Digital Content Creator Cover Letter Examples & Writing Tips

Use these Digital Content Creator cover letter examples and writing tips to help you write a powerful cover letter that will separate you from the competition.

ugc creator cover letter

Table Of Contents

  • Digital Content Creator Example 1
  • Digital Content Creator Example 2
  • Digital Content Creator Example 3
  • Cover Letter Writing Tips

Digital content creators are in charge of developing and managing the content that appears on a company’s website and social media platforms. They need to be creative, organized, and able to write for a variety of audiences.

When you’re applying for a digital content creator position, your cover letter is a great opportunity to show off your skills and experience.

Check out the examples and tips below to learn how to write a digital content creator cover letter that stands out.

Digital Content Creator Cover Letter Example 1

I am excited to be applying for the Digital Content Creator position at Topdown Marketing. I have a degree in Journalism and more than three years of experience writing for online publications. I am confident that I have the skills and experience you are looking for in this role.

In my previous role as a Staff Writer at Buzzfeed, I wrote more than 1,000 articles on a wide range of topics. I am an expert at creating content that is both informative and engaging, and I have a proven track record of producing content that receives high levels of engagement on social media. I am also experienced in creating video content, and I have a strong understanding of the principles of SEO and how to optimize content for search engines.

Most importantly, I am passionate about writing and I have a strong desire to help businesses create content that engages their audiences. I am excited to learn about Topdown Marketing’s approach to content marketing and to help contribute my skills and experience to your team.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Digital Content Creator Cover Letter Example 2

I am writing to apply for the Digital Content Creator position that was recently posted on your website. I am confident that I have the skills and experience that you are looking for, and I believe that I would be a valuable asset to your team.

I have been working in the digital content industry for the past three years, and during that time I have developed a strong understanding of the necessary skills and strategies for creating effective and engaging content. I am an expert in creating content for both web and print media, and I have a proven track record of producing high-quality content that resonates with audiences.

I am also an excellent team player and I have a strong track record of collaborating effectively with other professionals. I am confident that I would be able to work well with your team and contribute to your organization’s success.

I am eager to discuss this opportunity further with you and would welcome the chance to come in for an interview. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Digital Content Creator Cover Letter Example 3

I am writing to express my interest in the Digital Content Creator position that you have posted. I believe that my experience as a writer, editor and content creator make me an ideal candidate for this position.

I have been working in the digital media industry for the past five years. My experience includes writing, editing and managing content for websites, blogs and social media platforms. I have also worked on several projects that required me to create original content from scratch. I have written articles, press releases, blog posts, newsletters and more. I have also edited and proofread all of these pieces before they were published.

My experience has taught me how to write for different audiences. I can write for both business and consumer audiences with ease. I can also write in a variety of styles depending on what is needed for each project. I am confident that I can adapt quickly to any style or tone that is required by my employer.

I am also very experienced when it comes to working with deadlines. I know how important it is to meet deadlines and I am always able to do so without sacrificing quality. I am also very organized and detail-oriented which makes me a great fit for this position.

I would love the opportunity to discuss my qualifications in person with you. I feel that my skills and experience would be a great asset to your company. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Digital Content Creator Cover Letter Writing Tips

1. showcase your creativity.

When writing a cover letter for a digital content creator role, it’s important to showcase your creativity. One way to do this is by explaining how you come up with new and innovative ideas for content. For example, you can talk about how you use data to come up with new topics, or how you come up with interesting angles for existing topics.

2. Use specific examples

It’s always a good idea to use specific examples to back up your claims. For example, if you say that you have a strong understanding of SEO, then provide an example of a time when you successfully increased traffic to a website through your SEO efforts.

3. Tailor your cover letter to the job description

The best way to make sure your cover letter is tailored for a specific job is by paying close attention to the details of the position. For example, if you see that a digital content creator opening requires two years of experience in one type of content and five years’ experience in another type, then highlight any relevant experience you have in those areas.

If there are any additional requirements or skills mentioned for that job, also list them on your application; this will help make it clear how you can meet their needs.

4. Proofread your cover letter

Proofreading your cover letter is the first step to landing an interview for a digital content creator role. As with any position, it’s important to spell-check and double-check that there are no errors in your resume or cover letter. Otherwise, you risk being disqualified before the employer even sees your qualifications.

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The UGC Club

  • Brand Work , Pitching

6 UGC Pitch Email Templates To Land Your Dream Client

  • by Kirk Axley
  • Published June 23, 2023

When was the last time you sent a UGC pitch email that you just  knew  was going to work?

As a UGC creator you can get jobs in one of two main ways:  inbound  and  outbound . The prior means building a personal brand and waiting for your dream clients to come to you. But, if you’re impatient, you can take matters into your own hands. Outbound, means  reaching out to those dream brands on your own terms. 

Step one, find dream brands. Check. Step two, find email for dream brands. Check. Step three, email. And now, you need to  nail  your UGC email template. Luckily, there is a formula for that perfect pitching.

In our UGC pitch email guide, we’ll run through it from A-Z, and show you brand pitch email templates from real creators that will help you land those dream jobs. 

Let’s get it.

What Is A UGC Pitch?

When we’re talking about a UGC pitch we’re talking about an email sent to decision makers at brands or agencies to  pitch  your services as a UGC creator. It’s short, sweet and to the point. 

Here’s a UGC pitch email example: 

Dear [Brand Name],

I think I might have the answer you need to reach X demographic.

My name is [Your Name] and I am a content creator based in California.

I’ve had a number of your ads for [ enter skincare product ] land on my feed, and the [enter USP of product here] caught my attention. As a content creator with an extensive background in the beauty space I’ve noticed a couple of obvious tweaks we could make to your ads that could drive this USP home and would at least double your ROAS.

An obvious pain point for [a demographic] is X, and I have a few ideas that could position [brand/product ] as the perfect solution – can I send them over?

Looking forward to chatting,

[Your Name]

[Calendly Link]

How To Find Brand Emails

If you want an answer to your perfect pitch, you’re going to need to knock on the right doors. Yes, you can fire 100 emails off into the abyss of ‘ [email protected] ’ but I hate to tell you, they are probably never going to see the light of day.

When it comes to finding contacts for your emails, we’re going to utilize Linkedin.

Find The Decision Maker

If you’re willing to spend $30 a month, Linkedin Sales Navigator will transform your process. You can search any company and filter by function — there you’ll be provided with a lovely list of the marketing department, each with their job titles. If we look at the below example, we can narrow down the SET active team to 11 members on marketing. There you can decide if you want to pitch to their influencer marketing executive, their social media manager or their PR and partnerships manager. All relevant, but will guide your pitch.

 Grab the Decision Maker’s Email

Ok, let’s say we’ve landed on the Influencer Marketing Executive. We’re going to note that she’s only been with the company for 2 months, and use that as an opener in our email. Then, we’re going to use an  email scraper tool  to grab the email. You can try  Wiza  is free for the first 10, and then you’re again around $30 per month.

What if I don’t want to spend $30/60 a month?

If you don’t have the budget to invest in outbound tools just yet, you can just get a little more dug in to research. Prior to emailing the generic  [email protected]  address, consider reaching out in the Instagram DM’s first. You’re going to send a really short and sweet introductory message, positioning yourself  as an expert.

Keep it short, as you’ll be reaching the social media manager that does not care about your life story.

Hi [Brand Name],

My name is [Your Name] and I am a content creator based in California. I’m looking to reach out to your marketing team to discuss how I could potentially help with three-fold your ROAS.

Could you let me know the email of the best person to get in touch with?

What Your Pitch Should Look Like

A brand pitch email template should be carefully crafted to grab the attention of the brands and convince them to collaborate with you. 

There are several key elements that brand pitch emails should include, from top to bottom:

1. Strong subject line

The subject line of a brand pitch email is possibly more important than the entire thing. It determines whether the email will be  opened . A recent Adobe survey found that  75% of all emails  never get read. 

A strong subject line should be attention-grabbing, concise, and relevant to the brand and the influencer. It should also be personalized to the brand, rather than using a generic subject line. 

Bad examples:

❌  URGENT: Open Immediately

❌ Fwd: Fwd: Fwd: [Irrelevant Subject]

❌  ugc opportunity

2. Introduction

The introduction of brand pitch emails should provide a brief overview of who you are and what you do. Keep this short, the brand don’t care about you — they care about what you can do for them.

Highlight a problem they might have: could it be reaching a demographic, highlighting a USP, or just showing more ‘real’ customers in their ads? Check their trust pilot reviews for ideas, or the comments of their ads.

The body part of a brand pitch email you send should provide more information about your value proposition. How are you going to solve the problem that you highlighted? 

What to write in the email pitch body:

  • Highlight your unique style, audience, and approach.
  • Credibility proof — I’ve worked with X brand, I’ve achieved X ROAS etc, link to your portfolio here.
  • Potentially include specific ideas for the collaboration, such as a hook or angle idea, but keep it very brief.

A call-to-action (CTA) should clearly state what you want the brand to do. 

This could be as simple as responding to the email or setting up a call to discuss the collaboration further. The CTA should be specific, actionable, and easy for the brand’s representative to follow.

The closing of your brand pitch emails should be brief but memorable. 

Think about what’s left in the mind of the business representative after they read your email.

The Do’s and Don’ts of A UGC Pitch Email

We got the idea about what is a brand pitch email and how to create its essential building blocks. Now we are going to look at the examples of what you should do ( and avoid! ) in each of these parts.

✅ Reach out to brands with a solution

Do your research and only pitch to brands that you will actually be able to bring value to. I see new UGC creators talking time and time again about the 100s of pitches they’ve sent out in a day. Each pitch should be personalized to the brand — what is their problem and how are you the solution. You can’t do that 100 times every day (if you’re doing it properly)

✅ Add a personal visual touch

Your pitch emails should include a visual element, such as a logo or a photo, that represents your personal brand. This will help the recipient of your emails quickly identify who you are and will make your email stand out in their inbox.

✅ Include proof

If you have worked with other brands in the past, be sure to include information about these business collaborations in your pitch email. This will show that you have experience working with other companies and give an idea of the kind of content you can create.

✅ Get a domain

Domains cost buttons, but make you look ten-fold more professional. Rather than emailing a brand from  [email protected] , send it from  [email protected]  and suddenly… we look a lot more professional. Pick one up from GoDaddy or similar, and you can also then use it for your UGC portfolio.

❌ Don’t include your rates in the pitch

It’s always a good idea to establish a relationship with a brand before discussing the moolah. So highlight your skills and the value you can bring to the brand, rather than the financial details. 

You can include your link to your portfolio, your rates will no doubt be on there, so otherwise, don’t reference it.

❌ Don’t tell about everything at once

No one wants to read a long, rambling email. 

Keep your pitch concise and to the point, highlighting the key aspects that make you a good fit for the brand. The person reading your email will be more willing to respond if they quickly understand who you are and what you do.

A pitch email should be carefully crafted to grab the attention of the brands and convince them to collaborate with you, so be sure to give it the time it deserves.

Top UGC Pitch Email Templates

So now let’s gather everything we know about brand pitch emails and see how exactly you can use them. 

These are just the brand pitch email templates to get the ball rolling — don’t hesitate to add a personal touch.

For The Beauty Industry

The beauty industry is saturated,  big time.  If you’re going to stand out, you need to be able to talk about the return you’re going to provide the brand. We are not going to be able to provide that guaranteed return with  pretty  content. Identify the gap in their current strategy, and then lay out your solution.

Hi [Decision Maker Name],

I think I might have the answer you need to reach [X DEMOGRAPHIC].

My name is [YOUR NAME] and I am a content creator from California.

I’ve had a number of your ads for [ enter skincare product ] land on my feed, and the [ENTER USP/PAIN POINT] caught my attention. As a creator with an extensive background in the beauty space and first hand experience of [PAIN POINT] I’ve noticed a couple of obvious angles we could take that could drive this USP home and increase your ROAS.

I have a few ideas that could position [BRAND/PRODUCT] as the perfect solution – can I send them over?



For The Travel Industry

For the most part, you’re going to be pitching to individual hosts or hoteliers in the industry. The value you can offer them will differ for every individual client. When you’re researching, consider what you bring to the table.

Do they have professional imagery, but are missing the human touch needed to bring them to life on social media? Are they missing lifestyle images, or do they have no organic presence on social media?

You can fill any of these gaps for them, and that’s what you sell.

My name is [YOUR NAME] and I’m interested in partnering with [HOTEL NAME].

I am traveling to [CITY OF HOTEL] and I’m interested in creating content to showcase [NAME OF HOTEL] in a light that appeals to the millennial generation. 

Your professional imagery is beautiful, but as an experienced content creator in the travel niche I can see an opportunity to ten-fold your marketing strategy with short-form video content and lifestyle imagery. 

My recent work for [INSERT PREVIOUS CLIENT] resulted in a direct 40% uplift in forward bookings. I’d love to do the same for you.

Can I send you the moodboard I created for [HOTEL NAME]?

For The Fitness Industry

Before you get to pitching for fitness/sports work, really put yourself in the mind of the end target audience. If you’re in peak physical shape, you’re probably best primed to create content that is aspirational. If you’re not in peak physical shape, you’re even more primed to create content that covers the early stages of getting fit. 

Don’t be afraid to reference that in your pitch.

Whilst I’m far from peak physical fitness, I’ve had a number of your ads for [ enter green powder product ] land on my feed, and the [ENTER USP/PAIN POINT] caught my attention. 

As a creator with an extensive background in creating thumb-stopping ads and first hand experience of [PAIN POINT] I’ve noticed a couple of obvious angles we could take to appeal to a new target audience.

I have a few ideas that could position [BRAND/PRODUCT] as the perfect solution to those at the very start of their journey into taking control of their metabolism – can I send them over?

For The Tech Industry

This could be physical tech products, or  UGC for apps and digital solutions , but pitching remains largely the same. Tech companies will often have significant budgets, but will look to see evidence of direct returns.

Have you considered creating ads that speak to [X DEMOGRAPHIC + PAIN POINT].

I’ve had a number of your ads for [PRODUCT] land on my feed, and the [USP] caught my attention. 

As a creator with an extensive background in creating thumb-stopping ads and first hand experience of [PAIN POINT] I’ve noticed a couple of obvious angles we could take to appeal to [DEMOGRAPHIC + PAIN POINT.

I have a few ideas that could position [PRODUCT] as the perfect solution – can I send them over?

Generic Cold Pitch

First and foremost, I don’t recommend this. But, I know many of you are going to want to still send out 100 pitches per day and want a generic pitch that can go to everyone. So, we’re going to come up with a cold pitch that can still sell your services without any specifics. This is a great template to use as a base to build your own from.

Are you looking for a cost-effective way to increase your ROAS and boost your organic engagement? I might be your perfect solution.

With an extensive background in creating thumb-stopping ads, I have a few ideas about how we can work together. I’d love to chat about where I could fit into your team’s current marketing strategy.

Can we jump on a quick call?

🚀  Ready To Pitch?

Remember, these pitches won’t necessarily work for you, or for the brands you’re pitching to. Each email you send should be tweaked (or overhauled) to be relevant to the decision maker. The more research you do before you hit send, the more likely you are to get a reply. Remember:

  • A strong subject line is make or break, do this well.
  • Highlight the problem you see (nicely) and explain how you are the solution.
  • Include a clear call-to-action (CTA) in the brand pitch email in order to prompt the recipient to take the desired action — what do you want the recipient to do after the email? 

Follow the best practices: keep the email short and to the point, and don’t be generic. Happy pitching!

Further reading

  • UGC Rates: Everything You Need To Know
  • 6 UGC Pitch Email Templates To Land Your Dream Clients
  • Top UGC Platforms: 18 Places To Find Work
  • How To Make A UGC Portfolio: The Ultimate Guide

Picture of Kirk Axley

Table of Contents

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  • Made with Copyfolio
  • Career Tips

The Ultimate UGC Creator Career Guide

Author's profile picture

Dreaming of a successful career as a UGC creator? Then keep on reading because this blog post has all the essentials you need to know to make that dream a reality. We’ll cover everything from content creation essentials to the skills you need, and the UGC portfolio you should create —and will list some UGC platforms and creators to follow in the end.

Banner saying: Become a UGC creator with a stunning portfolio website. Build yours now.

Want to launch your UGC career and build a portfolio quickly and easily? Try Copyfolio and create a stunning site that looks good on every device!

Here are all the topics we’ll talk about today:

Essentials to get hired as a UGC creator

Types of ugc to consider.

  • How to create UGC

How to create a UGC portfolio

Tips for a powerful ugc creator pitch, a guide to brand outreaches, ugc creator platforms to check out, 7 ugc creators to follow for inspiration.

Creating content about a product or service you’ve tried makes you a UGC creator in the traditional sense of the word.

But when we talk about UGC creators lately, we mean creators who make that content for the company that makes that product or provides that service. Usually with the aim of it to boost brands’ conversions by posting it on their accounts —as authentic-looking, user-generated content is known to do .

So what do you need to become a professional UGC creator that gets hired and paid by brands to make content about their products? Let’s see the essentials:

  • UGC samples. Both for practice and credibility, you’ll need a few UGC samples: images and videos you created about products you know and love. These will show your areas of interest and your style when it comes to content creation.
  • A UGC portfolio. These pieces will have to then go into a portfolio, where brands (aka potential clients) can check them out. This will help them decide if you’re a good fit, someone they should hire.
  • A strong pitch. To get brands to check out your UGC portfolio in the first place, you’ll have to pitch yourself. And since you’re not the only one trying to get their attention, your message should be captivating and powerful.
  • A system for your outreaches. Lastly, to make sure you send your pitch to all the brands you have your eyes on, and not get lost in all the replies and follow-ups, you’ll need some sort of system to track and send your outreaches.
  • Bonus: a strong online presence. This is not a must, as the four things above should be enough to land you amazing UGC projects. But if you have a strong online presence and personal brand, brands might find you and reach out to you about opportunities.

This post will walk you through the details of each of these to give you all the information you need to succeed as a UGC creator. Ready to dive in?

First things first, you should get familiar with the different types of content you can choose from. These are…

Unboxing videos

In these videos, you record yourself as you open the package that came from the brand. It resonates with people as we’ve all experienced the excitement of an anticipated order turning up and tearing into the box for its contents.

As it’s a great opportunity to showcase not just the product but the feel of the brand overall, you can also include close-up shots of the box and the packaging alongside your commentary. Feel free to get creative and show off your filming skills.

Product features

Product features could be photos or videos, as long as they showcase the product. Creators usually aim to make these very aesthetic, matching the look and feel of the brand.

For a luxurious skincare product, you might see bright shots and marble in the background, while for an item in tech, you can expect perhaps a dark background and neon lights.

How-to guides

How-to guides can also be either videos or images showing how to use the brand’s product, of course. The former format usually appears in social media, while the latter is typically featured on blogs.

This type of content is great for showing people how easy and convenient it is to use a product and/or how amazing the results of using it can be.

Vlog-type videos

Vlogs are the most casual natural-feeling type of UGC content, where the creator is taking you along with their day, their routine of getting ready, and more. With that, and vlogs’ main purpose being entertainment, products appearing in vlog-type videos feel the most authentic of all UGC content types.

But as it’s the most authentic-looking content, it’s important for product placements to also be effortless and smooth. If it’s too obvious or feels forced, the content can turn salesy, which will drive people away.

Testing and review content

Sometimes you see an ad for a product and wonder: is it as good as it looks? Is it actually worth it? And that’s where testing videos and reviews come into play.

By seeing the product handled and introduced by a “normal person” as opposed to shiny ad creatives, people feel like they’re getting a real and more reliable look at the product.

And especially in the online world where everything is enhanced and corrected, that can be a crucial nudge along the customer journey, especially if it feels authentic. It should sound like you’re casually talking to your friend about a new product you’ve just tried.

How to create UGC in 5 steps

Since the number one essential for UGC creators is having UGC samples, it’s important to talk about how to create said UGC.

Luckily, since UGC is meant to feel authentic and created by ordinary people, making it isn’t as difficult as highly produced adverts. It’s okay if you don’t have a professional camera and lighting setup at the beginning. As long as it shows the product well and feels like you are genuine, it will work.

But let’s see the 5 steps of creating UGC:

  • Get the product. Whether you purchase it yourself or the brand sends it to you, you can’t get started until you have it. Make sure it has no dirt, damage, or anything else that’d show it in a bad light.
  • Choose the UGC type and make a plan. You need to decide what kind of content you want to create: unboxing, testing, or maybe a vlog? Then write a detailed plan on what shots you’re going to take, what you’re going to say, and how you’re going to showcase the product.
  • Shoot the content. Grab the product, get your camera out, and take all the shots you need based on the detailed plan you made. Don’t forget to record the voiceovers too if your content needs it.
  • Edit the pictures or footage. This is where the magic happens. You can’t just dump a bunch of unedited clips or photos on a brand. You need to fit them all together to make them presentable.
  • Export and upload the finished piece. When you’re happy with the results, export it and double-check that it looks as it should. Then upload it to wherever you store your samples so it’s ready to go when you need it.

Useful tools for UGC creators

To be able to do all that you’ll need some tools: both tangible and digital. Let’s see what these are.

Physical tools for creating UGC

The only tool that’s really essential is a camera. It can be a smartphone’s camera if it takes good enough photos and videos —but you’ll need something to get the shots you need. You can find alternatives for all the other things on this list, but this one is non-negotiable.

