

How to start cell phone accessories business – a comprehensive plan.

Cell Phone Accessories Business Plan – How To Start

As smartphones become increasingly popular and essential in our daily lives, the demand for high-quality and stylish accessories continues to rise. Starting a cell phone accessories business can be an exciting and profitable venture. This comprehensive guide on how to start a successful cell phone accessories business will cover key aspects such as market analysis, product selection, marketing strategies, and financial projections. By following this plan, you can lay a solid foundation for your business and capitalize on the lucrative opportunities within this ever-growing industry .

How To Start Cell Phone Accessories Business?

Mobile accessories encompass any additional hardware that is not essential to the primary functioning of a mobile smartphone as originally designed by the manufacturer. The target audience for mobile phone accessories, which play a crucial role in enhancing efficiency and protecting the device, encompasses a vast majority of cell phone owners. According to business professionals, mobile accessories yield higher profit margins compared to selling the mobile phones themselves. Let’s learn more about this business.

Types of Mobile Accessories

Mobile Accessories

One of the initial considerations that arises when starting a business is determining the required investment. To calculate the investment accurately, it is important to gather information such as the cost of renting a shop in your area, the number of staff members needed, and crucially, the range of accessories you intend to stock.

Therefore, here is a comprehensive list of mobile accessories that you can include in your shop or store. By incorporating these products into your cell phone accessories business plan and putting in diligent effort, the risk of your business failing decreases significantly.

  • Cases/Covers
  • Earphones (wired or wireless)
  • Phone Camera Lenses and Smart Flash
  • Headphones (wired or wireless)
  • Mobile screen tempered glass
  • Selfie stick
  • Mobile screen lamination
  • Batteries and chargers
  • HDMI cables
  • Charging brick
  • Bluetooth cable
  • Car charging brick
  • Bluetooth speaker

To pursue your dream of starting a mobile accessories business and tap into the thriving multibillion dollar industry, it’s crucial to engage in meticulous planning and thorough research. This industry is continuously evolving with a wide range of innovative products and services, offering numerous opportunities for you to establish your presence and succeed.

Here are a few steps that you need to take to begin a cell phone accessory business:

1. Analyze the Market and Understand Competition

Competition in the cell phone accessories business is both healthy and necessary for business growth. Despite the presence of well-known brands, it’s important not to get disheartened or consider changing plans. The cellphone accessories market is vast, offering ample opportunity for new players. It is crucial to understand the number of competitors in your field, their strategies, and differentiate your business from them.

To stand out, analyze what your competitors are offering and create a unique product list. By evaluating what sets your business apart, you can create a unique product list and select distinctive accessories. Consider designing your own products rather than solely relying on wholesale suppliers to further distinguish your offerings.

Focus on a specific niche, such as extra power, cases, photo tools, water protection, drop protection, on-the-road accessories, or wireless charging, and introduce a product or feature that hasn’t been seen before. Innovation and distinctiveness are key to attracting customers in this competitive market.

2. Choosing a Name for Your Mobile Accessory Website

When choosing a name for your cell phone accessories business platform, it is important to select a name that accurately represents your products, is memorable, stands out in your audience’s mind, and is unique. Additionally, it should be catchy to attract attention. It is advisable to check if the domain and social media handles are available so that you can market your business effectively across multiple platforms . Remember to comply with all local regulations, including obtaining necessary licenses and registering your business name with the appropriate authorities.

3. Find the Right Location

The first decision you need to make is whether you want to sell accessories online or open a physical store. If you choose to open a store, keep in mind that renting a space can significantly impact your budget, so careful consideration is necessary. In the case of a mobile accessory business, location is crucial as you can’t afford to be in a secluded area.

It is advisable to start by renting a kiosk in a bustling mall or marketplace with high foot traffic. This ensures accessibility and visibility while minimizing your initial investment risk. A kiosk typically costs between $2,000 and $10,000 upfront , whereas a permanent retail location can require up to $100,000 .

4. Obtaining Required Capital

Person holding a calculator

Starting a business requires meticulous planning and considerable effort. One crucial aspect is securing the necessary capital to launch and sustain the business.

When planning your cell phone accessories business , it’s important to distinguish between one-time costs and recurring expenses. Recurring costs include materials, rent, utilities, and payroll, while one-time costs encompass necessary expenses like production equipment, furniture, and operating licenses.

Additionally, consider the difference between fixed costs (e.g., rent) and variable costs (e.g., production materials), which fluctuate with production and sales volumes. As your business progresses, you may encounter optional costs such as office decorations and holiday parties, but ensure essential costs are covered first.

Estimate your total cash requirements by identifying the fixed infrastructure, researching prices, and accounting for assets like computers, printers, and inventory. Overhead expenses such as legal, administrative, and marketing costs should also be considered, along with labor costs and taxes. Remember to have enough resources to cover 6 to 12 months of expenses before expecting profits.

There are several avenues available for raising funds:

a) Business Loan

Many entrepreneurs opt for business loans to finance their small-scale businesses . This involves approaching a bank and completing the loan application process. Although it may take some time, the advantage is that the interest rates are typically low. The repayment period for such loans is often around 15 years. Certain banks even offer loans without requiring collateral security.

b) Credit Loan

Another option is obtaining a credit loan, which has both pros and cons. The benefit is that the process is relatively easy and provides quick access to funds. However, the downside is that the interest rates tend to be high, and these loans are not suitable for long-term financing.

c) Personal Savings

If you have savings available, you can utilize them to kickstart your cell phone accessories business . This approach eliminates the need to repay borrowed funds and avoids interest payments, making it a favorable choice for many entrepreneurs.

5. Meet Legal Requirements

To start a cell phone accessories business , you will need to obtain a business license. The specific requirements for acquiring this license may vary depending on the location where you plan to conduct your business. It is essential to check with the relevant government agencies in that area to determine the necessary steps. If you intend to operate your business as a kiosk, you may also need to acquire a kiosk license agreement.

Regardless of the type of business structure you choose, certain common requirements exist. These include:

  • Registering your shop under the Shop and Establishment Act if you plan to open a physical store.
  • Obtaining a GST (Goods and Services Tax) registration (GSTIN) if your projected sales exceed 20 lakhs annually or if you intend to engage in inter-state sales.
  • Applying for a trader’s license.
  • Registering for a PAN (Permanent Account Number) for taxation purposes.
  • Completing Aadhar registration, which involves obtaining a unique identification number.

It’s crucial to conduct thorough research and consult the appropriate government authorities to ensure compliance with all licensing requirements for your specific location and business type.

6. Choose a Supplier

Success in any business is heavily reliant on reputation, making it crucial to carefully select suppliers for your cell phone accessories business . Failure to provide quality products or timely deliveries can result in losing customers. Opting for local dealers is recommended as they offer prompt supply and competitive prices, thereby boosting profit margins. Alternatively, establishing direct contact with local manufacturers allows for cheaper rates and increased profitability.

Bulk orders, ranging from 10 to 200 items, can yield significant cost savings, especially for cellphone accessories that can be sold at higher prices. For overseas inventory purchases, popular online marketplaces are worth exploring, while several suppliers cater to customers seeking products made in the U.S.

7. Know your Products Well

To stand out from others, it is crucial for individuals creating a business plan for a cell phone accessories venture to possess comprehensive knowledge about various brands and handsets. It is not a given that everyone embarking on such a business venture will possess expertise in all product aspects, but having a thorough understanding of the products you intend to sell is essential to differentiate yourself from the competition.

8. Payment Mode

Person opening PayPal app

It is important to offer various payment methods to accommodate customers’ preferences and enhance their shopping experience. By being flexible with payment options, you create a sense of comfort for clients and make the purchasing process more convenient. If you limit your accepted payment modes, you may deter potential customers from making purchases at your store.

9. Invest in Fast-Moving Products

It is advisable to invest in rapidly evolving mobile phone products to minimize the risk of excessive inventory getting tied up.

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10. One-Stop-Shop

Try to be the ultimate destination for all your clients’ mobile phone needs, offering a comprehensive range of products. If there’s anything missing from our inventory, promptly communicate with our supplier to ensure quick delivery, thereby preventing customers from seeking alternatives elsewhere.

11. Manage the Inventory and Shipping Requirements

To ensure a positive customer experience for your cell phone accessories business , effective inventory management and streamlined shipping processes are essential. Many entrepreneurs initially start with a small inventory to test the success of their online store, avoiding being burdened with unsold items. It’s important to monitor product movement, identify fast-selling items, track out-of-stock products, and assess low-demand items.

Another decision to make is whether to handle order fulfillment internally or outsource it to a fulfillment center. Fulfillment centers can store and ship your products, saving you time and storage space. If budget constraints or a desire for individual order control exist, you may choose to handle fulfillment yourself.

Managing costs associated with storing, packing, and shipping each item sold is crucial. Establishing a clear returns policy is also necessary before commencing sales.

12. After-Sales Support

Instead of solely focusing on making sales, it is important to prioritize providing after-sales support to the customers of your cell phone accessories business . By offering assistance and guidance even for minor requests such as app installations or phone updates, you can cultivate a sense of satisfaction and loyalty among customers.

Customers appreciate purchasing from knowledgeable experts who can provide detailed information about product features, benefits, and drawbacks. This expertise becomes especially valuable when customers are comparing multiple products and rely on the seller to explain the intricacies of each option.

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13. Create your Own Website

Person using white laptop

To establish an online presence for your cell phone accessories business , there are several effective methods available. One option is to create your own website, utilize marketplaces, and leverage social media platforms. It’s crucial to ensure your mobile accessories shop design is appealing and captivating to customers. Examining some of the online mobile accessories shopping sites in India can provide insights into their operations, product range, and strategies.

a) Marketplaces

You can choose to sell your products on well-known marketplaces such as Amazon , eBay, and Flipkart . These platforms offer the advantage of reaching an existing customer base. The trustworthiness associated with these popular websites encourages people to make purchases from your online shop. Keep in mind that there may be membership fees and seller’s fees associated with each platform, so it’s important to consider these costs when determining your pricing.

b) Social Media

Selling products through social media platforms is becoming increasingly common. In addition to promoting and showcasing your products on various social media sites, many platforms now offer direct purchasing options. This allows users to buy products seamlessly while browsing through their social feeds.

c) Online Store

Creating your own online store is a highly effective way to sell products online and establish your cell phone accessories business . With an online store, you have complete control over how your items are presented to users, and you don’t have to pay any commissions to third parties. Setting up an online store is not overly complex, thanks to many user-friendly eCommerce website builders. These platforms enable you to create a fully customized online store regardless of your technical expertise.

By exploring these avenues and adapting them to your specific business needs, you can successfully sell your mobile accessories online, expand your customer base, and drive growth for your business.

14. Demonstrate your Credibility

To ensure accountability and increase the likelihood of achieving profits within the first six months, it is crucial to provide factual evidence and support for any claims made. By backing up statements with reliable data and taking necessary actions, you can establish a solid foundation for your projections. If you have doubts about your sales estimates, it is advisable to be conservative and provide a more credible figure.

How to Increase Sales of Accessories?

Once your cell phone accessories business is established, your primary focus becomes increasing sales to drive up profits and enable business expansion. There are various strategies at your disposal to enhance sales performance:

1. Advertise your Business

To effectively promote your business, you have two options: leveraging existing marketplaces and their customer bases or creating your own website. Whichever route you choose, it is crucial to employ online advertising strategies and allocate your marketing budget wisely. Take advantage of platforms like Google Ads and Facebook Advertising to target potential customers actively seeking cellphone accessories. Additionally, consider collaborating with influential personalities on YouTube and Instagram to further enhance the visibility and reach of your products.

2. Email Newsletter Campaign

Man working on laptop

Utilize email newsletters as a means to foster relationships with your audience, especially those visitors who have not yet completed their purchases. By maintaining an email subscriber list, you can create targeted content and provide product recommendations directly to your audience. However, it is crucial to avoid spamming your subscribers, as this may lead them to unsubscribe.

3. Blog Creation

Consider incorporating blogs into your website strategy to attract organic traffic, which can potentially convert into customers. Create content related to your products, such as articles on protecting your mobile phone or top lamination accessories for mobile screens . Optimize your blog content with relevant keywords to improve search result rankings and increase website traffic.

4. Diversify Payment Options

To enhance customer comfort and facilitate easier shopping experiences, offer a variety of payment methods. Some customers may be deterred from purchasing from your online store if you have limited payment options. Ensure that your payment page has a user-friendly interface to enhance the overall shopping experience.

5. Website Management

The work doesn’t end after setting up your online store and establishing a strong audience. To provide the best customer experience for your cell phone accessories business , it is essential to regularly update your website. Keep your product inventory up to date by replacing sold-out items with new arrivals. Utilize high-quality images and detailed product descriptions to convert more visitors into customers. Gathering feedback and customer reviews is also crucial, as positive reviews from real customers increase the likelihood of purchases. By implementing these strategies, you can encourage visitors to buy mobile accessories from your online store.

6. Ask for Feedback

Person using phone

Recognizing that mistakes are inevitable, it is highly valuable to embrace the opportunity for learning from them. One effective approach is to establish a feedback system or maintain a diary where customers can share their positive and negative experiences at your store. This valuable input plays a pivotal role in enhancing the quality of service provided.

Moreover, placing a strong emphasis on fulfilling orders promptly and delivering excellent customer service is crucial in preventing negative reviews or customer dissatisfaction. Prioritizing these aspects ensures that customers have positive experiences, fostering satisfaction and loyalty.

Few Things that are a Must in your Business Plan

To ensure the success of your cell phone accessories business plan, here are a few essential elements to include:

1. Table of Contents

Create a comprehensive table of contents that outlines the structure of your business plan. This helps you stay organized and shows your seriousness and attention to detail.

2. Company Overview

Provide an overview of your cell phone accessories business to give potential investors and lenders a clear understanding of your goals. Include the following key points:

  • Vision: Explain your company’s vision and how you envision its growth and expansion in the future.
  • History: Share any relevant background information about your store or previous experience.
  • Markets and Products: Describe your target market and the main products you plan to sell.
  • Objectives: Outline your business objectives and how you plan to achieve them.
  • Mission: Clearly state your company’s mission and values.
  • Cost Summary: Provide a summary of the costs involved in starting and running your business.
  • Keys to Success: Identify the critical factors that will contribute to the success of your business.

3. Market and Industry Analysis

Conduct thorough research on the market and industry to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding. Include the following components:

  • Industry Analysis: Analyze the current state and trends of the cell phone accessories industry.
  • Market Analysis: Assess the target market’s size, growth potential, and demographics.
  • Target Customer: Define your ideal customer profile and their needs.
  • Competitor Analysis: Identify your direct and indirect competitors and analyze their strengths and weaknesses.
  • SWOT Analysis: Evaluate the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats your business may face.

4. Marketing Strategy

People in a meeting

Outline your marketing strategies to attract customers and drive sales. Include the following elements:

  • Pricing Strategy: Determine your pricing approach and explain the rationale behind it.
  • Target Market Strategy: Describe how you will reach and engage your target customers.
  • Sales Strategy: Outline your approach to generating sales and increasing customer conversion.
  • Distribution Strategy: Define your distribution channels and how you will get your products to customers.
  • Product/Service Strategy: Highlight the unique selling points of your cell phone accessories business and any additional services you plan to offer.
  • Advertising and Promotion Strategy: Detail your marketing campaigns, including online and offline advertising, social media, and public relations.
  • Marketing and Sales Forecast: Project your expected sales and marketing expenses for a defined period.

5. Operations and Management

Explain how you will manage the day-to-day operations of your business and address the associated costs. Additionally, outline your leadership plan, including the roles and responsibilities of key team members.

By including these crucial elements in your cell phone accessories business plan, you will enhance its comprehensiveness and increase your chances of success.

6. Offline Marketing

Offline marketing is still valuable and can help establish long-term customer relationships. Enhance your brand’s consistency by using creative branded stationery, business cards, and envelopes with the same logo and color scheme. Utilize press releases to announce your startup and promote your high-quality phone cases.

Increase brand awareness by distributing promotional items like pens or mugs featuring your company logo. Leverage local media through newspaper ads, TV and radio commercials, and billboards. If you have a physical store, engage in subtle face-to-face marketing to leave lasting impressions. Implement guerrilla marketing tactics such as leaving sticky notes or sidewalk advertisements to generate curiosity and draw attention to your brand.

7. Customer Service

Customer service is a crucial marketing tool that can set your phone case brand apart from competitors. Satisfied customers become brand ambassadors, while dissatisfied ones may spread negative experiences online. To protect your reputation, prioritize customer satisfaction by actively listening to and collaborating with disgruntled clients. Admit mistakes and avoid deception.

Treat customers with respect, honor commitments, and offer multiple communication channels with prompt responses. Your goal should be to exceed customer expectations, not just meet them. Combine free and low-cost marketing activities with excellent customer service to effectively communicate your brand values both online and offline.

In conclusion, starting a cell phone accessories business requires careful planning and market research to identify target customers. You can offer a wide range of high-quality and innovative products, create effective marketing strategies, and provide excellent customer service to successfully establish and grow your cell phone accessories business.


Sushma Singh

Sushma is an expert in online money-making strategies with extensive experience in business. She has spent a lot of time researching and writing about the ever-changing world of money-making games and websites, making her an expert at finding ways to make money online.

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Cell Phone Store Business Plan [Sample Template]

By: Author Tony Martins Ajaero

Home » Business ideas » Technology Industry » Smartphone Sales & Repair Business

Are you about starting a cell phone store? If YES, here is a complete sample cell phone retail store business plan template & feasibility report you can use for FREE .

Okay, so we have considered all the requirements for starting a cell phone store . We also took it further by analyzing and drafting a sample cell phone store marketing plan template backed up by actionable guerrilla marketing ideas for cell phone stores. So let’s proceed to the business planning section.

All over the world, the cell phone business has continued to be on the rise and this owes to the fact that there are billions of people who cannot do without the cell phone. The cell phone has made it extremely easy for people to communicate with themselves.

This has also made loved one stay really in touch with one another from time to time. The cell phone business is such that will not go into extinction because no one is ready to stay incommunicado for anything. Hence it is a viable business to launch into at any time of the day.

The cell phone industry has continued to grow with various phone models being churned out every now and then. This is one of the reasons why the competition in the industry has continued to become even stiffer as the day goes by.

If you are determined to start a cell phone store business then you have to put a lot of things into consideration. One of the things that you can consider is undertaking a feasibility research. You will also need a business plan to work with. Below is a sample cell phone store business plan;

A Sample Cell Phone Store Business Plan Template

1. industry overview.

As at 2008 according to Sign-on San Diego, there were 250 million mobile phone subscriptions in the united states. From then till now, more people have gotten cell phones, which mean that the market has consistently grown and become more relevant as regards more uses and applications.

This is a lucrative business that offers you the opportunity to be at the forefront of new and emerging technologies, if you intend to go into this kind of business as an entrepreneur.

In recent years, there has been a change in the dynamics and structure of cell phones globally which also includes smart phones. This is due to the fact that there has been a positive change in the design and functionalities of cell phones which has led to an increased cost.

The improved functionalities such as emergence of new network technologies such as 4G to enhance mobile browsing, and also improved upgrade of operating systems, have led to the growth of the industry, and expansion into several markets that were deemed impossible.

The cell phone business has an unstoppable growth that makes it have the strongest growth industries as well as being responsible for its huge revenues in the market. Due to research and forecasts, 65% of children between the ages of 10 – 15 have been projected to own cell phones between 2014 and 2016.

Apart from children, even those who live below the poverty line have been projected to own a cell phone as it is now regarded as one of the essential commodities for everyone in the society. According to research, the cell phone industry had a growth momentum between 2006 and 2011 and is expected to reach an estimated $334.8 billion in 2017 with cumulative annual growth revenue of 6.8% from 2012 to 2017.

Regions that are still developing are expected to register significant growth in this industry due to an increase in population as well as rising urbanization .the cell phone industry comprises of establishments whose primary focus is in the manufacturing of mobiles.

This means that the industry expands to include not only the end salesman but also the phone set manufacturers. The market has less entry barriers which are majorly to reduce the threats that will be posed by new players.

This means that the older players are always evolving as regards technologies and innovations which practically make it difficult for new players to keep up with, thereby still allowing the old players to retain part of its customer base while still growing in revenue. This does not mean though that this strategy has been effective for all such cell phone companies.

2. Executive Summary

Excellent Cell Phone Shop is a leading and standard phone shop that will be based in Winston Blvd. Troy – Michigan, USA to retail cell phones to our various clients. We are in business to produce and retail a variety of phones to our various customers.

We also intend to offer other products and service as well to our customers such phone accessories and what have you. Our strategic location in Winston Blvd. Troy – Michigan is a great place to grow and develop our cell phone  shop due to the fact that not only is it a metropolitan area but there are no close competitors for several miles.

This therefore means that our business is likely to boom in a short period of time before perhaps other competitors come and site their shops near ours.

