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How to Write a Tourism Business Plan

by Bryan Reynolds | Jul 10, 2023 | Destination Marketing

a person writing a business plan on a computer

Starting a tourism business can be an exciting venture, but it’s vital to have a solid business plan in place. Your business plan will serve as a blueprint for your business, outlining your goals, strategies, and financial projections. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to write a tourism business plan.

Step 1: Executive Summary

  • Start with an executive summary, which provides a snapshot of your business.
  • It should include your business name, location, and a brief description of the services you offer.
  • This section should also highlight your unique selling proposition – what sets your tourism business apart from the competition.

post it notes on a bulletin board

Step 2: Business Description

  • Provide detailed information about your tourism business.
  • Describe your target market, the types of tours or services you’ll offer, and your business structure (e.g., sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation).
  • Also, discuss any partnerships with local businesses or organizations that will enhance your offerings.

Next up is the market analysis.

Step 3: Market Analysis

  • This section requires research into the tourism industry in your area.
  • Identify your competitors and analyze their strengths and weaknesses.
  • Understand your target customers – their preferences, behaviors, and what they value in a tourism experience.

After understanding your market, it’s time to outline your organization and management structure.

Step 4: Organization and Management

Outline your team structure..

  • Include the roles and responsibilities of each team member, and provide brief bios if possible.
  • If you’re a sole proprietor, describe any outsourced roles (like accounting or marketing).

a pencil on a paper book

Step 5: Services or Products

  • Detail the services or products your tourism business will offer.
  • Whether you’re offering guided tours, travel planning, or other tourism-related services, make sure to describe each offering clearly.
  • Explain the benefits of your services and how they meet the needs of your target market.

Finally, let’s talk numbers in your financial projections.

Step 6: Financial Projections

  • This section should provide a clear picture of your business’s financial outlook.
  • Include sales and revenue projections, a budget, a break-even analysis, and a projection of your cash flow.
  • These figures will be crucial when seeking funding or investment for your tourism business.

people walking outside at a tourism location

Why do I need a business plan for my tourism business? A business plan helps you understand your business better, assists in securing funding, and serves as a roadmap for your business’s growth. A company overview is important in the travel and tourism industry. How long should my business plan be? The length of a business plan can vary significantly depending on the size and complexity of the business. However, typically, a business plan ranges from 20 to 50 pages. Who should write the business plan? As the successful business owner, you are the best person to write the business plan. However, you can also hire a professional business plan writer or use business plan software. How often should I update my business plan? It’s a good idea to update your business plan at least once a year or whenever significant changes occur in your business or industry. What if I’m starting a small tourism business and don’t have a team yet? That’s perfectly fine. In your organization and management section, simply focus on your role and any outsourced functions. Do I need to include all these sections in my business plan? Yes, each section plays a critical role in providing a comprehensive view of your business. However, the depth of detail in each section can vary based on your specific business. Can I use my business plan to secure funding? Absolutely. Investors and lenders will often request to see a business plan to understand the viability and potential of your business. A well-crafted business plan is crucial for the success of your tourism business. By following this guide, you’ll be well on your way to creating a comprehensive and effective business plan.

Best Practices when Writing a Tourism Business Plan Template

Writing a business plan for a tourism business involves several best practices that can increase the likelihood of your venture’s success. Here are some key points to consider:

1. Be Clear About Your Business Idea:

  • Define your tourism business concept clearly.
  • Specify the type of services you will provide, such as guided tours, travel planning, or accommodation booking.

2. Conduct Thorough Market Analysis:

  • Identify your target audience and understand their needs and preferences.
  • Analyze your competitors, their offerings, strengths, and weaknesses.

3. Create a Unique Selling Proposition (USP):

  • Determine what sets your tourism business apart from competitors.
  • Your USP could be unique tour packages, superior customer service, or partnerships with local businesses.

4. Detail Your Marketing Strategy:

  • Develop a marketing and sales strategy to attract and retain customers.
  • This could involve online advertising, social media promotion, collaborations with local businesses, or special offers for repeat customers.

5. Plan Your Operations:

  • Outline how your business will operate on a day-to-day basis.
  • Include details about logistics, staff requirements, equipment needed, and any regulatory compliance issues.

6. Develop a Financial Plan:

  • Prepare a detailed financial plan, including revenue projections, budget, and break-even analysis.
  • This section is crucial if you’re seeking investment or loans.

7. Review and Revise Regularly:

  • A business plan should not be a static document. Review and update it regularly to keep it aligned with your current business situation and future goals.

Remember, your business plan is not just a document for potential investors or lenders; it’s also a roadmap for your business, guiding your decisions and strategies. By adhering to these best practices, you can create a robust business plan that sets your tourism business up for success.

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How to Create a Business Plan for Your Tour or Travel Company


Do you have the next great tour business or travel company idea, but don’t know how to turn it into reality? You’ve found your niche and even come up with the best tour company name ever, but who do you tell and how do you get started? 

Table of Contents

Why your tour company needs a business plan.

We’ve previously covered topics on how to build your business, but one beneficial, even crucial, practice before you start is to write up a small business plan, one that compiles all the important aspects of your brand in a single 15-20 page document. Having a simple tourism business plan will help you plan for the future and even discover new things about your brand. 

Whether you’re a young entrepreneur building a tour startup in search of investors, or you’re an established tour operator looking to better understand your business and take it to the next level, a tour operator business plan can help guide you in the right direction. 

The Benefits of a Business Plan

As mentioned above, a tour company business plan is a document that outlines all the important aspects of your tour business. From your company goals and objectives, to your team members, and even your financial statements, a business plan is an effective tool for analyzing the ins and outs of your business.


It is the ultimate document used to convince investors and lenders to support your tour company. If you’re not looking for investors, writing a simple business plan for your tour business is still useful practice to align the leaders in your company, discover any shortcomings you might have missed, and plan for future growth.

How to Create a Tourism Business Plan

Now that you understand why having a small business plan is important, you’re probably wondering how to write one. You can use a business plan template, but it’s good to know why you’re including the information it asks for. It’s also acceptable to cater the content of your business plan to suit your unique company, but there are certain sections that investors expect to see, making them beneficial for you to include.

Here is what you need to include in your company’s business plan: 

Executive Summary

One of the most important sections of your business plan will be your executive summary, which serves as a high-level overview of your business, providing highlights of the fundamentals of your brand.

You’ll notice that most, if not all, of the topics covered within your executive summary will have their own dedicated section later on in your business plan. Because the executive summary is typically limited to a single page, leave the nitty-gritty details for their respective sections and use the executive summary as a way to simply introduce the topics to your reader. 

Executive summary topics:

  • What is your business and what does it do? Do you host walking tours or provide bicycle rentals? Are you a tour guide or do you run a themed hotel experience? Give the reader a clear understanding of your business concept.
  • What are your business goals and where do you envision your company in the future? How do you want to see your business grow?
  • What makes your business different from your competitors? Whether you’re renting out a specific product like Segways or providing a service like guided tours, discuss what sets you apart from (and makes you better than) similar businesses in your industry.
  • Who is your target audience? Who are you selling to and why are they interested?
  • What is your marketing strategy? How do you plan to connect with and convert your customers?
  • What is your current financial state? What is your projected financial state?
  • What is the purpose of your business plan? Are you looking to secure investors and/or lenders? If so, how much are you asking for? You won’t need to discuss this if your business plan is strictly for your own planning purposes.
  • Who is on your team, what are their job titles, and what do they do?

Again, like your business plan as a whole, not all of the topics listed above may be applicable to your business or your specific needs, so include only what you see fit. 

Company Overview

Your company overview should give your reader a detailed understanding of who you are and what you do. This includes technical topics like your business description, structure, and model, but should also cover the heart and soul of your company. That is, not only what you do, but why you do it. Developing your brand story is an important step to branding in the travel and tourism industry .

how to make a business plan for tourism

What is it about running a bungee jumping business, wine tasting tour, or spelunking course that inspires you? What is your company’s mission, vision, purpose, and USP (unique selling proposition)? What are your business goals and objectives, both short-term and long-term? Defining these aspects of your business helps readers, whether investors or your own employees, connect with your business at a deeper level.

Market Analysis

Another important section to include in your business plan for your tour company is a detailed market analysis. Even if you’re creating your business plan for internal use only, conducting market analysis and research is an excellent way to gauge your position within your industry, identify areas of concern, and create an effective marketing strategy using the 7 Ps of Travel and Tourism Marketing .

how to make a business plan for tourism

Things to consider in your market analysis include your target market and demographic, whether your marketing strategy is aligned with your target market, where you want to position yourself in the industry in relation to your competitors, and where you have room to improve. 

Try conducting a SWOT analysis for your tour business to explore your:

  • Strengths – what do you do well?
  • Weaknesses – what could you do better?
  • Opportunities – are there gaps in your industry that you can take advantage of?
  • Threats – what external factors affect your chance of success?

Team Summary

Use your team summary section to outline the leaders and key players in your tour company. An organizational chart works well to display this information and will usually explore members of management and other key personnel, their job titles, and their roles and responsibilities. Be sure to address how each person plays/will play an integral role in the success of your tour business or travel company.

how to make a business plan for tourism

Even if your business is very small or you run a sole proprietorship, it’s still worth including a team summary section so that potential investors can get to know who they’re investing in. A team summary adds a human element to your business plan and can help build your readers’ confidence by showing them that they can trust the leaders (even if it’s just you) to bring the company to success.

Financial Plan

Discuss your finances. What is your current financial state, what is your future financial projection, and how do you plan on getting there? If you’re looking for an investment, how much do you need? Include relevant documents, paperwork, statements, calculations, etc. to back up the numbers you’re sharing.

Marketing Plan

Needless to say, tour marketing is one of the most important aspects of your tour business.

Your business plan should have a detailed marketing strategy and promotional tactics, including pricing strategy, advertising channels, and innovative tactics. It should also leverage social media and other tourism-related technology to reach your target market effectively.

Your Business Plan Can Set You Up For Success

Investing the time up front to create a simple business plan for your tour company is worth the effort, and is crucial to becoming a successful tour operator. Going into anything without a plan can be risky, and starting a tour business is no different. 

Once you know how to write a business plan and understand the main components that make one effective, you’ll have an invaluable tool for securing investors and planning your company’s growth in the competitive tourism and travel industry. There’s really no better time than now, so go out there, write a killer business plan, and start the tour business of your dreams .

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Written By | Edward Nieh

Edward Nieh is a freelance writer and copy editor working across multiple mediums for clients from various industries. He has a degree in creative writing with a focus on screenwriting for feature films.

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Step-by-step guide to creating a tour operator business plan [template included]

tour operator business plan

By Kevin Tjoe — 13 Jan 2022

Business plan   Business set-up

Updated July 2023 – Ready to take the plunge and launch that tour company or adventure travel business you’ve been envisioning? Before you start welcoming guests, the best first step is always to build a detailed business plan. 

A tour operator business plan is more than just a formality; it is the compass that will navigate your business’s journey. A well-structured business plan for a tour operator provides the framework for transforming your vision into a thriving and sustainable business. It will help you clarify your goals, streamline your operations, and make informed decisions.

Let’s explore the immense value of a clear tour operator business plan as well as the most important elements to consider in this comprehensive document. 

Why create a business plan?

Crafting a business plan allows you to lay the groundwork for your tour operator business effectively. Whether you plan to help travelers make travel plans or to provide amazing tourism experiences, your business plan will serve a couple of key purposes:

  • You can hit the ground running with a plan in place, and goals to work towards in the long term.
  • You’ll have a quality business case to use if you’re applying for loans or grants.
  • You can point your start-up resources, such as cash flow and staff, where they’ll provide the most benefit. This is particularly important if you’re starting with a tight budget.
  • You’ll also have a ‘roadmap’ to help you navigate through the inevitable challenges, obstacles, and surprises in business!

Key elements of a tour operator business plan

In order to understand how to set up a tour operator business, you’ll first need to learn the key elements of a tour operator business plan.

How to set a tour operator business plan

1. Business overview

This section of your tour operator/ tour agency business plan provides a holistic snapshot of your company, offering readers a clear understanding of your business’s identity. Ideally, it should include the following:

  • Business Name: Your business name should resonate with your target audience, conveying the essence of your offerings and the unique experiences you promise to deliver. Ensure it is memorable, evocative, and future-proof.
  • Location: Detail the physical location of your tour operator business. Your location can influence your target market and the types of tours you can offer. Be specific about your base of operations and, if applicable, mention any satellite offices or future expansion plans.
  • History: Describe the story behind your tour company’s inception. Share the passion and inspiration that sparked your journey into the travel and tourism industry, and ensure that it aligns with your brand values. 
  • Ownership Structure: Clarify the legal structure of your tour operator business. Are you a sole proprietorship, a partnership, a limited liability company, or a corporation? Describe the ownership arrangement and highlight the key stakeholders involved in the venture. 
  • Assets and Debts: Provide an overview of your company’s assets and debts. This includes tangible assets such as vehicles, equipment, and office space, as well as intangible assets like intellectual property and brand equity. If applicable, disclose any outstanding debts or financial obligations that may impact your business’s financial health and ability to grow.

2. Market analysis

Start by defining your target market. Are you catering to adventure-seeking travelers, history enthusiasts, or nature lovers? Consider their demographics, interests, and spending behavior. Research industry trends and analyze competitors to gain insights into their strengths and weaknesses. This will help you identify opportunities and potential gaps in the market that your business can fill.

In addition, study the external factors that could impact your business, such as seasonal fluctuations, economic conditions, and any regulatory requirements specific to the tourism industry.

3. Tour offerings

Crafting compelling and diverse tour offerings is at the heart of your tour operator business. Consider the unique experiences and attractions your target market seeks. Develop a range of tour packages that cater to different preferences and budget levels.

sustainable tour operator

Your tours should not only showcase the best of the destination but also provide memorable and immersive experiences. Whether it’s organizing guided city tours, thrilling adventure expeditions, or cultural explorations, your offerings should reflect your passion for travel and your commitment to creating unforgettable memories for your customers.

Use your tour operator/ tour agency business plan to emphasize what sets your tours apart from the competition. Whether it’s exclusive access to hidden gems, knowledgeable guides, or sustainable practices, highlight the value that customers will gain from choosing your services.

4. Marketing strategy

Successful businesses have strong brands, so your business plan should set out branding guidelines . Consider the following key elements when coming up with a strategy that will guide how you should start marketing your tour business:

  • Branding Guidelines: Outline your branding guidelines, including your brand’s visual identity, mission statement, core values, and brand voice. Emphasize consistency across all touchpoints, from your website and social media platforms to your tour brochures and customer interactions. 
  • Advertising Channels: Identify the advertising channels that best align with your target audience and budget. Consider a mix of online and offline channels to reach potential customers effectively. Online channels may include pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, display ads, and sponsored content on travel websites. Offline channels could involve partnering with local travel agencies, and tourism boards, or participating in travel trade shows and events. 
  • Social Media Channels: Social media is a powerful tool for connecting with travelers and building a loyal community around your brand. Engage users with captivating visual content, compelling storytelling, and interactive posts that evoke a sense of wanderlust. Utilize platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube to share breathtaking photos, behind-the-scenes glimpses, and testimonials from satisfied customers.
  • Customer Reviews and Testimonials: Encourage satisfied customers to share their stories and feedback on platforms like Google Reviews, TripAdvisor, and your website. Positive reviews build credibility and serve as powerful social proof, enticing potential travelers to choose your tours with confidence. Respond promptly and graciously to all reviews, demonstrating your commitment to customer satisfaction.

positive reviews

  • Content Marketing: Create valuable and informative content that educates travelers about your destination, highlights unique aspects of your tours, and offers travel tips and insights. Utilize blog posts, videos, podcasts, and downloadable guides to establish your tour operator business as a trusted authority in the travel industry.
  • Partnerships and Collaborations: Consider strategic partnerships with complementary businesses in the travel and hospitality industry. Collaborate with local hotels, restaurants, and activity providers to create enticing package deals that appeal to travelers seeking a holistic experience. This is especially important if you are considering creating an international travel agency business plan, as collaborations can help broaden your reach.

5. Operations and management

The operations and management section of your tour operator business plan delves into the practical aspects that keep your business running smoothly and efficiently. This nitty-gritty exploration ensures that every aspect of your tour company is well-organized, legally compliant, and focused on delivering exceptional experiences to your customers. 

Here are the key components to include in this section:

  • Business and Legal Structure: Clearly outline your chosen business and legal structure. Whether you are operating as a sole proprietorship, a partnership, a limited liability company (LLC), or a corporation, this information provides a framework for your business’s governance and responsibilities.
  • Risk Management and Workplace Health & Safety Plans: As a tour operator, the safety and well-being of your guests are paramount. Detail your risk management procedures and workplace health & safety plans to mitigate potential hazards and ensure a secure experience for travelers. Assess the risks associated with different tours and activities, develop contingency plans, and implement safety protocols that align with industry best practices.
  • Terms and Conditions: Craft comprehensive and transparent terms and conditions for your tour offerings. Clearly communicate cancellation policies, refund procedures, and any limitations or requirements for participants. 
  • Staff Scheduling and Training: Outline your staff scheduling procedures to ensure smooth operations and optimal customer service. Consider investing in staff training programs that equip your team with the knowledge and skills to offer insightful commentary, excellent customer care, and handle unforeseen situations professionally. Furthermore, you can optimize the utilization of Full-Time Equivalent (FTE)  tool to help you gauge the potential productivity of your staff and business.
  • Reservation System: In the digital age, a robust and secure reservation system like Rezdy is vital for streamlining your booking process for both you and your customers. Invest in a reliable booking software that allows real-time availability updates, secure payment processing, and automated customer confirmations.

purpose of online booking system

  • Distribution Channels and Partnerships: Consider the distribution channels that will help grow your bookings and expand your market reach. Will you collaborate with online travel agencies (OTAs) or travel agents to promote your tours? Explore partnerships with local businesses, such as hotels and restaurants, to create enticing package deals. 
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM): A well-organized CRM system enables you to build lasting relationships with your customers. Implement CRM software to keep track of customer interactions, preferences, and feedback. Personalize your marketing efforts and start building customer loyalty through targeted promotions and personalized offers.

6. Financial plan

The financial plan is a key component of your tour operator business plan. It outlines your revenue streams, costs, and projected financial performance over time. A well-structured financial plan demonstrates the viability of your business and helps you secure funding if needed.

Start by estimating your startup costs, including equipment, licenses, marketing, and initial staff training. Calculate the expected cash flow, factoring in the seasonality of the tourism industry. Identify the pricing strategy for your tours, ensuring that it covers your expenses while remaining competitive in the market.

Create financial projections for at least the first three to five years, considering both conservative and optimistic scenarios. This will enable you to anticipate potential challenges and make informed decisions that will help you with growing your tour business.

Remember to regularly review and update your financial plan as your business progresses. Monitoring actual financial performance against projections will help you make timely adjustments and stay on track towards achieving your business goals.

how to make a business plan for tourism

Ready to start building your business plan as a tour operator?

Download the free all-in-one checklist for easy reference.

Getting your tour business off the ground

Now that you have an effective business plan in place, it’s important to ensure your business has the right software.

Online booking software for tour operators like Rezdy is designed to equip your business for success. It includes multiple features integrated into the system, which allows you to reduce your overall admin duties. Some of these tools include real-time availability to avoid double bookings, automatic customer updates and reminders, and secure payment processes.

Furthermore, Rezdy also offers a channel manager platform that connects your business to thousands of resellers instantly. Joining Rezdy Marketplace is as simple as listing your products and setting your commission rates. From there, you can let resellers on the platform promote and sell your services to their customers.

Set your business up for success with Rezdy

Set your business up for success with a FREE 21-day trial or alternatively, book a demo to learn more about Rezdy and our products!

If you enjoyed this article then make sure to follow the Rezdy blog . There are a lot of marketing tools and tour operator tips designed with businesses like yours in mind.

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Preparing to Write a Business Plan

Tour operator business plan template, tips and tricks for a strong tour operator business plan.

Wondering how to turn your tour operator idea into a real business? The first step to launching a startup and getting investors onboard is to develop a formal proposal called a business plan . Whether you want to start a travel agency, a walking tour company, or an adventure travel business, you will use a business plan to communicate exactly how you plan to make your idea come to life. 

Creating a tourism business plan might sound daunting; in this article, we’ll show you how to do one and offer lots of advice for first-time founders. You’ll be able to use this article as a tour operator business plan template to write your own sample business plan (as an exercise) or to create the real thing.

To more clearly illustrate how to create a tour operator business plan, we’ll use a sample business as we go through each section. Our sample business is a small tour operator startup that specializes in ecotourism in Thailand.

Before you start to create your official business plan, it can be helpful to think through several aspects of your business so that you are fully prepared to address each topic in the business plan template. One excellent preparation exercise is to complete a Business Model Canvas for your company. 

The Business Model Canvas encourages you to think critically about your customers, cost structure, revenue streams, marketing strategy, and more. It’s the perfect warm-up for your business plan because you’ll incorporate your Business Model Canvas notes into the actual business plan document. We recommend that you do this exercise with your co-founders, if you have any, and with a whiteboard – you’ll probably make lots of changes as you go!

You can find a printable Business Model Canvas template here .

Your tour operator business plan should contain at least seven sections: an executive summary, a company overview, a description of your services, an analysis of your market, an implementation plan, a team summary, and a financial plan. You might have one or more appendices at the end, if you have additional relevant information to include. The finished product should be formatted nicely and incorporate your company’s logo and branding.

Executive Summary

As the first component of your business plan, the executive summary is arguably the most important section. If you’re pitching your idea to investors, they’re likely very busy people, so you want to grab their attention from the beginning. The executive summary should contain a concise outline of your tour operator company’s objectives and goals, your mission and/or vision statements , your key success factors, and a clear description of your value proposition. 

Company Overview

Think of this section as what you would post on the “About” section of your tour operator company’s website. The company overview should explain who your company’s key leaders are, how and when the business started, what the ownership structure looks like (if you have investors, for example), where your office is located, and an outline of your current assets and debts. If you’re in the early stages of your business, this section might be quite short.

Operations Plan

The operations plan is where you describe exactly what your company will offer. What kinds of tours will you sell? Where exactly will you operate? This is the type of information you would list on your website for potential customers or guests to read – but without too much of a sales pitch. 

In this section, it can also be helpful to include a description of the full “ life cycle ” of your business. What happens before, during, and after a tour? What steps does the guest complete, and what happens behind the scenes at your company’s office?

Thinking about our Thai ecotourism company, we might illustrate how someone could book a tour perhaps six months in advance on our website. Between booking and arrival, we coordinate accommodation, meals, and transportation with partner providers. When the tour concludes, we offer transportation back to the airport and follow up with a special offer to book another tour with us at a discount. 

Market Analysis

This section explores your specific niche within the tourism industry and the geographic location(s) where you plan to operate. Who are your target clients or guests? Who are your main competitors? What trends exist in this facet of the industry? Is the amount of visitors to your location increasing or decreasing? 

Try to include statistics from reputable sources whenever you can. Destination marketing organizations, tourism bureaus, and air traffic data, just to name a few, can provide valuable insight and add credibility. This section should leave no stone unturned so that your reader can truly understand your market conditions.

In our ecotourism business in Thailand, for example, we would include information about travel trends in Thailand (like the most popular feeder markets), new air routes, economic trends, the number of new hotels being built, etc. We would also explore the ecotourism market; are more people choosing eco-friendly travel options today compared to five years ago? What companies are the current ecotourism market leaders globally and in Thailand?


Now that you’ve explained your business idea and described the market in which you plan to operate, it’s time to outline exactly how you will bring your tour operator business to life. This section should include a SWOT analysis , details about your marketing and pricing strategies, and a sales projection. 

In the SWOT analysis , you will explore your company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. What does your company offer that nobody else in the market does? What are some potential challenges that you will need to face? Using our ecotourism company example, a threat could be natural disasters – if there are floods or mudslides, our business cannot operate. On the other hand, an opportunity is that more people are interested in eco-friendly travel options. 

Your marketing and pricing strategies should be very specific. How will customers find your company? Which online channels will you use? Will you work through travel agents or directly with your customers? 

Your pricing strategy should include the exact rates you plan to charge for at least a year in advance. For example, our ecotourism company in Thailand might charge $699 for a package during low season, $899 during high season, and $999 over holiday periods, with rates increasing 5% each year. 

We might also offer a 10% discount for advance purchase bookings made at least 6 months in advance and charge a 50% cancellation fee for any reservations cancelled within 3 months of the tour departure date. Based on your pricing strategy, you can create a sales projection that will estimate your company’s sales performance, preferably over the next three years.

Team Summary

After your reader understands what your tour operator business will do, they’ll wonder who is going to make it happen. And if you’re planning to launch a full-fledged tour operator business, you’re probably not going at it alone. The Team Summary section should include a thorough plan for your company’s organizational structure, key leaders, employees, and training processes. 

Do you already have a management team in place, or will you need to hire additional leaders? How many employees will you need, and how much will you pay them? And how will you train and develop your employees? The Team Summary should answer all of these questions and provide enough information for potential investors to understand exactly how you plan to staff your business, pay your employees, and ensure all team members are trained properly. 

Financial Plan

The financial plan is extremely important to potential investors because they will want to maximize the return on their investment. Your financial plan is essentially a projection of your revenue streams and cost structure for your company’s first five or so years of operation. It will include not only revenue from ticket sales and costs from employee salaries, but also details like tour-operator software costs, insurance, taxes, marketing spend, depreciation of assets, interest on loans, and more. 

If you don’t have a finance background yourself, it may be helpful to seek assistance from an accountant or someone who knows the ins and outs of financial modeling. 

Additional Information

In an appendix, you can include supporting information or statistics that may be helpful for potential investors, but not essential to your business plan. For instance, you could include a full report on air traffic trends that you used in your Market Analysis section.

Download Your Tour Operator Business Plan Template

Now that you know what a Tour Operator Business Plan should include, below we provide the one we have specially created for you.

Writing a business plan is certainly not an easy task. It’s time consuming and requires a lot of thought, but a well written business plan can lead to significant growth for your company. As you complete your business plan, keep these pieces of advice in mind:

  • Conduct thorough research on your market . When you pitch your company to investors, you want to be seen as an expert, so learn as much as you can about your competitors and market trends.
  • Simplify your words and descriptions whenever possible . A business plan is not the place to wow your reader with flowery language – instead, you want your reader to easily grasp your value proposition. Think about writing so that a fifth-grader can understand it. The last thing you want is for your reader to be confused about what your company actually does.
  • Don’t be afraid to make changes . As you work on your business plan, you might discover that some aspects of your business need to be adjusted for the greater good of the company. After all, the companies that are the most adaptable are the ones that survive!
  • Get a second opinion (or a third or a fourth). A good test of your business plan’s readability and clarity is to let someone outside your industry read it, like a family member or friend. If they have a lot of questions, you might need to adjust your descriptions or more clearly explain your plans.
  • Proofread ! Your business plan is a reflection of your company’s values. If your formatting is sloppy and your text is full of typos, your reader might question whether you have the attention to detail necessary to run a successful business.