Optional tools that’ll make recording easier and your content better quality are:

  • A tripod , so you can record yourself more easily and get all the angles you need.
  • A gimbal if you want to be really pro and get super smooth footage.
  • Lights . It could be a ring light if you’re recording yourself or box lights on stands if you have more space to shoot.
  • A microphone if you’re taking videos and you’d like top-notch audio quality.
  • Backdrops , both for product-only shots and pictures or videos of yourself, for a sleek and more professional look.

You don’t need to invest in all these right at the beginning. But once you’ve dipped your toes in and feel like being a UGC creator is the right path for you, you could definitel consider them to make your content more professional.

Software for UGC creators

Once you have the material, you’ll have to process it and make it presentable. That’s what these apps can help you with. There are dozens of alternatives for each out there, but here are our recommendations.

  • Adobe Premiere Rush for editing videos. With both a desktop and mobile version, it makes it super easy to cut videos and export them in all the different aspect ratios you need for different social media platforms. They also have a Free plan available.
  • Capcut for video editing. A popular alternative for Premiere Rush is Capcut, which also has templates you can use for TikTok videos.
  • Adobe Lightroom for editing photos. While the mobile version is free with minor limitations, you need to pay for the desktop version, with plans starting at $9.99/month. It is the industry standard app for photo editing though, with lots of tutorials and presets available online.
  • Notion for planning out your content creation. Notion is our team's favorite tool for planning everything: content plans, collaborations, roadmaps. As a UGC creator, you can use it for to-do lists, shot lists, planning content, keeping track of brand collabs, and more.
  • Planable for scheduling social media posts. Even though UGC is posted by the brands, you might want to work on your own profiles as you’re building your online presence and reputation. So why not save some precious time in the process?
  • VEED video converter for getting the right formats. Your video materials might be in many different formats but to make them playable in any player, you’ll probably need MP4 in the end.

When you have your samples, you need to give them a home, so you can show them off to brands. Your portfolio website is the perfect place for that —and the good news is that it’s actually really simple to put one together.

ugc creator cover letter

Love getting inspiration? Check out more UGC portfolio examples !

1. Choose your platform and create an account

How easy your portfolio will be to build and how professional it’ll look depends on the builder you choose to make it.

Popular generic platforms might have all the capabilities you can think of, but the over-bloated features make them much harder to use and slower to load too. In contrast, ones that were made specifically for marketers and content creators to build their portfolios and online presence, like Copyfolio , make the whole process quick and effortless.

2. Set up the basics of your website

Pick a template, write your tagline, and check what sections you want to keep on your homepage. By giving your portfolio a solid foundation, converting brands with your UGC samples will be all that much easier.

Did you know? Copyfolio generates a basic site with 3 pages for you when you register. It’ll have custom content tailored to you, based on your profession and goal with the site. They determine what pages you get, what structure and sections they have, and what content you find within them.

Banner saying: Impress brands, create your UGC portfolio easily with Copyfolio. Give it a try.

3. Add your UGC samples

And here come the stars of the show! There are two main approaches to showcasing your samples. You can either:

  • Add each piece of content as a separate project if you don’t have many of them yet.
  • Group them together and showcase them on separate pages.

In Copyfolio you can add three types of projects: case study pages, PDF files, or external links. If you’d like to go with the first approach, you can use external links, and link them to published posts on social media, or the pictures/videos uploaded to Google Drive. In this case, you can use a screenshot from the video or cover image as the project thumbnail.

For the second approach, or if you want to write about your creative process and tools you used with each sample, you should add a page for each project. There you can present everything even more professionally: using mockups for pictures, adding explanations, embedding videos, linking via buttons and social icons, etc.

4. Get a custom domain

It’ll make all the difference when it comes to looking professional. Sending a link won’t be your only option anymore: you can just tell people to check your portfolio at What could be smoother than that?

Not to mention it’ll look much better in all the places you need to add a link to your portfolio: your CV, email signature, social media bios, etc.

Try to grab the .com version of your name, and if that’s not available, play around with adding keywords. Think of words like UGC, social media, or content creator.

Equipped with your UGC portfolio full of great samples, you’re ready to get out there and start pitching.

What’s the key to a strong pitch? Let us sum it up for you quickly.

  • Don’t forget: a great pitch is about them , not you. Focus on how you can make their performance or conversions better, and how your content will add to their online presence.
  • Your pitch should be concise: 2-3 sentences maximum. Brand managers and marketers dealing with UGC are busy. So you need to be able to tell them what you do and why they should work with you in a quick and efficient message.
  • Mention your USP , aka what makes you different from all the other UGC creators. Others can also promise them high-quality content and better conversions, so explain why you’re a better choice than anybody else; what makes you unique.
  • End with a call to action. If you tell them what to do next (e.g. “Check out my portfolio at” or “Email me at [email protected] to talk about a possible collaboration”) they’re more likely to get back to you, as opposed to if you present your case and just leave it at that.

With your portfolio ready and pitch perfected comes the time for sending outreaches.

The brand outreach process consists of three main parts:


Tracking & follow-ups.

These might sound pretty drab and official —but don’t worry, it’s not as overwhelming as it sounds.

Prospecting is the process of finding and collecting brands and people to reach out to. This is a great example when a tool like Notion can come in handy. You can easily create a table or database to categorize and track your prospects. You can log the brands’ name, industry, target audience, main products, social media handles and following, and whatever else you find useful. Adding the contact information and person you think could be in charge of UGC here is also recommended.

When you have the list of all the brands you want to contact, you can go through them one by one. Pull up the contact information you found, and depending on whether it’s an email address or social media account, send your message.

Make sure to proofread your message before you send it, and always personalize it for that specific brand. Don’t forget to add a link to your portfolio and follow the pitching best practices from above.

You sent your outreaches, amazing! But it doesn’t stop there.

You need to track who gets back to you, and whether they’re interested or not. If you created a database for your prospects, that’ll be a great place to track these too. The more brands you reach out to and the more projects you get, the more you’ll need to keep track of it all. You wouldn’t wanna miss out on a possible UGC job because you forgot to get back to an email, right?

It’lll also help you track to whom you should send follow-up messages. Give brands 3-5 days to reply —but if they don’t, feel free to check back in. You’d be surprised how many people get back to you the second time around. Stay organized and don’t give up.

If you don’t have specific brands in mind and want to make the prospecting phase faster, you could also check dedicated UGC platforms. They’re there to connect brands with UGC creators, making the process easier and more efficient for both sides.

Check out the list below, we collected some of the most popular ones for you.


The homepage of UGC platform Brands Meet Creators

As the name says, they connect brands with creators. It’s free for the latter, and you can set your own rates.

UGC platform Tribe's homepage saying

Tribe is specialized for TikTok and Instagram content, where creators go through five steps. As a creator you browse brands, check the available briefs, pitch your ideas, submit your content, and get paid when it’s published.

The landing page of UGC shop, with the tagline: A studio & community of content creators making cool content for cool brands.

UGC Shop carefully selects creators to produce content about ethical brands and their products. As such, you have to apply and get approved to join the UGC Shop community and start getting content creation jobs through them.

The landing page of UGC platform Influee with the tagline: Get eCom UGC video ads that convert, fast!

Influee is a network of more than 50,000 creators. You can connect your Instagram account and the platform will suggest campaigns they think would be good fits for you. But naturally, you can decide which ones you’re interested in: just read the briefs and reach out to chat about the ones you like.

The homage of Joinbrands, which connects brands with influencers and UGC creators instantly.

JoinBrands specializes in helping brands get UGC content for their TikTok campaigns, but you can submit photos as campaign material as well.

As a creator, you choose jobs that you like, read the brief, and create the content the brand asked for. What’s interesting is that you can create and upload extra pieces of content on top of that for higher potential earnings.


The homepage of popular influencer and UGC platform, Passionfroot.

Passionfroot says they’re “the only tool creators need to manage their sponsorships from start to finish.” They work with people creating all kinds of content: newsletters, YouTube videos, Instagrams/TikToks, etc. It’s leaning a little bit more for sponsored content for those who already have a following, but Passionfroot is circulating in UGC circles too as a reliable platform.

The homepage of Trand, a UGC platform connecting brands with creators.

Trend is a platform specifically for UGC creators, starting at $100 per post for brands. They also hand-pick the creators they work with, so similarly to other apps, you’ll have to apply and get approved first. You don’t need to have a following to work with them though, and being on the platform is free.


The homepage of Thingtesting where people can review products they've tried.

Thingtesting is a platform where anyone can write reviews about products. Their aim is to give people a place they can trust when researching products. We all know brands like to hide negative reviews, but Thingtesting is having none of that.

If you’re an active reviewer on the platform, you can gain access to their “Thingdrop” program where you get to shop products at heavily discounted prices. It’s great for UGC creators just starting out.

Charlotte Arsenault

The Instagram profile of Charlotte, Content Creator.

Niche: UGC creation / Followers: 9k

The Instagram account of Shelby Jolly, UGC creator and style blogger

Niche: Fashion & travel / Followers: 17k

The Instagram profile of Ysabel, UGC & content creator

Niche: Tech & gaming / Followers: 4k

The Instagram page of Lisa Celine, mom and UGC creator

Niche: Motherhood & babies / Followers: 29k

The Instagram profile of Shura, UGC creator in the fashion niche

Niche: Fashion / Followers: 11k

The Instagram page of fashion and lifestyle UGC creator Finja

Niche: Fashion & lifestyle / Followers: 45k

The Instagram profile of Selina, who's a fitness and fashion model, traveler, and UGC creator

Niche: Fitness & travel / Followers: 25k

Author's profile picture

Dorka Kardos-Latif

Digital marketer & portfolio expert, the face behind all content on Copyfolio 👋

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7 Content Writer Cover Letter Examples

Content Writers excel at weaving words into engaging narratives that inform, entertain, and inspire readers. Similarly, your cover letter is your chance to craft a captivating story about your professional journey, highlighting your creativity, writing skills, and dedication to producing quality content. In this guide, we'll explore top-notch Content Writer cover letter examples to help you pen an application that leaves a lasting impression.

ugc creator cover letter

Cover Letter Examples

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The best way to start a Content Writer cover letter is with a strong, engaging introduction that immediately showcases your writing skills. Begin with a compelling hook that grabs the reader's attention, such as a brief anecdote or a unique fact about your experience or skills. Then, clearly state your purpose for writing, including the specific role you're applying for. Make sure to personalize it by mentioning the company's name and why you're interested in them. This not only shows your enthusiasm for the role but also demonstrates that you've done your research, which can set you apart from other candidates.

Content Writers should end a cover letter by summarizing their interest in the position and their belief in their ability to contribute positively to the company. This can be done by reiterating key skills or experiences that align with the job description. It's also important to express enthusiasm for the potential opportunity to interview or further discuss their qualifications. For example: "I am excited about the opportunity to bring my unique skills in content creation and SEO optimization to your team. I am confident that my experience and passion for storytelling can contribute to your company's goals. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of discussing my qualifications further." Finally, end with a professional closing such as "Sincerely" or "Best regards," followed by your name. This ending is both professional and leaves a positive, lasting impression.

A Content Writer's cover letter should ideally be about one page long, or around 300-500 words. This length is enough to succinctly present your skills, experience, and passion for the role without overwhelming the hiring manager with too much information. Remember, the cover letter is your chance to make a strong first impression and to entice the reader to look at your resume for more details. As a Content Writer, it's crucial to demonstrate your ability to convey information in a clear, concise, and engaging manner, and a well-crafted, succinct cover letter is a great way to do this.

Writing a cover letter with no experience as a Content Writer can seem daunting, but it's all about showcasing your potential, transferable skills, and passion for the industry. Here's how you can do it: 1. **Research**: Understand the company and the job role you are applying for. This will help you tailor your cover letter to their specific needs and show that you have a genuine interest in their organization. 2. **Introduction**: Start with a compelling introduction that grabs the reader's attention. Mention the position you're applying for and where you found the job listing. 3. **Highlight Transferable Skills**: Even if you don't have direct content writing experience, you may have transferable skills that are relevant. For example, if you have experience in research, project management, or social media, these can all be valuable in a content writing role. Be sure to provide examples of how you've used these skills in the past. 4. **Showcase Your Writing Ability**: Use your cover letter as a chance to demonstrate your writing skills. Make sure it's well-written, clear, and concise. Avoid jargon and ensure your passion for writing comes through in your words. 5. **Education and Training**: If you have any education or training that's relevant to content writing, such as a degree in English or Journalism, or even online courses in content writing or SEO, be sure to mention it. 6. **Express Your Passion**: Show your enthusiasm for content writing and the industry you're applying to. This can help make up for a lack of experience. 7. **Provide Examples**: If you have any samples of your writing, even if they're from school projects or a personal blog, include them or provide links. This can help employers see your potential. 8. **Close Strong**: End your cover letter by reiterating your interest in the role and your eagerness to contribute to the company. Thank the employer for considering your application and express your hope for further discussion. Remember, everyone starts somewhere. Even without direct experience, your passion and potential can still make you a strong candidate for a content writing role.

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14 digital content creator cover letters.

Approved by real hiring managers, these Digital Content Creator cover letters have been proven to get people hired in 2024. A hiring manager explains why.

Hiring Manager for Digital Content Creator Roles

Table of contents

  • Digital Content Creator
  • Senior Digital Content Creator
  • Senior Digital Content Strategist
  • Senior Digital Content Specialist
  • Digital Content Producer
  • Content Marketing Specialist
  • Content Marketing Manager
  • Alternative introductions for your cover letter
  • Digital Content Creator resume examples

Digital Content Creator Cover Letter Example

Why this cover letter works in 2024, demonstrating impact with numbers.

In this cover letter, the candidate showcases their accomplishments with specific numbers, such as doubling organic traffic and increasing engagement rates. This not only highlights their skills but also demonstrates the impact they have made in their previous roles, making them a strong candidate for the position.

Showcasing Quantifiable Achievements

Measurable accomplishments speak volumes more than just a list of job duties. Here, you've quantified your success by mentioning a 30% increase in user engagement. This not only highlights your ability to produce effective results, but it also gives me a clear view of what you're capable of in terms of performance.

Demonstrating Subject Matter Expertise

By stating that 'successful content creation is a mix of art and science', you're showing your understanding of the industry nuances. You're not just saying you can do the job, you're showing that you understand the intricacies and subtleties of effective content creation. This establishes you as an expert in the field.

Highlighting Relevant Skills

This cover letter does an excellent job of highlighting specific skills that are relevant to the job. You've talked about your SEO strategy, which is a skill that's highly relevant to the role and adds value to the company. By doing this, you immediately answer the question, "Why should we hire you?"

Showcase the Impact You've Made

To really grab a recruiter's attention, don't just tell them what you did in your past roles - show them the impact you made. When you say that you increased engagement by 40% or boosted social media following significantly, you're not just talking about job responsibilities, you're giving concrete examples of your achievements. This is much more powerful and gives an employer a clear picture of what you can bring to the table.

Highlight Relevant Skills

It's crucial to highlight the skills you've gained from your experiences and how they're relevant to the role you're applying for. By mentioning your understanding of the power of narrative and audience, you're showing that you have a keen understanding of key aspects of digital content creation. This makes it easier for the recruiter to envision you in the role.

Express Your Strengths Confidently

Don't be shy about what you're good at. When you say creating content that resonates and drives engagement is your forte, you're confidently asserting your strengths. This not only shows confidence in your abilities but also gives a clear picture of what you excel at, making it easier for the recruiter to see your potential value to the team.

Align Your Values with the Company's

Demonstrating that your personal mission aligns with Netflix's commitment to diversity and inclusion not only shows that you've done your homework on the company, but it also shows that your values align with theirs. This can help establish a personal connection with the recruiter and make you a more attractive candidate.

Align your passion with the company's mission

It's important to show that what drives you matches what the company is all about. This will make you seem like a good fit for their team.

Showcase your digital content creation skills

Talking about your experience and the results you've achieved demonstrates your capability to create engaging and effective content.

Highlight audience connection

Understanding and connecting with your target audience is key in creating content that not only reaches but also moves people to action.

Express eagerness to contribute

Being excited to use your skills for the company’s goals shows that you are not just looking for any job, but that you want to make a difference at this particular place.

Thank the hiring manager

Ending with a thank you note is polite and shows appreciation for the opportunity to apply.

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Dear Job Seeker, Writing a great cover letter is tough and time-consuming. But every employer asks for one. And if you don't submit one, you'll look like you didn't put enough effort into your application. But here's the good news: our new AI tool can generate a winning cover letter for you in seconds, tailored to each job you apply for. No more staring at a blank page, wondering what to write. Imagine being able to apply to dozens of jobs in the time it used to take you to write one cover letter. With our tool, that's a reality. And more applications mean more chances of landing your dream job. Write me a cover letter It's helped thousands of people speed up their job search. The best part? It's free to try - your first cover letter is on us. Sincerely, The Resume Worded Team

Want to see how the cover letter generator works? See this 30 second video.

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Highlight your storytelling skill as a digital content creator

Stating your innate storytelling ability positions you as a creative force capable of engaging audiences effectively.

Showcase your expertise in making complex topics accessible

Illustrating your skill in breaking down intricate subjects into understandable content demonstrates your value in enhancing audience comprehension.

Align your skills with the company’s goals

By aligning your abilities with the company's ethos, you reinforce your suitability for the role and your potential to contribute to its mission.

Express excitement for creative collaboration

Showing enthusiasm for working in a team that values innovation and creativity underscores your commitment to contributing to dynamic content creation.

Convey passion for the role in your closure

Ending your cover letter with a statement of enthusiasm and readiness to contribute signals your genuine interest in the position and eagerness to join the team.

Connect with the company's values

Starting your cover letter by sharing a personal connection with the company shows you're not just looking for any job - you're interested in this one. It sets a positive tone.

Show digital content impact

Mentioning specific achievements, like a boost in web traffic or user engagement, proves you can deliver results. It's effective to use numbers to highlight your success.

Blend passion with data

Explaining how your love for the work complements your analytical skills to drive results makes you stand out as both creative and strategic.

Express excitement for collaboration

Your eagerness to join a team that shares your commitment indicates you're not just looking for a job but a community where you can contribute and grow.

End with a hopeful note

Closing your letter by thanking the reader and expressing anticipation for a future discussion leaves a lasting, positive impression.

Senior Digital Content Creator Cover Letter Example

Highlighting leadership skills.

As a senior role, it's important to show that you can lead a team effectively. You've showcased your leadership skills by mentioning an increase in content output and user engagement under your guidance. This tells me that you not only know how to lead a team, but you can also drive them to success.

Proving Long-term Strategic Planning Capabilities

Strategic planning is a vital skill for a senior role, and you've shown that you have it by mentioning a year-long content strategy that yielded significant results. It demonstrates your ability to think long-term, set goals, and execute strategies effectively, which are all critical skills for a Senior Digital Content Creator role.

Senior Digital Content Strategist Cover Letter Example

Use data to prove your success.

When you mention that you increased web traffic by 70% and engagement by 50%, you're providing solid evidence of your success. Data like this not only proves your claims but also provides a yardstick that recruiters can use to compare you with other candidates. It also shows that you value and understand the importance of metrics in content strategy, which is a major plus.

Highlight Unique Achievements

Mentioning unique achievements, like introducing a podcast series that became a top tech podcast, can help you stand out from the pack. It's not just about what you did, but also about the innovative ways you approached your job. This shows that you're not only skilled but also creative and initiative-taking, qualities that are highly valued in a senior role.

Show Your Understanding of the Company

By expressing your admiration for Spotify's commitment to discoverability for emerging artists, you're showing that you understand and appreciate a key part of the company's mission. This demonstrates that you've put thought into how you could fit into and contribute to the company's goal, making you appear more invested and therefore more appealing.

Express Enthusiasm for the Role

Your enthusiasm to bring stories to life through music and podcasts not only shows your passion for the work but also demonstrates alignment with Spotify's mission. This kind of genuine interest can make you more memorable and relatable, both of which can help sway the hiring manager in your favor.

Connect your journey to the job

Talking about how your early interest led to your current career path shows me you have genuine passion. It makes me believe you will bring that same enthusiasm to the content strategist role.

Highlight your achievements with clear results

Mentioning specific outcomes, like increased traffic and user engagement, directly shows your impact. It tells me you're not just about ideas, but about getting real results.

Blend creative and analytical skills

Stating you combine data with storytelling assures me you understand the balance needed in content creation. It's crucial for a role that demands both innovation and measurable effectiveness.

Show eagerness to innovate

Your excitement to push boundaries aligns with what I look for in a senior strategist. It tells me you're ready to tackle new challenges and drive advancements in our content.

Express gratitude and eagerness

A simple thank you goes a long way. It shows professionalism and eagerness to contribute, making your application memorable.

Senior Digital Content Specialist Cover Letter Example

Share a personal connection.

Starting with a personal story related to the company's work helps create an emotional bond and shows genuine interest.

Quantify your achievements

Using specific numbers to describe your successes makes your accomplishments more impressive and understandable.

Emphasize your storytelling ability

Stating your excitement to use your storytelling skills at the new company makes you seem like someone who can help them tell their own stories better.

Express desire to discuss further

Saying you’re eager to talk more about how you can contribute shows you're proactive and truly interested in the role.

Use a warm closing

Ending with 'Warm regards' adds a personal touch and helps leave a positive impression.

Share your origin story

Talking about how your childhood passion evolved into your career path adds a personal touch and shows your long-term dedication to content creation.

Demonstrate leadership in content strategy

Detailing your experience in leading a team and achieving significant increases in traffic and leads showcases your leadership skills and strategic thinking.

Highlight the blend of creativity and analytics

Stressing your ability to merge creative storytelling with data-driven insights shows you're capable of creating content that fulfills both aesthetic and business goals.

