
What Are Problem-Solving Skills? Definition and Examples

Zoe Kaplan

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Why do employers hire employees? To help them solve problems. Whether you’re a financial analyst deciding where to invest your firm’s money, or a marketer trying to figure out which channel to direct your efforts, companies hire people to help them find solutions. Problem-solving is an essential and marketable soft skill in the workplace. 

So, how can you improve your problem-solving and show employers you have this valuable skill? In this guide, we’ll cover:

Problem-Solving Skills Definition

Why are problem-solving skills important, problem-solving skills examples, how to include problem-solving skills in a job application, how to improve problem-solving skills, problem-solving: the bottom line.

Problem-solving skills are the ability to identify problems, brainstorm and analyze answers, and implement the best solutions. An employee with good problem-solving skills is both a self-starter and a collaborative teammate; they are proactive in understanding the root of a problem and work with others to consider a wide range of solutions before deciding how to move forward. 

Examples of using problem-solving skills in the workplace include:

  • Researching patterns to understand why revenue decreased last quarter
  • Experimenting with a new marketing channel to increase website sign-ups
  • Brainstorming content types to share with potential customers
  • Testing calls to action to see which ones drive the most product sales
  • Implementing a new workflow to automate a team process and increase productivity

Problem-solving skills are the most sought-after soft skill of 2022. In fact, 86% of employers look for problem-solving skills on student resumes, according to the National Association of Colleges and Employers Job Outlook 2022 survey . 

It’s unsurprising why employers are looking for this skill: companies will always need people to help them find solutions to their problems. Someone proactive and successful at problem-solving is valuable to any team.

“Employers are looking for employees who can make decisions independently, especially with the prevalence of remote/hybrid work and the need to communicate asynchronously,” Eric Mochnacz, senior HR consultant at Red Clover, says. “Employers want to see individuals who can make well-informed decisions that mitigate risk, and they can do so without suffering from analysis paralysis.”

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Problem-solving includes three main parts: identifying the problem, analyzing possible solutions, and deciding on the best course of action.

>>MORE: Discover the right career for you based on your skills with a career aptitude test .

Research is the first step of problem-solving because it helps you understand the context of a problem. Researching a problem enables you to learn why the problem is happening. For example, is revenue down because of a new sales tactic? Or because of seasonality? Is there a problem with who the sales team is reaching out to? 

Research broadens your scope to all possible reasons why the problem could be happening. Then once you figure it out, it helps you narrow your scope to start solving it. 

Analysis is the next step of problem-solving. Now that you’ve identified the problem, analytical skills help you look at what potential solutions there might be.

“The goal of analysis isn’t to solve a problem, actually — it’s to better understand it because that’s where the real solution will be found,” Gretchen Skalka, owner of Career Insights Consulting, says. “Looking at a problem through the lens of impartiality is the only way to get a true understanding of it from all angles.”


Once you’ve figured out where the problem is coming from and what solutions are, it’s time to decide on the best way to go forth. Decision-making skills help you determine what resources are available, what a feasible action plan entails, and what solution is likely to lead to success.

On a Resume

Employers looking for problem-solving skills might include the word “problem-solving” or other synonyms like “ critical thinking ” or “analytical skills” in the job description.

“I would add ‘buzzwords’ you can find from the job descriptions or LinkedIn endorsements section to filter into your resume to comply with the ATS,” Matthew Warzel, CPRW resume writer, advises. Warzel recommends including these skills on your resume but warns to “leave the soft skills as adjectives in the summary section. That is the only place soft skills should be mentioned.”

On the other hand, you can list hard skills separately in a skills section on your resume .

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In a Cover Letter or an Interview

Explaining your problem-solving skills in an interview can seem daunting. You’re required to expand on your process — how you identified a problem, analyzed potential solutions, and made a choice. As long as you can explain your approach, it’s okay if that solution didn’t come from a professional work experience.

“Young professionals shortchange themselves by thinking only paid-for solutions matter to employers,” Skalka says. “People at the genesis of their careers don’t have a wealth of professional experience to pull from, but they do have relevant experience to share.”

Aaron Case, career counselor and CPRW at Resume Genius, agrees and encourages early professionals to share this skill. “If you don’t have any relevant work experience yet, you can still highlight your problem-solving skills in your cover letter,” he says. “Just showcase examples of problems you solved while completing your degree, working at internships, or volunteering. You can even pull examples from completely unrelated part-time jobs, as long as you make it clear how your problem-solving ability transfers to your new line of work.”

Learn How to Identify Problems

Problem-solving doesn’t just require finding solutions to problems that are already there. It’s also about being proactive when something isn’t working as you hoped it would. Practice questioning and getting curious about processes and activities in your everyday life. What could you improve? What would you do if you had more resources for this process? If you had fewer? Challenge yourself to challenge the world around you.

Think Digitally

“Employers in the modern workplace value digital problem-solving skills, like being able to find a technology solution to a traditional issue,” Case says. “For example, when I first started working as a marketing writer, my department didn’t have the budget to hire a professional voice actor for marketing video voiceovers. But I found a perfect solution to the problem with an AI voiceover service that cost a fraction of the price of an actor.”

Being comfortable with new technology — even ones you haven’t used before — is a valuable skill in an increasingly hybrid and remote world. Don’t be afraid to research new and innovative technologies to help automate processes or find a more efficient technological solution.


Problem-solving isn’t done in a silo, and it shouldn’t be. Use your collaboration skills to gather multiple perspectives, help eliminate bias, and listen to alternative solutions. Ask others where they think the problem is coming from and what solutions would help them with your workflow. From there, try to compromise on a solution that can benefit everyone.

If we’ve learned anything from the past few years, it’s that the world of work is constantly changing — which means it’s crucial to know how to adapt . Be comfortable narrowing down a solution, then changing your direction when a colleague provides a new piece of information. Challenge yourself to get out of your comfort zone, whether with your personal routine or trying a new system at work.

Put Yourself in the Middle of Tough Moments

Just like adapting requires you to challenge your routine and tradition, good problem-solving requires you to put yourself in challenging situations — especially ones where you don’t have relevant experience or expertise to find a solution. Because you won’t know how to tackle the problem, you’ll learn new problem-solving skills and how to navigate new challenges. Ask your manager or a peer if you can help them work on a complicated problem, and be proactive about asking them questions along the way.

Career Aptitude Test

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Step 1 of 3

Companies always need people to help them find solutions — especially proactive employees who have practical analytical skills and can collaborate to decide the best way to move forward. Whether or not you have experience solving problems in a professional workplace, illustrate your problem-solving skills by describing your research, analysis, and decision-making process — and make it clear that you’re the solution to the employer’s current problems. 

Image Credit: Christina Morillo / Pexels 

Zoe Kaplan

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What Are Problem-Solving Skills? (Examples Included)

Mike Simpson 0 Comments

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By Mike Simpson

Problem-solving skills are important not just for work. In the words of Karl Popper , “All life is problem-solving.”

What on earth does that mean? Simply that being alive means facing challenges. With problem-solving skills, you can navigate issues with greater ease, making hard times, well, less hard.

But what are problem-solving skills? How do you know if you have them or not? Why do they matter to your job search? And what should you do if you don’t feel yours are up to snuff? Luckily, we’re about to get into all of that.

If you’re curious about the world of problem-solving skills, here’s what you need to know.

What Are Problem-Solving Skills?

Before we dig into any examples, let’s focus first on an important question: what are problem-solving skills.

To answer that question, let’s start with the barebones basics. According to Merriam-Webster , problem-solving is “the process or act of finding a solution to a problem.” Why does that matter? Well, because it gives you insight into what problem-solving skills are.

Any skill that helps you find solutions to problems can qualify. And that means problem-solving skills aren’t just one capability, but a toolbox filled with soft skills and hard skills that come together during your time of need.

The ability to solve problems is relevant to any part of your life. Whether your writing a grocery list or dealing with a car that won’t start, you’re actually problem-solving.

The same is true at work, too. Most tasks actually involve a degree of problem-solving. Really? Really.

Think about it this way; when you’re given an assignment, you’re being asked, “Can you do this thing?” Doing that thing is the problem.

Then, you have to find a path that lets you accomplish what you need to do. That is problem-solving.

Yes, sometimes what you need to handle isn’t “challenging” in the difficulty sense. But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t count.

Besides, some of what you need to do will legitimately be hard. Maybe you’re given a new responsibility, or something goes wrong during a project. When that happens, you’ll have to navigate unfamiliar territory, gather new information, and think outside of the box. That’s problem-solving, too.

That’s why hiring managers favor candidates with problem-solving skills. They make you more effective in your role, increasing the odds that you can find solutions whenever the need arises.

How Are Problem-Solving Skills Relevant to a Job Search?

Alright, you probably have a good idea of what problem-solving skills are. Now, it’s time to talk about why they matter to your job search.

We’ve already touched on one major point: hiring managers prefer candidates with strong problem-solving skills. That alone makes these capabilities a relevant part of the equation. If you don’t show the hiring manager you’ve got what it takes to excel, you may struggle to land a position.

But that isn’t the only reason these skills matter. Problem-solving skills can help you during the entire job search process. After all, what’s a job search but a problem – or a series of problems – that needs an answer.

You need a new job; that’s the core problem you’re solving. But every step is its own unique challenge. Finding an opening that matches your skills, creating a resume that resonates with the hiring manager, nailing the interview, and negotiating a salary … those are all smaller problems that are part of the bigger one.

So, problem-solving skills really are at the core of the job search experience. By having strong capabilities in this area, you may find a new position faster than you’d expect.

Okay, you may be thinking, “If hiring managers prefer candidates with problem-solving skills, which ones are they after? Are certain problem-solving capabilities more important today? Is there something I should be going out of my way to showcase?”

While any related skills are worth highlighting, some may get you further than others. Analysis, research, creativity, collaboration , organization, and decision-making are all biggies. With those skills, you can work through the entire problem-solving process, making them worthwhile additions to your resume.

But that doesn’t mean you have to focus there solely. Don’t shy away from showcasing everything you bring to the table. That way, if a particular hiring manager is looking for a certain capability, you’re more likely to tap on what they’re after.

How to Highlight Problem-Solving Skills for Job Search

At this point, it’s ridiculously clear that problem-solving skills are valuable in the eyes of hiring managers. So, how do you show them that you’ve got all of the capabilities they are after? By using the right approach.

When you’re writing your resume or cover letter , your best bet is to highlight achievements that let you put your problem-solving skills to work. That way, you can “show” the hiring manager you have what it takes.

Showing is always better than telling. Anyone can write down, “I have awesome problem-solving skills.” The thing is, that doesn’t really prove that you do. With a great example, you offer up some context, and that makes a difference.

How do you decide on which skills to highlight on your resume or cover letter? By having a great strategy. With the Tailoring Method , it’s all about relevancy. The technique helps you identify skills that matter to that particular hiring manager, allowing you to speak directly to their needs.

Plus, you can use the Tailoring Method when you answer job interview questions . With that approach, you’re making sure those responses are on-point, too.

But when do you talk about your problem-solving capabilities during an interview? Well, there’s a good chance you’ll get asked problem-solving interview questions during your meeting. Take a look at those to see the kinds of questions that are perfect for mentioning these skills.

However, you don’t have to stop there. If you’re asked about your greatest achievement or your strengths, those could be opportunities, too. Nearly any open-ended question could be the right time to discuss those skills, so keep that in mind as you practice for your interview.

How to Develop Problem-Solving Skills If You Don’t Have Them

Developing problem-solving skills may seem a bit tricky on the surface, especially if you think you don’t have them. The thing is, it doesn’t actually have to be hard. You simply need to use the right strategy.

First, understand that you probably do have problem-solving skills; you simply may not have realized it. After all, life is full of challenges that you have to tackle, so there’s a good chance you’ve developed some abilities along the way.

Now, let’s reframe the question and focus on how to improve your problem-solving skills. Here’s how to go about it.

Understand the Problem-Solving Process

In many cases, problem-solving is all about the process. You:

  • Identify the problem
  • Analyze the key elements
  • Look for potential solutions
  • Examine the options for viability and risk
  • Decide on an approach
  • Review the outcome for lessons

By understanding the core process, you can apply it more effectively. That way, when you encounter an issue, you’ll know how to approach it, increasing the odds you’ll handle the situation effectively.

Try Puzzles and Games

Any activity that lets you take the steps listed above could help you hone your problem-solving skills. For example, brainteasers, puzzles, and logic-based games can be great places to start.

Whether it’s something as straightforward – but nonetheless challenging – as Sudoku or a Rubik’s Cube, or something as complex as Settlers of Catan, it puts your problem-solving skills to work. Plus, if you enjoy the activity, it makes skill-building fun, making it a win-win.

Look for Daily Opportunities

If you’re looking for a practical approach, you’re in luck. You can also look at the various challenges you face during the day and think about how to overcome them.

For example, if you always experience a mid-day energy slump that hurts your productivity, take a deep dive into that problem. Define what’s happening, think about why it occurs, consider various solutions, pick one to try, and analyze the results.

By using the problem-solving approach more often in your life, you’ll develop those skills further and make using these capabilities a habit. Plus, you may find ways to improve your day-to-day living, which is a nice bonus.

Volunteer for “Stretch” Projects

If you’re currently employed, volunteering for projects that push you slightly outside of your comfort zone can help you develop problem-solving skills, too. You’ll encounter the unknown and have to think outside of the box, both of which can boost critical problem-solving-related skills.

Plus, you may gain other capabilities along the way, like experience with new technologies or tools. That makes the project an even bigger career booster, which is pretty awesome.

List of Problem-Solving Skills

Alright, we’ve taken a pretty deep dive into what problem-solving skills are. Now, it’s time for some problem-solving skills examples.

As we mentioned above, there are a ton of capabilities and traits that can support better problem-solving. By understanding what they are, you can showcase the right abilities during your job search.

