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50+ Hook Examples: The Opening Lines That Make Your Essay Successful

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Jim Peterson has over 20 years experience on speech writing. He wrote over 300 free speech topic ideas and how-to guides for any kind of public speaking and speech writing assignments at My Speech Class.

The Opening Lines That Make Your Essay Successful intro image

Writing a good paper starts with brainstorming a brilliant hook, which keeps your audience engaged with the text. There are many ways to formulate hooks, which will help your writing sound more original and compelling. Looking at some essay hook examples and tips on writing them is the first step to creating one of your own!

In this article:

What is a Hook?

Tips for creating a great hook, question hook examples, strong statement examples, fact/statistic hook examples, metaphor/simile hook examples, anecdotal hook examples.

A “hook” is a sentence that grabs the reader’s attention and keeps them interested in the outcome of your academic text or research paper. The hook is found in the first sentence or two in the opening paragraph in an academic text and serves both as an introduction and an attention grabber.

In literature, such sentences are often found in novels. A great personal favorite of mine is Christmas Carol’s first sentence: “Marley was dead: to begin with. ” This invites tons of interesting questions and piques your curiosity, making you want to read along.

We come across hook examples in our day-to-day lives, scrolling through YouTube video titles and website links. Clickbait can be considered the hook of the modern world, and there are tons of techniques to learn from it.

However, this article will focus on essay hooks for academic papers specifically. In the section below, we’ll be discussing tips on writing hook sentences and engaging your reader’s interest through a single opening sentence.

There are different types of hook sentences in an essay introduction. We’ll take a look at each type, and a few tips, so later on, you can start formulating your own essay hooks based on these few examples.

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  • Question Hook: If you’re writing an art essay, philosophy paper, or business coursework, choosing a compelling and interesting question will leave the readers pondering throughout your text. The reader will automatically try to look for the answer within your research paper.
  • Strong Statement: The opening lines can be controversial, a bold claim – the best hooks for argumentative essays are. This method can shock your audience, and they’ll be curious to learn how you defend your argument.
  • Fact/Statistic Hook: These hook examples are used for scientific and academic assignments, allowing you to use a lesser-known fact or statistic which will grab the reader’s attention.
  • Metaphor/Simile Hook: You can set up a scene by telling a short story for your readers to imagine before getting to your essay’s core. This metaphor hook can be highly compelling and relatable to your audience.
  • Anecdotal Hook: The trickiest essay hook used to diffuse the tension surrounding a heavy topic. This tricky opening line should be carefully thought out and guaranteed to make the reader laugh and only used in the right circumstances.

If you’re using the fact/statistic hook, always make sure you quote a credible source. The same goes for the interesting facts hook type. Include those sources in the body of your essay.

It also helps to think of a hook you came across recently that made an impression on you. Was it a controversial blog post? A captivating personal story? A thesis statement that made you ponder?

Once you finish reading our article, it’s helpful to test your hook and introductory paragraph out to an audience. Have another student, tutor, or parent read it. See if it’s doing its purpose – is the reader engaged? What did they understand from your hook? Is the essay topic clear?

Don’t get discouraged if you don’t get it right the first time. Writing is a long process and requires a lot of rewriting. Take a small break and give it another go.

How to Write a Great Hook + Examples

There are two crucial points to follow when you write a hook:

  • Keep your sentences short – don’t overstuff your sentences or let them run longer than two rows.
  • Use simple, comprehensive language – the ultimate essay can be read and understood by anyone, even people outside your academic course.

It’s time to get to the examples!

  • What if I told you the world has an unlimited energy resource?
  • How much screen time is too much for elementary school children?
  • Is online education the best way to learn in the middle of a pandemic?
  • Did you know women are twice as likely to experience clinical depression than men?
  • Are your evening habits keeping you from getting a good night’s sleep?
  • Do jobs that require degrees have a higher earning potential?
  • How important is it for YouTubers to use search engine optimization strategies?
  • Will the consumption of meat products become a luxury in the year 2050?
  • Has reading become more challenging due to our short attention span?
  • Have you ever wondered why traffic builds up on no-stop roads?
  • Why we should feel sorry for high achievers?
  • Why you don’t need to be exceptional?
  • How much sugar do you think you consume?
  • The effects of global warming are irreversible, so what can we do to optimize our living now?
  • Should fireworks be banned due to noise pollution and its effect on animals?
  • Has television died in place for streaming services?
  • Is our hatred of certain foods and flavors a direct result of our genetic heritage?
  • Android app development will die out in the next twenty years.
  • You’ll always marry the wrong person.
  • Why is ordinary life not good enough anymore?
  • Why are romantics ruining love?
  • “The wicked tend to win” Machiavelli
  • The hardest person in the world to break up with.
  • Some imaginary friends can cultivate independence in a child.
  • Did you know that space smells like seared steak?
  • The human body houses 10 times more bacteria than it does cells.
  • The longest war in the world is between the Netherlands and Sicily and here’s what happened.
  • “A country that demands moral perfection in its foreign policy will achieve neither perfection nor security” H. Kissinger
  • Cat purring can be beneficial to your health.
  • There is a scientific explanation behind boredom.
  • The average drunk driver drives under the influence more than 80 times before they get arrested for the first time.
  • 1/3 of adults still sleep with a comfort toy in bed.
  • The average American generates nearly 4.5 pounds of trash each day.
  • The global rate for keeping good hygiene after using the toilet is 20%.
  • Americans read for pleasure for less than 10 minutes every day.
  • The average American eats around 13 pounds of ice cream each year.
  • More than 1/2 million people experience homelessness each night.
  • Approximately 90% of people who experience a cardiac arrest outside of hospitals die.
  • Farmers and ranchers make up less than 2% of Americans.
  • Approximately half of Americans will experience a mental illness during their lifetime.
  • My cousin Joanna went to a party with red lipstick all over her teeth. I couldn’t help myself to tell her.
  • I dressed up as a werewolf last Halloween. That’s when everything started.
  • As a child my grandfather gave my grandma her favorite flower- a rose on every holiday. Does this kind of love still exist?
  • Last year my parents dragged me to Paris six times. I had the most dreadful time – I just couldn’t understand how such a historic city can be so dirty, or why.
  • The cause and effect example – when talking about the importance of safety, tell a story with an important moral.
  • Imagine sitting by the fire with the love of your life…
  • I have a four-year old baby – my publishing business I started in 2018.
  • The picture of… brought back memories of…
  • It’s difficult to talk about… because…
  • If you were a famous person, would you…
  • When I was 6, I was given a pet hamster for Christmas. Needless to say, little Zach is gone now, but I wonder how long he could have lived if I had been given it at 12?
  • One reason I decided to switch to a healthy diet is… well it’s cheaper than buying a whole new set of clothes!
  • I like talking to myself. Sometimes I have these seemingly clever and long conversations. I hardly have a clue what I’m talking about.

Mastering the hook sentence is something you might end up using in your day-to-day life, especially if you go into academia, publishing, or journalism as a career choice. But that’s not it – we use hooks to communicate on social media. The title of our blog post or recent youtube video are examples of well-formulated hooks. The quicker you start practicing them the easier they’ll become to use.

If you’re having any other academic trouble, like coming up with essay topics , or you want to learn the outlines of the different essay types, we can help you with that! You’ll become an essay writing pro in no time! We’ve got some good and interesting research paper topics we’re proud of, as well as demonstration speech topics ! Hook sentence examples are just the start!

We hope this article has helped you master the art of essay writing, and you now find the reader agrees with your point of view! Let us know of any good hook examples you came up with!

How to Create a Compelling Rhetorical Analysis Essay Outline

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12 Pretty Good Hooks for Your Next Presentation

  “the next three minutes will determine whether you succeed or fail on your next presentation.”.

Every presentation has three main parts – the beginning, the middle, and the end.  And among these, the beginning is easily the most important. 

You have about 30 seconds to get the audience interested in what you have to say.  If that doesn’t happen, anything else you do afterwards will soon be forgotten.

To do that it helps to have a “hook” to grab their attention.  Here are 12 tried and true ways to hook your audience and get your presentation off on the right foot.

12 Pretty Good Hooks for Your Next Presentation

Why You Need to be Captain Hook

At the beginning of every presentation, there are two main things going on.

  • You are trying to introduce your topic and convince people why they need to hear it.
  • Your audience is trying to decide whether this will be worth their time.

A good hook is one that quickly gets everyone oriented and engaged, introduces your topic, and makes them willing to listen to more of what you have to say.

A good hook orients, engages, and makes the audience interested in hearing more. Click To Tweet

There are lots of effective ways to do this.  The main thing is to do something interesting.

Trying to hook an audience? The main thing is: Be Interesting! Click To Tweet

It’s hard to think of a quicker way to shut down the audience than to begin by mumbling,

“Hello, my name is Bob Smith, and for the next 45 minutes I’m going to be talking about the importance of socks.”

I don’t know why Bob’s talking about socks, and I don’t know why I should listen. I’m already lacing up my track shoes and getting ready to sprint for the door.

So if it falls to you to give the next presentation on the importance of socks (or any other topic), here are 12 ways you can use to engage the audience from the very beginning.  I’ll continue with the sock example to help out poor Bob.

Note:  If you would like a one-page condensed version of these 12 hooks, plus presentation tips to help them work for you, hit this button:

12 Pretty Good Hooks About Socks

1.  Make an Outrageous or Provocative Claim .   It’s the same way I started this post.  Hopefully it caught your attention and made you want to read more.  The same goes for presentations.  Be bold, original, challenge common beliefs, then back up your claim.

“Socks are more important than food.”   That’s what a man named Kiwi said recently.  Kiwi was a homeless man living on the streets of Toronto, Canada.  He said that he knew of many pantries and shelters where he could get food, but there was no way he could walk the streets of his city without socks.  Socks meant everything to this man and many like him.  And if you think about it, socks are very important to all of us…

(Got this quote from The Joy of Sox ,  a charitable organization that donates socks to the homeless.)

2.  Tell a Joke.   This is a classic technique that can work well as a way to relax and make the audience receptive.  It’s a good idea to try the joke out on some friends first, to make sure they think it’s funny too.  Keep it clean, and be ready to move on if you don’t get the laughter you thought you would.

On the first day of summer camp, the director informed all the little campers that he expected them to put on a fresh pair of socks every day. Two weeks later, Johnny failed to appear at the morning flag raising. The director found him still in his cot. 

“Why aren’t you lined up with the other boys?” He asked.

“I can’t get my shoes on over fourteen pairs of socks!”

  Clearly the boy knew that it was important to have his socks, but didn’t understand why or how the socks were important…

This site at ajokeaday  is clean and has a long list of joke categories and a pretty good search function to help you find just the right joke to get started.

3.  Tell a Story.   Stories remind your audience that you are human, make you relatable, and take down protective barriers people will erect when they think people will be talking at them.  Start immediately with the story.  You can back up and introduce yourself later.

  “ Change your socks ” the instructor ordered.  We had just forded a river in the middle of the night and our feet were soaking wet.  We were carrying three pairs of socks on this mission.  The first was already dirty, and now the second was soaked.  But we didn’t want to change our socks.  Because in two miles we were supposed to cross another river and we would get wet again.  But the instructor didn’t want to hear that.  He wanted to make sure we knew he was in charge.  Presenting him with the facts only appeared like a challenge to his authority, so he simply said slowly and more deliberately, “ Change.  Your.  Socks .” 

So we changed into our last dry socks by moonlight, he checked every one of us, then we marched on.  And we crossed that next river and got wet.  Our feet were soaked and sore for the next two days.  For a while, it was all I could think about – the foolish order to change our socks. It was the maddest I had ever been.  Because when it comes right down to it, the simplest things are the most important in life.  The trust of a loved one; food; and dry socks.  Most of us take socks for granted…

The best stories are personal ones from your own experience, but you can also find good ones on the internet.   This page at indexes their stories by title and topic.

4.  Show a Video .  Let someone else break the ice for you with a video.  It’s an unexpected way to begin, so people will be instantly interested, plus people just like to watch video.  Keep it brief and related to the topic in some way.  It can be a great way to show the audience what you are talking about, not just trying to describe it.  Absolutely double check and rehearse to make sure the video works wherever you will be presenting, and be prepared to react if it fails anyway.

  So, who knew you could make a smart phone holder out of an old sock?  Well in fact there are lots of good uses for socks, and some actually involve putting your feet into them.  Socks are one of the most underrated items of clothing…

5.  Ask a Couple Questions.   Some people will want to answer, but even if they don’t do it out loud, they will be considering the answer in their minds, so they will be engaged.  Asking several questions in a row will stretch the audience’s mind further while also serving as an introduction to your topic.  Be sure to pause after each question for best effect.

What do you think is the most important piece of clothing you own?  What makes it important?  Is it the protection it provides? How often you wear it?  The warmth it offers?  The way it makes you look?  How it makes you feel?  For me, there is nothing more important that having on a nice clean pair of dry socks…

6.  Show a Picture .  This can be a variation of the story method.  Share a picture of a person and talk about him, or of a place and why it is important, or of something else related to your subject.  People will look at the picture instead of you, so it takes a little pressure off.  And the picture itself serves to introduce your topic.  Half the job is done before you even open your mouth.

Killer hooks with socks

7.  Ask a Rhetorical Question .  It’s a question that can’t necessarily be answered, but it gets people thinking, and helps you point them in the direction you want to go.

Are socks what truly define us as human beings?  Are socks what differentiate us from all the other forms of life on the planet?  After all, nobody else on earth is wearing them except us.  Can they be that important?  These are clearly questions for the ages, and well worth our consideration…

8.  Set an Expectation .  Not only is it a good idea to let people know what you will be talking about, you will engage their attention much better if you give them something interesting to look forward to.

By the end of this presentation, not only will you know how important socks are in our lives, you will have ten fun facts about socks that you probably didn’t know, and four new sock jokes that you can use to amaze and amuse your friends.

9.  Show Them an Object.   Bring something with you that you can hold up and talk about.  This is a good way to quickly capture the attention of the audience and introduce your topic at the same time.

Show them an object, one of 12 killer hooks

10.  Reference an Historical Event .  If the day, week, month, or year is unique in any way that you can relate to your topic, that can be another way to make the topic seem more real or relevant.

Did you know that it was only 135 years ago, on a day very like today, that John Nelson, a Swedish immigrant to the United States, patented the sock-knitting machine?  And that one invention was enough to not only change the history of footwear, but lead to the development of a child’s toy as well.  Socks have had a huge impact on us…

At this New York Times link , you can see what happened today in history, or pick any other date and see what was going on.

11.  Use a Quote .  Find a quote from someone recognizable, then think about how you can tie it into your presentation, or turn it on its head.


Over at you can find lots to choose from and can even search by topic.  Another good source is Wisdomquotes for lots of good quotes by topic or author.

A variation on this idea would be to make the quote your first slide – nothing but the quote in giant words; possibly with a picture of the person who said it.

12.  Ask, “What if…?” or “Imagine…”  Ask them about something that changes their perspective, like what if you could fly, read minds, be debt-free, go backward or forward in time.  You can adapt this to nearly any presentation and it will immediately cause your audience to engage their minds.  Ask the question, pause, ask it again for best effect.

Imagine a world without socks. (pause)  Imagine… a world without socks.  What would it be like?  What would change?  How would your life be different? (pause)   When you think about it, socks are critically important….

These are just 12 possible ways to hook your audience, and there are infinite variations on these ideas.  You can even combine them – tell a funny story while showing a picture or turning a quote on its head.  The keys are to keep it interesting, original, and fairly brief.  Remember, you only have about 30 seconds before they decide whether or not they want to keep listening.  Use that time well, and you will be on your way to making a memorable presentation.

If I was able to help Bob get you even the least bit interested in something as mundane as socks, think of what you can do with a far more interesting topic!

With that, since we’re on a sock “thing” today, I’ll leave you with an ode to socks I came across by Chilean poet and diplomat Pablo Neruda .  Maybe if I had quoted this to my instructor so long ago, he’d have let me save my last pair of dry socks for after the final river crossing…

Ode to my Socks

Mara Mori brought me a pair of socks which she knitted herself with her sheepherder’s hands, two socks as soft as rabbits. I slipped my feet into them as if they were two cases knitted with threads of twilight and goatskin, Violent socks, my feet were two fish made of wool, two long sharks sea blue, shot through by one golden thread, two immense blackbirds, two cannons, my feet were honored in this way by these heavenly socks. They were so handsome for the first time my feet seemed to me unacceptable like two decrepit firemen, firemen unworthy of that woven fire, of those glowing socks.

Nevertheless, I resisted the sharp temptation to save them somewhere as schoolboys keep fireflies, as learned men collect sacred texts, I resisted the mad impulse to put them in a golden cage and each day give them birdseed and pieces of pink melon. Like explorers in the jungle who hand over the very rare green deer to the spit and eat it with remorse, I stretched out my feet and pulled on the magnificent socks and then my shoes.

The moral of my ode is this: beauty is twice beauty and what is good is doubly good when it is a matter of two socks made of wool in winter.

Wool socks in winter – amen to that!

Egyptian Socks photo; no changes made –

Sock joke – source:

The Joy of Sox charitable organization donates socks to the homeless

Sock Monkey photo; no changes made – –

Ken Downer - Founder RapidStart Leadership

Ken served for 26 years in the Infantry, retiring as a Colonel.  From leading patrols in the Korean DMZ, to parachuting into the jungles of Panama, to commanding a remote outpost on the Iran-Iraq border, he has learned a lot about leadership, and has a passion for sharing that knowledge with others.  Look for his weekly posts, check out his online courses , subscribe below, or simply connect , he loves to talk about this stuff.

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Ken Downer - Founder of RapidStart Leadership

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8 clever hooks for presentations (with tips)


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What’s a good hook?

The importance of a good hook, 8 good hooks for speeches and presentations , leave a lasting impression.

When delivering a presentation, the first few minutes are crucial for capturing your audience’s attention. This is your chance to build intrigue around your topic and give listeners an idea of what’s to follow.

The best speakers use powerful hooks for presentations to introduce their topics, build suspense, and spark curiosity . These hooks are sharp and quick to grab attention — the kind that sticks around until the end of the presentation. They can be a surprising statistic, a thought-provoking question , and even a short personal story.

Drafting excellent hooks for presentations is essential to building anticipation and sowing the seeds for your audience’s growing interest. And with a limited window of opportunity to gain your listener’s interest and trust, your hook needs to be as substantial as the rest of your presentation.

A good hook introduces your subject matter , engages your audience, and sets the tone for the rest of the presentation.

Capturing listeners’ attention can be challenging as a presenter, especially if they’re attending out of obligation rather than individual interest. Although it’s wonderful to present to a room full of people eager to hear what you have to say, this won’t always be the case.

Knowing how to make a good hook can set you up for a successful presentation , no matter who’s in the audience. It engages listeners from the very beginning (and might even ignite a disinterested party’s curiosity).

Consider who your audience members are and what they want to learn. Their background should inform the tone of the presentation and lay the groundwork for building an angle.

When giving a presentation on ocean acidification to an environmental board, you could deliver a thought-provoking statistic on coral bleaching or provide a personal story that illustrates ecological changes that have taken place in your lifetime.

Remember: the hook should hint at the value your listeners will gain from your presentation without giving away too much too soon. Don’t spoil the plot twist, but make sure you start foreshadowing.

Impressions are formed quickly, making it crucial for the start of your presentation to kick off on a high note.

According to psychologist Alexander Todorov and researcher Janine Willis, it takes a tenth of a second to form an impression of a stranger . During this brief moment, we evaluate qualities such as likability and trustworthiness. 

Although coming up with a hook idea that appeals to listeners within a tenth of a second may be impossible, your first few words are important. Knowing how quickly we form perceptions may be intimidating, but with the right intro, a short time frame can work in your favor.

A well-developed and intriguing hook gives your listeners a positive first impression and influences how they interpret the rest of the presentation.


The hook is a key opportunity to show why your topic is exciting or worth considering. Here are eight types of hooks and hook examples to stimulate your audience’s interest, no matter the subject.

1. Make a surprising claim

Starting your speech with a surprising statement or statistic is an excellent way to grab your listener’s attention. A person giving a presentation on the benefits of coaching services to a company’s top executives could share the increase in employee productivity that teams experience after implementing coaching in the workplace.

Example: “Productivity increases 63% in workplaces that provide employees with group coaching services.”

The trick to making a surprising claim? It needs to shock your audience. If you create a statistic-based hook, it must be substantial enough to be of value to your listeners and persuade them to learn more about your topic.

Imagine that the example above only referenced a 5% increase. The executives would likely view the number as too little to invest in coaching services, making them less eager to pay attention during the presentation.

2. Start with a story

Stories are an excellent way to enhance information retention, making them a great tool for leaving a lasting impression on your audience.

According to organizational psychologist Peg Neuhauser, we recall what we learned from a well-told story more accurately than we do from facts and figures . So, if there’s a piece of information you’d like to impart to your audience, consider wrapping it in a short but compelling narrative.

When selecting an anecdote to share, ensure it’s relevant to your topic and resonates with your audience. A story that excites a sales team will likely differ from what an engineering team finds compelling.

Example: When delivering a presentation on the benefits of sleep on mental clarity, the speaker provides a story from your personal experience . They describe a period when construction outside constantly interrupted their sleep and how that negatively impacted several areas of their life, including their career and relationships.

This story uses vulnerability to earn the audience’s trust and segues into the rest of the presentation: breaking down how deep sleep is vital to performing your best.


3. Reference a historical event

This extra creative spin on the storytelling hook relies on a fascinating historical moment rather than your personal experience. The odds that your audience understands the wider context and thus the relevance of your presentation makes historical references good attention grabbers.  

A person giving a product pitch to potential investors could start with an anecdote about when they developed the first iteration of their product.

Example: “Did you know that jeans were invented 150 years ago? On an ordinary day like today, Levi Strauss and tailor Jacob Davis combined metal rivets and denim trousers to create durable work pants for gold rush miners.”

This historical hook creates a captivating opening for a pitch about stylish and wearable apparel. The speaker can lean on this historical reference to introduce a product that’s even more universal than jeans.

4. Ask an intriguing question

Finding a single starting sentence that hooks readers isn’t always easy. But incorporating participation into the start of your presentation is a fun way to hook your audience, even if it’s with a rhetorical question that encourages them to participate mentally.

Your question should be as captivating and intellectually stimulating as possible to pique the interest of each of your audience members. This approach works great for introducing products, services, or projects, as you can present what you’ve been working on as the answer to the question.

Example: “What if there was a way to fight the climate crisis while you cook dinner?”

Remember to pause after asking a question to give your audience time to brainstorm possible answers and stimulate their curiosity.

If you’re giving a business presentation, conduct research beforehand to ensure your question is relevant to your clients. The answer should mean something to your audience or solve a pain point they experience.

5. Contradict expectations

Contradicting a widely held belief is a compelling way to grab your listener’s attention. Do this by starting your presentation with a statement that challenges your audience’s presumptions.

Example: “Hydration isn’t all about how much water you drink.”

This presentation hook intrigues audience members to learn what else is needed other than water to stay hydrated. You can then lead your presentation through several methods for staying hydrated , like incorporating electrolytes into your diet and eating fruits and vegetables with high water content.

6. Show a captivating video

Starting your presentation with a video allows someone else to break the ice for you. Choose a short video related to your topic that easily transitions into your slideshow.

Example: A graphic design team manager wants to introduce new software into their department. They show a video from the product designers that provides an in-depth and visually engaging overview of the software’s features and benefits.

After the video ends, the speaker can move on to slides that describe how the team can leverage the software to improve their workflow and creative outputs.

7. Use a quote from a famous figure

Find a quote from someone admirable that relates to your presentation and impart wisdom to your audience.

Example: Someone’s administering a presentation on professional networking. They use Maya Angelou’s famous quote, “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

Although this quote can apply to a number of topics, in a networking context , it emphasizes how important it is for people to consider how they make others feel when they first meet. This tells your audience that a critical networking component is connecting with others personally rather than focusing solely on what they do professionally.

8. Show an object

An object can promote interaction and help your audience visualize what you’re talking about. This is especially helpful if you’re pitching a product and want to show listeners what the product looks like in real life and how it functions.

Example: A salesperson presents a new lamp design to a furniture store. They enhance the pitch by bringing the lamp to the presentation and demonstrating its ambient light features.

This strategy also works in contexts when you’re discussing the gravity of a statistic. For instance, if you’re aiming to communicate the dire levels of microplastics in the ocean, you could illustrate the severity by showing the audience a container filled with plastic fragments.


It’s not always easy to grab your listener’s attention when speaking publicly. Using hooks for presentations is one of the most effective ways to fan your audience’s curiosity and earn their engagement from start to finish.

The key is to keep your hook brief, relevant, and engaging. Remember to take the time to know your audience and set up your presentation to deliver valuable information from the start.

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Elizabeth Perry, ACC

Elizabeth Perry is a Coach Community Manager at BetterUp. She uses strategic engagement strategies to cultivate a learning community across a global network of Coaches through in-person and virtual experiences, technology-enabled platforms, and strategic coaching industry partnerships. With over 3 years of coaching experience and a certification in transformative leadership and life coaching from Sofia University, Elizabeth leverages transpersonal psychology expertise to help coaches and clients gain awareness of their behavioral and thought patterns, discover their purpose and passions, and elevate their potential. She is a lifelong student of psychology, personal growth, and human potential as well as an ICF-certified ACC transpersonal life and leadership Coach.

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8 Effective Hooks to Start Your Speech

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Speeches can be challenging to communicate complicated or nuanced information, which is why the opening sentence matters so much. Hooks for speeches have the power to pull the listener in and keep them involved.

They will grab your audience’s attention, get them engaged and interested in what you say, and gradually help set the tone for your speech.

In this article, you’ll find eight effective ways to hook your audience and start a strong presentation.

What Is a Hook in Speech?

A hook is a tool to show your audience where you are going in your speech. They are used in two different ways. Firstly, they are used as a transition between ideas. Secondly, Hooks are used to keep the audience involved and engaged .

Using a hook can help keep your audience focused and give them something to hold on to while you get your point across. A good hook grabs the audience’s attention and gets them interested in what you’re saying.

A person giving a speech in front of a huge audience

8 Effective Hooks for Speeches

One way to start your speech is to hook your audience with a powerful way of describing the topic you are speaking on. Hooks can be as simple as descriptions, metaphors, or quotations. Here are eight hooks for speeches to make a lasting impression on the audience.

1. Take a Contrarian Stance

One way to start your speech with a powerful hook is to use a contrarian approach. This means that you take another stance on the issue and discuss it orally, thereby raising doubts in your audience.

One way to create a contrarian approach is to argue against an opinion or belief. A contrarian attitude can create easily recognizable hooks for a speech and succeed in catching the audience’s attention.

2. Ask Several Rhetorical Questions

Rhetorical questions are powerful because they pull at people’s heartstrings. They make statements and ask the listener to agree. Used wisely, they can lead the audience into an argument.

The goal of the question is to ask the listener to think and make a judgment on his own.

3. Use a Powerful Sound Bite

A sound bite is a brief statement that captures the attention of your audience and promises a thought-provoking result. It makes it easier to remember the specifics of what you are talking about.

For example, “Did you know that in 2016 each enterprise had a choice? The choice to go from silos and silences to voice and insight”?

4. Provide a Reference to a Historical Event

Mentioning a historical event is a good attention-getter for speeches. Sometimes you can use the day you present as an opening gambit to tie the topic of your presentation to some historical significance.

Whenever you reference historical events, the audience instantly associates them with their own experience. This leads to a higher level of interest.

5. Employ a Startling Assertion

Making a startling assertion is a quick and effective strategy to get attention. If you’re having trouble coming up with a hook, employ a striking fact. Spend some time researching shocking data that show how serious the topic you’re going to discuss is.

For example, “You might not know, but your brain has less than three seconds to react when you see a bear in the wild.” This is startling as people believe they have enough time to think about what will happen before a bear attack.

6. Take Them Through Imagine or What If Scenario

This is a great hook to start a persuasive speech or one that discusses possible scenarios. It’s an ideal hook for a premise based on hypothetical situations and the effects of potential changes.

