Reported Speech Quiz

Dive into our Reported Speech Quiz! It’s a must-try for anyone wanting to get better at sharing what others have said in English.

Reported speech, also known as indirect speech, lets us tell someone else’s words without quoting them exactly. It’s all about shifting tenses, pronouns, and time expressions so you can report what was said in a different context. Whether it’s telling a friend what your teacher said or relaying a conversation, mastering reported speech is key for clear and effective communication.

By taking on this quiz, you’ll practice transforming direct quotes into reported speech, enhancing your conversational and writing skills. Whether you’re learning English or just fine-tuning your grammar, these questions will help you navigate the nuances of reported speech. Let’s get started and become pros at passing on information!

1. What is reported speech?


Reported speech involves paraphrasing what someone else has said or written, rather than directly quoting their exact words. It often involves changes in tense, pronouns, and other elements to fit the context of the reporting.

2. How is the tense typically changed when converting from direct to reported speech?

When converting direct speech into reported speech, the tense usually shifts back. For example, present tense changes to past tense, and past tense may change to past perfect.

3. Choose the sentence that correctly converts direct speech into reported speech.

In reported speech, the present tense 'am' in direct speech is typically changed to the past tense 'was'.

4. Identify the reported speech in this sentence: "He told me that he would come."

'That he would come' is the part of the sentence where the direct speech has been converted into reported speech.

5. What happens to modal verbs like 'can' and 'may' in reported speech?

In reported speech, modal verbs like 'can' and 'may' often change to their past forms 'could' and 'might' to reflect the shift in time.

6. Choose the correct reported speech for the following direct speech: "Will you help me?" he asked her.

When converting questions into reported speech, the structure changes to a statement with 'if' or 'whether', and the tense changes as needed ('will' to 'would' in this case).

7. Identify the correct reported speech conversion for: "I don't like pizza," she said.

The present tense 'don't like' in direct speech changes to the past tense 'didn't like' in reported speech.

8. What is typically done with time expressions when converting direct speech to reported speech?

Time expressions in reported speech are often adjusted to reflect the change in time from the original statement. For example, 'today' might change to 'that day', 'tomorrow' to 'the next day', etc.

9. Choose the correct reported speech for: "I will be late," he said.

The future tense 'will be' in direct speech often changes to 'would be' in reported speech.

10. Identify the correct reported speech conversion for: "Why are you late?" she asked.

When reporting a question, the tense changes ('are' to 'was'), and the sentence structure changes from a question to a statement.

11. How is the pronoun typically changed when converting from direct to reported speech?

Pronouns in reported speech are adjusted according to the perspective of the reporter. First-person pronouns in direct speech are changed based on who is reporting the speech.

12. Choose the correct reported speech for: "I have finished my homework," she said.

The present perfect tense ('have finished') in direct speech is often changed to the past perfect ('had finished') in reported speech.

13. Identify the correct reported speech conversion for: "We are going to the park," they said.

The present continuous tense ('are going') in direct speech changes to the past continuous ('were going') in reported speech.

14. What should be done with question marks when converting questions from direct to reported speech?

When converting questions from direct to reported speech, the structure changes to a statement, and the question mark is replaced with a full stop.

15. Choose the correct reported speech for: "Can you help me?" she asked.

When reporting questions, the sentence structure changes to a statement, and modal verbs like 'can' often change to their past forms ('could' in this case).

16. Identify the correct reported speech conversion for: "I'm feeling sick," he said.

The present continuous tense ('I'm feeling') in direct speech is changed to the past continuous ('he was feeling') in reported speech.

17. How are commands and requests typically reported?

Commands and requests in reported speech are often introduced with verbs like 'told' or 'asked', and the verb form is changed accordingly. For example, "Close the door" becomes "He told me to close the door."

18. Choose the correct reported speech for: "I'll call you later," she said.

The future tense 'I'll call' in direct speech is often changed to 'she would call' in reported speech.

19. Identify the correct reported speech conversion for: "Don't forget to send the email," he reminded her.

In reported speech, commands or requests often change to the infinitive form ('to send') and negatives are placed before the infinitive ('not to forget').

20. What is typically done with exclamations in reported speech?

Exclamations in direct speech are often reported as statements, using verbs like 'exclaimed', and the exclamation mark is replaced with a full stop. For example, "What a surprise!" becomes "She exclaimed that it was a surprise."

21. Choose the correct reported speech for: "It's raining outside," he observed.

In reported speech, present tense ('it's raining') is often changed to past tense ('it was raining'), especially when reporting observations or states.

22. Identify the correct reported speech conversion for: "We must leave now," they insisted.

In reported speech, 'must' often changes to 'had to', and references to time are adjusted accordingly ('now' to 'then').

23. How are direct speech questions that start with 'what', 'where', 'when', 'who', 'why', or 'how' reported?

Direct speech questions starting with question words ('what', 'where', etc.) are reported as statements using the same question words. For example, "Where are you going?" becomes "He asked where I was going."

24. Choose the correct reported speech for: "You should try harder," the coach said.

In reported speech, second-person pronouns often change to first-person pronouns depending on the context ('you' to 'I'), while modal verbs like 'should' usually remain the same.

25. Identify the correct reported speech conversion for: "I'll see you tomorrow," she promised.

In reported speech, future tense ('I'll see') changes to conditional ('she would see'), and time expressions are adjusted ('tomorrow' to 'the next day').

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Reported speech Multiple choice quiz

  • English grammar PDF
  • PDF worksheets
  • Mixed PDF tests
  • Present tenses
  • Past tenses
  • Future tenses
  • Present perfect
  • Past perfect
  • Future perfect
  • Irregular verbs
  • Modal verbs
  • If-conditional
  • Passive voice
  • Reported speech
  • Time clauses
  • Relative clauses
  • Indirect questions
  • Question tags
  • Imperative sentence
  • Gerund and infinitive
  • Direct | indirect object

Reported speech mcq - exercise 4

Choose the correct endings in the multiple choice test on reported speech (special cases).

"I am reading an interesting book," he told me. He told me that ___ an interesting book. (he's been reading, he was reading)

Check test Answer key Clear test

"I am waiting at the bus stop number ten," he told me.

He told me that at the bus stop number ten.
"We will set off tomorrow," they said on Friday.

On Friday they said .
"Get out of my way!" he ordered us.

He ordered us of his way.
"I invited Derek to dinner last week," Debbie told me this week.

