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The Importance of Diary Writing

Posted by Jessica Matthews in ASTU 100 Blogs

Since the age of 5, I have been an on and off diary writer. My earliest entries were fairly basic as I had no grammar, spelling, or structure skills. As I began to develop skills during my pre-teen years, I started to appreciate the creative outlet. My journal was an excellent place where I could express myself, reflect on my actions, and develop my writing skills. My actions of keeping a journal are not uncommon, a study by LifeJournal,  shows that  50% of her random selection of 114 people kept a journal at least once in their lives and 16% of the people currently kept a journal. This study can signify that diaries are not uncommon as 66% of people had at least journaled once in their lives.

As journaling is not an uncommon occurrence, there is a variety of ways people can keep a diary. Not all diaries are personal accounts  and someone may keep a food entry diary, a travel diary, a personal journal, etc. This decision is based on one’s preference. In this blog post, I will be looking at personal diaries as a literary genre and the debate of their significance as a genre in the literary world, and how they have inspired other pieces of work. Looking at journals is important as we can see how diaries’ natural versatility play a crucial role in the literary community.

To begin, I will establish why there is debate regarding diaries as a literary genre. Bruce Merry declares that journals are often dismissed as they are seen as simple pieces of work (3). Personal writings may be disregarded as they can range from a brain dump of ideas to carefully crafted short stories about one’s actual experiences. “The diary is an intimate journal, a personal dialogue between the writer and his private persona, in which anything can be discussed outside the pull and push of editorial fashion” (3).  The genre of journal writing is unconventional due to everyone’s personal interests and style of writing, this makes it difficult to create a set definition. Merry highlights this in his article by using the example of how some people choose to write dates for each entry while others write dates for more important days (holidays, birthdays, etc.) (7). Despite the debates surrounding diaries as a genre, it can be shown that these types of personal work are sometimes not seen as valid.

Regardless of the diary as a genre debate, diaries are powerful forms of work. These personal accounts can benefit a person’s health , and in some cases, they can also inspire others . Jennifer Ryan wrote a novel, entitled The Chilbury Ladies’ Choir about women living on the Homefront during the second world war. She writes about their struggles of women watching their loved ones leave for the war  and how they begin to start a choir to light the spirits of their idyllic village. This novel was inspired by the journals of a woman living during World War II. Ryan stated that she was “so moved by Nella’s diaries that [she] wanted to write a novel that in some way fictionalized her experience, making it more accessible for a larger audience” (Last Paragraph). Ryan’s actions of producing a novel based off personal journals may indicate the importance of diaries because she was able to read primary accounts of the struggles women faced during this time period and she expanded these entries by writing a novel with similar themes.

In conclusion, this blog discussed the debate of diaries as a widely accepted genre in the literary world and how diaries are able to influence the work of others. Journals may not be widely accepted because of their extreme versatility and, with the exception of well-known authors, many diaries are kept hidden. However, it is this same versatility that can make all diaries special as they are created to suit the writer’s creative interests. Therefore, this can suggest that where diaries find their weakness in adaptability, it can also be their greatest strength.

Further Reading:

The diaries of Olive Allen Biller inspired this website for my ASTU 100 Archives Project. Please visit if interested in learning about a female artist living turning the turn of the 19th century.

Works Cited

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Diary writing: Format, Topics, and Examples

Diary writing: Format, Topics, and Examples

Diary Writing has stood the test of time and remains valuable for students or individuals, appearing at the Exams, or seeking a personal and reflective outlet. 

In this article, we will explore the profound benefits of diary writing along with the art of diary writing, exploring its format, and various topics, and providing real-life examples.

What is Diary Writing?

Definition and purpose.

At its core, Diary writing  is a  short essay  that regularly records a writer’s own thoughts, experiences, emotions, observations, feelings, and attitudes of his or her daily activities on a book or pad containing pages.

The purpose of this practice varies from person to person, but common motivations include self-expression, emotional release, and self-discovery. 

Benefits of Diary Writing

Diary writing offers a multitude of benefits for the mind, heart, and soul. It provides a therapeutic outlet, enhances self-awareness, and fosters personal growth.

By putting emotions into words, individuals can gain clarity on their thoughts and feelings, leading to a greater understanding of themselves and their experiences.

Writing Techniques and Styles

Expressive writing.

Expressive writing involves pouring raw emotions onto the page without inhibition. It’s an opportunity to let go of pent-up feelings, which can be highly cathartic and healing.

Reflective Writing

Reflective writing encourages introspection and analysis. Writers can explore their experiences and reactions to gain deeper insights into their lives.

Creative Writing

For those with a flair for imagination, creative writing within the context of diary entries adds an artistic touch to

the process. Fictional diaries and storytelling can be a fascinating approach to diary writing.

Keeping Consistency in Diary Writing

Commitment and dedication.

Maintaining a diary requires commitment. Even on days when motivation is low, sticking to the routine can lead to long-term benefits.

Finding Motivation

To stay motivated, writers can remind themselves of the positive impact diary writing has on their well-being and personal growth.

General Guidelines for Diary Writing

Certainly! When it comes to diary writing, there are no strict rules as it is a personal form of expression. However, there are some general guidelines that you may find helpful to make your diary writing experience more enjoyable and meaningful:

Be Honest and Authentic: Your diary is a private space where you can be yourself without any judgment. Write honestly about your thoughts, emotions, and experiences.

Write Regularly: Try to write in your diary regularly, whether it’s daily, weekly, or at whatever frequency suits you best. Consistency will help you develop a habit and make it easier to express yourself.

Choose Your Style: Your diary is for your eyes only, so you can write in any style that feels comfortable to you. You can use complete sentences, bullet points, or even doodles and sketches if that helps convey your feelings.

Include Date and Time: Start each entry with the date and, optionally, the time. This helps you keep track of your thoughts chronologically.

Reflect on the Day: Reflect on your experiences, interactions, and feelings about the day. This helps you gain insights into yourself and your life.

Explore Emotions: Express both positive and negative emotions. Writing about your feelings can be therapeutic.

Describe Events: Include details about events, people, and places to create a vivid picture of your experiences.

Set Goals and Aspirations: Use your diary to jot down your goals, aspirations, and plans for the future.

Celebrate Achievements: It boosts your confidence and reminds you of your progress.

Use Prompts: If you’re unsure where to start, use writing prompts or topics to inspire your diary entries.

Be Patient with Yourself: It’s okay if you miss a day or two of writing. Be kind to yourself and pick up where you left off when you’re ready.

Read Old Entries: Occasionally, go back and read your past diary entries. It can be insightful to see how you’ve grown and changed over time.

Enjoy the Process: Most importantly, enjoy the process of diary writing. It’s a wonderful way to connect with yourself and your emotions.

Remember, there are no hard and fast rules in diary writing . The purpose is to create a personal space where you can freely express yourself and reflect on your experiences. Happy diary writing!

Diary Writing Format

Here’s a standard format for writing a diary entry in English:

Date: [ Today’s Date ]

Dear Diary,

[ Start your entry here. ]

[ Write about your thoughts , feelings, and experiences from the day. You can include the events that happened, the people you met, your reactions to certain situations, and anything else that made an impact on you.]

[ Share your emotions honestly , whether it’s happiness, sadness, excitement, frustration, or any other feelings you experienced during the day.]

[ Reflect on any significant moments or lessons you learned today.]

[ You can also write about your plans for the future or your goals and aspirations.]

[ Close your entry with a summary of your overall feelings about the day.]

Goodnight, Diary. See you tomorrow!

[ Your Name ]

Remember, a diary is a personal space for you to express yourself freely, so feel free to write as much or as little as you want. There’s no right or wrong way to keep a diary – it’s all about recording your thoughts and feelings honestly and authentically. Happy writing!

Look at the Sample Diary Writing:

Monday, 7th January 2022 (1) Day & Date

8:00 p.m. (2 ) Time

Dear Diary, (3) Greetings

It is the start of the week. I am so excited. I am going to spend the entire week with my cousin Alok. Today we went to the Flower Exhibition. It was very interesting, Alok had suggested the idea of going to the exhibition It was an annual exhibition for professionals in floriculture and landscape design. It was a comprehensive business platform covering all sectors of floriculture and flower business. The exhibition displayed a wide variety of exotic flowers. It also exhibited various flower species including hybrids. It was one of the country’s greatest flower shows including events like the Summer Garden Competition, Foliage Plants Show, Home Growing Competition, etc. The vibrant colors were totally out of this world. I look forward to attending more of such exhibitions ]—(4) Body

Soumi—– (5) Name of the Writer

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Diary Writing Topics

The topics for your diary entries are limitless. They can be based on your experiences, aspirations, emotions, and thoughts. Feel free to modify or combine these topics to suit your personal preferences and writing style. Here are some diary-writing topics that you can explore:

A Memorable Day: Write about a day that stood out to you, whether it was due to a special event, an unexpected encounter, or an achievement.

My Goals and Aspirations: Reflect on your short-term and long-term goals, and how you plan to achieve them.

Dear Future Me: Write a letter to your future self, discussing your hopes, dreams, and expectations.

A Place I Love: Describe a place that holds sentimental value to you, and explain why it’s significant in your life.

My Favorite Hobby: Share your passion for a hobby or activity that brings you joy and fulfillment.

A Book/Movie That Inspired Me: Write about a book or movie that had a profound impact on your thoughts or emotions.

My Proudest Moment: Describe a moment in your life when you felt exceptionally proud of yourself or someone else.

Overcoming Challenges: Discuss a difficult situation or challenge you faced and how you managed to overcome it.

Random Acts of Kindness: Write about an act of kindness you either received or witnessed and how it made you feel.

Things I’m Grateful For: List the things, people, or experiences you feel grateful for in your life.

Dreams and Fantasies: Share any dreams or fantasies you’ve had lately, no matter how extravagant or simple they may be.

A Letter to a Friend/Family Member: Write a letter to someone close to you, expressing your thoughts and emotions.

Favorite Quotes: Share some of your favorite quotes and explain why they resonate with you.

Life Lessons: Reflect on valuable lessons you’ve learned throughout your life.

An Adventure I Want to Experience: Describe an adventure or journey you wish to embark on in the future.

The Best Day with Friends: Write about a day spent with your closest friends and the fun and memorable moments you shared.

