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What Is a Collateral Assignment of Life Insurance?

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Charlene Rhinehart is a CPA , CFE, chair of an Illinois CPA Society committee, and has a degree in accounting and finance from DePaul University.

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A collateral assignment of life insurance is a conditional assignment appointing a lender as an assignee of a policy. Essentially, the lender has a claim to some or all of the death benefit until the loan is repaid. The death benefit is used as collateral for a loan.

The advantage to using a collateral assignee over naming the lender as a beneficiary is that you can specify that the lender is only entitled to a certain amount, namely the amount of the outstanding loan. That would allow your beneficiaries still be entitled to any remaining death benefit.

Lenders commonly require that life insurance serve as collateral for a business loan to guarantee repayment if the borrower dies or defaults. They may even require you to get a life insurance policy to be approved for a business loan.

Key Takeaways

  • The borrower of a business loan using life insurance as collateral must be the policy owner, who may or may not be the insured.
  • The collateral assignment helps you avoid naming a lender as a beneficiary.
  • The collateral assignment may be against all or part of the policy's value.
  • If any amount of the death benefit remains after the lender is paid, it is distributed to beneficiaries.
  • Once the loan is fully repaid, the life insurance policy is no longer used as collateral.

How a Collateral Assignment of Life Insurance Works

Collateral assignments make sure the lender gets paid only what they are due. The borrower must be the owner of the policy, but they do not have to be the insured person. And the policy must remain current for the life of the loan, with the policy owner continuing to pay all premiums . You can use either term or whole life insurance policy as collateral, but the death benefit must meet the lender's terms.

A permanent life insurance policy with a cash value allows the lender access to the cash value to use as loan payment if the borrower defaults. Many lenders don't accept term life insurance policies as collateral because they do not accumulate cash value.

Alternately, the policy owner's access to the cash value is restricted to protect the collateral. If the loan is repaid before the borrower's death, the assignment is removed, and the lender is no longer the beneficiary of the death benefit.

Insurance companies must be notified of the collateral assignment of a policy. However, other than their obligation to meet the terms of the contract, they are not involved in the agreement.

Example of Collateral Assignment of Life Insurance

For example, say you have a business plan for a floral shop and need a $50,000 loan to get started. When you apply for the loan, the bank says you must have collateral in the form of a life insurance policy to back it up. You have a whole life insurance policy with a cash value of $65,000 and a death benefit of $300,000, which the bank accepts as collateral.

So, you then designate the bank as the policy's assignee until you repay the $50,000 loan. That way, the bank can ensure it will be repaid the funds it lent you, even if you died. In this case, because the cash value and death benefit is more than what you owe the lender, your beneficiaries would still inherit money.

Alternatives to Collateral Assignment of Life Insurance

Using a collateral assignment to secure a business loan can help you access the funds you need to start or grow your business. However, you would be at risk of losing your life insurance policy if you defaulted on the loan, meaning your beneficiaries may not receive the money you'd planned for them to inherit.

Consult with a financial advisor to discuss whether a collateral assignment or one of these alternatives may be most appropriate for your financial situation.

Life insurance loan (policy loan) : If you already have a life insurance policy with a cash value, you can likely borrow against it. Policy loans are not taxed and have less stringent requirements such as no credit or income checks. However, this option would not work if you do not already have a permanent life insurance policy because the cash value component takes time to build.

Surrendering your policy : You can also surrender your policy to access any cash value you've built up. However, your beneficiaries would no longer receive a death benefit.

Other loan types : Finally, you can apply for other loans, such as a personal loan, that do not require life insurance as collateral. You could use loans that rely on other types of collateral, such as a home equity loan that uses your home equity.

What Are the Benefits of Collateral Assignment of Life Insurance?

A collateral assignment of a life insurance policy may be required if you need a business loan. Lenders typically require life insurance as collateral for business loans because they guarantee repayment if the borrower dies. A policy with cash value can guarantee repayment if the borrower defaults.

What Kind of Life Insurance Can Be Used for Collateral?

You can typically use any type of life insurance policy as collateral for a business loan, depending on the lender's requirements. A permanent life insurance policy with a cash value allows the lender a source of funds to use if the borrower defaults. Some lenders may not accept term life insurance policies, which have no cash value. The lender will typically require the death benefit be a certain amount, depending on your loan size.

Is Collateral Assignment of Life Insurance Irrevocable?

A collateral assignment of life insurance is irrevocable. So, the policyholder may not use the cash value of a life insurance policy dedicated toward collateral for a loan until that loan has been repaid.

What is the Difference Between an Assignment and a Collateral Assignment?

With an absolute assignment , the entire ownership of the policy would be transferred to the assignee, or the lender. Then, the lender would be entitled to the full death benefit. With a collateral assignment, the lender is only entitled to the balance of the outstanding loan.

The Bottom Line

If you are applying for life insurance to secure your own business loan, remember you do not need to make the lender the beneficiary. Instead you can use a collateral assignment. Consult a financial advisor or insurance broker who can walk you through the process and explain its pros and cons as they apply to your situation.

Progressive. " Collateral Assignment of Life Insurance ."

Fidelity Life. " What Is a Collateral Assignment of a Life Insurance Policy? "

Kansas Legislative Research Department. " Collateral Assignment of Life Insurance Proceeds ."

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What Is Collateral Assignment (of a Life Insurance Policy)?

Meredith Mangan is a senior editor for The Balance, focusing on insurance product reviews. She brings to the job 15 years of experience in finance, media, and financial markets. Prior to her editing career, Meredith was a licensed financial advisor and a licensed insurance agent in accident and health, variable, and life contracts. Meredith also spent five years as the managing editor for Money Crashers.

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Definition and Examples of Collateral Assignment

How collateral assignment works, alternatives to collateral assignment.

Kilito Chan / Getty Images

If you assign your life insurance contract as collateral for a loan, you give the lender the right to collect from the policy’s cash value or death benefit in two circumstances. One is if you stop making payments; the other is if you die before the loan is repaid. Securing a loan with life insurance reduces the lender’s risk, which improves your chances of qualifying for the loan.

Before moving forward with a collateral assignment, learn how the process works, how it impacts your policy, and possible alternatives.

Collateral assignment is the practice of using a life insurance policy as collateral for a loan . Collateral is any asset that your lender can take if you default on the loan.

For example, you might apply for a $25,000 loan to start a business. But your lender is unwilling to approve the loan without sufficient collateral. If you have a permanent life insurance policy with a cash value of $40,000 and a death benefit of $300,000, you could use that life insurance policy to collateralize the loan. Via collateral assignment of your policy, you authorize the insurance company to give the lender the amount you owe if you’re unable to keep up with payments (or if you die before repaying the loan).

Lenders have two ways to collect under a collateral assignment arrangement:

  • If you die, the lender gets a portion of the death benefit—up to your remaining loan balance.
  • With permanent insurance policies, the lender can surrender your life insurance policy in order to access the cash value if you stop making payments.

Lenders are only entitled to the amount you owe, and are not generally named as beneficiaries on the policy. If your cash value or the death benefit exceeds your outstanding loan balance, the remaining money belongs to you or your beneficiaries.

Whenever lenders approve a loan, they can’t be certain that you’ll repay. Your credit history is an indicator, but sometimes lenders want additional security. Plus, surprises happen, and even those with the strongest credit profiles can die unexpectedly.

Assigning a life insurance policy as collateral gives lenders yet another way to secure their interests and can make approval easier for borrowers.

Types of Life Insurance Collateral

Life insurance falls into two broad categories: permanent insurance and term insurance . You can use both types of insurance for a collateral assignment, but lenders may prefer that you use permanent insurance.

  • Permanent insurance : Permanent insurance, such as universal and whole life insurance, is lifelong insurance coverage that contains a cash value. If you default on the loan, lenders can surrender your policy and use that cash value to pay down the balance. If you die, the lender has a right to the death benefit, up to the amount you still owe.
  • Term insurance : Term insurance provides a death benefit, but coverage is limited to a certain number of years (20 or 30, for example). Since there’s no cash value in these policies, they only protect your lender if you die before the debt is repaid. The duration of a term policy used as collateral needs to be at least as long as your loan term.

A Note on Annuities

You may also be able to use an annuity as collateral for a bank loan. The process is similar to using a life insurance policy, but there is one key difference to be aware of. Any amount assigned as collateral in an annuity is treated as a distribution for tax purposes. In other words, the amount assigned will be taxed as income up to the amount of any gain in the contract, and may be subject to an additional 10% tax if you’re under 59 ½.

A collateral assignment is similar to a lien on your home . Somebody else has a financial interest in your property, but you keep ownership of it.

The Process

To use life insurance as collateral, the lender must be willing to accept a collateral assignment. When that’s the case, the policy owner, or “assignor,” submits a form to the insurance company to establish the arrangement. That form includes information about the lender, or “assignee,” and details about the lender’s and borrower’s rights.

Policy owners generally have control over policies. They may cancel or surrender coverage, change beneficiaries, or assign the contract as collateral. But if the policy has an irrevocable beneficiary, that beneficiary will need to approve any collateral assignment.

State laws typically require you to notify the insurer that you intend to pledge your insurance policy as collateral, and you must do so in writing. In practice, most insurers have specific forms that detail the terms of your assignment.

Some lenders might require you to get a new policy to secure a loan, but others allow you to add a collateral assignment to an existing policy. After submitting your form, it can take 24 to 48 hours for the assignment to go into effect.

Lenders Get Paid First

If you die and the policy pays a death benefit , the lender receives the amount you owe first. Your beneficiaries get any remaining funds once the lender is paid. In other words, your lender takes priority over your beneficiaries when you use this strategy. Be sure to consider the impact on your beneficiaries before you complete a collateral assignment.

After you repay your loan, your lender does not have any right to your life insurance policy, and you can request that the lender release the assignment. Your life insurance company should have a form for that. However, if a lender pays premiums to keep your policy in force, the lender may add those premium payments (plus interest) to your total debt—and collect that extra money.

There may be several other ways for you to get approved for a loan—with or without life insurance:

  • Surrender a policy : If you have a cash value life insurance policy that you no longer need, you could potentially surrender the policy and use the cash value. Doing so might prevent the need to borrow, or you might borrow substantially less. However, surrendering a policy ends your coverage, meaning your beneficiaries will not get a death benefit. Also, you’ll likely owe taxes on any gains.
  • Borrow from your policy : You may be able to borrow against the cash value in your permanent life insurance policy to get the funds you need. This approach could eliminate the need to work with a traditional lender, and creditworthiness would not be an issue. But borrowing can be risky, as any unpaid loan balance reduces the amount your beneficiaries receive. Plus, over time, deductions for the cost of insurance and compounding loan interest may negate your cash value and the policy could lapse, so it’s critical to monitor.
  • Consider other solutions : You may have other options unrelated to a life insurance policy. For example, you could use the equity in your home as collateral for a loan, but you could lose your home in foreclosure if you can’t make the payments. A co-signer could also help you qualify, although the co-signer takes a significant risk by guaranteeing your loan.

Key Takeaways

  • Life insurance can help you get approved for a loan when you use a collateral assignment.
  • If you die, your lender receives the amount you owe, and your beneficiaries get any remaining death benefit.
  • With permanent insurance, your lender can cash out your policy to pay down your loan balance.
  • An annuity can be used as collateral for a loan but may not be a good idea because of tax consequences.
  • Other strategies can help you get approved without putting your life insurance coverage at risk.

NYSBA. " Life Insurance and Annuity Contracts Within and Without Tax Qualified Retirement Plans and Life Insurance Trusts ." Accessed April 12, 2021.

IRS. " Publication 575 (2020), Pension and Annuity Income ." Accessed April 12, 2021.

Practical Law. " Security Interests: Life Insurance Policies ." Accessed April 12, 2021.

Collateral assignment of life insurance

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Secured loans are often used by individuals needing financial resources for any reason, whether it’s to fund a business, remodel a home or pay medical bills. One asset that may be used for a secured loan is life insurance. Although there are pros and cons to this type of financial transaction, it can be an excellent way to access needed funding. Bankrate’s insurance editorial team discusses what a collateral assignment of life insurance is and when it might—or might not—be the best loan option for you.

What is collateral assignment of life insurance?

A collateral assignment of life insurance is a method of securing a loan by using a life insurance policy as collateral . If you pass away before the loan is repaid, the lender can collect the outstanding loan balance from the death benefit of your life insurance policy . Any remaining funds from the death benefit would then be disbursed to the policy’s designated beneficiary(ies).

Why use life insurance as collateral?

Collateral assignment of life insurance may be a useful option if you want to access funds without placing any of your assets, such as a car or house, at risk. If you already have a life insurance policy, it can be a simple process to assign it as collateral. You may even be able to use your policy as collateral for more than one loan, which is called cross-collateralization, if there is enough value in the policy.

Collateral assignment may also be a credible choice if your credit rating is not high, which can make it difficult to find attractive loan terms. Since your lender can rely on your policy’s death benefit to pay off the loan if necessary, they are more likely to give you favorable terms despite a low credit score.

Pros and cons of using life insurance as collateral

If you are considering collateral assignment, here are some pros and cons of this type of financial arrangement.

