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The best books on Napoleon

May I recommend the third volume of Dwyer's biography of Napoleon? It's titled Passion, Death, and Resurrection 1815-1840, and it's very good inspite of Dwyer's constant sniping at Napoleon.

The book is very well researched and Dwyer has an elegant prose.

Thank you for that recommendation sir.

Were the first two volumes not as good?

@leo.romero Volume one and two are very well researched and elegantly written but the author exhibits an intense dislike of Napoleon that may put off some readers.

What makes volume 3 particularly good is that the period from Napoleon's death in 1821 to the return of his ashes in 1840 is rarely covered in biographies.

Chandler is the Napoleonic Wars gateway drug. 😉

Agree. I got my copy of The Campaigns of Napoleon as a hand me down from my late father, along with Barbarossa (Alan Clark) and A Soldier's Story (Gen. Omar Bradley).

I have never stepped out of that gateway since then.

Roberts reading list is quite boring, the usual stuff, instead I offer this book as a must read about Nabulieone

in case you like to learn a lot about Napoleon in 1813 and about his personality, the more well known book by Odeleben, in my view a must read

A circumstantial narrative of the campaign in Saxony, in the year 1813. Written originally in German by Odeleben, Ernst Otto Innocenz, freiherr von, 1777-1833

Wow, thank you very much for that sir. I'm sure I will enjoy this.

And thank heaven for Google and e-books. I'm sure I would never have found a hard copy of this book in my place.

Am curious though. . . does that mean you didn't enjoy Chandler?


Of course I enjoyed Chandler then when I bought a copy in about 1978 or so, today I prefer other style of books.

@Hans - Karl Weiß Understood sir. Thanks again for the book!

I wonder when I'll have the chance to visit the 1813 battlefields.

Of those five authors, Chandler is the only one I've read.

I guess I have a lot of catching up to do.

I've read the more recent biographies of Roberts, Dwyer, and Broers.Tulard is a classic.But I have to say that I was really excited about the first part of Patrice Gueniffey's new biography "Bonaparte. 1769-1802".

In my opinion, this work stands out, both in terms of literature and detailed knowledge. I'm really looking forward to the second part ...

Of the recent biographies -Roberts, Dwyer, Broers, Zamoyski_ Gueniffey's is the best.

I think it's healthy to read both pro and anti-Napoleon books. I would pair Zamoyski (anti-Napoleon bias) with Roberts (pro-Napoleon bias) for those wanting a popular biography. For a more scholarly approach I would pair Dwyer and Broers.

Gueniffey is very good but stops at 1802 and doesn't seem to be in a hurry to produce a second volume though he has since written a Napoleon and De Gaulle.

Oh God, Roberts again. I am not sure that Chandler made any significant changes in relation to updated thinking. I wouldn't say that two of the books are really about Napoleon, just that they refer to him.

I have still not completely read a full biog - I have Zamoyski, Roberts (well, I am sure I will need a doorstep one day and one should read a hagiography) and Broers - but I thought Tulard was supposed to be the best.

The list of best French Revolution books on the page is almost as bad. Only two good books, and one terrible one (Simon Schama's "Citizens").

Napoleon's Dragoons & Lancers

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10 Best Books About Napoleon

Napoleon Bonaparte is a historical figure who has captured the imagination of generations. Whether it’s his meteoric rise to power, legendary battles, or ultimate downfall, there is no denying that Napoleon has left a lasting impact on the world. For those who are interested in learning more about this fascinating figure, there are a plethora of books available. In this article, we will explore the 10 best books about Napoleon.

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Why Learn About Napoleon?

Napoleon Bonaparte is one of modern history’s most iconic and influential figures. He rose from obscurity to become the ruler of France, and his conquests reshaped the political landscape of Europe. Napoleon’s story is filled with intrigue, ambition, and drama and continues to captivate historians and enthusiasts alike.

But beyond his military and political accomplishments, Napoleon’s legacy has profoundly impacted art, literature, and culture. From the epic paintings of Jacques-Louis David to the novels of Victor Hugo, Napoleon has inspired some of the greatest works of art in history. He has also been the subject of countless biographies, historical studies, and even works of fiction.

Whether you are interested in military strategy, political intrigue, or cultural history, there are many reasons to learn about Napoleon. With that in mind, let’s dive into our list of the 10 best books about Napoleon.

Napoleon: A Life by Andrew Roberts

Andrew Roberts’ biography of Napoleon is widely considered to be one of the most comprehensive and authoritative works on the subject. Drawing on new sources and fresh research, Roberts offers a detailed and nuanced portrait of Napoleon’s life, from his early years in Corsica to his exile on St. Helena. Roberts’ writing is engaging and accessible, making this book an excellent choice for casual readers and serious scholars alike.

