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How to Write a Dissertation Conclusion? | Tips & Examples

what is data analysis in dissertation

What is PhD Thesis Writing? | Beginner’s Guide

what is data analysis in dissertation

A data analysis dissertation is a complex and challenging project requiring significant time, effort, and expertise. Fortunately, it is possible to successfully complete a data analysis dissertation with careful planning and execution.

As a student, you must know how important it is to have a strong and well-written dissertation, especially regarding data analysis. Proper data analysis is crucial to the success of your research and can often make or break your dissertation.

To get a better understanding, you may review the data analysis dissertation examples listed below;

  • Impact of Leadership Style on the Job Satisfaction of Nurses
  • Effect of Brand Love on Consumer Buying Behaviour in Dietary Supplement Sector
  • An Insight Into Alternative Dispute Resolution
  • An Investigation of Cyberbullying and its Impact on Adolescent Mental Health in UK

3-Step  Dissertation Process!

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Types of data analysis for dissertation.

The various types of data Analysis in a Dissertation are as follows;

1.   Qualitative Data Analysis

Qualitative data analysis is a type of data analysis that involves analyzing data that cannot be measured numerically. This data type includes interviews, focus groups, and open-ended surveys. Qualitative data analysis can be used to identify patterns and themes in the data.

2.   Quantitative Data Analysis

Quantitative data analysis is a type of data analysis that involves analyzing data that can be measured numerically. This data type includes test scores, income levels, and crime rates. Quantitative data analysis can be used to test hypotheses and to look for relationships between variables.

3.   Descriptive Data Analysis

Descriptive data analysis is a type of data analysis that involves describing the characteristics of a dataset. This type of data analysis summarizes the main features of a dataset.

4.   Inferential Data Analysis

Inferential data analysis is a type of data analysis that involves making predictions based on a dataset. This type of data analysis can be used to test hypotheses and make predictions about future events.

5.   Exploratory Data Analysis

Exploratory data analysis is a type of data analysis that involves exploring a data set to understand it better. This type of data analysis can identify patterns and relationships in the data.

Time Period to Plan and Complete a Data Analysis Dissertation?

When planning dissertation data analysis, it is important to consider the dissertation methodology structure and time series analysis as they will give you an understanding of how long each stage will take. For example, using a qualitative research method, your data analysis will involve coding and categorizing your data.

This can be time-consuming, so allowing enough time in your schedule is important. Once you have coded and categorized your data, you will need to write up your findings. Again, this can take some time, so factor this into your schedule.

Finally, you will need to proofread and edit your dissertation before submitting it. All told, a data analysis dissertation can take anywhere from several weeks to several months to complete, depending on the project’s complexity. Therefore, starting planning early and allowing enough time in your schedule to complete the task is important.

Essential Strategies for Data Analysis Dissertation

A.   Planning

The first step in any dissertation is planning. You must decide what you want to write about and how you want to structure your argument. This planning will involve deciding what data you want to analyze and what methods you will use for a data analysis dissertation.

B.   Prototyping

Once you have a plan for your dissertation, it’s time to start writing. However, creating a prototype is important before diving head-first into writing your dissertation. A prototype is a rough draft of your argument that allows you to get feedback from your advisor and committee members. This feedback will help you fine-tune your argument before you start writing the final version of your dissertation.

C.   Executing

After you have created a plan and prototype for your data analysis dissertation, it’s time to start writing the final version. This process will involve collecting and analyzing data and writing up your results. You will also need to create a conclusion section that ties everything together.

D.   Presenting

The final step in acing your data analysis dissertation is presenting it to your committee. This presentation should be well-organized and professionally presented. During the presentation, you’ll also need to be ready to respond to questions concerning your dissertation.

Data Analysis Tools

Numerous suggestive tools are employed to assess the data and deduce pertinent findings for the discussion section. The tools used to analyze data and get a scientific conclusion are as follows:

a.     Excel

Excel is a spreadsheet program part of the Microsoft Office productivity software suite. Excel is a powerful tool that can be used for various data analysis tasks, such as creating charts and graphs, performing mathematical calculations, and sorting and filtering data.

b.     Google Sheets

Google Sheets is a free online spreadsheet application that is part of the Google Drive suite of productivity software. Google Sheets is similar to Excel in terms of functionality, but it also has some unique features, such as the ability to collaborate with other users in real-time.

c.     SPSS

SPSS is a statistical analysis software program commonly used in the social sciences. SPSS can be used for various data analysis tasks, such as hypothesis testing, factor analysis, and regression analysis.

d.     STATA

STATA is a statistical analysis software program commonly used in the sciences and economics. STATA can be used for data management, statistical modelling, descriptive statistics analysis, and data visualization tasks.

SAS is a commercial statistical analysis software program used by businesses and organizations worldwide. SAS can be used for predictive modelling, market research, and fraud detection.

R is a free, open-source statistical programming language popular among statisticians and data scientists. R can be used for tasks such as data wrangling, machine learning, and creating complex visualizations.

g.     Python

A variety of applications may be used using the distinctive programming language Python, including web development, scientific computing, and artificial intelligence. Python also has a number of modules and libraries that can be used for data analysis tasks, such as numerical computing, statistical modelling, and data visualization.


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Tips to Compose a Successful Data Analysis Dissertation

a.   Choose a Topic You’re Passionate About

The first step to writing a successful data analysis dissertation is to choose a topic you’re passionate about. Not only will this make the research and writing process more enjoyable, but it will also ensure that you produce a high-quality paper.

Choose a topic that is particular enough to be covered in your paper’s scope but not so specific that it will be challenging to obtain enough evidence to substantiate your arguments.

b.   Do Your Research

data analysis in research is an important part of academic writing. Once you’ve selected a topic, it’s time to begin your research. Be sure to consult with your advisor or supervisor frequently during this stage to ensure that you are on the right track. In addition to secondary sources such as books, journal articles, and reports, you should also consider conducting primary research through surveys or interviews. This will give you first-hand insights into your topic that can be invaluable when writing your paper.

c.   Develop a Strong Thesis Statement

After you’ve done your research, it’s time to start developing your thesis statement. It is arguably the most crucial part of your entire paper, so take care to craft a clear and concise statement that encapsulates the main argument of your paper.

Remember that your thesis statement should be arguable—that is, it should be capable of being disputed by someone who disagrees with your point of view. If your thesis statement is not arguable, it will be difficult to write a convincing paper.

d.   Write a Detailed Outline

Once you have developed a strong thesis statement, the next step is to write a detailed outline of your paper. This will offer you a direction to write in and guarantee that your paper makes sense from beginning to end.

Your outline should include an introduction, in which you state your thesis statement; several body paragraphs, each devoted to a different aspect of your argument; and a conclusion, in which you restate your thesis and summarize the main points of your paper.

e.   Write Your First Draft

With your outline in hand, it’s finally time to start writing your first draft. At this stage, don’t worry about perfecting your grammar or making sure every sentence is exactly right—focus on getting all of your ideas down on paper (or onto the screen). Once you have completed your first draft, you can revise it for style and clarity.

And there you have it! Following these simple tips can increase your chances of success when writing your data analysis dissertation. Just remember to start early, give yourself plenty of time to research and revise, and consult with your supervisor frequently throughout the process.

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Studying the above examples gives you valuable insight into the structure and content that should be included in your own data analysis dissertation. You can also learn how to effectively analyze and present your data and make a lasting impact on your readers.

In addition to being a useful resource for completing your dissertation, these examples can also serve as a valuable reference for future academic writing projects. By following these examples and understanding their principles, you can improve your data analysis skills and increase your chances of success in your academic career.

You may also contact Premier Dissertations to develop your data analysis dissertation.

For further assistance, some other resources in the dissertation writing section are shared below;

How Do You Select the Right Data Analysis

How to Write Data Analysis For A Dissertation?

How to Develop a Conceptual Framework in Dissertation?

What is a Hypothesis in a Dissertation?

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A Step-by-Step Guide to Dissertation Data Analysis

11 Tips For Writing a Dissertation Data Analysis

Since the evolution of the fourth industrial revolution – the Digital World; lots of data have surrounded us. There are terabytes of data around us or in data centers that need to be processed and used. The data needs to be appropriately analyzed to process it, and Dissertation data analysis forms its basis. If data analysis is valid and free from errors, the research outcomes will be reliable and lead to a successful dissertation. 

So, in today’s topic, we will cover the need to analyze data, dissertation data analysis, and mainly the tips for writing an outstanding data analysis dissertation. If you are a doctoral student and plan to perform dissertation data analysis on your data, make sure that you give this article a thorough read for the best tips!

What is Data Analysis in Dissertation?

Even f you have the data collected and compiled in the form of facts and figures, it is not enough for proving your research outcomes. There is still a need to apply dissertation data analysis on your data; to use it in the dissertation. It provides scientific support to the thesis and conclusion of the research.

Data Analysis Tools

There are plenty of indicative tests used to analyze data and infer relevant results for the discussion part. Following are some tests  used to perform analysis of data leading to a scientific conclusion:

Hypothesis TestingRegression and Correlation analysis
T-testZ test
Mann-Whitney TestTime Series and index number
Chi-Square TestANOVA (or sometimes MANOVA) 

11 Most Useful Tips for Dissertation Data Analysis

Doctoral students need to perform dissertation data analysis and then dissertation to receive their degree. Many Ph.D. students find it hard to do dissertation data analysis because they are not trained in it.

1. Dissertation Data Analysis Services

The first tip applies to those students who can afford to look for help with their dissertation data analysis work. It’s a viable option, and it can help with time management and with building the other elements of the dissertation with much detail.

Dissertation Analysis services are professional services that help doctoral students with all the basics of their dissertation work, from planning, research and clarification, methodology, dissertation data analysis and review, literature review, and final powerpoint presentation.

One great reference for dissertation data analysis professional services is Statistics Solutions , they’ve been around for over 22 years helping students succeed in their dissertation work. You can find the link to their website here .

Following are some helpful tips for writing a splendid dissertation data analysis:

2. Relevance of Collected Data

It involves  data collection  of your related topic for research. Carefully analyze the data that tends to be suitable for your analysis. Do not just go with irrelevant data leading to complications in the results. Your data must be relevant and fit with your objectives. You must be aware of how the data is going to help in analysis. 

3. Data Analysis

For analysis, it is crucial to use such methods that fit best with the types of data collected and the research objectives. Elaborate on these methods and the ones that justify your data collection methods thoroughly. Make sure to make the reader believe that you did not choose your method randomly. Instead, you arrived at it after critical analysis and prolonged research.

Data analysis involves two approaches –  Qualitative Data Analysis and Quantitative Data Analysis.   Qualitative data analysis  comprises research through experiments, focus groups, and interviews. This approach helps to achieve the objectives by identifying and analyzing common patterns obtained from responses. 

The overall objective of data analysis is to detect patterns and inclinations in data and then present the outcomes implicitly.  It helps in providing a solid foundation for critical conclusions and assisting the researcher to complete the dissertation proposal. 

4. Qualitative Data Analysis

Qualitative data refers to data that does not involve numbers. You are required to carry out an analysis of the data collected through experiments, focus groups, and interviews. This can be a time-taking process because it requires iterative examination and sometimes demanding the application of hermeneutics. Note that using qualitative technique doesn’t only mean generating good outcomes but to unveil more profound knowledge that can be transferrable.

Presenting qualitative data analysis in a dissertation  can also be a challenging task. It contains longer and more detailed responses. Placing such comprehensive data coherently in one chapter of the dissertation can be difficult due to two reasons. Firstly, we cannot figure out clearly which data to include and which one to exclude. Secondly, unlike quantitative data, it becomes problematic to present data in figures and tables. Making information condensed into a visual representation is not possible. As a writer, it is of essence to address both of these challenges.

This method involves analyzing qualitative data based on an argument that a researcher already defines. It’s a comparatively easy approach to analyze data. It is suitable for the researcher with a fair idea about the responses they are likely to receive from the questionnaires.

In this method, the researcher analyzes the data not based on any predefined rules. It is a time-taking process used by students who have very little knowledge of the research phenomenon.

5. Quantitative Data Analysis

The Presentation of quantitative data  depends on the domain to which it is being presented. It is beneficial to consider your audience while writing your findings. Quantitative data for  hard sciences  might require numeric inputs and statistics. As for  natural sciences , such comprehensive analysis is not required.

Following are some of the methods used to perform quantitative data analysis. 

6. Data Presentation Tools

Since large volumes of data need to be represented, it becomes a difficult task to present such an amount of data in coherent ways. To resolve this issue, consider all the available choices you have, such as tables, charts, diagrams, and graphs. 

7. Include Appendix or Addendum

After presenting a large amount of data, your dissertation analysis part might get messy and look disorganized. Also, you would not be cutting down or excluding the data you spent days and months collecting. To avoid this, you should include an appendix part. 

The data you find hard to arrange within the text, include that in the  appendix part of a dissertation . And place questionnaires, copies of focus groups and interviews, and data sheets in the appendix. On the other hand, one must put the statistical analysis and sayings quoted by interviewees within the dissertation. 

8. Thoroughness of Data

Thoroughly demonstrate the ideas and critically analyze each perspective taking care of the points where errors can occur. Always make sure to discuss the anomalies and strengths of your data to add credibility to your research.

9. Discussing Data

Discussion of data involves elaborating the dimensions to classify patterns, themes, and trends in presented data. In addition, to balancing, also take theoretical interpretations into account. Discuss the reliability of your data by assessing their effect and significance. Do not hide the anomalies. While using interviews to discuss the data, make sure you use relevant quotes to develop a strong rationale. 

10. Findings and Results

Findings refer to the facts derived after the analysis of collected data. These outcomes should be stated; clearly, their statements should tightly support your objective and provide logical reasoning and scientific backing to your point. This part comprises of majority part of the dissertation. 

11. Connection with Literature Review

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Wrapping up.

Writing data analysis in the dissertation involves dedication, and its implementations demand sound knowledge and proper planning. Choosing your topic, gathering relevant data, analyzing it, presenting your data and findings correctly, discussing the results, connecting with the literature and conclusions are milestones in it. Among these checkpoints, the Data analysis stage is most important and requires a lot of keenness.

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Mastering Dissertation Data Analysis: A Comprehensive Guide

By Laura Brown on 29th December 2023

To craft an effective dissertation data analysis chapter, you need to follow some simple steps:

  • Start by planning the structure and objectives of the chapter.
  • Clearly set the stage by providing a concise overview of your research design and methodology.
  • Proceed to thorough data preparation, ensuring accuracy and organisation.
  • Justify your methods and present the results using visual aids for clarity.
  • Discuss the findings within the context of your research questions.
  • Finally, review and edit your chapter to ensure coherence.

