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Crime and Punishment [IELTS Topics]

Posted by David S. Wills | Nov 20, 2020 | IELTS Tips | 0

Crime and Punishment [IELTS Topics]

If you have practised for IELTS writing, then you have more than likely encountered the IELTS topic of crime and punishment . I am not talking about the book by Russian novelist , Fyodor Dostoevsky. Instead, I mean the general topic that covers issues relating to crime, criminals, police, the law, and methods of punishing lawbreakers.

This is a pretty common topic in IELTS writing and also in the speaking test, so today I would like to show you some useful vocabulary and also to run through some crime and punishment IELTS essays so that you can better understand this topic.

IELTS Vocabulary for Crime and Punishment

If you want to prepare for the topic of crime and punishment, then you should learn some vocabulary to help you discuss it with ease. A great way to start is to read some news articles about crime. You can try searching your favourite English-language news source. I recommend the BBC , but any high-quality news outlet is fine. You might also find it useful to search Wikipedia for crime-related topics, such as “ capital punishment .” These will invariably contain many useful words. For example:

wikipedia article on capital punishment with highlighted vocabulary

Of course, I usually stress that you should not just learn words in isolation. Try to learn groups of words that commonly go together or longer phrases that might help you. For example, you could learn some adjectives and nouns that go together:

  • law-abiding citizens
  • hardened criminals

It is also worth noting that the word “criminal” can be a noun or an adjective:

  • criminal behaviour (adjective)
  • an unrepentant criminal (noun)

Notice that I am mixing adjectives and nouns to provide more accurate and also colourful language. This is a good way to improve your writing skills – but of course it only helps when the language is used accurately.

Here is a video that I recently made covering the topic of crime and punishment as it relates to IELTS. This includes some useful vocabulary to talk about the court system:

  • attorney vs solicitor
  • capital punishment and its synonyms
  • jail vs prison

More Vocabulary: Types of Crime and Criminals

If you want to talk about crime, then it would be useful to know the name of various crimes and also the criminal associated with them. Here’s a list of crime words I made for you:


IELTS Speaking: Crime and Punishment

The topic of crime and punishment could be considered quite controversial in some ways. Think about the issues that arise: imprisonment, violence, reforming criminals. These are serious issues that cannot be summed up in short sentences without further justification. As such, this is not a common topic for part one of the speaking test.

Likewise, you probably would not be asked to talk about this for part two. Can you imagine if the cue card said, “Describe a criminal you know?” 🤨 That would not really be appropriate. It has the potential to make people feel embarrassed or ashamed or even to completely draw a blank.

Therefore, crime and punishment mostly arises in part three of the IELTS speaking test. This is where you are asked about bigger issues that require more thought and explanation. These can be viewed as similar to the sorts of question you see in task two of the writing exam.

IELTS Speaking Part 3 Questions: Crime

ielts speaking questions about crime

Here are some example questions and answers from part three of the speaking test:

Q: Do you think that young criminals should be sent to prison for serious crimes?

A: No, I do not think that it is right to send young offenders to prison. In fact, that seems to be the worst way to deal with them. In any advanced society, juvenile delinquents should be dealt with through education, with the intention of reforming them into law-abiding adults. Sending them to jail or prison simply puts them in contact with other criminals and makes them more likely to commit further offenses.

Q: What do you think makes people commit acts of violent crime?

A: Well, crimes have different motivations. Some are committed out of desperation and others are crimes of passion. In other words, they are spur-of-the-moment offenses that had no forethought. Then there are other crimes that are definitely pre-meditated. These are the worst ones and probably the hardest to pin down in terms of motivation. In any case, it is hard to say what makes people do these things, except that it depends entirely upon the individual case.

Q: Do you think that video games encourage young people to commit crimes?

A: No, absolutely not, and the scientific consensus nowadays appears to back that stance. The idea that video games encourage people to commit crimes is laughable. If this was true, we would have to go and censor TV and books, and even change how we report the news. People who are going to commit crimes do so for a variety of reasons, but to suggest that they do it to imitate a game is quite absurd. If someone really did claim that their crime was inspired by a computer game, they would probably be lying or else they had underlying mental issues that made them particularly susceptible to outside influences.

Crime and Punishment IELTS Essay Topics

This topic is much more common in the writing exam than other parts because it requires the expression of complex ideas. As such, you will see many IELTS writing task 2 questions about crime and punishment.

Common sub-topics include:

  • young people and crime
  • capital punishment
  • reasons for criminal behaviour
  • reforming offenders

Crime and Punishment IELTS Essay

Here is a quite representative task 2 essay question:

Some people think that offenders should be put in prison. Others, however, believe that providing offenders with education and training is more effective than putting them in prison. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Sample Band 9 Answer

For thousands of years, people have discussed the different ways of dealing with criminals, and even in the modern era there is a great degree of disagreement on this subject. Some believe that prison is an effective measure, but others argue that education and training would be better. This essay will look at both sides of the argument and then argue in favour of a balanced approach.

For centuries, prisons have been used as a way of both punishing criminals and keeping them away from law-abiding citizens. Although it works as a deterrent and also as a practical means of keeping society safe, it is not without its controversy. For one thing, prisons are notorious hubs of gang activity, and impressionable young lawbreakers can easily be moulded into hardened criminals during a short stint behind bars. Moreover, prisons are violent places where young offenders can be raped, beaten, or even killed during their sentence, and when they are released they carry with them the stigma of their incarceration. This means that they will struggle to return to normal society and, for this reason, recidivism rates can be quite high in some places. Thus, although prisons are an effective means of punishing people and keeping society safe, they are not without substantial problems.

On the other hand, educating and training criminals is controversial because people tend to think of it as overly lenient. Many law-abiding citizens believe that those who break the law should be punished harshly or else there is little reason to adhere to the rules. However, this approach should not be seen as rewarding criminals but rather rehabilitating people who were pushed to extreme actions by their unfortunate circumstances. Statistically, most prison inmates come from backgrounds of poverty and abuse, so giving them a helping hand can be more beneficial than punishing them and then hoping that they do not return to a life of crime.

In conclusion, this is an extremely complex issue that requires serious scrutiny, but it appears as though prison should be reserved only for violent and habitual offenders while the majority of petty criminals should be dealt with through education and training.

Notes on the Answer

There was a lot of great vocabulary in this answer for the purposes of a descriptive and thoughtful essay:

  • impressionable young lawbreakers
  • a short stint behind bars
  • the stigma of their incarceration
  • recidivism rates
  • rehabilitating
  • requires serious scrutiny
  • petty criminals

Task 1 – Crime-related Essays

For IELTS writing task 1, it is also possible that you could have to describe data about crime. This is harder to predict because it really could be about almost anything, but here is an example of a line graph about various types of criminal activity:

newport crime rate line graph

The line graph shows changes in crime rates over a ten-year period in the city centre of Newport. Three types of crimes are listed, two of which ended the period at roughly similar levels to where they began, and one experienced a major drop.

In 2003, which was the beginning of the recorded period, burglary was the most common type of crime in Newport, with just under 3,500 cases reported. This rose slightly the following year, before entering into a long downward trend, reaching a low of about 1,200 in 2008. After this, the number of burglaries reported fluctuated until 2012.

The number of car thefts was about 2,800 in 2003, and ended the period slightly lower, at 2,700. During the decade-long period, it fluctuated, reaching low points in 2006 and 2008. Car theft was the second most common type of crime in 2003, but the fall in burglaries meant that from 2008 onwards, they were the most common crime in Newport.

Robberies were the least common crime and followed a somewhat similar trend to that of car thefts, starting and ending the period with around 700 incidents. It fluctuated only slightly during the ten-year period.

This essay originally appeared here .

About The Author

David S. Wills

David S. Wills

David S. Wills is the author of Scientologist! William S. Burroughs and the 'Weird Cult' and the founder/editor of Beatdom literary journal. He lives and works in rural Cambodia and loves to travel. He has worked as an IELTS tutor since 2010, has completed both TEFL and CELTA courses, and has a certificate from Cambridge for Teaching Writing. David has worked in many different countries, and for several years designed a writing course for the University of Worcester. In 2018, he wrote the popular IELTS handbook, Grammar for IELTS Writing and he has since written two other books about IELTS. His other IELTS website is called IELTS Teaching.

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IELTS Writing Task 2 Topic: Many offenders commit more crimes after serving the first punishment

Janice Thompson

Updated On Aug 08, 2024


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Band 8 sample essay, band 9 sample essay, other essays related to crime and punishment.

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IELTS Writing Prediction Questions for 2024

In IELTS Writing Task 2 , students are asked to write a formal essay of at least 250 words, in 4-5 paragraphs based on the given writing task 2 essay topics. The task is similar for both Academic and General Training with regards to the type of questions and the scoring, but the topics given for General Training will be slightly easier than Academic.

Given below is an IELTS problem and solution essay with sample answers that will help you to practise and get a good score.

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Many offenders commit more crimes after serving the first punishment. Why is this happening, and what measures can be taken to tackle this problem?

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Cause/ Solution Essay


Introduce the essay topic and paraphrase it by giving a proper preface. Then, state the essay’s intent in two subsequent paragraphs, i.e., the causes and solutions for the essay topic.

Paragraph 1: A large proportion of criminals leave prison only to reoffend, owing to a lack of rehabilitation and reskilling opportunities in prison

Paragraph 2: These criminals can take effective measures to keep engaged in activities that will help them acquire new skills.

State the solution

Most criminals tend to commit crimes again, once they are released from jail. This is mainly because of the lack of rehabilitation in prisons and also the difficulty they face in finding employment. There are a lot of solutions to overcome this situation. In this essay, we will explain why the criminals commit the same crime again and the reasons to overcome this.

The main reason for the repetition of crimes is the lack of reskilling options in jails. Since they are unable to find the right employment, they resort to unfair means to earn their daily bread. Another reason is that there aren’t strict laws to keep them under control.

Some effective measures are imposing strict punishments and improving their skills like craft making, fashion designing, catering and so on. They will be engaged in work once they are out of prison and become self-sustained.

To sum up, the government must closely monitor the criminals even after they are out of prison and ensure that there is a reduction in crime rate so that we can make the world a better place to live in.

Several criminals are likely to commit other offences after serving their initial term, owing to their incapacity to maintain economic stability and difficulty finding suitable employment. However, there are several options for dealing with this scenario, such as providing financial assistance and instilling the necessary skills. This essay will look at why criminals commit the same crimes over and over again and how to avoid them.

To begin with, most first-time convicts commit crimes after serving their first sentence due to the lack of employment options and opportunities to retrain and master new skills to make a living. Moreover, since society does not accept the convicts as respectable people anymore, they join hands with their criminal friends and perpetuate the same crimes, such as pickpocketing or robbing, to make ends meet and avail basic necessities. As a result, the financial hardships of the perpetrators prompt them to recommit the crimes regardless of the repercussions.

There are some viable measures to rehabiliate habitual criminals. The government can provide financial assistance to them after they complete their sentence as this will help them stabilize their economic status and make a living for themselves. The government can also ensure that criminals have the opportunity to retrain vital skills while in prison, as this will help them find stable work after their sentence is over and will improve their reintegration into society and financial development.

To sum up, the convicts recommit the crimes owing to a lack of financial help, job opportunities, and rehabilitation. Still, crime rates would drop considerably if the government implemented the above-mentioned measures and kept a close eye on first-time offenders once set free.

  • Rehabilitation

Meaning: the action of restoring someone to a healthy or normal life through training and therapy after imprisonment, addiction, or illness Eg: The older woman was sent to a rehabilitation centre.