Ask the audience something that might change their viewpoint, like what if you could go invisible for a day or go back in time? You can also use the word ‘Imagine’ to draw a mental image and engage the mind.

7. Use Quotations With Your Twist

The usage of quotations is a common strategy for hooks. Although many speakers begin with an appropriate quotation, you might stand out by reciting the quote and putting a twist. You might also use a quote from your personal experience.

8. Tell the Audience a Story

Starting a speech with a story is a great way to engage your audience. For example, “Remember the first time you had a conversation with a child, someone who hadn’t even been born yet? ”

Each of your listeners would probably remember this conversation vividly because they were a part of it. When starting a speech with a story, use an analogy or an experience to heighten the experience.

Make it relatable and better engage your audience.

Hooks are the rhetorical devices that help you to pull your audience in . There are many different hooks for speeches, and each one is effective in its way.

They help to create a dynamic and colorful tone that keeps the audience engaged. Remember that the audience will only give you about 30 seconds before deciding whether or not to continue listening.

Employ one of the eight effective hooks mentioned in this post to make your speech memorable for the audience.

8 Effective Hooks to Start Your Speech

Abir Ghenaiet

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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15 Powerful Persuasive Speech Examples to Inspire Your Next Talk

  • The Speaker Lab
  • June 24, 2024

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Crafting a persuasive speech that captivates your audience and drives them to action is no easy feat. If you’re hitting the books, climbing the corporate ladder, or just dreaming of rocking the stage with your speeches, having a killer set of persuasive speech examples can totally change your game. In this post, we’ve curated some of the most compelling and inspiring persuasive speech examples to help you elevate your own speaking skills. So buckle up and grab your pen, because we’re diving into the secrets behind these unforgettable speeches.

What is a Persuasive Speech?

When we talk about a persuasive speech , we refer to a form of communication that seeks to influence the audience’s beliefs or actions. In the course of a persuasive speech, a person will present compelling arguments—backed by evidence and persuasive techniques—in order to convince listeners to embrace a specific viewpoint or take a particular course of action. Persuasive speeches are used in many different areas of life, such as in a school or university setting, in a job, or in a social setting.

When preparing to give a persuasive speech, always choose a topic or cause you’re interested in and passionate about. If you want to convince other people to agree with your stance, you must be seen to believe in it yourself. In addition, it helps to choose a topic that people care about and hasn’t been overdone.

Funny Persuasive Speech Examples

Looking for some funny persuasive speech examples to inspire your next presentation? You’ve come to the right place. Humor is a powerful tool when it comes to persuasion. It can help you connect with your audience, make your message more memorable, and even diffuse tension around controversial topics.

One classic example comes from David McCullough, Jr.’s high school commencement speech entitled “You Are Not Special.” While the title might not sound funny, McCullough delivers a hilarious reality check to graduates, poking fun at the coddling and praise they’ve received growing up. His ultimate message—that true success comes from hard work and taking risks—is made all the more powerful by his humorous approach.

But what makes funny persuasive speeches so effective? For one, humor helps the speakers build rapport with their audiences. Laughter is a shared experience that brings people together and makes them more open to new ideas. Additionally, injecting some levity into a speech can make the overall message more palatable and less preachy.

Of course, using humor in a persuasive speech requires some finesse. The jokes should be tasteful, relevant to your overall message, and not offensive to your audience. When in doubt, err on the side of caution. After all, a flat joke is better than one that leaves listeners cringing.

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Persuasive Speech Examples About Public Policy

Policy persuasive speeches advocate for a particular course of action on a public policy issue. These speeches go beyond simply raising awareness about a problem – they propose concrete solutions and try to sway the audience to support a specific plan.

One powerful policy persuasive speech example comes from Greta Thunberg’s address to the UN Climate Action Summit in 2019 . Thunberg doesn’t mince words when lambasting world leaders for their inaction on climate change. But she also lays out clear policy demands, like immediately halting fossil fuel subsidies and drastically reducing carbon emissions. Her message is clear: we know what needs to be done and we need to do it.

When crafting your own policy persuasive speech, it’s important to back up your arguments with solid evidence. Use statistics, expert testimony, and real-world examples to show why your proposed solution is feasible and necessary. Anticipate counterarguments and address them head-on. And most importantly, make a clear call to action. Ask yourself: what exactly do you want your audience to do to support your policy goals?

Value Persuasive Speech Examples

Value persuasive speeches aim to change people’s beliefs or attitudes about a particular issue. Rather than advocating for a specific policy, these speeches try to shift the audience’s underlying values and assumptions.

A classic example of a value persuasive speech is Mary McLeod Bethune’s “ What Does American Democracy Mean to Me? ” address. As an African American woman born into poverty, Bethune faced countless obstacles and injustices throughout her life. But in this speech, she reframes the narrative around American democracy, arguing that our nation’s highest ideals are worth fighting for, even if we haven’t yet lived up to them. By appealing to shared values like freedom, justice, and equality, Bethune inspires her audience to keep pushing for change.

The key to a successful value persuasive speech is tapping into your audience’s existing beliefs and values. Use vivid language and storytelling to paint a picture of the world you want to see. Make your case in moral and ethical terms, not just practical ones. And don’t be afraid to show some vulnerability. By sharing your own experiences and struggles, you can create an emotional connection with your listeners.

Persuasive Speech Examples About Social Issues

Social issues make for compelling persuasive speech topics because they touch on deeply held beliefs and affect people’s everyday lives. Whether you’re talking about racial justice, gender equality, or income inequality, these speeches require a deft touch and a willingness to engage with complex, often controversial ideas.

Talking About Mental Health

One powerful example of a persuasive speech about mental health is Kevin Breel’s “ Confessions of a Depressed Comic ” from TEDxKids@Ambleside. As a stand-up comedian, Breel knows how to get laughs, but he also knows the pain of living with depression. In this speech, he shares his own story of struggling with mental illness and calls on society to break the stigma around talking about mental health. By speaking vulnerably, Breel makes a compelling case for why we need to take depression seriously and support those who are struggling.

Addressing Physical Health

Another great example of a persuasive speech about health is Jamie Oliver’s TED Talk “ Teach Every Child About Food .” As a celebrity chef, Oliver has seen firsthand the impact of poor nutrition on people’s health. In this speech, he makes a passionate plea for better food education in schools, arguing that it’s a matter of life and death. With shocking statistics and personal anecdotes, Oliver paints a grim picture of the obesity epidemic and calls on parents, educators, and policymakers to take action.

Persuasive Speech Examples About the Environment

Environmental issues are some of the most pressing challenges we face as a society. From climate change to pollution to habitat destruction, the stakes couldn’t be higher. That’s why persuasive speeches about the environment are so important. By inspiring people to take action, they make a true difference.

One of the most famous environmental speeches of all time is Al Gore’s “An Inconvenient Truth” lecture, which was later turned into an Academy Award-winning documentary. In this speech, Gore lays out the scientific evidence for climate change and argues that we have a moral imperative to act. With compelling visuals and a sense of urgency, Gore makes a powerful case for why we need to reduce our carbon footprint and transition to renewable energy sources.

Another great example of an environmental persuasive speech is Severn Suzuki’s address to the UN Earth Summit in 1992. At just 12 years old, Suzuki delivered a heartfelt plea for action on behalf of her generation, arguing that adults were stealing children’s future by destroying the planet. Her speech went viral and helped galvanize the youth environmental movement. By speaking from the heart and calling out the hypocrisy of world leaders, Suzuki showed that you’re never too young to make a difference.

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FAQs on Persuasive Speech Examples

What are some examples of a persuasive speech.

Think climate change action, voting rights, or the importance of mental health awareness. They push for change.

What are 5 examples of persuasive essay?

Gun control laws, school uniforms debate, death penalty perspectives, animal testing ethics, and social media impacts make the list.

What’s an easy persuasive speech topic?

“Why recycling matters” is straightforward and impactful. It connects with everyday actions and broader environmental goals.

What is an example of a persuasive statement?

“Switching to renewable energy sources can significantly reduce our carbon footprint.” This urges action towards sustainability.

Persuasive speech examples show us how to inspire, motivate, and transform the way we communicate our ideas to the world. By studying these remarkable speeches, you’ve gained valuable insights into the art of persuasion and the techniques that make a speech truly unforgettable.

Remember, winning people over with your words takes more than just knowing the right things to say. It’s about practice, caring deeply, and tuning into the folks listening. Take the lessons you’ve learned from these examples and apply them to your own unique style and message. Pouring your soul into your speech can truly move an audience emotionally, altering their thinking for good.

Now your moment in the spotlight is here, so show off those persuasive speech skills. Go forth and create a speech that not only informs and entertains but also inspires and empowers your audience to take meaningful action. The world is waiting to hear your voice, so make it count!

  • Last Updated: June 21, 2024

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Persuasive Speech: How to Write an Effective Persuasive Speech

Persuasive Speech How to Write a Persuasive Speech

Most often, it actually causes the other person to want to play “Devil’s advocate” and argue with you. In this article, we are going to show you a simple way to win people to your way of thinking without raising resentment. If you use this technique, your audience will actually WANT to agree with you! The process starts with putting yourself in the shoes of your listener and looking at things from their point of view.

Background About How to Write a Persuasive Speech. Facts Aren’t Very Persuasive.

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In a Persuasive Presentation Facts Aren't Very Persuasive

Most people think that a single fact is good, additional facts are better, and too many facts are just right. So, the more facts you can use to prove your point, the better chance you have of convincing the other person that you are right. The HUGE error in this logic, though, is that if you prove that you are right, you are also proving that the other person is wrong. People don’t like it when someone proves that they are wrong. So, we prove our point, the other person is likely to feel resentment. When resentment builds, it leads to anger. Once anger enters the equation, logic goes right out the window.

In addition, when people use a “fact” or “Statistic” to prove a point, the audience has a natural reaction to take a contrary side of the argument. For instance, if I started a statement with, “I can prove to you beyond a doubt that…” before I even finish the statement, there is a good chance that you are already trying to think of a single instance where the statement is NOT true. This is a natural response. As a result, the thing that we need to realize about being persuasive is that the best way to persuade another person is to make the person want to agree with us. We do this by showing the audience how they can get what they want if they do what we want.

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A Simple 3-Step Process to Create a Persuasive Presentation

Persuasion Comes from both Logic and Emotion

The process below is a good way to do both.

Step One: Start Your Persuasive Speech with an Example or Story

When you write an effective persuasive speech, stories are vital. Stories and examples have a powerful way to capture an audience’s attention and set them at ease. They get the audience interested in the presentation. Stories also help your audience see the concepts you are trying to explain in a visual way and make an emotional connection. The more details that you put into your story, the more vivid the images being created in the minds of your audience members.

This concept isn’t mystical or anything. It is science. When we communicate effectively with another person, the purpose is to help the listener picture a concept in his/her mind that is similar to the concept in the speaker’s mind. The old adage is that a “picture is worth 1000 words.” Well, an example or a story is a series of moving pictures. So, a well-told story is worth thousands of words (facts).

By the way, there are a few additional benefits of telling a story. Stories help you reduce nervousness, make better eye contact, and make for a strong opening. For additional details, see Storytelling in Speeches .

I’ll give you an example.

Factual Argument: Seatbelts Save Lives

Factual Arguments Leave Out the Emotion

  • 53% of all motor vehicle fatalities from last years were people who weren’t wearing seatbelts.
  • People not wearing seatbelts are 30 times more likely to be ejected from the vehicle.
  • In a single year, crash deaths and injuries cost us over $70 billion dollars.

These are actual statistics. However, when you read each bullet point, you are likely to be a little skeptical. For instance, when you see the 53% statistic, you might have had the same reaction that I did. You might be thinking something like, “Isn’t that right at half? Doesn’t that mean that the other half WERE wearing seatbelts?” When you see the “30 times more likely” statistic, you might be thinking, “That sounds a little exaggerated. What are the actual numbers?” Looking at the last statistic, we’d likely want to know exactly how the reporter came to that conclusion.

As you can see, if you are a believer that seatbelts save lives, you will likely take the numbers at face value. If you don’t like seatbelts, you will likely nitpick the finer points of each statistic. The facts will not likely persuade you.

Example Argument: Seatbelts Save Lives

A Story or Example is More Persuasive Because It Offers Facts and Emotion

When I came to, I tried to open my door. The accident sealed it shut. The windshield was gone. So I took my seatbelt off and scrambled out the hole. The driver of the truck was a bloody mess. His leg was pinned under the steering wheel.

The firefighters came a few minutes later, and it took them over 30 minutes to cut the metal from around his body to free him.

A Sheriff’s Deputy saw a cut on my face and asked if I had been in the accident. I pointed to my truck. His eyes became like saucers. “You were in that vehicle?”

I nodded. He rushed me to an ambulance. I had actually ruptured my colon, and I had to have surgery. I was down for a month or so, but I survived. In fact, I survived with very few long-term challenges from the accident.

The guy who hit me wasn’t so lucky. He wasn’t wearing a seatbelt. The initial impact of the accident was his head on the steering wheel and then the windshield. He had to have a number of facial surgeries. The only reason he remained in the truck was his pinned leg. For me, the accident was a temporary trauma. For him, it was a life-long tragedy.

The Emotional Difference is the Key

As you can see, there are major differences between the two techniques. The story gives lots of memorable details along with an emotion that captures the audience. If you read both examples, let me ask you a couple of questions. Without looking back up higher on the page, how long did it take the firefighters to cut the other driver from the car? How many CDs did I have? There is a good chance that these two pieces of data came to you really quickly. You likely remembered this data, even though, the data wasn’t exactly important to the story.

However, if I asked you how much money was lost last year as a result of traffic accidents, you might struggle to remember that statistic. The CDs and the firefighters were a part of a compelling story that made you pay attention. The money lost to accidents was just a statistic thrown at you to try to prove that a point was true.

The main benefit of using a story, though, is that when we give statistics (without a story to back them up,) the audience becomes argumentative. However, when we tell a story, the audience can’t argue with us. The audience can’t come to me after I told that story and say, “It didn’t take 30 minutes to cut the guy out of the car. He didn’t have to have a bunch of reconstructive surgeries. The Deputy didn’t say those things to you! The audience can’t argue with the details of the story, because they weren’t there.

Step 2: After the Story, Now, Give Your Advice

When most people write a persuasive presentation, they start with their opinion. Again, this makes the listener want to play Devil’s advocate. By starting with the example, we give the listener a simple way to agree with us. They can agree that the story that we told was true. So, now, finish the story with your point or your opinion. “So, in my opinion, if you wear a seatbelt, you’re more likely to avoid serious injury in a severe crash.”

By the way, this technique is not new. It has been around for thousands of years. Aesop was a Greek slave over 500 years before Christ. His stories were passed down verbally for hundreds of years before anyone ever wrote them down in a collection. Today, when you read an Aesop fable, you will get 30 seconds to two minutes of the story first. Then, at the conclusion, almost as a post-script, you will get the advice. Most often, this advice comes in the form of, “The moral of the story is…” You want to do the same in your persuasive presentations. Spend most of the time on the details of the story. Then, spend just a few seconds in the end with your morale.

Step 3: End with the Benefit to the Audience

3 Step Process to Write an Effective Persuasive Speech

So, the moral of the story is to wear your seatbelt. If you do that, you will avoid being cut out of your car and endless reconstructive surgeries .

Now, instead of leaving your audience wanting to argue with you, they are more likely to be thinking, “Man, I don’t want to be cut out of my car or have a bunch of facial surgeries.”

The process is very simple. However, it is also very powerful.

How to Write a Successful Persuasive Speech Using the “Breadcrumb” Approach

Once you understand the concept above, you can create very powerful persuasive speeches by linking a series of these persuasive stories together. I call this the breadcrumb strategy. Basically, you use each story as a way to move the audience closer to the ultimate conclusion that you want them to draw. Each story gains a little more agreement.

So, first, just give a simple story about an easy to agree with concept. You will gain agreement fairly easily and begin to also create an emotional appeal. Next, use an additional story to gain additional agreement. If you use this process three to five times, you are more likely to get the audience to agree with your final conclusion. If this is a formal presentation, just make your main points into the persuasive statements and use stories to reinforce the points.

Here are a few persuasive speech examples using this approach.

An Example of a Persuasive Public Speaking Using Breadcrumbs

Marijuana Legalization is Causing Huge Problems in Our Biggest Cities Homelessness is Out of Control in First States to Legalize Marijuana Last year, my family and I took a mini-vacation to Colorado Springs. I had spent a summer in Colorado when I was in college, so I wanted my family to experience the great time that I had had there as a youth. We were only there for four days, but we noticed something dramatic had happened. There were homeless people everywhere. Keep in mind, this wasn’t Denver, this was Colorado City. The picturesque landscape was clouded by ripped sleeping bags on street corners, and trash spread everywhere. We were downtown, and my wife and daughter wanted to do some shopping. My son and I found a comic book store across the street to browse in. As we came out, we almost bumped into a dirty man in torn close. He smiled at us, walked a few feet away from the door, and lit up a joint. He sat on the corner smoking it. As my son and I walked the 1/4 mile back to the store where we left my wife and daughter, we stepped over and walked around over a dozen homeless people camped out right in the middle of the town. This was not the Colorado that I remembered. From what I’ve heard, it has gotten even worse in the last year. So, if you don’t want to dramatically increase your homelessness population, don’t make marijuana legal in your state. DUI Instances and Traffic Accidents Have Increased in Marijuana States I was at the airport waiting for a flight last week, and the guy next to me offered me his newspaper. I haven’t read a newspaper in years, but he seemed so nice that I accepted. It was a copy of the USA Today, and it was open to an article about the rise in unintended consequences from legalizing marijuana. Safety officials and police in Colorado, Nevada, Washington, and Oregon, the first four state to legalize recreational marijuana, have reported a 6% increase in traffic accidents in the last few years. Although the increase (6%) doesn’t seem very dramatic, it was notable because the rate of accidents had been decreasing in each of the states for decades prior to the law change. Assuming that only one of the two parties involved in these new accidents was under the influence, that means that people who aren’t smoking marijuana are being negatively affected by the legalization. So, if you don’t want to increase your chances of being involved in a DUI incident, don’t legalize marijuana. (Notice how I just used an article as my evidence, but to make it more memorable, I told the story about how I came across the article. It is also easier to deliver this type of data because you are just relating what you remember about the data, not trying to be an expert on the data itself.) Marijuana is Still Largely Unregulated Just before my dad went into hospice care, he was in a lot of pain. He would take a prescription painkiller before bed to sleep. One night, my mom called frantically. Dad was in a catatonic state and wasn’t responsive. I rushed over. The hospital found that Dad had an unusually high amount of painkillers in his bloodstream. His regular doctor had been on vacation, and the fill-in doctor had prescribed a much higher dosage of the painkiller by accident. His original prescription was 2.5 mg, and the new prescription was 10 mg. Since dad was in a lot of pain most nights, he almost always took two tablets. He was also on dialysis, so his kidneys weren’t filtering out the excess narcotic each day. He had actually taken 20 MG (instead of 5 MG) on Friday night and another 20 mg on Saturday. Ordinarily, he would have had, at max, 15 mg of the narcotic in his system. Because of the mistake, though, he had 60 MGs. My point is that the narcotics that my dad was prescribed were highly regulated medicines under a doctor’s care, and a mistake was still made that almost killed him. With marijuana, there is really no way of knowing how much narcotic is in each dosage. So, mistakes like this are much more likely. So, in conclusion, legalizing marijuana can increase homelessness, increase the number of impaired drivers, and cause accidental overdoses.

If you use this breadcrumb approach, you are more likely to get at least some agreement. Even if the person disagrees with your conclusion, they are still likely to at least see your side. So, the person may say something like, I still disagree with you, but I totally see your point. That is still a step in the right direction.

For Real-World Practice in How to Design Persuasive Presentations Join Us for a Class

Our instructors are experts at helping presenters design persuasive speeches. We offer the Fearless Presentations ® classes in cities all over the world about every three to four months. In addition to helping you reduce nervousness, your instructor will also show you secrets to creating a great speech. For details about any of the classes, go to our Presentation Skills Class web page.

For additional details, see Persuasive Speech Outline Example .

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Persuasive Speech Outline, with Examples

March 17, 2021 - Gini Beqiri

A persuasive speech is a speech that is given with the intention of convincing the audience to believe or do something. This could be virtually anything – voting, organ donation, recycling, and so on.

A successful persuasive speech effectively convinces the audience to your point of view, providing you come across as trustworthy and knowledgeable about the topic you’re discussing.

So, how do you start convincing a group of strangers to share your opinion? And how do you connect with them enough to earn their trust?

Topics for your persuasive speech

We’ve made a list of persuasive speech topics you could use next time you’re asked to give one. The topics are thought-provoking and things which many people have an opinion on.

When using any of our persuasive speech ideas, make sure you have a solid knowledge about the topic you’re speaking about – and make sure you discuss counter arguments too.

Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  • All school children should wear a uniform
  • Facebook is making people more socially anxious
  • It should be illegal to drive over the age of 80
  • Lying isn’t always wrong
  • The case for organ donation

Read our full list of  75 persuasive speech topics and ideas .

Ideas for a persuasive speech

Preparation: Consider your audience

As with any speech, preparation is crucial. Before you put pen to paper, think about what you want to achieve with your speech. This will help organise your thoughts as you realistically can only cover 2-4 main points before your  audience get bored .

It’s also useful to think about who your audience are at this point. If they are unlikely to know much about your topic then you’ll need to factor in context of your topic when planning the structure and length of your speech. You should also consider their:

  • Cultural or religious backgrounds
  • Shared concerns, attitudes and problems
  • Shared interests, beliefs and hopes
  • Baseline attitude – are they hostile, neutral, or open to change?

The factors above will all determine the approach you take to writing your speech. For example, if your topic is about childhood obesity, you could begin with a story about your own children or a shared concern every parent has. This would suit an audience who are more likely to be parents than young professionals who have only just left college.

Remember the 3 main approaches to persuade others

There are three main approaches used to persuade others:

The ethos approach appeals to the audience’s ethics and morals, such as what is the ‘right thing’ to do for humanity, saving the environment, etc.

Pathos persuasion is when you appeal to the audience’s emotions, such as when you  tell a story  that makes them the main character in a difficult situation.

The logos approach to giving a persuasive speech is when you appeal to the audience’s logic – ie. your speech is essentially more driven by facts and logic. The benefit of this technique is that your point of view becomes virtually indisputable because you make the audience feel that only your view is the logical one.

  • Ethos, Pathos, Logos: 3 Pillars of Public Speaking and Persuasion

Ideas for your persuasive speech outline

1. structure of your persuasive speech.

The opening and closing of speech are the most important. Consider these carefully when thinking about your persuasive speech outline. A  strong opening  ensures you have the audience’s attention from the start and gives them a positive first impression of you.

You’ll want to  start with a strong opening  such as an attention grabbing statement, statistic of fact. These are usually dramatic or shocking, such as:

Sadly, in the next 18 minutes when I do our chat, four Americans that are alive will be dead from the food that they eat – Jamie Oliver

Another good way of starting a persuasive speech is to include your audience in the picture you’re trying to paint. By making them part of the story, you’re embedding an emotional connection between them and your speech.

You could do this in a more toned-down way by talking about something you know that your audience has in common with you. It’s also helpful at this point to include your credentials in a persuasive speech to gain your audience’s trust.

Speech structure and speech argument for a persuasive speech outline.

Obama would spend hours with his team working on the opening and closing statements of his speech.

2. Stating your argument

You should  pick between 2 and 4 themes  to discuss during your speech so that you have enough time to explain your viewpoint and convince your audience to the same way of thinking.

It’s important that each of your points transitions seamlessly into the next one so that your speech has a logical flow. Work on your  connecting sentences  between each of your themes so that your speech is easy to listen to.

Your argument should be backed up by objective research and not purely your subjective opinion. Use examples, analogies, and stories so that the audience can relate more easily to your topic, and therefore are more likely to be persuaded to your point of view.

3. Addressing counter-arguments

Any balanced theory or thought  addresses and disputes counter-arguments  made against it. By addressing these, you’ll strengthen your persuasive speech by refuting your audience’s objections and you’ll show that you are knowledgeable to other thoughts on the topic.

When describing an opposing point of view, don’t explain it in a bias way – explain it in the same way someone who holds that view would describe it. That way, you won’t irritate members of your audience who disagree with you and you’ll show that you’ve reached your point of view through reasoned judgement. Simply identify any counter-argument and pose explanations against them.

  • Complete Guide to Debating

4. Closing your speech

Your closing line of your speech is your last chance to convince your audience about what you’re saying. It’s also most likely to be the sentence they remember most about your entire speech so make sure it’s a good one!

The most effective persuasive speeches end  with a  call to action . For example, if you’ve been speaking about organ donation, your call to action might be asking the audience to register as donors.

Practice answering AI questions on your speech and get  feedback on your performance .

If audience members ask you questions, make sure you listen carefully and respectfully to the full question. Don’t interject in the middle of a question or become defensive.

You should show that you have carefully considered their viewpoint and refute it in an objective way (if you have opposing opinions). Ensure you remain patient, friendly and polite at all times.

Example 1: Persuasive speech outline

This example is from the Kentucky Community and Technical College.

Specific purpose

To persuade my audience to start walking in order to improve their health.

Central idea

Regular walking can improve both your mental and physical health.


Let’s be honest, we lead an easy life: automatic dishwashers, riding lawnmowers, T.V. remote controls, automatic garage door openers, power screwdrivers, bread machines, electric pencil sharpeners, etc., etc. etc. We live in a time-saving, energy-saving, convenient society. It’s a wonderful life. Or is it?

Continue reading

Example 2: Persuasive speech

Tips for delivering your persuasive speech

  • Practice, practice, and practice some more . Record yourself speaking and listen for any nervous habits you have such as a nervous laugh, excessive use of filler words, or speaking too quickly.
  • Show confident body language . Stand with your legs hip width apart with your shoulders centrally aligned. Ground your feet to the floor and place your hands beside your body so that hand gestures come freely. Your audience won’t be convinced about your argument if you don’t sound confident in it. Find out more about  confident body language here .
  • Don’t memorise your speech word-for-word  or read off a script. If you memorise your persuasive speech, you’ll sound less authentic and panic if you lose your place. Similarly, if you read off a script you won’t sound genuine and you won’t be able to connect with the audience by  making eye contact . In turn, you’ll come across as less trustworthy and knowledgeable. You could simply remember your key points instead, or learn your opening and closing sentences.
  • Remember to use facial expressions when storytelling  – they make you more relatable. By sharing a personal story you’ll more likely be speaking your truth which will help you build a connection with the audience too. Facial expressions help bring your story to life and transport the audience into your situation.
  • Keep your speech as concise as possible . When practicing the delivery, see if you can edit it to have the same meaning but in a more succinct way. This will keep the audience engaged.

The best persuasive speech ideas are those that spark a level of controversy. However, a public speech is not the time to express an opinion that is considered outside the norm. If in doubt, play it safe and stick to topics that divide opinions about 50-50.

Bear in mind who your audience are and plan your persuasive speech outline accordingly, with researched evidence to support your argument. It’s important to consider counter-arguments to show that you are knowledgeable about the topic as a whole and not bias towards your own line of thought.

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12 ways to hook an audience in 30 seconds.

The attractive mid adult woman teleconferences to meet with her diverse colleagues.  She is social distancing due to the coronavirus epidemic.

Published: October 26, 2021

Updated: October 26, 2021

Do you want to grab your audience's attention from the first sentence? Here's a compilation of great ideas with examples and tips on how to write a good hook.

"When you advertise fire-extinguishers, open with the fire," says advertising executive  David Ogilvy . You have only 30 seconds in a TV commercial to grab viewers' attention. The same applies to a presentation. Knowing how to hook your audience in the first 30 seconds of your talk is crucial. This is the time your listeners form an impression of you and of what's to follow. The success of your talk depends upon grabbing your listeners’ attention and keeping them engaged. 

What is a speech hook and how does it work?

A hook is a presentation-opening tactic that immediately captures your audience’s imagination. As the word implies, it’s like a worm on a fishing hook that attracts a fish. A hook instantly engages your audience so that they want to listen to what you have to say.