My Dream Vacation: Describe your dream vacation destination and everything you would like to do and see there.

A Time I Overcame Fear: Reflect on a time when you faced a fear or phobia and how you managed to conquer it.

My Role Model: Write about someone you look up to and admire, explaining what makes them your role model.

A New Skill I Want to Learn: Discuss a skill or talent you’ve been eager to develop and why it interests you.

The Power of Music: Share how music impacts your emotions and recount a song or piece that has significant meaning to you.

A Lesson from Nature: Write about a valuable lesson you learned from observing nature or spending time outdoors.

An Act of Generosity: Describe an act of generosity you carried out for someone else and how it made you feel.

Challenges of Growing Up: Reflect on the challenges and changes you’ve faced as you’ve grown older.

A Delicious Recipe: Share a recipe that you recently discovered or tried, and describe how it turned out.

The Most Unforgettable Dream: Write about a particularly vivid or memorable dream you had and its impact on you.

If I Could Time Travel: Imagine if you could travel to any period in history or the future; where would you go and why?

To Your Younger Self: Write a letter of advice and encouragement to your younger self.

The Joy of Giving: Describe the happiness you felt when giving a thoughtful gift to someone special.

A Day Without Technology: Imagine spending a day without any technology and write about how it affected your day.

Workout Diary Writing Examples for Practice:

(1) write a diary entry about how you helped an old woman who was traveling by herself on the bus..

Tuesday,8 th  January 2022

Since my cousin was hospitalized, I decided to visit him. I took a bus at 8 o’clock which was very crowded because of the office hours. People were standing close to each other, and some were also hanging from the exit door as there was no space inside the bus. Even the senior citizens were standing as their seats were occupied by youngsters. There was an old lady who seemed to be sick, because of the heat and suffocation. I asked a young boy to stand up to provide her the seat. After sitting she drank some water and felt comfortable. Then, I helped her to get down from the bus. She thanked me and blessed me. I felt very happy that I had done some good deed.

(2)Today, you witnessed some students littering the corridors and fields of your school. You were very disappointed at that sight. Make a diary entry about how you felt.

Tuesday, 31st March 2021

I am very sad today. During the recess time, I saw a group of students littering in the school premises. They littered the corridors with plastic bags, foils, wrappers, etc. It was a very disappointing sight. I told them repeatedly not to litter and use the dustbin, but they did not listen to me. Not just this, even the playing field behind the classrooms was not spared by them. It looked no less than a garbage dump. I fail to understand how anyone can be so ignorant about his actions and its consequences. Sometimes, I feel disgusted that our environment has to suffer because of our bad habits.

I wish I could do something about it but my plan is to drop a letter in the suggestion box for the appointment of prefects to keep a check and ensure a clean environment at school. I hope things will get better due to my suggestions.

(3)  Y ou recently participated in the ‘All India CBSE National Quiz Competition and reached the finals. The final round was telecast over the national channel where you and your team won the quiz Describe your feelings in 100-150 words through a diary entry.

Saturday, January 23 rd , 2022

Today was such an exciting day. You know what, my team won the first prize the in ‘All India CBSE National Quiz Competition’. Not only this, but the cherry on the cake was also  that the final round was telecast over the national channel. My parents were very happy and so were my teachers and friends. The quiz was on biodiversity. The preliminary rounds were not so easy. But I had very wise team members. We were the leading team in oral round as well. It was so much fun – with applause and praises. We had a cutthroat competition with two of the other schools but we came first which was unexpected, I was very elated. We received a trophy and a certificate. It was a very proud moment of my life.

(4)   Suppose recently you had to change your place of residence. Write a page in your diary about the experience of shifting from a familiar neighborhood to a new place.

Saturday, 10 th  September 2021

My father has bought a new flat in Jamshedpur. He sold the village house at Murshidabad for his job transfer. It was really disappointing when I heard that we would go to a new residence. I had to leave my village school, my teachers, my friends, my neighbours, and the happy moments spent in the nature’s lap. The sight of vast green fields and catching fishes in the pond kept flickering in my mind. I was then admitted to a new school in Jamshedpur. All the memories I left there made me sad all the time. Here the children are not so friendly with me as I have come from a rural area. I go to the rooftop to enjoy the cloudlets floating in the sky. Hence every time I recall my good old days and I sob silently.

(5)   Today while coming back from school, you saw a small child begging at the signal. You were heartbroken to see the future of the country in such a dismal state. Make a diary entry in not more than 150-200 words expressing your feelings.

Saturday, 16th February 2021

I am feeling heartbroken today. While I was coming back from school, our bus stopped at a traffic signal. There I saw a young boy who was hardly eight years old begging for food and money. He knocked at every car and pleaded for money but was chased away most of the times I felt very sad on seeing that the child who should have been going to school to study had to struggle every day to fill his empty stomach. Al the same time I realised the value of all the comforts that my parents have provided to me. I realised that some steps should be taken to improve the conditions of these child beggars. When ! grow up. I will definitely do something for them.

(6)   Make an entry in your diary in 100-150 words on your hesitation to speak in English and you wish to improve your English-speaking skills.

Tuesday, March 07, 2017

A person is known by his company, what type of friends he has and how he reacts before them. I am fortunate enough to have a good circle of friends. They are extremely helpful and good-natured people but sometimes I feel quite embarrassed because they all have a good command over English while I do not, I have done my schooling from a Telugu medium school. Therefore, I hesitate to speak in English before them. It is my heartfelt desire to improve my English-speaking skills but there is no good institute in my vicinity where I can improve my speaking skills. Therefore, my desire has not yet been fulfilled. Dear Diary! I promise you that I will improve my English-speaking skills very soon.

(7)   You feel that speaking in English is the need of the hour. As your parents are unable to do so, you feel a keen desire to teach them. Write in about 100-150 words a page in your diary expressing how you will execute it.

Monday, Dec 15, 2021

These days, speaking in English has become the need of the hour. Nobody can deny this fact. Even my parents also agree with it. But they are unable to do so. Though it is not their fault or any weakness for which they should feel shy in the modern world, yet I have a keen desire to teach them to speak in English. This language is a link with the outer world as it is an international language-a handy means of communication with the people around the world. I shall help them in this so that they will feel more confident. First, I’ll give them lessons in Grammar, then shall proceed to introductory dialogue speaking and will gradually move to small speeches on the topics of their interest. I am sure my parents will be at the earliest, able to talk and express in English independently.

(8)    Suppose You participated in a play at the National School of Drama. It was recorded and will be telecast next week. Make a diary entry using the following clues in 150-200 words sharing your experience.

 Wednesday, 12th April 2020

I am very happy to share this wonderful experience with you. I had been practising day in and day out for the play participated in. Today was the final show. By the grace of God, everything went on well, I felt content when everyone praised our acting. I felt very lucky to have learnt controlled acting from such great and senior actors. Although I was quite nervous working with such experienced artists, they made me feel comfortable. The rehearsals were of sheer fun as well as a great learning experience. My happiness knew no bounds when we came to know that it will be telecast on the National channel.

I feel so proud about it and I am short of words that would justify my joy. But in short, it was an amazing journey. I am very excited about the telecast and eagerly waiting for it to be shown on TV. Basically, I already feel like a superstar. I hope everyone likes it.

(9)    Suppose you are a member of the Eco Club of your school. A few weeks back, your school celebrated Earth Day, Various informative programs were showcased in the morning assembly. Write a diary entry in 150-200 words expressing what you learnt through those activities based on your own ideas.

Friday. Ist May, 2021

A few days ago, my school celebrated the Earth Day on 22nd April, 20XX. Being a member of the Eco Club of my school, I helped in organising the event and making learning experience for all the students at my school on this occasion a special morning assembly was held, and various informative programmes were showcased. We invited eminent speakers from all over the city to sensitise us towards environmental protection Important environmental issues such as global warming pollution, deforestation etc were discussed in detail. All the students pledged to save the environment and spread awareness amongst people about protecting Mother Earth. We also decided to adopt environment friendly activities in our day-to-day life and thus work towards saving the environment. Overall, it was an enriching experience and I hope that my school continues to celebrate more such events.

(10)    You have kept a pet at home. Your father brought the pet for you. Write a diary entry describing how you take care of your pet in about 100-120 words. Read the given clues to plan your diary entry:

Wednesday,15 May 2021

My joy knew no bounds when a few days ago I saw my father coming home from office with a white puppy in his hands. I immediately ran towards him and took hold of the puppy. He is a German Spitz, all covered with white and golden coat. I named him Piya. I had never known till now that a pet can be so warm and affectionate. He is very playful and likes to spend his time playing with a ball. I give him milk, curd, chapati and dog food to eat. I take him for a walk twice a day. That is the time which he loves the most the moment I say, ‘Let’s go for a walk’, he starts showing his excitement. These words seem to be magic words.

I sometimes carry him to my friend’s house as they also love to play with him. My father takes him regularly to a vet for his vaccination and routine check-up. I really love my pet. You should watch him dancing when I come back from school. Never have I received such a warm welcome from anyone, the way he welcomes me. I am so happy that I have him as a friend and good company.

Q. 1: Can Diary Writing Help Improve My Mental Health?

Ans: Yes, diary writing can have significant mental health benefits. It provides an outlet for self-expression, reduces stress, and promotes emotional well-being.

Q. 2: How Do I Start a Diary Writing Habit?

Ans: To start a diary writing habit, choose the right diary format, create a consistent writing routine, and write with honesty and authenticity.

Q. 3: What Should I Write About in My Diary?

Ans: You can write about daily activities, emotions, goals, challenges, dreams, and adventures. There are no strict rules – let your diary be a reflection of your life.

Q. 4: Can Diary Writing Spark Creativity?

Ans: Absolutely! Diary writing allows you to explore your creativity through art, sketches, and expressive writing techniques.

Q. 5: Are Digital Diary Writing Apps Secure?

Ans: Most reputable digital diary writing apps offer robust security features to protect your private entries.

Q. 6: How Can Diary Writing Facilitate Personal Development?

Ans: Diary writing helps with personal development by promoting self-reflection, goal setting, and tracking progress over time.

Q. 7. Is diary writing only for young people?

Ans: Diary writing is for everyone, regardless of age. People of all ages can benefit from the therapeutic and self-reflective aspects of journaling.

