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Motivation Essay | Essay on Motivation for Students and Children in English

February 13, 2024 by Prasanna

Motivation Essay:   Motivation is important in life because it helps us gain valued results like personal growth, better well-being, enhanced performance, or a sense of confidence. Motivation is a road to improve our way of feeling, thinking, and behaving. The advantages of motivation are seen in our way of living life.

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Long and Short Essays on Motivation for Students and Kids in English

If you are searching for an essay on motivation, you will find below two different articles that you can use to complete your class assignments. Here is the best long essay on motivation for the students of classes 7, 8, 9, and 10. Short essay on Motivation is helpful for students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6.

Long Essay on Motivation 500 Words in English

Motivation is an essential factor that changes positive thought into instant action. It switches a great idea into action and can undoubtedly affect the world around you. However, not all are born with motivation. People sometimes have disbelief in themselves; they often say, “I can’t do that” or “the timing is not right.” Being demotivated means living a life as a worn-out machine. Your life will become dull without any spark. So, to gain inner peace and satisfaction in life, you must always stay motivated.

Motivation is a force to push you closer toward your dream. If Steve Jobs lacked the motivation to launch Apple, you would not get an iPhone or iPad. It gives you a purpose to live you with a forever smile on the face. Thus, realizing and working on your self-motivation skills will make you capable of taking control of different aspects of life.

The critical elements of self-motivation are resilience and optimism. The former will help you bounce back during difficult times, whereas later, you will show you a brighter side ahead. This way, you will be able to control your emotions that are holding you back.

You need to locate the right motivation for you to get your spark back. You can find motivation from a wide range of effective sources, for example, from quotes, books, videos, parents, teachers, and even nature. Ultimately, you’ll learn rational thinking to overcome negative emotions when you are motivated in life.

Motivation also helps in making you active in life. You will struggle more to fulfill your goals. A self-motivated person always discovers a way to understand the issues hindering the path to complete a task. Moreover, they do not require other people’s support to accomplish a challenging task close to them.

Hence, motivation is one of the vital factors to be successful in any phase of your life. Whether personal or professional events both demand a person to stay positive to achieve the goals. As a motivated person, you will always try to push your limits and develop your performance level every day.

Moreover, you will continuously thrive on giving your best during every task. You will see that you remain dedicated and progressive towards the objectives of life. Lastly, your dreams and goals will come true as you always aimed.

So, always stay motivated in life without losing hope. When you stay motivated each day, it’ll push you closer to your goals. Learn to remain calm when you go through any hard day. It’s an excellent habit and must be applied in life. As a result, all your negative thoughts will start fading away.

Essay on Motivation

Short Essay on Motivation 200 Words in English

No doubt, a person goes through many types of difficulties in life. Some people lose hope and think of quitting. But is this the right step? Absolutely not. Failing once does not mean there is nothing left in life. There is always a way to fight back the hard times to achieve what you desire.

Whether you’re a school-going kid or a business owner, you lose the track and feel demotivated somewhere in life. But never lose hope, you can work towards your betterment by regaining your motivation.

If anytime in life, you feel hard to fight back and lose motivation, read positive quotes, or watch motivational videos online. You can even put the inspirational quotes on your walls. All you need is positivity and motivation in life. You’ll see soon after that you start tackling challenges one step at a time. Slowly you will reach the destination of success and will feel proud of yourself.

We will typically do our best when we have enough motivation. Motivation makes us do things correctly and perform well. You have higher odds of succeeding when you are fully inspired and put effort. It’ll help you give your best during every situation of life. So always work on your motivation.

10 Lines on Motivation Essay

  • Motivation is significant for the overall growth of your mind as well as personality.
  • It helps you focus on your goals based on values and skills.
  • Motivation is a necessary resource to improve and work productively during changing times as well as threats.
  • It boosts your desire to achieve a meaningful life goal.
  • You can listen to speeches, videos, read books, or quotes from inspirational people to rework on your lost motivation.
  • You will learn to fight your fears and negative thoughts when you are motivated.
  • Motivation helps professionals to be positive and happy while working hard to achieve goals.
  • When you are motivated, you learn to organize and prioritize your life.
  • Motivation help students to concentrate and work hard in the class.
  • It awakens the sense of meaning in life.

Essay About Motivation

FAQ’s on Motivation Essay

Question 1. Why do we need motivation in life?

Answer: Motivation is vital because it helps you achieve your goals and become the happiest person by never losing hope.

Question 2. What does motivation teach us?

Answer: You will learn to be self-confident, patient, optimistic, skills, time management, and fighting against your fears.

Question 3. How can I regain motivation in life?

Answer: You can read inspirational books, listen to seminars, and put inspirational quotes on the wall or desk to stay motivated in life.

Question 4. What are the benefits of staying motivated?

Answer: Motivation gives job satisfaction, boosts student engagement, improves relationships, and makes you successful.

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Motivation Importance in Our Daily Lives Essay

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Theories on motivation, psychologists’ view on origin of motivation.

The complexity of motivation due to unpredictability and fluctuation from one individual to another and at different times has led to various theories being postulated to explain its causes. However, these psychologists agree that in way or another motivation is influenced by both biological and external factors.

Goal-setting theory

Postulates that some individuals are driven to success by the goals they set. The success is measured by reaching the desired definite end. Such people set specific goals which are moderate in nature.

The goals have close proximity and limited security of success. Moderate goals limit the chances of quitting or becoming complacence which are characteristics of tough or easily-achieved goals. Thus, such goals generate optimal drive to success.

Setting of goals is only possible because human beings have self determination to succeed. This is what is postulated by the self-determination theory which explains what drives human beings to achieve. This theory opines that humans are inherently driven to grow and develop and hence our source of motivation inborn. However, these inherent motivators are activated by external factors.

This primary innate needs include; the need to control the events of our lives in order to feel connected to others and be competent in our skills. Thus, since we are able to control these primary inherent needs by controlling our thoughts and conscious, we can channel them towards striving for excellence. We are able to control our desires for success, and feelings of pleasure and acceptance.

The Need Hierarchy theory

This theory states that human beings are only driven to success by those needs which they have not satisfied. Have complex needs, we satisfy our needs from bottom up with those on the higher levels satisfied first. As one moves up the hierarchy of needs, the drive to achieve increases.

Thus, the drive that an individual has for quenching his thirst or filling an empty stomach is lower compared to that of achieving his full potential or self actualization which is the highest level of need.

The Incentive theory

This theory incorporates various aspects of the other theories and proposes that human beings are driven by incentives. These incentives can both be intrinsic or extrinsic and bring satisfaction in the form of physical rewards, pleasure and acceptance. Even though the rewards of pleasure and acceptance are intrinsic, their achievement is usually activated by external stimuli.

However, it has to be noted that external and internal stimuli sometimes work antagonistically. Continued usage of external stimuli as a source of motivation may eventually replace the innate drive to succeed. Such external stimuli become part us and may even turn into ‘innate’ stimuli. Since our autonomy is very important, usage of external stimuli should limited less they replace our intrinsic stimuli.

Self-efficacy and self-esteem as motivators

Self evaluation of capabilities and comparing it with the task at hand is a source of intrinsic stimuli which can drive us to success despite the challenges. High levels of self-efficacy will lead to high levels of motivation and vice versa. This is because it only by believing in ourselves that we can take on challenges.

The motivation resulting from self-esteem or feeling good about one’s self is not strong enough to enable us complete a goal despite the challenges. Ego and goal-orientation are also internal stimuli which can provide incentives which can motivate us.

Motivation plays a critical role in our daily lives including planning our goals in life. Hence, more evidence based research should be done on it. The research studies should include such areas as religion. Moreover, the motivation factors and psychology of athletes who use high performance drugs should also be studied.

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IvyPanda. (2019, May 29). Motivation Importance in Our Daily Lives. https://ivypanda.com/essays/importance-of-motivation/

"Motivation Importance in Our Daily Lives." IvyPanda , 29 May 2019, ivypanda.com/essays/importance-of-motivation/.

IvyPanda . (2019) 'Motivation Importance in Our Daily Lives'. 29 May.

IvyPanda . 2019. "Motivation Importance in Our Daily Lives." May 29, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/importance-of-motivation/.

1. IvyPanda . "Motivation Importance in Our Daily Lives." May 29, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/importance-of-motivation/.


IvyPanda . "Motivation Importance in Our Daily Lives." May 29, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/importance-of-motivation/.


Essay on Life Is a Journey

Students are often asked to write an essay on Life Is a Journey in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Life Is a Journey

The concept of life.

Life is often compared to a journey. Just like a journey, life has a beginning and an end. We are born, we grow, and we eventually pass away.

