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Role of Education in Skill Development Essay 700 Words

Education plays an important role in overall development of human being and so in skill development also. Education is basic part of skill development without which gaining skill become tough. Lets explore more about role of education in skill development in this essay :

Role of Education in Skill Development Essay

Role of Education in Skill Development Essay

Education plays a critical role in skill development, equipping individuals with the knowledge, abilities, and competencies necessary to succeed in today’s rapidly changing world. Lets explore the various aspects of the role of education in skill development, including the acquisition of essential skills, the fostering of creativity and critical thinking, and the promotion of lifelong learning.

Acquisition of Essential Skills

One of the primary roles of education is to provide individuals with the essential skills needed to thrive in their personal and professional lives. These skills encompass a wide range of areas, including literacy, numeracy, problem-solving, communication, and digital literacy. Through structured learning environments, education helps individuals acquire and enhance these skills, laying the foundation for future success.

Fostering Creativity and Critical Thinking

Education also plays a vital role in fostering creativity and critical thinking among individuals. By encouraging exploration, experimentation, and open-mindedness, education helps individuals develop innovative solutions to complex problems. It cultivates a mindset of curiosity, encouraging individuals to question, analyze, and evaluate information critically. These skills are essential in today’s dynamic world, where adaptability and innovation are highly valued.

Promotion of Lifelong Learning

Another significant role of education is the promotion of lifelong learning. Education instills a love for learning and provides individuals with the tools and resources to continue their education beyond formal schooling. Lifelong learning ensures that individuals stay updated with the latest developments in their fields, adapt to changing circumstances, and acquire new skills as needed. This ongoing pursuit of knowledge and skill development is crucial in a rapidly evolving world where continuous learning is essential for personal and professional growth.

Integration of Vocational Education

Education’s role in skill development extends beyond traditional academic subjects. Vocational education plays a crucial role in equipping individuals with specialized skills and knowledge required for specific industries and professions. Vocational training programs provide hands-on experience, practical skills, and industry-specific knowledge, enhancing employability and addressing the demand for skilled professionals in various sectors.

Role of Technology in Skill Development

Technology has revolutionized the education landscape, expanding opportunities for skill development. Online platforms, e-learning resources, and digital tools have made education more accessible, flexible, and personalized. Technology-enabled education platforms offer interactive learning experiences, adaptive assessments, and real-time feedback, enhancing skill acquisition and development. Additionally, technology allows individuals to access educational resources globally, bridging gaps and enabling cross-cultural skill exchange.

Collaboration and Experiential Learning

Education’s role in skill development is further enhanced through collaborative and experiential learning approaches. Collaborative learning encourages students to work together, fostering teamwork, communication, and problem solving skills. Experiential learning provides hands-on experiences and practical application of knowledge, enabling individuals to develop skills through real-life situations. These methods go beyond theoretical understanding, preparing individuals for the challenges and demands of the real world.

Role of Education in Skill Development: Way Forwards

Education plays a vital role in skill development by providing individuals with essential skills, fostering creativity and critical thinking, promoting lifelong learning, integrating vocational education, leveraging technology, and encouraging collaboration and experiential learning. As the world becomes increasingly complex and dynamic, the importance of education in equipping individuals with the necessary skills and competencies cannot be overstated. By investing in quality education and prioritizing skill development, societies can empower individuals to thrive, contribute meaningfully, and navigate the challenges of the 21st century successfully.

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Importance of Education Essay in 700 + Words

Let’s understand the Importance of Education in the following article…

Importance of Education


Education plays a vital role in the all round progress of a country . Education is the most important tool for social, economic, and political transformation. Without educating the citizens of the country, we can’t hope for a developed nation. A well-educated population equipped with the relevant knowledge, attitudes, and skills are essential for economic and social development in the 21st century.

Importance of Education-

A child’s whole future, to a large extent, depends on the teaching it receives in early babyhood. Education helps men and women claim their rights. It makes them realize their potential in economic, political, and social fields. It is also the single most powerful way to lift people out of poverty. Poverty has been universally affirmed as a main obstacle to the enjoyment of human rights. Basic education provides a child with an understanding of basic health, nutrition, and family planning. Education plays a particularly important role as a foundation for childs’ development towards adults’ life. Education makes students disciplined and well-behaved. It plays a key role in access to job opportunities.

Education Performance in India-

India has also achieved considerable progress in the field of education. It ranks second in the world from the point of view of number of students enrolled in higher education. Our universities and educational institutions have earned international acclaim within a short span of their inception. We are in a position to challenge the world power through brainpower nurtured in our schools, universities, IITs, and IIMs.

Constitutional Provisions Regarding Education-

There are many provisions for education on national and international levels. Indian Constitution provides, free and compulsory education for all children until they complete the age of 14 years; under Article 45 of the Directive Principles of State Policy (DPSP).  Sustainable development goal 4 (SDG 4)  aims to “ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.”

Challenges to Education in India-

  • Lack of Funds-

Lack of sufficient funds is the main problem in the development of education. India’s public education spending as a percentage of GDP is the lowest among its peers in the world. Due to the lack of funds, there is a number of challenges in basic educational necessities.

  • Lack of Infrastructure-

Due to insufficient funds, most educational institutions lack infrastructure, science equipment, labs, and libraries, etc. Large number of primary schools have no proper buildings, insufficient sitting arrangement, etc. In rural areas most are single teacher schools and many schools are even without teachers. This results in overcrowded classrooms and no access to educational services.

  • Expensive Higher Education-

Many students drop their higher studies due to expensive higher education. University, professional, and technical education has become costly in India. The privatization of higher education has led to the growth of profit hungry entrepreneurs.

  • Problem of Quality Education-

The problem of quality education arises mainly due to inadequate training of teaching staff and irregular attendance of students. Low quality education is equivalent to illiteracy. It creates a hurdle in desired job opportunities. Quality education decides the capability of a student for a particular job. Thus, quality education is the need of the hour.

  • Lack of Innovation and Creation-

Missing innovation and creation are the biggest challenges in our education system. The current education system is based on riot learning or memorizing things. We should encourage creativity, problem solving, and research, and innovation.

  • Alarming Dropout Rates of Students-

There are many reasons for hikes in dropout rates of students, among them; poverty, families’ responsibility, restrictions on girls’ education, financial issues, etc. are the reasons which pull away a child from their dreams of learning.

Way Forward-

  • We should try to check the lacunae in the educational system and try to ensure quality education for our students. 
  • There is a need for proper training of teaching staff.
  • Try to encourage innovative and creative activities among the students and prevent them from riot learning.
  • There is a need to build a robust infrastructure.
  • Try to increase awareness among the parents of the child. It will ensure the regular attendance of the students.


Education provides skills and competencies for economic well-being. The achievement of childs’ Right to Education can address some of society’s deeply rooted inequalities. Improving educational opportunities helps people to develop skills. These skills allowed them to make decisions and influence community change in important areas. Hence education is very essential and important for every human being to progress in their life.

Thank you guys, for reading this essay. I hope You understand the Importance of Education through this article. Please share it with your friends and let me know your feedback in the comment section.

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Essay on Skill Development

Students are often asked to write an essay on Skill Development in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

100 Words Essay on Skill Development


Skill development is a vital part of personal growth. It involves learning new abilities or improving existing ones to enhance performance.

Importance of Skill Development

Skills are essential for success in life. They help us solve problems, work efficiently, and achieve our goals.

Types of Skills

There are many types of skills, such as communication, problem-solving, creativity, and teamwork. Each skill can be developed with practice.

In conclusion, skill development is a lifelong process. It equips us with the capabilities needed to navigate life effectively.

250 Words Essay on Skill Development

Introduction to skill development, the importance of skill development.

Skill development is a tool to enhance both productivity and employability. It fosters adaptability, paving the way for lifelong learning and continuous improvement. In the professional sphere, developing skills can lead to career advancement and job security. On a macro level, it contributes to the economic development of a nation by improving the quality of its workforce.

Methods of Skill Development

Skill development can be achieved through various methods like education, training, and practical experience. Modern methods include e-learning platforms, which offer flexibility and a wide array of courses. Internships and on-the-job training are practical ways of acquiring industry-specific skills.

Challenges and Solutions

Despite its importance, skill development faces challenges like the rapid pace of technological change and a lack of awareness about the need for continuous learning. To overcome these, a mindset shift is required where learning is seen as a lifelong process. Governments and educational institutions need to promote skill development programs and provide access to quality training.

In conclusion, skill development is a vital aspect of personal and professional growth. By embracing lifelong learning and leveraging available resources, individuals can enhance their skills, adapt to changing environments, and contribute to societal progress. It is a shared responsibility between individuals, educational institutions, and governments to promote and support skill development.

500 Words Essay on Skill Development

Skill development refers to the process of identifying one’s skill gaps and developing and honing these skills. It is vital because the development of skills fosters employability and will help you navigate the rapidly changing work environment. In today’s age of digital disruption and constant innovation, skills such as critical thinking, creativity, and complex problem-solving are more valuable than ever.

Role of Education in Skill Development

Education plays a pivotal role in skill development. Traditional education systems, however, often fail to equip students with the necessary skills to navigate the modern workplace. It’s important for educational institutions to integrate skill development into their curriculums, focusing on skills like critical thinking, creativity, emotional intelligence, and digital literacy. It’s equally important for students to take charge of their own skill development, seeking out opportunities for learning beyond the classroom.

