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How To Write an Autobiography 2024 (Tips, Templates, & Guide)

Your life story has value, merit, and significance. You want to share it with the world, but maybe you don’t know how .

Here’s how to write an autobiography:

Write an autobiography by creating a list of the most important moments, people, and places in your life. Gather photos, videos, letters, and notes about these experiences. Then, use an outline, templates, sentence starters, and questions to help you write your autobiography .

In this article, you are going to learn the fastest method for writing your autobiography.

We are going to cover everything you need to know with examples and a free, downloadable, done-for-you template.

What Is an Autobiography?

Typewriter, lightbulb, and crumpled paper - How To Write an Autobiography

Table of Contents

Before you can write an autobiography, you must first know the definition.

An autobiography is the story of your life, written by you. It covers the full span of your life (at least, up until now), hitting on the most significant moments, people and events.

When you write your autobiography, you write an intimate account of your life.

What Should I Include In an Autobiography?

If you are scratching your head, baffled about what to include in your autobiography, you are not alone.

After all, a big part of how to write an autobiography is knowing what to put in and what to leave out of your life story. Do you focus on every detail?

Every person? Won’t your autobiography be too long?

A good way to think about how to write an autobiography is to use the Movie Trailer Method.

What do movie trailers include?

  • High emotional moments
  • The big events
  • The most important characters

When you plan, organize, and write your autobiography, keep the Movie Trailer Method in mind. You can even watch a bunch of free movie trailers on YouTube for examples of how to write an autobiography using the Movie Trailer Method.

When wondering what to include in your autobiography, focus on what would make the cut for a movie trailer of your life:

  • Most important people (like family, friends, mentors, coaches, etc.)
  • Significant events (like your origin story, vacations, graduations, life turning points, life lessons)
  • Emotional moments (When you were homeless, when you battled a life-threatening condition, or when you fell in love)
  • Drama or suspense (Did you make it into Harvard? Did your first surgery go well? Did your baby survive?)

Autobiography Structure Secrets

Like any compelling story, a well-structured autobiography often follows a pattern that creates a logical flow and captures readers’ attention.

Traditionally, autobiographies begin with early memories, detailing the writer’s childhood, family background, and the events or people that shaped their formative years.

From here, the narrative typically progresses chronologically, covering major life events like schooling, friendships, challenges, achievements, career milestones, and personal relationships.

It’s essential to weave these events with introspective insights.

This allows readers to understand not just the what, but also the why behind the author’s choices and experiences.

Towards the end, an effective autobiography often includes reflections on lessons learned, changes in perspective over time, and the wisdom acquired along life’s journey.

Example of the Structure:

  • Introduction: A gripping event or anecdote that gives readers a hint of what to expect. It could be a pivotal moment or challenge that defines the essence of the story.
  • Childhood and Early Memories: Recounting family dynamics, birthplace, cultural background, and memorable incidents from early years.
  • Adolescence and Discovering Identity: Experiences during teenage years, challenges faced, friendships formed, and personal evolutions.
  • Pursuits and Passions: Describing education, early career choices, or any particular hobby or skill that played a significant role in the author’s life.
  • Major Life Events and Challenges: Chronicles of marriage, parenthood, career shifts, or any significant setbacks and how they were overcome.
  • Achievements and Milestones: Celebrating major accomplishments and recounting the journey to achieving them.
  • Reflections and Wisdom: Sharing life lessons, changes in beliefs or values over time, and offering insights gained from lived experiences.
  • Conclusion: Summarizing the journey, contemplating on the present state, and sharing hopes or aspirations for the future.

How To Write an Autobiography Quickly: Strategies & Templates

Want the quickest way to organize and write your autobiography in record time? You can literally write your autobiography in 7 days or less with this method.

The secret is to use done-for-you templates.

I have personally designed and collected a series of templates to take you from a blank page to a fully complete Autobiography. I call this the How to Write an Autobiography Blueprint.

And it’s completely free to download right from this article. 🙂

In the How to Write an Autobiography Blueprint, you get:

  • The Autobiography Questions Template
  • The Autobiography Brainstorm Templates
  • The Autobiography Outline Template

Here is an image of it so that you know exactly what you get when you download it:

Autobiography Blueprint

How To Write an Autobiography: Step-by-Step

When you sit down to write an autobiography, it’s helpful to have a step-by-step blueprint to follow.

You already have the done-for-you templates that you can use to organize and write an autobiography faster than ever before. Now here’s a complete step-by-step guide on how to maximize your template.

  • Brainstorm Ideas
  • Order your sections (from medium to high interest)
  • Order the ideas in each section (from medium to high interest)
  • Write three questions to answer in each section
  • Choose a starter sentence
  • Complete a title template
  • Write each section of your by completing the starter sentence and answering all three questions

Brainstorm Your Autobiography

The first step in writing your autobiography is to brainstorm.

Give yourself time and space to write down the most significant people, events, lessons, and experiences in your life. The templates in the How to Write an Autobiography Blueprint provide sections for you to write down your brainstormed ideas.

How to Brainstorm Your Autobiography

This will help you organize your ideas into what will become the major sections of your book.

These will be:

  • Y our most significant events and experiences.
  • The people who impacted you the most.
  • The challenges you have overcome.
  • Your achievements and successes.
  • The lessons you have learned.

The “other” sections on the second page of the Brainstorm template is for creating your own sections or to give you more space for the sections I provided in case you run out of space.

As I brainstorm, I find asking myself specific questions really activates my imagination.

So I have compiled a list of compelling questions to help you get ideas down on paper or on your screen.

How to Write an Autobiography: Top 10 Questions

Order Your Sections (From Medium to High Interest)

The next step is to order your main sections.

The main sections are the five (or more) sections from your Brainstorm templates (Significant events, significant people, life lessons, challenges, successes, other, etc). This order will become the outline and chapters for your book.

How do you decide what comes first, second or third?

I recommend placing the sections in order of interest. Ask yourself, “What’s the most fascinating part of my life?”

If it’s a person, then write the name of that section (Significant People) on the last line in the How to Write an Autobiography Outline Template. If it’s an experience, place the name of that section (Significant Events) on the last line.

For example, if you met the Pope, you might want to end with that nugget from your life. If you spent three weeks lost at sea and survived on a desert island by spearfishing, that is your ending point.

Then complete the Outline by placing the remaining sections in order of interest. You can work your way backward from high interest to medium interest.

If you are wondering why I say “medium to high interest” instead of “low to high interest” it is because there should be no “low interest” parts of your autobiography.

But wait, what if you met the Pope AND spent three weeks lost at sea? How do you choose which one comes first or last?

First of all, I want to read this book! Second, when in doubt, default to chronological order. Whatever event happened first, start there.

Here is an example of how it might look:

Autobiography Example

Order The Ideas in Each Section (From Medium To High Interest)

Now, organize the ideas inside of each section. Again, order the ideas from medium to high interest).

Within your “Significant People” section, decide who you want to talk about first, second, third, etc. You can organize by chronological order (who you met first) but I recommend building to the most interesting or most significant person.

This creates a more compelling read.

Keep in mind that the most significant person might not be the most well-known, most famous, or most popular. The most significant person might be your family member, friend, partner, or child.

It comes down to who shaped your life the most.

So, if your “significant people list” includes your dad, a famous social media influencer, and Mike Tyson, your dad might come last because he had the biggest significance in your life.

Write Three Questions to Answer in Each Section

Ok, you’ve done the heavy lifting already. You have the major sections organized and outlined.

Next on your autobiography to-do list is to choose and write down three questions you are going to answer in each section. You can write your questions down in the provided “boxes” for each section on the template outline (or on another piece of paper.

This is easier than it might seem.

Simply choose one of the sample autobiography questions below or create your own:

  • Why did I choose this person/event?
  • What does this person/event mean to me?
  • How did I meet this person?
  • Where did it happen?
  • When did it happen?
  • Why did it happen?
  • How did it happen?
  • What is the most interesting part?
  • How did I feel about this person or event?
  • How do I feel now?
  • Why does this person or event matters to me?
  • How did this person or event change my life?
  • What is the most challenging part?
  • How did I fail?
  • How did I succeed?
  • What did I learn?

Questions are the perfect way to write quickly and clearly. I LOVE writing to questions. It’s how I write these blog posts and articles.

Choose a Starter Sentence

Sometimes the hardest part of any project is knowing how to start.

Even though we know we can always go back and edit our beginnings, so many of us become paralyzed with indecision at the starting gate.

That’s why I provided sample starter sentences in your How to Write an Autobiography Blueprint.

Here are the story starters:

  • I began writing this book when…
  • Of all the experiences in my life, this one was the most…
  • I’ve been a…
  • My name is…
  • Growing up in…
  • It wasn’t even a…
  • It all started when…
  • I first…
  • I was born…

Keep in mind that you do not need to begin your book with one of these story starters. I provide them simply to get you going.

The key is to not get bogged down in this, or any, part of writing your autobiography. Get organized and then get writing.

Complete a Title Template

At the top of the How to Write an Autobiography Outline is a place for you to write your book title.

Some authors struggle forever with a title. And that’s ok. What’s not ok is getting stuck. What’s not ok is if coming up with your title prevents you from finishing your book.

So, I provided a few title templates to help juice your creativity.

Just like the story starters, you do not need to use these title templates, but you certainly can. All you need to do is fill in the title templates below and then write your favorite one (for now) at the top of your outline. Presto! You have your working title.

You can always go back and change it later.

How to Write an Autobiography Title templates:

  • [Your Name]: [Phrase or Tag Line]
  • The [Your Last Name] Files
  • Born [Activity]: A [Career]’s Life
  • The Perfect [Noun]: The Remarkable Life of [Your Name]

Examples using the Templates:

  • Christopher Kokoski: Blog Until You Drop
  • The Kokoski Files
  • Born Writing: A Blogger’s Life
  • The Perfect Freelancer: The Remarkable Life of Christopher Kokoski

Write Your Autobiography

You have your outline. You have your title, templates, and sentence starters. All that is left to do is write your autobiography.

However, you can use tools like Jasper AI and a few other cool tricks to craft the most riveting book possible.

This is the easy way to remarkable writing.

Check out this short video that goes over the basics of how to write an autobiography:

How To Write an Autobiography (All the Best Tips)

Now that you are poised and ready to dash out your first draft, keep the following pro tips in mind:

  • Be vulnerable. The best autobiographies share flaws, faults, foibles, and faux pas. Let readers in on the real you.
  • Skip the boring parts. There is no need to detail every meal, car ride, or a gripping trip to the grocery store. Unless you ran into the Russian Mafia near the vegetables or the grocery store is perched on the side of a mountain above the jungles of Brazil.
  • Keep your autobiography character-driven . This is the story of YOU!
  • Be kind to others (or don’t). When writing about others in your story, keep in mind that there may be fallout or backlash from your book.
  • Consider a theme: Many autobiographies are organized by theme. A perfect example is Becoming . Each section of the book includes “becoming” in the title. Themes connect and elevate each part of the autobiography.
  • Write your story in vignettes (or scenes). Each vignette is a mini-story with a beginning, middle, and end. Each vignette builds. Each vignette should be described in rich sensory language that shows the reader the experience instead of telling the reader about the experience. Each vignette is immersive, immediate, and intimate.
  • Include snippets of dialogue. Use quotation marks just like in fiction. Show the dialogue in brief back-and-forth tennis matches of conversation. Remember to leave the boring parts out!
  • Choose a consistent tone. Some autobiographies are funny like Bossy Pants by Tina Fey. Others are serious such as Open by Andre Agassi. Your story (like most stories) will likely include a mix of emotions but choose an overall tone and stick with it.
  • Don’t chronicle, captivate . Always think about how to make each section, each chapter, each page, each paragraph, and each sentence more compelling. You want to tell the truth, but HOW you tell the truth is up to you. Create suspense, conflict, and mystery. Let drama linger until it becomes uncomfortable. Don’t solve problems quickly or take away tension right away.

How Do I Format an Autobiography?

Most autobiographies are written in the first person (using the pronouns I, me, we, and us).

Your autobiography is written about you so write as yourself instead of pretending to be writing about someone else.

Most autobiographies are also written in chronological order, from birth right up to your current age, with all the boring parts left out. That doesn’t mean you can’t play around with the timeline.

Sometimes it’s more interesting to start at a high moment, backtrack to the beginning and show how you got to that high moment.

Whatever format you choose, be intentional, and make the choice based on making the most compelling experience possible for your readers.

How Long Should an Autobiography Be?

There are no rules to how long an autobiography should be but a rough guideline is to aim for between 200 and 400 pages.

This will keep your book in line with what most readers expect for books in general, and will help get your book traditionally published or help with marketing your self-published book.

How To Write a Short Autobiography

You write a short autobiography the same way that you write a long autobiography.

You simply leave more out of the story.

You cut everything down to the bones. Or you choose a slice of your life as you do in a memoir. This often means limiting the people in your book, reducing the events and experiences, and shrinking your story to a few pivotal moments in your life.

How To Start an Autobiography

The truth is that you can start your autobiography in any number of ways.

Here are four common ways to begin an autobiography.

  • Start at the beginning (of your life, career or relationship, etc.)
  • Start at a high moment of drama or interest.
  • Start at the end of the story and work backward
  • Start with why you wrote the book.

Good Autobiography Titles

If you are still stuck on titling your autobiography, consider going to Amazon to browse published works. You can even just Google “autobiographies.”

When you read the titles of 10, 20, or 50 other autobiographies, you will start to see patterns or get ideas for your own titles. (HINT: the title templates in the Autobiography Blueprint were reverse-engineered from popular published books.

Also, check out the titles of the full autobiography examples below that I have included right here in this article.

Types of Autobiographies

There are several different kinds of autobiographies.

Each one requires a similar but slightly nuanced approach to write effectively. The lessons in this article will serve as a great starting point.

Autobiography Types:

  • Autobiography for School
  • Autobiography Novel
  • Autobiography for a Job
  • Short Autobiography
  • Autobiography for Kids

Therefore, there is actually not just one way to write an autobiography.

Memoir vs. Autobiography: Are They The Same?

It’s common to feel confused about a memoir and an autobiography. I used to think they were the same thing.

But, nope, they’re not.

They are pretty similar, which is the reason for all the confusion. A memoir is the story of one part of your life. An autobiography is the story of your full life (up until now).

What Is the Difference Between an Autobiography and a Biography?

An autobiography is when you write about your own life. A biography, on the other hand, is when you write the story of someone else’s life.

So, if I write a book about the life of the President, that’s a biography.

If the President writes a story about his or her own life, that’s an autobiography.

What Not To Include In an Autobiography

Autobiographies are meant to be a snapshot of our lives that we can share with others, but there are some things that are best left out.

Here are three things you should avoid including in your autobiography:

1) Anything That Readers Will Skip

Your life may not be filled with non-stop excitement, but that doesn’t mean you need to include every mundane detail in your autobiography.

Stick to the highlights and leave out the low points.

2) Character Attacks on Others

It’s okay to discuss conflicts you’ve had with others, but don’t use your autobiography as a platform to attack someone’s character.

Keep it civil and focus on your own experiences and how they’ve affected you.

3) Skipping Highlights

Just because something embarrassing or painful happened to you doesn’t mean you should gloss over it in your autobiography.

These are the moments that shape us and make us who we are today, so don’t skip past them just because they’re uncomfortable.

By following these simple tips, you can ensure that your autobiography is interesting, honest, and engaging.

How To Write an Autobiography: Autobiography Examples

I have always found examples to be extremely instructive. Especially complete examples of finished products. In this case, books.

Below you will find examples of published autobiographies for adults and for kids. These examples will guide you, motivate you and inspire you to complete your own life story.

They are listed here as examples, not as endorsements, although I think they are all very good.

The point is that you don’t have to agree with anything written in the books to learn from them.

Autobiography Examples for Adults

  • A Promised Land (Autobiography of Barack Obama)
  • If You Ask Me: (And of Course You Won’t) (Betty White)
  • It’s a Long Story: My Life (Willie Nelson)
  • Stories I Only Tell My Friends: An Autobiography (Rob Lowe)
  • Becoming (Michelle Obama)

Autobiography Examples for Kids

  • This Kid Can Fly: It’s About Ability (NOT Disability) (Aaron Philips)
  • Bee Fearless: Dream Like a Kid (Mikaila Ulmer)

Tools to Write Your Autobiography

Here are some recommended tools to help you write your autobiography:

Recommended ToolsLearn More
Jasper AI
Show Not Tell GPT
Dragon Professional Speech Dictation and Voice Recognition
Surface Laptop
Sqribble (eBook maker)

Final Thoughts: How To Write An Autobiography

Thank you for reading my article on How to Write an Autobiography.

Now that you know all of the secrets to write your book, you may want to get it published, market it, and continue to upskill yourself as an author.

In that case, read these posts next:

  • Can Anyone Write A Book And Get It Published?
  • The Best Writing Books For Beginners 2022 (My 10 Favorites)
  • Why Do Writers Hate Adverbs? (The Final Answer)
  • How To Write a Manifesto: 20 Ultimate Game-Changing Tips

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Home » Blog » How to Write an Autobiography in 31 Steps

How to Write an Autobiography in 31 Steps



If you’re thinking about writing an autobiography, then you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we will be telling you all about how to write an autobiography – breaking it down and helping you along with the process.

1. What is an Autobiography?

So you want to know how to write an autobiography? First off, let’s start with what an autobiography is. Put simply, a biography is a book written about someone’s life. It includes all elements of their life, particularly featuring any significant events that took place.

The word ‘autobiography’ is made up of the two Greek words ‘autos’ and ‘bios’, meaning self and life. Put them together and you get a book that is a mix of who you are, and the life you have lived.

2. Memoir vs. Autobiography

Before you start any kind of writing process, it is important to know what kind of book it is you want to write. There is no way to know how to write an autobiography if you can’t distinguish the two. Memoirs and autobiographies are often plumped into the same genre because they are both about someone’s life.

But they are two genres of their own. So here’s the difference:

It’s pretty simple – if the book is about the person’s entire life – it’s an autobiography; if it’s about one or two events, themes, or memories within their life, it’s a memoir .

Knowing the difference will save you time and energy. It will also help you to shape and plan your book (if that’s your style).

You can always change your mind and switch genres, but at least you will know what you are doing and how both of them work. Whichever you choose will change a lot about your book – particularly the content you choose to include and the structure of the entire piece.

Memoir is the perfect platform to share your personal life experience, and you don’t have to share every other significant moment of your life. (A wise decision if only one really interesting thing has happened to you during your lifetime.)

Writing an autobiography is much different. While they both to do with the author’s life, biography is more to do with what happened throughout your life.

That means all significant events from birth ’till now.

If you set out to write a biography and it turns into a memoir, this is not a problem. The problem is when you don’t know what you’re doing at all. This leads to confusion in the writing process. And a lack of professionalism outside of it.

A great way to learn how to write an autobiography is to read. A lot. Reading other autobiographies will give you an idea of which direction to go in and how this genre is structured. It can also help you to develop your style and tone of voice, and to pinpoint which writing techniques you find most effective. All good tools to have in your writing toolbox.

Here are a few examples of autobiographies you might want to read:

  • My Autobiography, Charlie Chaplin (1964)
  • The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, Benjamin Franklin
  • Long walk to freedom, Nelson Mandela
  • The story of my experiments with truth, Mahatma Gandhi
  • The story of my life, by Helen Keller
  • The autobiography of Malcolm X, Alex Haley, Malcolm X
  • An Autobiography, Agatha Christie (1965))
  • The confessions of St. Augustine, Augustine of Hippo
  • Scar tissue, Anthony Kiedis, Larry Sloman
  • Open: An Autobiography, Andre Agassi
  • Persepolis, Marjane Satrapi
  • Autobiography of a yogi, Paramahansa Yogananda

4. When to Write an Autobiography

experienced vs. fresh writer

Experience and youth. Photograph by Ivette Ivens. Source: abcnews.go.com

Cellini (1500-1571) wrote one of the finest autobiographies of the Renaissance. He stated:

“No matter what sort he is, everyone who has to his credit what are or really seem great achievements, if he cares for truth and goodness, ought to write the story of his own life in his own hand; but no one should venture on such a splendid undertaking before he is over forty.” Cellini

Knowing how to write an autobiography can have a lot to do with your life experiences. This fact brings into question the age of the reader.

Many biographies are written later on in life when experience has been gathered and there are many exciting moments to draw from. But this isn’t always the case.

If you are a younger writer and feel that your life has been sufficiently fantastic, or you feel a growing desire to get down all of the details of your childhood days, there is no rule that says you can’t. So don’t let others’ perceptions stop you.

Twenty-one-year-old Edouard Louis, for example, published a hugely successful fictional autobiography (aka an autofiction), The End of Eddy about his childhood and adolescence. So it is possible. Sorry Cellini.

That said, an older, more experienced writer may have an easier time writing an autobiography, simply because they have more material to draw from.

Like memoirs, autobiographies tend to center around a theme, even though you are including many life events. That is because people tend to also be themed, in a way. Want to know how to start an autobiography? Thinking about a theme can be a useful way in.

If you are a professional dancer, and that is the passion of your life, it makes sense that your book would also center around the theme of dancing and how you reached that success.

If you are ghostwriting for a celebrity, naturally they will be famous for something in particular.

The main theme, of course, is the person’s life. But that is not enough to sustain interest across time. So bear in mind a secondary theme that ties it all together.

If your theme or themes are relatable, then that will stand you in good stead. If you are not writing a glitzy celeb autobiography, then having a very relatable and original theme is more likely to find a readership than any other. Be careful not to choose and manufacture your theme, however. If you are meant to write an autobiography, you will likely already feel compelled to write about your life. So try not to put too much thought into it. Just keep it in mind, as it will keep you on track.

6. How to Pick a Theme

How to start an autobiography? One way is to pick a theme. And stick to it.

One way of picking a theme is to choose an aspect of your personality that you feel is awesome and make that your sole focus. Maybe you’re great at maths, for example. Perhaps you made it to the world championships in mathematics or something. That would be a story worth telling.

Another is to look at your philosophy in life and make that the focal point of your book. Showing your values throughout the book can inspire and uplift the reader as it can show a good example of a life well-lived. It also reveals quite clearly who you are as a person, without you having to explicitly spell it out.

A third would be to consider the things that are most important to you in your life and to make a reference to these as you work your way through each significant event mentioned in your book. (This works especially well if you are writing an autobiography for those who know you.)

7. Exceptions

You might also want to know how to write an autobiography because you want to share your story with your family. This is an admirable reason to write a story. It means that your family will always have a special connection to you through a story, no matter what. It also means that generations to come will have that link to their own past and history.

From that sense, everybody should write one!

This kind of story can even be compiled as an oral history of your family’s history and lives, which makes for an extremely personal keepsake.

Autobiographies are sometimes written in short form, as essays for college assignments. This is a similar exercise to writing a full book but in a condensed format.

Another form of autobiography is as an autofiction. This book is based mostly upon autobiographical content but is also a work of fiction. This is an easy way of avoiding any concerns you might have about privacy. If you want to distance yourself a little and take more control over the content, then this may be the way to go.

You can also consider other formats, such as writing an autobiographical graphic novel, which has the essence of cool written all over it. If you are an artist or have a passion for strong visuals, this is something to consider.

8. How to Plan

“Look for the times when your life changed the most, and when you changed the most, those are the times of peak drama in your life.” Janice Erlbaum, The Autobiographer’s Handbook

An excellent practice when learning how to start an autobiography is to begin by writing out all of the significant events in your life. These could be anything; from graduating college to losing your virginity, to being born. Whatever you think is most important and noteworthy, write it down.

You can later play with the order of events if you like, to shake things up a little bit,  but for now, just get anything and everything you can think of written down.

When considering how to write an autobiography, it seems to be the most natural of all genres to plan. This is because within its very construction there is a presumption of what it will be about: events in your life. In this sense, it is already set up for you. In some ways, this makes writing a lot easier. On the other hand, the risk that easy planning poses is boredom. For the reader or yourself. The challenge then becomes, how to make these life events interesting and stand out. But we’ll get to that a bit later on…

Nb If you are a pantser (someone who likes to write by the seat of your pants) then you might want to skip this step. In all likelihood you have something in mind to write about, so just start there.

9. Writing Schedule

A schedule helps you to get things done. You will know what works best for you after trying a few things out. You could try planning out how much you are going to write by the hour (i.e. I will write for an hour a day, every weekday) or by word count (I will write 500 words a day). Be realistic and don’t overwhelm yourself. If you are too overambitious, you may find you end up not writing at all.

Otherwise, you could aim to write a certain section of the book per week or month if that works better for you. Because autobiography is so clearly and easily arranged into story beats (was born, had first pimple, dyed hair red, etc.) organizing your writing by these events works for almost all writers, even if you are not a fan of planning.

Ask yourself the question, what’s the minimum I could manage on a regular basis? And be honest.

Everyone has their own writing style, including the way they schedule (or don’t schedule) their writing habits. So don’t ever let anyone tell you how you should be writing. It’s up to you.

10. How to Start an Autobiography

pencil and blank paper for writing

The blank page. Source: petersansom.wordpress.com

Well, now you have a list of important events in your life, starting to write should be pretty straightforward. If you don’t like planning, it’s even simpler, just pinpoint a significant moment in time and get to work! If you have a plan, all you need to do is start writing out a first draft of each event.

Next up we have a few tips and tricks to get you started.

11. Go Digging

While figuring out how to write an autobiography, you will want to have everything you are writing as fresh and vivid in your mind as possible. This clarity will translate onto the page and give your readers a strong impression of each moment.

To do this, you will want to dig out any old photos of you and whomever you might be writing about and begin filing things away for each chapter or section of the book.

You also might find it beneficial to interview anyone who remembers what happened. This can bring a new light on old events. Try using a recorder or dictaphone and typing up the best bits once you’re done.

12. Fill Up Your Senses

A good way to get into the moment before a writing session is to surround yourself with the materials relating to that particular event. Look at photos or listen to recordings from around that time, and jot down any thoughts you might have about them.

You may also want to listen to some music from the time. If you have any old clothes or keepsakes from the person, you will also want them to be around or near as you write. Listen to any interviews about the time or the characters before writing.

13. Write a letter

If you’re struggling to start writing, you can try writing a letter to yourself or to other members of the family from the time. This is a very personal way of connecting with the past. Remembering your connection to your characters will help your writing to flow more easily and mean you have material to draw from before you even start writing.

14. Emotions

Writing about certain life events is likely to be emotional. Say you had a car crash when you were younger or had to deal with some maltreatment of some kind, this will impact your writing, and how you feel about it.

It can be a difficult balance. You need to care enough about your subject matter to write it. But you don’t want your emotions to take over to the point where the style and the content of your book suffers.

While feeling impassioned by your writing, it is also important to be able to step back and take a second look at your viewpoint. This may take several rewrites to get right.

If you are finding it difficult, then consider writing out as many different viewpoints of the event as you possibly can. This will open up how you see it and may even lead to an inspiring revelation for both you and your book.

15. New Insights

One of the benefits of learning how to write an autobiography is that, as you develop as a writer, new insights will likely occur.

So while emotions can run high, it is good to know that writing about anything difficult that has happened in your life can help you psychologically.

Dr. James Pennebaker, a professor at Austin Texas University discovered that students who wrote for just fifteen minutes a day over three days about difficult or emotional experiences had a better level of well-being. He found that going through the process was upsetting for them, but it was the new insights the students discovered through the process of writing, that led to their improved levels of psychological health.

16. Take Care

As with memoir, if you feel that it is too much to write any subject matter, always take a break and come back to it (or not). Your mental health and general well-being are always more important than a book.

17. Know Your Why

Make sure that you don’t add topics or incidents simply to vent about them. Instead, get all your feelings out about it during your first draft, and then start with a fresh perspective. If your writing is only about venting, it will not interest the reader. You may come across as petty or whiny.

Instead, you will want to make sure you can see the benefit of sharing your experiences with people. When you truly know how to write an autobiography, it should empower and enlighten people and help them connect to your story, rather than reading like an unfinished diary entry. It is perfectly acceptable for it to start out that way. But by the end of your writing process, you should be confident in the purpose of why you are writing your book, and what kind of impact it will have on its readers.

Knowing why you are writing will keep you on the right track, and help you like a compass in the storm, when you are lost.

18. Tone of Voice

An important aspect of telling your story will be your narrative style and tone of voice. This completely depends upon who you are writing for and the purpose of your book.

If you are writing for your grandchildren, for example, you may use more simplistic language. If you are writing for a broader audience, then you may use a more neutral tone. Writing for friends? You might want to use more familial or colloquial terms.

This also depends a lot on what kind of person you are, and you will want your attitude and personality to be reflected in your writing. This should happen naturally, but don’t be afraid to write as if you are talking or to use a recording device and write up your account of each chapter afterward.

Pro tip: Relax. You won’t find your tone of voice by constantly thinking about how you might come across. Just write as you think and your natural expression will do the rest.

19. First or Third Person?

You can experiment with viewpoints as you go along, but once you have chosen, you will want to stick with it. The third person gives us the feeling it has been written by someone else. So, if you are employing a ghostwriter or are working on a fictional work, then this is a good way to go.

First-person is the generally accepted viewpoint for most autobiographies, because it is your story, and you are the one writing it.

20. Conflict

As you recall the people in your life, adding in any conflicts, even if they are comical, will add to the richness of the book. Conflict drives drama, intrigue, and interest. And that’s what you want, if you want your book read, that is.

21. Story Arc

The hero’s journey

The hero’s journey. Source: wildgratitude.com

One of the most critical components of writing an autobiography is the story arc. Like most genres of story, autobiography is no exception and will need some sort of an all-encompassing story arc. This is one of the main challenges you may face while writing this kind of book.

It simply can’t be a long list of events and then an ending. They have to all meld together cohesively in order to have some sort of an impact on your reader.

A story arc gives writers a structure, in which our main character aims to do something, and then either manages (or doesn’t) to achieve it. There are normally many obstacles in the protagonist’s way, and they must overcome them. Simply put, our main character must get from A to B. And you will need to decide at some point, what your start and end points in the story will be.

This ties into your overall message in the book. The great thing about autobiography is that it basically tells your reader who you are as a person.

You can start by making a note of your core beliefs and who you feel you are as a person before you begin. But don’t be surprised if, as you write, you reveal a value you hold that you had never especially acknowledged. This is a true gift to the reader, to leave them with your wisdom or knowledge.

Your philosophy can play a big role in the book, as it has likely led you to make certain decisions and can be featured and interlaced with certain events when your process of decision-making was integral to the direction of your life.

22. Comedy and Funny Anecdotes

While you don’t want to overdo it on the comedy (unless it is a comedic autobiography, in which case, carry on!) a little comic relief can work wonders in this genre. It can lighten the mood and even make sad moments even more poignant. Funny stories specific to your family can add to the color of your characters, so they don’t fall flat .

23. Where to Begin?

Think about when you might want to start your story. The logical point to start is from birth, but as your writing evolves over time, you may change your mind. You may want to add some perspective about your life from before you were even born. Your heritage may also be a large influence on who you are as a person today.

Once you have written a full first draft, you can consider changing around the order. Editing in this way can make for a more dynamic and varied read. If placed in the right way, you can even add in a plot twist or add to the suspense of your book.

24. Consider Your Reader

Don’t rest on your laurels. This can especially be a risk if you are writing only for friends or family. Just because someone knows you, it doesn’t mean your story will automatically become interesting to them. It will likely make it more interesting than if you were a random passerby, true. But this is not something to take for granted.

This point can be ignored during the first draft, but as you begin to develop your story, it becomes an implicit part of the process.

If you are wanting your book to sell, this becomes even more important as the reader’s interest and word of mouth can mean the difference between a book being put down or another sale.

25. How to Make Events More Colorful

Once you have written the thing, you will want to make sure that it is an interesting read. Even if you are writing just for friends and family, they will want to be excited by your life. And surely, that is why you are writing this in the first place?!

So a few tips to make sure that each story beat pops with color is to:

  • 1. Keep a notebook with you at all times for when you remember particular details about a person or place. Details will always give your story more originality and color.
  • 2. Show don’t tell – this is always relevant to any kind of writing and autobiography is no exception. Try adding in things you saw, smelt, tasted, or touched within the scene. Avoid making a statement and describe what happened in the moment, instead.
  • 3. Add metaphor or simile- when describing a character or a vivid memory, don’t just describe how it looked on the surface. Unless this is not at all your writing style, you can enjoy emphasizing how something made you feel through descriptions that include metaphor. (use ext link for how to use a metaphor) For example, ‘she was as fit as a fiddle’.
  • 4. Avoid common descriptive words – words such as ‘nice’ and ‘good’ should be considered with great caution once you have reached the third draft of your book.

26. Consider Your Reader

An important part of knowing how to write an autobiography is having an awareness of the reader throughout the entire manuscript. This is not only a book for you. So don’t rest on your laurels.

This can especially be a risk if you are writing only for friends or family. Just because someone knows you, it doesn’t mean your story will automatically become interesting to them. It will likely make it more interesting than if you were a random passerby, true. But this is not something to take for granted.

Many new writers are tempted to leave in every detail of their lives. But longer doesn’t always equal better – often it means that you simply haven’t cut out the parts that aren’t needed. So make sure you have your ego in check – don’t make your book too long just for the sake of it. Just because it’s interesting to you, does not mean every reader will want to know about it – family and friends included.

The average autobiography is around 75,000 words long. Much shorter than 60,000 and you might want to find other sources to write about, and any longer than 100,000, you might want to cut it down a bit.

28. Consider Privacy/Confidentiality

Much like a memoir, an autobiography includes characters who are real people. This means that some might be negatively affected by your work. So make sure to talk to those involved and to have an attorney at hand, just in case.

If you are unsure about leaving in their real name, it is best to give their character a pseudonym.

29. Editing

Both editing your book and getting it proofread will make or break it.

That means that you will want to find a professional editor to work with, who knows what she or he is doing. Ideally, you will want to find someone who is experienced in editing autobiographies or memoirs. Check that you have similar values and that you are both clear on what you are going to be working on before you start.

30. Proofreading

Make sure that all your hard work shows. You can have a strong storyline and everything else in place, but if there’s a typo on the front cover, there is no way you will be taken seriously.

So, ask friends to check over your manuscript, or better yet, employ a few proofreaders to check it over for you. Don’t use the same editor to proofread, as they will find it more challenging to spot minute mistakes by the time they have reread the story more than once. A fresh pair of eyes will likely do a better job.

