Integrity in the Workplace (What It Is & Why It’s Important)

Integrity in the workplace

A recent Global Integrity Survey from EY reported that 97% of respondents agree that integrity is a vital foundation for any corporation (Gordon, 2022).

Despite the sweeping agreement that integrity offers significant value to organizations, EY highlights a widening gap between awareness of integrity’s role in business operations and diminishing standards of conduct (Gordon, 2022).

As such, organizations must be proactive in creating a culture where integrity can take precedent.

Read on to see what integrity in the workplace looks like, the benefits of being a leader of integrity, and practical pathways to becoming more consistent.

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This Article Contains

What is the meaning of integrity, understanding integrity in the workplace, 2 examples of moral virtues in the office, leading by example: integrity in leadership, how to promote a culture of workplace integrity, ways in which integrity at work can promote wellbeing, worksheets from, a take-home message.

What does it mean to have integrity? According to Peterson and Seligman (2004), integrity is a character strength involving honesty, morality, and trustworthiness.

A key feature of individuals with integrity is their ability for consistency and self-concordance — that is, alignment between their values and behaviors.

Integrity in the workplace encompasses a range of qualities and behaviors that reflect honesty, ethics, and consistency in work-based actions.

Importantly, integrity can occur at an individual level (i.e., leaders and employees can align their words and deeds; Simons, 2002) and at the organizational level (i.e., corporations can be committed to fair governance and sustainable, ethical behaviors that give back to society; Gordon, 2022).

Within the workplace, integrity can play out in a number of ways on both the individual and organizational level.

At the individual level, this may look like:

  • Being honest and trustworthy
  • Adhering to company values
  • Being consistent
  • Being professional
  • Making decisions ethically

At the organizational level, this may look like:

  • Building a culture of integrity through leadership
  • Making ethical business decisions
  • Having clear corporate social responsibility commitments
  • Adhering to regulations and laws
  • Operating with fair and transparent governance

In short, workplace integrity can operate on two levels: the personal integrity of each employee and the integrity of the corporation. However, there is one key behavior that characterizes both: ethical behavior that serves to uphold moral principles.

Moral virtues in the workplace

Corporations are failing to engage in integrity in a meaningful way, and as such, mismatches between senior management’s perceptions of integrity and those of the employees are widening (Gordon, 2022).

It is therefore vital to start with the basics: understanding the myriad benefits that a culture of integrity provides to an organization.

4 Reasons it is important

Integrity in the workplace is crucial for several reasons.

1. Positive work environment

A workplace culture based on integrity creates an environment that breeds positivity and support, and is one where employees feel able to work ethically and to raise concerns without fear of retaliation (Gordon, 2022).

The behavioral integrity of leaders is also directly correlated to increased organizational commitment, employee retention , and job satisfaction (Davis & Rothstein, 2006).

2. Ethical conduct and risk management

Integrity helps prevent unethical behavior such as fraud, corruption, and misconduct. Indeed, fraud and risk assessments are critical corporate integrity action points (Gordon, 2022).

When employees uphold moral principles and adhere to ethical standards, they contribute to the culture of integrity and compliance within the organization.

3. Credibility, reputation, and brand image

Integrity builds trust and confidence in coworkers, clients, and stakeholders (Engelbrecht et al., 2017).

Organizations with a reputation for integrity are also more attractive to customers, investors, and potential employees. Maintaining integrity enhances the organization’s brand image and credibility in the marketplace and reduces the severe reputational damage that can follow unethical behavior (Cialdini et al., 2004).

4. Long-term success

Organizations that prioritize integrity are more likely to achieve long-term success and sustainability (Nink & Robison, 2020). By building trust with stakeholders, maintaining ethical standards, and fostering a positive work environment, they create a solid foundation for growth and resilience.

When organizations thoughtfully take the time to plan their workplace integrity strategy, they are able to reap numerous benefits and simultaneously avoid some serious pitfalls that can have disastrous implications for brand reputation.

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Below, we outline memorable real-world examples of integrity in the work domain. What you may notice is that all of them involve a leader with unwavering integrity.

1. Ben & Jerry’s social justice campaigns

In June 2020, amid widespread protests against racial injustice and police brutality following the killing of George Floyd, Ben & Jerry’s (n.d.) released a statement addressing systemic racism and calling for concrete action to dismantle it. The statement was titled “Silence Is NOT an Option.” In the statement, Ben & Jerry’s expressed solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement and pledged to support efforts to combat racial injustice.

Ben & Jerry’s decision to speak out against racism and support the Black Lives Matter movement demonstrated incredible organizational integrity. The company aligned its actions with its values despite enormous risks to the brand, such as backlash from consumers or political scrutiny. The company chose to prioritize its principles of justice and equity.

In the years following this example, Ben & Jerry’s has continued to be vocal in its support of human rights and social justice issues.

2. Patagonia’s environmental stewardship

Patagonia, an outdoor clothing and gear company, is well known for its commitment to environmental sustainability and corporate responsibility.

One notable example of its organizational integrity occurred in September 2022, when Patagonia founder and CEO Yvon Chouinard announced he was donating the entirety of Patagonia’s future profits to climate charities (Gelles, 2022).

Chouinard has been vocal about the urgency of addressing climate change and the importance of businesses taking responsibility for their environmental impact. This decision received widespread media coverage and praise from environmental activists, consumers, and stakeholders.

It exemplifies how integrity in the workplace can be manifested through concrete actions that align with organizational values and contribute to broader social and environmental goals.

These examples demonstrate that it is possible for organizations and leaders to do the right thing and boost their positive reputation by doing so. Yet there are as many, if not more, examples of corporations and leaders behaving badly. To combat this, companies must look to their leaders.

Integrity in leadership

It is likely not surprising to hear that leaders are the vanguards of organizational culture and brand image. Therefore, leaders who live by their values and champion honesty and ethical decision-making shepherd organizations toward success.

Below, we outline the key attributes of leaders with integrity (Nink & Robinson, 2020).

1. Honesty and transparency

Leaders with integrity are honest and transparent in their communication . They share information openly, even when it’s difficult or uncomfortable. They do not withhold or distort information for personal gain, and they can be trusted to make the right decisions.

2. Consistency, reliability, and accountability

When leaders are consistent with their words and actions and align their behavior with their values and principles, they demonstrate reliability.

Leaders with integrity are unwaveringly reliable. They fulfill their commitments and take responsibility for their actions and decisions. This includes being accountable for mistakes and errors, learning from them, and taking steps to rectify any negative consequences.

3. Ethical decision-making

Leaders with integrity evaluate situations and make decisions based on ethical principles, even when it might be easier to act otherwise or when facing pressure to compromise. They consider the impact of their decisions on stakeholders and society as a whole.

4. Courage and conviction

Integrity requires courage to stand up for what is right, even in the face of opposition or adversity.

Leaders with integrity have the courage to speak truth to power, uphold their principles, and defend the interests of their team and organization.