Skills for the Future

The future of work is uncertain and unpredictable due to rapid technological advancements. According to the World Economic Forum, the top skills for the future include complex problem-solving, critical thinking, creativity, people management, coordinating with others, emotional intelligence, judgement and decision making, service orientation, negotiation, and cognitive flexibility. These are the skills that will drive the future economy and determine individual success in the job market.

The Role of Governments and Corporations

In conclusion, skill development is an ongoing process that everyone must engage in to stay relevant in today’s fast-paced world. It requires a collective effort from individuals, educational institutions, corporations, and governments. By focusing on skill development, we can prepare ourselves for the future of work, fostering a workforce that’s adaptable, innovative, and ready for whatever comes next.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

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role of education in skill development essay 700 words

Essay on Importance of Education for Students

500 words essay on importance of education.

To say Education is important is an understatement. Education is a weapon to improve one’s life. It is probably the most important tool to change one’s life. Education for a child begins at home. It is a lifelong process that ends with death. Education certainly determines the quality of an individual’s life. Education improves one’s knowledge, skills and develops the personality and attitude. Most noteworthy, Education affects the chances of employment for people. A highly educated individual is probably very likely to get a good job. In this essay on importance of education, we will tell you about the value of education in life and society.

essay on importance of education

Importance of Education in Life

First of all, Education teaches the ability to read and write. Reading and writing is the first step in Education. Most information is done by writing. Hence, the lack of writing skill means missing out on a lot of information. Consequently, Education makes people literate.

Above all, Education is extremely important for employment. It certainly is a great opportunity to make a decent living. This is due to the skills of a high paying job that Education provides. Uneducated people are probably at a huge disadvantage when it comes to jobs. It seems like many poor people improve their lives with the help of Education.

role of education in skill development essay 700 words

Better Communication is yet another role in Education. Education improves and refines the speech of a person. Furthermore, individuals also improve other means of communication with Education.

Education makes an individual a better user of technology. Education certainly provides the technical skills necessary for using technology . Hence, without Education, it would probably be difficult to handle modern machines.

People become more mature with the help of Education. Sophistication enters the life of educated people. Above all, Education teaches the value of discipline to individuals. Educated people also realize the value of time much more. To educated people, time is equal to money.

Finally, Educations enables individuals to express their views efficiently. Educated individuals can explain their opinions in a clear manner. Hence, educated people are quite likely to convince people to their point of view.

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Importance of Education in Society

First of all, Education helps in spreading knowledge in society. This is perhaps the most noteworthy aspect of Education. There is a quick propagation of knowledge in an educated society. Furthermore, there is a transfer of knowledge from generation to another by Education.

Education helps in the development and innovation of technology. Most noteworthy, the more the education, the more technology will spread. Important developments in war equipment, medicine , computers, take place due to Education.

Education is a ray of light in the darkness. It certainly is a hope for a good life. Education is a basic right of every Human on this Planet. To deny this right is evil. Uneducated youth is the worst thing for Humanity. Above all, the governments of all countries must ensure to spread Education.

FAQs on Essay on Importance of Education

Q.1 How Education helps in Employment?

A.1 Education helps in Employment by providing necessary skills. These skills are important for doing a high paying job.

Q.2 Mention one way in Education helps a society?

A.2 Education helps society by spreading knowledge. This certainly is one excellent contribution to Education.

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700 Word Essay — Examples & Topics

As a high school or college student, you probably have already encountered a 700-word essay at some point in your academic journey. This common written assignment is an excellent opportunity to showcase your writing skills on various topics, such as globalization, business, environment, or personal experiences. Typically, this type of essay is narrative, argumentative, or cause-effect, allowing you to explore different writing styles.

This article presents tips on how to craft a compelling 700-words essay that will captivate your readers and earn you top marks. Plus, you’ll find the most thought-provoking and trendy essay topics and examples!

And if you need more information or inspiration, you can always check out IvyPanda free essays !

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⭐ 700 Word Essay — Best Examples

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Need some inspiration for your personal essay? Check out these prompts:

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  • Life-changing experience essay 700 words. You can describe the experience that has dramatically influenced your perspective and outlook on life. Share the details of this event, how it affected you emotionally and spiritually, and explain how you have grown and changed as a result. Reflect on the lessons you learned and discuss how this experience has shaped your personality.
  • My values essay 700 words. This topic allows you to explore and reflect upon the values most important to you. Discuss the origins of these values, whether they were instilled in you by family, shaped by personal experiences, or influenced by external factors. Explain how these values guide your decision-making, shape your relationships, and define your sense of self.
  • Impact of digital economy on my life essay 700 words. You can analyze the positive and negative effects of the digital economy on your life. For example, consider what benefits you’ve gained from using online marketplaces, mobile wallets, virtual education, and digital workplace communication. You can also outline any challenges you’ve faced, like the need to protect your data online.

📃 More 700 Word Essay Examples About Myself

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Struggling with choosing a topic for your 700-word essay? Don’t worry; here are 20 great title ideas.

  • The rise and impact of influencer culture on society.
  • The influence of globalization on small businesses.
  • The effects of cancel culture on celebrities.
  • Ways to adopt sustainable practices to combat climate change.
  • The impact of social media activism on real-world change.
  • The ethical issues of artificial intelligence and automation.
  • The effects of deforestation on biodiversity and ecosystem stability.
  • The role of corporate social responsibility in business sustainability.
  • The consequences of online misinformation and fake news.
  • The challenges and benefits of remote work and virtual collaboration.
  • Virtual reality and augmented reality in education.
  • The effects of streaming platforms on the film and television industry.
  • The rise of sustainable fashion and its impact on the environment.
  • The relationship between social media use and mental health issues.
  • The role of plant-based diets in promoting environmental sustainability.
  • The impact of climate change on global health.
  • Online gaming addiction and its effect on mental health.
  • The effects of automation and robotics on the job market.
  • The popularity of food delivery services and its effect on the restaurant industry.
  • The influence of streaming platforms on the music industry.

💻 Emerging Industries and Required Skills Essay 700 Words: Samples

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💡 700 Words Paragraph — Topics

Have a look at these burning topics to help you craft an outstanding essay:

  • The ethics of artificial intelligence implementation into society.
  • The psychology of procrastination and how to overcome it.
  • How can we protect privacy rights in the digital age?
  • The effects of technology addiction on personal relationships.
  • The consequences of income inequality and its impact on social mobility .
  • The role of media in shaping public opinion on politics.
  • How will automation and robotics reshape the job market?
  • How does climate change affect global security?
  • Alternative medicine and its integration into mainstream healthcare.
  • The impact of globalization on cultural diversity and traditional practices.
  • The challenges and opportunities of sustainable development in a rapidly changing world.
  • The role of education in promoting social equality and upward mobility.
  • The effects of food insecurity and global hunger.
  • The impact of social media on political activism.
  • The benefits and drawbacks of a cashless society.
  • The influence of sleep deprivation on students’ mental and physical health.
  • How do social media influencers shape consumer behavior?
  • The effects of urbanization on the environment and public health.
  • The pros and cons of genetically modified organisms in agriculture.
  • The ethics of animal testing and its role in scientific research.

✍️ How to Write a 700 Word Essay

Typically, a 700 words essay contains three parts: an introduction, a main body, and a conclusion.

  • The introduction is approximately 100 words and provides an overview of the topic and a thesis statement, which presents the paper’s main idea.
  • The essay’s body is about 500 words, divided into several paragraphs, each addressing a specific aspect of the topic. Begin each paragraph with a topic sentence and ensure your text has a logical structure.
  • The conclusion should be the same length as the introduction (around 100 words). It should summarize the essay’s main points and paraphrase the thesis statement in a new way.

This image shows the 700-word essay structure.

What Does 700 Words Look Like

To effectively organize your 700-word essay, it’s crucial to have a clear picture of what it looks like. We’ve already discussed that a 700-words article should be divided into three parts: an introduction, a main body, and a conclusion. The introduction and conclusion comprise around 40% of the text, while the main body should be 60%.

A 700-word essay typically takes around 1.5 pages single-spaced and 3 pages double-spaced with standard formatting (12-point font and 1-inch margins). However, the exact page count may vary depending on the formatting and style requirements of the assignment.

If you need help structuring your essay of 700 words, check out our free outline generator .

700-Word Essay Introduction

When writing a 700-word essay, it is essential to be concise and focused. The introduction should be around 65-100 words and capture the reader’s attention.

Begin your opening paragraph with an attention-grabbing statement that will intrigue the audience. It could be a quote, a statistic, or an anecdote related to the topic. If you need help creating an intriguing first sentence, try our hook generator .

After the hook, provide background information on the topic and its significance. It will help the reader understand why they should care about your chosen issue. We recommend you use our study background generator to complete this part of the introduction.

End your introduction with a clear and specific thesis statement reflecting the paper’s central argument. Check out our thesis generator to get help with this crucial essay element.

700-Words Essay Body Paragraphs

The body paragraphs should comprise most of a 600-700-word essay. Typically, you should aim for around 2-3 paragraphs or 400-500 words for the whole body.

Focus each body paragraph on a single argument that supports your thesis statement. Start each paragraph with a clear topic sentence that introduces the main idea. Provide evidence, examples, or data to support your argument, and analyze or interpret the evidence to demonstrate its relevance to your thesis.