Q. 8. What if I miss a day of writing in my diary?

Ans: It’s normal to miss a day occasionally. The key is to get back on track and not let a single missed day derail your commitment to diary writing.

Q. 9. Can I include negative emotions in my diary entries?

Ans: Absolutely! Diary writing is a safe space for all emotions, including negative ones. Expressing these emotions can be cathartic and lead to emotional healing.

Q. 10. Should I use a physical diary or a digital one?

Ans: The choice between a physical diary and a digital one depends on personal preference. Both have their merits, so go with the one that feels most comfortable for you.

Q. 11. Can I use diary writing as a form of therapy?

Ans: Yes, diary writing can be therapeutic. It can help individuals cope with anxiety, depression, and other mental health challenges by providing an outlet for emotional expression and self-reflection.

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10 Ways Journaling Benefits Students

woman holding a pencil thinking

Have you ever kept a journal—when you were traveling, as a way to record important events of your life, or as a tool for working through a difficult time? There are many reasons to keep a journal. If you’re a student, journaling can help you not only be more successful in class, but also have more confidence to take on life’s challenges. In this post, we discuss the benefits of journaling as well as different types of journals that can help you succeed in school.

10 Benefits of Journaling

The advantages of journaling range from helping you reduce stress to propelling you forward in your pursuit of personal and academic growth.

1. Improves Mental Health

The act of taking pen to paper can help you relax, manage anxiety , cope with depression, ((University of Rochester Medical Center, “Journaling for Mental Health”: )) and enjoy one of life’s pleasures (writing). By getting your thoughts down on paper, you can gain a deeper understanding of the causes of your own internal conflicts, while you also explore the external challenges you’re facing. Your problems, fears, and concerns will come to the surface so you can start to address them and visualize solutions. 

Humor is a healer, too. Writing down the events of your life in a funny way, or recording amusing overheard bits of dialogue, can help you feel less anxious, since laughter can relieve stress .

2. Encourages Self-Confidence

Journaling can boost your self-confidence in a few ways. If you journal to keep your thoughts and schedule organized , you may find that being prepared reduces anxiety. Properly managing your time so that you can consistently check off those boxes on your to-do list can help reinforce for yourself that you’re a capable, intelligent student.

If you use your journal as a place to actively practice positive self-talk and combat negative thoughts , you may find that being kind to yourself also improves your overall relationship with yourself. 

3. Boosts Emotional Intelligence 

Journaling can help you make sense of how you’re feeling about a certain person or situation that is troubling or inspiring you. It can also help you understand your triggers. The process of writing down your thoughts as honestly and with as little judgment as possible allows for self-discovery . When you get to know yourself better, you develop a deeper understanding of your reactions, strengths, and weaknesses, as well as what environments help you thrive.

4. Helps with Achieving Goals 

how to write SMART goals

The physical act of writing down a goal can make it feel more real and can motivate you to achieve it. You can use your journal to not only craft specific goals, but also to monitor your progress as you take steps toward accomplishing those goals. 

Writing SMART goals can help you achieve more. To set a SMART goal, write down how your goal meets the following the criteria:

  • S pecific: Make your goal as clear as possible.
  • M easurable: Set milestones and benchmarks.
  • A chievable: Ensure that your goal can be accomplished.
  • R elevant: Ask yourself how achieving this goal will benefit you.
  • T ime-bound: Set a timeframe.

Use your journal to keep track of where you are in the process of achieving your goals and to troubleshoot any challenges that arise in the process.

5. Inspires Creativity

Writing a journal is a great way to channel your creative energy into expressing yourself, reducing anxiety, and solving problems. ((TeachThought, “The Significant Benefits Of Creativity In The Classroom,” Nov. 15, 2019: ))  

If you’re the type of person who constantly has ideas coming to them, a journal is a great place to jot those down quickly so you don’t forget. You can revisit your notes later and write a more detailed entry around your idea. 

If you’re looking for inspiration, you can try stream-of-consciousness writing or using thought-provoking prompts to help ignite creativity. Some artists keep a visual journal, sketching or painting images from their imagination or real life.   

6. Boosts Memory

Research has shown that writing information down by hand is an effective way to commit ideas to memory . As a student, you will need to memorize information to pass your exams. Consider integrating journaling into your life as a way to improve your memory.

Also, if you record your thoughts, you can easily return to your notes and be reminded of insights and goals that may have otherwise faded from your memory.

7. Enhances Critical Thinking Skills

illustration of a light bulb and a notebook

Journaling can help boost critical thinking skills. A study published in the Journal of Nursing Education noted that both students and faculty found reflective journaling to be helpful for developing critical thinking skills.

8. Heightens Academic Performance

Researchers reported that students who completed learning journals —where they related learned concepts to real-world applications and life experiences—performed better on exams. Students have also self-reported that expressive writing led to a higher grade point average .

9. Improves Physical Health

Expressive writing has been shown to provide significant benefits for individuals with a variety of medical problems. Self-reported physical health outcomes of expressive writing have included improved liver function, reduced blood pressure, improved immune system functioning, and improved athletic performance. ((Baikie et al., “Emotional and physical health benefits of expressive writing,” Advances in Psychiatric Treatment , Sept. 2005: )) It’s evident that journaling can not only improve mental health, but also physical health.

10. Strengthens Communication and Writing Skills

Writing down your ideas forces you to organize your thoughts. It can help you communicate better both on paper and verbally, as there is a strong connection between writing and speaking. ((Anastasia Belyh, “8 Ways to Stop Thinking About Journaling and Actually Start Journaling,” Cleverism, Sept. 24, 2019: )) Journaling can also improve your ability to write well, particularly by improving your voice and vocabulary. (( Basma Issa Ahmad Alsaleem, “The Effect of “WhatsApp” Electronic Dialogue Journaling on Improving Writing Vocabulary Word Choice and Voice of EFL Undergraduate Saudi Students,” 21st Century Academic Forum, 2014: ))

Types of Journals Students Can Use for Growth

There are many different types of journals you can keep. Depending on your personal goals and how you like to work, you may find one particular format that feels right to you. You can combine methods or create a new one entirely. Below are several types of journals you can use for personal and academic growth.

illustrated quote

  • Bullet journal: Focusing on bulleted lists is a great method to use for personal organization and tracking progress. Use this journal to make to-do lists, brainstorm about projects, and record goals.
  • Transfer journal: Write down concepts or information that you are learning in class and explore how you could draw on these (“transfer” them) in the future.
  • 5 Ws journal: When you’re learning new information, or even trying to understand a real-life situation you’re in, it can be helpful to break the information down by the 5 Ws (who, what, when, where, why). This can help you organize the information and even commit it to memory. 
  • Gratitude journal: Being a student can be stressful at times. When you’re feeling overwhelmed, it’s good to remember what you’re grateful for.

illustrated quote

  • Double-entry journal: Write down a concept or phrase on the left-hand side of a notebook page and record your thoughts about or reactions to that idea on the right-hand side.
  • Question journal: Record questions you have about class material or internal questions that you hope to answer about yourself. Return to these pages as you explore and discover answers. 
  • Reading journal: Keep notes about your readings for class or about books you’re reading for pleasure. Write down ideas that stick out to you and information you want to remember. Writing down your thoughts and perspectives can help you remember what you read so that you can draw on this information in the future.
  • Idea journal: Use your journal as a place to “brain dump.” Write down whatever you’re thinking or feeling so that you can better process your thoughts and emotions. Letting the words out in a stream-of-consciousness flow can help clear your head.

Check out the visual below to find more types of journals, as well as prompts to help you get started.

visual explaining how journaling can benefit you


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Keeping a Diary or Journal

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Keeping a diary or journal may sound very old-fashioned, something that a Jane Austen heroine would do. It is certainly something that many distinguished people, including a number of established writers, have done in the past. It has also featured in literature over many years, with famous diary-keepers including Adrian Mole and Bridget Jones.

Keeping a diary has many benefits. These include improving your mental health, as a result of giving you a place to vent your feelings, and an ability to process difficult experiences.

A diary is also a way to keep track of your feelings and views and how they have changed over time, which can be particularly helpful in personal development terms.

What is a Diary or Journal?

diary n. a daily record: a book for making daily records, noting engagements etc.

journal n. a daily register or diary, a book containing a record of each day’s transactions.

Chambers English Dictionary, 7th edition (1989)

A diary, then, in its simplest form, is a record of each day. Keeping a diary is a matter of keeping a record of what happens in your life: the interesting and the mundane, and your thoughts and feelings about both.

Diaries can also be used for very specific purposes. For example, those who think that they may have a food allergy or intolerance may be encouraged to keep a food diary for a few weeks to record everything that they eat, and any incidence of discomfort to see if there is a pattern. Similarly, you may keep a diary to record your stress levels or episodes of depression. Here again, a diary is a record of each day, but for a particular reason.

The Benefits of Keeping a Diary

There are many benefits to keeping a diary. Probably the three main ones are:

Keeping a diary has been shown to be good for your mental health

The reason is thought to be because it allows you to process your experiences safely, and review particular events in a less stressful way. Writing your personal story appears to play a part in this, and it seems to be important to focus on both thoughts and feelings , and not just feelings .

Keeping a diary helps to improve your writing

The best way to get better at anything is to practise. Writing a diary allows you to focus on your writing without worrying about your audience or what anyone else will think. And doing it regularly helps to improve your thinking processes, and can even help you become more creative in how you think.

Keeping a diary can help you to remember events and activities

This can be important for a number of reasons. For example, when you are applying for a job, you often have to describe times when you have demonstrated a skill, or done something particularly well. A diary or journal can be a good way to record your successes, and ensure that you have a ready source of examples for job applications. It can also be a way to reflect on your experiences, and learn for the future. Writing about positive events, and looking back on them, can also be a good way to boost your self-esteem.

You may also be interested in our pages on Reflective Practice and Personal Development .

Paper or Electronic?

Back in the 1980s, Adrian Mole did not have a computer or smartphone on which to blog. His (fictional) diary was paper-based for a reason: it had to be.

Nowadays, there is much more choice.

There is a huge range of electronic options as well as the traditional paper-based route. You could, for example, use a diary app such as Penzu, which claims to take security very seriously, try a note-taking app like Google Keep, or just record your thoughts in a Word document stored on your laptop or in the cloud. You could even go ‘open’ and keep a blog, sharing your thoughts with the world, and not just your diary.

