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A free example of a 3-year business plan.

You will find 3-year business plan tailored to your project in our list of 250+ business plans

example of a 3 year business plan

All our business plans do include a 3-year business plan

How can you create a 3-year business plan that sets you up for success?

In this article, we provide a free tool to do so. If you're looking for something more tailored to your specific project, feel free to browse our list of business plans, customized for over 200 different project types here .

We'll also address the following questions: What should be included in a 3-year business plan? How much money do you typically need to start a small business? What financial projections are necessary for a 3-year business plan? How can you identify your business's target market? What is the average growth rate for small businesses in their first three years? How do you calculate your business's break-even point? What are common funding sources for new businesses? How much should you budget for marketing in your business plan? What key performance indicators (KPIs) should you track in a 3-year business plan? How do you estimate the cost of goods sold (COGS) for your business? What is the typical profit margin for small businesses in their first three years? How do you create a contingency plan for your business?

The document available for as a free example is a business plan. It includes all the elements mentioned in this blog post. It is tailored specifically to the realities of a fruit juice bar. If you need a document for your own project, feel free to browse through our list of business plans .

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us .

What Should Be Included in a 3-Year Business Plan?

Here are the key elements that should be included, all of which you will find in our financial forecasts tailored to 200+ different business projects .

Description Purpose Timeframe
A brief overview of the business plan, including the business concept, financial features, and current business position. To provide a snapshot of the business and entice readers to read the full plan. 1-2 pages
Details about the business, including its mission, vision, goals, and the problems it aims to solve. To give a clear understanding of what the business does and its objectives. 1-2 pages
An analysis of the industry, market size, expected growth, and target market demographics. To demonstrate a deep understanding of the market and identify opportunities and threats. 3-5 pages
Information about the business structure, ownership, and the management team. To show the organizational structure and the qualifications of the management team. 2-3 pages
A detailed description of the products or services offered, including their benefits and competitive advantages. To explain what the business offers and how it stands out from competitors. 2-3 pages
Plans for marketing and sales, including pricing, promotion, and distribution strategies. To outline how the business will attract and retain customers. 3-5 pages
Details of the funding needed, including how it will be used and the preferred terms. To specify the amount of funding required and how it will be utilized. 1-2 pages
Financial forecasts, including income statements, cash flow statements, and balance sheets for the next three years. To provide a financial outlook and demonstrate the business's potential for profitability. 3-5 pages
Additional information such as resumes, permits, lease agreements, and other relevant documents. To provide supporting documents and additional details that enhance the business plan. Varies

example of a 3 year business plan

Our financial forecasts are comprehensive and will help you secure financing from the bank or investors.

Common Questions You May Have

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What are the key components of a 3-year business plan?

A 3-year business plan should include an executive summary, market analysis, and a detailed financial plan.

It should also cover your business model, marketing strategy, and operational plan.

Finally, include a risk analysis and contingency plans to address potential challenges.

How much initial capital is typically required to start a small business?

The initial capital required to start a small business can vary widely depending on the industry and location.

On average, small businesses need between $10,000 and $50,000 to get started.

It's crucial to conduct a detailed cost analysis to determine your specific needs.

What financial projections should be included in a 3-year business plan?

Your 3-year business plan should include projected income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements.

These projections should be broken down by month for the first year and by quarter for the following two years.

Include assumptions and justifications for your projections to provide context and credibility.

How do you determine the target market for your business?

Determining your target market involves conducting thorough market research to identify potential customers.

Analyze demographic, geographic, psychographic, and behavioral data to define your ideal customer profile.

Use surveys, focus groups, and competitor analysis to gather relevant information.

What is the average growth rate for small businesses in their first three years?

The average growth rate for small businesses in their first three years can vary significantly by industry.

However, a typical small business might expect an annual growth rate of 10% to 20% in revenue.

It's important to set realistic growth targets based on your market research and industry benchmarks.

How do you calculate the break-even point for your business?

The break-even point is calculated by dividing your fixed costs by the contribution margin per unit.

Contribution margin is the selling price per unit minus the variable cost per unit.