31. Autobiographies on the Shelf

The autobiographies in our bookshops today, you will notice, are mostly written by celebrities. This is because they often have interesting lives that we want to read about. They include incidents that we could never have access to otherwise, in our day-to-day lives.

And that’s what makes them so appealing.

Most people are not so interested in other’s lives unless they have done something extraordinary. So if you’re thinking of writing something purely to try and get it sold, then you might want to rethink the genre you are writing in. We’re not saying it doesn’t happen that unknown authors sell a lot of autobiographies. It does. It’s just a lot less likely.

But don’t be dismayed, this is only a problem if that is the only reason you are writing your book. If it is because you feel impassioned to do so, then that is all the reason you need.

If it is for your friends and family to read, then you need not worry about big sales or landing a large publisher. It is so easy to self-publish these days on a relatively small budget, that you are pretty much guaranteed to achieve your aim.

If you are looking for a book deal, then you might be hard-pushed, if you can’t say your life has an original element to it at all. If this is the case, consider writing a memoir , instead. There are many more memoirs written by ordinary people with extraordinary stories, than autobiographies. Because people love to hear about how ordinary people overcame the odds.

No matter what your reason, if you believe in your book enough to start writing the first page, then don’t let anyone stop you from writing the book inside of you.

So there you have it. Hopefully, you will now feel confident about how to write an autobiography and ready to start. All it takes, is putting pen to paper.


Writing an autobiography is a profound way to share your life story, capturing the essence of your personal experiences, family history, and life lessons for future generations. By detailing major life events and highlighting the roles played by various family members, you weave a narrative that showcases the intricate tapestry of a person’s life story. Following a structured approach, such as the 31 steps outlined in this guide, ensures that your autobiography is not only comprehensive but also engaging, making it a good story that resonates with readers. This reflective process allows you to chronicle your life journey in a way that honors your past, informs the present, and inspires those who will come after you.

 The following are some frequently asked questions about writing an autobiography:

How to write an autobiography step by step?

To write an autobiography step by step, start by outlining major life events and gathering materials like photos and mementos. Choose a central theme and create an outline to structure your story. Begin with a strong opening and write in a conversational tone, incorporating vivid details and key events to highlight life lessons. Include family history to enrich the narrative and reflect on your life journey. Edit and revise for clarity, seek feedback, and finalize your manuscript for publishing.

What is the format to write an autobiography?

The format of writing an autobiography involves starting with an engaging introduction that provides background information, followed by chronological chapters detailing major life events and experiences. Each chapter should focus on a specific period or theme, incorporating vivid descriptions and personal reflections. The conclusion should reflect on your overall journey and its impact on your present and future.

How do I start an autobiography about myself?

To start an autobiography about yourself, begin with a compelling anecdote or significant memory that captures your personality and sets the stage for your story. Provide brief background information and explain why you’re writing your autobiography.

How to write an autobiography for class 7?

To write an autobiography for class 7, jot down important events in your life, pick a theme, and write clearly using simple language. Add emotions and maybe some pictures for interest. Edit for clarity.

Josh Fechter

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Posted on Jun 05, 2024

How to Write an Autobiography: The Story of Your Life

About the author.

Reedsy's editorial team is a diverse group of industry experts devoted to helping authors write and publish beautiful books.

About Savannah Cordova

Savannah is a senior editor with Reedsy and a published writer whose work has appeared on Slate, Kirkus, and BookTrib. Her short fiction has appeared in the Owl Canyon Press anthology, "No Bars and a Dead Battery". 

Anyone who’s lived a long, interesting life (as many of us have in one way or another!) may dream of someday turning their life into a book. However, the practicalities of how to write an autobiography can be daunting — especially to those who don’t have much writing experience.

If you feel ready to write your autobiography but aren’t sure where to start, this guide will take you from opening lines to (hopefully) publishing your autobiography for all the world to read.

1. Understand what an autobiography entails

When asked to picture an autobiography, you might think of a celebrity tell-all or political memoir. This isn’t inaccurate ; a memoir would definitely fall under the autobiography umbrella. But to be really precise, there are a few key differences between memoirs and autobiographies:

  • Memoirs tend to be more thematic and focus on a  central narrative (similar to a novel), whereas an autobiography is highly factual and reads more like “classic” nonfiction.
  • Memoirs focus on a specific period or theme in a person’s life, while autobiographies aim to give a complete, chronological picture.
  • Lastly, many memoirs are written while the writer is still young. An autobiography, though, should be written later in one’s life — at a point where one’s life story can be told comprehensively.

An autobiography is also different from a biography in that it is always narrated by the subject. Note that we’ve said “narrated” instead of “written” because, indeed, many autobiographies are created with the help of ghostwriters!

Ghostwritten autobiographies aren’t just for celebrities, either. People from all walks of life work with ghostwriters to record their stories or simply guide them through the process.

If that sounds like you, have a look through  our vetted ghostwriters on the Reedsy marketplace . You might just find your dream collaborator!



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Should you write a memoir or an autobiography?

In other words, if you’re still young (be honest here!), and/or if the book you want to write is more a series of vignettes revolving around a central theme, you may have a memoir on your hands. If that’s the case, check out our guide to how to write a memoir for more tailored advice.

But if you’ve already lived a long, interesting life — one that you feel prepared to share chronologically and completely — then an autobiography is the medium for you.

2. Outline your life's main “beats”

You might think you don’t need to be too picky about what to include in your autobiography since it’s supposed to be a “complete” account — and you’d be mostly right! That said, even in a fairly exhaustive autobiography, it’s still useful to identify the key “beats” before you begin.

What should you include in an autobiography?

While each person’s autobiography will be unique to them, readers expect certain “beats” to be covered. To get the ball rolling, here’s a list of classic autobiographical beats to hit:

  • 🐣 Your birth and family background – possibly including how your parents met, where they were living at the time of your birth, whether you have any siblings, etc.
  • 📚  Your early days at school – including the friends you made (whether long-lasting or not), your academic achievements (and failures), and any critical moments related to your future goals/actions.
  • 🧑🏽‍💻  Your first job – this is often enlightening for readers, particularly if it had some bearing on your later career; whether because you realized that you loved the work or, more likely, that you didn’t want to work your first job forever.
  • 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩  Your first relationship – similar to your first job, this is often a major stepping stone into adulthood and understanding your priorities.
  • Moving house;
  • Having children;
  • Getting promoted;
  • Receiving an award;
  • Traveling somewhere new;
  • Or discovering anything significant about yourself.
  • 💼  Your retirement – if applicable, this will likely be one of the last beats you cover; it might include why you decided to retire, how you are spending your time nowadays, and any plans for the future.

Remember that each beat you include should contribute to a holistic portrait of your life — whether it’s something that shaped your character or lends context to another parallel moment later on.

But not everything will be relevant. There’s no need to include random things that have no bearing on any other event or important element of your life; that said, the lucky thing about memory is that you likely won’t recall most of those things anyway!

Need some help outlining your autobiography? Check out our Biography Outline Template below — while not entirely chronological, it’s a great starting point for any aspiring autobiographical author.



Biography Outline Template

Craft a satisfying story arc for your biography with our free template.

3. Try to write in chronological order

Having come up with a solid outline, you should now feel (somewhat) prepared to start writing your autobiography… and, ideally, to start writing it in chronological order.

While many books can be drafted non-chronologically, an autobiography is not one of them. This is because each new chapter quite literally builds on the last; this is different even from a memoir, which often skips around in time and leaves out details. The best way to ensure you’re not missing anything is to write your autobiography as chronologically as possible!

How to start an autobiography

On the note of starting your autobiography, it’s pretty straightforward: begin either with your birth or slightly before, e.g., with your parents. Unlike a memoir, which can start in medias res ( in the middle of the action ), an autobiography should start ab ovo , or “from the egg.”

This is one of the biggest benefits of writing chronologically: you always know where to start, and indeed, what should come next. Here are two strong autobiography openings to give a sense of how yours might sound:

I Am Malala by Malala Yousafzai and Christina Lamb

When I was born, people in our village commiserated with my mother and nobody congratulated my father. I arrived at dawn as the last star blinked out… I was a girl in a land where rifles are fired in celebration of a son, while daughters are hidden away behind a curtain, their role in life simply to prepare food and give birth to children.

Iacocca: An Autobiography by Lee Iacocca and William Novak:

Nicola Iacocca, my father, arrived in this country in 1902 at the age of twelve — poor, alone, and scared. He used to say the only thing he was sure of when he got here was that the world was round. And that was only because another Italian boy named Christopher Columbus had preceded him by 410 years, almost to the day.

Though each opening takes a different tack — Yousafzai’s autobiography begins with her actual birth, while Iacocca’s begins even earlier, with his father’s arrival in America — both serve as effective starts to their respective books and set the tone for what’s to come.

autobiography guide to writing

4. Include plenty of detail

In case we haven’t drilled down on this enough, let’s reiterate once more: an autobiography should be a complete overview of your life from beginning to end. That means that as you get into properly writing it, you should include as much detail as you can remember.

Taking one of our previous suggested beats — “your first job” — as an example, here are a few questions you might ask yourself to recount your memories in more detail:

  • How did you get your first job?
  • What made you want to work there?
  • What was the environment/atmosphere like — physically and emotionally?
  • What was your greatest accomplishment at this job? Your greatest failure?
  • What did you learn from working there? How did it affect your later career?

As you can probably tell from these questions, the natural corollary to the advice of “be detailed!” is to also be honest . Don’t shy away from your failures or regrets — an autobiography without mistakes is not an autobiography, but rather a puff piece.

Some of the cast of The Office

Examples of strong biographical detail

For those wondering how to inject detail into their writing, here are two examples from great autobiographies that do exactly that. Each takes a different approach to engage readers — perhaps you can pick up some descriptive techniques to suit your own life story.

Long Walk to Freedom by Nelson Mandela

There was no natural light in my cell; a single bulb burned overhead twenty-four hours a day. I did not have a wristwatch and I often thought it was the middle of the night when it was only late afternoon. I had nothing to read, nothing to write on or with, no one to talk to [...] After a time in solitary, I relished the company even of the insects in my cell, and found myself on the verge of initiating conversations with a cockroach.

This passage’s evocative details — the single lightbulb, Mandela’s loss of his internal clock — convey the crushing loneliness of solitary confinement, yet also add levity with the bit about cockroaches.

This give-and-take style may be useful if you, too, are writing an autobiography which includes difficult or traumatic elements. Don’t shy away from the hard parts, but don’t let solemnity overpower your personality and voice!

Becoming by Michelle Obama

When you’re little, a piano can look like it has a thousand keys. You’re staring at an expanse of black and white that stretches farther than two small arms can reach. [...] The keys on Robbie’s piano had a subtle unevenness of color and shape, places where bits of ivory had broken off over time, leaving them looking like a set of bad teeth.

This passage uses sensory details and an intimate tone to draw readers in, describing not just how the piano looks, but how it feels to play. All this makes for a very compelling narrative style — almost like that of a novel. If you want your autobiography to flow this way, try reading more nonfiction in this style (indeed, many memoirs read quite similarly).

📚 Looking for more examples of brilliant biographical writing? Check out this list of The 30 Best Biographies of All Time to inspire you.

5. Do research to fill in the gaps

No matter how carefully you rack your brains, you won’t be able to recall every detail of your life. That’s where research comes in! Here are a couple of things you can do to learn more about yourself and your past.

Interview friends and family

While you’ve likely retained the core of each important life memory, some details will still elude you. For these, you might call on friends, family members, and anyone else who was in your life at the time — interviewing them should help flesh things out in your autobiography.

You might try a few different interview strategies, depending on what you’re hoping to achieve:

  • Ask specific questions based on what you can’t remember/don’t know (e.g. “Whose wedding was that again?” or “Why did Dad quit that job in Pasadena?”);
  • Ask your subject to recount everything they can about an event (e.g. “Tell me how you remember our high school graduation”); or
  • Ask them if they have any key memories of you which they would like to talk about.

The first interview style will be the quickest, but the latter two might yield more interesting results. If you’re prioritizing thoroughness, we’d highly recommend calling up a few old friends or close family members, sitting down, and recording your interview for a few hours.

autobiography guide to writing

Do “traditional" research if needed

Having written as much as you can, and interviewed other people to add their stories, you might still find yourself missing information. If applicable, this is where you could turn to “traditional” research — that is, looking up relevant records and documentation, or even taking a field trip or two to previous neighborhoods.

It’s up to you how far to go with this; just don’t go mad, and try to avoid any rabbit holes that tempt you to write an entirely new book. (Then again, that could always be your next project! Check out our post on how to write a nonfiction book to learn more.)

6. Give your draft a discerning edit

You’ve finally finished a detailed draft — congratulations! Even if you don’t do anything else with your autobiography, your friends and family will be wildly impressed, and your descendants will have a fascinatingly thorough record of your life.

But if you want to publish your autobiography — or even if you suspect it hasn’t turned out quite as expected — you’ll now need to enter the editing stage. There are a few different types of editing to consider for your autobiography, including:

  • Structural editing to heighten the impact of your key beats;
  • Line editing to improve the syntax, flow, and clarity of your sentences; and
  • Fact-checking and proofreading to ensure your book doesn’t contain any errors.

Again, it’s up to you how extensively you want to edit your autobiography. If you’re doing it yourself, we’d suggest going top-to-bottom — first structural editing, then line editing, then proofreading — to avoid unnecessary work. ( Check out this post on how to self-edit your book for key tips!)

And if this all feels overwhelming, you can always work with a professional editor to get your autobiography in tip-top shape . Autobiography and memoir specialists can help turn your work into an Iacocca-worthy masterpiece.



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7. Format and publish your autobiography

Now comes the really fun part, if you so choose it — formatting and publishing your autobiography for everyone to read!

Biography fans out there will know that auto/biographies often contain a selection of personal photos within the text. If you’re envisioning this, it will require specialty formatting; you’ll either need to intersperse photos throughout the text or format your book with a “photo section” in the middle (the more common option).

autobiography guide to writing

You can do this with free book formatting tools like Reedsy Studio . Or if you’re not confident in your formatting abilities, consider hiring a professional typesetter to help !

As for publishing, many autobiographers choose to self-publish their books to get them out as quickly as possible, and to have more control over the process. However, if you’re interested in selling your autobiography to a publisher — a reasonable option if you are a businessperson, and especially if you already have a decent following — we’d suggest this post on how to write a non-fiction query letter to get you started.

Whatever path you take, whether you decide to publish it or not, writing the story of your life is an incredibly enlightening endeavor. If you're interested in novels instead, check out this advice from NYT bestselling author Caroline Leavitt ! We hope this guide has helped you on your journey; indeed, as autobiographical writing teaches us, the journey really is the greatest reward.

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How To Write An Autobiography: A Detailed & Comprehensive Guide

  • March 28, 2022

When contemplating how to write an autobiography, many people are led to assume that it’s simple. It’s just your own life story, put through the writing process. However, when writing your own autobiography, you may find that the writing process is a little more complicated than just starting with your birth and telling the story of your own life up to the present moment.

A person’s life is more than just the big events, and it’s seldom ever a solitary story. There are life lessons that need to be included. Family members and their impact on you are a part of autobiography writing as well. If you want to write an autobiography, you have to be conscious of your life story, as a tale that built the person you are, not just a string of events.

This article will help you figure out how to write an autobiography so that it’s not just the story of your own life but a personal story that others can relate to, find inspiration in, and learn from.

What is an Autobiography?

An autobiography is more than just the life story of someone. The person’s life being described is your own; therefore, it is far more personal than a novel or work of fiction. It is essential to stay truthful when recalling your own memories. The slightest deviation in honesty is a slippery slope and can quickly take you from autobiography writing to fiction writing.

How An Autobiography is Different from a Biography

A biography is the telling of someone else’s life. You choose someone, such as a family member, a friend, or a famous person, and you tell the story of his or her own life while leaving your own story out of it. A biography takes a large amount of research and expertise regarding the subject’s life story and events that they lived through. An autobiography works in the same fashion, but it’s the story of you. You are the ultimate expert in your own life. Therefore, there’s not much research to be done.

Another significant difference between autobiographical writing and biographical writing is the voice that is used. When you write an autobiography, you want to use first-person writing. You are telling the story of you. Therefore you should tell it from your own point of view.

On the other hand, biographies should always be written from a third-person point of view. Third-person is using “he, she, they, them.” You were not there, you did not witness the events you are writing about, and therefore, you should be telling the story from an outsider’s viewpoint.

How an Autobiography is Different from a Memoir

A memoir tells your own story, but not your entire life story. Often written to convey a specific message, a memoir includes snippets and anecdotes that occur throughout your entire life. Still, it’s not the detailed story of a life in its entirety. Both of these types of writing are done in the first-person point of view. First-person uses pronouns such as “I, we, and us.”

For example, if you were to write a memoir about how 9/11 affected you personally, you might write about your life the year that the attack occurred. You may even give some bits of information about your childhood, your career, or your family life from before the event. Then you would provide details and focus on 9/11 itself and what you did and were doing that day. Later, you might skip ahead and give stories from your life about how it changed you, but you wouldn’t tell the story of your entire life.

How to Write An Autobiography

Future Tense in an Autobiography

The future tense is tricky when it comes to writing. Most autobiographies recall events that have already occurred in a step-by-step process. This process takes the reader from the beginning to another point in the not-so-distant past or right up to the present.

The end is often written in the present tense, but most of the time, the story stops there. Basic principles of tense apply if you decide to speculate or include your hopes, dreams, or fears for the future.

Tips on How to Write an Autobiography

Your own autobiography should include details that encompass your life from birth to the present. When the writing process begins, you should write in the past tense to let the readers know that the events you are writing about have already occurred.

When you get to the present day, remember to switch your tense to the present tense so that the readers understand that you are discussing where you are in your life now. Mistakes in tense usage can be fixed in the first draft revision, but it’s best to try to get yourself in the habit of switching tenses as you go from the past events to the present day when you write an autobiography.

The following are other important tips about what content to include that will help you learn how to write an engaging and well-executed autobiography.

Autobiography Questions

Below are some autobiography questions that can guide you when writing about your life story:

  • What has motivated you to write an autobiography?
  • Who made a significant impact or influence in your life?
  • Who are the people who surround you?
  • What are the remarkable memories you have? 
  • Did anyone not support you on your journey and you proved them wrong?
  • What inspires you?
  • What demotivates you?
  • What do you consider the best time in your life?
  • What quote best depicts and summarizes your life?
  • How would you describe yourself?
  • What kind of family relationships do you have?
  • What moments in life do you feel like you could be truly proud of yourself?
  • What do you think are some of your flaws?
  • What do you desire to have in the future/where would you like to be?
  • What do you do to upskill, and in which field would you like to focus your energy?
  • What are your set of principles and personal values?
  • How have your values defined who you are today?
  • What is your dream career path?
  • Have you advocated for something?
  • If there was one thing you wanted everyone to know about you, what would it be?

Your Background

It’s essential to start by telling your readers where you’re from, when you were born, and who your family members are when you write an autobiography. 

This does not mean that you need to include how long your mother was in labor (unless the story of your birth is a particularly interesting one), what the hospital room number was, how much you weighed, how long you were, and what you scored on the Apgar test. Those are details that are nice to include in your baby book, but almost no one is interested in those details but you and your mom.

What you should include is where you were born (city, state, country), a story or two about a family member who meant a lot to you when you were a child or teenager, what your educational background was like, what kind of kid you were, and what your family life was like.

Keeping it general and sticking to just a few personal stories and anecdotes is enough. If you want to know how to write an autobiography that doesn’t bore the reader to tears or sleep within the first few pages, keep the details specific to significant events in your childhood, and keep the more drab and general stories to yourself.

Write About Hardship or Failure

While it may not be the most glamorous of life events you have experienced, writing about hard times, failure, and times of struggle help the reader relate to you, feel empathy and care about the story of your life. 

Making your life seem perfect simply because writing about something that didn’t work out, hurt you, or made you unpopular because you see it as embarrassing will only hurt you in the long run because the reader will not be engaged.

When you go back and read your first draft, ask yourself if what you have written will touch anyone who has struggled similarly to you. If not, go back and rewrite it to include at least a few stories of hard times.

Come Up with a Catchy and Compelling Title

Autobiographical writing doesn’t have to be boring, and neither should your title. Steer clear of titles such as; Jane Doe: An Autobiography. Unless you’re famous, you’re not compelling anyone to pick it up and read it. Equally boring is; Jane Doe: The Story of my Life.

How To How to write An Autobiography

Try to come up with something catchy and engaging when you come up with the title. Readers are more likely to read an autobiography written by someone with a witty or smart title than someone who didn’t have the writing skills or creativity to create something more original.

Instead, try for something like; A Beautiful Disaster: The Story of Jane Doe. This title denotes that you don’t take yourself too seriously, but you respect and love yourself while admitting that your life can sometimes be a mess.

You don’t even need to have your name in your title if you have a catchy title. Take this example into consideration; Hot Mess Express: The Story of One Tired Mom. This sort of title is fun, funny, and will catch the attention of mothers, especially those with young children.

Significant Events

When considering how to write an autobiography, keep in mind that significant events in your life should always be included. When you write an autobiography, you are looking for points in your personal story that impacted you and helped to shape you into the person that you are now.

Maybe that was a move across the country, the death of someone close to you, finding love, or your first kiss. Perhaps it was being the first person in your family to go to college, starting your own business, or the birth of your first child.

Be sure to include the less wonderful but still significant events in your life, as well. Things like your first heartbreak, divorce, the loss of a job, poverty you experienced, or trauma that compelled you to rise above your station and seek help to gain self-improvement or lessons learned from these experiences.

Have a Central Idea

What is the most important thing you want to say to the reader with this story? Is it that you started out with nothing and rose up to success? Is it that you had success and lost it all? Maybe it’s that love and dedication to family are more important than success in a career or climbing a social ladder.

Whatever your central idea, identify it and then figure out how you can put it in autobiography format.

The Steps Involved to Write an Autobiography

When thinking of how to write an autobiography, consider that the writing process begins in much the same way that it does with any sort of writing. You should consider following the following steps if you want to learn how to write an autobiography effectively.

Create an Autobiographical Outline

Just like any literary work, you should have an outline. After you have taken some time to reflect on what you want to include, get it written down in autobiography outline form. Include all of the parts of your life that you think you might want to incorporate, and then separate them into categories, focusing on what you think will be of medium to high interest to a reader.

What is meant by “medium to high interest” is that the events are significant enough to garner enough interest for the reader. That they will feel compelled to continue reading to see what happened to you next or how you got through an event or part of your life that you describe.

Do Your Homework

Just because you know what happened to you, and you have the general information and experiences from things like your childhood, it doesn’t mean that you have the knowledge to write it well.

If you don’t know how to describe the setting, society in the era you’re writing about, and the culture, it will seem that you don’t know how to write an autobiography, and readers will start to lose interest.

Look into things like the area you grew up in and what life was like in that area when you were a child. Get a family history from members of your family, such as where your family originated from, what your parents and grandparents did for a living, and any other significant information you may need that you don’t know about the people from whence you came.

Complete the First Draft

Your first draft may not be very clean, and it will most likely have things in it that need to be cut out. You may get too wordy talking about specific periods of your life and may not supply enough story to others. You won’t know until you get that first draft under your belt.

Once you complete this draft, take some time off and let the work sit. Taking a break before revisiting puts distance between yourself and your story, and you’re far more likely to be able to come at the revision process in an open-minded matter once you have that distance.

How To Write An Autobiography

Revise and Rewrite

As with any writing that you do, whether it’s an autobiography, novel, personal essay, research paper, or news article, you have to revise your work. Proofread, fix simple and obvious mistakes, and add to the things that need more description while cutting out the unnecessary parts.

Once you have fixed grammar mistakes and taken the story from what looks like a personal diary to a narrative account of your life experiences, you can start writing the next draft. Make sure to determine your desired writing style before you rewrite, and make sure that the content matches that style.

How to Properly Structure an Autobiography

Whether you’re writing a full-length book or an autobiographical essay, you still have to have structure to your writing. While an autobiographical essay is shorter, the structure is much the same. The following are some tips that will help you figure out how to write an autobiography format that works well.

Write in Chronological Order

While it’s perfectly fine for a novel to have a timeline that skips and jumps around, the best way to tell a good story of your own experiences and personal memories is to do so in chronological order or the order in which things happened.

The very beginning of your autobiography should cover your birth, then childhood, then education, then young adulthood, on up to the present moment. This creates a timeline of each significant personal experience that is easy to follow and doesn’t confuse the reader.

Don’t Fictionalize Names or Places

Professional writers of fiction often create characters based on people they know or even themselves. They give these characters fake names and personas and rename towns and businesses so as not to make the writing too personal. All the details of the real people may be present, but when you write fiction, you have the freedom to change things.

An autobiography covers actual events, so the writing needs to be honest. If you grew up in Toledo, Ohio, say that. Don’t make up the name of a town. If you grew up with a mother named Tess, say that. Don’t give her a fake name. Being truthful about your family and your life is essential. You’re not the only character in this story, and it’s unfair and not suitable to misrepresent a setting or person in your life.

Add Family Photos or Other Personal Touches

The most compelling television episodes are the ones in which there is a strong story and a strong visual to accompany it. You can create an effect very close to this by including photos, artwork, letters shared by people close to you, and more. Just be sure that you ask for and are granted permission before you do this, especially if the photos are used to identify weak moments in your life for any reason.

Be Thorough in Describing Pivotal Moments

Significant moments in life that occur, such as academic achievements, turning points, and the things that build up to a story arc for you, need to be built up in a way that creates both interest and intrigue for your reader. Include details like how negative experiences shaped your understanding or outlook on things or how you learned to be completely free of stress because of how stressful and frantic your life used to be.

These things make up the critical elements in what amounts to a full life. And being completely transparent and thorough in the telling of it gives the reader the freshest possible perspective, especially if you acknowledge as the writer that you are reflecting upon the story you’re telling, as you tell it.

The Final Draft When Writing an Autobiography

So you’ve completed all of the steps mentioned above, and you’ve worked out your outline, title, and other details that seem small but are incredibly important. Now it’s time to write the final draft so that your favorite story, the story of you, can become someone else’s favorite story.

The Last Revision

Once you have completed that final draft , you still need to go back and ensure that everything you wanted and needed to include is present and accounted for. Clarity is sometimes an issue when a person is trying to figure out how to write an autobiography. Try reading your story aloud, and if it makes sense to someone else or even to you as you read it with your own voice, then it’s probably thorough enough.

Make Sure the Title Agrees with the Content

The last thing you want is a misleading title. Make sure that the title goes along with your autobiography’s overall tone and message.

For example, if you wrote a sad story about heartache and loss of hope, don’t title your story: Little Miss Sunshine: The Story of One Woman from the Midwest. Be sure that the mood, message, and tone align with the title you have decided on. If they don’t fit, it’s much easier to change the title than the mood and tone of the story.

Autobiography Format

Below we have outlined the format that you can utilize when writing an autobiography:

  • Title – It should reflect what your life story conveys or what it is like to be you.
  • Dedication – This section states whom you would like to dedicate your autobiography.
  • Table of Contents – It helps your readers to locate specific parts of your autobiography.
  • Acknowledgments – This is where you express your gratitude to the people who have helped you on your journey.
  • Foreword – It highlights the purpose of the autobiography.
  • Introduction – This provides a glimpse of who you are as the author, and if this is effective, the reader will continue reading your book.
  • Body Section – This is where the events in your life are chronologically narrated, along with all the necessary details. It can contain many headings and subheadings.
  • Conclusion – This is where you share all your revelations and successes, while also referencing your own personal experiences.
  • Memorabilia – You may include significant pictures or any other objects that have impacted your life.
  • Index – It helps the reader browse through your autobiography by using main keywords or concept words.

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How to Write an Autobiography: 11 Simple Steps

  • February 18, 2024

Table of Contents:

What is an autobiography, how to write an autobiography.

  • 1- Outline Your Life's Timeline

2- Identify the Theme

3- gather memories, 4- be honest and reflective, 5- include influential people, 6- describe settings vividly, 7- express emotions, 8- edit and revise, 9- seek feedback, 10- incorporate visuals, 11- finalize your manuscript, 6 essential elements of autobiography, 4 examples of autobiography.

  • Example 1: "Long Walk to Freedom" by Nelson Mandela
  • Example 2: "The Diary of a Young Girl" by Anne Frank
  • Example 3: "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings" by Maya Angelou
  • Example 4: "Dreams from My Father" by Barack Obama



Autobiography writing is when someone pens down their life story. It’s like creating a personal diary, but for everyone to read. In autobiography writing, the autobiography writers share their unique experiences and intimate memories. This type of writing allows the reader to see the author’s life and mind directly. It’s different from a biography, where another person tells your story. In an autobiography, it’s the person sharing their journey. It offers a special chance to step into their shoes and see the world from their eyes.

Find Your Focus: Beginning to write an autobiography starts with finding what to focus on. Reflect on the parts of your life that mean the most to you. Maybe it’s about your childhood days, the peaks of your career, or how you’ve grown personally. This focus acts like a compass for your writing. It makes sure your autobiography centers on the stories you find most vital. Think of it as choosing the key chapters of your life’s book you want everyone to read.

1- Outline Your Life’s Timeline

Creating a timeline is essential in writing an autobiography, akin to mapping your life’s journey. Begin from the outset, noting significant events in sequence, from birth to school days, influential people, career milestones, and more. This structured timeline serves as a guide, streamlining your narrative for clarity and coherence. It facilitates readers’ understanding, allowing them to accompany you through your life’s story. Whether documenting personal memories or delving into presidential biographies , a well-crafted timeline illuminates the path from your past to present.

Figuring out the theme is a crucial part of writing an autobiography. It’s like finding the heart of your story. What’s the big message or the most important lesson from your life? Maybe it’s about how you overcame tough times, the value of your family, or chasing your dreams. This theme adds more depth to your autobiography. It ties your various experiences together into a story that makes sense. A well-chosen theme can transform a simple list of life events into a powerful narrative that truly speaks to others.

As you embark on the journey of writing your autobiography, gathering memories is crucial. Start by collecting old photos, letters, and keepsakes reminiscent of different times. These items, akin to keys, unlock memories, aiding in recalling forgotten details and emotions. They weave together to narrate your life’s story, infusing authenticity and depth into your writing. Incorporating such pieces from your past can serve as a profound source of inspiration, alongside exploring memorable memoir examples .

Being honest and reflective is crucial when you write an autobiography. It’s not just about listing what happened in your life. You also need to think deeply about what these experiences mean to you. Being honest makes your story believable and trustworthy. At the same time, looking back thoughtfully lets you share the important lessons and understanding you’ve gained. This mix of honesty and reflection turns your autobiography into more than just a timeline of events. It becomes a deep dive into the essence of your life’s journey.

In every life story, including when you write an autobiography, key figures leave a lasting impact. It’s important to acknowledge these individuals in your writing. They could be family members, friends, mentors, or even challengers who have shaped who you are. Discuss how these people have influenced your choices, beliefs, and personal growth. Including them in your autobiography adds depth, showing how our lives are often interwoven with others, shaping us thoughtfully.

Bringing the places of your life to life is a crucial aspect when you write an autobiography. Vividly describe the settings where significant events of your life unfolded. It could be the house where you grew up, a school that was a big part of your life, or a city that left an indelible impression on you. Use your words to paint these places so that readers can see them in their minds. This level of detail makes your story more engaging and helps readers feel more connected to your journey.

As you get on the journey to write an autobiography, being open about your emotions is key. Share your feelings during the big moments of your life, whether they were filled with joyous challenges or were transformational in some way. Your emotional honesty brings another dimension to your story, making it more gripping and easier for readers to relate to. Let your readers experience your happiness, struggles, excitement, or fears. Emotions are a universal language, and sharing yours adds richness and depth to your story.

Once you’ve written your story, the next vital step in your journey to write an autobiography is editing and revising. Take a critical look at your work, focusing on clarity and impact. Simplify complex sentences, making your language easy to grasp. Ensure your storytelling is consistent and flows smoothly. Editing isn’t just about fixing grammar; it’s about fine-tuning your narrative and capturing the essence of your experiences in the most compelling way possible.

As you walk the path of writing an autobiography, seeking feedback is incredibly beneficial. Share your drafts with people you trust, those who grasp the essence of your story. This could be family members, close friends, or a writing group. Pay attention to their constructive criticism. Their insights may provide fresh perspectives or reveal areas needing improvement. Remember that feedback is invaluable for refining your story, making it more engaging and authentic.

An excellent way to enrich your autobiography is by adding visuals. Include photographs, documents, or any relevant imagery that can add a personal touch to your narrative. These visuals serve as tangible evidence of your experiences, helping to illustrate your story. They allow readers to visually connect with the people and places you describe, making your account more relatable and vivid. When you write an autobiography, remember that pictures can convey volumes.

The final step in your journey to write an autobiography is to finalize your manuscript. Review your entire story, ensuring it flows well from start to finish. Pay special attention to your conclusion – it should be strong and reflective, leaving a lasting impression on your readers. It’s your chance to summarize your life’s lessons and experiences, offering wisdom or insights from your journey. A well-crafted conclusion ties your story together beautifully.

By following these steps, one can effectively make an autobiography that is both engaging and meaningful. Along with these tips, you can also look towards biography writing services if you need help throughout your writing journey.

Honesty: When you set out to write an autobiography, being honest is key. Share your true story, the good and the bad. This honesty helps readers believe and connect with your journey, making it more real and relatable.

Detail is vital when you write an autobiography. Describe your experiences and events vividly. This brings your story to life, making it colorful and engaging for those who read it.

A clear order of events is important when you write an autobiography. It helps readers follow your story easily, understanding how your past shaped who you are today. A logical flow makes your story clearer and easy to follow.

Your autobiography should have a central theme. This is the main message or lesson from your life. A strong theme ties your experiences together, making your story more meaningful and impactful for your readers.

Sharing your feelings is essential when you write an autobiography. It lets readers connect with you on a deeper level. Your emotions make your story more powerful and touching, drawing readers into your world.

Reflecting on your experiences is a key part of an autobiography. It shows how you’ve grown and what you’ve learned. This reflection adds depth to your story, offering valuable insights and lessons to your readers.

