Speech about Dreams for Students and Children

3 minutes speech about dreams.

Good morning one and all present here. I am standing before you all to share my thoughts through my speech about dreams. Dreams are the beautiful imaginations that one takes on to escape from the ruthless reality. Sometimes people incline to dream and live a fictional life. This may be to ignore the struggles and difficulties that they have to come across in life. There are other kinds of dreams that do not let the person sleep until they achieve it. Dreams give meaning to our life. It prepares a person to set goals and then achieves them. These kinds of dreams are very important to achieve success and fame.

Speech about dreams

Source: en.wikipedia.org

The science behind Dreaming

Dreaming is a kind of mental activity, which is different from waking thought that happens during sleep. Many clinical studies have characterized the nature of dream activity. These studies have shown that dreams are more perceptual than conceptual. Things are seen and heard rather than thought.

In terms of the senses, the visual experience is present in all dreams. Auditory experience is present in 40 to 50 percent. Touch, taste, smell, and pain have a relatively small percentage. A considerable amount of emotion is generally present. Most dreams are in the type of interrupted stories, made up partly of memories,

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Dream big step towards Success

Most people blame their life is not great enough and interesting enough too. Everyone thinks that they want to achieve something big, but most of them have never devoted the time to think about what it can be for them.

Most people satisfy themselves to be average, as they don’t want to surrender on the security of the known world to chase what truly sets their soul on fire. We must have the resolution for dreaming big, but also we should have the intelligence to plan. Thus we need to have the willpower to work for your dream.

This is a fact that the path which leads to our dream is never an easy one. Often the only person in the world who will see our vision is only we. This is the path that will lead us through the darkest corners and links inside our hearts and soul. We may freeze with fear. We might want to give up because it will often feel like a never-ending battle.

Turning dreams into Reality

Before leaving our dreams, don’t overlook that the people who change the world are not the ones who never felt fearful. But what makes them different is that they choose to be stronger than their fear.

One has to understand that greatness is not achieved without failure. As dreams don’t turn into reality without encountering a dozen failures on the way. But only the one who has a dream and who wants it so bad that he can leave everything to have it. It can be the one who finally makes sure that all his dreams came true!

Finally, in the end, I will say that a person without dreams is similar to a bird without wings. Life is a sequence of challenges. We can either give up ourselves as losers or keep hoping. The day will come when we will overcome all obstacles. Dreams have to be converted into action and that calls for hours of sweat as well as blood too. So, never fear to dream.

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  • Speech on Dreams


An Introduction

When one Sleeps, some people more than others are more likely than others to dream, with closed eyes they view different ideas and images.  These Dreams can also be manifested as sensations and varying emotions. Dreams are not bound by anything, it can be opposite from the life one leads. One cannot control it, Dreams occur involuntarily. And no one has yet deciphered the scientific meaning and reasons for its occurrence. In this article, we will explore different ways to present the speech and learn how to start a speech about Dreams. It can be both a long and short speech about Dreams.

Long and Short Speech About Dreams

Long speech on dreams.

This form of speech about Dreams is helpful for students in grades 8-12 wherein they can speak in detail and present in an understandable format.

Good Morning everyone, respected teachers and my dear friends, I am here today to speak about a rather interesting topic that is Dreams. First, let me start by asking everyone, how many of you had a dream last night. Do you remember what you dreamt of? If you do remember, were you surprised about what the dream was? 

There is no need to be shocked or surprised because Dreams do not align with the reality of the lives one leads. They can be very peculiar and it is because Dreams are often the suppressed thoughts and feelings of our subconscious mind. And such Dreams are more of an escape from reality, where we want to get to live a life away from the problems we are facing now and get rid of the struggles. 

The world of Dreams is the uncharted territory of wild imagination and wishful thinking. And even scientists believe that Dreams occur during REM (rapid-eye movement) Sleep. Dreams carry with them a lot of emotion that can make it difficult to tell them apart from reality. That is why when one Dreams of something horrific or frightening they tend to breathe rapidly and wake up perspiring and with clammy hands. REM Sleep should be uninterrupted as an intervention may lead to health concerns related to memory consolidation, making it difficult to learn and retain information. Babies or infants have very high learning abilities and one of the main reasons is the deep REM Sleep cycle without interruption.  

The dream can be a short one of mere seconds or a few minutes or even a long 20-30 minute one. When one wakes up during their REM Sleep they are more likely to remember the dream. 