Debbie told me this week that she had invited Derek to dinner .
"I will resign today," the minister announced this morning.

This morning the minister announced that he would resign .
"She'd better refuse this job," insisted my father.

My father insisted that she that job.
"We used to take the same medicine," she thought.

She thought that the same medicine.
"It is time we had an agreement," the vice president suggested.

The vice president suggested that it was time we an agreement.
"We must go skiing to the Alps in winter," he said.

He said that they skiing to the Alps in winter.
"I wouldn't go to South America if I were you," Betty claimed.

Betty claimed she wouldn't go to South America if she me.
"I caught a cold while I was waiting at the bus stop," Daniel told us.

Daniel told us that he caught a cold while he at the bus stop.
"He has fallen in love with Julie," Sam told me about William.

Sam told me that in love with Julie.

Reported speech multiple choice exercises and gap-filling + grammar rules.

For intermediate and advanced learners of English.

English Grammar Quiz for ESL learners

Reported Speech Quiz

You can do this grammar quiz online or print it on paper. It tests what you learned on the Reported Speech pages.

1. Which is a reporting verb?

2. He said that it was cold outside. Which word is optional?

3. "I bought a car last week." Last week he said he had bought a car

4. "Where is it?" said Mary. She

5. Which of these is usually required with reported YES/NO questions?

6. Ram asked me where I worked. His original words were

7. "Don't yell!" is a

8. "Please wipe your feet." I asked them to wipe

9. She always asks me not to burn the cookies. She always says

10. Which structure is not used for reported orders?

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Grammar Quiz

Reported Speech Quizzes

Preview 20 Quizzes about Reported Speech

Six people applied for the job, but four of them were ______.

A. looked up

B. dealt with

C. turned down

E. put up with

Martin asked me _______.

A. how is my father

B. how my father is

C. how was my father

D. how my father was

Harold said, “Don’t bring sodas near the computers!”

A. Harold told us not to bring sodas near the computers. B. Harold asked us if we were bringing sodas near the computers. C. Harold told to us that we had bringed sodas near the computers D. Harold said to bring sodas near the computers.

Robert said, “I want to renew my domain.”

A. Robert said that I want to renew my domain. B. Robert said that he wanted to renew his domain. C. Robert said that he will renew his domain. D. Robert said that he renews his domain.

The policeman wondered, “Why didn’t you stop at the traffic lights?”

A. The policeman wondered why I hadn’t stopped at the traffic lights.

B. The policeman wondered why I didn’t stop at the traffic lights.

C. The policeman wondered why I haven’t stopped at the traffic lights.

I wonder why he___________ love his family.

Is this sentence correct or incorrect?

He said me that he could help me. _ A. Correct

B. Incorrect

My mum ___________ she was having a great time.

A. said her

B. told to her

Where is the error?

Janet asked Mary if she would be free the previous day. _ A. asked

C. would be

D. previous day

” I have done it yesterday” said Ela

A. Ela said that she has done it yesterday.

B. Ela said she had done it yesterday.

C. Ela said she had done it the day before.

Danny: ‘I’m going to be late’. Danny told me that he _______________ to be late.

A. will be going

B. is going

C. was going

The mother told her daughter _______ late at night.

A. to come home

B. not to come home

C. come home

D. don’t come home

‘Did you see the parade?’ She asked us …

A. where we’d seen the parade.

B. whether we’d seen the parade.

C. if did we see the parade.

‘Did you see Jack last night?’

A. He asked me if I’d seen Jack the night before.

B. He asked me if I saw Jack the night before.

Baruch said, “I might teach ESL next semester.”

A. Baruch said that he is going to teach ESL next semester. B. Baruch said that he will teach ESL next semester. C. Baruch said that he might teach ESL next semester. D. Baruch said that he could teach ESL next semester.

‘I can’t go out to the cinema today,’ Karla said.

A. She said she can’t go out to the cinema today.

B. She said she could not go out to the cinema that day.

C. She said she couldn’t go out to the cinema today.

D. She said she can’t go out to the cinema that day .

My mom: “Do your homework”

My mom ____________

A. told me to do my homework

B. told me do my homework

C. told me that I did my homework

‘What were you doing at the time?’ She asked me …

A. what I’d been doing at the time.

B. what was I doing at the time.

C. what had I been doing at the time.

‘What can we do about this?’ We wanted to know …

A. whether we could do about it.

B. what we could do about it.

C. what could we do about it.

Match the direct speech to the verb tense changes in reported speech choosing the correct option.

“Imperative ”

A. Present simple

B. Infinitive

C. The same tense

How to use : Read the question carefully, then select one of the answers button.

Tips : If this page always shows the same questions, make sure you correct the question first by pressing the "check answer" button.

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Reported Speech Quiz

In this reported speech quiz you get to practice online turning direct speech into indirect speech.

Remember that to turn direct speech to reported speech you need to use backshifting with the tenses. So for example, the present simple turns to the past simple and the past simple turns to the past perfect. Pronouns can also change.

It can be difficult if you are new to it, so if you are unsure of how to do it, before taking the quiz check out the reported speech tense conversion rules . 

  • John said, "I want to see a film".
  • Tina said, "I am tired".
  • He said, "Tom hit me very hard".
  • I said, "I feel happy".
  • She said, "We are learning English".
  • Sandra said, "I liked him a lot".
  • He said, "We all eat meat".
  • Max said, "I will help".
  • Gene said, "I must leave early".
  • She said, "I had tried everything".

More on Reported Speech:

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Modal Verbs Multiple Choice Quiz

In this modal verbs multiple choice quiz, choose which of the three choices of verbs should go into the gap to make a grammatically correct sentence.

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This Substitution Quiz tests your ability to replace words or phrases already used in a sentence with a different word or phrase.

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reported speech questions exercises multiple choice

Reported Speech Quiz

Test your understanding of Reported Speech in English with this Reported Speech Quiz. Reported Speech, also known as indirect speech, is used to convey what someone else said without quoting their exact words. It often involves changes in tense, pronouns, and time expressions to suit the reporting context. For example, direct speech: “ I am learning English, ” becomes in reported speech: “ She said she was learning English. ” This quiz has 15 questions and each question will ask you to change the direct speech into reported speech. Take The Quiz Below!

Not learned about reported speech yet? Then check out this Reported Speech Guide which includes lots of examples to help you master this important part of English grammar.

Reported questions – Exercise

Task no. 2323.