Asides the fact that our location is perfect for the business due to the fact that we have no close competitor, our location is also perfect because it fits well into the demography as more than 60% of households here fall into the average income rate and there are more than 400,000 people residing within a 5 mile radius of our cell phone store.

We are glad because we intend to have an edge over our competitors now and in the near future, we intend to ensure that we have the best phone brands and we will ensure that we are well stocked with our different varieties so as not to run out of varieties for our customers quicker than we should.

We take our business structure very seriously and as such have sourced for and hired the employees that are the right fit for our company. We know that having competent and experienced employees who not only understand the market but the business and our ideologies as well will lead to us being able to achieve our desired goals and objectives in quick time.

Because we know the importance of having the best customers, we intend to ensure that our employees remain well motivated.

We are going to ensure that our employees are well paid better than what their colleagues in similar start-ups such as ours in this industry are getting. Also, we intend to ensure that our employees enjoy other fringe benefits and are rewarded for hard work.

All our employees are trained in excellent customer care and as such we know that all our customers will be treated well irrespective of whatever worker they encounter in our cell phone   store. We know that this is key to retaining a high number of customers and attracting more to our cell phone shop business.

We intend to expand into a four store operation even though our business plan is dealing with just our first operation, we have laid down plans and processes in place to handle our expansion as our Chief Executive Officer, Michael Pump who is also the owner has worked in different cell phone  stores in the industry.

He also has handled several franchises and has over 8 years experience in this industry that will be highly beneficial to the business attaining its goals and objectives.

3. Our Products and Services

Excellent Cell Phone Shop is a phone shop that deals in all varieties of cell phones. Our intention is not to depend on our core services (sale of cell phones) but to engage in other services as well that will ensure that we create multiple streams of income by offering other services and products in addition to our core service.

This is so that we would be able to generate revenue and make profit that would boost our bottom line and not only sustain but grow our business as well. Therefore some of the products and services we intend to offer our various customers are;

  • Sale of Cell Phones
  • Sales of mobile hardware and accessories
  •  maintenance services and repairs
  •  mobile applications
  •  mobile money services
  •  Software and such other kinds of services.

4. Our Mission and Vision Statement

  • Our vision is to be known for our top notch brand cell phones and to be the leading and preferred cell phone distribution store here in Winston Blvd. Troy – Michigan.
  • In order to achieve our vision, we intend to remain proactive in the business by constantly coming up with new and brands of gadgets intended to excite our customers whilst also giving us an edge over our competitors. We also intend to ensure that we well our franchise all around the United States of America as well as Canada.

Our Business Structure

Due to how serious we are taking our business, we plan to build a standard cell phone shop business here in Winston Blvd. Troy – Michigan and so we have set plans, processes and structures in place that will allow us get it right from the beginning in ensuring that we hire the right employees into all the available positions in our cell phone shop.

Because we intend to become a leading brand as well as sell our franchises here in America as well as Canada, we carefully sourced for those that we would want to be a part of our management team and we chose those that had the required experience and understood what it takes to take our cell phone shop from where we are to where we intend to be.

Also, our management team understands our core vision and ideology and is committed to ensuring that we are able to attain them as fast as possible.

Also, because we intend to offer various services and products to our various customers as well as sell our franchise, we will employ more than the average cell phone shop so that all our services at Excellent Cell Phone Store will run smoothly in delivering the various services to all our various customers.

Below is the business structure we intend to build at Excellent Cell Phone Store;

Chief Executive Officer

Human Resources and Admin Manager


Marketing Team

Customer Service Executives

Truck Driver

5. Job Roles and Responsibilities

  • Responsible for the overall strategic direction of Excellent Cell Phone Shop
  • Communicates and ensures the implementation of the vision and objectives of the organization to employees
  • Ensures that the  cell phones come in intact without damage
  • Carries out an inspection on every batch that comes in
  • Sources for competent employees on behalf of the company, and ensures that they are properly inducted
  • Ensures that the administrative function of the company runs smoothly
  • Responsible for employee welfare
  • Prepares all financial statement and information on behalf of the store
  • Ensures that the store’s book is balanced monthly against that of the bank
  • Conducts more research on behalf of the company in order to find ways to retain customers as well as attract new ones
  • Hands out handbills and pastes fliers in strategic locations
  • Interacts with customers via phone and online by answering enquiries, taking orders and feedbacks, and resolving complaints
  • Stays abreast of industry trends as well as organizational policies in order to pass on accurate information to the customers
  • Keeps an accurate customer database on behalf of the store
  • In charge of retailing the cell phone  both inside and outside the shop
  • Helps to increase sales on behalf of the store
  • Ensures that the truck is driven to and fro different sales location
  • Supervises the loading and offloading of supply and equipment and assists where necessary
  • Carries out light maintenance on the truck and reports major defects to the admin manager
  • Ensures that the premises is kept clean
  • Keeps the convenience clean for both staff and clients
  • Carries out any other duty as might be determined by the human resources manager

6. SWOT Analysis

Due to the fact that we intend to run a leading and standard Cell Phone shop, we have hired the services of a reputable business consultant here in Winston Blvd. Troy – Michigan to help look through our business concept and know if we were likely to make it in the industry we intend going into and also let us know if we would be able to compete favorably against other competitors in the bagel shop industry here in Winston Blvd. Troy – Michigan.

Due to this, the business consultant was able to analyze our business by performing a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) analysis and using this to know how well suited we were to starting our bagel shop business in Winston Blvd. Troy – Michigan. The result of the SWOT analysis that was conducted on behalf of Excellent Cell phone Shop are as follows;

Our strength lies in the fact that we are providing our various customers really durable and high quality phones which is far better than what they were getting elsewhere. Also, our product offering is a bit different as we have several varieties of phones due to our secret but awesome marketing secrets ensuring that our customers have something unique whenever they purchase our phones.

Also, we have a structured distribution which has allowed us to be able to meet up with demands no matter the order or emergency.

We have hired competent and experienced employees who do not only understand the cell phone industry but have had the experience working in cell phone  stores and therefore know what is required in taking our phone  shop to the height it intends to achieve.

The fact that we are also offering additional services and products is a boost to us as this has expanded our customer base and ensured that we not only boost our bottom line but that we are strong enough to sustain and expand into the four store operation we have in plans for our business.

One of our weaknesses is our location as are regionally restricted due to the fact that we are just yet a start-up compared to our competitors in the industry. Another weakness is the fact that we are offering basic services and as such need to remain proactive in researching for a new product line so that no competition can easily overtake our business.

  • Opportunities

There are several opportunities that abound for us such as expanding our product line so as to attract new customers to our cell phone shop. We have expanded our services to include online ordering as well, this is to gain a share of those who are online shoppers.

Every business faces threats every now and then and we are no different. The cell phone shop market is one that is highly fragmented and as such competitors can easily overtake and gain a large share of the market. Also, we are faced with the threat of customers finding alternatives or substitutes to bagels.


  • Market Trends

Cell Phone stores are now offering the right products built around the phones such as dual sim phones, water resistant phones, and multiple mega pixel phones.

Cell phones were once seen as a luxury item but now are seen as an essential commodity and even though there have been economic downturns, the industry has had just a slight dent unlike other industries that have gone down during economic downturns.

It is important to note though that the market is seen as mature in the United States, and so we might need to ensure that our company will provide an added service that customers will be unable to resist.

We will also seek out insurance for our cell phone shop business. An insurance cover protects us from any sort of problems – both known and unforeseen – that we might encounter in the course of carrying out our business.  We have done so well by talking to the best insurance that is good for our business, and have also consulted with to an insurance agent or broker who will guide us on what is best for our business.

Phones are regarded as an inexpensive luxury that must not be done without. People fear being cut off from the internet and from their loved ones. They also like the idea that they are able to be abreast of global issues wherever they go via their cell phones.

8. Our Target Market

Even though almost everyone uses phones, it is still imperative that we know and identify our target market so that we draft effective strategies that will allow us gain a huge share of the market. Also, knowing our target market will allow us know where to position our truck here in Winston Blvd. Troy – Michigan.

In regard to this, we are conducting a market research that will allow us know and understand what it is the target market would be expecting from us and also what we should expect from them. From our findings, we are in business for the following groups of people;

  • Business people
  • Corporate executives

Our competitive advantage

We are starting a cell phone shop company that we intend to make the most preferred cell phone shop here in Winston Blvd. Troy – Michigan and so as to be able to favorably compete against our competitors by having competitive strategies that will help us to achieve our vision of becoming industry leaders.

To be able to favorably compete, we intend to be one of the few shops with a customized truck that will ensure we sell cell phones to customers in strategic locations.

One of our competitive advantages is in sourcing for and recruiting highly experienced personnel who are not only competent but who understands the cell phone market and how best the business can attain its desired goals and objectives. Our employees also understand our core ideologies and are committed to ensuring that we achieve our vision.

Due to low entry barriers, competition in this industry is quite stiff and most businesses that haven’t been able to innovate or offer something completely new have failed. This is why before going into this business we have carried out a thorough research that will ensure that the field we intend going into in our region, has less competition for you to battle with.

This is not to say that in offering unique services that we will prevent the larger companies from offering it and staking a claim in our market share, but we will be proactive and good to our customers so that we can still get to retain most of your customer base and revenue.

Another competitive advantage we have is our excellent customer service culture which has allowed us to retain a high level of customers who have also referred others to our cell phone store.

Finally, our employees are well paid and have a welfare package that is the best across the industry and amongst similar startups here in Winston Blvd. Troy – Michigan, as well as around the United States of America. The great welfare package will allow the employees focus on the business, motivate them and also ensure that they help in achieving all aims and objectives of Excellent Cell Phone Store.


  • Sources of Income

Excellent Cell Phone store is established with the aim of generating revenue and maximizing profit in the cell phone and gadgets industry.

To ensure that we boost our bottom line, we intend to offer other services and sell other products in addition to our core service to our various customers. Excellent Cell Phone Store intends to generate income by offering the following products and services;

  • Retail and wholesale of different Cell Phones

10. Sales Forecast

Cell Phones are regarded as a necessity to everyone. In regards of this, we are optimistic that we will not only take on the available market here in Winston Blvd. Troy – Michigan but that we will surpass our set target and generate enough income in our first year of business that will allow us sustain and expand our business.

Due to this, we have conducted a critical evaluation of the cell phone  industry and market in order to analyze what our chances are in the industry and so that we will be able to come up with a sales forecast.

The sales projection that we conducted was based on the information and assumptions gathered from similar startups here in Winston Blvd. Troy – Michigan. Below therefore are the sales projections for Excellent Cell Phone store based on several assumptions and data;

  • First Fiscal Year-: $500,000
  • Second Fiscal Year-: $1,000,000
  • Third Fiscal Year-: $2,000,000

N.B : It should be noted that the above sales projections were conducted based on certain factors such as that there won’t be alternative substitutes, no economic downturn and that no competitor would arrive in same location such as ours for the stated period of projections.

Should there however be any change in the above factors, it would cause an increase or decrease in the above projected figures.

  • Marketing Strategy and Sales Strategy

Marketing is one aspect of a business that cannot be neglected because not only does it generate revenue that will help sustain the business, it also creates awareness that the business will use in thriving and favorably compete against its competitors in the marketplace.

Due to this fact, we intend to conduct a market research that would allow us best understand the market we are going into and how best we would lay out strategies that would allow us have a fair share of the market. To this end, we hired a professional marketing consultant here in Winston Blvd. Troy – Michigan who thoroughly understands the cell phone industry and knows what it takes to survive and thrive in this environment.

We have also empowered our marketing team to draft strategies that would be in line with our core values and ideologies as a company. This is because we intend to ensure that every strategy communicates the business positively to our customers Therefore, the marketing and sales strategies that we intend to adopt for Excellent Cell Phone Store are;

  • Ensure that we place advertisements in local newspapers, magazines as well as on radio and television
  • Throw a grand launching party for excellent Cell Phone Shop in order to generate interest and create awareness for our business
  • Ensure that Excellent Cell Phone Shop is listed in offline and online directories
  • Engage in direct marketing and sales both in the store and in public places
  • Leverage on social media platform – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram – to thoroughly advertise our products and services
  • Encourage our loyal customers to refer us to others

11. Publicity and Advertising Strategy

In order to create the much needed awareness that we would need to attract customers to Excellent Cell Phone Store, we intend to use effective publicity and advertising strategies, especially as our intention is to become the preferred Cell Phone shop here in Winston Blvd. Troy – Michigan.

Our penetrative publicity and advertising strategies was drafted for us by a reputable brand consultant who has several experience in the coffee and snack industry and has helped several company such as ours achieve their intended publicity goal translating into more revenue for the business. Therefore, some of the platforms that we intend to use in promoting Excellent Cell Phone Store  are;

  • Create contests here in the community where we are located as well as online in order to create awareness for our cell phone store
  • Sponsor relevant programs in the community especially in clubs, hotels , schools and hospitals
  • Place adverts in local newspapers and magazines as well as on radio and television stations
  • Make use of our social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to promote our business
  • Distribute our fliers and handbills in target locations
  • Attend fairs and carnivals in order to sell and promote our products and network as well

12. Our Pricing Strategy

Determining what price we will charge for our cell phones is no brainer as most of the cell phones are made in the United States of America as well as other parts of the world.  We would however ensure that we do not set prices that are way below what our competitors are offering or what will make us run at a loss.

In order to create the necessary awareness for our business and attract the customers we would need to enable us generate revenue, we intend to for the first six months offer a discount on our cell phones by giving customers who purchase more than two phones, one phone free.

This will in no way cause us to run at a loss as we have carefully checked what our margins would look like during this period and have found that there will be little or no changes

  • Payment Options

Because we believe in making things very simple for our customers here at Excellent Cell Phone Stores, we intend to ensure that we proffer payment options that will suit the different preferences of our customers. The payment options that will be proffered to all our customers are;

  • Payment via cash
  • Payment via check
  • Payment via credit card
  • Payment via Point of Sale (POS) Machine

The above payment options were carefully chosen and will work with no hitches for any of our customers as well as for our business.

13. Startup Expenditure (Budget)

Starting a cell phone store and running it to a certain standard requires that one spend most of the generated capital. The bulk of the capital usually goes into buying bagel making equipment, paying employees and utility bills as well as buying a customized truck that will be used in selling the phones outside the store.

Below is a breakdown of the things we expect to spend the bulk of the capital on;

  • Business registration and incorporation in the United States of America – $750
  • Obtaining licenses and permits to run a cell phone  as well as accounting software and other legal expenses – $1,250
  • Cost of hiring business consultants – $3,000
  • Insurance coverage (general liability, property insurance , health insurance and workers’ compensation) – $2,500
  • Operational cost for the first six months (utility bills and employees salaries) – $150,000
  • Cost of purchasing bagel making equipment – $20,000
  • Other start-up expenses (furniture, stationery, computers, phones, and printers) – $2,000
  • Marketing promotion (grand opening promotion and general business promotion( – $5,000
  • Cost of purchasing phones  and accessories   – $2,000,000
  • Cost of storage equipment and hardware (shelves, racks, bins, cash register, security gadgets) – $10,000
  • Cost of purchasing a fairly used truck – $30,000
  • Cost of launching a website – $500
  • Cost of throwing an opening party for our Excellent Cell Phone Shop – $5,000
  • Miscellaneous – $5,000

From the above analytical breakdown, in order to run a standard and successful bagel shop here in Winston Blvd. Troy – Michigan; we would require the sum of $2,255,000 .

It should be noted that the amount covers the salaries of our employees and payment of utility bills for a period of six months. It also covers overhead expenses such as bagels making equipment, as well as the purchase of a fairly used truck.

Generating Funding / Startup Capital for Cell Phone Shop Business

Cell Phone Shop is a business that is run and owned by Mr. Michael Pump. Mr. Pump who fully owns 100% equity does not intend to seek for private investors that will have a share of his company. This is why he intends to restrict the sourcing of his capital to three major sources.

Therefore, the three areas Mr.  Pump intends to seek his start-up capital from are;

  • Generate part of the start-up capital from savings and mutual funds
  • Source for soft loan from family members and friends
  • Apply for loan from the bank

N.B : Mr. Pump was able to generate the sum of $1,000,000 from his personal savings and mutual funds. From family members and friends, he got the sum of $200,000 . He applied for the rest from the bank payable within 5 years at an interest of 2% per annum.

All the documents concerning the loan has been signed and approved and the money according to the accounts officer will be credited to the account before the week runs out.

14. Sustainability and Expansion Strategy

We are a business that is built to last for a long time and we have several sustainability and expansion strategies in place such as ensuring we live up to our brand name, employing competent employees and also ensuring that we engage in intensive promotion strategies in order to bring in more clients that will ensure that we sustain our business.

We are a business whose intention is to ensure that we sell only durable phones to our various customers. We will therefore not sub standard phones to our customers as we intend to remain very transparent in our dealings and also engage in the best business practices by ensuring that our kitchens meet up with the set standards.

Having the best business structure is of paramount importance to us and so we intend to ensure that we employ competent employees that understand the business and are committed to ensuring that our bagel shop attains its desired goals and objectives.

We will ensure that our employees are well trained and also are well paid so as to boost productivity that will be highly beneficial to our business. We will also ensure that we engage in intensive promotion strategies that will increase awareness about our bagel shop to customers both existing and potential.

We would hire a brand consultant to help us in this regard by drafting effective strategies intended to give us an edge over our competitors. The above three factors if seriously looked into will ensure that we sustain and expand our bagel shop.

Check List / Milestone

  • Business Name Availability Check: Completed
  • Business Registration: Completed
  • Opening of Corporate Bank Accounts: Completed
  • Securing Point of Sales (POS) Machines: Completed
  • Opening Mobile Money Accounts: Completed
  • Opening Online Payment Platforms: Completed
  • Application and Obtaining Tax Payer’s ID: In Progress
  • Application for business license and permit: Completed
  • Purchase of Insurance for the Business: Completed
  • Conducting feasibility studies: Completed
  • Generating capital from family members: Completed
  • Applications for Loan from the bank: In Progress
  • Writing of Business Plan: Completed
  • Drafting of Employee’s Handbook: Completed
  • Drafting of Contract Documents and other relevant Legal Documents: In Progress
  • Design of The Company’s Logo: Completed
  • Graphic Designs and Printing of Packaging Marketing / Promotional Materials: In Progress
  • Recruitment of employees: In Progress
  • Creating Official Website for the Company: In Progress
  • Creating Awareness for the business both online and around the community: In Progress
  • Health and Safety and Fire Safety Arrangement (License): Secured
  • Opening party / launching party planning: In Progress
  • Establishing business relationship with vendors – wholesale suppliers / merchants: In Progress
  • Purchase of trucks: Completed

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cell phone accessories business plan sample

How to Start a Cell Phone Accessory Business

  • Small Business
  • Setting Up a New Business
  • Starting a Business
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Technological Factors That Impact Pricing Strategies

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Starting a cellphone accessory business can be highly profitable and highly competitive. In addition to cellphone franchises selling accessories, independent stores and kiosks are located in many malls and other public areas. The internet is filled with websites and web stores eager to sell cellphone accessories.

However, if you can find a location with limited competition or create an online presence that outshines your competitors, you can build a profitable small business selling cellphone accessories. There are several aspects to starting your cellphone accessory store.

Analyze the Accessory Market

There are a lot of competitors in the accessory market. Well-known brands include Lifeproof, OtterBox, Mophie, Zagg and Insignia. Do not shy away because of this because a healthy amount of competition is a factor for any successful business. The cellphone accessories market is so wide that there is always room for another player.

Look for a niche such as extra power, cases, photo tools, water protection, drop protection, on-the-road or wireless charging, and introduce a product or feature that isn’t already available. Newness sells.

Find the Right Location

Location is extremely important for a cellphone accessory business. Consider starting by renting a kiosk in a mall or plaza as this ensures that you are in a high traffic zone. Furthermore, by starting with a kiosk, you reduce your initial investment risk. The upfront cost of a kiosk ranges from $2,000 to $10,000 as opposed to up to $100,000 for a permanent retail location.

Meet Legal Requirements

You need to get a business license for your cellphone accessory business. Check with the government agencies in the area where you plan to conduct business to acquire this license. For example, in California, you register with the California State Board of Equalization.

If you plan to run your business as a kiosk, you will likely need a kiosk license agreement. For example, if you open a kiosk in the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport, you sign a retail kiosk lease agreement.

Choose a Supplier

Finding a manufacturer to work with helps you maximize your profits. While you may need to order in bulk – anywhere from 10 to 200 items at a time – you save a lot of money. Depending on the type of cellphone accessories, they may cost less than $1 per piece but can be sold for many times that.

If you prefer to buy your inventory overseas, check out online marketplaces such as Alibaba or IndiaMart. If you want to appeal to customer desires to buy products made in the U.S., consider suppliers such as ThomasNet or MFG.

Take Your Business Online

If you aren't ready to open a physical store, launch an e-commerce store for your cellphone accessory business. You can use existing marketplaces such as Etsy, Amazon or eBay, or you can open your own store with websites such as Shopify to establish your own brand.

