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uni kassel kumulative dissertation

What is PRONET²?

From 2015 to 2018, the University of Kassel and its PRONET concept were already part of the 'Quality Offensive Teacher Education', which is strongly supported nationwide. Since the beginning of 2019, the project is now entering its second funding period as 'PRONET²' up to and including 2023.

PRONET²' now also means 'PROfessionalization through networking' in the second funding period. Under this motto, there are currently 29 sub-projects at the University of Kassel in various teaching disciplines, all of which aim to contribute to the professionalization of future teachers.

More information about PRONET² can be found here.

uni kassel kumulative dissertation

What does religious education pedagogy do in PRONET²?

uni kassel kumulative dissertation

The 29 PRONET² sub-projects have been assigned to a total of three fields of action; in addition, there are five overarching innovation units for the entire project.

Protestant religious education is also represented in PRONET² with a sub-project: Specifically, it is about the 'networking of subject science and subject didactics in the professionalization in theological conversations'. The project was assigned to the field of action III, in which the networking of professional areas is in the foreground. This is to be done even more intensively than before in the Theological Conversations. In addition, possibilities are being sought to expand the Theological Conversations more strongly in cross-phase teacher training.


What is being researched in the religious education project?

On the one hand, the PRONET² project in Protestant religious education is intended to consolidate the previous results of the first funding period, but on the other hand, there are also to be further developments:

  • The "Study Profile Theological Conversations", an extension of the regular study program, which was tested for the first time in PRONET, has meanwhile already been fully completed by some students and concluded with a certificate. Through the evaluation of the study profile, it can be further developed and revised in the second funding phase.
  • In addition, it has been possible to win cooperation schools of all types of schools and to expand the three-phase cooperation of religious education teacher training between the University of Kassel, the Religious Education Institute Kassel and various seminaries in the region. These cooperations are to be further strengthened - e.g. through regular, jointly conducted teacher training courses. More information can be found here .
  • In P10, numerous data from students of Protestant theology were collected (questionnaires, reflection texts, teaching videographies, interviews, ...). The initiated dissertation deals with the qualitative analysis of these data. Insights gained will be target-oriented for the second funding phase - impulses for further development are then to be put into practice.


uni kassel kumulative dissertation


Prof. dr. petra freudenberger-lötz ( fachgebietsleitung »religionspädagogik« / dekanin ).

Freudenberger-Lötz, Petra

Study Day: Theological Conversations

Among other things, the project has set itself the task of further expanding the networking of three-phase teacher training within the teaching profession of religion. In the already existing interdenominational 3-phase cooperation (a union of Catholic and Protestant religious education at the University of Kassel as well as various study seminar directors with the subject religion) ideas were collected for this. Finally, the proposal was realized to offer a university-led advanced training on theological conversations in a study seminar, which should be open for all three phases.

On April 24, 2017, the first well-attended "Study Day Theological Conversations" took place at the Studienseminar Fritzlar. On May 16, the event was repeated again at the Studienseminar Bad Hersfeld. The study days were organized by the heads of religion of the respective seminaries (Fritzlar: Renate Dörrie; Bad Hersfeld: Tanja Barth). Prof. Dr. Petra Freudenberger-Lötz (Professor of Protestant Religious Education) was in charge of the content. Both study days were very well received, with a particularly large number of teachers in the preparatory service and their school mentors attending. But the study days also offered students a special opportunity to get a taste of a seminary before the start of their traineeship.

Training on the joint PRONET cooperation seminar on June 27, 2017.

Currently, based on the project "Depiction of Sexualized Violence in the Bible and Religious Education" (P34) and the project "Professionalization in Theological Conversations" (P10), a joint cooperation seminar is offered under the direction of Dr. Nele Spiering-Schomborg (P34) and Carolin Altmann (P10). Under the overarching topic "My God, why have you forsaken me? God and sexualized violence", the students first acquire content-related and didactic competencies themselves and then apply these in theological conversations with students in an eleventh grade class. The cooperation seminar will conclude with an advanced training course at the Institute for Religious Education in Kassel, which the students will conduct and to which we hereby cordially invite you. The advanced training offers a mixture of theoretical and practical impulses in the dialogue with biblical "horror texts" and lament Psalms: Building on one's own theological examination of the topic, further methodological impulses are given for a classroom implementation in the form of "theological conversations". Students will report on their own teaching experiences.

