year 6 transition homework

How much homework is set?

Homework at Thetford Academy is set to help students build on what they have learnt in lessons and to develop the discipline and skills needed for independent study in their futures.

In Year 7, students are set the following amounts of homework:

Maths and English - up to one hour per week

All other subjects - up to thirty minutes per fortnight

The school runs as Homework Club every day of the week (except Friday) that students can attend for further support with their homework.

What system is used for setting homework?

The school uses an online platform called "Team Satchel" (previously known as Show My Homework) to set homework. Both parents and students can see what work has been set. Students will be given a full induction into using Team Satchel in September.

Team Satchel provide lots of guidance for parents, including how to use the app, here: .

Please note that log-ins cannot be issued to students until they are on the school roll from September.

What happens if homework is not completed?

Teachers will always give students around one week to complete their homework and we strongly recommend that students complete their homework in the first day or two after it has been set in case they have a problem with it.

Students who are struggling to complete homework should discuss this as soon as possible with their teacher, or attend Homework Club for support.

Where students have not completed a homework, they will be given a 30-minute detention at the end of the school day in which to complete the homework.

A boy smiling at his friend in the park.

Supporting school transitions

Resources to help pupils, schools, parents and carers to cope with the changes and transitions they experience during their time at school.

This resource covers:

Practical tips and tools to help pupils, schools, parents and carers to manage changes and transitions throughout their time at school.

Transition resources for school staff

Find your feet: staff webinar.

Transitioning from primary to secondary school is a particularly significant change for children. Learning about change and how to cope with it will help them with this particular transition and prepare them for many other changes and challenges they will face in life.

To support school staff, we've created a webinar that focuses on how you can help your pupils through the change from primary to secondary school.

Transition activities for pupils

Our pupils' resources will help young people learn how to cope with the changes associated with moving from primary to secondary school.

A group of five students in school uniform run towards the camera. The background and four of the students have a purple fade over them with one student highlighted in colour. Our 360 schools logo is on the top right hand side.

Find Your Feet pupil resource pack

Document type: PDF Document size: 16.6MB

Two students sit next to each at a desk in a classroom holding blue cards with different statements on. In the middle of the students, there's a purple square with yellow writing. It says 'year 6 activities'.

Transitions activities for year 6 pupils

Document type: PDF Document size: 1.3MB

Two students sit next to each at a desk in a classroom holding blue cards with different statements on. In the middle of the students, there's a purple square with yellow writing. It says 'year 7 activity'.

Transitions activity for year 7 pupils

Document type: PDF Document size: 0.5MB

Find Your Feet: Transitioning to secondary school

We created a film that reassures children that they’re not alone when it comes to their worries about secondary school, that there are ways to cope with change and there are people to talk to when things get difficult.

Transition tips for parents

An image of our Top Ten Tips poster.

If your child is transitioning from year 6 to year 7 or going through a significant change in their life, take a look at our ten tips for parents to help their children cope with change. Going through change can be scary or challenging, but sometimes it's just the small things, like showing interest in your child's hobbies, that can make a difference.

Document type: PDF

Document size: 6.3MB

Find Your Feet: Parent webinar

Watch our webinar about how you can support your child through the change from primary to secondary school.

Whether you love the page or think something is missing, we appreciate your feedback. It all helps us to support more young people with their mental health.

Please be aware that this form isn’t a mental health support service. If you or a young person you work with is in crisis right now and wants to talk to someone urgently, find out who to contact on our   urgent help page .

Please note:

This form is not a mental health support service. We cannot reply to this. If you or a young person you know is at immediate risk of harm, call 999 and ask for an ambulance or go to your nearest A&E. If you are worried about the mental health of a young person you work with, you can signpost them to our website or suggest they contact one of these helplines: Childline (for under 19s) on 0800 11 11; or Samaritans on 116 123.

At YoungMinds we take your privacy seriously. If you’d like to read more about how we keep the information we collect safe, take a look at our privacy policy .

Related resources

If you're looking for more resources to help support your pupils with transitions and changes, take a look at our related resources.

A group of young people laughing together outside on a bench. Group includes two black girls (one in a wheelchair), one black boy, and a white boy.

Transitioning from school to further education

A young Black teenage boy wearing a hearing aid. He is laughing with a young Black man in the park.

Self-care support over the summer holidays

A girl listening to music in the park looking worried.

Supporting schools through the pandemic

Related courses, exploring resilience.

21 November 2024 10:00 - 13:30

Introduction to adolescent mental health

05 November 2024 10:00 - 13:30

Practical approaches to supporting children and young people's mental health

26 September 2024 09:30 - 15:00

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In This Section

Year 6 transition.

We would like to take this opportunity to say how delighted we are that your child will be joining

The St Leonards Academy in September 2024.

The St Leonards Academy provides an education that develops the personal skills of students as well as challenging them academically and enabling them to achieve the highest standards.

Part of our role in the transition process, is to ensure everything is as smooth and manageable as possible. As a result of feedback including student and parent voice, we continually adapt our transition process to ensure students arrive at The St Leonards Academy physically, mentally and emotionally prepared for this next exciting phase of education.

Starting secondary school is an exciting phase in education and we very much hope that your child is looking forward to joining us and experiencing all that The St Leonards Academy has to offer. We do of course recognise that along with the sense of excitement, there will understandably be a few nerves for pupils, parent and carers alike and we endeavour to ensure that our transition process will help to overcome these.

Useful Links  Action Your Potential: The Brain Science of Moving Up To Secondary School

Find Your Feet Schools Resource - YouTube

Home to School Transport - Information for Parents, Carers and Students

Introduction Booklet

SEND Transition Booklet

Starting secondary school - BBC Bitesize

Key Dates

3 July 2024 Taster Day

4 July 2024 Taster Day

24-26 July 2024 Summer School

24 September 2024 Year 7 Parent Tutor Evening

Frequently Asked Questions

How long is the school day, can i ride my bike to school, how long are lessons, how many lessons are there, how will i find my way around st leonard’s academy, what lessons will i have at st leonard’s academy, what are the older students like, how long is lunchtime, what kind of food is there in the café, how do i pay for my lunch, when do i find out who my tutor is, when do i find out who is going to be in my tutor group, am i allowed to wear jewellery, am i allowed to wear my hair down, where can i get the st leonard’s academy uniform and pe kit from, what do i need to bring on my first day, what if i get lost on my way to lessons, what if i get bullied at school, what do i do if i am not feeling very well, where do i go if i need help, how many students are at the st leonard’s academy, how do i find out what my homework is, who do i speak to if i can’t do my homework, what clubs are there.

You can find out more about the school day on our key dates and times page

Key dates and times

You can ride your bike to school; you must get off your bike at the top gate and walk it down the path. You MUST NOT ride your bike on the school site. There are bike stands to put them in but the school will not accept responsibility for your bike.

Lesson 1 is 55 minutes long; all other lessons are one hour long.

There are five lessons in each day, The St Leonards Academy has a two-week timetable so you might not have the same lessons both days in the cycle but you will get used to the timetable.

In our transition area on the website, you will find a copy of the school map. You can print this out to familiarise yourself with the four levels of the school. Entrance level, Courtyard level, Lower level (at the back of the school), Upper Level (at the front of the school). You will quickly find your way around in your first few days.