This calculation helps you understand how many units you need to sell to cover your costs.

What are the common funding sources for new businesses?

Common funding sources for new businesses include personal savings, loans, and venture capital.

Other options include angel investors, crowdfunding, and government grants.

Each funding source has its own advantages and disadvantages, so choose the one that best fits your needs.

How much should you allocate for marketing in your business plan?

Marketing budgets can vary, but a common rule of thumb is to allocate 5% to 10% of your projected revenue.

This percentage can be higher for new businesses looking to establish their brand.

Adjust your marketing budget based on your industry, competition, and growth goals.

What are the key performance indicators (KPIs) to track in a 3-year business plan?

Key performance indicators (KPIs) to track include revenue growth, profit margins, and customer acquisition costs.

Other important KPIs are customer retention rates, market share, and employee productivity.

Regularly monitoring these KPIs helps you measure progress and make informed decisions.

How do you estimate the cost of goods sold (COGS) for your business?

To estimate the cost of goods sold (COGS), add up the direct costs of producing your products or services.

This includes materials, labor, and manufacturing overhead.

Accurate COGS estimation is crucial for pricing strategies and profitability analysis.

What is the typical profit margin for small businesses in their first three years?

The typical profit margin for small businesses in their first three years can range from 5% to 10% .

This margin can vary based on industry, business model, and operational efficiency.

It's important to continuously monitor and optimize your expenses to improve profitability.

How do you create a contingency plan for your business?

Creating a contingency plan involves identifying potential risks and developing strategies to mitigate them.

Consider financial, operational, and market-related risks in your planning.

Regularly review and update your contingency plan to ensure it remains relevant and effective.

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example of a 3 year business plan

Strategies for Growth

Published May 29, 2024 at 09:29 AM

3 Year Strategic Plan Example PDF: A 3 Year Plan for Business Growth in 2024 and Beyond

Strategy Execution T

Photo Credit: iStock by Getty Images

Picture of Jessica Wishart

Jessica Wishart Senior Product Manager at Rhythm Systems

3 Year Strategic Plan Example PDF

Working on your 3-5 Year Strategic Plan (PDF) is a best practice during your 2-day annual planning session, but what should the outcome of that time look like? What do you need to accomplish in that time? How does it connect to your mission statement?

3-Year Business Plan Foundation:

  • 1-3 Targets
  • 2-3 Strategic Winning Moves for Revenue.
  • 1-2 Strategic Winning Moves for Profit

3 Year Strategic Plan Examples PDF

No cookie-cutter plan or template works for every company, but if you are struggling with a place to start or curious about what a plan might look like, here are some examples of each component of your 3 Year Plan. (For these examples, I will focus on the 3-year time horizon. Based on industry standards and your growth goals, determine whether you want a 3 Year Plan—or 4 or even 5—to double the revenue for your company. Choose a specific time horizon, focus on that period, and choose the appropriate goals for the required team members.  The shorter the time frame, the more detailed the action plan and clarity around SMART goals, with Rhythm Systems' SMART AI Goal Coach having 20 years of experience behind it.  ( How to Write a Goal ).

Free Strategic Plan Download

Strategic Planning Targets:

Most companies track revenue as a Target in your 3 year strategic plan. Consider if there are other critical strategic metrics for your business, and add those to your list. Think about your goal to achieve in 3 years, what the goal is for this year, and what the goal is next year to help you get there. You can't manage what you can't measure.  

  • Annual Revenue
  • 2024 Goal: $50 m
  • 2025 Goal: $70 m
  • 2026 Goal: $100 m
  • Number of Customers
  • 2024 Goal: 200
  • 2025 Goal: 300
  • 2026 Goal: 450
  • Gross Margin
  • 2024 Goal: 30%
  • 2025 Goal: 35%
  • 2026 Goal: 40%

Other examples of Targets could be Net Profit, EBITDA, # of Locations, Revenue by Product Line, Revenue/Employee, Net Income, etc. Do individual business units require their own targets and goals? Now is the time to discuss them.

