Ellin Lolis Consulting

2023-2024 SDA Bocconi MBA Essay Tips and Example Essays

Jul 21, 2023

bocconi essay question

  • Who is Bocconi looking for?
  • How should I answer the Bocconi essay questions?
  • Get into the Bocconi MBA
  • Bocconi Deadlines

Ranked the best business school in Italy and one of the best in Europe, SDA Bocconi is a top choice for internationally-minded professionals looking to advance their careers.

However, with its impressive tech recruiting statistics (nearly a third of the class ended up in this industry in 2022) and one of the world’s best luxury management programs, getting into Bocconi is no easy task. 

That’s why we’ve prepared this guide to help you use your Bocconi admissions essays to stand out. We’ve rounded up our best tips and links to Bocconi MBA sample essays to ensure you give your Haas application your best shot. 

1. Who is Bocconi looking for?

bocconi essay question

Source: @ sda_bocconi on Instagram

“At SDA Bocconi, we look for motivated and goal-oriented applicants who aspire to get as much as possible out of the program. Each year our aim is to build a dynamic cohort, so we look for candidates who have something unique to contribute. New ideas, perspectives, and energy.” Bocconi Admissions

Every year, Bocconi searches the globe ( 33 countries are represented in the Class of 2023) for outstanding professionals who are given the honor of joining its cohort of less than 100 students. With a strong emphasis on diversity, there is no “typical” Bocconi student, yet the average admitted student does have an average of 5.5 years of work experience and 29 years of age.

Bocconi is looking for candidates who are “driven by a willingness to grow as a manager and as a person by investing in new opportunities, responsibilities and ethical values.”

If this sounds like a community in which you’d be right at home, you’ll first have to prove you’ve got what it takes by successfully answering Bocconi’s admissions essay questions. 

2. How should I answer the Bocconi essay questions?

Writing any admissions essay is a tough task. However, with the right tips, you’ll be well on your way to crafting essays that get you admitted to SDA Bocconi’s MBA program. 

2.1. Essay 1 Tips

What interests and occupations do you pursue in your free time? (280 words)

Here, we suggest choosing a few different activities you currently participate in (or have meaningfully participated in previously). 

These can be a range of activities, from hobbies to community service to sports, etc. If you can, try to choose activities that reinforce you’re a globally-minded, team-oriented person and use this space to highlight new elements of your profile that you did not discuss elsewhere. 

No matter what you choose, you must justify how each activity has enriched you. 

You don’t have to get overly dramatic here and state that soccer saved your life (if it did, though, write about that!), but make sure to show a mature, thoughtful analysis of how this activity has led you to grow as a person. 

2.2. Essay 2 Tips

What do you think you gained from your university studies? Conversely, what important things do you think your studies lacked? (280 words)

Focusing on self-awareness, this prompt specifically asks you to discuss improvements gained during your university studies and gaps relevant to your professional goals. 

As such, first select a few areas you mastered during college. For instance, to evidence your technical skills, you could mention winning a university engineering contest, telling us the story of what happened and the proficiencies you earned and demonstrated during that engagement. 

Try to ensure that each respective proficiency or acquired knowledge is grounded in a specific illustration of how they were actively acquired through your own engagement with university resources and life. 

Then, after demonstrating what you gained from your studies, identify a couple of gaps where your degree offered limited exposure to relevant skills. For example, you could talk about how university offered a wealth of technical knowledge but little experience in soft skills like conflict mediation. When discussing specifics about what your studies lacked, emphasize their importance – how are they critical to your chosen professional trajectory? 

When selecting what you gained during your studies and the things you lacked, make sure your essay flows logically from one point to another. A random collection of unrelated stories or contradictory takeaways will be difficult and confusing to read.

2.3. Essay 3 Tips

Explain the most significant goals you think you have achieved so far and the reasons for their importance in your personal growth. (280 words)

For this essay, you will want to choose 2-3 goals that mark a particular personal development, milestone, or turning point. Each achieved goal should be contextualized with a condensed STAR-formatted story , as communicating their significance depends upon articulating their specific situation and the actions you took to achieve them.

Please remember that this essay calls for goals important to your personal growth . Goals primarily important for your professional advancement should not be used here.

Finally, when detailing your personal growth, draw out specific qualities or a particular mindset rather than a vague sense of personal progression. For example, stating that an achieved goal taught you to view unexpected problems as invigorating challenges rather than catastrophes is a much more textured look at your personal development. Even when focusing on qualities such as resilience or optimism, you should articulate what that specifically means to you.

Need more guidance? 

Our MBA Resource Center has dozens of essays that worked to get our clients admitted to help you plan out a winning Bocconi essay. Our library also includes guides for all top global MBA programs, detailed essay brainstorms, interview tips and mocks, CV templates, and recommendation letter guides. Click to join ! 

2.4. Essay 4 Tips

Describe your strong points, personal and professional, explaining why you see them as such. (280 words)

For this essay, we suggest a few strong points spread over both your personal and professional aspects to provide a broader perspective of who you are. Your strong points should not be a random assortment of positive qualities but connected strengths that form the foundation for your identity.

In this sense, we suggest a robust theme that integrates with and connects to your characteristics in order to produce an interesting, cohesive essay. It will also help you discuss what led you to develop your unique characteristics!

For example, your defined identity as an innovation leader could connect creative thinking, a commitment to diversity, and your unshakeable optimism as facets of your ability to generate out-of-the-box solutions in high-stakes situations by leveraging the different perspectives of your team members.

When describing your strong points, illustrate them with specific examples where your strengths played a decisive role. They should not be inert qualities but dynamic skills that you employ to great effect.

Finally, ensure that your strong points do not clash with the weaknesses you will outline in the next essay. We suggest planning all of your points and examples for this essay and the following one (Essay 5) to eliminate conflicts.

2.5. Essay 5 Tips

Describe your weak points, personal and professional, explaining why you see them as such. (280 words)

As a direct companion to Essay 4, this essay calls for your personal and professional weak points. Please (please!) do not use a fake or made-up weakness. Your weakness should be thoughtful yet appropriate for business school. 

Talking about how you often fight with superiors, for example, is not appropriate for business school since the experience is inherently collaborative and teamwork driven, so make sure you don’t build an argument that you have a hard time relating to others. Furthermore, answers like losing your temper easily or being lazy are not good choices. 

You also don’t want to stray too far to the other side, choosing answers like “I work too hard.” Instead, choose real, well-considered weaknesses and include information about why this personal trait is a weakness. 

For example, if you tend to get lost in the details, show the adcom that this has led to negative feedback at work, where you’re increasingly asked to take care of your team’s big-picture responsibilities. 

Finally, end by showing how you are working on this weakness. The important thing here is not to show you are a “perfect” person, but to show them that you are mature, self-aware, and focused on self-improvement. 

2.6. Essay 6 Tips

What are the reasons that lead you to apply to the Program at this point in your life? (280 words)

This essay asks you to consider your past experience, your general aim for the future, and how you are at the correct stage in your career for Bocconi to help you achieve those aims. 

Paramount to your essay should be establishing your motivation for applying to the program. Ideally, your motivation will be grounded in both personal stakes and a realistic professional track with timely, practical considerations. For example, you might start by portraying the childhood origins of your personal investment in the natural world. Then, you could articulate how that personal investment manifested into a professional career focused on sustainability, complete with a story that grounds your motivation in a specific professional context.