Meaning: succeed in dealing with (a problem or difficulty) Eg: It was difficult for John to overcome the loss of his pet.

Meaning: teach (a person, especially an unemployed person) new skills Eg: The University started a reskilling program for the students.

Meaning: the action of repeating something that has already been said or written. Eg: The staff was fired due to her repetition of mistakes.

  • Earn (one’s) daily bread

Meaning: to do work of any kind for a living Eg: The man earned his daily bread by working at a construction site.

  • Self-sustaining

Meaning: able to continue in a healthy state without outside assistance Eg: Kay was self-sustaining from his business.

Meaning: observe and check the progress or quality of (something) over a period of time Eg: The teacher monitored the students during the exam.

Meaning: make certain that (something) will occur or be the case Eg: My mother ensured that I scored good marks.

Meaning: turn to and adopt (a course of action, especially an extreme or undesirable one) so as to resolve a difficult situation. Eg: Jill had to resort to a loan from the bank.

Meaning: force (an unwelcome decision or ruling) on someone Eg: The government imposed strict travel restrictions.

There are also other related essays that you can make use of while practicing for IELTS Writing task 2 essays. The list is given below:

Juvenile Criminal

  • Some people say that when children under 18 are committing a crime they should be punished, while others believe they should be educated. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give your own opinion.
  • Studies show that criminals get a low level of education. Some people believe that the best way to reduce crime is by educating people in prison so they can get a job after leaving prison. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
  • In some countries, a high proportion of criminal acts are committed by teenagers. Why has this happened? What can be done to deal with this?
  • Some people who have been in prison become good citizens later. Some people think that having these people to give a talk to school students is the best way to tell them about the dangers of committing a crime. Do you agree or disagree?

More Writing Task 2 Essay Topics

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Proven tips to score Band 9 in IELTS Writing

Janice Thompson

Janice Thompson

Soon after graduating with a Master’s in Literature from Southern Arkansas University, she joined an institute as an English language trainer. She has had innumerous student interactions and has produced a couple of research papers on English language teaching. She soon found that non-native speakers struggled to meet the English language requirements set by foreign universities. It was when she decided to jump ship into IELTS training. From then on, she has been mentoring IELTS aspirants. She joined IELTSMaterial about a year ago, and her contributions have been exceptional. Her essay ideas and vocabulary have taken many students to a band 9.

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Crime and punishment IELTS model essay with vocabulary

Our band nine sample essays give you the opportunity to learn from successful essays that show off the best structure, vocabulary and grammar. This IELTS essay on crime and punishment explores the advantages and disadvantages of harsh punishment for criminals.

band Nine Sample Essay

In some countries, crimes are punished harshly. what are some advantages and disadvantages of this approach.

Several nations have opted to implement a system of strict penalties, such as long jail sentences and execution, for crimes. In this essay, I will explore the advantage that this is a good deterrent with the disadvantage that this harms rehabilitation .

Punitive measures can help deter future crime. If people can see that crimes will be punished harshly, they are far less likely to want to commit a crime . Because people consider risk versus reward before acting, making crime as risky as possible by increasing punishment can stop criminals. Conversely, when countries have light punishments for crimes like shoplifting , people in those countries might feel like it is worth the risk to do these crimes.

However, these strong punishments also increase recidivism by failing to rehabilitate people. One of the main purposes of sending people to prison is to prevent them from committing crimes when they leave; however, making prisons and other punishments too strict works against this purpose. When criminals have a heavily punitive experience, they lose self-confidence and become distrustful of authority , meaning they are more likely to be involved in crime when they leave prison. Alternatively, if prisoners have access to training and support, such as drug rehabilitation programs and anger management classes, they are far more likely to rejoin society in a productive way. 

In conclusion, the correct punishment for crimes is a complex issue. On the one hand, strong measures deter crime; on the other hand, the same measures make it more likely for prisoners to reoffend .

crime and punishment vocabulary

Although crime and punishment is a common topic in the IELTS exam, there, thankfully, is not too much vocabulary you need to know for it. Let’s take a look at some of the high level vocabulary in this answer to kick start your learning.

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IELTS Essays About Crime

Jump to: Opinion Essays , Discussion Essays , Discussion and Opinion Essays , or Situation Essays

Opinion Essays

The death penalty should be available as a punishment for serious crimes.

To what extent do you agree?

Certain groups of society believe that the most efficient way of lowering crime rates is to be able to implement the death penalty for crimes which are the most serious. Others believe that this is not the case and makes no difference. Personally, I am completely against the use of the death penalty and this essay shall explore some of the reasons for this view point.

Firstly, a major drawback of the death penalty is that it is irreversible and could be handed out incorrectly. Although forensic scientists are becoming more and more advanced there is still a chance that mistakes are made and innocent people are executed. A classic case of this was Colin Ross, who in 1922 was executed but later evidence proved that he was actually innocent and in fact he was later pardoned in 2008.

In addition to the above arguments is the fact that some people are of the opinion that the death penalty has no place in a civilized society. To kill another human being for whatever reason should be considered a very low immoral act which demonstrates a lack of appreciation for the precious gift of life which we have all been given. Furthermore, most major religions of the world express the need for forgiveness. Executing inmates on death row is as far from this particular teaching as you could get.

Overall, it can be said that innocent people can be executed wrongfully and that a truly developed society should be able to find a more productive way of dealing with serious criminals. I therefore remain firmly of the stand point that the death penalty is totally unethical and ineffective

Internet crime is increasing rapidly as growing numbers of people purchase goods over the internet. What can be done to tackle this problem?

Following a significant increase in the number of financial transactions taking place online in recent years, internet crime levels have also increased dramatically. I believe this is due to the fact that people often think that they are safe when they are sat behind a computer and that they cannot be caught easily. This essay shall explore some ways of reducing these types of crimes.

One of the most effective ways of reducing online crime levels might be to make every internet user log-in with their passport number or national identification card number. Most countries assign at least one of these numbers to each citizen so this would make it very easy to track down who had done what crime and when. If potential criminals were made to identify themselves online in this manner when they first log on then it may cause them to think twice about conducting illegal activities.

Another method which may also aid online crime reduction would be to regulate the websites that the general public was allowed to access. This would mean that rather than the public being able to visit any type of websites they want to, they would only be allowed to access websites which were secure and not linked in any way to criminal activity. For example, certain web-sites such as Alphabaymarket.com sell fire-arms and drugs and are infamous for being places where illegal activities and transactions take place. Eliminating access to them could therefore aid in crime level reduction.

Overall, making people identify themselves online and restricting access to certain web-sites could help in online crime reduction. Personally, I feel the government need to take responsibility for implementing some or all of the above ideas.

Some people believe that poverty is the cause of most crimes.

Do you agree or disagree?

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crime related ielts essay topics

While some people believe prison is the best place for criminals others think that there are better ways to handle them.

What is your opinion?

Violence in society increases when more violence is shown on television.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

In some communities the teenage crime rate is growing. Some people believe that regardless of age, teenagers who commit major crimes should receive punishment that is the same as an adults.

Some people believe certain prisoners should be forced to do community work with no pay rather than being simply kept inside a prison cell.

The crime rate nowadays is lower than in the past because of the increased use of advanced technology which can prevent and solve crimes.

Some countries are experiencing an increase in the rates of crime. Many people believe that getting more police walking the streets is the best way to prevent crime from occurring.

Discussion Essays

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Many people think that having one single fixed punishment for all crimes would be more effective.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a fixed punishment?

Discussion and Opinion Essays

Some people think that giving harsher prison sentences and punishments is the best way to reduce crime rates, others however believe there are alternative methods that need to be explored.

Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.

Some people think that the best way to reduce crime is to hand out longer prison sentences, whilst other people think that there are better methods of doing reducing crime.

Discuss both views and give your opinion .

Some people think that the government should be responsible for reducing crime, where as others believe individuals should take responsibility for their own safety and security.

Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

Many criminals after being released go on to commit further crimes as soon as they are allowed out of prison.

What do you think are the causes of this and what possible solutions can you suggest?

Situation Essays

In some poorer areas of large cities people are too afraid to leave their houses at night time due to a fear of crime.

What are the causes of crime in those areas and what can be done to tackle those problems?

In many large cities around the world youth crime is growing at a fast rate.

What are the reasons for this and suggest some solutions.

Crime rates in most countries are often higher in urban areas than in rural areas.

What do you think are the reasons for this and what can be done to lower the crime rates?

It is thought that the increase in youth crime rates can be linked to an increase in violence shown in the media.

Do you agree that this is the main factor causing juvenile crime and what ideas can you offer to deal with the situation?

Many crimes are often linked to the consumption of alcohol. Some people think that banning alcohol sales would dramatically reduce crime.

Do you think it is an effective measure against crime and what other solutions can you suggest?

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IELTS Writing Task 2 Topic Model Examples

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IELTS Writing Task 2/ IELTS Essay:

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Without capital punishment (the death penalty) our lives are less secure and crimes of violence increase. Capital punishment is essential to control violence in society. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

By punishing murderers with the death penalty, society is also guilty of committing murder. Therefore, life in prison is a better punishment for murderers. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

You should write at least 250 words

A lot of people believe that the amount of violence shown on TV and in the cinema affects the actions of our young people and therefore increases the amount of violence in our society today. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? What can be done to reduce violence in our society today?

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IELTS Writing Task 2/ Essay Topics with sample answer.

Ielts essay # 287 - fixed punishments for each type of crime, ielts writing task 2/ ielts essay:, some people believe that there should be fixed punishments for each type of crime. others, however, argue that the circumstances of an individual crime, and the motivation for committing it, should always be taken into account when deciding on the punishment..

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crime related ielts essay topics

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IELTS Essay: Crime Amongst Youngsters

by Dave | Real Past Tests | 6 Comments

IELTS Essay: Crime Amongst Youngsters

This is an IELTS writing task 2 sample answer essay on the topic of more crimes being committed by youngsters from the real IELTS exam.

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In many countries, crimes rates amongst younger people has been rising.

Discuss the causes and solutions for this problem.

Criminal rates among younger offenders have been rising in certain countries. In my opinion, this is largely due to individual economic factors and the best solutions are related to ensuring stable employment for the majority of citizens.

The primary reasons for rises in youth crime are economic. There has been a persistent global recession in many nations since the world economic crisis of 2008. For example, countries such as Greece have been struggling for many years to reestablish core industries and stimulate economic growth to sustain high living standards. When the economy is in decline and fewer jobs are available, crime rates naturally rise as a result. This has been exacerbated in the last 2 years as Covid-19 has decimated national economies and put millions out of work. Young people with little savings are often the most vulnerable since they have fewer employable skills and less work experience.

Crime rates among younger individuals will recede with economic stimulus plans directed at job creation and education. The countries that have been able to survive and prosper during economic uncertainty tend to be those with mature economies, flexible governments, and a well-educated populace. In northern Europe, for instance, welfare states were able to support the underprivileged and many citizens with university degrees only had to wait in order for business to stabilize. The result of individuals having jobs is the motive for crime disappears in the vast majority of cases and police can focus on less common causes such as mental illness, greed, and jealousy.

In conclusion, the rise in youth crimes in a period of imperiled economies can be countered by government initiatives aimed at this same underlying cause. Addressing the symptoms of crime is simply a short-term solution.

1. Criminal rates among younger offenders have been rising in certain countries. 2. In my opinion, this is largely due to individual economic factors and the best solutions are related to ensuring stable employment for the majority of citizens.

