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Program information.

College: Communication & Information Degree: Limited Access: Yes Contact: Natashia Hinson-Turner, Graduate Coordinator Address: School of Communication Suite 3100, University Center C, FSU P.O. Box 3062664 Tallahassee, FL USA 32306-2664 Phone: (850)-644-5034 Email: [email protected]

Understanding global, multicultural, and strategic communication lead to success

The Integrated Marketing Communication graduate program is designed for students interested in careers that merge advertising, public relations, cross-cultural marketing communication, new communication technologies, and applied research. It provides a foundation for students who wish to pursue professional careers in integrated marketing communication, digital marketing communication, or multicultural marketing communication. The program also can lead to advanced graduate studies.

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phd integrated marketing communications

Program's Overview

Program of study.

This program requires a minimum of 33-36 hours of coursework and applications with four program completion options. An individualized plan based on students’ interests will be developed with an advisor after admission to the program.

Program Completion Options (Choose one)
Residency Course-Only Thesis Creative Project
Required 12-15 credit hours
Electives 15-18 21-24 12-15 12-15
Capstone 3 0 6 6
Min. hrs 33 36 33 33
Min. letter 27 27 24 27

Required Courses

(12-15 hours)  All students in the master’s in Integrated Marketing Communication program are required to take five specific courses, covering foundational concepts, theories, and methods. Students who graduated with a degree in Public Relations, Advertising, or Marketing  as well as those who have sufficient relevant professional experience are eligible to receive a waiver from the foundational course. The Director of Master’s Studies is responsible for determining who may receive that waiver. The hours need to be made up by taking an additional elective course.

Elective Courses

(12-21 hours) Students are able to focus on an area of particular interest via their elective course work. The number of hours completed as electives depend on the student’s background as well as the capstone option chosen. Students may choose up to six hours outside of the department, as long as the student’s program of study has been approved by the supervisory committee.

Capstone Options

(3-6 hours) Students will complete the IMC program by choosing one of four capstone options. The Residency is a 3-hour option. The courses-only, thesis, and creative project options are each 6-hour options. Students who are planning to pursue a doctoral program after completing the Master’s degree are strongly urged to choose the thesis capstone option. Requirements and guidelines for completing each of the three applied options are available from the supervisory committee. For the course-only option, students should register for two additional courses in the School of Communication. The courses need to be approved by the supervisory committee as part of the student’s program of study.

Request Information

Program's courses.

The following course list is meant to give a general overview of the program. A specific plan based on student interest will be developed with an advisor after admission to the program. Students may choose to focus their program based on their personal area of interest.

Required courses and recommended course sequencing are:

Course Number Course Title Semester Offered Recommended Semester
ADV 5007 Foundations of IMC Fall & Spring First
ADV 5503 Media Consumer Behavior Fall & Spring First or second
ADV 5605 Account Planning Spring & Summer Second or third
COM 5312 Research Methods Fall First semester
COM 5316 Statistical Methods in Communication Research Fall & Spring Second or third

As part of their elective course work, students are encouraged to enroll in courses that form cohesive content clustered.

1. Intercultural & Multicultural Marketing Communication, suggested courses:

  • ADV 5415, Hispanic Marketing Communication
  • ADV 5416, Multicultural Marketing Communication
  • COM 6400, Special Topics: International PR*

2. Strategic Communication, suggested courses:

  • COM 5126, Organizational Communication Theory
  • COM 5235. Crisis Communication (3)
  • COM 5450, Introduction to Project Management
  • COM 5546, Political Communication
  • COM 5565. Social Media Campaigns (3)

3. Your own cluster of courses in your area of interest

*Note: Students may take no more than 6 credit hours of COM 6400 throughout their program of study.


Students may also complete one of the School’s Graduate Certificates as part of their elective coursework.

  • Multicultural Marketing Communication Certificate (12 required hours)
  • Project Management Certificate (12 required hours)
  • Digital Video Production Certificate (12 required hours)

Graduate Admissions

Application deadlines.

  • Fall admission -- April 1
  • Spring admission -- November 1
  • Summer admission -- March 1
  • Doctoral program -- December 15

Application Requirements

Florida state university graduate admission requirements.

  • Complete and submit the University Admissions Office's  Online Application Form.  
  • Pay a non-refundable application fee of $30. Application packets will not be reviewed until the fee has been paid.
  • Submit a completed  Residency Affidavit . All applicants must submit this form, which is completed online.
  • Arrange for an official transcript from each college or university attended to be sent to the Office of Admissions. Transcripts may be sent digitally, but must come directly from the institutions attended. An unofficial transcript may be uploaded for the School of Communication for review.

NOTE: As of July 8, 2019, the GRE requirement will be waived for outstanding Master's applicants meeting at least ONE of the following criteria:

  • A completed Master's, JD, MD, PhD, or other comparable terminal degree with a GPA of 3.0 or higher from a North American accredited institution.
  • Five years of professional communication-related experience and a 3.0 or higher upper‐division undergraduate GPA from a North American accredited institution.
  • FSU undergraduate communication majors (main campus) with an upper‐division communication GPA of 3.6 or higher and an overall GPA of 3.6 or higher.

Applicants must provide evidence to satisfy the criteria being applied. To request a waiver, complete the online Entrance Exam Waiver Request Form. Applicants with a competitive GRE score will still be able to apply to the program and will not be held to these additional criteria.

Otherwise, the minimum GRE scores for potential Master's students are 148 for the Verbal component and 144 for the Quantitative component; however, the GRE is just one aspect of the overall file. All application materials are reviewed holistically, and strong consideration is given to other components such as GPA, personal statement, letters of recommendation, related field experience, etc.

School of Communication Graduate Admission Requirements

  • An excellent undergraduate academic record, from accredited universities, to include a minimum 3.0 GPA (on a 4.0 scale). In addition, doctoral applicants should have a minimum of a 3.3 in their master's degree work.
  • Three letters of recommendation.
  • What are your career goals; that is, what do you plan to be doing in five years and in 10 years?
  • Why have you chosen to apply to our master's or doctoral program?
  • What experiences and competencies make you a strong candidate for our program (research skills, computer literacy, teaching experience, awards, etc.)?
  • A resume or writing sample (optional for master's students; required for doctoral students).

