The College Application

How to Write the Nursing School Personal Statement: Steps, Tips, And Samples

A smiling nurse with a stethoscope around her neck. Her nursing school personal statement was accepted when she applied into a nursing program.


A nursing career allows individuals to help patients in a nurturing environment, and to find their existential fulfillment. As a result, many learners decide to pursue a career in the field, and you are one of these individuals!

Eager to receive an acceptance letter? You know that you’ll need to submit the application material in a timely fashion, and part of that process involves crafting a stellar personal statement for nursing school.

According to a  report by CNN , many applicants are rejected from nursing schools, unfortunately. Even when you feel that you have solid writing skills, you must hone these talents and gear them specifically toward that nursing school personal statement.

After all, you are looking to boost your chances of acceptance. Following a process and learning key pointers about this essay will help you to succeed.

Preparatory Work

Don’t simply sit down at the computer and start clicking away on the keyboard. Crafting a compelling personal statement for your target nursing school involves a significant amount of preparatory work. As seasoned writers know, the art of writing is a process.

Step 1: Research the Schools

Each school is going to have its unique requirements, and you want to know what those requirements are. Researching different programs serves multiple purposes. For example, you can start to rank the programs in order of your preference. Secondly, you get to determine what schools are reach schools and which institutions are your safety schools.

This process will also help you to get a sense of how competitive your personal statement should be. The best According to a ranking of  2023 Best Colleges for Nursing in America , the University of Pennsylvania, Emory University, and Duke University are listed as the top three.

If you’re applying to one of those institutions, you should go through your personal statement with a fine-tooth comb!

Step 2: Write Freely

At some point in your educational career, you’ve likely been asked to write freely about a topic. As you start seeing the prompts from different nursing programs, feel free to type your ideas, preferably, in a word-processing program on your computer.

You could challenge yourself to address one or more of the following prompts:

  • What was your reason for choosing nursing as a career? Do you have any additional information that you would like the admissions committee to know about you that has not been previously considered in the application? (2000 characters)
  • Discuss your interest and understanding of the clinical nurse leader role.   What experiences have contributed to your interest?  (2000 characters)
  • The goal of the Doctor of Nursing Program is to prepare nurse leaders at the highest level of nursing practice to improve patient outcomes and translate research into practice.  Describe experiences that exhibit your leadership skills. (2000 characters)
  • Discuss the clinical specialty area you are interested in pursuing. What experiences have contributed to your interest? (2000 characters)
  • Discuss a population of interest in your work setting. What experiences have you had with this population? What health care needs do you see in this target group? (2000 characters)

Check out more  nursing school personal statement questions .

While the schools to which you are applying might not ask the exact questions, you have at least started to get your creativity flowing in terms of what you might write.

Step 3: Talk to an Admissions Counselor

As you’re narrowing down your choice of nursing schools, consider scheduling an appointment with an admissions counselor. Aim to schedule an on-campus appointment if possible as this gives you a real feel of the school environment. Where it is impossible to get one, as with the current Covid-19 pandemic, consider a virtual or telephone appointment.

An admissions counselor will provide you with guidance that is specific to their nursing school’s acceptable personal statement. In other words, different schools have varying expectations. While the admissions counselor may not answer all your questions, you still have a chance to receive valuable insight.

Step 4: Review Genre Conventions

Whether you applying at the undergraduate level or graduate level, you are already familiar with certain genre conventions. What you must recognize is that a personal statement can be quite different from other academic pieces that you have done. Penn State offers some great pointers on  elements that characterize a personal statement .

For example, you might think that a personal statement needs to follow a five-paragraph format with a thesis statement as the last sentence of the introduction. While some personal statements take on this format, others employ a more reflective structure.

Step 5: Thoroughly Check Requirements

You want to make sure you know exactly how many nursing school personal statements you have to write for your application and what the requirements are for each one. Take an example from medical school. When students apply to medical school, they typically have to write one larger essay followed by several shorter ones.

Knowing the expectations of the specific programs to which you are applying can help you budget your time appropriately. Pay close attention to deadlines as well. Submitting an application after the posted deadline is a sure way to seriously lower your odds of getting admitted.

The Writing Process

Once you have completed the research phase and gathered preliminary information, you may think that you’re ready to craft the final version of your essay. However, writing is an intricate process. Allowing yourself adequate time to go through this process will heighten your chances of drafting a captivating essay.

Step 1: Print or Write down the Prompt

You must adhere to the prompt. Period. Keep in mind how crucial it is to follow protocols in the field of nursing. If you cannot follow the guidelines for a nursing school personal statement, the admissions committee may doubt your abilities in the field.

Printing out the prompt or jotting it down is quite useful because you can visually assess if you have checked off all of the requirements. Pay attention to how the prompt is worded. Further, note any length requirements; you may have to write at least a certain number of words or ensure that your essay does not exceed a specified number of characters.

When essays have character limits, make sure to find out if the character limit includes or excludes spaces. As you go through the writing process, you can check off each requirement on the prompt.

Step 2: Use a Brainstorming Strategy

I am confident you have great brainstorming techniques up your sleeves. If not, The Writing Center at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill offers some very handy  brainstorming techniques  that you could use.

Try to resist the urge to skip right ahead to the full first draft. Brainstorming allows you to get your ideas out. For example, you might look at the prompt and make a list of whatever ideas comes to your mind. You don’t need to worry about organizing them or fully developing the content yet. You could also craft a formal outline as you brainstorm ideas. See which strategy works best for you.

Some writers like to use the actual writing out of sentences as a brainstorming technique. With this approach, you could just write or type whatever ideas come to mind. Setting a timer for this activity is useful. Then, you can go back in to shape your ideas.

Step 3: Craft the First Draft

Writing can be intimidating. You might feel as though you are totally committing to whatever words you put on paper. But the drafting process helps to overcome this anxiety. Sitting down to write the first draft means that you know you will make changes. As a result, you do not feel as pressured.

For some, writing is an enjoyable process; for others, just the thought alone is enough stress and a nuisance. If you fall into the latter group, budget your time. You could allocate an hour each day for a week to put together the first draft. This strategy works even when you love writing.

Step 4: Start with What You Know

Many writers become so concerned with the first sentence of their introduction that they end up losing valuable ideas for the rest of the essay. For example, imagine that you have four main ideas that you would like to explore in your nursing school personal statement. Your natural inclination might be to write about the experience that happened earliest chronologically before you tackle the others.

Consider the fact that you might feel more comfortable writing about the second or third chronological experience instead. Start with those paragraphs. You can then build the essay around them. Getting started is often the most difficult part of a writing project, so starting with what you know can help to inspire the rest of the piece.

Step 5: Prioritize Higher-Order Issues

In writing, topics such as organization, addressing the prompt, and developing ideas are often considered more important than issues like grammar and spelling. Of course, you want to present polished grammar and proper sentence structure in your nursing personal statement, but these issues are less important in your first draft.

When you are creating your first draft, pay attention to the content. Work to get the paragraphs into reasonable order, and aim to develop your ideas as much as you can. You will worry about the grammar, sentence structure, and proofreading issues when you go to revise.

Step 6: Put the Essay Aside

As mentioned earlier, planning your time is vital when it comes to the writing process. Therefore, as unorthodox as it may sound, you need to disconnect yourself from the work for quite some time before reviewing. Putting your work away for at least a day is a smart move. By doing so, you have the proper amount of time to really assess the changes that you want to make.

It’s tempting to immediately go into your paper to revise after writing the first draft, and this urge is particularly strong when the deadline is soon. You might miss important information though. Waiting allows you to recall more important details that you want to be included in the essay. Taking a break from your personal statement allows you that necessary mental space to potentially come up with fresh ideas.

Removing yourself from the project for some time also helps with editing. When you are first writing, you may include some unnecessary details about events related to nursing or your reasons for becoming a nurse. These details may be important to you, but they might not be important for your essay. Putting your work aside for some time will help you gain that perspective.

Besides, picking up on proofreading and editing errors is difficult when you have just written the paper. Your mind is likely to read the work as though it is correct because you just wrote it and you know what the text is supposed to say.

When you come back to read the text later, you are likely to catch these mistakes. For some, printing out the essay and editing it by hand seems to work great. Make sure to read the text out loud to catch errors. In other words, you may hear issues more readily than you see them.

Step 7: Visit a Writing Center

If available to you, a writing center is extremely valuable. Ben Rafoth in  Writing Spaces: Readings on Writing  explains  why writing centers are so valuable.  The main idea here is that you get the chance to review the work with a tutor. Having the insight of a professional or a peer on your work is crucial.

Writing centers function in a variety of ways. Some tutors may require students to read their papers aloud while others might make markings on the student’s paper. If you are already a student at a college, you likely have access to a writing center right on campus.

If you do not, ask a few people to read over and review your essay ( me shamelessly plugging in our services page here 🤦). Sharing your work with others might feel frightening, but keep in mind that an outside reader can offer you important insights.

Step 8: Revise and Revise Some More

One round of revisions is typically not enough for an important piece of writing. You want to make sure that your personal statement for your target nursing school is as polished as it gets. Now you will have to decide how many times is enough revision.

But as a rule of thumb, aim for at least 3 rounds of revisions. As you go through each essay each round, you will likely notice grammar and sentence-level issues that need fixing. At some point, however, you will feel confident with your paper. Then, you are ready to submit the document.

Related: 8 Best TEAS Prep Courses Today, According to Nursing Students

Topics and Approaches to Consider

In addition to allowing your writing to develop over time, you also need to make sure you are selecting appropriate content. But remember, you must always strive to address the specific prompt from your target nursing program. Consider the following clever tips to make your writing shine:

Tip 1: Start with an Anecdote

You want to grab the attention of your readers at the beginning of your nursing school personal statement. Beginning with an authentic anecdote is one way to do so. For example, you might bring in a specific experience that encouraged you to want to become a nurse or a situation that had a profound influence on your life.

Remember the importance of authenticity when taking this approach. You might feel like you need to manipulate the experience to make it sound more dramatic than it was. However, bear in mind that a commitment to honesty is imperative to your nursing goals.

As a word of caution, the admissions team has quite possibly read numerous nursing personal statements in the past, which means they can sniff out your inauthenticity from a mile away! You do not want that, now do you?

Tip 2: Talk about Yourself

Many students fall into the trap of talking about other people more than they discuss themselves. You might have a profound story about how a medical situation with one of your grandparents inspired you to become a nurse, or you might want to share details about an internship that you had with a particular nurse.

What you do not want to do is end up writing more about your grandparent or the nurse with whom you worked than you do about yourself.

While these individuals may very well have played a crucial role in your decision to pursue a nursing career, they are not the ones applying to a nursing school. You are essentially trying to sell yourself to the admissions committee. Talk about how these experiences shaped you and what you learned from the situations. Keep the focus on yourself.

Tip 3: Discuss the Target School

Chances are that you are applying to multiple nursing programs. If you are thinking of applying to only one program, casting your net wider is definitely wiser. After all, you don’t know for certain that you will gain admittance into your program of choice. When you apply to different schools, you should tailor the personal statement to each institution.

It’s quite possible that each school will ask you a similar question or that the prompts will resemble each other. While you might be compelled to do a one-size-fits-all personal statement for each of the nursing schools, that would be a sure recipe to get a rejection letter. The writing will sound as though it has been repurposed.

The admissions committee wants to see why you are a good fit for that specific school, not simply nursing schools in general. Now, of course, you can potentially use the same base. For example, you might want to share the same volunteer experiences or internship experiences with each school. However, you should have a section that is thoughtfully tailored to the individual school.

Incorporate specific details about the school that show why you want to go there. You could highlight particular classes that interest you or discuss a few of your role models who are that school’s alumni- basically, anything that, without a doubt, demonstrates that your essay is intended for the specific school.

Take a look at the following excerpt from an actual personal statement. While it is not for a nursing application, it should elaborate on the point.

“RIT is an excellent choice for me because it has successfully carved out a reputation for itself as a leading technology university. The availability of top-notch facilities, like the Simone Center for Student Innovation and RIT Venture creations Incubator, continue to set the university apart from its peers. As a result, the university sports a vibrant entrepreneurial culture that is leveraged on technology to inspire learners to identify problems that require innovative solutions. Importantly, I believe the MS TIME program will enable me to experience entrepreneurship in a reimagined way, like never before.”

Tip 4: Know What to Avoid

You already know that you should avoid manipulating personal stories and writing generic essays. You should also avoid begging for admission into the school. Further, avoid integrating clichés into your writing. Instead, look for personal ways to convey your ideas instead of simply regurgitating.

Avoid plagiarism as it can affect you professionally. Running your work through a  plagiarism checker  will weed out accidental plagiarism. When you read samples, you absolutely must not copy them.

Nursing School Personal Statement Examples

How about we examine (and comment on) some excerpts from samples of personal statements- to give you a general idea and hopefully get you started. Ready? Let’s go!

“Nursing is a very versatile field and the subjects I am currently studying have many links with adult nursing. Studying psychology has made me aware that the mental health of a patient is just as important as their physical well-being. I have learnt that the brain and the body are never in harmony, which can explain why we are such a diverse species in the way we act, or the beliefs we hold…”

– Read the rest  here

Commentary : The student does a splendid job of connecting his educational experience to the nursing field. He might want to watch for absolutes, such as the word “never.” But as long as you can back up your assertion, you are free to say what’s on your mind. The student should, however, break down this wall of text into two separate paragraphs, for readability purposes.

“After a series of illnesses and injuries during my early childhood, I was introduced to the role and care of Nurses. It was from here I became fascinated and realised this could be a satisfying future outlet for my empathetic self. I feel that nurses are truly inspirational professionals. They provide an inestimable service to society whilst working in a highly demanding and very challenging career, assisting individuals and their families through difficult times when they are at their most vulnerable. I feel I am ready to embark on this career and start to fulfill this ambition of mine to become a children’s nurse.

