steps to writing a definition essay

How to Write a Definition Essay: Student's Simple Solution

steps to writing a definition essay

Ever struggled to define a complex concept? Definition essays offer a solution. They go beyond dictionary entries, exploring the depths of a word's meaning and its background. 

When you write a definition essay, you're showing that you really understand the word and what it stands for. You might be explaining big ideas like love or freedom or things like technology or democracy. But whatever word you choose, your goal is the same: to explain it so well that your readers really get it.

In this article, our rewrite essay service will show you step-by-step instructions on how to write a definition essay. We'll give you practical advice and examples that make it easy to write a strong essay that people will find interesting and clear.

What is a Definition Essay

Definition essay is a type of academic writing that explains a term by defining its meaning or clarifying which meaning is intended if a word has multiple meanings.

For example, a writer might need to define "networking" to someone unfamiliar with the concept of business or the term "organic" to someone new to healthy eating. If a writer calls a friend "ambitious," the friend might ask for the definition of that word. People might also debate the meaning of the word "success" even if they have similar goals. Clearly, definitions are crucial for clear communication and definition essays help readers see beyond the basic dictionary definition, allowing them to fully understand the term or concept being discussed.

Guide on How to Write Definition Essay

A definition essay has a basic structure: an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. What makes it engaging is how you explore the term in the body paragraphs.


In a definition essay, the introduction serves to introduce the term you are defining and set the stage for the discussion that follows. Here's what each part typically involves:

  • Attention-grabbing element: Begin with something that catches the reader's interest. Engage them from the start and make them curious about the term you will define.
  • A brief overview of the term: Briefly explain the term you are defining, why it is important and what significance it holds in different contexts. This sets up the framework for your essay and gives readers a clear understanding of what to expect.
  • Definition and interpretation: Offer your interpretation or definition of the term, including your perspective on what the term means, how it is commonly understood, and any nuances or complexities associated with it. 

Example of a Thesis Statement

"The concept of 'home' goes beyond a physical place, encompassing a sense of belonging and emotional attachment that varies from person to person."

Body Paragraphs

The body paragraphs explore different angles of the term to support your thesis:

  • Discuss where the term came from and how its meaning has changed over time. This historical perspective helps readers understand its current significance.
  • Look up the term in dictionaries or academic sources and compare these definitions with your own interpretation to show how the term can be understood in different ways.
  • Share your own thoughts and experiences related to the term and use examples to explain what the term means to you personally.
  • Include perspectives from experts who study the term. Compare their views with yours to show different viewpoints and add credibility to your essay.
  • Explore how the term is used in society or popular culture and discuss what this reveals about our values and beliefs.

The conclusion summarizes the main points from the body paragraphs. It reinforces why understanding the term is important and encourages precise use of the term in discussions. It also encourages readers to think critically about how they define and use the term in their own lives.

Definition Essay Checklist

Before we move on to the writing guide, here's a brief checklist for writing a definition essay prepared by our research paper writer :

Step 📘 Description 📝
🔍Choosing a Term
💡Thesis Statement
📑Body Paragraphs

Definition Essay Examples

Here's an example of a definition essay from our custom essay service. Feel free to study its structure and format to guide your own work. If you're interested, you can always buy essay cheap and get high-quality paper from our platform at any time.

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Commonly Used Definition Essay Types

When choosing an intriguing term with a rich historical background for your definition essay, it's essential to carefully consider your options and determine the most effective approach. Here are some common types, as suggested by our dissertation writing help :

Commonly Used Definition Essay Types

  • Analysis : Break down the topic into its constituent parts and define each part separately.
  • Classification : Determine the categories under which the topic can be classified.
  • Comparison : Highlight the uniqueness of the topic by comparing and contrasting it with more common subjects.
  • Details : Identify the key traits and distinctive qualities that best encapsulate the central idea of your essay.
  • Negation : Clarify what your topic is, not to narrow down its definition.
  • Origins and Causes : Explore the historical origins and background of the concept, examining where it first appeared and any relevant historical details.
  • Results, Effects, and Uses : Discuss the consequences, effects, and practical applications of the subject matter.

Definition Essay Topics

To choose a good topic for a definition essay, aim for a term that can be explored in depth, allowing for various interpretations and perspectives. Here are some ideas across different themes:

  • My grandma always said, "home is where the heart is." What does that truly mean?
  • Imagine a world with no deadlines. How would you define "success" in such a place?
  • One day, a friend asks you, "What is courage?" How would you explain it using a personal story?
  • You stumble upon a time capsule from the past. What makes something worthy of being called a "memory"?
  • After a big fight, you and your sibling need to rebuild trust. How would you define "forgiveness"?
  • Can something be beautiful if it's dangerous? Define "beauty" considering both sides.
  • When is a lie okay? Explore the definition of "honesty" with some gray areas.
  • Does friendship require in-person interaction? Define "friendship" in the age of technology.
  • Is there a difference between being lucky and being skilled? Define the role of "chance" in success.
  • What separates a hobby from a passion? Define the concept of "dedication."
  • When does inspiration become copying? Define "originality" in the creative world.
  • Can there be privacy in a world of social media? Define the boundaries of "personal space" in the digital age.
  • Is there a right way to grieve? Define "loss" and the healthy ways to cope with it.
  • What separates a dream from a delusion? Define the role of "ambition" in achieving goals.
  • Is there such a thing as a perfect moment? Define "happiness" considering its fleeting nature.

Tips for Definition Essay Writing Process

Here you'll find some great tips from our essay writer to transform your frown into a confident writer's grin:

How to Write a Definition Essay

  • Pick a rich term: Don't settle for basic words. Choose something with layers of meaning and history, like a concept with positive and negative sides (e.g., "power," "courage").
  • Examples are king: Use real-life stories of successful people to illustrate your points. This makes your definition clear and relatable.
  • Go beyond dictionary definitions: Explore the different ways your term is understood. A hug can show "love," but so can standing up for someone.
  • Use contrasting examples: Don't just pile on positive examples. Show the complexity of your term by using contrasting situations (e.g., "Innovation can lead to lifesaving inventions, but also carries the risk of unintended consequences").
  • Quote the experts: Don't be afraid to integrate short, relevant quotes from philosophers, authors, or historical figures to strengthen your argument.

Final Words

As we conclude, we hope you now understand how to write a definition essay and feel ready to tackle your own. Meanwhile, you can always avoid confusion with our academic writing assistance. Whether you need help brainstorming topics, crafting an analytical piece, or any other writing support, we can help. Order essay today, and let us guide you toward clarity and knowledge!

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How to Start a Definition Essay?

What is a definition essay example, what is the structure of a definition essay.

Daniel Parker

Daniel Parker

is a seasoned educational writer focusing on scholarship guidance, research papers, and various forms of academic essays including reflective and narrative essays. His expertise also extends to detailed case studies. A scholar with a background in English Literature and Education, Daniel’s work on EssayPro blog aims to support students in achieving academic excellence and securing scholarships. His hobbies include reading classic literature and participating in academic forums.

steps to writing a definition essay

is an expert in nursing and healthcare, with a strong background in history, law, and literature. Holding advanced degrees in nursing and public health, his analytical approach and comprehensive knowledge help students navigate complex topics. On EssayPro blog, Adam provides insightful articles on everything from historical analysis to the intricacies of healthcare policies. In his downtime, he enjoys historical documentaries and volunteering at local clinics.

  • Added writing checklist
  • Added topic suggestions
  • Added fresh tips
  • .  (n.d.-b).  
  • Publisher, A. R. a. R. O. O. (2015, October 27). 10.6 definition . Pressbooks.  

How to Write a 5 Paragraph Essay

Definition Essay

Barbara P

Definition Essay - Writing Guide, Examples and Tips

14 min read

Published on: Oct 9, 2020

Last updated on: Jan 31, 2024

definition essay writing

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Many students struggle with writing definition essays due to a lack of clarity and precision in their explanations.

This obstructs them from effectively conveying the essence of the terms or concepts they are tasked with defining. Consequently, the essays may lack coherence, leaving readers confused and preventing them from grasping the intended meaning.

But don’t worry!

In this guide, we will delve into effective techniques and step-by-step approaches to help students craft an engaging definition essay.

Continue reading to learn the correct formation of a definition essay. 

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What is a Definition Essay?

Just as the name suggests, a definition essay defines and explains a term or a concept. Unlike a narrative essay, the purpose of writing this essay is only to inform the readers.

Writing this essay type can be deceivingly tricky. Some terms, concepts, and objects have concrete definitions when explained. In contrast others are solely based on the writer’s understanding and point of view.

A definition essay requires a writer to use different approaches when discussing a term. These approaches are the following:

  • Denotation - It is when you provide a literal or academic definition of the term.
  • Connotation - It is when the writer provides an implied meaning or definition of the term.
  • Enumeration - For this approach, a list is employed to define a term or a concept.
  • Analogy - It is a technique in which something is defined by implementing a comparison.
  • Negation - It is when you define a term by stating what it is not.

A single or combination of approaches can be used in the essay. 

Definition Essay Types

There are several types of definition essays that you may be asked to write, depending on the purpose and scope of the assignment. 

In this section, we will discuss some of the most common types of definition essays.

Descriptive Definition Essay 

This type of essay provides a detailed description of a term or concept, emphasizing its key features and characteristics. 

The goal of a descriptive definition essay is to help readers understand the term or concept in a more profound way.

Stipulative Definition Essay 

In a stipulative definition essay, the writer provides a unique definition of a term or concept. This type of essay is often used in academic settings to define a term in a particular field of study. 

The goal of a stipulative definition essay is to provide a precise and clear definition that is specific to the context of the essay.

Analytical Definition Essay 

This compare and contrast essay type involves analyzing a term or concept in-depth. Breaking it down into its component parts, and examining how they relate to each other. 

The goal of an analytical definition essay is to provide a more nuanced and detailed understanding of the term or concept being discussed.

Persuasive Definition Essay 

A persuasive definition essay is an argumentative essay that aims to persuade readers to accept a particular definition of a term or concept.

The writer presents their argument for the definition and uses evidence and examples to support their position.

Explanatory Definition Essay 

An explanatory definition essay is a type of expository essay . It aims to explain a complex term or concept in a way that is easy to understand for the reader. 

The writer breaks down the term or concept into simpler parts and provides examples and analogies to help readers understand it better.

Extended Definition Essay 

An extended definition essay goes beyond the definition of a word or concept and provides a more in-depth analysis and explanation. 

The goal of an extended definition essay is to provide a comprehensive understanding of a term, concept, or idea. This includes its history, origins, and cultural significance. 

How to Write a Definition Essay?

Writing a definition essay is simple if you know the correct procedure. This essay, like all the other formal pieces of documents, requires substantial planning and effective execution.

The following are the steps involved in writing a definition essay effectively:

Instead of choosing a term that has a concrete definition available, choose a word that is complicated . Complex expressions have abstract concepts that require a writer to explore deeper. Moreover, make sure that different people perceive the term selected differently. 

Once you have a word to draft your definition essay for, read the dictionary. These academic definitions are important as you can use them to compare your understanding with the official concept.

Drafting a definition essay is about stating the dictionary meaning and your explanation of the concept. So the writer needs to have some information about the term.

In addition to this, when exploring the term, make sure to check the term’s origin. The history of the word can make you discuss it in a better way.

Coming up with an exciting title for your essay is important. The essay topic will be the first thing that your readers will witness, so it should be catchy.

Creatively draft an essay topic that reflects meaning. In addition to this, the usage of the term in the title should be correctly done. The readers should get an idea of what the essay is about and what to expect from the document.

Now that you have a topic in hand, it is time to gather some relevant information. A definition essay is more than a mere explanation of the term. It represents the writer’s perception of the chosen term and the topic.

So having only personal opinions will not be enough to defend your point. Deeply research and gather information by consulting credible sources.

The gathered information needs to be organized to be understandable. The raw data needs to be arranged to give a structure to the content.

Here's a generic outline for a definition essay:

Provide an that grabs the reader's attention and introduces the term or concept you will be defining.

of why this term or concept is important and relevant.
that clearly defines the term or concept and previews the main points of the essay.

, , or that will help the reader better understand the term or concept.
to clarify the scope of your definition.

or of the term or concept you are defining in detail.
to illustrate your points.

by differentiating your term or concept from similar terms or concepts.
to illustrate the differences.

of the term or concept.
between the types, using examples and anecdotes to illustrate your points.

, or to support your points.

VII. Conclusion

you have defined.
that leaves a lasting impression on the reader.

Are you searching for an in-depth guide on crafting a well-structured definition essay?Check out this definition essay outline blog!

6. Write the First Draft

Drafting each section correctly is a daunting task. Understanding what or what not to include in these sections requires a writer to choose wisely.

The start of your essay matters a lot. If it is on point and attractive, the readers will want to read the text. As the first part of the essay is the introduction , it is considered the first impression of your essay.

To write your definition essay introduction effectively, include the following information:

  • Start your essay with a catchy hook statement that is related to the topic and the term chosen.
  • State the generally known definition of the term. If the word chosen has multiple interpretations, select the most common one.
  • Provide background information precisely. Determine the origin of the term and other relevant information.
  • Shed light on the other unconventional concepts and definitions related to the term.
  • Decide on the side or stance you want to pick in your essay and develop a thesis statement .

After briefly introducing the topic, fully explain the concept in the body section . Provide all the details and evidence that will support the thesis statement. To draft this section professionally, add the following information:

  • A detailed explanation of the history of the term.
  • Analysis of the dictionary meaning and usage of the term.
  • A comparison and reflection of personal understanding and the researched data on the concept.

Once all the details are shared, give closure to your discussion. The last paragraph of the definition essay is the conclusion . The writer provides insight into the topic as a conclusion.

The concluding paragraphs include the following material:

  • Summary of the important points.
  • Restated thesis statement.
  • A final verdict on the topic.

7. Proofread and Edit

Although the writing process ends with the concluding paragraph, there is an additional step. It is important to proofread the essay once you are done writing. Proofread and revise your document a couple of times to make sure everything is perfect.

Before submitting your assignment, make edits, and fix all mistakes and errors.

If you want to learn more about how to write a definition essay, here is a video guide for you!

Definition Essay Structure 

The structure of a definition essay is similar to that of any other academic essay. It should consist of an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. 

However, the focus of a definition essay is on defining and explaining a particular term or concept. 

In this section, we will discuss the structure of a definition essay in detail.


Get the idea of writing an introduction for a definition essay with this example:

"Have you ever wondered what it truly means to be a hero?"
Heroes have been celebrated in literature, mythology, and pop culture throughout history.
"In this essay, we will define the term hero, explore the key features that define heroism, and examine real-life examples of heroism in action."

Body Paragraphs

Here is an example of how to craft your definition essay body paragraph:

Heroes are individuals who demonstrate courage, selflessness, and a commitment to helping others. They often risk their own safety to protect others or achieve a noble goal.
Heroes are often confused with protagonists or role models, but they differ in that heroism involves action and sacrifice.
This could include stories of firefighters rescuing people from burning buildings, soldiers risking their lives in battle, or ordinary citizens performing acts of bravery during natural disasters.

Types of the Term/Concept 

If applicable, the writer may want to include a section that discusses the different types or categories of the term or concept being defined. 

This section should explain the similarities and differences between the types, using examples and anecdotes to illustrate the points.

This section could explore the different categories of heroes, such as those who are recognized for their bravery in the face of danger, those who inspire others through their deeds, or those who make a difference in their communities through volunteering.

Examples of the Term/Concept in Action 

The writer should also include real-life examples of the term or concept being defined in action. 

This will help the reader better understand the term or concept in context and how it is used in everyday life.

This could include stories of individuals who risked their lives to save others, such as firefighters who rushed into the Twin Towers on 9/11 or civilians who pulled people from a burning car.
This could include stories of individuals who performed small acts of kindness, such as a stranger who paid for someone's groceries or a teacher who went above and beyond to help a struggling student.


This example will help you writing a conclusion fo you essay:

Heroes are defined by their courage, selflessness, and commitment to helping others. There are many different types of heroes, but they all share these key features.
Heroism is an important concept because it inspires us to be better people and reminds us of the importance of selflessness and compassion.
"In a world where it's easy to feel cynical and disillusioned, heroes remind us that there is still goodness and bravery in the world."

Definition Essay Examples

It is important to go through some examples and samples before writing an essay. This is to understand the writing process and structure of the assigned task well.

Following are some examples of definition essays to give our students a better idea of the concept. 

Understanding the Definition Essay

Definition Essay Example

Definition Essay About Friendship

Definition Essay About Love

Family Definition Essay

Success Definition Essay

Beauty Definition Essay

Definition Essay Topics

Selecting the right topic is challenging for other essay types. However, picking a suitable theme for a definition essay is equally tricky yet important. Pick an interesting subject to ensure maximum readership.

If you are facing writer’s block, here is a list of some great definition essay topics for your help. Choose from the list below and draft a compelling essay.

  • Authenticity
  • Sustainability
  • Mindfulness

Here are some more extended definition essay topics:

  • Social media addiction
  • Ethical implications of gene editing
  • Personalized learning in the digital age
  • Ecosystem services
  • Cultural assimilation versus cultural preservation
  • Sustainable fashion
  • Gender equality in the workplace
  • Financial literacy and its impact on personal finance
  • Ethical considerations in artificial intelligence
  • Welfare state and social safety nets

Need more topics? Check out this definition essay topics blog!

Definition Essay Writing Tips

Knowing the correct writing procedure is not enough if you are not aware of the essay’s small technicalities. To help students write a definition essay effortlessly, expert writers of have gathered some simple tips.

These easy tips will make your assignment writing phase easy.

  • Choose an exciting yet informative topic for your essay.
  • When selecting the word, concept, or term for your essay, make sure you have the knowledge.
  • When consulting a dictionary for the definition, provide proper referencing as there are many choices available.
  • To make the essay informative and credible, always provide the origin and history of the term.
  • Highlight different meanings and interpretations of the term.
  • Discuss the transitions and evolution in the meaning of the term in any.
  • Provide your perspective and point of view on the chosen term.

Following these tips will guarantee you better grades in your academics.

By following the step-by-step approach explained in this guide, you will acquire the skills to craft an outstanding essay. 

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Our dedicated definition essay writing service is here to craft the perfect essay that meets your academic needs.

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Barbara P (Literature, Marketing)

Barbara is a highly educated and qualified author with a Ph.D. in public health from an Ivy League university. She has spent a significant amount of time working in the medical field, conducting a thorough study on a variety of health issues. Her work has been published in several major publications.

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steps to writing a definition essay

  • How to Write a Definition Essay

A definition essay can be deceivingly difficult to write. This type of paper requires you to write a personal yet academic definition of one specific word. The definition must be thorough and lengthy. It is essential that you choose a word that will give you plenty to write about, and there are a few standard tactics you can use to elaborate on the term. Here are a few guidelines to keep in mind when writing a definition essay.

Part 1 of 3: Choosing the Right Word

1: choose an abstract word with a complex meaning. [1].

A simple word that refers to a concrete word will not give you much to write about, but a complex word that refers to an abstract concept provides more material to explore.

  • Typically, nouns that refer to a person, place, or thing are too simple for a definition essay. Nouns that refer to an idea work better, however, as do most adjectives.
  • For example, the word “house” is fairly simple and an essay written around it may be dull. By switching to something slightly more abstract like “home,” however, you can play around with the definition more. A “home” is a concept, and there are many elements involved in the creation of a “home.” In comparison, a “house” is merely a structure.

2: Make sure that the word is disputable.

Aside from being complex, the word should also refer to something that can mean different things to different people.

  • A definition essay is somewhat subjective by nature since it requires you to analyze and define a word from your own perspective. If the answer you come up with after analyzing a word is the same answer anyone else would come up with, your essay may appear to lack depth.

3: Choose a word you have some familiarity with.

Dictionary definitions can only tell you so much. Since you need to elaborate on the word you choose to define, you will need to have your own base of knowledge or experience with the concept you choose.

  • For instance, if you have never heard the term “pedantic,” your understanding of the word will be limited. You can introduce yourself to the word for your essay, but without previous understanding of the concept, you will not know if the definition you describe is truly fitting.

4: Read the dictionary definition.

While you will not be relying completely on the dictionary definition for your essay, familiarizing yourself with the official definition will allow you to compare your own understanding of the concept with the simplest, most academic explanation of it.

  • As an example, one definition of “friend” is “a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard.” [2] Your own ideas or beliefs about what a “friend” really is likely include much more information, but this basic definition can present you with a good starting point in forming your own.

5:  Research the word’s origins.

Look up your chosen word in the Oxford English Dictionary or in another etymology dictionary. [3]

  • These sources can tell you the history behind a word, which can provide further insight on a general definition as well as information about how a word came to mean what it means today.

Part 2 of 3: Potential Elements of an Effective Definition

1: write an analysis. [4].

Separate a word into various parts. Analyze and define each part in its own paragraph.

  • You can separate “return” into “re-” and “turn.” The word “friendship” can be separated into “friend” and “ship.”
  • In order to analyze each portion of a word, you will still need to use additional defining tactics like negation and classification.
  • Note that this tactic only works for words that contain multiple parts. The word “love,” for instance, cannot be broken down any further. If defining “platonic love,” though, you could define both “platonic” and “love” separately within your essay.

2:  Classify the term.

Specify what classes and parts of speech a word belongs to according to a standard dictionary definition.

  • While this information is very basic and dry, it can provide helpful context about the way that a given word is used.

3: Compare an unfamiliar term to something familiar.

An unfamiliar or uncommon concept can be explained using concepts that are more accessible to the average person.

  • Many people have never heard of the term “confrere,” for instance. One basic definition is “a fellow member of a profession, fraternity, etc.” As such, you could compare “confrere” with “colleague,” which is a similar yet more familiar concept. [5]

4:  Provide traditional details about the term.

Explain any physical characteristics or traditional thoughts used to describe your term of choice.

  • The term “home” is often visualized physically as a house or apartment. In more abstract terms, “home” is traditionally thought to be a warm, cozy, and safe environment. You can include all of these features in a definition essay on “home.”

5: Use examples to illustrate the meaning.

People often relate to stories and vivid images, so using a fitting story or image that relates to the term can be used in clarifying an abstract, formless concept.

  • In a definition essay about “kindness,” for example, you could write about an act of kindness you recently witnessed. Someone who mows the lawn of an elderly neighbor is a valid example, just as someone who gave you an encouraging word when you were feeling down might be.

6: Use negation to explain what the term does not mean.

If a term is often misused or misunderstood, mentioning what it is not is an effective way to bring the concept into focus.

  • A common example would be the term “courage.” The term is often associated with a lack of fear, but many will argue that “courage” is more accurately described as acting in spite of fear.

7: Provide background information.

This is when your research about the etymology of a word will come in handy. Explain where the term originated and how it came to mean what it currently means.

