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How to Give a Presentation in Chinese?

From the Beginning to the End: How to Give the Perfect Presentation in Chinese

Written by Juliette Pitt

Giving a presentation can be nerve-racking in any language, especially if it is in Chinese! But not to worry, you’ve come to the right place, here are a couple of tips that can help you guide you to deliver the perfect presentation to your fellow colleagues!


When opening your presentation in Chinese, remember to start by expressing thanks to the host of the event and to the previous speakers. If you are at an event or meeting that has distinguished guests, it is also worth expressing thanks to them too.

For example, a good way to start is: 

  • 尊敬的……,女士们,先生们,下午好! 我对……表示感谢。(zūnjìng de……, nǚshì men, xiānshēng men, xiàwǔ hǎo! wǒ duì……biǎoshì gǎnxiè)

After this it is usually good to introduce yourself and express which department you represent.

For example, you can say:

  • 我是…,请允许我代表…。(wǒ shì…, qǐng yǔnxǔ wǒ dàibiǎo…)

Unlike in the West where perhaps one only says your name, it is best when delivering your presentation in Chinese to add a bit more and perhaps say a couple of words of who you are speaking on behalf of.

You could even go as far as to praise the previous speaker by remarking on their content.

For example, you could say:

  • 他/她的发言条理清晰。(tā/tā de fǎyán tiáolǐ qīngxī)

After all the pleasant introductions, it is best to go straight into your intended speech. Our advice to you would be to avoid using humour , unless you are familiar with a couple of Chinese jokes, but it is best to avoid as some jokes are may be hard to translate and it might cross some cultural barriers.

A good structure to use when giving your presentation is  First, Second, Third . It is straight forward and provides your presentation with a good flow.

Here are a couple of key words and sentences that you may find useful to use:

  • 本次会议的议题是…(běn cì huìyì de yìtí shì…)
  • 首先…(shǒuxiān…)
  • 再次…(zàicì…)
  • 最后…(zuìhòu…)
  • 首先,我们来看一下全球电子商务消费行为的调查结果。(shǒuxiān, wǒmen lái kàn yīxià quánqiú diànzǐ shāngwù xiāofèi xíngwéi de diàochá jiéguǒ)

Congratulations! You are nearly at the end of your speech! To end the talk, it is best to use some highly energetic and heroic words as a form of encouragement to your colleagues!

Also, it is important to summarize your main points and thank everyone for listening and for coming to attend your presentation!

For example, some useful sentences to incorporate towards the end are:

  • 最后,我想说的是…( zuìhòu, wǒ xiǎng shuō de shì…)
  • 感谢你们对本次会议的大力支持。(gǎnxiè nǐmen duìběn cì huìyì de dàlì zhīchí)
  • 希望我们能够借此机会加强沟通。(xīwàng wǒmen nénggòu jiè cǐ jīhuì jiāqiáng gōutōng)
  • 要实现这美好的愿景,我们只有埋头苦干。(yào shíxiàn zhè měihǎo de yuàn jǐng, wǒmen zhǐyǒu máitóu kǔ gàn.

So, there you have it, a quick guide on how to give your presentation in Chinese. Remember to stay calm and collected .

Its best to  practice your presentation with your colleagues first and perhaps with your Chinese teacher. You could even practice a joke with them or two, to see if they get it!

Good luck!  加油 ! If you have presented a talk or lecture before in Chinese, we’d love to hear all about your experience. Why not comment down below and share some useful tips!

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Presentation Translator for PowerPoint

About presentation translator.

Presentation Translator subtitles your live presentation straight from PowerPoint, and lets your audience join from their own devices using the Translator app or browser.

As you speak, Presentation Translator displays subtitles directly on your PowerPoint presentation in any one of more than 60 supported text languages. This feature can also be used for audiences who are deaf or hard of hearing.

Up to 100 audience members in the room can follow along with the presentation in their own language by downloading the Translator app or joining directly from their browser.

Key features

Presentation Translator for PowerPoint showing live subtitles

Live subtitling

Speak in any of the 11 supported speech languages and subtitle into any one of the 60+ text translation languages.

a phone scanning a QR code

Interactive audience experience

Share a QR- or five letter conversation code and your audience can follow along with your presentation, on their own device, in their chosen language.

asian women speaking into her phone using the Translator live feature

Multi-language Q&A

Unmute the audience to allow questions from the audience on their device in any of the supported languages.

student behind a laptop, looking up at the front of the classroom

Inclusivity through Accessibility

Help audience members who are deaf or hard of hearing follow the presentation, and participate in the discussion.

image of icons illustrating food, directions, transportation, and time

Customized speech recognition

Customize the speech recognition engine using the vocabulary within your slides and slide notes to adapt to jargon, technical terms, and product or place names. Customization is currently available for English, Chinese, and Spanish.

screen grab of

Translated presentations with preserved formatting

The "Translate Slides" button allows presenters to translate their whole presentation while preserving its formatting.

How Presentation Translator works

The technologies behind presentation translator.

Presentation Translator for PowerPoint is powered by the Microsoft Translator live feature which lets you have translated chats by starting or joining a conversation from the Translator app. Up to 100 people can chat at once using the  Translator app or directly from their browser at  http://translate.it .

The Microsoft Translator live feature is built using Microsoft Translator core speech translation technology, the Microsoft Translator API, an Azure Cognitive Service.

Presentation Translator integrates the speech recognition customization capabilities of Custom Speech Service (CSS) from Azure’s Cognitive Services to adapt speech recognition to the vocabulary used in the presentation.

How to set-up Presentation Translator for PowerPoint

Learn how to download the add-in, install it, and share the QR and conversation code directly from the presentation so your audience can follow along in their language.

Presentation Translator in Action

For this demo, English is the chosen speech and captioned language - highlighting the use of live captioning for the deaf or hard of hearing community. Users could also join and participate in other languages. The talks were titled "Access and Understanding in the Classroom: How Deaf Children Learn (or not)", given at Microsoft Research on May 9th, 2017.

What is custom speech recognition?

What does custom speech recognition do.

  • Improves the accuracy of your subtitles by learning from the content in your slides and slide notes. In some cases, you will see up to 30% improvement in accuracy.
  • Customizes speech recognition for industry-specific vocabulary, technical terms, acronyms, and product or place names. Customization will reduce these errors in your subtitles, as long as the words are present in your slide or slide notes.