So, without further ado, here is a quick list of problem-solving skill examples:

  • Collaboration
  • Organization
  • Decision-Making
  • Troubleshooting
  • Self-Reliance
  • Self-Motivation
  • Communication
  • Attention to Detail
  • Brainstorming
  • Forecasting
  • Active Listening
  • Accountability
  • Open-Mindedness
  • Critical Thinking
  • Flexibility

Do you have to showcase all of those skills during your job search individually? No, not necessarily. Instead, you want to highlight a range of capabilities based on what the hiring manager is after. If you’re using the Tailoring Method, you’ll know which ones need to make their way into your resume, cover letter, and interview answers.

Now, are there other skills that support problem-solving? Yes, there certainly can be.

Essentially any skill that helps you go from the problem to the solution can, in its own right, be a problem-solving skill.

All of the skills above can be part of the equation. But, if you have another capability that helps you flourish when you encounter an obstacle, it can count, too.

Reflect on your past experience and consider how you’ve navigated challenges in the past. If a particular skill helped you do that, then it’s worth highlighting during a job search.

If you would like to find out more about skills to put on a resume , we’ve taken a close look at the topic before. Along with problem-solving skills, we dig into a variety of other areas, helping you choose what to highlight so that you can increase your odds of landing your perfect job.

Putting It All Together

Ultimately, problem-solving skills are essential for professionals in any kind of field. By honing your capabilities and showcasing them during your job search, you can become a stronger candidate and employee. In the end, that’s all good stuff, making it easier for you to keep your career on track today, tomorrow, and well into the future.

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Co-Founder and CEO of Mike is a job interview and career expert and the head writer at

His advice and insights have been shared and featured by publications such as Forbes , Entrepreneur , CNBC and more as well as educational institutions such as the University of Michigan , Penn State , Northeastern and others.

Learn more about The Interview Guys on our About Us page .

About The Author

Mike simpson.

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Co-Founder and CEO of Mike is a job interview and career expert and the head writer at His advice and insights have been shared and featured by publications such as Forbes , Entrepreneur , CNBC and more as well as educational institutions such as the University of Michigan , Penn State , Northeastern and others. Learn more about The Interview Guys on our About Us page .

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How to Improve Your Problem-Solving Skills (and Show Them Off in Your Job Hunt)

group of colleagues sitting around a table at the office having a discussion

Problem-solving skills are critical for any career path—no matter where you work or what job you have, you’ll face problems big and small all the time. If you want to succeed in your career, being able to effectively navigate (and solve!) those problems is a must. And if you’re on the job hunt, showcasing your problem-solving skills can help you land your dream gig.

But what, exactly, are problem-solving skills? What can you do to improve them? And if you’re looking for a new position, how can you show off your problem-solving skills during your job search to help you land an awesome job?

Consider this your guide to all things problem-solving. Let’s get started.

What Are Problem-Solving Skills and Why Are They Important?

“Problem-solving skills are skills that allow you to identify and define a situation that needs changing,” says Doug Noll , an attorney and adjunct faculty member at the Straus Institute of Dispute Resolution at Pepperdine University’s Caruso School of Law, where he teaches graduate-level classes in decision-making and problem-solving. Once you identify what needs changing, problem-solving skills also enable you to “identify the best outcomes, define potential processes for achieving the best outcomes, and evaluate how the process achieved (or failed to achieve) the desired outcome,” he says. “Every job imaginable involves problem-solving.”

Being able to effectively solve problems can help you succeed and impress, regardless of what kind of job you have or career you plan to pursue. “A person who sorts out problems and makes decisions—or at least brings potential solutions to the table—is seen as someone who can get things done,” says organizational consultant Irial O’Farrell , author of the upcoming book The Manager’s Dilemma: How to Empower Your Team’s Problem Solving . “This makes managers’ lives easier—and managers notice people who make their lives easier, who get things done, and who don’t have to be told [what to do] the whole time. In turn, opportunities are put their way, enhancing their career.”

And the further you progress in your career, the more important those skills become, Noll says. “As you rise in an organization, the problems become more complex, ambiguous, uncertain, and risky. Only people able to solve these types of problems are promoted.” So as you hone your problem-solving skills, you become more valuable to any organization—and will be able to climb the ladder more easily as a result.

The 6 Steps of Problem-Solving—and the Skills You Need for Each One

Problem-solving is a process. And, like any process, there are certain steps you need to take in order to get to the finish line:

Step #1: Identify and Assess the Problem

You can’t solve a problem if you don’t know what the problem is. So “the first step is to recognize that an issue—or potential issue—exists,” O’Farrell says. In order to do that, you’ll need “a certain amount of knowledge or awareness of what should be happening as compared to what is actually happening.”

Once you recognize there’s a problem, you’ll need to evaluate its potential impact. “Is this going to affect three people or 203 people? Is this going to cost us $10 or $100,000? How material is this issue?” O’Farrell says. “Being able to evaluate the size, impact, and costs [of a problem] is a key skill here.”

When you understand the scope of the problem, you’ll have a better idea of what you’re dealing with—and will be able to come up with appropriate, relevant solutions as a result.

Skills needed during this step of the problem-solving process include:

  • Attention to detail
  • Data collection
  • Forecasting

Step #2: Get to the Source of the Problem

Once you know what the problem is (and what its potential impact might be), it’s time to figure out where the problem is coming from or why it’s happening—as identifying the source of the problem will give you key insights into how to fix it.

“Often we notice a problem because of its symptoms, rather than its root cause. As a result, it is common to focus on resolving the symptoms, rather than what is causing the symptoms,” O’Farrell says. But “by understanding the root causes, a better, longer-term solution can be identified.”

There are a variety of techniques to help you dig deeper and understand what’s causing the problem at hand. For example, a 5 Whys analysis could help you uncover the root cause of a problem by having you ask “Why?” five times in a row, with each “Why?” building off the previous answer. Or you might try the fishbone diagram —also known as a cause-and-effect analysis—which encourages looking at the different categories that could be causing a problem and brainstorming potential root causes within each of those categories.

During this stage of the problem-solving process, curiosity is key; you’ll need it to explore all the different factors that could be contributing to the problem.

  • Analysis (including root-cause analysis)
  • Brainstorming
  • Critical thinking

Step #3: Brainstorm Potential Solutions

Once you’ve identified the problem (and the root of the problem), “the next step is to brainstorm potential options that will resolve it,” O’Farrell says.

How much brainstorming you’ll need to do will depend on the problem you’re dealing with. “If it’s a fairly small, straightforward issue, then identifying a few options might be sufficient,” O’Farrell says. Especially for a bigger issue, “Taking some time to think beyond the obvious might lead to a better and longer-term solution.”

The size and scope of the problem will also determine who needs to be involved in this step. In some cases, you may be able to brainstorm solutions yourself. But if you’re dealing with a larger, more complex issue, getting more people involved (and choosing the right people, i.e. those best equipped to handle the problem) is important. You’ll need to be able to judge what kind of problem it is and who to bring in to help and lead a productive brainstorming session.

One of the most important skills you’ll draw on at this stage is creativity. The more creative you are during your brainstorm, the more (and better) potential solutions you’ll be able to come up with—and the more likely one of those solutions will be the solution you’re looking for.

Skills you might need during this step of the problem-solving process include:

  • Communication
  • Meeting facilitation

Step #4: Evaluate Solutions

Once you have a list of potential solutions from your brainstorming session, the next step is to examine each one carefully and narrow down your list so only the best solutions remain.

In order to succeed during this stage of the problem-solving process, you’ll need to be able to dig into each potential solution and evaluate how viable it is. You may make a pros and cons list for each potential solution, talk through the benefits and drawbacks with your team, and then narrow down your options to the solutions that have the most potential upsides.

All the work you put into the problem-solving process up to this point will also come in handy as you’re evaluating which of your potential solutions might ultimately be the most effective. “Having a strong understanding of what the issue is, why it’s an issue, and what is causing it helps in being able to determine if each of the solutions will sort the issue out,” O’Farrell says.

  • Fact-checking
  • Prioritization

Step #5: Choose the Best Solution

Once you’ve narrowed down your list of potential solutions—and weighed the pros and cons of each—it’s time for you (or your supervisor or another decision-maker) to choose one.

“Depending on the type and impact of the issue and your role and authority, you may be the one making the decision or you may be presenting the issue and potential solutions to your boss,” O’Farrell says.

Knowing who should make the call is a key part of this step; if the problem is complex or will have a major impact on your organization that goes beyond your level of responsibility, it’s probably best to bring potential solutions to your boss and/or other stakeholders—and give them the final say.

  • Decision-making
  • Public speaking

Step #6: Implement the Decision and Reflect on the Outcome

Choosing a solution in and of itself doesn’t fix anything. You need to actually implement that solution—and do it well. That means developing a plan and coordinating with other key players in your organization to put that plan into action—which requires a host of skills (such as communication, collaboration, and project management).

Before you can hang up your problem-solving hat, you’ll also need to “go back and evaluate if the solution sorted out the issue” or if it caused any unintended consequences, O’Farrell says.

For example, let’s say your organization has a problem with taking too long to address customer service requests—and you rolled out a new ticket management system in order to deal with the issue. Once you implement that new system, you’ll want to follow up to make sure it’s allowing your customer service reps to deal with requests faster and hasn’t caused any new, different, or unexpected issues (for example, tickets getting lost in the queue or customers being less satisfied with the quality of support they received).

  • Adaptability
  • Collaboration
  • Data analysis
  • Goal setting
  • Organization
  • Project management
  • Project planning
  • Time management

How to Improve Your Problem-Solving Skills

Clearly, solving problems is a complex process—and it’s a process you need to nail if you want to grow in your career. But how can you improve your problem-solving skills so they can help you thrive in your career?

  • Put on your student hat. One of the best ways to improve here is to study how to effectively solve problems. “Read case studies of complex problems,” Noll says. (For example, if you want to land a marketing job, you might search for case studies on how other companies were able to increase their qualified leads or drive more traffic to their website.) Noll also suggests reading books about different problem-solving techniques—or, if you really want to level up your skills, investing in a general course in critical thinking and problem-solving. “A good course should teach you how to think,” he says—and critical thinking plays a huge role in problem-solving.
  • Try different brainstorming techniques. If you want to be a better problem solver, try pushing yourself to think outside of the box. “Learning some brainstorming techniques and expanding your thinking beyond the obvious solutions is also a way to make your problem-solving skills stand out,” O’Farrell says. Brainstorming techniques like brainwriting (a nonverbal brainstorming technique for teams) or rapid ideation (which pushes you to come up with as many ideas as possible in a short time frame) can help spark creative thinking—and help you become a more creative problem solver in the process.
  • Ask expert problem-solvers how they solve problems. People in your professional (or personal!) life who excel at solving problems can be a great resource for leveling up your own problem-solving skills. “Talk to senior mentors about how they approached complex problems,” Noll says. “Get them to talk about their failures and mistakes,” he says, not just their successes. Seeing how other people solve problems and what they’ve learned from their experiences can help you approach problems in a different way and can make you a more versatile problem solver.
  • Practice, practice, practice. Like with anything else, if you want to improve your problem-solving skills, you need to practice solving problems. “Most people jump to the easy, intuitive answer rather than [carefully thinking] through the problem,” O’Farrell says. So next time you’re confronted with a problem, rather than jump to a hasty solution, take your time to go through the entire problem-solving process. And if you don’t have any real problems to deal with? Attempting to solve hypothetical problems can be just as helpful.

How to Show Off Your Problem-Solving Skills During the Job Search

Recruiters and hiring managers are looking for people with problem-solving skills who can help them, their team, and their company achieve their goals even in the face of obstacles and setbacks. So if you want to stand out, nail the interview, and score the job, you’ll need to showcase your problem-solving skills throughout your job search.

Here are a few ways to show off your problem-solving skills:

On a Resume

You can show potential employers that you’re a problem solver right on your resume. As you write your bullets for each past job and other experiences, “Incorporate one main challenge that you had to overcome, and give a brief synopsis of how you approached it, what the solution was and, most importantly, what the positive outcome was,” O’Farrell says.

For example, let’s say you’re a marketing manager and you had to figure out a way to launch a new product with a minimal budget. Under your current role, you might include a bullet point that says:

  • Launched new sunscreen line across digital and traditional channels with <$10,000 budget by exploring up-and-coming distribution channels and negotiating wide-scale distribution agreements, bringing in $60,000 in new product sales within 90 days of launch

O’Farrell also recommends using action verbs (like “ analyze,” “evaluate,” or “identify”) to call out your problem-solving skills on a resume.

In a Cover Letter

In your cover letter, you’ll have more room and flexibility to showcase your problem-solving skills—and you should definitely take advantage of the opportunity.

Noll suggests using your cover letter to tell a quick story (think two to three sentences) about when and how you’ve solved a relevant problem. In your story, you want to include:

  • What the problem was
  • How you approached it/came to a solution
  • What the outcomes of your problem-solving were
  • What lessons you learned

Another strategy is to highlight how you would use your problem-solving skills within the context of the role you’re applying for. “I’d recommend reviewing the job description and identifying what types of problems you might have to deal with in the role,” O’Farrell says. Then you can speak directly to how you might approach them.

For example, let’s say you’re applying for an executive assistant position that requires extensive scheduling and calendar management for an exec who is often traveling for business. In that situation, you might explain how you’d solve the problem of scheduling while the exec is out of office (for example, by developing an appointment approval system that allows the exec to approve all appointment requests remotely, with a plan for how to notify the exec of appointment requests that need immediate attention).

During Interviews

The interview process offers the best opportunity for your problem-solving skills to shine, so you’ll want to come prepared.