This approach will ensure a well-crafted and impactful analysis section.

Before delving into details on how you can come up with an engaging data analysis show in your dissertation, we first need to understand what it is and why it is required.

What Is Data Analysis In A Dissertation?

The data analysis chapter is a crucial section of a research dissertation that involves the examination, interpretation, and synthesis of collected data. In this chapter, researchers employ statistical techniques, qualitative methods, or a combination of both to make sense of the data gathered during the research process.

Why Is The Data Analysis Chapter So Important?

The primary objectives of the data analysis chapter are to identify patterns, trends, relationships, and insights within the data set. Researchers use various tools and software to conduct a thorough analysis, ensuring that the results are both accurate and relevant to the research questions or hypotheses. Ultimately, the findings derived from this chapter contribute to the overall conclusions of the dissertation, providing a basis for drawing meaningful and well-supported insights.

Steps Required To Craft Data Analysis Chapter To Perfection

Now that we have an idea of what a dissertation analysis chapter is and why it is necessary to put it in the dissertation, let’s move towards how we can create one that has a significant impact. Our guide will move around the bulleted points that have been discussed initially in the beginning. So, it’s time to begin.

Dissertation Data Analysis With 8 Simple Steps

Step 1: Planning Your Data Analysis Chapter

Planning your data analysis chapter is a critical precursor to its successful execution.

  • Begin by outlining the chapter structure to provide a roadmap for your analysis.
  • Start with an introduction that succinctly introduces the purpose and significance of the data analysis in the context of your research.
  • Following this, delineate the chapter into sections such as Data Preparation, where you detail the steps taken to organise and clean your data.
  • Plan on to clearly define the Data Analysis Techniques employed, justifying their relevance to your research objectives.
  • As you progress, plan for the Results Presentation, incorporating visual aids for clarity. Lastly, earmark a section for the Discussion of Findings, where you will interpret results within the broader context of your research questions.

This structured approach ensures a comprehensive and cohesive data analysis chapter, setting the stage for a compelling narrative that contributes significantly to your dissertation. You can always seek our dissertation data analysis help to plan your chapter.

Step 2: Setting The Stage – Introduction to Data Analysis

Your primary objective is to establish a solid foundation for the analytical journey. You need to skillfully link your data analysis to your research questions, elucidating the direct relevance and purpose of the upcoming analysis.

Simultaneously, define key concepts to provide clarity and ensure a shared understanding of the terms integral to your study. Following this, offer a concise overview of your data set characteristics, outlining its source, nature, and any noteworthy features.

This meticulous groundwork alongside our help with dissertation data analysis lays the base for a coherent and purposeful chapter, guiding readers seamlessly into the subsequent stages of your dissertation.

Step 3: Data Preparation

Now this is another pivotal phase in the data analysis process, ensuring the integrity and reliability of your findings. You should start with an insightful overview of the data cleaning and preprocessing procedures, highlighting the steps taken to refine and organise your dataset. Then, discuss any challenges encountered during the process and the strategies employed to address them.

Moving forward, delve into the specifics of data transformation procedures, elucidating any alterations made to the raw data for analysis. Clearly describe the methods employed for normalisation, scaling, or any other transformations deemed necessary. It will not only enhance the quality of your analysis but also foster transparency in your research methodology, reinforcing the robustness of your data-driven insights.

Step 4: Data Analysis Techniques

The data analysis section of a dissertation is akin to choosing the right tools for an artistic masterpiece. Carefully weigh the quantitative and qualitative approaches, ensuring a tailored fit for the nature of your data.

Quantitative Analysis

  • Descriptive Statistics: Paint a vivid picture of your data through measures like mean, median, and mode. It’s like capturing the essence of your data’s personality.
  • Inferential Statistics:Take a leap into the unknown, making educated guesses and inferences about your larger population based on a sample. It’s statistical magic in action.

Qualitative Analysis

  • Thematic Analysis: Imagine your data as a novel, and thematic analysis as the tool to uncover its hidden chapters. Dissect the narrative, revealing recurring themes and patterns.
  • Content Analysis: Scrutinise your data’s content like detectives, identifying key elements and meanings. It’s a deep dive into the substance of your qualitative data.

Providing Rationale for Chosen Methods

You should also articulate the why behind the chosen methods. It’s not just about numbers or themes; it’s about the story you want your data to tell. Through transparent rationale, you should ensure that your chosen techniques align seamlessly with your research goals, adding depth and credibility to the analysis.

Step 5: Presentation Of Your Results

You can simply break this process into two parts.

a.    Creating Clear and Concise Visualisations

Effectively communicate your findings through meticulously crafted visualisations. Use tables that offer a structured presentation, summarising key data points for quick comprehension. Graphs, on the other hand, visually depict trends and patterns, enhancing overall clarity. Thoughtfully design these visual aids to align with the nature of your data, ensuring they serve as impactful tools for conveying information.

b.    Interpreting and Explaining Results

Go beyond mere presentation by providing insightful interpretation by taking data analysis services for dissertation. Show the significance of your findings within the broader research context. Moreover, articulates the implications of observed patterns or relationships. By weaving a narrative around your results, you guide readers through the relevance and impact of your data analysis, enriching the overall understanding of your dissertation’s key contributions.

Step 6: Discussion of Findings

While discussing your findings and dissertation discussion chapter , it’s like putting together puzzle pieces to understand what your data is saying. You can always take dissertation data analysis help to explain what it all means, connecting back to why you started in the first place.

Be honest about any limitations or possible biases in your study; it’s like showing your cards to make your research more trustworthy. Comparing your results to what other smart people have found before you adds to the conversation, showing where your work fits in.

Looking ahead, you suggest ideas for what future researchers could explore, keeping the conversation going. So, it’s not just about what you found, but also about what comes next and how it all fits into the big picture of what we know.

Step 7: Writing Style and Tone

In order to perfectly come up with this chapter, follow the below points in your writing and adjust the tone accordingly,

  • Use clear and concise language to ensure your audience easily understands complex concepts.
  • Avoid unnecessary jargon in data analysis for thesis, and if specialised terms are necessary, provide brief explanations.
  • Keep your writing style formal and objective, maintaining an academic tone throughout.
  • Avoid overly casual language or slang, as the data analysis chapter is a serious academic document.
  • Clearly define terms and concepts, providing specific details about your data preparation and analysis procedures.
  • Use precise language to convey your ideas, minimising ambiguity.
  • Follow a consistent formatting style for headings, subheadings, and citations to enhance readability.
  • Ensure that tables, graphs, and visual aids are labelled and formatted uniformly for a polished presentation.
  • Connect your analysis to the broader context of your research by explaining the relevance of your chosen methods and the importance of your findings.
  • Offer a balance between detail and context, helping readers understand the significance of your data analysis within the larger study.
  • Present enough detail to support your findings but avoid overwhelming readers with excessive information.
  • Use a balance of text and visual aids to convey information efficiently.
  • Maintain reader engagement by incorporating transitions between sections and effectively linking concepts.
  • Use a mix of sentence structures to add variety and keep the writing engaging.
  • Eliminate grammatical errors, typos, and inconsistencies through thorough proofreading.
  • Consider seeking feedback from peers or mentors to ensure the clarity and coherence of your writing.

You can seek a data analysis dissertation example or sample from CrowdWriter to better understand how we write it while following the above-mentioned points.

Step 8: Reviewing and Editing

Reviewing and editing your data analysis chapter is crucial for ensuring its effectiveness and impact. By revising your work, you refine the clarity and coherence of your analysis, enhancing its overall quality.

Seeking feedback from peers, advisors or dissertation data analysis services provides valuable perspectives, helping identify blind spots and areas for improvement. Addressing common writing pitfalls, such as grammatical errors or unclear expressions, ensures your chapter is polished and professional.

Taking the time to review and edit not only strengthens the academic integrity of your work but also contributes to a final product that is clear, compelling, and ready for scholarly scrutiny.

Concluding On This Data Analysis Help

Be it master thesis data analysis, an undergraduate one or for PhD scholars, the steps remain almost the same as we have discussed in this guide. The primary focus is to be connected with your research questions and objectives while writing your data analysis chapter.

Do not lose your focus and choose the right analysis methods and design. Make sure to present your data through various visuals to better explain your data and engage the reader as well. At last, give it a detailed read and seek assistance from experts and your supervisor for further improvement.

Laura Brown

Laura Brown, a senior content writer who writes actionable blogs at Crowd Writer.

How do I write a dissertation data analysis plan?

How do I do dissertation data analysis?

Data Analysis Plan Overview

Dissertation methodologies require a data analysis plan . Your dissertation data analysis plan should clearly state the statistical tests and assumptions of these tests to examine each of the research questions, how scores are cleaned and created, and the desired sample size for that test. The selection of statistical tests depend on two factors: (1) how the research questions and hypotheses are phrased and (2) the level of measurement of the variables. For example, if the question examines the impact of variable x on variable y, we are talking about regressions, if the question seeks associations or relationships, we are into correlation and chi-square tests, if differences are examined, then t-tests and ANOVA’s are likely the correct test.

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Aligning theoretical framework, gathering articles, synthesizing gaps, articulating a clear methodology and data plan, and writing about the theoretical and practical implications of your research are part of our comprehensive dissertation editing services.

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Level of Measurement

The level of measurement is the second factor used in selecting the correct statistical test. If the research question will examine the impact of X on Y variable, and that outcome variable Y is scale, a linear regression is the correct test. For example, what is the impact of Income on Savings (as a scale variable), the linear regression is the test.  If that outcome variable Y is ordinal, then an ordinal regression is the correct test (e.g., what is the impact of Income on Savings (with Savings as an ordinal $0-$100, $101-$1000, $1001-$10,000, variable), then an ordinal regression is the correct test. If the research question examines relationships, and the X and Y variable are categorical, then chi-square is the appropriate test. The main point is that both the phasing of the research question and the level of measurement of the variables dictate the selection of the test. This video on decision trees may be useful.

Statistical Assumptions in Data Analysis Plan

Part of the data analysis plan is to document the assumptions of a particular statistical test. Most assumptions fall into the normality, homogeneity of variance, and outlier bucket of assumptions. Other tests have additional assumptions. For example, in a linear regression with several predictors, the variance inflation factor needs to be assessed to determine that the predictors are not too highly correlated. This data analysis plan video may be helpful.

Composite Scores and Data Cleaning

Data analysis plans should discuss any reverse coding of the variables and the creation of composite or subscale scores. Before creating composite scores, alpha reliability should be planned to be examined. Data cleaning procedure should be documented.  For example, the removal of outliers, transforming variables to meet normality assumption, etc. 

Sample Size and Power Analysis

After selecting the appropriate statistical tests, data analysis plans should follow-up with a power analysis. The power analysis determines the sample size for a statistical test, given an alpha of .05, a given effect size (small, medium, or large) at a power of .80 (that is, an 80% chance of detecting differences or relationships if in fact difference are present in the data. This power analysis video may be helpful.

A Really Simple Guide to Quantitative Data Analysis

  • Affiliation: Birmingham City University

Peter Samuels at Birmingham City University

  • Birmingham City University

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A Complete Guide to Dissertation Data Analysis

The analysis chapter is one of the most important parts of a dissertation where you demonstrate the unique research abilities. That is why it often accounts for up to 40% of the total mark. Given the significance of this chapter, it is essential to build your skills in dissertation data analysis .

Typically, the analysis section provides an output of calculations, interpretation of attained results and discussion of these results in light of theories and previous empirical evidence. Oftentimes, the chapter provides qualitative data analysis that do not require any calculations. Since there are different types of research design, let’s look at each type individually.

what is data analysis in dissertation

1. Types of Research

The dissertation topic you have selected, to a considerable degree, informs the way you are going to collect and analyse data. Some topics imply the collection of primary data, while others can be explored using secondary data. Selecting an appropriate data type is vital not only for your ability to achieve the main aim and objectives of your dissertation but also an important part of the dissertation writing process since it is what your whole project will rest on.

Selecting the most appropriate data type for your dissertation may not be as straightforward as it may seem. As you keep diving into your research, you will be discovering more and more details and nuances associated with this or that type of data. At some point, it is important to decide whether you will pursue the qualitative research design or the quantitative research design.

1.1. Qualitative vs Quantitative Research

1.1.1. quantitative research.

Quantitative data is any numerical data which can be used for statistical analysis and mathematical manipulations. This type of data can be used to answer research questions such as ‘How often?’, ‘How much?’, and ‘How many?’. Studies that use this type of data also ask the ‘What’ questions (e.g. What are the determinants of economic growth? To what extent does marketing affect sales? etc.).

An advantage of quantitative data is that it can be verified and conveniently evaluated by researchers. This allows for replicating the research outcomes. In addition, even qualitative data can be quantified and converted to numbers. For example, the use of the Likert scale allows researchers not only to properly assess respondents’ perceptions of and attitudes towards certain phenomena but also to assign a code to each individual response and make it suitable for graphical and statistical analysis. It is also possible to convert the yes/no responses to dummy variables to present them in the form of numbers. Quantitative data is typically analysed using dissertation data analysis software such as Eviews, Matlab, Stata, R, and SPSS.

On the other hand, a significant limitation of purely quantitative methods is that social phenomena explored in economic and behavioural sciences are often complex, so the use of quantitative data does not allow for thoroughly analysing these phenomena. That is, quantitative data can be limited in terms of breadth and depth as compared to qualitative data, which may allow for richer elaboration on the context of the study.

1.1.2. Qualitative Data

Studies that use this type of data usually ask the ‘Why’ and ‘How’ questions (e.g. Why does social media marketing is more effective than traditional marketing? How do consumers make their purchase decisions?). This is non-numerical primary data represented mostly by opinions of relevant persons.

Qualitative data also includes any textual or visual data (infographics) that have been gathered from reports, websites and other secondary sources that do not involve interactions between the researcher and human participants. Examples of the use of secondary qualitative data are texts, images and diagrams you can use in SWOT analysis, PEST analysis, 4Ps analysis, Porter’s Five Forces analysis, most types of Strategic Analysis, etc. Academic articles, journals, books, and conference papers are also examples of secondary qualitative data you can use in your study.

