
Understanding your assignment questions: A short guide

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Directive or task words

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It is really important to understand the directive or task word used in your assignment.

This will indicate how you should write and what the purpose of the assignment in. The following examples show some task words and their definitions.

However, it is important to note that none of these words has a fixed meaning. The definitions given are a general guide, and interpretation of the words may vary according to the context and the discipline.

If you are unsure as the exactly what a lecturer means by a particular task word, you should ask for clarification. 

Analyse : Break up into parts; investigate

Comment on : Identify and write about the main issues; give your reactions based on what you've read/ heard in lectures. Avoid just personal opinion. 

Compare : Look for the similarities between two things. Show the relevance or consequences of these similarities concluding which is preferable. 

Contrast : Identify the differences between two items or arguments. Show whether the differences are significant. Perhaps give reasons why one is preferable. 

Criticise : Requires an answer that points out mistakes or weaknesses, and which also indicates any favourable aspects of the subject of the question. It requires a balanced answer. 

Critically evaluate : Weigh arguments for and against something, assessing the strength of the evidence on both sides. Use criteria to guide your assessment of which opinions, theories, models or items are preferable. 

Define : Give the exact meaning of. Where relevant, show you understand how the definition may be problematic. 

Describe : To describe is to give an observational account of something and would deal with what happened, where it happened, when it happened and who was involved. Spell out the main aspects of an idea or topic or the sequence in which a series of things happened. 

Discuss : Investigate or examine by argument; sift and  debate; give reasons for and against; examine the implications. 

Evaluate : Assess and give your judgement about the merit, importance or usefulness of something using evidence to support your argument. 

Examine : Look closely into something

Explain : Offer a detailed and exact rationale behind an idea or principle, or a set of reasons for a situation or attitude. Make clear how and why something happens. 

Explore : Examine thoroughly; consider from a variety of viewpoints

Illustrate : Make something clear and explicit, give examples of evidence

Justify : Give evidence that supports and argument or idea; show why a decision or conclusions were made

Outline : Give the main points/features/general principles; show the main structure and interrelations; omit details and examples

State : Give the main features briefly and clearly

Summarise : Draw out the main points only; omit details and examples

To what extent... : Consider how far something is true, or contributes to a final outcome. Consider also ways in which it is not true.

Task Words:

How to write e.g., discuss, argue etc.

Subject Matter:

What you should be writing about.

Limiting Words:

May narrow or change the focus of your answer. (Important - they stop you from including irrelevant info)

Below are some examples of questions and tips on how you might think about answering them.

Example of assignment questions:

1. compare acute and chronic pain in terms of pathophysiology and treatment.

Compare  - Make sure you are comparing and not just describing the two things in isolation

Acute and chronic pain  - Subject matter

In terms of pathophysiology and treatment  - Important limiting phrase - focus ONLY on these things. Use them as a lens to highlight the differences between acute and chronic pain.

Tip : Assignments that ask you to compare two things can be structured in different ways. You may choose to alternate continually between the two things, making direct comparisons and organising your essay according to themes. Alternatively, you may choose to discuss one thing fully and then the next. If you choose the second approach, you must make the links and comparisons between the two things completely clear. 

2. With reference to any particular example enzyme, outline the key structural and functional properties of its active site

With reference to any particular example enzyme  - Important limiting phase - focus your answer on a specific example. Use this example to help demonstrate your understanding. 

Outline  - Factual description is needed. You must demonstrate your knowledge and understanding. 

The key structural and functional properties of its active site  - Subject matter

Tip : Assignments that ask you to outline or describe are assessing your understanding of the topic. You must express facts clearly and precisely, using examples to illuminate them. 

3. There is no convincing evidence for the existence of life outside our solar systems

There is  - Task words not so obvious this time. Try turning the title into a question: 'Is there any convincing evidence for...?'

Convincing  - Important limiting word- there may be evidence but you need to assess whether or not it is convincing. 

For the existence of life outside of our solar system  - Subject matter

Tip : Assignment titles that are on actually a question are often simply asking 'how true is this statement?' You must present reasons it could be true and reasons it might not be, supported by evidence and recognising the complexity of the statement. 

4. To what extent can nuclear power provide a solution to environmental issues?

Discuss  - Explore the topic from different angles, in a critical way (not purely descriptive)

Nuclear power  - Subject matter

Provide a solution to  - Limiting phrase: discuss ways it can and ways it can't- don't be afraid to take a position based on evidence.

Environmental issues  - Subject matter. Might be an idea to define/ discuss what could be meant by environmental issues? This might be important for your argument. 

Tip : If an assignment is asking a direct question, make sure your essay answers it. Address it directly in the introduction, make sure each paragraph contributes something towards your response to it, and reinforce your response in your conclusion. 

5. Discuss the issue of patient autonomy in relation to at least one case study 

The issue of patient autonomy  - Subject matter

In relation to at least one case study  - Important limiting phrase - don't just discuss the issue of patient autonomy in general; discuss it in the context of one or more case studies. You should use the case study to illustrate all of your points about patient autonomy. 

Tip : Assignments that ask you to discuss in relation to a case study, or to a placement or own experience, usually want to see a clear link between theory and practice (reality). 

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Identify, Explain, Analyse … essay question words

essay question words

If you’re struggling with essay questions and wondering what they mean and how to answer them, you’ve come to the right place. While writing essays can be difficult, it’s important to do thorough research and present your arguments convincingly. However, understanding the different question words such as ‘discuss’, ‘examine’, and ‘justify’ is crucial to crafting a well-structured essay. Many students need help understanding the question requirements, but our guide on essay question words will help you avoid this pitfall and excel in your essay writing.

what are Question words?

Question words like ‘analyse’, ‘evaluate’ and ‘explain’ in essay titles indicate how to structure your essay. These words often require critical responses of varying degrees, while some may only require a descriptive answer. It’s important to always adhere to the question words regardless of their nature, as failing to do so can result in irrelevant and low-scoring essays. For instance, a question asking to compare the British and French upper houses of parliament requires more than just pointing out the differences between the two systems.

To avoid such mistakes, it’s recommended to read this guide. The guide categorises the question words as either ‘descriptive’ or ‘critical’ depending on their nature, which will help you identify the type of response required for your essay. Regardless of your level of knowledge in the subject area, misinterpreting the question words can lead to poor essay writing.

Question words that need a critical approach

Certain interrogative words necessitate a crucial response, and the extent to which your responses must be critical varies based on the specifications of the inquiry. We have outlined these distinctions for you below:

When essay questions use the term ‘analyse’ about a particular argument or topic, they require a comprehensive dissection. You must break down the topic or argument into its basic components. Additionally, you must conduct a critical examination of each of these parts. To do so, you should draw upon important debates and evidence to explore the arguments for and against the topic and consider how the different parts of the topic or argument are connected. Your analysis should not simply summarise key debates in the literature; rather, you should take a clear stance based on the evidence and tie your position to the literature.

To respond to an essay question that uses this particular term, the primary objective is to offer your own opinion or judgment about the accuracy of a set of research findings or an argument. You may also need to show the degree to which you concur with a argument or specific hypothesis. It is important to present information from various academic sources that support both sides of the argument. After providing an overview of the evidence, you should clearly state your position and support it with the evidence that led you to your conclusion.

When presented with a question that uses the term ‘justify,’ it is necessary to clarify the reasoning behind your argument by providing evidence that influenced your perspective. You must persuasively present your evidence in your response, showcasing valid reasons for adopting your stance. Additionally, it would be best to address opposing arguments before concluding your argument. This demonstrates a balanced view of the topic and a broad understanding of the relevant literature. To do this effectively, a critical approach is necessary. You should explain why alternative arguments are insufficient and why your argument is superior.

  • Critically evaluate

To respond to a ‘critically evaluate’ question, you need to express your opinion on the validity of an argument or research results. To achieve this, you must evaluate the statement or research finding carefully and critically. Your essay response should be assertive and present your thoughts on the accuracy of the topic in question. It is important to support your claims with enough evidence and present a balanced analysis by critiquing alternative perspectives. In addition, it is important to draw evidence from various sources to make your essay response more convincing. To conclude, state your position clearly, explain your reasoning, and provide evidence that influenced your perspective. Finally, it is important to justify your position by presenting a well-reasoned and convincing argument to the reader.

If you encounter a question that includes the term ‘review,’ you are required to undertake a critical examination of a particular subject or argument. This involves summarizing the main themes or points and analyzing them in a critical manner while expressing your viewpoint. In essence, questions that use the term ‘review’ require you to assess the validity of the essay question.

For instance, if the question prompts you to review the literature on electoral reform in Great Britain, you should provide an overview that includes any significant arguments or issues that emerged. Next, you must logically and analytically comment on this material. This includes stating your agreement or disagreement with other scholars’ views and discussing contrasting perspectives. To support your assessment, it is essential to provide evidence, and you should clearly state your position.

Review answers should not be descriptive; instead, they must showcase high analytical skills. The objective is not to repeat the ideas of other scholars but to critically evaluate their work.

When faced with an ‘assess’ question, your task is to evaluate a particular argument or topic’s value, strengths, or weaknesses. Unlike other essay questions, ‘assess’ questions require you to consider multiple viewpoints rather than just expressing your opinion. To create a compelling argument, it is essential to express your ideas on the subject matter explicitly and substantiate them with evidence obtained from secondary sources in literature. The reader should be able to comprehend the robustness of your evaluation through evidence that supports your stance. Besides, it is crucial to recognize the limitations of your argument and tackle any opposing viewpoints that may emerge.

When you come across a ‘Discuss’ question word, you must provide a comprehensive answer encompassing all facets of the argument or research topic. To demonstrate your reasoning skills, you should utilise evidence to support or oppose the argument/research topic.