There are some Dreams that one sees with their eyes open when they go about their lives every day. Dreams that can be considered relatively realistic, that one intends to achieve. They can be called goals, ambitions or just Dreams. These kinds of Dreams can fuel us and inculcate a drive to make strides in achieving the same. 

However, there are very few who make their Dreams come true, through an uncanny combination of determination, hard work and willpower. Many fall prey to their self-created victim narrative and don’t dream of a better life. They find an excuse and become lazy without trying to achieve and chase their Dreams. So in the name of safety and security, they don’t take the risks. 

The world would be so different if people didn’t dream big and take chances. The world we live in today with comfortable luxuries is a reality because somebody dreamt big and worked to make it a reality. We live in their work of inventions long after they are gone. So to make a difference, on an individual level or for the sake of society do not fret failures. To err is human and failures are part of everyone’s journey, you will only learn what not to do. Failure teaches us more than success. So, dream big, be brave and take chances. 

Short Speech on Dreams

This form of a short format of speech about Dreams can be helpful for students in grades 4-7 as they are only starting to understand and this simple and short speech will aid it. 

Good morning everyone, the respected Principal, teachers and my dear friends! I Abc (mention your name) are here to present about one of the yet undeciphered topics that are Dreams. Ever since we were kids we are always asked about our Dreams, what do you dream of becoming when you grow up? Arguably Dreams are not just the ones we see when we Sleep at night, but also the ones we see in the broad daylight. These Dreams can be different or the same, but one thing is certain: everybody has Dreams.

Dreams give us a glint of shimmer and hope of becoming someone we wish to be. It is like an energy drink for our goals and ambitions. No matter what those Dreams are, it is worth working towards it. It is obvious that some of our Dreams are different from what this society might deem as a problem or trivial. 

We should have a single-minded focus and work towards it and prove to ourselves more than others that our Dreams do make a difference. 

Achieving your Dreams is not a cakewalk, it takes a lot of will power and patience. You have to make it work for yourself, don’t feel lesser than if anyone is disappointed in you for trying to achieve your Dreams. Believe in yourself, everything is possible, with proper planning and strategizing. One needs to be committed while executing the plan. And stay true to your path without losing focus so you can live the dream. The world is an endless realm of possibilities and Dreams are just the beginning of a beautiful life ahead.

10 Lines Speech on Dreams

This is a short speech helpful for students in grades 1-3 as one can convey in simple sentences.

Involuntary actions of our imagination and overthinking manifests as Dreams.

It can seem very real as Dreams also carry sensations and emotions.

There can be 2 ways one knows and understands Dreams.

One is when they dream while aSleep and other times when they are wide awake and have Dreams.

Not everyone remembers their Dreams which they see when Sleeping.

Dreams can also be categorized as goals one set and want to work for achieving them.

It is ignorant to say that you can achieve anything and everything just by dreaming.

To make Dreams come true requires daily practice, dedication and perseverance. 

Like if you dream to be a soccer player, you have to practice daily and know the rules of the game. And if you dream to be a writer, you have to keep at it in proper form as a daily routine or habit.

Everything requires work, Dreams can make the hard journey beautiful as one has hope.  

An Example of a Speech on Dreams 

Good Morning to everyone present here today on this very fine day.

I hope you all have had a nice long holiday with your loved ones or yourself. 

Dreams. We all have Dreams, either when we are a Sleep or when we are away, which is called daydreaming or the Dreams about things that we are passionate about in life. 

As we all know, Dreams are an integral part of everyone's life. Because life is meaningless without Dreams. Our lives will be like a lost ship in the sea sailing with no direction and purpose. I don't think anyone wants to see themselves in such a situation. Without Dreams, life is like chasing an invisible shadow that has no substance or meaning.  Even those who succeeded in life had to chase the Dreams that made them like today. Interestingly, such people do not give up their Dreams and set new standards in life one after another in order to reach the pinnacle of success. If we have no Dreams and nothing to work on, life will certainly be purposeless and monotonous. We lose interest in life and soon begin to hate it. 

Now, when I'm talking about the important role that Dreams play in our lives, it can be difficult to summarize it in one word. However, a person without a dream resembles a bird without wings, so it can be said that he cannot fly. We often see people who criticize others as daydreamers. But is it possible to imagine this world in an advanced state when people dream and do not dare to make it happen? 