How to set up custom speech in your presentation

  • The first time you customize speech recognition for your presentation, it can take up to 5 minutes for Presentation Translator to finish learning.
  • After the first time, the subtitles will start instantaneously unless you update the content of your slides.
  • Tip: start the custom speech recognition during a practice run so that you don’t experience delays when you present to your audience.

How does the custom speech recognition feature work?

The custom speech recognition feature works by training unique language models with the content of your slides. The language models behind Microsoft’s speech recognition engine have been optimized for common usage scenarios.

The language model is a probability distribution over sequences of words and helps the system decide among sequences of words that sound similar, based on the likelihood of the word sequences themselves. For example, “recognize speech” and “wreck a nice beach” sound alike but the first sentence is far more likely to occur, and therefore will be assigned a higher score by the language model.

If your presentation uses particular vocabulary items, such as product names or jargon that rarely occur in typical speech, it is likely that you can obtain improved performance by customizing the language model.

For example, if your presentation is about automotive, it might contain terms like “powertrain” or “catalytic converter” or “limited slip differential.” Customizing the language model will enable the system to learn this.

When you use the Customize speech recognition feature in Presentation Translator, your presentation content – including notes from the slides – is securely transmitted to the Microsoft Translator transcription service to create an adapted language model based on this data. Data used for customization is not de-identified and is retained in full, along with the adapted model, by the service for thirty (30) days from last use to support your future presentations and use of the language modeling.

Tips for using Presentation Translator

Audio/visual set-up.

Before you get started, you’ll need:

  • A working microphone: We suggest using a Bluetooth headset so you can move around without restrictions. Check out our list of recommended headsets
  • PowerPoint for Windows: PC only. Make sure you do not have any Office applications open while Presentation Translator installs. Once installed, the add-in will update automatically each time a new version is published.
  • Permissions: If you are an educator and use a school login for PowerPoint, you may need to contact your administrator to install the add-in on your device(s).
  • Internet connection: A hard-wired connection is ideal, but a reliable WiFi connection works well also.If you’re using the add-in for an event, the lecturer should use a wired connection if possible, or dedicated WiFi. Although it will work on WiFi or 4G, if either is weak, or there’s a lot of competition for bandwidth, it can adversely affect performance. Audience participants can use WiFi or 4G as they are only receiving transcriptions or translations and their data requirements are much lower.

How to set up customized content

Depending on what you’re presenting you will probably want to customize how Presentation Translator “understands” your content.

Here are a few tips to set-up CSS:

  • Include all relevant content: Don’t forget your presenter notes! Before CSS “learns” your content, the content needs to be present within the slides or slide notes. Full sentences will be used for word contexts, so a full script of your presentation within the slide notes will be useful.
  • After you click “Start Subtitling”, a dialogue box will appear to set-up your presentation. Make sure to check the box that says “Personalize speech recognition” so it can customize your presentation speech model*. This will take 3 to 5 minutes depending on the length of your presentation.
  • Train in advance. Content, notes, and audio logs will be retained by the service for thirty (30) days from last use to support future presentations. You only need to train the system again if you have updated content or it’s past 30 days since the last training.

* Currently only English and Chinese are supported.

Microsoft Translator live feature

Now that your audio, visual, and presentation content are ready to go, you can now start presenting! This is where audience participation can play a role – to expand the audience that understands your content, or invite them to comment in real-time in their own language.

Here are a few tips to set-up the Microsoft Translator live feature:

  • After you click “Start Subtitling”, a dialogue box will appear to set-up your presentation. Under “Additional Settings”, make sure to check the box that says “Add instructional slide”. This will explain to the audience how they can view subtitles on their own devices.
  • The add-in will then insert the instructional slide before the start of your presentation. These instructions will allow your audience to easily join the conversation (up to 100 people) on their device, in their language.
  • You can choose to “unmute” the audience – allow comments directly from their device – or “mute” the audience so your presentation is uninterrupted. You can simply click “Audience Unmuted” towards the end of the presentation for an interactive Q&A session.

More resources

young professionals around a table working on their laptops and tablets.

Presentation Translator Help & FAQs

Get your questions answered by searching our Help and FAQ section.

illustration of a globe with mobile devices translating the word

Translator languages

Want to know what features are supported for your chosen language? Visit our languages page.

woman in a taxi looking at her phone

Translator for business

Learn more about how Microsoft Translator’s text and speech translation technology can globalize your business and connect with your customers worldwide.

Download the app

To start using Presentation Translator for PowerPoint, download both the PowerPoint add-in and the Translator app for an interactive experience.

screen grab of a dialog box in Presentation Translator asking users to select their spoken language, and which language they want to display subtitles in.

Download the add-in (Windows only).

Screen grab of a device using the Translator live feature to translate someone's Hindi message into English.

Translator app

Students can follow along with Presentation Translator in their own language and language learners can have one-on-one translated conversations with teachers using the app.


Give a Presentation in Chinese

Yes you are right. This is an article about how to give a presentation in Chinese . It sounds ridiculous because you might be an expert since high school. But today what we are talking is to give a presentation not only in Chinese mandarin, also in Chinese way.

So you are already up on the stage. After your make sure the slides do work and clear your throat, how do you begin?

Like the common structure of your other presentation. You would firstly say Hi, “大家好,我是**( dà jiā hǎo,wǒ shì **)” Good morning/afternoon everyone, my name is ** . If you are new to people, introduce yourself by giving interesting take away message. If you want to make business with someone in China, you should probably introduce your family, share your education experience, list some results you achieved in your business, etc, letting people get to know you.

The topic 主题(zhǔ tí) of your presentation should be clear like in other languages. Let’s talk more about content内容(nèi rónɡ). Design of the slides could be a little changed as reading and recognizing Chinese characters is much faster than western characters so you could put some stuff on it but not too much. Reading word by word what was written on the slides is considered bad practice in China as well.

It is very important to understand that in China everything is related to relations关系(ɡuān xi). You cannot do something without relations in China. At the end of your presentation, it is necessary to show gratitude towards those people who had helped you. Here are some basic rules:

  • Show pictures of people you worked together with
  • Show pictures of groups while you organized events
  • Show pictures of the panels that run events
  • Show your partners (for business not only clients but also people you are buying from or working together with in general)

When you are done, it’s common to leave your contact data if you want to communicate with more people. Remember Twitter and Facebook are blocked in China. Use QQ or Wechat.

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DeepL’s advanced neural networks deliver remarkably accurate and nuanced translations.