You will have many of the same lessons that you have had at primary school including Maths, English, Science and PE. You will also do Humanities, which is Geography, History, Languages, Religion and Ethics. You will also have Personal development and study skills and you will have time for Art, Drama, Music and Food Technology and Design Technology.

You can find out more about the curriculum on our curriculum page

Many of our older students are supportive of our younger students and will approach to help them find their way. You will have key students on hand in the first 2 weeks to help guide you around the building.

Lunch is 30 minutes from 13:30 to 14:00. You will also have a 30 minute morning break from 11:00 to 11:30.

If you asked the students, they will say that the food is the best thing about the Academy! Oasis Café and the Watering Hole Restaurant serve a wide variety of food catering for everyone, including pizzas, paninis and pasta bowls, and there is also a salad bar, baguettes, sandwiches, a daily main meal and many desserts such as muffins and biscuits.

All students have their fingerprint taken, which they use in the Café or Restaurant. Our catering system is a cashless outlet and students can bring money into school and put it on their account via the machines or the easiest way is for parents to transfer money onto their accounts using ParentPay. When you get up to the till, you choose your food, place your finger on the reader and the amount will be deducted from your account.

Organising the groups is a very complex job but we hope to let you know who your tutor is by the beginning of July.

During the taster days this year we hope to have you with your tutor group.

The only jewellery allowed at St Leonard’s Academy is a watch and one earring in each ear. These must be small and discreet studs only.

You may wear your hair down at The St Leonard’s Academy but you should always have a hair tie with you for when you have practical lessons such as PE, Technology and Science.

Full uniform information and supplier information is available on our uniform page

Bring your school bag with a full pencil case you will be given everything else that you need. You will  NOT  need PE kit on your first day.

Just ask someone. Whether that is a student or member of staff there are always many people to ask.  They will help you. All staff wear a purple St Leonard’s Academy lanyard and will be happy to help you find your way.

If a member of our community behaves in an inappropriate way to you it is important that you tell somebody, whether that is a friend, parents/carers, your tutor, Student welfare officer or Head of Year. You must tell somebody to enable the problem to be dealt with as quickly as possible.

Please see our safeguarding and student wellbeing pages for further advice


Student Wellbeing

If you are feeling unwell during the school day, you must report to the student reception located on Entrance level. If the member of staff in student reception feels that, you need to go home they will contact your parents or carers. Please do not contact your parents before you go to Student reception. 

Student welfare officers are attached to each year group and are available to help you when you need it. Your tutor is also there to help you, so share any concerns you may with them at tutor time.

In your year group there will be approximately 300 students. There are around 1500 students across the school in Years 7 – 11.

A homework timetable is visible on the homework section on the website. This will be shared with your parents. You will be set up with a login to an app called Class Charts, a link to which is also on the website, where you can see all of your homework that has been set. Your teachers will also show you the homework in class when it is set and explain what you have to do.

Useful Links for Students

If you cannot do your homework you need to speak to your subject teacher. You can choose to speak to them at the end of the lesson, during break or lunch times or you can email them. This must be done in good time before the homework is due to give you the opportunity to complete the homework after you have spoken to your teacher before the deadline.

Please see our extracurricular page for an up-to-date list of our clubs and activities on offer


In This Section

Year 6 transition.

If you are due to start at The Burgess Hill Academy, then this page is just for you. We know how daunting starting secondary school can be so we have put together some important pieces of information to support you along the way. Whether you are worried about making new friends, finding your way around or even having to remember all the names of your new teachers we want to make the process as smooth and easy as possible. Ultimately it is a very exciting time for you and we hope the information you find on this page can be of support to you . 

Year 6-into-7 key dates

March  - Offer letter received March  - Welcome letter sent from principal March  - Deadline for accepting school place June  - School visit from transition leader and Year 7 buddies July  - Year 6 parents information evening 

Transition Tips

Moving from primary school to secondary school can be scary.

Here are our top tips to help you with your transition to The Burgess Hill Academy in September.

1. Visit the School

2. talk to your friends, 3. plan your route to school, 4. be prepared.

Before you start in September make sure you have taken the opportunity to visit us and look around the school. This could be at the open evening, a planned visit with your family or at the Year 6 transition day in July.

Find out which of your friends from different primary schools will also be starting at The Burgess Hill Academy. Remember, a new school is also a fantastic opportunity to make new friends.

Before you start in September it’s a good idea to know how you will be travelling to school each day. You will want to know how long it takes so you are on time every day.

Find out what equipment you will need . Spend the summer getting all your equipment together and practice packing your bag so you can take everything you will need each day. Don't forget you can get a locker at school to leave everything in!

A Familiar Face

We know taking that first step into the unknown can be tough and how important it can be to welcomed to your new school family by a familiar face. 

Mr Pownceby is our Assistant Principal, and he looks forward to meeting all of you in September.

Useful Resources

Action Your Potential: The Brain Science of Moving Up To Secondary School 

Year 6 Parent Information Presentation

Frequently Asked Questions

How long is the school day, can i ride my bike to school, how long are lessons, how many lessons are there, what lessons will i have, how will i find my way around the burgess hill academy, what are the older students like, how long is break and lunchtime, what kind of food is there in the canteen, how do i pay for my lunch, am i allowed to wear jewellery, where can i get the uniform and pe kit from, what equipment do i need, what do i need to bring on my first day, do i have a locker i can leave my items in, do i wear my pe kit on days i have pe, can i use my phone in school, what if i get bullied at school, what do i do if i am not feeling very well, where do i go if i need help, how many students are at the burgess hill academy, how do i find out what my homework is, who do i speak to if i can’t do my homework, what happens if i'm late for school, what clubs are there, can i learn a musical instrument.

Our school day runs from 8.25am to 3pm. You can find detailed timings on our Key Dates and Times webpage

Key Dates and Times

Yes you can. You must enter school via the small gate at the end of the driveway and leave your bike in the bike sheds. All bikes should be secured using a padlock or security chain.

All lessons are 1 hour long.

There are 5 lessons in each day. The Burgess Hill Academy has a two week timetable – Week A & B

In Year 7 you will have lessons in the following subjects:

  • Computer Science
  • Modern Foreign Languages (MFL - This is split as 3 half terms of Spanish, then 3 half terms of French)
  • Personal Development
  • Tech rotation (Food Preparation / Textiles / Design Technology)

On your first day we run an Orienteering activity for Year 7 students to allow students to explore the school site completing activities to build up an awareness and familiarity of the school's lay-out. 

Many of our older students are supportive of our younger students and are happy to guide you when needed. You will have key students on hand in the first 2 weeks to help guide you around the building.

Break is for 25 minutes between 10:50 – 11:15pm and Lunch is 45mins between 1:15 – 2pm.

Hot meals, baguettes/sandwiches/wraps, salads, desserts and drinks.

As our canteen is a cashless outlet, all students have their fingerprint taken in the first few days, which is then used to pay for anything from the canteen using a fingerprint reader. This is linked to their ParentPay account which is topped up by parent/carers. Details of how to set this up will be sent to you.

Useful Links

Students may wear a watch and any piercings should be simple studs only. 

All details can be found on our Uniform page. 