Whether you choose to use existing marketplaces and their customer bases or start your own website, you should use online advertising methods to market your business. Spend your marketing budget wisely. Use services such as AdWords and Facebook advertising to target specific customers who are looking for cellphone accessories. Further promote your products by partnering with YouTube and Instagram influencers to advertise your products.

  • Entrepreneur: How to Start a Retail Business
  • Nigeria Business Guide: How to Start a Mobile Phone Accessory Business
  • Entrepreneur: How to Start a Kiosk Business
  • Shopify: How to Start a Phone Case Business: The Ultimate Guide
  • Winnerwireless
  • Ebay: Cell Phones Selling Guide
  • Visit the IRS website to apply for an Employer Identification Number (EIN). Use this number on business documentation when applicable. Register your business with your secretary of state and the county clerk's office to prevent other businesses from using your business name. Apply for a sales tax number through the department of revenue to collect sales tax from customers.
  • Carefully monitor inventory to avoid purchasing unpopular or difficult-to-sell items, as you will lose money for unsold items still in stock.

Michael is a writer in various subjects. He is a mechanical engineer and freelance writer, having earned a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from Washington University in St. Louis. His articles have appeared mostly online.

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Financial Model, Business Plan and Dashboard Templates - FinModelsLab

How To Write a Business Plan for E-commerce Platform for Mobile Accessories in 9 Steps: Checklist

By alex ryzhkov, resources on e-commerce platform for mobile accessories.

  • Financial Model
  • Business Plan
  • Value Proposition
  • One-Page Business Plan
  • SWOT Analysis
  • Business Model
  • Marketing Plan
  • Bundle Business Plan & Fin Model

Welcome to our blog post on how to write a business plan for an e-commerce platform selling mobile accessories! With the growing popularity of smartphones and the increasing reliance on mobile technology, the market for mobile accessories is booming. According to recent statistics, the global mobile accessories market is expected to reach a staggering $255 billion by 2026, growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 9.5%. This presents a lucrative opportunity for entrepreneurs looking to tap into this thriving industry.

When it comes to establishing a successful e-commerce platform for selling mobile accessories, the direct-to-consumer (DTC) model has proven to be highly effective. By cutting out intermediaries and retail stores, a DTC approach allows businesses to provide customers with easy access to the products they desire, while offering competitive prices thanks to reduced overheads. However, in order to succeed in this competitive market, it's crucial to have a well-thought-out business plan in place.

To help you get started, we've outlined nine key steps that should be included in your business plan. These steps will guide you through identifying your target market, defining your product range, conducting market research, developing a pricing strategy, establishing partnerships with suppliers, determining logistics and shipping solutions, outlining marketing strategies, setting milestones and objectives, and assessing the financial feasibility of your venture.

By following this checklist and taking a methodical approach, you'll be well-equipped to launch a successful e-commerce platform for mobile accessories. So, let's dive in and explore each step in detail!

Identify Target Market And Customer Demographics

Identifying your target market and understanding your customer demographics is crucial for the success of your e-commerce platform selling mobile accessories. This step allows you to tailor your products, marketing strategies, and customer experience to meet the specific needs and preferences of your target audience.

To begin, conduct thorough research to determine who your potential customers are. Look at factors such as age, gender, location, income level, and occupation. This information will help you create customer profiles or personas that represent your target market.

  • Consider using online tools and analytics to gather data about your potential customers. This can include examining social media insights, conducting surveys, or analyzing website traffic.

Once you have identified your target market and customer demographics, you can tailor your product range and offerings to meet their specific needs and preferences. For example, if your research shows that your target audience consists of young professionals who value sleek and stylish mobile accessories, you can focus on offering a range of modern designs and trendy products.

Understanding your target market also helps you create effective marketing and promotional strategies. It enables you to deliver targeted advertisements, engaging content, and personalized messages that resonate with your audience. By understanding their needs, you can position your e-commerce platform as the go-to destination for their mobile accessory needs.

  • Consider creating customer surveys or conducting focus groups to gather more specific insights about your target market. This will provide you with invaluable feedback that can inform your business decisions.

Identifying your target market and customer demographics is an ongoing process. As your e-commerce platform evolves, continue to gather data and adjust your strategies to align with any changes in your target audience. By staying in tune with your customers' preferences and needs, you can position your business for long-term success in the competitive e-commerce industry.

E-commerce Platform for Mobile Accessories Financial Model Get Template

Define Product Range And Offerings

Once you have identified your target market and customer demographics, the next step in writing a business plan for your e-commerce platform selling mobile accessories is to define your product range and offerings. This involves carefully selecting the types of products you will sell and determining the specific features and specifications they will have.

First and foremost, research the demand and trends in the mobile accessories market . This will help you understand what types of products are currently popular and what customers are looking for. Consider factors such as smartphone brand compatibility, the latest technology advancements, and customer preferences for certain product categories.

Identify the different product categories and subcategories that you want to offer on your platform. This could include cases and covers, screen protectors, chargers and cables, headphones, and other accessories. By diversifying your product range, you cater to a wider audience and increase the chances of attracting more customers.

Consider offering a range of price points within each product category. This will allow customers with different budgets to find suitable options on your platform. Include both premium and budget-friendly offerings to cater to a wider range of customers.

By defining your product range and offerings in a clear and comprehensive manner, you can effectively communicate to potential investors and stakeholders the value your e-commerce platform will bring to the market and the unique selling points that set you apart from competitors.

Conduct Market Research And Competitive Analysis

Conducting thorough market research and competitive analysis is crucial for the success of an e-commerce platform selling mobile accessories. This step allows you to gain valuable insights into the market landscape, consumer preferences, and identify your main competitors. Here are some important factors to consider:

  • Identify your target audience: Understanding your target market and customer demographics is essential. Determine the age group, interests, and preferences of your potential customers. This information will help you tailor your product offerings and marketing strategies accordingly.
  • Analyze market trends: Stay updated with the latest trends and demands in the mobile accessories market. This includes staying informed about popular product categories, emerging technologies, and any shifts in consumer behaviors.
  • Research your competitors: Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of your main competitors in the e-commerce space. Examine their product range, pricing strategies, customer service, and marketing tactics. This analysis will help you identify opportunities for differentiation and determine how you can provide value to your customers.
  • Understand customer needs: Conduct surveys, interviews, or focus groups with your target audience to gather insights about their needs and preferences. This information will assist you in developing a product range and marketing messages that resonate with your potential customers.
  • Utilize online tools and resources for market research, such as Google Trends and social media listening tools, to identify emerging trends and popular product categories.
  • Visit industry trade shows and conferences to connect with suppliers and gain a deeper understanding of the market.
  • Consider conducting a SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) to evaluate your position in the market and identify areas for improvement.

By conducting thorough market research and competitive analysis, you will be well-equipped to make informed decisions about your product range, marketing strategies, and positioning in the e-commerce market. This knowledge will give you a competitive edge and increase the chances of success for your mobile accessories platform.

Develop A Pricing Strategy

Developing a pricing strategy is a crucial step in creating a successful e-commerce platform for mobile accessories. It involves careful consideration of various factors to ensure that the pricing of your products is competitive, yet profitable. Here are some important points to consider when developing a pricing strategy:

  • Consider your target market: Understanding your target market and their purchasing power is essential in determining the appropriate pricing for your products. Conduct market research to identify the price range that your customers are willing to pay for mobile accessories.
  • Evaluate your costs: Analyze the costs associated with sourcing and manufacturing your products, as well as shipping and fulfillment expenses. This will help you determine the minimum price you need to set in order to cover your costs and make a profit.
  • Assess the competition: Research your competitors' pricing strategies to gain insights into the market dynamics and determine how you can position your prices to differentiate yourself. Consider factors such as product quality, brand reputation, and unique selling points when assessing your pricing in relation to your competitors.
  • Consider value-based pricing: Instead of solely relying on cost-based pricing, consider the value that your products bring to customers. Focus on the unique features, functionality, and benefits of your mobile accessories and price them accordingly to reflect their value.
  • Offer pricing tiers: Consider offering different pricing tiers to cater to different customer segments or product variations. This allows you to target both budget-conscious customers and those willing to pay a premium for higher-end accessories.

Tips for Developing a Pricing Strategy:

  • Regularly monitor market trends and adjust your pricing strategy accordingly.
  • Consider offering discounts or promotions to attract new customers and encourage repeat purchases.
  • Implement dynamic pricing strategies, such as personalized pricing or price optimization algorithms, to maximize revenue.
  • Continuously evaluate your pricing strategy and make adjustments based on customer feedback and market demand.

By carefully considering your target market, costs, competition, and the value of your products, you can develop a pricing strategy that positions your e-commerce platform for success in the competitive mobile accessories market.

Identify Suppliers And Establish Partnerships

One of the crucial steps in setting up an e-commerce platform for mobile accessories is to identify suppliers and establish partnerships . This step ensures that you have a reliable source for obtaining the products you intend to sell on your platform.

When identifying suppliers, it is important to consider factors such as the quality of their products, their reputation in the market, and their ability to meet your demand. Look for suppliers who offer a diverse range of high-quality mobile accessories that align with your target market's needs and preferences.

Building strong partnerships with your suppliers is equally important. It helps in ensuring a smooth supply chain and enhances your ability to negotiate better prices and terms. Regular communication with your suppliers will help you address any issues or concerns promptly and maintain a mutually beneficial relationship.

Tips for identifying suppliers and establishing partnerships:

  • Research and compare multiple suppliers before finalizing your choices.
  • Consider attending industry trade shows or conferences to connect with potential suppliers.
  • Check supplier references and customer reviews to assess their reliability.
  • Negotiate favorable terms and agreements, such as minimum order quantities and delivery schedules.
  • Develop clear and transparent communication channels to maintain a strong and trusted partnership.

By carefully selecting suppliers and establishing partnerships, you can ensure a consistent supply of high-quality mobile accessories for your e-commerce platform. This step contributes to the overall success and customer satisfaction of your business.

Determine Logistics And Shipping Solutions

When running an e-commerce platform for mobile accessories, efficient logistics and shipping solutions are crucial to ensure smooth operations and customer satisfaction. Determining the right logistics and shipping strategies requires careful consideration of various factors.

  • Assess your product size and weight: Evaluate the physical attributes of your mobile accessories to determine the most suitable shipping methods. Consider the dimensions, weight, and fragility of the products to choose the appropriate packaging and shipping options.
  • Research shipping carriers: Look for reputable shipping carriers that offer competitive rates and reliable service. Compare options such as USPS, FedEx, UPS, or DHL based on factors like cost, delivery speed, and global reach.
  • Consider warehousing: Depending on the scale of your e-commerce platform, you may need to consider warehousing solutions. Evaluate whether it is more efficient to handle inventory in-house or outsource it to a fulfillment center. This decision will impact your logistics and shipping arrangements.
  • Implement tracking and delivery confirmation: Provide your customers with peace of mind by integrating tracking and delivery confirmation into your logistics and shipping process. This allows customers to monitor their orders and ensures transparency throughout the fulfillment journey.
  • Optimize packaging: Choose packaging materials that safeguard your mobile accessories during transit while also minimizing shipping costs. Consider eco-friendly packaging options to align with sustainable practices and attract environmentally conscious customers.
  • Regularly review shipping carriers to ensure you are getting the best rates and service.
  • Utilize shipping software or platforms to streamline label printing and order tracking.
  • Offer multiple shipping options to cater to different customer preferences and urgency levels.
  • Establish clear shipping and return policies to manage customer expectations.

By carefully considering logistics and shipping solutions, you can efficiently manage the fulfillment process and meet customer expectations for timely and reliable delivery. Remember to regularly review and optimize your logistics strategies to adapt to evolving customer demands and market trends.

Outline Marketing And Promotional Strategies

Developing effective marketing and promotional strategies is crucial for the success of your e-commerce platform selling mobile accessories. By reaching your target audience and showcasing the value of your products, you can attract more customers and generate sales. Consider the following steps to outline your marketing and promotional strategies:

  • Identify your target market and demographics: Understand who your ideal customers are, their purchasing preferences, and behavior. This will help you tailor your marketing efforts to reach and appeal to them directly.
  • Create a strong online presence: Build a visually appealing and user-friendly website that showcases your products and provides a seamless shopping experience. Optimize your website for search engines to drive organic traffic.
  • Utilize social media platforms: Leverage popular social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to engage with your target audience. Create valuable and shareable content to increase brand awareness and drive traffic to your website.
  • Incorporate influencer marketing: Collaborate with influencers in the mobile accessories or technology niche to promote your products. Their recommendations and endorsements can significantly impact your brand's visibility and credibility.
  • Implement email marketing campaigns: Capture visitor emails and build an email list for targeted marketing. Send regular newsletters, exclusive offers, and personalized product recommendations to nurture customer relationships and encourage repeat purchases.
  • Invest in paid advertising: Allocate a portion of your budget for digital advertising platforms like Google Ads or social media ads to reach a wider audience. Experiment with different ad formats to identify the most effective channels for your products.

Tips for effective marketing and promotion:

  • Understand customer pain points: Identify the challenges your customers face when purchasing mobile accessories and highlight how your offerings can solve their problems.
  • Implement search engine optimization (SEO): Optimize your website with relevant keywords and meta tags to improve its visibility on search engines and drive organic traffic.
  • Create compelling product descriptions and visuals: Use high-quality images and detailed descriptions that highlight the features and benefits of your mobile accessories to attract potential customers.
  • Offer incentives for referrals: Encourage your existing customers to refer your e-commerce platform to their friends and family by providing incentives or rewards.
  • Engage with customers through customer support: Provide excellent customer service and promptly address any queries or concerns to build trust and loyalty among your customer base.

Identify Key Milestones And Objectives

Identifying key milestones and objectives is essential in creating a roadmap for your e-commerce platform for mobile accessories. These milestones serve as measurable targets that will guide the growth and success of your business. Objectives, on the other hand, outline the specific goals you aim to achieve within a given timeframe. Here are important considerations to keep in mind:

  • Set achievable milestones: Break down your larger goals into smaller, achievable milestones. These milestones could include launching the platform, reaching a certain number of customers or sales within a specific time period, expanding into new markets, or enhancing customer engagement through various marketing initiatives.
  • Develop SMART objectives: Ensure that your objectives are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound. For example, an objective could be to increase customer acquisition by 20% within the first six months of launching your e-commerce platform. SMART objectives provide clarity and help you track progress along the way.
  • Align milestones and objectives with your business strategy: Consider how each milestone and objective contributes to your overall business strategy. Will they help you increase market share, improve customer satisfaction, or enhance profitability? By aligning milestones and objectives with your strategy, you can prioritize efforts and make informed decisions.
  • Regularly review and update milestones and objectives: As your business evolves, it's important to review and update your milestones and objectives. This allows you to adapt to market changes and stay competitive. Keep track of your progress and make adjustments as needed to ensure you stay on track towards your long-term vision.
  • Be specific in defining your milestones and objectives. The more precise they are, the easier it will be to measure progress.
  • Ensure that your milestones and objectives are realistic and attainable based on the resources and capabilities of your e-commerce platform.
  • Consider involving key team members or stakeholders in the process of identifying milestones and objectives. Their input can provide valuable insights and different perspectives.
  • Regularly track and evaluate your progress towards milestones and objectives. Adjust your strategies and tactics accordingly to stay on course.

Assess Financial Feasibility And Create A Budget

Assessing the financial feasibility of your e-commerce platform for mobile accessories is a crucial step in ensuring its long-term success. By thoroughly evaluating the financial aspects of your business, you can determine the viability of your venture and make informed decisions about your budget. Here are the key considerations:

  • Evaluate start-up costs: Begin by estimating the initial investments required to launch your e-commerce platform. This includes expenses such as website development, inventory acquisition, marketing campaigns, and any necessary infrastructure or technology.
  • Forecast revenue projections: Use market research data and insights to estimate your potential sales and revenue. Consider both short-term and long-term projections, factoring in the growth potential of the mobile accessories market and any expected fluctuations in demand.
  • Estimate operating expenses: Take into account all ongoing operating costs, such as employee salaries, rent, utilities, marketing expenses, inventory management, and customer service. Be realistic and ensure that your revenue projections can cover these expenses while allowing for a reasonable profit margin.
  • Consider funding options: Determine whether you will self-fund the business, seek external investors, or explore other financing options. Thoroughly research and compare the pros and cons of each option, considering factors such as ownership control, interest rates, and repayment terms.

Tips for creating a budget:

  • Periodic reviews: Regularly review and update your budget to reflect any changes in market conditions or business performance.
  • Contingency planning: Allocate a portion of your budget for unexpected expenses or potential downturns in sales. This will help you stay prepared and ensure financial stability.
  • Seek expert advice: Consider consulting with financial professionals to ensure accuracy and feasibility in your budgeting process.
  • Emphasize cost control: Identify areas where you can potentially reduce costs without compromising product quality or customer service. This will help maximize profitability.

By assessing the financial feasibility and creating a well-thought-out budget, you can establish a strong foundation for your e-commerce platform for mobile accessories. This will not only enable you to make informed decisions but also demonstrate to potential investors or lenders that you have a solid financial plan in place.

In conclusion, writing a business plan for an e-commerce platform selling mobile accessories requires careful consideration of various factors. By identifying the target market, defining product offerings, conducting market research, and developing pricing strategies, businesses can position themselves for success. Establishing partnerships, determining logistics and shipping solutions, and outlining marketing strategies will further enhance the platform's competitiveness. Setting key milestones, assessing financial feasibility, and creating a budget will ensure the business's sustainability. With these steps in place, businesses can confidently enter the e-commerce market for mobile accessories and strive for success.

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Cell Phone Accessories Business Plan Template

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Electronics Shop Business Plan

Executive summary image

The advancement in technology is wild, and so is the upgradation of electronic appliances. Therefore, starting an electronics shop is a profitable venture.

Anyone can start a new business, but you need a detailed business plan when it comes to raising funding, applying for loans, and scaling it like a pro!

Need help writing a business plan for your electronics shop? You’re at the right place. Our electronics shop business plan template will help you get started.

sample business plan

Free Business Plan Template

Download our Free Electronics Shop Business Plan Template now and pave the way to success. Let’s turn your vision into an actionable strategy!

  • Fill in the blanks – Outline
  • Financial Tables

How to Write An Electronics Shop Business Plan?

Writing an electronics shop business plan is a crucial step toward the success of your business. Here are the key steps to consider when writing a business plan:

1. Executive Summary

An executive summary is the first section planned to offer an overview of the entire business plan. However, it is written after the whole business plan is ready and summarizes each section of your plan.

Here are a few key components to include in your executive summary:

  • Market Opportunity: Summarize your market research, including market size, growth potential, and marketing trends. Highlight the opportunities in the market and how your business will fit in to fill the gap.
  • Product Offering: Highlight the electronics shop products you offer your clients. The USPs and differentiators you offer are always a plus.
  • For instance, you may include televisions, audio speaker sets, laptops, tablets, mobile phones, etc as some of your products.
  • Marketing & Sales Strategies: Outline your sales and marketing strategies—what marketing platforms you use, how you plan on acquiring customers, etc.
  • Financial Highlights: Briefly summarize your financial projections for the initial years of business operations. Include capital or investment requirements, associated startup costs, projected revenues, and profit forecasts.
  • Call to Action: Summarize your executive summary section with a clear CTA, for example, inviting angel investors to discuss the potential business investment.

Ensure your executive summary is clear, concise, easy to understand, and jargon-free.

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2. Business Overview

The business overview section of your business plan offers detailed information about your company. The details you add will depend on how important they are to your business. Yet, business name, location, business history, and future goals are some of the foundational elements you must consider adding to this section:

Describe what kind of electronics shop you run and the name of it. You may specialize in one of the following electronics shop businesses:

  • Retail electronics store
  • Online electronics store
  • Specialized electronics store
  • Wholesale electronics supplier
  • Electronic repair shop
  • Describe the legal structure of your electronics shop, whether it is a sole proprietorship, LLC, partnership, or others.
  • Explain where your business is located and why you selected the place.
  • Owners: List the names of your electronics shop’s founders or owners. Describe what shares they own and their responsibilities for efficiently managing the business.
  • Mission Statement: Summarize your business’ objective, core principles, and values in your mission statement. This statement needs to be memorable, clear, and brief.
  • Business History: If you’re an established electronics shop, briefly describe your business history, like—when it was founded, how it evolved, etc.
  • Additionally, If you have received any awards or recognition for excellent work, describe them.
  • Future Goals: It’s crucial to convey your aspirations and vision. Mention your short-term and long-term goals; they can be specific targets for revenue, market share, or expanding your services.

This section should provide a thorough understanding of your business, its history, and its plans. Keep this section engaging, precise, and to the point.

3. Market Analysis

The market analysis section of your business plan should offer a thorough understanding of the industry with the target market, competitors, and growth opportunities. You should include the following components in this section.

