How to Work With Angels in Your God-assignment

 submission to the mission, commisioning angels .

But to which of the angels has He ever said, “Sit at my right hand until I make Your enemies a footstool for Your feet?” Are they not all ministering spirits, sent out to render service for the sake of those who will inherit salvation? (Hebrews 1:13-14)
Bless the Lord, you His angels, mighty in strength, who perform His word, obeying the voice of His word! Bless the Lord, all you His hosts, you who serve Him, doing His will. Bless the Lord, all you works of His, in all places of His dominion; bless the Lord, O my soul! (Psalm 103:20–22)


Were you sent out, my prayer for you, my prayer for you .

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Is it true that a Christian can command his angels?

Yes! Angels are on assignment to minister for you.

Hebrews 1:14 declares that angels are servants sent to care for us. The Life Application Study Bible, New American Standard Bible, has the following to say about Hebrews 1:14: “Angels are God’s messengers, spiritual beings created by God and under His authority (Colossians 1:16). They have several functions: serving believers (Hebrews1:14), protecting the helpless (Matthew 18:10), proclaiming God’s messages (Revelation 14:6-12), and executing God’s judgment (Acts 12:1-23; Revelation 20:1-3).” Angels operate under the authority of Jesus (1 Peter 3:22), and one of their jobs is ministering to believers. Our responsibility is to make sure that we are doing the will of our Father and that we are putting His Word in our mouths. When we do this, Psalm 103:20 promises that angels carry out God’s commands and are obedient to His Word. They act as enforcers of the Word and will of God in our lives. For further study on this subject, we recommend the “Angels on Assignment” teaching by Kenneth and Gloria Copeland.

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How to Work with Angels in Your God-Given Assignment

Kris Vallotton

sending angels on assignment

Did you know that angels are mentioned more than 190 times in the New Testament alone?

We’ve read about these celestial beings opening prison doors (Acts 12:7-10), delivering messages from God (Luke 1:5-38) and showing up in people’s dreams (Gen. 31:11), but are angels among us today? Right now, going unseen, there are angels on assignment for people, young and old, in various roles and jobs; some angels are actively working within specific industries, over regions and even assigned to entire countries.

It is my personal conviction that God is still deploying angels on your behalf, and that they are eager and ready to supernaturally usher in heaven’s resources for your preparation, provision and protection.

I had firsthand experience working with angels in 1986 while living in Trinity County, California. My friend, Paul Schmidt, and I were ministering at our local convalescent hospital early every Sunday morning. Paul was a strong believer, a body builder and a deputy sheriff. One morning, we were standing outside the hospital praying before we went in to minister. As we prayed, I heard myself say aloud to Paul, “The Lord says that you are going to be the next sheriff of Trinity County!”

In the months that followed, Paul decided to run for sheriff, and I became his campaign manager. We campaigned hard for months. The night of the primary election all the campaign workers went down to the courthouse to watch the Lord work through the election.

We were hoping to cheer as we watched the election results come in but there would be no cheering that night, because Paul lost the primaries by a mile. Our entire team left the courthouse crushed and discouraged. I personally felt humiliated and guilty, thinking I must have gotten the prophetic word wrong.

A few days later, very early on a Saturday morning, the phone rang. Half asleep, I answered the phone and a voice on the other end said, “Hey, I am going to run for sheriff as a write-in candidate! What do you think?”

It was Paul, and I was in no mood for more humiliation. “I think you’re crazy ,” I yelled into the phone. “You took fourth place when you were on the ballot. How would you have any kind of chance when people would have to remember to write you in? You’re nuts!”

“God said I am supposed to be the next sheriff, and I need to finish this race. Will you help me?” he pressed.

Paul did end up running as a write-in candidate, and I continued being his manager. The week before the election, we commissioned Paul as the next sheriff of Trinity County at church.

I want to explain what I mean when I say that we commissioned Paul. To be commissioned means that you come into submission to the Father’s mission; co-mission: a mission together with God. As a church, we gathered in agreement with the prophetic word that Paul would be the next sheriff of Trinity County, and we prayed over him, sending him out to fulfill the assignment God had placed on his life. It’s common to find throughout Scripture and in our walk of faith today that physical acts of agreement often release spiritual realities.

On the day of the election, if Paul were to win, people would be required to write his name in on the ballot. We couldn’t have any campaign signs anywhere within 1,000 feet of a polling place, so any last-ditch campaigning efforts weren’t an option. We simply had to wait and watch. After the vote was closed and when the news report finally came in, it read, “Paul Schmidt Wins Landslide Victory as a Write-In Candidate!”

We were stunned! Over the next several weeks, strange stories began to emerge from our community. Many people who went into the booths to vote for another candidate ended up having crazy experiences. Some said they couldn’t get the lever on the machine to pull down and punch the card for either of the sheriff candidates, so they decided to write Paul’s name in.

Others said that when they got into the booth, a voice spoke to them and said, “Write in Paul Schmidt!” Many had dreams the night before in which they were instructed to vote for Paul. Several citizens who came out with ads in the paper in support of one of the other candidates also had these experiences and changed their minds in the voting booth. These stories continued to emerge for months. Many of these people were not Christians. Paul became our sheriff and held the office for 16 years. The question is, what really happened on that election day?

Commissioning Angels

Much like the stories we read throughout the Bible, the Lord sent His angels to Trinity County to make sure the word He spoke over Paul Schmidt would come to pass. The angels were very busy that day. Some had to restrain the levers on voting machines. Others had to make sure people who insisted on voting for someone else couldn’t leave their houses. There were angels who talked to people in the booths and angels who came to people in dreams. Heaven invaded earth that day!

One of the most common ways angels are commissioned is through prayer and prophecy. Angels perform the word of God that is proclaimed by the voice of the Lord. The church is His voice that declares His word on earth. God’s angels become the agents of change whenever prophecies require events to be altered, things to be accomplished or wars to be won. Hebrews says the angels are servants to the children of God:

“But to which of the angels did He at any time say, ‘Sit at My right hand, until I make Your enemies your footstool”? Are they not all ministering spirits sent out to minister to those who will inherit salvation?” (Heb. 1:13-14).

Also, consider the words of the psalmist:

“Bless the Lord, you His angels, who are mighty, and do His commands, and obey the voice of His word. Bless the Lord, all you His hosts; you servants who do His pleasure. Bless the Lord, all His works, in all places of His dominion. Bless the Lord, O my soul!” (Ps. 103:20–22).

Let me be clear. I don’t think this means we order angels around, telling them what to do; I simply am saying that when we pray and prophesy in the name of the Lord, the angels are co-missioned to carry out our prophecies. Meaning, they are submitted to God’s mission, heeding His word being spoken on the earth and fulfilling our prophecies!

True Spiritual Authority

Paul teaches us that angels recognize true spiritual authority (1 Cor. 11:4, 10).

True spiritual authority happens when you have come into submission, and therefore you’ve been commissioned to have angelic help. It’s not gift-based authority; it’s determined by who you are in submission to.

What I’m getting at is, whether God’s commissioned you to be responsible for a multi-billion dollar business or empowered you to mother the next generation in your home, once you take ownership of that assignment on your life (submission to God’s mission), you will step into true spiritual authority which releases the supernatural aid and resources God has placed on that assignment for your success.

For example, The Holy Spirit commissioned the apostle Paul, and the apostles at Jerusalem sent him out (see Acts 15:22–25). Subsequently, Paul’s ministry witnessed the effectiveness of being under a covering that comes from submission to true spiritual authority that angles are assigned to.

The difference between people who are under true spiritual authority and those who are not is evident! Just look at the contrast between Paul’s ministry and the Jewish priest Sceva’s sons in Acts 19:11-16. Paul’s handkerchief had more power than the seven sons of Sceva using Jesus’ name. It is hard to imagine that demons recognized Paul’s handkerchief and fled people’s once-possessed bodies but refused to depart when this priest’s seven sons tried to cast them out using the name of Jesus. But that is what happened!

The demon’s words were quite startling: “I know Jesus, and I know Paul, but who are you?” (v. 15). True spiritual authority causes not only the angels to supernaturally help us perform God’s will, but even demons must obey those who are commissioned by God!

Were You Sent Out?

It’s imperative that we understand that Paul was not only commissioned by God to be an apostle (apostle means “sent-out one”), but he also came into submission to God’s apostolic leaders where they acknowledged the calling of God on Paul’s life by “sending him out” to the Gentiles to teach and preach the Word of God.

Just like my friend Paul Schmidt, who was commissioned by God to become Trinity County’s next sheriff in 1986, the church acknowledged his calling. As an act of faith, we gathered in agreement with God’s word and we prayerfully “sent him out” to face what should have been an impossible election, but ultimately a victorious one because of the angelic help that God assigned to his calling.

Where have all the angels gone in the 21st-century church? The challenge is that globally the church can be like a rebel without a cause. I often see people do what they want to do, where they want to do it. Too often, they plant churches, yet no one sent them. Sadly, they aren’t connected to anyone. The consequence? They compete with the guy across the street who did the same thing … yet, it’s a kingdom divided, and they wonder why they aren’t seeing angelic intervention, miracles in their ministry or supernatural breakthrough in the lives of those they lead. So the question isn’t where have all the angels gone; rather, my question for the rogue roamers out there is: Did you just go, or were you actually sent? And, do the angels recognize your authority? When we are under God’s authority, which includes being under His appointed leaders , the angelic hosts assigned to that mission of God accompany us on our journey.

My Prayer for You

I’m sure you know what it feels like to know deep down that you are called to something great, but the pain can be crippling when you feel alone, without a tribe to support and send you out! Perhaps you’re stalled out by doubt and feel your destiny has been put on hold. Regardless of how you may be feeling, God has assigned angelic help to inject your heart with radical hope, bold faith and unyielding determination.