Part 3 of 3: Definition Essay Structure

1: introduce the standard definition..

You need to clearly state what your word is along with its traditional or dictionary definition in your introductory paragraph.

  • By opening with the dictionary definition of your term, you create context and a basic level of knowledge about the word. This will allow you to introduce and elaborate on your own definition.
  • This is especially significant when the traditional definition of your term varies from your own definition in notable ways.

2: Define the term in your own words in your thesis.

Your actual thesis statement should define the term in your own words.

  • Keep the definition in your thesis brief and basic. You will elaborate on it more in the body of your paper.
  • Avoid using passive phrases involving the word “is” when defining your term. The phrases “is where” and “is when” are especially clunky. [6]
  • Do not repeat part of the defined term in your definition.

3:  Separate different parts of the definition into separate paragraphs.

Each tactic or method used to define your term should be explored in a separate paragraph.

  • Note that you do not need to use all the possible methods of defining a term in your essay. You should use a variety of different methods in order to create a full, well-rounded picture of the term, but some tactics will work great with some terms but not with others.

4: Conclude with a summary of your main points.

Briefly summarize your main points around the start of your concluding paragraph.

  • This summary does not need to be elaborate. Usually, looking at the topic sentence of each body paragraph is a good way to form a simple list of your main points.
  • You can also draw the essay to a close by referring to phrases or images evoked in your introduction.

5: Mention how the definition has affected you, if desired.

If the term you define plays a part in your own life and experiences, your final concluding remarks are a good place to briefly mention the role it plays.

  • Relate your experience with the term to the definition you created for it in your thesis. Avoid sharing experiences that relate to the term but contradict everything you wrote in your essay.

Sources and Citations

  • How to Write a Definition Essay. Provided by : WikiHow. Located at : . License : CC BY-NC-SA: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike
  • Table of Contents

Instructor Resources (Access Requires Login)

  • Overview of Instructor Resources

An Overview of the Writing Process

  • Introduction to the Writing Process
  • Introduction to Writing
  • Your Role as a Learner
  • What is an Essay?
  • Reading to Write
  • Defining the Writing Process
  • Videos: Prewriting Techniques
  • Thesis Statements
  • Organizing an Essay
  • Creating Paragraphs
  • Conclusions
  • Editing and Proofreading
  • Matters of Grammar, Mechanics, and Style
  • Peer Review Checklist
  • Comparative Chart of Writing Strategies

Using Sources

  • Quoting, Paraphrasing, and Avoiding Plagiarism
  • Formatting the Works Cited Page (MLA)
  • Citing Paraphrases and Summaries (APA)
  • APA Citation Style, 6th edition: General Style Guidelines

Definition Essay

  • Definitional Argument Essay
  • Critical Thinking
  • Video: Thesis Explained
  • Effective Thesis Statements
  • Student Sample: Definition Essay

Narrative Essay

  • Introduction to Narrative Essay
  • Student Sample: Narrative Essay
  • "Shooting an Elephant" by George Orwell
  • "Sixty-nine Cents" by Gary Shteyngart
  • Video: The Danger of a Single Story
  • How to Write an Annotation
  • How to Write a Summary
  • Writing for Success: Narration

Illustration/Example Essay

  • Introduction to Illustration/Example Essay
  • "She's Your Basic L.O.L. in N.A.D" by Perri Klass
  • "April & Paris" by David Sedaris
  • Writing for Success: Illustration/Example
  • Student Sample: Illustration/Example Essay

Compare/Contrast Essay

  • Introduction to Compare/Contrast Essay
  • "Disability" by Nancy Mairs
  • "Friending, Ancient or Otherwise" by Alex Wright
  • "A South African Storm" by Allison Howard
  • Writing for Success: Compare/Contrast
  • Student Sample: Compare/Contrast Essay

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How to Write a Definition Essay: A Step-by-Step Manual for Writing an A+ Paper

definition essay

Samuel Gorbold

According to a definition essay meaning, it involves a thoughtful exploration and clarification of the significance of a chosen concept. To begin, carefully select a term that is broad enough to allow for in-depth analysis but specific enough to avoid ambiguity. Start the essay with a concise and standard definition drawn from reputable sources like dictionaries to provide a foundational understanding. However, most of the essay should go beyond this basic definition. Delve into the complexities of the concept, breaking it down into different components, categories, or aspects. Provide examples, anecdotes, and scenarios that illustrate the notion in various contexts, allowing readers to grasp the nuances and depth of its meaning.

Wondering how to add a definition in an essay? Structurally, a definition essay typically follows a clear and organized format. Begin with an introduction that introduces the term and its importance, followed by a thesis statement that outlines your interpretation. Each subsequent paragraph should focus on a different vista of the concept, exploring its history, evolution, and various renditions. Use transitions to ensure a smooth flow between passages. In conclusion, summarize the key points, restate your hypothesis, and leave the audience with a thought-provoking statement or a call to action. Remember that the goal is not just to define the notion but to provide a comprehensive and insightful exploration that enhances the professor's competence. Our essay writers online can help you foster a richer appreciation for the complexities inherent in language and society.

steps to writing a definition essay

What Is a Definition Essay

A definition essay meaning suggests it is a type of academic writing that aims to provide a comprehensive explanation of a particular construct or concept. Unlike other forms of essays that may focus on argumentation or persuasion, a definition essay primarily seeks to elucidate the meaning of the chosen motif. What is the purpose of a definition essay? To delve beyond the surface-level comprehension of the word and offer a nuanced explanation combining personal insights and a broader, commonly accepted definition. This genre of essay often requires careful analysis, research, and consideration of various perspectives to present a well-rounded and thorough exploration of the selected consideration.

During the definition essay writing process, it is crucial for the writer to not only offer a concise dictionary-like definition but also to provide context, examples, and relevant anecdotes that help illuminate the leitmotif's multifaceted nature. This allows the reader to gain a deeper familiarization of the subject matter and encourages critical thinking. The essay may cover abstract concepts like love, justice, or freedom, or it can explore concrete assumptions such as technology, democracy, or sustainability. Through carefully selecting the apprehension and thoughtful exploration of its meaning, a well-executed definition essay engages readers.

how to write a definition essay

Definition Essay Outline

To learn how to write a definition essay, you have to understand that a well-structured definition essay typically follows a standard creative writing format to ensure clarity and coherence in presenting the chosen concept. The introduction serves as the starting point, where the writer provides a standard definition of the aspect to establish a baseline realization for the audience. However, the introduction should go beyond a mere dictionary definition; it should include an argument that outlines the writer's interpretation and sets the stage for the following in-depth exploration. This statement guides the tutor on what to expect in the essay and highlights the specific dimensions the writer will delve into.

After realizing how to start a definition essay, proceed to the main body, where the idea is dissected and examined in detail. Each subsection within the body should focus on a distinct aspect or facet. It's crucial to provide clear and comprehensive explanations, incorporating examples, anecdotes, and illustrations to enhance the reader's erudition. Additionally, consider organizing the body paragraphs logically, perhaps moving from the more general vistas to its more specific or nuanced dimensions. Transitions between sections are essential for maintaining a smooth flow and coherence. 

Finally, the conclusion should restate the key sentence, summarize the key points discussed in the body, and offer a thoughtful reflection or a broader implication of the facet. The conclusion should leave a lasting impression and reinforce the significance of the conception in the context explored throughout the essay. Browse these essays for sale to find great examples of definition essays performed by academic wordsmiths. 


  • Hook: Engage the classroom with an interesting fact, quote, or anecdote related to the theme.
  • Background: Provide a standard and basic definition from a reliable source.
  • Thesis Statement: Clearly state your interpretation and the aspects you will explore in the essay.

Body Paragraphs

  • Aspect 1: Start with the broader or general outlook.
  • Definition: Provide a detailed explanation of the first aspect.
  • Examples: Offer relevant examples, anecdotes, or scenarios to illustrate the concept.
  • Aspect 2: Move on to a specific dimension.
  • Definition: Delve into the details of the second aspect.
  • Examples: Support your explanation with concrete examples to enhance clarity.
  • Continue with additional angles as needed, ensuring a logical flow between passages.

Counterarguments (Optional)

  • Address possible alternative interpretations or misconceptions.
  • Refute counterarguments and reinforce the validity of your interpretation.
  • Summarize: Recap the key points discussed in the body paragraphs.
  • Restate Thesis: Reinforce your interpretation of the term.
  • Concluding Thoughts: Provide a thoughtful reflection, broader implication, or a call to action.

Definition Essay Introduction

In the introductory section of a definition essay, the reader is presented with the topic in a manner that is not only highly informative but also compelling enough to engage them throughout the entire essay. To achieve this, the following elements are crucial:

  • Hook: Utilize a captivating phrase or question to seize the reader's attention.
  • Background Information: Briefly elucidate the topic and underscore its significance in being defined.
  • Thesis Statement: Clearly articulate the term and provide your own interpretation of it.

Definition Essay Thesis

Unlike traditional theses, a definition essay thesis statement doesn't require the writer to argue a point. For those aiming to write an effective definition essay, the key lies in incorporating a central assertion into the concluding sentence of the introduction. Whether you're immersed in the study of astrophysics at a top-tier college or any other discipline, your statement should succinctly define the concept in your own words.

Definition Essay Body Paragraphs

As we’ve learned how to start an essay with a definition, let’s move on to the main body. Within the body of your essay, dismantle the conception into its constituent elements, assess it from various perspectives, and offer a pertinent justification. Depending on the specific writing requirements of your assignment, the number of sections may exceed three. You can introduce additional sections or rearrange the order based on the complexity of the thought. Consider employing the following structure if you want to know how to write a definition paragraph:

  • Historical Definition: Detail the origin and evolution of the main idea.
  • Dictionary Definition: Present the official definition and draw comparisons with your own interpretation.
  • Personal Definition: Articulate your awareness of the hypothesis, supported by examples and anecdotes.
  • Expert Definition: Reference a scholar's definition and elucidate any disparities from your own rendition.
  • Cultural Definition: Examine how the notion is employed in popular culture and its reflection of societal values.

Definition Essay Conclusion

In the concluding paragraph, the final portion of the essay, you can study how to define a word in an essay. It is imperative to recapitulate the main points. Structure a fitting ending by following these steps:

  • Restate Thesis: Summarize your definition and underscore its significance.
  • Implications: Clarify how comprehending the focal point can influence our thoughts and actions.
  • Call to Action: Motivate readers to employ the term accurately and advocate for precise definitions within their communities.

Definition Essay Types

Have you encountered a captivating abstraction with a rich history but didn’t know how to put definition in essay? Before committing to it, carefully consider the characteristics of definition essay and the potential approaches you can take. 

  • Break down your topic into distinct components.
  • Define each component separately to provide a detailed insight.


  • Identify and explore the different categories or groups that your term falls under.
  • Provide detailed explanations for each category, highlighting the nuances of the term.
  • Showcase the uniqueness of your term by comparing it to more common or typical things.
  • Highlight how your term stands out, whether through similarities or differences from the norm.
  • Identify and elaborate on the specific traits and qualities that best represent the central idea of your essay.
  • Support your definition with concrete examples illustrating the identified traits.
  • Clearly state what your term is not, providing a refined and narrowed definition.
  • Use negation to eliminate ambiguity and focus the reader's perception.

Origins and Causes

  • Explore the historical roots of your term, including its first appearance and any relevant historical details.
  • Provide insight into the origin and evolution of the concept over time.

Results, Effects, and Uses

  • Examine the consequences and outcomes associated with your term.
  • Detail the various ways in which the term is utilized and its significance in different contexts.

Tips for Writing a Definition Essay

Few students actually know how to write a definition in an essay, which can pose a challenge as it requires developing a thorough depiction of a singular term that combines both scholarly and personal elements. Selecting a term that allows for a comprehensive exploration of the essay is crucial, and adhering to traditional methods is instrumental in ensuring a nuanced grasp. Here are some tips to help you perform an effective and engaging definition essay:

definition essay tips

  • Select a term that has a clear and widely accepted definition. Avoid writing overly broad or subjective terms that may lead to ambiguity.
  • Conduct thorough research to understand the various meanings and interpretations of the term. Consult reputable sources, dictionaries, and scholarly articles to gather comprehensive information.
  • Begin your essay by presenting the standard or dictionary definition of the term. This serves as a foundation for your own elucidation.
  • Write your personal exegis of the term. Share your perspective and insights, going beyond the standard definition.
  • Experiment with different approaches such as analysis, classification, comparison, or negation to add depth to your essay. This allows you to explore various facets of the term.
  • To answer the question how do you put a definition in an essay, illustrate your definition with relevant examples, anecdotes, or scenarios. Concrete examples help readers better grasp the meaning of the term.
  • Organize your essay with a clear introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. Each subsection should focus on a specific element of the term, contributing to a comprehensive interpretation.
  • Acknowledge and address different perspectives on the term. Discuss how the meaning may vary based on context, culture, or private experiences.
  • Use negation to define the term by explaining what it is not. This technique helps to eliminate confusion and refine the definition.
  • Strive for clarity and precision in your language. Avoid unnecessary complexity and ensure that each word contributes to the development of the term.
  • Review your essay for clarity, coherence, and consistency. Ensure that your definition is well-supported and that your writing is free from grammatical errors.
  • Write for your target audience. Tailor your explanations to suit the level of erudition of your readers, providing enough detail without overwhelming them.
  • Summarize your main points in the conclusion and restate your argumentation. Consider the broader implications or significance of writing about the term.
  • Have someone else read your essay to gain feedback. This can provide valuable insights and help you identify areas for improvement.

Need extra tips regarding how to write an academic essay ? Our expensive guide offers everything you need and more to write A-grade essays quickly. 

Definition Essay Topic Ideas

Check out 30 definition essay examples of topics that you can get inspired by and brainstorm your own brilliant ideas to write about in your essay. 

  • Defining true achievement beyond material wealth.
  • Exploring the many faces of bravery.
  • Unraveling the layers of genuine connection.
  • A multifaceted journey to contentment.
  • Navigating the moral compass in a complex world.
  • The power to bounce back from life's challenges.
  • Understanding and sharing the feelings of others.
  • The ever-evolving landscape of creative progress.
  • Striving for fairness in a diverse society.
  • Balancing personal liberties with social responsibility.
  • The interplay of self-perception and social constructs.
  • Integrating knowledge and experience for sound judgment.
  • The pursuit of fairness and equity in legal systems.
  • Nurturing connections that transcend time and distance.
  • Beyond the classroom – lifelong learning and growth.
  • Building bonds in a hyperconnected world.
  • Fostering hope in the face of adversity.
  • Inspiring and guiding others toward a common goal.
  • Unveiling the aesthetic essence beyond physical appearance.
  • Celebrating differences for a richer human experience.
  • Acts of selflessness in a self-centric world.
  • Balancing human needs with environmental responsibility.
  • Unleashing imagination for innovative problem-solving.
  • A holistic approach to physical and mental well-being.
  • Standing in the intersection of heritage and modernity.
  • Examining the impact of innovation on human life.
  • Transformative growth in the face of challenges.
  • The evolution of thought and behavior across the lifespan.
  • Discovering meaning and direction in life.
  • The art of expressing ideas and building connections.

Two Definition Essay Examples

To grasp the essence of what writing definition essay is about, it’s always a great idea to have a vivid example in front of you. Preferably done by someone who knows their writing craft. If you choose to use this definition essay example as a reference, feel free to analyze its structure and format. Alternatively, you can opt to purchase an essay affordably and of the highest quality on our platform!

steps to writing a definition essay

How to Write a Good Thesis Statement for Definition Essay?

How to write a definition essay, how to format a definition in an essay, how to write a definition paragraph.

Samuel Gorbold , a seasoned professor with over 30 years of experience, guides students across disciplines such as English, psychology, political science, and many more. Together with EssayHub, he is dedicated to enhancing student understanding and success through comprehensive academic support.

steps to writing a definition essay

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10.6 Definition

Learning objectives.

  • Determine the purpose and structure of the definition essay.
  • Understand how to write a definition essay.

The Purpose of Definition in Writing

The purpose of a definition essay may seem self-explanatory: the purpose of the definition essay is to simply define something. But defining terms in writing is often more complicated than just consulting a dictionary. In fact, the way we define terms can have far-reaching consequences for individuals as well as collective groups.

Take, for example, a word like alcoholism . The way in which one defines alcoholism depends on its legal, moral, and medical contexts. Lawyers may define alcoholism in terms of its legality; parents may define alcoholism in terms of its morality; and doctors will define alcoholism in terms of symptoms and diagnostic criteria. Think also of terms that people tend to debate in our broader culture. How we define words, such as marriage and climate change , has enormous impact on policy decisions and even on daily decisions. Think about conversations couples may have in which words like commitment , respect , or love need clarification.

Defining terms within a relationship, or any other context, can at first be difficult, but once a definition is established between two people or a group of people, it is easier to have productive dialogues. Definitions, then, establish the way in which people communicate ideas. They set parameters for a given discourse, which is why they are so important.

When writing definition essays, avoid terms that are too simple, that lack complexity. Think in terms of concepts, such as hero , immigration , or loyalty , rather than physical objects. Definitions of concepts, rather than objects, are often fluid and contentious, making for a more effective definition essay.

Writing at Work

Definitions play a critical role in all workplace environments. Take the term sexual harassment , for example. Sexual harassment is broadly defined on the federal level, but each company may have additional criteria that define it further. Knowing how your workplace defines and treats all sexual harassment allegations is important. Think, too, about how your company defines lateness , productivity , or contributions .

On a separate sheet of paper, write about a time in your own life in which the definition of a word, or the lack of a definition, caused an argument. Your term could be something as simple as the category of an all-star in sports or how to define a good movie. Or it could be something with higher stakes and wider impact, such as a political argument. Explain how the conversation began, how the argument hinged on the definition of the word, and how the incident was finally resolved.


Please share with a classmate and compare your responses.

The Structure of a Definition Essay

The definition essay opens with a general discussion of the term to be defined. You then state as your thesis your definition of the term.

The rest of the essay should explain the rationale for your definition. Remember that a dictionary’s definition is limiting, and you should not rely strictly on the dictionary entry. Instead, consider the context in which you are using the word. Context identifies the circumstances, conditions, or setting in which something exists or occurs. Often words take on different meanings depending on the context in which they are used. For example, the ideal leader in a battlefield setting could likely be very different than a leader in an elementary school setting. If a context is missing from the essay, the essay may be too short or the main points could be confusing or misunderstood.

The remainder of the essay should explain different aspects of the term’s definition. For example, if you were defining a good leader in an elementary classroom setting, you might define such a leader according to personality traits: patience, consistency, and flexibility. Each attribute would be explained in its own paragraph.

For definition essays, try to think of concepts that you have a personal stake in. You are more likely to write a more engaging definition essay if you are writing about an idea that has personal value and importance.

It is a good idea to occasionally assess your role in the workplace. You can do this through the process of definition. Identify your role at work by defining not only the routine tasks but also those gray areas where your responsibilities might overlap with those of others. Coming up with a clear definition of roles and responsibilities can add value to your résumé and even increase productivity in the workplace.

On a separate sheet of paper, define each of the following items in your own terms. If you can, establish a context for your definition.

  • Consumer culture

Writing a Definition Essay

Choose a topic that will be complex enough to be discussed at length. Choosing a word or phrase of personal relevance often leads to a more interesting and engaging essay.

After you have chosen your word or phrase, start your essay with an introduction that establishes the relevancy of the term in the chosen specific context. Your thesis comes at the end of the introduction, and it should clearly state your definition of the term in the specific context. Establishing a functional context from the beginning will orient readers and minimize misunderstandings.

The body paragraphs should each be dedicated to explaining a different facet of your definition. Make sure to use clear examples and strong details to illustrate your points. Your concluding paragraph should pull together all the different elements of your definition to ultimately reinforce your thesis. See Chapter 15 “Readings: Examples of Essays” to read a sample definition essay.

Create a full definition essay from one of the items you already defined in Note 10.64 “Exercise 2” . Be sure to include an interesting introduction, a clear thesis, a well-explained context, distinct body paragraphs, and a conclusion that pulls everything together.

Key Takeaways

  • Definitions establish the way in which people communicate ideas. They set parameters for a given discourse.
  • Context affects the meaning and usage of words.
  • The thesis of a definition essay should clearly state the writer’s definition of the term in the specific context.
  • Body paragraphs should explain the various facets of the definition stated in the thesis.
  • The conclusion should pull all the elements of the definition together at the end and reinforce the thesis.

Writing for Success Copyright © 2015 by University of Minnesota is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.


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How to Write a Definition Essay: Meaning, Outline, Steps & Examples

How to Write a Definition Essay

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A definition essay is a type of academic writing that requires the writer to define a particular term or concept. The term or concept can be abstract , such as love or success, or concrete, such as a computer or a tree. The writer's goal in a definition essay is to provide a detailed and comprehensive explanation of terminology, using examples, analysis, and personal experiences.

Read our guide and learn how to write a definition essay. More specifically, we will cover what a definition essay is, how to structure and outline it properly. You will find detailed steps to writing a definition essay accompanied by free examples. 

If you have a tough deadline, contact our writing essay service . Our professionals will review any definition and create an essay that you are sure to like.


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FAQ about Definition Essays

1. what is the purpose of a definition essay.

The main goal of a definition essay is to provide your readers with your personal interpretation of some concept. Along with a dictionary meaning, you should define some term in your own words and explain its impact on your life.

2. How long should a definition essay be?

A standard definition essay should consist of 500-800 words — a short introduction, 2-3 body paragraphs and conclusion. Approximately 2 pages will suffice for a detailed description. However, the length can vary depending on the complexity of the term being defined and other factors, such as academic level and professor’s instructions.

3. What definition essay format should I use?

The format of a definition essay depends on the discipline you are writing in. For example, papers exploring any literary or linguistic concept should be formatted in the MLA style . If you are working on a definition paper in psychology or other social sciences, apply the rules of APA style . Remember that the entire text should be arranged using a single format.

4. How to write a definition in an essay?

When writing a definition in an essay, begin by introducing the term and providing context. You may present an official dictionary definition or elaborate on the origin. Then, you should integrate your own interpretation based on previous research and personal perspectives. To strengthen your explanation, support it with evidence, examples, or anecdotes that illustrate its meaning.

Daniel Howard is an Essay Writing guru. He helps students create essays that will strike a chord with the readers.


Definition essay is a type of writing where students explain the meaning of any particular term. The key goal is to go beyond a dictionary definition and offer a more in-depth explanation that showcases your understanding. Before writing a definition essay, it is necessary to thoroughly research the origin of the term and get familiar with some background behind its meaning.

You can provide a definition of a simple word, such as "desk", "bed", "equipment". But most often definition essays focus on complex or abstract subjects. These can be natural phenomena, technical terms, feelings, relationships and many more. 

Defining such terms will be an easy breeze if you choose an efficient approach. Let’s see what types of concepts exist and how to cope with them.

