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Pure Mathematics PhD

We charge an annual tuition fee. Fees for 2024/25 are as follows: £4,786 UK students £21,360 International Students Further fee information  is available.

  • Visit an Open Day
  • Request a prospectus
  • Course details
  • Entry Requirements
  • Employability

The Pure Mathematics group is at the forefront of research in contemporary aspects of Algebra, Analysis, Combinatorics, Geometry and Mathematical Physics.

The School of Mathematics is home to a rich and diverse community of researchers in Pure Mathematics, and provides many exciting opportunities for postgraduate study.

Research degrees are organised around five broad themes: Algebra; Analysis; Combinatorics, Probability and Algorithms; Geometry and Mathematical Physics; Topology and Dynamical Systems.

The Pure Mathematics Group is committed to providing an inclusive learning environment that supports talent and encourages creativity. Training is provided through individual supervision of research, regular seminar series and study groups in each of the themes, advanced taught courses, and participation in research networks, workshops and conferences.

Why study Pure Mathematics PhD at Birmingham?

  • The School of Mathematics has a  strong research culture , with researchers of international stature in each of its main specialisms.
  • The University of Birmingham is one of the prestigious Russell group research-intensive Universities in the UK. The School of Mathematics attracts gifted graduate students from across the world.
  • The PhD degree usually involves a qualifying dissertation submitted during the second year of study, which is helpful training for writing a PhD thesis.

We charge an annual tuition fee. Tuition Fees 2024/25 academic year:

  • £4,786 UK students, full-time
  • £21,360 International students, full-time

Learn more about fees and funding .

Postgraduate Doctoral Loan

A Postgraduate Doctoral Loan can help with course fees and living costs while you study a postgraduate doctoral course, such as a PhD.


We offer a range of postgraduate scholarships for taught programmes and research opportunities to ensure the very best talent is nurtured and supported at postgraduate level.

We award up to ten EPSRC doctoral training grants each year to eligible UK students. In exceptional circumstances fully-funded School doctoral training grants may be awarded. Additional income can often be generated by tutorial and marking work. For more information contact the School directly.

How To Apply

  • How to apply

To apply for a postgraduate research programme, you will need to submit your application and supporting documents online. We have put together some helpful information on the research programme application process and supporting documents on our how to apply page . Please read this information carefully before completing your application.

Our Standard Requirements

A 2:1 Honours degree in a Mathematics-related subject, or a lower degree plus an MSc or substantial relevant experience. Learn more about entry requirements. 

International Requirements

Applicants for postgraduate research programmes should hold a Bachelors degree and a Masters degree, with a GPA of 14/20 from a recognised institution to be considered. Applicants with lower grades than this may be considered on an individual basis.

Holders of the Licenciado or an equivalent professional title from a recognised Argentinian university, with a promedio of at least 7.5, may be considered for entry to a postgraduate degree programme. Applicants for PhD degrees will normally have a Maestria or equivalent

Applicants who hold a Masters degree will be considered for admission to PhD study.

Holders of a good four-year Diplomstudium/Magister or a Masters degree from a recognised university with a minimum overall grade of 2.5 will be considered for entry to postgraduate research programmes.

Students with a good 5-year Specialist Diploma or 4-year Bachelor degree from a recognised higher education institution in Azerbaijan, with a minimum GPA of 4/5 or 80% will be considered for entry to postgraduate taught programmes at the University of Birmingham.

For postgraduate research programmes applicants should have a good 5-year Specialist Diploma (completed after 1991), with a minimum grade point average of 4/5 or 80%, from a recognised higher education institution or a Masters or “Magistr Diplomu” or “Kandidat Nauk” from a recognised higher education institution in Azerbaijan.

Applicants for postgraduate research programmes should hold a Bachelors degree and a Masters degree, with a GPA of 3.0/4.0 or 75% from a recognised institution to be considered. Applicants with lower grades than this may be considered on an individual basis.

Applicants for postgraduate research programmes should hold a Bachelors degree and will usually be required to have completed a Masters degree, with a CGPA of 3.0-3.3/4.0 or higher for 2:1 equivalency from a recognised institution to be considered for entry. Applicants with lower grades than this may be considered on an individual basis.

Students who hold a Masters degree from the University of Botswana with a minimum GPA of 3.0/4.0 or 3.5/5.0 (70%/B/'very good') will be considered for Postgraduate Diplomas and Masters degrees.

Please note 4-year bachelor degrees from the University of Botswana are considered equivalent to a Diploma of Higher Education. 5-year bachelor degrees from the University of Botswana are considered equivalent to a British Bachelor (Ordinary) degree.

Students who have completed a Masters degree from a recognised institution will be considered for PhD study.

A Licenciatura or Bacharelado degree from a recognised Brazilian university:

  • A grade of 7.5/10 for entry to programmes with a 2:1 requirement
  • A grade of 6.5/10for entry to programmes with a 2:2 requirement

Holders of a good Bachelors degree with honours (4 to 6 years) from a recognised university with a upper second class grade or higher will be considered for entry to taught postgraduate programmes.  Holders of a good Masters degree from a recognised university will be considered for entry to postgraduate research programmes.

Holders of a good post-2001 Masters degree from a recognised university will be considered for entry to postgraduate research programmes.

Students with a minimum average of 14 out of 20 (or 70%) on a 4-year Licence, Bachelor degree or Diplôme d'Etudes Superieures de Commerce (DESC) or Diplôme d'Ingénieur or a Maîtrise will be considered for Postgraduate Diplomas and Masters degrees.

Holders of a bachelor degree with honours from a recognised Canadian university may be considered for entry to a postgraduate degree programme. A GPA of 3.0/4, 7.0/9 or 75% is usually equivalent to a UK 2.1.

Holders of the Licenciado or equivalent Professional Title from a recognised Chilean university will be considered for Postgraduate Diplomas and Masters degrees. Applicants for PhD study will preferably hold a Magister degree or equivalent.

Students with a bachelor’s degree (4 years minimum) may be considered for entry to a postgraduate degree programme. However please note that we will only consider students who meet the entry guidance below.  Please note: for the subject areas below we use the Shanghai Ranking 2022 (full table)  ,  Shanghai Ranking 2023 (full table) , and Shanghai Ranking of Chinese Art Universities 2023 .

需要具备学士学位(4年制)的申请人可申请研究生课程。请根据所申请的课程查看相应的入学要求。 请注意,中国院校名单参考 软科中国大学排名2022(总榜) ,  软科中国大学排名2023(总榜) ,以及 软科中国艺术类高校名单2023 。  

Business School    - MSc programmes (excluding MBA)  


Group 1 一类大学

 Grade requirement


Group 2 二类大学

 grade requirement


非‘985工程’的其他 院校


University of Chinese Academy of Sciences 中国科学院大学
University of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences 中国社会科学院大学

Group 3 三类大学

 grade requirement

软科中国大学排名2022(总榜)或 软科中国大学排名2023(总榜)101-200位的大学

School of Computer Science – all MSc programmes 计算机学院硕士课程入学要求

Group 1 一类大学

Grade requirement


Group 2 二类大学

grade requirement


Group 3 三类大学

grade requirement

College of Social Sciences – courses listed below 社会科学 学院部分硕士课程入学要求 MA Education  (including all pathways) MSc TESOL Education MSc Public Management MA Global Public Policy MA Social Policy MA Sociology Department of Political Science and International Studies  全部硕士课程 International Development Department  全部硕士课程

Group 1 一类大学

 Grade requirement


Group 2 二类大学

grade requirement


Group 3 三类大学

grade requirement

  All other programmes (including MBA)   所有其他 硕士课程(包括 MBA)入学要求

Group 1 一类大学

Grade requirement


Group 2 二类大学

grade requirement


Group 3 三类大学

grade requirement

Group 4 四类大学

We will consider students from these institutions ONLY on a case-by-case basis with minimum 85% if you have a relevant degree and very excellent grades in relevant subjects and/or relevant work experience.




Please note:

  • Borderline cases: We may consider students with lower average score (within 5%) on a case-by-case basis if you have a relevant degree and very excellent grades in relevant subjects and/or relevant work experience. 如申请人均分低于相应录取要求(5%以内),但具有出色学术背景,优异的专业成绩,以及(或)相关的工作经验,部分课程将有可能单独酌情考虑。
  • Please contact the China Recruitment Team for any questions on the above entry requirements. 如果您对录取要求有疑问,请联系伯明翰大学中国办公室   [email protected]

Holders of the Licenciado/Professional Title from a recognised Colombian university will be considered for our Postgraduate Diploma and Masters degrees. Applicants for PhD degrees will normally have a Maestria or equivalent.

Holders of a good bachelor degree with honours (4 to 6 years) from a recognised university with a upper second class grade or higher will be considered for entry to taught postgraduate programmes.  Holders of a good Masters degree from a recognised university will be considered for entry to postgraduate research programmes.

Holders of a good Bacclaureus (Bachelors) from a recognised Croatian Higher Education institution with a minimum overall grade of 4.0 out of 5.0, vrlo dobar ‘very good’, or a Masters degree, will be considered for entry to postgraduate research programmes.

Holders of a Bachelors degree(from the University of the West Indies or the University of Technology) may be considered for entry to a postgraduate degree programme. A Class II Upper Division degree is usually equivalent to a UK 2.1. For further details on particular institutions please refer to the list below.  Applicants for PhD level study will preferably hold a Masters degree or Mphil from the University of the West Indies.

Applicants for postgraduate research programmes should hold a good Bachelors degree from a recognised institution with a minimum overall grade of 6.5 out of 10, or a GPA of 3 out of 4, and will usually be required to have completed a good Masters degree to be considered for entry to postgraduate research programmes. Applicants with lower grades than this may be considered on an individual basis.

Holders of a good Bakalár from a recognised Czech Higher Education institution with a minimum overall grade of 1.5, B, velmi dobre ‘very good’ (post-2004) or 2, velmi dobre ‘good’ (pre-2004), or a good post-2002 Magistr (Masters), will be considered for entry to postgraduate research programmes.

Applicants for postgraduate research programmes should hold a good Bachelors degree from a recognised institution with a minimum overall grade of 7-10 out of 12 (or 8 out of 13) or higher for 2:1 equivalence and will usually be required to have completed a good Masters/ Magisterkonfereus/Magister Artium degree to be considered for entry to postgraduate research programmes. Applicants with lower grades than this may be considered on an individual basis.

Holders of the Licenciado or an equivalent professional title from a recognised Ecuadorian university may be considered for entry to a postgraduate degree programme. Grades of 70% or higher can be considered as UK 2.1 equivalent.  Applicants for PhD level study will preferably hold a Magister/Masterado or equivalent qualification, but holders of the Licenciado with excellent grades can be considered.

Applicants for postgraduate research programmes should hold a Bachelors degree and a Masters degree, with a GPA of 3.0/4.0 or 75% from a recognised institution. Applicants with lower grades than this may be considered on an individual basis.

Holders of a good Bakalaurusekraad from a recognised university with a minimum overall grade of 4/5 or B, or a good one- or two-year Magistrikraad from a recognised university, will be considered for entry to postgraduate research programmes.

Students who hold a Masters degree with very good grades (grade B, 3.5/4 GPA or 85%) will be considered for Postgraduate Diplomas and Masters degrees. 

Holders of a good Kandidaatti / Kandidat (old system), a professional title such as Ekonomi, Diplomi-insinööri, Arkkitehti, Lisensiaatti (in Medicine, Dentistry and Vetinary Medicine), or a Maisteri / Magister (new system), Lisensiaatti / Licenciat, Oikeustieteen Kandidaatti / Juris Kandidat (new system) or Proviisori / Provisor from a recognised Finnish Higher Education institution, with a minimum overall grade of 2/3 or 4/5, will be considered for entry to postgraduate research programmes.

Applicants for postgraduate research programmes should hold a should hold a Bachelors degree and will usually be required to have completed a Masters/Maîtrise with a minimum overall grade of 13 out of 20, or a Magistère / Diplôme d'Etudes Approfondies / Diplôme d'Etudes Supérieures Specialisées / Mastère Specialis, from a recognised French university or Grande École to be considered for entry. Applicants with lower grades than this may be considered on an individual basis.

Holders of a Magister Artium, a Diplom or an Erstes Staatsexamen from a recognised university with a minimum overall grade of 2.5, or a good two-year Lizentiat / Aufbaustudium / Zweites Staatsexamen or a Masters degree from a recognised university, will be considered for entry to postgraduate research programmes.

Students who hold a Bachelor degree from a recognised institution will be considered for Postgraduate Diplomas and Masters degrees. Most taught Masters programmes require a minimum of an upper second class degree (2.1) with a minimum GPA of at least 3.0/4.0 or 3.5/5.0 Students who have completed a Masters degree from a recognised institution will be considered for PhD study.

Applicants for postgraduate research programmes should hold a good four-year Ptychio (Bachelor degree) with a minimum overall grade of 6.5 out of 10, from a recognised Greek university (AEI), and will usually be required to have completed a good Metaptychiako Diploma Eidikefsis (Masters degree) from a recognised institution to be considered for entry. Applicants with lower grades than this may be considered on an individual basis.

4-year Licenciado is deemed equivalent to a UK bachelors degree. A score of 75 or higher from Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala (USAC) can be considered comparable to a UK 2.1, 60 is comparable to a UK 2.2.  Private universities have a higher pass mark, so 80 or higher should be considered comparable to a UK 2.1, 70 is comparable to a UK 2.2

The Hong Kong Bachelor degree is considered comparable to British Bachelor degree standard. Students with bachelor degrees awarded by universities in Hong Kong may be considered for entry to one of our postgraduate degree programmes.

Students with Masters degrees may be considered for PhD study.

Holders of a good Alapfokozat / Alapképzés or Egyetemi Oklevel from a recognised university with a minimum overall grade of 3.5, or a good Mesterfokozat (Masters degree) or Egyetemi Doktor (university doctorate), will be considered for entry to postgraduate research programmes.

Applicants for postgraduate research programmes should hold a Bachelors degree and will usually be required to have completed a Masters degree, with a 60% or higher for 2:1 equivalency from a recognised institution to be considered for entry. Applicants with lower grades than this may be considered on an individual basis.

Holders of the 4 year Sarjana (S1) from a recognised Indonesian institution will be considered for postgraduate study. Entry requirements vary with a minimum requirement of a GPA of 2.8.

Applicants for postgraduate research programmes should hold a Bachelors degree and a Masters degree, with a score of 14/20 or 70% from a recognised institution to be considered. Applicants with lower grades than this may be considered on an individual basis.

Applicants for postgraduate research programmes should hold a Bachelors degree and will usually be required to have completed a Masters degree from a recognised institution, with 100 out of 110 or higher for 2:1 equivalency from a recognised institution to be considered for entry. Applicants with lower grades than this may be considered on an individual basis.

Students who hold the Maitrise, Diplome d'Etude Approfondies, Diplome d'Etude Superieures or Diplome d'Etude Superieures Specialisees will be considered for Postgraduate Diplomas and Masters degrees (14-15/20 or Bien from a well ranked institution is considered comparable to a UK 2.1, while a score of 12-13/20 or Assez Bien is considered comparable to a UK 2.2).

Students with a Bachelor degree from a recognised university in Japan will be considered for entry to a postgraduate Masters degree provided they achieve a sufficiently high overall score in their first (Bachelor) degree. A GPA of 3.0/4.0 or a B average from a good Japanese university is usually considered equivalent to a UK 2:1.

Students with a Masters degree from a recognised university in Japan will be considered for PhD study. A high overall grade will be necessary to be considered.

Students who have completed their Specialist Diploma Мамаң дипломы/Диплом специалиста) or "Magistr" (Магистр дипломы/Диплом магистра) degree (completed after 1991) from a recognised higher education institution, with a minimum GPA of 2.67/4.00 for courses requiring a UK lower second and 3.00/4.00 for courses requiring a UK upper second class degree, will be considered for entry to postgraduate Masters degrees and, occasionally, directly for PhD degrees.  Holders of a Bachelor "Bakalavr" degree (Бакалавр дипломы/Диплом бакалавра) from a recognised higher education institution, with a minimum GPA of  2.67/4.00 for courses requiring a UK lower second and 3.00/4.00 for courses requiring a UK upper second class degree, may also be considered for entry to taught postgraduate programmes.

Students who hold a Bachelor degree from a recognised institution will be considered for Postgraduate Diplomas and Masters degrees. Most taught Masters programmes require a minimum of an upper second class degree (2.1) with a minimum GPA of at least 3.0/4.0 or 3.5/50

Holders of a good Postgraduate Diploma (professional programme) from a recognised university or institution of Higher Education, with a minimum overall grade of 7.5 out of 10, or a post-2000 Magistrs, will be considered for entry to postgraduate research programmes.

Applicants for postgraduate research programmes should hold a Bachelors degree and a Masters degree, with a score of 16/20 or 80% from a recognised institution to be considered. Applicants with lower grades than this may be considered on an individual basis.

Holders of a Bachelors degree from a recognised university in Libya will be considered for postgraduate study. Holders of a Bachelors degree will normally be expected to have achieved score of 70% for 2:1 equivalency or 65% for 2:2 equivalency. Alternatively students will require a minimum of 3.0/4.0 or BB to be considered.

Holders of a good pre-2001 Magistras from a recognised university with a minimum overall grade of 8 out of 10, or a good post-2001 Magistras, will be considered for entry to postgraduate research programmes

Holders of a good Bachelors degree from a recognised Luxembourgish Higher Education institution with a minimum overall grade of 16 out of 20, or a Diplôme d'Études Supérieures Spécialisées (comparable to a UK PGDip) or Masters degree from a recognised Luxembourgish Higher Education institution will be considered for entry to postgraduate research programmes.

Students who hold a Masters degree will be considered for Postgraduate Diplomas and Masters degrees (70-74% or A or Marginal Distinction from a well ranked institution is considered comparable to a UK 2.1, while a score of 60-69% or B or Bare Distinction/Credit is considered comparable to a UK 2.2).

Holders of a Bachelors degree from a recognised Malaysian institution (usually achieved with the equivalent of a second class upper or a grade point average minimum of 3.0) will be considered for postgraduate study at Diploma or Masters level.

Holders of a good Bachelors degree from the University of Malta with a minimum grade of 2:1 (Hons), and/or a Masters degree, will be considered for entry to postgraduate research programmes.

Students who hold a Bachelor degree (Honours) from a recognised institution (including the University of Mauritius) will be considered for Postgraduate Diplomas and Masters degrees.  Most taught Masters programmes require a minimum of an upper second class degree (2:1).

Students who hold the Licenciado/Professional Titulo from a recognised Mexican university with a promedio of at least 8 will be considered for Postgraduate Diplomas and Masters degrees.

Students who have completed a Maestria from a recognised institution will be considered for PhD study.

Applicants for postgraduate research programmes should hold a Bachelors degree, licence or Maîtrise and a Masters degree, with a score of 14/20 or 70% from a recognised institution to be considered. Applicants with lower grades than this may be considered on an individual basis.