The analysis of qualitative data usually provides deep insights into the phenomenon or issue being under study because respondents are not limited in their ability to give detailed answers. Unlike quantitative research, collecting and analysing qualitative data is more open-ended in eliciting the anecdotes, stories, and lengthy descriptions and evaluations people make of products, services, lifestyle attributes, or any other phenomenon. This is best used in social studies including management and marketing.

It is not always possible to summarise qualitative data as opinions expressed by individuals are multi-faceted. This to some extent limits the dissertation data analysis  as it is not always possible to establish cause-and-effect links between factors represented in a qualitative manner. This is why the results of qualitative analysis can hardly be generalised, and case studies that explore very narrow contexts are often conducted.

For qualitative data analysis, you can use tools such as nVivo and Tableau.

1.2. Primary vs Secondary Research

1.2.1. primary data.

Primary data is data that had not existed prior to your research and you collect it by means of a survey or interviews for the dissertation data analysis chapter. Interviews provide you with the opportunity to collect detailed insights from industry participants about their company, customers, or competitors. Questionnaire surveys allow for obtaining a large amount of data from a sizeable population in a cost-efficient way. Primary data is usually cross-sectional data (i.e., the data collected at one point of time from different respondents). Time-series are found very rarely or almost never in primary data. Nonetheless, depending on the research aims and objectives, certain designs of data collection instruments allow researchers to conduct a longitudinal study.

1.2.2. Secondary data

This data already exist before the research as they have already been generated, refined, summarized and published in official sources for purposes other than those of your study study. Secondary data often carries more legitimacy as compared to primary data and can help the researcher verify primary data. This is the data collected from databases or websites; it does not involve human participants. This can be both cross-sectional data (e.g. an indicator for different countries/companies at one point of time) and time-series (e.g. an indicator for one company/country for several years). A combination of cross-sectional data and time-series data is panel data. Therefore, all a researcher needs to do is to find the data that would be most appropriate for attaining the research objectives.

Examples of secondary quantitative data are share prices; accounting information such as earnings, total asset, revenue, etc.; macroeconomic variables such as GDP, inflation, unemployment, interest rates, etc.; microeconomic variables such as market share, concentration ratio, etc. Accordingly, dissertation topics that will most likely use secondary quantitative data are FDI dissertations, Mergers and Acquisitions dissertations, Event Studies, Economic Growth dissertations, International Trade dissertations, Corporate Governance dissertations.

Two main limitations of secondary data are the following. First, the freely available secondary data may not perfectly suit the purposes of your study so that you will have to additionally collect primary data or change the research objectives. Second, not all high-quality secondary data is freely available. Good sources of financial data such as WRDS, Thomson Bank Banker, Compustat and Bloomberg all stipulate pre-paid access which may not be affordable for a single researcher.

1.3. Quantitative or Qualitative Research… or Both?

Once you have formulated your research aim and objectives and reviewed the most relevant literature in your field, you should decide whether you need qualitative or quantitative data.

If you are willing to test the relationship between variables or examine hypotheses and theories in practice, you should rather focus on collecting quantitative data. Methodologies based on this data provide cut-and-dry results and are highly effective when you need to obtain a large amount of data in a cost-effective manner. Alternatively, qualitative research will help you better understand meanings, experience, beliefs, values and other non-numerical relationships.

While it is totally okay to use either a qualitative or quantitative methodology, using them together will allow you to back up one type of data with another type of data and research your topic in more depth. However, note that using qualitative and quantitative methodologies in combination can take much more time and effort than you originally planned.

what is data analysis in dissertation

2. Types of Analysis

2.1. basic statistical analysis.

The type of statistical analysis that you choose for the results and findings chapter depends on the extent to which you wish to analyse the data and summarise your findings. If you do not major in quantitative subjects but write a dissertation in social sciences, basic statistical analysis will be sufficient. Such an analysis would be based on descriptive statistics such as the mean, the median, standard deviation, and variance. Then, you can enhance the statistical analysis with visual information by showing the distribution of variables in the form of graphs and charts. However, if you major in a quantitative subject such as accounting, economics or finance, you may need to use more advanced statistical analysis.

2.2. Advanced Statistical Analysis

In order to run an advanced analysis, you will most likely need access to statistical software such as Matlab, R or Stata. Whichever program you choose to proceed with, make sure that it is properly documented in your research. Further, using an advanced statistical technique ensures that you are analysing all possible aspects of your data. For example, a difference between basic regression analysis and analysis at an advanced level is that you will need to consider additional tests and deeper explorations of statistical problems with your model. Also, you need to keep the focus on your research question and objectives as getting deeper into statistical details may distract you from the main aim. Ultimately, the aim of your dissertation is to find answers to the research questions that you defined.

Another important aspect to consider here is that the results and findings section is not all about numbers. Apart from tables and graphs, it is also important to ensure that the interpretation of your statistical findings is accurate as well as engaging for the users. Such a combination of advanced statistical software along with a convincing textual discussion goes a long way in ensuring that your dissertation is well received. Although the use of such advanced statistical software may provide you with a variety of outputs, you need to make sure to present the analysis output properly so that the readers understand your conclusions.

what is data analysis in dissertation

3. Examples of Methods of Analysis

3.1. event study.

If you are studying the effects of particular events on prices of financial assets, for example, it is worth to consider the Event Study Methodology. Events such as mergers and acquisitions, new product launches, expansion into new markets, earnings announcements and public offerings can have a major impact on stock prices and valuation of a firm. Event studies are methods used to measure the impact of a particular event or a series of events on the market value. The concept behind this is to try to understand whether sudden and abnormal stock returns can be attributed to market information pertaining to an event.

Event studies are based on the efficient market hypothesis. According to the theory, in an efficient capital market, all the new and relevant information is immediately reflected in the respective asset prices. Although this theory is not universally applicable, there are many instances in which it holds true. An event study implies a step-by-step analysis of the impact that a particular announcement has on a company’s valuation. In normal conditions, without the influence of the analysed event, it is assumed that expected returns on a stock would be determined by the risk-free rate, systematic risk of the stock and risk premium required by investors. These conditions are measured by the capital asset pricing model (CAPM).

There can primarily be three types of announcements which can constitute event studies. These include corporate announcements, macroeconomic announcements, as well as regulatory events. As the name suggests, corporate announcements could include bankruptcies, asset sales, M&As, credit rating downgrades, earnings announcements and announcements of dividends. These events usually have a major impact on stock prices simply because they are directly interlinked with the company. Macroeconomic announcements can include central bank announcements of changes in interest rates, an announcement of inflation projections and economic growth projections. Finally, regulatory announcements such as policy changes and new laws announcement can also impact the stock prices of companies, and therefore can be measured using the method of event studies.

A critical issue in event studies is choosing the right event window during which the analysed announcements are assumed to produce the strongest effect on share prices. According to the efficient market hypothesis, no statistically significant abnormal returns connected with any events would be expected. However, in reality, there could be rumours before official announcements and some investors may act on such rumours. Moreover, investors may react at different times due to differences in speed of information processing and reaction. In order to account for all these factors, event windows usually capture a short period before the announcement to account for rumours and an asymmetrical period after the announcement.

In order to make event studies stronger and statistically meaningful, a large number of similar or related cases are analysed. Then, abnormal returns are cumulated, and their statistical significance is assessed. The t-statistic is often used to evaluate whether the average abnormal returns are different from zero. So, researchers who use event studies are concerned not only with the positive or negative effects of specific events but also with the generalisation of the results and measuring the statistical significance of abnormal returns.

3.2. Regression Analysis

Regression analysis is a mathematical method applied to determine how explored variables are interconnected. In particular, the following questions can be answered. Which factors are the most influential ones? Which of them can be ignored? How do the factors interact with one another? And the main question, how significant are the findings?

The type most often applied in the dissertation studies is the ordinary least squares (OLS) regression analysis that assesses parameters of linear relationships between explored variables. Typically, three forms of OLS analysis are used.

Longitudinal analysis is applied when a single object with several characteristics is explored over a long period of time. In this case, observations represent the changes of the same characteristics over time. Examples of longitudinal samples are macroeconomic parameters in a particular country, preferences and changes in health characteristics of particular persons during their lives etc. Cross-sectional studies on the contrary, explore characteristics of many similar objects such as respondents, companies, countries, students over cities in a certain moment of time. The main similarity between longitudinal and cross-sectional studies is that the data over one dimension, namely across periods of time (days, weeks, years) or across objects, respectively.

However, it is often the case that we need to explore data that change over two dimensions, both across objects and periods of time. In this case, we need to use a panel regression analysis. Its main distinction from the two mentioned above is that specifics of each object (person, company, country) are accounted for.

The common steps of the regression analysis are the following:

  • Start with descriptive statistics of the data. This is done to indicate the scope of the data observations included in the sample and identify potential outliers. A common practice is to get rid of the outliers to avoid the distortion of the analysis results.
  • Estimate potential multicollinearity. This phenomenon is connected with strong correlation between explanatory variables. Multicollinearity is an undesirable feature of the sample as regression results, in particular the significance of certain variables, may be distorted. Once multicollinearity is detected, the easiest way to eliminate it is to omit one of the correlated variables.
  • Run Regressions. First, the overall significance of the model is estimated using the F-statistic. After that, the significance of particular variable coefficient is assessed using t-statistics.
  • Don’t forget about diagnostic tests. They are conducted to detect potential imperfections of the sample that could affect the regression outcomes.

Some nuances should be mentioned. When a time series OLS regression analysis is conducted, it is feasible to conduct a full battery of diagnostic tests including the test of linearity (the relationship between the independent and dependent variables should be linear); homoscedasticity (regression residuals should have the same variance); independence of observations; normality of variables; serial correlation (there should no patterns in a particular time series). These tests for longitudinal regression models are available in most software tools such as Eviews and Stata.

3.3. Vector Autoregression

A vector autoregression model (VAR) is a model often used in statistical analysis, which explores interrelationships between several variables that are all treated as endogenous. So, a specific trait of this model is that it includes lagged values of the employed variables as regressors. This allows for estimating not only the instantaneous effects but also dynamic effects in the relationships up to n lags.

In fact, a VAR model consists of k OLS regression equations where k is the number of employed variables. Each equation has its own dependent variable while the explanatory variables are the lagged values of this variable and other variables.

  • Selection of the optimal lag length

Information criteria (IC) are employed to determine the optimal lag length. The most commonly used ones are the Akaike, Hannah-Quinn and Schwarz criteria.

  • Test for stationarity

A widely used method for estimating stationarity is the Augmented Dickey-Fuller test and the Phillips-Perron test.  If a variable is non-stationary, the first difference should be taken and tested for stationarity in the same way.

  • Cointegration test

The variables may be non-stationary but integrated of the same order. In this case, they can be analysed with a Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) instead of VAR. The Johansen cointegration test is conducted to check whether the variables integrated of the same order share a common integrating vector(s). If the variables are cointegrated, VECM is applied in the following analysis instead of a VAR model. VECM is applied to non-transformed non-stationary series whereas VAR is run with transformed or stationary inputs.

  • Model Estimation

A VAR model is run with the chosen number of lags and coefficients with standard errors and respective t-statistics are calculated to assess the statistical significance.

  • Diagnostic tests

Next, the model is tested for serial correlation using the Breusch-Godfrey test, for heteroscedasticity using the Breusch-Pagan test and for stability.

  • Impulse Response Functions (IRFs)

The IRFs are used to graphically represent the results of a VAR model and project the effects of variables on one another.

  • Granger causality test

The variables may be related but there may exist no causal relationships between them, or the effect may be bilateral. The Granger test indicates the causal associations between the variables and shows the direction of causality based on interaction of current and past values of a pair of variables in the VAR system.

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Dissertation Subject Guide

  • Welcome to Dissertation guide!
  • Choosing a topic
  • Scoping searches
  • What type of review?
  • Methodology
  • Search strategy
  • Grey Literature
  • Reference Management Software (Endnote etc.)
  • Screening papers: PRISMA
  • Data Extraction
  • Critical Appraisal
  • Data Synthesis
  • Data Analysis
  • Common errors to avoid
  • Writing up dissertation
  • Formatting Dissertation
  • Dissertation Take-Off Recordings

Data Analysis - quantitative

Quantitative data analysis involves processing and interpreting numerical data to draw meaningful conclusions. Here are some key steps in quantitative data analysis:

Data Preparation :

  • Clean and organize the data.
  • Handle missing values and outliers.
  • Transform variables if needed (e.g., normalization, standardization).

Descriptive Statistics :

  • Calculate measures like mean, median, mode, and standard deviation.
  • Create histograms, box plots, or scatter plots to visualize data distributions.

Inferential Statistics :

  • Perform hypothesis tests (e.g., t-tests, ANOVA) to compare groups.
  • Calculate confidence intervals.
  • Assess relationships (correlation, regression).

Statistical Software :

  • Use tools like R, Python (with libraries like pandas, numpy, and scipy), or SPSS for analysis.


 When conducting data analysis for a meta-analysis , follow these steps:

Data Extraction :

  • Collect relevant data from each study, including effect sizes, sample sizes, and other relevant statistics.
  • Ensure consistency in data extraction across studies.

Effect Size Calculation :

  • Compute effect sizes (e.g., Cohen’s d, odds ratio, correlation coefficient) for each study.
  • Standardize effect sizes to facilitate comparison.

Forest Plot :

  • Create a forest plot to visualize effect sizes and confidence intervals for each study.
  • Identify the overall effect size (pooled estimate) and its precision.

Heterogeneity Assessment :

  • Evaluate heterogeneity among studies using statistical tests (e.g., Cochran’s Q, I²).
  • High heterogeneity may require subgroup analyses or sensitivity analyses.

Fixed-Effect or Random-Effects Model :

  • Choose an appropriate model (fixed-effect or random-effects) based on heterogeneity.
  • Fixed-effect assumes a common effect size, while random-effects accounts for variability.

Publication Bias :

  • Assess publication bias using funnel plots or statistical tests (e.g., Egger’s test).
  • Adjust for bias if necessary.

Remember that meta-analysis requires careful consideration of study quality, study design, and statistical assumptions.


Data analysis for narrative synthesis involves collating and organizing study findings from different studies in a review. Unlike meta-analysis, which uses statistical methods, narrative synthesis relies on textual descriptions to integrate results. Here are some key steps:

Collate Findings : Describe the main features of each study, including context, validity, and differences in characteristics.

Structured Tabulation : Use tables and graphs to display results and highlight variations across studies.

