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  • Speech on Save Environment


Save Environment Speech For Students

Speech on Save Environment is an important topic for students. Students can avail a well-written speech on the topic ‘save environment speech’ and learn how to write the speech that will impress the audience.

Long Speech

Good morning to one and all present here. I am glad to be given the opportunity to present a speech on Save Environment. Our environment is where we live. There must be harmony between the environment and living beings. In the present scenario, due to overpopulation, the environment is under distress. The situation is alarming as our natural environment is overexploited to meet human needs. It is because of many human activities that we are not able to maintain a healthy balance with nature.

The threat we are facing includes manmade disasters and global warming. These threats are real and have raised an alarming situation. We need to come together to save our environment. This speech on saving nature throws light on why it is needed by mankind to protect and preserve the environment. Our environment offers everything from clothing, water, food to shelter. All living beings are a part of the ecosystem. Hence, it becomes our responsibility to take care of the natural habitat.

Environmental pollution is one of the biggest issues that the modern world faces today. To meet the wants of society, we are putting too much pressure on the natural environment. This leads to damage to nature. The soil is losing its fertility, and in most places, soil pollution makes it difficult to grow crops. Even air and water pollution is the effect of mass urbanization and industrialisation. Controlling the pollution is a need of the hour, however, this still gets neglected by us. I am delivering the speech to save the earth to make you aware of what can be done by each one of us sitting here. We can make our earth a better place to live by taking simple steps like planting a tree, throwing waste in proper bins, saying no to plastic bags, etc. Rather than complaining about pollution, such small steps must be taken to make our environment sustainable.

Environmental problems are also the result of vast technological advancements in the last few years. The overuse of resources to build IT infrastructure is responsible for the loss of the natural environment. Government and international organizations must take proper steps to control pollution and save our mother earth. Environmental protection policies must be strictly enforced. Everyone has to come together to save our mother nature. 

Saving our environment is much more important today than ever before. The degrading quality of earth life is what we all are familiar with. However, the early signs of the upcoming destruction are visible. The harsh weather conditions, increased carbon dioxide emissions, melting of glaciers, etc. are the major concerns that needed immediate attention. Let us all do what we can to save our environment and preserve our resources for future generations.

Short Speech

Good morning to all. Today, I am going to give a short speech on saving the environment. We are all aware of how the environment is important to us. We cannot afford to harm the environment any longer. In today’s modern world, our planet earth is affected significantly. However, if we want to live in harmony with nature, we cannot put the entire pressure on the environment. Living beings, for their survival, depend completely on the natural and manmade environment. It is impossible to live without the resources that the atmosphere provides. In such a situation, it becomes critical to save mother nature from getting over-exploited due to the increasing population. 

We all know that factors like overpopulation, deforestation, etc. are responsible for environmental destruction. Small steps taken by us can go a long way. We must try to use as much public transport as possible to protect the air we breathe. We must throw garbage in the right bins so that proper disposal of waste and waste management can be done. We need to make efforts in the right direction to conserve our natural resources and habitat. Some of the ways by which we can achieve this are to use renewable energy, avoid plastic bags, plant more trees etc. 

Mother nature offers so much to us. We must protect the environment and nature and be a part of sustainable development programmes.

10 Lines Speech

A heartfelt welcome to each one present here. I am here to deliver a speech on saving the environment and saving a life. It is no hidden fact that our environment is affected largely due to human activities. It is facing a threat at an alarming rate. We have over-exploited nature due to our greed. This has caused a natural imbalance. However, we can still do something and protect our environment from all the damages. We must plant more and more trees, throw garbage in the dustbins, avoid using plastic bags, etc. It cannot be denied that our natural environment is such an important part of our ecosystem. It is important to educate people about how the environment is getting damaged. Then only we can have green earth to live in.

Main Causes of Environmental Degradation

Pollution, in any form, is destructive to the environment, whether it be in the form of air, water, land, or noise.

Rapid population increase limits natural resources, resulting in environmental degradation.

Increasing population equals more need for food, clothing, and housing. More land is needed to grow food and provide housing for people. Deforestation occurs, as a result, contributing to environmental degradation.

Deforestation is also caused by using forest areas for agriculture, livestock grazing, fuelwood harvesting, and logging. When forest size decreases, deforestation contributes to global warming by releasing carbon into the atmosphere.

The exhaust gas released by industries is one of the primary sources of pollution. Lead is found in large concentrations in the environment due to a range of substances such as gasoline, paints, ceramics, and batteries.

In recent years, there has been a massive increase in the number of private vehicles. The higher the number of cars, the higher the rate of pollution that causes smog. Lower-level ozone, which is detrimental, is caused by hydrocarbons emitted by engines.

Speech on plant trees, saving mother earth is important for students as it will make them aware of how to use natural resources and how a healthy balance can be maintained between the environment and human life.


FAQs on Speech on Save Environment

1. What is the best way to prepare a speech?

Giving a speech in class pushes students to step outside of their comfort zone, especially if they are required to take a stand on a social issue. Students gain courage, conviction, and fluency when they learn to face their insecurities and reply articulately to opposition with practice. The following tips will help students in delivering a great speech:

The size of the audience is one of the most primary considerations when giving a speech. High school students should consider the audience and the context for the speech before digging into stacks of research resources.

Students should slim down their attention and write a clear thesis statement that will act as a road map for the rest of the presentation. The speakers should then choose two or three major topics that they can address in the time allocated.

Decide the basic goal of your speech or presentation if you're informing, presenting, or entertaining.

When practising, keep track of your time from beginning to end and read the complete speech numerous times.

It can be beneficial to incorporate hand gestures to explain points in your speech. Hand gestures will not only help you communicate with the audience, but they will also assist you to remember important points.

A few people in the audience will have questions about your speech. Consider some of the products you might receive. Then jot down your responses and practice expressing them aloud.

2. How to create awareness about environmental pollution among people?

You must first ensure that you have a good understanding of environmental-related issues before you can begin promoting environmental consciousness in your community. Do some online research to learn about the root of pollution in your neighbourhood. Share your information with as many people as possible so that they are aware of the effects of pollution and how to avoid them. Creating an environmental group is another way to raise awareness. Various social media platforms can be used as tools to assist you in educating more people. The number of environmental challenges appears to be infinite, and while they are all crucial, it is easy to become overwhelmed. Choose one subject to concentrate on at a time.

3. What are the most important methods to conserve the environment?

Reduce the amount of waste you generate. Conserve natural resources and landfill space by following the three "R's" that are – Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.

Deforestation must be controlled or, ultimately, stopped.

The less water you consume, the less drainage and wastewater end up in the ocean.

Afforestation must be fostered, and public awareness must be promoted.

Energy-efficient light bulbs reduce greenhouse gas release. Also, flip the light switch off when you leave the room.

Fuelwood and timber wood should be used wisely.

In your house and office, use non-toxic materials.

We should maintain grazing lands and produce cover crops to keep soils from blowing away.

Using public transportation, walking, or riding a bike to class are all preferable options that assist the environment, save money, and provide exercise.

4. What is the importance of the environment for Human life?

The environment offers us a variety of producing resources, both renewable and non-renewable. It offers food, shelter, and air, as well as meeting all human needs.

Agriculture and the growing of crops and vegetables are facilitated by the ecosystem. Our waste products were thrown away and composted for use in agriculture.

Human life would not survive without the sun, water, air, and soil that make up the environment. It helps to keep life going by ensuring genetic variation and biodiversity.

Mountains, lakes, rivers, deserts, and a plethora of other amazing natural components are only beautiful because the environment exists.

The environment offers us fertile land, clean water, fresh air, animals, and a variety of other necessities for survival.

5. Where can I get the Essays/Speeches on important topics for school?

Students can access the important materials to write a speech/essay for their school competition from Vedantu. Both online and offline study resources include a free download option that students can use to meet their specific needs. Students can also get various sample papers and revision notes for all the subjects from Vedantu. These study materials are designed by subject matter experts to help students enhance their academic performance. The PDF is also prepared with the understanding of crucial concepts in mind, as our focus is on the student's overall growth.

My Speech Class

Public Speaking Tips & Speech Topics

104 Environmental Speech Topics [Persuasive, Informative]

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Jim Peterson has over 20 years experience on speech writing. He wrote over 300 free speech topic ideas and how-to guides for any kind of public speaking and speech writing assignments at My Speech Class.

Environmental speech topics and essay writing on angles of view regarding different aspects of our ecology for public speaking. Hope these helpful ideas will sparkle your fantasy!

In this article:



environmental speech topics

  • The danger of ocean oil spills.
  • Recycling should be mandatory.
  • Why oil needs to be conserved.
  • Why we should use reusable bags.
  • Why palm oil should be banned.
  • Ban mining in environmentally sensitive areas.
  • Disposable diapers are hazardous to the environment.
  • The environment is more important than genetics in determining how a person will turn out.
  • The danger of oil drilling in Alaska.
  • Fishing regulations are necessary to preserve the environment.
  • Endangered species need protection.
  • We need to invest more in alternative fuels.
  • Endangered oceans deserve protection.
  • We should strive for a paperless society.
  • Conserve our global resources.
  • Rain forests need to be protected.
  • The principal threats of land degradation in Asia / Africa / South America (choose one continent for your thesis focus).
  • Ocean acidification (a decline in the pH degree of ocean waters) endangers marine organisms.
  • The main causes of massive coral bleaching (the whitening of corals).
  • The advantages of an intercropping system for sustainable plant production.
  • Environmentalists are misusing the term sustainable development.
  • Why we should be concerned about ozone depletion in Earth’s stratosphere.
  • Bottom trawling (dragging huge nets along the sea floor) is killing for the benthic ecological organisms.
  • The benefits of microbes to humans.
  • Make you own Carbon Footprint and realize how polluting you are.
  • Why the carbon tax should be the next stage in our capitalist world.
  • How to manage E-waste streams in modern India.
  • Emissions trading or exchangeable emission permits work contra-productive in the urgency to blow back global warming.
  • Debt-for-nature swaps are natural friendly policies.
  • Renewable energy technologies like wind energy, hydroelectricity, biomass and solar power should be stimulated by the government.
  • How to apply green ecological sustainable computing (or green IT) at your home PC or Mac.
  • The BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is the worst man-made mishap in American history. Environmental persuasive speech topics can also be found after that big crash at sea – e.g. in Nigeria.
  • We should handle with care the dangers and risks of exhausting our fossil fuel resources on earth, and protect the innocent sea life.
  • Global warming demands more joined global action than Kopenhagen did.
  • Encourage livestock owners to adopt sustainable grazing systems.
  • Environmental damage of energy consumption force us to use energy alternatives.
  • Mankind is responsible for the large loss of biodiversity in nature.
  • Avoid using plastic bags.
  • Buy natural and organic produced, and fair trade products.
  • Our ever-expanding consumerism has killed the earth.
  • Sacrifice a little bit of the economic growth for the good of the environment.
  • Give tax cuts to companies to develop solar, wind and forms of hydrogen energy.
  • There should be a green tax on aviation fuel.
  • Why stores need to stop supplying plastic bags
  • Are green jobs really green and environmentally friendly?
  • TV news program weather forecasts are not accurate at all.
  • The only effective litter prevention method is to force recycling.
  • Recycling helps with green house effects.
  • Only energy efficient household appliances should be sold.
  • Nuclear power is a good alternative energy source.
  • Keep your thermostat at 68 F in Winter and 72 F in Summer.
  • Hunting sports harm the biodiversity.
  • Hundreds of thousands of species will go extinct by 2060.
  • Buying durable goods will save the world.
  • We are wasting the opportunity to waste less.
  • Water pollution will be the world’s biggest problem in the next years.
  • Natural disasters stimulate economic growth.
  • We are killing the rainforest, our planet’s lungs.
  • The change of our climate pattern is not natural.
  • The effects of global warming are not overestimated by scientists and green activists.
  • Restrict every household to 50 gallon can on trash and yard waste a week.
  • Rural development is the main cause of wildfires and extensive damage in the past years.
  • Energy alternatives are the only solution to the environmental damage.
  • Paying higher energy prices is a sacrifice we have to make for cleaner fuels.
  • Construction plans must include an environment-section.
  • Promote earthfriendly cars by tax benefits.