I believe nursing is a career in which I will excel because of my compassion for those who are at their most vulnerable. My ability to empathise with individuals would provide a positive nurse and patient relationship, putting the child and family at ease, allowing the family to approach me for support and guidance and therefore meet specific needs of the child and their family. Self-confidence is something I consider to be highly important within a nursing career. Having self-belief when working under pressure and in stressful situations is crucial when ensuring high quality care is delivered. Nursing can be a stressful career where traumatic situations are common…”

Commentary : This is an excellent example of how to start a personal statement for nursing school, and transition effortlessly from the introductory paragraph to the next. The student here clearly connects her experiences as a child to her desire to be a children’s nurse. And just from reading this sample, you feel she is well qualified for admission!

“I want to be a nurse to do something worthwhile with my career, I don’t want to waste my days working behind a computer, I want to be a nurse to utilise all of the best parts of my character…”

– Read the rest  here

Commentary : What’s useful here is that the student speaks with confidence. He seems to have a pretty clear direction from the start. However, the writing does contain comma splices, which is a grammar mistake. While the word “something” is vague, it wouldn’t be if the student elaborated on the same paragraph or the next one.

Also, the student here could better consider the audience. In this case, the audience might consist of admission committee members who work on a computer all day, and they might feel a little offended from reading the first line. Even if their personal feelings aren’t supposed to come into play when assessing the essay, the readers are likely not going into the rest of the essay brimming with enthusiasm.

In addition, the student should consider improving the opening line by focusing more on his specific goals and by eliminating information that could potentially alienate the audience.

“My motivation towards nursing did not emanate from anywhere. I relate it to the experiences that I have had since I was young. As I reflect on my life back, I remember that I grew in a family where my father and mother were nurses in the nearby hospital. I witnessed the care and love they extended to the infirm, some of who came to the hospital in dire conditions. As we lived in the staff quarters, I got a chance to sneak to my father’s office and saw how he handled the patients of different ages. I was encouraged to see him listen and take the history of every patient, something that enabled him to make an accurate treatment decision. since then, I wanted to extend the good works that I witnessed with my immediate parents…”

Commentary : This student does not have very advanced writing skills, which is why you can see her commit some grammar mistakes. For example, she ought to write “sneak into” instead of “sneak to”. However, she does a great job demonstrating how her past has led her to want to pursue a career in nursing. Do not be afraid to tell such a story on your nursing school personal statement. Just don’t dwell too much on it. And ensure the story is legit.

Writing a personal statement might seem like an overwhelming endeavor. After all, you do have to take several steps before you are ready to submit a polished essay and hopefully get accepted into your program of choice.

Keep in mind that your efforts will be worth it. Obviously, other aspects of your application come into play- Factors such as your GPA, recommendation letter, etc.

However, it is on your nursing school personal statement that you have the chance to really  craft your story how you deem fit  and showcase yourself in the best possible light. By putting the necessary time and effort into it, you could find yourself studying to become a nurse when the next semester begins.

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College personal statement examples and writing tips.

A crucial step in your nursing journey is learning how to write a personal statement that resonates with admissions committees and vividly portrays your passion for healthcare. This collection of amazing personal statement examples is curated to guide and inspire you as you articulate your aspirations, experiences, and motivation to pursue nursing.

What is a Personal Statement?

A personal statement is a written narrative that typically forms a significant part of an application to universities, colleges, or professional programs, particularly in fields like nursing. It’s an opportunity for junior year applicants to present themselves beyond test scores and grades, offering insights into their personalities, experiences, goals, and motivations.

In a personal statement, applicants explain why they are interested in a specific field of study or profession, what they hope to achieve through the program, and how their background and experiences have prepared them for this path. It’s a chance to highlight unique attributes, significant life experiences, challenges overcome, or special achievements that make them an ideal candidate for the program.

Why Read Personal Statement Examples?

Reading personal statement essay examples is immensely beneficial for several reasons, especially when preparing your own statement for applications to nursing programs:

  • Inspiration and Ideas: Examples can inspire you and provide ideas on structuring your statement, what kind of content to include in your application essay, and how to convey your story and passion effectively.
  • Understanding Expectations: They offer insight into what admissions committees look for, helping you understand the level of detail, tone, and approach that resonates successfully in such applications.
  • Learning from Others: Seeing how others have articulated their experiences, challenges, and aspirations can guide you in reflecting upon and articulating your own journey and motivations.
  • Avoiding Common Mistakes: By examining a range of examples, you can identify common pitfalls and clichés to avoid, ensuring your statement stands out and feels genuine.
  • Gaining Confidence: Reading successful common app essays can boost your confidence, showing you that crafting a compelling narrative that combines personal experiences with professional aspirations is possible.
  • Diverse Perspectives: Examples offer a glimpse into the diversity of paths and motivations that lead people to nursing, potentially broadening your perspective and enriching your own approach to writing your statement.

How Long Should a Personal Statement Be?

The length of your personal statement should ideally align with the guidelines provided by the institution or program you are applying to. Personal statements are expected to be concise yet comprehensive, often ranging around 500 to 650 words , translating to about one to two pages. 

This word count allows enough space to clearly articulate your experiences, motivations, and aspirations without overloading the reader with information. It’s important to always adhere to the program’s specific word or character limits to demonstrate your ability to follow instructions and present your thoughts.

What Should a Personal Statement Include?

A well-written college admissions essay should include several key elements to effectively communicate your suitability for the program or position you are applying for. Here’s what to typically include:


Your personal statement should begin with an engaging introductory paragraph that captures the essence of your motivation for pursuing your chosen field. This could be a brief narrative of a defining moment, an experience that ignited your passion, or a clear articulation of your interest and enthusiasm.

The introduction sets the tone and should intrigue the reader, providing a glimpse into your unique journey and motivation. It’s important that this section hooks the reader’s attention and provides a compelling reason to continue reading your statement.

Academic and Professional Background

In this section, brainstorm and detail your relevant academic and professional experiences that have prepared you for this next step. Highlight key academic achievements, coursework, research, or projects that align with the field you are pursuing.

Also, include any relevant work experience, internships, or positions that have given you practical skills and insights. This part of the statement is crucial for showcasing your foundational knowledge and preparedness for advanced study or professional development and gaining a scholarship in your chosen area.

Extracurricular Activities and Volunteering

Your involvement in extracurricular activities and volunteering can significantly enrich your personal statement. This section should reflect how these activities have contributed to your personal growth, skills development, or understanding of your field.

Whether it’s a hobby, leadership roles in clubs, participation in sports teams, or volunteer work in community organizations, these experiences demonstrate your broader interests, commitment, and ability to balance multiple responsibilities. It’s an opportunity to show aspects of your character and values that academic achievements alone might not convey.

Personal Qualities and Skills

Reflect on and draft the personal qualities and skills that make you suited for your chosen path. This might include traits like resilience, empathy, critical thinking, or effective communication. Use specific examples or experiences to demonstrate how you have developed and applied these traits.

This personal reflection not only provides depth to your statement but also gives the admissions committee a clearer picture of who you are as an individual, beyond academic and professional achievements.

Career Goals and Aspirations

Discuss your career aspirations and how the program or position you are applying for aligns with these goals. This section should convey a clear vision of where you see yourself in the future and how the specific program or role will be a stepping stone toward that vision.

It’s important to show that you have a direction and purpose and that you see this opportunity as integral to your career journey. This not only demonstrates foresight and planning but also shows your commitment and seriousness about the path you are choosing.

Reasons for Choosing the Specific Program or Institution

Clearly articulate why you are applying to this particular program or institution. Discuss what specific aspects of the program, faculty, institution’s philosophy, or opportunities available are particularly attractive to you and why they resonate with your goals and preferences.

This shows that you have done your research and are making a well-informed decision. It also indicates that you have a genuine interest in what the program or institution uniquely offers, rather than a generic application.

Conclude your statement with a strong, memorable closing that encapsulates your main points and reaffirms your enthusiasm and suitability for the program or career. This is your final opportunity to leave a lasting impression, summarizing why you believe you are an ideal candidate.

The conclusion should tie back to your opening, creating a cohesive narrative that leaves the reader with a clear understanding of your passion, commitment, and readiness for the next step in your academic or professional journey.

What Does an Admissions Officer Look for in a Personal Statement?

When reviewing a personal statement, admission officers are looking for several key elements to assess the suitability of a candidate for their program:

  • Clarity of Purpose: Admissions officers want to see a clear understanding of why the applicant wants to pursue a particular field or program. The statement should convincingly articulate the candidate’s passion, motivation, and how the program aligns with their career goals.
  • Personal Insight and Self-Reflection: A strong personal essay offers insight into the applicant’s personality, experiences, and the factors that have shaped their decision to pursue a specific path. Admissions officers look for depth of reflection and a sense of how past experiences have driven the candidate’s current ambitions.
  • Relevant Experience and Skills: It’s important for the statement to highlight any relevant academic, professional, or volunteer experiences that demonstrate preparedness for the program. Admissions officers are interested in how these experiences have contributed to the development of skills and knowledge pertinent to the field.
  • Writing Quality and Structure: The ability to communicate effectively and coherently through writing is crucial. Admissions officers pay attention to the overall quality of writing, including grammar, clarity, coherence, and the ability to organize thoughts logically.
  • Individuality and Authenticity: They seek to understand what makes each applicant unique. A personal statement should reflect the individual’s authentic self, showcasing unique perspectives, diverse experiences, and personal growth.
  • Commitment and Passion: Demonstrating genuine enthusiasm and a strong commitment to the field is essential. Admissions officers look for candidates who are likely to thrive in the program and contribute positively to their field.
  • Alignment with Program Values and Goals: Candidates who show that their personal and professional values align with those of the program or institution often stand out. Admissions officers look for indications that the candidate has researched the program and understands how it fits into their broader aspirations.
  • Future Potential: Finally, they are interested in the applicant’s potential for future success and contribution to the field. A compelling statement should give a sense of the candidate’s ambition to go to college and how they intend to utilize the education and opportunities provided by the program to achieve their long-term goals.

The Best Personal Statement Examples

Here are some nursing statement examples that illustrate effective writing styles, clear articulation of goals, and the ability to connect personal experiences to broader career or academic aspirations:

Personal Statement Example #1 

Personal statement example #2, college essay example #3, personal statement example #4, application essay example #5, personal statement example #6, personal statement example #7, personal statement example #8, personal statement example #9, personal statement example #10, personal statement example #11, personal statement example #12, personal statement example #13, personal statement example #14, personal statement example #15, child nursing personal statement examples, community nurse personal statement examples, key takeaways for writing a great personal statement.

When reflecting on the nursing personal statement examples provided, several key takeaways emerge that are crucial for anyone crafting their statement. These insights are vital for effectively conveying your passion, commitment, and suitability for a career in nursing:

  • Clearly articulate your personal motivation for choosing nursing.
  • Highlight your relevant healthcare experiences and achievements.
  • Specify your interest in any particular nursing specialty.
  • Showcase qualities and skills that make you suitable for nursing.
  • Outline your long-term professional aspirations in nursing.
  • Acknowledge the challenges and rewards in the nursing profession.
  • Express dedication to ongoing learning and professional development.
  • Ensure clarity, structure, and coherence in your statement.
  • Customize your statement for each specific nursing program.
  • Maintain authenticity and genuineness throughout your statement.

Final Thoughts: Personal Statement Essay Examples

These nursing personal statement examples and key takeaways provide valuable insights for anyone aspiring to enter the nursing freshman year. They demonstrate the importance of a well-crafted statement that blends personal motivation, relevant experiences, and a clear understanding of the nursing profession’s demands and rewards. 

An effective personal statement is not only a reflection of your qualifications and aspirations but also a testament to your passion, empathy, and commitment to the field of nursing. It’s a unique opportunity to showcase your individuality and suitability for a career that is as challenging as it is rewarding. 


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How to write a personal statement for nursing school.

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Reviewed by:

Jonathan Preminger

Former Admissions Committee Member, Hofstra-Northwell School of Medicine

Reviewed: 6/19/23

Writing a personal statement for nursing school can be a daunting task, but we’re here to help! Here’s everything you need to know about writing a personal statement for nursing school.

Writing your personal statement is a nerve-wracking experience, no matter what program you’re applying for . You may be wondering: “what are nursing schools looking for in a personal statement?” or, “how can I make my personal statement for nursing school stand out?” Lucky for you, we’ve got some answers. 

Here we’ll cover everything you need to know about writing a personal statement for nursing school. We’ve included a breakdown of the components to include, examples of nursing school personal statements, and tips to improve your own. 

Let’s get started!

Students practicing to write a personal statement for nursing school

Get The Ultimate Guide on Writing an Unforgettable Personal Statement

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What Is a Nursing School Personal Statement?

When applying to nursing schools , you’ll most likely notice that most applications require a personal statement. A personal statement is a short essay, typically no longer than two pages, that tells your target schools a little bit about who you are. 

Each school has different expectations for the length and contents of your personal statement, so make sure to check the specific requirements of your target schools. Some common topics include your personal goals for nursing school and why you want to become a nurse.

Nursing School Personal Statement Format

Before writing your personal statement for nursing school, you should plan out what you want to include. If your school does not ask you to answer a specific question with your essay, here is a list of what you should include in your nursing school personal statement.

An Introduction

The introductory paragraph should focus on what brought you to this point. Your school primarily wants to get to know you as a candidate through your personal statement. Your intro should include things like:

  • How you first became interested in nursing
  • What inspires you about becoming a nurse
  • What you intend to achieve through a nursing degree

In this paragraph, your main goal is to introduce yourself and give the admissions committee a bit of background on your passion for nursing. Perhaps you have a family member who inspired you to pursue nursing, you grew up near a hospital, or you’ve struggled with health issues yourself - these are all great examples of an origin story. 

Think to yourself: “If my journey into nursing school was a movie, how would it begin?”

Body Paragraph(s)

In the body paragraph(s) of your nursing school personal statement, you can include a bit about your achievements. However, this isn’t the place to simply list your achievements. 

Think about how your experiences helped you to develop skills for nursing school . Include things like:

  • How you’ve furthered your interest in nursing through experience (both in and out of school)
  • How your achievements make you a good fit for the program
  • Specific things about the program that interests you

The body portion of your essay should contain the majority of the information you want to include. Make sure to only include accomplishments if they help to explain how you’ll contribute to the program. Your CV will list any other achievements that don’t come into play here.