Align with the company's mission

Expressing how deeply you connect with the company’s goals indicates that you're not just a fit for the role but also the culture, which is vital for long-term success.

Convey confidence and enthusiasm

Ending your cover letter by affirming your belief in your fit for the role and your excitement about the company's mission leaves a strong, positive finale.

Digital Content Producer Cover Letter Example

Show your industry engagement as a digital content producer.

Expressing admiration for a company's work demonstrates your genuine interest and shows you're already aligned with their mission and approach.

Demonstrate impactful projects in digital production

Highlighting your successful projects with measurable outcomes proves your ability to create content that resonates with audiences.

Connect your values with the company’s mission

Sharing your excitement about the company’s core values enhances your connection with them and emphasizes your eagerness to contribute meaningfully.

Express eagerness to contribute as a digital content producer

Inviting further discussion about your fit for the role shows confidence in your ability to add value and eagerness to become a part of the team.

Close your cover letter professionally

A respectful sign-off leaves a positive, lasting impression, paving the way for future communication.

Content Marketing Specialist Cover Letter Example

Your journey from a book-loving kid to a digital content creator makes your passion tangible. It helps me see the depth of your commitment to storytelling.

Demonstrate your content's impact

Discussing specific projects that drove traffic and leads proves you can deliver results. It's exactly what I look for in a content marketing specialist.

Align with the company's philosophy

Understanding and embracing our inbound philosophy shows you've done your homework. It's impressive when an applicant's values align with ours right from the start.

Show excitement for the industry

Your enthusiasm for being at the forefront of content marketing is contagious. It tells me you're someone who stays inspired and will inspire others.

End with a strong, gracious close

Thanking us for the opportunity while reiterating your desire to contribute sets a positive, professional tone. It leaves me with a strong final impression of your candidacy.

Content Marketing Manager Cover Letter Example

Share your passion for content marketing.

Talking about your early interest and how it grew into a professional path shows you are not just looking for any job, but you are dedicated to this field. This makes you more appealing to employers who want team members passionate about their work.

Highlight content marketing achievements

When you share specific achievements, like increasing website traffic or generating leads, you give clear evidence of your ability to make a real difference. This helps hiring managers see the potential impact you could bring to their team.

Combine storytelling and analysis

Content marketing is not just about creating stories but also about understanding the data behind what works. By highlighting your love for both aspects, you show that you have a balanced skill set that is crucial in this role.

Show alignment with company values

Expressing how a company's mission resonates with you personally suggests that you will be more than just an employee; you'll be an advocate for the brand. It's a powerful way to demonstrate that you're a good cultural fit.

Assert your fit for the role

Ending with confidence in your ability to contribute to the team reinforces your qualifications and shows that you are not just applying randomly but believe you can genuinely add value. This makes your application more convincing.

Alternative Introductions

If you're struggling to start your cover letter, here are 6 different variations that have worked for others, along with why they worked. Use them as inspiration for your introductory paragraph.

Cover Letters For Jobs Similar To Digital Content Creator Roles

  • Content Creator Cover Letter Guide
  • Content Strategist Cover Letter Guide
  • Digital Content Creator Cover Letter Guide
  • Marketing Content Creator Cover Letter Guide
  • Social Media Content Creator Cover Letter Guide
  • Video Content Creator Cover Letter Guide

Other Marketing Cover Letters

  • Brand Ambassador Cover Letter Guide
  • Brand Manager Cover Letter Guide
  • Brand Strategist Cover Letter Guide
  • Campaign Manager Cover Letter Guide
  • Content Writer Cover Letter Guide
  • Creative Director Cover Letter Guide
  • Digital Strategist Cover Letter Guide
  • Director of Marketing Cover Letter Guide
  • Event Coordinator Cover Letter Guide
  • Marketing Executive Cover Letter Guide
  • Marketing Manager Cover Letter Guide
  • Social Media Manager Cover Letter Guide
  • Technical Writer Cover Letter Guide
  • Video Editor Cover Letter Guide

ugc creator cover letter

Thank you for the checklist! I realized I was making so many mistakes on my resume that I've now fixed. I'm much more confident in my resume now.

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What Is a UGC Creator & Why Is It All Over Social?

What Is a UGC Creator? (+ How to Become One)

UGC creator or freelance content creator? 🤔

If you’ve spotted the term “UGC creator” on your TikTok or Instagram feed, you’re not alone. 

UGC creators are a new type of marketing tactic, changing how brands leverage traditional UGC.

UGC creator hashtag search results on TikTok and Instagram

So, what is a UGC creator, why are they valuable to brands, and how do you become one? 

We’re breaking it all down, below.

Table of Contents

  • What Is a UGC Creator?

Why Do Brands Love UGC Creators?

How to become a ugc creator, frequently asked questions: ugc creators, what is a ugc creator .

Historically, UGC ( user-generated content ) has been defined as content created organically by a brand’s followers or consumers — that is then shared by the brand on its own accounts:

@anisa.marrie Instagram photo with @golde tagged and then @golde's repost of her photo on their feed

Brands love UGC and for good reason — a 2021 study revealed that 80% of respondents said UGC highly impacts their purchasing decisions.

This is where the new “UGC creators” come in.

A UGC creator is a content creator who specifically creates content that looks like UGC — but it's been paid for. 

“Unlike influencers who need to grow their community before they start working with brands, UGC creators don’t need tons of followers nor are they obligated to show their face. 

They just have to create content that can be shared on the brand’s account,” says Later’s Social Content Lead, Lindsay Ashcraft .

“But it’s not technically organic — which is what UGC is. UGC has worked so well because it’s content created by real fans of a brand. A UGC creator is essentially just another term for freelance content creation,” adds Christine Colling , Later’s Social Media Manager. 

Here at Later, our content marketing team defines UGC creators as:

Freelance content creators who specialize in creating UGC-inspired content for brands — whether it’s photos or videos.

In fact, we’ve paid creators — like Kayed Mohamed-Mason — to create content specifically for our social media accounts that resemble UGC:

“We started experimenting with this earlier in 2022 because we’re a small team and needed more content. Instead of branded content, we commissioned videos from Kayed that seemed organic and similar to what we’d naturally post on our feed,” shares Christine.

Though, whatever you call it — UGC creator or freelance content creator — brands are paying for more “authentic” content to drive sales and traffic. 

Psst, with Later ’s management tools, you can schedule all of your social media content in advance . It’s the ultimate time-saver. Join over 4M brands, creators, and social media managers — sign up today : 

When brands use UGC as part of their marketing strategy, they’re not just selling products; they’re building relationships and driving conversion, too. 

Let’s explore the benefits of using UGC creators:

Benefit #1: Builds A Bank of Content

Creating content is often a time-consuming process — especially for social media managers and entrepreneurs doing it all on their own.

UGC creators open the floodgates to a stream of content you didn’t have to create yourself.

You just have to brief the creators, and depending on the contract (and if it’s an ongoing partnership), you can receive multiple new deliverables on a monthly basis — win, win!

Another way to build your bank of UGC content - and develop a stunning influencer marketing strategy - is by collaborating with Later's Services team. See how they work with brands for *chef's kiss* content creation here .

Benefit #2: Builds Trust

UGC content has always been successful in building trust because it seems like a word-of-mouth recommendation from a friend or family member.

But not every brand has a big bank of UGC content at their fingertips.  

By working with UGC creators, brands can post content that looks like UGC — typically less “glossy” or “branded” — to feel more organic, provide use cases, and ultimately, build trust. 

It’s the perfect solution to showcasing your brand without seeming overly promotional or salesy.

Benefit #3: More Cost-effective Than Major Influencer Campaigns

Influencer campaigns are an important tactic for reaching new audiences, but depending on the type of creators you're working with (e.g. Macro, Mega), the money can add up.

This is especially true if it's going to be a one-and-done partnership for a timely launch or an event.

On the flip side, working with UGC creators on an ongoing basis lets you use their content across your channels, build your audience, and can keep costs from rising sky-high, too.

Benefits #4: Drives Sales

As we mentioned, UGC contributes significantly to conversion. 

Because when users see real people using a brand’s product or service, they’re more likely to open their wallet:

Turns out, UGC creators have the unique ability to transform a product into a lifestyle, rather than just a one-time purchase.

Major score!

TIP: Sourcing and working with UGC creators is simple with Later's influencer marketing platform, Later Influence . Book a demo today to see how it works.

The rise of UGC creators opens the door for more people to create content (and get paid for it) regardless of their follower count.

However, it takes time, consistency, hard work, and a steady stream of income before you can claim full-time content creator status. So don’t quit your day job just yet. 

Similar to anyone starting out in freelance content creation, here’s a step-by-step guide to becoming a UGC creator: 

Identify Brands to Work With 

Create Content  

Build Your Portfolio

Sign up for Later

Tip #1: Identify the Type of Brands You Want to Work With 

Before you start creating UGC, make a list of the brands you’d love to work with. 

If that’s too niche, consider the industry you’d like to work in: Wellness? Fashion? B2B? Tech? Sports? 

From there, spend some time auditing the content they already post: 

What content seems to be working for them? What posts get the most comments or views?

Do they post a lot of UGC? If so, what does it look like? 

What would draw your attention and make you stop scrolling?

Who is their target audience? What is their brand voice? 

Are there any gaps in their content? Could they benefit from more Reels or TikTok tutorials? 

Remember: UGC works well because it looks and feels authentic. 

Working with brands in an industry that is of interest to you will make for a dream partnership and let your genuine connection with their product shine through.

Tip #2: Create Content — Practice Makes Perfect 

Establish the type of content you want to specialize in — or whether you’ll be a generalist. 

If you’d like to focus on images, it may be worth taking a few beginner photography courses. If you’re more comfortable on camera, create short-form videos that’d work well on Reels, TikTok, or Stories. 

You can also practice on your own account. This will help you build your portfolio while experimenting with different features and content styles.

Tip #3: Create and Build Your Portfolio 

Building a portfolio can help you pitch brands more effectively, highlight your work, and build long-term collaborations.

Some creators recommend using a Canva template to create a portfolio that explains who you are, why the brand needs UGC, and previous work (if you don’t have work yet, “create videos at home,” says creator @ugcang ):

Once you're ready to pitch, send the brand's content or PR team an email.

Tools like HubSpot's email writer can help if you're stuck in a slump and don't know what to write.

If you’re not ready to pitch directly, you can search websites like Upwork , or even Twitter — which has tons of brands doing open calls looking for UGC creators: 

Hey!!!!! I’m Looking for some UGC creators who is interested in a long term partnership, making TikToks/ Instagram reels for my hair brand Private message me with your pricing, availability, and portfolio. DMs are open 💕💕💕 #UGCcontent #UGCcreator #hair — Skincare is a Lifestyle ✨ (@ashonteiam) August 28, 2022

Tip #4: Sign up for Later

Here's a trick that makes it simple to start creating UGC content for some of the most-loved brands on the scene right now - joining Later's Influencer program .

That's right - it's free for creators to sign up for Later. You'll be added to our Influencer Database, making it easy for you to connect with brands that your audience will love.

What are you waiting for? Sign up today !

FYI: Later makes creators' earning potential easier with a customized link in bio page, content creation tools , and your personal best time to post . Create an account and get started today: 

How Many Followers Do You Need to Become a UGC Creator?

UGC creators don't need a major following to land brand deals. In fact, your follower count doesn’t matter at all.

Why? Because most partnerships are content-only, meaning you’ll create content for brands without having to post on your own account. 

How Do I Find UGC Opportunities?

There are plenty of platforms to get the search started. Check out these UGC services to help spark some UGC opportunities:

Brands Meet Creators

Twitter (search #UGCCreator and #UGCContent )

How Much Should I Charge as a UGC Creator?

In short: it depends. 

There’s unfortunately no universal one-size-fits-all pricing rule.

UGC creator rates will vary based on a variety of factors including, the scope of work, time and resources required, number of deliverables and so much more.

That said, many creators typically adhere to a common formula : time spent on content X hourly rate.

Speaking of pay, Later's got a Creator Rates Report in the works. Sign up for our free weekly newsletter to be the first to know when it drops! 👀

Before you put all your eggs in one basket, it’s important to remember that good things take time, and becoming a successful UGC creator won’t happen overnight. That said, if you’ve been interested in freelance content creation — UGC or otherwise — now is your time to shine. And brands, if you’re looking to increase sales and reach new audiences, you’ve got some hiring on the horizon! 

Ready to plan your  social media content  in advance? Start scheduling your posts with  Later , the ultimate social media management platform —  create an account for free .

Amanda Demeku

Amanda is a Content Marketing Specialist based in Toronto. When she’s not busy writing you can catch her playing tennis or sipping all the pop-culture tea.

Plan, schedule, and automatically publish your social media posts with Later.

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What is a UGC Creator?

ugc creator cover letter

Have you been seeing the hashtag #UGCcreator all over your TikTok and Instagram feed? That’s because brands have recently unlocked a new kind of partnership: UGC campaigns. 

These campaigns have become a growing trend in the influencer marketing space over the last year, and UGC creators are truly changing the game when it comes to branded content creation. In this guide, we cover everything you need to know about UGC creators — who they are, what they can do for your brand, and how they’re changing the influencer marketing landscape.

What is UGC?

UGC ( user-generated content ) refers to content created organically by a brand’s community members via social media, customer reviews, and more. Brands like to repurpose this authentic content across their marketing channels, whether it be on their own social accounts, their website, or in newsletters, to provide social proof and drive sales. In fact, UGC has been proven to be extremely powerful with 80% of consumers saying UGC highly impacts their purchasing decisions. 

It’s no wonder UGC is a major part of industry-leading brands’ marketing strategy. Just take a look at cult favorite beauty brand Glossier’s Instagram feed — it’s fueled entirely by UGC. 

ugc creator cover letter

Because of its track record of success, UGC has always been in high demand for brands across all industries. That’s why today’s smartest brands are taking charge of user-generated content creation by partnering with paid UGC creators — changing the way they leverage traditional UGC. 

What is a UGC creator and how are they different from influencers?

UGC creators are essentially freelance content creators who produce content that look like typical user-generated content — but they’ve been paid to do so. In other words, UGC creators are paid to produce sponsored content showcasing the brand’s products or services in an authentic way — typically with an image or video optimized for social media. 

By this definition, we know what you might be thinking: how are UGC creators different from traditional social media influencers?

The main difference between UGC creators and influencers is the nature of their brand partnership, as well as their audience size. 

Typically, UGC creators simply have to deliver the content that they agreed to create for the brand, but they aren’t obligated to post the sponsored content to their own channels. Some UGC partnerships may still require creators to post, but it’s in exchange for additional payment. Because UGC campaigns usually focus solely on content, UGC creators aren’t required to have a big following or show their face in their content.

Meanwhile, brands pay to work with influencers for both their content and exposure to their audience. Influencers work hard to grow a devoted community and a personal brand, so in a typical influencer marketing campaign, brands want to leverage the namesake of the influencer and grow brand trust among their loyal audiences.

Why should brands work with UGC creators? 

Ugc creators give you access to a content goldmine..

From renting out a studio, to shooting with a small group of models, to editing and polishing up final assets, traditional ways of creating branded content has been a difficult and time-consuming task. The good news is that this long-drawn-out process is no longer necessary.

In the age of “lo-fi” content , authenticity is paramount. Consumers want to see more casual, less produced content that looks like what people would normally post on their social media feed — and this goes for content posted by brands, too. 

Working with UGC creators allows you to outsource your content creation efforts and produce authentic content in bulk. And by working with a diverse array of UGC creators, you’re also able to source a wide range of content featuring different people, locations, and more — allowing you to choose from a goldmine of content when running your campaigns. 

ugc creator cover letter

UGC creators produce high-converting content.

While the content that UGC creators produce isn’t technically organic, it still embodies the authentic and relatable nature that traditional UGC offers. Equipped with assets from UGC creators, you can post content that seamlessly blends in with the rest of users’ social media feeds, boosting engagement and conversions. Studies show:

  • 80% of consumers say user-generated content highly impacts purchasing decisions.
  • Over 50% of marketers believe that user-generated videos yield a higher return on investment than professionally produced videos.
  • Social media campaigns that integrate UGC experience a 25% increase in performance.

UGC creators are often more cost-effective.

Influencer marketing campaigns are crucial for reaching targeted audiences, but it can get expensive especially if you’re working with macro- and mega-influencers . On the flip side, because you’re really only paying for their content, UGC creators are often more cost-effective to work with than traditional influencers on major campaigns. In fact, they usually charge an affordable rate at around $150 for one short-form video, according to an online community of UGC creators . 

If you’re trying to stretch your shoestring budget, it can be smart to work with a handful of UGC creators to produce content that looks authentic, resonates with consumers, and performs well.

How are UGC creators changing the influencer marketing landscape?

Paid UGC creators may have seemed to pop out of nowhere, but their claim to fame points to bigger shifts in the influencer marketing industry that have been in the works for years . 

Most notably, the evolution of influence is happening before our eyes. What started as an industry reserved for celebrities, professional athletes, and the like has opened its arms to welcome everyone and their moms (literally) to join the space. Today, the way people engage with each other on social media — particularly on TikTok — has leveled the playing field of status and created new possibilities for who truly has “influence.” 

UGC creators have made it increasingly clear that anyone can influence other people’s purchasing decisions — not because they have a huge following, but because they share authentic content in the form of reviews, try-on hauls, tutorials, and more. 

So, what does all this mean for your brand?

Whether you’re working with traditional social media influencers or UGC creators (or anyone else, for that matter), focus on authenticity. Provide some guidance and advice when working with creators, but don’t establish strict rules and guidelines. This limits their creative freedom, and in turn, diminishes authenticity. Instead, trust that your creators will produce content that is in line with what they would normally post. This type of sponsored content will seem less like an over-produced ad and resonate with their audience the best.

Ready to run your first UGC campaign? Book a demo to see how Aspire can help you source UGC creators and streamline every part of your partnership. 

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The #1 Thing Missing From Your UGC Strategy

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Is Influencer Content More Engaging Than Stock Photos? We Put It to the Test

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What is a UGC Creator? A Complete Guide for Brands

The concept of a UGC creator has become increasingly relevant for brands looking to engage their audiences in more meaningful and authentic ways . A UGC creator, or User-Generated Content creator, embodies the bridge between a brand and its community , crafting content that resonates deeply with both parties. 

This guide explores the significance of UGC creators and how they can amplify brand messages, foster community engagement, and elevate brand affinity through authentic storytelling .

The influencer world is constantly changing no matter which niche industry you  are working in. Get your copy of our comprehensive eBook and identify the Top Influencers and  Content Creators to collaborate with and boost your campaign's success.

What is User-Generated Content? 

User-Generated Content (UGC) refers to any form of content created by online users rather than the brand itself, including text, videos, images, reviews, blog posts, and tweets . This content is publicly shared , often on social media platforms , and can significantly influence consumer behavior . 

UGC stands out for its authenticity , as it represents real users' genuine experiences and opinions about a brand or product . It serves as a powerful endorsement , bridging the gap between a brand's promotional efforts and its audience's actual needs and preferences.

Brands can collaborate with UGC creators in several ways, including sponsored content, hosting contests, or inviting creators to brand events . It's crucial, however, to maintain transparency about the nature of these partnerships to preserve the authenticity that makes UGC so valuable.

Benefits of Leveraging UGC Creators

Brands that harness the power of UGC creators unlock a treasure trove of benefits , including authentic content creation, increased engagement, and enhanced brand credibility . 

Let’s explore these benefits and more.

Authentic Content Creation

UGC creators are instrumental in generating content that is perceived as genuine and trustworthy by audiences . Unlike traditional advertising, content from UGC creators is rooted in personal experience and real-life product use , making it more relatable and believable to potential customers. This authenticity helps brands build trust and foster a sense of loyalty among their target audience, ultimately leading to increased customer retention and brand affinity .

Increased Engagement

Content produced by UGC creators tends to generate higher levels of engagement compared to standard brand-generated content . This is because UGC is more likely to speak the language of the target audience, incorporating their interests, humor, and concerns . When users see content that mirrors their own experiences and perspectives , they are more inclined to interact with it through likes, shares, and comments. This increased engagement not only boosts a brand's visibility but also enhances its social proof , encouraging more users to trust and try the brand themselves.

Enhanced Brand Credibility

In today's market, consumers are bombarded with advertisements from all directions, leading to a general skepticism towards traditional marketing messages . UGC creators help bridge this trust gap by providing authentic testimonials and product insights . When potential customers see real people endorsing a product or service , it can significantly boost the brand's perceived credibility . This credibility is crucial in an era where consumers value honesty and transparency above sleek marketing campaigns.

Amplified Reach and Diverse Perspectives

Collaborating with UGC creators allows brands to tap into a creator’s own networks, significantly expanding the brand's reach beyond its existing audience . Moreover, UGC creators bring diverse perspectives and creativity to the table, offering fresh ways to showcase a brand's products or services . This diversity not only enriches the brand's content strategy but also helps attract a broader audience by catering to varied interests and backgrounds.

Cost-Effective Marketing Strategy

Including UGC creators in your brand's influencer marketing strategy can be significantly more cost-effective than traditional advertising methods . Since the content is generated by users, brands can leverage this authentic material across their marketing channels without the high costs associated with producing professional ad campaigns . Moreover, because UGC creators are often motivated by their love for the brand or the desire to share their experiences , the financial investment required to incentivize their content creation is typically lower than that for professional endorsements. This cost efficiency does not come at the expense of quality or impact. On the contrary, the genuine nature of UGC can lead to higher ROI through increased trust, engagement, and conversion rates . 