Your hook must come at the start of your talk. First impressions count. Like a fine thoroughbred, you need to start strong out of the gate. Instead, many presenters are more like old, tired workhorses—they start weak by wasting those first precious seconds with platitudes and pleasantries.  Brain research  shows that we don't pay attention to boring things. Surprise your listeners with some creative speech attention grabbers.

How do you make a good hook?

Coming up with hook ideas is not difficult if you follow some basic guidelines on how to make a good hook.

A good hook is brief, catchy, well-rehearsed and pertinent to your topic. In brainstorming examples of hooks, avoid the dry and conventional.

For example, let's say you are  delivering a presentation  on investments. Instead of an obvious and trite question such as "How many of you would be unhappy to hear that your house is worth less than you paid for it?" consider using a catchy or thought-provoking question such as "How many of you thought that your home would be your safest investment?"

12 Killer Hooks to Grab Your Audience's Attention

If you're stuck for ideas on how to start with a hook, check out these 12 examples of hooks that will help you grab your audience's attention—and keep it.

1. Use a contrarian approach.

One of the best attention grabber examples is to make a statement of a universally accepted concept, then go against conventional wisdom by contradicting the statement. For example, a market trader starts by contradicting the commonly held advice of buying low and selling high. He says: "It's wrong. Why? Because buying low typically entails a stock that's going in the opposite direction—down—from the most desired direction—up." This tactic is a provocative attention grabber for speeches and it can help engage the audience right away.

2. Ask a series of rhetorical questions.

One of the most common hook ideas is to start with a rhetorical question. Better still, start with a series of rhetorical questions. An excellent example of this tactic is Simon Sinek's TED  presentation  on how great leaders can inspire action. He begins with: "How do you explain when things don't go as we assumed? Or better, how do you explain when others are able to achieve things that seem to defy all of the assumptions? For example, why is Apple so innovative? . . . Why is it that they seem to have something different? Why is it that Martin Luther King led the civil rights movement?" A series of rhetorical questions stimulate the audience's mind as they ponder the answers.

3. Deliver a compelling sound bite.

Top hook ideas include using a catchy phrase or sound bite that perks up the audience.  To create your sound bite, consider your message and package it in a brief and compelling statement. Then explain how it fits into your overall topic or message.

Take inspiration from speakers such as innovation expert  Jeremy Gutsche  who once used this sound bite in a keynote: "Culture eats strategy for breakfast. This is a sign that is on Ford's strategy War Room. And the lesson from it is not how good your PowerPoint slide deck is; what it really boils down to at the end of the day is how ready and willing your organization is to embrace change, try new things and focus on when you find an opportunity."

4. Make a startling assertion.

When you're stumped for ideas on how to make a hook, use a surprising or amazing fact. That's an easy and sure-fire way to gain people's attention. Take the time to research startling statistics that illustrate the seriousness of what you're going to talk about. For example, a presentation about conservancy can start with: "Every second, a slice of rainforest the size of a football field is mowed down. That's over 31 million football fields of rainforest each year."

5. Provide a reference to a historical event. 

Good attention getters for speeches include mentioning a historical event. There are times when the day you present may have some significance in history that can be tied to the subject of your presentation as an opening gambit. You can quickly look up what happened on any day in  Today In Sport  or a more general site such as  This Day In History . You never know what pertinence the day might have that will add some pizzazz to your presentation. It's worth a look.

6. Use the word imagine.

Another effective attention grabber for speeches is the word “imagine.” It invites the audience to create a mental image of something. Ever since John Lennon's famous song, it has become a powerful word with emotional appeal. A good example is Jane Chen's TED  talk . She speaks about a low-cost incubator that can save many lives in underdeveloped countries. Chen opens by saying: “Please close your eyes and open your hands. Now imagine what you could place in your hands, an apple, maybe your wallet. Now open your eyes. What about a life?” She displays a slide with Anne Geddes' image of a tiny baby held in an adult's hands as she says this. Combining a hook with a visual is one of the most engaging speech attention grabbers.

There is power in asking the audience to conjure up their imagination, to play along. You can easily adapt this tactic to any topic where you want the audience to imagine a positive outcome or a vision of a better tomorrow. You can also use this opening gambit to ask the audience to imagine being in someone else's shoes.

7. Add a little show business.

If you’re looking for ideas on how to make a hook that's entertaining, consider the world of movies. Movies occupy a central place in most people's lives and a well-placed, pertinent movie quote at the start of a presentation can perk up your audience. Perhaps you have your own inspirational quote from a favorite film. You can also find some classics here:  The Best Business Wisdom Hidden In Classic Movie Quotes .

8. Arouse curiosity.

Powerful attention grabbers spark people's curiosity. To do this, you can start with a statement designed to arouse interest and make the audience look up and listen to you attentively. Bestselling author Dan Pink does this masterfully in  one  of his talks. He says: "I need to make a confession, at the outset. A little over 20 years ago, I did something that I regret. Something that I am not particularly proud of, something that in many ways I wished no one would ever know, but that here I feel kind of obliged to reveal. In the late 1980s, in a moment of youthful indiscretion, I went to law school." The hook here leads to some self-deprecating humor, which makes it even more effective.

9. Use quotations differently.

Often-used hook ideas involve the use of quotes. While many speakers start with an apt quotation, you can differentiate by stating the quote and adding a twist. For example, "We've all heard that a journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step. But we need to remember that a journey to nowhere also starts with a single step." You can also use a quotation from your own life. For example, in a presentation on price versus quality, I have often used a quote from my grandfather, who used to say: "I am not rich enough to buy cheap."

There are numerous sources for quotations, such as  The Library of Congress , but you might also consider  The Yale Book of Quotations , which brings together over 13,000 quotes. You can also find such resources in app form, including  Famous Quotes  and  Brilliant Quotes .

10. Quote a foreign proverb.

A novel attention grabber for speeches is quoting a proverb from a culture your audience might not be familiar with. There is a wealth of fresh material to be culled from around the world. Chances are your listeners have never heard them, so they have novelty appeal. Here are some examples: "Our last garment is made without pockets" (Italy); "You'll never plow a field by turning it over in your mind" (Ireland); "The nail that sticks up will be hammered down" (Japan), and "Paper can't wrap up a fire" (China). Whatever phrase you select,  take the time to read and understand any important context around it, so as to make sure it's appropriate for your talk.

11. Take them through a "what if" scenario. 

A compelling way to start your presentation is with a "what if" scenario. For example, asking "What if you were debt-free?" at the start of a money management presentation might grab your listeners' attention as it asks them to look forward to a positive future and it can intensify their desire for your product or service. Exploring hook ideas that use a "what if" scenario may be fruitful as the "what if" concept is easily adaptable to almost any presentation.

12. Tell them a story. 

The most engaging and widespread examples of hooks, without a doubt, are stories. Nothing will compel listeners to lean in more than a well-told story.  Science  tells us that our brains are hardwired for storytelling. But the story needs to be brief, with just the right amount of detail to bring it to life. It must be authentic and have a "message," or lesson, to support your viewpoint. Above all, it must be kind. 

A version of this article was originally published on April 11, 2013. 

Photo: Getty Images

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How to Hook Your Audience with a Great Opener

How to Hook Your Audience with a Great Opener

Want to grab listeners' attention and engagement immediately? Here's how to hook your audience with a great opener!

"I speak to you for the first time as Prime Minister in a solemn hour for the life of our country, of our empire, of our allies, and, above all, of the cause of Freedom."

That's Winston Churchill, in his first broadcast speech as Prime Minister on May 19, 1940. Most of us don't have a topic as momentous as the "tremendous battle raging in France and Flanders" [i] to speak about—or a talent as great as Churchill's. But we have just as much need to hook our audiences at the start of our speeches and presentations.

Do you know the best practices for high-impact speaking? Discover how to motivate, inspire, and activate people! Get my Free Guide , "Six Rules of Effective Public Speaking."

So how are you doing in this department? It's not going too far to say that the success of your talk depends upon your getting listeners to get engaged and stay that way . That's what a speech "hook" or "grabber" is designed to do. 

What Is a Speech Hook and How Does It Work?

A hook or grabber is the part of your presentation that compels an audience to sit up and pay attention. It should come at the beginning of your talk, where it can do the most good. Audiences have a lot on their minds as they prepare to listen to your remarks. They might in fact be attending a number of presentations that week. So you need to let them know right away that you're the speaker who is going to be interesting .

Once engaged, listeners will stay with you. That is, as long as the body of your speech doesn't fail to live up to expectations. But it's that hook that gets everything started.

Doesn't that sound like a formula for speaking success? To get there, see my 12 foolproof ways to grab an audience . It's all about knowing how to start a speech.

An Effective vs. Ineffective Opening

To grasp the difference between an opening that hooks and one that lets your listeners slip away, consider the following two speech openings. They're both from TED talks, and both are delivered by scientists. Which one grabs your attention?

(A) "We're going to go on a dive to the deep sea." [ii]

(B) "I study ants . . . in the desert, in the tropical forest, in my kitchen, and in the hills around Silicon Valley, where I live." [iii]

I'll bet it's the first one. Who wouldn't want to go on a virtual dive with oceanographer David Gallo to explore the ocean depths (choice A)? It's nice that biologist Deborah Gordon studies ants (choice B). But it doesn't sound compelling.

In fact her topic—the link between ants, the human brain, and cancer—is fascinating. But her opening keeps her speech firmly tied to the earth. Like every speech, however, it needs to get airborne right off the launch pad.

Knowing how to start a speech means finding speech introduction examples.

You Can Be Creative, Can't You?

So how can you make that happen in your own speeches and presentations? Here are what I believe are the four key elements of a successful speech hook, along with speech introduction examples. Keep in mind, they should occur as early in your speech as possible, so you tap into the critical first 60 seconds of a speech . What then does a good speech hook do?

(1) It resonates with the audience.

If your topic happens to be of general interest to everyone, this requirement should be easy. Sir Ken Robinson ,  for instance, pulls it off in just  nine seconds  in his TED talk, "Do Schools Kill Creativity?" Here's his opening, referring to the previous speakers at the event: "It's been great, hasn't it? I've been blown away by the whole thing. In fact . . . I'm leaving." [iv] Humor done well is always a winner. Equally successful is an opening that has special relevance to listeners (rather than being a topic that anyone can relate to). If you know your industry and your audience, you should be able to come up with a hook that absolutely resonates in this way.

(2) It surprises them.

Have you ever sighed resignedly because a speaker began, "My topic today is . . . " How differently we react when he or she approaches us from an unexpected direction! That speaker may elicit delight rather than heavy eyelids. Here is someone who does that: Gavin Pretor-Pinney in his TED Talk. He starts out: "Clouds ... have you ever noticed how much people moan about them?" [v] If I mention the talk is titled "Cloudy with a Chance of Joy," you'll understand his surprising yet logical choice of an opening.

(3) It's concise.

You want impact. You may tell a great story , but its effect will evaporate if it goes on too long. Always consider the total time you have and craft an opening that helps balance the talk as a whole. Mark Twain once began a speech following a toast to the New England weather by saying, "I reverently believe that the Maker who made us all makes everything in New England but the weather." [vi] (I bet that opening surprised his listeners, too.)

(4) It taps into something larger than your topic.

Remember, your topic is only your doorway to a place where you help change the world of your listeners. No speaker understood this better than President John F. Kennedy in 1961, when he said in the opening of his inaugural speech: "We observe today not a victory of party, but a celebration of freedom." [vii]  

And here's the unmatched simplicity and understatement (and mischief) of Sojourner Truth's opening in her 1851 speech on women's rights, "Ain't I a Woman," which reflects on that issue as well as the other great one of the day: slavery.

"Well, children, where there is so much racket there must be something out of kilter." [viii]

Resonant, surprising, concise, and connected with a much larger issue. Take away that lesson to help change your own world—one speech, and one speech hook, at a time.

This article was originally published in 2016. It is updated here. 

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Tags: speeches , how to open a presentation , how to begin a presentation , how to start a speech , speech format , how to open a speech , how to organize a presentation , speech hook , how to organize a speech , how to start a presentation , speech hooks , speech grabbers , how to begin a speech , speech introduction examples

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Persuasive Speech

Persuasive Speech Examples

Last updated on: Aug 22, 2024

15+ Persuasive Speech Examples to Engage and Persuade

By: Caleb S.

19 min read

Reviewed By: Barbara P.

Published on: Jun 12, 2023

Persuasive speech examples

Struggling to convince others in speeches? Weak arguments not getting the desired results?

Mastering persuasive speech can be quite challenging.

Imagine having the ability to captivate your audience, leaving a lasting impression with every word. The good news is that mastering the power of persuasion is within your reach.

In this blog, we will explore persuasive speech examples that inspire action and conviction. Learn from real-life speech examples and discover effective techniques to enhance your convincing skills.

Let’s dive into persuasive speech examples and examine why these examples always work to persuade the audience. 

So without further ado, let’s begin! 

Persuasive speech examples

On this Page

What Do We Mean By A Persuasive Speech?

When we talk about a persuasive speech , we refer to a form of communication that seeks to influence the audience's beliefs or actions. 

It is a powerful tool used by speakers to present compelling arguments, backed by evidence and persuasive techniques. The goal is to convince listeners to embrace a specific viewpoint or take a particular course of action.

How Can Reading Persuasive Speech Examples Help You? 

Reading persuasive speech examples can provide numerous benefits in enhancing your persuasive skills and overall communication abilities. Here's how:

  • Provide learning opportunities: Learn successful techniques, argument structure, and evidence usage.
  • Inspire creativity: Spark ideas for unique and impactful persuasive speeches.
  • Understand audience engagement: Learn to capture attention, evoke emotions, and address counterarguments effectively.
  • Build confidence: Witness real-world persuasive success, boosting your own confidence.
  • Sharpen critical thinking: Evaluate arguments and develop a discerning mindset.

Persuasive Speech Outline - Free Template 

Creating an effective persuasive speech requires a well-structured outline that connects the main points seamlessly. 

Here is a persuasive speech outline that can guide you in delivering a compelling and influential presentation:

Persuasive Speech Examples Outline

Short Persuasive Speech Examples for Middle School

Read the following example to get inspired! 

Persuasive Speech For Middle School Students

Persuasive Speech Examples for College

Find inspiration in the provided example!

5-Minute Persuasive Speech Examples

Let the example inspire your innovative ideas!

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Dive into the example and let your imagination soar!

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Tap into your creativity with the given example!

Funny Persuasive Speech

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Tough Essay Due? Hire Tough Writers!

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Let the example inspire you to create something amazing!

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Get inspired by reading the example!

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Persuasive Speech Examples About Life 

Read this example to learn more about giving persuasive speeches on this topic! 

Persuasive speech about life

Persuasive Speech Topic Examples 

Need to come up with a good persuasive speech topic that will captivate your audience and inspire meaningful discussions? Here are some thought-provoking persuasive speech ideas to help you out.

  • The importance of recycling: Encouraging sustainable habits to protect the environment.
  • Promoting mental health awareness: Breaking the stigma and fostering a supportive society.
  • The benefits of volunteering: Making a difference in your community and beyond.
  • Exploring renewable energy sources: Urging for a shift towards a sustainable energy future.
  • Addressing food waste: Taking action to reduce waste and alleviate hunger.
  • The impact of social media: Navigating the digital world responsibly and promoting online safety.
  • Legalizing medicinal marijuana: Exploring the potential benefits for patients in need.
  • Promoting gender equality: Advocating for equal opportunities and dismantling gender stereotypes.
  • Implementing stricter gun control laws: Enhancing public safety and preventing gun violence.
  • The importance of financial literacy: Equipping individuals with essential skills for economic success.

Head over to our topics blog and find over 200+ interesting persuasive speech topics to get inspired!

Wrapping it Up ,

Crafting a persuasive speech that captures your audience's attention and compels them to take action is no easy task. However, by implementing the tips mentioned in this blog, you can significantly enhance the impact of your persuasive speech. 

Remember, if you find yourself in need of support with your persuasive speech, consider reaching out to 

When you tell us to ' write my speech ', our experts take great care in writing a speech that will move your audience. With us, you can rest assured that your speech is in good hands.

You can also reach out to us and say ' help me with my paper '! We are trusted by thousands of students around the world with their essays and other writing requests.

So, place your order today!

Caleb S.

Caleb S. has been providing writing services for over five years and has a Masters degree from Oxford University. He is an expert in his craft and takes great pride in helping students achieve their academic goals. Caleb is a dedicated professional who always puts his clients first.

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8 Clever Hooks for Presentations That Will Captivate Your Audience

Have you ever noticed how the right beginning can make or break a talk? It’s the moment where you set the tone, grab attention, and invite your listeners to join you on a journey. Though often overlooked, the introductory moments of a talk can determine its ultimate success. Whether it’s a company meeting, a city council presentation, or even a podcast episode, knowing how to start strong is crucial.

Imagine this: you’re on a plane, rehearsing the draft of your slide deck. The session starts in just over an hour. You’re well-prepared, having done all the necessary tasks and coming up with effective methods to convey your ideas. But something feels off. You’ve got all the data, statistics, and anecdotes, yet there’s a lingering question in your mind: will they truly be getting engaged from the start?

In every presentation, it’s essential to figure an approach that will engage and intrigue. A creative and compelling opening can be the difference between being remembered or ignored. Yet it’s not enough to have interesting content; the way you begin has to be just as mesmerizing. We’re not just talking about an amusing anecdote or a curious fact, but something that resonates with your audience and paves the way for the remainder of your talk.

Let’s consider those speeches people still talk about years down the line. More often than not, these memorable moments have something in common: a strong introduction. The speakers didn’t just rely on the substance of their message but focused intensely on how they delivered that initial pitch. They practiced, got creative, and kept their audience’s attention from drifting. That level of preparation made a higher impact.

It’s not just about what you’re saying but how you start saying it. Whether through the use of a provocative question, an unexpected statistic, or even a brief story that builds intrigue, prioritizing a powerful introduction takes practice. The good news is, there are tried-and-true methods that you can incorporate into your own talks to ensure you start on the right foot.

Fancy listening to some podcasts might give you a few ideas as well. Many podcasters have developed a knack for grabbing listeners’ attention within the first few seconds. It’s a skill that’s undeniably transferable to live presentations. After all, in our fast-paced world, where everyone’s attention spans are getting shorter, a strong start is a necessity, not just a nice-to-have.

8 Creative Ways to Make Your Presentation Stand Out

Imagine this: your presentation is about to start, and you want to grab everyone’s attention immediately. The opening can make or break your talk. It sets the stage, engages people, and makes them eager to hear more. But how do you achieve that? These strategies will help you create an opening that people won’t forget, leaving a lasting impact on their minds.

1. Start with a Powerful Statement

Begin with something that jolts the audience. A provocative remark or surprising statistic can work wonders. For instance, “Did you know that over 5 million people…?” This instantly makes people think and gets them interested. The key is to choose a statement that is relevant and meaningful to your main topic.

2. Use a Historical Anecdote

History has a way of capturing imagination. Share a story from the past that relates to your subject. For example, “Back in 1969, when the first moon landing was announced…”. It creates a narrative that people can follow and recall easily. Plus, it pairs well with modern-day contexts, enhancing the depth of your speech.

The purpose here is not just to inform but also to inspire.

Look at it as painting a picture with words. People can’t help but be drawn in when there’s a rich story that pulls them into your world.

3. Pose a Rhetorical Question

Rhetorical questions are great attention getters. They make people think about the answer without you having to spell it out. For instance, “What would you do if…?” This type of question engages the mind and often makes people feel that they are part of the discussion. They’ll be more likely to stay tuned, thinking about the question even as you move on to other points.

Remember, the question should be directly tied to your content. This approach isn’t just about arousing curiosity; it’s about anchoring your talk in something that feels absolutely relevant and immediate.

4. Share a Real-Life Example

People relate to real stories. Share a case study or example from your company’s history or a well-known success story in your industry. Your audience is more likely to remember real-life instances than abstract concepts. For example, “When our company’s product first launched, we discovered…”. It grounds your speech in reality, making the benefits and outcomes you’re discussing seem tangible and achievable.

So, next time you’re preparing a presentation , don’t just focus on the factual content. Think about your opening. A strong start will make your audience sit up and pay attention. And once you have them hooked, you can guide them, step-by-step, through the rest of your talk, leaving them with comments that show they’re genuinely interested and engaged.

Expert Tips to Captivate Your Audience

Engaging your audience effectively is both an art and a science. Every field has its own dynamics, but the principles of holding attention often remain universal. It’s about creating a balance between substance and style, ensuring that your message not only informs but also resonates deeply. Simple methods can be incredibly powerful when executed with skill.

Prioritize a Strong Start

Your introduction sets the tone for the entire event. Start with a couple of questions that highlight the real significance of the topic at hand. “How would it feel to recharge your entire workflow?” or “What if you could visualize success straight from the get-go?” Such questions compel the audience to think and engage immediately. This simple technique of querying grabs attention, awakening a state of curiosity and anticipation.

Use the Power of Storytelling

Stories are a fundamental way humans impart knowledge, and they work wonders in presentations too. Elizabeth Perry, a storytelling coach, suggests that even statistics can be turned into gripping tales that hold the audience’s belief and interest. Consider recounting an anecdote about a small startup that defied odds, or narrate a moment of suspense from a major event in the business world. It’s about bringing data to life, in a way that feels relatable and real.

Whether you’re addressing clients, stakeholders, or team members, the right story doesn’t just inform – it inspires. A visualization of a real-world scenario, where solutions made a tangible impact, provides clarity and sticks in memory far better than abstract concepts.

Finally, don’t shy away from humor. Light jokes can recharge a slow moment, make serious points more palatable, and create a connection on a personal level. A simple joke or a light-hearted story can act as a breather, making the audience more receptive and productive during your talk.

Remember, captivating and maintaining interest doesn’t mean bombarding with information. Prioritize what matters most, slow down to ensure comprehension, and build your narrative thoughtfully. The result? An audience that not only listens but remembers and acts upon what they’ve learned.

The Art of Storytelling in Presentations

Presenting with story-driven narratives engages like no other technique. This approach bonds with listeners on a deeper level. Imagine starting with a captivating story. It pulls the audience right in. They love the personal touch; it makes them react. A strong opening can have a surprising effect. A long-winded introduction, however, will lose attention fast.

When pitching a new project, storytelling benefits are huge. It brings concepts to life. People remember stories better than facts. Select a story that aligns with your message. Miles ahead of a mere data dump, they create lasting impressions. This method has been honed over years and has proven effective.

To perfect this art, you must practice carefully. Choose concise and relatable anecdotes. Stories that people can connect with are almost always worth it. Long gone are the days of boring presentations. Ask yourself, what personal experience can I share here? Sometimes, a soft, emotional touch is all it takes.

Claiming the full focus of your audience is the goal. A story is a great attention grabber. Introductions often get forgotten, but stories stick. Use them during the initial phase of your talk. They will help in making a strong name for yourself. Remember that the best presenters are also the best storytellers.

Years of analysis show that audiences love narratives. Reacting positively to personal and relatable content is common. It’s a technique that yields growth and positive results. Launch your career to new heights! Storytelling isn’t just a buzzword; it’s a skill that can dramatically improve your presentations.

Including stories isn’t just about entertainment. It’s about ensuring the audience interacts with your message. You could reference a successful project or a surprising outcome. For instance, a couple of concise sentences could set the stage. The story needs to project you as sincere and relatable. In the end, it’s about making a lasting impression.

Clever Hooks for Presentations

Engaging Your Audience with Questions

Engaging an audience is both an art and a science. One effective way to maintain their attention is by using questions. They can be rhetorical or direct. The key is strategic use. Questions can provoke thought and encourage participation, making the presentation a two-way conversation.

Imagine you’re addressing a group of professionals in New Zealand, and you start with a surprising question: “Did you know the average salary of a kiwi worker?” It’s an immediate grabber. People love surprising facts and real-world data. They’ll be more willing to listen and mentally respond, even if they don’t verbalize their answers.

Quoting experts and citing interesting sources like well-known books or articles adds depth. For instance, you might say, “As John Smith states, ‘The best way to predict the future is to create it.’ How do you imagine doing that in your role?” This not only emphasizes the significance of the topic but also enhances personal engagement.

Utilize anecdotal methods to drive points home. You could share a small story: “When I started my career, I always wondered why they’re so focused on infrastructure. Then something happened; I realized its importance in strategic terms over time.” Personal stories make ideas more relatable and human.

Open-ended questions encourage deeper thought. “What would you do if you were in charge of hiring?” Or try a reflective angle: “Think back to a time you faced a strategic challenge. How did you overcome it?” Such queries delve into past experiences and provoke introspection.

On the other hand, closed questions work well for gauging immediate reactions. “Do you agree?” or “Have you faced similar challenges?” These require simple yes or no answers and can be quick engagement tools. Remember, even a simple show of hands or a poll via apps like Slido or Mentimeter can break the monotony and encourage active participation.

Sometimes, adding a bit of humor can lower defenses and make the audience more receptive. Use a humorous question like, “Which tools wouldn’t you use even if they were hiring?” or “How many of you honestly thought about taking a break just now?” A joke a day keeps the boredom at bay, after all.

Wrap up with more pressing and pertinent questions about the future. “What’s the next big thing in your field?” or “How do you imagine shaping the future with these new tools and knowledge?” This leaves the audience pondering long after the talk ends, effectively increasing engagement.

Using Humor to Break the Ice

Humor has a unique way of connecting people and making them feel comfortable. When executed correctly, it can set a positive tone for your presentation. Many people appreciate a good laugh, especially at the beginning of what they might initially think will be a dull meeting. This section discusses how humor can be a substantial starting point.

Understanding Your Audience

Knowing your audience is the first step. What age group are they? Are they usually serious or more relaxed? Are there cultural or company-specific topics you need to be sensitive to? Understanding these nuances is essential. For example, imagine telling a joke about technology to a room full of tech-savvy individuals–they’re more likely to appreciate it. On the other hand, a joke about the intricacies of the kiwi market might only resonate with a niche group.

Here’s a scenario for you: you’re about to give a presentation to the board of directors of a conservative company. You need to break the ice but can’t come off as too flippant or unprofessional. In such cases, a light-hearted comment related to the company’s field or a humorous story from your own experience can work wonders, as long as it remains respectful.

Crafting the Perfect Joke

Writing a joke may seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. Think of a shared experience or common problem in your industry. Begin by sketching out a few ideas. Is there a recent event that everyone in your field is talking about? Is there a minister in a particular policy area whose decisions have caused a stir? Jokes that relate closely to your audience’s everyday life will land more effectively.

Take the opportunity to test your joke with colleagues before the big day. Feedback is crucial. In some cases, a joke might need minor adjustments to make it more effective. And don’t forget to consider timing. Launch your joke when it feels natural–the beginning of your presentation is usually the best time.

Below is a simple guide to help you create and deliver your humor effectively:

Step Action Comments
1 Know Your Audience Understand their backgrounds and sensitivities.
2 Brainstorm Jokes Think of shared experiences or industry-related humor.
3 Test Your Material Get feedback from trusted colleagues or friends.
4 Perfect Your Timing Deliver your joke at a natural and engaging moment.

When done right, humor can be the catalyst needed to create a memorable and impactful presentation. So, don’t shy away from it. Take that leap; your audience will thank you! The takeaway is to be genuine and willing to show your human side. After all, everybody enjoys a good laugh.

Leveraging Visuals for Impact

Grabbing attention and making an impact is crucial in any presentation. Visuals play an indispensable role in keeping the audience engaged and improving retention. A well-chosen image can convey a complex message immediately. But how do you leverage visuals effectively? Let’s delve into the strategies.

One of the best ways to arouse interest is to add relevant and striking visuals. These visuals should not just be decorative but serve to enhance your message. Here are some tips to make your visuals count:

  • Tell a Story: Images should help narrate your story. The right visual can tell a thousand words and add depth to your message.
  • Be Creative: Use infographics, charts, and creative visuals to explain facts and data. This approach helps in breaking down complex information into digestible parts.
  • Provide Contrast: Use contrasting images to highlight differences. This technique helps in making your key points stand out prominently.
  • Grab Anticipation: Begin with a captivating image that hints at what’s coming. This keeps the audience held in anticipation, eager to know more.
  • Quotes and Surprises: Incorporate famous quotes or surprising images related to your field. This method not only provides credibility but also arouses curiosity and keeps the audience engaged.