Remember to use transitional words and phrases to ensure cohesion between paragraphs and ideas. Add proper citations if you include any external sources.

700-Word Essay Conclusion

When writing a conclusion for a 700-word essay, try to make it the same size as your introduction (around 65-100 words). This section should concisely summarize your main arguments and paraphrase your thesis statement. Avoid introducing new information in this section.

Here’s how you write this part:

  • Start by restating your thesis in different words.
  • Briefly recap the main points discussed in the body paragraphs and show how they contribute to your argument.
  • At the end, provide a closing thought or offer a call to action, encouraging further research or reflection on the topic.

Our concluding sentence generator can help you end your essay strong.

How Many References Should I Use in an Essay of 700 Words?

The general recommendation for a 700 words paragraph is to use around 3-4 references, though this number can vary depending on the topic and requirements. For example, personal statements or autobiographical essays typically do not require references, as they rely on your experiences and reflections.

However, you should always follow the guidelines from your instructor or institution to ensure you meet the specific referencing requirements.

If you need help formatting your references, check out our AI citation generator .

🎓 700 Words Examples about Education

  • The Philippines and United States Education Systems The education system in the Philippines is similar to that of the United States. She describes the education system in the Philippines as being similar to that in the United States.
  • Code of Ethics in Education As the students spend much of their time in school teachers have the right to play a major role in the better development of students, and for that, the teachers need to understand every student.
  • Gender Issues: Education and Feminism These experiences in many times strongly affects the individual’s understanding, reasoning, action about the particular issue in contention In this work two issues of great influence and relevance to our societies are discussed.
  • “Goals 2000” on Education: Summary of the Systemic Education Reform The goals were established in the 1990s and were part of a national effort to foster standards based reform in the schools throughout the United States.
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  • Using Statistics in Education Research The following paper provides the results of the analysis of the scores and outlines the methods of ascertaining validity and reliability.
  • Software Distribution and Usage in Education Also, one should not forget that the use of the software does not meet demands of fair use; nevertheless, a purchased license may give your some rights.
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  • Federal Policy Influences: School Education Since the focus on early education and care was removed, formal education in the public schools became the priority of the federal government regarding the promotion of poor children’s welfare.

If you’re writing a 700-word essay on business, don’t miss out on our top business topic ideas.

  • The impact of COVID-19 on global businesses.
  • The role of entrepreneurship in economic growth and job creation.
  • The ethical considerations in business decision-making.
  • The effects of globalization on international trade.
  • Effective leadership in driving organizational success.
  • Digital transformation in modern business.
  • Corporate social responsibility and sustainable business practices.
  • The effects of e-commerce on traditional retail businesses.
  • Data analytics and its influence on business decision-making.
  • The role of cultural diversity in team dynamics and business performance.
  • Innovation and creativity in driving business competitiveness.
  • The impact of social media marketing in building brand reputation.
  • How to implement green business practices and sustainability initiatives.
  • The influence of artificial intelligence on business processes and workforce.
  • The connection between organizational culture and employee productivity.
  • The impact of consumer behavior trends on business strategies.
  • The rise of the gig economy and its implications for labor rights and job security.
  • The role of risk management in mitigating financial and operational risks.
  • How is artificial intelligence changing customer personalized experiences?
  • The consequences of economic inequality on business opportunities.

🌱 Environment 700-Words Essay Examples

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  • Environmental Ethics of Pesticide Usage in Agriculture For example, pesticides are responsible for the destruction of the soil and harm to the overall ecosystem. The soil, water, and air resources are at a high risk of contamination from the toxins that are […]
  • Beat Plastic Pollution Essay These tips will help people to reduce the circulation of plastic in their lives. In conclusion, the best method to protect the environment is to minimize the accumulation of plastic waste by recycling, composting, and […]
  • The Effects of Gold Mining in the Amazons on the Environment and the Population Excessive gold mining in the Amazon has led to the depletion of essential soil nutrients, especially nitrogen. As a result, ASGM in the Amazon has led to the destruction of the Amazon forest.
  • Architectural Development Design: Environmental Psychological Implications Poor incorporation and utilization of natural resources in urban designs lead to irresponsible use of resources to support buildings and occupants.
  • Bipartisan Strategies for Overcoming Environmental Disaster Speaking about a pandemic, we must be aware that this is a global and collective problem that requires a consolidation of minds that are not clouded by differences in the views of political parties.
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  • Outsourced Logistics for Environmental Credentials of a Business On the other hand, when a manufacturing company outsources some of its activities in the production line, the burden of managing the by-products is transferred to the 3PLs partner.
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  • America’s Major Environmental Challenges The government has to acknowledge that the US and the international community still require fossil fuels and therefore regulation procedures as well as policies governing new technologies like coal-to-liquids conversion plants have to be reviewed […]
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  • Understanding Environmental Problems through Poetry One of the remarkable pieces of poetry dedicated to the impact of man on nature is Sonnet; the poet voices his regrets about the Industrial Revolution and its effect on the connection between people and […]

📌 700 Word Essay: Answers to the Most Pressing Questions

📌 700 word essay is how many pages.

How long is a 700-word essay? It will typically be 3 pages double-spaced or one and a half pages single-spaced. The exact number of pages a 700 words essay takes will depend on the citation style you use, the number of your footnotes (if you have any), and the length of your bibliography section.

📌 How Many Paragraphs Are in a 700 Word Essay?

How much is 700 words in paragraphs? A typical academic paragraph contains 100 to 150 words. So, a 700-word essay will consist of 5-8 paragraphs.

📌 How Many Sentences Is 700 Words?

How many sentences is a 700-word essay? A typical sentence in academic writing consists of 15-20 words. So, 700 words are not less than 35-38 sentences.

📌 How to Outline a 700-Word Essay?

A 700-word essay outline usually follows a standard five-paragraph structure. Start your paper with a short introduction that includes an attention-grabber, some background information, and a thesis. Then add three body paragraphs that focus on your arguments. Finish your 700-word paper with a conclusion that contains a restated thesis and a summary of your ideas.

📌 How Long Does It Take to Write 700 Words?

How long does it take to write a 700-word essay? It will take you 14-28 minutes to type 700 words on your keyboard (the total time will depend on your typing speed). Writing an academic paper will take more time because you’ll have to research, make an outline, write, format, and edit your text. It would be best if you planned to spend around 2 and a half hours for a 700-word paper.

📌 How to Reduce Word Count in a 700-Word Essay?

The easiest way to do that is to get rid of the less important arguments you consider in your 700-word essay. Rank your arguments and eliminate those weaker. Another idea is to edit your paper in order to make sentences shorter. For instance, you can remove some of the adverbs.

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IvyPanda. (2023, November 26). 700 Word Essay — Examples & Topics.

"700 Word Essay — Examples & Topics." IvyPanda , 26 Nov. 2023,

IvyPanda . (2023) '700 Word Essay — Examples & Topics'. 26 November.

IvyPanda . 2023. "700 Word Essay — Examples & Topics." November 26, 2023.

1. IvyPanda . "700 Word Essay — Examples & Topics." November 26, 2023.


IvyPanda . "700 Word Essay — Examples & Topics." November 26, 2023.

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Education is Fundamental to Development and Growth

Elizabeth king.


Education is fundamental to development and growth. The human mind makes possible all development achievements, from health advances and agricultural innovations to efficient public administration and private sector growth. For countries to reap these benefits fully, they need to unleash the potential of the human mind. And there is no better tool for doing so than education.

Twenty years ago, government officials and development partners met to affirm the importance of education in development—on economic development and broadly on improving people’s lives—and together declared Education for All as a goal. While enrolments have risen in promising fashion around the world, learning levels have remained disappointingly and many remain left behind. Because growth, development, and poverty reduction depend on the knowledge and skills that people acquire, not the number of years that they sit in a classroom, we must transform our call to action from Education for All to Learning for All.

The World Bank’s forthcoming Education Strategy will emphasize several core ideas: Invest early. Invest smartly. Invest in learning for all .

First, foundational skills acquired early in childhood make possible a lifetime of learning. The traditional view of education as starting in primary school takes up the challenge too late. The science of brain development shows that learning needs to be encouraged early and often, both inside and outside of the formal schooling system. Prenatal health and early childhood development programs that include education and health are consequently important to realize this potential. In the primary years, quality teaching is essential to give students the foundational literacy and numeracy on which lifelong learning depends. Adolescence is also a period of high potential for learning, but many teenagers leave school at this point, lured by the prospect of a job, the need to help their families, or turned away by the cost of schooling. For those who drop out too early, second-chance and nonformal learning opportunities are essential to ensure that all youth can acquire skills for the labor market. 

Second, getting results requires smart investments —that is, investments that prioritize and monitor learning, beyond traditional metrics, such as the number of teachers trained or number of students enrolled. Quality needs to be the focus of education investments, with learning gains as the key metric of quality.  Resources are too limited and the challenges too big to be designing policies and programs in the dark. We need evidence on what works in order to invest smartly.

Third, learning for all means ensuring that all students, and not just the most privileged or gifted, acquire the knowledge and skills that they need. Major challenges of access remain for disadvantaged populations at the primary, secondary and tertiary levels. We must lower the barriers that keep girls, children with disabilities, and ethnolinguistic minorities from attaining as much education as other population groups. “Learning for All” promotes the equity goals that underlie Education for All and the MDGs. Without confronting equity issues, it will be impossible to achieve the objective of learning for all.