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Napoleon the Great by Andrew Roberts

Another book by Andrew Roberts, Napoleon the Great, is a more focused study of Napoleon’s military campaigns and his impact on European history. Roberts’ writing is vivid and dramatic, bringing to life the battles, intrigues, and personalities that shaped the Napoleonic era. This book is an excellent choice for readers primarily interested in Napoleon’s military career.

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The Campaigns of Napoleon by David G. Chandler

David G. Chandler’s classic study of Napoleon’s military campaigns is a must-read for anyone interested in military history. Chandler’s detailed descriptions of Napoleon’s battles and tactics are accompanied by maps and illustrations that help bring the action to life. This book is an excellent resource for students and scholars of military history, as well as casual readers who want to learn more about Napoleon’s military genius.

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Napoleon Bonaparte: A Life by Alan Schom

Alan Schom’s biography of Napoleon is a gripping and engaging account of his life and career. Schom’s writing is vivid and cinematic, painting a portrait of Napoleon as a complex and dynamic figure. This book is an excellent choice for readers who want to get a sense of Napoleon’s personality, psychology, and military and political accomplishments.

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Napoleon: The Path to Power by Philip Dwyer

Philip Dwyer’s three-volume biography of Napoleon is an ambitious and impressive work that covers every aspect of Napoleon’s life and career. The first volume, Napoleon: The Path to Power, explores Napoleon’s early years and his rise to prominence in the French army. Dwyer’s writing is scholarly but accessible, making this book a great choice for serious students of history.

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Citizen Emperor: Napoleon in Power

The second volume of Philip Dwyer’s biography, Citizen Emperor: Napoleon in Power, is a masterful study of Napoleon’s reign as emperor of France, covering his rise to power, his transformation of French society, and his eventual downfall. Dwyer’s writing is detailed and engaging, providing a nuanced look at the complex political and social forces at work during this turbulent period of European history. This book is a great choice for readers who want to gain a deeper understanding of Napoleon’s impact on France and the world and the challenges he faced as he sought to consolidate his power.

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Napoleon and His Marshals by J.T. Headley

J.T. Headley’s classic study of Napoleon and his Marshals is a detailed and engaging account of the men who served under Napoleon during his military campaigns. Headley’s writing is lively and colorful, and he provides a wealth of fascinating anecdotes and insights into the personalities and strategies of Napoleon’s top generals. This book is a great choice for readers who want to learn more about the military leaders who helped shape Napoleon’s legacy.

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Napoleon: Soldier of Destiny by Michael Broers

Michael Broers’ biography of Napoleon is a fresh and engaging look at his life and career. Broers’ vivid and engaging writing offers a new perspective on Napoleon’s early years and rise to power. This book is an excellent choice for readers who want to gain a deeper understanding of Napoleon’s personality and motivations and his impact on European history.

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The Napoleonic Wars: A Very Short Introduction by Mike Rapport

Mike Rapport’s concise and accessible overview of the Napoleonic Wars is an excellent introduction to this fascinating period of history. Rapport provides a clear and engaging summary of the significant events and personalities of the Napoleonic era, making this book a great choice for both casual readers and serious students of history.

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Napoleon: The Man Behind the Myth by Adam Zamoyski

Adam Zamoyski’s biography of Napoleon is a fresh and insightful look at his life and legacy. Zamoyski’s writing is engaging and nuanced, providing a balanced perspective on Napoleon’s achievements and failures. This book is an excellent choice for readers who want to understand the man behind the myth and the impact he had on the world.

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Whether you are a student of history, a military enthusiast, or simply someone fascinated by the life and legacy of Napoleon Bonaparte, many great books are available on this subject. From Andrew Roberts’ sweeping biographies to David G. Chandler’s detailed accounts of Napoleon’s military campaigns, there is something for every reader in our list of the 10 best books about Napoleon.

By delving into these books, readers can better understand the man who reshaped Europe and left an indelible mark on history. Whether you are looking for a comprehensive biography or a concise overview, there is a book on this list that will help you explore the fascinating world of Napoleon Bonaparte.

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Top Ten Books on Napoleon Bonaparte

David Bell emphasizes the astonishing sense of human possibility--for both good and ill--that Napoleon represented. By his late twenties, Napoleon was already one of the greatest generals in European history. At thirty, he had become an absolute master of Europe's most powerful country. In his early forties, he ruled a European empire more powerful than any since Rome, fighting wars that changed the shape of the continent and brought death to millions. Then everything collapsed, leading him to spend his last years in miserable exile in the South Atlantic.