Students with a good four year honours degree from a recognised university will be considered for postgraduate study at the University of Birmingham. PhD applications will be considered on an individual basis.

Applicants for postgraduate research programmes should hold a Bachelors degree and will usually be required to have completed a Masters degree, with 60-74% or higher for 2:1 equivalency from a recognised institution to be considered for entry. Applicants with lower grades than this may be considered on an individual basis.

Holders of a good Doctoraal from a recognised Dutch university with a minimum overall grade of 7 out of 10, and/or a good Masters degree, will be considered for entry to postgraduate research programmes.

Students who hold a Bachelor degree (minimum 4 years and/or level 400) from a recognised institution will be considered for Postgraduate Diplomas and Masters degrees.  Most taught Masters programmes require a minimum of an upper second class degree (2.1) with a minimum GPA of at least 3.0/4.0 or 3.5/5.0

Applicants for postgraduate research programmes should hold a good Bachelors degree from a recognised institution with a minimum GPA of B/Very Good or 1.6-2.5 for a 2.1 equivalency, and will usually be required to have completed a good Masters, Mastergrad, Magister. Artium, Sivilingeniør, Candidatus realium or Candidatus philologiae degree to be considered for entry to postgraduate research programmes. Applicants with lower grades than this may be considered on an individual basis.

Applicants for postgraduate research programmes should hold a Bachelors degree and will usually be required to have completed a Masters degree, with a CGPA of 3.0/4 or higher for 2:1 equivalency from a recognised institution to be considered for entry. Applicants with lower grades than this may be considered on an individual basis.

Holders of a Bachelors degree from a recognised university in the Palestinian Territories will be considered for postgraduate study. Holders of Bachelors degree will normally be expected to have achieved a GPA of 3/4 or 80% for 2:1 equivalency or a GPA of 2.5/4 or 70% for 2:2 equivalency.    

Holders of the Título de Licenciado /Título de (4-6 years) or an equivalent professional title from a recognised Paraguayan university may be considered for entry to a postgraduate degree programme. Grades of 4/5 or higher can be considered as UK 2.1 equivalent.  The Título Intermedio is a 2-3 year degree and is equivalent to a HNC, it is not suitable for postgraduate entry but holders of this award could be considered for second year undergraduate entry or pre-Masters.  Applicants for PhD level study will preferably hold a Título de Maestría / Magister or equivalent qualification, but holders of the Título/Grado de Licenciado/a with excellent grades can be considered.

Holders of the Bachiller, Licenciado, or Título Profesional with at least 13/20 may be considered as UK 2.1 equivalent.  Applicants for PhD level study will preferably hold a Título de Maestría or equivalent qualification.

Holders of a good pre-2001 Magister from a recognised Polish university with a minimum overall grade of 4 out of 5, dobry ‘good’, and/or a good Swiadectwo Ukonczenia Studiów Podyplomowych (Certificate of Postgraduate Study) or post-2001 Magister from a recognised Polish university with a minimum overall grade of 4.5/4+ out of 5, dobry plus 'better than good', will be considered for entry to postgraduate research programmes.

Holders of a good Licenciado from a recognised university, or a Diploma de Estudos Superiores Especializados (DESE) from a recognised Polytechnic Institution, with a minimum overall grade of 16 out of 20, and/or a good Mestrado / Mestre (Masters) from a recognised university, will be considered for entry to postgraduate research programmes.

Applicants for postgraduate research programmes should hold a good Bachelors degree from a recognised Romanian Higher Education institution with a minimum overall grade of 8 out of 10, and will usually be required to have completed a Masters degree/Diploma de Master/Diploma de Studii Academice Postuniversitare (Postgraduate Diploma - Academic Studies) or Diploma de Studii Postuniversitare de Specializare (Postgraduate Diploma - Specialised Studies) to be considered for entry. Applicants with lower grades than this may be considered on an individual basis.

Holders of a good Диплом Специалиста (Specialist Diploma) or Диплом Магистра (Magistr) degree from recognised universities in Russia (minimum GPA of 4.0) will be considered for entry to taught postgraduate programmes/PhD study.

Students who hold a 4-year Bachelor degree with at least 16/20 or 70% will be considered for Postgraduate Diplomas and Masters degrees.   

Students who hold a Maitrise, Diplome d'Etude Approfondies,Diplome d'Etude Superieures or Diplome d'Etude Superieures Specialisees will be considered for Postgraduate Diplomas and Masters degrees. A score of 14-15/20 or Bien from a well ranked institution is considered comparable to a UK 2.1, while a score of 12-13/20 or Assez Bien is considered comparable to a UK 2.2

Students who hold a Bachelor (Honours) degree from a recognised institution with a minimum GPA of 3.0/4.0 or 3.5/5.0 (or a score of 60-69% or B+) from a well ranked institution will be considered for most our Postgraduate Diplomas and Masters degrees with a 2:1 requirement.

Students holding a good Bachelors Honours degree will be considered for postgraduate study at Diploma or Masters level.

Holders of a good three-year Bakalár or pre-2002 Magister from a recognised Slovakian Higher Education institution with a minimum overall grade of 1.5, B, Vel’mi dobrý ‘very good’, and/or a good Inžinier or a post-2002 Magister from a recognised Slovakian Higher Education institution will be considered for entry to postgraduate research programmes.

Holders of a good Diploma o pridobljeni univerzitetni izobrazbi (Bachelors degree), Diplomant (Professionally oriented first degree), Univerzitetni diplomant (Academically oriented first degree) or Visoko Obrazovanja (until 1999) from a recognised Slovenian Higher Education institution with a minimum overall grade of 8.0 out of 10, and/or a good Diploma specializacija (Postgraduate Diploma) or Magister (Masters) will be considered for entry to postgraduate research programmes.

Students who hold a Bachelor Honours degree (also known as Baccalaureus Honores / Baccalaureus Cum Honoribus) from a recognised institution will be considered for Postgraduate Diplomas and Masters degrees. Most Masters programmes will require a second class upper (70%) or a distinction (75%).

Holders of a Masters degree will be considered for entry to postgraduate research programmes.

Holders of a Bachelor degree from a recognised South Korean institution (usually with the equivalent of a second class upper or a grade point average 3.0/4.0 or 3.2/4.5) will be considered for Masters programmes.

Holders of a good Masters degree from a recognised institution will be considered for PhD study on an individual basis.

Applicants for postgraduate research programmes should hold a Bachelors degree and will usually be required to have completed a Masters degree, with 7 out of 10 or higher for 2:1 equivalency from a recognised institution to be considered for entry. Applicants with lower grades than this may be considered on an individual basis.

Applicants for postgraduate research programmes should hold a Bachelors degree and will usually be required to have completed a Masters degree, with 60-74% or a CGPA 3.30/4.0 or higher for 2:1 equivalency from a recognised institution to be considered for entry. Applicants with lower grades than this may be considered on an individual basis.

Holders of a good Kandidatexamen (Bachelors degree) or Yrkesexamen (Professional Bachelors degree) from a recognised Swedish Higher Education institution with the majority of subjects with a grade of VG (Val godkänd), and/or a good Magisterexamen (Masters degree), International Masters degree or Licentiatexamen (comparable to a UK Mphil), will be considered for entry to postgraduate research programmes.

Holders of a good "PostGraduate Certificate" or "PostGraduate Diploma" or a Masters degree from a recognised Swiss higher education institution (with a minimum GPA of 5/6 or 8/10 or 2/5 (gut-bien-bene/good) for a 2.1 equivalence) may be considered for entry to postgraduate research programmes.

Applicants for postgraduate research programmes should hold a Bachelors degree and a Masters degree, with a GPA of 3.0/4.0, 3.5/5 or 75% from a recognised institution to be considered. Applicants with lower grades than this may be considered on an individual basis.

Holders of a good Bachelor degree (from 75% to 85% depending upon the university in Taiwan) from a recognised institution will be considered for postgraduate Masters study. Holders of a good Masters degree from a recognised institution will be considered for PhD study.

Students who hold a Bachelor degree from a recognised institution will be considered for Postgraduate Diplomas and Masters degrees.  Most taught Masters programmes require a minimum of an upper second class degree (2.1) Students who have completed a Masters degree from a recognised institution will be considered for PhD study.

Holders of a good Masters degree from a recognised institution will be considered for entry to our postgraduate research programmes.

Holders of a good Masters degree or Mphil from a recognised university will be considered for entry to postgraduate research programmes.

Students with a Bachelors degree from the following universities may be considered for entry to postgraduate programmes:

  • Ateneo de Manila University - Quezon City
  • De La Salle University - Manila
  • University of Santo Tomas
  • University of the Philippines - Diliman

Students from all other institutions with a Bachelors and a Masters degree or relevant work experience may be considered for postgraduate programmes.

Grading Schemes

1-5 where 1 is the highest 2.1 = 1.75 2.2 = 2.25 

Out of 4.0 where 4 is the highest 2.1 = 3.0 2.2 = 2.5

Letter grades and percentages 2.1 = B / 3.00 / 83% 2.2 = C+ / 2.5 / 77%

Holders of a postdoctoral qualification from a recognised institution will be considered for PhD study.  Students may be considered for PhD study if they have a Masters from one of the above listed universities.

Holders of a Lisans Diplomasi with a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 3.0/4.0 from a recognised university will be considered for postgraduate study at Diploma or Masters level.

Holders of a Yuksek Diplomasi from a recognised university will be considered for PhD study.

Students who hold a Bachelor degree from a recognised institution will be considered for Postgraduate Diplomas and Masters degrees. Most Masters programmes will require a second class upper (2.1) or GPA of 3.5/5.0

Applicants for postgraduate research programmes should hold a good Bachelors degree / Диплом бакалавра (Dyplom Bakalavra), Диплом спеціаліста (Specialist Diploma) or a Dyplom Magistra from a recognised Ukrainian higher education institution with a minimum GPA of 4.0/5.0, 3.5/4, 8/12 or 80% or higher for 2:1 equivalence and will usually be required to have completed a good Masters degree to be considered for entry to postgraduate research programmes. Applicants with lower grades than this may be considered on an individual basis.

The University will consider students who hold an Honours degree from a recognised institution in the USA with a GPA of:

  • 2.8 GPA (on a 4.0 scale) for entry to programmes with a 2:2 requirement 
  • 3.2 GPA (on a 4.0 scale) for entry to programmes with a 2:1 requirement 

Please note that some subjects which are studied at postgraduate level in the USA, eg. Medicine and Law, are traditionally studied at undergraduate level in the UK.

Holders of the Magistr Diplomi (Master's degree) or Diplomi (Specialist Diploma), awarded by prestigious universities, who have attained high grades in their studies will be considered for postgraduate study.  Holders of the Fanlari Nomzodi (Candidate of Science), where appropriate, will be considered for PhD study.

Holders of the Licenciatura/Título or an equivalent professional title from a recognised Venezuelan university may be considered for entry to a postgraduate degree programme. Scales of 1-5, 1-10 and 1-20 are used, an overall score of 70% or equivalent can be considered equivalent to a UK 2.1.  Applicants for PhD level study will preferably hold a Maestria or equivalent qualification

Holders of a Bachelors degree from a recognised Vietnamese institution (usually achieved with the equivalent of a second class upper or a grade point average minimum GPA of 7.0 and above) will be considered for postgraduate study at Diploma or Masters level.  Holders of a Masters degree (thac si) will be considered for entry to PhD programmes.

Students who hold a Masters degree with a minimum GPA of 3.5/5.0 or a mark of 2.0/2.5 (A) will be considered for Postgraduate Diplomas and Masters degrees.   

Students who hold a good Bachelor Honours degree will be considered for Postgraduate Diplomas and Masters degrees. 

International Students

English language.

For students whose first language is not English, one of the following English language qualifications is required:

International students applying for this programme will need an Academic Technology Approval Scheme (ATAS) certificate from the Foreign & Commonwealth Office before the University can issue you with a Certificate of Acceptance of Studies (CAS). We recommend that you apply for your ATAS certificate as soon as you receive an offer from us.

We are internationally renowned for our world-leading research, which involves international and multidisciplinary collaboration.

We have strong research groups in algebra, analysis, combinatorics, continuum mechanics, initiatives and infrastructures, mathematical biology, nonlinear systems, numerical analysis, statistics, and theoretical and computational optimization.

Visit our  Pure Mathematics research group  website for further information.

University Careers Network

Preparation for your career should be one of the first things you think about as you start university. Whether you have a clear idea of where your future aspirations lie or want to consider the broad range of opportunities available once you have a Birmingham degree, our Careers Network can help you achieve your goal.

Our unique careers guidance service is tailored to your academic subject area, offering a specialised team (in each of the five academic colleges) who can give you expert advice. Our team source exclusive work experience opportunities to help you stand out amongst the competition, with mentoring, global internships and placements available to you. Once you have a career in your sights, one-to-one support with CVs and job applications will help give you the edge.

If you make the most of the wide range of services you will be able to develop your career from the moment you arrive.

  • Online chat events

phd in pure mathematics topics

  • Doing a PhD in Mathematics
  • Doing a PhD

What Does a PhD in Maths Involve?

Maths is a vast subject, both in breadth and in depth. As such, there’s a significant number of different areas you can research as a math student. These areas usually fall into one of three categories: pure mathematics, applied mathematics or statistics. Some examples of topics you can research are:

  • Number theory
  • Numerical analysis
  • String theory
  • Random matrix theory
  • Graph theory
  • Quantum mechanics
  • Statistical forecasting
  • Matroid theory
  • Control theory

Besides this, because maths focuses on addressing interdisciplinary real-world problems, you may work and collaborate with other STEM researchers. For example, your research topic may relate to:

  • Biomechanics and transport processes
  • Evidence-based medicine
  • Fluid dynamics
  • Financial mathematics
  • Machine learning
  • Theoretical and Computational Optimisation

What you do day-to-day will largely depend on your specific research topic. However, you’ll likely:

  • Continually read literature – This will be to help develop your knowledge and identify current gaps in the overall body of knowledge surrounding your research topic.
  • Undertake research specific to your topic – This can include defining ideas, proving theorems and identifying relationships between models.
  • Collect and analyse data – This could comprise developing computational models, running simulations and interpreting forecasts etc.
  • Liaise with others – This could take many forms. For example, you may work shoulder-to-shoulder with individuals from different disciplines supporting your research, e.g. Computer scientists for machine learning-based projects. Alternatively, you may need frequent input from those who supplied the data for your research, e.g. Financial institutions or biological research colleagues.
  • Attend a wide range of lectures, seminars and events.

Browse PhD Opportunities in Mathematics

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The average programme duration for a mathematics PhD in the UK is 3 to 4 years for a full-time studying. Although not all universities offer part-time maths PhD programmes, those that do have a typical programme duration of 5 to 7 years.

Again, although the exact arrangement will depend on the university, most maths doctorates will require you to first register for an MPhil . At the end of your first year, your supervisor will assess your progress to decide whether you should be registered for a PhD.

Additional Learning Modules

Best Universities for Maths PhD UK

Some Mathematics departments will require you to enrol on to taught modules as part of your programme. These are to help improve your knowledge and understanding of broader subjects within your field, for example, Fourier Analysis, Differential Geometry and Riemann Surfaces. Even if taught modules aren’t compulsory in several universities, your supervisor will still encourage you to attend them for your development.

Most UK universities will also have access to specialised mathematical training courses. The most common of these include Pure Mathematics courses hosted by Mathematics Access Grid Conferencing ( MAGIC ) and London Taught Course Centre ( LTCC ) and Statistics courses hosted by Academy for PhD Training in Statistics ( APTS ).

What Are the Typical Entry Requirements for A PhD in Maths?

In the UK, the typical entry requirements for a Maths PhD is an upper second-class (2:1) Master’s degree (or international equivalent) in Mathematics or Statistics [1] .

However, there is some variation on this. From writing, the lowest entry requirement is an upper second-class (2:1) Bachelor’s degree in any math-related subject. The highest entry requirement is a first-class (1st) honours Master’s degree in a Mathematics or Statistics degree only.

1st Class Honours Master’s degree. Degree must be in Mathematics or Statistics. 2:1 Master’s degree in Mathematics, Statistics or a closely related subject. 2:1 Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics, Statistics or a closely related subject.

It’s worth noting if you’re applying to a position which comes with funding provided directly by the Department, the entry requirements will usually be on the higher side because of their competitiveness.

In terms of English Language requirements, most mathematics departments require at least an overall IELTS (International English Language Testing System) score of 6.5, with no less than 6.0 in each individual subtest.

Tips to Consider when Making Your Application

When applying to any mathematics PhD, you’ll be expected to have a good understanding of both your subject field and the specific research topic you are applying to. To help show this, it’s advisable that you demonstrate recent engagement in your research topic. This could be by describing the significance of a research paper you recently read and outlining which parts interested you the most, and why. Additionally, you can discuss a recent mathematics event you attended and suggest ways in how what you learnt might apply to your research topic.

As with most STEM PhDs, most maths PhD professors prefer you to discuss your application with them directly before putting in a formal application. The benefits of this is two folds. First, you’ll get more information on what their department has to offer. Second, the supervisor can better discover your interest in the project and gauge whether you’d be a suitable candidate. Therefore, we encourage you to contact potential supervisors for positions you’re interested in before making any formal applications.

How Much Does a Maths PhD Typically Cost?

The typical tuition fee for a PhD in Maths in the UK is £4,407 per year for UK/EU students and £20,230 per year for international students. This, alongside the range in tuition fees you can expect, is summarised below:

UK/EU Full-Time £4,407 £4,327 – £8,589
UK/EU Part-Time £2,204 £2,164 – £4,295
International Full-Time £20,230 £15,950 – £24,531
International Part-Time £10,115 £7,975 – £12,266

Note: The above tuition fees are based on 12 UK Universities [1]  for 2020/21 Mathematic PhD positions. The typical fee has been taken as the median value.

In addition to the above, it’s not unheard of for research students to be charged a bench fee. In case you’re unfamiliar with a bench fee, it’s an annual fee additional to your tuition, which covers the cost of specialist equipment or resources associated with your research. This can include the upkeep of supercomputers you may use, training in specialist analysis software, or travelling to conferences. The exact fee will depend on your specific research topic; however, it should be minimal for most mathematic projects.

What Specific Funding Opportunities Are There for A PhD in Mathematics?

Alongside the usual funding opportunities available to all PhD Research students such as doctoral loans, departmental scholarships, there are a few other sources of funding available to math PhD students. Examples of these include:

You can find more information on these funding sources here: DiscoverPhDs funding guide .

What Specific Skills Do You Gain from Doing a PhD in Mathematics?

A doctorate in Mathematics not only demonstrates your commitment to continuous learning, but it also provides you with highly marketable skills. Besides subject-specific skills, you’ll also gain many transferable skills which will prove useful in almost all industries. A sample of these skills is listed below.