Paths in Life

In our life journey, we traverse different paths. Some paths are smooth, others are rocky. These paths represent the challenges and triumphs we face.

Travel Companions

On this journey, we are never alone. We meet people who become our companions. They help us navigate our path and make our journey worthwhile.

Lessons Learned

Life, like any journey, teaches us valuable lessons. These lessons shape us into who we are and guide us towards our destination.

250 Words Essay on Life Is a Journey

The metaphor of life.

Life is often compared to a journey, a metaphorical concept that demonstrates the progression of life from birth to death. This journey is not merely a physical one, but rather a voyage of self-discovery, personal growth, and understanding.

Unpredictability and Challenges

The unpredictability of life’s journey is what makes it thrilling and daunting at the same time. We encounter various challenges, obstacles, and detours that test our resilience. These obstacles can be seen as opportunities to learn, adapt, and grow, shaping our personalities and perspectives.

Companionship on the Journey

Life’s journey is also marked by the companions we meet along the way. These relationships, whether they last a lifetime or a fleeting moment, can have a profound impact on our journey. They provide us with valuable lessons about empathy, love, and the importance of connection.

Appreciating the Journey

The journey of life is not just about reaching a destination. It’s about appreciating the journey itself, the experiences, and the growth that comes with it. It’s about understanding that each step, each decision, and each experience, positive or negative, contributes to our overall journey.

In conclusion, life’s journey is a complex tapestry of experiences, lessons, and relationships. It is unpredictable, challenging, and filled with opportunities for growth. As we navigate through it, we must remember to appreciate the journey, the companions we meet, and the lessons we learn. After all, life is not just about the destination but the journey itself.

500 Words Essay on Life Is a Journey

The metaphor of life as a journey.

The metaphor of life as a journey is a profound and timeless one. It illustrates the process of human existence, from birth to death, as a voyage filled with experiences, challenges, and learning. This metaphor encourages us to perceive life not as a destination but as a journey, where the ultimate goal is not to reach a particular endpoint, but to grow, learn, and evolve along the way.

Stages of the Journey

The journey of life is composed of several stages. Each stage represents a unique phase of our life, marked by distinctive challenges and opportunities for growth. The stages begin with childhood, a time of innocence and discovery. This stage is followed by adolescence, a period of exploration and self-definition. Adulthood comes next, bringing with it the responsibilities of career, family, and society. Finally, old age is a time for reflection, wisdom, and acceptance.

Challenges and Growth

Just as any journey is fraught with obstacles and difficulties, so too is the journey of life. These challenges, however, should not be seen as deterrents but as opportunities for growth and self-improvement. They provide us with the chance to learn about our strengths and weaknesses, to develop resilience, and to cultivate empathy and understanding towards others. Each challenge we overcome makes us stronger and more capable, shaping us into the individuals we become.

The Importance of the Journey

The essence of the journey metaphor lies in its emphasis on the process, rather than the destination. It teaches us to value the experiences and lessons we gain along the way, rather than fixating on a final goal. This perspective encourages us to live in the present, to appreciate our current circumstances, and to make the most of every moment. It reminds us that the journey itself is the reward, and that every step we take is a part of our personal growth and evolution.

The Role of Companionship

No journey is meant to be undertaken alone. Companionship plays a crucial role in our life’s journey. Our companions – family, friends, mentors – provide us with support, guidance, and encouragement. They share in our joys and sorrows, help us navigate through difficulties, and enrich our journey with their presence. Companionship adds depth and meaning to our journey, making it all the more worthwhile.

Conclusion: The Journey Continues

In conclusion, life is a journey filled with stages, challenges, growth, and companionship. It is a voyage that provides us with countless opportunities to learn, evolve, and become better versions of ourselves. As we navigate through this journey, it is important to remember that the value lies not in the destination, but in the journey itself. As we continue on our path, let us cherish our experiences, learn from our challenges, appreciate our companions, and above all, enjoy the journey. Because, in the end, life is not about where we are going, but how we get there.

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The Power Of Motivation Essay & Paragraph Writing Example

Here is what you are searching for about motivation. By reading the following paragraphs, you can learn a lot about the power of motivation. I hope you will find this one excellent essay for your requirements.

Table of Contents

Short Paragraph On Motivation For Students

If you want to achieve great things, you have to be motivated. The Motivation is what gets us out of bed in the morning and drives us to work hard and achieve our goals. Without motivation, we’d probably stay in bed all day doing nothing .

There are many factors that can influence our motivation, such as our environment, our goals, and our emotions. However, the most important factor is often our own attitude. When we are motivated, we find a way to achieve our goals; if we are not motivated, we will find a way to avoid them. So how can we stay motivated? There isn’t one answer that applies to all of them, but there are some general tips that can help.

First, we need to set realistic goals and make sure our motivations are based on our own desires and not those of others. We also need to find a way to enjoy what we are doing so it doesn’t feel like a chore. And finally, even in difficult times, we need to remain positive and believe in ourselves. With these tips, everyone can stay motivated and achieve their goals. Remember to keep pushing forward and never give up!

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The Importance Of Motivation In Our Life

Motivation is a source of inspiration for people to achieve their goals.Without motivation, life becomes boring and there is nothing he can do. In our everyday lives, we feel so bored and have no interest in doing anything without wanting to.

We all know that God gave us a brain, but how do you use that brain? This question only comes up when we have no desires, interests, or motivation to do something. Each of us likes different things, such as traveling; some like reading books and watching movies; some like playing games; etc.

So, if we stay motivated with one thing, we will be interested in learning new things about that activity, which we will learn about because we love or want it. Just as I love to write articles on different topics , I always stay motivated as an author by looking for new topics that can motivate me and, on the other hand, my readers.

Motivation is the energy for us to make our dreams come true. If we stay motivated, we can do anything with full strength and hard work, and on the other hand, if we lose motivation, we feel like we cannot do anything, but only lack of interest or boredom leads us to depression. So you have to find ways to keep yourself motivated all the time.

Essay On Motivation

Introduction : Motivation is the driving force that drives us to achieve our goals and aspirations. It is a complex psychological construct that encompasses various factors, including our needs, wants, and desires. In simple terms, motivation is the reason behind why we do what we do.

  • Types of motivation
  • Theory of motivation by Maslow’s Hierarchy
  • Role of self determination

There are different types of motivation, the most basic being intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation comes from within, and it is driven by the desire to engage in an activity for its own sake, such as reading a book for pleasure or playing a sport for fun. On the other hand, extrinsic motivation comes from external factors, such as rewards or incentives, such as money, grades or recognition.

One of the key theories of motivation is Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, which suggests that people are motivated by different needs at different levels. The lowest level of needs is physiological needs, such as food, shelter, and safety, followed by safety needs, such as security and stability. The next level is love and belonging needs, such as relationships and social connections, followed by esteem needs, such as self-esteem and self-worth. The highest level is self-actualization needs, such as personal growth and self-fulfillment.

Another important theory of motivation is Self-Determination Theory, which suggests that people are motivated when they feel that they have autonomy, competence, and relatedness. Autonomy refers to the sense of control and choice, competence refers to the sense of mastery and effectiveness, and relatedness refers to the sense of connection and belonging.

Motivation can be enhanced by several factors such as setting clear and challenging goals, providing feedback, creating a positive work environment, and promoting a sense of autonomy. On the other hand, demotivating factors can include a lack of autonomy, a lack of feedback, and a lack of opportunities for personal growth and development.

In conclusion, motivation is a complex psychological construct that drives us to achieve our goals and aspirations. Different types of motivation exist, and theories such as Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and Self-Determination Theory offer insight into what motivates individuals. Motivation can be enhanced by several factors such as setting clear and challenging goals, providing feedback, creating a positive work environment, and promoting a sense of autonomy.

Motivational Essay About Life

Introduction : Life is a precious gift that is meant to be lived to the fullest. It is a journey filled with ups and downs, twists and turns, and moments of triumph and defeat. But through it all, the one thing that can keep us going is motivation.

  • Importance of motivation
  • Step to find motivation for life
  • Key aspects of motivation

Motivation is the driving force that propels us forward, giving us the energy and determination to overcome challenges and achieve our goals. It is the spark that ignites our passion and the fuel that powers our dreams. Without it, life can feel like a never-ending cycle of drudgery and despair.

The first step to finding motivation in life is to set clear and attainable goals. These goals should be specific, measurable, and time-bound, and they should align with our values and passions. When we have something to work towards, we have a sense of purpose and direction, and this can give us the drive to keep moving forward.