Strengthened Community and Brand Loyalty

UGC creators play a crucial role in building and nurturing a brand's community . By encouraging and sharing user-generated content, brands can foster a sense of belonging among their customers. This community-building effort is essential for developing deep, long-lasting relationships with consumers . 

Moreover, when customers see their content being celebrated and shared by a brand, they feel recognized and valued , which in turn, boosts their loyalty to the brand . This sense of community encourages ongoing engagement , where customers are more likely to participate in discussions, share their experiences, and become brand advocates .

Enhanced Product Development and Customer Insights

Finally, engaging with UGC creators offers brands a unique opportunity to gather insights directly from their consumer base . The feedback and content created by these individuals can provide invaluable data on customer preferences, pain points, and desired improvements . By analyzing UGC, brands can identify trends and gaps in their product offerings , leading to more informed product development and innovation strategies . Not only that, but this direct line of feedback helps brands to adjust their marketing strategies and product offerings in real time , ensuring they remain aligned with customer needs and expectations .

How To Use User-Generated Content

There are two factors to consider to get the most from any user-generated content that has been posted online about your brand: finding it and using it to your advantage.

Here are a few tips to help you with this:

Finding User-Generated Content

Before you can promote any UGC that users may have posted about your brand, you first need to find it. This involves conducting searches on all the online platforms where your brand is active to see if anyone is talking about you. The first step is searching for posts with specific branded hashtags , but you should also keep an eye out for brand mentions that might not include a direct tag to your profile. Often, users talk about your brand or products without using your official handle or hashtag , so it's crucial to search for your brand name within content and comments. Delving into hashtags from previous campaigns and monitoring the dialogue under your brand's posts can also uncover hidden UGC gems. Plus, engaging with these users by liking and commenting can encourage even more content creation from your audience .

Using User-Generated Content

Once you've identified valuable UGC, the next step is to obtain permission to use it . This is crucial and involves directly messaging the content creator to ask for their consent. A simple direct message (DM) requesting permission, clearly stating how you intend to use their content, is usually enough. Once you have the user's permission to share, the possibilities are endless. You could re-share the content through your brand’s social media pages, feature the content in your newsletters, or enrich your email marketing strategy with authentic customer experiences. UGC content is also highly effective in paid social media campaigns , where real user testimonials can significantly boost credibility and engagement. Additionally, incorporating UGC on your product pages offers potential buyers a genuine look at your product in use , enhancing the shopping experience and providing social proof that can influence purchase decisions. Ultimately, using UGC in these ways not only enriches your marketing efforts but also fosters a stronger, community-driven brand image .

Top Influencers & Content Creators per Niche


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What is a UGC Creator and How to Become One in 2024 (ft. Advice from Experts)

If you’ve been wondering what it takes to be a UGC creator and how you can get started, this article is for you. Speaking to people on either side of this unique brand-creator relationship, this guide will answer your questions and put you on track to becoming a UGC creator

Photo of Tamilore Oladipo

Content Writer @ Buffer

When Lauren Gates started creating user-generated content (or UGC) in January 2023, she had no experience filming or editing videos. Until that point, her experience had been primarily in writing – for her blog, CamilleLove , and her copywriting clients. Since then, she’s worked with several brands and charges up to $125 for one video.

That’s the story of many UGC creators – they go in with zero experience but armed with a smartphone and a creative eye, they can start charging brands to talk about their products and services for their social media platforms in no time.

@sociallyaziz Replying to @ben You’re seeing UGC creators all over your TikTok and you want to get started too 🫣 Here’s my quick breakdown on how you can ACTUALLY start like yesterday ❤️ #ugccreator #ugcjourney #howtobecomeaugccreator #sociallyaziz ♬ original sound - Salha | UGC Creator

So if you’ve been wondering what it takes to be a UGC creator and how you can get started, this article is for you. Speaking to people on either side of this unique brand-creator relationship, we put together this guide that’ll answer some of your questions and put you on track to turning content creation into a business .

What is UGC?

User-generated content , also known as UGC, is any piece of media created by regular people to help a brand sell its product or service. These are traditionally organic content made without any incentive by a brand’s audience.

The most popular types of UGC include:

  • testimonials
  • how-to guides
  • unboxing videos
  • Demonstrations

What is a UGC creator?

A UGC creator is a person who uses a product or service and documents that on video or through images or text for a brand. A paid UGC creator is anyone who receives an incentive for creating those assets, whether financial or through free products and services. This is who we’re talking about and who brands are seeking to create authentic-looking content consistently.

There are different reasons a brand might go for a professional UGC creator. One might be to capitalize on the image of an influential person within their niche. However, the most prominent reason is due to changing consumption habits in audiences. People now look out for authentic, lo-fi content that doesn’t look over-produced because that’s what creators they follow are doing – and, thus, what the algorithms on different platforms favor.

However, brands may not be able to create that type of content in-house, so they seek UGC creators who can deliver natural-looking content from people to whom their audience can relate. By partnering with UGC creators, brands can offer more value per post to their audience.

Difference between content creators and UGC creators

You might be thinking, “don’t influencers or content creators already do this?” The difference here is best explained by Jennifer Phan , Co-founder and CEO of Passionfroot , a startup that helps creators find and maintain client relationships. She explains, “One difference is that on one hand as a UGC creator, you can have interests in certain areas, but it doesn’t matter as much because it’s about the brand. Your face may not even show in the content you create. On the other hand, having a sponsor on your own platform means that brand fit is more important because your audience has certain expectations. ”

What makes a good UGC creator?

Natalie Sportelli , Head of Content at Thingtesting , a platform for reviewing consumer packaged goods, has a lot of thoughts and advice on this topic.

“We work with UGC creators for our TikTok and I’ve found that the best creators have enough examples and demos of different styles of videos and photos that make it really easy to see how your brain fits into that grouping,” says Natalie, adding that, “A strong narrative portfolio can go a long way to showing you're the right fit for a brand.”

I don't think that people think enough about tailoring their pitches like this: Why I would be a really good representative to your brand versus I can do great content . Here’s an example she shared of a great pitch:

“I'm a longtime coffee lover and I actually just discovered your brand three months ago. I've been using it and I'd love to share my story and create UGC around my genuine experience.”

Natalie also highlights previous work with other brands as being very helpful for understanding how a creator works. Professionalism is also high on her list of what makes creators stand out. “Too often, I clicked on a link in our job portal [when reviewing applications] that didn't work. I always feel really bad because I can’t review their portfolio without their links.”

Examples of UGC

More often than not, brands won't tag the creators who filmed videos for them, so you can't always tell who made what. Regardless, here are some examples of user-generated content published by brands:

  • LinkedIn works with creator DeAndre Brown to create comedic content around life in the workplace as a Gen-Zer
@linkedin if you see these on a job description feel free to move right along #jobtok #careertok ♬ Chopin Nocturne No. 2 Piano Mono - moshimo sound design
  • Skincare brand Kiehl’s also works with creators to publish UGC
@kiehls Happy World Sleep Day! A dreamy routine featuring our replenishing Midnight Recovery Concentrate and Cloud Cream😴 #GURWM #NightSkincareRoutine ♬ original sound - Kiehl’s Since 1851 - Kiehl’s Since 1851
  • Popular tinned fish brand, Fishwife, shares UGC by creators within their niche
@eatfishwife a ‘lil spin on the viral joe & the juice tunacado from our friend @healthyeatsbyfi 🐟🥖 !!!! sandwich deets: toasted sourdough, @primalkitchen mayo mixed w/ Fishwife Smoked Tuna, sliced 🥑, tomatoes, microgreens, and @traderjoes everything bagel seasoning 🤌🏼 #joeandthejuice #tunacado #tunacadorecipe #tunacadoathome #fishwife #tinnedfishtok ♬ original sound - best sounds

From these examples, it’s clear that UGC achieves three things:

  • Shows off the product in use
  • Uses minimal edits for more relatability
  • Shows “real people” or creators who are known for publishing in a specific niche

Natalie also shared her thoughts about what makes good UGC. “As a consumer, I want to see something that has had a lot of thought put into it – not just raw for the sake of being raw. Then as a person frequently reviewing UGC, I tend to go for the videos with a strong narrative style,” shares Natalie. She also shares that she looks out for the following questions being answered as she looks through content:

  • Does this person sound like an authority?
  • Do they sound confident in what they're talking about?
  • Do they have the expertise or experience with this product to reasonably convince people that they've experienced it and it means something to them?

Finally, Natalie adds that “I find that the partnerships that feel the most authentic and natural between UGC creators and brands are ones that like already exist, because the brand is already part of their lives.”

What do you need to become a UGC creator?

A smartphone.

That’s it. Of course, there are other things – skills and tools – you can add on as you gain more experience and work with more clients, but UGC creation has a very low barrier to entry.

Once you have your smartphone in hand, you can add on other tools like:

  • Video editing app like CapCut or iMovie for Mac users
  • Professional camera
  • Lapel microphone
  • UGC-specific social media account (optional)

In terms of skills, building prowess in the following can allow you to charge more for your services as a creator:

  • Understanding platforms and audiences
  • Sharper editing
  • Sales and negotiation
  • Build a portfolio of work

Practice makes perfect, and that applies to UGC creators as well. As you improve your skills and toolkit, you can take on more clients and more income.

5 tips for success as a UGC creator

Here are five tips that will help you improve your chances of success as a UGC creator.

Pick a niche and stick with it

When it comes to user-generated content creation, niches are crucial. This is where it’s set apart from creating content for your personal accounts. Natalie says about niches, “The more informed someone is about a particular category makes them like a better creator for other brands in that area.”

Natalie acknowledges that it can be risky to pick and stick to one category, “You won't have the same breadth of clients you could be working with. But ultimately, if that creator already has an association with beauty, then work with a beauty brand, they can bring a lot of credibility to whatever they create.”

There are enough companies to go around, so getting hyper-specific about who you create content for will only bring positive returns in the long run.

And the decision-makers about who to outsource projects to are also more likely to pick someone with expertise. “The more informed someone is about a particular category makes them a better creator for other brands in that area. So if I don't usually get pitched UGC, creator decks where it's like I'm a beauty specialist or a specialist in food and beverage and I feel like that would make a more compelling case to niche down,” says Natalie.

How can you pick a niche? Start by researching popular content categories and identifying gaps in the market. Are there brands that could do with a unique perspective on their product? Make a list of them and start pitching.

Craft a compelling portfolio

Your portfolio is a crucial tool to showcase your expertise and attract potential clients. Showcase a diverse range of work and tailor your portfolio to your target audience. Overloading your portfolio with too many samples makes it difficult to navigate.

If you don’t have existing content to add to your portfolio, you can try Lauren’s method. She shared with us, “Creating my portfolio was actually easier than I thought it would be. I thought because I didn't have any experience, it would be the toughest thing to get started on. But I'm also a very creative person. So I just used products around my house to record videos or take photos.”

Lauren filmed videos with items she already had and created scripts for voiceovers. In no time, she had a portfolio together. Here’s an example from a UGC creator of the different ways you can film your sample videos to show a breadth of content types.

@charlotte.ugc 6 types of videos you should have on your portfolio to show your skills! ✨ #ugc #ugccreator #ugccontentcreator #ugccommunity #ugcportfolio #ugctips #ugc101 #ugccontent #digitalmarketing #ugcvideos #ugccreators #contentcreator #contentcreation #portfoliotips #portfoliougc ♬ original sound - sped up audios <3

Jennifer adds that a portfolio or media kit, as some might call it, also adds credibility to your pitch. When you reach out to a brand, it removes the hurdles you might need to jump through to prove yourself or justify your pricing. She also points out that creators who have success with their Passionfroot media kits show a lot of numbers, typically regarding the reach and engagement of their content.

ugc creator

Network with the brands you want to work with

Networking and outreach are key aspects of being a successful UGC creator. Connect with potential clients on the platforms where they are looking for people like you. This is how Lauren Gates finds clients.

When she started creating UGC in January 2023, she had no experience creating videos or pitching to clients. What she did have, was access to a platform called JoinBrands to find brands to work with and pitched them, which allowed her to put actual clients on her portfolio.

Here are similar websites you can use to start looking for clients:

ugc creator cover letter

  • Brands Meet Creators
  • Thingtesting

ugc creator cover letter

You can also make profiles on freelancer platforms like Fiverr or Upwork to expand your client pool.

ugc creator cover letter

Connecting with brands and other creators through social media and industry events is also a great way to find potential clients. Reach out to that creator on TikTok for advice, or comment on your favorite brand’s latest post about how great their content is to build goodwill.

Build an online presence

Having a strong online presence is optional but can be a great path to attracting clients. An active Instagram or TikTok account wouldn’t be out of place in a portfolio. And if you double down on a niche, it can also help you attract inbound leads from potential clients.

It’s more important than you think for brands and creators to have alignment (that’s why our first point is “pick a niche”). As Jennifer Phan says, “If you are a sports or fitness brand reaching out to someone who visibly does something completely different, the content will likely not be the right fit and might end up rejected.”

Improve and adapt consistently

Continuous learning is crucial for career success as a UGC creator. Regularly analyze your performance and seek feedback to improve your skills. However, complacency and resistance to change in a rapidly evolving industry can be a mistake.

You can’t expect to gain confidence and clients if you don’t understand exactly what brands. Jennifer advises implementing the following in your process of looking for and working for clients and creators alike:

  • Research : For brands, know where the creator's strengths lie (their portfolio and social media will tell you this) and for creators, determine whether the brand is the right fit for your passions and interests.
  • Campaign goals : For brands, setting goals for each video, even if it’s just simple ones like “generating awareness” can help provide clearer direction to creators. For creators, understanding what terms like “driving signups” and “driving engagement” mean can go a long way to strengthening your relationship with a brand. It can also help you know the best way to format your content to achieve set goals.
  • Clear deliverables : For both brands and creators, it’s vital you set expectations and attach deliverables to them. This can be stating that you’ll get one TikTok video and Instagram Reel from a creator (brands) or a contract outlining payment terms and usage rights (creators).

Jennifer also added that even with all the formality, allowing creators the creative freedom to execute a brief authentically is important for getting the best out of a creator-brand partnership.

Determine how you want to approach your work as a UGC creator

Phew! That was a lot of information all at once. However, as the famous quote goes, "Whatever's worth doing, is worth doing well."

Think critically about what you want as a UGC creator and what you want to help brands achieve. Then, communicate that in your personal branding to connect with the best clients.

To conclude, Natalie shares some important considerations for your future as a UGC creator when building your portfolio and online presence.

“You need to ask yourself if you want to work exclusively with one brand or be spread across. If you’re known for working with one brand, and constantly show up on their page, you’ll inevitably become associated with that brand. What we've done with Thingtesting is we've had one person as our tester at a time, and then that person like becomes just associated with us. Meanwhile, if you create for multiple brands within a niche that may affect how you show up online and for other clients.”

Whichever path you choose to pursue, continue honing your skills and improving on your craft. Becoming a UGC creator may not immediately catapult you to thousands of dollars a month, but careful planning and consistent improvement can help you grow and acquire skills that will serve you in any other career path.

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How to Become a UGC Creator

A person learning how to become a UGC Creator by filming content with a smartphone and ring light.

User-generated content, also known as UGC, is a popular and often underrated type of content creation. Creators can make good money by selling their content, and brands are quickly realizing the marketing power it holds. Have you ever wondered how to become a UGC Creator yourself? 

If so, we’re here to help you get started. Read on, as we cover everything you need to know to become a thriving UGC Creator. We discuss the steps you need to take, and how to turn a profit from this lucrative career path.

How To Get Started With UGC: Understanding the Basics

Before we address how to get started in UGC, it’s crucial to ask, what is a UGC Creator ? The answer is pretty straightforward—it’s someone who creates and shares their self-generated content, which can be contracted by or sold to brands, businesses, and retailers in exchange for money or products. Brands may use this content for social media accounts, websites, and other creative outlets, as UGC offers them real content that’s often less expensive and time intensive to create than traditional advertising methods.

Essentially, becoming a UGC Creator is a type of freelance content creation. And in case you’re wondering if you need specific training or experience, we’re happy to report that you don’t. In fact, anyone can learn how to become a UGC Creator—from an everyday social media user to an already established Creator. 

To start in this niche industry, you don’t even need a large social media following or fancy production equipment, which makes it a great path for smaller, niche Creators who prefer to focus on specific topics and projects. UGC is more about the quality of the content and less about your personal brand, image, or following. In fact, all you really need is a product you want to share with the world and a smartphone or recording device. And don’t worry, the content doesn’t need to be perfect. In fact, UGC can sometimes be raw and unedited, which consumers may find more relatable.

A person researching how to become a UGC Creator on their computer.

How Much Does a UGC Creator Make?

Of course, you may want to learn how to become a UGC Creator to make some extra money, or even potentially turn it into a full-time career. But exactly how much does a UGC Creator make? It can be a lot—depending on a few factors. 

There can be good money in this niche field of online content creation, but it takes some time to build a consistent income. While many look towards UGC to supplement their income, you can turn this into a full-time job with the right resources. In fact, many people use social media as a steady income source . And you can, too.

It’s essential to understand that your monetary outcome depends on how much time and effort you put into it. And importantly, the value it creates for social media audiences and potential brand partners. Delivering creative and innovative UGC is all about staying on top of the latest technological updates, consumer trends, and popular content formats. Thinking outside the box will attract clients and give your content staying power.

How To Become a UGC Creator: The First 5 Steps To Take

Now, let’s dive into understanding how to become a UGC Creator. After all, that’s why you’re here. From establishing your profile to connecting with prospective clients, we have the inside scoop on everything you need to know. While the path may look different for everyone, there are key steps you want to take to achieve success. 

Remember, this is not a one-size-fits-all journey, and you shouldn’t expect to see immediate results. It takes time and effort to build up a reputation as a valuable UGC Creator. If done correctly, you can establish long-lasting brand partnerships that offer a steady income. It’s all about creating authentic, high-quality, and consistent content that’ll bring your clients increased brand awareness, market exposure, and sales.

A person experimenting to learn how to become a UGC Creator.

1. Establish Your Online Presence

When learning how to become a UGC Creator, you must first establish yourself on social media. Even though you don’t need a large social media following, you’ll still need dedicated channels to post your UGC. You’re using social media primarily to create your content and market yourself. Think of these platforms as a way to show off the kinds of content you can create. It’s also a wonderful place to connect with brands and peers.

Once you’ve set up your social media profiles, consider adding “UGC” somewhere in your handle or bio, to identify the purpose of the account. It’s also important to keep the same handle across all social media platforms, for easy searchability. 

Speaking of which, find and follow other UGC Creators and get your name out there and gain inspiration. This will help create a sense of community and provide insight into the industry. Established Creators frequently share their expertise and are happy to answer questions and make connections. You may find that the UGC field is very welcoming to new talent, and that partnership and collaboration between Creators is well-received.

2. How To Become a UGC Creator: Learn How To Create UGC Videos and Photos

The second thing you need to do when learning how to become a UGC Creator? Figure out how to create your content. While that may sound pretty straightforward, there are a lot of factors to consider. First you need to figure out what you want to create like product reviews, unboxing content, or editorial product photography.

Then, you’ll need to decide what medium you’ll use to create your content. Ask yourself, how do I want to create, capture, and share my content? 

In most cases, different brands and potential clients are looking for different types of content. So it may be worth considering what your potential, ideal clients would be looking for. Some brands may be looking for high-quality videos while others are after product reviews to share on their websites. If the former is your focus, you may want to learn how to create UGC videos. This type of content can include product demonstrations, unboxing videos, and even live streams. It allows the end consumer to see the product in motion and visualize how it will work for them.

The right tools and methods will help you produce the best possible content. Consider external factors like your lighting and background. Many Creators like to use a professional lighting system, like a ring light. Others prefer to rely on natural light throughout the day. Finally, remember that your content should be authentic and not overly rehearsed, which is what gives UGC its unique charm.

A person using Canva to learn how to become a UGC creator.

3. How To Become a UGC Creator: Understand How To Create a UGC Portfolio

Once you become comfortable creating your content, you’ll want to focus on how to create a UGC portfolio. By this, we mean a digital collection of your best work. Typically, you share a portfolio through a personalized website. Or, you can use your social media profiles as your portfolio. It’s essential to have a wide variety of content in order to show off your abilities and strengths. This way, future clients and potential collaborators will know the type of work you can deliver. 

Creating your portfolio is an essential step in how to become a UGC Creator. Make sure it represents who you are and what you can do. Diversify yourself by including different types of content and work that sets you apart. Think still photos, short-form videos , product demonstrations, and written reviews. In addition to examples of your work, include all your contact information, from your phone number to your email address. This way, new clients can easily reach you. 

You may also wonder about pricing. Is this something you need to set and include in your portfolio? Many established UGC Creators do not recommend it. Instead, it can be best to invite a conversation regarding the scope of work and time involved. This gives you more leverage when negotiating pricing for each project.

4. Figure Out How Much To Charge for UGC Posts

As mentioned above, figuring out how much to charge for UGC posts can be tricky. There isn’t one set amount. For one thing, you must understand current market rates. What are companies currently paying for UGC similar to your own? 

The good news is that this data is readily available. Many existing Creators freely share insider tips that can help answer your questions on how to become a UGC Creator. Be sure to follow them on platforms such as TikTok and YouTube. On these platforms they’re eager to help coach up-and-comers in the industry and are extremely transparent about what they’re charging. 

Typically, UGC pricing is set per post. Many estimates claim that Creators can charge upwards of a few hundred dollars per post. Remember, this can depend on the quality of your work and the scope of the product. You may also find that brand partnership longevity leads to higher earnings per project. 