Achieving learning for all will be challenging, but it is the right agenda for the next decade. It is the knowledge and skills that children and youth acquire today—not simply their school attendance—that will drive their employability, productivity, health, and well-being in the decades to come, and that will help ensure that their communities and nations thrive.

Read the full text of my speech to the Education World Forum here.

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Non-resident Senior Fellow, Brookings Institution

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Education for Skilling Essay

Education for Skilling Essay, Essay on Education for Skilling

Are you also looking for  an “Education for Skilling Essay”?  If yes, then you have fallen on the world’s best website If you are searching for  Education for Skilling Essay, Education for Skilling Essay in English, Essay on Education for Skilling, or Essay On Education For Skilling Essay  then your wait ends here.

Education for Skilling Essay 100 Words

Initially, in a student’s life, he or she acquires knowledge mostly via books in schools and educational settings. And, while this knowledge aids in the development of students ‘ personalities, it does not provide them with practical skills that will give them a competitive advantage in the employment market. In a constantly changing environment , having life skills is vital for dealing with the difficulties of everyday life.

The significant changes in global economies over the previous five years have been related to advancements in innovative technologies. Everything has a bigger impact on schooling, the workplace, and our personal lives. Students need to learn life skills such as the ability to manage pressure and disappointment in order to cope with the increasing pace and change of modern life.

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Education for Skilling Essay 200 Words

In general, schools in India follow an academic-centric educational style . The majority of institutions confine the learning process to classrooms. In reality, this process is more about acquiring facts than it is about learning. The most effective strategy to solve this issue is to incorporate life-changing skill training into school-based curricula. Giving kids options at the start of their adolescence allows them to explore and learn more topics outside of their textbooks and what is taught in classrooms.

Another advantage of teaching children life skills is that they gain the ability to make choices at a young age. Life skill exercises provide skills such as team spirit, inquisitiveness, creativity , trustworthiness, sympathy, coordination, assertiveness, and much more. It is thus a procedure that has assisted students in laying a firmer basis for a successful future both academically and professionally. Skill development assists youth in laying a solid foundation in education. 

It increases self-esteem, courage, and leadership skills. It encourages problem-solving skills as well as collaboration. It encourages kids to plan for their future and develops their ability to think for themselves. Because Indian educational institutions are largely intellectual , adding skill development within the curriculum is crucial. It encourages kids to go beyond their textbooks to explore and learn. It also teaches children to think for themselves and make decisions at an early age.

Education for Skilling Essay 300 Words

The formative years of a student are spent acquiring knowledge mostly through books in schools and institutions. And, while this knowledge aids in the development of students’ identities, it does not offer them basic skills that will give them a competitive advantage in the job market . 90% of career opportunities require youngsters to have some kind of skill. However , a lack of skills prevents the youth from obtaining the job of their dreams. Skilled experts are in high demand nowadays. As a result, it is vital that pedagogy encourages students’ skill development in order to better prepare them for future employment.

The Importance of Skill Development Curriculum at School 

Skill development helps individuals create a firm educational foundation . It increases self-esteem, assertiveness, and leadership skills. It encourages problem-solving skills as well as teamwork. It motivates people to make plans for their future and teaches them to think for themselves. Because Indian educational institutions are largely intellectual, adding skill development within the curriculum is crucial. 

Skill Development in India 

The Indian government launched the Skill India project in 2015 . It aimed to educate 40 million Indians on diverse industrial jobs. Its goal is to empower young people through programs and training courses by 2022. 

This initiative has the following advantages:

Better career prospects, higher-paying jobs, and a higher standard of living for young people . Development in all sectors of the economy, with equal growth in all sectors. Trained workers entering the job field will produce superior and quicker results, as well as benefit the Indian economy.


Skill development benefits not only individual students but also the community as a whole. It contributes to a better world, one in which cultural differences and variety are respected, and creativity and imagination are valued, all of which contribute to the development of a flourishing society.

Veer Bal Diwas Essay My Life My Health Essay 1500 Words Essay on My Child My Teacher Enabling Learning Environment Essay Essay on Importance of Fitness Essay on 5G Technology in English Essay on the Our Culture, Our Pride

Essay on Education for Skilling 500 Words


A child’s early experiences are significant in molding their destiny. During these years , a solid foundation must be laid for children to grow into better, stronger individuals. School education is undeniably vital in shaping a child’s personality. When most parents hear the word education, they immediately think of academic excellence, which is undeniably important, but education is much more than that.

Today’s fast-changing world necessitates more than simply good grades and emphasizes the need of developing useful life skills . A school education that lacks the opportunity to cultivate and improve abilities does not allow children to develop into well-rounded persons . in addition to excelling academically, students must learn skills that will help them improve the physical, artistic, and emotional elements of their lives and thrive in this competitive environment.

The Value of Skill Development 

It is vital to educate youngsters with skill-based training because our country’s economic growth is dependent on it . Here are some of the reasons why school skill development is critical : The approach to skill development motivates students to look beyond their grades. It enables people to realize their full potential, develop real-world skills, and prepare for success in their chosen careers. Youth can earn more money with skill-based learning since it boosts their employability . It also enhances a country’s economy and promotes financial growth. Students benefit from skill-based learning as they build problem-solving strategies and good communication abilities.

Higher Education Skill Development 

Nowadays, a significant proportion of the jobless includes highly educated teens who are struggling to find work owing to a lack of skills, as well as competent individuals who are unable to find work as a result of a lack of knowledge. As a result , there is a need for skill-based learning in higher education to help students in gaining vocational training in addition to academics in order to increase their prospects of finding better work and having a successful career. Due to this demand, vocational education is being investigated as a component of a structured university program. This will provide students with several possibilities to develop skills related to specific occupations as well as general education.

School-Based Skill Development 

In general, schools in India follow an academic-centric educational style. The majority of institutions confine the learning process to classrooms. In reality, this process is more about acquiring facts than it is about learning. The most effective strategy to solve this issue is to incorporate life-changing skill training into school-based curricula. Giving kids options at the start of their adolescence allows them to explore and learn more topics outside of their textbooks and what is taught in classrooms. It is thus a procedure that has assisted students in laying a firmer basis for a successful future both academically and professionally.

How Do Skill Development Programs Help Young People? 

The Indian government has a number of skill development programs in place to help youngsters find work. These programs not only provide the required occupational training to advance one’s professional prospects, but they also assist in the development of personalities, improving job proficiency , and improving communication, goal setting, and negotiation skills. 

In today’s world, skill development is critical. Skill development has become an essential component of education in order to empower the young , improve their employment opportunities, and strengthen the country’s economy.

Education for Skilling Essay 800 Words

The early life of a child is spent acquiring knowledge mostly through books in schools and institutions. And , while this knowledge aids in the development of students’ personalities, it does not empower them with practical skills that will give them a competitive advantage in the labor market. Almost 90% of career prospects demand children have some kind of skill.

However, a lack of skills prevents the youth from obtaining the job of their dreams. Skilled experts are in high demand nowadays. As a result, it is vital that pedagogy encourages students’ skill development in order to prepare them for future jobs. Children must develop skills that will help them enhance their physical, artistic, and emotional lives while also allowing them to thrive in this competitive environment.

Importance of skill-based education:

Improves creativity: A school curriculum that combines skill-based learning improves children’s creativity. Students are better able to absorb and learn new skills at a young age , and they become more creative and inventive when exposed to new experiences through skill development. 

Encourages independent thinking: When students have different learning options, they become more confident and self-sufficient. Independence comes from implementing principles in the real world rather than memorizing large volumes of information. A skill-development curriculum enables children to think more deeply and solve issues on their own. Accepting failure with grace: Skill development and training aid in the development of emotional maturity in students. Students must be willing to try when learning new abilities. They may suffer setbacks and disappointments along the way, but this will eventually educate them to take failures graciously and build a “never give up” mentality. As they try new things, fail, and persevere, students will develop a growth attitude.

How Do Skill Development Programs Benefit Youth? 

The Indian government has numerous skill development schemes in place to increase employment prospects for young people. These programs not only give the necessary occupational training to boost career prospects , but they also help to develop personalities, improve work proficiency , and improve communication, time management, and negotiation skills. The skill development programs also assist young people in identifying their interests and talents. It aids in the development of flexibility, dependability, productivity, and efficiency. All of this contributes to their prospects of a successful career and broadens their job options. 

India’s Skill Development 

The Indian government launched the Skill India project in 2015. It aimed to educate 40 million Indians on diverse industrial jobs. Its goal is to empower young people through programs and training courses by 2022. 

This initiative has the following advantages

Better job prospects, higher-paying jobs, and a greater standard of living for the youth; trained individuals entering the workforce, resulting in better and faster results, as well as a boost to the Indian economy. This effort includes a variety of courses, including management and development programs, entrepreneurial development programs, skill development programs, small business promotion, cluster development, loan schemes, and so on.

Disadvantages of skill-based education:

Students may have to modify their time spent on skills, which may make studying with peers difficult. They may also become irritated if they become stuck on a particularly difficult skill that takes a long time to master. Furthermore , students who have been highly driven by extrinsic rewards such as excellent grades may struggle to shift to mastery-based learning. It is not appropriate for subjects where precise skills are difficult to prescribe or when new skills and information must be quickly adapted. It approaches learning with objectivity. It downplays the significance of social learning. 