5. Respect, professionalism, and empathy

Trustworthy leaders show respect, courtesy, and empathy toward others, valuing diverse perspectives and experiences.

They listen actively, seeking to understand different viewpoints, while treating individuals with dignity and compassion. Leaders with integrity foster a positive work environment by valuing diversity, promoting inclusivity , and working tirelessly to uphold principles of equity and justice in their interactions and decision-making.

6. Leading by example

Leaders with integrity lead by example, embodying the values and behaviors they expect from others. Their actions inspire trust , credibility, and excellence in their team members, stakeholders, and the broader community.

7. Adherence to company values

Beyond self-concordance, leaders also actively align their actions with the values and mission of the organization, even when faced with difficult decisions or conflicting interests.

Overall, integrity in leadership is about being authentic, ethical, and principled in one’s conduct, and this sets the tone for organizational culture and shapes the direction and impact of the entire organization.

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It is not just leaders who should bear the burden of generating and maintaining workplace integrity, though their role is integral.

All employees and the organization as a whole must work together to build a culture of integrity (Kayes et al., 2007).

Below, we look at several concrete approaches that can elevate any organization’s integrity approach.

Psychological safety

Trust is one of the foundational pillars of workplace integrity. Not surprising, trust also provides the foundation for psychological safety .

As such, one way leaders can seek to build integrity is to make the work environment safe for their employees. Psychological safety in the workplace involves leaders actively driving out fear from their team members by promoting open feedback , focusing on team relationships, rewarding failure, and showing humility.


To be a person of integrity involves a degree of authenticity , and to be authentic requires self-awareness of your values and beliefs . The two are inherently linked, such that authenticity can be thought of as the embodiment of an individual’s values.

According to Oyserman (2001, p. 16150), values are “priorities, internal compasses or springboards for action — moral imperatives.” So values themselves are not actions but rather guiding principles for action. Moreover, values are more than individual preferences; they are social contracts about what is right and good.

Authenticity can be further understood as the “unobstructed operation of one’s true or core self in one’s daily enterprises” (Goldman & Kernis, 2002, p. 2) and comprises four components (Kernis & Goldman, 2006):

  • Self-awareness
  • Unbiased processing of the self
  • Self-concordant behavior
  • Relational openness

To build authentic leaders, organizations could collaborate with their employees to shape company values that align with personal values and use 360-degree feedback to help build awareness.

Beyond these two specific pathways, organizations can also look to take a systematic and comprehensive approach to building integrity in the workplace by providing education and training on the “why” of integrity (the benefits) and the “why not” (the consequences for transgressions).

Integrity can further be assessed in performance metrics and built into leadership training programs. On a more systemic level, an organization’s processes and policies can be audited to focus more on ethical operating (Kayes et al., 2007).

If you’re looking for more information about authenticity, you may enjoy this TEDx talk by Herminia Ibarra on the authenticity paradox.

Earlier in the article, we outlined some of the reasons why integrity in the workplace is important. In this section, we expand on one of those reasons.

Below, we outline several ways integrity can have a positive influence on employee wellbeing.

1. Reduced stress and anxiety

In an environment where integrity is prioritized, employees experience less stress and anxiety related to ethical dilemmas or concerns about dishonesty and unfair treatment (Prottas, 2008).

When employees can rely on their colleagues and leaders to act with integrity, this reduces uncertainty and fosters a sense of psychological safety, contributing to better mental and emotional wellbeing.

2. Enhanced job satisfaction

Employees who work in an environment characterized by integrity are more likely to have greater job satisfaction and be more committed to their organization (Davis & Rothstein, 2006).

When employees trust that their organization operates with integrity and treats them fairly, employee engagement increases, leading to greater overall wellbeing.

3. Healthy relationships and collaboration

Integrity promotes healthy relationships among coworkers based on mutual respect, honesty, and trust.

Collaboration becomes more effective when built on a foundation of integrity, as employees can rely on each other to uphold shared values and work toward common goals (Edmondson, 2018).

Having positive interpersonal relationships contributes to a supportive work environment where employees feel valued, understood, and supported, enhancing their sense of belonging and wellbeing.

4. Organizational citizenship behaviors

Employees who perceive their organization as having integrity are more likely to engage in organizational citizenship behaviors, such as helping others, volunteering for extra tasks, and advocating for the organization (Dineen et al., 2006).

These behaviors contribute to a positive work environment and enhance employees’ wellbeing.

Taken together, the benefits to be gained from workplace integrity abound. Specifically, integrity promotes wellbeing by fostering trust, reducing stress, enhancing job satisfaction, facilitating healthy relationships, and fostering a positive organizational culture where employees can thrive.

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17 Exercises To Build Positive Leaders

Use these 17 Positive Leadership Exercises [PDF] to help others inspire, motivate, and guide employees in ways that enrich workplace performance and satisfaction. Created by Experts. 100% Science-based.

To further highlight the link between authenticity and integrity, below we outline worksheets and exercises that help leaders identify their values and lean into authentic behavior in the workplace.

One excellent way to help zone in on our authentic selves is to write a mission statement . In this worksheet, leaders are encouraged to identify what they stand for and what they plan to do.

To act with integrity relies largely on being able to uphold one’s values. In the core values worksheet, individuals are provided with an extensive list of values and invited to consider which values resonate with them.

Another important skill required in order to identify your values and core self is self-awareness. One exercise promoted to boost self-awareness is the Johari window .

Lastly, leaders may be interested in the following article on authentic leadership , which outlines the characteristic traits of authentic leaders along with exercises and training to help individuals foster an authentic leadership style .

If you’re looking for more science-based ways to help others develop positive leadership skills, check out this collection of 17 validated positive leadership exercises . Use them to equip leaders with the skills needed to cultivate a culture of positivity and resilience.

According to Nink and Robison (2020), as the world of work continues to shift in line with hastening technology, trust will become the ultimate brand attribute. Yet as it stands, only 40% of employees in the United Kingdom and 36% in the United States think their employer “would do what is right.”

This highlights a significant gap between expectations of workplace integrity and reality.

To address this gap, organizations must create a culture of integrity, where values are embodied throughout the hierarchy of the company and there is zero tolerance for noncompliance or transgressions (Kayes et al., 2007).

Leaders play a pivotal role in creating such an environment and could look toward developing their own skills of self-awareness, authenticity, and empathy.

But ultimately, integrity in the workplace is more than just a boon for businesses; it’s about building a brighter future where honesty, accountability, and ethical leadership pave the way for a stronger, more trustworthy society.

We hope you enjoyed reading this article. Don’t forget to download our three Positive Leadership Exercises for free .

