
Citaties in de tekst

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MLA- en APA-citaties

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Ontvang uw inhoud na slechts een paar woorden , of ga stap voor stap.

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Bewerk uw referenties met behulp van populaire referentietypen zoals APA of MLA

Hoe auteur schrijven gemakkelijk maakt

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Uw AI "Anything" schrijvende metgezel

Combineer de kracht van Google en ChatGPT zodat u precies weet waar uw AI de informatie heeft gevonden.


10x uw schrijf- en onderzoekscapaciteiten

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Gratis AI-schrijver en tekstgenerator

Genereer hoogwaardige, unieke essays en artikelen met Smodin's gratis AI-schrijver en tekstgenerator. Ga van een paar zinnen naar verrassend goede essays en artikelen met AI-copywriting.

Hoe werkt Smodin Author?

De AI-schrijver van Smodin is eenvoudig te gebruiken. Geef uw prompt een paar woorden en genereer eenvoudig en binnen enkele minuten plagiaatvrije, unieke en hoogwaardige artikelen en essays. Typ waar je over wilt schrijven in een korte zin of twee, met ten minste de minimaal vereiste tekens om de tool te laten werken, en klik op de knop Tekst genereren. Onze AI-schrijver maakt inhoud die u kunt beoordelen, in delen kunt bewerken of alleen de delen kunt gebruiken die u leuk vindt, de originele tekst kunt blijven aanpassen of vanuit de oorspronkelijke kiem kunt blijven genereren. Deze gebruiksvriendelijke AI-tekstgenerator kan door alle onderwijsniveaus worden gebruikt om essays en artikelen te produceren en ook voor copywriting, marketing, het maken van pagina's, het schrijven van alinea's, koppen, lijsten en meer. Er zijn geen software- of programmeervaardigheden vereist.

Andere AI-schrijverstools

Waarom een ​​ai content writer gebruiken.

Schrijven is altijd het meest arbeidsintensieve en tijdrovende onderdeel geweest voor makers. Je kunt afscheid nemen van writer's block met Smodin's AI Writer. Smodin's kunstmatige intelligentie-inhoudsgenerator maakt het maken van inhoud net zo eenvoudig als klikken op een knop. U bespaart ook aanzienlijke hoeveelheden tijd, en aangezien het is geschreven door kunstmatige intelligentie, is het onwaarschijnlijk dat de tekst wordt geplagieerd, en genereert u in de meeste gevallen originele inhoud. Inhoud komt als magie naar je toe en je zult meer verkeer naar je website kunnen krijgen. Onze AI-geschreven tekstgenerator schrijft uw essays en artikelen snel en gemakkelijk in elke taal. Het kan u ook helpen bij het genereren van marketinginhoud voor Facebook-advertenties, Google-advertenties, Amazon-productbeschrijvingen, LinkedIn-berichten en meer.

Wat is een tekstgenerator?

Een tekstgenerator is een online tool die AI en complexe algoritmen gebruikt om een ​​tekst te genereren uit een kort toegevoegde karakters. Een tekstgeneratietool brengt alle belangrijke punten in een tekst over naar de uitgebreide versie. De inhoud die u ontvangt, bevat een volledige uitbreiding van de oorspronkelijke tekst die u hebt toegevoegd.

Waarom zou je een tekstgenerator gebruiken?

Schrijven is niet voor iedereen natuurlijk, wat betekent dat sommige mensen meer moeite hebben dan anderen. Het genereren van tekst biedt een eenvoudige stap om ervoor te zorgen dat u iets kunt maken met zo min mogelijk inspanning. Je hoeft geen professionele schrijver te zijn om fascinerende werken te maken. U hoeft internet, uw hersenen, vrienden en online bronnen niet te scannen om naar ideeën te zoeken. Onze tool voor het genereren van tekst neemt die tijdrovende inspanning en zet het allemaal op één enkele tekst. Met slechts een paar klikken is uw tekst gegenereerd en klaar voor gebruik of correctie, waardoor u tijd, energie en stress bespaart. Het gebruik van de tool voor het genereren van tekst kan u ook helpen bij het leren en het vergroten van uw verbeeldingskracht.

Welke inhoud kan een tekstgenerator schrijven?

Onze tekstgenerator kan alle soorten tekst schrijven, in meerdere talen, je kunt het gebruiken om blogs, artikelen, boeken, essays te schrijven, hieronder is een meer diepgaande lijst van wat je de schrijver kunt gebruiken om te schrijven. het kan ook worden gebruikt als een grote inspiratiebron, het verwijderen van writer's block, het genereren van nieuwe ideeën en onverwachte resultaten.

Smodin Auteur Getuigenissen

Wat kan deze schrijver van kunstmatige intelligentie voor mij schrijven.

Van plagiaatvrije huiswerkessays tot hoogwaardige, unieke artikelen voor uw blog, Smodin's AI Writer kan u helpen met het genereren van boeiende, converterende tekst die beschrijvend of argumentatief is met slechts een paar aanwijzingen van u. Genereer binnen enkele minuten en met slechts een paar klikken marketingteksten voor advertenties, productbeschrijvingen, sociale media-inhoud en meer.

Schrijven Essays

Schrijven Boeken

Schrijven Websites

Schrijven Berichten

Schrijven Brieven

Schrijven Documenten

Schrijven Legale documenten

Schrijven Technische documenten

Schrijven Blogs

Schrijven Webpagina's

Schrijven Lidwoord

Schrijven Blogartikel

Schrijven Onderzoeks papieren

Schrijven papieren

Schrijven Proefschriften

Schrijven Opdrachten

Schrijven Tekst

Schrijven alinea's

Schrijven Zinnen

Schrijven manuscripten

Schrijven Dingen

Schrijven Onderzoek

Schrijven Handleidingen

Schrijven romans

Schrijven publicaties

Schrijven studieboeken

Schrijven Schrijven

Schrijven Huiswerk

Veel Gestelde Vragen

Wat voor essays en artikelen kan ik schrijven met de ai.

Zolang je ons de juiste prompt en voldoende context geeft, kan onze AI Writer lange tekst genereren over zowat elk onderwerp. U kunt essays schrijven over een reeks onderwerpen voor elk opleidingsniveau, artikelen in elke niche en zelfs marketinginhoud voor Facebook-advertenties, Google-advertenties, Amazon-productbeschrijvingen, LinkedIn-berichten en meer.

Welke technologie moet ik leren om deze AI Writer te gebruiken?

Er zijn geen software- of programmeervaardigheden vereist om deze tool te gebruiken. Onze AI Writer-tool heeft een gebruiksvriendelijke interface waar u in een paar eenvoudige stappen tekst kunt genereren. Vul gewoon de vereiste informatie over uw onderwerp in en wij doen de rest.

Zijn essays en artikelen die zijn gegenereerd uniek en plagiaatvrij?

Onze AI-schrijver kan elke keer unieke en plagiaatvrije inhoud produceren, zolang u ons de juiste prompt geeft. De essays zijn 100% gegenereerde inhoud, terwijl de artikelen worden geschraapt van inhoud van internet en mogelijk geplagieerde inhoud bevatten. Hoewel van alle essays en alle herschreven artikelen wordt verwacht dat ze Copyscape of TurnItIn doorstaan, moet u onze plagiaatcontrole gebruiken om dit te bevestigen.

Moet ik de essays of artikelen bewerken die door de AI zijn gegenereerd?

Het schrijven dat door onze AI Writer is gegenereerd, kan een afgewerkt product zijn of moet mogelijk worden bewerkt. Bij het gebruik van AI-schrijver bestaat de mogelijkheid om onvoltooide inhoud te genereren. We bieden een editor en een gebruiksvriendelijke interface om de gegenereerde tekst naar wens te bewerken en te wijzigen.

Hoeveel kost de AI Writer?

Smodin's AI Writer is momenteel gratis te gebruiken. We zullen binnenkort extra betaalde opties toevoegen.

AI Writer en tekstgenerator in andere talen

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  • / AI Writer Language

Write in Dutch

Write in Dutch with the AI Writer

30+ Languages

Write in Dutch or Translate

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Free Forever AI Writer

AI Writer Language

The Best AI Templates for Dutch Content

Simplified's AI Writer has over 50 writing templates you can generate content with in over 30 global languages. Use the free Short Form Assistant to generate product descriptions, company bios, blog titles, ads, and more. Upgrade to write entire articles, blogs, books, and press releases in Dutch with the Long Form Writer Free Flow. It's never been simpler!

In your open AI project, select your 'Output Language' from the dropdown menu.

Fill in the prompts in any language - the same as the chosen for the output, or any other.

Then, click 'Generate'.

Check the options provided by AI, choose a result, and use it in your project.

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Right here! When you log into the free Simplified website (you heard that right... free), head on over to the AI Writer. Select the Short Form Assistant, choose the template you prefer as well as your output language, and you're off to the races!

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Revolutionize your content creation with Simplified

What I love about Simplified is that it's super easy to use. All you have to do is choose your output language and tone, complete the prompt, and click 'Generate.' It'll then give you several options to choose from, and you can pick the one that suits your needs best.


Date - Feb 24, 2023

Excellent writer, cuts down on working hours

High-quality AI writer, and it is excellent that it is free. I love to type, but in these cold winters, my hands start to freeze up and become stiff. Having an AI writer lets me keep my brain occupied with work tasks, without having to get the creative writing part of my brain involved.

Michele R.

Date - Jan 04, 2023

Easy to use & consistently quality AI writer!

While Simplified has many other features besides its AI writer which I hope to explore in the future, as the owner of multiple health websites, I love how it handles writing technical and health content with ease.

Christi H.

Date - May 2, 2023

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I reviewed several AI content writers and settled on Simplified. What I like best is it is so easy to use and yet gives you so many customizable options. It is sooooo quick and easy for beginners I would highly recommend it!

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Date - Feb 13, 2023

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Simplified is now an essential writing tool in my life. Better than ChatGPT which is already mind blowing in and of itself so that is saying a lot.

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Date - Mar 10, 2023

I loved the communication. AI including the diverse amount of options for generating!

Simplified allows anyone from a simple to an expert user of the AI—whether a beginner or expert writer—to use precise commands, prompts, context and lists to "communicate" with the said software to generate well-organised text that fits into whatever you form it to.

Made with ❤️ remotely by TLDR Technologies, Inc

© 2024, All Rights Reserved, TLDR Technologies, Inc

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Advanced AI Essay Writer

Explore the irresistible advantages of our essay ai writer tool.

  • Enhanced Productivity : These tools can assist users in managing their writing tasks effectively and never miss a deadline again
  • Research Assistance : Some AI writing tools offer research assistance by recommending sources, summarizing articles, or generating topic-related content
  • Customization : This tool generates high-quality content with proper grammar, punctuation, autocomplete, and error-free information tailored to client and user needs
  • Writing Suggestions : AI can provide valuable suggestions for improving sentence structure, word choice, and overall writing style

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AI Essay Writing VS Human Competence: Make Your Choice!

Artificial intelligence ⚡.

  • Essay or article.
  • The risk of being caught by AI detectors.
  • Projects of 3-5 pages.
  • AI-generated content based on open sources.
  • Plagiarism check and AI detection.

Key Highlights

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  • Essay, dissertation, coursework, research paper, personal statement, PowerPoint presentation, thesis, math assignment, case study, or any other assignment.
  • Zero-risk anonymous help. Plagiarism Free
  • Projects of 5+ pages.
  • Original content created by diligent research and thorough data analysis.
  • Plagiarism check, AI detection, grammar check, and spelling check.
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  • Price starting at   $15 per page.

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The Mechanisms of AI Essay Writing Service

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Discover What Customers Are Saying

Photo James

Elevate Your Writing Experience: Unleash the Power of Our AI Essay Writer

Understanding what an ai writer essay tool is.

You might have noticed that Artificial Intelligence has substantially advanced in recent years. It has successfully transformed noteworthy facets of business and marketing. Among such AI tools, AI-powered essay writers are widely used and applied in many areas of work and education.

AI Writer Essay tools use AI and NLP to assist users in creating essays or other content of textual format. Such tools also provide helpful tips and suggestions, give prompts, and even check for grammatical and factual errors. AI for writing essays is developed to help students, scholars, and writers create quality content quickly and efficiently.

An AI essay writer gives many benefits to its customers, making them attractive to a vast field of users. The user base for such tools generally consists of students, scholars, writers, and professional content creators.

Giving a substantial focus on academic quality and accuracy, these essay writing tools, like LumenWriter, are notable as loyal partners for writers and creators worldwide.

How AI Generated Essay Writer Assists in Creating Articles

The AI Essay Writer acts as an assistant for content creators by providing various services. These writing tools have intricate algorithms and machine-learning abilities.

AI essay writers depend on complex algorithms to examine and figure out your input. Such algorithms let them create well-made and lucid content. These tools can work with vast quantities of data quickly to generate essays that are informative and enjoyable.

The flexibility of tools for AI generation and content creation is another notable factor. Essay-writing software like Lumenwriter.ai allows users to cite and edit their writings efficiently. So the users can properly structure the content before professional editors analyze it.

With various properties, the use and application of Essay AI Writer can be seen across multiple fields.

Generating Innovative Ideas and Solutions

The AI-free essay writer assists by creating new ideas and solutions on what to write and where to begin. In this way, they help the students and writers solve problems while guaranteeing that their content is original and meets professional expectations.

Academic Assignments and Projects

Presenting projects, research, and assignments on time and with excellent quality is a necessary factor in academic and professional success. AI essay bots are the perfect companions for writers and students to accomplish their creative and academic goals by developing works that go with their educational or business standards, helping them achieve the desired results.

Blogging and Creative Content Creation

For bloggers and creative authors, writer’s block is an old and common enemy that obstructs their imaginative flow. These AI-powered tools help writers by illustrating simplified yet innovative prompts, summaries, and suggestions that can effectively bring back their creative power to work.

The Key Features of LumenWriter AI Bot Essay Writer

Lumenwriter.ai comes with many excellent facilities for content creation and essay writing suited for both students and professionals.

Timely and Efficient Assistance

Time is always of the essence, and LumenWriter is as fast as it comes. No matter when you get stuck on writing or lack inspiration for content, this AI tool will come to your rescue.

Once you provide detailed instructions, the software will give you a quick and efficient service. It saves the time of the user and provides you with plenty of time to check the content before the final submission.

Generation of a Wide Range of Essays and Articles

The range of content that such tools can produce is practically endless. No matter how rare or complicated you might find the topic, the Not will have an answer for you.

For school and college essays or professional articles, this AI free essay writer will never fail to provide you with reliable, quality writing.