  • It may be an affordable option, especially if your life insurance premiums are less than your payments would be for an unsecured loan with a higher interest rate.
  • You will not need to place personal property, such as your home, as collateral, which you would need to do if you take out a secured loan. Instead, if you pass away before the loan is repaid, lenders will be paid from the policy’s death benefit. Any remaining payout goes to your named beneficiaries.
  • You may find lenders who are eager to work with you since life insurance is generally considered a good choice for collateral.
  • The amount that your beneficiaries would have received will be reduced if you pass away before the loan is paid off since the lender has first rights to death benefits.
  • You may not be able to successfully purchase life insurance if you are older or in poor health.
  • If you are using a permanent form of life insurance as collateral, there may be an impact on your ability to use the policy's cash value during the life of the loan. If the loan balance and interest payments exceed the cash value, it can erode the policy's value over time.

What types of life insurance can I use as collateral for a loan?

You may use either of the main types of life insurance— term and permanent —for collateral assignment. If you are using term life insurance, you will need a policy with a term length that is at least as long as the term of the loan. In other words, if you have 20 years to pay off the loan, the term insurance you need must have a term of at least 20 years.

Subcategories of permanent life insurance, such as whole life , universal life and variable life, may also be used. Depending on lender requirements, you may be able to use an existing policy or could purchase a new one for the loan. A permanent policy with cash value may be especially appealing to a lender, considering the added benefit of the cash reserves they could access if necessary.

How do I take out a loan using a collateral assignment of life insurance?

If you already have enough life insurance to use for collateral assignment, your next step is to find a lender who is willing to work with you. If you don’t yet have life insurance, or you don’t have enough, consider the amount of coverage you need and apply for a policy . You may need to undergo a medical exam and fill out an application .

Once your policy has been approved, ask your insurance company or agent for a collateral assignment form, which you will complete and submit with your loan application papers. The form names your lender as an assignee of the policy—meaning that they have a stake in its benefits for as long as the loan exists. You will also name beneficiaries or a single beneficiary, who will receive whatever is left over from the death benefits after the loan is repaid.

Note that you will need to stay current on your life insurance premium payments while the collateral assignment is active. This will be stated in the loan agreement, and failure to do so could have serious repercussions.

Alternatives to life insurance as collateral

If you are considering a collateral assignment of life insurance, there are a few alternative funding options that might be worth exploring. Since many factors determine each option, working with a financial advisor may be the best way to find the ideal solution for your situation.

Unsecured loan

Depending on your situation, an unsecured loan may be more affordable than a secured loan with life insurance as collateral. This is more likely to be the case if you have good enough credit to qualify for a low-interest rate without having to offer any type of collateral. There are many different types of unsecured loans, including credit cards and personal loans.

Secured loan

In addition to life insurance, there are other items you can use as collateral for a secured loan . Your home, a car or a boat, for example, could be used if you have enough equity in them. Typically, secured loans are easier to qualify for than unsecured, since they are not as risky for the lender, and you are likely to find a lower interest rate than you would with an unsecured loan. The flip side, of course, is that if you default on the loan, the lender can take the asset that you used to secure it and sell it to recoup their losses.

Life insurance loan

Some permanent life insurance policies accumulate cash value over time that you can use in different ways. If you have such a policy, you may be able to partially withdraw the cash value or take a loan against your cash value. However, there are implications to using the cash value in your life insurance policy, so be sure to discuss this solution with a life insurance agent or your financial advisor before making a decision.

Home equity line of credit (HELOC)

A home equity line of credit (HELOC) is a more flexible way to access funds than a standard secured loan. While HELOCs carry the downside of risking your home as collateral, you retain more control over the amount you borrow. Instead of receiving one lump sum, you will have access to a line of credit that you can withdraw from as needed. You will only have to pay interest on the actual amount borrowed.

Frequently asked questions

What is the best life insurance company, what type of loans are collateral assignments usually associated with, what are other common forms of collateral, what are the two types of life insurance assignments.

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Collateral Assignment of Life Insurance: Everything You Need to Know

  • August 8, 2023

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Jake Tamarkin, MBA

Jake is a nationally-licensed insurance agent with a Masters in Business Administration and CEO of Everyday Life. His expertise has been featured in: Investopedia, Life Insurers Council, Insurance Thought Leadership, Life-Annuity Agent, and Insurtech Insights.

Life insurance isn’t just about peace of mind for the future; it can also serve as a lifesaver when you’re looking for ways to secure a loan. This clever maneuver is known as a collateral assignment of life insurance. It’s a deal between you and your lender where your life insurance policy, specifically the cash value component, is used as collateral for a loan.

When assigning your life insurance policy as collateral for a loan, the lender will become a temporary beneficiary of your policy. If the assigner dies before repaying the loan, the lender can claim the death benefit up to the outstanding loan balance. If the policyholder defaults, the cash value of the policy will be collected.

Who can benefit from the collateral assignment of life insurance?

If you need to secure a loan but don’t have typical assets like a house or significant savings, collateral assignment of life insurance could be your ticket. It’s great for small business owners, entrepreneurs, and folks with sizable insurance policies but limited liquid assets. 

To use a life insurance policy as collateral, the policy term should be at least as long as the loan duration and should possess a cash value component equal to the loan amount.

What types of life insurance can be used as collateral?

To make this work, you’ll need a permanent life insurance policy that has a cash value component. This includes options like whole life, universal life, and variable life insurance. Unfortunately, term life insurance doesn’t quite make the cut, as it lacks a cash value.

How to use life insurance as collateral for a loan?

1. Ensure the lender accepts life insurance as collateral.

2. Apply for the collateral assignment through the bank or directly with the insurer. 

3. Fill out an “assignment of Life Insurance Policy as Collateral form” provided by your insurer. 

4. Submit the form to the insurer, and wait for approval.

5. Once the collateral assignment is approved, notify your bank or lender. 

6. Bank or lender will set the loan terms such as the interest rate, payment terms, and other obligations.

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Is life insurance as collateral widely accepted? Do all banks accept it?

Typically, permanent life insurance policies such as whole life and universal life, which have a cash value component, can be used as collateral. Lenders such as banks want security, and the cash value component of a whole life insurance policy provides this. This cash value grows over time and can be used if the borrower defaults on the loan, which decreases the risk for the lender.

How is the loan amount determined when using life insurance as collateral?

The borrowing capacity is determined as a proportion of the cash value, varying across different insurance companies. Typically, the permissible borrowing range hovers around 90% to 95%. Applying these percentages to a cash value of $50,000, one could potentially secure a loan amounting to $45,000 to $47,500.

What happens when you are unable to pay back the life insurance loan?

The cash value of your policy will be collected by the lender. If this is insufficient, the amount you owe is deducted from the death benefit when you pass away. In some instances, you might also incur a substantial tax bill.

Is the collateral assignment of the life insurance agreement permanent? 

No, the collateral assignment of the life insurance agreement is not permanent. It’s tied to the lifespan of the loan. Once the loan is fully repaid, the assignment can be released, and the life insurance policy returns to its original beneficiary arrangement.

What are the tax implications of using life insurance as collateral for a loan?

If the amount you borrow directly from the insurance company is equal to or less than the total insurance premiums you have paid, it is not subject to taxation. However, If you surrender your policy, or allow it to lapse, and the total amount of outstanding loans and interest surpasses what you have paid in premiums, there is a possibility of incurring a tax liability. In essence, you would be required to pay income tax on any investment earnings in that scenario.

Best Online Life Insurance Calculator

At Everyday Life Insurance , we specialize in finding the perfect policy to match your unique circumstances. Whether you’re a small business owner looking to back your loan or a stay-at-home mom working to provide for her family, we’re here to help. Use our online life insurance calculator to find the best plan for your finances, in just 15 minutes.

Disclaimer : The comments, opinions, and analyses expressed at Everyday Life are for informational purposes only and should not be considered individual investment, legal or tax advice.

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What Is Collateral Assignment of Life Insurance?

Collateral assignment of life insurance designates a lender as the assignee of a policy, granting them the right to part or all of the death benefit until the loan is repaid.

collateral assignment in banking

Nathan Paulus

Director of Content Marketing, MoneyGeek

Nathan Paulus is the Head of Content Marketing at MoneyGeek, with nearly 10 years of experience researching and creating content related to personal finance and financial literacy. Paulus has a bachelor's degree in English from the University of St. Thomas, Houston. He enjoys helping people from all walks of life build stronger financial foundations.

Casie McCoskey

Content Editor

Casie McCoskey is a professional editor passionate about providing people with accessible information on personal finance. Before MoneyGeek, she worked in the legal field, drafting and editing briefs and motions.

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MoneyGeek is dedicated to providing trustworthy information to help you make informed financial decisions. Each article is edited, fact-checked and reviewed by industry professionals to ensure quality and accuracy.

Updated: June 5, 2024

  • How It Works
  • Overview of Application Process

Pros and Cons

  • Impact on Beneficiaries
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Collateral assignment of life insurance is an arrangement where a policyholder uses the face value of their life insurance policy, which can be a term or permanent life insurance policy, as collateral to secure a loan. If the policyholder dies before they pay off the loan, the lender is prioritized to receive a portion of the death benefit equivalent to the outstanding loan balance. The remaining benefit then goes to the policy's beneficiaries. This agreement ensures that life insurance collateral assignment acts as a safety net for both the lender and the beneficiaries.

  • Collateral assignment involves using a life insurance policy as security for a loan, where the lender has a claim on the death benefit if the borrower defaults or passes away before repaying the loan.
  • The lender receives priority over the death benefit, which means they are paid first from the policy's payout before any beneficiaries if the loan remains unpaid.
  • Various life insurance policies, including term, whole and universal, can be used for collateral assignment, depending on the insurance company's policies and the policy's value.
  • If a life insurance policy lapses or is canceled during a collateral assignment, it can breach the loan agreement, potentially resulting in immediate repayment demands.

How Collateral Assignment of Life Insurance Works

The collateral assignment allows you to use your life insurance policy as security for a loan. The process involves legally designating your policy as collateral, which means if you pass away before fully repaying the loan, the lender can claim the death benefit to cover the remaining balance. You start by choosing either a term policy or whole life insurance and then complete a collateral assignment agreement. This agreement is legally binding and sets the terms for the lender to access the death benefit .

For your beneficiaries, the assignment of your life insurance policy as collateral could reduce the death benefit they receive. If you die with an outstanding loan balance, the lender is paid first from the policy's proceeds. Any remaining amount goes to your beneficiaries only after the loan is settled.

For example, a policyholder with a $500,000 policy uses their life insurance as collateral for a $200,000 loan. If the policyholder dies before settling the loan, the lender will receive $200,000 from the policy's death benefit. Meanwhile, the remaining $300,000 gets disbursed to the policy's beneficiaries.

Roles of the Policyholder, Lender and Insurance Provider

Role of the Policyholder

  • Ensure consistent premium payments to keep the policy active and in force.
  • Inform the lender of any policy changes, such as lapses or surrenders.
  • Understand that active management upholds the collateral agreement's integrity.

Role of the Lender

  • Accept the life insurance policy as collateral.
  • Right to recover owed amounts from the policy's death benefit if the policyholder dies before loan repayment.
  • Priority claim on the death benefit, with remaining funds disbursed to beneficiaries.
  • Responsible for releasing the assignment after full loan repayment.

Role of the Insurance Provider

  • Approve or reject the collateral assignment of the policy.
  • Evaluate and ensure compliance with policy terms.
  • Officially record the assignment as part of the policy.

Applying for Collateral Assignment

Applying for collateral assignment is a process moderated by your life insurance company designed to secure loans using your life insurance policy as collateral. It involves a series of steps:

Obtain a Collateral Assignment Form

Request a collateral assignment form from your life insurance provider. This form is vital for designating the lender as a collateral beneficiary for the loan amount. Ensure you obtain the correct form, as forms vary based on policy type and insurer.

Fill Out the Form Correctly

Complete the form with accurate details, including policy number, loan amount and lender information. Pay close attention to all sections to avoid errors that could delay or invalidate the assignment. Incomplete or incorrect information can lead to processing delays or rejection.

Sign the Paperwork

Ensure both the policyholder and lender sign the form, confirming the agreement. This dual signature legally binds both parties to the terms of the collateral assignment. Any discrepancy in signatures may question the form's validity.

Submit the Completed Form

Submit the signed form back to the insurance company for processing. Consider using a traceable delivery method for submission to confirm receipt. Delays in submission can impact the timeline of the loan approval process.

Await Approval or Rejection From the Insurance Company

Wait for the insurer to review and approve or reject the collateral assignment. The insurer may request additional information or clarification, which can extend the approval timeline.

Receive a Letter of Acknowledgment

You and your lender will receive a letter of acknowledgment from the insurer if your collateral assignment application is approved.

Obtaining Required Documentation

The required documentation for collateral assignment of life insurance is straightforward. Typically, you'll need to provide two main types of documents for the assignment of a life insurance policy as collateral:

  • Collateral Assignment Form: This form is critical because it officially transfers a portion of your life insurance policy benefits to the lender as collateral. It demonstrates to the lender that you have taken the steps to secure your loan against your life insurance policy.
  • Original Life Insurance Policy and Proof of Loan: Lenders may require your original life insurance policy to ensure it is valid and enforceable. Proof of the loan agreement or obligation, such as a mortgage note or other loan document, is also commonly required. This establishes the legitimacy of your loan and substantiates the life insurance collateral assignment.

If you need more clarification about documentation requirements, contact your lender to confirm the necessary details to avoid process delays.

Pros and Cons of Collateral Assignment

Using life insurance as collateral can offer a range of benefits and potential drawbacks. Collateral assignment of a policy allows you to secure loans and is often safer than using physical assets as collateral. However, you should also note the inherent risks, primarily that the lender retains the first right to your policy’s death benefit upon your death.