  • Target market: Start this section by describing your target market. Define your ideal customer and explain what types of services they prefer. Creating a buyer persona will help you easily define your target market to your readers.
  • For instance, general consumers, tech enthusiasts, small business owners, or gamers would be an ideal target audience for a commercial electronics shop.
  • Market size and growth potential: Describe your market size and growth potential and whether you will target a niche or a much broader market.
  • For instance, the electronics shop industry was $159.6 billion in 2022, so it is crucial to define the segment of your target market and its growth potential.
  • Competitive Analysis: Identify and analyze your direct and indirect competitors. Identify their strengths and weaknesses, and describe what differentiates your electronics shop from them. Point out how you have a competitive edge in the market.
  • Market Trends: Analyze emerging trends in the industry, such as technology disruptions, changes in customer behavior or preferences, etc. Explain how your business will cope with all the trends.
  • For instance, smart home devices have a booming market; explain how you plan on dealing with this potential growth opportunity.
  • Regulatory Environment: List regulations and licensing requirements that may affect your electronics shop, such as business registration & licensing, sales tax, product safety & compliance, online sales regulations, etc.

Here are a few tips for writing the market analysis section of your electronic store business plan:

  • Conduct market research, industry reports, and surveys to gather data.
  • Provide specific and detailed information whenever possible.
  • Illustrate your points with charts and graphs.
  • Write your business plan keeping your target audience in mind.

4. Products And Services

The product and services section should describe the specific services and products that will be offered to customers. To write this section should include the following:

  • Smartphones
  • Audio speakers
  • Televisions
  • Smart home devices
  • All other electrical appliances & accessories
  • This may include product authenticity & legitimacy, product inspection & testing, product warranty & guarantee, etc.
  • Additional Services: Mention if your electronics shop offers any additional services. You may include services like, technical support, repairs, installations, product demonstrations, customization options, trade-in programs, extended warranties, etc.

In short, this section of your electronics shop plan must be informative, precise, and client-focused. By providing a clear and compelling description of your offerings, you can help potential investors and readers understand the value of your business.

5. Sales And Marketing Strategies

Writing the sales and marketing strategies section means a list of strategies you will use to attract and retain your clients. Here are some key elements to include in your sales & marketing plan:

  • Unique Selling Proposition (USP): Define your business’s USPs depending on the market you serve, the equipment you use, and the unique services you provide. Identifying USPs will help you plan your marketing strategies.
  • For example, expert staff & technical support, a wide product range, or competitive pricing could be some of the great USPs for a professional electronics shop.
  • Pricing Strategy: Describe your pricing strategy—how you plan to price your products and stay competitive in the local market. You can mention any discounts you plan on offering to attract new customers.
  • Marketing Strategies: Discuss your marketing strategies to market your services. You may include some of these marketing strategies in your business plan—social media marketing, email marketing, content marketing, and print marketing.
  • Sales Strategies: Outline the strategies you’ll implement to maximize your sales. Your sales strategies may include partnering & collaborating with other businesses, offering referral programs, etc.
  • Customer Retention: Describe your customer retention strategies and how you plan to execute them. For instance, introducing loyalty programs, discounts & offers, personalized service, etc.

Overall, this section of your electronics shop business plan should focus on customer acquisition and retention.

Have a specific, realistic, and data-driven approach while planning sales and marketing strategies for your electronics shop, and be prepared to adapt or make strategic changes in your strategies based on feedback and results.

6. Operations Plan

The operations plan section of your business plan should outline the processes and procedures involved in your business operations, such as staffing requirements and operational processes. Here are a few components to add to your operations plan:

  • Staffing & Training: Mention your business’s staffing requirements, including the number of employees or technicians needed. Include their qualifications, the training required, and the duties they will perform.
  • Operational Process: Outline the processes and procedures you will use to run your electronics shop. Your operational processes may include procurement & inventory management, product display & store layout, technical support & repair services, etc.
  • Equipment & Software: Include the list of equipment and software required for the electronics shop, such as display units, security systems, testing equipment, POS software, product research tools, etc.
  • Explain how these technologies help you maintain quality standards and improve the efficiency of your business operations.

Adding these components to your operations plan will help you lay out your business operations, which will eventually help you manage your business effectively.

7. Management Team

The management team section provides an overview of your electronics shop’s management team. This section should provide a detailed description of each manager’s experience and qualifications, as well as their responsibilities and roles.

  • Founders/CEO: Mention the founders and CEO of your electronics shop, and describe their roles and responsibilities in successfully running the business.
  • Key managers: Introduce your management and key members of your team, and explain their roles and responsibilities.
  • It should include, senior management, and other department managers (e.g. operations manager, technical service manager.) involved in the electronics shop business operations, including their education, professional background, and any relevant experience in the industry.
  • Organizational structure: Explain the organizational structure of your management team. Include the reporting line and decision-making hierarchy.
  • Compensation Plan: Describe your compensation plan for the management and staff. Include their salaries, incentives, and other benefits.
  • Advisors/Consultants: Mentioning advisors or consultants in your business plans adds credibility to your business idea.
  • So, if you have any advisors or consultants, include them with their names and brief information consisting of roles and years of experience.

This section should describe the key personnel for your electronics shop services, highlighting how you have the perfect team to succeed.

8. Financial Plan

Your financial plan section should provide a summary of your business’s financial projections for the first few years. Here are some key elements to include in your financial plan:

  • Profit & loss statement: Describe details such as projected revenue, operational costs, and service costs in your projected profit and loss statement . Make sure to include your business’s expected net profit or loss.
  • Cash flow statement: The cash flow for the first few years of your operation should be estimated and described in this section. This may include billing invoices, payment receipts, loan payments, and any other cash flow statements.
  • Balance Sheet: Create a projected balance sheet documenting your electronics shop’s assets, liabilities, and equity.
  • Break-even point: Determine and mention your business’s break-even point—the point at which your business costs and revenue will be equal.
  • This exercise will help you understand how much revenue you need to generate to sustain or be profitable.
  • Financing Needs: Calculate costs associated with starting an electronics shop, and estimate your financing needs and how much capital you need to raise to operate your business. Be specific about your short-term and long-term financing requirements, such as investment capital or loans.

Be realistic with your financial projections, and make sure you offer relevant information and evidence to support your estimates.

9. Appendix

The appendix section of your plan should include any additional information supporting your business plan’s main content, such as market research, legal documentation, financial statements, and other relevant information.

  • Add a table of contents for the appendix section to help readers easily find specific information or sections.
  • In addition to your financial statements, provide additional financial documents like tax returns, a list of assets within the business, credit history, and more. These statements must be the latest and offer financial projections for at least the first three or five years of business operations.
  • Provide data derived from market research, including stats about the industry, user demographics, and industry trends.
  • Include any legal documents such as permits, licenses, and contracts.
  • Include any additional documentation related to your business plan, such as product brochures, marketing materials, operational procedures, etc.

Use clear headings and labels for each section of the appendix so that readers can easily find the necessary information.

Remember, the appendix section of your electronics shop business plan should only include relevant and important information supporting your plan’s main content.

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This sample electronics shop business plan will provide an idea for writing a successful electronics shop plan, including all the essential components of your business.

After this, if you still need clarification about writing an investment-ready business plan to impress your audience, download our electronics shop business plan pdf .

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A business plan is an essential tool for anyone looking to start or run a successful electronics shop. It helps to get clarity in your business, secures funding, and identifies potential challenges while starting and growing your business.

Overall, a well-written plan can help you make informed decisions, which can contribute to the long-term success of your electronics shop.

How to get funding for your electronics shop?

There are several ways to get funding for your electronics shop, but self-funding is one of the most efficient and speedy funding options. Other options for funding are:

  • Bank loan – You may apply for a loan in government or private banks.
  • Small Business Administration (SBA) loan – SBA loans and schemes are available at affordable interest rates, so check the eligibility criteria before applying for it.
  • Crowdfunding – The process of supporting a project or business by getting a lot of people to invest in your business, usually online.
  • Angel investors – Getting funds from angel investors is one of the most sought startup options.

Apart from all these options, there are small business grants available, check for the same in your location and you can apply for it.

Where to find business plan writers for your electronics shop?

There are many business plan writers available, but no one knows your business and ideas better than you, so we recommend you write your electronics shop business plan and outline your vision as you have in your mind.

What is the easiest way to write your electronics shop business plan?

A lot of research is necessary for writing a business plan, but you can write your plan most efficiently with the help of any electronics shop business plan example and edit it as per your need. You can also quickly finish your plan in just a few hours or less with the help of our business plan software .

Can a good electronics shop business plan help me secure funding?

Indeed. A well-crafted electronics shop business plan will help your investors better understand your business domain, market trends, strategies, business financials, and growth potential—helping them make better financial decisions.

So, if you have a profitable and investable business, a comprehensive business plan can certainly help you secure your business funding.

About the Author

cell phone accessories business plan sample

Upmetrics Team

Upmetrics is the #1 business planning software that helps entrepreneurs and business owners create investment-ready business plans using AI. We regularly share business planning insights on our blog. Check out the Upmetrics blog for such interesting reads. Read more

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Cell Phone Business Plan Sample

Published Aug.09, 2018

Updated Apr.22, 2024

By: Noor Muhammad

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Cell Phone Business Plan Sample

Table of Content

Do you want to start cell phone business?

Do you want to open a cell phone store ? Well, it will prove a convenient and extremely profitable choice for you, as cell phones have become a necessity of the modern society. Mobile phones are portable, wireless as well as long-range electronic devices for communication and can also be used as a tool for entertainment. Cell phones are desired in every part of the United States as people love to use the apps provided by it. They have become the most efficient means of communication throughout the world and are now accessible to every high and low.

An estimate shows that 95% population of the United States have their own cell phones. For starting a cell phone business, you will have to purchase a large number of cell phones of every range according to market demand, and the next step will be to display them in your showroom. People of the United States belong to various classes thus the cell phones of all companies such as Apple, Google, Samsung, Motorola, Xiaomi, HTC, Huawei, and LG are in great demand in the whole country.

If you are entering this venture, the first step you will have to take is to devise a comprehensive mobile phone business plan , which will help you in starting your mobile phone business plan and taking a lead upon your competitors. In case, you don’t know how to start a cell phone business , you can take help from this sample business plan for a cell phone business startup named ‘Mobile Station’.

Executive Summary

2.1 the business.

Mobile Station will be a licensed and registered mobile store in Denver owned by ‘Mark Franco’. The store will be located near the Denver Central Market. Franco has been working as a supplier of tech products for more than ten years, but now he is starting a cell phone business . Franco will purchase the original brand new cell phones from the main companies, tablets, and other accessories, and will keep them at his store.

The business will not be limited to just selling cell phones, it will also contain the facility of mobile hardware and software repair by expert technicians.

2.2 Management

Before starting work on how to start a cell phone store , you must hire the right person for the right job and organize your staff and store. Franco will manage the business himself, however, he will hire trusted and skilled mobile hardware and software repairers as well as salesmen to help him entertaining the customers’ needs.

2.3 Customers

The biggest benefit of starting a cell phone business is its wide spectrum of customers. Personal cell phones have become a necessity of every teen, young, adult and old. Moreover, cell phones are available in every range affordable by the rich as well as mediocre people, so our customers will be almost all the people of age above 12 approximately.

2.4 Target of the Company

Our company’s targets are as follows:

Cell Phone Business Plan - 3 Years Profit Forecast

Company Summary

3.1 company owner.

The business will be owned by Mark Franco, an experienced businessman from Denver. Franco has been in the tech-related business for almost fifteen years. He worked as a supplier of televisions and LEDs from the main company stores to the retail stores throughout Denver. But now he has decided to run a business which is less straining than the prior one. Franco is an ambitious person and aims at providing the best services to the people of his town.

3.2 Why the Business is being started

Denver is the 19 th most populous and 18 th largest metro economy in the United States, Franco has chosen this city as his market because he knows this business will flourish the most in such marketplace where people have both the need and money to buy his services.

Franco was working as a supplier of tech-related products, but now considering the demand of cell phones in the market, Franco has decided to start a cell phone business , for providing trusted services to his fellow citizens and to generate a stupendous profit.

3.3 How the Business will be started

Franco is well prepared for all the requisites before opening a cell phone store . He has hired well-behaved and experienced salesmen and expert technicians for any required hardware or software recovery and is half-way in completing his mobile phone business plan on how to start a mobile phone company . He has prepared the list of all the products he’ll keep in his store and will buy the items two days before the launch. The detailed information about the start-up is given below:

Cell Phone Business Plan - Startup Cost

Research and Development$32,750
Expensed Equipment$32,750
Start-up Assets$0
Cash Required$332,500
Start-up Inventory$32,625
Other Current Assets$232,500
Long-term Assets$235,000
Total Requirements$245,000
Start-up Expenses to Fund$11,875
Start-up Assets to Fund$15,000
Non-cash Assets from Start-up$18,750
Cash Requirements from Start-up$0
Additional Cash Raised$18,750
Cash Balance on Starting Date$21,875
Liabilities and Capital$0
Current Borrowing$0
Long-term Liabilities$0
Accounts Payable (Outstanding Bills)$0
Other Current Liabilities (interest-free)$0
Planned Investment$0
Investor 1$332,500
Investor 2$0
Additional Investment Requirement$0
Loss at Start-up (Start-up Expenses)$313,125
Total Funding$255,000

Services for customers

You have to come up with better services if you want your startup to be successful in so hefty competition. If you are confused about how to start my own cell phone company , or if you are having any difficulty with the services you should provide your customers, you can take help from this sample mobile phone business plan on how to start a cell phone store business .

Mobile Station will provide the following services to its customers:

  • Cell phones: We’ll provide latest smartphones of the following famous companies, Apple, Nexus, Google, Samsung, Motorola, Meizu, Xiaomi, Sony, HTC, Huawei, and LG and wireless cell phones of Nokia to our customers.
  • Accessories: We’ll provide best quality accessories in reasonable prices, related to cell phones such as chargers, data cables, mobile cases, anti-lost devices, headphones, sim cards, phone charms, data storage cards, external batteries, selfie-sticks etc.
  • Hardware/Software Repairs: If your cell phone has broken, damaged or is not turning on, you don’t need t worry if you are near our Mobile Station. We will provide an excellent and quick repairing service for our customers, by ensuring them the safety of their private data.
  • Tablets: We’ll provide tablets of various companies in a wide money range so that every person can buy his/her desired and cost-effective

Marketing Analysis of cell phone business

If you want to start cell phone business , you won’t be at a loss because the cell phones and smartphones are in great demand these days. Like every startup the first step is to make a comprehensive cellphone and smartphone business plan . In your cell phone store retail business plan marketing analysis is the part of paramount importance. Before starting a cell phone company you should analyze the market in which you will be going to offer your services. A thorough cell phone market analysis will be required to discover whether your target market has the potential of a new startup or not. Considering the importance of accurate marketing analysis, Franco hired the professionals to formulate a cell phone business plan template which will include all his ideas of running the cell phone business.

If you are doing a research on   how to start your own cell phone business , you can have help from various cell phone business plans available online free of cost. Below we are giving the cell phone shop business pla n of Mobile Station for your assistance.

5.1 Market Trends

In the near past, cell phones were considered the luxury products affordable by only a few people. But these days, a tremendous growth in cell phone business is observed as the cell phones have become an integral part of everyone’s life. Latest figures from Statista shows that the number of cell phone users will reach 4.9 billion within 2018.

An estimate shows that 21% of Americans spend more on their cell phones than groceries and 95% Americans own a cell phone of some kind, but still there is a demand for new ones. It will not be enough to say that only the businesses of buying and selling cell phones are gaining grounds because IBISWorld has reported a 5.5% growth in the businesses related to cell phone hardware and software repairs.

As demonstrated by all these statistics, you won’t be at a loss if you are entering this profitable venture!

Cell Phone Business Plan - Marketing Segmentation

5.2 Marketing Segmentation

The success of a startup confides in the fact that how well do you know your prospective customers. Knowing the type of potential customers helps a businessman in determining his business strategy . Marketing segmentation will help you in meeting the needs and requirements of your customers.

The detailed marketing segmentation of Mobile Station is as follows:

5.2.1 Teens & Adults: This group will be our biggest target customer. The teens in their attempt to show off their modernism and financial status, purchase the cell phones that are most attractive and most expensive too. The young generation usually prefers Apple phones and other cell phones of the famous brand name. They will also be the biggest consumers of the accessories we’ll provide such as handsfree, modish mobile cases, data storage devices, data cables etc.

Adults are not addicted to a brand name like teens, but they usually buy expensive phones as they are mostly professionals and in a position to invest in their desired product.

5.2.2 Senior Citizens: Our next target group will comprise of the senior citizens of Denver who usually prefer durable cell phones and tablets which they can use conveniently without the fear of much damage. We have a wide range of tablets in our store for senior citizens as they find the big screen of tablets easy to use.

5.2.3 Children : The children of age about ten to twelve usually force their parents to buy them a phone. For such customers, we also have inexpensive smaller cell phones with meager functions.

As we are located in the central market so our services will also be used by the people or tourists who have come near our store by chance. The people who happen to be near our shop will contribute to helping us generating a potential amount of profit by buying our accessories and by consuming our repairing services.

The detailed market analysis of our potential customers is given in the following table:

Potential CustomersGrowth
Senior Citizens32%11,43313,34416,55318,74520,54513.43%
Teens & Adults48%22,33432,34443,66552,54466,43210.00%

5.3 Business Target

Our topmost priority will be our clients’ satisfaction. Mobile Station will be a large store in Denver, our aims are to maximize our sales as well as gaining more and more customers. Our financial business targets are as follows:

  • To achieve the net profit margin of $10k per month by the end of the first year, $15k per month by the end of the second year, and $25k per month by the end of the third year
  • To balance the initial cost of the startup with earned profits by the end of the first year

5.4 Product Pricing

The prices of cell phones are fixed, however, considering the market demands and the competitive aspects, we have priced our repairing services and products other than cell phones in almost similar ranges as of our competitors.

If you are opening a cell phone business the main thing you need to focus on is your sales strategy. After having the know-how of how to start a cell phone business , you must devise your plans and find some attractive ideas for gaining more and more customers and for increasing sales.

6.1 Competitive Analysis

Our major competitive advantage is our location; we are located in the vicinity of popular stores which will pave the way in attracting the customers for us but are not our direct competitors. We have the best, experienced and trusted technicians to help you resolve your hardware and software problems related to cell phones. Our biggest competitive edge is our excellent customer service; our courteous salesmen will guide the customers until they are satisfied in buying their desired product.

6.2 Sales Strategy

As the market is full of such businesses so you will have to found extraordinary ways to advertise your mobile phone business plan .

The sales strategy Mobile Station will adopt will be:

  • We will offer a discount on our repairing services for the first three months
  • We will advertise ourselves in magazines, newspapers, TV stations, and social media
  • We will advertise our best-selling cell phones on our website
  • We will give a $50 accessory for free to our customer who bought the product of price $600 and above.
  • We will hold competitions on monthly basis and award the winner with some famous cell phone

6.3 Sales Monthly

Cell Phone Business Plan - Sales Monthly

6.4 Sales Yearly

Cell Phone Business Plan - Sales Yearly

6.5 Sales Forecast

Our forecasted sales are summarized in the following column charts:

Cell Phone Business Plan - Unit Sales

The detailed information about the sales forecast is given in the following table:

Unit Sales
Cell Phones1,887,0302,680,3202,588,240
Unit PricesYear 1Year 2Year 3
Cell Phones$140.00$150.00$160.00
Cell Phones$2,149,800$2,784,000$3,383,200
Direct Unit CostsYear 1Year 2Year 3
Cell Phones$0.70$0.80$0.90
Direct Cost of Sales   
Cell Phones$989,300$1,839,000$2,679,700
Subtotal Direct Cost of Sales$1,294,100$1,699,400$2,104,700

Personnel plan

If you are going to start a cell phone company , the prosperity of your business will solely depend upon your customers’ satisfaction which can only be achieved if you hire the right staff.  You will need the persons who are experienced in understanding the customers’ intellect and help them by finding the cell phone which is suitable and affordable for them. You will need the technicians who will be a trustee and will ensure customers’ satisfaction while resolving their issue.

If you have any difficulty in making your personnel plan or even if you don’t know how to start mobile phone business you can take help from this sample plan.

7.1 Company Staff

Franco will act as the manager himself, yet for his assistance, he will hire the following people.

  • 6 Salesmen to assist the customers in buying their required item
  • 2 Administrators/Accountants for maintaining financial records
  • 4 Technicians for repairing/addressing problems in cell phones
  • 3 General Workers for undertaking various tasks at the store
  • 1 Assistant for operating company’s website and social media pages

7.2 Average Salary of Employees

General Workers$187,000$194,000$201,000
Total Salaries$304,000$318,000$332,000

Financial Plan

If you are going to start your own cell phone business , you are responsible for accurately devising all the policies of your business, the most important in which is the financial plan. Before starting cell phone business , you must have a clear idea that how will you balance the investments with the profit and which ways you will need to adopt in order to get more than what you spent on the business.

It is advised to seek help from the professionals to make you a financial plan especially if you are starting your business on a large scale. If your business is a smaller one, then you can take help from the sample mobile phone business plan such as this business plan on how to start your own cell phone company .