My prayer for you today is that you’ll begin to recognize what and whom accompanies your yes to God!

To the moms who are shuffling schedules and meeting the demands of a growing family; to the young ones who may feel lost navigating life; to any and all who don’t feel they’ve been commissioned by God, I release a co-mission over you. That you would be in submission to God’s mission, and you would be commissioned; that you would recognize the influence God’s given you and move forward in destiny, in purpose and prosperity, and in true spiritual authority, in Jesus’ name!

Lastly, to the zealous ones—those of you who may be off on your own, or know the Holy Spirit has called you but you haven’t been sent out yet: God has a people group for you! When you find your people, you’ll find your destiny. I believe the Holy Spirit is already working on your behalf right now to bring into your life the healthy connections that you need to accomplish your heavenly assignment. He is reconciling, restoring and reviving communities so God’s people can walk in the fullness of their co-mission with God!

Have you experienced angelic intervention? {eoa}

Kris Vallotton is the senior associate leader of Bethel Church in Redding, California, and co-founder of the Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry. He is an author, international speaker and culture leader. To understand more on the topic of angels and true spiritual authority, check out his book Heavy Rain or listen to his podcast, Working With The Angels .

For the original article, visit .

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  • May 13, 2020


Updated: Jan 13, 2023

Did you know you are meant to put Angels to work?

I know, crazy right! We need to tell Angel's what to do.... it's insane!!!

Shouldn't they be telling us what to do?

Most people would shake at the knees at the thought of telling an Angel what to do let alone seeing one with their own eyes. I have seen many Angels in my years of prayer and intercession and visions and noticed that most of the time when the Angels appear they wait for my instruction!

Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation? Hebrew 1:14

Some people think Angels don't visit earth anymore, or only on very rare occasions to someone who is considered "holy," and are surprised when someone takes a photo of a light being in Church and claim that it is a hoax and just a Photoshop creation. But the Bible says not to be surprised, that we may be "entertaining Angels" and don't even know it!

...and I can tell you from my personal experience that this is very true!

In 2009, when God asked me to write my first book, "I was a Muslim then I found Truth," (on SALE today below), I met with an Editor at a coffee shop to discuss editing the book so that I could publish it. I couldn't help but sob uncontrollably when discussing the horrific events I went through and the painful memories of my past abuse, and remembering the violent way my Father treated my mother to then myself marrying a same abusive husband... we were cursed! We had to be! And I was baffled at the thought of writing a book and how I was ever going to do it through the emotional outpouring and the dreadful memories that I would need to relive through in order to get my story onto the page.

It was not going to be an easy task!

When suddenly I felt someone staring at me from the distance. I tried to ignore it but I couldn't shake it as it felt like their eyes were piecing my very soul... I had to turn back and look! I felt a little uncomfortable that someone was watching me so intently as I was pouring my heart out to my friend, and the Editor, who was keen to get the story on the pages, so I turned to face the person and see if there was anything it wanted to say.

To my surprise this middle aged Asian man, fairly stocky, smiled at me intensely with his wide eyed and friendly demeanor, with the happiest welcoming of smiles. He just kept nodding his head saying 'yes' directly at me, as though he was listening to our conversation and writing the book was the right thing to do. But he was so far away he could not have possibly been able to hear our conversation, especially over the busy coffee shop noises. So I turned to tell my friend, who was sitting right next to me, to have a look, but when we both turned back to look at him - he disappeared!

I realized it was an Angel! I got up and ran so fast to where he was sitting, but he wasn't anywhere to be seen, then quickly to the top of the stairs and outside the building, but he wasn't there either! I felt in my heart that I had just saw an Angel, and he was agreeing with the work that was about to be done! I was amazed, happy and suddenly the sobbing stopped! I believed even more in the book, and my fears subsided, and that it was God's will and plan for me.

Writing the book wasn't my idea - it was a God idea - so He sent the Angel as a confirmation that I was doing what He asked me to do. It was quite thrilling and very exciting to know God was on our side and I was about to fulfill His purpose and plan.

sending angels on assignment

Jesus was very clear that He could call on Angels and they would appear to minister to Him. Twelve Legion of Angels is a lot of Angels! And as believers in Jesus, who gives you access to Father, the LORD of Hosts (Angels), you too can call on Angels and receive help from them!

Or do you think that I cannot call on my Father, and he will provide me here and now with more than twelve legions of angels ? Matthew 26:3

If you want to entertain Angels and actually put them to work to do things for you, then you have to agree with God, His Word, and take action so that they can manifest and come to help you achieve God's plans!

Bless the LORD, all his angels mighty in strength who carry out his word, who harken to the voice of His command. PSALM 103:20

sending angels on assignment


In Hebrews 1, we see God tell us that Angels come to minister to us, but in order for them to take action, or direction, we must speak the word of God in Faith by agreeing with it. Why? Because they only do what the Father tells them to do, and as a son of God, a child of God, with the presence of God living inside you, you have permission and authority to speak to them and tell them what to do, that will encourage, and advance the Kingdom, help someone in need, and send someone a blessing.

The Bible says "angels encamp around those who fear Him” ( Psalm 34:7 ), fear as in reverence to God and once we Decree or Declare the word of God the Angels go to work!


Am I allowed to do this? Yes, you can.

Most people find this difficult to swallow. I was even at a deliverance session once, when a lady told me I must not command them - this is biblically incorrect, 1 Corinthians 6:3 tells us that we will in fact judge angels " Do you not know that we will judge angels? " Angels are servants of God, messengers, to bring us a message from God or minister to us, and we are sons of God, and as sons and daughters we have authority to tell them what to do. If not, how could we then stop the works of darkness from Lucifer and his fallen angels if we are just to be under their submission.

Jesus gave us the keys over Hell and it's Angels, which is the authority over them, we are to put Angels and demons in their place. If not we will just be walking in darkness and under Lucifer's evil commands and will never rise up and take our rightful place and overrule them.

If you know who you are in Christ and what authority you actually have on the Earth, you will be ruling over the supernatural realms, you will understand that Angels must adhere to your commands, even demons.

When Jesus was tempted, or let's say, confronted with Satan's testing in the desert, the second thing he tested Jesus with was to "throw himself down" off the highest point of the temple of the Holy City, because the Angels would come and lift Him up and nothing would harm him. Satan was testing his authority, and his divine sonship, for he said "if you are the son of God" [Matthew 4:1-11]. Satan knows the Bible and was actually using it against Jesus to see what He would do, but Jesus just responded back to him with scripture that counteracted his test and had nothing left to say, so he left him. Satan was put in place with the Word of God, which silenced his accusations and his voice, yet still the angels came and attended to Jesus.

We must learn from Jesus' example and do what he did! Command your Angels and put demons in their place!


When you ask God to deploy your angels, you are asking Him to send them out to help you, and He will. Just because you can't see them doesn't mean they are not there. In the Book of 2 Kings we read that Elisha's eyes were opened by Prophet Elijah's request to God, and in return Elisha sees horses and chariots of fire all around him, filled with Angelic presence and help! The battle would not be won by man, but with Angels!

Prayer releases Angels, so every time you leave home, or are at work, in a car, every building you walk in, in every situation, ask God to send you Angels to do a specific task, and He will. [ Matthew 26:51-53 ]


The Name of Jesus catches the attention of Angels! They know who He really is, do you?

One week in our church we did a fasting and prayer week for souls to be saved and that Sunday I saw explosive visions of Heaven. God on His throne with His scepter appeared, and the Seraphim Angels that stand behind Him, you know the ones with six wings and all those eyes - turned up! It freaked me out! The presence of God was so thick we were shaking in our seats and couldn't stop praying - it was amazing!

But as we prayed, I noticed that every time we said "Jesus" their eyes would quickly turn toward us. It was strange at first but they kept doing it every time we said His name, and they have a lot of eyes, so it was pretty scary and awesome at the same time. What power and authority we have in the name of Jesus, yet some people wield it like it doesn't mean anything. His name is the only name where every knee, creature, being, rock and tree will bow down, the King of kings, and Lords of lords. We need to understand how to use it, the authority and presence it holds, and that even Angels know the name and respond very quickly to it!!


Being thankful and having gratitude gets you into the Courts of Heavens. It's not our authority that gets us in, but our humbleness and thankfulness of who God is, and what Jesus has done, that gives us 24 hour access. I have spent the last 3 years in the Courts of Heaven, presenting my cases and cleaning up our family bloodline, and what I learnt is that I got in by being a daughter of God, but I got more respect when I was thankful.

The first time I went up to the Courts of Heaven, I didn't know what I was doing and I simply stood outside the doors of the Court room, I wasn't even allowed in! I didn't know protocol, or legalities, that things were done in a specific order, or I had to wait my turn, just like down here in our own judicial system. But Jesus was with me and He sorted everything out, and ran the case for me, I still didn't even go in!

There are many courts, some with Angels, some with councilmen, council beings, a jury, visitors, and many different types of Courts for different situations, where some you are not even allowed to enter in like the High Supreme Court, until you reach a certain level of authority. WHY? Because you don't have the understanding of how to operate in them and everything said in there is legal. I wasn't allowed in to what I call the Galaxy Courtroom, where matters of the universe are discussed.

God, the Judge, is not going to let you sit on a throne, swearing and cursing, and destroying planet alignments because you are human, or a son or daughter of God. You need to learn their ways, the legal systems in place, because even Satan goes to court, accusing you day and night of all the wrongs things you have done on earth, and he is an Angel! But he does it legally.

Through thankfulness Daniel was given wisdom and power to understand dreams, King Solomon was given a Kingdom and wisdom beyond his age and years, and he judged the people righteously. Jesus broke bread and gave thanks the night before He would be crucified, the Israelite's brought sacrifices and thank offerings in the temple of God and in return they got God's presence!