Another key aspect of motivation is having a positive attitude. Life is full of obstacles, but it’s how we choose to view them that makes all the difference. When we approach challenges with a positive attitude, we’re more likely to see opportunities instead of roadblocks. We’re also more resilient and better equipped to handle difficult situations.

It’s also important to surround ourselves with supportive and encouraging people. The people we surround ourselves with can have a profound impact on our motivation and outlook on life. Surrounding ourselves with positive and supportive people can help boost our confidence and give us the encouragement we need to keep going.

Self-care is also crucial for staying motivated. Taking care of our physical, emotional, and mental well-being is essential for maintaining a positive outlook and staying energized. Eating well, getting enough sleep, and engaging in regular exercise can help us feel better physically, while practicing mindfulness and self-reflection can help us feel better emotionally and mentally.

Finally, remember to celebrate your successes, no matter how small they may be. Recognizing and celebrating our accomplishments can help us stay motivated and remind us of all we’ve achieved.

In conclusion, motivation is the key to living a fulfilling and meaningful life. It is the driving force that propels us forward, giving us the energy and determination to overcome challenges and achieve our goals. By setting clear and attainable goals, having a positive attitude, surrounding ourselves with supportive people

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My Motivation, Essay Example

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When I attended the University of Hawaii to pursue my undergraduate degree, I can vividly recall my last semester.  Many students have serious problems during their last semester because of what many individuals have affectionately called “senioritis.”  This problem essentially explains that seniors have very low motivation to attend classes and do the actual coursework because they are so close to the end of their education and receiving their diploma.  This happened to me and a classmate in our final biology course to satisfy our graduation requirements.  When it came time to study for our final exam, my friend and I spent the previous week talking about studying for the test but never actually doing any studying until the morning before our exam.  We had every intention to meet up several times during the week, but the problem was that we had very low motivation to do the work.

I believe that our motivation was low mainly because this was a course that was a distribution requirement and was not information that I thought was necessary for me to enter into my chosen career field.  My friend felt the same way as she was a political science major.  Therefore, we came up with every excuse possible to push the studying aside and we both ended up cramming a lot of work into the two hour block of time just before the exam.  We both understood that we needed to pass the class in order to graduate, but we had already earned the points we needed to on the papers and the midterm exam to satisfy passing the course.  The final exam was simply icing on the cake.  While I wanted to maintain a strong overall grade point average, I was less concerned about this because I was just ready for the class and my degree to be finished so that I could start looking for a job.  My friend and I both valued the course less than we valued our senior theses and looking for jobs for after graduation.  Of course the final senior parties were also a lot of fun as well.

My friend and I behaved as we did because we had very low motivation for this specific course and did not value it as much as we should have.  We both were looking past this specific biology course and put more effort into our senior projects and giving our presentations than anything else.  Whenever we had free time, we chose to spend it with friends or going out to the movies because we believed that we deserved a break away from school work for all the time and effort we had spent researching and working on our senior projects.  Biology was simply a distribution requirement and was only required for graduation as a technicality.  This was not a course that either of us had chosen to take willingly; it was simply a means to achieve the end of graduating and getting the diploma.

According to chapters five and six of the text, it is clear that the goal setting theory and McClelland’s Theory of Needs are two of the more important theoretical explanations for our motivation, or lack thereof.  For instance, the goal setting theory suggests that individuals will perform better when they have goals set that can be followed and achieved.  Our only true goal for the biology course was to earn a passing grade.  I suppose that I may have had another minute goal of earning an A in the course, although I did not put very much effort into achieving this goal.  This shows that my commitment was an influence on the goal-performance relationship.  While I had the goal of earning an A, I was not committed to it as much as my original goal of simply passing the course.  This explains part of my motivation, but I also had set much higher and more important goals for my senior thesis project.  Therefore, my goals were more difficult and had higher importance to me for the senior project, which is why my commitment towards achieving these goals and performing well was much higher.

McClelland’s Theory of Needs emphasizes on three important needs.  These needs are called the need for achievement, need for power and the need for affiliation.  Two of these needs were ultimately met by our actions in relationship to the biology course.  First of all, the need for power did not apply because neither of us was looking to make the other, or anyone else in the course for that matter, behave in a way that they would not normally.  Power had nothing to do with our motivation for not studying for the final exam and pushing it aside for more important activities and projects.  Instead, the need for achievement was much more of a factor in this scenario.  Our drive to excel was only seen in the senior thesis projects and the courses within our specific majors.  Therefore, our need for achievement was almost fully satisfied by the time we entered the biology course.  The biology class instilled very little need for achievement or any drive to excel because we did not place a high value on the information in the course or the work.  Our drive to excel was only to perform well enough to earn a passing grade to graduate with our diplomas.  Finally, the need for affiliation was met because my friend and I both made conscious choices to work together and in our interpersonal relationship to undertake similar academic actions in the course.  If we did not take the course together, this need would not have been satisfied and it is unclear whether either of us would have been more motivated than we originally were.

There is much to learn about myself and the motivating factors that play a role in determining my overall production and achievement levels within an organization.  I learned mainly that the goals I set for myself must be goals that I truly have high value for and will aspire to achieve.  Unfortunately, the biology course provided me with an opportunity to set goals for myself that only saw me going through the motions instead of pushing myself to excel in the course.  In the future, I must create organizational and personal goals that have meaning in order to provide me with the motivation that is necessary to be successful.  I enjoy my work very much, so I want to maintain a high level of production and achievement in order to keep my job.  This intrinsic valuation of the work automatically provides motivation for me to perform well, but I must also set goals that will keep me focused whenever I feel like going through the motions again in an organizational setting.

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Essays on Motivation

As you write a motivation essay you get to explore the concept of motivation. The word itself comes from the Latin word “movere”, which means “to move”. Motivation essays define Motivation as: an encouragement to action; a person's ability to satisfy their needs through certain activities; a dynamic psychophysiological process that controls a person’s behavior and determines his level of organization, the orientation of actions, and activity. Authors of essays on motivation note such types of motivation: external/internal, positive/negative, stable/unstable, etc. There is much to discover about motivation. You can view our motivation essay samples for some more facts about this concept, which will help perfect your essay. You can find all the essay samples below.

Research on Motivation and Risk-Taking Behaviors Research has facilitated an in-depth understanding of the functioning associated with motivation and different human behaviors. Motivation has been identified to operate based on two different parameters which are intrinsic or extrinsic. Apart from the mentioned aspects, there is the element of self-motivation which is...

One of the puzzling topics handled by behaviorist is the element of motivation and the impact it has on the basic functioning of an individual. Over the years theorists have come up with numerous concepts which they maintain will aid in understanding the role of motivation and the factors involved(Gross,...

Physical activity is an essential element in achieving better health outcomes since it plays an essential role in the prevention and management of several lifestyle diseases, including diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, and the cardiovascular disease among others. However, although most people understand the health benefits of adopting healthy lifestyles,...

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This research review aims to examine the impacts rewards have on the students' urge in education especially in their long-term memory. Students who are extrinsically motivated to study tend to be superficial in their studies especially by choosing tasks which are exemplary simple and spend little time on them. Rewards...

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Motivation Essay: How To Motivate Yourself On The Success

motivation about life essay

Motivation is always one of the most important themes in psychology. It is known, that the only motivation helps us to reach our goals. If you wish to change your life, you need to do something, to reach some goals and the motivation needs to be created. This motivation will be the driving force which will help you to reach your goal.

Types of motivation

There are two different types of motivation. The first one is “from” and the other one is “to”. Motivation “from” is the motivation of escape. It is when you would like to avoid something. For example, to prepare for the exam in order to avoid the failure, to wash the plates and your mother will not shout at you, to marry in order not to be alone. As it can be seen from the examples, this action are in order to avoid some troubles, which can happen.

In the case of motivation “to” people are trying to reach something and to get something that they wanted in the result of their actions. It is possible to use examples which were mentioned above. To prepare for the exam to pass it and to get the great job, to wash the plates, because you wish them to be clean and to marry to create strong family and have children.

As it is shown from the examples, the motivation “to” is very good for people. It creates the wish to do something and to wait for it. But if we are speaking about “from” motivation, it created the feeling of danger and uncomfortable pressure. The both motivations are helpful, but the motivation “to” is needed to have in the life as much as possible and it is recommended to avoid the motivation “from”.

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The reasons to give up

There are a lot of examples when people had very strong motivation, but later they did not reach their goals. It was because they did a lot from the very beginning and in the end , they just did not have a lot of energy resources and they just gave up.

Because of it, there is a need to start from the little steps. Yes, sure. For some people it is easier to do a lot of work from the very beginning till they reach their goals, but there are not a lot of such people. It is better to create the exact plan of your actions and follow him. Also, it is advised to analyze all your day and understand the reasons which did not give you the opportunity to make these steps.