  • Logical ability to consider and analyse complex issues,
  • Commitment and persistence towards reaching research goals,
  • Outstanding verbal and written skills,
  • Strong attention to detail,
  • The ability to liaise with others from unique disciple backgrounds and work as part of a team
  • Holistic deduction and reasoning skills,
  • Forming and explaining mathematical and logical solutions to a wide range of real-world problems,
  • Exceptional numeracy skills.

What Jobs Can You Get with A Maths PhD?

Jobs for Maths PhDs - PhD in Mathematics Salary

One of the greatest benefits maths PostDocs will have is the ability to pursue a wide range of career paths. This is because all sciences are built on core principles which, to varying extents, are supported by the core principles of mathematics. As a result, it’s not uncommon to ask students what path they intend to follow after completing their degree and receive entirely different answers. Although not extensive by any means, the most common career paths Math PostDocs take are listed below:

  • Academia – Many individuals teach undergraduate students at the university they studied at or ones they gained ties to during their research. This path is usually the preferred among students who want to continue focusing on mathematical theories and concepts as part of their career.
  • Postdoctoral Researcher – Others continue researching with their University or with an independent organisation. This can be a popular path because of the opportunities it provides in collaborative working, supervising others, undertaking research and attending conferences etc.
  • Finance – Because of their deepened analytical skills, it’s no surprise that many PostDocs choose a career in finance. This involves working for some of the most significant players in the financial district in prime locations including London, Frankfurt and Hong Kong. Specific job titles can include Actuarial, Investment Analyst or Risk Modeller.
  • Computer Programming – Some students whose research involves computational mathematics launch their career as a computer programmer. Due to their background, they’ll typically work on specialised projects which require high levels of understanding on the problem at hand. For example, they may work with physicists and biomedical engineers to develop a software package that supports their more complex research.
  • Data Analyst – Those who enjoy number crunching and developing complex models often go into data analytics. This can involve various niches such as forecasting or optimisation, across various fields such as marketing and weather.

What Are Some of The Typical Employers Who Hire Maths PostDocs?

As mentioned above, there’s a high demand for skilled mathematicians and statisticians across a broad range of sectors. Some typical employers are:

  • Education – All UK and international universities
  • Governments – STFC and Department for Transport
  • Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals – NHS, GSK, Pfizer
  • Finance & Banking – e.g. Barclays Capital, PwC and J. P. Morgan
  • Computing – IBM, Microsoft and Facebook
  • Engineering – Boeing, Shell and Dyson

The above is only a small selection of employers. In reality, mathematic PostDocs can work in almost any industry, assuming the role is numerical-based or data-driven.

Math PhD Employer Logos

How Much Can You Earn with A PhD in Maths?

As a mathematics PhD PostDoc, your earning potential will mostly depend on your chosen career path. Due to the wide range of options, it’s impossible to provide an arbitrary value for the typical salary you can expect.

However, if you pursue one of the below paths or enter their respective industry, you can roughly expect to earn [3] :

Academic Lecturer

  • Approximately £30,000 – £35,000 starting salary
  • Approximately £40,000 with a few years experience
  • Approximately £45,000 – £55,000 with 10 years experience
  • Approximately £60,000 and over with significant experience and a leadership role. Certain academic positions can earn over £80,000 depending on the management duties.

Actuary or Finance

  • Approximately £35,000 starting salary
  • Approximately £45,000 – £55,000 with a few years experience
  • Approximately £70,000 and over with 10 years experience
  • Approximately £180,000 and above with significant experience and a leadership role.

Aerospace or Mechanical Engineering

  • Approximately £28,000 starting salary
  • Approximately £35,000 – £40,000 with a few years experience
  • Approximately £60,000 and over with 10 years experience

Data Analyst

  • Approximately £45,000 – £50,000 with a few years experience
  • Approximately £90,000 and above with significant experience and a leadership role.

Again, we stress that the above are indicative values only. Actual salaries will depend on the specific organisation and position and responsibilities of the individual.

Facts and Statistics About Maths PhD Holders

The below chart provides useful insight into the destination of Math PostDocs after completing their PhD. The most popular career paths from other of highest to lowest is education, information and communication, finance and scientific research, manufacturing and government.

Percentage of Math PostDocs entering an industry upon graduating

Note: The above chart is based on ‘UK Higher Education Leavers’ data [2] between 2012/13 and 2016/17 and contains a data size of 200 PostDocs. The data was obtained from the Higher Education Statistics Agency ( HESA ).

Which Noteworthy People Hold a PhD in Maths?

Alan turing.


Alan Turing was a British Mathematician, WW2 code-breaker and arguably the father of computer science. Alongside his lengthy list of achievements, Turning achieved a PhD in Mathematics at Princeton University, New Jersey. His thesis titled ‘Systems of Logic Based on Ordinals’ focused on the concepts of ordinal logic and relative computing; you can read it online here . To this day, Turning pioneering works continues to play a fundamental role in shaping the development of artificial intelligence (AI).

Ruth Lawrence

phd in pure mathematics topics

Ruth Lawrence is a famous British–Israeli Mathematician well known within the academic community. Lawrence earned her PhD in Mathematics from Oxford University at the young age of 17! Her work focused on algebraic topology and knot theory; you can read her interesting collection of research papers here . Among her many contributions to Maths, her most notable include the representation of the braid groups, more formally known as Lawrence–Krammer representations.

Emmy Noether

phd in pure mathematics topics

Emmy Noether was a German mathematician who received her PhD from the University of Erlangen, Germany. Her research has significantly contributed to both abstract algebra and theoretical physics. Additionally, she proved a groundbreaking theorem important to Albert Einstein’s general theory of relativity. In doing so, her theorem, Noether’s theorem , is regarded as one of the most influential developments in physics.

Other Useful Resources

Institute of Mathematics and its Applications (IMA) – IMA is the UK’s professional body for mathematicians. It contains a wide range of useful information, from the benefits of further education in Maths to details on grants and upcoming events.

Maths Careers – Math Careers is a site associated with IMA that provides a wide range of advice to mathematicians of all ages. It has a section dedicated to undergraduates and graduates and contains a handful of information about progressing into research.

Resources for Graduate Students – Produced by Dr Mak Tomford, this webpage contains an extensive collection of detailed advice for Mathematic PhD students. Although the site uses US terminology in places, don’t let that put you off as this resource will prove incredibly helpful in both applying to and undertaking your PhD.

Student Interviews – Still wondering whether a PhD is for you? If so, our collection of PhD interviews would be a great place to get an insider perspective. We’ve interviewed a wide range of PhD students across the UK to find out what doing a PhD is like, how it’s helped them and what advice they have for other prospective students who may be thinking of applying to one. You can read our insightful collection of interviews here .

[1] Universities used to determine the typical (median) and range of entry requirements and tuition fees for 2020/21 Mathematics PhD positions.


[2] Higher Education Leavers Statistics: UK, 2016/17 – Outcomes by subject studied –

[3] Typical salaries have been extracted from a combination of the below resources. It should be noted that although every effort has been made to keep the reported salaries as relevant to Math PostDocs as possible (i.e. filtering for positions which specify a PhD qualification as one of their requirements/preferences), small inaccuracies may exist due to data availability.

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King's College London

Pure mathematics research, key information.

We have a wide range of research opportunities in the four groups that make up the Pure section of the Department of Mathematics, namely the Analysis, Geometry, Number Theory and Probability groups.

We recommend that you identify a broad research area that you are interested in and explore the webpages of the relevant research group(s) . It might be the case that your interest spans more than one group.

You will find links to the personal pages of each of the academic staff in each group and you should try to identify a potential supervisor, who you can then contact directly to discuss further.

You can explore potential supervisors on our research group pages below. Details on how to make an application .

Head of Department: Professor Steven Gilmour

Our department has a large number of active and internationally renowned researchers and postdoctoral research fellows. The research groups organise regular seminars, where top-ranking scientists from around the world present new results, which our research students can witness first hand. The students also organise their own informal seminars and discussion groups. The lively environment and the exceptionally friendly atmosphere at our department contribute to the high success rate of our students. You can apply for supervision in all fields of interest of our staff members. The department provides funding for PhD students to attend suitable schools and conferences during their studies.

More than 80% of the PhD students at the department are fully funded through a number of funding schemes; the most common is departmental funding which covers tuition as well as a living stipend. In recent years, on average, 10 students per year have been admitted to a PhD programme with funding from the department.

  • How to apply
  • Fees or Funding

For funding opportunities please explore these pages:

  • List of funding opportunities
  • External funding opportunities for International students
  • King’s-China Scholarship Council PhD Scholarship programme (K-CSC)

UK Tuition 2023/24

Full time tuition fees:

£6,540 per year (MPhil/PhD, Mathematics Research)

Part Time Tuition fees:

£3,270 per year (MPhil/PhD, Mathematics Research)

International Tuition Fees 2023/24

£24,360 per year (MPhil/PhD, Mathematics Research)

£12,180 per year (MPhil/PhD, Mathematics Research)

UK Tuition 2024/25

£6,936 per year (MPhil/PhD, Mathematics Research)

£3,468 per year (MPhil/PhD, Mathematics Research)

International Tuition Fees 2024/25

£26,070 per year (MPhil/PhD, Mathematics Research)

£13,035 per year (MPhil/PhD, Mathematics Research)

Mathematics Research with University of Hong Kong or Humboldt-Universität Zu Berlin

£24,360 per year (MPhil/PhD, Mathematics Research with University of Hong Kong)

£24,360 per year (MPhil/PhD, Mathematics Research with Humboldt-Universität Zu Berlin)

Part time tuition fees: £12,180 (MPhil/PhD, Mathematics Research with Humboldt-Universität Zu Berlin)

£26,070 per year (MPhil/PhD, Mathematics Research with University of Hong Kong)

£26,070 per year (MPhil/PhD, Mathematics Research with Humboldt-Universität Zu Berlin)

Part time tuition fees: £13,035 (MPhil/PhD, Mathematics Research with Humboldt-Universität Zu Berlin)

All of these fees may be subject to additional increases in subsequent years of study, in line with King's terms and conditions.

Bench fees will be applicable to the non-award research programme for visiting students.

  • Study environment

Base campus

The Quad - Strand campus

Strand Campus

Located on the north bank of the River Thames, the Strand Campus houses King's College London's arts and sciences faculties.

You will be assigned a supervisor with whom you will work closely. You will also attend research seminars and take part in other research related activities in your research group, the department and more widely in the University of London. We do not specify fixed attendance hours, but we expect a good level of attendance, and our research students benefit from informal interaction with each other. You will be provided with access to working and storage space, as well as a laptop. On arrival you will discuss your research programme with your supervisor, and you will attend general induction sessions.

Postgraduate training

Carrying out research is learned in apprenticeship mode as PhD student works with a supervisor. Our PhD students receive various forms of training during their period of research, eg attending courses in the London Taught Courses Centre, attendance at EPSRC summer schools; provision of advanced lecture courses; College training courses for graduates who will give tutorial teaching to undergraduates; weekly seminars in the area of your research; frequent research group meetings; attendance at national and international conferences and research meetings.

Communication skills are developed by preparing and presenting seminars in the department, assisted by your supervisor; apprenticeship in writing papers and, in due course, the PhD thesis.

To build your teaching skills and experience, you are strongly encouraged to apply to become a Graduate Teaching Assistant, giving tutorials to our undergraduates (training is provided)

  • Entry requirements
  • Research groups


The Analysis Group's research interests focus mainly on PDEs, operator theory and spectral theory.


Members of the Geometry Group carry out research on topics within the following areas: algebraic geometry, cohomology theories, differential geometry, geometric analysis, homogeneous space, Lie groups, mirror symmetry, and symplectic geometry.

Number Theory

Number Theory

King's College London has a strong tradition of research in number theory, and this continues today with a particular emphasis on algebraic and representation-theoretic aspects of the subject.



The Probability group in the Department of Mathematics at King's College London.

phd in pure mathematics topics

Centre for Doctoral Studies

phd in pure mathematics topics

NMES Graduate School

A supportive and engaging environment for PhD students

phd in pure mathematics topics

Funding & Scholarships for PhD students

The Centre for Doctoral Studies helps secure funding for students...

phd in pure mathematics topics

NMES Graduate School: Virtual Open Event Session One

The NMES Graduate School Virtual Open Events for prospective postgraduate...

phd in pure mathematics topics

NMES Graduate School: Virtual Open Event Session Two

PhD Program

More information and a full list of requirements for the PhD program in Mathematics can be found in the University Bulletin .

During their first year in the program, students typically engage in coursework and seminars which prepare them for the  Qualifying Examinations .  Currently, these two exams test the student’s breadth of knowledge in algebra and real analysis. 

Starting in Autumn 2023, students will choose 2 out of 4 qualifying exam topics: 

  • real analysis
  • geometry and topology
  • applied mathematics

Course Requirements for students starting prior to Autumn 2023

To qualify for candidacy, the student must have successfully completed 27 units of Math graduate courses numbered between 200 and 297.

Within the 27 units, students must satisfactorily complete a course sequence. This can be fulfilled in one of the following ways:

  • Math 215A, B, & C: Algebraic Topology, Differential Topology, and Differential Geometry
  • Math 216A, B, & C: Introduction to Algebraic Geometry
  • Math 230A, B, & C: Theory of Probability
  • 3 quarter course sequence in a single subject approved in advance by the Director of Graduate Studies.

Course Requirements for students starting in Autumn 2023 and later

To qualify for candidacy, the student must have successfully completed 27 units of Math graduate courses numbered between 200 and 297. The course sequence requirement is discontinued for students starting in Autumn 2023 and later.

By the end of Spring Quarter of their second year in the program, students must have a dissertation advisor and apply for Candidacy.

During their third year, students will take their Area Examination , which must be completed by the end of Winter Quarter. This exam assesses the student’s breadth of knowledge in their particular area of research. The Area Examination is also used as an opportunity for the student to present their committee with a summary of research conducted to date as well as a detailed plan for the remaining research.

Years 4&5

Typically during the latter part of the fourth or early part of the fifth year of study, students are expected to finish their dissertation research. At this time, students defend their dissertation as they sit for their University Oral Examination. Following the dissertation defense, students take a short time to make final revisions to their actual papers and submit the dissertation to their reading committee for final approval.

Throughout the PhD Program

All students continue through each year of the program serving some form of Assistantship: Course, Teaching or Research, unless they have funding from outside the department.

Our graduate students are very active as both leaders and participants in seminars and colloquia in their chosen areas of interest.

Mathematics, PhD

Zanvyl krieger school of arts and sciences.

The goal of our PhD program is to train graduate students to become research mathematicians. Our students  go on to exciting careers  in mathematics both inside and outside of academia.

Faculty research interests  in the Johns Hopkins University Department of Mathematics are concentrated in several areas of pure mathematics, including algebraic geometry, algebraic topology, category theory, geometric analysis, harmonic analysis, mathematical physics, number theory, and partial differential equations. The department also has an active group in data science, in collaboration with the  Applied Math Department .

The Department values diversity among its members, is committed to building a diverse intellectual community, and strongly encourages applications from all interested parties.

A brief overview of our graduate program is below. For more detailed information, please see the links at the right.

Program Overview

PhD candidates take two or three courses per semester over the first several years of the program. These are a mix of required and intermediate-level graduate courses, independent studies, and special topics classes offered by our faculty. Candidates must take, attend, participate in, and pass the course 110.771 (GTA Teaching Seminar). The seminar is an important part of the preparation for classroom teaching, and thus an essential part of mathematics graduate education. The seminar is generally required in a student's first year at JHU. A student supported by an external fellowship may delay taking the seminar until the spring before they are required to TA (but may not postpone the seminar entirely).

By the beginning of their second year, students are asked to demonstrate competency in algebra and in analysis by passing written qualifying exams in these two broad areas. Students are then expected to choose an advisor, who will supervise their dissertation and also administer an oral qualifying exam to be taken in the second or third year. More specifics about all these requirements are described on the  requirements page .

All graduate students are invited to attend  weekly research seminars in a variety of topic areas  as well as regular department teas and a weekly wine and cheese gathering attended by many junior and senior members of the department. A graduate student lunch seminar series provides an opportunity for our students to practice their presentation skills to a general audience.

Teaching experience is regarded as an important part of the graduate program, and graduate students are required to teach during their program.

Each student is awarded a travel allowance to enable them to attend conferences for which limited funding is available, or to visit researchers at other institutions.

William Kelso Morrill Award

The William Kelso Morrill Award for excellence in the teaching of mathematics is awarded every spring to the graduate student who best exemplifies the traits of William Kelso Morrill: a love of mathematics, a love of teaching, and a concern for students.

Joel Dean Excellence in Teaching Awards

These awards are given each year to graduate student teaching assistants, undergraduate teaching assistants, and non-tenure-track faculty who have demonstrated exceptional ability and commitment to undergraduate education.

Admission Requirements

Admission to the PhD program is based on primarily on academic records, letters of recommendation, and a personal statement. The Department of Mathematics values diversity among its members, is committed to building a diverse intellectual community, and strongly encourages applications from all interested parties.

Via the online application , applicants should submit:

  • A Statement of Purpose
  • An optional Personal Statement
  • Transcripts from all institutions attended
  • Three letters of recommendation
  • Official TOEFL scores (if English is not your first language)
  • Optionally , a self-reported score for the GRE Mathematics subject test.

The required Statement of Purpose discusses your academic interests, objectives, and preparation. The optional Personal Statement describes your personal background, and helps us create a more holistic understanding of you as an applicant. If you wish you may also discuss your personal background in the Statement of Purpose (e.g. if you have already written a single essay addressing both topics), instead of submitting separate statements.

Submission of GRE Math subject scores is optional. The department views GRE Math subject scores as useful information. For applications which do not include these scores, more weight will be placed on the other elements of the application. Applicants who choose to self-report a GRE Math Subject score need not send an official score report at time of application; we will request verification only if you are accepted to the program.

Application fee waivers are available based on financial need and/or participation in certain programs .

Many frequently asked questions about the graduate admission process are answered here .

No application materials should be mailed to the department. All application materials are processed by the Graduate Admissions Office .

Undergraduate Background

The following is an example of what the math department would consider a good background for a student coming out of a four-year undergraduate program at a college or university in the U.S. (assuming a semester system):

  • Calculus in one variable (two semesters, or AP credits)
  • Multivariable Calculus (one semester)
  • Linear Algebra (one semester)
  • Complex analysis (one semester)
  • Real analysis (two semesters)
  • Abstract algebra (two semesters)
  • Point-set topology (one semester)

Many admitted students have taken upper-level undergraduate mathematics courses or graduate courses. Nevertheless, the department does admit very promising students whose preparation falls a little short of the above model. In such cases, we strongly recommend that the student start to close the gap over the summer, before arriving for the start of the fall semester.

Additional Information for International Students

Student Visa Information:  The Office of International Services at Homewood  will assist admitted international students in obtaining a student visa.

