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11 one-pager examples and how to create your own

A hero image of an orange document icon on a light yellow background.

One of my responsibilities as a marketer at an agency is sending monthly performance reports to my clients. They're busy people, so I include an executive summary at the beginning of each report that consolidates seven pages of detailed information into a few key bullet points—the "must-knows."

One-pagers serve the same function as these executive summaries. They boil down a lot of business information into one concise summary, enabling stakeholders or investors to quickly review important information and make important decisions—to invest or not invest, to use your offering or not, whatever the case may be. Needless to say, they need to pack a punch.

Here, I'll walk you through what should be included (and where) in these strategic documents, as well as share some one-pager examples and templates to help guide you through the creation process.

Table of contents:

What is a one-pager?

One-pagers can be for either internal or external use. For example, you may share an internal training one-pager with your employees or a startup plan one-pager with potential investors.

How to make a one-pager 

Think of a one-pager as a resume for whatever you're one-paging: it should tell the readers everything they absolutely need to know about you—in an aesthetically pleasing way.

Depending on the type of one-pager, you might include different elements, but here's a breakdown of the general elements you should include in each section of your one-pager. Keep scrolling for more examples of how these components would look in action. 

Example of a one-pager titled Unlock Tranquil Project Management showing a key for headlines, key benefits, brief overview, problem statement, solution, future objectives and call to action

Since we read English top-to-bottom and left-to-right, organize your one-pager accordingly. At the top of your one-pager, include:

Company name and/or logo: Regardless of the type of one-pager, this is important for immediate brand recognition.

Headline: Give your audience a reason to keep reading. Write an attention-grabbing headline that hints toward 1) what your one-pager is about and 2) why they should care.

Brief overview of your product, service, project, or concept: It only needs to be a sentence or two.

Problem statement: Clearly state the issue you want to solve. It may be an overarching problem your business solves or a specific knowledge gap your one-pager fills.

Solution: Briefly explain how your offering or information provided in the one-pager solves the problem you previously stated.

If you think of a one-pager as a sandwich, the middle is the meat. Pack this section full of value:

Key benefits/features: This is where you'll highlight the benefits or features of your offering. What makes it unique? What problems does it solve? What are the specific features customers will love? 

Target market: Who is the audience of your one-pager? What are their needs and pain points? The more specific you can get, the better.

It's time to wrap it up and give people one last takeaway. Include these components at the bottom of your one-pager:

Future objectives: Outline your general plans for the future. What are your goals for the next year, three years, or five years? How are you working to achieve these goals? 

11 one-pager templates

I had my design team create almost a dozen one-pager examples—and templates to go along with them. As we run through them, I'll also share a few examples from the wild to get your creative gears turning. 

1. General one-pager/company one-pager

A general one-pager is like a company overview you'll share with customers and works well for general networking events or conferences. It includes all the standard one-pager elements I mentioned before: 

Company name and logo

Brief overview

Problem statement

Key benefits/features

Target market

Future objectives

Example of a general one-pager/company one-pager showing the company solution, a brief overview, problem statement and more

2. Startup one-pager

Media attention/social proof

Investment stage

Example of a startup one-pager including the company's pitch, social proof and investment stage

3. Pitch presentation one-pager

Startups, project managers, consultants, and non-profits can all use a pitch presentation one-pager to summarize the benefits they offer their audience. 

This one-pager serves as a quick reference guide, allowing presenters to succinctly convey their message, capture the audience's attention, and pique their interest. It's also a leave-behind for potential investors, partners, or clients to facilitate follow-up discussions. It should include: 

Market research summary

Team details, including specific expertise

Example of a pitch presentation one-pager including market research summary, team details and asks

4. Strategic plan one-pager

A strategic plan one-pager not only helps stakeholders easily digest your goals—it also serves as an accountability measure. It prevents people from leaving your presentation and immediately forgetting what your objectives are and how you plan to achieve them. 

Companies can use this one-pager to create organization-wide clarity, and non-profits can use it to appeal to donors. Make sure to include:

Key metrics

Example of a strategic plan one-pager including goals, key metrics, timeline, budget and more

5. Product one-pager

Product one-pagers are invaluable for marketing and sales teams, enabling them to present essential information in a clear and compelling way to potential customers or stakeholders. They can even be used as an internal resource for new hires. Here's what to include:

Product name

Unique selling proposition

Timeline for launch (if new)

Example of a product one-pager including product names, unique selling propositions, timeline for launch and pricing

6. Company report one-pager

This one-pager can be used internally as an employee handout or post-summary during an annual company meeting. It can also be shared with external stakeholders to give a glimpse into the company's performance and future outlook. It should include:

Financial highlights


Future challenges

Example of a company report one-pager including financial highlights, achievements, future challenges and outlook

7. Investor update one-pager

Give your investors the rundown on performance and the current goings-on of your business with a nice one-pager that breaks it all down. This concise update tells investors what they need to know—and nothing more. Here's what investors like to see: 

Progress toward milestones

Current challenges

Potential asks

Example of a investor update one-pager including financial highlights, achievements, progress toward milestones, current challenges and potential asks

8. Employee orientation one-pager

When I start a new job, I mentally prepare to be bombarded with a lot of information on the first day. Give new hires an employee orientation one-pager, so they have a quick overview of the key details they'll want to remember. Provide information like: 

Company culture

Leadership overview

Onboarding timeline

Key contacts

Example of an employee orientation one-pager including company culture, leadership overview, onboarding timeline, key contacts and FAQs

9. B2B one-pager

Decision-makers at businesses are busy, and a one-pager can cut through the noise to clearly communicate what your company does and why it's valuable (leave the jargon at home). Weave these elements into your one-pager:

Customer testimonials

Value proposition

Example of a B2B one-pager including use cases, customer testimonials and value propositions

10. Marketing one-pager

A marketing one-pager is an internal document that helps keep your company's teams aligned on branding and marketing. It's a snapshot of critical elements like:

Brand colors

Brand voice

Marketing goals

Customer personas

Example of a marketing one-pager including a company's logo, brand colors, fonts, brand voice, marketing goals and customer personas

11. Consulting services one-pager

This type of one-pager is used by consulting firms to present their services, expertise, and value proposition to prospective clients. It offers a quick look into the consultancy's offerings to show clients how it can address their specific needs and challenges. These one-pagers typically include:

Client testimonials

Contact information

Example of a consulting services one-pager including services, client testimonials and contact information

One-pager examples in the real world

Those templates will hopefully give you a head start, but let's take a look at some real-life examples of how people use and design one-pagers. Check out this variety of examples from real companies with details on what I think they particularly nail in their one-pagers.

General one-pager

In this general one-pager, Threekit briefly explains what it does and how it integrates with Salesforce. More specifically, it uses a variety of visual elements, from mockups to illustrated icons, to break up the text and display what the company's 3D product configurator looks like in action. 

Each component is also clearly defined with three separate background colors, which makes it easy to scan. Minimal copy is used while still getting the point across, and there's a clear visual hierarchy with the largest title and image at the top of the page.

Example of a general one-pager, Threekit briefly explaining what it does and how it integrates with Salesforce

Product one-pager

This product one-pager from CAT is a little more text-heavy, but it uses callout boxes and illustrations to break things up—plus, the bullet points make it easier to scan. The eye-catching header image is impressive, and there's also a clear headline and CTA.

Example of a product one-pager for CAT's MineStar Detect™

B2B one-pager

Example of SAP's B2B one-pager

Consulting one-pager

The example below is technically two pages, but it packs a lot of info into it. Clear headers help explain what services the company offers and the value those services hold. It also establishes credentials with customer testimonials and stats like "18B+ investment in security R&D and 3,500 cybersecurity experts." These elements help prospective clients feel secure about choosing them as a partner.

Example of Tegria's consulting one pager, first page

One-pager best practices

Just because you've managed to cram some important information onto one page doesn't mean it'll be effective. Here are some best practices to make sure your one-pagers have the effect you want them to:

Be concise: If you can't read a sentence on your one-pager without taking a breath, it's too long. Keep the copy short and sweet, so you don't defeat the whole purpose of a one-pager.

Appeal to your audience: Keep your reader in mind while creating your one-pager. If you're speaking to your customer base, avoid the corporate jargon. If you're speaking to investors, make sure to include the numbers that matter to them.

Include white space: While you may feel tempted to use every inch of space you have —don't. Empty space around text and visuals keeps your one-pager from looking cluttered and your reader from feeling overwhelmed.

Write a compelling headline: Like anything else you write, you need to grab the reader's attention right away. Make it immediately clear what value your one-pager will provide.

Tell a story: Like a good story, your one-pager should have a distinct beginning, middle, and end. Every component should connect to tell the story in a clear and engaging way.

Follow formatting guidelines: It's called a one -pager for a reason. Stick to one side of a page. Also, ensure it can be easily distributed physically and digitally by sticking to a standard letter (8.5 x 11") format.

Get creative with distribution: Of course, one-pagers are great for physical handouts, but think beyond that. Can you share the content on your website or social accounts? Can you adapt the content to be sent as an email newsletter? Choose a distribution method that makes sense for your audience.

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Cecilia Gillen picture

Cecilia Gillen

Cecilia is a content marketer with a degree in Media and Journalism from the University of South Dakota. After graduating, Cecilia moved to Omaha, Nebraska where she enjoys reading (almost as much as book buying), decor hunting at garage sales, and spending time with her two cats.

  • Sales & business development

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Writing the Ultimate One-Pager About Your Business: 8 Examples and How to Make One [+ Free Template]

Daniel Doan

Updated: July 23, 2024

Published: May 20, 2024

Whether you’re a business owner or a sales rep, you’re always pitching your services, telling potential clients what you offer as succinctly as possible. Trust me, I’ve been there myself, trying to sum up my copywriting business in as few words as I can. That’s where the business one-pager has come to my rescue.

woman writes a one pager for her business

I’ve created presentations about what I do and have a full website dedicated to my business . But, when potential clients need answers fast, I pull out a one-pager — my value proposition boiled into one hard-hitting page.

If your business is missing this helpful tool, don’t worry. I’ve done the leg work to help. You can see eight of my favorite business one-pagers. Then, I’ll discuss how you can make your own step-by-step and share a template to make the process easy. Let’s get started. You can boil your pitch down to one hard-hitting page that grabs attention and gets to the point.

→ Download Now: Free One-Pager Template

What is a one-pager?

A one-pager is a document that summarizes an offer, process, concept, or policy in around 250 words. Its purpose is to capture the reader's interest and leave them wanting more. It aims to compel the reader to take action, such as scheduling a call, visiting a website, or signing a contract.

That being said, one-pagers aren't just for selling. They can also be educational tools. When sharing knowledge, the crisp, engaging format grabs attention and helps readers retain key information.

one pager presentation

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The Anatomy of a One-Pager

Your one-pager should be tailored to your specific goals. For example, my one-pager focuses on my writing services and a crash course into neuromarketing, a field I specialize in. That would be wildly different than the one-pager for a SaaS company or a wedding cake bakery.

Regardless, no matter the business, there are seven essential elements that must be in each one pager. I’ll share each of these components below.

  • Company logo. Include your company logo prominently on the page. This small image reinforces your brand and ensures readers know who is behind the offer.
  • About. Provide a brief elevator pitch that covers who you are, what makes you unique, and why readers should care. This section should pique their interest in the main content on the sheet.
  • Problem statement. Open with the problem you‘re solving. For sales one-pagers, speak directly to your customer’s pain points. If you‘re courting investors, describe the niche you’re filling. For an internal one-pager, provide a high-level roadmap of what's to come.
  • Features and benefits. This section is where you highlight your unique value proposition. Clearly outline the key features and benefits of your product, venture, or concept. Keep it short. Focus on the most essential points.
  • Social proof. Use social proof to back up your claims with evidence. Include client testimonials, industry stats, or awards to reinforce your credibility and build trust.
  • Call to action. Include a clear call to action that leaves no doubt about what the reader should do next, such as calling, visiting your website, or taking the next step in the process.
  • Contact info. Provide clean, clear contact information (website, email, phone, social media) at the bottom of your one-pager to ensure leads can easily get in touch with you.

While all of this information is essential in your one-pager, how you design the sheet will vary wildly. If you work in a buttoned-up, formal industry, you may opt for texts and clean graphs only. If your readers are busy, an infographic may be a more skimmable way to share information.

Download our one-pager business template now to communicate your vision clearly and effectively.

How to Make a One-Pager for Your Business [+Template]

Now that we know what goes into a one-pager, I’ll share the process of making one step-by-step. We’ll also work through the process using a one-pager template from HubSpot.

In my example, I’ll make a one-pager for a fictional puzzle subscription company — Puzzle Me This. I’ll share the value proposition for this business all on one page as a way to attract potential buyers. You can follow along and build one of your own with HubSpot's Free One-Pager Template like I did. 

Screenshot 2024-05-31 at 10.16.05 AM

Download the Free One-Pager Template

1. List out the basics.

We discussed seven elements you need in your one-pager above. You’ll also need to condense your mission into short headlines, your value proposition into a brief overview, and your problem statement into a few sentences.

Before I start putting my one-pager together, I like to sit down and list it all out. That involves gathering my assets (like my logo) into a folder and writing out the text I want to include in an unformatted Google Doc.

Let’s take a look at HubSpot’s template. We’ll need to gather the following:

  • An about section.
  • A mission statement and overview.
  • Information about products or services.
  • Contact information.
  • Information about the problem, solution, and market.
  • More about the product’s competitive edge and strategy.
  • Two photos.
  • A QR code that leads to our website.

For my sample puzzle business, I gathered all of the information into one folder. That involved creating an unformatted Pages document with all of my text. Having all of the pieces compiled cleanly will make formatting my document easier.

business one pager, folder with assets

2. Consider your value proposition and look ahead.

Your one-pager will need to show what makes your offering unique and how it stands out. You’ll need to clearly outline the problem you're solving and preview how your solution addresses it.

You may even Define your target audience and speak directly to their needs and pain points.

From there, I recommend looking ahead. This is especially true if you’re pitching your business to investors. They’ll get a sense of what they can expect from you in the future.

Let’s circle back to Puzzle Me This. There are a few different subscription boxes on the market. However, my business focuses on picking the perfect puzzle for the person so they don’t have to choose one themselves. Beyond that, I want to partner with independent artists, so I made sure to highlight that in my one-pager.

business one pager, text for a one pager

3. Get designing.

Now that you have all of the pieces ready, it’s time to start designing. How you lay out your one-pager will depend on your industry and the access that you have to graphic design talent. If you have a designer on staff, you may ask them to create a custom layout on your behalf.

However, templates like this one from HubSpot make the process easy for everyone. I used the template for the Puzzle Me This example. I was able to get everything filled out in minutes. The longest part of the process was crafting the perfect text.

one pager for a puzzle business

One-Pager Examples

One-pagers can be helpful for all types of businesses, so they vary widely in how they look and are presented. Taking a look at well-designed one-pagers can help you get inspired when you create your own. So, let’s dive in!

1. Free One-Pager Template

Business one-pager template for Word

Download the Free Template

2. Business One-Pager

business one pager example, human resources

Image Source

Looking to create a one-pager with stats to back up your value proposition? This template from Awware has you covered. Text-heavy sections that cover the company’s missions, values, and progress can be found on the left side. Icons and all-caps make headings jump.

The right side focuses on data. Readers can see how the company performs at a glance, giving the impact of the business nice visual leverage. I also like how the template makes use of a consistent color palette to avoid clutter.

Pro tip: Incorporate storytelling, social proof, and value to demonstrate why your business is a strong potential partner.

3. Product One-Pager

business one pager example, gaming

Product one-pagers focus on the specs of a specific offering. What makes them different than alternatives, what are the core features, and what’s the price point? A product one-pager should answer these questions.