To conduct a comprehensive examination of the topic, it is advisable to take into account various viewpoints articulated by other researchers. After considering the key arguments presented in the literature, present your perspective on the topic. Clearly expressing your stance and substantiating it with all the relevant evidence is critical.

To conduct a comprehensive investigation of a research topic or argument, it is essential to closely examine the crucial facts and significant issues. Therefore, ‘examine’ question words necessitate an analytical approach. It is also crucial to provide some background information to explain why these issues and facts are important. Have other scholars examined these issues and facts differently? If so, it is necessary to note these differences, the reasons behind them, and compare them to your approach.

In contrast to other question words, the questions that use the term ‘examine’ are more focused and less broad, as they require you to analyse specific evidence or facts in a critical manner for your analysis.

  • To what extent

This kind of question requires you to assess your level of agreement with a statement given in the question. To achieve this, you must conduct a thorough analysis of the subject and the evidence cited to support your stance. To address such questions, you must demonstrate your knowledge of the topic and use a critical approach to present your argument. You should examine both sides of the issue and present contrasting evidence. However, you must explain why specific evidence or information is more relevant in supporting your answer.

Question words that need a descriptive response

Sometimes, certain question words only need a description as a response, and this is true for the words listed below:

This question requires you to clearly define the subject matter, providing a detailed explanation of its meaning. If there are multiple definitions of the subject, mentioning them and explaining why you’ve chosen to use a particular definition is important. If there is disagreement among scholars regarding the definition, you should discuss this as well. Make sure to provide multiple meanings if they exist, demonstrating your familiarity with the literature.

  • Demonstrate

To effectively answer ‘demonstrate’ questions, it is necessary to provide numerous examples, evidence, and logical arguments. The main objective is to show how a particular research topic or argument is legitimate by offering evidence and arguments to validate your claim. Emphasise your position when addressing such questions. It’s crucial to provide solid evidence to build a strong case.

To answer a “describe” question, it is essential to provide a comprehensive understanding of the primary features of a research topic impartially. As the responses to these questions are primarily descriptive, providing a narrative-style account or depiction is crucial. Rather than focusing on the fundamental meaning of the subject, “describe” questions emphasise its specific qualities, which should serve as the foundation of your answer.

In ‘elaborate’ questions, providing a comprehensive and detailed account of an argument or a research topic is necessary. Such questions typically require descriptive responses, so you must show that you have conducted thorough research to substantiate the information you provide.

To answer ‘explain’ questions, you must detail a research topic or argument. Pretend you describe it to someone who knows nothing about the subject and provide as much detail as possible. You should also define any jargon or key terms that you use. Additionally, you should support your claims with academic research. Your response should demonstrate your clear understanding of the topic or argument and present a coherent interpretation to the reader. To achieve coherence, it is helpful to consider the ‘what’, ‘how’, and ‘why’ questions and structure your response logically.

It is important to approach “exploratory” essay questions with a questioning attitude. Objectivity is crucial because you must present all viewpoints before stating your arguments. A detached, unemotional tone is often more effective than an assertive, argumentative tone. The objective is to provide a comprehensive description of an argument or research topic by analyzing its different components.

When presented with an essay question that uses the term ‘identity’ in relation to a research topic or argument, your task is to provide a succinct and well-structured explanation of the main ideas. This is similar to what has been done in this paragraph.

To respond to these questions, you must usually provide various examples, such as graphs, figures, tables or specific research data and evidence. The purpose of including these examples is to showcase your understanding of the topic and to provide additional explanations or support for your answer.

To provide an outline answer, you must present a structured summary of an argument or a research topic. Including only the main points and essential supplementary information is essential instead of getting bogged down in minor details. Ensure that your response is presented in a clear and organised manner.

When you’re tasked with summarising a research topic, you must provide a concise version of its main points or facts. Your focus should be on the most important information, and you should leave out all minor details. Summaries are usually short and straightforward, conveying the primary facts clearly and efficiently. The goal is to present the main points briefly and impactfully.

This means to elucidate a topic or argument and make it more understandable. This may involve clarifying a topic or an argument by presenting it in simpler terms. These questions need you to clarify or simplify a complex subject or topic. It is crucial to maintain coherence when answering such questions and to present your response systematically.

You must find commonalities between two or more discussion topics if asked to’ compare’. To go beyond a simple comparison, you should attempt to comprehend the origins of the similarities and their importance. Additionally, you should highlight differences, but your essay should focus on establishing similarities.

To answer ‘contrast’ questions, you need to highlight and explain the disparities between multiple subjects of discussion rather than their similarities, unlike ‘compare’ questions. The main focus should be on outlining the differences and identifying what distinguishes them from one another. When dealing with ‘contrast’ questions, keep these broad queries in mind.

By providing an explanation of the meaning of essay question words, we hope to offer guidance on how to approach them in your essay writing . Additionally, here are some tips to keep in mind when answering essay questions:

Firstly, make sure you fully comprehend the question and understand what is required of you. Thoroughly examine the question words and their meaning before you start planning your response.

Secondly, read the question multiple times and attempt to uncover any underlying assumptions or subtext. Highlight key phrases and create a basic outline of your response. This outline doesn’t need to be complex, but it will help you structure your response coherently.

Finally, before submitting your essay, review it carefully for inconsistencies and grammatical or spelling errors. It may be helpful to have a professional editor examine your work to provide fresh insights and identify areas for improvement.

Author Bio: Mark Edmonds is a seasoned academic writer and a proud member of the Academic Assignments team. With over a decade of experience in assignment writing services , Mark has helped numerous students achieve academic success through his expertise and guidance. He holds a Master’s degree in English Literature and has a keen eye for detail, which enables him to craft top-notch assignments that meet the highest standards of academic excellence.

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The Writing Guide

  • The First Thing
  • Step 1: Understanding the essay question

Identify task, content & limiting words in the essay question

Words, words, words..., academic writing webinar part 1.

  • Step 2: Critical note-taking
  • Step 3: Planning your assignment
  • Step 4a: Effective writing
  • Step 4b: Summarizing & paraphrasing
  • Step 4c: Academic language
  • Step 5: Editing and reviewing
  • Getting started with research
  • Working with keywords
  • Evaluating sources
  • Research file
  • Reading Smarter
  • Sample Essay
  • What, why, where, when, who?
  • Referencing styles
  • Writing Resources
  • Exams and Essay Questions

Essay topics contain key words that explain what information is required and how it is to be presented.  Using the essay question below indentify task content & limiting words.  Regardless of your topic or discipline, if you can identify these words in your essay topic, you can begin to consider what you will need to do to answer the question.

Task words : These are words that tell you what to do, for example “compare”, “discuss”, “critically evaluate”, “explain” etc.

Content words : These words in the essay topic will tell you which ideas and concepts should form the knowledge base of the assignment. Refer to subject specific dictionary or glossary.

Effective communication is considered a core skill in higher education and is usually conveyed through the medium of academic papers and essays. Discuss the process of writing academic essays and critically examine the importance of structure and content.

Before you scroll down to the next box, what can you unpack from this topic? What are you actually going to look for in a search tool like One Search? What are you supposed to do?

  • Content Words
  • Limiting Words
  • Context Words

Task words are usually verbs and they tell you what to do to complete your assignment.

You need to identify these words, because you will need to follow these instructions to pass the assignment.  As you research and write your assignment, check these words occasionally to make sure you are still doing what you have been asked to do.

Here are some definitions of different academic task words.  Make sure you know exactly what you need to do for your assignment.

Don't try to use them in your research - they aren't things to find, only things to do.

The task words from our sample question are:

Effective communication is considered a core skill in higher education and is usually conveyed through the medium of academic papers and essays. Discuss the process of writing academic essays and critically examine the importance of structure and content.

  • Discuss means to "consider and offer an interpretation or evaluation of something; or give a judgment on the value of arguments for and against something"
  • Examine means to inspect something in detail and investigate the implications

So, you would need to give a short description of what essay writing is all about, and then offer an evaluation of the essay structure and the way it presents content.

  • Task Words Here are some definitions of different academic task words. Make sure you know exactly what you need to do for your assignment.

The content words are the "meat" of the question - these are things you can research.

Effective communication is considered a core skill in higher education and is usually conveyed through the medium of academic papers and essays . Discuss the process of writing academic essays and critically examine the importance of structure and content .

You will often be asked to talk about "the role" something plays or "processes", "importance", "methods" or "implementations" - but you can't really research these things just by looking for those words.

You need to find the keywords - the most concrete concepts - and search for those.  The information you find about the concrete terms will tell you about the "roles" and "methods", the "process" or the "importance", but they probably won't use those words exactly.

One of the core skills of academic research is learning to extrapolate :  to find the connections in the information you can find that will help you answer the questions which don't have clear, cut-and-dry answers in the books and articles.

So, the core keywords/concepts to research are:

  • "academic writing"
  • "higher education"
  • structure and content

Limiting words keep you focused on a particular area, and stop you from trying to research everything in the history of mankind.

They could limit you by:

  • Time (you may be asked to focus on the last 5 years, or the late 20th Century, for example)
  • Place (you may be asked to focus on Australia, or Queensland, or South-East Asia)
  • People groups (such as "women over the age of 50" or "people from low socio-economic backgrounds" or "Australians of Asian descent")
  • Extent (you are only to look at a particular area, or the details you believe are most relevant or appropriate).

In this example, you have two limits:

  • "higher education" is the industry focus. This could be expanded to include the tertiary or university sector.
  • Essays - we are concentrating on essay writing as the aspect of communication.  Note that this is also a content word. There can be (and usually is) some crossover.

Sometimes it can help to add your own limits .  With health sciences, you almost always limit your research to the last five or six years. Social sciences  are not as strict with the date range but it's still a good idea to keep it recent.  You could specifically look at the Australian context.  You may decide to focus on the private sector within that industry.

With the question above you could limit yourself to only looking at first year university students.