“The Story of My Experiments with Truth” by Mahatma Gandhi: Gandhi’s autobiography isn’t just a history. It’s a journey into his beliefs and actions. Gandhi shares insights into his life’s pivotal moments, starting with his childhood. He talks about his philosophy of nonviolence and truth. This book gives us a unique look into how Gandhi thought and lived.

Example 1: “Long Walk to Freedom” by Nelson Mandela

This is the story of Nelson Mandela, a man who changed the world. Mandela grew up in a small village. He later became a symbol of peace, spending 27 years in prison. His fight against apartheid in South Africa shows us the power of resilience and hope.

Example 2: “The Diary of a Young Girl” by Anne Frank

Anne Frank’s diary is a heart-rending account of World War II. She wrote it while hiding from the Nazis. Her words bring to life her fears and dreams. This diary is more than history. It’s a powerful reminder of courage in the face of danger.

Example 3: “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings” by Maya Angelou

Maya Angelou’s story is about overcoming. She faced racism and personal hardships in her early years. Her book tells how she found her voice against all odds. Angelou’s rich and expressive writing makes her experiences come alive. It’s an inspiring tale of empowerment.

Example 4: “Dreams from My Father” by Barack Obama

Before becoming president, Barack Obama wrote about his life. He talks about his diverse background and finding his identity. The book covers his early work and initial steps into politics. It offers a glimpse into the experiences that shaped his leadership. Obama’s story is about growth and understanding.

The journey to write an autobiography is not just about recording events; it’s about sharing the essence of your life story with the world. It’s a process of self-examination, discovery, and creation. Remember, your story is unique; only you can tell it with the depth and authenticity it deserves. Whether you write a biography or an autobiography, the key is to stay true to your experiences and the lessons they have taught you.

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Autobiography Writing Steps, Structure, and Tips

by GetPublished | Jun 26, 2020 | Blog , Writing

autobiography writing

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You have decided to share your inspiring life story with the world by writing an autobiography.

While this may appear to be an overwhelming task at the outset, you may find your story almost writing itself if you follow the basic autobiography guidelines.

Autobiography writing can be incredibly edifying, especially when you identify recurring themes in your life that can ultimately inspire others.

Suddenly, the book isn’t just all about you. An effective autobiography is driven by an underlying purpose that uses the author’s life experiences to provide something useful to the reader.

Before beginning the autobiography project, it helps to define the reason for writing your life story.

Is the book to be a chronicling of your life to be passed down to future generations for posterity? Or, is the undertaking driven by a desire to use your life lessons to teach, motivate, help, or inspire others?

Regardless of the purpose for retelling your unique story, having a fundamental understanding of autobiography guidelines will keep you on track from start to finish.

What is an Autobiography?

The word ‘autobiography’ derives from three Greek roots: the prefix, auto (self), the root word, bio (life), and the suffix, graphy (writing)—self-life-writing.

In essence, an autobiography is a first-person narrative detailing the highlights of one’s life.

Because it is a true accounting of your life, it is important to stick to the facts and resist any impulse to embellish or fabricate.

Writing about your life will entail sorting through the key events, relationships, and life lessons learned and then turning these details into a manuscript that will hopefully captivate the reader.

It is important to note that an autobiography is different from a memoir.

Generally, an autobiography covers the author’s entire lifespan, where a memoir devotes attention to a particular period when faced with daunting challenges to overcome, or an unusual or life-defining event.

Memoirs are often written with a pen name to obscure the identity of the author, giving them more freedom to share the details of their life story. Authors use their real names on autobiographies.

4 Autobiography Ideas to Inspire Your Own

When you decide to tackle your autobiography, you may immediately find yourself stumped. “What should I write about?” you wonder. “How do I write an autobiography of myself?”

Consider these ideas to nudge you toward creating a compelling account of your life:

1. Research popular autobiographies.

Read some of the most popular autobiographies to gain inspiration for your own story, as well as to familiarize you with autobiographical structure and content. There are many to choose from, including:

  • A Moveable Feast by Ernest Hemingway
  • Agatha Christie: An Autobiography by Agatha Christie
  • Girl, Interrupted by Susanna Kaysen
  • I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou
  • The Story of My Life by Helen Keller

2. Highlight an inspiring comeback story.

Consider a particularly trying period in your life, or an ongoing theme of adversity, and how it shaped you into the person you are today. Maybe you suffered from serious health challenges, abuse or neglect, or addiction. The idea is to take the reader on a journey through the struggles and toward the restoration of mental or physical health.

3. Target cultural themes.

Cultural themes make very interesting autobiographies. If you were born in a different country and experienced a childhood entirely different from the typical American child, it can make for a fascinating read. Share about the holidays, rituals, faith beliefs, and customs that are unique to your culture.

4. Leverage unique experiences.

Perhaps you rose to the top of your profession or were an accomplished athlete, performer, or public figure. Leverage those unique experiences, from the defeats and disappointments to the pinnacles of success, and inspire the reader along the way.

Remember that writing an autobiography is about revealing the pivotal moments in your life while allowing the reader a glimpse into your interior world. What inspired you, what scared you, what moved you—these are the rich details that keep the reader engrossed in your story.

5 General Tips for Writing an Autobiography

Autobiography writing follows the same basic principles of all storytelling. Writing an autobiography requires well-crafted prose, structure, and organization of timelines and themes, a defined purpose, and a keen awareness of the audience. Understanding how to write an autobiography involves the following steps:    

1. Define your purpose.

What motivated you to embark on autobiography writing in the first place? What message do you want to deliver to the reader? Define the purpose for writing your story and keep that purpose in mind throughout the project.

2. Identify your audience.

Is the autobiography intended for family only? If so, there might be a need to consider family members’ feelings while writing the book. If your story is for a public audience, then consider how the book can use your life lessons to help others.

3. Create a timeline.

Sorting through a lifetime of experiences is a cumbersome task. Identify the key events that align with the purpose of your storytelling, and list them in chronological order. This becomes a guide for creating chapters or sections.

4. Add the details.

Under each key event of the timeline, add the details that will drive the narrative, the personal struggles, triumphs, lessons learned, as well as key relationships. Refer to journals, photo albums, letters, or any recorded descriptions of the key events to help refresh your memory and get the details right.

5. Bring your story to life.

To capture the heart of the reader, the story must have flavor and emotion and life. This is accomplished through good writing that paints a mental picture of your life and the people who inhabited it. Use descriptive words to bring the scenes to life, and do not hesitate to insert your heart and soul into the tale of your life.

How to Structure an Autobiography

Autobiography structure, as established by the publishing industry, should be kept in mind while writing your personal story. An autobiography essentially mimics traditional story principles, using the same core elements to help draw the reader into the story:

  • Setup. Early childhood experiences, introducing family members, describing home life, school, friendships, family customs, and other foundational facts.
  • Complication or crisis. Early adulthood experiences that caused strife, such as parents divorcing, moving out of state, dropping out of school, injuries that ended sports careers, substance abuse, or failed relationships. Major twists in your adult life, and pivotal moments that eventually lead to a major life achievement or victory.
  • Resolution. This is where the theme of the book comes to fruition, where the author reveals the lessons learned after rising above adversity.

Generally, autobiographies are structured chronologically, unwinding the narrative from birth to the present. Even when using the chronological structure, these storytelling principles should be integrated accordingly.

Some authors begin the autobiography in the middle of their life story, introducing the crisis right off, and then reverting to their childhood days. This has the effect of grabbing the reader’s attention and making them curious about how the author got to that point, thus committing early on to continue reading.

Interested in Self-Publishing Your Autobiography?

Even if you already know how to write an autobiography, it helps to enlist the expert skills of a professional editor who can advise you on structure, format, and provide the full range of editing services prior to going to publication. Check out Gatekeeper Press today for a free sample edit of up to 1,000 words, and see for yourself how we can improve your autobiography manuscript.

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  • Autobiographies

How to Write an Autobiography and Tell Your Life Story

Last Updated: June 6, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Gerald Posner . Gerald Posner is an Author & Journalist based in Miami, Florida. With over 35 years of experience, he specializes in investigative journalism, nonfiction books, and editorials. He holds a law degree from UC College of the Law, San Francisco, and a BA in Political Science from the University of California-Berkeley. He’s the author of thirteen books, including several New York Times bestsellers, the winner of the Florida Book Award for General Nonfiction, and has been a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize in History. He was also shortlisted for the Best Business Book of 2020 by the Society for Advancing Business Editing and Writing. There are 8 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 2,295,056 times.

What's your story? Anyone who has lived a full life has something fascinating to share with the world. The trick to writing an autobiography is to treat it like any good story: it should have a protagonist (you), a central conflict, and a cast of fascinating characters to keep people engaged. You may want to think about a certain theme or idea that has been present in your daily life to revolve your story around. Read on to learn how to craft the story of your life and polish your writing to make it sing.

Writing Your Own Autobiography

Begin by contemplating and writing down some important moments in your life, and think about how they're connected to create a cohesive narrative. Start your autobiography with an engaging scene or idea that introduces readers to yourself.

Mapping Out Your Life

Step 1 Write out your...

  • Your autobiography doesn't have to begin with your birth. You may want to include some family history as well. Write down information about your ancestry, your grandparents' lives, your parents' lives, and so on. Having information about your family history will help readers get a sense of how you became the person you are.
  • What happened when you were a teenager? What led you to make the decisions you made?
  • Did you go to college? Write about those transitory years, too.
  • Write about your career, your relationships, your children, and any big life-altering events that occurred.

Step 2 Identify the main characters.

  • Teachers, coaches, mentors, and bosses are extremely influential in people's lives. Decide whether someone who has been a role model (or the opposite) for you will figure into your story.
  • Ex-boyfriends and girlfriends might co-star in some interesting stories.
  • What enemies have you had in life? Your story will be boring if you don't include some conflicts.
  • Offbeat characters such as animals, celebrities you've never met, and even cities are often points of interest in an autobiography.

Step 3 Pull out the best stories.

  • The childhood story. Whether your childhood was happy or traumatic, you should include a few anecdotes that give a picture of who you were and what you experienced at the time. You can tell the story of your childhood by breaking it down into smaller anecdotes that illustrate your personality - your parents' reaction when you brought home a stray dog, the time you climbed out of the window at school and ran away for 3 days, your friendly relationship with a homeless person living in the woods… get creative.
  • The coming of age story. This heady and often sensual period in a human's life is always of interest to readers. Remember that it's not about writing something unique; everyone comes of age. It's about writing something that resonates with readers.
  • The falling in love story. You could also write the opposite of this, the never-finding-love story.
  • The identity crisis story. This usually occurs in the 30s or 40s and is sometimes referred to as a mid-life crisis.
  • The story of facing down some force of evil. Whether it's your battle with addiction, a controlling lover, or a madman who tried to kill your family, you've got to write about conflict you've experienced.

Step 4 Write in your own voice.

  • Write as though you're opening your heart to a trusted friend, in prose that's clear, strong and not too cluttered with vocabulary words you rarely use.
  • Write so that your personality is revealed. Are you funny? Intense? Spiritual? Dramatic? Don't hold back; your personality should come through in the way you tell your story.

Step 5 Be revealing.

  • Don't always cast yourself in a positive light. You can have foibles and still be the protagonist. Reveal mistakes you've made and times when you've failed yourself and other people.
  • Reveal your inner thoughts. Share your opinions and ideas, including those that may spark controversy. Be true to yourself through your autobiography.

Step 6 Capture the spirit of the times.

Crafting a Narrative

Step 1 Create an overarching...

  • What's your central conflict? What's the biggest obstacle life presented that took years to overcome or come to terms with? Maybe it's an illness you were diagnosed with at an early age, a relationship wrought with turmoil, a series of career setbacks, a goal you worked for decades to achieve, or any other number of things. Look to your favorite books and movies for more examples of conflicts.
  • Build tension and suspense. Structure the narrative so that you have a series of stories leading up to the climax of the conflict. If your central conflict is trying to reach the goal of competing in the Olympics for skiing, lead up to it with stories of small successes and plenty of failures. You want your readers to ask, will she make it? Can he do it? What's going to happen next?
  • Have a climax. You'll get to the point in your story when it's time for the conflict to come to a head. The day of the big competition has arrived, a showdown happens with your worst enemy, your gambling habit gets the better of you and you lose all your money - you get the picture.
  • End with a resolution. Most autobiographies have happy endings because the person writing the story lived to tell the tale - and hopefully get it published. Even if your ending isn't cheerful, it should be deeply satisfying. You somehow accomplished your goal or won the day. Even if you lost, you came to terms with it and gained wisdom.

Step 2 Decide where the story is going to start.

  • You could frame the entire autobiography with reflections from the present, telling your story through a series of flashbacks.
  • You could begin the story with a poignant moment from your childhood, go backward to tell the story of your heritage, move forward to your college years, and launch into the story of your career, with anecdotes from your childhood sprinkled in for comic relief.

Step 3 Weave in themes.

  • Consider ending chapters on a poignant or suspenseful note, so people can't wait to start the next one.
  • The beginnings of chapters are a good place to take a bird's eye view of your past, describe the setting of a place, and set the tone for what's to come.

Editing the Book

Step 1 Make sure you get the facts right.

  • You can stretch the truth about your own goals and intentions, but don't include fabricated conversations with real people, or altered versions of events that really happened. Of course, you won't remember everything perfectly, but you should reflect reality as best you can.
  • Get permission to use people's names or quote them if you're including content on what other people said or did. Some people don't appreciate appearing as a character in someone else's autobiography, and you should respect that by altering the way you describe them or changing their names if necessary. [6] X Research source

Step 2 Edit your draft

  • If several people recommend cutting a certain section, strongly consider making the cut.
  • Try to get opinions from people outside your circle of family and friends. People who know you might try to spare your feelings, or they might be biased - especially if they appear in the story.

Step 4 Hire a copyeditor.

  • Bossy Pants , by Tina Fey.
  • My Confession , by Leo Tolstoy.
  • A Long Walk to Freedom , by Nelson Mandela.
  • The Sound of Laughter , by Peter Kay. [7] X Research source

Publishing Your Story

Step 1 Take steps to...

  • If you don't want to pay for a publishing service, you can still create a nice copy of your book by taking it to a copy store and having it printed and bound.

Step 2 Consider finding a literary agent.

  • Start the query letter with an airtight blurb succinctly describing the highlights of the book. Situate your book in the correct genre, and describe what will make it stand out from the rest. Tell the agent why you think he or she is the right person to shop your book around to publishers.
  • Send sample chapters to agents who show interest.
  • Sign a contract with an agent you trust. Make sure to read the contract carefully and check into the agent's history before signing anything.

Nicholas Sparks

Agents open doors and help propel your work forward. "I'll admit that it's not easy to get an agent, but becoming successful in anything requires perseverance."

Step 3 Submit a query...

  • Many publishers don't accept unsolicited manuscripts or queries. Make sure you only send letters to publishers that accept them.
  • If a publisher decides to move forward with a book deal with you, you'll need to sign a contract and set up a schedule for editing, designing, proofreading, and finally publishing the book.

Step 4 Look into publishing your book online.

Writing Help

autobiography guide to writing

Expert Q&A

Gerald Posner

  • Your biography can also include a dedication, foreword, vital statistics, chronology sheets, family tree, and epilogue. Thanks Helpful 7 Not Helpful 0
  • If the purpose of your autobiography is to pass on your story to your heirs, consider including memorabilia (e.g. pictures, heirlooms, medals, mementos, letters, etc.) and putting your story in a scrapbook format. Of course, you may not be able to copy the memorabilia that accompanies your autobiography, so you still have to think about what you intend to do with your original work and other items, such as medals or bulky heirlooms. Thanks Helpful 6 Not Helpful 0
  • Make your story vivid but don't get bogged down in unimportant details. While you want your autobiography to be memorable, you don't want it to be boring. Too many details—listing everyone that was at a party or trying to include all the events of each day—will bog the story down. Thanks Helpful 5 Not Helpful 1

autobiography guide to writing

  • Be aware of what constitutes libel. If you write something defamatory or maliciously untrue about another person in an autobiography that you intend to publish, consider changing his or her name (if still living). Otherwise, you might find yourself facing a lawsuit. If you're unsure about what to change, consult a lawyer who specializes in libel. Thanks Helpful 5 Not Helpful 0

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autobiography guide to writing

Thanks for reading our article! If you'd like to learn more about writing as a career, check out our in-depth interview with Gerald Posner .

  • ↑ https://theamericanscholar.org/how-to-write-a-memoir
  • ↑ https://self-publishingschool.com/how-to-write-an-autobiography/
  • ↑ https://blog.reedsy.com/narrative-arc/
  • ↑ https://cdn5-ss8.sharpschool.com/UserFiles/Servers/Server_222705/File/Parents%20and%20Students/Star%20Works/How%20to%20write%20an%20Autobiography.pdf
  • ↑ https://www.theguardian.com/books/2015/jun/04/how-to-write-a-memoir-jeanette-winterson-and-helen-macdonald
  • ↑ https://www.writersdigest.com/online-editor/defamation-and-invasion
  • ↑ https://www.theguardian.com/news/datablog/2013/feb/07/biographies-autobiography-nielsen-2001
  • ↑ https://www.pw.org/literary_agents

About This Article

Gerald Posner

To write an autobiography, start by making a timeline of your most important life events that you feel you could write about. Then, identify the main characters in your life story, including family members, ex-boyfriends or girlfriends, friends, and enemies. Once you have your cast of characters, pull life events from your timeline, such as a story from your childhood, a coming of age story, a love story, or a triumphant story. Write about these events and then connect them with a cohesive plot by writing in your own voice and being honest with the reader. To learn more about how to edit and publish your autobiography once it's finished, keep reading! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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How to write an Autobiography

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A Complete Guide to Writing an Autobiography

A quick scan of the bestseller lists will quickly reveal that we are obsessed with the lives of other people.

Books by and about actors, politicians, and sports stars regularly top the charts as we seek to catch a glimpse into the lives of remarkable people.

While many of these books are written by professional writers after meticulous research ( biographies ), just as many are written by the person themselves (autobiographies) – albeit often with a ghostwriter’s help.

Today we are going to show you how to write an autobiography that tells a great life story.

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Autobiography is a subcategory of the biography genre and, strictly speaking, it’s a life story written by the subject themselves.

Autobiographies are sometimes confused with memoirs and it’s no surprise as the two share many features in common. For example, both are written in the first person and contain details of the subject’s life.

However, some clear distinctions can be made between the two.

For example, a memoir usually explores a specific period of a person’s life, whereas an autobiography tends to make an account of the person’s life from their earliest years right up to the time of writing.

Autobiographies aren’t just the preserve of the celebrities among us though, each of our lives is a story in and of itself. Whether or not it’s a good story will depend largely on the telling, which is what this article is all about.


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  • Understand the purpose of both forms of biography.
  • Explore the language and perspective of both.
  • Prompts and Challenges to engage students in writing a biography.
  • Dedicated lessons for both forms of biography.
  • Biographical Projects can expand students’ understanding of reading and writing a biography.


Once students have a good grasp of what an autobiography is, we need to ensure they are familiar with the main features of the genre before they begin writing.

Let’s take a look at some of the main technical elements of an autobiography:

Purpose of an Autobiography:

To give an account of the person’s life so far

Tense: Mostly written in the past tense, but usually ends in the present tense and sometimes shifts into the future tense at the very end.

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Structure of an Autobiography:

●     Usually written in chronological order

●     Uses time connectives such as before, then, after that, finally, etc

●     Uses the names of real people and events

●     Is specific about times, dates, places, etc

●     Includes personal memories and specific details and descriptions

●     Reflects on how positive and negative experiences shaped the author

●     Gives an insight into the thoughts, feelings, and hopes of the author

●     May include some relevant photographs

●     Usually ends with a commentary on life, reflections on significant large events, and hopes and plans for the future.

When teaching these specific features, you may wish to compile a checklist with the students that they can subsequently use to assist them when writing their autobiography.


One great way to help your students to internalize the main features of the genre is to encourage them to read lots of autobiographies. Instruct the students to be conscious of the different features discussed above and to identify them in the autobiography as they read.

If you have compiled a checklist together, students can check off the features they come across as they read.

When they have finished reading, students should consider which features were well done in the book and which were missing or had room for improvement.


As we know, there is more to a genre of writing than just ticking off the main features from a checklist.

To write well takes time and practice, as well as familiarity with the features of the genre. Each genre of writing makes different demands on our skills as a writer and autobiography are no different.

Below, we will look at a step-by-step process for how students can best approach the task of writing their autobiography, along with some helpful hints and tips to polish things up.

Let’s get started!


Tip #1: brainstorm your autobiography.

The structure of an autobiography is somewhat obvious; it starts at the beginning of the subject’s life, works its way through the middle, and ends in the present day.

However, there’s a lot in a life. Some of it will be fascinating from a reader’s point of view and some of it not so much. Students will need to select which events, anecdotes, and incidents to include and which to leave out.

Before they begin this selection process in earnest, they need to dump out the possibilities onto the page through the process of brainstorming. Students should write down any ideas and sketches of memories that might be suitable onto the page.

While they needn’t write trivial memories that they know definitely won’t make the cut, they should not set the bar so high that they induce writer’s block.

They can remove the least interesting episodes when making the final selection later in the writing process. The main thing at this stage is the generation and accumulation of ideas.

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After students have selected the most compelling episodes from their brainstorming session, they’ll need to organize them into the form of an outline.

One good way to do this is to lay them out chronologically on a simple timeline. Looking at the episodes in such a visual way can help the students to construct a narrative that leads from the student’s earliest childhood right through to the present day.

Students need to note that an autobiography isn’t just the relating of a series of life events in chronological order. They’ll need to identify themes that link the events in their autobiography together.

Themes are the threads that we weave between the cause and effect of events to bring shape and meaning to a life. They touch on the motivation behind the actions the author takes and fuel the development growth of the person.

Some themes that might be identified in an outline for an autobiography might include:

●     Overcoming adversity

●     Adjusting to a new life

●     Dealing with loss

●     The importance of friendship

●     The futility of revenge

●     The redemptive power of forgiveness.

These themes are the big ideas of a person’s life story. They represent how the events shape the person who is now sitting writing their story. For students to gain these insights will require the necessary time and space for some reflection.

For this reason, autobiography writing works well as a project undertaken over a longer period such as several weeks.


Even though no one knows more about the topic of an autobiography than the author, research is still a necessary part of the writing process for autobiographies.

Using the outline they have created, students will need to flesh out some of the details of key events by speaking to others, especially when writing about their earliest experiences.

The most obvious resources will be parents and other family members who were privy to the joys of babyhood and their earliest childhood.

However, friends and ex-teachers make excellent sources of information too. They will enable the student to get a different perspective on something they remember, helping to create a more rounded view of past events.

For older and more advanced students, they may even wish to do some research regarding historical and cultural happenings in the wider society during the period they’re writing about. This will help to give depth and poignancy to their writing as they move up and down the ladder of abstraction from the personal to the universal and back again.

When students make the effort to draw parallels between their personal experiences and the world around them, they help to bridge the gap between author and reader creating a more intimate connection that enhances the experience for the reader.


Students need to be clear that autobiography is not mere personal history written dispassionately and subjectively.

For their autobiography to work, they’ll need to inject something of themselves into their writing. Readers of autobiography especially are interested in getting to know the inner workings of the writer.

There is a danger, however. Given that autobiographers are so close to their material, they must be careful not to allow their writing to denigrate into a sentimental vomit. To counter this danger, the student author needs to find a little perspective on their experiences, and following the previous tip regarding research will help greatly here.

A more daunting obstacle for the student can lie in the difficulties they face when trying to find their voice in their writing. This isn’t easy. It takes time and it takes lots of writing practice.

However, there are some simple, helpful strategies students can use to help them discover their authentic voice in their writing quickly.

1. Write to a close friend or family member

All writing is written to be read – with the possible exception of journals and diaries. The problem is that if the student is too conscious of the reader, they can find themselves playing to the audience and getting away from what it is they’re trying to express. Showboating can replace the honesty that is such a necessary part of good writing.

A useful trick to help students overcome this hurdle is to tell them to imagine they are writing their autobiography to an intimate friend or family member. Someone who makes them feel comfortable in their skin when they are around. Students should write like they’re writing to that person to who they can confide their deepest secrets. This will give their writing an honest and intimate tone that is very engaging for the reader.

2. Read the writing out loud

It’s no accident that we talk about the writer’s ‘voice’. We recognize the actual voice of people we know from its many qualities, from its timbre, tone, pacing, accent, word choice, etc. Writing is much the same in this regard.

One great way to help students detect whether their writing captures their authentic voice is to have them read it out loud, or listen to a recording of their work read out loud.

While we don’t necessarily write exactly as we speak – we have more time to craft what we say – we will still be able to recognize whether or not the writing sounds like us, or whether it’s filled with affectation.

As the student listens to their own words, encourage them to ask the following questions:

●     Does this sound like me?

●     Do the words sound natural in my voice?

●     Do I believe in the events related and how they were related?

Finding their real voice in their writing will help students imbue their writing with honesty and personality that readers love.


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In the first draft, the brushstrokes will be large and broad, sweeping through the key events. The main notes of the tune will be there but with sometimes too much ornamentation and, at other times, not enough. This is why redrafting is an essential part of the writing process.

Students should understand that every piece of writing needs redrafting, editing , and proofreading to be at its best. There are no masterpieces full-borne into the world in a single draft.

For many, the tightening-up of a piece will involve the merciless cutting out of dead words. But, for some, the redrafting and refining process will demand the adding of more description and detail.

For most, however, it’ll be a little from column A and a little from column B.

Often, it’s difficult for students to get the necessary perspective on their work to be able to spot structural, grammar , punctuation, and spelling errors. In these instances, it can be best to enrol the eyes of a friend or family member in the role of editor or critic.

One effective way of doing this in class is to organize the students into pairs of editing buddies who edit each other’s work in a reciprocal arrangement.

These ‘edit swaps’ can be continued through to the proofreading stage and the final, polished piece.


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A Final Thought

Employing the 5 tips above will go a long way to ensuring a well-written and engaging autobiography.

While autobiography is a nonfiction genre, it is clear that with its emphasis on narrative, it has much in common with other fictional genres. So, it’s important when teaching autobiography that students learn to recognize the important role of storytelling in this genre too.

As with all good story-telling, there are some necessary elements to include, including a plot of sorts, a cast of characters, and an exploration of some central themes. For this reason, teaching autobiography often works well after the students have completed a unit on fictional story writing.

When all is said and done, the best way a student can ensure their autobiography is worth a read is to ensure they find the story within their own life.

After all, we’re obsessed with the lives of other people.

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How to Write a Biography

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How to Write an Autobiography

autobiography guide to writing

Writing your autobiography is like exploring a treasure trove of memories that make up your life. But starting can feel overwhelming. Where do you begin? How do you turn your experiences into a compelling story? Don't worry – this guide is here to help. Whether you're a seasoned writer or a total beginner, we'll break down the process of how to write your autobiography into easy-to-follow steps. Together, we'll uncover the magic of storytelling and turn your life into a captivating reflective essay that's uniquely yours. Get ready to start this adventure of self-discovery and creativity!

What Is an Autobiography

The autobiography definition explains it is a written account of a person's life penned by the individual who has lived those experiences. It is a personal narrative that chronicles significant events, reflections, and emotions throughout various stages of the author's life. Unlike a biography, which is typically written by someone else, an autobiography provides a firsthand perspective, allowing the author to share their thoughts, memories, and insights. It is a cogent medium for self-expression, enabling students to convey the essence of their unique journey, impart lessons learned, and leave a lasting record of their lives for themselves and others to explore.

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Autobiography vs. Biography: What’s the Difference

The key distinction between an autobiography and a biography lies in the authorship and perspective. An autobiography is a personal account of one's own life written by the subject themselves. It offers an intimate insight into the author's experiences, emotions, and reflections. For instance, in "The Diary of a Young Girl," Anne Frank provides a poignant autobiographical account of her life hiding from the Nazis during World War II. On the other hand, a biography is a narrative of someone's life written by another person. It often involves extensive research and interviews to present a comprehensive and objective view. A notable example is "Steve Jobs" by Walter Isaacson, a biography offering an in-depth portrayal of the Apple co-founder, drawing on interviews with Jobs himself and those who knew him. While both genres illuminate lives, the crucial difference lies in the source of the narrative – whether it emanates directly from the subject or is crafted by an external observer.

A biography vs autobiography offers distinct perspectives on individuals' lives, shaping narratives through either personal reflections or external observations. Maya Angelou's "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings" is a powerful autobiography chronicling her tumultuous childhood and journey toward self-discovery. In contrast, a notable biography like "Leonardo da Vinci" by Walter Isaacson delves into the life of the Renaissance polymath, painting a vivid picture through meticulous research and analysis. Autobiographies often provide a deeply personal lens, as seen in "The Glass Castle" by Jeannette Walls, where Walls recounts her unconventional upbringing. In contrast, biographies such as "Unbroken" by Laura Hillenbrand meticulously document the extraordinary life of Louis Zamperini, offering a comprehensive view shaped by the author's investigative work. These examples underscore the unique storytelling approaches each genre employs, either from the firsthand perspective of the subject or the external perspective of an author.

Autobiography Example

Ready to explore autobiography examples? We've got a cool section coming up where we'll check out two awesome examples. Autobiographies are like personal tours into someone's life, and we'll be looking at the stories of Alex Sterling and Trevor Noah. They've poured their experiences onto the pages, and we're going to see what we can learn from their journeys. Get ready to be inspired and maybe even think about telling your own story down the line. Let's dive in!


Example 1: “Wanderer's Odyssey: The Uncharted Life of Alex Sterling”

This autobiography recounts the life of a character born in a bustling city who, driven by a thirst for adventure, leaves behind urban life to explore the open road. The narrative explores the protagonist's experiences of hitchhiking, forming connections, and finding self-discovery in the midst of the unpredictable journey. The story emphasizes the lessons learned from the road, the challenges faced, and the ultimate embrace of authenticity. The epilogue reflects on the character's life as a well-lived odyssey, highlighting themes of resilience, connection, and the pursuit of one's true identity.

Example 2: “Echoes of Eternity: The Memoirs of Amelia Reed”

This autobiography follows a character from a countryside village who harbors expansive dreams of adventure. The narrative unfolds as the protagonist sets out to pursue these dreams, facing trials and triumphs that shape their character and lead to self-discovery. The story emphasizes the transformative power of embracing the unknown, with the epilogue reflecting on a life well-lived, highlighting the legacy of fulfilled dreams and the enduring impact on future generations. In addition to examples, we have samples of narrative essay topics that might be useful for you as well.

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Autobiography Elements Explained

Writing an autobiography provides a personal account of one's experiences, achievements, challenges, and personal growth. While each autobiography is unique, certain common elements are often found in this genre:


  • Autobiographies typically begin with an introduction where the author sets the stage for their life story.
  • It may include background information such as birthplace, family, and early experiences.

Birth and Early Years

  • Authors often include details about their birth, childhood, and family background.
  • Early influences, relationships, and experiences that shaped the individual may be highlighted.

Significant Life Events

  • Autobiographies focus on key events and milestones that have had a significant impact on the author's life.
  • This could include achievements, failures, relationships, and other impactful experiences.

Challenges and Obstacles

  • Autobiographies explore the challenges and obstacles the author faced throughout their life.
  • This can include personal struggles, professional setbacks, or other difficulties.

Personal Growth and Development

  • Authors reflect on their personal growth and development over the years.
  • This may involve self-discovery, learning from experiences, and evolving perspectives.

Achievements and Milestones

  • Autobiographies highlight the author's achievements, whether personal, professional, or both.
  • Major milestones and successes are often detailed to showcase the individual's journey.

Influential Relationships

  • Autobiographies frequently discuss relationships with family, friends, mentors, and significant others.
  • The impact of these relationships on the author's life is explored.

Reflection and Insight

  • Authors often reflect on their lives, offering insights into their beliefs, values, and lessons learned.
  • This section may also include the author's perspective on the world and society.

Themes and Motifs

  • Autobiographies may explore recurring themes or motifs that run throughout the individual's life.
  • Common themes include resilience, determination, love, loss, and personal identity.
  • Autobiographies typically conclude with a summary or reflection on the author's life.
  • The author may share their current perspective and future aspirations.

Writing Style

  • The writing style can vary, ranging from a formal tone to a more conversational and reflective approach.
  • Authors may use literary devices and storytelling techniques to engage readers.

Remember that autobiographies are highly personal, and the structure and emphasis on different elements can vary widely depending on the author's preferences and purpose for writing.

Autobiographical Essay Structure

Autobiographies typically follow a chronological order, beginning with the author's early life and progressing towards the present or a significant moment. The introduction sets the stage, introducing the author and offering insight into the main themes. As you can see in an autobiography example, the narrative then unfolds, exploring the author's significant life events, challenges faced, and personal growth. Achievements and milestones are highlighted, and the impact of influential relationships is examined. Throughout, recurring themes and motifs add depth to the narrative. In the reflection and insight section, the author shares personal lessons learned and beliefs. The conclusion summarizes the autobiography, reflecting on the author's life and future aspirations.

Autobiographical Essay Structure

Learning how to start an autobiography involves captivating the reader's attention while providing context. Authors often employ engaging anecdotes, vivid descriptions, or thought-provoking statements related to the overarching theme of their lives. The goal is to draw readers in from the beginning and establish a connection between the author and the audience. In the introduction, authors can introduce themselves to the reader. This can be done by sharing a captivating snapshot of their life or posing a question that intrigues the audience. The autobiography introduction sets the tone for the entire narrative, providing a glimpse into the themes and events that will be explored in the autobiography.

The autobiography conclusion offers the culmination of the author's life story. Here, authors often summarize the key points and experiences shared throughout the narrative. It is a moment of reflection, where the author can offer insights into the significance of their journey and the lessons learned along the way. The conclusion may also touch on the author's current perspective, providing a sense of closure to the narrative while leaving room for future aspirations and growth.

Literary Forms of Autobiography

Autobiographies, while generally a non-fiction genre, can take on various literary forms and styles. Here are some literary forms commonly found in autobiographical works:

Traditional Autobiography

  • The straightforward narrative of an individual's life, which is usually written by the person themselves. It follows a chronological order, covering significant events and experiences.
  • Similar to an autobiography but often focusing on specific themes, periods, or aspects of the author's life rather than a comprehensive account. Memoirs often delve into personal reflections and emotions.

Diary or Journal Form

  • Some autobiographies adopt the form of a diary or journal, presenting the author's life through dated entries. This format provides a more immediate and personal perspective.