3-Year Strategic Plan Examples Video

You can download our free strategic planning example template by clicking below.

Strategic Winning Moves for Revenue

Most companies grow in a few ways: acquisitions, organic growth, or expanding into new products, services, or markets. Depending on your business, industry, and specific opportunities and challenges, you should think through and determine the right mix of Winning Moves to help you achieve the Targets you set for your 3-Year Plan in your planning session . Your Winning Moves should help you double your revenue in the next 3-5 years. Make sure that the objective is as clear as you can make.  By definition, you won't know all the answers, but the better the team understands the mission - even if the details aren't precise - the more they are connected to the why, the more they can help in strategy development.

Examples of Winning Moves for revenue growth could include strategies like the following:

  • Successfully integrated 3 key acquisitions
  • Launch our core product to customers in Asia
  • Monetize internal database technology solutions (package and sell to companies)
  • Increase wallet share by 8%.
  • Create additional products and services for our core customers.
  • Increase recurring revenue and service contracts by 12%.

Other examples could be developing a new product, shifting your business to a subscription model, selling your product or service to a new industry, etc. You and your team will have the best ideas for growing your business. If you have trouble brainstorming and choosing ideas, we have a proven process to help.

Strategic Winning Moves for Profit.

These strategies are all about maintaining profitability as you grow. If your company doubles in revenue over the next 3 years, what do you need to have in place from an infrastructure perspective as you scale (or from a leadership and talent growth perspective)?

Examples of Winning Moves for Profit:

  • Expand IT infrastructure to support growth
  • Generate a consistent engine to hire, develop, and retain A-Players in management roles
  • Increase revenue per employee by 25%
  • Reduces employee churn 18%
  • Implement Artificial Intelligence to boost productivity by 15%

How to Build Your 3-Year Plan:

Once you’ve identified the right mix of Winning Moves (no more than 3-5 total), you should do the following with each:

  • Assign an Owner on your team—one person accountable for moving the idea forward.
  • Set Red-Yellow-Green success criteria for each to create alignment on what success and failure would be on each goal.
  • Set Revenue Projections on each Winning Move for the next 3 years. Compare this to the revenue Target you set in your 3-year plan, providing a number one long-term goal. If your revenue projections on your Winning Moves don’t add up to your revenue Targets, you have more work to do.
  • Identify and test assumptions for each Winning Move. What has to pan out for your financial model to work? Consider your assumptions and validate those before you spend time, money, and energy on your strategies.
  • Build an execution plan . Your annual and quarterly execution plans should link back to your Winning Moves and advance your strategy with the planning process.
  • Discuss opportunities and threats - both short-term and long-term.

Establishing your 3-year strategic plan will help you get closer to achieving your long-term visionary BHAG and give your annual plans a strategic anchor. If you aren’t sure how to get started, let one of our expert facilitators guide you.

We hope you enjoy our strategic plan template; please feel free to  drop us a line if we can help.

Check out these other blogs on three-year strategic plans.

The CEO Strategy-Execution Gap...And How To Fix It

Choose Your 3 Year Strategic Growth Initiatives Wisely With This 4-Step Process

9 Steps to a New Revenue Growth Strategy [Infographic]

Photo Credit:   iStock  by Getty Images

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Strategy Capstone

Crafting Your 3-Year Success Roadmap: A Guide for Business Owners

Crafting a three-year plan is an invaluable process that provides direction. The planning process fosters a proactive business culture, and the execution plan prepares your venture for the challenges and opportunities ahead while keeping you motivated. In the fast-paced business world, strategic planning isn’t just a task—it’s a necessity.

Today, we’re breaking down the steps to build a successful three-year plan, ensuring business owners are equipped to survive and thrive in their respective markets.

Understanding the 3-Year Plan

A 3-year plan is an indispensable strategic document that meticulously outlines a company’s aspirations, strategic approaches, key performance indicators, and specific actions planned for the forthcoming three-year timeframe.

This document is a comprehensive roadmap, expertly guiding businesses through their various growth phases.

