Two people takling about their professions in French

How to talk about professions in French 

by Clara Avrillier

Published on November 29, 2022 / Updated on January 3, 2024

When you first begin learning a language, it’s important to cover the basics – and talking about your job is a great example. In this article, you’ll learn how to ask somebody what their job is, how to talk about yours, and some vocabulary for different professions in French. So, if you’re on the hunt for a new job or just visiting a French-speaking country, this is a great article to get you started. We also recommend checking out our article about the best cities to live and work in France for some inspiration! 

  • How to ask somebody about their profession in French
  • How to describe your profession in French

List of jobs in French 

Start your journey to reach fluency, how to ask somebody about their profession in french .

In any language, when you first meet somebody, it’s common to ask what they do. In French, there are lots of ways to ask this. Keep in mind: You should know when to use vous or tu depending on who you are speaking with. Here is a list of questions you can ask:

  • Qu’est ce que vous faites / tu fais comme travail ?  (What do you do for work?)
  • Quel est votre / ton métier / profession ? (What’s your job?)
  • Vous travaillez / tu travailles dans quel domaine ? (What sector do you work in?)
  • Qu’est ce que vous faites / tu fais dans la vie ? (What do you do in life?)

As you can see, there are some common terms around work. For example, the word “profession” can be translated in different ways in French. You can say profession , métier or travail . The verb used to describe working is travailler (to work), although it’s also common to use the verb faire (to do), similar to English. 

How to describe your profession in French 

Now, this is where the fun begins! There are two important rules to be aware of when it comes to talking about jobs in French: First, you do not use the indefinite article when talking about your profession. Take a look at this example:

  • In English we say “I am a doctor”. In French, it’s je suis médecin (no need to add “un” ).
  • Je suis serveur (I am a waiter). 

It can take a bit of time to get used to this, but it actually makes things much easier! It’s important to note that if you decide to expand your sentence by adding an adjective or providing more information, you will then need to use the indefinite or definite article.

  • Je suis un bon professeur (I’m a good teacher)

Second, some professions in French only exist in the masculine form. Here are some examples, so even if you’re a woman, you would use the masculine form.

  • Un architecte – An architect 
  • Un médecin – A doctor
  • Un pompier – A firefighter

Fortunately, there are many jobs in French that have a feminine form, such as acteur/actrice (actor), vendeur/vendeuse (salesperson) and pharmacien/pharmacienne (pharmacist). In recent years, gender-neutral language has been a hot topic in the country and has led to much debate, so more and more professions now have a feminine form , such as:

  • Auteur / autrice (writer)
  • Écrivain / écrivaine (writer)
  • Professeur / professeure (teacher)
  • Ingénieur / ingénieure (engineer)

We’ve put together a list of the most common types of professions in French with their masculine and feminine form so that the next time you’re chatting with a French-speaking person, you have the right vocabulary to discuss work. We’ve divided them into different categories. 

  • Homme d’affaires / femme d’affaires – Businessman/woman 
  • Commercial – Salesperson 
  • Manager – Manager
  • Président-directeur général (PDG) – Chief Executive Officer (CEO)


  • Electricien / électricienne – Electrician
  • Charpentier / charpentière – Carpenter
  • Maçon / maçonne – Builder
  • Plombier – Plumber 


  • Acteur / actrice – Actor
  • Chanteur / chanteuse – Singer 
  • Danseur / danseuse  – Dancer 
  • Médecin – Doctor
  • Infirmier / infirmière – Nurse 
  • Psychologue – Psychologist 
  • Opticien / opticienne – Optician 


  • Professeur / professeure | enseignant / enseignante – Teacher 
  • Étudiant / étudiante – Student 
  • Directeur / directrice d’école – Principal 
  • Assistant social / assistante sociale – Social worker

Food / Restaurants

  • Serveur / serveuse – Waiter
  • Chef – Chef 
  • Boulanger / boulangère – Baker
  • Boucher / bouchère – Butcher 
  • Conducteur / conductrice de bus | chauffeur de bus   – Bus driver 
  • Pilote – Pilot 
  • Steward / hôtesse de l’air – Flight attendant
  • Chauffeur de taxi – Taxi driver 

The next time you ask a French person what their job is, you can add their job title to this list! 