8.1 Important Assumptions

The company’s financial projections are forecasted on the basis of the following assumptions. These assumptions are quite conservative and are also expected to show deviation but to a limited level such that the company’s major financial strategy will not be affected.

Plan Month123
Current Interest Rate10.00%11.00%12.00%
Long-term Interest Rate10.00%10.00%10.00%
Tax Rate26.42%27.76%28.12%

 8.2 Brake-even Analysis

Cell Phone Business Plan - Brake-even Analysis

Monthly Units Break-even5530
Monthly Revenue Break-even$159,740
Average Per-Unit Revenue$260.87
Average Per-Unit Variable Cost$0.89
Estimated Monthly Fixed Cost$196,410

 8.3 Projected Profit and Loss

Direct Cost of Sales$15,100$19,153$23,206
Gross Margin$293,969$366,781$439,593
Gross Margin %94.98%94.72%94.46%
Sales and Marketing and Other Expenses$1,850$2,000$2,150
Leased Equipment$0$0$0
Payroll Taxes$34,510$40,726$46,942
Total Operating Expenses$188,766$220,744$252,722
Profit Before Interest and Taxes$105,205$146,040$186,875
Interest Expense$0$0$0
Taxes Incurred$26,838$37,315$47,792
Net Profit$78,367$108,725$139,083
Net Profit/Sales30.00%39.32%48.64%

8.3.1 Profit Monthly

Cell Phone Business Plan - Profit Monthly

8.3.2 Profit Yearly

Cell Phone Business Plan - Profit Yearly

8.3.3 Gross Margin Monthly

Cell Phone Business Plan - Gross Margin Monthly

8.3.4 Gross Margin Yearly

Cell Phone Business Plan - Gross Margin Yearly

8.4 Projected Cash Flow

Cell Phone Business Plan - Projected Cash Flow

Cash Received
Cash from Operations   
Cash Sales$40,124$45,046$50,068
Cash from Receivables$7,023$8,610$9,297
Additional Cash Received   
Sales Tax, VAT, HST/GST Received$0$0$0
New Current Borrowing$0$0$0
New Other Liabilities (interest-free)$0$0$0
New Long-term Liabilities$0$0$0
Sales of Other Current Assets$0$0$0
Sales of Long-term Assets$0$0$0
New Investment Received$0$0$0
ExpendituresYear 1Year 2Year 3
Expenditures from Operations   
Cash Spending$21,647$24,204$26,951
Bill Payments$13,539$15,385$170,631
Additional Cash Spent   
Sales Tax, VAT, HST/GST Paid Out$0$0$0
Principal Repayment of Current Borrowing$0$0$0
Other Liabilities Principal Repayment$0$0$0
Long-term Liabilities Principal Repayment$0$0$0
Purchase Other Current Assets$0$0$0
Purchase Long-term Assets$0$0$0
Net Cash Flow$11,551$13,167$15,683
Cash Balance$21,823$22,381$28,239

8.5 Projected Balance Sheet

Current Assets   
Accounts Receivable$12,613$14,493$16,373
Other Current Assets$1,000$1,000$1,000
Long-term Assets   
Long-term Assets$10,000$10,000$10,000
Accumulated Depreciation$12,420$14,490$16,560
Liabilities and CapitalYear 1Year 2Year 3
Current Liabilities   
Accounts Payable$9,482$10,792$12,102
Current Borrowing$0$0$0
Other Current Liabilities$0$0$0
Long-term Liabilities$0$0$0
Paid-in Capital$30,000$30,000$30,000
Retained Earnings$48,651$72,636$96,621
Net Worth$182,060$226,240$270,420

 8.6 Business Ratios

Sales Growth4.35%30.82%63.29%4.00%
Percent of Total Assets4.35%4.71%5.80% 9.80%
Accounts Receivable5.61%4.71%3.81%9.70%
Other Current Assets1.75%2.02%2.29%27.40%
Total Current Assets138.53%150.99%163.45%54.60%
Long-term Assets-9.47%-21.01%-32.55%58.40%
Current Liabilities4.68%3.04%2.76%27.30%
Long-term Liabilities0.00%0.00%0.00%25.80%
Total Liabilities4.68%3.04%2.76%54.10%
Percent of Sales    
Gross Margin94.18%93.85%93.52%0.00%
Selling, General & Administrative Expenses74.29%71.83%69.37%65.20%
Advertising Expenses2.06%1.11%0.28%1.40%
Profit Before Interest and Taxes26.47%29.30%32.13%2.86%
Main Ratios    
Total Debt to Total Assets2.68%1.04%0.76%67.10%
Pre-tax Return on Net Worth66.83%71.26%75.69%4.40%
Pre-tax Return on Assets64.88%69.75%74.62%9.00%
Additional RatiosYear 1Year 2Year 3 
Net Profit Margin19.20%21.16%23.12%N.A.
Return on Equity47.79%50.53%53.27%N.A.
Activity Ratios    
Accounts Receivable Turnover4.564.564.56N.A.
Collection Days9299106N.A.
Inventory Turnover19.722.5525.4N.A.
Accounts Payable Turnover14.1714.6715.17N.A.
Payment Days272727N.A.
Total Asset Turnover1.841.551.26N.A.
Debt Ratios    
Debt to Net Worth0-0.02-0.04N.A.
Current Liab. to Liab.111N.A.
Liquidity Ratios    
Net Working Capital$120,943$140,664$160,385N.A.
Interest Coverage000N.A.
Additional Ratios    
Assets to Sales0.450.480.51N.A.
Current Debt/Total Assets4%3%2%N.A.
Acid Test23.6627.0130.36N.A.
Sales/Net Worth1.681.290.9N.A.
Dividend Payout000N.A.

Download Cell Phone Business Plan Sample in pdf

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Home » Sample Business Plans » Wholesale & Retail

A Sample Electronics Retail Store Business Plan Template

Do you want to start an electronics store and need to write a plan? If YES, here is a sample electronics store business plan template & feasibility report. Businesses that are worth going for is a business that you are certain people would need your services or products either every day or at least once a week.

Why Start an Electronics Retail Store?

An electronics retail store falls into this category. Part of what you need to do to make headway in this line of business is to ensure that your store is intentionally positioned and you a have good business relationship with manufacturers and wholesale suppliers of various types of electronics.

One good thing about this type of business is that you don’t need to enroll in a conventional business school to learn how to start and run this type of business; it is a business that requires basic business skills such as knowledge of electronic gadgets, customer service, accounting skills, bargaining skills, networking skills, etc.

If you have decided to start an electronics retail store business, then you should ensure that you carry out feasibility studies and also market survey. Business plan is yet another very important business document that you should not take for granted when launching your own business.

Below is a sample electronics retail store business plan template that can help you to write your own with little or no difficulty.

1. Industry Overview

Electronics retail store business is part of the consumer electronics industry and this industry consists of businesses that are into the sale of a wide range of new appliances, electrical goods and home entertainment products. Many stores also offer repair services and some stores sell used goods.

Consumer electronics and appliances are staples in US households and include a wide range of items, from DVD players to refrigerators. The Consumer Electronics Stores industry, which largely relies on discretionary purchases, has been plagued by increasing external competition over the last five years.

Statistics has it that in the united states of America alone, there are about 51,615 registered and licensed consumer electronics retail stores responsible for employing about 329,256 people and the industry rakes in a whooping sum of $86 billion annually.

The industry was projected to grow at -2.2 percent annual growth within 2014 and 2019. Please note that the companies holding the largest market share in the Consumer Electronics Stores in the US industry include Best Buy Co. Inc. and GameStop Corp.

A recent report published by IBISWORLD shows that consumer confidence and spending grew over the past five years, but not enough to lift the industry out of its mild decline due to fierce competition from online retailers, discount retailers and department stores.

Considering these difficult conditions, IBISWorld expects industry revenue to fall an annualized 2.2 percent to $85.7 billion over the five years to 2019; this includes a projected decline of 0.2 percent in 2019 alone, driven primarily by improvement in the overall economy of the United States of America.

If you are contemplating opening a consumer electronics retail store in the United States, you should ensure that you carry out thorough market survey and feasibility studies. The truth is that, if you get some key factors wrong before starting your own consumer electronics retail store, then you are likely going to struggle to stay afloat.

2. Executive Summary

Chris Logan® Consumer Electronics Retail Store, Inc. is a registered consumer electronics retail store business that will be located in one of the busiest business districts in New Haven – Connecticut.

We have been able to lease a shopping facility that is big enough (a 20,000 square feet facility) to fit into the design of the kind of standard consumer electronics retail store that we intend launching and the facility is located in the heart of New Haven – Connecticut.

Chris Logan® Consumer Electronics Retail Store, Inc. will retail a wide range of new appliances, electrical goods and home entertainment products to customers and also offer repair services in conjunction with our retail operations.

We are aware that there are several consumer electronics retail store outlets all around Connecticut, which is why we spent time and resources to conduct a thorough feasibility studies and market survey so as to be well positioned to favorably compete with all our competitors.

We have an online – service options for our customers, and our outlet is well secured with the various payment of options. Chris Logan® Consumer Electronics Retail Store, Inc. will ensure that all our customers are given first class treatment whenever they visit our store.

We have a CRM software that will enable us manage a one on one relationship with our customers no matter how large their numbers grow to. We will ensure that we get our customers involved in the selection of brands that will be on our store and also when making some business decisions.

Chris Logan® Consumer Electronics Retail Store, Inc. will at all times demonstrate her commitment to sustainability, both individually and as a business, by actively participating in our communities and integrating sustainable business practices wherever possible.

We will ensure that we hold ourselves accountable to the highest standards by meeting our customers’ needs precisely and completely whenever they patronize our products. Chris Logan® Consumer Electronics Retail Store, Inc. is owned by Chris Logan and his immediate family members.

Chris Logan has a B.Sc. in Business Administration, with over 10 years’ experience in the Consumer Electronics Stores industry, working for some of the leading brands in the United States. Although the business is launching out with just one outlet in New Haven – Connecticut, but there is a plan to open other outlets all around major cities in the United States of America via the sale of franchising.

3. Our Products and Services

Chris Logan® Consumer Electronics Retail Store, Inc. is in the Consumer Electronics Stores industry to service a wide range of clients and of course to make profits, which is why we will ensure we go all the way to make available a wide range of consumer electronics from top manufacturing brands in the United States and other countries of the world.

Some of the products in our store are listed below;

  • Retailing new household appliances (e.g. refrigerators, washing machines and ovens)
  • Retailing new personal appliances (e.g. hair dryers, curling irons and electric razors)
  • Retailing consumer electronics (e.g. radios, TVs, digital cameras, video games and computers)
  • Retailing mobile phones, smartphones and accessories
  • Offering repair services in conjunction with retail operations.

4. Our Mission and Vision Statement

  • Our vision is to become the leading brand in the Consumer Electronics Stores industry in Connecticut and to establish a one stop consumer electronics retail store chains in New Haven and in other key cities in the United States of America.
  • Our mission is to establish a world – class consumer electronics retail store business that will make available a wide range of consumer electronics from top consumer electronics manufacturing brands at affordable prices in New Haven – Connecticut and other key cities in the United States of America via franchising.

Our Business Structure

Chris Logan® Consumer Electronics Retail Store, Inc. is looking towards building a standard business that can be listed among the top – flight consumer electronics retail stores not just in New Haven – Connecticut but throughout the United States of America.

For that singular reason, we will make sure that establish the business on a solid business structure. As a result of business goal, we will ensure that we hire people that are qualified, honest, customer centric and are ready to work to help us build a prosperous business that will benefit all the stake holders.

As a matter of fact, profit-sharing arrangement will be made available to all our senior management staff and it will be based on their performance for a period of ten years or more. In view of that, we have decided to hire qualified and competent hands to occupy the following positions;

  • Chief Executive Officer (Owner)
  • Store Manager
  • Human Resources and Admin Manager
  • Merchandize Manager
  • Accountants/Cashiers

Sales Girls and Sales Boys

Truck and Van Drivers

5. Job Roles and Responsibilities

Chief Executive Officer – CEO:

  • Increases management’s effectiveness by recruiting, selecting, orienting, training, coaching, counseling, and disciplining managers; communicating values, strategies, and objectives; assigning accountabilities; planning, monitoring, and appraising job results
  • Creates, communicates, and implements the organization’s vision, mission, and overall direction – i.e. leading the development and implementation of the overall organization’s strategy.
  • Responsible for fixing prices and signing business deals
  • Responsible for providing direction for the business
  • Responsible for signing checks and documents on behalf of the company
  • Evaluates the success of the organization
  • Reports to the board

Admin and HR Manager

  • Responsible for overseeing the smooth running of HR and administrative tasks for the organization
  • Maintains office supplies by checking stocks; placing and expediting orders; evaluating new products.
  • Ensures operation of equipment by completing preventive maintenance requirements; calling for repairs.
  • Defines job positions for recruitment and managing interviewing process
  • Carries out staff induction for new team members
  • Responsible for training, evaluation and assessment of employees
  • Responsible for arranging travel, meetings and appointments
  • Oversees the smooth running of the daily office activities.

Store Manager:

  • Responsible for managing the daily activities in the store/warehouse
  • Ensures that proper records of consumer electronics are kept and warehouse does not run out of products
  • Ensures that the store facility is in tip top shape and goods are properly arranged and easy to locate
  • Interfaces with consumer electronics manufacturers
  • Controls consumer electronics distribution and supply inventory
  • Supervises the workforce in the consumer electronics sales floor.

Merchandise Manager

  • Manages vendor relations, market visits, and the ongoing education and development of the organizations’ buying teams
  • Helps to ensure consistent quality of consumer electronics are purchased and retailed/supplied in good price that will ensure we make good profit
  • Responsible for the purchase of consumer electronics for the organizations
  • Responsible for planning sales, monitoring inventory, selecting the merchandise, and writing and pricing orders to vendors
  • Ensures that the organization operates within stipulated budget.


  • Responsible for preparing financial reports, budgets, and financial statements for the organization
  • Provides managements with financial analyses, development budgets, and accounting reports
  • Responsible for financial forecasting and risks analysis.
  • Performs cash management, general ledger accounting, and financial reporting
  • Responsible for developing and managing financial systems and policies
  • Responsible for administering payrolls
  • Ensures compliance with taxation legislation
  • Handles all financial transactions for the organization
  • Serves as internal auditor for the organization
  • Assists in loading and unloading goods/consumer electronics
  • Maintains a logbook of their driving activities to ensure compliance with federal regulations governing the rest and work periods for operators.
  • Keeps a record of vehicle inspections and make sure the truck is equipped with safety equipment, such as hazardous material placards.
  • Assists the transport and logistics manager in planning their route according to a pick-up and delivery schedule.
  • Inspects vehicles for mechanical items and safety issues and perform preventative maintenance
  • Complies with truck driving rules and regulations (size, weight, route designations, parking, break periods etc.) as well as with company policies and procedures
  • Collects and verifies delivery instructions
  • Reports defects, accidents or violations
  • Ensures that all contacts with clients (e-mail, walk-In center, SMS or phone) provides the client with a personalized customer service experience of the highest level
  • Through interaction with customers on the phone, uses every opportunity to build client’s interest in the company’s products and services
  • Responsible for monitoring and recording inventory and stock levels, electronic sales associates periodically check inventory, comparing it to expected levels, taking note of discrepancies or missing stock.
  • Help customers choose electronic equipment and devices, such as mobile phones, televisions, game consoles, and computers.
  • In addition to selling electronic equipment and devices, he/she also process returns and exchanges, inspecting returned items for signs of damage as they process returns via cash or credit card. Additionally, enter returns in the store’s point-of-sale (POS) system and return items to inventory or to shelves.
  • Support sales goals by promoting value-added items such as extended warranties and device insurance. They present customers with information regarding replacement costs and insurance coverage, usually during the checkout process.
  • Consistently stays abreast of any new information on the organizations’ products, promotional campaigns etc. to ensure accurate and helpful information is supplied to customers when they make enquiries

6. SWOT Analysis

Any profitable business or a business with prospects is bound to be competitive and as a new business you must be ready to compete in the industry and competing in the industry means that you must follow due process of establishing a business.

We are quite aware that there are several consumer electronics retail stores all over New Haven and even in the same location where we intend locating ours, which is why we are following the due process of establishing a business.

We know that if a proper SWOT analysis is conducted for our business, we will be able to position our business to maximize our strength, leverage on the opportunities that will be available to us, mitigate our risks and be equipped to confront our threats.

Chris Logan® Consumer Electronics Retail Store, Inc. employed the services of an expert HR and Business Analyst with bias in supply store chain business to help us conduct a thorough SWOT analysis. This is the summary of the SWOT analysis that was conducted for Chris Logan® Consumer Electronics Retail Store, Inc.;

Our business is located in a city with people with high purchasing powers and also, we can boast of having good business relationship with top manufacturers in the consumer electronics manufacturing industry and wholesale distributors in and around New Haven – Connecticut.

A major weakness that may count against us is the fact that we are not yet a major wholesale distributor, we are a new consumer electronics retail store outlet and we don’t have the financial capacity to compete with multi – million dollar stores when it comes to retailing consumer electronics at a rock bottom price.

  • Opportunities:

Products sold by consumer electronics stores are often discretionary. Therefore, a rise in per capita disposable income increases consumers’ propensity to purchase industry goods, leading to growth in demand. Per capita disposable income is expected to increase in the coming year, representing a potential opportunity for the industry.

We have been able to conduct thorough feasibility studies and market survey and we know what our potential clients will be looking for when they order consumer electronics from us; we are well positioned to take on the opportunities that will come our way.

Online retailers are major competitors to industry operators. These retailers sell consumer electronics and appliances, often at lower prices than consumer electronics stores due to the lack of fixed costs, attracting customers away from industry players. The percentage of services conducted online is expected to increase in the coming year, representing a potential threat to the industry.


  • Market Trends

If you are conversant with the Industry, you will quite agree that the changes in disposable income, consumer sentiment, ever changing trends and of course the rate of homeownership are major growth drivers for this industry. No doubt, a massive rise in consumer confidence has also contributed in helping the industry experience remarkable growth, but uneven performance in these drivers has led to slightly constrained revenue growth.

So also, the rising demand for both building renovations as a result of increasing disposable income and consumer sentiment, will result in revenue growth, but profit margins will stagnate as consumer electronics retail stores keep prices low to attract more sales amid growing competition.

A close watch on industry activities reveals that the retail market for consumer electronics was hit hard by the recent economic downturn and experienced a decline in revenue in recent time. The construction of new homes is a primary market for industry products, so as housing stats increase, demand tends to follow. Moreover, as home builders have increased their use of electronics, demand for complementary consumer electronics has risen.

8. Our Target Market

We have positioned our consumer electronics retail store to service residents in New Haven – Connecticut and every other location where outlets will be located. We have conducted our market research and feasibility studies and we have ideas of what our target market would be expecting from us.

We are in business to supply a wide range of consumer electronics to the following;

  • Home Remodeling Companies
  • Facility managers
  • Households in and around our store locations

Our Competitive Advantage

A close study of the consumer electronics industry reveals that the market has become much more intensely competitive over the last decade. As a matter of fact, you have to be highly creative, customer centric and proactive if you must survive in this industry. We are aware of the stiff competition and we are prepared to compete favorably with other leading stores in New Haven – Connecticut.

One thing is certain, we will ensure that we have a wide range of consumer electronics available in our store at all times. It will be difficult for customers to visit our store and not see the type of consumer electronics that they are looking for.

One of our business goals is to make Chris Logan® Consumer Electronics Retail Store, Inc. a one stop consumer electronics shop. Our excellent customer service culture, online store, various payment options and highly secured facility will serve as a competitive advantage for us.

Lastly, our employees will be well taken care of, and their welfare package will be among the best within our category in the industry meaning that they will be more than willing to build the business with us and help deliver our set goals and objectives. We will also give good working conditions and commissions to freelance sales agents that we will recruit from time to time.


  • Sources of Income

Chris Logan® Consumer Electronics Retail Store, Inc. is in business to retail a wide range of consumer electronics to residents of New Haven – Connecticut. We are in the industry to maximize profits and we are going to ensure that we achieve or business goals and objectives.

Chris Logan® Consumer Electronics Retail Store, Inc. will generate income by;

10. Sales Forecast

One thing is certain when it comes to consumer electronics retail stores, if your store is stocked with various types of consumer electronics and centrally positioned, you will always attract customers.

We are well positioned to take on the available market in New Haven – Connecticut and we are quite optimistic that we will meet our set target of generating enough income/profits from the first six months of operation and grow the business and our clientele base.

We have been able to examine the Consumer Electronics Stores industry, we have analyzed our chances in the industry and we have been able to come up with the following sales forecast. Below is the sales projection for Chris Logan® Consumer Electronics Retail Store, Inc., it is based on the location of our business and other factors as it relates to consumer electronics retail stores startups in the United States;

  • First Fiscal Year (FY1): $350,000
  • Second Fiscal Year (FY2): $550,000
  • Third Fiscal Year (FY3): $750,000

N.B: This projection was done based on what is obtainable in the industry and with the assumption that there won’t be any major economic meltdown and there won’t be any major competitor retailing same consumer electronics within same location. Please note that the above projection might be lower and at the same time it might be higher.