Sometimes an assignment task will give you phrases or sentences that aren't part of the task at all:  they exist to give you some context .

These can be ignored when you do your research, but you should read over them occasionally as you are writing your assignment.  They help you know what the lecturer was thinking about (and wanted you to think about) when they set that task.

Effective communication is considered a core skill in higher education and is usually conveyed through the medium of academic papers and essays . Discuss the process of writing academic essays and critically examine the importance of structure and content.

You don't have to do anything with the first sentence of this question - but it does get you to think specifically about the "using essays to communicate knoweldge" - something that isn't mentioned in the task itself.

Obviously, whoever wrote the task wants you to think about the assignments as a form of writing and communication.

It is easy to get distracted and go off on tangents when doing your research .  Use the context words to  help you keep your focus where it should be.

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Study Toolbox: Understanding Instructional Words in Essays, Assignments & Exams

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  • Understanding Instructional Words in Essays, Assignments & Exams
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Before you can answer a question, you need to know what it means.  When you are trying to understand the question look for instructional words, words that tell you what to do.  Examples of these are analyse, describe and review. 

Understanding Instructional Words

This table provides a list of instructional words and explains clearly what they require you to do in your essay, assignment or exam.

Break down a topic into parts. Look in depth at each part using supporting arguments and evidence for and against.
Present reasons and evidence to support or reject a position or viewpoint. 
Decide how important, useful, valuable or effective something is and give your reasons and evidence.
Arrange information into groups.
Present your opinion on the topic and back up your opinion with relevant evidence/information.
Identify similarities between two or more topics/ideas.
Identify differences between two or more topics/ideas.
Identify and discuss both the similarities and differences between ideas/topics etc.
Give your judgement about the value or truth of something.  Discuss both positive and negative points.  Support with evidence.
Clearly state the exact meaning of something.
Use examples or evidence to clarify and support your answer.
Give a detailed account of something.  No explanation or interpretation is required.
Make a graph, chart or drawing to illustrate an idea.  Label it and include a brief explanation.
Present both sides of an issue/subject with evidence and then draw conclusions.
Provide more detail with reasons and examples.
Investigate closely a topic/issue etc.
Make something clear by providing reasons and evidence.
Select relevant details and discuss these.
Examine a statement or idea and give a clear explanation/judgement of what it means.
Use evidence to support an argument or idea.  The aim is to convince the reader.
Give a concise numbered list of things or ideas.
Give the main points, do not include detail.
Establish the truth of something using evidence.
Show how things are connected or related to each other.
Briefly and clearly present the main points.
Give a concise account of the key points of the topic removing unnecessary detail.
Describe the development or history of a topic from some point of origin.
  • Printable copy of Understanding Instructional Words This is a printable version of the table above. It provides a list of instructional words and explains what each requires you to do in your essay, assignment, test or exam.
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Essays: task words

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Written Assignments

Explore what different task words mean and how they apply to your assignments

You'll need to understand what your assignments are asking you to do throughout your studies. Your assessments use 'task words' that explain what you need to do in your work.  

Task words are the words or phrases in a brief that tell you what to do. Common examples of task words are 'discuss', 'evaluate', 'compare and contrast', and 'critically analyse'. These words are used in assessment marking criteria and will showcase how well you've answered the question.

None of these words have a fixed meaning. Your lecturers may have specific definitions for your subject or task so you should make sure you have a good idea of what these terms mean in your field. You can check this by speaking to your lecturer, checking your course handbook and reading your marking criteria carefully.

Task words and descriptions

  • Account for : Similar to ‘explain’ but with a heavier focus on reasons why something is or is not the way it is.
  • Analyse : This term has the widest range of meanings according to the subject. Make a justified selection of some of the essential features of an artefact, idea or issue. Examine how these relate to each other and to other ideas, in order to help better understand the topic. See ideas and problems in different ways, and provide evidence for those ways of seeing them. 
  • Assess : This has very different meanings in different disciplines. Measure or evaluate one or more aspect of something (for example, the effectiveness, significance or 'truth' of something). Show in detail the outcomes of these evaluations.
  • Compare : Show how two or more things are similar.
  • Compare and contrast : Show similarities and differences between two or more things.
  • Contrast : Show how two or more things are different.
  • Critically analyse : As with analysis, but questioning and testing the strength of your and others’ analyses from different perspectives. This often means using the process of analysis to make the whole essay an objective, reasoned argument for your overall case or position.
  • Critically assess : As with “assess”, but emphasising your judgments made about arguments by others, and about what you are assessing from different perspectives. This often means making the whole essay a reasoned argument for your overall case, based on your judgments.
  • Critically evaluate : As with 'evaluate', but showing how judgments vary from different perspectives and how some judgments are stronger than others. This often means creating an objective, reasoned argument for your overall case, based on the evaluation from different perspectives.
  • Define : Present a precise meaning. 
  • Describe : Say what something is like. Give its relevant qualities. Depending on the nature of the task, descriptions may need to be brief or the may need to be very detailed.
  • Discuss : Provide details about and evidence for or against two or more different views or ideas, often with reference to a statement in the title. Discussion often includes explaining which views or ideas seem stronger.
  • Examine : Look closely at something. Think and write about the detail, and question it where appropriate.
  • Explain : Give enough description or information to make something clear or easy to understand.
  • Explore : Consider an idea or topic broadly, searching out related and/or particularly relevant, interesting or debatable points.
  • Evaluate : Similar to “assess”, this often has more emphasis on an overall judgement of something, explaining the extent to which it is, for example, effective, useful, or true. Evaluation is therefore sometimes more subjective and contestable than some kinds of pure assessment.
  • Identify : Show that you have recognised one or more key or significant piece of evidence, thing, idea, problem, fact, theory, or example.
  • Illustrate : Give selected examples of something to help describe or explain it, or use diagrams or other visual aids to help describe or explain something.
  • Justify : Explain the reasons, usually “good” reasons, for something being done or believed, considering different possible views and ideas.
  • Outline : Provide the main points or ideas, normally without going into detail.
  • Summarise : This is similar to 'outline'. State, or re-state, the most important parts of something so that it is represented 'in miniature'. It should be concise and precise.
  • State : Express briefly and clearly. 

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Before you start your assessment make sure you understand what you have been asked to do.

Read the question

Read the assessment question or task slowly and carefully. As you do, ask yourself:

  • What's the question about? What's the topic?
  • What does the question mean?
  • What do I have to do?

Try rewriting it using your own words using the format below:

‘This assessment is about ______________________ I have to___________________’

Also check for information about the assessment and what’s expected of you in your course materials, talk channels or messages from your course leader.

Analyse the question

Look at the question and identify the instruction , topic and limiting words .

Instruction words

Instruction words tell you what to do. Do you need to analyse, discuss, evaluate, summarise or something else?

Here’s some common instruction words:

  • Analyse – examine the main ideas and issues of a topic, look at arguments for or against, and show their relationships.
  • Describe – explain and explore the meaning or main features of something.
  • Discuss – examine and analyse key points and possible interpretations; give arguments for and against, and draw a conclusion.
  • Evaluate – give an opinion (with evidence) on the strength or weakness of something

More assessment instruction words and their meanings

Topic words

Topic words tell you what you need to write about – what you need to analyse, argue, discuss, and so on.

You can identify them by taking the instruction word and putting ‘what’ after them. For example, discuss what? Describe what?

Limiting words

Limiting words narrow down your topic and let you know what to focus on. This might be a certain time, place, or part of a topic.

Examples of instruction, topic and limiting words:

Diagram highlighting the different parts of an assessment question - instruction words, topic words and limiting words which are explained in the text below the diagram

  • Instruction – Critically examine  – analyse the positive and negatives of
  • Topic – the Warehouse's marketing strategy  – what you need to write about
  • Limiting words – the success  – don't just describe the strategy, focus on how it is or is not successful. 

what does examine mean in an assignment

  • Instruction –   Write a report  / outline –  ensure you follow an appropriate report format that gives a clear description and explanation
  • Topic –  structural systems show in Building A and Building B  – what you need to write about
  • Limiting words –  the advantages and disadvantages of each system   – make sure you cover each of these for A and B.

what does examine mean in an assignment

  • Instruction –  Choose / compare  – make sure you are comparing two things, and not just describing them in isolation
  • Topic –  two education philosophers  – what you need to write about
  • Limiting words – how their philosophies have influenced education today  – focus on how each of these philosophies have influenced modern education. 

Tip – When you find something about the assessment in your course materials or course talk channel, bookmark it and keep a note of it. This will help you when you start your research.

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While some writing assignments are straightforward, others may need careful deciphering to make sure you are following the guidelines. Looking carefully at the instructions provided for any writing assignment to be certain that you understand the guidelines not only prevents missteps but can also help you develop strategies for conquering the task ahead.

General Considerations

Some terms found in assignments relate to genres used in different disciplines. Close Reading, Literature Review, Report, Study, Memorandum, and Proposal are some examples of terms that relate to specific formats. There are important distinctions between these genres. For example, a Close Reading of a piece of literature requires more analysis than a Literature Review , which asks for key points of summary that relate to an argument. If you are unfamiliar with these terms and they show up in an assignment, be sure to clarify the guidelines with your instructor.

In Practice

Ask questions.

One of the most important things to know about understanding assignments is that if an assignment or any part of an assignment confuses you, you can always ask your instructor for clarification. Asking questions might help your instructor to realize what other students might be struggling with as well. Before stopping by office hours or after class with questions, you might first consider the suggestions below so that you can identify exactly what parts of the assignment remain unclear.