  • Ben & Jerry’s. (n.d.). Silence is not an option . Retrieved March 8, 2024, from
  • Cialdini, R. B., Petrova, P. K., & Goldstein, N. J. (2004). The hidden costs of organizational dishonesty. MIT Sloan Management Review , 45 (3).
  • Davis, A. L., & Rothstein, H. R. (2006). The effects of the perceived behavioral integrity of managers on employee attitudes: A meta-analysis. Journal of Business Ethics , 67 , 407–419.
  • Dineen, B. R., Lewicki, R. J., & Tomlinson, E. C. (2006). Supervisory guidance and behavioral integrity: relationships with employee citizenship and deviant behavior. Journal of Applied Psychology , 91 (3), 622–635.
  • Edmondson, A. C. (2018). The fearless organization: Creating psychological safety in the workplace for learning, innovation, and growth . John Wiley & Sons.
  • Engelbrecht, A. S., Heine, G., & Mahembe, B. (2017). Integrity, ethical leadership, trust and work engagement. Leadership & Organization Development Journal , 38 (3), 368–379.
  • Gelles, D. (2022, September 14). Billionaire no more: Patagonia founder gives away the company. The New York Times .
  • Goldman, B. M., & Kernis, M. H. (2002). The role of authenticity in healthy psychological functioning and subjective well-being. Annals of the American Psychotherapy Association , 5 (6), 18–20.
  • Gordon, A. (2022, February 4). Tunnel vision or the bigger picture: How a focus on enhanced governance can help reimagine corporate integrity . EY.
  • Kayes, D. C., Stirling, D., & Nielsen, T. M. (2007). Building organizational integrity. Business Horizons , 50 (1), 61–70.
  • Kernis, M. H., & Goldman, B. M. (2006). A multicomponent conceptualization of authenticity: Theory and research. Advances in Experimental Social Psychology , 38 , 283–357.
  • Nink, M., & Robison, J. (2020, December 14). Want a company with more integrity? Leaders set the tone . Gallup.
  • Oyserman, D. (2001). Values: psychological perspectives. In N. J. Smelser & P. B. Baltes (Eds.), International encyclopedia of the social & behavioral sciences (pp. 16150–16153). Elsevier.
  • Peterson, C., & Seligman, M. E. (2004). Character strengths and virtues: A handbook and classification (vol. 1). Oxford University Press.
  • Prottas, D. J. (2008). Perceived behavioral integrity: Relationships with employee attitudes, well-being, and absenteeism. Journal of Business Ethics , 81 , 313–322.
  • Simons, T. (2002). Behavioral integrity. Organization Science , 1 , 20–35.

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Essay on Integrity | Integrity Essay for Students and Children in English

February 13, 2024 by Prasanna

Essay on Integrity: The word “integrity” originated from the Latin word “integer,” which means a feeling of wholesomeness. So, overall integrity is a sense of togetherness and completeness that one enjoys while living an honest and moral life. A person with integrity believes in a set of values and rules that he follows throughout his lifetime and tries to pass it on to people around him and his next generation. We have compiled some extended, short, and ten lines essays on integrity.

You can read more  Essay Writing  about articles, events, people, sports, technology many more.

Long and Short Essays on Integrity for Students and Kids in English

Given below is an Integrity essay of approximately 400-500 words and is suitable for the students of standards 7, 8, 9, and 10 and a short piece of nearly 100-150 words for the students of standard 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Long Essay on Integrity in English 500 words

“Honesty is telling the truth to other people, and integrity is telling the truth to myself.” This famous saying describes integrity in a perfect manner. Integrity is the completeness one feels when he leads an honest and moral life. Integrity is wisely choosing between what is right and what is wrong. If a person has nothing else, he can always feel proud of his integrity. Integrity helps a person to make trustworthy bonds with people around him.

Integrity is not something one can purely teach to others. It is more of a virtue that comes from within a person. Integrity is something a man needs to be proud of because it is a valuable possession no one can take away from him. Integrity means being honest and authentic to oneself and following a strict set of rules. Without integrity, the world would be merely anarchy.

In the academic field, there are a set of moral codes and ethical policies that are to be abided by. This is known as Academic Integrity. Integrity is needed for my people to flourish and bring morality to their life. Academic integrity should be developed in early life as it is an essential virtue for the students.

It is a quality that great leaders and academicians have in their lives, which allows them to be honest even when no one is watching them. Completing one’s work without plagiarizing from someone else’s work, not cheating on home tests and assignments, and working ethically are the significant milestones one has to achieve for building up his academic integrity.

Integrity is an essential quality every employer wants in his employees so that he can trust his employees with all his heart and expect a colloquial behavior from him. Professional integrity increases work productivity and helps in maintaining a positive environment. People with professional integrity have a significant benefit at the workplace because they do not have to put in any extra effort, to be honest, and become a person on whom everyone depends.

It is not that the academic and professional integrities are the highest levels of integrity a man should possess. Everyone should strive to attain integrity in their lives and practice integrity as it is a way of living and achieving prosperity. It helps the community grow and prosper. Integrity augments enthusiasm, fearlessness, accomplishment, creativity, purposefulness, and energy. It is the freedom, honesty, and moral soundness of a human being.

Short Essay on Integrity in English 150 words

All do not possess the virtue of integrity. It is developed by an individual slowly and steadily. It is a state of freedom and honesty and helps a man to be independent and trustworthy. A community where everyone respects each other’s integrity is an ideal society. Integrity allows individuals to flourish in their respective fields in the organization. In the educational field, academic integrity is essential. Respecting everybody’s work and not copying from them is a virtue that eyone should strive for. A person with true integrity will consider taking responsibility for their actions.

In the work field, the employees, as well as the employers, need to have professional integrity. It imposes the fact that everyone should be helpful and should respect each other’s opinions. This helps in building a positive workplace for the workers to explore their creativity and maximize their outputs. Right doings, modesty, and humbleness are some unique qualities that comes with integrity. Integrity is a trait that helps a human being live a long and healthy life.

10 Lines on Essay on Integrity in English

  • Integrity is the quality of a person being sincere, faithful, and truthful in appearance, speech, and action.
  • Integrity is inherited from family, parents, and belief systems.
  • Surroundings and situations also impact it.
  • The ethical behavior of a person makes them courageous and fearless.
  • A person with integrity can look towards any situation in life through self-confidence and courage.
  • Integrity makes the person free of guilt as the one who is loyal and honest will never run away from admitting mistakes.
  • People with integrity live a peaceful and happy life as they don’t have to lie to others to save the truth, which makes them guilt-free.
  • A person with integrity is always respected in society as the character of the person is clean.
  • There’s no specific place to learn integrity, but the two prime areas for a child to learn are school and family.
  • There has been a decline in the integrity of our society, which results in the recent uprise in corruption.

Frequently Asked Questions on Essay on Integrity

Question 1. Why is integrity a vital quality?

Answer: Integrity improves the personality of a human being. It also helps in enhancing the quality of life. It also makes an individual a trustworthy and dependable person.

Question 2. Is integrity beneficial?

Answer: Integrity enforces respect, standards, purpose, and encourages values to gain modesty and honesty in life.

Question 3. How can integrity be applied in daily life?

Answer: Integrity has a massive impact on society. Small activities of staying honest while nobody is watching is also an act of integrity. Good understanding and excellent communication skills also contribute to virtue.