All students are expected to bring the following equipment to school each day:

  • 2 x Pen (Black/Blue)
  • 1 x Purple Pen (optional)
  • Highlighters (optional)
  • Pencil Sharpener
  • Ruler (30cm)
  • Protractor or angle measure
  • Scientific calculator (We recommend students have AURORA scientific calculator AX-582BL)
  • Sketching pencils (containing 2H, HB, 2B, 4B, 6B)

Bring your school bag with a full pencil case and packed lunch if you would prefer it to canteen food. You will NOT need your PE kit on your first day.

A limited number of Lockers will be available to Year 7 students for use throughout KS3. There is a small charge made for this and students will need to provide their own padlock. Details will be available mid-September.

No, we have changing facilities for students to use for PE.

No. Phones should be switched off and in your bag. If you need to check something i.e. your electronic timetable, you must ask permission from a teacher before using it.

If a member of our community behaves in an inappropriate way to you it is important that you tell somebody, whether that is a friend, parents/carers, your tutor, or member of staff. You must tell somebody to enable the problem to be dealt with as quickly as possible.  Please see our safeguarding pages for further advice.


If you are feeling unwell during the school day, you must report to the Medical Room in the Pastoral Corridor in B Block. If staff in the Medical Room feel that you need to go home they will contact your parents or carers. Please do not contact your parents before you go to the Medical Room. If you feel unwell and are unable to attend school, your parent/carer should notify us via the Studybugs App or by contacting the Attendance Team on [email protected] before 8:30am

If you feel you need to speak to someone or any additional information please speak to your Tutor. Your Tutor is your initial support for all your questions and they can support you or direct you to the appropriate member of staff. 

In your year group there will be approx 200 students. There are just over 1000 students across the school in Years 7-11.

Both you and your parent/carer will be set up with a login to an app called ClassCharts, where you can see all of your homework that has been set. Your teachers will also show you the homework in class when it is set, and show you what you have to do.

If you cannot do your homework, you need to speak to your teacher who set it. You can choose to speak to them at the end of a lesson, breaktime, lunchtime or you can email them. All teacher emails are available on our website.

You will be signed in by the Attendance Manager or Receptionist and informed that you will have a 15-minute detention at breaktime. If you have a legitimate reason for being late i.e. appointment, please ensure your parent/carer has informed us via Studybugs

Please see our extracurricular page for an up-to-date list of our clubs and activities on offer. 


Yes, we have visiting teachers offering weekly lessons on the following instruments: trumpet, trombone, tenor horn, baritone, violin, cello, saxophone, clarinet and flute. We also offer a bursary scheme from the Humphrey Richardson Taylor Trust (HRTT) which allows group lessons to be from £6 per 30 minute lesson. Please contact our Music Subject Lead – Mrs Hannah Frean on [email protected] if you are interested.

Year 6 Transition


Meet the Year 7 Team

Hello. My name is Mrs Cattanach and I am privileged to welcome every student into our school from their Primary School.  I have already visited the vast majority of you in your primary schools and am really looking forward to getting to know you better and helping you to settle in and make a great start at PGHS. I am proud to be part of a wonderful team of committed tutors who will help you to feel at home as quickly as possible.

As well as being the Transition Manager, I am also the Head of Music here at Penwortham Girls’ and love making music with pupils in school. I play the Euphonium and Piano and in my spare time you can find me out and about in Penwortham or in the kitchen baking cakes! I really enjoy decorating cakes for birthdays and other special occasions.

I hope you are going to be very happy here in your new school and will take every opportunity to get involved in school life!

Remember my motto:

Try your best in everything and be kind to others!

Hello. I’m Mr Coogan and I will be your Head of Year throughout your time at Penwortham Girls’ High School. It’s my role to look after every student in Year 7 and to make your time here as successful and enjoyable as possible. You’ll see me most mornings as you arrive at school, in your form room during registration and around the school, so feel free to say hello, ask me any questions or have a chat. I also teach Science so some of you will have me as a class teacher as well as Head of Year.

Outside of school I enjoy running and fishing. I’m looking forward to meeting you all and helping you settle in and thrive at Penwortham Girls’.

Hi! My name is Mrs Little and I will be the form tutor for 7VLI. I teach music at PGHS and am involved in lots of the extra-curricular music activities in school such as the choir, orchestra, ukulele club and brass group. I really hope there are some keen singers amongst you as this is one of my favourite things to do and sometimes adult choirs ask me to sing for them in concerts. I play a brass instrument called a cornet and am also part of a brass band like Mrs Cattanach…. sometimes we are even in competitions against each other! I have a few cheeky pets at home including two rabbits, a cat and a fish – maybe some of you have funny stories about your pets? I also love reading, pottering in my garden, cycling with my kids when I am feeling energetic and working out what to cook with food that I get from my local community pantry which I helped to set up in lockdown.

I am really looking forward to hearing all about you and helping you as you start your journey here at PGHS.

Hello, my name is Miss Lee and I am so excited to welcome you all to PGHS and help you settle into life at secondary school as your form tutor. I know the thought of starting secondary school can be daunting but this school is extremely welcoming, and I will help you settle in and support you every step of the way. As well as being a form tutor, I also teach geography here at PGHS and am really passionate about teaching students about this amazing planet we live on and the wonderful people we share it with. You’ll also catch me singing with the school choir on Monday lunchtimes which I love. Outside of school, you can find me walking my cute but naughty puppy Murphy, playing board games with my friends (and usually winning) and baking all manner of sweet treats inspired by what I see on the Great British Bake Off. I am really looking forward to welcoming you all to this wonderful school in September and getting to know you all better.

Hello, my name is Mrs Phillips and I am looking forward to being a Year 7 form tutor in September! I am relatively new to the school too so I know it can take a while to get to know the new building and the school day routines, however I am confident that you will quickly settle in and I will be here to support you. As well as being your form tutor, I am also a maths teacher here at Penwortham Girls. I have been a maths teacher for 15 years and I love my job! I enjoy sharing in your successes particularly when you have those light bulb moments. Outside of school, I am a keen runner, enjoy spending time outside and am a Cub leader with my local Scout group. I look forward to welcoming you to our school, getting to know you all and helping you become fully involved in the life of the school. 

Hello! My name is Mrs Snowdon and I am the Head of English at Penwortham Girls’ High School. As any English teacher will probably tell you, I love reading. My favourite children’s book is   by Frances Hodgson-Burnett, but I also love   by Louisa May Alcott. I also love the theatre, especially musicals, my favourites being   and 

I am really looking forward to being a Year 7 form tutor. I know how excited and nervous you’ll be feeling, but you are going to love PGHS! I’ll be there every morning to make sure you are ‘set for success’ and ready to have a great day. If you do have any worries or problems, then you’ll always be able to speak to me on a morning, or you’ll find me in the English block where I am based throughout the day. 

Hello, my name is Mrs Bennett and I will be the form tutor for 7JBE. I am Head of the Creative Arts and Technology Faculty and teach Computing and Media here at PGHS. I love teaching students programming skills and seeing students understand how everyday electronic devices work and how games and apps are created. I know the thought of starting secondary school can be scary, but you will very quicky see that there is nothing to worry about. If you are worried, I am here to help you settle and with you every step of this new exciting journey in life. Outside of school, I enjoy travelling with my family, enjoy going to the gym and walking, my most recent adventure was completing the Yorkshire 3 Peaks challenge for charity, walking 26 miles! I am really looking forward to welcoming you all to this amazing school, getting to know you and help you become fully involved in the school.   