The advanced training will take place on June 27, 2017 from 15:00 - 17:30 at the RPI Kassel. The course fee is €5. More information can be found at: http://www.rpi-ekkw-ekhn.de/home/rpi-links/rpi-veranstaltungen. Registration at kassel[at]rpi-ekkw-ekhn[dot]de is requested.

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Prize-Winning Thesis and Dissertation Examples

Published on September 9, 2022 by Tegan George . Revised on July 18, 2023.

It can be difficult to know where to start when writing your thesis or dissertation . One way to come up with some ideas or maybe even combat writer’s block is to check out previous work done by other students on a similar thesis or dissertation topic to yours.

This article collects a list of undergraduate, master’s, and PhD theses and dissertations that have won prizes for their high-quality research.

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Award-winning undergraduate theses, award-winning master’s theses, award-winning ph.d. dissertations, other interesting articles.

University : University of Pennsylvania Faculty : History Author : Suchait Kahlon Award : 2021 Hilary Conroy Prize for Best Honors Thesis in World History Title : “Abolition, Africans, and Abstraction: the Influence of the “Noble Savage” on British and French Antislavery Thought, 1787-1807”

University : Columbia University Faculty : History Author : Julien Saint Reiman Award : 2018 Charles A. Beard Senior Thesis Prize Title : “A Starving Man Helping Another Starving Man”: UNRRA, India, and the Genesis of Global Relief, 1943-1947

University: University College London Faculty: Geography Author: Anna Knowles-Smith Award:  2017 Royal Geographical Society Undergraduate Dissertation Prize Title:  Refugees and theatre: an exploration of the basis of self-representation

University: University of Washington Faculty:  Computer Science & Engineering Author: Nick J. Martindell Award: 2014 Best Senior Thesis Award Title:  DCDN: Distributed content delivery for the modern web

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University:  University of Edinburgh Faculty:  Informatics Author:  Christopher Sipola Award:  2018 Social Responsibility & Sustainability Dissertation Prize Title:  Summarizing electricity usage with a neural network

University:  University of Ottawa Faculty:  Education Author:  Matthew Brillinger Award:  2017 Commission on Graduate Studies in the Humanities Prize Title:  Educational Park Planning in Berkeley, California, 1965-1968

University:  University of Ottawa Faculty: Social Sciences Author:  Heather Martin Award:  2015 Joseph De Koninck Prize Title:  An Analysis of Sexual Assault Support Services for Women who have a Developmental Disability

University : University of Ottawa Faculty : Physics Author : Guillaume Thekkadath Award : 2017 Commission on Graduate Studies in the Sciences Prize Title : Joint measurements of complementary properties of quantum systems

University:  London School of Economics Faculty: International Development Author: Lajos Kossuth Award:  2016 Winner of the Prize for Best Overall Performance Title:  Shiny Happy People: A study of the effects income relative to a reference group exerts on life satisfaction

University : Stanford University Faculty : English Author : Nathan Wainstein Award : 2021 Alden Prize Title : “Unformed Art: Bad Writing in the Modernist Novel”

University : University of Massachusetts at Amherst Faculty : Molecular and Cellular Biology Author : Nils Pilotte Award : 2021 Byron Prize for Best Ph.D. Dissertation Title : “Improved Molecular Diagnostics for Soil-Transmitted Molecular Diagnostics for Soil-Transmitted Helminths”

University:  Utrecht University Faculty:  Linguistics Author:  Hans Rutger Bosker Award: 2014 AVT/Anéla Dissertation Prize Title:  The processing and evaluation of fluency in native and non-native speech