Additional requirements for international students:

  • Provide proof of proficiency in both spoken and written English language: An international applicant whose native language is not English, or who has not completed a degree at an English-language university, must have taken the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) exam (or FSU Graduate School approved alternative test) within the past five years. The Educational Testing Service administers this test. For more information:  ets.org/toefl
  • Provide Certification of Financial Responsibility. This required form may be downloaded online or requested from the university. NOTE: The completed CFR is submitted to the International Center. Instructions and address are on the form.

Need more information?

Questions about school admission requirements:, questions about university admissions requirements:, questions about communication graduate programs:, questions about doctoral programs:, program's faculty.

Bailey, Rachel L. Profile Picture

Bailey, Rachel L.

Associate Professor

Chapa, Sindy Profile Picture

Chapa, Sindy

Associate Professor & Director of the Hispanic Marketing Center

Cortese, Juliann Profile Picture

Cortese, Juliann

Associate Professor, Director of Master's Studies

Lee, Jaejin Profile Picture

Lee, Jaejin

Merle, Patrick Profile Picture

Merle, Patrick

Associate Professor, School Director

Wendorf Muhamad, Jessica Profile Picture

Wendorf Muhamad, Jessica

Assistant Professor

    Can I earn the degree completely online?  

  No. Currently we do not offer an online degree.  

  Do I have to take the GRE and what are the required scores?   

FSU has implemented a GRE waiver for all Master’s applicants for all application terms in 2022-2026. Typically though, a GRE score is needed unless the student meets the GRE waiver requirements as stipulated below. Minimum GRE scores considered for the program are 148 verbal and 144 quantitative.

As of July 8, 2019, the GRE requirement will be waived for outstanding Master’s applicants meeting at least ONE of the following criteria:  

  • A completed Master’s, JD, MD, PhD, or other comparable terminal degree with a GPA of 3.0 or higher from a North American accredited institution.  
  • Five years of professional communication-related experience and a 3.0 or higher upper‐division undergraduate GPA from a North American accredited institution.  
  • FSU undergraduate communication majors (main campus) with an upper‐division communication GPA of 3.6 or higher and an overall GPA of 3.6 or higher.  

What English language proficiency tests do you accept and what are the required scores?  

The School of Communication accepts the following tests and minimum scores.   

TOEFL   IELTS   Cambridge English Scale   Michigan Assessment Level   Duolingo  
100    7   190   72   120  

How much does it cost?    

For up-to-date costs, please see the FSU Tuition & Fees page,  https://studentbusiness.fsu.edu/tuition-fees  

Do you offer assistantships/funding?   

The School of Communication offers several assistantships to graduate students in the fall, spring and summer semesters. For more information about assistantships, please visit: https://comm.cci.fsu.edu/about-the-school/financial-aid/assistantships/

How long to complete the program?  

We recommend students take three classes each semester (9 credit hours). Our programs require 33 – 36 credit hours depending on the chosen capstone project (PIMC requires 36 for all capstone options). Following these guidelines, a student can finish their program in 4 semesters.

What are the capstone options and  do I have to write a thesis?  

In PIMC the capstone options are courses-only, creative project, or thesis (all options require 36 credit hours). In MCS, capstone options are courses-only (36 credit hours), creative project (33 credit hours), or thesis (33 credit hours).  In IMC, capstone options are courses-only (36 credit hours), residency (33 credit hours), creative project (33 credit hours), or thesis (33 credit hours).  

  What is the difference between an MA and MS?  

Students who received a BA degree also qualify for the MA degree so you have the option to select the MS or MA degree.   

Students who received a BS degree will need to take additional language courses to qualify for a MA, but qualify for a MS degree without taking any additional courses.

Please see below the BULLETIN’s description of the Master of Arts requirements.  

Graduate Bulletin:  

“In addition to the requirements for the MS, candidates for the Master of arts degree must meet the following requirements.  

  • Proficiency in a foreign language demonstrated by certification by the appropriate language department, or completion of twelve (12) semester hours in a foreign language with an average grade of at least 3.0 (“B”), or four years of a single language in high school.  
  • Six (6) or more semester hours of graduate credit in one or more of the following fields: art; classical language, literature, and civilization; communication; (not to include speech correction); english; history; humanities; modern languages and linguistics; music; philosophy; religion; and theatre.”  

Who should write my letters of recommendation?  

The best letters of recommendation are written by instructors with whom you have had one or more classes. Choose someone who knows you and your work well and who can honestly speak of your strengths.    

I was not a Communication major do I need to take prerequisites?   

No, we do not require prerequisites to starting the major area of study for our graduate programs.   

Can I have the application fee waived?  

  No, the application fee of $30 cannot be waived.   


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PhD in Communication Studies - Northwestern University School of Communication

phd integrated marketing communications

The Doctor of Philosophy in Rhetoric, Media, and Publics is replacing the PhD in Communication Studies (Rhetoric and Public Culture). Rhetoric, Media, and Publics is an interschool program between the School of Communication, Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences, and the Medill School of Journalism, Media & Integrated Marketing Communications; and it is based in the School of Communication.

The Rhetoric, Media, and Publics PhD program, grounded in the humanistic tradition of rhetoric, asks the fundamental question of how people influence, reflect, and transform society through mediated practices. Students learn to analyze the production and circulation of meaning in a range of rhetorical and journalistic texts, practices, and institutions through varied modes of qualitative inquiry, and to engage audiences and communities directly in the production of knowledge. The stakes of this inquiry are profoundly social and political as well as formal and aesthetic. The program teaches students to approach public media as sites for political contestation, for the representation and interrogation of ethics and power, and for imagining personhood and collective life.

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Master's in Integrated Marketing Communications

Master's Degree

Fully accredited program.

Master the analytical thinking and creative skills needed to work across communications channels and design engaging brand experiences.

Georgetown’s Master of Professional Studies in Integrated Marketing Communications immerses you at the intersection of strategy and creativity. You’ll study the full breadth of communications disciplines—including advertising, direct marketing, social media, and word-of-mouth marketing—and learn how to synthesize them into cohesive brand experiences.