Become Familiar with Common Assignment Goals

Assignments will often contain a variety of terms that can help you to identify the task or tasks you need to perform. The terms generally fall into one of the following categories:

  • Summarize – A summary provides a condensed explanation of key features from a text or activity. Many assignments might require some summary even if summarizing isn’t the main goal of the assignment. A summary may be required if the assignment includes words such as describe, explain, depict, and illustrate .
  • Analyze – If an assignment asks you to analyze something, it is asking for your own logical interpretation of the meaning behind the constituent parts of the subject. An analysis is different than a summary as it provides a new understanding about the subject in question, not just an overview. Other words that may be asking for analysis are elaborate, examine, discuss, explore, investigate, and determine .
  • Argue – If an assignment asks you to make an argument, you need to take a stand on a topic and develop your claim to show why your position makes sense. There are many terms related to argument. For example, evaluate, critique, assess, and review may ask for an argument about the worth of a subject. Propose, recommend, and advise may ask for a solution to a problem. Define asks for an argument about what a word or concept means Compare/contrast, synthesize, and apply (as in apply one text to another ) may ask for an argument about key points of similarity and difference in your subjects, and an analysis about why those points matter.

Break Down the Tasks and Locate the Central Goal

Just like any other text, an assignment can be broken down and analyzed. By keeping in mind that any good essay will have one main goal and one central argument or thesis that incorporates the various subparts, you can begin to determine what shape your essay should take. (In some cases an instructor might not expect an argument or thesis; however, this is rare. If you suspect a thesis is not needed but don’t know for sure, check with your instructor.)

  • What Should This Essay Really Contain? Highlight each separate task included in the instructions. Consider the terms above as you identify the tasks you need to perform. If the assignment is relatively simple, write out the tasks that will need to be performed. If there are terms that you aren’t familiar with, consider what kind of task they imply.
  • What Should the Thesis/Argument Be About? Once you have identified the tasks and goals, determine which is the main goal. Every essay should have a well-stated, debatable, and complex thesis statement that guides the essay, but it might be up to you to figure out what the focus of the argument should be. Think about the most important issues discussed in class as they can be clues to what an instructor wants. What would your instructor want you to take a stand on?
  • How Should This Essay Be Structured? Once you have determined the central goal, outline the essay according to how you think it should be completed, showing how each sub-goal will relate to the main goal or goals. Consider how the other tasks or sub-goals connect to the main argument. If you find you can’t outline with confidence or still aren’t sure how the assignment should be completed, make a note of which elements remain unclear and plan to meet with your instructor.

Analyzing a Sample Assignment

Imagine you have been given this essay prompt: Compare Denmark’s current environmental policies with those of the past. What difficulties have the policies faced over time and how have they been adapted to current environmental concerns? Incorporate the ideas presented in the article by Smith and discuss whether or not the new environmental standards helped or hurt the farmers in Denmark based on the timeline that we discussed in class? What needs to be changed?

Step One: What Should This Essay Really Contain? The essay asks for several tasks of various kinds. 1.) A comparison between past and present environmental policies in Denmark. 2.) A description or summary of the problems these policies have faced and how they have changed. 3.) An analysis of what Smith says about the success and failure of the policies. 4.) An evaluation of what the policies have meant for farmers. 5.) A proposal for changes that would need to be made.

Step Two: What Should The Thesis/Argument Be About? Though the essay asks for a comparison first, that task seems like more of a summary than an argument. The analysis of what Smith says also sounds like the potential central focus, but the analysis seems to be needed mostly to help strengthen the evaluation to come. Since the class is a policy class that focuses on understanding why policies in many governments succeed or fail, it is probably important to evaluate the policies. So task 4 is probably the central argument, combined with task 5.

Step Three: How Should This Essay Be Structured? With tasks 4 and 5 as the central focus, the introduction should include an evaluation in the thesis along with a sense of the proposal. After the thesis, it makes sense to first summarize the past and present policies, which will then lead to a summary of what has changed. Smith could be brought in during both summaries to provide commentary on what has occurred. Once these elements have been established, analyzing the successes and failures of the policies should enter. A proposal could come last and would be based on avoiding future policy failures.

Complete the tasks described above for the following essay assignment. Remember, there might be more than one right way to complete the task.

Sample Art History Assignment: Focusing on Courbet’s painting, Woman with a Parrot , and Cabanal’s painting, Birth of Venus , can you describe the similarities and differences in the way these two artists have depicted the female nude? (Think about the subjects of each of the works when you answer this question.) When it was shown at the Salon, Courbet's painting ignited quite a scandal; Cabanal's, on the other hand, was a favorite with the critics. Which painting had more impact and why? [Assignment taken from ]

  • What Tasks Does This Essay Contain?
  • What Should The Thesis/Argument Be About?
  • How Should This Essay Be Structured?
Possible Solution: 1. Describe, Compare/Contrast, Evaluate (which had more impact) and Argue why. 2. I would argue why the painting I chose had a greater impact. 3. I would begin by describing the scandal in my intro, then include a thesis of evaluation, then describe both paintings in depth (including details of subject matter), then analyze the worth of each, then argue the greater worth of one painting, then analyze why I made that choice.

Hjorthoj, Keith. Transitions to College Writing . 3rd Ed. Boston: Bedford St. Martin’s, 2001.

Last updated August 2013

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It is important to understand what an essay question or assignment brief is asking of you. Before you start to research or write, it is worth spending time considering the wording of the question and any learning outcomes that may accompany it. Each assignment will generally have at least three learning outcomes which you must cover if you are to achieve a pass.

Breaking down an assignment question

Before you attempt to answer an assignment question, you need to make sure you understand what it is asking. This includes not only the subject matter, but also the way in which you are required to write. Different questions may ask you to discuss, outline, evaluate… and many more. The task words are a key part of the question.

  • Key Words in Assignment Briefs


Account Account asks you to give reasons for.  An account asks for a detailed description

Make a detailed examination or investigation into something.

Assess Consider in a balanced way the points for and against something
Comment State clearly your opinions on the topic in question.  Support your views with evidence

Look for the similarities and differences. Show the relevance or consequences of these similarities.


Emphasise the differences between two or more things.

Critically evaluate

Weigh arguments for and against something, assessing the strength of the evidence on both sides. Use criteria to guide your assessment of which opinions, theories, models or items are preferable.

Define Give the precise meaning of something.  Show how the distinctions you make are necessary


Give a detailed account

Investigate or examine by argument; give reasons for and against.

Evaluate Make a judgement about the value/importance/worth of something.

Present in depth and investigate fully the implications.


Make plain, interpret, give reasons.

Extent 'To what extent’ – asks you to weigh the evidence for and against something: to state ‘how far’ something is valid.

Use examples, diagrams and so on to explain or make clear.

Interpret Make clear the meaning of something, usually giving your own views also
Justify Show adequate grounds for decisions or conclusions

Give the main features, structure or general principles of a topic omitting minor details.

Review Make a survey of; critically examine the subject.

Specify fully and clearly.


Give a concise account of the main points of the topic.

Trace Follow the development or history of an event or process
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Answering Assignment Questions

In order to decide how to answer an essay question, you need to identify what the question requires in terms of content and genre. This guide outlines some methods to help you analyse essay questions.

Analyse the question using key words

Assignment questions can be broken down into parts so that you can better understand what you are being asked to do. It is important to identify key words and phrases in the topic.

What are key words?

Key words are the words in an assignment question that tell you the approaches to take when you answer.

Diagram of task words in assignment questions

Make sure you understand the meaning of key words in an essay question, especially t ask words . As Task words are verbs that direct you and tell you how to go about answering a question, understanding the meaning helps you know exactly what you to do.

Content words tell you what the topic area(s) of your assignment are and take you halfway towards narrowing down your material and selecting your answer. Content words help you to focus your research and reading on the correct area.

Limiting words make a broad topic workable. They focus the topic area further by indicating aspects you should narrowly concentrate on.

If you're not sure about any aspect of the question, ask your tutor/lecturer for clarification. Never start any assignment until you know and understand exactly what you are being asked to do.

How to use key words

  • Look for the keywords in your essay question.
  • Underline them.
  • Spend a little time working out what they mean. Use the Glossary of task words to help you.

Example Question

Computers have had a significant impact on education in the 20th century. Discuss the changes they have made.

DISCUSS. Look up the meaning in the glossary of task words to find out what it means.

(See Glossary of task words )

Content Words

EDUCATION, COMPUTERS. Content words help you to direct your research and reading towards the correct area(s), in this case on computers and on education.

Limiting Words

CHANGES, SIGNIFICANT IMPACT, 20TH CENTURY. Limiting words further define the topic area and indicate aspects you should narrowly concentrate on. For example, in this question, do not just write about computers in education, Discuss the SIGNIFICANT IMPACT they have had and the CHANGES computers have made to education during a certain time: the 20TH CENTURY.

 See next: Implied or complex questions

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Plan your writing

Interpret your assignment.

Planning how you approach your writing will make sure that you understand the task, can manage your time, and present a researched, structured and focused assignment.

Before you start writing, you need to understand what type of writing you are required to produce. For example, you might be asked to produce a report, an essay, an annotated bibliography or a literature review. This will shape how you will prepare, research and write your assignment. Take time to understand the conventions of each type of assignment and what is expected of you.

Understand instructional words

Instructional verbs in the assignment task will indicate how to plan your approach. Choose the instructional words that you have been given below to reveal what they mean.

Instructional verbs

Examine an issue in close detail and break it into its constituent parts. Look in depth at each part, consider the evidence, and show you understand the relationship between them.

Decide on the importance or usefulness of something and give reasons and evidence for your decision.

Identify similarities and differences between two or more things, problems or arguments. Draw a conclusion about which (if either) you think is preferable or more convincing.

Outline the meaning of a word, concept or theory as it is used in your discipline. In some cases it may be necessary or desirable to examine different possible, or often used, definitions.

Present factual information about something, using appropriate evidence to support your description.

Examine the arguments and the evidence to support them. Consider different sides of the issue and weigh up the implications of each argument.