  • Lower interest rates on loans.
  • Allows you to use the policy and not physical assets as collateral.
  • The cash value of your insurance policy continues to grow.
  • The lender has the first right to the death benefit.
  • Failure to repay the loan can reduce or even eliminate the death benefit.
  • Any lapse or cancellation of the policy may lead to violating the loan terms.

Impact of Collateral Assignment on Beneficiaries

While the collateral assignment of life insurance has its benefits, it’s important to remember that it can impact the amount your beneficiaries receive. If you pass away with an outstanding balance on your loan:

Your Lender Will Be Paid First

In the collateral assignment arrangement, the lender is designated as the collateral beneficiary holding the primary claim to the death benefit for the outstanding loan amount. This means if you pass away before fully repaying the loan, the lender is entitled to receive payment from the death benefit first. The amount collected by the lender is limited to the remaining loan balance.

Any Remaining Death Benefit Will Be Disbursed to Your Beneficiaries

After the lender's claim is satisfied, the remaining death benefit is disbursed to your policy’s designated beneficiaries. The amount they receive depends on the loan balance at the time of your death. If the loan balance is substantial, your beneficiaries will receive significantly less than the policy's total death benefit.

This structure underscores the importance of carefully considering life insurance collateral loans and their impact on future financial planning. Policyholders using life insurance as collateral need to understand the terms set forth by loan companies that accept it.

Alternatives to Collateral Assignment

Alternatives to collateral assignment include personal loans , home equity loans or surrendering the life insurance policy for its cash value. None of these options require using life insurance as collateral, and each offers different benefits and risks compared to using life insurance as collateral.


FAQ About Collateral Assignment

These questions cover various topics related to collateral assignments, including their requirements, implications for beneficiaries and what happens in different scenarios.

A collateral assignment is a contractual arrangement in which a borrower uses their life insurance policy as collateral for a loan. This agreement grants the lender rights to the policy’s death benefit. The lender is prioritized over other beneficiaries until the loan is repaid in full.

In the context of a life insurance collateral assignment, the collateral is the policy's death benefit. This setup allows lenders to be listed as collateral beneficiaries, guaranteeing that they can recover the outstanding loan balance from the death benefit in the event of the borrower’s death before the debt is fully paid.

In a life insurance contract, a collateral assignment allocates the policy's death benefit as security for a loan. This means that if the borrower dies before repaying the loan, the lender, as the collateral assignee of the life insurance, can claim the owed amount from the death benefit. The remaining balance, if any, goes to the designated beneficiaries, ensuring the loan is covered without affecting other assets.

Collateral assignment allows a lender to claim the life insurance death benefit for an outstanding loan amount while naming a life insurance beneficiary designated who receives the death benefit. The lender's claim is prioritized over the beneficiaries' in collateral assignment.

Most types of life insurance policies , including term, whole and universal life, can be used for collateral assignment, provided the insurance company allows it and the policy has sufficient value.

Yes, the policyholder can change beneficiaries after a collateral assignment, but the lender's right to the death benefit amount remains until the loan is repaid. This ensures the lender's position as a collateral beneficiary.

Canceling your life insurance policy before repaying the debt can lead to a breach of the collateral assignment loan agreement. This action may prompt the lender to increase your interest rate or demand immediate repayment of the outstanding loan balance.

These related sections offer additional insights into concepts and alternatives connected to collateral assignments and life insurance:

Using Collateral for a Personal Loan — This link explains how to use various types of collateral for securing a personal loan, providing a broader context to the specific use of life insurance as collateral.

Term vs. Permanent Life Insurance — This resource compares term and permanent life insurance, helping to understand which policies can be used for collateral assignments.

Permanent Life Insurance — This page details permanent life insurance, a type commonly used in collateral assignments due to its cash value component.

Life Insurance Calculator — This page helps you calculate the appropriate amount of life insurance coverage needed, which is crucial when considering using a policy for collateral.

About Nathan Paulus

Nathan Paulus headshot

Nathan Paulus is the Head of Content Marketing at MoneyGeek, with nearly 10 years of experience researching and creating content related to personal finance and financial literacy.

Paulus has a bachelor's degree in English from the University of St. Thomas, Houston. He enjoys helping people from all walks of life build stronger financial foundations.

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Life Insurance Collateral Assignment [Pros and Cons]

Insurance and Estates, a strategic life insurance provider composed of life insurance professionals, is committed to integrity in our editorial standards and transparency in how we receive compensation from our insurance partners.

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If you’re considering leveraging your assets to secure a loan, your life insurance policy might hold untapped potential as collateral. This strategic move can offer you a pathway to obtain the financing you need without risking your home or other valuable assets. It’s a method that not only provides lenders with the assurance of repayment but also preserves the integrity of your personal estate. As you navigate this option, it’s crucial to weigh the benefits against the potential impacts on your policy’s intended beneficiaries and ensure the approach aligns with your broader financial objectives.

Collateral Assignment of Life Insurance

Table of contents, key takeaways, what is a collateral assignment of life insurance, pros and cons of assigning life insurance benefits, understanding collateral, how the life insurance collateral assignment process works, what types of life insurance can be assigned as collateral, examples of life insurance as collateral, setting up a collateral assignment, common mistakes to avoid in a collateral assignment, evaluating the suitability of a collateral assignment of life insurance, life insurance for collateral assignment faqs.

  • Is a Life Insurance Collateral Assignment Right for You?
  • Strategic Financing : Utilizing your life insurance policy as collateral for a loan can be a strategic way to secure necessary financing without jeopardizing other personal assets, offering a safer alternative to traditional collateral like homes or cars.
  • Loan Qualification and Terms : This approach can facilitate easier loan qualification and potentially more favorable loan terms due to the added security it provides to lenders, often resulting in lower interest rates.
  • Impact on Beneficiaries : While using life insurance as collateral can protect other assets, it’s important to consider the potential reduction in the death benefit available to your beneficiaries, which could impact their financial security.
  • Policy Eligibility and Process : Both term and permanent policies are eligible for collateral assignment, but the process involves specific steps, including policy application, collateral assignment form completion, and adherence to lender requirements.
  • Seek Professional Advice : Given the complexities involved in using life insurance as collateral, obtaining personalized advice from a life insurance professional is crucial to navigate the process effectively and ensure alignment with your financial goals.

A collateral assignment of life insurance is a conditional assignment that appoints a lender as an assignee of the policy. Similar to using other types of collateral for a loan – such as a property or a vehicle – if the loan is not repaid, the lender has a claim to some or all of the life insurance policy’s death benefit, and in some instances, the policy’s cash value.

With a collateral assignment of life insurance the lender is not a policy beneficiary. Therefore, having the lender be named as a collateral assignee instead, you can specify that the lender is entitled only to a portion of the death benefit (i.e., the amount of the unpaid balance on the loan). The remainder of the death benefit would then go to our named beneficiary.

Consult with an Expert

There are advantages and potential drawbacks when using life insurance as collateral for a loan.

On the plus side, having collateral gives a lender more security that you will repay the loan, making it easier to qualify. Likewise, this repayment security can result in a lower interest rate and payment for the borrower.

In addition, using the death benefit on a life insurance policy as loan collateral can keep other assets – such as the borrower’s home, car, and savings – protected from loss if the loan defaults. And, you can still have named beneficiary(ies) on the policy who receive the remainder of the death benefit proceeds.

There are, however, some potential disadvantages of using a life insurance collateral assignment, too. For instance, with the lender as an assignee, it can reduce the amount of proceeds left for survivors – which could put loved ones into financial hardship to come up with more funds to replace income or pay off other debts of the insured.

If the borrower does not yet have life insurance – but plans to obtain it as collateral – the policy’s premium cost can raise the borrower’s out-of-pocket expenses. Further, if the borrower has specific health issues, they may not qualify for coverage (or if they do qualify, it could be at a higher premium rate).

In addition, if the life insurance policy lapses for any reason, it could violate the terms of the loan, as there would no longer be any collateral causing problems with the lender.

Pros and Cons of Using a Life Insurance Collateral Assignment

Benefits of Using Life Insurance as CollateralDrawbacks of a Collateral Assignment
Improved chances of loan qualificationReduction in life insurance benefits
Potential for reduced interest ratesAdditional insurance costs
Protection of other assets / less risk to home, car, etc.Qualification challenges for life insurance
Beneficiary(ies) can still receive the remainder of the policy's death benefitLapsing the policy could violate the loan terms

Collateral is the item pledged as security for the repayment of a loan. If the borrower defaults on loan payments, the lender will receive the collateral.

Having collateral can help to secure a loan because the lender knows that, even if the borrower stops making payments (either due to death or other circumstances), they will receive something of value in return.

Because collateral can make a loan more secure for a lender, the borrower may also receive a lower interest rate than they would with an unsecured loan (i.e., a loan that does not have collateral).

Collateral for loans can also include items such as:

  • – Property (such as with a home mortgage or home equity line of credit)
  • – Vehicles
  • – Investments, like stocks, bonds, and CDs
  • – Savings/cash/money markets
  • – Business equipment
  • – Collectibles (i.e., art, jewelry, etc.)
  • – Precious metals

If you plan to use a life insurance collateral assignment strategy when applying for a loan, you should go through the following steps in order:

  • Understand the requirements . First, you should know the type of policy a lender will accept as collateral – or even if a lender will accept life insurance. If you need to purchase a new policy, obtain several quotes from highly-rated life insurers before you commit to one.
  • Apply for a policy if you do not already have one . Next, fill out the application for life insurance coverage. You may have to undergo life insurance underwriting before the company approves you for a new policy, which could require undergoing a medical examination and answering in-depth health-related questions.
  • Fill out a collateral assignment form . This form will include listing the lender’s information and naming them as assignees on the policy’s death benefit. A Medallion Signature Guarantees may be required.
  • Obtain approval from your lender that the insurance company has made them the collateral assignee . Only after you receive this approval should you apply for your loan. You can then add any necessary information about the life insurance policy on the loan application.
  • End the collateral assignment . Once your loan has been repaid, let the life insurance company know so they can confirm with the lender and get rid of the collateral assignment.

A lender will generally require that the policy’s death benefit be at least as much as the loan balance amount. That way, the death benefit will reimburse the lender if you pass away before repaying the loan.

If you take out a new life insurance policy, the application process is the same as applying for one without a collateral assignment. However, you must complete a collateral assignment form with the insurance company that lists the lender as an assignee.

We recommend that you walk through this process with a life insurance professional who is familiar with how a collateral assignment works and who can answer any of the questions or concerns that you may have.

A borrower may use term and permanent life insurance for a collateral assignment. But, because each financial institution has different requirements, it is crucial to check and see which one(s) are eligible for your particular transaction. If both term and permanent life insurance policies are acceptable, compare the cost and benefits of each before moving forward.

For example, because the coverage on a term life insurance policy only lasts for a pre-set period (such as 10 or 20 years), a lender may prefer that the borrower have permanent life insurance coverage for the borrower’s lifetime.

Also, a permanent life insurance policy may allow the lender access to the funds in the cash value to make loan payments if the borrower defaults. In this case, the lender may restrict the policyholder’s access to the cash value to protect the lender’s collateral, and this is why many lenders prefer permanent insurance over term life insurance for collateral assignments.

Some examples of cash value life insurance policies include:

  • A whole life insurance policy
  • A guaranteed universal life insurance policy
  • An indexed universal life insurance policy
  • A variable universal life insurance policy

Which cash value life insurance policy is best for a collateral assignment?

You should consider which life insurance policy will provide the most stability, as well as any additional features and benefits that would make it more advantageous.

If you simply need a permanent life insurance policy with a death benefit but don’t need cash value, then a guaranteed universal life insurance policy is a great choice.

However, if you need cash value but value stability and predictability, then a whole life insurance policy may be the better option.

Indexed universal life insurance provides some peace of mind since it provides a floor to protect the policy’s cash value, in contrast to a variable universal life policy where you have the potential for higher returns but with a greater risk of loss due to a down market.

Life insurance can be used as collateral for SBA and small business loans for business related expenses such as upgrading equipment, purchasing inventory, or hiring additional employees. If the borrower could not repay the loan, then the lender would be able to take over the policy and take whatever available cash value is in the policy. If more debt is still due, the lender can collect out of the death benefit upon the borrower passing, with any remaining death benefit going to the beneficiary.

Mortgage loan

Another example of using life insurance as collateral is for a mortgage. Rather than take out credit life insurance which would name the lender as the beneficiary, a collateral assignment would first pay the lender for the remaining loan balance, with the remaining death benefit proceeds going to the policy’s beneficiary.

For example, if John needed collateral to get a $500,000 30 year mortgage, he could use his $1,000,000 life insurance policy’s death benefit. As times goes by the mortgage balance would go down, so he would only owe the lender the amount left on the mortgage, with the remaining death benefit going to his beneficiary (his spouse). If he passed away in year 20 with $150,000 still left on the mortgage, the insurance company would pay the lender $150,000, with the remaining $850,000 death benefit going to his spouse.

An in force life insurance policy is required to complete a collateral assignment form. If you are purchasing a new policy, you may request a collateral assignment form after signing the policy application and paying the first premium.

A life insurance collateral assignment form includes the following:

  • – Your personal information (name, date of birth, contact details
  • – Name and contact information of the lender
  • – Life insurance policy number
  • – Your Social Security number

Even though the policyholder must notify the insurance company about the collateral assignment on a policy, other than their obligation to meet the terms of the contract, the insurer is not actively involved in the loan agreement.