Bell emphasizes the importance of the French Revolution in understanding Napoleon's career. The revolution made possible the unprecedented concentration of political authority that Napoleon accrued, and his success in mobilizing human and material resources. Without the political changes brought about by the revolution, Napoleon could not have fought his wars. Without the wars, he could not have seized and held onto power. Though his virtual dictatorship betrayed the ideals of liberty and equality, his life and career were revolutionary.

The story of Napoleon has been written many times. In some versions, he is a military genius, in others a war-obsessed tyrant. Here, historian Adam Zamoyski cuts through the mythology and explains Napoleon against the background of the European Enlightenment, and what he was himself seeking to achieve. This most famous of men is also the most hidden of men, and Zamoyski dives deeper than any previous biographer to find him. Beautifully written, Napoleon brilliantly sets the man in his European context.

The Napoleonic wars were nothing if not complex—an ever-shifting kaleidoscope of moves and intentions, which by themselves went a long way towards baffling and dazing his conventionally-minded opponents into that state of disconcerting moral disequilibrium which so often resulted in their catastrophic defeat.

Unfortunately, this is an older book and it only comes in hardcover. Due to its high price, we recommend that you check it out from a library.

When Napoleon’s Grand Armee went to war against the might of the Habsburg empire in 1809, its forces included more than 100,000 allied German troops. From his earliest imperial campaigns, these troops provided played a key role as Napoleon swept from victory to victory and in 1809 their fighting abilities were crucial to the campaign. With Napoleon’s French troops depleted and debilitated after the long struggle in the Spanish War, the German troops for the first time played a major combat role in the center of the battle line.

Frederick Kagan, a distinguished historian and military policy expert, has tapped hitherto unused archival materials from Austria, Prussia, France, and Russia, to present the history of these years from the balanced perspective of all of the major players of Europe. In The End of the Old Order readers encounter the rulers, ministers, citizens, and subjects of Europe in all of their political and military activity-from the desk of the prime minister to the pen of the ambassador, from the map of the general to the rifle of the soldier.

John Tone recounts the dramatic story of how, between 1808 and 1814, Spanish peasants created and sustained the world's first guerrilla insurgency movement, thereby playing a major role in Napoleon's defeat in the Peninsula War. Focusing on the army of Francisco Mina, Tone offers new insights into the origins, motives, and successes of these first guerrilla forces by interpreting the conflict from the long-ignored perspective of the guerrillas themselves.

While this book is not specifically about Napoleon, it examines the early 19th century through Tallyrand. Tallyrand was the French Foreign Minister for multiple French regimes and one of the most interesting and remarkable diplomats of the 19th century. Unique in his own age and a phenomenon in any, Charles-Maurice, Prince de Talleyrand, was a statesman of outstanding ability and extraordinary contradictions. He was a world-class rogue who held high office in five successive regimes. A well-known opportunist and a notorious bribe taker, Talleyrand’s gifts to France arguably outvalued the vast personal fortune he amassed in her service. is an Amazon Associate and earns money from links (primarily to books) from Amazon.

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Four Napoleon Experts on What to Watch and Read After (or Before) ‘Napoleon’

By Vince Mancini

Rupert Everett stars as the Duke of Wellington and Joaquin Phoenix stars as Napoleon Bonaparte in Apple Original Films...

With Oppenheimer ’s debut in July and Michael Mann’s Ferrari in December, this month’s release of Ridley Scott’s Napoleon only further burnishes 2023’s reputation as a great year for dad movies. The hallmark of any good dad movie is that it offers ample opportunity to further study the lore—and to that end, back in July we recommended a list of other books, movies, podcasts, and docs related or tangentially related to the “daddy” of the atomic bomb.

The Napoleon release felt like a great opportunity to do the same for Bonaparte. It is, however, a task made slightly more difficult due to the sheer volume of lore. While Oppenheimer never made the cut as, say, a Bill & Ted’s character (an easy benchmark for recognizability), Napoleon is arguably one of the most written-about figures in all of human history.

So for this list, rather than pretending that we’re all Napoleon specialists, we figured it was worth bringing in some ringers. Below, four authorities on Napoleon recommend their favorite books, movies, pods, and docs about the little Emperor. Between the four of them, it should be enough Napoleon-related content to keep you in Tricorner Mindset long after the release of our next great historical epic.

E.M. Rummage, host of The Age Of Napoleon Podcast :

As far as books: for people who want to learn more about his military achievements: Campaigns of Napoleon by David Chandler and Swords Around a Throne by John Elting. For people who want to read more about his life: Michael Broers’s three-volume biography ( Soldier of Destiny , Spirit of the Age , and Decline and Fall of an Empire ), George Lefebvre’s 2-volume biography (usually labeled Napoleon: from Brumaire to Tilsit , and Napoleon: from Tilsit to Waterloo .) For one-volume biographies, Adam Zamoyski ’s and Steven Englund’s are both good. To learn about the period more generally, I’d recommend Alexander Mikaberidze’s The Napoleonic Wars: a Global History . Also people should check out Ridley Scott's first movie about the Napoleonic Wars, The Duellists . Absolute masterpiece, one of my favorite movies of all time. And Master and Commander , of course.

