text is too close to the original wording (even if you cite the source). If you directly copy a sentence or phrase, you should quote it instead.
  • Paraphrasing  is not plagiarism if you put the author’s ideas completely in your own words and properly cite the source .

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Summarizing, Paraphrasing, and Quoting

Depending on the conventions of your discipline, you may have to decide whether to summarize a source, paraphrase a source, or quote from a source.

Scholars in the humanities tend to summarize, paraphrase, and quote texts; social scientists and natural scientists rely primarily on summary and paraphrase.

When and how to summarize

When you summarize, you provide your readers with a condensed version of an author's key points. A summary can be as short as a few sentences or much longer, depending on the complexity of the text and the level of detail you wish to provide to your readers. You will need to summarize a source in your paper when you are going to refer to that source and you want your readers to understand the source's argument, main ideas, or plot (if the source is a novel, film, or play) before you lay out your own argument about it, analysis of it, or response to it.

Before you summarize a source in your paper, you should decide what your reader needs to know about that source in order to understand your argument. For example, if you are making an argument about a novel, you should avoid filling pages of your paper with details from the book that will distract or confuse your reader. Instead, you should add details sparingly, going only into the depth that is necessary for your reader to understand and appreciate your argument. Similarly, if you are writing a paper about a journal article, you will need to highlight the most relevant parts of the argument for your reader, but you should not include all of the background information and examples. When you have to decide how much summary to put in a paper, it's a good idea to consult your instructor about whether you are supposed to assume your reader's knowledge of the sources.

Guidelines for summarizing a source in your paper

  • Identify the author and the source.
  • Represent the original source accurately.
  • Present the source’s central claim clearly.
  • Don’t summarize each point in the same order as the original source; focus on giving your reader the most important parts of the source
  • Use your own words. Don’t provide a long quotation in the summary unless the actual language from the source is going to be important for your reader to see.

Stanley Milgram (1974) reports that ordinarily compassionate people will be cruel to each other if they are commanded to be by an authority figure. In his experiment, a group of participants were asked to administer electric shocks to people who made errors on a simple test. In spite of signs that those receiving shock were experiencing great physical pain, 25 of 40 subjects continued to administer electric shocks. These results held up for each group of people tested, no matter the demographic. The transcripts of conversations from the experiment reveal that although many of the participants felt increasingly uncomfortable, they continued to obey the experimenter, often showing great deference for the experimenter. Milgram suggests that when people feel responsible for carrying out the wishes of an authority figure, they do not feel responsible for the actual actions they are performing. He concludes that the increasing division of labor in society encourages people to focus on a small task and eschew responsibility for anything they do not directly control.

This summary of Stanley Milgram's 1974 essay, "The Perils of Obedience," provides a brief overview of Milgram's 12-page essay, along with an APA style parenthetical citation. You would write this type of summary if you were discussing Milgram's experiment in a paper in which you were not supposed to assume your reader's knowledge of the sources. Depending on your assignment, your summary might be even shorter.

When you include a summary of a paper in your essay, you must cite the source. If you were using APA style in your paper, you would include a parenthetical citation in the summary, and you would also include a full citation in your reference list at the end of your paper. For the essay by Stanley Milgram, your citation in your references list would include the following information:

Milgram, S. (1974). The perils of obedience. In L.G. Kirszner & S.R. Mandell (Eds.), The Blair reader (pp.725-737).

When and how to paraphrase

When you paraphrase from a source, you restate the source's ideas in your own words. Whereas a summary provides your readers with a condensed overview of a source (or part of a source), a paraphrase of a source offers your readers the same level of detail provided in the original source. Therefore, while a summary will be shorter than the original source material, a paraphrase will generally be about the same length as the original source material.

When you use any part of a source in your paper—as background information, as evidence, as a counterargument to which you plan to respond, or in any other form—you will always need to decide whether to quote directly from the source or to paraphrase it. Unless you have a good reason to quote directly from the source , you should paraphrase the source. Any time you paraphrase an author's words and ideas in your paper, you should make it clear to your reader why you are presenting this particular material from a source at this point in your paper. You should also make sure you have represented the author accurately, that you have used your own words consistently, and that you have cited the source.

This paraphrase below restates one of Milgram's points in the author's own words. When you paraphrase, you should always cite the source. This paraphrase uses the APA in-text citation style. Every source you paraphrase should also be included in your list of references at the end of your paper. For citation format information go to the Citing Sources section of this guide.

Source material

The problem of obedience is not wholly psychological. The form and shape of society and the way it is developing have much to do with it. There was a time, perhaps, when people were able to give a fully human response to any situation because they were fully absorbed in it as human beings. But as soon as there was a division of labor things changed.

--Stanley Milgram, "The Perils of Obedience," p.737.

Milgram, S. (1974). The perils of obedience. In L.G. Kirszner & S.R. Mandell (Eds.), The Blair reader (pp.725-737). Prentice Hall.

Milgram (1974) claims that people's willingness to obey authority figures cannot be explained by psychological factors alone. In an earlier era, people may have had the ability to invest in social situations to a greater extent. However, as society has become increasingly structured by a division of labor, people have become more alienated from situations over which they do not have control (p.737).

When and how much to quote

The basic rule in all disciplines is that you should only quote directly from a text when it's important for your reader to see the actual language used by the author of the source. While paraphrase and summary are effective ways to introduce your reader to someone's ideas, quoting directly from a text allows you to introduce your reader to the way those ideas are expressed by showing such details as language, syntax, and cadence.

So, for example, it may be important for a reader to see a passage of text quoted directly from Tim O'Brien's The Things They Carried if you plan to analyze the language of that passage in order to support your thesis about the book. On the other hand, if you're writing a paper in which you're making a claim about the reading habits of American elementary school students or reviewing the current research on Wilson's disease, the information you’re providing from sources will often be more important than the exact words. In those cases, you should paraphrase rather than quoting directly. Whether you quote from your source or paraphrase it, be sure to provide a citation for your source, using the correct format. (see Citing Sources section)

You should use quotations in the following situations:

  • When you plan to discuss the actual language of a text.
  • When you are discussing an author's position or theory, and you plan to discuss the wording of a core assertion or kernel of the argument in your paper.
  • When you risk losing the essence of the author's ideas in the translation from their words to your own.
  • When you want to appeal to the authority of the author and using their words will emphasize that authority.

Once you have decided to quote part of a text, you'll need to decide whether you are going to quote a long passage (a block quotation) or a short passage (a sentence or two within the text of your essay). Unless you are planning to do something substantive with a long quotation—to analyze the language in detail or otherwise break it down—you should not use block quotations in your essay. While long quotations will stretch your page limit, they don't add anything to your argument unless you also spend time discussing them in a way that illuminates a point you're making. Unless you are giving your readers something they need to appreciate your argument, you should use quotations sparingly.

When you quote from a source, you should make sure to cite the source either with an in-text citation or a note, depending on which citation style you are using.  The passage below, drawn from O’Brien’s  The Things They Carried , uses an MLA-style citation.

On the morning after Ted Lavender died, First Lieutenant Jimmy Cross crouched at the bottom of his foxhole and burned Martha's letters. Then he burned the two photographs. There was a steady rain falling, which made it difficult, but he used heat tabs and Sterno to build a small fire, screening it with his body holding the photographs over the tight blue flame with the tip of his fingers.

He realized it was only a gesture. Stupid, he thought. Sentimental, too, but mostly just stupid. (23)

O'Brien, Tim. The Things They Carried . New York: Broadway Books, 1990.

Even as Jimmy Cross burns Martha's letters, he realizes that "it was only a gesture. Stupid, he thought. Sentimental too, but mostly just stupid" (23).

If you were writing a paper about O'Brien's The Things They Carried in which you analyzed Cross's decision to burn Martha's letters and stop thinking about her, you might want your reader to see the language O'Brien uses to illustrate Cross's inner conflict. If you were planning to analyze the passage in which O'Brien calls Cross's realization stupid, sentimental, and then stupid again, you would want your reader to see the original language.

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APA Citation Guide (7th edition): Quotes vs Paraphrases

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  • Quotes vs Paraphrases
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What's the Difference?

Quoting vs paraphrasing: what's the difference.

There are two ways to integrate sources into your assignment: quoting directly or paraphrasing.

Quoting  is copying a selection from someone else's work, phrasing it exactly as it was originally written. When quoting place quotation marks (" ") around the selected passage to show where the quote begins and where it ends. Make sure to include an in-text citation. 

Paraphrasing  is used to show that you understand what the author wrote. You must reword the passage, expressing the ideas in your own words, and not just change a few words here and there. Make sure to also include an in-text citation. 

Quoting Example

There are two basic formats that can be used:

Parenthetical Style:

Narrative Style:

Quoting Tips

  • Long Quotes
  • Changing Quotes

What Is a Long Quotation?

A quotation of more than 40 words. 

Rules for Long Quotations

There are 4 rules that apply to long quotations that are different from regular quotations:

  • The line before your long quotation, when you're introducing the quote, usually ends with a colon.
  • The long quotation is indented half an inch from the rest of the text, so it looks like a block of text.
  • There are no quotation marks around the quotation.
  • The period at the end of the quotation comes before your in-text citation as opposed to after, as it does with regular quotations.

Example of a Long Quotation

At the end of Lord of the Flies the boys are struck with the realization of their behaviour:

The tears began to flow and sobs shook him. He gave himself up to them now for the first time on the island; great, shuddering spasms of grief that seemed to wrench his whole body. His voice rose under the black smoke before the burning wreckage of the island; and infected by that emotion, the other little boys began to shake and sob too. (Golding, 1960, p.186)

Changing Quotations

Sometimes you may want to make some modifications to the quote to fit your writing. Here are some APA rules when changing quotes:

Incorrect spelling, grammar, and punctuation

Add the word [sic] after the error in the quotation to let your reader know the error was in the original source and is not your error.

Omitting parts of a quotation

If you would like to exclude some words from a quotation, replace the words you are not including with an ellipsis - ...

Adding words to a quote

If you are adding words that are not part of the original quote, enclose the additional words in square brackets - [XYZ]

Secondary Source Quotes

What is a secondary source.

In scholarly work, a primary source reports original content; a secondary source refers to content first reported in another source.

  • Cite secondary sources sparingly—for instance, when the original work is out of print, unavailable, or available only in a language that you do not understand.
  • If possible, as a matter of good scholarly practice, find the primary source, read it, and cite it directly rather than citing a secondary source.

Rules for Secondary Source Citations

  • In the reference list, provide an entry only for the secondary source that you used.
  • In the text, identify the primary source and write “as cited in” the secondary source that you used. 
  • If the year of publication of the primary source is known, also include it in the in-text citation.

Example of a Secondary Source Use

Quote & In-Text Citation

Reference List Entry


Paraphrasing example.

When you write information from a source in your own words, cite the source by adding an in-text citation at the end of the paraphrased portion as follows:

If you refer to the author's name in a sentence you do not have to include the name again as part of your in-text citation, instead include the year of publication following his/her name:

NOTE : Although not required, APA encourages including the page number when paraphrasing if it will help the reader locate the information in a long text and distinguish between the information that is coming from you and the source.

Paraphrasing Tips

  • Long Paraphrases

Original Source

Homeless individuals commonly come from families who are riddled with problems and marital disharmony, and are alienated from their parents. They have often been physically and even sexually abused, have relocated frequently, and many of them may be asked to leave home or are actually thrown out, or alternatively are placed in group homes or in foster care. They often have no one to care for them and no one knows them intimately.

