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Kho Kho, a kabaddi-like sport linked with Indian epic Mahabharata - know all about it

Kho Kho, once played in combative situations, marries speed, precision, intelligence and agility. Know the rules.

A Kho Kho match

(Ultimate Kho Kho)

Similar to the children’s playground game of tag, Kho Kho is a traditional Indian sport which has existed in some form or the other for thousands of years.

While the exact origin of Kho Kho is hard to determine, it is believed that certain aspects of the game have been mentioned in the ancient Indian epic of Mahabharata, in the iconic Chakravyuha incident to be precise.

Kho Kho history

For the uninitiated, the Mahabharata is an ancient Indian epic which chronicles the conflict between two sets of royal cousins – the Pandavas being the protagonists and the Kauravas being the antagonists. The central plot revolves around an 18-day long war.

On the 13th day of the war, Guru Dronacharya, who was the combat teacher to both the Pandavas and Kauravas but was fighting the war for the latter, devised the Chakravyuha , a deadly almost impenetrable war formation, which unless broken would result in the Pandavas losing.

The Dronacharya Award , India’s highest award for sports coaches, incidentally, is named after the same Guru Dronacharya.

With none from the original five Pandavas managing to breach the deadly Chakravyuha , Abhimanyu, the young son of Arjuna, one of the five Pandava brothers, stepped up and broke through the Chakravyuha formation.

The endeavour cost Abhimanyu his life after being outnumbered in combat at the centre of the Chakravyuha but gave the Pandavas the opening they needed to eventually win the war.

The style of fighting Abhimanyu adopted to breach the Chakravyuha is said to have closely resembled the concept of ring play, which is a defensive tactic applied in the game of Kho Kho.

Experts believe that Kho Kho originated in the Maharashtra region of India and in the ancient times was played on chariots and was called Rathera. Rath is the Hindi translation for a chariot.

The present version of Kho Kho, played by individuals on foot, originated in 1914 at the time of the first World War.

Pune’s Deccan Gymkhana club first came out with formalised rules and regulations for Kho Kho. These gave the sport a structured look.

Kho Kho, along with other indigenous Indian sports like kabaddi and mallakhamb , was demonstrated on the sidelines of the 1936 Berlin Olympics.

The first ever All India Kho Kho Championship was held at Vijayawada in Andhra Pradesh in 1959-60 while the national championship for women was played in Kolhapur, Maharashtra in 1960-61.

Kho Kho was also demonstrated during the 1982 Asian Games in New Delhi and the first-ever Asian Championship was held in Kolkata in 1996. It was also a medal sport at the South Asian Games 2016 in Guwahati.

Currently, almost 25 countries have their national Kho Kho teams.

How to play Kho Kho

Like tag, the objective of Kho Kho is to tag or hunt down an opponent and score points. However, it is bound by a strict set of rules rather than being a free-for-all playground game.

A senior international Kho Kho match has two innings separated by a brief break. Each innings has two turns, lasting nine minutes each, where teams alternate between chasing and defending. The team with the most points at the end of the two innings wins the match.

If the teams are tied at the end of the match, an additional innings is played to decide the winner. If there's still no definite winner, both teams take a turn each and the side to win one point in the least amount of time is the winner.

Kho Kho playing field and dimensions

A competitive Kho Kho playing field is rectangular in shape, measuring 27mx16m. The two 27m lines are called side lines while the two 16m lines are the end lines.

At a distance of 1.5m parallel to the two end lines, two lines are drawn to demarcate two small rectangular areas at both ends of the field called the free zones.

Midway through the inner edge of the two free zones, two poles (120-125 cm in length and 9-10cm in diameter) are planted vertically on the ground.

A small lane, 30cm in width, parallel to the side lines joins the foot of two poles and is called the central lane. The area between the two free zones is then further subdivided by eight more lanes, called cross lanes, equidistant from each other and drawn parallel to the end lines. The cross lanes are 35cm wide.

How many players in Kho Kho

A Kho Kho team has nine players. There are, however, 12 players in each Kho Kho team, the remaining three can be brought on as substitutes.

Kho Kho rules

A Kho Kho match starts with a coin toss. The winning captain puts his hands up and points their index finger towards either the central line, signalling a chase, or the side lines, signalling a defence.

The chasing team takes the field for the chase. Eight players take a sitting position, crouched in the eight small rectangles formed by the intersection of the central and cross lanes.

Consecutive chasers cannot face in the same direction and have to take their positions facing opposite side lines. The ninth chaser, called the attacker or active chaser, starts the match from one of the free zones.

The defending team, meanwhile, sends in a group of three defenders for the start of the match.

As per Kho Kho rules , the match starts with the active chaser trying to tag (or touch) one of the three defenders.

However, a chaser's movement is restricted during a chase. A chaser can only run in the direction in which they take their first step in, also called taking direction. The active chaser can also not cross over the central lane while chasing the defenders.

If the chaser wants to change direction or cross to the other half of the central line, they will need to enter the free zone, touch the pole and change direction or halves, which makes the chase challenging.

However, they can tag one of their fellow inactive chasers while uttering the word ‘Kho’ to hand over the chase to them. The instant a ‘Kho’ is made, the tagged chaser becomes the active chaser and the one who gives the ‘Kho’ becomes inactive and has to sit down in the now active chaser’s position.

Generally, Khos are given when a defender crosses over to the other end of the central lane, so tagging in a chaser facing that direction of the court is always the norm. Tags or Khos to chasing team-mates are generally made on the back, between the shoulder and waist. If a teammate extends his arm or feet for a Kho, it is deemed illegal.

Once a defender is touched by a chaser, the chasing team wins a point and the tagged defender leaves the field of play. Once all three defenders are out, the defending team sends in the next batch of three defenders.

The batch of three for each group of defenders and the sequence in which each batch enters needs to remain the same during a turn.

Also, an attacker who tags the last remaining defender of a batch cannot continue the chase. They need to ‘Kho’ or tag in a team-mate to initiate the chase on the new batch of defenders.

Traditionally teams send in their best three defenders first to eat up as much of the designated time as possible. Once the nine minutes are up, the chasing team becomes the defending team and the second turn of the innings is played out.

The sequence repeats for another innings and the team with the most points wins, according to Kho Kho rules.

The captain of the chasing team, however, can end the first innings turn before the regulation time, much like declarations in cricket, as long as they have scored more than nine points. In the second innings, a captain can end the turn at any time.

Also, like cricket’s follow on, the team which chases first in Kho Kho has the option of enforcing a ‘follow on’ on their opposition if they have a lead of over six or eight points in the first innings.

If a follow-on is enforced, the trailing team chases first in the second innings and the team which enforced the follow-on can take their chasing turn last if the opposition manages to erase the deficit.

Like football , the concepts of yellow and red cards exist in Kho Kho. Cards are given out for violations like disorderly behaviour, overly aggressive tackles or for a variety of other technical fouls.

The yellow card is the first caution and two yellow cards in a match means the player will need to sit out the remainder of the match and the next match of a particular tournament.

Two yellow cards accumulated in different matches of a tournament will force the player to miss the next match. A direct red card, meanwhile, results in suspension from the ongoing match and the next match of the tournament.

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Essay on My Favourite Game Kho Kho

Students are often asked to write an essay on My Favourite Game Kho Kho in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on My Favourite Game Kho Kho


Kho Kho is my favourite game. Originating from India, it is an outdoor sport that requires agility, speed and stamina.

Why I Love Kho Kho

I love Kho Kho because it is thrilling and tests our physical fitness. It also builds teamwork and strategy.

Playing the Game

In Kho Kho, two teams compete to tag the opponents while avoiding being tagged. This exciting chase brings me joy.

Kho Kho is not just a game for me, it’s a passion. It helps me stay fit, active and sharpens my strategic skills.

250 Words Essay on My Favourite Game Kho Kho

Origin and appeal.

Originating from the Indian subcontinent, Kho Kho has a rich cultural history. Its appeal lies in its simplicity and accessibility. It doesn’t require expensive equipment or a large playing area, making it a popular choice among diverse socioeconomic groups. The game’s inherent inclusivity is a testament to its democratic spirit.

The Joy of Teamwork

Kho Kho is a game that embodies the essence of teamwork. Each player’s success is intertwined with that of their teammates. The game teaches the importance of collaboration, communication, and mutual respect. These are valuable lessons that extend beyond the playing field, moulding individuals into responsible and empathetic members of society.

Physical and Mental Fitness

The game demands physical agility and endurance, promoting overall fitness. However, it’s not just about physical prowess. Kho Kho also stimulates mental acuity. The need to constantly strategize and adapt to changing game dynamics fosters cognitive flexibility and decision-making skills.