After paying off the loan balance, you will receive a written release once the lender agrees that you have met all loan terms. If so, the lender sends the release to the insurance company.

The collateral assignment on the life insurance policy will end at that time. If you keep the policy in force, you can keep the current beneficiary as the sole recipient of the death benefit proceeds, and you could add additional beneficiaries to the policy.

Some of the most common mistakes to avoid with a collateral assignment of life insurance can include:

  • – Ignoring the lender’s requirements
  • – Adding incorrect beneficiary designation(s)
  • – Cancelling the life insurance policy prematurely
  • – Leaving insufficient coverage for beneficiaries

Any of these scenarios could jeopardize the loan and cause issues with the lender. Likewise, it could also put your beneficiary(ies) in a financial bind.

Alternative Loan Options

Although life insurance can provide viable collateral for a personal or business loan, it may not always be the best option – especially if a borrower cannot qualify for coverage or pay the added cost of the premium.

So, some potential alternatives to a collateral assignment of life insurance could include one or more of the following:

  • – Opting for an unsecured loan from another source, such as a bank or credit card
  • – Utilizing other assets that may be sold or borrowed against and used as collateral for a loan
  • – Taking out a home equity loan or line of credit
  • – Seeking a co-signer – particularly if that individual has strong credit and could increase the chances of loan qualification and possibly even a lower interest rate

While not all situations are suitable for this strategy, some conditions that may favor a collateral assignment include:

  • – A policy with a significant build-up of cash value
  • – Other financial resources for beneficiaries (at least until repayment of the loan)

Even with the many advantages of a life insurance collateral assignment, they aren’t ideal in every situation. Some scenarios where a collateral assignment may not be ideal are:

  • – If the policyholder will have difficulty keeping the policy in force
  • – If the insured is unable to qualify for a policy due to health or other issues

Because there is no one-size-fits-all strategy when using life insurance as collateral for loans, you should first discuss your objectives with a life insurance expert who is well-versed in how a collateral assignment works and where they may (or may not) be the right solution.

Is collateral assignment life insurance the same as credit life insurance?

No, life insurance collateral assignment differs from credit life insurance, as the latter requires that you name the lender as the sole beneficiary of the death benefit, whereas with collateral assignment the lender only gets reimbursed for the total amount owed on the loan with the remainder going to your beneficiary.

What if the policy is considered a modified endowment contract?

If your policy is classified as a modified endowment contract and you’ve used it as collateral, all accumulated earnings within the policy must be reported as your income through an IRS Form 1099-R. It’s advisable to seek guidance from your tax advisor prior to proceeding with the collateral assignment.

How to Determine if Life Insurance Collateral Assignment is Right for You

If you need a personal or business loan, offering collateral to the lender could help you to qualify more readily – and possibly even obtain a lower interest rate on borrowed funds. But even so, many factors are involved when assigning life insurance benefits – and if you or the lender set up the assignment incorrectly, it could result in unfavorable financial consequences in both the short and long term.

So, you must obtain personalized financial advice from a life insurance specialist who can guide you through the process and ensure that you are on the right track. At Insurance and Estates, our primary focus is helping our clients use life insurance for various needs.

Due to our familiarity with different life insurance carriers, we can assist you with finding the best policy for your specific objectives. If you have any questions about using life insurance to secure a loan – or if you’re ready to begin setting up a life insurance collateral assignment – contact Insurance and Estates today.

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How does Collateral Assignment of Life Insurance Work?

Thang Truong

Life insurance can be a good, even necessary investment for most people. Did you know it can also help you get a loan? Taking out a loan against your life insurance policy is called collateral assignment. Lenders often accept life insurance policies as collateral because it’s a low risk loan; they know they’re going to get their money back.

What is Collateral Assignment of Life Insurance?

What kinds of life insurance can be used for collateral assignment, pros and cons of collateral assignment.

In any type of loan, there needs to be some kind of collateral. For a mortgage, your house is collateral, for your car loan, your car is the collateral. If you default, the bank can take your house or your car and sell them, thus getting their money back. If you’re seeking a small business loan, it might be a problem to find collateral to offer to the bank. You could offer the business, but it might not be worth as much as the loan amount. This is where collateral assignment of a life insurance policy comes in.

Collateral assignment is the act of offering your life insurance policy as collateral on a loan. Life insurance that can be used as collateral are cash value life insurance such as whole life or universal life insurance . The reason that these policies can be used as collateral is that they have cash value and even if policy holders can’t afford to pay premium any more, they can still cancel the policy and get cash surrender value to pay back the loan. This makes it easier to obtain a loan, as the bank knows they will get their money eventually. 

It is logical that banks don’t lend more than cash surrender value of the policy at the time of lending.

You still have the same beneficiaries as you did on the original policy. You don’t want to name the bank as the beneficiary, because that way, the bank gets the death benefit on the policy when you die—even if you already paid off the loan. So, don’t do that. 

You will name the bank as the assignee on the form, and you will be the assignor. The borrower must be the owner of the policy, and the policy must remain current; you still need to pay all of the premiums. 

You will then apply for a collateral assignment of life insurance with the life insurance company and the bank. First, the life insurance company will say it’s okay to use your policy as collateral. Then you’ll let the bank know. The bank then proceeds like it would for any other loan: they evaluate the risk involved, and either agree to loan you the money or deny your application. 

Some banks will let you use an existing life insurance policy, and some will require that you take out a new policy just for the collateral. If you do have to apply for a new policy, make sure you let the insurance company know that you want the policy to serve as collateral in a loan. 

Collateral assignment of life insurance is a limited transfer; in other words, the bank only gets the money on the policy if you default on the loan.

Once the loan is paid off, the bank sends the insurance company a release form. This cancels the assignment and restores the life insurance back to the owner.

If you die or default with your life insurance policy being used as collateral assignment, the lender will take the money still left on the loan, and the rest will go to your beneficiaries. This is why it’s important not to name a bank as a beneficiary. If a bank asks you to name them as beneficiary, find a different bank.

You can only use life insurance policies with cash value account as collateral because lenders will lend you against the cash value account in the policy.

  • Whole life: You can use whole life policy as collateral, but only if you’ve built up cash value. Should you default on the loan, the lender will have access to the cash value. 
  • Universal life: Indexed universal or variable universal life insurance policies can also be used as collateral for a loan as long as the cash value account inside the policy has been built up.
  • Group life insurance: Some group life insurance such as whole life or universal life group life insurance may qualify for collateral assignment. You need to talk to your benefits administrator. Keep in mind these are usually small policies.
  • Qualification : You can be qualified for loans you might not otherwise
  • Affordability : you may be able to offer an indexed universal policy for collateral, and thus pay low rates for a loan
  • Protects your other assets . If you own your home, you could offer it as collateral, but if you default, the bank will take it.
  • Should you die, your heirs won’t have debt from a loan : the insurance policy pays the bank
  • Your heirs may get a reduced death benefit 
  • Getting a qualifying life insurance policy takes some effort
  • Loss of control: Until you pay off the loan, the bank is in charge of the policy. They can even buy another policy for you and add those premiums to the principal if you fall behind on the loan.

Last Thoughts

Collateral assignment of a life insurance policy is often used to secure a small business loan. It can help you qualify for such loans, whereas if you didn’t have life insurance, you’d have to put something else up as collateral. Most banks and insurance companies are familiar with the process of collateral assignment of life insurance, and it should be a simple process.

collateral assignment in banking

Thang Truong covers small business insurance and small business success at BravoPolicy. He is a licensed P&C insurance agent. Previously, he held product leadership positions at realtor.com, Capital One, NerdWallet, and Mulberry Technology. He holds a MBA degree from UC Berkeley - Haas School of Business.

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Guidelines for Collateral Assignment of Life Insurance

  • By: Risk Management Team

Lions Financial provides comprehensive guidelines for the collateral assignment of life insurance. The collateral assignment involves using a life insurance policy as collateral for a loan or debt. Lions Financial assists individuals and businesses in understanding the process and implications of collateral assignment, ensuring they make informed decisions.

The guidelines cover important aspects such as determining the policy’s cash surrender value, establishing the assignment amount, and defining the rights and responsibilities of the assignee and assignor. Lions Financial also helps clients navigate legal and tax considerations related to collateral assignment.

Banks require insurance for collateral assignment so that they can always get any outstanding loan amount back if the loaner defaults or dies before being able to pay the loan back.

Collateral is pledged as security for repayment of a loan, to be forfeited in the event of a default. A collateral assignment of insurance is a conditional assignment appointing a lender as the primary beneficiary of a benefit to use as collateral for a loan. If the borrower is unable to pay, the lender can cash in the insurance policy and recover what is owed.

An Absolute assignment in insurance involves signing over your entire policy to another person or entity. The person who is selling or gifting the policy is known as the assignor, and the individual or individuals who receive it are the assignee. The assignee takes full ownership of the policy, being held liable for any premiums and also having the authority to change or designate new beneficiaries.

Collateral assignment of life insurance essentially works like a standard loan. The insurance policy is “collateral” for a loan, and the person or organization that pays out that loan is the temporary beneficiary of the policy’s death benefit until the loan is repaid. The entity taking over the policy does so on a conditional basis and, therefore, doesn’t have the authority to make changes to it, re-sell it or take any of its cash value. Instead, the assignee can only draw on the death benefit if the policyholder defaults.

On the other hand, Collateral Assignment enables policy holders to regain control of their own policy once a medical or other crisis has resolved. It is one of the 3 common ways to borrow from your life insurance policy and access the cash value. With a collateral assignment, you are able to eventually benefit again from the long-term advantages of a life insurance policy.

If one already has a life insurance policy with a face value greater than the loan amount, he can collaterally assign that policy by requesting the paperwork from the insurer. If one doesn’t have a life insurance policy or needs additional coverage, he will need to apply for life insurance and go through underwriting.

Whether one has a term life insurance policy or a whole life insurance policy, he will be the policy owner and responsible for the premium payments. The borrower must be the owner of the policy but not necessarily the insured, and the policy must remain current for the life of the loan with the owner continuing to pay all necessary premiums.

Any type of life insurance policy is acceptable for collateral assignment, provided the insurance company allows assignment for the policy. Some banks may require an escrow account for the life insurance premiums, others may require proof of premiums paid or prepaid.

If one has a whole life policy that he uses for collateral assignment, banks will have access to the cash value of the policy if he defaulted on the loan. If the loaner dies, the insurance company will use the death benefit to pay off any outstanding loan amount. The rest, if any, goes to the assigned beneficiaries.

Insurance companies must be notified of the collateral assignment of a policy. When one is applying for life insurance for the purpose of collateral assignment, he will name his beneficiaries as he would for a personal policy. The bank is not his beneficiary, but the assignee on the collateral assignment after the policy is in force. On the form, he will be the assignor.

There are several reasons to consider a collateral assignment of life insurance. The Collateral assignment guarantees the safety of the amount that was loaned out to the lender, especially under the listed terms and conditions that the lender will be paid in full; moreover, the remaining will be given to the listed beneficiaries in the case of death of the borrower.

  • It safeguards the interests of the lender. A collateral assignment plays a critical role in securing a loan for the borrower. It is the insurance company’s obligation to safeguard the lender’s interest after collecting the collateral assignment form.
  • A collateral assignment allows you to be more flexible with your capital assets.
  • A collateral assignment allows the borrower to purchase insurance as a low-cost collateral to secure paying back a loan.

A collateral assignment has great advantages, but it has certain limitations as well. First of all, a collateral assignment has a limited death benefit. You should assign part of the death benefits as collateral instead of the total benefits which avoids the circumstances where the lender claims all the death benefits after you die.

  • Difficulty in obtaining an affordable insurance policy with low premiums.
  • Loss of policy control is another disadvantage of collateral assignment.
  • Collateral assignment suffers from the limited use of cash value.

Any type of life insurance policy is acceptable for collateral assignment, provided the insurance company allows assignment for the policy.

Some examples of insurance policies you can use for collateral assignment are:

  • Term Insurance

Term life insurance is used to offer coverage for a specific number of years. The proceeds of the policy are only paid out after the insurer dies, and it lacks equity and a surrender value. It falls under the category of the most affordable insurance plans which is why it is a top pick for most people.

You don’t need to buy a plan that exceeds or falls below your needs. Term life insurance enables you to purchase a plan tailored to your needs and since it is not permanent, you are going to pay low premiums.

  • Universal Life Insurance or Whole Life Insurance

With universal life insurance, you will be able to design the insurance policy according to how you want it. The insurance proceeds are usually released when the insured party dies. It is great for individuals looking for a permanent insurance policy that never expires unless you are dead. In short, you will continue to receive coverage as long as the annual premiums are getting paid.

On the downside, universal life insurance policies tend to be expensive because they are meant to offer life term coverage.

On the bright side, the policies build cash value and the longer the premiums are paid,  the more value the plan will build. This cash value can be used on other investments or to pay off the outstanding premiums.

When applying for a collateral assignment of life insurance, you can use two ways to do so: through the bank or through your insurer. The two are explained further below;


There are some lenders who will consider using your existing life insurance policy for collateral assignment if you request it, but others might require you to take out a brand-new policy specifically  for that purpose.

In either case, using life insurance for collateral assignment when applying for loans is a fairly common practice that almost every life insurance company and the bank is equipped to handle.

You start off the application for assignment by securing the loan with the bank in question. This is where you will discover the limitations and regulations the bank has regarding the collateral assignment of life insurance. Each lender has different policies.