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Essay on Integrity

Students are often asked to write an essay on Integrity in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Integrity

Understanding integrity.

Integrity means being honest and having strong moral principles. It’s about doing the right thing, even when no one is watching.

The Importance of Integrity

Integrity in daily life.

We can show integrity by being honest, keeping promises, and standing up for what’s right. It might be tough, but it’s always worth it.

Integrity shapes our character. It’s a value that makes us trustworthy and respected. Let’s strive to live with integrity every day.

250 Words Essay on Integrity

Defining integrity.

Integrity is a profound concept that transcends the simplicity of moral righteousness. It is the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles, but also encompasses consistency of actions, values, methods, measures, and principles. It is the inner compass that guides us when we are torn between right and wrong.

The Essence of Integrity

At its core, integrity is about wholeness and completeness. It is about aligning our actions with our beliefs and values, even when no one is watching. It is not a trait that can be turned on and off at will; rather, it is a constant state of being that permeates every aspect of our lives.

Integrity in Action

Integrity manifests itself in various ways in our daily lives. It is seen when a student refuses to cheat on an exam, when an employee declines a bribe, or when a friend keeps a secret. These actions may seem insignificant in the grand scheme of things, but they are the building blocks of a society founded on trust and mutual respect.

The Impact of Integrity

Integrity has far-reaching implications on both an individual and societal level. For individuals, it cultivates self-respect and earns the respect of others. On a societal level, integrity fosters trust and cooperation, which are essential for the functioning of any community.

500 Words Essay on Integrity


At its core, integrity is about wholeness and consistency. It is about aligning your actions with your values, regardless of who is watching or what the potential rewards or punishments might be. This consistency between beliefs and behavior is what sets people of integrity apart. They are not swayed by changing circumstances, nor do they compromise their principles for temporary gain.

Integrity is also about accountability and transparency. It means acknowledging mistakes, taking responsibility for actions, and making amends when necessary. It is about being open and honest, even when it is uncomfortable or inconvenient.

Integrity in Personal Life

Integrity also fosters self-esteem and personal growth. When you live in alignment with your values, you experience a sense of fulfillment and peace. You are not plagued by guilt or regret, as you know that you have acted in accordance with your moral compass.

Integrity in Professional Life

In conclusion, integrity is a pivotal value that underpins personal and professional success. It is not just about honesty, but also about consistency, accountability, and transparency. Upholding integrity demands courage and conviction, as it often involves standing up for what is right, even when it is difficult. However, the rewards are immeasurable. A life lived with integrity is a life of authenticity, fulfillment, and respect. It is a testament to the power of moral principles in shaping our actions and our world.

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4 Academic Integrity Values: Responsibility and Courage

Responsibility : you show responsible behaviour when you lead by example, when you resist negative peer pressure, and when you discourage others from violating academic integrity principles. Being responsible means being accountable to yourself and others and to do your work to the best of your abilities.

You have difficulties with your studies, especially in one of your courses. You have been stuck on your essay for a whole week already. You are afraid that you may fail the course if you can’t turn this situation around. What should you do?

Click on the responses to see the answers to each.

Courage:   to uphold academic integrity standards requires courage to resist temptations for the “easy way out” and to  speak up against wrongdoing.

You are entering the room to write your final exam. You see a sign that reads “No electronic devices permitted. Please leave them at the front. You may pick them up after you have finished the exam”. As you enter, you see your classmates put their phones in their pockets. What might you do?

Hopefully, these scenarios showed you that you always have the opportunity to do the right thing, and that there is help available if you need it. It is up to you to make the appropriate choices.

Academic Integrity Copyright © 2021 by Ulrike Kestler is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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Essay on Integrity

What are the basic characters of a person that constructs a strong personality? It is the integrity of a person that defines how strong he can be. What is integrity? It is the power to stand, confront, and tell the truth to yourself. A person who can understand the difference between good and bad and make the right choice even if he is in a favourable position to make any decision is a person of integrity.

What is Integrity? Essay- Long format

How can we define integrity? If a person is honest, virtuous, and decent in all conditions, this trait is called integrity. The term is derived from the Latin word ‘Integer’ which means complete or whole. This term is used in the mathematical language to determine the whole numbers. The same can be used in defining a person’s character that has completeness as the ideal trait.

This trait comprises honesty and morale as the prime elements. These elements are the valuable assets a person holds dear and sticks to them. This is what integrity stands for. Integrity is how we decide to live and lead our lives without harming others’ interests. We face different choices every day and make different decisions. All these decisions and choices are made based on the traits of a person’s character. In this aspect, integrity stands for the virtue where right wins over wrong.

A virtuous man will take the right turn and choose the path that does not harm anyone. Even if he falls in the pit of hurdles, he will not take the easy path as it will cause damage to others. This shows integrity. For instance, if a person chooses to stay honest even though he has the fullest advantage, he has the power of integrity embedded in his personality. These people also value the same trait among others and tend to bond well.

What Traits Construct Integrity? 

Honesty, morality, virtue, freedom, the backbone to stand against corruption, the power to choose the right thing, etc add and form integrity. It is the values that we gather across the years that build our personality brick by brick. These values construct positive traits in a person that leads to the development of integrity in the future. It is the environment and circumstances that construct a person’s character. These values are imbibed in a child’s mind from the very beginning by the parents, teachers, family members, and other persons in the clan.

Integrity does not change by itself unless we change it. It all depends on the decisions we make. Only we can change the characteristics we hold. We imbibe what we see in the preliminary learning phases but then choose our path. Integrity comes in every phase of life as a test that we should all pass. Whether you are a student, an academician, or a professional, you have to show your integral part. A student with high moral values will not cheat or let others down. A professional will not practice illicit means that can harm the organization. This strong trait of a person’s character gives birth to all kinds of other positive traits such as honesty, punctuality, virtue, morality, decency, etc.

These strong traits attract other people and make a person beloved to all. In fact, an environment promoting integrity will always deliver excellent results and better productivity in due course of time. The personal values you choose will decide how much integrity you have

Short Essay on Integrity

Integrity is the ability to stand up, face your fears, and be honest with yourself. A person with integrity is able to distinguish between right and wrong and choose the appropriate course of action even when he is in a position to do so. The word "integrity" in Latin, which implies entire or whole, is where the phrase originates.

Integrity is the choice we make to live and conduct our life without jeopardising the interests of others. Integrity represents virtue when right triumphs over wrong in this regard.

A good man will take the path that harms no one. Even if he slips into the abyss of obstacles, he won't choose the simple route because it will harm others.

The values we accumulate over the years are what construct our personalities piece by piece. Parents, teachers, family members, and other members of the clan inculcate these values in a child's head from an early age. Integrity is a combination of honesty, morality, virtue, freedom, the fortitude to resist corruption, the ability to make the right decision, etc. Every stage of life has an integrity exam that we should all be able to pass. A pupil with strong moral principles won't lie or disappoint others. A professional won't use illegal tactics that could hurt the organisation. Excellent outcomes and increased productivity are always produced in a workplace that values integrity. Your level of integrity will depend on the personal ideals you pick.