English Proficiency: Johns Hopkins University requires students to have adequate English proficiency for their course of study. Students must be able to read, speak, and write English fluently upon their arrival at the university. Applicants whose native language is not English must submit proof of their proficiency in English before they can be offered admission and before a visa certificate can be issued. Proficiency can be demonstrated by submitting results from either the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or the IELTS . Johns Hopkins prefers a minimum score of 100 on the TOEFL or a Band Score of 7 on the IELTS. Results should be sent to Johns Hopkins directly by TOEFL or IELTS. Applicants taking the IELTS must additionally upload a copy of their score through the application system. However, do not send the student copy or a photocopy of the TOEFL.

Program Requirements

Course requirements.

Mathematics PhD candidates must show satisfactory work in Algebra (110.601-602), Real Variables (110.605), Complex Variables (110.607), and one additional non-seminar mathematics graduate course in their first year. The first-year algebra and analysis requirement can be satisfied by passing the corresponding written qualifying exam in September of the first year; these students must complete at least two courses each semester. In addition, PhD candidates must take Algebraic Topology (110.615) and Riemannian Geometry (110.645) by their second year. Students having sufficient background can substitute an advanced topology course for 110.615, or an advanced geometry course for 110.645 with the permission of the instructor.

Candidates must show satisfactory work in at least two mathematics graduate courses each semester of their second year, and if they have not passed their oral qualifying exam, in the first semester of their third year.

Qualifying Exams

Candidates must pass written qualifying exams by the beginning of their second year in Analysis (Real & Complex) and in Algebra. Exams are scheduled for September and May of each academic year, and the dates are announced well in advance.

Candidates must pass an oral qualifying examination in the student’s chosen area of research by April 10 of the third year. The topics of the exam are chosen in consultation with the faculty member who has agreed (provisionally) to be the student’s thesis advisor, who will also be involved in administering the exam.

PhD Dissertation

Candidates must produce a written dissertation based upon independent and original research. After completion of the thesis research, the student will defend the dissertation by means of the  Graduate Board Oral exam . The exam must be held at least three weeks before the Graduate Board deadline the candidate wishes to meet.

Our PhD program does not have a foreign language requirement.

Department of Mathematics

students at chalkboard

  • Prospective Graduate Student FAQ
  • Graduate Board Oral Exam
  • Graduate Courses
  • Qualifying Exams
  • Recent PhD Theses
  • Graduate Awards

The goal of our PhD program is to train graduate students to become research mathematicians. Each year, an average of five students complete their theses and go on to exciting careers in mathematics both inside and outside of academia.

Faculty research interests in the Johns Hopkins University Department of Mathematics are concentrated in several areas of pure mathematics, including analysis and geometric analysis, algebraic geometry and number theory, differential geometry, algebraic topology, category theory, and mathematical physics. The department also has an active group in data science, in collaboration with the Applied Math Department .

The Department values diversity among its members, is committed to building a diverse intellectual community, and strongly encourages applications from all interested parties.

A brief overview of our graduate program is below. For more detailed information, please use the drop down menu above.

Program Overview

All students admitted to the PhD program receive support that includes a stipend, full tuition, and additional benefits. Students making satisfactory progress are guaranteed this support for five years. A sixth year of support is generally possible for students who are on track to complete their Ph.D. and would benefit from the additional year. Ph.D. students at JHU are unionized , and their stipends and benefits are specified in the union’s collective bargaining agreement; here is a summary .

PhD candidates take two or three courses per semester over the first several years of the program. These are a mix of required and intermediate-level graduate courses, independent studies, and special topics classes offered by our faculty.

By the beginning of their second year, students are asked to demonstrate competency in algebra and in analysis by passing written qualifying exams in these two broad areas. Students are then expected to choose an advisor, who will supervise their dissertation and also administer an oral qualifying exam to be taken in the second or third year. More specifics about all these requirements are described on the requirements page .

All graduate students are invited to attend weekly research seminars in a variety of topic areas as well as regular department teas and a weekly wine and cheese gathering attended by many junior and senior members of the department. A graduate student lunch seminar series provides an opportunity for our students to practice their presentation skills to a general audience.

Teaching experience is regarded as an important part of the graduate program, and graduate students are required to teach during their program, most frequently as a teaching assistant for undergraduate courses. First-year students are exempted from TAing, in preparation for the qualifying exams, and each student at the dissertation-writing stage is offered an additional semester free of teaching.

Each student receives a travel allowance to enable them to attend conferences for which limited funding is available, or to visit researchers at other institutions.

Study Postgraduate

Phd in mathematics (2022 entry), explore our phd in mathematics.

The PhD in Mathematics offers an intellectually stimulating and dynamic atmosphere research in both pure and applied mathematics. Study at the University of Warwick's Mathematics Institute, ranked 3rd in the UK in REF 2014, an international centre of research excellence.

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Course code

3 October 2022

3 to 4 years full-time


Mathematics Institute

University of Warwick

About this research graduate course

Course overview.

Mathematics at Warwick covers a full range of both pure and applied areas. The Mathematics Postgraduate Degrees are appropriate for students with a strong and broad mathematical background who wish to continue to focus on primarily mathematical questions in their postgraduate work.

All students are required to undergo training in Year One and are encouraged to make use of further training opportunities available in subsequent years. Training ranges from gaining a broader knowledge of mathematics through taught modules, seminars and workshops, to enhancing your professional and transferrable skills. Our aim is to produce excellent PhD students who have undertaken high quality original research and who are well-prepared for a career, either in academia or elsewhere.

Teaching and Learning

Students are required to complete a series of modules in theirs first year (from a very wide selection of bespoke modules), with assessment including an oral examination component. Upon the successful completion of these modules, students are required to complete research project before being formally upgraded to a PhD at the end of the first year.

Training will be supplemented with attendance to seminars, cohort building activities, and additional transferable skills training.

General entry requirements

Minimum requirements.

First Class integrated MA, MMath or MSc degree in Mathematics or a science degree with high mathematical content.

English language requirements

You can find out more about our English language requirements . This course requires the following:

  • IELTS overall score of 6.5, minimum component scores not below 6.0

International qualifications

We welcome applications from students with other internationally recognised qualifications.

For more information, please visit the international entry requirements page .

Additional requirements

There are no additional entry requirements for this course.

Our research

The mathematics department covers a wide range of research areas in mathematics and its applications.

You may also wish to explore the research interest of current Warwick academics .

Find a supervisor

The 'Find A Supervisor' link below will allow you to explore the research interests of academics within the department. Please include in your application the names of potential supervisors, with interests aligned with yours, or people you would like to work with.

The mathematics department, unlike some other departments, does not require students to make any arrangements with any potential supervisors before applying, though of course you are welcome to contact them directly and discuss your interests and any potential projects they may offer.

Tuition fees

Tuition fees are payable for each year of your course at the start of the academic year, or at the start of your course, if later. Academic fees cover the cost of tuition, examinations and registration and some student amenities.

Taught course fees   Research course fees

Fee Status Guidance

We carry out an initial fee status assessment based on the information you provide in your application. Students will be classified as Home or Overseas fee status. Your fee status determines tuition fees, and what financial support and scholarships may be available. If you receive an offer, your fee status will be clearly stated alongside the tuition fee information.

Do you need your fee classification to be reviewed?

If you believe that your fee status has been classified incorrectly, you can complete a fee status assessment questionnaire. Please follow the instructions in your offer information and provide the documents needed to reassess your status.

Find out more about how universities assess fee status

Additional course costs

As well as tuition fees and living expenses, some courses may require you to cover the cost of field trips or costs associated with travel abroad. Information about department specific costs should be considered in conjunction with the more general costs below, such as:

As well as tuition fees and living expenses, some courses may require you to cover the cost of field trips or costs associated with travel abroad.

For departmental specific costs, please see the Modules tab on the course web page for the list of core and optional core modules with hyperlinks to our  Module Catalogue  (please visit the Department’s website if the Module Catalogue hyperlinks are not provided).

Associated costs can be found on the Study tab for each module listed in the Module Catalogue (please note most of the module content applies to 2022/23 year of study). Information about module department specific costs should be considered in conjunction with the more general costs below:

  • Core text books
  • Printer credits
  • Dissertation binding
  • Robe hire for your degree ceremony

Scholarships and bursaries

phd in pure mathematics topics

Scholarships and financial support

Find out about the different funding routes available, including; postgraduate loans, scholarships, fee awards and academic department bursaries.

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Mathematics Funding Opportunities

Find out more about the various funding opportunities that are available in our department.

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Living costs

Find out more about the cost of living as a postgraduate student at the University of Warwick.

Mathematics at Warwick

Our challenging Mathematics degrees will harness your strong mathematical ability and commitment, enabling you to explore your passion for mathematics.

Find out more about us on our website

Our courses

  • Interdisciplinary Mathematics (Diploma plus MSc)
  • Interdisciplinary Mathematics (MSc)
  • Mathematical Sciences (MASt)
  • Mathematics (Diploma plus MSc)
  • Mathematics (MSc)
  • Mathematics of Systems (MSc leading to PhD)
  • Mathematics (PhD)
  • Mathematics of Systems (PhD)

phd in pure mathematics topics

Taught course applications

Here is our checklist on how to apply for taught postgraduate courses at Warwick.

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Research course applications

Here is our checklist on how to apply for research postgraduate degrees at the University of Warwick.

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After you’ve applied

Find out how we process your application.

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Applicant Portal

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Admissions statement

See Warwick’s postgraduate admissions policy.

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Postgraduate Open Day

Postgraduate fairs.

Throughout the year we attend exhibitions and fairs online and in the UK. These events give you the chance to learn about our Master's and PhD study routes, and the wider context of postgraduate study.

Find out more

Every week, you can connect directly with representatives from Warwick, who will be answering your questions on applying to and studying postgraduate studies at Warwick.

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Departmental events

Some academic departments hold events for specific postgraduate programmes, these are fantastic opportunities to learn more about Warwick and your chosen department and course.

See our online departmental events

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Learn more about Postgraduate study at the University of Warwick.

Why Warwick

Discover why Warwick is one of the best universities in the UK and renowned globally.

6th in the UK (The Guardian University Guide 2022) Link opens in a new window

64th in the world (QS World University Rankings 2023) Link opens in a new window

6th most targeted university by the UK's top 100 graduate employers Link opens in a new window

(The Graduate Market in 2022, High Fliers Research Ltd. Link opens in a new window )

About the information on this page

This information is applicable for 2022 entry. Given the interval between the publication of courses and enrolment, some of the information may change. It is important to check our website before you apply. Please read our terms and conditions to find out more.


» » Graduate PhD Program

The Department of Mathematics offers a program leading to the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.

The PhD program is an intensive course of study designed for the full-time student planning a career in research and teaching at the university level or in quantitative research and development in industry or government. Admission is limited and highly selective. Successful applicants have typically pursued an undergraduate major in mathematics.

In the first year of PhD studies, students must pass written examinations in the areas of the basic . In the second year an oral examination on two selected topics must be passed. Subsequent years are devoted to seminars, research, and the preparation of a dissertation. Students are required to serve as a teaching assistant or instructor for four years beginning with the second year of study. All students must serve as a primary instructor for at least one semester; all others semesters students will serve as a teaching assistant. En route to the Ph.D., students will earn three degrees: a Master of Arts (after year one), a Master of Philosophy (after year four), and the Doctorate of Philosophy (after a successful thesis defense).

There are also allied doctoral programs in , , and .

The Mathematics Department is housed in a comfortable building containing an excellent , computing and printing facilities, faculty and graduate student offices, a lounge for tea and conversation, and numerous seminar and lecture rooms.

The department has a broad fellowship program designed to help qualified students achieve the PhD degree in the shortest practicable time. Each student admitted to the PhD program is appointed a fellow in the Department of Mathematics for a period of five years, contingent on good progress. A fellow receives a stipend for the nine-month academic year and is exempt from payment of tuition.

A fellow in the Department of Mathematics may hold a fellowship from a source outside Columbia University. When not prohibited by the terms of the outside fellowship, the University supplements the outside stipend to bring it up to the level of the University fellowship. Candidates for admission are urged to apply for fellowships for which they are eligible (e.g., National Science Foundation, Ford and Hertz Foundations).

All students admitted to the PhD program become fellows in the Department and are exempt from tuition. Students may be responsible for certain : a student activity fee and transcript fee.

Students in the PhD program are entitled to affordable University housing near the Department in Morningside Heights. This makes it possible to live comfortably in the University neighborhood on the fellowship stipend.

The PhD program in mathematics has an enrollment of approximately 60 students. Typically, 10-12 students enter each year. While students come from all over the world, they form an intellectually cohesive and socially supportive group.

New York City is America’s major center of culture. Columbia University’s remarkably pleasant and sheltered , near the Hudson River and Riverside Park, is situated within 20-30 minutes of Lincoln Center, Broadway theaters, Greenwich Village, and major museums. Most department members live within a short walk of the University.

Since receiving its charter from King George II in 1754, Columbia University has played an eminent role in American education. In addition to its various faculties and professional schools (such as Engineering, Law, and Medicine), the University has close ties with nearby museums, schools of music and theology, the United Nations, and the city government.

The application deadline is typically early December for admission the following September. Precise details on requirements and deadlines can be found . Applicants must submit all required documents by the posted deadline. Students whose undergraduate degree was not from an English-speaking country must also submit scores from the TOEFL or IELTS.  Applications must be filed .



Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
Columbia University
Office of Student Affairs
107 Low Library, MC 4304
New York, NY 10027

Michael Harris
Director of Graduate Studies
Department of Mathematics
Columbia University
2990 Broadway
509 Mathematics, MC 4406
New York, NY 10027

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What areas of pure mathematics research are best for a post-PhD transition to industry?

I have a student who is looking to start a PhD in pure mathematics. She is talented and motivated, and will do quite well. She is still in a phase of her development where she is still open to the possibility of working in a broad range of research areas. In order to offset the risk of not finding an academic job post-PhD she would like to write a dissertation that will give her increased likelihood of finding work in industry. She wants to do research in pure mathematics however, i.e. prefers proving theorems to writing code or testing models.

Question: What areas of pure mathematics research are best for a post-PhD transition to industry? Please be as specific as possible.

Answers to the questions here and here are certainly relevant, but these questions are obviously distinct from my question. I think this question is useful to the pure mathematics community in that it addresses the fact that there are so many qualified academic job applicants in recent years. (For this reason, I hope the community gives the question a chance.)

  • soft-question
  • 7 $\begingroup$ While I have to agree with the top answers, I would also recommend a few computationally relevant subjects with pure origins and applications: harmonic analysis (of the signal processing sort), algebraic topology (with an eye towards, e.g., persistent homology), some generalized blob in algorithms/theoretical CS/logic (many real-world offshoots), cryptologic mathematics, and last but not least: mathematical statistical physics (though this shares much with both probability and information theory, both in answers below). $\endgroup$ –  Steve Huntsman Commented Apr 2, 2014 at 13:15
  • 6 $\begingroup$ For the internet industry, being able to write solid code in Python, Ruby, C, C++, Java, Javascript, etc., will go much further---and having coding training is an absolute must. That said: the discipline of thinking logically and thoroughly about a problem that mathematical research teaches us to do, is what proves valuable when combined with coding skills. $\endgroup$ –  Suvrit Commented Apr 6, 2014 at 14:40
  • 1 $\begingroup$ Pure probability is very "analysis" and I doubt it will give you an advantage for real-world problems. $\endgroup$ –  Rafael Prince Commented Jun 22, 2017 at 4:24

12 Answers 12

Probability. A strong background in probability will permit to qualify for jobs in statistics and financial math. See AMS Notices where a lot of statistics about the employment of recent PhD is published yearly. And a salary survey.

EDIT. My second guess was combinatorics/coding theory or PDE. But my friend explained me that PURE combinatorics is not so hot in the (industrial) job market, coding theory is not pure math, and pure PDE is very different from numerical PDE, the last thing is of course in great demand.

EDIT2. Reply on Peter Shor's comment. The distinction between "pure" and "applied" math is not sharp. On my opinion, if a problem arises from a "real world application", it is applied math (like math physics, control theory, coding theory). If a problem arises from the inner logic of development of math then it is pure math (like Fermat's last theorem). But of course, the difference is fuzzy, and one can trace almost all math problems to the "real world". Frequently it happens like this: a problem arises in the real world, mathematicians like it, and start working on it, and then work and work, forgetting its real world origin. (Example: constructions with compass and ruler, etc.) Probability was also applied math at its origin. And it becomes pure math. Similar things we see in coding theory, math physics and computer science. A lot of "computer science" is pure math.

  • 3 $\begingroup$ Excellent. I hadn't thought about looking at the AMS Notices employment statistics. Thanks! $\endgroup$ –  Jon Bannon Commented Apr 2, 2014 at 0:34
  • 1 $\begingroup$ I agree. Even a pretty theoretical thesis in probability can open the door in the finance and insurance industry. My last student to graduate easily obtained a good position in an insurance company. $\endgroup$ –  Fabrice Baudoin Commented Apr 2, 2014 at 1:42
  • $\begingroup$ statistics is a big deal in big data , datamining these days & also has strong ties to machine learning .... $\endgroup$ –  vzn Commented Apr 2, 2014 at 15:23
  • 4 $\begingroup$ The question was about "pure mathematics". Statistics is not usually considered pure mathematics. So I answered the question as precisely as I could. A PhD in probability will qualify you for a job in statistics. $\endgroup$ –  Alexandre Eremenko Commented Apr 2, 2014 at 21:07
  • 2 $\begingroup$ What do you mean coding theory is not pure math? Coding theory spans a spectrum from extremely pure math to extremely applied. Of course, you do run into the problem that pure coding theory is somewhat different from applied, but if you can find an advisor in the math department who does coding theory, I think this would be an excellent area. $\endgroup$ –  Peter Shor Commented Apr 6, 2014 at 12:07

I'd like to push back a bit on one of the presuppositions behind the question, namely that the best way to "hedge your bets" is to choose a topic whose mathematical content is most likely to be needed in whatever industrial job you might end up taking. At least in the United States, the dominant factor in getting a job in industry is the impression you make on whoever makes the hiring decision. For a job where your Ph.D. matters to the employer, chances are that you'll be asked to give a talk about your research, just as you would for an academic job. Based on my experience, I would say that the key things people look for in your talk are the following:

Can they understand what problem you worked on and why it's interesting?

Do you seem to really know your stuff and be able to solve problems that others would not be able to solve?

Are you enough of a generalist that you can communicate effectively with people outside your specialty and pick up new areas quickly?

Note that points 1 and 2 are not that different from what an academic employer is looking for, except that for an audience in industry you will typically need to work harder to achieve them.

With the above in mind, the advice I would give is this: First and foremost, you have to pick an area that you are very interested in. That gives you the best chance that you will get significant results and be able to communicate them with enthusiasm. Secondarily, it helps if you can work closely with someone who is not a mathematician, and ideally someone who has experience in industry. For example, if your advisor has collaborators in other fields then you may want to get one of them on your thesis committee, and get their perspective on what sorts of questions are interesting in their field. This doesn't even have to be a field that you're hoping to eventually get a job in; the key thing is to accumulate some experience with talking to people outside mathematics and figuring out what kinds of things they find appealing, as well as how to pitch your work in a way that gets their attention.