  • Paraphrase the overall essay topic.
  • Write a clear opinion. Read more about introductions here .

1. The primary reasons for rises in youth crime are economic. 2. There has been a persistent global recession in many nations since the world economic crisis of 2008. 3. For example, countries such as Greece have been struggling for many years to reestablish core industries and stimulate economic growth to sustain high living standards. 4. When the economy is in decline and fewer jobs are available, crime rates naturally rise as a result. 5. This has been exacerbated in the last 2 years as Covid-19 has decimated national economies and put millions out of work. 6. Young people with little savings are often the most vulnerable since they have fewer employable skills and less work experience.

  • Write a topic sentence with a clear main idea at the end.
  • Explain your main idea.
  • Develop it with specific examples.
  • Keep developing it fully.
  • Stay focused on the same main idea.
  • Conclude with a strong statement.

1. Crime rates among younger individuals will recede with economic stimulus plans directed at job creation and education. 2. The countries that have been able to survive and prosper during economic uncertainty tend to be those with mature economies, flexible governments, and a well-educated populace. 3. In northern Europe, for instance, welfare states were able to support the underprivileged and many citizens with university degrees only had to wait in order for business to stabilize. 4. The result of individuals having jobs is the motive for crime disappears in the vast majority of cases and police can focus on less common causes such as mental illness, greed, and jealousy.

  • Write a new topic sentence with a new main idea at the end.
  • Explain your new main idea.
  • Include specific details and examples.
  • Continue developing it fully!

1. In conclusion, the rise in youth crimes in a period of imperiled economies can be countered by government initiatives aimed at this same underlying cause. 2. Addressing the symptoms of crime is simply a short-term solution.

  • Summarise your main ideas.
  • Include a final thought. Read more about conclusions here .

What do the words in bold below mean? Make some notes on paper to aid memory and then check below.

The primary reasons for rises in youth crime are economic. There has been a persistent global recession in many nations since the world economic crisis of 2008 . For example, countries such as Greece have been struggling for many years to reestablish core industries and stimulate economic growth to sustain high living standards . When the economy is in decline and fewer jobs are available , crime rates naturally rise as a result . This has been exacerbated in the last 2 years as Covid-19 has decimated national economies and put millions out of work . Young people with little savings are often the most vulnerable since they have fewer employable skills and less work experience .

Crime rates among younger individuals will recede with economic stimulus plans directed at job creation and education. The countries that have been able to survive and prosper during economic uncertainty tend to be those with mature economies, flexible governments , and a well-educated populace . In northern Europe , for instance, welfare states were able to support the underprivileged and many citizens with university degrees only had to wait in order for business to stabilize . The result of individuals having jobs is the motive for crime disappears in the vast majority of cases and police can focus on less common causes such as mental illness , greed , and jealousy .

In conclusion, the rise in youth crimes in a period of imperiled economies can be countered by government initiatives aimed at this same underlying cause . Addressing the symptoms of crime is simply a short-term solutions .

For extra practice, write an antonym (opposite word) on a piece of paper to help you remember the new vocabulary:

criminal rates number of people committing crimes

younger offenders youths committing crimes

rising growing

certain specific

largely mostly

due to because of

individual economic factors isolated problems related to business

related to concerning

ensuring making sure of

stable employment consistent jobs

majority most of

primary reasons main causes

persistent global recession consistent economies shrinking

world economic crisis of 2008 big problem with finances, recession

struggling having difficulty with

reestablish core industries start back up important businesses

stimulate economic growth encourage business growth

sustain high living standards keep quality of life high

in decline going down

available out there that can be taken

naturally of course

as a result the outcome is

exacerbated hurting

decimated hurt

put millions out of work lots of people jobless

little savings not much money in the bank

vulnerable weak

fewer employable skills not as many abilities to help you get a job

less work experience not as much time working in the past

recede begin to disappear

economic stimulus plans action to pump money into the economy

directed at aimed at

survive get by

prosper during economic uncertainty do well when the economy is bad

mature fully developed

flexible governments nations responding well to events

well-educated populace smart citizens

northern Europe countries like Sweden, Denmark, Germany, etc.

welfare states countries that support citizens a lot

support help

underprivileged poor

stabilize make sure it is ok

motive reason

disappears goes away

vast majority of cases most instances

less common causes not as popular reasons

mental illness sick in the head

greed desiring money

jealousy envy

period time

imperiled economies economies in trouble

countered by resolved by

initiatives actions, proposals, laws

aimed at with the purpose of

underlying cause foundational reason

addressing dealing with

symptoms what comes from a disease – not the cause itself, effects

short-term solutions will just work for now


Practice saying the vocabulary below and use this tip about Google voice search :

ˈkrɪmɪnl reɪts   ˈjʌŋər əˈfɛndəz   ˈraɪzɪŋ   ˈsɜːtn   ˈlɑːʤli   djuː tuː   ˌɪndɪˈvɪdjʊəl ˌiːkəˈnɒmɪk ˈfæktəz   rɪˈleɪtɪd tuː   ɪnˈʃʊərɪŋ   ˈsteɪbl ɪmˈplɔɪmənt   məˈʤɒrɪti   ˈpraɪməri ˈriːznz   pəˈsɪstənt ˈgləʊbəl rɪˈsɛʃən   wɜːld ˌiːkəˈnɒmɪk ˈkraɪsɪs ɒv   tuː ˈθaʊzənd ænd eɪt ˈstrʌglɪŋ   ˌriːɪsˈtæblɪʃ kɔːr ˈɪndəstriz   ˈstɪmjʊleɪt ˌiːkəˈnɒmɪk grəʊθ   səsˈteɪn haɪ ˈlɪvɪŋ ˈstændədz ɪn dɪˈklaɪn   ˈfjuːə   əˈveɪləbl ˈnæʧrəli   æz ə rɪˈzʌlt ɛksˈæsə(ː)beɪtɪd   ˈdɛsɪmeɪtɪd   pʊt ˈmɪljənz aʊt ɒv wɜːk ˈlɪtl ˈseɪvɪŋz   ˈvʌlnərəbl   ˈfjuːər ɪmˈplɔɪəbl skɪlz   lɛs wɜːk ɪksˈpɪərɪəns ri(ː)ˈsiːd   ˌiːkəˈnɒmɪk ˈstɪmjʊləs plænz   dɪˈrɛktɪd æt   səˈvaɪv   ˈprɒspə ˈdjʊərɪŋ ˌiːkəˈnɒmɪk ʌnˈsɜːtnti   məˈtjʊə   ˈflɛksəbl ˈgʌvnmənts wɛl-ˈɛdju(ː)keɪtɪd ˈpɒpjʊləs ˈnɔːðən ˈjʊərəp ˈwɛlfeə steɪts   səˈpɔːt   ˌʌndəˈprɪvɪlɪʤd   ˈsteɪbɪlaɪz ˈməʊtɪv   ˌdɪsəˈpɪəz   vɑːst məˈʤɒrɪti ɒv ˈkeɪsɪz   lɛs ˈkɒmən ˈkɔːzɪz   ˈmɛntl ˈɪlnɪs griːd ˈʤɛləsi ˈpɪərɪəd   ɪmˈpɛrɪld i(ː)ˈkɒnəmiz   ˈkaʊntəd baɪ   ɪˈnɪʃɪətɪvz   eɪmd æt   ˌʌndəˈlaɪɪŋ kɔːz əˈdrɛsɪŋ   ˈsɪmptəmz   ʃɔːt-tɜːm səˈluːʃənz

Vocabulary Practice

I recommend getting a pencil and piece of paper because that aids memory. Then write down the missing vocabulary from my sample answer in your notebook:

C_________________s among y_________________s have been r_______g in c_______n countries. In my opinion, this is l________y d_______o i______________________s and the best solutions are r____________o e_____________g s______________________t for the m___________y of citizens.

The p__________________s for rises in youth crime are economic. There has been a p_________________________n in many nations since the w______________________________8 . For example, countries such as Greece have been s____________g for many years to r__________________________s and s_________________________________h to s_________________________________s . When the economy is i______________e and f________r jobs are a__________e , crime rates n______________y rise a____________t . This has been e______________d in the last 2 years as Covid-19 has d____________d national economies and p________________________k . Young people with l_________________s are often the most v____________e since they have f________________________s and l_______________________e .

Crime rates among younger individuals will r___________e with e_______________________s d_____________t job creation and education. The countries that have been able to s_____________e and p________________________________________y tend to be those with m_________e economies, f__________________________s , and a w______________________e . In n____________________e , for instance, w__________________s were able to s__________t the u__________________d and many citizens with university degrees only had to wait in order for business to s_________e . The result of individuals having jobs is the m_________e for crime d____________s in the v___________________________s and police can focus on l_____________________s such as m___________________s , g______d , and j_________y .

In conclusion, the rise in youth crimes in a p________d of i____________________s can be c__________________y government i_________________________t this same u__________________e . A_____________g the s______________s of crime is simply a s______________________s .

Listening Practice

Learn more about this topic in the video below and practice with these activities :

Reading Practice

Read more about this topic and use these ideas to practice :


Speaking Practice

Practice with the following speaking questions from the real IELTS speaking exam :

Truth in Crime

  • Why do witnesses of crimes sometimes disagree in their accounts?
  • How can modern technology help solve crimes?
  • Will teaching children to be honest reduce crime in the future?
  • Should there be more severe penalties for crimes like libel?
  • How will the detection of lies change in the future?

Writing Practice

Practice with the related IELTS essay topic below:

Some people believe that children that commit crimes should be punished. Others think the parents should be punished instead.

Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Answer Essay: Children & Crime (Real Past IELTS Exam/Test)

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Very good essay about Crime. You should read the essay.


Thanks, Bob!


I really appreciate everything which you share with us! I just have some questions if you don’t mind can you check these sentences ‘grammar?

You wrote these sentences: [ The primary reasons for rises in youth crime are economic.] [the rise in youth crimes in a period of imperiled economies can be countered by government initiatives aimed at this same underlying cause. Addressing the symptoms of crime are simply short-term solutions.]

1) in youth crimes or in youth crime which is right? 2) Addressing the symptoms of crime ( are ) -> i think addressing is a subject, so it might use a single verb.

I am looking forward to hearing from you. Thank you.

You’re welcome, Soo!

For your questions:

1. crime or crimes are both find there – because it can be use as a countable noun (crimes) or as the adjective and general noun (youth crime) 2. You are right – thanks for noticing that and I have changed it!

Thanks, Soo!


Oh~ How awesome you are! I truly appreciate it! Thank you!! Take care ! *(^—————————-^)*

You too, Soo!

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Preparation for the IELTS Exam

IELTS vocabulary: crime and punishment

Updated: April 7th 2022

In IELTS writing task 2 various topics come up, such as the environment, family, society, work, technology, education, food and diet, health, sports and sometimes crime. The topic of crime is difficult for many students as there is so much vocabulary surrounding this.

When learning new words you should always learn how the words collocate in a sentence. Research has shown that the best method is to learn set phrases and ‘chunks of language’ not single word lists when learning a new language. When learning new phrases practice making sentences with them to see how they look in context. 

To see an IELTS essay model answer on the topic of ‘crime’ click the blue button below and make note of any new words you find.

Some people think that the best way to reduce crime is to give longer prison sentences. Others, however, believe there are better alternative ways of reducing crime. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Some people argue that longer jail terms are the most effective way to lower the crime rate, whereas others think that it is possible to reduce criminal offences using different methods. This essay argues that serious offenders should serve longer prison time because society needs to be protected from dangerous criminals.