Finish the sentences using Reported speech. Always change the tense, although it is sometimes not necessary.

Peter, "Did John clean the black shoes?" Peter asked me  

Peter asked me if John had cleaned the black shoes .

Do you need help?

Reported questions in English

  • Christopher, "Do you want to dance?" Christopher asked me .
  • Betty, "When did you come?" Betty wanted to know .
  • Mark, "Has John arrived?" Mark asked me .
  • Ronald, "Where does Maria park her car?" Ronald asked me .
  • Elisabeth, "Did you watch the latest film?" Elisabeth asked me .
  • Mandy, "Can I help you?" Mandy wanted to know .
  • Andrew, "Will Mandy have lunch with Sue?" Andrew asked me .
  • Justin, "What are you doing?" Justin asked me .
  • Frank, "How much pocket money does Lisa get?" Frank wanted to know .
  • Anne, "Must I do the shopping?" Anne asked .
  • You are here:
  • Grammar Exercises
  • Reported Speech

Reported Speech – Free Exercise

Write the following sentences in indirect speech. Pay attention to backshift and the changes to pronouns, time, and place.

  • Two weeks ago, he said, “I visited this museum last week.” → Two weeks ago, he said that   . I → he simple past → past perfect this → that last …→ the … before
  • She claimed, “I am the best for this job.” → She claimed that   . I → she simple present→ simple past this→ that
  • Last year, the minister said, “The crisis will be overcome next year.” → Last year, the minister said that   . will → would next …→ the following …
  • My riding teacher said, “Nobody has ever fallen off a horse here.” → My riding teacher said that   . present perfect → past perfect here→ there
  • Last month, the boss explained, “None of my co-workers has to work overtime now.” → Last month, the boss explained that   . my → his/her simple present→ simple past now→ then

Rewrite the question sentences in indirect speech.

  • She asked, “What did he say?” → She asked   . The subject comes directly after the question word. simple past → past perfect
  • He asked her, “Do you want to dance?” → He asked her   . The subject comes directly after whether/if you → she simple present → simple past
  • I asked him, “How old are you?” → I asked him   . The subject comes directly after the question word + the corresponding adjective (how old) you→ he simple present → simple past
  • The tourists asked me, “Can you show us the way?” → The tourists asked me   . The subject comes directly after whether/if you→ I us→ them
  • The shop assistant asked the woman, “Which jacket have you already tried on?” → The shop assistant asked the woman   . The subject comes directly after the question word you→ she present perfect → past perfect

Rewrite the demands/requests in indirect speech.

  • The passenger requested the taxi driver, “Stop the car.” → The passenger requested the taxi driver   . to + same wording as in direct speech
  • The mother told her son, “Don’t be so loud.” → The mother told her son   . not to + same wording as in direct speech, but remove don’t
  • The policeman told us, “Please keep moving.” → The policeman told us   . to + same wording as in direct speech ( please can be left off)
  • She told me, “Don’t worry.” → She told me   . not to + same wording as in direct speech, but remove don’t
  • The zookeeper told the children, “Don’t feed the animals.” → The zookeeper told the children   . not to + same wording as in direct speech, but remove don’t

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Reported Speech Exercises

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reported speech questions exercises multiple choice

Here's a list of all the reported speech exercises on this site:

( Click here to read the explanations about reported speech )

Reported Statements:

  • Present Simple Reported Statement Exercise (quite easy) (in PDF here)
  • Present Continuous Reported Statement Exercise (quite easy) (in PDF here)
  • Past Simple Reported Statement Exercise (quite easy) (in PDF here)
  • Present Perfect Reported Statement Exercise (quite easy) (in PDF here)
  • Future Simple Reported Statement Exercise (quite easy) (in PDF here)
  • Mixed Tense Reported Statement Exercise (intermediate) (in PDF here)
  • 'Say' and 'Tell' (quite easy) (in PDF here)

Reported Questions:

  • Present Simple Reported Yes/No Question Exercise (intermediate) (in PDF here)
  • Present Simple Reported Wh Question Exercise (intermediate) (in PDF here)
  • Mixed Tense Reported Question Exercise (intermediate) (in PDF here)

Reported Orders and Requests:

  • Reported Requests and Orders Exercise (intermediate) (in PDF here)
  • Reported Speech Mixed Exercise 1 (difficult) (in PDF here)
  • Reported Speech Mixed Exercise 2 (difficult) (in PDF here)

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reported speech questions exercises multiple choice

Reported Speech MCQs Test | English Grammar MCQ Quiz

Reported speech mcqs (multiple choice questionstest with answers) for class 8, 9, 10.

Here is a compilation of Free Reported Speech MCQs for classes 8, 9, 10 from English Grammar. Students can practice free Reported Speech MCQs as have been added by CBSE in the new exam pattern. At the end of Multiple Choice Questions on Reported Speech , the answer key has also been provided for your reference.

Instructions for question 1 to question 50:

Select the most appropriate option to change the sentences from Direct Speech to Reported Speech.

See video of reported speech mcqs test, see video of reported speech mcqs test part 1, see video of reported speech mcqs test part 2.

Q1. Nancy said, “I may leave tomorrow.”

A. Nancy said that she might leave the next day. B. Nancy said that she might leave tomorrow. C. Nancy asked if she should leave the next day. D. Nancy informed me to leave tomorrow.

Q2. Keshav said, “Rita is busy right now.”

A. Keshav said Rita was busy. B. Keshav informed that Rita was busy then. C. Keshav said Rita had been busy. D. Keshav informed that Rita is busy.

Q3. The teacher said, “You are suspended!.”

A. The teacher exclaimed that I am suspended. B. The teacher exclaimed to me to suspend. C. The teacher informed me that I was suspended. D. The teacher exclaimed that I was suspended.

Q4. He said, “I have been a great mentor.”

A. He said that he had been a great mentor. B. He said that he was a great mentor. C. He exclaimed that he was a great mentor. D. He said that he has been a great mentor.

Q5. Vidushi said, “We went for a summer trip.”

A. Vidushi said that they went for a summer trip. B. Vidushi said that they were on a summer trip. C. Vidushi said that they had gone for a summer trip. D. Vidushi said they went for a summer trip.

Q6. Rahul said, “I will manage hereafter. ”

A. Rahul said that he would manage hereafter. B. Rahul said that he will manage thereafter. C. Rahul said that he would manage thereafter. D. Rahul said that he will manage hereafter.