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DeepL's file translations maintain all formatting—meaning it's easier than ever to translate entire PPT files.

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Language diversity

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Translate more with DeepL Pro

If you need to translate more than 3 PPT files per month, or you need an additional layer of data security, our Pro version may be for you.

Learn more about DeepL Pro.

How to translate entire PPT documents

We've made the process of translating your PowerPoint documents a breeze. Follow these simple steps to get started:

1. Create a free DeepL account

2. Upload your PPT document

3. Select your desired target language

4. Click "Translate"

Once the translated document is ready, you can download and review it. For Pro users, it's possible to edit the translated document as needed to ensure a seamless final result.

Additional document translation needs? Check out our other file translation options:

  • Word document translation
  • PDF document translation
  • Excel document translation

FAQs about translating PowerPoint documents

1. what is the best way to translate ppt documents.

We recommend that you use an online translator such as our tool, which not only allows you to upload entire PPT documents, but also preserves their layout.

2. Can I keep the formatting the same when translating PowerPoints?

If your document has custom fonts and large images, this can affect the layout. Use documents with fewer visual elements whenever possible to ensure high translation standards.

3. What languages can I translate PPTs into with DeepL?

By browsing the available target languages for the translation, you'll see the various languages we offer.

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Learn A Language Through Stories

121 common Chinese phrases

121 Common Chinese Phrases To Survive Your First Conversation With A Native Speaker

Olly Richards Headshot

Are you learning Chinese online?

And maybe planning a travel adventure to China?

Or do you want to be able to speak to Chinese people in your local community?

Even a little bit of Chinese will go a long way!

 Besides practical communication, learning some Chinese can make a big difference to your ability to make meaningful connections and experience Chinese culture.

Many of these common Chinese phrases are expressions I wish I’d learned much earlier. They're everyday phrases that you’ll hear in real life but might not find in any textbook.

If you already have some familiarity with Mandarin Chinese Pinyin and tones, you can go ahead and skip right to the phrases.

Otherwise, you’ll find some very useful info in the next section, so keep reading below! In either case, by the time you've finished this post, you'll have all the expressions you need to chat to a native Chinese person for the first time.

chinese uncovered course banner

What Do You Need To Know About Chinese Pronunciation?

common Chinese phrases pronunciation

First, what do you need to know about Chinese pronunciation? For each phrase in this article, you’ll see there are a few parts.

Here’s the first phrase as an example:

Let’s break that down.

  • First, you have the written form: the Chinese characters . 你好!
  • Can’t read Chinese yet? No problem! Next to the characters, you’ll see a pronunciation guide.
  • This is written according to a standardised system called Pinyin. That’s the Nǐhǎo part.
  • Next, you have the English translation, plus any usage tips you might need to know.
  • Finally, you’ll see a rough pronunciation guide based on English sounds – here it’s (Nee how). It’ll help if you want the basics super quick – however, it’s very approximate!

Many sounds in Chinese, particularly consonants, have no exact equivalent in English. That’s why Pinyin exists – to give a reliable pronunciation guide for learners.

I highly recommend familiarising yourself with Pinyin and the Chinese sounds it represents. It’ll help you so much in sounding more like a native speaker, and is essential if you want to progress past the basics.

Check out this table to listen to the sound of any word in Pinyin.

What Are Chinese Tones?

common Chinese phrases tones

You may have noticed some markings on the vowel sounds in the Pinyin example above: Nǐhǎo.

These represent the “tone” of each syllable.

Spoken Chinese is a tonal language.

This means that changes in your voice pitch while pronouncing a vowel sound form part of the meaning of a word.

 So, even if two words sound exactly the same except for the tone, a different tone = a different meaning.

There are 5 (-ish) tones in Mandarin – 4 main tones plus a de-emphasized “neutral” tone.

The tone markings in Pinyin visually represent the pitch contour that your voice makes when pronouncing the vowel. 

Here are the tones and how they are written:

  • 1st tone = flat tone mā (or ma1)
2nd tone = rising tone má (or ma2)
  • 3rd tone = falling-rising tone mǎ (or ma3)
  • 4th tone = falling tone mà (or ma4)
  • 5th tone = neutral tone ma (or ma5 or ma0)

Check out this post for more info on how to master Chinese tones.

Let's Get Talking Chinese

Ok, now that we’ve covered the pronunciation basics – let’s get talking!

Here are the categories of phrases that you will learn below:

  • Greetings & small talk
  • Getting to know you
  • Being polite
  • “I don’t understand!”
  • Asking for directions
  • Transport in China
  • Solving problems
  • Special occasions
  • Saying goodbye

Common Chinese Phrases To Greet People

common Chinese phrases for greeting people

The backbone of social interactions – we all need greetings to start off a conversation right!

  • (Nee haow ma)
  • (Boo tye haow)
  • (Dzow shung haow)
  • (Wun shung haow)

Common Chinese Phrases For Getting To Know People

common Chinese phrases for getting to know people

If you’re visiting China, you’ll generally find people are very friendly and not shy about asking questions! Here are some basics to help you connect with people you meet.

Pronunciation note: in this guide, the “or” sound represents the vowel sound in the English word “or,” but without an audible “r” sound at the end. In other words, the way it typically sounds in a British accent, rather than an American one.

If in doubt, check the Pinyin and go have a listen!

  • (Nee jyaow shun muh ming dzrr)
  • (Wor jyaow..)
  • (Neen gway shing)
  • (Wor shing)
  • (Nee dwor da)
  • (Wor sun shrr sway)
  • (Nee lye dzrr na lee)
  • (Wor lye dzrr jong gwor)
  • (Nee shrr na gwor run)
  • (Wor shrr jong gwor run)
  • (Wor shrr wye gwor run)
  • (Hun gaow shing run shrr nee)

If you’re visiting China, your home country is quite likely to come up in conversation – find the Chinese name of your country here! 

Common Chinese Phrases For Being Polite

common Chinese phrases for being polite

As humans, we’re generally out to make a good impression – here’s some help on that front!

Even if you don’t have much vocabulary yet, these words are bound to help your conversations go more smoothly.