University: California Institute of Technology Faculty: Physics Author: Michael P. Mendenhall Award: 2015 Dissertation Award in Nuclear Physics Title: Measurement of the neutron beta decay asymmetry using ultracold neutrons

University:  Stanford University Faculty: Management Science and Engineering Author:  Shayan O. Gharan Award:  Doctoral Dissertation Award 2013 Title:   New Rounding Techniques for the Design and Analysis of Approximation Algorithms

University: University of Minnesota Faculty: Chemical Engineering Author: Eric A. Vandre Award:  2014 Andreas Acrivos Dissertation Award in Fluid Dynamics Title: Onset of Dynamics Wetting Failure: The Mechanics of High-speed Fluid Displacement

University: Erasmus University Rotterdam Faculty: Marketing Author: Ezgi Akpinar Award: McKinsey Marketing Dissertation Award 2014 Title: Consumer Information Sharing: Understanding Psychological Drivers of Social Transmission

University: University of Washington Faculty: Computer Science & Engineering Author: Keith N. Snavely Award:  2009 Doctoral Dissertation Award Title: Scene Reconstruction and Visualization from Internet Photo Collections

University:  University of Ottawa Faculty:  Social Work Author:  Susannah Taylor Award: 2018 Joseph De Koninck Prize Title:  Effacing and Obscuring Autonomy: the Effects of Structural Violence on the Transition to Adulthood of Street Involved Youth

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George, T. (2023, July 18). Prize-Winning Thesis and Dissertation Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved August 26, 2024, from https://www.scribbr.com/dissertation/examples/

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Theses & dissertations: home, access to theses and dissertations from other institutions and from the university of cambridge.


This guide provides information on searching for theses of Cambridge PhDs and for theses of UK universities and universities abroad. 

For information and guidance on depositing your thesis as a cambridge phd, visit the cambridge office of scholarly communication pages on theses here ., this guide gives essential information on how to obtain theses using the british library's ethos service. .

On the last weekend of October, the British Library became the victim of a major cyber-attack. Essential digital services including the BL catalogue, website and online learning resources went dark, with research services like the EThOS collection of more than 600,000 doctoral theses suddenly unavailable. The BL state that they anticipate restoring more services in the next few weeks, but disruption to certain services is now expected to persist for several months. For the latest news on the attack and information on the restoration of services, please follow the BL blog here:  Knowledge Matters blog  and access the LibGuide page here:  British Library Outage Update - Electronic Legal Deposit - LibGuides at University of Cambridge Subject Libraries

A full list of resources for searching theses online is provided by the Cambridge A-Z, available here .

University of Cambridge theses

Finding a cambridge phd thesis online via the institutional repository.

The University's institutional repository, Apollo , holds full-text digital versions of over 11,000 Cambridge PhD theses and is a rapidly growing collection deposited by Cambridge Ph.D. graduates. Theses in Apollo can be browsed via this link . More information on how to access theses by University of Cambridge students can be found on the access to Cambridge theses webpage.   The requirement for impending PhD graduates to deposit a digital version in order to graduate means the repository will be increasing at a rate of approximately 1,000 per year from this source.   About 200 theses are added annually through requests to make theses Open Access or via requests to digitize a thesis in printed format.

Locating and obtaining a copy of a Cambridge PhD thesis (not yet available via the repository)

Theses can be searched in iDiscover .  Guidance on searching for theses in iDiscover can be found here .   Requests for consultation of printed theses, not available online, should be made at the Manuscripts Reading Room (Email:  [email protected] Telephone: +44 (0)1223 333143).   Further information on the University Library's theses, dissertations and prize essays collections can be consulted at this link .

Researchers can order a copy of an unpublished thesis which was deposited in print form either through the Library’s  Digital Content Unit via the image request form , or, if the thesis has been digitised, it may be available in the Apollo repository. Copies of theses may be provided to researchers in accordance with the  law  and in a manner that is common across UK libraries.  The law allows us to provide whole copies of unpublished theses to individuals as long as they sign a declaration saying that it is for non-commercial research or private study.

