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Drinking & Dehydration
Published by Grethe Martinsen Modified over 5 years ago
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Dehydration. Department of Geriatric Medicine Edward Warren, MD, Chair Geriatrics, Carolinas Campus, February 2012. Past Medical History. Recent CHF( congestive heart failure) Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction of 20% Cor pulmonale HTN (hypertension)
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Dehydration Department of Geriatric Medicine Edward Warren, MD, Chair Geriatrics, Carolinas Campus, February 2012
Past Medical History • Recent CHF( congestive heart failure) • Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction of 20% • Corpulmonale • HTN (hypertension) • S/P (status post) CVA( cerebrovascular accident • Alzheimer's dementia • COPD ( chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) • Pulmonary hypertension
Surgical History • Cholecystectomy • Cardiac Catheterization without abnormality on recent hospital admission • 4 vessel CABG ( coronary artery bypass graft) 5 years earlier
History of Present Illness 98 Year old white female with increasing lethargy and mental confusion over the past 2 days. Patient has recently returned from the hospital after being successfully treated for congestive heart failure. Nursing staff states that she has being doing well since her return and that she has been eating and sleeping well, but awakening due to nocturia.
Medications • Aspirin 81 mg - 1 tab po daily • Sildenafil 20 mg - 1 tab po tid • Furosemide 40 mg - 2 tabs po bid • KCl 40 meq - 1 tab po qd • Lisinopril 20 mg - 1 tab po qd • Fluticasone/salmeterol 500/50 - 1 puff bid
Review of Symptoms • Patient is poorly arousable and denies shortness of breath (SOB), chest pain ,or headache. In fact she states that she feels “OK”. Staff relates that patient has had no bowel movement today and that they’re not sure when she last voided.
Physical Exam • Vitals: T 98.2 P 90 and reg.-supine, P 115 standing R 24 and regular BP120/80 supine and 100/60 standing O2 Sat 88%( staff states that this is “normal for her”) Weight 70 Kg Height 152.4 cm • Heent: PERRLA, EOM equal bilaterally, sclerae slightly injected, buccal mucosa dry and tacky, Not erythematous and not injected. • Neck: neck veins flat , no JVD, bruit, nor lymphadenopathy. • Heart: increased rate with regular rhythm, No S3/ S4, no murmurs • Lungs: clear to auscultation and percussion. • Abdomen: Obese, BS present but decreased in all quadrants, No organomegaly • Extremities: No clubbing nor cyanosis. Trace pitting edema bilateral lower extremities • Skin: Dry, with widespread tenting, cap refill >3 sec • Neuropsych: patient is arousable to loud voice. Patient can answer simple questions but appears sleepy.
Case Question 1 The patient in the preceding case has a decreased level of consciousness. This is most likely due to • Myocardial infarction • Hypoxemia due to her CorPulmonale • Hyperkalemia • Dehydration • Congestive heart failure
Case Question 2 If this patients serum Creatinine is 2.0, what would be her rough estimate of GFR in ml/min ? a. 5.85 b. 15.65 c. 17.35 d. 20.85 e. 25.35
Case Question 3 This patient’s symptoms are due to hypovolemia and she has relatively normal renal function. Would you expect her to be FENa( Fractional Excretion of Sodium) to be a. Greater than 1% b. Less than 1%
Case Question 4 Which of her medications would you think most contributory to her current situation? a. Lisinopril b. Furosemide c. Fluticasone/salmeterol d. KCl e. Sildenafil
Case Question 5 Which of the following is most consistent in all parameters with dehydration in an elderly patient? a. Na 155,FENa < 1%, BUN 40, weight decreased b. Na 125,FENA > 1%, BUN 12.5, weight stable c. Na 155,FENa 4%, BUN 15, weight increased d. Na 125,FENA > 1%, BUN 10, weight unchanged e. Na 135,FENa > 1%, BUN 20, weight increased
Question Answers 1. Dehydration, “d”, is the answer. -An acute MI is not supported by any findings in the history such as chest tightness or dyspnea, and the coronaries were recently found to be OK. -Hypoxemia due to her corpulmonale and CHF is not the cause of the delirium because the hypoxia is mild at worst and it is said to be her usual state. -Hyperkalemia is not documented in the history at all. Even if it were there, it would not cause a mental status change. The dose of KCl is half of that indicated by the dose of furosemide. Still the lisinopril and renal failure could result in a high K. -CHF is unlikely with modest edema, no JVD, and clear lungs. 2. 17.35, “c” is the answer. Estimated creatinine clearance = [(140 - age) (weight in kg) (0.85 for female)] / [(72)(serum creatinine)] [(140 – 98)(70 kg)(0.85)] / [(72)(2 mg/dl)] = 17.35 • FENa is less than 1% in hypovolemia with normal renal function. This retains Na and water in the body to restore homeostasis. • The drug most responsible is furosemide (it is also a massive dose), “b”. The other listed medications would not do this, except for the lisinopril which does inhibit proper renal function.
Question Answers 5. “a”, Na 155,FENa < 1%, BUN 40, weight decreased is the correct answer. The Na is high due to difficulty in maintaining hydration in elderly. The FENa is low due to resorption of Na in the kidneys from the stimulus of hypovolemia. The BUN is elevated from prerenal azotemia. As the Na is resorbed, urea is resorbed with it passively. The weight is down due to water loss. Every pint lost is a pound.
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- Preferences
What is dehydration? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
What is dehydration?
Dehydration occurs when the body loses more water than is taken in. it is often accompanied by disturbances in the body's mineral salt or electrolyte balance - especially disturbances in the concentrations of sodium and potassium. – powerpoint ppt presentation.