Epistolary Autobiography

  • Written in the form of letters, an epistolary autobiography may consist of the author addressing themselves or others. This style adds an intimate and conversational tone to the narrative.

Graphic Novel or Comic Memoir

  • Autobiographical stories are presented in a graphic novel or comic format. Visual elements complement the written narrative, providing a unique and engaging way to convey personal experiences.

Experimental or Nonlinear Autobiography

  • Some authors choose to play with the chronological order, presenting their life story non-linearly. This experimental approach can create a more artistic and challenging reading experience.

Biographical Fiction

  • While not entirely autobiographical, some authors write fictionalized versions of their own lives. It allows for creative exploration and artistic liberties while drawing inspiration from real experiences.

Travelogue Autobiography

  • Autobiographies that take on the form of a travelogue often focus on the author's journeys, both physical and metaphorical. The narrative is shaped by the places visited and the impact of these experiences on personal growth.

Essayistic Autobiography

  • Autobiographies that incorporate elements of essays, exploring themes, ideas, and reflections on the author's life. This form allows for a more contemplative and philosophical approach.

Collaborative Autobiography

  • Co-written autobiographies involve collaboration between the autobiographical subject and a professional writer. It is common when the subject may not be a writer but has a compelling story to share.

These literary forms highlight the versatility of autobiographical writing, showcasing how authors can creatively shape their life stories to engage readers in various ways. Are you working on other academic assignments? Use our term paper writing services to put your finger on any pending task at hand quickly and for a reasonable price.

How to Write an Autobiography in 5 Steps

Writing an autobiography can be a rewarding and reflective process. Here's a simplified guide in 5 steps to help you get started:

Step 1: Reflection and Brainstorming

Begin by reflecting on your life, considering important events, challenges, and moments of growth. Make a mental inventory of key experiences and people who have influenced you.

Step 2: Establish a Focus

Choose a central theme or focus for your autobiography. This could be a specific period of your life, a significant achievement, or a recurring theme that ties your experiences together. Having a clear focus will guide your writing.

Step 3: Create a Chronological Outline

Develop a rough chronological outline of your life story, starting from your early years and progressing through significant events to the present or another crucial point. Identify key moments and experiences to include in each section.

Step 4: Write with Detail and Emotion

An important aspect of writing an autobiography for college is appealing to emotion. As you delve into each body paragraph, share your story with vivid details. Use descriptive language to bring your experiences to life for the reader. Infuse your writing with emotion, allowing readers to connect with the depth of your personal journey.

Step 5: Conclude Reflectively

In the concluding section, summarize the key aspects of your life story. Reflect on the significance of your journey, the lessons you've learned, and how you've grown. Provide insights into your current perspective and aspirations for the future, bringing your autobiography to a thoughtful conclusion.

Writing Techniques to Use in an Autobiography

When you write an autobiography, the process involves employing various techniques to make the narrative engaging, evocative, and compelling. Here are some tips for writing autobiography commonly used in autobiographies:

Descriptive Language

  • Use vivid and descriptive language to paint a detailed picture of events, people, and settings. Engage the reader's senses to create a more immersive experience.
  • Incorporate dialogue to bring conversations to life. Direct quotes can provide authenticity and convey the personalities of the people involved.

Show, Don't Tell

  • Instead of merely stating facts, show the emotions and experiences through actions, reactions, and sensory details. 

Flashbacks and Foreshadowing

  • Employ flashbacks to delve into past events and foreshadowing to create anticipation about future developments. 

Metaphors and Similes

  • Use metaphors and similes to enhance descriptions and convey complex emotions. Comparisons can make abstract concepts more relatable.
  • Integrate symbols and motifs that hold personal significance. This adds depth to the narrative and can be a thematic thread throughout the autobiography.

Humor and Wit

  • Infuse your writing with humor and wit when appropriate. 
  • Introduce suspense by strategically withholding information or revealing key details at crucial moments. 

First-Person Perspective

  • Utilize the first-person point of view to offer a direct and personal connection between the author and the reader. 

Dramatic Irony

  • Introduce dramatic irony by revealing information to the reader that the author may not have known at the time.


  • Create parallel structures within the narrative, drawing connections between different periods, events, or themes in your life. 

Experimenting with different styles can make your story more engaging and memorable for readers. If you haven’t used these techniques in your paper, simply say, ‘ edit my essay ,’ and our experts will imbue stylistic and creative devices in your document to increase its scholarly value.

Benefits of Writing an Autobiography

Working on an autobiography can be incredibly beneficial on a personal level. When you take the time to reflect on your life and put it into words, you gain a deeper understanding of yourself. It's like a journey of self-discovery where you uncover patterns, values, and beliefs that have shaped who you are. This process not only promotes self-awareness but can also help you grow and bounce back from tough times. Writing about challenging moments can be a therapeutic release, allowing you to confront and make sense of your experiences, leading to emotional healing.

On a broader scale, sharing your life story through an autobiography has its impact. It becomes a piece of history, offering insights into the times you've lived through, the culture around you, and societal changes. Your personal narrative connects you with others, creating empathy and understanding. Autobiographies often inspire people by showing that it's possible to overcome challenges, find purpose, and navigate the ups and downs of life. By sharing your story, you become a part of the larger human experience, contributing to a rich tapestry of diverse stories that help us better understand the shared journey of being human. Order an essay or any other type of task to streamline your educational progress is only a few clicks.

Best Piece of Advice for Making Your Autobiography Spot-on

The most valuable advice is to infuse authenticity into every word. Be genuine, raw, and honest about your experiences, emotions, and growth. Readers connect deeply with authenticity, and it's what makes your story uniquely yours. Don't shy away from expressing vulnerability, as it adds a human touch and makes your narrative relatable. Share the highs and lows, the triumphs and struggles, with sincerity, and let your true self shine through. This honesty not only enhances the impact of your autobiography but also contributes to a more profound connection between you and your readers, creating an authentic and memorable narrative. Here are additional tips for bringing your autobiography assignment up to par:

  • Essential Details. Focus on key moments that significantly contribute to your story, avoiding unnecessary details.
  • Thematic Cohesion. Introduce and explore recurring themes to add depth and coherence to your narrative.
  • Authentic Expression. Embrace your unique voice, personality, and storytelling style to create an authentic connection with readers.
  • Dialogue and Monologue. Use genuine dialogue and inner monologue to provide insights into your thoughts and emotions during pivotal moments.
  • Symbolic Elements. Incorporate symbolic imagery or metaphors to convey deeper meanings and emotions.
  • Strategic Foreshadowing. Use foreshadowing purposefully, providing subtle hints that contribute meaningfully to the overall narrative.
  • Reflective Closure. Conclude your autobiography with a reflective summary that offers insights into the broader significance of your journey.

Our essay writers know many more tips regarding all possible types of academic tasks. If you ever find yourself in writer’s block, not knowing how to tackle any particular assignment, let us know!

Final Words

If you want to understand how to write a good autobiography, think of it as painting a vivid picture of your life for others to see. It's about being real, digging deep into your memories, and choosing the moments that really matter. Let your personality shine through in your writing – be yourself because that's what makes your story unique. Weave in themes that tie everything together, and use storytelling techniques like dialogue and symbolism to make your narrative come alive. And as you reach the end, leave your readers with some food for thought – a reflection on the bigger lessons learned from your journey. If you ever need assistance with this or any other college assignment, use our research paper services without hesitation.

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How to Write an Autobiography?

How to start an autobiography essay, what is the difference between autobiography and biography.

Adam Jason

is an expert in nursing and healthcare, with a strong background in history, law, and literature. Holding advanced degrees in nursing and public health, his analytical approach and comprehensive knowledge help students navigate complex topics. On EssayPro blog, Adam provides insightful articles on everything from historical analysis to the intricacies of healthcare policies. In his downtime, he enjoys historical documentaries and volunteering at local clinics.

autobiography guide to writing

When You Write

How to Write an Autobiography in 9 Steps

You might not have figured it out yet, but people love to know about the “behind the scenes” of other people’s lives, especially of the rich and famous.

Generally, people want to know everything there’s to know about everyone.

So it comes as no surprise to me that many autobiographies (by famous actors, musicians, politicians, and sports stars) have made it on the bestsellers list.

And for the writer, an autobiography offers a chance to share the happenings in their life with the world.

Do you want to pen your own biography and don’t know how to go about it? You don’t know how to start telling your life story? Don’t know what should be part of that story and what shouldn’t?

If you’re worried about these things, then this article has been made for you!

I’ll cover everything you need to know about writing an autobiography—the differences between an autobiography and other biographies, the main elements of an autobiography, how to go about writing an autobiography, and other things.

What is an Autobiography?

It is a non-fiction story of a person’s life, written by the person whose life is told in that biography.

So, an autobiography is a biography written by the subject himself, which is not the case with other subgenres of the broader genre of biographies.

Standard biographies are written by someone other than the subject, making autobiographies more appealing because the story is being told firsthand.

Since the subject is telling his own life story in an autobiography, the story usually covers the most meaningful moments, people, and events in the subject’s life from birth up until the time of writing or publishing.

Biography vs. Autobiography vs. Memoir

Well, let’s get the broader biography out of the way first. Since an autobiography is a subgenre of biographies, they are one and the same. The only difference—as I have already briefly explained— is that other biographies are written about the subject but by someone other than the subject, while autobiographies are a person’s life history written by that person.

Biographers are good at learning and researching their subject; on the other hand, an autobiographer already knows the subject.

Now, you ought to know that an Autobiography and a Memoir are a bit identical, but a Memoir is different from an Autobiography in this way:

A memoir is used to elaborate a larger theme or idea and—instead of telling the writer’s life story in a chronological narrative—a focus on personal experience and emotional truth to tell a good story with a theme behind it.

The Main Elements of an Autobiography

Now that you have a good idea of what an autobiography is, let me introduce you to its main features.

As a genre, an autobiography has some technical elements. Let’s take a look at some of them:

Every author has a purpose for writing a book. You don’t just wake up one day and say, “I’m going to write a book for the sake of writing, with no purpose or message.”

Obviously, the purpose of an autobiography is to give an account of the writer’s life up to that point.

Well, it is nonfiction and the events have already happened, so—usually—it’s written in the past tense.

However, most biographies end in the present tense, and—in certain cases—the tense changes into the future tense toward the end of the book.

This feature of an autobiography isn’t always the same with every book, but most of the books in this genre have a similar structure.

One of the features under “structure” is chronology order. Since the book chronicles major events in the writer’s life, it’s usually written in chronological order. And, to show this chronology, the author uses time connectives like “after that,” “before,” “then,” “finally,” and among others.

An autobiography—just like all biographies—tells a true story, so the author usually uses the names of real people, places, and events. In addition to that, the book is—more often than not—specific about times, dates, places, and other similar details.

Includes personal memories and specific details and descriptions.

A well-written autobiography doesn’t just unload stories on the reader, the author also offers some observations and analytical reflections on how the events mentioned in the book shaped them. The author also uses the autobiography to share his feelings, thoughts, and plans for the future.

Some autobiographies include important photographs that give the readers a visual representation of the story.

Writing an Autobiography isn’t that complicated, but you need to know how to go about it, so this is the most important section of this article, especially if you’re clueless about the autobiography writing process.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to writing an autobiography:

1. Brainstorm

This is the stage where you sit down and try to pick the most relevant events in your life—you compile all life experiences that you think might be worth a read. First, you list all the exciting or life-changing experiences from childhood up to that very moment (from playing in your background as a little child, to high school memories, up to your first day at your first workplace), then select the cream out of that list.

Although most of the initial events won’t make the final list, write them down anyway—it’s better to have too many to choose from than to have less.

These are some of the things you can include in your initial list are:

  • The most substantial events and experiences in your life.
  • Significant individuals or entities that have made an important impact in your life.
  • Things you have achieved, the challenges you have overcome to achieve the listed achievements, and the most significant failures.
  • The lessons all your life experiences have taught you (life-changing or not).

2. Organize Your Lists

You have written down all those important events, places, and people, what do you do next?

Put your lists in order.

The things in your lists have to be organized into subsets of the biography and items in the same subset have to be similar or in the same category—create subsets for significant events, significant people, life lessons, challenges, successes, et cetera.

This order helps you with the next chapter: creating the outline.

3. Conduct Some Research

The thing about brainstorming on your own is that you only write down the things you can remember.

But… Some forgotten memories could make your autobiography a lot more exciting or engrossing.

That calls for research! You need third parties to help you recall some useful information (whether completely new or additional information).

It’s your life story, so you don’t really have to go any farther than your friends and family. Ask the people close to you about all the details from the moments you’ve listed and others that you might’ve forgotten.

Just like you, the people you ask won’t have all the details or your full life story, but if you piece together the bits from their narratives, you’ll have a better story.

4. Decide on Themes, Message, the Questions your Autobiography Will Answer

After getting all the bits and pieces in one place, comes the unenviable task of laying down the purpose of your autobiography and the content that is going to help you achieve that.

Decisions, Decisions!

An autobiography is not mere personal history written reeking of subjectivity and with no substance, so you have to choose and write down the questions your autobiography is going to answer.

Autobiography readers are interested in getting to know the person behind the curtains and for an autobiography to be good, you need to fuse the raw stories with a little bit of mature perspective on your experiences (with an edifying touch if you think your life story can have that much of an impact on a reader’s life).

Use the dominant themes of your life to unify the stories together, connecting different stages of your life. Past and present always have some thematic consistencies, so try to analyze themes that have been consistent throughout your life. It might be a place that you traveled to over and over, your childhood sweetheart who eventually became the love of your life, an ever-present crush, your spiritual journey life, etc.

Whatever theme connects different stories or stages in your life is useful as long as you are creative with your storytelling, they’ll work.

5. Create an Outline

The next step involves organizing the pieces from your brainstorming stage. You’re telling your life story, and it still is just that: a story.

Therefore, crafting an outline has to consider things like logical flow and pace—a good pace through your life’s most interesting or significant events using logical flow is likely going to keep your readers interested from beginning to end.

You might want to tell the story in chronological order, but you can also spice it up by going back and forth or interrupting the chronological narrative with some important/interesting events that may or may not relate to the part of that chronological narrative.

6. Telling the Story

You have sorted everything out, you have your autobiography outlined, and it’s time to tell the story.

Underline story, because after all, it’s just a story.

The story needs to have some sort of structure, your autobiography needs a great plot. It has to have all the points that make a great story, things like conflict, goals, tension, a climax, and ultimately a resolution or—at least—a hint of a resolution.

I’ve already talked about the need for the story to flow logically, this is not something you brush aside—it’s a must.

While sorting out such important elements of the autobiography, you also have to remember that you’ll have to use your voice in writing the book—readers are interested in your life story, told by you!

If you’ve never written anything as large as a book, you can hire a ghostwriter to work with; otherwise, it takes time and lots of writing practice to discover an authentic writing voice.

7. Write Your First Draft

Now you are ready for the most important part of the autobiography crafting process: writing it!

Anybody who’s ever written a book will tell you that it’s almost impossible to write a perfect finished book on your first go.

Remember you’re just trying to attempt a first draft.

You don’t have to be perfect, but make sure you write a good one—it doesn’t really matter if your first draft looks like a chicken footprint in the mud, as long as it has content, you are going in the right direction.

8. Take a Break, Then Proofread

You have finished your first draft, your mind is exhausted (your body too, probably), you need to take a few days off.

Or you might not be tired at all, you might even be full of energy, you still need a break.

Apart from reenergizing your mind and body, a break gives you a fresh perspective, and you can easily spot some imperceptible mistakes from your first draft.

After the respite, begin proofreading. You can hire a professional proofreader or do it yourself. A professional proofreader is likely going to look for grammar mistakes , typos, etc.

They are also going to look at mistakes in the narrative and offer constructive tips.

If you decide to go it alone (which, I think, is the right way to go about proofreading your first draft), you might want to use tools like Grammarly or ProwritingAid to help you with grammar and other errors in your draft.

9. Write the Second Draft, and then Another

When proofreading the first draft, take some notes. Those notes will prove useful and particularly directional when you start writing the second draft.

I’m sorry to break your heart, but your second draft won’t be perfect either.

What I’m saying is: you’ll have to repeat steps 7 and 8, in most cases the cycle you’ll have to be repeated more than once.

When you feel like the drafts are becoming riper, you can show your writing to others and request feedback.

This feedback will help you perfect the autobiography and your writing skills in general. Just remember that in all these rewrites, the most important thing is giving the reader bits of your life and revealing your truth.

Things you can’t leave Out of your Autobiography

Well, you could leave out some of these things, it’s your story after all, but what’s an autobiography without the most important details of your life?

I’m not saying that it should contain every significant detail in your life; certain moments in your life pick themselves and others are what your readers are looking for.

  • Significant experiences : Not all of them, just the experiences that shaped your worldview and changed your life in some way.
  • Your background story : Sort of describe your personal history, which has things like your family history, hometown, siblings, parents, other key family members and friends, and moments in your career and education.
  • Conflict and Drama : Your readers are looking for honesty and a bit of fun, and who’s ever lived a life without conflict and drama? No one? They want your life story told as it happened and if there were some conflicts and dramatic events along the way, they’re hungry for that too!
  • Failure and Success in your professional life : You have to give recollections of your professional life, and it has to have some richness in detail. If you’ve achieved something in your professional life, there will be one or two people looking for inspiring moments in your story. When you serve them these moments, it will be good for both you and them.

Three Best Autobiographies of all Time

1. long walk to freedom by nelson mandela.

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By telling the full life story of this legend, Nelson Mandela’s autobiography tells the world how great a man and a leader he was. The book narrates his story from his childhood , young adult, dealing with apartheid and becoming a freedom fighter, his 27-year incarceration, and the pivotal role he played in building a new and democratic South Africa.

This is the book you read if you think you have some purpose to fulfill in life.

2. The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank

After reading this autobiography, you realize that this is the greatest teenager that ever lived.

Anne Frank, a young Jewish girl, who, along with millions of other Jewish people, died at the hands of a moronic Nazi regime, gave us this beautiful piece.

In 1942, a thirteen-year-old Anne and her family fled their home in Amsterdam and went into hiding during the Nazi occupation of Holland.

She narrated her experiences during this period in a thoughtful, moving, and humorous manner. The book gave the world her views on human courage, frailty, friendships, and loneliness.

The Nazis might have taken such a beautiful soul sooner than every good person would have wished, but her legacy lives on through this autobiography.

3. Agatha Christie: An Autobiography by Agatha Christie

Who wouldn’t want to demystify the story behind the Queen of mystery?

Different from Mandela and Anne Frank, Christie is actually one of the world’s most influential and fascinating novelists and you already know that the story is going to be ingeniously told.

In this book, readers get to know Agatha Christie’s life story, told in her own words—from her childhood, her relationship with her mother and her mother’s death, the tragic events that had an impact on her, her two marriages, her first husband’s adultery, and most especially, about her writing.

You can write an autobiography whichever way you like, but you have to remember that an autobiography is a story.

A lot of focus has to be on the narrative. The book will be as good as the writer’s storytelling skills.

Your autobiography has to have all the necessary elements of a story, i.e., a plot (which is easier to come up with since you already know the whole story), a cast of characters, conflict, resolution, et cetera.

With all these things involved, the secret ingredient is still honesty. After all, people want to read a real-life story.

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autobiography guide to writing

How to write an autobiography: 7 key steps

Many people who’ve lived interesting lives want to learn how to write an autobiography. Whether you want to write a memoir or a fictional autobiography, these 7 steps will help you start:

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autobiography guide to writing

What is autobiography?

Autobiography means to write about yourself, typically the account of significant events in your life. The word stems from the Greek, αὐτός (autos) meaning self , plus βίος (bios) meaning life and γράφειν ( graphein ) – to write.

Autobiography vs memoir: What’s the difference?

What’s the difference between autobiography and memoir? Are there specific kinds of autobiography? These may be questions you ask as you set out to write your life story.

As Ian Jack writes in The Guardian , there are differences between autobiography vs memoir although the terms are often used interchangeably:

An autobiography is usually a record of accomplishment. All kinds of people, more or less famous, can write them or be helped to write them: footballers, politicians, newsreaders. Deeds, fame and an interesting life are not necessary ingredients of the memoir. The memoir’s ambition is to be interesting in itself, as a novel might be, about intimate, personal experience. It often aspires to be thought of as “literary”, and for that reason borrows many of literature’s tricks – the tricks of the novel, of fiction – because it wants to do more than record the past; it wants to re-create it. If a memoir is to succeed on those terms, on the grounds that all lives are interesting if well-enough realised, the writing has to be good. Ian Jack, in The Guardian , February 2003.

7 steps to write your own life story:

  • Brainstorm your autobiography’s focus and scope
  • Skim autobiographies for inspiration
  • Choose between autobiography and memoir
  • Outline key and illustrative life events
  • Draft key scenes from your life
  • Find strong transitions
  • Check details and get beta readers

1. Brainstorm your autobiography’s focus and scope

Deciding what period and events you’ll cover in your life story is a helpful first step in choosing how to write an autobiography.

Squishing the intrigues, heartbreaks, surprises and secrets of your life into narrative form may seem an impossible task. Life of course does not unfold in neat paragraphs, scenes and chapters.

Make it easier and brainstorm your autobiography’s focus and scope. Ask:

  • What period of my life do I want to tell readers about?
  • Where should the timeline start? (Infancy? Childhood? Adolescence?)
  • What are key events of my life readers may find intriguing?

This will help you refine your autobiography’s focus [you can also pinpoint your story’s focus in the Central Idea brainstorming tool in the Now Novel dashboard].

For deciding your story’s scope, ask:

  • What essential scenes and events should I include?
  • What themes or subjects need mention (for example, if you have experienced a trauma or illness that has greatly impacted your life, exploring personal events and insights that resulted from them would make sense)

Autobiography Exercise: Scenes to show

Write a brief bullet list of events to include in your autobiography or memoir.

Focus on events that show strong emotion, key turning points or changes, or vivid life lessons , because these connect with readers.

For example:

  • A first encounter with someone who turned out to be an amazing mentor
  • A positive or challenging move to another school, city or country in childhood
  • The first time you met a major love interest in your life
  • The moment you walked away from a job or other commitment to pursue a new dream

How to write an autobiography - infographic | Now Novel

2. Skim autobiographies for inspiration

One of the best ways to learn how to write an autobiography is, of course, to read published examples.

Get hold of copies of autobiographies that interest you . Skim parts such as the beginning and end, chapter beginnings and endings. Read for details that leap out at you, grab your attention.

Take notes on how the author approaches telling their life story. Do they:

  • Proceed chronologically from childhood to adulthood or play with time and memories?
  • Start with a dramatic, life-changing incident or lead in slowly?
  • Tell the reader what they’re going to cover or leave the reader to gradually discover the narrative structure or shape of the story?

Reading autobiography and note-taking in this way helps you see the options for how to structure your narrative.

3. Choose between autobiography and memoir

Reading autobiography examples will help you see how authors use common narrative elements.

For example, the acclaimed author Vladimir Nabokov begins Speak, Memory: An Autobiography Revisited :

The cradle rocks above an abyss, and common sense tells us that our existence is but a brief crack of light between two eternities of darkness. […] I know, however, of a young chronophobiac who experienced something like panic when looking for the first time at homemade movies that had been taken a few weeks before his birth. Vladimir Nabokov, Speak Memory : An Autobiography Revisted (1967), 17.

Nabokov, in typically ornate fashion, breaks the ‘rules’ of autobiography. He uses third person to describe a ‘ young chronophobiac’ – one who is afraid of time. We can guess this ‘young chronophobiac’ is Nabokov himself, and that he is using a tone of ironic detachment to imply that the act of dredging through memories – or even the idea of time itself – fills him with ‘something like panic’.

The above seems more like a literary play with form (an attribute Ian Jack ascribes memoir) than a straightforward, chronological autobiography.

Readers might indeed wonder why Nabokov calls Speak, Memory an autobiography.

Nabokov does, however, proceed more or less chronologically, from before his birth, to Chapter 2 which begins:

It was the primordial cave (and not what Freudian mystics might suppose) that lay behind the games I played when I was four. Nabokov, Speak, Memory , p. 20.

Thus Nabokov blends elements of memoir. He blends illustrative snapshots of life (the part illuminating the whole) with key events (birth, childhood) typical of autobiographical narration.

Thinking about how you’ll structure your life story , however, will make it more purposeful and consistent.

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4. Outline key and illustrative life events

In deciding how to write an autobiography, there are two types of events to include:

  • Key events – Crucial, formative experiences, for example an early childhood triumph or loss that shaped your view of the world.
  • Illustrative events – Individual encounters, lessons, romances, teachers and mentors that provide texture, background, humour, drama or the other vital elements of storytelling .

Examples of key events and illustrative events in autobiography

As an example, Nabokov uses the games he would play as a child at the start of chapter two to illustrate how he came to value imagination and beauty . He describes making a couch tent:

I then had the fantastic pleasure of creeping through that pitch-dark tunnel, where I lingered a little to listen to the singing in my ears – that lonesome vibration so familiar to small boys in dusty hiding places – and then, in a burst of delicious panic, on rapidly thudding hands and knees I would reach the tunnel’s far end…’ Nabokov, Speak, Memory , p. 20.

This is an example of illustrative event: a scene in autobiography that reveals something about the author.

In this case, we see Nabokov’s love of games of imagination and sensory stimulation (something one finds abundant in his fiction).

An example of a key event would be a major relocation, a historical conflict (such as war), or another key turning point. For example, Nabokov describes the effects of the Russo-Japanese War (a key event) in 1905 on the family unit:

The close of Russia’s disastrous campaign in the Far East was accompanied by furious internal disorders. Undaunted by them, my mother, with her three children, returned to St. Petersburg after almost a year of foreign resorts. Nabokov, Speak, Memory , p. 24.

Autobiography exercise: Finding key and illustrative events

Write a bullet list each of key and illustrative events – a sentence describing each. Examples:

  • The year my family moved from Country A to Country B
  • The first time I held a violin in my hands
  • The first close friendship I ever made at school

Illustrative Events

  • The experience and emotion of boarding a plane for the first time
  • A specific funny or insightful violin lesson or teacher
  • A day with a close school friend that left an indelible impression

Autobiography and art - Fellini quote | Now Novel

5. Draft key scenes from your life

Now that you have ideas for key and illustrative events in your life, expand on an example.

Use the techniques of fiction to enrich the scene.

For example, Nabokov describes his sensory impressions behind the family couch.

  • Impressions of sound, smell, touch, taste or specific visual details
  • Emotions (Nabokov conveys a palpable sense of the child’s simultaneous delight in secrecy and panic in the dark when he describes crawling through the tunnel he made using the family couch)

As you draft, keep this in mind: What do I want to tell, show, teach? How will this help, entertain, surprise, amuse my reader?

6. Find strong transitions

Learning how to write an autobiography is not that different from learning how to write fiction.

For one, autobiographical writing and fiction writing both need engaging introductions, transitions, exposition and development.

An advantage of memoir and autobiography is that transition is a shared, relatable part of life.

For example, most children in countries where school attendance is required by law will leave the family unit and go out into the world at a similar age.

These key life changes are useful places in a memoir or autobiography for chapter breaks or scene transitions . Nabokov, for example, uses the family move to St Petersburg at the start of Chapter 4 to transition into describing his first teacher, a natural early childhood memory to include:

With a sharp and merry blast from the whistle that was part of my first sailor suit, my childhood calls me back into that distant past to have me shake hands again with my delightful teacher. Vasiliy Martinovich Zhernosekov had a fuzzy brown beard, a balding head, and china-blue eyes, one of which bore a fascinating excrescence on the upper lid. Nabokob, Speak, Memory , p. 24.

Note how Nabokov signals the narrative transition – by describing a sound he associates with that period of his life. It’s a vivid, descriptive way to end one section of story and begin another.

7. Check details and get beta readers

As you write an autobiography or memoir, it’s often helpful to speak to family or old friends. Because you never know who may remember a funny, interesting or surprising detail about a time you are remembering and trying to capture.

The people who know you best may be your best beta readers when you write about yourself. It’s also good etiquette, if writing about a family member or friend who is still living, to run sections concerning them past them.

Need someone to read over your autobiography so far? Get help from a skilled editor. Jump to Top

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autobiography guide to writing

Jordan is a writer, editor, community manager and product developer. He received his BA Honours in English Literature and his undergraduate in English Literature and Music from the University of Cape Town.

4 replies on “How to write an autobiography: 7 key steps”

Just starting to write a family history beginning with what I know about my immigrant grandparents, then with a follow-up through moves and my childhood.

Hi Peter, that sounds a wonderful use of family history. I hope it is going well.

Very helpful.

Glad you found it helpful, Sally. Thanks for writing in.

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Home / Book Writing / How to Write an Autobiography and Publish it in 7 Easy Steps

How to Write an Autobiography and Publish it in 7 Easy Steps

Contrary to popular belief, you don't have to be a famous figure to write an autobiography. In fact, if you want to write a novel or some other nonfiction book but just don't know where to start, an autobiography could be an ideal project to tackle. 

There are many different kinds of autobiographies from which to choose, so you don't have to keep a narrow focus or use a cookie-cutter mold for your book or autobiography essay. Read on as we tackle how to write an autobiography. 

  • Different kinds of autobiographies.
  • Steps to help you write your autobiography.
  • Tips to strengthen your storytelling skills while writing.

Table of contents

  • Autobiography vs Memoir
  • The Benefits of Writing an Autobiography
  • Before You Write, Read
  • Step 1: Decide on a Type and Scope
  • Step 2: Research and Outline
  • Step 3: Craft Your Story to Entertain
  • Step 4: Write Your First Draft
  • Step 5: Pause—Then Edit and Rewrite
  • Step 6: Get a Professional Editor
  • Step 7: Publish!
  • How to Write an Autobiography: Conclusion

The Many Types of Autobiographies

An autobiography in its broadest terms is a book about a person's entire life (or at least the interesting parts), written by that person . If you wanted to write a book about someone else's life, you'd be writing a biography . 

But within the autobiography genre, there are many other subgenres to choose from. These include:

  • Intellectual
  • Religious/Spiritual

An intellectual autobiography focuses on the author's life in terms of intellectual evolution and fulfillment. Often (but not always) written by people who have had a lot of schooling, the intellectual autobiography aims to analyze how certain experiences affected the author's life in terms of education, intelligence, and thought patterns. 

A religious or spiritual autobiography is one concerning the author's spiritual enlightenment. If you've found God (in any form) or have gravitated to a more spiritual life as you've aged, then this could be a good genre for you.  

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Thematic autobiographies are those that look upon a person's life story through the lens of a certain theme. This could be love, loss, perseverance, family, or even something like mental health, addiction, or mental illness. If you've noticed a theme in your life that has influenced your choices repeatedly, a thematic autobiography could be a good choice for you. 

A fictional autobiography is one that uses events from the author's real life while changing certain other elements freely. There are no hard-and-fast rules about what can and can't be real—or what percentage of each you must include. It could be that you use mostly real events but embellish them, change characters around, or make up certain exchanges. The most important part is that you don't claim it's a true autobiography when it's really a fictional one.  

It can be easy to confuse an autobiography and a memoir—which is in fact a type of autobiographical writing . The big difference is that autobiographies cover the author's whole life. Memoirs, on the other hand, focus on certain aspects of the author's life, usually in service of a theme.  

If you want to focus on your career or your childhood instead of covering your whole life, then a memoir could be a better fit for you. If so, you can check out our memoir writing prompts article . 

There are a ton of benefits to writing an autobiography. There's an old adage that goes “write what you know.” And there's no better genre to do just that! By diving into your personal story and examining life lessons and experiences, you don't have to worry about getting writer's block. You know the plot and the characters, which can help you get into a rhythm. 

This can not only give you confidence as a writer, but it can also make you a better writer as you go. A good autobiography is a lot like a novel in a lot of ways, so you use the same skills you would in a novel by painting a picture for your reader. 

But the benefits don't end with developing as a writer. It can also help you deal with traumatic events and process significant moments in your life. The goal, after all, isn't to dwell on any perceived wrongs or get back at anyone. The goal is to make sense of your personal experience by turning it into a story that readers will enjoy. 

Now that we've covered that introductory ground, let's get into how to write an autobiography, step by step. 

I would be remiss if I didn't say that you must first familiarize yourself with autobiography examples before you can write one. As such, here are some famous autobiographies to read so you can see how it's done. 

  • Autobiography of Mark Twain by Mark Twain
  • The Story of My Life by Helen Keller
  • I Am Malala: The Girl Who Stood Up for Education and was Shot by the Taliban by Malala Yousafzai
  • The Autobiography of Malcolm X by Malcolm X
  • Long Walk to Freedom by Nelson Mandela
  • Agatha Christie: An Autobiography by Agatha Christie
  • The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin by Benjamin Franklin
  • Becoming by Michelle Obama
  • The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank

The Complete Guide to Autobiography Writing

Writing an autobiography can be a rewarding endeavor, but it’s not easy. Even though it’s about your own life, it still requires research, time, effort, and some writing skill to get done. The steps below take you through the writing process, from choosing your focus to choosing your publishing avenue. 

While an autobiography covers the author's whole life, that doesn't mean that every single detail needs to go in. Even if you could remember what you had for breakfast on April 7th when you were ten years old, there would be no reason to include it unless some significant event happened at that time. 

So the first step in the writing process is deciding what type of autobiography it will be . This, in turn, will help you decide on the scope. If it will be an intellectual autobiography, you may want to spend time focusing on your early schooling and how that impacted your ability to learn or your love of knowledge. 

On the other hand, if you're writing an autobiography themed on marriage or romantic love, you probably won't have a lot of ground to cover during your childhood years. 

Pro Tip: Write a short personal statement about why you want to write an autobiography. There's no wrong answer, but putting your “why” into words can help you keep focused through the process. 

Once you have your scope in mind, you can start doing research and outlining in broad strokes the exact events you want to cover. This is when your idea starts to take shape in your mind and on the page. 

Researching will mean delving into your family history, busting out the yearbooks, and opening up the (physical or digital) photo albums. It will mean talking to parents, friends, siblings, and other family members. To get things right, it's important not to rely just on your fallible memory. Get multiple perspectives and sources on any important event you plan to cover.  

This is also a great time to get permission to use people's names in your book. Everyone you include in the story by name should give their permission. While this isn’t legally required, it’s a courtesy. However, it’s unlikely you will be sued for anything you say in a book unless it is blatantly slanderous.