For a jumping-off point to start negotiations, do a quick search for a UGC price calculator, which can help evaluate rates based on factors like the sharing platform and content category. It’s crucial to understand all the components that determine one’s earnings.

A person researching how to become a UGC Creator on their computer.

5. How To Become a UGC Creator: Market Yourself

Now is the time to put yourself out there and start gaining clients. This is a crucial final step when learning how to become a UGC Creator, as it holds the key to success. First, identify a list of prospective clients you wish to work with. Ensure that they align with your interests, so you will be confident sharing their products and services. In fact,“ brand fit” is one of the top factors that brands look for when selecting Creators to partner with .

Next, it’s time to pitch yourself and your content. You can reach out via email or direct messaging. Consider creating a pitch template, highlighting your creative ability and range of services. Remember to tailor your wording for each brand and give specific examples of why your UGC is a perfect match for them.

Another way to market yourself for UGC jobs is to use the help of an online UGC agency. These companies allow you to post and share your portfolio on their website or app, leading to jobs. Some Creator agencies, like Collective Voice, might include UGC as part of their regular affiliate or content campaigns. And many agencies also handle complete relationship management between you and your client. This includes contract negotiation, content planning, and project scheduling.

How To Become a UGC Creator on 3 Top Social Media Platforms

Like most people, you probably have your favorite social media platform. Maybe you gravitate towards TikTok videos or perhaps static posts on Instagram are more your style. Either way, it’s essential to know where you feel most comfortable. You may wonder which outlet is best to create and share your UGC. What are the benefits and drawbacks of each? Is one better than the other?  

The answer is no. Not one outlet is considered to be superior to the rest. Each has its unique way of delivering content and connecting with the end consumer. Below, we will highlight the key points of how to become a UGC Creator on three of the top social media platforms. No matter which app you prefer, there’s a place for everyone—and every kind of UGC.

A person experimenting with different ways of how to become a UGC Creator.

How To Become a UGC Creator on TikTok

If TikTok is your platform of choice, you’ll want to focus on video content. After all, this is what the app is known for. Creating UGC TikTok content can help brands increase their name recognition and lead to an increase in sales. In fact, a recent study found that 10% of small retail and restaurant businesses that use TikTok go viral . While that number might not sound sizable, the impact can be huge. Brands that leverage UGC through TikTok add another layer of success-driven marketing.

TikTok is an excellent place to record product demonstrations, and brands and products often go viral on TikTok from users’ gushing reviews. This type of UGC is extremely valuable to brands and businesses. You can record yourself with a voice-over or even add subtitles if you prefer. Just make sure to highlight the features of the product, allowing the end consumer to see how it will work for them.

To understand how to become a UGC Creator on TikTok, it’s important to stand out from the crowd. After all, the app is full of people sharing their own UGC, whether it’s favorite products or surprising life hacks. What sets you apart? Find a creative angle that’ll let your content shine.

How To Become a UGC Creator on Instagram

Instagram is another excellent platform for user-generated content. This outlet offers a variety of ways to share, from static photos to short-form videos. A plethora of options gives you a lot to think about when learning how to become a UGC Creator on Instagram. It can be hard to know where to begin.

We suggest honing in on what content form suits your style best. Do you have a knack for the written word? If so, lean into post captions or add text to your photos and videos. This is a great way to share product reviews, giving insight into how a product works and what makes it special. If still photos are your area of expertise, find a unique twist that makes your UGC stand out. Experiment with lighting and backdrops, but remember to keep things authentic.

On this platform, marketing campaigns reign as one of the best ways to utilize user-generated content. In fact, Instagram allows collaborative posts , making it extremely easy for Creators and brands to partner. With this feature, you can create UGC and co-author a post with your client. The content will be visible on both profiles, increasing views, discoverability, and engagement. Similarly, brands often use Instagram to whitelist Creators’ content , making Instagram an ideal platform to get paid for your UGC work.

A person filming content learning how to become a UGC Creator on Youtube.

How To Become a UGC Creator on YouTube

Finally, let’s talk about how to become a UGC Creator on YouTube. This social media platform has continued to grow for an impressive 18 years, making it a force to reckon with. And with almost 3 billion users, it’s no wonder brands use this reach to their advantage. 

One of the best ways brands can leverage UGC on YouTube is through unboxing videos. This phenomenon is where you, as the Creator, record videos of yourself opening boxes and revealing the contents. Often, they include products that companies gift free of charge, in exchange for said video. This creates a buzz around the brand, with viewers eager to see what’s inside.

YouTube is another great platform for uploading product reviews, and the lack of time constraints makes it ideal if you love to talk about products in depth. Sometimes, brands will use snippets from these videos as ads, or they’ll embed these product reviews into their websites to demonstrate how much shoppers love their products. 

As we mentioned above, YouTube also serves as a fantastic teaching platform. Once you have achieved UGC success, consider paying it forward and helping others. Many established Creators film themselves offering advice to up-and-comers and answering questions to help others break into this creative world. By doing this, you are paving the way for the next wave of UGC Creators.

Collective Voice is a content monetization platform built just for you. Level up your content with our affiliate tools, educational resources, sales insights, brand partnership opportunities, and more. Start monetizing your content now.  

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How to Become a UGC Creator

How to Become a UGC Creator

User Generated Content (UGC) is a bright light that engages consumers in a very personal way and spotlights them in the ever-expanding world of digital media. UGC encompasses any form of content—be it videos, photos, reviews, or blogs—created by individuals rather than brands. This content is reshaping marketing strategies across the globe due to its authenticity and ability to foster a genuine connection with audiences. 

The growing demand for UGC creators in marketing is a response to consumer preferences towards content that feels more relatable and trustworthy. Additionally, adding features like subtitles and lucid visuals to videos improves their accessibility and makes user-generated content (UGC) more compelling and inclusive, reaching a wider audience.

Understanding UGC and Its Importance

User Generated Content is fundamentally redefining the interaction between brands and consumers. It shifts the narrative control from corporations to the actual users, allowing for a more democratic form of content creation. This shift is not trivial—UGC has a significant role in marketing, acting as a powerful tool that can increase engagement, enhance brand loyalty, and even drive sales. 

Studies suggest that content created by users can generate more than four times the click-through rates of content generated by brands. Furthermore, UGC fosters a sense of community and trust among users, influencing consumer behavior more effectively than traditional advertising. In fact, about 92% of customers trust reviews and recommendations from real and existing customers more than advertisements, highlighting the power of employing social proof marketing strategies.

Starting Your Journey as a UGC Creator

Identify your niche.

Becoming a successful UGC creator starts with identifying your niche. This should be an area you are passionate about and one that has a demand within the market. Whether it’s fashion, technology, travel, or any other field, your niche should reflect your interests and expertise, as this passion will shine through in your content and engage your audience. 

Conducting market research can help you understand the existing demand and identify any gaps in the market that you might fill. This step is crucial as it lays the foundation for building a dedicated and engaged following.

Understand Your Audience

Once your niche is defined, the next step is to deeply understand your audience. Knowing who your viewers are, what their preferences are, and what kind of content resonates with them will guide your content creation strategy . This involves researching demographic data, engagement patterns, and feedback on existing platforms where similar content is shared. 

Social media tools and analytics can offer insights into the age, location, and even interests of your potential audience. Engaging directly with your audience through surveys or comments can also provide valuable feedback and help tailor your content to meet their needs and expectations.

find your niche

To carve your unique spot as a UGC creator, selecting a niche that aligns with both your passion and market demand is essential. This focus allows you to create content with depth that resonates with a specific audience. Begin by assessing your interests and strengths—what topics can you talk about confidently and enthusiastically? 

Next, conduct market research to see if there's an audience interested in these topics. Tools like Google Trends, social media analytics, and community forums can provide insights into what people are discussing and searching for. A well-chosen niche not only attracts the right audience but also sets you apart from the competition.

Knowing your audience is critical to successful content creation. Start by identifying demographic factors such as age, location, and interests. Use analytics tools provided by platforms like Instagram, YouTube, or TikTok to get detailed insights into who engages with your content and how they interact with it. 

Listening to your audience through direct engagement—such as reading comments, conducting polls, and asking questions—also helps tailor your content to meet their needs and preferences better. This understanding will guide you in creating content that truly speaks to your viewers, ensuring it resonates and retains their interest.

Essential Tools and Skills for UGC Creators

Technical setup.

The right tools can significantly enhance the quality of your content. At a basic level, high-quality UGC can be created with a good smartphone and natural lighting . However, investing in a good camera, microphone, and tripod can elevate your video quality, making it more professional. 

Editing software like Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, or even free tools like DaVinci Resolve are crucial for polishing your videos. Remember, the quality of your content can influence the credibility and attractiveness of your UGC.

Content Creation Skills

Essential skills for a UGC creator include storytelling, basic videography, and editing. Storytelling is the heart of engaging content —it helps convey messages in a compelling way that connects emotionally with the audience. 

Videography involves understanding framing, lighting, and sound, ensuring the technical quality of your content matches its narrative strength. Editing skills allow you to piece together your story, add effects, and ensure the final product is cohesive and engaging. Online courses and tutorials can be invaluable in honing these skills.

Social Media Savvy

Each social media platform has its nuances and content requirements. YouTube might favor longer-form content , while TikTok thrives on short, snappy videos. Understanding these platforms' algorithms and user behavior is key to optimizing your content for engagement and reach. Staying updated with the latest trends and platform updates can also help you adapt and remain relevant.

Creating Engaging and Authentic Content

doin a contentplan

Content Planning

Effective content planning involves strategizing what to create based on your audience understanding and niche. Create a content calendar to schedule your posts and cover a variety of topics that interest your audience. This keeps your content consistent and gives your audience a reason to return. Also, consider seasonal topics or trending issues that can temporarily boost engagement.

Authenticity in Content

Authenticity builds trust and fosters a stronger connection with your audience. Be true to your voice and values, and let them shine through your content. Viewers are drawn to creators who are genuine and relatable, as this authenticity makes content feel more personal and credible.

Accessibility Enhancements

Enhancing accessibility broadens your audience by making content usable for everyone, including those with disabilities. Incorporating subtitles, using clear visuals, and ensuring your videos are understandable without sound are just a few ways to make your content more accessible. This not only improves user experience but also aligns with inclusive practices, increasing your content's reach and impact.

Building Your Brand as a UGC Creator

Consistency and branding.

Establishing a strong personal brand as a UGC creator hinges on consistency. This doesn't just mean posting regularly, but also maintaining a consistent tone, style, and quality across all your content. Consistency helps your audience know what to expect from you, fostering trust and increasing your content's recognizability. 

Develop a unique visual style or theme that can be identified at a glance, whether it's your color scheme, the way you edit your videos , or even your catchphrases. Consistent branding makes your content instantly recognizable, setting you apart from others in your niche.

Engagement Strategies

Building a community around your content is vital. Engage with your followers by responding to comments, asking them questions, and encouraging them to share their thoughts and experiences. This interaction not only increases engagement but also strengthens your relationships with your audience, making them feel valued and part of a community. 

Hosting live sessions, creating interactive content like polls or Q&As, and featuring user comments or content can also enhance engagement. The more you engage with your audience, the more loyal they will become.


Monetizing your UGC effectively requires a blend of creativity and strategy. Consider diverse revenue streams such as sponsored content, affiliate marketing, merchandise, and memberships. Sponsored content, where brands pay you to create content featuring their products, is a common approach. 

Affiliate marketing involves promoting products and earning a commission from sales through your links. You can also sell branded merchandise or offer exclusive content through membership platforms like Patreon. It's important to select monetization techniques that complement your brand and add value for your audience.

Final Thoughts

Becoming a successful UGC creator involves understanding your niche, engaging with your audience, and consistently producing authentic and high-quality content. It requires a balance of creativity, strategy, and responsiveness to feedback. Remember, the journey of a UGC creator is about growth and adaptation. Start creating and sharing your content today, experiment with different formats and strategies, and be open to evolving your approach based on your experiences and audience interactions.

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How to write a UGC Creator Brief [+ Free Template]

How to write a UGC Creator Brief [+ Free Template]

Today, I'm going to take you on a deep dive into the art of briefing a User-Generated Content (UGC) creator to produce ads that convert on platforms like Instagram and TikTok. By the end of this post, you’ll have a comprehensive understanding of how to get the most out of your UGC collaborations, and I’ll even share the exact brief template. Ready? Let’s get started!

The Great Debate: To Brief or Not to Brief?

One of the most common questions I get is whether you should even brief creators or let them have creative freedom. I’ve grappled with this for quite some time, but I’ve come to a definitive conclusion: briefing is essential.

Why? Because giving creators as much information as possible ensures they understand your brand, your vision, and the specific goals you want to achieve. However, you don’t want to overwhelm them with a four-page document. Balance is key, and we’ve found a happy medium that works well with our creators.

The Power of a 15-Minute Call

Before diving into the specifics of the brief, there's one crucial part of our process that you won’t see on the actual document: a quick 15-minute call with every new creator. This step might seem tedious, but trust me, it makes a world of difference.

During these calls, we:

  • Clearly Communicate Our Vision: We outline exactly what we want, including high-level brand do's and don'ts.
  • Encourage Creativity: We emphasize that we love creators who add their own unique flair.
  • Brainstorm Ideas: We ask them for their ideas and brainstorm together

This approach helps ensure that everyone is on the same page and that the creator feels valued and involved in the process.

The Controversial Topic: Raw Footage

Another hot topic in the UGC world is negotiating for raw footage. More and more creators are charging extra for raw footage, even though it takes them less work since they don’t have to edit.

As someone who runs a UGC division at an agency and is also a UGC creator, this is a bit of a pet peeve of mine. When a brand asks for raw footage, I’m happy to provide it. I believe in giving them a huge library of content, and that’s how I get repeat customers.

However, when creators nickel and dime me for raw footage, it drives me crazy. I’d love to hear your thoughts on this in the comments below. Do you think it's fair for creators to charge more for raw footage?

Do UGC Creators Make Good Ads?

This leads me to another question: Do UGC creators create good ads? Are they knowledgeable enough to craft direct response ads that convert?

I’m not entirely convinced either way. Sometimes, especially on TikTok, organic-style ads convert well. But I’ve had trouble getting UGC creators to make edits for Facebook and Instagram ads, which require a more direct response style.

What do you think? Do you find UGC creators effective for your ad campaigns?

My Exact UGC Brief Template

Alright, enough of the preamble. Let’s dive into the meat of this post: the exact UGC brief template we use at Thesis. This template has been fine-tuned to help us get the content we need while still giving creators the freedom to add their personal touch.

Client Information

  • Client Name: [Insert Client Name]
  • Deadline: [Insert Deadline]
  • Shipping Details: [Insert Shipping Details]
  • Website: [Insert Website URL]
  • Instagram: [Insert Instagram Handle]
  • Target Demographic [Insert Target Demographics]

Creative Package Specifications

  • Submission Method: Submit via Google Drive or WeTransfer.
  • Expectations: One testimonial and 10 b-roll clips (or as specified).

Content Brief

  • Purpose: This content is for ads, so no posting or organic handles are required.
  • Platforms: It will run on Facebook and Instagram ads.

Shooting Specifications

  • Lighting: Ensure good lighting.
  • Orientation: Film vertically.
  • Extra Seconds: Add extra seconds to clips.
  • Audio: Turn off ACS.
  • Filters and Logos: Avoid filters and logos.
  • Background: Keep the background clean.


I create storyboards for my creators to give them a visual guide. For example, I might ask for a testimonial (full length or medium length) with a sample script. I always emphasize that they can add their own flair.

B-roll Clips

I list out the specific b-roll clips I need, such as:

  • Sitting down and stretching with a laptop in view.
  • Working out.
  • Drinking water.
  • Eating a snack.

Q: How long should my UGC brief be?

A: Your brief should be concise but comprehensive. Aim for 1-2 pages, including visuals and examples.

Q: How do I ensure the creator understands my brand?

A: Use the 15-minute call to explain your brand’s vision, values, and goals. Provide examples of past successful content.

Q: Should I always ask for raw footage?

A: It depends on your needs. If you plan to repurpose the content for various platforms, raw footage can be incredibly valuable.

Q: What if the creator’s content doesn’t match my expectations?

A: This is why the briefing process is crucial. Clearly outline your expectations and provide feedback promptly to ensure alignment.

Briefing UGC creators effectively is both an art and a science. By providing clear guidelines while encouraging creativity, you can get the most out of your collaborations. Remember, the key is balance: give them enough information to understand your vision, but not so much that they feel restricted.

I hope you found this guide helpful! If you did, please give it a like or subscribe. It really helps me out as a creator. And if you have any questions about being a UGC creator or sourcing UGC creators, leave them in the comments below.

For more tips and insights on content marketing, visit us at . 🚀

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UGC Pitch

How to Write UGC Pitch as a Creator? [Download Free Templates]

Adrija Milan

In this context, UGC pitches are persuasive proposals carefully crafted by creators to engage brands for various collaboration opportunities. They represent a strategic approach for businesses to harness the creative talent, unique perspectives, and engaged audiences that UGC creators bring. 

So, are you looking to collaborate with brands? I got you! Let’s have a look at how you can create the pitch-perfect 😉 that will surely seal the deal. 

We also have UGC pitch templates for your industry at the end of the blog!

How to Pitch Brands as a Creator?

Research the brand:.

Before reaching out, thoroughly research the brand you want to collaborate with. Understand their values, products, target audience, and past influencer partnerships. This knowledge will help you tailor your pitch to their specific needs and goals.

Finding the Right Contact: The Decision Maker:

Identify the key decision-maker or contact person within the brand’s marketing or partnerships department. This is often a brand manager or influencer marketing manager. Personalize your pitch by addressing it to the right individual.

Define Your Value Proposition:

Clearly articulate what unique value you bring to the brand. Explain how your content, style, and audience align with their objectives. Be specific about how your collaboration can benefit their brand and add value.

Craft a Compelling Pitch:

Create a concise and engaging pitch highlighting your strengths and what sets you apart from other creators. Use compelling language and storytelling techniques to capture the brand’s attention. Familiarize yourself with famous pitch decks to get an idea.

Personalize Your Pitch:

Tailor each pitch to the specific brand, showing that you’ve done your homework. Mention any previous interactions or collaborations you’ve had with the brand. Personalization demonstrates your genuine interest.

Showcase Your Portfolio:

Share your best work and achievements in a portfolio or media kit. Highlight your most successful campaigns, engagement metrics, and your impact on previous brand partnerships.

Highlight Your Audience:

Provide insights into your audience demographics, engagement rates, and growth trends. Brands want to know that your audience aligns with their target market. Make sure to emphasize your audience’s trust and loyalty.

Be Professional:

Maintain a professional tone in your pitch. Use proper grammar, spelling, and formatting. Show respect for the brand’s time and reputation. Avoid using jargon or slang that may not resonate with the brand’s image.

After sending your initial pitch, follow up with a polite and concise email or message. Sometimes, brands may overlook your initial message, so that a friendly reminder can make a significant difference. Be persistent but not pushy.

Define Your T&C (Terms and Conditions):

Clearly outline your terms and conditions for the collaboration. This includes compensation, deliverables, timelines, exclusivity, and any other relevant details. Make sure both parties are on the same page to avoid misunderstandings later on.

Free Trial

How to Find Brand Emails to Send Your UGC Pitch?

Finding brand emails, such as customer support, partnership, or media contact information, can be essential for various purposes, like contacting for inquiries, collaborations, or feedback. There are several ways to find brand emails, and here are two standard methods:

Method 1. Website Contact Information:

Many brands provide contact information on their websites. To find brand emails, use the Contact Us page:

  • Visit the brand’s official website: Start by navigating to the brand’s official website. You can usually find this through a search engine or by typing the brand’s name in the address bar.
  • Look for the “Contact Us” or “Contact” link: Brands often have a dedicated “Contact Us” or “Contact” link in their website’s main navigation menu or footer.
  • Check the Contact Us page: On the Contact Us page, you’ll typically find various ways to get in touch, including email addresses. Look for email addresses associated with the type of inquiry you have (e.g., customer support, media inquiries, partnership opportunities).
  • Copy the email address: Once you find the relevant one, you can copy it for future use.

Method 2. Email Finder Extensions:

Browser extensions and online tools are designed to help you find email addresses associated with a specific brand or individual. Here’s how to use them:

  • Install an email finder extension: Search for and install a reputable email finder extension or use an online tool. Some popular extensions include Hunter, Voila Norbert, and Clearbit Connect. Make sure to follow the installation instructions for your browser.
  • Visit the brand’s website: Go to the brand’s website and navigate to the page where you suspect the email address might be listed, such as the “Contact Us” page.
  • Activate the extension: Once on the desired webpage, activate the email finder extension. The extension will scan the page for email addresses and provide you with any it finds.
  • Verify the email address : Double-check the extension’s email address to ensure it’s accurate and matches your intended recipient.
  • Save or copy the email address: If it is correct, save it or copy it for your use.

Important Tips and Considerations:

  • Always use legitimate and ethical means to obtain email addresses. Avoid violating privacy policies, terms of service, or any applicable laws.
  • Be respectful and concise in your communication when reaching out to brands via email. Clearly state your purpose and provide relevant information to help them understand your inquiry.
  • If you can’t find a specific email address through these methods, consider contacting the brand through their social media profiles, which may provide an alternative way to get in touch.
  • Keep in mind that some brands may use web forms on their websites for contact instead of providing direct email addresses. In such cases, you can use these forms to submit your inquiries.