Once you consolidate your motivation and experience, you need to explain your future aims in order to set up why you are applying to the program to achieve them. Do not include a detailed short-term and long-term goals statement here, as those are called for in Essay 9 and Essay 10.

Rather, this should be a brief statement that allows you to transition into the considerations for the timing of your application. If, for example, you need to move into a management position to realize your ambitions, you should state why now is the right time to earn your degree to make that transition. In other words, you should outline how it is the correct stage in your career to both be prepared for and fully maximize the benefits of the MBA at Bocconi.

Lastly, the connections you draw to Bocconi should be one or two general takeaways, as a more granular look at what the program has to offer will be included in Essay 9.    

2.7. Essay 7 Tips

What other possibilities have you seriously considered, apart from the Program, for reaching your goals of personal and professional growth? (280 words)

This essay requires an exploration of 2-3 other options for you to reach your goals and a rationale for why each is a viable alternative to the program. These other possibilities should effectively be different pathways that still ultimately connect to your goals – it is important that your alternatives don’t contradict your primary goals. 

If, for example, your primary goal focuses on moving away from operational processes into a more strategic, managerial role, your alternatives should not involve advancing further into purely operational capacities. Rather, a more viable possibility would perhaps involve a lateral move into a related field with more potential for strategic responsibilities.

2.8. Essay 8 Tips

Where do you wish to pursue your profession after receiving the MBA? (drop down menu) Why? (280 words)

First, make sure that the answer you include here is 100% aligned with the goals you detail below. If essays 9 and 10 state you want to return to your home country of Bahrain, for example, don’t put here that you want to pursue your career in Italy. This type of inconsistency will severely damage your application. 

Since you have quite a lot of space dedicated to describing what your goals are below, you don’t need to rewrite your goals here. Instead, focus specifically on what is motivating you to pursue your goals in one region as compared to another. 

For example, if you’re planning to go back to Brazil after graduation to play a role in using technology to revolutionize the country’s agricultural industry, make sure you mention why you are so passionate about returning home and being part of this change. 

On the other hand, if you’re planning to move to a new region, you must explicitly state why you want to switch geographies and why this new geography is more advantageous for you and your goals. 

Here is an example where our client Ana described the motivations behind her interest in pursuing her post-MBA goals in the UK. 

“After graduating, I plan to take advantage of my connections to Blackstone’s UK office and become a senior associate or manager at a British real estate company. I want to learn from the country’s best asset-management practices, retrofit strategies, solutions to generate comfort for tenants and residents, and communications practices to investors to show transparency and confidence.

The UK real estate market is more structured than that of my home country. For example, UK’s public real estate companies have an impressive dynamic of buying and selling assets in a liquid market and can focus on generating portfolio value, are accessible to any private investor wanting to hold shares, and are able to promote renewable energies. Additionally, I expect to benefit from the UK real estate market’s numerous technology startups.”

TOP TIP : Mentioning that you can simply make more money in the “new” location won’t cut it here, so make sure your reasoning goes beyond this.  

2.9. Essay 9 Tips

What are your short-term professional goals (within the next 3-5 years)? (280 words)

As one of the most important essays you’ll write, Bocconi’s ninth essay is a classic goals essay . 

It is important, however, to keep in mind that Bocconi has deliberately been very clear about what they want here: short-term and medium-term goals only. 

For your short-term goal, consider the job you hope to have immediately upon graduating from Bocconi. For your medium-term goal, we would suggest 3-5 years after you finish your MBA as a guide. 

When discussing your goals, clarity is king, so make sure you include a job title and industry in your description of your post-MBA aspiration. 

However, goals without context can be a little confusing to decipher or understand (or they can just seem a bit lackluster). For example, a client last year initially started his essay by saying: 

“I want to become a Business Development Director at a Brazilian company.”

While interesting, it’s better to give a little bit of context to help these goals come to life. Check out the final version of the same essay’s introduction:

“In the 1970s, the phrase “think global, act local” came into use, suggesting that for the world to change, one must be active locally. With this mindset, I focused my career on Brazilian multinational companies to start creating global change at home. I now seek to take the next step to become a “glocal” leader by becoming Business Development Director at a Brazilian company.”

After clearly stating your goal (and your motivations for having this goal), meaningfully touch on how Bocconi can help you achieve these goals. 

This should not be a “laundry list” of 10 classes you found on the Bocconi site, nor a section in which you repeat clichés about the school. Instead, you should thoughtfully consider how you must grow personally and professionally to reach your stated short-term goal and what elements of Bocconi (classes, faculty, clubs, etc.) will help you reach them. 

Ending your essay with a killer conclusion sentence to leave your reader with a strong image of your profile is the perfect wrap-up. 

2.10. Essay 10 Tips

What are your long-term professional goals? (280 words)

With this short answer question, Bocconi essentially has asked you to finish the story you started sharing in Essay 10. Furthermore, they have deliberately been very clear about what they want here: long-term goals only . 

When discussing your goals , clarity is king, so make sure you include a job title and industry in your description of your post-MBA aspiration. 

After clearly stating your goal, you should dedicate a bit of space to discussing what motivates you to pursue these goals and the impact you hope to make with these goals. 

Since you might have additional space, you may also want to include a few ways in which the Bocconi MBA can help you reach this long-term goal specifically. 

Ending your essay with a killer conclusion sentence to leave your reader with a strong image of your profile is the perfect wrap-up.  

2.11. Essay 11 Tips

How do you expect to finance your Program studies? (280 words)

The Bocconi admissions committee wants to make sure that candidates they accept have a financial plan in place that ensures they will have the funding they need for their MBAs. 

As such, the best answer here is straightforward. You don’t need to write a long essay here, but can instead simply outline how you plan to pay for your degree. Make sure to include information about savings and loans you plan to obtain. 

Lastly, if you have good reasons for needing financial assistance, it is always a good idea to include this in your essay. Often, our clients mention that they are putting their savings towards supporting their families/spouses or do not have enough savings to pay for the MBA due to currency devaluation. While you don’t want to imply that you can’t attend if you don’t get a scholarship, providing insight into why a scholarship would be helpful, based on your financial situation, would be appropriate for this essay. 

3. Get into the Bocconi MBA

One of the most common mistakes we see in MBA essays is that candidates fail to tell compelling stories . This is important because if your stories are not compelling, they will not be persuasive. At the same time, they must be backed by strong examples that establish a track record of success and prove to the admissions committees why you belong at their school. 

Striking this balance between content and creativity can be tough, however, as succeeding means not only choosing the right stories but ensuring they are told in an optimal manner.   

This is why our iterative developmental feedback process here at Ellin Lolis Consulting helps you mold your message through the application of our storytelling expertise until it reflects exactly what makes your profile stand out and show fit with your target program. 

Not only can you take advantage of our iterative feedback process through multiple edits – you can also benefit from it after a single review! If your budget is tight, our editors will be happy to help polish your text as much as possible and leave “bonus comments” so you can keep working on it on your own!

bocconi essay question

No matter how long we work with you, we will always ensure your essays shine . Sign up to work with our team of storytelling experts and get accepted.

4. Bocconi Deadlines

Bocconi admits students on a rolling basis , which can be found here. You can access the online application here . 

Real MBA Essays That Got People In

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Career Protocol

MBA Essay Questions for 2021-22 Admissions: Complete List for Top European Programs

  • December 15, 2021

You’ve been doing your business school research and finalizing that list of target MBA programs. The next step is getting all those b-school applications ready, and you know what that means… It’s time to think about the dreaded admissions essays. (But there’s actually no need to dream them – really!)

