
Essay on My Best Gift

Students are often asked to write an essay on My Best Gift in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on My Best Gift


The joy of receiving gifts is immeasurable. Among all the gifts I have received, one stands out as the best.

The Best Gift

My best gift was a book, gifted by my grandmother on my 10th birthday. It wasn’t just any book, but a collection of inspiring stories.

Why It’s Special

This book is special because it ignited my love for reading. Each story taught me valuable lessons about life.

The best gifts aren’t always the most expensive ones. They are those that leave a lasting impact on our lives, just like my book.

250 Words Essay on My Best Gift

The gift’s significance.

The notebook, filled with my grandmother’s handwritten recipes, is more than just a collection of dishes. It is a testament to her love for cooking and a symbol of her desire to pass on the family’s culinary heritage. She had spent years perfecting those recipes, and her gift was a way of entrusting me with a piece of our family’s history.

Impact of the Gift

The notebook has significantly influenced my life. It sparked a passion for cooking that I was previously unaware of. I found joy in replicating the recipes, each dish bringing me closer to my roots and instilling a sense of connection to my family. The notebook also taught me the value of preserving traditions and the importance of sharing them with future generations.

In conclusion, the best gift I’ve ever received is not valuable in monetary terms, but it is priceless in its emotional significance. It represents a tangible link to my family’s past and a guide for preserving our traditions. It is a gift that has shaped my interests, values, and identity. The notebook from my grandmother is not just a collection of recipes; it is a cherished keepsake, a source of inspiration, and undoubtedly, my best gift.

500 Words Essay on My Best Gift

Gifts are a universal way to express emotions such as love, appreciation, and gratitude. Throughout our lives, we receive various gifts, but some hold a special place in our hearts. The best gift I ever received was not wrapped in shiny paper or tied with a colorful ribbon, but was a profound life experience that forever changed my perspective.

The Unexpected Gift

The best gift I ever received was a two-week trip to a remote village in Africa, a gift from my parents on my eighteenth birthday. Initially, I was perplexed, even disappointed. I had expected a car, a gadget, or a lavish party, but instead, I was given an experience that seemed unexciting. Little did I know, this trip would be the most valuable gift I’d ever receive.

Experiencing a Different World

Lessons from simplicity.

The villagers taught me the beauty of simplicity. They found joy in the simplest things – a good harvest, a community gathering, a starlit sky. They were content with what they had, and they shared generously. Their sense of community was profound; they worked together, celebrated together, and supported each other in times of need. The happiness and contentment they derived from their simple lives were eye-opening.

Valuing What Matters

This experience taught me to value relationships and experiences over material possessions. I realized that the relentless pursuit of material wealth often leads to stress and discontentment. On the other hand, the villagers, with their simple lives and strong community bonds, seemed happier and more content. This realization was a paradigm shift for me, making me reconsider what I truly valued in life.

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Describe the best gift you have ever received – IELTS Cue Card

Janice Thompson

Updated On Aug 20, 2024


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This article is based on the IELTS speaking part 2 on the topic 'Describe the best gift you have ever received.'

Describe the best gift you have ever received

Table of Contents

Describe the best gift you have ever received - ielts cue card sample answer 1, describe the best gift you have ever received - ielts cue card sample answer 2, describe the best gift you have ever received - ielts cue card sample answer 3.

  • Describe the Best Gift You Have Ever Received – IELTS Cue Card Part 3 Follow-Up Questions

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Predicted 50 + IELTS Speaking Part 3 Topics 2024

In the IELTS Speaking section, one of the most common question types is the Cue Card Speaking prompt. The IELTS Cue Card topics will prompt you to formulate a response and speak on the given topic. To attempt this question, you must narrow down the essential questions on the given topic to answer within the given time.

Consider the sample Cue Card ‘Describe the Best Gift You Have Ever Received’ below. Study the types of questions that have been formulated based on the cue card and how to go about with your response:

Check out some incredible Strategies for IELTS Part 2 Cue Card

Gifts are always prized by everyone who receives them. Many people would argue that gifts are an essential part of almost every special occasion. Gifts are a symbol of gratitude and never fail to uplift a person. One gift that always comes to my mind when I think of gifts is the birthday present I received for my 13th birthday. I had my heart set on a particular bicycle, and I received it for my 13th birthday.

This gift was given to me by my father. I had asked him for a bicycle to ride in the evenings around the neighborhood for a long time, and he finally agreed to give me one for my 13th birthday. When he asked me what kind of bicycle I would like, I told him I would love a bicycle with multiple gears. Although an expensive gift, my father bought it for me.

I received this gift on May 26th, 2013, and it was a Friday. I distinctly remember that day when my father agreed to take me to the bicycle showroom. I accompanied him on his bike, and we went to a specific bicycle shop on the other side of the city since bicycles with multiple gears were rare.

After we reached the shop and my father had a talk with the store manager, he asked me to pick a color from the available options. I was elated, and my cheeks blushed with joy as I started to judge which bicycle color was the best looking. I finally settled on the color black, and my father made the purchase. After the bicycle arrived at our residence, I wasted no time before I started riding it around our house. That bicycle made my 13th birthday truly memorable and is one of the most cherished gifts I have ever received.

Gifts speak volumes about the love and care somebody has for you. Although, since childhood, I’ve received plenty of gifts from my relatives and family, one of them that I can never forget was a huge, orange-colored doll and a battery-operated doll that was sitting on a cake and playing the piano. Just with the click of a button, the cake began revolving, and the doll sang a happy birthday song.

These gifts were given to me by my elder sister on my 12th birthday. To begin with, it was the first time when my sister had planned a surprise birthday party for me. She had decorated the room, placed these beside a huge cake, and had invited all of my friends – without my knowledge. Although she was merely two years older than me, I still hadn’t expected anything from her because she never used to express her emotions. However, that day, with such a grand gesture, she said a lot of things without expressing herself verbally. Another reason why all of these gifts and the party were special to me was that I didn’t know it was going to be my last birthday with her. She passed away after a few months because of a brain hemorrhage. So, the gifts remained memorable to me.

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Gifts are the most endearing thing one can receive. They are a proclamation of love, and they symbolize a feeling shared by the giver. As human beings, we have two ways of expression – Words and Action. When words aren’t enough to describe your emotions, they turn to action. Through gifting, a human being tries to express what words cannot encapsulate.

The best gift I have received is my pup, Bruno. He is a German Shepherd and the cutest furball I have ever seen. Dogs are simply the most loyal companions one could ask for. They don’t love you for any worldly possessions of yours, they don’t love you for your wealth, they love you for you, and that is a beautiful thing. Dogs don’t care if you’re rich or poor, they just want to be happy, and they want to see you happy. Dogs are simply phenomenal.