Of course, professors in so-called applied areas of math are more likely to have the right kinds of connections, so by following my advice you have an elevated probability of winding up in one of the areas that other responders have mentioned. But my point is that your mindset shouldn't be, "I must learn specific mathematical facts that I will need to know later"; rather, it should be, "I must learn how to communicate with non-mathematicians and demonstrate that I can solve whatever problems they need solved."

  • 1 $\begingroup$ Right on the money! I wish I could upvote this $k$ times for a largeish $k$. $\endgroup$ –  Felix Goldberg Commented Apr 6, 2014 at 4:59

If you know coding you can even escape without even having any expertise (or having minimal knowledge) in probability (like me). I didn't end up into things that involved lots of probability theory simply because I didn't liked it (I got offers from finanical sectors but I rejected the job and preferred to be more into technical area of the industry). If you know how to program then fields such as coding theory, number theory and even algorithmic and algebraic number theory does help. PDE and Analysis obviously helps a lot in the areas of engineering.

I think the secret is to know how to write a computer program and implement it yourself, because from my experience in the industry: colleagues (esp. from non-mathematical fields) will not believe in your ability until you give them a tangible result and you can only show that something works from a mathematical theory you have in mind if you show them in practice and not if you prove it on paper. This usually involves programming and developing an application that applies your theory, unless you want to end up in a lab and do experiments which is not fun at all. You can almost forget the idea of other colleagues developing an algorithm based on your theories. I remember long time ago I had an idea of a mathematical algorithm that ended up saving my company around 400,000 euros each year but I didn't get any support from my colleagues (who where mostly compute engineers) and so I just programmed my algorithm in my free time and then showed the result when I finally developed the program.

Some of my former colleagues (and friends) working in Monte Carlo theory and Quasi-Monte Carlo theory have successfully moved to the banking/insurance sector after finishing their PhD. The first subject could be seen as a branch of probablity theory, the second as a branch of number theory/numerical mathematics. In both fields you can do "pure" mathematics and still successfully convince people that it is very important for applications.

As someone who had a PhD in one of the more obscure area in math and is working in industry, I have to say in all of my job finding efforts (software, banks, hedgefunds), the math area that was the focus of my PhD has never come into play. What would have helped me get the job easier ? More programming experience, more statistics, but those aren't pure maths. I also find it hard to believe that specializing in one area of pure math will give you some advantage in solving a real world problem over other areas. Most real world problems don't require knowledge that is terribly deep, it shouldn't take more than a few months to equalize whatever knowledge gap one might have. The rest, which is much more important, is the hands on experience. Would a combinatorics Phd has some sort of inherent advantage in tackling a real world algorithm problem over an algebraic geometry student. I don't think so.

Bottom line, spend few hours a week learning programming & statistics (the applied one, not the theory of statistics). Then still specialize in the area of maths that she really likes.

I have thought a bit about this question because I have been contemplating this transition for myself. Here are a few ideas:

-Stochastic analysis: this is a good area of expertise if she hopes to go into finance (though I should include the caveat that recruiters for big finance firms have admitted to me that for recent graduates they filter more by prestige of academic credentials than by research area). There also seem to be many good problems in this area, for instance involving the application of stochastic PDE to differential geometry.

-Machine learning: this is technically an area of computer science, but there are a lot of important theoretical problems and these problems are really math problems (indeed many people working in this area come from a pure math background). You might suggest she take a graduate class in machine learning if her university has one; one doesn't need to penetrate the literature too deeply to find good math problems. This sort of background could help her pursue a career in data science, for instance.

-Mathematical biology: I don't know much this area except that there seem to be lots of jobs for people who know how to model proteins and cells. I've known students who have been jointly advised by a mathematician and a biologist, and this seemed to work out pretty well.

Whatever else happens, if she is serious about this I would strongly encourage her to learn how to code if she hasn't already. I think there was a time when a mathematician could reasonably hope to get a job designing models or algorithms for engineers to implement, but that time seems to have passed. At the very least it will make her a much more flexible and attractive applicant.

  • 5 $\begingroup$ I wouldn't define machine learning and mathematical biology "pure mathematics". $\endgroup$ –  Federico Poloni Commented Apr 2, 2014 at 13:47
  • 4 $\begingroup$ Stochastic analysis arguably isn't either. The point is that these areas generate lots of pure math problems - e.g. machine learning produces problems in convex geometry and functional analysis and mathematical biology produces problems in dynamical systems and information theory. It is too much to ask for an area of pure math which is oriented towards solving applied math problems (that is what "applied math" means); instead one should look for sources of pure math problems in areas of interest to industry. $\endgroup$ –  Paul Siegel Commented Apr 2, 2014 at 15:47
  • $\begingroup$ Machine learning, and now its "bigger cousin", Data Science is extremely hot---it's hard to find data scientists who are not only great at coding, but also have substantial mathematical maturity (but giving the moving nature of "data science" ultimately someone who is flexible is more valuable).. $\endgroup$ –  Suvrit Commented Apr 6, 2014 at 14:43

I once did most of a PhD, and bailed out to take an industry job, and I'm still commercial, although maths is my hobby. That was around twenty years ago.

I'm a contractor/consultant, so I've been to loads of interviews and interview-like situations. As far as I remember, no-one has ever asked what my PhD was in, or even cared about the fact that I never finished it.

What they do care about is the sorts of programs I can write, and occasionally how good I am at solving toy problems. Mostly they look for ability in languages like C or python. When the people who are offering the jobs are themselves computer science graduates or very good programmers, they care about whether I can write in one of the functional languages, say Ocaml, Haskell, or Lisp (any one will do, or anything similar).

Mathematicians are always good at solving the sorts of toy problems you get in interviews. I'd recommend 'Are you smart enough to work at Google' for lots of examples of the sorts of things interviewers ask. She'll read it in an afternoon and enjoy it.

Writing programs tends to be seriously illuminating when you're trying to understand a mathematical idea.

So I'd advise her to do some piece of maths which deals with problems where you can use a computer to get answers. (I'm pretty sure that's all areas of maths, actually, but maybe there are some subjects where a computer would be useless. In which case I'd be worried that they weren't actually about anything.).

And she should try to write programs and make pictures about her field. And she should write these programs in C, python, and lisp, to get the feel for the differences between them. Mathematicians tend to love lisp. My favourite flavours are scheme and clojure. If she has any matrices to multiply, she should try MATLAB/Octave as well.

She should also play with maxima/mathematica/maple if she does a lot of symbolic calculation, and R if she does statistics or likes to make nice graphs.

I think if she does this she'll have a serious advantage over non-programming mathematicians in maths itself, and if she eventually goes into industry, she'll have picked up the crucial skills by magic, and have enjoyed the process.

As far as which area to choose goes, a Maths PhD is such a dreadful experience if you don't love your subject that the only possible advice is 'either do something you're obsessively interested in, or don't do one at all'.

If she has more than one thing she's obsessed about, pick the one that's more amenable to understanding by writing programs.

  • 2 $\begingroup$ Thinking about it, various banks in London keep getting in touch with me offering silly money just because I speak Clojure and can do maths. I turn them down because I hate big cities. How employable does she want to be? $\endgroup$ –  John Lawrence Aspden Commented Apr 6, 2014 at 22:44
  • $\begingroup$ I can ask her and get back to you! Thanks for the thoughtful answer. $\endgroup$ –  Jon Bannon Commented Apr 6, 2014 at 23:13

I think combinatorics is also good for a post-PhD transition to industry. It is closely related to the computer science. For example, combinatorics is used frequently in computer science to obtain formulas and estimates in the analysis of different kinds of algorithms. So when you go to an IT company and you need to write the code or design an algorithm, a good background in combinatorics will help.

And one part of the combinatorics, the graph theory, also has numerous natural connections to other areas. For example, graph theory gives a model for the network. So I think if you go to the industry to seek a job for companies related the network, having some knowledge of graph theory may be helpful.

I have to say that maybe combinatorics are not so close to the industry as the probability, since the theorists of combinatorics are mainly interested in the intrinsic property of a discrete structure, and in industry people often use discrete structure such as graphs to solve problems in reality. Though there is a little work to do for a PhD student to find job in the industry, but a good understanding of combinatorics, I think, will be helpful. There are a few examples of master students and PhD students which transition to industry in our department, so maybe this is a way.

  • 5 $\begingroup$ I find this a bit of a stretch. $\endgroup$ –  Anthony Quas Commented Apr 2, 2014 at 4:53
  • 3 $\begingroup$ @Anthony Quas: In our department, for PhD students doing research in the pure math, combinatorics is one of easiest subject for them to find jobs in the industry, so I proposed this answer. Maybe my explanation is not sufficient, so I've added a few words to express my understanding. $\endgroup$ –  Siming Tu Commented Apr 2, 2014 at 5:41
  • 3 $\begingroup$ @SimingTu I can confirm your suggestion; I work in the routing business and there are several challenging problems from graph theory, combinatorial optimization. What a good advice is, also depends on the character of the person. If someone likes to figure out hidden laws, then statistics is certainly a good recommendation, if she however likes to bring things to perfection, then (combinatorial) optimization would be a better suggestion. $\endgroup$ –  Manfred Weis Commented Apr 2, 2014 at 6:18
  • 2 $\begingroup$ I have been working on a project involving graph clustering for a company that specializes in social media analysis. They have been very receptive to this, in part because there has been a lot of demand lately for network analysis tools from their clients. $\endgroup$ –  Paul Siegel Commented Apr 2, 2014 at 10:36
  • 4 $\begingroup$ As someone who works as a software engineer, I find the claim that having PhD-level training in combinatorics will help you analyze the complexity of algorithms and therefore write better code flat out wrong. There are anecdotal examples where it might work out, but it's not playing the averages. I wouldn't get a PhD in combinatorics to learn how to write good software - I would spend 5 or 6 years writing software. $\endgroup$ –  James Kingsbery Commented Apr 3, 2014 at 14:06

If your definition of pure math is "proving theorems", she can work in the following (math related to the following):

1). Control theory (this can mean doing dynamical systems, PDEs, etc): PhDs hired by several leading companies such as Ford, Bosch, Honda, United Technologies, Boeing, NASA

2). Information theory and networks : Internet companies

3). Optimization and/or nonlinear programming: PhDs hired by numerous companies

4). Communication theory: PhDs hired by communication giants

5). Stochastic geometry: Same as 4

6). Probability: Finance/banks/internet

I suggest looking at the top journals of each of these fields, it will give you an idea of the type of mathematics that goes on in there.

  • 2 $\begingroup$ +1 for control theory. See this document by JM Coron for some interesting real world applications of the theory, such as regulating rivers. $\endgroup$ –  Willie Wong Commented Apr 2, 2014 at 14:39

I am not answering your question directly, but will address another consideration which is what is the proper industrial environment to work in. I have strong opinions:

  • Never work in a situation where your superior does not have a degree equal to or greater than yours. This occurs often in industry wherein your manager has a BS or possibly MS. The managers are well intended, but they have a significantly different mindset. Not only are they motivated only by money and time but they have very little conception of research and development and the creativity of original thinking. In this situation you will very possibly be considered no more than just another engineer.
  • Once into industry, it will be very difficult to enter academia. The longer you stay out of academia, the more difficult. The only exception is if you are one of the especially lucky/gifted scientists who are able to continue publishing and have demonstrated raising grant money.
  • If you are not an especially social and outward going person, I would not recommend going into industry. It is just a matter of human nature that people feel more comfortable around someone they socialize and converse with. Promotion in industry has a lot to do with your superiors feeling comfortable with you. Introverts do not get promoted no matter how much superior work they do.

Having said that, it is sad to see how academia has degenerated into a self-protecting tenured focused institution. So maybe industry is a viable alternative. But please take my recomendations into serious consideration.

  • 4 $\begingroup$ I am not sure if I would agree with all things you write here. But I do agree on the first one, because of my own experience. I get bosses from those who cannot count to those who believe if you double the PCs in the office the algorithms will converge faster. I partially agree in 3. There is more unfairness in the industry where power-struggle is almost a must (some industry are fairer and some aren't, but these things changes very fast in the industry). $\endgroup$ –  Jose Capco Commented Apr 7, 2014 at 10:12

A PhD at the interface between logic and theoretical informatics (for example Lambda calculus ) is pure mathematics, and surely interests fashionable companies like Google or others...

  • 4 $\begingroup$ I am not 100% sure - this might be a bit too theoretical for them. $\endgroup$ –  Felix Goldberg Commented Apr 2, 2014 at 11:20
  • 2 $\begingroup$ I know at least one person with a PhD in computability theory who now works at Google. $\endgroup$ –  Benedict Eastaugh Commented Apr 2, 2014 at 13:08
  • 1 $\begingroup$ Sure, if you can convert it to Haskell code. $\endgroup$ –  Tom LaGatta Commented Apr 2, 2014 at 23:46
  • 2 $\begingroup$ I don't think a PhD in lambda calculus would be any more use than a PhD in number theory for a programming job. $\endgroup$ –  anon Commented Apr 3, 2014 at 7:30

You say that your student "... would like to write a dissertation that will give her increased likelihood of finding work in industry. She wants to do research in pure mathematics however ..." . The assumption is that she isn't really motivated to work outside academia, and would only take an industry job as a last resort.

That attitude/approach is just not appealing to employers. It's possible to get a job in industry with a mathematics PhD, but you have to want to do it in the first place. If an interviewer asks why you applied for the job, and you say "Well, I couldn't get a postdoc" then it's game over.

For the rest, I agree with Timothy Chow's answer.

  • $\begingroup$ Having interests in both pure mathematics research and work in industry is possible. And even if industry is a second option, there's nothing wrong with that. The right thing to do in that case is not to disclose that to potential employers, but instead for example create the impression you are no longer interested in academia and more interested in "real work". $\endgroup$ –  spin Commented Jun 22, 2017 at 12:47
  • $\begingroup$ @spin Unfortunately the ability to dissemble is not one that's generally included in a typical pure mathematics PhD program. In any case, an experienced interviewer is likely to probe beneath the faked enthusiasm for "real work". $\endgroup$ –  Phil Harmsworth Commented Jun 23, 2017 at 5:16

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phd in pure mathematics topics

NYU Courant Department of Mathematics

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Ph.D. Program in Mathematics

Degree requirements.

A candidate for the Ph.D. degree in mathematics must fulfill a number of different departmental requirements.

NYU Shanghai Ph.D. Track

The Ph.D. program also offers students the opportunity to pursue their study and research with Mathematics faculty based at NYU Shanghai. With this opportunity, students generally complete their coursework in New York City before moving full-time to Shanghai for their dissertation research. For more information, please visit the  NYU Shanghai Ph.D. page .

Sample course schedules (Years 1 and 2) for students with a primary interest in:

Year I - Fall Term Year I - Spring Term
Linear Algebra Topology II
Differential Geometry I Differential Geometry II
Real Variables Ordinary Differential Equations
Complex Variables Functional Analysis I
Year II - Fall Term Year II - Spring Term
Advanced Topics in Geometry: Isometric Immersions Before and After Nash Advanced Topics in Geometry: Randomness and Complexity
Advanced Topics in Geometry: High Dimensional Expanders and Ramanujan Complexes Advanced Topics in Geometry: Topics in Geometric Nonlinear Functional Analysis
Harmonic Analysis Advanced Topics in Geometry: Analysis and Geometry of Scalar Curvature
Advanced Topics in PDE: Resonances in PDEs Advanced Topics in PDE: Analytic Aspects of Harmonic Maps

Applied Math (Math Biology, Scientific Computing, Physical Applied Math, etc.)

Year I - Fall Term Year I - Spring Term
Linear Algebra Applied Stochastic Processes
PDE I Asymptotic Analysis
Fluid Mechanics Continuum mechanics
Numerical Methods I Numerical Methods II
Year II - Fall Term Year II - Spring Term
Neurophysiology and Neuronal Networks Data Analysis
Complex fluids Mathematical Physiology
Real Variables Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
Computational Fluid Dynamics Nonlinear Optimization

Additional information for students interested in studying applied math is available here .


Year I - Fall Term Year I - Spring Term
Stochastic Calculus Probability: Limit Theorems II
Probability: Limit Theorems I Applied Stochastic Analysis
Real Variables Advanced Topics in Probability: Random Graphs
Complex Variables Advanced Topics in Math Biology:Stochastic Problems in Cellular Molecular and Neural Biology
Year II - Fall Term Year II - Spring Term
Advanced Topics in Probability: Ergodic Theory of Markov Processes Advanced Topics in Geometry: Randomness and Complexity
Advanced Topics in Probability: Motion in Random Media Advanced Topics in Probability: Random Matrices
Advanced Topics in Applied Math: Quantifying Uncertainty in Complex Turbulent Systems Advanced Topics in Probability: Markov Chain Analysis
Derivative Securities Advanced Topics in Numerical Analysis: Monte Carlo Methods


Year I - Fall Term Year I - Spring Term
Linear Algebra Topology II
PDE I Ordinary Differential Equations
Real Variables PDE II
Complex Variables Functional Analysis I
Year II - Fall Term Year II - Spring Term
Differential Geometry I Algebra II
Harmonic Analysis Advanced Topics in PDE: Extreme Problems for Elliptic Eigenvalues
Advanced Topics in Analysis: Calculus of Variations Advanced Topics in Analysis: Dynamics of the Nonlinear Schroedinger Equation
Probability: Limit Theorems I Probability: Limit Theorems II

The Written Comprehensive Examination

The examination tests the basic knowledge required for any serious mathematical study. It consists of the three following sections: Advanced Calculus, Complex Variables, and Linear Algebra. The examination is given on three consecutive days, twice a year, in early September and early January. Each section is allotted three hours and is written at the level of a good undergraduate course. Samples of previous examinations are available in the departmental office. Cooperative preparation is encouraged, as it is for all examinations. In the fall term, the Department offers a workshop, taught by an advanced Teaching Assistant, to help students prepare for the written examinations.

Entering students with a solid preparation are encouraged to consider taking the examination in their first year of full-time study. All students must take the examinations in order to be allowed to register for coursework beyond 36 points of credit; it is recommended that students attempt to take the examinations well before this deadline. Graduate Assistants are required to take the examinations during their first year of study.

For further details, consult the page on the written comprehensive exams .

The Oral Preliminary Examination

This examination is usually (but not invariably) taken after two years of full-time study. The purpose of the examination is to determine if the candidate has acquired sufficient mathematical knowledge and maturity to commence a dissertation. The phrase "mathematical knowledge" is intended to convey rather broad acquaintance with the basic facts of mathematical life, with emphasis on a good understanding of the simplest interesting examples. In particular, highly technical or abstract material is inappropriate, as is the rote reproduction of information. What the examiners look for is something a little different and less easy to quantify. It is conveyed in part by the word "maturity." This means some idea of how mathematics hangs together; the ability to think a little on one's feet; some appreciation of what is natural and important, and what is artificial. The point is that the ability to do successful research depends on more than formal learning, and it is part of the examiners' task to assess these less tangible aspects of the candidate's preparation.