Source from: 

Rokach, A. (2005). The causes of loneliness in homeless youth. The Journal of Psychology, 139, 469-480. 

Example: Incorrect Paraphrasing

Example: correct paraphrasing.

If your paraphrase is longer than one sentence, provide an in-text citation for the source at the beginning of the paraphrase. As long as it's clear that the paraphrase continues to the following sentences, you don't have to include in-text citations for the following sentences.

If your paraphrase continues to another paragraph and/or you include paraphrases from other sources within the paragraph, repeat the in-text citations for each.

Additional Resource

  • Paraphrasing (The Learning Portal)

Tip sheet on paraphrasing information

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  • Last Updated: Jul 30, 2024 4:42 PM
  • URL: https://simmons.libguides.com/apa

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APA Style: Basics

This is a top resource--highly recommended!

Citations for Paraphrased Sources

If you paraphrase a source you need to include an in-text citation for that source using either the narrative or parenthetical citation formats. Unsure how to paraphrase? Check out the video below from Academic Support.

Page Numbers

Page numbers are not required, but you can include them.

Page Number Format
Number of Pages Format Narrative Citation Example Parenthetical Citation Example
Single page number p. 43 Thompson (2014) believes that..... (p. 23). (Thompson, 2014, p. 25)
Page range pp. 29-32 Thompson (2014) believes that..... (pp. 11-17). (Thompson, 2014, pp. 19-21)
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American Psychological Association

In-Text Citations

In scholarly writing, it is essential to acknowledge how others contributed to your work. By following the principles of proper citation, writers ensure that readers understand their contribution in the context of the existing literature—how they are building on, critically examining, or otherwise engaging the work that has come before.

APA Style provides guidelines to help writers determine the appropriate level of citation and how to avoid plagiarism and self-plagiarism.

We also provide specific guidance for in-text citation, including formats for interviews, classroom and intranet sources, and personal communications; in-text citations in general; and paraphrases and direct quotations.

paraphrasing and citing

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APA Citation Guide (APA 7th Edition): Quoting vs. Paraphrasing

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  • When Creating Digital Assignments
  • When Information Is Missing
  • Works Quoted in Another Source (Indirect Sources)
  • Quoting vs. Paraphrasing
  • Avoiding Plagiarism This link opens in a new window

Quoting vs Paraphrasing

Quoting vs paraphrasing: what's the difference.

There are two ways to integrate sources into your assignment: quoting directly or paraphrasing.

Quoting  is copying a selection from someone else's work, phrasing it exactly as it was originally written. When quoting place quotation marks (" ") around the selected passage to show where the quote begins and where it ends. Make sure to include an in-text citation. 

Paraphrasing  is used to show that you understand what the author wrote. You must reword the passage, expressing the ideas in your own words, and not just change a few words here and there. Make sure to also include an in-text citation. 

  • Long quotations
  • Modifying quotations

Quoting - Examples

There are two basic formats that can be used when quoting a source:  

Parenthetical Style

Narrative style, what is a long quotation.

A quotation of more than 40 words. Long quotations are formatted as blocks of texts called block quotations.

Rules for Block Quotations

There are 4 rules that apply to block quotations that are different from regular quotations:

  • The line before your block quotation, when you're introducing the quote, usually ends with a colon.
  • The block quotation is indented half an inch from the rest of the text, so it looks like a block of text.
  • There are no quotation marks around the quotation.
  • The period at the end of the quotation comes before your in-text citation as opposed to after , as it does with regular quotations.

Example of a Block Quotation

At the end of Lord of the Flies the boys are struck with the realization of their behaviour:

The tears began to flow and sobs shook him. He gave himself up to them now for the first time on the island; great, shuddering spasms of grief that seemed to wrench his whole body. His voice rose under the black smoke before the burning wreckage of the island; and infected by that emotion, the other little boys began to shake and sob too. (Golding, 1960, p.186)

Modifying Quotations

Sometimes you may want to make some modifications to the quote to fit your writing. Here are some APA rules when changing quotes:

Incorrect spelling, grammar, and punctuation

  • Add the word [sic] after the error in the quotation to let your reader know the error was in the original source and is not your error.

Omitting parts of a quotation

  • If you would like to exclude some words from a quotation, replace the words you are not including with an ellipsis - ...

Adding words to a quote

  • If you are adding words that are not part of the original quote, enclose the additional words in square brackets - [XYZ]

Additional Resource

Additional resource:.

  • Using Quotations (The Learning Portal) Tip sheet on how and when to use quotations


  • Correct vs. incorrect paraphrasing
  • Long paraphrases

Paraphrasing - Examples

When you write information from a source in your own words, cite the source by adding an in-text citation at the end of the paraphrased portion as follows:

If you refer to the author's name in a sentence you do not have to include the name again as part of your in-text citation, instead include the year of publication following their name:

  Note: Although not required, APA encourages including the page number(s) when paraphrasing long or complex sources, such as books, so that the reader can easily refer to the paraphrased information in your source. Always clarify with your instructor about their preference regarding page numbers in paraphrase in-text citations.

Correct vs. Incorrect Paraphrasing

Original Source

Homeless individuals commonly come from families who are riddled with problems and marital disharmony, and are alienated from their parents. They have often been physically and even sexually abused, have relocated frequently, and many of them may be asked to leave home or are actually thrown out, or alternatively are placed in group homes or in foster care. They often have no one to care for them and no one knows them intimately.

Source from: 

Rokach, A. (2005). The causes of loneliness in homeless youth. The Journal of Psychology , 139, 469-480.  

Example of Incorrect Paraphrasing:

Example of Correct Paraphrasing:

Long Paraphrases

If your paraphrase is longer than one sentence, provide an in-text citation for the source at the beginning of the paraphrase. As long as it's clear that the paraphrase continues to the following sentences, you don't have to include in-text citations for the following sentences.

If your paraphrase continues to another paragraph and/or you include paraphrases from other sources within the paragraph, repeat the in-text citations for each.

  • Paraphrasing (The Learning Portal) Tip sheet on paraphrasing information

In-text Citation Tips

  • Citing after each sentence
  • Sources with same author and publication year
  • Citing more than one source

Citing only once at the end of the paragraph isn't enough, as it doesn't clearly show where you started using information from another person's work or ideas. When you use a source more than once in a paragraph, you need to cite the source the first time it is mentioned, and then continue to make it clear that the same work is being paraphrased in subsequent sentences. 

This can be tricky though - you want your paper or assignment to flow nicely while properly citing your sources. There is a way you can avoid having to write full in-text citations each and every time by adding a lead-in sentence to your paragraph, "narrative" style.

  Bad (Do not do this).  In this paragraph, the citation occurs only at the end and reader does not know exactly when/where information comes from the source: 

  Correct but ugly.  This paragraph is technically correct for APA, but it is difficult to read in large part because the in-text citations are intrusive and awkward:

  Good.  These paragraphs are "APA correct" and easy to read. Note the reader knows exactly when/where information from the source is used:

Note: The above examples are adapted  from Rasmussen College .

When you are citing two different sources that share the same author and year of publication, assign lowercase letters after the year of publication (a, b, c, etc.). Assign these letters according to which title comes first alphabetically. Use these letters in both in-text citations and the Reference list.

Example In-Text:

Example Reference List entries:

If you would like to cite more than one source within the same in-text citation, simply record the in-text citations as normal and separate them with a semi-colon. List the sources alphabetically by author's last name or first word used from the title if no author is given, in the same order they would appear on the References List.

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APA Citation Guide (7th edition) : Paraphrasing

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On This Page

Paraphrasing examples.

  • In-Text Citation for More Than One Author

In-Text Citation for Group or Corporate Authors

No author and/or no date.

When you write information from a source in your own words, cite the source by adding an in-text citation at the end of the paraphrased portion as follows:

Mother-infant attachment became a leading topic of developmental research following the publication of John Bowlby's studies (Hunt, 1993).

Note : If you refer to the author's name in a sentence you do not have to include the name again as part of your in-text citation, instead include the year of publication following his/her name:

Hunt (1993) noted that mother-infant attachment became a leading topic of developmental research after the publication of John Bowlby's studies.

Original Source

Homeless individuals commonly come from families who are riddled with problems and marital disharmony, and are alienated from their parents. They have often been physically and even sexually abused, have relocated frequently, and many of them may be asked to leave home or are actually thrown out, or alternatively are placed in group homes or in foster care. They often have no one to care for them and no one knows them intimately.

Source from: 

Rokach, A. (2005). The causes of loneliness in homeless youth. The Journal of Psychology , 139, 469-480. 

Example: Incorrect Paraphrasing

The homeless come from families with problems. Frequently, they have been physically or sexually abused, or have lived in group homes. Usually no one cares for them or knows them intimately (Rokach, 2005). 

Note : In this incorrect example the writing is too similar to the original source. The student only changed or removed a few words and has not phrased the ideas in a new way. 

Example: Correct Paraphrasing

Many homeless experience isolation in part due to suffering from abuse or neglect during their childhood (Rokach, 2005).

Note : The example keeps the idea of the original writing but phrases it in a new way.

In-Text Citation For Two or More Authors/Editors

Number of Authors/Editors First Time Paraphrased Second and Subsequent Times Paraphrased First Time Quoting Second and Subsequent Times Quoting

(Case & Daristotle, 2011)

(Case & Daristotle, 2011)

(Case & Daristotle, 2011, p. 57) (Case & Daristotle, 2011, p. 57)
Three or more (Case et al., 2011) (Case et al., 2011) (Case et al., 2011, p. 57) (Case et al., 2011, p. 57)
Type of Group First Time Paraphrased Second and Subsequent Times Paraphrased First Time Quoting Second and Subsequent Times Quoting
Groups readily identified through abbreviations

National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH, 2003)

(NIMH, 2003)

National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH, 2003, p. 5) (NIMH, 2003, p. 5)
Groups with no abbreviations (University of Pittsburgh, 2005) (University of Pittsburgh, 2005) (University of Pittsburgh, 2005, p. 2) (University of Pittsburgh, 2005, p. 2)

No Known Author:

Note that in most cases where a personal author is not named, a group author may be cited instead (eg. Statistics Canada). However, in certain cases, such as religious ancient texts, the author is unknown. Where you'd normally put the author's last name, instead use the first one, two, or three words from the title. Don't count initial articles like "A", "An" or "The". You should provide enough words to make it clear which work you're referring to from your References List.

If the title in the References list is in italics, italicize the words from the title in the in-text citation.

If you are citing an article, a chapter of a book or a page from a website, put the words in double quotation marks.

Capitalize the titles using title case (every major word is capitalized) even if the reference list entry uses sentence case (only first word is capitalized).

( Cell Biology , 2012, p. 157)

("Nursing," 2011, p. 9)

No Known Date of Publication :

Where you'd normally put the year of publication, instead use the letters "n.d.".

(Smith, n.d., p. 200)

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  • Last Updated: Apr 15, 2024 11:26 AM
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  • References - Citing Websites, Fact Sheets, & Clinical Guidelines

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In APA, in-text citations are inserted in the body of your research paper to briefly document the source of your information. Brief in-text citations point the reader to more complete information in the reference list at the end of the paper.

  • In-text citations include the last name of the author followed by a comma and the publication year enclosed in parentheses: (Smith, 2007).
  • If you are quoting directly the page number should be included, if given. If you are paraphrasing the page number is not required.
  • If the author's name is not given, then use the first word or words of the title. Follow the same formatting that was used in the title, such as italics: ( Naturopathic , 2007).

