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IRB Consent Form Templates

A collection of informed consent, assent, and debriefing templates that can be used for your human participant research study.

General Consent Form Templates

Social and Behavioral Research Projects (last updated 03/16/2023)

Biomedical Research Projects (last updated 07/18/2022)

Consent Form Templates for Specific Biomedical Procedures

MRI and fMRI

Blood Collection by Finger Stick

Blood Collection by Venipuncture

Oral Consent Template

Guidance for Protocols Involving Oral Consent

Debriefing Template

Guidance and Template for Debriefing Participants

Studies Involving Children (Assent/Permission Forms)

Parent-Guardian Permission for Studies Involving Children

Sample Parental Notification Form

Sample Child Assent Form

Performance Release for Minors

Performance Releases

Performance Release for Adults

UNC Research

Sample Consent Forms

Consent form templates.

These consent form templates have been posted for your reference.  When completing and IRB submission in IRBIS, please fill in the application and use the consent form builder specific to your project.  For more information, please find instructions here .

Summary of Changes to the Regulations for Informed Consent:  Revised Common Rule Changes to Informed Consent and Waiver Requirements

Summary of Changes to Consent Documents:

  • Informed Consent Documents – Version 2.0 Summary of Changes
  • Informed Consent Documents – Version 2.1 Summary of Changes
  • Informed Consent Documents – 10/26/2020 Summary of Changes
  • Informed Consent Documents – 4/10/2023 Summary of Changes
The following documents are samples.
IRBIS does NOT generate these documents with application-specific information.

Concise Summary examples can be found here .

Guidance on the use of plain language in consent forms:

  • Clinical Research Glossary
  • Webinar: The Promise of Plain Language: Launching a Glossary to Support Participant Understanding of Clinical Research – Recording & Slides

There are a few additional forms that are not provided online and may be accessed below.  As needed, these should be completed and uploaded to your IRB application.

Foreign Language Consent Forms

COVID-19 Related Forms:

  • Spanish-IRB-COVID Information Sheet
  • Spanish COVID Consent Letter v2
  • Spanish COVID Informational Sheet Translation Certificate

Informed Consent Short Form (for a single subject who may be illiterate, or otherwise unable to read the consent form — used when full consent form has to be read or translated for subject).

  • Informed Consent Short Form Guidance
  • Simplified Chinese

HIPAA Templates

  • Sample HIPAA Authorization Template
  • Sample HIPAA Authorization Template in Spanish ( Certification )

As the nation’s largest public research university, the Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR) aims to catalyze, support and safeguard U-M research and scholarship activity.

The Office of the Vice President for Research oversees a variety of interdisciplinary units that collaborate with faculty, staff, students and external partners to catalyze, support and safeguard research and scholarship activity.

ORSP manages pre-award and some post-award research activity for U-M. We review contracts for sponsored projects applying regulatory, statutory and organizational knowledge to balance the university's mission, the sponsor's objectives, and the investigator's intellectual pursuits.

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Sponsored Programs manages the post-award financial activities of U-M's research enterprise and other sponsored activities to ensure compliance with applicable federal, state, and local laws as well as sponsor regulations. The Office of Contract Administration (OCA) is also part of the Office of Finance - Sponsored Programs.

Research Ethics & Compliance

Ethics & Compliance

  • eResearch IRB NextGen Project
  • Class Assignments & IRB Approval
  • Operations Manual (OM)
  • Authorization Agreement Process
  • ORCR Policies and Procedures
  • Self-Assessment Tools
  • Resources and Web Links
  • Single IRB-of-Record (sIRB) Process
  • Certificate of Confidentiality Process
  • HRPP Education Resources
  • How to Register a Clinical Trial
  • Maintaining and Updating Records
  • How to Report Clinical Trial Results
  • Research Study Participation - FAQ
  • International Research
  • Coordinated Services & Practices (CSP)
  • Collaborative Research: IRB-HSBS sIRB Process
  • Data Security Guidelines
  • Research Incentive Guidelines
  • Routine fMRI Study Guidelines
  • IRB-HSBS Website Directory and Guidance
  • Waivers of Informed Consent Guidelines
  • IRB Review Process
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Informed Consent Guidelines & Templates

U-m hrpp informed consent information.