Reliable Resources and Verified Facts

The data, facts, and information used in the content made by this tool are from verified and trustworthy sources. For this reason, the content is always factually correct and error-free. Moreover, the content created here is appropriately cited and plagiarism-free – ensuring it can pass AI detection tools.

High-Quality and Error-Free Content

As already pointed out, the AI writer uses reliable sources to find resources for its content. So, the writings are always of the best quality, with no incorrect data or misinformation.

Apart from factual mistakes, the content generated by Lumenwriter.ai is free of grammatical errors or spelling mishaps. The tool also delivers beneficial advice for modifying and improving the writing, making it a perfect partner for students, tutors, writers, and professionals.

Constructive Feedback and Suggestions

The tool is not only for content creation but is also a great way to get some helpful, constructive feedback. By delivering quick input and recommendations, this AI tool motivates students and professionals to learn from their previous errors. In that way, it functions as a virtual teacher and guide and has helped the writers to improve their creative skills with time.

As you can see, the advantages of LumenWriter can be found in plenty. With the help of such a revolutionary tool, the world of content creation is changing rapidly, making the process much more enjoyable and stress-free for students and professional writers. From prompts for writer’s blocks to innovative ideas for starting something new, this AI writer provides it all.

So, if you ever find yourself at a loss for words or creativity, you can seek help from this fantastic tool and experience the incredible magic of AI.

Frequently Asked Questions

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Free AI Writing Generator

Unlock your creativity effortlessly with our free AI writing tool. Explore different modes to continue writing in a particular style.

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Sign up to get 3 Sparks per day or check out our paid plans to get even more.

We are unable to generate rephrasings for this text. Please try a different piece of text.

Why choose our AI writing generator?

Choose how to write.

Add sensory detail, counterarguments, dialogue, or examples.

Generate unique text in a single click. Simply try again if you’re not satisfied with the result.

Strengthen your writing

Craft engaging text that captivates your readers.

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Write more efficiently with ProWritingAid

Our AI writing generator takes your writing to new heights.

Ideate with AI

Discover new ways to extend your writing with AI Sparks Continue. Add new lines of dialogue, analogies, quotes, and even definitions—the possibilities are endless.

Rewrite text

Find the best way to express your thoughts and ideas. Try enhancing readability, summarizing text, or incorporating descriptive detail.

Fix grammar and spelling mistakes

ProWritingAid corrects grammar and spelling errors in real time, so you can be sure your work is error-free.

Evaluate your writing

ProWritingAid's reports provide comprehensive feedback on various aspects of your writing with statistics, insights, and suggestions for enhancement.

ProWritingAid is used by every type of writer

Join over 3 million users improving their writing.

I am continually impressed with the positive input this program offers me every time I sit down to write. My skills have improved immensely since I bought it, and I heartily recommend it to anyone who wants to have more confidence in their own writing.

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I’ve tried every free and paid writing/editing/grammar extension out there, and this by far is the best one my team and I have found. It’s fast, accurate, and really helps improve your writing beyond simple grammar suggestions.


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ProWritingAid has been a resource in my writer toolkit for many years. The program helps me to craft and clarify my stories for a better reader experience. Your editor will thank you for making their job easier.

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Works in all your favorite writing apps

Access all ProWritingAid's features directly in your writing app of choice.

AI Writing Generator FAQs

What is prowritingaid.

ProWritingAid is a digital toolkit that helps you craft your story and bring it to life.

ProWritingAid helps you unlock the full potential of your story by fixing grammatical errors, improving sentence clarity, and creating more engaging prose. Plus, it integrates with any writing app, so you can get support in whichever one you use.

It’s like having an English teacher, professional editor, writing buddy and honest critic sitting inside your favorite writing app.

Is ProWritingAid free?

A free account allows you to edit and run reports on up to 500 words. It also gives you three AI Sparks per day, which is needed to generate text. If you want more, you’ll need to upgrade to a paid plan .

How do I generate text in-app?

Follow these steps:

Write a prompt or short sentence for our generator to expand on.

Highlight the text.

Click on "Sparks."

Choose how you want AI to continue writing.

Try generating emotion detail, explanations, examples, quotes, and even jokes.

What software integrations does ProWritingAid offer?

ProWritingAid works in all major writing apps, like MS Word, Google Docs, Scrivener, Atticus, Apple Notes, and more. To access ProWritingAid in a computer-based writing app, you must install Desktop Everywhere. If you’re writing online, we offer browser extensions (Google Chrome, Firefox and Microsoft Edge). Click here to learn more.

Does ProWritingAid have a plagiarism checker?

Yes. ProWritingAid’s plagiarism checker will check your work against over a billion web pages, published works, and academic papers, so you can be sure of its originality. Find out more about pricing for plagiarism checks here .

Try our AI writing generator today

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Best AI essay writers in 2024 – our top picks

Table of contents, what are the best ai essay writers, best ai essay writer overall – rytr, best free ai essay-writer – writesonic, writesonic pros, best feature-rich ai essay writer – jasper, jasper pros, best ai essay writer for students – copy.ai, chat.ai pros, best ai essay writer for script creators – ai writer, ai-writer pros, which ai essay writer is best.

if you’re looking for the best AI essay writer , we’ve got you covered right here.

An AI essay writer is a tool that generates long creative essays on any topic from the given input. The tool uses machine learning algorithms and natural language processing (NLP) to generate unique essays from scratch while maintaining a human tone. Picking the best AI essay writers is quite a tricky task. We picked some of the best AI essay-writing tools to generate content per your writing style.

Apart from writing tasks, these tools can suggest topics, detect grammatical errors, identify plagiarized content, and create an outline for essays. The main advantage of using an AI essay writer is it speeds up the writing process with high grammatical accuracy while focusing on the creative aspect of writing.

We have selected some of the best AI writing tools for you that can write great content within seconds. So, let’s dive in.

The AI-powered Rytr essay writer tool is capable of generating high-quality articles, blogs, and essays. Rytr offers dozens of creative writing features that can help you generate content with specific needs- for instance, type of tone, use case, and preferred creativity. In case you want to check whether your content is unique or not, you can use a built-in document editor to check for plagiarism.

One of the standout features of Rytr is that the AI tool allows you to create content in 30+ languages. There is a feature called ‘Continue Ryting’ that allows you to further extend the content if you are not satisfied with Ryter’s initial output.

Rytr AI essay writer tool is the best tool for high school students and working professionals who want to create in-depth articles or essays without wasting time and money.

  • Generate creative essays in 30+ languages within seconds
  • Built-in plagiarism checker
  • Continue Ryting feature- to extend the content
  • AI text finisher
  • Affordable Pricing
  • Limited features in the free plan

Ryter’s premium monthly plan starts at $9/mo. However, it also offers a free plan with limited features.

The AI-powered Writesonic is a writing tool that offers a wide range of writing and text editing features from creating content (including essays, blogs, and articles) to paraphrasing. This AI tool allows you to edit and extend the existing generated content by just providing a simple prompt. Writesonic has a built-in plagiarism checker, and grammar checker so that you can check the quality of the content within the tool.

Wrtisonic does offer a free trial with a given 10,000 words limit and it’s a great free AI writing tool for students who generate short essays. Once the wording limit is over, you have to upgrade to Writesonic paid plans to continue using it. The main standout feature of this AI writing tool is the chatsonic feature. This feature is powered by GPT-4, which generates data quickly while maintaining high accuracy.

Writesonic is a great AI writing tool powered by GPT-3 that offers more customizations and control on content editing and creating. This AI essay-writing tool is best for content researchers, bloggers, and students.

  • Over 100+ AI templates support in free version
  • Content extender support
  • Writes emails, essays, and reports effortlessly.
  • Can summarize different types of content
  • Affordable paid plans
  • Lacks built-plagiarism checker

Writesonic paid plans start at $19/mo. Although there is a free version available with a limit of up to 10,000 words.

Essential AI Tools

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Originality AI detector

  • Find out more

Jasper is an all-in-one AI writing tool that lets you generate content in over 30+ languages, including essays, articles, and product descriptions. The AI tools offer different tones and formats, which makes AI writing more catchy and creative. Jasper has a One-Shot Blog post template that generates a full blog post with an introduction, body, and conclusion.

In our Jasper AI review , we were pretty much impressed by its quick essay-generating capabilities and wide range of advanced AI features. We decided to find out the kind of output it generates based on the provided information.

We asked Jasper AI to generate a short 200-word intro on what the RTX 3090 is, how expensive it is, and a little about 4K gaming. To our surprise, it constructed a decent intro, and we liked the way it organized the information.

We rated Jasper AI five out of five in our review thanks to its user-friendly UI and over 50+ ready-to-use writing templates, including Advertising, Blog, Email, Product description, sales, and more. We also observed some flaws, such as content accuracy and a slightly robotic tone in the generated content. Still, they weren’t enough to stop Jasper AI from securing a spot on our best AI essay writer list.

Overall, Jasper AI is an excellent tool for writing essays. The best part is that it generates results quickly, so you won’t have to wait for hours just to see the output. Sure, the content it generates requires a human touch, but this is normal for AI-generated content.

  • Advantage of 50+ templates to choose from
  • Produces quick results
  • Great for curating essays, short content, and product descriptions
  • User-friendly UI
  • Slightly expensive
  • Sometimes, the output may sound robotic
  • Generated information needs to be fact-checked
  • Sometimes, it offers irrelevant information

Jasper’s monthly plans kick off at $49/mo.

This AI essay generator tool is beyond essay generation. You can create a full-fledged, high-quality research paper with the Copy.ai essay writer tool. The tool works similarly to the other AI essay writer tools- you have to provide a detailed prompt initially then Copy.ai will generate results for you within seconds.

The only quibble is that you won’t get specific essay prompt customizations here, like Ryter, to write an essay with specific needs. The AI tool, which has real-time internet data access, offers more accurate responses and brief content on any topic. Copy.ai has an Infobase feature that allows the user to upload a text file, and Chat.ai generates content based on the uploaded file.

Chat.ai will let you generate long essays of up to 2000 words under the free plan. It’s the best AI essay writer tool for students who are just creating essays. If you are a graduate student and looking for a well-researched and creative research paper for your project, this tool generates the best research paper for your project.

  • It can generate brief content in multiple languages.
  • Built-in Inline documents editor.
  • The free plan lets you generate only up to 2000 words.
  • A paid subscription is expensive.

Copy.ai’s monthly paid subscription plan starts at $49/mo.

Whether you want to create a long essay for your school assignments or generate a short creative blog post, the AI Writer turns out to be a great option. The tool effortlessly generates fresh, creative, and human-like essays and other content such as reports, advertising scripts, and sales copy.

AI Writer tool can also re-build/rearrange the already existing content while adding new information and completely transforming it into newly updated content. The working method of this AI tool is very creative, and it delivers SEO-friendly AI-generated output, which most AI writing tools can’t offer. It offers a Topic Suggest 2.0 feature that gives users the best keywords and ideas.

Overall, AI Writer is best for students and content creators who want to generate or repurpose their existing content. Sometimes, citation is mandatory in the generated content, and AI Writer can do that for you as well.

  • Allows integration with ‘WordPress’ CMS
  • Generate SEO-friendly, fresh, and unique content quickly
  • The enhanced feature gives your essay a good final touch
  • Reword feature
  • It’s expensive
  • No free version

AI-writer offers a free trial for new users, and its basic paid subscription plan starts at $29/mo.

Rytr is the best overall AI essay writer tool. The AI tool offers dozens of writing features and quick results, all at an affordable price. If you are looking for an AI essay writer who has multiple template support, built-in plagiarism support, and the ability to generate fresh and quality content, then Rytr is the best choice for you.

If you want an AI essay writer with advanced writing features and pricing that doesn’t bother you, Jasper is a stand-out AI writing tool you can look up to. Jasper AI tool is best for professionals, students, and anyone who wants to generate high-quality content.

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Here's how it works

Here's how JotBot is going to help you write your first draft in minutes, instead of hours.

Upload a previous essay

JotBot uses machine learning and Language Style Matching (LSM) to understand and replicate your unique writing style.

Upload your sources

Give JotBot the sources you want to reference in your essay. This can be PDFs, links, or plain text. JotBot will read these sources, include them in your essay, and will automatically cite them in a bibliography for you.

Add prompt and length

Let JotBot know the topic of your essay and how long you want it to be. You can select length in terms of words, paragraphs, or characters.

Get ideas and outline

JotBot will first provide you with a set of ideas and then create an essay outline. You have the flexibility to edit these ideas and the outline to guide JotBot in the direction you want.

Get first draft

JotBot will generate your first draft. It will sound like you, include your sources, and follow your prompt and length.

AI-powered editing

Use simple commands to refine your essay: Press ++ to generate the next sentence. Highlight text and press Cmd + J for specific edits. Use the chat console to communicate with the AI and make more complex adjustments.

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Questions  answers..

TextCortex is a powerful AI-powered writing tool that can help you reduce your writing time, handle big tasks, and create high-quality content without errors. With its customizable platform, personalized intelligence experience, advanced writing and research capabilities, and error-free content, TextCortex is the perfect tool for creative professionals who want to be a creative force in their industry.

Our AI copilot learned how to write from more than 3 billion sentences and has the ability to create unique content. However, fact-checking is something which still requires a human approval.

TextCortex supports more than 25 languages including English, Dutch, German, Ukranian, Romanian, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian.

Yes, TextCortex is completely free to use with all of its features. When you sign up, you receive 100 free creations. Then you will receive 20 recurring creations every day on the free plan.

Yes, we have a Text Generation API, please talk to us directly to implement it. You can reach out to us at [email protected]

Account sharing is not allowed. If you have a need for more than 5 seats for an account, you can directly contact us at [email protected]

Yes, TextCortex offers 14-day free trial for users to try out all features extensively with higher number of generations. But keep in mind that you can already try everything with the free plan. There is no feature that is locked behind a premium plan.

Overall, TextCortex AI has over 1000 five-star reviews on reputable review sites such as G2, Trustpilot and Capterra.

TextCortex learns and adapts to your unique writing style and knowledge, making it easier for you to write high-quality & personalized content.

Your premium features will be available until the end of your subscription date, then your account plan will be set to Free plan.

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I Tested Three AI Essay-writing Tools, and Here’s What I Found

An over-the-shoulder photograph of a college student writing an essay on a laptop

Writing essays can be draining, tedious, and difficult, even for me—and I write all day long for a living. If writing isn’t your special skill, it’s even harder, which is why there are so many sites and products out there that are designed to help you get your homework done. Some of them are pretty unethical, and I’m not going to recommend hiring someone else to write your papers for you, but there are some cool AI tools that can give you a hand that are worth considering. (The essay-writing businesspeople are probably using these, too, so you’re better off eliminating the middleman and using them on your own.)