Remember that the availability of email addresses on a brand’s website can vary, and not all brands make this information readily accessible.

Suppose you can’t find the email address you need through these methods. In that case, you may need to explore alternative means of contact or consider reaching out through social media or other communication channels.

UGC Pitch Templates for Different Industries

Try these pitch templates if you are looking for a premium UGC pitch for brands to get accepted fast.

UGC Pitch Template for the Beauty Brands

UGC Pitch Template for the Beauty Brands

UGC Pitch Template for the Travel Industry

UGC Pitch Template for the Travel Industry

UGC Pitch Template for the Fitness Industry

UGC Pitch Template for the Fitness Industry

UGC Pitch Template for the Tech Industry

UGC Pitch Template for the Tech Industry

Boost Engagement with Authentic Content

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The Ultimate UGC Creator Pitch Template

ugc creator cover letter

As a UGC creator, there are two primary ways you get brand deals: Inbounds (where brands discover and reach out to you) and outbounds (when you reach out to brands). When you’re first starting out in UGC, you probably won’t get a lot of inbounds. This makes mastering how to reach out to UGC brands not just a smart move, but a necessary one.

In this guide, we’ll delve deep into the art of brand outreach as a UGC creator. We'll ensure you know how to get your email to the right decision-maker and craft a compelling pitch. And for those looking for a head start, we’ve included an exclusive UGC email pitch template that helped a UGC creator close $5000+ in UGC deals!

Ready to transform your outreach game? Dive in!

Step 1: Researching the Brands

The first step to brand outreach doesn't start with typing that first email sentence—it starts with researching the brand. Admittedly, diving deep into research might not be everyone's cup of tea, but it's one of the most important parts to securing brand collaborations.

Avoid Generic Pitches

Most brands receive a staggering amount of emails daily, with many being generic outreach attempts. Trust me, this is coming from someone who runs multiple companies. It's no secret that generic pitches—those copy-and-paste emails—often meet the same fate: the trash folder. But why is this, and why is personalization so crucial?

  • Brands Want Authentic Content : Brands are looking for creators who genuinely understand their product. It results in better content for them, which makes them more money. By sending a copy-and-paste email, UGC creators signal a lack of genuine interest in the brand, suggesting they might be equally dispassionate in their content creation.
  • Standing Out in the Crowd : Personalizing an email ensures you're not just another creator in the brand's inbox. Tailoring your pitch to address the brand's specific needs, campaigns, or products showcases your genuine interest and dedication to potential collaboration.
  • Building Trust from the First Contact : Personalization sets the stage for a relationship built on trust. A well-researched and tailored pitch demonstrates your commitment, showcasing that you're not merely seeking any brand deal but a collaboration that aligns with both your brand and theirs.

Something that will help build trust before you even reach out, is social proof. If you have lots of social proof, brands are more likely to trust you. Check out our blog post: Social Proof for UGC Creators

Finding the Right Contact: The Decision Maker

The success of your UGC outreach email doesn't just depend on the quality of your pitch but also on ensuring it lands in the right inbox. Let’s face it, the customer support representative doesn’t have the authority for brand collaborations.

  • Identifying the Correct Role : Begin by pinpointing the roles that are most likely to handle creator collaborations. On platforms like LinkedIn , search for the company you're interested in partnering with and sift through their employee list. Job titles to watch out for include "Brand Collaborations", "Marketing Manager", "Creator Partnership Coordinator", and similar roles.
  • Securing their Contact : While LinkedIn may provide you with an avenue to connect directly, it's more professional to reach out via email. If the email isn't listed on their LinkedIn profile or the company website, consider using tools or platforms that specialize in finding business emails. One tool I’d recommend to find a professional’s email is Rocket Reach . If you do choose to message them on LinkedIn, keep your connect message very short and non-promotional.

With the decision-maker's contact details in hand, you're ready to take the next step: crafting a pitch they can't resist!

Step 2: Crafting the Perfect Brand Outreach Email

Perfecting your outreach email is an art - it requires a blend of understanding the brand's values, demonstrating value, and leading them to an irresistible call-to-action. Here's how you can achieve this:

1. Subject Lines:

Your subject line is the first impression you give. If it doesn’t get the brands attention, they’ll never read your pitch. Here’s are 2 subject line templates to get your emails opened:

  • Be Direct but Intriguing : "Proposal for [Brand's Product] Collaboration"
  • Simple but Personal : "[Your Name] x [Brand Name] Collaboration"
  • Ask if They Need UGC : "[Brand Name] looking for UGC?"

Tip: Avoid SPAM Trigger Words : Steer clear from words like 'free', 'buy', 'promo', or your email may go to spam.

2. The Email Body:

Now it’s time to put your earlier research to work.

  • Introduction : Start by introducing yourself. Where are you from? What niche is your content?
  • Connection To Brand : Dive into what piqued your interest about them. Did you recently try their product? Have you been a fan of the brand for years? Or did you stumble upon their Instagram?
  • The Collaboration Pitch : Here’s where you present your proposal. Make sure to link to your portfolio. If you want to create a high-converting UGC portfolio, check out: How to Create a UGC Portfolio: A Guide for UGC Creators
  • Bonus Points: If you’ve brainstormed a few content ideas tailored for them, slide them in here. It showcases initiative and genuine interest.
  • Call to Action: With everything laid out, ask if they’re currently looking for UGC or would be interested in exploring a collaboration.
  • Professional Signature: Make sure to have a professional signature in your email.

3. UGC Email Pitch Template

Your first outreach email is the hardest to write. That's why we asked UGC creator expert, Mehr , for her UGC outreach template. She gave us the template that’s helped her close more $5000+ in UGC deals. So without further ado, here it is:

The UGC Pitch Template:

Hello decision maker name,

My name is insert your name here and I am a content creator based in insert location that specializes in creating content in the insert a niche that is relevant to the brand .

I was recently looking for a new brand product , and came across insert brand name. I believe that your insert product/service is truly unique and I would love to bring awareness to it by creating engaging content for your brand to use for paid social.

That being said, I am reaching out to propose a collaboration between insert brand name & myself. I have attached a link to my portfolio here for you to review my previous work.

I've taken the liberty of creating three content concepts for you and have included them below:

  • 3 reasons why you need/don't need insert product/service name
  • Exposing the truth about insert product name here
  • Meet my new favourite insert product name

I'd love to know if you are currently sourcing creators for content during Q4?

Professional Signature

  • Don’t include too many links in your email or it may go to spam
  • Stick to standard fonts for readability and professionalism.
  • Track if brands are opening your emails with a tool like MailTrack
  • You can automate your email outreach with tools such Lemlist , MailChimp , etc.

If you found this template useful, be sure to check out Mehr’s coaching services.

In Conclusion

You’re now equipped with everything you need to reach out to brands! So what are you waiting for? Get those brand deals!

If you need help finding brands to work with, check out: How to Find Brands that Work with UGC Creators in 2023

If you found this blog post useful, be sure to share it with other UGC creators 🫶

A Note from the Author

Hi, I'm Ben, co-founder of  TrustUGC . We launched TrustUGC with a clear mission: to help UGC creators to build and share social proof. We are dedicated to helping UGC creators close more brand deals, whether it’s through insightful blog posts like this one, or our powerful UGC tools designed to seamlessly integrate into your portfolio.

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What Is a UGC Creator? Follow These 5 Steps To Become One

UGC creators make content that looks like traditional UGC — but brands will pay for the sales boosts their content can generate.

What Is a UGC Creator? Follow These 5 Steps To Become One | Hootsuite

Table of Contents

Have you ever dreamed about becoming an influencer and getting paid to create social media content without needing a big audience? Well, a new wave of people is doing just that: UGC creators .

If you’ve spent time on TikTok or Instagram in the last 6-12 months, chances are you’ve come across UGC creators. Even if you don’t recognize the term, you’ve probably seen content made by these creators on your favorite brands’ accounts.

By the end of this guide, you’ll know the exact steps needed to become a UGC content creator.

Bonus: Unlock our free, customizable pitch deck template to successfully reach out to brands and lock down the influencer partnership of your dreams.

What is a UGC creator?

A UGC creator is someone who creates sponsored content that appears authentic but is designed to showcase a specific business or product.

The most common format for UGC creators is video, especially on platforms like Instagram and TikTok. Creators usually film and narrate the content from their perspective, which gives it an authentic feel.

The main difference between UGC creators and influencers is that UGC creators create and deliver to businesses without the obligation to post it on their channels (although some UGC deals may add this for an extra fee). With influencers, the company usually pays for both content and exposure to the influencer’s audiences.

@itstarachristina Replying to @ROY KANYI What is UGC? Quick summary of what UGC content is, what UGC content creators do, and how you can become a UGC creator! #ugccreator #whatisugc #ugc #whatisugc? #ukugc #ukugccreator #ugccreatoruk #startugc #ugchelp #ugctips2022 ♬ original sound – TaraChristina🍋Content Creator

UGC content also tends to appear less polished and professional than influencer content, which helps to preserve the authenticity of UGC.

Why is UGC so valuable?

While being a UGC creator is a new concept, traditional user-generated content (UGC) is not. It’s become a proven tool in social media strategies for building communities, increasing brand awareness, and driving sales.

Despite the name, UGC creators are not creating traditional organic UGC. Normally, UGC is created organically by customers in the form of photos, videos, testimonials, product reviews, and blog posts and shared spontaneously. Businesses can choose to re-share a customer’s UGC, but no payment or contracts are involved.

UGC creators create content that emulates traditional UGC , using the same unpolished and authentic filming style that an everyday creator might use when sharing a review of their favorite product.

As driving awareness and sales are valuable results for any business, it’s no surprise that brands are willing to pay UGC creators. Understanding the reasons why can help you better pitch yourself for UGC jobs.

It feels authentic

Consumers are 2.4 times more likely to view UGC as authentic versus content created by brands. UGC is the social media equivalent of product reviews and word-of-mouth.

User-created content will always have an organic feel that can’t be matched by brands, no matter how “cool” they are. As such, UGC tends to be more eye-catching and engaging, which is invaluable to brands.

@rebel.socials ✨You always ask to post UGC examples for new beginners or UGC video examples with no voice. This is an organic UGC example, aesthetic/ Asmr skin care. What is UGC? It stands for user generated content. If you wondering how to become a UGC creator, I post best content creator tips and tricks on my page. #ugcvideoexample #ugcvideoexamples #wheretofindbranddeals #howtougc #ugcforbeginners #ugcfornewbies #ugcnewbie #ugcnewbies #howtoworkwithbrands #skincareugc #ugcskincare #ugccreators #howtoworkwithbrands ♬ original sound – 🤓Kate •UGC & Influencer coach

It’s cheaper than influencer content

When working with influencers, brands need to pay for both the content and the posts on the influencer’s channels. The more reach and engagement an influencer has, the more a brand has to pay — which can be in the millions for celebrities!

With UGC content, brands only need to pay for the content itself , which often can be the same quality (or better) than the content from influencers. It also gives them complete control over the distribution and positioning of the content.

It can influence purchase decisions

Many brands pay to get UGC to use in social media ads because it influences purchase decisions. UGC acts as social proof, showing that real people are buying and using a product, which can drive more sales.

Moreover, UGC doesn’t look like a blatant ad , which can make it more engaging when used in ad campaigns.

It’s faster than producing content from scratch

By sourcing content from UGC creators, a brand can get way more pieces than if it created them in-house. Brands can distribute a UGC brief to multiple creators, who will produce and deliver the content back to the brand by the same deadline.

Here are 6 more reasons why UGC is so important for businesses .

How to become a UGC creator

Anyone with a decent smartphone or camera can become a UGC creator. You don’t need a bunch of followers or professional video editing skills.

That’s the beauty of UGC — the more authentic and natural the content is, the better.

@itstarachristina The absolute beauty that UGC content creation is 🧁 #ugc #whatisugc #ugccontentcreator #becomeaugccreator #ugccreatorlife #ugccreatoruk #ukugccreator #ukugc #ugccontentcreation #ugccreatorhelp #ugccreator2022 ♬ original sound – TaraChristina🍋Content Creator

We’ve put together five steps to get you started as a UGC creator.

Step 1: Figure out your filming setup

You can shoot UGC almost anywhere — at home, outside, or in a store (as long as there isn’t too much background noise). Many UGC creators create content in the comforts of their homes, where they can perfect their filming setup.

In terms of equipment, you only need a phone with a decent camera and a tripod to stabilize your phone for product shots.

Some optional upgrades:

  • Ring light. Useful for closeups of your face and filming at night or in darker rooms.
  • Lavalier mic. Plugs into your phone’s audio jack and improves the quality of your recorded audio. Alternatively, you can also use the mic on a pair of wired headphones.
  • Backdrops. You can get creative here – paper, fabric, and construction materials all can serve as backdrops.
  • Props. Varies depending on the product, but find props that match the lifestyle or use cases of the product you’re showcasing.
@haleybauler Episode 1 | WFH with me 📸💕 #ugccreator #ugccontentcreator #ugctips #ugcwork #ugchowto #sahmlife #wfhlife #sahmwfhm #contentcreators #contentcreatortips #wfh #momsoftiktok #ugccommunity ♬ Law (feat. E-40) – Yo Gotti
@jenahfir The 5 things every ugc creator or content creator should have (aka my ugc starter kit). PS: they all count as a business expense so feel free to splurge on better quality items (I’m not a CPA, please consult an actual tax professional for advice 🤪) #ugcstarterkit #ugcmusthaves #contentcreatormusthaves #contentcreatorbusiness #ugccreatorsoftiktok #ugctipsforbeginners ♬ original sound – agatha apologist

Pro tip: Don’t let the quality of your equipment or filming setup hold you back. Many UGC creators produce great content with just a phone, the product, and themselves. Once you get more experienced and start receiving feedback from brands, you can upgrade your equipment and setup.

Step 2: Build your UGC portfolio

Ah, the old chicken-and-egg dilemma: To create UGC content, you need products. However, brands will only send you products once you have a portfolio. So, how do you get started?

The answer: Make content for free featuring your favorite products . You don’t need permission from brands as long as you don’t portray it as a paid deal/sponsored content if you choose to post it.

There are several common types of UGC content:

  • Unboxing . Opening a new product’s packaging and revealing all the contents. You can narrate the functions of the included pieces and how to use them.
  • Review/testimonial . Giving your honest opinion on a product and how it works. UGC testimonials are different from other product reviews in that they should be short and not as in-depth, perhaps only focusing on one aspect instead of the whole product.
  • How to/use cases . Demonstrating how you use the product. These can be more lifestyle-focused videos, showing how you naturally use the product during your daily life, or more tutorial-style videos.

Pro tip: When you’re just starting your portfolio, we suggest focusing on videos, as this is the most common format for UGC requests. Aim to have at least one example from all UGC types above.

@maritza.artola Replying to @theresatetty #CapCut here’s what my what ugc portfolio looks like! Your portfolio can make the biggest difference when it comes getting ugc gigs! Things that will help with creating your portfolio: ✨️ Knowing what to include in your ugc portfolio ✨️ Including high quality (not just talking about aesthetics) ugc examples ✨️ Knowing how to optimize your portfolio so you’re seen as a professional Hope that helps! #FomotionalFinds #CapCut #ugccreator #ugcportfolio ♬ Rainbow City – Aves

Step 3: Practice your editing skills

Once you’ve recorded your clip(s), the next step is to edit them. The typical length for UGC videos is 15-60 seconds.

Editing videos can be tricky to learn, but luckily there are many apps to make it easier. Two of the most popular apps are CapCut and InShot . The in-app editors within TikTok and Instagram are also quite user-friendly and have many of the same features as third-party apps.

If you’re creating UGC for TikTok, here are 15 tips on how to edit your videos .

Pro tip: Practice, practice, practice! There is no shortcut to becoming good at video editing. The more you get used to the tools, the quicker you’ll get. We recommend incorporating TikTok trends into your UGC videos to make them more engaging.

Check out these clips for editing inspiration:

@theugcgirly Another oldie, but goody for my September UGC Example Challenge! Can you tell I love @pacificabeauty products? #ugc #ugccontentcreator #ugccreators #ugcexamplevideo ♬ original sound – erin • UGC creator
@shanmy_c Example of a UGC video I created for my portfolio! 🙈 #ugc #ugccreator #ugcconcept #ugccreators #ugcportfolio #ugcexample #ugcexamples #ugccommunity #contentcreator #makeup #skincare ♬ Stunnin’ (feat. Harm Franklin) (Explicit) – Curtis Waters
@alliemcguffin the best glow you could ask for available now @ultabeauty #selftanner #glowyskin #protectyourskin #dailyspf #girlygirlaesthetic ♬ original sound – carneyval

Step 4: Post your UGC (optional)

This step is optional, as posting your content isn’t generally required as part of UGC contracts. However, it is an excellent way to practice and get feedback on how to improve your content. Even with a small audience, you can learn what works and what doesn’t work by checking the analytics for your posts.

Posting your UGC on your account also allows brands to see your content, after which they may reach out to you to offer UGC gigs.

Pro tips: If you want to increase the chances of brands discovering your UGC, don’t use hashtags like #UGC or #UGCcreator — these will signal the algorithm to serve your content to other UGC creators. Instead, use industry- and product-related hashtags.

Secondly, add your email (or another way to contact you) to your bio to make it easy for brands to reach out to you.

@zoewu_ How to get inbound leads as a UGC creator #ugc #ugccreator #ugccontentcreator ♬ She Share Story (for Vlog) – 山口夕依

Step 5: Get paid

Now you’re ready for the next stage: Getting paid for your UGC! Once you have a portfolio, you can start applying for UGC gigs. We know this is easier said than done, so we’ve expanded our tips into a whole section below.

4 tips for getting paid as a UGC creator

1. use platforms to find brand deals.

With UGC’s rise, there are new platforms dedicated to facilitating UGC brand deals. Some post opportunities for creators to apply, while others require you to create a listing for your content creation services.

Here are some platforms to search for UGC opportunities:

  • Fiverr . Create a listing with your UGC services ( such as this ) and wait for brands to book you.
  • Upwork . You can apply to UGC creator jobs or list your UGC services.
  • Billo . US-based creators only.
  • Insense . You join via an app and choose opportunities to apply to.
  • Brands Meet Creators . They send UGC opportunities via email.

2. Network with brands and business owners

If you want to be more proactive and work with specific brands, then your best bet is to network via platforms like Linkedin, Twitter, and TikTok.

You can use these platforms for networking in several ways:

  • Personal branding . Post updates on your account sharing your journey as a UGC creator, and add a CTA for brands to contact you for UGC
  • Cold outreach . Think about brands you genuinely like and for which you would enjoy creating content, and reach out to folks who work at those companies

Pro tip: Smaller companies like startups and small businesses just starting to build their social media presence are more likely to need UGC.

3. Perfect your pitch

Pitching yourself to a brand for a UGC opportunity is like applying for a job. As more and more people become UGC creators, it’ll become more competitive. That means you need to make your pitch stand out .

Keep your pitches focused on the brand (not yourself) and the value you’ll provide for them through your UGC.

Pro tip: Tailor your pitch for each opportunity you apply to. In your portfolio, curate examples that are relevant to each brand’s industry and will appeal to that brand’s target audience.

@rebel.socials ✅How to pitch UGC content in 2022? Until you fix your brand outreach strategy you will not be able to scale as a content creator. No responses from brands = no brand deals = no money. Everyone keep searching where to find brands to work with, or best platform to pitch UGC, but until you fix your pitching strategy no need to even search for those brands. #howtoworkwithbrands #wheretofindbranddeals #ugcnewbie #ugcnewbie #howtougc #ugcpitchtips #ugcguide #contentcreatortips ♬ Spooky, quiet, scary atmosphere piano songs – Skittlegirl Sound

4. Know your worth

As with influencer marketing , payment rates for UGC creation vary widely. The brand or platform usually sets the rate for brand deals. Nonetheless, staying up-to-date with market rates will empower you to choose deals that pay fairly. This benefits you and ensures equitable compensation for other UGC creators.

Pro tip: Follow UGC creators on TikTok and Instagram, as they often post content sharing behind-the-scenes details on how they negotiate brand deals and how much they get paid.

@itstarachristina Replying to @lauracaitlinv How to set your prices as a UGC Content Creator as a beginner! #ugccontentcreator #ugccreatortips #ugccreatoruk #ugcforbeginners #ugcforbrands #itstarachristina #ugcprices ♬ original sound – TaraChristina🍋Content Creator

Frequently asked questions about UGC creators

How many followers do i need to get paid as a ugc creator.

You don’t need a certain number of followers to become a UGC creator. Many UGC brand deals are content-only, meaning you only have to create and deliver content, with no requirement to post it on your own channels.

How do I find brands to work with?

The easiest way to know if a brand is looking for UGC creators is to use platforms that curate UGC brand deals. Brands may also advertise call-outs for UGC creators in their feed posts or Stories. You can also DM brands with your pitch in case they’re open to working with UGC creators.

How do I create a UGC portfolio?

You can use a free tool like Canva or Google Slides to create your portfolio. If you need help getting started, check out our free brand pitch deck template .

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Laura Wong is a Canadian social media strategist based in Amsterdam. She is the founder of, an online platform that helps anyone land their dream social media job. Besides social media, Laura is passionate about travel, photography, entrepreneurship, and finding the best bubble tea in every city she visits.

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Exploring UGC Creators: 10 Successful Strategies to Get Started

Exploring UGC Creators: 10 Successful Strategies to Get Started

  • September 1, 2023

Picture of Written by Anastasia

Content Writer at SocialBee

Businesses have long relied on influencers and brand amabassadors for that promotional push, but UGC creators are quickly claiming their spot in the digital limelight.