Life undoubtedly presents challenges in pursuing our Dreams, but in this situation, one gives up or continues to work towards them despite obstacles. It's not easy, but it's certainly not impossible. When you dream, you have to put it into action, sweat and blood.

Many failures can occur while we are working on our Dreams, but these failures do not prevent us from going the way, but ours that we can achieve what we want. It should strengthen your beliefs and beliefs. Dreams are a constant driving force and give meaning to life. Still, I would like to mention that we also need to have a positive outlook on life and be always ready to stay one step ahead in order to realize our Dreams. 

Opportunities do not always knock at our doorsteps daily. We tend to miss many opportunities in life just because we don't have the courage to do things. Every time you leave things for tomorrow and say you will start over from tomorrow, that day will never come, which is why you need to start now. It's so important at first that you can start with at least a few small steps. Japanese people know this secret. Because they take on their normal work and achieve their goals at any cost. If you want to learn harmonium, guitar, and dance, start learning right away, without waiting for tomorrow. No one knows if tomorrow will come! Once you start taking a small step, one day you are sure to find your way. 

I sincerely believe that all of us will never give up on our Dreams and will continue to work persistently to make our Dreams come true. All you need to do is dare to dream and put it into action. 

Thank you all for listening and being patient. 


FAQs on Speech on Dreams

1. Give one famous quote by Eleanor Roosevelt on Dreams. 

One of the most famous quotes of Roosevelt is “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their Dreams.”

2. Why should one dream?

One should dream to achieve their goals in life. Without Dreams, life gets boring and bland. Dreams give you something to strive for. Chasing your Dreams will develop your courage. Great dreamers grow to be independent, learning that they can make a difference all by themselves.

3. What if we fail in life after dreaming of grand things?

Success and failures, both are a part of life. Without either of them, life won’t experience a roller coaster ride and everything will feel useless and boring. In fact, failures are our great teachers. Without failure, we’d be less capable of compassion, empathy, kindness, and great achievement; we would be less likely to reach for the moon and the stars.

4. How to set goals based on our Dreams and achieve them?

Align your goals with purpose and keep them in sight always so you know where you are going and what is going to happen on the way. Recognize the roadblocks and work your way around them.

5. How do we identify our strengths and weaknesses based on our Dreams?

Figuring out whether specific qualities you possess are strengths as opposed to weaknesses confusing or frustrating. Understand your abilities and write down what you do the best and where you lack. List out your actions, abilities, and desires. Always be honest to yourself.

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Essay on Hopes And Dreams For The Future

Students are often asked to write an essay on Hopes And Dreams For The Future in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Hopes And Dreams For The Future

Understanding hopes and dreams.

Hopes and dreams are what we want for our future. They are like a guiding light. They give us a goal to work towards. It’s like planning a trip. We decide where we want to go, and then we figure out how to get there.

The Power of Hopes and Dreams

Hopes and dreams are powerful. They can motivate us to work hard. They can help us overcome challenges. When we have a dream, we are driven to make it come true. It’s like a football player who dreams of winning a match. He will practice hard to achieve it.

Our Role in Fulfilling Dreams

We play a big role in making our dreams come true. We need to believe in ourselves. We need to work hard. We need to stay focused. It’s like a gardener who dreams of a beautiful garden. He needs to plant the seeds, water them, and take care of them.

The Importance of Dreams for the Future

Dreams for the future are important. They give us something to look forward to. They make us excited about what’s coming next. It’s like looking forward to a birthday party. We get excited about the cake, the gifts, and the fun we will have.

250 Words Essay on Hopes And Dreams For The Future

Introduction, importance of hopes and dreams.

Hopes and dreams are important for everyone, especially students. They inspire us to work hard and achieve our goals. They are like a roadmap guiding us towards our destination. Without hopes and dreams, life can seem dull and without purpose.

How Hopes and Dreams Shape our Future

Our hopes and dreams shape our future in many ways. They help us decide what we want to become in life. For example, a student who dreams of becoming a doctor will study hard to achieve this dream. This dream shapes the student’s future, influencing the choices they make.

Challenges in Achieving Hopes and Dreams

Achieving our hopes and dreams can be challenging. It requires hard work, dedication, and patience. Sometimes, we may face obstacles or failures, but it is important to stay focused and not give up. Overcoming these challenges makes the journey towards our dreams more rewarding.

In conclusion, hopes and dreams are vital for our future. They guide us, motivate us, and help us shape our future. Despite the challenges, it is crucial to hold onto our dreams and strive to make them a reality. After all, a dream is the first step towards success.