The one-pager above showcases a console that’s coming soon. I like that this example has a timeline of when the product is expected to hit the market. Beyond that, the console’s features are condensed into easy-to-skim bullet points.

Pro tip: Font size can help you navigate your reader’s attention. Put the most important information, like pricing and release date, in larger font.

4. Marketing One-pager

business one pager example, media

Marketing one-pagers are internal documents that align teams. They are snapshots of critical elements like logos, brand colors , fonts, voice, goals, and customer personas. If you are launching a new campaign, a one-pager ensures messaging, visuals, and tone remain consistent with your brand.

The one-pager above focuses on a video marketing campaign. The sheet specifies what the project is for, its objective, and then the branding elements that will be used in the video. As a marketer, this sheet would make it easy for me to understand what the team wants and how to make it.

What I like: If you have a specific vision, make the content of your one-pager specific as well. This page lists out the filters, adjustments, and hex code of the color palette.

5. One-Pager Pitch

business one pager example, pitch

One-pager pitches are beneficial for project managers with new initiatives and consultants competing for contracts. Use this document to capture the attention of your audience and pique their interest. A well-crafted one-page pitch document can increase your chances of landing that coveted client.

The one-pager above pitches a marketing consultancy. I like how this page keeps the value proposition simple. There’s a quick blurb about what the organization can do, then images of the people on the team. This helps create a personal touch.

Beyond that, I like how the team lists out recommendations for a successful partnership. This level of transparency creates a sense of trustworthiness.

Pro tip: Do you have impressive statistics? Feature them in your one-pager.

6. Startup One-Pager

business one pager example, startup

For startups, a one-pager is your ultimate elevator pitch. Whether you’re seek funding, networking, or brand promotion, this document showcases your scrappiness. Startup one-pagers cover the essentials: a compelling pitch, team expertise, market insights, and a clear call to action.

The one pager above compiles all of the information an investor might need at a glance. The company’s value proposition and mission statement are boiled down into headings. In a few brief paragraphs, you can understand where the startup is at in its development and what’s coming next.

Pro tip: Include extra punches like media attention or social proof to validate your idea and details about your investment stage.

7. Sales Rep One-Pager

business one pager example, healthcare

Some sales one-pagers are made for reps to help them more effectively communicate with prospects. The above one-pager lays out the different costs of each insurance plan. It also coaches reps on how to work with different types of customers.

Pro tip: Highlight your unique value proposition in this compact yet impactful piece, positioning your offering as the solution they've been seeking.

8. Sales One-Pager

business one pager example, delta

A sales one-pager summarizes the key aspects of your company, product, or service in a single, brief document. It aims to engage potential customers by clearly demonstrating how you can address their challenges and encouraging them to take the next step in the sales process.

I like how the post above showcases the target market for the data agency’s services. This short customer persona makes it clear who would benefit from this offering.

Pro tip: If you’re looking to summarize all that you offer quickly, include a conclusion section in your one-pager.

9. Event One-Pager

business one pager example, event

A compelling event one-pager can be an invaluable tool for capturing the attention of your target audience and ensuring a successful turnout, whether you're hosting a conference, seminar, or corporate gathering.

This one-pager specifically focuses on sponsors, so all elements of the sheet speak directly to that audience. Your event will likely need multiple types of one-pagers for each audience you hope to reach.

Pro tip: Your one-pager should go beyond the basics. Whether it's a lineup of renowned speakers, exclusive networking opportunities, or cutting-edge industry insights, the one-pager should entice readers.

Tips for Creating Effective One-Pagers

Stuffing information on one page doesn’t guarantee success. Below, I’ll share some pearls of wisdom I’ve gathered from making one-pagers in the past.

Be concise and audience-focused.

A one-pager must strike a balance between impact and readability. Brevity is key. This asset should be concise. Tailor your language and content to your specific audience. Avoid corporate jargon when addressing customers, but prioritize numbers and data when pitching to investors.

Elevate your one-pager with strategic formatting.

Pay attention to formatting elements that make your one-pager easy to read. Embrace white space to create a visually appealing layout that avoids clutter and allows your content to shine. I also recommend crafting a compelling headline that captures your reader's attention and communicates the core value of your offering.

Tell a cohesive story.

Like any good narrative, your one-pager should have a distinct beginning, middle, and end. Each component should seamlessly connect, guiding your reader through a clear and engaging story. The cohesive flow keeps your audience interested and reinforces your main point.

Consider how your one-pager will be distributed.

Adhere to the “one” in one-pager. Stick to a single side of a standard 8.5 x 11" page. Using this format ensures easy physical and digital distribution.

Speaking of distribution, think creatively. While one-pagers make excellent handouts, explore sharing the content on your website, social media channels, or even as an email newsletter, ensuring your audience receives it through their preferred channels.

Boost Your Business With a One Pager

We live in a fast-paced business world, so grabbing your audience's attention and getting your message across is crucial. One-pagers are great for showcasing your business, product, or event in a concise, engaging way.

Use our one-page business template to get ahead. With this template, you'll be able to create a professional and persuasive one-pager in no time.

one-pager template

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Use this one-pager template to capture the attention of stakeholders and potential investors.

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Top 5 One-pager Templates with Samples and Examples

Top 5 One-pager Templates with Samples and Examples

Simran Shekhawat


One-pager templates serve as an impactful communication tool within businesses, condensing essential information onto a single page. In today's fast-paced corporate environment, where time is of the essence and attention spans are limited, these templates offer a concise snapshot of key concepts, making them a valuable asset for various purposes.

One-pagers are used to present complex ideas, projects, or proposals in a clear and easily digestible format. They distill intricate details into concise sections, providing a quick overview without overwhelming the audience. Whether it's a new business initiative, a product overview, or a strategic plan, a well-designed one-pager conveys the essence of the subject matter efficiently.

Take key notes about how marketing one pager templates can be a boon to your next business proposals. Click here  

One-pagers also contribute to decision-making processes. Stakeholders can quickly assess the viability and potential benefits of an idea or project, leading to faster, more informed choices. This not only accelerates the pace of business but also helps in seizing opportunities promptly.

Create an insightful report with the help of one pager report template. Check it now!

Therefore, SlideTeam presents to you its collection of content-ready and custom-made PPT templates to facilitate effective communication both internally and externally. Within a company, they aid in aligning teams and departments by offering a shared understanding of goals and strategies. Grab these PPT slides and eliminate the need to sift through lengthy documents during meetings. The visual and concise nature of one-pagers promotes engaged discussions and efficient problem-solving.

Browse the collection below to streamline operations and maximize impact!

Let’s begin!

Template 1:  Employee Benefit Summary One-pager presentation Template

This PPT template is designed to give employees a clear overview of the benefits provided by their employer. It is a brief yet helpful template. With the help of this template, you can provide important details regarding the benefits package clearly. It illustrates the goal and emphasizes the company's dedication to employee well-being. This one-page template on leave benefits can be used to explain the many types of leaves your company offers, who is eligible for them, what they include, and how long they can last. For easy navigation, mention key details or benefits discussed in the study.

Employee Benefit Summary One Pager

Download Now!

Template 2:  One-pager Product Tech Sheet Template

This PPT template is comprehensively built to enhance the quality of your sales representation and bring forth the essential details of the product. Create an ideal product sheet while listing the items in the forthcoming schedules. Make a well-informed or formatted product specification one-pager that can draw viewers and audience to a greater extent. Provide insights about the storage transportation quality approvals application areas that distinguish product properties from one another for a far-reaching outlook. Take note of the factors that make it simple for team members to identify the regions they oversee quickly.

One Pager Product Tech Sheet

Click Here!

Template 3: Company Stats Teaser One-pager Template

Get your hands on this impeccably built company stats one-pager. This template is a simple and visually striking slide that summarizes the company's essential performance measurements, accomplishments, and highlights. This is designed to grab the interest of stakeholders, potential investors, clients, or staff. Depict the company's mission, or value proposition in a single statement. Present crucial financial information, including revenue, net profit, gross margin, and percentage changes from prior periods. To boost credibility and highlight positive experiences, you can show a client or partner's positive testimonial about the business. Demonstrate current inventions, patents, honours or awards the business has received for its contributions to the sector.


Template 4: Social Media Marketing Proposal One-pager Template

Define your strategic social media marketing plan over a one-pager template that presents you with a client brief while distinguishing the critical action plan and objectives. You can outline the client's issues and the solution in this elaborative template. Highlight and develop tactics that are bound to increase your target audience engagement and escalate growth in no time. Describe the primary integrated services that will help you draw customers. Showcase your audience how you are superior to your rivals and why they should pick you. Along with outlining the payment structure, inform your audience of the precise time frame in which the project is completed. Share your contact information with your clients to make it simple for them to connect with you.

Social Media Marketing Proposal One Pager

Check it now!

Template 5 – Project Status One-pager Presentation Template

Here we present you with a brief, informative template summarizing the present status, significant accomplishments, problems, and subsequent stages of a project. Design and present an attractive project status report in this pre-designed one-pager template that demonstrates the project details in the form of its overall status report structure timeline along with project financials risk and associated issues. Create an effective product launch strategy to open the market to the product. Use this presentation for the product launch project to introduce new products to the market. Gauge your client's attention with an attractive design that provides thorough knowledge about the project aspects. Briefly summarize the project's current state of progress. Include information about tasks performed, ongoing activities, and any pertinent metrics that show progress. Summarize the current resource allocation, including the team members, budget, and other essential resources. Avail this now!

Project Status Presentation One Pager

One-pagers are Effective to Provide Clarity

By employing one-pager templates, you can make information digestible in a crisp and clear format. Use our up-to-date, custom-ready one-pager template to swiftly highlight crucial information about your products, customers, and procedures. Consider using a one-page pitch template to introduce your idea to prospective investors and persuade engagement with our easy and 100 % customizable templates. Download them right now!

PS: Build thorough and smart business development roadmaps with the essential SlideTeam business development templates. Click here to learn more!

FAQS on One-pager

What is one-pager.

A one-pager is a brief piece of writing highlighting every aspect of your company in an exciting way that potential consumers can quickly and easily understand. One-pagers are excellent for introducing a new good or service but can also serve as a company's internal manual.

What should a One-pager include?

A precise one-pager should include an executive summary of details that speaks about your business or brand concisely. Following is a list of what a one-pager should include.

  • About us/ Summary should include a brief about your brand or a summary that defines your business.
  • Statement of a problem - It should also provide readers with enough background to comprehend why this issue needs to be resolved. Make sure your problem statement is brief yet descriptive so that potential clients may comprehend the problem your business is trying to solve.
  • Mention features or benefits - Describe how your product or service differs from competing products and how it will assist clients in solving their challenges. Include any unique qualities or advantages that set your solution apart. Clarifying and condensing this information will make it easier for readers to comprehend your company's performance and how it may benefit them.
  • Have a call–to–action - After your firm one-pager Template, include a clear call-to-action so that readers will know what they should do next.
  • Lastly, provide your contact details 

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10 Free One-Pager Templates For Writing Company Pitches

Praburam Srinivasan

Growth Marketing Manager

April 30, 2024

Ever feel like you’re racing against time to whip up a top-notch one-pager for your pitch or proposal?

As a marketing manager, I understand! But, it’s time to put those worries to bed! One-page templates can make pitchwriting fast, fuss-free, and fabulous. ✨

I know writing a company pitch seems daunting. So, I’ve done the heavy lifting for you and compiled a list of 10 free one-pager examples to help get your foot in the door with potential customers or investors.

What Is a One-Pager Template?

What makes a good one-pager template, 1. clickup project management one pager template, 2. clickup annual one-pager template, 3. clickup product brief template, 4. clickup marketing project brief template,  5. clickup services proposal template, 6. clickup program proposal template, 7. clickup commercial proposal template, 8. clickup project proposal whiteboard template, 9. word one page business case template, 10. powerpoint one pager template by slidemodel.

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A one-pager template is a pre-formatted, customizable single-page document you can use to guide you through creating a professional summary of your business, product, or service.

There are even one-page website templates to help you build a landing page or web page. Bolstering your online presence will help you become the top result on a search engine like Google!

The type and format of a one-pager varies depending on how they’ll be used and who will be reading them.

When you need to create a strong company pitch or use a business proposal template , one-pagers provide a blueprint to help you put the right information into a compelling format.

You can use one-pagers to create different presentations, including:

  • Annual summaries
  • Product briefs
  • Project proposals
  • Services proposals
  • Program proposals
  • Commercial partnership pitches
  • Executive summaries
  • Business plans

Review several one-pager templates, like the ones below, before choosing the one that’s right for your situation.

Good one-pagers help you present key points in a structured and skimmable format. They present detailed information about your company, program, project, or service without overwhelming the reader.

Here are five things to look for when choosing one-pagers:

  • Simplicity : Creates a presentation that’s clear and easy to read
  • Structure : Keeps information organized so the reader can find what they need fast
  • Style : Displays key points in a format that’s professional, attractive, and easy to skim
  • Scalability : Fits any project size
  • Shareability : Exports to formats that your team and target readers can easily access

Good one pager templates also provide you with placeholders for standard company information and personal details like phone numbers, addresses, emails, social media accounts, and a call to action.

The best one pagers help you develop a company pitch or business proposal that’s clear, organized, and easy for your target reader to access.

These one pagers will help you promote the key takeaways of any sales pitch or proposals you want to present.

10 Free One Pager Templates

Here are 10 templates for one pagers. You can customize each template to create pitches, main ideas, proposals, and summaries for nearly any type of project.

You can also modify the different templates to highlight a key main idea in your one-pagers that are most important to you. The best part? You can have these templates for free.

ClickUp Project Management One Pager Template

Highlight the main points of any project lightning fast with the Project Management One Pager Template by ClickUp . ⚡

This single-page template includes all the important aspects and sections you need to develop a winning presentation, including project objectives , timeline, key deliverables, major tasks, and milestones.

Custom views and status categories within the business one-pager help you stay on top of the information that matters most to you:

  • Planning Stage View: Helps you brainstorm ideas and set up tasks
  • Calendar View: Helps you plan when tasks should be completed
  • Project Plan View: Allows you to review and adjust tasks
  • Statuses : In Progress, To Do, or Complete statuses show exactly where tasks are in the pipeline

The Project Management One Pager is easy to use, customizable, and can be shared with anyone who needs to know about the project.

ClickUp Annual One-Pager Template

The Annual One Pager Template by ClickUp is a single-page document that helps condense your company’s yearly objectives into one easy-to-track layout that looks great on mobile devices.

It helps you outline your yearly priorities and align individual tasks with larger goals. No more confusion or scattered information! This free business one-pager gives you a crystal-clear view of your company’s strategy, core values, mission, and more.

It even has separate sections for global and departmental priorities, so that everyone can contribute to creating the big picture.

Plus, it promotes transparency and accountability by including Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) for each priority.

Say goodbye to overwhelming reports and hello to a concise, motivating overview thanks to free templates like this one. 👋

The business one-pager helps your team understand the “why” behind your goals, fostering a sense of purpose and alignment.

Since you’re already reviewing the annual sales numbers, this may also be a good time to refresh your brand management strategies or business plan to supercharge your sales and profits over the coming year.

ClickUp Product Brief Template

The Product Brief Template by ClickUp helps you organize and streamline the product development process so you can execute a more successful launch.

It can also help you move products through development more quickly!

If you’ll be pitching products to potential customers, this may also be a good time to choose a solid CRM Marketing Software that allows you and your team members to gather and record customer information as you grow.

The free company one-pager keeps your product specs, feedback, and related tasks all in one place. You can use instant formatting customizations like link embedding and document tags to make it easy for your marketing and sales teams to understand the product based on this single page.

And with commenting and assigned commenting, your team can treat this single page like HQ as they work through the product development process. Boost productivity, enhance collaboration, and speed up your product development process with ClickUp’s Product Brief Document.

