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Physical Education Worksheets

Get kids and teens up and moving with our premium and free physical education worksheets. Use these worksheets covering fitness, nutrition, sports rules, and sports history, for a review or assessment of your phys ed curriculum or just for fun.

Don't see a printable you need? Use our Test Maker™ to create your own printable that fits your needs. Browse physical education questions or use our advanced search to find existing questions while filtering by grade levels and keywords. You can also create your own questions .

Related: 100 Fitness Activities for Families

Fitness, Nutrition, and Health Worksheets

Activities and games - grades k-5.

  • How Many Can You?
  • Fitness Bingo
  • Move Your Body Activity
  • Charades Cards - Animals
  • Pirate Ship Game
  • Animal Movement Activity Cards
  • Simon Says Activity Cards
  • The Clumsy Penguin (A Movement Story)
  • Little Bird's First Flight (A Movement Story)
  • Ellie's Big Day (A Movement Story)
  • Jumping Rope
  • Animal Bingo
  • Playground Games
  • Stand and Deliver!
  • Musical Feet

Fitness and Nutrition - Grades K-5

  • Nutrition - Eating Healthy
  • Bike Safety

Fitness and Nutrition - Grades 9-12

  • Principles of Fitness
  • Components of Fitness
  • Strength Training
  • Fitness - Weight Training
  • Nutrition - Vitamins & Minerals

Health - Grades 9-12

  • Alcohol Awareness
  • Conception and Pregnancy
  • Sexually Transmitted Diseases
  • Peer Relationships

Sports Worksheets with Self-paced Lessons

Teachers and parents, please note: if you assign a sports lesson and worksheet to be done online rather than in print, you must give them as separate assignments . Your online students will NOT be able to see the link to the accompanying worksheet when they read the lesson. So if you want them to do the worksheet, assign it separately.

  • Archery (lesson & worksheet)
  • Auto Racing (lesson & worksheet)
  • Baseball Slang (lesson & worksheet)
  • The Object of Baseball (lesson & worksheet)
  • Basketball Scoring (lesson & worksheet)
  • Bowling (lesson & worksheet)
  • Extreme Sports (lesson & worksheet)
  • Field Hockey (lesson & worksheet)
  • Football (lesson & worksheet)
  • Golf (lesson & worksheet)
  • Gymnastics (lesson & worksheet)
  • Horses in Sports (lesson & worksheet)
  • Ice Hockey (lesson & worksheet)
  • Kickball (lesson & worksheet)
  • Marbles (lesson & worksheet)
  • Soccer (lesson & worksheet)
  • Table Tennis (lesson & worksheet)
  • Tennis (lesson & worksheet)
  • Unusual Sports (lesson & worksheet)

Grades 6-12

  • Baseball Pitches: Breaking Ball (lesson & worksheet)
  • Baseball Pitches: Fastball (lesson & worksheet)
  • Basketball Rules (lesson & worksheet)
  • Basketball Strategies (lesson & worksheet)
  • Basketball: Origins (lesson & worksheet)
  • Cricket (lesson & worksheet)
  • Eight-ball Pool (lesson & worksheet)
  • Fencing (lesson & worksheet)
  • Football: Defensive Formations (lesson & worksheet)
  • Football: Offensive Formations (lesson & worksheet)
  • Football: Offensive Backs (lesson & worksheet)
  • Football: Receivers and Tight Ends (lesson & worksheet)
  • Football Rules (lesson & worksheet)
  • Games People Played (lesson & worksheet)
  • Olympic Games Geography (lesson & worksheet)
  • Paralympic Games (lesson & worksheet)
  • Pickleball (lesson & worksheet)
  • Sports of Medieval Europe (lesson & worksheet)
  • Soccer Rules (lesson & worksheet)
  • Track and Field: Running (lesson & worksheet)
  • Track and Field: Field Events (lesson & worksheet)

Sports Worksheets

  • Auto Racing
  • Baseball Equipment
  • Baseball Positions
  • Baseball Rebus
  • Baseball Words
  • Baseball Slang
  • Baseball Geography, American League Teams
  • Baseball Geography, National League Teams
  • Take Me Out to the Ballgame Bingo
  • The Object of Baseball
  • Basketball Equipment
  • Basketball Shots
  • Extreme Sports
  • Field Hockey
  • Football Equipment
  • Football Jersey Numbers
  • Football Field Words
  • Gymnastics (grade 3)
  • Gymnastics (grade 5)
  • Gymnastics Words (K-1)
  • Horses in Sports
  • Soccer Fill-in-the-Blank
  • Soccer Pitch
  • Table Tennis
  • Track and Field Fill-in-the-Blank
  • Sports Balls
  • Sports Equipment
  • Unusual Sports
  • Badminton Rules
  • Baseball Rules and Strategy
  • Baseball History
  • Baseball Pitches: Breaking Ball
  • Baseball Pitches: Fastball
  • Major League Baseball
  • Softball Rules and Game Strategy
  • Basic Softball Rules
  • Basketball Rules
  • Basketball Strategy
  • Basketball: Origins
  • Eight-ball Pool
  • Famous Animal Nicknames in Sports
  • Football: Defensive Formations
  • Football: Offensive Formations
  • Football: Offensive Backs
  • Football: Receivers and Tight Ends
  • Football Rules
  • The Superbowl
  • Golf Crossword
  • Olympic Games Geography
  • Paralympic Games
  • Soccer Rules
  • Sports of Medieval Europe
  • Track and Field: Field Events
  • Track and Field: Running
  • Games People Played

Sports Activities

Sports word searches.