You’ll also have opportunities to develop your skills and your portfolio through real-world client engagements, class trips, and networking events with some of the industry’s top organizations.

Number of Credits 33 credits

Work Outside of Each Class 6-9 hours per week

Total Tuition $51,909*

Enrollment Full-time or part-time

Time to Complete 2–5 years

Semester of Entry Fall, spring, summer

Ideal for working professionals, our program is designed to fit your schedule. We offer flexible options to take classes online, on campus, or through a combination of both—so you don’t have to interrupt your career to earn your degree. Better yet, you can directly apply everything you learn to make an immediate impact in the workplace.

Led by a faculty of communications practitioners and industry experts, our courses emphasize the contemporary practices that are in high demand by employers. You’ll develop the foundational knowledge, analytical thinking, and creative skills that position you to successfully lead cross-channel communications efforts that capture audiences and drive impact.

Throughout your time in the program, you’ll be challenged to reflect on your personal ethics. You’ll examine case studies of strong professional ethics within the context of IMC while developing your own personal code of ethics to guide you as you continue to advance both personally and professionally.

Testimonials from current students and alumni.

Headshot of Olivia Henderson

Even before graduation, I was able to use the critical approaches and strategies I learned in the Georgetown IMC program to position myself for a new role at my company. I gained the confidence, skills, and thinking I needed to move in a different direction.”

Headshot of Worakorn Thongkijaohachai

I not only gained practical tips and insights from experts in all my classes, but also got to work with an intelligent, diverse, and fun group of people. My time at Georgetown was a truly amazing learning experience.”

You’ll leave the program with the strategic and creative mindset that empowers you to generate insights, craft compelling brand stories, and create authentic—and lasting—connections between consumers and brands.

*Tuition rates for each term are published annually, typically in February. Total tuition listed here reflects Fall semester of entry.

Active-Duty Soldier, Now Georgetown Alum, Achieves Lifelong Dream To Be an Army Officer

Headshot of Dr. Frederic Lemieux

Navigating the Path to Responsible AI Implementation

In focus | building trust in an era of skepticism, want to learn more.

Simply complete this form to receive additional information about our Master's in Integrated Marketing Communications program.

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Advertising and Promotion: An Integrated Marketing Communications Perspective

Advertising and Promotion: An Integrated Marketing Communications Perspective , 12th Edition

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Today, we are experiencing the most dynamic and revolutionary changes of any era in the history of marketing communications! As such, this comprehensive, latest edition reflects these changes and their implications for the marketer.  Because the digital evolution and revolution also applies to how students learn, our digital support package including Connect and SmartBook 2.0 have also received extensive innovative updates!-Demonstrates the applicability of the content to the real world of marketing communications via real-life examples -Contains Ethical Perspectives as well as Digital/Social Media Perspectives throughout -Emphasizes on the integration of advertising with other promotional-mix elements and the need to understand their role and overall contribution. - New in Connect!  Advertising Mini Sims, New Case Analysis and Live Action Videos, and the New Advertising Video Library

Main Features

  • LMS Integration
  • Print/Loose-Leaf Book Add-On Availability
  • Presentation Slides & Instructor Resources
  • Question & Test Banks
  • Adaptive Assignments
  • Student Progress Reporting & Analytics
  • Essay Prompts
  • Prebuilt Courses
  • Interactive Exercises
  • eBook Access (ReadAnywhere App)
  • Remote Proctoring (Proctorio)
  • Subject-Specific Tools

About the Author

George Belch

George E. Belch is professor emeritus of marketing in the Fowler College of Business at San Diego State University, where he teaches integrated marketing communications and strategic marketing. He received his PhD in marketing from the University of California, Los Angeles. Before entering academia, Dr. Belch was a marketing representative for the DuPont Company. He also worked as a research analyst for the DDB Worldwide advertising agency. Dr. Belch's research interests are in the area of consumer processing of advertising information as well as managerial aspects of integrated marketing communications. He has authored or coauthored more than 40 articles in leading academic journals and proceedings, including the Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Consumer Research, International Journal of Advertising, Journal of Promotion Management, Journal of Advertising , and Journal of Business Research . He also serves on the editorial review boards of the Journal of Advertising Research and the Journal of Marketing Education . In 2000, he was selected as Marketing Educator of the Year by the Marketing Educators' Association for his career achievements in teaching and research. He also received the Distinguished Faculty Member Award for the College of Business Administration at San Diego State University in 1994 and 2003. Dr. Belch has taught in executive education and development programs for various universities around the world. He has also conducted seminars on integrated marketing communications as well as marketing planning and strategy for a number of multinational companies, including Sprint, Microsoft, Qualcomm, Arbitron, Square D Corporation, Armstrong World Industries, and Texas Industries.

Michael Belch

Michael (Mickey) A. Belch is professor emeritus of marketing in the Fowler College of Business at San Diego State University and is also director of the Centre for Integrated Marketing Communications at San Diego State. He received his undergraduate degree from Penn State University, his MBA from Drexel University, and his PhD from the University of Pittsburgh. Before entering academia he was employed by the General Foods Corporation as a marketing representative and has served as a consultant to numerous companies, including McDonald’s, Whirlpool Corporation, Senco Products, GTI Corporation, IVAC, May Companies, Phillips-Ramsey Advertising and Public Relations, and Dally & Associates Advertising. He has conducted seminars on integrated marketing and marketing management for a number of multinational companies and has also taught in executive education programs In France, Amsterdam, Spain, Chile, Peru, Argentina, Colombia, China, Slovenia, and Greece.  He is the author or coauthor of more than 60 articles in academic journals and proceedings in the areas of advertising, consumer behavior, and international marketing including the Journal of Advertising, Journal of Advertising Research, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Promotion Management, and International Journal of Advertising . Dr. Belch Is also a member of the editorial review board of the Journal of Advertising and the International Journal of Advertising . He received outstanding teaching awards from undergraduate and graduate students numerous times. He also received the Distinguished Faculty Member Award for the College of Business Administration at San Diego State University in 2007. He was awarded the Giep Franzen Fellowship from the University of Amsterdam.