Why can’t the discussion about nuclear energy just be about the sole bare facts instead of political bias all the time?

6 additional persuasive environmental speech topics

Persuasive environmental speech topics to increase the quality of your persuasive communication skills, detailed layouts on Natural Resources, Radio Active Waste Management, and Intensive Farming  are even applicable on essay writing goals.

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Get your audience blown away with help from a professional speechwriter. Free proofreading and copy-editing included.

Examine the opportunities I offer, and assemble you own speaking text based on the sample series of reasons below.

That logic reasoning process in the end will result in a nice and substantial blueprint, and a sample argumentation scheme for a debate on good persuasive environmental speech topics.

Excessive Use of Natural Resources Leads to Depletion In The End.

I. Industrial development destroys the environment by left over and residue materials such as: a. High concentrations of metals;

b. Toxic substances and chemically changed minerals;

c. Debris and litter;

d. Radioactive infected ground at industrial sites.

II. Large-scale soil erosion because surface soil washes away due to influencing water tides and winds streams. a. Intensive plowing and draining of farm land.

b. Planting of genetically singular crops in combination with applying too much fertilizers and pesticides.

III. Abnormal huge irrigation systems in farming: a. Salination of the ground, ground water, and creeks and wells.

b. Excessive withdrawal of ground water reserves.

IV. Surface and underground mining for gas, oil and minerals devastate land and oceans and mutilates our world. a. It causes every growing desolate and desert spots.
V. Deforestation – the rainforests in Latin America are the obvious victims – you not need grown-up persuasive communication skills to bring this to reason. a. Including their biodiverisity of forest animals;

b. Exotic plants;

c. And micro-organisms.

Radioactive materials are – without exception I would state – firm persuasive environmental speech topics and essay discourse themes for students. E.g.:

Radio Active Waste Management.

I. There are three critical stages in the radio active waste management flow: a. Spent nuclear fuel that is stored temporarily at power plants, also known as interim storage.

b. The control of the risky transportation of radioactive materials.

c. The final storage and disposal, to protect future generations from potential threats.

II. There are three levels of contamination: a. The low level waste: 1. Nuclear reactor complexes, and also hospitals and research departments of industrial corporations produce low level waste.

2. It is considered as hazardous during at least thirty years and have to be isolated for three to five-hundred years from now.

В b. The intermediate level waste: 1. Heavier toxic materials from nuclear power plants constrained with the obligation to secure it in concrete.

2. Solid and semi-solid organic substances, chemical sediment from metal bonding processes.

В c. The high-level nuclear waste: 1. Exceeding the other acceptable amounts, highly dangerous to humans and other organic species for thousands of years in the future.

2. Residual nuclear waste in nuclear electricity generation complexes in the uranium fuel cycle.

3. Plutonium and uranium fuel in a nuclear reactor.

Intensive farming has many pros and cons. In the next example I deal with the cons. Note that each of them could be used as single persuasive environmental speech topics for a debate or essay:

The Disadvantages of Intensive Farming.

I. Disavantage One: often factory-like farms use an overkill of chemical fertilizers, insecticides, and pesticides. a. Pesticides kill helpful insects. E.g. bees, ladybugs, and mantis.

b. Chemical residues in meat, in fruit and in vegetables end up in our human food chain.

c. The soil and water streams are contaminated.

II. Disavantage Two: The problem of overcrowded livestock feedyards and poultry holding facilities full of pigs, cows, and chickens. a. Their waste causes environmental pollution.

b. Great risk of livestock diseases and infections for humans.

III. Disavantage III: Forests fires to make way for farmland. a. Cause erosion of the soil.

b. Reduce the wild animal population.

IV. Disavantage Four: Hormonal preparations to stimulate growth. a. This must make genetic selection easier and have to facilitate the extensive breeding of animals.

You also could take the opposite side and defend the pro-intensive farming arguments by attacking and replacing them for reasons in favor of the supporters of intensive farming. That will provoke immediate discussion among your listeners. Furthermore I would like to share alternative options for persuasive environmental speech topics:

  • Endangered species;
  • Marine debris and microplastics;
  • The sea level rise.

Endangered species – The international list of protected animals. E.g. the Red List of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature IUCN. Sharpen your persuasive communication skills and judge the conditions for protection.

Marine debris and microplastics – More and more are our ocean, seas, lakes and rivers polluted. Littering: plastic bottles, bags, and so on. Persuade your audience to act. Let them support coastal volunteer operations to remove and prevent debris.

The sea level rise – What is bad about it? What are the predictions of meteorologists regarding the reported weather and climate changes? What should we do to stop it? Is it possible to stop the rise of the sea level anyway?

  • The fundamentals of logistics for oil and gas exploration.
  • Wildlife protection programs.
  • Plants, animals and organisms that live in the ocean.
  • The greatest rainforests in the world.
  • Facts and figures of littering in our community
  • Domestic water waste treatment plans.
  • Safety issues of nuclear power plants.
  • Local communities can contribute to maintenance of fragile ecosystems.
  • Global concern about climate change rose dramatically after Al Gore made his documentary.
  • The importance of sustainable development for future generations.
  • What is at stake with greenhouse carbon gas emissions?
  • Water is the upcoming hot issue in the Middle East.
  • Availability and purity of water.
  • The Burj Khalifa skyscraper in Dubai – the smart innovative energy reuser.
  • South-American tropical forests.
  • Global climate change is not only caused by humans.
  • We need a healthy environment.
  • The effects of global warming.
  • Why conserving energy is important.
  • The negative aspects of a polluted environment.
  • The great Pacific garbage patch.
  • The ways that water pollution is harmful.
  • The effects of industrial and household waste.
  • What is global warming?
  • The benefits of organic farming.
  • Why drought is a serious problem.
  • The pollution of today’s world.
  • The importance of reducing, reusing, and recycling.
  • The effects of environmental degradation.
  • Why should we save birds.
  • Why we should save the Ganges.
  • How to recycle different materials.

212 Speech Topics For College Students [Persuasive, Informative, Impromptu]

414 Funny and Humorous Speech Topics [Persuasive, Informative, Impromptu]

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Save Environment Speech | Speech on Save Environment for Students and Children

February 8, 2024 by Prasanna

Save Environment Speech:  The world environment day is celebrated on 5th June, and it is celebrated since 1947. This day is the ‘day of people’ to do something for their environment and take care of the earth. We celebrate environment day to know the ways of saving our earth. On this day, convey the best and effective safe environment speech is important.

The threat to the environment is increasing day by day, so it is our duty to make a clean and safe place to live. We should know our every step and action impact on the ecosystem. To live safely and without fear, it is our responsibility that we take care of our whole ecosystem.

Students can also find more  English Speech Writing  about Welcome Speeches, Farewell Speeches, etc

Long and Short Speeches on Save Environment for Students and Children in English

An extended essay of saving an environment of 500 words has been provided, and short speech on 100-150 words has been given. This speech can be useful for students in schools and colleges to give their opinion through this speech. Long Speech on Save Environment is helpful for students of Classes 7,8,9 and 10. Short Speech on Save Environment is helpful for students of Classes 1,2,3,4,5 and 6.

Long Speech on Save Environment 500 Words

Respected principal, respected teachers, vice-principal, and my dear friends!

I am happy to inform you that we are here to celebrate world environment day . I’m sure we all want to save the environment at any cost. Environmental pollution is one of the major problems that are faced in our modern world. However, there has been huge technological advancement in these current days, and this is also inviting negative and harmful effects on the environment. By takings a simple step like planting a tree, we can make the world a better place. To save our environment, everyone has to come together to support it. We have to do some steps because the environment affects us because of us.

Need to save the environment

We all know the degrading quality of earth life, but we just need to start seeing the sign. The harsh and unwanted weather condition is proof that they need saving and securing more than ever. As we see, the occurrences of natural disasters and calamities are increasing nowadays, and because of this calamity, people lost their lives. Moreover, the melting glacier is the other alarming situation as to why we should save our environment.

Additionally, increasing the amount of carbon dioxide in the environment is proving to be harmful. If we don’t take any immediate step, we will face a difficult situation in our future. It is always remembered that by saving our atmosphere, we will save mankind. The earth has been survived for many years, and it will continue to do so; only mankind is at risk, so we have to start now.

Ways to save the environment

To save environment , we have to start with the right handling of waste. To do this, we should start with recycling and the right disposal of waste material. Along with the use of coal have to reduced and switch to renewable sources like solar and hydropower. By doing this, we can adopt a greener and healthy lifestyle. On the city level, we see that they must plane based on the available water resources. This can help with water resources conservation. You should avoid use hot water and use cold water when possible. Moreover, the farmer also uses organic fertilizer on their farm in place of pesticides.

Along with air pollution should be decreased at all costs. Everyone has to avoid taking personal vehicles, if possible. Use public transport and don’t waste electricity to reduce global warming. You should switch off light and fans when it is no use. Make sure you use a recycled product so that no unnecessary waste is produced. Avoid plastic bags and use reusable bags, and the most important thing is that plant trees as possible as. When you plant a tree, then the amount of carbon dioxide decreases and improves air quality. Planting trees is as important as deforestation, so discourage deforestation.

Every year we lost many plants that have the power to make the air cleaner, and it can start with us. Teach your parents, friends, and other people to be responsible for the environment and work towards saving the environment for a better future.

Thank you so much, everyone, for being a good listener.

Save Environment

Short Speech on Save Environment 150 Words

Good morning to all, now i am going to share my views on the environment. We all know how the environment important to us. And in other words, we cannot ignore how protecting the environment is essential. To up-gradation of lifestyle, the people are responsible for harming the environment. At the time of development, the atmosphere is facing several destructions. It becomes very important to stop the situation from getting worse than current. So you have to aware of environmental protection. Some factors, such as deforestation, population growth, and illiteracy, are factors responsible for environmental pollution.

Human is the only who is responsible for environmental destruction because of its some activity. So no one, instead of people, can do anything towards the conservation of the environment. We need to make so many efforts like avid harmful products, use renewal sources, avoid plastic bags, use public transport, and many more. These efforts will help you in saving the environment.

Thank you so much guys for listening to me so patiently.

10 Lines on Save Environment Speech

  • A green and clean atmosphere is important to live a peaceful and healthy life.
  • We must stop and avoid using poly and plastic bags and prefer eco-friendly items to save the atmosphere.
  • We can easily save our environment for the next generation in several ways by accepting and adopting a simple lifestyle.
  • We can avoid the use of petroleum by using public transport daily, and saving electricity will helps to save a high amount of coal and water.
  • Promote digital technology will save more papers that are made from natural resources like wood.
  • We should save clean water with the help of changing our lifestyle in daily routine such as using limited water in bathing, cooking, cleaning, etc.
  • The governments have to take some serious steps for overexploitation of wood and water and other natural resources.
  • A safe environment plays an important role in the existence of life on the planet.
  • Continue using of natural resources can lead to the biggest imbalance in the atmosphere.
  • Protect the environment means making efforts to save our surroundings.