Be thankful... it gets you heard!


Father, in the name of Jesus, I call upon a legion of ministering spirits to minister unto my situation (mention your situation here). I call on Angels from the Courts of Angels and assign them according  Hebrews 1:13-14  to protect .......................... I claim this right as an heir to salvation to call on you so that you can minister to us. I release the Angels to protect, guide and minister to us. Thank you for sending your Angels to guide and protect us in Jesus mighty name!

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The Surprising Role of Guardian Angels

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What did Jesus mean in Matthew 18:10 when he said, “See that you do not despise one of these little ones. For I tell you that in heaven their angels always see the face of my Father who is in heaven”? He meant: Let the magnificence of every unimpressive Christian’s entourage of angels silence our scorn and awaken awe at the simplest children of God.

To see this, let’s clarify, first, who “these little ones” are.

Who Are “These Little Ones”?

“See that you do not despise one of these little ones .” They are true believers in Jesus, viewed from the standpoint of their childlike trust in God. They are the heaven-bound children of God. We know this because of the immediate and wider context of the Gospel of Matthew.

This section in Matthew 18 began with the disciples asking, “Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” (Matthew 18:1). Jesus answers, “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 18:3–4). In other words, the text is not about children. It is about those who become like children, and thus enter the kingdom of heaven. It’s about true disciples of Jesus.

This is confirmed in Matthew 18:6 where Jesus says, “Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea.” The “little ones” are those “who believe” in Jesus.

In the wider context, we see the same language with the same meaning. For example, in Matthew 10:42, Jesus says, “Whoever gives one of these little ones even a cup of cold water because he is a disciple , truly, I say to you, he will by no means lose his reward.” The “little ones” are “disciples.”

Similarly, in the famous, and often misquoted, picture of the final judgment in Matthew 25, Jesus says, “The King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers , you did it to me’” (Matthew 25:40; compare with Matthew 11:11). The “least of these” are the “brothers” of Jesus. The “brothers” of Jesus are those who do the will of God (Matthew 12:50), and those who do the will of God are those who “enter the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 7:21).

Therefore, in Matthew 18:10, when Jesus refers to “these little ones” whose angels see the face of God, he is talking about his disciples — those who will enter the kingdom of heaven — not people in general. Whether humans in general have good or evil angels assigned to them (by God or the devil) is not addressed in the Bible as far as I can see. We would do well not to speculate about it. Such speculations appeal to untethered curiosities and can create distractions from vastly more sure and more important realities.

One Angel for Each Christian?

“Everything angels do, everywhere in the world, at all times, is for the good of Christians.”

So, our question now is this: What does Jesus mean when he says that we should not despise his childlike followers? And how is it an argument for this, when he refers to “their angels” seeing God? “See that you do not despise one of these little ones. For (= because) I tell you that in heaven their angels always see the face of my Father who is in heaven.”

It is possible that “their angels” refers to a specific angel assigned to each disciple. There is one other text that some think points in this direction. When the praying believers in Acts 12 could not believe that Peter was knocking at the gate, since he was supposed to be in prison, they said, “It is his angel!” (Acts 12:15). That may or may not imply that all believers have an angel assigned to them. It may only imply that in that situation God had commissioned an angel to use Peter’s voice (Acts 12:14), and perhaps awaken even more urgent prayer for him.

It is even more difficult here in Matthew 18:10 to infer that each believer has an angel assigned to him. What it says is, “In heaven their angels always see the face of my Father who is in heaven.” The word “their” certainly implies that these angels have a special personal role to play in relation to Jesus’s disciples. But the plural “angels” may simply mean that all believers have numerous angels assigned to serve them, not just one.

Calvin’s Careful Observation

I think John Calvin’s careful observation about this text is exactly right:

The interpretation given to this passage by some commentators, as if God assigned to each believer his own angel, does not rest on solid grounds. For the words of Christ do not mean that a single angel is continually occupied with this or the other person; and such an idea is inconsistent with the whole doctrine of Scripture, which declares that the angels encamp around (Psalm 34:7) the godly, and that not one angel only, but many, have been commissioned to guard every one of the faithful. Away, then, with the fanciful notion of a good and evil angel, and let us rest satisfied with holding that the care of the whole Church is committed to angels, to assist each member as his necessities shall require. ( Commentary on a Harmony of the Evangelists Matthew, Mark, and Luke , on Matthew 18:10)

Old-Covenant Ministry of Angels

“The care of the whole Church is committed to angels.” This is not a new idea. Angels are active throughout the Old Testament for the sake of God’s people. For example,

He [Jacob] dreamed, and behold, there was a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven. And behold, the angels of God were ascending and descending on it! (Genesis 28:12) The angel of the Lord appeared to the woman and said to her, “Behold, you are barren and have not borne children, but you shall conceive and bear a son.” (Judges 13:3) The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him, and delivers them. (Psalm 34:7) He will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways. (Psalm 91:11) Bless the Lord, O you his angels, you mighty ones who do his word, obeying the voice of his word! Bless the Lord, all his hosts, his ministers, who do his will! (Psalm 103:20–21) “My God sent his angel and shut the lions’ mouths, and they have not harmed me, because I was found blameless before him; and also before you, O king, I have done no harm.” (Daniel 6:22)

All Angels, All Christians, All the Time

And more important than these Old Testament references to angels, Hebrews 1:14 makes it clear that God sends angels to minister for the sake of the people of Christ. In the context of Hebrews 1, the writer is arguing that the Son of God is infinitely greater than angels. One of his arguments is that God never said to any angel, “Sit at my right hand” as he did to Jesus Christ (Hebrews 1:13). Instead, angels are simply God’s servants who do his bidding for the sake of those who are on their way to heaven.

To which of the angels has he ever said, “Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet”? Are they not all ministering spirits sent out to serve for the sake of those who are to inherit salvation? (Hebrews 1:13–14)

The promise here is better than the tradition that every saint has one personal guardian angel. What Hebrews 1:14 says is that all the angels — all of them — are specifically sent “for ministry” (Greek eis diakonian ) — not ministry “to” Christians, but ministry “for the sake of” Christians (Greek dia tous mellontas kleronomein soterian ).

This means that everything angels do, everywhere in the world, at all times, is for the good of Christians. An angel who does something by God’s assignment anywhere in the world is fulfilling the promise that God will work all things for the good of all Christians — everywhere. This is a sweeping and stunning promise. All angels serve for the good of all Christians all the time. They are agents of Romans 8:28.

The Wonder That Eminent Angels Serve Others

But as amazing as that is, it’s not the point of Matthew 18:10. The jolting point of Matthew 18:10 is not the wonder that angels serve us , but the wonder that angels serve others . Remember, the context is about how we treat other believers: “these little ones.” “See that you do not despise one of these little ones” (Matthew 18:10).

The argument Jesus gives for why we should not treat other believers in belittling ways is because “in heaven their angels always see the face of my Father who is in heaven.” The point of saying that these angels “see the face of my Father” is that they have the immeasurable rank and privilege to be in the immediate presence of God. You can see that meaning in Esther 1:14 and Revelation 22:4.

Having Angels Does Not Increase Our Safety or Dignity

“An angel working anywhere in the world fulfills God’s promise to work all things for the good of all Christians.”

So, how are we to be motivated to honor the lowliest Christian (Matthew 11:11) because the angels who attend them have immeasurably high rank and privilege?

I would suggest this: Ponder first that every Christian has the Creator of the universe as his Father (Romans 8:16–17), and has the Lord of the universe as his elder brother (Romans 8:29). You cannot have a safer, more exalted position as a human being than to have God as your all-caring, all-providing Father (Matthew 6:32–33; Luke 12:30–32), and Jesus as your all-authoritative Lord (Matthew 28:18).

Having a hundred or a thousand of the highest ranking angels serving you does not increase your safety or your dignity. How, then, does the argument work? How are we motivated to treat all ordinary Christians with deep respect “because” they are served by many high-ranking angels?

The Entourage of Titans Reminds You Whom You Are Dealing With

Suppose you were going to receive the son of the greatest king this afternoon. You know that he is the son of a king. He might arrive at your estate walking with two guards. In that case, he would be worthy of the greatest respect — simply because he is a king’s son. But in fact, he is going to arrive with one hundred terrifying titans of greatest strength and beauty surrounding him on every side. These beings are the elite guard and agents of the king.

When you see this entourage, the point is not that this entourage gives the king’s son a greater glory than he already had simply by being the king’s son. Rather this is a reminder of what it is like to be the king’s son.

I think this is what Jesus wants us to think when the least impressive disciple of Jesus walks into a room. “The angels of this disciple always see the face of my Father who is in heaven.” There is no counting these angels, since more or less every angel in the world serves “for the sake of” this disciple (Hebrews 1:14). And these angels always see God’s face — they have a rank and dignity corresponding to direct access to God.

Hold Every Christian in Highest Esteem

Therefore (!), don’t despise this simple, unimpressive disciple of Jesus! Let his angelic entourage remind you whose son he is. Let this angelic entourage remind you who his older brother is. Put your hand over your critical mouth, and show great esteem (Philippians 2:3) to all ordinary, childlike disciples. If having God as their Father, and Jesus as their Lord does not cause you to exchange your derision for deference, then let the terrifying advocacy and rank of their magnificent angels wake you from your stupor.

Or as Jesus says, “See that you do not despise one of these little ones. For I tell you that in heaven their angels always see the face of my Father who is in heaven.”

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In Psalm 91 we read about how God dispatches angels on our behalf – to protect us and guard us from harm. Much has been written and discussed about angels over the centuries. People have a fascination with them. We have even named cakes and baseball teams after them! But exactly who are angels? What are their duties? They are mentioned more than 300 times in the Bible and they present sometimes as warriors and sometimes as ordinary people. Join Pastor Gary for today’s study entitled, “Angels on Assignment.”