Before you describe the meaning of any concept, it's important to use the right strategy. There are several approaches you can take to explain a term in your definition essay.

Once you choose an approach to defining your term, you will describe its main characteristics more quickly and accurately.

A definition essay structure comprises 3 essential parts: the introduction, body, and conclusion. Each section plays a critical role in conveying the full understanding of the chosen word:

Before you start writing a definition essay, check out our step-by-step guide. From picking the word to concluding your ideas, we will cover all stages on how to write a definition essay. Make sure you go through each step to define your term.

Every definition essay should start with selecting an appropriate term. Don’t choose simple words that everyone knows. Objects or geographical places won’t be the best choice. Such words are easy to describe, and provide no space for imagination. The first dictionary word you come across will not be suitable for an essay either.

Try to find a term that can be understood in different ways. If the concept can evoke certain emotions in people, you are on the right track. This is where abstract, intangible terms come into play. They can be explored in multiple ways and provide more room for creativity. For example, such ideas like “courage,” “truth,” “freedom,” or “racism” provide more opportunities for definition based on your knowledge. 

You may also reflect on terms that relate to your experiences, values, or areas of expertise. Writing about a term that you are passionate about can make your essay more engaging. Don’t hesitate to browse our definition essay topics to decide on a fitting idea for your writing.

Now it’s time to conduct research and explore the meaning of your chosen term. Look up background information in reputable sources, such as encyclopedias or specialized dictionaries. You can also find definitions that are posted on scholarly websites.

Don't forget to take notes while researching, so you don’t lose any important information. Make sure to pay attention to the usage of your term in different contexts, such as literature or scientific research. Investigate the origin of your word and how the meaning has changed over time.

In addition to traditional sources, you may also use online dictionaries and articles that provide unusual explanations.

Once you have gathered enough material for your definition paper, it’s time to craft a thesis statement. It will be the main idea of your writing and serve as an anchor for all other elements included in it. 

You can combine a classic concept with your interpretation. A good definition essay thesis statement should define the term in 1-2 sentences. Based on the meaning that you have found in sources, write a definition in your own words.

A well-structured plan of your writing is half the job done. In order to explain the meaning, prepare a simple outline of your work. Essay layout will help you stay on point and organize ideas. A definition essay outline should be written considering the following structure.

Definition Essay Outline Example

Remember this is just a general outline of a definition essay. Your scheme may look different depending on the methods you choose to formulate your ideas.

Now, it's time to put all of your research and knowledge into words. Begin by writing an introductory section and explore each aspect gradually. Don’t make your essay too long. A standard definition essay should consist of 500-800 words. A specific essay length is individually chosen based on instructor’s requirements. 

Stick to the structure you created and use transition words to make your essay flow smoothly. Make sure every sentence is related to the topic and logically progresses your thesis.

A definition essay introduction should start with a classic presentation of the chosen term. For this purpose, look through multiple definitions of this word published online. Complex terms are difficult to put in a single sentence. It is worth choosing a description that is more tailored to your understanding.

Remember to hold the reader's interest throughout your essay. Use statistics, quotations and other information that may hook readers. Provide some context. Consider background details that can help grasp the concept. Don't confuse readers with unrelated meanings, though. Follow your main idea and you will be fascinated by the outcome.  

>> Read more: How to Write an Essay Introduction

Generally, the definition essay body should consist of 3 paragraphs. However, the number of paragraphs can vary. The more complex your word is, the more extensive your explanation will be.

At the beginning of the text, it is worth mentioning some history and origin of the term. If a concept has "migrated" from another language, mention when people adopted a new term. 

The second body paragraph should focus on dictionary-based explanations. Mention when the use of the chosen term is most appropriate. These could be some important examples from life, textbooks or usage in colloquial speech.

The final essay body paragraph should present your own opinion. You can include cases in which you use the chosen term most often.  

A definition essay conclusion is a brief summary of what has been said above. Your main points that seem most interesting can be paraphrased and added to your conclusion.

Don’t forget to mention how this term affects your life. The easiest way is to use examples from personal experience when talking about intangible concepts. "Anger," "falling in love," "disappointment": each of these words has been present in the lives of many readers. Therefore, it will be easy for them to understand what it is about, if you wrap up your ideas.  

>> Learn more: How to Conclude an Essay

In order to make your definition essay stand out, spice things up with diverse strategies. Each method of defining a term offers a different lens through which the reader can grasp the concept. 

If you combine different methods, it will be way easier for your audience to understand the idea or phenomenon. For example, you may try to explain how something works and compare it with analogous things within the same class. Or, you may elaborate on the origin and demonstrate how a specific word is used now using examples.

When your definition essay is ready, read it several times to check for any inaccuracies. Make sure everything follows the logical structure and that each sentence is related to your thesis statement. Here are some examples of errors students usually make when writing definition essays: 

Use a spell checker or another program for grammar checking. You also can ask a friend to read your draft and provide feedback — they may give you a fresh perspective and spot something you’ve missed. 

>> Learn more: How to Revise an Essay

Below you can find several definition essay samples. Pay extra attention to how each definition essay example is structured. Feel free to use the same topics or apply a similar essay structure as these definition essay templates have.

To write a good definition essay, you need to consider facts that must be necessarily present in your text. Follow our tips to improve your composition:

Try to avoid these common mistakes while writing your definition essay:

The more informative your text is, the more likely it is to get your professor’s approval.

Below we have included a concise and practical checklist to ensure your definition paper satisfies all essential criteria. Stick to our suggestions to take your writing to a whole new level.

There is no doubt about it: terms you choose for a definition essay are the most fundamental part of the entire writing process. In fact, these terms are so critical that they can make or break your essay. For this reason, you should focus on those concepts you are truly passionate about, or at least know well. Besides, this will ensure that you share an in-depth interpretation of this concept.

  • Basic definition Use multiple credible sources to suggest information about some word or concept. These could be dictionaries or encyclopedias that provide a clear definition and offer different interpretations.
  • Extended definition Explore the meaning from different angles. You should go beyond a dictionary definition and consider different perspectives of a word.
  • Example-based definition You can use facts that prove a correct interpretation of some word. Complex definitions are better understood if you use illustrative examples.
  • Etymology Explore the origin and historical development of the term. Investigate the root of the word, its linguistic evolution, and any cultural or historical influences that have shaped its meaning over time.
  • Analysis A term may have several parts. You will need to analyze each part and explore how each component contributes to the general meaning.
  • Classification Classify the term into broader categories or subcategories, highlighting its core features and characteristics within the group. This approach is widely used in a classification essay and helps to establish the term's place within a larger conceptual framework .
  • Comparison Compare the term to something more familiar or relatable to help the reader grasp its meaning. Comparison and contrast can make complex terms more understandable by drawing parallels to everyday experiences.
  • Negation Define the term by explaining what it is not. Highlight the boundaries or limitations of the term by contrasting it with related or similar concepts.
  • Results and effects  In this case, you need to examine the impact and implications of the term. Demonstrate how it influences individuals, societies, or various aspects of life.
  • Introduction An opening paragraph is where you introduce the term and provide a basic interpretation. This section should pique the reader's curiosity and present a thesis statement.
  • Body The body of a definition essay contains a detailed explanation of the term. It includes different types of definitions and approaches. Each body paragraph should focus on a different angle to let readers see a full picture. The number of paragraphs depends on how many details you want to cover.
  • Conclusion A definition essay conclusion should succinctly summarize your key points.
  • Hook a reader and craft a compelling first sentence to capture the reader's attention
  • Provide a dictionary definition of the term
  • Introduce your own definition, which will guide the rest of the essay
  • Discuss the term's origin and historical development
  • Integrate examples if relevant
  • Describe the official definition and how it's commonly used today
  • Discuss any misconceptions or typical misunderstandings
  • Share your own description of the term
  • Discuss why you define the term this way and how your perspective adds to its understanding
  • Provide real-life examples
  • Recap  key points
  • Include final thoughts and explain the importance.
  • Grammar, spelling and punctuation mistakes 
  • Confusing flow
  • Difficult-to-read text
  • Poor vocabulary
  • Inappropriate writing style.
  • If the term is quite multifaceted, try to choose one definition and focus on it throughout your entire paper.
  • Use additional words that help describe your concept more accurately.
  • Try to make smooth transitions between parts of your essay.
  • Use an out-of-the-box explanation that will help draw readers’ attention to your topic.
  • Proofread your work so it does not contain mistakes.
  • Don’t stuff an essay with too sophisticated words and jargon.
  • Don't consider terms that everyone already knows.
  • Don’t write vague or obscure explanations.
  • Don’t ignore historical and cultural contexts.
  • Don’t rely solely on the dictionary.
  • checkbox I have chosen a word that has several meanings.
  • checkbox I carried out a preliminary investigation to understand a phenomenon.
  • checkbox I visited online dictionaries such as Cambridge Dictionary or Merriam-Webster .
  • checkbox My introduction established sufficient context.
  • checkbox I discussed different aspects of the concept in separate body paragraphs.
  • checkbox Illustrative examples and metaphors are included in my text.
  • checkbox I revised my paper and corrected all errors.

What Is a Definition Essay: Meaning

Approaches to defining a term in a definition essay, definition essay structure, how to write a definition essay step-by-step, 1. choose a term , 2. conduct research and explore the meaning , 3. build a thesis statement , 4. create a definition essay outline , 5. write a definition essay , definition essay introduction, definition essay body paragraphs, definition essay conclusion, 6. use various strategies, 7. proofread and revise , definition essay examples, the dos and don’ts when writing a definition essay, definition essay writing checklist , final thoughts on how to write definition essay.

Finding a Definition of a Word

Freedom is a fundamental human right that allows individuals to express themselves without restraint or interference.
Freedom — a term pervasive in discourse yet elusive in its absolute definition. Various online sources render it as 'the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint.' However, the complexity of the term extends beyond a mere sentence. To me, freedom is the unrestrained ability to be oneself. Alarmingly, Freedom House reports that only 45% of the global population lives in 'free' countries as of 2023. This staggering statistic underscores the importance of delving deeper into the concept of 'freedom.' In this essay, we will explain the essence of freedom, its various connotations across different cultures, and its relevance in our contemporary world. 
Freedom is often overlooked as a key factor in promoting personal independence and self-determination. In this context, it means being able to make choices that shape our lives without undue pressure from others. It's about having the freedom to decide our own beliefs, associations, and goals. This understanding of freedom emphasizes the importance of individuality and personal growth. It reminds us that freedom is not just a right, but also a personal responsibility. Ultimately, we are in control of our own lives, and freedom gives us the power to shape our own paths.
Freedom is a complex and multifaceted concept that encompasses the right to act, speak, or think without constraints, and extends to personal autonomy and self-determination. It is both a cherished right and a personal responsibility. As we navigate through life, it is important to appreciate and value liberty instead of taking it for granted. True freedom is not just about enjoying it ourselves, but also ensuring that others have the same liberty to live their lives. After all, in the pursuit of liberty, we find the essence of our humanity.

Definition Essay Guide

Definition Essay Writing

Last updated on: Feb 9, 2023

How to Write A Definition Essay - Topics and Samples

By: Leanne R.

Reviewed By: Chris H.

Published on: Apr 27, 2021

Definition Essay

The definition essay is a difficult task for high school and college students. To write one well, you need to use examples or facts supporting the meaning that defines your word.

The following blog post will tell you exactly how to do it! So read on and learn everything about it.

Definition Essay

On this Page

What is a Definition Essay?

As the name suggests, a definition essay is the kind of writing that explains a word. It requires you to come up with your academic definition of a specific word. The definition can be concrete or abstract, depending on the word.

For instance, you can provide an exact definition for a “table” but for the term “love,” it isn’t possible to do so. Such terms will rely on your point of view.

Your definition must be detailed and well researched with supporting evidence. When choosing a word, make sure you have plenty to write about and give the audience some additional information from a different perspective.

Writing a definition essay is a simple three-step process. First, present the term that you want to define. Second, provide the necessary information so the reader can understand it easily. Lastly, use facts or anecdotes to increase understanding further.

To further explain what is a definition essay, take a look at its basic elements.

How to Write a Definition Essay?

This section will teach you how to write a definition essay and cover the steps that must be followed when writing a great essay.

1. Choose a Word

The first step, of course, is picking the right word. Now, how do you know what makes a topic good?

The perfect topic for a definition essay is an abstract concept that people can’t find when reading an English dictionary. You must have a complete understanding of the term you have chosen.

2. Don’t Pick Objects to be Your Topic

Also, stay away from choosing different objects as your topic; for example, writing about objects such as “table,” “glass,” “door” can be difficult.

Since there isn’t much to write about such topics, you won’t be able to come up with a meaningful piece of writing.

3. Pick a Word with Multiple Meanings

Try finding a word with more than one meaning to different people, a term that would mean something else.

This will give you the opportunity of writing more while including your personal experience and interpreting others.

4. Check its Literal Definition

Take help from dictionaries and encyclopedias, find the official definition of a word’s origin and any theories regarding it.

Along with that, you can find useful information on the internet. You can find several scholarly articles, academic essays, blogs, informative videos, etc.

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5. Look for Different Perspectives

After you have established what a concept or idea means to you, it is now time to look at things from a different point of view.

You can talk to your friends and family about what a word means to them or what is the first thing that comes to their mind upon hearing this word, their feelings when hearing it, etc.

6. Create a Definition

The next step is using the research to come up with your own definition. To write an effective definition, consider the following pointers.

You can define a term by explaining what it does and its mechanism.

Define a term by its structure and how it is organized.

Define a term using analysis. Compare the term you are writing about with other members of its category. The differences are important as they make your term stand out from the rest.

For a misunderstood term or isn’t used in the right context, it is good practice to explain what it does not mean.

Use examples such as facts, anecdotes, images, and stories to help your reader better understand the term.Note: don’t use examples that are against your definition.

Definition Essay Outline

An outline is a draft of your essay, which includes the significant components of the essay. Sticking to an outline helps you stay on track and complete your essay logically.

A definition essay outline consists of three main parts:

1. Definition Essay Introduction

You should state your own definition of the term, which may be different from its actual meaning. This allows readers to understand what you are going on in-depth and gives them context for why certain terms exist as they do within society today.

But you must open the essay using an interesting piece of information relevant to the term being defined. For instance, you can use an anecdotal hook sentence and tell an interesting story. To make sure your essay can grab the reader’s attention. You can learn the art of opening your essay with catchy sentences from this detailed article on hook examples.

A definition essay doesn’t have a typical thesis statement. Instead, it requires you to define the term in your own words without giving away the whole definition.

2. Definition Essay Main Body

Here you will fully explain the definition of the word with supporting facts and examples. The number of body paragraphs depends upon the complexity of your topic; it could be three or more.

Utilize these paragraphs to investigate and present important information about the word, its history, usage, origin, context, etc.

3. Definition Essay Conclusion

The conclusion is the part of your essay where you sum up the entire essay. No additional or new information should be introduced at this point.

Leave the audience with some final thoughts explaining how the definition affected you and played a part in your life.

Don’t mention a story or experience that contradicts what you have written in the essay.

Definition Essay Format


Definition Essay Examples

Writing a definition essay can be tricky, but before you dive into the writing stage, make sure to read some professionally written examples. Check out this example and get an idea from them.

Definition Essay Sample


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Definition Essay Topics

You can’t write a good essay without an interesting topic, can you?

Choosing an interesting topic is no doubt a challenging task.

To make this process a little less time-consuming and burdensome for you, here is a list of top definition essay topics.

  • Why are the terms money and happiness interlinked for some people?
  • What does love mean for different people?
  • How do people around you describe love?
  • What does love mean for young adults?
  • is happiness for different people?
  • The philosophical meaning of happiness.
  • How does one feel happiness?
  • What does true love mean?
  • Is happiness a myth?
  • What is platonic love?

We hope that this complete guide on how to write a definition essay was helpful and solved all of your queries. If you don't have the time or lack skills, there are always available for your help.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the purpose of a definition essay.

Its main purpose is to give a complete definition for certain words or notions.

What are the 3 ways in giving definition?

The three main ways of giving definition are:

Leanne R.

Literature, PhD Essay

Leanne is one of the most experienced writers on our platform and holds a Ph.D. degree from Cambridge. She has worked as a journalist, an editor, and a content creator for newspapers, magazines, and websites around the world. Leanne’s research and writing skills are unsurpassed making her one of the best-reviewed writers on our platform.

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Understanding How to Write a Definition Essay


Table of Contents

Introduction to Definition Essays

Definition of a Definition Essay A definition essay is a type of expository writing that explains what a term or a concept means. Some terms have definite, concrete meanings, such as glass, book, or tree. Others such as honesty, love, or courage are abstract and depend more on a person’s point of view.

Objectives of a Definition Essay

  • Clarify Meanings : To provide a clear and precise account of a term’s meaning.
  • Explore Concepts : To delve into the deeper nuances of a term, exploring its implications and connotations.
  • Persuade Readers : To convince readers of a particular understanding of a term.

Variations of Definition Essays

  • Abstract Concepts : Dealing with ideas that are open to interpretation.
  • Complex Terms : Examining terms that have layered meanings in different contexts.
  • Controversial and Debated Terms : Exploring terms that spark debate over their true meaning.

Choosing the Right Topic

Selecting a Term or Concept

  • Choose a word that is disputable: Pick a word that has multiple meanings, is abstract, or is subject to personal interpretation.
  • Avoid simple terms: Simple, concrete terms do not provide much material to write about.
  • Go for depth: Choose a word that can be discussed at length and is multi-dimensional.

Importance of Complexity and Personal Relevance

  • Complexity ensures there is enough to write about.
  • Personal relevance will make your writing more engaging and sincere.

Research and Sources

Understanding the Chosen Term

  • Research the historical and contemporary contexts of the term.
  • Consider different viewpoints and definitions from various sources.

Gathering Reliable Sources

  • Academic databases: JSTOR, Google Scholar, etc.
  • Books and encyclopedias for comprehensive coverage.
  • Interviews and personal anecdotes for unique perspectives.

Citing Sources

  • Adhere to a citation style (APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.).
  • Ensure all sources are credible and documented properly.

Thesis Development

Crafting a Thesis Statement

  • A thesis for a definition essay should define the term in the writer’s own words.
  • Include the standard definition with your personal interpretation.
  • The thesis should be clear, concise, and convey the term’s meaning effectively.

Outlining the Term’s Meaning

  • Discuss the basic information about the term.
  • Explain your personal interpretation and viewpoint.
  • Outline the main points that will be covered in the essay.

By following these guidelines, you’ll be able to construct a well-organized and insightful definition essay that provides depth and personal insight into the term or concept of your choice.

Essay Structure


  • Hook : Start with a hook to pique interest—quote, startling fact, or anecdote.
  • Background Info : Provide a general background of the term or concept.
  • Thesis Statement : End with a thesis that presents your unique definition.

Body Paragraphs

  • Paragraph 1 : Discuss the dictionary definition and origins of the term.
  • Paragraph 2 : Explain your personal definition based on experience.
  • Further Paragraphs : Analyze the term from different angles or perspectives, using evidence and examples.
  • Transition Sentences : Ensure each paragraph flows logically to the next.
  • Summarize Main Points : Reiterate the main points without repeating them exactly.
  • Restate Thesis : Remind readers of the term’s definition according to your perspective.
  • Closing Thoughts : Offer final thoughts or consider the implications of the definition.

Writing Tips

Strategies for clear and effective writing.

  • Be Concise : Use clear and concise language.
  • Vary Sentence Structure : Mix simple, compound, and complex sentences for flow.
  • Personal Touch : Weave in personal anecdotes or reflections to add depth.

Integrating Personal and Historical Context

  • Relevance : Connect personal experiences to the larger context of the term.
  • Historical Angle : Incorporate historical perspectives to show the term’s evolution.

Revision Strategies

Techniques for refining the essay.

  • Read Aloud : Identify awkward phrasing or errors.
  • Peer Review : Have others read your essay to spot unclear sections.
  • Refine for Clarity : Clarify any vague points or complex sentences.

Utilizing Feedback

  • Openness : Be open to critiques and willing to make changes.
  • Selective Revision : Consider which feedback aligns with your essay’s goals.

Examples and Explanations

Successful definition essays.

  • Example Essays : Study essays that effectively define and explore a term.
  • Effectiveness : Note the use of clear language, structured arguments, and persuasive evidence.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

  • Over-Simplification : Avoid overly simple definitions that lack depth.
  • Plagiarism : Ensure all sources are cited properly.
  • Subjectivity : Balance personal perspective with objective analysis.

Summarizing Key Points

  • Remember the structure: Introduction, Body, Conclusion.
  • Clarity, coherence, and personal touch are crucial for effective writing.
  • Revise diligently and incorporate feedback thoughtfully.

Motivational Close

  • Writing a definition essay is an opportunity to explore and express complex ideas.
  • With careful thought and passion, your essay can provide a unique perspective and contribute meaningfully to the understanding of your chosen term.

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How to Write a Definition Essay

Last Updated: January 27, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Alexander Ruiz, M.Ed. . Alexander Ruiz is an Educational Consultant and the Educational Director of Link Educational Institute, a tutoring business based in Claremont, California that provides customizable educational plans, subject and test prep tutoring, and college application consulting. With over a decade and a half of experience in the education industry, Alexander coaches students to increase their self-awareness and emotional intelligence while achieving skills and the goal of achieving skills and higher education. He holds a BA in Psychology from Florida International University and an MA in Education from Georgia Southern University. There are 12 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 453,816 times.

A definition essay requires you to write your own definition of a word. The definition must be thorough and well supported by research and evidence. You may have to write a definition essay for a class or try it as a writing challenge to help improve your English skills. Start by selecting and defining the word. Then, create a draft that presents a detailed definition using references and sources. Polish the essay when you are done so it flows well and does not contain any grammatical errors.

Selecting the Word

Step 1 Choose a concept or idea.

  • You can also pick a concept like “Success,” “Friendship,” or “Faith.”
  • Concepts like “Pain,” “Loss,” or “Death” are also good options.

Step 2 Avoid concrete objects or things.

  • You can try taking a concrete object and using a similar word to make it more open-ended. For example, the word “house” is concrete and obvious. But the word “home” is more open-ended and allows you to create your own definition of the word.

Step 3 Select a word you are familiar with.

  • For example, you may choose a word like “success” because you are familiar with the word and feel you may have a lot to say about what it means to be successful or to feel success in your life.

Step 4 Go for a word that can have a variety of meanings.

  • For example, you may choose a word like “pain” because you feel there are a variety of meanings for the word based on who you talk to and how they experience “pain” in their lives.

Defining the Word

Step 1 Look up the word in the dictionary.

  • For example, if you look up the word “justice” in the dictionary, you may get this definition: “noun, the quality of being just; righteousness, equitableness, or moral rightness.”
  • You can then determine that “justice” is a noun and can be compared to other terms like “righteousness” and “moral rightness.”