Q7. “I am going out tonight.” Manisha said.

A. Manisha said that she was going out tonight. B. Manisha said that she was going out that night. C. Manisha said she was going out that night. D. Manisha said that she will be going out that night.

Q8. The guard asked, “Who are you?”

A. The guard asked who he was. B. The guard asked me who he was. C. The guard asks me who he was. D. The guard asked who I was.

Q9. Ravi said, “The concert ended yesterday.”

A. Ravi said that the concert had ended yesterday. B. Ravi said that the concert ended the day before. C. Ravi said that the concert had ended the previous day. D. Ravi said that the concert ended already.

Q10. She said, “Bring a glass of water, please.”

A. She commands me to bring a glass of water. B. She requested me to bring a glass of water. C. She asked me to brought a glass of water. D. She ordered me to bring her a glass of water.

Q11. He said, “Let us have dinner here.”

A. He proposed that we had dinner there. B. He asked if we wished to have dinner there. C. He said that we should have dinner there. D. He said that we had dinner there.

Q12. The salesman said, “Are you interested in the scheme?”

A. The salesman said that if I was interested in the scheme. B. The salesman said that if I were interested in the scheme. C. The salesman asks if I am interested in the scheme. D. The salesman asked me if I was interested in the scheme.

Q13. She said, “Shut the door!”

A. She asked me whether I would shut the door. B. She ordered me to shut the door. C. She said that I should shut the door. D. She shouted and said to shut the door.

Correct Ans. B

Q14. She said, “They will be leaving soon.”

A. She said that they would leave soon. B. She said that they are leaving. C. She said that they would be leaving soon. D. She said that they will leave soon.

Q15. “Alas! It can’t be this bad.” He said.

A. He exclaimed with sorrow that that couldn’t be that bad. B. He grieved that it couldn’t be that bad. C. He said that it was really that bad. D. He said with sorrow that that was bad.

Q16. The teacher said, “The wind is a renewable energy source.”

A. The teacher said that the wind was a renewable energy source. B. The teacher said that the wind is a renewable energy source. C. The teacher told that the wind is a renewable energy source. D. The teacher tells that the wind was a renewable energy source.

Q17. The secretary said, “Is Mr. Fisher in his office?”

A. The secretary said that if Mr. Fisher was in his office. B. The secretary enquired if Mr. Fisher was in his office. C. The secretary enquired that if Mr. Fisher was in his office. D. The secretary asked if Mr. Fisher had been in his office.

Q18. The policeman said, “Don’t cross the speed limit.”

A. The policeman said not to cross the speed limit. B. The policeman asked if I would cross the speed limit. C. The policeman forbade me to cross the speed limit. D. The policeman asks if I had crossed the speed limit.

Q19. Richard said, “I must attend the meeting.”

A. Richard said that he had to attend the meeting. B. Richard said that it was must that he attend the meeting. C. Richard said if he must attend the meeting. D. Richard said that he would attend the meeting.

Q20. She said, “What a beautiful view!”

A. She said that the view was beautiful. B. She exclaimed that the view is beautiful. C. She exclaimed with joy and said that the view was beautiful. D. She exclaimed that the view was beautiful.

Q21. David said, “Can we go tomorrow?”

A. David said if we can go tomorrow. B. David asked if we could go the following day. C. David asked if we could go tomorrow. D. David said whether we could go tomorrow.

Q22. The student said, “Ma’am, please extend the deadline.”

A. The student asked the teacher to extend the deadline. B. The student said if the teacher would extend the deadline. C. The student requested ma’am to extend the deadline. D. The student said that ma’am should extend the deadline.

Q23. He said, “Ah! You are here.”

A. He exclaimed with delight that I was there. B. He said that he was delighted that I was there. C. He exclaimed with joy to see me there. D. He said it was a joy to see me there.

Q24. The maid said, “I gave them the address.”

A. The maid asked whether she should have given the address to them. B. The maid informed me that she had given the address to them. C. The maid said that she would give them the address. D. The maid said to give the address to them.

Q25. The driver said, “Do you want to halt for a while?”

A. The driver said if we wanted a halt for a while. B. The driver asked if we want to halt for a while. C. The driver asks if we wanted to halt for a while. D. The driver asked if we wanted to halt for a while.

Q26. The suspect said, “I am not guilty!”

A. The suspect exclaimed that he was innocent. B. The suspect shouted that he was not guilty. C. The suspect exclaimed that he was not guilty. D. The suspect said that he has been found not guilty.

Q27. “Don’t make noise in the library.” the librarian said.

A. The librarian said not to make noise in the library. B. The librarian ordered me not to make noise in the library. C. The librarian said to be quiet while in the library. D. The librarian asks me to not make any noise.

Q28. Ms. Nita said, “Reschedule the meeting to next Monday.”

A. Ms. Nita asked to reschedule the meeting to the following Monday. B. Ms. Nita asked for the meeting to be rescheduled to the next Monday. C. Ms. Nita said to reschedule the meeting for Monday. D. Ms. Nita asked for the rescheduling of the meeting for the following Monday.

Q29. Philip said, “I was playing football.”

A. Philip said that he was playing football. B. Philip said that he would be playing football. C. Philip said that he had been playing football. D. Philip said that he plays football.

Q30. Jen said, “I like drawing sketches.”

A. Jen said that she liked drawing sketches. B. Jen said that she has liked drawing sketches. C. Jen said that she liked to draw sketches. D. Jen said that she likes drawing sketches.

Q31. Jacob said, “Have you read this book?”

A. Jacob asked me if I have read this book. B. Jacob asked me if I had read that book. C. Jacob asked me if I would read this book. D. Jacob asked me if I had been reading this book.

Q32. She said to him, “It is good to see you!”

A. She exclaimed that it was good to see him. B. She exclaimed that she was happy to see him. C. She exclaimed that it is good to see him. D. She exclaimed that it was good to see me.

Q33. He said, “How much is left to do?”

A. He asked how much had been left to do. B. He asked how much had been left to be done. C. He asked how much was left to be done. D. He asked how much was still left.

Q34. Maria said, “Please lend me a pen.”

A. Maria ordered me to lend a pen. B. Maria begged me to lend her a pen. C. Maria asked if I could lend her pen. D. Maria requested me to lend her a pen.

Q35. The landlord said, “You should leave if you can not pay the rent.”

