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Understanding Data Presentations (Guide + Examples)

Cover for guide on data presentation by SlideModel

In this age of overwhelming information, the skill to effectively convey data has become extremely valuable. Initiating a discussion on data presentation types involves thoughtful consideration of the nature of your data and the message you aim to convey. Different types of visualizations serve distinct purposes. Whether you’re dealing with how to develop a report or simply trying to communicate complex information, how you present data influences how well your audience understands and engages with it. This extensive guide leads you through the different ways of data presentation.

Table of Contents

What is a Data Presentation?

What should a data presentation include, line graphs, treemap chart, scatter plot, how to choose a data presentation type, recommended data presentation templates, common mistakes done in data presentation.

A data presentation is a slide deck that aims to disclose quantitative information to an audience through the use of visual formats and narrative techniques derived from data analysis, making complex data understandable and actionable. This process requires a series of tools, such as charts, graphs, tables, infographics, dashboards, and so on, supported by concise textual explanations to improve understanding and boost retention rate.

Data presentations require us to cull data in a format that allows the presenter to highlight trends, patterns, and insights so that the audience can act upon the shared information. In a few words, the goal of data presentations is to enable viewers to grasp complicated concepts or trends quickly, facilitating informed decision-making or deeper analysis.

Data presentations go beyond the mere usage of graphical elements. Seasoned presenters encompass visuals with the art of data storytelling , so the speech skillfully connects the points through a narrative that resonates with the audience. Depending on the purpose – inspire, persuade, inform, support decision-making processes, etc. – is the data presentation format that is better suited to help us in this journey.

To nail your upcoming data presentation, ensure to count with the following elements:

  • Clear Objectives: Understand the intent of your presentation before selecting the graphical layout and metaphors to make content easier to grasp.
  • Engaging introduction: Use a powerful hook from the get-go. For instance, you can ask a big question or present a problem that your data will answer. Take a look at our guide on how to start a presentation for tips & insights.
  • Structured Narrative: Your data presentation must tell a coherent story. This means a beginning where you present the context, a middle section in which you present the data, and an ending that uses a call-to-action. Check our guide on presentation structure for further information.
  • Visual Elements: These are the charts, graphs, and other elements of visual communication we ought to use to present data. This article will cover one by one the different types of data representation methods we can use, and provide further guidance on choosing between them.
  • Insights and Analysis: This is not just showcasing a graph and letting people get an idea about it. A proper data presentation includes the interpretation of that data, the reason why it’s included, and why it matters to your research.
  • Conclusion & CTA: Ending your presentation with a call to action is necessary. Whether you intend to wow your audience into acquiring your services, inspire them to change the world, or whatever the purpose of your presentation, there must be a stage in which you convey all that you shared and show the path to staying in touch. Plan ahead whether you want to use a thank-you slide, a video presentation, or which method is apt and tailored to the kind of presentation you deliver.
  • Q&A Session: After your speech is concluded, allocate 3-5 minutes for the audience to raise any questions about the information you disclosed. This is an extra chance to establish your authority on the topic. Check our guide on questions and answer sessions in presentations here.

Bar charts are a graphical representation of data using rectangular bars to show quantities or frequencies in an established category. They make it easy for readers to spot patterns or trends. Bar charts can be horizontal or vertical, although the vertical format is commonly known as a column chart. They display categorical, discrete, or continuous variables grouped in class intervals [1] . They include an axis and a set of labeled bars horizontally or vertically. These bars represent the frequencies of variable values or the values themselves. Numbers on the y-axis of a vertical bar chart or the x-axis of a horizontal bar chart are called the scale.

Presentation of the data through bar charts

Real-Life Application of Bar Charts

Let’s say a sales manager is presenting sales to their audience. Using a bar chart, he follows these steps.

Step 1: Selecting Data

The first step is to identify the specific data you will present to your audience.

The sales manager has highlighted these products for the presentation.