A Strong Conclusion

Your personal statement should end on a positive note. Think about summarizing your statement by looking toward the future. Include things like:

  • Your future ambitions following nursing school
  • What you’ll be able to contribute to the program 

The end of your body paragraph(s) should mention what you hope to achieve in the future with your nursing degree and lead into your conclusion. The final sentences of your personal statement should further state your passion for your program and how you’ll be a great fit at your target school. 

What Not to Write in a Personal Statement for Nursing School

Before getting into our tips and examples, let’s go over what not to include in your personal statement for nursing school. Here are some common mistakes to avoid when crafting your personal statement. 

Keep it Simple

Your personal statement should be authentic and genuine, but make sure to keep the brief in mind while you’re writing. As mentioned above, a personal statement is typically no longer than two pages in length. 

You should absolutely include some personal anecdotes; in fact, we encourage it! Just make sure to stick to the relevant parts of your story and not to elaborate too much on areas that are not relevant to your application. 

Do Not Reiterate Your CV

Your personal statement is an essay, not a resume. Keep in mind that your application already contains all of your achievements on your CV, transcripts, and other application materials. 

Your personal statement is about understanding your passion and motivations. You can use examples from your CV to further assert your interest in the program, but only if you can elaborate on how they’ve specifically helped you on your journey to nursing school. 

Tips for Writing a Stellar Nursing Personal Statement

Let’s go over a few tips on how you can improve your personal statement. Using these tips can help to make your personal statement and essays for your nursing school application stand out while remaining authentic and genuine. 

Create A Timeline

When writing your personal statement, your focus should be on telling your story. Creating a clear timeline of events can help to effectively tell the story of how you decided to apply for nursing. 

Start with how you became interested in nursing, develop your story with experiences that have cultivated your knowledge, and conclude by talking about your program and your future goals. A timeline will make your essay easy to read and give the admissions committee a good idea of your journey so far.

Stick To the Brief

If your target school(s) give you a specific prompt for your personal statement, make sure to refer back to the prompt while writing your essay to ensure you’re staying on track. 

For example, if your prompt asks you a question, be sure to answer the question at the beginning, the end, and throughout your essay. Your personal statement shouldn’t be vague or veer too far off course. 

Speak From the Heart

It is crucial in your nursing personal statement to share what makes you unique . This is your chance to show the admissions committee why you’d be a perfect fit in their program and demonstrate what you bring to the table. 

Include genuine experiences that have pushed you toward nursing throughout your life. Conveying your passions and motivations is critical in your personal statement for nursing school.

Do Your Research 

One great way to make your nursing personal statement stand out is to do thorough research on your program and include it in your piece. Showing your passion for the specific program. you’re applying to can give you an edge over others and impress the admissions committee. 

When you include your research, be sure to add it organically into your writing. Use your research as a way to connect your personal experiences to the program rather than simply listing information.

Nursing School Personal Statement Examples

Here are two nursing personal statement examples that were written successfully. We’ve also included explanations of how they are good examples to help you improve your own personal statement. 

*Important note: Do not use our samples in your nursing school application. These examples are meant to serve as a guide when crafting your own original personal statement for nursing school. 

Example #1: Indeed ’s Nursing School Personal Statement Sample

“I walked backward down the hill, my arms supporting the weight of the wheelchair as its wheels rolled slowly in reverse. Sunlight danced through the trees around us and shone in my grandmother's hair as she sat inside the wheelchair. I couldn't see my grandmother's face from that angle, but I could hear her laughing with joy as she enjoyed the outdoors for the first time in weeks. My grandmother came to live with my family two years ago after breaking her hip. Although she completed much of her recovery at our home, Nurse George came by every day to perform my grandmother's personal care tasks, monitor her vital signs and assist with her physical therapy exercises. George also taught me some basic patient care practices, such as how to support a wheelchair correctly while going downhill. I had never considered a career in nursing before, but George helped me see the rewards of helping people with their medical conditions and injuries. I am excited by this opportunity to apply to Fern Hill's College of Nursing because I appreciate your program's specialization in rehabilitation nursing. Being a part of my grandmother's recovery team has inspired me to pursue a nursing career that helps patients recover from injuries or medical conditions. I believe that your school's emphasis on assisting patients in regaining their independent skills can help me achieve these professional aspirations. Since realizing that I want to become a nurse, I have become a regular volunteer at Jefferson Rehabilitation Center. I mentor young people struggling with drug addictions and provide childcare for the children of rehabilitation patients. There is no feeling comparable to when a mentee or outgoing patient offers you a sincere "thank you." I can no longer imagine pursuing a career where I do not get to help people overcome their challenges and navigate their way to recovery. My experiences helping my grandmother and patients at Jefferson have taught me the value of empathy and communication. Frequently, my mentees simply want someone to listen to them. I do my best to give them a judgment-free space in which to share their stories. Whether the medical issue is emotional or physical, patients appreciate working with flexible and considerate people. I believe I embody these qualities by actively listening and letting patients talk at their own pace. I am ready to pursue a nursing career and learn about helping patients in a more professional and technical capacity. Fern Hill's College of Nursing is the ideal place to prepare for my future nursing career.”

Why this is a good example: In this example, the writer has done an excellent job of telling the story of how they became interested in nursing. They also develop a clear timeline of events from when they first thought about nursing to how they began developing their skills through volunteering. 

Most importantly, the candidate mentions specific reasons why they’re interested in the program and how they feel they can contribute to the school and field. 

Example #2: Johns Hopkins University Nursing Personal Statement Sample

“I grew up close to a hospital, where I watched patients go through the double doors for a variety of ailments. From a young age, this drove me to develop a strong interest in the field of medicine. I knew that I wanted to pursue a career in the future that would allow me to take care of those in need. Through my courses in the natural sciences as well as social studies, I have continued to develop my knowledge in the field in order to be ready to continue my education. Now, I am ready to take the next step in my education by applying for the Nursing program at Johns Hopkins University.  Three years ago I completed a nursing shadowing internship that opened my eyes to many of the daily struggles of being a nurse. During my time in the clinic and on the wards, I had the opportunity to work In the critical care and trauma ward as well as In obstetrics and geriatrics. These various experiences showed me the diverse role that nurses play in a healthcare setting, and emphasized the importance of empathy and dedication to patient care.  Johns Hopkins University Is known worldwide for its focus on patient wellness and medical research. As a nursing student at Hopkins, I hope to not only further the institution's goal of providing exceptional patient care, but also to assist with the many clinical trials ongoing at the hospital that pave the way for new treatments. Through hands-on training with knowledgeable staff, I know that I will be able to make the most of my nursing training at Johns Hopkins and become a nursing professional that is capable of enhancing patient wellness in a healthcare setting.”

Why this is a good example: In this example, the writer develops a clear timeline and clearly defines their relevant information. The writer covers when they first became interested in nursing, courses they’ve taken, and what experiences have made them get serious about the profession. 

Finally, they include why they are specifically interested in the program at Johns Hopkins and conclude by adding what they will add to the program as a student.

FAQs: How to Write a Personal Statement for Nursing School

Here are some answers to frequently asked questions about nursing school personal statements. 

1. Do All Nursing Schools Require A Personal Statement?

Almost all nursing schools require a personal statement, which can typically be described as a short essay (2 pages or less) that explains who you are and why you want to attend the school’s nursing program.

2. Is a Personal Statement for Nursing School an Essay?

Yes, a personal statement is a short essay that briefly describes your past, present, and future experiences in relation to nursing.

3. How Long Should A Nursing Personal Statement Be?

Each nursing school has different length requirements, which can typically be found in the prompt. If no length is specified, two pages or less is recommended. 

4. What Should I Include In My Nursing School Personal Statement?

Your nursing personal statement should include:

  • Why you want to become a nurse
  • What inspires you about nursing
  • Elaborate on the experiences you’ve had that have taught you about nursing
  • Program-specific reasons for your interest in the school
  • How you intend to contribute to the program and the field of nursing

If your school’s personal statement asks a specific question, that question should be answered throughout your essay. 

5. Does Nursing Require Essays?

Yes, most nursing program applications require personal statement essays, and some require secondary (or supplemental) essays as well.

6. When Should I Write My Personal Statement for Nursing School?

You should begin writing your personal statement(s) for nursing school as soon as you receive the prompt. Make sure to give yourself an adequate amount of time to complete all sections of your application before the deadline.

7. How do you Start a Personal Statement for Nursing School?

To start a compelling nursing personal statement, there are a few different writing techniques you can use. You can start by introducing yourself, start by talking about how you became interested in nursing, or you can start “in the action” by cutting right into your story. 

Final Thoughts

Your personal statement for nursing school should be genuine, heartfelt, and express how you will make an excellent addition to your target school’s nursing program through a series of examples. 

Each personal statement you write should be adjusted to suit the individual program you are applying for. Sending a general personal statement with every application you submit is impersonal and not recommended. Make sure to follow your brief closely and map out your essay before writing it to ensure you include all of the relevant information. 

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How to Write a Nursing School Personal Statement: What to Include, Examples, and Mistakes to Avoid


So, you have decided to go to nursing school, or advance your nursing career by furthering your education. Now is the time to become familiar with the application process, get your transcripts and letters of recommendation in order and compose the, in some cases dreaded personal statement. Writing a personal statement is a common part of the application process when working to advance your education. However, the term "Personal Statement" is a bit of a misnomer. The universities and colleges asking for this essay are not looking for your life story. Instead, they want you to demonstrate what makes you uniquely qualified as a candidate for their program. In this post you will find the information necessary to make you stand out among hundreds of other applicants, create a personal statement tailored to your personal goals as well as to your potential institutions, and find out what common mistakes are made and how to avoid them.

Although some institutions will give you a specific prompt to discuss when applying to the program, many will request a general personal statement (aka a statement of purpose). There are some commonalities among all of these essays for which you will find appropriate advice here, to different degrees, depending on the program application requirements. Each of these essays should be written for the specific program you are applying to, so be wary of differences not only in essay type or topic but also appropriate formatting and length. Above all, be aware that you are writing to present yourself as a professional capable of caring for the lives of others; following their provided guidelines and avoiding familiar language (such as contractions and common word abbreviations) will allow you to present yourself in the best possible light.

General guidelines

The personal statement.

Although you want to refrain from telling the story of your life, you still want to make it personal. Be sure to illustrate with specific and unique examples why you are cut out for this career and the specific program you are applying to. There are many things that can be included in this category, not all of them will be right for each applicant to discuss or appropriate for the prompts that each individual provides. However, this list should give you an idea of what the evaluators are looking for in a strong candidate:

Educational background

  • Did you take advanced biology classes in high school? If so, you may want to highlight this background and how it demonstrates your devotion to health care.
  • Have you gone out of your way to learn relevant skills? Perhaps you can discuss your CPR certification training.
  • Have you been administering insulin to a diabetic cat for years? This demonstrates a devotion to health care and the ability to learn transferable skills. In fact, my long history of doing this has come up in highly successful interviews in the past, which was the inspiration for this particular example. Although I was medicating a different species than I would be working with, this history demonstrates the ability to regulate insulin levels, properly store medication, fill a syringe safely, and correctly administer a subcutaneous injection.

Volunteer work

  • Volunteer work at a hospital is likely a common point of discussion for aspiring nurses. e sure to tell a story about a situation that makes you stand out which solidified your certainty that this is the right field for you.
  • Assisted living facilities, caring for special needs children, working at animal shelters, or volunteering at homeless shelters (among other things) may also be sources of inspiration that allow you to highlight why you should be accepted into the program.
  • Supervisors in these types of positions may also be great resources for recommendation letters or potential proofreaders for the initial draft of your personal statement.

Work experience

  • If you have worked in a related field in a paid position, this should definitely be not only included in your essay, but considered a potential source of a particularly persuasive letter of recommendation.
  • Your employer may also be an excellent resource to ask for feedback regarding rough drafts of your personal statement.

Personal motivation

  • Do you have a unique story that has compelled you to want to pursue the field of nursing; perhaps you helped care for a family member? These personal motivations are also excellent ways to set yourself apart.

Relevant acquired skills

  • Have you acquired a particular skill set relevant to nursing outside of traditional means? This is the time to highlight that achievement. Perhaps you have experience working in a pharmacy or have proven yourself in high-stress situations; these characteristics translate well into the field of nursing.
  • Another asset that you might find to be in your favor is fluency in a foreign language, or ASL. This unique skill set might make you a valuable candidate as well as a more highly sought after employee once you graduate.

Unique traits that make you stand out

  • Thousands of applicants to nursing programs write that they have "always wanted to go into nursing", sometimes even in their opening line. Find a way to stand out.
  • For example, in my personal statement, I wrote about how I actually did not have a traditional story that culminated in my pursuit of higher education. I found my way from grill cook and karate instructor to medical research science. Embrace the fact that you may not be conventional. Letting your personality, background and voice come through in your personal statement will help the admissions committee determine if you are a great fit for their program.

Embrace the fact that you may not be conventional.

The right fit

As with any educational program, fit is important when looking into pursuing a nursing degree. Demonstrating that you have researched the program, and illustrating in your essay why it is the place for you, will set you apart from other applicants. Additionally, if your long term goal is to be an ER nurse, for example, and you are applying to a program known for a different type of nursing, application reviewers will see this in a negative light.

Essay topics

In some cases, colleges and universities will give you a specific prompt for this essay or ask for a series of short essays addressing particular questions. In these cases, be sure to answer their questions thoroughly and be aware of formatting guidelines and word count limitations. Equally important, be sure to demonstrate ways in which you are a good fit for not only the program, but also the nursing profession. This is a position that is both incredibly personal and physically demanding, but also a situation where you need to be cool under fire and fastidious with your work. Use any opportunity you can to demonstrate that you possess these characteristics in a way that makes you a highly competitive candidate and a potential star in your chosen field.

If you have applied for continued education in the past and have written this kind of essay before, you may have noticed that applying to nursing programs is a bit unique. Particularly, there is a more empathic slant to writing these essays. As personal statements go, writing one for a nursing program is much more 'personal' than preparing one for academic study. To put this all in context, below are some sample essay prompts used by nursing schools in the past. Following this, some advice from successful career nurses will lend an additional perspective from professionals directly working in the field you aspire to join.

