Course Information Documents

9. my expectations.

I will be expecting very active participation from you. Since I can’t see you, I will need tangible proof that you exist and that you are working in a highly motivated way.

One obvious focus of participation will be in the class discussions. This should be taken very seriously. Since each module is scheduled for about two weeks, this is the time period during which the discussion must take place. Try to put some serious thought in what makes documents successful, both from the writer’s perspective and yours. I expect you to participate in the course at least three times each week. I will be looking for your work and ideas that often. Together, we can get a lot accomplished over the next 15 weeks.

I hope that a lot of the discussions are generated by you and your classmates. Sure, I’ll have some comments and suggestions once in a while, but I value what all you have to say. You all have experience as writers prior to entering this class. Have confidence in your abilities and help each other improve and strengthen your writing skills.

Obviously, this is an English course, so I will be expecting you to follow proper English rules in your writing. I also believe the need for rewriting can’t be over-emphasized. I expect you to write drafts, to work with those drafts and to edit final copies. Look for ways to improve your original ideas. Is there a better way to say it? Do you need to say it with so many words, or will a shorter explanation suffice? Rewriting isn’t just adding info. It’s adding and deleting info to best suit your needs and those of your audience.

Stay on schedule. Once you fall behind in an on-line course, you can’t catch up. Information will only be available for a certain amount of time. Essays have to be completed by the due dates, and homework and discussion activities have to be completed on time as well. If you are having any problems, let me know quickly. Together, we can come up with a solution that best meets the needs of this course and your future education.

I’m sure this is going to be a great experience for all of us, and I hope you will appreciate the benefits in using clear, concise written communication.

Academic Honesty Policy

All students are expected to behave with academic honesty. It is not academically honest, for example, to misrepresent another person’s work as one’s own, to take credit for someone else’s words or ideas, to accept help on a test or to obtain advanced information on confidential test materials, or to act in a way that might harm another student’s chance for academic success.

When an instructor believes that a student has failed to maintain academic honesty, he or she may give the student an “F,” either for the assignment or for the course, depending on the severity of the offense.

A student may appeal a decision on the charge of failing to maintain academic honesty according to the procedure described by the Student Code of Conduct in the college catalog.

  • Authored by : Jeff Meyers. Provided by : Clinton Community College. License : CC BY: Attribution

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expectation in english subject essay

  • Academic Success / Academic Writing / Learning for Success

College Writing & Professor Expectations

by Purdue Global Academic Success Center and Writing Center · Published February 12, 2021 · Updated February 11, 2021

expectation in english subject essay

For many new college students, the thought of taking a writing course is greeted with the same kind of enthusiasm you would have for visiting the dentist for a root canal: something that needs to be done but will be unpleasant, perhaps painful. This reaction may be due to a high school English class taught by a fussy, grammar-is-everything teacher whose mind thought in points, not ideas. While this may be unfortunate, I suppose it’s a rite of passage. 

The real challenge lies in the transition from school or work writing to college writing as the expectations–at least some of them–change. In college, professors expect that students, while not experts, have a grasp of grammar, usage, and mechanics, and that they can produce writing and short essays without egregious errors that make the writing unreadable. Work may be needed in these areas because skills and proficiency are as varied as students’ past writing experiences, but professors assume that students arrive in college with a baseline set of competencies.  

Professors expect that students know that many types of papers are thesis-driven and thus such a paper should have an introduction that sets the context and establishes the paper’s focus. College writers are expected to know what a thesis is as well as how body paragraphs are organized to support and develop the thesis. If a paper begins with “ It was a dark and stormy night ,” the writer may need to work on writing a good beginning or on recognizing cliches, but at least the language suggests an effort to orient readers. 

Professors expect that college writers use credible evidence to support ideas. Credible evidence is content that comes from trustworthy sources , which likely excludes personal blogs, an interview with a cousin, and encyclopedias of all stripes. The writing may be stylistically beautiful and grammatically sound, but if the evidence used is questionable (according to my aunt’s next-door neighbor . . . ), so, too, are the ideas. 

So, here’s a quick recap: Professors expect college-level writing to be free of too many major sentence-level errors that interfere with meaning. Professors also expect that the college-level writing shows an awareness of focus and structure, and uses good evidence to support points. What you may have noticed is that these college writing “expectations” are the same expectations of writing you have likely encountered prior to arriving in college. So how does college-level writing differ from the kind of writing you’ve produced in the past?

Without a doubt, the biggest expectation professors have of student writing in college is that it demonstrates analytical thinking of the kind that may be deeper than what has been expected in the past. In fact, one of the complaints professors often have of student writing, especially of newer students, is the level of thinking in a paper. Professors complain that too often the ideas presented on a given topic are predictable and tend to repeat what others have already said or written. Papers read more like reporting than authoring. 