I received Bruno as a gift around 11 months ago. It was a surprise and the minute I saw his ecstatic little face, I knew we had an instant bond. Bruno is the kindest and most pleasant dog I have ever met. He loves to take walks and play fetch. The minute he hears someone opening a snack, his ears perk up, and he comes running to get a piece too! He loves sweets and will definitely bring you a ball if he sees you upset. He’s the best gift I’ve ever received because he makes me happier than I thought I could be. He’s my best friend.

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Vocabulary You Can Use For IELTS Speaking Part 2 Questions on ‘Describe the Best Gift You Have Ever Received’

Here are the vocabularies for “Describe the best gift you have ever received” with examples:

Meaning: inspiring affection. Ex: Amanda was endearing to nearly everyone she met because of her kind heart.

  • Proclamation

Meaning: a clear declaration of something. Ex: The authorities issued a proclamation forbidding public meetings

  • Encapsulate

Meaning: express the essential features of (something) succinctly. Ex: It was very difficult to encapsulate the story of the revolution in a single one-hour documentary.

Meaning: remarkable or exceptional, especially exceptionally good. Ex: California had experienced a phenomenal growth in population.

Meaning: feeling or expressing overwhelming happiness or joyful excitement. Ex: Sally was ecstatic about her new job.

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Describe the Best Gift You Have Ever Received – IELTS Cue Card Part 3 Follow-Up Questions

1. Do you think the tradition of gift-giving is changing in modern times?

Yes, I believe gift-giving traditions are evolving. With the rise of digital platforms, people are increasingly opting for e-gifts or gift cards. There's also a growing trend towards experiential gifts rather than material objects, as people value memories over possessions.

2. How do gift-giving customs differ across cultures?

Gift-giving customs can vary significantly across cultures. For instance, in some Asian cultures, it's customary to give money in red envelopes on special occasions. In contrast, Western cultures often emphasize personalized gifts. The act of opening gifts also differs - some cultures prefer opening gifts in private, while others make it a social event.

3. What are your thoughts on regifting?

Regifting can be a practical solution if done thoughtfully. If someone receives a gift they can't use but knows someone else who would appreciate it, regifting can be acceptable. However, it's crucial to be discreet and ensure the original giver won't find out to avoid hurt feelings.

4. How import ant do you think the monetary value of a gift is?

I believe the thought and effort behind a gift are far more important than its monetary value. A heartfelt, personalized gift, regardless of its price, often carries more emotional significance than an expensive but impersonal one. The value lies in how well the gift reflects the giver's understanding of the recipient.

5. Do you think children should be taught about giving gifts as well as receiving them?

Absolutely. Teaching children about giving gifts helps develop empathy, generosity, and thoughtfulness. It's important for kids to understand the joy of making others happy through giving, not just receiving. This can help foster a more balanced and altruistic approach to gift-giving as they grow older.

Vocabulary You Can Use to Answer IELTS Speaking Part 3 Questions on ‘Describe the Best Gift You Have Ever Received’

Meaning: Showing selfless concern for others

Example: Her altruistic nature led her to volunteer at the local shelter every weekend.

  • Consumerism

Meaning: The preoccupation with buying consumer goods

Example: The holiday season often highlights the rampant consumerism in our society.

  • Sentimental

Meaning: Characterized by or exhibiting sentiment or emotion

Example: The old family photograph held great sentimental value for her.

  • Reciprocate

Meaning: To respond to an action by making a corresponding one

Example: After receiving a thoughtful birthday gift, she felt compelled to reciprocate when her friend's birthday came around.

Meaning: The customary code of polite behavior in society

Example: Gift-giving etiquette varies widely between different cultures.

Meaning: Showing consideration for the needs of other people

Example: His thoughtful gift of a rare book showed how well he knew her interests.

  • Materialistic

Meaning: Excessively concerned with material possessions

Example: Some argue that excessive gift-giving can promote materialistic attitudes in children.

Meaning: An action performed to convey a feeling or intention

Example: The small gift was a kind gesture that meant a lot to her.

  • Appreciation

Meaning: Recognition of the quality, value, or significance of people and things

Example: She expressed her deep appreciation for the handmade gift.

Meaning: Having great value or significance

Example: The most meaningful gifts are often those that create lasting memories.

We highly believe that the given IELTS cue card topic, ‘Describe the Best Gift You Have Ever Received’ with the expert-crafted sample answers would have been of much help! However, if you need additional guidance, you can connect with our IELTS experts or make use of the free IELTS Speaking practice tests with sample answers and audio!

Make sure that your vocabulary and style of speaking are on point to grab that Band 8+ in the IELTS Speaking test and let us know how this has helped you in your preparation in the comments below!

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30 + Difficult IELTS Cue Card Topics with Answer pdf

Janice Thompson

Janice Thompson

Soon after graduating with a Master’s in Literature from Southern Arkansas University, she joined an institute as an English language trainer. She has had innumerous student interactions and has produced a couple of research papers on English language teaching. She soon found that non-native speakers struggled to meet the English language requirements set by foreign universities. It was when she decided to jump ship into IELTS training. From then on, she has been mentoring IELTS aspirants. She joined IELTSMaterial about a year ago, and her contributions have been exceptional. Her essay ideas and vocabulary have taken many students to a band 9.

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Personal Writing: The Best Gift I Ever Received

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This worked up example isn’t perfect by any stretch! It is my work, not from a student, and so it might give ‘middle aged mummy’ vibes rather than feeling like the authentic voice of a teenager. Nonetheless, I think it’s helpful for students to see how to structure a piece of personal writing and keep it focused on the topic. 

For more on teaching personal writing, read  this blog post , and download my free Personal Writing Guide for students which you can download here:

Personal Writing

Write a speech for your classmates about the best gift you ever received.

The wind whipped around the front garden, gathering leaves into a mini tornado which whirled and swirled before me. Why was I sitting in front of the living room window, staring intently at the leaves, on this breezy autumn Saturday? Year 11, if I told you that this was the single most significant morning of my whole life, you might think I was exaggerating, but the truth is always much stranger than fiction. Come with me back in time to that momentous morning in October 2020 when I received the best gift a lonely, grieving young girl could ever have asked for.

Don’t launch straight into the gift itself. Make the reader wait. Instead, set the scene. Try opening with the weather. 

Address your listeners by name. Speak to them by inviting them into the story, e.g. Come with me …/Let’s journey back in time …/Imagine this …

The reader wants specifics – when, where, what happened. Avoid being vague.

Use repetition to create structure in a paragraph. In this case, anaphora. ‘We all …’ is repeated three times.

This story doesn’t really begin on that Saturday, if I’m being perfectly honest with you. I have to go back further. It was March of 2020 and the world around me was beginning to crack under pressure. I was 12 years old and I was about to become alone in the world. I was about to lose two things that were most dear to me: my freedom and my favourite person. Yes, this story is not just my story; it’s one we all shared. We all watched the news. We all listened to the scare stories. And then we all listened as Boris broke us. He told us that Covid-19 was spreading too quickly to be contained, and that we all had to stay inside.