  • Baseball (K-2)
  • Baseball Greats (20th Century)
  • Baseball Greats (21st Century)
  • Basketball (K-2)
  • Basketball Greats (20th century)
  • Basketball Greats (21st century)
  • Football (K-2)
  • NFL Quarterbacks Word Search
  • Gymnastics (K-2)
  • Soccer (K-2)
  • Soccer Greats
  • Tennis (K-2)
  • Tennis Greats (20th Century)
  • Tennis Greats (21st Century)
  • Track and Field

More word searches on a variety of subjects »

Reading Passages on Sports and Athletes

  • Competitive Swimming
  • Speed Skating
  • How Fast Can Humans Run?
  • How to Shoot a Free Throw
  • How to Turn a Double Play
  • Michael Jordan
  • Muhammad Ali
  • Serena Williams
  • Mariano Rivera
  • Gabby Douglas
  • The Sled Race
  • Jackie Robinson
  • Olympic Rings

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Kickball, calisthenics and composition:, writing fits in with phys ed.

To help boost skills and increase opportunities for practice, writing assignments are starting to turn up in all kinds of courses -- but in physical education class? For sure! As kids jump, climb, and get fit, their instructors are using writing to help them focus on the goal of overall fitness. Learn how students can exercise their bodies and their writing skills all year through! Included: Recommendations for practical assignments that enhance physical education and writing goals.

"At Bellair Elementary School , we believe reading and writing in physical education is a great way to reinforce the reading and writing skills being taught in the classroom," Chris Knope told Education World. "Basically, it's about repetition of skills, and practice. Incorporating reading and writing in physical education allows students another opportunity to begin the process of mastering reading and writing skills."

As a coach and physical education instructor for grades 1-6, Knope often tells his Glendale (Arizona) students, "It's time to exercise our brains so we know why we exercise our bodies," when they encounter a writing or reading activity in their PE classes. Some of the assignments he gives are basic, such as word searches that introduce new vocabulary or fill-in-the-blank quizzes. Others -- like reading and summarizing newspaper articles that pertain to health and nutrition -- require more effort.

Writing isn't limited to essays and reports, so why should it be limited to the language arts classroom? According to Edward Behrman, some possible genres for writing assignments in physical education include:
-- diaries and journals
-- letters
-- editorials
-- summaries
-- descriptions and explanations
-- critiques
-- steps or sequence
-- problem solving
-- prediction
-- various forms of creative writing
-- advertisements or brochures
-- posters or visual displays
-- class chat rooms
-- analysis and argumentation

"I think writing in physical education class should be mandatory, but limited," Knope told Education World. "The role of a physical educator is to get the kids moving, burning calories, increasing heart rate, practicing both skill-related fitness and health-related fitness, and teaching them why that's important."

As instructors get the kids moving, however, Knope knows the kids aren't always focusing on the big picture, and he says writing about it helps. "It's easy to give a lecture, or to use closure at the end of the class period, but we all know that kids tune that stuff out," he said. "When they are given a reading and writing assignment, they can't tune it out. It's concrete, something they can see and touch."


"There is somewhat of a misconception that everything to be learned in physical education is performance-based," Dr. Edward H. Behrman explained. "In fact, if you look at the national standards, the overarching goal of physical education is to promote a healthy lifestyle, rather than current fitness. Many writing activities can contribute to the understanding of physical health and the development of lifelong habits."

An associate professor in the school of education at National University in Inglewood, California, and the author of the article "Writing in the Physical Education Class," Behrman argues that writing in any content area can help students learn the material. He believes that a creative or compelling writing assignment can motivate students to become more engaged in a topic, even physical education.

Behrman recommends taking advantage of students' natural interest in exploring and expressing their own thoughts. As an example, he cites the writing prompt, "What did you like best/least about the activity?" A student who appeared listless and not particularly engaged in the day's activity can suddenly become animated when given the opportunity to express his or her feelings and make suggestions about how the activity could be more fun.

"Writing also is an excellent way for both teacher and students to evaluate progress," Behrman adds. "For example, in a dance unit, a writing prompt such as, 'List the steps in the dance we learned today' will indicate immediately whether or not a student remembers the material."


Behrman points out that the best writing assignment in physical education is one that is seamlessly integrated into the activity, not an additional, unrelated task. Making too much of writing in physical education can turn students off to it, but incorporating writing into authentic activities illustrates its place. Writing often is an integral part of an activity, such as when a runner keeps a training journal or a basketball player diagrams a play.

"In a softball unit, students might be asked to make a list of their strengths and areas that need improvement, with a reason for each," Behrman suggests. "Next, students develop a plan to improve, and then they keep a record of whether they acted upon the plan. It is essential to keep the writing fun."