If you’re applying to MBA programs in the U.S., check out our comprehensive list of 2021-2022 essay prompts for the top U.S. programs. And if you’ve got some European schools on your list, look no further! We’ve collected all the 2021-2022 essay prompts for schools like INSEAD, LBS, and ESADE.

So how important are the MBA admissions essays?

Whether you’re applying to programs in the U.S., Europe, or both, the essays are pretty darn important. Your resume, test scores, and academic record tell the admissions committee a lot of what they want to know about your professional track record and aptitude, but the essays tell them who you are . (Or they should, anyway.) Business schools want to know about the kind of person you are – the values that drive you, the ideas that excite you, and how you will make a mark on their community – and the essays are their main source of insight into that crucial piece of the puzzle.

Successful admissions essays take each program’s mission and values into account.

If you want to write essays that reflect who you are and how you’re a fit for the program of your dreams, you need to learn as much as you can about the school’s mission and core values. What kinds of leaders do they want to shape? What changes or improvements do they hope to realize in the world? Once you have a good sense of the program culture, you can show them how your own personal values and goals are a match for that culture. If you feel out of your depth when it comes to school research, watch our MBA Monday video on the best way to research business schools.  

Here are the 2021-2022 essay prompts for the top European MBA programs.

That’s right! We collected the essay questions for many of the top MBA programs in Europe and put them all in one place so you don’t have to do all that digging! Use the time we saved you to check out some of the free essay-writing resources tagged below, and get started on those rock-solid essays!  

You've got this!!!  Drop us a line  to discuss working together.

Applying to programs in the U.S.? Check out our comprehensive list of essay questions from U.S. MBA programs.

European Business Schools

Insead – france mba essay questions 2021-22, required job description essays.

  • Briefly summarise your current (or most recent) job, including the nature of work, major responsibilities, and where relevant, employees under your supervision, size of budget, clients/products and results achieved. (200 words maximum)
  • What would be your next step in terms of position if you were to remain in the same company instead of going to business school? (200 words maximum)
  • Please give a full description of your career since graduating from university. Describe your career path with the rationale behind your choices. (300 words maximum)
  • Discuss your short- and long-term career aspirations with an MBA from INSEAD. (100 words maximum)

Required Motivational Essays

  • Give a candid description of yourself (who are you as a person), stressing the personal characteristics you feel to be your strengths and weaknesses and the main factors which have influenced your personal development, giving examples when necessary. (maximum 500 words)
  • Describe the achievement of which you are most proud and explain why. In addition, describe a situation where you failed. How did these experiences impact your relationships with others? Comment on what you learned. (maximum 400 words)
  • Describe all types of extra-professional activities in which you have been or are still involved for a significant amount of time (clubs, sports, music, arts, etc.). How are you enriched by these activities? (maximum 300 words)

Optional Essay

Is there anything else that was not covered in your application that you would like to share with the Admissions Committee? (maximum 300 words)

Admissions Website

Career Protocol resources for tackling the INSEAD essays

  • Please Stop Trying to Convince People You Are Good
  • Don’t Write Your MBA Personal Statements Until You Watch This
  • Why Your MBA Essay Needs Strong Career Goals
  • Don’t Screw Up Your Goals in the MBA Application

London Business School – UK MBA Essay Questions 2021-22

  • What are your post-MBA goals and how will your prior experience and the London Business School programme contribute towards these? (500 words)

Is there any other information you believe the Admissions Committee should know about you and your application to London Business School? (500 words)

Career Protocol resources for tackling the LBS essay

  • Alums Can Ruin MBA Essays: 6 Steps to Collecting Useful Feedback

IESE – Spain MBA Essay Questions 2021-22

  • Who do you admire the most and why? Help us to understand who has played a pivotal role in shaping you to be the person you are or the person you aspire to be. Please provide specific examples of how they have shaped or inspired you. (300 words max)
  • What are your post-MBA career goals right after graduation and five years after? What kind of resources or opportunities offered by IESE will help you achieve them? (300 words max)

What would you like to highlight about yourself or your journey which may have not been captured in your application? (300 words max)

Career Protocol resources for tackling the IESE essays

  • How to Wow the MBA Adcom: Inspiring Storytelling for MBA Applications and Interviews
  • Don’t Write Boring MBA Essays! Here’s How to Start
  • Don’t Write Your MBA Personal Statements Until You Watch This  
  • How to Write a Great MBA Essay

HEC Paris – France MBA Essay Questions 2021-22

1. Why are you applying to the HEC MBA Program now? What is the professional objective that will guide your career choice after your MBA, and how will the HEC MBA contribute to the achievement of this objective? (500 words max)

2. What do you consider your most significant life achievement? (250 words max)

3. Leadership and ethics are inevitably intertwined in the business world. Describe a situation in which you have dealt with these issues and how they have influenced you. (250 words max)

4. Imagine a life entirely different from the one you now lead, what would it be? (250 words max)

5. Please choose from one of the following essays (250 words max):

  •   What monument or site would you advise a first-time visitor to your country or city to discover, and why?
  • Certain books, movies or plays have had an international success that you believe to be undeserved. Choose an example and analyse it.
  • What figure do you most admire and why? You may choose from any field (arts, literature, politics, business, etc).

Is there any additional information you would like to share with us?

Career Protocol resources for tackling the HEC Paris essays

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SDA Bocconi – Italy MBA Essay Questions 2021-22

Each answer should not exceed 280 words.

  • What interests and occupations do you pursue in your free time?
  • What do you think you gained from your university studies? Conversely, what important things do you think your studies lacked?
  • Explain the most significant goals you think you have achieved so far and the reasons for their importance in your personal growth.
  • Describe your strong points, personal and professional, explaining why you see them as such.
  • Describe your weak points, personal and professional, explaining why you see them as such.
  • What are the reasons that lead you to apply to the Program at this point in your life?
  • What other possibilities have you seriously considered, apart from the Program, for reaching your goals of personal and professional growth?
  • Where do you wish to pursue your profession after receiving the MBA? Where? Why?
  • Have you applied to other Business Schools in Italy or elsewhere? (Yes or No)
  • What are your short-term professional goals (within the next 3-5 years)?
  • What are your long-term professional goals?
  • How do you expect to finance your Program studies?
  • Are you including the application of a sponsor company? (Yes or No)

Career Protocol resources for tackling the SDA Bocconi essays

  • “Tell Me About a Time You…”: Answering the Most Common MBA Interview Questions (the tips here on behavioral interview questions are helpful for SDA Bocconi’s essays)

Cambridge Judge – UK MBA Essay Questions 2021-22

1. Please provide details of your post-MBA career plans. The statement should not exceed 500 words and must address the following:

  • What are your short- and long-term career objectives? How will the Cambridge MBA equip you to achieve these?
  • Looking at your short-term career goal, describe the research you have done to understand how this industry/role/location recruits MBA talent and what they are looking for in a candidate?
  • How do you meet the requirements of your short-term career goal? What preparation are you doing now?
  • Describe a difficult decision that you had to make. What did you learn from this and how have you changed as a result? (up to 200 words)

2. Describe a time where you worked with a team on a project. What did you learn from the experience and how might you approach it differently today? (up to 200 words)

3. If you could give one piece of advice to your 18-year-old self, what would it be? (up to 200 words)

Career Protocol resources for tackling the Cambridge essays

  • “Tell Me About a Time You…”: Answering the Most Common MBA Interview Questions (the tips here on behavioral interview questions are helpful for the Cambridge essays)

Oxford Saïd – UK MBA Essay Questions 2021-22

  • Tell us something that is not covered in your application which you would like the Admissions Committee to know about you. (Maximum 250 words)

Oxford 1+1 Scheme

If you are applying under the Oxford 1+1 MBA scheme you also need to submit the following essay:

  • Explain why you see this as particularly beneficial for you and how it fits with your career and personal development aims. (Maximum 250 words)

Reapplicant Essay (required of all reapplicants)

Re-applicants will need to submit an additional essay as below:

  • What improvements have you made in your candidacy since you last applied to the Oxford MBA? (Maximum 250 words)

When reviewing your essays, the admissions committee will be looking for evidence of the following: good communication skills, leadership potential, analytical skills, fit with the Oxford MBA community, among other characteristics.