  • Transparency : Promote transparency by justifying decisions and pre-specifying the synthesis approach in the review protocol

Thematic Analysis (Qualitative)

Braun and Clarke (2006) thematic analysis method is a process consisting of six steps:

  • becoming familiar with the data
  • generating codes
  • generating themes
  • reviewing themes
  • defining and naming themes
  • locating exemplars

Braun, V. and Clarke, V. (2006) ‘Using thematic analysis in psychology’, Qualitative research in psychology , 3(2), pp. 77–101. Available at:  

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Watch these youtube lecture videos on Thematic Analysis, presented by Victoria Clarke in 2021:

Thematic analysis part 1: what is thematic analysis, thematic analysis part 2: thematic analysis is uniquely flexible, thematic analysis part 3: six phases of reflective thematic analysis, thematic analysis part 4: avoiding common problems.

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  • Last Updated: Aug 5, 2024 9:41 AM
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Raw Data to Excellence: Master Dissertation Analysis

Discover the secrets of successful dissertation data analysis. Get practical advice and useful insights from experienced experts now!

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Have you ever found yourself knee-deep in a dissertation, desperately seeking answers from the data you’ve collected? Or have you ever felt clueless with all the data that you’ve collected but don’t know where to start? Fear not, in this article we are going to discuss a method that helps you come out of this situation and that is Dissertation Data Analysis.

Dissertation data analysis is like uncovering hidden treasures within your research findings. It’s where you roll up your sleeves and explore the data you’ve collected, searching for patterns, connections, and those “a-ha!” moments. Whether you’re crunching numbers, dissecting narratives, or diving into qualitative interviews, data analysis is the key that unlocks the potential of your research.

Dissertation Data Analysis

Dissertation data analysis plays a crucial role in conducting rigorous research and drawing meaningful conclusions. It involves the systematic examination, interpretation, and organization of data collected during the research process. The aim is to identify patterns, trends, and relationships that can provide valuable insights into the research topic.

The first step in dissertation data analysis is to carefully prepare and clean the collected data. This may involve removing any irrelevant or incomplete information, addressing missing data, and ensuring data integrity. Once the data is ready, various statistical and analytical techniques can be applied to extract meaningful information.

Descriptive statistics are commonly used to summarize and describe the main characteristics of the data, such as measures of central tendency (e.g., mean, median) and measures of dispersion (e.g., standard deviation, range). These statistics help researchers gain an initial understanding of the data and identify any outliers or anomalies.

Furthermore, qualitative data analysis techniques can be employed when dealing with non-numerical data, such as textual data or interviews. This involves systematically organizing, coding, and categorizing qualitative data to identify themes and patterns.

Types of Research

When considering research types in the context of dissertation data analysis, several approaches can be employed:

1. Quantitative Research

This type of research involves the collection and analysis of numerical data. It focuses on generating statistical information and making objective interpretations. Quantitative research often utilizes surveys, experiments, or structured observations to gather data that can be quantified and analyzed using statistical techniques.

2. Qualitative Research

In contrast to quantitative research, qualitative research focuses on exploring and understanding complex phenomena in depth. It involves collecting non-numerical data such as interviews, observations, or textual materials. Qualitative data analysis involves identifying themes, patterns, and interpretations, often using techniques like content analysis or thematic analysis.

3. Mixed-Methods Research

This approach combines both quantitative and qualitative research methods. Researchers employing mixed-methods research collect and analyze both numerical and non-numerical data to gain a comprehensive understanding of the research topic. The integration of quantitative and qualitative data can provide a more nuanced and comprehensive analysis, allowing for triangulation and validation of findings.

Primary vs. Secondary Research

Primary research.

Primary research involves the collection of original data specifically for the purpose of the dissertation. This data is directly obtained from the source, often through surveys, interviews, experiments, or observations. Researchers design and implement their data collection methods to gather information that is relevant to their research questions and objectives. Data analysis in primary research typically involves processing and analyzing the raw data collected.

Secondary Research

Secondary research involves the analysis of existing data that has been previously collected by other researchers or organizations. This data can be obtained from various sources such as academic journals, books, reports, government databases, or online repositories. Secondary data can be either quantitative or qualitative, depending on the nature of the source material. Data analysis in secondary research involves reviewing, organizing, and synthesizing the available data.

If you wanna deepen into Methodology in Research, also read: What is Methodology in Research and How Can We Write it?

Types of Analysis 

Various types of analysis techniques can be employed to examine and interpret the collected data. Of all those types, the ones that are most important and used are:

  • Descriptive Analysis: Descriptive analysis focuses on summarizing and describing the main characteristics of the data. It involves calculating measures of central tendency (e.g., mean, median) and measures of dispersion (e.g., standard deviation, range). Descriptive analysis provides an overview of the data, allowing researchers to understand its distribution, variability, and general patterns.
  • Inferential Analysis: Inferential analysis aims to draw conclusions or make inferences about a larger population based on the collected sample data. This type of analysis involves applying statistical techniques, such as hypothesis testing, confidence intervals, and regression analysis, to analyze the data and assess the significance of the findings. Inferential analysis helps researchers make generalizations and draw meaningful conclusions beyond the specific sample under investigation.
  • Qualitative Analysis: Qualitative analysis is used to interpret non-numerical data, such as interviews, focus groups, or textual materials. It involves coding, categorizing, and analyzing the data to identify themes, patterns, and relationships. Techniques like content analysis, thematic analysis, or discourse analysis are commonly employed to derive meaningful insights from qualitative data.
  • Correlation Analysis: Correlation analysis is used to examine the relationship between two or more variables. It determines the strength and direction of the association between variables. Common correlation techniques include Pearson’s correlation coefficient, Spearman’s rank correlation, or point-biserial correlation, depending on the nature of the variables being analyzed.

Basic Statistical Analysis

When conducting dissertation data analysis, researchers often utilize basic statistical analysis techniques to gain insights and draw conclusions from their data. These techniques involve the application of statistical measures to summarize and examine the data. Here are some common types of basic statistical analysis used in dissertation research:

  • Descriptive Statistics
  • Frequency Analysis
  • Cross-tabulation
  • Chi-Square Test
  • Correlation Analysis

Advanced Statistical Analysis

In dissertation data analysis, researchers may employ advanced statistical analysis techniques to gain deeper insights and address complex research questions. These techniques go beyond basic statistical measures and involve more sophisticated methods. Here are some examples of advanced statistical analysis commonly used in dissertation research:

Regression Analysis

  • Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
  • Factor Analysis
  • Cluster Analysis
  • Structural Equation Modeling (SEM)
  • Time Series Analysis

Examples of Methods of Analysis

Regression analysis is a powerful tool for examining relationships between variables and making predictions. It allows researchers to assess the impact of one or more independent variables on a dependent variable. Different types of regression analysis, such as linear regression, logistic regression, or multiple regression, can be used based on the nature of the variables and research objectives.

Event Study

An event study is a statistical technique that aims to assess the impact of a specific event or intervention on a particular variable of interest. This method is commonly employed in finance, economics, or management to analyze the effects of events such as policy changes, corporate announcements, or market shocks.

Vector Autoregression

Vector Autoregression is a statistical modeling technique used to analyze the dynamic relationships and interactions among multiple time series variables. It is commonly employed in fields such as economics, finance, and social sciences to understand the interdependencies between variables over time.

Preparing Data for Analysis

1. become acquainted with the data.

It is crucial to become acquainted with the data to gain a comprehensive understanding of its characteristics, limitations, and potential insights. This step involves thoroughly exploring and familiarizing oneself with the dataset before conducting any formal analysis by reviewing the dataset to understand its structure and content. Identify the variables included, their definitions, and the overall organization of the data. Gain an understanding of the data collection methods, sampling techniques, and any potential biases or limitations associated with the dataset.

2. Review Research Objectives

This step involves assessing the alignment between the research objectives and the data at hand to ensure that the analysis can effectively address the research questions. Evaluate how well the research objectives and questions align with the variables and data collected. Determine if the available data provides the necessary information to answer the research questions adequately. Identify any gaps or limitations in the data that may hinder the achievement of the research objectives.

3. Creating a Data Structure

This step involves organizing the data into a well-defined structure that aligns with the research objectives and analysis techniques. Organize the data in a tabular format where each row represents an individual case or observation, and each column represents a variable. Ensure that each case has complete and accurate data for all relevant variables. Use consistent units of measurement across variables to facilitate meaningful comparisons.

4. Discover Patterns and Connections

In preparing data for dissertation data analysis, one of the key objectives is to discover patterns and connections within the data. This step involves exploring the dataset to identify relationships, trends, and associations that can provide valuable insights. Visual representations can often reveal patterns that are not immediately apparent in tabular data. 

Qualitative Data Analysis

Qualitative data analysis methods are employed to analyze and interpret non-numerical or textual data. These methods are particularly useful in fields such as social sciences, humanities, and qualitative research studies where the focus is on understanding meaning, context, and subjective experiences. Here are some common qualitative data analysis methods:

Thematic Analysis

The thematic analysis involves identifying and analyzing recurring themes, patterns, or concepts within the qualitative data. Researchers immerse themselves in the data, categorize information into meaningful themes, and explore the relationships between them. This method helps in capturing the underlying meanings and interpretations within the data.

Content Analysis

Content analysis involves systematically coding and categorizing qualitative data based on predefined categories or emerging themes. Researchers examine the content of the data, identify relevant codes, and analyze their frequency or distribution. This method allows for a quantitative summary of qualitative data and helps in identifying patterns or trends across different sources.

Grounded Theory

Grounded theory is an inductive approach to qualitative data analysis that aims to generate theories or concepts from the data itself. Researchers iteratively analyze the data, identify concepts, and develop theoretical explanations based on emerging patterns or relationships. This method focuses on building theory from the ground up and is particularly useful when exploring new or understudied phenomena.

Discourse Analysis

Discourse analysis examines how language and communication shape social interactions, power dynamics, and meaning construction. Researchers analyze the structure, content, and context of language in qualitative data to uncover underlying ideologies, social representations, or discursive practices. This method helps in understanding how individuals or groups make sense of the world through language.

Narrative Analysis

Narrative analysis focuses on the study of stories, personal narratives, or accounts shared by individuals. Researchers analyze the structure, content, and themes within the narratives to identify recurring patterns, plot arcs, or narrative devices. This method provides insights into individuals’ live experiences, identity construction, or sense-making processes.

Applying Data Analysis to Your Dissertation

Applying data analysis to your dissertation is a critical step in deriving meaningful insights and drawing valid conclusions from your research. It involves employing appropriate data analysis techniques to explore, interpret, and present your findings. Here are some key considerations when applying data analysis to your dissertation:

Selecting Analysis Techniques

Choose analysis techniques that align with your research questions, objectives, and the nature of your data. Whether quantitative or qualitative, identify the most suitable statistical tests, modeling approaches, or qualitative analysis methods that can effectively address your research goals. Consider factors such as data type, sample size, measurement scales, and the assumptions associated with the chosen techniques.

Data Preparation

Ensure that your data is properly prepared for analysis. Cleanse and validate your dataset, addressing any missing values, outliers, or data inconsistencies. Code variables, transform data if necessary, and format it appropriately to facilitate accurate and efficient analysis. Pay attention to ethical considerations, data privacy, and confidentiality throughout the data preparation process.

Execution of Analysis

Execute the selected analysis techniques systematically and accurately. Utilize statistical software, programming languages, or qualitative analysis tools to carry out the required computations, calculations, or interpretations. Adhere to established guidelines, protocols, or best practices specific to your chosen analysis techniques to ensure reliability and validity.

Interpretation of Results

Thoroughly interpret the results derived from your analysis. Examine statistical outputs, visual representations, or qualitative findings to understand the implications and significance of the results. Relate the outcomes back to your research questions, objectives, and existing literature. Identify key patterns, relationships, or trends that support or challenge your hypotheses.

Drawing Conclusions

Based on your analysis and interpretation, draw well-supported conclusions that directly address your research objectives. Present the key findings in a clear, concise, and logical manner, emphasizing their relevance and contributions to the research field. Discuss any limitations, potential biases, or alternative explanations that may impact the validity of your conclusions.

Validation and Reliability

Evaluate the validity and reliability of your data analysis by considering the rigor of your methods, the consistency of results, and the triangulation of multiple data sources or perspectives if applicable. Engage in critical self-reflection and seek feedback from peers, mentors, or experts to ensure the robustness of your data analysis and conclusions.

In conclusion, dissertation data analysis is an essential component of the research process, allowing researchers to extract meaningful insights and draw valid conclusions from their data. By employing a range of analysis techniques, researchers can explore relationships, identify patterns, and uncover valuable information to address their research objectives.

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About Sowjanya Pedada

Sowjanya is a passionate writer and an avid reader. She holds MBA in Agribusiness Management and now is working as a content writer. She loves to play with words and hopes to make a difference in the world through her writings. Apart from writing, she is interested in reading fiction novels and doing craftwork. She also loves to travel and explore different cuisines and spend time with her family and friends.

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Setting research questions/ hypotheses

Assessment point

Building the theoretical case

Setting your research strategy

Data collection

Data analysis


The data analysis process.

The data analysis process involves three steps : (STEP ONE) select the correct statistical tests to run on your data; (STEP TWO) prepare and analyse the data you have collected using a relevant statistics package; and (STEP THREE) interpret the findings properly so that you can write up your results (i.e., usually in Chapter Four: Results ). The basic idea behind each of these steps is relatively straightforward, but the act of analysing your data (i.e., by selecting statistical tests, preparing your data and analysing it, and interpreting the findings from these tests) can be time consuming and challenging. We have tried to make this process as easy as possible by providing comprehensive, step-by-step guides in the Data Analysis part of Lærd Dissertation, but you should leave time at least one week to analyse your data.

STEP ONE Select the correct statistical tests to run on your data

It is common that dissertation students collect good data, but then report the wrong findings because of selecting the incorrect statistical tests to run in the first place. Selecting the correct statistical tests to perform on the data that you have collected will depend on (a) the research questions/hypotheses you have set, together with the research design you have adopted, and (b) the type and nature of your data:

The research questions/hypotheses you have set, together with the research design you have adopted

Your research questions/hypotheses and research design explain what variables you are measuring and how you plan to measure these variables. These highlight whether you want to (a) predict a score or a membership of a group, (b) find out differences between groups or treatments, or (c) explore associations/relationships between variables. These different aims determine the statistical tests that may be appropriate to run on your data. We highlight the word may because the most appropriate test that is identified based on your research questions/hypotheses and research design can change depending on the type and nature of the data you collect; something we discuss next.