Make an appraisal of the worth of something, an argument or a set of beliefs, in the light of its validity or value. This does involve making your own judgements, but they must be supported by an evidenced argument and justification.

Explain or clarify something using evidence, diagrams, figures, or case studies.

Provide adequate reasons for a decision or a conclusion by supporting it with sufficient evidence and argument; answer the main objections that are likely to be made to it.

Summarise the main features or the general principles of a subject, topic or theory.

Provide a thorough examination of a topic. You may be asked to draw your own conclusions.

To what extent

Explore and present the argument(s) for a particular topic and state the degree to which you agree with them.

Accordion 1

Sample accordion 1

Adapted from: Greetham, B. 2018. How to write better essays . 4th ed. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

Scope and focus

Look at the assignment task to identify whether there is a specific aspect of the topic that you are being asked to focus on. For example:

  • Is the topic or question limited to a certain time period, region, or group of people?
  • Are you being asked to consider a particular angle (for example, political, social, economic aspects of the topic)?

If the assignment task does not include information about the scope or limitations of the topic, you should choose these yourself. Think about what key issues have been covered in your module and whether you could use any of these to produce a focused answer to the question.

If something in the assignment brief is unclear, check with your module leader as soon as possible before starting to plan your answer.

Watch this short video on how to plan and get started with your assignment.

Define your purpose and reader

The next step before writing is to clearly define the purpose of the writing and the audience.

Most formal academic writing at university is set by, and written for, an academic tutor or assessor. There should be clear criteria against which they will mark your work. Your tutor may ask you to write for different audiences such as a lay audience or your peers, so make sure you know who your intended audience is before you start writing.

Once you have a clear idea of what is required for your assignment, you can start to plan what you are going to write.

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Understanding your assignment.

The first step in the writing process is to carefully examine the assignment. Don't underestimate the importance of spending a few minutes to think about what your professor is looking for. A well-written paper can receive a lower grade simply because it does not meet the requirements of the assignment. Here are some strategies for decoding a prompt:

  • Look for key words. Look for words in the assignment that indicate what type of writing the professor wants you to produce. Such words help you frame your paper, find your audience, and generate the type of writing your professor expects. For example, there is a difference between "summarize" and "analyze." Be aware of the meanings of words like "discuss", "evaluate", "explain", "describe", and "define." If you aren't sure what your professor means by a certain word in the assignment, don't be afraid to ask for clarification.
  • Know the purpose of the paper. Once you've figured out what the assignment is telling you, think about how you will write to fulfill the expectations of your audience. The assignment may require you to persuade your reader, compare and contrast ideas, or summarize an author's point of view. Considering your purpose at this point will make it easier for you to figure out what kind of thesis you'll need when you start to write the paper.
  • Fulfill the criteria in the prompt. This point may seem self-evident, but it's important! It's easy to get off-topic when you're in the brainstorming stage. When considering your ideas, look back at the assignment to make sure you're still within the parameters set by your professor. Be aware of the specific details of the assignment and know your audience, word limit, and other guidelines.
  • Ask for clarity. Sometimes professors make assignments vague or open-ended so that you have an opportunity to work on a topic that interests you. If you don't understand the assignment, if you're having trouble developing a topic, or if you're worried that your topic may stray from your assignment, ask your professor for guidance or visit the Writing Center.

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Definition of examine

transitive verb

intransitive verb

  • interrogate
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scrutinize , scan , inspect , examine mean to look at or over.

scrutinize stresses close attention to minute detail.

scan implies a surveying from point to point often suggesting a cursory overall observation.

inspect implies scrutinizing for errors or defects.

examine suggests a scrutiny in order to determine the nature, condition, or quality of a thing.

Examples of examine in a Sentence

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'examine.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History

Middle English, from Anglo-French examiner , from Latin examinare , from examen

14th century, in the meaning defined at transitive sense 1a

Phrases Containing examine

  • re - examine

Dictionary Entries Near examine


examined copy

Cite this Entry

“Examine.” Dictionary , Merriam-Webster, Accessed 19 Aug. 2024.

Kids Definition

Kids definition of examine, medical definition, medical definition of examine, legal definition, legal definition of examine, more from merriam-webster on examine.

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Britannica English: Translation of examine for Arabic Speakers

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Academic writing skills guide: understanding assignments.

  • Key Features of Academic Writing
  • The Writing Process
  • Understanding Assignments
  • Brainstorming Techniques
  • Planning Your Assignments
  • Thesis Statements
  • Writing Drafts
  • Structuring Your Assignment
  • How to Deal With Writer's Block
  • Using Paragraphs
  • Conclusions
  • Introductions
  • Revising & Editing
  • Proofreading
  • Grammar & Punctuation
  • Reporting Verbs
  • Signposting, Transitions & Linking Words/Phrases
  • Using Lecturers' Feedback

Before you start researching or writing, you need to take some time to analyse your assignment topic, interpret the question and decide how you are going to approach it. The title, brief and guidelines are the key elements for any assignment, so it is important to make sure that you clearly understand what is being asked of you.

A very common remark from lecturers is that a student has written a lot of information but failed to answer the question. So, rather than rush straight into reading and researching – give yourself time to think carefully about the assignment and understand what it is asking you to do. The assignment will generally be asking for something specific and will be closely related to the module content and the module reading.

Read the assignment guidelines in detail and make sure you understand exactly what type of assignment you are expected to write. For example, it could be an assignment, report, case study analysis, reflective journal, literature review or research proposal.  

The key to success in written assignments is to understand what is expected of you. If you do not understand what is expected from the assignment brief or the marking criteria, you will not be able to produce the result that your lecturer is expecting and hoping for. Understanding the question is the first and most important step when starting your assignments and helps to ensure that your research and writing is more focused and relevant. This means understanding both the individual words, and also the general scope of the question. A common mistake students make with their assignments is to misinterpret what the assignment is asking them to do and go off-topic.

 Close reading of the question and referring back to it throughout the assignment writing process is important to ensure that you are answering it properly.  

Deconstructing the question is the first step in answering an assignment question. You might need to clarify the meaning of some words and work out what the brief really wants you to do. Your question will contain key words related to the assignment topic, as well as directive/instructional words that tell you what to do. Highlight, circle or underline the key words in the assignment brief. Also, mark any words or phrases that you do not understand. What does the title / question mean? What is it asking you to do? Why is this important? How are you going to answer it? What do you need to find out first, second, third in order to answer the question? This is a good way of working out what important points or issues make up the overall question which in turn helps to focus your reading and your initial writing. Asking questions early also helps you to feel more in control, as it helps you to think more critically and independently about the topic prior to doing any wider research.

An assignment is usually made up of two parts: the assignment brief and the learning outcomes/objectives.

The assignment brief will tell you what you need to produce,. Learning outcomes or objectives are a description of what you need to demonstrate to pass a module / assignment. By reading and understanding the expected learning outcomes/objectives for a module, you can help improve your grades for each assignment.
Set the question in context – how does it fit with the key issues in your module and the topic as a whole? Looking at your lecture notes, module readings and learning outcomes/objectives will help you determine how the key themes, concepts and theories you have been studying on your module are linked to the question.  

One of the key components of assignment questions or criteria are – the verbs that tell you what you need to do in your assignment. There are a number of commonly used directive/instructional words, which have recognised meanings when applied to college assignments. To interpret the question accurately, you need to understand what these words mean. Recognising directive/instructional words used in your assignment titles and guidelines will help you organise your ideas appropriately and help you write more confidently. It is easy to overlook the directive/instructional words, but if you just describe something when you have been asked to analyse it, your assignment is likely to receive a lower grade. 

Words commonly used in assignments can appear to have similar meanings, but there are subtle differences between them. How is analyse different to critically evaluate? These words may seem similar but do have distinct meanings. However, there are not always hard distinctions between the words and different lecturers may use them in slightly different ways. You must always go by the total meaning of the title or question in the assignment brief. Read the question carefully and do not jump to conclusions about what is required on the basis of these words only. It is always advisable to clarify an assignment with your lecturer if you do not fully understand what you are being asked to do.  

Do not get put off by phrases such as "with reference to relevant literature" or "critically evaluate" and "critically analyse" (rather than simply "evaluate" or "analyse"). These phrases/words are there as a gentle reminder as it is expected that much of your writing will refer to relevant literature and have an element of criticality at college level no matter what the instructions in the assignment brief. Breaking down the assignment directive/instructional words to understand what you are being asked to do will help kickstart your critical thinking skills and help you plan the logical ordering of your ideas. 

Below is a list of interpretations for some of the more common directive/instructional words. These interpretations are intended as a guide only but should help you gain a better understanding of what is required when they are used. 