Yes, I know you are thinking: “So what?” This happened to everyone across the world. Stop being so selfish and look beyond yourself. But this is my story, so you have to give me a minute! I was 12 and my world was already small. It was just the girls: granny, mummy and me. The three musketeers, mum always said. She said it even when no-one listened, because it made her feel better about the state we were in. No money, no treats and no big family to spend time with. Just the three of us. That is, until Covid-19 viciously ripped away one of our triplet: my granny didn’t stand a chance against that new and determined demon.

Suit your style to your audience – in this case, your class are your audience, so use a conversational, chatty style.

Create imagery through similes or metaphors. Here, a metaphor is used to compare covid to a demon.

Be real with your reader; personal writing is meant to be personal. Describe emotions, thoughts and feelings to help your reader to bond with you and feel what you feel.

Vary your sentence length. Note the three one-word sentences at the end of the paragraph – the full stops create long pauses which slow it down and make it feel more significant and emotive.

We said our heartbroken farewells to Granny at Roselawn Cemetery on a wet April day. Frosty mornings were giving way to the brighter spring weather but we didn’t notice; we felt only loss and sadness. Granny had lived a good life, but it was cut short and I wasn’t sure I could ever get over it. Mummy was also devastated and when we got home that afternoon, the house seemed to mourn. The walls were the same but the air was different. Sadder. Heavier. Darker.

Ok, ok, I can hear you all losing interest. You want to know about the gift, right? Well, let’s fast forward a few months. The summer had passed quietly; I missed my granny more than I could really describe. It was the companionship, chats and giggles I missed the most. My friends kept mostly to themselves and the covid rules were still in place, so I never really met up with anyone. I chatted to friends on facetime every now and then, but I was mostly alone when my mum was at work, and when she came home, the loss of granny seemed even bigger in the house. Someone was missing and we couldn’t get over it.

At this point, you might need to refocus on the topic – check the title and ensure you are moving towards a clear focus and a climax of the story.

Here is a little distraction, or a red herring, to keep your audience engaged. It’s short and relatable and keeps the reader waiting for a moment longer for the big reveal, the best gift you ever received.

Mum texted me that Saturday morning. She told me to wait at the window for a surprise. I figured she had been quick off the mark to get some of those cinnamon swirls we kept missing from the bakery. Every Saturday, we slept in and they were always sold out by the time we got there. Maybe mum had been in luck today.

I saw her car pull up and she got out, empty handed. My tummy gurgled and growled with both hunger and disappointment: “No cinnamon swirl for me then,” I thought angrily. Why would she tease me like this!

Give living attributes to anything you can (‘my tummy … growled … with disappointment’) to exaggerate feelings.

Repeating an idea from the start is a great way to add structure – the echo back to the start reminds the reader of the setting in this case.

She moved to the back of the car and opened the boot. Those swirling leaves didn’t distract me now as I watched her carry a large cardboard box towards the house. What on earth was it? I met her in the hallway and I opened the box as she closed the front door. I couldn’t believe my eyes; a beautiful, golden Labrador pup looked up at me with big brown eyes that I will never forget. She was absolutely beautiful and I lost my heart to her then and there.

Year 11, I won’t bore you with how much I cared for her, played with her and spent every waking moment with her, but I think those of you who know me, know how much Maggie means to me. Maggie was my granny’s name, and now a part of her lives on in Maggie the pup. Well, she’s not a pup anymore but you know what I mean! Mags has taught me to have fun again. She gets me outside, reminds me how to laugh and most of all, she has brought joy and happiness back to our home that we thought was gone forever after granny died. 

Talk to the audience regularly through the speech. Remind the reader of the bond you have (‘those of you who know me…’).

Use triplets/groups of three (cared for her, played with her and spent every waking moment with her) to create structure and rhythm to your sentences. This is more enjoyable to read, almost musical in its sound.

Go back to the title of the task – be very (very) clear that you are well focused on the main topic and have fully answered the task. Reflect at the end e.g. Looking back now …/I know for sure that …/This gift is …

Maggie the pup is, without question, the best gift I have ever, or could ever receive. I will never forget Granny Mags and she can never be replaced, but Maggie the pup is a brilliant friend who has picked me up and helped me keep going. Not only can I never forget my wonderful granny, but I will also never forget the kindness of my mum in seeing what I really needed in those lonely months and doing everything she could to get it for me, even though it came at a big cost to her pocket. Thank you, mum, for this amazing gift!

That’s all folks!

Thanks for reading, and please comment below if you have tips or suggestions on how to teach personal writing. We love to share ideas.

You can find the  mark scheme for CCEA GCSE Personal Writing on p10-13 in this link.

If you would like to guest post, or if you’d like to chat more, please get in touch via the  contact form . I’d love to hear from you.

Feb 2023 edit: read  this article , in which I get ChatGTP to write the same essay!

Should teachers worry about ChatGPT? Image shows AI robot with programming language in foreground.

Exams Know-how

Describe the Best Gift You Have Ever Received - IELTS Cue Card


The International English Language Testing System ( IELTS ) is a vital evaluation tool for students, professionals and those relocating to English-speaking nations worldwide. The IELTS Cue Card , part of the speaking phase, provides a platform for eliciting spontaneous, understandable student responses. As examinees investigate numerous topics, their ability to properly communicate their perspectives becomes increasingly essential. 

Here's an example of a Cue Card prompt: "Describe the best gift you have ever received”. We believe a series of sample responses and insightful guidance will allow test-takers to excel in this part. Yocket is a wonderful friend on your IELTS journey, offering focused assistance to improve your performance and comprehensive preparation materials like tips, guides and community support.

What is an IELTS Cue Card?

An IELTS Cue Card is required for the Speaking section of the exam. It acts as a stimulus, providing the test-taker with a specific topic or task and asking them to speak freely for a given amount of time, usually 1-2 minutes. These cards assess a candidate's ability to explain concepts, express perspectives and maintain coherence under time limits. Each cue card contains timely and important facts or questions to assist the candidate's reply. This section assesses the candidate's speech for fluency, vocabulary range, grammatical accuracy and coherence. Successfully handling these questions is essential for performing well in the IELTS speaking section .


1 minute


Up to 2 minutes

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Why are IELTS Cue Cards Important?

IELTS Cue Cards are critical during the Speaking component of the exam because they assess a candidate's flexibility and ability to communicate effectively and simply in English. Cue cards simulate real-life communication situations by presenting a variety of subjects, ranging from personal interactions to abstract concepts, demonstrating the test-takers' readiness to participate in English-speaking surroundings. Mastering cue card responses demonstrates verbal skill, adaptability and critical thinking. 