It plays a crucial leadership role in helping companies proactively anticipate potential challenges while identifying and seizing opportunities for innovation, revenue growth, and expansion in their respective markets.

The importance of this three-year strategic plan transcends the mere setting of objectives; it involves crafting a detailed and actionable strategy that considers the latest market trends, the competitive landscapes across different industries, and the business’s internal capabilities and resources.

This ensures that every facet of company life is synergistically aligned with the achievement objective of long-term success.

Furthermore, this strategic plan facilitates a more unified and cohesive effort from the leadership of all teams and departments within the company, as it makes sense and makes it easier for them to work towards common goals with a clear understanding of their roles and expectations.

It also allows for better resource allocation, for example, ensuring that investments in infrastructure are made strategically to support the most impactful areas of the business.

In essence, a well-crafted 3-year plan is not just a document but a vital tool that empowers businesses to navigate the complexities of their industries, adapt to changes efficiently, and create and maintain a competitive edge, all while fostering an environment of continuous improvement and innovation.

Crafting Your 3-Year Strategic Plan: Key Steps/ Planning Process

Step 1: define your vision and goals.

The first and most critical step in crafting your 3-year plan is clearly defining your vision and short-term and long-term goals. What will your life and business look like in three years?

Consider factors such as market position, revenue targets , product offerings, geographical presence, and the overall impact you wish to have in your industry.

This vision will serve as the foundation of your plan, guiding all future strategic decisions and initiatives.

In defining your goals, ensure they are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound (SMART).

This precision clarifies what success looks like in practice and helps map out the detailed steps needed to achieve it. Remember, your goals should stretch your capabilities but remain within the realm of feasibility.

Step 2: Conduct a SWOT Analysis

Before you can chart your course, you need to understand your current situation. Conducting a Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) analysis is essential for gaining this insight.

By examining your internal strengths and weaknesses and juxtaposing them with external opportunities and threats, you can identify key focus areas and support for your strategic plan.

  • Strengths : List the areas where your business excels, including a strong brand reputation and unique product features.
  • Weaknesses : Assess areas where your business may be lacking, whether in operational efficiency, product range, or customer service.
  • Opportunities : Identify external factors, such as market trends or technological advancements, that could be leveraged to your advantage.
  • Threats : Understand potential challenges in your industry, including competition, regulatory changes, and market shifts.

Step 3: Develop Strategic Objectives

Once you clearly understand your business’s current position, revenue, yearly goals, and aspirations, the next step is to develop strategic objectives.

These objectives should bridge the gap between where you are now and where you want to be in three years.

Objectives should cover various aspects of your business and personal growth, such as growth, efficiencies, innovation, and market positioning.

It’s crucial to ensure that these objectives align with your vision and goals and are actionable and measurable.

This alignment guarantees that every effort and resource invested moves the team and company closer to its ultimate targets.

Objectives should not just focus on financial metrics but also consider customer satisfaction, employee engagement, and social responsibility.

Step 4: Outline Strategies and Action Plans

For each strategic objective, outline the specific strategies and action plans that will be implemented to achieve them. This step converts your objective smart goals from abstract ideas into concrete actions.

Strategies should cover a broad approach, such as expanding to new markets. At the same time, action plans include the detailed initiatives required, such as conducting market research, identifying potential partners, and establishing local operations.

  • Market Expansion Strategy : Define the regions or sectors for expansion and the rationale behind this choice.
  • Product Development Strategy : Outline plans for new products or improvements to existing ones, including timelines and responsible teams.
  • Operations Efficiency Plan : Detail initiatives to improve productivity and reduce costs, such as implementing new technology or streamlining processes.

Step 5: Monitor, Review, and Adapt

The final step in crafting your 3-year plan is to establish a system for monitoring progress, reviewing achievements and setbacks, and adapting the three year strategic plans as necessary.

This dynamic approach acknowledges that business and industry environments are constantly changing and that flexibility is key to staying on course for the future.

Set up regular review intervals—at least every week or quarterly —to assess progress against your objectives and action plans.

Use these reviews to celebrate successes, address challenges, and recalibrate your strategies if needed.