Get started today and witness the power of organized teamwork!

Need to elevate your entire product reporting process? Trying using the business one-pager in conjunction with Sales Report Templates for an all-around approach to help your team members organize your product’s key details.

ClickUp Marketing Project Brief Template

The Marketing Project Brief Template by ClickUp works as a company one-pager that helps you outline key information to make your marketing project a success.

It’s used to communicate project goals, objectives, and target audience details. It also tracks tasks and subtasks.

Create a one-pager for marketing project briefs with this versatile blueprint that keeps everyone focused on common goals.

This template includes custom fields for departments, deliverables, the target audience, and any supplementary documentation so you can easily modify it to fit your needs.

If you like this template style, check out our other project brief templates , to help make your next business one-pager or project outline a success.

ClickUp Services Proposal Template

Reinforce the quality and competence of your service with the Services Proposal Template by ClickUp . This one-pager is free and will help you build confidence with clients.

For example, one-pagers like this template give you designated spaces to include details like contact information, company background, project description, project scope, deliverables, dependencies, and payment.

The free Services Proposal Template tool also allows you to customize formatting with embedded images and font changes.

Using the ClickUp Services Proposal Template helps you swiftly draft a proposal that’s clear, concise, and persuasive, so you can land more contracts! 🎉

ClickUp Program Proposal Template

The Program Proposal Template by ClickUp helps you summarize the information and requirements you need to pitch your next program.

You can use it to create a business newsletter that explains your program, objectives, and budget, and share images of promotional materials like flyers, T-shirts, or ads.

Use this template to write up a well-planned, well-resourced, and well-executed summary to share with potential investors or stakeholders. One-pagers have never been so simple.

 ClickUp Commercial Proposal Template

Looking to pitch other companies for partnerships? The Commercial Proposal Template by ClickUp can help you get there with its simple, but effective, layout for all your one-pagers.

This free template helps you create a professional business overview you can use to pitch partnerships. Use it to show off your assets! Let other companies know why you and your team are worth the investment.

The one-pager provides everything you need to develop a compelling business proposal, impress your clients, and secure those important partnerships.

ClickUp Project Proposal Whiteboard Template

Develop proposals with ease thanks to the Project Proposal Whiteboard Template by ClickUp .

This whiteboard template is designed to assist you in preparing a new project proposal that solves a problem or meets an organizational need.

Highlight your main points and show off the whole team’s accomplishments as a business one-pager digital whiteboard.

This whiteboard format lets stakeholders and team members ask and answer questions within the document. And, you’ll love the sticky note design that makes program details and collaboration fun!

Enterprise-level companies may want to consider Enterprise Collaboration Tools that can handle input and communications for much larger teams.

One-pagers like this provide your team with the space it needs to develop top-notch proposals. It also includes super-cool functions that let you track sprint planning, brainstorm concepts, and collaborate and work together with the whole team.

Get ready to wow your audience with well-crafted documents that highlight your expertise and demonstrate how you’ll meet organizational needs.

One Pager Template for Microsoft Word

Publish a beautiful executive summary using the Word One-Pager Business Case Template by

You can print this business one-pager or download your documents as a Word doc, Google doc, or an Apple page.

In terms of’s one-pager templates, this is only available for Pro members.

One Pager Startup PowerPoint Template

Simplify your startup’s introduction with the One Pager PowerPoint Template by SlideModel.

When speaking with potential investors , every second matters. Developing a clear and concise one-pager shows you respect their time. It also increases the chance they’ll take you seriously.

This PowerPoint one-pager, designed for startups, includes a three-part format to help you create summaries of your startup’s key information. And this one-pager pulls it all together into a presentation that’s attractive, easy to read, and professional.

Of the one-pager templates, this one includes multiple sections to help you display all the main points related to your startup, including your team introduction , business overview, mission, target market, finances, products, and achievements.

You can even combine the PowerPoint template with product launch templates to cover all your bases.

One-Pager Templates, Anyone?

In a world where time is of the essence, one-page templates come to the rescue.

One-pager templates guide, structure, and streamline your pitches and proposals. Whether you’re aiming for concise executive summaries, product briefs, or annual objectives, we hope these handy one-pager examples make it all a breeze.

Choose the templates to help you create the one-pagers you need based on what you plan on pitching and who you’ll pitch it to. Keep in mind that the best one-pager templates are simple, structured, and easy to share.

Your next successful one-page pitch maybe just a template away. Why wait? Gear up and get started with ClickUp templates today!

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Make One-Pagers That Grab Attention, Engage & Convert (2024)

Create a one-pager that grabs attention and boosts conversion with our set of one-pager best practices and our high-performance interactive one-pager templates.

one pager presentation

Dominika Krukowska

16 minute read

How to create a one-pager

Although a one-pager is one of the shortest documents you’ll create for your business, don’t be misled into thinking it will be just as quick to produce.

On the contrary, boiling down your entire business vision into a single-page document requires careful thought, planning, and effort on your part. A poorly executed one-pager will turn off potential customers before you’ve had a chance to dive deeper into your unique value proposition.

That’s why I’m here to walk you through the entire process step-by-step.

I’ll show you what a successful one-pager should contain and show a real-life one-pager example for each component. We’ll cover all essential one-pager best practices and I’ll even throw in our best performing one-pager templates for you to use right away.

What does a winning one-pager include?

Regardless of your particular industry, a typical one-pager outline should contain the following 7 elements:

  • Cover - Should be attractive and alluring
  • Introduction - Answers the questions: Who is your solution for? What's in it for them? How are you better than the competition?
  • About us - Provides context and establishes trustworthiness
  • Problem - A major problem your prospects deal with (with examples, numbers, and graphs)
  • Solution - How you solve the problem better than anyone (with examples, numbers, and graphs)
  • Details - A detailed description of those parts of your solution that matter most to your prospects
  • Next steps - A compelling, concrete, and easy action your prospects can take to interact with you further (like scheduling a meeting, dialing a phone number, or signing up for a free trial).

Create a killer business one-pager (step-by-step guide)

In the previous section, we covered what a great one-pager should include. Now let's get our hands dirty and see how it’s actually done, step-by-step, with some hard-learned industry tips we gathered along the way.

Let's see how each one-pager section is made so that it contributes its utmost to getting a super engaging and converting piece of content.

NOTE: the business one-pager structure I gift you here holds true also if you are planning to make sales one-pager. But… if you want precision information with examples go read our post that breaks down how to create a sales one-pager .

1. Cover slide

Your cover slide is the gateway into your content. Fail to make it instantly valuable and enticing and your readers may go do something else.

A cover slide works very much like the “above the fold” section of a sales landing page. Whether you hook your readers then and there, or you don’t, will make or break the rest of your one-pager.

Your cover slide is also your first impression by which the rest of your one-pager will be judged. Thankfully, there are a few nifty tricks you can use to hook readers, make a strong positive first impression, and enhance the overall reading experience.

Here’s what a great cover slide should look like:

Storydoc one-pager cover slide

I) Use a cover video

We’ve all heard the saying that “a picture is worth a thousand words'' countless times. And, although it may sound cliché, it’s actually a scientifically-backed fact.

In this case, how many words is a video worth? According to the research by Dr. James McQuivey , a staggering 1.8 million words! And it’s dated 2008, before the most popular video-streaming services took off, so it may as well be double the number now.

We ran our own research, laser-focused on sales and marketing presentations. By analyzing over 100,000 user sessions , we found that having a video in the cover slide boosts interaction by 32% . It’s also the perfect way of showcasing your product or solution without overloading your readers with raw facts.

II) Personalize for person, company, and need

Another important predictor of success is personalization. We all like to feel special, and knowing that someone took a few minutes out of their busy day to deliver a tailor-made presentation can really go a long way.

Want to know a little secret, though? With interactive one-pager creators, it will only take seconds to fill in your prospect’s name and send personalized one-pagers at scale.

III) Set the reader’s expectations

Have you ever wondered why more and more articles have information on the average reading time? That’s because this small blurb is enough to get 25% more people to read your article or, in this case, sales presentation!

2. Introduction

The intro is another way for you to set reader’s expectations by providing the outline for what your one-pager is about.

The short version of your introduction slide is simply your unique value proposition (UVP) in one clear and concise sentence. If you don’t have a UVP, you should take time to compose one.

As a rule of thumb, a UVP should answer the 3 following questions within 30 words or less.

  • Who is your solution for?
  • What's in it for them?
  • How are you better than the competition?

Storydoc one-pager introduction slide

The introduction slide also has a long version which comes in the form of an elevator pitch-style overview of your company’s vision and unique value proposition.

It should answer the same questions as the UVP version, but can afford to set it within a narrative . This can make it more relatable and more memorable. Just make sure not to ramble about you and yours and keep it about the readers and their concerns.

3. About us

The about us slide is crucial for establishing a measure of trust. The reader may have reservations about who’s behind the one-pager and may need to settle this concern before immersing themselves in the content.

The reader will want to know basic things like where you are operating out of, what your goals are, and the values you represent.

At this point, your reader may also want to know about your expertise and how your solution differs from other companies on the market in broad strokes. Be succinct, but compelling enough for them to want to discover more.

Up till now you’ve only established curiosity, now you’ve got your readers' attention.

In this section, your goal is to identify the main pain points plaguing your target market and present them.

Storydoc one-pager problem slide

I) Speak to the heart and the mind will follow

People make irrational decisions for logical reasons. Show them you understand the emotions underlying their pain points. Dig deep into their underlying motivations and wants. Tap into their emotions.

For example, if your line of business is selling solar panels, you’ll want to avoid boring statements like: “We’re the leading photovoltaics company in the Bay Area, helping you save money since 1986”.

Instead, try something along the lines of: “Tired of your energy bill skyrocketing? Don’t want to choose between a long shower or keeping yourself warm at night?”

After touching on the underlying emotions you can back up your claims with a couple of key figures. The mind will use your numbers to retroactively rationalize and justify what the heart has decided.

TIP: Showing readers their potential loss by not making the change will work better than showing them what they can gain by making the change. That’s because people are more motivated by loss aversion than by promise of gain. For instance, instead of capitalizing on how much money a prospect is going to save by switching to solar energy, you can say something like: “One of the main benefits of solar energy is that it does not require any outside supply to work, meaning no additional costs related to its use. With traditional energy sources, the annual cost of maintenance and energy production is $X, and has been projected to increase threefold and reach $X by 2025.”

II) Position yourself as a consultant, not as a salesperson

Ideally, you’ll want to have your readers nodding along as they scroll through your one-pager. But for that to happen readers need to feel that your content is there to help THEM solve their problems, not help YOU sell your solution. Showing that you understand their pains and struggles, before you ever say the word “solution”, is critical to position your content as credible and valuable , when the time comes to talk about the possible solutions.

5. Solution

Once your readers feel that you understand their struggles, they’ll be more receptive to your consultation when the time comes to offer them a solution to their problem. Notice I said “your consultation” rather than “your solution”. That’s because the right solution may not be your solution. Nobody wants to talk to a salesperson, but everyone needs a consultant when making hard and critical decisions.

Only from this position will you be able to talk about your solution without it feeling to your readers like it’s being forced on them.

If your description of the problem hits the mark, practically and emotionally, and you’ve built a solution tailored to that problem, then your solution should truly be the best fit. But your confidence in your delivery may not be enough to dispel readers’ doubts.

The solution slide is your “money time” and nailing your solution slide requires that you establish 3 things: (1) relevancy (2) empathy and (3) credibility . You showed relevancy and built empathy in the “Problem” section, now it’s time to establish credibility.

Storydoc one-pager solution slide

I) Share data stories from real clients that stood where your readers stand now

Beware making unbacked claims. Claims without real data will shatter people’s trust in your venture. If not at this moment, then further down the funnel.

Back your claims with simple data and anchor it in the context of past success you’ve had with real clients or partners.

II) Talk about outcomes, not about features

It’s easy to inundate readers with too many details and endless lists of features. Avoid detailed product specifications or illegible tables filled with rows upon rows of hard data.

People unfamiliar with your solution won’t bother to make sense of any of it . Instead, your prospects will move on to another solution they can actually understand, leaving the first pillar in shreds too.

Build on the pain points you described in the “problem” slide and talk now about the outcomes you can bring that alleviate those pains. Use data visualization elements to present key outcomes in simple easily digestible numbers.

6. The details

The next section of your one-pager is where you can focus on the main features of your solution.

However, the biggest mistake you can make is to turn it into a listicle and expect people to see the value in it and flock to your solution.

One thing most companies fail to realize is that the biggest competitor is the status quo , where prospective customers learn about the available solutions, yet choose to do nothing at all.

Change takes time and effort. But, most importantly, change is scary (“What if I spend the time, money, and effort, and it all fails to make an impact?”).

Because of the risk involved in change, many people would rather take no action at all , even if the current situation leaves them deeply unsatisfied. This is why sales reps need to act as agents of change .

Storydoc one-pager the details slide

I) Be specific and concrete when describing your benefits

For example, “We offer 24/7 service and maintenance. You can take comfort in knowing that our highly trained and experienced group of experts is always ready to assist you with any technical issues. For the first 3 years, we will cover any cost of repair not caused by misuse of the product.”

II) Make “no change” scarier than change

In order to make the argument for change, your reader must come to the conclusion that NOT making a change presents a greater risk than making it .

In addition to the benefits, give prospects a clear overview of the losses they’re going to incur by not making the switch. Quantify the approximate opportunity cost of taking no action to make them arrive at the conclusion that change is necessary.

You can use the handy “From-To” formula to make easy to grasp change vs no change comparisons.

From-To formula:

This formula makes a statement about the current state and compares it to the promise of a better future state.

Let’s use Storydoc’s own example. We help sales and marketing teams create highly engaging interactive presentations, but we’re not cheap, so the case for change must be made.

So we use the From-To formula as follows:

  • Go from boring static presentations to captivating interactive web-based stories.
  • Transform your sales decks from zero to hero.

You don’t have to commit to using From and To. The same can be done by using words that describe change:

  • Stop suffering from X and start enjoying Y.
  • Replace X frustration with Y delight by doing Z.

7. Next steps

Now that your prospect knows how you can make their life better and why they should switch to your solution, it’s time for you to nudge them down the funnel.

Storydoc one-pager the end slide

I) Don’t conclude, and don’t say “thank you”

If you did your work well, then your one-pager has managed to create motivation for change in your readers. Amazing! That was the hard part. Now your readers are primed to take action , and the only thing that’s missing is a big-ol’ button to nudge them along.

Ending your one-pager or presentation with a “thank you”, or a “conclusion” slide will kill your efforts to maintain a relationship with your reader and prospective client. That’s because they pose a hard stop at the moment when a light nudge down the funnel is badly needed.

If you don’t end your one-pager with a clear and easily accessible call-to-action, all the effort you’ve put in so far will be lost.

You should open up two-way communication between you and your reader by making the next step they should take perfectly clear.

II) Don’t be pushy - nudge lightly

Any next step down the sales funnel, even the smallest one, as long as it’s on your readers’ own terms, is great. This is what Neil Rackham , the author of Spin Selling , calls the advance.

The principle is that as long as you get a commitment from your prospects for further interaction, you’re still in the game, and in a better position to provide them with more value and ultimately make a sale.

Next steps you can use to get prospects to advance:

  • Read a white paper with a deep dive into their problem and your solution
  • Select the best webinar platform and sign up for it
  • Read a case study
  • Read a relevant article on your blog
  • Sign up for an email crash course
  • Sign up for free trial of your product or service
  • Schedule a consultative talk with a professional
  • Schedule a demo with your sales team
  • Attend an event (digital or real world)

III) Leverage technology to make the next step as easy as can be

Every time a potential client closes your presentation, you risk losing their attention, as it can easily get stuck between the hundreds of emails they have to answer each day.