Career Protocol resources for tackling the Oxford essay

Imd – switzerland mba essay questions 2021-22.

  • Describe a situation in which you failed as a leader. What did you learn from it? (Word limit 300)

Is there any additional information that is critical for the Admissions Committee which has not been covered elsewhere in this application? (i.e., re-application, health, grades, etc.) (Word limit 50)

Career Protocol resources for tackling the IMD essay

  • “Tell Me About a Time You…”: Answering the Most Common MBA Interview Questions (the tips here on behavioral interview questions are helpful for the IMD essay)

ESADE – Spain MBA Essay Questions 2021-22

1. Are you applying to other Schools? Please provide detail of Schools and Programmes. This information is for our own records; it will not affect the Admissions Committee’s decision. Max 255 characters (including spaces).

2. Did you learn about this programme through an Alumnus recommendation? If so please provide us with the name and graduation year. Max 255 characters (including spaces).

3. Which aspects have you improved on during your academic and professional career so far? Which tools or values have helped you achieve this? Max 3000 characters (including spaces).

4. How will your background, values and non-work-related activities enhance the experience of other ESADE MBA students and add to the diverse culture we strive for at ESADE? (Note: The goal of this essay is to get a sense of who you are, rather than what you have accomplished). Max 3000 characters (including spaces).

5. What are your motivations in pursuing a full-time MBA at this point in your life? Describe your mid-term and long-term visions for your post-MBA career path. What is it about ESADE you think will help you reach your goals? Max 3000 characters (including spaces).

6. Complete two of the following four questions or statements Max 3000 characters (including spaces).

  • I am most proud of…
  • People may be surprised to learn that I…
  • What has your biggest challenge been and what did it help you learn about yourself?
  • Which historical figure do you most identify with and why

7. Please, provide any additional information that you would like to bring to the attention of the Admissions Committee. This may include gaps in employment, your undergraduate record, plans to retake the GMAT or any other relevant information. Max 3000 characters (including spaces).

Career Protocol resources for tackling the ESADE essays

  • “Tell Me About a Time You…”: Answering the Most Common MBA Interview Questions (the tips here on behavioral interview questions are helpful for the ESADE essays)

Alliance Manchester – UK MBA Essay Questions 2021-22

In your essay, please include information about the following (max 1 A4 page):

  • Why do you feel it is the right time in your career to study an MBA and why would you like to gain a place on the Manchester MBA?
  • What are your immediate goals after you complete the programme?
  • How do you believe your previous experience and transferable skills, combined with the Manchester MBA, will help you to achieve your goals?
  • Which industry sector(s) and companies are your preferred target and which country/region would you like to work in?
  • What is your plan B if you are unable to achieve your preferred goals immediately?
  • What are your longer-term aspirations?

Online Video Assessment

This year, we are including a video assessment as part of our application process.  

Why are we introducing a video assessment? We understand that the traditional essays and test scores only tell us part of your ‘story’. The video assessment provides you with an opportunity to share what you will bring to our unique MBA in a more personal way. We hope the video assessment will bring to life the person we have learned about on paper from your application.

Career Protocol resources for tackling the Alliance Manchester essay

  • Awesome MBA Video Essay Advice

There you have it. Essay questions for the top European MBA programs all in one handy place. Chat with a member of our team  about how Career Protocol can make your MBA journey more awesome.

Now get writing! And HAVE FUN with it!  

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Picture of Angela Guido

Angela Guido

Student of Human Nature| Founder and Chief Education Officer of Career Protocol

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SDA Bocconi Asia Center

Bocconi Test : Here’s What You Need To Know

Once you’ve s ubmitted your application to the IMB at SDA Bocconi Asia Center, you may be prompted to take our internal exam, the Bocconi Test . Wondering whether you need to take this exam, and what is involved, if you do? Here’s more:

Do You Have to Take the Bocconi Test?

The answer to this question may not be as clear-cut as you’d expect. The Bocconi Test is not a requirement for applicants who have CAT, GMAT or GRE scores to report.

However, even if you are planning on sitting for one of these exams (or if you have already), it benefits you to be proactive and take the Bocconi Test. Why? Because our admissions process considers the best of all of your scores.

In other words, the Bocconi Test not only lets you show us what you’ve got but also enhances your admissions prospects by giving you yet an extra chance to put your best foot forward, if the other test scores are not as high as you had thought them out to be or even if you have not taken any other tests.

So while you don’t technically have to take the Bocconi Test, doing so now exponentially improves your chances of getting into SDA Bocconi Asia Center, with the option of submitting the other test scores to us later (if need be).

About the Bocconi Test

The Bocconi Test may be a different kind of exam than what you’ve experienced in the past. While others focus on straight-forward scores, the Bocconi Test assesses something different: your potential for success in the work environment.

The test is computer adaptive, features a constantly updated question bank and has no negative markings.

The result? A true determination of your potential to contribute — both as a IMB student and as a future business leader.

Bocconi Test Preparation Tips

At SDA Bocconi Asia Center, we want you to succeed truly, which is why we offer access to a breadth and depth of resources, including everything from example questions to full-length tests — all with answers. Not only do these practice opportunities help you gain an understanding of what to expect when you take the Bocconi Test, but they teach you what you need to know to do well on the exam. Of course, the rest is up to you: understanding the test instructions, allowing ample practice time, and studying in a productive environment are all important components when preparing for the Bocconi Test.

While taking a standardized test may still make your list of mandatory tasks, we urge you to take a different perspective. Ultimately, the Bocconi Test is not just a test, but an opportunity to get one step closer toward your future as part of our extraordinary IMB community.

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SDA Bocconi MBA Sample Essays

Free samples from past clients, sda boconni mba application essays 2023-24.

Essay 1:  What interests and occupations do you pursue in your free time?

Essay 2:  What do you think you gained from your university studies? Conversely, what important things do you think your studies lacked?

Essay 3:  Explain the most significant goals you think you have achieved so far and the reasons for their importance in your personal growth.

Essay 4:  Describe your strong points, personal and professional, explaining why you see them as such

Essay 5:  Describe your weak points, personal and professional, explaining why you see them as such

Essay 6:  What are the reasons that lead you to apply to the Program at this point in your life?

Essay 7:  What other possibilities have you seriously considered, apart from the Program, for reaching your goals of personal and professional growth?

Essay 8:  What are your short-term professional goals (within the next 3-5 years)?

Essay 9:  What are your long-term professional goals?