A. The landlord asks me to leave if I didn’t pay the rent. B. The landlord warned me to leave if I couldn’t pay the rent. C. The landlord asked me to leave if I would not be paying the rent. D. The landlord asked me to leave or pay the rent.

Q36. Daniel said, “Where have you been?”

A. Daniel asked me where I had been. B. Daniel told me where I should have been. C. Daniel told me where I was. D. Daniel said that I had not been there.

Q37. The lawyer said, “The law always believes in the evidence.”

A. The lawyer said that the law always believed in the evidence. B. The lawyer said that the law should always believe in the evidence. C. The lawyer said that the law always believes in the evidence. D. The lawyer said that the law has always believed in the evidence.

Q38. Ranjan said, “You can not park here!”

A. Rajan said that I may not park here. B. Ranjan said to me that I was unable to park there. C. Ranajn exclaimed that I couldn’t park there. D. Ranjan forbade me to park there.

Q39. Julia said, “I can not attend your wedding.”

A. Julia said that she might not attend our wedding. B. Julia said that she could not attend our wedding. C. Julia said that she can not attend our wedding. D. Julia said that she wished she could attend our wedding.

Q40. Harish said, “Will you accompany me there?”

A. Harish asked me if I would accompany him there. B. Harish asked if I could accompany him there. C. Harish enquired whether I will accompany him there. D. Harish said to me that I accompany him there.

Q41. The boss said, “Call him right now.”

A. The boss shouted and said to call him right then. B. The boss ordered me to call him quickly. C. The boss told me to call him now. D. The boss ordered me to call him right then.

Q42. “Wow! This is so beautiful.” Jacob said.

A. Jacob was surprised to see how beautiful it was. B. Jacob said how beautiful it was. C. Jacob exclaimed with amazement that that was so beautiful. D. Jacob exclaimed with amazement that it was so beautiful.

Q43. Omar said, “I had always wanted to be a teacher.”

A. Omar said that he had always wanted to be a teacher. B. Omar said that he had had always wanted to be a teacher. C. Omar said that he have always wanted to be teacher. D. Omar said that he wanted to be a teacher ever since.

Q44. Tina said, “I may postpone the trip to the next year.”

A. Tine said that she may have to postpone the trip to the next year. B. Tina said that she might have to postpone the trip to the next year. C. Tina said that she might postpone the trip to the following year. D. Tina said that she may postpone the trip to the following year.

Q45. Grandpa said, “What’s the time by your watch?”

A. Grandpa asked me what time it was by my watch. B. Grandpa asked me what was the time by my watch. C. Grandpa asked me what the time was by my watch. D. Grandpa asks me what time it was by my watch.

Q46. She said, “You have been late. Everybody’s here already.”

A. She said that I had been late and everybody was there already. B. She said that I was late and that everyone was there already. C. She said I got late so that everybody was there already. D. She said that I am late and everybody got there already.

Q47. He said, “Guard the door.”

A. He pleaded with me to guard the door. B. He asked if I could guard the door. C. He enquired whether I may guard the door. D. He commanded me to guard the door.

Q48. Joseph said, “Alas! These are difficult times.”

A. Joseph said that those were difficult times. B. Joseph said it would have been difficult times. C. Joseph sighed with sorrow that those were difficult times. D. Joseph exclaimed that those were difficult times.

Q49. Meera said, “It’s time. I must go now.”

A. Meera said that it is time and she should leave. B. Meera said that it was time and she had to go then. C. Meera said that it was time to go then. D. Meera said it is time and she may go.

Q50. Tim said, “I may teach you if you will show sincerity.”

A. Tim said that he might teach me if I would show sincerity. B. Tim said that he may teach me at a condition. C. Tim said that he could teach me had I shown sincerity. D. Tim said that he will teach me if I was to show sincerity.

Instructions for question 51 to question 100: Select the most appropriate option to change the sentences from Reported Speech to Direct Speech.

Q51. Peter said that he would definitely come.

A. Peter asked, “Should I come?” B. Peter said, “I will definitely come.” C. Peter said, “I would definitely go.” D. Peter said, “I shall go.”

Q52. He asked me if I was free that afternoon.

A. He said, “Are you free this afternoon?” B. He said, “Will you be free this after?” C. He said, “If I am free this afternoon?” D. He said, “Be free this afternoon.”

Q53. She said that she exercises daily.

A. She said, “I exercise daily.” B. She said, “I would exercise daily.” C. She said, “I exercises daily.” D. She said, “I exercised daily.”

Q54. He said that he would deposit the cheque the following day.

A. He said, “I will deposit the cheque the next day.” B. He said, “I would deposit the cheque soon.” C. He said, “I will deposit the cheque tomorrow.” D. He said, “I would deposit the cheque the following day.”

Q55. John said that Sarah had completed the course.

A. John said, “Sarah was completing the course.” B. John said, “Sarah has completed the course.” C. John said, “Sarah completed the course.” D. John said, “Sarah is completing the course.”

Q56. George exclaimed with joy that he was happy with his result.

A. George said, “I am happy with my result.” B. George said, “Alas! I am happy with the result.” C. George said, “Hurrah! I am happy with my result.” D. George said, “Happy with the result!”

Q57. He said that Chris had been busy.

A. He said, “Chris is busy.” B. He said, “Chris was busy.” C. He said, “Chris had been busy.” D. He said, “Chris have been busy.”

Q58. He told the peon to inform the manager.

A. He said to the peon, “Inform the manager.” B. He said, “The peon must inform the manager.” C. He said to the peon, “Manager should be informed.” D. He said to me, “The peon shall inform the manager.”

Q59. He said that he had been looking for the file.

A. He said, “I am looking for the file.” B. He said, “I was looking for the file.” C. He said, “I have looked for the file.” D. He said, “I have been looking for the file.”

Q60. The shopkeeper said that those clothes were really expensive.

A. The shopkeeper said, “Those clothes are really expensive.” B. The shopkeeper said, “These clothes are really expensive.” C. The shopkeeper said, “The clothes here are really expensive.” D. The shopkeeper said, “These clothes were really expensive.”

Q61. Ravi said that he had taught till eighth grade.

A. Ravi said, “I teach till eight grade.” B. Ravi said, “I would have taught till eight grade.” C. Ravi said, “I have taught till eighth grade.” D. Ravi said, “I had taught till eighth grade.”

Q62. The warden said that she was in charge.