Save Environment Speech

FAQ’s on Save Environment Speech

Question 1. What are environmental ethics?

Answer: Environmental ethics is a philosophy that involves studying good and bad and simple of the value and moral principles. It shows the relationship between the atmosphere and human beings.

Question 2. How Save Environment speech will help?

Answer: To make people aware of the planet and the current situation, you need to give a speech on the environment. In this speech, you can include the present scenario, how you can save the environment by working towards it, and many more. By doing this, you can save the earth.

Question 3. How pesticides harm the atmosphere?

Answer: The pesticide is made to control the harmful pests, but it is a type of toxic that harm for animal and plant. Some pesticides have a high toxin that’s small amount kill people and harm the environment as well.The pesticide is made to control the harmful pests, but it is a type of toxic that harm for animal and plant. Some pesticides have a high toxin that’s small amount kill people and harm the environment as well.

Question 4. How is environment monitoring important?

Answer: A monitoring environment can help you in showing the data of using natural resources and its management and risk as well. By doing this, you can easily manage the earth.

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Environment Day Speech

Preparing to write a speech on World Environment Day? Read the article for information about Environment Day and the need to let everyone know that it is time we did something to save our environment.

The term ‘environment’, in the literal sense, could simply mean surroundings. It has a lot of other connotations as well. It can mean nature, the natural world or ecosystem, a particular political or social setting and so on. However, we will be discussing ‘environment’ in the very literal sense here – the surroundings we all live in.

The article will give you an overview of how the Environment Day came into being, the various important events that took place on Environment Day through the years, and sample speeches you could refer to when you sit down to prepare your speech for the Environment Day. The topics below will navigate you through.

  • History Behind World Environment Day
  • Environment Day Through The Ages
  • Environment Day Speech In English
  • Speech About Environment Day In 300 Words
  • Short Speech On World Environment Day
  • One Minute Speech On Environment Day

FAQ on World Environment Day

History behind world environment day.

The UN Assembly designated June 5 as World Environment Day(WED) in 1972. It was done to create an awareness of the kind of environment we are living in and the need to conserve and preserve it for the present and the future. ‘Only One Earth’ was the slogan for the first celebration of the World Environment Day in 1974, and from then on, the commemoration of the World Environment Day has become a platform to create consciousness on the environmental issues we are facing on a global scale. It also turned out to be a chance for everyone to rethink the ways in which they are exploiting the environment we are a part of.

Environment Day through the Ages

Down the years, the WED has become a pathway to the restoration of the ecosystem which includes the recovery of destroyed ecosystems and preserving the ecosystems that are still in shape. Every year, the WED is hosted by a different country and has a different theme. In the year 2020, the WED was hosted by Columbia and Germany under the theme, ‘Time for Nature’.

Pakistan will be the global host country this year (2021), and the theme is ‘Reimagine. Recreate. Restore’ and aims at Ecosystem Restoration.

Environment Day Speech in English

Here are a few speeches you can refer to in order to help prepare yours.

Speech about Environment Day in 300 Words

As human beings, the environment we exist in plays a very important role in the well-being of every life possible on this Earth, and it is our duty to preserve and keep everything in check. Throughout the years, there have been many movements and awareness campaigns around the world that have been put forth to make people environmentally conscious. Chipko Movement, dated way back to 1970, carried out by rural villagers, particularly women, was directed towards stopping the government from cutting down trees and demolishing forests for various reasons. Van Mahotsav is yet another initiative, an annual tree-planting festival that goes on for a week in the month of July, which was initiated in 1950 by K. M. Munshi, the then Union Minister for Agriculture and Food. There were also many others like the Save Silent Valley Movement, the Jungle Bachao Andholan, Tehri Dam Movement and so on.

We, at our school, have been following the same path for the past few years. It is necessary that all of us, as inhabitants of this planet, understand the need to be aware of our surroundings and find ways to protect it in every possible way. It is not just enough for us to be aware but also let the others know that we owe a great deal of respect and concern for all that the Earth we live in is providing us with. So here we are today to hold hands in making every little difference we can, together. Let us stand together and make this world a wonderful place, not just for us but for the future generations as well. To ‘Only One Earth’ and giving more ‘Time for Nature’.

Short Speech on World Environment Day

“One of the first conditions of happiness is that the link between man and nature shall not be broken,” said Leo Tolstoy. The relationship between human beings and the environment is important and it is necessary that they understand and work to keep it strong.

World Environment Day is celebrated on the 5 th of June every year. It is celebrated to raise awareness and to take actions to conserve the environment. It was initiated in 1972 by the UN Assembly and has come a long way since. The concern for preserving the environment did not just start then. People have been taking initiatives to do whatever is possible on their own, to make life better for everyone by creating awareness about preserving nature. Margaret Mead said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” and that is exactly what all of us are here to do today. Let us join together and do our part in making our environment and our life on this planet as wondrous as it should be.

One Minute Speech on Environment Day

Nature has been painting for us infinite pictures of beauty every day, according to John Ruskin. It is just that people fail to see what nature has to offer. It is for this reason that we have occasions like the World Environment Day to remind us of what we are missing out. Planting a sapling, holding placards, shouting slogans, going on a rally – all of this is definitely something but not everything. We should be a lot more conscious of the kind of environment we are a part of and try to make it sustainable. In order to do that, it is not enough to do all of this just for a day, but make it our lifestyle. Join in, let us work together to make some real change.

Why is Environment Day celebrated?

Environment Day is celebrated every year to create awareness on problems faced by the environment due to air pollution, global warming, deforestation, wild forest fires and so on. It also helps us make a check on the kind of life we are all living that harms and destroys nature.

Why is 5th June celebrated as World Environment Day?

The UN General Assembly designated June 5 as World Environment Day for the first time in 1972, and since then, every year, June 5 is commemorated as World Environment Day all around the world.

What is the theme for Environment Day?

The theme for Environment Day changes every year. ‘Only One Earth’ was the theme in 1974 when it was first celebrated. It was ‘Time for Nature’ in 2020 and ‘Ecosystem Restoration’ is the theme for 2021.

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Environment Conservation Speech: Class 5th to 10th

writing environment speech

  • Updated on  
  • Nov 18, 2023

writing environment speech

We all learned in Geography that about 71% of the Earth’s surface is covered with water. But did you know only 3% of this total water is fresh water and around 1% is drinkable? In recent years, there have been several global events, from COP Summits to regional Environmental Conservation conferences, where mitigation strategies are discussed to achieve sustainable development. Our father of the nation, Mahatma Gandhi once said, ‘There is sufficiency in the world for man’s need but not for man’s greed .’ School students are active participants when it comes to saving the environment and promoting environmentally friendly practices. Below we have given samples for environment conservation speech for school students.

Table of Contents

  • 1.1 Environment Conservation for Class 5th
  • 1.2 Environment Conservation for Class 8th
  • 1.3 Environment Conservation for Class 10th

Also Read: Speech Writing, Format, Samples, Examples

Environment Conservation Speech for School Students

The natural environment has always faced the burden of harmful human activities. The burning of fossil fuels for energy, clearing of forest cover for agricultural activities, industrial activities, discharge of pollutants into the atmosphere, etc. have put a huge strain on the environment. Environment conservation is a global conservation effort and is divided into different types.

  • Environmental Conservation
  • Animal Conservation
  • Marine Conservation
  • Human Conservation

It is high time, we humans take full responsibility for our actions and take active measures towards environment conservation. Here are some short speeches on environmental conservation for school students.

Environment Conservation for Class 5th

‘Good morning my friends and teachers. Today, I’m here to present myself on the topic of ‘Environment Conservation Speech.’ Our planet Earth relies on energy, so we need to conserve all the energy resources. Simple things like turning off lights and electronic gadgets when we are not using them, using energy-efficient light bulbs, etc can be very effective.’

‘We must work together to plant more and more trees so that there is sufficient green cover, which will provide us with oxygen. One of the most important resources is water. We must not let the tap water run while brushing our teeth or washing our hands. If there are any leaky faucets, we must immediately repair them.’
‘We have to understand that this plant is home to millions of species, and we are just one of them. Therefore, we must learn to be kind to animals. They’re a part of our big Earth family. We must keep our surroundings clean and make sure that the garbage is thrown in the dustbin only.’

‘This was all on ‘Environment Conservation Speech.
Thank you.’

Also read: Short and Long National Unity Day Speech in English

Environment Conservation for Class 8th

‘Good morning to everyone present in this room. Today, I stand here to present myself in the ‘Environment Conservation Speech.’ As we grow older, we become more aware of the harmful impacts of human activities on our planet. Therefore, it is crucial for us to take active measures to shape the future of our environment so that the future generations can lead a healthy and sustained life.’

‘Every day we hear on the news about changes in our climate, from extreme weather events to rising temperatures. Most of these changes are driven by human activities such as burning fossil fuels and deforestation. It’s time for us to be informed about climate change and its consequences.’
‘The large amount of carbon dioxide produced because of humans is a major contributor to the harmful atmosphere. Simple actions like using energy-efficient appliances, carpooling, and reducing water and electricity consumption can help us reduce our carbon footprint.’

‘Biodiversity is the variety of life on Earth, and it’s under threat due to habitat destruction and pollution. We need to be aware of the importance of biodiversity and take steps to protect endangered species and their habitats. We need to follow water conservation activities, as many parts of the world are facing water scarcity. Simple actions like fixing leaks, using water-efficient appliances, and avoiding water wastage can contribute to water conservation.’

‘What we do today will have an impact on our tomorrow. Therefore, must save our precious environment from all sorts of dangers; including our imprints.
Thank You.’

Environment Conservation for Class 10th

‘Hello and welcome to my classmates and respected teachers. Today, I stand before you to present my presentation on ‘Environment Conservation.’ Have you ever wondered why the number of natural disasters like Tsunamis, forest fires, earthquakes, hurricanes, etc. has increased? Well, thanks to us humans, who have not only misused the natural resources but caused global distress, where annual temperature is rising at an alarming rate.’

‘It takes around 18 months for Earth to regenerate the resources we need. Now, at the pace, we are consuming these resources, this number is bound to increase. Not only this, but the global temperature is rising, glaciers are melting, animals are becoming extinct, etc. etc.’ 

‘Stephan Hawking, an English theoretical physicist and cosmologist, said that human activities will turn the planet into a giant ball of fire by 2600 due to overcrowding and energy consumption. This will make Earth inhabitable, and we will be forced to look for alternate options.’ 

‘Therefore, it is our moral duty to educate us about environmental issues. By raising awareness and advocating for sustainable practices, we contribute to a broader movement for positive change. As stewards of the Earth, we must actively participate in efforts to conserve and protect endangered species, preserve natural habitats, and promote sustainable agriculture practices.’

‘One very effective method to conserve the environment is to switch to renewable energy sources. This transition to renewable energy sources is crucial for reducing our reliance on finite and polluting resources. As future leaders, we should support and champion clean energy initiatives, influencing policy changes and promoting sustainable technologies.’

‘We are the youth and we have to take the initiative to protect our environment, and our home. We must adopt sustainable practices, advocate for change, and inspire others to join the cause, so we can contribute to a brighter and more sustainable future.
Thank you.’

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Environmental Conservation Animal Conservation Marine Conservation Human Conservation

Here are some popular and effective environmental conservation measures: Practice the 3R (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle); Save Water; Plant more and more trees; volunteer in community programs; educate yourself about the environment, etc.

Gandhi once said, ‘There is sufficiency in the world for man’s need but not for man’s greed.’ Later on, this became a popular quote.