Signal Phrase

If you refer to the author's name in a sentence you do not have to include the name again as part of your in-text citation. Instead include the date after the name and the page number (if there is one) at the end of the quotation or paraphrased section. For example:

Hunt (2011) explains that mother-infant attachment has been a leading topic of developmental research since John Bowlby found that "children raised in institutions were deficient in emotional and personality development" (p. 358).

There are two ways to integrate others' research into your assignment: you can paraphrase or you can quote.

Paraphrasing  is used to show that you understand what the author wrote. You must reword the passage, expressing the ideas in your own words, and not just change a few words here and there. Make sure to also include an in-text citation.

Quoting  is copying a selection from someone else's work, phrasing it exactly it was originally written. When quoting place quotation marks (" ") around the selected passage to show where the quote begins and where it ends. Make sure to include an in-text citation.

Number of Authors/Editors First Time Paraphrased Second and Subsequent Times Paraphrased First Time Quoting Second and Subsequent Times Quoting

(Case & Daristotle, 2011)

(Case & Daristotle, 2011)

(Case & Daristotle, 2011, p. 57) (Case & Daristotle, 2011, p. 57)
Three or more (Case et al., 2011) (Case et al., 2011) (Case et al., 2011, p. 57) (Case et al., 2011, p. 57)

I f you would like to cite more than one source within the same in-text citation, simply record the in-text citations as normal and separate them with a semi-colon. List the sources alphabetically by author's last name or first word used from the title if no author is given, in the same order they would appear on the References List.

(Bennett, 2015; Smith, 2014). 

( Brock, 2016;  "It Takes Two,"  2015).

When you are citing two different sources that share the same author and year of publication, assign lowercase letters after the year of publication (a, b, c, etc.). Assign these letters according to which title comes first alphabetically. Use these letters in both in-text citations and the Reference list.

Example In-Text :

Paraphrasing content from first source by this author (Daristotle, 2015a). "Now I am quoting from the second source by the same author" (Daristotle, 2015b, p. 50).

Example Reference List entries:

Daristotle, J. (2015a). Name of book used as first source . Toronto, ON: Fancy Publisher.

Daristotle, J. (2015b). Title of book used as second source . Toronto, ON: Very Fancy Publisher.

Sometimes an author of a book, article or website will mention another person’s work by using a quotation or paraphrased idea from that source. The work that is mentioned in the article you are reading is called the primary source. The article you are reading is called the secondary source.

For example, suppose you are reading an article by Brown (2014) that cites information from an article by Snow (1982) that you would like to include in your essay. For the reference list, you will only make a citation for the secondary source (Brown). You do not put in a citation for the primary source (Snow) in the reference list. For the in-text citation, you identify the primary source (Snow) and then write "as cited in" the secondary source (Brown). If you know the year of the publication of the primary source, include it in the in-text citation. Otherwise, you can omit it. See below for examples.

Examples of in-text citations:

According to a study by Snow (1982, as cited in Brown, 2014), 75% of students believe that teachers should not assign nightly homework.

Note: If you don't have the publication date of Snow's article, you just omit it like this: According to a study by Snow (as cited in Brown, 2014), 75% of students believe that teachers should not assign nightly homework.

In fact, 75% of students believe that teachers should not assign nightly homework (Snow, 1982, as cited in Brown, 2014).

Snow (1982, as cited in Brown, 2014) concluded that "nightly homework is a great stressor for many students" (p.34).

Example of Reference list citation:

Brown, S. (2014). Trends in homework assignments.  Journal of Secondary Studies ,  12(3) , 29-38. http://doi.org/fsfsbit

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Quoting, Paraphrasing, and Summarizing

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This handout is intended to help you become more comfortable with the uses of and distinctions among quotations, paraphrases, and summaries. This handout compares and contrasts the three terms, gives some pointers, and includes a short excerpt that you can use to practice these skills.

What are the differences among quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing?

These three ways of incorporating other writers' work into your own writing differ according to the closeness of your writing to the source writing.

Quotations must be identical to the original, using a narrow segment of the source. They must match the source document word for word and must be attributed to the original author.

Paraphrasing involves putting a passage from source material into your own words. A paraphrase must also be attributed to the original source. Paraphrased material is usually shorter than the original passage, taking a somewhat broader segment of the source and condensing it slightly.

Summarizing involves putting the main idea(s) into your own words, including only the main point(s). Once again, it is necessary to attribute summarized ideas to the original source. Summaries are significantly shorter than the original and take a broad overview of the source material.

Why use quotations, paraphrases, and summaries?

Quotations, paraphrases, and summaries serve many purposes. You might use them to:

  • Provide support for claims or add credibility to your writing
  • Refer to work that leads up to the work you are now doing
  • Give examples of several points of view on a subject
  • Call attention to a position that you wish to agree or disagree with
  • Highlight a particularly striking phrase, sentence, or passage by quoting the original
  • Distance yourself from the original by quoting it in order to cue readers that the words are not your own
  • Expand the breadth or depth of your writing

Writers frequently intertwine summaries, paraphrases, and quotations. As part of a summary of an article, a chapter, or a book, a writer might include paraphrases of various key points blended with quotations of striking or suggestive phrases as in the following example:

In his famous and influential work The Interpretation of Dreams , Sigmund Freud argues that dreams are the "royal road to the unconscious" (page #), expressing in coded imagery the dreamer's unfulfilled wishes through a process known as the "dream-work" (page #). According to Freud, actual but unacceptable desires are censored internally and subjected to coding through layers of condensation and displacement before emerging in a kind of rebus puzzle in the dream itself (page #).

How to use quotations, paraphrases, and summaries

Practice summarizing the essay found here , using paraphrases and quotations as you go. It might be helpful to follow these steps:

  • Read the entire text, noting the key points and main ideas.
  • Summarize in your own words what the single main idea of the essay is.
  • Paraphrase important supporting points that come up in the essay.
  • Consider any words, phrases, or brief passages that you believe should be quoted directly.

There are several ways to integrate quotations into your text. Often, a short quotation works well when integrated into a sentence. Longer quotations can stand alone. Remember that quoting should be done only sparingly; be sure that you have a good reason to include a direct quotation when you decide to do so. You'll find guidelines for citing sources and punctuating citations at our documentation guide pages.

Quoting and Paraphrasing

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College writing often involves integrating information from published sources into your own writing in order to add credibility and authority–this process is essential to research and the production of new knowledge.

However, when building on the work of others, you need to be careful not to plagiarize : “to steal and pass off (the ideas and words of another) as one’s own” or to “present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source.”1 The University of Wisconsin–Madison takes this act of “intellectual burglary” very seriously and considers it to be a breach of academic integrity . Penalties are severe.

These materials will help you avoid plagiarism by teaching you how to properly integrate information from published sources into your own writing.

1. Merriam Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, 10th ed. (Springfield, MA: Merriam-Webster, 1993), 888.

How to avoid plagiarism

When using sources in your papers, you can avoid plagiarism by knowing what must be documented.

Specific words and phrases

If you use an author’s specific word or words, you must place those words within quotation marks and you must credit the source.

Information and Ideas

Even if you use your own words, if you obtained the information or ideas you are presenting from a source, you must document the source.

Information : If a piece of information isn’t common knowledge (see below), you need to provide a source.

Ideas : An author’s ideas may include not only points made and conclusions drawn, but, for instance, a specific method or theory, the arrangement of material, or a list of steps in a process or characteristics of a medical condition. If a source provided any of these, you need to acknowledge the source.

Common Knowledge?

You do not need to cite a source for material considered common knowledge:

General common knowledge is factual information considered to be in the public domain, such as birth and death dates of well-known figures, and generally accepted dates of military, political, literary, and other historical events. In general, factual information contained in multiple standard reference works can usually be considered to be in the public domain.

Field-specific common knowledge is “common” only within a particular field or specialty. It may include facts, theories, or methods that are familiar to readers within that discipline. For instance, you may not need to cite a reference to Piaget’s developmental stages in a paper for an education class or give a source for your description of a commonly used method in a biology report—but you must be sure that this information is so widely known within that field that it will be shared by your readers.

If in doubt, be cautious and cite the source. And in the case of both general and field-specific common knowledge, if you use the exact words of the reference source, you must use quotation marks and credit the source.

Paraphrasing vs. Quoting — Explanation

Should i paraphrase or quote.

In general, use direct quotations only if you have a good reason. Most of your paper should be in your own words. Also, it’s often conventional to quote more extensively from sources when you’re writing a humanities paper, and to summarize from sources when you’re writing in the social or natural sciences–but there are always exceptions.

In a literary analysis paper , for example, you”ll want to quote from the literary text rather than summarize, because part of your task in this kind of paper is to analyze the specific words and phrases an author uses.

In research papers , you should quote from a source

  • to show that an authority supports your point
  • to present a position or argument to critique or comment on
  • to include especially moving or historically significant language
  • to present a particularly well-stated passage whose meaning would be lost or changed if paraphrased or summarized

You should summarize or paraphrase when

  • what you want from the source is the idea expressed, and not the specific language used to express it
  • you can express in fewer words what the key point of a source is

How to paraphrase a source

General advice.

  • When reading a passage, try first to understand it as a whole, rather than pausing to write down specific ideas or phrases.
  • Be selective. Unless your assignment is to do a formal or “literal” paraphrase, you usually don?t need to paraphrase an entire passage; instead, choose and summarize the material that helps you make a point in your paper.
  • Think of what “your own words” would be if you were telling someone who’s unfamiliar with your subject (your mother, your brother, a friend) what the original source said.
  • Remember that you can use direct quotations of phrases from the original within your paraphrase, and that you don’t need to change or put quotation marks around shared language.

Methods of Paraphrasing

  • Look away from the source then write. Read the text you want to paraphrase several times until you feel that you understand it and can use your own words to restate it to someone else. Then, look away from the original and rewrite the text in your own words.
  • Take notes. Take abbreviated notes; set the notes aside; then paraphrase from the notes a day or so later, or when you draft.

If you find that you can’t do A or B, this may mean that you don’t understand the passage completely or that you need to use a more structured process until you have more experience in paraphrasing.

The method below is not only a way to create a paraphrase but also a way to understand a difficult text.

Paraphrasing difficult texts

Consider the following passage from Love and Toil (a book on motherhood in London from 1870 to 1918), in which the author, Ellen Ross, puts forth one of her major arguments:

  • Love and Toil maintains that family survival was the mother’s main charge among the large majority of London?s population who were poor or working class; the emotional and intellectual nurture of her child or children and even their actual comfort were forced into the background. To mother was to work for and organize household subsistence. (p. 9)
Children of the poor at the turn of the century received little if any emotional or intellectual nurturing from their mothers, whose main charge was family survival. Working for and organizing household subsistence were what defined mothering. Next to this, even the children’s basic comfort was forced into the background (Ross, 1995).
According to Ross (1993), poor children at the turn of the century received little mothering in our sense of the term. Mothering was defined by economic status, and among the poor, a mother’s foremost responsibility was not to stimulate her children’s minds or foster their emotional growth but to provide food and shelter to meet the basic requirements for physical survival. Given the magnitude of this task, children were deprived of even the “actual comfort” (p. 9) we expect mothers to provide today.

You may need to go through this process several times to create a satisfactory paraphrase.

Successful vs. unsuccessful paraphrases

Paraphrasing is often defined as putting a passage from an author into “your own words.” But what are your own words? How different must your paraphrase be from the original?

The paragraphs below provide an example by showing a passage as it appears in the source, two paraphrases that follow the source too closely, and a legitimate paraphrase.

The student’s intention was to incorporate the material in the original passage into a section of a paper on the concept of “experts” that compared the functions of experts and nonexperts in several professions.