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University of Mississippi

Amanda Bradshaw, PhD

Dr. Amanda Sams Bradshaw is an assistant professor of integrated marketing communications at the University of Mississippi. Her research focuses on how social network interactions impact maternal health decision-making, specifically childhood vaccine hesitancy. She received her B.A. in Journalism from the University of Alabama, M.S. in Integrated Marketing Communications from West Virginia University, and Ph.D. in Mass Communication from the University of Florida. Her professional experience includes three years as the Public Relations Manager of Preferred Medical Group, a multi-disciplinary, multi-location medical practice, where she rebranded the company, co-led a merger, wrote and produced 18 television commercials, and generated ~$875,000 in potential revenue. She later held the role of Director of Sales and Brand Growth for Chick-fil-A in Lawton, OK, resulting in an outside sales increase of 600% over one year. Simultaneously, she owned and operated a social media consulting firm for more than two years before beginning her Ph.D.


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  • MS in Integrated Marketing

Young woman in Times Square with advertising signage and billboards behind her.

Masters (MS) in Integrated Marketing

Study on-site.

The MS in Integrated Marketing offered by the NYU SPS Division of Programs in Business , Department of Integrated Marketing and Communications provides you with the marketing strategies and best practices to ensure a competitive advantage in today’s global business environment. Marketing is a growth driver with a broad range of applications—brand management, digital marketing, content marketing, marketing analytics, and search engine optimization—to name a few. Integrating all of these skills, this degree prepares you for a wide range of marketing jobs, teaching you to translate business concepts into competitive and differentiated products and services. You may consider other MS in Marketing degrees, but none can provide the networking opportunities, internships at top NYC ad agencies and digital firms, combined with a renowned NYU education.

Degree Advantage

  • Degree core curriculum that prepares you for marketing jobs in digital marketing, social media marketing, adver- tising, branding, marketing research, marketing analysis, SEO and SEM, creative management, and more.
  • Three degree concentrations in Brand Management, Digital Marketing, and Marketing Analytics
  • Internships at advertising agencies, media organizations, digital marketing firms, in-house marketing departments, SEO and SEM agencies, among others
  • Flexible full- or part-time study options
  • Can be completed in as little as 18 months

Curriculum and Degree Requirements

You can find the full curriculum details for this program on this page of the University Bulletin. All other content, including this web page is for informational purposes only.

Discover NYU SPS: Graduate Admissions Information Session

Join an online session to learn more about our graduate degree programs, including the MS in Integrated Marketing. Our admissions team will give you insights into the NYU SPS experience, share details about the application process, and offer tips for creating a successful application. Current students will also share their personal experiences, providing a firsthand perspective on life as an SPS student.

7:00 PM until 8:00 PM EDT

7:00 PM until 8:00 PM EST

NYU SPS Graduate Open House

Join us in person on our New York City campus to learn more about our academic offerings, admissions, and financial aid. You will have the opportunity to meet representatives from the MS in Integrated Marketing program during this event.

9:00 AM until 1:00 PM EDT

Who Should Consider Earning the MS in Integrated Marketing?

If you seek a degree that will build your skills as a marketing strategist, while providing the tools needed to design and implement digital marketing campaigns, enhance brand value, influence consumer behavior, and measure marketing impact, this degree is for you. Those who can problem solve, ask smart questions, think creatively and strategically, and influence outcomes will benefit most from this comprehensive course of study.

Degree Overview Video

Sps start @ nyu shanghai program.

Through a partnership between NYU SPS and NYU Shanghai, newly admitted Integrated Marketing students have the option of pursuing their first-semester coursework at NYU Shanghai and then traveling to New York for the completion of their degree. This program, known as SPS Start @ NYU Shanghai, will be attractive to students who are interested in having a unique two-campus, international study experience for their master’s degree. Students will live in Shanghai, be enrolled full-time during their SPS Start @ NYU Shanghai semester, and enjoy a special cohort-based experience.

At NYU Shanghai, SPS Start @ NYU Shanghai is supported in collaboration with the Graduate Semester Study Office which can be contacted at  s [email protected] . For more information about the Graduate Semester Study Office and to hear testimonials from past participating students, visit the link below.

Choose From Three Marketing Concentrations

The MS in Integrated Marketing offers degree concentrations in: Brand Strategy, Digital Media, and Marketing Analytics. Each area of specialty provides distinct marketing skills combined with the business and technical acumen to make you highly competitive and ready to take on the work required to position and promote products, services, and causes to the audience targets and market segments that will provide the strongest results.

Learn From Marketing Experts Across Specialty Areas

You will study with faculty members who are marketing experts and whose careers and insights span across the full range of marketing fields. Taught through a mixture of classroom learning and real-world experience, this degree provides immediately applicable marketing skills and the benefit of learning from those who solve complex marketing challenges every day. Prominent guest lecturers add breadth and depth to the classroom experience, providing the advice, insights, and connections to get ahead.

Gain Global Skill Sets

While marketing strategies and tactics differ based upon audience, market segments, and marketing campaign goals and objectives, they share many common threads with an underlying purpose of influencing consumer behavior, elevating brand awareness, building customer loyalty, and positioning products in the marketplace. The skill sets you acquire through the MS in Integrated Marketing can be used anywhere in the world, increasing your job opportunities. The diversity of the student body makes for rich classroom discussion and a global perspective that provides a professional advantage.

Internships and Job Opportunities

Through the Division of Programs in Business and the NYU Wasserman Center for Career Development at NYU SPS , MS in Integrated Marketing, students can complete internships that provide the hands-on experience needed to compete for marketing and advertising jobs while building a portfolio of marketing projects that demonstrates their ability to address a wide range of marketing challenges. Many of these internships evolve into permanent positions or marketing consulting jobs. Over 96% of our students reported being employed within six months of graduation. Our graduates go on to a wide range of careers in a broad array of companies and organizations including:

  • American Express
  • Bank of China
  • BET Networks
  • BNP Paribad
  • Coca Cola Company
  • PBJ Marketing
  • OMD Worldwide
  • Ralph Lauren
  • United Nations


What is integrated marketing.