Life Lessons from Kho Kho

Kho Kho, to me, is more than a game. It’s a life coach. It instills discipline, resilience, and the ability to handle pressure – traits that are crucial in navigating life’s ups and downs. It teaches the importance of perseverance, as victory is often a result of consistent effort rather than momentary brilliance.

In conclusion, Kho Kho, with its simplicity, inclusivity, and life lessons, is more than just my favourite game. It is a way of life, a mirror reflecting the beauty of teamwork, strategy, and resilience.

500 Words Essay on My Favourite Game Kho Kho

Introduction to kho kho, the essence of kho kho.

Kho Kho is a game of chase and run, where the objective is to tag the players of the opposing team while avoiding being tagged yourself. The game’s simplicity is its charm, but beneath it lies a complex strategy that requires a deep understanding of the game’s mechanics and a keen sense of anticipation.

Why Kho Kho is My Favourite Game

The reason Kho Kho holds a special place in my heart is manifold. Firstly, it is a game that promotes physical fitness and agility. The constant running, dodging, and tagging involved in the game provide a great cardio workout. It also helps improve reflexes and agility, which are vital in many aspects of life.

Thirdly, Kho Kho is a game that fosters teamwork and cooperation. Each player has to work in tandem with their teammates to win the game. This promotes a sense of camaraderie and mutual respect among the players, which are valuable life skills.

Kho Kho, like many other sports, offers a plethora of life lessons. It teaches us about the importance of perseverance, as the game demands continuous effort and determination. It also instills the value of teamwork, as the success of a team depends on the collective effort of its members.

In conclusion, Kho Kho is more than just a game for me. It is a platform where I can express myself, challenge my limits, and learn valuable life lessons. It is a game that brings joy, excitement, and a sense of accomplishment. The combination of physical exertion, strategic thinking, and teamwork makes Kho Kho an enthralling game and my favourite sport.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

Happy studying!

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Lü Interactive Playground

Kho Kho: a collaborative strategy game for all ages

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Nowadays, teachers, monitors, and parents—who all interact with children on a daily basis—have the important role of building bridges between culture and education. By doing so, adults encourage youth to become curious about a wide range of subjects. Naturally, including culture in education can take many shapes and forms, one of which is through physical activity.

If you’re looking to integrate culture into your physical activities, we have a suggestion: Kho Kho, an Indian chase and flee game. The game and its history are sure to appeal to everyone, no matter their age.

The story behind the game

The origins of Kho Kho go back to the Mahabharata, an ancient epic that chronicles the war between the Pandavas and the Kauravas. The defensive technique used by the Kauravas is said to have inspired the game, which was played for many years on carts. Today’s version of the game, which is played on foot, came to be in 1914 during WWI.

Since then, Kho Kho has been spreading around the world, even becoming an official sport at the South Asian Games as of 2016.

There are traditionally 18 players in a match, but the game can be adapted to allow for more or less participants. It’s played on a rectangular field that’s split in half lengthwise by 2 poles.

The benefits

Kho Kho develops students’ skills in a range of ways. On top of practicing agility, speed, and counter-attacks (moving away, reaching, dodging, faking) like other, better-known chase and flee games, Kho Kho encourages children to work as a team and collaborate towards a common goal.

What’s more, children have to make quick decisions and use strategy to help their team win. There’s no doubt that this game will quickly become a favorite!

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Essay On Kho Kho Game – 10 Lines, Short And Long Essay For Kids


Key Points To Remember When Writing An Essay On Kho Kho For Lower Primary Classes

10 lines about kho kho game for kids, short essay on ‘my favourite game- kho kho’ in english for children, long essay on kho kho for kids, what will your child learn from the essay on kho kho.

When we talk about India’s popular and traditional games, kho kho is always there on the list. Being a popular game, students must know all about it. Writing an essay on kho kho can help the students of classes 1, 2 & 3 properly understand the game. Essay writing will also be helpful for kids in improving their writing skills.

Kho Kho belongs to the category of tag games like Kabaddi. The game has its origin in the state of Maharashtra in India. The game is played between different teams with 12 players in each team. Out of 12 players, only nine play on the field, and the remaining three play as defending members in the game.

Most children have played this game in school or with their neighbourhood friends. An essay on the game of kho kho will be an exciting topic for them to write, as if invokes fun, enthusiasm and great memories.

Most children are familiar with the game and must have enjoyed it with their friends, however they might find it challenging to gather points and write a full essay on kho kho. Given below are some key points that can they can consider for writing an essay on kho kho for lower primary classes:

  • Recall important points
  • Prepare a rough draft
  • Add interesting diagrams
  • Arrange the points in the right order
  • Use simple terms

A 10-line essay would be the best method to write about kho kho for class 1 and 2 students. The following are 10 lines about the kho kho game that can be used as an example:

  • Kho Kho is a traditional game popularly played in India.
  • Kho Kho is typically played on a rectangular field.
  • There are 12 players on every team in the kho kho game.
  • There are two innings in a game.
  • Every innings offers seven minutes to each team for chasing and seven minutes for defending.
  • From the chasing team, eight members sit with their faces in alternate directions within eight squares.
  • The ninth member of the team plays as an active chaser. The chaser touches the opponents with their hands and knocks them out.
  • The defenders have to play for seven minutes without getting touched by the chaser.
  • Kho Kho is a great game to enhance mental capacities.
  • Kho Kho can also help develop leadership quality of the players.

Children can easily learn about the popular game with the help of a short essay. The following is a short essay on the topic of kho kho in English for children:

While the game might not be widely played around the world, kho kho is a traditionally popular game in India. It is a simple game that does not require a lot of investment in buying special equipment. Being physically fit is the basic requirement to play kho kho. It is a great game to enhance physical abilities because it involves running, sitting, and standing. The tagged player has to react promptly, which improves their reflexes. Playing kho kho can be beneficial for a person in different ways. Kho Kho will keep the player physically as well as mentally fit. The game also requires a higher level of concentration. It is an affordable game because comfortable sports clothes are all that are needed to play kho kho. There are several teams in a game of kho kho, and each team has 12 players in it. One team plays as chasers and the other as defenders for seven minutes each. Kho Kho is a wonderful game, and it is getting popular around the world as well.

The following is a long essay on kho kho for kids. Children can use this as an example to write an essay for their class and for competitions as well:

Kho Kho is a game known for its simplicity around the world. It has been played in the Indian subcontinent since ancient times. The game is now gaining ground all around the world.

Kho Kho is a field game, and it can be considered a part of the Indian culture. The game is played in both, rural and urban areas of the country. The major reason behind the popularity of the game is its affordability. There are no major requirements to play kho kho. For this reason, it is also one of the most frequently played games by the children during their recess. People can also play kho kho when they are out in a park for some leisure time.

Kho Kho is a tag game like Kabaddi. It carries its roots in the state of Maharashtra during the time of Mahabharata. References to the game have been found in the epic. However, there have been changes in the rules of the game, and the new form of the game is primarily adopted from the time of World War 1.

Several teams participate in a game of kho kho. There are 12 members in each team. Nine members of the team are active players, while the remaining three are the defending players.

There are no restrictions on age in kho kho. Players from different age groups can play the game. It is an outdoor game and requires players to adopt many strategies and tactics.

Out of nine active players from the chasing team, eight sit on their knees on the ground, and the remaining player becomes an active chaser. A player from the defending team has to run around the entire row of the players sitting down for seven minutes without getting caught by the chaser. Several unique jargons are used in the game, such as a pole, chaser, runner, central lane, cross lane, kho, and early getup.

The field on which kho kho is played has a dimension of 27×16 meters. Each side of the field has one pole, and the poles are connected through the central lane. There are eight parallel cross lanes drawn across the area. Basic equipment required for playing kho kho is a whistle, watch, measuring tape, stationery, and boric powder to draw out the markings.

History Of Kho Kho

As we have already mentioned, kho kho is a traditionally popular game in the Indian subcontinent. The ancient records have proven that India has played the game since the prehistoric age. While it is quite complicated to find the exact roots of the game, it is believed to have originated in Maharashtra. In ancient times, the town was known as Rathera. Reference to the game and its origin in Rathera can be found in the Indian epic Mahabharata. The game has been modified over time. The present form of the game has been highly adapted from the style popular during World War 1.

Terms Used In Kho Kho Game

Every game has its own set of terms. The following are the common jargons used in the game of kho kho:

  • Central Lane 
  • Cross Lane 

Benefits Of Playing Kho Kho For Kids

Playing kho kho can be beneficial for players in a variety of ways. There are multiple benefits of playing Kho Kho for kids. Some are mentioned below.