Artsmark Platinum Award - Awards by Arts Council England

year 6 transition homework

Year 6 Transition

Transitioning to secondary school is an exciting time for our children ; however, it can also be an anxious one. Please use the resource below to ease this transition and ensure this is a smooth, enjoyable process for your young people.

If you have any concerns or queries please complete our questionnaire so we can make sure you feel safe and ready to join us in September:

► Year 6 Questionnaire

Help to prepare yourself and support your children with the information below :

► Making the Change - Parent Guide

year 6 transition homework

► Transition - Parent Guide

year 6 transition homework

► Year 7 Curriculum

year 6 transition homework

Year 6 Transition

Welcome to our transition page for 2024!

To view our Sale High School New Starter Guide, please click  here

Transition simply means moving from Y6 to Y7.

Starting a new school is an exciting time. At Sale High School we pride ourselves on our transition process. Once your application has been accepted we will start to work with you and your child to ensure the journey to Sale High School is as smooth as possible.

Please fill in our registration documents – Students details

What happens next?

Sale High School encourages you to participate in the full transition programme outlined below.

You might also want to have a look at  BBC Bitesize  who have put together lots of information and videos about starting High School. The series offers practical advice and emotional support to help take the stress out of taking the next big step.

Primary School Contact

Mrs A Jeffrey, Transition Lead will be contacting the primary schools to introduce herself and inform pupils what will be happening over the next few months.

Transition Evening

Parents are invited to attend our transition evening. During this session parents/carers will be asked to return the signed policy pack that has been sent home. This years transition evening will be held on 11th July.

There will be numerous presentations from our Headteacher and other members of the Senior Leadership Team.

We strongly encourage attendance at transition evening as we believe it is vital to ensure a smooth start to the academic year. Due to numbers, we will run two presentation slots on the evening. You will receive an email invite nearer the time, which will inform you of your slot and ask you to confirm your attendance.

Transition Day

Y6 students who have accepted a place with SHS will come and spend some time in school, meet some of our teachers and students and get a feel for the school. Transition day is usually the same date for all High Schools. Parents do not need to inform their current primary school that their child will be absent. Pupils should wear their primary school uniform.

Your first day at school

You will spend the morning with your form tutor and take a tour around the school. You will receive your timetable and other information you will need before you start your lessons in the afternoon.

School starts – Tuesday 3rd September 2024

Please arrive via the Dining Hall  entrance.

If you have any more questions about starting at Sale High School or the transition process please get in touch with Mrs A Jeffrey, Transition Lead [email protected] but you may find the answer to your question in our FAQs section.

Welcome to Sale High School

Find all information for new starters from the school day to catering in our handy new starter guide.

*Please note, the new starters guide 2024 will be uploaded soon.

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Secondary transition resources

Whether you’re looking for ice-breakers and games or welcome assemblies and resources to help set expectations, we have drawn together a collection of lessons, activities and displays you could use during the transition period.

Transition activities

Primary to Secondary Transition Workbook

Primary to Secondary Transition Workbook



Supporting Secondary School Transition

Supporting Secondary School Transition

Year 7 New School Induction Welcome Tutor Activity Pack

Year 7 New School Induction Welcome Tutor Activity Pack

All About Me Letter - English / Literacy form / tutor time / transition

All About Me Letter - English / Literacy form / tutor time / transition

Transition - All About Me

Transition - All About Me

Year 6 Transition Activity Booklet

Year 6 Transition Activity Booklet

GETTING TO KNOW YOU - Tutor Group Induction Worksheet

GETTING TO KNOW YOU - Tutor Group Induction Worksheet

SECRET SELFIE - transition day activity / Summer homework

SECRET SELFIE - transition day activity / Summer homework

WORD ART One Off Lesson - Illustration, Text

WORD ART One Off Lesson - Illustration, Text

Tutor Group 'Get to Know'/Transition Booklet

Tutor Group 'Get to Know'/Transition Booklet

Introduction to new class lesson (New tutor or form group / building relationships / Ice breaker)

Introduction to new class lesson (New tutor or form group / building relationships / Ice breaker)

Form Tutor Welcome Tutor Time Presentation | Transition Year 6 | Primary to Secondary

Form Tutor Welcome Tutor Time Presentation | Transition Year 6 | Primary to Secondary


Ice Breaker Games

Ice Breaker Games

Getting to know you icebreaker activities

Getting to know you icebreaker activities

'Would You Rather?' Game Ice-Breaker | Back To School

'Would You Rather?' Game Ice-Breaker | Back To School

Back to School Icebreakers Game - Blobs and Lines

Back to School Icebreakers Game - Blobs and Lines

Four Corners back to school getting-to-know you activity

Four Corners back to school getting-to-know you activity

Classmate bingo Music edition

Classmate bingo Music edition

20 Team Building/Ice Breaking Activities

20 Team Building/Ice Breaking Activities

Key Stage 3 Ice Breaker Worksheets

Key Stage 3 Ice Breaker Worksheets

New Class Get-To-Know-You Board Game

New Class Get-To-Know-You Board Game

Icebreakers for Teachers

Icebreakers for Teachers

Settling in.

Back to School Assembly

Back to School Assembly

Classroom Expectations

Classroom Expectations

Free Classroom Expectations Poster

Free Classroom Expectations Poster

Target Setting

Target Setting

Classroom Rights, Responsibilities and Rules

Classroom Rights, Responsibilities and Rules

New Starters Transition Power Point

New Starters Transition Power Point

Primary to Secondary transition: Back to School assembly

Primary to Secondary transition: Back to School assembly

Moving Up! The transition to secondary school

Moving Up! The transition to secondary school

Transition Year 6 into 7 - Assembly

Transition Year 6 into 7 - Assembly

Transition day - new school/new class. Expectations, getting to know you activities/ school dilemmas

Transition day - new school/new class. Expectations, getting to know you activities/ school dilemmas

Transition resources.

Resources to support you in preparing your pupils for all aspects of transition.

Primary transition resources

Prepare your pupils for the next academic year in primary from EYFS to year 6.

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Year 6 Homework

New year 6 welcome letter.

Welcome Letter

Year 6 Summer 2 Information Letter

Spring half term 2, february 26th home learning.

Home Learning Timetable

Maths Warm up

Arithmetic Test

The Rush for Gold Text

Reading Application

Zeus Research

Introduction WAGOLL

How we see PowerPoint

I can explain how the eye works PowerPoint

I can explain how we see things Worksheet

February 25th Home Learning

Reading Inference Task

Zeus Planning Frame with Guidance

Human Rights PowerPoint

Everybody – We are all born free clip

Human Rights Poster

Human Rights Sorting Worksheet

Human Rights Sorting Answers

DT PowerPoint

My Greek Bust Design

February 24th Home Learning

Reading Vocabulary Text

GPS Revision Challenge

GPS Revision Challenge Answers

Past Perfect Worksheet

Past Perfect Answers

BLP PowerPoint

BLP Worksheet

Imports and Exports Geography Worksheet

Imports and Exports Geography Answers

Geography Worksheet 2

Geography Worksheet 2 Answers

February 23rd Home Learning

The Rush for Golf Text

Reading Orientation Task

GPS Challenge

GPS Challenge Answers

Present Perfect Worksheet

Present Perfect Answers

February 22nd Home Learning

GPS Challenge Task

Using Semi-Colons PowerPoint

Semi-Colon Worksheet

Semi-Colon Answers

Prediction Sheet – The Rush for Gold

Parts of the Eye PowerPoint

Parts of the Eye Descriptions

Science Worksheet

Science Answers

Spring Half Term 1

February 12th home learning.