How to make your thesis available online through Cambridge's institutional repository

Are you a Cambridge alumni and wish to make your Ph.D. thesis available online? You can do this by depositing it in Apollo the University's institutional repository. Click here for further information on how to proceed.    Current Ph.D students at the University of Cambridge can find further information about the requirements to deposit theses on the Office of Scholarly Communication theses webpages.

uni kassel kumulative dissertation

UK Theses and Dissertations

Electronic copies of Ph.D. theses submitted at over 100 UK universities are obtainable from EThOS , a service set up to provide access to all theses from participating institutions. It achieves this by harvesting e-theses from Institutional Repositories and by digitising print theses as they are ordered by researchers using the system. Over 250,000 theses are already available in this way. Please note that it does not supply theses submitted at the universities of Cambridge or Oxford although they are listed on EThOS.

Registration with EThOS is not required to search for a thesis but is necessary to download or order one unless it is stored in the university repository rather than the British Library (in which case a link to the repository will be displayed). Many theses are available without charge on an Open Access basis but in all other cases, if you are requesting a thesis that has not yet been digitised you will be asked to meet the cost. Once a thesis has been digitised it is available for free download thereafter.

When you order a thesis it will either be immediately available for download or writing to hard copy or it will need to be digitised. If you order a thesis for digitisation, the system will manage the process and you will be informed when the thesis is available for download/preparation to hard copy.

uni kassel kumulative dissertation

See the Search results section of the  help page for full information on interpreting search results in EThOS.

EThOS is managed by the British Library and can be found at http://ethos.bl.uk . For more information see About EThOS .

World-wide (incl. UK) theses and dissertations

Electronic versions of non-UK theses may be available from the institution at which they were submitted, sometimes on an open access basis from the institutional repository. A good starting point for discovering freely available electronic theses and dissertations beyond the UK is the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD) , which facilitates searching across institutions. Information can also usually be found on the library web pages of the relevant institution.

The DART Europe etheses portal lists several thousand full-text theses from a group of European universities.

The University Library subscribes to the ProQuest Dissertations and Theses  (PQDT) database which from August 31 2023 is accessed on the Web of Science platform.  To search this index select it from the Web of Science "Search in" drop-down list of databases (available on the Documents tab on WoS home page)

PQDT includes 2.4 million dissertation and theses citations, representing 700 leading academic institutions worldwide from 1861 to the present day. The database offers full text for most of the dissertations added since 1997 and strong retrospective full text coverage for older graduate works. Each dissertation published since July 1980 includes a 350-word abstract written by the author. Master's theses published since 1988 include 150-word abstracts.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The University Library only subscribes to the abstracting & indexing version of the ProQuest Dissertations and Theses database and NOT the full text version.  A fee is payable for ordering a dissertation from this source.   To obtain the full text of a dissertation as a downloadable PDF you can submit your request via the University Library Inter-Library Loans department (see contact details below). NB this service is only available to full and current members of the University of Cambridge.

Alternatively you can pay yourself for the dissertation PDF on the PQDT platform. Link from Web of Science record display of any thesis to PQDT by clicking on "View Details on ProQuest".  On the "Preview" page you will see an option "Order a copy" top right.  This will allow you to order your own copy from ProQuest directly.

Dissertations and theses submitted at non-UK universities may also be requested on Inter-Library Loan through the Inter-Library Loans department (01223 333039 or 333080, [email protected] )

  • Last Updated: Dec 20, 2023 9:47 AM
  • URL: https://libguides.cam.ac.uk/theses

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Library Services


Here we explain how to access copies of research theses that UCL Library Services holds. There is also an increasing number of open access thesis repositories available online.

Theses held in UCL Library

Open access repositories containing the full text of selected research theses.