  • Playing kho kho is beneficial for improving health and fitness.
  • The game requires active thinking, which enhances the mental capacities of the players.
  • The game does not require expensive equipment, which makes it highly affordable.
  • Kho Kho promotes traits like competitiveness, teamwork, and sportsmanship among the players.

An essay-writing exercise is the simplest way to introduce children to all the necessary information. In the examples given above, children will learn some key points about the game of kho kho, its rules, a little bit about its history and what makes the game unique. They can use these points to write an essay of their own. 

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Kho Kho Rules : How to Play [ Scoring, Faults, Skills, Chasers, Defenders ]

Welcome to a detailed and in-depth study of Kho Kho sport with its complete rules and regulations, skills, equipment, terminology, players, team composition, and advanced level kho kho playing strategies with a careful discussion on major Kho kho-related questions and answers in the end.

Kho Kho Rules | How to Play Kho Kho [ Scoring, Faults, Chasers, Defenders ] Expert Guide

It is a contact game like Kabaddi. Unlike Kabaddi, Kho Kho is not a game of catching or tackling one raider by all the defenders in their court in a period of 30 seconds so as to prevent him from returning to his court after he touches them.

How Kho Kho is Played?

Kho Kho is played on a rectangular court of different sizes. Its court is divided by a center lane, which accommodates 8 players from the chasing team.

After the toss, one team becomes defending team and another chasing team. Eight players from the chasing team sit, in opposite directions, on the center lane, in dedicated squares, while one player known as the active chaser chases the first set of three players of defending team on the court.

Players & Team Composition

After that, the chasing team becomes defending team, and the game goes on in the same fashion.

Equipment to Play Kho Kho

Object of the game.

The prime objective is to score more points than the opposing team at the end of the match.

How to Play Kho Kho; Step by Step Players Guide

Step:1 Umpire calls two captains for the toss, and the winner decides to either defend or chase.

Step:4 During the chase, defenders are free to run in any direction and can cross the central lane, while the chaser has to maintain some restrictions.

Step:5 The active chaser can switch positions with his teammates. For that, he has to touch the nearest and oppositely sitting teammate on the back and shout the name of the game, “Kho loudly”.

Thus, he takes the position of his teammate, and his teammate becomes the active chaser and starts chasing the defenders.

The game ends when all nine defenders have been sent out after being touched. At the end of an innings, teams’ roles are reversed. The team that scores more points at the end of the match wins the game.

Rules Of Kho Kho Sport Explained

1. rule  court dimension.

The field of play is a rectangular court of 27 meters in length and 16 meters in width for senior players (men and women) and 23 meters in length, and 14 widths for junior players (boys and girls).

Here you also find different lines on the court.

2. Team Composition Rules

The defenders have to enter the court in a set of 3 players. After all the three defenders are touched and thus gone out, a fresh set of three defenders enter the court.

3. Duration of Match Rules

Each team gets 7 minutes for chasing (one inning) and 7 minutes for defending (second innings). Thus, a match may last for 28 minutes, excluding the break time.

4. Starting of the Match Rules

The leftover choice is automatically imposed on the toss-losing team. The winner of the toss must raise his arm and reveal his decision by pointing his finger to either the central lane (an indication of chasing first) or the sidelines (an indication of defending first).

5. Scoring Rules In Kho Kho

You can score points in a Kho Kho game in two ways. One while chasing your opponents and the other while defending yourself from the chaser.

While defending, you have to stay safe from being tagged by the chaser for a period of three minutes. You have to stay on the court and must abide by the rules of the game for those three minutes.

6. Rules for Chasers & Defenders

To play in a fair way and avoid any fouls, the following points must be kept in mind while playing Kho Kho.

Kho Kho Skills; Fundamental Skills to Play the Game

Kho kho vs. kabaddi; a comparison.

Related Post: Kabaddi Rules to Play | Expert Level Guide

b. Team Composition

Both games have 12 players on their respective teams, but all the players are not allowed to play on the court at the same time.

c. Manner of Playing

Both games involve chasing and touching. In Kabaddi, the raider goes to touch the defenders in their court and return to his court without being caught.

In Kabaddi, the defenders, after being touched by the raider, or the raider, after being tackled by the defenders, have to go out of the court.

Frequently Asked Questions

Wazir is one of the 9 players on the chasing team. He is the one who is allowed to move in any direction he seems beneficial while chasing the defenders.

Simply, he is a trump card for the team.

They are responsible for saving themselves at least 3 minutes from being tagged by the chaser and thus earning points for their team.

3. What is the Responsibility of Chaser?

All the chasers have to be vigilant and always on the alert. They have to maintain a very keen eye on the movement of the defenders and may tag them when they are given “Kho” the active chaser.

A referee is responsible for starting and restarting the match. He is also the sole authority to announce points, fouls, and faults and to send any defender out of the court.

It is the umpire who allows the substitution. Substitution takes place after the request of either captain or coach.

6. What is the rule for a tie Match?

The active chaser from the chasing team chases, and the 3 players of defending team run to escape from being chased. The chaser chases the defender, and thus the defender has to go out of the court.

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Essay on Kho Kho on Vedantu

Kho Kho is one of the most recognized and popular traditional games played in India. It is a form of tag game, like Kabaddi, mostly popular in the Indian subcontinent. Kho Kho originated in the Indian state of Maharashtra. It is played by several teams consisting of 12 players out of which 9 enter the field and the remaining 3 become the defending members. In this essay on Kho Kho, the game’s characteristics are discussed.

A Short Paragraph on Kho Kho

Kho Kho is a traditional sport in India. Children play this game from an early age as a recreational tag game. Older people also have a similar attraction to it. Like Kabaddi, Kho Kho is an outdoor sport and is considered to be a game of tactics and strategy. It is an extremely competitive game.

Essay on Kho Kho Game: A Brief History

Ancient records are evidence of the fact that Kho Kho has been played by the people of the Indian subcontinent since the prehistoric ages. The exact roots of Kho Kho have been difficult to determine by historians. However, Maharashtra is believed to be its birthplace and in those ancient times, it was known by the name Rathera. Several references to the game of Rathera could be found in tales of the epic Mahabharata and since then the game of Kho Kho has been modified and suited to different standards. The present game of Kho Kho has been adopted from the styles prevalent in the times of World War 1 around 1914.

Kho Kho Essay in English: Its Characteristics

Kho Kho, as mentioned earlier, is played by teams of 12 members. Nine of them are called the chasing team, who enter the field and sit with their knees on the ground. The remaining three form the defending team who try to pass by without being touched by the opposing team members. There are seven commonly used terms in the game of Kho Kho. Those are:


It is a cylindrical construction made of wood that is erected at both the sides of the field during the game.

The Chaser:

It refers to the team of nine players who are seated on the playfield. It aims to catch the running member of the opposing team.

The Runner:

It is the player belonging to the opposing team whose aim is to save him-/her from being caught by the opposing team’s chaser.

Central Lane:

It refers to the two lines running parallel from one pole to the other.

Cross Lane:

It refers to the parallel lanes which cut the central line in the middle of the field.

It is a word that is spoken by one chaser while giving a pass to another chaser.

Early Getup:

It is a term that is used when the seated chaser gets up before obtaining a Kho from the chaser.

Kho Kho is played in a field of 29 * 16 meters. The poles are located on each side of the playground and the central lane is drawn from one pole to the other. There are eight cross lanes that cut the central lane perpendicularly and are drawn parallel to one another. The necessary equipment of Kho Kho includes a pair of watches, a whistle, a measuring tape, boric powder and some stationery items for writing results. In a match of Kho Kho, there are two referees who stand on opposite sides of the field’s opposite sides. They both carry stopwatch and each is responsible for deciding on a verdict.

This essay on Kho Kho is mainly a description of how the game is played. The history and origin of the game, the common terms used in the game, the field’s dimensions, the necessary equipment and who is responsible for making decisions have been discussed in this Kho Kho essay.

Short Essay on Kho Kho Game in English

My favourite game kho kho essay in english.

Kho Kho is one of the oldest and most popular traditional outdoor sports in India. Originated in Maharashtra, Kho Kho is widely played by the people of the Indian subcontinent. The following my favorite game Kho Kho essay includes some of the common terms that are used in the game.

The Commonly Used Terms in Kho Kho

A cylindrical wooden construction, erected at both the sides of the field.


The seated team tries to catch the running member of the opposing team.


The player who is running and saving himself from being caught by the chaser.