Midas and the Golden Wish Text

Reading Application Task

Book Review

Editing Stations

Positive Mental Health PowerPoint

Exercise Investigation PowerPoint

WSFL – Helping Heart

WSFL – Spreading the Word

February 11th Home Learning

Maths Warm up – Converting between all 3

Growing up in Sparta Text

WAGOLL Sparta Boy Letter

Judgement of King Solomon Story

Holy Cakes Story

Ancient Greek Recipes

RE What is Justice PowerPoint

RE Task Sheet

February 10th Home Learning

Maths Warm up – Converting from Percentages

Reading Vocabulary Task

History Battle of Marathon PowerPoint

History Storyboard

Wellbeing Jar Example

February 9th Home Learning

Maths Warm up – Converting from Fractions

February 8th Home Learning

Maths Warm up – Converting from fractions

Reading Prediction Task

Science Investigation Task

Science Task 1

Science Task 2

February 5th Home Learning

Maths Starter

Maths Starter Answers

Writing Planning Sheet

California’s Unlikely Warriors Text

Importance of Exercise PowerPoint

Lifestyle Worksheet

February 4th Home Learning

FDP Equivalences PowerPoint

Equivalences Information Worksheet

FDP Equivalences Worksheet

FDP Equivalences Extension Worksheet

Verb Tenses PowerPoint

Verb Tenses Worksheet

River Users PowerPoint

River Users Worksheet

RE Freedom PowerPoint

Freedom Religion Beliefs

February 3rd Home Learning

Maths Task Fraction Arithmetic Questions

Maths Task Fraction Arithmetic Answers

Active and Passive PowerPoint

Active and Passive Worksheet

Greek House Information Sheet

Life in a Greek House Diagram

February 2nd Home Learning

Dividing Fractions Sheet 3

Diving Fractions Sheet 3 Answers

Dividing Fractions Sheet 4

Dividing Fractions Sheet 4 Answers

Reasoning and Problem Solving Extension

Reasoning and Problem Solving Extension Answers

WAGOLL Spartan Boy Letter


February 1st Home Learning

Dividing Proper Fractions Sheet 1

Dividing Proper Fractions Sheet 1 Answers

Dividing Mixed Numbers Sheet 2

Dividing Mixed Numbers Sheet 2 Answers

Reading Word Cloud

Growing up in Sparta Questions

Using 2Connect to create a Plan for your blog

Science Picture for Fact File

Healthy Diet PowerPoint

January 25th Home Learning

Maths Independent Task

Rain and Shine Texts


Blog Features

Blogs PowerPoint

Science PowerPoint

Parts of the Digestive  System Labels

Science Diagram to Label

January 22nd Home Learning

Percy Jackson Summary of chapters 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5

Shared Write Example PowerPoint

Spelling List

The Lungs in the Human Body

The Lungs Diagram and Questions

January 21st Home Learning

Equivalent Fractions Maths Task

Challenge Equivalent Fractions Questions

Challenge Equivalent Fractions Answers

Reading Step 4 Application

Year 5 and 6 Spellings

Percy Jackson Summary of chapters 2,3,4 and 5

Rivers of the World PowerPoint

Rivers of the World Task Sheet

Fact Sheets – Beliefs About Heaven

January 20th Home Learning

Simplifying Fractions Maths Task

Diary Planning Sheet

Diary Writing Checklist

Reading Step 3 Vocabulary

Greece maps to look at the States

Greek City States Information

The Greek City States Fill the Gap Activity

January 19th Home Learning

Formal or Informal PowerPoint 1

Formal or Informal PowerPoint 2

Formal or Informal Task

Formal or Informal Extension Task

Reading Step 2 Orientation

January 18th Home Learning

Maths HCF and LCM Task

The Subjunctive Form PowerPoint

Subjunctive Mood PowerPoint

Subjunctive Form Task

Reading Continuum Step 1 Mon

January 14th Home Learning

Long Division worksheet

Reading Inference Questions

Relative clauses PowerPoint

Lesson Presentation Features of a River

River Features

January 12th Home Learning

Steps to Success Long Division

Apostrophe PowerPoint

Apostrophe for Possession

Apostrophe for Contractions

Instruction Video

January 11th Home Learning

Short Division worksheet

Rain and Shine Text

Monday Retrieval Application Questions

Percy Jackson Summary of chapters 2, 3, 4 and 5


January 8th Home Learning

Well being tasks

Newly Discovered Amphibains

Newly Discovered Amphibians Answers

January 7th Home Learning

Steps to success short division

Short division worksheet

Rain and Shine text

English Blurb picture

Blurb Questions

Creating Optical Art

January 6th Home Learning

Arithmetic test 1

BLP targets for online learning

BLP Progression document for Spring

January 5th Home Learning

Maths (Answers)