  • Product A: Men’s Shoes
  • Product B: Women’s Apparel
  • Product C: Electronics
  • Product D: Home Decor

Step 2: Choosing Orientation

Opt for a vertical layout for simplicity. Vertical bar charts help compare different categories in case there are not too many categories [1] . They can also help show different trends. A vertical bar chart is used where each bar represents one of the four chosen products. After plotting the data, it is seen that the height of each bar directly represents the sales performance of the respective product.

It is visible that the tallest bar (Electronics – Product C) is showing the highest sales. However, the shorter bars (Women’s Apparel – Product B and Home Decor – Product D) need attention. It indicates areas that require further analysis or strategies for improvement.

Step 3: Colorful Insights

Different colors are used to differentiate each product. It is essential to show a color-coded chart where the audience can distinguish between products.

  • Men’s Shoes (Product A): Yellow
  • Women’s Apparel (Product B): Orange
  • Electronics (Product C): Violet
  • Home Decor (Product D): Blue

Accurate bar chart representation of data with a color coded legend

Bar charts are straightforward and easily understandable for presenting data. They are versatile when comparing products or any categorical data [2] . Bar charts adapt seamlessly to retail scenarios. Despite that, bar charts have a few shortcomings. They cannot illustrate data trends over time. Besides, overloading the chart with numerous products can lead to visual clutter, diminishing its effectiveness.

For more information, check our collection of bar chart templates for PowerPoint .

Line graphs help illustrate data trends, progressions, or fluctuations by connecting a series of data points called ‘markers’ with straight line segments. This provides a straightforward representation of how values change [5] . Their versatility makes them invaluable for scenarios requiring a visual understanding of continuous data. In addition, line graphs are also useful for comparing multiple datasets over the same timeline. Using multiple line graphs allows us to compare more than one data set. They simplify complex information so the audience can quickly grasp the ups and downs of values. From tracking stock prices to analyzing experimental results, you can use line graphs to show how data changes over a continuous timeline. They show trends with simplicity and clarity.

Real-life Application of Line Graphs

To understand line graphs thoroughly, we will use a real case. Imagine you’re a financial analyst presenting a tech company’s monthly sales for a licensed product over the past year. Investors want insights into sales behavior by month, how market trends may have influenced sales performance and reception to the new pricing strategy. To present data via a line graph, you will complete these steps.

First, you need to gather the data. In this case, your data will be the sales numbers. For example:

  • January: $45,000
  • February: $55,000
  • March: $45,000
  • April: $60,000
  • May: $ 70,000
  • June: $65,000
  • July: $62,000
  • August: $68,000
  • September: $81,000
  • October: $76,000
  • November: $87,000
  • December: $91,000

After choosing the data, the next step is to select the orientation. Like bar charts, you can use vertical or horizontal line graphs. However, we want to keep this simple, so we will keep the timeline (x-axis) horizontal while the sales numbers (y-axis) vertical.

Step 3: Connecting Trends

After adding the data to your preferred software, you will plot a line graph. In the graph, each month’s sales are represented by data points connected by a line.

Line graph in data presentation

Step 4: Adding Clarity with Color

If there are multiple lines, you can also add colors to highlight each one, making it easier to follow.

Line graphs excel at visually presenting trends over time. These presentation aids identify patterns, like upward or downward trends. However, too many data points can clutter the graph, making it harder to interpret. Line graphs work best with continuous data but are not suitable for categories.

For more information, check our collection of line chart templates for PowerPoint and our article about how to make a presentation graph .

A data dashboard is a visual tool for analyzing information. Different graphs, charts, and tables are consolidated in a layout to showcase the information required to achieve one or more objectives. Dashboards help quickly see Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). You don’t make new visuals in the dashboard; instead, you use it to display visuals you’ve already made in worksheets [3] .