The best AI essay-helper tools

I have an essay due next week on the history and impact of a federal law, 21 U.S.C. S856, which outlaws the operation of any building where drugs are made or used. I won’t lie: I’m excited to work on it this weekend, but that’s just me. I tested out a few of the more popular AI essay-helper tools, pretending I wasn’t excited about it, to see how they worked. Here’s my assessment. 

First up was Grammarly , which prompted me to fill out a personalization quiz before I could use it. I told the site I was a grad student, interested in improving the vocabulary I use in my work, and looking to brainstorm topics for my essay. I used the text-input section to type a quick introductory paragraph and selected “Generative AI” from the list of options. When I hit the “Improve It” button, Grammarly showed me a revised version that added a bunch of words, but still said the same thing as my more concise entry. To me, that’s annoying, but if you’re trying to hit a word count, this could be useful. I was also given options like “Make it assertive,” “Make it persuasive,” and “Make it confident.” When I selected “Make it more detailed,” the generative AI did expand the information pretty significantly, but it didn’t add any citations and I’m not convinced it drew on material outside of what I inputted. When I hit “Make it persuasive,” the AI automatically assumed the bias should fall in favor of the law, but when I added more detail to my original paragraph, suggesting for argument’s sake that the law has curtailed efforts to reduce drug overdoses throughout the country, the AI assistant said, “Grammarly assistance is unavailable for this prompt because it may result in sensitive content.”

Overall, this wasn’t great for my needs, as my topic's content was too “sensitive” and the generative AI really only added a bunch of words. This one would be most useful for someone trying to hit a word count. 

Next I tested Cramly , which I hadn’t heard of before. Before upgrading to a $4/month plan, you do get to try five free prompts, so I pasted my basic intro paragraph in there and, after a few seconds, got five paragraphs in return. It was obvious the AI was pulling from external sources somehow, as it mentioned fines and prison sentences associated with the law that I hadn’t specified, but it didn’t actually cite those sources. Still, the information it provided was helpful, so this one would be great if you’re not sure how to frame or expand on a topic and need a general idea of what your essay could look like. You’ll just have to go through everything it spits back at you and look it up independently, finding solid sourcing. 


EssayGenius is extremely easy to use. It asked me to type what I’m writing about into a box. I simply inputted the name of the law and, about 10 seconds later, got 10 paragraphs back, some with subheadings like “historical background” and “implications in criminal law and public policy.” Again, there were no citations here, but the service provided not only a lot of details that could be used as a springboard to find more, but a solid outline for what the paper could look like. The AI played both sides, objectively presenting the cases for and against the law, then provided a conclusion that made it easy to narrow down where to go with the topic. Impressively, I was able to generate all that for free, but if you want to write up to 10 essays per month, it’ll cost you $9.99 a month. 

Finally, I tried out JotBot , which I have seen advertised on social media. It asked me what I was writing about, plus if I wanted an outline, but also gave me an opportunity to upload my old essays so it could replicate my writing style. As scary as it was, the paragraphs it generated after reading some of my older work did sound more like me than standard AI does. It give me subtopic suggestions, like “impact,” “historical background,” and “controversies,” which I could select from a sidebar and, if I liked the paragraph it wrote, drag into the essay itself. From there, I could accept or reject sentences one by one as it generated new ones. I could write in the essay editing section, too, and it generated more suggestions based on what I was typing. Frankly, this one was really cool and I can see how it would help beat writer’s block with ease, since you can type and get suggestions as you go. There was a learning curve, though, and I didn’t realize how quickly I was blowing through my 10 free daily “credits,” since it’s unclear what, exactly, costs credits and how many it costs to, say, accept one suggestion. You can unlock unlimited credits, unlimited autocomplete, unlimited sources, and more for $14 per month. 


Overall, EssayGenius and JotBot were the best AI tools I tested. I was impressed by EssayGenius’s ability to research the topic on its own and JotBot’s mimicry of my own writing style. They do cost money, but that might be worth it if you’re someone who struggles with idea generation, outline creation, or getting into the flow of writing overall. 

Bear in mind these are not meant to churn out entire essays for you and you shouldn’t use them to do that. I don’t mean because it’s unethical, but I mean because it’s pretty easy for professors to catch you doing it . Even if you do use an AI tool to generate a whole paragraph or more, try to write it in your own voice and think of it more as a way to study and learn about your topic than have the writing done for you. 

Or, pay nothing and just use ChatGPT to generate outline ideas. I do that all the time and never have to worry about getting in trouble, cheating myself out of an education, or paying for anything. I just asked ChatGPT to generate an outline for an essay on 21 U.S.C. §856 and its impact on American harm reduction efforts and got eight sections, each with three subsections, and an easy roadmap I could follow to write my paper on my own. Doing it this way ensures I’ll actually research and learn about the topic, which is important to me, but also avoid the risk of going down for plagiarism or cheating, which is probably important to you. 

No matter what you end up doing, always run your work through a plagiarism checker (like Grammarly’s , which is better than its AI essay-writing tools) and ZeroGPT to make sure you’re not turning in something that’s going to get you in trouble.

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How to Make AI Writing Sound More Human

Generative AI tools have revolutionized content creation, making the process faster and more efficient. However, AI-generated text often lacks the nuanced touch of human writing, which can lead to content that feels robotic, odd, or impersonal. In this article, we will explore various strategies you can apply to infuse AI writing with a natural touch. We'll begin by understanding the importance of humanizing AI text and then delve into practical techniques to make AI text more human.

From applying simple edits and varying sentence structures to using emotional language and cultural references, this article provides tips to transform your AI content. Additionally, we'll discuss enhancing specific document types and advanced techniques like storytelling and humor. Whether you're working on business documents or academic essays, this guide will help you make AI writing sound more human, engaging, and relatable.

Understanding the Importance of Humanizing AI Text

Humanizing AI text is crucial for creating content that resonates with readers. While AI can generate text almost instantly, it tends to lack the emotional depth and personal touch that a human writer can portray. This can result in content that feels sterile and unengaging. Additionally, AI-written text can be identified up by some best AI detectors that discern between text written by a human and that written by an AI tool.

By changing AI writing to human, you enhance its relatability and effectiveness, making it more likely to connect with your audience. This is important in marketing, customer service, and similar customer-facing content, where it is crucial to build an authentic connection with the reader. However, it is also critical to make text sound more human when writing a research paper, essay, or other academic document, as the use of AI writing tools to compose is often prohibited at colleges and universities. Overall humanizing AI text can improve reader trust, drive engagement, and ultimately achieve better results for any kind of writing.

A woman is trying to make AI text more human

Techniques to Make AI Text More Human

Apply a combination of the following techniques to make AI sound more human when writing your important documents. Some of these suggested methods may be more suitable for specific types of writing, but using multiple techniques will ensure that you thoroughly make it sound human.

How to make AI writing sound more human

To make text sound more human after using AI, apply a more conversational language and tone. Incorporate personal anecdotes and experiences to add authenticity and a personal touch.

For example, if the AI text output reads, "The company's revenue increased by 20% last year," add personal pronouns and qualitative adjectives:

"Last year, we saw our revenue grow by an impressive 20%, which was a huge milestone for us."

This not only provides factual information but also conveys that the author is proud of this achievement, making the content more compelling and human-like.

Make AI text sound human with contextual adjustments

Add context-specific details to make the content more relatable. Tailoring the message to the reader's own situation can significantly improve engagement.

If the output text flatly states, "It is important to exercise regularly," you could instead write, "For those of us working long hours at a desk, fitting in regular exercise is crucial to staying healthy." This adjustment not only provides needed information but also connects with the reader's daily life, making the advice come across as more relevant and impactful.

Grammatical ways to make AI sound more human

To make AI-generated text more human, focus on the grammatical aspects. Start by applying synonyms and expressions that people use in everyday conversation. For instance, replace "commence" with "start" and "purchase" with "buy."

Use contractions and informal constructions

Using contractions can also make the text sound more natural. Instead of "do not," use "don't," and replace "will not" with "won't."

Avoid overly formal or technical jargon unless necessary. For example, instead of saying "utilize," simply use "use," and instead of "assistance," opt for "help."

By incorporating these grammatical adjustments, you can significantly enhance the relatability and readability of AI-generated content, making it sound more human.

Apply synonyms and expressions

Incorporate synonyms and expressions that are common in everyday language. Use contractions to create a conversational tone. For example, instead of "cannot," use "can't," and replace "you will" with "you'll." This makes the text sound more natural and relatable.

Avoid overly formal or technical jargon unless it's essential to the context. Instead of saying "facilitate," use "help," and swap "purchase" for "buy." These changes ensure clarity and make the text more accessible to a wider audience.

By applying these strategies, you can enhance the readability and relatability of AI-generated content, making it feel more like it was written by a human.

Make AI sound human by varying sentence structure

Another way AI-generated text sounds a but “inhuman” is in the way it often uses a similar cadence of sentences. To make your AI text more human, vary the sentence structure by mixing short and long sentences. This creates a natural rhythm and keeps readers engaged.

For example, instead of writing only long sentences, combine them with shorter ones:

"The project was challenging. We overcame obstacles through teamwork and determination."

Using active voice instead of passive voice can also make sentences more direct and engaging.

For instance, change "Mistakes were made by the team" to "The team made mistakes." Similarly, replace "The proposal was approved by the committee" with "The committee approved the proposal." These adjustments make the writing clearer and more dynamic, enhancing the human-like quality of the text.

Additional Ways to Rewrite AI Content to Human

Humanize ai text with emotional language.

Humanizing AI text involves infusing it with emotional language and personal touches. Adding emotions and opinions can transform dry, factual text into engaging and relatable content.

For instance, instead of writing "The product launch was successful," you could say, "We were ecstatic about the incredible success of our product launch."

Incorporating opinions can also make content more human-like.

For example, change "The book received positive reviews" to "Readers loved the book, praising its compelling narrative and vivid characters."

To further humanize AI text, include sensory details and personal reflections. Instead of "The event was well-attended," try "We were delighted to see a full house, with guests buzzing with excitement throughout the event."

These strategies add depth and personality to AI-generated content, making it resonate more with readers on a personal level.

Use cultural references to make AI text more human

Incorporating cultural references, idioms, and slang can make AI-generated text feel more warmer and more personal. By using language that is familiar to your audience, you can create a stronger connection with the reader.

For example, whereas an AI writer might say "The project is difficult," add an idiom such as "The project is no walk in the park."

Replace somewhat stiff language like "The deadline is approaching" with the idiom "The clock is ticking on our deadline." This adds urgency and a sense of familiarity to your writing.

Using idioms and cultural phrases that resonate with your audience not only enhances readability but also helps convey complex ideas in a way that feels natural and engaging. These small adjustments can significantly humanize AI text, making it more appealing and effective for your readers.

Enhancing Specific Document Types

The following will illustrate how to make AI writing more human in two different types of documents: academic essays and admissions essays.

AI academic essay example

Ai-written academic essay passage.

The Weimar Republic was in Germany after World War I and was known for its culture and art. Even though there were political and economic problems, art culture grew a lot. This time was important for modern art because new movements started. Artists and intellectuals tried new things and did not follow old ways. This led to styles like Expressionism and Bauhaus. Berlin was a place where many artists, writers, and musicians came together. They created a lot, even though the times were hard. Art during this time was not just about creating but also commenting on politics and society. It showed the changes and challenges after the war.

Academic essay made more natural and human with revisions

The Weimar Republic was the German national government that formed following World War I. It represented a time of historic dynamism and cultural creativity. Although the period was economically and politically turbulent, artistic movements flourished, birthing innovations that permanently changed the course of modern art. Both intellectuals and artists experimented in many ways and interrogated social norms of traditional Germany, resulting in the groundbreaking Expressionism and Bauhaus styles. Berlin was an especially lively hub for these avant-garde writers, artists, thinkers, and musicians, and a spirit of creative and defiant flame was sparked in sharp relief to the turbulent times. This “cultural renaissance” could be identified by its nonconformity to conventions and the desire of its purveyors to explore the nuances of modern life. The art captured the chaotic-yet-hopeful zeitgeist of the Weimar Republic. Art became a means of political and social commentary, underlying the difficulties and optimism of post-war Europe.

Explanation of revisions

More natural phrases and idioms applied: The human-altered passage uses phrases like "giving birth to innovative movements" and "spirit of creativity," which are more vivid and expressive compared to the basic passage's simpler descriptions.

More emotional language used: Emotional language is applied with words like "remarkable cultural dynamism" and "bold defiance of conventions," which convey a stronger emotional impact than the straightforward statements in the basic passage.

Sentence length and structure varied: The altered passage varies sentence lengths and structures to create a more engaging rhythm, while the basic passage uses mostly short, simple sentences.

Contractions introduced: The altered passage includes contractions like "wasn't just a form of expression" to mimic natural speech, enhancing readability and making the tone more conversational.

Synonyms and expressions applied: Synonyms like "flourished" and "fostering" replace repetitive words in the basic passage, enriching the text and avoiding monotony.

See more tips on how to write an academic essay , including examples, best practices, and academic editing services

AI college admissions essay example (Common App Essay)

Ai-written admissions essay passage.

Growing up in a small town, I always found solace in the pages of books. Stories became my escape, offering endless worlds to explore and characters to meet. It was during a summer of volunteering at my local library that I realized the profound impact literature could have on a community. Watching children light up with curiosity and imagination as they discovered new stories inspired me to pursue a career in education. I want to create a classroom environment where students feel the same excitement and wonder about learning that I felt. My passion for teaching is fueled by a desire to empower young minds, encouraging them to ask questions and embrace creativity. I believe education is the key to unlocking potential and that, as a teacher, I can inspire the next generation to dream big and aim high.

Admissions essay made more natural and human with revisions

When I was growing up in my smal town, I absolutely adored reading novels. Reading was a way for me to escape to new fantastic worlds. While volunteering at my local library in summers, I came to understand just how crucial books are to enriching someone’s life. I watched young children’s eye light up while reading short stories. These experiences were the catalyst that made me want to become a teacher. Now that I am pursuing education, my goal is to make my classroom into a place where students are excited about learning. My goal is to help students think deeper about ideas and to express their creativity in their own ways. I believe education is a prerequisite for anyone who wants to reach their goals. When I finally achieve my education degree, acquire my license, and become a teacher, my primary mission will be to help students dream and achieve their own goals through reading.

More natural phrases and idioms included: The human-altered passage uses idiomatic expressions like "find solace in the pages of books" and "unlocking potential," which are more vivid and compelling compared to the plain statements of the AI-written passage.

Some emotional language applied: Emotional language such as "stories became my escape" and "lit up with curiosity and imagination" conveys a stronger emotional connection and passion.