500 Words Essay on Hopes And Dreams For The Future

Hopes and dreams make up the blueprint of our future. They are like the guiding stars that lead us to our goals. They give us a sense of direction, a purpose to strive for, and the energy to face challenges. Hopes and dreams are not just about what we want to achieve, but also about who we want to become.

The Power of Dreams

Hopes: the fuel for dreams.

Hopes are the fuel that keeps our dreams alive. They are the positive feelings and beliefs that we have about our future. Hopes make us believe that our dreams can come true. They make us optimistic and give us the courage to face any obstacles that come our way. Hopes remind us that even if we face setbacks, there is always a way forward.

The Impact of Hopes and Dreams

Hopes and dreams have a big impact on our lives. They shape our thoughts, our actions, and our future. They help us to grow and develop as individuals. They teach us to be patient, persistent, and resilient. Hopes and dreams also inspire us to make a difference in the world. They encourage us to use our talents and skills to help others and make the world a better place.

Chasing Our Hopes and Dreams

Chasing our hopes and dreams is not always easy. It takes hard work, dedication, and courage. But it is worth it. When we chase our dreams, we learn new things, gain new experiences, and grow as individuals. We learn to overcome challenges, to be resilient, and to never give up. And when our dreams come true, it gives us a sense of fulfillment and happiness that is beyond words.

In conclusion, hopes and dreams are very important for our future. They give us a sense of direction, motivate us to work hard, and inspire us to make a difference. They make us optimistic and resilient, and they bring joy and fulfillment to our lives. So, let’s keep dreaming, keep hoping, and keep working towards our dreams. Because our future is not something that just happens to us – it is something that we create with our hopes and dreams.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

Happy studying!

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Dream Job Presentation Script Examples for Students

Welcome to our collection of “My Dream Job” presentation scripts for elementary students. In this resource, we embark on an imaginative journey, exploring a world of possibilities where young minds envision their future careers.

Perfect for classroom activities, these scripts encourage students to think creatively about their future and the positive impact they can have on the world.

Let’s inspire our students to dream, explore, and aspire!

Dream Job Presentation Scripts

We have split these into younger learners and slightly older learners, though of course you know you, or you know your students better than we do. So feel free to use them where ever they are best suited.

Dream Job Scripts For Younger Learners (Ages 6-7)

Dream job script: astronaut.

I want to wear a space suit and fly in a rocket to the moon.

It must be so cool to be an astronaut because you can explore space and discover new things!”

Dream Job Script: Teacher

I like my teacher because she is kind and teaches us fun games. As a teacher, I want to help kids learn and make school fun.

Dream Job: Firefighter

I think it’s really cool how they drive fire trucks and use big hoses to spray water.

Dream Job Presentation Scripts For Ages 8-10

Dream job script: environmental scientist.

“My dream job is to be an environmental scientist.

I want to be an environmental scientist to help animals and plants and make sure our Earth stays beautiful for everyone.

Dream Job Script: Professional Athlete (Soccer Player)

“Hi, my name is [Student’s Name], and my dream job is to be a professional soccer player.

I also want to be a role model for other kids and show them that with hard work and practice, you can achieve your dreams.

Dream Job Script: Chef

“Hello everyone, I’m [Student’s Name], and I dream of becoming a chef.

I especially want to learn how to make dishes from different countries.

Cooking is an art, and I can’t wait to learn more about it.”

Dream Job Script : Computer Programmer

“My dream job is to be a computer programmer.

Computer programmers get to build cool apps and games.

I like playing computer games, and I want to make my own one day.

Dream Job: Marine Biologist

I love the ocean and all the amazing creatures in it.

Dream Job: Architect

They need to be creative and good at math.

Being an architect means you can shape how cities look and create spaces where people live and work.

These “My Dream Job” presentation scripts hope to have ignited a spark of ambition and curiosity in your students.

Here’s to fostering a future full of fulfilled dreams and accomplished goals!

18 Presentation Tips for Kids

More Dream job Scripts

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oral presentation about dreams


Jhu undergraduate students: registration is now open to present your research, scholarly and creative projects at, dreams fall 2024 (october 21-25), registration to present closes on october 9, 2024. , click here to register..