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3 Ways Angels Are at Your Service

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Are angels really here to help you? Can you somehow set them to work on your behalf? Find out what the Bible says about how angels are at your service!

Have you heard the stories? Bullets that seemed to go right through someone without leaving a mark, cars that crossed through one another without actually making impact, people in danger transported from one place to another with no explanation. These are just a few examples of the supernatural encounters Christians are experiencing every day—encounters with angels.

What Are Angels?

Despite what is often depicted in books and on television, angels are not little, fat babies with bows and arrows in their hands. They are not soft and gentle with long, flowing blond hair. The only angels we read about in the Bible are big, strong male warriors whose presence often startled those they encountered. They are real. They are powerful. And if you are a believer, they are a vital part of your life.

According to Hebrews 1:14, God created angels to help His people: “Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation?” ( NKJV). One of the ways God carries out your protection, His covenant and your deliverance is through angels. You literally have angels at your service.

You only have to see them with your spiritual eyes to know it’s true. That’s what Elisha was telling his servant when they were surrounded by a large Syrian army. The servant was afraid, but Elisha said, “Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them” (2 Kings 6:16, NKJV). When the servant opened his spiritual eyes, he saw an army of angels and chariots of fire surrounding the entire Syrian army!

Angels were always carrying out God’s plans and purposes in the Bible. They haven’t retired since then, either. Angels are at work today just as they’ve always been. More importantly, they are not flying around up there. They are HERE. This earth is full of them!

You have an angel working with you. He belongs to you. He’ll be with you all the days of your life. He’s always before the face of the Father ( Matthew 18:10 ). Angels are tremendously strong, but they all bow to the Name of Jesus. They are here to add their strength to what you do. You have authority in the Name of Jesus where your angels are concerned.

You’re not in this by yourself! If you haven’t had faith for what angels can and will do in your life, it’s time to open your eyes and see that there are more with you than there are with any opposition you will ever face on this earth. Begin to see through spiritual eyes, and learn these three ways angels are at your service.

 1. Angels Ensure Your Protection

“for he shall give his angels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways. in their hands they shall bear you up.” –psalm 91:11-12 (nkjv).

Do you take your angels with you everywhere you go? It’s true—they follow you everywhere you go, but are you taking them with you spiritually? Are you putting them to work?

Angels are at your service—to carry out God’s will—to protect you from danger and harm. When you plead the blood of Jesus over yourself, your vehicles, your home—you’re employing angels. When you declare Psalm 91 over your life—you’re employing angels. When you speak out, “Angels are protecting me. I send forth ministering angels to protect me and my family”—you’re employing angels.

That is something Pastor George Pearson’s daughter, Aubrey, practices in her life, and it resulted in supernatural protection for her family. Her husband had been traveling, and she and her two young daughters, who were 2 and 4 at the time, were staying at her parents’ home.

One early morning, when Pastor George was returning home from a workout, he found two-year-old Kayelin on the front porch without her pants, crying. It wasn’t until later that they discovered her pants lying next to the pool—soaking wet. This little girl had been in the pool, not knowing how to swim, and was somehow lifted out to safety. Somehow. That’s the specialty of angels—defying natural laws and reason to bring about the will of God—supernatural protection in our lives.

And that protection belongs to you, too. You have an angel in the room with you right now. Waiting to protect you, on assignment to serve you. Are you employing him? It could save your life.

Discover the 7 Strategies for Building a Psalm 91 House here.

Creflo Dollar has said many times, had it not been for angels, he wouldn’t be here today. Here is his testimony:

“Years ago, I was in a car accident so bad that when the police showed up, they called the coroner. They thought everyone involved was dead. I was riding in a truck with other ministers to a finance convention in Sacramento, Calif., when someone ran a red light and struck the truck we were in. When the car hit us, I saw my angels hovering in front of me. I am confident it is because of them that my life was redeemed from destruction that day.”

The devil has come to steal, kill and destroy, but God has other plans for your life! Furthermore, He has an army of angels to defend your right to enjoy it. Not only does He protect His people physically, but He protects the preaching of His Word, too.

There have been a number of eyewitness accounts of Kenneth Copeland’s angel in action. Each account has described the angel in the same way, just like the first man who saw him, who explained it to Kenneth this way:

“He was the biggest fellow I have ever seen in all my life. The only way I know to describe him is that he looked like Mr. Clean. Every move you made, he stuck to you like glue; he stayed right with you the whole time you were preaching. You’d wind down a little, and he’d lean over and say something in your ear, and you’d get all wound up again.”

Angels are among us. Angels are at your service—to protect you, your loved ones and the preaching of the Word of God. Start believing, expecting and releasing them to do the will of the Father in your life. When you activate your faith, you activate your angel.

Kenneth Copeland shares more about how your angels will work for you.

2. Angels Enforce Your Covenant Rights

“bless the lord, you his angels, who excel in strength, who do his word, heeding the voice of his word. bless the lord, all you his hosts, you ministers of his, who do his pleasure.” –psalm 103:20-21 (nkjv).

Health, protection, financial prosperity—every covenant right belongs to you, and God has given His angels charge over enforcing those rights. Psalm 103:20-21 says that angels excel in strength, do His Word, and do His pleasure. What does that mean? As Gloria Copeland says, “Angels are covenant-enforcing agents.”

Angels are here for a purpose. They are here to establish God’s covenant in our lives. How do we release them to work on our behalf? With our words.

Your words give your angels charge to go prosper you, or to fold their hands and step back. When you confess the Word of God over a situation, you put your angels to work. If you speak faith words enforced by God’s Word, your angels are free to bring about what you want to come to pass (Psalm 103:20).

Even in the Old Covenant, the angel told Daniel, “Your words were heard; and I have come because of your words” (Daniel 10:12, NKJV). Daniel’s words put the angel to work for him. You can do the same. Don’t render your angels helpless with wrong words—speak what you want to come to pass and let them work on your behalf.

When you have a need in your life, speak words that line up with the Word of God, and start expecting your angels to be active in helping it come to pass. Jerry Savelle said, “God wants us to expect accelerated activity of the angels in the last days.”

And it’s true—we’re seeing it more and more. There was a man who had a heart condition, and he had been working in faith with the Lord to receive healing, as promised by God’s covenant. One night, he woke up, and there was an angel standing over him with his hands in his chest working on his heart. He looked at him, and the angel said, “Everything’s all right. Go ahead and go back to sleep.” And he woke up with a new heart.

There is story after story just like it. Now, don’t go looking to see an angel, because Satan will be happy to oblige by manifesting himself as an angel of light to mess with you. But you can expect your angel to work with you. In the meantime, seek the Lord and pray. Say “God, reveal to me how to aid my angels and their work with me and my family.” Angels are waiting to enforce your covenant rights!

3. Angels Carry Out Your Deliverance

“the righteous cry out, and the lord hears, and delivers them out of all their troubles.” –psalm 34:17 (nkjv).

It’s not an exaggeration to say that every one of us, or someone we know, is facing some kind of problem today—some kind of trouble we can’t escape without the help of God. For one person, that trouble may be a disease that medical science can’t cure. For another, it may be financial problems or a family crisis. But no matter what kind of wall the devil has backed you up against, you can count on one thing: God has promised to deliver you.

That’s right. The Word says the afflictions of the righteous are many, but the Lord delivers him out of them all . One way He does this is by giving His angels charge over you. He charges them to protect you…to keep you…to minister to you…to deliver you.

One example of angels delivering God’s people is found in Acts 12 . Peter had been arrested and was sleeping between two soldiers, bound with chains in prison and surrounded by guards. Maximum security. No natural possibility of escape.

But God’s people were praying and believing God for his protection, and “an angel of the Lord stood by him , and a light shone in the prison; and he struck Peter on the side and raised him up, saying, ‘Arise quickly!’ And his chains fell off his hands” (verse 7, NKJV). Following the angel, Peter walked right out of there past all the guards without a hitch.

You see, when you are dealing with the angels, things like bars, chains, doors and fences don’t make any difference. The angels know what to do. The chains fell off Peter’s hands. Anything holding you back from deliverance is no match for God’s army of angels.

There is story after story where angels have intervened to drastically alter the outcome of situations in the Bible and in our day as well. Some time ago, for example, a KCM employee was riding to work on his motorcycle, when suddenly a big truck pulled across the road right in front of him. It happened so quickly there was nothing he could do. He didn’t have time to think. He didn’t have time to speak. He didn’t have time to do anything.

Many times, that’s exactly how things happen—suddenly. Suddenly, trouble is upon you. It doesn’t tell you in advance that it’s coming, so you’ll have time to fast and pray. You have to be ready. You have to live every day believing God. You have to say continually, “The Lord is my refuge and my fortress.”

That’s how it was with that fellow on the motorcycle. All of a sudden, there was a truck in front of him. That’s the last thing he remembered. The next thing he knew, he was walking around on the side of the road. A few yards away, his motorcycle laid underneath the truck.

A girl who was driving right behind him saw the whole thing. She said when the motorcycle slid under the truck, the man who was riding it went up in the air, did a flip and landed safely on his feet by a fence nearby. His only injury was a scratch on his arm. That is an example of angels at work—delivering God’s people from danger.

But here’s the point. That fellow was ready. He didn’t have time to grab his Bible and brush up on Psalm 91. He was already prepared.

Watch Jerry Savelle share a powerful story about his encounter with an angel.

If you haven’t been getting the action you need in your finances, your health or any other area, look to your words. There’s no shortage of angel power, although you may be experiencing a shortage of Word power on your part. Solve that shortage by putting God’s promises of deliverance in your heart and mouth. Continually give the angels the Word they need to deliver you from any and every harmful situation.

Learn 5 Ways to Put Your Angels to Work here.