“In preparation for the interview, select two to three situations where you used your problem-solving skills,” O’Farrell says. That way, when the interviewer asks you for examples of problems you’ve faced in your career—and how you solved them—you’ll have relevant stories ready. If you’re not sure how to tell your story effectively, the STAR method (which breaks down your story into four parts: S ituation, T ask, A ction, and R esult) can be helpful.

As a potential candidate, it’s also important to ask how you’ll need to use your skills on the job, Noll says. So you might ask the interviewers to share some of the issues or problems they’re hoping to solve by filling this position.

And if they turn around and ask you how you’d solve those problems? Don’t panic! If you have a story of a similar problem you’ve solved in the past, this is a great opportunity to share it. Otherwise, just talk through how you would approach it. Remember, the interviewers don’t expect you to come up with detailed solutions for problems their company is facing on the spot; they just want to get a sense of how you would begin to think about those problems if you were hired.

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What Are Problem-Solving Skills? (Definition, Examples, And How To List On A Resume)

  • What Are Skills Employers Look For?
  • What Are Inductive Reasoning?
  • What Are Problem Solving Skills?
  • What Are Active Listening Skills?
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  • What Are Detail Oriented Skills?
  • What Are Domain Knowledge?
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  • What Are Rhetorical Skills?
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  • The Most Important Professional Skills

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Summary. Problem-solving skills include analysis, creativity, prioritization, organization, and troubleshooting. To solve a problem, you need to use a variety of skills based on the needs of the situation. Most jobs essentially boil down to identifying and solving problems consistently and effectively. That’s why employers value problem-solving skills in job candidates for just about every role. We’ll cover problem-solving methods, ways to improve your problem-solving skills, and examples of showcasing your problem-solving skills during your job search . Key Takeaways: If you can show off your problem-solving skills on your resume , in your cover letter , and during a job interview, you’ll be one step closer to landing a job. Companies rely on employees who can handle unexpected challenges, identify persistent issues, and offer workable solutions in a positive way. It is important to improve problem solving skill because this is a skill that can be cultivated and nurtured so you can become better at dealing with problems over time. In This Article    Skip to section What Are Problem Solving Skills? Types of Problem-Solving Skills How to Improve Your Problem-Solving Skills Example Answers to Problem-Solving Interview Questions How to Show Off Problem-Solving Skills on a Resume Example Resume and Cover Letter With Problem-Solving Skills More About Problem-Solving Skills Problem Solving Skills FAQs References Sign Up For More Advice and Jobs Show More What Are Problem Solving Skills?

Problem-solving skills are skills that help you identify and solve problems effectively and efficiently . Your ability to solve problems is one of the main ways that hiring managers and recruiters assess candidates, as those with excellent problem-solving skills are more likely to autonomously carry out their responsibilities.

A true problem solver can look at a situation, find the cause of the problem (or causes, because there are often many issues at play), and then come up with a reasonable solution that effectively fixes the problem or at least remedies most of it.

The ability to solve problems is considered a soft skill , meaning that it’s more of a personality trait than a skill you’ve learned at school, on the job, or through technical training.

That being said, your proficiency with various hard skills will have a direct bearing on your ability to solve problems. For example, it doesn’t matter if you’re a great problem-solver; if you have no experience with astrophysics, you probably won’t be hired as a space station technician .

Types of Problem-Solving Skills

Problem-solving is considered a skill on its own, but it’s supported by many other skills that can help you be a better problem solver. These skills fall into a few different categories of problem-solving skills.

Problem recognition and analysis. The first step is to recognize that there is a problem and discover what it is or what the root cause of it is.

You can’t begin to solve a problem unless you’re aware of it. Sometimes you’ll see the problem yourself and other times you’ll be told about the problem. Both methods of discovery are very important, but they can require some different skills. The following can be an important part of the process:

Active listening

Data analysis

Historical analysis


Create possible solutions. You know what the problem is, and you might even know the why of it, but then what? Your next step is the come up with some solutions.

Most of the time, the first solution you come up with won’t be the right one. Don’t fall victim to knee-jerk reactions; try some of the following methods to give you solution options.




Topic knowledge/understanding

Process flow

Evaluation of solution options. Now that you have a lot of solution options, it’s time to weed through them and start casting some aside. There might be some ridiculous ones, bad ones, and ones you know could never be implemented. Throw them away and focus on the potentially winning ideas.

This step is probably the one where a true, natural problem solver will shine. They intuitively can put together mental scenarios and try out solutions to see their plusses and minuses. If you’re still working on your skill set — try listing the pros and cons on a sheet of paper.


Evaluating and weighing

Solution implementation. This is your “take action” step. Once you’ve decided which way to go, it’s time to head down that path and see if you were right. This step takes a lot of people and management skills to make it work for you.







Project management

Evaluation of the solution. Was it a good solution? Did your plan work or did it fail miserably? Sometimes the evaluation step takes a lot of work and review to accurately determine effectiveness. The following skills might be essential for a thorough evaluation.

Customer service

Feedback responses


How to Improve Your Problem-Solving Skills

You now have a ton of skills in front of you. Some of them you have naturally and some — not so much. If you want to solve a problem, and you want to be known for doing that well and consistently, then it’s time to sharpen those skills.

Develop industry knowledge. Whether it’s broad-based industry knowledge, on-the-job training , or very specific knowledge about a small sector — knowing all that you can and feeling very confident in your knowledge goes a long way to learning how to solve problems.

Be a part of a solution. Step up and become involved in the problem-solving process. Don’t lead — but follow. Watch an expert solve the problem and, if you pay attention, you’ll learn how to solve a problem, too. Pay attention to the steps and the skills that a person uses.

Practice solving problems. Do some role-playing with a mentor , a professor , co-workers, other students — just start throwing problems out there and coming up with solutions and then detail how those solutions may play out.

Go a step further, find some real-world problems and create your solutions, then find out what they did to solve the problem in actuality.

Identify your weaknesses. If you could easily point out a few of your weaknesses in the list of skills above, then those are the areas you need to focus on improving. How you do it is incredibly varied, so find a method that works for you.

Solve some problems — for real. If the opportunity arises, step in and use your problem-solving skills. You’ll never really know how good (or bad) you are at it until you fail.

That’s right, failing will teach you so much more than succeeding will. You’ll learn how to go back and readdress the problem, find out where you went wrong, learn more from listening even better. Failure will be your best teacher ; it might not make you feel good, but it’ll make you a better problem-solver in the long run.

Example Answers to Problem-Solving Interview Questions

Once you’ve impressed a hiring manager with top-notch problem-solving skills on your resume and cover letter , you’ll need to continue selling yourself as a problem-solver in the job interview.

There are three main ways that employers can assess your problem-solving skills during an interview:

By asking questions that relate to your past experiences solving problems

Posing hypothetical problems for you to solve

By administering problem-solving tests and exercises

The third method varies wildly depending on what job you’re applying for, so we won’t attempt to cover all the possible problem-solving tests and exercises that may be a part of your application process.

Luckily, interview questions focused on problem-solving are pretty well-known, and most can be answered using the STAR method . STAR stands for situation, task, action, result, and it’s a great way to organize your answers to behavioral interview questions .

Let’s take a look at how to answer some common interview questions built to assess your problem-solving capabilities:

At my current job as an operations analyst at XYZ Inc., my boss set a quarterly goal to cut contractor spending by 25% while maintaining the same level of production and moving more processes in-house. It turned out that achieving this goal required hiring an additional 6 full-time employees, which got stalled due to the pandemic. I suggested that we widen our net and hire remote employees after our initial applicant pool had no solid candidates. I ran the analysis on overhead costs and found that if even 4 of the 6 employees were remote, we’d save 16% annually compared to the contractors’ rates. In the end, all 6 employees we hired were fully remote, and we cut costs by 26% while production rose by a modest amount.
I try to step back and gather research as my first step. For instance, I had a client who needed a graphic designer to work with Crello, which I had never seen before, let alone used. After getting the project details straight, I began meticulously studying the program the YouTube tutorials, and the quick course Crello provides. I also reached out to coworkers who had worked on projects for this same client in the past. Once I felt comfortable with the software, I started work immediately. It was a slower process because I had to be more methodical in my approach, but by putting in some extra hours, I turned in the project ahead of schedule. The client was thrilled with my work and was shocked to hear me joke afterward that it was my first time using Crello.
As a digital marketer , website traffic and conversion rates are my ultimate metrics. However, I also track less visible metrics that can illuminate the story behind the results. For instance, using Google Analytics, I found that 78% of our referral traffic was coming from one affiliate, but that these referrals were only accounting for 5% of our conversions. Another affiliate, who only accounted for about 10% of our referral traffic, was responsible for upwards of 30% of our conversions. I investigated further and found that the second, more effective affiliate was essentially qualifying our leads for us before sending them our way, which made it easier for us to close. I figured out exactly how they were sending us better customers, and reached out to the first, more prolific but less effective affiliate with my understanding of the results. They were able to change their pages that were referring us traffic, and our conversions from that source tripled in just a month. It showed me the importance of digging below the “big picture” metrics to see the mechanics of how revenue was really being generated through digital marketing.

How to Show Off Problem-Solving Skills on a Resume

You can bring up your problem-solving skills in your resume summary statement , in your work experience , and under your education section , if you’re a recent graduate. The key is to include items on your resume that speak direclty to your ability to solve problems and generate results.

If you can, quantify your problem-solving accomplishments on your your resume . Hiring managers and recruiters are always more impressed with results that include numbers because they provide much-needed context.

This sample resume for a Customer Service Representative will give you an idea of how you can work problem solving into your resume.

Example Resume and Cover Letter With Problem-Solving Skills

Michelle Beattle 111 Millennial Parkway Chicago, IL 60007 (555) 987-6543 [email protected] Professional Summary Qualified Customer Services Representative with 3 years in a high-pressure customer service environment. Professional, personable, and a true problem solver. Work History ABC Store — Customer Service Representative 01/2015 — 12/2017 Managed in-person and phone relations with customers coming in to pick up purchases, return purchased products, helped find and order items not on store shelves, and explained details and care of merchandise. Became a key player in the customer service department and was promoted to team lead. XYZ Store — Customer Service Representative/Night Manager 01/2018 — 03/2020, released due to Covid-19 layoffs Worked as the night manager of the customer service department and filled in daytime hours when needed. Streamlined a process of moving customers to the right department through an app to ease the burden on the phone lines and reduce customer wait time by 50%. Was working on additional wait time problems when the Covid-19 pandemic caused our stores to close permanently. Education Chicago Tech 2014-2016 Earned an Associate’s Degree in Principles of Customer Care Skills Strong customer service skills Excellent customer complaint resolution Stock record management Order fulfillment New product information Cash register skills and proficiency Leader in problem solving initiatives

You can see how the resume gives you a chance to point out your problem-solving skills and to show where you used them a few times. Your cover letter is your chance to introduce yourself and list a few things that make you stand out from the crowd.

Michelle Beattle 111 Millennial Parkway Chicago, IL 60007 (555) 987-6543 [email protected] Dear Mary McDonald, I am writing in response to your ad on Zippia for a Customer Service Representative . Thank you for taking the time to consider me for this position. Many people believe that a job in customer service is simply listening to people complain all day. I see the job as much more than that. It’s an opportunity to help people solve problems, make their experience with your company more enjoyable, and turn them into life-long advocates of your brand. Through my years of experience and my educational background at Chicago Tech, where I earned an Associate’s Degree in the Principles of Customer Care, I have learned that the customers are the lifeline of the business and without good customer service representatives, a business will falter. I see it as my mission to make each and every customer I come in contact with a fan. I have more than five years of experience in the Customer Services industry and had advanced my role at my last job to Night Manager. I am eager to again prove myself as a hard worker, a dedicated people person, and a problem solver that can be relied upon. I have built a professional reputation as an employee that respects all other employees and customers, as a manager who gets the job done and finds solutions when necessary, and a worker who dives in to learn all she can about the business. Most of my customers have been very satisfied with my resolution ideas and have returned to do business with us again. I believe my expertise would make me a great match for LMNO Store. I have enclosed my resume for your review, and I would appreciate having the opportunity to meet with you to further discuss my qualifications. Thank you again for your time and consideration. Sincerely, Michelle Beattle

More About Problem-Solving Skills

You’ve no doubt noticed that many of the skills listed in the problem-solving process are repeated. This is because having these abilities or talents is so important to the entire course of getting a problem solved.

In fact, they’re worthy of a little more attention. Many of them are similar, so we’ll pull them together and discuss how they’re important and how they work together.

Communication, active listening, and customer service skills. No matter where you are in the process of problem-solving, you need to be able to show that you’re listening and engaged and really hearing what the problem is or what a solution may be.

Obviously, the other part of this is being able to communicate effectively so people understand what you’re saying without confusion. Rolled into this are customer service skills , which really are all about listening and responding appropriately — it’s the ultimate in interpersonal communications.

Analysis (data and historical), research, and topic knowledge/understanding. This is how you intellectually grasp the issue and approach it. This can come from studying the topic and the process or it can come from knowledge you’ve gained after years in the business. But the best solutions come from people who thoroughly understand the problem.

Creativity, brainstorming, troubleshooting, and flexibility. All of you creative thinkers will like this area because it’s when your brain is at its best.

Coming up with ideas, collaborating with others, leaping over hurdles, and then being able to change courses immediately, if need be, are all essential. If you’re not creative by nature, then having a team of diverse thinkers can help you in this area.

Dependability, believability, trustworthiness, and follow-through. Think about it, these are all traits a person needs to have to make change happen and to make you comfortable taking that next step with them. Someone who is shifty and shady and never follows through, well, you’re simply not going to do what they ask, are you?

Leadership, teambuilding, decision-making, and project management. These are the skills that someone who is in charge is brimming with. These are the leaders you enjoy working for because you know they’re doing what they can to keep everything in working order. These skills can be learned but they’re often innate.