All these options have merits. Diary apps are right there on your phone, and quick and easy to access. They are also private. Electronic back-ups in the cloud should mean that even losing your device does not mean that you have lost your diary.

Using word-processing software gives you the option to craft your thoughts more carefully, and to go back and change them later. This could be both an advantage and disadvantage: an advantage because you can refine your thinking, and a disadvantage, because it will not show you your raw thinking when you look back, and may encourage you to spend more time than you really need on your journal.

A paper-based diary may be old-fashioned, but it is also completely private. You can hide it away at home, and nobody need ever suspect that you write it. Writing things down long-hand can also be useful practice in ordering your thoughts in advance, which is good if you will ever have to sit written exams.

Tips for Keeping a Diary

Some people find it hard to get started on diary-writing, or difficult to keep going once started. These tips should help you to do both.

Don’t worry, just write

Your only audience is you, so it really does not matter if what you write does not seem very exciting or inspiring. Over time, you will find it becomes easier to write, so it is important to just put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard) and simply get started.

Try to write every day, but don’t panic if you miss a few days

It will be easiest to build a habit of writing if you do it often. You will also not need to write as much each time if you do it regularly. You may find it easier to develop a regular time slot: for example, just before you go to bed. This may make it easier both to find the time, and to develop the habit of writing.

That said, of course it does not matter if you miss a few days here and there, or even if you don’t fancy writing anything about what happened that day. Just try not to get too far out of the habit, and start again if you do stop for a while.

Write as if you were writing to a friend, or even your future self

This will encourage a more informal writing style, and also help you to share information about your feelings and deepest thoughts. This is important if you are to get the full benefits of journal-keeping. Some people even find that it is helpful to give their diary a name.

Your diary does not have to be just a written record

You can also draw or sketch, or stick in pictures from magazines or tickets from events and the like. Anything that takes your fancy, really. It is all about having a personal record, and that can be as personal as you like. Plenty of people prefer drawing to writing, and a sketchbook with or without added notes can also be a form of journal.

You can be negative, but remember to be positive too

A diary is a good place to vent about things that have upset or annoyed you, but it is also important to record the positives. When you look back, there is a reasonable chance that you will have forgotten quite a lot of it, and you don’t want reading your diary to be a completely negative experience, dragging you down. Instead, you want to be able to read it to feel good about the things that you have achieved.

A lasting benefit

While few among us will ever become the sort of person whose diaries are published and sold around the world, keeping a diary has benefits for anyone. It is well worth giving it a go for a few months to see if it is helpful for you.

The Skills You Need Guide to Personal Development

Further Reading from Skills You Need

The Skills You Need Guide to Personal Development

Learn how to set yourself effective personal goals and find the motivation you need to achieve them. This is the essence of personal development, a set of skills designed to help you reach your full potential, at work, in study and in your personal life.

The second edition of or bestselling eBook is ideal for anyone who wants to improve their skills and learning potential, and it is full of easy-to-follow, practical information.

Continue to: Reflective Practice Journaling for Personal Development: Creating a Learning Journal

See also: Writing for Pleasure Positive Thinking Mindfulness

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importance of diary writing for students essay

Writing about yourself as a learning strategy

importance of diary writing for students essay

Writing   Adult Learners   Teens  

Roberta de Fátima Martins, holds a BA in Languages, Italian, an MA in literature, is a specialist in technology innovation for Education and a PhD student. She is also a volunteer teacher and educational designer. Here, she tells the story about how she helped a student unsure about her writing skills, by asking her to keep a diary.

My journey as a teacher has had different stages. I’ve taught Italian, literature, Special Education, and writing. I faced many challenges and obstacles, but I always envisioned education as an opportunity to change my life and other people’s lives. Therefore, I regard these teaching experiences with optimism. I see my interactions with students as a two-way invitation to help them overcome any possible difficulty: an invitation to learn and to teach. I received one such invitation from Maria.

This is one of the most significant stories that I have in the brief time I have had in the classroom. It is the story of a 17-year-old with established life plans, who considered her mother tongue, the one she’d used all her life, as perhaps her most unsurmountable obstacle.  At that time, I had just started teaching a group of students hoping to pass the national university entrance exam (ENEM).  So, we had the girl who wanted to be a ‘medical expert’ and the teacher who had barely taught.

Maria was very embarrassed to show her textual production, and had not written one single paragraph during class activities. She approached me for help one day, and initially I did not know what to do.  But I was aware of the fact that she could not leave without feeling that her fears had been heard. I then remembered the movie “Freedom Writers” and my MA classes about writing a diary. 

I suggested that she start writing about her daily activities, like a diary. This would offer emotional support since the task was about her and would help bring her closer to her mother tongue.

And so, checking her writing weekly, we agreed that progress would happen without a fixed deadline.  After one goal had been achieved, we would move on to the next. After three weeks, I had formed a rough structure to the programme.  Therefore, in phase two, I asked Maria to write about her day-to-day emotions, rather than her activities.  The objective was to move towards more abstract topics while still writing about herself. I do not remember how long we spent looking at her texts and chatting about them, with specific corrections on vocabulary, still focusing on improving her self-esteem and her relationship with the language.

The next step was to ask her to defend her opinions.  She now had to rationalize her emotions, say what she thought and justify her position. No longer writing about herself, she would now write an opinion for a reader: me.  Here, our journey begins to resemble a narrative text, so the transition to a more organized text and the choice of certain linguistic resources for this purpose was, in a way, natural. After all, she had to convince me of what she had seen or experienced.

After this stage, the progression to dissertation texts was simple. She had overcome the “fear” of writing and we established a relationship of trust. We continued to produce essays, first with themes of her choice, then with themes chosen by me. On the last day of school, she came to class to deliver a text she had produced. It was emblematic: she had written a clear, objective, well-structured text with well-chosen arguments.

We knew it would not be top score, but our goals had been achieved.My student was eventually approved for a nursing course. The following year, she sent me a message saying that she had scored almost 900 (out of 1000) in the writing part of ENEM. We celebrated her accomplishment together.

The most important thing in this story is not the result. For the student the most significant aspect was to reestablish her connection with the mother tongue, and to realize that her difficulties were not related to ‘not knowing Portuguese’, but instead to not being familiar with certain tools or textual genres.

For me, in addition to helping her understand the mother tongue as part of herself, the most significant aspect was to realize that each student is unique, and strategies that work for one may not work for others. Therefore, it is essential to establish a relationship of complicity. We are social creatures, after all.

Another point I would like to make is that this invitation to learn has no validity date or specific recipient. I make it available to those who are on my side or in front of me. And as long as there is hope that at least one student accepts it, I will be here, not aiming for success, but aiming to attempt, commit and overcome both mine and their obstacles. Even if no one else accepts my invitation, it will have been worth it because Maria did.

Objective: To improve writing of a dissertation text and student’s relationship with their mother tongue.

First stage

Writing of texts describing daily activities, similar to a diary. Frequency: Daily Questions: What did you do? How did you do it? Who did you do it with? Guidance: One paragraph for morning, afternoon and evening activities. Duration: Approximately 3 weeks.

Second stage

Writing of texts describing daily emotions, similar to a diary. Frequency: Daily Questions: What did you feel? Guidance: One paragraph for each emotion. Duration: Approximately 3 weeks.

Third stage

Writing of texts defending a point of view. Frequency: Two to three times a week. Questions: What do you think about this? What is you opinion? Why? Guidance: One paragraph describing the situation and two paragraphs to express opinion on the topic. Duration: Approximately 6 weeks.

Read Dr Peter Watkins post for information about how you can use learner generated texts to teach reading skills. Stephanie Dimond-Bayir has also written an interesting post on how we can motivate students to embrace autonomy in learning .

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Importance of Diary Writing

importance of diary writing for students essay

Diary writing is meant to be personal. A person maintains a log in which they record information about their life or a circumstance/incident. It’s a way of writing to yourself about your thoughts and emotions.

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Although the terms diary and journal are often interchanged, there are some differences between the two, though both may serve somewhat different purposes. A journal is more ambiguous and unstructured in nature while a diary entry is more orderly in format and has a particular structure to it.

Keeping a diary or journal may be archaic, but it is something that many noteworthy people have done in the past, including a number of well-known authors. Diary entries have also featured in literature for a great many years through prominent diary-keepers such as Anne Frank.

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Good for mental health

There are some advantages of keeping a diary. These benefits include improved emotional health and the ability to resolve traumatic experiences as a result of having a safe environment to convey your emotions. It is thought that this is because diary writing helps you to safely process your memories and revisit specific situations in a less distracting manner.

Writing your personal narrative tends to play a role in this, and it appears that focusing on both thoughts and emotions, rather than just feelings, is significant. A diary can then be used to keep track of your views and opinions across years, which can be extremely advantageous in terms of personal growth.

A diary is a safe way to talk about issues that have irritated or frustrated you, but it is still helpful to keep track of the good things in life. There is a good chance that you might forget a lot of it, hence, a positive diary will be a gateway to positive emotions at any point in time instead of dragging the reader down every time they decide to look back. This can inspire one to write in a more casual manner.

Along with this, it allows sharing information about one’s emotions and deepest thoughts. If one wants to reap the full rewards of writing things down, one must do so.

importance of diary writing for students essay

Helps improve writing

It would indeed be easier to establish a writing habit if one writes often. One does not have to set aside a lot of time if one decides to do so on a daily basis. You might find it easier to establish a daily time slot, such as right before bedtime. This will make it easier to find the time to develop a writing routine.

Practicing is the most effective way to improve at something. When you keep a diary, it will help you concentrate on your writing without thinking about your readers or what others might say. Doing so on a daily basis will help you develop your thought process.

Diary writing, with its structure, helps in giving raw thoughts and feeling some order, which is extremely beneficial for being a successful writer. That said, it does not matter if you skip a couple of days here and there, or if you don’t feel like writing about what occurred on that particular day. Just make sure you don’t get too far outside the routine, and if you do, get back into it as soon as possible.

Helps in remembering events and activities

This is significant for a variety of reasons. For example, you can be asked during a job interview to explain occasions when you have shown a talent or performed very well. A diary or log will help you keep track of your accomplishments and provide you with instances for career applications. It may also serve as a means of reflecting on your past encounters and gaining knowledge for the future.