While writing assignments given as homework can reinforce and extend what is learned in class, Behrman advises instructors to have students begin their written work during class time so they know exactly what is expected. Because some students won't do homework, he also reminds teachers not to create lessons that depend upon all students having completed the homework on their own.

Teachers who spend time on writing in physical education class also can help avoid the scoffs that might come with such a writing assignment. "Teachers can maintain a positive attitude toward writing by presenting themselves as writers," says Behrman. "If a teacher asks students to write a letter to the commissioner of baseball regarding baseball's steroid policy, the teacher should write a letter too."

Behrman's experience proves that there is no limit to the topics that lend themselves to writing, and the key to the success of the assignments is a solid introduction to each new type of written work. "If you are teaching students how to dribble a soccer ball, you first demonstrate the skill for them," he adds. "Likewise, for most writing assignments the teacher should first model how to write in that particular genre. It also is good to have a sample students can use as a guide."


Integrating the Craft of Writing into Physical Education Read how teachers at Vincent Mauro Elementary School enriched their physical education classes through a six-week unit that incorporated writing.

Article by Cara Bafile Education World® Copyright © Education World

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Physical Education Homework FREE Resources

Free resources containing over 30 pe homework assignments for children to complete at home.

The following free resources feature over 30 assessment ideas that physical educators can send home with their students. Book #1 is geared for grades grades 3-6. Book #2 is geared more towards Secondary but there are more elementary ideas there as well. The first book features one - page assessments that are designed to assess whether children learned various concepts that were being taught in physical education class. The second book features activity and health lesson ideas that you can access at the PE Central website. Unlike the first book the worksheets can be printed from the website after you click on the link.

Note : There is dated material in book #1 as the assessments are original homework assessment sheets published in the Teaching Elementary Physical Education Journal, which was published from 1990-2006 by Human Kinetics. We invite you to modify these as these are just ideas to get you started.

Table of Contents (Book 1):

  • Secret Code-Fitness Sheet
  • Cardiovascular Endurance Homework Sheet
  • How many body parts can you strike with?
  • How heart smart are you?
  • Kicking: What do you know?
  • See if you can fill in the fielder’s glove.
  • Start off on the right foot-be safe in PE with the right sneakers.
  • Take me out to the ballpark!
  • Give your body a holiday treat!
  • What’s your level?
  • Fitness Calendar
  • Sports Writer: Write a story about your favorite sport, team or athlete.
  • All about Me and PE
  • Striking with balloons with parents and / or friends
  • Grammar: Is / Are
  • Basketball Test
  • Bowling Test
  • Improve your fitness!

pe written assignments

*There are no certificates for this course. It is a free resource and an opportunity to communicate and share with your peers and others .

Course Curriculum

  • Start Physical Education Homework Books
  • Start Movement Plays for PreK-1st Grade Book
  • Start Additional Resources for PE at Home Including Adapted PE
  • Start Additional At Home Activity Online Courses (Free & Fee-based)
  • Start Virtual Field Day Ideas
  • Start Online Courses to Help Teach From Home (not free)
  • Start Dances for Teaching in Virtual Setting

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PE Central

PE Central (pecentral.org) is the most widely used web site for health and physical education teachers, parents, and students in the country. Resources on the site include over 2000 physical education and health lesson ideas and Best Practices, Professional Development online courses and on-site workshops, a growing media center including 100+ videos, and a series of programs designed to motivate children to improve their fitness levels (Log It), activity skills (The PE Central Challenge) and their health and nutrition knowledge.

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PE Lesson Plans for Middle School (FREE Middle School PE Activities)

  • Doug Curtin
  • November 23, 2021

Students sitting and smiling on a gym mat.

Struggling to find engaging PE activities for middle school students?

Throughout the entire k-12 physical education experience, students have an opportunity to develop skills and form positive relationships with health and wellness. And while each grade level presents unique challenges, middle school pe teachers have students at an incredibly transformational age.

Teachers need to strike a delicate balance when selecting middle school physical education units that spark students’ interest and keep them engaged for multiple lessons and weeks. 

Producing middle school physical education unit plans on multiple topics is tough!

There is no shortage of physical education ideas for middle school. But finding the lessons that will support and connect to your bigger goal and picture of a school year can be tricky!

It can become overwhelming as you think of all the different things you want to layer into a semester or school year. 

  • What about outdoor physical education games for middle school? 
  • What about indoor physical education games for middle school? 
  • When will we be ready to do our fitness testing?
  • Is the content and curriculum I am using age-appropriate and engaging?

A week’s worth of free PE lesson plans for middle school classes

While there is no shortage of middle school gym games and lessons, finding quality curriculum can be challenging. And sparking new ideas as the landscape of PE changes can be hard. Here is a full week of middle school pe lesson plans that have fun games, introduce basic fitness concepts, and layer in social-emotional learning.

Day 1: PE Games For Middle School 

It is day one! And your middle school students are waiting to see what their pe teacher has in store. While you might be eager to jump right to the robust instructional content you have meticulously planned, remember that this is your chance to get students excited and engaged. 