Sample prompts

The Vanderbilt University website currently gives the following information regarding the personal statement portion of the application process:

Your Statement of Purpose should reflect your understanding of the role of the advanced practice nurse and your interest in a particular patient population. Before writing your statement of purpose, please carefully review information about the specialty on our web site so that you clearly indicate to the faculty that your career goals are a fit with the specialty. If you are applying to a dual specialty, be sure to address the scope of practice in each specialty area. Students are offered admission to their selected specialty; it is not possible to enter the program undecided about your specialty area. Vanderbilt University

As you can see, this program focuses on your understanding of what it takes to work in the nursing field and puts a particular emphasis on the patient population you want to work with and the reason behind this decision. They also focus on familiarity with the program, as discussed above. These are points that likely generalize to numerous programs and to personal statements for this field in general.

Yale University has the following requirements, according to a website which generates advice specific to nursing personal statements. This site offers the following advice, which echoes the focal points found here, and may offer further information as you pursue your continued education and refine your personal statement. As you can see, Yale differs in its requirements and constrains the length of the personal statement considerably.

Yale University nursing requires you to write a 250-word essay with free choice of your subject. In writing your essay, it is important that this provides you the advantage to stay ahead of your competition. You should be able to include intellectual development, skills, interests, potential contribution to the progress of National University nursing and among many others. It is important to note that Yale University school of nursing utilizes strict admission process so you should be able to comply with top-notch standards. Do not compromise your admission simply by sending out a poorly written personal statement. To improve your chances in Yale University school of nursing, your essay should be able to reflect your dedication, excellence, commitment, and genuine interest to belong to Yale. In your Yale University nursing personal statement, you should also be able to highlight components of your background from academic to personal that will provide the admissions committee an overview of who you are and what you can deliver. To guarantee your admission in National University Nursing, you should be able to provide your readers with information that is unique and interesting that is not shown in any part of your application. Yale University

The essay requested in this case is considerably short, however, it allows you to write about the topic of your choice. This gives you the opportunity to present yourself as a unique candidate. In this personal statement, it is still important to choose a topic that allows you to address all of their listed points of concern to the best of your ability within the constraints of the allotted space. This excerpt also stresses the focus on compliance to high standards necessary to successfully complete the nursing program. Although this is a very short essay, it is emphasized how important it is to ensure that this work is well composed. Writing a rushed essay will be obvious to those reviewing applications and reflects poorly on your ability to perform at a high level, both academically and as a potential future nurse. Additionally, it is re-emphasized in this piece that it is important to understand the program to which you are applying. As they state, it is important to demonstrate a "genuine interest in belonging to Yale"; this is true of all program applications. Always focus a portion of your essay on demonstrating why this particular program is right for you and what unique skills you bring to the table that other applicants do not. Finally, always remember not to simply reiterate information that already has been included elsewhere in your application; be sure to tell the committee something new and interesting that gives you a competitive edge.

This differs from Fairfield University's DNP program , which requires that the applicant:

  • Discuss a practice problem in your field that, in your experience, has a broad impact on patient care outcomes.
  • State professional goals for the next 5-10 years.
  • Explain how a DNP will help you reach your goals.

As you can see, depending on the institution and level of degree program that you are interested in, the requirements for application can vary greatly. In the case of the Doctor of Nursing Program offered at this university, the personal statement is more focused on the background of the applicant directly relating to their previous experience in their nursing careers. There is also a focus on the ability to think critically about the field, its shortcomings, and how they can be amended. This institution also has an interest in your long-term career development and plans for up to the next 10 years. Remember that reflecting on this in your personal statement allows you to demonstrate your potential to raise the reputation of the university in the long term, a topic that they have a demonstrated interest in learning about you as an applicant. Planning your long term career goals will also assist you in deciding which programs are the best fit for you and will allow you to gain the appropriate background to reach these goals over your career.

Planning your long term career goals will also assist you in deciding which programs are the best fit for you.

What degree program is right for you?

It is important to know that there are a variety of nursing degrees that can be applied for, even within a single university. Each of these offers a different career path, and potential for further education or future job promotion. Before you decide which program you want to attend, you should research the many options available within the nursing field. An example of the options that should be considered can be found at the University of Rochester website :

  • Accelerated Programs for Non-Nurses (BS & MS) for students with a non-nursing bachelor's degree and want to become a nurse in just 12 months.
  • RN to BS program: for students who want to earn a bachelor's degree in as little as 16 months with part-time coursework.
  • Clinical Nurse Leader (MS) for licensed registered nurses who already hold a bachelor's degree in nursing.
  • Health Care Organization Management and Leadership (MS) for all applicants with a bachelor's degree.
  • Nursing Education (MS) for nurses who aspire to teach at either a college of nursing or within a clinical setting.
  • Nurse Practitioner program (MS) for nurses who want to provide another level of care for their patients.
  • Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) for nurses entering at the post-baccalaureate or post-master's level.
  • PhD in Nursing & Health Practice program for all licensed health professionals who already hold a master's degree.
  • Legal Nurse Consultant Course for registered nurses or advanced practice nurses.
  • Care Manager Education program for nurses or other health professionals currently working in a care manager capacity, or entering this growing field.
  • RN First Assistant program for CNOR or APRN's.

This may not be a comprehensive list, but it gives you an idea of the level of diversity available to you. Become familiar with the programs at each institution you apply to and ensure that they will give you the appropriate foundation to achieve your long-term goals, both in your career and in potentially continuing your education further.

What do nurses say?

Discussions with successful nurses who have completed this process have revealed that, unlike personal statements for academic programs, this essay has a more personal bent. Revealing your altruism and desire to help people, as well as your motivation toward expanding your knowledge and personal growth are appropriate in these essays. You should also highlight how your increased knowledge and growth will allow you to help your patients and become a more effective practitioner. Emphasizing these things while telling an anecdotal story about volunteer work, an aid job, or other experiences will allow you the ability to express these things while demonstrating your unique skills and understanding of the field. Another point often made by individuals who have been successful in furthering their education, and therefore in writing these letters, is that it is sometimes appropriate to discuss your background disadvantages; perhaps you did not achieve top grades because you also had to work full time, for example. Communicating this to reviewers demonstrates that you can persevere in times of hardship and remained committed to your education.

Recapitulation of key points:

  • Emphasize what makes you a unique applicant.
  • Discuss why you want to be a nurse, and in what field, in a way that conveys your personality and sets you apart.
  • Remember that this is a professional document; use formal language, not contractions.
  • Do not start your personal statement essay with "I have always wanted to be a nurse." or "I have always wanted to help people." These, and similar sentiments, are common in these essays. An intriguing opening statement will get the attention of the application review committee and make you more memorable. Remember, the reviewers are reading hundreds of these a day, if not more.
  • Refrain from reiterating the information that can be found in your application. Not only is this redundant, but you will be forfeiting the opportunity to demonstrate to the review panel how you stand apart from the other applicants.
  • Research each program and write a letter that demonstrates why the program is a good fit for you.
  • Remember to showcase any skills you have developed that will make you a successful student as well as a long-term asset to the program.

These techniques will allow you to compose a more competitive personal statement for any program you choose. A well-researched and written essay will give you an edge during the application process. Make yourself stand out from the rather large crowd of applicants with a compelling introductory statement and remember to be your (professional) self. This will help to ensure that you get accepted into a program that is a good fit for you, your education, and your career goals. Apply to multiple programs at a variety of levels of competitiveness, you will not get admitted into every program you apply to, but hopefully you will get into the right one.

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Nursing School Interview, Application, and Personal Statement

Hey Everyone,

I received another “ask me a question”. You all are good at these things! I love them! This question comes from Cindy and here is what she asked:

“Hi, my name is Cindy. I’m also major in nursing and I’m going to apply to nursing school this semester to become a Registered Nurse . And I heard that other than the GPA for all the required classes, the personal statement and the interview are very important when you apply. So I want to ask you how do you write your personal statement and how was your interview. Thank You!”

How to Write Nursing School Application Personal Statement

First of all, Cindy, congrats on getting to this point in your life. I know it has taken a lot of hard work and effort to get here. I think you will be very happy with your decision on choosing nursing….especially after you graduate and start working as a nurse. When I applied to nursing school the only thing they took in account was my GPA and I didn’t have to do a personal statement or interview. However, I know many people who have had to do this and I think I can help you out.

First let’s talk about the personal statement. A personal statement is a short essay that describes who you are and why you think nursing is your calling. I think these essays are the hardest ones to write because it requires you to actually think about who you are, and with me just being 21, I am really just finding out who I am and discovering what I want to do with my life.

When you write your personal statement be sure to talk about why you want to be a nurse (make it meaningful), what does nursing mean to you, some possible experiences of how a nurse might had impacted your life…etc. When you write it make sure you are keeping the readers interest. The article that I listed above said not to make the personal statement a resume type essay which is probably what I would have done lol.

Nursing School Interview Tips

Also research on the Internet the top interview questions. I have noticed that with many interviews I have done in the past they ask a lot of the same questions. Here are some top interview questions . Be on time!! I would show up 10-15 minutes early so you can compose yourself before the interview. And turn off your cell phone completely. Just go into the interview confident and calm and you should do great! Oh yeah when you enter the room shake your interviewer’s hand and say it’s nice to meet….it show maturity and gives a great first impression.

Cindy I hope I helped you out! I hope everything goes well and you get in….please let me know if you do. Good luck with everything and thank you so much for your question.

Thinking about going to Nursing School?

Are you contemplating going to nursing school, or are you actually in nursing school right now? Nursing school can be challenging, especially if you do not know what to expect. Here is a great guide by S. L. Page BSN, RN called “ How to Pass Nursing School “. This book gives you detailed information about how to pass nursing school from beginning to end. S.L. Page, the creator of this website, complied all the information students what to know about nursing school into one easy to read guide. She gives in depth information on how to succeed in nursing school.

S.L. Page graduated from nursing school with honors and passed the NCLEX-RN on her first try. In this ebook, she reveals the strategies she used to help her succeed.

Here is what the book looks like:


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Tips for Writing a Great Nursing Personal Statement

When preparing to apply to a graduate nursing program, there are many requirements and submission guidelines to remember. The component that allows you to tell your unique story — your personal statement — is one of the most important.

Writing a compelling personal statement for an MSN program, like the Nursing@Simmons online  Family Nurse Practitioner  (FNP)  or Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner programs, takes time and can be challenging for some applicants. Just as a poorly written essay can hinder your chances of acceptance, a great one can set you apart from other applicants. Below are three steps to writing a personal statement that will make a positive impression on any admissions committee.

nursing school personal statement reddit

1. Plan Your Story

Very few people can sit down at a keyboard and craft the perfect personal statement without preparation. It may take several weeks of thinking about how to communicate your story, so give yourself plenty of time to plan, jot down thoughts, and make an outline as ideas come to you. Use the following tips to gather the information you’ll need to create an excellent statement.

  • Consider how your work experience as a registered nurse (RN) has influenced you and shaped your goals for the future.  How will an advanced education promote your professional growth and help you transition into the role of an FNP or PMHNP?
  • Think beyond your resume.  What traits, strengths, and accomplishments aren’t captured there? Consider your interests, including how they will contribute to your success in the program. Provide examples of nursing goals, leadership, mentorship, or growth you have accomplished or experienced. Write these down and keep them in mind as you begin your draft.
  • Choose appropriate topics for your statement.  Avoid soapbox issues, and don’t preach to your reader. This kind of statement can come across as condescending and obscure the point you’re trying to make.
  • Research the program.  Make sure you understand the school’s values and reputation. Do they align with yours? How so?

nursing school personal statement reddit

2. Create Your Draft

  • When it is time to start putting your thoughts on paper, try to avoid overthinking your work.  Strive for a natural voice. Pretend you are talking to a friend and write without fear — you can edit and polish your piece to perfection in the next stage.
  • Avoid cliches and nursing generalities.  Generic descriptors, such as “caring,” “compassionate,” “people person,” and “unique,” have been so often overused that they no longer carry much weight with an admissions committee. They also don’t address your personal experience in the nursing sphere. Try not to start your story with phrases like “for as long as I can remember” or your audience may stop reading.
  • Show, don’t tell.  Strong storytelling is grounded in personal details that illustrate who you are, both as a nurse and a person. Be specific by describing how many patients you managed, how you earned promotions, or a time when your supervisor praised your professionalism and clinical abilities. Here are examples that illustrate the difference between telling and showing: 

“I perform well under pressure.”

“Although my patient arrived for a different ailment, I suspected that her symptoms were consistent with a serious infection. As a result, I was able to advocate for a care plan that prevented further damage.”

  • Use specific examples when talking about your experience with direct patient care and evidence-based practice.  Provide details about how your clinical experiences have demonstrated patient advocacy, leadership, communication, or confidence.
  • Discuss how earning a  Master of Science in Nursing  aligns with your career plans and why you want to become a FNP  or PMHNP .  Explain that you understand the commitment required and that you have the skills and dedication to become an FNP   or PMHNP. Be sure to let the admissions committee know why you are choosing their program and what makes their program stand apart from the rest. Reflect on the school and program research you did during your planning stage.

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3. Edit and Perfect

Even the best writers have to edit and polish their work. Reviewing and revising your personal statement ensures that the piece is clear, organized, and free of errors.

  • Once you have written your first draft, take a break and distance yourself from your work.  This will allow you to return to the draft with a clear head to review objectively and spot potential issues and errors.
  • Read your statement aloud.  Does it sound like you? Does it reflect your best qualities and the strengths you’ll bring to a nursing program?
  • Always use spell check on your essay, but be careful as it won’t catch every spelling error.
  • Use a grammar editing tool, such as  Grammarly .
  • Ask a friend, family member, or mentor to review your statement. This is a great way to catch errors or awkward phrasing that you may have missed.

Your nursing personal statement should be a window into your life. Use it to share specific experiences that have influenced your decision to advance your nursing education. Adhering to professional standards and presenting yourself in a positive, open, and honest way will help the admissions committee determine your fit and future in an FNP or PMHNP program.