Thus, Integrity is one of the greatest bonds and one of the most beautiful gifts one can ever ask for.  It is one which stays with a person forever. Fortunate are those who get friends they can trust, easily.


FAQs on Integrity Essay

1. What are the Elements of True Integrity?

A person with strong integrity will show the following traits.

Absolute honesty

Helping needy persons even when he needs it too

Taking responsibility for his own actions

Considering the needs of others above himself

Extremely humble

Very much reliable

 He does not accept anything more than he deserves

Very kind to everyone

Respecting others and receiving respect

These traits are the signs of integrity a person carries in him. Even if the situations are not on the right side, he will never stop showing these traits. In fact, a strong-willed person will not make a wrong decision even when the situation is advantageous to him. This is what integrity stands for.

2. Why does Integrity Make a Person Stronger?

As you have seen the positive traits of integrity in the previous question, you can easily understand how strong a person can be. When someone is strong enough to take responsibility for his wrongdoings, he is quite courageous. This type of person has the guts to look into their own eyes and say that they did not do anything wrong the entire day. If you see a person helping others even though he needs someone like him too, he is the strongest person we can possibly meet. This is how integrity makes us stronger in every situation.

3. How Personal Values are Added?

Personal values are added from the very beginning of our lives. It all starts at home. The mind of a child is influenced by the characters of people surrounding him. These values still grow when he starts seeing the world with his mature mind. This is how personal values are added to a personality.

4. What do you mean by ‘Integrity’? Where does the word derive from?

Integrity is the quality of being truthful, upright, and decent at all times. The word "integer" is a Latin word that means "complete" or "whole," and that is where the term originates. In the language of mathematics, this phrase is used to determine whole numbers. Similar criteria can be used to describe a person's character, with completeness being the ideal quality.

5. What are the values that construct Integrity?

Ego and misunderstandings can occasionally hurt Integritys. However, it is the duty and responsibility of each and every friend to attempt to maintain a balance in Integrity by trusting one another without reservation, attempting to understand one another's issues and feelings, and encouraging and supporting one another while putting the past behind them. This will strengthen the Integrity.

6. What are the characteristic traits of a virtuous man?

A virtuous man will take the right decision and select the route that avoids hurting anyone. Even if he slips into the abyss of obstacles, he won't choose the simple route because it will harm others. This exhibits honesty. For instance, if a person decides to maintain their integrity even when they are at their most advantageous, they have the power of integrity ingrained in them. They tend to get along well with others and admire similar traits in others.

Integrity Essay

500+ words integrity essay.

Integrity is one of the key pillars of social well-being, and prosperity of individuals, as well as society as a whole. Honesty forms the indispensable foundation of integrity and is a prerequisite for the full realisation of trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility. Upholding the values of integrity is the duty of each individual. As per the dictionary, integrity means moral values and principles, uprightness and honesty, incorruptibility and soundness, and consistency between one’s actions and principles, methods and measures. This Integrity essay will help students to know the meaning of integrity, its importance in individual life, and examples of people who live their life with integrity. Students can also go through the list of CBSE Essays to practise writing essays on different topics. Doing so will help them to participate in various essay writing competitions conducted at the school level.

What is Integrity?

The word integrity has evolved from the Latin word integer which means “complete” or “whole”. This suggests that for achieving integrity, something has to be whole and undivided. It refers to the concept of living by one’s values and principles. The current conceptualization of integrity is the combination of consistency in words and actions with adherence to morality and values in the actions. Living with integrity means being true and authentic to our code of beliefs or worldview.

Individual Integrity

At the individual level, integrity is all about the character of the individual. These characteristics of an individual include transparency, compassion, honesty and ethics. Integrity in these principles is vital to effective leadership. Individuals should preserve their own integrity as a leader by recognising what’s most important to them and abiding by the principles they represent. They must challenge themselves to lead in a way that reflects their responsibility to the position they occupy. The six fundamental character traits that help in building individual integrity are connecting with others, facing the truth, getting results, embracing the negative, focusing on growth, and willingness to learn new things. Finally, integrity also means understanding that true greatness comes from serving something greater than yourself.

Integrity in Business

At the corporate level, integrity refers to a willingness to stick to certain policies, ethics, and leadership philosophy. Organisations with high integrity are characterised as organisations that are collaborative, constructive, innovative, transparent, and with high employee morale. They build great teams and create value. Studies have shown that corporations with a culture of integrity tend to have higher-quality of earnings. They tend to be good places to work, competitive in markets, and provide higher, more predictable returns.

Examples of Integrity

There are various examples of integrity in real life. Let’s take the life story of our great leader Mahatma Gandhi who lived his life with integrity. He followed the path of truth and non-violence throughout his life. He called off the Non-Cooperation movement to maintain integrity with his principle of non-violence. He did not compromise with integrity even though many people were against his decision to cancel the Non- Cooperation movement at the national level. He opted to follow the path of truth and integrity even in the most testing times.

Integrity helps a person to be honest, loyal and committed to his work. One of the real-life examples is Mr. Ashok Khemka. He was an IAS officer of the 1991 batch. He was in the Haryana Cadre and was transferred fifty-one times in his 24 years of Civil Service career. He was awarded for his effort in exposing corruption at the highest level. He got S. R. Jindal Prize in 2011 for ‘his crusade against corruption’.

Living with integrity doesn’t guarantee success or fame. But people are certainly far more likely to feel passionate about their work. They can tackle challenges with energy and fortitude. They can easily inculcate integrity in their nature if their actions are in line with their values and beliefs, and their efforts are directed toward something they truly believe in.

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essay about courage and integrity

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Proctor Gallagher

Moral Courage – The Engine of Integrity

Moral Courage – The Engine of Integrity

Courage comes in two forms: physical courage and moral courage. Physical courage is demonstrated by acts of bravery where personal harm is risked to protect others or preserve cherished principles. It’s the kind of courage that wins medals and monuments. Moral courage may seem less grand but it is more important because it’s needed more often.

Moral courage is the engine of integrity. It is our inner voice that coaxes, prods, and inspires us to meet our responsibilities and live up to our principles when doing so may cost us dearly.

It takes moral courage, to be honest at the risk of ridicule, rejection, or retaliation, or when doing so may jeopardize our income or career. It takes courage to own up to our mistakes when doing so may get us in trouble or thwart our ambitions. It even takes courage to stand tough with our kids when doing so may cost us their affection.

Like a personal coach, moral courage pushes and prods us to be our best selves. It urges us to get up when we’d rather stay in bed, go to work when we’d rather go fishing, tell the truth when a lie would make our life so much easier, keep a costly promise and put the interest of others above our own.

The voice of moral courage is also our critical companion during troubling times; it provides us with the strength to cope with and overcome adversity and persevere when we want to quit or just rest.