Step 2 Research the origin of the word in encyclopedias.

  • For example, you may look up the word “justice” in an online encyclopedia that focuses on philosophy or law. You may then find information on Western theories of justice and how it became an important concept in Western history and the legal system.

Step 3 Search online for articles, websites, and videos that discuss the word.

  • Look on academic search engines like Google Scholar, JSTOR, and ProQuest for scholarly articles.
  • You can also look for educational videos that have been made about the word on YouTube and other video websites.

Step 4 Interview peers, family, and friends about the word.

  • “What comes to mind when you think of the word?”
  • “How do you feel about the word on a personal level?”
  • “How do you interact or deal with the word?”
  • “What does the word mean to you?”
  • Take notes or record the interviews so you can use them as sources in your essay.

Step 5 Create your own definition of the word.

  • For example, you may write: “Justice, a quality or trait where you act in a morally right way.” Or you may write: “Justice, a concept in the legal system where the fair or equitable thing is done, as in ‘justice has been served.’”
  • It's important to have tact and tread carefully here. It's important to preface your own definition of the word, making it clear that's a personal opinion. Make sure not to create the misconception that your own definition is the accepted or official one.
  • At the end of the day, your objective should be to write the actual definition, and not an opinion essay.

Creating an Essay Draft

Step 1 Use five sections for the essay.

  • Your thesis statement should appear in the introduction and conclusion section of your essay.

Step 2 Introduce the term and the standard definition.

  • For example, you may write, “According to the Oxford Dictionary, justice is a noun, and it means: the quality of being just; righteousness, equitableness, or moral rightness.”

Step 3 Include a thesis statement with your own definition.

  • For example, you may have a thesis statement like, “According to my research and my personal experiences, justice is a quality or trait where you act in a morally correct way.”

Step 4 Discuss the history and origin of the word.

  • For example, you may write, “Justice comes from the Latin jus , which means right or law. It is a commonly used concept in politics, in the legal system, and in philosophy.”

Step 5 Analyze the dictionary definition of the word.

  • For example, you may discuss how justice works as a noun or an idea in politics, the legal system, and in philosophy. You may also discuss what the “quality of being just” means in our society.

Step 6 Compare and contrast the term with other terms.

  • For example, you may talk about how justice is similar and also not quite the same as words like “righteousness” and “equitableness.”
  • You can also discuss words that mean the opposite of the term you are defining. For example, you may contrast the word “justice” with the word “injustice” or “inequality.”

Step 7 Discuss your personal definition.

  • For example, you may write, “On a personal level, I view justice as an essential concept” or “Based on my own experiences, I think justice is blind and often does not serve those who need it the most.”
  • You can also include personal experiences of the word based on interviews you conducted with others.

Step 8 Support your points with evidence and references.

  • Make sure you follow your instructor’s preferred citation style, such as MLA , APA , or Chicago Style .

Step 9 Conclude by restating your main points.

  • Look at the first sentence in each section of the paragraph to help you gather your main points.
  • Include a last sentence that has a strong image or that describes a key phrase in your essay.

Polishing the Essay

Step 1 Read the essay out loud.

  • You should also check for any spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors in the essay.

Step 2 Show the essay to others for feedback.

  • Be open to constructive criticism from others and take their feedback to heart. It will only make your essay better.

Step 3 Revise the essay.

  • If there is a word count or a page count for the definition essay, make sure you meet it.
  • Include a reference page at the end of the essay and a cover page at the beginning of the essay, if required.

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Alexander Ruiz, M.Ed.

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About This Article

Alexander Ruiz, M.Ed.

To write a definition essay, choose a word that describes a concept or idea. Look up the dictionary definition, the origin of the word, and any scholarly essays or articles that discuss the word in detail, then use this information to create your own definition. When you write your paper, introduce the term and the standard dictionary definition of the word, followed by a thesis stating your own definition. Use the body of the paper to include historical information and explain what the word means to you, then conclude by restating your thesis. For tips on picking your word, keep reading! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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How to Write a Definition Essay: Definition, Structure, Tips

Table of content.

  • 01. What Is a Definition Essay: Its Structure & Elements
  • 02. All Components For Crafting Effective Definition
  • 03. Writing a Definition Essay in 5 Steps
  • 04. Common Mistakes Students Make When Writing
  • 05. Some Advice on Choosing Topics
  • 06. Use Samples For Increasing Chances at Success
  • 07. Become a Better Writer With Us

Not all students know how to write a definition essay. This type of task is pretty rare as for the most part, professors prefer more complex papers, like argumentative or descriptive ones. But when they finally assign it, students start panicking because they don’t understand what it means and how they should go about writing it. It’s a drawback, but if you’re here, then there is no reason to worry because we’ve got you covered. 

First, let’s make sense of definition essay. It’s a type of writing where one explains the meaning of a subject, describe it, and illustrate words with examples as well as evidence, enlightening their audience. It teaches you how not to simply define a term or an event, but how to expand on it, looking into it from much deeper perspectives. Do you want to know how to write something like this? It’s not an issue, let us find out together!

What Is a Definition Essay: Its Structure & Elements

When it comes to definitional essay, the first thing students should be aware of is its structure. Don’t skip this section just because you assume it is going to be the same as in all other papers: sure, you’ll still need to write an introduction, body, and conclusion, but they feature more elements than you likely expect. See the picture of an appropriate definition essay below.

1) Introduction .  This part should take around 10% of word count, so try sticking to this limit. An introduction shouldn’t be overly large or short — remember that your goal is to tease an audience here, not reveal everything. Definition papers should start with the following features.

  • Present definition . Introduce the term you’ve chosen to write about. You should define it right here, going for a more standard and universal version. For example, it could be a definition from a dictionary — you could even use a direct quote for it. Let readers know what this work is going to center on.
  • Create context . Why did you choose this definition and what factors surround it? Briefly discuss its background. As one of examples, reveal from which part of the world it comes from when it appeared, and/or what kind of people used it. In most cases, this element won’t take more than two or three sentences.
  • Offer your perspective in thesis.  Students don’t necessarily have to present an argument here, but thesis is still required. What is the main purpose of an essay? Maybe you’re exploring this definition in general, offering extensive info about its background, history of its evolution, etc. Or perhaps you are more interested in disclosing all semantic meanings of a word: this could make for a great topic. Other students like exploring how a definition is treated in different countries; whatever option you prefer, express it in a thesis statement at the end of introduction.

2) Body .  This is the biggest and juiciest part of an essay. It should have at least several paragraphs and comprise 80% of overall word count. Each part of one’s thesis should be analyzed here bit by bit. For instance, if a person is writing about how concept of “home” is perceived in different countries, they should dedicate one paragraph to the US, one to Russia, one to Japan, etc. Each paragraph must have a clear central idea that’s framed by opening and closing sentences. Combine your words with research and make your discussion complete.

3) Conclusion.  How to conclude a definition essay? That’s easy: just make a short summary of your paper. Don’t add any new facts about your definition — restate the major points along with thesis. Re-write it in some other way, preserving its essence but not repeating it word by word. Readers should leave your essay with a vivid idea of what you meant in mind, so make sure you end everything on a positive note.

All Components For Crafting Effective Definition

How to write a definition successfully? There is a set of features you could choose from: they all could be included in a typical essay of this kind. We focused on four specific ones: check them out and incorporate any of these options into your writing.

  • Linguistic characteristics.  The sphere of linguistics is complex but deeply engaging. You could trace down evolution of a specific word by pointing out its semantics and exploring its etymology. When could the first mention of it be found? What did it mean initially and what does it mean now? Analyze each part of the word linguistically: what components does it have and what role do they perform?
  • Comparative analysis.  Compare the same word across cultures or languages. In which ways is the meaning different? What motivates this difference and what are patterns here? It could be fun to analyze something like this, so why don’t you try it? You could learn more about other countries in the process.
  • Negation.  How do you write a definition essay from the angle of negation? It is easy: explain what the word means by describing what it doesn’t mean. Some English words are misunderstood. Others have gained new meanings, with the initial one being too distorted to apply. Writing a paper like this could be challenging, no doubts here, but it is exciting and new, so some writers could appreciate it.
  • Classification.  What are the defining characteristics of a word? In which groups does it fall into, where is its place as per word categories? Use dictionaries for determining the class of your word, and then share these facts with audience.

Writing a Definition Essay in 5 Steps

We outlined 5 useful steps that take part in the writing of a good definition essay. Follow them if you want to earn a high grade — they are pretty much universal. They are also easy to follow, so you won’t face any problems with figuring them out.

  • Choose a term.  Students must genuinely want to research the term if they plan on impressing their audience. Picking any term is a bad idea: make sure you have at least some interest. We are surrounded by words every minute of our life, no matter what we are doing, so there should be at least something you would enjoy exploring.
  • Conduct research.  After making a choice, start by looking through encyclopedias or dictionaries. How do they define your term? This is an important part of definition essays — you’ll need to share this info one way or another. Then find other sources that would be a good fit for your work. If you’re applying historical perspective, find related articles. If you’re investigating the term as various countries understand it, look for cross-cultural sources.
  • Study origins.  Dedicate at least one paragraph for the background of a term. It’s an essential part of definition papers.
  • Create a  definitive  outline.  List the things you’re going to be writing about. Include all paragraphs into it, expressing their points in at least one sentence. This will help you stay on track as you’re writing.
  • Polish everything thoroughly.   Read through an essay again: are there enough examples? Is essay clear enough? Edit problematic parts, watch out for grammar mistakes and pay close attention to structure. When essay is done, submit your work without worries!

Common Mistakes Students Make When Writing

Learning tips is great, but how about going through mistakes students often make? If you know what they are, it’ll be easier for you to prevent your own. Look below and keep them in mind.

  • Choosing definition that is too broad & too narrow.  Terms should not be overly broad or narrow. For instance, some student picked the word “animals.” It’s too extensive and covers too many species at once. It’d take ages for someone to explain it, so picking it isn’t a good idea. Similarly, selecting some strictly specialized term won’t get you far, and you’ll find yourself stuck in the first stages.  
  • Not developing  definition essay outline .  Outlines are vital. Students need it for having a clear sense of writing direction – it’s extremely helpful in every regard.  
  • Not including enough examples.  Definitions need examples for being effective. Some people forget about the relevance of illustrations, so they end creating weak and unconvincing essays.
  • Not underlining a term enough.  Keep repeating the chosen term in every paragraph. Do it at least once each time — your readers shouldn’t forget what definition you are exploring.

Some Advice on Choosing Topics

How to write a good definition essay? By picking an interesting topic. Like we said before, it is essential, so work hard on selecting something truly inspiring. If you are out of ideas, it’s not a big problem: just visit our website — you’ll find a solution there. We have different categories with topics for students, and definition papers are among them. Read through them and feel free to pick any option.

Use Samples For Increasing Chances at Success

Learning how to write essays about definitions is better when you can see them with your own eyes. Look at essays written by talented professionals within the academic sphere. They were all evaluated by professors before we published them here, and they are all unique. Our site has essay samples on different topics as well as for various education levels. Find some definition essays and use them as inspiration for your upcoming work.

Become a Better Writer With Us

If you were wondering how to start a definition essay, what it entails, and what parts it should have, we hope that you found all the answers. Enjoy what you’re doing, look for personally motivating topics, and writing will become easier. But at the same time, you should not forget about yourself as a person, not just a student. If there are any problems you are experiencing, ask for help. We are here 24/7, always prepared for answering your questions and accepting the academic burden you might be carrying. Tell us what essay you want us to write, explain how soon you need it, and you’ll receive it just by the deadline. You are not alone in your troubles, and we guarantee that you won’t regret turning to us!

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Definition Essay Writing

Cathy A.

Definition Essay Writing: Format, Tips, and Examples

Definition Essay

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150 Best Definition Essay Topics For Students

Definition Essay Outline - Writing Guide With Examples

Defining a word might seem simple, but crafting a definition essay can be surprisingly challenging. 

These essays require you to explain a term by combining your own understanding of the word with the dictionary's definition.

Your goal is to create a clear and detailed description so that your readers easily grasp the concept.

In this blog, we'll explore the steps of writing a definition essay and share practical tips to help you write a strong piece.

So, let’s dive right in!

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  • 1. Understanding Definition Essays
  • 2. Types of Definition Essays
  • 3. How to Write a Definition Essay?
  • 4. Definition Essay Examples
  • 5. Definition Essay Topics to Choose From

Understanding Definition Essays

A definition essay is a type of academic writing that goes beyond a simple dictionary definition of a term, concept, or idea.

It aims to offer a comprehensive explanation, analysis, and interpretation of the chosen term or idea. 

Characteristics of a Good Definition Essay 

Before you start writing, it's important to know what makes a definition essay good. These essays are more than just dictionary definitions. 

They should be easy to understand, have depth, and make readers think.

  • Easy to Understand: A good definition essay is clear. It uses simple words so that readers get the point without getting confused.
  • Has Depth: A strong definition essay looks deeper into what a word really means. It explores different sides of the idea, such as historical meaning and context.
  • Makes You Think: The best definition essays make you think about the term by connecting with everyday experiences.

Types of Definition Essays

There's no one way to write a definition essay. Knowing the different types helps you write about your word in the best way.

Formal Definitions

Formal definitions give you the standard meaning of a word, just like in dictionaries. They aim to provide a clear and universally agreed understanding.

  • When to Use:

Consider using formal definitions in academic writing, technical manuals, scientific papers, legal documents, and scholarly texts.

Operational Definitions

Operational definitions explain how a word works or is used in a specific situation. They go beyond the general meaning and get into the practical application of the term.

Opt for operational definitions when you want to highlight the specific roles or functions the term plays in a particular setting.

Enumerative Definitions

Instead of giving a traditional definition, this type relies on real-life examples to show what the word means.

Consider using enumerative definitions when real-life examples can better clarify the term, making the concept easier to understand for you.

How to Write a Definition Essay?

Writing a definition essay involves several steps to ensure clarity, engagement, and a comprehensive understanding of the chosen term. 

Here are the steps of how to write a definition essay:

Step 1: Choose a Topic

Begin by choosing a word for your definition essay. Go for a word that is clear yet allows for various interpretations. 

Consider the debate surrounding the term, as this can add depth to your writing. 

Choosing a topic that aligns with your personal opinion and experiences will make the essay more authentic. 

Step 2: Research the Term

Conduct thorough research on the chosen term. Utilize dictionaries, academic sources, and real-world examples to understand its historical context and different meanings. 

This process will enhance your understanding of the term and provide valuable insights for your expository essay.

Step 3: Brainstorm and Reflect

Before crafting your thesis statement, engage in a brainstorming session. Reflect on your personal opinions and experiences related to the term. 

Consider various points of view to ensure a comprehensive exploration. This step is crucial for developing a well-rounded understanding of the term and generating topic ideas.

Step 4: Craft a Strong Thesis Statement

Create a concise and powerful thesis statement that outlines your definition of the term. 

In this argument essay, assert your position and provide reasons supporting your definition. This statement acts as a guide for your high school audience or fellow essay writers.

Step 5: Structure Your Essay

Creating a structure of a definition essay will act like a blueprint. It will help you better explain the concept.

Here is a basic definition essay outline template to help you understand the concept;

Grab attention with a captivating story, quote, or surprising fact related to your term. Clearly state your interpretation and the main points you'll explore in your essay topics.

Developing the Concept

Dive deep into the various facets of your term, explaining each one thoroughly.

Providing Background Information. 

Offer historical or contextual background to enhance understanding.

Using Examples, Anecdotes, and Illustrations

Bring your definition to life with real-world examples, anecdotes, or vivid descriptions.

Provide a concise recap of the main ideas without being repetitive. Offer a final thought that provides closure to your essay, catering to the expectations of your audience.

Take a look at the definition essay outline to have a better understanding of the format and structure.

Step 6: Write the Essay

Once you have your detailed outline, you can start writing. Focus on maintaining a clear and formal tone, ensuring that each paragraph flows logically into the next. 

Express your personal opinion judiciously, balancing it with objective information.

Here are some tips to help you write an excellent essay:

  • Avoid unnecessary jargon or overly complex language. 
  • Each paragraph should focus on a specific idea or argument.
  • Avoid unnecessary jargon or overly complex language.
  • Adhere to any formatting guidelines provided in the assignment. 
  • Share your essay with friends or teachers, to get constructive feedback. 

Step 7: Revise and Edit

Review your essay for clarity, coherence, and consistency. Eliminate grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors. 

Ensure that your thesis statement is well-supported throughout the essay. Incorporate your personal opinion strategically to enhance the overall argument.

Step 8: Finalize Your Essay

Proofread your essay and make any revisions required. Ensure your essay aligns with the expected standards. 

Double-check the formatting and ensure your essay effectively defines the chosen term. Consider the expectations of your audience to create a well-rounded and impactful piece. 

Definition Essay Examples

Take a look at the following example of a definition essay;

Friendship is a term that we often throw around casually, but its true essence goes beyond mere camaraderie. It is a bond that adds color to the canvas of our lives, weaving a tapestry of shared moments, understanding, and trust.

Friendship is a concept that has stood the test of time, transcending cultural and societal differences. In its purest form, it is the magical connection between individuals that transforms the ordinary into the extraordinary.

At its core, friendship is the mutual affection and connection between individuals. It's not confined by blood relations but is a chosen bond that individuals cultivate based on shared values, interests, and experiences.

A true friend is more than just a companion; they are a confidant, a supporter, and a source of unwavering encouragement. Trust and loyalty form the bedrock of a genuine friendship, creating a safe space for individuals to be their authentic selves.

Friendships come in various forms, from childhood friends who share the journey of growing up to adult friendships forged in the fires of life's challenges. Each type brings its unique flavor to the table, enriching our lives in different ways.

In conclusion, friendship is a multifaceted jewel that brightens the human experience. It's a treasure trove of shared laughter, tears, and memories that make life's journey more meaningful. 

Embracing the true spirit of friendship allows us to navigate the complexities of life with the comfort of knowing that we are not alone.

Extended Definition Essay Example

Family Definition Essay Example

Argument of Definition Essay Example

Love Definition Essay Example

Definition Essay Topics to Choose From

When writing a definition essay, choosing and understanding the term is the key. 

Here are some interesting ideas and great definition essay topics:

  • Courage: Unveiling the True Meaning of Bravery
  • Happiness: Exploring the Dimensions of True Joy
  • Success: Beyond Material Wealth and Achievements
  • Resilience: The Art of Bouncing Back
  • Empathy: Understanding and Sharing the Feelings of Others
  • Integrity: The Pillar of Honesty and Moral Uprightness
  • Freedom: Examining the Essence of Liberty
  • Wisdom: Navigating Life with Insight and Discernment
  • Kindness: The Power of Compassion in Action
  • Family : Redefining the Bonds That Matter Most
  • Leadership: Inspiring Others Through Vision and Influence
  • Creativity: Unleashing Imagination and Innovation
  • Education: Beyond the Classroom Walls
  • Optimism: Embracing a Positive Outlook on Life
  • Justice: Balancing Fairness and Equity
  • Love: Exploring the Depths of Affection and Connection
  • Identity: Understanding the Core of Who We Are
  • Patriotism: A Deeper Look at Love for One's Country

Take a look at some more definition essay topics to get inspiration for your next essay. 

So there you have it!

Whether you're exploring abstract concepts or choosing essay topics relevant to high school, these steps provide a comprehensive guide for essay writers.

By following the detailed steps with tips, you'll be able to go through the process of writing a definition essay effectively. 

If you are still not sure that you can compose an impressive definition essay, is here to help you. Talk to us and work with our professional writers to get your custom essay written.

Get in touch with our online essay writing service today and get high-quality essays at the most affordable prices.

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Mastering the art of essay writing – a comprehensive guide.

How write an essay

Essay writing is a fundamental skill that every student needs to master. Whether you’re in high school, college, or beyond, the ability to write a strong, coherent essay is essential for academic success. However, many students find the process of writing an essay daunting and overwhelming.

This comprehensive guide is here to help you navigate the intricate world of essay writing. From understanding the basics of essay structure to mastering the art of crafting a compelling thesis statement, we’ve got you covered. By the end of this guide, you’ll have the tools and knowledge you need to write an outstanding essay that will impress your teachers and classmates alike.

So, grab your pen and paper (or fire up your laptop) and let’s dive into the ultimate guide to writing an essay. Follow our tips and tricks, and you’ll be well on your way to becoming a skilled and confident essay writer!

The Art of Essay Writing: A Comprehensive Guide

Essay writing is a skill that requires practice, patience, and attention to detail. Whether you’re a student working on an assignment or a professional writing for publication, mastering the art of essay writing can help you communicate your ideas effectively and persuasively.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the key elements of a successful essay, including how to choose a topic, structure your essay, and craft a compelling thesis statement. We’ll also discuss the importance of research, editing, and proofreading, and provide tips for improving your writing style and grammar.

By following the advice in this guide, you can become a more confident and skilled essay writer, capable of producing high-quality, engaging essays that will impress your readers and achieve your goals.

Understanding the Essay Structure

When it comes to writing an essay, understanding the structure is key to producing a cohesive and well-organized piece of writing. An essay typically consists of three main parts: an introduction, the body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

Introduction: The introduction is where you introduce your topic and provide some background information. It should also include your thesis statement, which is the main idea or argument that you will be discussing in the essay.

Body paragraphs: The body of the essay is where you present your supporting evidence and arguments. Each paragraph should focus on a separate point and include evidence to back up your claims. Remember to use transition words to link your ideas together cohesively.

Conclusion: The conclusion is where you wrap up your essay by summarizing your main points and restating your thesis. It is also a good place to make any final thoughts or reflections on the topic.

Understanding the structure of an essay will help you write more effectively and communicate your ideas clearly to your readers.

Choosing the Right Topic for Your Essay

Choosing the Right Topic for Your Essay

One of the most crucial steps in writing a successful essay is selecting the right topic. The topic you choose will determine the direction and focus of your writing, so it’s important to choose wisely. Here are some tips to help you select the perfect topic for your essay:

Choose a topic that you are passionate about or interested in. Writing about something you enjoy will make the process more enjoyable and your enthusiasm will come through in your writing.
Do some preliminary research to see what topics are available and what resources are out there. This will help you narrow down your choices and find a topic that is both interesting and manageable.
Think about who will be reading your essay and choose a topic that will resonate with them. Consider their interests, knowledge level, and any biases they may have when selecting a topic.
Take some time to brainstorm different topic ideas. Write down all the potential topics that come to mind, and then evaluate each one based on relevance, interest, and feasibility.
Try to choose a topic that offers a unique perspective or angle. Avoid overly broad topics that have been extensively covered unless you have a fresh take to offer.

By following these tips and considering your interests, audience, and research, you can choose a topic that will inspire you to write an engaging and compelling essay.