The Passage as It Appears in the Source

Critical care nurses function in a hierarchy of roles. In this open heart surgery unit, the nurse manager hires and fires the nursing personnel. The nurse manager does not directly care for patients but follows the progress of unusual or long-term patients. On each shift a nurse assumes the role of resource nurse. This person oversees the hour-by-hour functioning of the unit as a whole, such as considering expected admissions and discharges of patients, ascertaining that beds are available for patients in the operating room, and covering sick calls. Resource nurses also take a patient assignment. They are the most experienced of all the staff nurses. The nurse clinician has a separate job description and provides for quality of care by orienting new staff, developing unit policies, and providing direct support where needed, such as assisting in emergency situations. The clinical nurse specialist in this unit is mostly involved with formal teaching in orienting new staff. The nurse manager, nurse clinician, and clinical nurse specialist are the designated experts. They do not take patient assignments. The resource nurse is seen as both a caregiver and a resource to other caregivers. . . . Staff nurses have a hierarchy of seniority. . . . Staff nurses are assigned to patients to provide all their nursing care. (Chase, 1995, p. 156)

Word-for-Word Plagiarism

Critical care nurses have a hierarchy of roles. The nurse manager hires and fires nurses. S/he does not directly care for patients but does follow unusual or long-term cases. On each shift a resource nurse attends to the functioning of the unit as a whole, such as making sure beds are available in the operating room , and also has a patient assignment . The nurse clinician orients new staff, develops policies, and provides support where needed . The clinical nurse specialist also orients new staff, mostly by formal teaching. The nurse manager, nurse clinician, and clinical nurse specialist , as the designated experts, do not take patient assignments . The resource nurse is not only a caregiver but a resource to the other caregivers . Within the staff nurses there is also a hierarchy of seniority . Their job is to give assigned patients all their nursing care .

Why this is plagiarism

Notice that the writer has not only “borrowed” Chase’s material (the results of her research) with no acknowledgment, but has also largely maintained the author’s method of expression and sentence structure. The phrases in red are directly copied from the source or changed only slightly in form.

Even if the student-writer had acknowledged Chase as the source of the content, the language of the passage would be considered plagiarized because no quotation marks indicate the phrases that come directly from Chase. And if quotation marks did appear around all these phrases, this paragraph would be so cluttered that it would be unreadable.

A Patchwork Paraphrase

Chase (1995) describes how nurses in a critical care unit function in a hierarchy that places designated experts at the top and the least senior staff nurses at the bottom. The experts — the nurse manager, nurse clinician, and clinical nurse specialist — are not involved directly in patient care. The staff nurses, in contrast, are assigned to patients and provide all their nursing care . Within the staff nurses is a hierarchy of seniority in which the most senior can become resource nurses: they are assigned a patient but also serve as a resource to other caregivers. The experts have administrative and teaching tasks such as selecting and orienting new staff, developing unit policies , and giving hands-on support where needed.

This paraphrase is a patchwork composed of pieces in the original author’s language (in red) and pieces in the student-writer’s words, all rearranged into a new pattern, but with none of the borrowed pieces in quotation marks. Thus, even though the writer acknowledges the source of the material, the underlined phrases are falsely presented as the student’s own.

A Legitimate Paraphrase

In her study of the roles of nurses in a critical care unit, Chase (1995) also found a hierarchy that distinguished the roles of experts and others. Just as the educational experts described above do not directly teach students, the experts in this unit do not directly attend to patients. That is the role of the staff nurses, who, like teachers, have their own “hierarchy of seniority” (p. 156). The roles of the experts include employing unit nurses and overseeing the care of special patients (nurse manager), teaching and otherwise integrating new personnel into the unit (clinical nurse specialist and nurse clinician), and policy-making (nurse clinician). In an intermediate position in the hierarchy is the resource nurse, a staff nurse with more experience than the others, who assumes direct care of patients as the other staff nurses do, but also takes on tasks to ensure the smooth operation of the entire facility.

Why this is a good paraphrase

The writer has documented Chase’s material and specific language (by direct reference to the author and by quotation marks around language taken directly from the source). Notice too that the writer has modified Chase’s language and structure and has added material to fit the new context and purpose — to present the distinctive functions of experts and nonexperts in several professions.

Shared Language

Perhaps you’ve noticed that a number of phrases from the original passage appear in the legitimate paraphrase: critical care, staff nurses, nurse manager, clinical nurse specialist, nurse clinician, resource nurse.

If all these phrases were in red, the paraphrase would look much like the “patchwork” example. The difference is that the phrases in the legitimate paraphrase are all precise, economical, and conventional designations that are part of the shared language within the nursing discipline (in the too-close paraphrases, they’re red only when used within a longer borrowed phrase).

In every discipline and in certain genres (such as the empirical research report), some phrases are so specialized or conventional that you can’t paraphrase them except by wordy and awkward circumlocutions that would be less familiar (and thus less readable) to the audience.

When you repeat such phrases, you’re not stealing the unique phrasing of an individual writer but using a common vocabulary shared by a community of scholars.

Some Examples of Shared Language You Don’t Need to Put in Quotation Marks

  • Conventional designations: e.g., physician’s assistant, chronic low-back pain
  • Preferred bias-free language: e.g., persons with disabilities
  • Technical terms and phrases of a discipline or genre : e.g., reduplication, cognitive domain, material culture, sexual harassment
Chase, S. K. (1995). The social context of critical care clinical judgment. Heart and Lung, 24, 154-162.

How to Quote a Source

Introducing a quotation.

One of your jobs as a writer is to guide your reader through your text. Don’t simply drop quotations into your paper and leave it to the reader to make connections.

Integrating a quotation into your text usually involves two elements:

  • A signal that a quotation is coming–generally the author’s name and/or a reference to the work
  • An assertion that indicates the relationship of the quotation to your text

Often both the signal and the assertion appear in a single introductory statement, as in the example below. Notice how a transitional phrase also serves to connect the quotation smoothly to the introductory statement.

Ross (1993), in her study of poor and working-class mothers in London from 1870-1918 [signal], makes it clear that economic status to a large extent determined the meaning of motherhood [assertion]. Among this population [connection], “To mother was to work for and organize household subsistence” (p. 9).

The signal can also come after the assertion, again with a connecting word or phrase:

Illness was rarely a routine matter in the nineteenth century [assertion]. As [connection] Ross observes [signal], “Maternal thinking about children’s health revolved around the possibility of a child’s maiming or death” (p. 166).

Formatting Quotations

Short direct prose.

Incorporate short direct prose quotations into the text of your paper and enclose them in double quotation marks:

According to Jonathan Clarke, “Professional diplomats often say that trying to think diplomatically about foreign policy is a waste of time.”

Longer prose quotations

Begin longer quotations (for instance, in the APA system, 40 words or more) on a new line and indent the entire quotation (i.e., put in block form), with no quotation marks at beginning or end, as in the quoted passage from our Successful vs. Unsucessful Paraphrases page.

Rules about the minimum length of block quotations, how many spaces to indent, and whether to single- or double-space extended quotations vary with different documentation systems; check the guidelines for the system you’re using.

Quotation of Up to 3 Lines of Poetry

Quotations of up to 3 lines of poetry should be integrated into your sentence. For example:

In Julius Caesar, Antony begins his famous speech with “Friends, Romans, Countrymen, lend me your ears; / I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him” (III.ii.75-76).

Notice that a slash (/) with a space on either side is used to separate lines.

Quotation of More than 3 Lines of Poetry

More than 3 lines of poetry should be indented. As with any extended (indented) quotation, do not use quotation marks unless you need to indicate a quotation within your quotation.

Punctuating with Quotation Marks

Parenthetical citations.

With short quotations, place citations outside of closing quotation marks, followed by sentence punctuation (period, question mark, comma, semi-colon, colon):

Menand (2002) characterizes language as “a social weapon” (p. 115).

With block quotations, check the guidelines for the documentation system you are using.

Commas and periods

Place inside closing quotation marks when no parenthetical citation follows:

Hertzberg (2002) notes that “treating the Constitution as imperfect is not new,” but because of Dahl’s credentials, his “apostasy merits attention” (p. 85).

Semicolons and colons

Place outside of closing quotation marks (or after a parenthetical citation).

Question marks and exclamation points

Place inside closing quotation marks if the quotation is a question/exclamation:

Menand (2001) acknowledges that H. W. Fowler’s Modern English Usage is “a classic of the language,” but he asks, “Is it a dead classic?” (p. 114).

[Note that a period still follows the closing parenthesis.]

Place outside of closing quotation marks if the entire sentence containing the quotation is a question or exclamation:

How many students actually read the guide to find out what is meant by “academic misconduct”?

Quotation within a quotation

Use single quotation marks for the embedded quotation:

According to Hertzberg (2002), Dahl gives the U. S. Constitution “bad marks in ‘democratic fairness’ and ‘encouraging consensus'” (p. 90).

[The phrases “democratic fairness” and “encouraging consensus” are already in quotation marks in Dahl’s sentence.]

Indicating Changes in Quotations

Quoting only a portion of the whole.

Use ellipsis points (. . .) to indicate an omission within a quotation–but not at the beginning or end unless it’s not obvious that you’re quoting only a portion of the whole.

Adding Clarification, Comment, or Correction

Within quotations, use square brackets [ ] (not parentheses) to add your own clarification, comment, or correction.

Use [sic] (meaning “so” or “thus”) to indicate that a mistake is in the source you’re quoting and is not your own.

Additional information

Information on summarizing and paraphrasing sources.

American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language (4th ed.). (2000). Retrieved January 7, 2002, from http://www.bartleby.com/61/ Bazerman, C. (1995). The informed writer: Using sources in the disciplines (5th ed). Boston: Houghton Mifflin. Leki, I. (1995). Academic writing: Exploring processes and strategies (2nd ed.) New York: St. Martin?s Press, pp. 185-211.

Leki describes the basic method presented in C, pp. 4-5.

Spatt, B. (1999). Writing from sources (5th ed.) New York: St. Martin?s Press, pp. 98-119; 364-371.

Information about specific documentation systems

The Writing Center has handouts explaining how to use many of the standard documentation systems. You may look at our general Web page on Documentation Systems, or you may check out any of the following specific Web pages.

If you’re not sure which documentation system to use, ask the course instructor who assigned your paper.

  • American Psychological Assoicaion (APA)
  • Modern Language Association (MLA)
  • Chicago/Turabian (A Footnote or Endnote System)
  • American Political Science Association (APSA)
  • Council of Science Editors (CBE)
  • Numbered References

You may also consult the following guides:

  • American Medical Association, Manual for Authors and Editors
  • Council of Science Editors, CBE style Manual
  • The Chicago Manual of Style
  • MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers
  • Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association

paraphrasing and citing

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Citations - MLA: In-Text Citations - Quotations & Paraphrasing

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  • When Creating Digital Assignments
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  • Works in a Foreign Language
  • Works Quoted in Another Source (Secondary Source)
  • In-Text Citations - Quotations & Paraphrasing
  • Formatting - Essay, Works Cited, Appendix, & Sample Paper
  • Annotated Bibliography

On This Page

  • About In-text Citations


  • In-Text Citation for One, Two, or More Authors/Editors

Unknown Author

Repeated use of sources, long quotations.

  • In-Text Citation for More Than One Source

Citing a Source that you Found in Another Source (Secondary Source)

Order of authors, physician credentials, about in-text citations.

In MLA, in-text citations are inserted in the body of your research paper to briefly document the source of your information. Brief in-text citations point the reader to the full citation on the works cited list at the end of the paper.