For more information on such interesting topics for your school, visit our speech writing page and follow Leverage Edu .

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With an experience of over a year, I've developed a passion for writing blogs on wide range of topics. I am mostly inspired from topics related to social and environmental fields, where you come up with a positive outcome.

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Speech on World Environment Day

World Environment Day is celebrated across the world on 5 th June in order to create awareness amongst people about the importance of preserving nature and environment. It is celebrated in most of the schools, offices, factories, manufacturing units, etc as the government is also putting lot of emphasis on the preservation of environment. You may come across occasions when you may have to deliver speech on World Environment Day. We present here various samples on World Environment Day Speech for preparing you for various occasions that come your way. We prefer to keep the language user-friendly and use simple English, which you can use as a reference point. Our Short speech on World Environment Day can be used at school or college level celebrations and the long speech on World Environment Day can be used as a sample speech for various organizational celebrations. We are certain that these samples would act as an inspiration for you for creating your own speech on World Environment Day.

Long and Short World Environment Day Speech

World environment day speech – 1 (500 words, 5 minutes speech).

Good Morning Friends!

World Environment day is celebrated annually on 5 th June across the world. We have assembled here to make plans for this year celebration. Our company always advocate green environment and preservation of nature. You must be aware that the technology used in our manufacturing unit also supports green environment. We are highly the promoters of green India; our production units are well equipped with latest machines and equipment that consume less water and energy, thus causing less wastage of water and energy. The unit releases no or less pollutant or poisonous gases, which also preserves nature, water and the environment ultimately.

In order to strengthen our country and the world, it is important that the nature is preserved. The mushroom growth factories and manufacturing units has also led to the explosion of pollution, rays, gas, dust, etc which is deteriorating the quality of air we are breathing in, water we are consuming everyday and the environment we are surviving in.

The state government has given us this responsibility to create awareness amongst the factory owners, business tycoons and manufacturing units to share the benefits of green technology. In the same regards, we’ll be organising a meeting soon in which we will inform them about the technologies we use to preserve the nature.

We are also appealing to common people across India to plant trees, clean up the surroundings and take actions against those that harm animals. We also request people to save water and energy at their respective places as much as possible.

At this forum, I would also highlight some of the diseases related to unhygienic living conditions and dirty water. Water is the main source of energy, but if it remains stagnant or unclean then it becomes the source of several dangerous diseases such as Dengue, Malaria, etc. It, therefore, becomes important that every individual owns his/her social responsibility and take all the preventive measures to cover the uncovered water like tanks, pots or coolers.

Now let’s discuss about the disposal of garbage; it is been wildly observed that many people throw used-litter in the open area. Our government has taken steps and fixed the ‘Green coloured’ and ‘Blue coloured’ dustbins at almost every public place. It is sincerely appealed to the people to kindly use those dustbins and use the colour symbol correctly for the wet and dry garbage.

Life can be very simple and fulfilling if we follow certain principles and trust me; these simple formulas cost no money and involve no hassles yet prove to be very effective.

World Environment Day is celebrated to raise awareness about nature and the significance of protecting environment for present and future. For sustaining life on this planet Earth, it is critical that the world’s forests, oceans and soils are preserved and these act as great stores for greenhouse gases like methane and carbon dioxide; fisher-folk and farmers bind nature in order to provide us with food. Scientists and researchers develop medicines using these natural products since ages.

Nature’s gifts are rare and cannot be purchased from money. It is important that each one of us wake up before it’s too late. Don’t smoke in the public places or dump garbage in the open area. These small beginnings will certainly lead to a better place for survival.

World Environment Day Speech – 2 (500 Words, 5 Minutes Speech)

Dear friends, hope you all are enjoying your day so far. Thank you for being a part of this celebration. We all have gathered here to celebrate the World Environment Day which commemorate every year on 5 th June. I have been given this opportunity to host the programme this year and I promise to utilize this platform to the fullest.

What is environment? Many of you must be feeling surprised and some of you must be finding me stupid as I ask this question. Environment is our immediate surrounding and in recent times we have been hearing a lot of debates, discussion, events, occasions, etc around saving the environment. I often wonder if it is really such a grave issues that invites a lot of debates and discussions! Well, the answer is ‘Yes’. We have made it critical. Man is surprisingly the creation of God who creates and destroys its own surroundings. We are smart and intelligent enough to know what pollutes the environment and what are the ways to protect it; but still we choose to remain silent and inactive.

The celebration of World Environment Day provides people with an opportunity to come forward and know the reasons behind the deterioration of our environment and discuss various means and methods to save and preserve it. Started in 1974, this day has grown and become a global platform for public outreach that is broadly celebrated across the world.

Our school celebrates this day with equal enthusiasm and zeal as we strongly believe that good manners must be taught to people since their childhood itself. I have seen that children are highly excited and start the preparation in advance. Every year, we celebrate this day with different themes. This year, our theme is ‘Plant trees and make the surrounding green’. Every student has to write an essay on this theme, decorate their respective classes in Green all with natural materials; you can use leaves, grasses, etc. The winning students in the essay competition and the winning class will receive exciting prizes. Besides this, each student will be provided with a plant for planting at home, park, garden or at any place which seems appropriate. Students are requested to get a photograph clicked while planting and interestingly top five pictures would get published in our annual school magazine.

It is also essential that we educate our children not to pollute their homes, roads, schools or living surrounding with litter such as empty can, chips, chocolate wrappers, etc. No wonder, we instil these habits at the school level, but parents should also take their due responsibilities and educate kids about the significance of the Green and Blue dustbins. Children shouldn’t be allowed to de-root small plants in the park, gardens or road sides. Grown up people should be mindful not to smoke at the public places and save the air from getting polluted. Water at every place should be kept covered, no energy and water should be wasted and garbage and litter shouldn’t be burnt in the open environment.

As much important it is to preserve nature, it is equally simple. All we have to do is just be little aware, cautious and responsible.

Speech on World Environment Day – 3 (500 Words, 5 Minutes Speech)

Good morning respected principal, teachers and my dear friends,

For addressing the assembly today, I have been assigned the topic ‘World Environment Day’.

My dear friends, what does environment mean to you all? It is the natural world, our surroundings. This World environment day is the day especially devoted to address our overall environment and the issues that presently exist in our environment. Our immunity and well being directly depends on the situation of the environment. Bad the environment bad is our living and vice versa.

Due to various human activities the quality of environment in which we live is deteriorating. And the rate of this decline is too quick or too high if I may say. Human should necessarily work on their activities like industrialization, deforestation, technological development, global warming, pollution, waste management, etc. If they wish to live in a safe and healthy environment. On this day we should recognize the need of how important environment is to us and at present what all issues have taken place in this environment. It is us who can work on making things better and this is not only for us but for good of others as well.

This day aims to engage and draw attention of all the citizens of the world including political and health organizations to be more specific across the globe from different countries. And, to make them curious about making new plans and implementing them for the betterment of the environment. A healthy and safe environment is the way towards the happy and more progressive future. Government should lay down more projects just like swachh bharat to make people more attached to the environment’s maintenance.

We tend to put everything on to the legal and political entities solely for the initiation of such plans and acts that bind us for being active towards the environment. We people have all the right and authority to do our bit for having a safe and healthy environment. By growing more trees, discarding waste properly, evading the pollution, use of solar energy, etc are very few things which one made necessary will help us in having live in a great environment.

We all should create awareness on large scale amongst the population on maintaining the sustainable environment by ensuring correct and minimal use of the natural resources and doing our bit by doing the earlier mentioned few tasks. Stabilized environment today will help in the better maintenance of the coming future generations as well. We all have to be cautious about everything that we do, as each of the minute thing done adds on to the pool of adverse things impacting the environment. People should necessarily link themselves to the different acts of the government that focus on environment maintenance and should make more people gathered at the special seminars and sessions organized on this day.

Safe environment is a healthy well being of humans, plants and animals. We must attain the final result of safe environment. Thank You everyone!

Speech on World Environment Day – 4 (500 Words, 5 Minutes Speech)

Good morning my dear friends, we all are gathered here today to acknowledge the importance of the ‘World Environment Day’. I am obliged to address this topic amongst you all today.

It is very very important for us to live in an environment that is safe. The need today is to improve the level and intensity of the global awareness about our environment amongst all. Out of the entire population most of the people are unaware about how important it is to have a sustainable environment. Each year celebration of the world environment day is prepared in accordance with the specific themes and by having specific slogans for that theme to bring success in the campaign around the globe.

We all should focus on doing the deeds that get positives in the environment and tend to stabilize the traits of environment. Sheer focus should be on minimizing the activities that release toxins and population in the air and make the environment unhealthy for the living of man, plants and animals. We ourselves need to stand strong for living in quality surroundings that help us in living a life that is less of diseases and free from the unhealthy zeal of diminished resources.

Every year this day is celebrated to make people aware about the results that occur in environment due to their day to day activities and the issues being faced by each one of us due to these. The other agenda about having this dedicated day is to make people cautious of how important it is to have a safe and healthy environment.

We all should know the importance of the environment. We should work on growing more of the trees so that overcoming other negativities existing currently in the environment become easier and quicker. This day should be attended with utmost importance and every individual should be a part of the seminars, sessions, rallies, etc organized on this day. Though environment is such a crucial topic that addressing it only once a year is not enough but yes, it is good at least for initiating and evaluating our deeds done for the environment throughout the year.

We humans should realize our mistakes and address the existing concerns about the environment in order to keep it of utmost quality. It should be clean, safe and secure for the healthy life of all humans, plants and animals. By adopting few activities we can easily diminish the bad impacts currently happening in the environment. We should make people more aware about how important it is to breathe in a safe quality environment. Thank you! I am sure we all together can surely eliminate the negativities that are present in the environment. Optimized usage of natural resources should be our first target on catering and doing our bit for the environment’s sustainability. We all should support people to create their surroundings secure and clean to enjoy disease free and immune lifestyle along with risk-free, better and successful future.

Thank you all for being a part of this session. Together we all can do the good for our environment. Thank you!

Related Links:

10 Lines on World Environment Day 10 Lines on Environment 10 Lines on Save Environment

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Environment Speech in English for Students

August 2, 2021 by Sandeep

Speech on Environment: World Environment Day is celebrated on 5th June every year since 1947. We have to protect our environment and natural resources and keep our earth, safe, clean and green. Balance in our ecosystem improves the quality of life and makes the earth a better place to live. Pollution, natural calamities and global warming have disturbed the delicate balance in the environment. By conserving resources, reducing pollution, planting more trees and recycling wastes, we can protect our environment.

Speech on Environment 500 Words in English

Below we have provided Save Environment Speech in English, written in easy and simple words for classes 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 & 12. Students who are participating in a speech writing competition can use this environmental speech topic for their reference.

“The environment is where we all meet; where we all have a mutual interest; it is the one thing all of us share.” Said by Lady Bird Johnson. I am glad that we are discussing such a vital topic in our lives. Very good morning to everyone over here, respected teachers & my fellow friends. It feels a privilege that I am given a chance to deliver my speech on the topic ‘environment.’

The environment is the source of every life. The natural environment around us in which we breathe, sleep, eat, do work is the need of every living being on this planet. We all are dependent on this environment for food, shelter, water, oxygen etc. But over the years, the balance between nature & living beings has been misbalanced & human society has played a vital role in degrading the environment. It has impacted all the life forms on the earth.