There is another group of people that can refuse from their goals only because they had some difficulties from the very beginning. It is very important to ask your friends or your family to support you, because with their help, you will have a very strong motivation to reach the success and to change your life in the best way. Sometimes, a lot of different situation can happen and if people feel that they are alone, the desire to continue to do something just will disappear. Because of it the family should help you and you will see, that the difficulties is not something, that you will not be able to overcome.

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Methods for successful motivation

  • Do not let you thing about anything bad, because all your thoughts will come true. If you imagine something bad, you can be sure that it will happen.
  • Promise to yourself, that you will wake up early in the morning. The best motivation is the motivation, which starts from the morning. Even if you have nothing to do, wake up in the morning and just spend this time on your development, for example some interesting books or something like that.
  • You should have a strong motivation to be the winner. When you wake up, just think: “ Today I will be better than yesterday, today is my best day in the world.”
  • Try to see something good in every situation. All situations which you had is your experience and you need to value them. They gave you all needed knowledge and made you stronger.
  • You should help other people if you have the possibility for it. You will get a lot of positive emotions and people will be grateful to you. If you improve someone’s life, you automatically improve your life too.
  • Do not think, that you are on the wrong way. You will just destroy your motivation. You should be confident and you will reach the success.
  • It is important to refuse from all other alternatives. You have a strict plan and you need to follow it.
  • It is needed to see the progress which you made on the way to your goal. You will see the result and you will have more energy to reach your goal.
  • Do not compare you with other people. It will decrease your motivation. You need to be better than you were yesterday.
  • You can always ask about support your family. Your relatives will be glad to help you with it.

Everyone creates his or her life alone. So, the quality of your life depends only on you. Believe in yourself and work hard and you will get the success. It is possible to change your life in the best way, you just need to believe in it. The motivation to achieve your goals essay will help you a lot, because of it, you are needed to make the order on our site and to change your life in a short time.

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motivation about life essay

Student Essays

Paragraph on Motivation

Paragraph on Motivation- Importance of Motivation in Life

Motivation is the force that keeps  a man going in spite of greater challenges in life. The following paragraph tells us the value, meaning and importance of motivation in life for everyone.

Paragraph on Motivation- Meaning & Importance of Motivation in Life

Motivation is a key factor that drives people to achieve their goals in life. It is what helps people stay focused and determined in the face of difficulties and setbacks. Without motivation, it would be difficult for anyone to accomplish anything significant in life.

Paragraph on Motivation

Motivation, if defined, is simply the desire to achieve a goal. While there are many different types of motivation, all forms share one common goal: to help people achieve their aspirations in life. Motivation is important in life because it helps people achieve their goals. It is what drives people to stay focused and determined in the face of difficulties and setbacks. Without motivation, it would be difficult for anyone to accomplish anything significant in life.

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Importance of Motivation in the Life of a student

Students need motivation to achieve their academic goals. The most common types of motivation for students include:

  • Intrinsic Motivation: This type of motivation comes from within oneself and is driven by a personal interest or enjoyment in the task itself.
  • Extrinsic Motivation: This type of motivation comes from external factors such as rewards or punishments.
  • Social Motivation: This type of motivation comes from the desire to please or impress others
  • Task Motivation: This type of motivation comes from a sense of responsibility or duty to complete a task.

Students can benefit from all forms of motivation, but it is important to find what works best for each individual. Some students may need a combination of different types of motivation to be successful.

Factors that Strengthen the Motivation:

There are a number of causes that can reinforce the motivation in people. Some of the most common include:

  • Achievement: Achieving goals or progress towards goals provides a sense of accomplishment and strengthens motivation.
  • Autonomy: People are motivated by a sense of control and independence over their lives.
  • Curiosity: People are motivated by a desire to learn and explore new things.
  • Fun: People are motivated by activities that are enjoyable and make them happy.
  • Recognition: People are motivated by receiving acknowledgement for their accomplishments.

How to Stay Motivated?

Maintaining motivation is a huge task sometimes for students. There are a number of ways that people can maintain motivation throughout life. Some of the most effective methods include:

  • Setting achievable goals
  • Staying focused and determined
  • Maintaining a positive attitude
  • Taking action towards goals
  • Celebrating successes
  • Avoiding distractions and temptations

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Motivation is an important aspect of life that helps people achieve their goals. There are many different types of motivation, and it is important to find what works best for each individual. There are a number of ways to maintain motivation throughout life, and the most effective methods vary from person to person. However, setting achievable goals, staying focused and working with consistency are the important elements of staying motivated throughout life.

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My Ambition Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on my ambition.

Almost everyone dreams of something while growing up. We all have ambitions when we are little, which change as we grow up. Ambitions lead us to a definite aim in life. Furthermore, they help us focus on our goal no matter the cost. It drives us to do better in life. Ambitions differ from one person to another.

However, one common thing usually found is that over time, people switch their ambition to something else than that which they wished to be when little. We have many people in the medical field who wanted to be dancers. Similarly, some of the greatest politicians wanted to be artists. So we see how easily one gives up on their dreams and ambition to adapt to society.

My Ambition Essay

My Ambition

The ambition of any person’s life usually depends on their choice and interests. I aspire to be a great dancer . I have always had the knack for dancing from an early age. My parents always encouraged me to pursue my passion. Like most of the parents, they never discouraged me because it is not the most sought after career.

Subsequently, I wish to become a good dancer. I do not want the fame of being a dancer; rather I want the acclaim of being a good dancer. As my parents motivated me to pursue my dream, they enrolled me in dance classes. It helped me grow a lot as a dancer and also enhance my skills.

Most importantly, I wish to be a dance because I want to remove the stigma surrounding this career path. I want to set an example that you can do well in life if you’re not a doctor or engineer. Especially in India, where these two ambitions are considered the most valid.

I believe in the power of dance, and how it conveys the message without words. Dance is the language of the soul, and it makes me feel alive when I indulge in it.

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Why I Chose this Ambition?

It would seem odd to choose to be a dancer as an ambition, especially when everyone is in the race of becoming a lawyer , doctor or engineer . But, I still believe that just because something is not common, doesn’t mean we cannot attain it.

motivation about life essay

I wish to dance so I could teach others to become experts in this field. Furthermore, I wish to help the underprivileged section who are interested in this ambition. I want to reach a height which enables me to offer them proper dance training free of cost so they can reach great heights.

Above all, I wish to be the wind beneath their wings. I want to create awareness about the importance of dance and how it benefits us physically as well. I hope I can achieve this ambition of mine someday. Till then, I won’t leave any stone unturned in reaching the finish line.

FAQ on My Ambition Essay

Q.1 How do ambitions help people?

A.1 Ambitions helps people in focusing their mind to achieve a set goal. Furthermore, it trains them to be better in achieving their ambition.

Q.2 Why must one have an ambition?

A.2 We all must have at least one ambition to achieve in life. It teaches us the importance of discipline and hard work. Having ambition gives you something to look forward to each day. In addition, it makes you determined.

{ “@context”: “https://schema.org”, “@type”: “FAQPage”, “mainEntity”: [{ “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “How do ambitions help people?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”: “Ambitions helps people in focusing their mind to achieve a set goal. Furthermore, it trains them to be better in achieving their ambition.” } }, { “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “Why must one have an ambition?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”:”We all must have at least one ambition to achieve in life. It teaches us the importance of discipline and hard work. Having ambition gives you something to look forward to each day. In addition, it makes you determined.”} }] }

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What Motivates You? | Complete Essay On Motivation In Life

The key to success in our fast-paced world is motivation. It is a broad concept that can mean different things to different people. Motivation can be a passion or determination that comes from within. Alternatively, it could be a reward or an external force pushing you forward. But what does motivation mean to you, and more importantly, what motivates you? In this essay, we will explore what motivates each of us personally and why motivation is crucial to our personal and professional success.


Table of Contents

  • 1 Essay On Motivation: Introduction
  • 2 What Motivates You? Understanding Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivation
  • 3.1 Power and Approval Motivated People
  • 3.2 Success Driven People
  • 3.3 Money Motivated People
  • 3.4 Socially Driven Person
  • 3.5 Growth Driven Individuals
  • 3.6 Passion Driven People
  • 4 Essay On Motivation: Conclusion
  • 5.1 What Motivates and Inspires You Essay?
  • 5.2 What Does Motivation Mean to You Essay?
  • 5.3 What Motivates You as An Individual?
  • 5.4 What Motivates You as A Learner?
  • 5.5 What Is Your Motivation for Pursuing Higher Education Essay?