The orals are comprised of a general section and a special section, each lasting one hour, and are conducted by two different panels of three faculty members. The examination takes place three times a year: fall, mid-winter and late spring. Cooperative preparation of often helpful and is encouraged. The general section consists of five topics, one of which may be chosen freely. The other four topics are determined by field of interest, but often turn out to be standard: complex variables, real variables, ordinary differential equations, and partial differential equations. Here, the level of knowledge that is expected is equivalent to that of a one or two term course of the kind Courant normally presents. A brochure containing the most common questions on the general oral examination, edited by Courant students, is available at the Department Office.

The special section is usually devoted to a single topic at a more advanced level and extent of knowledge. The precise content is negotiated with the candidate's faculty advisor. Normally, the chosen topic will have a direct bearing on the candidate's Ph.D. dissertation.

All students must take the oral examinations in order to be allowed to register for coursework beyond 60 points of credit. It is recommended that students attempt the examinations well before this deadline.

The Dissertation Defense

The oral defense is the final examination on the student's dissertation. The defense is conducted by a panel of five faculty members (including the student's advisor) and generally lasts one to two hours. The candidate presents his/her work to a mixed audience, some expert in the student's topic, some not. Often, this presentation is followed by a question-and-answer period and mutual discussion of related material and directions for future work.

Summer Internships and Employment

The Department encourages Ph.D. students at any stage of their studies, including the very early stage, to seek summer employment opportunities at various government and industry facilities. In the past few years, Courant students have taken summer internships at the National Institute of Health, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and NASA, as well as Wall Street firms. Such opportunities can greatly expand students' understanding of the mathematical sciences, offer them possible areas of interest for thesis research, and enhance their career options. The Director of Graduate Studies and members of the faculty (and in particular the students' academic advisors) can assist students in finding appropriate summer employment.

Mentoring and Grievance Policy

For detailed information, consult the page on the Mentoring and Grievance Policy .

Visiting Doctoral Students

Information about spending a term at the Courant Institute's Department of Mathematics as a visiting doctoral student is available on the Visitor Programs  page.

The University of Manchester

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PhD Pure Mathematics / Course details

Year of entry: 2024

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Programme description

The The Department of Mathematics has an outstanding research reputation. The research facilities include one of the finest libraries in the country, the John Rylands University Library. This library has recently made a very large commitment of resources to providing comprehensive online facilities for the free use of the University's research community. Postgraduate students in the Department benefit from direct access to all the Library electronic resources from their offices.

Many research seminars are held in the Department on a weekly basis and allow staff and research students to stay in touch with the latest developments in their fields. The Department is one of the lead partners in the MAGIC project and research students can attend any of the postgraduate courses offered by the MAGIC consortium.

Additional programme information

Equality, diversity and inclusion is fundamental to the success of The University of Manchester, and is at the heart of all of our activities.

We know that diversity strengthens our research community, leading to enhanced research creativity, productivity and quality, and societal and economic impact.

We actively encourage applicants from diverse career paths and backgrounds and from all sections of the community, regardless of age, disability, ethnicity, gender, gender expression, sexual orientation and transgender status.

We also support applications from those returning from a career break or other roles.

We consider offering flexible study arrangements (including part-time: 50%, 60% or 80%, depending on the project/funder), carer support funds for conferences, and peer support networks for parents and carers.

All appointments are made on merit.  The University of Manchester and our external partners are fully committed to equality, diversity and inclusion.

Related research

For our research, see the area descriptions . Many of our recent achievements are outlined in the group's RAE2008 submission . A vibrant programme of seminars , a large and lively group of postgraduate students and purpose-designed areas for mathematical interaction, all help create a stimulating environment for creating new mathematics. Other activities of the group include organising international conferences and writing textbooks and research monographs. We are part of the MAGIC consortium which, via the web, presents a range of lecture courses for our postgraduate students far greater than could be provided at any single institution.

Pure Mathematics has a long tradition of excellence at Manchester. The 1920s and 30s saw Manchester become one of the world's leading centres for number theory, with Louis Mordell and Kurt Mahler holding chairs here. In 1945 Max Newman arrived from code-breaking work at Bletchley Park and ensured the growth in eminence of the department, recruiting stars such as the logician Alan Turing , often considered to be the father of artificial intelligence, and the topologist Frank Adams . Manchester also has a long tradition in algebra, through the work of leading figures such as Bernhard Neumann , Hanna Neumann and Brian Hartley .

Scholarships and bursaries

In the Department of Mathematics we offer a range of scholarships, studentships and awards to support UK and overseas postgraduate researchers.

Funding is also available at university and faculty level and can be viewed on our funding page . Alternatively, you can use our funding database to find scholarships, studentships and awards you may be eligible for.

We'd recommend you discuss potential sources of funding with your supervisor before applying. They can advise what funding may be available to you, and ensure you meet nomination and application deadlines.

The Department of Mathematics is the largest in the UK with an outstanding research reputation and facilities .

Disability support

phd in pure mathematics topics

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Mathematics PhD theses

A selection of Mathematics PhD thesis titles is listed below, some of which are available online:

2023   2022   2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991

Reham Alahmadi - Asymptotic Study of Toeplitz Determinants with Fisher-Hartwig Symbols and Their Double-Scaling Limits

Anne Sophie Rojahn –  Localised adaptive Particle Filters for large scale operational NWP model

Melanie Kobras –  Low order models of storm track variability

Ed Clark –  Vectorial Variational Problems in L∞ and Applications to Data Assimilation

Katerina Christou – Modelling PDEs in Population Dynamics using Fixed and Moving Meshes  

Chiara Cecilia Maiocchi –  Unstable Periodic Orbits: a language to interpret the complexity of chaotic systems

Samuel R Harrison – Stalactite Inspired Thin Film Flow

Elena Saggioro – Causal network approaches for the study of sub-seasonal to seasonal variability and predictability

Cathie A Wells – Reformulating aircraft routing algorithms to reduce fuel burn and thus CO 2 emissions  

Jennifer E. Israelsson –  The spatial statistical distribution for multiple rainfall intensities over Ghana

Giulia Carigi –  Ergodic properties and response theory for a stochastic two-layer model of geophysical fluid dynamics

André Macedo –  Local-global principles for norms

Tsz Yan Leung  –  Weather Predictability: Some Theoretical Considerations

Jehan Alswaihli –  Iteration of Inverse Problems and Data Assimilation Techniques for Neural Field Equations

Jemima M Tabeart –  On the treatment of correlated observation errors in data assimilation

Chris Davies –  Computer Simulation Studies of Dynamics and Self-Assembly Behaviour of Charged Polymer Systems

Birzhan Ayanbayev –  Some Problems in Vectorial Calculus of Variations in L∞

Penpark Sirimark –  Mathematical Modelling of Liquid Transport in Porous Materials at Low Levels of Saturation

Adam Barker –  Path Properties of Levy Processes

Hasen Mekki Öztürk –  Spectra of Indefinite Linear Operator Pencils

Carlo Cafaro –  Information gain that convective-scale models bring to probabilistic weather forecasts

Nicola Thorn –  The boundedness and spectral properties of multiplicative Toeplitz operators

James Jackaman  – Finite element methods as geometric structure preserving algorithms

Changqiong Wang - Applications of Monte Carlo Methods in Studying Polymer Dynamics

Jack Kirk - The molecular dynamics and rheology of polymer melts near the flat surface

Hussien Ali Hussien Abugirda - Linear and Nonlinear Non-Divergence Elliptic Systems of Partial Differential Equations

Andrew Gibbs - Numerical methods for high frequency scattering by multiple obstacles (PDF-2.63MB)

Mohammad Al Azah - Fast Evaluation of Special Functions by the Modified Trapezium Rule (PDF-913KB)

Katarzyna (Kasia) Kozlowska - Riemann-Hilbert Problems and their applications in mathematical physics (PDF-1.16MB)

Anna Watkins - A Moving Mesh Finite Element Method and its Application to Population Dynamics (PDF-2.46MB)

Niall Arthurs - An Investigation of Conservative Moving-Mesh Methods for Conservation Laws (PDF-1.1MB)

Samuel Groth - Numerical and asymptotic methods for scattering by penetrable obstacles (PDF-6.29MB)

Katherine E. Howes - Accounting for Model Error in Four-Dimensional Variational Data Assimilation (PDF-2.69MB)

Jian Zhu - Multiscale Computer Simulation Studies of Entangled Branched Polymers (PDF-1.69MB)

Tommy Liu - Stochastic Resonance for a Model with Two Pathways (PDF-11.4MB)

Matthew Paul Edgington - Mathematical modelling of bacterial chemotaxis signalling pathways (PDF-9.04MB)

Anne Reinarz - Sparse space-time boundary element methods for the heat equation (PDF-1.39MB)

Adam El-Said - Conditioning of the Weak-Constraint Variational Data Assimilation Problem for Numerical Weather Prediction (PDF-2.64MB)

Nicholas Bird - A Moving-Mesh Method for High Order Nonlinear Diffusion (PDF-1.30MB)

Charlotta Jasmine Howarth - New generation finite element methods for forward seismic modelling (PDF-5,52MB)

Aldo Rota - From the classical moment problem to the realizability problem on basic semi-algebraic sets of generalized functions (PDF-1.0MB)

Sarah Lianne Cole - Truncation Error Estimates for Mesh Refinement in Lagrangian Hydrocodes (PDF-2.84MB)

Alexander J. F. Moodey - Instability and Regularization for Data Assimilation (PDF-1.32MB)

Dale Partridge - Numerical Modelling of Glaciers: Moving Meshes and Data Assimilation (PDF-3.19MB)

Joanne A. Waller - Using Observations at Different Spatial Scales in Data Assimilation for Environmental Prediction (PDF-6.75MB)

Faez Ali AL-Maamori - Theory and Examples of Generalised Prime Systems (PDF-503KB)

Mark Parsons - Mathematical Modelling of Evolving Networks

Natalie L.H. Lowery - Classification methods for an ill-posed reconstruction with an application to fuel cell monitoring

David Gilbert - Analysis of large-scale atmospheric flows

Peter Spence - Free and Moving Boundary Problems in Ion Beam Dynamics (PDF-5MB)

Timothy S. Palmer - Modelling a single polymer entanglement (PDF-5.02MB)

Mohamad Shukor Talib - Dynamics of Entangled Polymer Chain in a Grid of Obstacles (PDF-2.49MB)

Cassandra A.J. Moran - Wave scattering by harbours and offshore structures

Ashley Twigger - Boundary element methods for high frequency scattering

David A. Smith - Spectral theory of ordinary and partial linear differential operators on finite intervals (PDF-1.05MB)

Stephen A. Haben - Conditioning and Preconditioning of the Minimisation Problem in Variational Data Assimilation (PDF-3.51MB)

Jing Cao - Molecular dynamics study of polymer melts (PDF-3.98MB)

Bonhi Bhattacharya - Mathematical Modelling of Low Density Lipoprotein Metabolism. Intracellular Cholesterol Regulation (PDF-4.06MB)

Tamsin E. Lee - Modelling time-dependent partial differential equations using a moving mesh approach based on conservation (PDF-2.17MB)

Polly J. Smith - Joint state and parameter estimation using data assimilation with application to morphodynamic modelling (PDF-3Mb)

Corinna Burkard - Three-dimensional Scattering Problems with applications to Optical Security Devices (PDF-1.85Mb)

Laura M. Stewart - Correlated observation errors in data assimilation (PDF-4.07MB)

R.D. Giddings - Mesh Movement via Optimal Transportation (PDF-29.1MbB)

G.M. Baxter - 4D-Var for high resolution, nested models with a range of scales (PDF-1.06MB)

C. Spencer - A generalization of Talbot's theorem about King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table.

P. Jelfs - A C-property satisfying RKDG Scheme with Application to the Morphodynamic Equations (PDF-11.7MB)

L. Bennetts - Wave scattering by ice sheets of varying thickness

M. Preston - Boundary Integral Equations method for 3-D water waves

J. Percival - Displacement Assimilation for Ocean Models (PDF - 7.70MB)

D. Katz - The Application of PV-based Control Variable Transformations in Variational Data Assimilation (PDF- 1.75MB)

S. Pimentel - Estimation of the Diurnal Variability of sea surface temperatures using numerical modelling and the assimilation of satellite observations (PDF-5.9MB)

J.M. Morrell - A cell by cell anisotropic adaptive mesh Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian method for the numerical solution of the Euler equations (PDF-7.7MB)

L. Watkinson - Four dimensional variational data assimilation for Hamiltonian problems

M. Hunt - Unique extension of atomic functionals of JB*-Triples

D. Chilton - An alternative approach to the analysis of two-point boundary value problems for linear evolutionary PDEs and applications

T.H.A. Frame - Methods of targeting observations for the improvement of weather forecast skill

C. Hughes - On the topographical scattering and near-trapping of water waves

B.V. Wells - A moving mesh finite element method for the numerical solution of partial differential equations and systems

D.A. Bailey - A ghost fluid, finite volume continuous rezone/remap Eulerian method for time-dependent compressible Euler flows

M. Henderson - Extending the edge-colouring of graphs

K. Allen - The propagation of large scale sediment structures in closed channels

D. Cariolaro - The 1-Factorization problem and same related conjectures

A.C.P. Steptoe - Extreme functionals and Stone-Weierstrass theory of inner ideals in JB*-Triples

D.E. Brown - Preconditioners for inhomogeneous anisotropic problems with spherical geometry in ocean modelling

S.J. Fletcher - High Order Balance Conditions using Hamiltonian Dynamics for Numerical Weather Prediction

C. Johnson - Information Content of Observations in Variational Data Assimilation

M.A. Wakefield - Bounds on Quantities of Physical Interest

M. Johnson - Some problems on graphs and designs

A.C. Lemos - Numerical Methods for Singular Differential Equations Arising from Steady Flows in Channels and Ducts

R.K. Lashley - Automatic Generation of Accurate Advection Schemes on Structured Grids and their Application to Meteorological Problems

J.V. Morgan - Numerical Methods for Macroscopic Traffic Models

M.A. Wlasak - The Examination of Balanced and Unbalanced Flow using Potential Vorticity in Atmospheric Modelling

M. Martin - Data Assimilation in Ocean circulation models with systematic errors

K.W. Blake - Moving Mesh Methods for Non-Linear Parabolic Partial Differential Equations

J. Hudson - Numerical Techniques for Morphodynamic Modelling

A.S. Lawless - Development of linear models for data assimilation in numerical weather prediction .

C.J.Smith - The semi lagrangian method in atmospheric modelling

T.C. Johnson - Implicit Numerical Schemes for Transcritical Shallow Water Flow

M.J. Hoyle - Some Approximations to Water Wave Motion over Topography.

P. Samuels - An Account of Research into an Area of Analytical Fluid Mechnaics. Volume II. Some mathematical Proofs of Property u of the Weak End of Shocks.

M.J. Martin - Data Assimulation in Ocean Circulation with Systematic Errors

P. Sims - Interface Tracking using Lagrangian Eulerian Methods.

P. Macabe - The Mathematical Analysis of a Class of Singular Reaction-Diffusion Systems.

B. Sheppard - On Generalisations of the Stone-Weisstrass Theorem to Jordan Structures.

S. Leary - Least Squares Methods with Adjustable Nodes for Steady Hyperbolic PDEs.

I. Sciriha - On Some Aspects of Graph Spectra.

P.A. Burton - Convergence of flux limiter schemes for hyperbolic conservation laws with source terms.

J.F. Goodwin - Developing a practical approach to water wave scattering problems.

N.R.T. Biggs - Integral equation embedding methods in wave-diffraction methods.

L.P. Gibson - Bifurcation analysis of eigenstructure assignment control in a simple nonlinear aircraft model.

A.K. Griffith - Data assimilation for numerical weather prediction using control theory. .

J. Bryans - Denotational semantic models for real-time LOTOS.

I. MacDonald - Analysis and computation of steady open channel flow .

A. Morton - Higher order Godunov IMPES compositional modelling of oil reservoirs.

S.M. Allen - Extended edge-colourings of graphs.

M.E. Hubbard - Multidimensional upwinding and grid adaptation for conservation laws.

C.J. Chikunji - On the classification of finite rings.

S.J.G. Bell - Numerical techniques for smooth transformation and regularisation of time-varying linear descriptor systems.

D.J. Staziker - Water wave scattering by undulating bed topography .

K.J. Neylon - Non-symmetric methods in the modelling of contaminant transport in porous media. .

D.M. Littleboy - Numerical techniques for eigenstructure assignment by output feedback in aircraft applications .

M.P. Dainton - Numerical methods for the solution of systems of uncertain differential equations with application in numerical modelling of oil recovery from underground reservoirs .

M.H. Mawson - The shallow-water semi-geostrophic equations on the sphere. .

S.M. Stringer - The use of robust observers in the simulation of gas supply networks .

S.L. Wakelin - Variational principles and the finite element method for channel flows. .

E.M. Dicks - Higher order Godunov black-oil simulations for compressible flow in porous media .

C.P. Reeves - Moving finite elements and overturning solutions .

A.J. Malcolm - Data dependent triangular grid generation. .

Graduate Students 2018-2019

The department offers programs covering a broad range of topics leading to the Doctor of Philosophy and the Doctor of Science degrees (the student chooses which to receive; they are functionally equivalent). Candidates are admitted to either the Pure or Applied Mathematics programs but are free to pursue interests in both groups. Of the roughly 125 Ph.D. students, about 2/3 are in Pure Mathematics, 1/3 in Applied Mathematics.

The two programs in Pure and Applied Mathematics offer basic and advanced classes in analysis, algebra, geometry, Lie theory, logic, number theory, probability, statistics, topology, astrophysics, combinatorics, fluid dynamics, numerical analysis, mathematics of data, and the theory of computation. In addition, many mathematically-oriented courses are offered by other departments. Students in Applied Mathematics are especially encouraged to take courses in engineering and scientific subjects related to their research.

All students pursue research under the supervision of the faculty , and are encouraged to take advantage of the many seminars and colloquia at MIT and in the Boston area.

Degree Requirements

Degree requirements consist of:

  • Oral qualifying exam
  • Classroom teaching
  • Original thesis and defense

Prospective students are invited to consult the graduate career timeline for more information, and to read about the application procedure .

Graduate Co-Chairs

Graduate Student Issues, math graduate admissions

Jonathan Kelner , Davesh Maulik , and Zhiwei Yun

St Andrews Research Repository

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Main areas of research activity are algebra, including group theory, semigroup theory, lattice theory, and computational group theory, and analysis, including fractal geometry, multifractal analysis, complex dynamical systems, Kleinian groups, and diophantine approximations.

For more information please visit the School of Mathematics and Statistics home page.

This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.

Recent Submissions

Assouad-type dimensions and the local geometry of fractal sets , separability properties of semigroups and algebras , groups defined by language theoretic classes , rearrangement groups of connected spaces , modern computational methods for finitely presented monoids .