On the one hand, it is widely felt that prolonged incarceration is necessary for people who commit terrible crimes to reduce the crime rate, and I completely agree with this view. This is because serious criminals such as murderers, rapists or violent offenders need to be kept away from society for as long as possible. If they are released early they will most likely re-offend and go on to commit terrible acts. For instance, evidence suggests that crime rates in developed countries, which have very long prison sentences or the death penalty for murder, are considerably lower than those with lenient sentences.

On the other hand, there is an argument that relying on sentencing to longer incarceration periods is not effective in lowering crime. In other words, society should find ways to tackle the issue of re-offending. To illustrate this, studies from the UK Government have shown that most ex-inmates tend to re-offend because they cannot integrate back into society. Hence, they need support such as education and job training to rebuild their life rather than spending years behind bars. I believe that helping them is essential to stop them from re-offending, however, heavier penalties for serious crimes must not be overlooked.

In conclusion, despite differing views on how to reduce crime, I believe keeping hardened criminals in jail for extended periods is essential to deter them from going back into society and endangering public safety.

Types of crime:

For definitions and meaning go to www.dictionary.com and type the word into the ‘definitions’ box at the top of the page..

Serious crimes

  • Fraud / Scam 
  • Manslaughter
  • Attempted murder
  • Drug smuggling
  • Human trafficking
  • Embezzlement
  • Organised crime
  • Corporate crime

Less serious crimes

  • Shoplifting
  • Petty crime / Misdemeanour
  • Juvenile crime
  • Drink driving
  • Texting while driving
  • Jumping a red light/traffic violations
  • Pickpocketing
  • Possession of drugs (in some countries this is a serious crime)

People who carry out the crimes (in red)  notice the article ‘a’ before the person

Burglary – a burglar Theft – a thief Pickpocketing – a pickpocket Murder – a murderer Robbery – a robber Mugging – a mugger Fraud – a fraudster Scam – a scammer Shoplifting – a shoplifter Hacking – a hacker Arson – an arsonist Offence – an offender Crime – a criminal

Example sentences:

Click the button below to see these words in context.

  • Online fraud and internet banking scams are rising all over the world now.
  • The number of phishing scams has increased recently.
  • Extortion is commonly used by organised crime syndicates in many countries.
  • She was imprisoned for 25 years for committing murder.
  • He spent 8 years in jail for committing manslaughter .
  • Shoplifting is common among people who are experiencing poverty.
  • Petty crime, such as shoplifting, has decreased considerably in this town.
  • Juvenile crime was a serious issue in London during the 1970s.
  • He spent 1 year in prison for burglary.
  • Human trafficking is a major problem worldwide now.
  • Corporate crime, such as bribery , is widespread among developed nations.
  • The number of muggings in London is much lower now compared to a decade ago.
  • He was charged with assault and sentenced to prison for 6 months.
  • A parking fine is usually considered to be a misdemeanour .
  • He pleaded guilty to  attempted murder  and was given a lengthy jail term.

Collocations and set phrases:

Here are some common phrases and collocations connected to crime with some example sentences to show how they fit in the context of a sentence.

bring crime rates down / reduce crime rates 

  • The government has announced new policies to reduce crime rates.
  • The government has announced new policies to bring crime rates down.

sentenced to prison / to be given a prison sentence 

  • He was sentenced to 3 months in prison for fraud. 
  • He was given a 2-year prison sentence for robbery. 

found guilty of a crime

  • He was found guilty of fraud and was given 2 years in prison by the Judge.

convicted of a crime

  • He was convicted of murder and was given life imprisonment.

jail / prison / behind bars / incarcerated /  locked up 

  • The judge sentenced him to 6 months in prison.
  • The judge sentenced him to 6 months in jail.
  • He was incarcerated for 5 years.
  • Many people believe that long term incarceration is the best punishment for murder.
  • Dangerous criminals need to be locked up.
  • He is serving 2 years behind bars for arson.

serving time/imprisonment

  • He is serving time behind bars for fraud .
  • Imprisonment for serious offences should be far higher than for less serious crimes.

commit a crime / c riminal activities / break the law

  • The number of crimes committed rose by 12% last year. 
  • He committed a serious crime so he will be punished accordingly. 
  • Criminal activities have been increasing due to far fewer police patrols in the city centre. 
  • If you break the law you could go to jail or get a fine.

offenders / lawbreakers / offences / re-offend / re-offending

  • Offences such as shoplifting and theft have declined in recent years. 
  • The number of serious offenders in the UK has dropped by 5% this year.
  • Law courts must deal with  lawbreakers effectively.
  • Many serious criminals tend to re-offend after being released from prison.
  • Re-offending is common among those that were jailed for long periods.

accused of wrongdoing 

  • The politician was accused of wrongdoing so he resigned from his post.

heavy penalties / strict penalties / harsh treatment 

  • The police give heavy penalties to anyone caught drinking and driving.
  • Strict penalties for drunk driving are widely believed to be the most effective policy.
  • In some societies, harsh treatment in prison is considered the best way to deter serious crimes.

a lenient sentence / get off lightly / a soft option

  • Although the offender was accused of manslaughter, he got a lenient sentence of only 9 months.
  • Considering that he was convicted of assault, he got off lightly with only a fine.
  • Fines for drunk driving offences are often believed to be a soft option.

the criminal justice system

  • The criminal justice system in Japan is in desperate need of reform.

convicts / prisoners / inmates

  • In developing countries, many of the inmates receive harsh treatment in prison.
  • The news reported that there were two escaped convicts on the loose.
  • Many of the prisoners took part in riots protesting the extremely harsh conditions of the jail

rehabilitation/counselling sessions

  • In Norway, there is an emphasis on rehabilitation of offenders with regular counselling sessions , rather than long periods in jail.

integrate back into society 

  • It is very difficult for someone who has been in jail for many years to integrate back into society.

held under house arrest

  • The businessman is being held under house arrest while authorities investigate the charges of embezzlement against him.

community service

  • Many people would argue that community service is just a soft option for criminals.

act as a deterrent

  • The main advantage of long prison sentences is that they act as a deterrent.

pay a hefty fine

  • The police are giving out hefty fines of $500 to anyone caught speeding.

seek compensation

  • The defendants’ lawyer is seeking compensation for the wrongful imprisonment of his client.

a miscarriage of justice

He was wrongfully convicted of murder and spent 10 years in prison due to a miscarriage of justice.

Other useful phrases

Take a look at the example sentences and check the online dictionary for the full definition here www.dictionary.com

  • Court   –  The case will be heard in court next Monday
  • Court case –  After the high profile court case he was followed everywhere by the press.
  • The judge –  The judge sentenced him to 3 years in prison.
  • The defendant –  The defendant wanted more time to prepare his case.
  • The jury –    The jury came to a decision and found the defendant not guilty.
  • Charged with a crime –  The defendant was charged with robbery.
  • Guilty –  She was found guilty of shoplifting
  • Innocent – He was found innocent and not charged with any crime.
  • Evidence / Proof – There was no evidence or proof to show that he committed the crime.
  • Verdict –   The jury reached a verdict and found the defendant guilty of fraud.
  • In custody –  She spent 5 days in custody awaiting her sentence.
  • Trial –  He is currently in custody and is awaiting trial.
  • Witness –  The witness was given police protection as it was a high profile murder case.
  • Make an appeal –  The defence lawyer made an appeal to the judge as he felt that the punishment was very unfair.
  • Seek damages – The defendant is seeking damages for unlawful imprisonment.

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Crime Vocabulary

Ielts crime vocabulary.

On this page you will find crime vocabulary . These crime words will help you write about the topic or talk about it in the test.

You will find:

The word The definition
An example sentence

At the bottom of the page you will find links to essays connected to crime topics. 

Crime Vocabulary







There needs to be changes to crime-related .




Tougher prison sentences may a other would-be offenders.




Prison should not be used for first-time .


To cause someone who has done something wrong or committed a crime to suffer, by hurting them, forcing them to pay money, sending them to prison, etc

Those responsible for serious crimes must be .


The government should focus on the of crime rather than introducing harsher prison sentences.


People who serious crimes should be given lengthy (long) prison sentences.


Criminals who violent crimes should not be given probation.



is a good way to reduce prison overcrowding, but it must only be used for those who have committed minor crimes.


It is important to criminals while they are in prison otherwise they may re-offend (commit a crime again) when they are released from prison.



If jurors (the members of a jury) find a defendant , then that person must be punished.


To ensure fairness in a criminal trial, there must be a .


He has been of arson (starting a fire intentionally to damage something) two times now.


Motorists should be given if they are caught speeding.


Murderers are usually given life .

Community Service


is a good alternative to prison for minor offences.


Those who commit assaults must be imprisoned because the victims want .


The of crime often need help and support to recover from their bad experience.

View essays which use crime vocabulary:

Reducing Crime Essay

Youth Crime Essay

Fear of Crime Essay

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crime related ielts essay topics

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Crime and Punishment Vocabulary with Pronunciation

The most common crime and punishment vocabulary with audios for pronunciation. This word list covers crimes, criminals, punishment, court proceedings and other useful words to write and talk about the topic of crime. Practice the words with the vocabulary exercise at the bottom of the page.

Types of Crime: Major & Minor Crime Vocabulary

These crimes are divided into crimes which are considered serious and those that are not.

Major Crimes

The list of crimes below are all nouns.

  • abduction = taking someone against their will (kidnapping)
  • arson = setting fire to a property
  • assault = a physical attack
  • burglary = illegal entry to a building with an intent to commit a crime
  • child abuse = maltreatment of a child
  • drug trafficking = importing illegal drugs
  • false imprisonment = imprisoning a person against their will and without legal authority
  • fraud = deception for personal or financial gain
  • hacking = unauthorised access to data in a computer system
  • hijacking = illegally getting control of an aircraft or vehicle
  • human trafficking = illegally transporting people, usually for slave labour or commercial sexual exploitation
  • premeditated murder = murder that is intentional (planned before hand)
  • unpremeditated murder – murder that is not intentional (not planned)
  • manslaughter – unintentional murder (synonym for unpremeditated murder)
  • attempted murder = planning to kill another person
  • patricide = killing one’s own father
  • genocide = systematic killing of a race or religious group
  • euthanasia = killing someone for their benefit
  • organised crime = crime by an organised gang or organisation
  • smuggling = illegal import or export
  • terrorism = unlawful violence or threat with political aims
  • white collar crime = financially motivated non-violent crime by a worker

Minor Crimes / Offences

  • pick pocketing = taking from another person’s pockets
  • shoplifting = taking products from a shop without paying for them
  • traffic offences =breaking the rules of the road and driving
  • drunk driving = driving whilst under the influence of alcohol
  • jay walking = crossing the road at an undesignated spot
  • running a red light = going through traffic lights when they are red
  • speeding = driving over the speed limit
  • vandalism = deliberate destruction or damage to a building

Vocabulary for Criminals

This list shows the person relating to the crime (the perpetrator of the crime).

  • crime = criminal
  • murder = murderer
  • theft = thief
  • trafficking = trafficker
  • hijacking = hijacker
  • terrorism = terrorist
  • smuggling = smuggler
  • shoplifting = shoplifter
  • vandalism = vandal
  • teenage criminal/ juvenile delinquent

Types of Punishment Vocabulary

  • the death penalty (capital punishment) = punishment of death
  • life in prison
  • a suspended sentence = delaying of a sentence
  • forfeiture = property is taken away (confiscated)
  • hospital order = to confine someone to hospital under arrest
  • a fine = to pay money as a punishment for an offence
  • house arrest = imprisoned in one’s own house rather than in prison
  • to suspend a license = withholding a person’s right to use their driving license for a period of time
  • to revoke a license = to take away someone’s driving license
  • community service = punishment by doing community work

Other Types of Punishment

This refers to punishment commonly used by schools and parents.