Account for Explain, clarify, give reasons for something and why it happens; give evidence to support your argument.
Analyse  Examine the topic methodically. Separate the subject into parts and then discuss, examine, or interpret each part carefully and in detail, considering how they relate to each other, how the parts contribute to the whole and why they are important. Using evidence for and against, mention any strengths/weaknesses, advantages/disadvantages. Do not simply describe or summarise; question the information.
Apply  Use evidence or details that you have been given to demonstrate how an idea, theory, or concept works in a particular situation. May involve transferring evidence from your reading to real life, or to a case study, perhaps applying theory to practice.
Argue  Methodically present the case for and/or against something basing your claims/reasons on a range of appropriate evidence; aim to influence the reader to accept your view, demonstrating weaknesses in the opposing argument.
Assess  Using evidence and arguments, weigh something up and consider the value, quality or importance of it, examining the positive, negative and contestable aspects. Come to a conclusion.
Be critical Identify what is good and bad about the information and why; probe, question, identify inaccuracies or shortcomings in the information; estimate the value of the material. 
Characterise  Describe the features and qualities of a concept or phenomenon, making it different and distinguished from other things.
Clarify  Make something clearer and simplify it; identify the key components of an issue/topic/problem, removing any potential misunderstandings; if appropriate, explain the relationship between two or more variables. 
Classify  Organise information into categories, groups or classes; noting the influence and importance of each, outline the difference between them, explaining why and how you classified the information.  
Comment on Identify and write about the main issues, giving your observations and interpretations based upon what you have read and researched, explaining the meaning of a situation or statement. Be critical, give your point of view, saying why something matters but avoid opinion that is not backed up or based on evidence presented in your writing.  
Compare  Look at the similarities more than the differences between two or more things. Explain how they are similar, say if any similarities are more important than others and indicate the relevance or consequences of them.  
Consider  Think and write about something carefully, discussing different possibilities and perspectives on a given topic. Support your comments/explanations by using appropriate evidence - include any views which are contrary to your own and how they relate to what you think.  
Contrast  Look at the similarities and differences between two or more things, mainly emphasising the differences and what sets them apart – explain how different they are, indicate if this is significant and, if appropriate, give reasons why one item or argument may be preferable.  
Critically  Used in combination with another directive/instructional word to get you to analyse and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of something not simply describe or state how something is.  
Critically evaluate Weigh arguments for and against something, assessing the strength of the evidence on both sides. Provide evidence taken from a wide range of sources which both agree with and contradict an argument. Based on the evidence, come to a final conclusion, basing your decision on what you judge to be the most important factors and justify how you have made your choice.  
Critique This does not mean you have to be negative, include both positive and negative points - look at any implications. Give your judgment about the value, quality and effectiveness of a theory, opinion or methodology and how it meets specific expectations; back your judgment by discussing the evidence.    
Define  Describe or state clearly the meaning of something, examining the different possible or often used definitions in reputable research material. Where relevant, show the boundaries and limitations of the definition and the different interpretations that may exist, indicating how the definition distinguishes this term/concept from others.  
Demonstrate  Show clearly or prove something by giving explanations, illustrations and/or supporting evidence.  
Describe  Give a detailed, full account of the main characteristics, properties or qualities of a topic/issue or the sequence in which a series of things happen(ed). Explain how and why something happens. 
Determine  Find out or calculate something 
Differentiate  Show the difference or make a distinction between two or more things.  
Discuss  Essentially this is a written debate. Supported by carefully selected evidence, examine, analyse and present both sides of the most important aspects of a topic, pointing out advantages and disadvantages, giving arguments/reasons for and against, assessing how satisfactory something is and examining the implications. Based on the evidence you have presented, state which argument is more persuasive, examine the implications and come to a conclusion.  
Distinguish  Identify and describe the differences between two or more items. 
Elaborate  Explain something in greater detail and at greater length, providing reasons, examples and more information.  
Enumerate  List, organise or outline relevant items/ideas one by one, and concisely describe them. 
Estimate  Weigh up the evidence and say by how much a theory or opinion may be preferable; calculate; predict. 
Evaluate  Present a careful judgement on the worth, value, significance, relevance or usefulness of something; weighing up the arguments for and against something, show the advantages and disadvantages, strengths and weaknesses. Refer to relevant and reliable evidence and use logic and reason to argue and justify your case. Come to a conclusion.  
Examine  Critically discuss, investigate or look at a subject in close detail and evaluate the key facts and important issues, giving reasons why they are the most important and explaining the different ways they could be understood/interpreted. 
Explain  Make plain and clear in an understandable way; give reasons for differences of opinion or results and analyse. Clarify and interpret the topic by giving a detailed account as to how and why something happens (analysing the causes), why it is the way it is or what is meant by the use of a term in a particular context. Define key terms where appropriate and back up with evidence and examples.  
Explore  Examine thoroughly, considering a variety of different viewpoints and perspectives, adopting a questioning approach. Show why there might be debate and where possible, reconcile opposing views by presenting a final line of argument.  
Formulate  Use current understanding from evidence and theory to create an idea, definition or interpretation on a topic. 
Give an account of  Give a detailed description of something, showing the important steps, stages or developments in the subject 
Highlight  Bring attention to something or emphasise its importance (for example, highlight the main points in an argument). 
Identify  Select/point out/list what you regard as the key features, problems, needs or issues in relation to something, explaining how and why they are important or relevant. 
Illustrate  Make something very clear and explicit, by providing visual or written examples - use figures, diagrams, graphs, statistics, charts, tables or other visual concepts. 
Indicate  Point out, show or explain something. 
Infer  Conclude something from facts or reasoning. 
Interpret  Demonstrate your understanding of something in a detailed and methodical way about which there may be more than one opinion. Backed by evidence, explain the meaning and significance of it, how or why it is important, giving your own judgement. Perhaps indicate how it relates to some other thing or perspective.  
Investigate  Enquire into all aspects of a topic through research. 
Justify  Make a case for a particular viewpoint, decision or conclusion; give convincing evidence and reasons which support this while also taking into account the opposing view, considering objections that others might make before stating your conclusion.  
List  Write your answer as an itemised series of brief points in a logical order 
Outline  Give a general summary of the main points, ideas or features; emphasise the structure and how they fit together or complement each other. Leaving out minor details, present the information in a logical order. 
Prove  Show by argument or logic that something is true or false by presenting and evaluating adequate evidence to back up your reasoning.  
Reconcile  Show how two apparently opposed or mutually exclusive ideas or propositions can be seen to be similar in important respects, if not identical. 
Reflect (on)  Analyse a past experience to improve future performance. Think carefully about something, and consider different views and possibilities. 
Relate  Show or describe the connections, similarities or associations between things and the extent to which they are alike or affect each other.  
Review  Examine a subject critically, analysing and commenting on the main points in an organised manner, bringing together and critiquing the current evidence and understanding on a topic. Assess rather than simply describe, drawing a conclusion based on the evidence presented.  
Show  Demonstrate with supporting evidence. 
Specify  Give details of something. 
State  Specify the main points of an idea or topic in brief, precise terms; no need to be overly descriptive – leave out minor details. Generally does not call for argument or discussion or a judgement from you, just the presentation of the facts. 
Suggest  Make a proposal and support it. 
Summarise  Give a concise/condensed account of the main points / ideas that are worth noting and remembering – leave out unnecessary detail, side-issues or examples, reducing your discussion to the basic essentials, the key ideas.  
Support  Give reasons or evidence for something with appropriate evidence, usually academic sources promoted by your lecturer (books, academic journals or reputable websites).  
Synthesise  Combine or bring together research or information from several different sources and integrate into your writing to create a single, cohesive discussion / argument which effectively presents your ideas or opinions.  
To what extent  How far is something true or not true? Consider in what ways something meets the requirements of a purpose or contributes to an outcome; support with evidence. Exploring these alternative explanations, make a judgment and defend it. The answer is unlikely to be 100% true or false but somewhere in between.  
Trace  Outline how something has changed or developed from an earlier time to its current form. Identify connections.  
Verify  Prove something by showing evidence or information. It could also mean that you check and see to make sure certain information is correct and accurate. 

what does examine mean in an assignment

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The Writing Center • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Understanding Assignments

What this handout is about.

The first step in any successful college writing venture is reading the assignment. While this sounds like a simple task, it can be a tough one. This handout will help you unravel your assignment and begin to craft an effective response. Much of the following advice will involve translating typical assignment terms and practices into meaningful clues to the type of writing your instructor expects. See our short video for more tips.

Basic beginnings

Regardless of the assignment, department, or instructor, adopting these two habits will serve you well :

  • Read the assignment carefully as soon as you receive it. Do not put this task off—reading the assignment at the beginning will save you time, stress, and problems later. An assignment can look pretty straightforward at first, particularly if the instructor has provided lots of information. That does not mean it will not take time and effort to complete; you may even have to learn a new skill to complete the assignment.
  • Ask the instructor about anything you do not understand. Do not hesitate to approach your instructor. Instructors would prefer to set you straight before you hand the paper in. That’s also when you will find their feedback most useful.

Assignment formats

Many assignments follow a basic format. Assignments often begin with an overview of the topic, include a central verb or verbs that describe the task, and offer some additional suggestions, questions, or prompts to get you started.

An Overview of Some Kind

The instructor might set the stage with some general discussion of the subject of the assignment, introduce the topic, or remind you of something pertinent that you have discussed in class. For example:

“Throughout history, gerbils have played a key role in politics,” or “In the last few weeks of class, we have focused on the evening wear of the housefly …”

The Task of the Assignment

Pay attention; this part tells you what to do when you write the paper. Look for the key verb or verbs in the sentence. Words like analyze, summarize, or compare direct you to think about your topic in a certain way. Also pay attention to words such as how, what, when, where, and why; these words guide your attention toward specific information. (See the section in this handout titled “Key Terms” for more information.)

“Analyze the effect that gerbils had on the Russian Revolution”, or “Suggest an interpretation of housefly undergarments that differs from Darwin’s.”

Additional Material to Think about

Here you will find some questions to use as springboards as you begin to think about the topic. Instructors usually include these questions as suggestions rather than requirements. Do not feel compelled to answer every question unless the instructor asks you to do so. Pay attention to the order of the questions. Sometimes they suggest the thinking process your instructor imagines you will need to follow to begin thinking about the topic.

“You may wish to consider the differing views held by Communist gerbils vs. Monarchist gerbils, or Can there be such a thing as ‘the housefly garment industry’ or is it just a home-based craft?”

These are the instructor’s comments about writing expectations:

“Be concise”, “Write effectively”, or “Argue furiously.”

Technical Details

These instructions usually indicate format rules or guidelines.

“Your paper must be typed in Palatino font on gray paper and must not exceed 600 pages. It is due on the anniversary of Mao Tse-tung’s death.”

The assignment’s parts may not appear in exactly this order, and each part may be very long or really short. Nonetheless, being aware of this standard pattern can help you understand what your instructor wants you to do.