DREAMS , D ay of Undergraduate R esearch in E ngineering, A rts, M edicine, and the S ciences (and design, entrepreneurship, internships, and more!), is the Johns Hopkins University’s celebration of all the amazing undergraduate research, scholarly, and creative projects our own Hopkins undergraduate students have been able to participate in. We encourage all undergraduate students from the Krieger School of Arts and Sciences, the Peabody Institute, and the Whiting School of Engineering to celebrate their experiences with us.

With our undergraduates involved in such varied research and creative opportunities, DREAMS provides the perfect venue to celebrate and share these projects and experiences with the Hopkins community, family, friends, and beyond. DREAMS takes place twice each year in the fall and spring semesters.

Did you miss our most recent DREAMS ?  You can still view recent sessions, and even leave comments for presenters (if you create an account and register for the event)!

DREAMS Spring 2024

DREAMS Fall 2023

Earlier sessions of DREAMS online

You can also view previous cohorts by year here .

Email us anytime at [email protected] with questions and suggestions. We love to hear from you!

Who can attend?

Who can present, what kind of presentations are allowed.

Friends, family, research group/ lab members, mentors, faculty, staff, university leadership, regardless of time zone, are able to attend DREAMS and support our students

We do ask that all attendees and presenters create a (secure) account on Symposium and register for the specific DREAMS event. This allows attendees and presenters to share comments (back and forth) and us (HOUR) to gather great data and insights.

If you are an undergraduate and do not have a project to present you should still plan to attend the event . DREAMS is a great opportunity to network, to get ideas for projects, to discover faculty, labs and areas that support undergraduate researchers and projects, and to support your peers.

ANY Hopkins undergraduate student who –

  • Received an award (examples: PURA, Aspire, Aronson International Experience Grants, or any other);
  • Had a great study abroad experience;
  • Worked at an amazing internship;
  • Participated in an unbelievable summer REU or other external opportunity;
  • Completed an honors or senior capstone project;
  • Worked on a group research or design project;
  • Had a cool research project or experience;
  • Created or interpreted a piece of music, film, art or written work;
  • Developed a new business or product;
  • Received an amazing fellowship experience (at Hopkins or elsewhere);
  • Helped on an inspiring community service project!

Not sure if you can present? Contact HOUR

Can group projects present?

Group projects are great! Each student who wishes to be credited as having presented at DREAMS must register separately as a presenter, and complete an upload of their presentation materials on the presentation platform.  Materials may be created by the group or by individual members of the group.  Each group member will be required to create and upload a unique reflection piece.  ‘Live’ talks (virtual but synchronous; minimum of two one-hour sessions over the course of the event) may be presented as a group, and/or individual group members may have their own solo sessions.

Is DREAMS only a poster session?    NO!

Holding DREAMS virtually allows students to share their projects in many formats like:

  • Poster tips: Check out our Resource page  for a poster template and HOUR logos and visit the DMC for access to great software and help with poster design.
  • a slide deck (with a recorded presentation accompanying)
  • a recorded performance, demonstration, short film, or oral presentation
  • a photo or art gallery-like presentation

Thinking of something different? Just reach out to us! HOUR staff wants to work with any student unsure of the best format for their project. Contact us at [email protected] to brainstorm presentation ideas for your project.

Email: [email protected]

Virtual Office Hours: Monday – Friday, 3-4pm Eastern via Zoom

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A Full Transcript of Michelle Obama’s Speech at the 2024 Democratic National Convention

F ormer First Lady Michelle Obama took to the Democratic National Convention stage in Chicago on Tuesday night, calling on supporters to “do something” to ensure Kamala Harris wins the November election against Donald Trump.

Read More: ‘Hope Is Making a Comeback’: The Key Moments From Michelle Obama’s 2024 DNC Speech

The following transcript was prepared and provided to TIME by Rev , using AI-powered software, and it was reviewed and edited for accuracy by TIME staff.

Thank you guys. OK. We got a big night ahead. Thank you all so much. Thank you. Hello, Chicago!

Something, something wonderfully magical is in the air, isn’t it? Yeah.

You know, we’re feeling it here in this arena, but it’s spreading all across this country we love. A familiar feeling that’s been buried too deep for far too long. You know what I’m talking about. It’s the contagious power of hope, the anticipation, the energy, the exhilaration of once again being on the cusp of a brighter day. The chance to vanquish the demons of fear, division, and hate that have consumed us and continue pursuing the unfinished promise of this great nation. The dream that our parents and grandparents fought and died and sacrificed for. America, hope is making a comeback.