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Pure mathematics


(  also available)
Full-time: 3–4 years
Part-time: 6–8 years
February and October January to April

(  also available)

Full-time: 3–4 years
Part-time: 6–8 years

February and October

January to April

The Pure Mathematics Group in the School of Mathematics and Statistics is made up of the Combinatorics and Algebra Group and the Dynamical Systems Groups.

Entry requirements

Minimum 2:1 undergraduate degree (or equivalent). If you are not a UK citizen, you may need to prove your knowledge of English . 

Potential research projects

Applicants are strongly encouraged to apply for one of the research projects listed on the School of Mathematics and Statistics  PhD recruitment page . The themes listed below indicate general topics where research projects may be available.

Dynamical systems

  • Aperiodic order and symbolic dynamics
  • Applied analysis
  • Complex dynamics

Combinatorics and algebra

  • Combinatorial designs
  • Discrete geometry
  • Extremal and probabilistic combinatorics
  • Finite groups
  • Graph theory
  • Pattern avoiding permutations theory
  • Theory of symmetric maps on surfaces

Potential supervisors

  • Dr Robert Brignall
  • Dr Katie Chicot
  • Dr Nick Gill
  • Dr Ben Mestel
  • Dr T C O'Neil
  • Dr Kathleen Quinn
  • Professor Phil Rippon
  • Dr Dan Rust
  • Dr Ian Short
  • Dr Katherine Staden
  • Professor Gwyneth Stallard
  • Dr Bridget Webb
UK fee International fee
Full time: £4,786 per year Full time: £15,698 per year
Part time: £2,393 per year Part time: £7,849 per year

Some of our research students are funded via the EPSRC Mathematical Sciences Doctoral Training Partnership, some are funded by University studentships, others are self-funded.

For detailed information about fees and funding, visit Fees and studentships .

To see current funded studentship vacancies across all research areas, see Current studentships .

  • School of Mathematics and Statistics

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Get in touch

If you have an enquiry specific to this research topic, please contact:

Postgraduate Research Tutor, School of Mathematics and Statistics Email: STEM-MS-PhD Phone: +44 (0)1908 655552

Please review the application process if you want to apply for this research topic. 

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Choosing a PhD topic [closed]

My supervisor and I recently had a long chat about PhD related stuff. He said something to the extent that your chances of employment after finishing your PhD among other factors depends on the topic of your PhD. The reason he mentioned was that for certain fields there aren't that many open positions. He mentioned that there are many open positions in the fields of Algebraic Geometry and also in Number Theory.

(I will enumerate the questions to make it easier to answer)

The following are my questions:

(1) Now I am wondering are there any other fields where research is comparably active? Concretely, what are the top topic in pure maths apart from AG and number theory that are "in"?

(answer below does not address this question)

(2) And in particular: are differential geometry and differential topology among them?

(answer below does not address this question either)

(3) And which are the fields with the least open positions for lecturers?

I am passionate about more than one field hence I would like to choose the optimal topic from among the topics I am passionate about. I am prepared to move to just about anywhere. To make answers more precise and useful for others too maybe you could include geographical information in your answer.

  • soft-question
  • career-development

tom b.'s user avatar

  • 1 $\begingroup$ I think the answer depends on country where you reside. $\endgroup$ –  user63181 Commented Apr 12, 2013 at 8:12
  • 2 $\begingroup$ I am looking for a Postdoc at the moment. Let me tell you: the pickings are slim! $\endgroup$ –  user1729 Commented Apr 12, 2013 at 9:01
  • 3 $\begingroup$ @SamiBenRomdhane: Academics dream of working in their native continent - they dare not dream of working in their native country, for such a dream so rarely comes true...... $\endgroup$ –  user1729 Commented Apr 12, 2013 at 9:03
  • 6 $\begingroup$ Questions like this one are asked and answered on Academia regularly. You may want to browse the questions there for more input on this topic. $\endgroup$ –  Ben Norris Commented Apr 12, 2013 at 10:59
  • 1 $\begingroup$ @user1729: Slim Pickens is slim! Yeee-hawwww! $\endgroup$ –  Asaf Karagila ♦ Commented Apr 12, 2013 at 12:03

3 Answers 3

If I have any advice for pursuing your Ph.D., choose something about which you are passionate and will maintain that passion over a period of 3-5 years. If being employed after you finish is the main concern, keep this in mind: your success in your work will depend on your ability to learn new things, to finish small projects, to keep your verbal and written commitments, and to communicate with your colleagues.

I really feel that, while your field of expertise is important, you will be best served by working at something that your truly enjoy and will succeed at doing. I have seen too many Ph.D. prospects flounder because such prospects treated their Ph.D. as a professional program . Such people largely end up miserable because a Ph.D. takes too much time and dedication to treat as a hurdle in the way of your career development. Rather, it is an opportunity to pursue something about which you simply want to do for its own sake, because you love doing it. If you are lucky enough to find the right combination of research opportunity and compatible advisor, then the career success will come by itself.

That all said, there is certainly a variation in opportunities over subfields. I am not a professional mathematician and therefore do not have a feel for which positions currently have the best/worst opportunities for lecturing. As far as which subfields in pure math are the "hottest," keep in mind that some of the heat is driven by non-academic considerations. Many mathematicians I know who are not in academia pursue computational geometry (believe it or not, but there are quite a few opportunities in semiconductors and electronics) and number theory (network security). Lecturing opportunities in these fields are likely the best because of the employment demand (which goes against what I said above, sadly). I am in the United States, so there may be different opportunities in other countries.

It sounds like you are interested in differential geometry and topology. Your advisor is correct: there are few positions in academia. But as I said above, if you focus on what you really want to do in graduate school and publish great work and make a name for yourself, you will find that, if you have geographical flexibility, you will find good work post-graduation.

Ron Gordon's user avatar

  • 5 $\begingroup$ On reading your answer your second time it contains no helpful or useful information pertaining to my question. I apologise as I am about to downvote. Feel free to edit and I will gladly remove the down vote. $\endgroup$ –  tom b. Commented Apr 12, 2013 at 8:44
  • 18 $\begingroup$ @tomb.: I am sorry if the answer is not what you had in mind. I am not a professional mathematician and do not have access to employment statistics for various subfields in mathematics. I do, however, have experience in getting a Ph.D. in a technical field, as well as in getting and keeping jobs and hiring Ph.D.'s. I am in close contact with lecturers and professors with whom I studied and I feel my advice is relevant to your question, rather than being a "disaster of an entirely unhelpful answer." Perhaps if you had a more open mind and were less rude, you might find more advice coming. $\endgroup$ –  Ron Gordon Commented Apr 12, 2013 at 8:52
  • 5 $\begingroup$ @tomb. you have a small time window to revert your vote to prevent accidental misclicks. The system is not designed to handle situations where a user votes before actually carefully reading the answers. Take it as a lesson learned and be more careful with your votes in the future. $\endgroup$ –  Willie Wong Commented Apr 12, 2013 at 8:53
  • 15 $\begingroup$ @tomb. Are you serious?! $\endgroup$ –  Cocopuffs Commented Apr 12, 2013 at 9:10
  • 22 $\begingroup$ @tomb.: Calling my answer a "disaster" is not exactly diplomatic. How was it a disaster? Did I mislead you, or injure you? Was I rude? You could have told me simply that I didn't really answer your question, and could I please elaborate on this or that point. Look, I am not angry and am happy to help you; I am here because I love being here. But, as I said, effective communication is a key component to being a successful mathematician (or physicist, engineer, etc.), so reflect on what you write before clicking "add." I wish you only the very best of luck and success. $\endgroup$ –  Ron Gordon Commented Apr 12, 2013 at 9:13

I will not tell you the answer to any of your questions, since I do not feel comfortable drawing conclusions in broad strokes from the data available to me . But I'll show you some data, and tell you how to find some more, so you can make up your mind for yourself.

The American Mathematical Society produces an Annual Survey of mathematical sciences, and among it contains information on the fields of studies of new doctoral recipients and their hiring statistics . If you go to this page you will find "Supplemental Table E.3" showing last year's employment statistics of new PhDs by field of specialty. From there you see that

  • Applied maths is much more employed over all, with specifically biostatistics/statistics leading the field, this undoubtedly having to do with its industry applications.
  • Of the traditional pure maths, the most popular is grouped under "Algebra/number theory", and in second place is "geometry/topology" (good for you!).
  • You also see that pretty much across the board for the pure fields, around 10% of the students were still seeking employment at the time of the survey.

(This last point actually brings up something interesting: while your advisor is right that certain fields are more popular than others in terms of having more research interest and more jobs available, be aware that this also means that those fields usually have more people competing for those jobs. On average you are much better off trying to find a subject you enjoy and are good at, instead of finding a subject that has more absolute number of jobs. This is sort of the standard advice that you would get everywhere.)

(I am also slightly surprised to see that the statistics have not improved since the economic bubble of 2008; for the more applied fields it seems the situation has slightly improved, though this is drawing on just 4 data points.)

In addition to the AMS data, an imperfect proxy for research interest is the number of arXiv postings per period of time. Of course you will need to adjust by typical length of paper, and other field-dependent cultural aspects to make the numbers really meaningful.

For employment availability, however, a simple way is to browse through the job postings at MathJobs . I do not know if there is a way to quickly filter by fields and such, but at worst you just have to read through every single job posting and categorize them yourself.

Willie Wong's user avatar

  • 1 $\begingroup$ Biostatistics - forgot about that one. Very popular option right now, I see lots of movement there in academia. $\endgroup$ –  Ron Gordon Commented Apr 12, 2013 at 9:37

My advisor told me, twice, before accepting me (although he said that it is just to keep him with a clear conscience) that it is very hard to find a position with a Ph.D. in set theory today, and he remarked that my interest in the extremely pathological properties of models without the axiom of choice would make it even harder.

He added that if you're really good then you won't have an actual problem, but it's difficult to be that good. I am aware of the problems set theorists have in finding a position, especially in Israel nowadays where set theory is in decline.

You need to consider two things, I believe:

Are you willing to move to another country? Or do you want to go back to your home land, or even home town? Perhaps to your current university? If you are willing to uproot it might be easier to find positions in your preferred topic.

How good do you think you can write about a topic you are less passionate about? I am currently in the midst of choosing the exact questions I will work on in my dissertation, but the process began with my advisor and me compiling a list of five possible topics, and a sixth one which I told him I may be interested in working on (as a topic that did not come up in the conversation).

Regardless to the fact that all the topics we discussed about are very interesting to me, I kept drifting back to my own idea, and after a long period of two months where I was trying to fight it I gave in and decided that I really have to pursue the things I want to pursue, or else I will give up in the middle of the work.

Of course, understanding all the things I want to understand I am bound to work on the other topics we had originally discussed, but my aim is solve another problem, and that's fine.

Asaf Karagila's user avatar

  • $\begingroup$ The first two paragraphs are very much in the direction of what I am asking for. Although set theory is not among the things I'm passionate about it is useful to know that set theory is not as high in demand as AG and number theory. $\endgroup$ –  tom b. Commented Apr 12, 2013 at 9:01
  • 2 $\begingroup$ @tom: The topic is irrelevant. And I don't know how it's useful to know that set theory is in less demand than AG... $\endgroup$ –  Asaf Karagila ♦ Commented Apr 12, 2013 at 10:45
  • 1 $\begingroup$ +1: Thanks for sharing this bit of background. Your interest in set theory and the axiom of choice definitely shows up here... $\endgroup$ –  A.P. Commented Apr 12, 2013 at 12:38

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phd in pure mathematics topics

PhD positions in pure mathematics

We are looking for motivated PhD students in the following areas of pure mathematics.

  • Algebraic and arithmetic geometry
  • Random matrices,  complex analysis
  • Differential geometry
  • Functional analysis and operator algebras
  • Group theory  and Lie algebras

Special attention will be given to applicants motivated to build bridges between two or more of these areas. A more detailed description of the main research topics of the pure mathematics research groups at KU Leuven can be found here . All PhD students will have a limited amount of teaching duties. We strive to improve the gender balance and diversity in the pure mathematics research groups and encourage candidates from underrepresented groups to apply.

Master degree in mathematics, or equivalent, with a strong interest in research, as demonstrated by your master thesis. Master students who will obtain their master degree before the fall of 2024 can apply. Candidates should be fluent in English. No Dutch knowledge is required.

We offer a competitive four year PhD stipend, a budget for conference participation and short research stays in other institutions, health insurance and social benefits for the PhD student and their accompanying partner and/or children. The starting date of the position is flexible, but preferably before 1 October 2024.

About the research environment

Financed by the long term Methusalem funding, the KU Leuven research groups in pure mathematics collaborate within the research project Classification, symmetries and singularities at the frontiers of algebra, analysis and geometry , encompassing the expertise of the different research groups involved and focusing on some of the most challenging problems in algebra, analysis and geometry. In this large scale research project, several PhD students and postdocs are employed. We organize colloquia, seminars and advanced courses. In this stimulating environment, all researchers are exposed to a broad spectrum of mathematical research with several collaboration opportunities.

How to apply

  • The application deadline is 12 February 2024.
  • You have to apply via the online tool available here .
  • You have to upload exactly the following three pdf-files.
  • Motivation letter.
  • CV. Include the names of three references. These references do not have to send a reference letter now. We will contact the references of shortlisted candidates on 21 February 2024 with a request to submit their reference letter before 13 March 2024. In your CV, also mention the topic of your master thesis and your (tentative) graduation date. If you have any preprints or publications, also mention these. The master thesis itself and the publications themselves should not be included.
  • Transcripts of your bachelor and master studies.
  • Interviews of shortlisted candidates will take place on 14 March 2024 and can be online or in person, depending on the candidate’s preference.


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Duality of cones for Mori dream spaces (Elisa Postinghel)

Distance reducing markov bases (oliver clarke).


PhD projects

Stack and pile of books on table in public or school library.

Several School members offer supervision for PhD research projects in the School of Mathematics and Statistics.

Navigate via the tabs below to view project offerings by School members in the areas of Applied Mathematics, Pure Mathematics and Statistics. (This list was updated September 2022.)

Please note that this is not an exhaustive list of all potential projects and supervisors available in the School. 

Information about PhD research offerings and potential supervisors can be found in various locations. It's worth browsing the current research students list to see what research our PhD students are currently working on, and with whom.

There is also a past research students list which provides links to the theses of former students and the names of their supervisors. 

It's also recommended to browse our Staff Directory , where our staff members' names are linked to their research profiles which provide details about their areas of research and often include the topics they are open to supervising students in.

We host PhD information sessions in the School of Mathematics and Statistics twice a year. Keep an eye on our events page for session information. 

  • Applied mathematics
  • Pure mathematics
  • Real world problem solving using dynamical systems, stochastic modelling and queueing theory for stochastic transport and signalling in cells. 
  • Real & Computational Algebraic Geometry: Possible subjects include nonnegativity of real polynomials, polynomial system solving, semialgebraic sets, and algorithmic aspects of real algebraic & convex geometry.
  • Polynomial & Convex Optimization: Potential topics include convex relaxations, designing algorithms, exploiting structure (e.g. sparsity), and applications in science & engineering.
  • Dynamical Systems and Ergodic Theory: Projects that combine techniques from nonlinear dynamics, ergodic theory, functional analysis, differential geometry, or machine learning and can range from pure mathematical theory through to numerical techniques and applications (including ocean/atmosphere/fluids/blood flow), depending on the student.
  • Optimisation: Projects are occasionally available in optimisation, mainly using either techniques from mixed integer programming to solve applied problems (e.g. transport, medicine,…) or mathematical problems arising from dynamics.
  • Modelling and analysis of ocean biogeochemical cycles including isotope dynamics, inverse modelling of hydrographic data to detect climate-driven circulation changes, and analysis of large-scale ocean transport. PhD students should be highly motivated, have a strong background in applied mathematics and/or theoretical physics, and will have the opportunity to contribute to shaping their project.
  • Data-Driven Multi-stage Robust Optimization: The aim of this study is to develop mathematical principles for multi-stage robust optimization problems, which can identify true optimal solutions and can readily be validated by common computer algorithms, to design associated  data-driven numerical methods to locate these solutions and to provide an advanced optimization framework to solve a wide range of real-life optimization models of multi-stage technical decision-making under evolving uncertainty.
  • Semi-algebraic Global Optimization: The goal of this study is to examine classes of semi-algebraic global optimization problems, where the constraints are defined by polynomial equations and inequalities. These problems have numerous locally best solutions that are not globally best. We develop mathematical principles and numerical methods which can identify and locate the globally best solutions.
  • Detection and cloaking of surface water waves created by submerged objects
  • Decomposition of ocean currents into wave-like and eddy-like components
  • Theory and application of Quasi-Monte Carlo methods: for high dimensional integration, approximation, and related problems.
  • Computational Mathematics: with specialised topics in radial basis functions, random fields, uncertainty quantification, partial differential equations on spheres and manifolds, stochastic partial differential equations. 
  • Discrete Integrable Systems: These are birational maps with particularly ordered dynamics and their study is a nice motivation for using algebraic geometry, symmetry, ideal theory and number theory in the study of dynamical systems.
  • Arithmetic Dynamics:  This field is the study of iterated rational maps over the integers or rationals or over finite fields, rather than the complex or real numbers. I am particularly interested in how the usual structures present in dynamical systems over the continuum manifest themselves over discrete spaces.
  • Convex geometry: Focused on the study of the facial structure of convex sets and the relations between the geometry of convex optimisation problems and performance of numerical methods. The project can be oriented towards convex algebraic geometry, experimental mathematics or classical convex analysis.
  • Algebraic and Geometric Aspects of Integrable Systems: The ubiquitous nature of integrable systems is reflected in their (apparent or disguised) presence in a wide range of areas in both mathematics and (mathematical) physics. Projects focus on the algebraic and/or geometric aspects of discrete and/or continuous integrable systems, depending on the individual student's background and preferences. 
  • Analysis of multiscale problems in stochastic systems: These projects will involve an analytical study of certain multiscale problems arising in Markov chains and stochastic differential equations. These projects are suited for those interested in both analysis and probability, and will employ tools from differential equations, functional analysis and stochastic processes.
  • Numerical methods for sampling constrained distributions: These projects are aimed at sampling problems arising in molecular dynamics. They will deal with designing and analysing numerical schemes to sample constrained probability distributions using stochastic differential equations.  
  • Fluid flow in channels with porous walls
  • Mathematics education
  • Nonlinear differential equations
  • Difference equations
  • Dynamic equations on time scales
  • How many oceans are there? Using novel statistical and machine learning techniques to characterise oceanic zones and provide a blueprint for quantifying the ocean's role in a changing climate.
  • How does heat get into the ocean? An investigation of the physical mechanisms that control the ocean's uptake of heat and its effect on climate.
  • Making climate models work better: Developing new methods to validate and improve the inner workings of numerical climate models and improve their projections of global warming and its impacts.
  • Will it mix? New perspectives on turbulence in rotating fluid flows and how we estimate mixing from observations. 
  • Combinatorics
  • Graph theory
  • Coding theory
  • Extremal set theory
  • Operator algebras (von Neumann algebras)
  • Mathematical physics (quantum field theory)
  • Group theory
  • Jones subfactor theory
  • Vaughan Jones' connection between conformal field theory, Richard Thompson's groups and knot theory.
  • Noncommutative algebra
  • Algebraic geometry
  • Quantum groups/supergroups
  • The Schur-Weyl duality
  • Representation Theory
  • Random graphs
  • Asymptotic enumeration
  • Randomized combinatorial algorithms

Extremal and probabilistic combinatorics: Possible subjects therein include Ramsey theory, random graphs, positional games and hypergraphs.