The type and nature of the data you collected

Data is not all the same. As you will have identified by now, not all variables are measured in the same way; variables can be dichotomous, ordinal, or continuous. In addition, not all data is normal , as term we explain the Data Analysis section, nor is the data you have collected when comparing groups necessarily equal for each group. As a result, you might think that running a particular statistical test is correct (e.g., a dependent t-test), based on the research questions/hypotheses you have set, but the data you have collected fails certain assumptions that are important to this statistical test (i.e., normality and homogeneity of variance ). As a result, you have to run another statistical test (e.g., a Mann-Whitney U instead of a dependent t-test).

To select the correct statistical tests to run on the data in your dissertation, we have created a Statistical Test Selector to help guide you through the various options.

STEP TWO Prepare and analyse your data using a relevant statistics package

The preparation and analysis of your data is actually a much more practical step than many students realise. Most of the time required to get the results that you will present in your write up (i.e., usually in Chapter Four: Results ) comes from knowing (a) how to enter data into a statistics package (e.g., SPSS) so that it can be analysed correctly, and (b) what buttons to press in the statistics package to correctly run the statistical tests you need:

Entering data is not just about knowing what buttons to press, but: (a) how to code your data correctly to recognise the types of variables that you have, as well as issues such as reverse coding ; (b) how to filter your dataset to take into account missing data and outliers ; (c) how to split files (i.e., in SPSS) when analysing the data for separate subgroups (e.g., males and females) using the same statistical tests; (d) how to weight and unweight data you have collected; and (e) other things you need to consider when entering data. What you have to do when it comes to entering data (i.e., in terms of coding, filtering, splitting files, and weighting/unweighting data) will depend on the statistical tests you plan to run. Therefore, entering data starts with using the Statistical Test Selector to help guide you through the various options. In the Data Analysis section, we help you to understand what you need to know about entering data in the context of your dissertation.

Running statistical tests

Statistics packages do the hard work of statistically analysing your data, but they rely on you making a number of choices. This is not simply about selecting the correct statistical test, but knowing, when you have selected a given test to run on your data, what buttons to press to: (a) test for the assumptions underlying the statistical test; (b) test whether corrections can be made when assumptions are violated ; (c) take into account outliers and missing data ; (d) choose between the different numerical and graphical ways to approach your analysis; and (e) other standard and more advanced tips. In the Data Analysis section, we explain what these considerations are (i.e., assumptions, corrections, outliers and missing data, numerical and graphical analysis) so that you can apply them to your own dissertation. We also provide comprehensive , step-by-step instructions with screenshots that show you how to enter data and run a wide range of statistical tests using the statistics package, SPSS. We do this on the basis that you probably have little or no knowledge of SPSS.

STEP THREE Interpret the findings properly

SPSS produces many tables of output for the typical tests you will run. In addition, SPSS has many new methods of presenting data using its Model viewer. You need to know which of these tables is important for your analysis and what the different figures/numbers mean. Interpreting these findings properly and communicating your results is one of the most important aspects of your dissertation. In the Data Analysis section, we show you how to understand these tables of output, what part of this output you need to look at, and how to write up the results in an appropriate format (i.e., so that you can answer you research hypotheses).

what is data analysis in dissertation

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what is data analysis in dissertation

Make sense of the data

If you’ve collected your data, but are feeling confused about what to do and how to make sense of it all, we can help. One of our friendly coaches will hold your hand through each step and help you interpret your dataset .

Alternatively, if you’re still planning your data collection and analysis strategy, we can help you craft a rock-solid methodology  that sets you up for success.

We can help you structure and write your data analysis chapter

Get your thinking onto paper

If you’ve analysed your data, but are struggling to get your thoughts onto paper, one of our friendly Grad Coaches can help you structure your results and/or discussion chapter to kickstart your writing.

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Have a question ?

Below we address some of the most popular questions we receive regarding our data analysis support, but feel free to get in touch if you have any other questions.

Dissertation Coaching

I have no idea where to start. can you help.

Absolutely. We regularly work with students who are completely new to data analysis (both qualitative and quantitative) and need step-by-step guidance to understand and interpret their data.

Can you analyse my data for me?

The short answer – no. 

The longer answer:

If you’re undertaking qualitative research , we can fast-track your project with our Qualitative Coding Service. With this service, we take care of the initial coding of your dataset (e.g., interview transcripts), providing a firm foundation on which you can build your qualitative analysis (e.g., thematic analysis, content analysis, etc.).

If you’re undertaking quantitative research , we can fast-track your project with our Statistical Testing Service . With this service, we run the relevant statistical tests using SPSS or R, and provide you with the raw outputs. You can then use these outputs/reports to interpret your results and develop your analysis.

Importantly, in both cases, we are not analysing the data for you or providing an interpretation or write-up for you. If you’d like coaching-based support with that aspect of the project, we can certainly assist you with this (i.e., provide guidance and feedback, review your writing, etc.). But it’s important to understand that you, as the researcher, need to engage with the data and write up your own findings. 

Can you help me choose the right data analysis methods?

Yes, we can assist you in selecting appropriate data analysis methods, based on your research aims and research questions, as well as the characteristics of your data.

Which data analysis methods can you assist with?

We can assist with most qualitative and quantitative analysis methods that are commonplace within the social sciences.

Qualitative methods:

  • Qualitative content analysis
  • Thematic analysis
  • Discourse analysis
  • Narrative analysis
  • Grounded theory

Quantitative methods:

  • Descriptive statistics
  • Inferential statistics

Can you provide data sets for me to analyse?

If you are undertaking secondary research , we can potentially assist you in finding suitable data sets for your analysis.

If you are undertaking primary research , we can help you plan and develop data collection instruments (e.g., surveys, questionnaires, etc.), but we cannot source the data on your behalf. 

Can you write the analysis/results/discussion chapter/section for me?

No. We can provide you with hands-on guidance through each step of the analysis process, but the writing needs to be your own. Writing anything for you would constitute academic misconduct .

Can you help me organise and structure my results/discussion chapter/section?

Yes, we can assist in structuring your chapter to ensure that you have a clear, logical structure and flow that delivers a clear and convincing narrative.

Can you review my writing and give me feedback?

Absolutely. Our Content Review service is designed exactly for this purpose and is one of the most popular services here at Grad Coach. In a Content Review, we carefully read through your research methodology chapter (or any other chapter) and provide detailed comments regarding the key issues/problem areas, why they’re problematic and what you can do to resolve the issues. You can learn more about Content Review here .

Do you provide software support (e.g., SPSS, R, etc.)?

It depends on the software package you’re planning to use, as well as the analysis techniques/tests you plan to undertake. We can typically provide support for the more popular analysis packages, but it’s best to discuss this in an initial consultation.

Can you help me with other aspects of my research project?

Yes. Data analysis support is only one aspect of our offering at Grad Coach, and we typically assist students throughout their entire dissertation/thesis/research project. You can learn more about our full service offering here .

Can I get a coach that specialises in my topic area?

It’s important to clarify that our expertise lies in the research process itself , rather than specific research areas/topics (e.g., psychology, management, etc.).

In other words, the support we provide is topic-agnostic, which allows us to support students across a very broad range of research topics. That said, if there is a coach on our team who has experience in your area of research, as well as your chosen methodology, we can allocate them to your project (dependent on their availability, of course).

If you’re unsure about whether we’re the right fit, feel free to drop us an email or book a free initial consultation.

What qualifications do your coaches have?

All of our coaches hold a doctoral-level degree (for example, a PhD, DBA, etc.). Moreover, they all have experience working within academia, in many cases as dissertation/thesis supervisors. In other words, they understand what markers are looking for when reviewing a student’s work.

Is my data/topic/study kept confidential?

Yes, we prioritise confidentiality and data security. Your written work and personal information are treated as strictly confidential. We can also sign a non-disclosure agreement, should you wish.

I still have questions…

No problem. Feel free to email us or book an initial consultation to discuss.

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Data Collection Methods | Step-by-Step Guide & Examples

Published on 4 May 2022 by Pritha Bhandari .

Data collection is a systematic process of gathering observations or measurements. Whether you are performing research for business, governmental, or academic purposes, data collection allows you to gain first-hand knowledge and original insights into your research problem .

While methods and aims may differ between fields, the overall process of data collection remains largely the same. Before you begin collecting data, you need to consider:

  • The  aim of the research
  • The type of data that you will collect
  • The methods and procedures you will use to collect, store, and process the data

To collect high-quality data that is relevant to your purposes, follow these four steps.

Table of contents

Step 1: define the aim of your research, step 2: choose your data collection method, step 3: plan your data collection procedures, step 4: collect the data, frequently asked questions about data collection.

Before you start the process of data collection, you need to identify exactly what you want to achieve. You can start by writing a problem statement : what is the practical or scientific issue that you want to address, and why does it matter?

Next, formulate one or more research questions that precisely define what you want to find out. Depending on your research questions, you might need to collect quantitative or qualitative data :

  • Quantitative data is expressed in numbers and graphs and is analysed through statistical methods .
  • Qualitative data is expressed in words and analysed through interpretations and categorisations.

If your aim is to test a hypothesis , measure something precisely, or gain large-scale statistical insights, collect quantitative data. If your aim is to explore ideas, understand experiences, or gain detailed insights into a specific context, collect qualitative data.

If you have several aims, you can use a mixed methods approach that collects both types of data.

  • Your first aim is to assess whether there are significant differences in perceptions of managers across different departments and office locations.
  • Your second aim is to gather meaningful feedback from employees to explore new ideas for how managers can improve.

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Based on the data you want to collect, decide which method is best suited for your research.

  • Experimental research is primarily a quantitative method.
  • Interviews , focus groups , and ethnographies are qualitative methods.
  • Surveys , observations, archival research, and secondary data collection can be quantitative or qualitative methods.

Carefully consider what method you will use to gather data that helps you directly answer your research questions.

Data collection methods
Method When to use How to collect data
Experiment To test a causal relationship. Manipulate variables and measure their effects on others.
Survey To understand the general characteristics or opinions of a group of people. Distribute a list of questions to a sample online, in person, or over the phone.
Interview/focus group To gain an in-depth understanding of perceptions or opinions on a topic. Verbally ask participants open-ended questions in individual interviews or focus group discussions.
Observation To understand something in its natural setting. Measure or survey a sample without trying to affect them.
Ethnography To study the culture of a community or organisation first-hand. Join and participate in a community and record your observations and reflections.
Archival research To understand current or historical events, conditions, or practices. Access manuscripts, documents, or records from libraries, depositories, or the internet.
Secondary data collection To analyse data from populations that you can’t access first-hand. Find existing datasets that have already been collected, from sources such as government agencies or research organisations.

When you know which method(s) you are using, you need to plan exactly how you will implement them. What procedures will you follow to make accurate observations or measurements of the variables you are interested in?

For instance, if you’re conducting surveys or interviews, decide what form the questions will take; if you’re conducting an experiment, make decisions about your experimental design .


Sometimes your variables can be measured directly: for example, you can collect data on the average age of employees simply by asking for dates of birth. However, often you’ll be interested in collecting data on more abstract concepts or variables that can’t be directly observed.

Operationalisation means turning abstract conceptual ideas into measurable observations. When planning how you will collect data, you need to translate the conceptual definition of what you want to study into the operational definition of what you will actually measure.

  • You ask managers to rate their own leadership skills on 5-point scales assessing the ability to delegate, decisiveness, and dependability.
  • You ask their direct employees to provide anonymous feedback on the managers regarding the same topics.

You may need to develop a sampling plan to obtain data systematically. This involves defining a population , the group you want to draw conclusions about, and a sample, the group you will actually collect data from.

Your sampling method will determine how you recruit participants or obtain measurements for your study. To decide on a sampling method you will need to consider factors like the required sample size, accessibility of the sample, and time frame of the data collection.

Standardising procedures

If multiple researchers are involved, write a detailed manual to standardise data collection procedures in your study.

This means laying out specific step-by-step instructions so that everyone in your research team collects data in a consistent way – for example, by conducting experiments under the same conditions and using objective criteria to record and categorise observations.

This helps ensure the reliability of your data, and you can also use it to replicate the study in the future.

Creating a data management plan

Before beginning data collection, you should also decide how you will organise and store your data.

  • If you are collecting data from people, you will likely need to anonymise and safeguard the data to prevent leaks of sensitive information (e.g. names or identity numbers).
  • If you are collecting data via interviews or pencil-and-paper formats, you will need to perform transcriptions or data entry in systematic ways to minimise distortion.
  • You can prevent loss of data by having an organisation system that is routinely backed up.

Finally, you can implement your chosen methods to measure or observe the variables you are interested in.

The closed-ended questions ask participants to rate their manager’s leadership skills on scales from 1 to 5. The data produced is numerical and can be statistically analysed for averages and patterns.

To ensure that high-quality data is recorded in a systematic way, here are some best practices:

  • Record all relevant information as and when you obtain data. For example, note down whether or how lab equipment is recalibrated during an experimental study.
  • Double-check manual data entry for errors.
  • If you collect quantitative data, you can assess the reliability and validity to get an indication of your data quality.

Data collection is the systematic process by which observations or measurements are gathered in research. It is used in many different contexts by academics, governments, businesses, and other organisations.

When conducting research, collecting original data has significant advantages:

  • You can tailor data collection to your specific research aims (e.g., understanding the needs of your consumers or user testing your website).
  • You can control and standardise the process for high reliability and validity (e.g., choosing appropriate measurements and sampling methods ).

However, there are also some drawbacks: data collection can be time-consuming, labour-intensive, and expensive. In some cases, it’s more efficient to use secondary data that has already been collected by someone else, but the data might be less reliable.

Quantitative research deals with numbers and statistics, while qualitative research deals with words and meanings.

Quantitative methods allow you to test a hypothesis by systematically collecting and analysing data, while qualitative methods allow you to explore ideas and experiences in depth.

Reliability and validity are both about how well a method measures something:

  • Reliability refers to the  consistency of a measure (whether the results can be reproduced under the same conditions).
  • Validity   refers to the  accuracy of a measure (whether the results really do represent what they are supposed to measure).

If you are doing experimental research , you also have to consider the internal and external validity of your experiment.

In mixed methods research , you use both qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis methods to answer your research question .

Operationalisation means turning abstract conceptual ideas into measurable observations.

For example, the concept of social anxiety isn’t directly observable, but it can be operationally defined in terms of self-rating scores, behavioural avoidance of crowded places, or physical anxiety symptoms in social situations.

Before collecting data , it’s important to consider how you will operationalise the variables that you want to measure.