At unexpected and unwelcome times, we all will be forced to deal with the loss of loved ones, personal illnesses and injuries, betrayed friendships, and personal failures. These are the trials and tribulations of a normal life, but, without moral courage, they can rob us of the will and confidence to find new roads to happiness and fulfillment.

Moral courage is essential not only for a virtuous life but a happy one. Without courage, our fears and failures confine us like a barbed wire fence.

The voice of moral courage is always there, but sometimes it is drowned out by the drumbeat of our fears and doubts. We need to learn to listen for the voice. The more we call on it and listen to it and trust it, the stronger it becomes.

This is Michael Josephson reminding you that character counts.

Visit Michael’s website at: for a host of great articles, viewpoints, and quotes.

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Courage and integrity are at the core of successful leadership.

Leadership grows from courage and integrity, and their seeds lie in everyone. These character traits are primarily learned, not innate. And no matter what your past or present, cultivating their role in your life can make your future bolder, more decisive and more successful.

Courage is the ability to do what needs to be done, regardless of the cost or risk. Integrity is the ability to do the right thing, no matter what the doubts or temptations. A leader who can consistently do the right things, when they need to be done, is a leader with courage and integrity.

The process of building courage and integrity starts with very small moments, out of the spotlight, where only you are there to judge. It begins when you first consciously exercise courage in the face of fear, when you first exercise integrity in the face of doubt. Like any other skill, your ability to perform is a function of how much practice you have. This practice compounds like interest over the long run and builds the stock of capability and internal resources you will need when confronting the big moments in your career. If you consistently exercise courage and integrity on a small scale and push yourself gradually to higher levels, your stocks will be high when you need them. There are no instant-hero formulas.

Friend and Foe

Fear and doubt are simultaneously a leader’s two greatest allies and two greatest enemies. As an ally, fear provides self-awareness, a sense of urgency and information. Doubt, on the other hand, forms the core of scientific objectivity and learning. Yet in reality, both can be enemies. Fear can infect quickly, paralyzing action and innovation. Doubt-whether it is about what is right or oneself-can be at the root of corruption, ignorance and negligence. A leader’s success in cultivating courage and integrity is ultimately an exercise in balance.

One defining challenge for me occurred while competing for my first executive position. I had made a proposal for a bold new direction that I felt the organization needed to take. The senior members of management-the same ones who would either elect me to the top levels or deny me the promotion-were deeply split. One faction, led by the chief operating officer, was actively disdainful of my effort. The COO questioned the professionalism of my approach, cast doubt about its value and sowed fear throughout the organization about the risks of doing something so new.

Another faction was supportive. But they were relatively new outsiders. Their power was in question, and they had less influence on my promotion than the other faction. Then there was the CEO, who seemed to be encouraging me but who was a master of inscrutability, never really showing where his cards were. It was a situation in which I had to overcome fear and doubt in order to lead.

My strategy was simple: persistence, persuasiveness and professionalism. I made no power plays and no direct assaults against my opponents. I simply showed, at every step and in a highly visible way, that I wouldn’t be bullied, that my logic was sound, that the benefits were real, that my approach was professional.

Demonstrating Integrity

In terms of integrity, I concentrated on doing the right thing while taking appropriate protective measures (see “Playing Defense,” CIO, March 1, 2000). Sometimes, my emotional reactions to the politics threatened to derail my deliberate strategy. To avoid overreacting, I talked things through with colleagues who were trusted sounding boards. Over the years, I have learned that, to demonstrate integrity, you need to:

Accept doubt, and use it to your advantage. It is at the core of science and reliable knowledge, which is the foundation for good judgment.Articulate and uphold principles and values that you believe in. Distill them from your upbringing, take cues from the moral leaders you respect, but know what you believe in and why.

Focus on what is right for both the organization and the people involved. Take responsibility for exercising judgment and balancing competing interests toward an overall goal.

Take the high road whenever possible, while protecting yourself. Demonstrate by example that you expect the most of others as well as yourself, but make it clear you know how to fight to survive.

Be honest with yourself and learn from your mistakes. Nothing is more important to continuous self-improvement.

Be gracious. Learn to forgive and forget when appropriate, both with others and yourself.

Building Courage

Now back to my story. There were moments when I genuinely feared that not only would the project fail but so would my promotion. I sometimes dwelled on dark visions of being stuck forever in my obscure office. But with a combination of encouraging words from supporters, objective confirmation from the market and my own belief in what was right, I persevered. I’ve learned that, to build courage, you must:

Accept fear and talk your way through it. Fear brings awareness and motivation. You can keep it from blinding you by talking yourself through it.

Build conviction through dedication to providing a real service and value. My deepest courage has always come from knowing that I’m doing something worthwhile for someone.

Draw strength from others. We’re all human-don’t be afraid to lean on others when you need to.

Sense the right timing. Know the times when courage will have a multiplying effect and inspire bravery in others, as opposed to the times when it will stand alone.

Know when to confront barriers directly and when to be indirect. In other words, know when discretion is the better part of valor.

So what happened in the end? After some harrowing moments, the strategy took hold. The voices of the opponents gradually diminished. And because of the respectful but tough way I had treated them, they actually became my biggest converts.

In short, all the courage and integrity you have today is the sum of the small acts you have performed in the past. All your future courage and integrity grow from the small acts you will perform today or tomorrow. Choose your next moment now. Courage and integrity are two things you can never have enough of.

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Reflections on Leading, Values, & Beliefs

Today's arms race, by evelyn hollis & barbara yancy-tooks, u.s. army sergeants major academy.

March 15, 2021

essay about courage and integrity

(U.S. Army graphic)

I t is not enough to just recite the Army Values of loyalty, duty, respect, selfless service, honor, integrity, and personal courage . Soldiers must embody them and inject these values into their everyday life. This can be aided by reflection — an introspective process involving deliberate contemplation of thoughts, emotions, and events and their effect on the world around them. The reflective space unites learning and experiences and generates empathy and critical thinking. This is a part of the leadership development process and requires a strong sense of purpose and active embrace of experiences to affect change (Walker & Reichard, 2020). This article utilizes reflective writing from Soldiers at the U.S. Army’s Sergeants Major Academy (SGM-A) illustrating the powerful process of reflection in senior noncommissioned officers (NCOs).

For the U.S. Army, reflection is a skill that helps leaders correct mistakes, consider multiple outcomes in the decision-making and mission planning process, and explore experiences that are sometimes difficult to communicate (Bolton, 2014; Department of the Army, 2015). “Reflective practice is a twenty-first century imperative to mindfully and effectively negotiate the emerging landscapes through pausing, attending, revising, adopting and adapting new insights” (Ganly, 2018, p. 721).

Reflective Writing

The practice of reflective writing focuses on the writer’s experiences and attempts to identify the significance and meaning of these experiences as it applies to the world around them. It has the potential to facilitate both self-reflection and an understanding of concepts learned. Reflective writing exercises with Soldiers can connect personal experiences and Army values (Walmsley & Birkbeck, 2006).