So let’s start with getting students moving, their heart rates up, and talking with each other. Let’s play pick a side! A spin-off on many of the classic phys ed games for middle school, students will choose left or right, and then based on that choice, have a fitness assignment. 

It may feel a little silly at first, but go through a few rounds with different topics! This way, students get an opportunity to move throughout your gym or space and talk to new people as they pick their different sides.

  • Students are given their choice of two different animals and then assigned different movements. 
  • Let students get comfortable with the format of the game in the first round.
  • In the second round, students now have to pick foods that they like and don’t like. 
  • Now that students are more comfortable with the game encourage them to talk with people around them about why they chose their side
  • In the third round, students now pick music genres and styles they like. 
  • At this point, you have gotten the chance to see your students move. Now you can stop and break down any fixes or faults you might want to address early on.
  • You just gave three excellent examples of ‘pick side topics,’ now, let your students have some choice and ownership! Maybe pick a school-specific topic for which they can think of left or right options and play again! 
  • Example: Do you like sitting at the round tables in cafeteria or rectangle?

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Day 2: Air Squat & Introducing Fitness 

Most middle school students have some understanding of foundational human movements. While they might not necessarily know them by name, many of them have been tasked to do things like squat, lunge, hinge, and more throughout their elementary school experience. 

While you may want to stick to middle school phys ed games that keep and hold your student’s attention, layering in different movement education lesson plans can significantly impact a student’s overall fitness journey. 

And they can still be fun! Here is an excellent example of a lesson that focuses on the squat and hinge, and puts it all together in a fun workout to wrap up physical education class.

  • 2 Minutes of light cardio
  • Spiderman & Reach – 1 Minute Continuous Movement, Alternating 
  • Alt. Samson – 1 Minute Continuous Movement
  • Good Mornings 4 x 10 Reps 
  • Elbow Plan 4 x :20 Seconds 
  • 1:00 Rest After Each Round
  • Introduce the 4 points of performance 
  • Air Squat 2 x 5 Reps

The Finisher

  • 5 Rounds Of 10 Air Squats + 2:00 Walk/Jog/Run

Day 3: Fitness Literacy – Cognitive  

If you are seeing your students almost every day of the week, chances are you want to layer in some cognitive materials into your physical education curriculum. 

Doing so can help students build connections to the importance of physical wellness and how it relates to the different middle school pe games and exercises you do throughout the semester.

  • Watch the short video and read the full article before answering the lesson questions
  • Full Lesson Materials Here
  • 9 chapter questions provided that can be either done individually or incorporated as part of a group discussion
  • Have a little extra time? Here you can add some fun pe games for middle school students. Check out some ideas from PE teacher Peter Boucher on Gopher Sports blogs: 4 Great PE Games For Middle School. 

Day 4: Lunge – More Foundational Fitness 

This is the second day of foundational movements and workouts. Emphasizing the foundations in your physical education units for middle school is an easy win! You hit several shape america standards/state standards and build core competencies that can be applied to almost any other units or lesson. 

Many students believe they know how to lunge without instruction, but often the result is an inefficient movement that is tough on the knee joint and lower back. Today, we will take time to understand the position of our feet, knees, and hips and do it right!

  • Leg Swings – 10 Slow Reps Each Direction
  • Inchworm To Push Up – 1:00 Slow Continuous Movement
  • Lunge – 3 x 6 Reps (Alternating Legs)
  • Introduce the 3 points of performance of the burpee 
  • Provide scaling options for different speeds
  • Practice 2 reps of each speed option
  • 30 Alternating Lunges
  • 2:00 Burpees
  • 20 Alternating Lunges
  • 1:00 Burpees
  • 10 Alternating Lunges
  • :30 Burpees

Day 5: Mindfulness – Social-Emotional Learning 

As a physical education teacher, you are often tasked with any new topics or curriculum that don’t neatly fit into our subject areas. In recent years, social-emotional learning has emerged and been added to the national standards for physical education and wellness by Shape America. And for a good reason! 

We know that much like any fitness or physical skill, we can help our middle school students to build mindfulness skills. Mindfulness is paying attention to what’s happening on purpose with kindness, curiosity, without judgment. 

  • Allowing us to arrive and be present in our lesson together 
  • Learning about the background and breakdown of different elements of mindfulness
  • Warming ourselves up and helping us to get ready for our full practice 
  • Putting mindfulness into action and building skills that we can continue using outside of class

How are Plt4m’s middle school PE units delivered?

Whichever way makes sense for your classroom layout! For example, many middle school teachers project PLT4M lessons in their gym for the whole class to follow along. Others deliver assignments via a 1-to-1 device. 

What types of middle school physical education activities do you cover?

Middle school is a time to sample and try out new options! PLT4M’s library of original content looks to mirror students’ long-term choices for health and wellness. Dance fitness, weight-lifting, yoga, mobility, and nutrition are just a few of the topics covered in our 25+ PE programs.

Do you only provide middle school fitness lesson plans?

No, we also have PE lesson plans for high school. All our content is intended for middle and high school students.

Most students’ fitness journey is not defined by their age, but their experience. With our beginner to advanced offerings, there is something for everyone. 

Do you support the middle school PE curriculum with informational lessons as well as physical activities?