Besides these, ensure that your images are high-quality. Blurry or pixelated images can cost you credibility. High-quality visuals send the message that you value your presentation and, by extension, your audience. People spend a significant amount of time on sites with visually appealing elements–because we are visual beings.

Thanks to numerous tools available, you don’t have to be a design expert to have impactful visuals. Use tools like Canva, Piktochart, and others to improve your visual content. These tools provide ready-to-use templates and guides, making your job easier.

But, don’t overcrowd your slides with images. One well-placed image can be more effective than a clutter of visuals. Balance between text and imagery is key. Remember, visuals help recall. When your audience thinks back on your presentation, they’ll likely recall the powerful visuals you used, along with the messages they themselves told.

To sum up, visuals are a powerful tool to enhance the impact of your presentation. Used thoughtfully, they can bring your ideas to life and captivate your audience’s attention. You’ll find that this approach helps you to communicate more effectively and leave a lasting impression.

Effective Use of Quotations

Using quotations can transform a dull presentation into a memorable experience. They add depth and credibility. Moreover, they can illustrate points with clarity. Sometimes a single quote conveys more than a full slide of text. But does the effectiveness lie in the quote itself, or in how it’s presented? Let’s explore the strategies.

Why Quotations Work

Firstly, quotations tap into the collective memory. Everybody has likely heard some famous sayings before. This familiarity makes the message more relatable. Secondly, quotations from respected figures can lend authority to your arguments. When Albert Einstein said, “Imagination is more important than knowledge,” he left us with a metaphor that transcends age and discipline. In a global context, these words still resonate.

Picking the Right Quote

The right quotation is like a fine wine–it complements but doesn’t overpower. Consider your audience’s demographics. Are they academically inclined, business professionals, or perhaps a mix? In academic settings, quotes from renowned researchers are usually impactful. In business, anecdotes from industry giants can elevate your point. If you are looking to motivate, inspirational quotes work wonders.

For example, consider this: “The only way to do great work is to love what you do” by Steve Jobs. Here, the object of importance is the passion driving one’s tasks. Such a sentence can make even the most mundane of topics seem filled with potential.

Timing is crucial too. Introducing a quote at the beginning can set the tone. In the middle, it can revitalize waning attention. Near the end, it can leave a lasting impression. Wondered where it fits best in your speech? Analyze your draft carefully. Sometimes, embedding a complementing quote miles deep into your analysis works best.

Leverage the emotional power of quotations. While humor (think #ajokeaday) can enliven the atmosphere, a seriously framed quote like, “The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step” by Lao Tzu, can inspire action. It’s all about balance. Make your choice wisely.

Moreover, don’t just recite the quote. Share it visually to maximize impact. Imagine a presentation slide where Martin Luther King’s “I have a dream” is not just written, but designed dynamically. It’s like watching a plane take off; the message will fly high and far.

Finally, always attribute right. Quoting someone without acknowledgment doesn’t earn you marks. Accuracy in citation shows respect and credibility. So, next time you’re drafting your talk, remember: a well-placed quote isn’t just filler–it’s a catalyst for growth.

Creating Anticipation with Insights

Grabbing and maintaining the attention of your audience can be challenging. It’s not just about delivering facts. It’s about engaging them right from the start. One excellent method is to create a sense of anticipation. People love the feeling of looking forward to something. This anticipation can elevate the overall impact of your presentation.

Start with a Provocative Question

Starting with a strategic and thought-provoking question can be a killer move. Ask something your audience can’t ignore. Make them think, “How would I answer that?” For instance, you might say, “What if I told you 4 simple changes could solve huge problems?” This immediately makes them recall their own problems and start thinking about solutions. A good question can set the stage for further engagement.

Share Historical Insights

Another technique is to delve into history. Talk about an intriguing historical event related to your topic. Present an attention-grabbing fact and link it to the present. For example, you could say, “Did you know this method we use today has its roots in ancient Rome?” This makes the information relatable and interesting.

Telling a quick, insightful story related to your presentation topic can also be highly effective. People have a natural affinity for stories. Share an interesting anecdote that provides an aha moment. This not only grabs attention but also makes the information memorable.

Don’t forget the power of humor. A little laugh goes a long way in easing the audience in. Crack a joke that’s relevant and in good taste. This can be especially rewarding if you know the sense of humor of your audience. Just like that, you’ve opened a channel of engagement.

Exploring commercial insights can also be powerful. Reference upcoming industry trends or data that feel like insider information. This approach creates a sense of exclusive knowledge. It makes your audience feel “in the know.” Naming real-world examples helps in grounding theory into practice.

Finally, do not downplay your own creative skills. Sharing personal insights or experiences adds a touch of authenticity. People appreciate knowing the person behind the presentation. Open up a little about yourself to make it more relatable. As a result, you build rapport and establish a deeper connection with your audience.

Arouse Curiosity

Engaging the audience’s interest can transform a regular presentation into a memorable experience. One powerful method is by arousing curiosity. People are naturally curious beings. They love discovering new, interesting things. By tapping into this innate quality, you can make your presentation unforgettable.

Imagine starting with a provocative statement or a fascinating fact. For instance, did you know that someone once paid $1.2 million for a single kiwi bird? Such a statement immediately grabs attention. It sparks questions in the minds of your listeners. How, why, what’s the story behind this? Curiosity is a great motivator; it drives listeners to stay tuned.

Using Rhetorical Questions

Rhetorical questions are effective in piquing interest. Questions like, “What would you do with an extra hour each day?” engage the imagination. They prompt audiences to think deeply. Moreover, rhetorical questions create an internal dialogue. Unlike other techniques, they demand personal reflection.

Sharing Intriguing Facts and Stories

Another technique involves sharing surprising facts or stories. Here are a few examples:

Fact Topic Impact
There’s more digital data created every day than in all of human history up to the year 2000. Growth Highlights the exponential rise of the digital era.
In some cultures, claiming to know everything makes you appear like a ‘wise monkey’. Culture Emphasizes the importance of humility.
The average person will spend 18 years of their life online. Internet Usage Shows the extensive impact of the internet on our lives.

These facts do more than inform. They stimulate thought and arouse curiosity. They invite the audience to connect the dots themselves. Whether through a provocative statement, a rhetorical question, or an intriguing fact, these techniques work by capturing attention and sparking interest. After all, the real essence of a great presentation lies not just in what is shared, but in how it engages the audience’s minds.

Remember the old proverb: “Give a man a fish, and he eats for a day; teach a man to fish, and he eats for a lifetime.” Bringing curiosity into your presentation does more than deliver information. It gives audiences a reason to remember and apply what they’ve learned, ensuring a lasting impact.

What are some examples of clever hooks to start a presentation?

Examples of clever hooks to start a presentation can include a surprising statistic, a compelling question, a short anecdote or story, a vivid description, a quote from a well-known person, a demonstration of a problem, an intriguing statement, or a “what if” scenario. These methods are designed to grab your audience’s attention and set the stage for the rest of your presentation.

Why is having a strong hook important for a presentation?

Having a strong hook is important because it captures your audience’s attention right from the beginning. It sets the tone for your presentation and encourages your audience to be engaged and interested in what you have to say. A compelling hook can make your message more memorable and help you establish a connection with your audience.

How can I incorporate a surprising statistic as a hook in my presentation?

To incorporate a surprising statistic, first identify a fact or figure that is directly related to your presentation topic and has the potential to surprise or intrigue your audience. Begin your presentation by stating the statistic clearly, and then explain why it is significant. This sets a factual foundation while immediately grabbing attention.

Can you explain how to use a personal story as a hook effectively?

Using a personal story as a hook can be very effective when it is relevant to your topic and emotionally engaging. Start with a brief narration of your experience that relates to the central message of your presentation. Highlight the challenges, emotions, and outcomes to make the story relatable. This humanizes you and makes your audience more invested in what you have to share.

What should I avoid when creating a hook for my presentation?

Avoid hooks that are irrelevant to your topic, overly complex, or generic. Starting with a cliché or a statement that doesn’t intrigue the audience could lose their interest quickly. Additionally, avoid overly long hooks that delay getting to the main content of your presentation. Aim for something concise, impactful, and directly related to your message.

How to Start your Presentation: 4 Step Formula for a Killer Intro

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15 Powerful Speech Opening Lines (And How to Create Your Own)

Hrideep barot.

  • Public Speaking , Speech Writing

powerful speech opening

Powerful speech opening lines set the tone and mood of your speech. It’s what grips the audience to want to know more about the rest of your talk.

The first few seconds are critical. It’s when you have maximum attention of the audience. And you must capitalize on that!

Instead of starting off with something plain and obvious such as a ‘Thank you’ or ‘Good Morning’, there’s so much more you can do for a powerful speech opening (here’s a great article we wrote a while ago on how you should NOT start your speech ).

To help you with this, I’ve compiled some of my favourite openings from various speakers. These speakers have gone on to deliver TED talks , win international Toastmaster competitions or are just noteworthy people who have mastered the art of communication.

After each speaker’s opening line, I have added how you can include their style of opening into your own speech. Understanding how these great speakers do it will certainly give you an idea to create your own speech opening line which will grip the audience from the outset!

Alright! Let’s dive into the 15 powerful speech openings…

Note: Want to take your communications skills to the next level? Book a complimentary consultation with one of our expert communication coaches. We’ll look under the hood of your hurdles and pick two to three growth opportunities so you can speak with impact!

1. Ric Elias

Opening: “Imagine a big explosion as you climb through 3,000 ft. Imagine a plane full of smoke. Imagine an engine going clack, clack, clack. It sounds scary. Well I had a unique seat that day. I was sitting in 1D.”

How to use the power of imagination to open your speech?

Putting your audience in a state of imagination can work extremely well to captivate them for the remainder of your talk.

It really helps to bring your audience in a certain mood that preps them for what’s about to come next. Speakers have used this with high effectiveness by transporting their audience into an imaginary land to help prove their point.

When Ric Elias opened his speech, the detail he used (3000 ft, sound of the engine going clack-clack-clack) made me feel that I too was in the plane. He was trying to make the audience experience what he was feeling – and, at least in my opinion, he did.

When using the imagination opening for speeches, the key is – detail. While we want the audience to wander into imagination, we want them to wander off to the image that we want to create for them. So, detail out your scenario if you’re going to use this technique.

Make your audience feel like they too are in the same circumstance as you were when you were in that particular situation.

2. Barack Obama

Opening: “You can’t say it, but you know it’s true.”

3. Seth MacFarlane

Opening: “There’s nowhere I would rather be on a day like this than around all this electoral equipment.” (It was raining)

How to use humour to open your speech?

When you use humour in a manner that suits your personality, it can set you up for a great speech. Why? Because getting a laugh in the first 30 seconds or so is a great way to quickly get the audience to like you.

And when they like you, they are much more likely to listen to and believe in your ideas.

Obama effortlessly uses his opening line to entice laughter among the audience. He brilliantly used the setting (the context of Trump becoming President) and said a line that completely matched his style of speaking.

Saying a joke without really saying a joke and getting people to laugh requires you to be completely comfortable in your own skin. And that’s not easy for many people (me being one of them).

If the joke doesn’t land as expected, it could lead to a rocky start.

Keep in mind the following when attempting to deliver a funny introduction:

  • Know your audience: Make sure your audience gets the context of the joke (if it’s an inside joke among the members you’re speaking to, that’s even better!). You can read this article we wrote where we give you tips on how you can actually get to know your audience better to ensure maximum impact with your speech openings
  • The joke should suit your natural personality. Don’t make it look forced or it won’t elicit the desired response
  • Test the opening out on a few people who match your real audience. Analyze their response and tweak the joke accordingly if necessary
  • Starting your speech with humour means your setting the tone of your speech. It would make sense to have a few more jokes sprinkled around the rest of the speech as well as the audience might be expecting the same from you

4. Mohammed Qahtani

Opening: Puts a cigarette on his lips, lights a lighter, stops just before lighting the cigarette. Looks at audience, “What?”

5. Darren Tay

Opening: Puts a white pair of briefs over his pants.

How to use props to begin your speech?

The reason props work so well in a talk is because in most cases the audience is not expecting anything more than just talking. So when a speaker pulls out an object that is unusual, everyone’s attention goes right to it.

It makes you wonder why that prop is being used in this particular speech.

The key word here is unusual . To grip the audience’s attention at the beginning of the speech, the prop being used should be something that the audience would never expect. Otherwise, it just becomes something that is common. And common = boring!

What Mohammed Qahtani and Darren Tay did superbly well in their talks was that they used props that nobody expected them to.

By pulling out a cigarette and lighter or a white pair of underwear, the audience can’t help but be gripped by what the speaker is about to do next. And that makes for a powerful speech opening.

6. Simon Sinek

Opening: “How do you explain when things don’t go as we assume? Or better, how do you explain when others are able to achieve things that seem to defy all of the assumptions?”

7. Julian Treasure

Opening: “The human voice. It’s the instrument we all play. It’s the most powerful sound in the world. Probably the only one that can start a war or say “I love you.” And yet many people have the experience that when they speak people don’t listen to them. Why is that? How can we speak powerfully to make change in the world?”

How to use questions to open a speech?

I use this method often. Starting off with a question is the simplest way to start your speech in a manner that immediately engages the audience.

But we should keep our questions compelling as opposed to something that is fairly obvious.

I’ve heard many speakers start their speeches with questions like “How many of us want to be successful?”

No one is going to say ‘no’ to that and frankly, I just feel silly raising my hand at such questions.

Simon Sinek and Jullian Treasure used questions in a manner that really made the audience think and make them curious to find out what the answer to that question is.

What Jullian Treasure did even better was the use of a few statements which built up to his question. This made the question even more compelling and set the theme for what the rest of his talk would be about.

So think of what question you can ask in your speech that will:

  • Set the theme for the remainder of your speech
  • Not be something that is fairly obvious
  • Be compelling enough so that the audience will actually want to know what the answer to that question will be

8. Aaron Beverley

Opening: Long pause (after an absurdly long introduction of a 57-word speech title). “Be honest. You enjoyed that, didn’t you?”

How to use silence for speech openings?

The reason this speech opening stands out is because of the fact that the title itself is 57 words long. The audience was already hilariously intrigued by what was going to come next.

But what’s so gripping here is the way Aaron holds the crowd’s suspense by…doing nothing. For about 10 to 12 seconds he did nothing but stand and look at the audience. Everyone quietened down. He then broke this silence by a humorous remark that brought the audience laughing down again.

When going on to open your speech, besides focusing on building a killer opening sentence, how about just being silent?

It’s important to keep in mind that the point of having a strong opening is so that the audience’s attention is all on you and are intrigued enough to want to listen to the rest of your speech.

Silence is a great way to do that. When you get on the stage, just pause for a few seconds (about 3 to 5 seconds) and just look at the crowd. Let the audience and yourself settle in to the fact that the spotlight is now on you.

I can’t put my finger on it, but there is something about starting the speech off with a pure pause that just makes the beginning so much more powerful. It adds credibility to you as a speaker as well, making you look more comfortable and confident on stage. 

If you want to know more about the power of pausing in public speaking , check out this post we wrote. It will give you a deeper insight into the importance of pausing and how you can harness it for your own speeches. You can also check out this video to know more about Pausing for Public Speaking:

9. Dan Pink

Opening: “I need to make a confession at the outset here. Little over 20 years ago, I did something that I regret. Something that I’m not particularly proud of. Something that in many ways I wish no one would ever know but that here I feel kind of obliged to reveal.”

10. Kelly McGonigal

Opening: “I have a confession to make. But first I want you to make a little confession to me.”

How to use a build-up to open your speech?

When there are so many amazing ways to start a speech and grip an audience from the outset, why would you ever choose to begin your speech with a ‘Good morning?’.

That’s what I love about build-ups. They set the mood for something awesome that’s about to come in that the audience will feel like they just have to know about.

Instead of starting a speech as it is, see if you can add some build-up to your beginning itself. For instance, in Kelly McGonigal’s speech, she could have started off with the question of stress itself (which she eventually moves on to in her speech). It’s not a bad way to start the speech.

But by adding the statement of “I have a confession to make” and then not revealing the confession for a little bit, the audience is gripped to know what she’s about to do next and find out what indeed is her confession.

11. Tim Urban

Opening: “So in college, I was a government major. Which means that I had to write a lot of papers. Now when a normal student writes a paper, they might spread the work out a little like this.”

12. Scott Dinsmore

Opening: “8 years ago, I got the worst career advice of my life.”

How to use storytelling as a speech opening?

“The most powerful person in the world is the storyteller.” Steve Jobs

Storytelling is the foundation of good speeches. Starting your speech with a story is a great way to grip the audience’s attention. It makes them yearn to want to know how the rest of the story is going to pan out.

Tim Urban starts off his speech with a story dating back to his college days. His use of slides is masterful and something we all can learn from. But while his story sounds simple, it does the job of intriguing the audience to want to know more.

As soon as I heard the opening lines, I thought to myself “If normal students write their paper in a certain manner, how does Tim write his papers?”

Combine such a simple yet intriguing opening with comedic slides, and you’ve got yourself a pretty gripping speech.

Scott Dismore’s statement has a similar impact. However, just a side note, Scott Dismore actually started his speech with “Wow, what an honour.”

I would advise to not start your talk with something such as that. It’s way too common and does not do the job an opening must, which is to grip your audience and set the tone for what’s coming.

13. Larry Smith

Opening: “I want to discuss with you this afternoon why you’re going to fail to have a great career.”

14. Jane McGonigal

Opening: “You will live 7.5 minutes longer than you would have otherwise, just because you watched this talk.”

How to use provocative statements to start your speech?

Making a provocative statement creates a keen desire among the audience to want to know more about what you have to say. It immediately brings everyone into attention.

Larry Smith did just that by making his opening statement surprising, lightly humorous, and above all – fearful. These elements lead to an opening statement which creates so much curiosity among the audience that they need to know how your speech pans out.

This one time, I remember seeing a speaker start a speech with, “Last week, my best friend committed suicide.” The entire crowd was gripped. Everyone could feel the tension in the room.

They were just waiting for the speaker to continue to know where this speech will go.

That’s what a hard-hitting statement does, it intrigues your audience so much that they can’t wait to hear more! Just a tip, if you do start off with a provocative, hard-hitting statement, make sure you pause for a moment after saying it.

Silence after an impactful statement will allow your message to really sink in with the audience.

Related article: 5 Ways to Grab Your Audience’s Attention When You’re Losing it!

15. Ramona J Smith

Opening: In a boxing stance, “Life would sometimes feel like a fight. The punches, jabs and hooks will come in the form of challenges, obstacles and failures. Yet if you stay in the ring and learn from those past fights, at the end of each round, you’ll be still standing.”

How to use your full body to grip the audience at the beginning of your speech?

In a talk, the audience is expecting you to do just that – talk. But when you enter the stage and start putting your full body into use in a way that the audience does not expect, it grabs their attention.

Body language is critical when it comes to public speaking. Hand gestures, stage movement, facial expressions are all things that need to be paid attention to while you’re speaking on stage. But that’s not I’m talking about here.

Here, I’m referring to a unique use of the body that grips the audience, like how Ramona did. By using her body to get into a boxing stance, imitating punches, jabs and hooks with her arms while talking – that’s what got the audience’s attention.

The reason I say this is so powerful is because if you take Ramona’s speech and remove the body usage from her opening, the entire magic of the opening falls flat.

While the content is definitely strong, without those movements, she would not have captured the audience’s attention as beautifully as she did with the use of her body.

So if you have a speech opening that seems slightly dull, see if you can add some body movement to it.

If your speech starts with a story of someone running, actually act out the running. If your speech starts with a story of someone reading, actually act out the reading.

It will make your speech opening that much more impactful.

Related article: 5 Body Language Tips to Command the Stage

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Final Words

So there it is! 15 speech openings from some of my favourite speeches. Hopefully, these will act as a guide for you to create your own opening which is super impactful and sets you off on the path to becoming a powerful public speaker!

But remember, while a speech opening is super important, it’s just part of an overall structure.

If you’re serious about not just creating a great speech opening but to improve your public speaking at an overall level, I would highly recommend you to check out this course: Acumen Presents: Chris Anderson on Public Speaking on Udemy. Not only does it have specific lectures on starting and ending a speech, but it also offers an in-depth guide into all the nuances of public speaking. 

Being the founder of TED Talks, Chris Anderson provides numerous examples of the best TED speakers to give us a very practical way of overcoming stage fear and delivering a speech that people will remember. His course has helped me personally and I would definitely recommend it to anyone looking to learn public speaking. 

No one is ever “done” learning public speaking. It’s a continuous process and you can always get better. Keep learning, keep conquering and keep being awesome!

Lastly, if you want to know how you should NOT open your speech, we’ve got a video for you:

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Waiting for my audience to arrive

If you don’t have hooks strategically sprinkled throughout your speech, chances are your audience will bail mentally if not physically.

You have to find ways to keep hooking your audience in so THEY don’t want to let go.

7 Irresistible Hooks

Below you’ll find 7 irresistible hooks (in no particular order) that get your audience to say, “Please tell me more” or “What happened next?!”

Hook #1: Curiosity Hook

“After 15 years of trial and error, research, and blood, sweat, and tears, I’ve finally found out what makes the difference between a good presenter and a great one. It’s…”

That’s an example of a curiosity hook. You find ways to make your long road lead to their shortcut . However, you don’t tell them what they want to know…at least not immediately. Make them curious, tease them a little more, and then give them the tool (or solution, answer, or formula, etc.).

Hook #2 – The Attainment Hook

Listen to how I use the Attainment Hook in this audio.  

The Attainment Hook is just how it sounds. You simply let the audience know what they can attain if they pay attention to what’s coming next. Think “results-based.” I mention that they’ll be able to make a deeper connection than they ever have before. That’s certainly something they want, but I make sure to tease them before I tell them . Don’t give it up too soon. Make them wait for it and really want it.

Hook #3 – The Avoidance Hook

Here’s an example of an Avoidance Hook. I tell a story about a speech I gave in Michigan when I failed miserably to the point where the meeting planner couldn’t even look me in the eyes. Then I say to my audience of speakers, “This is something you should not have to go through and you won’t if you listen closely.”

The Avoidance Hook focuses on something your audience wants to avoid. It’s important to use this type of hook because sometimes people are motivated by what they want to avoid more than they are by what they want to attain.

Hook #4 The “Most People” Hook

Listen to the following example of me using the “Most People” Hook.

When speaking, always keep this in mind:

“Most people don’t want to be most people”

When I used to watch the master presenters, I realized many of them made statements like, “Most people do this…” or “Most people do that…” Whenever I heard those statements, I’d say to myself, “Well, I’m NOT going to be like most people. I don’t want to be average. I want to be something different.”

That’s the effect the words “most people” have on people. For example, when I say, “Most people live their lives on get-set,” I know my audience is thinking, “That WON’T be me! Not anymore.”

Because “most people” are two very persuasive words in the English language, my audience members get motivated to “go” rather than live on “get-set.”

Hook #5 – The Conflict Hook

Good stories have a conflict this is established early . Great stories not only establish the conflict, they also escalate it. Think about the Titanic. One of the conflicts was when the Titanic hit the iceberg. However, the escalation of the conflict was when the water rose on the Titanic. If the water never rose on the Titanic, then that would have been a terrible movie. Always think, “How can I raise the water on the Titanic in my story?”

The conflict is the hook because your audience wants to see how you will overcome it and what tools you will use. Why? Because maybe they can use similar tools for similar situations. In that way, your speech has become very useful to them.

Hook #6 The Silence Hook

I tell a story about how excited I was to meet my speaking hero. The only problem was, when I approached him, he said nothing back to me. That silence in the story becomes a hook because my audience is hungry to hear what he is going to say and then, when he doesn’t say anything, they’re ever hungrier to see what I’m going to do about it. The silent moment becomes the hook.

The problem with some speakers is they rush through the silence thereby making the potential hook much less effective. Take your time, dance in the silence, and watch your audience move to the edge of their seats. Remember…

You can’t rush and resonate”

Hook #7 The Statement Hook

One of the first stories I ever told as a speaker started out like this:

“Nobody has ever died from a snakebite.”

My audience wonders, “What’s he talking about? People get bitten all the time and I’m sure some of them have died.”

I then go on to tell them it’s not the bite, it’s the venom that kills them.

The key is that the first statement hooks them in to want to know more. The rest of the story clears it up and answers their questions.

When all of your hooks are done, your speech is over whether you know it or not.

Final Words on Hooks

As you can see, it’s important not only to have hooks at the beginning and end of your speeches, but to sprinkle them throughout. Oh, wait a minute! There is an 8 th hook and it’s more powerful than the other 7 combined. It’s…

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9 Killer Speech Openers to Start a Talk or Presentation.​

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Danny Riley 8 min read

What you’ll learn:

  • The importance of a “killer” speech opening.
  • 9 powerful speech openers and how to use them.
  • Examples from great speakers you can learn from.

man testing speech openers

Great speech openers hook your audience.

“ Well begun is half done” – Mary Poppins.

A killer speech opener will make the difference between a presentation that makes you soar or your audience snore .

I’ve researched the whole web to find nine killer speech openers to make your audience lean in and listen rather than tune out and daydream.

You’ll see how masters of the craft have used them, and how you can too.

Number seven takes chutzpah to pull off. Ready for the whole list of killer speech openers?

The Shock Opener

One of the best ways to open your speech with a buzz is to startle or shock them.

You can shock an audience in many ways, but they all rest on the major senses of V.A.K.S:

  •  Visual
  • Kinaesthetic (touch) 

We don’t want your audience tasting your talk, but it should leave a good taste in their mouths.

Changing Minds suggests asking if the audience is awake after appearing from a flash bang and a cloud of smoke, and this might work for you if you’re a magician or playing some kind of character for your speech like a genie.

Suppose you aren’t going for the magic angle. 

In that case, you can shock them on a psychological level instead, as Conor Neill recommends, and tell your audience a surprising fact or statistic that makes them question their thinking or beliefs.

“Did you know that half the water on earth is older than the sun?”

Questions like these will shake an audience awake and turn on their critical thinking nervous-system.

Don’t take my word for it; you can see an incredible demonstration of the shock opener in Mohammed Qahtani’s speech, The Power of Words .

Qahtani opens by taking out a cigarette and placing it into his mouth before trying to light it. The audience is so shocked that they gasp and tell him to stop.

Remember, if your audience is shocked, they are listening.

Your audience doesn’t always have to be jolted to attention with a shock opener, though you can use a more subtle approach to grab their focus. 

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The story opener.

You can set the tone of your speech instantly with a story .

In Hollywood, filmmakers and directors use an ‘establishing shot’ to set the tone and theme of the entire film.

When creating your speech, think of a short story that sums up your talk.

Maybe you tell half the story to begin with, and then the other half at the end. 

The important thing is your tale must be relatable . If your audience can’t imagine themselves in the story, they won’t be engaged.

We all experience very similar things in life: 

  • We all went to school and had a teacher we loved
  • We all have parents who loved us or made mistakes in our upbringing
  • We all had a first crush.

We are all cut from the same cloth, so it’s good to be reminded that others are going through what we face or think as we do.

Bryan Stevenson does a stellar job of recounting his mischievous grandmother in his TED talk, We need to talk about an injustice .

The best thing is, you can combine a story-opener with any other speech opener in this list.

It’s truly versatile.

One of my favourite speech openers is next, though.

The Intrigue Opener

I love this speech opener.

What better way to hook your audience than to intrigue them with mystery or a juicy secret?

Have a look at Daniel Pink’s TED Talk The puzzle of motivation . After he begins, Pink, looking like a guilty man sent to the gallows, tells his audience:

“I need to confess something, at the outset here. A little over 20 years ago, I did something I regret. Something I’m not particularly proud of”.

Wow. How intriguing, right?

You have to admit; you want to know what he’s about to confess.

Choose every sentence, every word, and every mark of punctuation to increase the tantalisation temperature.

Whether it’s a secret or confession, the Intrigue Opener piques just enough curiosity in your audience to keep them from checking WhatsApp.

As humans, we need closure.

We do not like open loops.

That’s why it is both enthralling and aggravating when someone plays on our need to be sure.