Once you have found the right loan, you must fill out the collateral assignment form. Your insurer will be able to provide you with this form easily.

The form has to be filled out by every party involved, including yourself, the lender, and the insurance company. You can sign the forms at the time of your loan application or you can sign them after your policy has been issued.

If you are taking out a brand-new life insurance policy, you are better off signing all of the documents for this at the beginning of the application. The time frame to request a collateral assignment and be accepted for it ranges between 24 hours and 48 hours.

Some banks might require that you notarize the form, which can add some time to the application and acceptance process

  There are several essential parts to be included in the collateral assignment forms.

1.  Policy Identification

This part focuses on the information of the insured, including policy numbers, owner’s first and last names, address, phone number, and email address.

2. Assignee information:

This part contains information about the assignee. The assignee could be an individual, corporate entity or trust. If the assignee is a Trust, he/she ought to list out all the names of currently serving trustees.

parts of collateral Assignments

Moreover, this part should include the assignee’s full legal name, address, tax ID, email address, and phone number.

3. Terms and conditions:

This section lists all the terms and conditions of the assignment. To be specific, this section covers in detail the rights, for instance, “the sole right to collect from the Insurer the net proceeds of the policy, the sole right to obtain one or more loans or advances on the Policy”, etc. Moreover, this section might also include IRS certification to certify the taxpayer identification number filed in the previous sections are authentic and correct.

4. Signatures:

All owners and assignees are required to sign and date in this section after reviewing the previous terms and conditions. Moreover, beneficiaries are also required to sign this form.

5. Submission of the assignment form:

After careful revision of terms and conditions of the assignment and signature, the assignment form should be submitted for processing. This part should list detailed instructions for sending back the assignment form. Moreover, this part should also provide the address, contact information, and the fax number of the company who issued the policy.

You apply for a life insurance policy and name your beneficiary (your spouse, children, whomever). Just as you normally would.

After the policy goes into force, a collateral assignment form from the life insurance company will be sent for you to complete. When a life insurance company sets a collateral assignment of life insurance, this usually takes in the region of seven to ten days to be filed and acknowledged. However we may expedite this if the collateral assignment is required more urgently.

When taking out life insurance at the same time as assigning the collateral, the collateral assignment form must be submitted with the life insurance application.

You get the collateral assignment form signed (some companies require a notarized signature).

It will take a few days to a few weeks for the life insurance company to acknowledge the assignment.

Once the loan has been paid in full, the assignment must be lifted from the policy by means of a release form sent by the lender to the insurance company. When it receives the release, the insurance company cancels the assignment and restores all rights in the policy to the owner.

A collateral assignment allows the life insurance company to pay your SBA lender only what they are owed and the rest goes to your beneficiary. As you pay down the loan, the amount of coverage will be more than you need, and a collateral assignment form makes sure the lender is only paid what is needed.

If you named the lender as the beneficiary, the lender would receive the entire death benefit even though you’ve paid down the balance. And if you did that, the life insurance company wouldn’t issue you the amount of coverage needed – they’ll typically only issue 80% of the loan amount. So, it’s imperative that you use a collateral assignment.

The Collateral Assignment of Life Insurance is a way to secure funding for business or other ventures. It is important to understand the different types of assignments and how they work before choosing this option.

At Lions Financial, we offer a variety of services and resources to help businesses secure funding and protect their assets.

To learn more about these services, sign up for our newsletters or make an appointment with a representative today!

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What Is A Collateral Assignment Of Life Insurance?

A couple signing up for Collateral Assignment

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A collateral assignment is sometimes a necessity if you’re applying for larger financing amounts such as a mortgage or business loan.

But what is a collateral assignment and how do you go about getting it on your life insurance policy? 

In this article, we’ll cover what collateral assignment is, how you can add it to your life insurance, and what alternatives there are out there. 

What Is Collateral Assignment? 

A collateral assignment is a process by which a person uses their life insurance policy as collateral for a secured loan.

In simple terms, collateral assignment is reassigning priorities for who gets paid the death benefit of your life insurance policy.

What Is a death benefit?

A death benefit or face value of a life insurance contract is the amount of money that your beneficiaries will receive from your policy when you die.

Once you apply for collateral assignment and it’s approved, your specified debtor (the loan provider) will be paid first and then your beneficiaries will receive what is left over in your life insurance policy.

This is different from using your cash value to loan money as you are taking out a loan from another financial institution and using your policy as a guarantee that you’ll cover any debt when you die. 

For example, let’s say you want to take out a secured loan from your local bank and want to use your life insurance policy as a collateral assignment.

In this situation, you’d still have to pay back any debt you have with interest during the loan period. 

However, the life insurance policy would be used if the borrower dies and there was an outstanding loan balance remaining. 

Secured Loans vs. Unsecured Loans

Secured loans are debts that are backed by assets that a lender can claim if the debt isn’t repaid. These types of loans often offer better interest rates and more generous payment terms.

Unsecured loans are debts that don’t have collateral. These types of loans are more expensive to repay and considered riskier than secured loans.

A woman signing up for Collateral Assignment.

Source: Pexels

How Does Applying for Collateral Assignment Work?

The process for getting collateral assignments for life insurance is the same as when you apply for new life insurance coverage. 

All you’ll be doing is indicating to your life insurance provider that your lender will be given priority for the amount of money you have borrowed through them.

There is an:

Application process.

Underwriting process.

Offer that you’ll receive.

You’ll be required to name beneficiaries as well as indicate ownership of the life insurance policy in the collateral assignment form which will be provided by your life insurance company.

This is because you’re changing the terms of your payout and your life insurance provider will need to follow these instructions once you die.

NB Some insurance companies don’t offer collateral assignment on new loans and generally only provide this feature to an existing life insurance policy.

You should check beforehand to see what will be required to apply for a collateral assignment. If you need help finding plans that offer this, send an email to a licensed insurance agent today.

Once you’ve assigned a new collateral assignee to your life insurance policy, they will be entitled to lay a claim on your death benefit for any debt you have with them.

For example, let’s say you take out a collateral assignment life insurance policy worth $200,000 for a loan of $75,000 over 7 years at an interest rate of 18%.

If you die after five years, based on these figures, you’ll still have $41,231.02 owed on your loan.

Your $200,000 life insurance plan will be used to cover this and your beneficiaries will receive the remaining $158 768.98 from your life insurance policy.

Your lender is only allowed to take the amount outstanding on the debt owed and cannot take more. 

What about Missed Payments and Cash Value Life Insurance?

If you have a permanent life policy with a cash value account, sometimes called cash value life insurance, your lender will have access to it to cover missed payments on your loan.

For example, let’s say you miss a payment on your loan and have a collateral assignment. Your lender will be able to access your cash value account and withdraw that month’s payment to cover your debt.

Who Can You Add as a Collateral Assignee?

You can add any person or institution as a collateral assignee to your life insurance policy if you owe them money.

This can include banks, lenders, private individuals, businesses, or credit card companies. 

The most common collateral assignments are for business loans and mortgages. This is because they are loans for high amounts that are paid off over several years. 

In fact, some banks and financial lenders may require that you add them as collateral assignees when you apply for any of the financing options mentioned below.

Common Collateral Assignees Include:

💵 Bank loans

💳 Credit cards

🏡 Mortgages

💼 Business loans

What Do I Do If I’ve Paid Off My Debt?

If you’ve managed to pay off your debt - firstly, congratulations! Secondly, you’ll want to notify your life insurance company that you’ll be changing your collateral assignments on your life policy.

While there is no legal claim that a company can make to debts that aren’t owed anymore, there may be a hold up in paying out the death benefit to your beneficiaries and other collateral assignees.

Life insurance companies will have to figure out who must be paid first, according to the order stated in your collateral assignment terms.

In general, life insurance policies will settle claims within 24 hours of being notified of a policyholder’s death.

The process can be delayed if you do not release your collateral assignees from your life insurance contract. 

Tips to Make Sure Your Life Policy Is Paid Out Quickly

Here are some tips if you want your beneficiary claims to be handled as fast as possible:

1) Keep a copy of your life insurance policy and policy number in a safe place or with your lawyer, financial advisor, or estate planner.

2) Speak to your beneficiaries about your policies and give them the contact details of the relevant life insurance company.

3) Make sure your life insurance contract is updated to reflect your latest list of beneficiaries.

4) Make sure you have your beneficiaries' details listed in the contract or with your lawyer.

The Benefits of Using Collateral Assignment of Life Insurance

While adding a collateral assignment to your current life insurance policy may require an application, paperwork, and time, there are benefits:

Many lenders like it: Banks and financial institutions sometimes prefer it when applicants use their life insurance policy as collateral for a loan. This is because they know that their debt will be serviced long-term by your insurance company which makes their loan to you a lower risk.

Your private property won’t be jeopardized: The last thing you want when you go into debt is to put your personal items, such as your car, investments, or home on the line as collateral. Using collateral assignment is an alternative to this and can protect you in the event that you can’t service your debt.

It can be affordable for some people: If you’re in good health and young, you may be paying affordable rates for permanent life cover. In situations like this, it can make sense to use your life cover as collateral for debts you’ve incurred.

A form to sign up for Collateral Assignment.

What Are Some Alternatives to Collateral Assignment?

Term Life Insurance: Getting a term life insurance contract to cover specific debts is one way of ensuring your estate and family are protected when you die.

There are multiple types of term life insurance plans and they are more affordable than permanent life insurance. This makes options like level term life insurance and decreasing term life insurance ideal for different types of debts you may have over your lifetime.

What Is Term Life?

Term life is a temporary life coverage option that lasts for a specific period of time. It is different from permanent life insurance which lasts until you die or you stop paying premiums.

Term life contracts are typically between 5 to 20 years, however, you can get renewable term life plans and even a forty-year term life plan .

Borrow from your life insurance: If you have a permanent life insurance policy, such as universal, whole, or indexed life cover, you can borrow money from your cash value account. 

However, keep in mind that you’ll be required to pay interest on any amount that you borrow and any amount of debt incurred will be deducted from your policy’s death benefit when you die.

What Is Cash Value?

Cash value is a feature of permanent life insurance plans that policyholders can contribute additional money toward while they have a policy in force.

This money is set aside in a cash value account which is tax-deferred and can be used in a number of ways.

In some cases, if your policy allows it, you can end your contract and get the cash surrender value of it. This amount is usually much less than the value of your total life insurance contract. 

Our Verdict on Collateral Assignment

Many banks, lenders, and financial institutions want long-term guarantees that you’ll be able to service your debt if anything happens to you.

In some situations, getting collateral assignments on your life insurance to cover these debts is a good option for people who are trying to access finance from these institutions. 

However, there is a risk that your death benefit payout may be delayed for your beneficiaries if you don’t keep your different collateral assignees up to date.

If you already have a life insurance policy, you should contact your provider to find out what the process is and what you’ll need to do to change the collateral assignees on your policy.

If you don’t have a policy yet, our advice is to look at all of your options before you decide to take a permanent life insurance contract with a collateral assignment.

There are alternatives out there that are more affordable if you’re looking to protect your family and estate from debt.

Term life is one such option that is adaptable to your life and easy to get. 

For example, a decreasing term life insurance policy might be the right choice for someone who has recently bought a home and wants to cover their mortgage while they pay it back.

Another option is final expense insurance, which is a permanent life policy for smaller amounts, usually under $50,000.

With final expense insurance, your beneficiaries can pay for anything they want, including any debts you may have had in your life.

The process for applying is simple and you won't have to go through a medical exam or intensive underwriting as you would with traditional permanent life insurance. 

If you need any assistance with finding, comparing, or learning about the different life insurance options to cover your debts, speak to one of our expert advisors today at 1-888-912-2132 or [email protected] .

Where Can I Learn More about Life Insurance?

If you’re looking to learn more about life insurance, different kinds of coverage, or costs, visit our life insurance hub to find our latest articles.

We do the research so that you don’t have to and our articles cover complicated topics like what is a cash value account, what is key person insurance, or how long life insurance takes to pay out a death benefit.  

If you need help with quotes, try out a life insurance quote finder or reach out to us via email at [email protected] to get in touch with a licensed life insurance agent for your state.


What Is the Collateral Assignment of a Life Insurance Policy?

Many lenders require borrowers to use life insurance as collateral.

Many lenders require borrowers to use life insurance as collateral.

Keith Brofsky/Photodisc/Getty Images

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Collateral assignment refers to the contractual designation of a company or other entity as beneficiary of a life insurance policy. This arrangement is fairly common among business owners in search of additional funds or credit. Many lenders will consider the assignment of life insurance alongside other factors when evaluating creditworthiness for business financing applications.

A collateral assignment is a term used to describe the contractually agreed status of a company or other organization as the beneficiary for a life insurance policy.

Exploring The Basic Contract

Life insurance collateral assignments have become commonplace and the documents necessary to enact these agreements can be obtained directly from the life insurance company. These assignment templates contain widely accepted language and terms, and after filling in the blanks regarding the specific details of the arrangement, the forms must be signed by both the policy owner and lender.

However, no obligation exists requiring the use of boilerplate documents; collateral assignments may be negotiated and created by the parties involved. The insurance company remains disinterested in the assignment arrangements, except for its obligation to uphold the terms of a properly executed contract. Some lenders even require an assignment of life insurance as a condition of loan approval. When leveraged properly, a collateral assignment can help business owners obtain funding that would otherwise be unattainable.