David Bell, professor of history at Princeton and author of Napoleon: A Concise Biography

I can't resist the opportunity here to mention my own book Napoleon: A Concise Biography . Among the longer bios, my favorite is the three-volume one by Michael Broers. There are so many films and shows about Napoleon. The great classic is Abel Gance's film Napoleon , from the 1920s. Sacha Guitry's Napoleon , from the 1950s is also great. More recently, my favorite is Antoine de Caunes's rather mischievous Monsieur N , about Napoleon in exile. Simon Leys's novel The Death of Napoleon is also great fun.

Susan O’Bey, Chief Secretary of the Island of St. Helena, site of Napoleon’s second exile and the place where he died

The Man on the Rock , a 1975 documentary narrated by the late Kenneth Griffith, is one of my earliest encounters with the story of Napoleon. It describes the arrival of Napoleon and his entourage on St. Helena in 1815 and captures the mood of the islanders, who were naturally curious and more than a little apprehensive about the impact of the exile on their daily lives. Jean Paul Kauffman’s The Black Room at Longwood (1997) provides an evocative insight into Napoleon’s last years as the pages flit between historical and contemporary opinions of those, past and present, who occupied Longwood House [Napoleon’s final residence]. Napoleon Bonaparte: England’s Prisoner , from 2001, gives an interesting perspective, while 2016’s Napoleon and Saint Helena by Michel Dancoisne-Martineau describes the events which link Napoleon to the island before and during the six years of his exile.

Michael Broers, Oxford historian and consultant on Ridley Scott’s Napoleon

My favorite Napoleon film is Abel Gance's silent Napoleon , by a long way! My favorite fictions are the Conan Doyle Brigadier Gerard stories —they got me hooked when I was a young lad—and Stendhal's novels The Charterhouse of Parma and Scarlet and Black . One of the first biographies of Napoleon I ever read—and still love, even if the history isn't “professional”—was Emil Ludwig's Napoleon . Even in English translation (he wrote in German) it is lyrical. Most of the best lives of Napoleon are in French, so I'll skip them here, but Andrew Roberts’ Napoleon: A Life is a good read. Steven Englund's Napoleon: A Political Life is very intelligent and perceptive. Pieter Geyl's Napoleon: For and Against is in all our DNA–as is Tolstoy's War & Peace , in a very different way. Of the may recent books, Patrice Gueniffey's Bonaparte is thoughtful, if very Francocentric; Ambrogio Caiani's To Kidnap a Pope is a marvelous account of one cause celebre, and Alan Forrest's Napoleon's Men , a sensitive social history of the army. David Chandler's The Campaigns of Napoleon is showing its age, but has yet to be beaten!

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Six of the Best: Books on Napoleon

Oliver Webb-Carter

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With Ridley Scott’s new movie, Napoleon, out soon and starring Joaquin Phoenix as Bonaparte and Vanessa Kirby as Josephine, much discussion has been prompted over its historical accuracy. If your interest is peaked then you must check out these six books on the Corsican Ogre/Greatest Frenchman (delete as appropriate). Scott has caused much consternation among historians who have taken his comments to heart, so if you want to find out the truth, or their truth, you could do worse than one, or all, of the following titles that cover so many aspects of his extraordinary life.

Napoleon the Great , Andrew Roberts

Napoleon the Great

‘Fighting is a soldier’s religion’ said Napoleon and he was first and foremost a soldier. If Andrew Roberts’ Napoleon & Wellington was an enjoyable read for the two great commanders who only met in battle once but never met, with Nosey the victor thereby ensuring his greatness in Britain forever, then perhaps it’s a surprise to read Roberts so enthusiastic about Napoleon in making his demand that he be known as ‘Great’. Whilst positive this is no hagiography, and if you’re looking for an all-encompassing biography then this should be your start. Napoleon was both a brilliant general and ruler, not something the Duke could claim. The descriptions of the various conquests are thrilling, and in Napoleon the Great we understand exactly why he is important to modern day Europe.