  • Indexes of completed theses

Obtaining copies of research theses

  • Open Access for Thesis: how to deposit

University of London theses

The Library holds a copy of most research degree theses completed by students registered at UCL and awarded by the UoL, including many from students at Schools and Institutes prior to merger with UCL. Theses are listed by author on the Library catalogue, Explore : they are shelved in our off-campus Store and may be retrieved for consultation (24-hour notice required) by completing the store request form or via the request link on Explore. Theses are not available for loan, either to individuals or via interlibrary loan.

Some UoL research degree theses submitted by UCL students in the areas of classical, Germanic, Latin American studies; history and law are not held: check the UoL School of Advanced Study catalogue for availability.

UCL started to award its own degrees to students registering from 2007/2008. Print copies of research theses are catalogued by author in Explore and shelved in Store; electronic versions are in many cases available on open access in UCL Discovery .

If you wish to access a thesis recorded in UCL Discovery for which the full text is subject to an access restriction or not present, it is best to contact the author directly to request a copy privately.  If this is not possible, please contact the UCL Open Access Team .

If a thesis is not available via UCL Discovery or EThOS (see below) then it might be possible to obtain a copy from our interlibrary loan service via your home university interlibrary loan department. Please contact your university library and ask them to enquire about this service with UCL's Interlibrary Loan service; e-mail [email protected] for more information.

The Library does not normally hold print copies of any theses in the following categories:

  • MA, MSc, MRes, LLM theses.
  • Diploma theses.
  • Undergraduate dissertations.
  • Theses submitted at other universities or colleges.

Further information is available in the Support for dissertations and research projects LibGuide .

A growing number of open access thesis repositories is becoming available including:

  • ProQuest , holds many full text theses. You can search for dissertations and theses there.
  • UCL Discovery , UCL's open access research repository, includes theses alongside other UCL publications. You can search for theses, or browse a list.
  • EThOS , a database run by the British Library that aims to record all UK doctoral theses, with links to access an electronic version of the full text where available. The digitisation of theses that only exist in print form can often be requested, depending on the awarding institution and for a fee: UCL supports this process for UCL-held theses.
  • The DART-Europe E-theses Portal , holds details of open access electronic theses stored in repositories across Europe.
  • Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations , includes links to a number of international search tools and portals.

Video - Using PhD theses in research: EThOS 

YouTube Widget Placeholder http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F8X8ai6xN-4

Indexes of completed theses (access available to members of UCL only)

Proquest dissertations & theses global (pqdt global).

PQDT Global contains over a million full-text dissertations and theses from 1861 onwards that are available for download in PDF format. The collection includes PQDT UK and Ireland content.

Many UK universities now decline to lend research theses. You may visit the awarding university or, increasingly, obtain an electronic version either from the university itself or from EThOS (see above).

Theses awarded by universities worldwide may be requested via UCL Library Services Interlending and Document Supply service . The normal charge for this service applies. Please note that theses are never available for loan: they must be consulted on Library premises only.

Open access for theses: how to deposit

Candidates for UCL research degrees are required to deposit an electronic copy of their final thesis in UCL's Research Publications Service (RPS), to be made open access in UCL's institutional repository, UCL Discovery . Theses are amongst the most highly-downloaded items in UCL Discovery . Making your thesis open access will mean that it is accessible worldwide, to anyone who wants to read it.

It is also possible, but not mandatory, to submit a print copy of your thesis to the Library for storage and preservation if you wish. We recommend submitting the print copy in cases where the electronic copy cannot be made openly available online in UCL Discovery, but you wish the print copy to be accessible to members of the Library.

Please refer to our guidance on how to deposit  for further information on the submission procedures.


  1. Kumulative Dissertation

    uni kassel kumulative dissertation

  2. Kumulative Dissertation Beispiel

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  3. Kumulative Dissertation Beispiel

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  4. Kumulative Dissertation Beispiel

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  5. Kumulative Dissertation Beispiel

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  6. Kumulative Dissertation: Alles, was du wissen musst

    uni kassel kumulative dissertation


  1. UNI

    Besonderheit kumulative Dissertation. Bei einer kumulativen Dissertationen sind hinsichtlich der Veröffentlichung die in den Besonderen Bestimmungen für Promotionen an der Universität Kassel des jeweiligen Fachbereichs genannten Regelungen zu beachten. Vorabaushändigung der Promotionsurkunde

  2. UNI

    Kumulative Dissertation . Anstelle einer Monographie kann die Dissertation auch aus einer Sammlung mehrerer wissenschaftlicher Publikationen bestehen. Dargestellt wird auch hier der aktuelle Stand der Forschung unter Berücksichtigung der eigenen Forschungsarbeiten. Diese Schriften müssen vorab in Fachzeitschriften veröffentlicht oder zur ...