  • detention = to stay in school after hours for punishment
  • to give lines = punishment where a child must write the same sentence again and again
  • isolation = to be kept apart from others as a punishment
  • grounding = to be unable to go outside home as a punishment
  • scolding = an angry reprimand
  • corporal punishment = physical punishment from a teacher or headteacher at school

Court Language

  • judge = the person who controls the court proceedings
  • jury = a group of independent people who decide whether the defendant is guilty or not guilty
  • justice = fairness or court law
  • trial = legal proceedings to judge whether someone is guilty of a crime
  • court = the place where the trial is held
  • defendant = the accused person: the individual or group being accused in court of a crime
  • prosecutor = the lawyer against the accused person
  • defense = the lawyer protecting the accused person
  • witness = a person who sees an event happen
  • evidence = facts or information supporting the truth
  • proof = evidence supporting a claim
  • hearsay = rumour / unsubstantiated information
  • guilty = not innocent as judged by a court of law
  • innocent = found not guilty of a crime
  • to be found guilty = the court decided that the person did commit the crime
  • conviction / verdict = formal sentence of a court
  • circumstances of the crime = a condition or situation relating to a crime
  • extenuating circumstances = a condition that makes the crime or mistake less serious and more understandable
  • take into consideration = should be thought about carefully
  • circumstantial evidence = something that connects a person indirectly to the crime (for example, a finger print at a crime scene but no actual hard evidence or witness)
  • maximum / minimum sentence = highest penalty / lowest penalty
  • a harsh punishment = hard, strict penalty
  • penalty / punishment are synonyms but penalty is often used for both minor offences and major crimes.

Other Useful Crime & Punishment Vocabulary

  • crime is prevalent = there is a lot of crime
  • armed police = police who carry guns
  • to deter (n = deterrent) = to put someone off from doing something
  • discrimination = unjust treatment
  • to be soft on crime = not to have harsh or strict punishments
  • repeat offender = a person who has committed a crime or offence more than once
  • serial criminals = criminals who repeatedly commit the same crime
  • diminished responsibility = when someone is not in a state to be considered responsible for their own actions
  • rehabilitation = to restore someone through education or therapy
  • reintegrate back into society = help someone return into society
  • peer pressure = pressure from friends or colleagues
  • role models = people whose behaviour should be copied and respected
  • mimicking violent behaviour = to copy aggressive actions

Practice Exercises with Crime Vocabulary

Complete the sentences using one or more words either from the above lists or from other vocabulary relating to this topic. The sentence must be grammatically correct once you have added the right word(s).

  • The ………………. is the strongest deterrent against crime.
  • The number of ……………….. is on the rise due to the impact of peer pressure at school and violent movies shown on TV. Teenagers are prone to ……………. aggressive behaviour.
  • All people accused of a crime should be given a fair ……………. in a ………… of law.
  • People who are convicted a murder from only ………………………. evidence should not receive the death penalty.
  • The motives of a crime should always be taken into consideration. For example. there is a significant difference in the character of a person who commits ……………… murder and one who commits accidental murder.
  • A ………….. sentence is more humane than capital punishment.
  • Punishment should be the last resort. Instead criminals should be  …………………….
  • People who commit ……….. crimes, such as traffic offences, should have their ……………….. revoked.
  • Famous people, such as movie stars, should set a good ………… and ensure that they are good …………….. for young people to follow.
  • …………… and the right to a fair ……………. should be the right of all citizens.
  • Parents who inflict ……………… punishment on their children are showing children that …………….. is an acceptable way to deal with problems.
  • Prison does not rehabilitate criminals, it only …………. them from society.   …………….. service and rehabilitation is a better way to avoid criminals becoming ………………….
  • death penalty (the answer can’t be “capital punishment” because it doesn’t use the article “the”)
  • juvenile delinquents / mimic
  • trial / court
  • circumstantial
  • premeditated
  • rehabilitated
  • minor / licenses
  • example / role models
  • Justice / trial
  • corporal / violence
  • removes / Community / repeat offenders


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attempted murder vs premeditated murder is attempted murder is failed attempt & premeditated leads to death . IS IT SOO ? ??

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“premeditated” means it was planned before the murder happened “attempted” means trying to kill someone but they failed to kill them

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Reporing on crimes every day on TV only encourages criminals to copy. School schootingns have been very seldom reported until recently and they encourage more crimes than there used to be.COPYING is a serious problem. The press should be more subtle in reporting crimes.

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Awesome, thanks

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Awesome!!! Thanks!!!

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U are so adorable and passionate teacher. I hope you a happy life and hope that I get a high bandscore in my upcoming test

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Liz, you are a exceptional person.

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Hey Liz. This was a great help, I learned a lot of new things which is definitely a help for my exam

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Thank you ma’am. There is a lot to learn

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What is the difference between Convict and Sentence?

To convict is about finding someone guilty. To sentence is about passing the punishment.

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Your site is very useful mam for us thanks post new things

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Superb, good job

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i found this page and topic very interesting..As a matter of fact i have learnt lots of vocab i havent heard in the last 40 yrs.KUDOS

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Thanks a lot! It’s been very useful to prepare my class. Your work is great!

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I love you LIZ! you truly are a blessing. Thank you for your generosity and benevolence! I

Happy New Year 🙂

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I definitely enjoyed your lesson. Thanks Liz

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I enjoy it. Thanks

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hi Liz, in this portion of vocabulary you can also add words like: felon-felony, sadist, turncoat, traitor, heinous crime, renegade

also in educational vocabulary words like; freshers/freshman – 1st year college student sophomore – 2nd year college student veteran – final year student

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Hi Liz, why there is no explanation for ‘human trafficking’ in the above given list?? Thank you so much for all your wonderful works. Keep going..

Thanks for letting me know – I just added it 🙂

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Hii lizz.. What does vanadlism means ??

Sry vandalism

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It denotes destruction of property (usually public property).

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It is really interesting. Very useful for students.

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Excellent resource!

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yes buddy !

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Hi Liz, Please heck the meanings of drunk driving and jay walking. Drunk driving is driving under the influence of drinks. But the meaning does not say that. Also, jay walking. It should be walking at an undesignated spot and not designated spot.

Thanks for spotting my typos. They have been corrected.

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You are really wonderful and co-operative teacher. Your teaching technique will be helpful to all the IELTS student. Thank you very much. y

You’re welcome 🙂

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hello liz i am following your website from few days i am glad to follow your website, but i am unable to improve my writing skills especially in writing task 2 mainly i am lagging in vocabulary and sentence structure. my exam in a week to go so please consider my request and suggest me to improve my writing skills

Your problem is relating to English, not IELTS. If your English language is weak, find an English language website to help you: https://ieltsliz.com/useful-websites-and-resources-for-ielts/

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Hi ! Can I paraphrase the words “teenage crime” with “juvenile delinquency” ? Thank you in advance!

Sure. It’s not 100% the same but close enough depending on the essay question.

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Good afternoon, dear Liz! I’ve got a question. Why is it written “the motives of a crime should always be TAKING into consideration…” in the exercising (sent. 5). I can’t make heads or tails of it) Explain it to me, please!

Well spotted! It’s a typo. I don’t have time to do proof reading. Sorry for any confusion.

Thank you a lot!!!! I appreciate your help!

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Hi! Liz This is didar. I’m very pleased to get your topics and video….Where can i get answer speaking part 2… please Answer me?


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hi elizabeth liz, i am amanpreet singh, i love you’re website and i really appreciate you for helping a lot for ielts exam.i love you’re kindness and smartness.if i get a chance i really want to meet you and make you my best friend.thank you.i wish you all the best for further giving knowledge to students for ielts and wish you best of luck for life.goodbye see you.ha ha ha ha ha happy happy happy happy all the time because i always true love and believe in “God”.God is the owner of the world.

Thanks for your support 🙂

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Ma’am. You’re really Awesome. Great. I love the way you speak , Your charming smile. I love you. You’re doing a wonderful job. May God fulfill your dreams and wishes. God bess you. Thank you. Shefali.

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In listening test I’m not able to grasp some difficult words so what can i do to improve that?


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Hi dear Liz my name is Christine!i really appreciate you!could you say me please gow could i Copy your lessons?

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I really appreciate your effort. I am trying to get Band 8. Do you think the materials you have presented are still useful for people are targeting this score? Thanks Ali

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Thank you very much for your fruitful tips and lesson and I become a fan you.you are requested to take love with respect from Bangladesh by khan Mehedi .

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My xam was on 10th oct..really in tension..

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I mean scholarship by reduction fee

You must ask the requirements of the scholarship. Each one is different. All the best Liz

Hi Liz finally i received my ielts certificate which has 6.0 band score with your lessons and useful comments.What do you think can i take reduction fee with that result in university degree?

Sorry, I don’t understand “reduction fee”. Liz

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I m abdul hameed.frist for all my related ielts friends i hops you are good afterthat my very nice teacher liz you are good teacher of ietls and i keep truest you will help from ielts exam than i will take exam next month.your any student do prepration ielts with me my skype id. hameedKarachi

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Hi Liz, Your teaching methods are really awesome and one can easily grasp. It is very useful for everyone who writes IELTS. I got 6 in first attempt by going through your website for last two weeks only. Thank you for your website and teaching. Muthu Manikandan

Well done!. Band 6 is a good result. I’m glad my blog was useful 🙂 Liz

Thanks a lot. I was really struggling in all areas of the test especially listening. I wanted to thank you with my result as I was confident in my result after going through the website 🙂

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That’s really nice, you’re a world-class teacher.

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I have already gone through and listened the audio too. I know many words but giving the meaning for it is too great! I have learnt a lot from those vocabs!

Thanking you so much.

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Dear teacher, I’d like to ask some questions that make me brainstorm. What is the difference between ” traffic warden” and ” traffic police”? Could you explain it to me, please? Thanks a million!

A traffic warden is a uniformed official working with parking offences – not part of the police. The traffic police are police who work with traffic offences, traffic accidents and any crime involving traffic. All the best Liz

Thank You very much. So, it’s not the same traffic warden and traffic police. Best Regards, Romeo.

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Hi , Liz I am a new student for ielts preparation I do have only basic English I have started an ielts course 2 weeks ago but it’s not enough to emprove my English for university I have relised that your methods to explain vocabulary is fantastic And easy I would like to ask you PLZ if I can contact you private about teaching me Thank u in advance and sorry for any mistake that I committed

I wish I had the time but unfortunately, I don’t have time for private lessons this year. There are quite a lot of websites with free English grammar and vocabulary. See my useful websites page in the IELTS Extra section. I’m glad you’re thinking about your level of English – it is critical for success in IELTS. All the best Liz

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you are a wonderful teacher , really ,thank you a lot from Iraq. how could i use these vocabs in the essay writing or speaking section ?

You can use these words for both speaking and writing. All the best Liz

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Criminals got lots of choices here Liz. I love all your lectures. Ta!