Napoleon: A Life in Gardens & Shadows , Ruth Scurr

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Did you know Napoleon was fascinated by horticulture from a young age? Ruth Scurr has written an incredibly moving and original biography focussing on how nature was important to him in providing order in a life that saw the chaos of the French Revolution, countless bloody battles of carnage and ultimate disaster then solitude in the middle of the Atlantic. As Ridley reminded us there have been many books written, but it’s quite an achievement to produce a work in 2021 that really does break new ground – we are taken to the gardens of his youth in Corsica to Paris, Malmaison, Egypt and even to the walled garden at Hougoumont, Waterloo and finally his St. Helena exile arranging plants much as he did troops on countless battlefields.

1812: Napoleon’s Fatal March on Moscow , Adam Zamoyski

1812: Napoleon’s Fatal March on Moscow

The march into Russia is well-known to be Napoleon’s greatest blunder, but Adam Zamoyski’s 2004 1812 is rare for its exhaustive description of the disaster using diaries and accounts of the army from Croats, Dutch, Prussians, Poles, Spaniards and Italians as well as French and Russians. Zamoyski’s narrative grips you as he describes the freezing winter conditions, with the summers no better as the sun beat down on troops marching in collapsing footware, thick woollen coats and all the time attacked by swarms of ravenous horse-flies. Napoleon was not at his best for this campaign, most notably with costly mistakes at Borodino, but the reader can understand his rage at subordinates incapable of reaching his own grand heights. A remarkable book.

Josephine , Kate Williams

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Biographies of the great commander Napoleon naturally attract male historians, but to understand the man you have to understand the woman he loved, and in Kate Williams’ Josephine we get the female perspective in a gorgeous biography. Josephine was glamourous, skilled in diplomacy and utterly charming. One can see why the two were captivated, though this is no male dominated relationship – one only has to read of their wedding night when Josephine’s pug won an important victory over Bonaparte and secured the first night alone with her.

Napoleon in Egypt , Paul Strathern

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When Napoleon arrived in Egypt aged only 28 he had dreams of emulating Alexander the Great, crossing Asia to reach India, and to bring the enlightenment and western civilisation to the ancient land. Nelson thwarted his ambitions by defeating his navy at the Nile, not for the first time, and so when he left his army had suffered defeat, he was confined to Egypt and it was his legion of scientists and artists that had been educated. Paul Strathern’s account of the ultimately disastrous adventure is a thrilling read and once you’ve read this, your eyebrow will be raised at Ridley Scott’s reason for Bonaparte’s departure.

Black Spartacus , Sudhir Hazeerasingh

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The impression one gets from many sympathetic to Napoleon was that he was, in some way, an island of progressivism among a sea of reactionaries. Leaving aside the fact he crowned himself emperor, his re-imposition of slavery on the island of Haiti, and his disgraceful treatment of the great Toussaint Louverture certainly leave major question marks over his legacy. In Sudhir Hazeerasingh’s wonderful Black Spartacus , we see the Haitian Revolution through the eyes of the oppressed, as they go up against the mighty European powers of Spain, Britain and France – and win, even if eventual defeat led to a sad end for Louverture in Napoleonic France.

…and for some historical fiction

Sharpe’s Waterloo , Bernard Cornwell

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Fans of Richard Sharpe will know he met Napoleon while travelling to South America in Sharpe’s Devil , but at Waterloo Cornwell describes the battle brilliantly as Sharpe and Harper move around the Allied lines as they faced the French army for the ultimate showdown between Wellington and Bonaparte. Boney came off second best and he underestimated the Duke, and perhaps more importantly the discipline and accuracy of the British volley fire as they wreaked havoc on his beloved Imperial Guard. Napoleon is present but does not appear and Cornwell manages convey the sense of awe he inspired in his opponents, let alone in his own devoted troops.

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by Adam Zamoyski ‧ RELEASE DATE: Oct. 9, 2018

An illuminating, easy-to-read, warts-and-all biography of one of history’s most significant figures.

A biography of Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821) that avoids the well-established military details and gives us the story of a singular man.

In a lengthy but highly readable narrative, Zamoyski ( Phantom Terror: The Threat of Revolution and the Repression of Liberty 1789-1848 , 2014, etc.) eschews a standard history of battles and instead describes a brilliant student and voracious reader. Well-trained at the École Militaire in Paris, he became an artillery officer but took leave from his regiment to help establish Corsica’s independence; he showed his talents first at the Siege of Toulon at age 24. He was brave and indefatigable but tended to disregard superiors and bypass instructions, and he escaped discipline with judicious use of flattery. During the Revolution, his well-led troops successfully stopped the mob at the Tuileries, and he was put in charge of the Army of Italy. His soldiers’ best qualities were their abilities to march quickly and live off the land. They succeeded with poor supply lines, operating in small, self-contained units with strong feelings of honor and love of glory. Throughout his life, Napoleon took propaganda to new levels, fabricating battles and enemy losses. As the author shows, he was a master tactician but no strategist. He never had a solid plan and took his daring to the limits of temerity. He was diminutive and projected an awkward manner and complete lack of grace. However, he possessed an extraordinary ability to inspire his armies. With his establishment as First Consul in 1799, he was determined to make France great, with the Napoleonic code, a stable economy, and a state so well-grounded that when his regime ended, the change occurred without chaos. Of course, his military glory and the vast empire he built from 1799 to 1815 went to his head, and the young Republican quickly transformed himself into an imperious emperor.