That’s where software integrations come in. With just a few clicks, you can integrate your one-pager with your calendar so prospects can book that coveted next meeting straight from the deck, or include a chatbot.

It’s particularly important on the first touchpoint, as your leads aren’t yet convinced they want to become paying customers of your solution. Meaning, if they don’t know how to book that next meeting, they’ll keep looking for a product that meets their needs better.

There’s science behind it too. Out of all the decks we analyzed, those that included a singular, clear next step had a 27% higher conversion rate!

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Interactive one-pager templates to get you started

If you want to take your one-pagers from dull to captivating, I put together a gallery you can use of our best performing interactive one-pager templates .

Our templates were all designed with one-pager best practices in mind : they’re scroll-based, mobile-friendly, and optimized for deep engagement.

So, no matter whether your reader opens your one-pager on their laptop or on their mobile device in-between meetings, you can rest assured you’re always putting your best foot forward.

The templates are specially designed with data visualization , image and video components that help you narrate your story. They make your one-pager easy to understand and light to follow even for the busiest people.

Create story from scratch

Sales one pager templat

Browse one-pager templates by category

7 one-pager best practices to keep it competitive

Maybe you’re not ready to start creating your one-pager just yet. In case you want to cover all your bases and make sure you're creating your one-pagers based on established best practices , this section is for you. If you go through this section you can rest assured you’ll get nothing wrong.

1. Keep it short and concise

As the name suggests, a one-pager should contain your main value proposition within a single page.

Now, the advantage of scroll-based interactive one-pagers is that you’re not contained by the size of a PDF sheet anymore. But that doesn’t mean that you should try and cram in as much as possible.

While you may think it would work to your advantage to include more information, it can actually have an adverse effect. When someone is unfamiliar with your offering, all they need to know at first is: what can it do for me ? If they can’t find what they’re looking for straight away, they’ll get frustrated and leave.

2. Keep a narrow focus

This next point is particularly important for companies offering a wide spectrum of products or services. It can be tempting to kill two birds with one stone and throw it all in there, but that defeats the very purpose of a one-pager.

Instead, create separate one-pagers for each category of products or services that you offer . This way, you’ll save your readers’ time by only presenting the offer that’s specifically tailored to their needs.

You’ll also avoid confusion and frustration. As many people are casual skimmers , they may struggle to find whatever it is they’re looking for at first glance. This could make them think you didn’t listen to their needs carefully and sent a completely unrelated offer, preventing them from doing business with you in the future.

3. Don’t make it text- or data-heavy

Another surefire way to lose your readers’ attention is by overloading them with walls of text or tables filled with complicated data. It’s not their job to make sense of the information you provided, especially when they have dozens of similar offers to compare.

Including interactive elements in your one-pager makes information more easily digestible, and also boosts engagement.

As we compared decks that users could play around with (for example, including tabs they could click through, live data calculators, or sliders) to text-based ones, we discovered that 41% more people scrolled them all the way down to the bottom and read them 21% longer.

Interactive one-pagers are also the best way to make a lasting first impression. If you received both of these decks, which one would you be more likely to grab your attention?

Static business proposal presentatio


4. Ensure your one-pager is mobile-responsive

The main purpose of creating a one-pager is to save your busy prospects time, so it’s also important to ensure they can view it on the go.

As the world has gone mobile, almost half of all outreach decks are opened on mobile devices . So, by failing to cater to the needs of mobile users, you’re essentially losing every other lead.

Static one-pagers

Most business professionals create their one-pagers in PDF format, which provide an awful user experience for their readers. They’re hardly legible on a laptop, let alone on a mobile device.

Nothing causes people to disengage quite like having to constantly pinch in and out of a document on a small screen to be able to view content. And even if they test their patience and somehow make it all the way through, there’s no way to nudge them to take the next step.

static one pager in PDF format is hard to read

Interactive one-pagers

Interactive one-pagers are highly engaging for users regardless of the digital device they read them on. They help maintain your readers’ attention by swiftly guiding them through a captivating storyline.

All information is laid out in a way that’s easy to follow, so your prospects don’t have to wonder which bits they should be focusing on at any given moment.

Interactive one-pagers with engaging live graphs

5. Use your company’s branding

As your one-pager is the first point of contact with your brand, it’s important to make it memorable for your prospects.

The best way to build brand awareness is by ensuring that all elements of your one-pager are consistent with the guidelines specified in your brandbook.

Storydoc Wizard feature

Next-gen one-pager creators such as Storydoc can take care of this step for you by auto-extracting your brand colors, key visuals, and fonts and automatically applying them to any future template.

This way, you can rest assured you will always be staying 100% on-brand while the editor works on autopilot.

6. Personalize at scale

As your prospects will get swamped with dozens of similar-looking one-pagers, you need a powerful tactic to stand out in a sea of competitors.

Enter: personalization.

People can smell generic messages from a mile away. Think about it this way—how often do you respond to emails that start with a “Dear User”? Good news is you can personalize your email outreach .

By crafting dedicated versions for every customer, they’ll appreciate that you took time out of your busy day to address their needs, even if all you did was fill in a bunch of fields and pressed ‘Send’.

Because that’s literally how easy it is to personalize at scale using interactive one-pager makers like Storydoc.

Personalized one-pager

The tool does all the heavy lifting for you, as it pulls relevant data directly from your CRM and creates personalized versions of your one-pager in seconds.

This simple fix will get 68% more people to read your one-pager and increase the average reading time by 41%. Most importantly, though, it will be shared internally 2.3x more often, which is one of the best measures of how effective your one-pager is!

7. Regularly analyze your performance

Creating your one-pager is not a one-off job. The only way you’ll know whether you made the best possible one-pager that is capturing leads is by constantly evaluating its performance, drawing conclusions, and improving it accordingly.

Storydoc analytics panel

With Storydoc’s extensive analytics panel, you can easily gain deep insights into your sales process:

  • How many people viewed your one-pager,
  • How many times it was shared internally,
  • How much time people spent reading it,
  • Which slides they interacted with the most,
  • Where they stopped reading.

For instance, you can try out different one-liners or layouts and check which ones are resonating with your audience the most.

Then, once you know what’s working and what’s not, you’ll be able to create a high-performing one-pager based on science, not guesswork.

Create a one-pager that sets you apart with a dedicated builder

You can create your next one-pager using the standard website builders or you can improve your results by using a dedicated one-pager builder.

The main difference between the two is that “website builders” have been primarily designed with websites in mind .

They’re not optimized for creating sales and marketing collateral like one-pagers. They will unnecessarily complicate the one-pager creation process by overloading you with features and functions.

A dedicated one-pager builder, on the other hand, won’t complicate things but rather do all the heavy lifting for you. Storydoc is most likely the best one-pager builder in the world.

Storydoc has an intuitive user interface and an extensive slide library for whatever you need. Putting together an attention-grabbing one-pager with our builder will take much less time than you’re used to.

Take Storydoc for a spin for 14 days free trial. Make as many one-pagers as you like. Whatever you make during your trial you get to keep forever.

Hi, I'm Dominika, Content Specialist at Storydoc. As a creative professional with experience in fashion, I'm here to show you how to amplify your brand message through the power of storytelling and eye-catching visuals.

Make your best one-pager to date

Try Storydoc for free for 14 days (keep anything you make for ever!)

Home / Free PowerPoint Presentation Templates for Business And Google Slides / Free Business One Pager PowerPoint Template & Google Slides

Free Business One Pager PowerPoint Template & Google Slides

business one pager document

About the Template

In this competitive world of business, concise communication is often the key to success. Download this Free Business One Pager Template PowerPoint & Google Slides , designed to help you elaborate information about your company, project, or idea in a clear and compelling way.

In this fast-paced world, time management is essential for a business to succeed. However, a Lengthy business document tends to be boring and can deviate the audience’s interest. In such cases, presentations should be created to contribute to time optimization. In such a scenario creating a business, one pager is a perfect solution as it shares crucial business details in a single, short, and concise document.

This professionally designed PowerPoint one pager template offers a streamlined and visually appealing format for your one-page business overview. Whether you’re a young entrepreneur seeking funds, or an entrepreneur aiming to succinctly present your vision, this free one pages template is all you need.

Key Features of this one pager template PowerPoint

  • Simplicity and Clarity: Your business proposal doesn’t need to be decorative. This Google slides one pager template allows you to cut through the noise and focus on the most vital information. Share your mission, products, services, or business concept in a clear and easy-to-digest manner.
  • Eye-catching Design: This one page template comes with simple yet attractive design that enables you create a visually engaging one-pager.
  • Versatile Usage: This free one pager slides is must to have tool for business professionals, it has diverse usage, such as for creating investor pitches, business proposals, project summaries, or product launches. Its flexibility makes it an asset for any industry.
  • Professional Impression: Designed after research this one-pager helps convey professionalism and attention to detail. The template ensures that your information is well-organized and presented in an aesthetically pleasing way.

For more corporate designs, check out our  Free Business Templates  gallery. 

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It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when or randomised words which don’t look even slightly believable

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Blog Human Resources 7 One Pager Examples, Ideas, Templates & How to Create

7 One Pager Examples, Ideas, Templates & How to Create

Written by: Jennifer Gaskin Oct 11, 2023

The humble one pager has a simple name, but in reality, it’s anything but one dimensional.

That’s because teachers, business owners, sales teams and training managers can all make use of this utility player document.

Let’s learn more about one pagers and explore tips for creating your own, whether it’s to sell your company’s services or help reinforce training materials .

Click to jump ahead:

What is a one pager?

7 one pager examples, what should a one pager include, how to write a one pager.

One pager is a single page of content, most often no larger than a letter- or A4-sized sheet of paper. Because they have such broad uses, though, what’s actually in a one pager will depend on your needs and the purpose of the materials.

One pager definition

In a business context, we most often see one pagers used to summarize the services a company offers. They’re also often used to aid in employee training and development . And that brings us to the overlap between training and education, as a teacher might use a one pager as a learning tool for their students.

(Not sure visual training content works? Let us change your mind.)

Now that you’ve gotten an overview of what one pagers are, let’s take a look at some examples — both inside and outside of a corporate context.

Business one pager s

Here are some general business one pager examples:

one pager presentation

This project one pager focuses on a product launch. Note how different departments are color-coded. This allows team members to see what areas they’re responsible for at a glance.

one pager presentation

Use your product flyer, sell sheet or even investor pitch one pager to compare your product or service to a chief competitor with a comparison one pager. Seeing key specs side-by-side can really make your products stand out.

one pager presentation

Showcase the variety of products or service your company offers with this product flyer one pager template. Make sure you have high-quality photos (or use icons and graphics to represent your services).

one pager presentation

Take a page (ahem, one page) from this real estate sales flyer for your next sell sheet. Summarize key points in the bulleted list and highlight the contact information for your sales team.

one pager presentation

Give potential customers a 35,000-foot view of your business by creating a company one pager using a template like this one. Include your logo, hours, contact information, website and address to give the reader all the most important details.

Training and development one pager s

Ensuring team members have the skills they need and follow the right procedures is an ideal use for one pagers in a business of any size. Here are a few examples and templates to get you started:

one pager presentation

While this one pager was designed to keep track of equipment, you could easily modify it to make sure other procedures — particularly ones you’ve recently put in place — are followed. Research has shown that writing things on paper (or a tablet) can improve information retention, so your training and development one pagers should be printer-friendly.

one pager presentation

Create individualized learning and development plans for your employees with this template. Modify it to list things like courses they’ll complete, certifications they can earn or new tasks they want to take on.

one pager presentation

Keep track of training and development schedules with a one pager that lists each person’s sessions and how long they’ll last.

one pager presentation

Learning and development in a professional setting can sometimes feel isolating, particularly if team members are on their own throughout the training process. But by creating a training one pager like this, the whole team can see where their peers stand and provide moral support and motivation.

one pager

Use a flyer design like this to make sure everyone at your company knows that learning and development opportunities are available — whether you offer them in-house or provide outside tools.

Education one pager s

I’m not a teacher, but I know one pagers are also quite popular in education, from elementary school to college. While they’re similar in some ways to those used in business, they typically vary in one big way: students make them, rather than teachers.

An education one pager is a document that a student creates to show what they’ve learned. They can be used in place of tests or quizzes or as a companion to a more traditional written assignment. They often include drawings or other artistic depictions (here are some cool examples of creative one pagers made by students ).

Project one pagers

A project one-pager provides a high-level overview of a specific project and is designed to capture the key details of the project.

Want to make sure everyone’s on the same page for your upcoming project? A project one pager is just what you need. It squeezes all the important bits onto a single page – perfect for those who want to get the gist without getting overwhelmed.

If you’ve got stakeholders in the mix who are a bit crunched for time and not keen on diving into the nitty-gritty project docs, I’ve got your back. Check out this example of a project one-pager to make sure you catch all the important stuff.

one pager presentation

You can also use a project one pager to help divide job scope by clearly outlining responsibilities and tasks for each team member or department. It’s like a simple guide that keeps things organized and everyone in check.

one pager presentation

Company one pagers

A company one-pager is a brief document that gives a snapshot of essential information about your company.

It’s like the quick intro to your business – from what the company does to its mission and a glimpse of its achievements. The one-pager is the go-to cheat sheet for anyone wanting to understand your business in a nutshell.

Consider putting together a company one-pager to share what services you offer. It’s a simple way to highlight what makes your business unique and help clients or partners understand how your services differ from competitors.

one pager presentation

Product one pagers

Ever feel like explaining your product is like untangling a knot of spaghetti? Imagine a concise, one-page document summarizing your product’s magic: what it does, who it helps and why it’s special.

And that, is exactly why you need a product one pager.

Instead of sifting through loads of info, your customers get a quick overview of what the product is and why they might be interested – all neatly packaged in one page. It’s like the go-to guide for products, keeping things straightforward and easy to grasp.

You’re not just limited to selling stuff—it could be a service or, in this case, even a cool business startup course!

one pager presentation

Alternatively, you can craft a product launch one-pager to outline your marketing strategy and organize the launch of your new product.

one pager presentation

Personal one pagers

Personal one-pagers are documents that provide a snapshot of an individual’s key details, achievements, and skills.

They are similar to resumes but are typically more visually appealing and designed to give a quick overview of a person’s professional background, expertise and personal brand. Personal one-pagers can be used in job applications, networking events or as part of a personal branding strategy .

Imagine it as a sort of personalized business card, but way more fun. It’s your chance to move beyond the usual “hi, I do X” and highlight what makes you, well, you.

If you’re a freelancer or contractor, think of personal one-pagers as a handy way to share what you’re good at, highlight past projects, and let them know about the services you offer. Just like this example here:

one pager presentation

The exact content of a one pager will depend on why it’s needed and who’s creating it. I assume you’ve landed here because you’re looking for one pagers related to some aspect of business.

So for now, I’m going to focus on how businesses tend to use one pagers. (I’ll talk more about educational one pagers later). For a business, a one pager can have pretty much limitless applications. But here are the most successful uses I’ve seen and the types of information you should include in each:

A company one pager is meant to describe what your business does, whether that’s selling goods or providing a service.

For a successful company one pager, all companies should include a few things:

  • Mission/values statement
  • Services offered
  • Value proposition
  • Contact information

Many companies use their basic one pager as a sell sheet, particularly if they are known for making one or two main products.

But a sell sheet should include things like:

  • Your pricing model
  • Project timelines (if applicable)
  • Product or service specifications
  • Ordering information

Product flyer

A close cousin to a sell sheet, a product flyer is essentially a sell sheet for a particular good or service that you create or sell. What distinguishes them from sell sheets is they focus on a singular good or service rather than all the goods or services your company sells.