Just as we cannot stand an open loop, we are instantly engaged when someone gives us a puzzle to solve.

You’ll notice the best speeches, books, TV shows, and films do not spoon-feed you all the information.

I’ve always liked the way Malcolm Gladwell writes his non-fiction books, because they contain puzzles that you solve as a reader.

This puzzle needs to be related to the speech or presentation you’re delivering, of course. It cannot be a random puzzle and will ideally be impossible or extremely difficult to solve at first.

After the speech begins, and the puzzle is revealed, you should slowly drop hints on how to solve the mystery.

Up next, speech openers that use a physical object to create curiosity in the audience’s mind.

The Prop Opener

One of the most potent ways you will captivate your audience is to use a powerful prop in your opening address.

What better way to capture an audience’s imagination than to show them a mysterious or beautiful object?

If you’ve never seen the Prop Opener done well, then have a look at one of the greatest speeches of all time:

Dananjaya Hettiarachchi’s, See Something .

Danajaya enters with a simple rose in his breast pocket, takes it out, gazes at it nostalgically, smells it and then begins to speak.

This same prop appears again right at the end of his speech to end his talk with a flourish.

There are many different props you can use.

JJ Abrams used a Mystery Box to absorb the audience’s attention, and used the box as a metaphor for his entire career.

If you think the prop opener is just for TED Talks and Toastmasters Final Speeches, remember that most company product launch centre around one or more props.

Steve Jobs revealed his new products in ever-innovative ways.

Still, while the last two speeches I’ve mentioned opened with physical items, most of Jobs’s presentations built intrigue through the sight of the product.

So remember, you can use an object, or tease your audience with the absence of a prop, but make that prop integral to your talk.

You don’t always have to use a prop, of course. 

A more minimalist approach to opening your speech uses the best audience reaction a speaker can receive: laughter.

The Funny Opener

Using laughter to win over your audience is the golden ticket to immediate rapport with your audience.

Jack Schafer, PhD at Psychology Today, said that People Will Like You If You Make Them Laugh , which seems obvious, but at least you know we have scientists on the case. 

He also mentions that constructing humour requires and projects a high level of intelligence .

Of course, laughter is subjective, but it is also infectious, and if you get enough members of your audience to titter, it will spread across the whole group.

If you want to see just how quickly you can win an audience over with humour, have a look at Ken Robinson’s subtle but delightful ability to raise a chuckle in his speech Do Schools Kill Creativity? 

Ken’s ability to speak conversationally to an audience of thousands is genuinely remarkable.

If you break down his humour, it is easy to see how you could include similar content in your presentations. 

Whether you can pull it off as well as Ken is another story.

Not everyone feels like they can be a comedian, though; I get that. 

Well, that’s alright because there are other ways to open your talk that play on other strong emotions.

You can inspire your audience, too.

The Inspirational Opener

One of my favourite ways to help beginner speakers to open their presentation is with a quote.

A quote acts like a story in that it sets the tone and theme of your speech, but it takes much less effort and even less skill.

An effective quote is usually only one line long and supported by the credibility of the original author who uttered those words.

Watch the way Clint Smith opens his TED Talk  The Danger of Silence .

Using Martin Luther King’s voice to start his speech gives Clint what psychologists call the transference effect .

Just by citing someone else, especially someone admired and famous, you redirect the emotions an audience have towards that person onto yourself.

One caveat to using quotes, though:

Fact check them . I cringe whenever I see someone incorrectly quoting someone.

Have you ever heard the quote by Albert Einstein:

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over, and expecting different results”?

A great quote, isn’t it?

But Albert Einstein never said those words .

A quick check on Reuters will help you add more credibility to your inspirational opener.

Finally, try to use a quote few people have ever heard. Inspiring words have been filling the archives of history for millennia. Seek out something that has been left dusty on the shelf, rather than the same recycled iterations.

Next, let’s look at a type of bold speech opener that take real chutzpah to land well.

The Perspective Shift Opener

A powerful speech opener that will take confidence is the perspective shift opener.

This opener will lead the audience in one direction before changing direction and setting a new pace for the speech.

Cameron Russel does a fantastic job of controlling the frame in her TED Talk, Looks aren’t everything. Believe me; I’m a model.

Russel takes to the stage dressed in a skimpy dress and begins to tell the audience about her career, but then does a rapid wardrobe change on stage in front of the entire audience. 

This change of dress sets a new tone, feel, and direction for the speech.

If you can change the audience’s perspective or frame of reality, you are in the driving seat.

One of the best things you can hope for as a speaker is moving hearts and changing minds. 

If you aren’t a confident speaker, start small.

Vanessa Van Edwards suggests never mentioning how nervous you are. 

It’s distracting and makes the audience pick up on all the subtle nervous energy and cues you give off. Control the frame instead and act cool and confident: they will buy into it.

Another great way to hold frame control over an audience is by using the power of silence .

The Silence Opener

Silence is a valuable commodity in today’s noisy and distracting digital world.

Creating silence at the beginning of your talk can profoundly affect your audience and their focus.

Did you ever have a teacher at school who used silence effectively?

When my English classmates were noisy, our teacher Mr Rylance would hold up his hand for silence. 

Slowly, we would settle down and focus on his raised hand. 

A few would giggle, but that would peter out until we all sat in a hypnotic stillness.

If you want to see an example of how to use silence, then look at Neal Glitterman’s speech The Power of Silence .

You can see how much gravity silence can have , especially as a speech opener.

The final killer opener I want to introduce you to is the big promise opener.

The Big Promise Opener

I believe that all speeches and presentations should contain a big promise, as it tells your audience why they should keep on listening.

Ideally, your big promise will be your speech title or phrase that pays, which is a recurring foundational phrase you will use throughout your presentation.

A big promise is your way of making a deal with the audience : you listen to me, and you’ll get something in return.

Creating a big promise at the beginning of your speech is like adding a teaser trailer to the beginning of a TV show. It suggests a reason you should stick around.

When Arthur Benjamin introduces his talk Faster than a calculator by announcing:

 “I am a human calculator!”

You know that proof is on the way.

Remember the essential rule of the Big Promise Opener: make it big, and keep your promise.

Impress your audience with these killer speech openers.

I hope you feel that I kept my promise of sharing nine killer speech openers to start a presentation.

Did you notice any other speech openers at the beginning of this article?

Don’t forget; these openers can be mixed and matched.

You can include a number of these speech openers in the same presentation to create more impact.

Let me know which of these killer openers was your favourite, and let me know if you have any more you’d like to share.

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How to Write and Structure a Persuasive Speech

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  • M.Ed., Education Administration, University of Georgia
  • B.A., History, Armstrong State University

The purpose of a persuasive speech is to convince your audience to agree with an idea or opinion that you present. First, you'll need to choose a side on a controversial topic, then you will write a speech to explain your position, and convince the audience to agree with you.

You can produce an effective persuasive speech if you structure your argument as a solution to a problem. Your first job as a speaker is to convince your audience that a particular problem is important to them, and then you must convince them that you have the solution to make things better.

Note: You don't have to address a real problem. Any need can work as the problem. For example, you could consider the lack of a pet, the need to wash one's hands, or the need to pick a particular sport to play as the "problem."

As an example, let's imagine that you have chosen "Getting Up Early" as your persuasion topic. Your goal will be to persuade classmates to get themselves out of bed an hour earlier every morning. In this instance, the problem could be summed up as "morning chaos."

A standard speech format has an introduction with a great hook statement, three main points, and a summary. Your persuasive speech will be a tailored version of this format.

Before you write the text of your speech, you should sketch an outline that includes your hook statement and three main points.

Writing the Text

The introduction of your speech must be compelling because your audience will make up their minds within a few minutes whether or not they are interested in your topic.

Before you write the full body you should come up with a greeting. Your greeting can be as simple as "Good morning everyone. My name is Frank."

After your greeting, you will offer a hook to capture attention. A hook sentence for the "morning chaos" speech could be a question:

  • How many times have you been late for school?
  • Does your day begin with shouts and arguments?
  • Have you ever missed the bus?

Or your hook could be a statistic or surprising statement:

  • More than 50 percent of high school students skip breakfast because they just don't have time to eat.
  • Tardy kids drop out of school more often than punctual kids.

Once you have the attention of your audience, follow through to define the topic/problem and introduce your solution. Here's an example of what you might have so far:

Good afternoon, class. Some of you know me, but some of you may not. My name is Frank Godfrey, and I have a question for you. Does your day begin with shouts and arguments? Do you go to school in a bad mood because you've been yelled at, or because you argued with your parent? The chaos you experience in the morning can bring you down and affect your performance at school.

Add the solution:

You can improve your mood and your school performance by adding more time to your morning schedule. You can accomplish this by setting your alarm clock to go off one hour earlier.

Your next task will be to write the body, which will contain the three main points you've come up with to argue your position. Each point will be followed by supporting evidence or anecdotes, and each body paragraph will need to end with a transition statement that leads to the next segment. Here is a sample of three main statements:

  • Bad moods caused by morning chaos will affect your workday performance.
  • If you skip breakfast to buy time, you're making a harmful health decision.
  • (Ending on a cheerful note) You'll enjoy a boost to your self-esteem when you reduce the morning chaos.

After you write three body paragraphs with strong transition statements that make your speech flow, you are ready to work on your summary.

Your summary will re-emphasize your argument and restate your points in slightly different language. This can be a little tricky. You don't want to sound repetitive but will need to repeat what you have said. Find a way to reword the same main points.

Finally, you must make sure to write a clear final sentence or passage to keep yourself from stammering at the end or fading off in an awkward moment. A few examples of graceful exits:

  • We all like to sleep. It's hard to get up some mornings, but rest assured that the reward is well worth the effort.
  • If you follow these guidelines and make the effort to get up a little bit earlier every day, you'll reap rewards in your home life and on your report card.

Tips for Writing Your Speech

  • Don't be confrontational in your argument. You don't need to put down the other side; just convince your audience that your position is correct by using positive assertions.
  • Use simple statistics. Don't overwhelm your audience with confusing numbers.
  • Don't complicate your speech by going outside the standard "three points" format. While it might seem simplistic, it is a tried and true method for presenting to an audience who is listening as opposed to reading.
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Persuasive Speeches — Types, Topics, and Examples

What is a persuasive speech.

In a persuasive speech, the speaker aims to convince the audience to accept a particular perspective on a person, place, object, idea, etc. The speaker strives to cause the audience to accept the point of view presented in the speech.

The success of a persuasive speech often relies on the speaker’s use of ethos, pathos, and logos.

Success of a persuasive speech

Ethos is the speaker’s credibility. Audiences are more likely to accept an argument if they find the speaker trustworthy. To establish credibility during a persuasive speech, speakers can do the following:

Use familiar language.

Select examples that connect to the specific audience.

Utilize credible and well-known sources.

Logically structure the speech in an audience-friendly way.

Use appropriate eye contact, volume, pacing, and inflection.

Pathos appeals to the audience’s emotions. Speakers who create an emotional bond with their audience are typically more convincing. Tapping into the audience’s emotions can be accomplished through the following:

Select evidence that can elicit an emotional response.

Use emotionally-charged words. (The city has a problem … vs. The city has a disease …)

Incorporate analogies and metaphors that connect to a specific emotion to draw a parallel between the reference and topic.

Utilize vivid imagery and sensory words, allowing the audience to visualize the information.

Employ an appropriate tone, inflection, and pace to reflect the emotion.

Logos appeals to the audience’s logic by offering supporting evidence. Speakers can improve their logical appeal in the following ways:

Use comprehensive evidence the audience can understand.

Confirm the evidence logically supports the argument’s claims and stems from credible sources.

Ensure that evidence is specific and avoid any vague or questionable information.

Types of persuasive speeches

The three main types of persuasive speeches are factual, value, and policy.

Types of persuasive speeches

A factual persuasive speech focuses solely on factual information to prove the existence or absence of something through substantial proof. This is the only type of persuasive speech that exclusively uses objective information rather than subjective. As such, the argument does not rely on the speaker’s interpretation of the information. Essentially, a factual persuasive speech includes historical controversy, a question of current existence, or a prediction:

Historical controversy concerns whether an event happened or whether an object actually existed.

Questions of current existence involve the knowledge that something is currently happening.

Predictions incorporate the analysis of patterns to convince the audience that an event will happen again.

A value persuasive speech concerns the morality of a certain topic. Speakers incorporate facts within these speeches; however, the speaker’s interpretation of those facts creates the argument. These speeches are highly subjective, so the argument cannot be proven to be absolutely true or false.

A policy persuasive speech centers around the speaker’s support or rejection of a public policy, rule, or law. Much like a value speech, speakers provide evidence supporting their viewpoint; however, they provide subjective conclusions based on the facts they provide.

How to write a persuasive speech

Incorporate the following steps when writing a persuasive speech:

Step 1 – Identify the type of persuasive speech (factual, value, or policy) that will help accomplish the goal of the presentation.

Step 2 – Select a good persuasive speech topic to accomplish the goal and choose a position .

How to write a persuasive speech

Step 3 – Locate credible and reliable sources and identify evidence in support of the topic/position. Revisit Step 2 if there is a lack of relevant resources.

Step 4 – Identify the audience and understand their baseline attitude about the topic.

Step 5 – When constructing an introduction , keep the following questions in mind:

What’s the topic of the speech?

What’s the occasion?

Who’s the audience?

What’s the purpose of the speech?

Step 6 – Utilize the evidence within the previously identified sources to construct the body of the speech. Keeping the audience in mind, determine which pieces of evidence can best help develop the argument. Discuss each point in detail, allowing the audience to understand how the facts support the perspective.

Step 7 – Addressing counterarguments can help speakers build their credibility, as it highlights their breadth of knowledge.

Step 8 – Conclude the speech with an overview of the central purpose and how the main ideas identified in the body support the overall argument.

How to write a persuasive speech

Persuasive speech outline

One of the best ways to prepare a great persuasive speech is by using an outline. When structuring an outline, include an introduction, body, and conclusion:


Attention Grabbers

Ask a question that allows the audience to respond in a non-verbal way; ask a rhetorical question that makes the audience think of the topic without requiring a response.

Incorporate a well-known quote that introduces the topic. Using the words of a celebrated individual gives credibility and authority to the information in the speech.

Offer a startling statement or information about the topic, typically done using data or statistics.

Provide a brief anecdote or story that relates to the topic.

Starting a speech with a humorous statement often makes the audience more comfortable with the speaker.

Provide information on how the selected topic may impact the audience .

Include any background information pertinent to the topic that the audience needs to know to understand the speech in its entirety.

Give the thesis statement in connection to the main topic and identify the main ideas that will help accomplish the central purpose.

Identify evidence

Summarize its meaning

Explain how it helps prove the support/main claim

Evidence 3 (Continue as needed)

Support 3 (Continue as needed)

Restate thesis

Review main supports

Concluding statement

Give the audience a call to action to do something specific.

Identify the overall importan ce of the topic and position.

Persuasive speech topics

The following table identifies some common or interesting persuasive speech topics for high school and college students:

Persuasive speech topics
Benefits of healthy foods Animal testing Affirmative action
Cell phone use while driving Arts in education Credit cards
Climate change Capital punishment/death penalty Fossil fuels
Extinction of the dinosaurs Community service Fracking
Extraterrestrial life Fast food & obesity Global warming
Gun violence Human cloning Gun control
Increase in poverty Influence of social media Mental health/health care
Moon landing Paying college athletes Minimum wage
Pandemics Screen time for young children Renewable energy
Voting rights Violent video games School choice/private vs. public schools vs. homeschooling
World hunger Zoos & exotic animals School uniforms

Persuasive speech examples

The following list identifies some of history’s most famous persuasive speeches:

John F. Kennedy’s Inaugural Address: “Ask Not What Your Country Can Do for You”

Lyndon B. Johnson: “We Shall Overcome”

Marc Antony: “Friends, Romans, Countrymen…” in William Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar

Ronald Reagan: “Tear Down this Wall”

Sojourner Truth: “Ain’t I a Woman?”

Presentation Hooks: the 13 most successful presentation hook examples

persuasive speech hooks examples

Wouldn’t it be great if every single person who attends your presentation gets excited at your speech and stays tuned until the end, focusing on you the entire time? Have you seen any presentation hook examples that really got you involved in the presentation?

As presenters, the problem is that we always lack presentation hook ideas to start the  presentation .

If you want to catch the attention of your audience , however, you must really hook your audience from the very beginning.

Did you know that you normally lose 90% of your audience within the first 5 minutes of your presentation ?

If you get 60 minutes to present, you do not get 60 minutes worth of attention. In fact, the typical attention span in an hour-long meeting goes something like this (Source: Sequoia Capital ):

persuasive speech hooks examples

Your hook is often the difference between a successful effective presentation and a very boring one. Think about it.

If you don’t grab your audience right away , you’ll lose them forever.

You went through all that work of preparing a killer presentation , right? You worked hard at it. You did a ton of research and you spent a lot of time carefully taking care of every single slide .

However, the truth is that if your introduction sucks, your efforts will be for nothing. Well done, my friend, you lost before you even got started! 

If you want to spread your  presentation hook ideas so that they resonate with your audience , you need to conquer them from the very first moment you talk to them. How to hook the audience ?

Let me show you how.

Attention Getters for Speeches and Presentations

If you Google the topic “ Presentation hook ideas “, you’ll find plenty of public speakers and pitch experts who will give you their top 5, top 10, top (x) advice points on how to create the perfect hook persuading the audience .

I have identified commonalities and summarized the most impactful, shared and successful presentation hook ideas coming from the top experts below and I’ve enriched them with real life dedicated examples.

Below you’ll find a long list of presentation hook examples with a whole bunch of ready to use ideas to use.

Effective hook examples chart

How to Start a Presentation: Attention Getters

Pre-hook: interact with the speakers first.

When you speak at a conference, it’s very rare that you are alone. There might be other speakers like you, and you might not be the first one to talk. I like not being the first speaker, as this allows me to listen to the others carefully and improve on my own presentation .

If somebody speaks before you, it’s always a good strategy to connect your intervention to their speech .

Every time I’m invited to give a speech at a conference, I always request to join from the beginning, even though I’m not the first speaker. By doing so, I can listen to the other speakers, take notes and prepare my hook .

By connecting your intervention to the others, you show respect to the other speakers and you demonstrate that you have been an active listener while you were in the audience ; you’ll give a good example on how you expect your audience to behave during a speech.

Moreover, you create a connection that contextualizes your intervention into the flow of the conference and you turn the separated speeches into a dialogue that you trigger by commenting on the other speeches. By creating a dialogue atmosphere, the audience will wake up from the previous speech and connect with you .

Now you are ready for your hook!

How to Make a Good Hook: Presentation Hook Examples

Let’s take a look at the top 13 presentation hook ideas you can use to start your presentation and focus your audience ‘s attention on your message:

1. Storytelling

Starting with a story is one of the oldest and most powerful methods of introducing your presentation .

Storytelling is a good hook for  a speech because it shows you are human and shows you have feelings, emotions and reason. It is even more powerful if you start with a personal story.

The audience will feel close to you and will trust you. If you earn their trust, you’ll get their attention.

Normally when you start talking, people are tired from the other speeches, and their attention level is not ready for your core message or your call to action. You will need to start slowly and take them in gradually. A story is common to everybody, and it’s easy to follow .

In most cases, it’s very effective to start with a story. You don’t really need to introduce yourself at the beginning. Your introduction can be postponed to when the audience will be really listening to you .

If you start telling them why you’re good, you’ll immediately build distance from the audience , you won’t be perceived as one of them, so it will be harder for the audience to connect with you.

Psychologist Shawn Achor explains that the happy secret to better work starts straight away with a funny personal story about his childhood and keeps going until 2 minutes fifty, until the audience sympathizes with him, and so gives the audience his message.

Shawn shoots the message when he is sure that he has 100% of the audience ‘s attention , not before. He only gives information about his prestigious background (“When I applied to Harvard […]”) at 6:32, after he has passed the core message.

Still, he feels normal and empathetic to the audience when he shares the feeling of being an average guy surrounded by smarter guys, in such a great university. Therefore, he makes sure that his background does not bring him away from the audience.

Making the slides for this kind of hook will be very easy because all they need to do is help the audience visualize the story .

Therefore, all you need is just a sequence of beautiful full-screen pictures. If you are telling them a personal story, show personal pictures. This will make them feel how real your story is, and it will catch their attention .

Learn more about how storytelling applies to presentations : Forget slides, tell stories.

I want to show you a trick for perfect presentation hook examples. If you do not want to tell a personal story or you do not have one, I’d suggest you invent one!

After all, we have plenty of pictures on our social media channels we can leverage to invent an ad hoc story. The most important thing is that your story appears real, because if the audience thinks you are tricking them, they won’t trust you and you’ll lose any chance to connect with them.

How do you tell compelling stories?

How do you tell stories that your audience wants to hear?

How do you make them feel really engaged with your story?

What about the story of your brand?

There are many storytelling formulas you can leverage recommended by my friends from – 11 Storytelling Formulas to Supercharge Your Social Media Marketing

The reality is that storytelling is more than just telling stories.

What do I mean?

Recently I’ve found myself in the challenge of turning a boring presentation into a powerful story.

Taking in consideration the audience of my client that day, the story was the only possible solution for a manager who needed to share her experience in front of millennials at the university.

The way storytelling infused power to my presentation left me astonished, I think you should have a look at what happened that day: Storytelling techniques for presentations [Real case study].

If you have no creativity, you could even take inspiration from websites that offer stories by keywords like BusinessBalls . In BusinessBalls, for example, stories are characterized by keywords:

BusinessBalls site search

2. Questions and audience interaction

One of the most common errors that presenters commit nowadays is thinking they are one step above the audience, just because they came to present.

We are in the era of “listening” today, more than ever before, with the advent of social media. If we want to be listened, first you need to listen .

Presentations aren’t an exception.

If you want to give a successful presentation, first you need to build a one-on-one relationship with your audience and start a dialogue .

What’s better for engagement than asking questions to your audience from the beginning of your presentation?

Questions turn on people’s curiosity. Their brains will begin figuring out the answer. If they know the answer, they want to know if their answer is correct. If they do not know the answer, they might get involved and focus on the speaker in order to get the answer.

In any case, answering a question works like a reward, because people feel satisfied by the fact that they canceled one more doubt. People’s curiosity will make them focus on you to find the answer. 

Child pointing at the camera

When you ask question, you pair up with your audience as they feel like they’re in your position, and they want to help you answer the question. If you are perceived as one of them, you’ve won their trust and therefore their attention.

There are several kind of questions you might want to ask as good hook for a speech:

Yes/No questions

These questions help you interact with the audience. Having just simple answers, all you need to do is to ask people in a sequence to vote for “ Yes ” by raising their hands and then you can ask people to vote for “ No ” to do the same.

Audience raising their hands

You can adopt this technique every time you have a multiple choice question, so the audience can vote for a single option by raising their hands.

You could ask how they’re affected by the problem you’re going to solve during your presentation.

  • “How many of you get so frustrated with PowerPoint when it crushes? “
  • “Raise your hand if you’ve fallen asleep during a presentation”.
  • “Who struggles every time you need to choose colors for your next presentation? “

This is a good technique to use for checking the audience responsiveness. When you ask a Y/N question, people naturally answer loudly, so you’ll immediately know if most of them are still awake.

Open-ended questions

Using open-ended questions, you expect the audience to develop an answer. This is the typical situation of a Q&A session, and can be useful in those situations as a presentation hook example.

However, this technique enables you to open a real discussion with members of the audience. However, people may answer what they feel without a filter, so they can impede you if you are uncomfortable with their answer.

This is an incredibly powerful technique for creating presentation hook ideas , but at the same time, you risk getting controversial opinions by freeing people to develop their discourse.

Man giving a presentation

Also, be sure that everybody can be heard when talking from the audience, because they’re not standing in front of everybody with a microphone.

Sometimes you have a hostesses who may bring the microphone to people for them to answer, but this depends on the size of the event. You’ll be in charge of picking somebody from the audience to answer.

A good practice is to repeat the answer to the audience in order to make sure everybody heard it. By doing so, you’ll give them the feeling of being part of the dialogue and you will show that you are careful to keep everybody in the loop .

Rhetorical questions

Rhetorical refers to those questions asked by a speaker who does not expect to receive an answer. Even though you know you don’t want an answer, the audience does not know if it’s a rhetorical question.

Their brains will be automatically triggered to elaborate an answer. Just by doing so, you’ll turn on their brains and you’ll catch their attention .

presentation hook ideas

In order to maximize the effect of rhetorical questions, I recommend you to pause just after you ask.

People will be forced to think of an answer. If you talk too quickly and you skip immediately to the answer, they won’t have the time to think about the answer.

If you show you are thinking of the answer in real time, this will help you to make the audience feel close to you. They’ll feel involved and they’ll try helping with their answers. This already means that they are interacting with you, so you’ll have their attention.

Finally, if you choose this technique to open your presentation, I’d recommend you select the right number of questions based on their form . You do not want to open a full debate during your hook.

If you decide to go for open-ended questions, you won’t make more than one or two. On the other hand, if you ask a sequence of questions where the audience needs to raise their hands, you can ask more.

Question with surprise effect

A cool trick you could use for your presentation hook ideas is to send the audience in one mental direction , and then tell them they’re wrong. I know it sounds weird, but let me give you an example of a hook.

You ask a question and you give 3 possible options: A, B and C.

You ask the audience to vote for one of the 3 options . Once they vote, you tell them that none of the answers were correct. At this point, they’ll feel surprised and you can hook them, then show them the correct one.

You could build your speech step by step, commenting on why the 3 options are wrong . In this way, you’ll bring the audience to the message more naturally.

When I want to introduce the color theory for Lean Presentation Design , I commonly ask my students how many colors we need to use in a presentation, and I give them 3 options.

presentation hook ideas

However, none of them is right, as I want to show them the technique on how to choose the best color palette to make colors work in the most effective way.

After the vote, they feel they have it wrong, so they want to know what the correct answer is. That’s a great hook for presentation.

Direct questions

Direct questions can be scary, and that’s why this is a powerful technique !

In this case, you ask the question and you pick someone random from the audience to answer. However, if the person does not know the answer or if they’re shy, they’ll feel embarrassed.

You need to be able to manage the embarrassment , or you’ll immediately create a tense atmosphere. However, people will know that you might call them all of the sudden to join the dialogue. Therefore, they’ll pay attention to avoid being caught unprepared.

Again, I recommend you to handle these situations carefully, because you do not want to recreate the atmosphere of a classroom exam.

presentation hook ideas

Introduce yourself

I really like this technique and, more than the other presentation hook examples, I often use it during my training as a powerful icebreaker .

Instead of starting with you or your speech, start with your audience and ask them to introduce themselves one by one. I also like to add a question about what they expect to learn during my training , so I already set their expectations and I’m sure I’ll talk about something relevant to the audience.

One of the most common problems during presentations is that the audience isn’t interested in the topics discussed. On the other hand, it’s true that it’s often hard to know what everybody expects from the presentation, so what could be better than just asking them what they are looking for?

Knowing the people in front of you also enables you to acquire knowledge about your target and their language, so it will be easier for you to connect with them.

I suggest you to take note when people talk so that you can use the information during the rest of the presentation to hook them again.

For example, if I know that somebody comes from finance and wants to know how to present an ugly P&L, when I’m about to talk about that topic I can call his name and say something like, “Hey Anders, the coming section is the one you are interested in” . By doing this, I’ll wake him up and I’ll get his attention.

Another great technique to craft outstanding hook examples, is to discover the names of your attendants, so every time you talk to them, you can use their names . This will make them perceive you very close to them.

Man presenting to a group of people

3. State a shocking fact

This is one of the classic presentation hook examples that leaves the audience with their mouths open, staring at you. To create this effect, you normally use a surprising statistic .

You can capture their attention by reminding them of their fears. If you properly leverage uncertainty, you can create anxiety due to the unknown, and people will need your answers to overcome their fears.

Jorge Soto uses this technique in his TED speech when he claims, “1 out of 3 people sitting in this audience will be diagnosed with some type of cancer”.

People are scared of cancer, so they want to listen to him to find out if he can provide them with a solution.