Evaluating Death Benefits

Typical insurance assignments focus on a policy's death benefit as the source of collateral for a loan. The agreement places the lender in the primary beneficiary position, ensuring the recovery of an outstanding loan balance if the owner dies before final repayment is made.

If the policy's death benefit exceeds the dollar amount of the collateral assignment, the remaining proceeds are distributed to the owner's listed beneficiaries as per the original policy documents.

Assessing the Cash Value

Although less common, some collateral assignments involve the cash value of existing permanent life insurance policies. Under this type of arrangement, the lender is granted permission to access cash value and make withdrawals if the borrower defaults on loan payments.

Additionally, these agreements restrict the policy owner's access to the cash value to protect the integrity of the lender's new collateral. Cash value-focused collateral assignments provide the added benefit of allowing borrowers to keep current beneficiary designations without a reduction in benefits.

Termination of the Policy

Collateral assignment contracts require the policy owner to keep coverage in force for the length of the loan term. If the policy is cancelled or terminated for non-payment, the lender may consider the loan contract violated in the absence of collateral. To protect the lender from such situations, most assignment agreements institute the delivery of duplicate policy correspondence to the lender.

Non-payment notices or other policy change documents would allow the lender to proactively intervene and prevent termination. In such cases the lender might be permitted to add payments made to the insurance company to the outstanding loan principle.

Rescinding the Agreement

Once the terms of the loan have been fulfilled and repayment completed, the assignment must be removed from the policy. Rescinding the agreement requires the borrower and lender to acknowledge the fulfillment of the loan terms and removal of the lender's position as beneficiary.

After the life insurance company receives the collateral assignment rescission documents, all access to cash value and policy documents is returned exclusively to the owner.

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Gregory Gambone is senior vice president of a small New Jersey insurance brokerage. His expertise is insurance and employee benefits. He has been writing since 1997. Gambone released his first book, "Financial Planning Basics," in 2007 and continues to work on his next industry publication. He earned a Bachelor of Science in psychology from Fairleigh Dickinson University.

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How to handle the accounting for collateral assignment split-dollar life insurance plans.

By Marc Giampaola , Director, Assurance Services & Michael Parillo , Senior Manager, Managed Services & Consulting

How to Handle the Accounting for Collateral Assignment Split-dollar Life Insurance Plans

Split-dollar life insurance is an arrangement between two parties to share the costs and benefits of a permanent insurance policy. Often these arrangements are between an employer (the “company”) and an employee (the “executive”), involving a whole life or indexed universal life (“IUL”) policy. Companies generally use the policies as a Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan (“SERP”), which are considered non-qualified benefit plans.

The two most common types of split-dollar life insurance arrangements are endorsement and collateral assignment, which are defined based on which party controls the policy. Within these agreements, there are multiple documents executed, most commonly:

  • Life insurance policy – Issued by the insurance company to the policy owner on the life of the insured.
  • Split-dollar agreement – Agreement between employer and employee providing details of the agreement.
  • Promissory note – A loan issued by the company to the employee for the cost of the policy.

Endorsement split-dollar life insurance is an employer-owned policy that endorses some or all of the death benefits to the employee’s beneficiary. The employer owns and controls the policy and, therefore, makes all policy decisions (i.e., surrender). A separate agreement is entered into between the employer and employee to define the split of costs and benefits between the two parties.

Collateral assignment split-dollar life insurance policies are owned by the employee with some benefits assigned to the employer. The employee owns and controls the policy while the employer makes the premium payments. Premiums are loans to the employee. Some level of interest on the amount borrowed must be paid. The employer is ultimately reimbursed for the premiums paid and related interest from the death benefit or the cash surrender proceeds.

There are different types of collateral assignment arrangements based on the structuring of the note within the agreement. They are as follows:

  • Non-recourse arrangements rely solely on the underlying insurance policy for all repayment of principal and interest to the employer. The employee, or the employee’s estate, is not responsible for funding any shortfall by the policy to return the premium and related interest; however, any shortfall could be taxable to the employee as forgiveness of debt income.
  • Limited recourse arrangements rely primarily on the underlying insurance policy for all repayment of principal and interest owed to the employer. However, if there is a shortfall, the employee or the employee’s estate may be called upon to make up the deficiency. These arrangements generally have terms requiring the employer to seek payment from the life insurance company first; the employee is secondarily liable.
  • Full-recourse arrangements are similar to limited-recourse arrangements, with the difference that the employer can seek repayment of the principal and interest from the employee directly if there is a shortfall, without first pursuing any recovery from the life insurer. The employee has substantially the same net liability for any shortfall but would have the burden of satisfying the shortfall and then pursuing recovery from the policy.
  • Providing cash to the insurance company and establishing a premium deposit account;
  • Establishing a deposit account at a bank or credit union under the employee’s name; or
  • Purchasing a single premium immediate annuity (SPIA).

The method of funding has no impact on the accounting, as there is a single loan made to the employee.

Most commonly, companies utilize collateral assignment split-dollar life insurance set up under non-recourse or limited-recourse arrangements. As such, the focus of the accounting section will be on these types of arrangements.


  • ASC 310: Receivables (“ASC 310”)
  • ASC 325: Investments – other (“ASC 325”)
  • Loans and investments, November 2020 Edition (“PwC Loans Guide”)


The accounting for split-dollar arrangements is generally the same regardless of the structure of the agreement. Additionally, whether the promissory note is non-recourse or limited-recourse has no effect on the journal entries recorded over the life of the arrangement.

Recording the Loan at Issuance

In executing the transaction, the employer provides funding for the premium payments of the life insurance policy in exchange for a promissory note from the employee. The transaction meets the definition of a loan as defined by ASC 310-10, which states:

A contractual right to receive money on demand or on fixed or determinable dates that is recognized as an asset in the creditor’s statement of financial position. Examples include but are not limited to accounts receivable (with terms exceeding one year) and notes receivable.

Upon issuance of the loan, the employer provides cash through one of the funding methods described above and establishes a loan receivable from the executive. As an example, assume the defined loan amount is $3.0 million. The value of the loan is measured at issuance equal to the cash outlay by the Company. ASC 310-10-30-2 states:

As indicated in paragraph 835-30-25-4, when a note is received solely for cash and no other right or privilege is exchanged, it is presumed to have a present value at issuance measured by the cash proceeds exchanged.

In these arrangements, the company does not provide any other right or privilege. The promissory note is received in exchange for the cash needed to fund the premiums of the policy. As such, the value of the loan is equal to the cash paid.

The journal entry to record the example transaction is:

Dr: Officer Loan Receivable $3,000,000
Cr: Cash $3,000,000

Recording the Interest Accrual

Once the loan is established, it begins earning interest based on the note rate, typically the long-term Applicable Federal Rate for the month and year the agreement becomes effective. Interest compounds annually. In the example transaction, assume an annual interest rate of 2.50%. Each month the company earns interest on the outstanding loan balance, and a journal entry is recorded to accrue interest on the loan. Interest is paid from the death benefit and, therefore, increases the receivable from the executive in each accounting period. The entry below represents the monthly accrual of interest:

Dr: Officer Loan Receivable-Accrued Interest $6,250
Cr: Interest Income $6,250

(calculated as $3,000,000 loan * 2.5% interest / 12 months)

Recording the Settlement of the Loan

The loan is settled upon death or surrender of the policy. The company is entitled to the value of the original loan and accrued interest from inception. The cash owed to the company is paid from the death benefit or surrender value, with the remainder being paid to the employee (surrender) or the employee’s estate (death). Based on the example, assuming settlement and surrender of the insurance policy 24 months post entering into the policy (i.e., $150,000 interest earned), the entries to record the receipt of cash and settlement of the receivables are as follows:

Dr: Cash $3,150,000
Cr: Officer Loan Receivable $3,000,000
Cr: Officer Loan Receivable-Accrued Interest $150,000

Other Considerations for Subsequent Measurement


At each period-end, the company needs to analyze the value of the outstanding loan for changes in the valuation. Generally, these loans are considered not held for sale and, therefore, are reported at outstanding principal adjusted for any charge-offs, allowance for loan losses, deferred fees, and unamortized premiums or discounts based on ASC 310-10-35-47, which states:

Loans and trade receivables that management has the intent and ability to hold for the foreseeable future or until maturity or payoff shall be reported in the balance sheet at outstanding principal adjusted for any chargeoffs, the allowance for loan losses (or the allowance for doubtful accounts), any deferred fees or costs on originated loans, and any unamortized premiums or discounts on purchased loans.

Additionally, the company should analyze at each period-end any probable collection issues and the need for an allowance that would reduce the asset balance.

Value of the Loan

With an insurance policy securing the loan, further consideration is needed to determine the value of the loan. For endorsement arrangements, the employer owns the policy and, therefore, owns the surrender decision. The company values the loan at the lesser of the premiums paid or cash surrender value of the policy as of the period end date. This amount can generally be obtained from the statement provided by the insurance company.

For collateral assignment arrangements, the employee owns the policy, so the company does not control the surrender decision. However, the company does maintain the right to collect on the loan under the collateral assignment. Therefore, the company may need to consider the cash surrender value of the policy when determining the value of the loan. ASC 325-30-35-1 states:

An asset representing an investment in a life insurance contract shall be measured subsequently at the amount that could be realized under the insurance contract as of the date of the statement of financial position…

Depending on the type of note used in the agreement–non-recourse or limited-recourse– when determining the carrying value of the loan at each period-end.


For limited-recourse, the loan is secured by the cash surrender value of the insurance policy, but the company also has the option to seek repayment from the employee if the cash surrender value is less than the outstanding loan amount. Since the loan is secured by both the policy and by the employee, the cash surrender value is not the only consideration when determining the value of the outstanding loan. As such, the value of the outstanding loan does not need to be adjusted if the cash surrender value is less than the outstanding loan, and there is no further consideration needed at period-end for these types of arrangements.


For non-recourse notes, the loan is secured solely by the cash surrender value of the policy and, therefore, potential for a loss related to the loan exists if the cash surrender value is less than the loaned amount. The cash surrender value is the realizable amount of a life insurance contract at any given date. The accounting guidance does not allow a life insurance asset to exceed cash surrender value less an allowance for credit losses. The company is entitled to the premiums paid plus interest earned under these arrangements. The carrying value of the portion of the loan for which premiums were paid would need to consider the cash surrender value. This portion of the loan would be valued by the company as the lesser of the cash surrender value and the cumulative premiums paid by the reporting entity.

This is based on the premise that surrender is not within the control of the company and it is uncertain whether the company will be reimbursed for cumulative premiums paid upon death or surrender. Any premiums paid in excess of this amount should be recorded as an expense.

As an example, if the outstanding loan related to a non-recourse policy was $3,000,000 and the cash surrender value of the policy was $2,500,000, the company would need to reduce the carrying value of the loan to the cash surrender value and recognize a loss related to the loan. The entry below represents how the company would record the adjustment:

Dr: Loss – Officer Loan $500,000
Cr: Officer Loan Receivable $500,000

While the general accounting for these arrangements is similar, specific details and terms within all documents included in the agreement need to be evaluated when determining the appropriate accounting, and companies should consult their accountant with any questions. Additionally, there are potential individual income tax implications for the executive related to these arrangements that should be considered.

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Using Life Insurance For Collateral Assignment

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Fact Checker - Licensed Life Insurance Agent

The most common way that life insurance policy protects you and your loved ones is by providing financial support to your family in the event of your untimely death.

In some situations, life insurance serves to replace lost income with death benefits, in others, life insurance can be used to pay off remaining debts and death expenses. 

Life insurance can also be used as a very helpful tool in order to obtain financing for a loan .

This process of using a life insurance policy to take out a loan is called “ collateral assignment ” of life insurance.

Before we discuss everything you need to know about the collateral assignment of life insurance, let’s take a quick peek at what we will be covering in this article:

What you will learn in this article (click to go to section):

  • What is Collateral Assignment of Life Insurance?

How Does Collateral Assignment of Life Insurance Work?

  • Can I Apply for Multiple Loans With Life Insurance as Collateral?
  • How to Apply for Collateral Assignment of Life Insurance
  • Requirements, Limitations, and Restrictions 
  • What Happens in the Event of Default or Death?
  • What if I Pay Off my Loan While Using Life Insurance as Collateral?
  • Who Qualifies for Collateral Assignment of Life Insurance?
  • Choosing a Beneficiary for Your Policy
  • Best Life Insurance Companies for Collateral Assignment
  • Finding a Life Insurance Policy to Use for Collateral Assignment

What is a Collateral Assignment of Life Insurance?

The collateral assignment of life insurance is a legal way for you to assign your life insurance policy as a form of collateral for a loan to banks.

With this, you can be far more likely to receive financing for loans you may not otherwise be able to secure because the bank knows they will get their money back no matter what.

The way collateral assignment of life insurance works is like this:

  • You have a life insurance policy that is in your name. This coverage is paid for by you just like any regular life insurance policy.
  • Once you have this coverage, you must apply for a collateral assignment of life insurance with both your life insurance company and the bank. (Below we describe how to apply for a collateral assignment of life insurance in detail.)
  • Once the life insurance company clears you to use the policy as collateral for the loan, you must then specify to your lender that this is what you intend to do.
  • From there, you simply wait for the bank to get back to you on your application, and if they approve, you have successfully used life insurance as collateral assignment on a loan from the bank!

Can I Apply For Multiple Loans With Life Insurance As Collateral?