Aspiring test takers may benefit immensely from studying cue card topics to boost their speaking abilities and confidence for the exam. Yocket is an invaluable companion on your IELTS journey, providing comprehensive preparation materials, individual guidance and a supportive community. Using Yocket, candidates may swiftly navigate through cue card subjects, ensuring optimal performance in the Speaking portion and achieving their goals.

Sample Answer 1: Describe the Best Gift You Have Ever Received


One of the most memorable gifts I've ever received holds a special place in my heart. It's not just the material value that makes it stand out, but the thoughtfulness behind it. This gift holds significance beyond its physical presence, marking a moment of genuine connection and appreciation.

What was the gift?

The gift that left an indelible mark on me was a vintage fountain pen. Crafted with exquisite detail, it exudes elegance and sophistication. Its smooth nib glided effortlessly across the paper, transforming mundane words into poetic expressions. It symbolises creativity, intellect and a timeless appreciation for the written word.

Who gave it to you?

It was my grandfather who bestowed this precious gift upon me. A man of wisdom and grace, he understood my passion for writing and literature. His eyes twinkled with pride as he presented me with the pen, passing down not just an object but a legacy of storytelling and imagination.

When have you received it?

The cherished moment unfolded on my eighteenth birthday, a milestone marked by excitement and reflection. As I unwrapped the carefully wrapped package, anticipation mingled with gratitude. It was a gesture that transcended materiality, encapsulating love, encouragement and belief in my potential.

In essence, the best gifts aren't measured by their price tags but by the sentiments they evoke. This vintage fountain pen remains a cherished possession, serving as a reminder of familial bonds, shared passions and the enduring power of meaningful gestures. Its significance extends far beyond its physical form, embodying the essence of heartfelt connection and appreciation.

Sample Answer 2: Describe the Best Gift You Have Ever Received 

Reflecting on the most treasured gift I've ever received brings forth a flood of emotions and memories. It's not merely an item but a token of love and understanding that resonates with me. This gift encapsulates the essence of meaningful exchanges, embodying the true spirit of generosity and thoughtfulness.

The gift that stands out among all others is a handcrafted quilt. Each patch is woven with care and exuded warmth and comfort. Its vibrant colours and intricate patterns told a story of craftsmanship and dedication, inviting me to wrap myself in its embrace during both moments of joy and sorrow.

It was my grandmother who presented me with this extraordinary gift. A beacon of love and compassion, she poured her heart into every stitch, infusing the quilt with unwavering affection. It was a tangible expression of her devotion, a reminder that I was cherished.

The unforgettable moment unfolded on a chilly winter evening, adding a layer of significance to its warmth. As I unwrapped the quilt, I was enveloped in nostalgia and gratitude. It was a gesture that transcended time and space, etching itself into the fabric of my being.

In conclusion, the value of a gift lies not in its material worth but in the emotions it evokes and the memories it creates. This handcrafted quilt remains a cherished possession, serving as a tangible symbol of love, comfort and familial bonds. Its significance extends beyond its physical form, reminding me of the enduring power of heartfelt gestures and connections.

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Sample Answer 3: Describe the Best Gift You Have Ever Received 

Reflecting on the most cherished gift I've ever received conjures a flood of gratitude and nostalgia. This gift isn't merely an object; it encapsulates a moment of pure connection and understanding. Its significance transcends materiality, embodying the essence of love and thoughtfulness.

The gift that holds a special place in my heart is a vintage camera. Its timeless design and intricate details revealed its rich history and craftsmanship. Each click of the shutter captured moments of beauty and wonder, inviting me to see the world through a different lens.

It was my parents who bestowed this extraordinary gift upon me. They invested in this vintage treasure, recognising my passion for photography and igniting my creativity and curiosity. Their unwavering support and encouragement were reflected in this thoughtful gesture, marking a milestone in our relationship.

The unforgettable moment unfolded on a sunny afternoon, surrounded by loved ones and laughter. As I unwrapped the carefully packaged camera, I was overcome with emotion. It was more than just a gift; it symbolised belief and encouragement, reminding me of the possibilities ahead.

In essence, the actual value of a gift lies in the sentiments it carries and the memories it creates. This vintage camera remains a cherished possession, serving as a reminder of love, support, and the transformative power of genuine connections. Its significance extends far beyond its physical form, encapsulating moments of joy, inspiration and gratitude.

Sample Answer 4: Describe the Best Gift You Have Ever Received

Recalling the most meaningful gift I've ever received fills me with a profound appreciation and warmth. It's not just a token of material value but a symbol of love and understanding that transcends words. This gift represents a genuine connection and gratitude that has left an indelible mark on my heart.

The gift that remains etched in my memory is a handwritten journal. Its pages, blank and inviting, held the promise of countless stories waiting to be told. Bound in soft leather, it exuded a sense of possibility and adventure, urging me to embark on a journey of self-discovery and reflection.

It was my closest friend who presented me with this extraordinary gift. A kindred spirit and confidante, she understood my love for writing and introspection. Her eyes sparkled with excitement as she handed me the journal, symbolising our shared dreams and aspirations.

The unforgettable moment unfolded on a quiet evening, bathed in the soft glow of candlelight. As I unwrapped the journal, I was overcome with emotion. It was a gesture that spoke volumes about our friendship and the depth of our connection, reaffirming the importance of meaningful relationships in my life.

In essence, the true nature of a gift lies in the sentiments it carries and the bonds it strengthens. This handwritten journal remains a cherished possession, a constant source of inspiration and solace. Its significance extends far beyond its physical form, reminding me of the power of friendship, love and the written word.

IELTS Speaking Part 3: “Best Gift Received Cue Card” Follow-Up Questions

How did receiving the vintage fountain pen impact your writing journey.

Receiving the vintage fountain pen ignited a renewed sense of passion and commitment to my writing journey. Its smooth nib and elegant design inspired me to delve deeper into my craft, exploring new avenues of creativity and expression. Every stroke of the pen felt like a deliberate step towards honing my skills and sharing my voice with the world.

Can you describe a specific moment when you used the quilt your grandmother gifted you?

One memorable moment when I used the quilt my grandmother gifted me was during a cosy family gathering around the fireplace. I wrapped myself in its warmth as we shared stories and laughter, feeling a deep sense of comfort and connection. It served as a tangible reminder of my grandmother's love and presence, infusing the moment with warmth and nostalgia.

How did owning the vintage camera impact your perspective on photography?

Owning the vintage camera fundamentally shifted my perspective on photography, transforming it from a hobby into a profound form of self-expression. Its manual controls and unique aesthetics challenged me to approach photography intentionally and creatively, encouraging me to capture moments that resonated with depth and meaning.

How did the handwritten journal your friend gifted you influence your daily routine?