Product flyers should have:

  • Logo (company and/or product logo, if applicable)
  • Photos of your product (or images that represent your services)
  • Product specs
  • Sale information (if applicable)
  • Purchasing information
  • Contact information/social media

Investor pitch

If you’re looking for financial backing for your company, you’re probably going to create a pitch deck . But if you distill that information into a single page too, it can help set you apart from other potential investments — it shows you have a firm grasp on your unique value proposition and business plan and you respect the time of those you’re pitching.

Consider including the following in your investor pitch one pager:

  • Logo (or the name of your business if you don’t have a logo yet)
  • Unique value proposition
  • Market analysis and revenue projections
  • List of officers and key team members
  • Launch timeline
  • Fundraising goal

Standard operating procedure

One pagers are incredibly useful when learning how to do something new, whether you’re just starting a job or you’re taking on new responsibilities. Give your employees a leg up by creating standard operating procedure one pagers written tutorials they can refer back to. These types of one pagers can help them commit tasks to memory so they become second-nature.

An SOP one pager should have:

  • Description of document’s purpose
  • Summary of procedures or specific task
  • Policies and procedures necessary to understand task

A training one pager may be quite similar to a standard operating procedure one pager. But it has the specific purpose of ensuring team members know how to tackle a new task, technology or process. Also called job aids , these types of one pagers are closest in purpose to those used for education: their goal is getting information to stick.

The specific content will vary, but generally training one pagers should include:

  • Name of task
  • List of steps to complete task
  • FAQ about task
  • Contact information if help is needed

Sales report

One pagers are perfect for summarizing lengthy material. This is why they’re so useful in training materials , which we just explored. But they can also be used to highlight important aspects of broader information or data, such as sales data. Your company may have a seemingly endless number of sales- and revenue-related data points… summarizing it all in a one pager can make the material easier to digest.

Here’s what a sales one pager could include:

  • Quarter/annual/fiscal year
  • Income and expenses
  • Year-over-year change (or month-over-month/quarter-over-quarter)
  • Projections
  • Return on investment
  • Important milestones/events

Project report

What is a one pager for a project? Similar to a sell sheet or product flyer, a project report one pager summarizes key information about an ongoing (or upcoming) project. One pagers are excellent tools for keeping your team on track during any project.

Include things like:

  • Images of project (if applicable)
  • Timeline, including noting if team is falling behind
  • Projected new timeline (if applicable)
  • Key team members

The goal of a one-pager is to quickly and effectively communicate your message, so brevity and clarity are essential. You want the reader to grasp the key points in a matter of seconds.

Here’s a general outline for creating a one-pager:

  • Header: Start with a clear and eye-catching title at the top of the page and include your name or the name of your organization.
  • Introduction: Provide a brief introductory paragraph or a few sentences that explain the purpose and context of the one-pager.
  • Problem statement or opportunity: Clearly state the problem you’re addressing or the opportunity you’re seizing. This is the “why” of your project.
  • Solution or idea: Present your solution, idea or project in a concise manner. Explain how it addresses the problem or leverages the opportunity.
  • Key benefits: Highlight the key benefits or advantages of your solution. This can include things like cost savings, increased efficiency or market advantages.
  • Key features or components: List the most important features, components or elements of your project or product. Bullet points work well for this section.
  • Target audience: Describe the target audience or customers for your project. Who will benefit from it, and who is it designed for?
  • Market opportunity (if applicable): If your one-pager is for a business idea or startup, provide some information about the market opportunity, such as size, growth,and trends.
  • Implementation plan or timeline: If relevant, outline the steps or timeline for implementing your project. This can include key milestones or phases.
  • Call to action: Conclude with a clear call to action. What do you want the reader to do next? Contact you, invest, or take some other specific action?
  • Contact information: Provide your contact information, including email, phone number and any relevant social media or website links.
  • Visual elements (optional): Consider including visuals such as charts, graphs, images or infographics to make your one-pager more engaging and informative.
  • Formatting and design: Keep the layout clean and easy to read. Use a legible font, appropriate font size and simple colors. Ensure that the document is well-organized.
  • Proofread and edit: Carefully proofread your one-pager for spelling and grammar errors. Ensure that it conveys your message clearly and concisely.
  • Review and feedback: Before finalizing your one-pager, have someone else review it to get feedback and make improvements.

One-pagers excel in business communication with their compact size and versatility

As we’ve explored, you can create a one pager for your business that highlights your services, convinces an investor to give you money or helps keep your team’s skills sharp.

Whether you’re an executive or a learning and development professional, you can create all of these one pagers and more with Venngage for Business.

Simply sign up for a free account , choose a template from our library of professionally designed options and create your own in just a few clicks!

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one pager presentation

Infographic maker

one pager presentation

Brochure maker

one pager presentation

White paper online

one pager presentation

Newsletter creator

one pager presentation

Flyer maker

one pager presentation

Timeline maker

one pager presentation

Letterhead maker

one pager presentation

Mind map maker

one pager presentation

Ebook maker

Create powerful business content together.

How to Create a One-Pager: A Step-by-Step Guide with Free Templates and Examples

Updated July 5, 2024 by Xtensio

Turning your big ideas into a single webpage is tough. This page needs to catch the eye of potential investors and team members… it needs to shine. That’s where we come in – we’re here to help you create a fantastic one-pager for your business.. Follow along with the free template .

Listen to this article:

Xtensio is your team space for beautiful living documents . Create , manage and share business collateral, easily.

Startup One Pager Thumbnail With Desktop And Mobile View

Table of Contents

What is a one pager.

A One Pager is a concise, compelling pitch of your company. It details the core of your business—what you’re offering, how you’re delivering it, and why you stand out from the competition. This summary is expertly crafted to fit on a single, sleek webpage.

Why do I need it?

  • Capture Interest: Investors see hundreds of pitches every day. They might remember the gist of a presentation, but often they don’t. A one-pager is designed to entice, inform, and resonate. It starts with a captivating cover image, a bold company name, and a gripping tagline, then moves into the essentials—positioning, fundraising plans, and intended users.
  • Identify Potholes: If you find a section of the template tricky or it stirs up debate among your team, this is the perfect place to begin. Working on the one-pager will help you identify gaps in your business plan and areas that need more attention or tweaks. Along with various one-pager examples, we also recommend checking out our Business Model Canvas . It’s a great tool to capture your business plan in a clear, one-page diagram.
  • Focus Decision-Making: Sales and marketing teams, as well as designers, can use the one-pager to make sure their work aligns with the company’s core values and goals. For extra inspiration, take a look at our marketing examples below.

Overview: Header

How To Make A One Pager (With Template And Examples) | Xtensio | 2024

Company Name

What’s in a name? For a young company, your name is often the first impression you make on a potential consumer or investor. Make sure your name is well thought out and truly reflects your product, service, or philosophy. Here are some tips to help you create a strong company name for your one-pager:

  • Consider the 5-10 Rule: “Great companies throughout history had 5 to 10 letters in their name, at least one hard consonant, and many had a repeating letter,” notes entrepreneur and startup consultant Peter Gasca.
  • Say It Out Loud: There’s a running joke on the TV sitcom 30 Rock where Jenna stars in a film called “The Rural Juror.” On paper, the name is clear, but when spoken aloud, it’s incomprehensible. Make sure your name works both on paper and when spoken.
  • Prepare for social media restrictions. Your company name will be shared in email subject lines and social posts. Short, simple, and unique titles stand out on social media platforms. Ensure your name is easily shareable and performs well across different digital formats.
  • Secure your name and vanity addresses.  Ensure that your name isn’t already trademarked and check its availability on common social media channels. If your name is available, secure it immediately! Even if you’re not active on the account, owning the account name prevents others from taking it and potentially confusing consumers when they search for your company.

Fast Hack:   Ask for impressions! Bounce names off family, friends, baristas at the cafe downstairs—anyone with a fresh set of ears.

“A company’s logo is its shorthand, a visual cue that tells a story of the brand’s culture, behavior, and values.” – Su Mathews Hale, senior partner at the New York brand-strategy and design firm Lippincott.

Mathews Hale emphasizes the importance of a logo being recognizable and impactful, even when reduced to the necessary dimensions for mobile devices and small screens. Check out this article on Best Global Rebrands and Logo Redesigns of Major Brands . It shows the companies’ former logos side-by-side with their updated versions. The overall trend shows logos becoming simplified and flattened. This trend can be attributed to the need for logos to be visible, recognizable, and clean on mobile devices and small screens.

Your tagline should engage people while describing the core value of your product or service. A few tips about writing taglines:

  • Keep it short.  You’ll have room in other sections to go into detail about the inner workings and background of your product. Keep your tagline brief and direct. YouTube needed just two words — “Broadcast yourself.”
  • Communicate with clarity. Business jargon, complicated phrasing and obscure words deter readers. Your tagline should simply convey the benefit of your company, product, or service.
  • Narrow the focus. The broader your tagline is, the more people will forget about your product. The more focused it is, the more people will think about your product when a specific, real-world scenario occurs. That’s when the tagline is triggered in their minds, and they think about your product. You have to be specific and scenario-driven.
  • Make them do a double take. Choose wording that captures readers’ attention and piques their curiosity to learn more about who you are.
  • Update your tagline as your company evolves.  Whether your business shifts to cater to a certain audience, scraps features to focus on others or switches in-person to on-line sales models, your tagline should reflect these developments.

Social Media

What’s the best way for outside investors and consumers to connect with your company? Maintaining multiple social media accounts takes time and thought. Ensure you’re on the sites that will get you the most traction, then focus your energy on building a following and maintaining it.

Don’t forget!   Set custom URLs for your company. Even if it’s just a social media platform, people should have a way of easily locating your company on every platform.


How To Make A One Pager | Positioning

Positioning Statement

A positioning statement is a one or two-sentence declaration that communicates your brand’s unique value to your customers in relation to your main competitors. The goal is to create a unique impression in the customer’s mind so that he or she associates something specific and desirable with your brand that is distinct from rest of the marketplace. Positioning statements are useful for internal decision-making, as they guide and unite the marketing, sales and development teams’ choices. A positioning statement helps you make key decisions that affect your customers’ perception of your brand.

Careful !   Your tagline is not your positioning statement. A tagline is an external statement used in your marketing efforts. Insights from your positioning statement can be turned into a tagline, but it is important to distinguish between the two.

Highlight your company’s unique value by using this positioning exercise:

For (your target customer) who (has a specific need or opportunity), (your product or service) is a (type of product category) that (supplies this benefit). Unlike (competitors), (your product) (has this unique advantage).

If you’re having trouble forming your positioning statement, you may need some help to determine how to position yourself in the market, and in the minds of your consumers. Try Xtensio’s Brand Positioning Canvas and check out this helpful article on how to nail your positioning . You can also explore the user persona template and other strategy exercises to help find your market fit. 

Here are some questions to ask to determine if your positioning statement is working.

Does your positioning statement:

  • Differentiate your brand from your competitors?
  • Match customer perceptions of your brand?
  • Enable growth?
  • Identify your brand’s unique value to your customers?
  • Express your brand promise as believable and deliverable?

Is your positioning statement:

  • Focused on your core customers?
  • Memorable and motivating?
  • Easy to understand?
  • Difficult to copy?

Will your positioning statement:

  • Withstand counterattacks from your competitors?
  • Help you make more effective marketing and branding decisions?

Product/Service Summary

Product/Service Summary

Core Offering

Introduce your product or service with a description of your core offering. Elaborate on your positioning statement. Include a description of what it is, who it’s for, why it’s needed, and why it’s better than other products or services. The summary sections help you elaborate on the problem faced by your consumers and how your product provides a solution.

Milestones and Funding Goals

How To Make A One Pager | Milestones

A Brief Timeline

Highlight your company’s major accomplishments. This section offers readers a quick understanding of your business’s timeline, where and when you started, the path you’ve taken and where you currently stand in terms of users, features, funding, employees, community recognition etc. Increased number of users, increased revenue and additional services prove that:

  • You can sell
  • You can scale
  • You can iterate and develop
  • You’re in the right market
  • You can attract talent

How Much Money Do You Plan To Raise?

How To Make A One Pager | Funding Goals

Why do you need a certain amount of funding? How long do you expect your funding to last? Adjust the graph’s legend to illustrate your budget allocations. No matter the stage of your business, if you’re just starting out or thriving in the marketplace investors are going to want to know exactly why and how you’re using their money.

Consider these tips when defining the funding you need:

  • Focus on the specific. What are you currently looking to achieve: product development, product/market fit, sales expansion? Know precisely how funds will be applied to get to the next step.
  • Run lean. More money is not always better. Especially if you’re just starting out, working with a strict budget can be useful. It ensures every decision is made with care and all choices are precise, well-researched, and efficient. Also, you’ll learn to problem-solve, work within parameters, think outside the box and leverage free resources . 
  • Factor in unexpected fees. Because you never know what issues and opportunities are waiting down the road.

Problems and Solutions

How To Make A One Pager | Problems And Solutions

The Problems

What crucial problems do your consumers face today.

Quick Tip

Quick tip!    Avoid writing down high-level problems. These tend to be obvious, too large in scope, and difficult to achieve. Yes, people in real estate want to sell real estate. Get more specific.

If your consumers have no problems, no frustrations, no desires—this is a problem. It means you have nothing to offer them and, therefore, you don’t have a business. Problems lead to working business models.

Careful!    Identifying the wrong problem is a problem. If your Problems section is skewed, everything else on the document will be too—your positioning, solutions, fundraising goals, etc. 

The Solutions

What makes your company best suited for providing solutions.

Present the features and capabilities that define your service and make it the top tool for addressing consumers’ needs. Your solutions should specifically address the problems you listed on the one-pager, and should clearly explain how they help your consumers overcome them.

How To Make A One Pager (With Template And Examples) | Xtensio | 2024

Frequently Asked Questions

What elements of your business do you anticipate raising the most concern? Consider these from an outsider’s perspective, identifying potential points of confusion and red flags. Reflect on aspects of your business that you haven’t covered elsewhere on the one-pager.

How To Make A One Pager (With Template And Examples) | Xtensio | 2024

The Face Of Your Business

Investors aren’t just signing on to work with a company, they’re signing on to work with people. In this section, humanize your company by providing relevant information about yourself and your teammates.

This section is also useful when onboarding employees. It will give them a quick and clear impression of the people at the core of the business—individuals they’ll be supporting and helping steer the company.

Bonus Resource! Check out this list of  8 types of photos you should never use  as professional profile pictures . Just as you should avoid certain images when deciding on a LinkedIn photo, you should follow the same guidelines when selecting images for one-pagers, websites, and other work-related platforms.

Email Collection

How To Make A One Pager (With Template And Examples) | Xtensio | 2024

Building An Email Base

You’ll want to keep track of everyone who expresses interest in your business. Attracting potential investors, users, employees, and journalists requires communication. By collecting email addresses, you can reach out with updates, invitations, and product launches. As you’re growing and refining certain areas of your business, send out questionnaires, surveys, and personal inquiries to better understand the people who are interested in your company. Particularly after  pitching to investors , you’ll want to follow up to thank them for considering your business and to gauge their interest. If you don’t send an email to touch base—you’ve missed an opportunity.

Pro tip : You can also use the landing page template to test a specific idea or measure interest and collect email addresses. And if you’re looking for a print-friendly version of the one-pager, check out the fact sheet template , which is a more condensed version and is created to fit on a single printed page.

Final Thoughts

Bringing it all together.

Your One Pager is not set in stone. Like other Xtensio templates, it should be repurposed, revisited, and revised. Startups frequently use one-pagers to make sure their efforts are aligned with their vision. But the template can also work well for established companies, small businesses, and others. Ultimately, the goal of the one page summary is to succinctly convey your message to your target audience: be it potential investors, users or employees.

BONUS : To make a winning case for potential customers create a digital brochure .

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Other One-Pager Examples (that you can copy and edit)

Food Services One Pager Template

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What is a one-pager? Examples, rules, template

one pager presentation

Communication is key to being a great product manager, and one of the most common questions we get is, “What are you working on next?”