PE curriculum for middle school should be comprehensive. Therefore, everything we provide is thoughtfully prepared to have written and video components to bring together the full PE picture. The goal is to have students explore all aspects of health and wellness, including informational lessons and physical activities.

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Lesson Plan Sections

  • Environmental (1)
  • Science (1)

P.E. Lessons

Physical education prepares children for an active and healthy life while improving self discipline and reducing stress. This section includes PE lessons from kindergarten through high school spanning different skill levels and objectives. Lessons are categorized by grade for easy retrieval. These lessons were created by real teachers working in schools across the United States. The section will continue to grow as more teachers like you share your lesson plans. We encourage you! Share your lessons plans Teacher.org, contact us .

Sponsored School(s)

P.e. environmental lesson plans, food chain tag.

Students will learn a brief background about energy transfer between the sun, producers, primary consumers, and secondary consumers. ½ of the students are primary consumers (plants) and ¼ of the students are primary consumers (rabbits) and ¼ of the students are secondary consumers (hawks).

P.E. P.E. Lesson Plans

Aces and exercise.

Using a deck of playing cards, the students will pick the number of reps for various exercises.  

And Freeze!

Students will practice listening skills and basic physical concepts as required in physical education class. Students will also work on balance and coordination.

Animal Laps

Combining information about the speed of animals, the students will run laps in the gym or outdoors.

Basketball Relay

Students will practice teamwork, dribbling, and shooting a basketball.

Bear Hunt Obstacle Course

This plan will combine reading with balance and coordination skills to allow students to navigate a simple obstacle course.

Boom Over Movement Game

Students will play a game in which they need to change direction quickly. Students are to pretend that they are on a sailboat that is in the middle of a storm. They will have to run and change direction based on verbal commands and duck quickly to avoid being hit by the imaginary boom.

Butterfly Stretches

This lesson is designed to help students learn the importance and reasons for exercise through multiple activities and discussions.

Coordination Course

This plan will allow students to practice coordination while staying physical.

Multi-Ball Basketball

The student will participate in a game of basketball using various sizes of available balls.

Music Movement

The students will move to the music based on its beat, words, tune, and other variables.

On Top of Spaghetti

Pe immigration.

The students will research games and activities from other countries to share during a PE class.

Pass It Off

This lesson will allow students to practice passing, dribbling, and bouncing skills using basketballs

Plate Aerobics

Students will practice basic aerobics moves while trying to stay positioned on paper plates, this aids in coordination.

Race to the Answer

This lesson will allow students to practice teamwork, basic math skills, and get exercise through a relay race. Note: Problems/difficulty level can be altered by grade

Ride ‘Em Cowboy/girl

This lesson will allow students to practice gross motor skills.  

Students will practice listening skills and basic physical concepts as required in physical education class.

Ski to the Finish Line

This plan will allow students to practice coordination while staying physical. Students will demonstrate moving straight, backwards, and in a zig-zag pattern.

The New PE Class

The students will create a PE activity to share and demonstrate to peers.

This lesson will allow students to practice teamwork and trust building, as well as working on directionality for younger students.

What Time is it FOX?

The students play a game where they practice different movements including jumping, galloping, skipping, running, jogging, leaping, and walking. Based on National Physical Education Standards, students should have been learning these skills for the last 4 years.

P.E. Science Lesson Plans

Ready to pursue a master’s degree in education make it your time.

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Are you currently teaching but have the desire to pursue a Master’s Degree in Education? Follow your passion for teaching but at the same time give yourself the tools to further your career and learning. Whether it’s higher salaries, advanced career opportunities, or leadership positions, earning your Master’s Degree in Education is one worth pursuing. Make it your time!

pe written assignments


educational tips that are always on your mind

Physical Education Homework Guide

Physical education homework is divided between practical exercises and writing sections. Some of the sections require research while others demand proof of execution. It is one of the easiest yet most confusing assignments you will undertake.

pe written assignments

The nature of the assignment in physical education will depend on the unit you are handling. Some physical education assignments require you to complete a series of exercises. Others call for research to understand the theories and background information on these exercises. Here are expert tips on how to handle PE assignments:

Set a time for the assignment

Like all other assignments, the most important step is to find a perfect time to complete the work. The time will depend on the availability of resources and the urgency of the work. For instance, you need to align the time with the hours the library opens if you need to research. If you are using the gym, you should choose an hour when it is open.

The body and mind should be in synch and able to assist you to complete the assignment effectively. You should have enough time to complete the physical education assignment and submit it before the deadline. If you are joining a team, the other members should also be available for the assignment.

Prepare the right tools

What tools do you need to complete the homework? Physical education homework assignments may require gym equipment, workout gear, and writing tools. Prepare these tools before you can sit down to work on the exercises. The tools required will depend on the nature of the assignment.

Preparing the right tools allows you to settle down once and for all to complete the assignment. You avoid having to midway through the exercise to fetch a book or exercise gear. It will reduce the time taken to complete the work.