Writing about and reflecting on positive experiences will also help you feel better about yourself. Not only this, diary entries document one’s life as it moves forward and becomes valuable as it grows old.

A diary maintained on paper could come off as old-fashioned, but it is also totally private, as you can keep it under wraps. Writing will also help you practice organising your ideas in advance, which could come in handy in a lot of situations.

Learn all about writing by none other than Ruskin Bond. In his unluclass, he has shared his experience, journey and tips on how to become a better writer.

Ruskin Bond

Excel in the art of writing by taking this phenomenal online writing course by the legendary Ruskin Bond . With over 70 years of experience, Ruskin Bond needs no introduction. His exclusive online writing class on unlu, will provide you with the right guidance to become a good writer.

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How to Write a Diary Guide

  • How To Start and Write a Diary

A diary is a private place where you can keep your thoughts, feelings and opinions on everything from work to school and everywhere in between. There are all different types of diaries, like food diaries , health diaries or academic diaries . But your diary doesn’t have to be specific if you don’t want it to be, it can also just be a place where you write about whatever you want. If you’re just getting started, maybe you haven’t decided what you want to write about, and that’s fine. That is what we are here for – to help you with all those moments of writer’s block you may be having. Our tips can help guide you and inspire you. Let’s begin!

How to Start a Diary

To start a diary, all you need is a willingness to write. Start by figuring out what you want to write in your journal. If you aren’t sure, simply start writing and see where that leads. It can also be useful to set a time limit in your early writing sessions. Set an alarm for 10 to 20 minutes and start writing.

Keeping a diary is a great way to record your growth and personal development. More entries will allow you to look back and see what has changed over time. The earlier you start, the more grateful you will be later on.

8 Tips When Starting a Diary

Writing can be hard and getting started is usually the hardest part. If you feel like you don’t know how to write a diary entry, don’t stress over it. You can start writing about anything. You can even write about how you can’t think of anything to write. Once you start getting words out, they will start to flow naturally.

1. Decide to write

First, you need to decide you want to start a diary. Once you have decided you want to dedicate time to creating a diary, starting one will be easy.

2. Decide what to write

This is definitely the hardest part when writing a diary, but it is probably the most important. If you want your diary to be specific, decide what topic you would like to discuss during your entries. You can create multiple diaries for different topics, or just have one diary that has everything. Generally, diaries are personal and private thoughts, but they can also be a great way to keep track of personal musings on anything you would like:

These are just a few ideas to get you started, but if you would rather keep your diary more general, it is totally up to you!

3. Create a schedule

Starting a diary requires that you write in it frequently, but it is up to you to decide how frequently you want to write in it. Whether it be once a day or once a week, create a schedule that you can adhere to. The more you can make writing in your diary a part of your routine, the more comprehensive and helpful a practice it will become.

When you have decided what you want write in your diary, decide on a writing schedule that is appropriate for the topic. For example, if you want your diary to be general, maybe you want to decide to write in it at a certain time everyday, like right before you go to bed. If you want your writings to be more specific, like about food, maybe you will write in it every time you cook or find a new recipe. Make your schedule work for you and your topic.

4. Set a time limit

It is easy to get carried away and write too much when diary writing. A way to stay concise and on track is to set a time limit for your writing. Depending on how much you want to write, set a time limit that reflects that. Somewhere between 30 minutes and an hour is ideal. If you feel like you want to spend more time than that, feel free.

5. Date your entries

The great thing about a diary is that you are able to look back through it and see how you have progressed over time. It is important to date every entry you write. Luckily, Penzu dates your entries automatically.

6. Create an introductory entry

For your first diary entry, try to write an introduction to what your diary will be about. Introduce yourself, what things interest you, what you think it important and what you want this dairy to be about. Open up and be yourself.

7. Act like you’re writing to a trusted friend

Wondering how to write a diary entry? The best way to write is as if you’re talking to your best friend. This is your personal diary, for your eyes only, so you should feel comfortable writing as if you’re talking to a trusted companion. As cliché as “Dear Diary” may sound, it can really lead you in the write direction in terms of the tone you should be writing in. The goal of a diary is to discuss things honestly and candidly, as if you were talking through them with a best friend or family member.

8. Have fun!

Writing in your diary should never be a chore or a burden, so remember to have fun with it. It can be a place of solace, a place of creativity, a place of reflection, a place where your thoughts can roam free. When starting a diary, make sure you are writing about things you care about and are passionate about because. As long as you enjoy what you’re writing and the process of it, you will never miss an entry!

Writing Diary Entries

Diary entries can be long. They can be short. They can be specific. They can be broad. Whatever type of diary you decide to write should relate to the entries within it.

Your diary entries should be shorter narratives, and here are 8 tips to consider when writing entries:

1. Brainstorm what you’re going to write about

Take a few minutes before you begin writing to decide what you’re entry is going to be about. Hopefully you have already decided what your diary is about, so dig a bit deeper into the topic or topics you have decided to focus on and get specific.

2. Ask yourself questions

To get yourself writing, ask yourself questions:

  • What did you learn today?
  • What do you want to accomplish?
  • What do you want to fix?
  • How are you feeling?

These can relate to your general life, or specific parts of it, but turn inward and ask yourself things.

3. Write down your answers

Your diary entry can be your answers to the questions you have asked yourself. This is a great way to get writing when you don’t know what to write about.

4. Pick a format

Your entries can be in all different types of formats, depending on what you’re writing about. Maybe you are making a list of things you want to accomplish in your future. Maybe you’re writing about a conversation you had, or wish you had. Maybe your entry is just bullet points of thought you have had that day. Some people prefer writing in short notes, others like writing in detailed paragraphs. Decide what you enjoy most and go for it.

5. Make them different

Try and have a variety of different entries, so you don’t get bored. You may be writing about a certain type of topic, but you never want to write the same entry. Differentiating your entries will also highlight progresses you’ve made and things you have learned.

6. Don’t be hard on yourself while you’re writing

Your diary is a judgement-free zone, so don’t feel like they need to be perfect. Let the words flow.

7. Keep your thoughts in order

Your entries date themselves, so you know when you write what, but also try and keep your thoughts in order. Your diary will become a journey as you add more entries, try to keep the narrative something you can follow. For example, try to write about events in the sequence they happened. Avoid jumping around.

8. Get your creative juices flowing

Your entries don’t just have to be words, Penzu also let’s you add pictures. Adding some visuals to your entries will add some colourful and vibrant reminders.

To Write a Diary Entry with Penzu

Penzu offers easy-to-use diary software , so you can create a digital diary that can be accessed anywhere.

  • Go to to create a free account.
  • Create a login and password you will easily remember.
  • Design your online diary to reflect your personality and your diary’s topic.
  • Give your journal a meaningful name.
  • Adjust your privacy setting to suit your preferences.
  • Choose ‘New Entry’ and begin writing!

Tips for New Journal Writers

Is this your first time keeping a diary? Don’t worry. There is a first time for everything. Here are some things to help you get the ball rolling:

Get excited

Look forward to starting a diary. It is both a fun and productive habit.

Reflect on yourself, the people around you and what you believe is most important. Once you look back, then you can move forward.

Unstructured writing is probably the best way to start writing. Once you get into the habit of keeping a diary, you will then feel more comfortable with structure.

Keys To Successfully Writing a Diary

A diary is a personal journey and should not be compared to any other writings, but here are a few way you can get the most out of your experience.

Your diary is for your eyes only, so be honest with yourself. Don’t hide anything or hold back.

Be frequent

The more often you write, the better.

Don’t try to write a certain way, just be yourself.

Like we said in the beginning, the earlier you start keeping a diary, the more grateful you will be later on, so sign-up with Penzu today!

There's no time like the present - start your free online journal today!

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Get access to your diary wherever you are – download the free Penzu app for your all of your iOS and Android devices today!

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Diary Basics

What is a Diary?

What are Diary Entries?

Diary Types

Diary Software

Diary Template

Digital Diary Guide

Ideas for Diaries

  • Wedding Diary

There are so many moving parts involved in your big day that it's easy to lose sleep. The good news? There is a way to organize your wedding.

Secret Diaries

Everybody has certain things they don't wish to share with others. That's why a secret diary is so important to many people.

  • Health Diary

A health diary is not just a list of medical readings and calorie counts. It is a way to record feelings, goals, activities, surrounding events, and results for any particular area of health.

  • School Diary

Unlike printed diaries, which we agree are pretty “bleh”, electronic school diaries are much more customizable and some have multiple categories pre-set for you.

Academic Diary

An academic diary can take some the stress and hassle out of your life by making sure you manage your responsibilities for school better.

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  • Diary Writing


What is Diary Writing?

Have a bad day and you want to record something eventful happened to you? Well, a diary entry is one effective way of expression or just a mere recording of events of your life. Diary writing has been a way of recording, recollecting and expressing events or emotions. Maintaining a diary is cathartic and it renders the mind some freshness from the busy life. 

Diary Writing Format


Meghna’s birthday party at Leela

It was Meghna’s birthday and we went to Leela together. It was a beautiful place to have a birthday party and she threw a lavish party. I got to meet many of her friends and one of them became a little close to me.

Her name is Rucha and we connected based on Harry Potter. We both are Potterheads and I loved it, although she comes across as talkative, I like her. I am looking forward to seeing her at a cafe we decided to meet this upcoming Friday.

I gave Meghna a beautiful dress which she liked and wore to the party. It felt nice getting out after a long week. I think I should get out more often to refresh my head.

I will write again soon.


Getting Started with Diary Writing 

Getting started with diary writing can be difficult, especially when you are not habitual of writing. Before you start writing, you should know what is the right format for diary writing. Here are some steps for how you can start writing in your diary: 

Decide What You Want to Write

You can use a diary to write several things, be it an experience or your feelings. But if you want your diary entries to be specific, you should decide what you want to write in them. Usually, diaries are for personal thoughts and experiences but they can be an excellent way to keep a track of your daily events.   

Design a Schedule

When you start a diary, you will have to write more frequently in it, although it is entirely up to you to decide how often you will write in your diary. Making a schedule will help you get used to writing in your journal. You can pick up a specific day or time to write in your diary. Moreover, you should also set a time limit for your diary. You can decide how much you want to write and the time you want to spend while writing. 