Central Lane:  

The two parallel running lines from each of the poles.

Cross Lane:  

The lanes cutting the central line and running parallel to each other.

The word which is a pass from one chaser to another.

Usually, two referees give the decisions during a match of Kho Kho. The equipment includes two watches, a whistle, a measuring tape, boric powder, and stationeries.

This brings the short essay on Kho Kho to an end. Within a limited premise, we have tried to discuss here the common terms, equipment, and the method of playing Kho Kho.

Kho-Kho is one of the most popular games in the world and the one people play most often. The game is defined by its simplicity, there are no mandatory formal ground strategies and each player must follow their own strategy. Kho-Kho is indulged as a part of Indian culture, this game has been played since ancient times on fields. Kho-Kho is very popular in Indian villages and rural areas and can be found in every part of the country. The Kho-Kho game is most commonly played in schools during breaks or as part of the PE curriculum. 

The Kho-Kho game is also played at public parks and for fun. Kho-Kho is a very simple game that anybody can play. This game does not need any equipment, unlike other games. For example, if someone wants to play cricket, they will need a bat, a ball, and a wicket. On the other hand, to play Kho-Kho, one would just need their team. Anyone can immediately begin the game if they have a sufficient number of buddies with whom they can play without difficulty. Kho-Kho is not a game that can only be played by the wealthy or the poor. This game is widely utilized across the globe.

Rules of Kho-Kho

Kho-Kho is played on a ground that has a grid of lines on its surface. The grid of lines on the ground is divided into two parts of equal size. In each part, players from their side try to push the player from other players towards the centre of the grid. The Kho-Kho game is played between two teams. The number of players in Kho Kho in both teams is 12. But only nine players can compete on the pitch. A standard kho-kho match usually has two innings. In Each inning, players will have 9 minutes which includes chasing and running. The team that is chasing will be on their knees at the ground and each player consecutively facing in the opposite direction is an alternative direction. 

The chasers should catch the runner in the quickest time possible. The chaser will touch the nearest player of the other team on their back while saying Kho and whichever chasing team will take less amount of time to chase will be the winner. The runner or the chaser from both teams is decided by toss. The captain of the chasing team may end their turn before the allotted time. The team that scores more wins a match. And if a defender got out, he should enter the sitting box from the lobby.

Advantages of Playing Kho-Kho

There are various advantages of playing The Kho-Kho game:

The Kho-Kho game enhances the fitness level of human beings because, in this game, one has to run and sit immediately.

Playing Kho-Kho games makes a person very active mentally because one has to make their own strategy for winning.

Kho-Kho does not have any piece of equipment, all one requires is comfortable shorts and t-shirts, and players for playing with and they are ready to play it. 

The Kho-Kho game empowers many desirable traits such as sportsmanship, teamwork, loyalty, competitiveness, and self-esteem.


FAQs on Kho Kho Essay

1. What is the history of the Kho-Kho game?

Ancient records are evidence of the fact that the Kho-Kho game has been played from the historic period by every Indian subcontinent. And  to determine the origin of Kho Kho has been difficult to determine by historians. However, Maharashtra is known to be its birthplace and in those ancient times, it was known by the name Rathera. From the tales of the epic Mahabharata there is a reference of Rathera game and from that time onwards Kho-Kho has been modified and upskill its standards. Kho-Kho has been adopted from the styles inherited in the times of World War 1 around 1914.

2. What are the terminologies used in the Kho-Kho game?

There are various terminologies used while playing The Kho-Kho game: Pole, Chaser, Runner, Central Lane, Cross Lane, Kho, Early Getup, Late Kho, Minus Kho, Lobby, Free Zone, and Square. There are various descriptions and details for each terminology and all of them are widely used while playing kho-kho.

3. What are the rules for playing kho-kho?

Kho-Kho is played on a ground that has a grid of lines on its surface. The grid of lines on the ground is divided into two parts of equal size. In each part, there are a number of players who stand on the side of their area and try to push the other players towards the centre of the grid. The Kho-Kho game is played between two teams. The number of players in Kho Kho in both teams is 12. But only nine players can compete on the pitch. A standard kho-kho match usually has two innings. In Each inning, players will have 9 minutes which includes chasing and running. Team B will send three players who can enter the ground as the runner. All nine players of the team sit in a row in opposite directions with both the ends having a pole. Then these three runners can go between two players of Team A who are sitting in an alternative direction. The chaser team player is not to go through their sitting team players. Chaser can only turn back and chase after he touches the pole at either end of the line.

4. What are the advantages of playing Kho-Kho?

There are various advantages of playing kho-kho game:

Playing Kho-Kho helps to increase stamina.

Playing Kho-Kho helps in mental development.

Kho-Kho helps in maintaining social relations as well.

Playing Kho-Kho keeps people well, strong, motivated, enthusiastic and young.

Kho-Kho helps in better coordination and flexibility.

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Students can find everything they need on the Vedantu app or website. All students will be able to download all the content in pdf format just after signing in. The study materials are created by professionals in the field and the content is accurate and reliable. The content for studying is completely free and there are no charges at all. Students can find essays on Kho-Kho and many other topics.


Kho Kho Game Rules, History, Ground Measurement, Details, Information, Players, Origin State,

  • Ranjit Panigrahy
  • Aug 05 2022

assignment on kho kho game


Kho Kho Game Rules, History, Ground Measurement, Details, Information, Players, Origin State,

The game of Kho Kho has its origins in the Mahabharata, making it one of the oldest games ever played in India, know the history, rules and ground measurement

There are certain similarities between the legendary story of Arjuna’s son Abhimanyu battling in the “Chakravyuh” and a game of Kho Kho. The game, known as Rathera in the past, involved ‘raths’ and chariots but is now played more simply with players competing without the use of any weapons.

Kho Kho Game Rules, History, Ground Size Measurement, Details, Information, Players, Origin State,

𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗨𝗟𝗧𝗜𝗠𝗔𝗧𝗘 𝗙𝗜𝗫𝗧𝗨𝗥𝗘𝗦 👉 A news that caught all the headlines 😍🗞️ #UltimateKhoKho #AbKhoHoga #KhoKho pic.twitter.com/diqSo8Y2Oc — Ultimate Kho Kho (@ultimatekhokho) August 5, 2022
Odisha Juggernauts – the state team in the Ultimate Kho Kho League is all set for their participation in the first season starting 14th August. Wish them good luck! Jai Jagannath! @ultimatekhokho @od_juggernauts pic.twitter.com/XB7beK2gmW — Vineel Krishna (@rvineel_krishna) August 2, 2022

Although the game has been played in the nation for more than three decades, very few people are still aware of its history, rules, and other details. In the Indian state of Maharashtra, the modern game was created. The Deccan Gymkhana of Pune attempted to formalise the game by adding some rules and regulations to give it a sense of dependability and legitimacy. Consequently, nations including Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and the Maldives also took part in the competition.

In 1987, during the third SAF Games in India, the Asian Kho Kho Federation was established. With the first Asian Championship, which was held in Kolkata in 1996, the Kho Kho game earned recognition on a global scale. The game gained even more lustre in 2000 when the second championship was held. And now the nation is prepared to host a league called Ultimate Kho Kho, which will feature the sport’s best players.

Let’s read through the Kho Kho rulebook now as we prepare to watch some exciting action because it will be useful when we watch the bouts.

Game Terminologies

At both ends of the playfield, a light wood cylindrical structure constructed specifically for the purpose was erected.
The member of the opposing team who is running is pursued by the side that is sitting. Chaser sit-in over cross lines in a square position with a different back.
the opponent’s player who is attempting to avoid being caught by the pursuer.
two parallel lines connecting the poles.
The central line in the centre of the playing space was severed by the parallel lanes.
the phrase used to transfer the chaser’s baton to other team members.
when the chaser who is seated gets up before receiving a Kho
when an active chaser violates the rules by moving in the incorrect direction.
When an active chaser goes in the wrong direction against rules.
a directional error where the pursuing player cannot remove the runner unless Kho is passed to two teammates again or touched to a pole
the area around the playfield that is unoccupied.
the region next to the pole lines when the direction regulation is disregarded and runners are free to travel in any direction.
section taken out of the centre lane and the cross lane that is square-shaped and is utilised for the chase’s seating.