Research is a time-consuming step in the process. But it's essential for forming your autobiography in your mind. You may even learn things about your family that you never knew before!

Just write everything down (or record it) so you can reference what people have said later. Using all your research, start crafting an autobiography outline in a Word document or on paper. 

Pro Tip: If you're not sure you have enough to say to fill a book, you can write an autobiographical essay first. If you still feel like you have a lot to say after writing an essay of a few thousand words, then you may have a book's worth inside your head!

Since you don't have to include every single detail in your memoir, you get to prioritize certain things over others. And while most autobiographies move in chronological order, it doesn't preclude you from using a hook to engage your readers. 

Perhaps you want to open your autobiography with a single event that changed your life . If this means jumping forward in time in your autobiography introduction to hook the reader before jumping back to your childhood, then that's perfectly fine. 

The point is, your autobiography needs to entertain the reader. And to do this, you can craft it like a novel. The one thing your book shouldn't be is full of dry, academic writing.

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You're the protagonist of the autobiography. And being a human, you're flawed. Make this clear to the reader while also giving them a reason to like you and root for you early in the book. Unless you're writing a fictional autobiography, this needs to be a true anecdote. But it shouldn't be hard to find. 

Think about all the other people in your story as characters . Each family member is there as a supporting role to you, the protagonist. Like you, they need to be interesting, if not always likable. It also helps to include conflict early on. Most people experience plenty of conflict in their lives, so this isn't usually hard.

When you think about your autobiography in this way, you can then refine your outline – or write a whole new one—with this in mind.

And once you're confident that you have the structure you want, it's time to start writing!

Since you're writing about your own experiences, you'll probably want to stick to the first person point of view . This is the most common autobiography format—even for those written with the help of a ghostwriter. For many authors, this comes naturally because it's how we tell stories to each other. 

That said, writing “I” over and over again can get a little old. This is normal. Just take it as an opportunity to vary your sentences instead of starting every one of them with “I.”

The writing process is different for every author, but it's important that you commit to a certain word goal per day or week . Make this goal attainable and stick to it. If you go weeks or months without getting words down, you'll just have to work harder to get back into the rhythm of autobiography writing. 

That said, give yourself room to make mistakes during the first draft. When you accept that your first draft won’t be perfect and only focus on getting the words down, things get a lot easier. You can always go back and edit later. But you won’t have anything to edit if you don't write!

When you're done with your first draft, let it sit for a couple of weeks or a month. This will allow you to get some distance from the words, which can help you look at them with a critical eye when it comes time to work on your subsequent drafts. 

Some authors even do this after each consecutive draft. But many find that it's most beneficial after the first one. 

Whether you wait a week or a month or more is up to you. But you can certainly find a sweet spot that works best for your writing schedule. 

Recording your life story is no easy task. And you will, by definition, be close to it. So this distance is imperative to achieve a dispassionate look at it. From there, you can make changes and re-work it until you think it's ready for another pair of eyes. 

Once you've made your autobiography as good as you can make it, it's time to seek help. While you can certainly give a copy of the book to some friends and family to see what they think, keep in mind they're likely biased. Chances are they're also not professional editors, either. 

This is why it's always a good idea to hire an editor —preferably one who's familiar with autobiographies. Of course, there are many different kinds of editors. And taking a critical look at your book in step 5 is important for choosing the right kind. 

If you think there are some structural issues with the book, you may want to hire a developmental editor. If you want someone to find typos and grammar issues, then a line editor may be best. 

For more information, check out our article on different kinds of editing . 

No matter what kind you go with, getting the feedback of an unbiased professional can do wonders for your autobiography . 

Even if you're not looking to make millions with your autobiography, publishing can still be a lot of fun. While it's hard to get a book deal for an autobiography unless you're already a celebrity, self-publishing is always an option. 

With a formatted manuscript and a professional cover, you can have your book up on Amazon and other online retailers in short order. You can even order author copies of your paperback to give to friends and family. 

To learn more about this process, check out our self-publishing hub .  

Whether you want to sell your autobiography to a wide audience or simply have it around for future generations of your family to read, writing about your life experience is a worthwhile endeavor. It can help you become a better writer while reflecting on your life and the lessons learned. 

To cover your life story in a compelling manner means leaving some things out and focusing more on others. Pivotal moments in your life should be the “plot points” of your autobiography. Striving to meet some goal should create a through-line for the reader. And the setbacks on your way to that goal can create the conflict needed to keep things interesting. 

Of course, all this should be true—unless you're writing a fictional autobiography!

Dave Chesson

When I’m not sipping tea with princesses or lightsaber dueling with little Jedi, I’m a book marketing nut. Having consulted multiple publishing companies and NYT best-selling authors, I created Kindlepreneur to help authors sell more books. I’ve even been called “The Kindlepreneur” by Amazon publicly, and I’m here to help you with your author journey.

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  • How To Write An Autobiography Guideline And Useful Advice

June 21, 2023

Many people want to know how to write an autobiography to take their place in history or make a mark. This writing helps you list life’s essential milestones, moments, places, and people. It enables you to use your voice to share your story. This article defines an autobiography while explaining how to write it. Also, it shares practical tips for writing a good autobiography. It’s essential because many educators assign students this task, yet most needs help writing an autobiography.

how to write an autobiography

Table of Contents

  • What Is An Autobiography?

What Is The Goal Of An Autobiography?

What to include in an autobiography, how to start an autobiography, how to write a good autobiography of yourself, sample autobiography template, tips on writing an autobiography, what is an autobiography.

An autobiography is a narration by the author depicting their life story chronologically. An autobiography can fall under any of these categories, depending on the purpose:

  • Autobiographical College Essay Some institutions require students to submit an educational autobiography with their college application. It enables students to present themselves to the admission officers while persuading them to accept them into their institutions.
  • Personal Essay A personal essay is a short autobiography. It’s a self-portrait essay that is more emotional and personal, sharing the author’s experiences. Typically, this essay focuses on a specific period, event, or individual. It’s a common assignment in high school and college.
  • Memoir A memoir is an autobiography that doesn’t necessarily cover the writer’s life. It focuses on the most significant and exciting past events, covering as much information as possible.

Comprehensive autobiographies are lengthy and through accounts of the authors’ lives. They cover everything from birth to the current moments.

An autobiography gives a firsthand account of the writer’s life. It provides a higher intimacy level for the readers. This writing can serve the following purposes:

Convey the writer’s life story to a significant audience Help the author leave a mark Reconcile the author’s past Preserve the author’s memories

The primary purpose of an autobiography is to portray the writer’s achievements and experiences. That’s why most people write autobiographies later in life to give firsthand accounts describing their stories.

The first question many ask when planning to write an autobiography is what to include in their composition. And this concern is vital since you must know what to put in a autobiography and what to avoid including in your life story. For instance, you can only focus on some details or every people you’ve met. Otherwise, you will make the autobiography longer than necessary. Here’s a breakdown of what to write about in an autobiography.

  • Significant events: You may include important life events, including your origin, life lessons, life-turning points, vacations, and graduations.
  • Milestones: Talk about your successes and achievements in life.
  • Vital people: Talk about family, friends, coaches, mentors, teachers, and business partners. Share information about the people that affected you the most.
  • Emotional moments: Share details of the challenges you’ve faced when you faced a life-threatening illness, when you were struggling financially, and when you met your spouse.
  • Suspense and drama: How did you feel when your first baby was born? Did you go through surgery? Did you secure admission to your dream college?

Consider a movie trailer when planning, organizing, and writing an autobiography. You can include highly emotional moments and significant events or major characters.

Since an autobiography describes a person’s story, it should start with their origin, including family members, hometown, and educational background. However, ensure you only include relevant details in your story. Here’s a breakdown of the autobiography writing process.

Starting an autobiography involves selecting or creating a compelling title. So, avoid generic phrases and create an engaging heading for the story. To do this, follow these steps:

  • Read Well-Known Autobiographies Many prominent people, including successful artists, business people, politicians, and writers, have written autobiographies. You can read autobiographies of inspiring personalities to get the basics of autobiographical writing.
  • Think about Your Life Remember unusual experiences, significant events, and essential people in your life. Please consider your life and the worthy moments to include in the autobiography. You can talk to people who know some of the outstanding things you’ve done.
  • Make a List Making a list is vital when writing your autobiography. The list should categorize your memories to enable you to structure thoughts logically. Making this list can be challenging for adults with active lifestyles. Nevertheless, focus on events and individuals your readers will find interesting.
  • What was the worst or best part of a person or event you want to talk about in your autobiography?
  • What information should you share with your readers?
  • What feelings or moods do you want your readers to get when or after reading your autobiography?
  • How did that particular event change your life?
  • What lessons did somebody or an event teach you?
  • What made a specific event or moment important in your life?
  • Why did you choose to share this particular event with the readers?
  • Why is now the best moment to write the autobiography?

Planning is vital when writing an autobiography. Therefore, think carefully about various aspects of the people in your life before writing it.

To make your life story fascinating, understand the autobiography structure before you start writing. Here are the primary sections to add to your autobiography.

  • Introduce your title to the readers
  • Present your core ideas
  • Capture the readers’ attention
  • Transparent: Make following and understanding the text easy for the readers.
  • Well-structured: Focus every paragraph on a particular period, time, or event.
  • Logical: Ensure you present facts logically with smooth transitions from one section to the next.
  • Conclusion Your autobiography conclusion should leave a lasting impression since the introduction made the readers interested in reading it. In this section, assess your life and the lessons you have learned. Also, tell your readers how the life lessons helped you. Nevertheless, ensure your conclusion is concise and clear.

Writing an autobiography outline is vital when planning how to complete this task. Here’s a sample template for writing an autobiography.

“This autobiography explains how a man overcame homelessness and depression to excel in the corporate world.”
“I was born in Africa during the great recession.”
“I had a busy father because my grandparents taught him that only hard work could keep him alive.”
  • The beginning: This should have an introduction, history, and settings.
  • Middle: Include this section’s main events, highlights, and conflict.
  • End: Have the main thoughts, reflections, and ending remarks in this section.

how to write an autobiography

Whether you want to write an autobiography essay or an autobiographical book, you will find the following tips helpful when completing this task.

  • Write Chronologically Ensure your story follows a chronological order to make the task more manageable. That way, you will focus on each season after the other rather than jump around. Also, it creates a natural flow for the story, making reading a smooth experience.
  • Describe Memories Your story may only include a few action scenes. However, detailed descriptions can spark the readers’ imaginations. Therefore, be creative when describing personal memories. And you can capture the human senses with your illustrations. For instance, you can tell readers about the taste of food, the smell of coffee, or the sound of someone’s voice. Sensory writing enables you to establish colorful expressions even when describing something simple.
  • Hook Readers with the Introduction Engaging your readers from the beginning is vital when writing an autobiography. Therefore, aim to convince your readers that your autobiography is worth reading and distinctive. You can play on their curiosity or nostalgia to ensure they continue reading.
  • Include Real Names of Events and People The writer’s autobiography should include real names of places, people, and events. Disclosing real names enables the readers to connect more with your story since it makes it richer. It gives the autobiography authenticity. If you’ve forgotten an event or a person’s name, describe them in your text. However, mention only relevant events and people.
“It was getting dark, and I was cold.”

You can say:

“It was around 9 pm when I waited for him to arrive by the beautiful church on Christmas Eve. There were no stars or the moon that night. I could only see a street lamp about three blocks away.”
  • Include Reflections Reflections enable the author to be honest about various things in life. That’s why some autobiographies give them more gravity than the stories. Here, you can express your joys, frustrations, and feelings about various aspects of life. But that doesn’t mean explaining how you thought or felt about everything. Instead, you may limit the reflections to the most significant events only. Also, ensure readers get the primary takeaway from the autobiography through your examinations. For instance, what lessons or insights did you learn from the events? That way, you can drive the points home, and readers will love to know them too.
  • Find Your Unique Voice A personal voice is vital when writing your life’s story. Ensure you use a tone you’re comfortable with or compose mini-drafts in various approaches to find one that suits you. Finding a unique voice early ensures a consistent style for the entire autobiography. Also, it eliminates the need to edit the whole autobiography.
  • Use Images You can use images to emphasize your story’s season. When your autobiography has more photos, it becomes more colorful. Also, you can use pictures to break up text blocks or provide a visual texture to the autobiography. However, insert only meaningful photos with sentimental value.
  • Make it Short Consider your readers, who could be your professor, a scholarship committee judge, or an admission officer. These people are busy with hundreds or thousands of autobiographies to read. Therefore, ensure only vital details go into your autobiography. If you want to ensure your autobiography is of the correct length, ask your impatient friend to read it. They will provide an honest opinion since they prefer reading short articles to long stories or books.
  • Avoid Making It a Personal Diary Your autobiography should be candid, revealing, and precisely honest. Also, describe your life’s hardships to show how you overcame them and their influence on you. However, write the things you feel calm discussing. For instance, if students made fun of you in college and you feel like killing them, you may avoid the topic. That’s because your feelings could leak into the text and make readers subconsciously uncomfortable.

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How do I start writing an autobiography?

Start by gathering as many facts and details about your life as possible to help readers understand what has been happening. Next, please choose a topic, introduce it to the readers, and discuss the prominent people and events in the body. End the autobiography with a conclusion wrapping up everything.

Is there a specific format for an autobiography?

No. Most autobiographies use the same format as traditional personal memoirs, graphic novels, dramas, vignettes, and scripts. Therefore, choose a format that works best for you, depending on the length, scope, and what the autobiography is meant for. You might be writing it as a scholarship application, for which you can get a scholarship essay writing service any time!

How long should an autobiography be?

No specific lengths or rules about an autobiography’s word count or size exist. However, most autobiographies range between 250 and 450 pages. If you’re writing an educational autobiography, your teacher or institution may specify the length. If not, ensure your autobiography is sufficiently long to cover your life’s vital details.

What topics should I include in an autobiography?

Your autobiography should include only vital topics. For instance, cover things like your place and time of birth, your personality overview, and something you like and dislike. Also, explain special events that have helped shape your life and the lessons they taught you.

autobiography guide to writing

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How to Write a Biography: A Step-by-Step Guide

Hannah Yang headshot

By Hannah Yang

How to write a biography

Table of Contents

What is a biography, a step-by-step guide to writing a biography, tips for how to write a great biography, conclusion on how to write a biography.

Writing a biography can be a rewarding endeavor, but it can also feel a bit daunting if you’ve never written one before.

Whether you’re capturing the life story of a famous person, a family member, or even yourself, creating a compelling biography involves a mix of thorough research, narrative skill, and a personal touch.

So, how exactly do you write a successful biography? 

In this guide, we’ll break down the essentials to help you craft a biography that’s both informative and engaging, as well as our top tips for how to make it truly shine.

A biography is a detailed account of someone’s life.

A well-written biography needs to be objective and accurate. At the same time, it needs to depict more than just the basic facts like birth, education, work, relationships, and death—it should also portray the subject’s personal experience of those events.

So, in addition to being a good researcher, a good biographer also needs to be a good storyteller. You should provide insights into the subject’s personality, motivations, and impact on the world around them.

What’s the Difference Between a Biography, a Memoir, and an Autobiography?

What's the difference between biography, memoir and autobiography?

Understanding the distinctions between different genres of life writing is crucial for both writers and readers. Here’s a quick breakdown of the key differences between a biography and other related genres.

Biography: a detailed account of a person’s life, usually written in the third-person POV and supported by extensive research 

Autobiography: a self-written account of the author’s own life, usually written in the first person POV and following a chronological order 

Memoir: a collection of memories that an individual writes about moments or events that took place in their life, usually in the first person POV and in an introspective and personal way

Narrative nonfiction: a book that tells true stories using the techniques of fiction writing, such as character development, narrative arc, and detailed settings

Best Biography Examples to Study

The best way to learn how to write well is to read other successful books within the genre you’re writing. 

Here are five great biographies to add to your reading list. For a longer list, check out our article on the 20 best biographies to read . 

Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption by Laura Hillenbrand: the incredible true story of Louis Zamperini, an Olympian and World War II hero.

Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson: a comprehensive and engaging account of the Apple co-founder’s life.

Alexander Hamilton by Ron Chernow: the biography that inspired the hit musical, providing a deep dive into Hamilton ’ s life and legacy.

Savage Beauty: The Life of Edna St. Vincent Millay by Nancy Milford: a nuanced story that uncovers the family connection between the three Millay sisters and their mother.

Barracoon by Zora Neale Hurston: the story of Cudjo Lewis, one of the last-known survivors of the Atlantic slave trade.

As with writing any book, writing a biography is a marathon, not a sprint. It’s easier to think of it as a series of smaller steps than as one big challenge to tackle. 

Let’s break down the process step by step.

1. Choose Your Subject

Decide who you want to write about. It could be a well-known celebrity, a historical figure, or someone close to you.

In addition to figuring out who you’re writing about, this is also the step where you figure out why you want to write about them. Why is this a story worth telling, and what makes you interested in it? 

Maybe the subject of your biography overcame major hardships in life to achieve success, and that story will inspire others facing similar struggles. Or maybe they made a really unique contribution to the world that not enough people know about, and you want to shine a bigger spotlight on that impact.

Knowing why you’re telling this story will help you make the right decisions about how to research, outline, draft, and edit your biography.

2. Identify Your Target Audience

Understanding your target audience is a crucial step in writing a good biography. You should tailor your biography to the interests and knowledge level of your audience.

A biography for a general audience will differ from one written for experts in a particular field. For example, two biographies about Emily Dickinson would be vastly different if one is written for young children and the other is written for adult poets. 

3. Conduct Research

primary and secondary sources

Dive deep into your research. Use a variety of sources to get a well-rounded view of your subject’s life. Take detailed notes and organize your findings.

Gather as much information as you can about your subject. This includes primary sources like interviews, letters, and diaries, as well as secondary sources such as books, articles, and documentaries.

Here are some primary sources to look for: 

Letters and diaries: These provide intimate insights into the subject’s thoughts, feelings, and daily life, and can often be found in family archives, libraries, and historical societies.

Birth, marriage, and death certificates: These documents can provide crucial dates and familial relationships.

Census data: Census records can provide demographic information and track changes over time.

Property records: These can reveal where the subject lived and owned property.

Employment and school records: These records offer formalized insights into the subject’s education and career.

Military records: If applicable, military records can provide information on service, ranks, and honors.

Photos and videos: Look for photographs and videos in public libraries, historical societies, online databases like the Library of Congress, and family photo albums.

Historical newspapers: Access archives of local and national newspapers for articles, interviews, and obituaries related to the subject.

Digital archives: Use online resources like ProQuest, Chronicling America, and newspaper databases available through public libraries.

You can also look for secondary sources, which provide more context and perspective, such as:

Existing biographies: Search for existing biographies and books about the subject or their era. How does your project stand out from the crowd? 

Academic articles and papers: Access journals through university libraries, which often have extensive collections of scholarly articles.

Documentaries and biographical films: You can often find these on streaming services or public television archives.

Websites and blogs: Look for reputable websites and blogs dedicated to the subject or related fields.

Social media platforms: The things people say on social media can offer insights into public perception about your subject.

Finally, you can also conduct your own interviews. Talk to the subject if they’re still alive, as well as their friends, family, and colleagues. You can ask them for personal anecdotes to add more color to your book, or more information to fill in any gaps in your knowledge. 

4. Ask Engaging Questions


Great biographers start from a place of curiosity. Before you start writing, you should know the answers to the following questions: 

What makes your subject’s story worth telling?

What was your subject’s childhood like? 

What were your subject’s early interests and hobbies?

What level of education did your subject achieve and where did they study?

What was your subject’s personality like?

What were their beliefs and values? 

How did your subject’s personality and beliefs change over time?

What were the major turning points in your subject’s life? 

How was your subject affected by the major political, cultural, and societal events that occurred throughout their life?  

What did their career path look like?

What were their major accomplishments? 

What were their major failures? 

How did they contribute to their field, their country, or their community?

Were they involved in any major controversies or scandals?

Who were the most important people in the subject’s life, such as friends, partners, or mentors?

If the subject is no longer living, how did they pass away?

What lasting impact did the subject leave behind? 

5. Create an Outline

An outline helps you structure your biography. You can write an extensive outline that includes every scene you need to write, or you can keep it simple and just make a list of high-level bullet points—whatever works best for your writing process. 

The best structure to use will depend on the shape of the story you’re trying to tell. Think about what your subject’s life looked like and what core messages you’re trying to leave the reader with.

If you want to keep things simple, you can simply go in chronological order. Tell the story from the birth of your subject to the death of your subject, or to the present day if this person is still living. 

You can also use a more thematically organized structure, similar to what you would find on a Wikipedia page. You could break your book down into sections such as major life events, personal relationships, core accomplishments, challenges, and legacy.

Or, if you want to be more creative, you can use a nonlinear story structure, jumping between recent events and older flashbacks based on which events feel thematically tied together. 

6. Write Your First Draft 

Now that you have an outline, it’s time to sit down and write your first draft.

Your opening chapters should hook the reader and give a preview of what’s to come. Highlight a compelling aspect of the subject’s life to draw readers in.

In your middle chapters, cover all the key events you need to include about your subject’s life and weave in themes and anecdotes that reveal their personality and impact.

In your final chapters, wrap up your biography by summarizing the subject’s legacy and reflecting on their overall significance. This provides closure and leaves the reader with a lasting impression.

Remember that it’s okay if your first draft isn’t perfect. Your goal is simply to get words down on the page so you have something to edit. 

7. Make Developmental Revisions

Now that you’re done with your first draft, it’s time to make big-picture revisions.

Review your biography for coherence and organization. Does the overall structure make sense? Are there any arcs or themes that aren’t given enough attention? Are there scenes or chapters that don’t need to be included? 

8. Make Line Edits

Once you’ve completed your developmental edits, it’s time to make smaller line edits. This is your time to edit for grammar, punctuation, and style.

Make sure you keep a consistent voice throughout the book. Some biographies feel more conversational and humorous, while others are serious and sophisticated. 

To get through your editing faster, you can run your manuscript through ProWritingAid , which will automatically catch errors, point out stylistic inconsistencies, and help you rephrase confusing sentences. 

Don’t be afraid to ask others for feedback. No good book is written in a vacuum, and you can ask critique partners and beta readers to help you improve your work.

What makes a great biography stand out from the rest? Here are our best tips for how to take your manuscript to the next level.

Tip 1: Focus on Key Themes

Identify the central themes or patterns in the subject’s life—the ones that will really make readers keep thinking about your book. These could be related to the subject’s struggles, achievements, relationships, or values.

Tip 2: Balance Facts and Narrative

A good biography should read like a story, not a list of facts.

Use narrative techniques like imagery, character development, and dialogue to create a compelling and coherent story.

Tip 3: Add Your Own Perspective

Biographies need to be objective, but that doesn’t mean the author has to be entirely invisible. Including your own perspective can make the biography relatable and engaging. 

Letting your voice shine can help illustrate the subject ’ s character and bring their story to life. It will also help make your biography stand out from the crowd. 

Tip 4: Create a Timeline

Organize the key events of the subject’s life in chronological order. This will help you see the bigger picture and ensure you cover all important aspects.

Tip 5: Be Considerate

Because biographies are about real people, you should be mindful of who will be impacted by the story you’re telling, especially if your subject is still alive or still has living family members.

If the subject is still alive, ask them for permission to tell their story before you start writing. This also helps ensure that you don’t get sued. 

Writing a biography is a journey of discovery, not just about the subject, but also about the craft of storytelling.

By combining thorough research, a clear structure, and engaging narrative techniques, you can create a biography that not only informs but also inspires and captivates your readers. 

Don’t forget to run your manuscript through ProWritingAid so you can make sure your prose is as polished as possible. 

Now, pick your subject, gather your resources, and start writing—there’s a fascinating story waiting to be told.

Good luck, and happy writing!

autobiography guide to writing

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Hannah Yang

Hannah Yang is a speculative fiction writer who writes about all things strange and surreal. Her work has appeared in Analog Science Fiction, Apex Magazine, The Dark, and elsewhere, and two of her stories have been finalists for the Locus Award. Her favorite hobbies include watercolor painting, playing guitar, and rock climbing. You can follow her work on hannahyang.com, or subscribe to her newsletter for publication updates.

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How To Write An Autobiography

Barbara P

Learn How to Write an Autobiography Step by Step

12 min read

How to Write an Autobiography

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How to Write a Memoir: Everything You Need to Know

Have you ever thought about capturing your life's adventures in an autobiography but felt lost at the starting line? 

Writing an autobiography can be a great way to preserve your memories, share lessons learned, and connect with future generations. Your story could inspire others, or simply entertain readers with tales of adventure and personal growth.

But the question is, how do you even start?

In this blog, you will get everything you need to know to start writing your autobiography. With practical tips and inspiring examples, you can craft a compelling, honest, and deeply personal story that truly captures the essence of who you are.

So let’s dive in!

Arrow Down

  • 1. What is an Autobiography?
  • 2. Types of Autobiographies 
  • 3. How to Write an Autobiography?
  • 4. Elements of Autobiography 
  • 5. Autobiography vs. Biography 
  • 6. Autobiography Examples
  • 7. Tips For Crafting an Excellent Autobiography

What is an Autobiography?

An autobiography is a form of non-fiction narrative writing where the writer presents his/her own life. The purpose of an autobiography is to provide a firsthand account of the events and experiences from the author’s life.

An autobiography is a powerful way to tell your own story and leave a lasting legacy. Whether you're writing for yourself or for others, it can be a rewarding experience that helps you make sense of your life.

The Benefits of Writing an Autobiography 

Writing an autobiography offers profound benefits. Let’s take a look at some benefits: 

  • Firstly, it serves as a therapeutic exercise , allowing individuals to reflect on their life journey. 
  • Secondly, it preserves personal history , creating a tangible legacy for future generations. 
  • Additionally, the process enhances communication skills , as authors articulate their experiences, emotions, and insights. Moreover, sharing one's story can inspire and resonate with others, fostering empathy and connection. 
  • Lastly, crafting an autobiography hones writing abilities , promoting a structured narrative and introspective thinking. 

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Types of Autobiographies 

There are four main literary forms of autobiography. Let’s examine them one by one: 

Type 1 of 4: Intellectual Autobiography

In this form, individuals focus on their intellectual development, detailing the evolution of their thoughts, ideas, and knowledge. 

Examples include "The Story of My Experiments with Truth" by Mahatma Gandhi, where he reflects on his philosophical and political journey.

Type 2 of 4: Religious/Spiritual Autobiography

Centered around faith and spirituality, these autobiographies delve into an individual's religious experiences and beliefs. 

"The Confessions" by Saint Augustine is a classic example, chronicling his spiritual transformation and journey towards Christianity.

Type 3 of 4: Thematic Autobiography

Thematic autobiographies revolve around a specific theme or aspect of the author's life. It could be their career, relationships, or a particular passion.  An example is "Eat, Pray, Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert, which explores her journey of self-discovery through travel, spirituality, and love.

Type 4 of 4: Fictional Autobiography

This unique form blends reality with imagination. Authors may use their lives as a foundation but embellish or alter details to create a fictionalized narrative. 

"Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit" by Jeanette Winterson is an example, of blending autobiography with elements of fiction to explore her upbringing and coming-of-age.

Each type offers a distinctive lens through which authors can share their stories, allowing for diverse and engaging autobiographical narratives.

How to Write an Autobiography?

Writing an autobiography can be tough, especially if you don’t know where to begin. 

But don’t worry! Here is a simple step-by-step process that you can follow to write your autobiography.

Step 1. Read Some Autobiographies

Before you start writing your own autobiography, it is a great idea to read some autobiographies written by other authors.

This will give you an understanding of what makes a good autobiography and help you find inspiration for your own story.

There are many great autobiographies you could choose from.

For instance, you could read autobiographies by Nelson Mandela, Malcolm X, Maya Angelou, and many other authors. 

Step 2. Note Down Significant Events From Your Life

Take some time to reflect on your life and write down a list of significant events. This is the brainstorming phase. 

Try to think of events that changed or affected you, both positively and negatively. Think about how these events connect to each other and led to the person you are today.

Step 3. Choose a Theme to Focus on

Once you have your list of significant events, it is time to choose a theme to focus on. This could be something like overcoming adversity, learning from your mistakes, or a special turning point. 

Choose a theme that resonates with you and reflects the journey that you have been through in life.

Step 4. Reflect About Yourself

When writing an autobiography, you should ask the right questions. It will help you set the direction of your autobiography. Here are a few ideas that will help you reflect:

  • What are your defining characteristics and qualities?
  • How did different events shape you as a person?
  • What challenges have you faced in your life, and how did you overcome them?
  • What impact did other people (friends, family, teachers, etc.) have on your life?
  • What are some of the most important lessons you’ve learned?
  • What are the values that have motivated you at different stages of your life?

Step 5. Create an Outline

Once you have brainstormed and reflected on yourself, it is time to create an outline for your autobiography. 

This will help organize your thoughts and make it easier for you to write. Your outline should include the major events from your life, relevant details about those events, and how they are connected. 

You can structure your outline chronologically or thematically. Outlining will make sure that the structure of your work is logical.

Step 6. Start Writing the First Draft

Once you have finished your outline, it is time to start writing. 

Start an autobiography by introducing yourself and the story that you are about to tell.  Then, move on to writing about the significant events in your life. 

Remember to keep it simple and focus on the theme that you have chosen for your autobiography.  You can do that by simply sticking to the outline. This will help you create a cohesive story.

Step 7. Proofread, Edit, and Revise Your Work

Once you are done with the first draft of your autobiography, set it aside for a few days. Then come back to it and read it with a fresh pair of eyes.

Look out for any errors in grammar, spelling, or punctuation. Also, check if you have included all the relevant details that you wanted to include in your autobiography. 

If necessary, make changes and add more details wherever needed. Remember that proofreading and editing is an important part of the writing process, so take your time.

Step 8. Get Feedback

Once you are done with the editing and revising, you should get professional feedback before you publish your work.

Share your autobiography with family and friends who can give you honest feedback. This will help make sure that the story is cohesive and interesting to read. 

By getting feedback from other people, you can make sure that your autobiography is the best it can be. 

Now you know the instructions to learn how to write an autobiography. Make sure you follow the correct autobiography format to get your ideas across in an organized way. 

Elements of Autobiography 

Here are the five essential elements that must be included in your autobiography:

  • Describing Your Origins:  An autobiography must include your personal origin story. For instance, where were you born, your family history, and how you grew up?
  • Describing Significant Experiences: Your autobiography should describe events and personal experiences that shaped your life. These are the moments that readers are actually interested in and get inspired by.
  • Reflection on Your Life Moments: Life is full of highs and lows. So reflect on important details and key events of your life. What life lessons have you learned? Which people and events shaped you as a person? Answering such questions can make your autobiography really valuable.
  • Catchy and Compelling Title: The title must be compelling enough to reflect the person’s memories or struggles. So, having generic or boring titles won't do the job.
  • First-Person Point-of-View: Autobiographies are written from a first-person narrative voice. Writing in the first person reinforces the fact that the writer is telling his/her own story.

Autobiographical Essay Structure

An autobiographical essay typically follows a chronological structure, guiding readers through key phases of the author's life.

Here is an autobiographical essay sample template:

Autobiography vs. Biography 

The major difference between a biography and an autobiography is that an autobiography is written by the subject themselves. Whereas, a biography is written by a third person.

Here are the key differences between autobiography vs. biography.


If you are interested in detailed reading about the differences between autobiography and biography check out our autobiography vs. biography blog!

Autobiography vs. Memoir

While memoirs and autobiographies share some similarities, there are several key differences between the two.

For instance, writing a memoir focuses on a specific period, experience, or theme in the author's life. In contrast, an autobiography is a comprehensive account of a person's life story from birth to the present day. 

Below are some key differences between an autobiography and a memoir but if you want to learn in detail read our autobiography vs. memoir blog!


To understand and learn more about memoirs, check out this video:  

Autobiography Examples

Now that you know what an autobiography is, you might want to read some good ones. So here are some great autobiographies you can start with:

  • In Order To Live By Yeonmi Park (2015)
  • Permanent Record By Edward Snowden (2019)
  • Long Walk to Freedom by Nelson Mandela (1994)
  • The Autobiography of Malcolm X (1965)
  • I Am Malala by Malala Yousafzai (2013)

Let's take a look at some how to write an autobiography sample pdfs which can help you write captivating autobiographies:

How To Write An Autobiography Introduction

How To Write An Autobiography Essay Example

How To Write An Autobiography About Yourself Examples

How To Write An Autobiography About Someone Else

How To Write An Autobiography of Myself Example

How To Write a Student Autobiography

How To Write an Autobiography For College

How To Write an Autobiography For School

Tips For Crafting an Excellent Autobiography

Here are some tips and techniques that will make your autobiography truly inspiring:

  • Be Honest and Authentic: 

Your autobiography should be an honest reflection of your life experiences. So don't be afraid to be vulnerable and share personal details. Authenticity is key when it comes to writing a compelling autobiography.

  • Focus on Key Themes and Ideas: 

Instead of trying to include every single detail, focus on key themes and ideas that are important to you. This will help you create a more cohesive and structured autobiography.

  • Use Descriptive Language

To make your autobiography more engaging, use descriptive language that helps readers visualize your experiences. Use sensory details to describe the sights, sounds, and emotions of your memories.

  • Show, Don't Tell 

Instead of simply telling readers what happened, show them through specific examples and anecdotes. This will help bring your experiences to life and make them more relatable.

  • Use Dialogue

Including dialogue in your autobiography can make it feel more like a story and help readers connect with your experiences. Use dialogue to bring your characters to life and add depth to your writing.

  • Keep Your Audience in Mind

When writing your autobiography, consider who your target audience is and what they might be interested in reading about. This can help you tailor your writing to your readers and make your autobiography more relatable and engaging.

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Writing Techniques to Use in an Autobiography

Writing an autobiography requires a thoughtful approach to convey your life story in a compelling and engaging manner. Here are some writing techniques you can use:

  • Theme and Purpose: Clearly define the theme or purpose of your autobiography. What message or insight do you want to share with your readers? Understanding your purpose will help you structure your narrative.
  • Clear Narrative: Maintain a clear and coherent narrative throughout your autobiography. Ensure that each chapter or section contributes to the overall story, and transitions smoothly from one event or period to the next.
  • Chronological Order: Organize your life events in chronological order. This helps readers follow the natural progression of their lives and understand the cause-and-effect relationships between different events.
  • Humor and Wit: If appropriate, inject humor into your narrative. Life often includes funny or ironic moments, and adding a touch of humor can make your autobiography more engaging and relatable.
  • Symbolism and Metaphor: Use symbolism and metaphor to convey deeper meanings or themes. This can add layers to your storytelling and make your autobiography more thought-provoking.