The date is an important part of every diary entry. If you keep a track of the date of every diary entry, you can look back at your progress and see how much you have written. 

Give It a Name

Some people like to give names to their diaries, which makes them feel as if they are talking to a friend. Since it is your diary, you can give it any name you like. If you don’t want to give it a name you can start with “Dear Diary” and move in the right direction. Moreover, the primary aim of the diary is to share your thoughts and feelings honestly and open up as if it is your friend. 

Be Comfortable While Writing

It is normal if you do not feel like writing in your diary every day. You will only be able to focus on writing when you are comfortable. As long as you are enjoying the writing process, it will be much easier for you to write in your diary every day.  

Why Write a Diary?

Effective Catharsis 

Sometimes we can’t find a friend or anyone to confide our deepest feelings. Diary serves as a friend in need where we can express anything and in any way without any fear of any judgment or miscommunication because it is you who has access to it. 

Recapture Memories

Diary lets you recall the good or bad memories you had and lets you realize how much you have grown or what mistakes you did in the past. Sometimes reading a diary just makes you laugh or live memories which you had nearly forgotten.

Recording Events

Some people write a diary as maintaining a journal where they record all the events chronologically to revisit them for any purpose. This helps in not missing out on important details in daily life. 


We tend to overthink everything and make our problems bigger than they seem to be. By writing them down we realize that it is not as big a problem as we cooked it in our head. Sometimes while writing a diary we tend to find a solution as we reflect upon ourselves while writing the problem down.

Tips on Diary Entry

Include a Date

Writing a diary with a date helps one remember the event and the time of the event. It also helps to keep a track of events and when they happened. In our busy lives, we hardly remember how the time slips. Dating the entries will give you a clear picture of the time during that event. Including a date just on the corner of the page is enough. The format of the date should be similar to avoid confusion.

Mention a Subject

Sometimes diary entries can be very descriptive, just mentioning a dominant emotion or any particular event in a few words can help in knowing what is a whole entry is about. For example, If you were unhappy about the way your brother talked to you and you were sad. You can just mention- feeling sad.

Express Yourself Freely

The whole idea of writing a diary is to exhibit your emotions, where it is private and no one can access them. Diary entry has to be made with an open heart without any fear of anyone reading it. It is one place where you can be yourself as it stays with you. 

Write More Often

Writing regularly is not a task which just happens automatically. In starting you might have to set a reminder to write and then eventually you start gravitating towards your diary to write anything you feel. Diary becomes your friend and it’s very therapeutic to express oneself now and then. 

       5. Be Honest

If you are writing the diary under an umbrella of fear of getting public, then it is pointless. You should be honest to yourself as it is your diary and your safe place to express anything you wish to. Being honest is the only key to catharsis while writing a diary. You should not manipulate your writing, thinking of someone else reading it. The honest expression will always make you reflect on the situation with a bigger outlook.

       6.  Aligning Your Thoughts is Important

Brainstorming before writing will help you align your thoughts to record everything as you want to write. Sometimes our emotions make our brain foggier and a little thought before writing would help us express ourselves clearly.

Benefits of Diary Writing- How to Write, Format, Tips and Examples 

Diary writing come with a lot of benefits for you. Before you start your diary, you should go through these tips and examples to understand how to begin your journal entries. Here are some advantages of diary writing - how to write, format, tips and examples: 

By using diary writing - how to write, format, tips and examples, you can understand the various elements of a diary. 

It will help you get started with your journal and take you in the right direction. 

You can learn the format and rules of diary writing through this.

With diary writing - how to write, format, tips and examples, you will get an idea of what you can write in your diary. 


FAQs on Diary Writing

1. Is it Beneficial to Write Every Day and Diary Writing Well For Mental Health?

Yes, it is! Because you can reflect on your thoughts without any bias and most importantly it becomes a medium where you can write without any fears! Thus, it is beneficial to your mental health. Also, writing your thoughts and feeling every day in your diary will relieve you from the stress and help you control your emotions. Although writing frequently is beneficial, but it is not compulsory to do so. It depends on you whether you want to write daily, weekly or even monthly but writing daily has its benefits.

2. Does Writing a Diary have Any Other Benefits?

Yes, writing continuously over time will improve the clarity of your writing as well as the clarity of your speech, and you will learn how to express your thoughts more freely with time. Writing a diary will help you keep your thoughts organized and make them apprehensible. You can record your thoughts, feelings, daily events, past experiences, or anything you want in a diary. Moreover, diary writing will improve your writing skills and make you more fluent in the language.

3. Can I Write Anything in a Diary and is it Better to Write in Any Specific Format?

Yes! Although it is beneficial to keep separate diaries for separate things. For example, a personal diary is best for writing your thoughts and feelings, and a bedside diary or a notebook for writing ideas which you get at night. This is highly personalized and depends on person to person.

Although it is not mandatory in writing in an ordered and coherent manner, connecting dots becomes easier, which in turn make introspection easier.  So, you can start writing in your diary any way you feel comfortable.

4. How will the Diary Writing - How to Write, Format, Tips and Examples help me?

Diary Writing - how to write, format, tips and examples will help you in so many ways. It gives you a clear understanding of how to start writing in your diary. You can learn the format of diary writing and start your journal in an organized manner.

With Diary Writing - how to write, format, tips and examples, you can understand the different ways of starting your journal. Moreover, it will help you work on your writing skills and improve yourself.

What Just 10 Minutes of Daily Journaling Can Do for Student Writing

importance of diary writing for students essay

As you have probably already experienced at some point in your teaching career, it can be a major challenge to have your students quietly find their seats and have their materials out, let alone have them complete a warm-up exercise.

‍With seemingly less and less time and more curriculum to cover in class, it’s important to maximize these first few minutes, and that’s why journaling for just 10 minutes at the start of class every day can both eliminate wasted class time and (more importantly) create thinkers and writers.

Benefits of Daily Journaling

‍Daily journaling is an excellent chance for students to conduct a “mental warmup” as well as an opportunity to become reflective and introspective thinkers. Not only does daily journaling eliminate wasted time at the beginning of class, but it also gets students thinking before they even arrive to class.

Knowing ahead of time that they’ll have to produce some piece of writing, whether it’s a few lines of poetry, potential lyrics to a song, a character sketch – whatever it may be – they’ll start thinking! And that’s what you want – thinkers first – and then the writing can fall into place (if it hasn’t already).

‍Just the repetitive practice of journaling each day puts students in a frame of mind to always be thinking, reflecting, and observing.

‍By prompting your students to write a journal entry for 10 minutes each day, you’ll begin to see a variety of benefits:

Students Become More Comfortable with Writing

Journaling creates a safe space for beginning writers, English language learners, and students who just don’t feel comfortable with or excited about writing.

When students are afraid of writing or simply don’t like it, journaling can bridge the gap and move them from just words and phrases (as many reluctant writers will begin with these) to sentences and paragraphs. You can build their confidence by emphasizing that their journal is not graded, nor is it meant to be a collection of polished writings.

‍Tell your students to think of their journals as working spaces to get their thoughts and reactions down on paper. A sandbox, if you will.

‍With this open-minded perspective on the opportunities that the daily journal offers, your classroom can become a community of writers for the sake of writing and without the pressure to create something perfect.

Students Develop Writing Fluency

As with any daily ritual, your students will grow as writers just by getting in the habit of committing words to paper. Giving your students time each day to write will help them grow in literacy and language fluency. Practice, practice, practice!

‍When students create journal entries, they subconsciously build skills in organization, and they refine their voice by finding their written rhythm. This is especially true if they are sharing and responding to their classmates.

Students Generate Ideas for Future Writing Pieces

While students should enjoy writing journal entries about their weekend or musicians that they like, journaling can be just as important from time to time to steer their entries toward any current goals you want your students to accomplish.

‍Whether they be unit goals, specific writing skills, or themes from a work of literature you’re studying, students can be journaling about topics that pertain to what they will eventually write about in higher-stakes assignments or essays.

‍If they write down their thoughts about a novel as they read it, they will have pages of material that is essentially fleshed-out brainstorming. Maybe they will be able to use sentences or an entire paragraph from their journal in that larger assignment or project!

‍Keeping a daily journal provides an outlet for students to create, jot, organize, and share ideas that can serve as stepping stones or early drafts of future writing.

Final Thoughts on Daily Journaling

When implemented effectively, daily journaling can be the most useful low-stakes medium for improving student writing.

‍Because journaling can take so many forms, it is important for you to think about what you want your students to achieve by writing these journals. Just as you would if you were to keep any kind of personal journal, consider what content you want them to have in a written record and for what reason.

‍And of course, tailor your system so that it works best for your unique set of students and the class dynamic. This might mean modifying your prompts, your desired entry length, or your grading system (if any at all!) as you go.

‍You will find that once you find a daily journaling pattern that works for your students, it can be one of your greatest tools for improving your students’ writing – and all it takes is 10 minutes.

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Diary Writing – Why and How to Start Journaling

“Why do you write a diary?”, she asked. “There are some things which need to be said by somebody, but not to be heard, by anybody”, he replied silently.

Diary Writing or journaling is an exceptionally great way of self-expression. It teaches you a way of life and helps you understand yourself better.

While writing a topic might be different for each person, diary writing can help you be better in a lot of areas of life. You will find yourself expressing better and your writing style will get improved too.

Before I proceed with anything else, please know that writing diaries or journals don’t mean you need a pen and paper to write. You can use any one of the plentily available journaling tools.

✅ Recommended: 200+ Journal Writing Prompts for Students

What is diary writing

What is Diary Writing or Journaling?

A diary is where you keep personal musings about your life, the people in it and the things you care about. Your diary is a safe place where you can be honest and candid about your thoughts, feelings and opinions.

Your diary is by you and for you only. No one else should be reading it without your permission.

What are the Benefits of Writing a Diary

I started writing regularly after completing my graduation and it has truly changed my life. Upon writing about my day-to-day life, I have improved my writing style a lot. Also, I became consistent with my life-goals and many more.

With that said, below are some of the advantages of writing a journal:

1. You Understand Yourself Better

Self-understanding boosts confidence, builds relationships healthier, harnesses your natural strength, improves leadership skills, makes more productive and many more.