Adaptability ensures that your 3-year or year strategic plan and vision remains relevant and practical, guiding your business towards its long-term vision and goals.

Examples of Crafting Strategic Planning with a 3-Year Business Plan

Example 1: technology startup 3-year plan.

Year 1 – Foundation and Market Entry

  • Focus on product development and achieving a minimal viable product (MVP) to address market needs.
  • Key Objectives :
  • Complete product development and initiate beta testing with selected users.
  • Establish brand identity and online presence.
  • Secure initial funding from angel investors or venture capital firms.

Year 2 – Growth and Expansion

  • Shift towards aggressive user acquisition, refining the product based on feedback, and exploring additional revenue streams.
  • Achieve specific user growth targets and expand market reach.
  • Develop and launch two new product features based on user feedback.
  • Begin profitability analysis and cost optimization.

Year 3 – Consolidation and Scale

  • Focus on scaling the business, possibly through strategic partnerships or entry into new geographical markets.
  • Establish partnerships with complementary businesses to expand market reach.
  • Launch the product in at least two new geographical markets.
  • Achieve profitability and establish a solid customer base for sustainable growth.

Example 2: Retail Business 3-Year Plan

Year 1 – Strengthening Core Operations

  • Focus on improving operational efficiency and building a strong foundation for future growth.
  • Implement a new inventory management system to reduce costs and improve product availability.
  • Enhance customer experience through personalized marketing campaigns and loyalty programs.
  • Increase brand awareness through targeted advertising and social media presence.

Year 2 – Expanding Product Range

  • Introduce new products or services to cater to changing market demands and increase revenue streams.
  • Conduct market research to identify potential new products or services.
  • Expand product range by launching at least two new items.
  • Integrate e-commerce capabilities to reach a wider customer base.

Year 3 – Geographic Expansion

  • Explore opportunities for geographic expansion and establish a presence in new markets.
  • Analyze target markets and select the most viable location(s) for expansion.
  • Secure necessary permits and establish partnerships with local suppliers or distributors.
  • Launch store(s) in new geographical markets.

Three Key Tips for Successfully Implementing Your 3-Year Plan

Successfully implementing a three-year business plan requires more than setting goals and developing strategies. Here are three essential tips to ensure that your three-year plan is not only achievable but also sets your business on a path of sustainable growth and innovation.

Stay Flexible and Responsive :

The business landscape is constantly evolving, driven by technological advances, market dynamics, and consumer behavior shifts. While it’s important to have a structured plan, remaining adaptable allows you to pivot when necessary and seize emerging opportunities.

Review your plan’s assumptions against real-world outcomes regularly, and be prepared to make adjustments to stay aligned with your long-term vision.

Foster a Culture of Accountability :

The success of your plan hinges on the collective effort of your team. Establish clear roles, responsibilities, and expectations to ensure everyone is aligned with the plan’s objectives.

Use performance metrics and milestones to monitor progress and create a system of accountability where successes are celebrated, and setbacks are addressed constructively.

Leverage Data and Analytics :

Informed decision-making is crucial for achieving strategic objectives. Incorporate data analysis tools to gather insights on your performance, customer feedback, and market trends.

This data-driven approach will help refine your strategies, improve operational efficiencies, and offer a competitive edge by enabling you to anticipate and react more effectively to market changes.

In conclusion, crafting a successful 3-year business growth plan requires a systematic and adaptable approach that begins with understanding the internal and external factors affecting the business through a SWOT analysis.

Setting strategic objectives that are aligned with the company’s vision, actionable, and measurable is crucial. Strategies and action plans for market expansion, product development, and operational efficiencies are vital to achieving these objectives.

Regular monitoring and adaptation of the plan based on progress ensure it remains effective. Illustrative examples from technology startups and retail businesses demonstrate the practical application of this framework , highlighting the importance of foundation-building, growth, and expansion strategies tailored to each business’s unique context.

This comprehensive methodology is essential for navigating the complexities of strategic planning and execution, ensuring businesses are poised for success over short-term actions and a three-year to short-term horizon.

