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Essay on Integrity | Integrity Essay for Students and Children in English
February 13, 2024 by Prasanna
Essay on Integrity: The word “integrity” originated from the Latin word “integer,” which means a feeling of wholesomeness. So, overall integrity is a sense of togetherness and completeness that one enjoys while living an honest and moral life. A person with integrity believes in a set of values and rules that he follows throughout his lifetime and tries to pass it on to people around him and his next generation. We have compiled some extended, short, and ten lines essays on integrity.
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Long and Short Essays on Integrity for Students and Kids in English
Given below is an Integrity essay of approximately 400-500 words and is suitable for the students of standards 7, 8, 9, and 10 and a short piece of nearly 100-150 words for the students of standard 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.
Long Essay on Integrity in English 500 words
“Honesty is telling the truth to other people, and integrity is telling the truth to myself.” This famous saying describes integrity in a perfect manner. Integrity is the completeness one feels when he leads an honest and moral life. Integrity is wisely choosing between what is right and what is wrong. If a person has nothing else, he can always feel proud of his integrity. Integrity helps a person to make trustworthy bonds with people around him.
Integrity is not something one can purely teach to others. It is more of a virtue that comes from within a person. Integrity is something a man needs to be proud of because it is a valuable possession no one can take away from him. Integrity means being honest and authentic to oneself and following a strict set of rules. Without integrity, the world would be merely anarchy.
In the academic field, there are a set of moral codes and ethical policies that are to be abided by. This is known as Academic Integrity. Integrity is needed for my people to flourish and bring morality to their life. Academic integrity should be developed in early life as it is an essential virtue for the students.
It is a quality that great leaders and academicians have in their lives, which allows them to be honest even when no one is watching them. Completing one’s work without plagiarizing from someone else’s work, not cheating on home tests and assignments, and working ethically are the significant milestones one has to achieve for building up his academic integrity.
Integrity is an essential quality every employer wants in his employees so that he can trust his employees with all his heart and expect a colloquial behavior from him. Professional integrity increases work productivity and helps in maintaining a positive environment. People with professional integrity have a significant benefit at the workplace because they do not have to put in any extra effort, to be honest, and become a person on whom everyone depends.
It is not that the academic and professional integrities are the highest levels of integrity a man should possess. Everyone should strive to attain integrity in their lives and practice integrity as it is a way of living and achieving prosperity. It helps the community grow and prosper. Integrity augments enthusiasm, fearlessness, accomplishment, creativity, purposefulness, and energy. It is the freedom, honesty, and moral soundness of a human being.
Short Essay on Integrity in English 150 words
All do not possess the virtue of integrity. It is developed by an individual slowly and steadily. It is a state of freedom and honesty and helps a man to be independent and trustworthy. A community where everyone respects each other’s integrity is an ideal society. Integrity allows individuals to flourish in their respective fields in the organization. In the educational field, academic integrity is essential. Respecting everybody’s work and not copying from them is a virtue that eyone should strive for. A person with true integrity will consider taking responsibility for their actions.
In the work field, the employees, as well as the employers, need to have professional integrity. It imposes the fact that everyone should be helpful and should respect each other’s opinions. This helps in building a positive workplace for the workers to explore their creativity and maximize their outputs. Right doings, modesty, and humbleness are some unique qualities that comes with integrity. Integrity is a trait that helps a human being live a long and healthy life.
10 Lines on Essay on Integrity in English
- Integrity is the quality of a person being sincere, faithful, and truthful in appearance, speech, and action.
- Integrity is inherited from family, parents, and belief systems.
- Surroundings and situations also impact it.
- The ethical behavior of a person makes them courageous and fearless.
- A person with integrity can look towards any situation in life through self-confidence and courage.
- Integrity makes the person free of guilt as the one who is loyal and honest will never run away from admitting mistakes.
- People with integrity live a peaceful and happy life as they don’t have to lie to others to save the truth, which makes them guilt-free.
- A person with integrity is always respected in society as the character of the person is clean.
- There’s no specific place to learn integrity, but the two prime areas for a child to learn are school and family.
- There has been a decline in the integrity of our society, which results in the recent uprise in corruption.
Frequently Asked Questions on Essay on Integrity
Question 1. Why is integrity a vital quality?
Answer: Integrity improves the personality of a human being. It also helps in enhancing the quality of life. It also makes an individual a trustworthy and dependable person.