Interpreting the assignment

Ask yourself a few basic questions as you read and jot down the answers on the assignment sheet:

Why did your instructor ask you to do this particular task?

Who is your audience.

  • What kind of evidence do you need to support your ideas?

What kind of writing style is acceptable?

  • What are the absolute rules of the paper?

Try to look at the question from the point of view of the instructor. Recognize that your instructor has a reason for giving you this assignment and for giving it to you at a particular point in the semester. In every assignment, the instructor has a challenge for you. This challenge could be anything from demonstrating an ability to think clearly to demonstrating an ability to use the library. See the assignment not as a vague suggestion of what to do but as an opportunity to show that you can handle the course material as directed. Paper assignments give you more than a topic to discuss—they ask you to do something with the topic. Keep reminding yourself of that. Be careful to avoid the other extreme as well: do not read more into the assignment than what is there.

Of course, your instructor has given you an assignment so that they will be able to assess your understanding of the course material and give you an appropriate grade. But there is more to it than that. Your instructor has tried to design a learning experience of some kind. Your instructor wants you to think about something in a particular way for a particular reason. If you read the course description at the beginning of your syllabus, review the assigned readings, and consider the assignment itself, you may begin to see the plan, purpose, or approach to the subject matter that your instructor has created for you. If you still aren’t sure of the assignment’s goals, try asking the instructor. For help with this, see our handout on getting feedback .

Given your instructor’s efforts, it helps to answer the question: What is my purpose in completing this assignment? Is it to gather research from a variety of outside sources and present a coherent picture? Is it to take material I have been learning in class and apply it to a new situation? Is it to prove a point one way or another? Key words from the assignment can help you figure this out. Look for key terms in the form of active verbs that tell you what to do.

Key Terms: Finding Those Active Verbs

Here are some common key words and definitions to help you think about assignment terms:

Information words Ask you to demonstrate what you know about the subject, such as who, what, when, where, how, and why.

  • define —give the subject’s meaning (according to someone or something). Sometimes you have to give more than one view on the subject’s meaning
  • describe —provide details about the subject by answering question words (such as who, what, when, where, how, and why); you might also give details related to the five senses (what you see, hear, feel, taste, and smell)
  • explain —give reasons why or examples of how something happened
  • illustrate —give descriptive examples of the subject and show how each is connected with the subject
  • summarize —briefly list the important ideas you learned about the subject
  • trace —outline how something has changed or developed from an earlier time to its current form
  • research —gather material from outside sources about the subject, often with the implication or requirement that you will analyze what you have found

Relation words Ask you to demonstrate how things are connected.

  • compare —show how two or more things are similar (and, sometimes, different)
  • contrast —show how two or more things are dissimilar
  • apply—use details that you’ve been given to demonstrate how an idea, theory, or concept works in a particular situation
  • cause —show how one event or series of events made something else happen
  • relate —show or describe the connections between things

Interpretation words Ask you to defend ideas of your own about the subject. Do not see these words as requesting opinion alone (unless the assignment specifically says so), but as requiring opinion that is supported by concrete evidence. Remember examples, principles, definitions, or concepts from class or research and use them in your interpretation.

  • assess —summarize your opinion of the subject and measure it against something
  • prove, justify —give reasons or examples to demonstrate how or why something is the truth
  • evaluate, respond —state your opinion of the subject as good, bad, or some combination of the two, with examples and reasons
  • support —give reasons or evidence for something you believe (be sure to state clearly what it is that you believe)
  • synthesize —put two or more things together that have not been put together in class or in your readings before; do not just summarize one and then the other and say that they are similar or different—you must provide a reason for putting them together that runs all the way through the paper
  • analyze —determine how individual parts create or relate to the whole, figure out how something works, what it might mean, or why it is important
  • argue —take a side and defend it with evidence against the other side

More Clues to Your Purpose As you read the assignment, think about what the teacher does in class:

  • What kinds of textbooks or coursepack did your instructor choose for the course—ones that provide background information, explain theories or perspectives, or argue a point of view?
  • In lecture, does your instructor ask your opinion, try to prove their point of view, or use keywords that show up again in the assignment?
  • What kinds of assignments are typical in this discipline? Social science classes often expect more research. Humanities classes thrive on interpretation and analysis.
  • How do the assignments, readings, and lectures work together in the course? Instructors spend time designing courses, sometimes even arguing with their peers about the most effective course materials. Figuring out the overall design to the course will help you understand what each assignment is meant to achieve.

Now, what about your reader? Most undergraduates think of their audience as the instructor. True, your instructor is a good person to keep in mind as you write. But for the purposes of a good paper, think of your audience as someone like your roommate: smart enough to understand a clear, logical argument, but not someone who already knows exactly what is going on in your particular paper. Remember, even if the instructor knows everything there is to know about your paper topic, they still have to read your paper and assess your understanding. In other words, teach the material to your reader.

Aiming a paper at your audience happens in two ways: you make decisions about the tone and the level of information you want to convey.

  • Tone means the “voice” of your paper. Should you be chatty, formal, or objective? Usually you will find some happy medium—you do not want to alienate your reader by sounding condescending or superior, but you do not want to, um, like, totally wig on the man, you know? Eschew ostentatious erudition: some students think the way to sound academic is to use big words. Be careful—you can sound ridiculous, especially if you use the wrong big words.
  • The level of information you use depends on who you think your audience is. If you imagine your audience as your instructor and they already know everything you have to say, you may find yourself leaving out key information that can cause your argument to be unconvincing and illogical. But you do not have to explain every single word or issue. If you are telling your roommate what happened on your favorite science fiction TV show last night, you do not say, “First a dark-haired white man of average height, wearing a suit and carrying a flashlight, walked into the room. Then a purple alien with fifteen arms and at least three eyes turned around. Then the man smiled slightly. In the background, you could hear a clock ticking. The room was fairly dark and had at least two windows that I saw.” You also do not say, “This guy found some aliens. The end.” Find some balance of useful details that support your main point.

You’ll find a much more detailed discussion of these concepts in our handout on audience .

The Grim Truth

With a few exceptions (including some lab and ethnography reports), you are probably being asked to make an argument. You must convince your audience. It is easy to forget this aim when you are researching and writing; as you become involved in your subject matter, you may become enmeshed in the details and focus on learning or simply telling the information you have found. You need to do more than just repeat what you have read. Your writing should have a point, and you should be able to say it in a sentence. Sometimes instructors call this sentence a “thesis” or a “claim.”

So, if your instructor tells you to write about some aspect of oral hygiene, you do not want to just list: “First, you brush your teeth with a soft brush and some peanut butter. Then, you floss with unwaxed, bologna-flavored string. Finally, gargle with bourbon.” Instead, you could say, “Of all the oral cleaning methods, sandblasting removes the most plaque. Therefore it should be recommended by the American Dental Association.” Or, “From an aesthetic perspective, moldy teeth can be quite charming. However, their joys are short-lived.”

Convincing the reader of your argument is the goal of academic writing. It doesn’t have to say “argument” anywhere in the assignment for you to need one. Look at the assignment and think about what kind of argument you could make about it instead of just seeing it as a checklist of information you have to present. For help with understanding the role of argument in academic writing, see our handout on argument .

What kind of evidence do you need?

There are many kinds of evidence, and what type of evidence will work for your assignment can depend on several factors–the discipline, the parameters of the assignment, and your instructor’s preference. Should you use statistics? Historical examples? Do you need to conduct your own experiment? Can you rely on personal experience? See our handout on evidence for suggestions on how to use evidence appropriately.

Make sure you are clear about this part of the assignment, because your use of evidence will be crucial in writing a successful paper. You are not just learning how to argue; you are learning how to argue with specific types of materials and ideas. Ask your instructor what counts as acceptable evidence. You can also ask a librarian for help. No matter what kind of evidence you use, be sure to cite it correctly—see the UNC Libraries citation tutorial .

You cannot always tell from the assignment just what sort of writing style your instructor expects. The instructor may be really laid back in class but still expect you to sound formal in writing. Or the instructor may be fairly formal in class and ask you to write a reflection paper where you need to use “I” and speak from your own experience.

Try to avoid false associations of a particular field with a style (“art historians like wacky creativity,” or “political scientists are boring and just give facts”) and look instead to the types of readings you have been given in class. No one expects you to write like Plato—just use the readings as a guide for what is standard or preferable to your instructor. When in doubt, ask your instructor about the level of formality they expect.

No matter what field you are writing for or what facts you are including, if you do not write so that your reader can understand your main idea, you have wasted your time. So make clarity your main goal. For specific help with style, see our handout on style .

Technical details about the assignment

The technical information you are given in an assignment always seems like the easy part. This section can actually give you lots of little hints about approaching the task. Find out if elements such as page length and citation format (see the UNC Libraries citation tutorial ) are negotiable. Some professors do not have strong preferences as long as you are consistent and fully answer the assignment. Some professors are very specific and will deduct big points for deviations.

Usually, the page length tells you something important: The instructor thinks the size of the paper is appropriate to the assignment’s parameters. In plain English, your instructor is telling you how many pages it should take for you to answer the question as fully as you are expected to. So if an assignment is two pages long, you cannot pad your paper with examples or reword your main idea several times. Hit your one point early, defend it with the clearest example, and finish quickly. If an assignment is ten pages long, you can be more complex in your main points and examples—and if you can only produce five pages for that assignment, you need to see someone for help—as soon as possible.