Army Values

The Army Values represent what being a professional Soldier is all about. They are the foundation to being a strong leader. But while the Army Values are the bedrock of Army culture, it takes personal commitment and dedication to live by those values. In order to align with Field Manual (FM) 6-22: Leader Development and its philosophy “Improved thinking strategies will create greater self-confidence, making it more likely to address rather than avoid complex challenges,” we recently pushed for reflective writing from Soldiers at the SGM-A (Department of the Army, 2015, p. 5-2). The following passages are from Soldiers regarding what the Army Values mean to them and how they affect their lives.

Those who value selfless service are committed to the team, going further, enduring longer, and looking closer to see how they can add to the effort.

Now more than ever, I find myself pondering why. Why do I serve? Has my time been in vain? Will they remember my name? Do I really make a difference in what some consider a game? A game of chess. Am I a pawn or the queen? Will I be protected by any means? But then I remind myself that it isn’t about me, it’s about the ones that came before and fought for others to be free. It’s for the young ladies out there that need to dream and believe, there’s a place for them in this Army. It’s for those who wish to go to college, but in America that comes with a hefty fee. It’s for those who never thought they’d make it out of their city. It’s for those who believe a woman can’t achieve, and it’s for my grandmother who never gave up on me. It’s for those children who call me Mom, those friends who call me Sis, it’s for the ones who are gone and will forever be missed.

Serving in the Army is a very selfless calling; we all enter for different reasons. However, the longer we stay the more those reasons converge. Salute to my brothers and sisters in arms who made the ultimate sacrifice. Salute to the family who cannot kiss their son or daughter goodnight. I serve for those who can’t. I serve for those still pushing through boot camp. I serve for those who desire to be free; I serve for those who came before me.

— Master Sgt. Jessica N. Waller Student, Class 71, SGM-A

The value of loyalty informs those to do their share. The value of duty is to fulfill an obligation.

I am huge on mindfulness and honoring the people who get the work done. Leaders often forget about that and the act of forgetting can fuel burnout in Soldiers and leaders. We have to be able to exercise more care and concern. Something as simple as a “Good morning” and “How are you?” before getting to business sends the simple reminder that a person’s well-being matters.

— Sgt. Maj. Renee Hamilton-McNealy Class 70, SGM-A

Do one’s thing and understand that your best self is all that matters. Duty defines character so do your job without being told. A person with character understands the standards of behavior and what is and is not acceptable to carry out assigned tasks. The value of duty can never be underestimated when fulfilling ones’ obligations. Why go to such lengths just to keep a promise? At the end of the day, it’s about being your best self while you do your thing. This sentiment is a continuation of the dogma and traditions set for a military professional. The NCO creed demands ones’ commitment. Doing ones’ thing and understanding your best self is all that matters is why values that build character are important to increasing not only your own happiness but also the happiness of others. Carrying out a task to completion or fulfilling a promise can bring degrees of comfort and maybe move you one step closer to becoming the best person and leader you can be.

Watching the sun rise as I am running, running to moments of pride The stars and stripes waving, heart pumping, blood coursing through my veins, bloodshed, not today Running colorless for life, equality, equal, no not equal Running towards justice, still hopeful not hopeless Running for we, the people, black, white, all who are Americans Running as if I had wings to freedom, liberty, maybe running from history Running in homage to my country Running, I ask, why me Running I answer, why not me

— Evelyn Hollis, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, SGM-A

The value of respect is to treat people as they should be treated.

The fundamental principle of the Army Value of Respect relates to how Soldiers should treat others. According to ADP 6-22: Army Leadership and the Profession, respect is defined as “treat people as they should be treated” (Department of the Army, 2019, p. 1-12). On its surface, the textbook definition of respect is an admirable interpersonal principle, but the definition lacks clarity upon critical reflection. Where I differ from the Army’s approach to treating others with respect is in the application of the word “should.” The term “should” infers a conditions-based treatment of others, meaning treating others based on others’ actions. A more precise definition of respect is warranted. Respect should be defined as esteeming others with high regard. I believe the revised definition is more indicative of how the Army wants Soldiers to demonstrate respect. Soldiers must recognize that it is their responsibility to always treat everyone with respect.

So how do we esteem others with high regard? The outward manifestation of this concept is through respectful verbal and nonverbal communication. When discussing respect with my Soldiers, I teach that they should conduct themselves as if they are being broadcast live on the news or social media and to envision their families present during the interaction. In my 27 years of active-duty service in the Army, I found the practice of regulating communication helps to esteem others in high regard and sets the professional example of how to treat others with “respect.”

— Sgt. Maj. John A. Alam Sr. Deputy Director, NCO Professional Development Directorate

Those who value honor carry out, act, and live the values.

To live up to every Army value. For me, it was a process. From the beginning of inculcation to the tremendous experiences that made me realize just what an honor it is to serve.

From the first friend who had to pay the ultimate price for freedom, to the first friend’s retirement from service, and realizing it was an honor to be counted among them.

From the first leadership position I held and all the mistakes I made, to the point when I realized I was preparing leaders to replace me and understanding what an honor it is to lead.

From having the confidence to follow orders and eventually the experience and courage to challenge a decision I knew was wrong and knowing what an honor it is to represent truth.

Honor is holding immeasurable internal value on every aspect of placing Soldiers’ needs above my own, pushing my organization to success, and developing leaders of the future. And knowing with all my heart, that service is an honor and I am honored to serve.

— Sgt. Maj. Deitra A. Alam Vice Chair, SGM-A

Those who value integrity, do so legally and morally.

As I open my eyes each day; I do what is right in every way. I am a Soldier, I am honest, and I am free; my parents and NCOs instilled moral principles in me. I was taught never to deceive others, treat them with dignity and respect; the world calls on the American Soldier to defend and protect. I serve the American people with my head held high and with grace; knowing they trust me never to lead them to disgrace. Integrity is a value and takes courage, intelligence, and commitment; we learned the true meaning of this Army Value during our oath of enlistment. Through Integrity, I gained strength of character, discipline, and resiliency; being honest and truthful to yourself and others is brilliancy. Salute to my brothers and sisters who died fighting for our country with Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Personal Courage, and the most important, Integrity; every day, the American Soldier will carry on your legacy.

— Master Sgt. Sierra L. Aquaowo Student, Class 71, SGM-A

Those who value personal courage are willing to stand up for and act upon the things that are right and wrong.

Through thick and thin, I'll be strong. Loving and caring but I must continue on. They can be my downfall—if my frailty shows—taking a piece of me with them and only I will know defeat. But functioning independently without them, my future I can see—changes in myself, my life, and me. The experiences of life have much to teach, but without constructive thought, I will not reach my goals. I'll be strong though constraint be like shackles on my feet. I'll be strong thinking back and knowing I have them beat.