Now that you have all the tools to create a great tour operator business plan, it’s time to get to work!

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Adrienne Fors is the founder of Strategic Stays, a consultancy specializing in tech solutions and copywriting for short-term rental businesses and boutique hotels. She was previously a Market Manager at Expedia, and she graduated from the School of Hotel Administration at Cornell University. Adrienne is originally from Minneapolis, Minnesota and enjoys traveling and playing tennis.

Mize is the leading hotel booking optimization solution in the world. With over 170 partners using our fintech products, Mize creates new extra profit for the hotel booking industry using its fully automated proprietary technology and has generated hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue across its suite of products for its partners. Mize was founded in 2016 with its headquarters in Tel Aviv and offices worldwide.

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How To Start A Tourism Business: Actionable Insights For 2021 & Beyond

  • Business Management

Are you researching how to start a tourism business?

Since COVID, there are considerations that didn’t exist previously for travel businesses looking to enter the market. For example, you will have to put careful thought into how you approach safety, insurance, branding, and marketing for your company.

To take some of the unknown out of the process, we have gathered some helpful insights for you. As with any start-up, there are many moving parts to bring together before you reach the point of lift-off.

Overall, you need to have a clear strategy, a good business idea, and be willing to put in the work.

how to make a business plan for tourism

How To Start A Tourism Business: Step-By-Step Instructions

1. formulate a plan for your business.

First, you need to develop a clear business plan .

Before setting the entity up, you’ll need a concise vision and understanding of what the business will look like and the direction it is going in. Here are some important aspects to cover:

Consider Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

Why will people sign-up with your company? What makes you great and stands you out from the competition? Is there something that you are going to do differently that travelers should know about?

Consider the answers to these questions and proudly claim them in your marketing materials to attract your ideal customers.

Mull Over Your Target Audience

You have a passion that is driving you to start a travel business.

It's this passion that is going to shine through and attract your ideal clients. Walk in knowing precisely who these clients are and what drives them to you, in particular.

From there, you can work on creating marketing messaging to reach them and draw them to your company.

Design Your Tours For Post COVID-19 Travel

How To Start A Travel Business In 2021

As we emerge from the pandemic, safety while traveling will be top of mind for your clients.

Reconnection is going to be another aspect that travelers will be chasing. After months apart, there is lost time with family and friends to make up for.

When designing your tours, keep these two factors top of mind. Travelers will want reassurance that they can travel with peace of mind while having a great experience with their loved ones. As a travel company or tour operator, they will be looking to your expertise to guide them through the unknown terrain of traveling post-COVID.

Work Out Details For The Day-To-Day Operations

It’s essential to figure out the small print around how you will operate day-to-day.

Establish things like your operating hours, who you need to appoint to your team, and where you will work from. Also, consider your asset and equipment requirements and when and how you plan to go to market.

Estimate Your Costs

Naturally, you want your operation to be viable so that you can make a living off doing what you love. To get an idea of where you will be money-wise, you need to draw up a financial plan.

Steps To Start A Travel Company

Work out exactly what your business costs will be. Keep in mind that you might have start-up and day-to-day running expenses, as well as costs related to suppliers and vendors once you're operating.

With this information, you can establish how much you need to charge clients for your service or offering.

Take a minute to check whether this is relative to what your competitors charge and suited to the market you are targeting?

As you will likely have start-up costs initially, you may not make a profit right away. See if you can put a number on how many tours or how much revenue it will take to get you to this point. Make a note of this and allow a little wiggle room for the unexpected.

2. Sort Out The Legal Stuff

The next big step in how to start a tourism business is to set up your operation to trade legally.

Register Your Business

First, you need to pin down a name and register your company.

Some of the different legal business structures include sole proprietors, partnerships, limited liability companies (LLC), and corporations. Select a suitable one based on your expected annual turnover, whether you are operating alone or with a partner, and whether you wish to carry liability personally.

Open A Bank Account

What Do You Need To Start A Business

Open up a dedicated company bank account so that you can keep your personal and business finances separate.

Complete Your Tax Registration

The next step is to register your business for state and federal tax.

The type of taxes and date you’re liable to pay will depend on what legal entity you operate as. Business tax returns can get pretty complicated. So, it’s a good idea to appoint a professional tax practitioner who can ensure that you are registered correctly and prepare your returns.

Get Liability Insurance

All companies face unknown risks. To operate legally, lawfully, and safely, you need to get liability insurance at a minimum. This will protect you in the case a guest or employee has an accident.

Other insurance types to look into include Workman’s Compensation, Accounts Receivable, Property, and Errors and Omissions insurance.

Apply For Your Local Permits and Licenses

Depending on what kind of company you are starting, you may need local permits or licenses to operate, for example, a tour operator license.

Check in with your local tourism body or nearest government office to see what the requirements are.

Note that these can differ from state to state, so if you work in a state other than the one you are registered in, you may need to factor this into the equation too.

Permits and licenses required for travel businesses

3. Develop Your Branding and Marketing

When researching how to start a tourism business, you’ll hear how critical it is to establish a brand image. It should represent who you are and speak to your audience.

On top of that, you need a clear marketing strategy to grow your customer base and get your brand online. Some of the first things to focus on are to:

  • Put up a website
  • Sign up to a bookings and payment platform provider, like WeTravel
  • Design a company logo
  • Start an online blog
  • Set up social media accounts
  • Claim your Google My Business profile
  • Create profiles on review platforms
  • Sign up with OTAs, travel agents, or vendor partners
  • List on local directories

From there, it helps to know how to really sell your tours . Also, take a look at how your competitors market and sell their products. You can use the information to do even better.

4. Get The Right Tools, Technology, Team, and Equipment

Before you launch your business, be fully prepared with everything you need on the ground and to make things happen behind the scenes.

How To Put Together A Business Team

We’ve just mentioned some of the most important digital and technological considerations, including having a website, payment platform, social media accounts, and more.

Of course, you need computers, phones, and to furnish an office. You’ll need software and apps, like social media management or remote working tools.

You might also require equipment to host your tours or carry out your service, such as vehicles, radios, bicycles, and so on.

The last thing here is to hire a top-notch team. The people who work for you make or break your client experience, so choose them wisely.

5. Square Up Your Accounting

Finally, put your accounting systems in place. Keeping track of finances is vital to your business’s success, so having a formal process from the get-go is a must.

You’re Now Ready To Launch

From your research on how to start a tourism business, you'll know that it's no easy feat. But, after running through the points above, you’re now ready to launch and set up for success. Congratulations and good luck; let the real work begin.

Are you interested in finding out more about WeTravel’s booking and payment platform for your business? Watch the short clip below, or get in touch with us for a demo .

how to make a business plan for tourism

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About the author

Lucas Ennis (he/him)

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  • Sample Business Plans
  • Transportation, Logistics & Travel

Travel Agency Business Plan

Executive summary image

Are you a travel enthusiast and want to establish your own travel agency?

Well, if yes, then it’s an exhilarating journey of stepping into a world brimming with adventure and discovery.

But in the midst of this excitement, it’s necessary to lay the groundwork for a successful business out of a hobby. It demands a strategic roadmap – writing a proper travel agency business plan .

So, our travel agency business plan serves as the compass that directs you through all the intricacies of the industry and helps you pay attention to every detail of the business plan.

As you delve into this step-by-step guide, you can explore how to write your own business plan that sets the stage for sustainable growth and leaves a mark on potential investors or readers.

Without further ado; let’s dive into the art of crafting your travel agency business plan.

Key Takeaways

  • Create a compelling executive summary for your travel agency’s identity, vision, mission statement, and core values.
  • Showcase your business goals, market opportunities, and marketing plan to attract potential investors or partners.
  • Highlight the range of travel services you’ll provide, including specialized offerings that place your agency ahead of competitors.
  • Give valuable insights into everyday business operations, from booking management to customer service protocols.
  • Provide a detailed financial plan to illustrate a clear understanding of your travel agency’s financial health and expected growth trajectory.
  • Thoroughly analyze the industry and competitive landscape to uncover the latest trends and customer preferences.
  • Utilize modern and cost-effective business plan software for writing and maintaining business plans.

Why do you need a travel agency business plan?

In reality, every established or emerging business requires a well-written business plan. It is not just a document; it’s a strategic blueprint, offering you a roadmap to make informed business decisions.So, starting your travel agency business greatly benefits from having a well-thought-out business plan like any other business.

Attracting Investors

Whether you’re looking to secure a loan or attract potential investors, a detailed business plan is truly helpful. It shows your agency’s capital cost & revenue potential and summarizes the profitability for angel investors.

Strategic Direction

An actionable plan provides a comprehensive view of your travel agency’s goals, offered services, and strategic steps you will take to achieve success. Also, it indicates a thorough understanding of your target audience and top competitors.

Risk Mitigation

Drafting a professional business plan serves as a foundation for a successful business and helps you identify potential risks & challenges in the market. Through careful planning, you can create effective strategies to overcome obstacles.

Operational Guidance

A well-crafted business plan offers an internal guide that ensures your team understands and aligns with the overarching business objectives, encouraging a cohesive and immersed work environment.

Now, let’s move forward to write a successful business plan for a travel agency.

How to write a business plan for a travel agency?

1. get a business plan template.

Before you start writing a travel agency business plan, it’s highly advisable to get a business plan template first!

It’s like having a valuable toolkit for your business planning endeavors. It not only streamlines the business plan writing but also ensures that you describe all the essential sections.

It offers a structured framework that helps you organize your thoughts effectively to draft a strategically sound business document according to your specific needs and preferences.

Beyond that, a quality business plan template lays the foundation for a comprehensive, professional business plan that highlights your business idea and vision to attract potential investors.

If you’re in search of a polished template, consider Upmetrics’ sample business plan template and ensure that you won’t overlook any essential points in your plan.

sample business plan

Free Business Plan Template

Download our free travel agency business plan template now and pave the way to success. Let’s turn your vision into an actionable strategy!

  • Fill in the blanks – Outline
  • Financial Tables

2. Draft an Executive Summary

An executive summary is the first and foremost section of any business plan. It offers a quick overview of your entire travel agency business plan.

If your first few pages are compelling enough, potential investors or loan officers will find the document intriguing and delve further into your plan.

Your executive summary should be clear, concise, and engaging if you’re looking for investors or loan sanctions, as it will grab their attention and make a strong impression.

To draft an effective summary, start with a concise description of your travel agency business, covering its name, concept, location, objectives, and unique aspects. Refer to the below example:

Travel Agency Business Overview Example

Next, explain what sets you apart and share insights about your service offerings, target market, and ideal customer base. Also, highlight marketing materials, current trends, and potential growth opportunities.

Lastly, give a summary of critical financial figures in terms of projected revenues, profits, and cash flows for the initial 3-5 years. From that, you can address funding needs and resources.

A business plan is a professional, living document that you should update regularly to reflect changes in your business.

3. Provide a Company Overview

Now, it’s time to draft a company overview section that provides a more detailed description of your travel agency.

It could be commercial travel agencies or online travel agencies. Share your agency’s founding story and the individuals behind its inception.

Try to explain your business legal structure(S-Corp, Limited Liability Company, or sole proprietorship), and describe the physical location of your travel agency.

Subsequently, highlight your vision and mission statement in this section to define your identity and core values. This serves as a brand story that your customers can connect to.

Take reference from the below example describing the mission statement of the travel agency:

  • Internally we intend to create and nurture a healthy, exuberant, respectful, and enjoyable environment, in which our employees are fairly compensated and encouraged to respect the customer and the quality of the service we intend to provide.
  • In addition, follow-up will be mandatory to ensure customer satisfaction and make any improvements as recommended by the customers in the future. 
  • We seek fair and responsible profit, enough to keep the company financially healthy for the short and long term and to fairly remunerate employees for their work and effort.

Discuss a little bit more about your business background information and how your travel agency works. Try to give answers for when you start your business and how you have set your office space.

In addition, highlight any milestones you have accomplished, such as the number of clients served, positive reviews, new travel agency openings, etc.

4. Conduct an Industry and Market Analysis

An industry and market analysis section is one of the most important ones in your travel agent business plan. It explores your specific niche within the industry and the geographic background where you wish to operate.

So, take some time to go further and find more accurate information, such as who are your target customers & top competitors, what are the current trends, and whether the tourism market is increasing or decreasing.

Market Size and Growth Potential

Conduct a complete market analysis to study the market size and explore growth potential areas for travel agencies. Assess the total revenue generated within the travel industry and identify the emerging trends.

Customer Analysis

Examine your target market in detail, including demographics, travel behaviors, and customer preferences. Understand your ideal clients and tailor your services to satisfy their specific needs.

Do thorough customer research and understand how your target audience plans and experiences trips. This can help better customize packages and offerings to meet your clients’ needs.

Want help writing a target customer segmentation for your travel agency business? Use Upmetrics AI writing assistant now and easily draft your business plan sections:

Competitor Analysis

As a travel agent, assemble a list of direct and indirect competitors in the travel agency industry. You can consider both classic brick-and-mortar travel agencies and online travel agencies.

Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each competitor, including service offerings, tour packages & quality, customer reviews, and marketing strategies.

Understanding these competitor factors will help you determine areas where your travel agency can differentiate itself and stand out in the competitive landscape.

Execute a SWOT analysis to find internal strengths & weaknesses of your travel company and external opportunities & threats in the travel industry.

Take reference from the below example showing a SWOT analysis for an XYZ travel agency business:

SWOT analysis for an travel agency business

Based on SWOT analysis, formulate strategies to capitalize on opportunities and mitigate threats to outline competitive advantage.

Some extra tips for drafting this section of your travel company business plan:

  • Use reputable sources to gather data, including industry reports, market research studies, and surveys.
  • Be specific and provide detailed info wherever possible.
  • Include charts and graphs to demonstrate your key points.
  • Keep your target audience in mind while documenting the business plan.

5. Propose Your Service Offerings

Next, define the scope of your service offerings and clarify how they meet the diverse needs of your clients.

It must be informative, precise, and client-focused, as it is a detailed breakdown of different services that your travel company offers your customers.

As a travel agency, detail your service offerings, such as bookings, accommodations, vacation packages, international/domestic trips, custom-made business trips, or any cruise bookings.

Effectively disseminate your travel services with a detailed description of what it entails, service specifications, precise pricing plans, or any client reviews.

Here, you can take a reference from the below example to illustrate travel agency services:

1 . Guided Tours

Our guided tours are led by knowledgeable local guides who provide valuable insights into the culture and history of each destination.

Price: Varies by destination, starting at [$50] per person

Specifications: Group sizes are limited to 15 people, and tours typically last 2-3 hours.

2. Accommodation Booking

We offer a range of accommodation options, from luxury hotels to charming bed and breakfasts, ensuring our clients have a comfortable stay.

Price: Varies by location and accommodation type, starting at [$100] per night

Specifications: Accommodations are vetted for quality, safety, and comfort.

Not only that, describe any specialized services in your travel agency business plan template that set your travel agency apart so investors can quickly understand your business scope.

In addition to planning & booking, highlight additional services (trip consultations, wedding planning, speaking at industry events, providing training to other travel agents) and mention third-party partners(if any).

6. Outline a Sales and Marketing Plan

Comprehensive sales & marketing efforts can help your business grow by leaps and bounds. Carry out market analysis and develop clear sales and marketing strategies for reaching your target customers.

For travel agency businesses, explain your preliminary approach and promotion tactics to acquiring either local or international customers.

Also, discuss affordable/high-quality travel packages you provide, their prices, and hassle-free transactions at the point of sale. Here are some of the sales and marketing strategies for travel agencies:

Unique selling proposition

Emphasize the agency’s capability to offer personalized customer service, a variety of communication modes, and 24/7 customer support. Present exclusive access to unique destinations, experiences, and special perks.

Pricing Strategy

Implement a flexible and competitive pricing plan that caters to a diverse client base. It allows the agency to adapt to market dynamics, provide value to customers, and uphold a profitable business.

Take reference from the below example written using Upmetrics’ travel agency business plan template:

Pricing Strategy for travel agency business

Offline strategies

Create visually appealing brochures and distribute print materials to local businesses, travel agencies, and strategic locations. Implement a referral program and try to provide discounts or exclusive festive offers.

Social Media Marketing

Utilize social media platforms(Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) to highlight travel packages, engage with the target audience, and build a community around travel enthusiasts.

Content Marketing

Create a content marketing strategy comprising blog posts, travel guides, and visually appealing content to encourage potential customers to consider your agency for their travel needs.


Partner with local businesses, hotels, and travel-related service providers to promote your service offerings. Attend travel fairs, trade shows, or community events to network with potential clients.

7. Introduce Your Team

The management team section offers an opportunity to showcase your strength as a travel agent. It should include a thorough plan for your travel agency’s key managers, employees, or sub-travel agents.

Mention their roles & responsibilities or relevant experience in the related fields or travel agency industry. Also, highlight their expertise that contributes to your agency’s success.

Try to break down overall payroll expenses, such as how much their compensation, commission split, base salary, or whether you will give any bonuses or benefits to your employees.

average salary of travel agency employees

If you need to hire employees or a travel agent, emphasize how many individuals you will need and how much you will pay them.

This can provide brief details to the investors and help them understand what exactly you plan to staff your agency and pay your employees.

If applicable, you can also design an organizational chart for your travel agency. This can help you demonstrate who your key members are and what roles they serve in your travel agency.

8. Outline Business Operations

Now, it’s time to develop an in-depth look into the day-to-day functions of your travel agency. Paint a picture of seamless operations and ensure that your business runs smoothly.

Describe the entire operational cycle of the tour business, including staffing, how bookings are managed, customer service procedures, technology used, and safety measures for handling unforeseen circumstances.

Include the below subsections in your travel agent business plan operations section:

Highlight the number of employees required, and opening hours, and briefly outline the responsibilities of each team member and training programs. Refer to the below example written using Upmetrics AI assistant :

Customer Service Procedures

From pre-travel assistance to emergency response, prioritize customer satisfaction, efficient techniques, and effective client communication to ensure a positive and stress-free travel journey.

Equipment & Technology

Explain what kind of equipment & technology you will need to run your travel agency. Include a brief idea of how you will reach some travel agency milestones and look forward as your business grows.

You might consider below things:

  • Office equipment(Telephone, fax, or scanner)
  • Travel agency website
  • Booking tools
  • Itinerary builders
  • Customer Relationship Management(CRM)
  • Invoicing and payment processing tools

9. Prepare Financial Plan

Currently, you are in a business planning stage, but dedicating some time to putting together the most realistic financial projections is very crucial.

Having a well-structured and in-depth travel agency financial plan will help you show the tentative spending as well as the revenue forecasts and budgets if your travel company is seeking funding from investors.

In this section, you will need to make a few assumptions that will greatly affect the financial statements of your agency. Take a look at the below table to make important assumptions:

assumptions that affect the financial statements of travel agency

Mention all the below financial aspects in your travel agency business plan:

  • Income statement (Profit and loss statement)
  • Cash flow statement
  • Balance sheet
  • Sales forecast
  • Break-even analysis
  • Business ratios
  • Investment strategies
  • Exit strategy

From the above financial statements, you can identify the startup funding needs and evaluate the funding resources for your agency, such as bank loans, angel investors, crowdfunding, or personal savings.

Well, keeping a realistic financial report in your hand not only helps you demonstrate your agency’s fiscal health but also emphasizes its sustainability.

However, calculating all the financial elements from scratch can be overwhelming. But don’t worry; consider Upmetrics’ financial forecasting tool .

All you have to do is fill in all the details you have and let the tool calculate financial factors, and create visual reports for you. No manual data entry, placing Excel formulas, or designing graphs—nothing.

Here’s an example of a projected balance sheet for the next 3 years using Upmetrics:

projected balance sheet example of travel agency business

Download a travel agency business plan template

Need help writing your travel agency business plan from scratch? Well, here you go; download our free travel agency business plan template now and get started.

This modern, user-friendly business plan template is specifically designed for travel agencies. With a step-by-step guide and example, it helps you write a professional plan without missing any crucial steps.

Simply import data into your preferred editor and start writing!

The Quickest Way to turn a Business Idea into a Business Plan

Fill-in-the-blanks and automatic financials make it easy.


Start preparing your business plan with AI

Finally! With the help of our sample business plan template, you know how to write a travel agency business plan. So, you are one step closer to starting your travel agency business confidently- pretty exciting, right?

But you know what else is more exciting? Your business planning process can be even smoother than this. Yes, you heard it right; it’s possible with the help of Upmetrics AI Assistant.

So, don’t wait, and start planning now !

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Frequently asked questions, where can i find a free travel agency business plan template.

There are various online platforms where you can find free travel agency business plan templates. Consider a reputable business planning website—Upmetrics, which offers free templates to help you get started.

What should be included in a travel agency business plan?

A comprehensive travel agency business plan should include below key components:

  • Executive summary
  • Company overview
  • Market research and industry analysis
  • Services offered
  • Sales and marketing strategy
  • Management team
  • Operational plan
  • Financial plan

How often should i update my travel agency business plan?

It is advised to regularly update your travel agency business plan to reflect changes in the market, industry trends, and business growth. Review and update your plan at least once a year or more often if there are significant changes in your business.

What financial projections are necessary for a travel agency business plan?

Make sure that you include the following financial factors in your travel agency business plan:

  • Startup costs
  • Revenue projections
  • income statement (Profit and loss statement)
  • Projected cash flow

About the Author

how to make a business plan for tourism

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Upmetrics is the #1 business planning software that helps entrepreneurs and business owners create investment-ready business plans using AI. We regularly share business planning insights on our blog. Check out the Upmetrics blog for such interesting reads. Read more

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Travel Tour Agency Business Plan Template

Download this free travel tour agency business plan template, with pre-filled examples, to create your own plan..

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Get the most out of your business plan example

Follow these tips to quickly develop a working business plan from this sample.

1. Don't worry about finding an exact match

We have over 550 sample business plan templates . So, make sure the plan is a close match, but don't get hung up on the details.

Your business is unique and will differ from any example or template you come across. So, use this example as a starting point and customize it to your needs.

2. Remember it's just an example

Our sample business plans are examples of what one business owner did. That doesn't make them perfect or require you to cram your business idea to fit the plan structure.

Use the information, financials, and formatting for inspiration. It will speed up and guide the plan writing process.

3. Know why you're writing a business plan

To create a plan that fits your needs , you need to know what you intend to do with it.

Are you planning to use your plan to apply for a loan or pitch to investors? Then it's worth following the format from your chosen sample plan to ensure you cover all necessary information.

But, if you don't plan to share your plan with anyone outside of your business—you likely don't need everything.

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Your Passport to Success: A Comprehensive Guide to Launching a Tourism Business

  • Published: July 13, 2023
  • By: Yellowbrick

Spotting the Opportunity

Carving your unique niche, constructing a comprehensive business plan, arranging the financial framework, jumping through legal hoops, crafting a magnetic brand, building a strong online presence, launching and marketing your venture, splash your unique colors onto the vast canvas of the tourism industry.

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Haramritjot Singh Founder, Cash Cow NYC I’m a kid from the Bronx, I’m a first generation American, I’m a Sikh, I’m a father in his thirties, and now I’m the owner of a clothing brand. I serve as a prime example to many different people from so many different circumstances that starting a small business and following your dreams is possible.

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Giulia Baldini Fashion Journalist/Editor and Academic Researcher, Lehman College I represent the underrepresented with words. I report stories and narratives that center on the fashion industry, specifically when the protagonists are from the African Diaspora, when they are sustainable businesses, and when they are engaged in minorities' activism.

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Elena Takmakova Manager - International Production, Universal Music Group The thing that keeps me on track is remembering how far I've come. Just that simple feeling of being proud of myself can make miracles.

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how to make a business plan for tourism

Your Passport to Success: A Comprehensive Guide to Launching a Tourism Business

  • Published: July 13, 2023
  • By: Yellowbrick

Setting foot into the vast landscape of the tourism industry might seem like attempting to scale Mount Everest. However ,  bear in mind , just like any mountain , t his behemoth can be conquered step by step . Wrapped in this guide is your trusty sherpa, ready to guide you through the precipitous path of launching a tourism business. Brace yourself for an exhilarating expedition, interspersed with pearls of wisdom, as we unfold the blueprint for your entrepreneurial success.

Resting on our laurels isn’t an option when there’s an entire landscape to be explored. The tourism industry, much like an uncharted terrain, necessitates a thorough exploration. Having a comprehensive game plan will prevent you from losing your bearings amid the wilderness . So, fasten your seatbelts and put on your thinking caps; it’s time to traverse the exciting topography of creating a successful tourism business.

Spotting the Opportunity

In the buzzing beehive of business , identifying a distinctive honeycomb  – or rather , a unique   opportunity – is the cornerstone of entrepreneurial success . Now, don’t get caught with your pants down thinking it’s a cakewalk; it demands a discerning eye for detail and a pulse on what consumers are hankering for. Initiate your quest by examining your surroundings. What seems absent? What exclusive offering can you bring to the table that others haven’t?

Once the spark of an idea ignites,  it’s crucial to fan its flames to ensure its sustainability . The flash-in-the-pan ideas might create an initial buzz but they’re like shooting stars, fading away as quickly as they appear. To avoid this pitfall, conduct an in-depth market validation. It’s akin to checking the depth of the river before taking the plunge – you wouldn’t want your business to flounder due to a lack of demand . So, roll up your sleeves and dive headfirst into market research to substantiate your idea’s feasibility.

Carving Your Unique Niche

Now that you’ve got a winning idea in your arsenal, it’s time to etch out your unique niche . While it’s easy to get lost in the crowd in an industry as broad as tourism, having a distinct identity can help your venture stand out. It’s about not just being another face in the crowd , but the one that turns heads and commands attention .

Tailoring a unique business proposition is like threading a needle – it requires precision and a clear understanding of what you’re capable of delivering. Consider your strengths and how they can be leveraged to provide a unique experience for your customers. Remember, t he aim is to create a service that’s as unique as a fingerprint ,  an offering that’s distinctly yours and resonates with your target audience . This is your golden ticket to carve out a successful space in the tourism industry.

Constructing a Comprehensive Business Plan

A solid business plan is akin to a well-crafted blueprint ; it lays down a firm foundation and guides your venture’s growth. Think of it as the ‘master plan,’ containing the DNA of your business – everything from your mission and objectives to financial forecasts and marketing strategies.