Create in-text citations for the following:

  • Direct quotes

If you're using information from a single source more than once in succession (i.e., no other sources referred to in between), you can use a simplified in-text citation.

Cell biology is an area of science that focuses on the structure and function of cells (Smith 15). It revolves around the idea that the cell is a "fundamental unit of life" (17). Many important scientists have contributed to the evolution of cell biology. Mattias Jakob Schleiden and Theodor Schwann, for example, were scientists who formulated cell theory in 1838 (20). 

 Note: If using this simplified in-text citation creates ambiguity regarding the source being referred to, use the full in-text citation format.

What Is a Long Quotation?

If your quotation extends to more than four lines as you're typing your essay, it is a long quotation.

Rules for Long Quotations

There are 4 rules that apply to long quotations that are different from regular quotations:

  • The line before your long quotation, when you're introducing the quote, usually ends with a colon.
  • The long quotation is indented half an inch from the rest of the text, so it looks like a block of text.
  • There are no quotation marks around the quotation.
  • The period at the end of the quotation comes  before  your in-text citation as opposed to  after , as it does with regular quotations.

Example of a Long Quotation

At the end of  Lord of the Flies  the boys are struck with the realization of their behaviour:

The tears began to flow and sobs shook him. He gave himself up to them now for the first time on the island; great, shuddering spasms of grief that seemed to wrench his whole body. His voice rose under the black smoke before the burning wreckage of the island; and infected by that emotion, the other little boys began to shake and sob too . (Golding 186)

Direct Quote  - Add an in-text citation at the end of the quote with the author name and page number:

Mother-infant attachment has been a leading topic of developmental research since John Bowlby found that "children raised in institutions were deficient in emotional and personality development" (Hunt 358).

Authors Name in the Sentence & with a Direct Quote -  If you refer to the author's name in a sentence you do not have to include the name in the in-text citation, instead include the page number (if there is one) at the end of the quotation or paraphrased section. For example:

Hunt explains that mother-infant attachment has been a leading topic of developmental research since John Bowlby found that "children raised in institutions were deficient in emotional and personality development" (358).

No Page Numbers & with a Direct Quote -  When you quote from electronic sources that do not provide page numbers (like Web pages), cite the author name only.

"Three phases of the separation response: protest, despair, and detachment" (Garelli).

  Note: The period goes outside the brackets, at the end of your in-text citation.

In-Text Citation For One, Two, or More Authors/Editors

Author Known: 

  • "Here's a direct quote" (Smith 8).

Number of Authors/Editors

In-Text Citation Example

(Author's Last Name Page Number)

(Lee 5)


 (Author's Last Name and Author's Last Name Page Number)

 Example: (Daristotle and Case 57)

Three or more

 (Author's Last Name et al. Page Number)

 Example: (Daristotle et al. 57)

In-Text Citation For More Than One Source

If you would like to cite more than one source within the same in-text citation, simply record the in-text citations as normal and separate them with a semi-colon.

(Smith 42; Bennett 71). 

( It Takes Two ; Brock 43).

 Note: The sources within the in-text citation do not need to be in alphabetical order for MLA style.

When creating an in-text citation or full citation, the authors should be listed in the original order displayed on the item (book, article, ...). 

Do not include academic credentials (e.g., MD, MPH, PhD,. DDS) when citing doctors in the in-text or full citation. 

The writer may refer to the physician by Dr. (name), when writing a paraphrase or inserting a direct quotation, although, it is not required.

Using the medical credential in the sentence:

Dr. Higgins, said the reason behind the complication was "direct quote here" (257). 

Dr. Price realized that nutrition was tied to health outcomes and encountered this observation in various regions of the world during his travels (390). 

Omitting the medical credential from the sentence:

He sad the reason behind the complication was "direct quote here" (Higgins 257). 

Price observed that nutrition was tied to health outcomes and encountered this in various regions of the world during his travels (390). 

When you write information or ideas from a source in your own words, cite the source by adding an in-text citation at the end of the paraphrased portion.

Paraphrasing from One Page

Include a full in-text citation with the author name and page number (if there is one). For example:

Mother-infant attachment became a leading topic of developmental research following the publication of John Bowlby's studies (Hunt 65).

Hunt discussed mother-infant attachment becoming a leading topic of developmental research following the publication of John Bowlby's studies (65).

Paraphrasing from Multiple Pages

If the paraphrased information/idea is from several pages, include them. For example:

Mother-infant attachment became a leading topic of developmental research following the publication of John Bowlby's studies (Hunt 50, 55, 65-71).

Author Unknown:

  • If the author's name is not given, then use the first word or words of the title. Follow the same formatting that was used in the works cited list, such as quotation marks. This is a paraphrase ("Trouble" 22).
  • Where you'd normally put the author's last name, instead use the first one, two, or three words from the title. Don't count initial articles like "A", "An" or "The". You should provide enough words to make it clear which work you're referring to from your Works Cited list.
  • If the title in the Works Cited list is in italics, italicize the words from the title in the in-text citation.
  • If the title in the Works Cited list is in quotation marks, put quotation marks around the words from the title in the in-text citation.

( Cell Biology  12)

("Nursing" 12)

Sometimes an author of a book, article or website will mention another person’s work by using a quotation or paraphrased idea from that source. ( This may be called a secondary source.) 

For example, the Kirkey article you are reading includes a quotation by Smith that you would like to include in your essay.

  • The basic rule: in your Works Cited and in-text citation you will still cite  Kirkey NOT Smith.
  • A dd the words “qtd. in” to your in-text citation.  

Examples of in-text citations :

According to a study by Smith (qtd. in Kirkey) 42% of doctors would refuse to perform legal euthanasia.

Smith (qtd. in Kirkey) states that “even if euthanasia was legal, 42% of doctors would be against this method of assisted dying” (A.10).

Example of Works Cited list citation:

Kirkey, Susan. "Euthanasia."  The Montreal Gazette , 9 Feb. 2013, p. A.10.  Canadian Newsstand Major Dailies.

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Paraphrasing - an overview

Paraphrasing is ..., what are the differences between quoting, paraphrasing & summarising .

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  • Paraphrasing versus Plagiarism
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paraphrasing and citing

Paraphrasing is 'a restating of someone else’s thoughts or ideas in your own words. You must always cite your source when paraphrasing’ (Pears & Shields, 2019 p. 245).  

(Solas English, 2017)

  • Quoting means using someone else’s exact words and putting them in quotation marks.. 
  • Paraphrasing means expressing someone else’s ideas in your own voice, while keeping the same essential meaning.
  • Summarising means taking a long passage of text from someone else and condensing the main ideas in your own words.

Watch the video below for more information.  

(UNC Writing Center, 2019)

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Plagiarism is using someone else's words or ideas without giving proper credit. It can take many forms, including the following:

  • Omitting documentation of a source
  • Inadequately documenting the words or ideas you are using
  • Closely paraphrasing the writing of another person without documentation

Remember, an author deserves credit for their ideas as well as their sentence structure, word choice, and sequence of thoughts. Changing several words in someone else's sentence does not make that sentence or idea your own.

If you are unsure if something you've written constitutes plagiarism or you would like more tips on how to avoid plagiarism, feel free to visit us in the Writing Center. You can also check your department's website for guidance. For Swarthmore's official policy on academic honesty, see the Academic Freedom and Responsibility section of the Swarthmore College Student Handbook Academic Policies .


Paraphrasing is putting another person's ideas in your own words. It is useful to paraphrase when your reader needs to understand or be exposed to the argument of another author in order to understand your argument. Paraphrasing ALWAYS requires a citation. Even if you are using your own words, the idea still belongs to someone else.

Sometimes there is a fine line between paraphrasing and plagiarizing someone's writing. Here's one strategy for paraphrasing effectively: read over the paragraph of interest. Then close the book or turn the page of the article and write a short summary. If you're still stuck with the author's language and sequence of thoughts, wait a few hours and try again. Once you have internalized the author's ideas, you will be able to express them in your own words. One of the keys to paraphrasing effectively is applying what you have learned instead of simply duplicating another author's writing or ideas in your paper.

If you're having trouble getting away from an author's exact words, you might want to simply include their exact words as a quotation with proper citations. Sometimes you can't express the same thought any other way because the precise meaning is lost when the phrasing is changed. There is nothing wrong with directly citing a source when you need to.

Common Knowledge

There are a few situations in which source material does not need an accompanying citation. It's very important to know when omitting a citation is acceptable. If you're not sure, consult your professor or the Writing Center.

Two common situations when you shouldn't cite a source are:

  • When the information you are providing is "common knowledge," which means that someone could easily find the information in multiple reference texts. For example, stating that George Washington was president from 1789-1797 does not require a citation because the reader could easily find this information in any encyclopedia or American history book. The particular book you used is not significant.
  • When the information you are providing is considered common knowledge in your field and you are writing for colleagues in that field, you shouldn't burden them with citations for commonly known theories and ideas. In Rules for Writers, Diana Hacker gives two examples: the current population of the United States could be common knowledge in the fields of sociology and economics, and Freud's theory of the unconscious could be common knowledge in psychology.

Citations allow you to give credit where credit is due. They also help your readers to track down your sources easily. For citations to serve their purpose (and for you to avoid plagiarism), it is imperative that you cite correctly and completely. Your choice of citation format may depend on specifications from your instructor, conventions for your discipline, or your personal preference.

The Writing Center library (Trotter 120) contains books that provide citation instructions, including the MLA Handbook, ACS Style Guide, APA guidelines, and multiple books from the Short Guide to Writing About... series. The reference librarians in McCabe and Cornell can help you format citations correctly. Also, many departments offer guidelines for citation. Check department websites or ask your professor.

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Best Paraphrasing Tool – Free & Premium Versions (Compared)

Best Paraphrasing Tool for Research

Table of Contents

Choosing the best paraphrasing tool for academic writing can be challenging, especially when many of these tools’ unique features are hidden behind a paywall. As a researcher, you want a tool that delivers more than stiff, monotonous outputs. The frustration of dealing with often contextually inappropriate results can make you question the decision to use an AI paraphrasing tool in the first place. To save you time and effort, we’ve meticulously tested the eight best paraphrasing tools, Paperpal, QuillBot, Wordtune, Paraphraser.io, and more, to determine which one truly stands out for research purposes. Here are our findings. 

Paperpal AI Paraphrasing Tool

Paperpal, a comprehensive AI academic writing assistant, leverages 22+ years of Scientific, Technical, and Medical (STM) expertise to provide in-depth academic writing, language editing, and submission readiness support for students, researchers, medical professionals, and academics. 

Paperpal’s Paraphrasing – Features and How It Works?  

Paperpal Rewrite   

  • Paraphrase: Add variety and avoid repetition in your writing with precise paraphrasing support for academic text.  
  • Trim or reduce word count: Highlight a sentence or paragraph to get a concise version of the text and meet your required word count limit.  
  • Rewrite for an Academic Tone: Get suggestions for making your text sound formal and academic in native English.  
  • Synonyms: Look up contextually relevant synonyms and use them in your text to add variety to your writing.   

What do users love about Paperpal?    

  • All-in-one academic writing toolkit: Apart from being the best paraphrasing tool for research, Paperpal offers 3x language suggestions for academic writing compared to other AI writing tools. It also provides secure, generative AI writing assistance with pre-built templates, AI text suggestions, plagiarism detection, and submission readiness checks.   
  • Excellent word reduction capabilities: Paperpal Trim reduces word count by up to 25% without sacrificing meaning, so you need not worry about word limits.   

What can Paperpal improve?    