See the HRPP Operations Manual, Part 3, Section III, 6 e .

The human subjects in your project must participate willingly , having been adequately informed about the research.  

  • If the human subjects are part of a vulnerable population (e.g., prisoners, cognitively impaired individuals, or children), special protections are required.
  • If the human subjects are children , in most cases you must first obtain the permission of parents in addition to the consent of the children.

Contact the IRB Office for more information .

See the Waiver Guidelines  for information about, and policies regarding, waivers for informed consent or informed consent documentation. 

Now Available!

See the updated  Basic Informed Consent Elements document  for a list of 2018 Common Rule basic and additional elements. 

Informed Consent Process

Informed consent is the process of telling potential research participants about the key elements of a research study and what their participation will involve.  The informed consent process is one of the central components of the ethical conduct of research with human subjects.  The consent process typically includes providing a written consent document containing the required information (i.e., elements of informed consent) and the presentation of that information to prospective participants.  

In most cases, investigators are expected to obtain a signature from the participant on a written informed consent document (i.e., to document the consent to participate) unless the IRB has waived the consent requirement or documentation (signature) requirement .

  • Projects which collect biospecimens for genetic analysis must obtain documented (signed) informed consent.
  • It is an ethical best practice to include an informed consent process for most exempt research .   IRB-HSBS reviews, as applicable, the IRB application for exempt research, but not the informed consent document itself.  A suggested consent template for exempt research can be found below under the References and Resources section.  A companion protocol template for exempt research may be found in the feature box, Related Information (top right).

Blue info icon

Informed consent documents

An  informed consent document  is typically used to provide subjects with the information they need to make a decision to volunteer for a research study.  Federal regulations ( 45 CFR 46.116 ) provide the framework for the type of information (i.e., the "elements") that must be included as part of the consent process.  New with the revised 2018 Common Rule is the requirement that the consent document begin with a "concise and focused" presentation of key information  that will help potential participants understand why they might or might not want to be a part of a research study.  

Key Information Elements

The image below displays the  five elements identified in the preamble to the revised Final Rule  as suggested key information.  

Key Information are: research with voluntary participation, summary of the research, risks, benefits, and alternatives

Note: Element number 5 (alternative procedures) applies primarily to clinical research.

General Information & Tips for Preparing a Consent Document

Reading level.

Informed consent documents should be written in plain language at a level appropriate to the subject population, generally at an 8th grade reading level .  A best practice is to have a colleague or friend read  the  informed consent document for comprehension before submission with the IRB application.  Always:

For guidance on using plain language, examples, and more, visit:

  • Tailor the document to the subject population.
  • Avoid technical jargon or overly complex terms.
  • Use  straightforward  language that is understandable.

Writing tips

The informed consent document should succinctly describe the research as it has been presented in the IRB application.

  • Use the second (you) or third person (he/she) to present the study details.  Avoid use of the first person (I).  
  • Include a statement of agreement at the conclusion of the informed consent document. 
  • The consent doucment must be consistent with what is described in the IRB application.

Document Formating for Uploading into eResearch

  • Remove "track changes" or inserted comments from the consent documentation prior to uploading the document into the IRB application (Section 10-1) for review.
  • Use a consistent, clearly identified file naming convention for multiple consent/assent documents.

Informed Consent Templates

IRB-HSBS strongly recommends that investigators use one of the informed consent templates developed to include the required consent elements (per  45 CFR 46.116 ), as well as other required regulatory and institutional language.  The templates listed below include the new consent elements outlined in the 2018 Common Rule.

References and Resources

PDF.  Lists the basic and additional elements required for inclusion or to be included, as appropriate to the research, in the informed consent documentation, along with the citiation number [e.g., _0116(b)(1)] within the revised Common Rule.  New elements associated with the 2018 Common Rule are indicated in bold text.

Strongly recommended for studies that involve the collection of biospecimens and/or genetic or genomic analysis, particularly  federally sponsored clinical trials that are required to post a consent document on a public website.  Last updated:  04/10/2024.