First off, you’ll need to define your business model . In other words, decide how you’ll earn your bread and butter. Will you focus on luxury travel, budget packages, adventure tourism, or cultural experiences? Furthermore, pin down your target audience . Who will be lining up to avail of your services? Young globetrotters, retired explorers, corporate clients, or thrill-seekers? Understanding your clientele is half the battle won.

Arranging the Financial Framework

Finance is the lifeblood of any business. Ensuring you have your ducks in a row when it comes to funding is absolutely vital . Whether you’re bootstrapping, seeking investors, or applying for loans, having a robust financial plan is crucial.

Start by determining your startup costs – the price tag for getting your venture off the ground. Then, l ay out a clear projection of your revenue and expenses for the first few years . By doing so, you’re not just shooting in the dark but are well-prepared for the financial challenges ahead. Remember, it’s always better to be safe than sorry.

Jumping Through Legal Hoops

The legal aspect of setting up a business might seem like a minefield, but don’t fret. It’s simply about understanding what’s required and ensuring all the t’s are crossed and the i’s are dotted. You’ll need to select a business structure , r egister your business name , and obtain necessary licenses and permits .

While it might seem like you’re climbing a legal mountain, taking it one step at a time can make it manageable. It’s worth considering seeking professional help to navigate this complex terrain. A misstep here could cost you heavily, so proceed with caution.

Crafting a Magnetic Brand

Creating a compelling brand is akin to crafting a magnet ; it should attract your target audience and resonate with them on a deeper level. Your brand is more than just a logo or a tagline; it’s the embodiment of your business’s personality, values, and promises.

To create a brand that turns heads, you must understand what makes your business tick . What’s your story? What are your core values? How do you want to be perceived by your audience? By answering these questions, you can shape a brand that is both authentic and appealing.

Building a Strong Online Presence

In the digital age, having an online presence is not a luxury but a necessity . It’s like your open-for-business sign that’s visible globally. A captivating website, active social media profiles, and a strategic SEO plan are vital components of your online presence.

A website is your digital storefront ,  and social media platforms are your public forums . They offer an opportunity to engage with your audience, showcase your services, and build trust. On the other hand, SEO can help your business get discovered by potential customers. It’s like having a well-lit billboard on the internet highway.

Launching and Marketing Your Venture

Finally, it’s time for the curtain-raiser – the launch of your venture . However, simply opening your doors won’t get the cash registers ringing; you’ll need a robust marketing strategy to put your business on the map .

A successful marketing plan isn’t just about big-budget advertising campaigns. It’s about identifying the most effective channels to reach your audience, creating engaging content, and fostering relationships with your customers. Remember, word of mouth is a powerful tool in the tourism industry . A satisfied customer can be your most effective marketing agent.

Splash Your Unique Colors Onto the Vast Canvas of the Tourism Industry

Embarking on the trail of the tourism business, as you’ve journeyed through this guide, is undoubtedly more marathon than sprint. Yet, w ith the perfect blend of preparation , vision , and undying tenacity , this intricate maze can be traversed to emerge as a beacon of entrepreneurial success . This guide has endeavored to be your trusty torchbearer, illuminating the vital steps to morph your fledgling business idea from an abstract thought to a concrete, profitable venture.

From identifying golden opportunities to that euphoric moment of launching your venture, it’s paramount to remember:  the journey carves the entrepreneur just as much as the destination . It’s the blend of grit, the relentless grind, those fleeting moments of despair punctuated by exhilarating peaks of triumph, that crafts the entrepreneurial spirit.

But here’s the best part:  your journey doesn’t have to end with this guide . Oh, no. Picture this; an opportunity to splash your unique colors onto the vast canvas of the tourism industry, guided by expert hands. Exciting, right? Well, that’s not just a dream anymore.

Cue the drumroll, please… Enter the world of tourism from the comfort of your living room. Yes, you read that right! In this era of high-speed digital connectivity, your journey of learning and discovery is just beginning.

A treasure trove of knowledge and expertise lies within your reach, awaiting exploration. We’re talking about navigating unique paths in the tourism sector, all without leaving your home. It’s a game-changer!

To top it off, Yellowbrick ,  in collaboration with the renowned New York University ( NYU ), presents an online Hospitality and Tourism Industry Essentials Course . Guided by seasoned faculty from NYU and industry insiders, this program is designed to steer you through the winding corridors of establishing a successful tourism business.

This all-encompassing program, delivered entirely online, dives deep into the ocean of the hospitality and tourism industry. The program features  six online course modules , with each course taking approximately 3-5 hours. It’s thoughtfully broken down into digestible lessons that students can complete at their own pace. The cherry on top?  A non-credit certificate of completion from the globally-recognized NYU to amplify your professional portfolio upon successful completion .

With this guide as your compass and the opportunity to enroll in an insightful online course, you’re primed to carve your path to success in the tourism industry. It’s an exciting vista waiting to be adorned with your unique imprint.

So, what are you waiting for? The clock is ticking , and the stage is set for you to dive in and bring your dream tourism business to life . Remember, the essence of success lies not just in reaching the summit but in relishing the climb and embracing growth. So, here’s to your future success as a thriving tourism tycoon. Godspeed!

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A Step-By-Step Guide to Creating a Tour and Travel Business Plan

Are you thinking about starting a tour and travel business? If so, you will need to create a business plan. This document is essential for any business, and it will help you map out your goals and strategies.

In this blog post, we will outline a step-by-step guide on creating a tour company business plan. By following these steps, you will be able to create a plan that is tailored to your specific business. Let's get started!

Why Your Tour Company Needs a Tour Company Business Plan

For any tour company to be successful, they need to have a well-developed business plan.

A business plan acts as a roadmap, providing essential information on the market and industry you are operating in, the marketing strategy you can use to reach your target audience, pricing structures and legal regulations related to the operations of your business.

A well-crafted plan also allows entrepreneurs to budget their tours, identify potential areas of risk before they start operations and find ways to gain competitive edge over competitors. It serves as an invaluable guide that can help businesses make informed decisions on all aspects of running a prosperous venture while also providing assurance that they are compliant with all applicable local laws.

Benefits of a Tour Operator Business Plan

Having a written plan helps you set realistic objectives and develop operational marketing strategy built for success. So when starting out with your own tour company, it pays to invest time into creating an effective business plan that covers all bases.

Doing so will enable you to launch a strong product that stands out and provides customers ultimate satisfaction!

How do I write a tour operator business plan?

Now that you understand why a tour and travel business needs a well-crafted business plan, you're probably wondering how to create one. Sure, you can just use a tour business plan template, but it's still better to craft your own tour business plan.

So, here are the steps you need to follow to create one.

Executive summary

An executive summary is the first and most important part of your tour business plan. In a single page, you should include your company's mission and vision statement, objectives and strategies, financial projections and any other relevant information. This is the part where you need to grab people's attention and make a strong first impression.

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As the word executive summary suggests, though, make sure it is short and to the point . You don't want to bore readers with lengthy introductions or details they don't need.

Important points to add in your executive summary are the following:

  • clear business concept
  • goals and vision
  • what sets you apart
  • your target market
  • marketing strategies
  • projected financial state
  • the purpose of your business plan, whether to attract investors or strictly for your own planning purposes

Company overview

Your company overview should give a detailed understanding of who you are and what you do as a tour business. Explain your company's history, vision and mission statements along with the services you offer.

travel agency business plan template, adventure travel business, travel agents, travel company

Be sure to also include not only what you do, but why you do it. Your company may have a unique angle that sets you apart from the competition.

For example, what is it in your skydiving or guided tours or adventures that sets you apart from the other you in your area? Defining your company overview serves as a brand story that your customers can connect to and guides you to the right direction.

Industry analysis

This is where you discuss the broad and deep travel industry research in your specific industry. An industry analysis is also called that market analysis of your travel business.

You need to identify the current tour and travel trends, understand your target market, evaluate existing tour companies in your field and analyze your strategies.

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When analyzing the tourism industry where your travel agency business operates, you should also be aware of any new tour technology, laws, and regulations. Doing your due diligence on the tourism industry will give you a better understanding of the tour market and how to position your tour business.

Competitor analysis

Your tour business plan should also include a competitor analysis. This helps you understand the market forces and how your business can compete against them.

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Analyzing tour competitors should include looking at your prices, packages and tour quality. Doing this will help you come up with ways to position your tour business and make it stand out.

You might also conduct a SWOT analysis to identify your company's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.

Customer analysis

Having a tour plan that includes an analysis of your customers helps you understand your target clients. It involves researching their needs and preferences, satisfaction and feedback.

By doing customer research, you can better customize packages and services to meet your customers' needs. This will help them build loyal customer relationships, eventually resulting in more tour bookings.

Operational planning

Here goes the most detailed and meaty part of tour business planning. In this important section, you should include your legal structure, risk management strategies and management plans.

tour operator business plan, marketing strategy, business plan

You should also include safety measures and policies they are planning to implement. This helps businesses stay organized, be accountable and avoid tour-related risks.

This is also where you will consider any tour software they might need to manage operations – from booking software, distribution channels, or any other partnerships with other businesses.

Team Summary

Use your team summary section to list the key people involved in your tour business and their roles. This is also where you can list any experts, guides, operators, and the management team you will be working with.

Using an organizational chart will allow you to quickly visualize the team structure and make sure all tour business roles are filled.

Financial planning

Your financial plan is an essential element of successful business planning. When creating a business plan, you should include revenue forecasts and expenses. They can also include pricing strategy, cost control methods, cash flow forecasts, financial statements and balance sheets.

tour operator business plan, employees, future

Having a tour financial plan will help you make better business decisions, raise capital and compile budgets. If your travel company is seeking potential investors, you should also include your investment strategies and exit plans.

Marketing plan

It goes without saying that tour marketing is an important component of tour businesses.

Your tour business plan should include marketing strategies and promotion tactics. This includes your pricing, advertising channels, and other marketing ways. You should also consider how you are going to use social media and other tour-related technologies to reach your target customers.

Wrapping up

Creating a tour business plan can be overwhelming, but it is essential for tour businesses. Taking the time to do your research and include all the necessary elements in your tour business plan will help ensure success.

As an overview, here are the parts of a successful tourism business plan:

  • executive summary
  • company overview
  • competitor analysis
  • customer analysis
  • operational plans
  • team summary
  • financial planning
  • marketing plan.

Get started with Ticketinghub

Investing in tour technology and software is also a great way to make your tour business stand out from the competition. Online reservation software for tour operators like Ticketinghub is designed to help tour businesses manage tour bookings, marketing and operations.

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Our platform is simple enough for any business owner to use yet powerful enough to grow a large travel company's sales. We offer the most complete solution on the market with features like automated pricing, customizable booking engine, instant online quotes and more than 40 different languages supported by our customer service team.

Furthermore, you can integrate other programs and tools such as Google Analytics, Stripe, SumUp, and more.

Make the most of your tours and activities reservations with Ticketinghub. Book a demo to learn more today.

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How to start a Tour Operator business in 2024: A step-by-step guide

By Brieanne Biblow

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There are so many benefits of being a tour operator , but taking the first step to start your own tour company? That can feel daunting. Like any start-up business, there are lots of pieces that need to come together before you welcome your first customers. With countless resources out there, it’s easy to get overwhelmed when you’ve asked yourself “How do I start an online tour operator business?” We’re here to give you more than just a few tips on starting a travel and tour company. Dive into our practical step-by-step guide on how to start your own tour company.

How to start a Tour Operator business in 2024

1. choose a business niche, 2. register your tour company, 3. design your tour, 4. build relationships  , 5. market your tour, 6. launch your tour, choose a business niche.

how to make a business plan for tourism

Find your passion

The first step to becoming a tour operator is to know what you’re passionate about. If you survey a handful of happy tour guests, do you know the number one thing they’ll say makes a difference between a good tour and a tour they’ll recommend to all their friends? A passionate tour guide.

Your passion for cooking could translate into delicious food tours, or your love of the outdoors could turn into hiking tours, even a passion for all things spooky could transform into starting a ghost tour business. So, take some time to find your passion that you can’t wait to share with others every day.

Evaluate your city

Once you have your passion in mind, it’s time to take a look at your city. Is it a popular tourist destination? Is there anything that’s not being explored? While passion is key, it’s equally important to identify if there’s an opportunity. Passion without opportunity is just a hobby. Check in with your local tourism board to see if they have any market research reports that outline the opportunities and challenges in the industry.

Dig into travel and tourism trends

The travel and tourism industry, like any industry, can see larger trends in pop culture trickle down and open up entirely new business opportunities. Your potential customers are being influenced by trends, so why not do some research, incorporate ones that feel like a fit for you, and watch more bookings roll in.

Some 2024 tourism trends that will be influencing travelers:

  • Multi-generational tours : Post-retirement boomers will be looking to travel with their entire families. So creating a tour offering that has something for the whole family could be a great idea.
  • Cultural connection : More and more, savvy travelers are always looking for something truly authentic to the destination they’ve traveled to. That doesn’t mean you have to be the authentic expert. Instead, think about exploring opportunities to partner with other start-up businesses in your community that could add this element to your tour offering.
  • From screens to reality: Keeping a pulse on popular TV shows and movies can be a great way to come up with unique tour ideas that can target new customers for your business.

Identify your target market

Now that you have innovative tourism ideas , you need to map out what your ideal potential customer looks like. Think about the types of people that will be attracted to your tour.

  • What’s their age demographic?
  • Where are they coming from?
  • What language(s) do they speak?
  • What interests do they have?

Who your customers are will determine many of the decisions you make later. This information will also be crucial when you create your marketing strategy. So, take the time to get to know your target market.

Research your competitors

Having found your tour idea and evaluated the market in the previous section, you’re almost ready to register your tour company. But first, you’ll need to research your competition, so you know what you’re up against. Head to Google and search simple like “tour operators near me” and ask yourself:

  • What are they doing well?
  • Where are their gaps?
  • What are their price points like?

Then, find ways to differentiate yourself and stand out.

Register your tour company

how to make a business plan for tourism

With your research complete, now is a good time to consider your options for registering your business. Go to your local tourism board and find out the requirements for starting a tour company in your area. Here are some of the legalities you might have to go through.

Name your tour business

The first thing you need to do is name your business. Your tour name will be used in all of your documentation. Make sure your name is both memorable and descriptive. The most important is if the website domain is available. If your name checks all the boxes, go to your local Registrar of Companies to get it approved and then purchase your domain.

Register your business

Now that you have a name you’re ready to make things official by registering your business. There are different options for how you register— sole proprietorship, partnerships, corporations. Speaking to a small business accountant is a great idea to understand the tax implications of each option. Then, evaluate the pros and cons of each before you make your decision.

Get your business license and permits

Once you’ve registered your business, you’ll need to get a local business license. Check in with your local municipality to do this. You might need to obtain additional permits and licensing based on where you are operating and if you have any vehicles.

Purchase liability insurance

Protect your business, yourself, and your guests by getting liability insurance. Accidents happen, that’s a given. But to ensure that you aren’t held personally liable, you’ll want to meet with an insurance company to learn about what coverage your business needs. Some commonly required in the tourism industry are:

  • Commercial General Liability (CGL)
  • Property Insurance
  • Accounts Receivable Insurance

Register as a tour guide

If you are guiding, you might need to complete a course to become a licensed tourist guide. This allows you to take tourists around a designated geographical area. To find out if you need to register as a guide, check in with your local tourism board.

Open a business bank account

Now that you have a business license, you’ll want to open a corporate bank account. This will help you keep track of all your expenses and revenue and make accounting a lot easier.

Design your tour 

how to make a business plan for tourism

Write your business plan

With all the legalities taken care of, it’s time to write your business plan.

A business plan is a document that holds all of your ideas. It’s your roadmap that helps you determine how you’ll move forward. Include your company description, market analysis, partnership opportunities, and small business goals . It should also include your marketing plan, operations plan, and a list of your vendors, products, and services. It should also contain a variety of financial projections for your first 1-5 years of business. Remember: it’s okay if you don’t have all the answers right away, but it’s good to know what to focus on as you grow.

Side note: once you get up and running, you should learn how to develop a strategic plan to help you reach your ultimate vision for your tour operator business.

Create your Unique Selling Proposition

With your business plan in hand, it’s time to lock down your unique selling proposition.  This explains what makes your tour better than the competition. It’s the benefit that travelers can only get by booking with you — like that you provide ethical travels & tours .  You should be able to define this in one sentence.

Set your tour pricing

Now that you’ve evaluated your market it’s time to determine the value of your tour and choose what you will charge. It’s important to consider your operating costs and market value as well as what you think customers are willing to pay. This part often feels overwhelming for a lot of start-up businesses, which is why we’ve created our free Tour Operator Costing Sheet .

Craft your brand story

Now comes the fun part—it’s time to create a compelling story for your tour. Make sure it has a definite beginning, middle, and end. Find themes that you can carry through the entire experience. A clear narrative makes your tour more memorable.  The goal is to have your guests telling their friends all the neat things they learned in the weeks that follow.

Design a tour logo

Once you’ve created a story for your tour, it’s time to design your brand around it. The first step is to create a logo. Your logo is the visual representation of your business. It will be used in all of your marketing collateral. You can choose to work with a graphic designer, or give free tools like Canva a try. Lookin for some inspiration? Check out more ideas for branding your business .

Build a travel website

Alright! You’re finally ready to create an online presence for your business . This is how many travelers will find you when researching their trips. If you don’t know how to build a website you have a few options; you could hire a contractor, or try your hand with tools like: Wix , Squarespace , or WordPress . Whatever you choose, make sure your website works with online booking system (like Checkfront 😉).

Set up an online booking system

You don’t just want travelers to find you online; you want them to make, and pay, for reservations right on your website. To do this, you need an online booking system . Your booking system can also be used to process your in-person and over the phone reservations. Here are a few links that will help you find the platform that’s right for you.

  • What is an Online Booking System?
  • How to Create an Online Booking System in 24 Hours (or Less)
  • Start Using Checkfront’s Booking System for Free

Build Relationships 

how to make a business plan for tourism

Talk to other tour guides

When starting a business, many entrepreneurs think they need to do everything on their own. This can lead to loneliness and frustration. But, you don’t have to do it alone. Many guides would be happy to share their knowledge with you. Go out and build relationships with other operators in your city, who aren’t direct competitors. Online communities like Tourpreneur are an invaluable resource for tour operators at any stage of their business.

Connect with the local tourism community

Take any opportunity you have to build relationships with local business . While it’s difficult to walk into a room full of strangers and feel like an outsider, you won’t regret pushing yourself to meet other business owners. You’ll feel connected to people in the same boat as you and get a lot from the relationships you make. Just don’t forget to give back. Here are a few key relationships you should build locally:

  • With your local city council
  • Your local tourism or destination management organization (DMO)
  • Your local tourist information office
  • Hotel front desks and tour desks

Market Your Tour

how to make a business plan for tourism

With your target market defined and your marketing strategy ready to go, it’s time to get the word out about your amazing business! From online travel agents to social media to email marketing, we’ll cover it all:

List your tours on OTAs

Make it easy for travelers to find you by listing your tour on online travel agents (OTAs). OTA’s like Viator, Expedia Local Expert, Google Things To Do and GetYourGuide already have experience in digital advertising and have built up a mass following. While they will take a commission from your sales, they also have a significant amount of marketing spend at their disposal that your business can benefit from.

Think about it like selling vegetables — while you could set up a booth at a local farmer’s market, you’ll probably get far more customers by selling in a grocery store.

Implement SEO best practices

Now that you’re tour is listed with a couple online travel agents, it’s time to start driving traffic to your website. The best long-term strategy to do so is through search engine optimization (SEO). You can use SEO best practices to optimize your site for Google and other search engines. One of the best things to do is to SEO optimize your product descriptions . That way when someone searches for something related to your tour, your website shows up in search results.

Buy Google Adwords

While SEO is great, it’s a long-term strategy and can takee time to crawl up Google or Bing’s search rankings. To get immediate results you can buy AdWords. Instead of waiting for Google’s algorithm to show your website on the results page, you bid on specific keywords related to your business so your site shows up on top of the page.

Start email marketing

With steady visitor traffic coming to your website, you’ll want to capture their emails so you can stay in touch with them. Email marketing is a powerful tool when done right but it will take some work to stand out in your customers’ inboxes. Our Complete Guide to Email Marketing for Tourism Operators is a great place to start.

Get on Facebook and Instagram

Social media is where your customers are likely spending most of their time online, so you should be there, too. Creating a Facebook page and Instagram account will let you connect to your customers, post pictures of your tours, and make your company information easy to share and recommend. Plus, you can use Facebook Messenger or Instagram’s Direct Messages to answer questions and use the ad network on both platforms to help more people discover your tour.

Launch Your Tour

how to make a business plan for tourism

Host Your Friends and Family

As you prepare for a successful business launch , you’ll want to do a few test runs. We recommend a pre-launch buzz campaign or hosting a few friends and family first. Think of it as your dress rehearsal. Go through the tour from start to finish and collect as much feedback as you can. Once you feel confident that you’ve worked out the kinks, you’re ready to launch! 

Final thoughts

Building your own tour business is no easy feat. From designing a tour and evaluating your market, to building relationships, your brand, your online presence, and getting those first customers through the door. There’s a lot of pieces to put together. However, following this step-by-step guide and your intuition you’ll have a successful tour operator business in no time.

Want to get your tour business off to a running start?

how to make a business plan for tourism

Join the 30 Day ‘Things to Do’ Challenge for Tour Operators.

Tackle one small task a day and watch your business grow.

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Travel Agency Business Plan Template

Written by Dave Lavinsky

Travel Agency Business Plan

You’ve come to the right place to create your Travel Agency business plan.

We have helped over 10,000 entrepreneurs and business owners create business plans and many have used them to start or grow their travel agencies.

Below is a template to help you create each section of your Travel Agency business plan.

Executive Summary

Business overview.

My Itinerary Travel Agency is a new travel agency located in Boca Raton, Florida. The company is founded by Sandra Rodriguez, an experienced travel agent who has gained valuable knowledge on how to run a travel agency during the past ten years while working at Fun Destinations Travel Agency. Now that Sandra has experienced managing a travel agency, she is ready to start her own company, My Itinerary Travel Agency. Sandra is confident that her organizational and communication skills, combined with her understanding of business management, will enable her to run a profitable travel agency of her own. Sandra is recruiting a team of highly qualified professionals to help manage the day-to-day complexities of running a travel agency – sales and marketing, vendor relationships, customer relationship management, budgeting, and financial reporting.

My Itinerary Travel Agency will provide a full suite of travel planning services for individuals nationwide through its sophisticated online platform and accompanying customer app. My Itinerary Travel Agency will be the go-to travel agency for personalized service, convenience, and expertise of its travel agents. The company will be the ultimate choice for customer service while offering the best travel accommodations available.

Product Offering

The following are the services that My Itinerary Travel Agency will provide:

  • Airline travel bookings
  • Tour and travel package sales
  • Accommodation reservations and bookings
  • Cruise bookings
  • Car rental reservations
  • Travel ticket sales and reservations
  • Tour ticket sales and reservations

Customer Focus

My Itinerary Travel Agency will target individuals nationwide who are looking for personalized and convenient travel planning services. The company will target vacationers, tourists, and business travelers who are seeking the best deals on premium accommodations. No matter the customer, My Itinerary Travel Agency will deliver the best communication, service, and the best prices.

Management Team

My Itinerary Travel Agency will be owned and operated by Sandra Rodriguez. Sandra is a graduate of Florida University with a degree in business. She has over ten years of experience working as a travel agent for another local agency. Sandra will be the company’s chief executive officer. She will oversee the travel agency staff, manage customer relationships, and build vendor relationships.

Sandra has recruited sales and marketing expert, Sara Anderson, to be the company’s chief marketing officer and help oversee travel agency’s sales and marketing activities. Sara will handle all branding, marketing, advertising, and outreach for the company. She will also create and maintain the company’s online and social media presence. Sara has a Master’s degree in Marketing and has nearly ten years of experience working as a marketing director for a leading travel industry corporation.

Success Factors

My Itinerary Travel Agency will be able to achieve success by offering the following competitive advantages:

  • Skilled team of travel agents combined with the latest technology in the industry will allow the company to provide its clients with personalized service and modern convenience to make planning their trip easy and efficient.
  • The members of the leadership team have long standing relationships with a large pool of vendors, allowing them to provide clients with the best deals possible on premium accommodations.
  • The company offers a variety of modes of communication to better serve more clients’ preferences. Customers can speak with a travel agent in person, via telephone, video call, email, or chat through the website or app. Support is available 24/7 to ensure all clients’ questions and concerns are promptly attended to.

Financial Highlights

My Itinerary Travel Agency is seeking $290,000 in debt financing to launch its travel agency. The funding will be dedicated towards securing the office space, and purchasing office equipment and supplies. Funding will also be dedicated towards three months of overhead costs to include payroll of the staff and marketing expenses. The breakout of the funding is below:

  • Office build-out: $110,000
  • Office equipment, supplies, and materials: $70,000
  • Three months of overhead expenses (payroll, utilities): $90,000
  • Marketing costs: $10,000
  • Working capital: $10,000

The following graph below outlines the pro forma financial projections for My Itinerary Travel Agency.

Company Overview

Who is my itinerary travel agency.

My Itinerary Travel Agency is a newly established travel agency in Boca Raton, Florida. My Itinerary Travel Agency will be the first choice for anyone seeking a personalized approach, 24/7 support, and streamlined technology to make trip planning easy. The company will serve customers nationwide from their headquarters in Florida.

My Itinerary Travel Agency will be able to guarantee the best deals possible thanks to the leadership team members’ long standing relationships with a large network of vendors in the hospitality, transportation, and entertainment markets. The company’s team of highly qualified travel agents will provide personalized service to each client, removing the uncertainty and hassles associated with finding and booking the right accommodations.

My Itinerary Travel Agency History

My Itinerary Travel Agency is owned and operated by Sandra Rodriguez, an experienced travel agent who has gained valuable knowledge on how to run a travel agency during the past ten years while working at Fun Destinations Travel Agency. Now that Sandra has experienced managing a travel agency, she is ready to start her own company, My Itinerary Travel Agency. Sandra is confident that her organizational and communication skills, combined with her understanding of business management, will enable her to run a profitable travel agency of her own. Sandra is recruiting a team of highly qualified professionals to help manage the day-to-day complexities of running a travel agency – sales and marketing, vendor relationships, customer relationship management, budgeting, and financial reporting.