Essay On Motivation: Introduction

Motivation is like driving a car – you can’t go anywhere unless you put your foot on the accelerator and take control of the steering wheel. Ultimately, you are responsible for getting yourself from point A to point B, and getting there requires focus and effort.

The urge to act in support of a goal is called motivation. It is one of the factors that influence human behavior. Having dreams and achieving them are essential parts of life. It encourages competitiveness and fosters interpersonal relationships.

The desire to achieve a meaningful, purposeful, and worthwhile life is a key component of motivation. Successful people often find a reason to carry on during difficult times, regardless of what is happening to them or around them. They are unique in that respect. Successful people strive to succeed. They put in a lot of effort, time, and energy to achieve their life goals.

All of us are unique in our own way. Our motivation to achieve our goals comes from a variety of factors. Due to this uniqueness, we have personal motives that differ from those of our friends, family members, and others. However, despite everything, every goal demands effort. For this reason, we must participate in activities that direct our attention to them, and the key to that is motivation.

What Motivates You? Understanding Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivation

Motivation can be either extrinsic or intrinsic . Extrinsic motivation comes from external factors, like rewards and punishments. Intrinsic motivation, on the other hand, comes from within.

It has been said that motivation comes from within. In some cases, this may be true, but not everyone is intrinsically motivated. Some people need external factors to motivate them. In this case, we are referring to extrinsic motivation.


Extrinsic motivation can take many forms. Depending on the individual, it may be a monetary incentive. At work, employees may receive bonuses for accomplishing certain goals. Some people may be motivated by awards or recognition. Their goal might be to win a contest or be the top performer in their class/office.

Intrinsic motivation , however, involves a personal interest or desire. In this case, people may engage in a hobby or activity simply because they enjoy it, not because they expect to receive money or recognition for it.

The extrinsic sources of motivation are power, praise and approval, a desire to win, rewards, and cash. The intrinsic sources are connections with others, curiosity, passion, self-mastery, and development.

Extrinsic incentives can indeed boost motivation temporarily, but they can also wear off or even backfire over time. On the other hand, intrinsic motivation is connected to identity and acts as a constant source of inspiration.

Both extrinsic and intrinsic motivation are needed to achieve success. In most cases, intrinsic motivation is more powerful than extrinsic motivation because it is self-driven and stems from a place of personal interest.

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Motivation Matters: Exploring the Motivated Mindsets

In this part of the essay, we explore people’s different mindsets when it comes to being motivated. We also discuss how these can impact their ability to reach their goals.

Power and Approval Motivated People

Some individuals are driven by fame, influence, and authority. They aim to get to fame. They desire to take on leadership roles and gain immense power. These people are power-motivated .

Our fundamental need for significance – to feel different, valuable, and special – includes our craving for praise and attention. These are approval-motivated individuals. Short-term goals can be accomplished by satisfying this urge, but as the praise ends, so does our drive.

Success Driven People

The desire to succeed and excel in their chosen field serves as a driving force for certain people. Some people just don’t give up because they want to win, even after suffering and failure. These are the success-driven people.

Money Motivated People

Some people believe they can obtain the most valuable things in the world, particularly material goods if they have bundles of green rectangles. Normally, money-motivated individuals strive to earn a lot of money to fulfill their needs and wants. It can be as basic as meeting the needs of a daily wage worker or as lavish as buying only from high-end brands and stores. Some people, however, don’t find fulfillment in this approach.

Socially Driven Person

Are you constantly willing to take action to improve the lives of others? Do you like doing charity work? Are you driven to help others and leave a lasting legacy? Giving back might then serve as your inspiration for success. Contributing is one of the most fundamental humans urges we have since it fulfills us.

Your desire to volunteer and give back is probably driven by your desire to make a difference. Some people are driven to uplift and support others so that they might transform their lives. These people include philanthropists who donate a large portion of their fortune to help others and spread it for a worthy cause.

Growth Driven Individuals

You are dying if you are not growing. The human need for growth drives us to learn new things, climb the ladder, and do other things.

Self-mastery, or a desire to improve and change, is a motivating factor for some people. It is their way of life. This desire is so strong that it has the potential to lead you to self-completeness. In order to achieve it, you must step outside of your comfort zone and accept a certain amount of risk. Although it may seem terrifying, it is simply a process. Individuals who are growth-oriented will see it as an opportunity to grow.

Passion Driven People

Passion is a powerful force. When you constantly think about it and have a strong desire to succeed in it, it motivates you to work harder to achieve it. The answer to “what motivates you?” is the question “What are you passionate about?” Because successful people enjoy what they do, they get up early, work efficiently, and manage their time better than average people.

Passion drives them to invest a lot of time in their profession. For example, you may be inspired to write better if you enjoy the activity. Your love for sports motivates you to get up early in the morning and ride to your coaching center to improve your skills.

Although motivation is short-lived, staying active every day makes all the difference. It is what motivates you to reach your goals. That is why we get up early in the morning and work long hours. Success is exactly what we are striving for.

Essay On Motivation: Conclusion

Motivation is like a spark that ignites the fire of ambition. It can be the spark that propels someone forward on their journey to success, no matter how far away the goal may be.


The key to personal development is knowing what drives you. Your motivation can be your biggest asset or your biggest liability. It can inspire you to achieve extraordinary things or hold you back from reaching your full potential. If you are not sure what motivates you, give it some thought. Where do your passions lie? Where do you want to go? By identifying your motivating factors, you will be able to utilize them to your advantage.

Furthermore, motivation can mean different things to different people, and we can all be motivated by something unique. Your motivation can come from a mentor or teacher, a personal goal, a story of inspiration, self-discipline, drive, or the desire to challenge yourself constantly. Regardless of your motivation, always keep your eye on your goals. Consistent effort will pay off in the long run.

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Motivation Essay FAQs

This section contains a list of Frequently Asked Questions about motivation essays that you can use to help you strive toward your goals. It is written from a personal perspective, but it may be helpful to you.

What Motivates and Inspires You Essay?

For me, one of the most important things is just having a strong desire to do something I love. Every time I do something I love, everything else fades away, and I only think about what I’m doing. That feeling of total commitment is what drives me to keep pushing myself and going after my goals. Keep on doing what drives and inspires you and use it as fuel to keep moving forward. You need to follow your passion and never give up on your dreams.

What Does Motivation Mean to You Essay?

To me, being motivated means having the courage to do something. It’s about being responsible and not waiting for someone else to tell you what to do and when to do it. Even if no one is watching or cheering you on, you should try to reach your own goals. In other words, motivation is about taking charge of your own life and doing what needs to be done.

What Motivates You as An Individual?

There are a few things in life that inspire me. First and foremost, I’m driven by a desire to be happy and fulfilled. In my life, I hope to look back and feel accomplished and happy along the way.

Second, I am inspired by my family and friends. I want to make them proud of me and show them that I can do anything if I put my mind to it.

And last but not least, I am motivated by my own growth and development. I am constantly trying to paint a better image of myself to reach my full potential. These are just a few examples of what motivates me in life.

What Motivates You as A Learner?

As a learner, I try to do better than what I’ve done before. I’m always trying to get better, whether it’s my grades, my performance, or myself. This drive to get better keeps me interested in my work and motivated to do it well.

Aside from that, I’m very motivated to learn new skills and gain new knowledge, and it’s very motivating to see myself progress.

Last but not least, what keeps me going is knowing that my knowledge and skills can change someone’s life. Sharing what I’ve learned with other people and helping them reach their goals is very rewarding for me.

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What Is Your Motivation for Pursuing Higher Education Essay?

I want to go to university to get the knowledge and skills I need to succeed in my field. My goal is to make a meaningful contribution to society, and I think getting a higher education will help me do that. Also, I want to learn more about myself and the world, and I think that higher education will help me do that. My ultimate goal is to set an example for others and show them that it’s never too late to go after their dreams.

Finally, it would really help if you could share this essay on motivation with your friends and family. This will help them to see how motivated you are to achieve your goals.

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  • Adapting to life changes means reevaluating and realigning goals with current circumstances.
  • Sticking with old routines can hinder progress; evolving goals require flexible habits and mindsets.
  • Self-awareness and self-compassion are crucial in overcoming setbacks and finding new motivation.
  • Shift your self-talk to reflect new goals, and seek support from coaches or accountability partners.

For a while, I was really on top of things. I was getting up at 5:20 AM five days a week to write, going to CrossFit four of those days, and meeting weekly with my coach to ensure my dreams , goals, and actions were all aligned. But then we adopted a shelter puppy who threw my morning routine into chaos, the culture at my gym shifted drastically making it harder and harder to go, and I decided not to renew with my coach when our contract ended. It was the perfect cocktail for losing motivation and structure, and getting off track. I felt stuck.