You can apply to as many loans as you please using your life insurance policy as collateral, as long as the policy has a large enough death benefit to cover the total amount owed on the loans you are applying for.

How to Apply For Collateral Assignment Of Life Insurance

Applying through your bank.

There are some lenders who will consider using your existing life insurance policy for collateral assignment if you request it, but others might require you to take out a brand new policy specific for that purpose.

In either case, using life insurance for collateral assignment when applying for loans is a fairly common practice that almost every life insurance company and the bank is equipped to handle.

You start off the application for assignment by securing the loan with the bank in question. This is where you will discover the limitations and regulations the bank has regarding the collateral assignment of life insurance. Each lender has different policies.

Applying Through Your Insurer

Once you have found the right loan, you must fill out the collateral assignment form . Your insurer will be able to provide you with this form easily.

The form has to be filled out by every party involved, including yourself, the lender, and the insurance company. You can sign the forms at the time of your loan application or you can sign them after your policy has been issued.

If you are taking out a brand new life insurance policy, you are better off signing all of the documents for this at the beginning of the application. The time frame to request a collateral assignment and be accepted for it ranges between 24 hours and 48 hours.

Some banks might require that you notarize the form, which can add some time to the application and acceptance process.

Collateral Assignment Of Life Insurance Requirements, Limitations, & Restrictions

When it comes to applying for and using life insurance as collateral assignment for a loan, there are a few common requirements to keep in mind to make sure that you get the most out of your policy, and also to make sure that you can be accepted quickly and easily .

1. Beneficiary and Policyowner Requirements

Policyowners of a life insurance policy that qualifies for collateral assignment must be the owner of the policy . They do not necessarily need to be the insured or the beneficiary, but they must be the owner of the policy.

The policy owner must maintain payment of all premiums in order for this policy to remain in place as collateral.

2. Types of Life insurance policies that qualify for collateral assignment

Any type of life insurance policy is capable of being used as collateral assignment for loans, as long as the company that issues it does not have any rules against it being used as such.

Term Life Insurance

Term life insurance policies used as a collateral assignment for loans must have terms longer than the length of the loan . Additionally, if the loan is paid off prior to the expiration of the policy, the policy is no longer payable to the bank.

Be sure to notify your insurer in the event that you pay off a loan which used your life insurance policy as the collateral assignment. You can then assign a new beneficiary to the life insurance policy with their help.

Permanent Life Insurance

Permanent life insurance policies  can also be used as collateral assignment for loans from banks. In this case, any cash value accumulated by the policy is only accessible by the bank in order to maintain collateral in the case of a loan default.

3. Lender Rights

If you default on your loan , the bank reserves all rights to utilize your life insurance policy’s death benefit as a form of repayment for your defaulted payments.

On top of this, they reserve the right to take from your cash value on permanent life insurance policies, as mentioned above.

What Happens If You Die Or Default With Your Life Insurance Policy Being Used As Collateral Assignment?

A collateral assignment is a form of limited transfer, unlike an absolute assignment which gives over all of your policy with no chance of reversing it.

If you were to pass away before your loan is repaid the lender will receive whatever amount is still owed from your death benefit. The remaining balance will be given to your beneficiaries .

As long as you pay your premiums on time and your policy is current you can use this to secure any type of loan with any bank that will accept it.

The same goes for defaulting on your loan.  If you default, the bank only has access to the amount of death benefit that is owed to them. The rest is secure and still under your policy, to be paid out to beneficiaries in the event of your death.

What If I Pay Off My Loan While Using My Life Insurance Policy As Collateral?

If you pay off the loan entirely before you pass away, or before the end of your policy, then the lender is no longer entitled to any of your death benefit and the full death benefit continues into the hands of your beneficiary.

At this point with permanent life insurance policies, your access to cash value is reinstated as well.

Who Qualifies For Collateral Assignment Of Life Insurance?

Any policyholder that has a permanent or term life insurance policy can qualify for collateral assignment.

Not every company allows collateral assignment of life insurance policies, and therefore it is best that you speak with your life insurance provider to see what their limits are with regard to Collateral Assignment.

However, most life insurance companies are equipped to handle this easily.

Many life insurance providers do not care how you use the policy, as long as it is in a legal fashion, and they will likely sign your application for collateral assignment quickly and with minimal friction.

Choosing A Beneficiary For Your Life Insurance Policy With Collateral Assignment

If you are attempting a collateral assignment, your bank might ask you to assign them as the beneficiary.


If you die and you only paid off half of your loan and you made the bank your beneficiary, the bank will receive the remaining balance of your entire death benefit.

If you were to take out a $100,000 loan and you assigned the bank as your beneficiary they would receive the entire amount even if the amount owed to the bank at the time of your passing was only $20,000.

You do not want this to happen.

Banks only require a collateral assignment and that means they are only entitled to the amount owed on your loan, an amount which theoretically decreases with time.

If you have no beneficiaries listed, the remaining amount will theoretically go to your estate. But there may not be anyone around to enforce this. 

You can choose whomever you please as your beneficiary on your life insurance policy, as long as it is not yourself. Just be sure the beneficiary you choose is not your bank, regardless of what they tell you .

Best Life Insurance Companies For Collateral Assignment Of Life Insurance 

SBLI Life Insurance is also known as Mutual insurance company and they provide affordable policies to smokers and non-smokers.  They were founded in 1907 and since they are a mutual company they are owned by the policyholders and not by the stockholders.

As such their primary objective is to show allegiance to the clients rather than to their investors. This particular company is popular because they help customers blend different term life insurance policies with whole life insurance policies.

They have an A , excellent, rating from A.M. Best. They have an A+ rating from the BBB. Their financial history has remained level and strong since their inception.

Sagicor is rated A- by A.M. Best with a financial rating of A- . They have been in business for over 60 years offering products across 45 states. Without undergoing a medical exam you can still qualify for coverage up to $500,000 .

If you don’t want to answer any medical questions you can still get covered under $250,000 with this particular company.

They are not favorable toward individuals with diabetes or people who want a 30-year term plan but they are perfectly suited for individuals who are looking for whole life insurance policies that offer collateral assignment options.

North American Company

The North American company has a solid financial strength rating. They are given a superior rating which is the second highest rating you can get, from A.M. Best.

They also have an A+ from the S&P rating and Fitch rating.  This company is also privately owned so they are able to invest in Secure assets rather than things like government bonds.

North American has an array of whole life insurance policies that are offered it to anyone 85 or younger and they have favorable terms for collateral assignment options.

Banner Life

Banner Life Insurance Company Offers an array of inexpensive universal life insurance products. However, they do not have a whole life insurance policy.

They are licensed to conduct business in every state but New York. If you are a New York resident you can still get coverage but you have to go through William Penn. They have a financial strength rating of excellent.

Finding A Life Insurance Policy To Use For Collateral Assignment

If you are looking for life insurance coverage which you can also use as collateral on a loan, then you want to take some time to make sure that you understand the stipulations of your bank and insurance provider.

On top of this, you want to be sure that the policy you choose offers great rates and is offered by a company with a history of paying out claims on time and when needed.

The easiest way to find the best life insurance coverage to use for collateral assignment is to speak with an independent life insurance agent who can help you compare life insurance policies and rates from dozens of the best life insurance companies on the market.

We are very experienced in this area and have the knowledge necessary about life insurance providers and collateral assignment with banks to ensure that you find the best coverage for your situation.

Give us a call today to speak with a professional, or get started online using our quoting tool for quick and easy life insurance quotes.

Ty Stewart

Ty Stewart is a founder and contributor of SimpleLifeInsure.com. He started researching and studying about life insurance when he got his first policy for his own family. He has been featured as a life insurance expert speaker at agent conventions and in top publications. As an independent licensed life insurance agent he has helped clients nationwide to secure affordable coverage while making the process simple.

Bennett Bier

I’m Bennett Bier , owner, author and fact checker of Simple Life Insure. I believe working with a small independent broker offers consumers more personal attention and superior customer service. As an independent agent licensed in all 50 states and the District of Columbia I have access to many of the top A+ rated life insurance carriers. This lets me locate a plan that you will qualify for while saving you money at the same time. Over the years I have mastered the art of underwriting, getting approvals even for my highest risk clients. I’m also likely the person that will answer the phone when you call.

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Collateral assignment of life insurance (explained), most people overlook using term life insurance as collateral for a business loan to start a business. a collateral assignment of life insurance can help get you the nod of approval and keep you moving forward in starting your business., ready to compare quick life insurance quotes.

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Luke Fitzpatrick

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Luke Fitzpatrick covers blockchain trends on Forbes. He has been published in Yahoo! News, Influencive and Tech In Asia. He is a guest lecturer at the University of Sydney, lecturing in Cross-Cultural Management and the Pre-MBA Program.

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Tracey L. Wells

Licensed Insurance Agent & Agency Owner

Tracey L. Wells is a licensed insurance agent and Farmers insurance agency owner with 23 years of experience. He is proud to be a local Farmers agent serving Grayson, Georgia and surrounding areas. With experience as both an underwriter and agent, he provides his customers with insight that others agents may not have. His agency offers all lines of insurance including home, life, auto, RV, busi...

UPDATED: Jun 19, 2024

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On This Page

Starting and growing any type of business requires some degree of capital—for real estate, inventory, office equipment, the list goes on and on. Not too many business owners have enough in their bank accounts to cover those expenses. However, using term life insurance as collateral can have some pitfalls.

The fact that you can use some types of term life insurance for business loan collateral is often overlooked. This article will help you think through whether using term life insurance as collateral for a loan is the best source of funding for your venture.

Unfortunately, qualifying for a loan doesn’t always come easy. Banks are hesitant to make loans to new and unproven businesses unless they can ensure their investment is protected. And, in most cases, loans to new businesses must have some type of collateral to ensure their loan will be paid back.

Of course, business owners usually consider life insurance to protect their businesses. Having life insurance to reduce business risk can protect your business if anything were to happen to key personnel. But, many business owners don’t realize their existing life insurance policies can be a source of collateral.

If you buy life insurance for business loan collateral, it can help get you the nod of approval from lenders by giving them some assurance you won’t default on your payments.

Don’t have life insurance yet? Use our free quote tool and get an optimized and affordable life insurance quote in seconds and then read on to see how you can use your life insurance to get a business loan. Read More: How Life Insurance Works

Table of Contents

How Life Insurance is Used for Business Loans: Collateral Assignment

When you take out a loan, the bank that provides the loan creates a repayment plan that can be spread out over a number of years. For the bank to make an investment in a new business, they will want to review your business plan and ensure that your business will make enough money to meet the repayment plan.

But what happens if a new business owner passes away before the loan is repaid? To protect the bank, prior to granting a loan, the bank may require that you assign as collateral the payout of a life insurance policy.

For term life insurance the bank will align the term of the policy with the term of the loan repayment. For instance, let’s say that you take out a $500,000/ 5-year loan to fund your business. The bank may require that you either purchase a new term policy or use an existing term policy for at least 5-years with a payout of at least $500,000.

It is important to understand that you are not putting the bank down as a beneficiary, but that you are assigning a payout to the bank if something were to happen. So, let’s say that you paid down $250,000. If you pass away before the remainder is paid, the $250,000 of the insurance payout will go to pay off the loan, and $250,000 will go to your beneficiary.

If you pursue this type of life insurance, you’ll need to sign a loan collateral assignment form to assign the bank as the recipient of the policy’s death benefit as long as the loan is in effect.

Usually, the bank will work with the insurance company to coordinate the execution of the form.

What types of life insurance policies work for a collateral assignment?

Both permanent and term life insurance policy types can be used for collateral assignment of a business loan. However, as a business owner, it will be much cheaper to pay term life insurance rates for business loan collateral than those for a permanent life insurance policy .

Of course, you might have an existing permanent life insurance policy in place. With a permanent insurance policy, you may also have built up considerable cash value. Using a policy with cash value can make it easier for a bank to make a loan decision.

How to Apply for Life Insurance for Collateral Assignment

When you apply for a business loan, a bank may have certain requirements before approving your loan. One of the requirements might be that you have a life insurance policy in place to collateralize the loan.

If you have an existing policy, the bank will work with your insurance company to complete the collateral assignment paperwork. If you don’t have a policy in place, the bank will work with your insurance company to write a term life policy for the number of years that it will take to repay the loan.

You will still need to go through the formal application process for your life insurance policy, as well as complete a medical exam. If you are denied approval for your policy, you will also be denied the loan.

Because of this, it can save you time by having a policy in place before you apply for a loan.

Absolute and Conditional Assignment

When you apply for a loan, your bank will determine whether you should assign a life insurance policy with an absolute assignment or conditional assignment. In most cases, the type of assignment depends on whether the policy was written in order to get the loan, or whether you had a policy in place already that you would use to collateralize the loan.

If you already have a loan, you will want to conditionally assign the loan to the bank for repayment during the term of the loan. After the loan is repaid, the bank will no longer have a claim for the benefit.

However, if you took out a loan for the specific purpose of collateralizing your loan, you will likely be required to absolutely assign the loan to the bank.

Never Assign Your Bank as the Beneficiary

Remember, the bank is not a beneficiary of the policy, so do not assign them as a beneficiary. They will have a claim to the payout proceeds of the policy in the event of the death of the policyholder prior to the full loan repayment.

The last thing you want is for the bank to have a rightful claim as a beneficiary of the policy. This is because when a beneficiary is paid out, they are entitled to a percentage of the policy.  For a collateral loan assignment, you want the bank only to hold entitlement to the amount of the loan that is outstanding.