Marketers need to reach and engage consumers who learn about and interact with a company’s products and services through multiple touchpoints.  Integrated Marketing brings together communications, advertising, retail, experience, product design etc., into a coordinated program, to drive growth, centered around the consumer’s needs.

What Jobs Can You Get With an Integrated Marketing Degree?

Students who graduate with a Marketing Degree are trained to design, manage, and measure impactful marketing campaigns across multiple media e.g., digital, TV, social media etc. and set strategies to grow brands, services, products, and organizations.

Students who graduate with a marketing degree go on to be brand managers, digital marketing managers, social media managers, marketing analysts, marketing strategists, media planners, campaign managers, among several other roles.

What is an Integrated Marketing Campaign?

An Integrated Marketing Campaign starts with a deep understanding of a consumer’s needs, attitudes, and behaviors, matching them with business and marketing objectives, in order to develop a set of initiatives and activities that create, communicate and capture value for consumers, integrated across multiple touchpoints.

What is a Typical Marketing Manager Salary?

The median salary for Marketing Manager in New York is $129,000 according to salary.com, and across the US the median salary is $107,000.

How Does This Degree Differ From an MBA?

A masters degree in marketing provides the graduate student more functional, practical and detailed knowledge about the professional field of marketing, and will typically be less theoretical and more applied than many MBA programs.  An MBA is designed to be a more generalized business degree with study of many subjects outside marketing.

  • Degrees and Certificates
  • Graduate Certificates

Integrated Marketing Communications

The Integrated Marketing Communications Graduate Certificate includes four completely online courses at a rate of $2,331 per course. You may transition into the full online IMC master's degree program at any time during your graduate certificate enrollment. Credits you have earned will count toward the 10-course master's program.

IMC Courses

Intro to imc.

Learn and apply the IMC planning process and examine the role of integration to ensure consistency of creative strategy and complementary use of traditional and digital media.

Audience Insight

Take an in-depth look at consumer behavior and its role in IMC. This course examines consumer behavior in terms of internal influences, external influences, the consumer decision-making process and consumers and culture.

Brand Equity Management

Explore strategies and tactics that are used to build, measure and manage brands and brand equity, including the introduction of new products. Students also learn how to make creative decisions in branding. The course is project based where students do research and build a brand audit for a chosen client.

Emerging Media and the Market

Examine how modern industry uses emerging media, such as blogs and virtual worlds, to enhance the IMC process. This course also addresses the creative and ethical issues unique to digital media.

The IMC courses prepare you to:

  • Set good, measurable objectives, both campaign objectives, as well as objectives within each of the individual marketing communications function.
  • Better understand conversations around strategy.
  • Create more effective communications strategies based on internal or psychological influences that impact consumer decision-making.
  • Create more effective communications strategies based on external or sociological influences that impact consumer decision-making.
  • Use ethnography as a research method to better understand consumers and the ability to create an ethnography proposal.
  • Create a brand audit and build out recommendations based on your brand research.
  • Be competitive as a brand by understanding competitor’s strengths and weaknesses.
  • Understand the consumer mindset, why do you pick brand A vs. brand B?
  • Understand how the technologies are affecting consumer experience.
  • Use a variety of technologies to mix traditional marketing with new media.
  • Stay with the changing trends as new media emerges.

You should pursue IMC if...

You're interested in:.

  • Conducting consumer research to inform marketing
  • Using a variety of media and tools to create a marketing campaign
  • The strategy side of marketing, public relations and advertising
  • Keeping up with the latest trends

Your dream job title is:

  • Marketing Research Analyst
  • Marketing Specialist
  • Public Relations Specialist
  • Marketing Manager
  • Marketing Strategist

Active Campus Alert

For more information visit: emergency.wvu.edu

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10 Job Titles in Integrated Marketing Communications

Emma Magruder | Sunday, September 01, 2024

10 Job Titles in Integrated Marketing Communications

The marketing communications field is a vast industry with opportunities for individuals to find their niche. Because the field is broad, it can sometimes be hard to figure out what jobs are out there for people in the field. Here’s just a sampling of some of the roles you can get with a masters in integrated marketing communications.

1. Social Media Manager

A social media manager is a marketing professional who provides the voice and content for a brand across social channels. They are responsible for responding to comments, creating content and keeping up to date with trends on social media. Social media managers look for opportunities to increase brand exposure for their brand or organization.

2. Content Producer

A content producer writes, develops, edits and publishes content and copy for a variety of platforms like websites, blogs, videos, email marketing, advertising, social media posts and more. Content producers create messaging, marketing materials and various forms of digital copy that can be used by an organization to reach KPIs like sell or promote services, increase brand awareness, etc.

3. Chief Strategy Officer

Chief strategy officers are responsible for creating a company’s vision, communicating the plan with all those involved, executing the business initiatives and sustaining implementation efforts. In this role, the individual is also responsible for analyzing market shares, finding market and partnership opportunities, ensuring all performance markers are in palace and identifying strategic risk before starting a campaign.

4. SEO Content Writer

An SEO content writer’s primary responsibility is to create informative and engaging articles that provide high value to a brand's target audience to consistently achieve high SERP rankings. An individual in this role also needs to be able to conduct in-depth research on a variety of different topics to ensure your articles are factually correct and aligned with an audience’s search.

5. Marketing Manager

Marketing managers are responsible for developing, implementing and executing strategic marketing plans for an entire organization or brand in order to attract potential customers and retain existing ones. They are responsible for working with executives to determine budgets and targets, and they are often charged with developing pricing strategies for products and services. Marketing managers generally work as part of a larger marketing, creative, communications or digital team.

6. Public Affairs Specialist

Public affairs specialists act as spokespeople and develop and maintain relationships with beat reporters and other media members. They provide content and write articles for internal and external communications, including email marketing, social media and outreach to relevant past and present connections. Public affairs specialists typically work in the field of media relations by leveraging connections with other media members, and they often work in government agencies.

7. Creative Director

A creative director establishes the creative vision for a brand or a campaign and manifests that vision through strategic and deliberate design. A creative director is a big-picture position that maintains a cohesive look and feel of a project, supervises the entire creative process, and guides the creative team that works under them. A creative director often establishes budgets and timelines and manages client relationships and expectations.