There are 2 ways to astonish your audience:

Did you know that…

When you start with the formula “Did you know that…? ” and add the fact, you are creating expectations. The trick is to choose the most effective stats to make the audience interested in your message. Therefore, you need a statistic that matches your presentation.

To get the right fact, it’s often a good practice to do some research in your field. But you can also find websites full of facts that you can use as hook sentence examples:

  • Did you know August has the highest percentage of births ?
  • Every 40 seconds someone in the world commits suicide.
  • Did you know that unless food is mixed with saliva, you can’t taste it?
  • Did you know the average person falls asleep in 7 minutes ?
  • The Earth is being shaken by Earthquakes over 1 million times per year .
  • Did you know 8% of people have an extra rib ?
  • Did you know all your blinking in one day equates to having your eyes closed for 30 minutes ?

When deciding to choose this technique, your slides will play a crucial role. Check the difference between the two slides below:

presentation hook ideas

The one to the left is made with a powerful graphic, but the second one shows the consequences of an earthquake. It shows destroyed buildings and the army helping people. The second one shows a dramatic situation, so it makes the problem immediately relevant, as it brings the consequences to life.

Imagine how much stronger the message could be if the city represented is the same city where your audience lives. If you can relate scary facts to the audience, you will resonate with them and you’ll be able to get their attention .

Facts first

In this case, you shoot the fact straight to your audience and then you introduce the consequences.

Giulia Miur (check the analysis) gives an example:

Before the rule, more than 50 people here were dying in trenches every year. When you get killed in a cave-in, it’s not an easy way to go. You’re literally crushed to death under the weight of the soil. Soil weighs approximately 3,000 pounds per cubic yard. Nobody deserves to go to work and die that way .

presentation hook ideas

Finally, when you use a provocative fact as a way to hook your audience, I’d recommend you to make sure you integrate the fact with emotions. Always keep in mind that you need to use a fact with relevant consequences to your audience.

4. Use quotations to grab them

Opening with a famous quotation is a great way to borrow credibility from somebody who is well recognized and accepted by everybody. There are tons of presentation hook examples that use quotations.

The beauty of a great quote is its power to distill. To punctuate. To make things click. Sometimes the moral is presented on a plate, obvious as can be; sometimes the delivery is more subtle and sly. No matter how they’re served up, the best quotes resonate – for days, weeks, even years. Forbes

Quotes play a curious effect of attributing to the speaker the values and the meanings behind them.

However, even though they have a powerful communication effect , they need to be used carefully.

In fact, you absolutely need to be sure that the quote you choose matches your message.

It needs to be relevant to what you want to say. Take your time to scan the sources and find the best quote for the specific message you have to communicate.

There are different kind of quotes you can use to obtain this effect:

Hook famous quote

They just have a powerful and commonly accepted effect on people. If you can associate the quote to a resonating image, you’ll hit your strike on the very first slide.

Say I want to present a new technology for snowboards. I could use the following slide to introduce my speech:

Snowboarder background with Einstein quote

You can source tons of famous quotes on the web. Let me share with you some of my favorite sources:

BrainyQuote topics and authors

Presentation Hook Examples: movie quotes

Movies play a central role in most people’s lives. Movie quotes are a common knowledge and often part of jokes or slang.

Starting with a famous quote allows you to quickly connect to the audience, wake them up and creating presentation hook examples .

I’m presenting a new sailing boat brand. Instead of start saying why our boats are faster, with better sails and so on, I could start with the meaning behind the brand by quoting Captain Jack Sparrow:

presentation hook ideas

If I want to sell plastic surgery to women, I could open my presentation with the following quote:

Person in shadows with 'Nobody is Perfect' text

I’m clearly copying Joe E. Brown in “Some Like It Hot” and I’m combining it with an image that allows me to introduce my message. With a simple quote and a related picture, I can mean whatever I want by borrowing the powerful communication effect from Joe.

You could source famous quotes from many different places and use them as unlimited source of presentation hook ideas, let them inspire you!

  • AFI’s 100 Years…100 Movie Quotes

Hook foreign quotes

You could also broaden the border of your quotes or proverbs and go catch some famous ones abroad. If your audience has never heard the quote, they could discover a new powerful proverb thanks to your speech.

Let’s make the presentation hook example of a company that produces yellow umbrellas. You could start with the famous Italian proverb shown in the slide below:

presentation hook examples | Maurizio La Cava

You can source many foreign proverbs from: site for foreign proverbs .

One more fantastic source of inspiration for quotes is Pinterest . You just type in “quotes” and it gives you many tags to combine to customize your research.

presentation hook ideas

It also gives you some inspiration as all the posts associate an image to the quote.

Do not let Pinterest take your place . Remember that for this technique to work properly, you need to associate a meaningful image to the quote so that it delivers your message. Therefore, use it for inspiration but don’t let it do your job.

Another good way to leverage quotes is to adopt a controversial approach. You could also go against quotations and revert them: A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step. But we need to remember that a journey to nowhere also starts with a single step. Bruna Martinuzzi

This will make the audience curious, as you are challenging a common belief. So they’ll want to hear how this can be possible and will focus their attention on you.

Another great technique to introduce quotations for your presentation  hook ideas is to use a picture of the author :

presentation hook ideas

If you are talking about a famous author, you’ll automatically inherit the values that they bring with them.

Finally, remember that quotes are a powerful way of making your presentations memorable to the audience . Leverage the opportunity to hook them since the beginning with an opening stunning quote.

5. Break common belief and provoke the audience

Provocation can be a great tool to hook your audience and to raise their curiosity . By provoking the audience, I mean you have to claim something that is totally against their belief.

You’ll then spend the whole presentation supporting the claim and demonstrating how it can be true. If you are able to uncover the truth step-by-step, you’ll have them hooked to the end.

Let me give you an example from the outstanding TED speech of Jane McGonigal :

I’m Jane McGonigal. I’m a game designer. I’ve been making games online now for 10 years, and my goal for the next decade is to try to make it as easy to save the world in real life as it is to save the world in online games. Now, I have a plan for this, and it entails convincing more people, including all of you, to spend more time playing bigger and better games. Right now we spend three billion hours a week playing online games. Some of you might be thinking: “That’s a lot of time to spend playing games.” Maybe too much time, considering how many urgent problems we have to solve in the real world. I’ve calculated the total we need at 21 billion hours of game play every week. […] In fact, I believe that if we want to survive the next century on this planet, we need to increase that total dramatically.

This is the point where the audience thinks:

“ Wow! Hold on a second. Are you really claiming that to save the world I should be spending more time playing video games?”

The common belief is that video games are a way to escape reality and to waste productive time. We all think that the new generations are burning their lives in playing video games.

But suddenly at TED, an influential speaker is claiming exactly the opposite and this makes the audience curious to know how it can be true that the reality is so different to what they thought.

Jane is also great at uncovering the message step by step through the presentation . The audience can’t really figure out why this is true until the very end. So Jane proceeds to hook the audience with a persuasive claim and keep them hooked until she shoots her message.

Finally, go against something the audience is convinced of and claim the opposite. Then walk them through your logic step by step to show how this is possible, and you’ll get their attention from beginning to end. This is a good presentation hook example .

6. Bring it to life

“A picture is worth a thousand words” is an English idiom meaning that a complex idea can be conveyed with just a single image, or that an image conveys its meaning more effectively than a description.

What makes a good hook in this case?

Opening with a picture, a video or a prop allows you to bring the subject to life immediately .

If you are a good presenter, you’ll be able to leverage the imagination of your audience, but if you place the subject in front of their eyes, it’s not even a matter of imagination, it’s just true.

Let’s suppose you are in charge of presenting the new Apple SIRI, the virtual assistant. You could start talking about the features and all the functions it has, you could tell your audience how to activate it on their iPhones, or you could just show them the following video:

Watch out, because surely this takes attention off you, so it decreases the pressure level.

But you need to be able to catch the attention back immediately .

If you use a picture or a prop, this goes very fast because the processing time of a picture is very fast, and a prop is normally shown by a presenter, who interacts with it.

If you show a video instead, you’ll lose the attention of the audience for entire the length of the video and you’ll need to re-catch it once the video is finished .

A video, more than a picture, can help you convey a whole emotional environment to the audience. You can show a product demo, but you can also show a powerful trailer with music and enticing footage. This is a perfect tip for outstanding presentation hook examples and ideas.

7. Make them laugh

Not an easy task, I know. To make the audience laugh, sometimes a joke might not be enough and on certain occasions, the audience might miss the joke, causing a no reaction at all.

Looking at what the other influencers suggest online, as a result of my analysis, I’ve found a common opinion about how to make the audience laugh. Tell them a joke.

You can easily source jokes online if you do not have one.

AJokeADay Categories

What happens if they do not laugh? Well, your hook is dead but this does not mean that you ruined the whole presentation, so ignore the reaction and keep going.

Now, based on my experience, often telling a joke is not enough because to make people laugh, you need to feel the moment, you need to feel the connection with them and you need to behave in a such surprising way that you automatically trigger the fun.

In the following presentation, I was giving an introduction lesson about Lean Presentation Design and I made them laugh just by playing with the rhythm of my voice and showing them what could happen to the audience if you show them ugly slides.

So I showed them an ugly slide and then I showed them the sleeping audience. That was enough to make them laugh. I can tell you that afterwards, they were receptive, paying attention up to the end of the presentation.

8. Leverage historical events

Let’s say you work for a company that produces solar panels and wind turbines. The company closed a bad financial year and you, as a CEO, need to go out today, 26 th of April, to motivate your board and get their commitment for the coming year.

Instead of reminding them that they won’t receive a bonus this year and that if they perform better, they will for the next year, you could motivate them by giving meaning to their work.

You could take advantage of that date (26 th of April), show the following slide and saying, “About 10 years ago in Ukraine, a catastrophic nuclear accident occurred. Today, we exist to give the world an alternative”.

persuasive speech hooks examples

Your start will empower your board members. They’ll feel their work is important and has a real impact on the world, it saves lives. From now on, you can make your presentation because you will have them hooked.

9. Trigger the audience imagination

Imagine a big explosion as you climb past 3,000 ft. Imagine a plane full of smoke. Imagine an engine going clack, clack, clack. It sounds scary.

Plane crash survivor Ric Elias begins his speech by bringing the audience back to the event, straight into the story, triggering their imagination and making them visualize the scene of the plane crush. By using the word “ imagine “, he turns on the people’s minds and force them to start seeing the images and feeling to be there.

A very effective way of using this technique is beginning with “ Close your eyes and imagine “. Because in closing their eyes, people will focus on image visualization, not being distracted by the environment or the speaker. Moreover, you could prepare a surprise for when they re-open their eyes.

You could also begin with a “ what if … ” form.

You could depict an ideal scenario that could actually be true if they listen what you have to say. Of course, it has to be a desirable scenario for the audience. Let’s say you invented a cure for cancer, you could start saying, “ What if cancer deaths stop today?” Build on it.

“ What if you could no longer lose someone close, a parent or friend, because of cancer?” and so on. You can keep going and build up expectations, and the farther you go, the more curious the audience will be.

10. Straight to the Problem

Start the presentation by describing the problem straight away . Be sure that the problem is relevant to the audience if you want your hook to resonate with them.

Let me give you a very simple example.

“Good morning, everybody. Competitor A took us over in terms of revenue this year and we have nothing with which to return fire”.

Company revenue chart

Now, if you work in that company, you might be interested in this fact and therefore you would want to know what comes next, to check whether there is a solution or if the speaker can just walk you closer to a solution.

If you give a clear and relevant problem to the audience, then this is a very quick technique to hook them from the very beginning without spending time searching for specific visuals or the right quote.

Elon Musk in the Debuts of Tesla Powerwall presentation made a memorable speech that started with this technique.

So, what I’m gonna talk about tonight is about a fundamental transformation of how the world works about how energy is delivered across the Earth. This is how it is today

Person giving presentation to an audience

It’s pretty bad, it sucks! Exactly! I just wanna be clear, because sometimes some people are, like, confused about it. This is real. This is actually how most power of the world is generated, with fossil fuels, and if you look at the curve, that’s a famous curve, the Keeling curve…

He hooked the audience bringing their attention straight to a well-known shared problem ; this is a good presentation hook example.

…which shows the growth in CO2 concentration in the atmosphere, and every year it ratchets up, it gets higher and higher, and if we do nothing, that’s where it’s headed to levels that we don’t even see in the fossil record.

presentation hooks

Well, I think we collectively should do something about this and not try to win the Darwin Award for us and a lot of other creatures too.

At this point, he starts with his discourse:

The way the grid works today is this: you got coal, you got natural gas, nuclear, hydro and wind and solar […].

11. Set the expectations

First of all, I want to make it clear that setting expectations does not absolutely mean sharing a summary of your presentation like the one shown in the slide below.

presentation hook examples | Maurizio La Cava

That would just bore your audience even before you start the presentation, and won’t add anything to them.

Let’s take an example from Cordell instead, who tells we should leverage the hook to go straight to the point and tell the audience:

  • What about the topic
  • What you need to know
  • What you need to do

In this case, the audience feels more like you take care of them and you are saving them time by giving them only the information they need to know to take the proper action, which you’ll suggest as well.

In his 40.2 million views TED speech, Sir Ken Robinson gives an anticipation of 2 main topics that have been discussed by the others and that he wants to discuss during his presentation.

Check the first 2 minutes of the video below.

Without any special effects, Sir Robinson starts anticipating two main topics he will discuss and connecting his speech to the conference.

This technique isn’t creative at all compared to the others, but it is extremely powerful because tells the audience that they won’t waste their time and you’ll go straight to the point.

Imagine the scene when you come up on the stage and the first thing you say is, “Today, I’ll be telling you two things…”

A presentation hook examples technique comes from the outstanding presentation of Steve Jobs for the launch of the first iPhone. He sets the expectation and goes far beyond just exceeding them!

If you haven’t watched this video yet, you’ll be astonished:

Today we are going to introduce 3 revolutionary products of this class: the first one is an iPod.

presentation ideas

The second is a revolutionary mobile phone.

persuasive speech hooks examples

And the third is a breakthrough internet communication device.

Steve Jobs giving keynote presentation

So, an iPod, a phone and a revolutionary internet communication device.

At this point, he keeps repeating the same sentence, telling the audience the three devices that he’s going to introduce.

At this point, the audience starts laughing and clapping his hands because they think he is happy about these 3 new devices, but here he comes out with an explosive surprise.

These are not 3 separate devices, this is one device!  

Boom! The audience goes crazy, he’s got them hooked from the very first moment of the presentation.

12. Use a surprising metaphor

Start with an image, just to create a suspense effect linked to your message and then uncover your message step-by-step with a metaphor .

The president of an electronics equipment company needed his managers to cut costs. Rather than showing mundane charts, graphs, and spreadsheets, he opened the meeting by asking, “What sank the Titanic?” When everyone in unison replied, “an iceberg,” he displayed a beautiful high-definition image of an iceberg on the screen: the tip of the iceberg was clearly visible above the water; the much larger portion was dimly visible below the surface of the water.
The same thing is about to happen to our company, he continued. Hidden costs — the dangers beneath the surface — are about to sink this company. I need your help. This visual metaphor spawned a creative, productive brainstorming session that inspired every business unit manager to diligently hunt for what they labeled the “icebergs”, says Price. The result was saving millions and ultimately the company.

Trying to imagine his opening slide, I designed the following graphic:

Hidden costs iceberg

Mentioning the Lean Presentation Design Book here, you get a famous tip from Seth Godin:

The home run is easy to describe: You put up a slide. It triggers an emotional reaction in the audience. They sit up and want to know what you’re going to say that fits in with that image. Then, if you do it right, every time they think of what you said, they’ll see the image (and vice versa).  Sure, this is different from the way everyone else does it. But everyone else is busy defending the status quo (which is easy) and you’re busy championing brave new innovations, which is difficult.

13. Combine more hooking techniques together

We went through a long list of presentation hook ideas coming from all the most influential speakers on the net. You’ll have to choose your technique based on the specific situation and on your audience. However, nobody said you can’t combine more of them together to craft your special perfect opening.

In the following video, Alan Watts , master of storytelling, combines two presentation hook techniques we have analyzed.

First, he asks couple of rhetorical questions to the viewer and then introduces a story from his personal experience with his students.

It takes time to get to the message but when he gets there, you feel that what he’s telling you is the natural consequence of the story that brought you there (good hook for a presentation).

As a result, you are hooked from the beginning and the video results in impactful and memorable storytelling .

What did this video make you think? Did you like it? I just love this video and I like listening to this storytelling, as it is incredibly impactful.

The Hooking Strategy Map

For those looking to explore a structured approach to crafting engaging presentation openings, “The Hooking Strategy Map” provides a comprehensive guide. Designed to assist individuals in creating impactful beginnings for their presentations, this resource outlines a variety of strategies tailored to different audiences and contexts.

Each strategy is accompanied by real-world examples, common pitfalls, and the potential impact on audience engagement. By leveraging these techniques, presenters can effectively capture attention and maintain interest throughout their talks, ensuring their message is both memorable and persuasive.

Whether you are aiming to tell a compelling story, pose thought-provoking questions, or surprise your audience with a shocking fact, this map serves as an invaluable tool in your presentation toolkit.

Click to download

persuasive speech hooks examples

Try one of these presentation hook examples

A good hook for a speech launched in the first seconds of the presentation is the difference between success and failure.

Now you have 13 presentation hook ideas , and a long list of videos and examples from which you can take inspiration every time you need to make a new hook.

If you liked this piece of research, I’d invite you to share and comment in order to enrich the guide and make it even more useful, thanks to the contribution of new readers. I’m looking forward to seeing your presentation hook ideas described in the comments below.

Have you ever successfully hooked you audience? How did you do? What are your favorite presentation hook ideas?

Let me know your presentation hook examples.

Key Takeaways

The First Five Minutes are Critical : The majority of your audience’s attention is lost within the first five minutes. Capturing their interest from the start is essential to keeping them engaged throughout the presentation.

Storytelling is Powerful : Opening with a personal story can humanize you as a speaker, making the audience feel more connected to you. It’s an effective way to build trust and maintain attention.

Engage with Questions : Asking questions, whether rhetorical or direct, triggers curiosity and interaction. This technique can quickly turn passive listeners into active participants.

Start with a Shocking Fact : Presenting a surprising statistic or fact can immediately grab attention. It works well if the fact is relevant to the audience and relates directly to the topic of your presentation.

Use Quotations Strategically : A well-chosen quote can lend credibility to your message. It’s important to ensure that the quote is relevant and enhances the point you’re making.

Break Common Beliefs : Challenging the audience’s preconceived notions with a provocative statement can spark curiosity and keep them hooked as you unfold your argument.

Incorporate Visuals : Beginning with a striking image, video, or prop can bring your topic to life and make it more relatable. Visuals are processed quickly and can make your message more memorable.

Humor Can Be Effective : Starting with a joke or a light-hearted comment can relax the audience and make them more receptive to your message. However, timing and relevance are key to making humor work.

Set Expectations Early : Clearly stating what the audience will gain from your presentation can help align their focus and make them more engaged in the content.

Use Metaphors to Simplify Complex Ideas : A surprising metaphor can create a strong mental image that helps the audience understand and remember your message. It’s a subtle yet effective way to convey deeper meanings.

How can I keep my audience engaged throughout a presentation?

To keep your audience engaged, start with a strong hook that captures their attention from the very beginning. Use storytelling, surprising facts, or interactive questions to create an emotional connection with your audience and maintain their focus throughout your presentation.

What is the importance of a presentation hook?

A presentation hook is crucial because it determines whether your audience will stay engaged or lose interest early on. A well-crafted hook can make your presentation more impactful and memorable by grabbing attention and setting the tone for the entire talk.

Can storytelling be an effective hook for a presentation?

Yes, storytelling is one of the most powerful presentation hooks. By sharing a personal or relatable story, you can create an emotional connection with your audience, making them more likely to listen to and trust you. Stories also help to humanize the presenter and make complex ideas more understandable.

How can I involve my audience in the presentation?

You can involve your audience by asking interactive questions, encouraging them to participate in discussions, or using live polls. Interaction keeps the audience engaged and helps to create a dynamic and responsive environment, making your presentation more impactful.

What are some examples of presentation hooks?

Some effective presentation hooks include starting with a surprising fact or statistic, using a relevant quote, telling a compelling story, or posing a provocative question. Each of these hooks can capture the audience’s attention and set the stage for a successful presentation.

The 13 most successful hook ideas ever 


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Maurizio La Cava

About Maurizio

Comments on Presentation Hooks: the 13 most successful presentation hook examples

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Thanks for the article – this was a fantastic resource for putting together my upcoming seminar presentation.

Great tips and ideas to focus on to get the audiences engagement

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Mark Peter Quitorio

Very Nice, it helps me a lot to explore this techniques

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I wanted to stop by and give my genuine feedback on your website. I really enjoyed to read your content, I think it’s interesting and very well written. I’ve been on your website for an hour or so and very enjoyed it.

I didn’t find your Instagram page though, do you have one?

Best, Yalla

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Like a fine thoroughbred, you need to hit the ground running by starting strong. Instead, many presenters are more like old, tired workhorses—they start weak by wasting those first precious seconds with platitudes and pleasantries. Brain research shows that we don t pay attention to boring things. Surprise your listeners with a hook that immediately grabs their attention.

' src=

This was great information especially for my presentation

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I love the way you practice what you profess to be true. Usually I flip through websites about public speaking… It’s pretty much all the same. YOURS WAS TOTALLY DIFFERENT. You actually showed us with words, with online examples, and with the presentation of your own message: Presentation hook examples. YOU KNOCKED IT OUT OF THE PARK!!

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persuasive speech hooks examples

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persuasive speech hooks examples

Table of Contents

  • Essay Topic Generator
  • Summary Generator
  • Thesis Maker Academic
  • Sentence Rephraser
  • Read My Paper
  • Hypothesis Generator
  • Cover Page Generator
  • Text Compactor
  • Essay Scrambler
  • Essay Plagiarism Checker
  • Hook Generator
  • AI Writing Checker
  • Notes Maker
  • Overnight Essay Writing
  • Topic Ideas
  • Writing Tips
  • Essay Writing (by Genre)
  • Essay Writing (by Topic)

9 Killer Ways to Start a Speech: Hooks & Attention Getter Examples

To grab your audience’s attention, you should start your speech with a catchy hook.

Public speaking might be nerve-wracking. Apart from preparing the information itself and making an outline, you also need to structure it so it won’t get boring and will catch your audience’s attention.

The presentation of your information is as important as the information itself. So, to grab your audience’s attention, you should start with a catchy hook. The hook is the only possibility to make your listener interested in what you say, so do not start with a simple greeting and a self-introduction.

In this article, you’ll find nine attention getters for speeches based on the top TED Talks . You’ll learn how to write good hooks for speeches. You’ll also find the six worst speech introductions to avoid. Let’s get started!

  • 🙋 Talk about Yourself
  • 📰 Tell a Story
  • ❔ Ask a Question
  • 💪 Make a Statement
  • 📊 Provide Statistics
  • 😅 Use Humor
  • 🖖 Be Interactive
  • 🤯 Shock the Audience
  • 🌈 Use a Metaphor

✅ Attention Getter Examples

  • ❌ 6 Worst Ways to Start a Speech

🙋 1. Talk about Yourself

One of the good ways to make your audience interested in you is to be honest and sincere . Telling your listener about yourself can make them relate to your more. Share your experience with them.

Here’s a speech by Elizabeth Gilbert , the author of Eat, Play, Love , where she chooses to talk about herself at the beginning of her speech. She is talking about her passion which is writing. She made her performance enjoyable to listen to by making a connection to the audience this way.

Elizabeth Gilbert: Your elusive creative genius

📰 2. Tell a Story

Telling a story is also one of the good hooks for speeches. You can make your audience resonate with you or relate to you by telling a sincere story. If you let your reader know more about you by talking about your experience, they will pay attention to what you say.

The following is a speech by Bill Gates , where he used a story from his childhood as an attention grabber. In this speech, he talks about his fear of nuclear war and how his family would hide in the barrel in case of attack.

Bill Gates: The next outbreak? We’re not ready

Next speech is by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie , a famous Nigerian author. She also uses a story as an opener for her presentation. Her story is about how she learned how to read at a very young age

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie: The danger of a single story

❔ 3. Ask a Question

Asking your audience a question is also one of the best strategies to begin your performance. By asking a question, you can make your listener involved and set the directions for their thoughts.

In the following speech, Simon Sinek asks the audience an exciting question that immediately grabs their attention: How do you explain when others are able to achieve things that seem to defy all of the assumptions?

Simon Sinek: How great leaders inspire action

💪 4. Make a Strong Statement

Another option is to grab your audience’s attention by making a strong statement. A solid, exciting statement can make your listeners engaged and persuade them to listen to you. Usually, a strong opening statement is followed by a question too.

You can take a look at the speech by Julian Treasure , a leading TED speaker. He makes an interesting statement about the human’s voice, comparing it to some instrument. Later, he asks his audience a question to make them think about his topic.

Julian Treasure: How to speak so that people want to listen

📊 5. Provide Impressive Statistics

Impressive statistics might also be one of the attention-getters for speeches. Think of a statistic that impressed you when you first came across it. Then, try to avoid using simple numbers. Instead, you can compare the numbers with something else. For example, instead of saying that you spend 8 hours online a day, you can say that you spend a whole working day online.

It is crucial to choose a statistic that would be interesting to both a speaker and the audience .

The following is a speech by Robert Waldinger , a Harvard professor of psychiatry, about happiness. He begins his speech by stating the results of a survey. In that survey, millennials were asked about their life goals.

Robert Waldinger: What makes a good life? Lessons from the longest study on happiness

😅 6. Use Humor

Humor is another good way to catch the attention. Although your speech might be about a serious and formal topic, you can say something funny in the beginning. However, it would be best to be extremely careful because your joke might be offensive to someone. So, try to make a joke on a neutral topic .

Here’s a speech by Pamela Meyer on how to spot a liar. She begins her speech by making a joke about how everyone is a liar. Her joke is engaging and makes the audience curious about what else she has to say.

Pamela Meyer: How to spot a liar

🖖 7. Be Interactive

What can be more engaging than actually asking your audience to do something? Your audience will pay all their attention to you if you make them interact with you. You can ask your listeners to raise their hands by asking a question.

The following speech is by Kelly McGonigal , a psychologist and Stanford lecturer, on how to make stress your friend. At the beginning of her speech, Kelly asks her audience to raise their hands if they experienced stress during the past year.

Kelly McGonigal: How to make stress your friend

The following speech is by Celeste Headlee on ten ways to have a better conversation. In her speech, she asks her audience to raise their hands if they have unfriended someone because of an offensive conversation topic.

Celeste Headlee: 10 ways to have a better conversation

🤯 8. Shock the Audience

Some people use the method of shocking their audience to catch their attention. You can do something your listeners do not expect . For example, you can say goodbye at the beginning of your speech or change your clothes. These actions will catch everyone’s attention, but they will only work if the topic is suitable.

In this TED Talk on how schools kill creativity by Sir Ken Robinson , he makes an unexpected move by saying that he is leaving right after saying hello to his audience.

Sir Ken Robinson: Do schools kill creativity?

The following speech is by Cameron Russell on how appearance is not everything. She changed her clothes on the stage as she was opening her speech.

Cameron Russell: Looks aren’t everything. Believe me, I’m a model.

🌈 9. Use a Colorful Comparison

If you are still wondering how to start a speech, a colorful comparison might be a good option. You can use a metaphor , symbol , or another figure of speechto deliver your thought in a catchy way.

Here is a speech by Dan Gilbert on the science of happiness. In his hook, he compares two perspectives on two million years. By making this comparison, he can control the audience’s thoughts, making them think about his words.

Dan Gilbert: The surprising science of happiness

In the following section, you’ll find the best attention grabber examples for speeches. Our examples will help you effectively get your audience’s attention and conduct a great presentation.