Prioritizing, prediction, forecasting, evaluating and weighing, and process flow. If you love flow charts, data analysis, prediction modeling, and all of that part of the equation, then you might have some great problem-solving abilities.

These are all great skills because they can help you weed out bad ideas, see flaws, and save massive amounts of time in trial and error.

Problem Solving Skills FAQs

What is a good example of problem-solving skills?

Good examples of porblem-solving skills include research, analysis, creativity, communciation, and decision-making. Each of these skills build off one another to contribute to the problem solving process. Research and analysis allow you to identify a problem.

Creativity and analysis help you consider different solutions. Meanwhile, communication and decision-making are key to working with others to solve a problem on a large scale.

What are 3 key attributes of a good problem solver?

3 key attributes of a good problem solver are persistence, intellegince, and empathy. Persistence is crucial to remain motivated to work through challenges. Inellegince is needed to make smart, informed choices. Empathy is crucial to maintain positive relationships with others as well as yourself.

What can I say instead of problem-solving skills?

Instead of saying problem-solving skills, you can say the following:

Critical thinker



Using different words is helpful, especially when writing your resume and cover letter.

What is problem-solving in the workplace?

Problem-solving in the workplace is the ability to work through any sort of challenge, conflict, or unexpected situation and still achieve business goals. Though it varies by profession, roblem-solving in the workplace is very important for almost any job, because probelms are inevitable. You need to have the appropriate level of problem-solving skills if you want to succeed in your career, whatever it may be.

Department of Labor – Problem Solving and Critical Thinking

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Kristin Kizer is an award-winning writer, television and documentary producer, and content specialist who has worked on a wide variety of written, broadcast, and electronic publications. A former writer/producer for The Discovery Channel, she is now a freelance writer and delighted to be sharing her talents and time with the wonderful Zippia audience.

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What Are Problem-Solving Skills and Why Do They Matter?

Problem-solving skills are the ability to identify challenges, analyze them, and develop effective solutions. These skills are crucial not only in professional environments but also in everyday life situations. Whether it’s overcoming obstacles at work, resolving conflicts in relationships, or tackling complex issues, honing problem-solving skills can lead to more efficient and successful outcomes.

Understanding the Essence of Problem-Solving Skills

At the core of problem-solving skills lies a set of cognitive processes that enable individuals to navigate through challenges. These processes include critical thinking, creativity, decision-making, and analytical reasoning. Problem-solving also involves various approaches, such as trial and error, deductive reasoning, and lateral thinking.

The Significance of Problem-Solving Skills

In both personal and professional contexts, individuals with strong problem-solving abilities tend to excel. They can adapt to changing circumstances, make informed decisions, and resolve conflicts effectively. Employers value employees who can identify problems, propose solutions, and implement them efficiently, contributing to organizational success.

Vati is your ultimate career planning and assessment platform , designed to empower individuals in navigating their professional journey with confidence. for developing essential problem-solving skills. Through interactive modules, real-world scenarios, and expert guidance, Vati empowers users to enhance their critical thinking, decision-making, and analytical abilities. Whether in personal or professional settings, Vati equips individuals with the tools needed to tackle challenges with confidence and efficiency.

Vati offers insights, examples, and techniques to empower individuals in navigating life’s challenges effectively and efficiently.

How to Enhance Your Problem-Solving Skills


Improving problem-solving skills is a continuous process that involves several steps:

  • Identify the Problem: Clearly define the issue or challenge you are facing.
  • Gather Relevant Information: Collect data and facts necessary to understand the problem fully.
  • Generate Potential Solutions: Brainstorm various approaches or strategies to address the problem.
  • Evaluate and Select the Best Solution: Assess the pros and cons of each solution and choose the most suitable one.
  • Implement the Solution: Put your chosen solution into action, considering practical constraints and resources.
  • Reflect on the Outcome: Analyze the results of your actions and identify lessons learned for future reference.

Practical Strategies for Improving Problem-Solving Skills

To enhance your problem-solving abilities, consider the following strategies:

  • Practice Critical Thinking : Engage in activities that require logical reasoning and analysis.
  • Engage in Brainstorming Sessions: Collaborate with others to generate creative solutions to complex problems.
  • Seek Feedback and Learn from Mistakes: Embrace constructive criticism and use failures as opportunities for growth.
  • Embrace Challenges and Setbacks: View obstacles as learning opportunities and remain resilient in the face of adversity.

Examples of Problem-Solving Skills in Action

In the workplace, problem-solving skills are demonstrated through:

  • Resolving conflicts among team members.
  • Developing innovative solutions to increase efficiency.
  • Handling customer complaints and finding satisfactory resolutions.

In everyday life, problem-solving skills are showcased when:

  • Planning and organizing tasks to meet deadlines.
  • Negotiating compromises in interpersonal relationships.
  • Finding alternative routes to reach a destination during unexpected road closures.

What are the 7 Problem-Solving Techniques?

  • Define the Problem: Clearly articulate the issue or challenge you are facing.
  • Brainstorm Solutions: Generate as many potential solutions as possible without judgment.
  • Evaluate Options: Assess the feasibility and effectiveness of each solution.
  • Choose the Best Solution: Select the most suitable option based on the evaluation.
  • Implement the Solution: Put the chosen solution into action.
  • Monitor Progress: Track the implementation process and make adjustments as needed.
  • Reflect and Learn from the Process: Analyze the outcomes and identify areas for improvement.

In conclusion, problem-solving skills are indispensable assets that empower individuals to navigate through life’s challenges with confidence and efficiency. By honing these skills through practice, reflection, and continuous learning , individuals can unlock their full potential and achieve success in various aspects of their lives.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. How can problem-solving skills benefit me in my career?

Problem-solving skills are highly valued by employers as they enable individuals to tackle complex challenges, make informed decisions, and contribute to organizational success.

2. Can problem-solving skills be learned, or are they innate?

While some people may have a natural inclination towards problem-solving, these skills can be developed and refined through practice, experience, and learning from mistakes.

3. What role does creativity play in problem-solving?

Creativity is essential in problem-solving as it allows individuals to think outside the box, generate innovative solutions, and approach challenges from different perspectives.

4. How can I assess my problem-solving skills?

You can assess your problem-solving skills by reflecting on past experiences, seeking feedback from others, and actively engaging in problem-solving activities.

5. Are there specific industries where problem-solving skills are particularly crucial?

Problem-solving skills are valuable in virtually every industry, including business, healthcare, education, technology, and government, as they enable individuals to address diverse challenges and seize opportunities for growth and innovation.

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How to List Problem-Solving Skills on a Resume [List Included]

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Problem-solving skills are more in-demand than ever. 

Employers love candidates with problem-solving skills because, in 99% of cases, they guarantee you're also logical, creative, clear-headed, and a great decision-maker. 

But claiming you have organizational skills on your resume is not enough. 

To impress recruiters, you've got to prove that you possess them. 

This includes understanding which problem-solving skills you possess and adding them to your resume (the right way), among other things.

This is where this article comes in! We put together everything you need to know about problem-solving skills, including: 

  • 8 Essential Problem-Solving Skills for Your Resume

How to Add Problem-Solving Skills to Your Resume

  • Why Are Problem-Solving Skills Important
  • 6 Problem-Solving Steps

Let's dive right in! 

8 Problem-Solving Skills for Your Resume

Research shows that problem-solving skills consist of several facets : 

  • Identifying and analyzing a problem
  • Taking effective actions
  • Understanding the effect of the decisions
  • Coming up with creative and novel solutions
  • Transferring knowledge from one situation to another
  • Thinking abstractly about problems

As such, there is no single problem-solving skill. Problem-solving includes a set of skills, all of which are equally important in helping your personal and professional life. 

Below, we’ll cover the eight most important problem-solving skills that you can also list on your resume to impress recruiters: 

#1. Research skills

To properly identify and understand a problem, you need excellent research skills. 

Research skills involve being able to gather information from the right sources, reviewing that information in detail to extract the data you need, analyzing the data according to the context, and being able to apply the data to your situation. 

#2. Analytical skills

Analytical skills are required throughout the entire process of solving a problem. 

In a nutshell, analytical skills refer to being able to analyze a situation in depth and from different perspectives . Specifically, you need analytical skills to achieve all of the following while solving a problem:

  • Detect patterns
  • Interpret data
  • Analyze new information
  • Reach conclusions based on several factors

#3. Creativity

Being creative means being able to think outside of the box and look at situations and problems inventively. 

For most people, creativity is mainly associated with creative industries such as arts and crafts, architecture, design, etc. 

In reality, however, creativity is an essential success factor for every job and the data is here to support that. According to this Adobe study , problem-solving (51%) and creativity (47%) have gained the most value in driving salary increases in the last five years. 

When it comes to the process of solving a problem, creativity can help you consider more perspectives, think abstractly about problems, and come up with novel solutions that others haven’t thought of before.

#4. Critical thinking skills

Being able to think critically means that you’re good at rationalizing, understanding the connections between ideas or situations, and logically analyzing any given situation. 

As such, strong critical thinking skills can help you see beyond what’s at face value, make more informed decisions, and anticipate the outcomes of said decisions. 

People who have critical thinking skills share traits such as open-mindedness , cognitive flexibility , skepticism , clarity , and precision . 

#5. Decision-making skills

Before coming up with a single action plan to solve a problem, you’ll need to first brainstorm several possible solutions. 

After that, you need good decision-making skills to choose the best possible solution. Without decision-making skills, you risk prolonging finding a proper solution or aggravating a problem even more. 

#6. Communication skills

With strong communication skills , you’re able to successfully explain the problem to others and propose your solutions. In turn, you can be sure that everyone’s on the same page and that you’re carrying out the action plan accordingly. 

Some communication skills required for problem-solving include: 

  • Active listening
  • Written and verbal communication
  • Giving and receiving feedback

#7. Collaboration

Problem-solving is rarely a process you carry out alone. More often than not, you need to consult relevant stakeholders, give and receive feedback, and work with a team towards a common goal (i.e. solving the problem).

Well, collaboration entails exactly that - working well with others, cooperatively addressing problems, and putting a group’s goal ahead of personal goals. 

Some important collaboration skills that help with problem-solving include: 

  • Conflict resolution
  • Emotional intelligence 

#8. Attention to Detail 

Have you ever heard of the expression “the devil’s in the details?”

It means that something may seem simple on the surface, but in fact, the details make it complicated and are likely to cause problems.

Well, if you’re someone who shows great attention to detail, you’re not likely to let details keep you from solving a problem effectively. 

Not to mention, being able to spot and understand even the smallest details that make up a problem means you’ll be able to grasp the issue in its entire complexity and come up with even more inventive and workable solutions. 

Now that we covered the most important problem-solving skills, we’ll show you how to add them to your resume so that you can stand out from other candidates. 

Let us walk you through the process, step-by-step: 

#1. Mention Your Problem-Solving Skills on Your Resume Summary

The resume summary is a three or four-sentence paragraph positioned at the top of your resume that includes: 

  • Your profession and years of experience 
  • Your top skills (i.e. hard skills or soft skills)
  • One or two noteworthy achievements 


The goal of the resume summary is to catch the hiring manager’s attention, show them you’re a relevant candidate and get them to go through the rest of your resume in detail. 

As such, it’s your first chance to highlight your problem-solving skills effectively. You can either do that by mentioning them among your top skills or by mentioning an achievement that proves you possess a given skill.

In the best-case scenario, you can even do both. 

Here is an example of how you can include problem-solving skills in your resume summary: 

  • Behavioral psychologist with 7+ years of experience in the field. Great research, analytical, and communication skills. Over the last eight years, I’ve worked closely with more than 100 patients with different behavioral disorders, helping them improve their personal and professional lives through different treatment methods. 

#2. Add the RIGHT Problem-Solving Skills Under Your Soft Skills

Secondly, you should list your problem-solving skills under your resume’s soft skills section . 

The listing part is pretty easy - simply create a section titled Skills and write down your problem-solving skills.

There is, however, one caveat: 

You don’t want to overkill your skills section by listing every problem-solving skill we covered in this article.

Not only will the hiring manager have trouble believing you possess each and every skill, but there’s also a high chance you don’t even need all those skills to begin with. 

To make your skills section as relevant as possile, do the following: 

  • Check the job description. The job description can show you exactly what skills you need for the job. If you’re applying for, say, a software engineering position, you’ll probably be required to have the following problem-solving skills: analytical skills, creativity, attention to detail, and cognitive flexibility. 
  • Identify the skills you possess. Think about which skills you can back up with actual experience from your previous jobs. Only list problem-solving skills that you actually possess and that you can prove you possess on your resume. 
  • Add those skills under your soft skills. Then, add the problem-solving skills that you have and that are required in the job under your resume’s “Soft Skills” section. 

#3. Prove Your Problem-Solving Skills In Your Work Experience Section

Finally, you should use the work experience section to prove that you’ve got the problem-solving skills you’ve mentioned throughout your resume. 

Anyone can just claim that they’ve got problem-solving skills on their resume - not everyone can back them up with experience.

Here’s what you can do to convey that you possess problem-solving skills and also make your work experience section as impactful as possible: 

  • Tailor your work experience to the job. Only add past jobs that are relevant to the position you are applying for now. If you’re applying for, say, a software engineering position, the hiring manager will be interested in your previous jobs in the field, but probably not too interested in the time you worked as a server at a restaurant. 
  • Focus on your achievements instead of your responsibilities. More often than not, hiring managers know exactly what your responsibilities consisted of in previous jobs. What they want to know is how you made a positive impact with your achievements. 
  • Make your achievements quantifiable. Speaking of achievements, you want to make them as quantifiable as possible. After all “treated ten patients in the course of a year using positive reinforcement” sounds much better than “treated ten patients.”
  • Use the Laszlo Bock formula . If you’re having trouble phrasing your achievements, the following formula will probably be of help: “Accomplished X as measured by Y doing X.” 
  • Leverage action verbs and keywords. There are hundreds of words and verbs you can use instead of “did,” “accomplished,” etc. The more descriptive you are of your achievements, the more impressive they can sound.