Informed Consent documents are not reviewed by the IRB for Exempt projects.  However, researchers are ethically bound to conduct a consent process with subjects.  This template is suggested for use with Exempt projects. Last updated 4/17/24

(Word) Blank template with 2018 revised Common Rule key information and other required informed consent elements represented as section headers; includes instructions and recommended language.  It is strongly advised that you modify this template to draft a project-specific informed consent document for your study for IRB review and approval.  Last updated: 04/10/2024

(Word) General outline to create and post a flyer seeking participation in a human subjects study.  Includes instructions.

(Word) Two sample letters for site approval cooperation between U-M and other institutions, organizations, etc.  Letters of cooperation must be on U-M letterhead and signed by an appropriate official.  These letters are uploaded into the Performance Site section of the eResearch IRB application.

For use by U-M Dearborn faculty, staff, and students conducting non-exempt human subjects research using subject pools. Last updated 4/10/24

For use by U-M Dearborn faculty, staff, and students conducting exempt human subjects research using subject pools

Researchers who will conduct data collection that is subject to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) must use this template in tandem with a general consent for participation template/document.

  • Child assent ages 3-6
  • Child assent 7-11
  • Parent permission
  • Brief protocol for exempt research including data management and security questionnaire
  • Child assent 12-14
  • Introductory psychology subject pool general consent template
  • Introductory psychology subject pool exempt consent template

IRB-Health Sciences and Behavioral Sciences (IRB-HSBS)

Phone: (734) 936-0933 Fax: (734) 936-1852 [email protected]

  • Human Subjects Protections

Why use it?

This template includes key information that you should provide to get consent from people participating in your research interviews or focus groups. Before you use this template, check out the  getting consent guide for more information.

Interview/Focus group consent form

I ….............................................................(name), being over the age of 18 years, hereby consent to participate as requested in the [focus group/interview]  for the research project held on …………………………………… (date).

  • Details of the focus group have been explained to my satisfaction.
  • I agree to audio recording of my information and participation.
  • I may not directly benefit from taking part in this research.
  • I am free to withdraw from the project at any time and am free to decline to answer particular questions.
  • While the information gained in this study will be published as explained, I will not be identified and individual information will remain confidential.
  • Whether I participate or not, or withdraw after participating, will have no effect on any treatment or service that is being provided to me.
  • I may ask that the recording/observation be stopped at any time, and that I may withdraw at any time from the session or the research without disadvantage.
  • I understand that I can contact either the researcher or  [insert organisation]  with questions about this research via the contact details below.

Name, Role – Organisation

Email and phone number

Participant’s signature: ………………………………………

Date: ……………………………………………………………………

Date of birth: ………………………………………………………

Sample consent and permission forms

General consent form to participate in research (DOC)

Two stage project consent form (DOC)

Parent permission form for research with child (DOC)

Child assent form (DOC)

Multiple consent form including audio-recording and quotations (DOC)

Photo and video consent form (DOC)

Video-recording consent form (DOC)

Re-contact agreement form (DOC)

Post-debriefing consent form (DOC)

Interview Consent Form Template

Need to interview someone for research or journalistic purposes? Optimize your research or reporting process with our informed consent form for an interview. Designed for interviewees to grant permission to use their data, this simple consent form for interview is perfect for qualitative research or journalistic reports. This template is designed for a research interview with audio recording, but it can be easily adapted for other cases.

Key features of the Consent Form for Research Interview:

  • Secure online storage and easy customization
  • Mobile-friendly design
  • Built-in signature field
  • Ability to save signed forms as PDFs and print them

Make this consent form sample for an interview your own and start using it today! Simply add this template to your account, customize it to fit your needs, and start leveraging its benefits immediately. With AidaForm, you can create professional digital consent forms in minutes – no design or coding knowledge needed!

Frequently Asked Questions about Consent Form for Interview

What is an interview consent form.

An interview consent form is a legal document that informs participants about the interview process and obtains their voluntary consent to participate prior to the interview. It empowers participants to make informed choices about their participation by outlining the interview purpose, data handling, rights and withdrawal option. It is often required for academic research (for dissertations) and for professional interviews (for journalism).

How to write a consent form for an interview?

Clearly explain the interview’s purpose, scope and key details for participants in plain language, avoiding jargon and complex terms. Emphasize that participation is voluntary and individuals can withdraw at any time. Use clear headings, formatting and bullet points for easy navigation.

How to make a consent form for an interview in AidaForm?