Kho Kho Rules and Regulations

  • There are two teams playing a game of Kho Kho.
  • There are 12 players on a Kho Kho team. However, only nine people can play on the field—eight from the pursuing team and one from the defensive team.
  • A typical game consists of two innings. There will be 9 minutes in each inning, which includes chasing and running.
  • The chasing team lines up in the middle of the court, either sitting or kneeling. The eight members of the chasing squad are forced to sit with their backs to one another. Player 2 must face South if Player 1 is facing North, for instance.
  • The chasing team makes an effort to complete an inning as soon as possible.
  • The chaser must cry “Kho” and tap the back of the teammate to give them a chance to chase if he or she wants to hand the baton to that teammate.
  • The winning team is determined by which team touches the pursued athlete in the lowest length of time.
  • The throw determines whether is the chaser or the runner.
  • The turn may be completed earlier than the allocated time by the captain of the chasing team.
  • The team with the most goals wins the game.
  • A defender should enter the sitting box from the lobby once they are out.

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My Favourite Game Kho Kho Essay

Kho Kho is a traditional Indian sport enjoyed by both school boys and girls. It is a tag game similar to kabaddi. Kho Kho is a traditional outdoor sport that dates back to centuries. The game relies heavily on speed and agility as this is a free embodiment type of game where all players can run around freely. BYJU’S my favourite game Kho Kho essay helps us understand the game.

Kho Kho is a centuries-old yet still evolving game that people of the Indian subcontinent traditionally play. Current evidence points to Maharashtra as Kho Kho’s birthplace, though its roots are still disputed. In ancient tales from the Mahabharata collection, we can see descriptions of a game called Rathera, which points to the game’s origin. Bharat Kalasapura recently drafted a modified version for this pre-1914 Indian context.

assignment on kho kho game

Two teams play Kho Kho, each made up of 12 players. Team one is the defending team, who must manoeuvre their way through to the end zone, marked by a start line, without being tagged by members of the opposing team. The remaining six members are on the chasing team, attempting to tag as many people as possible before reaching the goal zone or being tagged by someone from the defending team three times. Now, let us learn more about the Kho Kho game’s characteristics by reading my favourite game Kho Kho essay in English.

My Favourite Game Kho Kho: Its Characteristics

Kho Kho is played on a rectangular court with two vertical poles at either end. The poles are located on the sides of the playground, and the middle lane is drawn from one bar to the other. Eight cross lanes divide the middle road perpendicularly and are drawn parallel. The equipment used for this is a measuring tape, a set of watches, boric powder, a whistle, pens for writing results, etc. Eight referees stand on each side of the field’s opposite sides. Here are a few common terms used in Kho Kho.

  • Pole : A pole is a cylindrical wooden bar located on both sides of the ground while playing.
  • The Chaser : Kho Kho is a sport where nine players on nine squares try to catch up with and tap the member of the opposing team who is trying to run unseemly across the playfield.
  • The Runner : Kho Kho is an Indian game between two opposing teams. The team with the chaser can catch the opponent’s player, but it’s the opposite team player who must free this player to save them (runner).
  • Central Lane : A central lane is a parallel line that runs from one bar (pole).
  • Cross Lane : A cross lane is a line that divides the central line in the middle of the ground.
  • Kho : This is a code word that the chasers tell while passing it to another chaser.
  • Early getup : When the chaser gets up before getting the Kho signal, it is termed early getup.

The essay on my favourite game Kho Kho in English, describes how the game is played. The history and origin of the game, the standard terms used in football, the field’s dimensions, the necessary equipment, and who is responsible for making decisions have also been discussed in this my favourite game Kho Kho essay. For more kids learning activities, visit BYJU’S website.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the history of kho kho.

Kho Kho is an old and evolving game that Indian people play. History points to Maharashtra as Kho Kho’s place of origin, though its roots are still in discussion.

Who is a chaser?

A chaser stands on each square trying to catch and trap the opponent team member who is trying to run across the ground.

assignment on kho kho game

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Physical Education Project On Kho Kho For Class 12 CBSE

Table of Contents


Kho Kho, a beloved gem within India’s rich cultural tapestry, encapsulates the essence of our heritage. This traditional Indian sport, deeply rooted in history, seamlessly weaves speed, agility, teamwork, and strategic brilliance into an exhilarating game. As we embark on this journey, our mission is to unravel the captivating narrative of Kho Kho, exploring its historical significance, intricate rules, nuanced techniques, and the myriad benefits it bestows upon its players.

Historical Background

Kho Kho, often referred to as the “Game of Chasers,” is a traditional Indian sport with a rich and storied history. Its origins can be traced back to the state of Maharashtra in western India, where it was known by various names like “Lingorcha” or “Run Chase.” While the exact timeline of its inception remains uncertain, Kho Kho has been a part of India’s cultural heritage for centuries.

The Evolutionary Tale

Kho Kho’s journey through time is a testament to its enduring popularity. In its nascent days, it served as a simple pastime for rural communities, played amidst sprawling fields devoid of standardized regulations. As its prominence surged, formal rules and guidelines took shape, ensuring fairness and consistency in play.

A Glimpse into Ancient Chronicles

References to Kho Kho can be unearthed in several ancient Indian texts, underscoring its significance in traditional Indian society. The Mahabharata, the epic of epics, even hints at a game resembling Kho Kho, with tales of Lord Krishna and his companions engaging in similar pursuits during their youth.

Cultural Resonance

Kho Kho’s historical relevance transcends the realm of sports. It mirrors the cherished values of physical prowess, agility, and teamwork entrenched in Indian culture for centuries. Its inclusion in cultural festivities and events is a testament to its timeless allure.

Objective of the Game

The Heart of Kho Kho

At its core, Kho Kho beckons teams to tag all their opponents swiftly while evading tags themselves. This seemingly straightforward objective lies at the crux of the game, birthing numerous virtues:

  • Team Unity: Kho Kho dances to the rhythm of teamwork, where coordination and collaboration reign supreme. Players must synchronize their efforts strategically to tag opponents with finesse. Effective communication within the team is the cornerstone of success.
  • Strategic Symphony: To attain this objective, teams orchestrate an intricate symphony of tactics. Chasers join forces to encircle and tag opponents, while defenders employ nimble evasion techniques. Strategy unfolds through swift decision-making, anticipation of adversary movements, and adaptability on the field.
  • Peak Physical Condition: Pursuing this objective mandates peak physical fitness, agility, and speed. Players must be in prime form to pursue opponents relentlessly and evade being tagged themselves.
  • Mental Agility: Beyond physical prowess, Kho Kho nurtures mental acumen. Players sharpen their concentration, focus, and quick thinking as they analyze the field, decipher opponents’ maneuvers, and make lightning-quick decisions.

In summation, Kho Kho’s historical lineage and its quest for efficient tagging make it a culturally significant sport that champions teamwork, strategic prowess, physical fitness, and mental astuteness. Its enduring popularity, not only in India but also beyond its borders, is a testament to its timeless charisma.

Rules and Regulations

The Playing Arena

Kho Kho finds its battleground on the rectangular expanse known as the “Khokho court.” This court spans 29 meters (94 feet) in length and 16 meters (52 feet) in width.

The Team Composition

In this game of finesse, each team assembles a formidable squad of 12 players, but only 9 warriors grace the field at any given moment. Teams alternate roles between being the agile “chasers” and the elusive “defenders” during the match.

The Clock Ticks

A standard Kho Kho bout unfolds over two innings, each bearing a temporal signature of 7 minutes. At halftime, the teams exchange their roles, with the chasers donning the defenders’ mantle and vice versa.

The Art of ‘Out’ and ‘In’

Chasers, akin to skilled hunters, endeavor to tag defenders within a fixed timeframe, often around 30 seconds. A defender, once touched by a chaser or making contact with the boundary lines, faces the dreaded declaration of ‘out.’ These ousted defenders then assume their position in a designated area called the “anti” until their turn to chase arrives. The objective for the defending team is to master the art of evasion, aiming to elude the clutches of chasers for the entirety of their 7-minute vigil.

The Roles Defined

  • Chasers : Chasers, functioning in pairs, serve as the offensive arm of the team. They are charged with the exhilarating task of tagging defenders swiftly and efficiently. Agility, swiftness, and strategic acumen are their trusty companions. The success of chasers hinges on seamless communication and harmonious coordination.
  • Defenders : Defenders, on the other hand, become the elusive shadows, using a repertoire of evasion techniques like quick turns, agile dodges, and smart teamwork to avoid the touch of the chasers. Agility, evasive prowess, and field awareness are their weapons in this riveting game of cat and mouse.

The Laws of the Game

In the tapestry of Kho Kho, fouls and penalties are woven into the fabric of play. Committing certain infractions can lead to a player’s ignominious declaration of ‘out.’ These infractions may include prematurely crossing the centerline, encroaching upon the boundary lines, or failing to tag opponents within the stipulated time. Penalties, too, have their place, often resulting in the opposing team receiving points or additional time to revel in the game.