At the moment, user-generated content (UGC) holds tremendous potential for creators seeking monetization opportunities and for brands aiming to tap into genuine, word-of-mouth marketing. In fact, the #UGCCreator hashtag has already garnered 1.5B views on TikTok, with its popularity continuing to surge. 

To learn the ropes of UGC creation and acquire all the tools you’ll need to get started on this exciting journey, read this article til the end!

Boost your content creation with hundreds of post ideas, examples and Canva templates.

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Short Summary:

  • UGC creators are people who generate authentic-looking content for brands on various social media platforms. In exchange for their efforts, UGC creators receive incentives, such as financial compensation or complimentary products and services.
  • UGC creators and influencers have different roles in the marketing industry. Influencers are paid to promote products on their own social media channels and have a larger audience reach. Meanwhile, UGC creators provide content directly to brands for their channels. UGC content tends to be more authentic and unpolished, reflecting the real experiences and perspectives of consumers.
  • Businesses are aware of how influential UGC is in effectively promoting their products. That’s because, unlike traditional marketing, UGC establishes genuine connections with a broad range of audiences.

Table of Contents

What is a ugc creator, what is the difference between traditional influencers and ugc creators, why do brands hire ugc creators, 10 successful strategies to get started as a ugc creator, ugc creators frequently asked questions, begin your ugc creation journey today.

UGC creators are people who generate authentic-looking content for brands on various social media platforms. In exchange for their efforts, UGC creators receive incentives, such as financial compensation or complimentary products and services. 

Unlike professionals tied to established media outlets or organizations, UGC creators rely on their ingenuity, talents, and knowledge to produce captivating and relatable content that connects on a core level with their audience.

User-generated content (UGC) helps brands to promote their products or services. Testimonials, instructional guides, unboxing videos, reviews, and demonstrations are some popular forms of UGC. 

An important thing to know is that UGC creators and influencers play different roles in the marketing industry. 

While influencers are often paid to promote products on their own social media channels and have a wider audience reach, UGC creators provide content directly to brands for their channels. 

Additionally, UGC content is often more authentic and less polished, reflecting the genuine experiences and perspectives of real consumers.

Here are the main differentiating factors that separate influencers from UGC creators:

  • Origin of Content Creation: Traditional influencers often begin by crafting a personal brand around their niche or lifestyle, whereas UGC creators typically start by sharing personal experiences without the initial intent to influence.
  • Content Authenticity: While influencers, due to brand partnerships, might face questions about the authenticity of their branded content, UGC creators, on the other hand, are seen as more genuine since their content arises organically from firsthand experiences.
  • Monetization: Influencers employ a structured approach to monetization using sponsored content and affiliate marketing ; in contrast, UGC creators often begin unsponsored and monetize as they gain organic traction.
  • Audience Relationship: Influencers build relationships based on aspiration, with followers idolizing their lifestyle or expertise, while UGC creators foster trust and relatability, rooted in genuine feedback and shared experiences.
  • Brand Engagement: Traditional influencers enter structured, contractual engagements with brands, whereas UGC creators might begin with organic brand interactions that can later evolve into formal partnerships.
  • Content Control: Influencers curate content with a focus on brand alignment and aesthetics, whereas UGC creators offer a more spontaneous array of posts driven by real-time experiences.

Although the concept of UGC creators is relatively new, traditional user-generated content (UGC) has been around for some time and has become an effective tool for social media strategies . 

Given that increasing brand awareness and driving sales are valuable outcomes for businesses, it is not surprising that brands are willing to compensate UGC creators. 

Here are the main reasons why brands choose to work with UGC creators:

  • User-generated content feels authentic
  • UGC is an updated basic marketing strategy
  • It helps brands expand their target audience
  • It’s cheaper than influencer campaigns
  • UGC content drives sales

A. User-Generated Content Feels Authentic

UGC is seen as 2.4 times more genuine than brand-created content by consumers, and for a good reason:  it possesses an inherent authenticity that brands often find challenging to reproduce. This stems from UGC creators’ unparalleled capability to promote products or services organically, all while focusing on what the brand’s target audience values most.

Here is an example of UGC content from @L’Oréal’s TikTok account:

UGC creator showcasing beauty products

Image Source

Had you not known that UGC was a thing, you could have easily assumed that this is an ordinary beauty routine that you can replicate at home with L’Or é al products. 

B. UGC Is an Updated Basic Marketing Strategy

For the longest time, brands have harnessed and monetized the power of customer testimonials, case studies, and reviews. We’ve all seen ads with everyday people sharing their honest opinions about a brand’s newest product.

In this day and age, user-generated content is the latest version of this strategy. UGC provides businesses with genuine-looking content that acts as social proof , which is a powerful way to drive sales .

C. It Helps Brands Expand Their Target Audience

Businesses can use UGC to create authentic connections with demographics that would be difficult to reach through conventional marketing approaches. This is because content created organically demonstrates a brand’s significance and inherent worth within particular communities.

When potential customers see authentic content created by their peers, it builds trust, as they perceive it as unbiased and reliable.

D. It’s Cheaper Than Influencer Campaigns

When working with influencers , brands must compensate them for both creating content and promoting it on their channels. The amount brands need to pay varies depending on the influencer’s reach and level of engagement, and can be in the millions for well-known celebrities. 

On the other hand, UGC only requires payment for the content itself. This type of content is often just as good, if not better, than content created by influencers. On top of that, UGC gives brands complete control over how the content is shared and strategically positioned.

E. UGC Content Drives Sales

Numerous companies invest in UGC for their social media advertisements due to its impact on consumer purchasing choices. UGC serves as social proof that showcases individuals using a particular product, which can ultimately boost sales. 

Additionally, UGC isn’t overtly promotional, which can make it more effective than traditional campaigns. 

Let’s take a look at some of the most effective strategies to become a UGC creator:

  • Do your research
  • Invest in equipment and build your set-up
  • Identify the brands you want to work with
  • Practice creating UGC content
  • Build your UGC portfolio
  • Offer value when reaching out to brands
  • Use platforms to find brand deals
  • Build an online presence
  • Improve and adapt consistently
  • Know your worth

1.  Do Your Research

Focusing on a specific niche is mandatory when creating user-generated content, as being highly knowledgeable about a particular topic makes you the right fit for the brands you want to work with.

While sticking to one category may limit the number of potential clients, working within a specific niche can bring credibility and expertise to the content you create.

To determine your niche, research popular content categories and identify gaps in the market. Look for brands that could benefit from a unique perspective on their product or industry. 

It’s important to choose a narrower topic that you excel in, yet is not overly saturated with competition. Here are some potential areas of interest that you can explore:

  • Fitness & Wellness : While this industry is quite broad, consider delving into specific fitness areas like low-impact workouts or daily exercise routines. 
  • Growth & Career : If you excel in helping others excel in their careers, boost productivity, structure their days, and prioritize tasks, this is the area where you can shine. 
  • Cooking : If cooking a good meal is your superpower, focus on a specific niche within the culinary world, such as vegan cooking or creating diet-friendly meals. 
  • Books : Although it may seem unusual, there is a niche community for book lovers. Find groups where people chat about different books, authors, or genres and use that knowledge to draw inspiration for your content.
  • Beauty & Skincare : If you’re knowledgeable about using different products or treatments or have experience with addressing different skin issues, this niche might be it. 
  • Fashion : The possibilities are endless in this niche, and if you have great taste in clothes or a unique style, you could put together daily outfits to discuss seasonal fashion trends as a form of UGC content.

Check out this collaboration between @iam_natasha and @alphaskincare:

UGC content on brand's page

Image source

At a first glance, it looks like an ordinary review from a satisfied customer, which is exactly what @alphaskincare was hoping to achieve through this partnership.

UGC creator social media profile

In reality, @iam_natasha partnered up with a brand that has a similar target audience and that aligns with her passions and expertise. Through her UGC, she provides descriptive, visually appealing step-by-step tutorials that showcase various products in action.

2. Invest in Equipment and Build Your Setup

UGC can be captured in various settings — outdoors (provided there isn’t an overwhelming amount of background noise) or in the cozy confines of your own home. Countless UGC creators choose the latter since they can fine-tune their filming arrangements to perfection.

Gear-wise, there are several pieces of equipment you may want to consider as a UGC creator:

  • A good camera
  • A reliable microphone
  • Various backdrops
  • Additional props for video content
  • A social media management platform

A. A Good Camera

Invest in a professional-grade camera or a good smartphone, since many of them have exceptional features and can outperform basic digital equipment.

B. Lighting

A ring light is more than enough for basic UGC creation, but if you want to become a pro, it can be beneficial to research more advanced lighting equipment.

C. A Reliable Microphone

Poor audio can ruin your UGC content, so if your phone’s recording feature doesn’t cut it, consider investing in a separate microphone or lavaliere.

D. Various Backdrops

If the background in your clips is cluttered or distracting, it’s best to conceal it. You don’t always have to go for a plain, blank sheet as your backdrop. Instead, you can explore your creativity and use different fabrics or materials.

E. Additional Props for Video Content

Props can help you tailor the content to your audience and also contribute to making a cohesive impression on your following.

F. A Social Media Management Platform

UGC creators often produce content for various social media platforms at the same time, and managing that much content at once without the right tools in place can create chaos. This is why you need to find an all-in-one social media management tool that will streamline your efforts to become a successful UGC creator.

SocialBee's content calendar

Create, schedule, and manage your social media content with SocialBee

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Here’s how a social media management platform like SocialBee can help UGC creators:

  • Centralized Management : With multiple social media platforms in use, it becomes challenging to manage them individually. A social media management tool allows creators to manage multiple accounts from a single dashboard, streamlining the posting and engagement process.
  • Scheduling : Planning ahead is key in the world of content creation. SocialBee helps creators to schedule their posts in advance, ensuring regularity and consistency in content distribution, and freeing up time for content creation.
  • Analytics : Understanding one’s audience is paramount for any UGC creator. These tools offer insights into post engagement, audience demographics, best posting times, and more. These metrics help UGC creators to tailor their content in a way that better serves their audience.
  • Engagement : Engaging with the audience is as important as the content itself. A social media management tool helps to track and manage comments, mentions, and messages, which enables creators to engage more effectively and promptly.
  • Content Repository : SocialBee offers the ability to store content, making it easier to plan and visualize a content calendar.
  • Collaboration : For UGC creators who work in teams or collaborate with others, some management tools offer features for team collaboration, making the content creation and posting process more seamless.
  • Cross-Posting : SocialBee allows for simultaneous posting across various platforms, ensuring that content reaches all segments of an audience.
  • Efficiency and Productivity : Streamlining various aspects of social media management saves creators a significant amount of time, allowing them to focus on content creation and other meaningful tasks.
  • Canva Integration : With just a single click, you can kick-start your graphic designing process. Seamlessly import them into SocialBee’s content editor and assign them to your social media feeds.
  • AI Content Generator : Overcome any creative block by choosing and customizing one of our 1000+ social media prompts, and use it to generate social media posts.

3. Practice Creating UGC Content

Your first attempt at UGC creation may not be your best. Try to recreate the material you have gathered through research. If photography is your strong suit, focus on acquiring fundamental skills like mastering poses and set lighting. 

If you want to create videos instead, refine your script delivery skills and familiarize yourself with various camera angles, transitions, and video editing techniques.

Expert Tips on How to Create UGC Content from Dara Denney

Dara Denney is a standout Performance Creative Consultant, partnering with renowned brands to optimize their presence on platforms like Facebook and TikTok Ads.

She is not only a behind-the-scenes strategist, but many also recognize Dara from her insightful YouTube content. 

In her video about how to create user-generated content, Dara Denney, with over eight years of experience in paid social media advertising and content creation, reveals the following seven expert tips:

  • Use multiple captivating hooks to grab attention.
  • Employ strategies like reverse loops, TikTok trends, post-it note responses, and bubbles.
  • Incorporate surprising, outlandish, or oddly satisfying elements.
  • Always create at least two different and engaging hooks.
  • Utilize the golden hour for optimal natural lighting.
  • While artificial lights like ring lights are useful, natural golden hour lighting often looks best.
  • Ensure that lighting complements the aesthetic of your content.
  • Avoid clutter and unnecessary items in the background.
  • Ensure that the background is clean and aesthetically pleasing.
  • Turn off disruptive appliances like AC, fans, washers, and dryers.
  • Consider outside noises if filming by a window.
  • For voiceovers, use headphones with a built-in microphone. Earbuds with microphones are recommended.
  • Spend time on personal grooming: do your hair and makeup.
  • Wearing outfits that boost confidence can result in better content performance. Presentability directly impacts content performance and client satisfaction.
  • Provide clients with a folder of transitions.
  • Use camera movements to make content more dynamic, such as moving the camera closer or farther from the product.
  • Invest in backgrounds, props, and plants to improve the look of your content.
  • Ensure content is visually appealing to keep clients satisfied.

4. Build Your UGC Portfolio

Your portfolio is essential for highlighting your skills as a UGC content creator and attracting potential clients. 

Include a diverse range of work and adapt your portfolio to your target audience. Avoid overwhelming your portfolio with an excessive number of samples, as this can make it difficult to navigate.

To start creating your portfolio, you need products to work with. However, brands usually only send products to individuals who already have a portfolio. Is there a way around this?

To create content featuring your favorite products without relying on brand permission or sponsorship, use products that you already have at home. Start recording videos or taking photos, and your portfolio will be ready to go in no time. 

A great idea would be to use a social media management platform to monitor your analytics, download them as a PDF report, and share it with customers. 

SocialBee page analytics main dashboard

Easily monitor and download your analytics with SocialBee

This approach eliminates the need to jump through hoops or justify your pricing when reaching out to brands. 

5. Identify the Brands You Want to Work With  

To achieve success as a UGC creator, effective networking and outreach are mandatory. Interact with potential clients in places where they actively search for creators like yourself, such as LinkedIn, Twitter, and TikTok. Additionally, you could try email outreach or looking for opportunities on freelancer platforms like Fiverr or Upwork.

For a proactive approach, use these platforms for outreach as a UGC creator:

  • A. Personal Branding: Share updates on your account, showcasing your journey as a UGC creator. Include a call-to-action that invites brands to reach out to you for UGC collaborations.
  • B. Cold Outreach: Identify brands that genuinely resonate with you and that you would enjoy creating content for. Get in contact with employees from these companies and express your interest in creating content for them. Alternatively, try connecting with brands and fellow creators through other social media platforms and attending industry events. 

PRO TIP: Smaller businesses that are only beginning to establish their presence on social media are more likely to require UGC services.

6. Offer Value when Reaching Out to Brands

With so many UGC creators, competition is tight. That’s why you must think of your pitch as a job application process.

When crafting your content, emphasize the brand itself rather than focusing solely on yourself. Clearly illustrate the value you can offer to the brand through your UGC.

Additionally, customize your pitch for each specific opportunity you pursue. In your portfolio, curate relevant examples that align and resonate with the industry of the brand you are targeting and their audience.

Here is a UGC pitch you can use as inspiration when reaching out to brands:

Here are a few tips to make your email pitch stand out as a UGC creator based on the example above:

  • Direct and Engaging: The pitch grabs attention immediately, eliminating unnecessary fluff and getting straight to the point.
  • Evidence-Based: By providing links to previous content and showcasing past results, it establishes credibility and offers a tangible sense of the creator’s capabilities.
  • Tailored Content Sample: A sample tailored for the brand demonstrates the creator’s genuine interest and gives a practical glimpse of what the collaboration might look like.
  • Clear Collaboration Opportunities: The pitch lays out a structured proposal, detailing exactly what the partnership would entail, from product reviews to live interactions.
  • Metrics & Results: Highlighting specific metrics (like views, likes, shares, or engagement percentages) provides a quantifiable measure of success, making the collaboration’s potential value evident.
  • Call to Action: The pitch ends with a clear invitation for the brand to connect, fostering immediate action.

Professional Yet Enthusiastic Tone: The tone strikes a balance between professionalism and genuine enthusiasm, portraying the UGC creator as both competent and passionate about the potential collaboration.

7. Use Platforms to Find Brand Deals

Cold outreach can be challenging because it often yields low success rates, and it can be disheartening when your emails go unanswered, but when you are using the right cold outreach tools with the right strategy, you can yield great results. Thankfully, there are specialized platforms available for creators seeking UGC opportunities.

Thankfully, there are specialized platforms available for creators seeking UGC opportunities. Some of the top platforms include Trend , Influee , UGC Shop , and Insense .

8. Build an Online Presence

While having a compelling online presence is not obligatory, it plays an important role in client acquisition, so consider including an active Instagram or TikTok account in your portfolio.

Check out how @realskindiaries maintains a social media presence as a UGC creator:

UGC creator social media profile

When brands see how your preexisting content aligns with their niche and the social media users they’re targeting, they’re more likely to consider you for UGC creation.

9. Improve and Adapt Consistently

The only way to stay afloat in the UGC industry is to evaluate your performance consistently, gather constructive feedback from your audience, and work on refining your skills.

To stay adaptable, you must fully understand the specific needs and preferences of different brands through research and familiarizing yourself with certain concepts.

A. Research

Brands determine the strengths of a creator by assessing their portfolio and social media presence. This is why creators must ensure that a brand aligns with their passions and interests. Even if you have incoming clients by this point, keep up with industry-related knowledge and trends.

B. Campaign Goals

Usually, brands will establish goals for each video, so creators can have clear directions. Depending on your niche, try to familiarize yourself with basic jargon, which will allow you to effectively communicate with the brand and tailor your content to meet those goals.

C. Clear Deliverables

Both brands and creators need to establish clear expectations and outline deliverables. Brands should specify the desired content they expect from a creator, such as one TikTok video and an Instagram Reel. Make sure that it’s all in writing, ideally in the form of a contract.

10. Know Your Worth

Just like influencer marketing, the payment rates for UGC can vary. Typically, it’s the brand or platform that determines the payment for brand deals. However, keep an eye out for the standard market rates. This knowledge empowers you to select deals that offer fair compensation, which will benefit both you and other UGC creators by ensuring equal pay.

Becoming a UGC creator doesn’t require a specific number of followers. Quite a few UGC brand partnerships solely focus on creating and providing content, without demanding you to share it on your channels.

UGC is a fantastic opportunity for you to make some extra cash or even transform it into a fulfilling career. 

Unlike traditional employment, content creators enjoy greater autonomy in terms of the content they produce and how they profit from it.

To identify UGC opportunities, you must interact with your specific niche, sign up on influencer marketing platforms, and join various social media groups. 

Additionally, you can connect with brands directly by promoting your skills and presenting your portfolio. Lastly, consider teaming up with fellow content creators to explore promising collaboration opportunities.

As a creator of user-generated content (UGC), how much you charge depends on your specific area and level of expertise, engagement rates, and the extent of a project. 

The average cost of user-generated content (UGC) videos is typically around $212 . However, there are creators who charge much higher rates, or substantially lower ones.

Analyze industry rates, assess your worth, and take into account the financial resources of the brand in question to establish a reasonable fee. While it’s wise to be open to negotiation, you must strike a balance between setting competitive prices and ensuring fair payment for your hard work.

In this article, we discussed the benefits of user-generated content and shared our tips for becoming a UGC creator. 

If you want to express yourself freely, connect with a vibrant community, and showcase your unique talents and ideas, grab your camera and let the world be your canvas! 

Embrace the power of UGC with  SocialBee , the one-stop social media management platform that helps you create, schedule, and post your content. Happy creating!

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Article written by

Picture of Alexandra

Content writer at SocialBee

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How To Become A UGC Content Creator

How To Become A UGC Content Creator

Learn the secrets to becoming a UGC creator and how to monetize your content like a pro.

ugc creator cover letter

What is a UGC Creator?

Why become a ugc creator, steps to become a ugc content creator, essential tools and resources for ugc creators, common challenges and how to overcome them, frequently asked questions, start your ugc journey with plann, share this story.

In a world where user-generated ads achieve four times higher clickthrough rates than average ads, plus a 50% decrease in cost per click, it’s no wonder user-generated content (UGC) is on the rise.

UGC has the power to make or break brand advertising strategies. As more businesses become aware of the benefits, marketers and social media managers everywhere are looking for UGC creators they can work alongside.

Have you ever wondered, “how do I become a UGC creator?” That dream might soon be one step closer to reality! Here’s how you can get started with UGC creation.

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User-generated content is exactly what it sounds like: content generated by users. This can cover all kinds of content formats, from text-based testimonials to user experience photos and videos.

In recent years, UGC creators have started to pop up globally. Rather than waiting for customers to share photos or videos, brands are actively engaging and paying content creators to produce UGC-style content (most commonly TikTok-style videos) promoting their latest products and services.

As a UGC creator, your job is to craft authentic and engaging content based on a brand’s main product or service offerings. Your content should be authentic and original while tapping into the latest content creation trends, from trending audio to eye-catching transitions and beyond.

UGC creators are in demand, and the job offers plenty of perks. You can build your own audience and work with the brands you love.

As a successful UGC creator, you can even build a career testing and marketing products for businesses . This is a great way to harness your content creation skills and turn your social media following into career opportunities.

Will you get paid? Yes! While some user-generated content creation roles offer only a free product in exchange for content, many brands are starting to recognize the value of experienced creators. As the industry continues to expand, compensation is likely to grow.

But in order to become a successful UGC creator, you need foster a loyal, engaged audience and understand what brands are looking for from UGC content creators.

Do you maintain an active presence across the world’s most popular social media platforms? Do you know how to create content that engages your target audience and shows off key features?