To learn more about building a three-year plan and other strategic plans, contact Strategy Capstone today!

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Must-Have Three-Year Plan Templates with Samples and Examples

Must-Have Three-Year Plan Templates with Samples and Examples

For businesses, it is a survival skill to be able to plan and foresee trends. A three-year plan serves as a compass in this regard, illuminating how organizations progress in the direction they want to go. These detailed plans provide a roadmap that directs the business toward its desired success by capturing important objectives, prospective obstacles, and successful solutions to overcome them. A well-crafted three-year plan helps firms position themselves for growth, resilience, and sustainability. It assists in optimal resource allocation, risk avoidance, and flexibility to changing market dynamics. At SlideTeam, we recognize the critical position that 3-year plans occupy in business. We are committed to helping businesses develop successful strategies using our PowerPoint Slides.

Using our templates, organizations can create three-year plans that are both aesthetically pleasing and properly planned, assuring a clear path to their objectives.

Want to create a future for your company that matches your vision? Explore our unique consulting business plan templates to get started on your transformational road to a successful and fulfilling future!

Top three-year Plan Templates

Each bundle showcased below has been curated after expert help, including components that simplify planning and support good strategy communication. Our templates contain a wide range of vital elements crucial for the success of your organization. It varies from capturing business chances, encouraging growth strategies, and highlighting marketing initiatives.

Each of the template is 100% editable and customizable, providing you with a structure and a starting point. The edit capability means you can tailor the presentation to audience profile.

Marketing of your business has several forms. One important emerging form of digital marketing is email marketing. Equip email marketing strategies in your business with the help of professional email marketing plan templates from SlideTeam!

Let’s explore.

Template 1: 3-Year-Plan PPT Template Bundles

This PPT Template package offers a variety of slides that highlight details like objectives, schedules, and milestones separately. Give your team a clear, concise understanding of the path ahead so that everyone is on the same page and pursuing the same goals. The 17-slide complete deck covers steps that go into creating a three-year-plan, which are logistics, a complete strategic plan for the entire duration and a marketing plan. Also covered in the presentation template are bundles on improving customer experience, economic growth and enhancing digital transformation. The PPT Presentation also digs deep into the three-year expansion plan for retail businesses, and an action plan icon for automobile industry.

3 Year Plan

Click here to download

Template 2: Three-Year-Plan Business Planning Opportunities Growth Strategies Marketing

Use our specialized templates for strategic business planning to highlight prospects, growth plans, and marketing campaigns. Create a roadmap that identifies potential for growth, develops plans to take advantage of those opportunities, and creates a marketing strategy that increases your brand's visibility in the market. This template bundle has specialised slides for controlling and planning deviations in the regular flow or work, defining objectives, and completion of construction projects. It also has specific slides for generating revenues and collecting feedback that go a long in inspiring confidence among stakeholders. You can identify opportunities, measure performance, and analyse the advancement in technology with the help of this presentation. This expert template is ideal for marketing, business prospects, growth strategies, and planning. It is appropriate for expert discussion meetings because it has twelve slides with a consistent theme representation. You can use the template to present your thoughts and vision at expert discussion meetings.

3 Year Plan

Click here to download.

Template 3: Three-year planning timeline business plan achievement innovation development

A successful firm depends on innovation and progress. This template makes adopting a planned strategy for hitting company milestones, encouraging innovation, and guaranteeing ongoing progress easier. Align your plans with the future you want to reach by picturing your successes and growth. This complete deck in 10 slides uses imaginative graphics and in-depth material. 

The slides cover a timeline for displaying the business plan and the achievement target. This timeline has been displayed in many ways, including connected circles and arrow graphs. The underlying activity can be website development, product innovation and business plan, and hitting the bull’s eye with your targets. It contains charts, graphs, icons, layouts, and diagrams. Get the deck and deliver an excellent presentation.

3 Year Planning Timeline

Embrace the Future Today!

Develop a vision for your company that goes beyond and beyond the horizon! Discover our three-year plan examples and set the stage for a profitable future.