8. Account Director

An account director serves as a liaison between clients and a company that provides services, manages the accounts team and supervises creatives and other staff to ensure projects meet client expectations and are delivered on time and within budget. The account director pitches ideas to clients, develops strategies for new products and coordinates events. They often work in agencies or firms, and an account director typically has multiple accounts at one time.

9. Public Relations Manager

Public relations managers create and maintain a favorable public image for their employer or client by communicating programs, accomplishments and/or points of view. These professionals are tasked with fielding media questions and pitching stories to the media, preparing media kits and organizing press conferences. They also release information to handle crisis and emergency communications.

10. Founder/President/CEO

Many people in the industry actually start their own businesses within the marketing industry as firms, agencies or consultants. In some of these situations, the individual is responsible for everything at the company, but they can also contract to other firms and individuals or hire staff directly. In this role, an individual is responsible for the overall business strategy and mission, management of employees and the overseeing of finances.

No matter where your career takes you, a degree in IMC sets you up for success by teaching you about multiple areas and specialties, and it provides you a skillset that allows for career transitions and pivots along the way. Ready to get started? Check out our M.S. IMC program to learn more.

This blog was originally published on the WVU Marketing Communications Today blog .

Marketing Communications Online Programs

The marketing communications landscape is constantly changing. Our programs are focused on what is happening next in marketing. Learn more about our innovative programs .

Marketing Communications Online Programs in Data, Digital and Integrated Marketing Communications

Meet the Author

Emma Magruder

Emma Magruder Marketing and Events Graduate Service Assistant

Emma is a marketing and events graduate assistant in the Marketing Communications Online Programs through the Reed School of Media and Communications at West Virginia University. She is a graduate student at WVU and involved in PRSSA and AWSM. She could always talk about what she made in her kitchen for this week and her favorite sports! Bitten by the travel bug, she loves to travel whenever she has a few days to take an adventure.

Marcom Today

Marketing Communications Today is a collection of resources for marketing communications professionals filled with industry research, marketing trends, and career information about integrated marketing and data-driven communications. Learn industry insights through the Marketing Communications Today blog, podcast, as well as Integrate Online.

Marcom Today

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Department of Communication

M.a. program of study.

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  • Beyond the Program…Why UConn?

All students must complete a program of study of at least 33 credit hours of graduate course work, including a core of required courses. Students must culminate their MA program by either writing a thesis or taking a comprehensive exam. The department encourages all students to discuss their options with their committee members, though most MA students choose the exam option. It is possible for students to complete a project and oral exam rather than the traditional written and oral exam. This approach is sometimes desirable for people going into applied areas. Past projects have been done by students studying new communication technology and communication campaigns.

The MA program provides the student with a strong theoretical base for analyzing and researching human communication. Students will receive excellent preparation for PhD work, as well as a wide range of information about communication that may be applied in many non-academic settings. Students may wish to focus their studies in more applied domains and use their knowledge of communication theory and research methods in a commercial setting. For example, students who specialize in marketing may find employment in marketing research firms, larger advertising agencies that maintain their own research departments, and corporations that produce and evaluate their own advertising or personal sales materials. Students interested in careers as behavioral researchers and change agents in organizations may wish to specialize in strategic or organizational communication. Such specialties may include a variety of theoretical approaches to organizational behavior and organizational change techniques through coursework in other departments.

Core Courses

Core courses provide the student with exposure to the major research techniques central to the scholarly literature of communication. The basics of theory construction, techniques of data gathering and data analysis, and typical research projects in communication are covered. As a group, these courses provide a basis for advanced coursework offered by the department.

Core courses and the semester in which each should be completed are listed below:

COMM 5001  Introduction to Graduate Communication Research (1st semester) COMM 5002  Communication Research Methods (2nd semester) COMM 5003  Advanced Communication Research Methods (for Plan A Thesis option only) (3rd semester) COMM 5010 Theory Construction and Research Design (for Plan A Thesis option only) (3rd semester)

The remainder of the student’s program will be determined in consultation with the student’s advisor and Advisory Committee.  Students may include courses from other departments within the University with the permission of the Advisory Committee.

Choosing a Specialty

In addition to the Core Courses listed above, students must take two core theory courses relevant to their specialty area, as determined by the major advisor and committee members. Such courses might include:

COMM 5100 Persuasion Theory and Research COMM 5200 Interpersonal Communication COMM 5230 Organizational Communication: Theory and Research COMM 5300 Mass Communication Theory COMM 5660 Computer-Mediated Communication COMM 6850 Seminar in Marketing Communication

To complete the course requirements, students must choose additional courses from COMM offerings (four additional courses for thesis option; six additional courses for comprehensive exam option) and one related elective course inside or outside the department (for a total of 33 course credits). For students with a specialty area in a related discipline, up to three of the six courses (for the exam option) and up to two courses (for the thesis option) may be outside of the department. Additional courses inside and outside the department might include (in addition to the courses noted above):

COMM 5101 Motivation COMM 5120 Communication Campaigns COMM 5150 Crisis and Risk Communication COMM 5220 Group Communication Research COMM 5310 Seminar in Mass Communication Research COMM 5500 Nonverbal Communication COMM 5501 Nonverbal Communication & Persuasion COMM 5640 Social Media Use and Effects COMM 5650 Communication Technology and Society: Theory and Research COMM 5900 Professional Communication MKTG 5115 Market-Driven Management MKTG 5220 Strategic Marketing MKTG 5625 Marketing for Global Competitiveness MKTG 5230 Product and Innovation Management MKTG 5635 Marketing for Non-profit Institutions MKTG 5640 Integrated Marketing Communications MKTG 5660 Customer and Market Behavior OPIM 5110 Operations Management PSYC 5613 Industrial Psychology PSYC 5703 Advanced Social Psychology

These are simply examples of potential course options. Other courses may be substituted by Advisory Committee approval.