What Is A One-Pager? Examples, Rules, Template

A one-pager is a great way to align the various departments in your business and ensure that your products have the support they need to be successful.

What is a one-pager?

A one-pager is a succinct and strategic document, typically restricted to a single page, designed to provide a comprehensive overview of a product, project, or idea to foster alignment and clarity among stakeholders.

Unlike lengthy traditional business documents, a one-pager distills the essence of the matter in a clear, concise manner, making it an essential tool for efficient communication and decision-making in fast-paced business environments.

Presenting key details, objectives, and the value proposition in a condensed format enables stakeholders from various departments to swiftly grasp the essence of the initiative and rally behind it.

How are one-pagers used in product management?

Put yourself in the shoes of a head of sales: a product manager comes up to you and says, “Oh, by the way, we’re launching this big new feature tomorrow. Just thought I’d let you know.”

Your first reaction would probably be to express frustration; only finding out about a new feature the day before release means that you’re now pressured to come up with all of the documentation and training for the team to support this new feature in one day. Have we got the right marketing materials? How do we sell this thing? What does it even do?

There are still so many unanswered questions that it’s unlikely this feature will get the support it needs to succeed. This is a surefire way to frustrate everyone involved in building your product.

As a product manager, there are many different departments that you have to interact with — engineering, sales, customer support, implementation, marketing, etc. — and you need a way to quickly get all of these disparate departments aligned on what you’re doing so they can support the product development process effectively.

A one-pager enables you to distribute a single, concise document that everyone can read and understand to know what’s being worked on. If anyone has a question about the new feature, they can just quickly and easily refer to this document to understand exactly what you’re delivering and why.

What a one-pager isn’t

To better understand what a one-pager is, it’s good to review what it isn’t.

one pager presentation

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one pager presentation

A one-pager is not a:

Project plan

Product requirements document (prd), business case.

Project plans are a relic of the old waterfall way of working — that is, having a specific project plan created by a project manager, with timelines and Gantt charts to show what specific deliverables will be completed and when. These tend to be very static documents and don’t mesh well with the modern way of product development.

Product requirements documents (PRDs) tend to follow a priority system, such as MoSCoW, detailing the specifics of both the feature and functionality. These can be many pages long and are generally used word-for-word as a guide for the engineering team to deliver a new solution.

PRDs are often fairly immutable. They are written upfront and then pushed into the delivery cycle. This is essentially a rebranded version of a project plan.

A business case generally is a larger, more formal document that outlines financial investment and returns for a product as well as target markets, competition, financial projections, and marketing strategies for a feature. Generally, this type of document is used to get buy-in from an executive team for a long-term project that’s delivered using waterfall.

All of these forms of documentation are outdated and don’t work well in conjunction with modern software development practices. They’re all too slow and cumbersome to be useful, and they tend to be extremely prescriptive with their descriptions. That’s where the idea of the one-pager comes in.

Popular one-pager models

There are a few different ways you can frame a one-pager. One traditional way is to create a succinct PRD, but as we discussed earlier, this type of documentation is outmoded. Even the mere mention of the word “requirements” can be enough to set a poor precedent for the business (think “customer requirements” for a contract deal).

So what are some alternative, more modern models we can turn to?

The Amazon press release

The shape up pitch document, the lean canvas.

According to Ian McAllister , a Director at Amazon , they use the idea of ‘working backwards’ and start with an internal press release announcing the product. This document gives a high-level view of what the new product will do and how it’s better than previous or alternative solutions. He also mentions that there should be no technical speak or specifications as this is a document that should be targeted at the customers who will use the product, and not just to engineers who might be building it.

Some of the benefits of the press release are that it’s easy to manipulate, understandable by a wide range of audiences, and forces the Product Manager to articulate the benefits and customer problems in a very narrow scope. The fact that this is designed to be a short document also means that it’s easily editable before any technical work gets completed, to make sure that the end result will actually deliver the right level of value to customers that the PM expects.

As with anything, there are also downsides to this approach, one of which is that the press release might corner the engineering team into trying to solve a problem that is technically extremely complex, I’ve seen this happen when someone comes up with a fantastic idea and everyone agrees that it would be a game-changer only to get to the engineering team and find out that you’d have to invent completely new technology to enable it – this could be either complex or even impossible depending on the situation.

The Shape Up methodology calls for using a pitch document  to present at the betting table for assessment. They describe the pitch as follows:

The purpose of the pitch is to present a good potential bet. It’s basically a presentation. The ingredients are all the things that we need to both capture the work done so far and present it in a form that will enable the people who schedule projects to make an informed bet.

Here is an example of what a pitch document looks like:

Basecamp Pitch Document Example

The key elements inside the pitch document are:

  • Problem — The raw idea, a use case, or something we’ve seen that motivates us to work on this
  • Appetite — How much time we want to spend and how that constrains the solution
  • Solution — The core elements we came up with, presented in a form that’s easy for people to immediately understand
  • Rabbit holes — Details about the solution worth calling out to avoid problems
  • No-go — Anything specifically excluded from the concept: functionality or use cases we intentionally aren’t covering to fit the appetite or make the problem tractable

Again, there are positives and negatives to this type of one-pager. It is a clear and succinct document that can be shared among the team to gain alignment quickly. It also helps you consider the potential pitfalls of the project and set limits on what you’re going to work on (using the “no-go” section).

The negatives are that this type of document might not have enough of the business side of the proposition to convince other departments of the relevance of the problem to the overall business objectives.

A Lean Canvas is a single, visual document that outlines all the critical aspects you need to consider when moving from a potential idea to a mature business:

Lean Canvas

The Lean Canvas has become quite synonymous with one-pagers. It sounds great on paper (pun intended), but it’s showing its age a bit when compared to the slightly more modern alternatives listed above.

There is also the obvious fact that a lean canvas tends to be landscape on an A3 page, which is stretching the whole concept of a one-pager in general.

There are also some superfluous sections in the Lean Canvas that can be removed to make it more streamlined, specifically the “unfair advantage,” “early adopters,” “cost structure,” and “revenue streams” information. Those are more business-specific and don’t need to be part of a product development one-pager.

4 rules for creating one-pagers

From the examples above, there are many different ways to approach the one-pager, but it’s important to follow a few key rules:

  • Keep it to one page! If you find yourself spilling onto page two, then you need to spend more time understanding the problem so you can articulate it more concisely
  • What is the customer’s problem?
  • How is this problem related to our business objectives?
  • What are our solution options?
  • How will we measure success?
  • The one-pager is a living document. Always be looking to make it more effective.
  • Share this document early and often within your business to make sure all departments get a chance to add their input, as well as to maintain strong alignment between all your teams

How to create a one-pager (3 steps)

So the question you’re probably asking is: ‘What’s the best one-pager for me?’

As with everything, it depends. Whichever model you decide to use as a template, it’s important to follow some simple rules when creating a one-pager for your business. It’s likely that the one-pager you developed for a business that you worked at previously can’t be used exactly the same way at the next business, which is where the idea of a living document comes into play.

Being able to use some core ideas and guiding principles means you can create a new one-pager that fits in wherever you end up working, no matter the structure. The steps below serve as a good starting point and template when creating your own one-pagers:

  • Answer key questions
  • Share early and often
  • Create a living document

1. Answer key questions

  • What is the customer problem we’re trying to solve?
  • What’s the current solution (if any)?
  • How does this relate to our business objectives (for the quarter/OKRs)?
  • What are our solution ideas? (do we need links to tech docs)?
  • How do we market this?

2. Share early and often

There’s no point in developing a streamlined one-pager that is still only siloed within the product management team. It’s important that as soon as there’s enough content in the document, it gets shared amongst all the different departments so that they can comment and add their feedback and knowledge before it gets to any prioritization meetings.

3. Create a living document

There’s nothing worse than putting something into practice with the idea that this is the final answer and never evolving it. This is the pitfall that companies have fallen into over the last 30 years with software development, so it’s important to not let that type of thinking seep into other areas of the business, such as when we document problems to be solved by our business.

One-pager template

Use the following template should help you get started building a one-pager:

  • Write a concise description of the problem that the customer is facing here.
  • Are customers using a workaround? Can you manually do this in the background for them? Are there any third party apps that they are using to get around this right now?
  • Why is solving this problem right now important for our business? What objective are we looking to hit by solving this problem?
  • Describe a basic solution idea, maybe a wireframe or fat marker sketch. If you need more detail you can link out to a technical document done by an engineer.
  • What marketing materials will we need to launch this? E.g. FAQ, how-to, pricing, marketing site updates, updated sales decks, etc.
  • What metrics will we use to measure whether or not we’ve successfully solved this problem for our customers?

You can access this one-pager template as a Google Doc here (to use the template, first select File > Make a copy from the main menu).

One-pager example

The following is an example of what a one-pager might look like for a new product feature:

  • Many users struggle with organizing their saved content, leading to inefficiency and frustration.
  • Users currently use third-party bookmarking tools or manual folder systems, which do not integrate well with our platform.
  • By addressing this problem, we aim to increase user engagement on our platform by 20 percent and reduce the churn rate by 5 percent within the next quarter.
  • Introduce a “Smart Organizer” feature that automatically categorizes saved content based on keywords, source, and user preferences. [Link to wireframe]
  • Launch a teaser campaign on social media highlighting the benefits of “Smart Organizer”
  • Host webinars to demonstrate the feature and gather initial feedback
  • Update our FAQ section, create how-to guides, and integrate the feature’s details into our marketing materials and sales decks
  • 25 percent increase in saved content within the first month
  • 15 percent reduction in third-party bookmarking tool mentions in our feedback system
  • 10 percent increase in user satisfaction regarding content organization

Key takeaways

For product managers, a one-pager is one of the most effective ways to achieve alignment between different areas of your business and rally teams around a singular customer problem that the business wants to solve. It is a modern form of internal communication that is much more concise and effective than old methods such as PRDs and project plans.

When coming up with your one-pager template, there are quite a few examples out there with different structures, from Amazon’s “press release” approach to the Shape Up “pitch document” method. But what’s more important than using a template is that the content works for your specific business situation.

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One Pager Startup PowerPoint Template

The One Pager Startup PowerPoint Template is a three-part template for a quick introduction to business. A brief overview of the business and its strategy in the executive summary outlines key elements of a business. These include the purpose, solutions, target market, and financial aspects of the business. A one-Page executive summary at the start of the presentation enables audiences to grasp basic knowledge about the company. By summarizing the key aspects of business in one pager template , you can encourage executives to further explore the business plan.

The PowerPoint template for an executive summary is the best startup one pager presentation. It helps users to conclude the proposal, background information, and concise analysis. It incorporates the items or services offered according to the customer’s need. The executive summary on one slide not only saves time but also focuses on delivering relevant information only.

One Pager Startup executive summary template is a combination of text layouts, pictures, icons, and a data table. The blue and yellow theme of this template provides a professional look to the overall presentation. Users can also customize color theme of this template to match their business proposals and sales pitch presentations. A startup one-pager template is a short version of the business plan that summarizes key points of the report.

This executive summary template in PowerPoint includes text sections for business description, purpose, and achievements of the company. These are segments in the startup report template present quick facts about the company such as industry, employees, service, and expertise. Startup one pager slide includes a table for financial figures. You can introduce the executive team of business in the 3rd part of startup company template slide along with contact information.

PPT Executive Summary One Page Slide

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one pager presentation

One-pager: how-to, types and examples

Sep 10th, 2021

one pager presentation

What is a one-pager?

One-pager format, one-pager examples, how to write a one-pager.

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One-pager is a powerful marketing asset and a brilliant way to describe the benefits of your business in a clear and concise form. It is an excellent opportunity to deliver an outstanding first impression, educate your customers, and increase brand recognition. Moreover, creating one-pager challenges you to analyze your company and estimate the overall business concept, the current state of affairs, goals, and financial requirements.

With an impressive one-pager, you will arouse interest and get people to notice your business and understand the key ideas. It will provide a simple way to communicate your concept to potential investors, convince them your venture is worthwhile and encourage them to ask for more information.

One-pager is a document that presents an in-depth description of the product, service, or company within a single page. The overview summarizes the principal points about your business — brief description, offering, mission, vision, value proposition, strategic goals, and key initiatives. One-pager has several purposes, including promoting a business to other companies, investors, or potential customers, providing information about your company to the media, or obtaining support for a specific cause. 

The main objective of a one-pager is to advertise your business or pitch your product to the reader. The document intends to draw the customers’ or investors’ attention to your brand and convey value. Some of the advantages of writing the one-pager are as follows:

Cohesive messaging. One-pager allows for ensuring that the company’s message is consistent both internally and externally. The outline helps you focus on the most crucial points by presenting the comprehensive business proposal on a single page. Thus, it increases your understanding of the business and enables you to identify what is missing from the strategy and needs improvement.

Conciseness and clarity. You can use a one-pager to communicate your offering in correspondence due to its small format. The outline saves time and describes the core of your business.

Convenience. It is easier to edit one-pager than to update the overall business plan. You can publish the one-pager on your company’s website and keep the information up to date with minimal effort.

The fundamental elements of every compelling one-pager are content and design. It is essential to find the balance between text and images. Besides the main components, such as brand, logo, and positioning statement , you can include pictures, short customer testimonials, relevant metrics, and a call-to-action. Let us review the most critical elements of the one-pager in detail.

Brand identity

Company name, logo, and tagline are the crucial components. They are usually located at the top of the page. These elements should be listed first to make a reader remember the basic information about your brand. You can also add the social media account name to provide the opportunity for investors and clients to connect with your company.

Positioning statement

The next section of the one-pager is often dedicated to the positioning statement . This is a sentence that describes your brand’s unique value in comparison to the primary competitors in the market. The positioning statement should focus on your core customers, express your realistic brand promise and help you make more effective advertising and marketing decisions. 

Suppose you are writing an investor one-pager or product one-pager. In that case, you can replace this section with a goal, the primary value your product delivers, or the potential the investment can achieve in the future.

Product overview

Make a short description of your product or service. Highlight the core features and the advantages of each characteristic. In this subsection of the one-pager, you need to explain why your product is worth investing in and how it would improve the customers’ lives. Present the benefits in a convenient form, such as illustrations, diagrams, and bulleted lists to keep the audience engaged. Provide a call-to-action to encourage the readers to move to the following stage of the buyer’s journey .

Executive summary

The executive summary includes a comprehensive overview of your company and its main activities, goals, differentiation strategy , and what you are offering to the investors. You can also provide information about the solutions you have developed, your major accomplishments, and list the main points of your business timeline. In addition, the section with the executive summary may contain the market research and metrics that demonstrate the product’s effectiveness in the future. 

Funding goals

If you are creating an investor one-pager, Indicate the approximate amount of money you intend to raise and how you are going to use the funding. You need to put forward the arguments why you need a particular amount of resources. Pay attention to the objectives you want to achieve, such as sales growth, product development, or product/market fit . Include in your budget the additional costs for unexpected situations.

Problems and solutions

Prepare a list of the challenges and issues that your service will address and describe the consumers’ concerns. Consider how your product can make the customers’ lives easier. Discuss how your product or service would solve the problems and why your business will be the best choice for this purpose. Your problems and solutions should be specific, clear, and relevant to the customers’ needs. Illustrate the primary advantages of your product or service and focus on the most crucial aspects instead of using long descriptions. 

Team and contact information

Add the contact details with a physical address, email, phone number, and social media channels. Provide information about your team members and their role in your business. If you are creating a one-pager for a startup, pay special attention to this part. Investment decisions are frequently made taking into account the team rather than value proposition , offering, or brand. A strong team can address any issue, while a poor team can ruin even a successful company. 

Let us consider the specific examples of one-pagers for different purposes. There is no standard layout or template. You can vary the content and sections according to your requirements. 