Techniques and Skills

Speed and Agility: The hallmark of Kho Kho, speed, and agility are virtues revered by both chasers and defenders. Chasers employ them to pounce on opponents swiftly, while defenders embrace them to evade their pursuers.

Quick Decision-Making : Kho Kho unfurls at a blistering pace, demanding players to make lightning-quick decisions. The split-second choice between tagging, dodging, or changing course shapes the course of the game.

Teamwork : The symphony of teamwork resonates through every Kho Kho match, with chasers harmonizing their movements to ensnare defenders effectively.

Dodging : Defenders, akin to skilled matadors, rely on dodging techniques to elude tags. This entails lightning-fast movements, abrupt direction changes, and sudden halts.

Tagging : The delicate art of tagging is the chaser’s forte. Precision and speed are their allies, often utilizing the edge of their hands or nimble finger touches to claim their quarry.

Strategizing : Kho Kho is more than mere physicality; it’s a cerebral battle. Teams craft intricate strategies, encompassing maneuvers like encirclement or spatial division to outwit their opponents on the field.

Equipment Required

Minimalist Gear

assignment on kho kho game

Kho Kho revels in its simplicity when it comes to gear. Its unpretentious requirements open the doors to enthusiasts from all walks of life. Here’s a glimpse of the elemental equipment necessary to partake in the Kho Kho saga:

The Field of Dreams

assignment on kho kho game

The canvas for Kho Kho’s drama unfurls on a plain rectangular field, devoid of complexity. The field spans 29 meters (94 feet) in length and 16 meters (52 feet) in width, meticulously marked with boundary lines and a central divider, bifurcating it into two equal halves.

The Sentinel Poles

assignment on kho kho game

Guarding the corners of this rectangular canvas are the sentinel poles. These poles serve as the tangible proof of a completed run when touched by the players.

Benefits of Playing Kho Kho

  • The Bounty of Kho Kho

Physical Bounties:

  • Elevated Fitness : Kho Kho stands as a formidable fitness mentor, sculpting bodies into well-rounded specimens. Cardiovascular endurance, muscular might, and the grace of flexibility are its gifts, all born from the ballet of rapid moves and artful dodges.
  • Agility Mastery : The sport’s capricious twists and turns bestow upon its practitioners the gift of agility, the ability to dance through life’s obstacles with finesse.
  • Stamina Surge : In the crucible of Kho Kho, stamina is forged. The game’s relentless tempo fosters enduring endurance, forging players into stamina stalwarts. 2. Mental Treasures:
  • Concentration Zenith : Kho Kho, the mental crucible, hones concentration. To track the elusive opponents, to decipher their strategies, and to react with precision, players are plunged into the depths of unwavering focus.
  • Quick-Witted Brilliance : The game demands quick thinking, a nimble mind that adapts to shifting circumstances and fashions decisions in the blink of an eye. It’s mental agility incarnate.
  • Decision-Making Prowess : Kho Kho is the arena of decisions, where players must choose between tagging an adversary, executing a nimble dodge, or passing the baton to a teammate. Sound decision-making is its hallmark.

3. Social Riches:

  • Teamwork Elegance : The soul of Kho Kho rests in teamwork, where harmony and communication among players form the cornerstone. It nurtures a sense of belonging and orchestrates the symphony of cooperation.
  • Sportsmanship Etiquette : On Kho Kho’s stage, values of sportsmanship and fair play take center stage. Players learn to respect rivals and officials, an invaluable lesson transcending the game.
  • Social Weave : Beyond the boundaries, Kho Kho fosters social interaction and the weaving of friendships. Teammates and opponents unite, painting the canvas of camaraderie.

Kho Kho Tournaments

Premier tournaments:.

  • Senior Nationals : The Senior National Kho Kho Championship is the crown jewel in the realm of Indian Kho Kho. Teams hailing from diverse states converge, vying for the coveted national title. This event not only showcases the finest talent but also serves as a crucible for the evolution of the sport.
  • Junior Nationals : Akin to its senior counterpart, the Junior Nationals offers young Kho Kho prodigies a platform to shine. As they weave their magic on the field, this championship acts as a stepping stone for the stars of tomorrow.
  • Inter-School Showdowns : The grassroots of talent often find their nourishment in the fertile grounds of inter-school Kho Kho competitions. These events provide budding talents with the first taste of competitive Kho Kho and set the stage for their future journeys.

The Icons of Kho Kho:

  • Nasreen Khan : Revered as the “Queen of Kho Kho,” Nasreen Khan is an iconic figure in the annals of Indian Kho Kho. Her legacy transcends her playing career, as she has also assumed the mantle of a coach, shaping the destinies of aspiring athletes and contributing significantly to the sport’s proliferation.
  • Sunil Dhul : Sunil Dhul’s name reverberates through the Kho Kho universe. Renowned for his extraordinary skills and contributions, he stands as a testament to the heights that Kho Kho players can achieve.

On the Global Stage:

  • International Recognition : While Kho Kho may be primarily celebrated on Indian soil, some players have ventured onto the international stage, donning the national colors with pride. These athletes have not only represented India in international competitions but have also showcased the flair and finesse of Kho Kho to the world.

Promotion and Preservation

  • Cultural Tapestry : Kho Kho is more than just a game; it’s a vibrant thread woven into the intricate tapestry of India’s cultural heritage. It mirrors a tradition steeped in physical fitness, agility, and the beauty of teamwork, underscoring the need to cherish and preserve it.
  • Wellness Crusade : The promotion of Kho Kho is a potent tool in our arsenal to combat the rising tide of sedentary lifestyles. Encouraging participation in this sport translates into a healthier society, as it beckons individuals to embrace physical activity and reap the rewards of fitness.
  • Guardians of Tradition : Preserving Kho Kho isn’t just about safeguarding a sport; it’s about upholding the cultural diversity and heritage that define India. By nurturing this traditional gem, we ensure that the chapters of our history remain vibrant and accessible for generations to come.

Cultivating the Youth’s Passion

  • Curriculum Integration : Schools and colleges serve as incubators for passion. By incorporating Kho Kho into the physical education curriculum, educational institutions can expose students to the joys of the sport from a young age, planting the seeds of love and appreciation.
  • Community Engagement : Local tournaments are the lifeblood of any sport. Communities can take the initiative to organize Kho Kho tournaments, transforming open spaces into arenas of excitement. This not only engages the youth but also fosters a sense of community and camaraderie.
  • Awareness Unleashed : Knowledge is a catalyst for interest. Conducting awareness campaigns, both in schools and communities, about the historical significance and myriad benefits of Kho Kho can ignite the spark of curiosity in the hearts of the younger generation.
  • Skill Sculptors : The road to excellence is paved with practice. Offering training programs and coaching facilities for budding Kho Kho players can help hone their skills, turning them into formidable athletes ready to carry the legacy forward.
  • Legends Enshrined : Heroes are the embodiment of inspiration. Recognizing and celebrating the achievements of Kho Kho legends not only pays homage to their dedication but also serves as a beacon for the youth, guiding them towards their own aspirations.

In summation, Kho Kho stands as a living testament to India’s cultural legacy, transcending the boundaries of a mere sport. It embodies the virtues of physical prowess, agility, teamwork, and the spirit of sportsmanship. The echoes of its grandeur resound through celebrated events such as the Senior Nationals and Junior Nationals, while iconic figures like Nasreen Khan and Sunil Dhul etch indelible marks on its canvas.

The imperative of promoting and preserving traditional Indian sports like Kho Kho cannot be overstated. These endeavors safeguard our cultural diversity and champion a society that champions health and activity. By enmeshing Kho Kho into educational curricula, igniting the fervor of local tournaments, and illuminating its manifold benefits, we beckon the youth to embrace Kho Kho, anchoring it firmly in our cultural tapestry for generations yet unborn.

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Kho Kho Game | Kho Kho Field Dimensions | Kho Kho Sports History & Benefits

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Kho Kho Ground Measurement & Dimensions

assignment on kho kho game

A Kho kho game needs a rectangular field firstly of dimension 118 ft. x 59 ft . There are 2 rectangles at the two ends with 52.5 ft. x 9 ft. dimension. And there is one wooden pole each in the middle of these rectangles. There is a centre lane of 925 in x12 in and a total of eight lanes which are across the centerline of 630 in x 12 in. This grid makes small rectangles of 52.5 ft. x 7.5 ft . and central lane divides two parts to the at the right angle to it. There is a free zone tangent to the post-line at the end of the central lane, in which 2 wooden poles are fixed which are 47 inches in height. The circumference of them ranges from 12 inches to 16 inches.