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Tips For Writing A Great Nursing Personal Statement

Pursuing an online master’s degree in nursing can be an extremely rewarding experience, both personally and professionally. But before you can even begin your studies, you’ll need to write a convincing nursing personal statement.

If you’re not sure where to start, don’t worry! Here, we’ll give you some tips for writing a great nursing personal statement. By the end, you’ll have everything you need to create an impressive and compelling essay that will help you get one step closer to your dream of becoming a nurse. Ready? Let’s get started!

Table of Contents

Start by researching the program

When researching a particular nursing program, emphasize understanding the program’s mission, values, and objectives. Research and experiential learning opportunities may be available.

Also, pay attention to its faculty members’ backgrounds and contributions to the field of nursing and medical research. Reading publications (or at least the abstracts) from faculty members’ works is a great way to get insight into their areas of expertise and research interests.

Create a list of your accomplishments

As you prepare this list, focus on the specific areas in which nurses are expected to excel. Compassion for those in need, analytical problem-solving skills and dedication to patient privacy and safety. It’s also helpful to consider any outside experiences that make you uniquely qualified for a career in nursing – whether it’s volunteer work with underserved communities or previous experience as an EMT.

Pick one or two topics to focus on in your essay

You can talk about what specifically drew you to this particular nursing program; what resonates with its mission or curriculum? What do these areas of concentration offer that others don’t? These are great opportunities to demonstrate why this is the best program for your goals, ambitions, and experience level.

Showcase your unique qualities throughout the essay, particularly those that stand out from other applicants, such as awards won or skills acquired through other professions or life events. Make sure these qualities reflect positively on why you’d be an ideal nurse, showing both commitment and empathy towards others in need of care.

Write in a clear and concise manner

An effective personal statement should be presented concisely, using language that’s easy to understand. Using simple, straightforward terms allows your story to be shared in a meaningful way so that it resonates with the reader.

Being aware of your tone of voice throughout the statement will also ensure that your message is communicated in a professional and friendly way while still being authoritative enough to show off your best qualities and accomplishments.

Before submitting your essay

Taking the time to craft a well-written and thoughtful nursing program personal statement is an important step in making sure your application stands out among the rest.

You can also consider online master’s programs, as they often provide the same degree of quality as traditional brick-and-mortar universities with added flexibility.

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How to Write a Personal Statement for Nursing School

How to Write a Personal Statement for Nursing School

A personal statement for a nursing school is a description of interest, achievements, qualifications, and ambitions by an applicant wishing to a nursing school to study a particular program.

Choose an interesting topic

Most nursing schools allow the applicants to choose their topic, but even if you get a question to answer, deciding your response should be the first thing. Perform a soul search to find a topic that reflects your personality, accomplishments, desires, and dreams in the best manner. These are the things that an admissions board expects to see in a personal statement. Begin by writing a rough draft with ideas that you will revise later. Different events that make you have an interest in nursing and pride in yourself is an excellent idea for your nursing school personal statement. The moment can be scholarly or not but writing about something that lets the admissions board know you better. Something that you are proud and happy of will be the best topic.

Introduce and sell your traits

A personal statement for nursing school is a chance for direct discussion of your motivations and reasons why you deserve a place in the branch of nursing you are applying. Use it to demonstrate what you know about nursing and healthcare. Your knowledge and should match your educational level and experience. You can research on the role of nurses in the field of nursing you plan to work in if you have not got an opportunity o work in healthcare. It helps you to learn the daily chores and get an idea of how to explain the way you fit when writing a personal statement. Provide details of your experience and show how your work relates to your decision to apply for a nursing program.

Also see: Nursing Admission Writing Service

Showcase your dedication to nursing

An initiative, compassion, and competence are the qualities that make applicants suitable for nursing programs. Nursing is a service profession hence it is essential to discuss service based accomplishments at length as a personal statement provides a platform. Educational achievements can appear in another section of your application. You can, for example, discuss how you organize volunteering activities at our local hospital or participate in activities that improve wellness in the community.

List relevant skills and experience

Every applicant has skills that can apply in nursing practice even when they did not acquire them in a nursing environment. You should present the best for you to stand out from others. Some of the skills for those who have not worked in the nursing environment include caring for an ill family member. Explain how your activities contribute to developing your personality, interest in nursing and enhancing your potential to serve in the profession. If you write about your experience and skills, make your narration short as possible.

Write your goals and ambitions in nursing career

Universalities and colleges receive thousands of applications from students who want to study nursing courses, but the can only accept a fraction. They just admit candidates who present personal statements showing that they have compelling reasons to become a nurse and have the ambition to pursue a specific aspect of the nursing career. It creates an impression that you have a reason to offer excellent care and use the nursing knowledge from school well when pursuing your ambition.

If your mind is blank about a specific role you want to attain in the career, you can think about the sort of healthcare environment that you consider being a perfect working environment. For example, if you love flying, you can become a flight nurse to evacuate patient during emergencies and care for them aboard an aircraft on their way to a medical facility. Whatever choice you make, your statement should have information on the professional developments you will need to achieve your career goal and why the nursing school you are applying is the best to help you attain your ambitions.

Start writing your personal statement when you decide to apply to avoid the tedious work of trying to write at the last minute. Writing a personal statement takes time and requires several revisions hence it is important to begin early.

Best Nursing Writing Services For Nurse Students is a reputable online platform that provides top-notch nursing writing services to students and professionals in the healthcare industry. The website is dedicated to offering high-quality academic and professional writing services to meet the unique needs of individuals seeking nursing-related help.

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Nursing Personal Statement: Your Voice in Writing


Are you an aspirant who wants to go to nursing school; a nurse applicant who wants to advance nursing career by enrolling to a higher level of education, training and specialization; nurses on completion of performance evaluation and credentialing updates; or applying for a job, promotion, or scholarship grants?

Writing a nursing personal statement is a usual requirement of the application process of colleges, universities and human resources department of the hospitals, organization, and health institutions. You may think it is just a simple essay and easy, but it is not. The nursing personal statement is not an essay composition of narrative threads of your life and work adventures vis-a-vis journal of your working experience and professional credentials. Ideally, it is a presentation in writing of how you uniquely qualified and be speak that you are an excellent candidate tailored fit to your adamant personal/professional goals and unparalleled potentials. Your aim in writing a nursing personal statement is to stand out prodigiously among other applicants. 

General Guidelines in Writing Nursing Personal Statement

The Nursing Personal Statement must be formal yet personal without involving the writing into a somewhat storytelling style. The essay should be written depending on the specific program or post you are applying to or varies according to the type of questions and required answers. Above all, your writing must represent yourself as a professional who is capable and qualified. 

The guidelines will give you an idea on the important points and attributes that a strong candidate should endue which evaluators are looking for to determine if you are a great fit for the program or post (Carpenter, 2020). 

  • Highlight strong educational backgrounds such as degree, license, certifications, pieces of training, achievements, and awards.
  • Level of specialization, mastery and expertise which can be represented by the years of service in the field. 
  • Acquired transferable skills that are important socially and professionally like teamwork, leadership, management, personal motivation, time management, listening ability, written communication, verbal communication, research skills, analytical ability, numeracy skills, personal development, and information technology (, 2020). In nursing profession — critical thinking, efficient problem-solving skills and fast decision-making ability are the required skills to master of a nurse.
  • Exposure to volunteering works maybe a foreground of your inspiration and aspirations. 
  • Experiences and training that translate how verse and updated you are with relevant current health and medical-related trends.
  • Personal attributes (personality) such as determination, devotion, and motivation. These are excellent ways to show that you are distinctive from others. 
  • Relevant skills extend extra points for the applicants and sometimes a casting vote for a tie-breaker decision. This includes achievement outside traditional means but relevant to the post that you are applying for. In today’s competitive world, Jack of all trades is a handy, versatile person who can do good work at various tasks with diverse skills set giving them the confidence and enough proficiency in whatever skills they are touting. From a  “master of none” to a  “master of all” , whom can be an advantage for start-ups, a long-term learner, fit for leadership, and trusted when it comes to adaptability and flexibility (Vishwakarma, 2019). 
  • Other assets that may favour on your side are foreign language fluency and talent in speaking, which might makes you a valuable candidate as well as a highly sought employee. 
  • Make sure you are the right fit for the program/post. Familiarity in the program/post/job description, and why it is a good fit for you. This will reflects in your nursing personal statement essay and echoes your career-goals.
  • Demonstrate your genuine interest.

Tips in Writing Nursing Personal Statement (Essay topics)

In the case of writing short essays for particular questions, here are the following tips that will help you to write a persuasive essay for Nursing Personal Statement (Carpenter, 2020; Personal Statement Writing Services.Net, 2020):

  • Do not write in your own words. Follow the standards of writing a nursing personal statement.
  • Focus on the question and answer it thoroughly direct to the point. There is no correct answer when asking for an opinion. However, if your opinion does not correspond with the question, it is definitely wrong.
  • Be aware of the technical aspects in writing such as formatting guidelines, word count limitations, spelling and English grammar rules. 
  • To start up, the essay should have an introduction, body and summary or conclusion. Make the three parts have equal length and correlated with each other.
  • Ideally, a personal statement should have 500-600 words length (PersonalStatementWritingServices.Net, 2020). 
  • Avoid the use of contractions and vague language; make your statement in a formal manner. 
  • Bullet points and subheadings are not allowed.
  • Follow instructions carefully. Use a trusted format and template. Observe sequential orders in writing a nursing personal statement. 
  • Stop adding useless arguments and opinions.
  • Submit a well-composed work, consider it as your masterpiece.
  • Be sure to demonstrate that you are a good fit for the program/post as well as in the nursing profession.
  • Use the opportunity to exhibit your character and talents showing you are highly competitive and a potential big shot.
  • Nursing as a profession of empathy makes the profession unique. Hence, applying an emphatic stance to your writing is a tune-up.
  • Nursing personal statement is more personal than academic. Make it simple to understand.
  • Do not tell lies. Evaluators are experts in the field, and they can easily spot untruths and falsified information. Caught lies will not only turn your face red but will turn all your chances into ashes. 
  • Ask advice from successful nurses in the field for additional perspectives.
  • Editing and proof-reading properly after completion.

Common Errors in Writing Nursing Personal Statement

The aim is to steer clear of these three mistakes that might jeopardize your successful application. Ordinary nursing personal statement, unable to explain your interest in the field and miss out to elaborate career plan and goals are the three common errors you should avoid in writing nursing personal statement (, 2020). 

  • An ordinary nursing personal statement , which looks just the same as everybody else does is like listening to the same old stories. Personalize your statement by including your own experiences and special motivations without storytelling. Use clear, easy to understand, but strong languages that will describe you and represent you in a professional approach makes your essay more remarkable. 
  • Unable to explain the interest in the field. Remember to put your heart and passion in your writing. Explaining your interest in the field and how you came up loving it shows your personal and emotional sides. This part is written with an emphatic slant. 
  • Miss out to elaborate career plan and goals. Take an insight about your career path starting from plan followed by preparations; then, your goals and actions on how to attain it. Your career plot determines the levels of your intellect, time management, commitment, motivation, determination, efforts, and perseverance. 

The Opening lines

One of the difficulties encountered in all forms of writing, not only in the nursing personal statement — is how to start. It is more difficult to begin if you do not have any background and knowledge about the topic or focus of your write-ups. 

The killer opening should not have to be overkill. Bullock (2020) reiterated that overkill starts is a dangerous move because it will lead the applicant to overthink and going overboard, giving a fancy-pants impression. 

Make a remarkable impression by giving unique opening lines. Unique lines are reflections of your uniqueness. It is the representation of you in a holistic manner. In short, the opening is the overview of yourself and how you tailored-fit for the program/post. Begin by a brief introduction of yourself and your purpose (what are you applying for?). Discuss your enthusiasm for the subject and explain your genuine interest.

If you wish to include a quote in your opening lines, always remember that nursing personal statement is your voice. Meaning, you are going to begin with your own quote and not the quotes lifted from famous lines or famous person. The quote must be a representation of yourself, speaks about yourself, and your deep aspirations. Make sure it must be relevant to the program/post/job description you are applying for and be ready to explain how your quote links to you and your purpose of interest with the application.

The Body Paragraph

The body paragraph is the main part of a nursing personal statement where you highlights your credentials, skills, and goals. The purpose of this section is to present the substance in assertions to your introduction. This is the deliberation of your credentials and proofs, showing that you are a good prospect and a qualified candidate. In the presentation of this part, you can start with your focus in the field. This also includes proofs and shreds of evidence that you fit perfectly for the program/post. You may also discuss your transitions and how you dealt and manage well the changes and challenges experienced from both personal and professional undertakings. The brief and comprehensive deliberation of your qualifications may consist of one or two paragraphs. 

The Ending Lines

Ending line is not as easy as saying goodbye. A brief recapitulation of the entire essay and a strong conclusion gives the prompt for ending lines. Ending lines of your statement should be interconnected back with the opening part of your statement. Bullock (2020), suggested the “necklace approach” to connect the beginning paragraph with the final thought emphasizing vital reinforcements. Highlight your plans, career goals and your possible contributions to the organization and nursing profession that may entice and persuade the evaluator why they should approve or accept your application. For every goodbye, there are promises intertwined. These are the promises of your involvement and 100% commitment. 

In writing a nursing personal statement, take all the chances in favour of you and all the opportunities to keep you on top of your game. Personal and intellectual development, assets and skills, interests and your potential contributions can give you the competitive edge over your competitors. Moreover, it reflects of your commitment, dedication, devotion, excellence, passion and genuine interest will bring you to race. Ability to work under pressure surrounded by constraints and as yet adhere to high standards can get you successfully in. 

Turn the tide on your side, do not compromise your chances by submitting a rushed poorly written output, you should always be in top-shaped with top-notch standards. A well-researched and well-composed output is a reflection of your ability on how to manage effectively on high-level standards during difficult and stressful circumstances. 