College writing invites you to join in an ongoing academic conversation about real issues and real topics. Whether you are recounting your personal educational journey, researching the relationship of isolation and depression in teens, or voicing an opinion on what “democracy” means, the idea of joining an academic conversation is to contribute something new, offer a fresh insight or perspective, and this is not easy, right? 

To contribute something new requires a good deal of thinking, but it also requires an awareness of what others have written about the topic, and thus more thinking is required because content needs to be read and understood and synthesized, and then meshed with your own ideas. College writers need to realize that their ideas don’t exist in a vacuum; they are part of a larger conversation.

I will leave you with this quote from Joyce Johnson, a difficult professor I had in graduate school, who once told me, “Clear writing on the page suggests clear thinking in the mind. Cloudy writing on the page suggests cloudy thinking in the mind.” Johnson is getting at the idea that writing is undeniably related to thinking. If the thoughts are clear in the mind, then they are more apt to be clear on the page. At the time, I did not welcome her remark, but it challenged me, made me think more deeply about what I was trying to accomplish on the page, and now after many years, I have come to appreciate its wisdom.

Until next week– 

Kurtis Clements

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Collages expect you to be at a certain level of skill that highschool Is supposed to get you

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Course Expectations: Why You Need Them and How to Communicate Them

Computer and books

In online courses, there are few cues from the environment to tell students what they’re supposed to do. So it’s especially important to make your expectations clear and explicit. In this article, we’ll discuss (a) the kinds of expectations you should make explicit and (b) where and how to communicate these expectations.

Types of Expectations to Set

Students will inevitably have several questions for you throughout your course. However, if you communicate certain expectations up front, you can cut down on the number of logistical questions students have and can instead focus on higher order content discussions. For example, instead of answering a dozen e-mails about how to submit a paper, you can spend that time on reviewing students’ rough drafts and providing feedback. Below are several questions you might want to think about and answer for students in advance through the syllabus or other course documentation.


Course Structure

  • Weekly routine : What do you expect students to do on a weekly basis?
  • Flexibility : How much flexibility will you allow in grading, assignment topics, and so on?
  • Attendance policies : What is your attendance policy (if any) for synchronous sessions?
  • Late policies : Will you accept late work? Up to what point? Will there be a penalty?
  • Academic integrity : What conventions do you expect students to follow?
  • Technical problems : What should students do if problems arise? Who should they contact?



  • Communication : How should students contact you? How quickly will you respond?
  • Feedback from students : How can students share feedback with you?
  • Student interactions : How do you expect students to interact (and not interact)?
  • Collaboration : What kinds of collaboration do you consider acceptable?

Class Meetings

  • Synchronous sessions : How should students join? How should they prepare?
  • Discussion board participation : How often do you expect students to post?
  • Discussion board evaluation : What criteria will you use to assess students’ contributions?


  • Readings : Where will students find them? How should they approach them?
  • Assignment goals : What knowledge and skills should students demonstrate?
  • Assignment directions : What exactly are students supposed to produce?
  • Assignment submission : How and where should students submit their work?

Grading and Feedback

  • Grading scheme : What is the relative weight of each graded assignment?
  • Performance criteria : What criteria will you use to assess student work?
  • Feedback : How will you provide feedback to students?

How and Where to Communicate Expectations

Your learning management system will have a number of locations where you can state or clarify your expectations. In fact, it’s wise to state expectations in multiple places. You can use module introductions, e-mails, written announcements, or descriptions of your course elements. But perhaps the most important place to communicate your high-level expectations is in the syllabus.


  • Provide basic course information (e.g., title, number, credits).
  • Describe the course in terms that get students excited about taking it.
  • Establish a friendly, welcoming course climate.
  • Identify your learning objectives.
  • Identify prerequisite knowledge and skills.
  • Describe readings and how to access them.
  • Explain graded and nongraded requirements.
  • Outline policies on attendance, participation, academic integrity, and so on.
  • Offer advice on how to approach readings, video lectures, discussion boards, and so on.
  • Point students to support resources such as technical help, tutoring, office hours, and so on.

Although setting expectations may seem like a dry or even heavy topic, clear expectations help create a good course structure and empower students to know how they can succeed in your class. Plus, you’ll save yourself time during the course if you decide on these logistical issues in advance. By posting about your expectations early and often, you will give yourself and your students a shared road map to success.


Essay on Expectation In Class As A Student

Students are often asked to write an essay on Expectation In Class As A Student in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Expectation In Class As A Student

Understanding expectations.