Essay 10:  How do you expect to finance your Program studies?

SDA Boconni MBA Winning Sample Essay – 1

Sda boconni essay 1: what interests and occupations do you pursue in your free time in my free time, i primarily pursue 2 interests – oriental belly dancing and costume designing..

Oriental belly dancing – As a kid growing up in a traditionally rich Bengali culture, I was always interested in pursuing various forms of arts such as painting, singing, dancing, and creative writing. While I enjoyed engaging in all of them, dancing became a passion for me. I continued to practice and learn various dance forms till my undergrad.

I started Oriental belly dancing around 3 years back and since then my crew and I have performed in all the metro cities in India. In last 3 years, I have performed solo as well as with my dance group in multiple public events. My passion for dancing motivated me to inspire and educate others about dancing and appreciate dancing as a way of life to stay fit and confident. Currently, I am a part of troupe members in Payal’s Dance Academy and I have started teaching belly dance enthusiasts across various locations.

Costume designing – My family have a textile business for almost 30 years now. We have our own manufacturing units for clothes and apparels. This is where my fascination with fashion and costume design began. I would often visit textile showrooms with my father to know how latest fashion trends influenced the dynamic of textile demand and supply. I am an avid reader and follower of fashion magazines and designers.

The blogs and regular field trips taught me a lot about fashion industry and inspired me to consult my father on the latest trends. Not only family business, I also consult an International Belly Dance Academy in costume designing and fashion accessories for their various performances. As a passionate dancer, I was able to bring in my fashion expertise in advising the Academy on latest trends and helping them in procuring designer costumes for their domestic as well as International events.

SDA Boconni Essay 2: What do you think you gained from your university studies? Conversely, What important things do you think your studies lacked?

My undergrad university has taught me and shaped me to be who I am today, it was culmination of a many firsts in my life.

My undergrad education was the first time I came out of my home and lived independently in a different state. Before undergrad, I always studied in an all-girls school and graduation was the first experience with a co-ed class. The best thing I learned was from the diverse cultural exposure. We had people all over India with various cultural background. I learned how cultural background influences one’s thinking and discussion behavior. I learned to understand all the diverse perspectives and different views.

As I learned more and more about engineering, my outlook and thought process changed with respect to dealing with problems. I acquired structured and logical way of thinking to deduce solutions for the problems.

As a budding engineer, one thing I felt our university lacked was hands on projects. Most of the learning was classroom based and even practical projects were theoretical in nature.  A better laboratory infrastructure would have given us a platform to replicate our ideas and to design more creative solutions in a safer environment and learn by doing. As an Alumni, I would strongly recommend, my undergraduate university to focus on focus more on practical hands on projects.

SDA Boconni Essay 3: Explain the most significant goals that you have achieved so far and the reasons for their importance in your personal growth.

My family came to India as an immigrant from Bangladesh. When my father migrated from Bangladesh to India, he had to deal with a lot of hurdles to bring up four daughters. He went against all the odds to give us the life we deserve and to become a successful businessman that he is now. Growing up, I have always seen people coming and consoling him for having four daughters as in the conservative Indian culture daughters are considered a baggage who will one day marry someone and go out of home. My goal growing up was always to stand up on my feet and make my father proud for everything he has done. Today I am the first engineer in my family and a successful IT professional. All the hard work that I have put in has brought out the positivity inside me and helped me aspire for something bigger in life.

Another significant moment in in my life was three years back when I met with an accident and injured my back. The injuries restricted my movements and I couldn’t continue my passion for dancing. After a lot of discussion and research, I joined Oriental Belly Dancing because it involved smooth fluidic movements as opposed to demanding hard hitting movements in other dance forms. I continued with my interest even with the pain and within six months of joining the academy, I not only recovered from my injuries but also started performing in big events throughout India. After recovering from a serious accident, I regained my lost passion for dancing. These public appearances and stage performances have helped me become a more confident individual. This motivated me to inspire and educate others about dancing and appreciate dancing as a way of life to stay fit and confident.

Now, I have graduated to a dance teacher, and I love doing my bit to spread the love for Belly Dancing. Even though this is a never-ending goal, I want to believe I have inspired few women so far to respect this art and realize the importance of fitness to maintain current active lifestyle.

SDA Boconni Essay 4: Describe you strong points, personal and professional, explaining why you see them as such.

I believe one of my strong points is that, I have a good emotional quotient (EQ) and empathy which helps me get connected with people easily. As a kid growing up in a country where education was highly marginalized to girls, I have seen my father struggling to build girls school and working hard to continue their education. So, a part of my EQ and empathy comes from the family culture and this culture of marginalizing girl’s education pushed me towards community engagement in Kolkata at a very early age. I would always visit nonprofit run schools and talk to diverse student group and make them realize the importance of girl education to realize their full potential.

My second strong point which I acquired through the social outreach work is my communication skills which have helped me craft a successful career for myself. I have leveraged this skill in my professional life to not only successfully work in diverse teams but also confidently lead those teams.

Working as a Business Analyst, I had to interact with clients and capture and communicate business requirements in a very clear and concise way so that there is no scope for miscommunication or misunderstanding. These interactions have taught me a lot in keeping my communication very succinct and coherent. Furthermore, working with diverse cross functional teams I learned a lot about cross collaboration and leading teams with direct or indirect authority. These experiences and learnings have gone long way in enhancing my communication skills further.

Hence overall, I believe emotional quotient, empathy and my communication skills are the strengths which have helped me achieve success so far in my career.

SDA Boconni Essay 5: Describe you weak points, personal and professional, explaining why you see them as such.

Growing up, I always needed a to-do list for my daily activities to be in order and organized. I have made sure to follow the to-do list and it helped me to plan for an activity way before and finish it on time. After becoming a working professional, I have realized that planning everything way ahead doesn’t always help. There are times when we need to deviate or change the plan according to the situation. Initially it took a great deal for me to adjust to such situations where plans are needed to change. I started to panic thinking about the consequences. Under the guidance of my senior at workplace, I have learnt how to respond better to changing dynamics. My manager guided me in managing major project releases that has helped me face my fear and take spontaneous decisions whenever needed. I would still like to improve on that area and have myself prepared when I must take frequent spontaneous decisions without panicking or taking a lot of pressure on my shoulder.

My second weakness is being driven about my goals and setting up high expectations from people around me. Earlier this would often lead to disappointments as I was not cognizant about other capabilities. However, as I started leading diverse teams with varied ambitions and goals, I started setting one on one expectations from everyone so that everyone on the team stays on the same page while not letting me or the team down. No matter how big or small are the goals, I still let my ambitions drive my expectations but with being mindful of the people and the context.

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SDA Bocconi MBA Winning Sample Essays – 2

Sda bocconi essay 1: what are the reasons that lead you to apply to the program at this point in your life.

I have 5 years of quality experience with Accenture where I have acquired extensive experience in commodity trading and risk management. I have worked with major oil, gas and finance clients as a Business Analyst to capture and define business requirements, recommend IT solutions and improve projects success metrics.

In these 5 years, I have worked with large cross functional teams and implemented project wide business process improvements. Working with these elite clients has provided me extensive knowledge in physical trading, financial trading, logistics, supply and demand management. After having acquired good experience in commodity trading, now in the short term I want to move towards a career in retail trading possibly towards apparel and textile trading, so that one day I can lead my family’s textile company to international expansions.