The main equipment to be the ground itself and the other equipment used in this game are pole strings, metallic tape for measuring purpose, lime powder, wire nails, two watches, rings of an inner circumference of 12 inches and outer circumference of 16 inches, whistle to use for score shots and also some equipment to keep the record of the result.

Kho kho game is a very famous tag game in India. Among all the tag games played across India, it is the second most played just after Kabaddi. It is played by the Indian community in South Africa also.

Origin of Kho Kho Game

assignment on kho kho game

Kho-kho is an Indian game of chase that began in the 20th century in Gymkhana Poona. The first committee framed the rules of the game back in 1914 from Gymkhana Baroda. The publication date of the rules was 1924. First, ever national tournament of this game took place in Vijayawada in Andhra Pradesh.

assignment on kho kho game

It is believed that in ancient Maharashtra, this type of game used to be played in Rath and it was known as ‘Rather’. The name ‘ Kho Kho’  came from a Sanskrit root word ‘syu’ which means ‘get up go’ . After the successful kick-start of the game with its perfectly framed rules, The Asian Kho Kho Federation was found in 1999 while the South Asian Games 3rd edition was running.

How to Play Kho Kho Game?

assignment on kho kho game

This game is played between two teams and each team consists of 12 players each but at a time 9 players can be on the field. There are 2 innings with 9 minutes each. One team members are the Chasers and the other ones are Defenders. Then they switch their roles after 9 minutes.

At first, all the chasers sit in the middle of the field on their knees and in a zig-zag manner i.e. every adjacent team member will sit facing the opposite direction of each other.

After taking the position, the defenders will enter the field in the group of 3 and start running. They can run anywhere in the field and then the chasers’ work begins.

Among the chasers, only one member can chase defenders at a time to touch him/her and get him/her out of the game. But a chaser can chase the defenders who are there in the side of the field he/she is facing. If the defender goes to the other side of the field, the chaser has to tap the back of his/her teammate facing that side of the field and say ‘Kho!’ and has to sit in that place so that only one chaser can chase at a time. Thus, when all the defenders are out, then another team of 3 defenders can enter the field and the whole cycle starts.

Then after 9 minutes, teams swap their role as chasers and defenders. The team who will get the other team members out in lesser time wins the match.

Kho Kho Rules

There are some kho kho rules given below:-

  • Among the chasers, only one person can be an active chaser at a time.
  • The defenders have to enter the field in a group of 3.
  • A defender can run in between the sitting chasers but a chaser cannot. A chaser can go to the other side of the field by running around the pole only. If a player does any mistake, there is a penalty in which that player has to start all over again from a pole.
  • An active chaser has to start chasing from one of the poles.
  • If all the players of a team get eliminated in the stipulated time, the team will be declared as the winners.
  • Innings break is of 5 minutes.
  • Two referees are there in the field with stopwatches to calculate the score and act as keepers of the rules in the game.
  • There is a card system in the Kho kho rules game too. A yellow card is showed as a warning for fouls. If a player is shown the red card, that player has to go out of the game and also cannot play the next game in that particular tournament. 2 consecutive yellow cards do the same.

Awards for Kho kho in India

assignment on kho kho game

There are a lot of tournaments and championships that take place in India for Kho kho. So these championships bring a lot of awards and prizes to the people who shine in the game.

  • Arjuna Award
  • Eklavya Award for men
  • Rani Laxmi Bai Award for women
  • Veer Abhimanyu Award for boys of 18 years old.
  • Janaki Award for girls of 16 years old.

Benefits of Playing Kho Kho

  • It is one of the most popular tag games in India which is almost inexpensive.
  • The game involves squatting, running, chasing and lots of physical activities to keep the body and mind fit.
  • This game increases the stamina, strength, and concentration of a person.
  • The tricks and strategies of the game help to have a sharper brain altogether.
  • It is a very good game for kids without any mess and also with a lot of activities regarding the mind and body.

The most popular tag game of India, Kho kho game is played by a large number of people because of its simplicity. Age is no bar for this game. This game also increases the discipline, obedience, and sportsmanship within a person.

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Kho Kho Rules

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assignment on kho kho game

Indian Games

assignment on kho kho game

Introduction: Kho Kho is a popular traditional sport in India. In ancient times, Kho-Kho was played on ' raths ' or chariots and was known as Rathera . This game originated in the state of Maharashtra and for many years, was played informally until the Deccan Gymkhana Club of Poona formalized the game to make it more popular.

Like all other games, this game is simple, inexpensive and enjoyable. All one requires in this game is an even rectangular court measuring 29 meters by 16 meters and 2 poles. Two teams of 12 players each are formed. However, only nine players with 9 players enter the court and 3 are kept on reserve. While playing this game on the streets, children vary the number of players in each team depending on availability. The aim of the game is to tag all the opponents in the shortest time possible; the quickest team is declared the winner.

How to Play: The game is played in 2 innings and each inning consists of chasing and running turns of 7 minutes each. 8 members of the "chasing" team take position in their eight squares on the central line, alternately facing the opposite directions. Two wooden poles stand at either end of this central line. The ninth player is the 'chaser,' and he takes his position next to one of the two poles, ready to begin the pursuit. Now defenders enter the limit, in batches of three. All the action in Kho-Kho is provided by the defenders who try to play out the 7 minutes time, and the chasers who try to dismiss them. An ‘active chaser’ can change position with a ‘seated chaser,’ by touching him from behind, and uttering the word "' kho " loudly. A defender can be dismissed in three ways: 1) if one is touched by an active chaser’s palm without committing a foul, 2) if one goes out of the limits 3) if one enters the limit late. After the first set of 3 defenders is caught, the next batch of 3 is sent onto the field. At the end of the innings, there is an interval of 5 minutes and an interval of 2 minutes, in between the turns. Each side alternates between chasing and defence.

Conclusion: This game helps in building physical fitness, strength, speed and stamina. It also develops qualities such as obedience, discipline, sportsmanship, and loyalty between team members. The game is interesting because the position of the players sitting is dynamic; one will never find the same sequence of players sitting in the same order as when the game starts.



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Kho Kho Skills

Each player requires following Kho Kho skills to contribute and win the game :

  • Chasing skills : Pole diving, Sudden Change of direction, Tapping, Diving, Grasping Direction, Fake Kho, Late Kho, Giving Kho & Getting in square and getting off from square
  • Running Skills : Running : Zig Zag, Avoiding, Dodging & Position on Kho Kho Playground.

Running Dive Kho Kho Skills

A short description of Kho Kho skills are as follow :

  • Giving Kho and Chasing the runner: A chaser must say “Kho” when he gives signal to sitting chaser so that he can get off from square and start chasing the runner. If he fails to say this word a foul is noted and considered as Kho Kho rules is not followed.
  • Fake Kho and Sudden Kho: Fake Kho is way to deviate the attention or disturb the defender , the chaser pretends that he given Kho to his fellow team mates but he is actually chasing the runner. In sudden Kho the chaser gives immediate Kho to team mate making it hard for runner/defender to avoid getting caught.
  • Choosing direction: Chaser/attacker team player must keep his foot out of box with care as his foot will decide which way he will run to chase the runner else a foul will be counted.

Kho Kho skills pole diving


Kho Kho Game Skills | Kho Kho Tips & Tricks


  • June 10, 2021
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Table of Contents

Kho Kho Ground History

Most of the people prefer to use classic techniques and strategies because it helps them to gain a decent number of points without compromising on the final source in an effective way. Kho Kho is one of the Classic games played for a long time now and it is highly recommended for people to know the history and legends of the game in order to understand hairstyle on strategy from time to time. Let’s read the details of Kho Kho Ground in this post.

Kho Kho Game Skills | Kho Kho Tips & Tricks

Kho Kho Ground Measurements

  • The total area required for Kho Kho ground ( kho kho court) is 30 meters × 19 meters
  • All of the above areas are not utilize for paying, the playing field is only 27 meters × 16 meters. In this playing, there is another 1.6-meter area also for free zone after both sides’ polls.
  • There are both side two polls. The distance between both is 24 meters. Both polls are joined by a central lane which is 30cm in width and 24 meters of length.
  • There are 8 cross line is also in the ground. Which are interesting the central line on 8 points. This cross line is 16 meters long and 35 cm wide.
  • When the cross line intersects the central line There is a block of 30cm×35cm that is taken existence in which the players are sitting.
  • The poll at both sides of Kho Kho ground is with the Height of 120cm_125cm with a diameter of 9-10cm.
  • All cross lines containing a distance of 2.30 meters between them.
  • The central line divided the whole playing area between the polls into two equal houses. Both sides are used by the runners and chasers for paying the game.