Development of Higher Education Skills

Today, a big proportion of unemployed, highly educated youth are unable to find work due to a lack of skills, and competent folks are unable to find work due to a lack of knowledge . Due to this, there is a need for higher education to provide skill-based learning to enable students in gaining vocational training in addition to academics to increase their prospects of better employment and a successful career.

As a result of this need, vocational education is being viewed as part of an organized university program. Students will be able to seek degrees in subjects other than science, arts, business, medicine, engineering, and so on. Students will be able to choose their own vocation and pursue it professionally. Furthermore, as a result of the skill development programs, students will have actual experience in vocational training, which will improve their employability.

In this era, skill development is really important. With the desire to empower the youth, increase their career chances, and also the country’s economy , skill development has become an important element of education . It is being included in the educational curriculum , which formerly concentrated solely on academics. However, the emphasis is now also on teaching life skills to school pupils and vocational training to high school students in order to boost their chances of a brighter and better future.

Skill development benefits not only individual pupils but also the community as a whole. It contributes to a better world, one in which cultural differences and variety are respected, and creativity and imagination are valued, all of which contribute to the development of a flourishing society.

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Role of Education and Skill Development Sector in Skills Requirements and Human Resources

Posted: 17 Jun 2021

Dr Ankul Pandey

Govt Shahid Kedarnath P G College, Mauganj

Date Written: January 2, 2021

The India is famous for its size, diversity and complexity, whether it be geographical, socioeconomic, cultural, political or developmental, all of which impact on every aspect of life, including education, training employment and workforce considerations. In the world level, India has one of the major technical human resources. Population of India’s is enormous at 1.21 billion. It is rapidly increasing at a rate of 17 percent and incorporating speedily into the international economy. India is one of the amongst the ‘young’ nations in the globe. The age group of 15-59 years is a proportionately increasing steadily of the work force. Education is the organized and thoughtful procedure that trains the beginner with knowledge, achievement of skills, ethics and attitudes which empowers them to partake efficiently in entire spheres of lifetime. Inclusive Education and Skill development training is indispensable tool of several plans to enhancing farm and nonfarm output that increases urban and rural incomes. Skill is the bridge between employment and workforce. Skills development is an imperative to enlightening domestic production, employability and income-earning prospects for persons through better-quality skills, knowledge and globally familiar qualifications to facilitate them to access decent employment, to encourage inclusive country development and to make sure India’s competitiveness in the international marketplace. It also is improving sustainable development and standard of livings. Skill development in a great scale takes off, executing organizations like government, institutes – both government and private, vocational training providers, and other such implementers will be tackled with challenges that originate at each sector of the ‘skill development value chain’. In this paper we analysis the demand for trainers and teachers till 2022 thru the crucial parts of the Education and Skill Development Sector in India.

Keywords: Education, Employment

JEL Classification: I21

Suggested Citation: Suggested Citation

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role of education in skill development essay 700 words

Home » Blog » Why Skill-Based Education is Important?

Why Skill-Based Education is Important?

role of education in skill development essay 700 words

Degree and skill are essentially the same things. A person must have a degree and the ability to achieve something. A degree without talent is as meaningless as a skill without a degree.

Both must coexist for the battle of the fittest to occur. A degree is just the certified verification of an individual’s expertise. Every person with the ability may not be able to obtain the degree.

Likewise, not every university graduate is necessarily skilled. The degree or expertise required is determined by the company, the nature of the position, and so on.

In general, which criteria is more important: the degree or the skill? Or will graduation become Irrelevant in the age of life-skill-based education? Let’s get to know them in detail.

Also Read, 10 Basic Life Skills Not Taught In Schools .

  • What is Skill-Based Education?


Time management: , leadership and teamwork: , effective decision-making: , critical thinking: , conflict resolution: , innovation: , 3. the entrepreneurial mindset:, employability:, 5. increased productivity:, 6. personal development:, where can skill-based learning be implemented, 1. flexibility:, 2. gaining experience:.

  • 3. Improves Creativity: 

4. Education with a purpose:

Challenges in skill-based education.

Skill-based learning primarily offers practical knowledge and abilities that apply to real-world situations.

Instead of focusing on mere traditional academic subjects like science and mathematics, in skill-based education students are prepared to develop capabilities that help them to get success in different aspects of life.

This approach says that there are a variety of skills that need to be developed to get ahead in today’s dynamic & competitive world.

  • Relevance to Real Life:  Unlike theoretical knowledge, skills are something that immediately match with real-world demands. If a student has practical abilities, he/she can better navigate the problems coming their way in both personal and professional lives.
  • Adaptability:  In this highly competitive global landscape, one must be versatile and adaptable. Skill-based education gives the learners flexibility to handle different situations and grab new opportunities as they come.
  • Employability:  While looking for a job, you must know that employers prefer a candidate who possesses a certain number of skills rather than academic qualifications only. By enhancing their skills, students increase their chances of getting selected for better positions in the job market. 
  • Holistic Development:  Skill-based education promotes holistic development by focusing not only on intellectual capabilities but also on different things including emotional intelligence, creativity, and interpersonal skills. This comprehensive approach makes sure that students are capable in all spheres of life and can thrive in any context. 

Why is Skill-Based Education important?

Skill-based education is important for several reasons. Here, we have a list of some of the main reasons:- 

1. Life Skills: Preparing for the Real World

The most effective way to express your ideas, build a analytical, or solve a problem , communication is the best tool to manage these all.

Considering this, skill-based education focuses on verbal & written communication skills and on active listening to make sure that students can articulate their thoughts precisely and interact with others in confidence. 

Time management skills develop a special quality in any individual as they learn how to prioritise tasks, set goals, use resources efficiently, and so on.

If one has good time management skills, one can make a balance between academic life & personal pursuits and can lead a happy life.

Leadership and teamwork are quite essential to develop in any work environment where there is a need to achieve common goals. Collaborative projects & group activities foster a sense of camaraderie and collective achievement. 

2. Problem-Solving Skills in Action

Skill-based education gives the student with analytical skills and confidence-building abilities , enhancing their decision-making without any reluctance. It makes you responsible even in uncertain times.

Critical thinking means you evaluate information, think twice about the assumptions, and come to well-reasoned judgments. By focusing on critical thinking skills, students turned into discerning thinkers who understand issues from different perspectives and always come to logical conclusions.

Conflict resolution skills make the individual wise as they manage the disagreements constructively and come up with mutually beneficial solutions. These skills in students make them communicate effectively and resolve any heated arguments peacefully. 

Innovation means thinking creatively. Always come up with new ideas to solve existing problems or meet rising needs. Skill-based education promotes students’ innovative thinking and promotes a culture of consistent improvement and adaptation.

Entrepreneurship is not just limited to starting a business; it is a mindset driven by innovation, risk-taking, resourcefulness, and persistence. Skill-based education promotes this mindset by encouraging students to think out of the box, take risks that are calculated, and find a solution to every challenge.

4. Enhancing Employability and Meeting Employer Demand

Skill-based education increases employability as it provides students with practical skills that are demanded by several employers. This gives them a certain advantage in the job market and opens the door to different career paths. 

  • Competitive Advantage:  Students with the necessary skills are likely to be preferred by employers over other applicants.
  • Diverse Career Paths:  Skill-based education paves the way for different career paths. One can choose any industry as it makes them a versatile one. 
  • Career Progression:  With the relevant skills, individuals can go higher in their careers at a good pace and become leaders.
  • Adaptation to Industry Changes:  Skills-based education makes you so strong that you can adapt to several changes in the job market and thrive in any industry.

Employees with relevant skills are far more productive and efficient in their roles which benefits the business & organisations and ultimately increases their personal growth.

Skill-based education not only increases employability but also enhances personal development . Students develop confidence, resilience, risk-taking ability, time management, and so on. 

Skill-based learning can be implemented in different education settings like as vocational training centres, traditional schools, online learning platforms , and workplace training programs.

It can also be merged with existing curriculum frameworks to make academic learning more beneficial. 

The Following are Some of the Advantages of Skill-Based Education:

Skill-based education gives students ownership of their learning and helps them close the comprehension gap. The evaluation, rather than grades, proves their proficiency.

The education process is a beautiful advantage for dropouts since they may go ahead without the need for a gap. The framework depends on the individual; students direct their learning through examinations and hands-on projects.

Students are nurtured in skill-based education to become great leaders in the chosen sector. To support this process, students must think beyond academics and gain real-world skills.

Unfortunately, these physical experiences are frequently missed in traditional teaching.

3. Improves Creativity:  

A schooling system that combines skill-based learning improves children’s creativity. Schools must encourage kids to participate in hobbies such as dance, singing, and sketching, as the benefits of doing so extend beyond learning those specific abilities.

The conventional educational system has taught pupils to evaluate themselves regarding grades and test scores. Beyond test results, however, providing life skills-based education at a young age helps students prepare for the real world.

Children will learn about their talents and limitations relatively early in life thanks to the skill development they receive in school. Instead of concentrating only on passing tests and getting excellent grades in the near term, they will learn with a specific goal in mind.