Customize your form in 4 simple steps:

Get started with a template . Click “Use This Template” to add the consent form to your AidaForm account. If you don’t have one yet, that’s ok. It takes minutes to create an account with AidaForm.

Customize form fields . Use our drag-and-drop editor to swap out pre-written text, add extra fields and pick a design that matches your brand. Think of it as giving your consent form a modern upgrade!

Add checkboxes . Make signing a breeze for clients by adding digital checkboxes and a signature field. This streamlines smooth consent collection without any hassle. Remember to consult a lawyer to ensure your disclaimer texts comply with local regulations.

Publish your form . Ready to launch your form? Toggle the “Publish” button and it’s live! Let people know by adding the form to your website.

Can I create an online interview consent form for free?

Absolutely! AidaForm offers a free plan that lets you create a simple consent form for an interview, complete with essential checkboxes.

Looking for more? Our Expert plan unlocks advanced features like the Signature Field for an even smoother experience. Curious to see how it works? Start your free 14-day trial of the AidaForm Expert plan and see how easily you can create interview consent forms. Our friendly Support Team is available to help you get started!

Does AidaForm offer features to help me comply with GDPR regulations?

Yes, data security is AidaForm’s top priority. Please see our Privacy Policy for details about our data protection practices. AidaForm implements industry-standard security measures to protect your form data. We provide a data processing agreement outlining our role and responsibilities as a data processor. As the form owner, you not only control the data collected through your forms, but also have important responsibilities regarding informing respondents about the purpose of collection and ensuring secure and responsible storage of their information.

Additionally, you might need to show respondents your full terms and conditions. AidaForm helps by offering a “Terms of Use” checkbox that you can link directly to your website’s privacy page or display in a pop-up window.

More AidaForm Templates

Basic consent form, counseling consent form, employee photo release form.

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sample consent form for research interview

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Informed consent form template for qualitative studies.

This template is for research interventions that use questionnaires, in-depth interviews or focus group discussions. The form consists of two parts: the information sheet and the consent certificate

Last modified: April 13, 2020

Language: English

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Templates for informed consent forms

Notes to researchers

The language used throughout form should be at the level of a local student of class 6th/8th

Please note that these are templates developed by the WHO ERC to assist the Principal Investigator in the design of their informed consent forms (ICF). It is important that Principal Investigators adapt their own ICFs to the outline and requirements of their particular study. The logo of the Institution must be used on the ICF and not the WHO logo.

The informed consent form consists of two parts: the information sheet and the consent certificate.

Do not be concerned by the length of these templates. They are long only because they contain guidance and explanations which are for you and which you will not include in the informed consent forms that you develop and provide to participants in your research.

These templates include examples of key questions that may be asked at the end of each section, that could ensure the understanding of the information being provided, especially if the research study is complex. These are just examples, and suggestions, and the investigators will have to modify the questions depending upon their study.

In these templates:

  • square brackets indicate where specific information is to be inserted;
  • bold lettering indicates sections or wording which should be included;
  • standard lettering is used for explanations to researchers only and must not be included in your consent forms. The explanation is provided in black, and examples are provided in red in italics. Suggested questions to elucidate understanding are given in black in italics.

Download 'informed consent' form templates

  • Informed consent for clinical studies
  • Consent for storage and future use of unused samples
  • Informed consent for qualitative studies
  • Informed assent for children/minors
  • Informed parental consent for research involving children (qualitative)
  • Informed parental consent for research involving children (clinical)


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  4. Interview Consent Form Template

    sample consent form for research interview

  5. FREE 9+ Sample Interview Consent Forms in MS Word

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  6. Consent Form Template Word

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  4. PDF Interview Consent Form Template

    Double-check that the information in your consent form/forms matches/match the information provided in your research ethics protocol (and funding proposal if applicable). Consent forms should be written at a reading level appropriate for your target audience. Use clear language, avoid acronyms/academic jargon, and explain terms a layperson may ...

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    se this template if your research is NOT. derally-sponsore. A. D participants are adults.Avoid Common Problems with Consent Forms. Read these tips!1. ustomize this template to reflect the specifics of your study and participan. population.Text in [brackets] represents study-specific information that must be added.A ba.

