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El significado de "Due" en varias frases y oraciones

Ejemplos de oración usando "due", palabras similares a "due" y sus diferencias, traducciones de "due", otras preguntas sobre "due", significados y uso de palabras y frases similares, nuevas palabras.

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WordReference English-Spanish Dictionary © 2024:

(needs to be paid, submitted, etc.)vencer
  ( )pagadero/a
 This electric bill is due by the end of the month. Your dissertation is due by December 9.
 La boleta de la luz vence a fin de mes.
(scheduled to happen)programado
 The gas safety check is due next Monday.
 La revisión de seguridad del gas está programada para el próximo lunes.
(scheduled to undergo [sth])previsto
 The car is due to get its oil changed.
 El auto tiene previsto un cambio de aceite la próxima semana.
(expected, supposed to do [sth])esperarse que alguien haga algo
  suponerse que alguien haga algo
 The minister is due to meet with his French counterpart this afternoon to discuss the current economic crisis.
 Se espera que el ministro se encuentre con su contraparte francesa esta tarda para discutir la actual crisis económica.
 He was due home by six o'clock that evening.
 Se esperaba que estuviera en casa a eso de las seis esa tarde.
(caused by, because of)debido a
  por el, por la
  gracias a
 The game was delayed due to bad weather.
 Se retrasó el partido debido al mal tiempo.
(owing to, because of [sth])deberse a
 His success is due to his careful attention to detail.
 Su éxito se debe a su cuidadosa atención a los detalles.
(owed [sth])deber
 Jack's due £300 rent from the lodger.
 El inquilino le debe £300 a Jack por el alquiler.
(in need of [sth])necesitado de
 I'm due for a vacation!
 ¡Estoy necesitado de vacaciones!
 ¡Necesito vacaciones!
 Please give due attention to the rules and guidelines.
 Por favor presten la debida atención a las reglas y directrices.
(expected to be born)nacer
 The baby is due at the end of this month.
 El bebé nacerá a fines de este mes.
(expected to give birth)tener fecha
 She is due at the end of July.
 Ella tiene fecha para fines de julio.
  precisamente, exactamente, justamente
 The farm is due south of here.
 La granja está justo al sur de aquí.
 La granja está precisamente al sur de aquí.
(subscription fee)cuota
 His monthly dues to the club are more than $200.
 Las cuotas mensuales del club son de más de $200.

WordReference English- Spanish Dictionary © 2024:

(music: in unison) ( )al unísono
  ( )a due
(sum of money owed)total adeudado
 El total adeudado aparece al pie de la boleta.
(expressing reluctant praise)en honor a la verdad
 She wasn't the nicest boss, but credit where it's due, she did increase profits.
(amount owed)saldo adeudado
  saldo debido
(acknowledgment of debt)factura atrasada
(law: reasonable person's conduct)diligencia debida
  cuidado debido
  precaución debida
  atención debida
(entitled)indemnización justa
(adequate deliberation)consideración adecuada
(deadline for payment)fecha de vencimiento, fecha de cierre
 The due date for the electric bill is 25th March.
 La fecha de vencimiento de la factura de luz es el 25 de marzo.
(deadline for work)fecha de entrega
  fecha límite
 The due date for delivering the finished project is 3 November. The due date for your essays is 10 May.
 La fecha de entrega del proyecto terminado es el 3 de noviembre.
(expected date of birth)fecha de parto
 Your due date is 24 weeks from today.
 Tenés fecha de parto dentro de 24 semanas.
(type of investment audit)diligencia debida
 Due diligence is an audit of a planned financial investment.
 La diligencia debida es una auditoría de una inversión fiscal planeada.
(law: reasonable steps)diligencia debida
 The caterers needed to prove due diligence in ensuring the safety of their food.
 La empresa de catering debía probar diligencia debida, garantizando la seguridad de su comida.
(careful evaluation)diligencia debida
(deserving or expecting)en espera
 Jim really is due for a raise soon.
 Jim está en espera de un aumento pronto.
(to be paid now)pendiente de pago
  por vencer
 Your insurance premium for this month is now due for payment.
 Tu cuota del seguro de este mes está pendiente de pago.
(towards the north)rumbo norte
 Get on the highway and head due north.
 Toma la autopista y dirígete rumbo norte.
  hacia el norte
 Toma la autopista y dirígete hacia el norte.
(compass point: north)norte de la brújula
 A compass needle doesn't point to due north: it points to magnetic north.
 La aguja de la brújula no señala el norte de la brújula, señala el norte magnético.
(scheduled for release)previsto
 The new edition of the magazine is due out next week.
 La nueva edición de la revista está prevista para la semana que viene.
 La nueva edición de la revista se conocerá la semana que viene.
 La nueva edición de la revista saldrá la semana que viene.
(legal proceedings)juicio justo
 If arrested, you have the right to due process.
 Si te arrestan, tienes derecho a un juicio justo.
  debido proceso
 En caso de que te arresten, tienes derecho a un debido proceso.
(standard procedure)debido proceso
 Recién entonces pasará a la instancia superior, tal como lo indica el debido proceso.
(law: personal rights protected)debido proceso legal
  debido procedimiento legal
(payment, etc.: become due)vencer
(get [sth] you are entitled to)tener lo que le corresponde
 Fiona finally got her due when they raised her salary.
(be punished)tener su merecido
 Simon got his due after the mafia finally found him.
(give credit to [sb] you dislike)ser justo hasta con el diablo
his/her/their due (give credit to)dar crédito a
(law: protection of debt purchaser)adquirente de buena fe
  propietario de buena fe, propietaria de buena fe
(in normal run of events)a su debido tiempo
  en su momento
  cuando llegue el momento
 You'll receive your promotion in due course: first you have to prove yourself.
 Tu ascenso llegará a su debido tiempo; antes debes demostrar tu valía.
(after expected time)a su debido tiempo
  con el tiempo
 The effects of the drug will wear off in due course.
 Los efectos de la droga desaparecerán a su debido tiempo.
(correctly, properly)en debida forma
: Algo más coloquial con 'de la" (de la debida forma)
(eventually)a su debido tiempo
  en su momento
  cuando llegue el momento
 In due time, we will put all this behind us.
 A su debido tiempo, podremos olvidarnos de esto.
(payment: overdue, late)vencido
: hyphen used when term is an adj before a noun
 Services will be reconnected when the past-due payment has been paid.
 Los servicios se reconectarán cuando las facturas vencidas se paguen.
(unpaid debt)deuda atrasada
  cuenta atrasada
 The past-due account will be reported to all national credit bureaus.
 La deuda atrasada se reportará con todas las agencias de crédito nacional.
(notice of late payment)factura vencida
  ( )boleta vencida
 There was a mountain of past-due bills on the desk.
 Había una montaña de facturas vencidas sobre el escritorio.
(amount owed)suma adeudada
 El abogado le informó que la suma adeudada ascendía a varios miles de dólares.
  saldo adeudado
(expected birth date)cuándo es la fecha del parto
 Congratulations on your pregnancy! When's it due?
(despite my regard for you)con todos los respetos
 With all due respect, I couldn't disagree more.
 Con todos los respetos, no puedo disentir más.
  ( )con todo respeto
 Con todo respeto, no puedo estar más en desacuerdo.
  ( )con el debido respeto
 Con el debido respeto, no puedo estar menos de acuerdo.
(used before disagreeing)con el debido respeto
(with deserved esteem)con el debido respeto
 With due respect I have a different opinion.
 Con el debido respeto tengo que disentir.

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Significado de homework en inglés

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  • The kids are busy with their homework.
  • My science teacher always sets a lot of homework.
  • "Have you got any homework tonight ?" "No."
  • I got A minus for my English homework.
  • For homework I want you to write an essay on endangered species .
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? - The math homework? Tomorrow. ? - ¿La tarea de matemáticas? Para mañana.