Mother earth has given us unique gifts like rivers, biodiversity, mountains, flora & fauna. It has never stopped amazing us. Sadly there is no part of this beautiful earth which has not been contaminated by human beings. Some of the prevalent environmental problems trending these days are pollution, global warming , depleting underground water, increase in sea level, overexploitation of natural resources, diminishing forests, loss of biodiversity, extinction of species, climatic misbalance, melting of polar ice, ozone layer depletion & many more like this.

We all are aware of these, which is leading us to a deteriorating situation every day. One of the major cause is the population explosion which is leading to the exploitation of natural resources. Due to the growing demand, the invention & usage of technology is increasing rapidly so as the manufacturing, mining etc. The modern technologies have affected the environment in a degree which cannot be imagined.

Now knowing that all of we have done the damage, it is our responsibility to take steps to protect the mother earth. I am sure each one of us wants to save the environment, but saving the environment is not only respecting the government policies. It will be visible when we start taking care of our immediate environment. Though the problem is aggravated to many folds, every problem does have a solution.

Let’s do a pledge today to restore the natural balance. Each one of us must plant a tree every year. We must ensure that we are recycling the plastic wastes instead of throwing them like a shopping bag, water bottles, etc. Coming to school by cycle & walking must be ensured whenever possible instead of using a car, bikes & buses.

We all must ensure to keep our surrounding neat & clean. Everything starts with us, let’s make a better tomorrow. We must remember that nothing is impossible. It’s just that we need to keep faith in ourselves & do something for our planet. Save the planet; Save a life.

Short Speech on Environment 200 Words

Below we have provided 2 minute speech on environment, suitable for class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 students.

Good morning to everyone present over here. Respected teachers & my dear friends. I am happy to speak on one of my favourite topic, i.e. the Environment. The environment has always amazed me in various ways, let it the mountains, rivers, birds, animals, ocean, forests many more. This speech will go on if I discuss the bountiful things nature has gifted us. It has been quoted by Aristotle that “In all things of nature, there is something of the marvellous.”

But we the humans have adversely affected the balance between the environment & life on earth. Growing population, the growing demand & modern technologies has demarcated a wall between us & nature. The natural cycle has been disturbed. We have caused great pain to our mother earth with our activities. We have polluted the air breathe in, the water without which life is not possible, the soil which supports the life on the planet.

Humans have destroyed almost all parts of the earth. The consequences of the misbalance are not acceptable, which has resulted in havoc on earth. Global warming, climatic misbalance, rising temperature, rising sea level, extinction of species & many more. So let’s ask ourselves one question today, what have I done to save my mother earth? If you are already contributed for the cause, then pat yourself that you are already on it. It is the responsibility of all of us to do our part for our planet.

Let’s pledge to protect the environment we see around us. Minimal steps like planting a tree in a year also make a tremendous difference to the environment. Using paper bags instead of plastic will be another impacting step. Let’s incorporate those practices in our lives, which will make the earth a better place to live in. It is our responsibility to save the environment. Save the Environment, and you will Save Life and Future.

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Speech on Environment for Students in simple and easy words

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Table of Contents

Speech on Environment for Students: We have provided various speeches on the environment for the students. World Environment Day speech brings out the urgency and importance of collective action in safeguarding our planet, fostering a deeper understanding of environmental challenges and the need for sustainable solutions. All the environment speech is written using very simple and easy words. Speeches are written in various words according to the student’s needs and requirements. You can select any of the speeches given below according to the time limit of 3 mins, 5 mins, etc.

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Long and Short Speech on Environment in English

Environment speech 1.

Good Morning Principal, Teachers, and My Dear Friends!

As of today, the whole school has been assembled here for this beautiful occasion of World Environment Day, which is celebrated on 5 th June every year; I would like to say a few words dedicated to the environment.

The environment is the surroundings made from five elements: Air, Water, Land, Sky, and Fire for us to flourish. It has always been said that only earth has the most favorable climatic conditions to help us survive. We should be very grateful to the earth that we have been provided with such a great environment with everything in its nature that helps us thrive. But day by day, we are ruining it on the highest pitch that will eventually lead us towards our destruction.

We should understand the importance of the natural environment, try to deduce our non-eco-friendly activities, and imperatively plant as many trees as possible and save water, which are the two biggest issues.

Thank you, and have a nice day!

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Environment Speech 2

Hon’ble Principal, Teachers, and My Dear Friends!

As this special assembly has been called to address the biggest issue these days regarding our environment, I would like to express my views on it. The world has recognized that our environment is not as it was before. Drastic changes have occurred in a few years, such as climatic changes, increment in natural disasters, etc., all due to our changing lifestyle.

Our environment consists of 5 elements- Air, Water, Land, Fire, and Sky and we have disturbed the process of the entire ecosystem by cutting the vast amount of trees that contribute the most to balancing the environmental cycle, installment of large polluting industries, hunting/poaching of animals leading towards their endangerment, etc.

Out of this, the question arises what kind of future we want or what kind of future we will hand over to our next generations? Is this the kind of development we all have dreamt about? Walking with a mask on our faces, struggling in floods and earthquakes, destruction of animals who aren’t even aware of what’s happening.

Now, this is high time we need to recognize the importance of our natural environment and try every possible action towards saving it, from saving water to planting trees.

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Environment Speech 3

Good morning to the Excellencies, my respected teachers, and my dear friends. The topic of my speech is Environment. The environment is the surrounding in which we live. It is the source of life. Our whole life is dependent on the environment. It directs our life and determines our proper growth and development.

The good or bad quality of social life depends on our natural environment. Human beings need food, water, shelter, and other things depending on their environment. A balanced natural cycle exists between the environment and the lives of humans, plants, and animals. Human society plays a vital role in degenerating the natural environment, negatively affecting this planet’s lives. All the human actions in this modern world directly impact the whole ecosystem.

All the actions have brought a big change to this planet, resulting in many environmental problems. The increasing demand for technologies and industries in modern times impacts nature. The growing invention for new technologies has changed the interaction of people with an environment, which permits more populations to grow.

Modern technologies have immense power and have altered the whole environment in an unimagined way. The indiscriminate use of the environment is the root of the ecological crisis. Such continuous increases in technologies and human behavior are correspondingly very serious. Such amazing technologies became the reason for economic growth in the 20 th century; however, they dramatically affected natural resources.

Environmental problems include rapid growth in world population, deteriorating natural resources, diminishing forests and wetlands, erosion of soil and coral reefs, depleting underground water, regular shortage of fresh drinking water, vanishing plants, and salinization in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East. Some other issues are loss of biodiversity, rapid extinction of some important animal species, collapse of fisheries, rising air and water pollution, rise in atmospheric temperature, thinning of ozone layer, spoiling rivers, seas and underground resources.

Even though science and technology have radically altered the terms of adaptation to the nature, we still need to adapt to the environment. Human society is embedded in an environment. We must not forget that the human being is first and foremost an animal, sharing living space with other animal species in an environment on which they are mutually dependent. It is our responsibility to save our environment and earth and make the possibility of healthy and happy life here.

Environment Speech 4

Good morning to the Excellencies, my respected teachers, and my dear friends. As we have gathered here to celebrate this occasion, I would like to speech over Environment. To run life in a healthy, happy way, we all need a healthy and natural environment. Continuously increasing the human population adversely affects the forests. Human beings are cutting forests to a great extent to make their home live securely; however, they do not think of the problems arising from the lack of forests.

It completely disturbs the natural cycle between the environment and life on the earth. Because of the over-population, the number of various chemical elements is increasing in the atmosphere which ultimately causes irregular rainfall and global warming. We cannot imagine the negative effects of global warming on the climate and the lives of human beings and other living species.

According to the research, it is found that the perennial snow mountains of Tibet were covered by thick snow in the past; however, those thick snows are getting very thin day by day over the last few decades because of global warming. Such a condition is a very dangerous situation and an indication of the end of life on earth, which needs to be taken very seriously by all countries worldwide. It is very true that climate change goes very slow; the however, slow continuous process is very dangerous.

Because of the regular changes in the environment physical structure of human beings and other living species has been changed from generation to generation. Increasing human population needs more land for agricultural cultivation and living purpose, which force them to cut more trees and forests, so deforestation has its dangerous side effects.

The increasing the level of industrialization has countless harmful effects on the atmosphere because of the poisonous chemical emissions and dangerous waste drainage in the big water resources such as the Yamuna, Ganga, and other rivers. The ever-changing (negatively) environment is not the issue of only some countries or government; it is the issue of whole human fraternity because we all are the reason of this negatively declining environment, so we all are responsible to save our natural environment for the healthy survival of life on the earth.

Protecting the atmosphere is a matter of high importance for all the present and future generations of mankind. The main purpose of my speech today over the environment is only to increase the public awareness among common people about the reasons of declining environment as well as need of healthy and natural environment for the life on earth. So, it is my humble request to all of you that you please contribute to saving your environment.

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Environment Speech 5

Good morning to my respected teachers and my dear friends. As we have gathered here to celebrate this occasion, I would like to give a speech on the Environment to increase awareness among the public about the negatively changing environment. An environment is the natural surrounding which covers and protects us from the natural disasters.

However, our healthy and natural environment is getting worse daily and taking the form of demons affecting everything from non-living to living being we know is two types of environ: natural environment and built environment. The natural environment is one that exists naturally, and the one for which man is responsible such as cities etc., is called the built environment. There are many natural and unnatural factors polluting the whole natural atmosphere.

Some of the natural factors like volcanoes, floods, etc. are the reasons for the declining environment. However, manmade reasons are more rampant caused due to reckless and caustic human nature are highly responsible for the environmental pollution. Self centred human activities are highly responsible for the destruction of the environment. Other environmental threats like forest degradation, global warming, pollution, etc. are the reasons for environmental degradation. Continuous increasing temperature of the earth’s surface in the atmosphere because of the many human-made and natural means calls to the various natural calamities causing disturbance to a great extent to the healthy and common life of human and all other living beings.

Our natural environment has become hugely changed in the last few decades and has taken the form of a big and powerful demon affecting the lives of people every single moment. Nature has made everything to run in balance with the natural cycle however many factors causes environmental corrosion. The factors like population growth and economic advancement are considered as the major factors giving rise to many other secondary factors.

We must understand the importance of ecological balance and try our best to run it naturally to prevent the effects of environmental disasters and promote a a healthy environment. We should promote common public in our surroundings for a clean and green environment to prove the meaning of proverbs life “won’t have a society if we destroy the environment.”

Environment Speech 6

Hi all, I would like to say good morning to the Excellencies, respected teachers, and my dear friends. As we all know that we have gathered here to celebrate this auspicious occasion, I would like to speak over the environment of our continuously declining environment so that we all together can be successful in saving our environment by taking some effective steps. As we know that we live on the planet of the earth, having different types of surroundings called environments within which we can eat healthily, breathe freshly, and live safely.

However, what happens to our lives if any means of natural or manmade causes of environment degradation occurs? We cannot imagine the extent of loss to the human and other living beings’ existence. The ecology balance and natural cycles has become disturbed which is very hard to bring back and give it a natural shape. However, there is a common “saying that “prevention is better than cure,” so we never get tired of trying our best to save the environment.

The physical environment on this planet provides all of us a favorable required condition and supports the existence and growth of various forms of life The nature provides natural or physical environment however all forms of the living beings together constitute another environment called biological environment. Both environments are closely connected and make a unique natural system for the life survival. If the biological environment gets disturbed, the physical environment automatically gets disturbed, and both hugely affect human lives together.

Another environment that is completely dependent on human is the socio-cultural environment made by human beings. Whatever environment is, it must be healthy, safe and secure to continue the evergreen life on the earth in present and future.