Now that you know these three ways angels are your service, start expecting angels to protect you, enforce your covenant rights and deliver you! Say, “Thank You, heavenly Father, for giving Your angels charge over me to keep me in all my ways.” Once you’ve spoken that word of faith, stand fast. Don’t fear. Don’t waver. Angels are at your service!

Related Articles:

7 Strategies for Building a Psalm 91 House

© 1997 – 2024 Eagle Mountain International Church Inc. Aka Kenneth Copeland Ministries. All Rights Reserved.

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11 Bible Verses about Angels Helping Us

sending angels on assignment

Most Relevant Verses

The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him, And rescues them.

Are they not all ministering spirits, sent out to render service for the sake of those who will inherit salvation?

When morning dawned, the angels urged Lot, saying, “Up, take your wife and your two daughters who are here, or you will be swept away in the punishment of the city.” But he hesitated. So the men seized his hand and the hand of his wife and the hands of his two daughters, for the compassion of the Lord was upon him; and they brought him out, and put him outside the city. When they had brought them outside, one said, “Escape for your life! Do not look behind you, and do not stay anywhere in the valley; escape to the mountains, or you will be swept away.”

Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by this some have entertained angels without knowing it.

But when he had considered this, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, “Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife; for the Child who has been conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit.

Then he showed me a river of the water of life, clear as crystal, coming from the throne of God and of the Lamb,

Then the devil *left Him; and behold, angels came and began to minister to Him.

The angel of the Lord came again a second time and touched him and said, “Arise, eat, because the journey is too great for you.”

The angel of God, who had been going before the camp of Israel, moved and went behind them; and the pillar of cloud moved from before them and stood behind them.

He said, “Look! I see four men loosed and walking about in the midst of the fire without harm, and the appearance of the fourth is like a son of the gods!”

Then the angel of the Lord went out and struck 185,000 in the camp of the Assyrians; and when men arose early in the morning, behold, all of these were dead.

Bible Theasaurus

  • Angels ( 113 instances )
  • Helping ( 52 instances )
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Proven Prayers To Send Your Angels On Assignment Now.

Table of Contents


Brethren, did you know that the word angels is mentioned 273 times in the Bible? Because of this, it leaves us with a few questions that come to mind, What do they look like, Why were they created, And what do they do?

It may come as a surprise to learn that the Bible does not describe angels in the same way that they are usually shown in paintings.

Most angels in the Bible have a human appearance and shape. Many, but not all of them have wings, ( Ezekiel 10:20 ). Some angels are larger than life. Others have several faces that appear to be a lion, bull, or eagle from one point and a man from another. Some angels are fiery and magnificent, while others look to be ordinary people and although some of them are unseen, their presence is felt, and their voices are heard.

A few facts we need to know about them are:

1. Angels were created to live forever ( Luke 20:36 )

2. Angels do not marry ( Matthew 22:30 ).

3. Angels are faster than humans ( Daniel 9:21 ) and are wise and intelligent ( Daniel 9:22 ).

4. Angels are not meant to be worshiped ( Revelation 19:10 ).

5. Angels express emotions like joy and longing ( Job 38:7 ).

6. Angels are too many to count ( Hebrews 12:22 ).

According to Luke 15:10, angels are very much interested in our affairs and are willing to assist us but are we willing to accept their assistance? So, what are some of the things you’re doing to assign your angels to work for you, brethren? Is it through prayer, fasting, or Bible reading? What exactly is it?

So, let’s pray these prayers seriously and as a result, we will put our angels to work.

Praising and worship

Start by praising and worshiping for about 5-10 minutes.

Thank God for what he has done:

O Lord my Father, thank you for being my God, thank you for the privilege of knowing you, thank you for always being there for me and with me. O God my Father, thank you for the great and mighty things that you are doing in my life, thank you for your provision and protection over me and my household, and thank you for always answering my prayers.

Repent and confess your sins

O LORD, forgive me my sins and let the precious blood of Jesus avail for me great miracles in Jesus name. I confess my sins before you today and I ask you to forgive me on the basis of your mercy, in Jesus’ name.

Plead the Blood of Jesus (before you start praying these prayers).

O Lord wash me clean today by the blood of Jesus Christ. I cover myself and my household with the blood of Jesus.

Then start by confessing out loud this Scripture to send your angels on assignment .

Luke 15:10 (Just so, I tell you, there is joy before the angels of God over one sinner who repents.)

2 Kings 19:35 (And that night the angel of the LORD went out and struck down 185,000 in the camp of the Assyrians. And when people arose early in the morning, behold, these were all dead bodies.)

Now start praying:

1. My Father! My Father! Send me my angel of healing and deliverance, in Jesus name.

2. O Lord, let your angels preserve all my ways this year. My going out and coming in is secured by the angels of God in Jesus name.

3. My Father! My Father! send my angel of financial abundance; to go to the four corners of the earth; and even to the elements and bring me my financial abundance, in Jesus name.

4. By the power of the Holy Ghost, let all the good doors that are closed against me; be opened by the angels of my breakthrough , in Jesus name.

5. My Father! My Father! Send your angels after the order of Daniel 6:22 to go and shut the mouths of the lions assigned to eat me up in my place of work, business, etc, in Jesus name.

6. By the power of the Holy Ghost, Let the angel of MTM Church go and recover everything the enemy has stolen from our members, in Jesus name.

7. By the power in the Blood of Jesus, Let the angels of God surround and protect me, my family, career, etc after the order of psalms 34:7 , in Jesus name.

8. I decree and declare that all the Goliaths, Herods, and Jezebels that have vowed that I will never be what the Lord said I will be; thou angel of death kill them, in the name of Jesus.

9. My Father! My Father! Send your angels of death; to visit my environment, foundations, etc, and kill every dragon spirit, the spirit of poverty, the spirit of untimely death, in Jesus name.

10. By the power in the Blood of Jesus, I decree and declare that the angel of death shall visit my foundation and destroy every spirit of lateness in marriage, anti-marriage spirit, failed marriage at old age, polygamous spirit, etc in the name of Jesus.

11. By the power of the Holy Ghost, I send the angel of light to shine forth in my marriage (health, peace, spiritual life, academics, etc.), in the name of Jesus.

12. By the power of the Holy Ghost, I send forth the angel of life to my foundation; to resurrect my every dead vision and dream, to resurrect my spiritual life, in the name of Jesus.

13. Let the angel of my guidance; guide me in the right way, leading to my promised land, in the name of Jesus.

14. Thou angel of my marriage, rescue my marriage from my enemy who is manipulating it, trying to tear it apart etc in the name of Jesus.

15. Pray in tongues for  10-15 minutes  for the Holy Ghost to connect you with your blessing angels to  send your angels on assignment.

Pastor Nathaniel.

  • Pastor Nathaniel
  • February 4, 2022


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Enliven Blog – Prophetic Teaching by Helen Calder

God Has Assigned Angels To You (Jacob at Mahanaim)

Angels are on Assignment

If you have been praying about a difficult situation, or find yourself in a space of uncertainty or transition, be encouraged by this prophetic insight from the story of Jacob.

The Holy Spirit is anointing your heart. He is touching your eyes! You will see that right here, right now —in your current circumstances— God is at work.

The Day Jacob Encounters Angels

At a time of great uncertainty, Jacob comes across a group of angels.

Right now, Jacob is afraid. His family and flocks may be plentiful, but his future direction is unknown. He is in a time of transition.

  • Jacob is yet to wrestle with God and receive the new name “Israel”
  • He has yet to confront his past and look into the face of his brother Esau

We read: “Jacob also went on his way, and the angels of God met him. When Jacob saw them, he said, “This is the camp of God!” So he named that place “Mahanaim.”   (Gen 32:1-2 NIV)

God has Assigned Angels to You

Double encampment.

“Mahanaim”. The name means, “double camp” (Strong’s, H4266).

  • Jacob, his family, and possessions are camped there
  • And so is a company of angels

Perhaps, like Jacob, you find yourself in a time of transition. You are “on the way to” something. Or it may be that God wants to speak to you about the place where you are right here and now.

Hear your Father say, “I am opening your eyes. This is a double encampment. Right here, is Heaven on earth”.

Angels are Here…God is Near

When Jacob meets angels at Mahanaim, the “double encampment”, he is on the way to Jabbok, a place that means “emptying” (Strong’s H2999). His self-will is about to be challenged and broken, in a wrestling match with God.

In the meantime, his mind is loaded with concern. Jacob is formulating strategies, to protect his family from his brother Esau (Gen 32:7-8). And he is in “risk management” mode.

Jacob has failed to pick up the clues. “Angels are here; therefore, God is near.”

He is about to have a life-changing encounter with God.

This is Your Spiritual Reality

Jacob passed through Mahanaim, “the double encampment”. For him, it was a brief sojourn. The township endured, and Mahanaim was mentioned in later accounts of Israel.

Like Bethel—another of Jacob’s stopovers—”Mahanaim” is also symbolic of a spiritual reality we have today in Christ.

Right here, right now. This is Mahanaim. You can be assured that angels are camped at your current location . It is a double encampment. The “Heavenly”—that which is of Heaven—is already here with you!

  • You have the Holy Spirit—God Himself with you (2 Cor 1:22)
  • You are a son, a daughter, a citizen of Heaven (Phil 3:20, Eph 3:19)
  • Angels surround you—sent from God’s throne (Heb 1:7,14, Ps 91:11)

Your Prayer Releases Angels

You may have a “Jacob” in your life. Someone who is on a journey, struggling, and needs to encounter God. The Lord wants you to know, that your prayers are powerful.

As you pray, angels are being released. the Holy Spirit is setting up “Mahanaim moments” for others.

These are the prayers God answers, the ones Jesus taught us to pray—not for God to send angels—but for God’s Kingdom to come! For His will to be done (Matt 6:10)

The presence and activity of angels is God answering the prayers of those whose eyes are fixed on Him. Who delight in His Presence . The ones who submit to His rule.