Sentence length and structure varied: The revised passage includes a mix of longer and shorter sentences, creating a more dynamic and engaging flow. The basic passage uses simple, uniform sentence structures.

Contractions introduced: Contractions like "can't" and "it's" are used in the altered passage to create a more conversational and relatable tone.

Synonyms and expressions applied: The altered passage employs synonyms and expressive language, like "profound impact" instead of "important," to enrich the narrative and convey a deeper meaning.

Read more tips on how to write a college admissions essay , including how to write the Common App Essay , Common App Essay prompts , college personal statement examples , and essay editing services .

Use an AI proofreader or grammar checker before submitting your document

If you’ve made if this far, congratulations! You now know there are many ways to make your AI writing sound more natural and human. Of course, one sure-fire way is to write all of the text yourself, without the aid of an AI writer. But if you do use an AI tool to draft your document , make sure to apply careful revision and use the methods surveyed in this article and you are sure to make the text sound more human.

Before submitting any important document, you might also want to run your work through an AI proofreader or AI grammar checker to ensure that there are no objective language errors. For other AI revision needs, use the Wordvice AI Writing Assistant , a suite of revision tools that includes an AI translator , AI paraphraser , AI summarizer , AI spell checker , AI plagiarism detector , AI content detector , and more!

Best of luck writing your next paper. But remember: always use AI writing tools responsibly and ethically.

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How to Write a Prompt for Essays: A Complete Guide

How to Write a Prompt for Essays: A Complete Guide

Writing essays isn’t easy. Even if you decide to use the help of generative AI, you need to think of a good writing prompt. Today, you will learn how to create a prompt as well as why we need prompts for writing with generative models.

What is a prompt?

A prompt is a command you give to an AI generator. It includes instructions on the topic of a text, its style, tone, and other important features. The generative model analyzes your command and prepares an answer based on preexisting rules and patterns that it learned while training. 

Prompts for writing are the key to getting high-quality responses from artificial intelligence generators. By learning how to create a prompt for AI, you can guarantee better results of your collaboration with the advanced technology.

How to create a prompt for AI: secret techniques

It might seem like creating prompts for writing is simple. However, if you use text generators often, you know that getting a non-generic response can be a hassle. So it’s imperative to read the following tutorial on how to create a prompt and learn secret rules that make artificial intelligence obey all commands.

Step 1. Conduct a research

This might seem redundant to you, but the lack of research into a topic makes your prompt too generic. It is important to understand all the angles for covering in your essay in order to develop a comprehensive command.

Luckily, you can use artificial intelligence here, too. Ask a generator to make a plan for your essay, and you will be able to see a rough list of the subjects for studying. This is not exhaustive, of course, but it will direct you to topics that will help to better outline the essay.

Step 2. Make an essay plan 

When you need a brief answer to a general question, you might feed the generator a simple writing prompt. However, when working with essays, articles, or other longer texts, you need to take a considerate approach to receive extensive responses.

Use your research to plan each paragraph of a paper. You will need this to organize the sequence and contents of your requests.

Step 3. Determine the type of a writing prompt

Depending on the type of your assignment, you will have to follow a particular argumentation style. This will also impact the way your commands are worded. Here are the main types of prompts to use in essays.

  • Informational . This type focuses on collecting data on a certain topic. In response to these prompts, the generative model will present information in an unbiased, factual way. It can be used when gathering facts for informative essays. Example: “explain how snowflakes are formed.”
  • Comparative . Comparative questions make your generator contrast several items. This type is particularly useful for compare and contrast essays, but can also be applied in argumentative essays. Example: “compare wind turbines and thermal plants.”
  • Analytical . These requests are used to make the artificial intelligence analyze certain data. They are useful for creating analytical papers and problem solution essays. Example: “analyze the effects of overconsumption on the environment.”
  • Persuasive . Persuasive writing prompts make AI give you responses that are more biased in nature. They are useful for argumentative and persuasive papers when your task is to convince the audience to accept a certain point of view. Example: “describe why ocean exploration is more important than space exploration”
  • Instructional . These commands are used when you need to give direct and more technical requests. They are often applied when you want to check your texts for grammar mistakes or reword a certain phrase. Example: “organize the references in MLA format.”

Most of the time, you will have to combine several types into one prompt for a clear and original response, so selecting your requests in advance will help you to form a good request.

Step 4. Write your prompt

This final stage deals with creating prompts for writing. However, first, you need to learn about compulsory elements all prompts must include:

  • instruction , or a command that tells the generator what it needs to perform;
  • context , or additional information that the generator should base its response on;
  • purpose , or the goal of the request and specifications, like target audience, essay type, stylistic requirements, etc.;
  • example (optional), or sample text that artificial intelligence will emulate in style, narration, etc.

Example: “In the context of renewable energy development, describe the advantages and disadvantages of solar versus wind power. Write a persuasive text meant to convince the general audience that solar power is more sustainable. The text must comply with Chicago style and include three arguments and one counter argument.”

These are the main elements that comprise prompts for writing essays. Use them in your works and compare the results with what you used to get before.

Try your prompt writing skills on Aithor

With this guide, you have now mastered the art of how to create a prompt for AI. Go ahead and try your new knowledge with Aithor, an artificial intelligence generator designed specifically to assist students with academic writing. Whether you want to build a new prompt from scratch or generate free write prompts as an example, Aithor is here to help you get started.

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Being addicted to generative ai.

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Rising concerns about addiction to generative AI and what might be done about the pressing issue.

Can you become addicted to generative AI?

I realize that some might insist that there is zero chance of becoming addicted to generative AI. The viewpoint of such naysayers or doubters is that there is nothing about generative AI that could be addictive. Period, end of story.

On the other hand, keep in mind that there is already ample evidence supporting the idea of digital addictions, including being addicted to social media and perhaps the Internet in general, see my coverage at the link here . In that case, it would seem a rather realistic step to make the logical hop toward believing that generative AI can also be addictive.

Boom, drop the mic.

I aim to show you the said-to-be receipts that generative AI can be and is at times addictive.

Here’s the path I’ll be covering. First, I will share with you a thumbnail sketch of the overarching nature and scope of addictions. Following that foundational stage setting, I’ll make sure you are handily up-to-speed about generative AI and large language models (LLMs). Doing so will dovetail into revealing the highly notable and innovative intertwining of these two modern-day momentous topics.

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Prepare yourself for a memorable and informative ride.

For my ongoing readers and new readers, this hearty discussion continues my in-depth series about the impact of generative AI in the health and medical realm. The focus this time is once again on the mental health domain and examines the addictive use of generative AI.

Previously, I have examined numerous interleaving facets of generative AI and mental health, see my comprehensive overview at the link here . You might also find of notable interest a CBS 60 Minutes episode that recently examined crucial facets of this evolving topic, see the link here (I am honored and pleased to indicate that I was featured in the episode, see the link here ).

Other vital postings in my column include in-depth coverage of mental health chatbots which have been bolstered by generative AI (see the link here ) and the rapidly changing nature of the client-therapist relationship due to generative AI at the link here . I explored where things are headed regarding the levels of AI-based mental therapy autonomous guidance at the link here , and showcased the importance of the World Health Organization (WHO) report on global health and generative AI at the link here , and so on.

On with the show.

Essentials Of Addiction And As Applicable To AI

Nearly everyone would seem to be vaguely familiar with the notion of addictions and becoming addicted to one item or another. This is a common topic and a top-of-mind issue confronting modern-day society. You might know someone who has an addiction. Maybe you’ve been addicted and know first-hand what that’s like.

Just to make sure we are all on the same page, allow me a brief moment to establish a few fundamentals about addiction.

According to the online postings by the Cleveland Clinic, here’s how they define addiction (excerpts):

  • “Addiction is a chronic (lifelong) condition that involves compulsive seeking and taking of a substance or performing of an activity despite negative or harmful consequences.”
  • “Addiction can significantly impact your health, relationships, and overall quality of life. It’s crucial to seek help as soon as you develop signs of addiction.”
  • “Is addiction a disease? Yes, addiction is a disease — it’s a chronic condition. The American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) defines addiction as a chronic brain disorder. Addiction doesn’t happen from having a lack of willpower or as a result of making bad decisions. Your brain chemistry changes with addiction.”
  • “There are two main groups of addiction: Substance addictions (substance use disorders). Non-substance addictions (behavioral addictions).”

I assume that those points make abundant sense to you.

I’d ask that you especially note the last point that there are two main groups or types of addiction. One is substance addictions such as when addicted to drugs. The other group or type entails non-substance addictions. An addiction to social media and/or an addiction to the Internet would be considered non-substance addiction.

Likewise, this is the case for generative AI addiction, namely, it is a non-substance addiction.

Addictions of all kinds are deeply troubling.

We can all readily acknowledge that addictions can be quite destructive to a person’s life. It can adversely impact them. The spillover lands on their family, friends, co-workers, and even strangers. Being with or around someone with an addiction is agonizing and often is a constant worry and concern for their well-being and safety.

How can you discern if someone is possibly addicted?

Let’s see what the Cleveland Clinic posting has to say about potential symptoms or signs (excerpts):

  • “Inability to stop: People may use a substance or engage in harmful addictive behavior even if they want to stop.”
  • “Increased tolerance: Over time, they may need more of the substance or activity to feel the same euphoric effects as they did before.”
  • “Intense focus on the substance or activity: People with addictions become pathologically preoccupied with the substance or activity.”
  • “Lack of control: They may feel like they’ve lost complete control over their substance use or activity and often feel helpless.”
  • “Personal problems and health issues: Addiction impacts all aspects of their lives, including their physical health, mental health, personal relationships and career.”
  • “Withdrawal: People with addiction may experience emotional and physical withdrawal symptoms when they stop using.”

I submit to you that addiction to generative AI can be assessed using a similar set of characteristics.

Think of things this way:

  • Addiction to generative AI: Is someone using generative AI to the degree that they seem unable to stop doing so, do they have an apparent lack of control over their use of generative AI, has the usage of generative AI led to personal problems and health issues, and so on?

If those criteria or characteristics match a person using generative AI, it seems feasible they might be addicted to generative AI.

You will see in a few moments that this is not a hard-and-fast iron-clad rule. Be cautious in mindlessly trying to label someone as addicted to generative AI. Just because someone uses generative AI with great frequency does not mean they are addicted to it. Be wary of making false positives whereby you assign a classification of being an addict of generative AI when the person has no such bearings.

I’d like to add two additional quick comments.

Some detractors or smarmy people might refer to this person or that person as being addicted to generative AI. It is typically meant in jest or as a gibe. The thing is, doing so can be confusing to others and confounding to the individual. Your effort to be sharp-tongued can cause harmful damage, emotionally and in other ways. Please don’t do that.

I will also note that there should not be false negatives at play. By this, I mean that someone who demonstrably does have the symptoms of being addicted to generative AI should not be overlooked or shrugged off. They might proclaim they are not addicted to generative AI, and others around them might off-handedly agree. If the matter is serious, please take it seriously.

We will get further into these significant matters shortly.

Recent Research On Addiction To Generative AI

There is a growing interest in studying and analyzing the nature of addictions to generative AI.

A recent research study entitled “Examining Generative AI User Addiction From A C-A-C Perspective” by Tao Zhou and Chunlei Zhang, Technology In Society , July 2024, made these salient points (excerpts):

  • “Similar to social media addiction, users may be addicted to generative AI, which reflects a psychological state that people develop excessive dependence and find it difficult to discontinue using generative AI systems.”
  • “Addiction not only has negative impacts on individuals’ health and daily lives, but also poses challenges to the development and stability of society.”
  • “Addicted users might invest a substantial amount of time and effort interacting with AI to gain satisfaction and pleasure in the virtual world. Consequently, they may neglect important real-world responsibilities and interpersonal relationships.”
  • “Another critical concern is that addiction may lead users to blindly trust the misinformation output by generative AI and make wrong decisions. In addition, excessive reliance on generative AI can weaken individuals’ creativity and problem-solving abilities, which may lead to a loss of independent thinking and judgment capabilities.”
  • “The results show that four features of generative AI, which include perceived anthropomorphism, perceived interactivity, perceived intelligence, and perceived personalization, affect flow experience and attachment, both of which further lead to addiction.”

If you aren’t familiar with generative AI, those above points might seem difficult to decipher. I’d like to ensure that you are up-to-speed on what generative AI and large language models (LLMs) are all about. This will allow me to dig into the above-stated research points.

I’m sure you’ve amply heard of generative AI, the darling of the tech field these days.

Perhaps you’ve used a generative AI app, such as the popular ones of ChatGPT, GPT-4o, Gemini, Bard, Claude, etc. The crux is that generative AI can take input from your text-entered prompts and produce or generate a response that seems quite fluent. This is a vast overturning of the old-time natural language processing (NLP) that used to be stilted and awkward to use, which has been shifted into a new version of NLP fluency of an at times startling or amazing caliber.

The customary means of achieving modern generative AI involves using a large language model or LLM as the key underpinning.

In brief, a computer-based model of human language is established that in the large has a large-scale data structure and does massive-scale pattern-matching via a large volume of data used for initial data training. The data is typically found by extensively scanning the Internet for lots and lots of essays, blogs, poems, narratives, and the like. The mathematical and computational pattern-matching homes in on how humans write, and then henceforth generates responses to posed questions by leveraging those identified patterns. It is said to be mimicking the writing of humans.

I think that is sufficient for the moment as a quickie backgrounder. Take a look at my extensive coverage of the technical underpinnings of generative AI and LLMs at the link here and the link here , just to name a few.

Back to the crux of things.

Let’s ask the zillion-dollar question at hand.

Why would someone possibly become addicted to generative AI?

I dare suggest that if you tried using any of the major generative AI apps, you probably would right away sense why someone might become addicted to using them. They are easy to use. They are seemingly human-like in fluency. You can carry on a conversation endlessly. The AI won’t complain, it won’t insult you (unless you ask it to do so) and will interact as though the AI is your best-ever friend.

As per the research study points noted above, people can readily anthropomorphize AI. This means that they begin to think of generative AI as being human. The line between a machine and being a human begins to blur for them.

I’ve repeatedly warned that this tendency is amplified because of how AI makers go out of their way to design and portray AI, see my discussion at the link here . For example, most of the AI makers devise generative AI to respond to users by phrasings such as “I will help you” or “We can figure this out together” as though the AI is a human. I refer to this as anthropomorphizing by design . It is not occurring by happenstance.

Some falsely think that this is the only way generative AI can be set up. Nope, this is a choice by the AI makers. In a manner of speaking, the design to some degree can foster inclinations toward becoming addicted. I’ve predicted that we might very well see lawsuits against AI makers for how they designed their generative AI apps, legally arguing that the addiction was insidiously devised via intentional or purposeful machination. See my analysis at the link here .