  • (Shyeah shyeah) (Pronunciation tip: the “x” sound in Chinese is really somewhere in between “s” and “sh” in English.)
  • (Fay chung gun shyeah)
  • (Boo yong shyeah)
  • (Boo kuh chee)
  • (Boo haow yee srr)
  • (Dway boo chee)
  • (Cheeng wun)
  • (Ma fun nee luh)
  • (May wun tee)

Common Chinese Phrases To Say: “I Don’t Understand!”

common Chinese phrases to say I don't understand

Ever been in a situation where you were listening to a native speaker and just kept nodding and smiling, when really had no idea what they were saying?

Here’s how to avoid that. The simplest way to get people to help you understand is to ask them!

  • (Nee teeng duh dong ma)
  • (Wor teeng duh dong)
  • (Wor teeng boo dong)
  • (Nee hway shwor jong wun ma)
  • (Nee hway shwor yeeng wun ma)
  • (Wor boo hway shwor jong wun)
  • (Wor hway shwor)
  • (Kuh yee shwor duh mun yee dyen ma)
  • (__shun muh yee srr)
  • (__dzun muh shwor)
  • (Wor boo jrr daow)

Common Chinese Phrases For Asking For Directions

common Chinese phrases for asking directions

Sometimes asking the locals is still the best way to find something!

We’re so used to relying on map apps these days. But it pays to have some useful phrases up your sleeve. This is especially the case since Google services don’t work in mainland China.

Check out local alternative Baidu Maps for your navigation needs. Or better yet, keep reading for tips on navigating the old-fashioned way.

  • (Boo haow yee srr, kuh yee wun guh loo ma)
  • (Daow __ dzun muh dzoh)
  • (__dzye narr/__dzye na lee)
 (Pro tip: the first variant, with an “r’’ sound, is more common in Beijing and northern China, while you’ll hear more of the second variant further south.)
  • ( ____ zay naar / _____ zay naa-lee)

Pro tip : Tones are important here! Check out the above two examples:

  • 哪儿nǎr means “Where?”
  • while 那儿 nàr means “there!”
  • (Dzye jurr/Dzye juh lee)
  • (Dzwor jwun)
  • (Gwor ma loo)
  • (Wor yaow choo)

Common Chinese Phrases To Talk About Transport

common Chinese expressions for transport in China

Most larger Chinese cities are very well connected with public transport of all kinds – though rush hour can get pretty crowded! There’s an extensive intercity train network, too.

  • (Yee jung daow bay jeeng duh pyaow)
  • (Lyung jung pyaow)
  • (Dun chung)
  • (Jee chung)
  • (Hwor chuh jun)
  • (Dee tyeah jun)
  • (Gong jyaow chuh jun)
  • (Choo dzoo chuh)

Common Chinese Phrases For Eating Out

common Chinese expressions for eating out

China has an incredibly rich and varied food culture.

Every region has its own cuisine, from the lighter, sweeter flavours of the south to the heavier, savoury sauces of the north.

Food-related vocabulary could be a whole post on its own, so let’s stick to some practical basics!

  • (Lyung way)
  • (Wor shyung kun yee shyah tsay dun)
  • (Dyen tsye)
  • (Foo woo yoo-an)

Common Chinese Phrases For Shopping

common Chinese phrases for going shopping

Shopping at Chinese markets can be a very lively experience, and haggling for a bargain is par for the course in markets and most small shops (not chain stores).

Ready to brush up your bargaining skills?

  • (Wor yaow jay guh)
  • (Wor boo shee hwun nay guh)
  • (Dwor shaow chyen)
  • (Tye gway luh)
  • (Pyen yee yee dyerr)
  • (Kuh-yee shak-a ma?)
  • (Bu-YA-o-luh)
  • (Wor kun yee shyah)

Common Chinese Phrases: Numbers

common Chinese phrases numbers

Chinese numbers are very logical. See if you can spot the patterns from the following list:

  • (Arr shrr yee)
  • (Arr bye/Lyung bye)
  • (Lyoh bye leeng woo)
  • (Chee bye woo shrr)
  • (Ba bye yee shrr wu)
  • (Ju-bai ba-shi-ti)
  • (Yee chyen)

More On Chinese Numbers

For more detail on the rules and a complete list of Chinese numbers from 0–1000, check out this article.

Bonus fact: In Chinese culture, the number 8, 八 (bā), is considered lucky, as it sounds a bit like the character 发 (fā) meaning “to prosper” or “become wealthy”.

People are often willing to pay big bucks to get phone numbers, apartment numbers or car license plates with a lot of number 8s in them!

The number 4, 四 (sì), on the other hand, is considered unlucky, as it sounds similar to the word for “death,” 死 (sǐ) – another excellent example of why tones are important!

Common Chinese Phrases For Solving Problems

oral presentation in chinese translation

Speaking of bad luck, every traveller knows that things go wrong from time to time.

It pays to be prepared – supplement your best-laid plans with these contingency phrases.

  • (Kuh yee bung guh mung ma)
  • (Wor mee loo luh)
  • (Wor duh chyen baow dyoh luh)
  • (Wor yaow choo yee yoo-an)
  • (Wor shung beeng luh)
  • (Wor shoh shung luh)
  • (Juh lee tung)

Common Chinese Phrases For Special Occasions

common Chinese phrases for special occasions

China has a rich traditional culture featuring many of its own festivals and celebrations, the most famous being Spring Festival or Chinese New Year.

Many Chinese people, at least in urban areas, also celebrate or at least give a passing nod to festivals from elsewhere, such as New Year (as in December 31st), Christmas and Valentine’s Day.

  • (Gong shee gong shee)
  • (Shung ruh kwye luh)
  • (Shin nyen kwye luh)
  • (Gong shee fa tsye)
  • (Joo nee haow yoo-un)

Common Chinese Phrases For Saying Goodbye

common Chinese phrases for saying goodbye

No one likes goodbyes – but there comes a time when we all must say them. Luckily, the word for “goodbye” in Chinese literally means “see you again!”

  • (Dzye jyen)
  • (Meeng tyen jyen)
  • (Shyah tsrr jyen)
  • (Yee loo peeng un)

Sound Like A Native, Not A Chinese Textbook

common Chinese phrases to sound like a native

There you have it – your all-purpose guide to phrases that will help you through your first conversations in Mandarin.

From finding a bathroom to making a friend, these words and phrases will help you navigate life in Chinese, and not sound like a textbook while you do it.

As the oft-quoted Lao Zi once said, “the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” These phrases will give you a solid stepping stone to start your own Chinese journey. 一路平安!