  • Marketing Strategy and Sales Strategy

Before choosing a location for Chris Logan® Consumer Electronics Retail Store, Inc., we conducted a thorough market survey and feasibility studies in order for us to penetrate the available market and become the preferred choice for key players in the industry of New Haven – Connecticut.

We have detailed information and data that we were able to utilize to structure our business to attract the number of customers we want to attract per time. We hired experts who have good understanding of the industry to help us develop marketing strategies that will help us achieve our business goal of winning a larger percentage of the available market in New Haven – Connecticut.

In summary, Chris Logan® Consumer Electronics Retail Store, Inc. will adopt the following sales and marketing approach to win customers over;

  • Introduce our consumer electronics retail store by sending introductory letters alongside our brochure to offices, home remodeling companies, households and other key stake holders in New Haven – Connecticut
  • Ensure that we have a wide range of consumer electronics from different manufacturing brand at all times.
  • Make use of attractive hand bills to create awareness and also to give direction to our consumer electronics retail store
  • Position our signage / flexi banners at strategic places around New Haven – Connecticut
  • Position our greeters to welcome and direct potential customers
  • Create a loyalty plan that will enable us reward our regular customers
  • List our business and products on yellow pages ads (local directories)
  • Leverage on the internet to promote our business
  • Engage in direct marketing and sales
  • Encourage the use of Word of mouth marketing (referrals)

11. Publicity and Advertising Strategy

Despite the fact that our store is well located, we will still go ahead to intensify publicity for the business. Chris Logan® Consumer Electronics Retail Store, Inc. has a long – term plan of opening outlets in various locations all around Connecticut, which is why we will deliberately build our brand to be well accepted in New Haven before venturing out.

Here are the platforms we intend leveraging on to promote and advertise Chris Logan® Consumer Electronics Retail Store, Inc.;

  • Place adverts on community – based newspapers, radio stations and TV stations.
  • Encourage the use of word of mouth publicity from our loyal customers
  • Leverage on the internet and social media platforms and other platforms to promote our business.
  • Ensure that our we position our banners and billboards in strategic positions all around New Haven – Connecticut
  • Distribute our fliers and handbills in target areas in and around our neighborhood
  • Advertise our consumer electronics retail store business in our official website and employ strategies that will help us pull traffic to the site
  • Brand all our official cars and trucks and ensure that all our staff members and management staff wear our branded shirt or cap at regular intervals.

12. Our Pricing Strategy

Aside from quality, pricing is one of the key factors that gives leverage to consumer electronics retail stores, it is normal for consumers to go to places where they can get cheaper prices which is why big player in the industry attract loads of clients.

We know we don’t have the capacity to compete with multi – million – dollar consumer electronics retail stores but we will ensure that the prices and quality of all our electronics are competitive with what is obtainable amongst consumer electronics retail stores within our level.

  • Payment Options

The payment policy adopted by Chris Logan® Consumer Electronics Retail Store, Inc. is all inclusive because we are quite aware that different customers prefer different payment options as it suits them but at the same time, we will ensure that we abide by the financial rules and regulation of the United States of America.

Here are the payment options that Chris Logan® Consumer Electronics Retail Store, Inc. will make available to her clients;

  • Payment via bank transfer
  • Payment via credit cards
  • Payment via online bank transfer
  • Payment via check
  • Payment via mobile money transfer
  • Payment via bank draft

In view of the above, we have chosen banking platforms that will enable our client make payment for purchase of our consumer electronics without any stress on their part. Our bank account numbers will be made available on our website and promotional materials.

13. Startup Expenditure (Budget)

From our market survey and feasibility studies, we have been able to come up with a detailed budget of establishing a standard consumer electronics supply business in New Haven, and here are the key areas where we will spend our startup capital;

  • The total fee for registering the Business in New Haven – Connecticut – $750.
  • Legal expenses for obtaining licenses and permits as well as the accounting services (software, P.O.S machines and other software) – $3,300.
  • Marketing promotion expenses for the grand opening of Chris Logan® Consumer Electronics Retail Store, Inc. in the amount of $3,500 and as well as flyer printing (2,000 flyers at $0.04 per copy) for the total amount of $3,580.
  • The cost for hiring Business Consultant – $2,500.
  • Insurance (general liability, workers’ compensation and property casualty) coverage at a total premium – $2,400.
  • The cost for payment of rent for 12 months at $1.76 per square feet in the total amount of $65,600.
  • The cost for shop / warehouse remodeling (construction of racks and shelves) – $20,000.
  • Other start-up expenses including stationery ($500) and phone and utility deposits ($2,500).
  • Operational cost for the first 3 months (salaries of employees, payments of bills et al) – $60,000
  • The cost for start-up inventory (stocking with a wide range of electronics such as new household appliances (e.g. refrigerators, washing machines and ovens), new personal appliances (e.g. hair dryers, curling irons and electric razors), consumer electronics (e.g. radios, TVs, digital cameras, video games and computers) and mobile phones, smartphones and accessories et al) – $250,000
  • The cost for counter area equipment – $9,500
  • The cost for store equipment (cash register, security, ventilation, signage) – $13,750
  • The cost of purchase and installation of CCTVs – $10,000
  • The cost for the purchase of office furniture and gadgets (Computers, Printers, Telephone, TVs, Sound System, tables and chairs et al) – $4,000.
  • The cost of launching a Website – $600
  • Miscellaneous – $10,000

We would need an estimate of five hundred and fifty thousand (450,000) US Dollars to successfully set up our consumer electronics retail store in New Haven – Connecticut.

Generating Funds/Startup Capital for Chris Logan® Consumer Electronics Retail Store, Inc.

Chris Logan® Consumer Electronics Retail Store, Inc. is a private business that is solely owned and financed by Chris Logan and his immediate family members. They do not intend to welcome any external business partners which is why he has decided to restrict the sourcing of the startup capital to 3 major sources.

  • Generate part of the startup capital from personal savings
  • Source for soft loans from family members and friends
  • Apply for loan from the bank

N.B: We have been able to generate about $150,000 (Personal savings $100,000 and soft loan from family members $50,000) and we are at the final stages of obtaining a loan facility of $400,000 from our bank. All the papers and documents have been signed and submitted, the loan has been approved and any moment from now our account will be credited with the amount.

14. Sustainability and Expansion Strategy

Part of the plans we have in place to sustain Chris Logan® Consumer Electronics Retail Store, Inc. is to ensure that we continue to make available a wide range of consumer electronics, retail our products at competitive prices, improvise on how to do things faster and cheaper. We are not going to relent in providing conducive environment for our workers.

From our findings, another factor that kills new business is financial leakages. In order to plug financial leakages, the management of Chris Logan® Consumer Electronics Retail Store, Inc. adopt the use of payment machine and accounting software to run the business.

We are quite aware that our customers are key component to the growth and survival of our business hence we are going to continuously engage them to give us ideas on how to serve them better. Chris Logan® Consumer Electronics Retail Store, Inc. will make sure that the right foundation, structures and processes are put in place to ensure that our staff welfare are well taken of.

Our company’s corporate culture is designed to drive our business to greater heights and training and retraining of our workforce is at the top burner. We know that if that is put in place, we will be able to successfully hire and retain the best hands we can get in the industry; they will be more committed to help us build the business of our dreams.

Check List/Milestone

  • Business Name Availability Check : Completed
  • Business Registration: Completed
  • Opening of Corporate Bank Accounts: Completed
  • Securing Point of Sales (POS) Machines: Completed
  • Opening Mobile Money Accounts: Completed
  • Opening Online Payment Platforms: Completed
  • Application and Obtaining Tax Payer’s ID: In Progress
  • Application for business license and permit: Completed
  • Purchase of Insurance for the Business: Completed
  • Leasing of facility and remodeling the shop: In Progress
  • Conducting Feasibility Studies: Completed
  • Generating capital from family members: Completed
  • Applications for Loan from the bank: In Progress
  • Writing of Business Plan: Completed
  • Drafting of Employee’s Handbook: Completed
  • Drafting of Contract Documents and other relevant Legal Documents: In Progress
  • Design of The Company’s Logo: Completed
  • Printing of Packaging and Promotional Materials: In Progress
  • Recruitment of employees: In Progress
  • Purchase of the needed furniture, racks, shelves, computers, electronic appliances, office appliances and CCTV: In progress
  • Purchase of initial supply of household appliances (e.g. refrigerators, washing machines and ovens), new personal appliances (e.g. hair dryers, curling irons and electric razors), consumer electronics (e.g. radios, TVs, digital cameras, video games and computers: In Progress
  • Creating Official Website for the Company: In Progress
  • Creating Awareness for the business both online and around the community: In Progress
  • Health and Safety and Fire Safety Arrangement (License): Secured
  • Compilation of our list of products that will be available in our store: Completed
  • Establishing business relationship with vendors – manufacturers of consumer electronics and wholesale suppliers: In Progress

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cell phone accessories business plan sample

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cell phone accessories business plan sample

Mobile phones have become a necessity in our lives and we can not imagine even a single second without them. Mobile phones require a certain amount of accessories in order to increase their efficiency and this has opened up a business opportunity.

Do you ever think about starting a mobile accessory shop as a business but have certain doubts about some things like what is the margin? What are the different accessories available? Is this business a suitable business plan for you? How much investment is to be made before starting this business? Then you can have a look at the article below and clear all of your doubts.

Let us have a look on the headings and subheadings of this article:

What are the different ranges of mobile accessories?

How much money is required to start this business.

  • Step by step process to setup a mobile accessories business?

How to boost the sales of accessories?

Now, let’s look upon these headings one by one and explore them in order to clear all of your doubts:

cell phone accessories business plan sample

If you are wondering whether this business plan is profitable or not, you must know the actual numbers of the worth of this business around the world. Till 2022, this market of mobile accessories and camera is going to reach a net worth of $107.3 billion, according to Allied Market research. 

Every business is started in order to earn a living from it. This business is also the same, every accessory have a different percent of margin. First of all, let us have a look upon the broad variety of mobile accessories:

These accessories can be wired, wireless or both, depending upon their composition.

  • Earphones (wired or wireless)
  • Headphones (wired or wireless)
  • Mobile cover.
  • Mobile screen tempered glass.
  • Mobile screen protection flash guard.
  • Mobile screen lamination.
  • Charging brick.
  • Charging cable.
  • USB type A, B and C cable.
  • Bluetooth speaker.
  • Car charging brick.
  • Power bank.
  • And many more.

By having these many products under your cabinet, the chances of going out of business are very slim to 0 if you work hard. Different accessory will have different margin of profit. Usually, if taken average you can observe a net margin ranging from 50% to 75% depending on different accessories.

According to a Founder of retail consultancy, the profit margin of mobile accessories is very large as compared to the margin provided by mobiles itself that is usually 10%. This is one of the main reasons that this industry is blooming at a very fast rate, globally. 

You might be wondering how much I should invest to start this business. Well that is a very vulnerable question. It depends highly on various factors such as:

  • What is the cost of a 20x20m shop in your area?
  • How much inventory are you planning to purchase?
  • And whether you are going to appoint any staff or not.

The answer to this question depends on the place where you wish to set up this business. You need to ask yourself these questions and you will get a result. If not, here are some possible answers you could take help from:

  • You are definitely going to purchase or rent a shop in highly populated area. If not, the sales will downgrade drastically and you business will be a flop! After having a place in a decent spot, you will need to build a nice interior of the shop in order to attract the customers.
  • For the purpose of inventory, you need to get out on the roads and find a local wholesaler of your area and discuss about your business plan with him. Here you need to challenge your bargaining skills and ask for a discount. Huge the discount will be, more inventories could be purchased.
  • If you have just a little bit of knowledge in mobile accessories, you need to keep a trained staff at your shop. Doing this will ensure the customer satisfaction and your sales will also increase.

Taking all these facts in consideration, we can come to a conclusion that you are going to need minimum Rs. 4, 00,000 to start this business at a suitable place.

Step by step process to setup a mobile accessories business:-

Mobiles have a very important place in our lives, and this can be considered a suitable business start up for you. Let us look upon the steps using which you can set up your mobile accessories business.

Build a business plan

If you are going to start mobile accessories business, make sure you have a perfect business plan in your mind along with a clear vision of the future of the business. You need to have the following information while making a business plan for your mobile accessories shop:

  • Vision : make sure you have a vision for your business and you know where you see yourself in some years. This will increase your will power and give you a smooth business run. Explore the ways in which you can expand the business and the ways in which you can invest earned money.
  • Target market: You need to make sure that you are setting up the business in a perfect market and you have adequate knowledge of the customer base.
  • Operations: Try to make the operations of the business as legal and smooth as possible. Keep records of all the sales of accessories and salaries paid to the staff members.

Contact your local dealer

You need to fill inventories in your shop to start a mobile accessories business. For this, you cannot afford to spend more amount than the market rate is for those accessories. Now, the most important thing is to find a supplier. And more the supplier is of the upper chain, more you will benefit.

The best source is to find a local manufacturer because he can provide you the products at a very cheap rate which will increase your margin rate drastically. You need to get out on the road and find a local manufacturer, fix a meeting with him and show your bargaining skills and get the products at a cheap rate.

If not possible to find a manufacture, you can contact a local wholesale dealer of your region and perform the same steps with him. Bargaining for the rates is a very crucial step in this process as it will determine your margin rate and if you can offer discounts to the customers or not.

Find a source of finance

Every business needs an initial source of finance without which it is impossible to run a business. Mobile accessories business is nothing different. As discussed earlier, you require at least 4 lakhs to start this business, now you need to find a perfect way to finance your business.

Here are the three most popular ways using which you can collect money for financing your business.

  • Taking up a business loan: This is a very common source of financing. You have to approach a bank and submit the forms for applying for bank loan. It is a long term process but you will get money at a very low rate of interest. Moreover, you do not need to submit any collateral security in the bank against the loan amount. You can repay for such loans in tenure of 15 years.
  • Taking up a credit loan: This is also a very common source of financing your business. This is the easiest and the quickest way to get money. But it has some disadvantages also. You need to pay higher rate of interest for a credit loan and you cannot hold the money for a long period of time.
  • Savings:  This method does not involve repayment of the money as you are using your savings for financing. But you need to have a load amount of money in your hand already.

There are certain advantages and disadvantages with each of the method. The best way is to mix these ways and form a mixture of these ways to get financing money.

Requirement of licensing

One of the easiest and cheapest ventures is to open a mobile accessories shop. It has some basic requirements like having a 20x20m shop at a decent market place. But to run any business, you will need a proper set of licensing. 

You can start your business as an LLP, solo or partnership. Depending on these choices, you need these sets of registrations:

  • You can start a mobile accessory store as a proprietorship if you are going to be the sole owner of the shop. Now if you want to upgrade and open a physical shop you need to register the shop under Shop and Establishment Act.
  • Moreover, you need to register under GST for a GSTIN (Goods and Service tax identification Number) if you are expecting annual turnover over 20 lakhs and also if you are considering to sale the products in different states as well.
  • PAN registration.
  • Aadhar/ DIPP registration.
  • Trader’s license.
  • To apply for GST registration online, you need to visit the governmental site.

Compute your competition

One of the most disturbing things happens while running a business is watching your competition grow. It does not matter whether you are 20 years old business or a brand new; customers are always attracted towards low price and high quality products.

You have to keep in mind this fact while starting a business. Try to bargain the rates from manufacturer or the wholesaler so that you can offer discounts to your customers. Offering high discounts in the initial days of the business can guarantee you a decent customer base.

Your primary objective while starting this business is to analyze the amount of competition present in the market and you should come up with the strategies to cope up with that competition.

If you have already set up the business, you need to start thinking of the ways in which you can boost the sales in order to increase your profit and expand your business.

Here are some ways in which you can expand your business:

Use Internet Marketing

In this modern world of internet, if you do not prefer the use of internet, you may be at a disadvantage. You need to widen your market instead of doing nothing. If you keep on selling offline, you may earn a decent living, but it will gradually decrease.

Do not consider internet as a foe, consider it as your friend and apart from selling offline, expand your business on internet. This will increase your customer base and it will make your business wide.

Try to grab maximum customers through these two modes and you will experience success.

Promote and advertise your business

Advertisements:  if your business is attractive, you will sell a good amount of accessories. All you need to focus on is to attract the customers and the easiest way to attract customers is by either offering discounts or by advertising.

 As this business does not require much capital to invest initially, you can invest a good amount of money in advertisements and promotions to secure customers. Advertising not only mean to hang board hoardings, you can take help of costume actors who will act as a source of attraction and will boost your sales.

Ask for feedback:

No one is perfect in this world and we all learn from our mistakes. You have to do the same and ask for feedback from customers so that you may correct your errors and increase your service quality. All you have to do is to hang a suggestion box.


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Cell Phone Repair Business Plan Template

Written by Dave Lavinsky

cell phone repair business plan template

Cell Phone Repair Business Plan

Over the past 20+ years, we have helped over 1,000 entrepreneurs and business owners create business plans to start and grow their cell phone repair businesses. On this page, we will first give you some background information with regards to the importance of business planning. We will then go through a cell phone repair business plan template step-by-step so you can create your plan today.

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What is a Cell Phone Repair Business Plan?

A business plan provides a snapshot of your cell phone repair business as it stands today, and lays out your growth plan for the next five years. It explains your business goals and your strategy for reaching them. It also includes market research to support your plans.

Why You Need a Business Plan for a Cell Phone Repair Business

If you’re looking to start a cell phone repair business, or grow your existing cell phone repair business, you need a business plan. A business plan will help you raise funding, if needed, and plan out the growth of your cell phone repair business in order to improve your chances of success. Your cell phone repair business plan is a living document that should be updated annually as your company grows and changes.

Sources of Funding for Cell Phone Repair Businesses

With regards to funding, the main sources of funding for a cell phone repair business are personal savings, credit cards, bank loans and angel investors. With regards to bank loans, banks will want to review your business plan and gain confidence that you will be able to repay your loan and interest. To acquire this confidence, the loan officer will not only want to confirm that your financials are reasonable, but they will also want to see a professional plan. Such a plan will give them the confidence that you can successfully and professionally operate a business. Personal savings and bank loans are the most common funding paths for cell phone repair businesses.

Finish Your Business Plan Today!

How to write a business plan for a cell phone repair business.

If you want to start a cell phone repair business or expand your current one, you need a business plan. Below are links to each section of your cell phone repair business plan template:

Executive Summary

Your executive summary provides an introduction to your business plan, but it is normally the last section you write because it provides a summary of each key section of your plan.

The goal of your Executive Summary is to quickly engage the reader. Explain to them the type of cell phone repair business you are operating and the status. For example, are you a startup, do you have a cell phone repair business that you would like to grow, or are you operating cell phone repair businesses in multiple markets?

Next, provide an overview of each of the subsequent sections of your plan. For example, give a brief overview of the cell phone repair industry. Discuss the type of cell phone repair business you are operating. Detail your direct competitors. Give an overview of your target customers. Provide a snapshot of your marketing plan. Identify the key members of your team. And offer an overview of your financial plan.  

Company Analysis

In your company analysis, you will detail the type of cell phone repair business you are operating.

For example, you might operate one of the following types of cell phone repair businesses:

  • Mail-In Cell Phone Repair Service: this type of cell phone repair business allows people to mail their phones in to be repaired, and then mails them back once they are fixed.
  • Brick-and-Mortar Phone Repair Service: this type of cell phone repair business occupies its own retail location where customers can bring their broken cell phones in person and pick them up in person as well.
  • White Label Cell Phone Repair: this type of business provides cell phone repair services to companies that want to provide phone repair services to their customers under their own business name.

In addition to explaining the type of cell phone repair business you will operate, the Company Analysis section of your business plan needs to provide background on the business.

Include answers to question such as:

  • When and why did you start the business?
  • What milestones have you achieved to date? Milestones could include the number of customers served, number of positive reviews, total number of phones fixed, etc.
  • Your legal structure. Are you incorporated as an S-Corp? An LLC? A sole proprietorship? Explain your legal structure here.

Industry Analysis

In your industry analysis, you need to provide an overview of the cell phone repair industry.

While this may seem unnecessary, it serves multiple purposes.

First, researching the cell phone repair industry educates you. It helps you understand the market in which you are operating.

Secondly, market research can improve your strategy, particularly if your research identifies market trends.

The third reason for market research is to prove to readers that you are an expert in your industry. By conducting the research and presenting it in your plan, you achieve just that.

The following questions should be answered in the industry analysis section of your cell phone repair business plan:

  • How big is the cell phone repair industry (in dollars)?
  • Is the market declining or increasing?
  • Who are the key competitors in the market?
  • Who are the key suppliers in the market?
  • What trends are affecting the industry?
  • What is the industry’s growth forecast over the next 5 – 10 years?
  • What is the relevant market size? That is, how big is the potential market for your cell phone repair business? You can extrapolate such a figure by assessing the size of the market in the entire country and then applying that figure to your local population.