Mahanaim Is Your Constant Reality

We also read in the Bible of a prophet called Elisha.

“Mahanaim” was not just a place Elisha passed through; it was a zone he walked in.

Elisha knew because he was completely surrendered to God’s will, that he was at the epicenter of Heaven’s angelic army. Wherever he traveled, angels accompanied him. [1]

But it’s important to note that Elisha’s focus was always on God and what was on God’s agenda. He was never distracted by angels, and he did not communicate with them.

  • Elisha’s example reminds us that angels are to be kept in the periphery, not the focus of our gaze.

Peripheral vision is what you can see surrounding you, “out of the corner of your eyes”, not what you are directly looking at.

Angelic Power Against the Enemy

One day, Israel’s enemies sent a strong army, with horses and chariots, to capture a single man—the Prophet Elisha!

Elisha assured his distressed servant, “Those that are with us are greater than those who are against us” and prayed, “Lord open his eyes.”

  • The servant’s eyes were opened to see the chariots and horses of fire up in the hillside (2 Kings 6:17)

Elisha already knew that a contingent of angels was there. He knew that the camp of the Lord—”Mahanaim”—was mobile, and traveled with him.

So if you are struggling today. If the spiritual battle against you has been fierce, this is also God’s word to you:

“Those that are with you are greater than those who are against you.”

And, “You, dear child, are from God and have overcome them, because the ONE WHO IS IN YOU is greater than the one who is in the world” (1 John 4:4).

Related posts:

  • Angels: 5 Powerful Reasons to Test Angelic Encounters
  • 9 Lessons on Angels: The Chariots of God are Coming!
  • 5 Ways Angels Help You in Spiritual Warfare

[1] Bible references linking Elisha with angels: 2 Kings 2:11, 2 Kings 6:17, 2 Kings 7:6) This account of Elisha is from 2 Kings 6.

Thanks to Prophet David McCracken for the word “epicenter”. He says, “Their [the angels’] central point of focus, their epicenter, was Elisha! They were “around” Elisha. Their geography was determined by Elisha’s geography. Where he was, they were!”

© 2019 Helen Calder Enliven Blog – Prophetic Teaching Enliven Ministries: Prophetic Ministry for a Revival Generation

sending angels on assignment

Helen Calder is a prophetic minister and writer, and founder of Enliven Ministries. Helen has a unique gift of equipping in prophetic ministry and prayer. She is known for Enliven Blog (est. 2009), an online resource that reaches thousands of people globally.

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69 thoughts on “God Has Assigned Angels To You (Jacob at Mahanaim)”

Amen! I recently had cataract surgery and my vision has been out of focus. And my daily prayer for this year has been Thy will be done here as it is in heaven. And I have been asking Father God to open the eyes and hearts of all Believers so that we see what is truly going on and put an end to all the deception. So this word has come right on time! Thank you, God bless you.

I’m praying for you right now, for your eyesight to be fully restored, in Jesus’ Name! Oh yes Lord, open our eyes to see, sensitize our hearts to know you and to know truth.

Well Helen you sure are accurate. I’m battling eye disease big time, my vision getting a beating in spirit and body. Hanging into God’s promises but the Mexico insists it’s getting worse. “Who’s report shall I believe?” John Mellor has prayed for me a month ago..but I so needed encouragement today. Thank you so much Jilly

Jilly, I’m praying for your faith to be uplifted and for God’s power to be released into your eyes right now, for reversal of the disease, in Jesus’ Name. You are His beloved!

Thank you so much for the word of prophecy. I am really blessed by the word of God. May God increase you and your ministry in Jesus mighty name.

Amen and thank you Stella

This word is mine , am really in a moment of distress not knowing what to do .As thou my prayers has reached yet before God .I have been praying and trusting God for a financial breakthrough to start (7th sept.) college but there has been some delay .I believe this word in for me . Father, I thank you .

Daniel, I’m praying for you right now, that you will have wisdom from God and see clearly what He is doing

Helen, This word is soooo cmforting we know Holy Spirit is with us yet this creates a picture in our mind that God’s Heavenly army is always with us. Thank you

Yes amen, Kathy 🙂

Hi Helen.. a very timely and encouraging word. 2 years ago as i started formal ministry you ministered in my church over the staff and spoke of Aaron’s rod and spiritual authority on my life. Last month that role finished (unexpectedly) and i completed working this week. Next week i am having a 5 hour spinal operation..(unexpectedly brought forward so i feel like i am in a whirlwind instead of ‘resting’) and i have problems with both hips that worry my recovery.. so in the natural.. yes! Transition, change and the unknown…at the door with a few sore hips thrown in for good measure as well as crippling back and nerve pain which hopwfully will be healed permanantly.. I have been praying for new vision (His) and for new eyes to see. I am a worship intercessor and am hoping to rest in this time just with my Jesus. Pain is a horrible controlling distractor though… and the Holy Spirit can feel so far away. Re reading Jacobs story is a clear reminder God is closest to Jacob at that moment AND he is met by angels along the way! Oh i want to see where God is with me in this! But when your word said we can pray for those Mahanaim moments for others my heart broke open.. one of our sons is wrestling desperately having lost his faith and has invited strongholds into his life.. gambling, drugs, alcohol, love of money etc creating terrible anger and depression…He has moved home with us 6 months ago. He is 20. Whatever my new situation becomes, your word has reminded me i can fight spiritually for Him in this time in prayer until the battle is won as he is called of God! And that his moment with the sovreign Lord is coming! And that wether i can see or feel the Holy spirit in this new and sudden wilderness… He is right here now. Please pray for the eyes of my heart and for my son.And Thank you so much for the word!

Hi Ries, I’m sorry to hear of the issues you are facing and pray for a powerful touch from God before you go into the op and during for absolute mastery of skill in the hands of the Holy Spirit, for it to be a success. And for your son and family situation. I pray that the same move of God my husband and I are experiencing, a sense of being in an environment that is saturated with God’s Presence and activity, a Mahanaim, will be yours! May he encounter Jesus’ personal love for him and never be the same!

Thank you Helen. Praise to God for His faithfulness and new insights into His word! You are a blessing!

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Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Put your angels to work.

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MLB Trade Rumors

White Sox Designate Martín Maldonado For Assignment

By Darragh McDonald | July 17, 2024 at 7:11pm CDT

7:11pm: Chicago will recall Robinson from Charlotte for his first MLB work since 2022, reports Daryl Van Schouwen of the Chicago Sun-Times .

6:10pm: The White Sox have designated catcher Martín Maldonado for assignment, per Ken Rosenthal and Chandler Rome of The Athletic on X . The Sox don’t play again until Friday, so the corresponding move or moves may not be immediately known.

Maldonado, 37, signed a one-year deal with the Sox in the offseason. The veteran backstop secured a $4.25MM guarantee in the form of a $4MM salary with a $250K buyout on a $4MM club/vesting option for 2025. The option would have vested with Maldonado making 90 appearances at catcher but he’s only at 48 this year.

He’s never been much of a hitter but has long received praise for his defense and his leadership abilities in working with a pitching staff. Teams have generally been willing to take that tradeoff over his career but he has declined on both sides of the ball to the point that it pushed him off his roster spot with the Sox.

Coming into this year, Maldonado had a career batting line of .207/.282/.349. That production translated to a wRC+ of 72, indicating he had been 28% below the league average hitter overall. Catchers tend to be roughly 10% below par, so that kind of hitting isn’t disastrous if there are defensive contributions to go with it. But his bat has been even less effective that unusual this season, as he has a dismal line of .119/.174/.230. His wRC+ of 11 is dead last in the majors among batters with at least 140 plate appearances this year.

On top of that, the marks on his glovework have also declined. He has 58 Defensive Runs Saved in his career but was at -10 last year and is at -8 already here in 2024 despite limited playing time. FanGraphs, Baseball Prospectus and Statcast have considered him to be a positive pitch framer in his career but he’s been in negative territory in 2024. The subpar bat was once palatable with strong defense, but declines in both departments have made him harder to stomach, so the Sox will apparently be moving on.

The Sox will need to call up another catcher to share time with Korey Lee and they have a couple of options. Chuckie Robinson was added to their 40-man about a month ago but kept on optional assignment. He’s hitting .246/.292/.382 in Triple-A this year for a wRC+ of 70 but the Sox presumably like him as they gave him that roster spot to prevent him from triggering an opt-out clause.

There’s also prospect Edgar Quero , who came over in last year’s trade that sent Lucas Giolito and Reynaldo López to the Angels. He’s having a great year, with a batting line of .274/.362/.462 and 141 wRC+ between Double-A and Triple-A so far. He’s a consensus top 100 prospect and arguably the club’s catcher of the future. He has just six games above the Double-A level on his track record and isn’t yet on the 40-man roster, but perhaps the Sox want to use the second half to have him get acquainted with some of their staff and/or face major league pitching.

The Sox will technically have a week from when the move becomes official to either trade or pass Maldonado through waivers, though the he’s likely to end up released in the coming days. He has more than enough service time to reject an outright assignment and no club will want to take on what’s left of his salary. If any team really believes in his game-calling abilities, he could perhaps garner interest after he’s released, when the Sox will be on the hook for the majority of the money he’s still owed. Another team could sign him at that point and only pay him the prorated version of the $740K league minimum, with that amount subtracted from what the Sox pay.


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22 hours ago

With three home runs in the past five games I’m assuming the alien possession is manifesting itself in even worse ways in the clubhouse.

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Nooooo. There goes the season.

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Back to the astros

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8 hours ago

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And to think they were trying to get him to the all-star game…

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Don’t disrespect the best catcher in the league that he deserved to be an All Star

20 hours ago

@cr4 at least he will still get MVP votes. And if he moves to the NL, that’s a potential double MVP.