And here’s an example of a project manager describing their problem-solving skills in their work experience section:

  • Fixed company communication issues by implementing a new project management solution. 
  • Improved team productivity by implementing time-tracking software and doing daily stand-up calls.
  • Managed to meet all client deliverable deadlines in 2022.

Why Are Problem-Solving Skills Important?

Are you wondering what exactly is it that makes problem-solving skills so important? 

After all, there are hundreds of soft skills out there that you can master, improve, or learn how to add to your resume. So it’s normal to wonder “why should I focus on problem-solving?” 

Here is why problem-solving skills matter:

  • They can improve your employability. Problem-solving skills are among the most important skills to employers across a range of occupations. In short, employers are always looking for proactive thinkers who can address professional challenges.
  • They can help you grow in your career more easily. You’ll be more likely to get promoted if you can come up with creative solutions to the different problems that you’ll face throughout your career.
  • They can become an essential part of your personal brand . Your current employer, coworkers, and future employers alike will see you as someone creative, reliable, and helpful.
  • They are related to a range of other valuable skills. When you prove you’re a problem solver, you’re effectively saying you’re attentive to detail, logical, creative, analytical, curious, and other things employers are looking for in their employees.

10 Jobs That Require Problem-Solving Skills

As we’ve already mentioned, problem-solving skills come in handy for practically every job. 

Whether you’re a teacher who needs to solve a dispute between peers in your class or a customer representative who needs to help a client, knowing how to go about solving issues is definitely an asset. 

That said, some jobs are all about solving problems. In such cases, problem-solving skills are not just a nice addition to have on your resume - they’re crucial to getting hired. 

Here are the top 10 jobs requiring problem-solving skills in 2024: 

  • Software engineer
  • Air-traffic controller
  • Police officer
  • Social worker
  • Psychologist
  • UX designer

35 Action Verbs You Can Use to Highlight Your Problem-Solving Skills

The language you use to describe your problem-solving skills matters.  

Sure, you can use “ solved” to describe how you dealt with a problem throughout your entire resume and risk coming off as repetitive and unimaginative. 

Or , you can use any of the following action verbs and keywords and make your problem-solving skills pop out in the eyes of recruiters: 

  • Calculate  
  • Critically think 
  • Draw conclusions
  • Experiment 
  • Listen/Listen actively 

The Problem-Solving Process in 6 Steps

Problem-solving is a methodical process. It consists of certain steps that you always need to take if you want to find a good solution. 

The more you understand and practice this process, the better you can get at solving problems. 

Below, we cover the six main steps of problem-solving in detail:

#1. Identify the problem 

The first step to solving a problem is identifying exactly what’s causing it. 

After all, if you’re not focusing on the real underlying issue, you might come up with solutions that don’t fit the problem itself. 

Say, for example, that you’re a teacher that’s facing poor class performance. Identifying whether the problem comes from the students’ not studying enough or from your own teaching methods can make a big difference in the solutions you come up with. 

It typically happens that the faster you find the root cause of the problem, the easier it is to find a proper solution. 

#2. Understand the problem

Once you identify the problem, you’ve got to understand it completely. Here are some questions you can ask to make sure you properly understand a problem: 

  • What is the scale of the problem? 
  • What are its short and long-term effects? 
  • Have you faced something like this before?
  • Can the problem be solved by dividing it into smaller parts?

The better you understand the problem in its complexity, the more likely you are to come up with effective solutions. 

#3. Research the systems that make up the problem 

In many cases, solving a problem will be a complex undertaking. See, complex problems are often the result of several different underlying systems that you need to understand to find a dynamic solution. 

Let’s take the teacher example from above. 

If a certain student is not doing too well and keeps getting poor grades, you might be tempted to go the easy route and simply chastise them and tell them to study more.

This, in a lot of cases, might simply not work because you’re not addressing the root cause of the problem.

The student might, for example, be burned out , unmotivated by the curriculum, or simply struggling with specific topics.

A problem-solving solution that’s more likely to work would be to talk to the student (or their parents), try to understand the reason for their poor grades, and address the root cause behind the problem itself.

#4. Visualize the problem 

This may not apply to all situations, but it can definitely come in handy for most. 

Drawing a diagram to visualize the situation or your solution to the problem can help you grasp its complexity better - especially if the problem is multi-faceted. Anything from PowerPoint to a piece of white paper can be a good tool to visualize your problem, highlight the problem area, and tackle it more effectively.

#5. Brainstorm solutions 

After you’ve done all the above, it’s time to start thinking about solutions. 

This is another step of the problem-solving process that’s based on collaboration and effective communication. In the brainstorming phase, you should sit with team members or relevant stakeholders and come up with as many creative ideas and solutions as possible. 

This is not where you come up with your most refined, well-thought-out ideas. Instead, it’s where you discuss freely and combine diverse knowledge and analysis of the problem to come up with diverse solutions. 

Brainstorming is an essential part of problem-solving that can help you break out of boring or predictable ideas and thinking patterns. 

#6. Choose the best answer(s)

This is where decision-making skills come in. With a list of different potential solutions, you can narrow down your options to finally choose the best one. 

To reach a solution more easily, take the following into consideration:

  • Your company’s/organization’s objectives
  • The budget and the timeframe at your disposal
  • The success outcomes
  • Potential risks linked to the solution 

Finally, discuss your solutions with relevant stakeholders and team members to gather all the possible feedback that can help you make the best possible decision. 

And remember - once you’ve chosen the best possible solution to a problem, your work is far from over. Being a problem solver also includes the following: 

  • Develop and implement an action plan
  • Monitor the progress of your plan 
  • Make necessary adjustments during the process
  • Evaluate the outcomes of your solution 

Problem-Solving Skills Resume Example


Want a resume that makes your problem-solving skills pop like the above example? 

Use one of our tried-and-tested resume templates . 

They’re free, modern, and created in collaboration with some of the best HR professionals from around the globe!

Key Takeaways 

And that's a wrap on problem-solving skills. By now, you should know everything there is to know on the topic. 

Before you go, here are the main points we covered in this article: 

  • Problem-solving skills are a set of soft skills that help you solve problems effectively. They involve critical thinking, analytical skills, creativity, communication skills, and attention to detail. 
  • Problem-solving skills can improve your employability, work performance, and personal brand. 
  • Add your problem-solving skills to your resume summary, under the soft skills section, and in your work history section. 
  • When you’re creating your work history section, make sure to tailor it to the job, focus on your achievements and make them quantifiable, and use action verbs and keywords from the job description. 
  • To get better at solving problems, follow these steps: identify and understand the problem, research the systems that make up the problem, visualize the problem, brainstorm, and choose the best possible solution. 
  • Once that’s done, create an action plan and make sure to monitor its progress as you’re implementing it. 

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What Are Problem-Solving Skills?

Definition & Examples of Problem-Solving Skills

problem solving jobs meaning

  • Problem-solving skills help you determine why an issue is happening and how to resolve that issue.

Learn more about problem-solving skills and how they work.

Problem-solving skills help you solve issues quickly and effectively. It's one of the  key skills that employers  seek in job applicants, as employees with these skills tend to be self-reliant. Problem-solving skills require quickly identifying the underlying issue and implementing a solution.

Problem-solving is considered a  soft skill  (a personal strength) rather than a hard skill that's learned through education or training. You can improve your problem-solving skills by familiarizing yourself with common issues in your industry and learning from more experienced employees.

How Problem-Solving Skills Work

Problem-solving starts with identifying the issue. For example, a teacher might need to figure out how to improve student performance on a writing proficiency test. To do that, the teacher will review the writing tests looking for areas of improvement. They might see that students can construct simple sentences, but they're struggling with writing paragraphs and organizing those paragraphs into an essay.

To solve the problem, the teacher would work with students on how and when to write compound sentences, how to write paragraphs, and ways to organize an essay.

Theresa Chiechi / The Balance

There are five steps typically used in problem-solving.

1. Analyze Contributing Factors

To solve a problem, you must find out what caused it. This requires you to gather and evaluate data, isolate possible contributing circumstances, and pinpoint what needs to be addressed for a resolution.

To do this, you'll use skills like :

  • Data gathering
  • Data analysis
  • Fact-finding
  • Historical analysis

2. Generate Interventions

Once you’ve determined the cause, brainstorm possible solutions. Sometimes this involves teamwork since two (or more) minds are often better than one. A single strategy is rarely the obvious route to solving a complex problem; devising a set of alternatives helps you cover your bases and reduces your risk of exposure should the first strategy you implement fail.

This involves skills like :

  • Brainstorming
  • Creative thinking
  • Forecasting
  • Project design
  • Project planning

3. Evaluate Solutions

Depending on the nature of the problem and your chain of command, evaluating best solutions may be performed by assigned teams, team leads, or forwarded to corporate decision-makers. Whoever makes the decision must evaluate potential costs, required resources, and possible barriers to successful solution implementation.

This requires several skills, including:

  • Corroboration
  • Test development
  • Prioritizing

4. Implement a Plan

Once a course of action has been decided, it must be implemented along with benchmarks that can quickly and accurately determine whether it’s working. Plan implementation also involves letting personnel know about changes in standard operating procedures.

This requires skills like:

  • Project management
  • Project implementation
  • Collaboration
  • Time management
  • Benchmark development

5. Assess the Solution's Effectiveness

Once a solution is implemented, the best problem-solvers have systems in place to evaluate if and how quickly it's working. This way, they know as soon as possible whether the issue has been resolved or whether they’ll have to change their response to the problem mid-stream.

This requires:

  • Communication
  • Customer feedback
  • Follow-through
  • Troubleshooting

Here's an example of showing your problem-solving skills in a cover letter.

When I was first hired as a paralegal, I inherited a backlog of 25 sets of medical records that needed to be summarized, each of which was hundreds of pages long. At the same time, I had to help prepare for three major cases, and there weren’t enough hours in the day. After I explained the problem to my supervisor, she agreed to pay me to come in on Saturday mornings to focus on the backlog. I was able to eliminate the backlog in a month.

Here's another example of how to show your problem-solving skills in a cover letter:

When I joined the team at Great Graphics as Artistic Director, the designers had become uninspired because of a former director who attempted to micro-manage every step in the design process. I used weekly round-table discussions to solicit creative input and ensured that each designer was given full autonomy to do their best work. I also introduced monthly team-based competitions that helped build morale, spark new ideas, and improve collaboration.

Highlighting Problem-Solving Skills

  • Since this is a skill that's important to most employers, put them front and center on your resume, cover letter, and in interviews.

If you're not sure what to include, look to previous roles—whether in academic, work, or volunteer settings—for examples of challenges you met and problems you solved. Highlight relevant examples in your  cover letter and use bullet points in your resume to show how you solved a problem.

During interviews, be ready to describe situations you've encountered in previous roles, the processes you followed to address problems, the skills you applied, and the results of your actions. Potential employers are eager to hear a  coherent narrative of the ways you've used problem-solving skills .

Interviewers may pose hypothetical problems for you to solve. Base your answers on the five steps and refer to similar problems you've resolved, if possible. Here are tips for answering problem-solving interview questions , with examples of the best answers.

Key Takeaways

  • It's one of the key skills that employers seek in job applicants.
  • Problem-solving starts with identifying the issue, coming up with solutions, implementing those solutions, and evaluating their effectiveness. 

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  • 7 Best Problem-Solving Skills...

7 Best Problem-Solving Skills for Your Resume + Examples

11 min read · Updated on April 17, 2024

Ken Chase

If you're a strong problem solver, your resume needs to prove it!

Imagine this scenario: a supplier delivers the wrong piece of equipment, your deadline is tomorrow, and your logistics person is out sick. What would you do if you were the one who had to respond?

All businesses encounter problems at one time or another. That's why companies need high-quality employees on hand who can solve problems like shifting deadlines, equipment failure, and changing client needs. Those problem-solving skills can mean the difference between success and failure. 

That's why today's employers are actively seeking candidates who possess these critical problem-solving skills. 

But what are problem-solving skills? 

How do you identify which ones you might have or which ones a hiring manager might be looking for? 

Most importantly, how can you present problem-solving on your resume to land that interview?

In this post, we'll help you learn to identify, define, and present problem-solving skills in your resume.

What are problem-solving skills?

Put simply, problem-solving skills help you overcome challenges and obstacles. They enable you to identify the core issue, propose solutions, choose the best option, and implement it.

When employers talk about problem-solving skills, they're usually referring to the ability to deal with challenging, complex, or unexpected situations. While they enable someone to assess and solve problems calmly, these skills can also be useful for relationship building and routine decision-making.

Why do companies need employees with problem-solving skills?

All companies experience challenges that can impact their operations and effectiveness. Those businesses will always need people to help them to find solutions to their problems. In fact, according to the National Association of Colleges and Employers' Job Outlook, 86% of employers look for problem-solving skills on student resumes.

Employers like to see good problem-solving skills because it also shows them you have a range of other talents, like logic, creativity, resilience, imagination, and lateral thinking.

Looking for problem-solving skills in a job description

Sometimes, a job description will plainly state the problem-solving skills that the job requires. More often, however, problem-solving is one of those skill sets that don't necessarily appear in the “requirements” section of a job post. Employers simply expect candidates to demonstrate an analytical mind. So, instead, they will describe those desired skills using other phrases.

In those instances, you can look for keywords to identify the skills the employer is seeking. When you find any relevant keywords in the job description, you'll be able to tell what skills you should highlight in the resume you send in.

How to include problem-solving skills on a resume

It should be easy to highlight these skills during an interview, where you can describe a specific problem and paint a picture of how you successfully solved it. But it's also easy to find ways to illustrate your problem-solving on your resume.