In terms of stakeholders and key considerations underlying generative AI addiction, I usually lay out a list consisting of these vital factors:

  • (1) Users of generative AI.
  • (2) Those who are associated with users of generative AI.
  • (3) AI makers that develop and field generative AI.
  • (4) Systems vendors that embed generative AI into their products/services.
  • (5) Societal and cultural milieu concerning generative AI usage
  • (6) Laws and regulations regarding generative AI

All those factors are crucial to whether someone might lean into becoming addicted to generative AI.

Furthermore, those factors are instrumental in the other activities and facets entailing generative AI addiction, such as:

  • (a) Veering someone into generative AI addiction.
  • (b) Detecting whether someone has a generative AI addiction.
  • (c) Aiding in overcoming an addiction to generative AI.
  • (d) Prolonging someone’s addiction to generative AI.

Using Generative AI To Discover More About Generative AI Addiction

I’ve only touched the surface so far on generative AI addiction.

One means of learning more about the topic consists of using generative AI.

Yes, I just said that you can use generative AI to find out more about generative AI addiction. This certainly seems zany since we are leveraging the very aspect that is at the crux of the addiction being considered. Mind-blown.

I want to also emphasize that you should not rely solely on asking generative AI about generative AI addiction. That would be a big mistake. Generative AI can produce all manner of falsehoods, errors, and other troubling outputs and responses. One such category consists of so-called AI hallucinations, see my explanation at the link here , which is terminology I disfavor because it once again anthropomorphizes AI by implying that AI has hallucinations akin to humans hallucinating.

I will next proceed to examine generative AI addiction via using generative AI.

This will consist of a series of dialogues with ChatGPT. ChatGPT is a logical choice in this case due to its immense popularity as a generative AI app. An estimated one hundred million weekly active users are said to be utilizing ChatGPT. That’s a lot of people and a lot of generative AI usage underway.

Let’s start by making sure that ChatGPT is up-to-speed about this topic.

  • My entered prompt: “Is it possible to become addicted to generative AI?”
  • ChatGPT generated response: “Yes, it's possible to develop a form of dependency or compulsive behavior related to generative AI, especially if someone finds the technology particularly engaging or if it provides a strong sense of novelty, entertainment, or even companionship.”

You likely observe that ChatGPT is familiar with the generative AI addiction topic.

This is a good sign for this discussion. If ChatGPT had not previously encountered data training on a topic at hand, there would be less utility in using the AI. The AI would have to be further data trained, such as the use of Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG), as I discuss at the link here .

Let’s jump into the weighty matter.

  • My entered prompt: “What are some of the key factors spurring addiction to generative AI?”
  • ChatGPT generated response:

“Here is how this might happen:”

“ Reward and Engagement: Generative AI can constantly produce new and interesting content, which can be very stimulating for the brain. The ability of AI to respond in a personalized manner can make interactions feel more meaningful, leading to repeated use.

“ Escapism: People might turn to AI to escape from stress, loneliness, or boredom. Over time, this can become a habit, where someone relies on AI interactions or creations to avoid real-life challenges or uncomfortable emotions.”

“ Compulsive Use: The ease of access and the endless possibilities of generative AI might lead to compulsive use. This can include spending excessive time generating images, writing stories, or interacting with conversational AI. Like any engaging activity, users might find themselves losing track of time, prioritizing AI interactions over other responsibilities.”

“ Dependence and Withdrawal: If someone begins to rely heavily on AI for emotional support or creativity, they might find it difficult to cope without it. If access to AI is suddenly restricted, a person might experience frustration, irritability, or anxiety, similar to withdrawal from other forms of technology or entertainment.”

End of ChatGPT response

Those factors make sense and comport with my earlier points.

A person might become enamored of generative AI. There is a semblance of escape from the everyday world. The usage can be so engaging that you become compulsive and obsessive about using generative AI. In addition, lamentedly, there is a heightened chance of becoming dependent upon generative AI and withdrawing from interactions with fellow humans.

I’ve been hammering away so far on the side of becoming addicted, so let’s shift gears and figure out ways to overcome an addiction to generative AI.

Here’s what I asked.

  • My entered prompt: “What can someone do to overcome an addiction to generative AI?”

“Overcoming an addiction to generative AI, like any form of compulsive behavior, requires a combination of self-awareness, discipline, and support. Here are steps that can help.”

“ Self-Reflection: Recognize and admit that your use of generative AI is affecting your life negatively. This could be in terms of time management, emotional well-being, or neglect of responsibilities. Understand what triggers your compulsive use of AI. Is it stress, boredom, loneliness, or something else?”

“ Define Limits: Set specific time limits for using generative AI. For example, no more than 30 minutes a day or only during certain times. Decide in advance what you want to achieve with AI (e.g., generating a specific image or writing a story) and stick to those goals without getting sidetracked.”

“ Remove Temptations: If possible, uninstall apps or block websites related to generative AI on your devices during certain hours. Employ apps that track and limit your screen time or usage of specific software.”

“ Engage in Offline Hobbies: Rediscover offline activities that you enjoy, such as reading, exercising, or spending time with friends and family.”

“ Talk to Someone: Share your concerns with a trusted friend or family member who can offer support and encouragement. If your addiction is severe, consider seeking help from a therapist who specializes in behavioral addictions or technology-related issues.”

Most of those pieces of advice are aligned with other forms of digital addictions.

First, you need to become aware that you are or might be addicted. Awareness is key. Second, you should begin to find ways to undercut the addiction. Define limits of usage. Stick to those limits. Remove temptations that drive you to use generative AI. Seek out other outlets for your time and attention.

Perhaps most importantly, seek out help.

Some therapists are now including generative AI addiction in their practices. It is admittedly a rarity right now. That being said, there are many hundreds of millions of generative AI users, and even if some small fractions of users are or will become addicted, the need for mental health therapy to deal with the addiction is likely to emerge and grow.

Generative AI As Mental Health Advisor In This Instance

I have a comment that might be unnerving, so prepare yourself accordingly.

Let’s fight fire with fire, doing so by using generative AI to aid people who are overcome with a generative AI addiction.

It goes like this. Per my extensive coverage of using generative AI for mental health, see the link here , one twist on the addiction to generative AI would be to use generative AI to aid in overcoming your addiction to generative AI. In essence, use generative AI as your mental health advisor, which many are already doing (I’ve forewarned and alerted that this is a grand experiment worldwide of using AI as an always-on mental health advisor, though without any kinds of controls or human-in-the-loop involvement), and in this case, focus on generative AI addiction.

Yikes, that seems like something from the movie Inception . It is one thing inside another thing. The conception makes your head roll as you think about it.

Does it make sense to try and stop your use of generative AI by actively seeking advice from generative AI as you do so?

At first glance, the answer would be heck no. The idea of using the very item that is the core of your addiction to fight the addiction defies credulity. I empathize with that sentiment. But maybe this requires a bit more consideration.

In a broadened viewpoint, you could indeed say that it can make sense. Here’s how. If generative AI is alerted or directed to aid you in overcoming your generative AI addiction, the AI could keep track of your usage and warn you when it seems you are going overboard. There is also the possibility of instructing the generative AI to be less inviting. The generative AI could be ordered to be brisk and abrupt. All kinds of settings can be adjusted to make generative AI less alluring, more proactive about being selective and judicious with its usage, and seek to steer someone away from being addicted to generative AI.

The problem can be an aid in the cure, as it were.

We aren’t done there yet, not by a mile.

A twist on this twist is that a person might simply switch to some other generative AI app. You see, if they don’t like what one AI is saying or doing, they could seek out a more accommodating generative AI. That’s what addicts sometimes do, in general.

Consider even more variations on all of this.

For example, some pundits would argue that you ought to go cold turkey when it comes to a generative AI addiction. Just stop using generative AI. There, that solves things. No need to get clever or play tricks. Just quit.

Well, yes and no, in the sense that there are tradeoffs involved in doing so. Addiction has a lot of complexities and the idea of just summarily dropping the addiction overnight is not necessarily the most suitable ploy. Sometimes, a more gradual approach turns out to be a more sustainable means of overcoming an addiction.

Do Not Cry Wolf When No Wolf Is Around

I mentioned earlier that it is important to not start pronouncing people summarily as being addicted to generative AI. Please, refrain from that temptation.

How might you gauge the difference between someone who does seem to be addicted to generative AI and someone who does not?

Let’s see what ChatGPT has to say.

  • My entered prompt: “What is the difference between someone who uses generative AI extensively and finds doing so very useful and informative, versus someone who is said to be addicted to generative AI?”
  • ChatGPT generated response : “The difference between someone who uses generative AI extensively and finds it useful and informative versus someone who is addicted to it lies primarily in the intent, impact on their life, and level of control over their usage. Extensive users leverage generative AI as a valuable tool, maintaining control and balance in their use, which positively contributes to their goals and lives. Addicted users are driven by compulsive behavior, emotional dependence, and a lack of control, leading to negative consequences and disruption in their life.”

I bring this up again to try and dissuade those who might begin crying wolf, even though no wolf is around.

More research is coming along on how to detect addictions to generative AI, and I will be regularly covering those latest findings. Stay tuned.

There aren’t any solid counts yet of how many people might be addicted to generative AI. The addiction in this realm is still quite new. Eventually, and probably soon, there will be studies that have carefully examined the propensity, and we might end up with tangible and reliable numbers.

When I give talks and presentations on this rising matter, some people are shocked to learn that there is such a thing as being addicted to generative AI. Others, taking a pragmatic perspective, seem unsurprised. They shake their heads and remark that we seem to be able to get addicted to just about anything in our modern world, so why not add generative AI to the list?

I’ll close this discussion with some handy quotes.

Nathaniel Parker Willis, famed American writer and poet in the 1800s, said this: “Temptation hath a music for all ears.”

My interpretation of the keen insight, within the context of generative AI addiction, is that we need to recognize and accept that generative AI inherently provides temptations that can lead to addiction. It is a temptation machine. One of the notable reasons it is so incredibly tempting is due to being made to be that way, as I noted earlier.

A last quote to end this, for now, is one of my favorites, stated by Mae West: “I generally avoid temptation unless I can't resist it.” I suppose we might need to think long and hard about whether everyone should be using generative AI. If some have a proclivity to becoming addicted to generative AI, the logical presumption would be to not let them get started at the get-go. Do not use generative AI.

Logical, sensible, but not practical, it would seem.

In an era when generative AI is rapidly becoming ubiquitous, that piece of advice doesn’t seem like it could hold water. Maybe we can rejigger generative AI to accommodate the possibility of becoming addicted. Generative AI is going to be inescapable. In that case, let’s be smart about trying to prevent addictions from readily occurring.

Please stay safe and be mindful of the use of generative AI, for yourself and others that you know, thanks and good luck.

Lance Eliot

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Bloggers can use writing tools to generate content, improving the readability and engagement of their posts, ensuring the original message is maintained while making the content more appealing to their audience. This helps in keeping the blog content fresh and unique.

Writers can adapt their content for different contexts or audiences, ensuring their material is versatile and polished. Whether for books, articles, or other literary work, an essay writer helps maintain a high standard of writing.

Marketers can rapidly generate essays and content for multiple platforms, ensuring it resonates with different target audiences and maintains consistency across various media channels. This tool helps in tailoring messages for specific campaigns and improving the effectiveness of marketing strategies.

Academics can use essay writers to enhance the clarity and precision of their scholarly articles and papers. This ensures that their academic contributions are well-articulated and easily understood by peers and students alike.

Business Professionals

Business professionals can benefit from essay writers by generating reports, proposals, and other documents. This helps in presenting ideas more clearly and professionally, improving communication within the business environment.

Content Creators

Content creators can leverage essay writers to produce high-quality, original content for various media, including videos, podcasts, and social media posts. This tool helps maintain creativity and originality in their work, making it more engaging for their audience.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between an essay writer and an essay generator.

An essay writer creates essays from scratch based on user input, while an essay generator provides structured templates and content ideas to assist in writing. Both tools aim to enhance writing quality but serve different purposes.

How does AI generate essays?

AI essay writers use natural language processing and machine learning algorithms to analyze input topics and generate coherent, well-structured essays. These tools mimic human writing patterns to produce high-quality content.

Is using an AI essay writer tool considered cheating?

Using an AI essay writer tool should not be considered cheating, provided that you properly disclose and cite the original sources of your generated content. Always follow your institution’s policies regarding the use of AI tools.

Can AI essay writers handle complex topics?

Yes, AI essay writers can handle complex topics by breaking down intricate ideas into understandable sections and generating well-structured essays that effectively communicate the main points.

How can I ensure the originality of AI-generated essays?

AI essay writers include plagiarism checkers to ensure the generated content is original. Additionally, you can use other plagiarism detection tools to verify the uniqueness of your essay.

Are AI essay writers suitable for professional writing?

Yes, AI essay writers are suitable for professional writing, including business reports, marketing copy, and academic papers. They help ensure clarity, coherence, and originality in your writing.

Can AI essay writers support multiple languages?

Yes, AI essay writers support multiple languages, making them accessible for users worldwide. This feature allows for accurate writing across different linguistic contexts.

How do AI essay writers improve writing skills?

AI essay writers provide alternative ways to express ideas, enhance vocabulary, and suggest better sentence structures. By using these tools, users can learn and adopt improved writing techniques.

What are the benefits of using a free essay writer tool?

A free essay writer tool offers all the essential features without any cost, making it accessible for everyone. It helps users generate high-quality essays, save time, and improve their writing skills without financial constraints.

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Save texts and enjoy a better writing experience

More than a Grammar Checker Free Grammar Checker

Languagetool is an ai-based grammar checker. paste your text or start typing below to check grammatical errors, and spelling mistakes across languages., 2000+ organizations trust our ai-based grammar checker.

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Over 1 million users trust LanguageTool with their writing

Top-rated grammar checker for Firefox with over 1 million users

Over 4 million users trust LanguageTool with their writing

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+ more than 30 other languages and dialects

Reach your potential with statistics.

This feature helps you stay consistent with your writing by tracking your productivity. It also provides an overview of languages used, errors made, and suggestions applied, so you can see for yourself how your writing skills have improved.

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Supported Apps

Elevate Your Writing With the Grammar, Spell, and Style Checker for macOS

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macOS App for Microsoft Word

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Microsoft Word Add-in

Works with Windows, Mac, and even the online version. Requires Word 2016 or later or Office 365.