— Barbara Yancy-Tooks, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, SGM-A

The Army Values set expectations for behaviors and actions in all situations. Reflection, and using reflective writing techniques, is a way for Soldiers to examine and connect to these values using their own experiences. This exercise in diversity of thoughts and perspectives allows for introspection and personal growth. Because each Soldier is different, sharing these reflections builds empathy and understanding and can strengthen trust and compassion for others.

Bolton, G., (2014). Reflective practice: Writing and professional development. . Sage

Department of the Army. (2015). FM 6-22: Leader development .

Department of the Army. (2019). ADP 6-22: Army Leadership and the profession .

Ganly, T. (2018). Taking time to pause: Engaging with a gift of reflective practice. Innovations in Education & Teaching International, 55(6), 713–723 .

Walker, D.O.H. & Reichard, R.J. (2020). On purpose: Leader self‐development and the meaning of purposeful engagement. Leadership Studies, 14 (1), 26-38.

Walmsley, C. & Birkbeck, J. (2006). Personal narrative writing. Journal of Teaching in Social Work, 26 (1-2), 111-126. DOI: 10.1300/J067v26n01_07

Evelyn Hollis, Ph.D. is an assistant professor in the Department of Command Leadership at the Sergeants Major Academy. A retired U.S. Army command sergeant major, she has authored a chapter in the book, The Refractive Thinker: Nonprofits: Strategies for Effective Management and the articles, “21st Century NCO and Optimizing Learning Outcomes and Development.” In 2019, she was selected as TRADOC's Educator of the Year. She has held teaching positions at Park University and University of Phoenix. Hollis is a Class 51 Sergeants Major Course graduate.

Barbara Yancy-Tooks, Ph.D. is an assistant professor in the Department of Joint, Interagency, Intergovernmental, and Multinational Operations at the Sergeants Major Academy. A retired U.S. Army sergeant major, she has authored a chapter in the book, The Refractive Thinker: Nonprofits: Strategies for Effective Management and the article “Optimizing Learning Outcomes and Development.” She was the NCOLCoE Educator of the Year in 2020. She has held teaching positions at El Paso Community College, Park University, and University of Phoenix. Yancy-Tooks is a Class 50 Sergeants Major Course graduate.

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Home — Essay Samples — Life — Integrity — How Integrity is Effective in Our Professional Life


How Integrity is Effective in Our Professional Life

  • Categories: Integrity

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Words: 998 |

Published: Jun 6, 2019

Words: 998 | Pages: 2 | 5 min read

Table of contents

Introduction, works cited.

  • Gabriel-Petit, P. (2017). 13 human qualities you must have to succeed in work and life. Smashing Magazine.
  • Ariely, D. (2012). The (honest) truth about dishonesty: How we lie to everyone—especially ourselves. HarperCollins.
  • Covey, S. R. (2006). The speed of trust: The one thing that changes everything. Free Press.
  • Kidder, R. M. (2005). How good people make tough choices: Resolving the dilemmas of ethical living. Harper Perennial.
  • Resnick, R. (2019). Ethical standards and integrity: A foundation for success in the workplace. Nursing Forum, 54(1), 8-12. doi:10.1111/nuf.12313
  • Treviño, L. K., & Brown, M. E. (2005). Ethical leadership: A review and future directions. The Leadership Quarterly, 16(6), 987-1010. doi:10.1016/j.leaqua.2005.10.001
  • Appiah, K. A. (2010). The honor code: How moral revolutions happen. W. W. Norton & Company.
  • Harris, R. (2011). Lying: A metaphorical memoir. W. W. Norton & Company.
  • Palmer, K. S. (2012). Beyond integrity: A Judeo-Christian approach to business ethics. Zondervan.
  • Mayer, R. C., Davis, J. H., & Schoorman, F. D. (1995). An integrative model of organizational trust. Academy of Management Review, 20(3), 709-734. doi:10.5465/amr.1995.9508080335

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Integrity is the cornerstone of ethical behavior, and at the heart of integrity lies the commitment to be honest and trustworthy. This essay explores the profound significance of these virtues in personal and professional [...]

This essay will aim to demonstrate an understanding of the importance of ethics and integrity in academic work. It will propose to firstly define, in its simplest form, ethics and integrity and basic morals, supported by the [...]

Integrity is a concept that is often talked about but not always fully understood. It is a quality that is highly valued in individuals, organizations, and societies as a whole. In its simplest form, integrity is the quality of [...]

The integrity and ethical behavior within a corporation are pivotal to its success, reputation, and internal culture. Sprint Corporation Inc., a major player in the telecommunications industry, has established a comprehensive [...]

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Integrity can be defined as soundness of character which involves inculcating moral and ethical principles as well as upholding honesty (Cox, 2015). Apart from job competencies and expertise, every manager ought to possess [...]

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Integrity Essay Examples

The universal value of integrity.

I wanted to start this essay with this quote, which is the main idea of this whole selection. This definition is about what integrity really means. According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, integrity is the quality of being honest and fair. My definition for this Universal...

Why is Integrity Important

In our society, words are constantly spewed out with little thought to their meaning. Insults fly with vigorous creativity, and synonyms are consistently used outside of proper connotation. One word that everyone seems to know but does not fully grasp is integrity. In our society,...

Understanding the Concept of Integrity

The word integrity can hold different meanings to many people. Sometimes integrity can vary depending on the context, business or person. However, for me, integrity is honesty and consistency in one’s actions regardless of the circumstances. Firstly, consistency is about being the same person regardless...

Integrity in Action: Embodying Personal Values

Integrity is being honest and holding up to high morals and principles. It is important to have integrity so you are seen as a truth worthy individual. In integrity essay I want to share my personal statement about this topic.  If you are seen as...

Discussion About Moral and Academic Integrity

In our country, integrity is greatly valued. The dictionary defines integrity as adherence to ethical and moral principles; soundness of moral character; honesty. Integrity is the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles. In an academic integrity essay I will discuss the importance...

The Essence of Good Character

Good character is a fundamental aspect of human nature that shapes our interactions, decisions, and overall demeanor. It goes beyond external appearances and delves into the qualities that define our moral and ethical integrity. While the concept of good character may vary across cultures and...

Integrity – a Way of Life

“INTEGRITY”, the standard definition of the word is to adhere to moral or ethical standards which create a soundness of character. That means the state of being whole and undivided. Now really these two statements go hand-in-hand because every human being in this earth is...

What It Means to Have Integrity

Mistakes are inevitable for every human and come with a small price. Likewise, intentional errors are unforgivable. Academic dishonesty is a popular conversation in a student's life. Students are often tempted to 'take the easy way out' allowing them to step into a situation that...

Understanding the Meaning of Integrity

Integrity is how someone carry themselves and lives their life. Throughout our lifetime we face many everyday choices that only yourself as a person will be able to answer. We as individuals decide how we want to run our own lives, and how to go...

The Role of Integrity in Leadership

According to Barth Nnaji, integrity is an important core value for leadership. When we are faced with challenge or opposition, leaders can always trust in their integrity to represent themselves as reliable individuals. One main difference when it comes to manager and an ethical leader...

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