Research and Gathering Information

When writing an essay, conducting thorough research and gathering relevant information is crucial. Here are some tips to help you with your research:

Make sure to use reliable sources such as academic journals, books, and reputable websites. Avoid using sources that are not credible or biased.
As you research, take notes on important information that you can use in your essay. Organize your notes so that you can easily reference them later.
Don’t rely solely on one type of source. Utilize a variety of sources to provide a well-rounded perspective on your topic.
Before using a source in your essay, make sure to evaluate its credibility and relevance to your topic. Consider the author’s credentials, publication date, and biases.
Make sure to keep a record of the sources you use in your research. This will help you properly cite them in your essay and avoid plagiarism.

Crafting a Compelling Thesis Statement

When writing an essay, one of the most crucial elements is the thesis statement. This statement serves as the main point of your essay, summarizing the argument or position you will be taking. Crafting a compelling thesis statement is essential for a strong and cohesive essay. Here are some tips to help you create an effective thesis statement:

  • Be specific: Your thesis statement should clearly state the main idea of your essay. Avoid vague or general statements.
  • Make it arguable: A strong thesis statement is debatable and presents a clear position that can be supported with evidence.
  • Avoid clichés: Stay away from overused phrases or clichés in your thesis statement. Instead, strive for originality and clarity.
  • Keep it concise: Your thesis statement should be concise and to the point. Avoid unnecessary words or phrases.
  • Take a stand: Your thesis statement should express a clear stance on the topic. Don’t be afraid to assert your position.

By following these guidelines, you can craft a compelling thesis statement that sets the tone for your essay and guides your reader through your argument.

Writing the Body of Your Essay

Once you have your introduction in place, it’s time to dive into the body of your essay. The body paragraphs are where you will present your main arguments or points to support your thesis statement.

Here are some tips for writing the body of your essay:

  • Stick to One Main Idea: Each paragraph should focus on one main idea or argument. This will help keep your essay organized and easy to follow.
  • Use Topic Sentences: Start each paragraph with a topic sentence that introduces the main idea of the paragraph.
  • Provide Evidence: Support your main points with evidence such as facts, statistics, examples, or quotes from experts.
  • Explain Your Points: Don’t just state your points; also explain how they support your thesis and why they are important.
  • Use Transition Words: Use transition words and phrases to connect your ideas and create a smooth flow between paragraphs.

Remember to refer back to your thesis statement and make sure that each paragraph contributes to your overall argument. The body of your essay is where you can really showcase your critical thinking and analytical skills, so take the time to craft well-developed and coherent paragraphs.

Perfecting Your Essay with Editing and Proofreading

Perfecting Your Essay with Editing and Proofreading

Editing and proofreading are essential steps in the essay writing process to ensure your work is polished and error-free. Here are some tips to help you perfect your essay:

  • Take a Break: After writing your essay, take a break before starting the editing process. This will help you look at your work with fresh eyes.
  • Focus on Structure: Check the overall structure of your essay, including the introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. Make sure your ideas flow logically and cohesively.
  • Check for Clarity: Ensure that your arguments are clear and easy to follow. Eliminate any jargon or confusing language that might obscure your message.
  • Grammar and Punctuation: Review your essay for grammar and punctuation errors. Pay attention to subject-verb agreement, verb tense consistency, and proper punctuation usage.
  • Use a Spell Checker: Run a spell check on your essay to catch any spelling mistakes. However, don’t rely solely on spell checkers as they may miss certain errors.
  • Read Aloud: Read your essay aloud to yourself or have someone else read it to you. This can help you identify awkward phrasing or unclear sentences.
  • Get Feedback: Consider getting feedback from a peer, teacher, or writing tutor. They can offer valuable insights and suggestions for improving your essay.

By following these editing and proofreading tips, you can ensure that your essay is well-crafted, organized, and free of errors, helping you make a strong impression on your readers.

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Steps for Writing a Definition Essay

  • Choose a term you want to define, and introduce it to your readers. This can be done in several ways, but your main goal at the outset is to indicate the contents of your paper clearly.
  • Use several sources (dictionaries or encyclopedias) to see how the term you have chosen is usually defined. Then, think of a way to combine or merge them to give your own, unique definition.
  • Present the term you’ve chosen to your readers in the introductory part of your paper.
  • In the main body paragraphs, provide your readers with information about the term. Along with your own description, you can point out some cases in which this term is used, as well as historical information about its origins and the evolution of its use in literature. Also, you can highlight any common mistakes in its definition.
  • Think of a couple of sound examples that will fully illustrate and explain your definition.

Definition Essay Topics

There are plenty of terms we use every day. Many of them are clear to almost everybody, but still there is a vast body of abstract or scientific terms that can become a topic of discussion. While all of us know what a phone, TV, or dog is, concepts such as happiness, faith, love, or calmness may be difficult for some people to grasp. Some terms that could be chosen as a topic for your definition essay are listed below:

  • Real estate
  • Christianity
  • Good and evil
  • Enlightenment
  • Intelligence

Key Points to Consider

  • Giving a definition is not just copying what has been written in other dictionaries. If you cannot define a new meaning for some concept on your own, then use the definition that already exists, but give your own interpretation of it.
  • Choose terms you understand, or ones that have impacted your own personal experience. Do not try to define a term you don’t understand, or else you will confuse your readers with the wrong explanation.
  • You can define a term by explaining its functions, structure, or nature. You can also define the term by specifying what it does not mean, or by comparing it with other members of the same class of words and emphasizing the differences.
  • Follow a determined structure. It would be logical to present your term in the introduction, give extended explanations in the main body paragraphs, and end with brief conclusions.
  • If you don’t know how to start, try searching for samples on the same topics. Some of the best essay writing service reviews show that you can find many similar work examples there.

Do and Don’t



Common Mistakes When Writing a Definition Essay

– Trying to define a term that is too broad in scope for the essay.

– Forgetting to emphasize the term that one is defining. In this case, it may be hard for readers to understand what your essay is ultimately about.

– Writing about terms that are well-known and which do not have conflicting interpretations.

– Ignoring the necessity of examples. No matter how detailed and clear your definition is, without concrete examples, it may be difficult for readers to understand how or when a certain term should be used.

– Copying the existing definition word-by-word. Instead, reinterpret the meaning. Do not be afraid to use your own thoughts for a new, unique definition.

Now that you have acquainted yourself with the basic definition essay writing tips and rules, you can check out our definition essay samples  to link theory with practice.

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How to Write a Definition Essay in 4 Easy Steps & Example

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A definition of any word regulates its usage in writing. Basically, there are words in the English language that have disputable meanings, and people have to define what they try to explain since the choice of words influences readers’ understanding and attention. Moreover, it implies that the preferred meaning must be clarified to an audience. In this case, the guideline on how to write a definition essay offers students critical insights that they should grasp to ensure they produce high-quality work. Some of these insights include how to choose a particular topic or examples of easy themes, the unique elements of the text, and the tips for writing a quality paper, including the dos and don’ts. The guideline also provides a sample outline and a sample paper to ensure readers understand what a definition essay should appear. B reading this guideline, students should have a mindset that allows them to write a well-organized definition essay that satisfies all requirements and expectations of a standard academic text. In particular, the meaning and unique aspects of a definition essay are essential in comprehending its usefulness in the academic sphere.

General Aspects of How to Write an Outstanding Definition Essay

Academic writing is a standard practice in higher learning institutions where knowledge application is the principal evidence of learning. After teaching students, professors assess the extent to which they have gained insights into concepts and ideas by requiring them to write various types of papers. However, different types of essays must follow a particular approach that underscores necessary features, like essay outline, without which students can score poorly or have the instructor reject their work. In this case, a definition essay is typically the hardest paper to write since it should be lengthy and comprehensible. Moreover, teachers expect students to provide a unique and academically acceptable meaning. Hence, this guideline provides an overview for writing a good definition essay and includes a sample outline and example of this type of scholarly work. By reading this guideline, students can learn definition essay’s essential features and the mindset they should adopt to produce a high-quality text. In turn, writing a definition essay requires one to choose an appropriate word, include potential elements, and follow the right structure, among other rules.

How to Write a Definition Essay in 4 Easy Steps & Example

Definition and Meaning of What Is a Definition Essay

A typical definition essay presents multiple meanings of a single word, idea, or concept to an audience. For instance, the word “definition” refers to a rhetorical style that allows an author to suggest and explain the meaning of a concept or term. Moreover, an essay that employs the term “definition” as the only rhetorical style is a definition essay. In turn, the presentation of a word’s meaning begins with the basic dictionary definition followed by complex, extended definitions. Besides, the primary goal of a definition essay is to decipher the less obvious explanation of a word or concept. Hence, writing a definition essay is particularly useful in understanding the various meanings of a word, term, or concept and the underlying cause of discrepancies.

Understanding a Definition Essay vs. a General Essay

In any academic paper, students should never use information where they do not understand its meaning because doing so reflects ignorance or laziness. One of the critical details in writing texts is to know the right approach, meaning considering what one must adopt and reject. When writing essays, students must understand that there are different types, while good writing practice demands one to ask their instructor which type to adopt. Although it is standard practice for professors to specify the type of essay, sometimes, they expect students to know based on what they have learned in the week or semester. In this respect, one must know the difference between a definition essay and a general essay.

A Definition Essay

In simple understanding, a definition essay is an expository text that provides knowledge about the meaning of a term, concept, or idea. Typically, writers define the term, concept, or idea and further clarify its importance or significance within a particular context. For example, when writing about “civil society,” students should define the term, giving practical examples to increase the reader’s understanding. However, it is not enough, while they should explain why civil society exists and its role in entrenching democratic governance. Some terms that students can use to describe this concept are transparency and accountability. In short, a definition essay allows students to define a term, concept, or idea and overview its relation with other issues for a proper understanding by the audience.

A General Essay

A general essay is an academic text about a specific topic or issue in which students provide a convincing argument, description, or discussion. Upon reading this type of paper, one should gain a deeper insight into essay topics or issues and be able to explain them to others. Therefore, when writing a general essay, students should focus on the subject, typically a matter of scholarly discourse, such as abortion, human rights, or political governance. The most important feature that students should know about when writing a definition essay is that they have a free hand to choose any topic.

Differences Between a Definition Essay and a General Essay

People need to know the differences between a definition essay and a general essay. Basically, a definition essay is specific about the topic: the student’s task is to define a term, concept, or idea. In contrast, a general essay, which can take different forms, like an argumentative essay, an analytical essay, or a persuasive essay, allows students to choose a particular topic that will enable them to demonstrate an in-depth grasp of what they have learned from a course or in a week. The second difference is that writing a definition essay requires students to explain the relevance or significance of the term, concept, or idea. In contrast, a general essay allows students to provide compelling arguments or observations about assigned themes under discussion. In this respect, students have room for a learned personal opinion in a regular essay but not a definition essay.

3 Techniques for Writing a Definition Essay

Authors typically use a combination of different techniques when writing a definition essay. For example, there are three primary methods of extending a definition: enumeration, analogy, and negation. Firstly, writers may employ the enumeration technique, which results in a list of descriptions that comprehensively explain a concept. In turn, individual elements of the list present different perspectives on the term’s meaning. Secondly, people can use analogies that compare two objects with identical interpretations to illuminate the meaning of the word or concept. Basically, they extract the theme used in the comparison from the audience’s immediate environment to ascertain familiarity. Thirdly, the negation style provides explanations that illustrate what the word does not mean. Moreover, this approach is ideal in situations where the term is widely misused or misinterpreted. Thus, people maintain much autonomy in the selection of particular techniques that are employed when writing a definition essay.

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Definition Essay Concepts and Features

Students should identify the concepts they seek to expound when writing a definition essay. One should determine whether the term or concept they seek to define is concrete or abstract. Concrete ideas or words have a definite reference to material objects, such as an automobile, a pet, or a warehouse. On the other hand, abstract concepts or terms have explicit references to complex ideas, such as mental states like anxiety, conditions like fear, circumstances like conflict, and relationships like employment. In principle, writing an expository essay about concrete concepts or terms differs from writing about abstract concepts and words because it is easier to talk about visible and tangible things than invisible and intangible ones.

Word Choice

Selecting a right term or concept is important when writing a definition essay. For instance, one may choose an abstract term with a complex meaning. In this case, the method ensures that one can select a concept that provides more information or material to explore. Moreover, nouns that refer to an idea are a better option. In turn, prudent students select refutable phrases. Basically, words that have different meanings are suitable. Moreover, they provide writers with the freedom to have diversified thinking. Thus, successful learners must pay attention to the word they select.

Writing Definition Essays With Familiar Words

Definition essays require learners to select familiar terms. For example, one should have a sufficient understanding of the chosen concept by considering how to write a definition essay. In this case, a dictionary can provide the required familiarity with the term and its meaning. Basically, writing about a single idea ensures that students can offer their own knowledge about it. Moreover, the approach provides a basis for understanding basic concepts. As a result, it is better for people to select familiar words and give the required meaning.

Providing Examples, Definitions, and Terms

An effective essay must have an analysis, classification, comparisons, and evidence. For instance, quality definitive papers separate a word into different parts to follow a logical flow of ideas. In this case, learners may analyze, classify, compare, and define terms and provide their connections to other concepts in different body sections. Then, one should identify the main parts of a definition essay where specific words follow acceptable meanings or compare a complex meaning to a simpler one. In turn, examples help scholars to illustrate the purpose of the chosen terms. Moreover, relating specific meanings to familiar objects enhances one’s understanding. Therefore, people should analyze, classify, compare, and support words with actual examples.

General Definition Essay Format

Definition essays should follow a correct essay structure. For instance, the first part of this paper is an introduction, where students must state the term under analysis together with its conventional definition. Besides, the definitive introduction section should contain a thesis statement that includes unique descriptive writing. Then, the second section of a definition essay is a body, which contains different descriptive paragraphs. In turn, one should explore each approach used to define the word in a separate passage. Finally, the last part of a definition essay is a conclusion paragraph, which provides a summary of the main definition points. Basically, students should bring a definition essay into a closure while reflecting on the new meaning. Hence, learners should explain how a particular definition changed their prior knowledge.

Common Requirements for a Definition Thesis Statement

Being one of the key features of starting a definition essay, this definitive thesis statement does not conform to traditional academic essay guidelines concerning a generation approach. For example, a definition essay’s thesis statement presents a simple meaning based on the author’s understanding of the term. In this case, the definition provided in the main claim should be concise and elementary. Moreover, the outlined meaning must not contain a repetition of any part of the term and instances of passive phrases. In turn, audiences cannot predict the content of a definition paper after reading a college essay introduction section since all definitions should be provided and cited within body paragraphs. Therefore, a clear thesis statement reveals the author’s perspective regarding the most accurate definition.

Other Aspects for Choosing a Concept for Writing a Definition Essay

Given the difference between concrete and abstract concepts and terms, students must learn how to choose concepts for their definition essays. When choosing concepts, people must focus on what they can see or touch because it is easier to describe them. In this respect, concrete concepts should always be the first choice for students. However, since the course content determines the concept, one must know how to choose an abstract concept. The most critical detail when choosing a specific concept that one cannot see or touch is to focus on other aspects or elements with various meanings or interpretations because it increases room for discussion.

10 Common Types of Definition Essays

Students should identify the type when writing a definition essay if their instructor has not explicitly specified it. Given the possibility of writing about concrete or abstract concepts, one must know what kinds of essays fall under each category. In this case, there are various types of definition essays to write, and one must know the structural features of each to avoid producing poor-quality documents. An example of a low-standard definition essay is one with an illogical flow of ideas and thoughts. The following list provides examples of 10 common types of definition essays and their unique features.

  • Descriptions. When writing a definition essay and using descriptions, authors need to answer a ‘What’ question as their focus for discussing the term, concept, or even event. Under such a category of a descriptive essay, students can also write about their feelings or views about a specific situation. For example, people may write about ‘what’ they feel or think about an issue of abortion or any other, provide a description of this practice, and include other details of different opinions or positions in their definition essay.
  • Results. This type of a definition essay focuses on results or outcomes as the key concept. As such, writers can adopt concrete and abstract concepts because, while seeing or touching results is impossible, they can explain their outcomes. For example, some people may not see or touch homelessness, but they can explain it by pointing out other individuals living on city streets.
  • Uses. When writing this type of a definition essay, authors need to explain the uses of objects like surgical beds or ideas like artificial intelligence. In this respect, they can adopt concrete and abstract concepts when writing these texts.
  • Effects. In this definition essay, students must focus on the effects or consequences of using objects or materials like diesel to power industries or applying ideas like prudent financial management. From this perspective, they can also follow the concrete or abstract conceptual approach.
  • Negation. For writing a definition essay, authors should focus on contradicting or disapproving of a concept or idea, such as free speech. Therefore, when writing this definitive essay type, students should narrowly define the topic to avoid focusing on irrelevant details.
  • Comparison. This kind of a definition essay focuses on comparing and contrasting two objects, concepts, or ideas for better clarification. When writing this paper, students should highlight similarities and differences.
  • Origins. This form of a definition essay addresses the origin of an idea by focusing on its historical development. As such, writers should indicate the idea’s timeline from conception to full implementation.
  • Causes. When writing this type of definition essay, students need to focus on the factors behind a concept or idea. They must explain to the audience the circumstances under which this concept or issue had developed.
  • Classification. In this type of a definition essay, writers classify concepts or ideas based on specific criteria or structure to enhance differences. Therefore, when writing this text, students should focus on the features that make something distinct and classify those with greater similarities together.
  • Details. For writing a definition essay of this type, the writer’s main agenda is to provide the finer details of a specific concept or idea. Ideally, authors highlight traits and other qualities that advance the central idea. As such, when writing this paper, students should tell readers about every aspect of the concept or idea to enhance comprehensive understanding and knowledge.

Unique Elements of Writing a Definition Essay

Writing a definition essay is an academic exercise that demands the writer’s absolute intellectual focus and engagement. Ideally, students must ensure their papers meet all the characteristics of a definition essay, meaning they must incorporate certain concepts and ideas. These inputs are essential elements that make a definition paper unique from other types of academic texts. While writers do not need to capture all the aspects in their papers, they must address next ones:

A simple definition of analysis is a detailed examination of a concept or idea through components and defining each separately. For example, one can use headings to explain different aspects of the concrete or abstract idea. When writing a definition essay, students should incorporate this element because it is the platform upon which they provide the audience with an in-depth understanding and knowledge of the topical area. Typically, analyses involve using evidence to explore a concept or idea, concentrating on aspects that allow readers to adopt a broad perspective on concepts and ideas.

➖ Classification

Classification is a categorical statement locating a concept or idea within a specific knowledge area. For example, concrete and abstract concepts are two classifications writers should focus on when writing a definition essay. In turn, classification is the element that allows writers to establish an intellectual path for a definition their work because it is the basis by which they formulate arguments, observations, and opinions. These intellectual expressions differ between concrete and abstract concepts and ideas.

➖ Physical and Associative Characteristics

Physical characteristics are details that writers address to give their definition essays a physical structure, such as the topic, outline, and citations. On the other hand, associative characteristics are those details that writers capture in their work whose association advances understanding of the theme, such as a thesis, a topic sentence, an argument, and a conclusion. Essentially, these details must relate to each other. For example, topic sentences should capture an idea emphasizing an aspect of the thesis statement. Therefore, students must incorporate physical and associative features when writing definition essays to make their work of a high standard.

In a simple definition, examples are details that writers use to give the audience a mental picture of the concept or idea. When writing a definition essay, people should use examples as support instruments to make their work relatable to readers. Ideally, examples should not complicate understanding but rather simplify it. For instance, when talking about concrete and abstract concepts and ideas, students should use examples as details that allow readers to have a mental picture of the tangible concept like homeless shelters or intangible idea like homelessness.

➖ Applications

When writing a definition essay, students should apply what they have learned to make their papers of high quality and applicable to the reader’s context. In this case, a definition essay should not be for entertainment but for intellectual advancement. Therefore, one should incorporate ideas that develop the reader’s intellect when writing a definition essay. Such ideas are information sets that the audience should apply in their daily activities like consulting or intellectual engagements like scholarship.

➖ Comparison or Contrast

The best approach to expound similarities and differences between objects, concepts, or ideas is to compare or contrast them. Therefore, when writing a definition essay about two concepts or ideas, students should adopt this element as it would allow them to understand such aspects closely to inform readers of their similarities or differences. While a compare and contrast essay addresses similarities and differences, instructors can require students to focus on one aspect. However, without such specifications, students should focus on comparing similarities and contrasting differences between concrete or abstract concepts or ideas.

➖ General Information

General information is details that writers incorporate in their work to provide clarity as their background information, like a definition of the historical development of a single idea. In most instances, such information is vital in definitive essays about abstract concepts and ideas because they do not expire like concrete aspects. Typically, telling the audience about the origin of an idea and the people who have helped develop it, such as theorists, is critical in making definition essays impactful because readers can appreciate a historical timeline. Therefore, the task is the primary determinant of whether students should incorporate background information in their texts. For a definition essay on abstract ideas, writers can tell readers about theorists, while, for such papers on concrete concepts, they can tell the audience about innovations.

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Examples of Topics for Writing a Definition Essay

When writing a definition essay, students should determine whether a particular topic is about a concrete or abstract concept or idea. In most instances, instructors specify the topic, but students can have many options in deciding which one to choose. In the latter’s case, one should be careful not to select a complicated theme because one might experience difficulty generating ideas. The following list comprises easy definition essay topics because they require writers to incorporate some or all of the elements above.

  • Exploring the Essence of Success: A Philosophical Approach
  • Defining College as a Concept in Higher Education Learning
  • How Does Artificial Intelligence (AI) Affect Healthcare?
  • Analyzing Social Media and Explore Its Role in Professional Relationships
  • What Is the Meaning of Happiness?
  • What Is Success?
  • Explaining Freedom as an Abstract Concept
  • What Is Religious Tolerance?
  • Discussing the Meaning of Individualism

Example of an Outline Template for Writing a Good Definition Essay

I. Definition Essay Introduction

  • Hook: Open with a fact, quote, catchy phrase, or question to grab the audience’s attention.
  • Background Information: Provide readers with a brief explanation of the topic and its importance to the discipline, profession, or society.
  • Thesis Statement: Close the introduction with a statement clearly stating the paper’s agenda.

II. Definition Essay Body

  • First body paragraph writing: Provide a historical definition of the concept or idea, including its origin and evolution.
  • Second body paragraph: Define the term from the perspectives of the official definition, such as a dictionary, and include own understanding based on the level of education.
  • Third body paragraph: Explain own understanding of the term and its interpretation and incorporate examples.
  • Fourth body paragraph: Use scholarly evidence, such as scholars’ opinions, to explain the term and evaluate how this evidence differs from the own definition of the term.
  • Sixth body paragraph: Discuss the uses of the term and how society reflects it.