Customer Analysis

The customer analysis section of your cell phone repair business plan must detail the customers you serve and/or expect to serve.

The following are examples of customer segments: electronics stores, digital native cell phone users and older cell phone users.

As you can imagine, the customer segment(s) you choose will have a great impact on the type of cell phone repair business you operate. Clearly, digital natives would respond to different marketing promotions than older cell phone users, for example.

Try to break out your target customers in terms of their demographic and psychographic profiles. With regards to demographics, include a discussion of the ages, genders, locations (if applicable) and income levels of the customers you seek to serve. Because many cell phone repair businesses serve customers living in their same city or town, this type of demographic information is easy to find on government websites.

Psychographic profiles explain the wants and needs of your target customers. The more you can understand and define these needs, the better you will do in attracting and retaining your customers.

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Competitive Analysis

Your competitive analysis should identify the indirect and direct competitors your business faces and then focus on the latter.

Direct competitors are other cell phone repair businesses.

Indirect competitors are other options that customers have to purchase from that aren’t direct competitors. This includes cell phone insurance vendors, cell phone retail stores, cell phone manufacturers, and electronics stores. You need to mention such competition as well.

With regards to direct competition, you want to describe the other cell phone repair businesses with which you compete. Most likely, your direct competitors will be cell phone repair businesses located very close to your location.

For each such competitor, provide an overview of their businesses and document their strengths and weaknesses. Unless you once worked at your competitors’ businesses, it will be impossible to know everything about them. But you should be able to find out key things about them such as:

  • What types of customers do they serve?
  • What types of cell phones do they repair?
  • What is their pricing (premium, low, etc.)?
  • What are they good at?
  • What are their weaknesses?

With regards to the last two questions, think about your answers from the customers’ perspective. And don’t be afraid to ask your competitors’ customers what they like most and least about them.

The final part of your competitive analysis section is to document your areas of competitive advantage. For example:

  • Will you provide better repair services?
  • Will you provide services that your competitors don’t offer?
  • Will you provide better customer service?
  • Will you offer better pricing?

Think about ways you will outperform your competition and document them in this section of your plan.  

Marketing Plan

Traditionally, a marketing plan includes the four P’s: Product, Price, Place, and Promotion. For a cell phone repair business plan, your marketing plan should include the following:

Product : In the product section, you should reiterate the type of cell phone repair company that you documented in your Company Analysis. Then, detail the specific products you will be offering. For example, in addition to cell phone repair, will you provide tablet repair or any other services?

Price : Document the prices you will offer and how they compare to your competitors. Essentially in the product and price sub-sections of your marketing plan, you are presenting the services you offer and their prices.

Place : Place refers to the location of your cell phone repair company. Document your location and mention how the location will impact your success. For example, is your cell phone repair business located in a busy retail district, shopping plaza, mall, etc. Discuss how your location might be the ideal location for your customers.

Promotions : The final part of your cell phone repair marketing plan is the promotions section. Here you will document how you will drive customers to your location(s). The following are some promotional methods you might consider:

  • Advertising in local papers and magazines
  • Reaching out to local websites
  • Social media marketing
  • Local radio advertising

Operations Plan

While the earlier sections of your business plan explained your goals, your operations plan describes how you will meet them. Your operations plan should have two distinct sections as follows.

Everyday short-term processes include all of the tasks involved in running your cell phone repair business, including repairing phones, speaking with customers, point-of-sale service, and marketing.

Long-term goals are the milestones you hope to achieve. These could include the dates when you expect to repair your 1,000th phone, or when you hope to reach $X in revenue. It could also be when you expect to expand your cell phone repair business to a new city.  

Management Team

To demonstrate your cell phone repair business’ ability to succeed, a strong management team is essential. Highlight your key players’ backgrounds, emphasizing those skills and experiences that prove their ability to grow a company.

Ideally you and/or your team members have direct experience in managing cell phone repair businesses. If so, highlight this experience and expertise. But also highlight any experience that you think will help your business succeed.

If your team is lacking, consider assembling an advisory board. An advisory board would include 2 to 8 individuals who would act like mentors to your business. They would help answer questions and provide strategic guidance. If needed, look for advisory board members with experience in managing cell phone repair businesses or successfully running small businesses.  

Financial Plan

Your financial plan should include your 5-year financial statement broken out both monthly or quarterly for the first year and then annually. Your financial statements include your income statement, balance sheet and cash flow statements.

Income Statement : an income statement is more commonly called a Profit and Loss statement or P&L. It shows your revenues and then subtracts your costs to show whether you turned a profit or not.

In developing your income statement, you need to devise assumptions. For example, will you repair 100 phones per month or per quarter? And will sales grow by 2% or 10% per year? As you can imagine, your choice of assumptions will greatly impact the financial forecasts for your business. As much as possible, conduct research to try to root your assumptions in reality.

Balance Sheets : Balance sheets show your assets and liabilities. While balance sheets can include much information, try to simplify them to the key items you need to know about. For instance, if you spend $50,000 on building out your cell phone repair business, this will not give you immediate profits. Rather it is an asset that will hopefully help you generate profits for years to come. Likewise, if a bank writes you a check for $50,000, you don’t need to pay it back immediately. Rather, that is a liability you will pay back over time.

Cash Flow Statement : Your cash flow statement will help determine how much money you need to start or grow your business, and make sure you never run out of money. What most entrepreneurs and business owners don’t realize is that you can turn a profit but run out of money and go bankrupt.

In developing your Income Statement and Balance Sheets be sure to include several of the key costs needed in starting or growing a cell phone repair business:

  • Location build-out including design fees, construction, etc.
  • Cost of equipment and supplies
  • Payroll or salaries paid to staff
  • Business insurance
  • Taxes and permits
  • Legal expenses

Attach your full financial projections in the appendix of your plan along with any supporting documents that make your plan more compelling. For example, you might include your office location lease or descriptions of phone repairs you are working on.  

Putting together a business plan for your cell phone repair is a worthwhile endeavor. If you follow the template above, by the time you are done, you will truly be an expert. You will really understand the cell phone repair industry, your competition, and your customers. You will have developed a marketing plan and will really understand what it takes to launch and grow a successful cell phone repair business.  

Cell Phone Repair Business Plan FAQs

What is the easiest way to complete my cell phone repair business plan.

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What is the Goal of a Business Plan's Executive Summary?

The goal of your Executive Summary is to quickly engage the reader. Explain to them the type of cell phone repair business you are operating and the status; for example, are you a startup, do you have a cell phone repair business that you would like to grow, or are you operating a chain of cell phone repair businesses?

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Start Your Own Cellphone Accessories Business with These Awesome Tips

cell phone accessories business plan sample

Mobile phones are a must-have these days. With the pandemic still on the road, the existence of mobile phones has truly helped us a lot. Everything is easily done through mobile devices, from buying essential items on various online stores, booking our trips easily, ordering food from fast-food chain websites, to attending office meetings and classes.

If you are someone looking for an idea on how you can successfully enter the world of eCommerce, then you just stumbled on the right place. Today, we’re introducing you to one of the most popular businesses you could try even as a beginner—selling accessories for your cellphone online.

cell phone accessories business plan sample

Image taken from Local Wander

Why Start a Cellphone Accessories’ Store?

There are tons of reasons why you should start selling cellphone accessories online, and here are two of them:

1. People Love Them

Tons of mobile device users are fond of upgrading their smartphones. They are willing to buy cellphone accessories that can beautify their phones and increase functionality. There are also many popular cellphone accessories that people buy just because they got curious about it right when they see it. Starting an online cellphone accessory website will help you engage in business easily, even as a starter . You can also easily find customers everywhere because almost everyone on the planet owns one. Various cellphone accessory companies also create trending cellphone accessories that people will love. This makes it easier for you to pick a manufacturer suited for the cellphone accessories you will be selling.

2. Easier to Manage

An online cellphone accessories website is easier to manage than other product websites. Why? Simple—because you, as an owner and a mobile phone user, know precisely what your cellphone accessories customer is interested in. Selling accessories for your cellphone online is also much easier today with the help of various website-building platforms. With us here in Strikingly, you can quickly start your own cellphone accessory website even without knowing about coding. Get an account, choose your plan, pick a great template , and voila! You can even launch your trending cellphone accessories store in twenty minutes or less. Awesome right?

cell phone accessories business plan sample

Image taken from Hip-S

Popular Cellphone Accessories Today

There are a variety of popular cellphone accessories that many consumers like today. We listed them down for you to keep you away from the stress of selling mobile accessories effectively. Below are some of the most trending cellphone accessories you can sell on your cellphone accessory website.

1. Power Banks

If there is one cellphone accessory that consumers mostly have nowadays, it’s a power bank. A power bank is a portable cellphone accessory designed to help you recharge your mobile devices wherever you are. These are among trending cellphone accessories that many consumers buy to save themselves from losing power while on travel . One good thing about this cellphone accessory is that you can charge any of your mobile devices from it, like smartphones, tablets, etc. Power Banks are usually pocket-sized and handy enough to fit your bags. These cellphone accessories also come in various unit milliampere-hour (mAh), which allows users to choose the best one suited for their daily lifestyle.

2. Car Mounts

People have the tendency to use their mobile phones while they are in their cars. Car mounts are a must for comfortable phone navigation while driving and keeping everything safe. Tons of accidents involving people distracted by using their phones have happened while on the road for the past years. This is one main reason to sell mobile accessories like car mounts. It does not only help you answer calls while driving (which is definitely inevitable sometimes) and keeps you away from danger.

3. Selfie Sticks

Many Mobile phone users love taking photos from their smartphones. If there are one popular cellphone accessories they want to own, these would be selfie sticks. Selling accessories for your cellphone like a selfie stick is another sure way to get more attention. Many travelers and vloggers love getting their own selfie sticks to make taking pictures and videos easier. It keeps them away from the troubles of getting blurred photos and even saves their phone from dropping unexpectedly on the ground.

4. Camera Lens Attachments

These are trending cellphone accessories that consumers love today. This cellphone accessory is similar to using a fixed lens for taking photos. There are tons of photographers nowadays who use their phones to get high-quality photos. Instead of using huge cameras, they just buy separate popular cellphone accessories like a lens attachment to make their work easier to accomplish. When selling mobile accessories online like lens attachment, you instantly earn the chance of touching a larger market reach.

Mobile users seek popular cellphone accessories that are aesthetic, portable, and very functional. If there is one cellphone accessory that perfectly fits such description, it’s a USB OTG. An On-the-Go adapter or simply OTG is a portable cellphone accessory that lets you connect a separate flash drive on your mobile phone or tablet . It is designed with a micro-USB or Type C charging port, making it easier for you to transfer files from one device to another. OTG devices are among the trending cellphone accessories, especially for students and other professionals who do a lot of paperwork.

6. Bluetooth Earbuds

Bluetooth earbuds and headphones are undeniably included in today’s most trending cellphone accessories. Many users fell in love with using these popular cellphone accessories because why not? They make everything easier for users, like answering calls and listening to music while working out. Getting a customer is highly guaranteed when you sell mobile accessories like Bluetooth earbuds.

7. Mobile Phone Skins

Not all smartphones sold in the market could look great in a customer’s eyes. Realistically, some mobile phone models just look too bland. How do people save themselves from this? Through installing a custom skin on their device. Selling accessories for your cellphone online like custom mobile phone skins helps you unleash your hidden creativity . It allows you to connect more with your audience and even understand their wants deeper. You can offer them various designs and even create their own design.

8. Phone Cases and Covers

Phone cases and covers are essential cellphone accessories. They exist for one common reason—protect your mobile devices. These popular cellphone accessories are necessary because it saves your phone from getting destroyed when accidentally dropped. It comes in various types and designs depending on what the user prefers. You can quickly sell mobile accessories on your website like phone cases and offer custom designs to make sales easier.

9. Screen Protectors

A screen protector or a screen guard is another essential cellphone accessory. This is because no matter what type of mobile phone you own, scratches are inevitable. These types of cellphone accessories play an essential role in securing your mobile phone’s display. Many consumers purchase screen protectors right when they buy their phones to ensure that the display won’t be in trouble. Various screen protectors, including tempered glass, matte, privacy-glass, gorilla glass, and even plastic. Sell mobile accessories like screen protectors, and in no time, your online cellphone accessories website will surely gain popularity.

10. Charging Stand & Ring Holders

Charging stands and ring holders are among cellphone accessories that help users in handling their phone and keeping it in place. These two cellphone accessories are absolutely game changers that your online store audience will definitely fall in love with.

cell phone accessories business plan sample

Image taken from Swish

Tips and Tricks on Selling Trending Cellphone Accessories

Now that you’re done getting to know some of the most popular cellphone accessories of today, let’s now move to the next step.

To help you have a smooth start selling accessories for your cellphone easily, we give you these five effective tips on mastering how to sell mobile accessories online.

1. Create unique designs

Being in eCommerce requires you to be unique in your own way. In the field of mobile phone-related products, competition is tough. If you want your cellphone accessories business to gain more attention, be outstanding. Offer creative cellphone accessories design which will surely grab your target market’s attention. You can sell mobile accessories customized like phone cases, covers, keychains, chargers, etc. You can even offer awesome freebies to capture more attention. Amazing right?

2. Find the best manufacturer

Manufacturers and your other business partners also play an essential role in securing a successful cellphone accessories business. If you want to ensure that the materials you use to make your cellphone accessories are durable, you have to find the right partner. Choose a manufacturer who will create your products at the right price. From then, you can put the right price for your cellphone accessory products and sell them to your target market easily.

3. Create an awesome website

Now that you’re done with your products, it's now the time for you to show them off. How? By creating an amazing website that your audience will surely love! Find the best website builder that allows you to start your cellphone accessories website successfully. In this way, you can easily connect to your users and even help you get more cellphone accessory sales from the comfort of your own home.

cell phone accessories business plan sample

Image taken from Salaam Swipe

Sell Mobile Accessories with Simple Store!

Selling accessories for your cellphone with Strikingly has never been this easy. With our Simple Store feature, you can start your own eCommerce store and earn more sales faster. Sounds fun, right?

1. Add Your Cellphone Accessory Products Easily

Here in Strikingly, we allow users to start their own online store quickly. With our Simple Store, you can now sell mobile accessories online, all for free! Once you’re done creating your website, you now have the freedom to list one product you want to sell. However, if you're going to level things up, you can choose from our other awesome plans and enjoy unique features. You can even add product categorizations, shipping policies, product reviews section, memberships, and more!

For our Limited Users, they can list up to five products. Pro users can add up to three hundred products. And VIP users can list up to five hundred products per site.

cell phone accessories business plan sample

Image taken from Strikingly

2. Set Up Your Store Payment Options

One good thing about our Simple Store feature is users can set up their own cellphone accessories store payment options. You can either use Stripe, Square, or your PayPal account in collecting payments.

cell phone accessories business plan sample

Aside from these two, our Simple Store is also equipped with other excellent features you’ll definitely enjoy while working on your cellphone accessories website. You can choose from our collection of awesome website templates, all for free!

We also have a Simple Blog feature where you can start sharing your own thoughts with your audience and even share some tips about cellphone accessories. We also support mobile views on our websites to make them more fun and functional.

cell phone accessories business plan sample

Image taken from Bahia Blanca

Smartphones greatly impact our daily lives, so we do our best to take care of them. It is like we are too attached to it. And as a result, items which can help upgrade our mobile phones started to emerge. Engaging in a business similar to selling accessories for your cellphone might sound a lot, but as long as you start and get a firm grasp of it, you’ll eventually fall in love with it.

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cell phone accessories business plan sample

How To Make Phone Cases To Sell Online in 11 Easy Steps

In a market flooded with generic phone cases, have you ever felt the pull to create something unique? With the US phone accessory market gearing up to reach  $75.62 billion by 2026 , there’s a vast audience seeking more than just the ordinary. That’s your cue to make your own phone cases—ones that resonate with individual style and still provide top-notch protection .

Why start your own phone case business?

Starting a custom phone case business has undeniable perks:

  • Flexibility to sell phone cases online or from a physical kiosk.
  • Their compact nature makes inventory and shipping a breeze.
  • Production costs are typically low.
  • You can opt for print on demand for minimal risk or buy in bulk to boost profit margins.
  • Each new phone model opens doors, especially since 44% of smartphone users upgrade every 2.5 years.

What do you need to start a phone case business?

The main thing any business owner needs when starting a phone case business is a good plan of action. There are many different kinds of cases out there for various types of phones. Make sure you know your options before diving into phone case design. Take a look at:

  • Gel cases: Slim gel cases are easy to customize with a range of designs. They come with additional grip sections, so it’s easier to keep hold of your phone. Gel cases are affordable and versatile—perfect for a range of designs. 
  • Bumper cases: Bumper cases usually come with extra protection for the edges and sides of your phone. They may have a full gel section for covering the back of the device or simply wrap around the phone in certain spaces to prevent damage.
  • Wallet cases: For sophisticated customers looking to protect their phone and screen simultaneously, wallet cases cover every part of the phone and defend against scratches. Most come in leather-style materials, which can be customized.
  • Hard cases: Hard cases snap onto the phone and help to protect against damage. They’re great for keeping your phone in good condition, and they can last longer than some gel and rubber options. Hard cases can also be customized. 
  • Battery cases: Battery cases include built-in power sources that extend your phone’s battery life. These cases are bulkier but ideal for customers who need extra power on the go. They combine protection with functionality, making them perfect for heavy phone users or frequent travelers.
  • Waterproof cases: Waterproof cases seal your phone entirely, protecting it from water, dust, and even snow. They’re ideal for outdoor enthusiasts or those who use their phones near water. These cases may also include additional features like floating mechanisms or underwater photo capabilities.
  • Special cases: Special cases have unique features, like extra shock protection, built-in charging systems, and even hand-carved wood designs. Most of these cases cost a little more, but they can be very appealing to customers.

Tools like  Keywords Everywhere can help you track the search volume for specific kinds of phones so you know where to begin.

phone case business research

Devices to make custom cases for

When starting your phone case business, another crucial decision is determining which phone models you’ll support. By targeting specific models or perhaps underserved smartphone niches, you open doors to unique market opportunities. For instance, spotting a demand for cases for an upcoming phone can position you ahead of the competition.

As you embark on your custom phone case journey, here are some key devices to consider:

iPhone models:

  • iPhone 12 Pro Max
  • iPhone 13 mini
  • iPhone 13 Pro
  • iPhone 13 Pro Max
  • iPhone 14 Pro
  • iPhone 14 Plus
  • iPhone 15 Plus
  • iPhone 15 Pro
  • iPhone 15 Pro Max

Samsung Galaxy models:

Xiaomi models:

How to make a phone case business: 11 steps to launch

phone cases

Once you know what kind of cases you’re going to be designing and which phone types you’ll be targeting, it’s time to start mapping your path to launch. Though  starting your own business can seem daunting at first, the evolving digital world makes it much easier to jump in than you’d think. Here’s what you need to make a phone case business:

1. Find a gap in the market

The best businesses come from discovering a market gap and building a strategy to fill that space. There are tons of phone case companies out there. Finding a specific niche to cater to will help you to build a memorable and competitive brand. 

Remember, a specific niche means that you’ll have fewer companies to fight against when it comes to making your company stand out. Focusing on a niche like “eco-friendly” customers will also direct your business processes, determining which kinds of materials you’re going to use and which suppliers you can work with. For instance, you could consider making phone cases using sustainable or recycled materials.

Focusing on a single niche will even help you rank higher with Google, because you can target specific terms that make the most sense to your audience. So, how do you find a gap?

Look at Google Trends

Tools like Google Trends will help you  find trending products in your industry, like “wooden” phone cases or “personalized” phone cases. You can also use this tool to determine which phones your customers are most interested in.

Conduct competitor analysis

Checking out your competition will help you see which audiences are already being targeted and which groups still need more options. For instance, you might notice that none of your competitors are offering phone cases specifically for moms, teachers, or professionals.

Speak to your customers

Try speaking to people in your potential target audience. Running surveys on forums and social media groups might help you collect valuable information about your potential niche.

Check out influencers

Visit social media and see what kinds of cases are getting the most attention. Platforms like Instagram and TikTok are great places to find phone cases trending amongst audiences.

cell phone accessories business plan sample

2. Determine your target audience

Determining your target audience is crucial for online sales. The right phone case design demands the right buyer. For instance, if you design a case inspired by various shades of nail polish, understanding who’s drawn to such designs becomes paramount.

Dig deep into data like:

  • Daily routines
  • Spending habits

Methods to gather this information vary between businesses. Many businesses tap into social media. Facebook Audience Insights can shed light on your potential customers. Others prefer a direct approach, reaching out and surveying their current customer base.

Different demographics have unique preferences. Younger audiences might gravitate toward designs inspired by trending nail polish colors. They might also, however, have budget constraints. Middle-aged buyers might invest in more durable cases, focusing less on design and more on function.