Company/business one-pager

Company one-pager is a document that allows for communicating the core ideas about the product or service on a single page. When a business grows and expands the target audience, a one-pager is the necessary tool in helping explain your offering in a short time. The primary objective of a business one-pager is to capture the attention of potential customers and encourage them to learn more about your company. 

A business one-pager is also a powerful way to present your company if you seek to attract investment. Instead of preparing a large presentation, you can provide a one-pager with a brief overview of your business. This would be enough for investors to understand whether they are interested in your services or products. 

The main elements of the company or business one-pager include name and logo, pain points, solutions, product characteristics, call-to-action , contact information, and customer reviews or testimonials. You can add the blocks with an analysis of the company’s financial progress, achievements, strategic priorities for the future, and performance review. The one-pager should reflect your business personality, so the design and color scheme should match the visual part of your brand . 


This example illustrates a template of a human resource company’s one-pager. The main goal of creating the document is to generate leads and to achieve brand recognition. The target audience of this one-pager is investors, employees, and other interested parties. The document includes information about the company, mission and values, global presence, financial progress, performance, achievements, client testimonials, and plans for the future. Clear and simple design does not distract attention from the content. Small illustrations and diagrams help emphasize the main points of the presentation.

Marketing one-pager

Marketing one-pager is a powerful tool to sell the product or service to the reader and increase sales. The main difference of the marketing one-pager is the focus on the value for potential buyers and clients. You can share the marketing one-pager via different channels, including email and social media, print it out and distribute it at trade shows or sales meetings or publish the document on your website. 

The target audience of the marketing one-pager might include customers, investors, and potential business partners. The document usually contains the following elements: company name and logo, product description, pain points, solutions, features and benefits, call-to-action, customer reviews, and contact information.


This layout by Mercedes-Benz is a perfect example of a marketing one-pager. It does not provide much detail, but it illustrates only the benefits of the product without the pain points and features. The primary advantage of the design is minimalism, visualization and the emphasis on the emotions evoked by the solution. The Mercedes-Benz team has developed this one-pager specifically for the company’s website. The text occupies only one page, so it takes a little time to read it, but the interested person can always follow the link and get more information.

Startup one-pager

The main goal of preparing this type of one-pager is to convince the potential investors of the startup viability and the product’s usefulness during the fundraising stage. The startup one-pager allows for clarifying the unique value proposition and the product’s position in the market. The central requirement of the startup one-pager is concise, reasonable, and persuasive writing. 

Before creating the startup one-pager, it is important to determine the purpose. The startup one-pagers have different target audiences and objectives. The target audience of the startup one-pagers usually includes angel investors and venture capitalists. The startup one-pager often contains various sections, such as company name and logo, team, single-line pitch , problems and solutions, target market, financial details, sales strategy, major competitors, milestones, and customer reviews. 


This example of the startup one-pager includes a detailed analysis of the company — description, industry, number of employees, financing, mission, products and services, team, future projections, and contacts. The primary advantage of the template is the design that divides the page into two parts and bulleted lists, which makes it easy for perception. Despite a massive amount of information for one-pager, it is presented in a clear and understandable way and divided into logical content blocks.

Product one-pager

Product one-pager is a marketing document used as sales enablement content in the customer’s journey. The main aim of the product one-pager is to provide a brief description of your product or service to inform your customers, build brand awareness and nurture leads . This document can serve as a sales pitch for potential investors or the marketing asset for your sales team that can be distributed to partners, clients or prospects.

The product one-pager typically contains the target audience, product positioning , pain points your product addresses, solutions and gains, core features of the product or service, customer testimonials, and a company overview. Being one of the product marketing assets, the main difference between the product one-pager is the focus on one solution, while the company one-pager usually describes a range of products.


This product one-pager presents the sales sheet of ‘Spectacular Soaps’. It includes name and slogan, product overview, problems, solutions, benefits, client testimonials, product competitive features, and images. The advantages of this example are bulleted lists, product visuals, and minimalistic design. The competitive features of the product are presented in a simple scheme that provides visibility.

Investor one-pager

The intrinsic purpose of the investor one-pager is to persuade investors to inquire more information about your product or service and to believe it is worth implementing. Investors often receive a lot of information about the new opportunities, so you need to present your offer in a straightforward and appealing way to save time and demonstrate the core value of the product. 

The investor one-pager should provide the data about the product’s value, competitive advantage, one-line description, market and competitors overview, and your business model. The other possible elements might include the information about the marketing strategy , founder team and advisors, funding and use of money, past and future milestones.


This investor one-pager template provides the essential details, such as timescales, risks, and project team. It can serve as a convincing pitch for the investors as it allows them to see the general picture at once, evaluate the risks and the required amount of time, and get acquainted with the team. In addition, the template contains a photo that helps to visualize the final stage of the project.

The perfect one-pager should describe your company, product, or service in a concise and compelling way. It outlines the core of your business — your offering, competitive advantage, and the benefits that allow you to stand out from the competition. The excellent summary evokes interest, saves time, helps identify pitfalls and make well-informed choices.

The structure of the one-pager depends on several factors, including the purpose and target audience. You can adapt the design to your needs and requirements. You can prepare the one-pager with the maximum amount of information segmented into the blocks. In other cases, as in the example with Mercedes-Benz , it is better to create a minimalistic document to encourage the reader to learn more. The design and content of the one-pager may also vary depending on the format you’ll need — printable version or the version for the website.

As the main objective is to capture attention from the first sight, it is vital to consider the design, pictures, and diagrams. The visuals should not distract the reader from the content, and at the same time, they should illustrate the core ideas. 

Here are the basic steps to create a compelling one-pager:

Make it easy to read, understand and remember. Avoid redundancy and unnecessary details. Structure the content into sections and blocks. Use the lists and short sentences. Add the most important details at the top of the document. Consult with your team to ensure that you have not missed some essential information before finalizing the document.

Create an eye-catching design. The visually appealing layout is the key to success. Use the colors that reflect your brand personality . Include images, logos, tables, and illustrations. Make the responsive design if you are going to share the one-pager across different platforms.

Include a call-to-action in the final section. Add the contact details, such as email, phone number, address, and links to social media. If you want to publish the one-pager on your website, you can add CTA buttons, such as “Continue”, “Learn more” and others.

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One-Pager Templates and Ideas for Your Next Classroom Activity

One-Pager Templates and Ideas for Your Next Classroom Activity

When was the last time you did one-pager activities in the classroom?

A one-pager is one of the versatile learning tools that teachers like you can employ in the classroom.

One-pagers are typically defined as a one-page document that outlines a subject, such as a method, a system, a plan like daily schedules , or a problem.

How to use one-pager templates

You can use one-pagers for various subjects and topics.

Your objective in creating a one-pager is to deliver a single-page document that incorporates a few key points, and is straightforward enough that somebody with no prior knowledge of the topic can understand your primary points.

Plus, you can customize one-pagers using tools and free templates to be used for any grade level.

If you’re looking for one-pager examples, ideas, and templates you can use for your next classroom activities , you’ve come to the right place.

Let’s get started so that you can create a one-pager today with Piktochart!

one pager templates for team or business

Creating one-pagers table of contents

What is a one-pager activity in school.

  • What should a one pager for school include?

What if your students aren’t too enthusiastic about one-pagers?

  • How to use one-pagers in the classroom
  • 1. Use one-pagers to help students understand concepts.
  • 2. Explain classroom rules and procedures with a one-pager.

3. Use one-pagers to help your students introduce themselves in class.

  • 4. Encourage students to share key takeaways from an article or essay they’ve read online or on social media.
  • 5. Present important historical events and milestones through one-pagers.

6. Make character analysis activities more fun in your English class with a one-pager.

7. help students understand and learn new words by incorporating one-pagers during vocabulary lessons..

  • 8. Encourage students to present book report takeaways and learnings through a one-pager.
  Get a free Piktochart account  for access to the templates below. 

A one-pager classroom activity is when you ask students to outline, share, or illustrate what they’ve learned about a topic or idea on a single page to represent the main ideas of the lesson.

By asking students to create one-pagers to share their learnings, you invite them to deeply consider the most important points, content, and visuals representing the most significant elements they have absorbed.

How to entice students to create one-pagers

Asking students to include additional mediums like images, doodles, or other visuals to express themselves should be encouraged!

one pager templates classroom teachers and students beautiful living documents

As it adds an eye-catching element to their otherwise solely writing project.

As a teacher, you can require students to follow a page structure and specify important aspects, or give them free rein on how to present their one-pagers.

No matter what you decide, providing guidance and the right tools is critical.

Here are a couple of one-pagers and examples from the classroom:

one-pager example for english class students showing key points

What should a one-pager for school students include?

The elements to include in your one-pager depend on the purpose of your assignment or classroom activity.

However, effective one-pagers for school students often include the following:

  • Visuals like drawn images, illustrations, or cut-outs from magazines
  • The main idea is written in text or illustrated as a visual
  • Phrases, sentences, or quotes supporting the main idea
  • Borders or frames
  • Key benefits, facts or elements
  • Important dates

Your students don’t have to excel in art to create wonderful, engaging one-pagers, including key information.

One-pagers can include a range of elements from creative visuals, graphs , and charts to thought-provoking copy; the beauty of a one-pager and the plethora of one-pager templates available allows the creator to display whatever medium they prefer to convey their message.

feedback about one-pagers from teachers about students

As highlighted by teacher Betsy Potash in her piece A Simple Trick for Success with One-Pagers , you might encounter some pushback from students about one-pagers because of the required artistic elements.

According to Potash, the simple solution to this pushback is using one-pager templates students can easily modify!

“That little bit of creative constraint actually frees students to use their imagination to represent what they have learned on the page without fear. They know what they need to put down, and where, but they are also free to expand and add to the template. To choose their own colors. To bring out what is most important to them through their creativity and artistry. And those super artistic students? They can just flip the template over and use the blank page on the back,” Potash shares.

And now for the fun part!

How to use one-pagers and templates in the classroom for students

Here’s a preview of Piktochart’s one-pager templates for education , plus ideas on how to use them to engage students.

1. Use one-pagers to help students understand concepts and ideas.

For example, the one-pager template below explains design thinking as a concept.

Using different templates and one-pagers for this type of classroom activity also helps teachers gauge students’ understanding of the idea or concept tackled in their class.

stages of design thinking

2. Explain classroom rules and procedures by creating a one-pager.

Introducing classroom rules during the first few days in class is the groundwork for how the rest of your school year will pan out.

Involving students in creating class rules is an excellent way to instill a sense of ownership and responsibility.

Why not come up with a classroom activity where students create their own one-pager of classroom rules and ideas, to then have them explain each rule to everyone in class afterward?

Explore our class schedule maker and make daily, weekly, or monthly schedules . The template below is a good start for students to start creating!

chemistry laboratory rules one pager template

If you’re looking for About Me worksheets, a one-pager template fits the bill!

Here are a couple of all-about-me templates condensed into a one-page document to help you get started.

All about me focus one pager template document

4. Encourage students to share key takeaways or a core value from an article or essay they’ve read online or on social media.

Aside from helping students understand a piece of an essay or the point of an article, this activity also helps them improve their skills by distilling information into insights.

The one-pager templates below are perfect for high school and middle schoolers.

By providing your students with the right tools, encouraging them to create a unique one-pager, and giving them the freedom to write content from their experience to make their projects their own, you’ll surely create a fun project for your students that they will enjoy!

the scientific method one-pager template with focus on subject and overall design

5. Present important historical events and milestones through one-pager templates.

The template below is a good one-pager idea for your history class writing project.

one pagers for history class to present to students

Here are some examples and one-pager templates that you can use for your fiction analysis or literature class.

one pagers character analysis

Use these examples and templates for your next language and communications class.

one pager vocabulary lesson on single page

8. Encourage students to present book report takeaways and learnings through one-pager templates.

Here are a couple of examples from Twitter, plus a one-pager template you can use in class.

We hope this article, chock-full of one-pager templates, has inspired you to get started today with a creative writing project for you and/or your students!

wonder one-pager book report one pager

We hope the above ideas will stir your creativity to engage students in the classroom !


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The Startup One Pager: How to Create One Investors Will Love [Including Templates]

The Startup One Pager: How to Create One Investors Will Love [Including Templates]

Written by: Orana Velarde

The Startup One Pager: How to Create One Investors Will Love [Including Templates]

Capturing the attention of potential investors is vital for a startup’s success.

But how can you persuasively communicate the potential of your business in a concise and impactful manner before they even see your pitch deck? That’s where the startup one pager comes in.

In this guide, you’ll learn what a startup one pager is, how to create one and practical tips to present it to investors. Plus, you’ll get access to pre-designed one-pager templates created by Visme designers.

Table Of Contents

What is a startup one pager, the importance of a startup one pager.

  • What To Include In a Startup One Pager
  • Startup One Pager Templates To Make Your Own
  • How To Design A Compelling One-Pager With Visme
  • How To Present Your Startup One Page Like A Pro

Startup One Pager FAQs

  • A startup one-pager is a type of business one-pager for startups to attract attention from investors.
  • A well-crafted startup one-pager quickly grabs investors' attention while answering their questions.
  • Startup one-pagers must include the following sections: a company overview with brand identity, the target market and ideal client profile, the competitive landscape, the marketing and sales strategy, the team, key milestones and traction, financial overview and projection and contact information.
  • To design a startup one pager, you must create an outline, select or create the visuals, choose a template, build the sections, proofread with your team and finally share it with investors.
  • To present a startup one-pager effectively, you must master the introduction, make it flow, be accurate and truthful and be ready for questions.
  • Get a Visme account today and start creating amazing content that will wow investors and get you the funding you need.

A startup one pager is a type of business one pager explicitly designed for startups to pique interest and attract attention from investors. It’s a compact and concise document that provides a high-level overview of your startup’s fundamental information.

Startup one pagers distill a business’s value proposition, market potential and competitive advantage into a single, attention-grabbing document. Using one pager templates , you can concisely convey the essence of your startup, piquing investor interest and paving the way for further discussion opportunities.

Investors don’t have time to look through every pitch deck in their inbox or sit through long meetings with lots of slides.

A well-crafted startup one-pager grabs the investor’s attention quickly and encourages them to continue the conversation about investing in your company.

You don’t have to make an investor sit through an entire presentation to know whether they’re interested. With a startup one pager, you can cross the interest threshold faster and more efficiently. Once they’re interested, you can set up a meeting to present the complete pitch deck with in-depth information and data to close the deal.

What To Include In A Startup One Pager

A startup one pager is a condensed version of your pitch deck presentation. The sections in your pitch deck are all represented in one pagers with concise statements that answer the investors’ key questions quickly.

Ensuring that your company one pager succinctly and effectively answers them will make the investors want to know more.

Here are key questions your startup one pager should answer.

Made with Visme Infographic Maker

  • Company Overview

What is your company's identity?

At the heart of every successful startup is a distinctive brand identity and a unique value proposition (UVP). The company overview introduces your company brand and what makes it unique.

This section typically doubles as the header for your startup one pager document and includes your company name, logo and a UVP statement. A UVP is not precisely a slogan; it’s a clear statement explaining the value you bring to the customer and why that value is unique and worth their interest.

To complete this section, add your company values, mission , vision and purpose statement.

  • Target Market

What is your ideal client profile or buyer persona?

The following section is a description of your target market.

Your target market is your core customer base and their demographics–age range, gender profiles, income range, lifestyle types and geographical locations. Other critical details include the market size and potential reach.

B2B companies can add their top-level ideal customer profile (ICP) and buyer persona . SaaS or B2C companies can add a user persona (UP).

Include information about your total addressable market (TAM) to show potential for growth in your target market. This information is vital for investors because they need to know your company’s potential for the future.