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Essentials of Oral Defense (English/Chinese Translation)

Published by Oswald Sutton Modified over 5 years ago

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100 English and Chinese Conversation Topics (with Pinyin)

My role at Global Hearts has expanded lately, which is very cool. They provide unique, bilingual tours of Melbourne for international students from all over the world. Their goal is to bridge the existing communication gap between international students and locals, a very worthwhile ambition. They also run a very awesome Chinese and English language exchange group which meets Thursday and Saturday afternoons in Melbourne city. I love attending because it’s very informal and you get to meet new people from all over the world each week. Anyway, what the group is missing is a comprehensive list of English and Chinese conversation topics to keep everyone inspired and talking smoothly. So I have come up with a list of 100 English conversation topics, complete with Chinese translations and pinyin for convenience. The Chinese translations were carefully crafted by me and proofread by my friend Bo – thanks mate! I provide the full list here for everyone – I hope you all find it useful. This can also be used as preparation for the IELTS speaking exam or even the HSK. A-Level (Beginner)

A001     What’s your name?    你叫什么名字? Nǐ jiào shénme míngzì? A002     Where were you born?    你在哪儿出生的? Nǐ zài nǎr chūshēng de? A003     Where is your hometown?    你的家乡在哪儿? Nǐ de jiāxiāng zài nǎr? A004     What do you like to eat?    你平时喜欢吃什么? Nǐ píngshí xǐhuan chī shénme? A005     What do you like to drink?    你平时喜欢喝什么? Nǐ píngshí xǐhuan hē shénme? A006     How old are you?    你多大了? Nǐ duōdà le? A007    What do you study?    你学什么的? Nǐ xué shénme de? A008    Where do you work?    你在哪儿工作? Nǐ zài nǎr gōngzuò? A009    What did you do today?    你今天做了些什么? Nǐ jīntiān zuò le xiē shénme? A010    What kind of music do you like?    你喜欢什么样的音乐? Nǐ xǐhuan shénmeyàng de yīnyuè? A011    What animal would you most like to be?     你最想成为哪种动物? Nǐ zuì xiǎng chéngwéi nǎ zhǒng dòngwù? A012    What languages do you speak?    你都会说哪种语言? Nǐ dōu huì shuō nǎ zhǒng yǔyán? A013     How long have you lived in this city?    你在这个城市住了多久了? Nǐ zài zhège chéngshì zhù le duōjiǔ le? A014    How many people are in your family?    你家有几口人? Nǐ jiā yǒu jǐ kǒu rén? A015    Have you been to Sydney?    你去过悉尼吗? Nǐ qù guò Xīní ma? A016    Do you have a best friend? Who is s/he?    你有最好的朋友吗?他或她是谁? Nǐ yǒu zuìhǎo de péngyǒu ma? Tā huò tā shì sheí? A017    Do you prefer summer or winter?    夏天和冬天,你更喜欢哪一个? Xiàtiān hé dōngtiān, nǐ gèng xǐhuan nǎ yīgè? A018    What do you do on the weekend?    你周末喜欢做些什么呢? Nǐ zhōumò xǐhuan zuò xiē shénme ne? A019    What hobbies do you have?    你有什么爱好? Nǐ yǒu shénme àihào? A020    What sports do you like?    你都喜欢哪种体育项目? Nǐ dōu xǐhuan nǎ zhǒng tǐyù xiàngmù? A021     What is your favourite food?    你最喜欢的食物是什么? Nǐ zuì xǐhuan de shíwù shì shénme? A022    What do you normally have for breakfast?     你早饭平时都吃些什么? Nǐ zǎofàn píngshí dōu chī xiē shénme? A023    How do you get to work or university?    你平时上班或上学都怎么走? Nǐ píngshí shàngbān huò shàngxué dōu zěnme zǒu? A024    What do you do on holidays?    你放假都做些什么? Nǐ fàngjià dōu zuò xiē shénme? A025     What’s your favourite film?    你最喜欢的电影是什么? Nǐ zuì xǐhuan de diànyǐng shì shénme? A026    What is your greatest wish?    你最大的愿望是什么? Nǐ zuìdà de yuànwàng shì shénme? A027    Are you married or single?    你结婚了还是单身? Nǐ jiéhūn le háishì dānshēn? A028    Do you drive or take public transport?    你开车还是做公交? Nǐ kāichē háishì zuò gōngjiāo? A029    What do you like to do in your spare time?     你平时喜欢做些什么? Nǐ píngshí xǐhuan zuò xiē shénme? A030    What’s your favourite TV show?    你最喜欢的电视剧是什么? Nǐ zuì xǐhuan de diànshìjù shì shénme? A031    Do you like shopping? Why or why not?     你喜欢购物吗?为什么? Nǐ xǐhuan gòuwù ma? Wèishénme? A032    What subjects did you study in school?    你在学校时都学了哪些科目? Nǐ zài xuéxiào shí dōu xué le nǎxiē kēmù? A033    Do you prefer trains, trams or buses?    火车,电车和公共汽车,你更喜欢哪一个? Huǒchē, diànchē hé gōnggòng qìchē, nǐ gèng xǐhuan nǎ yīgè?

B-Level (Intermediate)