I spent months trying to figure out how to get myself back to where I was, feeling frustrated and overwhelmed constantly. I lacked the very self-compassion that I’m continually reminding my clients to exercise; instead, I became increasingly annoyed with myself along the way. I tried different class times for CrossFit, attended different gyms, went swimming and biking instead of working out, gave the puppy stuffed bones and toys in the morning so I could write, and reached out to my old coach to get started with our sessions again. But nothing was sticking long enough to become a new habit or routine.

And then it hit me. I was going about it incorrectly. I was trying to replicate an old routine based on old goals. But my goals shifted, and my old routine didn’t serve my current ambitions. When I was on top of things , I was working on a book and needed to be writing most mornings. My gym was a place of motivation and socialization. My days, weeks, and months were predictable with minimal travel. And my coach was helping me navigate a brand-new mindset.

But as in life, I grew and evolved, creating change in everything around me. I went from book writing to book promoting, and travel for work and fun became a regular part of my months. Our new puppy demanded my focused time and attention . None of this is bad, but I was labeling it as such. I complained to my husband and friends, “I used to be so on top of things! What’s happened to me?” I was looking at my life through a rigid lens and realized that my problem wasn’t a lack of motivation or me getting off track; instead, I hadn’t yet adapted to my new goals and life circumstances.

Life is all about evolution and adaptability. We’re constantly in a state of change, whether we’re aware of it or not, and we need to be flexible. My writing routine no longer fit (and the old routine was no longer necessary), there were other ways for me to get exercise than CrossFit, and I was still very much working towards my goals. My goals had never been clearer (and I’ve got the spreadsheets to prove it). It wasn’t that I was stuck or off track, it was my mindset about everything that was creating the problems.

Once I realized my mindset was the issue, I knew exactly what I needed to do.

  • I worked to shift my self-talk . I used to say: “I’ve really fallen off track.” “I used to be on top of things.” Now I say: “Working on my current goals looks different than previous months because my goals are different.”
  • I asked myself how I wanted to feel about my current habits, goals, and routines (confident, optimistic , excited) and then thought about the kinds of thoughts I’d have in my head if I felt that way (“I put in effort every day to make progress.” “I’m doing what I need to do to move forward”). I wrote those thoughts down on sticky notes and placed them in places where I needed to see them.
  • I made sure that my weekly and daily goals reflected my current larger goals to ensure that my actions were aligned with where I wanted to be going, rather than based on what I was trying to achieve in the past. In doing this, I realized that sometimes my weekly goals didn’t fit my current needs or dreams, which created feelings of frustration and overwhelm.
  • I made a list of gains to help my brain understand how far I’ve come. My old goals and routine no longer fit because of the progress I’ve made. By listing out all the positive changes I’d made, it was easy for my mindset to shift out of an inaccurate and unhelpful one (I’m stuck) and into a new and more helpful one (I’m on a new track now).

Shifting out of an old mindset that’s no longer serving us can be a difficult thing to do. It takes self-awareness, self-regulation , and self-discipline. And no matter how experienced we might be in each of these areas, we still might find that an accountability partner or mindset coach can give us the added support we need. If you’re struggling with a mindset shift, find a trusted person in your life or hire a professional. It can make all the difference.

Melanie McNally

Melanie McNally, Psy.D., is a clinical psychologist, brain coach, and author of The Emotionally Intelligent Teen and Helping Your Unmotivated Teen.

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10 Smart Answers to “What Motivates You?”

Why do they ask “what motivates you”.

When an interviewer asks you about your motivation, they want to understand how passionate and committed you are to their company and the job opportunity. They are looking to gauge if you genuinely care about the work and if you will fit well within their team and culture. Your answer should be genuine and specific, highlighting your unique motivators and how they relate to the position you are applying for.

10 Example Answers to “What Motivates You?”

I’m motivated by the opportunity to learn and grow in my career. I’m always looking for ways to challenge myself and expand my skill set, and I find that being in a dynamic, fast-paced work environment helps me do that. I’m also motivated by the chance to collaborate with talented colleagues and contribute to a team effort that produces great results.”

“For me, motivation comes from feeling like I’m making a difference. Whether it’s through providing excellent customer service, creating innovative solutions to problems, or simply being a supportive team member, I find that I’m most energized when I feel like my work is having a positive impact. That’s why I’m drawn to companies that have a strong sense of purpose and a commitment to making a difference in their communities.”

“As someone who is naturally curious and loves to explore new ideas, I’m motivated by the opportunity to innovate and create. Whether it’s developing new products, designing new processes, or finding more efficient ways to do things, I’m always looking for ways to push the envelope and come up with something new and exciting. I find that this kind of work keeps me engaged and inspired.”

“One of the things that motivates me most is the chance to take on new challenges and push myself out of my comfort zone. I thrive on the adrenaline rush that comes with tackling something difficult and succeeding against the odds. Whether it’s taking on a new project, working with a new team, or learning a new skill, I’m always eager to take on new challenges and prove myself.”

“What motivates me is the desire to achieve my goals and fulfill my potential. I’m driven by a sense of ambition and a desire to succeed, and I’m always looking for ways to improve myself and my performance. Whether it’s through setting and achieving personal or professional goals, or simply striving to be the best version of myself, I find that this kind of drive keeps me focused and motivated.”

“I’m motivated by the opportunity to make a positive impact on the world. Whether it’s through my work directly or through the company’s mission, I find that I’m most energized when I feel like I’m contributing to something bigger than myself. I want to be part of an organization that is making a difference and creating a better future for everyone.”

“For me, motivation comes from the chance to develop meaningful relationships with my colleagues and clients. I’m a people person at heart, and I find that working with others who share my values and goals is incredibly fulfilling. I want to be part of a team that is supportive, collaborative, and committed to achieving great things together.”

“I’m motivated by the opportunity to continuously learn and improve. Whether it’s through formal training programs or on-the-job experience, I’m always looking for ways to expand my knowledge and skills. I want to work for a company that values professional development and encourages its employees to grow and evolve over time.”

“As someone who is passionate about innovation and creativity, I’m motivated by the chance to work on projects that are truly groundbreaking. I want to be part of a team that is pushing the boundaries of what’s possible and creating solutions that are truly innovative and impactful.”

Example 10:

“For me, motivation comes from the sense of pride and accomplishment that comes with achieving a difficult goal. Whether it’s hitting a sales target, completing a complex project, or overcoming a personal challenge, I find that I’m most motivated when I have a clear goal in mind and a plan for achieving it.”

How to Answer “What Motivates You?”

Step 1: identify your motivations.

By identifying your key motivations, you’ll be able to provide a compelling response during your interview.

Personal Values

Reflect on your core beliefs and principles, and consider how they drive your actions and decisions. Here are some common personal values:

  • Self-improvement

Think about which ones align with your personality and the role you’re applying for. Describe how these values fuel your motivation and commitment to the job.

Career Goals

Consider the long-term objectives you’re working towards in your professional life. Be specific about your desired achievements and how they relate to the role you’re interviewing for. Some examples of career goals could be:

  • Acquiring new technical skills
  • Developing leadership skills
  • Contributing to a specific industry

Link these goals to the company’s mission, and express how this role will help you grow professionally and contribute to the organization.

Interests and Passions

Identify what you’re genuinely passionate about, both inside and outside of work, and connect these interests to the position you’re applying for. Here are some questions to help you introspect:

  • What topics of conversation energize you?
  • Which tasks and projects bring out your enthusiasm?

Step 2: Tailor Your Answer to the Job

Try to tailor your response to the specific job you’re applying for. Consider the key responsibilities, company culture, and overall mission of the organization.

Begin by researching the company and its values. This information can typically be found on the company’s website, social media profiles, or through online reviews. Pay special attention to the language used in the job description – it may indicate some of the top skills and values the company is looking for.

Next, reflect on your personal motivations and how they align with the job requirements. Make a list of the aspects of the position that genuinely excite you, and focus on these in your response.

1) Motivator:  Interest in the field

Sample Answer:  “One thing that motivates me is my genuine passion for the industry. I’ve always been fascinated by the way technology impacts our daily lives, and I’m excited to be part of a team that’s shaping its future. I find that this passion drives me to stay focused and committed to my work.”

2) Motivator:  Professional growth

Sample Answer:  “What truly motivates me is the opportunity for personal and professional growth. I enjoy taking on new challenges and expanding my skill set. Knowing that I’m constantly improving and contributing value to the team gives me a great sense of accomplishment.”