By following these tips and techniques, you can craft an interesting autobiography that will attract and inspire your readers.

To conclude, 

Now you know what an autobiography is and how to write a perfect one. Writing your life story may not seem an easy task at first. But thinking and reflecting about the past will help you understand yourself better and write an amazing autobiography.   If it still sounds like a difficult task for you, don’t worry! 

MyPerfectWords.com is here to solve all your writing troubles. Get in touch with us and get your autobiography essay written by experts.

So don’t wait! Place your ' write my essay ' request today!

Frequently Asked Questions

What does an autobiography look like.

FAQ Icon

Autobiography is about famous people. Like a biography, your autobiography should include information about when and where you were born, how you are like other people who live in the same place, what you like to do, and special events that have happened to you.

What should a short autobiography include?

A short autobiography should include the following points:

  • Your current job title
  • Your company name or personal brand statement
  • Your hometown
  • Your alma mater
  • Your personal and professional goals
  • A relevant achievement or accomplishment
  • Your hobbies

Is autobiography written in the first person?

An autobiography is a story about the author's life. It can be written in first-person, which means you can use "I" and "me." But most academic writing for college does not allow you to use I or me.

What are some autobiographical books?

Some popular autobiographical books are:

  • "The Diary of Anne Frank" by Anne Frank, 
  • “Long Walk To Freedom” by Nelson Mandela,
  • "Tuesdays with Morrie" by Mitch Albom,
  • “I Am Malala” by Malala Yousafzai, and 
  • "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings" by Maya Angelou. 

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Barbara P

Dr. Barbara is a highly experienced writer and author who holds a Ph.D. degree in public health from an Ivy League school. She has worked in the medical field for many years, conducting extensive research on various health topics. Her writing has been featured in several top-tier publications.

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Types of Autobiography


  • Learn How to Write a Biography: A Step-by-Step Guide.
  • Self Publishing Guide

Learn How to Write a Biography: A Step-by-Step Guide.

Human lives are intricate tapestries woven with experiences, emotions, challenges, and triumphs. Biographies and autobiographies serve as windows into these remarkable stories, offering insight into the lives of individuals who have left their mark on history or those who wish to chronicle their own journeys. 

I n this guide, we will explore the art of writing biographies and autobiographies, delving into the nuances of both genres and providing valuable tips on how to craft compelling narratives.

Understanding Biography and Autobiography

  • Biography: Exploring Lives Beyond the Surface A biography is a literary exploration that unveils the intricate layers of a person’s existence, transcending the mere listing of events. It provides a comprehensive account of an individual’s life, offering insights into their achievements, struggles, societal impact, and distinct qualities that define them. These narratives serve as windows into history, allowing readers to traverse time and understand the legacy left by remarkable individuals. Biographies are usually crafted by biographers, individuals skilled in research and storytelling. They undertake a meticulous journey of gathering information from diverse sources, such as historical records, interviews, letters, and secondary literature. The biographer’s role is to curate these fragments of information into a coherent narrative, painting a vivid portrait of the subject. This comprehensive approach lends credibility and depth to the portrayal, enriching the reader’s understanding of the subject’s contributions and character. Example:  Consider the biography of Mahatma Gandhi. A biographer compiling his life story would explore not only his role in India’s fight for independence but also his principles of nonviolence, his experiments with truth, and his impact on the world’s political landscape. By presenting a holistic view of Gandhi’s life, the biography reveals the nuances of his personality, beliefs, and the larger context in which he operated.
  • Autobiography: The Intimate Dialogue of Self-Discovery An autobiography is a narrative journey undertaken by the subject themselves—a profound sharing of one’s life experiences, emotions, and reflections. This genre provides readers with an intimate insight into the subject’s psyche, allowing them to witness their life’s trajectory through personal recollections. Autobiographies carry a unique authenticity, as they are composed from the vantage point of the person who lived those moments, providing a firsthand account of their journey. Autobiographies draw from the subject’s reservoir of memories, emotions, and introspections. This self-exploration leads to a narrative that is often more than a linear chronicle; it becomes a tapestry woven with the threads of emotions, thoughts, and personal revelations. By directly communicating with the reader, the autobiographer creates a powerful connection, allowing readers to step into their shoes and experience their story from within. Example:  A notable example of an autobiography is “The Diary of a Young Girl” by Anne Frank. Written during her time in hiding during World War II, the book offers a candid portrayal of Anne’s life, fears, hopes, and dreams. Through her own words, readers gain a deep understanding of the challenges faced by Jews during the Holocaust, as well as the resilience and humanity that Anne exudes even in the face of adversity.

Writing a Biography:

Research: The Foundation of a Compelling Biography Thorough research is the cornerstone of a captivating biography. Delve into reputable sources like books, articles, interviews, and archives to gather a comprehensive view of your subject’s life. By immersing yourself in these materials, you gain insights into their experiences, motivations, and contributions. Scrutinise the historical context to understand the era’s impact on their journey. Successful research forms the bedrock of your biography, enabling you to present an accurate and nuanced portrayal that resonates with readers. It’s through meticulous research that you uncover the hidden stories and connect the dots, allowing the subject’s essence to shine through the pages.

Selecting a Focus: Defining the Narrative Scope Choosing a focal point is essential for a well-structured biography. Decide whether to cover the subject’s entire life or concentrate on specific periods or achievements. This decision shapes the narrative’s trajectory, preventing it from becoming overwhelming or disjointed. A focused approach allows you to delve deeply into pivotal moments, providing a more profound understanding of the subject’s journey. By clarifying the scope, you enable readers to follow a coherent storyline, making it easier for them to engage with the subject’s life in a meaningful way.

Structuring the Biography: Chronology and Themes The organisation of your biography greatly impacts its readability. Structure your work into logical sections or chapters, employing either a chronological or thematic arrangement. Begin with an engaging introduction that captures readers’ attention and provides essential context. A chronological structure follows the subject’s life in sequential order, offering a clear timeline of events. Alternatively, a thematic structure groups events by themes, allowing you to explore different facets of the subject’s life. A well-structured biography guides readers smoothly through the subject’s experiences, fostering a deeper connection and understanding.

Show, Don’t Tell: Evocative Storytelling Vivid descriptions, anecdotes, and quotes breathe life into your biography. Rather than merely listing facts, employ descriptive language to recreate scenes and emotions, allowing readers to immerse themselves in the subject’s world. Use anecdotes to illustrate key moments, capturing the essence of the subject’s character and the impact of events on their journey. Integrating quotes from the subject, contemporaries, or relevant sources adds authenticity and depth. Through this technique, you transport readers into the subject’s experiences, enabling them to witness the moments that shaped their lives.

Balanced Perspective: Portraying Strengths and Flaws A balanced portrayal adds credibility and depth to your biography. While it’s tempting to focus solely on accomplishments, a well-rounded view includes the subject’s strengths and flaws. This authenticity humanises the subject, making it relatable and multidimensional. By acknowledging both successes and challenges, readers gain a more honest understanding of their journey. Balancing positives and negatives helps readers empathise with the subject, connecting them on a deeper level and offering a more genuine insight into their lives.

Engaging Emotions: Creating Emotional Resonance Emotions are a potent tool in biography writing. Delve into the subject’s feelings, struggles, and aspirations to create an emotional connection with readers. By tapping into their emotional experiences, you make the narrative relatable and engaging. Sharing personal challenges and triumphs allows readers to empathise and reflect on their own lives. This emotional resonance elevates the biography from a mere factual account to a compelling and moving story that lingers in readers’ minds, leaving a lasting impact.

Citing Sources: Ensuring Accuracy and Credibility Accurate information is vital in biography writing. Properly cite your sources to maintain credibility and integrity. Clear citations not only lend authority to your work but also provide readers with the opportunity to explore further if they desire. Accurate referencing safeguards against misinformation and ensures that your portrayal is based on reliable evidence. In addition to enhancing your credibility, thorough citations demonstrate your commitment to thorough research and ethical writing practises, contributing to the overall trustworthiness of your biography.

complete guide to write a biography. start writing your biography now

Complete Guide to Write a Biography. Start Writing Your Biography Now

Writing an Autobiography:

Reflecting on Significant Moments and Experiences Initiating an autobiography involves introspection into your life’s pivotal moments. Delve into memories that have influenced your journey, such as turning points, challenges, relationships, and achievements. Reflect on these experiences, dissecting their impact on your personal growth and development. By contemplating these key events, you gain insight into the narrative threads that weave your life story together. This reflective process sets the foundation for an authentic autobiography that resonates with readers on a profound level.

Developing Your Unique Voice and Tone Crafting an autobiography demands a consistent voice and tone that reflect your personality. Write in a way that feels true to you, capturing your unique perspective and emotions. Authenticity is key, as it allows readers to connect with your narrative on a personal level. Whether your tone is introspective, humorous, or contemplative, ensure it aligns with the essence of your experiences. By embracing your genuine voice, you create an autobiography that not only tells your story but also conveys the essence of who you are.

Structured Storytelling for Engagement While autobiographies can be more flexible in structure compared to biographies, organising your narrative into coherent sections or themes enhances its readability. By grouping related experiences together, you provide readers with a clearer understanding of the themes that have shaped your life. This structure helps maintain their engagement by guiding them through your journey in a logical and compelling manner. While allowing for creativity, a structured approach ensures that your autobiography remains focused and accessible.

Embracing honesty and authenticity Honesty is the bedrock of an impactful autobiography. Share not only your triumphs but also your mistakes and failures. Authenticity creates relatability, allowing readers to connect with your humanity and vulnerabilities. Your journey’s challenges and setbacks are just as integral to your story as your successes. By being candid about your experiences, you demonstrate resilience and growth, inspiring readers to reflect on their own paths. This level of authenticity fosters a deeper connection, making your autobiography a source of empathy and encouragement.

Adding Depth Through Reflection Incorporate reflection to imbue your autobiography with depth and meaning. Explore the lessons you’ve learned from your experiences and the transformations they’ve prompted. Delve into how these moments shaped your beliefs, values, and perspective on life. By offering insights gained from introspection, you provide readers with wisdom and a broader understanding of your journey. Reflection transforms your autobiography from a chronicle of events into a thoughtful exploration of personal growth and the profound impact of life’s moments.

Creating vivid details for immersion Immerse readers in your world by employing sensory details and vivid descriptions. Paint a picture with words, allowing readers to visualise the scenes and emotions you’re describing. By incorporating sensory elements like sights, sounds, smells, and feelings, you transport readers into the moments you’re recounting. This immersive experience draws them closer to your story, fostering a stronger connection. Vivid details not only make your autobiography more engaging but also enable readers to forge a deeper connection with your experiences and emotions.

In the realm of literature, biographies and autobiographies stand as powerful testaments to the diversity and richness of human existence. Whether you’re capturing the life of a historical figure or penning your own life story, the art of writing these genres involves meticulous research, introspection, and a keen understanding of human emotions. 

Through carefully chosen words and evocative storytelling, biographers and autobiographers alike can craft narratives that resonate with readers and offer a deeper understanding of the human experience. So, whether you’re writing about the extraordinary or the everyday, embrace the challenge and privilege of narrating lives through the written word.

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Autobiography Writing Guide

Autobiography Examples

Last updated on: Nov 20, 2023

Autobiography Examples – Detailed Outline and Samples

By: Barbara P.

Reviewed By: Melisa C.

Published on: Mar 22, 2023

Autobiography Examples

We all have stories to tell. And, for some of us, the only way we feel like we can get our story out there is by writing it down. Some people may believe that an autobiography is something only famous people write about themselves but that is not true. 

In fact, anyone who has a story worth telling can write an autobiography. 

If you are assigned to write an autobiography in your high school or college and you are confused about where to start, don’t panic. 

You are at the right place.

Explore this detailed guide to understand the concept of writing an autobiography. It will also provide you with some great autobiography examples for a better understanding.

Autobiography Examples

On this Page

What is an Autobiography?

An autobiography is a kind of the self-written story of a person's life. This type of narration has various aims and objectives that depend on the kind of writing that you decide to go with.

Moreover, it has different types. A writer can choose any of them on the basis of what he wants to include in his story.



Struggling to understand the basics of autobiography? Check out this how to write an autobiography to understand the key prerequisite of autobiographies. 

Autobiography Types

Below-mentioned is the four main types of autobiography. These include:

1. Traditional Autobiography –  It is a complete story that covers all life experiences including birth, childhood, and adulthood. You can write it for personal use. However, if you feel that your life can be inspiring for others, you can also write it for the wider public.

2. Memoir –  It focuses on describing a specific event, relationship, time period, or place that has an effect on your personality and life. For example, it may include your hometown or an important relationship.

3. Personal Essay –  It is the idea of sharing your life story with the audience in a way that they feel as if they were a part of it. Similarly, it also describes two aspects including the event and how it affected the beliefs.

4. Confessional –  Some people find comfort in writing about their mistakes and sins. Thus, they write this type of autobiography so that people will learn from their mistakes and avoid them.

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Examples are an essential way to learn something in less time. Therefore, we have stated some examples for you to write your autobiographies. These will also help to learn about a proper autobiography template and structure.

Have a look at these autobiography examples to get a better understanding.

Cultural Autobiography Examples


Educational Autobiography Examples for Students 


Autobiography Examples For Class 6

Autobiography Examples For Grade 7

Autobiography Examples For College Students

Autobiography Examples About Yourself

Autobiography Examples Ks2

Famous Personality Autobiography

The autobiography of benjamin franklin is one example of a famous personality autobiography. Similarly, these famous autobiography examples will provide you with everything to get started with your famous personality autobiography.


Funny Autobiography


High School Autobiography


Literary Autobiography Example

Literary Autobiography

Personal Autobiography


Professional Autobiography


Struggling to understand the difference between memoir and autobiography? Check this guide with memoir vs autobiography examples to differentiate between the two terms.

Scientific Autobiography


Short Autobiography Examples for Students


Autobiography Examples Books

Autobiography example books provide a detailed insight into the life of an individual. Through these real-life stories, readers get to know more about a person's experiences and how they overcame challenges. 

Book Autobiography Sample

Spiritual Autobiography Examples

Spiritual autobiographies are a great way to reflect on one's spiritual journey and the lessons learned along the way. Here is an example to help you out.

Spiritual Autobiography Sample

The Dos and Don'ts of an Autobiography

A successful autobiography indicates the author’s ability to present a worthwhile story. There are a wide variety of things that you can talk about while writing your personal narratives.

However, the following are some dos and don'ts of writing an autobiography that will help in refining your writing skills.

Some dos of writing an autobiography are:

  • Understanding the Intended Audience

There is a huge difference when you are writing an autobiography for your friends or a group of strangers. Because it requires extensive details about life events and experiences. Thus, make sure to include facts that you consider significant.

  • Developing A Core Concept

It is essential to identify the central theme of your autobiography. Moreover, a well-structured outline is also a proper way of associating one event with another. It will also set the interest of the readers by keeping the story consistent from the beginning to the end.

  • Do Tell the Truth

Do not portray yourself as the hero or villain of the story. Instead, tell the truth and acknowledge your mistakes by exposing your strengths and weaknesses.

  • Revising and Editing

Read aloud what you have written and do some editing. Check if your ideas flow logically and look out for interrupting thoughts.

  • Do Seek Feedback

Ask your friends and family to read your work and provide you with feedback. Understand the difference between fair criticism and forced judgment.

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Don’ts of Writing an Autobiography

Below mentioned are some don'ts of writing an autobiography.

  • Do Not Mention Unnecessary Details

Include relevant details and struggles when narrating your life story. Avoid adding unnecessary details. Instead, share the information that is directly related to your story.

  • Stop Worrying About Others

Your story may contain some details that can have a negative effect on others. Do not worry about them and rearrange all the details.

Moreover, remember that you are not here to please everyone. Thus, avoid writing for a broader audience and make your story too generic and specific for the readers.

  • Discuss Why Your Story Is Inspiring

If your main goal is to inspire people with your story, show them how you felt instead of telling them directly. Allow the audience to come to the conclusion through your writing style.

  • Avoid Copying Someone's Story

It is a big mistake to copy someone's work to make your story compelling. Find the hook and unique points that are marketable. Also, think of all these details before you begin writing.

Autobiographies aim to educate and inform others in some ways. This blog has provided all the essential details to write an autobiography. You can generate even more samples of autobiography through our FREE AI-based paper writer . 

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Barbara P.

Literature, Marketing

Dr. Barbara is a highly experienced writer and author who holds a Ph.D. degree in public health from an Ivy League school. She has worked in the medical field for many years, conducting extensive research on various health topics. Her writing has been featured in several top-tier publications.

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Autobiography Examples

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How to write an autobiography – the step-by-step guide

The process of turning the memories and experiences of your life into words on a page is hard work. But the rewards of sticking with the process, of carrying on writing, and actually seeing your story emerge on the page are well worth it.

This step-by-step guide to writing an autobiography will: help you identify your audience and your reasons for writing, give you practical tips for the actual writing part - the bit too many how-to guides fail to address - and give you a couple of alternative ways of getting your autobiography out of your head and into the world.  

autobiography guide to writing

I’ve talked about some of the reasons why you might want to write an autobiography . Now, let’s turn our attention to how to write an autobiography.

Whether you’re a confident writer or not, I’m certain you’ll find some ideas here to help you write an autobiography you can be proud of.

Writing an autobiography – one step at a time

Learning to write an autobiography is not so very different from learning to exercise. You need to work to a plan, start slowly, put in the hours, and most importantly, make writing a habit. (Oh, and you have to accept that while you’re building up your writing muscles, the process might hurt a bit!)

Just like exercising, there will be times when you really don’t feel like writing. But the joy of sticking to a schedule is that the longer you do it, the more normal it will feel. And you’ll soon see the fruits of your efforts as your autobiography’s word count keeps going up and up.

Why do you want to write an autobiography?

Whether you want to write autobiography or memoir, you must first decide your reason for writing. 

Passing on things you’ve learned about life or work, preserving your life story for your nearest and dearest, curating a social history, telling someone you love them in a book, exploring your life’s difficulties and moving on…

There are so many good reasons for wanting to write an autobiography… what’s yours?

You’ve got however many years of life to write about. Your story could go in so many different direction and talk about so many different things. You could probably spend a whole book talking about your job, your schooldays, or your relationships, but do you want to? Or would you rather present a more succinct account of your whole life.

If you don’t know exactly why you’re writing your autobiography, you’ll find it very hard to know what to include and what to exclude. Try and condense your reasons for writing to one sentence, such as:

I want my children to read my autobiography and understand what kind of person I was, and what kind of a parent I tried to be.

Who do you want to write an autobiography for?

Knowing why you want to write your autobiography may also inform this equally important question: who is going to read your autobiography?

Friends and family? People in your industry? Children who haven’t been born yet? A wider audience?

Again, it pays to have a very clear sense of who you’re writing your autobiography for before you write a word. That’ll help you decide what stories are relevant, interesting, and appropriate. It will help you set a suitable tone and level of formality for the book. You might even find that thinking of your intended reader immersed in your book will help you write more naturally.  

Writing your autobiography to a proper plan

Don’t be intimidated by the thought of ‘writing a plan,’ as if it should be some very important text. Your autobiography plan can be as simple as a list of key events that you want to write about. Assuming you’re writing a chronological autobiography, simply order those events in date order. If you’re going for a thematic approach, order them by theme.  

The more detail you put in your plan, the easier it’ll be to actually write your autobiography. For example, rather than simply writing ‘school days’ on your plan, note down anything about those days that’s germane to the autobiography you want to write. For example:

  • Did any of your teachers have an especially positive or negative impact on you?
  • In what ways did you excel? In what ways did you struggle?
  • Who were your most meaningful friends? Wat about enemies?
  • What developing character traits were emerging that mark you out as you?

Any time you spend working on your plan will be well worth it. Keep filling in additional details under each heading, and before you know it, you’ll be joining up events into a cohesive narrative.  

Schedule your autobiography writing

A schedule?! Sounds like the enemy of creativity, doesn’t it? But schedules are good for three good reasons:

You have an awful lot of words to write, so it makes sense to break the job down into manageable chunks. Making your writing into a habitual activity will help you to do that. 


Let’s go back to the link between writing and exercise. If you’re one of those people who likes to see their activity scores mounting, you’ll enjoy the satisfaction that comes of having a regular writing schedule that you need to tick off. (If you’re feeling particularly brave, you can share your writing schedule with someone so they can help you stick to your task.)

Routine and creativity may not seem like natural bedfellows, but writing to a regular schedule can actually make you more creative. Designating specific days and times to write can help to prepare your ‘writing brain’ for each session.

(Oh, and just because you have a writing schedule, you’re still allowed to write at other times too!)

How to write an autobiography – ideas to get you going

Now you’ve established your audience, your reasons for writing, made a plan, and set a schedule, here are my recommendations for writing your autobiography. And if you still hate the thought of all that writing, I’ve included some alternative ideas to help you get your story onto paper…

The nitty-gritty: How do you actually write an autobiography?

Let’s start with beginnings; if you’re wondering how to get your book off to the best possible start, here’s an article devoted to the subject of how to start an autobiography .  

But even before you think about how to start your book, you need to know how to write it. So let’s consider the actual process of putting one word after another on the page. The key is to make it as easy on yourself as possible. Here are some ways to help you to master writing autobiography prose:

Build up your autobiography, bullet point by bullet point

As described above, it really, really helps if you start with a plan covering everything you want your autobiography to cover. This is the skeleton of your story, now you need to add some meat to the bones.

Choose one of the bullet points – it doesn’t have to be from the beginning of your story – and start filling in extra layers of detail. To give you an example of how that might work, let’s go back to the example of school days. I suggested that one layer of additional information might refer to influential teachers. If this was my own story, I would start adding further information like this:

  • Struggled to leave Mum on my first day, but Mrs Kirkham took me under her wing.
  • When she knew I liked Doctor Who , she saved me the promotional cards from boxes of Weetabix cereal.
  • After she retired, they planted a tree in the garden to commemorate her service to the school.

As you can see, by adding further bullet points, I’ve given myself more storytelling angles to explore. Now, I can add in more detail to flesh out those points. For example:

I remember the day we went out to see her tree being planted. It wasn’t long before I was due to make the transition to secondary school, and I can still remember thinking – in my youthful way – about how that tree would be there forever. Somehow, it felt like a significant moment in my life, as well as hers.

Using this method to fill in layers of information and give greater nuance can help you build your book quickly and easily. What starts out as making additional notes very soon morphs into actually writing your book without you even noticing.

This way of writing autobiography gives your brain a break too. Having all the key events listed before you start writing lets you relax, and pick off the bits of the story you want to write about.

Write without hesitation – the ‘carry on writing’ method

I just spent a few extra seconds deciding if ‘hesitation’ was the best word to us in that title. Madness! What I should have done was get it down and carry on writing, knowing that I’d be going back to double check it afterwards. And that’s the knack. Don’t stop to think too hard about what words you’re using, just let the words come and get them on the page. Don’t stop to correct mistakes, you can sort them out later.   

Want to write an autobiography? Remember that you’re already a master storyteller

Even though your autobiography is based on the facts of your life, you’ll quickly find that simply writing out the facts of your life can be a very boring process. Nobody wants to read a catalogue of your life’s events; they want to be amused, entertained, and moved by your story. So you are going to have to work to keep their attention. Just like a novelist keeps readers hanging on every word, so you have to do something similar if you want to write a page turner of an autobiography.

The good news is that I’m sure you already know how to do this. Telling a story on a page is not so very different from telling your story to your partner, or telling your friends in the pub. But while novelists get praised for their ability to entertain their readers, the rest of us just tell our stories without any of the awards and plaudits!  

Humans are all master storytellers. It’s in our DNA. We learnt from stories at school. We bonded with people through a shared love of stories. Or we made connections by sharing stories. So we instinctively incorporate so many of those storytelling techniques when we’re in full flow and spinning another tall tale about what happened to us on the way to work.

We all know how to use exaggeration, dramatic momentum, misdirection, humour, and all the other things we need to make our stories interesting. We just need to apply those same techniques to our writing.

Trust your tone of voice

Your tone of voice is unique. And your tone of voice for writing autobiography will come through in the way that you write.

Be brave. Don’t self-edit too heavily. Your words and phrases are a big part of your distinctiveness.

Your writing should only be as formal as you are. If you’re always using contractions and colloquialisms, make sure your written autobiography voice does too.

If you’re known for your ‘industrial’ language, why would you edit all the expletives out of your book?

Give us some character in your autobiography

Your autobiography is all about you, and as described above, your tone of voice will help to characterise you in your writing. But your autobiography will be richer and more interesting if it’s populated by other interesting characters.

If you have made enemies in your life, make sure you really let their odiousness come through in your writing.

If you’re talking about close friends and family, make sure your writing does them justice. Let your words paint those characters and show your love for those people.

Two alternative ways of getting your story out there

Recording (and writing your autobiography).

If you want to write an autobiography and you’re struggling, record it.

Take one of the subjects you want to talk about in your book, and instead of writing it, vocalise it. Act like an interviewee telling your story and record it to your phone or a Dictaphone.

Afterwards, you can transcribe the recordings to your autobiography document. (Yeah, the recordings are going to need work, but at least you’ll have the raw stuff in place to work with.) Or, you can edit the recordings into an audio autobiography if you prefer.

A video autobiography

Choose someone to act as your interviewer. Let them work with your friends and family to prepare a list of questions they’d like you to answer about your life. Find a good location, set up a camera – or a phone on a tripod would do – and create a video autobiography. The raw footage will need some editing together, but your video will make a great alternative to a written autobiography.

Take care of the edits, typos, and structure

‘Writing a autobiography…’ whoops! Writing an autobiography is only half the job. Editing an autobiography, and taking care of those pesky typos is going to make your book so much better.

Use your edit to pay attention to the structure of your story too:

  • Does everything you’ve written support the story you’re telling? If not, do you really need those sections?
  • Have you sequenced your book in the best way? Would it make it more interesting to start with a dramatic sequence from your life story?
  • Is there a sense of ebb and flow in your book? Do moments of calm follow dramatic moments?
  • Does every character you talk about get a proper introduction and exit from your story?
  • Even though your life continues, you should still strive to bring your book to a satisfactory conclusion.

Write an autobiography with a ghostwriter’s help

Hopefully there are enough writing hints here to help you write your autobiography. If you’re struggling, remember that a ghostwriter (like me) can help you write an autobiography. Or they can write the whole thing for you, if you prefer.

If you want to talk to me about the autobiography writing process, book yourself on a call and see if I’m the autobiographer for you…   

Photo by Joanna Kosinska on Unsplash

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From process to publishing options, via pricing, I’ve compiled a few FAQs for you. For anything else, please feel free to get in touch for a friendly, no-obligation chat.

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How to Write an Autobiography: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to Write an Autobiography: A Step-by-Step Guide

Writing one's own biography may seem like an overwhelming task with uncertainties as to how or where to commence the process. While engaging a professional biographer might seem like an ideal solution; however not all possess sufficient funds for it.

Yet fear not for creating one's self-account has never been more achievable; given appropriate guidance offered within our guide here. It offers insightful tips on choosing the theme that resonates with your life's journey, implementing an effective outline, weaving-in captivating writing techniques, and refining your manuscript perfect to keep readers engaged till the very last page. With these guidelines in hand, anyone can tell their unique story in an inspiring and captivating manner.

Ask yourself why and for whom you're writing

Writing an autobiography invites readers on a personal journey through one's life experiences. To craft something impactful for others to enjoy - It starts by considering two fundamental elements: Why write such a memoir? And who should read it? Your motivation: What drives the desire to do so? Is it about providing guidance through lessons learned over time or sharing powerful experiences that have meaning for future generations? Identifying these underlying reasons serves as invaluable sources of inspiration when crafting your unique narrative.

Knowing WHO will primarily connect with these memories also provides powerful clues on storytelling tactics most likely resonate deeply with readership while still being true unto oneself. Whether personal reflections or narratives aimed at community groups - recognize this direction is crucial when telling someone's life story. To summarize; your autobiography provides readers with an intimate look into your personal narrative. To create something that resonates, reflect upon why you write the memoir, and who should read it to best connect with all who engage with it.

Choosing a Focus for Your Autobiography

Crafting an enthralling autobiography hinges on selecting a suitable focus. The initial step is to record names of influential people, places, or occasions that left an indelible impression in your life's tapestry. Such an exercise helps zero in on the overriding theme for your memoirs. Once you have identified the dominant motif within your story, concentrate on spotlighting significant events or transformative junctures which made you who you are presently- including not just wins but losses too as they add genuine depth and relatability to your narrative. By homing in on these critical points within your tale, readers can imbibe profound insights into how these incidents shaped who you are.

Decide on a theme

If sharing one's life story through written word is on the cards, identifying a theme truly makes for a more impactful read. Begin by pinpointing which values matter most at this stage of life—what challenges have been faced up until then? This clarifies things when connecting with potential audiences; then select autobiographical approaches that prompt reader engagement while maintaining originality as well as uniqueness down its plotline structure or core message--one way might be by showcasing success AND failings side-by-side throughout said journey within one dominating text format!

Structuring Your Autobiography


To effectively share your story in an autobiography, it's crucial to determine which structure will work best - whether chronological or thematic - depending on what you're looking to convey as an author. A chronological structure follows events over time whereas using themes highlights specific ideas across various stages of life; both options require clear formatting for ease-of-reading continuity. Adding flashbacks and memories is an excellent way to provide additional depth while improving reader insight into pivotal personal experiences - make sure they seamlessly populate a relevant plotline without becoming excessively distracting.

Additionally, including historical and cultural context can deepen a story's overall meaning while painting a more immersive picture of the times covered in your narrative.

Start by brainstorming and outlining your life story, including significant events and turning points.

Set out writing an autobiography through introspection about notable moments in existence. Craft a catalogue of instances that molded the personage inherent within and ponder how they influenced thinking processes as well as behavioural patterns. These could encompass significant milestones such as graduation ceremonies from universities or wedding ceremonies alongside smaller instances like meeting people who leave lasting impressions or exploring unfamiliar locales. Ponder upon each circumstance carrying memories about how it affected emotional states and how these reverberate till today. Did any of them revolutionize perceptions of living? Or did they foster personal development by teaching valuable lessons? Weighing their consequences will enable selecting impactful anecdotes resulting in a narrative that grips reader attention.

Highlight your achievements and failures

Here's a fictional example :

My life has indeed been shaped by various incidents and people over time, leading up to moments of ultimate pride such as graduating from college with honors - an achievement marked by immense dedication and perseverance invested along the way.
Additionally, one particular milestone that stands out was embarking alone on a journey to Japan for the first time - an experience that taught me independence while boosting self-esteem. Whilst there have been many high points in life so far worth noting it would be remiss not to acknowledge some challenges faced head-on: one particularly tough chapter unfolded during senior year involving depression with each day proving more challenging than the last until finding solace through therapy-led progress towards recovery.
Furthermore, after graduation securing employment proved challenging due perhaps significantly less experience than employers much preferred. In hindsight, those hardships were vital experiences that offered powerful life lessons. Through it all, I learned the importance of persistence in challenging times and resilience that have willingly prepared me for future professional development as well as personal growth goals.

Free Outline

This will assist you in organizing your thoughts into the major sections of your book. These are as follows:

  • The difficulties you have overcome.
  • The lessons you've learned.
  • The people who had the greatest influence on you.
  • The most significant events and experiences in your life.
  • Your accomplishments and successes.

I find that asking myself specific questions while brainstorming helps to activate my imagination. So I've compiled a list of compelling questions to assist you in putting your thoughts on paper or on your screen.

  • The most significant accomplishments
  • The Worst Mistakes
  • The best moments
  • What event influenced your life?
  • Who influenced your life?
  • What places have had an impact on your life?
  • Worst instances
  • What have you discovered?
  • How have you evolved?

In each section, write three questions to be answered.

You've already done the bulk of the work. You've organized and outlined the major sections. Next on your autobiography to-do list is to select and write down three questions for each section. You can record your questions in the "boxes" provided for each section of the template outline (or on another piece of paper).This is simpler than it appears. Simply select one of the following sample autobiography questions or create your own: Questions allow you to write quickly and clearly.

  • What made me select this person/event?
  • What is this person/event significant to me?
  • How did I come across this person?
  • Where did it take place?
  • When did it occur?
  • What caused it to happen?
  • What caused it?
  • What is the most intriguing aspect?
  • What was my reaction to this person or event?
  • How do I feel right now?
  • Why is this person or event important to me?
  • How has this person or event influenced my life?
  • What is the most difficult part?
  • What went wrong?
  • How did I do it?
  • What did I discover?

Decide on a chronological or thematic structure

As you consider how best to shape your autobiography, it's vital to contemplate whether employing a chronological or thematic structure will better suit your aims. Are you motivated by the desire to preserve a record of your existence for posterity's sake or do you hope to excite and inspire readers with an enthralling account?

Depending on what drives you, one approach may be more effective than another; using chronological sequencing could provide readers with comprehensive insight into events over time while focusing on key themes can emphasize their importance throughout our lives. Deliberating about what life experiences have had substantial effects or have transformed us is essential when deciding on the scope of our stories - these experiences serve as key anchors in both types of structures. Additionally worth pondering are how such themes are connected culturally or historically which amplifies their significance within our narratives- adding depth which enriches any approach we choose.

Use flashbacks and memories to add depth

In creating a memoir about yourself, be thoughtful about selecting flashbacks or memories that contributed to who you become. An impactful moment may define certain aspects of your character or changed the course of your life experiences; aim for those types of memories when writing autobiographically.Use blended tenses between the present and past when narrating flashback scenes creates an effect that positions readers within those poignant moments alongside you.By describing each scene vividly ,you make it all easier for readers to visualize,the more immersive story-telling becomes.

Weave in relevant historical and cultural context

Autobiographies are not just mere chronicles detailing one's personal experiences; they act as mirrors reflecting back the society we inhabit in its various stages. To give depth to your memoirs, weaving significant historical events that took place during your lifetime could help ground readers about the choices you made along the way. It would be prudent when incorporating personal stories into wider societal changes to mention political, social and economic factors that impacted you directly since this gives texture to these pivotal moments in life.