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* LanguageTool’s grammar check for OpenOffice requires Java 8. Currently not available for the Premium version. Problems installing it? Look here for help: Troubleshooting

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Do you fall victim to typos and misspellings way too often? LanguageTool finds every mistake and underlines it in red. Spell every name, phrase, and word the write… eh, the right way!

Correct Spelling

Check Grammar

Grammar rules have never been so easy! LanguageTool will help rid your writing of all grammar gaffes, like incorrect subject-verb-agreement, wrong plural forms, or misuse of grammatical forms.

Check Grammar

Fix Punctuation

Commas and dashes and hyphens… Proper punctuation can be tricky—LanguageTool ensures you’re using them right. It can even help you form complex sentences and tell you when you’ve used too many exclamation points!

Fix Punctuation

Confirm Casing

It’s all about the capital, right? And the lowercase letters, too. LanguageTool corrects incorrect casing, whether you’re writing capitalized names, months, places, or national identities.

Confirm Casing

Improve Style

LanguageTool helps your writing be as stylish as you are by detecting overused phrases, foreign terms, redundant words, and improper word choice. All you have to do to find the best style is look out for the blue underline.

Improve Style

Paraphrasing Tool

Looking for the right words? LanguageTool's paraphraser makes them easier to find by using artificial intelligence to rephrase your sentences to be more formal, fluent, simple or concise.

Paraphrasing Tool

Frequently Asked Questions

Make your text sound professional and avoid embarrassing style, punctuation, and grammar mistakes

LanguageTool corrects spelling mistakes, but it also offers a full writing analysis of all possible texts. In addition to spelling, grammar, and word choice, language style is also corrected. Plus, it serves as a punctuation checker to ensure your writing is flawless.

LanguageTool excels at identifying and correcting punctuation errors, including commas. Its punctuation checker can differentiate between optional and required commas, ensuring your writing is polished. Plus, it can handle even the most complex sentence structures with its advanced comma check.

The error display and suggestion cards are shown automatically and directly while typing. This means that texts can be checked and corrected in just a few moments. To see synonyms, simply double-click on any word.

LanguageTool masters more than 30 languages and dialects. Its main languages are English, Spanish, German, French, Dutch, and Portuguese. In its English version, you can choose between six standard varieties (US, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa).

LanguageTool is available in two versions. The free version corrects spelling as well as simple punctuation and some style mistakes. Only the Premium version will show you all errors and give you the best possible text. Team accounts for companies are also available.

LanguageTool is not bound to a specific program or website. There are several extensions and add-ons available, so it can be used in all common internet browsers. In addition, you can find a dedicated text editor as an app for iOS, macOS (Apple), and Windows. All you need is just one user account.

LanguageTool now offers an A.I.-based paraphraser in addition to correction. This can help you to rewrite entire sentences to make them simpler, shorter, or more formal.

If you have to write a term paper, bachelor thesis or master thesis at a university, LanguageTool can help you to be sure that it is free of errors. The writing assistant’s style check is also particularly helpful for other academic texts in schools or at publishing houses. By the way, students get a discount for LanguageTool.

Unleash the professional writer in you with LanguageTool Premium

Go well beyond grammar and spell checking, and impress with clear, precise and stylistically correct writing.

  • Free Essay Examples

AI Essay Writer + AI Detection Remover

Your human-like & undetectable ai essay writer, stop using chatgpt to generate robotic, easily detectable essays embrace effortless writing and impeccable content quality, and remove ai detection with essay ai..

Write Smarter, Faster, and Better With Our Essay AI

The Perfect AI Essay Writer to Avoid AI Detection

Ace your essay writing assignments with an undetectable AI essay writer better than ChatGPT. Write human-like essays and bypass AI detectors like Turnitin, Originality, GPTZero, and more.

EssayAI crafts undetectable essays with its cutting-edge language models developed to remove AI detection. It delivers essays written like a human professional and has high human scores right away. No extra AI detection remover needed.

LLM Built to Write Human-Like Essays and Bypass AI Detection

Our AI essay writer is powered by a language model trained with over 100 million professionally written essays across diverse topics and specially tailored for undetectable AI writing. This allows EssayAI to write essays with more depth and nuances than ChatGPT, and avoid AI detection with a much higher success rate.

LLM Built to Write Human-Like Essays and Bypass AI Detection

Our Anti AI Detector Essay AI Can Help You…

Remove AI Detection

Remove AI Detection

Get truly undetectable AI essays with 100% human scores, compliant with integrity policies.

Remove Plagiarism

Remove Plagiarism

Create content with guaranteed originality and zero plagiarism scores.

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Elevate Writing Quality

Write better essays with polished language and professionally formatted structure.

Our Well-Crafted Essays Can Truly Bypass AI Detectors

EssayAI generates natural essays that can 100% bypass AI detection. Our anti AI detector essay generator guarantees high human scores on all frequently used AI detectors.


What Makes Us Your Best Human-Like AI Essay Writer?

EssayAI is always ready to help you confidently create high quality, natural and original essays in an instant.

Undetectable AI Writing

Unlike ChatGPT, which generates unnatural essays that are easily detected, EssayAI writes essay content that has consistently high human scores on most AI detectors.

All at One Place

With EssayAI, you no longer need extra AI detection removers. Our clever essay AI is just a click away to give you well-crafted, truly undetectable essays on any topic in any form.

Plagiarism Free Generation

EssayAI doesn't just bypass AI detectors, but plagiarism checkers as well. The content we create comes with the authenticity to meet academic guidelines.

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Our AI essay writing language models are trained on vast human-written literature data, and developed to comprehend context with precision and deliver professional writing with no errors.

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Our AI essay helper features intelligent outlining that can instantly organize your thoughts and structure your essays, ensuring a coherent flow and solid argumentation.

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Access detection results of all AI detectors on the generated essay content with our built-in AI checker. Save the hassle of manually ensuring your essay is undetectable.

Academic Writing Done Right, With Essay AI

Our advanced anti AI detector essay AI adapts to craft any kind of professional, human-like content you require in your field, with precision and flair.

Various Essays

Various Essays

Whether it's for high school assignments or college dissertations, our essay AI delivers essays tailored to meet any level of academic standards.

Literature Reviews

Literature Reviews

Effortlessly create concise and insightful literature reviews across a variety of subjects, with our advanced essay AI. Get the essence of vast literature condensed into a succinct format.

Case Studies & Analytical Reviews

Case Studies & Analytical Reviews

Nail your case studies and reviews with our advanced essay AI, and easily convert complex ideas into clear, concise, and impactful writing.

Article Critiques

Article Critiques

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Working full-time and attending night school is a challenge, but with EssayAI I have a clever AI essay writer on my side. Every essay I submit can bypass AI detection, reflects high academic standards, and deep insight. I ended up with a much higher grade than I was expecting. Thank you EssayAI!

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As a content writing freelancer, Essay AI saves me a lot of time and money. It can effortlessly churn out creative and engaging content. And I no longer need an AI humanizer to humanize AI essays and reach high human scores.

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- Jordan, Graduate Student

- Jordan, Graduate Student

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  • Booker T Washington's View Of Education Essay
  • A Report On Malaysian Flight 370
  • Analysis Of Edward Cole 's ' The Bucket List '
  • Child Psychology: A Difficult Career Essay
  • Analysis Of Water Liars By Barry Hannah
  • Alex Lin's Passion, Courage, And Recycling
  • African American Compare And Contrast
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  • Bend It Like Beckham Character Analysis
  • Case Study Of Online Clothet
  • Analysis Of Amy Chua 's ' Why Chinese Moms Are Superior '
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Is EssayAI integrated with an AI detection remover?

EssayAI is an all-in-one anti AI detector essay writer. We directly produce undetectable AI essay content, so you don't need an additional AI bypasser or AI humanizer to humanize your AI essay content again to ensure its undetectability.

How does your anti-AI detector AI essay writer work?

Just follow the instructions of our AI essay generator to input your requirements for your essay. Then you'll get the perfect, undetectable essay you need in a short while. No AI detection remover needed to further humanize your essays.

What kind of AI model is EssayAI using?

EssayAI is powered by our large language model with special training with over 100 million high-quality human-written essays to create undetectable AI essay writing. It grants EssayAI the power to output better writing quality than ChatGPT and other AI essay writers, which can only write mechanically-phrased essays unlikely to bypass AI detectors.

Can this AI essay writer generate essays other than English?

Yes, our essay AI is versatile and supports multiple languages, enabling users with diverse linguistic backgrounds to generate essays in various languages other than English, and broadening its accessibility for non-English speakers.

Is the content generated by EssayAI plagiarism-free?

We pride ourselves on developing an AI essay writer guaranteed to produce 100% plagiarism-free (whether it's normal or AI plagiarism). Every essay is crafted to be creative and unique, helping you maintain academic integrity with plagiarism-free writing.

Does EssayAI offer an AI checker to check the generated essay?

Yes! We want you to ensure your essay is totally undetectable. That's why we build an AI checker into our essay generator.

This AI checker can instantly run a check on the generated essay and produce detection results of all frequently used AI detectors like GPTZero, Copyleaks, ZeroGPT etc. This saves you much time and effort to verify if your essay will be considered as human-written.

Your Best AI Essay Writing Copilot

Get Human-Like, Undetectable Essays That'll Impress

Try our free AI essay generator right now to remove AI detection, write essays like a pro, and turn essay writing stress into academic success!

Need A Standout Essay That'll Impress? We've Got You Covered.

Quickly generate well-structured essays on any topic with Typli.ai’s AI Essay Typer. Ideal for students, writers, and professionals needing to draft essays efficiently.

Essay Typer

Quickly generate well-structured essays on any topic with Typli.ai’s AI Essay Typer. Ideal for students, writers, and professionals needing to draft essays efficiently.


  • Specify the topic or main idea for your essay, such as climate change, technology in education, or a historical event.
  • Press Generate and Typli will craft a well-structured essay tailored to your topic.

Ready for Unlimited Inspiration?

Unlock premium features for content that stands out .

Try more AI writing tools

There's 173 to choose from.

Synopsis Generator

Synopsis Generator

Create compelling synopses for your stories, articles, or projects. Summarize your ideas effectively and capture your audience's attention.

First to Third Person Converter

First to Third Person Converter

Transform your writing effortlessly. Perfect for authors, professionals, and students seeking a new perspective.

Essay Topic Generator

Essay Topic Generator

Need inspiration? Our essay topic generator offers endless possibilities for your next writing assignment.

AI Essay Writer

AI Essay Writer

Say goodbye to writer's block and hello to AI essay writer for endless inspiration.

AI Grammar Checker

AI Grammar Checker

Take your writing to the next level with the assistance of an AI-driven grammar checker.

AI Essay Introductory Paragraph Generator

AI Essay Introductory Paragraph Generator

Kickstart your essays with a strong introduction using Typli's Free AI Essay Introductory Paragraph Generator. Perfect for students and writers.

AI Thesis Statement Generator

AI Thesis Statement Generator

Craft a powerful thesis statement with Typli's Free AI Thesis Statement Generator. Ideal for students and researchers aiming to strengthen their papers.

Topic Sentence Generator

Topic Sentence Generator

Instantly improve the flow of your writing with our convenient topic sentence generator.

Answer Generator

Answer Generator

Harness the power of artificial intelligence to generate accurate responses with an AI answer generator.

Essay Extender

Essay Extender

Say goodbye to late-night writing marathons with Typli's AI essay extender - the efficient and cost-effective way to meet word count requirements!

Sentence Expander

Sentence Expander

Enhance your writing with Typli's sentence expander tool. Enrich narratives and captivate readers by adding depth and detail to your sentences.

Essay Rewriter

Essay Rewriter

Transform your writing with our AI essay rewriter, designed to save you time and effort while producing high-quality and original essays.

Biography Generator

Biography Generator

Create detailed and personalized biographies with Typli.ai’s AI Biography Generator. Ideal for authors, professionals, and anyone looking to craft a compelling life story or career summary.

Discussion Board Response Generator

Discussion Board Response Generator

Craft thoughtful and engaging responses for discussion boards with Typli.ai’s AI Discussion Board Response Generator. Ideal for students, professionals, and anyone participating in online forums and discussions.

Annotation Generator

Annotation Generator

Generate accurate and detailed annotations with Typli.ai’s AI Annotation Generator. Ideal for researchers, students, and professionals who need to annotate texts, documents, or data efficiently.

Essay Typer

School Name Generator

Create an inspiring and memorable name for your school. Get creative and unique name ideas that reflect the values and vision of your educational institution.

AI Essay Outline Generator

AI Essay Outline Generator

Generate unique and creative essay outlines quickly.

AI Lesson Plan Generator

AI Lesson Plan Generator

Automate your lesson planning with Typli.ai’s AI Lesson Plan Generator. Save time and enhance your teaching strategies effortlessly.

Annual Progress Review Writer

Annual Progress Review Writer

Write an effective annual progress review or self-evaluation, a key component for academic success and securing financial aid or fellowships.

Draft Essays Quickly and Efficiently

Writing essays can be time-consuming and challenging, but Typli.ai’s AI Essay Typer simplifies the process. Generate well-structured essays on any topic with just a few clicks, helping you save time and focus on refining your ideas.

Well-Structured Essays

  • Receive essays that are structured with an introduction, body, and conclusion, ensuring your work is organized and coherent.

Versatile and Customizable

  • Whether for a school assignment, professional report, or personal project, our AI tool tailors the essay to your specific topic, making it relevant and informative.

Quick and Easy

  • Generate a full essay in just a few clicks. Enter your topic, and let our AI create a detailed and engaging essay that meets your needs.

How It Works

  • Input Your Essay Topic: Start by entering the topic or main idea for your essay, such as a specific event, concept, or argument.
  • Generate the Essay: Click 'Generate Essay' to let our AI craft a well-organized and detailed essay that covers the key points of your topic.
  • Review and Refine: Review the generated essay, make any necessary adjustments, and use it as a foundation for your final work.
  • Students: Draft essays for assignments quickly and efficiently, giving you more time to focus on studying and refining your work.
  • Writers: Use the AI-generated essays as inspiration or a starting point for your creative projects.
  • Professionals: Create reports, articles, or opinion pieces with ease, saving time and effort in the writing process.

Start Typing Smarter

With Typli.ai’s AI Essay Typer, generating well-structured essays on any topic is fast, easy, and efficient. Save time, enhance your writing process, and produce high-quality essays with just a few clicks. Start generating your essays today and take the stress out of writing!

Step into effortless content creation with Typli and elevate your writing today. Experience AI content writing made simple.

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The best ai essay writing tools for students in 2024.

The Best AI Essay Writing Tools for Students 2024

In academia, essay writing often feels like an impossible challenge for students grappling with organizing and articulating their thoughts effectively. Fortunately, the best AI essay writing tools can significantly ease this process. These innovative tools assist in brainstorming ideas and crafting detailed outlines, making the task more manageable.