And, writing about day-to-day happenings in your life and putting everyday thoughts & feelings at one place does help you to understand yourself better.

2. Improves Your Writing Style

Practice makes a man perfect.

If you want to be a better writer then you will have to jump in and start writing. With time and practice, your writing ability will improve and you will be better at expressing yourself.

3. You Express Yourself Better

Sometimes, just after coming out of the exam hall, you remember what was the answer to that question you didn’t attempt, right?

4. Helps Brainstorm New Ideas

Brainstorming is one of the best tactics to come up with new ideas. Just write everything down on a piece of paper that comes to your mind related to the topic and then choose the best one among them.

5. Helps You Keep Calm

A diary is completely private and you can write expressing your feeling, thoughts, emotions, anger, etc. and it makes you feel better.

6. Helps Build Memories

After years from now when you will be reading what you wrote will take you to a long journey inside your “mind palace” and you will feel better.

7. Helps Set and Achieve Goals

A journal or diary is the best place to write about your goals. And, by keeping them in one place, it becomes easier to track your progress towards those goals.

Personal goals are not always shareable with anyone and a diary is a great place to keep them organized.

What Should You Write in Your Diary

What You Should Write in a Diary

Yes, anything that comes to your mind whether it be about your personal or professional life.

Below are some examples of what can be written in a diary:

Types of Diary

As mentioned above, diaries can be on any topic – from about the food you like to the places you want to visit.

Writing on Paper vs Writing on Computer

On-paper or an Online Diary?

Well, that’s a debatable topic.

Writing Using
thoughts can be noted down quicklywritings can be preserved forever
no distractions while writingcan be shared with someone easily
easy to sketch figurestexts can be copied and pasted easily

Online Apps and Tools for Journal Writing

Here are the top 5 best online diary writing tools to boost productivity :

There are many more apps available but I personally find these to be the best.

Also, using journal writing prompts is the best way to get started with journal/diary writing. Take a look at these 200+ journal writing prompts for students:

Wrapping it Up

Writing diaries is the way to talk to yourself and it can help you solve various internal conflicts with ease. Here’s a list of 5 journals that became books later on.

You might not realize the real benefits prior, but once you start writing it’ll become an addiction.

If you have any related query, feel free to let me know in the comments right now.

Also, share the article with the people who you think might be interested in reading it.

I have not started yet writing diary…But have seen your article and eventually I decided to write because I have received diary as a gift from my loved one..So get confused what to write and what not to…

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Diary Writing | Diary Writing Format, Samples, Examples, Topics and How To Write a Diary?

February 15, 2023 by Prasanna

Diary Writing: Diary writing is a personal form of writing where a person maintains a diary to write about his/her personal life or a situation. Writing a diary is quite possibly the closest to home and casual classes of composing. It can be written in any language as per the comfort of the writer, whether English or Hindi. A journal composing can be founded on an encounter, a scene, a portrayal or portrayal of a certain occasion, or some other thing or movement that the author thinks about worth writing in his own journal.

Diary Writing is a decent action both, for the individuals who have abstract abilities and in any event, for the individuals who need to simply vent out their feelings while they are feeling alone or discouraged. It is additionally a decent movement to glance back at life and dissect yourself based on your past. The nature of Diary composing relies upon the innovativeness, creative mind, and articulation of the person. Journal composing abilities can be upgraded by envisioning a circumstance.

Despite the fact that there are no set standards or guidelines for composing a journal there are a few highlights of Diary Writing that should have been followed to make Diary Writing more coordinated, imaginative, complete and intriguing. Moreover, Diary Writing from the scholastic perspective likewise requires some fundamental components to get passing marks. These very highlights become should in the event that we are hoping to distribute our Diary later on as they make the work fascinating and adequate to the bigger crowd.

Diary Writing Format

Definition of Diary Writing: To write a diary, all you require is an eagerness to compose. Start by sorting out what you need to write in your diary. In the event that you don’t know, essentially begin composing and see where that leads. It can likewise be valuable to set a period limit in your initial composing meetings. Set an alert for 10 to 20 minutes and begin composing.

Keeping a journal is an incredible method to record your development and self-improvement. More passages will permit you to think back and see what has changed over the long run. The previous you start, the more thankful you will be later on.

  • 16th July 2020
  • Saturday, 8:00 p.m.
  • A diary needn’t bother with any conventional heading. Notwithstanding, it is discretionary. In the event that you need it, you can give an appropriate heading.
  • The style and tone are for the most part casual and individual. Nonetheless, it relies upon the subject. Now and then the tone can be philosophical and intelligent as well. You can uninhibitedly communicate your perspectives and sentiments.
  • As the diary is the author’s very own archive, the journal passage needn’t bother with any signature. It is absolutely discretionary.
  • You can advance your own appropriate style contingent upon the subject of your composition.

Diary Writing Examples/Topics

Here is an example of writing a diary based on some situation. The writing is done in the English language here. You can also try to write in your own language referring to this example.

Personal Diary Writing Sample: You went to receive your uncle and aunts from the Bangalore railway station. Write a diary where you share your experience of the journey from home to the railway station.

19th Jan 2021


9 PM

Dear Diary,

Today I went to Bangalore railway station, Yeshwantpura, to receive my uncle and aunt who were coming from Mumbai. It was a bright sunny day. Sun was shining like a star. While I and my father were crossing the Orion mall, we saw three elephants that made me reminded of my Kerala trip.

Last year I went on a Kerala trip, where we visited around 5 cities like Cochin, Wayanad, Munnar, Kovalam, and Alappuzha. All the places were really awesome and beautiful. Then we went to Elephant junction Thekkady, Kumily, where people go for elephant rides. I rode sitting above the elephant around for 2 and half hours. Then we have also done elephant bath and feeding. We took a lot of pictures with elephants. It was a nice trip and I still can’t get over it.


Diary Writing for Class 8

Class 8 students can try to write small notes or paragraphs in the diary. They can express their feelings and plans for the future over there.

19th Jan, 2021


9 PM

Dear Diary,

My wish is to become a tennis player in the future. I am very much inspired by Sania Mirza and I believe that she is the best tennis player in the whole world. I hope I can become a good player like her and make my country proud.


Diary Writing for Class 9

A way of writing a diary is given with examples for Class 8 and Class 9 students.

19th Jan, 2021


9 PM

Dear Diary,

Today while I was cleaning my cupboard, I want some old pictures of me and my sisters. We all were laughing a lot in this picture. I believe that it should be some really funny moment. Another moment was captured, when I was hiding and eating chocolates from my Father’s pocket so that I don’t have to share with anyone.

A picture of us where we are wearing lehengas was also there. It was one of our cousin’s sister’s marriages and we decided to wear lehengas as our dress code. Some pictures made me laugh and some made me cry. Of course, it’s the memories that are all left, later.


Diary Writing for Class 9

Diary Writing for Kids Topics

A person can write a diary based on many topics:

Write about your favourite sports, favourite day.

  • Favourite time of day
  • First day in school/college
  • A visit to a friend’s place or grandma’s place
  • Seeing a fight of people on your way home
  • The happiest day of my life
  • Visit Old age home or Orphanage
  • Attended a marriage

FAQ’s on Diary Writing

Question 1. What is diary writing?

Answer: Diary writing is a personal form of writing where a person maintains a diary to write about his/her personal life or a situation. It is a way to express your feelings and emotions in writing to yourself.

Question 2. What is the proper format of writing a diary?

Answer: One should always mention the place, date and time before starting to write the diary. Then you can address the diary as “Dear Diary” or “Hi Dear” or “Hello my Diary”, etc. Write everything you want to express to the diary. At the end mention your name.

Question 3. What are the benefits of writing a diary?

Answer: Diary writing will improve your vocabulary, your language, your way of expressing things in the right tone.  You become more expressive and feel good. You get the habit of sharing your feelings with diary. It makes you more confident.

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What is the Importance of Diary Writing

importance of diary writing for students essay

Writing to yourself is an effective form of self-expression. Having a space to write down your emotions, emotions, experiences, and personal observations about life, if you term it a diary or a journal, can be soothing and teach you to know yourself better. It can also unleash the strength of your imagination and empower you to realize visions that would otherwise remain unrealized. Life throws several challenges at you, the most of which you must meet on your own. It entails a fresh start in life when leaving behind common things such as home, school friends, and relatives, among others. Getting settled in a new world, a new city, and making new friends isn’t as simple as it sounds. That is why most people write diaries. You will too, once you understand the importance of diary writing.

Table of Contents

Importance of Diary Writing

There are days that you really want to talk to someone, to make someone listen to you for hours on end, to have someone next to you. It would be nice to have a friend or family member around, but you can’t catch yourself telling them all. You set out to find a friend who can keep all of your secrets and never reveal them to anyone except you. And who better to play this part than ‘A Diary’ Many people used to keep personal diaries where they documented the activities of the day and their observations.

Importance of Diary Writing

We wouldn’t know anything about our history’s personal side without diarists like Anne Frank and Samuel Pepys. People nowadays hold blogs or vlogs and record their lives on social media, but very few of us sit down and write down our experiences. Why not give it a shot? Maybe you will understand the importance of diary writing below.

1. You’ll know yourself better

According to history, the Greek philosopher Socrates, who is often credited with coining the popular adage “Know Thyself,” used a system of teaching that included back-and-forth dialogues, inquiries, and responses that whittled a subject down to the most fundamental level of fact. It is very popular for us to partake in related ways of questioning on paper while writing a diary, writing down questions about life, and then addressing them ourselves. Witnessing the richness of human nature and being able to see it on paper really allows you to “know thyself,” as the great philosopher put it.

2. You can express yourself

Another critical part of holding a diary is expressing yourself. Diaries, in addition to providing a medium of self-expression through the written word, are often filled with doodles and sketches that accentuate the actual text of what is being written. These doodles may be as plain as butterflies drawn by a happy child or tornadoes drawn on the edge of the paper by a troubled adolescent. It also encourages you to practice tough discussions on paper. The blank screen is a parallel to life in many respects, having yourself represented one letter and one doodle at a time.

3. You will develop emotional intimacy

Keeping a diary is a process of self-expression as well as self-reflection. When you read what you’ve written, whether it’s a new entry or one from months or years before, it becomes a way for you to listen to yourself and reveal the emotional terrain of who you really are. By cultivating this sense of connection with oneself, one opens the door to greater emotional intimacy with others.