3) Motivator:  Helping others

Sample Answer:  “I’ve always been motivated by the desire to help others. In my previous role, I took pride in knowing that my work made a positive impact on my clients’ lives. This not only gave me a sense of fulfillment but also encouraged me to go above and beyond in my tasks.”

Step 3: Include Specific Examples

If applicable, you can provide specific examples from your experience that demonstrate your motivation. By doing so, you give the interviewer a clear and authentic picture of your work ethic and what drives you to succeed.

To begin, think about a time when you were particularly motivated to achieve a goal, finish a project or overcome a challenge. Describe the situation, what motivated you, and the steps you took to reach your objective. Remember to focus on aspects that can be applied universally, such as personal growth or helping others, rather than individual circumstances.

When crafting your answer, use the STAR method:

  • Situation : Describe the context or background of the event.
  • Task : Explain your responsibility or goal in that situation.
  • Action : Detail the steps you took to approach the task or challenge.
  • Result : Share the positive outcome of your actions, and how it demonstrates your motivation.

For example, if you’re motivated by helping others, you might say:

“In my previous role as a customer support specialist, I was motivated by finding solutions to customer issues and ensuring they had a positive experience with our company. One day, I encountered a particularly challenging issue that required me to work closely with multiple departments to find a resolution. Seeing the gratitude in the customer’s response when we resolved the issue was incredibly rewarding and further motivated me to work even harder in the future.”

By providing specific examples that showcase your motivation, you’ll demonstrate to the interviewer that you have a genuine passion for your work and a strong drive to excel in your career.

Step 4: Practice Your Response

Practicing your response to the question “What motivates you?” will help you feel more confident during your interview. So, once you’ve identified your motivators and examples, practice articulating your response. You can do this by speaking your answer out loud or writing it down. As you practice, focus on being concise and clear in your explanation. Avoid using filler words, such as “um,” “like,” or “you know.”

Consider practicing with a friend or family member who can provide feedback on your response. They can help you identify areas that need improvement, such as body language, tone, or clarity of your answer. Remember, your goal is to provide a strong, authentic response that showcases your unique motivations and fit for the role.

Avoid Common Mistakes

  • Be genuine:  Don’t try to impress the interviewer by simply stating what you think they want to hear. Instead, provide an authentic answer that truly reflects your personal motivations.
  • Stay relevant:  Although you should share your genuine motivation, ensure it connects to the job or the company’s goals. This will demonstrate your potential as a valuable employee in the organization.
  • Keep it concise:  Though it’s important to provide context for your motivation, avoid long-winded answers that drift off-topic. Stay focused and keep your response brief.

It’s a great idea to prepare a few examples that illustrate your motivation. This will make your response even stronger, and help convey your commitment to the role. For example, let’s suppose your motivation is your desire to contribute to meaningful projects. You might share a story about a time when you initiated or led a project that made a real difference in your previous role. Or you could mention a specific project or initiative at the company you’re interviewing for that excites you.

It’s essential to reflect on your personal motivations and connect them to the job you’re applying for. Consider how your motivations align with the company culture and values.

Tailor your response and try to use specific examples from your professional and personal life to illustrate your points. If you’re unsure what aspects to highlight, think about the desired skills and qualifications mentioned in the job description and how you have demonstrated those in the past. Don’t forget to practice your response before the interview. Good luck!

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I was battling cancer while starring on Broadway and no one knew

Sara Chase performing in Gatsby

I knew I wanted to be on Broadway since age 6, when I saw my first musical. Growing up, that goal informed almost every decision I made: the kind of music I listened to, the books I read, and even where I went to college. After graduating, I moved to New York City to pursue this dream.

That same year I tested positive for the BRCA1 gene . The BRCA1 mutation means you have a 50% chance of developing breast cancer by age 70, and also a higher risk of other cancers, like ovarian cancer , according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention . I got tested because my mother had recently survived her second battle with breast cancer, and my grandmother and her sister both died of ovarian cancer. When the results came back positive, I was disappointed and sad, but I adapted my lifestyle accordingly. I got screened regularly. I started exercising, and changed my diet to limit my risk. Genetically, I couldn’t do much. Epigenetically, I did everything in my power to prevent the gene from presenting itself. 

Meanwhile, I worked. Eventually I made my Broadway debut at the age of 29. It was short-lived, but then I got a role on “The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt” on Netflix, where I remained for the next seven years. All the while, I was maintaining the healthy habits I’d established in the wake of testing positive for the BRCA1 gene, with one exception: My doctors had started advising me, as I got older, to remove my fallopian tubes, but I always came up with excuses to put the surgery off. 

When “Kimmy” was over, I realized just how much I missed the stage. As luck would have it I was soon asked to join the cast of a new musical adaptation of “The Great Gatsby” on Broadway as Myrtle Wilson. For those who haven’t read the book in a while (or ever, as was my case, though I still somehow managed to graduate high school), Myrtle is married to the poor gas station owner and dreams of a better life with Tom Buchanan. In the musical, Myrtle gets a big, splashy, musical comedy number in Act 1 and a gut-wrenching 11 o’clock ballad in Act 2. It was every Broadway fantasy I had ever dreamed of. The show was already getting a lot of attention and it hadn’t even opened.

But a month or so before rehearsals began, my doctors again recommended I go through with removing my fallopian tubes. With Broadway rehearsals starting soon, and a grueling show schedule ahead of me, I decided to just go for it.  I had the procedure 10 days before rehearsals started. Now, I thought, I could put it out of my head.

Two weeks later, I was at home practicing my lines when the phone rang. It was my doctor. They had found cancer in one of my fallopian tubes. Thankfully, it was caught early, but the standard of care was an immediate full hysterectomy, oophorectomy, and six rounds of chemotherapy every three weeks. I couldn’t believe what he was telling me. After I could compose myself, I nervously asked, “Can I still do ‘Gatsby’?”

We got out our calendars. “Gatsby” was to rehearse for two more weeks before a four-week “previews” period — a grueling process where the cast rehearses changes to the show by day and performs them for an audience that evening. Then, the big opening night. I knew I had three days off soon, so I arranged to have the surgery then, and if the pathology reports came back clean, the doctors could let me delay starting chemo until after opening night.

I went into rehearsal and didn’t tell anyone. Mostly because I was in denial. If I said it out loud, it would be true. That I have cancer. That I am rehearsing a Broadway show while being treated for cancer. Or maybe I thought someone would try and take my dream away from me.

I went into rehearsal the next morning and didn’t tell anyone. Mostly because I was in denial. If I said it out loud, it would be true. That I have cancer. That I am rehearsing a Broadway show while being treated for cancer. Or maybe I thought someone would try and take my dream away from me. Or people might treat me differently. Best to keep it to myself until absolutely necessary, I thought. Besides, the stress of creating a new Broadway show was already so palpable in the room.

Sara Chase practicing for Gatsby.

I found myself living a secret double life. In the early mornings I would meet with doctors, get blood work done and then run down the street to Broadway rehearsals, stashing my hospital bracelets along the way. Two weeks after my diagnoses, I secretly got a full hysterectomy, oophorectomy and cervix removal. Four days after that, I was on stage singing and dancing in full costumes and wigs like nothing had happened. (For the record, I do not recommend this.) I hid my scars with compression garments underneath my costumes, and I hid my pain too.

As an actor opening a new Broadway show, my job was to do things like learn a whole new set of lyrics a few hours before being expected to perform them flawlessly in front of a sold-out audience. As a secret cancer patient, I had to experience one of my first hot flashes alone on stage while 1,400 people watched. I would never know if the sensations I was feeling were just nerves, a side effect of a new medication, or both. I never knew if I was crying on stage because that’s what my character would do or because I was sad knowing I would lose my eyelashes and eyebrows soon.

Sara Chase in cold cap.

Thankfully, two weeks into previews, the doctors called to say the pathology reports came back clean and I could perform on opening night. I was absolutely elated. Still, as my cast and crew looked for opening night outfits, I secretly looked for wigs and scarves in case I needed them. As people were telling their friends and family about this new Broadway show they were in, I was telling friends and family about what to expect in the next coming months. My colleagues met with stylists; I met with oncologists.

Opening night finally arrived. Minutes before the show was about to start, I finally found a moment to be by myself in my dressing room. I started to sob uncontrollably. I had been so focused on getting to this night, I don’t think I had ever fully allowed myself to acknowledge all I had been going through. But the show must go on. So I pulled myself together, put my costume on, circled up with my cast backstage for our pre-show ritual, and the curtains opened.

Sara Chase in Gatsby.