Yes, it was weird writing such a long list of crimes and criminals 🙂

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It’s really useful words not just for IELTS but for general speaking English. May I thank you Liz and we hope you carry on with this way to let us clamb this mountain. We owe you Best wishes Qusay

I’m glad it was useful 🙂

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Dear Liz, This is my great pleasure to express how appreciate I’m about all your teaching method, It was perfect, easy and faster to comprehend by everyone else. And since when I have started to got your videos my experience and my abilities improve better related to English Language. Although I cannot express how excited I felt about meeting you as my English teacher, I’m extremely lucky to have an amazing teacher like you that you always influence me positively to reach my future goals! thank you Liz and GOD will reward you.

I’m so pleased my lessons are useful 🙂

I have totally agree from the bottom of my heart. The way you teach, explain, your smile everything I feel that you are in front of me and teaching. I have paid USD 250 before my exams. I have kept asked the teacher to give tips, but nothing had given. Luckily I have got to know your blog WOW! too good! I have learnt now how to answer T/F/NG and Y/N/NG. I have paid USD 24 for your writing task 2 lesson, thoroughly enjoyed. I am going to follow exactly your way. You are a wonderful teacher who knows the subject deeply and deliver the lesson for the students. GOD BLESS YOU to do more and more for us. Ragel

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Crime vocabulary

Home  »  IELTS vocabulary  » Crime vocabulary

On this page you will find  crime related vocabulary . These crime words will help you write about the topic or talk about it in your IELTS exam . Read through these words and definitions to broaden your IELTS vocabulary .

Task 2 sample sample question about crime : All criminals should be punished and have a salary cap from the moment they convicted of their crime, others believe they should be given a second chance and be allowed to earn whatever they can. What do you think? Give reasons and examples to support your position.

To be able to answer this question with the right vocabulary, take a look at our list below to learn some new words related to crime.

Here are some more crime related vocabulary to use in your IELTS exam

kidnapping someone against their will
trying to kill another person
Entering into a home/building illegally
An illegal entry into a building, with the intention of doing harm or committing a crime
Treating a child badly
Using illegal substances
Illegally taking control of a vehicle or aircraft by force
Attack and rob a person in a public place
Illegal import or export of valuable goods
financially motivated crime by a worker in an organisation
intentional damage or destruction to a building
the illegal transportation of people for slave labour or sexual exploitation
deceiving someone for financial or personal gain
killing someone
deliberately setting fire to a property
crime committed by an organisation or gang
taking products from a store without paying
the unintentional murder of someone
accessing data on a computer system without authorisation
imprisoning someone after they were falsely accused

Can you find these specific vocabulary terms in the below video??











Collocations: super power, surveillance system, security guard, human attention.

Take a look at more IELTS vocabulary to help you prepare for your exam.

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IELTS Speaking Part 1, 2, 3- Từ Vựng, Bài Mẫu Topic Crime

Mục lục bài viết

IELTS Speaking Topic Crime là một trong những đề tài khó, đòi hỏi bạn phải nắm vững từ vựng chuyên ngành và biết cách diễn đạt quan điểm một cách mạch lạc, thuyết phục. Từ những câu hỏi đơn giản về quan điểm cá nhân trong Part 1, 2 đến những câu hỏi phân tích sâu hơn trong Part 3, làm sao để bạn có thể trả lời tự tin và ghi điểm cao? Bài viết này của Trung tâm Anh ngữ Mc IELTS sẽ cung cấp cho bạn những từ vựng quan trọng và bài mẫu hữu ích để giúp bạn vượt qua thử thách này một cách dễ dàng. Hãy cùng khám phá để chuẩn bị tốt nhất cho bài thi của mình!

Question and answer chủ đề IELTS Speaking Crime

Một vài câu hỏi IELTS Speaking Questions about Crime

Câu lời mẫu IELTS Speaking Topic Crime Part 1

Khi đối mặt với những câu hỏi về chủ đề IELTS Speaking Questions about Crime Part 1, bạn có thể cảm thấy áp lực vì đây là một lĩnh vực khá nhạy cảm và phức tạp. Tuy nhiên, với cách tiếp cận thông minh và sử dụng từ vựng hợp lý, bạn hoàn toàn có thể trả lời một cách tự tin và thuyết phục. Các đoạn trả lời mẫu dưới đây sẽ giúp bạn nắm bắt cách diễn đạt ý tưởng một cách ngắn gọn, tự nhiên và thu hút, từ đó giúp bạn tạo ấn tượng tốt ngay từ những câu hỏi đầu tiên. Hãy cùng khám phá và áp dụng tốt trong quá trình luyện Speaking IELTS để sẵn sàng cho phần thi của mình nhé!

Sample answer chủ đề IELTS Speaking Questions about Crime Part 1

Model answer chủ đề IELTS Speaking Part 1 Crime

In your country, what do you see as the most typical crime?

In Vietnam, petty theft , like pickpocketing , is probably the most typical crime. It often occurs in crowded places like markets, public transport, and tourist spots. Unfortunately, it’s something that people have to be vigilant about, especially in busy urban areas. While it’s not as severe as other crimes, it can still be quite distressing for those affected.

Vocabulary petty theft topic Crime

Do you think the police in your nation should be more or less strict?

I think the police should maintain a balanced approach. They need to be strict enough to enforce the law and deter crime, but they also need to be fair and respectful in their interactions with the public. Overly strict policing can lead to mistrust and tension , while too much leniency might not effectively discourage criminal behavior. Finding the right balance is key to building a safe and harmonious community.

Vocabulary tension topic Crime

Is it secure to travel to your country?

Generally speaking, it is secure to travel to Vietnam. Most areas, especially those popular with tourists, are quite safe, and there are plenty of precautions in place to protect visitors. However, like anywhere, it’s important to stay aware of your surroundings and follow local advice, particularly in crowded or unfamiliar places. Overall, as long as you take the usual travel precautions, you should have a safe experience.

Vocabulary precaution topic Crime

Tell me, have you ever witnessed a crime?

Fortunately, I haven’t witnessed a serious crime. The closest experience I’ve had was seeing someone try to shoplift at a local store. It was a bit shocking to see it happen, but the store staff handled it quickly and discreetly . It made me realize how common minor crimes like this can be, even in places where you feel safe.

Vocabulary shoplift topic Crime

How can police best ensure the safety of communities?

The best way for police to ensure community safety is through a combination of visibility and engagement. Regular patrols can help deter crime, while community programs can build trust and cooperation between the police and the public. It’s also crucial for the police to respond quickly and effectively to incidents , reinforcing their role as protectors. Involving the community in safety efforts can make neighborhoods safer and more connected.

Vocabulary patrol topic Crime

Should police in your country be stricter or less strict?

I believe the current level of strictness is generally appropriate, but there’s always room for improvement . In certain areas, stricter enforcement might be necessary to tackle rising crime rates, while in others, a more community-focused approach could be beneficial. It’s important for the police to be adaptable, responding to the specific needs of different communities. A one-size-fits-all approach isn’t always the best solution.

Vocabulary shoplift topic Crime

Is your country a safe country?

Overall, my nation is considered a safe place to live and visit. Crime rates are relatively low compared to many other places, and most people feel secure going about their daily lives. Of course, like any country, there are areas where you need to be more cautious , but in general, it’s a safe environment. The government and police work hard to maintain this level of safety.

Vocabulary cautious topic Crime

Have you ever seen a crime?

I have not witnessed a major crime, but I have seen minor incidents like someone trying to steal a bicycle. It happened quickly, and luckily, the person didn’t get away with it. It was a reminder of how important it is to be aware of your surroundings and secure your belongings. Even though it was a small incident, it was still unsettling to see.

Vocabulary get away with topic Crime

What kind of people shoplift and what kinds of things do they steal?

People who shoplift can come from all walks of life, though it’s often driven by economic need or impulse . They typically steal small, easily concealed items like electronics, clothing, or cosmetics. Some might do it out of necessity, while others may do it for the thrill or due to peer pressure. Retailers are always on the lookout for this, as it can be surprisingly common.

Vocabulary impulse topic Crime

What is the best way for police to keep neighborhoods safe?

The best way for police to keep neighborhoods safe is through regular, visible patrols and strong community relationships. By being a consistent presence, they can deter potential criminals and quickly respond to any incidents. Engaging with residents and understanding their concerns also helps to build trust and cooperation. Neighborhood watch programs and open communication channels are also effective in maintaining safety.

Vocabulary deter topic Crime

Câu lời mẫu IELTS Speaking Topic Crime Part 2

Phần thi IELTS Speaking Part 2 yêu cầu bạn phải miêu tả chi tiết về một tình huống liên quan đến tội phạm hoặc pháp luật, đồng thời đây thực sự là một thử thách không nhỏ. Do đó, làm sao để kể câu chuyện một cách logic, thu hút, và đồng thời thể hiện được quan điểm cá nhân? Đừng lo, những câu trả lời mẫu dưới đây của Mc IELTS sẽ giúp bạn khám phá cách xây dựng câu chuyện rõ ràng và ấn tượng, từ đó giúp bạn tự tin đối diện với những câu hỏi khó nhằn về chủ đề tội phạm trong phần thi IELTS Speaking Part 2 Crime. Hãy cùng áp dụng thật hiệu quả vào quá trình học IELTS Speaking Online và chuẩn bị thật tốt để tạo dấu ấn trong mắt giám khảo!

Model answer chủ đề IELTS Speaking Part 2 Crime

Sample answer chủ đề IELTS Speaking Questions about Crime Part 2

Describe a new law you would implement where you live to make it a better place

I’d like to talk about a law I would implement to make my community a safer place: mandatory alcohol testing for drivers. In my view, this law would significantly reduce the number of accidents caused by drunk driving , which is a serious issue in many areas, including where I live.

Let me explain why I think this law is crucial. Currently, while there are penalties for drunk driving, enforcement is often inconsistent. Many drivers still take the risk of driving under the influence, endangering not only their own lives but also the lives of others on the road. By making alcohol testing mandatory at random checkpoints or after any traffic violation , we can discourage people from drinking and driving in the first place.

Moreover, this law would require drivers to undergo a breathalyzer test if they are pulled over by the police. If a driver is found to be over the legal alcohol limit, they would face immediate consequences, such as fines, license suspension , or even imprisonment for repeat offenders . Importantly, the law would apply to everyone, without exception, creating a strong deterrent against drunk driving.

Additionally, implementing this law would likely lead to a decrease in traffic accidents and fatalities. Countries that have strict alcohol testing laws, like Sweden, have seen significant reductions in road accidents. I believe my community could experience similar benefits.

This law would also encourage people to plan their evenings better, whether that means arranging for a designated driver, using public transport, or staying sober if they plan to drive. It’s a simple change that could have a profound impact on public safety.

Vocabulary implement topic Crime

Describe a crime you were involved in

​​I’d like to begin by clarifying that the “crime” I was involved in wasn’t something serious or harmful, but more of a youthful mischief that, in hindsight , makes me smile. When I was about 12 years old, my friends and I decided to sneak into an old, abandoned house in our neighborhood. The place was rumored to be haunted , and naturally, our curiosity got the better of us.

The house had been empty for years, and local kids often dared each other to go inside. One afternoon, we finally mustered the courage to explore it ourselves. We knew it was trespassing , but at the time, it felt like a thrilling adventure rather than a crime.

We managed to get inside through a broken window, our hearts racing with excitement and fear. The interior was dusty and filled with old, decaying furniture . We wandered around, trying to spook each other with ghost stories, and even found an old, dusty diary that seemed to belong to the previous owners.