Pub Date: Oct. 9, 2018

ISBN: 978-0-465-05593-7

Page Count: 784

Publisher: Basic Books

Review Posted Online: July 15, 2018

Kirkus Reviews Issue: Aug. 1, 2018


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by Adam Zamoyski


by Elie Wiesel & translated by Marion Wiesel ‧ RELEASE DATE: Jan. 16, 2006

The author's youthfulness helps to assure the inevitable comparison with the Anne Frank diary although over and above the...

Elie Wiesel spent his early years in a small Transylvanian town as one of four children. 

He was the only one of the family to survive what Francois Maurois, in his introduction, calls the "human holocaust" of the persecution of the Jews, which began with the restrictions, the singularization of the yellow star, the enclosure within the ghetto, and went on to the mass deportations to the ovens of Auschwitz and Buchenwald. There are unforgettable and horrifying scenes here in this spare and sombre memoir of this experience of the hanging of a child, of his first farewell with his father who leaves him an inheritance of a knife and a spoon, and of his last goodbye at Buchenwald his father's corpse is already cold let alone the long months of survival under unconscionable conditions. 

Pub Date: Jan. 16, 2006

ISBN: 0374500010

Page Count: 120

Publisher: Hill & Wang

Review Posted Online: Oct. 7, 2011

Kirkus Reviews Issue: Jan. 15, 2006


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by Elie Wiesel ; edited by Alan Rosen


by Elie Wiesel ; illustrated by Mark Podwal


by Elie Wiesel ; translated by Marion Wiesel



From mean streets to wall street.

by Chris Gardner with Quincy Troupe ‧ RELEASE DATE: June 1, 2006

Well-told and admonitory.

Young-rags-to-mature-riches memoir by broker and motivational speaker Gardner.

Born and raised in the Milwaukee ghetto, the author pulled himself up from considerable disadvantage. He was fatherless, and his adored mother wasn’t always around; once, as a child, he spied her at a family funeral accompanied by a prison guard. When beautiful, evanescent Moms was there, Chris also had to deal with Freddie “I ain’t your goddamn daddy!” Triplett, one of the meanest stepfathers in recent literature. Chris did “the dozens” with the homies, boosted a bit and in the course of youthful adventure was raped. His heroes were Miles Davis, James Brown and Muhammad Ali. Meanwhile, at the behest of Moms, he developed a fondness for reading. He joined the Navy and became a medic (preparing badass Marines for proctology), and a proficient lab technician. Moving up in San Francisco, married and then divorced, he sold medical supplies. He was recruited as a trainee at Dean Witter just around the time he became a homeless single father. All his belongings in a shopping cart, Gardner sometimes slept with his young son at the office (apparently undiscovered by the night cleaning crew). The two also frequently bedded down in a public restroom. After Gardner’s talents were finally appreciated by the firm of Bear Stearns, his American Dream became real. He got the cool duds, hot car and fine ladies so coveted from afar back in the day. He even had a meeting with Nelson Mandela. Through it all, he remained a prideful parent. His own no-daddy blues are gone now.

Pub Date: June 1, 2006

ISBN: 0-06-074486-3

Page Count: 320

Publisher: Amistad/HarperCollins

Review Posted Online: May 19, 2010

Kirkus Reviews Issue: March 15, 2006


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History Books » Modern History (1800-1945)

Napoleon: a life, by andrew roberts.

🎯 A bestselling book on  Five Books  in 2023

Napoleon: A Life (2014) by Andrew Roberts, a single-volume biography, continues to be an international bestseller in both UK and US editions. Awarded a ‘Prix du Jury’ by the Fondation Napoleon —a French prize which encourages research into the erstwhile emperor—the judging panel wrote, “it’s been all too common for Anglo-Saxon biographies to be overly negative about Napoleon…and portray him practically as a proto-Hitler…this is the real Napoleon. Roberts reminds us that his achievements in time of peace produced countless innovations of which the Napoleonic code is the most famous, a system of civil law still in place all over the world today.”

Andrew Roberts talked to us in-depth about Napoleon’s life, his rise to power, his weaknesses and his achievements, while also recommending the best books on Napoleon.