Furthermore highlighting distinctive cultural influences like art forms such as music or literature adds another dimension highlighting how they shape one's identity, or even how religious traditions passed down from one generation to another brought their own transformative impact. Bringing together these different contexts into your narrative would allow readers a more profound insight into what inspired and influenced some of the most momentous times in your life.

Writing Techniques to Engage Your Readers

Writing an autobiography might cause some trepidation – after all, sharing personal stories can expose vulnerabilities- nonetheless it’s this emotional honesty that makes an inspiring read: one that imparts valuable lessons and memories upon its audience . Fortunately it does not have to be difficult ! By following some guiding principles, this task can become an engrossing journey that leaves both the author and audience fulfilled. In crafting a remarkable memoir , we offer a few suggestions: firstly, captivate readers through rich imagery created through descriptive language consisting of adjectives or metaphors that evoke characterizations of people , places , or events so vivid they seem tangible .

Additionally , prioritizing dialogue or actions over reciting emotions as they occur ‘flatly’ enables emotional engagement amongst readers as if they are experiencing life alongside the author's memories . Creating brilliantly depicted characters acts as integral piece of enhancing reader investment in the narrative . Try including distinct personalities for each primary character even if covering many members connected with shared/family stories this offers perspective from various viewpoints combining into an unforgettable cast capturing reader attention until all chapters have been perused.

Use colorful and descriptive language

It's important to remember that when telling our personal stories through an autobiography, the choice of words we use plays an instrumental role in driving our message across effectively. Captivating our audience requires us to select dynamic vocabulary choices filled with rich descriptions; using intense adjectives that illuminate key moments while using sensory details allowing us as storytellers to transport our audience right into these moments in time as we present them with figurative language like similes or metaphors - giving deeper meaning behind each experience shared.Here are some tips for making your autobiography more vivid:

  • Choose strong adjectives that evoke emotions: Instead of saying "I had a nice time," try "I had an exhilarating experience" or "I felt euphoric."
  • Use sensory details: Bring the reader into the moment by describing sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and textures. For example: "The salty ocean breeze whipped through my hair as I gazed out at the endless expanse of turquoise sea."By utilizing these techniques and others like them throughout your autobiography, you can create an immersive reading experience that will captivate any reader from beginning to end.
  • Incorporate metaphors or similes: These figures of speech create memorable comparisons that add depth to your writing. For instance: "My heart was like a wildfire burning out of control" or "His laughter bubbled up like champagne."

By utilizing these techniques and others like them throughout your autobiography, you can create an immersive reading experience that will captivate any reader from beginning to end.

Show, don't tell

Crafting an autobiography that really captures the attention of readers requires utilizing the "show not tell" approach as one of its critical techniques.Specific examples which emphasize your point give the reader something tangible which make them interested.Integrating illustrations clearly displaying personality attributes throughout along with plainly presenting character’s conversations give extra dimensions making for insightful reading.

Trying out elaboration of physical responses in place of direct representation insinuate emotional experience providing room for stronger connections.Characterization is accomplished by employing colorful and descriptive language.Your account will effectively hold the interest if you focus on these core elements throughout its development process.

Create vivid characters, including yourself

Make your characters memorable and captivating by using descriptive language that brings them to life. Give each character unique traits that readers will remember, like twirling hair or pen chewing. It’s crucial to let the reader into every character’s motivations so they can see a fully realized person come off the page. This technique applies whether you are writing an autobiography or not.

Editing and Polishing Your Autobiography

One of the primary stages of crafting a compelling autobiography is thoroughly refining and editing one's work. It's essential to allow for some time away from writing once you've finished drafting it before delving into the editing process for fresh perspective. When you receive feedback from others concerning ways to enhance your autobiography during revision, it can be greatly beneficial.

Enlisting loved ones or close associations as beta readers might enable them to give their constructive criticism without feeling personally attacked by utilizing tactful language that highlights areas for potential growth.

It's also crucial while going over each page repeatedly during revisions always making sure there is logical continuity between dates, facts and names throughout each chapter so readers can make sense of everything smoothly progressing towards clarity about the unique path of yours.

Take a break before editing

Before beginning to edit your autobiography, it is essential to take some time away from it so that when you come back to it after refreshing yourself fully, giving yourself plenty of time away- whether through immersing oneself in nature where possible like walking along trails outside; sitting down quietly reading an inspiring book; spending time conversationally engaged over lunch meetings amongst friends– there will be much tussle for revising worthy additions once more review!When you do come back to your writing, try these tips:

  • Read through the entire manuscript without making any changes.Take notes on areas that need improvement or clarification.
  • Pay attention to consistency of style and voice throughout.

By taking breaks before editing, you'll find it easier to spot errors and create an engaging story that captivates your readers.

Get feedback from others

Jotting down memories about one's life journey feels overwhelming at first glance yet becomes an effortless process once supportive resources are found promptly. To begin drafting meaningful stories that will resonate with readers worldwide, reach out to dependable friends or family who can offer helpful feedback and unbiased critique of the narrative. Constructive criticism ensures that the memoir's ending leaves a lasting impression.

Alternatively, consider joining a writers' group like-minded peers who could explore how your story resonates while providing objective feedback. Sharing parts of your story with this community extends support, helps distil complex concepts and guarantees an efficient delivery.

Finally, writers seeking professional input from an editor or proofreader may benefit from insight into structuring their manuscript for maximum impact. Attention to detail on matters like coherence, flow and grammar helps identify areas of synchronicities across the narrative thread. These steps ensure filling more pages with captivating life experiences that impact and leave a lasting mark on readers.

Check for consistency and accuracy

Making sure that your autobiography is consistent and accurate throughout the entire book is crucial to keeping your readers engaged. Small discrepancies can cause confusion or distract from the overall story. Here are a few things to keep in mind when checking for consistency and accuracy:

  • Double-check all names, dates, and factual information mentioned in the text.Ensure that there is consistency in tone, style, and language used throughout the book.
  • Verify any quotes or references mentioned in your story.

By taking these steps to review your work thoroughly, you can feel confident that you have created a compelling autobiography that accurately reflects your life experiences.

⚠️ What Not To Include In an Autobiography

Crafting an autobiography should be approached with caution as not every detail needs mentioning. Though there may be a desire to share everything, some details are better left unsaid. When writing one's memoirs, consider what should be left aside such as:

  • Confidential Information - Though it is acceptable to mention notable persons,is is always advisable not to disclose sensitive information concerning them without their consent.
  • Negative experiences or individuals - You must mandate acknowledging rather than overemphasizing difficult moments as this could distort public perception leading it away from gaining proper meaning clarity.  Instead focus on positive things in order for others to draw inspiration from and how you triumphed over adversity.
  • Sensitive or Controversial issues – While honesty is essential while writing an autobiography, considering any possible repercussions might due care need surrendering some of oneself up willingly giving way for sensitivity intervals where appropriate expressing respect for others who come after us who seek knowledge about our past experiences but also preserving dignity .
  • Irrelevant material- Making sure that your autobiography only includes information relevant to the overall narrative is essential. Be precise, direct and concise so that readers can engage well with your story. Anything deemed redundant is better left out.

By providing the best of all worlds in terms of clarity, readability and relevance, an impactful and memorable autobiography can be published that strikes a balance between being engaging while highlighting one's personal journey without deviating unnecessarily off-topic at any point. Remember to leave out anything irrelevant and emphasize only positive aspects while holding caution before sharing any sensitive or controversial storylines or sentiments embedded within your personal account of life experiences at large.

5 autobiographies to read for inspiration

The following are five remarkable autobiographies that describe the experiences and journeys of influential individuals:

  • "The Autobiography of Malcolm X" by Malcolm X and Alex Haley is a profound memoir about the life of a civil rights activist who emerged as one of the most influential figures in the African American community after being imprisoned for his beliefs.
  • "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings" by Maya Angelou is a powerful autobiographical account of her childhood in the American South during 1930s and 1940s. Angelou shares her experiences growing up and how they shaped her later life as an accomplished writer and activist.
  • Trevor Noah's autobiography, "Born a Crime," tells his personal story growing up in apartheid-era South Africa. He candidly narrates his challenges as being a son born from different races – white Swiss father and black Xhosa mother.
  • In "Bossypants," Tina Fey presents an intriguing look at her life journey, from childhood in Pennsylvania to becoming an acclaimed writer and performer on shows like "Saturday Night Live" and "30 Rock." Her autobiography is not just humorous but also insightful.
  • In Jeannette Walls' memoir, "The Glass Castle," she narrated her unconventional upbringing by parents who struggled with poverty and addiction while moving frequently with their family around America's Southwest region.

Writing your autobiography requires a fair amount of preparation, thought, and effort. Much like writing any book. And for many, it is indeed their first one. While many start this work, few make it to the end. That's why we developed life-story.ai: to assist you in this task and to greatly facilitate this work.

Don't wait to preserve your family's memories

Telling your story in a book has never been so quick and easy.

How to Write an Autobiography: Questions, Principles, & What to Include

When you are assigned an autobiography to write, tens, and even hundreds of questions start buzzing in your head. How to write autobiography essay parts? What to include? How to make your autobiography writing flow? Don’t worry about all this and use the following three simple principles and 15 creative questions for writing a life story about yourself that truly deserves a high grade.

And don’t forget to bookmark Custom-writing.org , here you’ll find tons of study advice and superior writing help.

  • ❗ 3 Main Principles
  • ❓ 50 Questions
  • 🤗 What to Include?

🔗 References

❗ how to write autobiography: 3 main principles.

First and foremost, you should remember that an autobiography (also called a memoir) is a story about your own life. If you write the life story of another person, that is called a biography.

You will quickly write a winning autobiography if you follow these three simple principles:

  • Make it logical . Choose one main idea and express it in a thesis statement to combine all memories into a meaningful whole.
  • Do not be a bore . Reveal some personal details and tell something that nobody but you can tell.
  • Make it easy to read . Include an introduction, main body, and conclusion ; do not hesitate to use a new paragraph to develop a new idea; avoid using overly complicated language and constructions.

❓ 50 Questions for Writing an Autobiography

Even when you use the 3 above-discussed principles, you might still stumble in the middle of your autobiography. Your inspiration can betray you after you start writing a memoir. But the following 50 questions won’t let you down. This list will help you generate brilliant ideas for your autobiographies whenever you need them:

  • What famous quote can describe your life?
  • Which 3 adjectives can be used to describe you as a person?
  • Who influenced your personal development?
  • What are your best and worst childhood memories?
  • What is your family social and ethnic background?
  • What is your relationship with parents and other relatives?
  • What is your culture?
  • What are your main achievements in life?
  • What are the weaknesses that you would like to get rid of?
  • What are your goals for the future?
  • What places would you like to visit and why?
  • What does it mean to be American?
  • What skills would you like to develop and why?
  • What was the most memorable day in your life?
  • What was the most important lesson you have ever learned?
  • How did your life values transform after the global lockdown?
  • What are the most important values in life, in your opinion?
  • Which fault would you never forgive in others or yourself?
  • Does ethnic identity play an important role in your life?
  • How will the W. P. Carey MBA help you achieve your goals? 
  • What leadership skills do you have?
  • What is your personal health vision?
  • What is your opinion of art?
  • What are the main qualities of a true friend?
  • What is the role of music in your life?
  • What do you think of classical music?
  • Can you describe your first day at college?
  • What is marriage, in your opinion?
  • What lessons did you derive from your first semester at school?
  • What do you think of epistemology philosophy?
  • Have you ever attended logic courses?
  • Is success or talent really the outcome of hard work?
  • What are your impressions from your last vacation?
  • What impact does your emotional intelligence has on your personal relationships?
  • What do you think of aging?
  • Does your personal happiness depend on household activities?
  • Does making mistakes help you?
  • Have you ever adopted a pet?
  • What did you learn from your first job?
  • How was your first date?
  • What is your ideal social meeting place?
  • What challenges did your friendship face?
  • Why would you be a good nurse?
  • What does being responsible mean to you?
  • What steps do you take to improve your interpersonal relations?
  • What is your personal vision of a home?
  • What did a failure at the exam teach you about hard work?
  • What is your vision of d ystopia?  
  • What is your favorite superheroine and why?
  • What career would you like to choose?

If you are a student, your life story might not be that long. However, these 15 questions will guide you in writing an autobiography that you can be proud of and the 3 simple principles discussed above will help you make your memoir flawless.

🤗 What to Include in an Autobiography?

  • Explore your background . Try to recall how a biography of a prominent person usually starts. It always opens with their parents’ or even grandparents’ achievements or vices. Rather than beginning the autobiography with your date of birth, dedicate a paragraph to your ancestors. Providing background information will put your life into a complete picture. The following questions will help you decide which events prior to your birth are worth attention.
What kind of family do you come from? What did your parents do for a living, and how did it influence their lifestyle?
Are there any prominent achievements of your ancestors you could boast of? How did these accomplishments impact your family?
How did your parents get acquainted?
Where were you born, and what distinctive features of this region could you point out?
Were you the first, second, or third child?
  • Pick out your childhood memories . This is the most touching paragraph of your piece of writing. Even though your childhood may seem ordinary, the following template questions will guide you in the right direction. Something in your life will always be unique for everybody else.
Where did you live when you were a child (in the country, suburbs, town, or large city)?
Did you spend a lot of time outdoors? Did you gain any skills from playing there?
How did your relatives prepare you for school?
What defines your most important choice in life?
Describe the moments that shaped your personality or made a major change in your perception of life?
Which events influenced your choice of a program for college?
  • Research your culture . Your family traditions are unique. In the modern world, every family is free to observe or ignore some customs. Special moments are what we recall many years later. Sometimes they are formed spontaneously, but most of them are created by our family, friends, and relatives.
What was the most anticipated holiday for your family?
Who did you invite to your place for the celebration?
What was the most important and valuable gift in your life?
Does your family have any traditions that are not related to holidays?
Is there a particular food you cook and eat only on important days?
Were there any adverse events related to your family traditions?
  • Autobiography | Definition, History, Types, Examples, & Facts. Britannica
  • What Is an Autobiography? (And How to Write Yours) – ThoughtCo
  • The Autobiography of a Student – jstor
  • THE STUDENT AUTOBIOGRAPHY: structured or unstructured? Wiley Online Library
  • 5 Ways to Write an Autobiography – wikiHow
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I appreciate the time and effort you put into this for that!

You really helped me with this paper and fun fact I am still in primary school 🙃😏

Thank you so much for this guide questions, this really helps a lot especially to those who really don’t have any idea on how to write an autobiography may God bless you and expand your storehouse..

Very interesting. Can your team actually put a rough autobio together for someone using their ideas and answering all the questions….its a bit more involved than I would like it to be. If I could get a rough story on print… is that something your company does & a ballpark cost if you do…thank you

How many words should there be in an autobiography?

I am 77 Plan to write my autobygraphi.very useful tips and guidence .Thanks so much.

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Your essay should not be too long, it’s about 5 paragraphs, but it’s better to double check the requirements with your professor.

Thank you so much for sharing. I highly appreciated. Maraming Salamat Po.

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Ultimate guide to writing an autobiography essay that captivates readers.

Writing an autobiography essay

Writing an autobiography essay can be a challenging task, as you are tasked with capturing the essence of your life in a few pages. However, with the right approach and some helpful tips, you can create a compelling and impactful narrative that will resonate with your readers.

One of the key elements of a successful autobiography essay is authenticity. Be honest and genuine in sharing your experiences, emotions, and reflections. Your readers will appreciate your vulnerability and authenticity, and it will make your story more relatable and engaging.

Another important tip is to focus on specific moments and experiences that have shaped you as a person. Instead of trying to cover every aspect of your life, choose a few key events or themes that are meaningful to you and explore them in depth. This will help you create a more focused and compelling narrative.

How to Write an Effective Autobiography Essay

Writing an effective autobiography essay requires a combination of storytelling skills, introspection, and clear communication. Here are some tips to help you craft a compelling narrative:

1. Choose a compelling topic:

Start by selecting a specific aspect of your life that is meaningful and will engage readers. Whether it’s a significant event, relationship, or personal growth journey, make sure your topic is captivating.

2. Develop a strong structure:

Organize your essay chronologically or thematically to create a cohesive narrative flow. Include a clear introduction, engaging body paragraphs, and a thoughtful conclusion.

3. Use vivid details:

Bring your story to life by including sensory details, dialogue, and descriptions that immerse the reader in your experiences. Show, don’t tell, and paint a vivid picture of your life.

4. Reflect on your experiences:

Take time to reflect on the lessons learned, challenges faced, and growth achieved through your experiences. Show how your past has shaped your present self.

5. Be honest and authentic:

Authenticity is key in writing an autobiography essay. Be honest about your emotions, thoughts, and experiences. Vulnerability can create a powerful connection with your readers.

6. Edit and revise:

After writing your first draft, take time to edit and revise your essay. Look for clarity, coherence, and grammar errors. Consider seeking feedback from others to improve your narrative.

By following these tips, you can write an effective autobiography essay that shares your unique story and leaves a lasting impact on your audience.

Choosing a Compelling Topic

When crafting an autobiography essay, it is essential to choose a compelling and relevant topic that will captivate your readers. Your life story is vast and varied, so selecting a specific theme or angle to focus on can help add depth and complexity to your narrative.

  • Significant Life Events: Reflect on pivotal moments in your life that have shaped who you are today. These events can serve as powerful focal points for your autobiography.
  • Passions and Interests: Think about the things that drive and inspire you. Writing about your passions can create a sense of authenticity and enthusiasm in your essay.
  • Challenges and Triumphs: Sharing the obstacles you’ve overcome and the victories you’ve achieved can make for a compelling and inspiring autobiography.

Ultimately, the key to selecting a compelling topic for your autobiography essay is to choose something that resonates with you personally and has the potential to engage and resonate with your audience.

Structuring Your Storytelling

When crafting your autobiography essay, it’s essential to pay attention to the way you structure your storytelling. A well-organized and coherent narrative can make your story more engaging and impactful. Here are some tips for structuring your storytelling:

Begin your essay with a strong hook that grabs the reader’s attention and sets the tone for the rest of the story.
Organize your story chronologically to help readers follow the progression of events in your life.
Highlight significant moments or experiences that have shaped your identity and influenced your life. This will add depth to your narrative.
Share insights and reflections on how certain experiences have impacted you and what lessons you’ve gained from them.
End your essay with a powerful conclusion that leaves a lasting impression on the reader and ties back to the central themes of your story.

Showcasing Your Unique Voice

One of the key elements of a powerful autobiography essay is your unique voice. Your voice is what makes your story authentic and compelling. When writing your autobiography, don’t be afraid to showcase your personality, quirks, and individual style. Let your voice shine through in your writing.

Consider the tone you want to convey in your essay. Are you funny, serious, introspective, or a combination of these? Embrace your voice and let it guide your storytelling. Be authentic and true to yourself, as this will resonate with readers and make your essay stand out.

  • Use descriptive language that reflects your personality and experiences.
  • Include anecdotes and details that showcase your unique perspective.
  • Don’t be afraid to be vulnerable and share your emotions and thoughts openly.
  • Show readers who you are through your writing style and tone.

Remember, your autobiography should be a reflection of you and your life journey. So, don’t be afraid to let your unique voice shine through in your essay.

Reflecting on Your Growth

Reflecting on Your Growth

Another important aspect of crafting a powerful autobiography essay is reflecting on your personal growth and development over the years. Take the time to think about the challenges you have faced, the lessons you have learned, and how you have evolved as a person.

Consider the experiences that have shaped you, both positive and negative, and how they have contributed to your journey. Reflecting on your growth allows you to provide insight into your character, resilience, and ability to overcome obstacles.

Highlight specific moments or achievements that have been pivotal in your development and explain how they have impacted your perspective on life. By sharing your growth story, you can demonstrate your self-awareness and introspection, making your autobiography even more compelling and engaging to readers.

Editing and Polishing Your Work

Editing is a crucial step in the writing process. Once you have completed your autobiography essay, it’s important to go back and revise your work to ensure it is clear, concise, and engaging. Here are some tips for editing and polishing your essay:

Read through your essay carefully to make sure your ideas are presented clearly and logically. Check for any confusing or unclear sentences that may need rephrasing.
Proofread your essay for any grammatical mistakes, punctuation errors, or spelling typos. Use spell check and grammar tools to catch any overlooked mistakes.
Check for consistency in tense, tone, and style throughout your essay. Make sure your writing flows smoothly and maintains a consistent voice.
Eliminate any unnecessary details or repetitive information that may clutter your essay. Keep your writing concise and focused on the key aspects of your story.
Ask a friend, family member, or teacher to read your essay and provide feedback. Consider their suggestions for improvement and make necessary revisions.

By thoroughly editing and polishing your autobiography essay, you can ensure that it is polished, professional, and ready to make a powerful impact on your readers.

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Attacks on Walz’s Military Record

By Robert Farley , D'Angelo Gore and Eugene Kiely

Posted on August 8, 2024 | Corrected on August 9, 2024

Este artículo estará disponible en español en El Tiempo Latino .

In introducing her pick for vice presidential running mate, Kamala Harris has prominently touted Tim Walz’s 24 years of service in the Army National Guard. Now, however, GOP vice presidential nominee JD Vance and the Trump campaign are attacking Walz on his military record, accusing the Minnesota governor of “stolen valor.”

We’ll sort through the facts surrounding the three main attacks on Walz’s military record and let readers decide their merit. The claims include:

  • Vance claimed that Walz “dropped out” of the National Guard when he learned his battalion was slated to be deployed to Iraq. Walz retired to focus on a run for Congress two months before his unit got official word of impending deployment, though the possibility had been rumored for months.
  • Vance also accused Walz of having once claimed to have served in combat, when he did not. While advocating a ban on assault-style weapons, Walz said, “We can make sure that those weapons of war that I carried in war, is the only place where those weapons are at.”
  • The Republican National Committee has criticized Walz for misrepresenting his military rank in campaign materials. The Harris campaign website salutes Walz for “rising to the rank of Command Sergeant Major.” Walz did rise to that rank, but he retired as a master sergeant because he had not completed the requirements of a command sergeant major.

A native of West Point, Nebraska, Walz joined the Nebraska Army National Guard in April 1981, two days after his 17th birthday. When Walz and his wife moved to Minnesota in 1996, he transferred to the Minnesota National Guard, where he served in 1st Battalion, 125th Field Artillery.

“While serving in Minnesota, his military occupational specialties were 13B – a cannon crewmember who operates and maintains cannons and 13Z -field artillery senior sergeant,” according to a statement released by Army Lt. Col. Kristen Augé, the Minnesota National Guard’s state public affairs officer.

According to MPR News , Walz suffered some hearing impairment related to exposure to cannon booms during training over the years, and he underwent some corrective surgery to address it.

On Aug. 3, 2003, “Walz mobilized with the Minnesota National Guard’s 1st Battalion, 125th Field Artillery … to support Operation Enduring Freedom. The battalion supported security missions at various locations in Europe and Turkey. Governor Walz was stationed at Vicenza, Italy, during his deployment.” Augé stated. The deployment lasted about eight months.

“For 24 years I proudly wore the uniform of this nation,” Walz said at a rally in Philadelphia where he was announced as Harris’ running mate on Aug. 6. “The National Guard gave me purpose. It gave me the strength of a shared commitment to something greater than ourselves.”

Walz’s Retirement from the National Guard

In recent years, however, several of his fellow guard members have taken issue with the timing of Walz’s retirement from the National Guard in May 2005, claiming he left to avoid a deployment to Iraq.

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Vance, who served a four-year active duty enlistment in the Marine Corps as a combat correspondent, serving in Iraq for six months in 2005, advanced that argument at a campaign event on Aug. 7.

“When the United States of America asked me to go to Iraq to serve my country, I did it,” Vance said. “When Tim Walz was asked by his country to go to Iraq, you know what he did? He dropped out of the Army and allowed his unit to go without him, a fact that he’s been criticized for aggressively by a lot of the people that he served with. I think it’s shameful to prepare your unit to go to Iraq, to make a promise that you’re going to follow through and then to drop out right before you actually have to go.”

In early 2005, Walz, then a high school geography teacher and football coach at Mankato West High School, decided to run for public office. In a 2009 interview Walz provided as part of the Library of Congress’ veterans oral history project, Waltz said he made the decision to retire from the National Guard to “focus full time” on a run for the U.S. House of Representatives for Minnesota’s 1st Congressional District (which he ultimately won in 2006). Walz said he was “really concerned” about trying to seek public office and serve in the National Guard at the same time without running afoul of the Hatch Act , which limits political speech by federal employees, including members of the National Guard.

Federal Election Commission records show that Walz filed to run for Congress on Feb. 10, 2005.

On March 20, 2005, Walz’s campaign put out a press release titled “Walz Still Planning to Run for Congress Despite Possible Call to Duty in Iraq.”

Three days prior, the release said, “the National Guard Public Affairs Office announced a possible partial mobilization of roughly 2,000 troops from the Minnesota National Guard. … The announcement from the National Guard PAO specified that all or a portion of Walz’s battalion could be mobilized to serve in Iraq within the next two years.”

According to the release, “When asked about his possible deployment to Iraq Walz said, ‘I do not yet know if my artillery unit will be part of this mobilization and I am unable to comment further on specifics of the deployment.’ Although his tour of duty in Iraq might coincide with his campaign for Minnesota’s 1st Congressional seat, Walz is determined to stay in the race. ‘As Command Sergeant Major I have a responsibility not only to ready my battalion for Iraq, but also to serve if called on. I am dedicated to serving my country to the best of my ability, whether that is in Washington DC or in Iraq.'”

On March 23, 2005, the Pipestone County Star reported, “Detachments of the Minnesota National Guard have been ‘alerted’ of possible deployment to Iraq in mid-to-late 2006.”

“Major Kevin Olson of the Minnesota National Guard said a brigade-sized contingent of soldiers could be expected to be called to Iraq, but he was not, at this time, aware of which batteries would be called,” the story said. “All soldiers in the First Brigade combat team of the 34th Division, Minnesota National Guard, could be eligible for call-up. ‘We don’t know yet what the force is like’ he said. ‘It’s too early to speculate, if the (soldiers) do go.’

“He added: ‘We will have a major announcement if and when the alert order moves ahead.’”

ABC News spoke to Joseph Eustice, a retired command sergeant major who served with Walz, and he told the news organization this week that “he remembers Walz struggling with the timing of wanting to serve as a lawmaker but also avoiding asking for a deferment so he could do so.”

“He had a window of time,” Eustice told ABC News. “He had to decide. And in his deciding, we were not on notice to be deployed. There were rumors. There were lots of rumors, and we didn’t know where we were going until it was later that, early summer, I believe.”

Al Bonnifield, who served under Walz, also recalled Walz agonizing over the decision.

“It was a very long conversation behind closed doors,” Bonnifield told the Washington Post this week. “He was trying to decide where he could do better for soldiers, for veterans, for the country. He weighed that for a long time.”

In 2018, Bonnifield told MPR News that Walz worried in early 2005, “Would the soldier look down on him because he didn’t go with us? Would the common soldier say, ‘Hey, he didn’t go with us, he’s trying to skip out on a deployment?’ And he wasn’t. He talked with us for quite a while on that subject. He weighed that decision to run for Congress very heavy. He loved the military, he loved the guard, he loved the soldiers he worked with.”

But not all of Walz’s fellow Guard members felt that way.

In a paid letter to the West Central Tribune in Minnesota in November 2018, Thomas Behrends and Paul Herr — both retired command sergeants major in the Minnesota National Guard — wrote, “On May 16th, 2005 he [Walz] quit, leaving the 1-125th Field Artillery Battalion and its Soldiers hanging; without its senior Non-Commissioned Officer, as the battalion prepared for war. His excuse to other leaders was that he needed to retire in order to run for congress. Which is false, according to a Department of Defense Directive, he could have run and requested permission from the Secretary of Defense before entering active duty; as many reservists have.”

“For Tim Walz to abandon his fellow soldiers and quit when they needed experienced leadership most is disheartening,” they wrote. “When the nation called, he quit.”

Walz retired on May 16, 2005. Walz’s brigade received alert orders for mobilization on July 14, 2005, according to the National Guard and MPR News . The official mobilization report came the following month, and the unit mobilized and trained through the fall. It was finally deployed to Iraq in the spring of 2006.

The unit was originally scheduled to return in February 2007, but its tour was extended four months as part of President George W. Bush’s “surge” strategy , the National Guard reported. In all, the soldiers were mobilized for 22 months.

Responding to Vance’s claim that Walz retired to avoid deploying to Iraq, the Harris-Walz campaign released a statement saying, “After 24 years of military service, Governor Walz retired in 2005 and ran for Congress, where he was a tireless advocate for our men and women in uniform – and as Vice President of the United States he will continue to be a relentless champion for our veterans and military families.”

Walz on Carrying a Weapon ‘in War’

Vance also called Walz “dishonest” for a claim that Walz made in 2018 while speaking to a group about gun control.

“He made this interesting comment that the Kamala Harris campaign put out there,” Vance said, referring to a video of Walz that the Harris campaign posted to X on Aug. 6. “He said, ‘We shouldn’t allow weapons that I used in war to be on America’s streets.’ Well, I wonder, Tim Walz, when were you ever in war? What was this weapon that you carried into war given that you abandoned your unit right before they went to Iraq and he has not spent a day in a combat zone.”

In the video , Walz, who was campaigning for governor at the time, talked about pushing back on the National Rifle Association and said: “I spent 25 years in the Army and I hunt. … I’ve been voting for common sense legislation that protects the Second Amendment, but we can do background checks. We can do [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] research. We can make sure we don’t have reciprocal carry among states. And we can make sure that those weapons of war that I carried in war, is the only place where those weapons are at.”

But, as Vance indicated, there is no evidence that Walz carried a weapon “in war.”

As we said, Augé, in her statement, said Walz’s battalion deployed “to support Operation Enduring Freedom” on Aug. 3, 2003, and “supported security missions at various locations in Europe and Turkey.” During his deployment, Walz was stationed in Vicenza, Italy, and he returned to Minnesota in April 2004, Augé said. There was no mention of Walz serving in Afghanistan, Iraq or another combat zone.

In the 2009 interview for the veterans history project, Walz said he and members of his battalion initially thought they would “shoot artillery in Afghanistan,” as they had trained to do. That didn’t happen, he said, explaining that his group ended up helping with security and training while stationed at an Army base in Vicenza.

“I think in the beginning, many of my troops were disappointed,” Walz said in the interview. “I think they felt a little guilty, many of them, that they weren’t in the fight up front as this was happening.”

In a statement addressing his claim about carrying weapons “in war,” the Harris campaign noted that Walz, whose military occupational specialties included field artillery senior sergeant, “fired and trained others to use weapons of war innumerable times” in his 24 years of service.

Walz’s National Guard Rank

The Republican National Committee has criticized Walz for saying “in campaign materials that he is a former ‘Command Sergeant Major’ in the Army National Guard despite not completing the requirements to hold the rank into retirement.”

Walz’s biography on the Harris campaign website correctly says that the governor “served for 24 years” in the National Guard, “rising to the rank of Command Sergeant Major.” 

Walz’s official biography on the Minnesota state website goes further, referring to the governor as “Command Sergeant Major Walz.”

“After 24 years in the Army National Guard, Command Sergeant Major Walz retired from the 1-125th Field Artillery Battalion in 2005,” the state website says. 

Walz did serve as command sergeant major , but Walz did not complete the requirements to retire with the rank of command sergeant, Augé told us in an email. 

“He held multiple positions within field artillery such as firing battery chief, operations sergeant, first sergeant, and culminated his career serving as the command sergeant major for the battalion,” Augé said. “He retired as a master sergeant in 2005 for benefit purposes because he did not complete additional coursework at the U.S. Army Sergeants Major Academy.”

This isn’t the first time that Walz’s National Guard rank has come up in a campaign. 

In their 2018 paid letter to the West Central Tribune, when Walz was running for governor, the two Minnesota National Guard retired command sergeants major who criticized Walz for retiring before the Iraq deployment also wrote: “Yes, he served at that rank, but was never qualified at that rank, and will receive retirement benefits at one rank below. You be the judge.”

Correction, Aug. 9: We mistakenly said a 2007 “surge” strategy in Iraq occurred under President Barack Obama. It was President George W. Bush.

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Couches, dolphins and eyeliner: Debunking and confirming JD Vance rumors

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At this point, American voters know a few things about Republican vice presidential nominee JD Vance.

They know he's from Ohio and wrote the memoir-turned-movie "Hillbilly Elegy." They've seen him crisscross the country on the campaign path and have read his past remarks, some of them controversial , as they resurface in headlines.

But what voters think they know about Vance is also important. The Ohio senator has been at the center of more than a few bizarre rumors, memes and jokes in the weeks since he was announced as Trump's running mate.

Luke Schroeder, Vance's spokesperson, declined to comment to The Enquirer about the rumors.

Here's what we know, and don't know, about some of the most viral Vance rumors.

Did JD Vance write about having sex with a couch in 'Hillbilly Elegy'?

One of the more well-known Vance rumors can be traced to a July 15 post on X shared by the now-closed account, @rickrudescalves . Shortly after Vance was announced as Trump's running mate, the X user claimed Vance admitted to a sexual act with couch cushions in his 2016 memoir, "Hillbilly Elegy."

The post, since deleted, read, "can't say for sure but he might be the first vp pick to have admitted in a ny times bestseller to (expletive) an Inside-out latex glove shoved between two couch cushions (vance, hillbilly elegy, pp. 179-181)."

A quick glance at Vance's book "Hillbilly Elegy" shows the claim was fake, but it spread like internet wildfire. It even popped up in TV references on shows like "Last Week Tonight" hosted by John Oliver and "The Late Show with Stephen Colbert."

The joke circulated, and people believed it, so much that Snopes and the Associated Press wrote fact-checks debunking it. AP later deleted its fact-check.

The rumor's originator, @rickrudescalves, told Business Insider he identifies with the political left and does not work in politics. He said he made up the joke because he does not like Vance and thought it was funny. He hid the post within a week because he was uncomfortable with the amount of attention it got, and admitted to creating misinformation, though he said that was not his intent.

What did JD Vance post about dolphins?

On Feb. 17, Vance posted a screenshot on X of another account's post. The post, from @crazyclipsonly, shows an image of two men and one woman on a dock where two dolphins are jumping out of the water. The post is captioned, "Woman gets violated by a dolphin and enjoys it."