B034     Do you often eat fast food? Why or why not?    你经常吃快餐吗?为什么? Nǐ jīngcháng chī kuàicān ma? Wèishénme? B035    What is a major achievement in your life?    你生命中一项重要的成就是什么? Nǐ shēngmìng zhòng yī xiàng zhòngyào de chéngjiù shì shénme? B036    Do you like karaoke? Why or why not?    你喜欢卡拉OK吗?为什么? Nǐ xǐhuan kǎlāOK ma? Wèishénme? B037    What are the best ways to keep healthy?     保持健康的最好方法是什么? Bǎochí jiànkāng de zuì hǎo fāngfǎ shì shénme? B038     What is the best way to make new friends?    结交新朋友的最好方法是什么? Jiéjiāo xīn péngyou de zuì hǎo fāngfǎ shì shénme? B039    What is the best holiday you’ve ever had?    你所度过最愉快的一个假期是哪一个? Nǐ suǒ dù guò zuì yúkuài de yīgè jiàqī shì nǎ yīgè? B040    Do you think you are a “nerd”?    你觉得你是一个“宅男”或“宅女”吗? Nǐ juéde nǐ shì yīgè “zháinán” huò “zháinǚ” ma? B041    What are some of the traditional foods in your home country?    你国家传统的食物是什么? Nǐ guójiā chuántǒng de shíwù shì shénme? B042    Do you have an iPhone? Why or why not?     你有一部iPhone吗?为什么? Nǐ yǒuyī bù iPhone ma? Wèishénme? B043    Are you interested in politics? Why or why not?    你对政治感兴趣吗?为什么? Nǐ duì zhèngzhì gǎnxìngqù ma? Wèishénme? B044    What do you think about this city’s public transport system?    你觉得这个城市的公共交通系统怎么样? Nǐ juéde zhège chéngshì de gōnggòng jiāotōng xìtǒng zěnme yàng? B045     Are you a fan of anime or other cartoons?    你是日本动漫或其他卡通的粉丝吗? Nǐ shì Rìběn dòngmàn huò qítā kǎtōng de fěnsī ma? B046    Are you a night owl or an early bird?    你是个夜猫子,还是早起者? Nǐ shìgè yèmāozi, háishì zǎoqǐ zhě? B047    Do you see your family often?    你经常看望你的家人吗? Nǐ jīngcháng kànwàng nǐ de jiārén ma? B048    Do you like going to pubs and nightclubs?    你喜欢去酒吧和夜总会吗? Nǐ xǐhuan qù jiǔbā hé yèzǒnghuì ma? B049    Who is your favourite celebrity?    你最喜欢的名人是谁? Nǐ zuì xǐhuan de míngrén shì sheí? B050    What are your impressions of this city?    你对这座城市的印象怎么样? Nǐ duì zhè zuò chéngshì de yìnxiàng zěnmeyàng? B051    Is money important?    金钱重要吗? Jīnqián zhòngyào ma? B052    Do you like reading? What books do you like to read?    你喜欢看书吗?平时都看些什么样的书? Nǐ xǐhuan kà shū ma? Píngshí dōu kàn xiē shénme yàng de shū? B053    What are your future goals?     你未来的目标是什么? Nǐ wèilái de mùbiāo shì shénme? B054    Do you celebrate Christmas?     你过圣诞节吗? Nǐ guò shèngdànjié ma? B055     What are some of your bad habits?    你都有哪些坏习惯? Nǐ dōu yǒu nǎxiē huài xíguàn? B056    What are the personalities of your parents and other family members?    你的父母和其他家人的性格都是什么样的? Nǐ de fùmǔ hé qítā jiārén de xìnggé dōu shì shénmeyàng de? B057    Are you religious?    你信教吗? Nǐ xìnjiào ma? B058    How long have you been learning your second language?    你学习第二语言多长时间了? Nǐ xuéxí dì èr yǔyán duō cháng shíjiān le? B059    Do you have a good sense of direction?    你的方向感好吗? Nǐ de fāngxiànggǎn hǎo ma? B060    How do you spend your money?    你怎样来支配自己的花销? Nǐ zěnyàng lái zhīpèi zìjǐ de huā xiao? B061    Do you like to travel? What places have you been to?    你喜欢旅游吗?你都去过哪些地方? Nǐ xǐhuan lǚyóu ma? Nǐ dōu qù guò nǎxiē dìfang? B062    What is your favourite item of clothing, and why?    说说你穿过的衣服中,哪一件你最喜欢?为什么? Shuō shuō nǐ chuān guò de yīfu zhōng, nǎ yī jiàn nǐ zuì xǐhuan? Wèishénme? B063    Do you like surfing the web? What websites would you recommend?    你喜欢上网吗?有哪些网站你可以推荐一下? Nǐ xǐhuan shàngwǎng ma? Yǒu nǎxiē wǎngzhàn nǐ kěyǐ tuījiàn yīxià? B064     Have you ever been in love?    你曾经恋爱过吗? Nǐ céngjīng liàn’ài guò ma? B065     What are some of the problems of tourism?    旅游业带来的问题是什么? Lǚyóuyè dàilái de wèntí shì shénme? B066    Do you like to take risks? Why or why not?    你喜欢冒险吗?为什么? Nǐ xǐhuan màoxiǎn ma? Wèishénme?

C-Level (Advanced)