4. You will build memories on paper

Even the slightest specifics of incidents in our lives will become things we cherish as we get older. By maintaining a thorough diary, you are capturing those times of your life that need to be written about.

5. Makes you feel better

Mostly, a journal serves as a safe haven in which we can share feelings or sentiments that may be too painful to express in a more public environment. Whether it is for venting indignation, writing about a new crush, or grieving the loss of a loved one, finding a comfortable space to release your thoughts and emotions normally helps you feel happier overall by offering an outlet for thoughts and feelings that would otherwise get bottled up inside of you.

6. You can create a map that holds secrets to your own evolution

A diary tells much more about an individual than just what is written inside of it. You don’t need a college degree in Graphology (handwriting analysis) to see if your own handwriting shows something about your psychological condition. Observing how your handwriting varies when you get older when it is bold and optimistic versus when it is tiny and tentative, is just one of the fascinating advantages of keeping a diary for a long time.

7. Evokes mindfulness

Keeping a diary has its advantages for anyone – writing down your feelings places you in a completely different frame of mind. After a long, boring, and hectic day, you’re like a boiling cauldron of emotions waiting to burst. However, when you begin to voice your frustrations in your journal, a sense of calm and quiet washes over you. You feel lighter as if a heavyweight has been taken off your hands. Your mind has been liberated from the state of previous frustrations and anxieties about the uncertain future. You get preoccupied with the ‘here and now.’ You have a better sense of balance over your feelings. And it is particularly important when you are removed from the comforts of familiar items.


8. Allow yourself to self-reflect

“Life goes pretty fast,” as Ferris Bueller once said. You could miss it if you don’t care to glance about every now and then.” Our fast-paced lives will get even more hectic as we take on more responsibilities, putting us under pressure as others raise strong demands on us. This causes us to get agitated and we are quickly distracted by the day-to-day. Journaling is an excellent tool for helping us to pause, take a look back, and focus on ourselves. We should write in our diaries about our thanks or what we did today. Daily meditation should also be achieved before going to bed. We should reflect on our lives in a journal and consider how we’ve improved and what we should do differently in the future.

9. Inspire creativity

Writing a report is an excellent way to express yourself creatively. Everyone has the ability to be creative; most of us probably haven’t realized that yet. The perfect place to begin expressing your inner imagination is in your notebook. Make a list of everything that comes to mind. Allow your imaginations to run wild and document it in Journey.

10. Boost your memory

Your memory is going to remember what you wrote down in your diary. Since you write it down in a notebook, the brain can develop stronger links with the things you have learned, making it easier for you to remember in the future!

Keeping a log or a notebook is therefore beneficial. It’s a friend you can absolutely rely on, not to mention the other opportunities it provides for you, as previously said. Whether or not you are having an emotional outburst, journaling can be beneficial in a variety of areas. So, what are you asking for? Grab a notebook and start writing down your thoughts or words for your next album, poem, or just doodle if you prefer.

Now that you know the Importance of Diary Writing, you should start writing one. If you have liked the content of this article, visit our page for more motivation. Make sure to connect with us on LinkedIn for updates. Send this to your friends and family so even they can learn the Importance of Diary Writing.

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  1. 10 Lines on Importance of Diary Writing || Essay on Importance of Diary Writing in English

    importance of diary writing for students essay

  2. Diary Writing: Importance of Diary Writing

    importance of diary writing for students essay

  3. 8 Top Benefits of Writing Diary

    importance of diary writing for students essay

  4. Importance of Diary Writing

    importance of diary writing for students essay

  5. Diary Writing: Importance of Diary Writing

    importance of diary writing for students essay

  6. What is a Diary?

    importance of diary writing for students essay


  1. Journal/Diary Writing| Instant Essay for Exam Success| English-Part-II @ARsummaryguidance #trending

  2. Diary writing ideas to chase your goals ( part

  3. Diary Writing in English || How to write ✍️ diary entry || Sam A1 Education

  4. Things to write in diary

  5. #Diary writing idea#. part-1 Unique ideas 💡✨. @Moonchild#

  6. Class 9th


  1. The Importance of Diary Writing

    Personal writings may be disregarded as they can range from a brain dump of ideas to carefully crafted short stories about one's actual experiences. "The diary is an intimate journal, a personal dialogue between the writer and his private persona, in which anything can be discussed outside the pull and push of editorial fashion" (3). The ...

  2. Diary writing: Format, Topics, and Examples

    Diary Writing has stood the test of time and remains valuable for students or individuals, appearing at the Exams, or seeking a personal and reflective outlet. In this article, we will explore the profound benefits of diary writing along with the art of diary writing, exploring its format, and various topics, and providing real-life examples.

  3. 10 Ways Journaling Benefits Students

    Journaling can help boost critical thinking skills. A study published in the Journal of Nursing Education noted that both students and faculty found reflective journaling to be helpful for developing critical thinking skills.. 8. Heightens Academic Performance. Researchers reported that students who completed learning journals —where they related learned concepts to real-world applications ...

  4. Keeping a Diary or Journal

    diary n. a daily record: a book for making daily records, noting engagements etc. journal n. a daily register or diary, a book containing a record of each day's transactions. Chambers English Dictionary, 7th edition (1989) A diary, then, in its simplest form, is a record of each day. Keeping a diary is a matter of keeping a record of what ...

  5. Diary Writing As A Learning Strategy

    Read Dr Peter Watkins post for information about how you can use learner generated texts to teach reading skills. Stephanie Dimond-Bayir has also written an interesting post on how we can motivate students to embrace autonomy in learning. If you're unsure of your writing abilities, start with what you know. Roberta de Fátima Martins explains ...


    to provide examples of writing in action. These essays aimed to be more rigorous than the puff pieces in mainstream media yet more accessible than the scholarship in academic journals—precisely the kind of writing students often do. First came "'It Started Like a Guilty Thing': The Beginning of Hamlet and the

  7. Importance of Diary Writing

    03/05/2021. Diary writing is meant to be personal. A person maintains a log in which they record information about their life or a circumstance/incident. It's a way of writing to yourself about your thoughts and emotions. Mugafi Ved - AI Storywriting tool. Although the terms diary and journal are often interchanged, there are some ...

  8. Essay on Diary

    Students are often asked to write an essay on Diary in their schools and colleges. And if you're also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic. ... Importance of Diary. ... Diary writing is a potent tool for self-reflection, allowing individuals to contemplate their actions, decisions, and ...

  9. Diary Writing as a Tool for Students' Self-reflection and Teacher's

    Moreover, the learning strategies are diverse and can be applied in the classroom for junior high school students. Teachers can direct diary writing activities as well as a medium for developing ...

  10. Diary Writing Guide: How to Start a Diary and Write Entries

    7. Keep your thoughts in order. Your entries date themselves, so you know when you write what, but also try and keep your thoughts in order. Your diary will become a journey as you add more entries, try to keep the narrative something you can follow. For example, try to write about events in the sequence they happened.

  11. Diary Writing

    5. Be Honest. If you are writing the diary under an umbrella of fear of getting public, then it is pointless. You should be honest to yourself as it is your diary and your safe place to express anything you wish to. Being honest is the only key to catharsis while writing a diary.

  12. What Just 10 Minutes of Daily Journaling Can Do for Student Writing

    Giving your students time each day to write will help them grow in literacy and language fluency. Practice, practice, practice! ‍When students create journal entries, they subconsciously build skills in organization, and they refine their voice by finding their written rhythm. This is especially true if they are sharing and responding to ...

  13. Diary Writing as a Tool for Students' Self-reflection and Teacher's

    Moreover, in this case it is continuous personal writing. 2. Diary writing Diary, also called a journal, is a notebook where people can write anything they want such as their thoughts, ideas, feelings or experiences. Each person may have a different reason for writing a diary. Someone is worried about forgetting most of the things they have done.

  14. Diary Writing

    2. Improves Your Writing Style. Practice makes a man perfect. Indeed. If you want to be a better writer then you will have to jump in and start writing. With time and practice, your writing ability will improve and you will be better at expressing yourself. 3. You Express Yourself Better.

  15. Journal Writing

    A journal definition is a record of thoughts, experiences, and observations that have been written down. This is different from a diary, which is a record of what happens each day as things happen ...

  16. PDF Diary Keeping in Writing Education

    development of writing ability. Keywords: diary keeping, writing, skill, education 1. Introduction Writing is a skill in which the students begin to acquire from the first year of the primary school education. Writing is a tool through which we can express feelings and thoughts by writing them on a paper or electronically. The importance of ...

  17. PDF The Effect of Diary Writing on Efl Students' Writing and Language

    The statistics showed that the average for the first essay was 40.3% (where m=8.07). The lowest grade in the first essay was 0% and the highest grade was 90%. Slight improvement was reflected in the second essay as m=8.86 (44.3%). No significance was found in this very slight improvement.

  18. Diary Writing

    FAQ's on Diary Writing. Question 1. What is diary writing? Answer: Diary writing is a personal form of writing where a person maintains a diary to write about his/her personal life or a situation. It is a way to express your feelings and emotions in writing to yourself. Question 2. What is the proper format of writing a diary? Answer:

  19. PDF Academic literacy: The importance and impact of writing across the ...

    The Research Paper was the final writing assignment. Students were asked to explore a healthcare topic of their choice and research how the topic relates to health information. The assignments are outlined in Table 1. C. Pedagogical Approach. For the academic years of 2007 and 2008, HIA undergraduate students were given three writing assignments.

  20. Students' reflective journaling: an impactful strategy that informs

    1. Introduction & background. Reflection is a process in which one's cognition and socio-cultural context interact. Some ancient philosophers and educators emphasised the importance of reflection in their writings (Houston, Citation 1988).Their ideas informed Dewey's concept of reflection (Citation 1933) whose basic ideas describe reflection as an active and purposeful cognitive process ...

  21. What is the Importance of Diary Writing

    What is the Importance of Diary Writing. Writing to yourself is an effective form of self-expression. Having a space to write down your emotions, emotions, experiences, and personal observations about life, if you term it a diary or a journal, can be soothing and teach you to know yourself better. It can also unleash the strength of your ...