3. Create a business plan

Creating a business plan is essential for your journey to selling phone cases online. It helps outline your strategy, anticipate challenges, and determine the resources you’ll need to make your idea a reality.

Think about your goals for your phone case business. Do you envision your designs being featured in major retailers like Target? Or do you want to build a luxury brand found in exclusive boutiques? Perhaps you’re focused on running an online store with a loyal customer base.

As the business owner, you get to choose your direction. Once done, define your objectives clearly and let them guide your decisions as you build your brand.

4. Design some phone cases

With your business plan ready, it’s time to create those eye-catching phone cases. Here’s where you can get creative and experiment with different designs. Try  making your own mockups in Photoshop , or use  mockup tools from print-on-demand (POD) companies . These tools show your designs on various phone models, making it easier to visualize your creations.

Before printing, verify each option. Some companies only use specific techniques or cover limited areas of the case. Here’s how you can design your phone cases:

  • Collaborate with designers: Connect with designers on platforms like Dribbble . You might find someone interested in a long-term partnership or designing full collections for you.
  • Hire freelancers: There are plenty of affordable freelance artists who can create unique designs for your phone cases, tailored to various tastes.
  • Let your audience contribute: Engage your social media followers to submit their own photos or designs for you to print on custom phone cases.

To sell custom phone cases successfully, offer a good selection of options. Don’t launch with just a couple of cases. A wide range appeals more to smartphone users.

dribbble phone case designer

5. Create a unique online brand

A brand refers to your identity or personality as a business. You can convey this through unique logos and color choices for your company, as well as a well-designed website, packaging strategy, and more.  Branding makes your company more memorable to your target audience and helps to set you apart from the competition. Make sure you have:

  • A  unique logo to set your brand apart from the competition
  • Attractive visuals like  brand photography , animations, videos, and illustrations
  • A color pallet to convey a specific identity and personality for your company—make sure you understand the psychology of colors before  creating a palette  
  • Content and copywriting to showcase your unique tone of voice 
  • A brand name and  mission statement that customers can remember
  • A mission or set of brand values to help identify you to customers

It helps to research some of your competitors to see the kind of branding they’ve been trying to build. Make notes of what you like and dislike about similar brands and use the available resources online to start creating. Shopify, for instance, has its own video and  logo maker . 

6. Source your phone cases

Now it’s time to find a source to supply inventory to your business. There are a few options available here, such as:

Working with a manufacturer

It’s easy enough to find an affordable wholesale manufacturer with platforms like Alibaba and other online marketplaces. Here, you can search for all kinds of phone case types for different devices. You will need to buy in bulk, which means storing hundreds of cases at once, but you can save a lot of cash this way. 

Using print on demand

Print-on-demand companies are ideal if you want to easily add your own designs to products and send them straight to customers. With print on demand, you choose a supplier to add your designs to your chosen phone cases, and those companies will create the pieces for you. 


Dropshipping is one of the most affordable ways to source phone cases for your business. You choose a manufacturer who makes the kind of product you want, and they’ll ship your phone cases directly to your customers for you. Dropshipping tools like  DSers give you countless phone accessories to choose from, and you can avoid having to look after your own stock.

cell phone accessories business plan sample

Confused between the last two? Learn how  print on demand compares to dropshipping to pick the right sourcing strategy for your business.

7. Decide your brand name and logo

If it looks like you can manufacture custom phone cases at a reasonable cost, it’s time to shape your public image. Start by picking a catchy business name and designing a unique logo.

Use tools like Shopify’s free logo maker to create your logo and brand assets. After answering a few questions about your business, the tool will suggest logos from hundreds of templates.

The best part? You can also create visual assets for your social media profiles on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, X, and TikTok. This helps you maintain a consistent look across all your channels.

People are drawn to brands with compelling stories. So, weave your story into your brand name, logo, and website. This is especially crucial if you’re manufacturing phone cases. Get these elements ready before your first batch is done so you can start selling to mobile phone users immediately.

8. Price your cases

Choosing the right price point for a product can be one of the toughest parts of building your phone case business. If your price is too high, it will drive customers to your competitors. However, an extremely low price can indicate that you’re using lower-quality materials. 

The pricing you choose needs to convey the high quality of your designs while still being affordable for your  target market . Look at your competitors for an initial starting point to see what kind of prices they’re charging. Then, think about the factors that might affect your pricing, such as how long it takes to make the items you want to sell and how many resources you’ll need to hire. 

Once you recoup the costs of making the product with your pricing, you’ll need to think about how much of a profit you want to make. Check out these  pricing strategy options for more guidance. 

9. Build your online store

Outside of designing your phone cases, building your online store is one of the most exciting things you’ll do when creating a new business. There are tons of great ways to start selling online, but it makes sense to start with a store builder that’s well-known and easy to use, like  Shopify . 

As you’re working on your mobile phones site, make sure to put up all the things that impact people’s perceptions of your business. Write  engaging product descriptions , upload  beautiful product images , and create  noteworthy landing pages . Other things to consider include:

  • About and Contact Us pages to build site credibility
  • Checkout pages with multiple payment options
  • Legal information like privacy policies and terms and conditions
  • A blog or news page for content marketing 
  • Pop-ups and slide-ins for sharing offers with customers

Shopify comes with a range of excellent features so you can dive straight into your site development process. You can even choose from a set of  beautiful ecommerce themes to apply, so you know your site is going to look great.

cell phone accessories business plan sample

10. Choose your sales channels

Once you’ve set up an online store, the next step is choosing the right sales channels for your phone cases. Your choice affects how your brand is perceived and the resources you’ll need. Here are some common options:

Opening a store on an ecommerce platform. Platforms like Shopify, BigCommerce, and WooCommerce provide access to ready-made audiences but may limit your customization options. Expect transaction and hosting fees, though the trade-off is a broad, ready-to-buy customer base.

Running your own website. For full control over design and content, creating your own site is ideal. It allows you to integrate blogs, videos, and other content that can define your brand. However, it requires technical know-how and effective marketing strategies.

Selling on social media. Platforms like Pinterest, Instagram, and TikTok help you reach segmented audiences and build a community around your brand. These channels are less customizable and may offer limited native selling tools, but they’re great for engaging directly with potential customers.

Choosing the right channel will shape your business’s identity and how you connect with your audience.

11. Promote your phone case brand

Finally, it’s time to start bringing people to your business. 

Marketing your phone case brand is the key to collecting as many loyal customers as possible. Some promotional strategies can cost a fortune, while others are more affordable. Here are some tips to keep it lean and mean:

Leverage social media

Share vibrant phone case designs that resonate with trending topics or pop culture. A case themed on a recent blockbuster movie, for instance, can draw a lot of organic interest.

Engage through email

Craft  engaging newsletters showcasing your newest designs. Send out a monthly “Phone Case Spotlight” or special offers, ensuring subscribers eagerly await your emails.

Collaborate with influencers

Find a YouTuber or TikToker in the tech or fashion space. A single review or unboxing video of your unique phone case can bring thousands to your storefront.

Strategize social media advertising

Target specific groups like comic book fans with ads for cases that carry their favorite characters. Facebook or Instagram are ideal platforms for such targeted campaigns.

Invest in paid ad campaigns

Consider running  Google Ads with compelling taglines such as, “Your Phone’s New Best Friend.” A well-placed ad can significantly boost visibility and sales.

phone case Google ads

Is a phone case business profitable?

Starting a phone case business can be a lucrative venture in the online space. Personalized phone cases, in particular, maintain an enduring appeal.

Data from Technavio highlights the growing demand: with a 6.86% compound annual growth rate (CAGR), the phone case market’s value is projected to increase by $13.33 billion between 2023 and 2027. Such a trend underscores the abundant opportunities awaiting ecommerce entrepreneurs.

From an operational standpoint, phone cases present fewer headaches. They’re durable, leading to fewer returns. Their lightweight nature ensures affordable shipping, and the profit margins can be appealing. Consider sourcing a phone case for $5 and selling it for over $10, achieving a neat 50% profit.

And the icing on the cake? Launching a phone case business requires minimal upfront costs. Set up an online store, integrate a dropshipping application, and you’re all set to begin in just a few hours.

How much does it cost to start a phone case business?

Launching a phone case business doesn’t always require a huge budget. Setting up your business name and getting the necessary permits might set you back about $400. Insurance, often overlooked, is vital; a basic policy can cost around $190.

Branding, even on a budget, makes a difference. With around $230, you can get professional-looking business cards and brochures. For your online presence, affordable or even  free website platforms can help you start, costing approximately $500.

If you’re considering a dropshipping model, you eliminate inventory costs. However, you’ll want good design software. Open-source options or cost-effective subscriptions can come in at about $600. Overall, with strategic decisions, you might be launching your business for around $1,720.

Examples of successful phone case businesses

Phone case business example: Burga

Burga is a highly popular phone case brand with a global reach. It’s known for leveraging visual appeal to drive engagement.

Burga’s homepage features an Instagram feed that showcases real customer photos. You’ll also find high-quality images of its stylish cases. These visual elements combine to create an engaging experience that draws in potential customers and strengthens brand loyalty.

spigen phone cases

Spigen is a South Korean Shopify store that sells highly durable and resilient phone cases. Its homepage features dramatic displays of product strength—cases being stepped on, dropped from forklifts, and even launched from a plane with a parachute jumper.

Spigen’s strategy underscores the importance of visual storytelling. For anyone building a phone case store, it’s a great example of how to make your product’s strength and reliability clear. Consider incorporating powerful demonstrations into your marketing to highlight how your products handle real-world challenges.

Pela: Eco-friendly phone cases

Pela specializes in eco-friendly phone cases. Its range includes compostable options for phones and AirPods.

Pela’s website features intuitive filters that make it easy for visitors to find cases by device type, style, or color. Using such filters can simplify navigation and improve the shopping experience.

Take a cue from Pela’s approach and consider adding user-friendly filters to your own store to help customers quickly find what they need.

Launching a phone case brand in 2024

Launching a profitable phone case business takes effort and time. While typical phone case margins are thin, you can price yours higher by customizing them to fit your audience’s tastes.

Here’s a quick recap of the steps to launch your custom phone case business:

  • Identify a market opportunity.
  • Design custom phone cases.
  • Develop your brand.
  • Pick a way to source your cases.
  • Choose a price point.
  • Build your online phone case store.
  • Promote your business.

Now that you know the steps, an exciting journey of building a phone case brand awaits. Take that first step and start creating something unique. 

Phone case business FAQ

How much is the phone case industry worth.

The phone case market is set to grow significantly. It’s projected to increase from $6.57 billion in 2020 to $9.93 billion by 2026. This growth reflects a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.4%, according to MarketWatch.

What makes a successful phone case business?

  • Unique designs. Offer phone cases with eye-catching and original designs. Customizable options or limited editions can appeal to customers looking for something unique.
  • Quality and durability. Your phone cases must offer solid protection while looking great. Choose high-quality materials like TPU or polycarbonate for durability and longevity.
  • Competitive pricing. Set prices that reflect both quality and uniqueness without being too high. Balancing cost and value makes your cases appealing while ensuring profit.
  • Effective marketing. Use social media, influencers, and ads to target your audience. Emphasize your brand’s unique selling points and engage with potential buyers to drive sales.

Are phone cases good for dropshipping?

Yes, phone cases make a great choice for dropshipping. They are light and easy to stock. You can easily find various styles from suppliers on platforms like AliExpress or Alibaba. Then sell them through your online store without keeping any inventory.

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  • How To Start an Online Jewelry Business in 10 Steps
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Phone Accessories Business Plan

  • by Wisdom Enang
  • February 22, 2023
  • 2 minute read

Phone Accessories Business Plan in Nigeria will be discussed in this article. This is a sample business plan to help you to execute this business.

Mobile phone accessories business plan in Nigeria

Phone Accessories Business Plan in Nigeria

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Phone Accessories Business is a business that deals with phone parts which are simply called phone accessories.

Cell Phone Accessories Store Business Plan

Vision statement.

To develop that business to move from the stage of retail to wholesale, to move from the stage of wholesale to a stage where phone accessories can be stocked by producers and purchased by other wholesalers at an affordable price.

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Mission Statement

  • This business plan is established with a major expansion anticipated by Phone Accessories with the key objective of developing cooperation with new business partners in the foreseeable future.
  • To make your price rate accessible and affordable.

Economic Value

  • To create employment opportunities for youths. To educate and train both men and women on phone engineering to a peak of professionalism.
  • To educate and train youth markers that will advertise our products.
  • The Transfer of technical and management know-how; training and skill development of locals and in communities.
  • To build an information bank that will inform the public on the need to have good phones thereby solving communication problems especially in the northern States.
  • To collaborate with NGOs and other governmental bodies and build competitions where winners are awarded phones and other educative materials and products.

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Our Target Market

  • Shops through sales
  • Engineers making repairs and sales
  • Media for advertising our products
  • Markets through sales
  • Students sales and promotion
  • Public through buying and selling
  • Events through partnership
  • Business centers
  • Corporate bodies, etc.

Accounting Records

Your phone accessories business should ensure accountability with daily accounting records. This is to ensure an effective financial balance to enable your business to have a healthy and robust net profit for the expansion of the business within a long period.

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Capital Base

Phone accessories are very profitable and require good capital to make the business profitable.

Your capital base is required depends on the expansion level of the business.

Thus, if the business will operate as a sole proprietor, an estimated capital of one hundred thousand Naira will be required.

If the business will operate as an agent of retail, the estimated capital will be about two hundred and fifty thousand Naira mainly for the stock of products for sale.

Labour Force

One to six workers for a start which will depend on the nature of the business.

Estimated Income

Phone Accessories business is a very profitable business. Phones are essential and highly demanded.

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Your products should be reliable with good availability, management, creativity in marketing. There should be adequate space available for future expansion.

  • Phone Accessories Business

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Wisdom Enang

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Sample Cell Phone Repair Shop Business Plan

Cell phone repair company business plan sample.

Whatever the case, a cell phone repair business comes to the aid of phone users whose phones have developed faults and need repairs. It is already assumed that the business owner must have been adequately trained in this field of business (phone repairs).

Daily, there are tons of new phones rolling out of production lines across the world, waiting to be distributed worldwide. With this comes the need for maintenance and repair.


Need to write a plan for your venture? Download a FREE Business Plan PDF Sample to develop a template for your own startup.

Repairs need to be carried out  on phones due to either prolonged usage which results in some parts of the phone becoming old and needing replacement or servicing, or faults from the source of manufacture, resulting in the phone either being shipped back to the manufacturer (covered by the warranty agreement) or being fixed by a local phone technician.

Which Type of Business; Franchise or Starting From Scratch?

This is essential in any worth cell phone repair business. The entrepreneur has to decide whether to buy into an available cell phone repair franchise or to start from scratch. Making your mind on what option to choose brings clarity to the purpose.

  • Start With a Business Plan

This is very crucial to any meaningful business venture. No matter the size of the business, a business plan is a highly required document for business survival and growth. This document will help in measuring business growth and progress achieved.

It can be used to reveal if a business concern has reached its target or not. Because of the importance of this document, when applying for loans, it is a major requirement. It is required because the lender wants to see if the business you intend venturing into stands a chance of survival and profitability.

The business plan reveals all of this, as it shows if an investor knows what he/she is doing. It consists of a marketing plan, a business plan, and the financial projections section which is most crucial to revealing if a business has a future or not.

  • Get an Operating License

This is a requirement for operation associated with all cell phone repair businesses. Before owning a cell phone repair business, it is recommended that the technician(s) is/are certified by the relevant regulatory body vested by law to regulate the activities of the cell phone repair business.

This is mostly in place to protect the interest of the clients and also the interests of the business. Once this requirement is met, then the other procedures are carried out, eventually leading to the launch of the cell phone repair business.

  • Get All Necessary Equipment Ready

By wanting to start up a cell phone repair business, this is a necessary step in the commencement of business operations. Without the tools required for repairs, it is impossible to start anything tangible.

Among the tools needed are the digitizer separator, an anti-static brush, suction cup, heat gun, universal smartphone tool kit among other equipment which can be found on Hence, adequate preparations must have been made in purchasing the tools and equipment needed, including the office furniture and renting the shop from where the business would be located.

  • Following Your Business Plan

This is necessary if you are to realize meaningful growth in your cell phone repair business. Every aspect of the business as laid down in the business plan must be followed or implemented carefully.

This is especially true of the marketing, operational and management sections as they are the first areas that will need to be gotten right. All the contents of your business plan should be binding on your business and followed with all vigor and diligence.

  • Get the Services of an Accountant

This is very necessary as the accountant helps in tracking the cash flow in and out of the business and balancing the same to ensure that the business is not losing out through unnecessary expenditures helping to block harmful leakages.

Through the services rendered by the accountant, the entrepreneur can have a wholesome look of the business operations to know if things are going right or wrong and to effect necessary changes in grey areas requiring urgent attention.

  • Location is Key

This is a key requirement for businesses, especially a cell phone repair business. The location of this type of business can be the difference between profits and losses.

For a cell phone repair business, it should be located in areas with a lot of foot traffic such as in shopping malls or within the central business districts to benefit from the opportunities inherent in the population.

  • What is your Niche?

This is necessary to guard against the tendency for disorganization. Knowing your niche or your particular area of specialization in the cell phone repair business industry helps in giving a clearer vision and goal to the business.

There are various products or brands (such as Apple phone products, Samsung, Xiaomi amongst many others) with an attendant variety in phone repair businesses than specialize in particular brands. However, some repair all phone brand types, but whatever the case, you have to know what works for you and stick by it.

  • Your First Clients

These are most likely to be one’s associates, friends, family, and close relatives. These set of people will help in advertising or building your client base through word of mouth marketing until the business begins to have other loyal clientele that will only stick around if the cell phone repair services rendered to them are satisfactory.


Here is a sample business plan for starting a cell phone repair shop.

This article offers tips for people that are interested in starting up a cell phone repair company. It contains the needed information that is needed to write a simple and detailed business plan for a cell phone repair company.

Below is a cell phone repair company business plan sample

Business Name: Blue Skye Cell Phone Repair Company

Executive Summary

Our Products and Services

Vision Statement

Mission Statement

Business Structure

Market Analysis

  • Sales and Marketing Strategy

Financial Plan

Competitive Advantage

Blue Skye phone repair company is a licensed phone repair company that offers all manner of cell phone repair services like fixing cell phones, fixing tablets, fixing smartphones, fixing tablets, battery replacement, screen repairs, and other phone associated issues. We own a facility in the heart of Detroit and have the aim of becoming one of the most successful phone repair companies in Detroit of all time.

Blue Skye phone Repair Company is owned by a James Blacky, a former engineer at Apple. Funding this business is not going to be much of an issue because James already has savings. In addition to his savings, James is looking to get loans from family, friends and also from the bank.

Blue Skye cellphone Repair Company is interested in making available cell phone repair services very affordable and available to residents of Detroit and other parts of the United States. From the heart of Detroit, we will offer quality cell phone repair services to both residents of Detroit and people living in other parts of the United States.

Our vision statement is to build a trustworthy tech repair company that can always be relied on to provide the needed cell phone repair services, anytime, any day.

Our mission is to create a cell phone repair firm that will be renowned for quality as well as reliability. We at Blue Skye Cell Phone Repair Company are not just interested in making profits, we also have the interest of our numerous clients at heart.

At blue Skye cell phone Repair Company, we are aware of recent trends in the cell repair industry. We aim to become and stay relevant by employing the best and just the best. That’s not all we have in mind to do, we will also ensure that those we hire to work with us are hired strictly on merit and for what they can offer.

As a result of the rapid increase in demand and the use of mobile phones in today’s world, there has been an increase in job opportunities for individuals with the skills for fixing cell phones. This need for cell phone repairers has been boosted by the availability of very sensitive and fragile phones

Target Market

After carrying out our research, we have come to discover that getting our potential clients to patronize us will be very easy with the right communication skills.

Our target market includes individuals from all walks of life. Some of them include smartphone owners in our catchment area, tablet owners in our environment, cell phone owners in our environment, and finally, organizations that employ the use of smartphones and cell phones in the day to day running of their businesses.

Sales and Marketing Strategies

We have carefully devised some strategies that will help us make good and quick sales in this business. Some of them include

  • Top-notch customer service
  • A reduced price
  • Adverts in Newspapers

Source of Startup Capital

To get this business started, we will need at least $50,000. This money will be used in getting an office space, not forgetting the materials needed to run this company and also to sponsor adverts. At the moment, we have been able to raise 35,000 from personal savings, from gifts and loans from family and friends. The remaining amounts that are needed to start this business will be sourced from the bank.

It takes more than top-level IT skills to make it in the business of cell phone repairs. One vital ingredient that is needed to survive in this business and that should not be swept under the carpet is networking. The right network of professionals determines who gets what contract to repair, maintain and supply cell phones.

We aim at competing favorably in this business by being able to meet strict deadlines and work closely with our team of engineers

This is a business plan for Blue Skye Cell Phone Repair Company. It is a firm owned by James Blacky and will meet the cell phone needs of the residents of Detroit.

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