Set a study desk for the assignment

PE writing assignments require you to set a study area that allows you to complete the work easily. Choose a comfortable desk with ergonomic furniture. The furniture protects your body, especially your backbone from damage. It allows you to take as much time as you need to write the assignment without straining. You can get deeper into the paper and produce more insightful ideas.

Choose a space away from distractions. Avoid television, video games, and uninvited chats. They distract you from the writing, delaying the completion of your draft. Though you need to use the internet, you should switch off notifications and social media. Such temptations will cause you to take longer than necessary to complete the work.

Use recording devices

Away from PE written assignments, you may be required to record exercises like running or workout. The assignment is then uploaded to the school portal or forwarded to your tutor. You will need recording devices like a camera and microphone. A phone is enough to complete such assignments. You may need a stand or the assistance of a friend to record the video effectively.

Some of the physical exercises require improvisation. In situations where you do not have weights, you may use water bottles and tables. Part of PE training is improvisation. Demonstrate this creativity by improvising your exercise regime.

Check alternative materials online

The internet is a great resource for PE students. It captures numerous videos of materials you can use to complete your PE assignments. Check alternatives online to demonstrate creativity and still achieve the same goals without requiring advanced resources.

Both physical education writing assignments and exercise-based assignments require a strategy. Improvise your way around these exercises to make them easier and effective. Get help where necessary to guarantee excellent performance.

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The PE Shed Logo - The home of Physical Education resources, games and ideas. Making teaching PE simple, fun and engaging

PE Resources

The PE Resources section provides you with Physical Education resources which will help you to plan skill based aspects of PE lessons. The PE resources focus on the development Physical Education motor skills such as bouncing, catching, rolling, throwing and movement skills.  Each PE resource outlines what equipment is required, how to set the activity up, how to do the activity and how to differentiate the skill. The resources can be downloaded and can support your PE planning. Active Reading Comprehensions have also been created to allow you take English Literacy and Reading lessons to Physical Education.

Maths and Literacy in PE Resource Pack includes 8 Maths and Literacy activities for Physical Education lessons

The Maths and Literacy in PE resource pack contains 8 maths and literacy activities that can be used in PE. Includes how to set up and includes lots of variations.

Maths and Literacy in PE

Bouncing, Rolling and Catching PE Task Card Pack - 14 Physical Education Tasks to improve motor skills.

Bouncing, Rolling and Catching

The Bouncing, Rolling and Catching PE task card pack includes 14 skill based activities which support the development of important Physical Education Motor Skills. 

Classroom PE Activities - 10 Physical Education Activities and Games

This PE resource pack includes 10 PE activities which can be done in the classroom or limited space. Includes how to set up and differentiation options.

10 Classroom PE Activities

Crossing the midline PE Task Card Pack - 10 Physical Education Tasks to improve motor skills and midline crossing.

Crossing the midline

  task cards.

The Crossing the Midline PE task card pack includes 10 skill based activities which support the development of midline crossing. 

Bench Ball - 2 versions

Bench Ball PE Coordination Invasion Game for Physical Education

A PE Game focused on invasion and  coordination. To find out how to play this PE Game and for further activity differentiation download now. Includes 2 versions.

5 Christmas PE Games and activities

5 Christmas PE Games

The 5 Christmas PE Games pack includes a range of coordination, movement and strategy games all focused on the topic of Christmas. 

Protect the Kingdom

Protect the Kingdom PE Coordination Game Physical Education

Protect the Kingdom is a PE Game focused on coordination and teamwork. To find out how to play this PE Game and for further activity differentiation download now.

Kingball Resource Pack - An exciting throwing and catching strategy PE game.

This PE resource pack includes 3 versions of an exciting throwing and catching strategy game called Kingball. Includes how to set up and differentiation options.

Kingball Resource Pack

Tower Rush PE Strategy Coordination risk taking Game for Physical Education

Tower Rush is a PE Game focused on risk taking and  coordination. To find out how to play this PE Game and for further activity differentiation download now. 

Peg Invasion - 2 Games

Peg Invasion is a Physical Education PE Warm Up Game focused on attacking and defending

Peg Invasion is PE warm up game focused on attacking and defending. To find out how to play this PE Game and for activity differentiation download now.

Active Reading Comprehensions for PE lessons. Take English Literacy Reading lessons to PE. Level 1 for Letters and Sounds Phase 3 and 4.

Active Reading Comprehensions

Level 1 - Letters and Sounds Phase 3-4

Active Reading Comprehensions allow you to take English Literacy Reading lessons to PE. Includes 5 stories, questions and tasks.

The Dragon Nest

The Dragon Nest PE Strategy Game

The Dragon Nest is a PE Game focused on strategy and movement. To find out how to play this PE Game and for activity differentiation download now.

Student behaviour reflection sheet allows students to reflect in PE lessons whilst PE teachers teach

This resource has been designed to allow students to reflect on behaviour or incidents in PE. Allows teachers to focus on teaching the Physical Education class whilst a student reflects. 

Student Behaviour Reflection

12 days of fitness PE Christmas activity and game

12 Days of Fitness - Task Cards

The 12 Days of Fitness is a PE Task Card Pack which includes 12 fitness task cards which can be completed to the 12 Days of Christmas song. 