I walked to center stage at the end of Act 2 to sing my big solo. I was alone singing on a Broadway stage, just like I had always dreamed about. I’ve heard the journey of cancer described as incredibly lonely, and I’ve found that to be true. No matter how many people I have in my corner (and I have so many wonderful people), no matter how many people applaud for me or greet me at the stage door, no matter how many incredible cast members and crew surround me, this was ultimately something I had to do by myself.

And as I stood by myself on stage, just a spotlight on me and my secret hiding in plain sight, whatever I was feeling earlier melted away and was replaced with pride.

The next week, I told my cast the truth. In the months to come, I relied heavily on understudies until I took a leave of absence to finish out treatments. Drugs have thankfully come a long way in the past 10 years, and, while my experience wasn’t fun, it was not even close to what the women in my family had to go through. I even got to keep 50% of my hair.

I’m also comforted by the fact that soon I’ll be back on stage. And this time, I know I’ll be even stronger.

Sara Chase is a Broadway actor living in New York City. She is best known for playing Cyndee Pokorny on Tina Fey’s Emmy-nominated hit Netflix series, "Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt," and "Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt: The Interactive Special." Follow her on Instagram @sarachase_.

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Critic’s Notebook

When Your Child Is an Animal

The charged cultural conversation about pets and children — see “Chimp Crazy,” “childless cat ladies” and more — reveals the hidden contradictions of family life.

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By Amanda Hess

Amanda Hess is a critic at large who writes about internet and pop culture.

“Monkey love is totally different than the way that you have love for your child,” Tonia Haddix, an exotic animal broker, says at the beginning of “Chimp Crazy,” the documentary HBO series investigating the world of chimpanzee ownership. “If it’s your natural born child, it’s just natural because you actually gave birth to that kid. But when you adopt a monkey, the bond is much, much deeper.”

“Chimp Crazy” arrives in a summer of cultural and political obsession about the place of animals in our family lives. When JD Vance became the Republican vice-presidential nominee, his 2021 comment about “childless cat ladies” resurfaced, positioning them as adversaries of the traditional family. New York magazine published a special issue questioning the ethics of pet ownership, featuring a polarizing essay from an anonymous mother who neglected her cat once her human baby arrived. In the background of these stories, you can hear the echoes of an internet-wide argument that pits companion animals against human children, pet and tot forced into a psychic battle for adult recognition.

These dynamics feel supercharged since 2020, the year when American family life — that insular institution that is expected to provide for all human care needs — became positively airtight. The coronavirus pandemic exaggerated a wider trend toward domestic isolation : pet owners spending more time with their animals, parents more time with their children, everyone less time with one another — except perhaps online, where our domestic scenes collide in a theater of grievance and stress.

When a cat, a dog or certainly a chimp scampers through a family story, it knocks it off-kilter, revealing its hypocrisies and its harms. In “Chimp Crazy,” Haddix emerges as the avatar for all the contradictions of the domestic ideal of private home care: She loves her chimp “babies” with such obsession that she traps them (and herself) in a miserable diorama of family life.

Haddix, a 50-something woman who describes herself as the “Dolly Parton of Chimps,” believes that God chose her to be a caretaker. She was a registered nurse before she became a live-in volunteer at a ramshackle chimp breeding facility in Missouri, where she speaks of a male chimp named Tonka as if she is his mother. Haddix also has two human children; she just loves them less, and says so on television.

As she appoints herself the parent to an imprisoned wild animal, she asserts an idealized form of mothering — one she describes as selfless, unending and pure. “Chimp Crazy” is the story of just how ruinous this idea of love can be, for the woman and the ape.

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    Essay on Motivation in Life | Meaning, Purpose, Importance & Ways to Motivated in life Motivation can be defined as feelings of eagerness or enthusiasm that drives one to do something. It is the inner desire to achieve a goal. It is what gives us the energy and determination to pursue our dreams.

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    Motivation plays a critical role in our daily lives including planning our goals in life. Hence, more evidence based research should be done on it.

  6. 3 Best Essays on Self Motivation

    Self motivation is essentially important in our life. During the different phases of our life, we come across many ups and downs of life. There's only power of self motivation that help us to stand out with resilience, courage and commitment. The following essay on Self motivation mentions the meaning, purpose & importance of self motivation, additionally it details how to have self ...

  7. Essay on Life Is a Journey

    High-quality essay on the topic of "Life Is a Journey" for students in schools and colleges.

  8. Motivation Essay

    Motivation is the effective methods that relate to an individual 's intensity, route and determination of effort towards the achievement of goals. Motivation is the process of producing and maintaining goal-directed behavior. Motivation is a psychological process through which unsatisfied wants or needs leads to drives.

  9. The Power Of Motivation Essay & Paragraph Writing Example

    Short essay paragraph about the power of motivation and goals setting. Read inspirational students motivation paragraphs

  10. Motivation Is Life

    Motivation is continuity for life. While there are many difficulties in life they can be overcome. Motivation is our value of life. There is not a single person with ought the ability to motivated, unless they are dead. Moving on in life is easier with motivation.

  11. Motivation: The key to success Free Essay Example

    Essay Sample: Motivation is the desire to do something and achieve the many goals in life, no matter how many obstacles you have to go through. To many people, it is

  12. My Motivation, Essay Example

    My Motivation, Essay Example. HIRE A WRITER! You are free to use it as an inspiration or a source for your own work. When I attended the University of Hawaii to pursue my undergraduate degree, I can vividly recall my last semester. Many students have serious problems during their last semester because of what many individuals have ...

  13. Essay on Motivation for all Class in 100 to 500 Words in English

    Essay on Motivation for students of class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and class 12 in English in 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 500 words. Also find short Motivation ...

  14. Essays on Motivation

    Need some inspiration before writing Motivation essay? Explore 100% free Motivation essays, research paper examples and choose any topic you need.

  15. Motivation Essay: How To Motivate Yourself On The Success

    The motivation to achieve your goals essay will help you a lot, because of it, you are needed to make the order on our site and to change your life in a short time.

  16. Motivation Through Failure: My Life Experience

    Motivation Through Failure: My Life Experience. I have encountered many obstacles and have suffered through many failures. The failure I would like to explain is one which I experienced recently. Fall semester, 2017, I enrolled in 6 classes at Levine Middle College. One of these was a college C++ class.

  17. Paragraph on Motivation- Importance of Motivation in Life

    Paragraph on Motivation- Meaning & Importance of Motivation in Life Motivation is a key factor that drives people to achieve their goals in life. It is what helps people stay focused and determined in the face of difficulties and setbacks. Without motivation, it would be difficult for anyone to accomplish anything significant in life.

  18. My Ambition Essay for Students and Children

    Ambitions lead us to a definite aim in life. In this Essay on My Ambitions will Discuss how to ambition help you achieve your goal.

  19. What Motivates You?

    People define motivation differently. But what motivates you? In this essay, we will explore what motivates each of us personally.

  20. Stay Aligned and Motivated When Life Changes

    Self-awareness and self-compassion are crucial in overcoming setbacks and finding new motivation. Shift your self-talk to reflect new goals, and seek support from coaches or accountability partners.

  21. Essay On Motivation In Life

    As long as you can have a strong sense of motivation, you can achieve your goals and go after what you want for your life. Knowing what form of motivation works best for me, I am excited that I am doing what makes me happy in the present moment. There was a time in my life that I had to tell myself that change what needed to happen was to look ...

  22. 30

    Why Do They Ask "What Motivates You?" When an interviewer asks you about your motivation, they want to understand how passionate and committed you are to their company and the job opportunity. They are looking to gauge if you genuinely care about the work and if you will fit well within their team and culture....

  23. My Motivation Essay

    My Motivation Essay. 700 Words2 Pages. Recommended: Motivation to go to college essay. Throughout my educational life, my number one motivation is my family, as being a first-generation college student in my family, I do not want to let them down. During my senior year, my parents had separated. That was one of the hardest things to go through ...

  24. 'Great Gatsby' Broadway Star Sara Chase Reveals Cancer Struggle

    I found myself living a secret double life. In the early mornings I would meet with doctors, get blood work done and then run down the street to Broadway rehearsals, stashing my hospital bracelets ...

  25. Farmer life motivation Life #farmerlife #farmernaturallife # ...

    Farmer life motivation Life #farmerlife #farmernaturallife #hardwork #kisan #shorts #workhard #khet #khetivlogs #youtubeshorts #youtube #shortvideo #viealree...

  26. 'Chimp Crazy,' 'Childless Cat Ladies' and the Fault Lines of Family

    The charged cultural conversation about pets and children — see "Chimp Crazy," "childless cat ladies" and more — reveals the hidden contradictions of family life.