  7. IRB Consent Form Templates

    General Consent Form Templates. Social and Behavioral Research Projects (last updated 03/16/2023) Biomedical Research Projects (last updated 07/18/2022)


    If you like, a summary of the results of the study will be sent to you. If you have any other concerns about your rights as a research participant that have not been answered by the investigators, you may contact the Smith College Institutional Review Board at [email protected] or (413) 585-3562.

  9. PDF Example Consent Form

    l study and what the outputs will be}.If you wish to take part in the interview, you need to fill in this consent form. We will ask for your email address so we can contact you regarding an opportunity t. participate in a follow-up interview.During this interview, we will ask you a se. ies of questions related to {explain}. We.

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    A Journey Through Qualitative Research. From Design to Reporting. London: Sage. 1 Consent form for an interview. Example Title of the research: Name of the researchers : Affiliation and address : Phone number and email : Invitation to Participate: I am invited to participate in the research study entitled (title of the

  12. Sample Consent Forms

    2023-04-10. The following documents are samples. IRBIS does NOT generate these documents with application-specific information. Exempt Research Information Sheet. 2017-10-30. Addendum to provide additional information to subject after original consent. 2024-08-09. SSN Collection for Medicare Recipients. 2017-04-17.

  13. PDF Informed consent form template for qualitative studies

    The logo of the Institution must be used on the ICF and not the WHO logo. The informed consent form consists of two parts: the information sheet and the consent certificate. Do not be concerned by the length of this template. It is long only because it contains guidance and explanations which are for you and which you will not include in the ...

  14. Informed Consent Guidelines & Templates

    Informed consent is the process of telling potential research participants about the key elements of a research study and what their participation will involve. The informed consent process is one of the central components of the ethical conduct of research with human subjects. The consent process typically includes providing a written consent ...

  15. Consent form (interview or focus group)

    This is an example of a form you should provide to get consent from people participating in your research interviews or focus groups. Why use it? This template includes key information that you should provide to get consent from people participating in your research interviews or focus groups. ... Interview/Focus group consent form. I ...

  16. PDF Participant Information Sheet and Consent Form Templates

    This template is a guide to help researchers design study information sheets and consent forms. It has been designed with reference to HRA Participant Information Sheet Preparation Guidance. Sample text is italicised. Alter or delete as required as you produce the draft. Standard required text is underlined.

  17. Sample consent and permission forms

    Contact. Sample consent and permission forms. General consent form to participate in research (DOC) Two stage project consent form (DOC) Parent permission form for research with child (DOC) Child assent form (DOC) Multiple consent form including audio-recording and quotations (DOC) Photo and video consent form (DOC)

  18. Interview Consent Form Template

    Key features of the Consent Form for Research Interview: Secure online storage and easy customization; Mobile-friendly design; Built-in signature field; Ability to save signed forms as PDFs and print them; Make this consent form sample for an interview your own and start using it today! Simply add this template to your account, customize it to ...

  19. PDF informed Model Consent Form

    The informed consent form should be accompanied by an information sheet that describes: 1. General information about the research and the collected research data • Purpose of the research • Type of research intervention, e.g. questionnaire, interview, etc. • Voluntary nature of participation • Benefits and risks of participating

  20. Informed Consent Form Template for Qualitative Studies

    This template is for research interventions that use questionnaires, in-depth interviews or focus group discussions. The form consists of two parts: the information sheet and the consent certificate. Last modified: April 13, 2020. Language: English.

  21. PDF Sample Consent Form (for Adult Participants)

    Please do not write any identifying information on the survey/questionnaire.". Also see the Sample Cover Letter - Studies Involving Mailed Surveys/Questionnaires provided below, which is an optional cover letter that may be used separately or in conjunction with the sample consent form for adults depending on the appropriateness of the situation.

  22. Templates for informed consent forms

    Research Ethics Review Committee (ERC) The Research Ethics Review Committee (ERC) is a 27-member committee established and appointed by the Director-General. Its mandate is to ensure WHO only supports research of the highest ethical standards. The ERC reviews all research projects, involving human participants supported either financially or ...

  23. Consent Forms for UX Research: A Starter Template

    Research Consent Form. STUDY DETAILS. The purpose of this study is for us to better understand the user experience of our products and services. Your participation in this study will help us modify, develop, or otherwise improve our products and services. This study will consist of a 1-on-1 interview with a member of our research team.