  • Unlikely Intersection in Number Theory and Diophantine Geometry: These are problems of showing that arithmetic “correlations" between specialisations of algebraic functions are rare unless there is some obvious reason why they happen. These “correlations” may refer to common values or to values factored into essentially the same set of prime ideals and similar. 
  • Arithmetic Dynamics: This area is concerned with algebraic and arithmetic aspects of iterations of rational functions over domains of number theoretic interest. 
  • Isometries, conformal mappings, and other special mappings on metric Lie groups
  • Complex structures on Lie groups and their Lie algebras
  • Counting integral and rational solutions to Diophantine equations and congruences. The goal is to obtain upper bounds on the number of integer solutions to some multivariate equations and congruences in variables from a given interval [M, M+N]. Similarly, for rational solutions one restricts both numerators and denominators to certain intervals.
  • Kloostermania: Kloosterman and Salie sums and their applications. A classical direction in analytic number theory where the goal is to obtain new bounds on bilinear sums of Kloosterman and Salie sums and apply them to various arithmetic problems, such as the Dirichlet divisor problem in progressions.

Exponential sums and applications. This topic is about understanding the behaviour (e.g. extreme and typical values) of some most important exponential sums, in particular of Weyl sums.  

  • Non-commutative functional analysis and its applications to non-commutative geometry, particularly those related to quantised calculus and index theorems.
  • Singular (Dixmier) traces and their applications
  • Non-commutative integration theory
  • Non-commutative probability theory
  • Various aspects of Banach space geometry and its applications
  • Algebraic geometry (birational geometry and moduli)
  • Hodge theory
  • Transcendental methods in algebraic geometry 
  • Motivic cohomology and algebraic K-theory - an intersection of algebraic geometry and algebraic topology
  • Equivariant algebraic topology
  • Extreme Value Analysis: Projects available on the modelling of the dependence of multivariate and spatial extremes, spatio-temporal modelling, high-dimensional inference. Interests in environmental/climate applications. 
  • Symbolic Data Analysis: Projects available on symbol design, distributional symbols and others. Applications in big and complex data analysis.
  • Ancient river systems and landscape dynamics with Bayeslands framework
  • Bayesian inference and machine learning for reef modelling 
  • Deep learning for the reconstruction of 3D ore-bodies for mineral exploration 
  • Bayesian deep learning for protein function detection  
  • COVID-19 modelling with deep learning
  • Variational Bayes for surrogate assisted deep learning
  • Bayesian deep learning for incomplete information
  • Computational Statistics
  • Event sequence data analysis
  • Hidden Markov Models and State-Space Models and their inference and applications
  • Financial data analysis and modelling
  • Point processes and their inference and applications
  • Semi- and non-parametric inference
  • Bayesian statistical inference
  • Computational statistics and algorithms
  • Approximate Bayesian inference
  • Quantile regression method
  • Statistical text analyses
  • Applications to climate science, social science, image analyses

*Yanan Fan is an Adjunct A/Prof in the School and is able to co-supervise students (not as primary supervisor)

  • Nonparametric and semiparametric statistics: Nonparametric dependence modelling (copulas) and nonparametric functional data analysis.
  • Social network analysis for epidemiology, social sciences, defence, national security, and other areas
  • Statistical models for dependent categorical data
  • Survey sampling (design and inference), particularly for network data
  • Statistical computing, particularly MCMC-based methods
  • Dependence measures
  • Complex-valued random variables
  • Goodness-of-fit tests
  • Machine learning (with potential applications in medical imaging)
  • Time series analysis
  • Real-time analytics with the Raspberry Pi
  • For some examples of my current projects, have a look at my  personal webpage .
  • Fast and efficient model selection for high-dimensional data
  • Development of efficient estimation and sampling algorithms for random graphs and spatial point processes
  • Development of model compression methods for deep neural networks.

Topics include regression to the mean, interrupted time series, meta-analysis, and population attributable fractions.

Monte Carlo and Uncertainty Quantification 

  • Projects on the stochastic analysis and development of modern Monte Carlo methods for uncertainty quantification, sequential Bayesian inference, high dimensional sampling, particle based Variational Inference (knowledge/experience with stochastic analysis and SDE & PDE theory highly desired).

Machine learning and generative modelling 

  • Projects with a focus on (but not restricted to) medical imaging and machine learning methods for uncertainty quantification of image segmentation
  • Theoretical analysis of modern machine learning methods (knowledge/experience with functional and stochastic analysis highly desired).

Mathematics of sustainability 

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getting a job with a PhD in (pure) mathematics

Probably this concern has been addressed several times here but I will give a try to get other people's perspective from my situation. I am feeling sort of hopeless these times.

I am in my last year of my PhD in mathematics and doing my dissertation soon, my research was mainly devoted to algebraic topology and I made some progress in my advisor's particular area. However, I faced some problems during my studies (personal issues) and I never built a strong relationship with my advisor; so I could not finish all the initial research proposal intended for my PhD thesis.

I recently had a sincere talk with my advisor about my future, and he said that my progress is worth for a PhD thesis but it is not anything very surprising that is worth publishing, so I will be graduating with zero publications. He said that my chances of getting a PostDoc positions are really low and that I can not expect a strong recommendation letter from him. My advisor has a few collaborators (from overseas mainly) and none in the local department. He also never supervised another Master or PhD student while I was under his supervision, then I never got a chance to network or engage properly with other classmates. My advisor kindly suggested to explore other options in the job-market besides academia.

I like to explore new things, and in my free time during my studies I attended several teaching workshops, seminars and courses (I got a small degree in "university teaching"), and I am also familiar with Python, R, Matlab and Sage; however, I learn those things for fun and I have never really worked in a big project using any of that.

I do not know what to focus on and what kind of job should I look for after I finish my PhD

I would like to keep doing research in Math, but my area is not very popular lately and I feel that I have no chances of succeed getting a PostDoc; I also feel that I do not have (demonstrable) skills to perform a job with "real-life" applications so probably my chances getting there are also low. And I do not really know the Teaching job-market, I think that those positions are temporary and it would be hard to find a place that is willing to sponsor a work visa (I am not a US-citizen, and the job market in the third-world country that I am from is nonexistent for PhD's in this area)

  • mathematics
  • career-path

Sam's user avatar

  • 4 Learn to program. –  The Dude Commented Jan 25, 2021 at 15:51
  • 1 Probably much too late for the original poster, but maybe helpful to some others: have you heard of topological data analysis ? Not saying being good at TDA would get you a job on its own, but could be a stepping stone to applied areas if you already know algebraic topology. –  J W Commented Sep 1, 2021 at 14:06

4 Answers 4

Your supervisor is honest, blunt, and very helpful because by ruling out the academic path he's saving you a lot of time.

The bad news is it sounds like you screwed up your PhD. Not getting strong research results, not having diversified your PhD experience (e.g. lack of teaching experience makes it harder for you to get a teaching job), and not having a firm idea of what you want to do after the PhD means you sound lost right now. The good news is, chances are you learned more than you think you did, and those things are applicable to the job market.

First : don't think you have to do research. It is what you've been doing for the PhD, but it's not what you have to do in the future. Just consider this: if you like research + are good at it, why didn't you do better in the PhD? Why weren't you able to complete the initial research proposals, why weren't you able to get publishable results, why weren't you able to impress your supervisor such that he can write a strong letter of recommendation? You might have good reasons for these, and it's up to you to convince yourself that yes, you still want to do research, and yes, you are talented + motivated enough to succeed in it.

If I were you, I'd start examining the possibility that I am not actually good at research and / or it is not what I want to do. Do some serious soul-searching here. You are making a life-altering decision. If it makes you feel bad that by leaving academia you are "failing", don't worry too much about it: there's a good chance that by leaving academia you'll have a more successful life (in terms of material possessions).

Second : go to your local jobs portal (use Google if you don't know what these are) and search for jobs that require a PhD in mathematics. Do you find anything that catches your fancy? For example searching on for "phd math", I get this job among many others. Note the requirements:

Preferred qualifications: MBA, Master's or PhD degree in a quantitative field . Experience with stakeholder management and ability to influence senior stakeholders. Demonstrated knowledge of statistics and data analysis including R programming or other statistical software packages.

I highlighted the most relevant parts. You say you are familiar with R. That means you are in business! You can potentially do this job! If you further have experience with statistics and data analysis (do you?) you're in an even better position.

It's up to you to search the jobs portal for jobs you can do, and then it's up to you to apply. It's true that visa issues might sink your candidacy, but it's also true that because PhDs are relatively rare, you might have skills nobody else will have and therefore the employer is willing to sponsor you. You will not know unless you try.

Do remember that even if you can't find a US employer, you can still work elsewhere. It's a big world out there, and it's not true that third-world countries don't need your skills. Example of such a job in India (admittedly they're not looking for PhD-level candidates, but you could still apply).

Third : once you have an idea about what the options in industry are like, then you can start thinking about what you want to do. Are you sure you still want to do math research? If so I'd talk to your supervisor again about what options are available to you. He's already told you your prospects are not good, so you'll need all the help you can get from him. For example, perhaps you could find a position as a teaching assistant somewhere and do research in your spare time. This will not be easy - doing research while holding a full-time job is very difficult - and it's not likely to be well-paid, but if it's what you want to do, you can try.

On the other hand if you think industry will serve you better, then finish up your thesis & defense and start applying for jobs. Be sure to visit your university's career center as well; they'll be able to help you a lot.

Allure's user avatar

This question is a year old, but it matched my own experience enough (including the specialization in algebraic topology) that I felt obliged to comment. Getting an academic math position is a crapshoot under the best of conditions. The field is glutted with other highly competent applicants (pretty much everyone going into pure math does so with the intention of doing pure math research); the field doesn't have the money of, say, computer science; and there really aren't any opportunites to do pure math research outside of academia and maybe a single-digit number of industry labs. With a great publication record and glowing recommendations from well-established professors, you have an outside shot at it. Without them, it's vanishingly likely to happen. It's unfair, especially if you wind up with a useless or abusive advisor, fall into a field that isn't the cool new thing, choose (or get saddled with) a research project in your limited time to prove yourself that doesn't work out, and so on. What's even worse is that (unlike some other fields) there's really no way to burnish your credentials; there's nothing you can do outside of academia that academic mathematicians would care about.

So, unfortunately, there's probably nothing you can do. It should be relatively easy for you to find some job in industry, though; the tricky part is finding one you like. Just being able to think rigorously and scientifically is a prized skill in industry, while it's taken as given in academia. (Conversely, some interpersonal and organizational skills work the opposite way. On the other hand, there are more opportunities to pick up the latter, whereas there's really no place to pick up pure math skills outside academia.) I don't see anything in your post to suggest that you aren't employable, so at least you should have some breathing room to take a look at what's out there and see if there's anything that might be, if not exciting, at least acceptable.

anomaly's user avatar

While a position at a top research institution may not be in your immediate future there are things you can do, up to and including proving that your advisor is wrong.

You don't actually need a faculty position to do research or publish in math but, in my experience, you do need a circle of collaborators. You indicate that you don't have that, but it would be good to start to develop it. Attendance at conferences is a good way in computer science, at least. Meet people, speak with them about ideas, and such.

There are also many teaching colleges around the world that value good math teaching over research. Almost all will require some, but many emphasize teaching the next generation over serious research. The MAA, for example, is full of people who, while doing research, focus much of their efforts on teaching.

And, of course, teaching at pre-college level is also open to you. You may find yourself overqualified for this, but it can make a satisfying life if you value teaching.

But, you can put it together if you have the willingness to do so. A lower level position, while developing mathematical ideas within a circle of collaborators can put you on a path to a better position, proving your advisor wrong in the long term if not immediately.

If your advisor is actually inexperienced at this he may be making a mistake in his analysis and also in his general advising. In particular, his assessment that you can't publish what you've done might just be wrong. You won't know unless you try.

Your life is what you make it.

Buffy's user avatar

  • 9 Unfortunately, the visa issue is a serious one for US jobs. Academic positions at colleges and universities are not subject to the H-1B quota, but pre-college teaching and industry jobs are, and, even if one can get a position, one has less than 50% chance of getting an H-1B and being able to accept the position. –  Alexander Woo Commented Mar 1, 2019 at 21:42
  • 2 The OP should be aware of the "Optional Practical Training" program that allows recent graduates in STEM fields to work in the US for a period of time (up to 3 years as I recall) after completing their degrees. Teaching at a community college on OPT is sometimes a viable option for new PhD's who have acquired enough teaching experience to obtain such a position. –  Brian Borchers Commented Mar 2, 2019 at 0:25

I know it's too late but for someone in the future, there are some folks in machine learning / AI (or more generally applied/engineering) community who are interested in the intersection with pure math, e.g., Topological data science employing the concept of Homology from Algebraic topology or homotopy methods in computational aspects of polynomials.

So, considering these directions and finding positions in industry might be interesting! ** In these directions, people likely do not appreciate the advancement in theoretical direction like the way you used to research on though...

Rowing0914's user avatar

  • 3 Forks or folks? –  Moishe Kohan Commented Aug 12, 2023 at 17:21
  • 1 @MoisheKohan thank you! –  Rowing0914 Commented Aug 12, 2023 at 21:56

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phd in pure mathematics topics


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  1. Pure Mathematics Research

    Department of Mathematics. Headquarters Office. Simons Building (Building 2), Room 106. 77 Massachusetts Avenue. Cambridge, MA 02139-4307. Campus Map. (617) 253-4381. Website Questions: [email protected]. Undergraduate Admissions: [email protected].

  2. Pure Mathematics PhD

    The Pure Mathematics Group is committed to providing an inclusive learning environment that supports talent and encourages creativity. Training is provided through individual supervision of research, regular seminar series and study groups in each of the themes, advanced taught courses, and participation in research networks, workshops and ...

  3. PhD Pure Mathematics (2024 entry)

    Opportunities for PhD research are available in a wide range of topics in Mathematics. For more information, please see the Pure Mathematics research areas and read advice on choosing a project or find out more about specific projects.

  4. PhD in Mathematics

    Everything you need to know about a PhD in Mathematics - from average tuition fees and programme durations to career prospects and specific application tips. ... pure mathematics, applied mathematics or statistics. Some examples of topics you can research are: Number theory; Numerical analysis; String theory; Random matrix theory; Graph theory ...

  5. Pure Mathematics Research

    Pure Mathematics Research. We have a wide range of research opportunities in the four groups that make up the Pure section of the Department of Mathematics, namely the Analysis, Geometry, Number Theory and Probability groups. We recommend that you identify a broad research area that you are interested in and explore the webpages of the relevant ...

  6. PhD Program

    PhD Program. More information and a full list of requirements for the PhD program in Mathematics can be found in the University Bulletin. During their first year in the program, students typically engage in coursework and seminars which prepare them for the Qualifying Examinations . Currently, these two exams test the student's breadth of ...

  7. Mathematics, PhD < Johns Hopkins University

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  8. Graduate

    The goal of our PhD program is to train graduate students to become research mathematicians. Each year, an average of five students complete their theses and go on to exciting careers in mathematics both inside and outside of academia.. Faculty research interests in the Johns Hopkins University Department of Mathematics are concentrated in several areas of pure mathematics, including analysis ...

  9. PhD in Mathematics (2022 Entry)

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  10. Department of Mathematics at Columbia University

    The Department of Mathematics offers a program leading to the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. The PhD program is an intensive course of study designed for the full-time student planning a career in research and teaching at the university level or in quantitative research and development in industry or government.

  11. Department of Mathematics

    Research » Research Areas » Research in Pure Mathematics. Algebra & Number Theory. Topics of interest include additive and analytic number theory, arithmetic algebraic geometry, automorphic forms, L-functions, quantum groups, cohomology of groups, representation theory of symmetric groups and related algebras. Combinatorics & Graph Theory.

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  14. PhD Pure Mathematics

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  15. Mathematics PhD theses

    A selection of Mathematics PhD thesis titles is listed below, some of which are available online: 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991. 2024. Reham Alahmadi - Asymptotic Study of Toeplitz Determinants with Fisher-Hartwig Symbols and Their Double-Scaling Limits

  16. Graduate

    Graduate Students 2018-2019. The department offers programs covering a broad range of topics leading to the Doctor of Philosophy and the Doctor of Science degrees (the student chooses which to receive; they are functionally equivalent). Candidates are admitted to either the Pure or Applied Mathematics programs but are free to pursue interests ...

  17. Pure Mathematics Theses

    Groups defined by language theoretic classes . Al Kohli, Raad Sameer Al Sheikh (2024-06-11) - Thesis. In this thesis we shall study classes of groups defined by formal languages. Our first main topic is the class of groups defined by having an ET0L co-word problem; i.e., the class of co-ET0L groups.

  18. Pure Mathematics

    If you have an enquiry specific to this research topic, please contact: Postgraduate Research Tutor, School of Mathematics and Statistics Email: STEM-MS-PhD Phone: +44 (0)1908 655552. Apply now. If you're interested in applying for this research topic, please take a look at the application process.

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    0. Ofcourse pursuing PhD in pure mathematics and applying all the innovative, creative and analytical power solving unsolved problems is very difficult task. One should not choose mathematics just for profesionality but one should choose mathematics with both affection towards it plus targetting a job.

  20. Choosing a PhD topic

    Of the traditional pure maths, the most popular is grouped under "Algebra/number theory", and in second place is "geometry/topology" (good for you!). You also see that pretty much across the board for the pure fields, around 10% of the students were still seeking employment at the time of the survey.

  21. PhD positions in pure mathematics

    A more detailed description of the main research topics of the pure mathematics research groups at KU Leuven can be found here. All PhD students will have a limited amount of teaching duties. We strive to improve the gender balance and diversity in the pure mathematics research groups and encourage candidates from underrepresented groups to apply.

  22. PhD projects

    PhD projects. Several School members offer supervision for PhD research projects in the School of Mathematics and Statistics. Navigate via the tabs below to view project offerings by School members in the areas of Applied Mathematics, Pure Mathematics and Statistics. (This list was updated September 2022.)

  23. mathematics

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  24. getting a job with a PhD in (pure) mathematics

    Note the requirements: Preferred qualifications: MBA, Master's or PhD degree in a quantitative field. Experience with stakeholder management and ability to influence senior stakeholders. Demonstrated knowledge of statistics and data analysis including R programming or other statistical software packages.