Selecting the right tool is crucial, as each student has distinct needs. The best AI essay writing options for students provide tailored solutions to address various challenges. Finding a tool that aligns with your style and requirements can transform your writing experience and achieve greater success.

1. Grammarly

How Grammarly Helps Students Write Better

Grammarly is a popular tool among students seeking to improve their writing skills. The platform offers several features that enhance the writing process.

Grammar and punctuation error detection

Grammarly provides real-time grammar and punctuation checks. The tool highlights mistakes and suggests corrections. This feature helps you catch errors that might slip through manual proofreading.

Style and tone suggestions

Grammarly also analyzes your writing style and tone. The tool offers suggestions to make your writing more engaging and appropriate for your audience. You can adjust your tone to suit academic or casual settings.

Enhances writing accuracy

Grammarly improves writing accuracy by identifying errors and offering corrections. You gain confidence in your writing when you know your work is error-free. The tool helps you produce polished essays.

Improves readability

Grammarly’s suggestions help you create clear and concise sentences. Improved readability makes your essays more enjoyable to read. Your ideas become easier for others to understand.

Limited free version

The free version of Grammarly offers basic features. Advanced features require a subscription. Some students might find the cost prohibitive.

Grammarly remains a valuable resource for students. The tool ranks among the best AI essay writing options available. You can enhance your writing with Grammarly’s features while examining its limitations.

2. EssayGenius

EssayGenius offers a unique approach to essay writing . This tool helps students tackle the challenge of generating ideas and organizing thoughts.

Autonomous topic research

EssayGenius performs autonomous topic research. You enter a topic, and EssayGenius provides relevant information. This feature saves time and effort in the research phase.

Detailed outline generation

EssayGenius generates detailed outlines. The tool structures your essay with subheadings and key points. This feature helps you maintain focus and coherence in your writing.

Helps in idea generation

EssayGenius assists in idea generation. The tool suggests topics and angles you might not consider. This feature sparks creativity and broadens your perspective.

Organizes thoughts effectively

EssayGenius organizes your thoughts effectively. The tool creates a logical flow for your essay. This feature ensures clarity and enhances the overall quality of your work.

It may require manual adjustments.

EssayGenius may require manual adjustments. The tool provides a framework, but you refine it. Personal input ensures the essay reflects your voice and style.

Limited to certain topics

EssayGenius has limitations on certain topics. The tool excels in popular subjects but struggles with niche areas. You might need additional resources for specialized topics.

EssayGenius is one of the best AI essay-writing tools for students. The features and benefits make it a valuable asset. Consider using EssayGenius to enhance your writing process.

JotBot offers a unique approach to essay writing . This tool helps you maintain your writing style while enhancing content quality.

Personalized content generation

JotBot generates content that matches your writing style. You provide sample writings, and JotBot analyzes them. The tool then creates content that feels like your own work. This feature ensures your essays retain a personal touch.

Style analysis based on previous writing

JotBot examines your past writing to understand your style. The tool identifies patterns and preferences in your work. This analysis allows JotBot to produce content that aligns with your voice. You get assistance without losing your unique style.

Maintains unique writing voice

JotBot helps you keep your distinct writing voice. The tool’s personalized content generation supports your style. You can confidently submit essays that reflect your individuality.

Seamless integration of generated content

JotBot makes it easy to integrate generated content into your essays. The tool’s output blends smoothly with your existing work. You save time and effort when incorporating new ideas.

Requires sample writings for analysis

JotBot needs sample writings to analyze your style. You must provide enough material for accurate results. This requirement may pose a challenge if you lack previous work.

It may not suit all writing styles.

JotBot may not fit every writing style. The tool excels with certain patterns but struggles with others. It would be best if you evaluated whether JotBot complements your approach.

JotBot is one of the best AI essay-writing tools for students. The tool’s ability to preserve your voice makes it a valuable asset. Consider JotBot to enhance your writing while staying true to yourself.

4. Hemingway Editor

4. Hemingway Editor

Hemingway Editor helps you create clear and concise writing. The tool focuses on readability and sentence structure. You can improve your essays with its suggestions.

Readability analysis

Hemingway Editor analyzes your text for readability. The tool highlights complex sentences and difficult words. You can see which parts need simplification. This feature helps you make your writing more accessible.

Sentence structure suggestions

Hemingway Editor offers suggestions for sentence structure. The tool identifies passive voice and long sentences. You can use these insights to improve clarity. Your writing becomes more direct and engaging.

Simplifies complex sentences

The tool simplifies complex sentences. You can break down long sentences into shorter ones. This process makes your writing easier to understand. Readers will appreciate the clarity.

Enhances clarity

Hemingway Editor enhances clarity in your essays. The tool’s suggestions help you remove unnecessary words. You can focus on delivering your message effectively. Clear writing improves communication .

Limited to style suggestions

Hemingway Editor provides style suggestions only. The tool does not check grammar or punctuation. It would be best if you had another tool for those aspects. Consider using it alongside other resources.

No grammar check

The tool lacks a grammar check feature. You must review your work for grammatical errors. Relying solely on Hemingway Editor may leave mistakes unnoticed. A comprehensive approach ensures accuracy.

Hemingway Editor ranks among the best AI essay-writing tools for students. The tool’s focus on readability and clarity makes it valuable. You can enhance your writing by incorporating its features.

5. Writesonic

Writesonic offers a dynamic approach to essay writing. You can explore its features to enhance your writing process.

AI-generated content

Writesonic uses AI to generate content quickly. You input a topic, and Writesonic produces relevant text. This feature helps you overcome writer’s block by providing a starting point.

Multiple writing templates

Writesonic provides various writing templates. You choose a template that fits your essay type. These templates guide your structure and style, making the writing process smoother.

Versatile content creation

Writesonic supports versatile content creation. You can write essays, reports, or creative pieces. This flexibility makes Writesonic one of the best AI essay-writing tools for students.


Writesonic saves time by generating content swiftly. You spend less time brainstorming and more time refining. This efficiency allows you to meet deadlines with ease.

Requires editing for accuracy

Writesonic-generated content may need editing for accuracy. You review and refine the text to ensure precision. This step ensures your work meets academic standards.

It may not suit the academic tone.

Writesonic might not always match an academic tone. You adjust the language to fit formal requirements. This adjustment ensures your essay maintains a scholarly voice.

Writesonic stands out as a valuable tool in the realm of best AI essay writing for students. Its features can streamline your writing process and achieve better results.

6. AI Writer

AI Writer is a powerful tool for students who want to improve their essay writing skills. It provides features that can transform their writing process.

High-output content generation

AI Writer excels in generating large volumes of content quickly. You input a topic, and the tool produces comprehensive text. This feature helps you tackle lengthy essays without feeling overwhelmed.

SEO optimization

AI Writer includes built-in SEO optimization. The tool ensures your content ranks well on search engines. This feature enhances the visibility of your essays if you publish them online.

Efficient content production

AI Writer streamlines content production. You spend less time writing and more time refining ideas. This efficiency allows you to focus on quality over quantity.

Enhances online visibility

AI Writer boosts your work’s online presence. The tool’s SEO features attract more readers to your essays. Increased visibility can lead to greater recognition and opportunities.

May require fact-checking

AI Writer-generated content might need fact-checking. You verify the information to ensure accuracy. This step is crucial for maintaining credibility in your essays.

Limited to online content

AI Writer focuses on online content. The tool may not suit offline assignments or printed essays. Consider whether your needs align with this limitation.

AI Writer is one of the best AI essay-writing tools for students. The tool’s features cater to those seeking efficient and visible content creation. Explore what AI Writer offers to enhance your writing experience.

Cramly is a fantastic tool for students who need help with essay writing. Its features make the writing process smoother and more enjoyable.

Essay structuring

Cramly helps you structure essays effectively. The tool organizes your ideas into a clear format. This feature ensures your essay flows logically from start to finish.

Topic brainstorming

Cramly assists with brainstorming topics. The tool suggests various angles for your essay, allowing you to explore new ideas and expand your perspective.

Streamlines writing process

Cramly streamlines the writing process. The tool reduces the time spent on planning, so you can focus more on writing and less on organizing.

Encourages creativity

Cramly encourages creativity in your writing. The tool inspires you to think outside the box. You can develop unique ideas and express them confidently.

Limited to essay writing

Cramly focuses on essay writing only. The tool may not support other writing tasks. Consider whether your needs align with this limitation.

It may require additional research.

Cramly might require additional research. The tool provides a framework, but you gather more information. This step ensures your essay is well-informed and accurate.

Cramly stands out as one of the best AI essay-writing tools for students. The features and benefits make it a valuable resource. You can enhance your writing experience by exploring what Cramly offers.

8. MyEssayWriter.ai

MyEssayWriter.ai is a handy tool for students to enhance their essay-writing skills. Explore its features to see how they fit your needs.

Comprehensive AI tools

MyEssayWriter.ai offers a suite of comprehensive AI tools. These tools help you with various aspects of essay writing. You can generate ideas, structure essays, and refine content with ease.

Free trial available

MyEssayWriter.ai offers a free trial that allows you to test the features without cost and explore the tool’s capabilities before committing to a subscription.


MyEssayWriter.ai is cost-effective. The tool offers valuable features at an affordable price, allowing you to enhance your writing without breaking the bank.

Wide range of tools

MyEssayWriter.ai includes a wide range of tools that cover different writing needs. You can find solutions for brainstorming, editing, and formatting.

Limited trial period

The free trial period for MyEssayWriter.ai is limited. You need to decide quickly if the tool meets your needs, and this limitation might not give you enough time to explore all its features.

May require subscription

MyEssayWriter.ai may require a subscription for full access. Consider whether the cost fits your budget. A subscription ensures you get the most out of the tool.

MyEssayWriter.ai is one of the best AI essay-writing tools for students. The features and benefits make it a valuable resource. You can improve your writing experience by giving MyEssayWriter.ai a try.

Yomu AI offers students a fantastic tool to enhance their essay-writing skills. The tool provides features that make the writing process more efficient and enjoyable.

Writing suggestions

Yomu AI delivers helpful writing suggestions. The tool analyzes your text and offers improvements. These suggestions help you refine your ideas and structure. You can create essays that flow smoothly and engage readers.

Content generation

Yomu AI excels in content generation. The tool generates relevant content based on your input. This feature helps you overcome writer’s block by providing a starting point. You can expand on these ideas to develop comprehensive essays.

Improves essay quality

Yomu AI significantly improves essay quality. The tool’s suggestions enhance clarity and coherence. You can produce polished essays that impress your audience. Improved quality leads to better grades and academic success.

User-friendly interface

Yomu AI boasts a user-friendly interface. The tool is easy to navigate, making it accessible to all users. You can focus on writing without struggling with complex software. A simple interface streamlines the writing process.

Yomu AI may not fit every writing style. The tool excels with certain patterns but struggles with others. It would be best if you evaluated whether Yomu AI complements your approach. Consider testing the tool to see if it aligns with your needs.

Requires internet connection

Yomu AI requires an internet connection. The tool operates online, so connectivity is essential. A stable internet connection is best for accessing its features. This requirement may limit usage in areas with poor connectivity.

Yomu AI stands out as one of the best AI essay-writing tools for students. The features and benefits make it a valuable resource. You can enhance your writing experience by exploring what Yomu AI offers.

10. Jasper AI

Jasper AI offers a powerful tool for students looking to enhance their essay-writing skills. The tool provides features that make the writing process more efficient and enjoyable.

High-quality content generation

Jasper AI excels in generating high-quality content. You input a topic, and Jasper AI produces comprehensive text. This feature helps you tackle essays with ease. The generated content maintains a professional tone suitable for academic work.

Versatile writing formats

Jasper AI supports various writing formats. You choose a format that fits your essay type. These formats guide your structure and style, making the writing process smoother. The versatility makes Jasper AI one of the best AI essay-writing tools for students.

Produces diverse content

Jasper AI produces diverse content. You can write essays, reports, or creative pieces. This flexibility allows you to explore different writing styles. The tool adapts to your needs, enhancing your writing experience.


Jasper AI boasts a user-friendly interface. The tool is easy to navigate, making it accessible to all users. You can focus on writing without struggling with complex software. A simple interface streamlines the writing process.

Requires subscription

Jasper AI requires a subscription for full access. Consider whether the cost fits your budget. A subscription ensures you get the most out of the tool, but some students might find the cost prohibitive.

It may need editing for accuracy.

Jasper AI-generated content may need editing for accuracy. You review and refine the text to ensure precision. This step ensures your work meets academic standards. Relying solely on the tool might lead to overlooked errors.

Jasper AI is one of the best AI essay-writing tools for students. The features and benefits make it a valuable resource. You can enhance your writing experience by exploring what Jasper AI offers.

AI essay writing tools offer a bunch of benefits. You can improve your writing skills and save time. These tools help you brainstorm ideas and structure essays. Choose the right tool for your style and needs. Personal preferences matter a lot. The academic writing world keeps changing. Embrace these tools to stay ahead. You’ll find writing less stressful and more enjoyable.


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AI Essay Writer

To use AI Essay Writer simply add your topic in the input box with essay length and click on the "Write Essay" button.

Essay Topic

  • Descriptive
  • Comparative

Extra Features

Add Reference

Generating essays on harmful, dangerous or illegal topics not allowed, we tried our best to prevent these topics,if you find any essay topic that is generating any of these types of content, email us at aiessaywriter.com contact us

How to use AI Essay Writer?

AI Essay Writer make it easy for you to write a effective and informative essay in seconds. The whole writing process takes a few seconds to complete. All you need to do is provide your topic or prompt of your essay.

Essay Topic: Type or paste the essay topic you need to write about. It can be anything. It can be a short descriptive topic or a long narrative topic.

Type of Essay: Choose the type of essay, such as argumentative, expository, narrative, or descriptive, to clarify our essay generator of your need.

Essay Length: Select your essay length to define how many words you want to generate according to your requirements.

Features of our Essay Maker ✍️

Our free essay maker has many useful unique features that set it apart from other essay writers and make it an excellent choice for students.

Free for Students

Our essay maker is free for students to help them enhance their learning and writing experience to write competitive essays in their academic career.

No Sign-up Required

AI Essay Writer will not ask you for any Sign up or registration to write an essay, you just need to add your topic and start generating essays online.

AI for Essay Writing

AI Essay Writer trained with advanced state-of-the-art technology to write unique, well-structured, and coherent essays with no plagiarism issues.

Our essay typer is programmed with a special feature called "Bypass AI". Using this feature will help you remove AI detection and provide value to human readers.