But to achieve my envisaged career goals, I need to enhance my understanding of business/management fundamentals. I believe courses such as Management and Organization of the New Product Development, Strategy Execution, Brand Management would help me understand the dynamics of the market and sharpen the skills I have developed over the years.

Hence, I would like to pursue MBA in a reputed school like SDA Bocconi where I would get perspective in leadership, strategy, business planning, marketing and driving international business.

SDA Bocconi Essay 2: What other goals have you seriously considered, apart from the program, for reaching your goals of personal and professional growth?

My family has a successful business in fashion apparels and textile trading. We have our own company “DRP Textile” that specializes in design and manufacturing of women’s and men’s apparels. I have been involved in my family business on a part time basis and improved few areas whenever it is needed. As we are expanding our business locally and trying to reach maximum retailers as possible, so helping my family business would definitely be my first priority.

But I believe with my current knowledge, even though I work diligently in our family business and learn about the end to end product management, it would be difficult to expand it globally in 5 years down the line without any experiential knowledge in International business or consumer behaviour that I can acquire in a reputed program like in SDA Bocconi’s. Working with a reputed International brand in Italy would also help me learn the nuances of fashion industry and implement it in real life setting.

Another possibility is leaving Accenture and looking for internships provided by International brands such as Gucci, Louis Vuitton etc. in India but such an exposure would help me learn about Indian market with renewed, country-specific, localised strategies. I wouldn’t be exposed to the areas such as design management, diverse consumer behaviour etc. which I need to scale my family business expand internationally.

SDA Bocconi Essay 3: Where do you wish to pursue your profession after receiving the MBA?

Having acquired quality experience at a global tech consulting firm such as Accenture, I have a strong grasp on how global businesses work in varied industries. Therefore, pursuing my profession anywhere across the globe would not be huge challenge for me. In a highly globalized world, where companies focus a lot on diversity and inclusivity, I feel I bring great set of technical as well business acumen on the table that will help me position myself well for my desired aspiration anywhere across the globe.

For an aspiring brand manager in fashion industry, I believe Italy as the renowned fashion capital of the world provides me an excellent platform to explore and network with myriad companies in fashion industry and learn the tricks of the trade from the best of the industries. That’s a strong motivation for me to pursue brand management career in Italy and then leverage that rich exposure to take my company global in few years down the line.

SDA Bocconi Essay 4: What are your short term professional goals?

Post MBA, I would like to target a brand management role in a luxury brand. I believe working as a brand manager for a luxury brand will help me learn the nuances of business in fashion industry, provide me the relevant experiential knowledge as well as the professional expertise required in launching, marketing and managing portfolio of brands. As a brand manager, I would acquire good knowledge about making informed business decisions to successfully cater to consumers ever changing needs and preferences.

For an aspiring brand manager in fashion industry, Italy, renowned fashion capital of the world, provides me an excellent platform to explore and network with myriad companies in fashion industry and learn the tricks of the trade from the best of the industry.

Therefore, I strongly believe, studying and working in the fashion capital of the world will provide me good exposure to the fashion industry which I can leverage in the medium to long term in scaling my family’s fashion apparels and textile business.

SDA Bocconi Essay 5: What are your long term professional goals?

My family have a successful business in Fashion apparels and textile trading. We have our own company “DRP Textile” that specializes in design and manufacturing of women’s and men’s apparels.

At present, our business is involved in every step from purchasing of raw cotton from market to manufacturing of ready to wear fashion apparels for men and women both. We have inhouse factories for sizing strong stable thread, weaving, dying, printing, designing, manufacturing and packaging. We take care of everything to produce and sell it to wholesalers and retailers.

In the long term, I aspire to help my family business grow internationally and take over reins of the business one day. I believe the knowledge I acquire over the years in retail industry combined with other aspects will help me make required changes in our textile company.

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How to Get Admitted to SDA Bocconi (Interview)

Take a look at these tips and tricks.

An admissions officer shares some useful tips for getting admitted to SDA Bocconi (Italy).

[0:08] Q: So can you please introduce yourself and tell us a little bit more about your school - the school that you’re currently working for?

[0:16] A: My name is Joana Franco, I work at the recruiting and admissions office in SDA Bocconi. I’m a recruiting officer and our business school is located in the city center of Milan, Italy, and we have a wide range of Master’s that we propose, and three types of MBA – we have the full MBA, the Executive MBA, and the Global Executive MBA. And they are very international programs and we are a very nice business school in the center of the beautiful city of Milan.

[0:51] Q: How should MBA candidates come across in order to fit the mix that you’re looking for in the program?

[0:58] A: Our classes are usually quite international, so the best way to portray themselves ... it all starts with the application form, so we will ask a wide range of essay questions. We’re looking for people who have an international background, who are open-minded, who are used to being in a multicultural, multinational setting. In essay questions, we are looking for, you know, “triple A” candidates, so they must be ambitious, aspirational in terms of self-development, and self-aware and responsible. We also want candidates who are motivated, who know a little bit about our school, our values and our culture. So it really depends – we don’t have a perfect profile, a perfect candidate. We look for ambitious people, independent people, self-aware and critical people, so it’s a wide mix. The best advice that I can give is to prepare well for the motivational questions and be yourself, be genuine and authentic.

[2:26] Q: What kind of questions should applicants ask during the interview in order to come across well?

[2:32] A: There are no good or bad questions as such. Of course, if you have any questions, we are open to receive them. This shows that you made your research, that you are interested and motivated, that you delved into the program and you want to know more about the school, the program, or the faculty and the environment. So this is welcome because it shows interest. But we don’t pinpoint what are good or right questions and we are always open to receiving them.

[3:03] Q: What would be the most common mistakes to avoid during interviews or by the candidates during the application process?

[3:12] A: What we see sometimes is that answers to the motivational questions or essay questions appear to be pre-written or look as though they have been copy-pasted from other business schools. Of course, we know that candidates are often looking for different types of business schools and are not just choosing one. So sometimes the questions can be repetitive. But we want to understand who you are, your personality, and that you understood our values, our culture, and what we represent as a business school. So don’t write the same answers as you would to a different type of question from other business schools. Instead try to adapt and really think why we are asking this question. Try to understand the sense of the question and what we need to know about you to understand your personality, the career path that you have chosen, your passion and your mission.

[4:05] Q: What kind of admissions tests do you accept? Does your school accept GMAT, GRE, or another specific test?

[4:12] A: Specifically, for the full-time MBA we accept GMAT or GRE. For other kinds of Master’s and MBAs we also have our own internal test which is called the SDA Test. For example, for the full-time MBA, we don’t have a preference. GMAT or GRE is fine; the same goes for the other Master’s where we ask for the GMAT or SDA Test. So there is no preference; it’s really what the candidate feels more comfortable with, or what other business schools ask. Usually it’s more GMAT, so when candidates have already started with the process of studying the GMAT, we say OK, just continue with the GMAT and we will accept the GMAT as well –it’s fine.

[4:52] Q: What is the most important thing to know about essays?

[4:58] A: As I said, we have a couple of questions, the essays, and we want to understand your motivation, your strong points, your weak points, where you see yourself in a few years, why you want to do the same […], why with us, so it’s not only why you fit the MBA, but why we also match your aspirations and career goals. So we want to understand who you are and as an individual, and not, you know, just your suitability to be in the class or program. So try to be as personal as possible.

[5:37] Q: How can applicants ensure they get a scholarship?