Attention-Getter Examples for Self-Introduction Speech

Wondering how to create a good hook for a speech about yourself ? Then you’re at the right place. Here are some hook ideas that proved to be effective:

Hook ideaAttention getter example
Let me tell you about the time I got lost in a foreign country, unable to speak the language, and had to rely on the kindness of strangers to find my way back to safety.
Have you ever felt like you were venturing into the unknown, unsure of where life would take you next? That’s exactly how I felt when I set off on my journey to start a new life in a different city.
We’ve all experienced those moments of self-doubt and uncertainty, but how we navigate through those times truly defines us.
Life is a rollercoaster, filled with twists, turns, and unexpected drops. Just as we hold on tight and embrace the thrill of the ride, I’ve learned to navigate through the ups and downs of my own journey, and I’m excited to take you along for the ride today.
Embarking on a new chapter in life is like learning to ride a bike for the first time. It’s wobbly; you might fall a few times, but you eventually find your balance with determination and perseverance. Today, I want to share with you the bumps and triumphs of my personal journey as I found my balance.

Attention Getter for Persuasive Speech Examples

In crafting a persuasive speech , it’s essential to captivate your audience from the very beginning. A well-crafted hook can pique their interest and draw them in, setting the stage for a compelling and impactful message. Here are a few examples of persuasive hooks:

Hook ideaPersuasive hook example
Have you ever stopped to think about the impact of our daily choices on the environment? What if I told you that small changes in our habits could make a world of difference?
Today, we stand on the brink of a global catastrophe, and it is up to us to decide whether we will be remembered as the generation that destroyed our planet or the one that took a stand to save it.
The rise in cyberbullying has reached alarming levels, affecting the mental well-being of our youth. We must address this issue head-on to protect the future of our society.
Did you know that every minute, the equivalent of a truckload of plastic appears in our oceans? This destructive trend is leading us toward an environmental catastrophe, and we must take immediate action to reverse it.
As a professional in the field of medicine for over 15 years, I have witnessed firsthand the devastating impact of untreated mental illness on individuals and their families. I am here today to advocate for better access to mental health resources for all.
In the words of Mahatma Gandhi, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” This powerful message resonates with the urgency of our current situation and reminds us that we can make a positive impact through our actions.

Attention Grabber Examples for Presentation

Are you struggling to find the perfect attention getter for an informative speech ? Look no further! In this section, we’ll explore some powerful hook examples that will captivate your audience right from the start and make your presentation unforgettable.

Hook ideaAttention getter example
Did you know that the octopus has three hearts, blue blood, and the ability to change both its color and texture to blend into its environment? Today, we’ll explore these intelligent creatures’ fascinating world and remarkable abilities.
Raise your hand if you’ve ever experienced the frustration of not being able to fall asleep. Many of us have, and I’m here to share some valuable insights to help you achieve a restful night’s sleep.
As acclaimed physicist Stephen Hawking once said, “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge.” Today, we’ll delve into this concept’s profound impact on scientific discovery.
Take a look at this stunning time-lapse video of the rapidly melting glaciers in the Arctic. This visual representation highlights the urgency of addressing climate change and its consequences.
While many people believe that social media has only negative effects on mental health, studies have shown that it can also provide a sense of community and support for individuals. Today, we’ll explore the multifaceted impact of social media on mental well-being.

Funny Attention Getters for Speeches Examples

Are you tired of starting your speeches with the same old dull hooks? Well, get ready to add some humor and excitement to your next presentation with these funny attention-getters for speeches.

Hook ideaExplanationExample
A funny anecdote or personal experience can be shared to entertain the audience, creating a humorous connection and adding a relatable element to the speech.Let me tell you about the time I accidentally wore my pajamas to a business meeting. It was a classic case of “dress for the job you want, not the job you have” — and apparently, I wanted to be a professional napper!
This hook involves using humorous material from established sources, such as jokes, anecdotes, or quotes from comedians, writers, or public figures.As Mark Twain once said, “The only way to keep your health is to eat what you don’t want, drink what you don’t like, and do what you’d rather not.” So, if anyone offers you kale smoothies and a gym membership, just remember – it’s all for the sake of your health!
This type involves taking an existing humorous concept or joke and modifying it to fit the context of the speech or the specific audience, creating a personalized and amusing rendition.Why don’t skeletons fight each other? They don’t have the guts! Speaking of guts, let’s dig into the fascinating world of human anatomy and learn about the wonders of the human body.

❌ Bonus: the 6 Worst Ways to Start a Speech

As we have learned different attention-getting techniques, let’s take a look at a list of things to avoid while starting a speech.

No matter how much time you have to prepare, try to use it wisely. Even if you only have half an hour to prepare, make use of any minute you have to outline, think of a structure, and a good hook to catch your audience’s attention.
Technical difficulties are something we cannot control. However, we can do everything possible and check the tech in advance. Try to arrive at the place you are giving your speech early to check that everything is working correctly.
Apologizing can only draw attention to the issue that your audience might not have even noticed. So, try to ignore anything you are struggling with and focus on your speech. If you feel the need to apologize for something obvious, you can reverse it the way you can express your gratitude rather than being sorry.
Making a joke is an excellent way to start your speech off. However, your joke has to be ethical. Do not think of your audience as of your friend with whom you can talk about anything. Treat your audience with as much respect as possible.
Instead of asking your audience to turn off their cell phones, try to focus on making your speech interesting and engaging so that your audience wouldn’t want to distract themselves with their cell phones.
Do not say your name because your audience should already know it. Leave your introduction to the person who organizes the event.

We hope the tips above will help you get ready for your performance. If you haven’t yet decided what topic to choose for your speech, feel free to use our generator to get ideas. The tool is able to make topics not only for essays, but also for speeches.

❓ How to Start a Speech: FAQ

How to start a speech for school.

To start an in-class speech for students, you can talk about yourself or tell a personal story. By telling your audience a story about yourself, you can engage them. An engaged audience pays attention to what you say. Another way is to start your speech with a quote. You can also search for some samples to gain inspiration.

How to start an informative speech?

To start off an informative speech, you should have a catchy hook. You can try asking your audience a question or sharing your experience. After you are done with an attention grabber, you can state your thesis and move to your main points.

How to start a persuasive speech?

Start your persuasive speech with a catchy hook. You may use a quote, a joke, a story, or any other attention grabbers. A good option is to make a question to make your audience think about your topic. If you have enough information, you can also show an impressive statistic related to your topic.

How to start a motivational speech?

You can start your motivational speech by asking your audience a question or asking them to do something. It can engage them and make them interested in what you are trying to say. Another option to engage your audience is to create a joke or to tell a story about yourself.

🔗 References

  • How to Prepare for Public Speaking
  • 10 Strategies to Prepare for Speaking Engagements
  • Preparing Speeches – University of Hawaii System
  • 15 Ways to Start a Speech + Bonus Tips | Brian Tracy
  • Speeches – UNC Writing Center
  • 12 Ways to Hook an Audience in 30 Seconds

How To Write An Essay

Hook Examples

Barbara P

200+ Creative Hook Examples: Ready, Set, Hook

27 min read

Published on: Mar 22, 2023

Last updated on: Jul 23, 2024

hook examples

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As a student, you know how important it is to grab your reader’s attention right away. 

Stories without strong starts can leave readers feeling uninspired and bored—and that's not what we want! After all, compelling stories require creative hooks to seal the deal. 

That's why we're here!

To avoid a bland start, it's important to craft a clever and memorable hook. With the use of effective hooks, you can leave a lasting impression on even the most discerning of readers.

Join us now as we jump into different types of hooks, from intriguing questions to vivid imagery – let's get started!

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Question Hook Examples

If you're stuck in the creative hook-writing process, a question hook can be your go-to. 

Questions hook readers and make them think about what’s being asked. You can also use a fact statistic too.

They also immediately draw attention to the topic at hand and make readers more likely to continue reading. 

 Let's look at some examples : 

  • "What if I told you that a single dream could change your life?" 
  • "Who can inhabit a place where the past and the present intersect?" 
  • "How would you respond if you had to choose between love and ambition?" 
  • "Where does one draw the line between passion and obsession?" 
  • "Can humanity survive in a world of conflicting values?" 
  • "What if our dreams became reality?" - John Steinbeck 
  • "How do you explain something that cannot be explained?" 
  • "Is it possible to find true love in an imperfect world?"
  • "Do we control our destiny, or does fate have a hand in it?" 
  • "How much can power corrupts us before we become monsters?"

Statistic Hook Examples

Numbers don't lie, and sometimes they can be the most powerful way to make a point. 

Here are some examples of statistic hooks that can grab your readers' attention:

  • "Did you know that over 50% of adults in the United States are single?"
  • "According to recent studies, over 70% of high school students report feeling overwhelmed and stressed on a daily basis."
  • "In the United States, the average household debt is over $90,000."
  • "Over 80% of Americans believe that climate change is a serious problem, but what are we doing to address it?"
  • "According to recent polls, only 20% of Americans trust the government to do what is right always or most of the time."
  • "In the last decade, the use of social media has skyrocketed, with over 3 billion users worldwide."
  • "Studies show that women still earn only 82 cents for every dollar earned by men in the United States."
  • "Over 40% of food produced in the United States is wasted each year, while millions of people go hungry."
  • "Recent research has found that over 90% of plastic waste in the ocean comes from just 10 rivers in Asia and Africa."
  • "Despite advances in medical technology, the United States has one of the highest rates of maternal mortality in the developed world, with over 700 deaths per year."

Metaphor / Simile Hook Examples

Metaphors and similes can be powerful tools for engaging your reader and making your writing more vivid. 

Here are ten examples to inspire your own metaphorical hooks.

  • "Like a beacon in the night, [topic] shines a light on our deepest hopes and fears."
  • "Metaphorically speaking, [topic] is a Pandora's box of complex emotions and ideas that challenge us to confront our own biases and assumptions."
  • "Just as a ship navigates treacherous waters, [topic] requires a steady hand and a clear sense of direction to navigate successfully."
  • "In many ways, [topic] is a mirror that reflects the beauty and complexity of the human experience."
  • "Like a puzzle with countless pieces, [topic] invites us to piece together disparate elements to uncover deeper truths and insights."
  • "Metaphorically speaking, [topic] is a garden that requires careful tending and nurturing to flourish."
  • "Just as a painter uses color and light to create a masterpiece, [topic] allows us to paint a vivid portrait of the world around us."
  • "In many ways, [topic] is a labyrinth that challenges us to explore its winding paths and discover hidden treasures along the way."
  • "Like a key that unlocks a door, [topic] gives us access to new worlds of knowledge and understanding."
  • "Metaphorically speaking, [topic] is a journey that takes us on a winding path through the highs and lows of the human experience."

Anecdote Hook Examples

If you want to hook your readers from the start with a narrative that's more fun and lighthearted, an anecdote hook is a way to go.  

Let's look at some examples: 

  • "It all started when I decided to take a walk in the woods one summer day..." 
  • "The night began as any other night out with my friends - until the police showed up..."
  • "The day I found out my grandmother had cancer was one of the saddest days of my life" 
  • "It was a sunny Sunday afternoon when I decided to take a chance and go for a drive on an unfamiliar road" 
  • "I never expected that one day I'd be standing in the World Cup final..."
  • "It was summertime, and all my friends were out at the beach while I was stuck inside baking cookies" 
  • "I remember the day I finally decided to take a leap of faith and start my own business" 
  • "My first day at university was filled with anxiety and excitement" 
  • "That's when I realized I wanted to be a teacher - when I saw the look on my student's faces after they finally understood something"
  • "My first time walking into a yoga class was nerve-wracking, but it ended up being one of the best decisions of my life" 

Quote Hook Examples

If you want to hook your readers right away with a strong introduction, using a quote hook can be an effective strategy.  

Let's look at some examples of a quote from a famous person. 

  • "We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars" - Oscar Wilde 
  • "To infinity and beyond!" - Buzz Lightyear 
  • "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky 
  • "If you can dream it, you can do it" - Walt Disney 
  • "It is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities" - J.K. Rowling 
  • "You can't calm the storm, so stop trying. What you can do is calm yourself" - Tim Berners-Lee 
  •  "The only way to do great work is to love what you do" - Steve Jobs 
  • "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step" - Lao Tzu 
  • "Life is what you make it" - Anonymous 
  • "The best way to predict the future is to create it" - Abraham Lincoln 

Story Hook Examples

If your main goal is to fully captivate and engage readers in an unforgettable story, then a well-crafted story hook is the way to go.

  • "It all started on a cold January night with a phone call that changed my life..." 
  • "The moment I saw my best friend in that hospital bed, I knew everything would never be the same again..." 
  • "I had been dreaming of this day for years - the day I'd finally get to explore the world outside of my small town..." 
  • "The sun was just setting as we drove through the old neighborhood, remembering all the good times we had growing up..." 
  • "I opened my front door to find a man standing in the hallway with a strange package - and that's how it all began..." 
  • "The morning of my eighteenth birthday, I woke up feeling strangely different - like an adventure was about to begin..." 
  • "I remember the day I decided to face my fears and take a leap of faith - that's when everything changed..." 
  • "The night I saw the shooting stars were like nothing I had ever experienced before, and I knew it would stay with me forever..." 
  • "It took one coincidence for me to realize that life was about to take me on a wild ride..." 
  • "I had never felt so brave in my life when I decided to take a stand and fight for what I believed in..." 

Hook Examples For Essay

If you desire to seize your reader's attention and keep them enthralled in your essay, a persuasive hook is essential.

Check out these hooks for essays examples: 

  • "The world we live in today has changed drastically since the introduction of technology" 
  • "Every generation has had its own unique set of challenges - and the current generation is no exception" 
  • "We can learn a lot from history and the mistakes that have been made in the past" 
  • "Society often puts a label on things without really understanding them or giving them a chance" 
  • "The power of technology can be both a blessing and a curse" 
  • "Education is the key to success - and it's important for everyone to have access to it" 
  • "What would life be like without our modern-day conveniences?" 
  • "We all have our own unique perspectives, but sometimes we forget to look at the bigger picture" 
  • "Not everything is as it seems - sometimes we have to dig deeper to understand the truth" 
  • "Life is a journey, not a destination - and every step of the way holds valuable lessons to be learned"

Narrative Hook Examples

Narrative hook examples are a great way to engage your reader in your story. Here are some examples of hooks for a narrative essay :

  • "It was a dark and stormy night, and I heard something outside my window..." 
  • "I had been waiting for this moment my whole life, and finally it was here..." 
  • "I had no idea what I was getting myself into when I opened that door..." 
  • "The air around me suddenly changed, and a chill ran down my spine as I realized how alone I was..." 
  • "It had been years since we'd seen each other, and now I was standing face to face with my old enemy..." 
  • "I followed the faint light until I stumbled upon a mysterious room with an unknown secret inside..." 
  • "It began as a normal day, but by nightfall, it was like nothing I'd ever experienced before..." 
  • "The cold wind was howling as I made my way across the deserted desert, searching for something greater..." 
  • "As I stepped through the ruins of the long-abandoned castle, I could feel an eerie presence watching me..." 
  • "The clock struck midnight and suddenly everything changed - it felt like a new world had been born..." 

Argumentative Essay Hook Examples

Argumentative hook examples can be a great tool to draw readers in and engage them with an argumentative essay . 

Let's look at some hook examples for argumentative essay: 

  • "The world we live in today is drastically different from what it used to be - and much of this change has been caused by technology"
  • "Every generation has its own set of challenges, and the current generation is no exception" 
  • "We should always be willing to learn from history and the mistakes that have been made in the past" 
  • "Society often judges things without really understanding them or giving them a chance" 
  • "The power of technology can be both a blessing and a curse - we must find the balance" 
  • "Education is essential to success, but not everyone has access to it" 
  • "We all have our own unique perspectives, but we must consider the greater good" 
  • "Sometimes things are not as they seem - it's important to look at all sides of an issue" 
  • "Life is full of lessons - and it's impossible to learn them all in one lifetime" 

College Essay Hook Examples

Crafting an effective hook for a college essay is essential to grab your reader's attention and draw them into the story. 

College hook examples can serve as invaluable guides when creating this crucial element of any composition.

Check out some examples: 

  • "The journey of life has taken me down many paths, but never in my wildest dreams did I imagine it would lead me here" 
  • "My story is not a traditional one, but it's uniquely mine and I'm ready to make my mark" 
  • "When I think back to the decisions that have shaped my life, this one stands out as the most important" 
  • "I had no idea how much I could learn from taking a leap of faith and going outside my comfort zone" 
  • "From the age of four, I knew that I wanted to be a doctor - and here I am on the brink of making it happen" 
  • "I wasn't always the most successful student, but I never gave up and now I'm ready to prove what I can do" 
  • "A person's future isn't predetermined - I'm determined to make mine a success" 
  • "Education is power, and I'm ready to take hold of my own destiny" 
  • "It's not about where you come from, but what you can achieve with hard work and dedication"  
  • "Life is unpredictable, but I'm ready to face any challenge that comes my way" 

Hook Examples For Speech

Speech hook examples provide a great way to hook your audience into your speech . 

Here are some examples: 

  • "We've all heard the phrase 'knowledge is power', but what does that really mean?" 
  • "What would our lives be like if we weren't as connected to technology as we are today?" 
  • "The world is a vast and mysterious place - let's explore how different cultures live and think" 
  • "What can we learn from the mistakes of our ancestors? Let's find out!" 
  • "We've heard about climate change, but what can we actually do to help?" 
  • "We live in a world of opportunity - let's explore how we can make the most of it" 
  • "Everyone has a story to tell - let's discover what makes us unique and wonderful" 
  • "Hard work and dedication are key ingredients for success - let's learn how to make the most of them" 
  • "Let's talk about what it means to make a difference in our world, and how we can do it!" 
  • "We all have the potential to reach our goals - let's find out how!" 

Hook Examples For Expository Essays

An expository essay provides a great way to engage your reader in your writing. Here are some examples:

  • "We often take for granted the little things in life - let's explore why they are so important." 
  • "What lies beneath the surface of our world? Let's look deeper and find out!" 
  • "Our environment is rapidly changing - let's see what we can do to protect it." 
  • "What causes people to make bad decisions? Let's explore the psychology behind it." 
  • "Without laws, society would be chaos - let's look at how laws keep us safe." 
  • "What can we learn from history? Let's uncover the lessons of our past." 
  • "Fear is an inevitable part of life - let's examine how to conquer it." 
  • "Our minds are incredibly powerful - let's explore the potential of our thoughts." 
  • "Life can be unpredictable, but how do we handle it? Let's discover some strategies." 
  • "What is the meaning of success? Let's define it and work towards achieving it!"?

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Hook Examples For Compare And Contrast Essay 

When writing a compare and contrast essay, it's important to have strong hooks.

Here are some examples of hooks that you can use for your compare-and-contrast essay :

  • "They say that 'opposites attract,' but do they really?"
  • "If you think two things can't be more different, think again."
  • "You might be surprised to learn that two seemingly similar things can have vast differences."
  • "Have you ever wondered what makes two things that seem identical actually very different?"
  • "There are many similarities between X and Y, but there are also key differences that make them stand out."
  • "Are you struggling to choose between two options that seem equally appealing?"
  • "At first glance, it may seem like two things have nothing in common."
  • "They say that variety is the spice of life, but is it always better?"
  • "It's easy to get lost in the details, but sometimes all we need is a little comparison to see things clearly."
  • "They say that everything is relative, but is that really true?"

Hook Examples For Research Papers

Crafting an effective research hook can be a powerful way to draw your readers into the world of your paper. 

Examples can provide excellent guidance when crafting this important part of any academic work!

Let's look at some hook examples in writing that can help you with your research paper : 

  • "Many people believe that X is the answer, but what does the research say?" 
  • "We've all heard about Y, but how does it actually work?" 
  • "What can we learn from the mistakes of the past and how can we use that knowledge to move forward?" 
  • "How has technology changed the way we do research and what ethical considerations do we need to take into account?" 
  • "What are some of the implications of Z and what can we do to address them?" 
  • "The debate around A is growing - let's explore both sides and see where the research takes us" 
  • "We all have our own opinions on B, but what does the evidence tell us?" 
  • "Let's take a look at C and uncover what it really means" 
  • "What can we learn from examining the history of D and how can that help us in the present?" 
  • "There are many theories surrounding E - let's explore them and draw our own conclusions" 

Hook Examples For Literary Analysis

Literary hook examples provide a great way to hook your readers into a literary analysis essay . 

Let's look at some examples of a great hook sentence here!

  • "What secrets do the characters in this story hold and what truths can we uncover?" 
  • "What does this piece of literature tell us about the human condition?" 
  • "What themes can we uncover by examining this text through a feminist lens?" 
  • "What is the author trying to say about society and how can we interpret it?" 
  • "How does this story stand out from others in its genre and what makes it unique?" 
  • "Let's explore the symbolism and imagery used in this piece of literature" 
  • "What message is the author trying to convey and how can that help us better understand the world we live in?" 
  • "The setting of this story plays an important role - let's examine it more closely" 
  • "How does the use of language in this text help to convey its themes and ideas?" 
  • "What can we learn about human nature by analyzing the characters in this story?" 

Paragraph Hook Examples 

Writing can be challenging, especially when it comes to crafting engaging openings. Here are ten hook ideas that might inspire your next paragraph:

  • "We all have our guilty pleasures, whether it's binge-watching reality TV or devouring junk food."
  • "Technology has transformed every aspect of our lives, from how we work and communicate to how we entertain ourselves."
  • "History is full of fascinating stories and characters. Let's shine a light on the forgotten voices of the past."
  • "Climate change is one of the most pressing issues of our time, but what can we do to address it?"
  • "Language is a powerful tool for communication, but it can also be a source of confusion and misunderstanding."
  • "The human brain is a mysterious and complex organ, capable of incredible feats of creativity and intelligence. Let's delve into the latest research on how our brains work."
  • "Art has the power to inspire, challenge, and transform us. But what is it about certain works of art that make them timeless and universal?"
  • "Identity is a complex and multifaceted concept, shaped by factors like race, gender, sexuality, and class."
  • "Philosophy has been a source of inquiry and debate for centuries, but how can it help us navigate the complexities of modern life?"
  • "Food is not just a source of sustenance, but a reflection of culture, history, and identity."

Query Letter Hook Examples

Query letter hook examples are a great way to engage your potential readers and agents. 

  • "This story will make you question everything you thought you knew." 
  • "Uncover an extraordinary tale of courage and determination." 
  • "Discover the power of hope in this heartfelt journey of transformation." 
  • "Follow a gripping story of passion and adventure." 
  • "Journey with a character on a quest to find the truth." 
  • "Experience an unforgettable tale of mystery and intrigue." 
  • "Meet a remarkable cast of characters in this stirring journey of discovery." 
  • "Go behind the scenes with a daring group of heroes." 
  • "Explore a world of mystery and wonder with a captivating story." 
  • "Be swept away in this thrilling adventure of courage and hope."  ? 

Hook Examples For Presentation

Presentation hooks are a remarkable way to captivate your audience and keep them engaged in your presentation. You can use interesting facts and statistic hooks as well!

With examples, you can create compelling stories or images that will make quite an impact!

  • "We all know that X is important, but why is it so crucial to our lives?" 
  • "What can we learn from the successes and failures of Y?" 
  • "Let's explore how technology has changed the way we do Z and how that affects our lives" 
  • "What is the one thing we need to know about A in order to understand its significance?" 
  • "We've all heard about B, but what does it really mean for us?" 
  • "What are the implications of C and how can we use that knowledge to our advantage?" 
  • "Let's take a look at the history and evolution of D" 
  • "How does E affect our daily lives and what can we do about it?" 
  • "What are some of the potential benefits of F and what risks do we need to consider?" 
  • "What has been the impact of G on our society and how can we use it to make positive changes?" 

Hook Examples For Introduction 

Introduction hook examples provide a great way to make a strong statement. 

  • "Welcome to the world of X - let's dive in and see what it has to offer" 
  • "We all know Y, but why is it so important?" 
  • "What can we learn from the successes and failures of Z?" 
  • "Let's take a journey through the history of A and uncover its secrets" 
  • "How has technology changed the way we do C and what ethical considerations do we need to take into account?" 
  • "What are some of the implications of D and what can we do to address them?" 
  • "The debate around E is growing - let's explore both sides and see where the research takes us" 
  • "Let's examine the facts and uncover what F really means" 
  • "What can we learn from exploring the history of G and how can that help us in the present?" 

Concluding Hook Examples 

Writing a strong conclusion can be just as challenging as crafting an engaging opening. Here are closing hook examples that might help inspire you.

  • "As we bring this discussion to a close, it's clear that [thesis statement]. But what are the implications of this insight for our lives and society as a whole?"
  • "In the end, the examples we've explored illustrate the complexity and nuance of [topic]. But what does this mean for us moving forward?"
  • "The evidence we've presented highlights the urgent need for [action or change]. So where do we go from here?"
  • "As we wrap up this conversation, let's remember that [key takeaway or lesson]. How can we apply this insight to our own lives?"
  • "The stories and characters we've examined offer a window into the human experience and our capacity for growth and transformation. What can we learn from their journeys?"
  • "As we conclude this discussion, let's reflect on what this means for us as individuals and as a society."
  • "The examples we've explored have shed light on the complexities and nuances of [topic]. But what are the broader implications of this understanding?"
  • "As we come to the end of this essay, it's clear that [thesis statement]. But how can we use this knowledge to make a positive difference in the world?"
  • "In conclusion, the evidence we've presented challenges us to rethink our assumptions about [topic]. Let's take this opportunity to broaden our perspectives and deepen our understanding."
  • "As we close out this conversation, let's remember the power of human connection to heal and transform."

Hook Examples For Personal Statement

Crafting an attention-grabbing hook for your personal statement can be a great way to increase engagement and draw readers in. 

Utilizing examples of successful hooks is an excellent strategy to help you create one that stands out!

  • "How have my experience and values shaped who I am today?" 
  • "What makes me unique from other applicants and how can that help me succeed?" 
  • "How have my past experiences, both good and bad, helped me understand the importance of X?" 
  • "What do I know about Y that makes me stand out from other applicants?" 
  • "Let's explore how my skillset can help me achieve success in Z" 
  • "What have I learned from the people around me and how has that shaped my goals?" 
  • "In what ways can I use my knowledge of A to make a difference?" 
  • "How will B help me grow as an individual and achieve my dreams?" 
  • "What have I learned through C that has helped me become a better person?" 
  • "What can I offer that makes me the ideal candidate for this role?" 

Catchy Hook Examples

Captivating hook examples are an excellent way to grab your readers' attention and entice them into the content.

  • "Are you ready for X? It's time to find out!" 
  • "Discover the shocking truth about Y" 
  • "Let's uncover the hidden secrets of Z" 
  • "Unlock the power of A - it will blow your mind" 
  • "B will change your life - here's how to get started" 
  • "What does C mean for us? Let's find out!" 
  • "Are you ready to take on the challenge of D?" 
  • "Can E really change your life? Let's find out" 
  • "F can provide incredible opportunities - here's how to get started" 
  • "Discover the hidden potential of G - it will amaze you!" 

Hook Examples For Romeo and Juliet Essays

Romeo and Juliet is one of the most iconic love stories in literary history. But what is it about this tragic tale that continues to captivate audiences centuries after it was written? 

Here are some hook ideas that might inspire your essay:

  • "What makes Romeo and Juliet one of the most enduring love stories of all time? Let's explore the themes and motifs that continue to captivate audiences today."
  • "From sword fights to sonnets, Romeo and Juliet has it all. But what is it about Shakespeare's language and imagery that makes the play so memorable?"
  • "Romeo and Juliet may seem like a straightforward story of love and tragedy, but what if there's more to it than meets the eye?"
  • "The feud between the Capulets and Montagues may seem like a typical Shakespearean conflict. But what does it reveal about the tensions and rivalries of Renaissance-era Italy?"
  • "What can Romeo and Juliet teach us about the power of passion and desire? Let's explore how the play challenges conventional morality and ethics."
  • "Romeo and Juliet has been adapted countless times in popular culture, but what can we learn from the original play? Let's examine how Shakespeare's work continues to influence modern storytelling."
  • "The tragic ending of Romeo and Juliet may seem predetermined, but what if the characters had made different choices? Let's explore the different paths the story could have taken."
  • "Romeo and Juliet is often seen as a story of youthful passion, but what about the older characters in the play? Let's analyze the roles of Friar Lawrence and the Nurse in shaping the course of events."
  • "Shakespeare's play may be set in Renaissance-era Italy, but its themes and motifs are universal. Let's examine how Romeo and Juliet speaks to contemporary issues and debates."
  • "The balcony scene in Romeo and Juliet is one of the most iconic moments in all of literature, but what is it about this scene that makes it so powerful? Let's explore the language, imagery, and symbolism at play."

