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Developer Workflow Guide

  • Updated : January 2023
  • Common Content for Data Engineering 10.2.2
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Table of Contents

  • Workflows Overview
  • Developing a Workflow
  • Exclusive Gateways and Inclusive Gateways
  • Failed Tasks and Conditional Sequence Flows
  • Terminate Events and Conditional Sequence Flows
  • Parameters and Variables in Conditional Sequence Flows
  • Creating a Workflow
  • Adding Objects to a Workflow
  • Connecting Objects
  • Creating a Conditional Sequence Flow
  • Workflow Object Validation
  • Sequence Flow Validation
  • Expression Validation
  • Validating a Workflow
  • Rules and Guidelines for Importing Workflows from PowerCenter
  • Importing a Command Task from PowerCenter
  • Conversion Behavior with the Command Task Import
  • Workflow Advanced Properties
  • Deploy and Run a Workflow
  • Running Workflows
  • Monitoring Workflows
  • Deleting a Workflow
  • Example: Running Commands Before and After Running a Mapping
  • Example: Creating Multiple Sequence Flows
  • Workflow Variables Overview
  • Task Output
  • System Workflow Variables
  • Creating a User-Defined Variable
  • Parameters and Variables in Assignment Expressions
  • Configuring an Assignment Task
  • Assigning Task Output
  • Assigning Variables to Task Input
  • Variable Names in Expressions and Strings
  • Escape Characters in Directory Paths
  • Escape Characters in Command Tasks
  • Nested Variables
  • Changing the Format of Date Variables
  • Process to Run Workflows with Parameters
  • Assigning Workflow Parameters to Task Input
  • Parameter Names in Expressions and Strings
  • Escape Character in Strings
  • Nested Parameters
  • Creating Workflow Parameters for User-Defined Mapping Parameters
  • Default Parameter Values
  • Workflow Parameter data type Conversion
  • Creating a Parameter Set
  • Running a Workflow with a Parameter Set
  • Sample Parameter File for a Workflow
  • Sample Parameter File
  • Rules and Guidelines for Parameter Files
  • Export a Parameter File
  • Creating a Parameter File from infacmd ms ListMappingParams
  • Running a Workflow with a Parameter File
  • Cluster Task Overview
  • Create Cluster Task General Properties
  • Create Cluster Task Output
  • General Options
  • Master Instance Group Options
  • Core Instance Group Options
  • Task Instance Group Options
  • Additional Options
  • Advanced Properties for Azure HDInsight
  • Delete Cluster Task
  • Command Task Overview
  • Parameters and Variables in a Command
  • Command Task Input
  • Command Task Output
  • Command Task Advanced Properties
  • Troubleshooting Command Tasks
  • Human Task Overview
  • Types of Exception Data
  • Analyst Tool
  • Human Task Instances
  • Human Task Steps
  • Human Task Roles
  • General Tab
  • Participants Tab
  • Data Source Tab
  • Task Distribution Tab
  • Notifications Tab
  • Advanced Tab
  • Configuration Options
  • Participants Options
  • Permissions Options
  • Timeout Options
  • Notifications Options
  • Human Tasks and Workflow Configuration
  • Configuring Task Instances in a Human Task
  • Configuring Task Steps
  • Creating Task Instances of Equal Size
  • Rules and Guidelines for Task Distribution By Column Values
  • Rules and Guidelines for Step Permission Options
  • Multiple Mapping Tasks that Run the Same Mapping
  • Mapping Task General Properties
  • Mapping Parameters and Mapping Tasks
  • Override Mapping Parameters During a Workflow Run
  • Parameter Usage in a Mapping Task
  • Auto-Assign Mapping Input Parameter Values
  • Clear Assignments
  • System-Defined Mapping Outputs
  • Maintaining Persisted Outputs
  • Persisted Mapping Outputs and Deployment
  • Bind Mapping Outputs to Workflow Variables
  • Creating a Mapping
  • Defining Mapping Outputs
  • Configuring the Mapping Output Expression
  • Persisting Mapping Outputs
  • Assigning Persisted Outputs to Mapping Task Input
  • Binding Mapping Outputs to Workflow Variables
  • Mapping Task Log File Name
  • Mapping Task Log File Directory
  • Custom Properties
  • Variable and Parameter Values for Configuration Properties
  • Changing the Mapping that the Task Runs
  • Mapping Tasks in a Cluster Workflow
  • Notification Task Overview
  • Selecting Recipients
  • Configuring Notification Types for Recipients
  • Typing Recipient Names
  • Configuring Dynamic Email Recipients
  • Entering Email Addresses
  • Configuring Dynamic Email Addresses
  • Dynamic Email Content
  • Entering Email Content
  • Notification Task Output
  • Notification Task Advanced Properties
  • Troubleshooting Notification Tasks
  • Gateways Overview
  • Exclusive Gateway Example
  • Inclusive Gateway Example
  • Default Sequence Flows
  • Splitting a Sequence Flow into Multiple Branches
  • Merging Branches into a Single Sequence Flow
  • Workflow Recovery Overview
  • Recoverable Workflow States
  • Nonrecoverable Workflow States
  • Task Errors and Recovery
  • Workflow Recovery and Terminate Events
  • Workflow Recovery on Grid
  • Restart Recovery Behavior
  • Skip Recovery Behavior
  • Human Task Restart Behavior
  • Rules and Guidelines for Workflow and Task Recovery
  • Configuring a Workflow for Recovery
  • Configuring a Task Recovery Strategy
  • Parameter and Variable Values During Workflow Recovery
  • Workflow Recovery Logs
  • Remove Target Rows Manually
  • Configuring a Mapping to Truncate a Flat File Target
  • Configuring a Mapping to Truncate a Relational Target
  • Configuring a Mapping to Run an SQL Command
  • Recovering Workflow Instances
  • Summary of Workflow States After an Interruption
  • Workflow Recovery Examples
  • Workflow Administration Overview
  • Viewing a Workflow Graph
  • Viewing Summary Statistics for Workflow Objects
  • Viewing Detailed Statistics for Workflow Objects
  • Workflow States
  • Workflow Object States
  • Mapping Task Work Item States
  • Canceling or Aborting a Workflow
  • Recovery Properties
  • Recovering a Workflow
  • Workflow Log Information
  • Viewing Logs for a Workflow
  • Viewing Logs for a Mapping Run in a Workflow