  • Resource Allocation: A skill-based education requires adequate resources like funding, well-qualified instructors, and infrastructure.
  • Curriculum Development: It is important to design an up-to-date curriculum that matches with industry needs.
  • Equity: Regardless of which background a student belongs to a skill-based education ensures that it gives equal access to everyone. 
  • Evaluation and Assessment: Assessing students’ command over practical skills is complex.

Skill-based education is important for individuals with the practical skills and the mindset required to success in today’s changing job market.

By focusing on employability, relevance, and personal development, skill-based learning makes the student ready for all the challenges and chances coming their way shortly. It is undoubtedly a vital part of the modern education system.

Read our latest education blogs here. We are pioneers in proffering personalised, affordable and high-quality lessons using an advanced learning platform.

What skill-based pedagogy students need?

Students need a variety of skill-based pedagogies that include problem-based learning, project-based learning, inquiry-based learning, experiential learning, and collaborative learning.  They should also be able to identify, develop and apply higher-order thinking skills such as analysis, evaluation, synthesis, and problem-solving. Educators can effectively incorporate technology into the classroom , encouraging active learning in which students are engaged through frequent practice of their new knowledge.

What is skill-based learning?

Skill-based learning is an approach to education that emphasises developing practical skills and competencies that apply to real-world situations rather than just acquiring knowledge.

What are the advantages of skill based education?

Skill-based learning is an effective way for students to acquire knowledge and develop essential skills. It encourages students to actively engage in learning rather than passively listening or memorising information. With skill-based learning, students gain a deeper understanding of their subject matter as they practice analysing, synthesising, and applying information in various contexts.

What is the importance of skill development in education?

Skill development is important in education because it prepares students for the demands of the workforce, enhances their social and emotional well-being, and helps them become more well-rounded individuals.

What are the different career based on the skills based education?

Careers based on skill-based education can include a wide range of fields, such as healthcare, engineering, technology, creative arts, and business.

Why life skill education has become more important now a days?

Life skill education has become more important nowadays due to the changing demands of the workforce and the increasing importance of soft skills such as communication, collaboration, and adaptability.  Life skill education helps students understand how to navigate the world around them and make sound decisions in their daily lives. It teaches problem-solving, self-advocacy, emotional intelligence, financial literacy, critical thinking and decision-making skills. All these skills are important for success after school, and a wellrounded education should include life skill education.

What is an example of skill-based learning?

An example of skill-based learning could be a project-based learning approach where students work collaboratively to design and build a sustainable garden, developing skills in teamwork, problem-solving, critical thinking, and creativity.

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  • Essay on Importance of Education

Importance of Education Essay

Education is one of the key components for an individual’s success. It has the ability to shape one’s life in the right direction. Education is a process of imparting or acquiring knowledge, and developing the powers of reasoning and judgement. It prepares growing children intellectually for a life with more mature understanding and sensitivity to issues surrounding them. It improves not only the personal life of the people but also their community. Thus, one cannot neglect the significance of Education in life and society. Here, we have provided an essay on the Importance of Education. Students can use this essay to prepare for their English exam or as a speech to participate in the school competition.

Importance of Education

The importance of education in life is immense. It facilitates quality learning for people throughout their life. It inculcates knowledge, belief, skill, values and moral habits. It improves the way of living and raises the social and economic status of individuals. Education makes life better and more peaceful. It transforms the personality of individuals and makes them feel confident.

Well said by Nelson Mandela, “Education is the most powerful weapon to change the world”. To elaborate, it is the foundation of the society which brings economic wealth, social prosperity and political stability. It gives power to people to put their views and showcase their real potential. It strengthens democracy by providing citizens with the tools to participate in the governance process. It acts as an integrative force to foster social cohesion and national identity.

In India, education is a constitutional right of every citizen. So, people of any age group, religion, caste, creed and region are free to receive education. An educated person is respected everywhere and well-treated in society. As a kid, every child dreams of being a doctor, lawyer, engineer, actor, sportsperson, etc. These dreams can come true through education. So, investment in education gives the best return. Well-educated people have more opportunities to get a better job which makes them feel satisfied.

In schools, education is divided into different levels, i.e., preschool, primary, secondary and senior secondary. School education comprises traditional learning which provides students with theoretical knowledge. However, now various efforts are being made to establish inbuilt application-based learning by adding numerous experiments, practicals and extracurricular activities to the school curriculum. Students learn to read, write and represent their viewpoints in front of others. Also, in this era of digital Education, anyone can easily access information online at their fingertips. They can learn new skills and enhance their knowledge.

Steps Taken By Government To Promote Education

Education is evidently an important aspect that no government can ignore in order to ensure the equitable development of a nation. Unfortunately, some children still do not have access to education. The Government has thereby taken initiatives to improve education quality and made it accessible to everyone, especially the poor people.

The Government passed the Right to Education Act 2009 (RTE Act 2009) on 4 August 2009. This Act came into effect on 1 April 2010, following which education has become the fundamental right of every child in India. It provides free and compulsory elementary education to children of the age group of 6-14 years in a neighbourhood school within 1 km, up to Class 8 in India. On similar lines, there are other schemes launched by the government, such as Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan , Mid-Day Meal , Adult Education and Skill Development Scheme, National Means cum Merit Scholarship Scheme, National Program for Education of Girls at Elementary Education, Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya, Scheme for Infrastructure Development in Minority Institutions, Beti Bachao , Beti Padhao, etc.

For our country’s growth, we require a well-educated population equipped with the relevant knowledge, attitude and skills. This can be achieved by spreading awareness about the importance of Education in rural areas. There is a famous saying that “If we feed one person, we will eliminate his hunger for only one time. But, if we educate a person, we will change his entire life”. Henceforth he will become capable of earning a livelihood by himself.

This essay on the Importance of Education must have helped students to improve their writing section for the English exam. They can also practice essays on other topics by visiting the CBSE Essay page. Keep learning and stay tuned with BYJU’S for the latest updates on CBSE/ICSE/State Board/Competitive Exams. Also, download the BYJU’S App for interactive study videos.

Frequently Asked Questions on Education Essay

How can the literacy rate in india be increased.

People in rural areas must be informed about the importance of providing education to their children. Also, with the COVID-19 situation, the government should take steps by providing laptops/phones for children to follow online classes.

Are girl children still denied their right to get educated?

Although awareness has now improved, there are still many villages in India where girl children are not provided with proper education or allowed to enrol themselves in schools. This mentality has to change for the betterment of the society.

Teaching subjects/academics alone is enough, or should students be introduced to other forms of educational activities too?

Extracurricular activities, moral value education, etc., are also as important as regular academic teachings.

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Essay on Education

An education essay is a very important topic in essay writing, in school and college & essay competition on organizing any event.

In this post, I had provided information meaning of education, types of education & the importance of education.

You’ll also learn the merits & demerits of education and what is the purpose of education is also discussed in this education essay.

Let’s get started…

Many scholars have defined education in various ways, the definition of education also varies with time.

Education was a part of all-round development in the Vedic period, in the medieval period the meaning of education was conical and it became associated with religion.

In the modern era, the aim of education is moving towards all-round development.

Essay on Education 250 words:

Nelson Mandela once said, “Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world.”

Education is a process of learning the things around you, it helps us to understand any object or situation easily, to deal with any kind of problem and to maintain balance in different dimensions throughout life.

Education is the first and prime right of all human beings. We are incomplete without education and our life is useless.

The education motivates us to set a goal in our life and move forward. It improves our knowledge, skills, confidence and personality.

It enhances the intellectual ability to talk to others in our lives. Education brings maturity and teaches us to live in the changing environment of society.

It is a path for social development, economic growth and technological advancement.

Education plays a great role in making a decent human being by building personality, improving knowledge and skills.

It gives a person the ability to think about good and bad.

Education in our country is divided into three categories; Elementary Education, Secondary Education, and Higher Secondary Education.

It develops our skills, character and whole personality to analyze things and situations.

Education nurtures a person’s present and future by setting goals in life.

The importance and quality of education are improving and increasing day by day.


Every child must go to school at an appropriate age because everyone has the same right to receive education right from birth.

The growth and development of any country depend on the quality of the education system set in schools and colleges for the youth of this country.

Nevertheless, in every region of the country, the education system is not the same, so the proper growth and development of society and people is not happening.

Education Essay 500 words:

Education is a very important tool for the people of the whole world to maintain balance in human existence and life on earth.

It is the device that gives everyone the ability to progress and succeed in life as well as overcome challenges in life.

This is the only way, which improves knowledge acquisition and efficiency as per the requirement in any particular field.

It enables us to create a good balance in our body, brain and soul.

Need for Education:

It trains us throughout our life and we have access to many opportunities in our path to get the necessary prospects for our future and better career development.

All of them need proper education to promote their way of life as well as to be a part of social and economic growth in their country.

The future of any person or country depends on the strategies to be followed in the education system in that country.

Even after many awareness campaigns about proper education, there are still many villages in the country where the people living neither have any proper resource for education nor any special awareness about education.

However, India is facing a problem in the field of enrollment of students for higher education.

The main reason for the low enrollment rate is expensive fees and lack of affiliation.

However, the situation is improving nowadays, many steps have been taken by the government to improve the level of education in the country.

The well-being of a society depends on the education of the people living in that society.

Proper educational level brings economic and social prosperity by rectifying problematic issues across the country.