The handwritten journal my friend gifted me became integral to my daily routine, serving as a sanctuary for my thoughts and reflections. Carrying it with me everywhere, I found solace in its pages, jotting down moments of inspiration and introspection. It provided a space for self-discovery and growth, enriching my life unexpectedly.

Did receiving the vintage fountain pen strengthen your bond with your grandfather?

Yes, receiving the vintage fountain pen profoundly strengthened my bond with my grandfather. It served as a tangible symbol of our shared love for literature and writing, deepening our connection and fostering meaningful conversations. Each time I used the pen, I felt a sense of closeness to him, bridging the gap between generations through our shared passion.

How did the quilt your grandmother gifted you impact your sense of familial connection?

The quilt my grandmother gifted me was a tangible reminder of my familial roots and the bonds that unite us. Wrapped in its warmth, I felt enveloped by generations of love and tradition, strengthening my sense of belonging and identity. It became a cherished heirloom, passing down stories and memories from one generation to the next.

Did owning the vintage camera inspire you to pursue photography as a career?

Yes, owning the vintage camera sparked a newfound ambition to pursue photography as more than just a hobby. Its unique capabilities and timeless allure ignited my passion to explore photography as a form of artistic expression and storytelling. It planted the seed of possibility, encouraging me to pursue my dreams with dedication and purpose.

How did the handwritten journal your friend gifted you impact your friendship?

The handwritten journal my friend gifted me profoundly deepened our friendship, serving as a vessel for shared experiences and intimate conversations. It became a repository for our hopes, dreams and aspirations, strengthening our bond through vulnerability and trust. Our friendship blossomed as we navigated life's challenges together, finding solace and understanding within its pages.

How did the vintage fountain pen influence your approach to writing?

The vintage fountain pen influenced my approach to writing by infusing it with a sense of reverence and intentionality. Its graceful movements and tactile feedback transformed the act of writing into a mindful practice, allowing me to immerse myself fully in the creative process. It encouraged me to slow down and savour each word, fostering a deeper connection to my craft and voice.

Can you share a specific moment when you shared the quilt your grandmother gifted you with someone else?

One memorable moment when I shared the quilt my grandmother gifted me was during a camping trip with friends. As we gathered around the campfire under the starry night sky, I draped the quilt over our shoulders, creating a cosy oasis amidst the wilderness. It served as a source of warmth and camaraderie, fostering moments of laughter and shared memories that we would cherish for years.

Suggested: Find out IELTS Difficulty Level For 2024

Tips to Answer IELTS Cue Cards

Here are some tips to effectively answer the IELTS cue card:

  • Understand the question: Read the cue card carefully and ensure you understand the topic and the specific instructions. If any part is unclear, ask the examiner for clarification.
  • Plan your answer: Before speaking, take a moment to organise your thoughts and plan your response. Decide on the main points you want to cover and the structure of your answer.
  • Use the outline: The IELTS cue card usually provides an outline to guide your response. Follow the outline closely and address each part systematically. This will help you provide a well-structured and coherent answer.
  • Provide relevant details: Provide pertinent information and examples to support your points while answering. This will make your response more informative and engaging.
  • Use appropriate vocabulary: Try to use a range of appropriate vocabulary related to the topic. This will demonstrate your language proficiency and score you higher marks.
  • Mind your grammar and pronunciation: Pay attention to your grammar and pronunciation. Speak clearly and accurately to ensure that the examiner can understand you easily.
  • Maintain fluency: Aim to speak fluently without too many unnecessary pauses or fillers. Practise speaking naturally and connect your ideas smoothly.
  • Manage your time: Monitor the time and pace your response accordingly. Ensure you have enough time to cover all the points without rushing or exceeding the allotted time.
  • Be confident: Maintain a confident and positive attitude during your response. This will help you deliver your answer more effectively and make a better impression on the examiner.
  • Practice: Practising with sample cue cards and recording your responses can help you identify areas for improvement and build your confidence for the test.

Remember, the IELTS cue card assesses your ability to speak on a given topic coherently and effectively. By following these tips, you can improve your chances of delivering a well-structured and impressive response.

In summary, the IELTS cue card is an essential part of the speaking test, and it is crucial to approach it with proper preparation and strategy. By following the tips outlined above, such as understanding the question, planning your answer, using the provided outline, providing relevant details and examples, employing appropriate vocabulary, maintaining fluency and accuracy, managing your time effectively, and practising regularly, you can significantly improve your chances of delivering a well-structured and impressive response.

Yocket offers complete coaching and support for academic pursuits and exam preparation , including IELTS, to help aspiring individuals achieve their objectives and make meaningful contributions to their communities.

FAQ's on Describe the Best Gift You Have Ever Received - IELTS Cue Card

How is the Cue Card section assessed in IELTS Speaking?

The Cue Card section is assessed based on four criteria: fluency and coherence, lexical resource, grammatical range and accuracy, and pronunciation. Examiners evaluate how well candidates speak on the given topic, their ability to develop ideas coherently, use a varied vocabulary, maintain grammatical accuracy, and pronounce words clearly and intelligibly.

How can I prepare for the Cue Card section?

To prepare for the Cue Card section, practice speaking on various topics. Familiarise yourself with common IELTS topics such as hobbies, education, technology, travel, etc. Practice speaking for 1-2 minutes without pausing or hesitating. You can also simulate exam conditions by recording yourself talking and analysing your performance.

Can I take notes during the preparation time for the Cue Card?

Yes, candidates can make notes during the one-minute preparation time before speaking on the Cue Card topic. These notes help candidates organise their thoughts and structure their responses. However, it's important not to rely too heavily on notes and to speak naturally and spontaneously during the actual speaking test.

What should I do if I don't understand the Cue Card topic?

Don't panic if you encounter a Cue Card topic you don't fully understand, don't panic. Take a moment to analyse the prompts and identify keywords or phrases you can speak about. Even if you're unfamiliar with the topic, you can still use your experiences, opinions and ideas to respond. Remember, the examiner assesses your ability to communicate effectively in English, so focus on expressing yourself clearly and coherently.

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Describe the best gift/present you have received: IELTS Cue Card

Describe the best gift/present you have received.

Last Updated on August 29, 2024

The IELTS (International English Language Testing System) is a famous test, used to measure how good people are in English. It mainly focuses on examining the abilities of non-native speakers to understand and use the language correctly. This global examination checks four main parts: listening skills, reading comprehension, writing ability, and speaking proficiency. The exam is administered by the British Council, IDP: IELTS Australia, and Cambridge Assessment English.

IELTS scoring is done on a scale from 1 to 9, where higher numbers demonstrate better English skills. This exam, known by universities around the world along with employers and immigration departments globally, is seen as one trustworthy method for evaluating an individual’s understanding of English. People who want to study or work in an English-speaking country often need this test.