Since incorporation, My Itinerary Travel Agency has achieved the following milestones:

  • Registered My Itinerary Travel Agency, LLC to transact business in the state of Florida
  • Has identified the ideal location for the company’s office and is in the process of securing a lease
  • Reached out to numerous contacts to include transportation, hospitality, and entertainment companies to begin securing vendor contracts
  • Began recruiting a staff of accountants, travel agents, and other office personnel to work at My Itinerary Travel Agency

My Itinerary Travel Agency Services

  • Airline travel comparisons and bookings

Industry Analysis

The U.S. travel agency industry is valued at $48.5B with more than 90,600 businesses in operation and over 318,600 employees nationwide. Factors currently driving industry growth include an increase in domestic tourism and travel for overnight trips, vacations, and business purposes. More domestic travel typically results in more consumers using travel agencies to book their trips. The travel agency industry can be segmented by brick-and-mortar establishments or online businesses. The global market size for the online travel agency segment reached $432B last year and is expected to rise as more people use the internet to book their trips. The travel agency industry relies heavily on the use of technology. Industry operators must stay up-to-date on the latest travel technology in order to remain competitive in the market.

One of the most significant hurdles for travel agency operators is attracting customers in the age of do-it-yourself booking. Now that customers are able to book many of their travel accommodations themselves, travel agents must be able to demonstrate why booking with them is a better option. Some ways industry operators can add value are by providing personalized services, promotional discounts, and helpful information about accommodation options.

Customer Analysis

Demographic profile of target market.

My Itinerary Travel Agency will target individuals nationwide who are looking for personalized and convenient travel planning services. The company will target vacationers, tourists, and business travelers who are seeking the best deals on premium accommodations. No matter the customer, My Itinerary Travel Agency will deliver professional communication, service, and the best prices.

The precise demographics for Boca Raton, Florida are:

Zip Code:7871278718
Total Population13,05926,896
15 to 19 years3.6%3.6%
20 to 24 years61.4%62.2%
25 to 29 years21.0%20.5%
30 to 34 years14.0%13.7%
Household income $50,000 to $74,9991.2%2.3%
Household income $75,000 to $99,9999.8%10.2%
Household income $100,000 to $124,9993.6%3.2%
Household income $125,000 to $149,99910.8%8.9%
Household income $150,000 to $199,99927.4%27.2%
Household income $200,000 or more47.2%49.0%

Customer Segmentation

My Itinerary Travel Agency will primarily target the following customer profiles:

  • Individuals and families planning a vacation
  • Business travelers
  • Individuals and families in need of accommodations for events such as weddings, reunions, or conventions

Competitive Analysis

Direct and indirect competitors.

My Itinerary Travel Agency will face competition from other companies with similar business profiles. A description of each competitor company is below.

Fun Destinations Travel Agency

Fun Destinations Travel Agency is one of the largest and oldest travel agencies in Florida. The company was founded in 1958 in Boca Raton with one small office location. Now, the company has over 50 locations throughout multiple states. Fun Destinations specializes in booking accommodations for family vacationers. The company books accommodations near key family destinations such as theme parks, resorts, and tourist attractions. Fun Destinations is family owned and operated so the founders are familiar with the hassles associated with planning a family vacation. For this reason, Fun Destinations focuses on booking the best family-friendly accommodations so its clients can relax and enjoy the family fun.

Best Fit Vacations Travel Agency

Best Fit Vacations Travel Agency is a small travel agency catering to Boca Raton locals from its central office and nationwide clients via its online booking platform. The company was established in 1995 with the mission of providing vacation accommodations that will be “the best fit” for every client. Best Fit Vacations is owned and operated by industry professionals that have extensive experience working with vendors to negotiate the best deals for clients. The company strives to get the lowest prices for every booking and regularly finds additional savings and discounts other agencies might not know about.

Trustworthy Travel Agency

Trustworthy Travel Agency is a Boca Raton, Florida-based travel agency that provides superior service to its consumers. The company is able to provide a wide variety of travel accommodation bookings for customers in the area. Trustworthy Travel Agency has three locations throughout the state and operates an online booking platform for nationwide travelers. Customers can book online or over the phone at their convenience. The company uses an algorithm that finds the lowest prices on travel, lodging, and other accommodations across the country.

Competitive Advantage

My Itinerary Travel Agency will be able to offer the following advantages over their competition:

Marketing Plan

Brand & value proposition.

My Itinerary Travel Agency will offer the unique value proposition to its clientele:

  • My Itinerary Travel Agency offers the best deals through its extensive vendor network.
  • The company offers personalized customer service, a variety of communication modes, and 24/7 support.

Promotions Strategy

The promotions strategy for My Itinerary Travel Agency is as follows:

Social Media Marketing

The company’s chief marketing officer will create accounts on social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and YouTube. She will ensure My Itinerary Travel Agency maintains an active social media presence with regular updates and fun content to get customers excited about traveling.

Professional Associations and Networking

My Itinerary Travel Agency will become a member of professional associations such as the Travel Agency Association, American Travel Agents Society, and the Florida Travel Industry Association. The leadership team will focus their networking efforts on expanding the company’s vendor network.

Print Advertising

My Itinerary Travel Agency will invest in professionally designed print ads to display in programs or flyers at industry networking events. The company will also invest in professional ads to place in travel magazines and local publications.

Website/SEO Marketing

My Itinerary Travel Agency’s chief marketing officer will design the company website. The website will be well organized, informative, and list all the services that My Itinerary Travel Agency is able to provide. The website will also list testimonials from happy customers.

The chief marketing officer will also manage My Itinerary Travel Agency’s website presence with SEO marketing tactics so that when someone types in a search engine “best travel agency” or “travel agency near me”, My Itinerary Travel Agency will be listed at the top of the search results.

The pricing of My Itinerary Travel Agency will be on par with (and often lower than) competitors so customers feel they receive value when purchasing the company’s services.

Operations Plan

The following will be the operations plan for My Itinerary Travel Agency.

Operation Functions:

  • Sandra Rodriguez will be the chief executive officer for the company. She will oversee the travel agents, vendor relationships, and customer relations. Sandra has spent the past year recruiting the following staff:
  • Sara Anderson – chief marketing officer who will oversee all marketing strategies for the company and manage the website, social media, and outreach
  • Tom Brown – accountant who will provide all accounting, tax payments, and monthly financial reporting for the company
  • Christopher Jones – lead customer support manager who will directly oversee all customer support activities


My Itinerary Travel Agency will have the following milestones complete in the next six months.

12/1/2022 – Finalize contract to lease the office

12/15/2022 – Finalize personnel and staff employment contracts for the My Itinerary Travel Agency management team

1/1/2023 – Begin build-out/renovation of the office, and purchase office equipment and supplies

1/15/2023 – Begin networking at industry events and implement the marketing plan

2/15/2023 – Finalize contracts for initial vendors

3/15/2023 – My Itinerary Travel Agency officially opens for business

Financial Plan Business Plan FAQs

Key revenue & costs.

The revenue drivers for My Itinerary Travel Agency are the commissions earned as a percentage of bookings from vendors and fees charged to customers for consultations and services.

The cost drivers will be the overhead costs required in order to staff a travel agency firm. The expenses will be the payroll cost, utilities, greenhouse equipment and supplies, and marketing materials.

Funding Requirements and Use of Funds

Key assumptions.

The following outlines the key assumptions required in order to achieve the revenue and cost numbers in the financials and in order to pay off the startup business loan.

  • Average accommodations booked per month: 9,000
  • Average commissions per month: $15,000
  • Overhead costs per year: $640,000

Financial Projections

Income statement.

FY 1FY 2FY 3FY 4FY 5
Total Revenues$360,000$793,728$875,006$964,606$1,063,382
Expenses & Costs
Cost of goods sold$64,800$142,871$157,501$173,629$191,409
Initial expenditure$10,000$0$0$0$0
Total Expenses & Costs$291,815$416,151$454,000$483,240$514,754
EBITDA$68,185 $377,577 $421,005 $481,366 $548,628
Depreciation$27,160$27,160 $27,160 $27,160 $27,160
EBIT$41,025 $350,417 $393,845$454,206$521,468
Interest$23,462$20,529 $17,596 $14,664 $11,731
PRETAX INCOME$17,563 $329,888 $376,249 $439,543 $509,737
Net Operating Loss$0$0$0$0$0
Use of Net Operating Loss$0$0$0$0$0
Taxable Income$17,563$329,888$376,249$439,543$509,737
Income Tax Expense$6,147$115,461$131,687$153,840$178,408
NET INCOME$11,416 $214,427 $244,562 $285,703 $331,329

Balance Sheet

FY 1FY 2FY 3FY 4FY 5
Accounts receivable$0$0$0$0$0
Total Current Assets$184,257$381,832$609,654$878,742$1,193,594
Fixed assets$180,950$180,950$180,950$180,950$180,950
Depreciation$27,160$54,320$81,480$108,640 $135,800
Net fixed assets$153,790 $126,630 $99,470 $72,310 $45,150
TOTAL ASSETS$338,047$508,462$709,124$951,052$1,238,744
Debt$315,831$270,713$225,594$180,475 $135,356
Accounts payable$10,800$11,906$13,125$14,469 $15,951
Total Liability$326,631 $282,618 $238,719 $194,944 $151,307
Share Capital$0$0$0$0$0
Retained earnings$11,416 $225,843 $470,405 $756,108$1,087,437
Total Equity$11,416$225,843$470,405$756,108$1,087,437
TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY$338,047$508,462$709,124$951,052$1,238,744

Cash Flow Statement

FY 1FY 2FY 3FY 4FY 5
Net Income (Loss)$11,416 $214,427 $244,562 $285,703$331,329
Change in working capital($19,200)($1,966)($2,167)($2,389)($2,634)
Depreciation$27,160 $27,160 $27,160 $27,160 $27,160
Net Cash Flow from Operations$19,376 $239,621 $269,554 $310,473 $355,855
Net Cash Flow from Investments($180,950)$0$0$0$0
Cash from equity$0$0$0$0$0
Cash from debt$315,831 ($45,119)($45,119)($45,119)($45,119)
Net Cash Flow from Financing$315,831 ($45,119)($45,119)($45,119)($45,119)
Net Cash Flow$154,257$194,502 $224,436 $265,355$310,736
Cash at Beginning of Period$0$154,257$348,760$573,195$838,550
Cash at End of Period$154,257$348,760$573,195$838,550$1,149,286

What Is a Travel Agency Business Plan?

A travel agency business plan is a plan to start and/or grow your travel agency business. Among other things, it outlines your business concept, identifies your target customers, presents your marketing plan and details your financial projections.

You can easily complete your travel agency business plan using our travel agency Business Plan Template here .

What are the Main Types of Travel Agencies?

There are a number of different kinds of travel agencies , some examples include: independent agency, host agency or franchise.

How Do You Get Funding for Your Travel Agent Business Plan?

Travel agencies are often funded through small business loans. Personal savings, credit card financing and angel investors are also popular forms of funding.  This is true for a travel agent business plan and a tour and travel business plan.

What are the Steps To Start a Travel Agency Business?

Starting a travel agency business can be an exciting endeavor. Having a clear roadmap of the steps to start a business will help you stay focused on your goals and get started faster.

1. Develop A Travel Agent Business Plan - The first step in starting a business is to create a detailed business plan for your travel agency  that outlines all aspects of the venture. This should include potential market size and target customers, the services or products you will offer, pricing strategies and a detailed financial forecast.  

2. Choose Your Legal Structure - It's important to select an appropriate legal entity for your travel agency business. This could be a limited liability company (LLC), corporation, partnership, or sole proprietorship. Each type has its own benefits and drawbacks so it’s important to do research and choose wisely so that your travel agency business is in compliance with local laws.

3. Register Your Travel Agency Business - Once you have chosen a legal structure, the next step is to register your travel agency business with the government or state where you’re operating from. This includes obtaining licenses and permits as required by federal, state, and local laws. 

4. Identify Financing Options - It’s likely that you’ll need some capital to start your travel agency business, so take some time to identify what financing options are available such as bank loans, investor funding, grants, or crowdfunding platforms. 

5. Choose a Location - Whether you plan on operating out of a physical location or not, you should always have an idea of where you’ll be based should it become necessary in the future as well as what kind of space would be suitable for your operations. 

6. Hire Employees - There are several ways to find qualified employees including job boards like LinkedIn or Indeed as well as hiring agencies if needed – depending on what type of employees you need it might also be more effective to reach out directly through networking events. 

7. Acquire Necessary Travel Agency Equipment & Supplies - In order to start your travel agency business, you'll need to purchase all of the necessary equipment and supplies to run a successful operation. 

8. Market & Promote Your Business - Once you have all the necessary pieces in place, it’s time to start promoting and marketing your travel agency business. This includes creating a website, utilizing social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter, and having an effective Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategy. You should also consider traditional marketing techniques such as radio or print advertising. 

Learn more about how to start a successful travel agency business:

  • How to Start a Travel Agency Business
  • Purchase History

Business and Plans

Tourism Business Plan Templates

Tourism business plan templates

Choose your Tourism business plan template from the list below:

  • Hotel Business Plan Template
  • Bed and Breakfast Business Plan Template
  • Travel Agency Business Plan Template

At Business and Plans, we offer a wide range of Tourism business plan templates to cater to your specific needs. Whether you are starting a Hotel, Bed and Breakfast, or Travel Agency, we’ve got you covered. Our professionally designed templates will save you time and ensure your business is set up for success. Browse through our selection below and choose the perfect template to kickstart your journey in the booming tourism industry.

Welcome to Your Gateway for Success in Tourism Business!

Unlock the Potential of Your Hospitality Venture with Our Expertly Crafted Tourism Business Plan Templates.

Are you ready to elevate your hotel, bed and breakfast, or travel agency to new heights of success? At Business & Plans, we understand the unique challenges and opportunities that the tourism industry presents. That’s why we’ve curated a collection of comprehensive and professionally designed tourism business plan templates to guide you on your journey to prosperity.

Why Invest in a Tourism Business Plan?

1. strategic roadmap:.

Our meticulously crafted templates serve as your strategic roadmap, helping you navigate the competitive landscape of the tourism industry. Whether you’re starting a new venture or looking to revitalize your existing business, a solid business plan is your foundation for success.

2. Investor Confidence:

Attracting investors is a key step in expanding your tourism business. A well-structured business plan not only demonstrates your commitment but also instills confidence in potential investors. Showcase your vision, market analysis, and financial projections with our templates to secure the support you need.

3. Operational Efficiency:

Efficient operations are crucial in the tourism sector. Our business plan templates guide you through operational strategies, from optimizing booking processes to enhancing customer service, ensuring that your business runs smoothly and exceeds customer expectations.

Why Choose Our Templates?

  • Expertly Crafted: Our templates are created by industry experts with years of experience in the tourism sector.
  • Customizable: Tailor each template to suit the unique aspects of your business, ensuring a personalized approach.
  • Comprehensive Guidance: Step-by-step guidance to help you fill in every section of the business plan with confidence.
  • Up-to-Date Insights: Benefit from the latest trends and insights in the tourism industry to stay ahead of the competition.

Invest in the success of your tourism business today! Browse our collection of business plan templates and take the first step toward achieving your business goals. At Business & Plans, we’re committed to your success in the dynamic world of tourism.

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Pure Travel

How to Start a Travel Business in 10 Steps

  • February 16, 2022

how to make a business plan for tourism

The travel and tourism industry is one of the industries that has a significant impact on the global economy. And even though the pandemic has been harsh , starting a business in this sector can still be a good idea, if done correctly. 

Plus, with new trends emerging due to the pandemic, and as things start going back to normal, travel and tourism are slowly recovering. And while starting any business entails risks, if you’re willing to commit time and effort, starting your own travel business could be the best idea you’ve ever had.

1. Invent Your Brand 

Working on your idea is the first step when starting any business. This will help you invent your brand, with all of its elements. Decide what kind of travel business you want to run, choose a name, create a logo and a slogan. Make sure that they are powerful, so that once your brand is out there it will be easily recognizable. 

2. Work on Your Business Plan

Many decisions and tasks go into creating a business, and from the moment you decide that you are going for it, you should start working on a business plan. This is a dynamic document that describes the business in great detail. It contains an overview of the business, a market analysis, customer analysis, operational plan, marketing plan, financial plan.

Working on a plan for elements like marketing can allow you to allocate resources effectively. For example, marketing using postcards is a powerful and versatile strategy that combines the personal touch of direct mail with the visual appeal of a well-designed advertisement for a travel company. You will have to research what size is a standard postcard in mm and create your design accordingly in order to create something that appeals to your target demographic. All of these factors are a part of a strong business plan and the details will ensure the smooth execution of tasks such as these.

Your travel agency business plan will help you execute every task and strategy more efficiently, make better decisions, and avoid mistakes during the first phases of your project. More than that, once you start working it will help you run your business successfully, and eventually, grow.

3. Choose a Specific Niche

For new travel businesses, it’s a good idea to start with one specific market niche. Instead of offering many services, focus on something specific and excel at it. This means that you won’t have to compete with too many experienced travel agencies and, most importantly, you will be able to provide complete and high-quality service. 

4. Formalize Your Company

To start working you will have to fulfill a series of legal requirements to formalize your company, including registering your company and getting any necessary permits and licenses. The rules and regulations can vary depending on the adventures you want to offer, as well as the region you live in.  

5. Identify Your Potential Clients

Whenever you are communicating something, or in this case trying to sell something, you must know who is interested. Identifying who might be interested in the services or products you are selling, will help you create so-called buyer personas . This, in turn, will help you determine the best ways to reach your target audience, or in other words, develop a winning marketing strategy. Also, it may help you find additional small ways in which you can increase your profit. 

6. Develop an Efficient Financial Plan

Aside from the funds you need for the initial investment, you need to make sure that you are ready to cover any expenses you may have in the first months. Some of the expenses you need to consider include registration fees, tax payments, renting an office, buying furniture, technology, hiring a marketing agency, creating a website, insurance, salaries, taxes, etc. 

7. Find Knowledgeable Employees

Efficient and productive employees are the most important part of any successful business. Make sure that the people you hire are experienced and knowledgeable so that you can rely on them for the tasks you assign to them. Also, once you are sure you have the right people, make sure to do anything in your power to retain them. 

8. Create a Website

It’s almost impossible to run a business without a website today, and most travel agencies operate entirely or at least partially online. People buy everything online these days, and travelers can find anything they are looking for on their devices. To offer a good user experience, and keep visitors interested, your website should be fast, easy to navigate, it should look well and it should be mobile-friendly.

9. Use Social Media

Social media is a great place for reaching your target audience. With a combination of paid ads and valuable content, it can be the ideal channel for promoting your brand and increasing visibility.

10. Offer Interesting Content

Even people who can’t afford to travel want to read about new places. Travel is addictive, and most who have traveled will do it again. This is why offering good content can be so effective when it comes to promoting such businesses. 

Starting a travel business is risky but, if done right, it can be very profitable. These steps can help you make sure that you aren’t missing something important and that you make the right decisions for a strong start. 

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Tourism Tattler

Beginners Guide to Starting a Tourism Business

Photo of Tourism Tattler

Your Beginners Guide to Starting a Tourism Business

Writing for WikiHow, Claire Fess provides eight steps on how to start a tourism business .

Table of Contents

Definition: Tourists are people who travel outside of their home-base environments in order to spend time visiting a different environment in either a business or leisure capacity. Both vacationers and those on business trips are considered tourists, and they may be touring either domestically (within their home country) or internationally. A tourism business is any business that centers on catering to tourists’ needs.

Beginners Guide to Starting a Tourism Business

Step 1: Decide on which sector of tourism you would like to focus.

You have several options to choose from when it comes to establishing a business in tourism :

  • Transportation service. This sector involves transporting tourists to, from and around the tourist destination.
  • Travel agencies. Travel agencies are the 1-stop-shop for everything involved with visiting a place, including transportation, accommodations and attractions.
  • Tour Operator. A tour operator typically combines tour and travel components to create a holiday. They prepare an itinerary.
  • Destination Management Company . A DMC possesses extensive local knowledge, expertise and resources, specialising in the design and implementation of events, activities, tours, transportation and program logistics.
  • Accommodation. These include hotels, guesthouses, bed and breakfasts, hostels, rental houses, lodges and any other place tourists may stay while travelling.
  • Guided tours and tourist guide. A guided tour service or professional tourist guide is a tourism business that specializes in providing informative and entertaining tours through an area’s local attractions.
  • Hospitality. A hospitality business pertains to any food or beverage establishment that tourists may frequent.

Step 2: Take your geographical location into account.

Your local tourist attractions are good indicators of what would and would not make a successful tourism business venture. For example, if your area is secluded from the populace and dense with wineries, then guided winery tours, local bed and breakfasts, and airport transportation services are all viable business options.

Step 3: Size up the competition.

Thoroughly research the tourism businesses in your area before you decide which business in tourism is right for you. You will want to choose a tourism sector that is not overly congested, and one that you can contribute something unique to.

Step 4: Write a business plan.

Your business plan is the blueprint for your tourism business, and should include the following sections:

  • Executive summary. Describe your business’s purpose, name, location, personnel needs, tourism business management staff, market sector, competition, marketing plan and financial projections.
  • Tourism business summary. This should detail how the business’s ownership will be distributed and the start up requirements (funding, assets and location).
  • Products and/or services. You need to outline the products and/or services your business will be providing for tourists.
  • Analysis of the market. Provide information about your target market and your competition. Tourism business strategy. Describe how you plan on running your business, marketing your business and pricing your product or service.
  • Financial summary. State your projections for your business’s expenses and income.

Step 5: Procure the necessary funds.

Present your business plan to potential lenders and/or business partners in order to obtain the start up and operating capital you will need to run your business in tourism.

Step 6: Select a business location.

If you plan to operate a walk-in travel agency or an accommodation establishment, there are 3-things to consider. They are location, location, and location!

Step 7: Obtain all applicable business licenses.

Get the necessary business licensing through your local government’s business regulatory agency.

Step 8: Market your tourism business :

  • Use social networking sites . Set up accounts/pages on free social networking sites such as Linked In .
  • Create a website for your tourism business. Be sure to hire a specialist for search engine optimization (SEO) in order to maximize your site’s online presence. List your business on all applicable online directories and review websites.
  • Advertise in print mediums. Take out ad space in newspapers, magazines and trade/lifestyle publications.

Source: www.wikihow.com/Develop-a-Tourism-Business

Read more on this topic:

  • 10 Steps To Starting Your Own Tourist Transport Business
  • How To Streamline Your Tour Operator Business
  • 10 Tips on Selecting Tour Operator Software
  • 10 Tips on Tour Quoting
  • How to Keep Tour Itineraries Current
  • So you want to be a tour operator?
  • The Role of Tour Operators in Safari Bookings
  • 13 Tips to surviving as a Small Tourism Business
  • Effective Sales Secrets For Small Businesses

Photo of Tourism Tattler

Tourism Tattler

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How to Start a Tour Business: From Passion to Profit in the Tourism Industry

Learn how to start a tour business, turning travel passion into profit. From finding your niche to running your first tour, get your venture going

Two hikers with backpacks looking at mountain scenery with trees and rock formations.

by Kate Cornell | 16 July 2024

From dreaming to doing, starting a tour company from the ground up can be one of the most rewarding ventures you’ll ever embark on. Not to mention the most challenging. Transforming your passion and stories into tours that captivate your audience requires more than just creativity. It demands strategic planning and an understanding of the market you want to break into. 

Back in 2022, in the State of Tours, Activities & Attractions report, Arival projected that the global tours and activities industry would reach $183 billion by this year, and operators surveyed in 2024 were overall optimistic about their prospects.

So what’s stopping you from getting started on turning your passion into profit?

In this guide, you’ll find invaluable tips, perspectives, and reflections from tour operators and industry veterans on how to start a tour company. This walkthrough will help you navigate this exciting journey as you start a tour business, and what it takes to be successful. The good news: Don’t be too worried about getting in the weeds of how to become a tour operator just yet. It all starts with a genuine love for what you do. 

Here’s what we’ll cover

Understanding the Tour Business Landscape

Legal and practical foundations, preparing for operations, marketing your tour business.

  • Managing Finances and Evaluating Success
  • Scaling Your Tour Business
  • Transitioning from Passion to Profit

The tourism landscape is an exciting place to start a tour business. It’s a complex and diverse landscape, but travelers — your potential customers — are not interested in everything being the same. In that complexity and diversity is the opportunity for you to find a way to earn a living doing what you love. 

Identify Your Niche

The first step to starting a successful tour company is identifying your niche. This means finding a specific area or theme that you are passionate about and knowledgeable in. Whether it’s food tours, historical walks, adventure excursions, or cultural experiences, your point of view and storytelling in that category will set you apart from the competition, especially as travelers are seeking out memorable tourism experiences now more than ever.

“I don’t think people should be thinking about trends because I think the trend is that there’s an audience for just about everything now,” according to TripSchool co-founder Mitch Bach. “Now with digital marketing, you can connect with a niche, as well as be as interesting or obscure as you want to be. I think it’s the best time to be in this industry because twenty years ago you probably had to build more generic products for more general audiences and now you can build full businesses and happy lives by being as unique and interesting as you want yourself to be in the world.”

Mitch Bach giving his presentation on stage with projection screen behind him

Understand Your Market

Before launching your tour company, it’s crucial to understand your target market. Who are your ideal customers? What are their interests and preferences? Conducting market research will provide you with insights into the demographics and even the psychographics of your potential clients. 

Bar chart comparing different types of tours taken by U.S. travelers in 2019 and 2023.

You can use simple techniques to get this valuable data. Send your tour scripts to a group of friends, and ask them for constructive feedback. Set up a Google or Zapier survey via a form and send it to community groups you belong to. Look at reviews of similar tours on platforms like TripAdvisor, Yelp, and Google Reviews. Identify common themes in customer feedback to understand what people enjoy and what they don’t. Explore the latest Arival consumer research to find out what travelers are prioritizing and looking for.

Be prepared: It can sometimes lead to you having to adjust your format to reach the audience you want to serve. “The most challenging aspect of starting my own tour company has been removing my bias and trying to see things through the lens of my guests,” reflects Eric Curry, who started his eponymous tour company in 2021 to tell native tales and history of San Francisco. “I think that when you find the balance between the things that interest your guests and what you are passionate about is when you will find success in your business.” 

Group selfie of seven diverse people smiling outdoors with trees and overcast sky behind them.

For those still deciding where to land, look to what travelers want: authentic, immersive, and bookable online. Further, eco-friendly and sustainable travel options are still increasingly popular, especially among Millennials and Gen Z travelers. Tailoring your tours to meet these demands can set you on the path to success.