All in a day’s work 

So there we have it. There are many other professions in French but this list is a good place to start. Being able to talk about your job will help you along your language journey and who knows, maybe one day you’ll end up with a bilingual career ! 

ma future profession francais essay

Clara Avrillier

Clara Avrillier is a writer, linguist and content manager living in the South of France. She loves getting out in nature, doing sport, reading and playing music. She also works with many expats looking to move to France. Find out more on her website, ON IT Translations , or connect with her on LinkedIn .

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Professions in French: Vocab for over 100 Occupations in French

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One of the most common topics of conversation is what people do for a living, so being familiar with different professions in French will surely come in handy in many of your first interactions in the language.

So whether you’ll need this French occupation vocabulary  for small talk or for official forms, today we bring you a comprehensive list of professions  in French, broken down by discipline.

This article is brought to you by LingoCulture, Where you can get unlimited private French classes via Zoom with native teachers for a flat monthly rate. It’s the closest thing to immersion you can get without living in a French-speaking country. Click here to learn more.

Talking about occupations in French

Before we dive into our vocab lists of French professions, let’s just cover a few basic expressions for talking about work in French.

  • C’est quoi ton métier  ? – C’est quoi votre métier  ? – What’s your occupation ?
  • C’est quoi ton travail  ? – C’est quoi votre travail  ? – What’s your job ?
  • Où travailles-tu ? – Où travaillez-vous ? – Where do you work?
  • Tu étudies pour devenir quoi ? – You’re studying to become what?
  • Je suis [métier]. – I’m a [profession].

Note that whereas in English you use an article to introduce your profession (“I’m an  architect”), in French the article is omitted (“Je suis architecte”). Articles are instead necessary when referring to someone in a given profession without specifying the individual (“ l’ architecte du bâtiment” – “ the  architect of the building”; “il nous faut un  architecte” – “we need an  architect”).

Grammar considerations

Since all nouns have a gender in French , and people and professions are nouns, all French professions have a gender . Some professions have a single word that refers to both men and women who practice that occupation, while some have different masculine and feminine forms (like waiter and waitress in English).

For most professions in French where the word changes between genders, the feminine form takes a different ending . This spelling change also indicates a pronunciation change , usually in the final consonant sound. Generally speaking, the final consonant is fairly silent in the masculine form but clearly pronounced in the feminine. For example, a male nurse (infirmier) is pronounced “en-fare-me-ay” (with the final r essentially silent) but a female nurse (infirmière) is pronounced “en-fare-me-air” (with the final r pronounced explicitly).

In the cases where the form of the profession’s word does not change for the two genders, only the article  ( le  or la ) will change. There is no pronunciation difference between these words. Nonetheless, any other words in the sentence such as adjectives  or pronouns  still need to respect the rules of gender agreement to reflect whether the person in the occupation is a man or a woman.

List of professions in French

Now we’re ready to learn the vocab for different occupations in French ! We’ve organized them into broad groups  to keep our lists manageable, and listed each profession alphabetically by their English names . The next two columns show the masculine  and feminine  terms for each profession in French.