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Bhandari, P. (2022, May 04). Data Collection Methods | Step-by-Step Guide & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved 5 August 2024, from

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How to Analyse Secondary Data for a Dissertation

Secondary data refers to data that has already been collected by another researcher. For researchers (and students!) with limited time and resources, secondary data, whether qualitative or quantitative can be a highly viable source of data.  In addition, with the advances in technology and access to peer reviewed journals and studies provided by the internet, it is increasingly popular as a form of data collection.  The question that frequently arises amongst students however, is: how is secondary data best analysed?

The process of data analysis in secondary research

Secondary analysis (i.e., the use of existing data) is a systematic methodological approach that has some clear steps that need to be followed for the process to be effective.  In simple terms there are three steps:

  • Step One: Development of Research Questions
  • Step Two: Identification of dataset
  • Step Three: Evaluation of the dataset.

Let’s look at each of these in more detail:

Step One: Development of research questions

Using secondary data means you need to apply theoretical knowledge and conceptual skills to be able to use the dataset to answer research questions.  Clearly therefore, the first step is thus to clearly define and develop your research questions so that you know the areas of interest that you need to explore for location of the most appropriate secondary data.

Step Two: Identification of Dataset

This stage should start with identification, through investigation, of what is currently known in the subject area and where there are gaps, and thus what data is available to address these gaps.  Sources can be academic from prior studies that have used quantitative or qualitative data, and which can then be gathered together and collated to produce a new secondary dataset.  In addition, other more informal or “grey” literature can also be incorporated, including consumer report, commercial studies or similar.  One of the values of using secondary research is that original survey works often do not use all the data collected which means this unused information can be applied to different settings or perspectives.

Key point: Effective use of secondary data means identifying how the data can be used to deliver meaningful and relevant answers to the research questions.  In other words that the data used is a good fit for the study and research questions.

Step Three: Evaluation of the dataset for effectiveness/fit

A good tip is to use a reflective approach for data evaluation.  In other words, for each piece of secondary data to be utilised, it is sensible to identify the purpose of the work, the credentials of the authors (i.e., credibility, what data is provided in the original work and how long ago it was collected).  In addition, the methods used and the level of consistency that exists compared to other works. This is important because understanding the primary method of data collection will impact on the overall evaluation and analysis when it is used as secondary source. In essence, if there is no understanding of the coding used in qualitative data analysis to identify key themes then there will be a mismatch with interpretations when the data is used for secondary purposes.  Furthermore, having multiple sources which draw similar conclusions ensures a higher level of validity than relying on only one or two secondary sources.

A useful framework provides a flow chart of decision making, as shown in the figure below.

Analyse Secondary Data

Following this process ensures that only those that are most appropriate for your research questions are included in the final dataset, but also demonstrates to your readers that you have been thorough in identifying the right works to use.

Writing up the Analysis

Once you have your dataset, writing up the analysis will depend on the process used.  If the data is qualitative in nature, then you should follow the following process.


  • Read and re-read all sources, identifying initial observations, correlations, and relationships between themes and how they apply to your research questions.
  • Once initial themes are identified, it is sensible to explore further and identify sub-themes which lead on from the core themes and correlations in the dataset, which encourages identification of new insights and contributes to the originality of your own work.

Structure of the Analysis Presentation


The introduction should commence with an overview of all your sources. It is good practice to present these in a table, listed chronologically so that your work has an orderly and consistent flow. The introduction should also incorporate a brief (2-3 sentences) overview of the key outcomes and results identified.

The body text for secondary data, irrespective of whether quantitative or qualitative data is used, should be broken up into sub-sections for each argument or theme presented. In the case of qualitative data, depending on whether content, narrative or discourse analysis is used, this means presenting the key papers in the area, their conclusions and how these answer, or not, your research questions. Each source should be clearly cited and referenced at the end of the work. In the case of qualitative data, any figures or tables should be reproduced with the correct citations to their original source. In both cases, it is good practice to give a main heading of a key theme, with sub-headings for each of the sub themes identified in the analysis.

Do not use direct quotes from secondary data unless they are:

  • properly referenced, and
  • are key to underlining a point or conclusion that you have drawn from the data.

All results sections, regardless of whether primary or secondary data has been used should refer back to the research questions and prior works. This is because, regardless of whether the results back up or contradict previous research, including previous works shows a wider level of reading and understanding of the topic being researched and gives a greater depth to your own work.

Summary of results

The summary of the results section of a secondary data dissertation should deliver a summing up of key findings, and if appropriate a conceptual framework that clearly illustrates the findings of the work. This shows that you have understood your secondary data, how it has answered your research questions, and furthermore that your interpretation has led to some firm outcomes.


Data Analysis

Methodology chapter of your dissertation should include discussions about the methods of data analysis. You have to explain in a brief manner how you are going to analyze the primary data you will collect employing the methods explained in this chapter.

There are differences between qualitative data analysis and quantitative data analysis . In qualitative researches using interviews, focus groups, experiments etc. data analysis is going to involve identifying common patterns within the responses and critically analyzing them in order to achieve research aims and objectives.

Data analysis for quantitative studies, on the other hand, involves critical analysis and interpretation of figures and numbers, and attempts to find rationale behind the emergence of main findings. Comparisons of primary research findings to the findings of the literature review are critically important for both types of studies – qualitative and quantitative.

Data analysis methods in the absence of primary data collection can involve discussing common patterns, as well as, controversies within secondary data directly related to the research area.

Data analysis

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Writing a Dissertation Data Analysis the Right Way

Dissertation Data Analysis

Do you want to be a college professor? Most teaching positions at four-year universities and colleges require the applicants to have at least a doctoral degree in the field they wish to teach in. If you are looking for information about the dissertation data analysis, it means you have already started working on yours. Congratulations!

Truth be told, learning how to write a data analysis the right way can be tricky. This is, after all, one of the most important chapters of your paper. It is also the most difficult to write, unfortunately. The good news is that we will help you with all the information you need to write a good data analysis chapter right now. And remember, if you need an original dissertation data analysis example, our PhD experts can write one for you in record time. You’ll be amazed how much you can learn from a well-written example.

OK, But What Is the Data Analysis Section?

Don’t know what the data analysis section is or what it is used for? No problem, we’ll explain it to you. Understanding the data analysis meaning is crucial to understanding the next sections of this blog post.

Basically, the data analysis section is the part where you analyze and discuss the data you’ve uncovered. In a typical dissertation, you will present your findings (the data) in the Results section. You will explain how you obtained the data in the Methodology chapter.

The data analysis section should be reserved just for discussing your findings. This means you should refrain from introducing any new data in there. This is extremely important because it can get your paper penalized quite harshly. Remember, the evaluation committee will look at your data analysis section very closely. It’s extremely important to get this chapter done right.

Learn What to Include in Data Analysis

Don’t know what to include in data analysis? Whether you need to do a quantitative data analysis or analyze qualitative data, you need to get it right. Learning how to analyze research data is extremely important, and so is learning what you need to include in your analysis. Here are the basic parts that should mandatorily be in your dissertation data analysis structure:

  • The chapter should start with a brief overview of the problem. You will need to explain the importance of your research and its purpose. Also, you will need to provide a brief explanation of the various types of data and the methods you’ve used to collect said data. In case you’ve made any assumptions, you should list them as well.
  • The next part will include detailed descriptions of each and every one of your hypotheses. Alternatively, you can describe the research questions. In any case, this part of the data analysis chapter will make it clear to your readers what you aim to demonstrate.
  • Then, you will introduce and discuss each and every piece of important data. Your aim is to demonstrate that your data supports your thesis (or answers an important research question). Go in as much detail as possible when analyzing the data. Each question should be discussed in a single paragraph and the paragraph should contain a conclusion at the end.
  • The very last part of the data analysis chapter that an undergraduate must write is the conclusion of the entire chapter. It is basically a short summary of the entire chapter. Make it clear that you know what you’ve been talking about and how your data helps answer the research questions you’ve been meaning to cover.

Dissertation Data Analysis Methods

If you are reading this, it means you need some data analysis help. Fortunately, our writers are experts when it comes to the discussion chapter of a dissertation, the most important part of your paper. To make sure you write it correctly, you need to first ensure you learn about the various data analysis methods that are available to you. Here is what you can – and should – do during the data analysis phase of the paper:

  • Validate the data. This means you need to check for fraud (were all the respondents really interviewed?), screen the respondents to make sure they meet the research criteria, check that the data collection procedures were properly followed, and then verify that the data is complete (did each respondent receive all the questions or not?). Validating the data is no as difficult as you imagine. Just pick several respondents at random and call them or email them to find out if the data is valid.
For example, an outlier can be identified using a scatter plot or a box plot. Points (values) that are beyond an inner fence on either side are mild outliers, while points that are beyond an outer fence are called extreme outliers.
  • If you have a large amount of data, you should code it. Group similar data into sets and code them. This will significantly simplify the process of analyzing the data later.
For example, the median is almost always used to separate the lower half from the upper half of a data set, while the percentage can be used to make a graph that emphasizes a small group of values in a large set o data.
ANOVA, for example, is perfect for testing how much two groups differ from one another in the experiment. You can safely use it to find a relationship between the number of smartphones in a family and the size of the family’s savings.

Analyzing qualitative data is a bit different from analyzing quantitative data. However, the process is not entirely different. Here are some methods to analyze qualitative data:

You should first get familiar with the data, carefully review each research question to see which one can be answered by the data you have collected, code or index the resulting data, and then identify all the patterns. The most popular methods of conducting a qualitative data analysis are the grounded theory, the narrative analysis, the content analysis, and the discourse analysis. Each has its strengths and weaknesses, so be very careful which one you choose.

Of course, it goes without saying that you need to become familiar with each of the different methods used to analyze various types of data. Going into detail for each method is not possible in a single blog post. After all, there are entire books written about these methods. However, if you are having any trouble with analyzing the data – or if you don’t know which dissertation data analysis methods suits your data best – you can always ask our dissertation experts. Our customer support department is online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week – even during holidays. We are always here for you!

Tips and Tricks to Write the Analysis Chapter

Did you know that the best way to learn how to write a data analysis chapter is to get a great example of data analysis in research paper? In case you don’t have access to such an example and don’t want to get assistance from our experts, we can still help you. Here are a few very useful tips that should make writing the analysis chapter a lot easier:

  • Always start the chapter with a short introductory paragraph that explains the purpose of the chapter. Don’t just assume that your audience knows what a discussion chapter is. Provide them with a brief overview of what you are about to demonstrate.
  • When you analyze and discuss the data, keep the literature review in mind. Make as many cross references as possible between your analysis and the literature review. This way, you will demonstrate to the evaluation committee that you know what you’re talking about.
  • Never be afraid to provide your point of view on the data you are analyzing. This is why it’s called a data analysis and not a results chapter. Be as critical as possible and make sure you discuss every set of data in detail.
  • If you notice any patterns or themes in the data, make sure you acknowledge them and explain them adequately. You should also take note of these patterns in the conclusion at the end of the chapter.
  • Do not assume your readers are familiar with jargon. Always provide a clear definition of the terms you are using in your paper. Not doing so can get you penalized. Why risk it?
  • Don’t be afraid to discuss both the advantage and the disadvantages you can get from the data. Being biased and trying to ignore the drawbacks of the results will not get you far.
  • Always remember to discuss the significance of each set of data. Also, try to explain to your audience how the various elements connect to each other.
  • Be as balanced as possible and make sure your judgments are reasonable. Only strong evidence should be used to support your claims and arguments. Weak evidence just shows that you did not do your best to uncover enough information to answer the research question.
  • Get dissertation data analysis help whenever you feel like you need it. Don’t leave anything to chance because the outcome of your dissertation depends in large part on the data analysis chapter.

Finally, don’t be afraid to make effective use of any quantitative data analysis software you can get your hands on. We know that many of these tools can be quite expensive, but we can assure you that the investment is a good idea. Many of these tools are of real help when it comes to analyzing huge amounts of data.

Final Considerations

Finally, you need to be aware that the data analysis chapter should not be rushed in any way. We do agree that the Results chapter is extremely important, but we consider that the Discussion chapter is equally as important. Why? Because you will be explaining your findings and not just presenting some results. You will have the option to talk about your personal opinions. You are free to unleash your critical thinking and impress the evaluation committee. The data analysis section is where you can really shine.

Also, you need to make sure that this chapter is as interesting as it can be for the reader. Make sure you discuss all the interesting results of your research. Explain peculiar findings. Make correlations and reference other works by established authors in your field. Show your readers that you know that subject extremely well and that you are perfectly capable of conducting a proper analysis no matter how complex the data may be. This way, you can ensure that you get maximum points for the data analysis chapter. If you can’t do a great job, get help ASAP!

Need Some Assistance With Data Analysis?

If you are a university student or a graduate, you may need some cheap help with writing the analysis chapter of your dissertation. Remember, time saving is extremely important because finishing the dissertation on time is mandatory. You should consider our amazing services the moment you notice you are not on track with your dissertation. Also, you should get help from our dissertation writing service in case you can’t do a terrific job writing the data analysis chapter. This is one of the most important chapters of your paper and the supervisor will look closely at it.

Why risk getting penalized when you can get high quality academic writing services from our team of experts? All our writers are PhD degree holders, so they know exactly how to write any chapter of a dissertation the right way. This also means that our professionals work fast. They can get the analysis chapter done for you in no time and bring you back on track. It’s also worth noting that we have access to the best software tools for data analysis. We will bring our knowledge and technical know-how to your project and ensure you get a top grade on your paper. Get in touch with us and let’s discuss the specifics of your project right now!

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Leeds Beckett University

Skills for Learning : Research Skills

Data analysis is an ongoing process that should occur throughout your research project. Suitable data-analysis methods must be selected when you write your research proposal. The nature of your data (i.e. quantitative or qualitative) will be influenced by your research design and purpose. The data will also influence the analysis methods selected.

We run interactive workshops to help you develop skills related to doing research, such as data analysis, writing literature reviews and preparing for dissertations. Find out more on the Skills for Learning Workshops page.

We have online academic skills modules within MyBeckett for all levels of university study. These modules will help your academic development and support your success at LBU. You can work through the modules at your own pace, revisiting them as required. Find out more from our FAQ What academic skills modules are available?

Quantitative data analysis

Broadly speaking, 'statistics' refers to methods, tools and techniques used to collect, organise and interpret data. The goal of statistics is to gain understanding from data. Therefore, you need to know how to:

  • Produce data – for example, by handing out a questionnaire or doing an experiment.
  • Organise, summarise, present and analyse data.
  • Draw valid conclusions from findings.