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21 hours ago

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No respect for a prodigious power hitter… this man has homered against all 30 teams in his career. His negative WAR is outweighed by his tangibles, just ask Dusty!

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“Just ask Dusty”…Well, we certainly won’t be asking you that’s for sure.

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In Dusty we trusty!

I like Dusty, just making a joke.

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Hey shortstop;

What’s a Catchers primary responsibility?

Same as every other position… to provide value to his team.

The funniest and most red herring post I’ve read on this board on over 12 years!

If you’re younger than 5 years old, you’re excused.

Not really sure what your point is. He provides negative value in the field as well as at the plate. I pointed out his homerun totals in jest, but I agree, him not being a power threat is not the only the reason he has put up -1.5 WAR this year. Jake Rogers also has a poor batting line, but he has put up positive value due to his defense. So if Maldy’s only value at this point is as a clubhouse voice, then he should just join the coaching ranks.

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Samuel you should really Cease and Desist with the constant put-downs, derogatory remarks, and the all around mocking condescension. It’s really quite unbecoming and reflects so much more on your character than on any point you’re trying to make.

Saying “You’re excused” while providing zero insight? I bet you smell like microwave food and BO.

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hyrax: I echo that sentiment. He should have been acquired to be a catching coach, not an active player.

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19 hours ago

I thought before the season he would be a decent P/U. Cut to Moe Howard in my head ” You know, It was my idea, But I don’t think much of it”.

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I would like to volunteer to DFA about 12 more off their 40 man.

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Ironically has a 1.444 OPS this month.

I know. In his last 5 games he had 6 hits and 3 home runs.

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Every team in baseball would still take him over Grandal.

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That seems…counter to the facts

4 hours ago

What facts are those?

40 seconds ago

Grandal is still on a major league roster, and M&M isn’t

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I know some Angel fans think Patrick Sandoval for Martin Maldonado was a good deal but since his departure the team hasn’t been the same since. They then went with Jonathan Lucroy and Max Stassi. There still hasn’t been any type of strong clubhouse leaders from what I can see. Mike Trout isn’t. He’d rather be pitching NBA or NFL free agents to come to Philly!

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.119, on the interstate headed to the bingo card.

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The Pale Sox aren’t known for brilliance but a savvy move nonetheless. He’s swinging a hot bat. With the trade deadline a couple of weeks away, they have this week to try and get something for him. If they waited, a bunch of other catchers might be dealt and they get nothing.

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Making lemonade I see

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He was cranking hrs like the babe this month. I doubt this is the last we see of him.

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.119, I bet johnny Bench could still hit .119 at his age (76). And I’m not kidding

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He’s turned the corner. I see a playoff series MVP in his future.

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Martin, YOU are a Chicago Cub.

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Loved Martin in Milwaukee and I hope he catches on with somebody to finish out the year. For a number of years in his prime there was not a better catcher in the league… not counting the hitting part.

“Not counting the hitting part”…Martin has been an excellent catcher for many years(Gold gloves & a World Series Champion)and you don’t really need to qualify it by saying “the hitting part”, because 75% of starting catchers don’t hit much anyway. Outside of the top 4-6 offensive catchers(Will Smith, J.T Realmuto, the Contreras brothers and a couple others)Martin Maldonado’s offense was perfectly adequate for a defensive minded backstop and he even hit for a bit of power.

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lol for a number of years he was the best catcher in the league if you take out half of what it takes to play the game. That’s a hot take if I’ve ever read one!!!

“Hot take if I’ve ever read one”…Apparently you don’t watch enough baseball to know that a catcher’s primary responsibility is to play defense and handle the pitching staff.

No that’s half his job. The other half is hitting. I watch enough baseball to see the catcher gets the same number of at bats as the other guys

“Half of what it takes to play the game.”

TheGr8One (in your dreams);

A Catchers’ responsibilities in order are:

#’s 1 & 2. Call a game. Handle the pitching staff.

3. Play defense. Particularly blocking balls and stopping runners for stealing. (The pitch framing stuff is silly.)

Usually a starting Catcher will bat 4 times a game. On the other hand, he’ll call over 150 pitches per game, as well as attend to his other responsibilities – which on most teams are to coordinate the defense (the Catcher looks at 8 teammates, the 8 teammates look at the Catcher).

Did you ever play any baseball? On a field? .

The Catcher is the most important player on a teams roster. Any FO person worthy of his or her salt knows it.

OK – So you don’t know jack about baseball.

Calling a game is priority number 1? That’s a joke and that argument loses all weight when a pitcher calls off a pitch. Happens all the time, who’s calling the game when the pitcher says no?

I’ll even take it a step further catchers don’t coordinate the defense anymore this isn’t 1985. You see outfielders looking under their hat and infielders with cards in their pockets? They aren’t reading cooking recipes. Is their defensive alignment for that batter. Keep telling me I know nothing about baseball though lol

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A catcher maps out the entire game plan for the entire staff. A pitcher calling off a catcher is few and far between and usually reserved for star veteran pitchers. Maldy’s work behind the dish made his hitting almost meaningless. Astros pitchers respected his knowledge of their stuff and how to attack each hitters weaknesses. If you think the Astros dynastic run was despite Maldy then Samuel is right. You have no earthly idea what you are talking about!

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“half of what it takes to play the game”. For a great defensive catcher offense is less than half the game, considering he’d be the most important player on the field defensively. If a team has a good offense a standout defensive catcher is a great fit generally. This is why in a sense value is relative. Put peak Maldonado on the 23′ Braves and he’d be worth way more than his WAR or even defensive stats would ever appreciate.

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Also, for those years when Maldonado was supposedly “the best catcher in the league”, a guy named Yadier Molina was playing and I think he had Maldonado well and truly covered for talent.

I mean Yadi is all around better because he could hit so much better. I don’t think any of us can truly know the impact the catchers had on the starters over those years. I mean they essentially can teach them how to pitch intelligently and what pitches to rely on and when. As well as helping them in their mechanics and not tipping pitches.

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Come onn, not cascajo lol

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Baseball has left him.

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The White Sox second-half purge has begun

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Losing Maldy is nothing. I was against the signing since day 1.

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I would love to the see the Cardinals sign him to a minor league deal. Get him into the organization, spend the rest of the season getting familiar with the young players, and move into a coaching role next season.

Our young starters in Memphis could benefit a lot from working with this guy. Not to mention the young catchers.

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Correct, if he would accept going to the minors!

I think once you’ve landed on the White Sox, minor league contracts are in your near future. No offense to anyone. That’s just where things stand this season.

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Maldy is a take-no-prisoners kind of guy. If he played for your team, he was 1000% on your team. Streaky hitter; many are. Great catcher. Sneaky. Once saw him standing near 1B with the ball in his mitt when the base runner (Jared Walsh) stepped off base for a sec and he tagged him out. Walsh looked dumbfounded and thought sure time had been called, but nope. Hope he gets another spot.

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17 hours ago

1000%. Is that like way more than 100%? Asking for a friend

10 hours ago

little better – for your friend

Most Astros fans laughed when the Sox signed him. He is terrible with the bat and most of his catching metrics have been at the bottom end of the rankings for several years. The story that he is some sort of magician when working with pitchers is a nonsense story, trotted out by Crusty Baker to justify his continued selection. That was shown up in his last year with the Astros when the pitchers’ ERA was better when throwing to rookie catcher Yainer Diaz than it was when throwing to Maldonado.

Jose Abreu says ha!

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As a rays fan I’d rather have him than keep giving Alex no action jackson at bats

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DFA Grifols.

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Right on man. Was a dead game last Sunday. The only one I will waste my time at this season. I knew once Kuhl walked/ let two men on with one out Grifol would not call for the intentional walk. When Kuhl went 3-2 on the batter in the box I told my teamster brothers watch for a home run. Sure enough right down the pipe and a decent lead was gone over the left field fence. Any decent manager calls for the unintentional intentional walk there to see if the batter chases. Load them up ok try for a double play. Grifol has no game strategy between his ears. Zero. A terrible manager, a terrible lineup, a terrible owner. Getz sucks too. Any fan making any noise at that game wore a pirates jersey.

I’m not sure if Getz gets some blame/criticism. He wasn’t going to suddenly turn the Wsox into contenders in one offseason. It wasn’t his decision to keep Pedro, it wasn’t his decision to cut 50m in payroll. His tenure so far is incomplete.

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Grifol is a joke, and a bad one. We have seen this song and dance before with Ventura.. Expectations that somehow Grifol will do well with any team is laughable. He had a team that should have been better last season and nothing happened. Hoping this guy somehow finds it now is just silly. Its like ‘The Chairman’ is afraid of jettisoning bad managers because they somehow may become LaRussa 2.0.. Well they did have a guy that became pretty good from their system in the 90’s, his name was Francona.. So I guess its the Francona effect now that dooms the Sox to carry on with managers who have no clue.

Teamster brothers? Careful what you say, they’ll bury you

Boy good thing they got rid of him now, and not 2 months ago. I mean really does Getz have like a ‘My first GM’ book from Fisher Price or something?

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Looks like we are reducing our number of former washed up Royals. Whatever they have on Gridol and Getz must be good to still be getting MLB paychecks.

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Shocking! I did not see this coming.

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Former Angels Pitcher Goes Back to Minors After DFA

Sam garcia | jul 10, 2024.

sending angels on assignment

  • Los Angeles Angels

The Marlins sent right-handed pitcher Matt Andriese outright to Triple-A Jacksonville on Tuesday, according to the transactions log. This move confirms that he cleared waivers following his designation for assignment on Sunday. Andriese could opt for free agency, but accepted an outright assignment with the Marlins earlier this year, according to .