  3. PDF Hinweise zur Einreichung der Dissertation

    Kumulative Dissertation Wenn Sie eine kumulative Dissertation einreichen möchten, bestehen eine Reihe von zusätzlichen Anforderungen. Hierzu haben wir ein gesondertes Merkblatt „Die kumulative Dissertation" er-stellt, das wichtige zusätzliche Informationen zu dieser Form der Dissertation enthält.

  4. PDF Instructions for the submission of a thesis

    The thesis can be delivered by hand during office hours at the office in the Holländischer Platz, Campus Center, Moritzstr. 18, 3rd. floor. Otherwise, it can be sent, with all necessary documents (see above) to the following postal address: Universität Kassel, Promotionsgeschäftsstelle, Mönchebergstr. 19, 34125 Kassel.


    Ein frühzeitiger Antrag auf Annahme als Doktorand*in bringt Ihnen einige Vorteile: • Sie haben die Garantie, dass Ihre Dissertation später auch begutachtet wird. • Sie haben Zugang zu Ressourcen sowie zu Fort- und Weiterbildungen. • Es wird frühzeitig geklärt, ob Auflagen für Ihre Promotion, z.B. weitere Prüfungen, erforderlich sind. • Die Annahme ist Voraussetzung, falls Sie ...

  6. Dissertationsstelle

    Dissertationsstelle. Die Promotions - und Habilitationsordnung der Universität Kassel schreibt vor, dass Pflichtexemplare an die Universitätsbibliothek abgegeben werden müssen. Diese Abgabe kann per Post erfolgen oder zu den Öffnungszeiten der Servicetheke an selbiger abgegeben werden.

  7. PhD Theses

    PhD Theses. Directory of dissertations by members of CESR. Batzke, Marlene Clara Lucia (2024): Dynamics of Norms in Decision-Making. A Psychological Analysis Combining Theory, Experiment, and Social Simulation. Dissertation.

  8. portal.ub.uni-kassel.de

    Dissertationen über die UB veröffentlichen Sie wollen Ihre Dissertation veröffentlichen? Gerne informieren wir Sie z.B: über das Angebot der Bibliothek (den Univerlag ( kup ) und den Publikationsserver ( KOBRA )) oder über spezielle Fragen der Veröffentlichung von kumulativen Dissertationen.

  9. FB02

    My dissertation has been published by kassel university press in the series "Beiträge zur Kinder- und Jugendtheologie" (edited by Petra Freudenberger-Lötz) in volume 34. Heike Regine Bausch Faith in the performance context of religious education.

  10. UNI

    Term. This scholarship is awarded for up to twelve months. The main objective of the scholarships for completion of the dissertation is to complete the dissertation and submit it within the funding period. The funding period usually starts on 1 April for applications in November and on 1 October for applications in April.

  11. Auflistung Dissertationen nach Titel

    Dissertation. Arbeitszeiten im holz- und kunststoffverarbeitenden Handwerk des Landes Hessen : ... Walter, Frank (Universität Kassel, FB 07, Wirtschaftswissenschaften, 2002-09-23) Dissertation. Entkopplungsphänomene bei der Umsetzung institutionalisierter Managementkonzepte  Schönemann, Markus (2020-08-06) ...