Business professions in French

accountant le comptable la comptable
banker le banquier la banquière
businessman, businesswoman l’homme d’affaires la femme d’affaires
business manager le directeur la directrice
consultant le consultant la consultante
economist l’économiste l’économiste
employee l’employé l’employée
entrepreneur l’entrepreneur l’entrepreneure
financial analyst l’analyste financier l’analyste financier
independent worker le travailleur autonome la travailleuse autonome
project manager le chef de projet la chef de projet
sales representative le commercial la commerciale
translator le traducteur la traductrice

Creative professions in French

actor, actress (cinema) l’acteur, l’interprète l’actrice, l’interprète
actor, actress (theatre) l’acteur, le comédien l’actrice, la comédienne
architect l’architecte l’architecte
artist l’artiste l’artiste
athlete l’athlète l’athlète
beekeeper l’apiculteur l’apicultrice
comedian l’humoriste l’humoriste
editor l’éditeur l’éditrice
fashion designer le styliste la styliste
filmmaker le réalisateur la réalisatrice
graphic designer le graphiste la graphiste
illustrator l’illustrateur l’illustratrice
journalist le journaliste la journaliste
model le mannequin la mannequin
musician le musicien la musicienne
photographer le photographe la photographe
singer le chanteur la chantrice
writer (articles) le rédacteur la rédactrice
writer (books) l’écrivain l’écrivaine

Educational professions in French

administrator l’administrateur l’administratrice
guidance counselor le conseiller d’orientation la conseillère d’orientation
janitor le gardien, le concierge la gardienne, la concierge
librarian le bibliothécaire la bibliothécaire
principal le directeur la directrice
professor le professeur la professeure
researcher le chercheur la chercheuse
school nurse l’infirmier scolaire l’infirmière scolaire
secretary le secrétaire la secrétaire
student (grade school) l’élève l’élève
student (higher education) l’étudiant l’étudiante
teacher l’enseignant l’enseignante
teaching assistant l’assistant d’enseignement l’assistante d’enseignement
tutor le tuteur la tutrice

Medical professions in French

dentist le dentiste la dentiste
dermatologist le dermatologue la dermatologue
dietician le diétécien la diétécienne
doctor le médecin la médecin
nurse l’infirmier l’infirmière
optometrist l’optométriste l’optométriste
pediatrician le pédiatre la pédiatre
pharmacist le pharmacien la pharmacienne
physical therapist le kinésithérapeute, le kiné la kinésithérapeute, la kiné
psychiatrist le psychiatre, le psy la psychiatre, la psy
speech therapist l’orthophoniste l’orthophoniste
surgeon le chirurgien la chirurgienne
therapist le thérapeute la thérapeute
yoga teacher le prof de yoga la prof de yoga

Public service professions in French

diplomat le diplomate la diplomate
emergency dispatcher l’opérateur de secours l’opératrice de secours
firefighter le pompier la pompière
government official le fonctionnaire la fonctionnaire
judge le juge la juge
lawyer l’avocat l’avocate
mayor le maire la maire
paralegal l’assistant juridique l’assistante juridique
paramedic le secouriste la secouriste
police officer le policier la policière
president le président la présidente
senator le sénateur la sénatrice
social worker le travailleur social la travailleuse sociale
trash collector l’éboueur l’éboueuse
volunteer le bénévole la bénévole

Service industry professions in French

barber le barbier la barbière
barista le barista la barista
beautician l’esthéticien l’esthéticienne
busboy le préposé aux tables la préposée aux tables
cashier le caissier la caissière
chef le chef, le cuisinier la chef, la cuisinière
farmer le fermier, l’agriculteur la fermière, l’agricultrice
hairstylist le coiffeur la coiffeuse
hotelier l’hôtelier l’hôtelière
massage therapist le massothérapeute la massothérapeute
mechanic le mécanicien la mécanicienne
produce vendor le primeur la primeuse
receptionist le réceptionniste la réceptionniste
salesperson le vendeur la vendeuse
store manager le gérant (de magasin) la gérante (de magasin)
travel agent l’agent de voyage l’agente de voyage
tour guide le guide touristique la guide touristique
tour leader le guide accompagnateur la guide accompagnateur
waiter, waitress le serveur la serveuse

Building trades in French

carpenter le menuisier la menuisière
cabinetmaker, fine woodworker l’ébéniste l’ébéniste
chimney sweep le ramoneur la ramoneuse
crane operator le grutier la grutière
drywall installer le plaquiste la plaquiste
electrician l’électricien l’électricienne
framer le charpentier la charpentière
foreman le contremaître la contremaître
forklift operator le cariste la cariste
gardener le jardinier la jardinière
landscaper le paysagiste la paysagiste
mason le maçon la maçonne
plumber le plombier la plombière
roofer le couvreur la couvreuse