For IELTS , there are two main types. The first is Academic, which people take if they want to study at a university or college in an English-speaking country. Or, those who need it for professional registration like doctors and nurses. The second type known as “General Training” is suitable for persons planning to work overseas or migrate to places where English speaking is common.

Table of Contents

IELTS Test Format

The IELTS test’s organization is typically split into four parts, with each part aimed at measuring a specific language skill: Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking. The usual sequence is to do the Listening and Reading sections first before proceeding to the Writing task; most finish off by completing their Speaking component. These four sections are covered in one session that usually lasts around 2 hours and 45 minutes. The Listening part has four recordings of monologues and conversations that check your comprehension of the main ideas, detailed information, viewpoints, or intentions.

The Reading part is composed of three texts from books, journals, magazines, and newspapers to determine your understanding as well as skills in interpreting and analyzing literature. Academic IELTS includes a Writing task, which entails describing some graph, table, or diagram and then composing an essay. In General Training Writing there are tasks for letter writing as well as an essay. The Speaking part is similar to a personal interview where they examine how well you can speak. They assess how smoothly you speak English by looking at coherence, lexical resources, grammar range, and accuracy. They also consider pronunciation.

IELTS Speaking Part 2 – Cue Card Section

The IELTS Speaking Part 2, also called the Cue Card section, is a significant part of the IELTS Speaking test. In this section, participants are provided with a cue card that contains a topic along with some hints to talk about it. They have one minute for preparation time and after that, they should talk for 1-2 minutes on the subject given.

Usually, the cue card requires candidates to talk about an experience, object, person, or situation in detail. This section examines if the candidate can speak for a longer duration, and utilizes correct vocabulary and grammar while arranging thoughts logically and offering examples/reasons relatedly. Additionally, more questions on the topic will be asked by the examiner to evaluate the speaking skills of the candidate in important detail. For achieving high band scores in the IELTS Speaking test, it is quite beneficial to prepare yourself for this part. Some instances of good preparation are:

  • Practicing with provided cue cards. You can find cue card questions to practice on IELTS Cue Card
  • Making plans on how to arrange and give a well-structured response

What should you say?

For the IELTS Cue card topic “ Describe the best gift/present you have received”. You must say:

  • what kind of present/gift it was
  • who gave it to you
  • why did he/she give it to you

Explain why you liked it so much

Sample Questions

Example 1: Describe the best gift/present you have received.


Gifts matter because they show a real gesture of care, gratitude, and consideration. They bond people together, make unforgettable memories, and spread happiness to the one receiving it. Gifts can express feelings that words alone cannot convey completely; they help create deeper relationships by showing appreciation and love toward others. For the cue card topic Describe the best gift/ present you have received, I am going to talk about a gift that holds a special position in my heart.

What kind of present was it?

The present I am talking about is a vintage fountain pen. It is a beautiful pen with patterns engraved all over it.

Who gave it to you?

I received this elegant fountain pen from my grandfather as my 21st birthday gift.

Why did he/she give this gift to you?

My grandfather gave this gift to me on my 21st birthday. He knows my passion for collecting beautiful writing instruments, hence he gifted this to me.

Explain why you liked it so much.

I liked this gift a lot as it is an elegant pen that I received from my grandfather on my coming-of-age birthday. Additionally, it is a gem in my collection.

This is a beautiful gift and I will always cherish it.

Example 2: Describe the best gift/present that you received.

Gifts are important as they demonstrate true acts of concern, appreciation, and thoughtfulness. They help to form connections between people, leave lasting memories, and bring joy to the person receiving them. Gifts can express emotions that words may not be able to fully communicate; they assist in cultivating stronger bonds by displaying gratitude or affection for another individual. For the cue card topic Describe the best gift/ present you have received, I will talk about a gift that is close to my heart.

I received a present on my birthday which is every girl’s dream. A trip to Disneyland in Hong Kong.

My parents gave me this indescribable experience as a gift to me on my 12th birthday.

My parents were aware of my love and obsession with the world of Disney. I was fascinated with their shows and wanted to be one of the princesses. Hence they took me on this wonderful trip on my 12th birthday.

I liked this present so much that to date it is one of the best experiences of my life. The entire trip is as fresh to me as yesterday. I met all my favourite characters and clicked pictures with them. 

This gift will always hold a special place in my heart as it was a dream come true for me.

Example 3: Describe the best gift/present you have received.

Gifts are important because they demonstrate an actual display of affection, appreciation, and thoughtfulness. They create connections, leave lasting memories, and bring joy to those who receive them. Gifts can express emotions that words alone cannot fully communicate; they assist in forming stronger connections by displaying gratitude and love toward others. On the cue card topic of Describing the best gift/ present you have received, I am going to tell you about a gift that remains dear to me.

The gift was a leather journal, skillfully made and covered in a rustic but refined style. The pages were of good quality paper that encouraged one to write on them, giving an enduring beauty that distinguished it from usual notebooks.

My best friend, Sirohi, gave me this special present. She knows how much I love writing and collecting memories, so she chose this unique journal for my birthday. Sirohi and I have a close connection so she wanted to give me something that matches my passion of putting thoughts on paper.

Sirohi and I would frequently talk about our similar passion for journaling. She identified that I liked to write with a pen on paper more than taking digital notes, so she thought this journal was perfect for me as it matched my preference. On the day of my birthday, she saw it as an excellent chance to give me something special which also symbolizes our close bond.

This leather-bound journal was like another part of me. Its touchable cover and the faint smell of leather turned each writing session into a full immersion. The sentimental value increased greatly because it was a gift from my closest friend who knew well and valued my love for writing. Every page became a board for my thoughts, and after some time, it turned into a memory-filled treasure with sketches and personal contemplations.

This gift was even more unique because it carried thoughtfulness. It wasn’t an ordinary present, but a purposefully selected thing that revealed my character and likes.

Other Cue Card:

Describe A Natural Place

Describe A Good Law In Your Country

Describe Your Summer Holidays Or Vacations

Describe The Most Photographed Place In Your Country

Describe A Famous Scientist Or Inventor You Know About

IELTS Follow-up questions for the cue card topic: Describe the best gift/present you have received

1. What was this gift that you received?

 The most valuable present that I’ve gotten is a vintage ink pen. This item is genuinely an artwork, with a detailed pattern on the barrel and a smooth, timeless shape. Its nib is made from 18-karat gold which promises effortless writing enjoyment for years to come.

2. Why was this gift so special to you?

 This gift has a lot of sentimental value for me. It was given by my grandfather on my 21st birthday and signifies the time when I became an adult. It also symbolizes a strong link to my family’s history because he collected many fine writing tools, and this pen held its spot in his collection for several years. In giving it to me, he was transferring a part of our family’s past and culture.