  12. PDF Taking a Closer Look at the Desirability of Desirable ...

    Kumulative Dissertation zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades Doktorin der Philosophie (Dr. phil.) Vorgelegt im Fachbereich 01 Humanwissenschaften der Universität Kassel Von M.Sc. Kristin Wenzel < Datum Einreichung der Dissertation: 15.12.2021 > < Datum der Disputation: 20.05.2022 > < Kassel >

  13. PDF What Do Coaches Actually Do? A Context-Sensitive Approach to Workplace

    Kumulative Dissertation zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades Doktorin der Philosophie (Dr. phil.) Vorgelegt im Fachbereich Humanwissenschaften der Universität Kassel von Isabell Diermann, M.Sc. Köln, März 2021 Datum der Disputation: 24.06.2021

  14. Plastic packaging waste management in Germany: Evaluating and

    Die vorliegende kumulative Dissertation besteht aus vier Publikationen. In Publikation I wurde die Eignung von Materialeffizienzindikatoren zur Bewertung der Umweltauswirkungen von Ab-fallbewirtschaftungssystemen anhand einer Fallstudie zur Bewirtschaftung von Kunststofffla-schen in Österreich, Deutschland und Serbien untersucht.

  15. FB02

    An examination of the apparent mystery of the Messiah, Kassel 2018 (kassel university press). TANJA HÜHNE The parable of the mustard seed. CHRISTIAN WEHDE The Function of Autobiographical Statements in the Pauline Epistles. ... Thus, the planned dissertation is located in an intersection between biblical studies and its didactics.

  16. Dissertationen

    Dissertationen. Auflistung nach. Erscheinungsdatum Autoren Titel Schlagwort (DDC) Schlagwort (GND) Publikationstyp MIME-Type Sprache Schlagworten Open Access Zugangsdatum. Volltextsuche: Los Neueste Zugänge. ... Skotarek, Christoph (kassel university pressKassel, 2020) Dissertation.

  17. FB02

    In D. Bosse, R. Wodzinski, & C. Griesel (Eds.), Lehr-Lernlabore der Universität Kassel - Forschungsbasierte Verknüpfung von Theorie und Praxis unter dem Aspekt der ... (1995). English summary - Dissertation. In H. Weinstock (Ed.), English and American Studies in German. Summaries of theses and monographs. A ... Uni-Bibliothek; Moodle;

  18. FB02

    Ms. Freudenberger-Lötz publishes the series "Beiträge zur Kinder- und Jugendtheologie" at kassel university press. Here you will find numerous opportunities to read into the subject matter. All works in this series are available for free download. They are scientific term papers, dissertations as well as conference documentations on the topic.

  19. FB02

    Holder of the Professorship for Protestant Religious Education at the University of Kassel 2006 Habilitation at the Karlsruhe University of Education in Protestant Theology/Religious Education. ... Dissertation topic: Religious education in the new school entry level. Perspectives on religious education and primary school pedagogy. WS 1999/2000 ...

  20. FB02

    From 2015 to 2018, the University of Kassel and its PRONET concept were already part of the 'Quality Offensive Teacher Education', which is strongly supported nationwide. Since the beginning of 2019, the project is now entering its second funding period as 'PRONET²' up to and including 2023.

  21. Prize-Winning Thesis and Dissertation Examples

    Prize-Winning Thesis and Dissertation Examples. Published on September 9, 2022 by Tegan George.Revised on July 18, 2023. It can be difficult to know where to start when writing your thesis or dissertation.One way to come up with some ideas or maybe even combat writer's block is to check out previous work done by other students on a similar thesis or dissertation topic to yours.

  22. Theses & Dissertations: Home

    Requests for consultation of printed theses, not available online, should be made at the Manuscripts Reading Room (Email: [email protected] Telephone: +44 (0)1223 333143). Further information on the University Library's theses, dissertations and prize essays collections can be consulted at this link. Researchers can order a copy of an ...

  23. Theses

    Please contact your university library and ask them to enquire about this service with UCL's Interlibrary Loan service; e-mail [email protected] for more information. The Library does not normally hold print copies of any theses in the following categories: MA, MSc, MRes, LLM theses. Diploma theses. Undergraduate dissertations.