But, to be honest, I am realizing that until recently, I have mourned the dimming of that hope. And maybe you’ve experienced the same feelings—it’s that deep pit in my stomach, a palpable sense of dread about the future. And for me, that mourning has also been mixed with my own personal grief. The last time I was here in my hometown was to memorialize my mother, the woman who showed me the meaning of hard work and humility and decency. The woman who set my moral compass high and showed me the power of my own voice. Folks, I still feel her loss so profoundly. I wasn’t even sure if I’d be steady enough to stand before you tonight, but my heart compelled me to be here because of the sense of duty that I feel to honor her memory and to remind us all not to squander the sacrifices our elders made to give us a better future.

You see, my mom in her steady quiet way, lived out that striving sense of hope every single day of her life. She believed that all children, all people have value. That anyone can succeed if given the opportunity. She and my father didn’t aspire to be wealthy—in fact, they were suspicious of folks who took more than they needed. They understood that it wasn’t enough for their kids to thrive if everyone else around us was drowning. So my mother volunteered at the local school. She always looked out for the other kids on the block. She was glad to do the thankless, unglamorous work that, for generations, has strengthened the fabric of this nation. The belief that if you do unto others, if you love thy neighbor, if you work and scrape and sacrifice, it will pay off—if not for you, then maybe for your children or your grandchildren.

You see, those values have been passed on through family farms and factory towns, through tree-lined streets and crowded tenements, through prayer groups and national guard units and social studies classrooms. Those were the values my mother poured into me until her very last breath.

Kamala Harris and I built our lives on those same foundational values. Even though our mothers grew up an ocean apart, they shared the same belief in the promise of this country. That’s why her mother moved here from India at 19. It’s why she taught Kamala about justice, about the obligation to lift others up, about our responsibility to give more than we take. She’d often tell her daughter: “Don’t sit around and complain about things. Do something.” 

So, with that voice in her head, Kamala went out and she worked hard in school, graduating from an HBCU, earning her law degree at a state school. And then she went on to work for the people fighting to hold law breakers accountable, strengthening the rule of law, fighting to get folks better wages, cheaper prescription drugs, a good education, decent healthcare, childcare, elder care. From a middle class household, Kamala worked her way up to become Vice President of the United States of America. 

My girl, Kamala Harris, is more than ready for this moment. She is one of the most qualified people ever to seek the office of the presidency. And she is one of the most dignified—a tribute to her mother, to my mother, and to your mother too. The embodiment of the stories we tell ourselves about this country. Her story is your story. It’s my story. It’s the story of the vast majority of Americans trying to build a better life. 

Look, Kamala knows, like we do, that regardless of where you come from, what you look like, who you love, how you worship, or what’s in your bank account, we all deserve the opportunity to build a decent life. All of our contributions deserve to be accepted and valued. Because no one has a monopoly on what it means to be an American. No one.

Kamala has shown her allegiance to this nation, not by spewing anger and bitterness, but by living a life of service and always pushing the doors of opportunity open to others. She understands that most of us will never be afforded the grace of failing forward. We will never benefit from the affirmative action of generational wealth. If we bankrupt the business or choke in a crisis, we don’t get a second, third, or fourth chance. If things don’t go our way, we don’t have the luxury of whining or cheating others to get further ahead. No. We don’t get to change the rules, so we always win. If we see a mountain in front of us, we don’t expect there to be an escalator waiting to take us to the top. No. We put our heads down. We get to work. In America, we do something. 

( Crowd chants: “Do something!” )

And throughout her entire life, that’s what we’ve seen from Kamala Harris, the steel of her spine, the steadiness of her upbringing, the honesty of her example, and yes, the joy of her laughter and her light. 

It couldn’t be more obvious: Of the two major candidates in this race, only Kamala Harris truly understands the unseen labor and unwavering commitment that has always made America great. 

Now, unfortunately, we know what comes next. We know folks are going to do everything they can to distort her truth. My husband and I, sadly, know a little something about this. For years, Donald Trump did everything in his power to try to make people fear us. See, his limited, narrow view of the world made him feel threatened by the existence of two hardworking, highly educated, successful people who happen to be Black.

Wait, I want to know: Who’s going to tell him that the job he’s currently seeking might just be one of those “Black jobs”?