Note: Definition body paragraphs can be added or deleted depending on a college essay length. Writing a definition essay for 1000 words, including introduction and conclusion parts, means the number of 5 paragraphs in total, being a good choice for providing a high-quality paper.

III. Definition Essay Conclusion Example

  • Restate the thesis and summarize the definition of the term and why it matters.
  • State the term’s implications by stating how one’s knowledge of it influences their thinking and behavior.
  • State a call to action by encouraging the audience to use the term correctly.

Example of Writing a Definition Essay

Topic: What Is Success?

I. Sample Introduction of a Definition Essay

Success is integral to life satisfaction for anyone. Throughout civilizations, the humans’ major preoccupation is to succeed in various endeavors. From a national perspective, governments initiate various development projects to make their countries ideal places for people to live and work. At the institutional or organizational level, leaders plan strategically to move their entities toward profitability and sustainability. At the individual level, people are forever pursuing goals, such as education, to experience economic and social mobility. In particular, success is the outcome that individuals, organizations, and nations seek to flourish politically, economically, socially, and culturally.

II. Body Paragraph 1: Defining a Historical Context of Success

Success is a term having historical roots in human society. In almost every generation, humans have used success to motivate political, economic, social, and cultural developments. For example, the significant milestones in medicine are based on people’s desire to enjoy perfect health in the context of emerging and evolving medical complications. The same case applies to politics since various concepts like democracy are a product of people’s desire to enjoy a vibrant political system where fundamental freedoms and rights are a norm rather than an exception. Therefore, success is a term that underscores humanity’s desire for progress across various life dimensions.

III. Body Paragraph 2: Providing Definitions of Success

Officially, success means “the accomplishment of an aim or purpose” or “an expected outcome of an undertaking.” From these definitions, it is evident that success means a positive outcome. However, society understands success from a broader perspective than these definitions. In this case, a popular definition of success is growth. Basically, nature did not intend for humans to be stagnant, while physical growth is a natural outcome of time. Likewise, when people invest time and resources into an undertaking, they expect growth. In this respect, success is evident at the national, organizational, and personal levels because all these entities desire and experience growth.

IV. Body Paragraph 3: Explaining a Definition of Success

A review of society through political, economic, social, and cultural lenses reveals success as a standard outcome of investing time and resources. Some countries are more developed than others because they have invested heavily in establishing the proper infrastructures. The same principle goes for organizations, families, and individuals. For example, Europe’s 19th-century industrial age was fundamental in establishing the appropriate national and regional economic development frameworks. In contrast, the colonization of Africa during the same period undermined the establishment of the right political, economic, and social infrastructures in African countries. As a result, Europe is more developed than Africa. Therefore, success is deliberate, while governments, organizations, and individuals must desire growth and implement suitable measures to experience success.

V. Body Paragraph 4: Using Scholarly Evidence for a Definition Essay

The scholarship is precise that success is instrumental to life satisfaction. Various authors, scholars, and researchers have written millions of documents to explain the relationship between success and happiness. For example, psychologists note that success in education, career, or marriage motivates people to adopt the right attitudes and behaviors, attracting more pleasure in intimate, familial, and professional relationships. In this sense, success is fundamental to life satisfaction in human society. Even at the national and organizational level, people get promotions because they succeed in projects.

VI. Body Paragraph 5: Society’s Views on Defining Success

Society has deeply entrenched success as a term denoting national, organizational, and personal development, growth, and progress. Typically, most people associate the word with finances, where people with more money in their bank are successful, and those without are not. However, success is not only about money but also about having rewarding relationships and a purpose in life.

VII. Conclusion Sample of a Definition Essay

Success is significant in human society because it historically implies political, economic, social, and cultural progresses. Although most people use success in familial and individual contexts, it also applies to national and organizational levels. Therefore, when using the term, people must refer to growth and development across various life dimensions.

4 Easy Steps for Writing a Definition Essay

Writing a perfect definition essay is a technical process that requires students to grasp critical details about what it takes to produce a high-standard text. In other words, there is a mindset that one should have when writing academic texts. This mindset includes an intellectual focus on what is necessary in every step of writing a definition essay. As a result, 4 main steps that students should consider essential in developing a definition essay are preparation, stage set-up, producing a first draft, and perfecting a final draft to make a quality paper.

Step 1: Preparation

Preparation is critical for success in any writing assignment. In this first step of writing a definition essay, the students’ primary agenda is to develop right attitudes and behaviors. The first task is to define a specific topic if instructors have not specified one. Even if some lecturers have specified themes for analysis, students should determine whether the idea or concept is concrete or abstract. The next activity is to generate ideas that students will use to tell their readers about the concept or idea. Doing so requires writers to consider the audience of their work because it will determine the simplicity or complexity of the text’s language. Hence, when preparing to start and write a definition essay, students should begin by engaging in tasks that make it easier to accomplish first.

Step 2: Stage Set-Up

The second step in writing a definition essay is setting the stage and ensuring all necessary resources are available. The writer’s attitude is integral at this stage. The first task is to find credible sources that provide essential details about the concrete or abstract concept, such as background information (origin and evolution). Research is an integral part of this task because it generates valid ideas. Further on, students should read reliable sources while taking notes to ensure their views are scholarly. However, they should use ideas from academic sources as a pointer to their arguments. In other words, a definition essay should demonstrate the writer’s perspective. Another critical task is to develop a clear outline to facilitate a proper organization of ideas.

Step 3: The Writing Process

The third step in writing a definition essay is to begin writing, focusing on producing an initial draft. This first paper should incorporate all ideas that writers have generated before. It is not essential to assess their logical flow at this point. The next task is determining whether some ideas are sufficient or excessive for a definitive paper. In the case of the former, writers should add new sources but delete some if the latter is not actual. Moreover, students who add or delete references must alter their outlines to fit new ideas or changes. In other words, the draft paper should refrain from repeating ideas or leaving readers hanging because of incomplete arguments. In this respect, writers must read through their work to ensure the actual outline fits their views.

Writing an Introduction for a Definition Essay

When writing this first part of a definition essay’s outline, one should focus on a hook, background information, and thesis. A hook is a quote, phrase, fact, or question that grabs readers’ attention to make them want to continue reading the entire paper. Background information details the origin, history, and evolution of the concrete or abstract term, idea, or concept. The thesis is a statement sentence that summarizes the writer’s main agenda for writing a definition essay.

Writing Body Paragraphs for a Definition Essay

In this second part of a definition essay’s outline, students should focus on informing readers about the concrete or abstract term, idea, or concept. As such, writers should incorporate several paragraphs to address essential details, including the historical context of the term, concept, or idea; the official definition or understanding of the term, idea, or concept; and the writer’s definition, knowledge, and interpretation of the term, concept, or idea. In turn, students must adopt evidence-based writing by incorporating scholarly evidence in their work to support arguments or ideas and cite all the sources used, following MLA, APA, Chicago/Turabian, or Harvard referencing rules to avoid plagiarism cases.

Writing a Conclusion for a Definition Essay

In this last part of a definition essay, students should summarize their papers by reminding the audience about the thesis and briefly reiterating the historical context of the concrete or abstract term, idea, or concept. Lastly, writers should emphasize the importance of correctly using the word, idea, or concept.

Step 4: Wrap Up

The last step of writing a definition essay is to perfect a first draft paper by eliminating errors that might affect its quality and lead to rejection. The first task is to revise draft papers by adding or deleting words or statements to make the essay sensible. Ideally, writers should request another person to read their definition essays and point out logical inconsistencies. The next task is to edit documents by ensuring all essential details are included and providing correct headings. In turn, students should ensure that every paragraph has a topic sentence, descriptive details cited from sources, an explanation, a concluding sentence, and a transition. Lastly, authors should confirm that the definition essay’s formatting is correct by ensuring it aligns with the applicable style: MLA, APA, Chicago/Turabian, or Harvard, among others. Ensuring there are citations put correctly is integral to this task.

20 Tips for Writing a Definition Essay

Writing a definition essay is an intellectually vigorous exercise that requires students to grasp critical details. Some tips for writing this type of text include selecting a concrete or abstract term, idea, or concept; researching the word, idea, or concept in scholarly sources; developing a well-organized outline that comprises three parts of introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion; writing the first draft as a start for writing; and perfecting the final draft by eliminating all grammatical errors, missing punctuation, formatting mistakes, wrong citations, illogical flaws, and inconsistent arguments or ideas.

The Dos in Writing a Definition Essay Include:

  • choose a concrete or abstract term, idea, or concept one is familiar with to avoid complications in idea generation;
  • select a challenging term, idea, or concept to spur deep thinking;
  • consult online dictionaries to understand the meaning of the term, idea, or concept;
  • contrast the official meaning of the word and one’s meaning and understanding;
  • clarify which definition or meaning the paper adopts;
  • discuss in detail how society uses the term, idea, or concept;
  • provide examples to advance the reader’s understanding;
  • state own perspective about the term, idea, or concept;
  • underscore the implication or significance of the term, idea, or concept to society;
  • advise on the use of the term, idea, or concept.

The Don’ts Are:

  • spending too much time and energy writing the introduction;
  • generalizing the concrete or abstract term, idea, or concept;
  • narrating a long history of the term, idea, or concept;
  • writing long sentences;
  • using a short form of words or ideas;
  • providing irrelevant definitions and meanings;
  • covering unverifiable facts;
  • complicating the title;
  • introducing new arguments and ideas in the conclusion part;
  • leaving readers hanging without telling them the implication or significance of the term, concept, or idea to society.

Summing Up on How to Write a Perfect Definition Essay

Definition essays are complicated and hard to write since the scholars’ intensive engagement in research yields findings whose documentation may be facilitated by writing skills. Basically, writing a research paper or a research proposal often employs the concept of methodological reductionism. In this case, writers may use any technique to create an independent definition of a term. Consequently, scholars must write a definitive essay that describes the meaning of a word within the context of a study, while complex and debatable terms are suitable. Moreover, prudent learners include potential elements, like analysis, classification, comparisons, and evidence, because these tools ensure that readers understand the new meaning provided. Finally, one should cover a right structure for a definition essay, including a definitive introduction with a correct thesis statement and providing as many body paragraphs as needed for an assignment. In turn, the last section is a conclusion that brings a definition essay to closure and provides the writer’s insights. As a result, definition essays reduce the likelihood of incorrect interpretation of findings that may be caused by the lack of a constrained definition. However, writing a good definition essay requires students to learn several final provisions:

  • Determine the term, idea, or concept that the instructor has specified and whether it is concrete or abstract.
  • If the instructor has not specified any term, idea, or concept, select one that is easier to define.
  • Analyze the origin of the term, idea, or concept with few explanations.
  • Develop a clear and precise introduction.
  • Keep sentences short and understandable.
  • Write words fully to enable the audience to understand ideas without confusion.
  • Provide own perspective about the term, idea, or concept without changing the meaning.
  • Use between five and eight words to write a good definition essay title.
  • Eliminate all grammatical and formatting flaws and correct any illogical statements undermining the flow of thoughts.
  • Proofread the final work.


  • How to Write a Definition Essay
  • How to Write a Definition Essay: Steps, Tips + 100 Topics

How to Write a Definition Essay: Steps, Tips + 100 Topics

What Is a Definition Essay?

Definition essay: how does it look like, how to choose an effective topic, how to write a definition essay in 5 steps, step #1 : start with choosing a good topic, step #2 : apply primary sources, step #3 : disclose term in the introduction, step #4 : reveal the term in the body paragraph, step #5 : provide vivid examples, writing a definition essay: striking tips, structure of an effective definition essay: how to make it brilliant, definition essay outline, introduction, thesis statement of a definition essay, definition essay: body paragraphs, definition essay conclusion, 100 outstanding definition essay topics, family definition essay topics, definition essay on love: topics, freedom definition essays, happiness definition essay, common topics for definition essay, extended definition essay topics, definition argument essay topics, definition essay topics for college, simple definition essay topics.

When you are looking for a definition essay topic, you may notice that some interesting titles, topics draw you in. On the other hand, some topics are boring & they just pass over. This fact shows the importance of choosing a good definition essay topic and creating a good title when you are working on your paper. For some students, this kind of writing may seem hard. In this article, we will explain how to write a definition essay & we’ll give a list of successful examples of topics in different categories. Keep reading, find more information and get help with your writing.

It is a special kind of writing papers which is defining particular terms, in other words, a definition paper is a piece of writing that explains what some term means. For example, you may define the meaning of such words as “love”, “freedom”,”family”, etc. Some words have quite concrete meanings: table, paper, car, etc. But there are terms which are more abstract, convey extensive, complex concepts, meanings: happiness, honesty, justice. The explanation of these words depends on the situation in which they are used & on the point of view of a particular person.

A definition essay is a type of an academic writing paper, which takes minimum half of a page and looks similar to a detailed dictionary explanation but a bit more extended. It is not so complicated as it may seem at first sight but if you feel that it is hard for you or you are restricted in time, you may get a help from professional writers on any kinds of assignments, any topics.

Since in your paper you have to give a more extended explanation of a word that dictionaries give, it’s better to choose the broad term which will be defined. You can’t succeed with a paper if you choose the words like “cup” or “cheese” because you’ll be able to reveal only the specific & narrow meaning of a simple word. Always pick up broad terms. In this way, you are able to give many definitions of the same word, different opinions, give the explanation, and provide your own interpretation. Don’t forget to mention some examples from a real life to support your definitions. For example, Time management can be an interesting topic for an essay. You can find an essay on time management in our library and take it as an example.

Experts distinguish several groups of topics, choosing which you can develop a good paper for this writing assignment:

  • General Issues;
  • History, Politics, Governance;
  • Abstract Terms (Happiness Definition Essay);
  • Special Terms;
  • Topics on Society (Family Definition Essay);
  • Religion Issues;
  • Disputed Issues (Freedom Definition Essay), etc.

Now you've already learned what is a definition essay, time to discover how to write a definition essay, which steps you should follow.

This is the first step you experience in your writing process. Choose complex, complicated, broad term & you’ll have an opportunity to get a high grade. Broad, multiple meanings, an interesting history, origins will provide you with a success. Doesn’t matter you choose definition argumentative essay topics or common topics for definition essay, make sure your topic is complex. How to understand that the topic is good enough? If you realize that you can’t explain the word in 1-2-3 sentences, grab it, that’s the ticket.

First of all, provide explanations from well-known encyclopedias, vocabularies, dictionaries, textbooks. You can use the Merriam-Webster dictionary or any other trusted source. This will allow showing your audience the way in which the majority explains your topic.

Tell your reader what the term stands for in the introduction. Make him keep reading by showing that in this definition paper he will find interesting, alternative, sophisticated definitions.

This is the main part of your definition paper. Give full, detailed information on the chosen topic. Write 2 or 3 body paragraphs, do not overload your paper with unnecessary information, and don’t give definitions which are duplicating each other.

Find and provide several bright and sound examples which can interpret, show the definition. Explain your personal opinion on the topic.

Don't have inspiration? Buy essay online form academic experts and get a top-notch paper tailored to your instructions. 

  • Before choosing the topic, explore all topic ideas meticulously and make a decision wisely;
  • Make paragraphs of your definition paper logically united with the help of transition words, phrases;
  • Choose words with multiple meanings or multi-dimensional words. It is great if a word has a lot of synonyms – you have a chance to shine a light;
  • The dynamic definition is also a good idea. They are more complex than static ones. For example, a definition essay on love will give you a great deal of room for creativity;
  • Provide examples from a real life;
  • Proofread, edit your work, avoid errors in grammar;
  • Make an in-depth research: historical research gives you the understanding of the origin and meaning of the topic.

In order to learn how to write a definition essay, you should know the structure of an effective paper. Read about it in this section of the article. A well-written definition assignment purely focuses on the explanation of the specific term and should be created according to the following structure:

  • Introduction;
  • Thesis statement;
  • Conclusion.

A definition paper as any other type of writing assignment has to have an outline. Why do you need it? With its help, you can distinguish the complexity of the topic, the length, structure of the body part.

This introductory part should contain the main explanation of the word given by a well-known, trusted dictionary. Search in online dictionaries or find it in the library. Develop your own context of the definition paper and give the official meaning which suits. It is also a good idea to start with a hook – some interesting details which can motivate your reader to read your work. You can use:

  • Persuasive statistics;
  • Interesting fact;
  • Metaphor or literary quote;
  • Famous people's stories or cities, etc.

It has to build a smooth type of transition and introduce the body paragraphs.

The thesis statement is the main argument of the definition essay which the student should provide at the end of his introduction. It doesn’t have to be a regular thesis statement, as you know in the definition paper you should not prove anything. The main goal of this kind of paper is just to explain the term. Simply decide on the clearest, complex explanation and make it your thesis statement.

The writing process becomes more straightforward when it comes to writing your body part. All you need is just conducting research and nailing down explanations of definition in a logical way. Share different points of view and explain the whole meaning for the word. Each idea or point of view should have a separate paragraph. The structure of the body part can be the following:

  • 1 claim: it includes the first entire meaning;
  • 2 claim: includes another aspect of the term;
  • 3 claim: includes the third opinion or explanation of the term.

You can tell about the origin or the history of the term in body paragraphs. Also, give your own definition.

In conclusion, you should summarize all meanings of the word which you reveal and come to a single conclusion. Add a short summary, analysis of explanations and restate the thesis statement which you provided in the introduction.

We have given you tips on how to write a definition essay, here you can find extraordinary definition essay topics from different categories. Find extended definition essay topics, definition essay topics for college and many others on our list.

  • What is a family
  • What role does the family play in a modern society
  • Childfree couple: can it be called a family
  • Does a happy family have distinguishing features
  • Bloodline – is it necessary for being a family
  • Family obligations: who is the main in the family
  • Extended families: their role in people’s lives
  • Small, medium, & big families
  • Social Media : influence on a family
  • Single parenting: can one parent be a family
  • Parents’ love & development of the kids’ personality
  • Meaning of love in a family
  • Love: a common interpretation
  • The modern concept of love: influence of the same-gender relationships
  • First love: its influence on people’s lives
  • Love: reality or a fairy tale?
  • Love & long-distance relationships
  • Qualities of love
  • Love: a way of harmonization of a person
  • Love & trust
  • Freedom: general meanings
  • Freedom & communism
  • Meaning of freedom for a modern youth
  • Freedom & Independence
  • Does everyone deserve freedom
  • Freedom for today’s society
  • Freedom & happiness: what is the main & what is a derivative thing
  • Freedom & justice
  • Is it possible to feel freedom if you live in a modern society system
  • Freedom: why some prisoners prefer to stay in a prison
  • Happiness as a motivation for success
  • Happiness & influence of family
  • Happiness: common meanings
  • Happiness as a main positive feeling
  • Happiness: the influence of a happy childhood on a personality
  • What does happiness mean for a modern person
  • Happiness & money in a modern society
  • Happiness: what does it consist of
  • Can a person be happy without love
  • How can you define a happiness
  • Laziness & student’s life
  • Respect: meaning for a relationships
  • American dream: general meaning (Consult: American dream essay )
  • Right to privacy & social networks
  • Loyalty & family relationships
  • Fashion: influence on teenagers
  • Racism: different aspects of the term
  • Terrorism: one of the main problems of the 21st century
  • Healthy living - a way of life or new religion
  • Maturity: does it depend only on the age
  • Caring parents or despots: punishment measures
  • Social Media, modern society, & communication
  • What is common between self-development & self-assurance
  • Downshifting – can it be called as a person’s way of development
  • Procrastination: how can we overcome it
  • Hostility & a real friendship – how to recognize
  • Falsehood and secrecy in a relationship
  • When a person can be called honest
  • Modern education: is it able to develop individuality of a student
  • Dependence & individuality of minor kids
  • Charisma: why it is important for a manager
  • Team player or individual performer: which skill is more important
  • Natural Beauty: why it is important to save it in the era of plastic surgery
  • Ambitions: the most important what a young specialist may have
  • Using electronic devices in a class
  • Racism: reasons why it should be stopped all over the world
  • Death penalty: is it acceptable in the modern world
  • Place of women in modern business
  • Corporate culture: why it is a competitive advantage
  • E-commerce as a future of business
  • Cell phone applications for studying
  • The healthy way of living: the general explanation of the meaning
  • What is a good job: which factors should be taken into account
  • Second language: obligatory skill for a high-educated person
  • Happy marriage & its influence on the person’s success
  • Love & its meaning for teenagers
  • College degree: is it necessary for a success
  • Democracy: is it a condition of a freedom
  • Career or family: can a person succeed in both
  • College application: why it is important to impress

Find out more about College Essays here.

You can choose these topics if you already know how to write a definition essay, you’re good at it & you are sure about your writing skills.

  • Peace of mind
  • Political correctness
  • Frustration
  • Sense of humor
  • Sportsmanship
  • Individualism
  • Self-respect
  • Trustworthy
  • Responsibility (read about how to write an essay about responsibility here)
  • Peer pressure
  • Human Cloning
  • Creative mind

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Informative essay writing is an art that every student needs to master. In order to graduate from any educational establishment, one has to accomplish a lot of writing assignments successfully. Thus, essay writing skills are of utmost importance when it comes to student’s academic performance and gr...


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  • A step-by-step guide to the writing process

The Writing Process | 5 Steps with Examples & Tips

Published on April 24, 2020 by Jack Caulfield . Revised on December 8, 2023.

The writing process steps

Good academic writing requires effective planning, drafting, and revision.

The writing process looks different for everyone, but there are five basic steps that will help you structure your time when writing any kind of text.

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See an example

steps to writing a definition essay

Table of contents

Step 1: prewriting, step 2: planning and outlining, step 3: writing a first draft, step 4: redrafting and revising, step 5: editing and proofreading, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about the writing process.

Before you start writing, you need to decide exactly what you’ll write about and do the necessary research.

Coming up with a topic

If you have to come up with your own topic for an assignment, think of what you’ve covered in class— is there a particular area that intrigued, interested, or even confused you? Topics that left you with additional questions are perfect, as these are questions you can explore in your writing.

The scope depends on what type of text you’re writing—for example, an essay or a research paper will be less in-depth than a dissertation topic . Don’t pick anything too ambitious to cover within the word count, or too limited for you to find much to say.

Narrow down your idea to a specific argument or question. For example, an appropriate topic for an essay might be narrowed down like this:

Doing the research

Once you know your topic, it’s time to search for relevant sources and gather the information you need. This process varies according to your field of study and the scope of the assignment. It might involve:

  • Searching for primary and secondary sources .
  • Reading the relevant texts closely (e.g. for literary analysis ).
  • Collecting data using relevant research methods (e.g. experiments , interviews or surveys )

From a writing perspective, the important thing is to take plenty of notes while you do the research. Keep track of the titles, authors, publication dates, and relevant quotations from your sources; the data you gathered; and your initial analysis or interpretation of the questions you’re addressing.

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Especially in academic writing , it’s important to use a logical structure to convey information effectively. It’s far better to plan this out in advance than to try to work out your structure once you’ve already begun writing.