We should realize our mistakes and concern about the environment in order to keep it clean, safe and secure for a healthy life. Many human activities like deforestation, industrialization, technological improvements, and so many others are leading our environment towards danger and keeping lives at risk by influencing the growth, development, and survival of all organisms.

Various types of environmental pollution, such as water pollution, air pollution, noise pollution, soil pollution, etc., are disturbing the ecosystem and causing a variety of health hazards to human beings and animals. Environmental pollution damages the ecosystem and destroying the delicate balance of the natural ecosystem. So, nowadays environmental pollution is a matter of great concern and consideration for which we all together follow some effective steps and carry on until problems get solved completely.

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FAQs about Speech on the Environment

What is environment 10 lines.

The environment refers to the surroundings in which organisms live and interact. It includes the air, water, land, and all living organisms. It plays a vital role in sustaining life on Earth. Human activities, such as pollution and deforestation, have a significant impact on the environment. Conservation and protection of the environment are essential for the well-being of current and future generations. Biodiversity is a key aspect of the environment, encompassing various species and ecosystems. Climate change is a pressing environmental concern caused by the release of greenhouse gases. Sustainable practices aim to balance human needs with environmental preservation. Environmental education and awareness are crucial for responsible stewardship. International efforts and agreements, like the Paris Agreement, address global environmental challenges.

How do you start an English speech on environment Day?

To start an English speech on Environment Day, you can begin with a powerful quote, a thought-provoking statistic, or a personal anecdote related to the environment. For example, 'Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Imagine a world where clean air and pure water are luxuries, where lush green forests are disappearing, and species are vanishing at an alarming rate. Today, I stand before you on World Environment Day to shed light on the critical issues our planet faces and the urgent need for collective action.'

What is the theme for Environment Day?

The theme for Environment Day varies each year, promoting different environmental issues.

Why is 5th June celebrated as World Environment Day?

June 5th is celebrated as World Environment Day because it marks the day when the United Nations established it in 1972. The purpose of this day is to raise global awareness about environmental issues and encourage people, governments, and organizations to take positive actions to protect and preserve the environment. Each year, a different theme is chosen to focus on specific environmental challenges, making it a day of reflection and action for the planet.

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Environment Speech

We have provided various speech on environment for the students. All the environment speech are written using very simple and easy words. Speeches are written in wide range of words capacity according to the students need and requirement. You can select any of the speeches given below according to the time limit of 3 mins, 5 mins, etc.

Long and Short Speech on Environment in English

Environment speech 1.

Good Morning Principal, Teachers, and My Dear Friends!

As today, the whole school has been assembled here for this beautiful occasion of World Environment Day that is celebrated on 5 th June every year; I would like to say a few words dedicated to the environment.

The environment is the surroundings made from five elements namely- Air, Water, Land, Sky, and Fire for us to flourish. It has been always said that only earth has the most favourable climatic conditions that help us to survive. We should be very grateful towards the earth that we have been provided with such a great environment that has everything in its nature which helps us to thrive. But day by day we are ruining it on the highest pitch that will eventually lead us towards our destruction.

We should understand the importance of the natural environment and try to deduce our non-eco-friendly activities and imperatively plant as many trees as we can and save water that is the two biggest issues.

Thank you and have a nice day!


Environment Speech 2

Hon’ble Principal, Teachers, and My Dear Friends!

As this special assembly has been called for addressing the biggest issue these days regarding our environment, I would like to express my views on it. It has been recognized by the entire world that our environment is not as it was before. There are drastic changes that have been occurred since few years such as climatic changes, increment in natural disasters, etc all due to our changing lifestyle.

Our environment consists of 5 elements- Air, Water, Land, Fire and Sky and we have disturbed the process of entire ecosystem by cutting the vast amount of trees who contributes the most in balancing the environmental cycle, installment of large polluting industries, hunting/poaching of animals leading towards their endangerment, etc.

Out of this, the question arises is that what kind of future we want or what kind of future we are going to hand over to our next generations? Is this the kind of development we all have dreamt about? Walking with a mask on our faces, struggle in floods and earthquakes, destruction of animals who aren’t even aware of what’s happening around.

Now this is the high time where we need to recognize the importance of our natural environment and try every possible action towards saving it from saving water to planting trees.

Environment Speech 3

Good morning to the Excellencies, my respected teachers and my dear friends. The topic of my speech is Environment. Environment is the surrounding in which we live. It is the source of life. Our whole life is dependent to the environment. It directs our life and determines our proper growth and development.

Good or bad quality of social life depends on the quality of our natural environment. The need of human beings for food, water, shelter and other things depends on the environment around us. There is a balanced natural cycle exists between environment and lives of human beings, plants and animals. Human society is playing vital role in degenerating the natural environment which in turn negatively affects the lives on this planet. All the human actions in this modern world directly impact the whole ecosystem.

All the actions have brought a big change in this planet which resulted in many environmental problems. Increasing demand of technologies and industries in the modern time impacts the nature. The increasing invention of new technologies has changed the interaction of people with environment which permits more population to grow.

The modern technologies have immense power which has altered the whole environment in an unimagined way. The indiscriminate use of environment is the root of ecological crisis. Such continuous increase in the technologies and human behaviour are correspondingly very serious. Such amazing technologies have become the reason of economic growth in 20 th century however it had dramatically affected the natural resources.

Some of the environmental problems are rapid growth in world population, deteriorating natural resources, diminishing forests and wetlands, erosion of soil and coral reefs, depleting underground water, regular shortage of fresh drinking water, vanishing plants, salinization in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Middle East. Some other issues are loss of biodiversity, rapid extinction of some important animal species, collapse of fisheries, rising air and water pollution, rise in atmospheric temperature, thinning of ozone layer, spoiling rivers, seas and underground resources.

Even though science and technology have radically altered the terms of adaptation to the nature, we still need to adapt to the environment. Human society is embedded in an environment. We must not forget that the human being is first and foremost an animal, sharing living space with other animal species in an environment on which they are mutually dependent. It is our responsibility to save our environment and earth and make the possibility of healthy and happy life here.

Environment Speech 4

Good morning to the Excellencies, my respected teachers and my dear friends. As we have gathered here to celebrate this occasion, I would like to speech over Environment. To run the life in healthy happy way, we all need a healthy and natural environment. Continuously increasing human population adversely affects the forests. Human beings are cutting forests to a great extent for making their home to live securely however they do not think of the problems arises due to the lack of forests.

It completely disturbs the natural cycle between environment and life on the earth. Because of the over-population, the number of various chemical elements is increasing in the atmosphere which ultimately causes irregular rainfall and global warming. We cannot imagine the negative effects of global warming over the climate and lives of human beings and other living species.

According to the research it is found that the perennial snow mountains of the Tibet were totally covered by the thick snow in the past however those thick snows are getting very thin day by day over last few decades because of the global warming. Such condition is very dangerous situation and indication of end of life on earth which needs to be taken very seriously by all countries worldwide. It is very true that climate change goes very slow however slow continuous process is very dangerous.

Because of the regular changes in the environment physical structure of the human beings and other living species has been changed from generation to generation. Increasing human population needs more land for agricultural cultivation and living purpose which force them to cut more trees and forests so the deforestation has its own dangerous side effects.

Increasing level of industrialization has countless harmful effects on the atmosphere because of the poisonous chemical emissions and dangerous wastes drainage in the big water resources such as Yamuna, Ganga, and other rivers. The ever changing (negatively) environment is not the issue of only some countries or government; it is the issue of whole human fraternity because we all are the reason of this negatively declining environment so we all are responsible to save our natural environment for the healthy survival of life on the earth.

Protecting the atmosphere is the matter of high importance for all the present and future generations of mankind. The main purpose of my speech today over the environment is only to increase the public awareness among common people about the reasons of declining environment as well as need of healthy and natural environment for the life on earth. So, it is my humble request to all of you that please contribute to save your environment.

Environment Speech 5

Good morning to my respected teachers and my dear friends. As we have gathered here to celebrate this occasion, I would like to speech on the Environment to increase awareness among public about the negatively changing environment. An environment is the natural surrounding which covers and protects us from the natural disasters.

However, our healthy and natural environment is getting worse day by day and taking the form of demon affecting everything from non-living to living beings. What we know is two types of environment called natural environment and built environment. The natural environment is one which exists naturally and the one for which man is responsible such as cities etc is called built environment. There are many natural and unnatural factors polluting the whole natural atmosphere.

Some of the natural factors like volcanoes, flood, etc are the reasons of declining environment. However, manmade reasons are more rampant caused due to the reckless and the caustic human nature are highly responsible for the environmental pollution. Self centred human activities are highly responsible for the destruction of the environment. Other environmental threats like forests degradation, global warming, pollution, etc are the reasons of environment degradation. Continuous increasing temperature of the earth surface in the atmosphere because of the many human made and natural means calls to the various natural calamities causing disturbance to a great extent to the healthy and common life of human and all other living beings.

Our natural environment has become hugely changed in the last few decades and has taken form of big and powerful demon affecting the lives of people every single moment. Nature has made everything to run in balance with the natural cycle however many factors causes environmental corrosion. The factors like population growth and economic advancement are considered as the major factors giving rise to many other secondary factors.

We must understand the importance of ecological balance and try our best to run it naturally in order to prevent the effects of environmental disasters and promote the existence of healthy environment. We should promote common public in our surroundings for the clean and green environment to prove the meaning of proverb like “We won’t have a society if we destroy the environment”.

Environment Speech 6

First of all I would like to say good morning to the Excellencies, respected teachers, and my dear friends. As we all know that we have gathered here to celebrate this auspicious occasion, I would like to speech over the environment in order to make you aware of our continuously declining environment so that we all together can be successful in saving our environment by taking some effective steps. As we know that we live on the planet of earth having different types of surroundings called environment within which we can eat healthy, breathe freshly, and live safely.

However, what happens to our lives if any means of natural or manmade causes of environment degradation takes place, we cannot imagine the extent of loss to the human and other living beings existence. The ecology balance and natural cycles has become disturbed which is very hard to bring back and give it a natural shape. However, there is a common saying that “prevention is better than cure”, so we never gets tired of trying our best to save the environment.

Physical environment on this planet provides all of us a favourable required condition and supports the existence and growth of various forms of life here. Natural or physical environment is provided by the nature however all forms of the living beings together constitute another environment called biological environment. Both of the environments are closely connected to each other and make a unique natural system for the life survival. If the biological environment gets disturbed, physical environment automatically gets disturbed and both hugely affect the human lives together.

Another environment which is completely depending on the human is socio-cultural environment made by the human beings. Whatever environment is, it must be healthy, safe and secure to continue the evergreen life on the earth in present and future.

We should realize our mistakes and concern about the environment in order to keep it clean, safe and secure for the healthy life. Many of the human activities like deforestation, industrialization, technological improvements and so many are leading our environment towards danger and keeping lives at risk by influencing the growth, development and survival of all organisms.

Various types of environmental pollution such as water pollution, air pollution, noise pollution, soil pollution, etc are disturbing the ecosystem and causing variety of health hazards to the human beings and animals. Environmental pollution is damaging the ecosystem and destroying the delicate balance of the natural ecosystem. So, now-a-days environmental pollution is the matter of great concern and consideration for which we all together follow some effective steps and carry on until problems gets solved completely.

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Maid of Honor speech writing guide with examples to toast newlyweds

Writing and delivering a memorable Maid of Honour speech can be both an honour and a daunting task. However, it is an opportunity to celebrate the bride as you engage the audience. Whether you are feeling nervous or a seasoned speaker, the greatness of such a speech lies in personal anecdotes and authenticity.