Importance of Education in Society:

Proper education helps us to identify our career goals and to learn to live in a civilized manner.

Without education, we cannot even imagine our life because without it, we cannot create a good environment and an advanced society.

Everything in life is based on the knowledge and skills of people, which comes automatically through education.

The bright future of the individual, society, community and country depends on the strategy followed by the education system.

The increasing demand for more technological advancement in life has increased the field of qualitative education.

Education helps scientists in their research, inventing machines, machines or other technologies necessary for modern life.

People are becoming aware of the importance and field of education in their lives and are trying to benefit.

Nevertheless, people living in backward areas of the country are still unable to get proper education due to lack of necessities in life.

They are still struggling for the needs of their daily lives.

We need to bring awareness about education in every field equally for better growth and development in the whole country because only through this can the goal of sustainable development be achieved.

Also, read 1. Value education 2. Importance of newspaper 3. Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Essay

Essay on Education

Essay on Education 1000 words:

Education is very important for the betterment of everyone’s life and as such, we all should understand the importance of education in our lives. It enables us and prepares us for all aspects of life.

Even after several educational awareness campaigns by the government in underdeveloped areas of the country, where the education system is still weak.

People living in these areas are very poor and spend their entire day just to meet some basic needs.

Therefore, extensive efforts of all are needed to create the possibilities of a proper education system in all corners of the country.

We need the active participation of all to promote the level of the education system in our country.

School and college authorities must set some main objectives for education, to raise interest and curiosity in their students for education.

The fee structure should also be discussed at a wider level because of the high fees, many students are not able to continue their education which leads people to inequality in every aspect of life.

Education is the major and compulsory right of man, so everyone must get equality in education.

Wisdom is the Best Wealth:

Knowledge is the best wealth. All happiness is attained by learning, by virtue, by mercy, by merit, by wealth and by religion.

Our intelligence is also sharpened by the knowledge gained from learning.

We have to balance the convenience of education for all, to bring equality between people and equal personal development across the country.

Education helps everyone in society to transform themselves into positive things by interfering with the things around them.

It promotes the necessary advancement in the technology of education besides maintaining balance in our body, mind and inner body.

Importance of Education in Life:

Home is the first place in our lives and parents are the first teachers of their children.

Every child learns to speak to his mother tongue first. Parents are the ones who teach us the right importance of education.

We study slowly and climb the steps one by one to complete our studies until the tenth. But to get more knowledge and technical knowledge in life, it is very important to get a higher education.

Educated girls have made a positive impact on Indian society by contributing to various fields like medicine, defence services, science and technology.

Today’s girls have also contributed well to the field of business and have handled both their home and office very well. Also, read an essay on education conclusion.

Private Efforts for Education in Backward Areas:

People living in backward areas are not receiving the proper benefits of a good education because they lack funds and other means.

However, some new and effective strategies have been planned and implemented by the government to solve this problem in these areas.

Education has improved the mental state and changed the way people think. It brings confidence to transform and achieve success and experience and transforms thinking into action.

Without education, life becomes goalless and difficult. Therefore we should understand the importance of education and its necessity in daily life.

We should encourage it, by telling people about the importance of education in backward areas.

Disabled and poor persons also have the same need for education and equal rights to achieve global development like rich and ordinary people.

All of us should do our best to be educated at the highest level, as well as to make it possible for everyone to have access to education.

In which all poor and disabled persons can participate on a global basis.

Some people live very sad lives by remaining completely illiterate due to lack of knowledge and skills.

Specific people are educated but due to lack of a proper education system in backward areas, they are not skilled enough in earning for their daily work.

Thus, we should try to give equal opportunities for everyone to get a good education system, whether it is poor or rich.

A country cannot develop without individual development and growth of citizens.

Thus, the comprehensive development of a country depends on the prevailing education system available to citizens in that country.

The common goal of providing a good and proper education system to the citizens in every region in the country should be set.

Effort should be made to make the path of education easy and accessible because only by this our country may lead to all-round development.

Essay on Importance of Education

Essay on Importance of Education:

“Tamso Ma Jyotirgamaya” means to take me to light with adoration – this prayer is the basic pillar of Indian culture. A person sees everything in light, not in darkness.

The light here means knowledge. A person’s darkness is destroyed by knowledge.

His present and future become functional. His sleeping senses are awakened by knowledge, work capacity increases which take her life on the path of progress.

The field of education is not limited but wide. A person reads a lesson from life to death. In ancient times, education was done in Gurukuls.

The student used to return home only after receiving his full education. But today, teaching work takes place in government and non-government schools.

Teachers teach different subjects there. When the student goes to study, then his mental level gradually starts to rise.

Different types of questions arise in his brain like – How do stars shine? How does a person reach the sky? Is the Earth round or flat? How does sound in radio and picture on television come?

We get answers to all these questions through education. As we move forward in the field of education, our knowledge gets expanded.

If the meaning of the whole subject is not known, then it is as hardworking is like the weight of sandalwood placed on the donkey’s back.

Donkey carrying the sandalwood only knows its weight, but cannot know the usefulness of the sandalwood.

In the same way, scholars who study many scriptures without understanding the meaning of them are just carriers of book-weight like those donkeys.

Knowledge is the best wealth. Even a thief cannot steal it, which grows on giving to others.

All happiness is attained by learning, by mercy, by merit, by wealth and by religion. Wisdom strengthens with knowledge.

Also, read 1. Discipline Essay 2. My School Essay 3. Indian Education System Essay

Education promotes the active participation of every person in society for the growth and development of countries; It enables everyone both socially and economically by developing a common culture and values in society.

Thus, it is clear in this education essay that no aspect of society is untouched by education and its importance; education plays an important role in every area of our life.

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Role of Education in Development Essay

Role of Education in Development Essay for Students and Children in English

Role of Education in Development Essay: JP or the souls taking refuge in education, the desire for growth has no boundaries. Above lines from ‘Ulysses’, highlight the thirst of minds which are willing to learn. Education is not a destination, but a journey to be cherished. It is an enriching path, not only in lives of individuals, but also chartering histories of nations and building strong foundations of development.

In a developing society like ours, where an entire generation stands at crossroads of traditional values and western education, it becomes essential to define the parameters of education. For a traditionally rich country like ours, the roots of education can be traced back to compilation of Vedas. British furthered the cause of education in India. Though they introduced the study of English language to meet their administrative needs; it opened up a new world for Indians. It provided us with an opportunity to question our beliefs, our customs and our knowledge and with that questioning, the spirit of education dawned.

Students can find more English Essay Writing Topics, Ideas, Easy Tips to Write Essay Writing and many more.

Long and Short Essays on Role of Education in Development for Students and Kids in English

In this article, we have provided a detailed essay, a brief essay, and ten lines on the topic, my city, to help students write such pieces in their examinations. Given below is a long essay composed of 500 words and a short essay comprising 100-150 words on the topic in English.

Essay on Role of Education in Development

Long Essay on Role of Education in Development 600 Words in English

Long Essay on Role of Education in Development is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

Education has provided light of survival to several nations. Europe could march to development only after Renaissance. Indians could question the evils of sati and caste system only when reformers were exposed to ideas from western world. Even our freedom movement received impetus when we awoke to ideas of liberty, equality and fraternity from American and French revolutions. Though we could successfully overthrow the Britishers, their education system was adopted without questioning. Every society needs to reform the systems to meet some specific needs. However, the colonial education system has left a lot to be desired.

Education is an overall process of not only personal growth but an enriching growth of society and nation. It is the foundation of development of any nation. Educated youth have the ability to think beyond their stagnating lives and contribute to the development of their societies. Education arms individuals with the knowledge of their rights and duties. It is informed citizenry which forms the base for the development of any society. Though the share in GDP may not reflect this reality, we have primarily been an agricultural economy.

India still lives in its villages. The seeds of education must find their way to villages. The ‘Adult Education Programme’ and ‘National Rural Education Programme’ still have long distance to cover. By opening more primary schools in villages, we can not only curb the problem of migration by creating novel opportunities in village, but also educate farmers on knowledge of right seeds and fertilizers. This may lead to better yield and could again push back, the import of wheat and other essential commodities.

The quality of education needs better monitoring in both rural and urban India. Problems of teacher absenteeism in the villages deserve better scrutiny and punitive pleasures to ensure that children gain sufficiently from the time spent in school compounds. Awareness programs for girl child education must be carried out with more zeal and vigour. Along with driving self-sufficiency education provides awareness. This i awareness about the rights creates responsible citizens and responsible citizens can demand responsible and accountable governance.

Education in field of IT has opened galaxy of opportunities in urban India with jobs in software, call centres and BPO’s ushering in a revolution of sorts. The services sector, in this backdrop, is proving a significant contributor to the growth of economy. This knowledge hub has attracted large investments from several countries. The emphasis of government on technical education also highlights the commitment to drive excellence in areas of research and manufacturing.

Education plays a critical role in the democratic set up where an educated voter can make an informed choice. The voice of ballots gets translated into the fate of the voters through the levels of governance delivered. The policies charting the course of development of society get their nod from the representatives of people. Roads, ports, telecom, irrigation, industries, agriculture all demand simultaneous attention for a wholesome and inclusive development. Targeted policies in all these sectors must perform in unison for a balanced development to occur.