Writing a nursing personal statement is not an overnight skill or an item which can come ready-made. There may be a standardized template, but an  Obra  needs intricacy and refinement from practice and training. You need to earn all the details and information you are going to write in your essay as expertise does not happen for a day; it takes years of hard work. 

  • Carpenter, R. (2020). How to Write a Nursing School Personal Statement: What to Include, Examples, and Mistakes to Avoid. Retrieved on 03 October, 2020 from
  • com. (2020). Transferable Skills. Retrieved on 04 October, 2020 from
  • Vishwakarma, H. (2019). Who is a better Hire, Jack Of All Trades, or Master Of One?. com. Retrieved on 04 October, 2020 from
  • Net. (2020). Best Personal Statement Nursing School. Retrieved on 03 October, 2020 from ttps://
  • com. (2020). Avoid These Three Mistakes On Your Nursing Personal Statement. Retrieved on 04 October, 2020 from
  • Bullock, A. (2020). How To Start A Personal Statement: The Killer Opening. Universities and Colleges Admissions Service. Retrieved on 04 October, 2020 from
  • Indeed Career Guide. (2020). How to Write a Powerful Personal Statement. Retrieved on 05 October, 2020 from


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Tips to Write a Personal Statement for Nursing School

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When you make the decision to pursue a nursing career, there are a lot of additional choices you need to make. Chief among them is which nursing school you wish to attend. It has to be the right fit for you in many ways. But have you ever taken a moment to consider the flip side? How do nursing schools determine which prospective students get admitted? In addition to your testing scores, a personal statement for nursing school is what an admissions committee will use to gauge whether or not you’d succeed in their program.

A nursing school personal statement is an essay that introduces you to your prospective university. It may also be referred to as a motivation letter or letter of intent. Through your writing, you share with the admissions and evaluations committee why you want to be a nurse , your motivation for choosing the school, and reasons you would be a positive addition to their program. This is an opportunity to show off your interest in nursing, display your personality, and flesh out achievements mentioned in your resume .

Understanding how to write about your background and career ambitions isn’t likely something you’ll innately know how to do. While it may be tempting to try to woo the admissions council by telling them you plan on being the best nursing student that ever walked through their doors, there’s got to be a good balance of aspirations and measured expectations in your personal statement.

Below, we describe the steps of how to write a personal statement for nursing school, provide a sample of what this motivational letter for nursing may look like, and share some useful advice to help your statement stand out from the crowd.

Nursing School Application Essay Structure


While other parts of your application — like your transcript and test results — share useful facts about you, your essay is what truly sets you apart. Your nursing personal statement opening lines should be gripping enough to hold your reader’s attention. Consider adding an anecdote or story about your experiences with nursing. This can help make a human connection with the committee and help them to understand your motivations for pursing the field.

This is also a great place to tie in a general overview of your reasons for becoming a nurse. Try not to get too in depth — that’s the purpose of the body paragraphs. This introductory section is normally a single paragraph.

In these paragraphs, describe your related personal experiences and give concrete reasons why you wish to attend their particular nursing program as opposed to any random nursing program. If the school provided a writing prompt for their nursing school personal statement, be sure to address their question thoroughly.

You can also give more context here. If certain life experiences impacted your grades, provide an explanation. If you have little or no volunteer experience in healthcare settings, explain what you spent your time doing. This section is typically three paragraphs, but could be longer if that’s what’s best for your essay.

What impression do you want your personal statement to leave on the admissions team? Use your creativity to bring closure and pique their curiosity. Emphasize key points made in your body paragraphs, but don’t simply restate them. Find a way to weave them in more subtly. This section is usually one paragraph.

Steps in the Writing Process

Step 1: research.

The first step is to learn about the nursing program and pinpoint the reason why they’re among your top choices. The admissions teams will likely be sifting through hundreds of personal essays, so be sure to show how their specific nursing program is a great fit for you.

Try researching awards or accolades the program has received in the past. Often, you’ll be able to find this information on the school’s website as the administration would be eager to share that kind of recognition with the public. For example, if a program was named among the best schools for men in nursing by the American Association for Men in Nursing, or if the school was recognized by the Campus Pride Index (which recognizes initiatives for LGBTQIA+ students), you might want to say why such a distinction is important to you.

If you’ve already visited the school, describing your on-campus experience in your personal statement for nursing school is like a goldmine of persuasion. It shows that you have a realistic expectation of the school and its faculty. Don’t worry if you haven’t visited yet. You can still pull a lot from indirect experience and online research.

Here are some questions to consider:

  • Have you heard positive reviews about their school?
  • What are their NCLEX pass rates ?
  • Is their location a good fit for you?
  • What do you like about their school culture?
  • Do they offer a specific program that is of interest to you?

Step 2: Brainstorm

Now it’s time to put pen to paper. Since universities take pride in the accomplishments of their students, use your personal statement to show what you bring to the table. Throw whatever comes to mind onto the page. It’s easier to build from an imperfect list of ideas than attempt to create a masterpiece from nothing. Consider the following questions to generate some ideas:

  • Which of your character qualities would make you a good nurse?
  • What personal experiences led you to choose nursing?
  • Have you spent time in healthcare settings? What was it like?
  • What achievements would you like to highlight?
  • How has your understanding of nursing grown?

Step 3: Draft

Next, pull from your brainstormed list and organize your thoughts into paragraph form. Be sure to include a clear introduction, solid body paragraphs, and a strong conclusion. Remember that you’re not going to write a perfect personal statement — nursing school doesn’t require perfection. You simply want to generate something you can mold into the essay you’ll be proud of. Here are some considerations as you get started:.

  • Are you using all of your brainstorming content or only certain ideas?
  • Why are you selecting this particular brainstorming content to include in your essay?
  • Does your first draft answer any prompts the school provided?
  • Does your draft have the makings of a compelling final essay?

Step 4: Edit

This is where you begin to refine your motivation letter. Pay attention to the big picture first, like the paragraph structure and main ideas. Double check to see if the examples you used have the desired effect.

Next, zoom in on the details. Make sure your sentences are smooth. Check for spelling and grammatical errors. Change sentences that simply don’t sound right. A personal statement for nursing school is approximately two pages, but check to see if the application provides a specific number of words. Try to stay within 50 words of the limit.

At this point, it’s a good idea to read your personal statement for nursing school out loud. You’ll catch things that flew under the radar when you read it internally. Try not to do this more than two or three times, otherwise you might get caught in a time-wasting loop of endless revisions.

  • Does your personality shine through?
  • Are your transitions smooth?
  • Does each paragraph have a unique purpose?
  • Are you clearly getting across the points you want to make?
  • Do you have a strong conclusion?

Step 5: Proofread

Next, find a trusted proofreader. No matter how thorough you are, there could still be things you don’t catch. Someone else may think of an improvement that didn’t occur to you.

Your personal statement for nursing school is a part of your ticket to your future. It’s important to make every step count. Do your best to find someone who will take this seriously and provide valuable information — a professional is ideal, like a guidance counselor or a teacher. You could also choose a peer who has a knack for writing.

It can also be helpful to ask more than one person, but try to limit outside opinions to no more than three people. If a particular comment comes up more than once, it’s probably worth revising. On the other hand, you don’t have to incorporate every single opinion. Sift through what they say to pinpoint what feels right to you.

  • Does your proofreader truly care about your success?
  • Will your proofreader return your essay in a timely manner?
  • Does your proofreader have a unique skill set that could benefit your essay?
  • Can your proofreader keep an eye out for the big picture and the small details?

Useful Tips for Your Nursing Personal Statement

Pace yourself.

If you happen to work well under pressure, great! Do what’s best for you. But generally, procrastinating won’t produce your best work. This is especially true when you consider that you’re probably drafting nursing school application essays for multiple programs.

Then, you’ll need to factor in that your proofreaders’ lives don’t revolve around your essay. You’ll need to allow time for this process. Start months in advance so that your personal statement for nursing school is one less thing to worry about during the busy college application process.

Make Your Essay Heartfelt

What’s more memorable: a dry list of facts or an engaging story that makes you feel? The latter, of course! Don’t simply restate your resume. Create a story that highlights your humanity while incorporating some of your achievements. Touch their minds — and hearts — as best you can. People are more likely to remember facts when they’re coupled with emotions . Try to create an emotional connection to cement how strongly you feel about pursuing their nursing program.

Be Strategic

You may have plenty of powerful anecdotes and successes from your resume, but you have to choose which ones will be the most impactful. How can you best display your soft skills? Which story elicits the strongest emotional response? A lot rides on your personal essay, so make every word count. These nuances will help you stand out in a nursing personal statement.

Nursing Personal Statement Example

Need more inspiration? It can be helpful to check out personal statement for nursing school examples as you plan your own essay. See below for a sample essay:

Dear Daisy University Admissions Team,

My grandmother, the matriarch of my family, is the most courageous person I’ve ever known. That is why the day she fell down a flight of stairs will forever haunt me — her agony and helplessness made her unrecognizable. It is also why her recovery is so inspiring, and that couldn’t have happened without the compassionate nurses who supported her.

From the moment we entered the emergency department to the last home health visit, nurses played a pivotal role. One of the greatest gifts you can give is to help improve someone’s quality of life. I want to be able to do that for someone else one day. I want to become a nurse because it’s truly an honorable profession. This experience is also one of the reasons why Daisy University’s nursing program is my top choice. I love your program’s emphasis on caring for the elderly population. It cemented my decision to pursue a career in nursing.

I strive to make meaningful choices. I volunteered at Sunflower Hospital for three years because that is where my grandmother was admitted. I wanted to give back to the place that had been so impactful and receive a well-rounded introduction to the healthcare system. It was eye-opening to experience the facility from the staff’s perspective. One of my main tasks was to feed patients, but as simple as that sounds, it taught me the value of emotional intelligence. Patients often confided in me, and I had to be empathetic in a professional way. Sometimes they revealed concerns or needs that I later communicated to their nurse. The little I could do meant the world to me.

I had to be mindful of the various dietary precautions to ensure the patient’s safety. I even had to send food back to the cafeteria because their meals did not match the doctor’s orders. Communicating with different departments showed me how each part comes together to care for patients. I witnessed nurses providing excellent care while under stress, serving as the central communication point for within the healthcare team, and advocating for patients’ needs. This helped me realize how much effort went into caring for my grandmother. My appreciation for their efforts, and fascination with the field, grew exponentially.

While getting my associate’s degree at Primrose Community College, I worked as a tech at Lily Hospital for one year. This role further opened my eyes to what it takes to be a successful nurse. I had to fine-tune my time management, prioritization, and be on the lookout for any signs of discomfort or issues that warranted medical attention. Previously, at Sunflower Hospital, I took it upon myself to communicate patient complaints to the healthcare team. At Lily Hospital, it was my duty to communicate these issues and any other pertinent information. I worked closely with the nurses. They depended on me to complete my tasks so they were better able to do theirs. This gave me an even deeper insight into the importance and complexity of their work.

Watching my grandmother’s healing process sparked my curiosity and desire to become a nurse, and the lessons I have learned through my work experience showed me the realities of this profession. I naturally possess many of the soft skills necessary to be a great nurse, and I’ve pursued opportunities to hone them. My tour of the Daisy University nursing program revealed that your staff has the qualities I admire most, like attentiveness, patience, and clear communication. Additionally, your focus on geriatrics is the perfect fit because that is the specialty field of nursing I want to pursue. I’m confident in my ability to succeed in your program, and throughout my career.

I appreciate your time,

Preethi Kumar

Make Your Personal Statement for Nursing School Shine

Ready, set, write! You’ve got this. Now, you’re even more prepared to create a winning nursing application essay and make it through school. Grow into the nurse you want to be in a job that’s the best fit for you. Get matched with the latest nursing job openings on IntelyCare.

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A Twitch of Anesthesia

For future, current, and prospective nurse anesthetists.

  • Mar 27, 2019

Personal Statement- Nurse Anesthesia Application

nursing school personal statement reddit

By popular demand, I am sharing my personal statement from when I applied to CRNA school in 2016. Keep in mind, it's not perfect by any means and I have become a much better writer while in CRNA school due to all the doctoral research classes, haha. However, I wanted to be honest and not make any edits. I was 26 when I started my anesthesia journey and reading my statement is not only humbling, but it's a reminder of where I started and how BADLY I wanted it.

Brittany B Harvey, RN, BSN, CCRN

Since high school, I have always been fascinated by the nurse anesthesia career. However, it was not until the summer before my freshman year of college, while volunteering at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, I gained a true insight into the field. I was assisting a child life specialist prepare a nine-year old boy for a routine tonsil-adenoidectomy. We carefully demonstrated how he would wear the “special space mask” and showed him the “little straw” he would have in his arm to receive sleeping medications during his surgery. Shortly following that consult, I mentioned to the child life specialist my interest in furthering my education after nursing school, focusing on anesthesia. A few minutes later, she introduced me to a young, effervescent CRNA, named Kelly. Kelly allowed me to shadow her for the rest of the day and spent hours teaching me the intricacies of anesthesia. I could see the passion in her eyes and became instantly hooked! Over the past three years, I have had the opportunity to shadow an anesthesiologist and three CRNAs during several cardiac and thoracic surgeries, including a left ventricular assist device implantation. That fiery passion I witnessed in Kelly’s eyes was also present in the eyes of the three CRNAs, and is now the same passion I carry with me for anesthesia.

Throughout nursing school, I continued to carry the thought of nurse anesthesia with me while completing my BSN degree. Out of our 50-student cohort, I was one of 12 nursing students selected to participate in the nursing honors program and graduated in the top nine percent of my class. I was also given the privilege to serve on my college’s Nursing Student Board as the Community Health Director for over a year. In this position, I was responsible for fundraising and organizing community health events.

These community events included public flu shot clinics, educational presentations for fellow undergraduate students, Relay for Life, Walk for a Cure, and Susan G Komen walks. While in nursing school I continued to stay involved in our local chapter (MSCANS), state chapter (GANS), and national chapter (NSNA) for nursing students. Through my membership with NSNA, I was introduced to my first medical mission, a two-week trip to Costa Rica with other nursing and medical students. I have since

participated, as a registered nurse, on another two-week medical mission trip to Kenya with a group of talented professionals from various medical fields. On both of these trips, I had the unique experience of caring for adults and children outside of modern medical conveniences. My focus on these trips was displaying compassion and improving quality of life for those who lack access to primary healthcare. These experiences further fueled my desire to grow and challenge myself as a nurse while improving current nursing practices.