Develop a Solid Business Plan

A comprehensive business plan is essential for any new business, and a tour company is no exception. Your business plan should outline your company’s mission, target market, marketing strategy, financial projections, and operational plan. This document will serve as your roadmap and help you stay focused on your goals.

Take the time to detail every aspect of your business, from pricing models to staffing needs, to ensure you’re well-prepared for the challenges ahead. According to a recent Skift report, venture capital investment in the travel industry hit a decade low in 2023, but recovery is imminent. Ensuring you are set up for success in the case you need to raise funding is crucial to staying ahead. 

However, there’s also something to say for just getting out there and getting started. “You can put up your own mental roadblocks and think because it’s safer to remain theoretical,” Bach said. “And when you’re starting a tour business things can get real very quickly. You can put up a website with some copy about you and a tour experience. Even if you don’t have everything figured out, you can start selling it even as you’re figuring out all of the other pieces of the business.” 

Operator Takeaways:

  • Be bold, tell a unique story.
  • Use feedback from friends, surveys, and user reviews on similar offerings to refine your scripts and itineraries, and align them with customer interests.
  • Pinpoint what it means for you to offer authentic and immersive elements of a tour.
  • Don’t try to compete in oversaturated areas of your market. Innovate, don’t replicate. 
  • Take action and start selling your tours even as you refine your business model.

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You’ve got the vision, you outlined a plan, and now what? It’s time to set up a legitimate business entity. 

There are a series of legal and administrative steps necessary to launch a tour business. For starters you will need to register your business and obtain the necessary insurance.

Register Your Business

The process of registering your business may differ depending on where you are located. Your national, provincial, regional or state authority should provide guidance on how to register a business in your location and understand the regulations governing tour operations in your local region.

There are also different structures to consider. While most operators start out with sole proprietorship or as a limited liability company (LLC), there may be more to consider depending on your business goals, from registering as a cooperative to even franchising your business.  

If you’re unsure where to start, look to your local tourism board or destination management organization (DMO) for guidance. You can also tap the tour operator community for advice — connect with fellow operators on LinkedIn, at an upcoming Arival event , and even on places like Reddit .

Secure Liability Insurance

Running a tour company requires various licenses and permits, depending on your location and the nature of your tours. It’s crucial to research the legal requirements in your area and ensure you comply with all regulations. This might include business licenses, special permits for certain types of tours, and insurance coverage. 

Choosing the right insurance coverage involves assessing your business risks, considering your budget, and understanding policy exclusions and limitations. Partnering with a reliable insurance provider familiar with the travel industry is crucial for ensuring comprehensive protection for your tour company. 

Depending on your needs, you may require other types of insurance in addition to liability insurance, such as property damage coverage, business interruption insurance, commercial auto insurance, and so on. 

Learn more here about which tour operator insurance is right for you. If you’re a U.S.-based operator, be sure to look into this specially tailored for tour operators product: Arival ProShield Insurance. 

  • To make your idea a reality, start by registering your business!
  • Familiarize yourself with the regulations governing tour operations in your local region.
  • Get protected: ensure you have the appropriate insurance in place before you begin operating tours.

The success of your tour company hinges on the quality of the experiences you offer. Your tours should be engaging, informative, and memorable. This requires thorough research, meticulous planning, and a deep understanding of your subject matter.

It also takes a commitment to best practices and establishing processes to keep you organized. Here are just a few ways to get started on creating a well-oiled tour operations machine. 

Hiring and Training Tour Guides

For many tour operators, it’s the ability to connect with guests that brings them the most joy in running a tour company.  

“A great tour experience is only possible when you are connecting with guests on a truly human level,” says Michaela Gonzales, founder of Mick’s Bootique Tours . “People travel because they want to understand the world. Yes, they want to see the big-ticket items and be entertained, but they also want to explore and have authentic local experiences. Guides can help them by being welcoming, honest, and genuinely interested in guests enough that they can cater the experience to them.”

Nighttime street scene with people walking along a well-lit alley between brick buildings.

Mick’s Bootique Tours founder, Michaela Gonzales, leads the Walk with Spirits, A Haunted Pub Crawl in San Francisco, and tours in Dublin, Ireland. I Photo: Mick’s Bootique Tours 

It’s one thing to connect with guests when you run the tours yourself. But how do you ensure you are achieving this kind of connection on tour consistently, regardless of who is guiding each tour?

You need to build a business that isn’t totally dependent on you. 

“You need to be designing something that could be delivered by somebody else,” Bach advises. “But it really comes back to doing that work on what is your why and what are you about, even a simple three words that come to mind, the anchor points. It’s about the brand story, and the story you are telling yourself. Once you get that clear it becomes much easier to understand who the right guide is, the right operations manager for your business, and so on.”

Learn more about tour guide training here. Arival Insider Pro Access members can also learn more about hiring great tour guides in this on-demand video on The Secrets of Hiring, Training & Retaining Guides.

Setting Up a Booking System

With travelers increasingly booking online and on mobile , setting up an efficient online booking system is crucial for the success of your tour company. A robust booking system not only streamlines your operations but also enhances the customer experience, ensuring seamless reservations, less booking errors, and increased sales. 

Consider booking software — also known as reservation systems, “res-tech,” or ticketing software — specifically designed for tour operators, such as Fareharbor , Rezdy and Bókun : see a longer list of examples of tour operator booking software here. Many of these platforms offer tailored features like integrations with online resellers, support for custom and dynamic pricing, and the ability to handle complex itineraries.

Key Features to Look For :

  • User-Friendly Interface : Your booking software should be intuitive and easy to navigate for both customers and staff. A clear, straightforward process reduces the likelihood of booking abandonment.
  • Real-Time Availability : Ensure your system updates availability in real-time to prevent double bookings and provide accurate information to customers.
  • Secure Payment Processing : Integrated payment gateways should offer secure transactions, giving customers confidence in their purchases.
  • Mobile Compatibility : With the rise of mobile bookings, your system must be optimized for smartphones and tablets to cater to on-the-go travelers.
  • Integration with Other Tools : Look for a system that integrates with your website, accounting software, and marketing tools to streamline operations and data management.

Check out our Arival Guide on How to Choose a Booking System to learn more. Arival Insider Pro members can also access checklists to help with this process.

Pricing Models :

The pricing structure of a booking system is an important consideration when deciding which one to work with, and different pricing models can work better for different types of companies. The two most common pricing models are:

  • Fee-per-Booking : This model charges a commission on each booking, ideal for smaller operators as it ties costs directly to sales volume. However, different systems have varying payment processing charges and fees.
  • Subscription : This model involves a fixed monthly or annual fee, providing predictable costs and often includes more advanced features. It can be more cost-effective for larger operators with higher booking volumes.

Comparison chart showing pros and cons of fee per booking vs subscription model pricing structures.

The Arival Guide on How to Choose a Booking System breaks down the pricing models and explains the various fees involved. See also our updated Guide to Booking System Pricing for a detailed overview of rates from some of the most popular platforms.

Embrace AI for Efficiency

Embracing AI in your tour business doesn’t mean you need to be a tech expert. There are many user-friendly tools and platforms designed specifically for small and medium-sized tour operators. Start by exploring how AI can help you streamline your admin and operations, so you can focus on how to create more engaging and personalized tour experiences.

If you are a sole proprietor or operating with a lean team, imagine using AI as a virtual marketing assistant that learns about your customers’ preferences. AI can analyze data from previous bookings, social media, and even real-time behavior to offer personalized recommendations that resonate with each traveler. 

Check out the Arival Guide to AI in Travel Experiences . Arival Insider Pro Access members can dig deeper on real-world examples of how AI is being used in travel experience companies with AI in Experiences: Case Studies in Emerging Tech. 

  • Build a business that isn’t dependent solely on you; focus on clear brand stories to guide hiring excellent tour guides, and provide them with ample training to carry out your vision.
  • Ensure your booking software is user-friendly, real-time, secure, mobile-compatible, and integrates with other tools.
  • Consider how AI can help you streamline your operations.

In today’s digital age, a strong online presence is crucial for any business. You want to be in a position where you are getting direct bookings , as well as efficiently managing your third-party distribution channels. Add to that social media and AI, and you’ve got a lot to manage when it comes to marketing your brand and products.

OTA Marketing and Distributions Channels

Whether you love them, or love to hate them, online travel agencies (OTAs) are the lifeblood of many tour operators’ bottom lines. Working with distribution partners can help you widen your reach to new audiences. 

“Use the OTAs to your advantage,” recommends Dara Mihaly, an industry veteran who has worked with the likes of ExperienceFirst, Another Side of Los Angeles Tours , and the Griffith Observatory, among others. 

Mihaly recommends getting on as many platforms as possible, as long as you can stay on top of your inventory and effectively manage your availability. “Ultimately, direct is the goal but the OTAs are one of your best marketing tools. Make Viator, and the like, work for you,” Mihaly adds. 

For more on working with OTAs and managing distribution channels, check out our articles on Essential OTA Checklist for Experience Operators , OTA Marketing , and 4 Ways to Make OTAs Work Harder for You .

Online Presence and Social Media Marketing 

In today’s digital age, having a robust online presence is essential for the success of any tour business. With the rapid evolution of technology and changes in consumer behavior, it’s more important than ever to stay ahead of the curve. 

Get listed on Google Things to do

While Google does of course offer paid ads, it’s free for operators to get their tours and experiences listed on Google Things to do, an initiative that presents users with tour and attraction tickets and purchasing options directly in Google search results. 

how to make a business plan for tourism

Getting listed on Google Things to do is as simple as claiming your Google business profile, and loading up and optimizing your product listings on Google. Operators who’ve completed these steps will benefit from an “official site” badge next to their tour or ticket product listing.

Learn more about Google Things to do and how to take advantage of the program with Arival’s collection of content on marketing with Google .

Keep up with changes in SEO

Google’s latest search algorithm updates only add to the complexity of digital marketing and online presence. In 2024, we are real-time transitioning away from what we’ve traditionally known as search engine optimization (SEO) to search generative experience (SGE). 

At Arival 360 I Orlando 2023, Brennen Bliss, the founder of the digital marketing agency Propellic , spoke about the implications of SGE during SEO in the Age of AI: What’s Changing and How to Adapt . “SEO, as a channel, is going to move a lot further down the funnel,” Bliss predicted based on early results he was seeing. 

Propellic CEO Brennen Bliss speaks about SEO at Arival

As an example, for many operators, the coveted “things to do” query was the bullseye you wanted to hit to attract people to your site. Now, SGE can give a much faster and streamlined answer to recommended things to do. As you build your online presence, focus on the unique value propositions of your tours and experiences.

“SEO is not title tags and keywords,” says The Tour Guy, Sean Finelli. “I mean, these things are important, but it’s really your product. A rockstar product. Something that is difficult to replicate, and that everyone wants, is what’s going to drive traffic. Not some hack to the algorithm.” 

For more on SEO, check out Arival’s Essential Guide to SEO for Tour and Activity Operators . Arival Insider Pro Access members can also get more insights from Finelli by watching his full talk from Arival 360 I Berlin 2023 on how to feel less intimidated by Google.

Be active on your social media

Building a strong online presence goes beyond SEO; social media is a crucial component of your digital marketing strategy. 

And as younger (Gen Z and Millennial) travelers in particular are relying on social media for travel inspiration and bookings, staying on top of your social media game is critical for reaching these travelers.

Side-by-side comparison of top social media platforms used by travelers in 2023 and 2024.

“Reviews and group pics can be good content for your ‘stories,’ while scheduled tours and current events can be good ‘pinned’ or weekly content,” Curry advises. 

Social media is also about engaging with your audience, not just broadcasting. Respond to comments, ask for feedback, and create conversations around your tours. This builds a community around your brand and can lead to fostering loyalty around your brand.

Learn more about social media strategy with this Ultimate Social Media Guide for Tour Operators .

Operator Takeaways

  • Get listed on Google Things to do by claiming your business profile, uploading and optimizing your product listings. 
  • Keep up to date with SEO and differentiate yourself by focusing on the unique value proposition of your tour or experience products.
  • Focus on creating unique, compelling content (don’t copy/paste it to use on your third-party channels) about your tour offerings.
  • Showcase video and photos that capture the essence of being on tour with you or your tour company through your social media channels. 
  • Respond to positive and constructive feedback from your engaged users to build trust.

Managing Finances and Evaluating Success 

Effective financial management is the backbone of any successful tour business. This section covers essential strategies for budgeting, managing costs, and setting competitive pricing to ensure profitability and growth.

Budgeting and Managing Costs

Effectively managing finances is crucial to the success of your tour business. Start by creating a detailed budget that accounts for all operational costs, including marketing, staffing, transportation, and equipment. This should be in line with your overall business plan and strategy : something you refer back to regularly.

Time blocking is one successful way to keep yourself on top of your finances. “Usually, I will spend just one or two mornings a week taking care of all the scheduling, bookings, sales, and marketing,” Gonzales shares. “I prefer to wait until I have the time and tools to complete a task from start to finish.”

how to make a business plan for tourism

Utilizing financial management tools and software to keep track of your spending can help you identify areas where you can cut costs without compromising the quality of your tours. 

Pricing Strategies for Tours

Uncertainty in the economy, stock market and consumer confidence continues to cast a gray cloud over 2024 when it comes to where consumers are spending their money.

Yet despite some headwinds over 2024, demand for experiences has remained strong. Travelers want more, and they are increasingly prioritizing experiences when trip planning. Operators need to understand their customers — and their various customer segments — more than ever, and tailor products and prices to suit both affluent and price-sensitive guests. Private tours , for example, are becoming more popular among affluent travelers — and can be priced higher, and corporate tours are another potential avenue to consider.

Bar graph showing average experiences per trip for tours, activities, and attractions in 2019 and 2023.

“When it comes to determining the value of your tour(s), practical logistics (length of the tour, add-ons, etc.) are certainly important, but come second to defining your competitive edge,” Curry says. “What makes your tour(s) different from anything else out there? Once you have identified that most crucial question, you can begin to take a look at the other options (in your city) and how they are priced and marketed.” 

Learn more about pricing your tours in this article on How to Set Your Net Rates , and explore the opportunity of corporate tours with How to 5x Your Revenue from Corporate Groups .

  • Research what other tour companies are charging for similar tours. This will give you a benchmark to ensure your prices are competitive while reflecting the unique value your tours offer.
  • Calculate all your costs, including fixed costs (licenses, permits, insurance) and variable costs (transportation, tour guides’ wages, marketing). 
  • Ensure your pricing covers all costs and leaves room for profit — especially if you are selling on third-party platforms that are taking a commission.
  • Implement tiered pricing based on different levels of service or experience. For example, offer a standard tour and a premium tour with additional features or exclusivity.

Scaling Your Tour Business 

Successfully scaling your tour business requires strategic planning and a keen understanding of market dynamics. Here’s how to effectively evaluate customer feedback and explore new market opportunities to drive growth.

Evaluating Customer Feedback

Customer feedback is a vital resource for improving your services and ensuring customer satisfaction. By systematically collecting and analyzing feedback, you can identify areas for improvement and capitalize on strengths.

Start by implementing feedback collection methods such as post-tour surveys, online reviews, and direct customer interactions. 

Renee Ventrice, Founder of Cork & Keg Tours , emphasizes the importance of leveraging customer feedback to enhance your offerings. In discussions at Arival, she shared insights on adapting to customer needs and preferences to refine and improve services​​​​. By responding to feedback and making necessary adjustments, you can improve customer satisfaction and loyalty.

how to make a business plan for tourism

Additionally, consider setting up a formal process for addressing negative feedback. This could involve training staff to handle complaints effectively and using feedback to guide staff development and operational changes. By demonstrating a commitment to continuous improvement, you build trust and credibility with your customers.

Arival Insider Pro Access members can enjoy a candid discussion with Renee Ventrice, Founder of Cork & Keg Tours, about strategizing for success as a tour operator in 2024 and beyond. 

Exploring New Market Opportunities

Identifying and capitalizing on new market opportunities is essential for scaling your tour business. This involves understanding market and tourism trends , customer demographics, and emerging travel interests.

Begin by conducting market research to uncover untapped opportunities. Look for gaps in the market that your tours can fill, whether it’s a niche interest or an underserved geographic area. Utilize resources like the Arival 2024 U.S. Experiences Traveler report series and attend an upcoming Arival event to stay informed about the latest travel trends and potential opportunities, and to learn from fellow operators and travel industry experts.

Also be clever with finding the audience you want to reach. “I’ve seen tour operators be successful on Pinterest and it’s because nobody talks about Pinterest,” Bach mentions. “I’ve seen multi-day tour operators become successful because they went to their local public library and talked to the seniors in little meetings there and sold trips to Europe to her community in the area. Don’t follow the crowd, go where there’s an opportunity.”​​

Transitioning from Passion to Profit 

As you embark on the exciting journey of starting your own tour business, remember that the key to success lies in balancing passion with strategic planning. Embrace the challenges, stay committed to continuous improvement, and let your unique perspective shine. With dedication, creativity, and the right strategies, you can build a thriving tour business that captivates travelers and stands out in the ever-evolving market. 

Now that you know how to start a tour business, it’s time to take the first step—transform your passion into profit and start creating unforgettable experiences for your guests.

About the Author

how to make a business plan for tourism

Kate Cornell is an editorial and digital strategist with many years of experience in the experiences sector of travel, and has spoken at Arival on the topics of writing tour descriptions, and the “content conundrum.” She has led global editorial teams for travel brands including Viator and Tripadvisor, helped build startups such as TourismSolved, and worked behind the scenes as a content consultant for leading travel and luxury brands.

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Free Travel Agency Business Plan Template

Okay, okay. I know you’re crazy thrilled that you’ve found a free travel agency business plan template for your agency! I promise we’ve got a super razzly-dazzly one that will help you craft THE BEST travel agency business plan out there. So we’ll have you download your free travel agency business plan template in just a second, and then we’ll walk you through the different pieces of the business plan in the article.

Sound like a (business) plan?!

Levarté Travel February 2024 Article Ad

What Is the Purpose of a Travel Agency Business Plan?

Here's a sneak preview of what you can expect from HAR's business plan below. (Need no convincing? Download it here .)

Business plans got their start as a way for banks to vet new businesses before deciding to give them a loan. After all, people that have thought long and hard about their business and taken the time to painstakingly write down all the steps and intricacies have a higher likelihood of success.

Now when it comes to travel agencies, you may think having a business plan is overkill or outdated. Sure, if you’re opening a storefront agency or a franchise you may need some capital from the bank/investor so a business plan may be a necessity. But now that most agencies are home-based, the median start-up cost for a non-franchise travel agency is $1,000 . If you’re not getting a loan, do you really need a business plan?

If you’re starting a travel agency, here’s a few reasons why creating a travel agency business plan might be helpful to you:

  • Practical: it will help you feel prepared and confident as you make important business decisions.
  • Inspirational: it will help remind you what it is that inspired you to start a travel agency and what kind of impact you hope to have on your clients. The kinds of things that will remind you why you started all these shenanigans when logistical tasks like taxes get boring or complicated.

The other thing a travel agency business plan can do? It will help you describe your agency—the service you provide (do you have a niche?), the market in which you’re operating, the money you need to get started and keep going, and the people you need to help you get there (accountants? Sub agents? Bookkeeper? Web Developer?) In short, it can help you feel prepared and confident, and our free travel agency business plan is going to help you with that!

Download HAR’s Free Travel Agency Business Plan Template

We have a handy dandy (and free) travel agency business plan template for YOU, dear reader! Yay, it is the companion to this article.

We’re offering our travel agency business plan template free (no catch) because we want your new business to be off to the best start possible!

Alright, now you’ve downloaded our free travel agency business plan template, great! We’ve already filled it out for our fictional travel agency, Corona Travels , and now we need to work on personalizing this business plan to your travel agency.

To update your personal business plan template with your brilliant ideas, all you'll need to do is delete the sample description provided in the template and add in your own material! In the next section, we walk you through each part of the business plan. I recommend that as you read through the article, you compare the sections of the travel agency business plan template. That way, you'll have an explanation for each part with an example.

Let’s jump in and start tailoring the business plan template to your travel agency!

Hold up. Still need to get your agency set up? We have just the thing.

Now, a business plan template may feel like you're getting ahead of yourself if you haven't named and/or registered your business yet! If you still need to take strides to get your agency off the ground (your agency, name, niche, registration, host affiliation etc.) we have a course that will fast-forward that process.

Check out HAR's 7 Day Set Up Accelerator course to get your agency set up faster so you can start monetizing sooner! The course is written and taught by HAR Founder, Steph Lee, and professional Educator, Bridget Lee. It includes nine chapters with 70+ instructional videos, course quizzes, peer accountability, and monthly meet-ups with HAR members and industry experts.

7DS Accelerator Travel Agency Startup Courses

Now, let's go over the business plan!

Travel Agency Business Plan, Part 1: Overview

The overview is like an executive summary that briefly summarizes all aspects of your travel agency business plan. You can think of this as the “elevator pitch” of your travel agency business plan. Oddly enough, I like to do these summaries last, since then you’ll have all the info at your fingertips that you'll need to summarize.

So what details are you filling out in this first part of the travel agency business plan?

  • Name of Your Business: Not sure what your travel agency name is yet? We can help you with that .
  • Location: Is it your house? A PO box? A storefront? Your sister’s basement?
  • Your Travel Niche: Specializing as a travel agent is more important than ever. Selling travel is about much more than booking. It’s also about bringing knowledge, expertise, access, and resourcefulness to the table—all the qualities that help separate you from an OTA (online travel agency).
  • Your Target Client: Luxury? Families? LGBTQ? Cruisers? Boomers or Millennials? Honeymooners? Foodies? Who do you imagine your client to be and how will this shape the way you develop your travel agency?
  • Your Competition: Another way to look at this is, who are your industry peers? What might your customers consider if they don’t use you as a travel agent? (Try to think beyond OTAs like Expedia.)
  • The expertise of Management Team: Okay, so your management team might be you and the office dog (we know who’s the alpha in the office!). But even if that’s the case, this section is an opportunity to reflect on your strengths as a travel agency owner.
  • Financial Projections: Unless you’re coming into the industry with a book of business, this might seem intimidating. It’s hard to know what to expect right? But the good thing is we have an amazing resource for you: “ Travel Agency Startup Costs and Earnings: What to Expect ” Wow! Who knew?!
  • Travel Agency Mission Statement: This will help you remember why you did this in the first place, and remind you what kind of impact you hope your business will have on others! Warm fuzzies, right?!

And hey, we’re done with Part 1!! Just like that. ;)

I know you can barely contain your excitement to start reading about our next section, business foundations !

Travel Agency Business Plan, Part 2: Business Foundations

This section of your travel agency business plan provides background information on your agency. If you’re brand-spanking new, much of this information will be provided in the overview. If your business has roots, it may be a little more complex.

This section can include:

  • Legal Structure : What type of business is your agency? LLC? Sole Prop? S Corp? Has it changed over time?
  • Agency Founders and Their Role in the Formation of Your Travel Agency : Who are the founders and what are their roles?

Ah, that was a nice and easy section, wasn’t it? Now we need to start getting real. Yes, folks, the well-loved travel agency business plan template goes OCD in the next section!

Travel Agency Business Plan, Part 3: Product or Service

This section is where the rubber hits the road with your niche and will help you begin to think about developing preferred supplier relationships with your travel agency.

  • Products/ Services Provided: This may seem obvious—you sell travel! But if you’re considering providing other services (even if it’s a future goal), it will be important to consider that too. In addition to planning and booking travel, this may include: Coaching clients to book their own trips; trip consultations; wedding planning; providing education, training or mentorship to other agents; facilitating educational webinars (etc.); speaking at industry events.
  • Sales Projections: This is hard if you haven’t booked any travel yet. But consider what kind of travel you want to sell. How many clients are you booking? How many trips do you aim to sell weekly/monthly/annually?

This is a good opportunity to make financial goals for your travel agency. What kind of annual income are you aiming for? How much would you have to sell in one year to reach that?

If you are providing multiple services as a part of your travel agency business, what is the breakdown among those different services?

  • Industry Projections for Your Travel Services: We’ve done a lot of legwork for you on this one in our travel agency business plan template. But, if you want to add more, imagine this as describing the industry viability to someone who is not within the industry. What influences demand for your travel services? How is the health of the travel industry overall? Check out HAR's latest income survey results !

Now that you’ve dug into the details in this section, let’s move into the next section of your travel agency business plan that doesn’t tax your brain. It’s about management structures and it’s equal parts easy and boring (#honest).

Travel Agency Business Plan, Part 3: Management Structures

This will be a very fast exercise if you are opening your agency alone :). If you’re working for yourself, you may also want to consider outside organizations that influence your business:

  • If applicable, which host agency/franchise do you belong to?
  • If you or your host belongs to a consortium, which one?
  • What travel organizations are you a part of? (i.e. ASTA, IGLTA, PATH, CCRA etc.)
  • Since you are an independent agent, these outside organizations won’t have a direct stake in your business, but they may influence your day-to-day operations in some way.

If you're flying solo, you can probably stop here! But if you have or want to take on sub agents or employees you’ll want to do the above, and you’ll also need to go into more depth with your travel agency management structure below:

  • If applicable, create an organizational chart of your travel agency. You can think of this as a business version of a family tree. This will help you visualize who the players are and what roles they serve to your agency.
  • What value do the different management positions add to your travel agency?
  • What are the responsibilities of their positions?
  • Describe other ICs or employees/ positions and their responsibilities. How will they complement what you do for your agency? (i.e. Sell a different type of travel under your brand? Work on sales? Bookings only? Administrative assistant?)
  • If you have sub agents or employees, break down overall payroll expenses. What is their compensation? A commission split? A base salary? A combination of the two? Will you provide any bonuses or benefits if you have employees?
  • Do you anticipate future additions to your staff?

Phew! That was a long one. Well, you certainly nailed it. Kudos!

Travel Agency Business Plan, Part 3.2: Who Is Your Office Mascot?

This is probably the most important factor in building a business plan. How the heck are you going to get up and work every morning without a dog pushing their cold nose into your face, or a cat trying to use your neck as their personal radiator?

HAR dogs

Still with me? Okay, no more goofing off. Just wanted to throw in a fun interlude . . . I’ll get back to business now.

Travel Agency Business Plan, Part 4: Marketing Strategy

This section of your travel agency’s business plan will help you clarify some of your marketing goals in the long term.

  • Who are your major clients? Include names, location, and what kind of travel they prefer. What was the sales volume for each customer? Have they provided referrals for your business?
  • Who are prospective clients? Who might be other potential travel clients for you? Parenting class members? Your yoga class? Regulars at your favorite bookstore? Do you have a way to informally see how they might respond to your travel services?