However, sometimes short-term plans are equally important for businesses. Check out our six-month plan templates in this blog!

Incorporate our expertly created templates into your strategic planning and see your company transform. A carefully planned strategy is the first step to success; take it now and make the next three years count! Your future is here; now is the moment to mold it.

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3 Year Business Plan Template


In today’s fluid business environment, developing a structured and detailed business plan is essential for both small business startups, as well as large corporations. If you’re ready to develop a three-year business plan, you already know it is a thoughtful and essential approach to a sustained plan for growth and movement forward. However, tackling the entire business plan can be slightly overwhelming when you examine the components that go into such a document. We’re here to suggest solutions for a successful outcome in your business planning process to complete your own business plan. In this article, you’ll see the framework of a 3-year business plan template, segment by segment, which will create “digestible bites” for your thought processes; one step at a time. The many benefits of creating a three-year business plan are just ahead, so let’s get to work.

Download our Ultimate Business Plan Template here >

Three Year Business Plan Template

Executive summary.

The initial portion of your business plan will offer an executive summary that includes a brief sketch of the essential components of your plan: a business overview, success factors, and a three-year financial plan. This snapshot of your business enables busy executives or other stakeholders an opportunity to quickly review your business and make a quick decision to more fully explore the complete business plan that follows. And, further to consider, many lenders or investors will make a decision regarding your business based on the executive summary alone. As a result, this section is as critical in and of itself as is the remainder of your business plan.

It will detail the type of business you’ve started, the business location, and the industry in which it operates. Detail only the salient facts in this summary and offer your mission statement, as well. Include in a few brief remarks, the success factors already achieved, and outline a clear, concise picture of the financial status of your business. Using the business plan helps to rein in any temptation to oversell your business; keep it concise and clear overall.

Company Overview

Next, the company overview section of the business plan is presented. Start with general statements and refine them as the overview continues. For example, “company name” operates in the “industry” sector, leveraging our expertise in “specific skills/experience.” Started in “date,” our primary products/services include a “list of products/services.” And, we are targeting a “specific target customer”, aiming to meet their needs and surpass expectations.” From this general idea, move to the company’s complete list of products or services, including the business structure, how the business operates, and the location(s) of the business. Crucial information will also include the plans to generate revenue within the current status and a three-year forecast of financial projections.

The company description should also include major milestones already achieved, target customers, long-term contracts in place, and other primary facts; such as number of customers served, prototypes or products built, leases secured and employees hired. Each of these details is an indicator of business health and comparative success within the industry sector.

Industry Analysis

Next, an industry analysis will need to be compiled and shared in the business plan. An industry analysis is a crucial component of any business plan, as it provides an in-depth understanding of the market dynamics, trends, and competitive landscape. Include in your business plan the current and projected market size, including potential opportunities for growth. And, finally, analyze the current trends and dynamics within the industry. This may include technological advancements, regulatory changes, consumer preferences, or shifts in distribution channels. Highlight any emerging trends that may affect your business.

Customer Analysis

A full market analysis of your target audience follows the industry analysis. Identify the target market and its demographics, preferences, and buying behavior. Who are your customers? Do they want speed of delivery, a set price point, or comfort in ordering? Reading the data and responding satisfactorily can make the difference between a company that fails within three years and one that will thrive through it.

Review the data outlining the current target market trends and dynamics within the industry. This may include technological advancements, regulatory changes, consumer preferences, or shifts in distribution channels. Highlight any and all emerging trends that may affect your business. If, at this point, you’re wondering why the analysis of the industry and target audience are so thorough, you’ll be glad to know the results are critically integral to the sales and marketing strategies that follow these sections of your business plan.

Finish Your Business Plan in 1 Day!

Don’t you wish there was a faster, easier way to finish your business plan?

With Growthink’s Ultimate Business Plan Template you can finish your plan in just 8 hours or less!