Following nursing school graduation, I was offered an amazing opportunity to work at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta-Scottish Rite in a 50-bed, level II trauma emergency center. While there, I gained an irreplaceable foundation for nursing, which in turn inspired me to transition to an adult intensive care setting. After 18 months at Scottish Rite, I left to join an incredible team of nurses and providers at Piedmont Atlanta Hospital in the Coronary Care Unit/Medical Intensive Care Unit. At this 500-bed

hospital, including six adult intensive care units, I have been rewarded with extraordinary opportunities that have fully prepared me for advancements in my nursing career. For example, one month after completing my CCU orientation, I was approached by my unit manager to join two highly competitive critical care nursing councils. I was quickly voted in as co-chair of our CCU Unit Based Council and

shortly thereafter became CCU’s representative for Piedmont’s Critical Care Practice Council, where I still serve. On these councils, I have a front row seat to our nurse driven practices and have contributed in creating protocols and procedures for restraints, bronchoalveolar lavages, and post-cardiac arrest induced hypothermia. In addition, I assisted in creating the 2015 and 2016 annual competencies for all six intensive care units, developed three in-services to educate our intensive care nurses on topics including QT intervals and Torsades de Pointes, rapid sequence intubation, and hypothermia therapy following cardiac arrests, and am currently assisting with data collection and analysis as our CCU submits its first application for a Beacon Award. Continuing to always challenge myself, seven months off orientation, my lead charge nurse requested I begin training for relief charge and precepting of new

graduate nurses. A few months later, I was given a permanent relief charge nurse position for our night shift team.

While working in our 19-bed CCU/MICU, I have had the opportunity to care for a high acuity patient population and am experienced with ventilator support, ABG analysis, EKG interpretation, various ventricular assisted devices, intra-aortic balloon pumps, transvenous pacemakers, EKOS, CRRT/CVVHD, hypothermia devices, Swan-Ganz catheters, Rotoprone therapy, and several other diagnostic and therapeutic devices. I am familiar with vasoactive drips including, Epinephrine, Norepinephrine, Phenylephrine, Vasopressin, Dopamine, Dobutamine, Milrinone, Nitroglycerin,

Nitroprusside, as well as many other essential medications. I have also developed a thorough understanding of these medications and their effects on cardiac output/index, SVR, PVR, PAS/PAD, PAOP, heart rate and blood pressure due to our requirements for continuous in-depth monitoring of our patients. After 18 months in the CCU/MICU, I was the first intensive care nurse to be approved for cross training in our 34-bed CVICU. In this unit, I have been able to care for an array of patients including, various open-heart surgeries, VV/VA extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, heart transplants, and

ventricular assisted device transplants. In addition to my cross training, leveling as a Nurse III Preceptor, receiving my CCRN, and actively studying for my CMC has enabled me to feel more confident in autonomously caring for my acutely ill patients, and has allowed me to quickly identify and prioritize complex clinical situations. These professional advancements, as well as the positions I have held throughout nursing school and my career, have greatly enhanced my leadership skills in my nursing

Like many others who join the healthcare field, I have a strong desire and eagerness to serve and care for others. As a CRNA, I will be able to directly center my attention on one patient at a time, concentrating solely on them. I cannot think of a more focused professional role as a patient advocate. I hold a deep respect for the nurse anesthesia career, as it demands excellence, vigilance, leadership, and compassion. It can be immensely challenging, yet fully rewarding. I am striving to become a CRNA

because each day I want to have the responsibility to care for another individual during the most vulnerable time of their life- a time when they place every ounce of their trust in their nurse anesthetist. I know anesthesia school will be one of the greatest challenges I will ever face, but I am determined and confident in myself and the passion I have for anesthesia to succeed in this highly respectable career. Thank you for considering me as a future student and I hope to become a valuable addition to your CRNA program!

Brittany B Harvey

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  • Nursing School

“Why Do You Want to Be a Nurse?” Nursing School Interview Question

Why Do You Want To Be A Nurse

Preparing your “Why do you want to be a nurse” answer for an interview is key. The question will always be asked in a nursing school interview, which is why you must strategically plan out your answer, and take some time to reflect on this difficult question.

Not everybody puts thought into the “why” behind this question. Some people seem to act entirely on instinct, but you can’t afford to do so with your career – your future. Not to mention the fact that you need to have a professional, snappy, and thoughtful response to any (and every) question brought forward in an admissions interview.

Some nursing school interview questions are a chore to get through, but with some careful consideration, the question of why will be so foundational that you’ll never regret having explored it. This isn’t just something you have to answer, this is a question you want – even need – to answer.

In this article, you will find different answer samples to the “Why do you want to be a nurse” question, how to find a personal answer unique to you, and how to structure your answer to create an amazing impression on the interview day. 

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Article Contents 10 min read

Why are you asked this question.

Having an answer to this question is more than important, it’s necessary. It’s necessary for your interview, but it’s also necessary for yourself.

Imagine being the interviewer for a moment and seeing a candidate who looks great on paper, with strong academic record, a great nursing school personal statement , good letters of reference, and a demonstrable track record of excellence all-around demonstrated in their nursing school application resume . But in the interview, that candidate responds with, “I don’t know,” to the question of why they are selecting the career that they are. The interviewer’s likeliest response? Complete dismissal. If this question isn’t answered properly, it will corrupt the entire interview, and possibly even destroy the application altogether.

That’s why they ask the question. Would you select a candidate who didn’t know why they were even applying to nursing?

Of course not. If you were generous, you’d take the candidate aside and advise them to take more time to think about their future.

Which presents another reason why you need to answer the question: you owe it to yourself. This is who you want to be, after all. Make sure you put some thought into it. What the interviewer is asking of you is to not just explain why you’re a good candidate, but why nursing is important to you. So the main thing is to put your connection to the profession on display.

This question really is for the admissions committee to understand whether you fit with this career path. Your “why” will demonstrate whether you will be a positive addition to this profession.

Before you start composing your answer to this question, it’s important to reflect on your own reasons for pursuing this career. There are thousands of potential reasons and each one is legitimate in its own way. We have compiled a list of suggestions that may help you pinpoint your own “why” behind your decision.

Patient Care

One of the most common reasons that nurses give for “why nursing?” is to care for patients. Nurses spend more time with patients than any other medical professionals . They spend close to twice as long with patients as personal visitors (more than friends and family) and almost three times as many minutes with patients as other medical staff (physicians, physician assistants, and medical students).

Directly caring for patients is the biggest part of nursing, and an excellent potential aspect of your answer to the question of “why” you want to be a nurse. If you love working with patients, it could be an ideal entry into your answer to this question.

\u201cHuman connection has always been important to me. Nursing is an opportunity for me to help people at their most vulnerable.\u201d  ","label":"Example statement","title":"Example statement"}]" code="tab1" template="BlogArticle">

Heat of a Team

Nurses work together as a team to care for their patients. Although each nurse is assigned certain patients, they will help each other out. Being part of a team is exciting for a lot of people, and perhaps this is one aspect of the profession that excites you. Knowing that somebody has your back, and you have theirs, is a big plus in any career.

Not just part of a nursing team, healthcare requires many specialists across disciplines, and nurses are a part of that team.

\u201cI love working with other people and knowing that I\u2019m part of a work-family. Nurses come together to share their workload in a way that I find encouraging. I would love to be the kind of person who can be counted on by my colleagues, and who has a good support network as part of the job.\u201d ","label":"Example Statement","title":"Example Statement"}]" code="tab2" template="BlogArticle">

Physically, mentally, and emotionally, nursing is a challenge. The profession demands excellence and endurance from all aspects of life. Many people find challenges exciting and rewarding, and it might be beneficial to let an interviewer see that hardworking, never-back-down side to your character.

\u201cI am someone who rises to a challenge, who doesn\u2019t quit, and who won\u2019t back down from hardship. If I fail, I try again. I know that nursing is tough, but that toughness is something I admire in others and in the profession, and I think I would be ideally suited for a place where I can be challenged. ","label":"Example Statement","title":"Example Statement"}]" code="tab3" template="BlogArticle">

Constant Learning

You’re a curious mind who loves to experience new things? Nursing is perfect.

Nursing is a multi-facetted profession, and there is always more to learn and explore. Whether travel nursing, working with children, or with the elderly, you can find something (or everything) within the field.

One of the most interesting areas to learn is in pure medical knowledge. Nurses have to deal with many different areas of medical science, so the opportunities for educational growth are exponential.

Although less altruistic than some other answers, it can be beneficial to let an interviewer know that you will love a career in nursing for these rewarding aspects as well. 

\u201cLife is a journey, and an adventure, and nursing provides a place to be a kind of adventurer. There is so much this profession offers, so many different ways to learn and grow, and I look forward to a life of, not just helping people, but exploration.\u201d ","label":"Example Statement","title":"Example Statement"}]" code="tab4" template="BlogArticle">

Nursing exposes a person to a wide variety of medical experiences, and that can lead to excellent insights into the field at large and lead to other, perhaps unexpected, career paths.

There are a lot of growth opportunities within the nursing field. A nurse might strive to become a nurse practitioner – very similar to an R.N. or R.P.N., but with some powers granted and further responsibilities. They can diagnose illnesses, order tests, or give prescriptions, for example. It’s like a halfway point between nurse and doctor. If this is your ambition, do not hesitate to express that you want a career where you will be able to grow, learn, and advance as a professional!

Nurses may also explore other medical professions. While you may be hesitant to express your desire to go from nurse to doctor , you should know that these kinds of transitions are not rare. Nurses who transition to being physicians or other medical professional have a huge advantage in terms of experience and clinical knowledge! You should feel free to express your dedication and commitment to nursing, as well as your aspirations for other professional avenues. Whether you want to grow within nursing or beyond, admissions committees like applicants who show ambition.

\u201cI want to experience the medical field in its fullest, and I believe there is no better first step on that journey than nursing.\u201d ","label":"Example Statement","title":"Example Statement"}]" code="tab5" template="BlogArticle">

Want help preparing for your nursing school application and interview?

How to Plan Your Answer

All of the reasons we list above are good. But you need more than just a parroted reason. Reason without passion is just an excuse.

There is a deeper reason for entering this field. Use this question to display that depth and your passion for nursing.

The personal why is about how the profession connects with you. There was a point in your life when you knew you wanted this for yourself. Maybe a family member was a nurse? Maybe somebody you knew was hospitalized, but the nursing staff at their hospital made their recovery infinitely better. Maybe that person was you: sick or injured, your life and health, improved by the nurses who cared for you.

Start with a good, captivating opening statement. Make it short, to the point, and formulate it in such a way that you will set up the rest of your answer. A good attention-grabbing statement might be a cataclysmic life event, a profound quote, or a statement that generates intrigue. Think of the beginnings of your favorite books or films. They start with something that grabs attention (“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times,” for instance). You want to ensnare an audience, not just say, “I always wanted to be a nurse.”

For example: “We were miles from help, cell phones dead or no bars, and blood was everywhere. I was holding onto my belt, pulling it tight enough to stop the flow, talking my friend back to a state of calmness, and hoping like heck that my lack of belt wouldn’t mean my pants would fall down imminently. I didn’t know it at the time, but being the calm one in a crisis, remembering my first aid knowledge, and making it through all that trauma was what would lead me to become a nurse.”

Keep to one or two main examples as to why you are pursuing nursing, show your connection to nursing beyond just, “it’s a job”, and throw in personal flair to accent your statement. Outlining one or two examples or reasons will allow you to include interesting details and expand on these reasons in more depth.

The personal connection is a good place to start. When did you realize you wanted to be a nurse? Why do you love it? Those catalyst points in your life that made you choose nursing are a great start.

A concluding statement – as short and punchy as your opening line – is the best way to wrap things up. You might let the interviewer know your career goals and how their program will help you get to where you want to go.

Make sure to keep your answer to 1 or 2 minutes long. You do not want to ramble on and on, thus losing the attention of your interviewers.

How to Practice Your “Why Do You Want to Be a Nurse?” Answer

Once you have an experience or two to focus on, spend some time thinking about how you want to present these talking points. Once you have an idea, start practicing. Remember, you do not want to memorize your answer, but you also want to have a clearly laid out format for your response. One of the worst things you can do is come to the interview unprepared, saying something like this, for example:

“I like helping people. I was once hurt and the nurses at the hospital helped me.”

That’s no good. Put effort, details, stories, and energy into the answer. This is the reason why you’re entering your next stage of life, so allow your excitement to shine through. Make a mini-story out of it.

It will help you a lot to practice your answer in mock interviews, making sure that your answer sounds natural, thorough, and professional.

“Why Do You Wat to Be a Nurse?” Sample Answer #1

“I have always needed to help people. As a kid, if my younger siblings got a scrape on the knee, I was right there with my mom, helping to bandage them up. I think I was just mostly in the way.

But that need to care and heal never went away. When I was older, I took first-aid classes and loved it. I loved learning how to help, knowing that if there was a problem I could be right there making things better.

The day that I knew specifically I wanted to be a nurse was after applying my first-aid knowledge directly. A friend of mine got hurt at school, slipped and had a bad fall down some stairs. I used my first-aid to keep them calm and check for any breaks or other issues before helping get them to the school nurse. While I was in the nurse's office, I felt like I was part of something already. Later, I spoke with the school nurse about my career path, and she was helpful, thoughtful, and encouraging.

Nursing is perfect for me. More than any other profession, nursing will give me an opportunity to care for people. It lets me do more than just give medicine, it connects me to people, and make a real difference in their lives.

That human element, making small differences day-to-day, and really helping people – all of that is deeply connected to who I am, who I want to be, and to nursing. Nursing and me are a perfect fit.”

“Nursing is a one-hundred percent career, and I am a one-hundred percent person.