Provides References

Our essay typer offers an option that you can select to get references and citations at the end of the essay with the provided information.

Types of Essays

This feature can help you generate different types of essays such as argumentative, expository, narrative, descriptive, etc., so that you can choose the type according to your requirements.

Why our Essay Generator?

Our essay generator uses advanced machine learning algorithms, especially deep learning models to understand and generate essays the way humans write.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it okay to use ai for essays.

YES! It is perfectly okay to use AI for essays as long as you don't violate any guidelines. If there are no restrictions on using AI for essay writing, you can use it without any problems.

Is there an AI that writes essays?

AI Essay Writer uses modern NLP algorithms to provide valuable information to humans and turn it into an AI that writes essays for you in seconds.

How do you write an AI essay without getting caught?

To avoid having your essay getting caught as AI, be sure to add some content of your own and also use our “Bypass AI” feature to make the AI undetectable.

How students can write essays online for free?

Our essay maker is 100% free for students to help them improve their writing skills more effectively and to engage them more deeply with their subjects.


Essay Writer Generator

Write about, want some more features.

  • - History to store generated content
  • - Access to mobile apps for content generation on the go
  • - Access to 500+ other AI tools and templates

AI4Chat's Innovative Essay Writer Generator

AI4Chat’s unique Essay Writer Generator is a user-friendly tool that leverages advanced AI models like Google Gemini and ChatGPT for generating high-quality essays with a single click. With this tool, anyone can create articulate, comprehensive essays in seconds, optimizing the writing process like never before.


The applications of the Essay Writer Generator are vast and manifold. It can be utilised to help students quickly generate essays for their coursework, assist in content marketing through rapid creation of nuanced blog posts, or even support academic research by creating exploratory drafts. Its adaptability to diverse subjects and industries truly sets it apart.


This innovative tool can be accessed at your ease through AI4Chat’s mobile apps for Android and iOS or their website. Simply type the topic to get your own bespoke essay in a jiffy. Harness the power of AI and transform the way you write with AI4Chat’s Essay Writer Generator.

Questions about AI4Chat? We are here to help!

For any inquiries, drop us an email at [email protected] . We’re always eager to assist and provide more information.

What Is AI4Chat?

What features are available on ai4chat.

  • 🔍 Google Search Results: Generate content that's current and fact-based using Google's search results.
  • 📂 Categorizing Chats into Folders: Organize your chats for easy access and management.
  • 🏷 Adding Labels: Tag your chats for quick identification and sorting.
  • 📷 Custom Chat Images: Set a custom image for each chat, personalizing your chat interface.
  • 🔢 Word Count: Monitor the length of your chats with a word count feature.
  • 🎨 Tone Selection: Customize the tone of chatbot responses to suit the mood or context of the conversation.
  • 📝 Chat Description: Add descriptions to your chats for context and clarity, making it easier to revisit and understand chat histories.
  • 🔎 Search: Easily find past chats with a powerful search feature, improving your ability to recall information.
  • 🔗 Sharable Chat Link: Generate a link to share your chat, allowing others to view the conversation.
  • 🌍 Multilingual Chat in 75+ Languages: Communicate and generate content in over 75 languages, expanding your global reach.
  • 💻 AI Code Assistance: Leverage AI to generate code in any programming language, debug errors, or ask any coding-related questions. Our AI models are specially trained to understand and provide solutions for coding queries, making it an invaluable tool for developers seeking to enhance productivity, learn new programming concepts, or solve complex coding challenges efficiently.
  • 📁 AI Chat with Files and Images: Upload images or files and ask questions related to their content. AI automatically understands and answers questions based on the content or context of the uploaded files.
  • 📷 AI Text to Image & Image to Image: Create stunning visuals with models like Stable Diffusion, Midjourney, DALLE v2, DALLE v3, and Leonardo AI.
  • 🎙 AI Text to Voice/Speech: Transform text into engaging audio content.
  • 🎵 AI Text to Music: Convert your text prompts into melodious music tracks. Leverage the power of AI to craft unique compositions based on the mood, genre, or theme you specify in your text.
  • 🎥 AI Text to Video: Convert text scripts into captivating video content.
  • 🔍 AI Image to Text with Context Understanding: Not only extract text from images but also understand the context of the visual content. For example, if a user uploads an image of a teddy bear, AI will recognize it as such.
  • 🔀 AI Image to Video: Turn images into dynamic videos with contextual understanding.
  • 📸 AI Professional Headshots: Generate professional-quality avatars or profile photos with AI.
  • ✂ AI Image Editor, Resizer and Compressor, Upscale: Enhance, optimize, and upscale your images with AI-powered tools.
  • 🎼 AI Music to Music: Enhance or transform existing music tracks by inputting an audio file. AI analyzes your music and generates a continuation or variation, offering a new twist on your original piece.
  • 🗣 AI Voice Chat: Experience interactive voice responses with AI personalities.
  • ☁ Cloud Storage: All content generated is saved to the cloud, ensuring you can access your creations from any device, anytime.

Which Languages Does AI4Chat Support?

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All in One AI platform for AI chat, image, video, music, and voice generatation. Create custom AI bots and workflows in minutes from any device, anywhere.

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AI Essay Writer

Create top-notch essays with Paraphraser.io’s essaybot. Simply enter a keyword or topic and generate a completely original and high-quality essay using our AI essay writer.

About Essay Generator

The essay is one of the most common types of academic content. It entails responding to the topic logically and convincing the readers that the provided response is plausible. Due to such complexities, people often find it hard to write essays all by themselves. That’s where our AI essay writer comes into the picture.

The free essay generator by Paraphraser.io is an intuitive web app that has one aim — to eliminate the complications from the essay writing process. The tool boasts an intuitive UI that simplifies the process of generating compelling essays. People can get assistance from this free AI writer to generate completely original and unique material without the fear of plagiarism. 

How to Generate Perfect Essays with This AI Essay Writer?

Our essay writing AI generator intends to automate the entire essay writing process. Therefore, it doesn’t feature any complexities. All users need to do is undertake the subsequent steps: 

Enter the Prompt

Begin by entering the topic of your essay, be it an entire prompt, a single word, or a phrase. You can either directly paste the keyword in the text editor or type from scratch. This step is essential for the proper functioning of our tool.

Process the Input

Once your topic is in place, tap on the ‘Write My Essay’ button. This will push the gear in motion for our AI essay writer’s sophisticated algorithms. Our tool will begin executing by understanding the meaning of the given query through artificial intelligence. Then, it will leverage the training of its machine learning models to generate precise results accurately.

Result Generation

Our free essay writer AI tool guarantees that you get the output quickly and without any extraneous complications. Therefore, it will generate your essay masterpiece in a few seconds. You can effortlessly retrieve the generated content by using the options to copy the text directly or download it for later use.

Key Highlights of Our Essay Writer AI Tool

This AI writing generator by Paraphraser.io offers a one-stop solution for all of your essay needs. The features listed below give a taste of this online utility’s capabilities:

Efficient Output Generation

Our AI essay generator employs state-of-the-art artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms. Therefore, it can create comprehensive and high-quality essays in a matter of seconds. Using it will save valuable time and enhance productivity. 

No Hidden Costs and Subscription Requirement

Paraphraser.io believes in making essay creation accessible to everyone. Therefore, the developers have only focused on the power aspect of this essay writing AI tool. You don’t need to bother about paying for memberships or signing up because this online utility has zero fees or registration requirements.

Built-in AI-Powered Essay Checker

Our essay bot can do more than simply automating the creation of essays. It can also help you proofread the generated content with the help of its integrated essay checker. By leveraging its content reviewing abilities, you can verify the grammatical and plagiarism status of your content in one place.

The AI essay writer by Paraphraser.io is an ideal utility for anyone seeking an affordable, effective, and intuitive experience. By using AI and its subsections, this online tool can generate high-quality and innovative essays at a lightning-fast speed. Professionals requiring quick content creation or students facing tight deadline issues can rely on this dependable companion. Doing so will help them make their professional and academic journeys easier. So, what are you waiting for? Unlock the potential of essay creation with this online essay generator in just a few taps.

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Edit Pad - Free Online Text Editor

  • 🔓 Unlock this to increase your essay length Go Pro
  • 🔓 Unlock this to write your essay with Super AI Go Pro
  • 🔓 Unlock this to Humanize essay from AI Go Pro

0 Characters

0 Sentences

The generated essay falls into the following category:

Editpad AI Essay Writer only generates essays to help you educate the way of writing. We strictly do not allow users to generate sexual, self-harm, violence, and other NSFW (not safe for work) content.

Are you sure you want to continue?

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AI Essay Writer

AI Essay Writer by Editpad is a free essay generator that helps you write narrative, persuasive, argumentative and descriptive essays online in seconds.

How to use AI Essay Writer by Editpad?

To use Editpad's AI Essay Writer, you need to follow these simple steps below:

  • Type or paste your essay topic or requirements in the input box provided.
  • Select the required essay length and writing tone.
  • You can also select the " Add References " option if required.
  • Click on " Write My Essay " button.
  • After that, our essay generator will automatically generate your essay and provide results in the output box.

Other Tools

  • Plagiarism Checker
  • Paraphrasing Tool
  • Reverse Text - Backwards Text Generator
  • Small Text Generator - Small Caps / Tiny Text
  • Upside Down Text Generator
  • Words to Pages
  • Case Converter
  • Online rich-text editor
  • Grammar Checker
  • Article Rewriter
  • Invisible Character
  • Readability Checker
  • Diff Checker
  • Text Similarity Checker
  • Extract Text From Image
  • Text Summarizer
  • Emoji Translator
  • Weird Text Generator
  • Stylish Text Generator
  • Glitch Text Generator
  • Cursive Font Generator
  • Gothic Text Generator
  • Discord Font Generator
  • Aesthetic Text Generator
  • Cool Text Generator
  • Wingdings Translator
  • Old English Translator
  • Online HTML Editor
  • Cursed Text Generator
  • Bubble Text Generator
  • Strikethrough Text Generator
  • Zalgo Text Generator
  • Big Text Generator - Generate Large Text
  • Old Norse Translator
  • Fancy Font Generator
  • Cool Font Generator
  • Fortnite Font Generator
  • Fancy Text Generator
  • Word Counter
  • Character Counter
  • Punctuation checker
  • Text Repeater
  • Vaporwave Text Generator
  • Citation Generator
  • Title Generator
  • Text To Handwriting
  • Alphabetizer
  • Conclusion Generator
  • Abstract Generator
  • List Randomizer
  • Sentence Counter
  • Speech to text
  • Check Mark Symbol
  • Bionic Reading Tool
  • Fake Address Generator
  • JPG To Word
  • Random Choice Generator
  • Thesis Statement Generator
  • AI Content Detector
  • Podcast Script Generator
  • Poem Generator
  • Story Generator
  • Slogan Generator
  • Business Idea Generator
  • Cover Letter Generator
  • Blurb Generator
  • Blog Outline Generator
  • Blog Idea Generator
  • Essay Writer
  • AI Email Writer
  • Binary Translator
  • Paragraph Generator
  • Book Title generator
  • Research Title Generator
  • Business Name Generator
  • AI Answer Generator
  • FAQ Generator
  • Active Passive Voice Converter
  • Sentence Expander
  • White Space Remover
  • Remove Line Breaks
  • Product Description Generator
  • Meta Description Generator
  • Acronym Generator
  • AI Sentence Generator
  • Review Generator
  • Humanize AI Text
  • AI Translator
  • Excel Formula Generator
  • AI Prompt Generator
  • Sentence Rewriter
  • QR Code Generator
  • QR Code Scanner
  • Paragraph Rewriter

Supported Languages


Terms and Conditions


Welcome to our AI Writing Generator. By using our AI writing assistants such as AI Essay Writer, AI Story Generator, AI Poem Generator, AI Paragraph Generator, AI Sentence Generator or AI Email Writer, etc., you agree to comply with and be bound by the following terms and conditions. If you do not agree to these terms, please do not use our service.

Prohibited Content

Our AI Writing Generator does not allow users to generate content that contain Sexual, Self-Harm, Violence, and other NSFW (Not Safe For Work) content. We are committed to maintaining a safe and respectful environment for all users and will take necessary steps to prevent the generation of such content.

Efforts to Control Prohibited Content

We are continuously working to improve our AI Writing Generator to ensure that it does not generate prohibited content. Despite our efforts, there may be instances where such content is generated due to the nature of AI and its learning processes.

Use of Third-Party APIs

Our AI Writing Generator utilizes third-party APIs, including but not limited to OpenAI ChatGPT , Gemini , and Claude , to generate AI content. As a result, the content generated by the tool is not entirely within our control. We rely on these third-party services to provide the best possible experience, but we cannot guarantee that prohibited content will never be generated.

User Responsibilities

As a user of our AI Writing Generator, you are responsible for ensuring that the content you generate complies with these terms and conditions. You agree not to use the tool to generate any content that is Sexual, Self-Harm, Violent, or otherwise NSFW.

Disclaimer of Warranties

Our AI Writing Generator is provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis. We make no warranties, express or implied, regarding the performance or reliability of the tool. We do not guarantee that the tool will meet your requirements or that it will be uninterrupted or error-free.

Limitation of Liability

To the fullest extent permitted by law, we disclaim all liability for any damages arising out of or in connection with your use of our AI Writing Generator. This includes, but is not limited to, any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or punitive damages, regardless of the basis of the claim.

Changes to Terms and Conditions

We reserve the right to modify these terms and conditions at any time. Any changes will be effective immediately upon posting on our website. Your continued use of the AI Writing Generator following the posting of changes constitutes your acceptance of those changes.

If you have any questions about these terms and conditions, please contact us at [email protected] .

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    JotBot is an AI-powered writing assistant that emulates your unique writing style. With real-time note-taking, comprehensive source management, and advanced editing tools, JotBot helps you write essays 100 times faster and more efficiently.

  7. AI Essay Writer: Essay Generator

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  9. How to Make AI Writing Sound More Human

    The following will illustrate how to make AI writing more human in two different types of documents: academic essays and admissions essays. AI academic essay example AI-written academic essay passage. The Weimar Republic was in Germany after World War I and was known for its culture and art.

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    Overview. AI4Chat's unique Essay Writer Generator is a user-friendly tool that leverages advanced AI models like Google Gemini and ChatGPT for generating high-quality essays with a single click. With this tool, anyone can create articulate, comprehensive essays in seconds, optimizing the writing process like never before.

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  26. AI Essay Writer

    To use Editpad's AI Essay Writer, you need to follow these simple steps below: Type or paste your essay topic or requirements in the input box provided. Select the required essay length and writing tone. You can also select the " Add References " option if required. Click on " Write My Essay " button. After that, our essay generator will ...