More number of higher universities will create a breed of individuals who are capable to chart their future in a growing economy. Education gives a level of confidence which capacitates individuals to compete globally and assert them. Such individuals become national asset with their contribution to the growth story of the nation. Through the entrepreneurial spirit they are able to create jobs and set up corporate empires to employ people. This employment generation goes a long way in raising the quality of life of several families. It is, thus, a positive spread effect which became possible from the seeds of education.

Growth generated by a robust economy has to be translated in overall rising of the standards of people. Often, the fruits of growth fail to reach the bottom of the pyramid. Such accumulation of wealth with few individuals has led to wide gulfs in the society. This trend is alarming and unhealthy for long term sustenance of the system. This balancing of wealth in the society can occur when people imbibe the importance of education to change their fortunes. Education is that vital enabler which can move masses up the social ladder. It helps in upward mobilization of large segments of people who understand its importance and take the rightful refuge.

A holistic development of society is only said to occur when the material wealth is complemented by cultural, social and educational achievements. These are reflected in art, architecture, music, writings and the heritage of that society. All great civilizations of the world, which are remembered as developed, had attained that zenith on basis of importance accorded to education in those societies. The Romans, the Egyptians or closer home Magadha or Indus Valley boasted of rich lineage of scholars and universities which built a solid intellectual foundation and a progressive outlook for the society.

Short Essay on Role of Education in Development 150 Words in English

Short Essay on Role of Education in Development is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Education teaches manner to conduct the way of life which contributes to quality and standard of the individuals. Rich empires may rise and fall in a stroke but those with firm rooted educational groundings have an element of sustainability. This ensures their survival for ages. They derive their vitality from the rich corpus of knowledge, which guides them in survival, even during times of crisis. This knowledge bank, built on educational mantle, enriches the quest for development in such societies. Education not only provides an opportunity for development in numerous spheres but contributes to the standard of living. Education of our culture and values should not take a back seat in this era of modernization.

For a holistic development, we must encourage at all levels an understanding of our tradition as part of our education. The effectiveness of this can be seen in people to people contacts with our neighboring country, which help us to enhance our international relations. In this era of globalization, we may be tempted to neglect the fundamental. As a nation, we can’t afford to do this at this junction. Education should remain the focus of government, ahead of their political agendas. Not only more policies but their effective implementation is essential in letter and spirit. Some modifications in our educational system is required to encourage talent based and growth oriented teachings. This would be a welcome step. Education for all should be the primary focus as it is the only gateway for sustained development and all round progress of our nation.

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700-Word Essay Examples

A 700-word essay provides enough space to delve into a topic in depth while still being concise enough to hold the reader's attention. Some possible 700-word essay topics could include analyzing a current social issue, exploring the impact of technology on society, discussing the benefits and drawbacks of a particular educational approach, or examining the history and significance of a cultural tradition. These topics provide ample room for research, analysis, and critical thinking, allowing the writer to develop a well-rounded argument or exploration of the subject. By choosing a topic that interests them and aligns with their expertise or passion, writers can create a compelling and informative essay that engages readers and showcases their knowledge and insights.

Brief Description of 700-Word Essay Topics

A 700-word essay is a concise piece of writing that requires the writer to present a clear and focused argument within a limited word count. Some possible essay topics for a 700-word essay could include the impact of social media on interpersonal relationships, the benefits and drawbacks of online education, the importance of biodiversity conservation, the history and evolution of human rights, or the implications of artificial intelligence on society. These topics offer the writer the opportunity to explore a specific aspect of a larger issue, allowing for a more targeted and focused analysis.

When writing a 700-word essay, it is important to prioritize key points and evidence that support the main argument, as there is limited space for in-depth exploration. The writer should aim to present a clear thesis statement that guides the reader through the essay and provides a roadmap for the discussion. By focusing on a specific aspect of a broader topic, a 700-word essay allows for a more detailed examination of key ideas, resulting in a more coherent and cohesive argument.

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  • Gender Equality - Explore the current state of gender equality and the importance of achieving equal rights for all genders.
  • Mental Health Awareness - Examine the stigma surrounding mental health and ways to promote awareness and support for those struggling with mental illnesses.
  • Social Media Influence - Analyze the impact of social media on society, including its effects on mental health, relationships, and self-esteem.
  • Gun Control - Debate the pros and cons of gun control laws and policies in the United States and their impact on public safety.
  • Immigration Reform - Discuss the challenges and benefits of immigration reform and the importance of finding a balanced approach to immigration policy.
  • Artificial Intelligence - Examine the potential benefits and risks of artificial intelligence in various industries and its impact on the future of work.
  • Racial Discrimination - Explore the history of racial discrimination and the ongoing fight for racial justice and equality in society.
  • Education Reform - Discuss the current state of education in the United States and propose solutions for improving access to quality education for all students.
  • Poverty and Inequality - Analyze the root causes of poverty and inequality and propose strategies for addressing these social issues.
  • Healthcare Access - Examine the challenges of healthcare access in the United States and explore potential solutions for improving healthcare affordability and availability.
  • Environmental Conservation - Discuss the importance of environmental conservation and sustainable practices to protect the planet for future generations.
  • Technology and Society - Explore the impact of technology on society, including its effects on communication, privacy, and human relationships.
  • Animal Rights - Examine the ethical treatment of animals and the importance of advocating for animal rights and welfare.
  • Globalization - Discuss the pros and cons of globalization and its impact on economies, cultures, and societies worldwide.
  • Political Polarization - Analyze the causes of political polarization and the challenges of bridging the divide between opposing political ideologies.
  • Cybersecurity - Examine the growing threat of cyber attacks and the importance of cybersecurity measures to protect individuals and organizations.
  • Social Justice Movements - Discuss the role of social justice movements in advocating for equality and justice for marginalized communities.
  • Addiction and Recovery - Explore the impact of addiction on individuals and families and the challenges of recovery and rehabilitation.
  • The Future of Work - Examine the changing landscape of work in the digital age and the implications for job security, automation, and skills development.

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What Is an Academic 700-Word Essay?

An academic 700-word essay is a relatively short piece of academic writing that encompasses approximately 700 words. It requires concise and focused exploration of a topic within a limited word count. Despite its brevity, a 700-word essay still allows for the development of a central thesis or argument and the presentation of supporting evidence and analysis. A 700-word essay challenges the writer to present a focused and concise analysis of a topic, making every word count while still providing a well-structured and well-supported piece of academic writing.

What Does a 700-Word Essay Look Like?

A 700-word essay typically consists of an introduction (approximately 100-150 words), several body paragraphs (approximately 500-550 words), and a conclusion (approximately 50-100 words). These word counts are approximate and can be adjusted based on the specific requirements of your essay. It's important to maintain a clear and concise writing style, prioritize relevant information, and ensure a coherent and logical flow of ideas throughout the essay.

How Many Words Is 700 Characters for an Essay?

In terms of word count, there is no direct conversion between characters and words because the number of characters can vary depending on the length of each word and the presence of spaces and punctuation. However, as a rough estimate, an average word in English consists of about 5 characters. Based on this estimate, if you have 700 characters, you could expect it to be roughly equivalent to around 140 words. Keep in mind that this is an approximation, and the actual word count may vary depending on the specific content and composition of the text. To get an accurate word count, it is recommended to use a word processing tool or an online word count tool that can analyze the text and provide an exact word count.

How Long is a 700-Word Essay in Pages?

To provide a specific approximation, assuming the essay is written in 12-point Times New Roman font with double spacing and normal margins (1 inch or 2.54 cm), a 700-word essay would occupy approximately two pages. These estimations are based on average word and page counts, and they can vary depending on individual writing style, formatting choices, and the specific requirements or guidelines provided by your instructor or institution. Therefore, it's always advisable to follow the formatting instructions given for your essay to determine the exact page length required.

What Structure Does a 700-Word Paper Has?

The essay should have a well-defined structure, consisting of an introduction, body paragraphs that support the thesis with evidence and analysis, and a conclusion with key points. You can begin your intriduction with an engaging hook or attention-grabbing statement to capture the reader's interest and then present a clear and concise thesis statement that outlines the main argument or objective of the essay. Start each body paragraph with a topic sentence that introduces the main point or argument. Then present supporting evidence, examples, or data to substantiate the main point. In conclusion you should summarize the main points discussed in the essay and offer a final thought or suggestion that leaves the reader with a lasting impression.

Another Word Count

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role of education in skill development essay 700 words

700 Word Essay on A nation can develop only if all are educated

A nation can develop only if all are educated..

Education not only helps us in our personal growth but also helps in shaping the future of the nation. People with quality education are well equipped to take better decisions for their own as well as for the country. As a developing nation overall education is our only option toward the top. In this essay we are going to discuss the importance of education in the all-round development of any nation.

Abolition of discrimination: Good education not only makes people eligible for opportunities it also makes them humble and open minded. When the overall education level of a country increases the people start ignoring the discrimination imposed by society. When all of its citizen grow at the same rate and get equal amount of opportunities without having to face any discrimination then the country grows very efficiently. This is another reason why education is essential for the development of a country.

Social Unity: Another important aspect of the development of a country is the unity and brotherhood among its citizens. As we know that right education makes people humble and accepting. In a country like ours where the population is so huge and everyone is from different background tolerance is really important for overall development of the country. Proper education teaches us not to be selfish and be empathetic toward others. Without educating everyone it is nearly impossible to be a developed country.

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