Hook Examples For Social Media 

Social media has become a ubiquitous part of modern life, with billions of users around the world. But what is it about social media that has captured our attention and kept us hooked?

Here are some social media hook examples for you:

  • "Social media is like a never-ending rabbit hole, with endless scrolling and new content to explore."
  • "With social media, we have the power to connect with people from all over the world, but at what cost to our privacy and mental health?"
  • "The rise of social media has transformed the way we communicate, but it has also created a new set of challenges for individuals and society as a whole."
  • "From Instagram influencers to TikTok trends, social media has given rise to a whole new world of digital fame and fortune."
  • "In the age of social media, we are more connected than ever before, but are we really communicating?"
  • "What happens when the platform becomes a battleground for toxic behavior and hate speech?"
  • "From Facebook to Twitter, social media has revolutionized the way we consume news and information."
  • "Social media has made it easier than ever to connect with people who share our interests and passions."
  • "With social media, we can curate the perfect image of ourselves and our lives. But is this curated image an accurate reflection of who we really are?"
  • "Social media has opened up new opportunities for businesses and entrepreneurs."

Tips for Writing A Good Hook  

A hook is the first sentence or phrase in your writing that captures your reader's attention. 

A good hook is essential for any successful piece of writing, whether it's a novel, an essay, or a blog post. 

Here are some tips for writing a good hook that will engage your readers and keep them interested:

  • Start with an interesting fact or statistic: People love to learn new things. Starting with a surprising or little-known fact can be a great way to capture your reader's attention.
  • Ask a thought-provoking question: Asking a question that challenges your reader's assumptions or beliefs can be a powerful way to hook them to thinking.
  • Use descriptive language: Descriptive language can create a vivid picture in your reader's mind and draw them into your story or argument.
  • Create a sense of urgency: If your writing is about a timely or important topic, creating a sense of urgency in your hook can be an effective way to grab your reader's attention.
  • Start with a quote: A quote from a famous person or an expert in your field can lend credibility to your writing and pique your reader's interest.
  • Share a personal anecdote: Sharing a personal story or experience can make your writing feel more relatable and human, and can help to build a connection with your reader.

Writing a hook for your essay can be a challenge, but with the right approach, you can create one that will capture your reader's attention. 

If you're looking for some guidance to help you craft the perfect hook, offers the best essay writing service to help you!

Stop wasting your time trying to craft the perfect hook and let take care of it for you! 

Enhance your writing skills by utilizing our essay writer AI . Take advantage of this valuable resource to improve your writing abilities.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is a hook example.

A hook example refers to an opening sentence of a piece of writing that is meant to grab the reader's attention and entice them to continue reading. 

Good hooks may use descriptive words, strong verbs, vivid imagery, or engaging dialogue to draw readers in.

How can I come up with a good hook?

Coming up with a good hook requires that you know your audience and the purpose of your writing.

Consider what interests readers in this particular topic or area.Use that to create an engaging opening sentence that will pique their curiosity.

Barbara P (Literature, Marketing)

Barbara is a highly educated and qualified author with a Ph.D. in public health from an Ivy League university. She has spent a significant amount of time working in the medical field, conducting a thorough study on a variety of health issues. Her work has been published in several major publications.

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40 Strong Persuasive Writing Examples (Essays, Speeches, Ads, and More)

Learn from the experts.

The American Crisis historical article, as an instance of persuasive essay examples

The more we read, the better writers we become. Teaching students to write strong persuasive essays should always start with reading some top-notch models. This round-up of persuasive writing examples includes famous speeches, influential ad campaigns, contemporary reviews of famous books, and more. Use them to inspire your students to write their own essays. (Need persuasive essay topics? Check out our list of interesting persuasive essay ideas here! )

  • Persuasive Essays
  • Persuasive Speeches
  • Advertising Campaigns

Persuasive Essay Writing Examples

First paragraph of Thomas Paine's The American Crisis

From the earliest days of print, authors have used persuasive essays to try to sway others to their own point of view. Check out these top persuasive essay writing examples.

Professions for Women by Virginia Woolf

Sample lines: “Outwardly, what is simpler than to write books? Outwardly, what obstacles are there for a woman rather than for a man? Inwardly, I think, the case is very different; she has still many ghosts to fight, many prejudices to overcome. Indeed it will be a long time still, I think, before a woman can sit down to write a book without finding a phantom to be slain, a rock to be dashed against. And if this is so in literature, the freest of all professions for women, how is it in the new professions which you are now for the first time entering?”

The Crisis by Thomas Paine

Sample lines: “These are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value.”

Politics and the English Language by George Orwell

Sample lines: “As I have tried to show, modern writing at its worst does not consist in picking out words for the sake of their meaning and inventing images in order to make the meaning clearer. It consists in gumming together long strips of words which have already been set in order by someone else, and making the results presentable by sheer humbug.”

Letter From a Birmingham Jail by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Sample lines: “We know through painful experience that freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed. Frankly, I have yet to engage in a direct action campaign that was ‘well timed’ in the view of those who have not suffered unduly from the disease of segregation. For years now I have heard the word ‘Wait!’ It rings in the ear of every Negro with piercing familiarity. This ‘Wait’ has almost always meant ‘Never.’ We must come to see, with one of our distinguished jurists, that ‘justice too long delayed is justice denied.'”

Civil Disobedience by Henry David Thoreau

Sample lines: “Even voting for the right is doing nothing for it. It is only expressing to men feebly your desire that it should prevail. A wise man will not leave the right to the mercy of chance, nor wish it to prevail through the power of the majority. There is but little virtue in the action of masses of men.”

Go Gentle Into That Good Night by Roger Ebert

Sample lines: “‘Kindness’ covers all of my political beliefs. No need to spell them out. I believe that if, at the end of it all, according to our abilities, we have done something to make others a little happier, and something to make ourselves a little happier, that is about the best we can do. To make others less happy is a crime.”

The Way to Wealth by Benjamin Franklin

Sample lines: “Methinks I hear some of you say, must a man afford himself no leisure? I will tell thee, my friend, what Poor Richard says, employ thy time well if thou meanest to gain leisure; and, since thou art not sure of a minute, throw not away an hour. Leisure is time for doing something useful; this leisure the diligent man will obtain, but the lazy man never; so that, as Poor Richard says, a life of leisure and a life of laziness are two things.” ADVERTISEMENT

The Crack-Up by F. Scott Fitzgerald

Sample lines: “Of course all life is a process of breaking down, but the blows that do the dramatic side of the work—the big sudden blows that come, or seem to come, from outside—the ones you remember and blame things on and, in moments of weakness, tell your friends about, don’t show their effect all at once.”

Open Letter to the Kansas School Board by Bobby Henderson

Sample lines: “I am writing you with much concern after having read of your hearing to decide whether the alternative theory of Intelligent Design should be taught along with the theory of Evolution. … Let us remember that there are multiple theories of Intelligent Design. I and many others around the world are of the strong belief that the universe was created by a Flying Spaghetti Monster. … We feel strongly that the overwhelming scientific evidence pointing towards evolutionary processes is nothing but a coincidence, put in place by Him. It is for this reason that I’m writing you today, to formally request that this alternative theory be taught in your schools, along with the other two theories.”

Open Letter to the United Nations by Niels Bohr

Sample lines: “Humanity will, therefore, be confronted with dangers of unprecedented character unless, in due time, measures can be taken to forestall a disastrous competition in such formidable armaments and to establish an international control of the manufacture and use of the powerful materials.”

Persuasive Speech Writing Examples

Many persuasive speeches are political in nature, often addressing subjects like human rights. Here are some of history’s most well-known persuasive writing examples in the form of speeches.

I Have a Dream by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Sample lines: “And so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream. I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.”

Woodrow Wilson’s War Message to Congress, 1917

Sample lines: “There are, it may be, many months of fiery trial and sacrifice ahead of us. It is a fearful thing to lead this great peaceful people into war, into the most terrible and disastrous of all wars, civilization itself seeming to be in the balance. But the right is more precious than peace, and we shall fight for the things which we have always carried nearest our hearts—for democracy, for the right of those who submit to authority to have a voice in their own governments, for the rights and liberties of small nations, for a universal dominion of right by such a concert of free peoples as shall bring peace and safety to all nations and make the world itself at last free.”

Chief Seattle’s 1854 Oration

Sample lines: “I here and now make this condition that we will not be denied the privilege without molestation of visiting at any time the tombs of our ancestors, friends, and children. Every part of this soil is sacred in the estimation of my people. Every hillside, every valley, every plain and grove, has been hallowed by some sad or happy event in days long vanished. Even the rocks, which seem to be dumb and dead as they swelter in the sun along the silent shore, thrill with memories of stirring events connected with the lives of my people, and the very dust upon which you now stand responds more lovingly to their footsteps than yours, because it is rich with the blood of our ancestors, and our bare feet are conscious of the sympathetic touch.”

Women’s Rights Are Human Rights, Hillary Rodham Clinton

Sample lines: “What we are learning around the world is that if women are healthy and educated, their families will flourish. If women are free from violence, their families will flourish. If women have a chance to work and earn as full and equal partners in society, their families will flourish. And when families flourish, communities and nations do as well. … If there is one message that echoes forth from this conference, let it be that human rights are women’s rights and women’s rights are human rights once and for all.”

I Am Prepared to Die, Nelson Mandela

Sample lines: “Above all, My Lord, we want equal political rights, because without them our disabilities will be permanent. I know this sounds revolutionary to the whites in this country, because the majority of voters will be Africans. This makes the white man fear democracy. But this fear cannot be allowed to stand in the way of the only solution which will guarantee racial harmony and freedom for all. It is not true that the enfranchisement of all will result in racial domination. Political division, based on color, is entirely artificial and, when it disappears, so will the domination of one color group by another. … This then is what the ANC is fighting. Our struggle is a truly national one. It is a struggle of the African people, inspired by our own suffering and our own experience. It is a struggle for the right to live.”

The Struggle for Human Rights by Eleanor Roosevelt

Sample lines: “It is my belief, and I am sure it is also yours, that the struggle for democracy and freedom is a critical struggle, for their preservation is essential to the great objective of the United Nations to maintain international peace and security. Among free men the end cannot justify the means. We know the patterns of totalitarianism—the single political party, the control of schools, press, radio, the arts, the sciences, and the church to support autocratic authority; these are the age-old patterns against which men have struggled for 3,000 years. These are the signs of reaction, retreat, and retrogression. The United Nations must hold fast to the heritage of freedom won by the struggle of its people; it must help us to pass it on to generations to come.”

Freedom From Fear by Aung San Suu Kyi

Sample lines: “Saints, it has been said, are the sinners who go on trying. So free men are the oppressed who go on trying and who in the process make themselves fit to bear the responsibilities and to uphold the disciplines which will maintain a free society. Among the basic freedoms to which men aspire that their lives might be full and uncramped, freedom from fear stands out as both a means and an end. A people who would build a nation in which strong, democratic institutions are firmly established as a guarantee against state-induced power must first learn to liberate their own minds from apathy and fear.”

Harvey Milk’s “The Hope” Speech

Sample lines: “Some people are satisfied. And some people are not. You see there is a major difference—and it remains a vital difference—between a friend and a gay person, a friend in office and a gay person in office. Gay people have been slandered nationwide. We’ve been tarred and we’ve been brushed with the picture of pornography. In Dade County, we were accused of child molestation. It is not enough anymore just to have friends represent us, no matter how good that friend may be.”

The Union and the Strike, Cesar Chavez

Sample lines: “We are showing our unity in our strike. Our strike is stopping the work in the fields; our strike is stopping ships that would carry grapes; our strike is stopping the trucks that would carry the grapes. Our strike will stop every way the grower makes money until we have a union contract that guarantees us a fair share of the money he makes from our work! We are a union and we are strong and we are striking to force the growers to respect our strength!”

Nobel Lecture by Malala Yousafzai

Sample lines: “The world can no longer accept that basic education is enough. Why do leaders accept that for children in developing countries, only basic literacy is sufficient, when their own children do homework in algebra, mathematics, science, and physics? Leaders must seize this opportunity to guarantee a free, quality, primary and secondary education for every child. Some will say this is impractical, or too expensive, or too hard. Or maybe even impossible. But it is time the world thinks bigger.”   

Persuasive Writing Examples in Advertising Campaigns

Ads are prime persuasive writing examples. You can flip open any magazine or watch TV for an hour or two to see sample after sample of persuasive language. Here are some of the most popular ad campaigns of all time, with links to articles explaining why they were so successful.

Nike: Just Do It


The iconic swoosh with the simple tagline has persuaded millions to buy their kicks from Nike and Nike alone. Teamed with pro sports-star endorsements, this campaign is one for the ages. Blinkist offers an opinion on what made it work.

Dove: Real Beauty

Beauty brand Dove changed the game by choosing “real” women to tell their stories instead of models. They used relatable images and language to make connections, and inspired other brands to try the same concept. Learn why Global Brands considers this one a true success story.

Wendy’s: Where’s the Beef?

Today’s kids are too young to remember the cranky old woman demanding to know where the beef was on her fast-food hamburger. But in the 1980s, it was a catchphrase that sold millions of Wendy’s burgers. Learn from Better Marketing how this ad campaign even found its way into the 1984 presidential debate.

De Beers: A Diamond Is Forever

Diamond engagement ring on black velvet. Text reads "How do you make two months' salary last forever? The Diamond Engagement Ring."

A diamond engagement ring has become a standard these days, but the tradition isn’t as old as you might think. In fact, it was De Beers jewelry company’s 1948 campaign that created the modern engagement ring trend. The Drum has the whole story of this sparkling campaign.

Volkswagen: Think Small

Americans have always loved big cars. So in the 1960s, when Volkswagen wanted to introduce their small cars to a bigger market, they had a problem. The clever “Think Small” campaign gave buyers clever reasons to consider these models, like “If you run out of gas, it’s easy to push.” Learn how advertisers interested American buyers in little cars at Visual Rhetoric.

American Express: Don’t Leave Home Without It

AmEx was once better known for traveler’s checks than credit cards, and the original slogan was “Don’t leave home without them.” A simple word change convinced travelers that American Express was the credit card they needed when they headed out on adventures. Discover more about this persuasive campaign from Medium.

Skittles: Taste the Rainbow

Bag of Skittles candy against a blue background. Text reads

These candy ads are weird and intriguing and probably not for everyone. But they definitely get you thinking, and that often leads to buying. Learn more about why these wacky ads are successful from The Drum.

Maybelline: Maybe She’s Born With It

Smart wordplay made this ad campaign slogan an instant hit. The ads teased, “Maybe she’s born with it. Maybe it’s Maybelline.” (So many literary devices all in one phrase!) Fashionista has more on this beauty campaign.

Coca-Cola: Share a Coke

Seeing their own name on a bottle made teens more likely to want to buy a Coke. What can that teach us about persuasive writing in general? It’s an interesting question to consider. Learn more about the “Share a Coke” campaign from Digital Vidya.

Always: #LikeaGirl

Always ad showing a young girl holding a softball. Text reads

Talk about the power of words! This Always campaign turned the derogatory phrase “like a girl” on its head, and the world embraced it. Storytelling is an important part of persuasive writing, and these ads really do it well. Medium has more on this stereotype-bashing campaign.   

Editorial Persuasive Writing Examples

Original newspaper editorial

Newspaper editors or publishers use editorials to share their personal opinions. Noted politicians, experts, or pundits may also offer their opinions on behalf of the editors or publishers. Here are a couple of older well-known editorials, along with a selection from current newspapers.

Yes, Virginia, There Is a Santa Claus (1897)

Sample lines: “Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus. He exists as certainly as love and generosity and devotion exist, and you know that they abound and give to your life its highest beauty and joy. Alas! How dreary would be the world if there were no Santa Claus. It would be as dreary as if there were no Virginias.”

What’s the Matter With Kansas? (1896)

Sample lines: “Oh, this IS a state to be proud of! We are a people who can hold up our heads! What we need is not more money, but less capital, fewer white shirts and brains, fewer men with business judgment, and more of those fellows who boast that they are ‘just ordinary clodhoppers, but they know more in a minute about finance than John Sherman,’ we need more men … who hate prosperity, and who think, because a man believes in national honor, he is a tool of Wall Street.”

America Can Have Democracy or Political Violence. Not Both. (The New York Times)

Sample lines: “The nation is not powerless to stop a slide toward deadly chaos. If institutions and individuals do more to make it unacceptable in American public life, organized violence in the service of political objectives can still be pushed to the fringes. When a faction of one of the country’s two main political parties embraces extremism, that makes thwarting it both more difficult and more necessary. A well-functioning democracy demands it.”

The Booster Isn’t Perfect, But Still Can Help Against COVID (The Washington Post)

Sample lines: “The booster shots are still free, readily available and work better than the previous boosters even as the virus evolves. Much still needs to be done to build better vaccines that protect longer and against more variants, including those that might emerge in the future. But it is worth grabbing the booster that exists today, the jab being a small price for any measure that can help keep COVID at bay.”

If We Want Wildlife To Thrive in L.A., We Have To Share Our Neighborhoods With Them (Los Angeles Times)

Sample lines: “If there are no corridors for wildlife movement and if excessive excavation of dirt to build bigger, taller houses erodes the slope of a hillside, then we are slowly destroying wildlife habitat. For those people fretting about what this will do to their property values—isn’t open space, trees, and wildlife an amenity in these communities?”   

Persuasive Review Writing Examples

Image of first published New York Times Book Review

Book or movie reviews are more great persuasive writing examples. Look for those written by professionals for the strongest arguments and writing styles. Here are reviews of some popular books and movies by well-known critics to use as samples.

The Great Gatsby (The Chicago Tribune, 1925)

Sample lines: “What ails it, fundamentally, is the plain fact that it is simply a story—that Fitzgerald seems to be far more interested in maintaining its suspense than in getting under the skins of its people. It is not that they are false: It is that they are taken too much for granted. Only Gatsby himself genuinely lives and breathes. The rest are mere marionettes—often astonishingly lifelike, but nevertheless not quite alive.”

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (The Washington Post, 1999)

Sample lines: “Obviously, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone should make any modern 11-year-old a very happy reader. The novel moves quickly, packs in everything from a boa constrictor that winks to a melancholy Zen-spouting centaur to an owl postal system, and ends with a scary surprise. Yet it is, essentially, a light-hearted thriller, interrupted by occasional seriousness (the implications of Harry’s miserable childhood, a moral about the power of love).”

Twilight (The Telegraph, 2009)

Sample lines: “No secret, of course, at whom this book is aimed, and no doubt, either, that it has hit its mark. The four Twilight novels are not so much enjoyed, as devoured, by legions of young female fans worldwide. That’s not to say boys can’t enjoy these books; it’s just that the pages of heart-searching dialogue between Edward and Bella may prove too long on chat and too short on action for the average male reader.”

To Kill a Mockingbird (Time, 1960)

Sample lines: “Author Lee, 34, an Alabaman, has written her first novel with all of the tactile brilliance and none of the preciosity generally supposed to be standard swamp-warfare issue for Southern writers. The novel is an account of an awakening to good and evil, and a faint catechistic flavor may have been inevitable. But it is faint indeed; novelist Lee’s prose has an edge that cuts through cant, and she teaches the reader an astonishing number of useful truths about little girls and about Southern life.”

The Diary of Anne Frank (The New York Times, 1952)

Sample lines: “And this quality brings it home to any family in the world today. Just as the Franks lived in momentary fear of the Gestapo’s knock on their hidden door, so every family today lives in fear of the knock of war. Anne’s diary is a great affirmative answer to the life-question of today, for she shows how ordinary people, within this ordeal, consistently hold to the greater human values.”   

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Plus, the big list of essay topics for high school (120+ ideas) ..

Find strong persuasive writing examples to use for inspiration, including essays, speeches, advertisements, reviews, and more.

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persuasive speech hooks examples

50 Persuasive Speech Topics for High School Students

September 9, 2024

persuasive speech hooks examples

Throughout high school, students will be asked to write about topics and make compelling arguments for certain positions. These persuasive speeches and other writing assignments train a student's communication skills. Creating a compelling, persuasive speech is a powerful skill that will help students in all aspects of their careers, not just in writing courses. The ability to write persuasively will especially have a huge effect on your admissions results when writing your personal statements and essays for college. 

With a powerful speech, students can express their opinions, influence others, and develop critical communication skills for school and the workplace. Choosing the right topic for a speech is often as important as how well it's written. To help you find the right topics for your audience, here are 50 persuasive speech topics you can use to help you get started with your writing. 

Want an expert's opinion on your college applications? Book a free strategy call and begin your admissions journey today! 

What Makes a Good Persuasive Speech Topic?

Compelling persuasive speech topics are relatable, debatable, and relevant. Students should investigate a topic they're passionate about and will intrigue an audience. Don't just take an easy position everyone can agree with—audiences are interested in ideas they may have never heard before, expressed enthusiastically by a passionate speaker. 

When ideating a topic, find something with clear, opposing viewpoints. Research the available arguments and present your speech in a way that promotes a meaningful discussion. For example, topics regarding the use of social media, the right to freedom of speech, and the Supreme Court are general and can engage a wide audience. 

Topics that everyone agrees with, have no opposing viewpoints, and require no research will not make for interesting speeches. Choose a topic that will challenge you and your audience, but avoid being offensive or controversial for its own sake. A topic you're genuinely interested in—like renewable energy for engineering students or social media platforms for communications students will make writing a compelling speech much more natural. With additional research and effective writing techniques, you can craft a speech to captivate an audience. 

How to Choose the Right Persuasive Speech Topic for Your Audience

Choosing the right topic starts with knowing your target audience. While ideating, consider:

  • Who are you targeting? 
  • What do you want to convince them? 
  • What counter-arguments may they have? 

Think about those who would agree with you, be on the fence with you, and who would directly oppose your viewpoint. Writing persuasively is not just about presenting facts and hoping others agree. It's about making an emotional connection with your audience and using that impression to shift their thinking. 

Once you've given careful thought to those you'd be presenting to, brainstorm persuasive speech topic ideas that may resonate with them. Make a list of potential ideas and interrogate their merit. Consider current events, personal experiences, and issues others may relate to. Then, narrow down your list to the persuasive topics you would be most interested in—as an audience member and a researcher. 

Once you've landed on a few interesting topics, don't rest on them. Ask for feedback and get insights from family, friends, and teachers. Outside perspectives are important; others may have experiences that could provide you with valuable knowledge to use when refining your topic. 

50 Persuasive Speech Topic Ideas

School topics.

  • The Benefits and Drawbacks of Mandatory School Uniforms
  • How Effective is the School Grading System?
  • How Students can Shape their Curriculum
  • Is Homework Beneficial or Harmful?
  • How Would Schools Handle a Four-Day Week?

Art and Humanities Topics

  • Art or Vandalism: The History of Graffiti
  • Art vs STEM: What Should Schools Prioritize?
  • AI-Generated Media: How Do Humans Value Art?
  • The Correlation Between Art and Mental Health
  • Are Video Games the Ultimate Artform?

Social Issues Topics

  • The Right to Protest: Traditional Movements vs Digital Activism
  • Why do Wealthy Countries have Declining Birth Rates?
  • Should For-Profit Prisons be Permanently Abolished?
  • Is Healthcare a Human Right?

Environmental Issues

  • Why Corporations Need Stricter Plastics Regulation
  • Environmental Ethics: Human Development vs Species Preservation
  • The Benefits and Drawbacks of Fully Electric Vehicles
  • History of Geo-Engineering: Can Society Reverse Climate Change?
  • What is Dark Oxygen? The Effect of Deep Sea Mining

Technology and Media Topics

  • Should the Government Regulate the Coming AI revolution?
  • Where Does Online Misinformation Come From?
  • Why Does Social Media Affect Self-Image?
  • The Right to Privacy: How Online anonymity affects people's behavior
  • Why All Messaging Apps Should Have End-to-End Encryption
  • Should Artificial Intelligence be Used in Creative Works?
  • Should Social Media Platforms be Accountable for their Users?

Politics and Government

  • Should Voting be Compulsory?
  • How Public and Private Funding Affect Political Campaigns
  • What is gerrymandering? 
  • Why Do Some Countries Have Mandatory Military Service?
  • The benefits and drawbacks of term limits for elected officials

Sports Topics

  • Should esports be officially recognized as part of the Olympic Games?
  • MMA and Boxing: The Ethics of Broadcasting Violence
  • Has Football Become More Dangerous?
  • Should Men and Women compete in the same Leagues? 
  • Restrictor Plates: Why Did NASCAR Make Racing Slower?

Economy and Finance

  • Should Cryptocurrency be Regulated?
  • Does a minimum wage help or hurt the economy?
  • Employees vs contractors: How freelance work Affects commerce
  • Is Universal Basic Income a Viable Option?
  • When should the Government regulate the Market?

STEM Topics

  • What are the Benefits of Mars Colonization?
  • City Planning: How US Infrastructure Affects the Environment
  • Why Nuclear Energy is the Cleanest, Safest, and Cheapest Option
  • Why the US Hasn't Returned to the Moon Yet
  • Where will Technological Implants take Human Evolution?

Culture and Entertainment Industry Topics

  • How Binge-Culture Has Affected Our Attention Spans
  • How Streaming Services Caused the 2023 Writers Strike
  • Why are actors paid so highly? Hollywood's income inequality
  • Should IP Copyright be abolished? 

Enhance Your Academic Profile With InGenius Prep

Crafting a persuasive speech isn’t just about presenting facts—it’s about connecting with your audience, understanding their perspectives, and sparking meaningful conversations. These skills are especially important in the college admissions process, where every aspect of your college application is trying to convince an Admissions Officer you're worthy of acceptance. 

For more on college applications, InGenius Prep's counseling services are designed to guide high school students through every step of the admissions process. With a focus on story-telling, candidacy building, and highlighting the most impactful aspect of your student profile, we’ll help you capture the attention of your admissions officers. 

Ready to take the next step? Book a free strategy call with an advisor today to start your admissions journey.

Tags : candidacy-building , Writing , application counseling , English

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  19. Persuasive Speeches

    Incorporate the following steps when writing a persuasive speech: Step 1 - Identify the type of persuasive speech (factual, value, or policy) that will help accomplish the goal of the presentation. Step 2 - Select a good persuasive speech topic to accomplish the goal and choose a position. How to write a persuasive speech.

  20. Presentation Hook Examples

    How to Make a Good Hook: Presentation Hook Examples. Let's take a look at the top 13 presentation hook ideas you can use to start your presentation and focus your audience 's attention on your message: 1. Storytelling. Starting with a story is one of the oldest and most powerful methods of introducing your presentation.

  21. 9 Killer Ways to Start a Speech: Hooks & Attention Getter Examples

    Attention Getter for Persuasive Speech Examples. In crafting a persuasive speech, it's essential to captivate your audience from the very beginning. A well-crafted hook can pique their interest and draw them in, setting the stage for a compelling and impactful message. Here are a few examples of persuasive hooks:

  22. 200+ Hook Examples to Grab Your Reader's Attention

    200+ Creative Hook Examples: Ready, Set, Hook. As a student, you know how important it is to grab your reader's attention right away. Stories without strong starts can leave readers feeling uninspired and bored—and that's not what we want! After all, compelling stories require creative hooks to seal the deal.

  23. 40 Persuasive Writing Examples (Essays, Speeches, and More)

    Harvey Milk's "The Hope" Speech. Sample lines: "Some people are satisfied. And some people are not. You see there is a major difference—and it remains a vital difference—between a friend and a gay person, a friend in office and a gay person in office. Gay people have been slandered nationwide.

  24. 50 Persuasive Speech Topics for High School Students

    When ideating a topic, find something with clear, opposing viewpoints. Research the available arguments and present your speech in a way that promotes a meaningful discussion. For example, topics regarding the use of social media, the right to freedom of speech, and the Supreme Court are general and can engage a wide audience.