3. Describe the occasion or circumstances surrounding the receiving of this gift.

 The time was my 21st birthday celebration, an important event in our tradition. It happened in a small group with only my family members who are very close to me – we shared stories, laughs, and special times together. Toward the end of the night, Grandfather took me aside and gave me a nicely wrapped present. With a sparkle in his eye and a gentle hug, he showed the fountain pen. He told me about its past and why it means so much to him. It was an emotional moment that I will always remember.

4. What is the significance or sentimental value of this gift for you?

 This fountain pen isn’t only a thing I have but also the physical form of my grandfather’s affection, understanding, and heritage. When I take hold of this pen in my hand each time, it reminds me about all that he taught – to work hard no matter what, keep going even when things are not easy and appreciate life’s finer details. For me it is like having an ongoing symbol for always remembering his lessons; how important diligent commitment must be towards any task or goal just as he did throughout life which was truly remarkable.

5. How has this gift influenced or impacted your life since receiving it?

Receiving this gift from my grandfather’s pen has changed me deeply. It has strengthened my link to the roots of our family and motivated me to continue with the customs handed down over many generations. Every time I use this pen, either for making notes in a journal writing letters, or working on creative projects, it gives me a feeling of aim and inspiration. Now, it is like a friend who I value greatly, going along with me in this path of understanding myself better and growing personally. Additionally, it has cultivated my fondness for gathering sophisticated writing tools, letting me admire the skill and creativity involved in making these everlasting pieces.


Aakriti Kumari is a passionate content writer who finds solace in the world of books. An avid reader from a young age, she has cultivated a deep love for the written word. When she’s not crafting compelling content, you can find her lost in the pages of a captivating novel. Aakriti shares her literary adventures and book recommendations on her Instagram account, @aakthereader, dedicated to her love of reading. With a keen eye for detail and a gift for storytelling, she brings words to life, inviting readers on a journey through her writing.

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Aakriti Kumari is a passionate content writer who finds solace in the world of books. An avid reader from a young age, she has cultivated a deep love for the written word. When she's not crafting compelling content, you can find her lost in the pages of a captivating novel. Aakriti shares her literary adventures and book recommendations on her Instagram account, @aakthereader, dedicated to her love of reading. With a keen eye for detail and a gift for storytelling, she brings words to life, inviting readers on a journey through her writing.

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Describe the best gift or present you have received, describe the best gift or present you have received..

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  • Describe a present you gave someone. 
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Student Application Essays Explore the Deeper Meaning of Gifts

Campus Life

Drawing of a stuffed elephant

Published June 23, 2014

A gift can change a life, fulfill a dream, inspire a new point of view or spark a new talent. 

This year, as part of the admission process at Smith, prospective students were asked to tell us about the best gift they’ve ever given or received.

Their essays came pouring in—part of the record number of applications Smith received for the class of 2018. From a reflection on the meaning of socks to an ode to an antique typewriter, their stories illustrate the thoughtful, creative spirit of the latest class of Smithies.

Here’s a sampling of submissions from entering students:

Love. Freedom. Beautiful.

As a weak premature baby, I was not expected to survive, but my parents still gave me a beautiful Japanese name, Ayumi. There are three parts to my name.

“A” is love. No matter what kind of emotional and economic consequences my parents faced, they gave me support and unconditional love.

“yu” is freedom. My mother dreamed that I was descending from heaven holding my great grandma’s hand. Because I was too young to die. So, my ancestors gave me freedom to live.

“mi” is beauty. God gave me the beauty of passion, the beauty of life and the beauty of love.

Because of my name, I am alive. Because of my name, the evil of death shattered. And, most importantly, because of my name, I understand the preciousness and fragility of life.

 – Ayumi Akiyama ’18, Tokyo, Japan

After weeks of hunting through and losing eBay auctions, I found it. A typewriter is a unique gift by most standards, but this particular antique Corona portable model held special significance to me. My best friend, to whom the Corona went, is the only person in my life who shares both my love of the past and my secret desire to sit, as many great female authors have, at a typewriter and just pour my soul onto stacks of white paper. This fantasy has been woven through many long, emotional conversations and is a simple representation of our complex bond. She is my greatest inspiration, critic and collaborator, all in one, and each year I struggle to find a gift that adequately encompasses my appreciation of her friendship and innate understanding of who I am. This year, I succeeded with ink, paper and a shiny black piece of history.

– Lauren E. Graham ’18, Monroe, Ohio

I make tentative airplane noises, flying spoonfuls of overcooked rice toward gaping mouths. The mood of the room has shifted from aimless to urgent, for rice is in the air. Hungry girls flock to me, but Xiao Li grabs my wrist, guiding the spoon toward her lips. I hesitate, noticing the spoon is too big for her mouth; so I observe the employees who deftly stretch little lips, shoving adult spoons into each slight cheek. Xiao Li grimaces and craves. Her discomfort is blatant. I touch her cheek. She smiles at the gentle movement, but opens her mouth for more. Food was food. Spoons are spoons. The orphan knows that spoons are painful. They know this basic truth about spoons, a basic truth about their reality. I never considered my soup spoons before. Spoons are overlooked things, but can often exemplify very different lives. This experience gifted me some serious perspectives.

– Ellie MacQueen ’18, Fairbault, Minn.

As a twin, birthdays were always complicated. Giving a present on your own birthday isn’t an easy concept for a child to understand. To avoid this issue, Martin and I hardly ever gave each other birthday presents. However, in eighth grade, after our birthday dinner, I was surprised to see a gift that read, “From Martin.” I ripped the paper open and found a plaque: “The Stellar Registry preserves that this star is to be named Laura Green with a message from the recorder: ‘May your perkiness burn out with the star…hopefully.'” Of course Martin would be so considerate and yet tease me at the same time; that’s what brothers do. The star is a reminder, out in the cosmos and hanging on my wall, that no matter how much we bicker, fight or argue, he’ll always be my twin, a relationship I’ll never have with anyone else.

– Laura Wallis Green ’18, La Cañada Flintridge, Calif.

When I was a month old, my aunt gave me a little elephant plushie. It’s about 9 inches long, feels like an umbrella and wears plastic orange glasses, which are prone to breaking. I know because I’ve kept it with me for nearly 17 years and have had to superglue the bridge of those glasses thrice (I’ve since given up, they just stay broken now). It’s the oldest, most threadbare stuffed toy I’ve ever seen, and I have no idea why I love it so much. All I know is without Slonik (for such is his name; using it makes me uncomfortable), I have trouble falling asleep. At some point over my childhood I started treating Slonik like a tiny creature with feelings, though I never thought of him as human. I think loving Slonik has taught me that love doesn’t always make sense, but it remains real.

– Mariya Germash ’18, Brooklyn, N.Y.