[5:41] A: We actually have a variety of scholarships; we have 20 to 30, which is a big number, and we try to cover all types of profiles. So we have scholarships for different type of regions and nationalities, backgrounds, also for those with a legal or digital profile, and it really depends on the whole profile. Scholarships are merit-based; of course GMAT has its weight in there, but we try to see – OK – the academic background and path, the career progression so far, the leadership skills, and soft skills that this person developed throughout their career. We also look at the referees, so it’s a mix of their whole background and profile, and there are a lot of possibilities so there’s a good chance that someone will get the scholarship.

[6:38] Q: Do you pay more heed to certain sections of the GMAT over others?

[6:43] A: No. We received a total score and that’s what we look for. We don’t actually go and analyze different sections of the GMAT.

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MBA Admission Consultants

A guide to the sda bocconi asia centre test.

Updated: 5 days ago

If you're aiming for the International Executive Master in Business (IEMB) or the Executive MBA program at SDA Bocconi Asia Centre, you'll need to clear the Written Aptitude Test (WAT). This test is designed to evaluate your quantitative reasoning, logical reasoning, and verbal ability. In this blog, we'll walk you through the test format, sections, and preparation tips to help you ace it.

Test Overview

Total Time: 35 minutes

Number of Questions: 30

Sections: 3 (Quantitative Reasoning, Logical Reasoning, Verbal Ability)

Format: Proctored test with multiple-choice questions (MCQs)

Negative Marking: None

You can move back and forth within a certain section, once the time is over you can not see the questions of that particular section

Pre-Test Procedures

Before the test begins, you’ll be required to complete a few important steps:

Audio Check: Ensure your device's audio is functioning properly.

Registration Form: Fill in your details accurately.

Photo Capture: Use your device camera to take a clear photograph of your face.

Photo ID Capture: You'll also need to take a picture of a valid photo ID for identity verification (keep your photo id ready with you before starting the test)

Once these steps are completed, you'll have 60 seconds before the test starts, giving you just enough time to gather your thoughts and prepare for the first section.

Section 1: Quantitative Ability (12 Minutes)

This section assesses your arithmetic skills through a series of questions related to basic mathematical concepts. Expect to encounter problems on:


Ratios and proportions

Basic algebra

Simple and compound interest

Profit and loss calculations

Time and Work

Time, Speed and Distance

With only 12 minutes to answer all the questions, speed and accuracy are key. Practice solving arithmetic problems quickly to manage your time effectively during the test.

Section 2: Logical Reasoning (13 Minutes)

The logical reasoning section focuses on your ability to think critically and solve problems based on visual and verbal cues. The questions include:

Non-Verbal Reasoning: Picture-based puzzles that test your ability to identify patterns and sequences.

Critical Reasoning: Scenarios where you'll need to analyze information and draw logical conclusions.

Given the time constraint, practice with similar reasoning questions and familiarize yourself with different types of puzzles to improve your response time.

Section 3: Verbal Ability (10 Minutes)

This section tests your command over the English language. The questions are designed to evaluate your grammar, comprehension, and overall verbal reasoning. Expect the following types of questions:

Fill in the Blanks: Choosing the correct word or phrase to complete a sentence.

Para Jumbles: Rearranging sentences to form a coherent paragraph.

Error Identification and Correction: Finding grammatical errors and correcting them.

Comprehension: Answering questions based on a short passage.

Since this section is quite diverse, it’s essential to be well-prepared across all aspects of verbal reasoning. Practice reading comprehension exercises and work on your grammar skills to excel in this section.

Preparation Tips

Time Management: With limited time for each section, practicing under timed conditions is crucial. Simulate test scenarios to build speed and accuracy.

Focus on Strengths and Weaknesses: Identify which areas you’re strong in and where you need improvement. Tailor your preparation accordingly.

Mock Tests: Take as many mock tests as possible to familiarize yourself with the format and question types.

Stay Calm: The proctored nature of the test might make you feel more pressured, but staying calm and focused will help you perform better.

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Calling all SDA Bocconi MBA Applicants: 2024 Intake Class of 2025

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Bocconi MBA Deadlines 2023-24
Application Deadline15 Apr 2024
Tuition Waivers
1st round3 Nov 202315 Dec 2023
2nd round12 Jan 202429 Feb 2024
3rd round01 Mar 202415 Apr 2024
4th round 15 Apr 2024Within the MBA Program’s beginning
Bocconi MBA Essays 2023-24 (280 words limit)
Essay 1 What interests and occupations do you pursue in your free time?
Essay 2What do you think you gained from your university studies? Conversely, what important things do you think your studies lacked?
Essay 3Explain the most significant goals you think you have achieved so far and the reasons for their importance in your personal growth
Essay 4Describe your strong points, personal and professional, explaining why you see them as such
Essay 5Describe your weak points, personal and professional, explaining why you see them as such
Essay 6What are the reasons that lead you to apply to the Program at this point in your life?
Essay 7 What other possibilities have you seriously considered, apart from the Program, for reaching your goals of personal and professional growth?
Essay 8What are your short-term professional goals (within the next 3-5 years)?
Essay 9What are your long-term professional goals?
Essay 10How do you expect to finance your Program studies?
Essay 11Where do you wish to pursue your profession after receiving the MBA? (WHY)
Bocconi Class Profile Class of '24
Class Size113
Avg. WE6 Years
Average GMAT665
Average Age29
Bocconi Employment Data Class of '22
Job offers 3 Months95%
Employed 3 Months95%
Average Salary€100,728
Average Bonus€28,372
Salary and Bonus€129,100

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1270 SAT, should I take the Bocconi test, chance me, and other questions:

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Romeo And Juliet Essay Questions

Application and admissions

After choosing the Master of Science programs of your interest, it's time to learn about how to get into Bocconi. 

Here you will find useful information about the different phases of the admission process, the Bocconi online test, the requirements, and the documentation to prepare to submit your admission application. 

You will also discover the enrollment procedures to confirm your place at Bocconi in case of admission. 

Apply to our admission portal

bocconi essay question

There are a total of 28 first-year class groups available, each of which typically includes between 60 and 85 students, depending on the program. ​

The large majority of the Master of Science programs are taught in English. 

Applicants can choose up to 5 programs on their application. ​

The selection process is based on the admission test performance, your GPA, your CV and personal statement. ​

We accept the GMAT, GRE and the online Bocconi  test. 

The admission result will depend on a ranking that is calculated on the basis of these elements and considering the spots available during each selection round, as well as the programs chosen, the number of applications received, etc. ​

We suggest that you check to make sure you have a valid and recognized Bachelor qualification before applying.  ​

You should also check the list of certificates and diplomas accepted to fulfill the English requirement for enrollment, in case of admission. 

After admission, you will have approximately three weeks to enroll, confirming the place that has been offered to you. 

Enrollment involves:

  • Paying the first installment-advanced payment
  • Meeting the English language requirement, which varies depending on the program of admission
  • Obtaining a valid Bachelor qualification by the end of October 2024

If after enrollment you decide to withdraw from your place at Bocconi, you can request a refund of the first installment within specific deadlines for each selection round.


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  1. 2023-2024 SDA Bocconi MBA Essay Tips and Example Essays

    2.3. Essay 3 Tips. Explain the most significant goals you think you have achieved so far and the reasons for their importance in your personal growth. (280 words) For this essay, you will want to choose 2-3 goals that mark a particular personal development, milestone, or turning point.