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Universities in Omsk, Russia - Rankings & Reviews -

  • 12 Jul, 2024: Latest Webometrics Ranking Web of Universities from Webometrics. 6 universities from Omsk appear in this ranking.
  • 15 Jun, 2024: Publication of Nature Index: Research Leaders Academic Sector . Omsk State Medical Academy ranked #2272.
  • 15 Jun, 2024: Nature Index - Top Academic Institutions by Subject (Health Sciences) updated with Omsk State Medical Academy in position 917.
  • 12 Jun, 2024: Publication of THE World University Impact Rankings - Overall . Omsk State Technical University with highest ranking among universities in Omsk ranked #1001.

Rankings of universities in Omsk, Russia 2024


Omsk State Technical University

  • University rankings - Omsk State Technical University

THE Emerging Economies University Ranking - Times Higher Education
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Omsk State Medical Academy

Card image

  • University rankings - Omsk State Medical Academy


Omsk State Agrarian University n.a. P. A. Stolypin

  • University rankings - Omsk State Agrarian University n.a. P. A. Stolypin
RUR Academic Rankings
RUR Reputation Ranking

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Omsk State Pedagogical University

  • University rankings - Omsk State Pedagogical University
RUR Reputation Ranking
RUR Academic Rankings

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Omsk State University

  • University rankings - Omsk State University

QS University Rankings: EECA Emerging Europe & Central Asia
QS University Rankings BRICS
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Omsk State Transport University

  • University rankings - Omsk State Transport University


Siberian State University of Physical Culture and Sports


Highest subject rankings of universities in Omsk

Omsk key facts for international students.

6 out of 7 Universities in Omsk Ranked in at least one ranking

11 Different Rankings list Universities in Omsk (10 institution and 1 subject rankings)

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* 100 = prices in London

  • Living costs without accommodation 47* (53% cheaper than London)
  • All costs including accommodation 65* (35% cheaper than London)
  • Meals (grocery & lower cost restaurants) 34* (66% cheaper than London)
  • Average Big Mac price 184.06 RUB

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  • Residential voltage: 230 V
  • Frequency: 50 Hz

Plug Type F

Map with location of universities in Omsk

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4000+ online courses at edx.org

What is the best ranked university in Omsk?

What university in omsk is listed in most university rankings, what university in omsk is best ranked for studying engineering, ranking publishers, british quacquarelli symonds, uk, qs university rankings brics  (published: 06 may, 2019).

Academic reputation 30% Employer reputation 20% Faculty/student ratio 20% Staff with a PhD 10% Papers per faculty 10%

view methodology

QS University Rankings: EECA Emerging Europe & Central Asia  (Published: 15 December, 2021)

Academic reputation 30% Employer reputation 20% Faculty/student ratio 10% Papers per faculty 10% International research network 10%

Nature Index

Nature index: research leaders academic sector  (published: 15 june, 2024).

Article count (AC) Fractional count (FC) Weighted fractional count (WFC)

RUR Ranking Agency (Moscow, Russia)

Rur academic rankings  (published: 25 may, 2023).

Normalized citation impact (Citations of research publications from all university authors compared with world averages) 20% Citation per papers 20% Papers per academic and research staff 20% International research reputation 20% Share of research publications written in international co-authorship 20%

RUR Reputation Ranking  (Published: 25 May, 2023)

Teaching Reputation 50% Research Reputation 50%

RUR World University Rankings  (Published: 30 May, 2024)

Teaching: 40%

  • Ratio Faculty/Student: 8%
  • Ratio Faculty/Bachelor Degrees Awarded: 8%
  • Ratio Faculty/Doctoral Degrees Awarded: 8%
  • Ratio Doctoral Degrees Awarded/Bachelor Degrees Awarded: 8%
  • World Teaching Reputation: 8%

Research: 40%

  • Citations per Academic/Research Staff: 8%
  • Doctoral Degrees per Accepted PhD: 8%
  • Normalized Citation Impact: 8%
  • Papers per Academic/Research Staff: 8%
  • World Research Reputation: 8%

International Diversity: 10%

  • International Faculty: 2%
  • International Students: 2%
  • International Co-Authored Papers: 2%
  • Reputation Outside Geographical Region: 2%
  • International Level: 2%

Financial Sustainability: 10%

  • Institutional Income per Faculty: 2%
  • Institutional Income per Student: 2%
  • Papers per Research Income: 2%
  • Research Income per Academic/Research Staff: 2%
  • Research Income per Institutional Income: 2%

Scimago Institutions

Scimago institutions rankings  (published: 06 march, 2024).

Research 50% Innovation 30% Societal 20%

THE Times Higher Education, UK

The world university rankings  (published: 27 september, 2023).

30% Teaching (the Learning Environment)

  • Reputation survey: 15%
  • Staff-to-student ratio: 4.5%
  • Doctorate-to-bachelor’s ratio: 2.25%
  • Doctorates-awarded-to-academic-staff ratio: 6%
  • Institutional income: 2.25%

30% Research (Volume, Income and Reputation)

  • Reputation survey: 18%
  • Research income: 6%
  • Research productivity: 6%

30% Citations (Research Influence)

7.5% International Outlook (Staff, Students and Research)

  • Proportion of international students: 2.5%
  • Proportion of international staff: 2.5%
  • International collaboration: 2.5%

2.5% Industry Income (Knowledge Transfer)"

THE Emerging Economies University Ranking - Times Higher Education  (Published: 19 October, 2021)

Teaching 30% Research (volume, income and reputation) 30% Citations 20% International outlook (staff, students, research) 10% Industry income (knowledge transfer) 10%

THE World University Impact Rankings - Overall  (Published: 12 June, 2024)

Webometrics, webometrics ranking web of universities  (published: 12 july, 2024).