I am proud of my collection of whimsical socks. Covered with patterns ranging from sloths to slot machines, my socks represent a wide array of exotic places. You see, my dad travels frequently for work. And whether the ritual began because he thought socks would be a meaningful souvenir, or as a last-minute purchase at the airport gift shop, he would unfailingly bring me a pair of socks from everywhere he went. I spent this past summer at an educational program in Israel. As my friends relentlessly bargained for crafts at local markets, I could not find a meaningful gift for my father. Although stressed by the prospect of coming home empty-handed, I rejected all of my friends’ well-intentioned suggestions. At the airport gift shop preparing for the flight home, they couldn’t understand my joyful tears as I bought a pair of men’s socks with camels on them.

– Ruby Hartman ’18, Los Altos, Calif.

The Best Gift You Ever Received Essay Example

The Best Gift You Ever Received Essay Example

  • Pages: 2 (296 words)
  • Published: February 4, 2017
  • Type: Essay

What is the best groomsmen gift you ever received?

Every year, I always receive a lot of gifts from my parents and friends on my birthday. But last year, I received a special gift from my best friend. It was my birthday. I was presented many colourful and expensive gifts. But my best friend did not give me a gift like that. She gave me a small blue box and said that: “This is my special gift for you. I hope you will like it. ” I was very curious about what was in the box. I opened it.

A special gift I received

It was a scarf! But it was not colourful, it was blue and white which were my favourite colours. It was not a normal scarf which was

bought from the shop but it was made by my friend. She bought many balls of wool and learned how to knit. She tried her best to make a special gift for me. I knew that she had had much ado and time to finish kniting the scarf . Although it was not beautiful, I was happy and promise her treasure it.

However, it was also the last gift from my best friend. Two months later, she had to move to another country with her family. I was very upset when I knew that. When it is cold, this scarf is very useful for me. It is warmer than other scarfs because it is warm not only by keeping my normothermia but also by our friendship. On my next birthdays, I know that I will receive many beautiful gifts but I alway

believe that this scarf is the best gift I ever received.

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the best gift i've ever received essay

Readers: What is the most memorable or thoughtful gift you ever received?

‘Tis the season for where people focus more on kind gestures and thoughtful gifts ahead of the holidays.

Sometimes, those gifts are tangible, like a beloved stuffed animal or a toy a child will cherish for years to come. Other times, a sentimental gift captures a treasured memory as a keepsake. Sometimes, the gift is simply a surprise or time spent with loved ones, creating new memories.

As I reflect on the Christmases I have celebrated with family and friends, I mostly just remember the times we spent together and the memories we made. But there have been gifts that stood out to me as especially memorable.

One of the most thoughtful and memorable gifts came as a Christmas present a couple of years after my grandpa died. He had started a woodworking project for his grandchildren and planned to make tables for each of us. He made the parts of each table, but he died before he could put them together.

The project was then passed down to my dad, who finished the project based on the plans my grandpa had drawn out. He finished it with a small engraved plate that said “Inspired by Henry J. Shuda Nov. 26, 1922 – Oct. 19, 2006” with my grandpa’s signature.

It was special to have gotten a gift made by my dad that was also a final gift from my grandpa after he was gone.

This holiday season will be different for most of us because of the pandemic, so, let’s look back on the gifts of Christmases past. What is the most memorable or thoughtful gift you ever received? Did your parent give you a treasured toy? Did a relative surprise you with a visit on Christmas? Did a loved one do something special to make you smile? Did a holiday card from an old friend warm your heart? I want to hear your stories and memories this holiday season, so if a memory comes to mind, let me know.

Please send me your notes at  [email protected]  by 5 p.m. Dec. 16 and yours could be included in a statewide story that highlights these memories. Please include your full name, the city where you live and any photos you would like to share.

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Contact Caitlin at [email protected] or follow her on Twitter @CaitlinShuda .

People Told Us the Best Gift They've Ever Received

Sum It Up by Pat Summitt


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Follow us Questions Describe the best present/gift you have received.

1) in china, when will people send the present.

Oh, attend the party, such as Wedding Party, Birthday Party. During Spring Festival, people give presents to each other, including clothes, books , flowers, and foods.

2) Compare the gift people received 10 years ago to the present that people now are receiving; what’s the difference between them? ( try to compare the gift you received in your teenage with the gift children received now )

Oh, I think the gift was monotonic before. For example, I often received a notebook as a gift. But now, there are various gifts to choose from. Such as flowers, wine, food, clothes etc.

3) imagine the gift in the future children will receive.

In the future, I think more and more children will receive intellectual gifts, such as the electronic dictionary, notebook computer and so on.

4) imagine the gift in the future people will receive.

In the future, oh, in most case, people will give flowers to each other. I think flowers will be the most popular present.

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  • High School

Essay Outline: Topic is the greatest gift you have ever given OR received. Task, Purpose and Audience Task: Create an outline for a 5 paragraph descriptive essay following the prompt. Prompt: The best gift I gave or received was… Purpose: The purpose of this essay is to entertain readers by providing an interesting description and theme of generosity portrayed through the topic you pick. Audience: Your audience will be your teacher. Hook: Bridge: (connects the hook and the thesis) Thesis: Topic Sentence: Concrete Detail: Concrete Detail: Commentary: Concluding Sentence: Topic Sentence: Concrete Detail: Concrete Detail: Commentary: Concluding Sentence: Topic Sentence: Concrete Detail: Concrete Detail: Commentary: Concluding Sentence: Thesis restatement: Bridge: Memorable idea:

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Final answer:

This is a detailed step-by-step explanation of how to write an essay outline on the given topic. Included are examples of the hook, bridge, thesis, topic sentences, concrete detail, commentary, concluding sentence, bridge, and memorable idea.


An outline in English for a descriptive essay might look like this:

  • Hook : A sentence to captivate the reader such as, 'The moment I held the present, I knew my life would never be the same.'
  • Bridge : This would connect the hook to the thesis, such as, 'I've always loved presents, but this surpassed my expectations.'
  • Thesis : State your main point - 'The best gift I ever received was a journal.'
  • Topic Sentence : Start each paragraph with a claim such as, 'The journal was a beauty to behold.'
  • Concrete Detail : Provide specific details, like 'It had a leather cover, with pages made of fine cream-coloured paper.'
  • Commentary : Reflect on the detail or explain why it matters - for example, 'This journal embodied creativity and freedom.'
  • Concluding Sentence : Wrap up the paragraph like, 'The journal unlocked a new world for me.'
  • Thesis Restatement : Reiterate your main point in different words like, 'That journal remains the greatest gift I've ever received.'
  • Bridge : Show how your main point ties into the essay's broader significance such as 'It symbolised a new chapter of my life.'
  • Memorable idea : End with something that sticks in readers' mind like, 'The journal, much more than just a gift, was a gateway to my imaginative creativity.'.

Learn more about Essay Outline here:


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