Also Check  : https://sportsroid.com/kho-kho-rules-regulation/

When did Kho Kho Start ?

Kho Kho Game Skills | Kho Kho Tips & Tricks

Kho Kho started initially in Maharashtra somewhere at the beginning of the 20th century and has been played ever since with a set of regulated rules and restrictions in an effective way. It is important for every individual to stay fit in order to play Kho Kho because it requires a lot of stamina and energy to complete the game in a quick span of time.

The first national Kho Kho tournament was started in Vijayawada and has attracted a lot of people from different parts of the country in an effective way. The game took off in a style and shown some of the unbeatable tactics by most of the players in an easy way. It is highly recommended for every player to check for the history of Kho Kho because it allows them to enjoy the game without compromising on the quality on a regular basis.

Also Check : https://sportsroid.com/kho-kho-ground-measurement-dimensions/

Benefits of Playing Kho Kho

Kho Kho Game Skills | Kho Kho Tips & Tricks

  • Increases Running ability – It is not easy for people to understand with the help of a book because it requires a practical demonstration in order to understand the strategy for most of the people. The running ability of the player plays a vital role in the game because it is necessary to run away from the opponent without getting touched in order to stay on the field from time to time. It is highly recommended for people to join Kho Kho teams and play along with professionals because it helps them to improve the running a pretty without compromising on the health aspects in an easy way. The Game increases the running ability of every player because it requires a consistent speed while the game is going on without affecting the reflex aspects from time to time.
  • Increases Thinking ability – It is important for people to understand the kho kho rules of the game well in advance because it plays a crucial role for a player to win the game in an easy way. The game provides an easy way for people to have enough room to run in different directions from time to time. The reflex and the thinking ability will be gradually increased by playing the game because it is important to score the points without getting a text from the opponent on a regular basis. It is highly recommended for people to have a better understanding of the operating while playing the game because it helps them to predict the movement in order to gain points from time to time.
  • Reflex – Reflex is one of the important aspects to consider for every individual while playing Kho Kho because it helps them to catch the opponent in a quick span of time. It is highly recommended for people to know and understand different kinds of tactics used in the game because it helps them to get the opponent out without compromising on the points in an effective way. Most of the people would prefer to utilize the rules of the game for changes in order to enjoy quick reflex and the Kho Khogay edition number of points over a period of time.
  • Burns Calories – Kho Kho is one of the popular games which has been played for a long time by both kids and adults on a regular basis. As Kho Kho would be in need of eye reflex and running capabilities to play the game effectively it is evident that people and up a lot of calories burnt in a quick span of time. It is highly recommended for people to understand the rules of the game in order to make use of the stamina and energy in order to play the game for a long span of time. Most of the people would prefer to use Kho Kho as their everyday exercise or sports activities because it helps them to burn harmful calories without affecting other health aspects from time to time.
  • Improves Flexibility – Flexibility has attracted a lot of people in the current generation while playing Kho Kho game because most of the cases would be in need of the flexible body to touch the opponent in a quick span of time. Most of the experience Kho Kho players are not to have better flexibility compared to other divisions because they are known to practice in order to play a better game on a regular basis. It is important for every individual to check for necessary physical activities before playing Kho Kho because it requires a lot of flexibility in order to play and win the game in a quick span of time.

Also check : https://sportsroid.com/kabaddi-rules-and-regulations-how-to-play-kabaddi-game/

The Team in Kho Kho

assignment on kho kho game

  • The game is played between two teams and it is highly recommended for people to understand the rules of the game in order to enjoy on a regular basis. The game contains two sets of teams with 8 members who are known to take two innings to finish the game with the help of point from time to time.
  • Chasing – The game will be played between two teams and starts with a toss. The toss winner will have an option to choose changing or defense which helps them to gain a good number of points and hit the opponents psychologically in an effective way. Changing the team will have to sit opposite each other and right next to another player in order to touch the opponent in the game. The opponent or the difference team will have an option to go through the player and avoid getting touched in order to avoid losing points from time to time. The chasing theme will have a time span of 9 minutes or more in order to have the entire opponent team out of the game in an effective way. The number of points will be evaluated based on the outs and fouls committed by both the teams in an easy way…
  • Defense – Defense team will have an option to run away from the changes in order to avoid getting touched through the game in an effective way. It is important for a very different team member to look for a creative way in order to avoid getting touched by the chasing team from time to time. It is highly recommended for different steam to have a sufficient amount of reflex aspects because it helps them to go through the opponent team members in order to avoid getting touched and losing in an easy way. The different steam will have to play twice in the entire play and gain as many points as possible in order to win the game in an effective way.

Also Check : https://sportsroid.com/long-jump-rules-world-records/

Elements of Kho Kho

assignment on kho kho game

  • Players – Kho Kho is played with 12 members per team and will have an option to choose either chasing or defense depending on the toss result from time to time. It is highly recommended for people to have a proper strategy in place while playing with 12 members because it allows them to avoid losing points from a weak team member in an effective way.
  • Timings – The innings are played for 7 minutes or more by both the teams at the same time. It is important for every team member to have proper communication while playing because it allows both difference and chasing them to gain a good number of points in a span of time.
  • Innings – There are two Indians being played from both the teams at the highest point gainer who will have a better chance of winning the game in an easy way. The evenings will be played for 12 minutes to every team and it gives a fair amount of chance for both the teams to win the game in a quick span of time.
  • Breaks or intervals – It is necessary for both the teams to have a sufficient amount of break at the interval between innings in order to make a better strategy to increase the chances of winning from time to time. There will be an ideal break of 2 minutes or more for both the teams who need to restart or resume the game from the same point in an effective way. The two innings break plays a crucial role for most of the times because it allows them to change the strategy without compromising what the game quality award points from time to time.

KHO KHO Rules and History

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  8. Kho kho

    Kho kho is a traditional South Asian sport that dates to ancient India. [1] [2] It is the second-most popular traditional tag game in the Indian subcontinent after kabaddi. [3]Kho kho is played on a rectangular court with a central lane connecting two poles which are at either end of the court. During the game, nine players from the chasing team (attacking team) are on the field, with eight of ...

  9. Kho Kho Game Rules, History, Ground Measurement, Details, Information

    Kho Kho Rules and Regulations. There are two teams playing a game of Kho Kho. There are 12 players on a Kho Kho team. However, only nine people can play on the field—eight from the pursuing team and one from the defensive team. A typical game consists of two innings. There will be 9 minutes in each inning, which includes chasing and running.

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    Kho Kho is a tag game of India. Its origins are as old as Mahabharata, with strategies and tactics likely derived from Mahabharata itself. On the 13 th day of the war, the Kaurava Guru Dronacharya planned the unique tactics Chakraviyu a special military defensive strategy breached by the expert warrior Abhimanyu. He died as he had to fight alone against 7 other warriors and he received heavy ...

  14. Kho Kho Game

    A Kho kho game needs a rectangular field firstly of dimension 118 ft. x 59 ft. There are 2 rectangles at the two ends with 52.5 ft. x 9 ft. dimension. And there is one wooden pole each in the middle of these rectangles. There is a centre lane of 925 in x12 in and a total of eight lanes which are across the centerline of 630 in x 12 in.

  15. KreedOn Website

    The Asian Kho Kho Federation first came into existence in 1987 at the time of the third SAF Games in India. The Kho Kho game gained international credit with the first Asian Championship which was held in Kolkata in 1996. The second championship was held in 2000 which added further shine to the game. -- Advertisement --.

  16. D'source Kho Kho

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    A short description of Kho Kho skills are as follow : Giving Kho and Chasing the runner: A chaser must say "Kho" when he gives signal to sitting chaser so that he can get off from square and start chasing the runner. If he fails to say this word a foul is noted and considered as Kho Kho rules is not followed. Fake Kho and Sudden Kho:

  19. Kho Kho Ground History

    The Team in Kho Kho. The game is played between two teams and it is highly recommended for people to understand the rules of the game in order to enjoy on a regular basis. The game contains two sets of teams with 8 members who are known to take two innings to finish the game with the help of point from time to time.

  20. PDF BByyBy By Dr.Kavita VermaDr.Kavita Verma

    Kho-kho in India goes back a long way, as it was first started and origins in the state of Maharashtra, Kho-Kho in ancient times, was played on 'raths' or chariots, and was known as Rathera. This game has been very popular in the Marathi speaking people. This game for many years was played in an informal ways.