Marketing Plan

What is your marketing plan? Consider things such as:

  • Your pricing. For example, if you want to charge fees.
  • How do you want to market to clients? Online, at wedding expos, in line at the grocery store?
  • What region do you want to target and if you want to target clients outside your locale, how do you plan to do so?
  • What is the flow of your services during planning, travel and post-trip? How do you plan on getting feedback from your customer once the travel is complete?
  • What are your marketing priorities ? Networking? Referral? Online? Social media?
  • Sales Strategy: Now that you have a list of potential clients and a marketing plan, how will you reach out to prospective clients? Host a cocktail hour? Send a mailing? Go to networking meetings? Do you need to outsource or delegate any tasks to help you with your sales efforts?

Are you ready to head on over to that travel agency business plan template you have a love-hate relationship with? Good, because you’re gonna read all about Corona Travels marketing strategy and how they plan on closing the leads they get . . . and maybe you can steal some of Sol’s ideas for your agency. :)

Travel Agency Business Plan, Part 5: Technology

What kind of tech do you need to help your agency get up and running, and what technology will you need to keep your travel agency machine humming? You don’t need everything at once, but you’ll want to have an idea of what you need to reach some travel agency milestones you’re going for.

You might want to consider things like:

  • Travel Agency Website
  • Read up on different website options for agencies
  • Customer Relations Management (CRM):
  • ClientBase Online
  • Online Scheduling Tools:
  • Itinerary Builders:
  • Axus Travel App
  • Payment Processing (for fees)
  • Quickbooks Payments (use this link for 50% off first SIX months -- normally it's 3 months)
  • TESS (built into CRM)
  • Travel Joy (built into CRM)
  • WixPayments
  • Bookkeeping and Accounting
  • Google Sheets ( part of Google Workspace )
  • Mac Numbers
  • Quickbooks Online / Quicken (use this link for 50% off first SIX months -- normally it's 3 months)
  • Quickbooks Online (use this link for 50% off first SIX months -- normally it's 3 months)
  • Booking tools
  • Google Workspace : We have an exclusive 10% off promo code for Google Workspace! Just fill out the form and we'll send you the code.
  • Office equipment
  • Fax: FaxZero
  • Scanner: Scanner Pro ($3.99 in Apple App Store)
  • Scanner: Tiny Scanner (Google Play Store)
  • Business Card Scanner: CamCard (Free on Apple App Store | .99 on Google Play Store )
  • Forms / E-signatures*
  • JotForm (free plan allows e-signatures)
  • RightSignature
  • Email Automation
  • Sendinblue (that's what we currently use, and I highly recommend it!)
  • Active Campaign
  • Constant Contact
  • Online Meetings / Video Conferencing
  • Google Meet (part of Google Workspace )
  • Secure Password Manager (also known as The Handiest Thing Ever )
  • Mileage Tracking
  • MileIQ (Free but if you ever decided to upgrade, use this link for 10% off paid plans)

Just because it’s technology, it doesn’t mean it has to be state of the art or über fancy. You can pick and choose where you want to allocate your financial resources on tech: I’ve spoken with several travel agents who swear by a combination of sticky notes, physical calendars, and Excel spreadsheets.

Think about which of these technologies you really need. If you go with a host agency or consortium, which of these technologies do they provide? Looking forward as your business grows, which technologies do you anticipate you’ll want to phase in?

Choosing those technologies was fun, wasn’t it? But now we need to iron out how you’re going to run the agency. So let’s move into the next section of your travel agency’s business plan template and make sure you’re running a tight ship!

Travel Agency Business Plan, Part 6: Operations

Developing a plan for travel agency operations will help you understand how to ensure your business runs smoothly, in addition to understanding the capacity of your travel agency. For this section of your travel agency business plan you’ll want to consider:

  • What is your sales volume compared to your sales capacity? How much travel can you actually sell in the time you want to spend working to sell travel?
  • Who are your preferred suppliers? Who are your host or consortium’s, preferred suppliers? How do these suppliers (and your host) disburse commissions and on what timeline? How does this impact your bookkeeping and workflow?
  • If you are booking groups, plan ahead. Are there any special cruise sailings or new ships you want to block space for? Is a resort opening a new property that you’re excited about and might be in high demand? Is there a new exciting product coming up that you want to get ahead of?
  • In order to find out about some of these opportunities, what travel publications do you want/ need to subscribe to? (*Ahem* Make sure HAR is one of them!!) How are you utilizing your host or consortium resources to stay ahead?

OMG. OMG!!! That’s right, keep that grin plastered on your face because we’re entering the final leg. You did it!

Travel Agency Business Plan, Part 7: Administrative Support

As a business owner, there will be a lot of external organizational support as you go. First, we’ll focus on financial logistics. What are the business names (or contacts) and addresses of some of your administrative support? This may include:

  • Your bank/ banker
  • Accountant and/or Bookkeeper
  • Host agency or consortium
  • Legal counsel/ lawyer

Congratulations. You Have a Travel Agency Business Plan!

Seriously, that was INTENSE. Give yourself a huge pat on the back. Creating a business plan for your travel agency ain’t for the faint of heart, but you did it.

Go ahead and tell us about your process. Was our free travel agency business plan template helpful? Did it help to think things through and write a business plan for your agency? Was it a waste of time? Most importantly, what kind of office pet do you have and what sort of moral support do they provide?

Comment below!

*Editor's Note: This article was originally published on April 16th, 2019. We updated it on the publish date listed on the article!

About the Author

Mary Stein - Host Agency Reviews

Mary Stein has been working as a writer and editor for Host Agency Reviews since 2016. She loves supporting travel advisors on their entrepreneurial journey and is inspired by their passion, tenacity, and creativity. Mary is also a mom, dog lover, fiction writer, hiker, and a Great British Bake Off superfan.

Mary Stein - Host Agency Reviews

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How to create a business plan for a tour or activity company

Each TrekkSoft customer has their own story about how and why they became a tour operator or activity provider.

Some tour operators realised that they love educating others and providing them with meaningful cultural experiences.  Others started activity companies simply because they love the sport, activity, or adventure and wanted to introduce others to it.

Whatever your company and passion, you'll need a business plan to make sure your venture is both financially and conceptually viable. Let us help you out.

how to make a business plan for tourism

1. Fill our Business Model worksheet

We've created a Business Model worksheet especially for tour and activity business owners  looking to define their business ambitions and map a direction forward. Print out a copy, have a few pens handy, and unleash your business creativity. You could also have fun covering a large print-out with Post-it notes.

DIY task: While working on the worksheet, ask yourself:

  • Who are my key partners?
  • What are my key activities?
  • What are my key resources, e.g. online booking software ?
  • What are my value propositions?
  • What do my customer relationships include?
  • What are my customer segments?
  • What channels are important to my business, e.g. partnering with travel agents ?
  • What is my cost structure?
  • What are my revenue streams?

Print out a copy of our business model worksheet

2. Define goals and objectives for your tour business or activity company

Imagine your business five years from now. What will it look like? How many customers will go on your tours per week, or how many activities will be bookable on your website?

Picture the future, define 5-10 concrete objectives, and then list the steps required to get there.

Some goals and solutions include:

  • Reach new markets > Partner with local travel agents and activity providers
  • Improve booking experience > Enable online bookings to save customers time with a software provider such as TrekkSoft
  • Expand the tours I offer > Identify gaps in the market that I can fill with my experience and resources, then run trial tours to collect feedback from

3. Work out your finances on your business model

No matter how enthusiastic you are, it's important to ensure that your tour business or activity company makes economic sense. You're an entrepreneur, after all!

Ask yourself:

  • How much initial investment will my tour company need?
  • When will I start getting a profit?
  • If I get any investment, when can investors (including myself) expect a return?
  • What are my projected profits over time?
  • Will I be able to devote myself to the tour or activity business in a financial sense?
  • What kind of salary or income can I expect from my tours or activities?
  • What are the chances the business will fail? 
  • What will happen if it does?
  • How can I reduce risk, or plan for a worst-case scenario?

4. Define exactly how your tours and activities are of value

A  useful tool from Strategyzer is their Value Proposition Canvas , which makes it easy to define  how you are creating value for your customers and how to design products and services they really want.

5. Create a marketing strategy that's optimised for your customers

One marketing plan doesn't fit all, especially considering the wide range of tours and activities on the market.

  • Who is my target audience?
  • How old are they?
  • Where are they from?
  • What do they do for a living?
  • What experience and memories do they want to gain from my tour or activity?

Next, research and create a marketing strategy that these customer segments will best respond to.

You may consider print marketing, or a well thought-out text and visual marketing strategy. Also, effective social media use is key to your marketing efforts, especially if you're targeting millenials.

  • How to create a marketing plan for tour and activity operators
  • A complete guide to visual content marketing for professionals in the tourism industry

While these steps are general, be sure to tailor each step on your marketing plan to your audience. Talk in their language and promote your tours or activities in a way they'll respond to. Good luck!

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How To Write a Travel Agent Business Plan + Template

How To Write a Travel Agent Business Plan

Creating a business plan is essential for any business, but it can be especially helpful for travel agency businesses who want to improve their strategy and/or raise funding.

A well-crafted business plan not only outlines the vision for your company, but also documents a step-by-step roadmap of how you are going to accomplish it. In order to create an effective business plan, you must first understand the components that are essential to its success.

This article provides an overview of the key elements that every travel agency business owner should include in their business plan.

Download the Ultimate Business Plan Template

What is a Travel Agency Business Plan?

A travel agency business plan is a formal written document that describes your company’s business strategy and its feasibility. It documents the reasons you will be successful, your areas of competitive advantage, and includes information about your team members. Your business plan is a key document that will convince investors and lenders (if needed) that you are positioned to become a successful venture.

Why Write a Travel Agency Business Plan?

A travel agency business plan is required for banks and investors. The document is a clear and concise guide of your business idea and the steps you will take to make it profitable.

Entrepreneurs can also use this as a roadmap when starting their new company or venture, especially if they are inexperienced in starting a business.

Writing an Effective Travel Agency Business Plan

The following are the key components of a successful travel agency business plan.

Executive Summary

The executive summary of a travel agency business plan is a one to two-page overview of your entire business plan. It should summarize the main points, which will be presented in full in the rest of your business plan.

  • Start with a one-line description of your travel agency
  • Provide a short summary of the key points in each section of your business plan, which includes information about your company’s management team, industry analysis, competitive analysis, and financial forecast among others.

Company Description

This section should include a brief history of your company. Include a short description of how your company started, and provide a timeline of milestones your company has achieved.

If you are just starting your travel agency, you may not have a long company history. Instead, you can include information about your professional experience in this industry and how and why you conceived your new venture. If you have worked for a similar company before or have been involved in an entrepreneurial venture before starting your travel agency firm, mention this.

You will also include information about your chosen travel agency business model and how, if applicable, it is different from other companies in your industry.

Industry Analysis

The industry or market analysis is an important component of a travel agency business plan. Conduct thorough market research to determine industry trends and document the size of your market. 

Questions to answer include:

  • What part of the travel agency industry are you targeting?
  • How big is the market?
  • What trends are happening in the industry right now and, if applicable, how do these trends support the success of your company?

You should also include sources for the information you provide, such as published research reports and expert opinions.

Customer Analysis

This section should include a list of your target audience(s) with demographic and psychographic profiles (e.g., age, gender, income level, profession, job titles, and interests). You will need to provide a profile of each customer segment separately, including their needs and wants.

For example, a travel agency’s customers may include individuals, families, or corporate clients.

You can include information about how your customers make the decision to buy from you as well as what keeps them buying from you.

Develop a strategy for targeting those customers who are most likely to buy from you, as well as those that might be influenced to buy your products or travel agency services with the right marketing.

Competitive Analysis

The competitive analysis helps you determine how your product or service will be different from competitors, and what your unique selling proposition (USP) might be that will set you apart in this industry.

For each competitor, list their strengths and weaknesses. Next, determine your areas of competitive differentiation and/or advantage; that is, in what ways are you different from and ideally better than your competitors?

Marketing Plan

This part of the business plan is where you determine and document your marketing plan. Your plan should be clearly laid out, including the following 4 Ps.

  • Product/Service : Detail your product/service offerings here. Document their features and benefits.
  • Price : Document your pricing strategy here. In addition to stating the prices for your products/services, mention how your pricing compares to your competition.
  • Place : Where will your customers find you? What channels of distribution (e.g., partnerships) will you use to reach them if applicable?
  • Promotion : How will you reach your target customers? For example, you may use social media, write blog posts, create an email marketing campaign, use pay-per-click advertising, launch a direct mail campaign. Or you may promote your travel agency via word of mouth or PR.

Operations Plan

This part of your travel agency business plan should include the following information:

  • How will you deliver your product/service to customers? For example, will you do it in person or over the phone only?
  • What infrastructure, equipment, and resources are needed to operate successfully? How can you meet those requirements within budget constraints?

The operations plan is where you also need to include your company’s business policies. You will want to establish policies related to everything from customer service to pricing, to the overall brand image you are trying to present.

Finally, and most importantly, in your Operations Plan, you will lay out the milestones your company hopes to achieve within the next five years. Create a chart that shows the key milestone(s) you hope to achieve each quarter for the next four quarters, and then each year for the following four years. Examples of milestones for a travel agency include reaching $X in sales. Other examples include adding new products/services, hiring new employees, and so on.

Management Team

List your team members here including their names and titles, as well as their expertise and experience relevant to your specific travel agency industry. Include brief biography sketches for each team member.

Particularly if you are seeking funding, the goal of this section is to convince investors and lenders that your team has the expertise and experience to execute on your plan. If you are missing key team members, document the roles and responsibilities you plan to hire for in the future.

Financial Plan

Here you will include a summary of your complete and detailed financial plan (your full financial projections go in the Appendix). 

This includes the following three financial statements:

Income Statement

Your income statement should include:

  • Revenue : how much revenue you generate.
  • Cost of Goods Sold : These are your direct costs associated with generating revenue. This includes labor costs, as well as the cost of any equipment and supplies used to deliver the product/service offering.
  • Net Income (or loss) : Once expenses and revenue are totaled and deducted from each other, this is the net income or loss

Sample Income Statement for a Startup Travel Agency

Revenues $ 336,090 $ 450,940 $ 605,000 $ 811,730 $ 1,089,100
$ 336,090 $ 450,940 $ 605,000 $ 811,730 $ 1,089,100
Direct Cost
Direct Costs $ 67,210 $ 90,190 $ 121,000 $ 162,340 $ 217,820
$ 67,210 $ 90,190 $ 121,000 $ 162,340 $ 217,820
$ 268,880 $ 360,750 $ 484,000 $ 649,390 $ 871,280
Salaries $ 96,000 $ 99,840 $ 105,371 $ 110,639 $ 116,171
Marketing Expenses $ 61,200 $ 64,400 $ 67,600 $ 71,000 $ 74,600
Rent/Utility Expenses $ 36,400 $ 37,500 $ 38,700 $ 39,800 $ 41,000
Other Expenses $ 9,200 $ 9,200 $ 9,200 $ 9,400 $ 9,500
$ 202,800 $ 210,940 $ 220,871 $ 230,839 $ 241,271
EBITDA $ 66,080 $ 149,810 $ 263,129 $ 418,551 $ 630,009
Depreciation $ 5,200 $ 5,200 $ 5,200 $ 5,200 $ 4,200
EBIT $ 60,880 $ 144,610 $ 257,929 $ 413,351 $ 625,809
Interest Expense $ 7,600 $ 7,600 $ 7,600 $ 7,600 $ 7,600
$ 53,280 $ 137,010 $ 250,329 $ 405,751 $ 618,209
Taxable Income $ 53,280 $ 137,010 $ 250,329 $ 405,751 $ 618,209
Income Tax Expense $ 18,700 $ 47,900 $ 87,600 $ 142,000 $ 216,400
$ 34,580 $ 89,110 $ 162,729 $ 263,751 $ 401,809
10% 20% 27% 32% 37%

Balance Sheet

Include a balance sheet that shows your assets, liabilities, and equity. Your balance sheet should include:

  • Assets : All of the things you own (including cash).
  • Liabilities : This is what you owe against your company’s assets, such as accounts payable or loans.
  • Equity : The worth of your business after all liabilities and assets are totaled and deducted from each other.

Sample Balance Sheet for a Startup Travel Agency

Cash $ 105,342 $ 188,252 $ 340,881 $ 597,431 $ 869,278
Other Current Assets $ 41,600 $ 55,800 $ 74,800 $ 90,200 $ 121,000
Total Current Assets $ 146,942 $ 244,052 $ 415,681 $ 687,631 $ 990,278
Fixed Assets $ 25,000 $ 25,000 $ 25,000 $ 25,000 $ 25,000
Accum Depreciation $ 5,200 $ 10,400 $ 15,600 $ 20,800 $ 25,000
Net fixed assets $ 19,800 $ 14,600 $ 9,400 $ 4,200 $ 0
$ 166,742 $ 258,652 $ 425,081 $ 691,831 $ 990,278
Current Liabilities $ 23,300 $ 26,100 $ 29,800 $ 32,800 $ 38,300
Debt outstanding $ 108,862 $ 108,862 $ 108,862 $ 108,862 $ 0
$ 132,162 $ 134,962 $ 138,662 $ 141,662 $ 38,300
Share Capital $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0
Retained earnings $ 34,580 $ 123,690 $ 286,419 $ 550,170 $ 951,978
$ 34,580 $ 123,690 $ 286,419 $ 550,170 $ 951,978
$ 166,742 $ 258,652 $ 425,081 $ 691,831 $ 990,278

Cash Flow Statement

Include a cash flow statement showing how much cash comes in, how much cash goes out and a net cash flow for each year. The cash flow statement should include:

  • Cash Flow From Operations
  • Cash Flow From Investments
  • Cash Flow From Financing

Below is a sample of a projected cash flow statement for a startup travel agency.

Sample Cash Flow Statement for a Startup Travel Agency

Net Income (Loss) $ 34,580 $ 89,110 $ 162,729 $ 263,751 $ 401,809
Change in Working Capital $ (18,300) $ (11,400) $ (15,300) $ (12,400) $ (25,300)
Plus Depreciation $ 5,200 $ 5,200 $ 5,200 $ 5,200 $ 4,200
Net Cash Flow from Operations $ 21,480 $ 82,910 $ 152,629 $ 256,551 $ 380,709
Fixed Assets $ (25,000) $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0
Net Cash Flow from Investments $ (25,000) $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0
Cash from Equity $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0
Cash from Debt financing $ 108,862 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ (108,862)
Net Cash Flow from Financing $ 108,862 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ (108,862)
Net Cash Flow $ 105,342 $ 82,910 $ 152,629 $ 256,551 $ 271,847
Cash at Beginning of Period $ 0 $ 105,342 $ 188,252 $ 340,881 $ 597,431
Cash at End of Period $ 105,342 $ 188,252 $ 340,881 $ 597,431 $ 869,278

You will also want to include an appendix section which will include:

  • Your complete financial projections.
  • A complete list of your company’s business policies and procedures related to the rest of the business plan (marketing, operations, etc.).
  • Any other documentation which supports what you included in the body of your business plan.

Writing a good business plan gives you the advantage of being fully prepared to launch and/or grow your travel agency. It not only outlines your business vision but also provides a step-by-step process of how you are going to accomplish it. This will give you a much better chance at success than going into business blindly.

While it may seem like a daunting task, if you take it step-by-step and include all of the necessary information, you will be well on your way to having a successful travel agency.  

Finish Your Business Plan in 1 Day!

Wish there was a faster, easier way to finish your business plan?

With our Ultimate Business Plan Template you can finish your plan in just 8 hours or less!

Setting Up a Tourism & Travel Company - Making a Business Plan

Setting Up a Tourism & Travel Company - Making a Business Plan

Read Time: 5 Minutes

Posted: 06 Mar 2019

06 Mar 2019

Updated: 15th May 2023

If you’re planning on setting up a tourism business, you’ll definitely want to start with an airtight business plan . Here's everything you need to know about creating a business plan to start a travel company.

What is a Business Plan?

Your business plan is a document that sets out your business objectives and how you are going to achieve them.

When starting a travel or tour company, goals could include reaching new markets in different countries, making the booking experience easier or other gaps in the market. Crucially, you'll need to think about why you're starting this business.

Why is a Business Plan Important for Setting Up a Tourism Business?

Business plans are important for every kind of business. A successful business needs goals and to know the ways of reaching these goals. Without this important tool, it would be difficult to grow your business.

To succeed in the travel and tourism industry, you'll be providing customer service that could make or break someone's trip. From travel agencies to sightseeing tours, having a plan in place is necessary to succeed in this field.

business plan

How to Write a Business Plan for a Tourism Company

Here's what we recommend including in your tourism business plan.

Executive Summary

Company summary.

  • Investments.

Market Analysis Summary

  • Market segmentation - the groups of people you want to target.
  • Key market trends in the tourism sector.
  • Market needs based on current statistics in the tourism industry.
  • How your competitors are positioned in the market.
  • Where you have found a business opportunity in the market.  

Management Summary

Financial forecast, funding and costs.

  • When will I start to see a profit?
  • If I get any investment, when can investors expect a return?
  • How much profit will you see over time?
  • What kind of income can I expect from my business?
  • How can I reduce the risk of failure?

Setting up a tourism business is no mean feat; we hope these tips give you a strong foundation for your new travel and tourism business. There are also plenty of free templates to suit all kinds of travel, tourism and hospitality companies that are easy to fill in with the help of this blog. Ready to start creating your business plan? Start here with how to determine your business model .

If you need any additional advice, our friendly team are on hand to help with every step of the way. Simply contact us here and we’ll do the rest. 

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How to Start a Travel Business: Tips for Success

Arto Minasyan

Step 1: Develop a business plan

Step 2: legal considerations, step 3: research travel market, step 4: identify your target market, step 5: analyze competitors, step 6: calculate startup costs, step 7: explore financing options, step 8: budgeting and accounting, step 9: choose a catchy name, step 10: design your logo, step 1: office location and infrastructure, step 2: technical setup, step 3: hiring employees, step 4: crafting operations policies, step 5: establishing supplier relationships, step 6: understanding licensing, step 7: getting insured, step 8: enhancing customer service, step 9: cultivating repeat business, step 1: design your website, step 2: leverage social media, step 3: email marketing campaigns, step 4: adventures in advertising, step 5: tapping into specialized travel markets.

Understanding how to start a travel business involves several crucial steps, from developing a solid business plan and handling legal requirements to conducting market research and building a strong brand. This guide will walk you through the foundational stages of starting a travel agency, ensuring you have a robust base for your business. By carefully planning each step, you can set your travel business up for success and navigate the complexities of the travel industry with confidence.

How to start a travel startup?

Is it a good idea to start a travel agency?

Is a travel company profitable?

Stage 1: Laying the foundation

Starting a travel agency involves crucial steps like developing a business plan, handling legal requirements, understanding the market, choosing your target, learning about finances, building a brand and more. These steps ensure your travel business has a strong base.

Creating a well-thought-out business plan is essential. A detailed business plan outlines your goals, target audience, revenue streams, and marketing strategies. It provides a roadmap for your travel business.

Start with market research to understand your competition and potential customers. Include a financial plan that covers startup costs, pricing strategies, and projected income. Address how you’ll handle operations, from booking systems to customer service.

A solid business plan can help attract investors and secure funding. It’s also useful for guiding your decisions as you grow your travel agency.

Before starting a business, it’s important to address all legal aspects. First, choose a business structure, like a limited liability company (LLC) , to protect your personal assets.

You’ll need to register your company name and obtain an Employer Identification Number (EIN) from the IRS. Depending on your location and the specific services you offer, you might need certain licenses or permits.

Make sure to familiarize yourself with legal requirements in the travel agency industry, including any regulations regarding booking and selling travel packages. Proper legal setup ensures you operate your travel business smoothly and compliantly.

Market research is a fundamental step in starting your travel business. It involves gathering data on the travel industry, including trends and demand for travel. Use tools like surveys, questionnaires, and industry reports to collect information.

Analyze data to understand which travel destinations are popular and what kind of travel experiences people are looking for. Pay attention to emerging markets and changes in travel behavior. For example, more people might be interested in eco-friendly travel or adventure travel lately.

Staying informed about the latest trends helps you tailor your services to meet current demands and anticipate future ones.

Determining your target market helps you focus your business efforts on the right audience. Consider demographics like age, income, and travel preferences. A younger audience may prefer budget travel and adventure trips, while older clients might look for luxury and comfort.

Segment your market by identifying unique needs and preferences. For instance, families might look for kid-friendly destinations, while solo travelers might be interested in unique, off-the-beaten-path locations.

Understanding the specific needs of your market allows you to offer customized services that cater to those preferences, making your business more appealing to potential customers.

Understanding your competitors is crucial for developing a competitive strategy. Start by identifying other travel businesses that target the same market. Look at what services they offer, their pricing, and how they attract and retain customers.

Check their online presence, reviews, and customer feedback to understand their strengths and weaknesses. This can reveal gaps in the market that your business can fill. For example, if competitors lack eco-friendly options, you could focus on sustainable travel.

Create a competitive analysis chart to compare key aspects of your business with others. This will help you position your travel agency to stand out in the travel market.

Understanding your startup costs helps you forecast the capital needed to launch your travel agency. Begin by listing all necessary expenses such as business registration fees , office rent , furniture , and initial advertising costs .

You’ll also need to account for technology investments, including a website and accounting software . A typical travel agency might require around $10,000 to $50,000 to start, depending on its scale and location.

Clearly categorizing one-time costs and ongoing expenses is vital. Create a detailed table to track these costs:

Registration $500
Office Rent $2,000/month
Furniture $1,500
Website Setup $2,000
Marketing $1,000
Accounting software $300

Securing the necessary capital is essential. Explore different financing options to meet your startup needs. One option is a small business loan from a bank, which offers structured repayment terms. Look into grants for new businesses; these provide funds without repayment requirements.

Investment partners can also provide capital in exchange for equity. Crowdfunding platforms allow you to raise small amounts of money from many people. Personal savings and family loans are less formal options but involve personal risk.

Carefully assess each option’s interest rates , repayment terms , and potential impact on your business.

Effective budgeting and accounting ensure financial stability. Open a business bank account to separate personal and business finances. Use accounting software to keep track of income, expenses, and profit margins.

Monitor revenue streams such as booking fees and commissions. Regularly analyze your gross margin (revenue minus costs) to ensure your business stays profitable. Set aside funds for taxes and unexpected expenses.

Plan for annual growth by setting clear financial goals. Keep track of your annual growth rate and make adjustments as needed to ensure steady progress. Regularly reviewing your financial statements will help you make informed business decisions.