Problem-solving skills sound like they're self-explanatory, but they can be difficult to describe without good storytelling. Unlike conceptual skills like abstract thinking and ideation, problem-solving skills are all about developing and implementing an action plan. That's why the best strategy to demonstrate your problem-solving skills is to tell a story: find specific examples of challenging scenarios and explain the plan you implemented and the results you achieved. 

Related post : How to Create an Effective STAR Method Resume (With Examples)

Many resumes will use terms like “critical thinker” or “problem-solver.” Instead, get specific by showing how you've used a skill in a way that has solved a problem at work. 

Give examples of scenarios where those skills lead to a solution

Describe a specific process you employed

List major accomplishments enabled by your solution

Add specific training related to problem-solving skills

Use various keywords to avoid repeating “problem-solving”

Let's look at 4 places on a resume where you can describe your problem-solving skills. 

Where to include problem-solving skills on your resume

The summary.

The summary is a great place to present a core skill that has benefitted you and your employers. If you've been responsible for finding out-of-the-box solutions to unexpected problems or been a team leader known for adjusting to personnel or process challenges, this is the place to introduce those talents.

Solutions-driven sales specialist with 10 years of experience managing sales teams, analyzing markets, expanding market reach, and solving logistics issues. Extensive experience with rolling out new products and reinventing campaigns. Transformed market by 40% despite a period of intense market fluctuation.

In the work experience section

The work experience section is the ideal place to list problem-solving skills that have contributed to proven solutions. When detailing past job roles, you can use details like percentages, dollar amounts, and specific scenarios to show how your ability to analyze issues, find options, and communicate action plans has solved problems. 

Mention a time when you took the initiative to troubleshoot key areas

Explain your habit of collecting new data regularly

Give examples of instances when you assumed a leadership role in process optimization

Look at the following resume example. It shows how this candidate's ability to design solutions, optimize testing processes, and adjust the process to the client helped to optimize process efficiency and save the client money. 

In addition, the candidate highlights his communication skills by showing that he can collaborate with clients to adapt processes to their needs. 

Solar Engineer, Acme Corp, 2010 - 2020

Developed solution designs in collaboration with Software Architects that improved process efficiency by 150% and reduced costs by $300K

Supported testing on 3 large-scale projects to refine solutions and ensure they were fit for purpose and matched the customer's needs, resulting in $1M savings for the client

The skills section

If problem-solving skills are needed for a particular role, the hiring manager will be looking for them in the skills section. The key, however, is to only list skills that specifically relate to the job posting. 

Remember, it's crucial to tailor each resume to a specific job advertisement, including the skills section. This is obviously easier if the job post explicitly lists desired skills. If it doesn't, look for keywords in the bullet points of the requirements part of the job description to find specific problem-solving skills to include in your resume.

Is it a management position looking for a “proven leader?” Communication skills are a must-have talent.

Is it a logistics position that requires experience with scaling? Then, troubleshooting and negotiation skills will be paramount.

There are both soft skills and hard skills that can be defined as problem-solving skills. “Test development” can be trained, but “troubleshooting” improves with experience. When considering which skills you possess, look at both categories.

Data analysis / Process analysis / Project design / Solution design / Test development / Benchmark development / Troubleshooting / Collaboration

A notable achievements section

A notable achievements section isn't always necessary, but some resumes can benefit from including one. If, for example, you're using a functional resume format for a career change resume or you're a senior executive looking to emphasize career highlights, an accomplishments section can really highlight those skills in action. 

If you're using this section to focus on your problem-solving skills, describe accomplishments with demonstrable results.


  • Re-designed and upgraded front-end on 20+ sites with jQuery, AJAX, and Handlebars.js
  • Oversaw process improvements, which reduced expenses by $225,000 per quarter
  • Restructured the supply chain team following vendor flow issues

Related post : Seven Key Resume Sections and How to Organize Them

7 Important problem-solving skills for your resume

Problem-solving skills can range from detail-oriented diagnostics to team leadership. Here's a list of skills involved in various stages of the problem-solving process. When crafting your resume, look to these examples to see what problem-solving skills you might have.

1. Research

Research skills are an essential component of the problem-solving skill set, enabling you to identify and understand the root cause of an issue. Research involves gathering data and information, consulting with more experienced colleagues, acquiring knowledge online or from external sources, and collating newfound data for dissemination. This skill is about the ability to find and use the right resources, extract the data you need, and brainstorm with the right group of people. This means:

Studying specific cases without generalizing

Aiming at variables that make the desired differences

Reporting findings in understandable terms

2. Analysis

The first step in finding a solution is an effective analysis of the problem.  To solve a problem, you must be able to analyze it from every angle. Your analytical skills will also help you identify and propose solutions that can resolve the problem.

Analytical skills allow you to assess data and processes to find solutions to a company's challenges. These include:


Data analysis

Interpretation of data and metrics

Deductive reasoning

Inductive reasoning 


3. Critical-thinking

Critical thinking is the ability to process details with a particular flow and draw connections between concepts and facts. In other words, it's “thinking about thinking” – or finding and fixing flaws in the way we think.

The ability to think critically is the foundation of problem solving. Unless you can see the big picture, you won't be able to identify the pros and cons of different action plans. 

Critical thinking includes:



4. Decision making

Decision-making is the ability to choose solutions to problems. Simply stated, it's taking the relevant collected data, considering multiple viewpoints, and making an informed choice.

Once the choices are narrowed down, you'll need to pull the trigger – knowing you'll be held accountable for the decision. At times, you may need to make these decisions quickly, even if the wrong decision might make the problem worse. The ability to make proper use of your research and analysis to select the best action plan is a valuable skill. Components of this skill include:

Emotional Intelligence


5. Creativity

Sometimes, the best solution is only found by thinking outside the box. That demands creativity. 

Creativity is the ability to approach a task or a challenge in a different way. In other words, it's possessing the imagination to generate new ideas and find interesting approaches and unique perspectives. Creativity is often described as

Divergent thinking

Inspirational thinking

Outside-the-box thinking

Experimental thinking

6. Communication

Strong communication skills are vital during all phases of problem solving:

While identifying and analyzing the problem, you'll need to know how to communicate the core issues to others.

When researching the background of the issue, you'll need to know what communication channels are appropriate when seeking guidance.

When brainstorming possible solutions, you will need to know how to guide a team through positive and effective discussions.

Then, once you find a solution, communicating the action plan with clarity and precision is key to avoiding confusion and achieving proper implementation. 

No problem would ever be solved without good communication skills at work. 

Communication skills, however, include a much broader array of abilities beyond just speaking clearly. They also encompass listening in ways that make your colleagues feel heard, body language that puts your audience at ease, and vocal pitch adjustments to make your point land better. Here are a few common communication skills:

Active listening

Giving constructive feedback

Presentation / visual communication

Nonverbal communication

Written communication

Oral communication

Voice modulation

Rapport building 

7. Collaboration

In the business world, most problems are solved by teams of dedicated personnel, working in collaboration with one another. When highlighting this skill, you need to show how you've worked effectively as part of a team to generate and implement solutions.

Collaboration, by definition, means working with one or more individuals to complete a task. In the workplace, collaboration can be brainstorming ideas, delegating tasks to individual strengths, layering pieces of a process, or bringing together the team to understand the bigger picture.

When people work together, they're more effective at problem solving than when attempting to go it alone. Successful collaboration with your coworkers also increases their motivation and engagement at work, making them feel like they're an important part of the team. 

Collaboration includes:

Long-term thinking


Positive debate

Emotional intelligence

The bottom line

In an increasingly complex business environment, the ability to solve problems is more important than ever before. As a result, including these high-value problem-solving skills on your resume can help to ensure that employers recognize your full value proposition as a prospective new hire. That, in turn, can help to separate you from your competition and increase your odds of landing an interview and job offer.

If you want to make sure that the problem-solving skills in your resume are making the right impression on employers, take a few moments to get your free resume review from our team of experts today!

Related reading:

9 Soft Skills Employers Are Looking for in 2022

11 Steps to Writing the Perfect Resume

Standout Skills for a Resume: How to Make your Resume Great  

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The Top 5 Problem-Solving Skills Employers Want In 2024

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Problem-solving is one of the top resume skills that employers believe will grow in importance over the next five years (and beyond), according to the Future of Jobs report by the World Economic Forum.

“Research in the past few years points to problem-solving skills as being crucial to business success. Many employers now put these ahead of technical skills,” says John Kleeman , founder of the online assessment platform Questionmark.

What does this mean for you, the job seeker?

It means that it’s more important than ever to show employers that you can identify and solve problems quickly and efficiently, whether you’re applying to an entry-level job or a senior executive position.

Table of Contents

What are problem-solving skills, why are problem-solving skills important, how to highlight problem-solving skills on a resume, how to highlight problem-solving skills in a job interview, how to develop and improve your problem-solving skills.

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problem solving jobs meaning

Problem-solving is a complex skill. It involves critical thinking , decision-making, creativity, and information processing.

Effective problem-solvers use a systematic approach that allows them to break down difficult problems into smaller, more manageable parts. 

In its simplest form, problem-solving involves three basic steps:

Step 1 – Identify the problem. This may seem obvious, but it is important to take the time to really understand what the problem is before trying to solve it. 

This can involve talking to people who are affected by the problem, doing research, or consulting experts in the field.

Step 2 – Generate a list of possible solutions. Consider how effective each solution would be and whether or not it is feasible to implement. 

Once you have narrowed down the list of possible solutions, you can then start testing out the most promising ones.

Step 3 – Implement the solution . This step also includes determining what resources are needed to put the solution into action, such as money, personnel, or technology. 

Ultimately, the goal is to come up with the most effective, practical solution that will address both the immediate issue and any underlying causes. 

By following these three steps, you should be able to easily identify and solve problems quickly and efficiently!

The top 5 problem-solving skills to put on your resume

Employees who have good problem-solving skills are vital for the successful functioning of any business.

But what specific skills are employers looking for?

Here are five of the most important problem-solving skills that businesses want their employees to have.

1) Creativity

“ Problems are nothing but wake-up calls for creativity. ” –Gerhard Gschwandtner

Creativity allows us to examine a problem from multiple perspectives, use outside-the-box thinking, and come up with innovative solutions. 

By embracing creativity, we open ourselves up to new possibilities and make our problem-solving efforts more effective.

How to use creativity in the workplace

  • Create processes to improve workflow and reduce costs.
  • Brainstorm ideas to develop new products or services for a company.
  • Develop strategies to increase customer loyalty and satisfaction.
  • Leverage technology to create more efficient processes and systems.
  • Analyze data to identify trends and opportunities for improvement.

2) Research

“ Research is formalized curiosity. It is poking and prying with a purpose .”  – Zora Neale Hurston

Research skills are essential when resolving complex problems.

Only by gathering and analyzing data from multiple sources can we begin to assess the problem and determine the most appropriate solutions accurately. 

How to use research in the workplace

  • Identify new markets or customer segments to target.
  • Gather information about competitors and their products/services.
  • Stay up to date on industry news and developments.
  • Evaluate potential partners, vendors, or products before purchasing.
  • Analyze past performance in order to make projections for the future.

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3) Communication

“ Good communication is just as stimulating as black coffee, and just as hard to sleep after .”    -Anne Morrow Lindbergh

Once you’ve identified a potential solution to a problem, you need to be able to explain it clearly to others. 

This involves both verbal and written communication , as well as the ability to listen carefully and understand the perspective of others.

How to communicate in the workplace

  • Clarify goals and make sure that everyone is on the same page. 
  • Resolve conflicts quickly and efficiently.
  • Promote collaboration among team members by fostering trust and respect.
  • Allow employees to exchange feedback regularly.
  • Provide recognition and appreciation to team members. 

4) Teamwork

“ Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much .” – Helen Keller

Being able to work on a team is an important skill that contributes to effective problem-solving.

When team members work together to tackle complex issues, the best solutions are often found because each individual has a unique perspective and skill set that can contribute to solving the problem.

How to be a team player in the workplace

  • Foster an environment of open communication, feedback, and growth.
  • Utilize the strengths of individual team members to achieve a common goal.
  • Develop trust, respect, and camaraderie among team members.
  • Promote a culture of accountability and ownership for projects.
  • Encourage creativity, risk-taking, and an atmosphere of experimentation.

5) Decision Making

“ You cannot make progress without making decisions. ”    – Jim Rohn

It’s important to be able to identify problems and analyze possible solutions. Still, at some point, you need to make a decision . 

Good decision-makers focus on solving the problem rather than wasting time analyzing all of the available data or endlessly debating which option is best.

How to make decisions in the workplace

  • Use feedback constructively to make better decisions in the future.
  • Take risks when necessary while being aware of the potential consequences.
  • Learn from mistakes and use data to develop better solutions.
  • Demonstrate confidence and decisiveness when making difficult choices.
  • Analyze situations based on facts and data, not assumptions or emotions.

Problem-solving is considered a soft skill, or “people” skill. 

Soft skills are personal attributes that can be transferred from one job to another and help employees interact more effectively with others in the workplace.

For example, in addition to problem-solving, soft skills include time management , empathy, teamwork, flexibility, and having a positive attitude. 

In today’s rapidly changing world, soft skills have become more valuable than ever to employers.

“When we look at today’s workforce,” says Eric Frazer , the author of The Psychology of Top Talent , “there’s definitely been a shift away from just having what I would call ‘tacit knowledge’ and ‘tacit skills’…meaning, you’re just good at what you do.” Instead, “There is a deeper understanding that people have to come first, before performance.” 

Problem-solving skills are crucial to the success of any business. Employees face problems every day. How they deal with them can mean the difference between success and failure.

If you can learn to identify and solve problems quickly and effectively, you’ll be an invaluable asset to your team.

It’s essential to highlight your problem-solving skills when writing your resume. Remember, employers are specifically looking for them!