C067     Do you think advertising has a negative effect on society?     你觉得广告会给社会带来负面影响吗? Nǐ juéde guǎnggào huì gěi shèhuì dàilái fùmiàn yǐngxiǎng ma? C068    Do you think women should be allowed to fight in the front line?    你认为应该允许妇女在前线战斗吗? Nǐ rènwéi yīnggāi yǔnxǔ fùnǚ zài qiánxiàn zhàndòu ma? C069    Some people have suggested we should raise the legal drinking age in Australia to 21. Do you think this a good idea?     有人建议我们应该把澳洲的法定饮酒年龄提高到二十一岁。你认为这是一个好主意吗? Yǒurén jiànyì wǒmen yīnggāi bǎ Àozhōu de fǎdìng yǐnjiǔ niánlíng tígāo dào èr shí yī suì. Nǐ rènwéi zhè shì yīgè hǎo zhǔyì ma? C070    Some governments have banned smoking in all public places. Do you agree or disagree?    有些政府已经禁止在公共场所吸烟,你是否同意? Yǒuxiē zhèngfǔ yǐjīng jìnzhǐ zài gōnggòng chǎngsuǒ xīyān, nǐ shìfǒu tóngyì? C071    To what extent is the use of animals in scientific research acceptable?     在什么限度内使用动物来做科学研究可以被接受? Zài shénme xiàndù nèi shǐyòng dòngwù lái zuò kēxué yánjiū kěyǐ bèi jiēshòu? C072    Are zoos cruel to wild animals?    动物园对于野生动物来讲是不是过于残忍? Dòngwùyuán duìyú yěshēng dòngwù lái jiǎng shì bùshì guòyú cánrěn? C073    To what extent has the traditional male role changed in the last 20 years?     在过去的二十年中,传统的男性角色变化到了什么样的程度? Zài guòqù de èr shí nián zhōng, chuántǒng de nánxìng juésè biànhuà dào le shénmeyàng de chéngdù? C074     Should money be spent on space exploration?    我们应该把钱花在空间探索上吗? Wǒmen yīnggāi bǎ qián huā zài kōngjiān tànsuǒ shàng ma? C075    Should primary school students be taught sex education?    应该对小学生进行性教育吗? Yīnggāi duì xiǎoxuéshēng jìnxíng xìngjiàoyù ma? C076    What is the meaning of life?    人生的意义是什么? Rénshēng de yìyì shì shénme? C077     What does it mean to be happy? How does one find happiness?     幸福的定义是什么?人们如何才能找到幸福? Xìngfú de dìngyì shì shénme? Rénmen rúhé cáinéng zhǎodào xìngfú? C078    Euthanasia has been a controversial topic for many years. What are the pros and cons to it being legalised?     “安乐死”多年以来一直是一个充满争议的话题。使其合法化的优缺点各是什么? “Ānlèsǐ” duōnián yǐlái yīzhí shì yīgè chōngmǎn zhēngyì de huàtí. Shǐ qí héfǎhuà de yōuquēdiǎn gè shì shénme? C079    In your opinion, under what conditions should abortion be acceptable, if at all?     在你看来,如果可以的话,在什么条件下流产可以被接受? Zài nǐ kàn lái, rúguǒ kěyǐ de huà, zài shénme tiáojiàn xià liúchǎn kěyǐ bèi jiēshòu? C080    Should students be required to wear a school uniform?    应该要求学生穿校服吗? Yīnggāi yāoqiú xuéshēng chuān xiàofú ma? C081    Should the age to vote be reduced to 16?    法定的投票年龄应该被缩短至十六岁吗? Fǎdìng de tóupiào niánlíng yīnggāi bèi suōduǎnzhì shí liù suì ma? C082    In what circumstances is patriotism justified?    在什么样的情况下,爱国主义才算是合理? Zài shénme yàng de qíngkuàng xià, àiguó zhǔyì cái suàn shì hélǐ? C083     Can politicians be trusted?    政治家可信吗? Zhèngzhìjiā kě xìn ma? C084     What characteristics should a great leader have?    一位伟大的领袖都需要具备哪些特点? Yī wèi wěidà de lǐngxiù dōu xūyào jùbèi nǎxiē tèdiǎn? C085    What are the signs of teenage depression? How can teenage depression be prevented or treated?    青少年抑郁都有哪些迹象?如何避免或者治疗青少年抑郁? Qīngshàonián yìyù dōu yǒu nǎxiē jīxiàng? Rúhé bìmiǎn huòzhě zhìliáo qīngshàonián yìyù? C086     What are the advantages and potential dangers of cloning?     克隆技术的优点和其潜在的危险都有哪些? Kèlóng jìshù de yōudiǎn hé qí qiánzài de wéixiǎn dōu yǒu nǎxiē? C087    Should the death penalty be abolished?     应该废除死刑吗? Yīnggāi fèichú sǐxíng ma? C088    What are your views on global warming and climate change?    你对全球变暖和气候变化有什么看法? Nǐ duì quánqiú biànnuǎn hé qìhòu biànhuà yǒu shénme kànfǎ? C089    Do you  play any musical instruments? If not, are there any you would you like to play?    你会演奏哪种乐器?如果不会的话,那你希望自己能会演奏哪种乐器? Nǐ huì yǎnzòu nǎ zhǒng yuèqì? Rúguǒ bù huì dehuà, nà nǐ xīwàng zìjǐ néng huì yǎnzòu nǎ zhǒng yuèqì? C090    Can terrorism ever be justified?     恐怖主义从来都不合理吗? Kǒngbù zhǔyì cónglái dōu bù hélǐ ma? C091    Does Hollywood have a negative influence on the world?     好莱坞会给世界带来不良的影响吗? Hǎoláiwù huì gěi shìjiè dài lái bu liáng de yǐngxiǎng ma? C092    Should junk food be banned in public schools?    应该在公立学校内禁止提供垃圾食品吗? Yīnggāi zài gōnglì xuéxiào nèi jìnzhǐ tígōng lājī shípǐn ma? C093    Do you use social networking sites like Twitter or Facebook? Why or why not?     你使用像Twitter或者Facebook这样的社交网站吗?为什么? Nǐ shǐyòng xiàng Twitter huòzhě Facebook zhèyàng de shèjiāo wǎngzhàn ma? Wèishénme? C094    Do you think university students are under a lot of stress nowadays?     你觉得当今大学生的压力是不是很大? Nǐ juédé dàngjīn dàxuéshēng de yālì shì bù shì hěn dà? C095    Do you think the government or the individual should pay for tuition fees?    你觉得学费应该由政府还是个人来支付? Nǐ juéde xuéfèi yīnggāi yóu zhèngfǔ háishì gèrén lái zhīfù? C096    In your opinion, which invention most benefitted humanity?    在你看来,哪一项发明给人类带来了最大的好处? Zài nǐ kàn lái, nǎ yī xiàng fāmíng gěi rénlèi dài lái le zuìdà de hǎochù? C097     Should suicides be reported in news media?    应该在媒体中报道关于自杀的新闻吗? Yīnggāi zài méitǐ zhōng bàodào guānyú zìshā de xīnwén ma? C098    What kind of challenges do international students face studying at universities in Australia?    你觉得在澳洲大学学习的国际学生将会面临哪些挑战? Nǐ juéde zài Àozhōu dàxué xuéxí de guójì xuéshēng jiāng huì miànlín nǎxiē tiǎozhàn? C099     What do you think about your country’s education system?     你觉得贵国的教育系统如何? Nǐ juéde guìguó de jiàoyù xìtǒng rúhé? C100     What role does art play in modern societies?    在现代社会中,艺术起到了怎样的作用? Zài xiàndài shèhuì zhōng, yìshù qǐdào le zěnyàng de zuòyòng?

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22 Comments to " 100 English and Chinese Conversation Topics (with Pinyin) "

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Hien Nguyen's Gravatar

Thank you so much for your website. I find it really useful for me to continue learning Chinese after a long time leaving it behind. You’ve got my vote for your website! Hien Nguyen (Ms.)

Bilal Khan's Gravatar

I want to Learn chinese Into urdu Language.

James's Gravatar

B052 missing ‘n’ on ‘kàn’. 2013.3.12 Great list thanks for sharing. Very, very useful.

Aviv's Gravatar

Helped me a lot. Thank you very much!

Zoe's Gravatar

A028 The Chinese translation part: It should be 坐公交 instead of 做公交.

jack's Gravatar

Thanks, this should be great for building convo starters/fillers

Brendan's Gravatar

This is really useful! I’ll use this with my language exchange buddies tomorrow, thanks!

Caroline's Gravatar

Kudos to the creator of this website. I find it very beneficial and shared with my Chinese crew on board our vessels. This gives them an opportunity to work on their English.