Selecting a memorable and unique name for your travel business is crucial. Your company name should reflect your niche and be easy to remember. Avoid long or complex names that are hard to spell or pronounce. Consider a name that evokes a sense of adventure or luxury, depending on your target market. Before finalizing your name, check for domain availability and ensure it’s not already in use by another business.

A great name can set the tone for your brand and make a lasting impression on customers.

A logo is a visual representation of your brand. It should be simple yet expressive. Use colors that align with your brand identity and are pleasing to the eye. Think about how your logo will look in different sizes and formats, from business cards to your website.

Hire a professional designer if possible, as they can translate your ideas into a polished design. Tools like Canva can also help if you’re on a budget. Remember, your logo is one of the first things people will notice about your business, so it should leave a positive impact.

Stage 2: Setting up shop

When setting up your travel business, focus on key areas: a solid operational setup, seamless management, legal and insurance compliance, and strong client relations.

When starting your travel business, choosing the right office space is crucial. If you plan to run a physical location, find a spot with good foot traffic. Retail spaces near busy areas can attract more clients.

Ensure the office is equipped with reliable infrastructure. This includes desks, chairs, high-speed internet, and computers. Phone systems are necessary for communicating with clients and suppliers. An integrated Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tool helps manage customer interactions and data efficiently.

Your travel business needs a robust technical foundation. Start with travel booking software to handle reservations. Software options like Amadeus or Sabre can streamline the booking process.

A CRM system helps you track customer preferences and maintain strong client relationships. You’ll also need a website for online presence. Platforms like 10Web and WordPress allow you to build user-friendly sites without coding skills.

Finally, ensure data security is a priority. Use strong passwords and keep software updated to protect client information. This setup will help your business run smoothly and grow over time.

Finding the best travel agents and employees is essential for your business. You’ll want to look for candidates with strong customer service skills and experience in travel planning . Job postings should list specific duties like booking travel, handling customer inquiries, and managing itineraries.

Interviews should focus on assessing their ability to deal with customer issues and their knowledge of travel products. Once hired, employees should go through training programs to learn your systems, policies, and preferred suppliers.

Consider working with a host agency to provide additional training resources and industry connections. This can help get your employees up to speed quickly and ensure they have the tools they need to succeed.

Creating well-defined operations policies can guide your daily activities and improve efficiency. You need to develop standard operating procedures (SOPs) for booking, customer service, and emergency situations. These procedures help ensure consistent service quality and quick problem resolution.

Clearly outline refund and cancellation policies to avoid confusion and disputes with clients. Your policies should also address data privacy and compliance with travel regulations.

Additionally, establish communication guidelines for how your employees should interact with customers, suppliers, and each other. Regularly review and update these policies to keep them relevant and effective.

Strong supplier relationships are crucial for offering competitive travel packages. Start by identifying key suppliers like airlines, hotels, and tour operators that align with your business goals.

Negotiate partnership agreements to secure better rates and exclusive deals for your clients. These agreements often benefit both parties by increasing business and providing unique offerings.

Attend industry events and join professional organizations to network with potential suppliers. Use these opportunities to build rapport and stay informed about new products and trends. Keeping a diverse supplier list ensures you can offer a wide range of options to your clients, adding value to your services.

By hiring skilled employees, setting clear policies, and building strong supplier relationships, your travel business will be well-prepared to thrive.

To legally operate a travel business, you must obtain the appropriate licenses.

First, determine the required business licenses for your specific location. These licenses can vary greatly depending on where you plan to run your agency.

Next, you might need a business license which is essential for legal recognition and operation. You will often need to register your business name with local authorities.

In some regions, you may also need a travel agent license or to register with state-specific travel agencies or tourism boards.

Establishing your agency as a legal entity , such as an LLC or corporation, can offer legal protection and tax benefits. Make sure to register for taxes by obtaining an EIN from the IRS if you’re in the United States. This helps ensure compliance with tax laws and allows you to hire employees as needed.

Getting the right insurance is crucial for protecting your travel agency from potential risks.

First, you need business insurance to cover general liability. This protects your company from financial loss due to accidents, damage, or legal issues.

Consider professional liability insurance to cover mistakes or negligence claims that could arise from your travel advice or services. This type of insurance is also known as errors and omissions insurance.

Travel insurance for your clients is another essential coverage. While not directly a requirement for your business license, offering travel insurance to your clients protects them against trip cancellations, medical emergencies, and other unforeseen events.

Lastly, ensure you have employee insurance if you hire staff. This includes workers’ compensation insurance, which is often legally mandated to cover any workplace injuries or illnesses.

Together, these licensing and insurance steps help safeguard your travel business and ensure you’re operating within legal requirements.

Delivering excellent customer service is essential to gaining client trust. Listen carefully to your client’s needs and preferences. Respond promptly to inquiries and be available to solve issues quickly. Personalizing their travel experience can make a significant difference. Use their name regularly and make a note of their favorite destinations or travel styles.

Technology can play a huge role here. Utilize CRM tools to keep track of each client’s history and preferences. This not only makes interactions smoother but also helps in suggesting personalized travel packages later. Also, Offer 24/7 support where possible, as travel plans can change at any time.

Engaging with clients even after their trip can help in cultivating repeat business. Send thank you messages and follow-up emails to get feedback. This shows that you value their opinion and are committed to improving your services.

Create loyalty programs that reward frequent clients with discounts or special offers. Build a community by hosting travel events or creating an online group where clients can share their travel stories and tips. Ensure to stay in touch with regular updates about new destinations, travel deals, and personalized offers based on their previous trips.

Personal relationships and consistent engagement are key to making clients come back to you for their next adventure.

Stage 3: Marketing and growing your travel services

To market your travel services , start with a website. Use social media, run email campaigns, and invest in advertising to build brand awareness and attract customers. For additional growth, tap into specialized travel markets and apply the same strategies. Let’e learn. 

Your website is a crucial part of your brand; it should be user-friendly, visually appealing, and informative. Creating an online platform for your travel business using 10Web is both simple and efficient, ensuring that your website meets these essential criteria.

You can start in one of two ways: 

  • Clone an existing website : Provide 10Web AI Website Builder with a URL of a design you admire, and it will produce a similar site. 
  • Build from the beginning : Respond to a few questions about your business to generate a website from scratch. 

For this demonstration, we’ll use the second method:

how to start a travel business

  • Opt for Yes to get a domain or click No if you already have one.

how to start a travel business

  • Once your site is ready, preview it and make any required adjustments using the tools provided by 10Web.

Ensure your website is mobile-friendly, as many users will access it from their phones. Use professional content writing services if needed to make sure your content is both engaging and error-free. Also, don’t forget to include clear call-to-action buttons like Book Now , Contact Us , or Learn More .

Use platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to showcase your travel services. Share stunning pictures of destinations, customer experiences, and travel tips. Engage with your audience by responding to comments and messages promptly.

Create events or groups related to travel. For example, host a live Q&A session or a virtual travel tour. Collaborate with travel influencers who can promote your services to their followers.

Run targeted ads on these platforms to reach specific demographics. Facebook Ads Manager, for example, lets you create ads aimed at travelers in certain age groups, locations, or with specific interests.

Build an email list by offering value, like a free travel guide. Regularly send out newsletters filled with travel tips, destination guides, and special offers.

Ensure your emails are visually appealing and mobile-friendly. Include eye-catching images and clear calls-to-action, like Book Now or Learn More .

Segment your email list based on customer preferences and behaviors. Send personalized emails with content relevant to each segment, such as family travel deals for parents or adventure trips for younger travelers. Use tools like Mailchimp or Constant Contact to manage and automate your campaigns.

Invest in online ads, like Google Ads, which allow you to target users searching for travel services. Use keywords related to your services, such as “affordable trips,” “luxury vacations,” or “family travel packages.”

Consider print advertising in travel magazines or local newspapers. Eye-catching ads in places where your target audience is likely to look can be very effective.

Participate in travel fairs and expos. Have a booth set up with brochures, business cards, and promotional materials. Offer special discounts or giveaways to attract visitors to your booth and encourage them to book with you.

To stand out in the travel industry, it is essential to focus on specialized markets. These niches often come with unique demands and opportunities that can be very profitable.

Luxury and adventure travel

Luxury travel caters to clients seeking high-end experiences and personalized services. Travel advisors and agents are crucial here to provide bespoke itineraries , access to exclusive events, and first-class accommodations.

Adventure travel is for those looking for unique and thrilling experiences. This might include extreme sports, wildlife safaris, or eco-tours. Offering all-inclusive packages with expert guides can enhance your appeal. Targeting senior travelers and families with suitable adventures can broaden your market reach.

MICE: Meetings, incentives, conferences, and exhibitions

MICE travel focuses on arranging corporate travel for business events. It involves detailed planning and coordination of meetings, incentives, conferences, and exhibitions .

To succeed, build strong relationships with corporates, offering them tailored packages and flexible options. Knowing venue capacities, technology needs, and logistics is vital. Additionally, consider destination weddings and sporting events under incentives to diversify your services.

With these markets, you can create a unique brand identity and attract dedicated clients.

Learning how to start a travel business involves several key steps, from creating a comprehensive business plan and ensuring legal compliance to conducting thorough market research and establishing a strong brand. By carefully planning each stage, you can build a robust foundation for your travel business and navigate the complexities of the industry with confidence. Utilizing tools like 10Web’s ecommerce website builder can streamline the process, making it easier to create an effective online presence and grow your business successfully.

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How To Start A Business Plan: A Step-By-Step Guide

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Creating a business plan is a critical first step for any entrepreneur. Knowing how to start a business plan will help you create a roadmap, guiding your business from startup to growth and beyond. Whether you're looking for investment, trying to set clear goals, or simply organizing your thoughts, a solid business plan can make all the difference.

Here is a guide to help you get started on your business plan:

1. executive summary.

What It Is: This section summarizes your business plan as a whole and outlines your company profile and goals.

What to Include:

  • Business name and location
  • Products or services offered
  • Mission statement
  • The purpose of the plan (e.g., seeking funding, guiding the startup process)

Tip: Keep it concise. Although it's the first section, it's often best to write it last, after you’ve detailed everything else.

2. Company Description

What It Is: This section provides detailed information about your company, including who you are, what you do, and what markets you serve.

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  • Your business structure (e.g., sole proprietorship, LLC, corporation)
  • The industry and marketplace needs your business meets
  • Your business’s objectives and how you stand out from competitors

Tip: Use this section to highlight your company’s strengths and what makes you unique.

3. Market Research

What It Is: Market research demonstrates your understanding of the industry and target market.

  • Market size and growth potential
  • Target customer demographics
  • Market trends and outlook
  • Competitive analysis, including strengths and weaknesses of competitors

Tip: Include data and statistics to back up your findings and show that you’ve done your homework.

4. Organization and Management

What It Is: This section outlines your business’s organizational structure and management team.

  • Organizational chart
  • Information about the ownership of the company
  • Backgrounds and qualifications of the management team
  • Roles and responsibilities within the company

Tip: Highlight the skills and experiences of your team that will help the business succeed.

5. Products or Services Line

What It Is: Here, you detail the products or services you offer or plan to offer.

  • A description of each product or service
  • The lifecycle of products or services
  • Research and development activities, if applicable
  • Intellectual property, such as patents or trademarks

Tip: Focus on the benefits your products or services bring to your customers.

6. Marketing and Sales Strategy

What It Is: This section explains how you will attract and retain customers.

  • Marketing strategies, including advertising, promotions, and public relations
  • Sales strategies, including sales processes, channels, and tactics
  • Pricing strategy and how it compares to competitors

Tip: Ensure your marketing and sales strategies are aligned with your market research findings.

7. Funding Request

What It Is: If you’re seeking funding , this section outlines your requirements.

  • Your current funding needs
  • Future funding requirements over the next five years
  • How you intend to use the funds
  • Potential future financial plans (e.g., selling the business, repaying debt)

Tip: Be specific and realistic about how much funding you need and how it will be used.

8. Financial Projections

What It Is: Financial projections provide a forecast of your business’s financial future.

  • Income statements
  • Cash flow statements
  • Balance sheets
  • Break-even analysis

Tip: Use realistic and conservative estimates. Consider hiring a financial professional to help with this section if needed.

9. Appendix

What It Is: The appendix includes any additional information that supports your business plan.

  • Resumes of key management team members
  • Permits and leases
  • Legal documents
  • Detailed market research data
  • Product photos

Tip: Only include essential information that adds value to your business plan.

Final Tips for Creating a Business Plan

Creating a business plan requires clarity and precision. First and foremost, keep your business plan clear and concise. Avoid using jargon or complex language that could make the plan difficult to read or understand. Your aim should be to communicate your ideas effectively and efficiently.

Next, be realistic in your approach. Ensure that your goals and financial projections are attainable based on your research and understanding of the market. Overly ambitious projections can undermine your credibility and potentially lead to unrealistic expectations.

It's also essential to remember that a business plan is a dynamic document. As your business grows and market conditions change, you should revisit and revise your plan regularly. This helps you stay aligned with your goals and adapt to new challenges and opportunities.

Finally, seek feedback from experienced business professionals. Having someone with business experience review your plan can provide valuable insights and help identify any potential issues or areas for improvement. Their feedback can enhance the overall quality and effectiveness of your business plan.

By following these tips, you'll be better equipped to create a robust and effective business plan that can guide your business towards success.

The bottom line is that starting a business plan may seem challenging, but with careful planning and attention to detail, you can create a comprehensive guide to steer your business toward success. Use this step-by-step guide to ensure that all essential components are covered, giving your business the best possible start.

Melissa Houston, CPA is the author of Cash Confident: An Entrepreneur’s Guide to Creating a Profitable Business and the founder of She Means Profit . As a Business Strategist for small business owners, Melissa helps women making mid-career shifts, to launch their dream businesses, and I also guide established business owners to grow their businesses to more profitably.

The opinions expressed in this article are not intended to replace any professional or expert accounting and/or tax advice whatsoever.

Melissa Houston

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Understanding retirement needs

  • How much do you need to retire comfortably?
  • How much to save based on age

Building your retirement savings

Adjusting for inflation, lifestyle, and healthcare costs.

  • General rules of thumb
  • Seeking professional advice

How Much Do I Need to Retire? A Complete Guide to Retirement Planning

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  • Target savings will vary for each future retiree, depending on one's expenses and current salary.
  • Many advisors recommend saving 15% of your earnings annually or even more if you are getting a late start.
  • Multiple income streams and a conservative withdrawal rate ensure you don't run out of money.

Insider Today

Acquiring adequate retirement savings doesn't happen overnight. For most people, saving enough for retirement requires decades of dedication and strategic financial planning . But how much do you actually need to save to ensure a comfortable retirement? 

Here are the best retirement plans , calculators, investment strategies, and tips you can use to ensure your retirement savings plan is on track. 

Assessing your retirement needs

Unfortunately, there's no general number to aim for when saving toward retirement. Your target retirement savings goal will differ greatly from your siblings', neighbors', and even your coworkers' goals since the amount you'll need largely depends on personal factors.

However, one rule of thumb applies to everyone: The sooner you start saving, the less effort you'll need to put in to reach your goal, and the better-positioned you'll be later in life. 

According to the 2024 MassMutual Retirement Happiness Study , the average age for retirees in the U.S. is 62. If you were to live to 85, this means you'd need enough money to cover all your expenses (and retirement goals) for at least 22 years. Economic factors like inflation will also certainly impact your savings over time.

Estimating your retirement expenses

Understanding what you expect retirement to look like will help determine how much you'll need to fund that lifestyle. If you plan to travel the world in luxury, your budget will differ from someone wanting to bird watch from the backyard each morning.

In retirement, your savings will cover many of the same expenses you had pre-retirement. This includes costs like food, housing, transportation, clothes, gifts, utilities, insurance (including a health plan), and travel.

In most cases, these expenses won't change much from pre- to post-retirement, which makes creating a budget easier. But if you have big plans for your retirement years (moving to a new state or country, buying a bigger home, increasing travel, etc.), you must calculate how much your new standard of living will cost. 

How much do you need to retire comfortably? 

The first step to adequately saving for retirement is to determine how much you'll need. This means analyzing current and future expenses and deciding how much you can afford to put away each month. You may also want to use a number of different savings and investment vehicles or passive income streams.

Financial advisors suggest saving around 10 times your current salary by the time you reach retirement age. Before you retire, you should aim to reduce your annual expenses as much as possible, including paying off existing debt. This can help stretch your retirement savings for even longer. 

As always, it's wise to consult with a trusted financial planner to help you determine your unique needs and retirement savings strategy.

How much to save for retirement based on your age

One way to see if you're on track to reach a comfortable retirement savings is to aim for a multiple of your current annual earnings. This serves as a rough estimate so you can get a better sense of your situation. Remember that the amount of savings required to ensure a comfortable retirement varies according to your projected retirement costs and even the specific investments you choose for your retirement portfolio.

According to Fidelity , here's how much you should have saved up each decade to meet your retirement goals:


1-2 times your starting salary


3-4 times your starting salary


6-7 times your starting salary


8 times your starting salary


10+ times your starting salary 

Financial advisors recommend dedicating 15% of your annual income toward retirement. However, depending on your retirement goals, financial obligations, and current assets, you may need to save even more.

Types of retirement accounts (401(k), IRA, etc.)

There are multiple savings vehicles and income streams to consider for building your nest egg. These can affect how much you need to save today, depending on which sources of income are available to you.

Some of the most popular types of retirement accounts include: 

  • 401(k) plans: Employer-sponsored investment vehicles with compounding power and tax advantages to help you grow your nest egg steadily over time. Money in a 401(k) can be invested in various securities, and your contributions may even be matched by your employer, amplifying your efforts. Funds can be distributed without penalty beginning at age 59 ½, or earlier with certain exceptions.
  • IRAs: IRAs are retirement accounts individuals open through major banks, credit unions, and other financial institutions. The best IRA accounts include traditional, Roth, SEP, and SIMPLE IRAs. IRAs have the same tax advantages as 401(k)s but offer more flexibility over how your funds are allocated.
  • Traditional pension plans: Traditional pensions are another employer-sponsored investment vehicle certain businesses offer. With a pension, your employer is responsible for contributing and investing the funds in your account. The amount contributed is determined by employee earnings and years at the business. 

Outside of savings accounts, other ways to generate income during retirement include:

  • Social Security benefits: Social Security is a government program that provides individuals with monthly retirement and disability benefits. You can opt-in to start receiving Social Security benefits as early as age 62, but you'll receive lower payments. Financial experts recommend delaying Social Security until you reach full retirement age (age 70). 
  • Annuities: Annuities are another retirement income source to consider. They're offered by insurance companies and act as a long-term investment vehicle. After purchasing an annuity — either with a lump sum or periodic purchase payments — you will receive regular payments over the course of your retirement.

Planning for inflation in retirement

Remember to consider inflation and its impact on your savings. For instance, in 2024, there have been inflation rates of 3%, following the 3.3% increase in 2023 and the high 6.5% rate in 2022. Generally, you should account for inflation of approximately 2% per year.

However, certain economic, political, or natural disasters can cause unexpected spikes in inflation. In those cases, you may experience significant financial losses that require you to permanently or temporarily adjust your lifestyle and budget. One of the best ways to hedge against inflation and market downturns is by continuing to invest after retirement . 

Healthcare costs and long-term care planning

Try to account for potential unexpected expenses, such as medical care for you and your spouse or even financially helping a child or grandchild.

"The most common expense that a retiree can ignore (or forget to budget for) is end-of-life expectancy expenses," says Jim Ludwick, a CFP and member at Garrett Planning Network . "This includes caregivers coming to your house, going into assisted living, or skilled nursing. Those are very expensive parts of people's lives. And a lot of times that can eat up quite a bit of savings if it goes on for an extended period of time."

Downsizing and lifestyle adjustments

When planning your retirement lifestyle, consider where you want to live. You may want to downsize depending on your preferred lifestyle, savings amount, and priorities. That said, your priorities may be buying your dream retirement home or moving to a certain location. In this case, be sure that you factor those larger expenses into your budget.

Retirement planning general rules of thumb

While everyone's situation and needs will differ, there are a few primary rules of thumb that most financial advisors follow, which you should consider when determining how much to save for retirement.

Retirement income as a percentage of pre-retirement income

Many financial professionals recommend that you account for between 70% and 80% of your pre-retirement income each year in retirement. This means that if you currently earn $60,000 per year, you should plan to spend between $42,000 to $48,000 annually once you retire. 

This isn't a set rule for everyone, and you may need to even account for more savings. "Many people need to have income streams (or savings and investments) cover 80%, 90%, or even 100% of their pre-retirement budget," Ludwick says. It all depends on your specific expenses now and in retirement.

Saving 15% of your earnings every year

If you start saving for retirement early enough, an annual savings rate of 15% may be sufficient to meet your goals. If you're off to a late start, you may need to save a lot more each year to catch up. 

"As you get older, the amount needed for savings to reach the same end goal roughly doubles every 10 years," says Tolen Teigen, chief investment officer for FinDec . "So, if someone waits ten years to start saving, instead of 30, they are now 40. Instead of 8% to 10% annually, they are now looking at 16% to 20% saved to reach the same end number."

Saving 10 times your income by retirement age

As mentioned above, many financial advisors and firms like Fidelity recommend having approximately 10 times your annual salary saved by the time you reach retirement age. While this may not be exactly what you need, it's a good target to keep in mind as you go. You can always adjust it depending on your projected needs in retirement.

The 4% withdrawal rule 

Many retirees are concerned about running out of money once they reach retirement. The 4% rule may be a good guideline to avoid this. While many factors can affect the actual drawdown process, the 4% rule can be a good place to start if you want to avoid running out of money.

This rule states that retirees can withdraw up to 4% of their retirement savings in year one of retirement. So, if you have $2,000,000 in retirement savings, you would withdraw $80,000 that first year. In year two, you would adjust that $80,000 for inflation and withdraw that amount from your savings.

Keep in mind that while the 4% rule is standard, some financial advisors say your actual withdrawal percentage could be anywhere from 3% to 5%.

Seeking professional advice when retirement planning

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to saving for retirement. Everyone's needs will be different, and so will their approach to saving, including when they start and how much they can set aside each year. Consulting with a certified financial planner or other retirement expert is the best way to understand your unique needs.

"Planning ahead and checking in on your efforts" is key to saving enough for the retirement years, Ludwick says."It's dangerous when you're 75 and realize you're running out of money and you have to move in with a younger sibling or something." 

His advice? "If you want to stay independent, do your homework ahead of time. Think about all those things that could possibly happen. If they don't happen, you're lucky … and your kids and grandkids can have a nice gift that you leave behind."

You can calculate how much you need to retire by assessing your expected expenses, considering your desired lifestyle, current expenses, projected inflation, and healthcare costs. Business Insider's free retirement calculator can help you see if you're on track to secure a comfortable retirement. You can also use other rules of thumb, such as having an annual savings rate of 15%.

The 4% rule in retirement planning suggests withdrawing 4% of your retirement savings each year to prevent you from prematurely running out of money for at least 30 years. It's a general guideline to help estimate how much you need to save. However, some advisors recommend more or less than that rate.

You can maximize your retirement savings by regularly contributing to tax-advantaged retirement accounts like 401(k)s and IRAs to maximize employer matching contributions, investment opportunities, and compound interest. Generally, it's best practice to max out your retirement accounts first. Also, adopt a diversified investment strategy for greater portfolio growth and risk management.

The sooner you start planning for retirement, the easier it will be to compound your savings and reach your goals. Starting in your 20s and 30s allows more time for your investments to grow. It's still possible to catch up if you start in your 40s or 50s by saving more aggressively and adjusting your strategy, but it will be generally more stressful. 

Common mistakes to avoid in retirement planning include underestimating expenses, waiting to start saving, relying too heavily on Social Security, failing to diversify investments, spending too quickly, and not accounting for healthcare costs and inflation. The best way to avoid these common mistakes is by creating a thorough financial plan and consulting a financial advisor.

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Pret A Manger is scrapping its popular five coffees a day subscription deal - but is also cutting prices of a number of products. 

Under the current club offer, which has been running since 2020, customers pay £30 a month for the free drinks and a 20% discount on the rest of its menu. 

But, from 3 September, Club Pret members will pay £10 a month to receive 50% off on up to five barista-made drinks a day. 

The "simpler" scheme will initially launch at £5 a month for existing and new subscribers, but will increase on 31 March 2025. 

The change also means an end to the 20% discount, with the chain saying it "never really got comfortable" with dual pricing.

Pret's managing director Clare Clough said: "It's almost four years since we introduced our coffee subscription at the height of the pandemic, and I'm proud of the role Club Pret has played for us and our customers since.

"It was an innovative way to reconnect with our loyal customers and introduce Pret to tens of thousands of new ones, bringing customers back into our shops with an offer that almost seemed 'too good to be true'.

"Four years and over a quarter of a billion coffees later, we have decided that it’s time to rethink how it works."

In March, the chain implemented a crackdown to prevent Club Pret subscribers from sharing free drinks.

Some customers were exploiting loopholes by sharing subscription benefits. 

Since then, club members have been required to use the app to redeem their complimentary drinks. 

Pret also announced that its signature 100% organic arabica filter coffee would drop from £1.80 to 99p, and its all butter croissant will also drop from £2.30 to £1.99.

An increasing number of police officers in one of the country's biggest forces are said to be looking for second jobs due to rising living costs.

Sue Murphy, head of vetting and security at Thames Valley Police, said in a report that more staff and officers were looking for a second income "due to the high cost of living and high cost of housing" in the region.

According to the Bucks Free Press , the report said officers used to engage in "'hobby' type roles" - but some were now needing to generate further income to support their families.

Police officers are allowed to take on additional jobs outside their regular work if their force approves it.

According to Ms Murphy's report, Thames Valley Police is "carefully monitoring" the situation in the force, where there has been "continuous turnover of staff" and the risk of an "exhausted workforce" due to staff opting to work longer hours.

Sky News has contacted Thames Valley Police for comment.

NatWest and TSB have become the latest major lenders to announce a range of mortgage rate cuts. 

NatWest will reduce five-year purchase deals by up to 0.23% from tomorrow.

Two-year purchase deals will also decrease by up to 0.14%. 

Remortgage offers will fall by up to 0.18% and first-time buyer deals will be cut by up to 0.14%. 

TSB has said it will reduce rates on two-year fixed first-time buyer and home mover deals by up to 0.1%, and two-year fixed remortgage offers by up to 0.15%. 

The cuts come despite markets now pricing in a less than 50% chance of a Bank of England base rate cut in August - following yesterday's higher-than-expected inflation data.

Hannah Bashford, director at Model Financial Solutions, said the rate changes were "symbolic given the inflation data". 