Here are a few things you can do to make your problem-solving skills stand out more:

1. Use action verbs

When describing your skills on a resume, try to use catchy, memorable language that packs a punch. 

In particular, try to use action verbs . These are words that describe “doing” – like “riding” a bike or “walking” to school. 

The best action words to use on your resume are those that are descriptive and specific . These will paint a more vivid picture of your skills and experience. 

For example, instead of writing “ helped solve problems,” you could write “ identified and solved critical issues.”

Other phrases that use strong action verbs are:

  • Developed creative solutions to complex problems.
  • Researched and implemented best practices for problem prevention.
  • Streamlined processes to reduce errors and increase efficiency.

2. Quantify your accomplishments

It’s one thing to say you have strong problem-solving skills, but it’s even better to back it up with hard numbers . 

Whenever possible on your resume, include metrics that show just how effective you are at solving problems. For example, “reduced customer complaints by 30%.”

Here are some other ways to show off numbers: 

  • Managed a budget of $200,000 and reduced expenses by 10%.
  • Achieved a 95% success rate in meeting objectives.
  • Resolved an average of 100 customer complaints per month.

3. Describe your research skills

Research skills play a key role in solving problems. If you’re good at conducting research and finding relevant information, make sure to include that on your resume. 

For example, an office manager could say they “utilized extensive research skills to investigate new methods for streamlining inventory management.”

Here are some more examples:

  • Compiled statistical data for reports and analysis.
  • Analyzed research findings to develop creative solutions.
  • Routinely updated databases with new information.

4. Highlight your creativity

There are many problems that cannot be solved with conventional methods. 

If you’re the type of person who is good at thinking outside the box and coming up with creative solutions, make sure to mention that on your resume. 

For example, you might say, “suggested new approaches to customer service that increased customer satisfaction.”

More examples include:

  • Resolved a long-standing issue with our website’s design by implementing a new coding solution. 
  • Generated fresh ideas for product development and marketing campaigns.
  • Turned a failing project around by coming up with a solution that no one else had thought of.

5. Emphasize your collaboration skills

In many cases, problems can’t be solved by one person working alone. 

If you’re good at collaborating with others and working as part of a team, that’s something you should try to highlight on your resume. 

For example, a you could highlight your financial analyst skills by saying you “worked cross-functionally to launch an annual industry report.”

Other examples include:

  • Brought together stakeholders with different objectives and helped them find common ground.
  • Helped resolved misunderstandings between departments, resulting in a 30% increase in sales.
  • Facilitated weekly team meetings to ensure consistent communication and successful completion of tasks.

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When interviewers ask about your problem-solving skills, they are looking for specific examples of how you have identified and solved problems in the past. 

These problem-solving examples could be from work, from your studies, or even taken from your personal life!

Here are some tips on how to highlight your problem-solving skills in a job interview:

1. Describe your process

When describing how you solved a problem, be sure to include all the steps you took in your explanation. This will show the interviewer that you are systematic and thorough in your approach.

For example, you can highlight your account manager skills by saying something like: 

“I began by analyzing our current sales figures and identifying where we were losing customers. I then looked at our marketing strategy and identified areas where we could improve. Finally, I implemented a new marketing strategy and monitored the results closely. This led to a significant increase in sales within six months.”

2. Use problem-solving skills in the interview itself

Some interviewers will ask you to solve a problem on the spot as part of the interview process. This is usually done to assess your analytical and critical thinking skills. 

For example, someone applying for a job as a business analyst may be asked to review a company’s financial reports and identify areas of concern.

When solving problems in an interview, be sure to think out loud so the interviewer can understand your thought process. 

If you’re not sure of the answer, don’t be afraid to say so. This shows that you’re willing to admit when you don’t know something and are willing to learn.

3. Make connections to responsibilities included in the new job

Be sure to highlight how your problem-solving skills will be relevant to the responsibilities of the position you’re applying for. 

For example, if you’re applying for a job as a restaurant server, you might talk about a time when you had to diffuse a difficult customer situation.

If you make connections between your past experiences and the new job, it shows the interviewer that you’re qualified for the position and that you’re excited about the opportunity to use your skills in a new way.

4. Use specific examples and data

When describing how you used your problem-solving skills in the past, mention specific examples and support your claims with data.

This makes your story more convincing and shows that you’re not just making things up.

For example, if you’re claiming that you increased sales, be sure to back it up with sales reports, graphs, or even customer testimonials.

Improving your problem-solving skills can open up a variety of different career opportunities.

Here are some things you can do to strengthen your problem-solving abilities:

1. Be proactive

The first step to solving any problem is to recognize that it exists! 

This might seem obvious, but many people choose to ignore problems instead of facing them head-on.

Pay attention to the things that are going wrong in your life and work, and don’t sweep them under the rug.

2. Break down big problems into smaller ones

When you’re faced with a big problem, it can be overwhelming. But if you break the problem down into smaller pieces, it will be much easier to solve.

For example, let’s say you’re trying to lose weight. This is a big goal, but it can be broken down into smaller goals, like eating healthy meals and exercising regularly. 

Once you have a plan for each of these smaller goals, you’ll be one step closer to solving the bigger problem.

3. Be open-minded

Being open-minded means that you’re willing to consider all possible solutions, even if they’re not what you were originally thinking.

If you’re closed-minded, you might miss out on the best solution to the problem. So don’t be afraid to try something new.

4. Be persistent

Persistence is another important quality for problem-solvers. If you give up at the first sign of trouble, you’ll never find a solution.

When you’re facing a difficult problem, it’s important to keep trying different things until you find a solution that works. 

Don’t give up, and eventually, you’ll find the answer you’re looking for!

5. Ask for help

If you’re having trouble solving a problem, don’t be afraid to ask for help. There’s no shame in admitting that you need assistance.

There are many people who are happy to help others solve their problems. So reach out to your friends, family, or even a professional if you need some guidance.

Developing better problem-solving skills can take some time and effort, but it’s worth it!

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Robert Henderson, CPRW, is a career advice writer and a resume expert at Jobscan.

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Home » Job Tips » Career Advice » Your Complete Guide to Effective Problem Solving Skills [Tips & Techniques]

Your Complete Guide to Effective Problem Solving Skills [Tips & Techniques]

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Having effective problem solving skills can be a big boon for your professional life. Most employers look for candidates who are capable of solving problems the right way with less supervision.

Possessing the capacity to confidently and quickly tackle complex issues requires having several key abilities at your disposal. With study and practice, you can learn how best to approach difficult problems in order to solve them successfully.

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the importance of problem-solving skills, effective problem-solving strategies, and ways to develop and refine your problem-solving techniques.

Table of Contents

What are Problem-Solving Skills?

Problem-solving skills are techniques that enable you to solve any problem effectively. With good problem-solving skills, individuals can adequately determine the source of problems and proffer solutions. This empowers an individual to approach issues from different viable perspectives.

Effective problem solvers are critical thinkers, perceptive, and knowledgeable, which enables them to break down challenging circumstances into manageable components. To excel in your career you need to hone, build, and develop adequate problem-solving skills. You can build personal development skills in order to develop competent problem-solving abilities.

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Must-Have Problem-Solving Techniques

To be an effective problem solver, you must have other creative and smart abilities, below are a few smart and creative skills you can use when solving a problem:

1. Strong Research Skills

To fully understand a problem and create viable solutions, a problem solver must be able to locate and identify the root cause of a problem. As a problem solver, you might need to conduct research using a lot of problem solving methods. You can start by asking your peers for input and using web resources to conduct thorough research.

2. Analyzing and Evaluation

The ability to analyze and evaluate solutions is a typical example of a problem-solving skill. This skill will allow you to investigate several solutions and select the most suitable one for your problem.

3. Effective Communication and Active Listening

After determining the best solution to the problem, the next step would be to communicate it to the relevant stakeholders and develop a plan of action for implementing the solution. The ability to adequately solve a problem requires strong communication skills.

Possessing strong communication skills implies that one should have clear goals and deadlines for addressing a problem. Communication should also include any effects the solution may have on other parts of the organization or external stakeholders.

4. Reliability

As a problem solver, being reliable and adaptable is a trait prized by employers. Those who have the problem solving ability to identify issues, implement solutions efficiently, and do so in a timely manner are held in high regard. It is paramount for problem-solvers to possess adaptability as well because it assures that tasks will be carried out with accuracy and creativity.

Effective Problem-Solving Steps

The following tips will help you develop effective problem-solving skills that any employer would value.

1. Identification and Definition of Problem

To become an effective problem solver, you must know how to identify and recognize problems. Identifying a problem can be tough. You may find yourself asking questions like, “Is there even an issue here?” and if so, “What is its nature?”

To get the clearest understanding possible of any potential problems, take some time to really define exactly what the problems are. Doing this will not only help you grasp them better but also allow you to explain them accurately when communicating with others.

2. Gather Information and Organise the Problem

Once a problem has been identified and defined, it is ideal to gather more facts and information about the problem to get a better understanding of the problem. Gaining additional knowledge about a problem allows you to come up with various approaches to it as well as potential solutions. It involves observing, analyzing, and structuring the issue or situation at hand. During this phase, it is important to gather as much evidence about the problem and its causes in order to make sound judgments when selecting a course of action.

3. Generate Varieties of Potential Solutions to the Problem

Once you have successfully identified and gathered information on the existing problem, your next course of action will be brainstorming and developing different viable solutions to the problem. It is important to consider the perspectives of other teammates because different people in organizations will have diverse skills and perceptions about a problem and, thus, will have different solutions.

4. Careful Analysis and Taking Decision

Before making decisions, you should analyze all the solutions generated and then select the best course of action. To successfully make the right decision, the complexity of decision-making should be considered. This is because many circumstances can prevent a decision from being successful, even if it is the right one.

Remember that while some solutions might seem appropriate, they may not be appropriate to adopt at the stipulated time frame. This might be due to other variables like a lack of resources, the culture of the organization, a limited time frame, etc.

5. Implementing the Decision

After a thorough analysis has been made, and you have finally made a decision, the next step is to act on the decision you have chosen. It is important to note that more issues could develop during implementation. Especially if the identification or structuring of the original problem wasn’t done thoroughly.

6. Evaluate the Outcomes of the Decision

Verifying that the decision taken was effective is the focus of this phase of problem-solving. Asking those who were impacted by the changes of an outcome and how they felt about it is an effective way to evaluate the outcome of a decision.

Further, keeping track of results and any extra issues that come up is a good way to hone your problem solving skills. To effectively evaluate the outcome of your decision consider answering these questions below:

  • Have you achieved the objectives of the decision taken?
  • Did any unplanned or unforeseen situation arise in your decision-making process?

7. Improve and Reiterate

To master the art of problem-solving, look for other situations that permit you to use techniques and skills for solving problems. Find more chances to put the skills into action. Also when solving a problem make sure the issue won’t recur and share the lessons learned. This will enhance your problem solving skills. An ideal way to cultivate good problem solving skills is to take on challenging jobs that require cognitive processing such as business marketing or work-from-home jobs in data entry .

How Can I Demonstrate My Problem-Solving Skills?

Employers can learn more about how you might contribute to their team more quickly if you demonstrate your problem-solving abilities in your resume and cover letter.

1. How to Demonstrate Problem Solving Skills on a Resume?

In the ‘Achievements’ section of your resume, it is beneficial to provide concrete examples of how you have successfully solved problems. Emphasize how your knowledge and strategic thinking positively impacted a business situation or project outcome instead of simply saying that you are great at problem-solving.

The ‘Experience’ section allows for more expansion about any relevant projects where your problem-solving abilities were beneficial in completion or success rates. Conversely, if there was an unsuccessful result due to poor decision making then explain what corrective actions were taken as well as lessons learned.

2. How to Demonstrate Problem Solving Skills on Cover Letter?

Your cover letter is an incredible opportunity to expand on your problem solving capabilities. Here, you can give a concise example of when you efficiently handled a difficulty. On the other hand, you might recognize an issue that this potential employer wants to solve and explain how exactly you would address it. For instance, if there’s evidence in a job vacancy concerning improving brand awareness, then identifying ways where you could help promote awareness about the brand through various means will be an advantage for you.

Having problem solving skills is a huge advantage that can be extremely beneficial in both your personal and professional life. Problem-solving gives you the tools to make better decisions, identify solutions for roadblocks, and reach desired goals more easily. To effectively improve your problem solving skills consider taking a human resource management course .

We hope these tips will help build and improve your problem handling skills, let us know in the comment section the different problem you have solved at your workplace.

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Harshita is an English Literature graduate from the University of Delhi with 3 years of experience in Content Writing and Editing. Dedicated to her craft, she loves creating magic with words. She is a big fan of hoarding cute planners and journals and can be seen watching FRIENDS (almost EVERYTIME) in her spare time. Her meticulous attention to detail makes her stand out from the crowd. A typo epidemic is her worst nightmare!

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Problem-Solving Skills: Meaning, How to Improve & Problem-Solving Examples

In life, we meet obstacles and challenges that need thoughtful solutions. These moments call upon our problem-solving skills. We understand and identify problems, come up with a strategy, and address the problems at hand. These are not just about 'solving' problems. We identify them accurately. We devise various possible solutions and then use the most suitable one. They encompass critical thinking, creative ideation for a solution, effective decision-making, and competent execution to solve the problem.

Problem-solving skills influence our personal and professional growth. They help in managing a financial crisis or leading a team project at work. They help in resolving a difficult problem in personal relationships. Our ability to solve problems effectively impacts the outcome.

Good problem-solving skills have now become more important than ever. From rapid technological advances to global crises, new challenges have emerged. Our ability to adapt, innovate, and find solutions determines our success. More importantly, they also determine our collective progress.