A. The warden said, “I am in charge.” B. The warden said,”I shall be in charge.” C. The warden said, “I have been in charge.” D. The warden said, “I would be in charge.”

Correct Ans. A

Q63. He enquired if I had filled the form.

A. He said, “Had you filled the form?” B. He said, “Would you fill the form?” C. He said, “Have you filled the form?” D. He said, “You should fill the form.”

Q64. He prayed that God might fulfill her wish.

A. He said, “May God fulfill her wish.” B. He said, “May God fulfill your wish.” C. He said, “Might God fulfilled her wish.” D. He said, “Might God fulfills her wish.”

Q65. He said that he would not go with us.

A. He said, “I will not go with you all.” B. He said, “I will not go with them.” C. He said, “I would not go with them.” D. He said, “I will not be going with them.”

Q66. The chairman said that it was his pleasure to be there that evening.

A. The chairman said, “It is my pleasure to be here that evening.” B. The chairman said, “It is my pleasure to be here this evening.” C. The chairman said, “It was my pleasure to be there this evening.” D. The chairman said, “It had been my pleasure to be here this evening.”

Q67. The teacher quoted that slow and steady wins the race.

A. The teacher said, “Slow and steady should win the race.” B. The teacher said, “Slow and steady have won the race.” C. The teacher said, “Slow and steady have been winning the race.” D. The teacher said, “Slow and steady wins the race.”

Q68. She asked whether Jessica would arrive the following week.

A. She said, “Would Jessica be arriving next week?” B. She said, “Would Jessica arrive the next week?” C. She said, “Will Jessica be arriving the next week?” D. She said, “Will Jessica arrive the next week?”

Correct Ans. D

Q69. She said he had had some work to complete.

A. She said, “He has some work to complete.” B. She said, “He had been having some work to complete.” C. She said, “He had some work to complete.” D. She said, “He has been having some work to complete.”

Q70. He said that I had to reach early.

A. He said, “You shall reach early.” B. He said, “You should reach early.” C. He said to me, “Reach early.” D. He said, “You must reach early.”

Q71. Mr. Gupta said that he was busy that weekend.

A. Mr Gupta said, “I am busy that weekend.” B. Mr. Gupta said, “I am busy this weekend.” C. Mr. Gupta said, “I would be busy this weekend.” D. Mr. Gupta said, “I would be busy that weekend.”

Q72. The technician said that he would repair the laptop.

A. The technician said, “I will repair the laptop.” B. The technician said, “I would repair the laptop.” C. The technician said, “I should repair the laptop.” D. The technician said, “I can repair the laptop.”

Q73. Samuel exclaimed with joy that they had won.

A. Samuel said, “Alas! We have won.” B. Samuel said, “We have won.” C. Samuel said, “Hurrah! We have won.” D. Samuel said, “We did win.”

Q74. Natasha pleaded to her mother to let her buy a black dress.

A. Natasha pleaded to her mother, “Let me buy a black dress.” B. Natasha pleaded to her mother, “Let us buy a black dress.” C. Natasha pleaded to her mother, “I need to buy a black dress.” D. Natasha pleaded to her mother, “We should a balck dress.”

Q75. He said he had left two days before .

A. He said, “I left two days before.” B. He said, “I left the day before yesterday.” C. He said, “I leave two days before.” D. He said, “I leave the day before yesterday.”

Q76. Vinay said that the maid had taken a day off.

A. Vinay said, “The maid is on a leave.” B. Vinay said, “The maid had taken a day off.” C. Vinay said, “The maid has taken a day off.” D. Vinay said, “The maid takes a day off today.”

Q77. She informed me that he had met with a road accident.

A. She said to me, “He met with a road accident.” B. She said to me, “Alas! He meets with a road accident.” C. She said to me, “Has he met with a road accident?” D. She said to me, “He did meet with a road accident.”

Q78. The reporter confirmed that that news was fake.

A. The reporter said, “This news has been fake.” B. The reporter said, “This news is fake.” C. The reporter said, “The news was fake.” D. The reporter said, “That news is fake.”

Q79. Henry exclaimed with regret that he had missed his flight.

A. Henry said, “Alas! I miss my flight.” B. Henry said, “I missed my flight.” C. Henry said, “Oh! I missed my flight.” D. Henry said, “I would miss my flight!”

Q80. Gunjan said that he might not come that night.

A. Gunjan said, “He might not come tonight.” B. Gunjan said, “He shall not come tonight.” C. Gunjan said, “He may not come tonight.” D. Gunjan said, “I doubt that he would come tonight.”

Q81. Vikas ordered that I had to complete the presentation soon.

A. Vikas said, “You must complete the presentation soon.” B. Vikas said, “You shall complete the presentation soon.” C. Vikas said, “You complete the presentation!” D. Vikas said, “Will you complete the presentation soon?”

Q82. The doctor asked whether he had shown any recovery.

A. The doctor said, “Is he showing any recovery?” B. The doctor said, “Has he shown any recovery?” B. The doctor said, “He has shown recovery.” D. The doctor said, “Is he recovered?”

Q83. He asked me not to worry.

A. He said, “He should not worry.” B. He said, “Oh! Don’t worry.” C. He said, “You do not worry.” D. He said, “You should not worry.”

Q84. He asked where his belongings were.

A. He said, “Where were my belongings?” B. He said, “Where my belongings had been?” C. He said, “Where are my belongings?” D. He said, “Where would my belongings be?”

Q85. Keshav said that he had been watching a movie.

A. Keshav said, “I have watched this movie.” B. Keshav said. “I would be watching a movie.” C. Keshav said, “I should watch a movie.” D. Keshav said, “I have been watching a movie.”

Q86. Lisa said that she would be travelling the following day.

A. Lisa said. “I would travel tomorrow.” B. Lisa said, “I will be travelling tomorrow.” C. Lisa said, “I shall be travelling the next day.” D. Lisa said, “I may travel tomorrow.”

Q87. He advised me to book an appointment beforehand .

A. He said, “You should book an appointment beforehand.” B. He said, “You can book an appointment before.” C. He said, “You must book an appointment beforehand.” D. He said, “You may book an appointment before.”

Q88. Rishabh exclaimed with grief that his friend had died.

A. Rishabh said, “Alas! He dies.” B. Rishabh said, “Alas! My friend died.” C. Rishabh said, “Oh! My friend died.” D. Rishabh said, “Oh! Ah! My friend died.”

Q89. He requested the audience to maintain silence.