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Using "due" without specifying the time

Context: Let's say I want to tell a classmate about that I need to do the homework due the next day. Do you think it is okay to say these sentences:

I need to do the due homework.
I need to do the homework that is due.

I am asking this because I am more used to seeing "due" with a specified time like in "I need to do the homework due tomorrow." The examples I gave sound okay to me from my experience in English, but I was not one hundred percent sure.

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  • I think due without any mention of time would be assumed to mean 'due now '. –  Kate Bunting Commented Nov 7, 2021 at 13:51
  • The cited usage is grammatically "valid", but not remotely "idiomatic" - unless you're so late that you need to hand in your overdue homework. As an adjective used before a noun, due only normally occurs in a few "frozen forms", such as Applications will not be accepted after the due date , and The management buyout team performed necessary due diligence . –  FumbleFingers Commented Nov 7, 2021 at 15:22
  • ... Other that that, you'll see it used as a "predicative adjective" (after the noun) in contexts like Please immediately pay the amount due (where due amount would be a "marked, unusual" alternative). –  FumbleFingers Commented Nov 7, 2021 at 15:29
  • Thanks for the responses. –  Fire and Ice Commented Nov 8, 2021 at 6:44

The first sentence is simply weird. A native speaker might not even understand you.

The second sentence feels as though something is missing. As mentioned above, "due" without a time generally means now, so unless you're sitting in class and the teacher is about to collect it, this doesn't work either.

In almost all cases, some sort of time will follow the word "due" in a sentence. "I need to do the homework that is due tomorrow."

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homework due significado


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  4. Homework Due Teacher Assignment Stamp

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  1. Homework due

    Translate Homework due. See Spanish-English translations with audio pronunciations, examples, and word-by-word explanations.

  2. homework due

    Many translated example sentences containing "homework due" - Spanish-English dictionary and search engine for Spanish translations. Look up in Linguee; Suggest as a translation of "homework due" ... Esto significa por lo menos un 50% más del tiempo que dedican a las actividades extraescolares. unesdoc.unesco.org. unesdoc.unesco.org ...

  3. Homework due

    Traduce homework due. Ver traducciones en inglés y español con pronunciaciones de audio, ejemplos y traducciones palabra por palabra.

  4. homework due

    tarea que entregar. tarea para. Keep track of all of your homework due dates and schedule specific time to work on assignments. Lleva un registro de todos los plazos de tus tareas y programa tiempo específico para realizarlas. You've have homework due tomorrow. Debes acabar la tarea para mañana. Make homework due the next day the priority.

  5. homework is due

    Rather, it is due to t he lack of means to support the activities. [...] sus actividades. Many translated example sentences containing "homework is due" - Spanish-English dictionary and search engine for Spanish translations.

  6. homework due tomorrow

    M ath homework is due tomorrow. pplace.org. pplace.org. La tarea de matemáticas es para mañana. pplace.org. pplace.org. So, here you are in high school and you are. [...] probably thinking more about what you want to do with your friends this.

  7. Homework is due

    Remember, the homework is due tomorrow. Recuerden que la tarea es para mañana. The homework is due tomorrow. If you turn it in late, you will lose points. La tarea es para mañana. Si la entregas tarde, vas a perder puntos. The homework is due tomorrow. I won't accept any late work. Los deberes son para mañana.

  8. Homework in Spanish

    wuhrk. ) noun. 1. (general) a. la tarea. You have to do all your homework to receive a good grade in the class.Tienes que hacer toda tu tarea para sacar una buena nota en la clase. b. los deberes. Our teacher assigned us homework over winter break.Nuestro maestro nos asignó deberes durante las vacaciones de invierno.

  9. the homework is due tomorrow

    1. (en general) a. la tarea es para mañana. Remember, the homework is due tomorrow.Recuerden que la tarea es para mañana. b. los deberes son para mañana. The homework is due tomorrow. I won't accept any late work.Los deberes son para mañana. No voy a aceptar los trabajos que se entreguen tarde. c. hay que entregar la tarea mañana.