Question 2. Is integrity beneficial?
Answer: Integrity enforces respect, standards, purpose, and encourages values to gain modesty and honesty in life.
Question 3. How can integrity be applied in daily life?
Answer: Integrity has a massive impact on society. Small activities of staying honest while nobody is watching is also an act of integrity. Good understanding and excellent communication skills also contribute to virtue.
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Courage: the Essence of Inner Strength and Bravery
This essay about courage explores its multifaceted nature beyond heroic tales, delving into its essence in everyday life. It defines courage as the strength to confront fear and make choices aligned with one’s values, emphasizing its subjective and personal dimensions. The essay highlights how courage involves both external actions and internal struggles, shaping individuals and inspiring others. Ultimately, it argues that courage is essential for personal growth, authenticity, and societal progress, challenging us to act despite fear and adversity.
How it works
Courage is often celebrated as a grandiose, almost mythical quality that elevates mere mortals into the realm of heroes. From the valiant charges of knights in folklore to the steadfast resolve of modern-day whistleblowers, the concept of courage permeates our cultural and personal narratives. But what truly defines courage? Is it the absence of fear, or the decision to act despite it?
At its core, courage is the mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty. Need a custom essay on the same topic? Give us your paper requirements, choose a writer and we’ll deliver the highest-quality essay! Order now
This definition, however, only scratches the surface of what courage means in everyday life. Unlike the dramatic depictions we see in movies and literature, real-world courage often manifests in quieter, more personal ways.
One of the fundamental aspects of courage is the confrontation with fear. Fear is a universal experience; it does not discriminate by age, strength, or intelligence. Courage, therefore, isn’t about not feeling fear, but about recognizing it and choosing to move forward in spite of it. This could mean speaking out against injustice, standing up for oneself in a difficult personal relationship, or even pursuing a new career path that seems daunting but fulfilling.
Moreover, courage is context-dependent. What requires courage for one person might not be the same for another. For someone with social anxiety, attending a large gathering can be a profound act of bravery. For others, it might be returning to school later in life, or moving to a new country. This subjectivity is what makes courage so personal and respected; it is tailored to individual challenges and adversities.
Courage also involves a moral dimension—it often requires making choices that align with one’s values, even when those choices are unpopular, difficult, or dangerous. It can mean standing alone, going against the grain of societal expectations, or making sacrifices for the benefit of others. This type of courage is evident in people who blow the whistle on corruption within their organizations, despite the potential personal and professional repercussions.
In addition to facing external challenges, courage also encompasses the internal struggle to overcome personal limitations and self-doubt. This inner battle often goes unseen, but it is just as significant as any physical act of bravery. It involves the resilience to keep going when faced with setbacks or failures, and the strength to be vulnerable. Brené Brown, a researcher and thought leader on vulnerability, argues that showing our true selves requires courage because it exposes us to judgment and rejection.
The transformative power of courage is evident not only in how it changes situations but in how it changes individuals. Acts of courage can lead to a greater sense of self-confidence and a reaffirmation of personal values and beliefs. They can also inspire others to act bravely, creating a ripple effect that promotes more courageous actions within a community or society.
Courage, therefore, is not a one-size-fits-all attribute, nor is it confined to acts of heroism that make headlines. It is deeply woven into the fabric of everyday life, influencing how we face our fears, stand up for what we believe in, and continue to strive towards personal growth and fulfillment. The essence of courage is in the choice to act, the persistence through fear, and the commitment to live authentically in accordance with one's principles.
In essence, understanding courage gives us a lens through which to view not just our actions but our motivations and fears. It invites us to consider not only how we act when faced with a challenge but why we act in the ways that we do. It challenges us to grow, to be better, and to inspire the same in others. This dynamic and multifaceted nature of courage makes it one of the most admired and essential qualities in human life.
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Courage: The Essence of Inner Strength and Bravery. (2024, May 12). Retrieved from
"Courage: The Essence of Inner Strength and Bravery." , 12 May 2024, (2024). Courage: The Essence of Inner Strength and Bravery . [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 18 Nov. 2024]
"Courage: The Essence of Inner Strength and Bravery.", May 12, 2024. Accessed November 18, 2024.
"Courage: The Essence of Inner Strength and Bravery," , 12-May-2024. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 18-Nov-2024] (2024). Courage: The Essence of Inner Strength and Bravery . [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 18-Nov-2024]
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