Creating an essay outline is a useful way to plan out your structure before you start writing. This should help you work out the main ideas you want to focus on and how you’ll organize them. The outline doesn’t have to be final—it’s okay if your structure changes throughout the writing process.

Use bullet points or numbering to make your structure clear at a glance. Even for a short text that won’t use headings, it’s useful to summarize what you’ll discuss in each paragraph.

An outline for a literary analysis essay might look something like this:

  • Describe the theatricality of Austen’s works
  • Outline the role theater plays in Mansfield Park
  • Introduce the research question: How does Austen use theater to express the characters’ morality in Mansfield Park ?
  • Discuss Austen’s depiction of the performance at the end of the first volume
  • Discuss how Sir Bertram reacts to the acting scheme
  • Introduce Austen’s use of stage direction–like details during dialogue
  • Explore how these are deployed to show the characters’ self-absorption
  • Discuss Austen’s description of Maria and Julia’s relationship as polite but affectionless
  • Compare Mrs. Norris’s self-conceit as charitable despite her idleness
  • Summarize the three themes: The acting scheme, stage directions, and the performance of morals
  • Answer the research question
  • Indicate areas for further study

Once you have a clear idea of your structure, it’s time to produce a full first draft.

This process can be quite non-linear. For example, it’s reasonable to begin writing with the main body of the text, saving the introduction for later once you have a clearer idea of the text you’re introducing.

To give structure to your writing, use your outline as a framework. Make sure that each paragraph has a clear central focus that relates to your overall argument.

Hover over the parts of the example, from a literary analysis essay on Mansfield Park , to see how a paragraph is constructed.

The character of Mrs. Norris provides another example of the performance of morals in Mansfield Park . Early in the novel, she is described in scathing terms as one who knows “how to dictate liberality to others: but her love of money was equal to her love of directing” (p. 7). This hypocrisy does not interfere with her self-conceit as “the most liberal-minded sister and aunt in the world” (p. 7). Mrs. Norris is strongly concerned with appearing charitable, but unwilling to make any personal sacrifices to accomplish this. Instead, she stage-manages the charitable actions of others, never acknowledging that her schemes do not put her own time or money on the line. In this way, Austen again shows us a character whose morally upright behavior is fundamentally a performance—for whom the goal of doing good is less important than the goal of seeming good.

When you move onto a different topic, start a new paragraph. Use appropriate transition words and phrases to show the connections between your ideas.

The goal at this stage is to get a draft completed, not to make everything perfect as you go along. Once you have a full draft in front of you, you’ll have a clearer idea of where improvement is needed.

Give yourself a first draft deadline that leaves you a reasonable length of time to revise, edit, and proofread before the final deadline. For a longer text like a dissertation, you and your supervisor might agree on deadlines for individual chapters.

Now it’s time to look critically at your first draft and find potential areas for improvement. Redrafting means substantially adding or removing content, while revising involves making changes to structure and reformulating arguments.

Evaluating the first draft

It can be difficult to look objectively at your own writing. Your perspective might be positively or negatively biased—especially if you try to assess your work shortly after finishing it.

It’s best to leave your work alone for at least a day or two after completing the first draft. Come back after a break to evaluate it with fresh eyes; you’ll spot things you wouldn’t have otherwise.

When evaluating your writing at this stage, you’re mainly looking for larger issues such as changes to your arguments or structure. Starting with bigger concerns saves you time—there’s no point perfecting the grammar of something you end up cutting out anyway.

Right now, you’re looking for:

  • Arguments that are unclear or illogical.
  • Areas where information would be better presented in a different order.
  • Passages where additional information or explanation is needed.
  • Passages that are irrelevant to your overall argument.

For example, in our paper on Mansfield Park , we might realize the argument would be stronger with more direct consideration of the protagonist Fanny Price, and decide to try to find space for this in paragraph IV.

For some assignments, you’ll receive feedback on your first draft from a supervisor or peer. Be sure to pay close attention to what they tell you, as their advice will usually give you a clearer sense of which aspects of your text need improvement.

Redrafting and revising

Once you’ve decided where changes are needed, make the big changes first, as these are likely to have knock-on effects on the rest. Depending on what your text needs, this step might involve:

  • Making changes to your overall argument.
  • Reordering the text.
  • Cutting parts of the text.
  • Adding new text.

You can go back and forth between writing, redrafting and revising several times until you have a final draft that you’re happy with.

Think about what changes you can realistically accomplish in the time you have. If you are running low on time, you don’t want to leave your text in a messy state halfway through redrafting, so make sure to prioritize the most important changes.

Editing focuses on local concerns like clarity and sentence structure. Proofreading involves reading the text closely to remove typos and ensure stylistic consistency. You can check all your drafts and texts in minutes with an AI proofreader .

Editing for grammar and clarity

When editing, you want to ensure your text is clear, concise, and grammatically correct. You’re looking out for:

  • Grammatical errors.
  • Ambiguous phrasings.
  • Redundancy and repetition .

In your initial draft, it’s common to end up with a lot of sentences that are poorly formulated. Look critically at where your meaning could be conveyed in a more effective way or in fewer words, and watch out for common sentence structure mistakes like run-on sentences and sentence fragments:

  • Austen’s style is frequently humorous, her characters are often described as “witty.” Although this is less true of Mansfield Park .
  • Austen’s style is frequently humorous. Her characters are often described as “witty,” although this is less true of Mansfield Park .

To make your sentences run smoothly, you can always use a paraphrasing tool to rewrite them in a clearer way.

Proofreading for small mistakes and typos

When proofreading, first look out for typos in your text:

  • Spelling errors.
  • Missing words.
  • Confused word choices .
  • Punctuation errors .
  • Missing or excess spaces.

Use a grammar checker , but be sure to do another manual check after. Read through your text line by line, watching out for problem areas highlighted by the software but also for any other issues it might have missed.

For example, in the following phrase we notice several errors:

  • Mary Crawfords character is a complicate one and her relationships with Fanny and Edmund undergoes several transformations through out the novel.
  • Mary Crawford’s character is a complicated one, and her relationships with both Fanny and Edmund undergo several transformations throughout the novel.

Proofreading for stylistic consistency

There are several issues in academic writing where you can choose between multiple different standards. For example:

  • Whether you use the serial comma .
  • Whether you use American or British spellings and punctuation (you can use a punctuation checker for this).
  • Where you use numerals vs. words for numbers.
  • How you capitalize your titles and headings.

Unless you’re given specific guidance on these issues, it’s your choice which standards you follow. The important thing is to consistently follow one standard for each issue. For example, don’t use a mixture of American and British spellings in your paper.

Additionally, you will probably be provided with specific guidelines for issues related to format (how your text is presented on the page) and citations (how you acknowledge your sources). Always follow these instructions carefully.

If you want to know more about AI for academic writing, AI tools, or fallacies make sure to check out some of our other articles with explanations and examples or go directly to our tools!

  • Ad hominem fallacy
  • Post hoc fallacy
  • Appeal to authority fallacy
  • False cause fallacy
  • Sunk cost fallacy
  • Deep learning
  • Generative AI
  • Machine learning
  • Reinforcement learning
  • Supervised vs. unsupervised learning

 (AI) Tools

  • Grammar Checker
  • Paraphrasing Tool
  • Text Summarizer
  • AI Detector
  • Plagiarism Checker
  • Citation Generator

Revising, proofreading, and editing are different stages of the writing process .

  • Revising is making structural and logical changes to your text—reformulating arguments and reordering information.
  • Editing refers to making more local changes to things like sentence structure and phrasing to make sure your meaning is conveyed clearly and concisely.
  • Proofreading involves looking at the text closely, line by line, to spot any typos and issues with consistency and correct them.

Whether you’re publishing a blog, submitting a research paper , or even just writing an important email, there are a few techniques you can use to make sure it’s error-free:

  • Take a break : Set your work aside for at least a few hours so that you can look at it with fresh eyes.
  • Proofread a printout : Staring at a screen for too long can cause fatigue – sit down with a pen and paper to check the final version.
  • Use digital shortcuts : Take note of any recurring mistakes (for example, misspelling a particular word, switching between US and UK English , or inconsistently capitalizing a term), and use Find and Replace to fix it throughout the document.

If you want to be confident that an important text is error-free, it might be worth choosing a professional proofreading service instead.

If you’ve gone over the word limit set for your assignment, shorten your sentences and cut repetition and redundancy during the editing process. If you use a lot of long quotes , consider shortening them to just the essentials.

If you need to remove a lot of words, you may have to cut certain passages. Remember that everything in the text should be there to support your argument; look for any information that’s not essential to your point and remove it.

To make this process easier and faster, you can use a paraphrasing tool . With this tool, you can rewrite your text to make it simpler and shorter. If that’s not enough, you can copy-paste your paraphrased text into the summarizer . This tool will distill your text to its core message.

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Caulfield, J. (2023, December 08). The Writing Process | 5 Steps with Examples & Tips. Scribbr. Retrieved July 6, 2024, from

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Jack Caulfield

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What are the Steps to Write a Definition Essay?

How to write a definition essay.

A definition essay is expository writing; it explains a word, idea or concept through personal commentary and reflection. Usually it will be an abstract idea. Everyone agrees what a tree or a car is, but you seldom see agreement on the definition of "love" or "success" -- these abstract words are topics that definition essays attempt to clarify, through a series of simple steps.

First Step, Word and Context

In step one, you select your idea to define and decide on its context. It should be arguable and complex in its differing uses. The word "success," for example, means something quite different to a young athlete than it does to an elderly retiree or a child fresh from a board game. Decide what the idea means to you and how you personally analyze it, remembering that you need enough varied examples to create an essay: what success meant to you in school, how you measure it now and so on.

Second Step, Thesis Statement

The second step is creating a thesis statement for the essay; the thesis statement explains the word in the context you are using. You can define a word by its function -- what it does -- or by its structure -- how it is organized -- or by analysis. The last, where you break down the different ways the word is used or understood, is the preferable method. It should lead to your personal experiences of "success," all of which should explain the concept and help readers understand it as you do.

Step Three, Body Examples

The third step is to fill your essay with examples and anecdotes that make the term and its context clear to your readers; your essay draft should support your concept with concrete details and commentary. The pattern is simple: begin a body paragraph with a topic sentence such as "Success in school to me meant praise from professors." Follow this with a concrete detail -- an anecdote about a successful class -- and commentary, analysis of the anecdote. Make sure to transition from one idea to another smoothly: "Another kind of personal success is--"

Final Step, Finishing

As with all essays, you revise and check your work, making sure your thesis is clear, concepts are organized, examples are valid, transitions are smooth. Be sure the essay defines and explains your concept as a whole. Now, if you apply to a college and your admission prompt happens to be "What does success mean to you?" -- you are certainly ready to answer.

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  • Austin Peay State University: Academic Support Center Writing Lab: Definition Essay
  • City University of New York: CUNY WriteSite: Writing Projects: Stages of Writing: Drafting
  • The Definition Essay
  • Purdue University: OWL Purdue Online Writing Lab: Expository Essay

Michael Stratford is a National Board-certified and Single Subject Credentialed teacher with a Master of Science in educational rehabilitation (University of Montana, 1995). He has taught English at the 6-12 level for more than 20 years. He has written extensively in literary criticism, student writing syllabi and numerous classroom educational paradigms.

How to Write a Business Plan: Your Step-by-Step Guide

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So, you’ve got an idea and you want to start a business —great! Before you do anything else, like seek funding or build out a team, you'll need to know how to write a business plan. This plan will serve as the foundation of your company while also giving investors and future employees a clear idea of your purpose.

Below, Lauren Cobello, Founder and CEO of Leverage with Media PR , gives her best advice on how to make a business plan for your company.

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What is a business plan, and when do you need one?

According to Cobello, a business plan is a document that contains the mission of the business and a brief overview of it, as well as the objectives, strategies, and financial plans of the founder. A business plan comes into play very early on in the process of starting a company—more or less before you do anything else.

“You should start a company with a business plan in mind—especially if you plan to get funding for the company,” Cobello says. “You’re going to need it.”

Whether that funding comes from a loan, an investor, or crowdsourcing, a business plan is imperative to secure the capital, says the U.S. Small Business Administration . Anyone who’s considering giving you money is going to want to review your business plan before doing so. That means before you head into any meeting, make sure you have physical copies of your business plan to share.

Different types of business plans

The four main types of business plans are:

Startup Business Plans

Internal business plans, strategic business plans, one-page business plans.

Let's break down each one:

If you're wondering how to write a business plan for a startup, Cobello has advice for you. Startup business plans are the most common type, she says, and they are a critical tool for new business ventures that want funding. A startup is defined as a company that’s in its first stages of operations, founded by an entrepreneur who has a product or service idea.

Most startups begin with very little money, so they need a strong business plan to convince family, friends, banks, and/or venture capitalists to invest in the new company.

Internal business plans “are for internal use only,” says Cobello. This kind of document is not public-facing, only company-facing, and it contains an outline of the company’s business strategy, financial goals and budgets, and performance data.

Internal business plans aren’t used to secure funding, but rather to set goals and get everyone working there tracking towards them.

As the name implies, strategic business plans are geared more towards strategy and they include an assessment of the current business landscape, notes Jérôme Côté, a Business Advisor at BDC Advisory Services .

Unlike a traditional business plan, Cobello adds, strategic plans include a SWOT analysis (which stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) and an in-depth action plan for the next six to 12 months. Strategic plans are action-based and take into account the state of the company and the industry in which it exists.

Although a typical business plan falls between 15 to 30 pages, some companies opt for the much shorter One-Page Business Plan. A one-page business plan is a simplified version of the larger business plan, and it focuses on the problem your product or service is solving, the solution (your product), and your business model (how you’ll make money).

A one-page plan is hyper-direct and easy to read, making it an effective tool for businesses of all sizes, at any stage.

How to create a business plan in 7 steps

Every business plan is different, and the steps you take to complete yours will depend on what type and format you choose. That said, if you need a place to start and appreciate a roadmap, here’s what Cobello recommends:

1. Conduct your research

Before writing your business plan, you’ll want to do a thorough investigation of what’s out there. Who will be the competitors for your product or service? Who is included in the target market? What industry trends are you capitalizing on, or rebuking? You want to figure out where you sit in the market and what your company’s value propositions are. What makes you different—and better?

2. Define your purpose for the business plan

The purpose of your business plan will determine which kind of plan you choose to create. Are you trying to drum up funding, or get the company employees focused on specific goals? (For the former, you’d want a startup business plan, while an internal plan would satisfy the latter.) Also, consider your audience. An investment firm that sees hundreds of potential business plans a day may prefer to see a one-pager upfront and, if they’re interested, a longer plan later.

3. Write your company description

Every business plan needs a company description—aka a summary of the company’s purpose, what they do/offer, and what makes it unique. Company descriptions should be clear and concise, avoiding the use of jargon, Cobello says. Ideally, descriptions should be a few paragraphs at most.

4. Explain and show how the company will make money

A business plan should be centered around the company’s goals, and it should clearly explain how the company will generate revenue. To do this, Cobello recommends using actual numbers and details, as opposed to just projections.

For instance, if the company is already making money, show how much and at what cost (e.g. what was the net profit). If it hasn’t generated revenue yet, outline the plan for how it will—including what the product/service will cost to produce and how much it will cost the consumer.

5. Outline your marketing strategy

How will you promote the business? Through what channels will you be promoting it? How are you going to reach and appeal to your target market? The more specific and thorough you can be with your plans here, the better, Cobello says.

6. Explain how you’ll spend your funding

What will you do with the money you raise? What are the first steps you plan to take? As a founder, you want to instill confidence in your investors and show them that the instant you receive their money, you’ll be taking smart actions that grow the company.

7. Include supporting documents

Creating a business plan is in some ways akin to building a legal case, but for your business. “You want to tell a story, and to be as thorough as possible, while keeping your plan succinct, clear, interesting, and visually appealing,” Cobello says. “Supporting documents could include financial projects, a competitive analysis of the market you’re entering into, and even any licenses, patents, or permits you’ve secured.”

A business plan is an individualized document—it’s ultimately up to you what information to include and what story you tell. But above all, Cobello says, your business plan should have a clear focus and goal in mind, because everything else will build off this cornerstone.

“Many people don’t realize how important business plans are for the health of their company,” she says. “Set aside time to make this a priority for your business, and make sure to keep it updated as you grow.”

steps to writing a definition essay

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steps to writing a definition essay

IELTS Writing Task 2 Essay: Topics, Samples and Tips to Score Band 9!

Are you aiming for excellence in your IELTS Writing? Do you dream of achieving that elusive band 9 score? Look no further! In this blog, we will embark on a journey of transforming your essay writing skills from good to great. Scoring a band 9 in the IELTS Writing module requires not only a strong command of language but also a deep understanding of the assessment criteria and effective writing strategies.

Whether you're a beginner looking to improve or an experienced test-taker seeking that extra edge, this guide will provide you with valuable insights, practical tips, and real examples to help you unlock the secrets of achieving a band 9 in your IELTS essays. So, let's delve into the world of high-scoring IELTS Writing essays and discover how to take your writing prowess to new heights!

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IELTS Writing test syllabus, exam pattern, and duration

Duration: 60 minutes

Writing – Academic

The Academic version of the Writing component consists of two tasks, each addressing topics of broad relevance and suitability for individuals entering undergraduate or postgraduate studies, or those seeking professional registration.

You will be presented with a graph, table, chart, or diagram and are asked to describe, summarise, or explain the information in your own words

You will be asked to write an essay in response to a point of view, argument, or problem

You may be asked to describe and explain data, explain the stages of a process, how something works, or describe an object or event

Responses to both tasks must be written in a formal style

Writing – General Training

The General Training version of the Writing component comprises two tasks that revolve around topics of general interest, designed to assess candidates' ability to communicate effectively in common real-life situations.

You will be presented with a situation and asked to write a letter requesting information or explaining the situation. The letter may be personal, semi-formal, or formal in style

You will be asked to write an essay in response to a point of view, argument, or problem. The essay can be slightly more personal in style than the Academic Writing Task 2 essay

IELTS Writing task 2 essay writing – Step-by-step guide for scoring a band 9

Here's a step-by-step guide to the IELTS Writing Task 2 :

Step 1: Understand the task requirements

Carefully read and comprehend the task prompt

Identify the type of essay you are required to write, such as opinion, discussion, or problem-solution

Take note of any specific instructions, word limits, or key points to address

Step 2: Plan and organise your ideas

Spend a few minutes brainstorming and generating ideas related to the task.

Create a clear and coherent outline that includes an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

Organise your ideas logically and decide on the main points for each paragraph.

Step 3: Write an engaging introduction

Begin your essay with a captivating opening sentence that grabs the reader's attention

Provide some background information or context related to the topic

State your thesis or main argument clearly, which will guide the rest of your essay

Step 4: Develop coherent body paragraphs

Commence each body paragraph with a topic sentence that presents the primary concept

Support your ideas with relevant examples, facts, or evidence

Ensure smooth transitions between paragraphs to maintain coherence and flow

Step 5: Showcase language skills and vocabulary

Employ an extensive array of vocabulary and grammatical structures

Demonstrate your ability to express ideas accurately and precisely

Show awareness of cohesive devices, such as linking words and phrases

Step 6: Conclude effectively

Provide a concise summary of the key points addressed in the body paragraphs

Restate your thesis and provide a concise closing statement

Leave the reader with a lasting impression or a thought-provoking question

Step 7: Revise and edit

Allocate time to review your essay for any grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, or typos

Check the coherence and coherence of your ideas and arguments

Make necessary revisions to improve clarity, coherence, and overall quality

Step 8: Practice time management

Allocate the appropriate amount of time for each task (Task 1 and Task 2)

Practice writing essays within the given time limit to build speed and efficiency

Monitor your progress and adjust your writing speed accordingly

Step 9: Seek feedback and continuous improvement

Share your essays with a teacher, tutor, or native English speaker for feedback

Identify areas for improvement and focus on enhancing those skills

Regularly practice writing essays to refine your technique and boost your confidence

By following these step-by-step guidelines and consistently practicing, you can improve your IELTS Writing Task performance and work towards achieving your desired band score. Remember, practice and perseverance are key to success in the IELTS Writing module. Good luck!

IELTS Writing Task 2 sample essays to achieve a band score of 9

Here are a few IELTS essay samples for band 9 that demonstrate a high level of language proficiency and can help you understand how to score a band 9. Please note that these are samples for your reference and should not be copied/used as they are presented below:

IELTS Writing Task 2 essay topic: Advantages and disadvantages of technology in education

Introduction: In recent years, technology has revolutionised the education sector, providing both benefits and drawbacks. This essay will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of incorporating technology into education and argue that the benefits outweigh the drawbacks.

Body Paragraph 1 (Advantages): One major advantage of technology in education is enhanced learning opportunities. With the help of interactive multimedia tools, students can access a vast range of information and resources, allowing for a more comprehensive understanding of complex concepts. Additionally, technology promotes student engagement and active learning, as it enables personalised and interactive teaching methods.

Body Paragraph 2 (Disadvantages) : Despite the numerous advantages, there are some disadvantages to using technology in education. Firstly, excessive reliance on technology may lead to a decrease in face-to-face interaction and hinder the development of crucial social skills. Moreover, the availability of inaccurate or biased information on the internet can pose a challenge in ensuring the accuracy and reliability of sources used for academic purposes.

Body Paragraph 3 (Benefits outweigh drawbacks) : However, the benefits of technology in education far outweigh the drawbacks. By incorporating technology, educational institutions can bridge the gap between traditional teaching methods and the digital world, preparing students for future careers that heavily rely on technological literacy. Furthermore, technology can facilitate distance learning, reaching students who are geographically isolated or have limited access to educational resources.

Conclusion: In conclusion, technology has transformed education by offering enhanced learning opportunities and promoting student engagement. While there are some disadvantages associated with technology, the benefits of incorporating it into education outweigh the drawbacks. It is crucial for educators to strike a balance between traditional teaching methods and technology to maximize the potential of both.

IELTS Writing Task 2 essay topic: Effects of global warming on the environment

Introduction : Global warming, caused primarily by human activities, has become a pressing issue with far-reaching consequences for the environment. This essay will explore the effects of global warming on the environment and argue that urgent action is required to mitigate its detrimental impacts.

Body Paragraph 1 (Rise in temperatures) : One of the most significant effects of global warming is the rise in temperatures worldwide. This leads to the melting of polar ice caps and glaciers, resulting in sea-level rise and an increased frequency of extreme weather events such as hurricanes and heat waves. Moreover, higher temperatures disrupt ecosystems, endangering various plant and animal species.

Body Paragraph 2 (Loss of biodiversity) : Global warming poses a significant threat to biodiversity. As temperatures increase, many species struggle to adapt or migrate to more suitable habitats, leading to their decline or extinction. The loss of biodiversity has severe consequences for ecosystem stability, as each species plays a crucial role in maintaining ecological balance.