Maid of Honor speech


What is a maid of honor speech, how to write a maid of honor speech, what to avoid in your maid of honor speech, example 1: sister, example 2: best friend, tips for a maid of honour speech, faqs about maid of honor speech.

In most cases, a maid of honour is the bride's best friend, female relative, or sister. Her role is to support the bride throughout the wedding planning process. Apart from leading the bridal party and planning the bridal shower, her key responsibility is delivering a maid of honour speech during the reception.

Also known as a matron of honour speech, this is the speech the matron or maid of honour gives during a wedding reception . In most cases, the speech includes;

  • Anecdotes about the bride
  • Compliments about the groom
  • Well-wishes for the new spouse

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As a maid of honour, you can celebrate your best friend on her wedding day. Since putting those words on paper can be challenging, here are a few steps to guide you:

  • Introduction - Begin your speech with a brief personal introduction mentioning your relationship with the bride. This should be followed by an expression of your gratitude for being your best friend’s maid of honour.
  • Fond memories - Share one or two special memories you have with the bride while highlighting the bond between both of you.
  • Praises and qualities - Mention the bride's great qualities and include how they have positively impacted your life and others.
  • The friendship - Speak about your friendship, emphasizing its strength, significance, and growth over the years.
  • Love and suppor t - Towards the end of your speech, appreciate the bride's significant other and let them know how excited you are for their new journey as a couple.
  • Gratitude - Acknowledge the bride and groom’s family while thanking the guest for being part of your best friend’s big and special day.
  • Toast - Raise a toast to the bride and your best friend. Also, wish them a lifetime of peace, love, joy, and happiness together.

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When writing or delivering your maid of honour speech for your best friend, make sure that it is memorable for all the right reasons. To do this, here are some of the things you should avoid:

Maid of Honor speech

  • Sharing offensive or embarrassing stories - You should not share things that are inappropriate for the audience or will make the bride feel uncomfortable.
  • Inside jokes - When delivering your speech, avoid making inside jokes, as they might confuse or exclude the audience. The speech should be relatable and inclusive for everyone at the wedding.
  • Do not overshadow the newlyweds - Do not make yourself the centre of your speech or other unrelated topics detracting from celebrating your best friend's big day.
  • Do not drag out the speech - Avoid taking too much time on the mic, as this might lose the audience's interest.

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Speeches and toasts are a heartfelt part of every wedding. However, as a maid of honour, you don’t have to be a professional speechwriter to craft a special message for the newlyweds. If you are looking for great maid of honor speech ideas, here are some examples to draw your inspiration from:

Hey everyone, I’m Jacinta, the lucky sister of the incredible bride, Anna. Growing up with Anna was like having a built-in partner in crime. From our shared love for chocolate to mischievous antics, we have been through it all together.
I never thought anyone could handle Anna’s craziness and quirks, and craziness, John came along. John, you are a brave soul, and I deeply applaud you. But in all seriousness, seeing you both together, I know this is a match made in heaven.
Here’s to Anna and John, a power duo who have proven that love is about finding someone who can handle your weirdness. I hope and pray that your union will be full of unconditional love, inside jokes, laughter, and endless joy.

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Cheers to the newest couple in town!
Hey everyone, I’m Jane, and I’m privileged to be the bride’s best friend for as long as I can remember. From the moment Sarah and I, I knew we were destined to be best friends for life.
From spontaneous adventures and late-night talks to endless laughter, we have shared countless precious memories together. Now, standing here and watching her marry her best friend couldn't make happier for her.
Sarah, you are the epitome of love, kindness, and loyalty. Your thoughtfulness, love, and words of wisdom have gotten me through some of my darkest days, and for that, I will remain forever grateful.
And then there is Lu. From the moment Sarah met him, I could see the joy in her heart and sparkle in her eyes. Looking at them fills me with awe and admiration as they have weathered life's storms and become stronger.

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So here’s to Sarah and Lu. May your love continue to grow, and you may find strength in each other during challenging times. To the bride and groom, thank you for letting me be a part of your journey. I can't wait to see what the future holds for you both. Cheers!

Maid of Honor speech

Writing your maid of honour speech is a big accomplishment. However, the task doesn't end there, as the right delivery is what makes it memorable. Here are some helpful tips for your maid of honour speech:

  • Add humour - Make the speech lively by adding a joke or one-liner that engages the audience.
  • Remain positive - Keep the speech light and positive by avoiding saying negative things about the couple.
  • Practice your speech - Take enough time to write the speech and practice it before delivering it on the big day.
  • Make it heartfelt - Ensure that you speak from the heart. Remember, it is more important to be sincere than to impress the audience.
  • Use note cards - Do not read the whole speech but rather bullet points on note cards to ease your nerves
  • Maintain eye contact - Even as you go through the note cards, maintain eye contact with the couple and audience between glances at your note cards.

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  • Who is a maid of honour? She is typically the bride's closest friend or family member, often a sister or childhood friend.
  • Can anyone be a maid of honour? Traditionally, the role was given to the bride's best friend or sister, but today, the bride can choose anyone.
  • What should a maid of honour speech say? The speech should offer hearty sentiments about the bride while highlighting what makes her special.
  • How long is a maid of honour's speech? It should typically be four minutes long. A lengthy speech can interfere with the celebrations or become boring.
  • How do you begin a Maid of Honour speech? Like other speeches, begin yours with a quick hello and a brief introduction of yourself.
  • How should you end a Maid of Honour speech? Ask the audience to raise their glasses and toast to the couple because even though it is a speech, it is also meant to be a toast.
  • How do you deliver the best maid of honour speech? Begin with an introduction, narration of how you met, celebrate the duo, offer well-wishes and advice, and toast to the couple.

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Above is everything you need to know about how to write a hearty maid of Honor speech. However, when delivering the speech, remember to speak from the heart, maintain a positive tone, and keep it short. Also, ensure you customize your speech to the overall vibe of the wedding. shared an article about how to write a best man speech for a wedding. A best man speech carries profound significance at any wedding. It is about distilling years of camaraderie and shared experiences into a few heartfelt minutes that resonate with everyone present.

Writing a best man speech requires a blend of humour, sincerity, and careful planning. By understanding your role, preparing thoroughly, and structuring your speech effectively, you can deliver a memorable tribute that celebrates the couple's love and brings joy to the occasion.


Venic Nyanchama (Lifestyle writer) Venic Nyanchama is an editor with more than three years of working experience in journalism. She has an educational background in Journalism and Media Studies from the University of Nairobi, having graduated in 2014. Venic has worked on different platforms, such as Rumour Juice and Her content encompasses celebrity biographies, education, guides, fashion, and gaming. In 2023, Venic finished the AFP course on Digital Investigation Techniques and the Google News Initiative. You can reach her via [email protected].

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Trump assails women who accused him of misconduct, days before his debate with Harris

Shortly after appearing in court to appeal a decision that found him liable for sexual abuse, Donald Trump appeared before the press Friday to assail his accusers and recount a string of past allegations of misconduct that Trump says “didn’t happen.”

Veering from the campaign trail to court, Donald Trump watched Friday as one of his lawyers fought to overturn a verdict finding the former president liable for sexual abuse and slander.

Republican presidential nominee former President Donald Trump speaks during a news conference held at Trump Tower, Friday, Sept., 6, 2024 in New York. (AP Photo/Stefan Jeremiah)

Republican presidential nominee former President Donald Trump arrives for a news conference held at Trump Tower, Friday, Sept., 6, 2024, in New York. (AP Photo/Stefan Jeremiah)

Republican presidential nominee former President Donald Trump speaks during a news conference held at Trump Tower, Friday, Sept., 6, 2024. (AP Photo/Stefan Jeremiah)

E. Jean Carroll exits the New York Federal Court after former President Donald Trump appeared in court, Friday, Sept. 6, 2024, in New York. (AP Photo/Eduardo Munoz Alvarez)

E. Jean Carroll, center, leaves Manhattan federal court with her attorney Roberta Kaplan, left, Friday, Sept. 6, 2024, in New York. (AP Photo/Eduardo Munoz Alvarez)

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WASHINGTON (AP) — Shortly after appearing in court for an appeal of a decision that found him liable for sexual abuse, Donald Trump stepped in front of television cameras Friday and brought up a string of past allegations of other acts of sexual misconduct, potentially reminding voters of incidents that were little-known or forgotten.

The former president has made hitting back at opponents and accusers a centerpiece of his political identity, but his performance at his namesake Manhattan office tower was startling even by Trump’s combative standards.

At times, he seemed to relish using graphic language and characterizations of the case brought by advice columnist E. Jean Carroll, which could expose the former president to further legal challenges from Carroll’s attorneys. His remarks were especially striking given that they came four days before Trump will debate Vice President Kamala Harris, with early voting about to begin in some parts of the country and Election Day just two months away.

Trump is doing his best to stay in the public eye while Harris prepares for the debate in private, meeting with her advisers in Pittsburgh. That’s a reflection of their divergent campaign styles, with Trump frequently engaging with reporters — albeit often in friendly settings — while Harris has done just one interview and no news conferences since taking President Joe Biden’s place atop the Democratic ticket.


His team had billed Friday’s appearance as a press conference and Trump repeatedly brought up Harris’ lack of news conferences. But Trump took no questions and instead talked about the cases against him for an hour while hardly mentioning any campaign issues.

“I’m running for president, and I have all these cases all of a sudden come,” he said. “And they’re fake cases.”

Trump’s campaign raised tens of millions of dollars off his previous indictments, convictions and appearances in court. But it’s unclear how focusing on his legal woes will help him now as he works to win over undecided voters — including independents and those on the fence in critical swing states, ahead of a critical debate on Tuesday that will likely draw tens of millions of viewers.

Trump has disregarded his aides’ advice to focus on policy

Trump’s trying to seize the political offensive by bringing up allegations against him recalled 2016 when, in the weeks before Election Day, he attempted to dismiss as simple “locker room talk” a recording of him bragging about grabbing, forcibly kissing and sexually assaulting women, which triggered subsequent allegations of misconduct by a string of women.

But on Friday, standing inside Trump Tower, where he lived for decades before moving to Florida, Trump had many moments that evoked a more distant past.

He suggested women have accused him of wrongdoing because he is famous. He made a trio of references to how he was already famous in some circles in the 1970s, and talked about his work in the real estate and construction worlds in the 1980s — before millions of today’s voters were born. At one point, he referenced the New York Post’s famous “Page Six” gossip section, whose writers have spent decades covering him, as being the internet of its day.

Trump called Carroll’s case against him “Monica Lewinsky Part II,” referencing the then-White House intern who had a sexual relationship with President Bill Clinton, and recalled an infamous dress that played a pivotal role in the late-1990s impeachment proceedings against Clinton.

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The former president also repeatedly implied he would not have assaulted two of his accusers due to their looks. He said of a woman who has accused him of sexual misconduct on a plane in the 1970s “she would not have been the chosen one,” and of Carroll, “I never touched her. I would have had no interest in meeting her in any way, shape or form.”

Harris, a former California attorney general, says frequently of her opponent’s criminal record, “I know Donald Trump’s type.” She had no public schedule as she continued debate preparation on Friday, but has built her campaign partly around the idea of prosecuting the case against him — and the accusations Trump brought up Friday could give her more lines of political attack.

Trump’s supporters and aides have urged him to focus on policy contrasts with Harris instead of personal attacks during the final stretch of a race that remains extremely close.

But, as Trump spoke, two of his top political advisers were on a call with Republican members of Congress, criticizing the media as being too soft on Harris while saying they felt confident about the race for the White House. Instead, the former president was flanked by his lawyers, some of whom also spoke in defense of their client.