Tricks that don’t work

Your instructors are not fooled when you:

  • spend more time on the cover page than the essay —graphics, cool binders, and cute titles are no replacement for a well-written paper.
  • use huge fonts, wide margins, or extra spacing to pad the page length —these tricks are immediately obvious to the eye. Most instructors use the same word processor you do. They know what’s possible. Such tactics are especially damning when the instructor has a stack of 60 papers to grade and yours is the only one that low-flying airplane pilots could read.
  • use a paper from another class that covered “sort of similar” material . Again, the instructor has a particular task for you to fulfill in the assignment that usually relates to course material and lectures. Your other paper may not cover this material, and turning in the same paper for more than one course may constitute an Honor Code violation . Ask the instructor—it can’t hurt.
  • get all wacky and “creative” before you answer the question . Showing that you are able to think beyond the boundaries of a simple assignment can be good, but you must do what the assignment calls for first. Again, check with your instructor. A humorous tone can be refreshing for someone grading a stack of papers, but it will not get you a good grade if you have not fulfilled the task.

Critical reading of assignments leads to skills in other types of reading and writing. If you get good at figuring out what the real goals of assignments are, you are going to be better at understanding the goals of all of your classes and fields of study.

You may reproduce it for non-commercial use if you use the entire handout and attribute the source: The Writing Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

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what does examine mean in an assignment

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What does it mean to critically evaluate something or to provide a critical review? We won’t lie – these terms are complicated. But the following paragraph, and the rest of this blog post below, may help your understanding:

Typically, the word “critical” has a negative connotation. Think of words like “critique” and “criticise” and you see why. However, with essay writing, being asked to write “critically” does not necessarily mean you need to be negative. Instead, you are voicing your opinion in a logical and coherent way that is based upon evidence and evaluation.

When faced with the task to “critically evaluate” or to provide a “critical review”, it is important to remember that there is going to be some element of description. But you need to be able to build on that description to further justify your point. Let’s go through some examples.

Descriptive writing

Descriptive writing really focuses on answering the four ‘w’ questions – what, where, who, when. In descriptive writing you are going to need to focus on the following:

Who What Where When
Who is the author? What is this about? Where does this take place? When does this occur?
Who is affected? What is the context?
Who is involved? What is the main point?

As you can see from the table above, all of the ‘w’ questions are really important and are essential components to writing a good essay . The purpose of these components is to let the reader get the essential information they need to understand the main idea. Yet if you stop here, you only end up with a descriptive essay, which does not meet the requirements of criticality that are requested by the professor or TA.

Critical writing

Critical writing gives you the opportunity to go beyond the descriptive, so when you critically evaluate or critically review something, you are moving toward analysis and evaluation. This type of critical writing asks you to assess the how, why, what if, so what and what next questions. As you will begin to notice, these questions require much more explanation that the ‘w’ questions (each of which you could likely answer in 10 words or less). Let’s look at some of these questions below:

How Why What if So what What next
How does this occur? Why did this occur? What if we are wrong? What does this mean? Is it transferable?
How does it work? Why was that done? What if there was a problem? Why is this significant? What can we learn from it?
How do the parts fit into the whole? Why this argument / solution? What if a certain factors were changed/ altered/ removed? Is this convincing? Why? Why not? What needs doing now?

Managing the descriptive and critical

Anyone who has done a lot of writing or who has seen many students’ writing will tell you that there are plenty of ways to write an essay . Yet while there are many strategies, when writing in English, there are certain expectations that the reader has when working through a paragraph or larger piece of writing. Therefore, in order to satisfy the reader that you have successfully completed a critical review or evaluation, you need to make sure that the reader gets what they are expecting.

The first step is to carefully read the article/piece of work that you are going to be critically assessing. Often, students feel like, just because something has been published in an academic journal, that it is an excellent piece of writing that cannot be questioned. But this isn’t necessarily true. The author of that article made certain decisions during the research and writing processes. It is your job to evaluate and analyse what they have done and whether the author has presented any evidence that you can draw conclusions from or make links between areas of knowledge.

In an academic journal article, there are often two places where you will be able to find the easiest opportunities to critically evaluate the work: the methodology and the discussion. In the methodology, the author has made certain decisions about how they are going to answer the research question presented. They have usually (in empirical research) identified a sample, context, and certain instruments (e.g. questionnaire, interviews, observations, etc.). Perhaps one of the easiest ways you can critically evaluate this information is to determine whether or not the sample size is big enough or whether the context applies globally or only to the region where the research took place. For example, a sample of 250 undergraduate students might seem like a lot, but if they are all from a remote area of Pakistan, their situation may not be applicable to undergraduate students who are studying in the UK. Highlighting this issue is one of the more basic forms of criticality because you are applying your own judgements to a situation.

Another area where you might be able to critically evaluate a paper is in the discussion section. It’s in this section where the author expresses their point of view and how their findings relate to other aspects of research. In some articles, you might find that the author has made claims . So if we consider the same group of 250 undergraduate students in Pakistan, the author might find that of the 250 students 225 felt that learning English was important for job security in the future. Therefore, the author might claim that students should learn English if they want to secure a good job in the future. With this argument you could evaluate whether this statement is actually true. We already know that 250 is not representative globally, but we can also assume that students in a remote area of Pakistan may not have access to the same opportunities as students in Beijing. These students may come to a different conclusion about English (potentially).

The point of a critical evaluation is to demonstrate that you can think beyond what you are being told. By taking steps to question what is being written and presented to you, you may be better able to write a critical review and to reflect on how and why the author took the position they did. No research study is perfect and it is your job to determine what could have been modified or changed to fit a different situation.

what does examine mean in an assignment

Focus on directive essay words: “to what extent…”

what does examine mean in an assignment

Focus on directive essay words: “summarise”

what does examine mean in an assignment

Focus on directive essay words: “elaborate”

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  • critical review
  • to what extent
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  1. 22 Essay Question Words You Must Understand to Prepare a Well

    Definition of Question Words with Examples. Words such as 'explain', 'evaluate' or 'analyse' - typical question words used in essay titles - provide a useful indication of how your essay should be structured. They often require varying degrees of critical responses. Sometimes, they may simply require a descriptive answer.

  2. Understanding your assignment questions: A short guide

    Examine: Look closely into something. Explain: Offer a detailed and exact rationale behind an idea or principle, or a set of reasons for a situation or attitude. Make clear how and why something happens. Explore: Examine thoroughly; consider from a variety of viewpoints. Illustrate: Make something clear and explicit, give examples of evidence

  3. Glossary of Task Words

    Define. Make a statement as to the meaning or interpretation of something, giving sufficient detail as to allow it to be distinguished from similar things. Describe. Spell out the main aspects of an idea or topic or the sequence in which a series of things happened. Discuss. Investigate or examine by argument.

  4. Identify, Explain, Analyse … essay question words

    Examine; To conduct a comprehensive investigation of a research topic or argument, it is essential to closely examine the crucial facts and significant issues. Therefore, 'examine' question words necessitate an analytical approach. It is also crucial to provide some background information to explain why these issues and facts are important.

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    Examine: Investigate closely a topic/issue etc. Explain: Make something clear by providing reasons and evidence. Identify: Select relevant details and discuss these. Interpret: Examine a statement or idea and give a clear explanation/judgement of what it means. Justify: Use evidence to support an argument or idea. The aim is to convince the ...

  7. Essays: Task Words

    Account for: Similar to 'explain' but with a heavier focus on reasons why something is or is not the way it is.; Analyse: This term has the widest range of meanings according to the subject.Make a justified selection of some of the essential features of an artefact, idea or issue. Examine how these relate to each other and to other ideas, in order to help better understand the topic.

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    The pressure on New Zealand health systems is politically, socially and economically determined. Discuss with reference to prescription medicine allocation. "determined" suggests that this is a cause and effect question. Common assignment command words include discuss, compare, describe, evaluate, explain, justify, review, illustrate, and ...

  9. Understand Your Assignment Task

    Describe - explain and explore the meaning or main features of something. Discuss - examine and analyse key points and possible interpretations; give arguments for and against, and draw a conclusion. Evaluate - give an opinion (with evidence) on the strength or weakness of something. More assessment instruction words and their meanings.

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    Give the precise meaning of something. Show how the distinctions you make are necessary: Describe. Give a detailed account: Discuss: Investigate or examine by argument; give reasons for and against. Evaluate: Make a judgement about the value/importance/worth of something. Examine: Present in depth and investigate fully the implications. Explain

  12. How do I answer an 'assess' question in an essay?

    The idea of "Assessing" questions rank fairly high on Bloom's taxonomy of learning. It involves taking multiple elements as you answer the question. For example, when you have to assess something ...


    Define Clearly state the meaning, and list the qualities, traits and characteristics. Describe Provide a detailed explanation about how and why something happens. Discuss Make a case for or against an argument and reach a conclusion. Point out the advantages and disadvantages. Elaborate Give more detail and provide more information on a topic.

  14. Understanding Essay Questions

    Understanding the essay question is the first and most important step you will undertake with any assignment, as without fully understanding the task you cannot respond to it. Consider the key elements in the question e.g. Examine the role of women in Parliament since 1918, with reference to key Equality legislation and ask yourself:


    examine by argument. Draw a conclusion. Evaluate Make an appraisal of the worth of something i.e. explaining the extent to which it is effective / useful / true etc. Evaluation is sometimes more subjective and contestable than some kinds of pure 'assessment'. Examine Look closely at, thinking and writing about the detail, and questioning it ...

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  18. Understanding Your Assignment

    Writing Associates Program. The first step in the writing process is to carefully examine the assignment. Don't underestimate the importance of spending a few minutes to think about what your professor is looking for. A well-written paper can receive a lower grade simply because it does not meet the requirements of the assignment.

  19. Interpreting the assignment question

    Checking the meaning. Check the meaning of any words or terms within the assignment question by looking up your course notes, study guide, textbook, or dictionary. If the assignment question includes a direct quote from a particular author, then you could try to locate a copy of the source (article or paper or text).

  20. Examine Definition & Meaning

    examine: [verb] to inspect closely. to test the condition of. to inquire into carefully : investigate.

  21. Academic Writing Skills Guide: Understanding Assignments

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