Maybe the internet was a mistake pic.twitter.com/vom6c25HfJ — JD Vance (@JDVance) February 17, 2024

Vance joked about the terrible things one can find online, writing, "Maybe the internet was a mistake."

However, the post took a turn in July, after Vance was announced as Trump's running mate, when X users pointed out that the words "Woman" and "dolphin" are bolded in the post, indicating those were the words Vance had searched on X. This led commenters to question why Vance was searching for posts about a "woman" and "dolphin."

"WHY ARE THOSE TWO WORDS HIGHLIGHTED?!?!?" one person commented on July 26.

"I dread to think what the rest of your search history looks like dude," another wrote.

Since X bolds searched terms, it's possible Vance had seen the post earlier and searched for it in order to make the joke. The senator does not follow @crazyclipsonly.

The X post is still up, and Vance did not respond to commenters.

What was found on JD Vance's Venmo?

Most of Vance's transactions on Venmo were private or mundane, but his friends list on the app revealed some high-profile and controversial people he may be connected to, Wired reported .

Friends lists are auto-populated on the app, which is owned by PayPal and used to send money electronically, by users' phone contacts. That means Vance's Venmo friends are likely people who were in his cellphone contacts list when he first joined the platform in 2016, not people with whom he has necessarily shared transactions. The app also allows users to send and receive money to people not on their friends list.

Still, Wired reported several notable people on Vance's friends list. Amalia Halikias, government relations director for the Heritage Foundation, credited with Project 2025, was on the list, according to the outlet. Halikias didn't start working for The Heritage Foundation until 2023, according to her LinkedIn , and attended Yale the same time Vance did.

Vance was also connected with several Trump critics, including Jeff Flake, a former Arizona senator and Republican.

Wired also reported that people affiliated with conservative groups like the Hoover Institution and American Enterprise Institute, executives with Anthropic and AOL, and journalists like former Fox News host Tucker Carlson were also on Vance's friends lists.

Vance's Venmo account appears to now be deleted (he does not appear in the friends list of his wife, sister or mother, all of whom have accounts).

Does JD Vance wear eyeliner?

Viewers have noticed one thing about Vance since he stepped into the national TV spotlight – his eyes. The senator has blue eyes and dark eyelashes, causing some social media users to claim he wears eyeliner.

Theories about Vance's eyes are all over TikTok, where some users even think they've nailed down what specific product he could be using.

Vance has not addressed the speculation.

Others on social media have pointed to old pictures of the nominee, such as his Marine Corps photo, to show that he's always had dark eyelashes.

What did JD Vance say about Mountain Dew?

At his Middletown rally last month, Vance joked Democrats will say it's "racist to do anything," including drinking Diet Mountain Dew .

“I had a Diet Mountain Dew yesterday and one today, and I’m sure they’re going to call that racist, too,” he told the crowd.

This spawned social media posts and call-outs about the soda, including a response from Kentucky governor and potential Democratic VP nominee Andy Beshear.

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6 ways grown-ups can recreate that fresh, buzzy feeling of a new school year

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Back-to-school season can still be an opportunity for a refresh, even if you're not headed back to the classroom. Maria Korneeva/Getty Images/Moment RF hide caption

Ah, remember the excitement of starting a new school year? Shopping for new notebooks, picking out the perfect outfit for the first day of school, the smell of pencil sharpenings in the classroom?

Just because you’re a grown-up doesn’t mean you can’t harness that buzzy back-to-school energy. Here are seven activities you probably did in school as a kid -- like playing at recess and packing lunches -- updated for the adult version of you. We hope these ideas inspire new routines and positive changes as you transition into fall.

Miss packing a school lunch? Try meal-prepping

Kevin Curry, founder of FitMenCook , meal preps two nights a week. On these nights, he'll spend 45 minutes cooking five dishes to mix and match over the next few days — for example, chickpeas, chicken, jasmine rice, roasted vegetables and a green medley of spinach, chard and kale.

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"With those five foods I prepped, I made about ten different meal combinations," he says. One day you might want chicken, rice and greens, another day you might want chickpeas, greens and chicken. Transform the flavor of each meal with different condiments like tahini dressing or barbecue sauce. Read more tips here .

Miss back-to-school shopping? Spruce up your wardrobe

Even if you aren’t doing any back-to-school shopping this fall, you can prioritize your personal style with a closet purge. Asia Jackson, actor and YouTuber, says to try on every item in your wardrobe and ask yourself a few questions to determine if you should donate or keep that sweater you haven’t worn in years.

“Do you feel good in this item? Do you look good in this item?” says Jackson. “If it doesn't make you feel good, then you should get rid of it.” Once you’ve identified the pieces you love, use them as the foundation for your revamped style. Read more tips here . 

Miss learning new things? Read more books

Overhead view of a woman sitting in her bed in the morning with a cup of coffee and reading a book

If you want to read more books, try getting in a few pages in the morning before you start your day. NickyLloyd/Getty Images/E+ hide caption

Got a fall reading list you can’t wait to get through? Set yourself up for success by reading in the morning, says NPR culture correspondent Lynn Neary, “particularly on weekend mornings.”

You’re less likely to fall asleep the way you can if you try to read before bed, and it’s a nice way to start your day. Read more tips here . 

4 questions to ask yourself if you're considering going back to school

4 questions to ask yourself if you're considering going back to school

Miss writing in your planner make a better to-do list.

To create clear, short and doable action items, follow the two-minute rule. "If it takes less than two minutes, just do it right then and there," says Angel Trinidad , founder and CEO of Passion Planner, a company that sells paper and digital planners and journals. "It's not worth the bandwidth to write it down, remember it and do it."

For larger tasks, break them down into smaller chunks. People aren't specific enough when they write down items on their to-do lists, says Oliver Burkeman, author of Four Thousand Weeks: Time Management for Mortals . And what ends up happening, he adds, is that "we don't get them done because we're not expressing them in a doable form." Read more tips here .

Miss recess? Bring more play into your life

Not sure how to incorporate more play into your life? Ask yourself what kind of play you enjoyed as a child.

Not sure how to incorporate more play into your life? Ask yourself what kind of play you enjoyed as a child. Stephen Zeigler/Getty Images/The Image Bank RF hide caption

If you want to bring more play into your life, you don't necessarily need to make any significant life changes or rework your entire schedule. Play is as simple as observing tiny moments in nature, says Stuart Brown , founder of the National Institute for Play. Any increase in play throughout your day is a win – whether it's a playful hobby like painting, playing a board game, or just a new, playful outlook.

If you aren’t sure what kind of play you’ll enjoy now as an adult, ask yourself – how did I like to play as a kid? And how can I incorporate that form of play into my life now? Read more tips here .

Miss meeting new people? Change your mindset on friendship

If you want to make more friends, assume that other people also need friends, says Heather Havrilesky, author of the advice column Ask Polly .

“People assume that everybody already has friends,” she says. The truth is, “nobody already has their friends.”

It may feel uncomfortable to send the first text message to hang out one-on-one for the first time. But accept the awkwardness, she says. It stems from vulnerability -- and you can't have friends without getting vulnerable. Read more tips here .

This digital story was written by Clare Marie Schneider. It was edited by Malaka Gharib. The visual editor is Rebecca Harlan. We'd love to hear from you. Email us at [email protected]. Listen to Life Kit on Apple Podcasts  and Spotify , or sign up for our newsletter .

NLA Publishing to release anthology on the craft of biography and life-writing

Abstract graphic illustration detail from the the front cover of the book 'Telling Lives'.

Telling Lives: The Seymour Biography Lecture 2005–2023  edited by Chris Wallace

‘What we now want from a biography, or autobiography, is the very thing that Virginia Woolf said that we have no right to want: art. Not only art, obviously, but art nevertheless. And we love the illumination of dark corners of the soul, having quite a few of our own, if we're honest with ourselves.’ - Robert Dessaix

Presented annually at the National Library from 2005 to 2023, the Seymour Biography Lecture was a platform for eminent biographers, autobiographers and memoirists to share their insights. From political profiles to poignant poems, these lectures examine the philosophical foundations of biography and the delicate art of truthfully portraying a life.

Telling Lives is a captivating anthology of these lectures, featuring contributions from 17 renowned authors:

  • Dr Brenda Niall
  • Professor Lawrence Goldman 
  • Emeritus Professor Jill Roe
  • Richard Holmes 
  • Dr David Day 
  • Professor Frances Spalding
  • Robert Dessaix 
  • Professor Jeffrey Meyers 
  • Drusilla Modjeska 
  • Professor Ray Monk 
  • Robert Drewe 
  • David Marr 
  • Raimond Gaita 
  • Richard Fidler 
  • Emeritus Professor Judith Brett
  • Jacqueline Kent 
  • Professor Chris Wallace

Spanning the breadth of Australian cultural, artistic and political life, as well as exploring international examples, this collection sheds light on the enigmatic figures who have shaped our world.

The collection features thought-provoking topics such as Biography and the Struggle for the Soul of Australia by Jill Roe (2007), Truth. Truthfulness. Self. Voice. by Raimond Gaita (2017) and Honouring the Biographer's Contract by Chris Wallace (2023). With engaging storytelling and a touch of humour, the lectures captivate audiences and offer a deeper understanding of the art of life-writing.

Telling Lives will be released in September 2024.

Additional Information  

The front cover of the book 'Telling Lives'.

The editor, Chris Wallace, is available for interviews.

The book cover for media use is available for download via Dropbox .

Mirelle O'Mara, Media Liaison, National Library of Australia

M:  0401 226 697

E: [email protected]

The National Library of Australia acknowledges Australia’s First Nations Peoples – the First Australians – as the Traditional Owners and Custodians of this land and gives respect to the Elders – past and present – and through them to all Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

Cultural Notification

Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are advised that this website contains a range of material which may be considered culturally sensitive including the records of people who have passed away.

What's the perfect student laptop for back to school? Our experts weigh in

Attention students! Stuck choosing the right laptop? Here’s our expert advice

Students on laptop

When picking the best laptops for college students , you have a lot of different criteria to take into account. It has to pack enough power for whatever your degree is going to throw at you, while also having enough stamina to last a full day of running between classes.

And on top of that, it’s got to offer a lot of fun for when you’re not studying too, because let’s be honest, dorms are boring without something to binge-watch. Put simply, it has to be your central hub for work and entertainment. To help you with your decision, I’ve been busy asking the experts.

Not just our own experts, by the way. To catch you up, Tom’s Guide is part of Future — home to a lot of publications packed to the gills with top-notch expertise that can help you choose the right system. So rather than carry on chatting up a storm, let’s get to it.

“It needs to have at least 16GB of memory and a 1TB SSD.”

Any new laptop in 2024 needs to have at least 16GB of memory and a 1TB SSD — though you could potentially save money doing the storage upgrade yourself for some laptops. For lighter gaming needs, AMD's latest Ryzen AI processors are worth a look, but otherwise, gamers will want at least an RTX 4060 Laptop GPU.

Alternatively, you can pay $10 to $20 per month for a GeForce NOW subscription and use it on any laptop; all you'll need for that is a good network connection that hopefully doesn't have a data cap. Beyond the processor, memory, and storage, backlit keyboards are also a must-have item for me — and getting something with a numpad is helpful if you want to do coding/math stuff.

Lenovo IdeaPad Slim 7 Carbon

For the student laptop space, Snapdragon X Elite notebooks appear promising but be wary of application and gaming support. Quite a few games have relatively poor graphics performance, probably due to drivers, but the need to run x86 translation layers can also hinder application performance in general.

Battery life is great, and for typical internet use, Qualcomm's processor won't be a problem, so go by your personal needs. More critically, these have to be at the right price for a student, and the least expensive models start at $999 for X Plus processors — even extending well beyond that mark.

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Lenovo Ideapad Slim 7i: was $999 now $849 @ Costco

Lenovo Ideapad Slim 7i: was $999 now $849 @ Costco For family and friends, I usually end up finding the best options by just going to Costco.com, and right now this Lenovo ticks all the right boxes. It packs an Intel Core Ultra 7 Processor 155H and has 32GB of memory with a 1TB SSD, for only $849. The 14-inch chassis hits the sweet spot for portability and usability for a lot of people.

It will be tough to beat this price at most places in my experience.

“For writing-heavy subjects, go for power efficiency over performance.”

The two degrees I've done, a BA in History and an MA in Journalism, could probably still be done entirely on paper. But a laptop definitely makes things easier.

These are writing-heavy subjects, so go for power efficiency over performance. The most demanding thing I ever had to do was video editing for Journalism, which most new laptops can handle just fine in small amounts. But exploring libraries or hunting for local stories often means you're away from a power outlet for long periods, so you want a battery that can last several hours by itself.

MacBook Air M2 2022

As a Mac user, my first recommendation for these courses would be an M3 MacBook Air . Even the older MacBook Air M2 offers all the might and efficiency you could want in a compact and stylish package. If you're a Windows 11 person instead, the closest equivalent would be the HP Omnibook X , another long-lasting device with all the power you need.

13” M2 MacBook Air: was $999 now $799 @ Amazon

13” M2 MacBook Air: was $999 now $799 @ Amazon M2 packs more than enough power for handling your standard college degree workload — packed into a sleek, stylish chassis that is ultra thin, durable, has a great Liquid Retina display and stellar speakers for all your entertainment needs, and don’t skip on that fantastic touchpad/keyboard combination.

You could also consider an iPad or Android tablet with a keyboard case, which are less versatile than laptops but are also often cheaper. Maybe add a stylus too if you want to hand-write some notes, or have a tendency to doodle when listening to lectures.

“Why would a student pick up a laptop... when the iPad is right there?”

I completed my degree so long ago now that I might as well have been writing on papyrus by candlelight — I can't even remember the laptop I used at the time, beyond the fact that it was made by Sony . Which in itself gives you a sense of how long ago we're talking about here — Sony hasn't even made a laptop for about a decade now.

So the world of modern studies is a bit alien to me — and all the more so as the 'gear you need' conversation always seems to focus around laptops.

The iPad Pro 2024 on a bench

Like, why would a student pick up a laptop... when the iPad is right there?

Hardcore gaming aside, there's nothing a laptop can do that an iPad can't, in a form factor far more backpack-friendly. Portable, versatile and with a great touchscreen interface. Pair a decent keyboard case with an iPad and you've got not just the perfect productivity device, but the perfect media consumption device, too. All that downtime between lectures and seminars, and you're ready to stream to your heart's content, FaceTime call a buddy, or play some Apple Arcade games.


11" iPad Pro (WiFi/256GB): was $999 now $929 @ Amazon The 11-inch iPad Pro packs Apple's latest M4 processor paired with a stunning 11-inch Tandem OLED (2420 x 1668) display. The new M4 processor features 9 CPU cores and 10 GPU cores. In our iPad Pro 2024 review we said it could very well be the most stunning tablet ever made.

We used to talk about iPads as limited in their productivity power, but the latest M4 iPad Pros have chips more powerful than all but the most high-end MacBooks. 3D graphics programs are easily chewed through and, for creatives, the new Apple Pencil Pro makes the iPad Pro as good a canvas as any dedicated graphics tablet.

An iPad is fun. And if you're not having fun while studying, well what's the point then?

“The perfect budget 2-in-1 for students.”

My needs as a full-time senior editor moonlighting as a full-time university student called for a tough order. I needed something powerful enough to handle my workload, light and small enough to fit in a small bag or carry-on, and something with touch input and a stylus to maximize my productivity.

Lastly, USB-C charging and a 1TB SSD were both absolute must-have features for me. All things considered, I knew a Windows 2-in-1 would be ideal, but I did have a mid-range budget.

If you're like me, just get the fabulous ASUS Vivobook S 14 Flip OLED . It's the perfect blend of everything I need in a portable form factor. I'd say it's perfect for all college/university students and you can find it on sale quite often. 

Asus Zenbook S 14 Flip OLED: was $1,199 now $1,099 @ Micro Center

Asus Zenbook S 14 Flip OLED: was $1,199 now $1,099 @ Micro Center If you’re close to a Micro Center, you can get a sweet deal on the Zenbook S 14 Flip OLED — packing a 13th Gen Intel Core i7 CPU, 16GB of onboard RAM and 1TB of storage. Want a display to plug into when you get home? You can get $50 off an LG 27-inch 1080p monitor too (just $99 as an add-on).

The battery life is decent, the 14-inch screen is just nice, and you can use both USB-C and the included adapter for charging. Not to mention, that lovely OLED is pure delight, which is a sweet bonus!

“Don’t skip on a cheap gaming laptop for your studies.”

I’m going to disagree slightly with Jarred up top. Don’t get me wrong, the RTX 4060 Laptop GPU is a great option in terms of true horsepower. But DLSS 3.5 has democratized access to fast frame rates with great 1080p graphical fidelity. 

That’s why I would point you towards something like the MSI Bravo 15 (provided your college campus has enough power outlets to workaround the bad battery life of a gaming laptop).

MSI Bravo 15: was $999 now $775 @ Best Buy

MSI Bravo 15: was $999 now $775 @ Best Buy For $225 off, you can snag a great cheap gaming laptop in the MSI Bravo 15 — packing a zippy AMD Ryzen 5-7535HS CPU, 16GB RAM and a 512GB SSD, alongside that entry level RTX 4050 with 6GB of GDDR6 video memory.

Seriously, with specs like this, I’ve been able to easily hit over 60 FPS in optimized AAA titles like Cyberpunk 2077. Not only that, the horsepower of a dedicated GPU is good if your college workload requires more creative tasks such as video editing in Premiere Pro.

Don’t get me wrong, you will feel that compromise in the plastic shell and battery life, but with a full-size backlit keyboard (including number pad), a large 15-inch display and specs performant enough for intense workloads by day and gaming by night, don’t skip on a cheap gaming laptop for your studies.

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Jason brings a decade of tech and gaming journalism experience to his role as a Managing Editor of Computing at Tom's Guide. He has previously written for Laptop Mag, Tom's Hardware, Kotaku, Stuff and BBC Science Focus. In his spare time, you'll find Jason looking for good dogs to pet or thinking about eating pizza if he isn't already.

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Paul Whelan released from Russia in prisoner swap: What to know about Michigan man

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When women's basketball star Brittney Griner was released in December 2022 from the Russian prison system — traded for convicted Russian arms trafficker Viktor Bout — the nation's eyes turned to the man who was left behind: Michigan's Paul Whelan .

A year and a half later, Whelan was freed Thursday in a deal that included Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich, who also was wrongfully detained on spying charges the U.S. government says he didn’t commit.

More: Biggest prisoner swap since the Cold War could be underway, movements suggest

Whelan, a former Marine who lived in Novi, was the head of global security for BorgWarner when he was arrested Dec. 28, 2018. He has been imprisoned in Russia, accused of espionage. He was convicted in June 2020 during a closed-door trial and sentenced to 16 years of hard labor in a work camp.

This is his story.

Who is Paul Whelan?

Paul Nicholas Whelan was born in March 1970 in Ottawa, Ontario — Canada's national capital. His parents, Edward and Rosemary Whelan, immigrated to Canada from Britain.

He has a twin brother, David; a sister, Elizabeth; and another brother, Andrew. The family moved to Ann Arbor when the twins were young; they went on to graduate in Huron High School's Class of 1988.

Whelan is now a U.S. citizen but holds passports in four countries — the U.S.; his native Canada; Britain, where his parents were born; and Ireland, where his grandparents were born. He never married and has no children.

He testified in a 2013 court deposition that he worked as a Chelsea police officer in 1988-2000, and also worked for the Washtenaw County Sheriff's Office. Whelan joined the U.S. Marine Corps Reserves on May 10, 1994, according to his service record.

Whelan was hired in 2001 by Kelly Services , a Troy-based company that offers consulting and temporary workers to businesses around the world. He took a military leave of absence from Kelly Services in 2003-08 to serve in Iraq, he testified.

At Kelly Services, Whelan's title was senior manager of global security and investigations. His job included campus security as well as electronic and IT-related security.

He started working in early 2017 for BorgWarner, company spokeswoman Kathy Graham told the Free Press in a previous interview. Whelan was global security chief when he was arrested and accused of spying.

According to business licensing records, Whelan also ran an online firearms business known as Kingsmead Arsenal. The business was started in 2012, and its address is the same as Whelan's apartment on Wellington Drive in Novi. 

He also testified in the 2013 deposition that he has a federal firearms license. 

Was Paul Whelan given a bad-conduct discharge from the Marines?

Yes. Whelan worked as an administrative clerk and administrative chief and was deployed in the war against Iraq in 2004 and 2006.

He rose to the rank of staff sergeant in December 2004, but a few years later was convicted in special court-martial of attempting to steal more than $10,000 while at Al Asad Airbase in Iraq. Other related convictions included dereliction of duty, making a false official statement, wrongfully using other people's Social Security numbers and bouncing checks.

He was given a bad-conduct discharge in December 2008 at the rank of private. Whelan's last place of duty was Marine Corps Air Station Miramar in California.

While stationed in Iraq, Whelan was part of “The Rest and Recuperation Leave Program,” which authorized 15 days of leave to service members on yearlong deployments to Iraq, according to a 2007 story posted on the 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing page of the Marine Corps website. The military paid for the travel and most service members chose to return home, but others could travel abroad.

Whelan spent his two weeks in Russia, saying in the interview that the leave program “gives those of us who are single an opportunity to travel throughout the world wherever we want to go and experience the diversity of culture.”

During his military career, Whelan received awards that included the Navy Meritorious Unit Commendation and Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal.

Novi District Court records show that Whelan was also involved in landlord-tenant disputes in 2007 over nonpayment of rent while he was on active service in the military. Court records also show a case was filed against Whelan in 2011 by a Norfolk, Virginia-based debt collector for $1,210.35.

Was Paul Whelan a spy?

The Russian Foreign Ministry alleges Whelan was caught "red-handed" in an act of espionage. Russia's Federal Security Service (FSB), a successor to the Soviet Union's KGB, says its agents found a USB drive containing classified information in Whelan's room at the swanky Metropol Hotel in Moscow. 

Whelan insists that he was set up, and that he was simply a tourist. He was there, he said, to attend the wedding of a friend, a fellow former Marine.

In the days leading up to his arrest, he led tours of Moscow historical sites for the wedding party, David Whelan told the Free Press in a previous interview. And he shared Christmas dinner at a steakhouse in Moscow with a Russian man named Ilya Yatsenko, whom he'd met a decade earlier during one of his trips to the country.

Over about a half-dozen visits to Russia since 2006, Whelan got to know Yatsenko — or so he thought — even visiting Yatsenko's parents and siblings in the town of Sergiev Posad, about 50 miles northeast of Moscow, David Whelan said.

It was Yatsenko who gave Whelan key evidence in Russia's case against him: a USB drive containing government secrets, David Whelan alleges.

"Paul expected there to be photographs on it and something else was put on that drive in order to entrap him," he said. 

At the time, then-President Donald Trump made no public statements about Whelan's arrest. Trump administration officials made careful and measured statements about him.

More than a year after her brother's arrest, Elizabeth Whelan said: "This is ridiculous. Russia has a legal system but not a judicial system. Everybody knows that once you get on this conveyor belt, that the end result before you're popped off at the other end is 100% chance of conviction and sentencing."

She was right. Whelan was convicted of espionage in a Moscow courtroom in June 2020. John Sullivan, then-U.S. ambassador to Moscow, described the conviction a "mockery of justice." 

Whelan was taken to IK-17, a gulag in the Republic of Mordovia, about an eight-hour drive southeast of Moscow. There, he spent hours each day cutting threads from newly made prison uniforms. He later was promoted to sewing buttonholes. 

The U.S. House and U.S. Senate both have passed resolutions demanding Whelan's release. The U.S. State Department now considers him wrongfully detained and has been insistent that his conviction was a sham.

Does Paul Whelan's work history have ties to Russia?

Though Whelan said he traveled to Russia as a tourist, he entered the country on a business travel visa supported by BorgWarner Inc., he told his lawyers in Moscow.

The Auburn Hills-based auto supplier BorgWarner  has 49,000 employees working among its 93 sites around the world, but spokeswoman Graham told the Free Press in 2019 that it didn't have any locations in Russia. The company would not confirm that it sponsored Whelan's Russian business visa.

"As a general policy BorgWarner does not comment on travel of any of its employees, nor does the company discuss information about individual customers," said Graham in an email to the Free Press at the time. "Paul was not in Russia on company business. We are deferring to the State Department regarding updates to his situation."

Although BorgWarner operates no facilities in Russia, the company does have a history of doing business there. 

BorgWarner supplied  Kamaz Inc. , Russia's largest truck-maker, with turbochargers, fan drives and high-performance fans, according to U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission  documents . BorgWarner parts are used in nonmilitary Kamaz trucks and Nefaz buses, and its total sales to Kamaz in 2013-15 through non-U.S. subsidiaries was $12.1 million.

"For over 15 years, BorgWarner has supported (Kamaz) with advanced air-flow technologies, and we are looking forward to continuing the successful collaboration," Daniel Paterra, who was then BorgWarner's president and general manager of thermal systems, said in a  2015 news release  about the  Dakar Rally , an off-road rally in South America in which Kamaz trucks are used.  

What did Trump say about Whelan's case?

Trump didn't speak publicly about Whelan's arrest during his time in office. But the former president took to his social media platform, Truth Social , in December 2022 to criticize the deal that President Joe Biden's administration made to swap Griner for Bout.

"I turned down a deal with Russia for a one on one swap of the so-called Merchant of Death for Paul Whelan," Trump wrote. "I wouldn’t have made the deal for a hundred people in exchange for someone that has killed untold numbers of people with his arms deals. I would have gotten Paul out, however, just as I did with a record number of other hostages. The deal for Griner is crazy and bad. The taking wouldn’t have even happened during my Administration, but if it did, I would have gotten her out, fast!"

David Whelan took to Twitter , saying: "Former President Trump appears to have mentioned my brother #PaulWhelan 's wrongful detention more in the last 24 hours than he did in the 2 years of his presidency in which Paul was held hostage by #Russia (zero). I don't suggest he cares now any more than he did then (zero)".

What did President Joe Biden do?

Biden met with Elizabeth Whelan during the summer of 2022 to assure her of his commitment to freeing her brother.

In the Dec. 8, 2022, announcement that Griner was coming home, Biden said: "We’ve not forgotten about Paul Whelan. This was not a choice about which American to bring home. … Sadly, for totally illegitimate reasons, Russia is treating Paul's case differently than Brittney's. ... We will never give up."

How did Paul Whelan's family respond when Griner was freed but he was not?

Though they were disappointed that Whelan wasn't freed along with Griner, the family supported Biden's decision to make the one-on-one trade, David Whelan said.

"There is no greater success than for a wrongful detainee to be freed and for them to go home," he said. "The Biden administration made the right decision to bring Ms. Griner home, and to make the deal that was possible, rather than waiting for one that wasn't going to happen."

Since then, he said the family has been overwhelmed by the swell of support for his brother.

"Even in these hyper-partisan days, we have received emails and donations from people of what seems to be all political perspectives sending Paul their best wishes and hope for a speedy return home. Americans pulling together for an American," David Whelan said.

"Paul has continued to call home on a daily basis and speak to our parents. We have been sending him updates about the support shown through GoFundMe donations as well as the many people indicating they're writing him letters and cards. ... In the months ahead, those will bring Paul great comfort. If he ever worried that he'd been forgotten, I think this will provide Paul reassurance that he remains in people's prayers."

White House staff met virtually with Elizabeth Whelan in December 2022, who was told her brother's freedom remains "as high a priority as the President has," David Whelan said.

Contact Kristen Shamus: [email protected]. Follow her on Twitter @kristenshamus.

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  1. How To Write an Autobiography 2024 (Tips, Templates, & Guide)

    Order your sections (from medium to high interest) Order the ideas in each section (from medium to high interest) Write three questions to answer in each section. Choose a starter sentence. Complete a title template. Write each section of your by completing the starter sentence and answering all three questions.

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    Autobiography Definition, Examples, and Writing Guide. Written by MasterClass. Last updated: Aug 26, 2022 • 6 min read. As a firsthand account of the author's own life, an autobiography offers readers an unmatched level of intimacy. Learn how to write your first autobiography with examples from MasterClass instructors.

  3. How to Write an Autobiography in 31 Steps

    3. Read. A great way to learn how to write an autobiography is to read. A lot. Reading other autobiographies will give you an idea of which direction to go in and how this genre is structured. It can also help you to develop your style and tone of voice, and to pinpoint which writing techniques you find most effective.

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    4. Include plenty of detail. In case we haven't drilled down on this enough, let's reiterate once more: an autobiography should be a complete overview of your life from beginning to end. That means that as you get into properly writing it, you should include as much detail as you can remember.

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    When you write an autobiography, you want to use first-person writing. You are telling the story of you. Therefore you should tell it from your own point of view. On the other hand, biographies should always be written from a third-person point of view. Third-person is using "he, she, they, them.".

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    9- Seek Feedback. As you walk the path of writing an autobiography, seeking feedback is incredibly beneficial. Share your drafts with people you trust, those who grasp the essence of your story. This could be family members, close friends, or a writing group. Pay attention to their constructive criticism.

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    1. Make sure you get the facts right. Double check dates, names, descriptions of events, and other items you're including in your book to make sure you've gotten all the facts down correctly. Even though you're writing the story of your own life, you shouldn't publish incorrect information about what occurred.

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    Structure of an Autobiography: Usually written in chronological order. Uses time connectives such as before, then, after that, finally, etc. Uses the names of real people and events. Is specific about times, dates, places, etc. Includes personal memories and specific details and descriptions.

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    Step 6: Get a Professional Editor. Once you've made your autobiography as good as you can make it, it's time to seek help. While you can certainly give a copy of the book to some friends and family to see what they think, keep in mind they're likely biased. Chances are they're also not professional editors, either.

  14. How to Write an Autobiography

    6. Create an Outline. Whether it is an essay, term paper, or any other piece of writing, starting with an outline makes it all much easier and logical. Plan what you want to include in the introduction, body, and conclusion of your autobiography beforehand. We will discuss the autobiography outline later in this article.

  15. How To Write An Autobiography: A Step-by-Step Guide

    An autobiography gives a firsthand account of the writer's life. It provides a higher intimacy level for the readers. This writing can serve the following purposes: Convey the writer's life story to a significant audience. Help the author leave a mark. Reconcile the author's past. Preserve the author's memories.

  16. How to Write a Biography: A Step-by-Step Guide

    A Step-by-Step Guide to Writing a Biography. As with writing any book, writing a biography is a marathon, not a sprint. It's easier to think of it as a series of smaller steps than as one big challenge to tackle. Let's break down the process step by step. 1. Choose Your Subject. Decide who you want to write about.

  17. How to Write an Autobiography

    Writing an autobiography can be tough, especially if you don't know where to begin. But don't worry! Here is a simple step-by-step process that you can follow to write your autobiography. Step 1. Read Some Autobiographies. Before you start writing your own autobiography, it is a great idea to read some autobiographies written by other authors.

  18. How to Write a Biography: Full Guide for Writing a Biography

    The organisation of your biography greatly impacts its readability. Structure your work into logical sections or chapters, employing either a chronological or thematic arrangement. Begin with an engaging introduction that captures readers' attention and provides essential context.

  19. Autobiography Examples

    Autobiography Types. Below-mentioned is the four main types of autobiography. These include: 1. Traditional Autobiography - It is a complete story that covers all life experiences including birth, childhood, and adulthood.You can write it for personal use.

  20. How to write an autobiography

    Recording (and writing your autobiography) If you want to write an autobiography and you're struggling, record it. Take one of the subjects you want to talk about in your book, and instead of writing it, vocalise it. Act like an interviewee telling your story and record it to your phone or a Dictaphone.

  21. How to Write an Autobiography: A Step-by-Step Guide

    Start by brainstorming and outlining your life story, including significant events and turning points. Set out writing an autobiography through introspection about notable moments in existence. Craft a catalogue of instances that molded the personage inherent within and ponder how they influenced thinking processes as well as behavioural patterns.

  22. How to Write an Autobiography: Questions, Principles, & What to Include

    Make it logical. Choose one main idea and express it in a thesis statement to combine all memories into a meaningful whole. Do not be a bore. Reveal some personal details and tell something that nobody but you can tell. Make it easy to read. Include an introduction, main body, and conclusion; do not hesitate to use a new paragraph to develop a ...

  23. Tips for Crafting a Powerful Autobiography Essay

    5. Be honest and authentic: Authenticity is key in writing an autobiography essay. Be honest about your emotions, thoughts, and experiences. Vulnerability can create a powerful connection with your readers. 6. Edit and revise: After writing your first draft, take time to edit and revise your essay.

  24. Attacks on Walz's Military Record

    Walz's official biography on the Minnesota state website goes further, ... Players Guide 2024 The special interest groups behind the TV ads. Viral Spiral Don't get spun by internet rumors.

  25. Couches, dolphins and eyeliner: The truth behind JD Vance memes

    The post, since deleted, read, "can't say for sure but he might be the first vp pick to have admitted in a ny times bestseller to (expletive) an Inside-out latex glove shoved between two couch ...

  26. A grown-up's guide to harnessing that fresh, back-to-school energy

    Miss writing in your planner? Make a better to-do list. To create clear, short and doable action items, follow the two-minute rule. "If it takes less than two minutes, just do it right then and ...

  27. Michigan August primary election 2024: Your guide to vote

    Election Day is once again almost upon us, this time for Michigan's August primary election. Michigan's August primary election is Tuesday, Aug. 6. Polls will be open at precincts from 7 a.m. to 8 ...

  28. NLA Publishing to release anthology on the craft of biography and life

    Telling Lives: The Seymour Biography Lecture 2005-2023 edited by Chris Wallace 'What we now want from a biography, or autobiography, is the very thing that Virginia Woolf said that we have no right to want: art. Not only art, obviously, but art nevertheless. And we love the illumination of dark corners of the soul, having quite a few of our own, if we're honest with ourselves.' - Robert ...

  29. What's the perfect student laptop for back to school? Our ...

    These are writing-heavy subjects, so go for power efficiency over performance. The most demanding thing I ever had to do was video editing for Journalism, which most new laptops can handle just ...

  30. Who is Paul Whelan? What to know about ex-Russian prisoner

    Whelan is now a U.S. citizen but holds passports in four countries — the U.S.; his native Canada; Britain, where his parents were born; and Ireland, where his grandparents were born.