Look, it’s his same old con: doubling down on ugly, misogynistic, racist lies as a substitute for real ideas and solutions that will actually make people’s lives better. Look, because cutting our healthcare, taking away our freedom to control our bodies, the freedom to become a mother through IVF like I did—those things are not going to improve the health outcomes of our wives, mothers, and daughters. Shutting down the Department of Education, banning our books—none of that will prepare our kids for the future. Demonizing our children for being who they are and loving who they love—look, that doesn’t make anybody’s life better.

Instead, it only makes us small. And let me tell you this: Going small is never the answer. Going small is the opposite of what we teach our kids. Going small is petty, it’s unhealthy, and quite frankly, it’s unpresidential. 

So, why would any of us accept this from anyone seeking our highest office? Why would we normalize that type of backward leadership? Doing so only demeans and cheapens our politics. It only serves to further discourage good, big-hearted people from wanting to get involved at all. America, our parents taught us better than that, and we deserve so much better than that.

That’s why we must do everything in our power to elect two of those good, big-hearted people. There is no other choice than Kamala Harris and Tim Walz. No other choice.

But, as we embrace this renewed sense of hope, let us not forget the despair we have felt. Let us not forget what we are up against. Yes, Kamala and Tim are doing great now. We’re loving it. They’re packing arenas across the country. Folks are energized. We are feeling good. But, remember there are still so many people who are desperate for a different outcome, who are ready to question and criticize every move Kamala makes, who are eager to spread those lies, who don’t want to vote for a woman, who will continue to prioritize building their wealth over ensuring that everyone has enough. 

So no matter how good we feel tonight or tomorrow or the next day, this is going to be an uphill battle. So folks, we cannot be our own worst enemies. No. See, because the minute something goes wrong, the minute a lie takes hold, folks, we cannot start wringing our hands. We cannot get a Goldilocks complex about whether everything is just right. And we cannot indulge our anxieties about whether this country will elect someone like Kamala instead of doing everything we can to get someone like Kamala elected. 

Kamala and Tim, they have lived amazing lives and I am confident that they will lead with compassion, inclusion, and grace. But they are still only human. They are not perfect. And like all of us, they will make mistakes. But luckily y’all, this is not just on them. No, uh-uh. This is up to us, all of us, to be the solution that we seek. It’s up to all of us to be the antidote to the darkness and division. Look, I don’t care how you identify politically—whether you’re a Democrat, Republican, Independent, or none of the above. This is our time to stand up for what we know in our hearts is right. To stand up, not just for our basic freedoms but for decency and humanity; for basic respect, dignity, and empathy; for the values at the very foundation of this democracy. 

It’s up to us to remember what Kamala’s mother told her: “Don’t just sit around and complain. Do something.” So if they lie about her—and they will—we’ve got to do something. If we see a bad poll—and we will—we’ve got to put down that phone and do something. If we start feeling tired, if we start feeling that dread creeping back in, we gotta pick ourselves up, throw water on our face, and what? 

We only have two and a half months, y’all, to get this done. Only 11 weeks to make sure every single person we know is registered and has a voting plan. So we cannot afford for anyone, anyone, anyone, America, to sit on their hands and wait to be called. Don’t complain if no one from the campaign has specifically reached out to you to ask you for your support. There is simply no time for that kind of foolishness. You know what you need to do.

So, consider this to be your official ask: Michelle Obama is asking you—no, I’m telling y’all—to do something. 

Because, y’all, this election is gonna be close. In some states, just a handful—listen to me—a handful of votes in every precinct could decide the winner. So we need to vote in numbers that erase any doubt. We need to overwhelm any effort to suppress us. Our fate is in our hands. In 77 days, we have the power to turn our country away from the fear, division, and smallness of the past. We have the power to marry our hope with our action. We have the power to pay forward the love, sweat, and sacrifice of our mothers and fathers and all those who came before us. 

We did it before, y’all, and we sure can do it again. Let us work like our lives depend on it, and let us keep moving our country forward and go higher—yes, always higher—than we’ve ever gone before, as we elect the next President and Vice President of the United States, Kamala Harris and Tim Walz. 

Thank you all. God bless. 

Now, before I go, I have one more job tonight. Yeah, one more job. You all, thank you for all the love, but it is now my honor to introduce somebody who knows a whole lot about hope, someone who has spent his life strengthening our democracy—and let me tell you, as someone who lives with him, he wakes up every day, every day, and thinks about what’s best for this country. Please welcome America’s 44th President and the love of my life, Barack Obama.

Read More: ‘Yes, She Can’: A Breakdown of Barack Obama’s 2024 DNC Speech in Support of Kamala Harris

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