Recommendations from our site

Interest in Napoleon Buonaparte, the Corsican soldier who became emperor of France, is perennial on Five Books,  with most buyers gravitating towards Napoleon: A Life by British historian Andrew Roberts. 2023 has seen an even bigger bump than usual. Sales of this book have doubtless been driven by the new Ridley Scott movie, which has become notorious for its lack of historical accuracy. And yet…if that drives viewers to want to know more about what really happened, isn’t that still a good thing?

Bestsellers on Five Books

The book, according to the author

Q: I really enjoyed your own biography of Napoleon, which was awarded the Grand Prix of the Fondation Napoléon. It’s an excellent read and continues to be an international bestseller in both  UK  and  US  editions. It was also one of the first books to build upon the publication of some 33,000 of Napoleon’s letters. I’m curious to know what you found to be the most striking revelations from them. Did they overturn any major myths?

A: There are still dozens of myths and misconceptions about Napoleon. But what I came across most powerfully among the letters was his capacity for compartmentalising his mind. He could completely ignore what was happening at the time, even during or after battles or when the Kremlin was burning, and concentrate on running parts of his empire, or on setting up the rules of a girls’ school, or on telling a prefect that he shouldn’t be seen at the opera with his mistress. He had this incredible capacity for, as he put it, pulling out a drawer in his mind, dealing with whatever was in it, and then closing it again.

The best books on Napoleon recommended by Andrew Roberts

Other books by Andrew Roberts

The last king of america: the misunderstood reign of george iii by andrew roberts, the storm of war: a new history of the second world war by andrew roberts, churchill: walking with destiny by andrew roberts, the aachen memorandum by andrew roberts, our most recommended books, life and fate by vasily grossman and translated by robert chandler, war and peace by leo tolstoy, first light by geoffrey wellum, a woman in berlin by anonymous, ordinary men: reserve police battalion 101 and the final solution in poland by christopher browning, oblomov by ivan goncharov.

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What to Know About Claudia Sheinbaum, Mexico’s Newly Elected President

Here are five key insights into Mexico’s new president as people wonder whether she will diverge from Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s policies or focus on cementing his legacy.

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A smiling woman is greeting several of her supporters.

By Natalie Kitroeff

Reporting from Mexico City

Claudia Sheinbaum’s list of accolades is long: She has a Ph.D in energy engineering, participated in a United Nations panel of climate scientists awarded a Nobel Peace Prize and governed the capital, one of the largest cities in the hemisphere.

On Sunday, she added another achievement to her résumé: becoming the first woman elected president of Mexico.

Ms. Sheinbaum, 61, captured at least 58 percent of the vote in a landmark election on Sunday that featured two women competing for the nation’s highest office — a groundbreaking contest in a country long known for a culture of machismo and rampant violence against women.

best biography of napoleon reddit

Mexico Election Results: Sheinbaum Wins

See results and maps for Mexico’s 2024 presidential election.

“For the first time in 200 years of the republic, I will become the first female president of Mexico,” she said. “And as I have said on other occasions, I do not arrive alone. We all arrived, with our heroines who gave us our homeland, with our ancestors, our mothers, our daughters and our granddaughters.”

Now that she has clinched the presidency, Ms. Sheinbaum’s next hurdle will be stepping out of the shadow of her predecessor and longtime mentor, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, the outgoing president.

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A subreddit discussing presidents of the United States. Discord:

What is the best biography of every president? Day 8: Martin Van Buren

George Washington: Washington: A Life by Ron Chernow

John Adams: John Adams by David McCullough

Thomas Jefferson: Thomas Jefferson: The Art of Power by Jon Meacham

James Madison: James Madison: America’s First Politician by Jay Cost

James Monroe: James Monroe: A Life by Tim McGrath

John Quincy Adams: John Quincy Adams: Militant Spirit by James Traub

Andrew Jackson: Andrew Jackson (three volumes) by Robert Remini


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  6. Napoleon: A Biography by Frank McLynn

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  1. What are the best books written on Napoleon? : r/Napoleon

    Significant_Tear8516. • 3 mo. ago. The Personality of Napoleon by J H Rose, Napoleon the Last Phase by Lord Rosebery, A Short History of Napoleon I by John Robert Seeley, Napoleon the First by Walter Geer, The Life of Napoleon by Arthur Hassall, The St. Helena Journal of General Baron Gourgaud, 1815-1818; Being a Diary Written At St. Helena ...

  2. Biographies of Napoleon Worth Reading

    After the epic battles of Austerlitz, Jena and Friedland, France was the dominant land power on the continent. Here is the first biography of Napoleon in which this brilliant, violent leader is evoked to give the reader a full, dramatic, and all-encompassing portrait." Napoleon: The Spirit of the Age by Michael Broers.