  2. Free SDA Bocconi MBA Essay Samples

    ARINGO MBA Admissions Consulting is a boutique MBA admissions consulting firm helping candidates get into top MBA and business school programs

  3. Bocconi Test: 17 Questions About the Test Answered

    The Bocconi Admission Test is a 75-minute, 50-question test specifically designed for students applying to Bocconi. Each correct answer is worth 1 point. Incorrect answers cost you 0.2 points. If you score lower than 17, you're out of the application process. A good competitive score is 35 points out of 50.

  4. SDA Bocconi MBA

    SDA Bocconi MBA : MBA Forum, Business School Application, GMAT Tests, Business School Essays, Interviews, GMAT Forum and Tests. gmatclub. FORUMS ; GMAT; MBA; RESOURCES; DEALS; ... Mon 08/19 (11:30am ET): Video Essays - What AdComs Look For, Typical Essay Questions Wed 08/21 (11:30am ET): MPrep CR Series EP2 - Evaluate, Discrepancy, ...

  5. Bocconi Test

    The Bocconi Test may be a different kind of exam than what you’ve experienced in the past. While others focus on straight-forward scores, the Bocconi Test assesses something different: your potential for success in the work environment. The test is computer adaptive, features a constantly updated question bank and has no negative markings.

  6. Application and admissions

    The selection process is based on the admission test performance and the GPA of the third-last and second-last years.. We accept the SAT/L-SAT, ACT and the online Bocconi test and we require final year transcript of records for applying.. The admission result will depend on a ranking that is calculated on the basis of these elements and considering the spots available during each selection ...

  7. How to prepare for the Bocconi Test?

    The section has 15 visual reasoning questions to be solved in 18 minutes. The questions are based on which diagram would come next in a series and has a set of 5 question figures in a pre-decided order. The questions have five options and again, the impulse would be the key in this section. The faster you are at eliminating options, the better ...

  8. MBA Essay Questions: European Business Schools

    MBA Essay Questions for 2021-22 Admissions: Complete List for Top European Programs. December 15, 2021. You've been doing your business school research and finalizing that list of target MBA programs. The next step is getting all those b-school applications ready, and you know what that means…. It's time to think about the dreaded ...

  9. SDA Bocconi School of Management

    SDA Bocconi Essay 3: Explain the most significant goals you think you have achieved so far and the reasons for their importance in your personal growth. (approx. 1500 chars) SDA Bocconi Essay 4: Describe your strong points, personal and professional, explaining why you see them as such. (approx. 1500 chars)

  10. Bocconi Test : Here's What You Need To Know

    The Bocconi Test may be a different kind of exam than what you’ve experienced in the past. While others focus on straight-forward scores, the Bocconi Test assesses something different: your potential for success in the work environment. The test is computer adaptive, features a constantly updated question bank and has no negative ...

  11. SDA Bocconi MBA

    SDA Boconni MBA Winning Sample Essay - 1. SDA Boconni Essay 1: What interests and occupations do you pursue in your free time? In my free time, I primarily pursue 2 interests - Oriental belly dancing and Costume designing. Oriental belly dancing - As a kid growing up in a traditionally rich Bengali culture, I was always interested in ...

  12. Articles

    In essay questions, we are looking for, you know, "triple A" candidates, so they must be ambitious, aspirational in terms of self-development, and self-aware and responsible. We also want candidates who are motivated, who know a little bit about our school, our values and our culture. So it really depends - we don't have a perfect ...

  13. How to Study for the Bocconi Admission Test

    The Bocconi Admission Test is a 75-minute, 50-question test specifically designed for students applying to Bocconi. Each correct answer is worth 1 point. Incorrect answers cost you 0.2 points. If you score lower than 17, you're out of the application process. A good competitive score is 35 points out of 50.

  14. SDA Bocconi MBA Program Guide 2024

    Mon 08/19 (11:30am ET): Video Essays - What AdComs Look For, Typical Essay Questions Wed 08/21 (11:30am ET): MPrep CR Series EP2 - Evaluate, Discrepancy, & Fill in the Blank Questions ... SDA Bocconi MBA Essay Questions SDA Bocconi MBA Program Cost ...

  15. A Guide to the SDA Bocconi Asia Centre Test

    Time Management: With limited time for each section, practicing under timed conditions is crucial. Simulate test scenarios to build speed and accuracy. Focus on Strengths and Weaknesses: Identify which areas you're strong in and where you need improvement. Tailor your preparation accordingly. Mock Tests: Take as many mock tests as possible to familiarize yourself with the format and question ...

  16. Bocconi Test

    Welcome to the Unofficial Bocconi test! The test is 25 questions long and you will see your progress at the end. Good Luck!

  17. Bocconi online Test

    The Bocconi online test is held through an external webtesting platform implemented with a proctoring system, Starting from the end of September 2024 applicants will be able to create their account on the webtesting platform and register for a test date. available from the end of September 2024 to May 2025 *.

  18. Calling all SDA Bocconi MBA Applicants: 2024 Intake Class of 2025

    Welcome to the SDA Bocconi MBA Class of 2025 Welcome, all Bocconi MBA class of 2025 hopefuls. Let's use this platform to know each other, exchange ideas, and discuss app strategies? ... Mon 08/19 (11:30am ET): Video Essays - What AdComs Look For, Typical Essay Questions Wed 08/21 (11:30am ET): MPrep CR Series EP2 - Evaluate, Discrepancy, & Fill ...

  19. Bocconi University, Milano, Italy

    3. Essay 3: Explain the most significant goals you think you have achieved so far and the reasons for their importance in your personal growth. (approx. 1500 chars) 4. Essay 4: Describe your strong points, personal and professional, explaining why you see them as such. (approx. 1500 chars) 5. Essay 5: Describe your weak points, personal and ...

  20. Application and Selection Timeline (Step 1 by Bocconi)

    Application and Selection Timeline (Step 1 by Bocconi) Punto Blu from 14 September to 28 September 2023 (1:00pm). By this deadline students also. Letter 1 focused on academic ability and potential, coming from someone such as a current or former professor. Essay 1: Personal Statement (up to 500 words) including your motivations for applying for ...

  21. 1270 SAT, should I take the Bocconi test, chance me, and other ...

    Yes, they consider mostly the math test and GPA. Don't know, applying to BIEF this year which is harder than BIEM (I don't even know if this was useful). Don't know either. 1. Reply. Reasonable-Bid-5465. • 3 mo. ago. Bemacs is def the hardest to get into. 1270 is too low.take the bocconi test . If u have to choose between cattolica and ...

  22. Romeo And Juliet Essay Questions (pdf)

    Romeo And Juliet Essay Questions Crafting an essay on the subject of "Romeo and Juliet Essay Questions" can present a considerable challenge. The complexity lies not only in the intricacies of Shakespearean language but also in the depth of themes explored in the play. Addressing questions related to the characters, their motivations, the socio-cultural context, and the tragedy itself requires ...

  23. Online Bocconi test

    The questions are similar to those proposed for the "Online Bocconi test" (see above section). LOGIC AND CRITICAL THINKING Some items are of the "data propositions" type; other items will be logic-based, presenting the candidate with a series of initial conditions followed by a question that must be answered using deductive reasoning.

  24. Application and admissions

    Here you will find useful information about the different phases of the admission process, the Bocconi online test, the requirements, and the documentation to prepare to submit your admission application. You will also discover the enrollment procedures to confirm your place at Bocconi in case of admission. Apply to our admission portal.