A. He said to the audience, “Please maintain silence!” B. He said, “The audience must maintain silence.” C. He said, “Will the audience maintain silence?” D. He said to the audience, “Please maintain silence.”

Q90. The coach asked us if we had any doubts.

A. The coach said, “Has anyone have doubts?” B. The coach said to us, “Any doubts?” C. The coach said to us, “Do you have any doubts?” D. The coach said, “Would you have doubts?”

Q91. He said that the grandmother would be visiting.

A. He said, “The grandmother will visit.” B. He said, “The grandmother shall visit.” C. He said, “The grandmother must be visiting.” D. He said, “The grandmother may be visiting.”

Q92. Mr. Steven said that that explanation was easier.

A. Mr. Steven said, “That explanation is easier!” B. Mr. Steven said, “This explanation was easier.” C. Mr. Steven said, “This explanation could be easier.” D. Mr. Steven said, “This explanation is easier.”

Q93. He said to his wife that they should buy a new car .

A. He said to his wife, “We shall buy a new car.” B. He said, “Wife, let us buy a new car.” C. He said to his wife, “We can buy a new car.” D. He tells his wife, “We may buy a new car.”

Q94. The King ordered that they should celebrate their victory .

A. The King said, “One should celebrate their victory.” B. The King said, “We should celebrate our victory.” C. The King said, “I order everyone to celebrate.” D. The King said, “We may celebrate.”

Q95. The head said to the staff that they had thought of a solution.

A. The head said, “We have a solution.” B. The head said to the staff, “We have thought of a solution!” C. The head said to the staff, “We have thought of a solution.” D. The head said, “We have been thinking of a solution.”

Q96. He asked who had been responsible for that.

A. He said, “Who was responsible for this?” B. He said, “Who has been responsible for this?” C. He said, “Who is responsible for this?” D. He said, “Who shall be responsible for this.”

Q97. She exclaimed with joy that that was her birthday party.

A. She said, “It is my birthday party.” B. She said, “On! It is my birthday party.” C. She said, “I have been waiting for my birthday party.” D. She said, “Yay! It is my birthday party.”

Q98. Anthony said that I should definitely visit there.

A. Anthony said, “You shall definitely visit here.” B. Anthony said, “You should definitely visit there.” C. Anthony said, “You may visit there once.” D. Anthony said, “Everyone should definitely visit there.”

Q99. He asked me whether you were ready or he should wait.

A. He said to me, “Is she ready or shall I wait?” B. He said, “Are you ready or should I wait?” C. He said to me, “Are you ready or shall I wait?” D. He said, “Are you ready or not?”

Q100. Kiara said that she had been planning for that for a while.

A. Kiara said, “I had a plan for this for a while.” B. Kiara said, “I have planned for this for a while.” C. Kiara said, “I have been planning for this for a while.” D. Kiara said, “I planned this for a while.”

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B1 English Grammar Test – Reported Speech multiple-choice questions

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Choose the correct answer.

1    Steve said: “I work every day.”

a) Steve said that he was working every day.

b) Steve said that he had worked every day.

c) Steve said that he worked every day.

d) Steve said that he would work every day.

2    Rachel: “I’m playing the piano now.”

a) She said that she was playing the piano now.

b) She said that she was playing the piano then.

c) She said that she played the piano then.

d) She said that she had played the piano now.

3    Dexter said: “I’ve bought a new car recently.”

a) He said that he had bought a new car recently.

b) He said that he bought a new car recently.

c) He said that he has bought a new car recently.

d) He said that he would have bought a new car recently.

4    Charlie said: “I’ll go to the cinema tomorrow.”

a) He said that he would go to the cinema tomorrow.

b) He said that he will go to the cinema the next day.

c) He said that he would go to the cinema next day.

d) He said that he went to the cinema the next day.

5    Bob said: “Don’t disturb me, please.”

a) Bob said to me don’t disturb him.

b) Bob asked me didn’t disturb him.

c) Bob asked me not to disturb him.

d) Bob said to me I disturbed him.

6    My little brother said: “I will never go to the circus again!”

a) My little brother said that he would have never gone to the circus again.

b) My little brother said that he would never go to the circus again.

c) My little brother said that he had never gone to the circus again.

d) My little brother said that he was never going to the circus again.

7    Paul asked me: “Will you visit Tom with me tomorrow?”

a) Paul asked me would I visit Tom with him tomorrow.

b) Paul asked me if I would visit Tom with him tomorrow.

c) Paul asked me if I would visit Tom with him the next day.

d) Paul asked me would I visit Tom with him the next day.

8    Marry: “I don’t like onion!”

a) She said that she hadn’t liked onion.

b) She said that she would like onion.

c) She said that she didn’t like onion.

d) She said that she wasn’t liking onion.

9    Tracy: “I’m driving to work now.”

a) Tracy said that she drove to work now.

b) Tracy said that she had been driving to work then.

c) Tracy said that she was driving to work now.

d) Tracy said that she was driving to work then.

10    Mother: “I’ve cooked pasta.”

a) Mother said that she has cooked pasta.

b) Mother said that she had cooked pasta.

c) Mother said that she cooked pasta.

d) Mother said that she had been cooking pasta.

11    Kate: “I’ll do it tomorrow.”

a) Kate said that she would do it tomorrow.

b) Kate said that she did the next day.

c) Kate said that she would do it the next day.

d) Kate said that she had done it tomorrow.

12    Paul: “When does the train arrive?”

a) Paul asked when the train arrived.

b) Paul asked when did the train arrive.

c) Paul asked when had the train arrived.

d) Paul asked when the train did arrive.

13    Bob: “Don’t go there alone.”

a) Bob asked me didn’t go there alone.

b) Bob asked me not to go there alone.

c) Bob asked me do not to go there alone.

d) Bob asked me hadn’t gone there alone.

14    Alice: “John is always polite.”

a) Alice said that John was being always polite.

b) Alice said that John would be always polite.

c) Alice said that John had always been polite.

d) Alice said that John was always polite.

15    Simon: “I’m taking a shower now.”

a) Simon said that he was taking a shower now.

b) Simon said that he was taking a shower then.

c) Simon said that he had been taking a shower then.

d) Simon said that he had been taking a shower now.

16    Mia: “Oh no, I’ve left my tickets at home.”

a) Mia said that she left her tickets at home.

b) Mia said that she had been leaving her tickets at home.

c) Mia said that she has left her tickets at home.

d) Mia said that she had left her tickets at home.