Andriese signed a minor league contract with the Marlins on Nov. 29 and has spent a majority of his time this season in Jacksonville. During his time there, he made 13 appearances, tallying a 2-4 record. He pitched a 4.78 ERA with 22 strikeouts and 12 walks. He has a 1.63 WHIP.  

Since joining Miami, Andriese has been called up to the major league roster twice, but both were for short periods of time. He has made four appearances on the big league stage. Across six innings with the Marlins, Andriese has posted a 6.00 ERA with seven strikeouts and one walk, allowing seven hits and five runs. 

It has been a few years since Andriese was associated with the Angels. He was part of their starting rotation in 2020 and made 16 appearances that season. Andriese posted a 2-4 record with a 4.50 ERA, accumulating 33 strikeouts and 11 walks across 32 innings before joining the Boston Red Sox. He has played for the Rays, Diamondbacks, and Mariners in addition to his stints with the Marlins, Red Sox, and Angels. 

Andriese’s major league career includes a total of 221 appearances and 515 innings from 2015-24 — a lot of experience at the major league level. His relience suggests a strong chance he can make his return to the big leagues. 

Sam Garcia

Samantha Garcia is a student at the University of California, Los Angeles. She is majoring in Psychology and minoring in Professional Writing. She is also a sports writer for the Daily Bruin at UCLA.


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    1. Speak the Word. When you find yourself in a situation—one of possible physical danger, one where you need deliverance, or one where you require material or financial help— speak the Word only. And do so in faith. This allows your angels to minister to you on your behalf—to work for you, to intervene. When you speak against the Word of ...

  4. Is it true that a Christian can command his angels?

    Yes! Angels are on assignment to minister for you. Hebrews 1:14 declares that angels are servants sent to care for us. The Life Application Study Bible, New American Standard Bible, has the following to say about Hebrews 1:14: "Angels are God's messengers, spiritual beings created by God and under His authority (Colossians 1:16).

  5. How to Work with Angels in Your God-Given Assignment

    Angels perform the word of God that is proclaimed by the voice of the Lord. The church is His voice that declares His word on earth. God's angels become the agents of change whenever prophecies require events to be altered, things to be accomplished or wars to be won. Hebrews says the angels are servants to the children of God:


    We must learn from Jesus' example and do what he did! Command your Angels and put demons in their place! Step 3: PRAY YOUR ANGELS TO BE DEPLOYED. When you ask God to deploy your angels, you are asking Him to send them out to help you, and He will. Just because you can't see them doesn't mean they are not there.

  7. The Surprising Role of Guardian Angels

    An angel who does something by God's assignment anywhere in the world is fulfilling the promise that God will work all things for the good of all Christians — everywhere. This is a sweeping and stunning promise. All angels serve for the good of all Christians all the time. They are agents of Romans 8:28. The Wonder That Eminent Angels Serve ...

  8. Table of Contents

    Official and original site of the Angels on Assignment book. Read the 1979 book, Angels On Assignment, by Charles & Frances Hunter, as told by Roland Buck, on the Internet for free. by Charles & Frances Hunter, as told by Roland Buck "Don't be afraid. The Father has sent me to bring a message for you to bring to your church and the world."

  9. Angels on Assignment

    Angels on Assignment. Psalms 91-100. May 14, 2017. Pastor Gary Hamrick. Old Testament Psalms. Study Guide. In Psalm 91 we read about how God dispatches angels on our behalf - to protect us and guard us from harm. Much has been written and discussed about angels over the centuries. People have a fascination with them.

  10. Activating Angels of Assignment

    💻 Interested in learning more about angels? Check out the book, Angels on Assignment Again, here: ️ Subscribe to My Youtube: http://bi...

  11. Angels Assignment

    Give Your Angels Assignments! Psalm 103:20-22 (NKJV) Bless The LORD, you His angels, Who excel in strength, who do His WORD, Heeding the voice of His WORD. Bless The LORD, all you His hosts, You ministers of His, who do His pleasure. Bless The LORD, all His works, In all places of His dominion. Bless The LORD, O my soul!

  12. Angels On Assignment, Official Book

    Official and original site of the Angels on Assignment book, true story told by Pastor Roland Buck. Angels on Assignment book can be read online for free; amazing true story 1978 1979 about 27 visitations by the Archangel Gabriel with Pastor Roland Buck of Boise, Idaho, as told to Charles and Frances Hunter, with messages straight from God's heart of love that all the world must hear

  13. 3 Ways Angels Are at Your Service

    Angels are at your service—to protect you, your loved ones and the preaching of the Word of God. Start believing, expecting and releasing them to do the will of the Father in your life. When you activate your faith, you activate your angel. Kenneth Copeland shares more about how your angels will work for you. 2.

  14. 11 Bible Verses about Angels Helping Us

    Matthew 4:11. Verse Concepts. Then the devil *left Him; and behold, angels came and began to minister to Him. 1 Kings 19:7. Verse Concepts. The angel of the Lord came again a second time and touched him and said, "Arise, eat, because the journey is too great for you.". Exodus 14:19. Verse Concepts.

  15. PDF Sending Angels on Assignment by Declaring God's Word!

    Sending Angels on Assignment by Declaring God's Word! By Karen Sue Nyquist 1. In Revelation 1:16, Jesus is described as having a sword coming out of His mouth. 2. We know that "the Sword of the Spirit is the Word of God" (Ephesians 6:17). This refers to both: a) the Logos - God's written word, the Bible, and b) the Rhema - God's ...

  16. Angels on Assignment

    Angels also receive assignments and they come from God Himself. These assignments are not delayed, and are carried out as quickly as possible with military precision. Hebrews 1:14 says, "Therefore, angels are only servants—spirits sent to care for people who will inherit salvation. [1] In our story, an angel visits Mary to give her a message.

  17. Proven Prayers To Send Your Angels On Assignment Now

    2. O Lord, let your angels preserve all my ways this year. My going out and coming in is secured by the angels of God in Jesus name. 3. My Father! My Father! send my angel of financial abundance; to go to the four corners of the earth; and even to the elements and bring me my financial abundance, in Jesus name. 4.

  18. God Has Assigned Angels To You (Jacob at Mahanaim)

    Angels are on assignment! If you have been praying about a difficult situation, or find yourself in a space of uncertainty or transition, be encouraged by this prophetic insight from the story of Jacob. ... These are the prayers God answers, the ones Jesus taught us to pray—not for God to send angels—but for God's Kingdom to come! For His ...

  19. Put your Angels to work

    1. Oh God my father I thank you for giving me your angels to take charge over me. 2. My angel, go and trouble my stubborn pursuers, in the name of Jesus. 3. Evil powers of my father's house, responsible for stagnation in my life, my angel go and destroy them, in Jesus name. 4. Evil power troubling my marriage, die in Jesus name.

  20. Angels on assignment : Gabriel gives confidence

    vii, 166 p. cm Includes bibliographical references (p. 166) Living in the shadow of the Almighty -- When bad things happen to good people -- Mizpah, forging a covenant of protection -- Mizpah and the angel of the covenant -- The guardian of the people of God -- Angels, heavenly assignments for earthly people -- Five things that offend the angels of God -- David's understanding of the Mizpah ...

  21. Angels News: LA Designates Former All-Star for Assignment

    Sanó joined the Angels on a minor league contract in January and made the Opening Day roster in March. He posted a .205/.295/.313 slash line with two home runs, six RBIs, and a -0.2 WAR.

  22. Angels Won't Retain Former All-Star After Designating Him for Assignment

    The Angels signed Sanó to a minor league contract back in January, and he made the team's Opening Day roster in March. He was slashing .205/.295/.313 with two home runs, six RBIs, and a -0.2 WAR.

  23. The Assignment with Audie Cornish

    Former President Donald Trump thrilled the Republican National Convention by entering the arena with a bandage on his right ear, evidence of the assassination attempt from two days prior. With ...

  24. Ch 13

    Read the 1979 book, Angels On Assignment, by Charles & Frances Hunter, as told by Roland Buck, on the Internet for free. Angels On Assignment (Ch. 13, pages 173-185) ... and said, O my Lord, let the man of God which you did send come again to us, and teach us what we should do unto the child that will be born. And God hearkened to the voice of ...

  25. Angels News: Ward, Estévez, Anderson, and Rengifo On Trading Block

    Angels gear up to trade Ward, Estévez, Anderson, and Rengifo before the July 30 deadline amidst strong interest from multiple teams. The Los Angeles Angels are gearing up for a busy trade ...

  26. Former Angels Gold Glove Winner DFA'd by MLB's Worst Team

    Former Los Angeles Angels catcher and Gold Glove winner Martín Maldonado has been designated for assignment by the worst team in the major leagues, the Chicago White Sox. Ken Rosenthal of The ...

  27. White Sox Designate Martín Maldonado For Assignment

    There's also prospect Edgar Quero, who came over in last year's trade that sent Lucas Giolito and Reynaldo López to the Angels. He's having a great year, with a batting line of .274/.362 ...

  28. Angels On Assignment in PDF format

    To download Angels On Assignment in .pdf or .doc format, choose your Size and Language below: AoA .pdf - English, Large Print (72 pages; 850 KB) HERE. AoA .pdf - English, Small Print (43 pages; 1005 KB) HERE. AoA .doc (Word 2000 format) - English, Large Print (72 pages; 450 KB) HERE.

  29. Former Angels Pitcher Goes Back to Minors After DFA

    The Marlins sent right-handed pitcher Matt Andriese outright to Triple-A Jacksonville on Tuesday. He could opt for free agency but accepted an outright assignment with the Marlins earlier this year.

  30. Angels News: Halos Stack Pitching Talent with 6 Selections in Rounds 3

    The Angels focused on bolstering their pitching staff on the second day of the 2024 MLB Draft, using six of their eight picks from rounds 3-10 on pitchers. Their day started by selecting left ...