"The war of rates is still raging. Hopefully the competition between banks and a tussle to be at the top and win business for the second half of the year will mean rates continue to fall throughout the summer," she told Newspage. 

Earlier this week, Virgin Money, Accord Mortgages, The Mortgage Works and Co-op Bank all dropped their rates as they started looking ahead to the Bank of England's interest rate decision in August. 

Carpetright's biggest rival has moved closer to buying its troubled competitor. 

Tapi, which was set up by the family who founded Carpetright, has placed a formal bid to purchase the brand name and a number of stores. 

If approved, the deal could save hundreds of stores and jobs. 

Carpetright put itself up for sale last week, appointing PwC as an administrator. 

It currently trades from more than 270 stores across the UK.

Sky News has contacted Tapi and Carpetright for comment. 

A global payments issue that hit the Bank of England this afternoon has been resolved - you can read more about this in our 15.03 post. 

The Bank has just issued a statement saying a third-party supplier has fixed the problem and payments are "settling as normal". 

"We expect that all payments received by the Bank today will be settled by the end of the day," it says. 

"If you are concerned about a CHAPS payment you plan to make or receive today, please contact your bank, or other payment service provider." 

Sky News understands the problem was not caused by a cyber incident. 

The CHAPS system is used for high-value payments, meaning some house purchases have been delayed today. 

One of the UK's largest plastic surgery providers has collapsed. 

The Skin Group, which has more than 70 branches across the UK, was also the owner of Skin Clinics, the Harley Medical Group, Skin Brands the Skin Experts and ABC Medical. 

In a message to customers, it said all the brands had "ceased trading". 

Its website displayed a note saying the company had "undertaken an extensive process to secure investment to enable it to continue trading but sadly we've been unsuccessful".

"We recognise this outcome will have a significant impact on our team members and our customers and we are deeply sorry for the stress and inconvenience this has caused." 

Clients still awaiting test results will be contacted as soon as possible, it added.

Communications firm Kendrick, which was Skin's PR agency, wrote in a post on Instagram that it was "blindsided" by the news.

"We have no information as yet regarding how things are being managed by Skin or the administrators, or how cancelled patient appointments / payments etc will be redressed," it said.

"We are sorry to have no news to share – this situation has blindsided us all. Should anything change in this regard, we will share relevant updates on our channels." 

A "global payments issue" has hit the Bank of England's CHAPS service. 

The issue is causing delays to high-value and time-sensitive payments, including some house purchases, the Bank says. 

"We are mindful of the impact this is likely to have and are working closely with a third-party supplier, industry and other authorities to resolve the issue as promptly as possible," it says. 

Retail payment systems and cash machines have not been affected. 

It is not clear how many payments have been impacted by the issue, which the Bank has been aware of since midday. 

Sky News understands a cyber incident has been ruled out.

Director of Thomas Legal, Chris Barry says the issue will affect property exchanges and completions up and down the country today. 

"Whilst many completions are preset and happen earlier in the day, some will still happen between the issue being announced and the cut off of 4pm," he told Newspage. 

"For many, this has just made an already stressful day even more stressful. Most contracts have a 12pm or 1pm hard time embedded, so if the payment is being made now, they are technically in breach of contract." 

CHAPS is one of the largest high-value payment systems in the world. 

High street banks and a number of international banks use the system to make large payments, with the system processing around £350bn a day. 

It can also be used by people spending lots of money - up to millions of pounds - on items such as cars, boats and properties. 

Our business presenter Ian King says it's not uncommon for CHAPS to experience problems, but the fact it's a global issue "does raise one or two eyebrows". 

"The problems usually crop up when one bank or another is experiencing a particularly heavy workload, and that's when delays can happen," he says. 

"Potentially, it could cause a lot of aggravation for people who are trying to complete on a housing transaction today.

"It is a big part of the financial plumbing for the financial services industry." 

Has your house purchase been delayed because of the issue? If so, we would like to hear from you. 

To get in touch,  send us a message on WhatsApp.

By doing so, you agree we can broadcast, publish and edit the material without any payment being due to you.

By James Sillars , business reporter

There has been no second interest rate cut by the European Central Bank (ECB), as widely expected.

The body responsible for monetary policy in the euro area maintained its current guidance on the path ahead following its latest meeting.

As such, there were no hints about what the governing council might do at its next meeting in September.

The rates announcement said that domestic price pressures remained elevated, and inflation would remain above the ECB's 2% target well into next year.

For Savings Guide this week, Savings Champion co-founder Anna Bowes explains why savers should be excited by yesterday's inflation figures... 

Headline inflation as measured by the Consumer Prices Index remained at the government target of 2% for June.

It returning to these levels means prices are rising less quickly than they have been over the last couple of years. 

For savers, it means that, currently, over 90% of savings accounts are offering a rate that beats the rising current cost of living.

But savers should be aware there are still accounts out there paying less than 2%. 

The National Savings & Investments Investment Account is paying just 1% - when you could earn 5.2% in the Ulster Bank Loyalty Account. 

On a deposit of £10,000, that would mean that you'd earn just £100 rather than £520 with over 12 months. 

More importantly, with your cash earning less than inflation, it is failing to keep up with the rising cost of living, so the real value of your cash is being decimated.

There are currently more accounts than ever for savers to choose from, but don't let choice paralysis and inertia stop you from earning the interest you deserve.

Here are some of your other options...

Santander has announced it will "now stop any payments with profanities in the reference" for its business banking customers. 

Several high street banks do not allow swearing in the references already so Santander is not alone, but it has still raised a few eyebrows.

A Santander spokesperson told the Money team it had implemented the guidance to protect customers. 

"Sadly, we've seen an increase in the number of customers receiving abusive messages and threats via faster payment messages," they said. 

"This can include customers in abusive relationships or those that have put restraining orders in place to protect themselves, and go on to receive death threats and targeted abuse in payments being made to them. 

"We hope that this new guidance will help our most vulnerable customers and protect them from receiving abuse via payments."

You can let us know your thoughts on the changes in the comments section above - but here's what some business people told Newspage...

Graham Cox, director at Self-Employed Mortgage Hub, said: "When you consider the vile comments left on social media these days, it can't be much fun for Santander's staff constantly viewing profanities on banking transactions."

Stephen Perkins, managing director at Yellow Brick Mortgages, said Santander censoring and blocking payments seemed "a little heavy-handed".

"While it's great that Santander cares about decency, this move feels a bit like your overly strict aunt scolding you for harmless jokes. We really don't need Big Brother banking," said Ranald Mitchell, director at Charwin Mortgages.

And Hannah Bashford, director at Model Financial Solutions, said: "Santander's proposal to filter profanities in the business banking app is unnecessary and may have the unintended consequence of blocking business for some the Britain's rudest named villages. 

"Does that mean all holidays to Sandy Balls are cancelled?"

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What we know about the Trump assassination attempt and the shooter

Former President Donald Trump was shot during a rally in Pennsylvania on Saturday. He was immediately shielded and taken to safety after his ear was injured. Details are emerging about how it happened and the identity of the shooter, Thomas Matthew Crooks , 20.

President Joe Biden delivered an address from the Oval Office on Sunday night and said he was grateful Trump was not seriously hurt.

Here’s what we know.

Where did it happen?

The shooting took place at a presidential campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania , a city in the western part of the state about an hour's drive north of Pittsburgh.

What happened?

About six minutes into Trump’s speech, the former president could be seen clutching his ear after popping noises rang out over the rally. Trump ducked to the ground as several Secret Service agents rushed to the stage and surrounded him on all sides. There were screams from onlookers as the scene unfolded.

Roughly a minute later, agents helped Trump get up from the ground and stand. He held up his fist to the crowd, prompting cheers from supporters. Several agents then rushed him off the stage and escorted him into a vehicle.

Blood could be seen on Trump’s ear and on the side of his face. He later said on his social media site, Truth Social, that a bullet “pierced the upper part of my right ear.”

According to preliminary reports, which could change as the crime scene is processed, eight shots were fired by the shooter, an official said.

Secret Service wipe off blood

Trump was talking about Biden’s policies on immigration when shots were fired.

Was anyone else hurt? 

One spectator died and two others were critically wounded, Pennsylvania State Police Lt. Col. George Bivens said.

The man who died was 50-year-old former firefighter Corey Comperatore, Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro said Sunday. He said that Comperatore, whom he called a hero, moved to protect his wife and two daughters when gunshots were heard at the rally.

The two people who were wounded were David Dutch, 57, of New Kensington, Pennsylvania, and James Copenhaver, 74, of Moon Township, Pennsylvania. Both are being treated at Allegheny General Hospital in Pittsburgh and are listed as being in stable condition.

Witnesses described hearing loud popping noises, with one person saying they saw someone who was shot in the back of the head and another person who said she saw someone “bleeding profusely.”

Rep. Ronny Jackson, R-Texas, said in a statement that his nephew was injured in the shooting. Jackson said that his family was seated near Trump and that after they heard shots, his nephew realized something had grazed and cut his neck.

He said his nephew’s injury was not serious and “he is doing well.”

Was it an assassination attempt? Which agencies are investigating?

Law enforcement officials are investigating the incident as an assassination attempt.

“This evening, we had what we’re calling an assassination attempt against our former president, Donald Trump,” said Kevin Rojek, special agent in charge of the FBI’s Pittsburgh field office.

The FBI is investigating it as an act of domestic terrorism. The agency is leading efforts and working alongside the Secret Service and state and local law enforcement. In the aftermath of the shooting, the FBI deployed investigative agents, bomb technicians and evidence response personnel.

Rojek asked that witnesses to the shooting contact the FBI.

Police snipers returned fire after shots were fired while Trump was speaking at the rally.

Who is the shooter? What was the motive?

The FBI identified the shooter as 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks of Bethel Park, Pennsylvania. He was killed at the scene.

“We do not currently have an identified motive, although our investigators are working tirelessly to attempt to identify what that motive was,” Rojek said.

A senior law enforcement official directly briefed on the matter said the nature of the shooting suggests political ideology as motive but that there was nothing definitive known at the time. The FBI conducted a preliminary analysis of Crooks’ phone but has not found anything to indicate motive, according to a senior U.S. law enforcement official.

Thomas Matthew Crooks.

Crooks used a semiautomatic rifle, based on what was found at the scene, three senior U.S. law enforcement officials said. FBI officials said that the weapon he used is believed to have been bought by his father, though they don’t have any additional information right now on how he got it. More than a dozen guns were also found in a search of the Crooks family home, according to four senior officials. The family is cooperating with investigators, an official said.

Law enforcement officials found a number of suspicious canisters or containers in Crooks’ vehicle, which was left near the rally, but it was unclear if they were functional as incendiary or explosive devices, two officials said.

The shooter was part of an area gun club, the Clairton Sportsmen’s Club. At its range in Clairton, the club has facilities for skeet shooting, high-power rifle exercises and archery practice.

Voter records from Pennsylvania listed a person with the same name, address and birth date as a registered Republican.

He did not have any affiliation with the U.S. military, according to the Defense Department.

It was not known whether the shooter was acting alone or in coordination with others. There does not appear to be any evidence currently that the shooting had any link to a foreign actor, according to a U.S. official.

Where was the shooter? Did the shooter get past security?

Crooks fired several shots from a nearby rooftop during the rally. The rooftop was outside the security perimeter established by the Secret Service, three senior law enforcement officials told NBC News.

Rallygoers alerted local police of a suspicious person near the magnetometer area, two senior officials said. They tried to search for the suspicious person, believed to be Crooks, but could not find him in the crowd, the officials said.

Two municipal officers also tried to approach Crooks shortly before he opened fire, according to two senior officials. It is unclear where that took place.

Crooks’ father called the police after the shooting to say he was worried that his son and his AR rifle were missing, according to three senior officials.

What have we heard from Trump?

Trump first posted about the incident on Truth Social.

“I was shot with a bullet that pierced the upper part of my right ear. I knew immediately that something was wrong in that I heard a whizzing sound, shots, and immediately felt the bullet ripping through the skin. Much bleeding took place, so I realized then what was happening. GOD BLESS AMERICA!” he wrote.

He expressed gratitude to the Secret Service and law enforcement for their quick response. He added, “Most importantly, I want to extend my condolences to the family of the person at the Rally who was killed, and also to the family of another person that was badly injured.”

“It is incredible that such an act can take place in our Country. Nothing is known at this time about the shooter, who is now dead,” he wrote.

Trump thanked Secret Service agents for their rapid response.

What have we heard from Trump’s family?

Melania Trump released a statement Sunday describing the fear she felt seeing the incident unfold and thanking the Secret Service agents and law enforcement who responded. She also offered sympathy for the victims.

“A monster who recognized my husband as an inhuman political machine attempted to ring out Donald’s passion — his laughter, ingenuity, love of music, and inspiration,” she wrote in the statement. “The core facets of my husband’s life — his human side — were buried below the political machine.”

She encouraged people to look beyond partisan politics: “Let us not forget that differing opinions, policy, and political games are inferior to love.”

Trump’s eldest daughter, Ivanka Trump, condemned the attack in a statement on X , thanking people for their prayers. “I am grateful to the Secret Service and all the other law enforcement officers for their quick and decisive actions today,” she wrote. “I continue to pray for our country.”

“I love you Dad, today and always,” she added.

Trump’s eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., said in a statement through his spokesperson that he spoke to his father over the phone Saturday and that he is in “great spirits.” “He will never stop fighting to save America, no matter what the radical left throws at him,” Trump Jr. said.

Their brother Eric Trump posted on X a picture of his father pumping his fist in the air after the shooting. “This is the fighter America needs!” the post read.

Has Biden responded?

In his address from the Oval Office , Biden shared his condolences to those who were hurt and championed the values of democracy. "The higher the stakes, the more fervent the passions become," he said. "This places an added burden on each of us to ensure that no matter how strong, our convictions must never descend into violence."

The president also held a news conference earlier in the day, in which he said he'd spoken with Trump, who was "doing well and recovering." Biden added that he and Vice President Kamala Harris have been briefed by law enforcement, the national security adviser and Homeland Security.

Biden said he has directed the Secret Service to provide Trump with "every resource capability and protective measure necessary to ensure his continued safety." He has also asked the Secret Service to review security for the Republican National Convention, which begins Monday, and ordered an independent review of national security at the rally.

The president urged unity and cautioned against assumptions about the suspect's motives.

Biden first addressed reporters about the shooting from Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, about 90 minutes after it occurred.

“It’s sick. It’s sick. It’s one of the reasons we have to unite this country,” he said. “We cannot condone this.”

The president's campaigning was put on hold for roughly 36 hours and began again Monday afternoon.

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Matt Lavietes is a reporter for NBC Out.

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The Secret Service is investigating how the man who shot Trump got as close as he did

The Associated Press

Police snipers return fire after shots were fired while former President Donald Trump was speaking at a campaign event in Butler, Pa., on Saturday.

Police snipers return fire after shots were fired while former President Donald Trump was speaking at a campaign event in Butler, Pa., on Saturday. Gene J. Puskar/AP hide caption

The U.S. Secret Service is investigating how a gunman armed with an AR-style rifle was able to get close enough to shoot and injure former President Donald Trump at a rally Saturday in Pennsylvania, a monumental failure of one the agency's core duties.

The gunman, who was killed by Secret Service personnel, fired multiple shots at the stage from an "elevated position outside of the rally venue," the agency said.

An Associated Press analysis of more than a dozen videos and photos taken at the Trump rally, as well as satellite imagery of the site, shows the shooter was able to get astonishingly close to the stage where the former president was speaking. A video posted to social media and geolocated by the AP shows the body of a man wearing gray camouflage lying motionless on the roof of a manufacturing plant just north of the Butler Farm Show grounds, where Trump's rally was held.

The roof was less than 150 meters (yards) from where Trump was speaking, a distance from which a decent marksman could reasonably hit a human-sized target. For reference, 150 meters is a distance at which U.S. Army recruits must hit a scaled human-sized silhouette to qualify with the M16 assault rifle in basic training. The AR-15, like the shooter at the Trump rally had, is the semi-automatic civilian version of the military M16.

Former President Donald Trump is rushed offstage during a rally in Butler, Pa.

Trump is fine after an assassination attempt at his rally

The FBI early Sunday identified the shooter as Thomas Matthew Crooks, 20, of Bethel Park, Pa.

The Secret Service didn't have anybody at a late-night news conference where FBI and Pennsylvania State Police officials briefed reporters on the shooting investigation. FBI Special Agent in Charge Kevin Rojek said it was "surprising" that the gunman was able to fire at the stage before he was killed.

Members of the Secret Service's counter sniper team and counter assault team were at the rally, according to two law enforcement officials. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they weren't authorized to discuss details of the investigation.

The heavily-armed counter assault team, whose Secret Service code name is "Hawkeye," is responsible for eliminating threats so that other agents can shield and take away the person they are protecting. The counter sniper team, known by the code name "Hercules," uses long-range binoculars and is equipped with sniper rifles to deal with long-range threats.

U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas said his department and the Secret Service are working with law enforcement to investigate the shooting. Maintaining the security of presidential candidates and their campaign events is one of the department's "most vital priorities," he said.

"We condemn this violence in the strongest possible terms and commend the Secret Service for their swift action today," Mayorkas said. "We are engaged with President Biden, former President Trump and their campaigns, and are taking every possible measure to ensure their safety and security."

The Picture Show

Photos: see how the trump rally shooting unfolded.

Calls for an investigation came from all sides.

James Comer, a Kentucky Republican who is the House Oversight Committee chairman, said he contacted the Service Service for a briefing and called on Director Kimberly Cheatle to appear for a hearing. Comer said his committee will send a formal invitation soon.

"Political violence in all forms is unamerican and unacceptable. There are many questions and Americans demand answers," Comer said in a statement.

U.S. Rep. Ritchie Torres, a New York Democrat, called for investigating "security failures" at the rally.

"The federal government must constantly learn from security failures in order to avoid repeating them, especially when those failures have implications for the nation," Torres said.

Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers, a Democrat, posted on X that he and his staff are in contact with security planning coordinators ahead of the Republican National Convention set to begin Monday in Milwaukee. "We cannot be a country that accepts political violence of any kind — that is not who we are as Americans," Evers said.

The FBI said it will lead the investigation into the shooting, working with the Secret Service and local and state law enforcement.

Attorney General Merrick Garland said the Justice Department "will bring every available resource to bear to this investigation."

"My heart is with the former President, those injured, and the family of the spectator killed in this horrific attack," Garland said in a statement. "We will not tolerate violence of any kind, and violence like this is an attack on our democracy."

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    Here's a step-by-step guide on how to write a tourism business plan. Step 1: Executive Summary. Start with an executive summary, which provides a snapshot of your business. It should include your business name, location, and a brief description of the services you offer. This section should also highlight your unique selling proposition ...

  2. How to Create a tourism Business Plan?

    Even if you're creating your business plan for internal use only, conducting market analysis and research is an excellent way to gauge your position within your industry, identify areas of concern, and create an effective marketing strategy using the 7 Ps of Travel and Tourism Marketing. Things to consider in your market analysis include your ...

  3. Tour Operator Business Plan [Free Template

    Writing a tour operator business plan is a crucial step toward the success of your business. Here are the key steps to consider when writing a business plan: 1. Executive Summary. An executive summary is the first section planned to offer an overview of the entire business plan. However, it is written after the entire business plan is ready and ...

  4. Travel Tour Agency Business Plan Example

    P25,365. P20,958. P10,959. Cash at End of Period. P25,365. P46,323. P57,282. Download This Plan. Explore a real-world travel tour agency business plan example and download a free template with this information to start writing your own business plan.

  5. Start Your Tour Company

    Create your own tour business plan with these steps: Set Clear Goals: Outline specific, measurable objectives for your business. Outline Strategies: Define key strategies for operations, customer service, and tour development. Financial Projections: Include startup costs, revenue forecasts, and break-even analysis.

  6. How to Set Up a Tour Operator Business Plan

    1. Business overview. This section of your tour operator/ tour agency business plan provides a holistic snapshot of your company, offering readers a clear understanding of your business's identity. Ideally, it should include the following: Business Name: Your business name should resonate with your target audience, conveying the essence of ...

  7. How to create a tour operator business plan in 8 steps

    Tour Operator Business Plan Template. Your tour operator business plan should contain at least seven sections: an executive summary, a company overview, a description of your services, an analysis of your market, an implementation plan, a team summary, and a financial plan. You might have one or more appendices at the end, if you have ...

  8. How To Start A Tourism Business: Actionable Insights For 2021 & Beyond

    How To Start A Tourism Business: Step-By-Step Instructions. 1. Formulate A Plan For Your Business. First, you need to develop a clear business plan. Before setting the entity up, you'll need a concise vision and understanding of what the business will look like and the direction it is going in. Here are some important aspects to cover:

  9. How to Write Travel Agency Business Plan + Free Template

    In addition, highlight any milestones you have accomplished, such as the number of clients served, positive reviews, new travel agency openings, etc. 4. Conduct an Industry and Market Analysis. An industry and market analysis section is one of the most important ones in your travel agent business plan.

  10. Free Travel Tour Agency Business Plan Template + Example

    Follow these tips to quickly develop a working business plan from this sample. 1. Don't worry about finding an exact match. We have over 550 sample business plan templates. So, make sure the plan is a close match, but don't get hung up on the details. Your business is unique and will differ from any example or template you come across.

  11. How to Start a Tourism Business: A Step-by-Step Guide

    The tourism industry, much like an uncharted terrain, necessitates a thorough exploration. Having a comprehensive game plan will prevent you from losing your bearings amid the wilderness. So, fasten your seatbelts and put on your thinking caps; it's time to traverse the exciting topography of creating a successful tourism business.

  12. How to Start a Tourism Business: A Step-by-Step Guide

    The tourism industry, much like an uncharted terrain, necessitates a thorough exploration. Having a comprehensive game plan will prevent you from losing your bearings amid the wilderness. So, fasten your seatbelts and put on your thinking caps; it's time to traverse the exciting topography of creating a successful tourism business.

  13. How To Make A Tour And Travel Business Plan

    When creating a business plan, you should include revenue forecasts and expenses. They can also include pricing strategy, cost control methods, cash flow forecasts, financial statements and balance sheets. Having a tour financial plan will help you make better business decisions, raise capital and compile budgets.

  14. How to start a Tour Operator business in 2024

    Name your tour business. The first thing you need to do is name your business. Your tour name will be used in all of your documentation. Make sure your name is both memorable and descriptive. The most important is if the website domain is available.

  15. Travel Agency Business Plan Template (2024)

    The U.S. travel agency industry is valued at $48.5B with more than 90,600 businesses in operation and over 318,600 employees nationwide. Factors currently driving industry growth include an increase in domestic tourism and travel for overnight trips, vacations, and business purposes.

  16. How to write a business plan for a travel agency?

    Start Your Free Trial Now Or learn more about our solution here. 5. The strategy section. When writing the strategy section of a business plan for your travel agency, it is essential to include information about your competitive edge, pricing strategy, sales & marketing plan, milestones, and risks and mitigants.

  17. Tourism Business Plan Templates

    At Business and Plans, we offer a wide range of Tourism business plan templates to cater to your specific needs. Whether you are starting a Hotel, Bed and Breakfast, or Travel Agency, we've got you covered. Our professionally designed templates will save you time and ensure your business is set up for success. Browse through our selection ...

  18. How to Start a Travel Business in 10 Steps

    Decide what kind of travel business you want to run, choose a name, create a logo and a slogan. Make sure that they are powerful, so that once your brand is out there it will be easily recognizable. 2. Work on Your Business Plan. Many decisions and tasks go into creating a business, and from the moment you decide that you are going for it, you ...

  19. Beginners Guide to Starting a Tourism Business

    Step 2: Take your geographical location into account. Step 3: Size up the competition. Step 4: Write a business plan. Step 5: Procure the necessary funds. Step 6: Select a business location. Step 7: Obtain all applicable business licenses. Step 8: Market your tourism business: Read more on this topic: Definition: Tourists are people who travel ...

  20. How to Start a Tour Business: From Passion to Profit in the Tourism

    Develop a Solid Business Plan. A comprehensive business plan is essential for any new business, and a tour company is no exception. Your business plan should outline your company's mission, target market, marketing strategy, financial projections, and operational plan. This document will serve as your roadmap and help you stay focused on your ...

  21. Free Travel Agency Business Plan Template

    Travel Agency Business Plan, Part 2: Business Foundations. This section of your travel agency business plan provides background information on your agency. If you're brand-spanking new, much of this information will be provided in the overview. If your business has roots, it may be a little more complex. This section can include:

  22. How to create a business plan for a tour or activity company

    Improve booking experience > Enable online bookings to save customers time with a software provider such as TrekkSoft. Expand the tours I offer > Identify gaps in the market that I can fill with my experience and resources, then run trial tours to collect feedback from. 3. Work out your finances on your business model.

  23. How To Write A Winning Travel Agent Business Plan

    This part of the business plan is where you determine and document your marketing plan. Your plan should be clearly laid out, including the following 4 Ps. Product/Service: Detail your product/service offerings here. Document their features and benefits. Price: Document your pricing strategy here.

  24. Setting Up A Tourism Business, Business Plan to Start a Travel Company

    To succeed in the travel and tourism industry, you'll be providing customer service that could make or break someone's trip. From travel agencies to sightseeing tours, having a plan in place is necessary to succeed in this field. How to Write a Business Plan for a Tourism Company. Here's what we recommend including in your tourism business plan ...

  25. How to Start a Travel Business: Tips for Success

    These steps ensure your travel business has a strong base. Step 1: Develop a business plan. Creating a well-thought-out business plan is essential. A detailed business plan outlines your goals, target audience, revenue streams, and marketing strategies. It provides a roadmap for your travel business.

  26. How To Start A Business Plan: A Step-By-Step Guide

    Here is a guide to help you get started on your business plan: 1. Executive Summary. What It Is: This section summarizes your business plan as a whole and outlines your company profile and goals.

  27. How Much Do I Need to Retire?

    This means that if you currently earn $60,000 per year, you should plan to spend between $42,000 to $48,000 annually once you retire. This isn't a set rule for everyone, and you may need to even ...

  28. Money blog: Pound flies after inflation news

    Welcome to the Money blog, your place for personal finance and consumer news and tips. Leave a comment with your thoughts below.

  29. What we know about the Trump assassination attempt and the shooter

    Blood could be seen on Trump's ear and on the side of his face. He later said on his social media site, Truth Social, that a bullet "pierced the upper part of my right ear.". According to ...

  30. Secret Service investigates how Trump shooter was able to get so ...

    An Associated Press analysis of more than a dozen videos and photos taken at the Trump rally, as well as satellite imagery of the site, shows the shooter was able to get astonishingly close to the ...