  • Competitive Landscape

What is your company’s competitive standing?

Investors are highly interested in your company’s competitive standing and positioning. Therefore, include statements and data visualizations about the market opportunity and how your company stack against competitors.

There isn’t much space in a startup one pager to include a competitive matrix with lots of data points and company logos. Hence, your best bet is to highlight two or three of your biggest competitors and how your company stacks up to the others. Your differentiation factor could be your product features, business model , go-to-market strategy , business and operational strategy etc.

  • Marketing and Sales Strategy

How do you create awareness and generate demand for your offering?

Your marketing and sales strategy is your company's ongoing plan for reaching, engaging and converting prospects into paying customers. What gap in the market is your company aiming to fill and how are you doing it?

This section can be as simple as a bullet list but needs some detail. For every item that forms part of your market strategy, share specifics that will show your knowledge of the market, like this:

  • Segmented and personalized email campaigns and nurture sequences.
  • Reels and videos on social media that showcase our brand’s values.
  • Landing pages for all our content pillars with valuable lead magnets.

Who makes up your team?

The following section is meant to highlight your team, the founders and active advisors involved in creating your company and the ones that help grow it daily.

Build this section with your company's culture in mind. For every team member you add, ensure that you’re adding their name and vital role in the company.

Use professional images that match each other visually inside circular or rounded corner square frames. If your company identity warrants it, get creative and use an illustration of each person.

Don’t overload this section; include the people on the leadership team—founders, co-founders and senior managers.

  • Milestones and Traction

What significant achievements have you reached to date?

Investors also want to know how far your company has come before seeking funding. The section about milestones and traction tell your company's story from the early days to now.

This section validates your product-market fit. It should highlight the number of funding rounds, acquired and retained clients, the generated revenue and key milestones.

You must demonstrate a proven track record and that your business model is scalable and sustainable. Steer away from vanity metrics ; use data that is relevant, accurate and mind-blowing.

Use Visme’s data widgets to highlight big numbers and percentages. Show key milestones with a timeline graph and use icons that draw attention to the information.

  • Financial Overview and Projections

Are your company finances stable for future growth?

Investors also want to know your financial standing and projections for the future. This section doesn’t just show your growth plans but also your financial stability.

Financial projections are critical information for investors, so be precise and accurate with your numbers, but don’t go into too much detail; this is meant to be an overview.

Instead of columns per month, use years. And instead of many rows, concentrate on an overview of liabilities and assets.

  • Contact Information

How do investors get in touch with you?

Finally, the last section on your startup page is the current contact information for investors to contact you. Add as many contact points as possible and have all of them activated; website, emails, phone numbers and social media accounts.

Startup One Pager Templates to Make Your Own

Inside your Visme dashboard, you can access several concise and precise one page templates, all pre-designed and easy to customize. All you have to do is input your content into the placeholders and apply your startup’s branding .

Here are a few one pager templates to get you started.

IT Service Startup One Pager Template

IT Service One Pager Proposal

This IT service startup template has four distinct sections where you can add your vital brand details. The header is wide enough to add your UVP and an image to support your product or service.

To change or customize the icons on the right-hand side, click on one and select edit in the toolbar. Change the color, add an animation or replace it with another icon. If you change more than one characteristic and want all other icons to look the same, use the style copy tool and make them all look the same in size and color.

You can share the company one pager with investors as a live Visme link. The upside of sharing projects with live links in Visme (instead of downloading them as PDFs) is that you can track who opened it and from where. If you have a Visme enterprise plan, deeper analytics will collect the emails of the people that used the form, helping you build leads.

Media Startup One Pager Template

Media Startup One Pager Proposal

This startup one pager template is perfect if your company uses creative forms and shapes for its visual branding. Switch the images for your brand photos, search our vast library of stock images or create your own with the AI image generator .

Show how your product works and key milestones section to highlight how far your company has come. Add a section about your team, a chart about financial projections and information on your competitive analysis. If you lack space, remove the bottom right image and color bars.

Retail Business Startup One Pager

Retail Business Plan One Pager Proposal

Separating your startup one pager into distinct visual sections using color blocking helps investors skim the information. This template has five areas with different color combinations for the text, making it easy to absorb chunks of information.

There’s enough space on the template for competitor analysis or financial projection. Feel free to use widgets to highlight overall revenue and a small section for the team. If you need more space, expand the canvas and create another section.

Tech Company Startup One Pager

Tech Company One Pager Proposal

This startup one pager template uses the vertical margin technique to highlight the company overview, UVP and contact information. The box to the bottom right takes advantage of the space with a map data visualization , an array of icons and a couple of data widgets highlighting essential company information.

This template's font pairing and color theme are clean and contrasted, making them ideal for grouping information into bite-size chunks. Notice that each section starts with an arrow pointing at the title; this creates a visual flow across the document and provides excellent visual balance. Switch the arrow for another arrow icon, or create your own with Visme’s custom line maker .

Company Sales Startup One Pager

Company Sales One Pager Proposal

Unique brands need unique startup one pagers. Use this template to highlight all your vital information in rounded corner boxes graced with photo cutouts. The layout is inviting and fun, just like your brand.

For additional space, remove the blue line, shorten the header and add two more colored sections to the main area. To search for cutouts that match your story, use the keyboard shortcut (/) to open the in-editor search dialog. Input a search word and browse the results to find what you need.

If you find an image that isn’t a cutout but works for what you’re looking for, use the background remover to create a transparent background behind and around the object. Likewise, try the other AI TouchUp Tools to create visuals that are unique to your idea.

How to Design a Compelling One Pager with Visme

Visme’s intuitive design editor is the ideal tool to create your one pager, whether a startup one-pager or any other type of business one pager.

In this section, we’ll show you how to create a startup one pager that will inspire investors to want to know more.

Step 1: Create a Content Outline

Like at the beginning of every business document, start your one pager with an outline. Use this master outline to start putting together the content:

Remember that the startup one pager is one page. All the elements must fit on the front side of a document. So when writing the content, use as few words as possible. Choose how you word sentences and statements wisely. Ask your team to review them with you and craft the perfect text together.

Use your pitch deck as a basis, but don’t get stuck on the wording in your pitch deck. Your one pager must be more succinct than your presentation deck.

Step 2: Create The Visuals and Data Visualizations

A startup one pager with walls of text and no visuals, won’t grab as much attention as one with an attractive design that matches your brand identity and story. Visuals aren’t just photos and images; they can be any of these types:

  • Data visualizations
  • Shapes in brand colors
  • Illustrations
  • 3D graphics
  • Characters and avatars
  • Image cutouts
  • AI generated images
  • Animated graphics

Select a combination of two or three styles above and add a note about them to your content outline. All the styles above are available inside your Visme editor, but you can always upload any branded visuals you wish to use.

Use the integrated brand kit to add all brand assets to your workspace, or deploy the Brand Wizard to grab all key assets from your website.

Step 3: Put It All Together With A Template

Now that you have a content outline and a good idea of what visuals you’ll use, browse the Visme one pager templates or select one from the section above.

Keep in mind that Visme templates are 100% customizable, so just as a template helps you get started on the right foot, they also give you the freedom to create your very own final product.

Open the template in your editor and reorganize the sections to match your outline. Start with the headings to get a good idea of the space. Then add the text content to see how much space it takes up. Use the pre-designed sections to group your information into bite-size chunks.

Finally, search for visuals or upload your own. Add, resize and crop images ; build crisp and simplified data visualizations and place shapes to help you create section separations. If you’re creating an interactive one pager , add animated graphics, icons or illustrations.

Step 4: Proofread Collaboratively With Your Team

When you feel you have a strong startup one pager to send to investors, take a break from it and share it with your team. They’ll be able to see mistakes or errors you aren’t noticing or suggest a better layout for the information.

Use the Visme collaboration features to work on the one pager together. To add people to your workspace, follow the short tutorial video below. Once you add them, you can set permissions for editing, viewing and commenting on the one pager project.

If you’re not convinced about the power of collaboration, take a cue from Jaime Kelm, director of business and data strategy at LAFC, “I absolutely recommend Visme due to its dynamic functionality and ability to integrate everchanging media and digital technologies. That combined with a collaborative environment which empowers our team to be more efficient with time has been a huge plus.”

Step 5: Check The Visual Balance and Flow

Finally, it’s time to do one last check for visual balance and flow. Visual balance is a design technique that will always make a great first impression. The flow is how the sections lead up to one another in a way that makes sense for the viewer.

To achieve visual balance and flow in your design, ensure that elements are aligned and that text of the same type is the same size. Also, mind the spacing between text boxes, visuals and data visualizations.

Use the alignment tool inside the editor to keep all the elements in your sections aligned. Select all the elements and right-click to open the editing menu. Select the alignment option according to your need and Visme will perfectly align all elements.

All Visme templates are designed with visual balance and flow in mind. If you stick to the overall layout specifics, it’ll be easier to create a great design.

Step 6: Share Your Startup One Pager With Investors

Now that your startup one pager is ready, it’s time to share it with potential investors. With Visme, you have several options to download or share the document.

If your one pager has interactive features, here are the options available to you.

  • Download as an HTML5 file
  • Share via a private link with password access
  • Share via a public link
  • Send an invitation with a link
  • Embed into a website with a snippet code

But if it's just a static document, you can download it as a PDF or an image or share it directly to social media.

Discover all the ways in which you can share, download or publish your startup one pager in this video:

How to Present Your Startup One Pager Like a Pro

Knowing how to present your startup's one pager is as important as the design. We’ve collected four tips to present your one pager in person or virtually.

If you want to present your startup one pager virtually, you can always use Visme’s presenter studio . This tool allows you to add a video recording of yourself sharing information about your company as the investor browses the sections.

The tips below will help you if you present virtually or in person. Let’s get started.

Master The Introduction

Starting a presentation is key to how much more the audience will be willing to listen. In the case of your startup one pager, begin by greeting the investor by name if you took the time to record a video for each one. After the greeting, introduce your company by sharing the unique value proposition and company values.

Make it Flow Smoothly Across Different Sections

It’s vital that, as you present the information on your one pager, your speech has a good flow from one section to the next. Remember that a startup one pager is a condensed version of your pitch deck, so your speech has to follow the same principle.

Use storytelling techniques to add interesting tidbits about your company as you progress through the sections. You’ll need to practice this to get it right; otherwise, it’s easy to go off on a tangent.

Be Accurate and Truthful, not Misleading or Deceptive

There’s nothing worse than being misleading or deceptive to investors. When presenting your startup one pager, everything you say must be accurate and truthful.

Don’t apply this principle to your financials and projections but to everything you share about your business. A pitch disclaimer highlights that all the information you’re sharing is true and valid, especially financial projections. Show investors that you’re following legal advice for your business. Include it in your one pager as a link to an external document or in the footer.

Be Ready For Questions

If the investors looking at your startup one pager are interested, you’ve done a great job! But furthermore, they’ll also want to ask questions , so you need to be prepared.

Investors will ask questions about the market, your traction, team, competition, financials, business model, corporate structure and previous funding rounds.

Q. What should a one-pager for a startup include?

A one-pager for a startup should include these essential elements:

  • A brief overview of the company
  • Mission statement
  • Product or service description
  • Target market
  • Competitive analysis
  • Business model
  • Marketing strategy
  • Key team members
  • Key milestones
  • Financial projections

Q. What should be in a one-pager?

What goes into a one pager is determined by the creator and how it will be used. For example, here’s what to include in a sell sheet, investor and company one pager

  • Product name and key features
  • Value proposition and benefits
  • Target market and customer demographics
  • Pricing and ordering information
  • Contact details and calls to action

Investor one pager:

  • Problem statement and market opportunity
  • Solution and product/service overview
  • Business model and monetization strategy
  • Traction and key milestones
  • Financial projections and funding requirements

Company one pager

  • Company name, logo and tagline
  • Mission, vision and core values
  • Products or services overview
  • Key differentiators and competitive advantage
  • Contact information and social proof

Q. What is a startup one-page summary?

A startup one-page summary is a brief document that summarizes an overview of a company's business idea, target market, value proposition, business model, competition and financial projections. It's a quick and effective way to share the important details of your startup with investors, partners, or others.

Q. What is the difference between a pitch deck and a one-pager?

A pitch deck is a presentation that gives an overview of a business, usually for pitching to investors or partners. Typically, it contains several slides covering the problem being addressed, market size, product/service, business model, team and financial projections.

On the other hand, a one-pager is a single-page document that summarizes key aspects of a business or an idea. This format condenses information about the problem, solution, target market, unique selling points and contact information on one page. You can leave it behind after a meeting or use it to introduce your business.

Q. What is the difference between a white paper and a one pager?

A white paper is a comprehensive report that provides in-depth information and analysis on a particular topic. It is typically used to educate or inform readers about a complex issue.

On the other hand, a one-pager is a concise document that presents a summary of information on a single page. It is often used to provide a quick overview of a product, service, or proposal. A white paper is long and detailed, while a one-pager is short and to the point.

Create Documents or Reports That Wow Investors with Visme

Obtaining funds from investors isn’t simple or easy. But what’s simple is creating a startup one pager or pitch deck with Visme.

The software comes with an easy-to-use editor, rich template library and an array of stunning design assets that allows you to confidently create a compelling startup one pager that attracts investors and obtain funding. Even more,  you can make all types of business one pagers , pitch decks, proposals, reports and all kinds of business content in minutes.

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Orana is a multi-faceted creative. She is a content writer, artist, and designer. She travels the world with her family and is currently in Istanbul. Find out more about her work at

one pager presentation

Paris 2024 Olympics medal tally: Australian winners from every sport - full list and table

Ariarne Titmus of Australia won a gold medal at the Paris 2024 Olympics.

Picture by Getty Images

Over 460 Australian athletes are competing for medals in 329 events at the Paris 2024 Olympics , scheduled from July 26 to August 11.

There is considerable Australian interest in 42 of the 45 sports on the Paris 2024 programme. The only sports without any Aussie presence at the ongoing Summer Games are fencing, handball and volleyball .

Road cyclist Grace Brown recorded the first entry in Australia’s Paris 2024 Olympics medal tally with a gold in the women’s time trial on July 27. It was also Australia’s first-ever gold medal in the event.

Later, the Australian women's 4x100m freestyle relay won the gold medal with a new Olympic record time of 3:28.92.

The medals keep Australia’s proud Olympic tradition intact.

Australians have participated in every edition of the Summer Games since the modern Olympics began with Athens 1896 and have returned with at least one medal from each of them.

However, Australian and New Zealand athletes competed together under the Australasia flag at London 1908 and Stockholm 1912.

Heading into Paris 2024, Australian athletes have won 557 medals - 167 gold, 177 silver and 213 bronze - at the Olympics.

Edwin Flack won gold medals in men’s 800m and 1500m at Athens 1896, thus becoming the first Australian to win a medal at the Olympics. Meanwhile, Fanny Durack is the first Australian woman to win a medal at the Olympics after bagging gold in the women’s 100m freestyle swimming event at Stockholm 1912.

Swimming , in fact, has been the most fruitful sport for Australia at the Olympics accounting for 221 medals, including 71 golds. Athletics. which has yielded 76 podium finishes, is a distant second.

Australia will also have a strong 45-member Dolphins contingent at Paris 2024, with Olympic gold medallists like Emma McKeon, Kaylee McKeown and Ariarne Titmus highlighting the roster.

Emma McKeon is the most decorated Australian at the Olympics with 11 medals - five gold, two silver and four bronze. Seven of the 11 came at Tokyo 2020, which is also the standing record for most medals won by a single swimmer at any single Olympic edition.

Australia have won 11 medals, six gold, four silver and one bronze at the Paris 2024 Olympics so far.

Paris 2024 Olympics: Australia’s medal winners

Paris 2024 olympics: australia’s medals tally by sport, paris 2024 olympics medals table.

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