Visibility 50% Excellence 35% Transparency 10% Presence 5%

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  • Bachelor of Science in Journalism
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  • IMC Overview
  • IMC Full-Time Master's
  • IMC Professional Master's
  • IMC Certificate
  • Online Short Courses
  • Faculty & Staff
  • Integrated Marketing Communications
  • IMC Full-Time Master's Program
  • Application Requirements
  • What We Look For
  • International Applicants
  • Frequently Asked Questions


  • Immersion Quarter
  • Exclusive Opportunities
  • Career Services
  • Job Outcomes
  • Our Faculty
  • Life At Medill
  • Class Profile
  • IMC Compared with Other Master's Degrees
  • IMC Professional Master's Program
  • IMC Undergraduate Certificate

Application Deadline

Applicants to Medill’s Integrating Marketing Communications Full-time Program can choose to apply by one of three deadlines for the 2024-2025 school year, listed in the table below. The application review process is the same for all three Rounds, and all admitted students will be considered for merit-based scholarships regardless of the round they choose. Please apply in the round that fits your schedule. The same application review process is applied during each round, and all admitted students will be considered for merit-based scholarships regardless of the Round they choose to apply. Each deadline has a corresponding decision notification date. Decisions are not released on a rolling basis; instead, applicants who have submitted completed applications by the deadline can expect a decision by the notification date above. A completed application means that all transcripts, test scores, letters of recommendation and required essays have been received by our office. Applicants can view whether their application is complete by checking their application portal . Applications that are submitted but missing required documents, such as a letter of recommendation, will not be reviewed until all materials have been received. As a result, applications that are incomplete are not guaranteed a decision by their corresponding notification date.

Round 1
Full-time IMC
Round 2
Full-time IMC
Round 3
Full-time IMC
Application Deadline October 7, 2024 November 25, 2024 March 17, 2025
Decision Notification December 13, 2024 February 17, 2025 May 22, 2025

Visit our application requirements page to learn about the items that are needed when you apply.

If you have any questions, please contact our admissions team .


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  6. 32

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    Create innovative marketing communications strategies. Understand and engage consumers in the digital age. Balance qualitative and quantitative data to build strong brands. Our integrated marketing communications programs will help set you apart from others in the industry and prepare you for the future.

  2. Integrated Marketing Communication

    School of Communication. Suite 3100, University Center C, FSU. P.O. Box 3062664. Tallahassee, FL USA 32306-2664. Phone: (850)-644-5034. Email: [email protected]. Understanding global, multicultural, and strategic communication lead to success. The Integrated Marketing Communication graduate program is designed for students interested ...

  3. Ph.D. Program of Study

    The general aim of the Ph.D. program in Communication is to provide students with a rigorous course of study that will prepare them for careers in either the academic or commercial spheres. The curriculum is not directed toward either of these domains, but rather attempts to give students a breadth of scholarly training that will allow them to ...

  4. Medill

    Shift to smartphones from TV and print in full swing. Hear Thurgood Marshall, Earl Warren and others for the first time in Brown v. Board of Education Revisited. Medill, a leading school of its kind, offers programs in journalism and integrated marketing communications that prepare students to thrive in the digital world.

  5. Integrated Marketing Communications Degrees: Master's, PhD & Online Info

    Integrated marketing communications is the application of a uniform marketing message through every way that you touch your client or consumer - including public relations, corporate communications, selling and advertising. Master's degree programs in this subject are degree designed for professionals seeking to advance to management positions ...

  6. Curriculum

    Eighteen graduate-level credits at Northwestern are required for the Full-Time Master of Science in Integrated Marketing Communications (MSIMC) degree: Fifteen credits must be academic courses, including five required core courses and 10 elective courses. Three credits are team project credits to help you gain real-world work experience through.

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    The Integrated Marketing Communications master's program at WVU was developed in 2003, the nation's first online IMC master's program. Since its development, it has grown with the industry and remains in a class of its own. You gain a full omni-channel view that you can specialize to fit your interests or the needs of your company.

  12. (PDF) Understanding integrated marketing communication: Concepts

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  16. Integrated Marketing Communications

    The Integrated Marketing Communications Graduate Certificate includes four completely online courses at a rate of $2,331 per course. You may transition into the full online IMC master's degree program at any time during your graduate certificate enrollment. Credits you have earned will count toward the 10-course master's program.

  17. 10 Job Titles in Integrated Marketing Communications

    The marketing communications field is a vast industry with opportunities for individuals to find their niche. Because the field is broad, it can sometimes be hard to figure out what jobs are out there for people in the field. Here's just a sampling of some of the roles you can get with a master's in integrated marketing communications.

  18. IMC Full-Time Master's

    Advance your career with Medill's Master of Science in Integrated Marketing Communications. Medill's prestigious IMC Full-Time program is tailored to launch your career in the marketing communications field with an intense five quarters that prepare you to understand and engage consumers, solve marketing challenges and build strong brands in the digital age.

  19. M.A. Program of Study

    Students will receive excellent preparation for PhD work, as well as a wide range of information about communication that may be applied in many non-academic settings. ... MKTG 5640 Integrated Marketing Communications MKTG 5660 Customer and Market Behavior OPIM 5110 Operations Management PSYC 5613 Industrial Psychology PSYC 5703 Advanced Social ...

  20. Omsk: General Information

    Omsk is multinational city. It is inhabited by Russians, Germans, Ukrainians, Tatars, Kazakhs, Belorussians and other nations — about 120 nationalities altogether. At present time more than 50 centers of national culture are functioning, regenerating its national traditions. Religious unions of 23 confessions are acting too.

  21. Omsk Oblast (Russia): Cities and Settlements in Population

    Contents: Cities and Settlements The population of all cities and urban settlements in Omsk Oblast according to census results and latest official estimates. The icon links to further information about a selected place including its population structure (gender).

  22. All 7 Universities in Omsk

    University rankings - Omsk State Technical University. #59. #1501. THE World University Rankings. [Published 27 September, 2023] #50. #3585. Scimago Institutions Rankings. [Published 06 March, 2024]

  23. Deadlines

    Applicants to Medill's Integrating Marketing Communications Full-time Program can choose to apply by one of three deadlines for the 2024-2025 school year, listed in the table below. The application review process is the same for all three Rounds, and all admitted students will be considered for merit-based scholarships regardless of the round ...

  24. 261st Reserve Motorised Rifle Division

    261st Reserve Motorised Rifle Division. 261-я запасная мотострелковая дивизия. Activated 1980 in Omsk, Omsk Oblast, as a mobilisation division. Disbanded 1987. The division was maintained as a Mobilisation Division (US terms: Mobilisation Division) - manning was 0%. Equipment set present, older types, substantial ...