Body Paragraph 3 (Environmental degradation) : Another consequence of global warming is environmental degradation. Rising temperatures contribute to the acidification of oceans, damaging coral reefs and marine ecosystems. Additionally, increased carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere lead to oceanic dead zones, negatively impacting marine life. Deforestation, driven by the need for resources and land for agriculture, exacerbates global warming by reducing the Earth's capacity to absorb carbon dioxide.

In conclusion, global warming has profound effects on the environment, including rising temperatures, loss of biodiversity, and environmental degradation. Immediate and concerted efforts are necessary to address this issue, including reducing greenhouse gas emissions, promoting sustainable practices, and preserving natural habitats. Only through collective action can we mitigate the impacts of global warming and protect our planet for future generations.

These sample essays showcase the structure, vocabulary, and coherence necessary to achieve a band 9 score. Remember to practice writing within the time constraints of the IELTS test (40 minutes for the writing section).

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What it means for the Supreme Court to throw out Chevron decision, undercutting federal regulators


FILE- Gulls follow a commercial fishing boat as crewmen haul in their catch in the Gulf of Maine, in this Jan. 17, 2012 file photo. TExecutive branch agencies will likely have more difficulty regulating the environment, public health, workplace safety and other issues under a far-reaching decision by the Supreme Court. The court’s 6-3 ruling on Friday overturned a 1984 decision colloquially known as Chevron that has instructed lower courts to defer to federal agencies when laws passed by Congress are not crystal clear. (AP Photo/Robert F. Bukaty, File)

The Supreme Court building is seen on Friday, June 28, 2024, in Washington. (AP Photo/Mark Schiefelbein)

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WASHINGTON (AP) — Executive branch agencies will likely have more difficulty regulating the environment, public health, workplace safety and other issues under a far-reaching decision by the Supreme Court .

The court’s 6-3 ruling on Friday overturned a 1984 decision colloquially known as Chevron that has instructed lower courts to defer to federal agencies when laws passed by Congress are not crystal clear.

The 40-year-old decision has been the basis for upholding thousands of regulations by dozens of federal agencies, but has long been a target of conservatives and business groups who argue that it grants too much power to the executive branch, or what some critics call the administrative state.

The Biden administration has defended the law, warning that overturning so-called Chevron deference would be destabilizing and could bring a “convulsive shock” to the nation’s legal system.


Chief Justice John Roberts, writing for the court, said federal judges “must exercise their independent judgment in deciding whether an agency has acted within its statutory authority.”

The ruling does not call into question prior cases that relied on the Chevron doctrine, Roberts wrote.

Here is a look at the court’s decision and the implications for government regulations going forward.

What is the Chevron decision?

Atlantic herring fishermen sued over federal rules requiring them to pay for independent observers to monitor their catch. The fishermen argued that the 1976 Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act did not authorize officials to create industry-funded monitoring requirements and that the National Marine Fisheries Service failed to follow proper rulemaking procedure.

In two related cases, the fishermen asked the court to overturn the 40-year-old Chevron doctrine, which stems from a unanimous Supreme Court case involving the energy giant in a dispute over the Clean Air Act. That ruling said judges should defer to the executive branch when laws passed by Congress are ambiguous.

In that case, the court upheld an action by the Environmental Protection Agency under then-President Ronald Reagan.

In the decades following the ruling, Chevron has been a bedrock of modern administrative law, requiring judges to defer to agencies’ reasonable interpretations of congressional statutes.

But the current high court, with a 6-3 conservative majority has been increasingly skeptical of the powers of federal agencies. Justices Brett Kavanaugh, Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito and Neil Gorsuch have questioned the Chevron decision. Ironically, it was Gorsuch’s mother, former EPA Administrator Anne Gorsuch, who made the decision that the Supreme Court upheld in 1984.


What’s at stake?

With a closely divided Congress, presidential administrations have increasingly turned to federal regulation to implement policy changes. Federal rules impact virtually every aspect of everyday life, from the food we eat and the cars we drive to the air we breathe and homes we live in.

President Joe Biden’s administration, for example, has issued a host of new regulations on the environment and other priorities, including restrictions on emissions from power plants and vehicle tailpipes , and rules on student loan forgiveness , overtime pay and affordable housing.

Those actions and others could be opened up to legal challenges if judges are allowed to discount or disregard the expertise of the executive-branch agencies that put them into place.

With billions of dollars potentially at stake, groups representing the gun industry and other businesses such as tobacco, agriculture, timber and homebuilding, were among those pressing the justices to overturn the Chevron doctrine and weaken government regulation.

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce filed an amicus brief last year on behalf of business groups arguing that modern application of Chevron has “fostered aggrandizement’’ of the executive branch at the expense of Congress and the courts.

David Doniger, a lawyer and longtime Natural Resources Defense Council official who argued the original Chevron case in 1984, said he feared that a ruling to overturn the doctrine could “free judges to be radical activists” who could “effectively rewrite our laws and block the protections they are supposed to provide.”

“The net effect will be to weaken our government’s ability to meet the real problems the world is throwing at us — big things like COVID and climate change,″ Doniger said.

More than just fish

“This case was never just about fish,’' said Meredith Moore of the environmental group Ocean Conservancy. Instead, businesses and other interest groups used the herring fishery “to attack the foundations of the public agencies that serve the American public and conserve our natural resources,’' she said.

The court ruling will likely open the floodgates to litigation that could erode critical protections for people and the environment, Moore and other advocates said.

“For more than 30 years, fishery observers have successfully helped ensure that our oceans are responsibly managed so that fishing can continue in the future,’' said Dustin Cranor of Oceana, another conservation group.

He called the case “just the latest example of the far right trying to undermine the federal government’s ability to protect our oceans, waters, public lands, clean air and health.’'

West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey called the decision a fitting follow-up to a 2022 decision — in a case he brought — that limits the EPA’s ability to control greenhouse gas emissions from power plants. The court held that Congress must speak with specificity when it wants to give an agency authority to regulate on an issue of major national significance.

Morrisey, now the GOP nominee for governor, called Chevron “a misguided doctrine under which courts defer to legally dubious interpretations of statutes put out by federal administrative agencies.”

A shift toward judicial power

The Supreme Court ruling will almost certainly shift power away from the executive branch and Congress and toward courts, said Craig Green, a professor at Temple University’s Beasley School of Law.

“Federal judges will now have the first and final word about what statutes mean,″ he said. “That’s a big shift in power.″

In what some observers see as a historic irony, many conservatives who now attack Chevron once celebrated it. The late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was among those who hailed the original ruling as a way to rein in liberal laws.

“Conservatives believed in this rule until they didn’t,’' Green said in an interview.

In recent years, conservatives have focused on “deconstruction of the administrative state,’' even if the result lessens the ability of a conservative president to impose his beliefs on government agencies.

“If you weaken the federal government, you get less government,’' Green said — an outcome that many conservatives, including those who back former President Donald Trump, welcome.

The ruling will likely “gum up the works for federal agencies and make it even harder for them to address big problems. Which is precisely what the critics of Chevron want,” said Jody Freeman, director of the environmental and energy law program at Harvard Law School.


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Thomas L. Friedman

Joe Biden Is a Good Man and a Good President. He Must Bow Out of the Race.

Biden exits from behind a podium bearing the letters “CNN.” The background is bright blue and red.

By Thomas L. Friedman

Opinion Columnist, reporting from Lisbon

I watched the Biden-Trump debate alone in a Lisbon hotel room, and it made me weep. I cannot remember a more heartbreaking moment in American presidential campaign politics in my lifetime, precisely because of what it revealed: Joe Biden, a good man and a good president, has no business running for re-election. And Donald Trump, a malicious man and a petty president, has learned nothing and forgotten nothing. He is the same fire hose of lies he always was, obsessed with his grievances — nowhere close to what it will take for America to lead in the 21st century.

The Biden family and political team must gather quickly and have the hardest of conversations with the president, a conversation of love and clarity and resolve. To give America the greatest shot possible of deterring the Trump threat in November, the president has to come forward and declare that he will not be running for re-election and is releasing all of his delegates for the Democratic National Convention.

The Republican Party, if its leaders had an ounce of integrity, would demand the same, but it won’t, because they don’t. That makes it all the more important that Democrats put the country’s interests first and announce that a public process will begin for different Democratic candidates to compete for the nomination — town halls, debates, meetings with donors, you name it. Yes, it could be chaotic and messy when the Democratic convention starts on Aug. 19 in Chicago, but I think the Trump threat is sufficiently grave that delegates could quickly rally around a consensus nominee.

If Vice President Kamala Harris wants to compete, she should. But voters deserve an open process in search of a Democratic presidential nominee who can unite not only the party but also the country, by offering something neither man on that Atlanta stage did on Thursday night: a compelling description of where the world is right now and a compelling vision for what America can and must do to keep leading it — morally, economically and diplomatically.

Because this is no ordinary hinge of history we are at. We are at the start of the biggest technological disruptions and the biggest climate disruption in human history. We are at the dawn of an artificial intelligence revolution that is going to change EVERYTHING FOR EVERYONE — how we work, how we learn, how we teach, how we trade, how we invent, how we collaborate, how we fight wars, how we commit crimes and how we fight crimes. Maybe I missed it, but I did not hear the phrase “artificial intelligence” mentioned by either man at the debate.

If there was ever a time that the world needed an America at its best, led by its best, it is now — for great dangers and opportunities are now upon us. A younger Biden could have been that leader, but time has finally caught up with him. And that was painfully and inescapably obvious on Thursday.

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How to Write a Literary Analysis Essay in 8 Quick Steps

Literary Analysis Essay

A good literary analysis involves more than just summarizing a story or poem. It's about digging deep into the text to understand its themes, characters, and writing techniques. In this article, we'll explore how to do just that. Whether you're a seasoned pro or new to the game, these tips will help you learn how to write a literary analysis essay that'll impress your readers. Let's dive in!

How to Write a Literary Analysis Essay?

Writing a good literary analysis is like taking a closer look at a painting to understand what makes it beautiful. In this section, we'll break down the steps to help you write a literary analysis essay on a book or poem. We'll explore things like characters, themes, and writing style so you can really understand what the author is trying to say. If you’re in a hurry, our experts can write paper for you overnight according to your particular instructions.

How to Write a Literary Analysis Essay?

Choose Your Original

Select a source that intrigues you or one assigned by your instructor. Opt for a work that resonates with you emotionally or intellectually, as this connection will fuel your evaluation and keep you engaged throughout the process. Whether it's a classic novel, a contemporary poem, or a play, ensure that the content is rich in themes, characters, and stylistic devices to provide ample material for scrutinizing.

Read Carefully and Analyze

Once you've chosen your source, read it attentively, making notes on significant passages, character developments, and recurring themes. Pay close attention to the author's writing style, language choices, and penmanship devices such as imagery, symbolism, and foreshadowing. Analyze how these elements contribute to the overall meaning and impact of the original, and consider how they evoke emotions or convey the author's message to the reader. If you need critical analysis essay examples , here are some compelling samples for your inspiration and motivation.

Formulate a Thesis Statement

After thoroughly analyzing the text, formulate a clear and concise thesis statement that encapsulates your interpretation or claim about the work. Your thesis should assert a specific claim or perspective regarding the work's meaning, theme, or literature elements, providing a roadmap for your composition and guiding your reader's understanding of your assignment's purpose.

Develop Your Argument

With your thesis statement in mind, develop a coherent argument supporting your text interpretation. Draw on evidence from the original, including quotations, plot details, and character interactions, to substantiate your claims and illustrate your examination. Consider how each piece of evidence contributes to your overall argument and use it to build a persuasive case for your interpretation of the material. By the way, you can ask our experts, ‘ do my PowerPoint presentation ,’ and our specialists will address such an assignment, too.

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Outline Your Document

Create a detailed outline that organizes your ideas and evidence logically and sequentially. Divide your paper into an introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion, each addressing a specific aspect of your exploration. Outline the main points you'll discuss in each paragraph and the evidence you'll use to support them, ensuring a clear and structured progression of ideas throughout your document.

Write Your Introduction

Begin with an engaging introduction that provides context for your brainstorming and introduces your thesis statement to the reader. Hook your audience with an intriguing opening line or a thought-provoking question, then provide background information about the document and its author to orient your reader. Finally, present your thesis, outlining the main points you'll address in your speculation and setting the stage for the rest of your work.

Craft Your Body Paragraphs

In the main body, develop each point of your argument in separate paragraphs, providing evidence from the work to support your claims. Start each paragraph with a topic sentence that introduces the main idea or statement of the paragraph, then follow it with evidence from the original, such as quotations or textual survey, to illustrate and substantiate your point. Analyze each piece of evidence in relation to your thesis, explaining how it supports your interpretation of the source and contributes to your overall argument.

Conclude Thoughtfully

Finally, conclude your assignment with a thoughtful conclusion summarizing your arguments and reinforcing your thesis. Review the main points you've discussed in your paper, highlighting your key insights or discoveries about the text. Avoid introducing new information or arguments in your conclusion; reiterate the significance of your research and its broader implications for understanding the manuscript. End your work with a compelling closing statement that leaves a lasting impression on your reader and encourages further reflection on the work's meaning and significance. Shop for an essay for sale if both your schedule and budget are tight.

Is Your Literary Analysis Deadline Too Short?

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steps to writing a definition essay

What Is a Literary Analysis Essay?

It is a type of academic writing that examines and interprets a work, such as a novel, poem, or play. It aims to delve into the deeper layers of the text to uncover its themes, characters, symbolism, and stylistic devices.

What Is the Purpose of a Literary Analysis Essay?

The purpose of this essay is to critically analyze a piece of literature, providing insights into its meaning, significance, and artistic techniques employed by the author. By dissecting the elements of the text, the paper seeks to understand how they contribute to the overall message or purpose of the work.

How to Start off a Literary Analysis Essay?

To start off such an essay, begin by introducing the work and its author, providing context for the research. Then, craft a thesis statement that presents your interpretation or claim about the source's meaning or significance. Finally, outline the main points you'll address in your document to guide the reader through your composition.

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  3. Step-by-Step guide to write Definition Essay (Structure|Tips|Outline)

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  6. How to Write a Definition Essay: Writing Guide with Sample Essays

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  1. How to Write a Definition Essay. Fresh Topics&Examples

    Before we move on to the writing guide, here's a brief checklist for writing a definition essay prepared by our research paper writer: Step 📘. Description 📝. 🔍 Choosing a Term. Select a word with a complex or debatable meaning. Ensure the term is interesting and relevant to your audience. 📖 Research.

  2. Definition Essay

    The following are the steps involved in writing a definition essay effectively: Select an Abstract Term. Instead of choosing a term that has a concrete definition available, choose a word that is complicated . Complex expressions have abstract concepts that require a writer to explore deeper.

  3. How to Write a Definition Essay: A Step-by-Step Breakdown

    Here are the six steps for writing your definition essay: Choose a word. Look up your word in the dictionary. Ask other people what they think your word means. Look for uses of your word in movies, commercials, magazines, literature, or social media. Analyze the different ways people define this word.

  4. How to Write a Definition Essay

    Keep the definition in your thesis brief and basic. You will elaborate on it more in the body of your paper. Avoid using passive phrases involving the word "is" when defining your term. The phrases "is where" and "is when" are especially clunky. [6] Do not repeat part of the defined term in your definition.

  5. How to Write a Definition Essay: Explanation, Tips, & Examples

    Body Paragraphs. Aspect 1: Start with the broader or general outlook. Definition: Provide a detailed explanation of the first aspect. Examples: Offer relevant examples, anecdotes, or scenarios to illustrate the concept. Aspect 2: Move on to a specific dimension. Definition: Delve into the details of the second aspect.

  6. 10.6 Definition

    Exercise 1. On a separate sheet of paper, write about a time in your own life in which the definition of a word, or the lack of a definition, caused an argument. Your term could be something as simple as the category of an all-star in sports or how to define a good movie. Or it could be something with higher stakes and wider impact, such as a ...

  7. How to Write a Definition Essay: Outline, Steps & Examples

    Provide a dictionary definition of the term. Introduce your own definition, which will guide the rest of the essay. Body paragraph 1: Origin and history. Discuss the term's origin and historical development. Integrate examples if relevant. Body paragraph 2: Dictionary meaning and modern usage.

  8. Writing A Definition Essay

    Writing a definition essay is a simple three-step process. First, present the term that you want to define. Second, provide the necessary information so the reader can understand it easily. Lastly, use facts or anecdotes to increase understanding further. To further explain what is a definition essay, take a look at its basic elements.

  9. 3.2: How to Write a Definition Essay

    Keep the definition in your thesis brief and basic. You will elaborate on it more in the body of your paper. Avoid using passive phrases involving the word "is" when defining your term. The phrases "is where" and "is when" are especially clunky. [6] Do not repeat part of the defined term in your definition.

  10. How to Write a Definition Essay Step by Step

    Paragraph 1: Discuss the dictionary definition and origins of the term. Paragraph 2: Explain your personal definition based on experience. Further Paragraphs: Analyze the term from different angles or perspectives, using evidence and examples. Transition Sentences: Ensure each paragraph flows logically to the next.

  11. How to Write a Definition Essay (with Pictures)

    5. Create your own definition of the word. Use your research and your own experiences to write the definition. You may focus on how the word works in society or the world at large. You can also compare it to other similar terms. Format the definition by stating the word, followed by a one-sentence definition. [8]

  12. How to Write a Definition Essay Step by Step

    Writing a Definition Essay in 5 Steps. We outlined 5 useful steps that take part in the writing of a good definition essay. Follow them if you want to earn a high grade — they are pretty much universal. They are also easy to follow, so you won't face any problems with figuring them out. Choose a term.

  13. How to Write a Definition Essay

    Step 4: Craft a Strong Thesis Statement. Create a concise and powerful thesis statement that outlines your definition of the term. In this argument essay, assert your position and provide reasons supporting your definition. This statement acts as a guide for your high school audience or fellow essay writers.

  14. Ultimate Guide to Writing an Essay: Tips and Tricks

    Here are some tips for writing the body of your essay: Stick to One Main Idea: Each paragraph should focus on one main idea or argument. This will help keep your essay organized and easy to follow. Use Topic Sentences: Start each paragraph with a topic sentence that introduces the main idea of the paragraph.

  15. PDF Definition Essay

    A definition essay is writing that explains what a term means. Some terms have definite, concrete meanings, such as glass, book, or tree. Terms such as honesty, honor, or love are abstract and depend more on a person's point of view. Three Steps to Effective Definition: 1. Tell readers what term is being defined. 2.

  16. How to Write a Definition Essay

    Steps for Writing a Definition Essay. Choose a term you want to define, and introduce it to your readers. This can be done in several ways, but your main goal at the outset is to indicate the contents of your paper clearly. Use several sources (dictionaries or encyclopedias) to see how the term you have chosen is usually defined.

  17. How to Write a Definition Essay in 4 Easy Steps & Example

    Step 1: Preparation. Preparation is critical for success in any writing assignment. In this first step of writing a definition essay, the students' primary agenda is to develop right attitudes and behaviors. The first task is to define a specific topic if instructors have not specified one.

  18. Step-by-Step guide to write Definition Essay (Structure|Tips|Outline

    How to write a Definition Essay?Learn how to write a Definition Essay from the expert writers of Global assignment help. Here is a beginner's guide on Defini...

  19. Definition Essay

    Choosing a definition is a key step in writing a definition essay. You need to understand the term before you can define it for others. Read the dictionary, but don't just copy the definition. ... When writing a definition essay, remember to tell readers what term is being defined, to present a clear and basic definition, and to use facts ...

  20. How to Write a Definition Essay: Steps, Tips + 100 Topics

    Step #1 : Start with choosing a good topic. Step #2 : Apply primary sources. Step #3 : Disclose term in the introduction. Step #4 : Reveal the term in the body paragraph. Step #5 : Provide vivid examples. Writing a Definition Essay: Striking Tips.

  21. The Beginner's Guide to Writing an Essay

    Come up with a thesis. Create an essay outline. Write the introduction. Write the main body, organized into paragraphs. Write the conclusion. Evaluate the overall organization. Revise the content of each paragraph. Proofread your essay or use a Grammar Checker for language errors. Use a plagiarism checker.

  22. The Writing Process

    Table of contents. Step 1: Prewriting. Step 2: Planning and outlining. Step 3: Writing a first draft. Step 4: Redrafting and revising. Step 5: Editing and proofreading. Other interesting articles. Frequently asked questions about the writing process.

  23. What are the Steps to Write a Definition Essay?

    Step Three, Body Examples. The third step is to fill your essay with examples and anecdotes that make the term and its context clear to your readers; your essay draft should support your concept with concrete details and commentary. The pattern is simple: begin a body paragraph with a topic sentence such as "Success in school to me meant praise ...

  24. How to Write a Business Plan: Step-by-Step Guide

    Every business plan is different, and the steps you take to complete yours will depend on what type and format you choose. That said, if you need a place to start and appreciate a roadmap, here's what Cobello recommends: 1. Conduct your research. Before writing your business plan, you'll want to do a thorough investigation of what's out ...

  25. 5 Ways to Make Your Scholarship Essay Stand Out

    Start writing essays early to allow time for research and editing. Grab the reader's attention immediately with a compelling story. Answer questions directly with sound grammar and style. With so ...

  26. IELTS Writing Task 2 Essay: Topics, Samples and Tips

    IELTS Writing task 2 essay writing - Step-by-step guide for scoring a band 9. Here's a step-by-step guide to the IELTS Writing Task 2: Step 1: Understand the task requirements. Carefully read and comprehend the task prompt. Identify the type of essay you are required to write, such as opinion, discussion, or problem-solution.

  27. Supreme Court Chevron decision: What it means for federal regulations

    Chief Justice John Roberts, writing for the court, said federal judges "must exercise their independent judgment in deciding whether an agency has acted within its statutory authority." The ruling does not call into question prior cases that relied on the Chevron doctrine, Roberts wrote.

  28. Joe Biden Is a Good Man and a Good President. He Must Bow Out of the Race

    Donald Trump is too grave a threat to America. Democrats need a nominee who can unite the country and articulate a compelling vision for it.

  29. How to Write a Literary Analysis Essay in 8 Quick Steps

    In this section, we'll break down the steps to help you write a literary analysis essay on a book or poem. We'll explore things like characters, themes, and writing style so you can really understand what the author is trying to say. If you're in a hurry, our experts can write paper for you overnight according to your particular instructions.

  30. How to Write a Research Paper Introduction in 4 Steps

    Note that some of the steps may overlap a bit; the goal is to include all four components. In this example, the thesis statement appears in Step 4 rather than Step 3. Tools for writing a research paper introduction. Now that we've introduced you to the basics of writing a research paper introduction, we'd like to introduce you to QuillBot.