Homework 11/12/10

Maths Arithmetic

Reading Comprehension Text

Reading Comprehension Answers

Homework 27/11/20

Maths prep 4 sheet

Mrs Atherton Reading

Mrs Atherton Grammar

Mrs Scott and Mrs Chouhery Reading

Mrs Scott and Mrs Choudhery Grammar

Week 4 Mrs Choudhery’s English set

Week 4 Mrs Atherton and Mrs Scott’s English sets

Homework 20/11/20

Maths prep 3 sheet

Week 3 Mrs Choudhery’s English set

Week 3 Mrs Atherton and Mrs Scott’s English sets

Homework 13/11/20

Maths prep 2 sheet

Mrs Scott and Mrs Choudhery Reading

Week 2 Mrs Choudhery’s English set

Week 2 Mrs Atherton and Mrs Scott English sets

Homework 6/11/20

Maths prep 1 sheet

Mrs Choudhery and Mrs Scott Reading

Mrs Choudhery and Mrs Scott Grammar

Week 1 Mrs Choudhery’s English set

Week 1 Mrs Atherton and Mrs Scott’s English sets

October Half Term Holiday Homework

Reasoning Quiz 5

Mrs Choudhery’s English set

Mrs Atherton’s and Mrs Scott’s English sets

Reading Challenge

Homework 16/10/20

Reasoning Quiz 4

Mrs Atherton English set

Mrs Scott and Mrs Choudhery’s English sets

Week 6 Mrs Choudhery’s English set

Week 6 Mrs Scott and Mrs Atherton’s English sets

Homework 9/10/20

Reasoning Quiz 3

Word Classes

Week 5 Home Learning Mrs Choudhery’s English set

Week 5 Home Learning Mrs Atherton’s and Mrs Scott’s English set

Homework 2/10/20

Reasoning Quiz 2

Mrs Atherton’s English set

Mrs Choudhery’s and Mrs Scott’s English set

Week 4 Mrs Atherton’s and Mrs Scott’s English set

Homework 25/9/20

Reasoning Quiz

Mrs Atherton’s and Mrs Scott’s English set

Mrs Choudhery’s English sets

Homework 18/9/20

Homework week 2

Homework 11/9/20

Week 1 Mrs Atherton English set

Week 1 Mrs Scott and Mrs Choudhery’s English set

New Year 6 Holiday Homework

Holiday Homework

Amazing Person Worksheet

What positives have come from lockdown

Home Learning Pack

Children in ‘bubbles’ Monday and Tuesday

Children in ‘bubbles’ Thursday and Friday

Children not in school or in Care Club

Class on 2020 – Leavers and Transition Booklet

Monday addition and subtraction – tiered challenge

Monday Reading Assessment Booklet

Monday Reading Assessment Answer Booklet

Monday Reading Assessment Mark Scheme

Tuesday multiplication and division – tiered challenge

Tuesday Reading Assessment Booklet

Tuesday Reading Assessment Answer Booklet

Tuesday Reading Assessment Mark Scheme

Wednesday negative numbers – tiered challenge

Thursday time – tiered challenge

Friday Activity 1 Maths

Friday Activity 2 Maths

Friday Activity 3 Maths

Accelerated Reader

Activities to support children through anxiety

WPS Challenge

Online Learning Resources

Additional Online Resources to Support Home Learning Key Stage 2

Additional Online Resources to Support Home Learning SEND

Week 16 Home Learning Timetable

Arithmetic Paper 9

Y6 Day 1 Powerpoint for teachers

Well being task page 1

Well being task page 2

Well being task page 3

Week 15 Home Learning Timetable

Arithmetic Paper 8

Reading and Interpreting pie charts

Draw pie charts

PE (Home Learning)

Week 14 Home Learning Timetable

Arithmetic Paper 7

D Day comprehension sheets

D Day Powerpoint

Drawing Line Graphs

Line Graph problems

Moving on up Scenario Cards

Reading and Interpreting Line Graphs

Science Investigations

Week 13 Home Learning Timetable

Arithmetic Paper 6

Battle of Britain Comprehension and Answers

Week 12 home learning timetable

Reasoning  Quiz 1

Arithmetic Paper 5

Geometry Questions

Position and Direction Quiz

Respect Worksheets

Football Themed Coordinates

Spanish (Home Learning)

Resources to support parents and carers keep children safe online

Holiday Challenge

Holiday Menu

Air Rocket investigation

Rocket template

Anderson Shelter Worksheet – Starter

Anderson Shelter paper model – Easy

Anderson Shelter paper model diorama


Arithmetic paper 4

Quizzes 3D shapes and their nets

Quizzes circles and rotation

Quizzes properties of 2D shapes

Quizzes symmetry

Strong Societies


Arithmetic Paper3

Chapter 3 Questions ‘A Bridge On Fire.’

Chapter 3 Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar Questions

Chapter 4 Questions ‘A Bridge On Fire.’

Chapter 4 Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar Questions

Chapter 5 Questions ‘A Bridge On Fire.’

Chapter 5 Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar Questions

Electricity Quiz

It’s Electrifying PowerPoint PDF with Quiz Answers

Maths Challenges

TTS Home Learning Resources Pack

Music (Home Learning)

Arithmetic Paper 2

Chapter 1 Questions ‘A Bridge On Fire’

Chapter 1 Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar Questions

Chapter 2 Questions ‘A Bridge On Fire’

Chapter 2 Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar Questions

Electricity Safety Poster

Propaganda PowerPoint

Propaganda Photo Detectives

VE Day  PowerPoint

VE Day Menu

Arithmetic Paper

Spelling activity sheet (Questions)

Spellings activity sheet (Answers)

World War II Evacuation Text and Questions

PE (Week 3 Netball Answers)

Spanish (In the town 1)

Spanish (In the town 2)

Spanish (Sentence Link up)

Maths and GPS Activities

Reading Activities

Year 6 All Subjects

Maths SATs Paper with tutorial


Science steps to success

TTS Home Learning Resource Pack

Makaton Greetings Flash Cards

Spanish Home Learning (St George’s Day)

Sant Jorge vocabulario

Easter Home Learning Menu 2

Pick a Science Investigation to complete

Science Investigation Examples

Easter Home Learning Menu

PE (Week 3)

PE (Netball questions)

Year 6 Week 2 Home Learning

WW2 Topic Booklet

Home Learning Resources

Home Learning Pack Guidance and Answers

year 6 transition homework


10- minute SAT Buster:

10- minute SAT Buster

10- minute SAT Buster:

2. Mathletics
Times Table Rock Stars

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Upcoming Dates

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Latest Letters

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Mulberry School for Girls

Year 6 Transition

Missed any of our open events.

If you missed any of our Open events, we are excited to share this amazing, student-friendly virtual tour of our school.

Watch our student-friendly virtual tour

Watch the following videos from our headteacher and heads of department at mulberry school for girls.

CEO’s Address

Dr V J Ogden CEO – Mulberry Trust

Design & Technology

Ms G Waller Head of Design & Technology

Mr M Hibbert Head of English

Expressive & Performing Arts

Ms A Hargreaves Head of Expressive & Performing Arts

History, Geography & Economics

Mr L Watts Head of History, Geography & Economics

Mr D Chart Head of Maths

Modern Foreign Languages

Mr M Villar Head of Modern Foreign Languages

Ms R Rahman Head of Science

Social Sciences, Religious Studies & Citizenship

Ms C Walker Head of Social Sciences, Religious Studies & Citizenship

Ms A Duherich Head of Support for Learning

Our Prospectus

Confidence, creativity, leadership and a love of learning

Mulberry School for Girls has been a pioneer in women’s education for over fifty years. You can find out more about our excellent offer in our prospectus. It is designed to give you an insight into our exceptional school and the outstanding education you will receive as a Mulberry Girl! Whether you are considering applying for a place at Mulberry, or keen to find out more about us, we hope that you find this information useful.

Download a copy of our prospectus here .

Social media

Follow us on Twitter @MulberryTH for updates about our events and our school community.

Contacting the Transition Team

We look forward to welcoming you to Mulberry School for Girls. If you have any questions, please contact our Transitions Coordinator Sinead Spellman at [email protected] .

Year 6 Transition Day July 2022

Welcome to Mulberry School for Girls and the start of your 7-year learning journey with us.

Making the move from Year 6 to Year 7 is an exciting time, with lots of changes to prepare for; new school, new teachers, new friends, new uniform, to name but a few.

We will be inviting your daughter to Mulberry school for Induction Day on Friday July 1st 2022. This will be an opportunity to experience lessons and activities and have a chance to meet her teachers and classmates.  We look forward to welcoming your daughter on this day .

Parents Meeting June 2022

Here is the recording of the Parent meeting that took place last Tuesday 7th at Mulberry school for Girls. Please do watch it if you were unable to attend our meetings. We hope you find it informative and that it helps you and your daughter prepare for Secondary school.