Challenge is exciting to me. Rock climbing is a hobby of mine, and I love it because it’s active and requires commitment. I’ve always been passionate like that.

Another thing I’m deeply passionate about is going where I’m needed. I remember my aunt talking one time about being a nurse, and about the struggles that she and the other nurses went through. I remember her being really upset about it, but I also remember thinking, ‘Oh, they need people.’ And, as I said, I go where I’m needed.

From there I started learning as much as I could about nursing, taking elective classes in school, reading about the profession, and talking to my aunt about the job. The more I learned, the more I knew this was my path.

Nursing is a place where I can make a difference, be needed, and be challenged, and I am looking forward to all of that – one-hundred percent.”

The answer to this question is as personal as it is imperative. Really think about why you want to be a nurse above all else, and you’ll have your answer. Once you know the “why”, you might get thrashed a lot on your journey, but you will always have sight of your destination.

You also have the perfect answer for your interview. But with all that incredible insight into your life and who you want to be, that’s almost a by-product, isn’t it?

An in-depth answer, one that properly communicates your connection to nursing, is going to take up more than a couple sentences. Keep your answer to 1 or 2 minutes long.

No, and in fact, we strongly discourage memorization. Memorizing your answer comes off as disingenuous. Additionally, you run the risk of messing up your script and freezing in the middle of your answer. Instead, just focus on remembering your talking points.

Do plan out your answer carefully before your interview, practice it, but from that point on, just worry about holding the main points in your head. You don’t need to memorize the whole thing.

Everybody has a different approach to their writing processes, but one fast, fairly simple way to deal with writer’s block is to give yourself permission to take five minutes and free associate. You could use pen and paper, word processors, or record yourself talking aloud, but through whichever method you choose, just start getting out ideas about nursing and why you’re interested in it.

Another approach would be to think about the first time you considered nursing as a career and why. Those memories will give you excellent insight and a good starting place to plan your answer.

We recommend sticking to one or two events or reasons that led to your decision.

Since you don’t have time to get into every facet of every aspect of why you want to be a nurse, you’re going to want to stick to one or two primary reasons. You will weaken your statement if you have too many points.

To have a strong answer, you need to incorporate personal or professional events or experiences that led you to pursue nursing. Why did you decide to pursue this career? What interests you about it? What events took place to lead you to apply to nursing school? These events do not necessarily need to be related to nursing directly, but you can connect them to nursing. For example, maybe your volunteer or work experiences demonstrate exceptional communication and interpersonal skills? Whatever it is, make sure you can connect your passion for nursing, and your experiences in your answer.

Chronologically is probably clearest. It will let you, and the interviewer, track the story better.

Keep in mind classical story structure, with a beginning, middle, and end, and use that as a rough guide.

Just pause, take a breath, and remember the first thing your wanted to say. Since you’ll have practiced beforehand, the rest will come back to you. Since you’ve arranged your answer as a small story, the structure helps with remembering as well, and because you haven’t scripted anything, it doesn’t need to be exactly as you’ve rehearsed it.

You need to go back to your story and really look at it with a critical eye. Ask yourself if there are any details you’re including that aren’t really necessary. Try to weed it out.

What is extraneous to your story will pop out if you reconsider that story structure of beginning-middle-end. If you’ve started talking about a certain event in childhood that led to another event that led to your deciding to be a nurse, are you taking any digressions along the way? Including any anecdotes that, while nice, don’t support your main story?

If you’re having trouble sticking to two minutes, be ruthless in your editing.

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Nicole Hardy

  • Nicole Hardy

How to Write a Personal Statement for Nursing School


Writing a compelling personal statement for nursing school is crucial to standing out in the competitive admissions process. It’s not just about showing you have the grades but also demonstrating your passion, dedication, and suitability for a career in nursing.

Understanding the Purpose of a Personal Statement

A personal statement for nursing school serves as a narrative of your life and highlights why you are drawn to the nursing profession. Admissions committees use this statement to identify candidates who not only meet the academic qualifications but who also show a genuine passion for healthcare.

Preparing to Write

Research the nursing program.

Understand the specific values and goals of the programs to which you are applying. Knowing these can help you tailor your personal statement for nursing school to align with the program’s expectations.


Reflect on what drives you to pursue nursing. Identifying your motivations and relevant experiences will give depth to your statement. This personal reflection is crucial in demonstrating your commitment and readiness for the challenges of nursing school.

Gathering Materials

Collect important documents such as transcripts, resumes, and letters of recommendation. These will provide factual support to the claims you make in your statement.

Structuring Your Personal Statement

Craft an engaging opening to capture the attention of the admissions committee. A memorable introduction sets the tone for the rest of your statement.

Body Paragraphs

Academic achievements and relevant coursework.

Detail your academic journey, focusing on coursework that has prepared you for nursing. This could include biology, chemistry, or any health-related courses.

Clinical Experiences and Volunteer Work

Using specific examples and anecdotes, describe your clinical and volunteer experiences. These insights into your hands-on experience are invaluable and can be highlighted in nursing school personal statement examples.

Personal Qualities and Skills

Discuss your personal qualities like empathy, communication, and teamwork. These are essential in nursing and should be convincingly presented, possibly inspired by nursing personal statement examples.

Career Goals and Aspirations

Explain your career objectives, both short-term and long-term. This demonstrates your commitment and planning for your future in nursing.

Conclude with a strong statement that reiterates your passion for nursing and readiness for the academic challenges ahead. Thank the reader for considering your application.

Writing Tips and Best Practices

  • Be specific and concrete: Use detailed examples that show rather than tell your capabilities.
  • Maintain a professional tone while ensuring your personality comes through.
  • Be honest and authentic in your narrative to make a genuine connection with your reader.
  • Edit and proofread meticulously to submit a polished and professional document.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

  • Avoid being too generic. Customize your personal statement for nursing school to reflect your true self.
  • Steer clear of clichés. Authentic experiences are more compelling than overused sayings.
  • Focus on yourself. While it’s important to acknowledge others, this essay is about you and your journey.

Examples and Analysis

Strong personal statement example.

Review nursing school personal statement examples to understand what works. Analyze why these are effective and how they engage the reader.

Weak Personal Statement Example

Learning from less effective nursing school personal statement examples can be just as informative. Note common pitfalls like lack of specificity or failure to convey personal motivation.

Final Steps

Seeking feedback.

Get input from mentors or advisors who can provide constructive criticism and insights on your statement.

Making Final Revisions

Incorporate feedback to refine your statement. This iterative process is key to crafting an effective narrative.

Preparing for Submission

Ensure that your personal statement for nursing school adheres to all specified guidelines before submitting.

Writing a personal statement for nursing school is a thoughtful process that requires introspection, precision, and creativity. By following this guide on how to write a personal statement for nursing school, you can enhance your chances of admission and move one step closer to achieving your nursing career goals.

Additional Resources

Consider resources such as books, websites, and guidance services to help further refine your personal statement for nursing school. These tools can offer insights beyond what is covered here, including more detailed nursing school essay examples and nursing school personal statement examples PDF for additional guidance.

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Personal statement

I’m looking to write my personal statement but having such writer’s block. I mean I know why I want to do this but wanting to help people just doesn’t seem exciting to or interesting. Does anyone have tips on how they went about writing theirs?

Update: it worked 😆

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  6. How to Write a Strong Personal Statement for Residency (and Medical School) Applications


  1. Need advice on Personal Statement: How do you balance humility ...

    *good at time management (personal life, school, lots of extracurriculars), *you work hard to achieve your goals and overcome obstacles (learning disability, taking longer to finish your degrees instead of giving up), *you know your limits and when to ask for help (you go to therapy, you turn to your friends/family when you need support)

  2. Tips for Writing a Good Personal Statement : r/NursingStudent

    Authenticity matters. 2. Use a Personal but Professional Tone. Strike a balance between personal and professional. Avoid overly casual language, but also don't sound overly formal. Be relatable and approachable. Remember, you're sharing your story, not writing a research paper. 3. Start with an Engaging Introduction.

  3. Looking for your suggestions and thoughts on a personal ...

    Hello current, future and former nurses: This is a post on behalf of my wife, who is applying to an ABSN program at the end of the week. I thought it would be great if we could get some input on her personal statement. She has a B.S. in biology (3.3, in 2005) and M.S. in natural resources and environmental sciences (3.9, in 2009).

  4. Powerful Nursing School Personal Statement: w/Samples

    Step 1: Print or Write down the Prompt. You must adhere to the prompt. Period. Keep in mind how crucial it is to follow protocols in the field of nursing. If you cannot follow the guidelines for a nursing school personal statement, the admissions committee may doubt your abilities in the field.

  5. 15 Amazing Personal Statement Examples That Stand Out

    Personal Statement Example #13. Title: A Journey to Geriatric Nursing. My path towards a career in geriatric nursing has been shaped by a unique blend of personal experiences and a deep-seated respect for the elderly. My interest in this field was first sparked during my time as a volunteer at a local nursing home.

  6. Personal Statement for Nursing School: Tips + Examples

    These examples are meant to serve as a guide when crafting your own original personal statement for nursing school. Example #1: Indeed 's Nursing School Personal Statement Sample. "I walked backward down the hill, my arms supporting the weight of the wheelchair as its wheels rolled slowly in reverse.

  7. How To Write a Personal Statement for Nursing School

    Here are seven steps to guide you through writing a nursing school personal statement: 1. Decide on your schools. Writing a nursing school personal statement starts with choosing the programs you'd like to apply to. Research which nursing schools align best with your interests, skills, career goals and values.

  8. How to Write a Nursing School Personal Statement: What to Include

    So, you have decided to go to nursing school, or advance your nursing career by furthering your education. Now is the time to become familiar with the application process, get your transcripts and letters of recommendation in order and compose the, in some cases dreaded personal statement. Writing a personal statement is a common part of the application process when working to advance your ...

  9. Nursing School Interview, Application, and Personal Statement

    A personal statement is a short essay that describes who you are and why you think nursing is your calling. I think these essays are the hardest ones to write because it requires you to actually think about who you are, and with me just being 21, I am really just finding out who I am and discovering what I want to do with my life.

  10. Nursing School Personal Statement Examples

    Nursing School Personal Statement Sample 2. I could see my breath crystalize in the air as I exhaled, dribbling and dodging the opposing players on my way to the goal. "I'm open," shouted my teammate, poised right in front of the penalty box, waving his arms. Two more players stood between me and the goal. I hesitated, wondering if I ...

  11. r/nursing on Reddit: Can someone please comment on my personal

    I would rewrite this in a way that's less martyr-y. On second thought, keep it. Nursing professors love the shit out of martyrdom. Just don't take this attitude with you past nursing school or you will burn out. Nobody is meant to be perfect and absorb everyone's pain all the time. Please do not forget that.

  12. Tips for Writing a Great Nursing Personal Statement

    2. Create Your Draft. When it is time to start putting your thoughts on paper, try to avoid overthinking your work. Strive for a natural voice. Pretend you are talking to a friend and write without fear — you can edit and polish your piece to perfection in the next stage. Avoid cliches and nursing generalities.

  13. Tips For Writing A Great Nursing Personal Statement

    Taking the time to craft a well-written and thoughtful nursing program personal statement is an important step in making sure your application stands out among the rest. You can also consider online master's programs, as they often provide the same degree of quality as traditional brick-and-mortar universities with added flexibility.

  14. How to Write a Personal Statement for Nursing School

    Something that you are proud and happy of will be the best topic. Introduce and sell your traits. A personal statement for nursing school is a chance for direct discussion of your motivations and reasons why you deserve a place in the branch of nursing you are applying. Use it to demonstrate what you know about nursing and healthcare.

  15. Nursing Personal Statement: Your Voice In Writing

    Discuss your enthusiasm for the subject and explain your genuine interest. If you wish to include a quote in your opening lines, always remember that nursing personal statement is your voice. Meaning, you are going to begin with your own quote and not the quotes lifted from famous lines or famous person.

  16. Tips to Write a Personal Statement for Nursing School

    Make sure your sentences are smooth. Check for spelling and grammatical errors. Change sentences that simply don't sound right. A personal statement for nursing school is approximately two pages, but check to see if the application provides a specific number of words. Try to stay within 50 words of the limit.

  17. Personal Statement

    This essay is also more of a personal statement. (Think of like a college essay.) You don't want it to be technical, you want it to be profound and emotional. Things like "tangible emotion" make no sense. Sentences like: "The bustling urgency of military life juxtaposed against moments of profound stillness in the midst of chaotic missions."

  18. 10 Tips to Write an Effective Nursing School Essay

    Follow these 10 nursing school tips for a more impactful essay. 1. Read the Essay Guidelines Thoroughly. Following the directions is essential, as every nursing school establishes its own nursing school essay policies, topics and procedures. For example, you may need to write within a minimum or maximum word count range, and you'll likely ...

  19. Personal Statement- Nurse Anesthesia Application

    Personal Statement- Nurse Anesthesia Application. By popular demand, I am sharing my personal statement from when I applied to CRNA school in 2016. Keep in mind, it's not perfect by any means and I have become a much better writer while in CRNA school due to all the doctoral research classes, haha. However, I wanted to be honest and not make ...

  20. Nursing school personal statement : r/nursing

    Nursing school personal statement. Hi all, i have finished my draft to submit to nursing school and its around 800 words. I feel its too much but m not sure how to shorten it further. Can anyone help me with it? I will send it through to u if u will. Is there a length requirement? If not I would just leave it.

  21. "Why Do You Want to Be a Nurse?" Nursing School Interview Question

    Directly caring for patients is the biggest part of nursing, and an excellent potential aspect of your answer to the question of "why" you want to be a nurse. If you love working with patients, it could be an ideal entry into your answer to this question. Example statement. "Human connection has always been important to me.

  22. Writing an Impactful Personal Statement for Nursing School

    A personal statement for nursing school serves as a narrative of your life and highlights why you are drawn to the nursing profession. Admissions committees use this statement to identify candidates who not only meet the academic qualifications but who also show a genuine passion for healthcare. Preparing to Write Research the Nursing Program

  23. Personal statement : r/StudentNurse

    Posted by u/Substantial-Knee1939 - 5 votes and 5 comments