Adam's Gravatar

Great list, thank You very much 🙂

Antonia's Gravatar

Thank you! these are so helpful!

Leanne's Gravatar

Brilliantly useful! Thank you ever so much.

Zhai teng Tai xing's Gravatar

Thanks to your website, I can continue studying Chinese today. Thank you

Shawn's Gravatar

I posted a link to this list on my Chinese Language Meetup Group website. I really appreciate what you’ve done here.

Jess's Gravatar

Thankz! for the great list for a Thai like me to learn English n Chinese at the same time.

Mae's Gravatar

wow! I just found a perfect material for my beginners’ class! Thank you & more power!

shamas's Gravatar

very intersting for conversation

Mohd's Gravatar

Improving my spoken chinese

Bayu's Gravatar

thanks, it’s very helpful.

Div Sokhom's Gravatar

Thank you so much, this is very helpful to me to learn more simple Chinese. thanks again

Thao Tran's Gravatar

Thank you so much. I can learn both Chinese and English here. Hope to study more from your website. (Thao Tran.)

Shirly's Gravatar

I’ve been using your Speaking topics f0r about 5 years. Thank you so much for your kindly complete list. Me and my students enjoy using this list for speaking class. Wish can have an opportunity to meet and discuss also learn more with you.

Vandy's Gravatar

thanks, it’s very helpful.

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Carl Gene Fordham is a Chinese/English translator and Mandarin/English interpreter based in Brisbane, Australia. 傅君恺(Carl Gene Fordham),中英翻译,现居澳大利亚布里斯班。

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CHIN 2215 - English-Chinese Translation for Chinese Speakers

North terrace campus - semester 1 - 2021, course details.

Course Code CHIN 2215
Course English-Chinese Translation for Chinese Speakers
Coordinating Unit Asian Studies
Term Semester 1
Level Undergraduate
Location/s North Terrace Campus
Units 3
Contact Up to 3 hours per week
Available for Study Abroad and Exchange Y
Prerequisites CHIN 2213 or native or near native Chinese language proficiency (including Chinese dialects) or upon consultation with the Course Coordinator.
Incompatible CHIN 3221
Assessment In-class written test (25%), Participation (10%), Group translation and presentation (25%), Final written exam (40%)

Course Staff

Course Coordinator: Dr Baohui Xie

Course Timetable

The full timetable of all activities for this course can be accessed from Course Planner .

Course Learning Outcomes

University graduate attributes.

This course will provide students with an opportunity to develop the Graduate Attribute(s) specified below:

University Graduate Attribute Course Learning Outcome(s)

1-5, 7



3-5, 7

4-5, 7


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Grades for your performance in this course will be awarded in accordance with the following scheme:

M10 (Coursework Mark Scheme)
Grade Mark Description
FNS   Fail No Submission
F 1-49 Fail
P 50-64 Pass
C 65-74 Credit
D 75-84 Distinction
HD 85-100 High Distinction
CN   Continuing
NFE   No Formal Examination
RP   Result Pending

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I have an oral presentation in my Chinese class due tomorrow. If you see anything you would like to tell me, whether it's a mistake that would cost me points or just a tip to sound more natural in the future, please comment on it. I know it will probably sound pretty strange because we haven't learned enough to make it sound super smooth. Please bear with me. Thanks!

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    Even if you don't have much vocabulary yet, these words are bound to help your conversations go more smoothly. #22 谢谢!. Xièxiè! - Thank you! (Shyeah shyeah) (Pronunciation tip: the "x" sound in Chinese is really somewhere in between "s" and "sh" in English.) #23 非常感谢!. Fēicháng gǎnxiè!

  13. Essentials of Oral Defense (English/Chinese Translation)

    Presentation on theme: "Essentials of Oral Defense (English/Chinese Translation)"— Presentation transcript: 1 Essentials of Oral Defense (English/Chinese Translation) 2 This lecture will address the academic issues you need to be aware of in your oral defense. It will not cover the administrative issues concerning the event.

  14. Translation of "oral presentation" in Chinese

    Translations in context of "oral presentation" in English-Chinese from Reverso Context: Additional information provided by the oral presentation is also appreciated.

  15. best oral presentation

    Many translated example sentences containing "best oral presentation" - Chinese-English dictionary and search engine for Chinese translations.

  16. 100 English and Chinese Conversation Topics (with Pinyin)

    Anyway, what the group is missing is a comprehensive list of English and Chinese conversation topics to keep everyone inspired and talking smoothly. So I have come up with a list of 100 English conversation topics, complete with Chinese translations and pinyin for convenience.

  17. CHIN 2215

    The issues are the ones covered in lectures during Weeks 2-8. In week 10. 11 or 12 each group are to give a 9 -minute oral presentation in Chinese to reflect on their translation process. The main criteria for the oral presentation assessment include: 1. Demonstrated knowledge in translation process, translation requirements and translation ...

  18. to make an oral presentation

    Many translated example sentences containing "to make an oral presentation" - Chinese-English dictionary and search engine for Chinese translations. Look up in Linguee ... Suggest as a translation of "to make an oral presentation" Copy; DeepL Translator Dictionary. EN. Open menu. Translator. Translate texts with the world's best machine ...

  19. oral presentation in Chinese

    oral presentation in Chinese : 口头发言…. click for more detailed Chinese translation, meaning, pronunciation and example sentences.

  20. How to say oral presentation in Chinese?

    This page provides all possible translations of the word oral presentation in the Chinese language. 口头介绍 Chinese Discuss this oral presentation English translation with the community:

  21. Translate and convert PowerPoint presentations

    This free online app powered by can translate PowerPoint presentations into 46 European, Middle Eastern and Asian languages accurately preserving the structure, layout and styles. The translation can be converted into PDF, HTML and image formats, shared via email or URL and saved to your device. It can also translate presentations hosted on ...

  22. I have an oral presentation in my Chinese class due tomorrow. If you

    I have an oral presentation in my Chinese class due tomorrow. If you see anything you would like to tell me, whether it's a mistake that would cost me points or just a tip to sound more natural in the future, please comment on it. I know it will probably sound pretty strange because we haven't learned enough to make it sound super smooth.

  23. oral presentation oral presentation in Chinese

    What is the meaning of oral presentation oral presentation in Chinese and how to say oral presentation oral presentation in Chinese? oral presentation oral presentation Chinese meaning, oral presentation oral presentation的中文,oral presentation oral presentation的中文,oral presentation oral presentation的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are ...