Competitor Analysis

The competitors you face in your industry need to be analyzed and thoroughly examined in order to win your target audience over the offers of your competitors. First, Identify your main competitors and evaluate their strengths, weaknesses, market share, and strategies. Determine what sets your business apart and how you can gain that competitive advantage if your business does not hold it already. Remember to support your analysis with relevant data, statistics, and market research. The industry analysis should demonstrate your knowledge of the industry and your ability to navigate its challenges successfully. Also, you’ll want to collect the data from secondary and indirect competitors, as well. Such competitors often take a leap into a larger market position while completely unnoticed.

In this section of the plan, turn the analysis on your business to examine the competitive advantages your business has to outperform both direct and indirect competitors. Expand on the  advantages of the business, such as the products or services offered, operational systems that outperform others, the ideal location of the business, and the intellectual property held by your business. These are salient factors that give your business a boost in terms of relevance and advantage.

Marketing Plan

The marketing strategy for the business is based on the status of current marketing efforts and data collected during the analysis of the industry, customers, competitors and internal processes of the business. It makes sense to pull all the key elements together to form a cohesive marketing plan directed exactly to the ideal customer base. Include in this portion of the plan the current products and/or services, pricing and promotions plans. The business to date should identify its capability to generate revenue, resulting in profitability, a quality highly desired by lenders and investors. It proves that you have a solid plan for reaching new customers, you can attain new customers profitably, and the customer acquisition cost is significantly less than the customer lifetime value. Include in the plan sub-sections highlighting products, services and pricing, promotions plan and the product distribution plan.

Operations Plan

The operations plan is where reality meets expectations and, sometimes, it’s not a happy introduction. In a three-year business plan, much of the information is still speculative, while the present picture remains too new to extrapolate and analyze the data. A three-year business plan can, however, offer a healthy look at the present sales and revenue, strategic moves and options, paving the way to an informed look in years two and three ahead. The operations plan is affected by both the revenue collected or outstanding and the strategic moves that could follow.

Contained within the operations plan are the key day-to-day processes that have been accomplished within year one, as listed:

  • Established a production facility/office that meets current and future needs.
  • Developed strong supplier relationships to ensure a reliable supply chain.
  • Implemented efficient inventory management systems to optimize stock levels.
  • Hired and trained skilled personnel to handle production, sales, marketing strategy, and customer service.
  • Implemented quality control measures to maintain high product/service standards.

The extent to which the key operational plan is detailed, lenders and investors will understand how developed your business is internally and externally, as well as how “hungry” for growth your business may be. These factors can exponentially affect future business.

Management Team

The introduction of the key management team in this plan is also indicative of your attention to detail and the drive you have to move toward years three, ten and twenty. Offer the name, title and background of each management person and include the members of the board of directors or board of advisors, if such exist within the corporate structure. These are the hungry executives, ready to work hard to make the business better for all. As the business owner, be sure to highlight your specific qualifications to run a successful business.

Financial Plan

Finally, introduce the financial plan at the end of the business plan. It is a multi-part framework for making decisions regarding how to parse out, invest, and best use the monies received. Based on the market analysis and sales forecasts, project the following financials for the next three years:

  • Year 1: Revenue of [amount], with an operating expense of [amount].
  • Year 2: Revenue of [amount], with an operating costs of [amount].
  • Year 3: Revenue of [amount], with an operating expense of [amount].

Indicate when achieving profitability will occur, such as “by the end of Year One” and pinpoint when, at what date, the business expects steady revenue growth thereafter. The projections need to be based on conservative estimates and prudent financial management.

To provide a comprehensive overview of the business’s financial health, the following financial statements should be included in the business plan: income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements.

Provide a conclusion at the end of the business plan and construct the executive summary after the body of the business plan is complete. Indicate throughout the conclusion the strategic initiatives and sales strategies that make it a viable document for the years ahead. Update the business plan as needed, during that time and continue to refer to the data and analyses collected, the conclusions formed and the ways in which competitors can be overcome by differentiation and better product positioning. After completing the traditional business plan, you’ll have the confidence to share it as a viable, sustainable document that indicates a healthy foundation, a growing revenue stream and a solid plan for long-term growth and success ahead. Congratulations!

Click here to finish your business plan today.

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