There are a number of statistical methods you can use to analyse data. Choosing an appropriate statistical method should follow naturally, however, from your research design. Therefore, you should think about data analysis at the early stages of your study design. You may need to consult a statistician for help with this.

Tips for working with statistical data

  • Plan so that the data you get has a good chance of successfully tackling the research problem. This will involve reading literature on your subject, as well as on what makes a good study.
  • To reach useful conclusions, you need to reduce uncertainties or 'noise'. Thus, you will need a sufficiently large data sample. A large sample will improve precision. However, this must be balanced against the 'costs' (time and money) of collection.
  • Consider the logistics. Will there be problems in obtaining sufficient high-quality data? Think about accuracy, trustworthiness and completeness.
  • Statistics are based on random samples. Consider whether your sample will be suited to this sort of analysis. Might there be biases to think about?
  • How will you deal with missing values (any data that is not recorded for some reason)? These can result from gaps in a record or whole records being missed out.
  • When analysing data, start by looking at each variable separately. Conduct initial/exploratory data analysis using graphical displays. Do this before looking at variables in conjunction or anything more complicated. This process can help locate errors in the data and also gives you a 'feel' for the data.
  • Look out for patterns of 'missingness'. They are likely to alert you if there’s a problem. If the 'missingness' is not random, then it will have an impact on the results.
  • Be vigilant and think through what you are doing at all times. Think critically. Statistics are not just mathematical tricks that a computer sorts out. Rather, analysing statistical data is a process that the human mind must interpret!

Top tips! Try inventing or generating the sort of data you might get and see if you can analyse it. Make sure that your process works before gathering actual data. Think what the output of an analytic procedure will look like before doing it for real.

(Note: it is actually difficult to generate realistic data. There are fraud-detection methods in place to identify data that has been fabricated. So, remember to get rid of your practice data before analysing the real stuff!)

Statistical software packages

Software packages can be used to analyse and present data. The most widely used ones are SPSS and NVivo.

SPSS is a statistical-analysis and data-management package for quantitative data analysis. Click on ‘ How do I install SPSS? ’ to learn how to download SPSS to your personal device. SPSS can perform a wide variety of statistical procedures. Some examples are:

  • Data management (i.e. creating subsets of data or transforming data).
  • Summarising, describing or presenting data (i.e. mean, median and frequency).
  • Looking at the distribution of data (i.e. standard deviation).
  • Comparing groups for significant differences using parametric (i.e. t-test) and non-parametric (i.e. Chi-square) tests.
  • Identifying significant relationships between variables (i.e. correlation).

NVivo can be used for qualitative data analysis. It is suitable for use with a wide range of methodologies. Click on ‘ How do I access NVivo ’ to learn how to download NVivo to your personal device. NVivo supports grounded theory, survey data, case studies, focus groups, phenomenology, field research and action research.

  • Process data such as interview transcripts, literature or media extracts, and historical documents.
  • Code data on screen and explore all coding and documents interactively.
  • Rearrange, restructure, extend and edit text, coding and coding relationships.
  • Search imported text for words, phrases or patterns, and automatically code the results.

Qualitative data analysis

Miles and Huberman (1994) point out that there are diverse approaches to qualitative research and analysis. They suggest, however, that it is possible to identify 'a fairly classic set of analytic moves arranged in sequence'. This involves:

  • Affixing codes to a set of field notes drawn from observation or interviews.
  • Noting reflections or other remarks in the margins.
  • Sorting/sifting through these materials to identify: a) similar phrases, relationships between variables, patterns and themes and b) distinct differences between subgroups and common sequences.
  • Isolating these patterns/processes and commonalties/differences. Then, taking them out to the field in the next wave of data collection.
  • Highlighting generalisations and relating them to your original research themes.
  • Taking the generalisations and analysing them in relation to theoretical perspectives.

        (Miles and Huberman, 1994.)

Patterns and generalisations are usually arrived at through a process of analytic induction (see above points 5 and 6). Qualitative analysis rarely involves statistical analysis of relationships between variables. Qualitative analysis aims to gain in-depth understanding of concepts, opinions or experiences.

Presenting information

There are a number of different ways of presenting and communicating information. The particular format you use is dependent upon the type of data generated from the methods you have employed.

Here are some appropriate ways of presenting information for different types of data:

Bar charts: These   may be useful for comparing relative sizes. However, they tend to use a large amount of ink to display a relatively small amount of information. Consider a simple line chart as an alternative.

Pie charts: These have the benefit of indicating that the data must add up to 100%. However, they make it difficult for viewers to distinguish relative sizes, especially if two slices have a difference of less than 10%.

Other examples of presenting data in graphical form include line charts and  scatter plots .

Qualitative data is more likely to be presented in text form. For example, using quotations from interviews or field diaries.

  • Plan ahead, thinking carefully about how you will analyse and present your data.
  • Think through possible restrictions to resources you may encounter and plan accordingly.
  • Find out about the different IT packages available for analysing your data and select the most appropriate.
  • If necessary, allow time to attend an introductory course on a particular computer package. You can book SPSS and NVivo workshops via MyHub .
  • Code your data appropriately, assigning conceptual or numerical codes as suitable.
  • Organise your data so it can be analysed and presented easily.
  • Choose the most suitable way of presenting your information, according to the type of data collected. This will allow your information to be understood and interpreted better.

Primary, secondary and tertiary sources

Information sources are sometimes categorised as primary, secondary or tertiary sources depending on whether or not they are ‘original’ materials or data. For some research projects, you may need to use primary sources as well as secondary or tertiary sources. However the distinction between primary and secondary sources is not always clear and depends on the context. For example, a newspaper article might usually be categorised as a secondary source. But it could also be regarded as a primary source if it were an article giving a first-hand account of a historical event written close to the time it occurred.

  • Primary sources
  • Secondary sources
  • Tertiary sources
  • Grey literature

Primary sources are original sources of information that provide first-hand accounts of what is being experienced or researched. They enable you to get as close to the actual event or research as possible. They are useful for getting the most contemporary information about a topic.

Examples include diary entries, newspaper articles, census data, journal articles with original reports of research, letters, email or other correspondence, original manuscripts and archives, interviews, research data and reports, statistics, autobiographies, exhibitions, films, and artists' writings.

Some information will be available on an Open Access basis, freely accessible online. However, many academic sources are paywalled, and you may need to login as a Leeds Beckett student to access them. Where Leeds Beckett does not have access to a source, you can use our  Request It! Service .

Secondary sources interpret, evaluate or analyse primary sources. They're useful for providing background information on a topic, or for looking back at an event from a current perspective. The majority of your literature searching will probably be done to find secondary sources on your topic.

Examples include journal articles which review or interpret original findings, popular magazine articles commenting on more serious research, textbooks and biographies.

The term tertiary sources isn't used a great deal. There's overlap between what might be considered a secondary source and a tertiary source. One definition is that a tertiary source brings together secondary sources.

Examples include almanacs, fact books, bibliographies, dictionaries and encyclopaedias, directories, indexes and abstracts. They can be useful for introductory information or an overview of a topic in the early stages of research.

Depending on your subject of study, grey literature may be another source you need to use. Grey literature includes technical or research reports, theses and dissertations, conference papers, government documents, white papers, and so on.

Artificial intelligence tools

Before using any generative artificial intelligence or paraphrasing tools in your assessments, you should check if this is permitted on your course.

If their use is permitted on your course, you must  acknowledge any use of generative artificial intelligence tools  such as ChatGPT or paraphrasing tools (e.g., Grammarly, Quillbot, etc.), even if you have only used them to generate ideas for your assessments or for proofreading.

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How do I make a data analysis for my bachelor, master or PhD thesis?

A data analysis is an evaluation of formal data to gain knowledge for the bachelor’s, master’s or doctoral thesis. The aim is to identify patterns in the data, i.e. regularities, irregularities or at least anomalies.

Data can come in many forms, from numbers to the extensive descriptions of objects. As a rule, this data is always in numerical form such as time series or numerical sequences or statistics of all kinds. However, statistics are already processed data.

Data analysis requires some creativity because the solution is usually not obvious. After all, no one has conducted an analysis like this before, or at least you haven't found anything about it in the literature.

The results of a data analysis are answers to initial questions and detailed questions. The answers are numbers and graphics and the interpretation of these numbers and graphics.

What are the advantages of data analysis compared to other methods?

  • Numbers are universal
  • The data is tangible.
  • There are algorithms for calculations and it is easier than a text evaluation.
  • The addressees quickly understand the results.
  • You can really do magic and impress the addressees.
  • It’s easier to visualize the results.

What are the disadvantages of data analysis?

  • Garbage in, garbage out. If the quality of the data is poor, it’s impossible to obtain reliable results.
  • The dependency in data retrieval can be quite annoying. Here are some tips for attracting participants for a survey.
  • You have to know or learn methods or find someone who can help you.
  • Mistakes can be devastating.
  • Missing substance can be detected quickly.
  • Pictures say more than a thousand words. Therefore, if you can’t fill the pages with words, at least throw in graphics. However, usually only the words count.

Under what conditions can or should I conduct a data analysis?

  • If I have to.
  • You must be able to get the right data.
  • If I can perform the calculations myself or at least understand, explain and repeat the calculated evaluations of others.
  • You want a clear personal contribution right from the start.

How do I create the evaluation design for the data analysis?

The most important thing is to ask the right questions, enough questions and also clearly formulated questions. Here are some techniques for asking the right questions:

Good formulation: What is the relationship between Alpha and Beta?

Poor formulation: How are Alpha and Beta related?

Now it’s time for the methods for the calculation. There are dozens of statistical methods, but as always, most calculations can be done with only a handful of statistical methods.

  • Which detailed questions can be formulated as the research question?
  • What data is available? In what format? How is the data prepared?
  • Which key figures allow statements?
  • What methods are available to calculate such indicators? Do my details match? By type (scales), by size (number of records).
  • Do I not need to have a lot of data for a data analysis?

It depends on the media, the questions and the methods I want to use.

A fixed rule is that I need at least 30 data sets for a statistical analysis in order to be able to make representative statements about the population. So statistically it doesn't matter if I have 30 or 30 million records. That's why statistics were invented...

What mistakes do I need to watch out for?

  • Don't do the analysis at the last minute.
  • Formulate questions and hypotheses for evaluation BEFORE data collection!
  • Stay persistent, keep going.
  • Leave the results for a while then revise them.
  • You have to combine theory and the state of research with your results.
  • You must have the time under control

Which tools can I use?

You can use programs of all kinds for calculations. But asking questions is your most powerful aide.

Who can legally help me with a data analysis?

The great intellectual challenge is to develop the research design, to obtain the data and to interpret the results in the end.

Am I allowed to let others perform the calculations?

That's a thing. In the end, every program is useful. If someone else is operating a program, then they can simply be seen as an extension of the program. But this is a comfortable view... Of course, it’s better if you do your own calculations.

A good compromise is to find some help, do a practical calculation then follow the calculation steps meticulously so next time you can do the math yourself. Basically, this functions as a permitted training. One can then justify each step of the calculation in the defense.

What's the best place to start?

Clearly with the detailed questions and hypotheses. These two guide the entire data analysis. So formulate as many detailed questions as possible to answer your main question or research question. You can find detailed instructions and examples for the formulation of these so-called detailed questions in the Thesis Guide.

How does the Aristolo Guide help with data evaluation for the bachelor’s or master’s thesis or dissertation?

The Thesis Guide or Dissertation Guide has instructions for data collection, data preparation, data analysis and interpretation. The guide can also teach you how to formulate questions and answer them with data to create your own experiment. We also have many templates for questionnaires and analyses of all kinds. Good luck writing your text! Silvio and the Aristolo Team PS: Check out the Thesis-ABC and the Thesis Guide for writing a bachelor or master thesis in 31 days.



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8 Tips for Writing Dissertation Data Analysis to Elevate Your Scholarship

Our Friends

Dissertation data analysis is the process by which researchers interpret findings to drive useful insights. In this way, they can divide the big chunks of results into smaller fragments that make more sense to the reader. It helps to draw evidence-based conclusions and provides the basis for making claims and recommendations. 

Writing up such data analysis is not a skill that someone is born with. You need guidance or practice to meet the standards. If you want to elevate your research skills by writing an exceptional data analysis for your thesis, then consider the guidance provided in this article. Here are the top tips that can help you while you are describing your approach to draw results. If a deeper understanding of the process stresses its complexity, then asking for dissertation help online can take away this academic anxiety. The experts are well aware of the patterns, trends and relationships within the data. So, the write-up can stand out as unique due to the exceptional organizations involved. 

Keep reading to learn the top tips for writing a data analysis chapter in your dissertation. This way, you can stand out in the increasing competition by showcasing your research skills to readers. 

What Is a Data Analysis Dissertation?

Dissertation data analysis is the systematic examination, organization, or interpretation of data from your research findings. The intent is to define patterns to provide a deeper understanding of the qualitative or quantitative results. It addresses the intriguing research question in data analysis dissertations. 

How Do You Write Data Analysis Dissertation? 8 Tips

In presenting data analysis for dissertation, you need to define the statistical test conducted for the process. You will also crack the assumptions underlying these tests, the sample size and how to conclude. Here we will demystify the process of writing the data analysis of your dissertation. These are the expert tips that can assist you in addition to a basic understanding of the process. 

1. The Data Must Be Relevant 

Do not blindly follow all the data collected in the data analysis and findings dissertation. For the data analysis, you will check which part of the data has a close resemblance with your research objectives. The inclusion of irrelevant data will showcase the incoherence of the findings. Ultimately, it can raise questions about your research expertise. 

2. Use Appropriate Methods 

You must use appropriate dissertation data analysis methods to fulfill your aims. These methods need to be justified by providing proper reasoning. Remember that the reader should not feel that you chose your method haphazardly. Rather write in the data analysis chapter dissertation how you find these approaches meaningful. 

3. Make Use of Info Graphics 

It can be difficult to cover large amounts of information within a given word count limit in dissertation data analysis. So, you should use all the possible means to present the data that you collected. Consider using diagrams, graphs, charts, and formulas to provide a unique advantage to the paper. If it seems difficult for you to present your findings in a presentational way, then availing yourself of dissertation writing services UK can be one of the best possible options. These experts can better illustrate the data in a succinate manner that no longer bores the reader with long phrases. 