' title=

As part of being ‘Mulberry ready’ for September, all new pupils will complete an induction booklet. Your daughter will receive this on the Induction day in July .

Our Transitions Coordinator, Ms Spellman, works closely with primary schools to make the transition process as easy as possible. Ms Spellman and the Year 7 team at Mulberry School for Girls are all here to help you and your daughter at every stage of the transition journey.

Please do check our frequently asked questions section which may be able to answer any queries you may have. If at any point you have any questions or issues then make sure you ask:

Any further queries please email: Ms Spellman – Transitions Coordinator for Year 7 [email protected]

Q: What uniform do I need to wear? Where do I purchase the uniform?

Please find the Uniform Policy here on our website .

You can purchase bespoke school uniform items (blazer, tie, PE t-shirt, jumper, Shalwar Keemez) from the following two suppliers: Khalsa Schoolwear , 388 Bethnal Green Road, London, E2 0AH Ocean Designs Schoolwear Ltd , 10 Watney Market, London, E1 2PR.

All other uniform items can be obtained from suppliers of your choice.

Q: Am I able to apply for financial support towards purchasing a school uniform?

Tower Hamlets Council provides financial support towards the cost of school uniform. To find if you qualify for this support please see this link on the council’s website.

Q: How do I pay for my lunch?

You pay for lunch using a card you will receive on your first week at school. Then parents will be required to pay for your lunch using ParentPay. We will contact you in September to confirm this.

Q: What will I get rewarded for?

You will get rewards for doing the right thing. Your teachers will give you rewards for outstanding effort and hard work. Your Year Learning Coordinator (Head of Year) will give you rewards for 100% attendance and punctuality as well as consistent hard work in all subjects.

Q: What will I get a detention for?

If you complete your work, show respect to staff and your peers, are on time to school, bring the correct equipment, complete your homework and wear the correct uniform you will not get a detention.

Q: What if I get lost and cannot find my classroom?

If you cannot find the correct classroom, there will be lots of staff around to help you, make sure you ask. You will also receive a map. You will not get in trouble in the first couple of weeks for getting lost. You will also be given a tour of the school in the first couple of days at school to help you get around.

Q: What if I forget something?

Teachers will be understanding in the early weeks of the term. If you need something important, make sure you speak to Ms King, Ms Spellman or Mr Bailey.

Q: What is the school planner and how do I use it?

The planner is a communication tool between home and school. You will be expected to write any homework that you have in the planner. It is really important that your parent/ guardian signs the planner each week to show they have checked your homework. The planner also includes the uniform and equipment list and the behaviour policy and lots of other important information.

year 6 transition homework

Richard Street Commercial Road London E1 2JP

Tel: 020 7790 6327 Fax: 020 7265 9882 [email protected]


Mulberry School for Girls is part of the Mulberry Schools Trust which is a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (Company No. 10035860).

Company’s registered office: Mulberry Schools Trust, Richard Street, Commercial Road, London E1 2JP.

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Olympic torch

Official Education Platform of the Australian Olympic Team

Olympic flag

Preparing Year 6 for the Emotional Transition to High School


The transition from year six to high school involves much more than new academic subjects, timetables and learning the names of a dozen new teachers: it’s a process that requires emotional resilience, self-awareness, self-management, and new social skills. To make the path more turbulent, this transition happens right when many students are entering puberty and experiencing some bewildering changes.

In a review by Evans, Borriello and Field , the transition from primary to high school is described as one of the most stressful events in a young person’s life, and can have impacts on a child’s psychological well-being and academic performance. Students themselves have reported fears about bullying, peer relationships, getting lost in their new school and coping with a bigger workload.

Most educators and schools offer some sort of transition program to prepare students for practical changes like managing their own books, following a timetable, having a different teacher for each subject, and using a diary to plan homework and assignments. However, by supporting their emotional wellbeing and having tricky (and yes, embarrassing) conversations about mental skills and puberty, teachers can help students make the practical elements of their transition to high school much easier.

There are several simple things you can do in the classroom:

  • Speak positively about the transition . When speaking to students about going to high school, focus on the opportunities it brings like new sports teams, artistic or music activities, making new friends, and learning new subjects. Encourage them to be open to trying new things, even if it feels scary at first.
  • Let them hear about the transition first-hand. If possible, arrange a talk with older students in year seven or eight – hearing stories from their peers can be powerful. This is obviously much easier if you are in a K-12 school, so if it’s not possible, encourage your students to talk to friends, cousins or older siblings about their experience.
  • Reassure them that all feelings are valid. Students will experience a range of emotions. Reassure them that whatever they feel – nervous, happy, excited, sad – is completely normal. It’s also helpful to remind them that it’s okay to feel a different way to their friends and peers.
  • Blend practical and emotional preparations. Set up a ‘Day in the life of a high schooler’ where students need to follow a timetable (perhaps getting up and changing desks for each topic you teach), and practice note taking and planning homework in a diary. Leave time before and after the experience for students to discuss how they feel and ask questions.
  • Encourage them to take care of themselves. Eating well, exercising and getting enough sleep are key factors for thriving in stressful situations. Planning a lesson about the importance of these can empower students with practical ways to cope with the anxiety they may be feeling.
  • Introduce students to the mental tools they’ll need to succeed. Determination, emotional intelligence, self-management and social awareness are all critical at high school. Using video and digital resources can help you deliver a lesson that will open their eyes to the invisible tools that sit alongside their textbooks and pencils.

Help them connect puberty to the emotions they’ll face starting high school. Tackling the puberty topic early is important, but it’s equally beneficial to show them how mood swings and hormones play a part in how well they cope with stress, relationships and new experiences – like starting high school.

Our top resources

Video is the perfect way to introduce complex topics and open sensitive conversations in a comfortable and safe way. ClickView has a variety of digital resources designed for year five and six students that guide them through mental, emotional and physical health topics.

ClickView’s free Wellbeing resources During challenging times, it’s normal to feel more stressed or concerned about things than usual. While curated for COVID-19, this special collection of lesson plans, resources and videos is suitable for any period of transition. It helps give students the tools they need to manage their wellbeing, from building confidence, relationships and healthy habits to understanding anxiety and practicing meditation. Take a look at our free wellbeing resources today .

What You Need to Succeed This series of primary PDHPE videos explores the emotional and mental skills that students need to succeed both inside and outside the classroom. Topics covered include: having a growth mindset, aspiration and ambition, developing emotional intelligence, developing grit, self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, social skills and lifelong learning.

Next Stop, Puberty! This Australian Teachers of Media (ATOM) Award-nominated series takes the ick out of educating students about puberty. The six Miniclips, produced by ClickView, take a light-hearted, factual and inclusive approach to the confronting (and often embarrassing) physical and mental changes teens face during puberty.

What’s with the Listies? Another ATOM Award-nominated series from ClickView, What’s with the Listies follows quirky comedic duo Matt and Rich as they explore five themes of social and emotional learning to help students express and manage themselves in everyday life.

By taking time out to listen to their concerns, explore and reassure them about their feelings and educate them about the mental and emotional tools they have at their disposal, students will feel more equipped to handle one of the most exciting times of their lives – high school!

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Earth Day Activities For Students

Try ClickView FREE today

In This Section

Welcome to the holgate academy.