  • Paraphrasing available only in English: While Paperpal has accurate translation capabilities, its paraphrasing is limited to text in English.   
  • Cross-platform support: While Paperpal is currently limited to MS Word and Web, it is in the process of integrating with Overleaf and Chrome, which will significantly enhance its functionality and accessibility for users in the future.

QuillBot Paraphraser

QuillBot is recognized as one of the best paraphrasing tools for research. What makes QuillBot one of the most used AI paraphrasing tools is its pre-defined and custom modes, freeze words, and synonym slider functionalities, discussed below. QuillBot supports paraphrasing in 20 languages and further customization. Let’s explore the benefits and limitations of this free paraphrasing tool.    

QuillBot Paraphraser: Features and How it Works?   

  • Pre-defined and Custom Modes for Paraphrasing: QuillBot offers eight pre-defined paraphrasing modes and also provides custom modes like ‘Witty’ and ‘Optimistic’, where writers can get creative with their words.    
  • Synonym Slider and Freeze Words: Premium users can access QuillBot’s Synonym Slider and control the level of word substitutions, from minimal changes to maximum creativity. Users can also “freeze” important words to prevent them from being altered during paraphrasing. 

What do users love about QuillBot Paraphraser?     

  • All-in-one paraphrasing tool: It is an excellent tool for finding unique synonyms and making writing non-repetitive while aligning it to the tone of communication preferred by the target audience.    
  • Direct access without signing in: The free version does not require signing up, which boosts user interaction with the tool.    

What can QuillBot improve?    

  • Limited access: With QuillBot’s free version, users can only paraphrase 125 words and access two pre-defined modes of paraphrasing. Synonym Slider: The free version is available only with the premium version.    
  • Synonym Slider and Freeze Words: The premium version offers unique features to customize the level of word replacements. The free version does not have this feature, which may result in spun content, potentially leading to misinterpretation and altering the intended meaning. 
  • Weird paraphrasing suggestions: Sometimes, the tool doesn’t understand the meaning of the sentences and suggests weird, out-of-context synonyms. This is a big NO-NO if you’re considering QuillBot as a paraphrasing tool for research.   

Looking for the best paraphrasing tool for research? Choose Paperpal for 2x more suggestions than QuillBot .

Wordtune Paraphrasing Tool

Wordtune is often considered the best AI paraphrasing tool by content creators because of its contextual understanding, sentence-level customization, and tone adjustments. Wordtune actually stands by its claim of enhancing writing quality, engagement, and tone while retaining the original meaning of text. However, is it the best paraphrasing tool for research? Let’s find out.   

Wordtune Rewrite – Features and How it Works?    

  • Rewrite Options: Wordtune users can choose from various options, such as ‘Formal’, ‘Casual’, ‘Shorten’, and ‘Expand’, to rephrase sentences and retain meaning.  
  • Thesaurus: Users can highlight words to receive synonyms and alternative phrases, adding variety and depth to their writing.  

What do users love about Wordtune?    

  • Contextual Understanding: Wordtune understands the context of the text and suggests relevant and coherent rewrites. If you’re a content creator or a marketing professional, this feature adapts your writing style and suggests rewrites based on the target audience.   
  • Real-Time Assistance: Wordtune offers suggestions as users type or paste their text into the editor. This immediacy boosts writing flow.   

What can Wordtune improve?    

  • Individual Sentence Focus: While sentence-level focus is essential if you’re working on landing page copies, ads, etc., it doesn’t really work if you want to rephrase larger chunks of text, like essays, theses, research papers, etc.    
  • English paraphrasing only: Wordtune currently supports paraphrasing only in the English language, which limits its usability for those writing in multiple languages. 

Discover why Paperpal outperforms Wordtune as the best paraphrasing tool for academic writing.    


Paraphraser IO

This Natural Language Processing (NLP) based paraphrasing tool helps writers rewrite content. Content tone options include Fluent and Standard. If you subscribe to the paid program, you can access the Creative Tone.    

Paraphraser.io – Features and How It Works?   

  • Fluency: Enhances text clarity by changing some words here and there and readable by removing unnecessary fluff words.    
  • Standard: Improves the overall content tone by changing only the elements it feels are necessary. It uses better/alternative terms to convey the idea better.    
  • Creative (Premium Feature): Makes your writing more creative.    
  • Smart (Premium Feature): Rephrases sentences to make text sound expert-written    

What do users love about Paraphraser.io?      

  • Intuitive UI, No Jargon: Paraphraser.io doesn’t require complex workstreams or prompting and includes all the necessary functions, making it the best paraphrasing tool for day-to-day tasks.    
  • Word Limit for Free Version: The 600-word limit suffices for short paraphrasing requirements like emails, general text, copies, etc. Many users also consider paraphraser.io a great alternative to QuillBot due to the word limit offered in the free plan.     

What can Paraphraser.io improve?     

  • Accessibility: Paraphraser.io is only available on the web, which means users must open the website whenever they want to use it.    
  • Doesn’t work with long text: Using Paraphraser.io for long-form content requires extensive human intervention to review and manually rephrase chunks of text suggested, often out of context, by the tool.   
  • Unreliable output: Paraphraser.io often produces grammatically incorrect sentences, and the Word changer function suggests irrelevant and out-of-context words, which defeats the purpose of a paraphrasing tool. 

Say goodbye to tedious and time-consuming academic paraphrasing. Paraphrase with Paperpal

WordAI Paraphraser

  Word AI is a text rewriter that aims to humanize AI-generated content and bypass AI content detectors. As one of the best paraphrasing tools in the market, Word AI can restructure sentences, enrich the text, reword your text for a better description, and much more. Here’s what this paraphrasing tool can do.   

WordAI – Features and How it Works?    

  • Complete Sentence Restructuring – Rewrites text from scratch while optimizing for uniqueness and readability.  
  • Text Enrichment – Understands the meaning behind your sentences and adds LSI keywords for unique and SEO-enhanced outputs.  
  • Describe ideas differently- Prevents duplicate content and provides copy alternatives to help you beat writer’s block.  
  • Improves clarity with Split sentences – Refines wordy content into clear and concise rewrites to communicate better. Takes long run-on sentences and splits them naturally so they are short, clear, and compelling.  

What do users love about WordAI?    

  • Makes intelligent spin versions: WordAI can understand the context of the input text and produce intelligently rephrased versions that are just as effective as manually rewriting articles. It also offers various options and settings to customize the spun content.  
  • Accessibility: WordAI extends its functionality to support multiple use cases with API integration, bulk rewrite integration, and article forge integration.   

What can WordAI improve?    

  • Pricing – WordAI only offers a 3-day trial, and its monthly and annual plans are pricey compared to some of the best paraphrasing tools on the market.  
  • Produces inaccurate rewrites for technical content – WordAI isn’t an excellent paraphrasing tool for research, and it sometimes provides meaningless sentences for academic and technical writing purposes. 

Spin Rewriter


  Spin Rewriter leverages Emulated Natural Language (ENL) Semantic Rewriting technology and large language models (LLMs) to extract the meaning of your articles and rewrite them as human-quality.  

Spin Rewriter – Features and How it Works?     

  • Bulk article rewriting: Spin Rewriter allows users to efficiently rewrite multiple articles simultaneously, enabling the instant creation of large quantities of unique content.   
  • Mass Export: Generate up to 1,000 unique versions of an original article at once, simplifying the process of filling multiple blogs, satellite websites, or an entire PBN with diverse content.   
  • Paragraph creation: This AI paraphrasing tool autonomously extracts meaning and generates entirely new paragraphs, effectively concealing the original article.    

What do users love about Spin Rewriter?    

  • Lifetime Pricing Plan: Spin Rewriter’s lifetime plan makes it the best paraphrasing tool. For $497, you can get lifetime access to this article rewriter tool with all its features except for a few premium ones.   
  • Accessibility: Access everything this AI paraphrasing tool offers from your WordPress dashboard. You can also automate content updates, like repurposing an old blog post to rank better for SEO.    
  • Article Suggestions: Spin Rewriter automatically fetches relevant seed articles based on your website’s dynamics.   

What can Spin Rewriter improve?     

  • Dependence on Original Content: Spin Rewriter’s effectiveness largely depends on the quality of the original content being spun. Poorly written articles will likely result in subpar rewrites.   
  • No built-in grammar checker: Spin Rewriter lacks an integrated grammar or plagiarism checker for reviewing the spun text. This means users must find an alternative proofreading tool for editing, which can be inconvenient. 

Stop using generic paraphrasing tools for research. Paraphrase with Paperpal

Jasper AI

Jasper AI is one of the best paraphrasing tools for creators and marketing teams. It uses advanced Natural Language Processing (NLP) to rephrase your content automatically. According to Jasper, the AI paraphrasing tool not only rephrases your text but enhances the output without plagiarism, regardless of input text quality.   

Jasper AI – Features and How Does It Work?   

Sentence Rewriting:   

  • Instantly transforms sentences with precision, creativity, and flair.  
  • Generates new variations of sentences in line with a specific purpose.  
  • It uses AI and contextual synonyms to create sentences with the same meaning in a different tone, shorter length, or another readability level.  
  • It provides templates, such as Sentence Expander, Content Improver, and Explain It to a Child, to expand, rephrase, or simplify sentences.  

Paragraph Rewriting:   

  • Rearrange words or sentences in a paragraph to improve readability and structure ideas more clearly.  
  • Uses GPT-3 and GPT-4 AI technology to scan data and understand how humans write.  
  • You can rephrase paragraphs multiple times by altering word choices, sentence length, or tone while retaining the original meaning.  
  • It provides templates to simplify writing for better communication, repurpose content for different platforms, optimize for SEO, and overcome writer’s block.  


  • Produces original content without plagiarism  
  • Improves upon the content you input  
  • Allows you to quickly refresh old content or repurpose it for different distribution channels  
  • Integrates with Brand Voice to tailor content to your tone and style  
  • Generates content in 30+ languages  
  • Optimizes content for SEO with keyword suggestions and readability improvements  
  • Provides templates like Content Improver and Explain It to a Child to rephrase content for different audiences  

What do users love about Jasper AI?   

  • High-Quality Output: It leverages advanced NLP to produce grammatically correct and meaningful rephrased content, ensuring originality and quality.  
  • Customization Options: Users can adjust the level of paraphrasing to achieve specific results.   
  • Error Detection: The tool also identifies and corrects grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors, enhancing the overall quality of the content.  
  • Language Versatility: Jasper can generate content in over 30 languages, making it accessible to a diverse user base.  

What can Jasper AI improve?   

  • Length Limitations: The tool may struggle with longer pieces of content like essays, thesis, and other academic formats, which may not make it the best paraphrasing tool for research.    
  • Cost Considerations: Jasper AI can be relatively expensive, even for individual users.   
  • Learning Curve: New users might find the tool challenging to navigate initially, requiring some time to become proficient. 

Hypotenuse AI

Hypotenuse AI

Hypotenuse is a powerful AI paraphrasing tool geared toward e-commerce and social media content creation. It focuses on creating SEO-focused, accurate, on-brand product descriptions, articles, social media copies, and 20+ content types.  

Hypotenuse AI – Features and How it Works?  

  • Article Spinning: Generates multiple rewrites of an original piece to submit to article directories.  
  • Tone Selection: Hypotenuse AI provides up to 4 pre-set tones for customizing your content and allows you to describe your tone.   
  • Improve: Suggest alternative word choices, sentence structures, and phrasing to make content more engaging and professional.  
  • Simplify: Provides simplified alternatives to cut the fluff and convey your message clearly.  
  • Shorten: Offers concise alternatives, making content more direct.  
  • Expand: Add more information, examples, or explanations.  
  • Rephrase: Diversifies writing style to avoid repetitive language and offers fresh perspectives.  