Trump faces unprecedented criminal and civil jeopardy for a major candidate

His comments came after Trump was in court to hear his lawyers argue for overturning a jury’s $5 million verdict finding him liable of sexually abusing Carroll in 1996.

Juries now have twice now awarded Carroll huge sums for Trump’s claiming she made up a story about him attacking her in a department store dressing room to help her sell a memoir. But that hasn’t stopped Trump from continuing to make nearly identical statements to reporters. On Friday, he said again that Carroll was telling a “made up, fabricated story.”

Carroll’s lawyer, Roberta Kaplan, warned in March after a jury awarded Carroll another $83 million that she would continue to monitor Trump’s comments and would consider suing again if he kept it up. In a speedy response to his Friday comments at Trump Tower, Kaplan said in a statement, “I’ve said before and I’ll say it again: All options are on the table.”

In the meantime, Trump faces unprecedented criminal and civil jeopardy for a major-party nominee.

He has separately been convicted on 34 felony counts in a New York state case related to hush money payments allegedly made to a porn actor. The judge in that case announced separately Friday that he would postpone sentencing until after Election Day on Nov. 5.

Trump has also been ordered to pay steep civil fines for lying about his wealth for years .

And he’s still contending with cases alleging his mishandling of classified documents, his actions after the 2020 election and his activities during the insurrection at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021 — though none are likely to go to trial prior to Election Day.


A bald man in a cloak and a smiling man.

Elon Musk’s feud with Brazilian judge is much more than a personal spat − it’s about national sovereignty, freedom of speech and the rule of law

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Research associate, University of Virginia

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Yasmin Curzi de Mendonça does not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organisation that would benefit from this article, and has disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond their academic appointment.

University of Virginia provides funding as a member of The Conversation US.

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It is easy to get distracted by the barbs, swipes and bluster of the ongoing and very public spat between the world’s richest man and a fierce justice on Brazil’s highest court. Elon Musk, the billionaire owner of X, posts regularly of his contempt for Supreme Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes – a man Musk has labeled a “dictator ” and “ Brazil’s Darth Vader .” He makes these comments on a social media platform that Moraes has banned in Latin America’s most populous country as part of a lengthy campaign against disinformation.

But as an expert on Brazilian digital law , I see this as more than just a bitter personal feud. X’s legal battle with Brazil’s Supreme Court raises important questions about platform regulation and how to combat disinformation while protecting free speech. And while the focus is on Brazil and Musk, it is a debate being echoed around the world.

Countdown to the big fight

Things came to a head between Musk and Moraes in August 2024, but the battle has been years in the making.

In 2014, Brazil passed the “ Marco Civil da Internet ” or the “Internet Bill of Rights,” as it is commonly known. Backed by bipartisan support, this framework for internet regulation outlined principles for protecting user privacy and free speech while also creating penalties for platforms that break the rules .

It included a “judicial notice and takedown” system under which internet platforms are liable for harmful user-generated content only if they fail to remove the content after receiving a specific court order.

The approach was designed to strike a balance between protecting free speech and ensuring that illegal and harmful content can be removed. It prevents social media platforms, messaging apps and online forums from being held automatically responsible for users’ posts, while empowering courts to intervene when necessary.

But the 2014 law stops short of creating detailed rules for content moderation, leaving much of the responsibility in the hands of platforms such as Facebook and X.

And the rise of disinformation in recent years, especially around Brazil’s 2022 presidential elections , exposed the limitations of the framework.

The president at the time, far-right populist Jair Bolsonaro , and his supporters were accused of using social media platforms such as X to spread falsehoods , sow doubts about the integrity of Brazil’s electoral system and incite violence. When Bolsonaro was defeated at the ballot by the leftist Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva , an online campaign of election denialism flourished. It culminated in the Jan. 8, 2023, storming of the Brazilian Congress, Supreme Court and the presidential palace by Bolsonaro’s supporters – an event similar to the U.S. Capitol riots two years earlier.

The fight gets personal …

In response to the disinformation campaigns and the attacks, Brazil’s Supreme Court initiated two inquiries – the digital militias inquiry and the antidemocratic acts inquiry – to investigate groups involved in the plot.

As part of those inquiries, the Supreme Court requested social media platforms – such as Facebook, Instagram and X – to hand over the IP addresses and suspend accounts linked to those illegal activities.

But by this time, Musk, who has described himself as a free-speech fundamentalist , had acquired the platform, promising to support free speech, reinstate banned accounts and decrease significantly the platform’s content moderation policy.

Men in restraints holding their arms behind their backs kneel on the floor with security guards around them.

As a result, Musk has been openly defying the Supreme Court’s orders since the beginning. In April 2024, X’s global government affairs team began sharing information with the public on what it deemed as “illegal” demands from the Supreme Court.

The feud escalated in late August when X’s legal representative in Brazil resigned and Musk refused to name a new legal representation – a move that was interpreted by Moraes as an attempt to evade the law. In response, Moraes ordered the platform’s ban on Aug. 31, 2024.

The move was accompanied by heavy penalties for Brazilians attempting to circumvent the ban. Anyone using virtual private networks, or VPNs, to access X faces daily fines of nearly US$9,000 – more than the average annual income of many Brazilians. Those decisions were confirmed by a panel consisting of five Supreme Court justices on Sept. 2, 2024. Amid criticism of judicial overreach, however, the full court of 11 justices will discuss and potentially revisit this part of Moraes’ decision.

… then turns political

The X v. Brazil Supreme Court fight has become deeply politicized. On Sept. 7, thousands of Bolsonaro supporters took part in a “pro-free speech” protest. Lula’s administration and the Supreme Court have become targets, with the opposition and right-wing factions framing the platform’s suspension as a symbol of state overreach .

The rhetoric contrasts sharply with the more balanced, deliberative efforts to regulate platforms that began over a decade ago with the Marco Civil da Internet. It also highlights the challenge of finding a balance between free speech and combating disinformation in a deeply polarized environment – an issue that Brazil is far from alone in grappling with.

The political heat surrounding the banning of X doesn’t bode well for Brazil’s ongoing efforts to counter online disinformation and hold platforms accountable for harmful content.

A “ fake news bill ,” as it has been dubbed by Brazilian media, was introduced by the country’s Congress in 2020. It seeks to create oversight mechanisms and increase transparency around political advertising and content moderation policies.

But despite its good intentions and a very light “regulated self-regulation” approach, the last version of the draft bill was blocked in the Brazilian Congress after three years of debate.

It follows a campaign by right-wing politicians and Big Tech lobbyists who labeled the legislation a “ censorship bill ,” arguing that it would infringe on free speech and stifle political discourse. As of now, the fate of the bill looks uncertain.

Meanwhile, on Aug. 23, the Supreme Court announced that it will look at two key parts of the Marco Civil as part of a judicial review taking place in November.

The first is the “judicial notice and takedown” process that critics complain is too slow and allows platforms to choose not to adopt more robust content moderation mechanisms. Supporters, however, maintain that judicial oversight is necessary to prevent platforms from arbitrarily removing content, which could lead to censorship.

The second area under review is the part of the Marco Civil that outlines the penalties for companies that fail to follow the rules. The debate centers on whether the current penalties, particularly service suspensions, are proportionate and constitutional. Critics argue that suspending an entire platform violates users’ rights to free speech and access to information, while proponents insist that it is a necessary tool to ensure compliance with Brazilian law and safeguard sovereignty.

The fate of both the “fake news bill” and the Supreme Court’s review could set in place new legal standards for platforms in Brazil and determine how far the country can go in enforcing its laws against global tech companies as it seeks to battle disinformation.

And while the Supreme Court did not directly link the review to the ongoing feud with X, the fight with Musk forms the unavoidable political backdrop to discussions over the future direction of Brazil’s experiment in platform regulation. As such, the fallout of this seemingly personal spat could have major regulatory consequences for Brazil and potentially other countries.

  • Social media
  • South America
  • Latin America
  • Internet law
  • Internet regulation
  • Social media regulation
  • Twitter ban
  • X (formerly Twitter)
  • Luiz Inácio “Lula” da Silva

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Speech on Pollution for Students and Children

3 minute speech on pollution for students.

Pollution has become one of the most concerning issues for our planet and mankind. It takes place when pollutants contaminate our environment. In other words, pollution is responsible for disturbing the balance of the ecosystem. Moreover, it impacts our lifestyle severely and also contributes greatly to global warming. As the world is getting more modern, pollution is also enhancing day by day. It’s like we are the prisoners of our own creations. Further, it has become rather essential to learn about the causes, types, and impact of pollution to deal with this problem.

3 minute speech on pollution

Causes and Impact of Pollution

Think about it yourself and wonder how you contribute to pollution. As there isn’t just one person, organization or government to blame, but all of us. Moreover, pollution comes in different forms. To begin with, we have air pollution which means contamination of air. It is a very dangerous kind of pollution and which chemically and physically alters the air.

When toxic gases enter the atmosphere, life becomes difficult for human beings. The burning of fossil fuels, mining, automobile exhausts, and more contribute to it. Thus, it causes acid rains, respiratory problems, global warming and more.

Next up, water pollution is on the rise like anything. The industrial waste, sewage, wastewater, oil spills, and more contribute to it. Further, the impact is very deadly as we cannot survive without water. The water needed for drinking, cooking, agriculture and more is declining day by day.

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Further, we have soil pollution where contaminants and toxic chemicals hamper the quality of our soil. Soil pollution has a very negative impact, especially on wildlife and vegetation. In addition to human life and groundwater are also severely damaged. Improper waste disposal, industrial activities, acid rains and more contribute to soil pollution.

Thus, it can contaminate the health of human beings. Moreover, it impacts the growth of plants as it decreases the fertility of the soil. Moreover, it also alters the structure of the soil due to pollution.

How to Curb Pollution?

As pollution impacts our lives negatively, we need to find out ways to curb it and implement them immediately. It does not only degrade the life of humans but also animals and vegetation. We must all begin by adopting conservation approaches and sustainable strategies. It is important more than ever to restore the ecological balance.

We need to bring a change in our transportation choices. Begin with opting for public transportation instead of a private one. Try to carpool or walk and ride bikes to places. Further, we must also make sustainable food choices. Local and organic produce is the way to go.

Furthermore, the little things will go a long way. For instance, switching off the lights and fans when not in use. Unplugging electrical appliances and using energy-efficient appliances.

Moreover, we must also practice recycling and reducing waste production.  Do not use plastic and carry your own cloth or plastic bags when shopping. Use glass containers for storage instead of plastic ones. Further, conserve water at all times. Fix any leakages if present and do not use hot water unnecessarily.

To sum it up, we see that the change begins with us. You don’t have to bank on the government or the industries to curb pollution, as we all contribute to it. We need to control pollution so as to create a healthy future for our upcoming generations. Every person on this earth has a great role to play in restoring the balance of the earth. Educate the public about menacing issues and protect the earth from degrading.

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Speech for Students

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  • Speech on Water for Students and Children

16 responses to “Speech on Water for Students and Children”

this was very helpful it saved my life i got this at the correct time very nice and helpful

This Helped Me With My Speech!!!

I can give it 100 stars for the speech it is amazing i love it.

Its amazing!!

Great !!!! It is an advanced definition and detail about Pollution. The word limit is also sufficient. It helped me a lot.

This is very good

Very helpful in my speech

Oh my god, this saved my life. You can just copy and paste it and change a few words. I would give this 4 out of 5 stars, because I had to research a few words. But my teacher didn’t know about this website, so amazing.

Tomorrow is my exam . This is Very helpfull

It’s really very helpful

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