Hoop Colour Coordination

7 Hoop Colour Coordination PE activites to develop gross motor skills and coordination in Physical Education

Hoop Colour Coordination is PE activity focused on gross motor skills & coordination. Includes a visual & description to help Physical Education Teachers.

Halloween PE Games

Halloween PE Games is a PE resource pack focused on Halloween themed Physical Education Games

The Halloween PE Games pack includes a range of coordination, movement and strategy games all focused on the topic of Halloween. 

Ladder PE Tasks

10 Ladder PE Tasks for improving Physical Educaton coordination and movement of students

The PE Ladder tasks resource is focused on improving coordination and movement. There are 10 different tasks for students to try. A visual and description is included to help Physical Education Teachers.

Resources from our Physical Education Friends :

The New Physical Educator - Visit their website and social media to discover some excellent PE resources and links to Physical Educators around the world.   www.newphysicaleducator.com 

The PE Geek -  Learn how to integrate technology into your PE curriculum. www.thepegeek.com  

PYP with Andy - Learn how to develop the IB PYP PE curriculum and make your PE lessons inquiry based.  www.pyppewithandy.com

Mr Adam PE  - Learn how to integrate technology and apps into your PE classroom. Mr Adam PE does excellent free online workshops and professional development. www.mradampe.com

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Free physical education worksheets

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Preview of Backpackers School-Age Summer Camp

Backpackers School-Age Summer Camp

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Physical Education: Back to School Bundle

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Food Journal and Daily Nutrition Needs, Worksheet for Health, Fitness

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Inspirational P.E. Athlete Quote Alphabet Posters

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Field Day Fun FREEBIE Coloring and Writing Sheets

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FREE SPORTS Word Search Puzzle Handout Fun Activity

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Correct-A-Sentence Game - Grammar - ELA Game - Correct Sentence - Elementary

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Skeletal System Labeling Activity/Quiz

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Oral Hygiene - Brushing your teeth worksheet

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Muscle Cell Anatomy & Physiology: A Review Quiz (Worksheet) Virtual Friendly

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I Can Fill Up My Plate New Canadian Food Guide

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Freebie Physical Activity Reading Comprehension Passage

pe written assignments

Summer Olympics — Word Search

pe written assignments

Basketball Wordsearch (Physical Education)

pe written assignments

Food Group Coloring Woorksheets

pe written assignments

On the Bench in PE Worksheet

pe written assignments

Super Bowl 2024 Predictions Answer Key

pe written assignments

The Big Game - Following Directions

pe written assignments

Setting Specific Fitness Goals - Kids Version

pe written assignments

Field Day Word Search

pe written assignments

Olympic Games - Freebie - Unscramble the words

pe written assignments

PE Word Search - K-6 Physical Education Word Search

pe written assignments

What is Sportsmanship?

pe written assignments

Field Day Word Search FREEBIE

pe written assignments

Sort the Food Group: Nutrition Food Pyramid Grocery Activity, Grades 1-5

pe written assignments

A Tale of Two Foods - Food Label Comparison Assignment

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March Madness 2024 Basketball Word Search Activity | Secret Message

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FIFA World Cup Soccer 2022 Word Search 32 Words 2 Versions

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  1. notes

    pe written assignments

  2. Writing Prompts For Physical Education

    pe written assignments

  3. Physical Education Homework Assignments for Children to Complete at

    pe written assignments

  4. Assignment (PE)

    pe written assignments

  5. Physical Education Printable Worksheets

    pe written assignments

  6. Pe Written Assignments

    pe written assignments


  1. 55 Excellent Physical Education Writing Prompts

    15. Tell why physical education classes should be mandatory for all students. 16. Explain why your favorite p.e game is the best. 17. Write about a new skill that you learned in physical education class this week. 18. Draft a letter to a classmate offering tips for doing well in p.e. class. 19.

  2. 51 Super Physical Education Writing Prompts

    To help celebrate the benefits of physical education, check out these 51 exercise-themed journal prompts. In addition to physical education at school, we love to encourage parents to work out with their children in order to teach them the importance of exercise and physical activity. Fun, engaging choices such as riding bikes, hiking, playing ...

  3. Free Printable Physical Education Worksheets

    Get kids and teens up and moving with our premium and free physical education worksheets. Use these worksheets covering fitness, nutrition, sports rules, and sports history, for a review or assessment of your phys ed curriculum or just for fun. Don't see a printable you need? Use our Test Maker™ to create your own printable that fits your needs.

  4. Physical Education: PE Central Assessment Ideas with Rubrics

    Written assessments are a terrific medium for showcasing what students have learned to administrators and parents. The following resources and ideas are presented to help teachers incorporate assessment into their programs. PE Central's Online Assessment Course Appropriate Instructional Practice Evaluation Tool in Middle School PE.

  5. PE Lesson Plans for High School (FREE High School PE Activities)

    Get access to our complete lineup of PE lesson plans for high school students. This was just one week of PE lesson plans to give you a taste! At PLT4M, you can tap into hundreds of high school physical education lesson plans that fit your goals and needs. Tap into fitness, flexibility, yoga, dance, weightlifting, and more all in a centralized ...