assignment task in informatica

Assign a Value with an Assignment Task

assignment task in informatica

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Creating an Assignment Task

To create an Assignment Task in Workflow Manager, follow these steps:

  • In Workflow Manager, go to Task | Create .

assignment task in informatica

  • The task appears in Workflow Manager. Use the Link task to connect the Start task to the assignment task:

assignment task in informatica

  • Double-click on the assignment task to open the task in the edit view. Go to Expressions ...

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assignment task in informatica

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  • - Days before/after


  1. Working with the Assignment Task - Informatica

    You can assign a value to a user-defined workflow variable with the Assignment task. To use an Assignment task in the workflow, first create and add the Assignment task to the workflow. Then configure the Assignment task to assign values or expressions to user-defined variables.

  2. Step 5. Add an Assignment Task to Assign a ... - Informatica

    An Assignment task assigns a value to a user-defined workflow variable. Add an Assignment task before the Mapping task in the workflow. Use an expression in the Assignment task to assign the value of the department name parameter and the current date to the workflow variable.

  3. Assign a Value with an Assignment Task - Informatica

    An Assignment task assigns a value to a user-defined workflow variable. When you create a user-defined workflow variable, you enter an initial value. The Data Integration Service uses the initial value of the variable when the workflow starts.

  4. Assignment Task | Informatica - YouTube

    About Assignment Task.....An Assignment Task is used to Assign Value To Workflow Variable.

  5. HOW TO: Customize assignment of tasks in Informatica Data ...

    Solution. For a better understanding and as a good start, see IDD Implementation Guide > "Custom Task Assignment" and proceed. After installing MDM Hub Server, assignment of tasks is performed using the default method, which is as follows:

  6. The assignment task - Learning Informatica PowerCenter 9.x [Book]

    The assignment task is used to assign a value to user-defined variables in Workflow Manager. Before you can define a variable in the assignment task, you need to add the variable in Workflow Manager.

  7. HOW TO: Make the task assignment work using create task API ...

    HOW TO: Create and Assign a Task to a Role using the Create Task REST API call in MDM

  8. Creating an Assignment Task - Learning Informatica ...

    To create an Assignment Task in Workflow Manager, follow these steps: In Workflow Manager, go to Task | Create . From the list of tasks, select Assignment task, and specify the name of the Assignment task, amt_TASK_NAME .

  9. Assignment step -

    Assignments The source from which the field takes values. The fields that you see depend on the data type you defined for the Start > Properties > Input Fields or Temporary Fields .

  10. is here any document regarding assignment task?

    So I want to about tasks in workflow. Could you please guide me if any good doc available or not for assignment  task with example. Please tell me also if any good docs available for work flow design.