What do users love about Hypotenuse AI?    

Ultimate writing tool for e-commerce businesses: Businesses with multiple third-party product listings find Hypotenuse useful because it efficiently writes and paraphrases compelling product descriptions.   

What can Hypotenuse AI improve?    

AI-generated outputs: The content rephrased or generated by Hypotenuse AI doesn’t fully capture the “human voice” and lacks flow, which means text needs to be further edited manually. 

Why is it important to choose the best paraphrasing tool for research?  

Research and academia demand precision, originality, and efficiency. While paraphrasing is an essential aspect of academic writing, the process can be time-consuming and fraught with potential pitfalls if you do not choose the right paraphrasing tool for research.    

A well-chosen academic paraphrasing tool is more than just a language rephrase; it’s an AI research assistant. It must adeptly handle the nuances of academic language, preserving technical terms and ensuring semantic integrity. Moreover, the ability to seamlessly integrate proofreading, plagiarism checks, and citation features within a single platform is indispensable. This integrated approach accelerates the research process and significantly enhances the quality of the final output.  

Research integrity is paramount in academia. Investing time in selecting the best paraphrasing tool for research can significantly impact the efficiency, accuracy, and credibility of one’s research endeavours. 

Effortlessly rewrite academic text with Paperpal. Sign Up Now for FREE.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. which is the best paraphrasing tool for researchers  .

The best paraphrasing tool for researchers often depends on specific needs, such as contextual understanding and accuracy in retaining the meaning of words. While many paraphrasing tools excel in rephrasing grammatically correct sentences, they often change scientific and technical terms to generic words, which is unsuitable in the academic context.   

Paperpal suggests accurate technical terms to enhance the academic text and ensure that the same scientific sentence context is retained. Unlike other paraphrasing tools, Paperpal doesn’t replace your entire text in one go. Instead, it suggests rephrased sentences and asks you to edit and review each section before adding it to your document. Try Paperpal for free and see the difference.   

2. How do you choose the best paraphrasing tool for research?  

Paraphrasing text in research and academia doesn’t end up rephrasing and using it directly. You need to proofread it, check for plagiarism, search for the right source, and cite it if it was taken from a different source. Here’s our guide to choosing the best paraphrasing tool for research.   

  • Custom Paraphrasing Tool for Research: To avoid manually editing and proofreading paraphrased academic text, go for a paraphrasing tool tailored to academic writing    
  • Technical Term Preservation: Ensure the tool accurately preserves the original meaning and doesn’t replace technical terms, such as patient-first language, equations, tables, etc., with generic words.   
  • In-built academic proofreading: Before using paraphrased text directly, you must proofread and edit it to suit your tone and the journal guidelines. Using a paraphrasing tool for research with built-in academic proofreading saves time and effort.   
  • Plagiarism and Citation features: Paraphrasing can often be misunderstood as plagiarized text, especially if you’re paraphrasing someone else’s text without citing it. Paraphrasing tools like Paperpal offer an in-built search and cite feature along with plagiarism checks to avoid accidental plagiarism and properly reference your work. 

3. Can I use a paraphrasing tool in research?  

Yes, you can use a paraphrasing tool in research. However, you need to ensure that the paraphrased text is not plagiarised and adequately cited if the original text has been picked up from another source. If you’re paraphrasing text written by you, ensure that the meaning, technical terms, and consistency in the presentation of tables, figures, and equation labels are retained in the output.    

4. What are the benefits of using a paraphrasing tool?  

Using a custom paraphrasing tool for research offers several benefits: 

  • Time Efficiency: Speeds up the process of rewriting content, allowing more time for actual research and analysis. 
  • Improved Readability: This enhances the readability and flow of your writing, making it more accessible to a wider audience. 
  • Language Proficiency: Assists non-native English speakers in refining their academic writing to meet higher linguistic standards. 
  • Focus on Core Research: Allows researchers to focus on the core aspects of their work rather than spending excessive time on writing and rephrasing. 

By leveraging the right paraphrasing tool , researchers can enhance the quality and efficiency of their academic writing. We hope this list helps you make the right decision! 

Paperpal is a comprehensive AI writing toolkit that helps students and researchers achieve 2x the writing in half the time. It leverages 21+ years of STM experience and insights from millions of research articles to provide in-depth academic writing, language editing, and submission readiness support to help you write better, faster.

Get accurate academic translations, rewriting support, grammar checks, vocabulary suggestions, and generative AI assistance that delivers human precision at machine speed.  Try for free or  upgrade to Paperpal Prime  starting at US$19 a month  to access premium features, including consistency, plagiarism, and 30+ submission readiness checks to help you succeed.

Experience the future of academic writing –  Sign up to Paperpal and start writing for free!

Related Reads:

  • Paraphrasing in Academic Writing: Answering Top Author Queries
  • How to Paraphrase Research Papers Effectively
  • Grammarly Review – Is Grammarly Worth it? [2024 Update]

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As a student, am I allowed to use a Gen-AI tool like ZotGPT in my coursework?

The UCI Policy on Academic Integrity for students states:

“All students are expected to complete a course in compliance with the Instructor's standards. No student shall engage in any activity involving any Academic Integrity Policy Violations. No student shall engage in any activity that involves attempting to receive a grade by means other than honest effort, and shall not aid another student who is attempting to do so.”

Before you use any AI tool, ask yourself:

  • Is using this tool in compliance with the course instructor’s standards?
  • Does using this tool undermine your “honest effort” in this course to receive a grade? 

If you have any doubts, it is best to ask your instructor, and keep in mind that each course may have different standards of what might be acceptable.

If you are permitted to use an AI tool in your work and you have made the decision to use one, it may be a good idea to acknowledge your use as follows:

  • Which tool(s) did you use?
  • How did you use the tool (for what purpose, in what sections, etc.)?
  • How did you prompt the tool?
  • When did you use the tool?

At this time, citing Generative AI is an evolving conversation, and some style guides have released official guidance on how to cite AI-generated text or images, while others have not. In addition, style guides have differing guidelines of whether tools (or companies) are “authors.”

Here are some examples of differences of how Gen-AI information might be cited in different style guides:

No official guidelines have been released, but the following blog post offers suggestions : “If you’ve used ChatGPT or other AI tools in your research, describe how you used the tool in your Method section or in a comparable section of your paper. For literature reviews or other types of essays or response or reaction papers, you might describe how you used the tool in your introduction. In your text, provide the prompt you used and then any portion of the relevant text that was generated in response.”

For example:

When prompted with “Is the left brain right brain divide real or a metaphor?” the ChatGPT-generated text indicated that although the two brain hemispheres are somewhat specialized, “the notation that people can be characterized as ‘left-brained’ or ‘right-brained’ is considered to be an oversimplification and a popular myth” (OpenAI, 2023).

OpenAI. (2023). ChatGPT (Mar 14 version) [Large language model]. https://chat.openai.com/chat

The Chicago Style FAQ suggests that “conversations” with Gen-AI chatbots can be treated in a similar fashion to private emails or phone conversations that couldn’t be accessed by others. It recommends including information about how the AI tool was prompted, and suggests “you must credit ChatGPT when you reproduce its words within your own work, but unless you include a publicly available URL, that information should be put in the text or in a note–not in a bibliography or reference list.”

For example, if a prompt was not given in-text:

1. ChatGPT, response to “Explain how to make pizza dough from common household ingredients,” OpenAI, March 7, 2023.

The IEEE Editorial Style Manual for Authors (2023) does not offer any official guidance on citing AI-generated content. Some suggest treating AI-generated text similarly to private communication.

The MLA style guide uses a template of core citation elements that are flexible enough to accommodate citing AI-generated text or images. While MLA recommends that you do not treat an AI tool as an author, it suggests you should:

  • cite a generative AI tool whenever you paraphrase, quote, or incorporate into your own work any content (whether text, image, data, or other) that was created by it 
  • acknowledge all functional uses of the tool (like editing your prose or translating words) in a note, your text, or another suitable location 
  • take care to vet the secondary sources it cites

An example of a works cited entry for a paraphrase of text output by ChatGPT might look like this:

“Describe the symbolism of the green light in the book The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald” prompt. ChatGPT, 13 Feb. version, OpenAI, 8 Mar. 2023, chat.openai.com/chat.

  • Citing ChatGPT in STEM fields (UCSB guide)
  • Generative AI citation (UCI Digital Learning Lab)
  • UCI Academic Integrity Information for Faculty/Staff
  • UCI Academic Integrity Information for Students
  • << Previous: Other Ethical Challenges with AI
  • Next: More Resources >>
  • Last Updated: Aug 13, 2024 10:45 AM
  • URL: https://guides.lib.uci.edu/gen-ai

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Column: A ban on all-black garb? Leave Latino Emo and goth kids alone

A texas middle school’s ban of all-black outfits highlights the stupidity of respectability politics and false concerns for children..

Abstract collage of close-up images of black denim jeans and white shoelaces

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Much like the Bloods and Crips set aside their differences for Kendrick Lamar’s legendary “ The Pop Out — Ken and Friends” concert in Inglewood to hate on a common enemy (Drake), the ever-feuding emos, punks and even goths of El Paso will have to lay down their flat-irons, studded belts and eyeliner against a bigger threat to their existence: the El Paso Independent School District.

Last week, reports began to circulate that Charles Middle School in the borderland city had banned all-black outfits for students in the upcoming school year, citing mental health concerns for the ban.

In a letter to parents alerting them of the new dress code, Charles Middle School principal Nick DeSantis wrote that wearing all-black “has become more associated with depression and mental health issues and/or criminality than with happy and healthy kids ready to learn.”

Sarah Venegas, executive principal at EPISD, doubled down on DeSantis’ concern for the well-being of his students rocking alleged depression drip by saying it’s a safety issue. “Anytime there are concerns that are brought forward about student safety it’s important for us to take those seriously,” she said.

Much to unpack here, but my first thought: Is everyone with the last name DeSantis hell-bent on stripping people of their personal rights? Also, let’s not pretend there’s actual concern for children’s safety in schools when Gov. Greg Abbott and the Uvalde Police Department have proved otherwise to the extreme.

Norma De La Rosa, president of the El Paso Teachers Assn., told CBS Texas that she defended the dress code though she acknowledged that “the colors are not much to prevent or stop mental health issues. You can have the most colorful dress on and still be suffering through depression.”

That’s correct, Norma. The backlash to this news story has highlighted the hypocrisy and stupidity of the ban as well as a fundamental misunderstanding of young people and subcultures they may belong to. Have these administrators been living under a rock? Do they not see how Kourtney Kardashian dresses? Are they choosing to ignore El Paso’s very own bands At the Drive-in and the Mars Volta?

Banning all-black outfits will do as much for safety and depression for tweens and teens as instituting “excuse me, miss, you dropped your smile” laws on women to combat rage. It’s pointless, absurd and counterproductive, with its sole purpose being to stamp out any kind of dissent or individuality from young people.

“I should say I think in Latino and in border communities there’s often a level of respectability politics that women and young people have to deal with,” said Frida Garza, a journalist and former “light emo kid” raised in El Paso. “So I don’t think this surprised me, but it does seem completely out of line with what students actually want or need, which I think the school could tell from the very strong and immediate feedback it received.”

Garza recalled that during her years in school, it was ripped jeans that got kids sent to the principal’s office. “Certain clothes are associated with students being disaffected or troublemakers, but often teens are just trying stuff out,” she told me.