4. Explain Thoroughly 

Most of the students make this mistake when conducting qualitative data analysis in dissertations. They think that writing a quote is enough for the reader to understand. Remember, a qualitative data analysis dissertation never speaks for itself. You should demonstrate all the areas with a critical perspective so that no ambiguity remains for the reader.  

5. Write Some Data in the Appendix  

It is always scary for the writer to remove long information from dissertation data analysis if it seems irrelevant after proofreading. If you feel unwilling to cut down the long data that you spend hours collecting, then simply shift it to the appendix. Only the most relevant snippet of the information should be part of the dissertation itself. 

The National Academies Press presents a sample of the appendix where questionnaires are used to illustrate the data. 

what is data analysis in dissertation

6. Consider Various Interpretations 

You will cover this part in the discussion chapter of the data collection and analysis dissertation. Here demonstrate the trends, patterns and themes within the data. Highlight the strengths as well as limitations so that there must not be any bias in the findings. 

7. Relate With Previous Literature 

It is advisable to compare your dissertation data analysis with other academia to highlight the points of agreement and differences. Make sure that your findings are consistent with the previous data or does it create some sort of controversy in the literature? It is important to create this link explicitly. 

8. Seek Professional Help 

Writing a dissertation itself is not a difficult process. A researcher who can go through the complex research process can also perform well in writing those findings. However, the critical analysis of these findings may be challenging. Dissertation data analysis is more than presenting what has been found out after experimentation. 

If including a critical perspective in your writing is difficult for you, ask a dissertation writer to conduct these critiques for you. These experts offer customized assistance tailored to the specific needs of the researcher. 

How Do You Write a Statistical Analysis for A Dissertation?

To write the statistical dissertation data analysis, the below five-step guide can direct you to its effective implementation. 

  • Describe your hypothesis and research design.
  • Data collection. 
  • Summarise your findings and give a descriptive explanation. 
  • Test your hypothesis. 
  • Interpret findings. 

Data Analysis Dissertation Examples

The Bridge Point Education describes the whole dissertation writing process. The dissertation data analysis chapter can be helpful for students struggling with the complexity of it. All the related details, such as what to discuss here and how to align with the research design, are mentioned in side notes as,  


The dissertation data analysis is one of the most important chapters of your dissertation. It involves the critical evaluation of your results. Consequently, you will tell the reader how the specific methodology and the draw conclusions are sound to be used in your research design. 

The data analysis section of a dissertation is not only essential but also difficult. Many students struggle here as they do not know how to identify the related pattern and organize their thoughts. That is why we presented expert tips to assist the process smoothly. It involves using relevant data, an appropriate approach, a thorough explanation, infographics, an appendix, or relating your findings to previous literature. All of this means contributing to the quality of your paper.


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Purdue University Graduate School

Informing Educator Preparation Programs_Daniela Vilarinho Rezende Pereira

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Informing Educator Preparation Programs: Insights into Technology Integration

The overarching purpose of this three-paper dissertation was to investigate the affordances of technology in educational settings and gain insight into how preservice and inservice teachers integrate technology as they design, develop, implement, and manage learning experiences. To meet this goal, three studies were conducted. In study 1 the purpose was to describe how preservice teachers identify educational problems and suggest solutions in which educational technology can be meaningfully implemented by using a problem-solving lens. Participated in this study 100 preservice teachers enrolled in an introductory educational technology course. Students’ technology integration activity was analyzed for this study. This activity, divided into three parts, required that students (1) shared and reflected on their best academic learning experience, (2) described how they could integrate technology into that learning experience, and (3) revisited their suggestions for technology integration, evaluated their ideas, and suggested revisions. Data were analyzed using an ill-structured problem-solving model synthesized from previous literature: identifying problems, generating solutions, making justifications, and monitoring. Results of this study indicated that preservice teachers had a simplistic understanding of technology integration, likely resulting from underdeveloped problem-solving skills. In study 2 the purpose was to identify the instructional strategies and technology affordances used while integrating technology that facilitated the development of student creativity by completing a systematic literature review about how technology (i.e., social media) is being used by educators to foster creativity. After the process of identification and screening, a total of 27 articles met the inclusion criteria and were selected for further analysis. The results indicated that, in most studies in which the use of technology was associated with promoting student creativity, a student-centered approach was used. Students had autonomy and flexibility to produce content, express their opinions, and share their experiences using social media. Also, participants used social media to create their own products, communicate with others, and collaborate virtually. In the studies, we identified that the social media affordances of ownership, association, and visibility lead to fostering student creativity. In conclusion, social media, when integrated with appropriate instructional strategies, can be successfully used as an educational tool to build an environment that promotes student creativity. In study 3 the purpose was to analyze the forms in which special education teachers design learning experiences that provide an environment for creativity development for students from special education and how their proposed technology integration plays a role in it across different settings (i.e., face-to-face, blended, and online learning). Three practicing teachers enrolled in an online graduate program in special education participated in this study. For the purpose of this study, the primary data source consisted of assignments (i.e., artifacts and reflections) submitted by students to the Technology Integration - Blended and Online Teaching (Ti-BOT) program, a licensure required as part of their Special Education program. Artifacts were analyzed through the lens of the existing literature on learning environments for creativity. Reflections were analyzed using a thematic analysis approach, applying a combination of inductive and deductive coding. The artifacts presented by the participants included elements of a creative environment and technology often facilitated the development of such an environment. However, the participants did not appear to explicitly and intentionally design activities to foster creativity, but to make modifications to learning activities and assessments that reflected the level of individualization and adaptations that are typically expected from special education teachers, described in individualized education plans (IEPs), and guided by Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles. With the findings from this three-paper dissertation, the goal is to provide recommendations for how educator preparation programs can improve how they are approaching technology integration, gain deeper understanding of technology integration across diverse contexts and tools, and offer strategies for supporting the deeper consideration of how technologies can be meaningfully used.

Degree Type

  • Doctor of Philosophy
  • Curriculum and Instruction

Campus location

  • West Lafayette

Advisor/Supervisor/Committee Chair

Additional committee member 2, additional committee member 3, additional committee member 4, additional committee member 5, usage metrics.

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University of Notre Dame

New Deep Learning Methods for Annotation-Efficient Medical Image Analysis

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  1. Data Analysis

    what is data analysis in dissertation

  2. SOLUTION: Thesis chapter 4 analysis and interpretation of data sample

    what is data analysis in dissertation

  3. Analyse Quantitative Data Dissertation

    what is data analysis in dissertation

  4. Data analysis sample dissertation proposals

    what is data analysis in dissertation

  5. Data analysis section of dissertation. How to Use Quantitative Data

    what is data analysis in dissertation

  6. Write My Research Paper

    what is data analysis in dissertation


  1. A Step-by-Step Guide to Dissertation Data Analysis

    A data analysis dissertation is a complex and challenging project requiring significant time, effort, and expertise. Fortunately, it is possible to successfully complete a data analysis dissertation with careful planning and execution.

  2. 11 Tips For Writing a Dissertation Data Analysis

    And place questionnaires, copies of focus groups and interviews, and data sheets in the appendix. On the other hand, one must put the statistical analysis and sayings quoted by interviewees within the dissertation. 8. Thoroughness of Data. It is a common misconception that the data presented is self-explanatory.

  3. Dissertation Data Analysis: A Quick Help With 8 Steps

    The data analysis chapter is a crucial section of a research dissertation that involves the examination, interpretation, and synthesis of collected data. In this chapter, researchers employ statistical techniques, qualitative methods, or a combination of both to make sense of the data gathered during the research process.

  4. Dissertation Data Analysis Plan

    Dissertation methodologies require a data analysis plan. Your dissertation data analysis plan should clearly state the statistical tests and assumptions of these tests to examine each of the research questions, how scores are cleaned and created, and the desired sample size for that test. The selection of statistical tests depend on two factors ...

  5. Step 7: Data analysis techniques for your dissertation

    An understanding of the data analysis that you will carry out on your data can also be an expected component of the Research Strategy chapter of your dissertation write-up (i.e., usually Chapter Three: Research Strategy). Therefore, it is a good time to think about the data analysis process if you plan to start writing up this chapter at this ...

  6. Analysing and Interpreting Data in Your Dissertation: Making Sense of

    Data analysis in a dissertation involves systematically applying statistical or logical techniques to describe and evaluate data. This process transforms raw data into meaningful information, enabling researchers to draw conclusions and support their hypotheses. In a dissertation, data analysis is crucial as it directly influences the validity ...

  7. Dissertation Results/Findings Chapter (Quantitative)

    The results chapter (also referred to as the findings or analysis chapter) is one of the most important chapters of your dissertation or thesis because it shows the reader what you've found in terms of the quantitative data you've collected. It presents the data using a clear text narrative, supported by tables, graphs and charts.

  8. How to Write a Results Section

    A results section is where you report the main findings of the data collection and analysis you conducted for your thesis or dissertation. You should report all relevant results concisely and objectively, in a logical order. ... you can structure your results section around key themes or topics that emerged from your analysis of the data. For ...

  9. A Really Simple Guide to Quantitative Data Analysis

    It is important to know w hat kind of data you are planning to collect or analyse as this w ill. affect your analysis method. A 12 step approach to quantitative data analysis. Step 1: Start with ...

  10. A Complete Guide to Dissertation Data Analysis

    A Complete Guide to Dissertation Data Analysis. The analysis chapter is one of the most important parts of a dissertation where you demonstrate the unique research abilities. That is why it often accounts for up to 40% of the total mark. Given the significance of this chapter, it is essential to build your skills in dissertation data analysis.

  11. LibGuides: Dissertation Subject Guide: Data Analysis

    Here are some key steps in quantitative data analysis: Data Preparation: Clean and organize the data. Handle missing values and outliers. Transform variables if needed (e.g., normalization, standardization). Descriptive Statistics: Calculate measures like mean, median, mode, and standard deviation. Create histograms, box plots, or scatter plots ...

  12. Raw Data to Excellence: Master Dissertation Analysis

    Dissertation data analysis plays a crucial role in conducting rigorous research and drawing meaningful conclusions. It involves the systematic examination, interpretation, and organization of data collected during the research process. The aim is to identify patterns, trends, and relationships that can provide valuable insights into the ...

  13. Consideration 1: The data analysis process for a ...

    The data analysis process involves three steps: (STEP ONE) select the correct statistical tests to run on your data; (STEP TWO) prepare and analyse the data you have collected using a relevant statistics package; and (STEP THREE) interpret the findings properly so that you can write up your results (i.e., usually in Chapter Four: Results ).

  14. How to Use Quantitative Data Analysis in a Thesis

    This guide discusses the application of quantitative data analysis to your thesis statement. Writing a Strong Thesis Statement. In a relatively short essay of 10 to 15 pages, the thesis statement is generally found in the introductory paragraph. This kind of thesis statement is also typically rather short and straightforward.

  15. Dissertation & Thesis Data Analysis Help

    Fast-track your project, today. Drop us a message or book a no-obligation consultation. If you are a human seeing this field, please leave it empty. Get 1-on-1 help analysing and interpreting your qualitative or quantitative dissertation or thesis data from the experts at Grad Coach. Book online now.

  16. Data Collection Methods

    Table of contents. Step 1: Define the aim of your research. Step 2: Choose your data collection method. Step 3: Plan your data collection procedures. Step 4: Collect the data. Frequently asked questions about data collection.

  17. PDF A Complete Dissertation

    A Complete Dissertation The Big Picture OVERVIEW Following is a road map that briefly outlines the contents of an entire dissertation. This is a comprehensive overview, and as such is helpful in making sure that at a glance you ... and methods of data collection and analysis used.

  18. How to Analyse Secondary Data for a Dissertation

    The process of data analysis in secondary research. Secondary analysis (i.e., the use of existing data) is a systematic methodological approach that has some clear steps that need to be followed for the process to be effective. In simple terms there are three steps: Step One: Development of Research Questions. Step Two: Identification of dataset.

  19. Data Analysis

    Data analysis methods in the absence of primary data collection can involve discussing common patterns, as well as, controversies within secondary data directly related to the research area. My e-book, The Ultimate Guide to Writing a Dissertation in Business Studies: a step by step assistance offers practical assistance to complete a ...

  20. Writing the Best Dissertation Data Analysis Possible

    In a typical dissertation, you will present your findings (the data) in the Results section. You will explain how you obtained the data in the Methodology chapter. The data analysis section should be reserved just for discussing your findings. This means you should refrain from introducing any new data in there.

  21. The Library: Research Skills: Analysing and Presenting Data

    Overview. Data analysis is an ongoing process that should occur throughout your research project. Suitable data-analysis methods must be selected when you write your research proposal. The nature of your data (i.e. quantitative or qualitative) will be influenced by your research design and purpose. The data will also influence the analysis ...

  22. How to make a data analysis in a bachelor, master, PhD thesis?

    A data analysis is an evaluation of formal data to gain knowledge for the bachelor's, master's or doctoral thesis. The aim is to identify patterns in the data, i.e. regularities, irregularities or at least anomalies. Data can come in many forms, from numbers to the extensive descriptions of objects. As a rule, this data is always in ...

  23. 8 Tips for Writing Dissertation Data Analysis

    What Is a Data Analysis Dissertation? Dissertation data analysis is the systematic examination, organization, or interpretation of data from your research findings. The intent is to define patterns to provide a deeper understanding of the qualitative or quantitative results. It addresses the intriguing research question in data analysis ...

  24. Informing Educator Preparation Programs: Insights into Technology

    The overarching purpose of this three-paper dissertation was to investigate the affordances of technology in educational settings and gain insight into how preservice and inservice teachers integrate technology as they design, develop, implement, and manage learning experiences. To meet this goal, three studies were conducted. In study 1 the purpose was to describe how preservice teachers ...

  25. Airbnb: Shorter Bookings Trend Implies A Weak Consumer Spending (Rating

    Management indicated that consumers are less willing to book in advance and expects a slowdown in demand from U.S. guests, supported by recent weak economic data from early August.

  26. What does a Data Analyst do? Role & Responsibilities

    Data analysts collect, process, and perform statistical analysis of data and translate the numbers into a layman's terms. By identifying trends and making predictions about the future, they help companies make sense of how they work. Data analysts regulate, normalize, and calibrate data to extract that can be used alone or with other numbers ...

  27. New Deep Learning Methods for Annotation-Efficient Medical Image Analysis

    Medical image analysis is an impactful domain in computer science where the goal is to computationally extract knowledge from images for health research, clinical assessment, and computer-aided diagnostics. Extracting these insights commonly involves two core tasks: image classification, which categorizes images into medically-relevant classes, and image segmentation, which classifies each ...