As a student in class, you are expected to learn new things. This means paying attention to your teacher, asking questions if you’re confused, and trying your best on homework and tests. It’s like being a detective, where your mission is to solve the mystery of the subject you’re studying.

Being Prepared

Being ready for class is important. This includes having your books, completing your homework, and being ready to share your thoughts. Think of it as packing a backpack for an adventure where every book and notebook is a tool for your journey.

Respecting Others

In class, you should treat everyone kindly. Listen when others speak and wait for your turn to talk. It’s like being on a team where every player’s role is valued, and everyone deserves a chance to shine.

Meeting Deadlines

Handing in your work on time shows you’re responsible. It’s like crossing the finish line in a race, where finishing on time is a big part of success.


Finally, aim to do better each day. Mistakes are okay as long as you learn from them. It’s like climbing a ladder, where each step takes you higher than the last.

250 Words Essay on Expectation In Class As A Student

What students expect in class.

When you are a student, you look forward to many things in your classroom. It’s like a small world where you learn, play, and grow. Every student has hopes and wishes for their time in class, and these are some of the common ones.

Learning New Things

Firstly, students expect to learn new things every day. Whether it’s about numbers, words, or the world around us, every lesson is a chance to know more. Teachers are important because they share knowledge in a way that’s easy to understand.

Fun and Friends

Secondly, students want to have fun and make friends. School isn’t just about books; it’s also about enjoying time with classmates. Games, activities, and group work help students bond and create memories.

Support and Help

Another expectation is getting help when things are tough. Sometimes, lessons can be hard, and students hope for a teacher who is kind and ready to explain things again. Feeling supported makes learning easier.

Being Heard and Respected

Students also expect to be heard and respected. When a student has an idea or a question, they want their teacher to listen. Being taken seriously makes students feel valued and confident to speak up.

A Safe Place

Lastly, students look for a safe place in their classroom. They want to feel secure and know that they can trust their teachers and friends. Safety helps everyone focus on learning and having a good time.

Every student’s expectation is like a seed that needs the right care to grow. Teachers and schools work to meet these hopes, making every day in class a step toward a brighter future.

500 Words Essay on Expectation In Class As A Student

What are expectations.

When we talk about expectations in class, we mean what teachers and classmates think you should do and how you should act. As a student, you are supposed to follow certain rules, listen to your teacher, and try your best to learn new things. These expectations help everyone in class to work together and create a place where learning can happen without problems.

Learning and Working Hard

One of the main expectations in class is that you will learn. This means paying attention when the teacher is speaking, doing your homework, and asking questions if you don’t understand something. It’s important to try hard, even if the work seems difficult at first. Teachers like to see that you are putting effort into your schoolwork.

A big part of being in class is learning to respect others. This includes listening when someone else is speaking and not making fun of them. It also means sharing things like books and pencils, and helping classmates who might be struggling. When everyone respects each other, the class can be a nice place for everyone.

Following Rules

Every class has rules, like raising your hand to speak or walking quietly in the hallways. These rules are there to make sure that the class runs smoothly and that everyone gets a chance to learn. It’s expected that you follow these rules, and if you do, the day will go by without any trouble.

Being ready for class is another expectation. This means bringing your books, pencils, and any other materials you need. It also means coming to class on time and being ready to start learning right away. When you come prepared, it shows that you are serious about your education.

Participating in Class

Teachers expect students to take part in class discussions and activities. When you share your ideas or answer questions, you are not only showing what you know, but you are also learning more. Participation helps make the class more interesting for everyone.

Setting Personal Goals

Apart from what others expect from you, it’s good to have your own goals. Maybe you want to get better at reading or learn how to solve tough math problems. Having goals can help you stay focused and give you something to work toward.

Handling Mistakes

Everyone makes mistakes, and that’s okay. Teachers expect that you will sometimes get things wrong, but what’s important is that you try to learn from those mistakes. When you understand what went wrong, you can do better next time.

In conclusion, being a student comes with many expectations. You are supposed to learn, respect others, follow rules, come prepared, participate, set goals, and learn from mistakes. Meeting these expectations can be tough sometimes, but they help you grow and become a better learner. Remember, it’s not just about making your teacher happy—it’s about doing your best for yourself.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

  • Essay on Gen Z
  • Essay on Expectation In Online Class
  • Essay on Garbage Problem Solution

Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

Happy studying!

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Home / Essay Samples / Life / Experience / Expectations

Expectations Essay Examples

The role of parental and societal expectations in shaping children.

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Expectations and Reality of Us Immigration System

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Societal Expectations of Women, and Its Influence on Advertising

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The Expectations of Modern University Students

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Social Expectations in a Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams

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The Unexpected Rise: Everything is Possible if Working Hard

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Issues Covered in Moonlight: Community Pressures and Expectations

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