  3. The best books on Napoleon

    2 Talleyrand by Duff Cooper. 3 With Eagles to Glory: Napoleon and His German Allies in the 1809 Campaign by John H Gill. 4 Private Memoirs Of The Court Of Napoleon by Louis François Joseph Bausset-Roquefort. 5 With Napoleon in Russia: Memoirs of General de Caulaincourt, Duke of Vicenza by Armand de Caulaincourt.

  4. The best books on Napoleon

    in case you like to learn a lot about Napoleon in 1813 and about his personality, the more well known book by Odeleben, in my view a must read. A circumstantial narrative of the campaign in Saxony, in the year 1813. Written originally in German by Odeleben, Ernst Otto Innocenz, freiherr von, 1777-1833.

  5. 10 Best Books About Napoleon

    Napoleon: Soldier of Destiny by Michael Broers. Michael Broers' biography of Napoleon is a fresh and engaging look at his life and career. Broers' vivid and engaging writing offers a new perspective on Napoleon's early years and rise to power. This book is an excellent choice for readers who want to gain a deeper understanding of Napoleon ...

  6. Top Ten Books on Napoleon Bonaparte

    Napoleon: The Path to Power by Philip Dwyer. Napoleon: A Concise Biography by David A. Bell. David Bell emphasizes the astonishing sense of human possibility--for both good and ill--that Napoleon represented. By his late twenties, Napoleon was already one of the greatest generals in European history. At thirty, he had become an absolute master ...

  7. Four Napoleon Experts on What to Watch and Read After (or Before ...

    For people who want to read more about his life: Michael Broers's three-volume biography (Soldier of Destiny, Spirit of the Age, and Decline and Fall of an Empire), George Lefebvre's 2-volume ...

  8. Six of the Best: Books on Napoleon

    Napoleon in Egypt, Paul Strathern. When Napoleon arrived in Egypt aged only 28 he had dreams of emulating Alexander the Great, crossing Asia to reach India, and to bring the enlightenment and western civilisation to the ancient land. Nelson thwarted his ambitions by defeating his navy at the Nile, not for the first time, and so when he left his ...

  9. Best books about Napoleon (45 books)

    45 books based on 30 votes: Napoleon by Felix Markham, The Last Campaign of Marianne Tambour: A Novel of Waterloo by David Ebsworth, Swords around a Thro...


    A biography of Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821) that avoids the well-established military details and gives us the story of a singular man. In a lengthy but highly readable narrative, Zamoyski (Phantom Terror: The Threat of Revolution and the Repression of Liberty 1789-1848, 2014, etc.) eschews a standard history of battles and instead describes a brilliant student and voracious reader.

  11. Napoleon: A Life

    Napoleon: A Life (2014) by Andrew Roberts, a single-volume biography, continues to be an international bestseller in both UK and US editions. Awarded a 'Prix du Jury' by the Fondation Napoleon—a French prize which encourages research into the erstwhile emperor—the judging panel wrote, "it's been all too common for Anglo-Saxon biographies to be overly negative about […]

  12. What to Know About Claudia Sheinbaum, Mexico's Newly Elected President

    Here are five things to know about the newly elected president of Mexico that help inform whether she will stray from Mr. López Obrador's policies or dedicate herself to cementing his legacy. 1 ...

  13. Out of all of the monarchs that came before Napoleon I who ...

    They also ensured a stable line of succession to avoid a crisis and they made sure to teach their successor as best they can so they are up to the task. Taking measures to ensure the long-term stability of the Kingdom. Disclaimer: Not a monarchist, just someone who is curious about who were the best Kings of France.

  14. What is the best biography of every president? Day 10: John Tyler

    Day 10: John Tyler. George Washington: Washington: A Life by Ron Chernow. John Adams: John Adams by David McCullough. Thomas Jefferson: Thomas Jefferson: The Art of Power by Jon Meacham. James Madison: James Madison: America's First Politician by Jay Cost. James Monroe: James Monroe: A Life by Tim McGrath. John Quincy Adams: John Quincy Adams ...

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    An Honorable Defeat: The Last Days of the Confederacy. It's not a biography but explores the last few weeks of the war and focuses on the different outlooks of Breckinridge and Davis as the war was ending (Davis wanting to continue the fight, Breckinridge trying to get a negotiated surrender). Lanky-Wonder7556.

  16. What is the best biography of every president? Day 8: Martin ...

    Day 8: Martin Van Buren. George Washington: Washington: A Life by Ron Chernow. John Adams: John Adams by David McCullough. Thomas Jefferson: Thomas Jefferson: The Art of Power by Jon Meacham. James Madison: James Madison: America's First Politician by Jay Cost. James Monroe: James Monroe: A Life by Tim McGrath.