Char de la Torre, a makeup artist in San Diego who was a teen goth, believes some of this stems from the Columbine school shooting , where in 1999 two teenage boys dressed in dark trench coats killed 13 people and injured 24 others. The incident led to a goth panic . “I feel like there’s still that stigma,” she says.

And we know now, after hundreds of school shootings in this country, listening to Sisters of Mercy or My Chemical Romance isn’t an indicator of a violent person. But just like the goth panic of the ‘90s and early 2000s, a skull-print shirt can set off a satanic panic, especially among religious Latino communities.

Melissa Illidge, a 34-year-old television consumer marketing researcher and former teenage emo, says her dark clothes not only freaked out her teachers and administrators s in her conservative hometown of Alexandria, Va., but also her immigrant parents.

“They were thinking that it was related to the devil and 666 or whatever,” she told me. “I have very vivid memories of this with my mom. I would go to local shows and hang up the posters in my room, and she would rip them down if they had a skull. She was like, ‘It’s the devil, it’s the devil.’”

If her clothes would have been banned, Illidge said she would’ve been “so upset and angry.”

“I would have felt trapped and just not myself,” she said. “I was really upset reading [about this ban]. I feel like it’s gonna really impair a bunch of young kids and their expression of themselves and their personalities.”

This is about control and fearmongering, especially of what I assume are a majority Latinx kids who are likely calling B.S. on any form of control the school is trying to force on them tied to their ethnicity, gender, subculture and/or other parts of their identity. Anything different is a danger.

The actual purpose seems to be forcing a status quo for other people’s comfort and, as Garza pointed out, respectability politics, because emo, goth and punk kids disrupt an aesthetic of normalcy. But just as baggy jeans or halter tops don’t affect your ability to learn or perform in school, neither does wearing black.

You know what does? Being bullied. Being hungry. Being abused. Being poor. Not having a stable home. Fearing for your life because your state won’t pass gun laws to protect you.

Taína Morales is the assistant director for student and community engagement at Occidental College. She was also a former emo/scene kid in the early 2000s. For her, wearing ripped black jeans, black band shirts and scene kid hair helped her navigate her identity both as someone part of a subculture with a specific style but also as a kid struggling with their sexuality.

“In all transparency, I definitely was depressed, but for reasons that as an adult I’m understanding now,” she told me. “I was a closeted, queer teen. So having to deal with that, I felt like wearing black not only matched the music that I was listening to, but also a little bit of how I felt in society.”

As Morales puts it, stripping a young person of their “comfort zone” by banning the clothing they feel most comfortable and themselves in would “only trigger more mental health issues.” These educators are, in her opinion, eliminating what could be “the gateway to a more critical and intentional conversation.”

“Self-expression is so important at an age where they’re still developing as young adults, and to censor them so young is detrimental to their growth as learners, as critical people in the world,” Morales adds. “It’s just going to create resentment against educational institutions.”

This, arguably, has a bigger impact on student’s learning than a Pierce the Veil T-shirt and skinny black jeans.

“What I needed at that age was to feel safe and heard without being criticized,” said De la Torre. “I never felt comfortable around adults in high school because they’d look at me weird because I had big boots and chains and spikes. But I was a frequent honor roll student. I just did my work and kept to myself.”

For De la Torre, dressing in her all-black mall goth outfits made her feel “safe,” pretty and her most authentic self.

And the reality is, wearing all-black as a young person isn’t going to affect their future prospects. “Even now, as a 34-year-old, [music] still influences me and my decisions of who I am now,” said Illidge. “And it obviously hasn’t affected me in a negative way or whatever.”

Morales calls the entire situation “very much a Sum 41 ‘Fat Lip’ moment,’ and to paraphrase the song she references, these kids don’t want to be a victim of conformity. De la Torre echoes this sentiment, saying, “When you’re a teen, the more restricted and controlled the more you’re gonna want to do that thing out of spite.”

The adults should be more focused on the resources and support that will actually empower success.

“To think now, 24 years [after I was in school], to see this happening, I’m just like, leave goth kids alone. Leave the emo kids alone,” Morales said. “This is what makes them happy.”

Alex Zaragoza is a television writer and journalist covering culture and identity. Her work has appeared in Vice, NPR, O Magazine and Rolling Stone. She’s written on the series “Primo” and “Lopez v. Lopez.” She writes regularly for De Los.

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  1. Paraphrases

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  3. In-Text Citations: The Basics

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  4. How to Paraphrase

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  5. PDF Paraphrasing and Citation Activities, APA Style 7th Edition

    Instructions. Complete the following activities to practice your paraphrasing and citation skills. Then compare your answers with those from the APA Style team (see pages 6 and 7 of this instructional aid) as well as your classmates or colleagues. In completing the activities, you can type your answers directly into the PDF using the text fields.

  6. Paraphrasing in APA

    Parenthetical citation. For an APA parenthetical citation, write your paraphrase and then add the author and year in parenthesis at the end. Use a comma between the author and the year inside the parenthesis, and put the period for the end of the sentence outside the parenthesis. Example 1: Oh, say can you see by the dawn's early light.

  7. APA Citation Style, 7th Edition: In-Text Citations & Paraphrasing

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  8. Paraphrasing

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  9. Paraphrasing in MLA

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  10. Paraphrasing

    Example: Incorrect Paraphrasing. The homeless come from families with problems. Frequently, they have been physically or sexually abused, or have lived in group homes. Usually no one cares for them or knows them intimately (Rokach, 2005). ... If you are citing an article, a chapter of a book or a page from a website, put the words in double ...

  11. Paraphrasing Tool

    Paraphrasing is plagiarism if your text is too close to the original wording (even if you cite the source). If you directly copy a sentence or phrase, you should quote it instead. Paraphrasing is not plagiarism if you put the author's ideas completely in your own words and properly cite the source. Try our services

  12. Summarizing, Paraphrasing, and Quoting

    Summarizing, Paraphrasing, and Quoting. Depending on the conventions of your discipline, you may have to decide whether to summarize a source, paraphrase a source, or quote from a source. Scholars in the humanities tend to summarize, paraphrase, and quote texts; social scientists and natural scientists rely primarily on summary and paraphrase.

  13. APA Citation Guide (7th edition): Quotes vs Paraphrases

    Quoting is copying a selection from someone else's work, phrasing it exactly as it was originally written. When quoting place quotation marks (" ") around the selected passage to show where the quote begins and where it ends. Make sure to include an in-text citation. Paraphrasing is used to show that you understand what the author wrote.

  14. Paraphrasing

    Paraphrasing is expressing someone else's writing in your own choice of words, while keeping the same essential meaning. As Pears and Shields (2019, p. ... Don't forget to include in-text citations (author and date) in the text of your assignment and full references at the end of your assignment every time you paraphrase someone else's ...

  15. Citations for Paraphrased Sources

    This guide is intended to help you cite sources in APA style, avoid plagiarism, learn what APA style is and includes, find examples of APA style, lead you to campus resources that can help you cite sources in APA, and more. ... If you paraphrase a source you need to include an in-text citation for that source using either the narrative or ...

  16. In-text citations

    APA Style provides guidelines to help writers determine the appropriate level of citation and how to avoid plagiarism and self-plagiarism. We also provide specific guidance for in-text citation, including formats for interviews, classroom and intranet sources, and personal communications; in-text citations in general; and paraphrases and direct quotations.

  17. APA Citation Guide (APA 7th Edition): Quoting vs. Paraphrasing

    Note: Although not required, APA encourages including the page number(s) when paraphrasing long or complex sources, such as books, so that the reader can easily refer to the paraphrased information in your source. Always clarify with your instructor about their preference regarding page numbers in paraphrase in-text citations.

  18. PDF APA 7

    Paraphrasing Guidelines (APA, 2020, p. 269) APA 7 notes that "published authors paraphrase their sources most of the time, rather than directly quoting" (p. 269). For writing in psychology, students should use direct quotations only sparingly and instead mainly synthesize and paraphrase. Webster-Stratton (2016) described a case example of a ...

  19. LibGuides: APA Citation Guide (7th edition) : Paraphrasing

    Paraphrasing. When you write information from a source in your own words, cite the source by adding an in-text citation at the end of the paraphrased portion as follows: Mother-infant attachment became a leading topic of developmental research following the publication of John Bowlby's studies (Hunt, 1993). Note: If you refer to the author's ...

  20. APA In-Text Citations

    In-text citations include the last name of the author followed by a comma and the publication year enclosed in parentheses: (Smith, 2007). ... Paraphrasing content from first source by this author (Daristotle, 2015a). "Now I am quoting from the second source by the same author" (Daristotle, 2015b, p. 50).

  21. Quoting, Paraphrasing, and Summarizing

    Quoting, Paraphrasing, and Summarizing. This handout is intended to help you become more comfortable with the uses of and distinctions among quotations, paraphrases, and summaries. This handout compares and contrasts the three terms, gives some pointers, and includes a short excerpt that you can use to practice these skills.

  22. Quoting and Paraphrasing

    Quoting and Paraphrasing. Download this Handout PDF. College writing often involves integrating information from published sources into your own writing in order to add credibility and authority-this process is essential to research and the production of new knowledge. However, when building on the work of others, you need to be careful not ...

  23. Citations

    In MLA, in-text citations are inserted in the body of your research paper to briefly document the source of your information. Brief in-text citations point the reader to the full citation on the works cited list at the end of the paper. Create in-text citations for the following: Direct quotes; Paraphrasing

  24. What is Paraphrasing?

    Paraphrasing, Academic writing, Citing and referencing. Paraphrasing means 'to state something written or spoken in different words, especially in a shorter and simpler form to make the meaning clearer' (Cambridge Online Dictionary, 2022). Paraphrasing is 'a restating of someone else's thoughts or ideas in your own words.

  25. Paraphrasing & Citation :: Writing Associates Program

    Paraphrasing is putting another person's ideas in your own words. It is useful to paraphrase when your reader needs to understand or be exposed to the argument of another author in order to understand your argument. Paraphrasing ALWAYS requires a citation. Even if you are using your own words, the idea still belongs to someone else.

  26. Best Paraphrasing Tool

    Plagiarism and Citation features: Paraphrasing can often be misunderstood as plagiarized text, especially if you're paraphrasing someone else's text without citing it. Paraphrasing tools like Paperpal offer an in-built search and cite feature along with plagiarism checks to avoid accidental plagiarism and properly reference your work. 3.

  27. Academic Integrity and Citation

    The MLA style guide uses a template of core citation elements that are flexible enough to accommodate citing AI-generated text or images. While MLA recommends that you do not treat an AI tool as an author, it suggests you should: cite a generative AI tool whenever you paraphrase, quote, or incorporate into your own work any content (whether text, image, data, or other) that was created by it

  28. El Paso middle school bans students from wearing black

    Morales calls the entire situation "very much a Sum 41 'Fat Lip' moment,' and to paraphrase the song she references, these kids don't want to be a victim of conformity. De la Torre ...

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    All you people in media and I'm paraphrasing. Just keep using everyone as an anecdote to try to paint a macro picture. ... Home Depot Cuts Outlook, Citing Pressured Consumers. 02:05. Starbucks ...

  30. Biden's handoff to Harris set for DNC in Chicago

    "To paraphrase one of President Biden's favorite poems, it's a convention lineup well-constructed to make hope and history rhyme," said Jeff Nussbaum, a former Biden speechwriter. ... Most will cite Bill Clinton's speech, in which he used a mix of statistics and anecdotes to defend Obama's record on the economy and foreign policy.