Technological professions in French

cybersecurity analyst l’analyste en cybersécurité l’analyste en cybersécurité
data scientist l’expert en mégadonnées, le scientifique des données l’experte en mégadonnées, la  scientifique des données
IT support specialist le spécialiste du support informatique la spécialiste du support informatique
programmer le programmeur la programmeuse
SEO expert l’expert en référencement l’experte en référencement
software engineer l’ingénieur logiciel l’ingénieuse logiciel
technician le technicien la technicienne
web developer le développeur web la développeuse web

Transportation professions in French

air traffic controller le contrôleur aérien la contrôleuse aérienne
bus driver le chauffeur de bus la chauffeur de bus
flight attendant l’agent de bord l’agente de bord
pilot le pilote la pilote
mariner le marin la marine
ship captain le capitaine de navire la capitaine de navire
taxi driver le chauffeur de taxi la chauffeur de taxi
train conductor le chef de train la chef de train
truck driver le chauffeur de camion la chauffeur de camion
trucker le camionneur la camionneuse

Now that you’ve expanded your vocabulary with various occupations in French , you’ll be able to confidently talk about your own occupation and the occupations of others in a variety of situations.

Keep in mind that while some professions remain the same for both the masculine and feminine forms, others have separate forms for each gender. There may also be pronunciation changes, depending on their spelling changes.

As the saying goes, practice makes progress, so go forth and use your new vocabulary about all these jobs in French!


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ma future profession francais essay

Essay "My future profession"

I began to think about my future profession a long time ago. A p rofession depends largely on the nature of a person. I selected the speciality of a public servant, which was a responsible decision. A p erson working in this field has to be pretty serious, attentive, focused and organized. He or she should be able to find the right  approach [when talking]  to people, know what would be better for them and try to meet the needs of the individual and society as a whole. I try to cultivate these qualities, as well as on a  moral and spiritual basis, which is fundamental for professionals in the civil service. A f uture job should be interesting and a person should like it, because this is an important part of happiness in life. State and municipal management is a relatively new specialty in the market of educational services. Being a civil servant  is a prestigious and stable occupation. It provides long-term employment and career growth, depending on the contribution of individual. I t  is a wide field for creative activity ; there will be an opportunity to express yourself and demonstrate an unconventional mindset , because at the moment transformations take place in the sphere of state and municipal management. Today, the profession of a civil servant is marked by every third man as an attractive one , and by every second person - as a prestigious one. The recognition of the rights and freedoms of a citizen is the highest value of the modern state, therefore, the profession of a civil servant assumes the recognition and observance of these rights as the first of its responsibilities. Choosing this career, I understand that I should serve the interests of civil society first and foremost . I really want to find myself, get pleasure from my job , and, in exchange, sincere gratitude for my work.

Where I have put 'first and foremost' - if you meant that serving the interests of civil society is the most important thing, 'first and foremost' makes more sense here.

This is a really great piece of writing though, hardly any mistakes. Well done :)

ma future profession francais essay

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Introduction, 1. exploring my passion, 2. the significance of empathy and compassion, 3. the impact of research and evidence-based practice, 4. the importance of cultural competence, 5. the role of ethics and professionalism.

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    Many translated example sentences containing "my profession" - French-English dictionary and search engine for French translations.

  22. My Future Profession Accountant Essay

    My Future Profession Accountant Essay My Future Profession Accountant Essay 2. Cain-Personal Narrative Cain had only taken one step towards the door when a particularly large man spoke. Cain was tall, usually taller than the average human, but this guy... he probably had at least an extra foot of height over Cain.

  23. my future career

    Many translated example sentences containing "my future career" - French-English dictionary and search engine for French translations.