  10. The homework is due tomorrow in Spanish

    1. (general) a. la tarea es para mañana. Remember, the homework is due tomorrow.Recuerden que la tarea es para mañana. b. los deberes son para mañana. The homework is due tomorrow. I won't accept any late work.Los deberes son para mañana. No voy a aceptar los trabajos que se entreguen tarde. c. hay que entregar la tarea mañana.

  11. due date for homework

    For example, the reminder levels 10-20-30 mean that urging letters are issued 10, 20, and 30 days after the due date for submission of a quotation or for the delivery of ordered goods. help.sap.com Por ejemplo, los niveles de reclamación 10-20-30 significan que las cartas de reclamación se emiten 10, 20, y 30 días después del vencimiento de ...

  12. DUE

    traducir DUE: previsto, pagadero, vencer , merecer . Más información en el diccionario inglés-español.

  13. homework

    Jimmy gets a lot of homework. Jimmy recibe muchos deberes. homework n. (preparation) (coloquial) estudio preliminar nm + adj mf. trabajo nm. I have done my homework, and am well prepared for the meeting. He hecho el estudio preliminar y estoy preparado para la reunión.

  14. due date

    The due date for the electric bill is 25th March. La fecha de vencimiento de la factura de luz es el 25 de marzo. due date n. (deadline for work) fecha de entrega nf + loc adj. fecha límite nf + adj mf. The due date for delivering the finished project is 3 November. The due date for your essays is 10 May.

  15. Ejemplos de oraciones con, y la definición y uso de "Due"

    A: "Due" means it is time for something to happen. If your homework (or an English paper) is due, it is time to finish it and give it to the teacher/professor.If the rent is due, it is time to pay the rent to the landlord.If your library book is due, it is time to return it.Like a deadline. :) "Past due" means the thing is late!Usually with things that are "due" it's something official ...

  16. homework

    Del Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Temas relacionados: School homework home‧work / ˈhəʊmwɜːk $ ˈhoʊmwɜːrk / S2 noun [uncountable] 1 SES WORK THAT somebody DOES work that a student at school is asked to do at home → classwork For homework, finish the exercise on page 14. 2 PREPARE if you do your homework, you prepare for ...

  17. due

    due adj. (scheduled to happen) programado adj. The gas safety check is due next Monday. La revisión de seguridad del gas está programada para el próximo lunes. due to do [sth] adj. (scheduled to undergo [sth]) previsto adj. The car is due to get its oil changed.

  18. When is the homework due

    For free. Translate documents, audio, and images on the go, anytime, anywhere! Translate When is the homework due. See Spanish-English translations with audio pronunciations, examples, and word-by-word explanations.

  19. Due tomorrow

    1. (en general) a. para mañana. The homework is due tomorrow. If you turn it in late, you will lose points.La tarea es para mañana. Si la entregas tarde, vas a perder puntos. b. sin traducción directa. My essay is due tomorrow and I haven't started writing.Tengo que entregar mi ensayo mañana y no he empezado a escribir.


    HOMEWORK Significado, definición, qué es HOMEWORK: 1. work that teachers give their students to do at home: 2. work that teachers give their students…. Aprender más.

  21. When is the homework due

    Traduce when is the homework due. Ver traducciones en inglés y español con pronunciaciones de audio, ejemplos y traducciones palabra por palabra. Aprender inglés. Traductor. Vocabulario. ... when. cuándo. be. ser. estar. the. el. la. homework. la tarea. due. pagadero. debido. Ejemplos. Estos ejemplos aún no se han verificado. When is the ...

  22. word usage

    As mentioned above, "due" without a time generally means now, so unless you're sitting in class and the teacher is about to collect it, this doesn't work either. In almost all cases, some sort of time will follow the word "due" in a sentence. "I need to do the homework that is due tomorrow."