So, if a policyholder pays off more of the loan but dies during the term, the policyholder’s family will want to make sure the bank only gets the amount to pay off the remainder of the loan.

A Few Tips to Help You Get the Right Policy

  • Inform your agent or broker upfront that you need the policy as loan collateral. That way, they’ll know to prepare for the extra paperwork involved.
  • Take out a term life policy that’s long enough to cover the loan repayment period. For example, if you’re getting a 20-year business mortgage loan, you will need a 20-year term life insurance policy.
  • Don’t drag your feet! Because most lenders won’t finalize a loan until you’re able to show “proof of policy,” don’t wait until the last minute to talk with a life insurance agent if you don’t already have a policy. On average, it takes four weeks for policy approval. If you have medical conditions, the review process could take longer. Your bank may not want to wait that long.

Note that you can expedite the process of securing life insurance if you opt to apply for a no medical exam term life insurance policy. By going that route, you won’t have to take the paramedical examination otherwise required (if you do have to take the examination, understand what to expect from a life insurance medical exam here). These types of policies generally receive approval within 24 to 48 hours. The drawback is that they cost a bit more because the insurer is assuming more risk.

When to fill out collateral assignment paperwork?

If you are looking to secure funding by using life insurance for a SBA loan, you will need a policy in place first. The bank will want to make sure that you are in good health and can qualify for a policy.

Once you have a policy in place, the bank will review the rest of your loan application. If they choose to provide you a loan, the bank will then work with your insurance company to produce the assignment paperwork.

So, until you know that your loan will be approved, and your policy is in place, you don’t need to worry about assigning the policy.

When does a collateral assignment end?

A collateral assignment will end when the loan is repaid. It’s as simple as that. However, the amount that the bank can claim reduces as you repay your loan.

So, if you took out a loan of $500,000 for a 10-year period, in the last year, the bank wouldn’t be able to claim $500,000 against the policy, but instead would discount the claim for the amount of principal that was repaid against the loan.

Pros & Cons of Collateral Assignments

Collateral assignment to secure a business loan does have benefits and disadvantages. Pros:

  • Term life insurance used to secure the loan is inexpensive. And as you pay off the loan, your family has an additional source of security.
  • Using the insurance policy as a way to collateralize your loan allows you to free up other assets and cash flows to run your business.
  • If you have a permanent insurance policy, your access to use the cash value in the plan will be limited until the loan is repaid.
  • Until you repay the loan, you may need additional life insurance to secure your family in addition to the policy used to secure your business.

In the end, however, most banks will require you to secure your loan with a policy. Keeping in good health and securing a policy while you are young will help you qualify for the lowest rates. Check out the rates below to get an idea of how much you might pay for a simple term life policy.

Age & Gender$100,000 Policy$250,000 Policy$500,000 Policy$1,000,000 Policy$500,000 Policy, Male$500,000 Policy, Female
25-Year-Old Male$15$19$30$48$23$19
25-Year-Old Female$14$15$23$34$24$19
35-Year-Old Male$18$21$29$49$24$19
35-Year-Old Female$17$15$23$37$29$24
45-Year-Old Male$30$40$57$103$36$33
45-Year-Old Female$27$35$44$78$54$47
55-Year-Old Male$78$90$149$268$79$62
55-Year-Old Female$66$70$108$194$79$95
65-Year-Old Male$188$230$373$612$213$144
65-Year-Old Female$151$180$300$500

One last benefit is that your premium payments are an expense to the business and are tax-deductible.

Alternatives to Collateral Assignment

In some cases, you won’t have much of a choice but to take out an insurance policy to secure your loan. The bank will insist upon it.

However, you won’t have to if you use some other collateral for the loan. This could be real estate that you own, financial securities like stock and bonds, or simply a cash account with the amount available.

However, in each of these instances, you will lose flexibility in managing these assets since you will have to hold on to them for the life of the loan.  Also, you will need to manage the value of these assets. If they decrease in value, the bank may insist that you come up with additional capital.

If you are struggling to find a bank to provide you with capital, you can reach out to the U.S. Small Business Administration for helpful guidance on funding options.

Using Life Insurance for Business Loan Collateral: The Bottom Line

If you have dreams for your business, and you need funding to help them come true, keep the option of a term life policy as loan collateral in mind as you talk with lenders.

Because of its affordability and flexibility, term life insurance can give the bank the assurance it requires without putting undue strain on your business budget.

The first step is to have a great policy in place at the best price. Start shopping right now by using our free quote generator . Get a custom term life insurance quote for business loan collateral in seconds and save time with the loan process later.

Collateral Assignment of Life Insurance: When Your Bank Wants Your Life Insurance

When your bank wants your life insurance, it’s because it will act as collateral for a loan. Not many people know that banks can ask for life insurance, among other documents, as collateral on a loan. Collateral assignment of life insurance is a sensible form of protection for the bank and is not a new practice at all. Refer to our guide to learn more about banks and collateral assignments of insurance.

Loan application… check. New business plan… check. Updated financial reports verified by your CPA … check. You’ve collected and submitted all the documents and requirements your bank has asked for and now it’s time to collect the cash and get to work. Or, so you think.

Today’s tight lending environment has seen a new trend emerge in business lending. Many banks now require life insurance coverage on borrowers, and possibly on guarantors as well. It’s a sensible form of collateral and protection for the bank and is not a new practice at all. In fact, it used to be common for lenders to require life insurance coverage on borrowers. However, it was also a huge hassle for the borrower. After all, years ago you couldn’t just run out and buy life insurance in a day.

But you can now.

Simplified Issue Term Life Insurance

Enter Simplified Issue Term Life Insurance, also known as No-Medical Exam term life insurance. It’s exactly what the name says it is and it comes in various forms, as life insurance companies scramble to get new products to the market. And the reason is obvious. Life insurance shoppers are buying it. Lots of it.

Simplified Issue Term offers the following benefits:

  • No Medical Exam. Standard term life insurance requires a brief paramedical exam . While this is usually not a big deal to most people, it can be for people that are in a hurry or have a needle phobia.
  • No Paper Application. The application is typically completed online or by telephone, with either an electronic or voice signature at the end.
  • Reduced Wait Time. The entire process, from application to approval to payment, can be completed in as little as 15 minutes! Some applications can take a bit longer, up to 7-10 days. Compare that to regular term life insurance which has an average process time of 3-4 weeks.

Too Good to be True?

So what’s the catch? There isn’t one, but there can be some disadvantages, depending on your circumstances:

  • Limited Coverage Amount. The highest amount currently available with any one life insurance company is $500,000. However, it is possible to ‘stack’ policies by purchasing from two or more companies. You just need to make sure you disclose all of your pending applications to each insurer.
  • Cost. While not always more expensive, it is in many cases. This is the tradeoff for getting a limited medical review by the life insurance company.
  • You May Not Qualify. The medical and background questions you must answer may disqualify you for simplified issue term. This does not necessarily mean you will be declined entirely. Based on your answers, you may be required to apply for regular term life insurance.

So, now you have a brand new term life insurance policy, and you’re ready to hand it over to your loan officer. All finished, right? Not yet. You will also need to complete the assignment paperwork to make the lender a beneficiary on your policy. This assignment establishes the lender as policy beneficiary for an amount equal to the payoff of the loan. Any additional proceeds from the policy after the lender has been paid will be paid to the beneficiary(s) of your choice.

If you are in the market for a business or personal loan , be sure to ask the lender if a life insurance policy as collateral will be necessary. The best thing you can do is shop for a policy early, just in case you can’t qualify for a simplified issue term life policy and you need to go the traditional route.

Case Studies: Using Term Life Insurance as Collateral for Business Loans

Case Study 1: The Start-Up Funding Boost

John, a budding entrepreneur, has a great business idea but lacks the necessary capital to bring it to life. He approaches a bank for a business loan but faces difficulty in securing approval due to the high risk associated with start-ups. However, John owns a term life insurance policy with a substantial death benefit.

By assigning the policy as collateral, John provides the bank with an added layer of security. In the event of his untimely demise, the bank will receive the payout amount to repay the outstanding loan balance. This reassures the lender and increases John’s chances of obtaining the necessary funding to kick-start his business.

Case Study 2: Expansion and Growth

Sarah owns a successful small business and is looking to expand her operations. She plans to apply for a business loan to finance the expansion, but the bank requires collateral to mitigate the risk. Sarah already holds a term life insurance policy and realizes she can leverage it as collateral.

By assigning her policy to the bank, Sarah demonstrates her commitment to repaying the loan. This collateral provides the bank with a safety net in case of unforeseen circumstances. It enhances Sarah’s credibility as a borrower and increases the likelihood of loan approval, enabling her to fuel the growth of her business.

Case Study 3: Mitigating Risk for Established Businesses

Michael runs a thriving business and wants to secure a loan for new equipment to improve efficiency. While his business is well-established, he understands that lenders prefer additional assurance before granting loans. Michael explores the option of using his existing term life insurance policy as collateral.

By assigning his policy to the bank, Michael showcases his commitment to meeting financial obligations. The collateral assignment ensures that the lender has recourse in the event of his unexpected demise, reducing the risk associated with the loan.

This gives the bank greater confidence in Michael’s ability to repay the loan and increases the likelihood of loan approval.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can i use term life insurance as collateral for a business loan.

Term life insurance can be used as collateral for a business loan by assigning the payout of the policy to the bank. This provides assurance to the lender that the loan will be repaid in the event of the borrower’s death.

What types of life insurance policies can be used for collateral assignment?

Both permanent and term life insurance policies can be used for collateral assignment. However, term life insurance policies are usually more cost-effective for this purpose.

How do I apply for life insurance for collateral assignment?

If you already have a life insurance policy, the bank will work with your insurance company to complete the collateral assignment paperwork. If you don’t have a policy, the bank may assist you in obtaining a term life policy for the duration of the loan.

Should I assign my bank as the beneficiary of the life insurance policy?

No, the bank should not be assigned as the beneficiary of the policy. Instead, a collateral assignment allows the bank to receive the policy’s death benefit only to the extent of the outstanding loan amount.

When does a collateral assignment of life insurance end?

A collateral assignment of life insurance ends when the loan is fully repaid. As the borrower makes payments towards the loan principal, the amount that the bank can claim from the policy decreases accordingly.

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Breaking News – John Cena Announces Retirement At WWE Money In The Bank 2024

Major wwe superstar in toronto ahead of wwe money in the bank 2024.

John Cena returned to WWE at the 2024 Money in the Bank pay-per-view event and he had a shocking announcement – he’s retiring next year.

WWE Hall of Famer Trish Stratus introduced Cena, who came out and cut a passionate promo about why he came to Toronto, Canada for the show.

Cena praised the Canadian crowd, the stacked WWE roster these days, and those who have helped him along the way. He also praised the upcoming WWE-Netflix deal.

Cena announced that he’ll be competing at three more WWE events before he hangs his boots up for good – the 2025 Royal Rumble, Elimination Chamber 2025 and WrestleMania 41.

The GREATEST OF ALL TIME is here! JOHN CENA is back at #MITB ! pic.twitter.com/anW4GdtC8l — WWE (@WWE) July 7, 2024
BREAKING NEWS: John Cena announced at #MITB he will retire from in-ring competition in 2025. #ThankYouCena pic.twitter.com/6TPnYI5iU2 — WWE (@WWE) July 7, 2024
Immediately following #MITB , you CAN see @JohnCena kicking off the Money in the Bank Post-Show Press Conference answering any and all questions about his retirement. 👉 https://t.co/MqRE6PHOTr pic.twitter.com/Yx8Kk8AoOY — WWE (@WWE) July 7, 2024

NOTE: If you have any news tips or podcast recaps that you’d like to send in for us to post (full credit will be given to you), please email me at [email protected] .

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  1. A Collateral Assignment of Life Insurance

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  3. Collateral Assignment of Life Insurance

    A collateral assignment of life insurance is a method of securing a loan by using a life insurance policy as collateral. If you pass away before the loan is repaid, the lender can collect the ...

  4. What Is Collateral Assignment of Life Insurance?

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  5. The Complete Guide to Using Life Insurance as Collateral 2023

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  6. What Is a Collateral Assignment of Life Insurance?

    Collateral assignment of life insurance allows you to use your life insurance policy as collateral when applying for loans. This is especially common when applying for business loans. However, your insurer must allow this arrangement, and the policy must be sufficient to cover the collateral requirements. Using your life insurance policy comes ...

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  9. What Is Collateral Assignment of Life Insurance?

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  12. Collateral Assignment of Life Insurance

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    A collateral assignment can help you get approved for an SBA or bank loan. Find out how you can use your insurance policy as collateral in this guide.

  22. PDF Collateral Assignment TEMPLATE

    This Assignment shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the District of Columbia, except to the extent that the laws of the jurisdiction in which the particular collateral is located are required to be applied pursuant to applicable choice of laws principles or rules. 8.

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    For a collateral loan assignment, you want the bank only to hold entitlement to the amount of the loan that is outstanding. So, if a policyholder pays off more of the loan but dies during the term, the policyholder's family will want to make sure the bank only gets the amount to pay off the remainder of the loan.

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    John Cena returned to WWE at the 2024 Money in the Bank pay-per-view event and he had a shocking announcement - he's retiring next year. ... The Match Times, Producers & Referee Assignments For WWE Money In The Bank 2024 Revealed - Advertisment - LATEST NEWS. WWE. The Match Times, Producers & Referee Assignments For WWE Money In The Bank ...

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