- Dehydration occurs when the body loses more water than is taken in. It is often accompanied by disturbances in the body's mineral salt or electrolyte balance - especially disturbances in the concentrations of sodium and potassium. read more
- Mild dehydration is common and usually caused by not drinking enough fluids throughout the day. In children, diarrhoea is a common cause. read more
- A loss of body water equivalent to about 1 of body weight is normally compensated within 24 hours. Thirst stimulates drinking, so intake is increased and there is also a reduction in water loss by the kidneys. If losses are greater than this, reductions in physical and cognitive performance may occur and there may be some impairment of thermoregulation and cardiovascular function. read more
- Dehydration occurs when the body loses more water than is taken in. It is often accompanied by disturbances in the body's mineral salt or electrolyte balance - especially disturbances in the concentrations of sodium and potassium.
- Under typical circumstances the body loses and needs to replace approximately 2 to 3 litres of water daily. Breathing, urinating, defecating, and perspiring all cause water losses that need to be replaced on a daily basis. If water is lost from the bloodstream, the body can compensate somewhat by shifting water from cells into the blood vessels, but this is a very short-term solution. If the lost water is not replenished, the body may suffer serious consequences.
- The body is able to monitor the amount of water it needs to function. The thirst mechanism signals the body to drink when the body water content is reduced. Hormones, including anti-diuretic hormone (ADH), work with the kidney to limit the amount of water lost in the urine when the body needs to conserve water. Water intake and output are highly variable but closely matched to less than 0.1 over an extended period through homeostatic control. Electrolyte intake and output are also closely linked, both to each other and to the hydration status.
- Failure to match intake and loss of water and minerals, especially sodium and potassium, may lead to dehydration. Depending on the ratio of water to electrolyte loss, dehydration can be classified as isotonic, hypertonic or hypotonic
- Is characterised by isotonic loss of both water and solutes from the extracellular fluid, that is when both water and sodium are lost in equivalent amounts, e.g. through vomiting, diarrhoea or through inadequate intake. There is no osmotic shift of water from the intracellular space to the extracellular space. This type of dehydration accounts for cases of dehydration in young children.
- In hypertonic dehydration water loss exceeds salt loss, that is when more water than sodium is lost (e.g. through inadequate water intake, excessive sweating, osmotic diuresis and diuretic drugs). This is characterised by an osmotic shift of water from the intracellular fluid to the extracellular fluid. This type of dehydration is more common in people who have diabetes, and it accounts for approximately 10 to 20 percent of all paediatric cases of dehydration with diarrhoea.
- In hypotonic dehydration more sodium than water is lost, e.g. in some instances of high sweat or gastro-intestinal water losses or when water and electrolyte deficits are treated with water replacement only, it is characterised by an osmotic shift of fluid from the extracellular area to the intracellular. It also occurs with excessive intakes of plain water or other liquids with little or no sodium content. This type of dehydration accounts for approximately 10 to 15 percent of all paediatric cases of dehydration with diarrhoea. This complication can be life-threatening if swelling causes pressure on the brain (cerebral oedema). This is called hyponatraemia.
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Free Download Dehydration PowerPoint Presentation. Check out this medical presentation on Dehydration, which is titled "Dehydration", to know about dehydration, the causes of dehydration, the clinical manifestaions of dehydration, the investigations required, and the management of dehydration.
download medical powerpoint presentation About This Presentation Description : Check out this medical presentation on Dehydration, which is titled "Dehydration", to know about water and electrolytes balance, and imbalance in human body.
Dehydration . By Julie Lesemann, RN IP. objectives. Define dehydration Nursing home reform act of 1987 Identification of dehydration Risk factors Contributing factors Prevention of Ongoing monitoring and collaboration with interdisciplinary team. Dehydration. Slideshow 1590607 by amelie
Dehydration can kill. Dehydration can kill. An introductory session into the benefits of good hydration in older people. Session Objectives. Understand the role of fluid in the body The importance of enough fluid daily Recognise the signs and risks of dehydration. Water is essential to life. 491 views • 24 slides
COSLYTE - Oral Rehydration Solution for Dehydration - Coslyte ® is a leading ORS (Oral Rehydration Salts) brand in India, known for its W.H.O. recommended formulation with total osmolarity* 245 mOsm/L for the management of mild to moderate dehydration. | PowerPoint PPT presentation | free to view
What is dehydration? When we don't drink enough fluid the amount of fluid in our body falls. This is dehydration. Dehydration happens when fluid intake is less than fluid losses. Water in Water out Ask participants how they feel when they have not been drinking well. Allow discussions and sharing of experiences. Possible experiences could include tiredness, headaches, disorganised, confused ...
Free Download Dehydration PowerPoint Presentation. Rehan,A 14-year-old male is brought to the Emergency Department via ambulance with a report of the patient being found unresponsive.
Dehydration. Department of Geriatric Medicine Edward Warren, MD, Chair Geriatrics, Carolinas Campus, February 2012. Past Medical History. Recent CHF( congestive heart failure) Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction of 20% Cor pulmonale HTN (hypertension) Slideshow 2121706 by herne
the extracellular space. This type of dehydration accounts for cases of dehydration in young children. 7 Hypertonic dehydration. In hypertonic dehydration water loss exceeds salt loss, that is when more water than sodium is lost (e.g. through inadequate water intake, excessive sweating, osmotic diuresis and diuretic drugs).
Download our 100% customizable Dehydration PowerPoint and Google Slides template to represent the causes, signs, symptoms, and risk factors of dehydration. The best quality and resolution! ... fantastic layouts, and subtle backgrounds make this template suitable for your presentations. So, download this captivating set today to steal the show ...