  6. PDF High School (Grades 9-12) Physical Education Curriculum Guide

    Physical Education Department 6 How to use this document: This curriculum guide is not… • A lock-step instructional guide detailing exactly when and how you teach. • Meant to restrict your creativity as a teacher. • A ceiling of what your students can learn, nor a set of unattainable goals. Instead, the curriculum guide is meant to be a common vision for student learning and a set of

  7. Writing Fits in with Phys Ed

    Learn how physical education teachers can use writing to help students improve their fitness, health, and skills. Find examples of writing assignments that integrate with various physical activities and genres.

  8. Lesson Plans for Physical Education Teachers/PE Central

    Physical Education Lesson Plans and Activity Ideas. You will find thousands of physical education lesson plans and ideas submitted by hundreds of Physical Education professionals! You may also be looking for helpful worksheets. View our lesson plan and idea criteria and copyright statement before sharing a lesson plan or idea with us. Classroom ...

  9. Physical Education Homework Assignments for Children to ...

    FREE Resources Containing Over 30 PE Homework Assignments for Children to Complete at Home. The following free resources feature over 30 assessment ideas that physical educators can send home with their students. Book #1 is geared for grades grades 3-6. Book #2 is geared more towards Secondary but there are more elementary ideas there as well.

  10. physical education written activities

    The Physical Education / Health written assignment and activity bundle you've been waiting for is here! Need homework, written assignments or quick classroom activities? This is t

  11. Physical Education Writing Activities

    This PDF slideshow contains 20 writing assignments to use in a middle school or high school Physical Education class.These activities include compare/contrast, quote reflections, Venn diagrams, short stories, drawings, problem/solution, word cloud, etc.If you would like the PowerPoint version (edita...

  12. PE Lesson Plans for Middle School (FREE Middle School PE Activities

    Day 4: Lunge - More Foundational Fitness. This is the second day of foundational movements and workouts. Emphasizing the foundations in your physical education units for middle school is an easy win! You hit several shape america standards/state standards and build core competencies that can be applied to almost any other units or lesson.

  13. P.E. Lesson Plans

    This section includes PE lessons from kindergarten through high school spanning different skill levels and objectives. Lessons are categorized by grade for easy retrieval. These lessons were created by real teachers working in schools across the United States. The section will continue to grow as more teachers like you share your lesson plans.

  14. Results for pe assignment

    This written activity is an alternative assignment that you can use to give the students a grade for the day they missed, or for a day of PE from home. It provides a link to a page on the CDC website about physical activity, and the worksheet provides 7 questions that the students must answer to receive their cr

  15. Physical education: PE Central's Paper and Pencil Assessment Ideas

    PE Central exists to assist teachers and other adults in helping children become physically active and healthy for a lifetime. We are happy to present a large number of paper and pencil assessment ideas for you to use in your physical education program. No Quacks About It: You Can Assess Handout!

  16. How to Tackle Physical Education Assignments

    Use recording devices. Away from PE written assignments, you may be required to record exercises like running or workout. The assignment is then uploaded to the school portal or forwarded to your tutor. You will need recording devices like a camera and microphone. A phone is enough to complete such assignments.

  17. PEC: Lesson Plans for Physical Education

    These assignments are designed to ensure the students are exercising outside of school. Each assignment focuses on a different fitness component to improves their overall fitness levels. This is a homework assignment that gives students a health related topic with questions about that reading. Along with the reading the students must complete a ...

  18. The PE Shed

    The Bouncing, Rolling and Catching PE task card pack includes 14 skill based activities which support the development of important Physical Education Motor Skills. This PE resource pack includes 10 PE activities which can be done in the classroom or limited space. Includes how to set up and differentiation options.

  19. Free physical education worksheets

    Physedgames physical education wordsearch series can be used in a variety of situations - to supplement a unit or skill-set, a fun assignment (perhaps there's an injured student who could benefit from an alternate activity), help with learning sport/activity/health terms, or even a part of distance education (especially during the covid crisis).

  20. PE Central

    PE Central Online Courses. Learn More! Practical, proven lesson plans written and submitted by real teachers and approved by our expert editorial team! Helpful online courses and information for the physical education teacher who wants to continue to develop and grow! View all 79 Resources!

  21. PDF Physical Education Long Term Medical Assignments

    li. t. Student responsibilities for completing long term Physical Education assignments:1. Turn your packet(s) i. o. our physical education teacher at the end of the week that you are absent from class. 2. If these assignment(s) are not turned in on their due date(s), you will receive a zero for that assignment, con. ue. tly receiving a zero in ...

  22. PEC: Lesson Plans for Physical Education

    High School PE Lesson Ideas. Volley Sports. Volleyball Unit Plan. 9-12. 36,934. 1/6/2020. High School PE Lesson Ideas. Class Management. Daily Routines-Goal Setting in High School PE Unit Plan.

  23. PEC: Lesson Plans for Physical Education

    PEC's Lesson Idea Quick Search. Displaying record (s) 1 through 50 of 185 record (s) that match your search criteria. There are 50 record (s) listed on this page. PE Central is a web site that provides information about developmentatally appropriate physical education practices and programs.