In this article, we will discuss the concept of problem-solving skills. We will understand their meaning, their importance, and how you can improve them. We will also provide practical examples and strategies. Let's understand and improve our problem-solving abilities. ⁠

Understanding Problem-Solving Skills

Importance of developing problem-solving skills, key elements of effective problem solving, strategies to improve problem-solving skills, real-life examples of problem-solving skills, developing problem-solving skills in specific contexts.

Problem-solving skills involve the ability to identify a problem. They involve analysing possible solutions. You then decide on the most suitable option and use it effectively. This set of cognitive skills is vital for decision-making, critical thinking, and creativity to solve problems. Whether we realize it or not, we use problem-solving skills in our daily lives. We resolve conflicts at work. We solve problems in managing personal finances. We use problem-solving to plan for unforeseen circumstances.

Having strong problem-solving skills has many benefits. You become better at handling stress. It encourages logical and strategic thinking in coming up with a solution. It equips you to deal with unexpected challenges with confidence. Employers highly value these skills. Strong problem-solving skills show a proactive attitude. They show the ability to contribute to organisational growth.

The value of problem-solving skills is far-reaching. Their application spans every aspect of life - from personal dilemmas to professional challenges, and academic puzzles to global issues.

In the professional world, employers value individuals with strong problem-solving skills. These individuals can tackle challenges head-on. They can adapt to change, innovate, and contribute significantly to the organisation's success. They are often the ones who can turn a crisis into an opportunity. They transform an underperforming project into a successful one. Moreover, leaders with robust problem-solving skills are better equipped to make strategic decisions. They manage teams and drive organisational growth.

Problem-solving abilities play a pivotal role in academics and learning. It is an important skill we use to understand complex concepts. These skills enable students to analyze information. They apply knowledge in practical situations. Students with developed problem-solving skills tend to perform better. They show a deeper understanding of subjects. They have more success in applying their learning.

Problem-solving skills contribute to your personal life. You become better at managing life's uncertainties and hurdles. You make informed decisions in managing finances or resolving conflicts in relationships. Problem-solving skills help you in dealing with health issues. This leads to a more fulfilling life.

Successful problem-solving involves a series of key elements . They help navigate the problem-solving process effectively. Understanding these components is essential in refining your problem-solving abilities.

Analytical thinking is one of the most crucial elements. This aspect involves breaking down a complex problem into smaller, manageable parts. This allows for a clearer view of the issue. Analytical thinkers can dissect a situation. This helps them understand its different components and how they interact. This process leads to a more effective resolution.

Creativity is another critical component. It helps in generating a variety of alternative solutions to solve problems. Some of these may be unconventional yet effective. A creative problem solver can see beyond the obvious. They think outside the box, often finding unique paths to a solution

Adaptability is the element that ties the process together. In the face of a problem, circumstances can change in an instant. An adaptable problem solver is open to revising the course of action as needed. They learn from the process and improve their approach to solving a problem. They understand that the first solution may not always be the best one. They are willing to adjust their strategy in response to feedback and results

Combined, these elements form a robust problem-solving framework that enables individuals to tackle problems efficiently and effectively.

woman doing problem solving

To improve your problem-solving skills, you can use various strategies. Each involves a different aspect of problem-solving. They enhance your ability to handle challenges effectively.

  • Brainstorming: ⁠ ⁠Brainstorming is a creative process that encourages the generation of ideas without judgment. This process can help significantly enhance and expand your perspective. It can spur creative thinking, leading to unique solutions. During brainstorming sessions, remember to encourage free thinking and discourage criticism of ideas. ⁠
  • Root Cause Analysis: ⁠ ⁠This strategy involves identifying the cause of a problem rather than addressing its symptoms. Techniques like the "5 Whys" or "Fishbone Diagram" can help you trace back the issue to its root. By understanding the main cause, you can ensure that your solution addresses the heart of the problem. This helps prevent the issue from recurring. ⁠
  • Structured Problem-Solving Approaches: ⁠ ⁠There are various structured problem-solving methods you can use to enhance your skills. These include the "PDCA" (Plan-Do-Check-Act) cycle, "Six Sigma," and "8D Problem Solving." These approaches provide a systematic way to address problems. You consider every aspect of the issue and choose the most effective solution. ⁠
  • Critical Thinking Exercises: ⁠ ⁠Activities like puzzles, quizzes, riddles, and logic games can improve your analytical thinking. This is a critical aspect of problem-solving. Such exercises stimulate your brain. They help you to develop logical reasoning and decision-making skills. ⁠
  • Reflection and Learning: ⁠ ⁠After resolving a problem, take the time to reflect on the process. What worked? What didn't? What could you have done differently? Reflective learning helps you understand your problem-solving strengths and weaknesses. They guide you to improve in coming up with a potential solution to a problem.

Throughout history, individuals have showcased excellent problem-solving skills. Their ability to come up with solutions in challenging situations can serve as inspiration.

  • Thomas Edison: ⁠ ⁠When inventing the lightbulb, Thomas Edison faced many failures. But he never gave up; instead, he viewed each failure as a step closer to success. He identified problems. He generated and tested solutions. He persisted in implementing them. These are shining examples of problem-solving skills.
  • Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.: ⁠ ⁠As a key figure in the Civil Rights Movement, Dr. King faced the problem of racial segregation. He applied creative problem-solving strategies. This includes peaceful protest and powerful speeches to effect significant social change.
  • Malala Yousafzai: ⁠ ⁠Malala stood against the unjust education prohibition for girls in her region. She devised a suitable solution to raise global awareness about the issue. She displayed exceptional problem-solving skills.
  • Elon Musk: ⁠ ⁠When founding SpaceX, Musk found out that space travel comes with exorbitant costs. Instead of giving up, he found a creative solution. He used reusable rockets. This lowered costs and made space travel more possible.

These individuals have demonstrated the power of problem-solving skills to overcome significant challenges. They innovate and effect positive change. These effective problem-solvers can inspire us to enhance our problem-solving abilities. We can apply them to our personal and professional lives.

problem solving jobs meaning

Problem-solving skills are universal. But, developing them may need different strategies based on the context. It all depends on where you apply them. Here's how you can hone these skills in various domains:

  • Academia: ⁠ ⁠In an academic setting, problem-solving skills are crucial for understanding complex concepts. They use problem-solving skills in conducting research and excelling in exams. You can develop these skills by engaging in active learning strategies. You can engage in group discussions, case studies, and simulations. Practising problem-solving exercises or mathematical puzzles can also strengthen your logical thinking. Taking part in debates can also enhance your ability to analyse different perspectives. This is a key aspect of problem-solving. ⁠
  • Business: ⁠ ⁠Problem-solving is essential for strategic planning, decision-making, crisis management, and innovation in business. To enhance these skills, you can pursue professional development programs. Take part in programs that focus on critical thinking, decision-making, and project management. Participating in team brainstorming sessions or role-play exercises can also help. Learn from successful entrepreneurs and business leaders. Understand how they tackled challenges and come up with solutions. These can provide valuable insights. ⁠
  • Personal Life: ⁠ ⁠Problem-solving skills come into play in our personal lives when managing finances. We also use these skills in resolving conflicts or planning life events. Controlling your emotions can enhance your ability to solve a problem. Mindfulness exercises and meditation can help improve the control of our emotions. These exercises reduce impulsive decision-making. Read self-help books or attend personal development workshops. These can also provide practical strategies to handle common personal problems. Maintain a journal. This can help you reflect on your problem-solving process. This can also help you learn from past experiences.
  • Leadership Roles: ⁠ ⁠Leaders are often faced with complex problems that need effective resolution. You can attend leadership development programs that focus on problem-solving. These help enhance your decision-making and strategic planning. They also improve your analytical skills. Mentors or executive coaches can also provide personalised guidance to enhance these skills. Leaders can also adopt a learning mindset. These enable them to see every challenge as an opportunity to learn and improve.

Remember, enhancing problem-solving skills is a continuous process. It requires practise, reflection, and patience. Regardless of the context, embracing challenges as opportunities for growth can go a long way in becoming a proficient problem solver.

Problem-solving skills are integral to both personal and professional success. They enable us to navigate the complexities of life. They allow us to find solutions to the challenges we face. They help us make informed decisions that align with our goals. From enhancing creativity and decision-making abilities to improving communication and fostering innovation, the value of strong problem-solving skills is vast and varied.

Moreover, these skills are not stagnant; you can enhance and improve your problem-solving skills. We can improve our capabilities to solve problems through brainstorming sessions, or structured problem-solving methods. We can do critical thinking exercises. We can look at real-life examples of individuals who used exceptional skills to solve a problem. They serve as powerful reminders of what we can achieve. They show us what we can do when we approach challenges with determination, creativity, and a strategic mindset.

In the end, remember that every problem we encounter is a stepping stone. It is an opportunity to learn, grow, and improve. By embracing this perspective and actively working to enhance our problem-solving abilities, we empower ourselves to successfully navigate whatever challenges come our way.

⁠Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • What Are Problem-Solving Skills? ⁠⁠Problem-solving skills are a collection of cognitive abilities. They allow a person to effectively identify, analyse, and resolve problems. These skills encompass a range of competencies. These include analytical thinking, creative ideation, strategic decision-making, and efficient execution. ⁠
  • Understanding the Meaning of Problem Solving Skills ⁠Problem-solving skills refer to the abilities that enable us to handle challenges, obstacles, and complex situations. This involves identifying the problem, generating possible solutions, evaluating the options, deciding on the most suitable one, and implementing it effectively. ⁠
  • Importance of Problem Solving Skills in Everyday Life ⁠Problem-solving skills are invaluable in everyday life. They help us navigate life's uncertainties and manage conflicts. We use these skills in handling personal relationships or making informed financial decisions. These skills allow us to deal with various situations in a composed and rational manner. They equip us to adapt to changing circumstances, come up with solutions, and take calculated risks. All these contribute to personal growth and success. ⁠
  • Enhancing Your Problem-Solving Abilities: Tips and Techniques ⁠Enhancing problem-solving abilities involves a mix of strategies. You can improve problem-solving skills by participating in brainstorming sessions to enhance creative thinking. You could use structured problem-solving techniques for a methodical approach. You could engage in critical thinking exercises to sharpen your analytical skills. You could practise mindfulness to control your emotions. Reflect and learn from past experiences. These also play a crucial role in developing problem-solving skills. ⁠
  • Practical Examples of Problem-Solving Skills in Action ⁠Practical examples of problem-solving skills in action are aplenty. A business leader uses problem-solving skills to identify inefficient operations and devises an innovative alternative solution. A student uses analytical thinking to understand a complex concept. From historical figures like Thomas Edison to modern entrepreneurs like Elon Musk, individuals across various fields have demonstrated the power of problem-solving skills to overcome challenges, come up with solutions, and achieve remarkable success.

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What Is Problem-Solving? How to Use Problem-Solving Skills to Resolve Issues

Great businesses don’t exist to simply grow and make money. Instead, they solve the world’s problems , from tiny issues to giant dilemmas. Problem-solving is essentially the main function of organizations. An effective organization will have systems and processes in place to reach their goals and solve problems. If a company has team members and leaders who have poor problem-solving skills, that means they’re ineffective at one of the core functions of a business.

What Is Problem-Solving?

What is the general process of problem-solving, 1. define the problem, 2. brainstorm possible solutions, 3. research several options.

After you’ve come up with several possible alternative solutions, pick two or three that seem the most promising using your analytical skills. Then you’ll need to buckle down and do some research to see which one to pursue. Conduct your research using primary and secondary resources.

4. Select a Solution

In order to make the most objective decision:

5. Develop an Action Plan

When the right choice is made, and the solution is placed into the overall strategy, start developing an action plan . Lay out the “who,” “what,” “when,” “why,” and “how.” Visualize exactly what success looks like with this new plan. When working through the problem-solving process, write all the details down. This helps leaders construct action items and delegate them accordingly. Never leave this part of the process empty-handed. Your team needs a clear picture of expectations so they can properly implement the solution. And if everything works, you can use this problem-solving model in the future.

The Best Problem-Solving Strategies and Tools

One of the best ways to discover the root cause of a problem is by utilizing the 5 Whys method. This strategy was developed by Sakichi Toyoda, founder of Toyota Industries. It’s as simple as it sounds. When a problem occurs, ask why it happened five times. In theory, the last answer should get to the heart of the issue.

First Principles Thinking

When one engages in first principles thinking , they end up questioning what everyone just assumes to be true. It effectively removes those assumptions , breaking things down into their most basic elements that are probably true. It’s all about getting to that core foundation of truth and building out from there. Problem-solving skills should always include first principles thinking.

Steve Jobs’ Problem-Solving Method

What to do when a problem feels too big to solve.

Tackling a problem that feels too big to solve requires a can-do, positive mindset. In order to improve your problem-solving, you’ll need to take remember these steps. Imagine what is possible instead of focusing on what seems impossible. As you do so, you’ll become skilled in solving all sorts of problems while also improving your decision-making.


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    Problem-solving skills help you determine why an issue is happening and how to resolve that issue. It's one of the key skills that employers seek in job applicants. Problem-solving starts with identifying the issue, coming up with solutions, implementing those solutions, and evaluating their effectiveness. Since this is a skill that's important ...

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    Steve Jobs' Problem-Solving Method. Steve Jobs gained a reputation for solving problems through Apple. He was always on the lookout for simple solutions to complex problems. He followed his own three-step method that helped him tackle difficult issues. Zoom Out: When facing a problem, zoom out to get a larger view of the bigger picture. This ...


    Problem solving skills provide employees with the ability to recognise and analyse problems, identify and evaluate a range of potential solutions and then decide on and implement the most effective solution. A workforce equipped with problem solving skills will be adaptive and ready to face the challenges of the constantly evolving modern ...

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    Small live classes for advanced math and language arts learners in grades 2-12.

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    If you're an ordinary manager, I suspect you will not lift a finger until the problem threatens the size of your merit increase, bonus, if not your job security.