If you’re a skilled content creator, you might be able to offer your UGC creation services to businesses starting right now! Here’s how to get started as a UGC creator.

1. Identify Your Niche

First, it’s critical that you identify a clear and relevant content niche. It’s no use being a jack of all trades here. Brands love UGC creators who have built up engaged audiences interested in specific products and services.

Before you can become a UGC creator, you need to narrow your focus. Are you a beauty influencer hoping to help market makeup and hair products? Are you a sustainability guru eager to advertise eco-friendly innovations?

Whatever your niche, make it your own, and take steps to create content that engages a tailored audience within that sector. This will boost your content performance and make your services more appealing to brands.

💡 Plann Tip: Most brands will request a copy of your social media analytics to assess the demographics of your audience before working with you as a UGC creator. Be sure to grow your social accounts in a considered way and strategically build an engaged following that will be interested in the products brands are looking for you to promote.

2. Create High-Quality Content

Next, it’s time to produce high-quality content . This content is important, as it will form your UGC portfolio, helping you reach out to brands and show them what you can do.

Try to create a mix of content types and formats. Mix and match between text, image, and video content. Whenever you post on your social media accounts, make sure you’re prioritizing clear, crisp execution that highlights the best of any products you’re using.

Remember, your content is your key selling point. Take the time to produce each post to the best of your ability, and be willing to keep improving your approach. High-quality content is more likely to make you a go-to creator.

💡 Plann Tip: Make it easy for brands to find your top-performing UGC posts by pinning your most successful posts to the top of your Instagram grid.

3. Choose the Right Platforms

Most successful UGC creators are active across a range of social media channels . Think carefully about which platforms align best with your content creation skills, as well as the audience you’re trying to target.

Ideally, as a professional UGC creator, you’ll build a presence across a few major networks, including sites like Instagram and TikTok. Take note of where other members of the UGC creator community are spending their time.

If you’re not quite sure which platforms are right for you, try out a few of the greats! Keep an eye on the brands you’d like to work with, and notice which channels they are most active on, as well as where their existing UGC partnerships come from.

4. Engage with Your Audience

Creating content is an important first step, but a strong UGC portfolio also requires a clear sense of how you engage with your audience . Even before you land your first partnership, show that you know how to engage well online.

Start conversations with your followers, and build meaningful connections that help you frame yourself as a go-to source for recommendations. In every post you share, remember to include a clear and impactful call to action.

When you engage effectively with consumers, you can build your social media presence and showcase your ability to create authentic content. This can help you stand out from the crowd and eventually secure better-suited deals.

5. Collaborate with Brands

Finally, it’s time to get started creating branded content! Reach out to your favorite brands to offer your services as a UGC creator. Don’t forget to demonstrate your skillset and the audience you’re providing access to.

At first, you might need to work with smaller brands. This will help you build up your portfolio and establish your reputation as a professional in the industry. Over time, you’ll be able to connect with larger businesses and bigger brand partnerships.

When you start creating UGC, remember to focus on the item you’re advertising. Let the product be the star of the show, and maintain the originality and authenticity that your followers respect about your account.

💡 Plann Tip : Make sure to have a services card or rate guide handy to share with potential brand partners! This rate card should give brands an overview of who you are, your social media stats, your rates and the brands you’ve worked with in the past. Design this in Canva and keep it short and punchy.

Before you start creating UGC, it’s a good idea to explore the tools and resources on offer. These can help you navigate the journey with ease. Check out these essentials for UGC creators!

A screenshot of Canva's dashboard.

Canva’s home page offers opportunities to design images and videos for a range of contexts.

Sponsored content should be crisp, clear, and compelling! Canva can help you easily edit high-quality content and produce unique designs. The platform’s click-and-drag interface makes it easy to use, even for complete beginners, and you’ll look like a true professional.

Psst… did you know that you can use Canva directly in your Plann workspace ? Our handy integration means that you can plan, design, and schedule your UGC assets in one place.

Adobe Spark

A screenshot of Adobe Spark.

Adobe Spark’s dashboard offers content creation tips and access to production tools.

Adobe Spark provides user-friendly yet professional tools to help you create videos and images easily. The platform allows you to enhance content quality and take control of your production approach, ultimately making your expertise more attractive to big brands.

Alternatively, try out CapCut (TikTok’s video editing suite), which is a powerful free tool for editing and producing engaging short-form video content.

A screenshot of Plann's dashboard.

Plann’s scheduling allows you to share simultaneously across multiple social channels.

Your UGC strategy will rely on effective scheduling and content planning. That’s where Plann comes in! Our all-in-one social media management app can help you curate post ideas and prepare content ahead of time.

The UGC creator journey is exciting! But that doesn’t mean it won’t come with its fair share of challenges. Here are some of the most common problems new creators encounter and how you can overcome them.

Content Saturation

It’s a competitive content market! There are many other UGC creators trying to build careers, which can make it difficult to stand out. In order to beat content saturation, try to produce your content in a fresh or unique way.

Bonus tip: Niche down! Sometimes, the best way to overcome the challenges of an oversaturated niche is by establishing yourself as an expert in something more specific. Instead of competing with a whole world of beauty influencers, focus your account on just skincare or lipgloss.

Creativity Struggles

Staying creative can be a challenge, especially when you’re creating new content every day. Try to explore a range of other content avenues that inspire you and boost your creativity. If you feel yourself getting burned out, don’t be afraid to take a break and regroup. When you’re really stuck, tools like Plann can provide ideas to help get you out of a slump!

Beat creative block with our AI caption generator to produce on-brand captions in seconds. Alternatively, use our social starters to gain high-performing content ideas for your next branded content post.

Competing Creators

In the UGC business, there’s no shortage of competition. As you begin to explore UGC opportunities, you’ll need to compete with other creators along the way. Make your account pop by refining your editing skills and offering something different. Establish yourself as a go-to provider of quality content in your niche.

How do I start as a UGC content creator?

Many UGC creators start with original content! Set up your accounts and start working on your skills to show what you can do. This will help you leverage your platform to start securing brand deals soon.

What platforms are best for UGC content?

UGC videos and ads appear across a variety of social networks! Currently, though, some of the best platforms for UGC creators are TikTok and Instagram. This is especially true for brands seeking UGC video content.

How can I monetize my UGC content?

Many brands pay creators! As you build your skills, you can begin to charge a fee for your content. In this way, you can become a part of the marketing team and earn an income based on the content you create and share.

How do I collaborate with brands as a UGC creator?

In some cases, you may be able to reach out directly to brands you’d like to work with. This is a great choice when you’re new to the industry and already a consumer of the product you want to help advertise. Alternatively, you may be able to find UGC opportunity lists on a dedicated influencer marketing platform.

💡 Plann Tip: Have a dream brand on your UGC creator vision board? Shoot the brand a DM on social media to pitch your services as a content creator! This can be an effective way to reach and catch the eye of brands.

Are you ready to get started in the world of UGC creation? There’s no time like the present! UGC content creators are in huge demand, and you already have everything you need to make waves.

Sign up today for a FREE 7-day Plann trial , and take the first step toward becoming a UGC creator.

The Social Media Manager's Guide

Learn how to manage multiple accounts without going crazy!

ugc creator cover letter

Author:  Shannon Jade

Shannon Jade is an author, editor, and marketer currently based in Melbourne, Australia. She holds a BA in creative writing, professional writing, and publishing and is always working on her next story. When she’s not writing, Shannon can usually be found reading a book, drinking a cup of tea, or talking about books on social media.

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ugc creator cover letter

Social Media Content Creator Cover Letter Example

Social Media Content Creators are responsible for creating and managing content for a company’s social media platforms and website. They ought to be creative, well-organized, and capable of writing for various audiences.

If you feel that this is the right job for this role, it is time that you draft a powerful cover letter to apply for the job. To see how to write a cover letter for your Social Media Content Creator position, take a look at the following Social Media Content Creator Cover Letter Sample. Social Media Content Creator helps businesses promote their products and services by writing copy for social media, websites, and promotional materials. These professionals develop vocal and written media for personal and public purposes.

Social Media Content Creator Cover Letter example

  • Cover Letters
  • Media & Journalism

What to Include in a Social Media Content Creator Cover Letter?

Roles and responsibilities.

  • Tracking analytics from social media and the company website.
  • Using SEO techniques to enhance web traffic.
  • Seeking innovative new techniques to showcase business offers and reach out to customers.
  • Coordinate with teams to develop campaign objectives, perform tasks and resolve challenges.
  • Connect with customers, answer concerns or complaints, and market company activities through social media.
  • Creating content for blogs, websites, and marketing materials.
  • Gathering information through studies and interviews regarding current perceptions, developments, and trends in the field, and interpreting the findings.
  • Aiding the design division in creating advertising materials.

Education & Skills

Social media content creator skills:.

  • Knowledge of SEO techniques.
  • Showed enhanced drafting, proofreading, and editorial skills.
  • Outstanding time management, coordination, and analytical abilities.
  • Excellent attention and communication abilities.
  • The ability to work well individually and in teams.
  • Capable of working efficiently while maintaining quality and reliability.

Social Media Content Creator Education Requirements:

  • Bachelor’s degree in marketing, English, or a related discipline.
  • Experience in developing excellent, compelling content.

Social Media Content Creator Cover Letter Example (Text Version)

Dear Mr./Ms.,

Learning of the requirement for a new Social Media Content Creator at your (Company Name), I hastened to submit my resume for your review. I am well equipped to contribute significantly to the objectives of your firm as a highly talented, driven, detail-oriented, and competent individual with more than three years of experience.

I am an enthusiastic and qualified professional with a Bachelor’s degree in Marketing from a reputed university. I am a pro at making meaningful and fascinating material and have a track record of developing content that gets a lot of social media engagement. I’ve learned how to create content for various audiences thanks to my experience. I have expertise in producing video material and am well-versed in SEO fundamentals and content optimization techniques.

Highlights of my experience include –

  • According to the requirements of each assignment, I can write in various styles and for both private and public audiences.
  • A 55% rise in Twitter followers and a 70% spike in Facebook fans over three years by launching a social media project for XYZ Infomedia.
  • Drew in visitors and boost traffic by incorporating live streaming, recorded videos, and an image gallery.
  • Creating enticing content for social media by collaborating with the marketing and relevant departments.
  • I complete projects on time without compromising quality since I understand how crucial deadlines are.
  • Set up strong relationships with sponsors and partners to foster content consolidation and improve audience experiences.

I am a writer with a great drive to assist businesses in creating content that draws their readers. I’m looking forward to learning about ABC Marketing’s strategy to brand management and contributing my talents and background to your team.

Thus, I would be delighted to talk more in-depth about the position and my work experience during an interview for this post. Kindly let me know if you need any additional information from my end.

I appreciate your forethought in advance.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

Show your hiring manager what you’re capable of with your Social Media Content Creator Cover Letter. Some pointers to consider when writing this cover letter include:

  • The first step in landing an interview is proofreading the cover letter.
  • It is critical to display your creativity. Describe how you generate new and original content ideas.
  • Giving particular instances to support your claims is always a smart idea. If you claim to have a strong grasp of SEO, give an example of a time when your SEO strategies successfully raised traffic to a site.
  • Break down your accomplishments into bullet points.
  • Review the job posting to identify the skills that the employer is seeking from job applicants.
  • You can spotlight all your achievements and your history of success in your career.

Now that you have written a powerful cover letter, your next target should be your Resume writing. A well-researched and organized Resume will make you different from other applicants. Craft a resume that catches the attention of the hiring manager. Our Social Media Content Creator Resume Samples help you stand out from the competition.


Customize Social Media Content Creator Cover Letter

Get hired faster with our free cover letter template designed to land you the perfect position.

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Business growth

Business tips

Collect user-generated content with these 12 email templates

Learn how embedsocial collected loads of ugc via email—and the subject lines and emails they used to get it..

Hero image from the EmbedSocial team of a man sitting in front of a computer typing an email; the text of the email is also in the image

User-generated content works wonders, but you can't just wait for it to fall into your lap. You need to take things into your own hands and ask for it. It might feel a little awkward at first, but I can tell you from experience, it's worth it.

The 5-step process for collecting UGC via email

In my role as content creator at EmbedSocial, I'm dedicated to collecting and managing user-generated content on a daily basis. With the help of my team, I created a 5-step process for asking users for UGC over email.

1. Create a catchy subject line. You can write the most convincing email ever, but if the recipient never opens it, it's all for naught.

2. Personalize the message. Create a connection with each recipient by acknowledging their name in the greeting of the message. Even if it's automated, it at the very least shows you've put some effort into the process.

3. Get straight to the point. Tell them what your email is about right from the start. It'll build trust and help make sure they hear you out.

4. Be clear about the expectations. Shoot your goal right away: ask for the specific type of UGC you want, and be specific. Include a link if relevant. If users have to make any guesses or do any interpretation, they're more likely to hit delete.

5. Respect their decision. They're valued users regardless, so help them feel comfortable whether or not they send UGC your way. You might want to include an explicit comment in your email letting them know that it's ok if they don't want to contribute—at the very least, avoid the hard sell.

Before we dive into the emails, let's talk about that first thing: subject lines.

8 subject lines to help get your UGC emails opened

The subject line of your email is the centerpiece—a vital first step to be sure people even read your request. Here are the subject lines that have given us the highest open rate.

Subject line 1: Take 2 minutes to tell us how we did, [customer name]!

Subject line 2: Let's create a success story! 🏅

Subject line 3: [Customer name], you're the best at [goal]!

Subject line 4: [Customer name], can you help us reach the top? 

Subject line 5: [Customer name], we'd love your five ⭐!

Subject line 6: You're our BEST customer. 🤫

Subject line 7: Let's create something awesome together!

Subject line 8: Hi [Customer name], how did we do?

12 email templates for collecting UGC

Before you start writing your emails, you need to know exactly what kind of content you're asking for. We created a whole slew of templates for all sorts of use cases—that way, we can just pick the right template and then adjust it as necessary.

Here are the templates that have worked best for us, divided up by type of UGC. Scroll down to the bottom to hear about some of the results we've gotten.

Email templates for collecting customer feedback

Review request templates.

Template #1:

Dear [customer name], 
It's so great to have you as a customer! 
We would love to know how we're doing and how your experience with us has been. Please take just a few seconds of your time and review us by clicking this link.
[review link]

Template #2: 

Hey there, [customer name],
I wanted to reach out and see how your experience has been with [product or service] so far. 
We'd really appreciate it if you could take a moment to review us. Of course, if there's anything that can be done better for you, please let us know using the link below.

Template #3:

Hey [customer name],
Many thanks for choosing us! 
We truly appreciate your opinion, so could you please take a second to let us know how satisfied you are with [company name]? 
Just click [review link] and let us know!

Testimonial request templates

Sometimes we need a little more than just a 5-star review. Once someone leaves a review, you can ask them if they're up for writing a testimonial. Here are some templates to get you one.

Template #4:

Hello [customer name],
We're so happy that you're enjoying our [product or service]! 
We're grateful for the positive feedback you've already left, but if there's anything more you can share with us, we'd love it if you wrote a short testimonial here [link] to help other customers decide which products they should try next.
It won't take more than 5 minutes, but it'll mean a lot to us. Thanks in advance!

Template #5:

Hi [customer name],
We at [company name] are very excited about approaching [company goal]! By leaving your honest testimonial, you're helping us reach it even faster.  We'd love for you to share how we've helped make things easier on your journey—so please leave your experience at this link: [link].
Thank you so much for your time and consideration!

Template #6:

We are so happy to have you as a customer!
It would be great if you take a few seconds in your busy day and consider leaving us a testimonial that we can display on our website and show how proud we are of our successful customers.
You can drop it here: [testimonial link]
Thank you for considering it!

Email templates for collecting UGC as social proof

Depending on the campaigns we're running and the content we're looking for, we use different approaches. Here are a few of the templates we've used—maybe they can even inspire some campaign ideas for you.

Photo/video contest template

Hosting an informal photo or video contest on social can be a great way to collect UGC. But don't just request the content on social—email your most loyal users too.

Template #7:

We're running a photo/video contest about [campaign], and you could win [the prize]!
All you need to do is to send us a photo/video of [the product] and [additional info] by [date/time]. And that's it! You're in the game. 
You can submit your photos/videos at the link below, or just hit reply and send it via email.
Thanks for participating, and good luck!

Personal story request template

Personal UGC can be a great way to create a deeper connection with your audience. It's a great way to build trust and can even be a source of inspiration for other customers.

Template #8:

Hi there, [customer name],
We're so happy that you benefited from our [product/service]. We love the way [shortly explain the process] helped you out with [the problem they had].
We want to help other folks, too, and we were hoping you could let us share your story with them by answering the questions in the form on the link below.
[form link]

Hashtag campaign participation template

Customers will create content under your hashtags on their own, but an extra reminder never hurts. Here's the template we use to get people using our hashtags.

Template #9:

We're running a hashtag campaign for [product]! 
All you have to do is take a photo of yourself [with/using] [the product] and post it with our [special hashtag] hashtag on [name of platform]. We'll re-post some of the best content we receive.
We can't wait to see your creative photos!

Throwback request template

A throwback campaign is a fun way to connect with your loyal users and also show how far you've come. You can ask them for photos or screenshots from older versions of your product or service—then you can create a kind of nostalgic photo montage.

Template #10:

We got emotional and decided to start a retro campaign for [product/company name].
I know you've been our customer since forever, so if you have some old photos of [product], send them over. Or if you still have that [coverage of the product], take a screenshot and pass it here. Just click reply and send them our way.
We're so excited to share some of our memories from back then. Thanks for your help!

Templates for collecting success stories

Early-stage success story request template.

Maybe you got a big client and want to share the news. Great! Here's our approach.

Template #11:

We're very proud to have [customer/business name] as a client!
We know that we're at the very beginning of our work together, but we'd like to share the big news with the world. Would you be open to us writing a short success story about how you've benefited from our [product/service] so far, and how you plan to use it in the future? 
If so, we'll ask you to answer a few questions—you can find them by clicking the link below.
If you have any questions, let me know!

Big success story request template

It's ok to brag a little when one of your customers has a massive success. This is usually an easy one to get because the customer also wants to strut their stuff. 

Template #12:

I'm so happy that you've enjoyed your experience with [company name] so far—we'd love to share your massive success with our audience!
To learn more about you, your business, and your experience with [company name], we'll ask you to please complete this form: 
Once you've done that, we'll put together a story—and we'll be sure to share it with you for your approval before we publish it.
Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks so much!

The results

Like I said, these templates got us the results we wanted. Some examples incoming.

Here's what Simon said about us in response. 

A positive Google review for EmbedSocial

We ran a hashtag campaign where we asked our users and employees to post images on Instagram with the #branding hashtag. We used Template 9 and Subject line 4 to ask for it. 

Take a look at the output we got.

Some of the responses EmbedSocial got with their hashtag campaign

Over to you

The connection with your audience goes both ways, and user-generated content can help you—and your customers—succeed. So don't wait: send those emails, and see the results roll in. 

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Marija Todorovska picture

Marija Todorovska

Marija Todorovska is a Content Creator in EmbedSocial. She uses the power of words to create articles that help marketers, small business owners, and agencies grow their businesses based on user-generated content.

  • Email marketing
  • Social media
  • EmbedSocial

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  12. Teleprompter

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    Make sure to follow the installation instructions for your browser. Visit the brand's website: Go to the brand's website and navigate to the page where you suspect the email address might be listed, such as the "Contact Us" page. Activate the extension: Once on the desired webpage, activate the email finder extension.

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  16. User-Generated Content (UGC) Creator Resume Sample Template

    Just download the template, then add your personal information and make adjustments to match your experience. Our template will drastically reduce the amount of time you spend making your stand-out resume for User-Generated Content (UGC) Creator positions. Robin Doe 123 Main St. Anytown, CA 12345 (123) 456-7890 [email protected].

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    Step 3: Practice your editing skills. Once you've recorded your clip (s), the next step is to edit them. The typical length for UGC videos is 15-60 seconds. Editing videos can be tricky to learn, but luckily there are many apps to make it easier. Two of the most popular apps are CapCut and InShot.

  18. Social Media Influencer Ugc Creator Resume Sample

    Experience. Social Media Influencer- UGC Creator, 11/2022 - Current. Carrier Enterprise - Myrtle Beach, SC. - Verified that information in the computer system was up-to-date and accurate.-. Contacted current and prospective customers to create renewals.-. Traveled nationwide assisting in managing customer accounts and leads.

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  20. How To Become A UGC Content Creator

    2. Create High-Quality Content. Next, it's time to produce high-quality content. This content is important, as it will form your UGC portfolio, helping you reach out to brands and show them what you can do. Try to create a mix of content types and formats. Mix and match between text, image, and video content.

  21. How to write a content creator cover letter (With example)

    Here are steps to help you write a cover letter: 1. Create a heading. The heading of your cover letter includes your name, location and contact information. As a content creator, be sure to include a link to your online portfolio. If you have a preferred title, include this with your name.

  22. Social Media Content Creator Cover Letter Example

    Dear Mr./Ms., Learning of the requirement for a new Social Media Content Creator at your (Company Name), I hastened to submit my resume for your review. I am well equipped to contribute significantly to the objectives of your firm as a highly talented, driven, detail-oriented, and competent individual with more than three years of experience.

  23. Collect UGC with these 12 email templates

    With the help of my team, I created a 5-step process for asking users for UGC over email. 1. Create a catchy subject line. You can write the most convincing email ever, but if the recipient never opens it, it's all for naught. 2. Personalize the message. Create a connection with each recipient by acknowledging their name in the greeting of the ...