17    Tiffany: “I’ll go to the gym tomorrow.”

a) Tiffany said that she had gone to the gym the next day.

b) Tiffany said that she went to the gym tomorrow.

c) Tiffany said that she would go to the gym tomorrow.

d) Tiffany said that she would go to the gym the next day.

18    Sister: “Don’t put this T-shirt on.”

a) She asked me did not put this T-shirt on.

b) She asked me did not put that T-shirt on.

c) She asked me not to put that T-shirt on.

d) She asked me to put not this T-shirt on.

19    Mary: “I usually leave home at 9 o’clock.”

a) She said that she usually left home at 9 o’clock.

b) She said that she would usually leave home at 9 o’clock.

c) She said that she was usually leaving home at 9 o’clock.

d) She said that she had usually left home at 9 o’clock.

20    Tom: “Will you go there with me?”

a) Tom asked me I would go there with him.

b) Tom asked me if I would go there with him.

c) Tom asked me if would I go there with him.

d) Tom asked me if I went there with him.

21    Stephanie: “I’m doing my homework now.”

a) She said that she was doing her homework now.

b) She said that she had been doing her homework then.

c) She said that she was doing her homework then.

d) She said that she had been doing her homework now.

22    Carla: “I’ve forgotten my e-mail password.”

a) Carla said that she has forgotten her e-mail password.

b) Carla said that she forgot her e-mail password.

c) Carla said that she had forgotten her e-mail password.

d) Carla said that she had been forgetting her e-mail password.

23    Dexter: “I’ll read this book next month.”

a) Dexter said that he would read that book the month after.

b) Dexter said that he would read that book next month.

c) Dexter said that he read that book the month after.

d) Dexter said that he had read that book next month.

24    Teacher: “Don’t be so lazy.”

a) Teacher asked us did not to be so lazy.

b) Teacher asked us not to be so lazy.

c) Teacher asked us did not be so lazy.

d) Teacher asked us to be not so lazy.

25    Jane: “Mike plays the violin.”

a) Jane said that Mike played the violin.

b) Jane said that Mike had played the violin.

c) Jane said that Mike was playing the violin.

d) Jane said that Mike would play the violin.

26    The coach: “Don’t be too late.”

a) The coach asked me had not to be too late.

b) The coach asked me did not to be too late.

c) The coach asked me not to be too late.

d) The coach asked me would not to be too late.

27    Kate: “I’ll be there at 8 p.m.”

a) She said that she had been there at 8 p.m.

b) She said that she has been there at 8 p.m.

c) She said that she was there at 8 p.m.

d) She said that she would be there at 8 p.m.

28    Teresa: “He has done everything wrong again.”

a) Teresa said that he did everything wrong again.

b) Teresa said that he had been doing everything wrong again.

c) Teresa said that he has done everything wrong again.

d) Teresa said that he had done everything wrong again.

29    Jill: “I’m writing a letter now.”

a) Jill said that she had been writing a letter then.

b) Jill said that she was writing a letter now.

c) Jill said that she was writing a letter then.

d) Jill said that she had been writing a letter now.

30    Melanie: “Where have you bought these shoes?”

a) She asked me where I had bought those shoes.

b) She asked me where had I had bought those shoes.

c) She asked me where did I buy those shoes.

d) She asked me where I bought those shoes.

1 c   2 b   3 a   4 c   5 c   6 b   7 c   8 c   9 d   10 b

11 c   12 a   13 b   14 d   15 b   16 d   17 d   18 c   19 a   20 b

21 c   22 c   23 a   24 b   25 a   26 c   27 d   28 d   29 c   30 a

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Home » English Grammar Tests » Indirect Speech MCQ Test With Answers + PDF Exercise 1

Indirect Speech MCQ Test With Answers + PDF Exercise 1

Indirect speech test 1.

The teacher promised ___ .

Bill: “Have you seen any interesting comedy lately, Nancy?” Bill asked Nancy ___ .

Nick: “Did you see a bird in the tree?” Nick wonders ___ in the tree.

Dick to Lucy: Have you received my telegram? Dick asked if ___.

Ann: Write down my address. Ann asked me ___ .

He said, “I’m very busy today.” He said ___ .

Lena said, “Where have you been yesterday?” Lena asked ___ .

He thought: “What am I going to do?” He thought ___ .

Mother asked me ___ .

“Don’t play in the street!”

Ann: “Is your sister good at English?” Ann asked me ___ .

Tom: “Don’t forget to bring my book, Ann”. Tom asked Ann: ___ .

Mother: “We are going to have supper”. Mother says ___ .

Jack said: “I was at home yesterday.” Jack said ___ .

“Do you go in for sports?”, he asked. He asked ___ .

“Will Tom help me?” she said. She asked ___ .

Peter said, “Alice, are you busy now?” Peter asked Alice ___ .

My sister said: “I hope we shall go on an excursion to the lake”. My sister said that ___ on an excursion to the lake”.

Jim and Julia have been in the restaurant for an hour and they have not been served yet. Julia is angry. “You said ___ a good place’’

“Did you work at a factory 3 years ago?” she asked her friend. She asked her friend if she ___ .


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“What are you doing tomorrow?”

She asked me what were you doing the next day.

She asked me what I were doing the next day.

She asked me what I was doing the next day.

She asked me what I was doing the next day?

"Where do you walk the dog?"

She asked where I walk the dog.

She asked where I walked the dog.

She asked where you walk the dog.

The boy said to me, "What is your name?"

The boy asked what your name was.

The boy asked what my name was.

The boy asked what my name were.

The boy asked what was my name.

Zoe said to Gary, "When can we go to the beach?"

Zoe asked Gary when can we go to the beach.

Zoe asked Gary when could we go to the beach.

Zoe asked Gary when they could go to the beach.

Zoe asked Gary when could they go to the beach.

Where are you from? She asked me ________

where I am from

where I was from

where I were from

Where do you work? He asked me ________I _________

where, worked

where, work

Fill in the blanks with the correct word. When do you look at the stars? The reported speech is: We asked her _______she _______ at the stars.

Change the word in the brackets. I asked her where

her family ____ (live) before they came here, and she said Brazil.

Change the word in the brackets into the correct form. I asked her what her hobby ____ (be). She said ‘swimming’.

Joe: Dad, when can we go to France for our holidays? Joe asked his dad _______ they ________go to France for their holidays.

when, could


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