As we explored the house, we suddenly heard a loud noise, like something crashing in another room. We all panicked and ran out as fast as we could, not stopping until we were far away. It turned out that a stray cat had knocked over some old items, but at that moment, we were convinced it was a ghost or something equally terrifying.

Later, we felt a mix of guilt and relief . Guilt because we knew we shouldn’t have trespassed, and relief because nothing bad actually happened. Looking back, I realize it was a childish act of curiosity, and though it technically was a crime, it taught me the importance of respecting other people’s property and understanding the consequences of my actions.

Vocabulary mischief topic Crime

Câu lời mẫu IELTS Speaking Topic Crime Part 3

Trong phần thi IELTS Speaking Questions about Crime Part 3, bạn sẽ được yêu cầu thảo luận về những vấn đề phức tạp hơn liên quan đến tội phạm và an ninh xã hội. Đây là lúc bạn cần thể hiện khả năng tư duy phản biện và lập luận logic của mình. Vậy làm sao để trình bày quan điểm một cách thuyết phục và sâu sắc, đồng thời giữ được sự mạch lạc và cuốn hút? Các bài mẫu dưới đây sẽ gợi ý cho bạn cách tiếp cận những câu hỏi này, giúp bạn nêu rõ quan điểm cá nhân và tạo ấn tượng mạnh mẽ với giám khảo. Hãy cùng khám phá để áp dụng hiệu quả vào quá trình luyện IELTS trực tuyến , cũng như chuẩn bị thật tốt cho phần thi này!

Sample answer chủ đề IELTS Speaking Questions about Crime Part 3

Model answer chủ đề IELTS Speaking Part 3 Crime

Do you think criminals can change?

I do believe that criminals can change, but it often depends on the circumstances and the support they receive. With the right rehabilitation programs , education, and community support, many individuals can turn their lives around. It’s important to address the root causes of criminal behavior, like poverty or lack of education, to make lasting changes. Of course, not everyone will change, but giving them the opportunity is crucial.

Vocabulary rehabilitation program topic Crime

Does your country have a big organized crime group like the mafia?

No, my country doesn’t have a large organized crime group like the mafia. While there are criminal organizations, they’re typically smaller and less entrenched than the traditional mafia seen in other countries. Law enforcement has been effective in keeping organized crime under control . However, like anywhere, there are always challenges in combating illegal activities.

Vocabulary entrenched topic Crime

Can you tell if a kid will grow up to be a criminal?

It’s not easy, and it’s definitely not fair to judge a child’s future based on their behavior. While certain risk factors, like a troubled home life or exposure to crime, can increase the chances, many children in difficult situations grow up to lead positive lives. Early intervention, guidance, and support can make a huge difference. Kids need opportunities, not labels, to ensure they stay on the right path.

Vocabulary exposure topic Crime

Is shoplifting common in your country?

Shoplifting does happen, but it’s not rampant . It’s more likely to be a problem in larger cities where stores are busier and it’s easier to go unnoticed. Most businesses take preventive measures, like security cameras and staff training, to minimize losses. That said, it’s still a concern, especially among younger people who might see it as a petty crime.

Vocabulary rampant topic Crime

How can law enforcement most effectively maintain order in residential areas?

The most effective way for law enforcement to maintain order is through community policing. Building strong relationships with residents helps create trust and encourages people to report suspicious activity. Regular patrols and a visible presence can deter crime, while community engagement initiatives can address local concerns. It’s about being proactive and working with the community rather than just reacting to incidents.

Vocabulary suspicious topic Crime

What do you think the most common crime in your country is?

The most common crime is likely petty theft, including things like pickpocketing and shoplifting. These types of crimes are usually opportunistic and occur in crowded places. Traffic violations are also pretty common, especially in urban areas where congestion can lead to impatient driving. While these crimes may seem minor, they still affect people’s sense of safety and well-being.

Vocabulary opportunistic topic Crime

What do you think makes people commit acts of violent crime?

Acts of violent crime are often driven by desperation , anger, or a lack of options. Poverty, substance abuse , and a lack of education or opportunities can push individuals toward violence as a means of survival or expression. In some cases, violent crime can also be the result of mental health issues that haven’t been properly addressed. Addressing these underlying factors is key to reducing violent crime.

Vocabulary desperation topic Crime

Do you think that young criminals should be sent to prison for serious crimes?

It’s a tough question, but I think the focus should be on rehabilitation rather than just punishment . For serious crimes, there may need to be consequences, but prison doesn’t always address the root causes of their behavior. Young people have the potential to change, so programs that provide education, therapy , and support could be more effective. Of course, each case is unique, and the safety of society must also be considered.

Vocabulary punishment topic Crime

Do you think that video games encourage young people to commit crimes?

Video games alone aren’t likely to make young people commit crimes. While some games might depict violence, the vast majority of players understand the difference between the game and real life. However, for individuals who are already at risk due to other factors, excessive exposure to violent content could potentially have a negative influence. It’s more about moderation and ensuring that games are part of a balanced lifestyle.

Vocabulary depict topic Crime

Từ vựng thường gặp trong IELTS Speaking Topic Crime

Chủ đề IELTS Speaking Questions about Crime đòi hỏi bạn phải có một vốn từ vựng phong phú và sử dụng những từ ngữ ấy một cách chính xác để diễn đạt ý tưởng một cách mạch lạc và thuyết phục. Vì vậy, việc sử dụng đúng từ ngữ không chỉ giúp bạn trả lời câu hỏi một cách rõ ràng, mà còn thể hiện sự am hiểu sâu rộng về vấn đề. Vậy đâu là những từ vựng bạn nên nắm vững khi nói về chủ đề này? Phần nội dung dưới đây sẽ giới thiệu cho bạn những từ, cụm từ quan trọng nhất dành cho những người học IELTS căn bản đến nâng cao, từ đó giúp người học làm giàu thêm vốn từ và tự tin hơn trong phần thi. Hãy cùng khám phá để nâng cao khả năng của mình nhé!

Vocab thông dụng thuộc chủ đề IELTS Speaking Crime

Vocabulary phổ biến trong chủ đề IELTS Speaking Questions about Crime

Vocabulary hay nhất trong topic Major Crime

White collar crime /waɪt ˈkɒlə kraɪm/ Tội phạm trí tuệ cao White collar crime often involves embezzlement and corporate fraud.
Terrorism /ˈtɛrᵊrɪzᵊm/ Khủng bố The new security measures aim to prevent terrorism within the city.
Smuggling /ˈsmʌɡlɪŋ/ Buôn lậu Authorities have increased patrols to curb smuggling activities.
Manslaughter /ˈmænˈslɔːtə/ Ngộ sát The defendant was charged with manslaughter following the accidental death.
Murder /ˈmɜːdə/ Giết người The detective worked tirelessly to solve the murder case.
Human trafficking /ˈhjuːmən ˈtræfɪkɪŋ/ Buôn người Efforts are being intensified to combat human trafficking networks.
Hijacking /ˈhaɪˌʤækɪŋ/ Không tặc (cướp trên không) The crew managed to regain control of the aircraft after the hijacking.
Fraud /frɔːd/ Gian lận, lừa đảo The company faced severe penalties due to financial fraud.
Drug trafficking /drʌɡ ˈtræfɪkɪŋ/ Buôn bán ma túy Police conducted a raid to dismantle a major drug trafficking ring.
Child abuse /ʧaɪld əˈbjuːs/ Lạm dụng trẻ em New policies aim to protect children from abuse in educational institutions.
Assault /əˈsɔːlt/ Tấn công, hành hung The victim reported the assault to the police immediately.
Arson /ˈɑːsn/ Phóng hỏa Investigators are looking into the possibility of arson in the recent fire.
Abduction /æbˈdʌkʃᵊn/ Bắt cóc The police launched a manhunt after the abduction was reported.

Vocabulary thông dụng nhất trong topic Punishment

Forfeiture /ˈfɔːfɪʧə/ Tịch thu The court ordered the forfeiture of his property as part of his sentencing.
A suspended sentence /ə səsˈpɛndɪd ˈsɛntəns/ Án treo He was given a suspended sentence and had to attend community service.
Life in prison /laɪf ɪn ˈprɪzn/ Tù chung thân He was sentenced to life in prison for committing multiple crimes.
A prison sentence /ə ˈprɪzn ˈsɛntəns/ Bản án tù The judge imposed a prison sentence for his involvement in the scam.
The death penalty /ðə dɛθ ˈpɛnlti/ Hình phạt tử hình Debates continue over whether the death penalty should be abolished.
House arrest /haʊs əˈrɛst/ Quản thúc tại gia She was placed under house arrest for the duration of the investigation.
A fine /ə faɪn/ Tiền phạt He received a fine for not complying with environmental regulations.

Phrasal verb thông dụng trong IELTS Speaking Topic Crime

Phrasal verbs đóng vai trò quan trọng trong việc làm cho bài nói của bạn trở nên tự nhiên và sinh động hơn, đặc biệt là khi nói về chủ đề IELTS Speaking Questions about Crime. Do đó, việc sử dụng đúng phrasal verbs sẽ giúp bạn diễn đạt ý tưởng một cách chính xác và tạo ấn tượng với giám khảo về khả năng ngôn ngữ của mình. Vậy đâu là những phrasal verbs thường gặp và hữu ích khi nói về chủ đề này? Hãy cùng khám phá những phrasal verbs thông dụng dưới đây để làm “giàu” thêm ngôn ngữ của bạn và chuẩn bị sẵn sàng cho kỳ thi IELTS!

1 Take in Lừa gạt I was by the scam email that looked very convincing.
2 Let off (with something) Thả, phóng thích Because of his age, he was with community service instead of jail time.
3 Walk off with something Đánh cắp thứ gì He managed to the rare coin from the auction house.
4 Break out Thoát khỏi nơi nào đó Firefighters had to rescue the inmates who were trying to of the burning prison.
5 Break into Đột nhập vào The thief the store through a back window.
6 Go straight Tuân thủ luật After serving his sentence, he vowed to and turn his life around.
7 Slip up Mắc lỗi sai She made a in her report that led to a major misunderstanding.
8 Lean on Đe doạ The gang local businesses to extort money from them.
Xem thêm: 25+ Phrasal Verbs Break Thông Dụng Được Dùng Nhiều Nhất 32 Phrasal Verbs With Go Thông Dụng Trong Tiếng Anh 20+ Phrasal Verbs Take Thông Dụng – Cụm Động Từ Với Take

Cụm động từ hay dùng trong IELTS Speaking topic Crime

Phrasal verbs thường gặp trong IELTS Speaking Crime

Chinh phục chủ đề IELTS Speaking Topic Crime cùng Mc IELTS

Bạn đã bao giờ cảm thấy khó khăn khi phải đối mặt với các câu hỏi về chủ đề IELTS Speaking Questions about Crime? Làm thế nào để bạn có thể diễn đạt ý tưởng một cách rõ ràng và gây ấn tượng với giám khảo? Nếu bạn đang tìm kiếm một giải pháp để vượt qua thử thách này và phân vân không biết học IELTS ở trung tâm nào , Mc IELTS chính là câu trả lời mà bạn đang tìm kiếm!