Congratulations to everyone who has been offered a place at The Holgate Academy! We can’t wait to meet you during your transition activities and for you to become part of our academy community in September.

We are offering short tours of the academy, led by one of our friendly year 7 team, for children who have been offered a place and their parents/carers. This will be an opportunity to have a look around prior to the transition days and to ask any questions that you or your child might have.

This information will also be shared with you through your primary school. In the meantime, please take a look at our transition guide.

Please note that our 2024 transition days are taking place on the 10, 11 and 12 July

The Holgate Academy transition guide

Transition guide 2024

Meet our leadership team

Meet our year 7 team

Year 6 transition homework

Complete as many homework activities  as you can over the summer and hand your homework in to your class teacher for each subject.

There will be a reward for the best homework per subject –  this will be given out in assembly when you return in year 7.

When you join us in September you will be able to access the homework via the student portal.

Year 6 art homework

Design and technology

Design and technology summer task

Year 6 transition activity

Drama transition homework task

English transition activities

Year 6 transition book review

Year 6 induction lesson journal

History transition homework

Famous mathematician task

Modern foreign languages

Challenge fact file

Year 6 music homework

Physical education (PE)

Euro 2024 activity pack

Religious education (RE)

World religions word search puzzle

Year 6 science transition task – drawing apparatus

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us: [email protected]

More In This Section

year 6 transition homework

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year 6 transition homework

Transition from Year 6

Hello to all of our prospective pupils, parents and families.

Thank you for choosing Christ the King Catholic High School for your child. We are confident that they will enjoy their seven years with us up until the end of Sixth Form both in the classroom and beyond. As well as achieving success in their lessons, we also hope they will join as many clubs as possible on offer and will get involved in all the opportunities outside the classroom at our wonderful, caring school.

Here at Christ the King we appreciate just how hard it is to get the right balance during the transition period of moving up from Year 6 to Year 7, when your child has been the oldest at primary and is now the youngest at secondary school. It will be a whirlwind and may get a bit overwhelming at times to take in all the new changes, but we will support and guide your child at every step and we look forward to witnessing them grow in confidence every day. We would encourage you to talk to your child about their experiences in their first month or so at CTK and if you have any queries please do not hesitate to make contact with your child’s form tutor or any of the key staff at school to ask for advice. However, please rest assured that we will contact you if we need to.

Our Year 7 pastoral team is very experienced in the various concerns and worries that are common to all new Year 7s so your child will be in very capable hands. We hope this will alleviate any worries you will have too. Every child will cope with this big change differently and all the staff at CTK will be mindful of this during the first term as your child settles in and we will all make a special effort to make the transition for them as smooth and comfortable as possible. We have lots planned to induct them into our school, all intended to help build up their confidence with a range of activities we feel they’ll really enjoy and get a lot out of in the first few months to settle into their new school.

By Christmas we hope they will feel that CTK is now ‘their’ school and they will be fully immersed into life as a CTK pupil enjoying their lessons, familiar with our policies and ways of working around school and, hopefully, they will have joined some of our extra-curricular clubs with their new and old friends . That is our goal as the Year 7 team.

Please look out for letters in the post and emails in the coming weeks and months as Mrs Wheeler and I will be providing information that will help you and your child as you prepare over the summer term and summer holidays for their move up to Christ the King.

I look forward to meeting all Year 7 pupils over the coming months so that I am a familiar and recognisable face when the pupils (and their families) are welcomed to become part of our CTK community in September.

Best regards,

Miss Summers

Year 6 Transition/Year 7 Student Progress Leader

year 6 transition homework

Year 7 Reports

year 6 transition homework

School Meals

year 6 transition homework

Uniform Policy

New Year 7 Intake Evening Tues 18 June 2024

Transition booklet 2024

CTK Prospectus 2024

Frequently asked questions about Transition answered by Miss Summers 

year 6 transition homework

Introduction to the School

year 6 transition homework

School Uniform/ PE Kit

year 6 transition homework

Homework/Traveling to School

year 6 transition homework

Finding your way around/ Key Staff

year 6 transition homework

School Timetable

year 6 transition homework

Belongings and Responsibilities

year 6 transition homework

Communication with School

year 6 transition homework

Transition to CTK

Miss Summers explains how the transition programme for our Year 6 pupils will be structured.  A number of videos will be emailed out to parents each week to provide our new pupils with key information to help ease the natural feelings of anxiety and worry when moving up to secondary school.  Our aim is to make the transition to CTK as smooth as possible.

Go Big Tasks Personal Challenges 

Meet the teams.

year 6 transition homework


Religious Studies

Modern Foreign Languages

Creative Arts

Senior Leadership Team (SLT)

Physical Education

For any queries regarding Year 6 to 7 transition, please contact Mrs K Summers [email protected]

year 6 transition homework


MSU Coach Jonathan Smith Opens Up About His Transition to the Midwest

Ezekiel trezevant | jul 30, 2024.

Michigan State coach Jonathan Smith talks the media on the first national signing day for college football recruits Wednesday, Dec. 20, 2023, at Spartan Stadium in East Lansing.

  • Michigan State Spartans

As Michigan State coach Jonathan Smith begins his tenure in East Lansing, one of his most significant changes will be living in the Midwest after spending much of his life on the other side of the country. Coach Smith, born in Pasadena, California, spent most of his adulthood on the West Coast. 

Although he spent time at Montana and Boise State, he attended college and played football at Oregon State before coaching the Beavers football team in 2018. His longest-tenured positions were all on the West Coast, as he spent most of his professional career at Oregon State and Washington, gaining valuable experience he will use to help him at Michigan State.

Smith was instrumental in turning around Oregon State’s football program. The Beavers went 12-36 in the four seasons before he took over. Smith led Oregon State to 25 wins over his final three seasons before accepting the head coaching position at Michigan State.

Smith said while life in the Midwest has been different, it has not been much of a culture shock.

He recently took the time to expand on his transition from the West Coast to the Midwest at Big Ten Football Media Days.

"I wouldn't say shock,” Smith said. “I do think the community in East Lansing has been welcoming and the people, the pride and passion. I don't think that's different than the West Coast, but you feel it out this way.

"I'm not just talking about Michigan State football. I've had an awesome opportunity to get around basketball and the year our hockey team had and the passion the place has for Michigan State that's been really, really fun."

Smith has the chance to turn around another college football program, but one with a much richer history. While he undoubtedly has an uphill battle ahead of him at Michigan State, he also has access to more resources there than he did at Oregon State. As Smith begins his journey at Michigan State, successful football seasons will only help his transition to the Midwest and his and his family’s comfort in East Lansing.  

Don’t forget to follow the official Spartan Nation Page on Facebook Spartan Nation  WHEN YOU CLICK RIGHT HERE , and be a part of our vibrant community group Go Green Go White as well  WHEN YOU CLICK RIGHT HERE .

Ezekiel Trezevant


Ezekiel is a former Sports Editor from the Western Herald and former Atlanta Falcons beat writer.


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  1. Year 6 Transition

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  2. FREE!

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  21. Transition

    Year 6 transition homework. Complete as many homework activities as you can over the summer and hand your homework in to your class teacher for each subject. There will be a reward for the best homework per subject - this will be given out in assembly when you return in year 7.

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