Mc IELTS - Trung tâm dạy kèm Speaking 1-1 cùng cựu giáo viên chấm thi

Mc IELTS – Trung tâm dạy kèm Speaking 1-1 cùng cựu giáo viên chấm thi

Tại Mc IELTS, chúng tôi không chỉ giúp bạn nâng cao kỹ năng Speaking mà còn mang đến cho bạn những quyền lợi đặc biệt:

  • 6 buổi học 1-1 miễn phí mỗi tuần với cố vấn học tập, giúp bạn luyện tập và giải đáp mọi thắc mắc liên quan đến chủ đề “Crime”.
  • Cam kết học lại miễn phí nếu bạn không đạt điểm yêu cầu để lên lớp.
  • Tham gia nhóm trao đổi trực tuyến trên Facebook, nơi bạn có thể thảo luận và nhận sự hỗ trợ từ các cựu giám khảo IELTS.
  • Truy cập kho tài liệu luyện thi IELTS  phong phú với hơn 50 đầu sách đa dạng, giúp bạn trang bị thêm kiến thức cho kỳ thi.
  • Chính sách linh hoạt về học bù và bảo lưu trong quá trình học, đảm bảo bạn không bỏ lỡ bất kỳ cơ hội nào để học tập.

Mc IELTS tự hào với hơn 1000 đánh giá Xuất sắc từ học viên đã tham gia khóa học IELTS tại trung tâm, chứng minh chất lượng đào tạo của chúng tôi:

  • Đánh giá 4.9/5.0 trên Facebook, xem tại đây .
  • Đánh giá 4.9/5.0 trên Google, xem tại đây .
  • Đánh giá 9.2/10 trên Edu2Review, xem tại đây .

Vì sao nên chọn học IELTS tại Mc IELTS?

Đánh giá tích cực của đông đảo cựu học viên

Ngoài ra, hiện tại Mc IELTS đang triển khai chương trình sửa bài Writing và Speaking miễn phí cho học viên trong nhóm học tập trên Facebook, có sự tham gia của cựu giám khảo IELTS. Bạn có thể tham gia ngay tại đây để nhận được những góp ý chi tiết và hoàn toàn miễn phí từ đội ngũ giảng viên.

Tham gia nhóm Facebook của Mc IELTS để được cựu giám khảo chấm chữa bài Speaking và Writing hoàn toàn miễn phí

Tham gia nhóm Facebook của Mc IELTS để được cựu giám khảo chấm chữa bài Speaking và Writing hoàn toàn miễn phí

Đừng để chủ đề Crime làm khó bạn trong phần thi IELTS Speaking. LIÊN HỆ NGAY với Mc IELTS để nhận ưu đãi học phí học IELTS và trang bị cho mình những kỹ năng cần thiết để chinh phục mọi chủ đề khó nhằn!

Mc IELTS là một trong các trung tâm học IELTS tốt ở Hà Nội

Mc IELTS là trung tâm luyện thi IELTS uy tín hàng đầu

Hy vọng rằng qua bài viết này, bạn đã trang bị được cho mình những kiến thức quan trọng về từ vựng và cách trả lời cho chủ đề IELTS Speaking Topic Crime Part 1, 2, 3. Nếu bạn muốn nâng cao kỹ năng nói và đạt điểm cao trong kỳ thi IELTS trong thời gian sớm nhất có thể, đừng ngần ngại tham gia các khóa học tại Trung tâm luyện thi IELTS cấp tốc TPHCM Mc IELTS . Với sự hướng dẫn từ những CỰU GIÁM KHẢO CHẤM THI giàu kinh nghiệm và tài liệu học tập chất lượng, Mc IELTS sẽ giúp bạn tự tin chinh phục mọi chủ đề trong kỳ thi. Hãy ĐĂNG KÝ NGAY để bắt đầu hành trình nâng cao trình độ tiếng Anh của bạn!

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IELTS Patience

Khi thảo luận về topic Speaking IELTS Patience, bạn sẽ có cơ hội thể hiện sự hiểu biết sâu sắc và khả năng diễn đạt cảm xúc của mình. Bởi chủ đề Patience không chỉ giúp bạn bộc lộ những trải nghiệm cá nhân, mà còn mở ra những cuộc thảo luận sâu sắc về […]

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crime related ielts essay topics


  1. Crime and Punishment [IELTS Topics]

    crime related ielts essay topics

  2. Part 1 + 3

    crime related ielts essay topics

  3. Task2 Essay IELTS || Crime Based Task 2 || IELTS Writing || Score 7+

    crime related ielts essay topics

  4. Crime and Punishment [IELTS Topics]

    crime related ielts essay topics

  5. 10 August 2023 IELTS Agree Disagree Essay on Crime

    crime related ielts essay topics

  6. IELTS Sample Writing Task 2

    crime related ielts essay topics


  1. Copy Paste Lines On Crime

  2. What is crime?Bsaic types of crimes in Sociology. in Hindi or Urdu

  3. IELTS Writing task 2 Essay

  4. IELTS Essay Topic


  6. Band 9 tips for IELTS writing task 2


  1. 50 Latest Crime IELTS Topics

    50 Latest Crime IELTS Topics

  2. 50 Latest Crimes IELTS Topics

    50 Latest Crimes IELTS Topics. Get a band score and detailed report instantly. Check your IELTS essays right now! Read more ». Opinion. Some people believe that capital punishment is unjustified. Others believe that capital punishments should be used for the most serious crimes. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

  3. 50 Latest Crime IELTS Topics

    50 Latest Crime IELTS Topics. Get a band score and detailed report instantly. Check your IELTS essays right now! In order to reduce crime, we need to attack the cause of crime such as poverty and lack of educational opportunities. It's not enough to simply have more police on the street and put more people into prison.

  4. Crime & Punishment Essay Titles

    You should, therefore, prepare ideas for all questions given below. This topic is more likely to appear in the Academic test than the GT writing test. However, all candidates should prepare for all topics to be safe. Crime & Punishment Essay Questions for IELTS Writing Task 2. The crime rate nowadays is decreasing compared to the past due to ...

  5. Crime and Punishment [IELTS Topics]

    Crime and Punishment IELTS Essay Topics. This topic is much more common in the writing exam than other parts because it requires the expression of complex ideas. As such, you will see many IELTS writing task 2 questions about crime and punishment. ... Task 1 - Crime-related Essays. For IELTS writing task 1, it is also possible that you could ...

  6. IELTS Writing Task 2 Topic: Many offenders commit more crimes after

    In IELTS Writing Task 2, students are asked to write a formal essay of at least 250 words, in 4-5 paragraphs based on the given writing task 2 essay topics.The task is similar for both Academic and General Training with regards to the type of questions and the scoring, but the topics given for General Training will be slightly easier than Academic.

  7. Crime and punishment IELTS model essay with vocabulary

    Although crime and punishment is a common topic in the IELTS exam, there, thankfully, is not too much vocabulary you need to know for it. Let's take a look at some of the high level vocabulary in this answer to kick start your learning. Deterrent. A deterrent is something that scares people away from doing something. Rehabilitation.

  8. Crime Essays

    Crime Essays for IELTS: These essays have been written by students who are planning to take the test. ... Nowadays most of the crimes are related to cyber crime or online crime but you have said about physical crimes we want some essay abou cyber crime thanks. ... Youth crime by: P!n0y The topic of the proliferation of juvenile criminal acts ...

  9. Crime IELTS Topic Ideas, Vocabulary and Sample Answers

    Subscribe: RSS. In this tutorial, we discuss crime IELTS Topic Ideas, grammar, vocabulary and sample answers. We look at: Specific vocabulary, collocations, and phrases related to crime. What are cleft sentences and how to use it in the IELTS Topic crime. Model essay on the Pros and cons of imprisonment versus rehabilitation.

  10. IELTS Topic: Crime

    IELTS Essay: Crime and Human Nature. This is an IELTS writing task 2 sample answer essay on the topic of crime and whether it is a product of nature or nurture. These kinds of topics are really common on IELTS so it is good practice for you to read my sample answer below. If you don't want to miss out on ….

  11. IELTS Essays About Crime

    Discuss both sides and give your opinion. Some people think that the best way to reduce crime is to hand out longer prison sentences, whilst other people think that there are better methods of doing reducing crime. Discuss both views and give your opinion. Many criminals after being released go on to commit further crimes as soon as they are ...

  12. IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Answer Essay: Crime ...

    IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Answer Essay: Crime & ...

  13. IELTS Sample Writing Task 2

    Crime is unquestionably one of the most prevailing and worrying aspects in any society, and its prevention should be taken seriously. Crime prevention can be executed in various ways, firstly through a sustained honest presence in the community and secondly through international cooperation. A local presence by incorruptible law enforcement ...

  14. IELTS Writing Task 2: crime topic

    Here is a "problem/solution" question, with some ideas for an essay below: Many criminals re-offend after they have been punished. Why do some people continue to commit crimes after they have been punished, and what measures can be taken to tackle this problem? Causes of crime and re-offending: The main causes of crime are poverty, unemployment and lack of education. People who commit crimes ...

  15. 50 Latest Criminals IELTS Topics

    Opinion. 40.It is shown that many criminals have a low level of education. some people believe that the best way to reduce crime is to educate them in prison so that they can find a job after they leave prison.

  16. IELTS Writing Task 2 Topic Crime

    Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. Write at least 250 words. IELTS Writing Task 2/ IELTS Essay: You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. By punishing murderers with the death penalty, society is also guilty of committing murder. Therefore, life in prison is a better ...

  17. IELTS Essay # 287

    IELTS Writing Task 2/ IELTS Essay: You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Write about the following topic: Some people believe that there should be fixed punishments for each type of crime. Others, however, argue that the circumstances of an individual crime, and the motivation for committing it, should always be taken into account ...

  18. IELTS Essay: Crime Amongst Youngsters

    1. Criminal rates among younger offenders have been rising in certain countries. 2. In my opinion, this is largely due to individual economic factors and the best solutions are related to ensuring stable employment for the majority of citizens. Paraphrase the overall essay topic.

  19. Youth Crime Essay

    This sample IELTS writing is on the subject of youth crime. In this essay, you are presented with an issue and asked to discuss the 'reasons' why it is occuring and suggest 'solutions'. Crime is a topic that sometimes arises in IELTS essays and in speaking questions. But be careful to identify what kind of crime is being referred to - this is ...

  20. IELTS vocabulary: crime and punishment

    Updated: April 7th 2022. In IELTS writing task 2 various topics come up, such as the environment, family, society, work, technology, education, food and diet, health, sports and sometimes crime. The topic of crime is difficult for many students as there is so much vocabulary surrounding this.

  21. Crime Vocabulary for IELTS

    Crime Vocabulary. Legislation. A law or set of laws suggested by a government and made official by a parliament. There needs to be changes to crime-related legislation. Deter. To make someone less enthusiastic about doing something by threatening bad results if they do it. Tougher prison sentences may be a deterrent to other would-be offenders.

  22. Crime and Punishment Vocabulary with Pronunciation

    Crime and Punishment Vocabulary with Pronunciation

  23. Crime related vocabulary to use in your IELTS exam

    On this page you will find crime related vocabulary .These crime words will help you write about the topic or talk about it in your IELTS exam.Read through these words and definitions to broaden your IELTS vocabulary.. Task 2 sample sample question about crime : All criminals should be punished and have a salary cap from the moment they convicted of their crime, others believe they should be ...

  24. IELTS Speaking Part 1, 2, 3- Từ Vựng, Bài Mẫu Topic Crime

    IELTS Speaking Topic Crime là một trong những đề tài khó, đòi hỏi bạn phải nắm vững từ vựng chuyên ngành và biết cách diễn đạt quan điểm một cách mạch lạc, thuyết phục. Từ những câu hỏi đơn giản về quan điểm cá nhân trong Part 1, 2 đến những câu hỏi phân tích sâu hơn trong Part 3, làm sao để bạn có thể ...