Keeping the number of visuals on a dashboard to three or four is recommended. Adding too many can make it hard to see the main points [4]. Dashboards can be used for business analytics to analyze sales, revenue, and marketing metrics at a time. They are also used in the manufacturing industry, as they allow users to grasp the entire production scenario at the moment while tracking the core KPIs for each line.

Real-Life Application of a Dashboard

Consider a project manager presenting a software development project’s progress to a tech company’s leadership team. He follows the following steps.

Step 1: Defining Key Metrics

To effectively communicate the project’s status, identify key metrics such as completion status, budget, and bug resolution rates. Then, choose measurable metrics aligned with project objectives.

Step 2: Choosing Visualization Widgets

After finalizing the data, presentation aids that align with each metric are selected. For this project, the project manager chooses a progress bar for the completion status and uses bar charts for budget allocation. Likewise, he implements line charts for bug resolution rates.

Data analysis presentation example

Step 3: Dashboard Layout

Key metrics are prominently placed in the dashboard for easy visibility, and the manager ensures that it appears clean and organized.

Dashboards provide a comprehensive view of key project metrics. Users can interact with data, customize views, and drill down for detailed analysis. However, creating an effective dashboard requires careful planning to avoid clutter. Besides, dashboards rely on the availability and accuracy of underlying data sources.

For more information, check our article on how to design a dashboard presentation , and discover our collection of dashboard PowerPoint templates .

Treemap charts represent hierarchical data structured in a series of nested rectangles [6] . As each branch of the ‘tree’ is given a rectangle, smaller tiles can be seen representing sub-branches, meaning elements on a lower hierarchical level than the parent rectangle. Each one of those rectangular nodes is built by representing an area proportional to the specified data dimension.

Treemaps are useful for visualizing large datasets in compact space. It is easy to identify patterns, such as which categories are dominant. Common applications of the treemap chart are seen in the IT industry, such as resource allocation, disk space management, website analytics, etc. Also, they can be used in multiple industries like healthcare data analysis, market share across different product categories, or even in finance to visualize portfolios.

Real-Life Application of a Treemap Chart

Let’s consider a financial scenario where a financial team wants to represent the budget allocation of a company. There is a hierarchy in the process, so it is helpful to use a treemap chart. In the chart, the top-level rectangle could represent the total budget, and it would be subdivided into smaller rectangles, each denoting a specific department. Further subdivisions within these smaller rectangles might represent individual projects or cost categories.

Step 1: Define Your Data Hierarchy

While presenting data on the budget allocation, start by outlining the hierarchical structure. The sequence will be like the overall budget at the top, followed by departments, projects within each department, and finally, individual cost categories for each project.

  • Top-level rectangle: Total Budget
  • Second-level rectangles: Departments (Engineering, Marketing, Sales)
  • Third-level rectangles: Projects within each department
  • Fourth-level rectangles: Cost categories for each project (Personnel, Marketing Expenses, Equipment)

Step 2: Choose a Suitable Tool

It’s time to select a data visualization tool supporting Treemaps. Popular choices include Tableau, Microsoft Power BI, PowerPoint, or even coding with libraries like D3.js. It is vital to ensure that the chosen tool provides customization options for colors, labels, and hierarchical structures.

Here, the team uses PowerPoint for this guide because of its user-friendly interface and robust Treemap capabilities.

Step 3: Make a Treemap Chart with PowerPoint

After opening the PowerPoint presentation, they chose “SmartArt” to form the chart. The SmartArt Graphic window has a “Hierarchy” category on the left.  Here, you will see multiple options. You can choose any layout that resembles a Treemap. The “Table Hierarchy” or “Organization Chart” options can be adapted. The team selects the Table Hierarchy as it looks close to a Treemap.

Step 5: Input Your Data

After that, a new window will open with a basic structure. They add the data one by one by clicking on the text boxes. They start with the top-level rectangle, representing the total budget.  

Treemap used for presenting data

Step 6: Customize the Treemap

By clicking on each shape, they customize its color, size, and label. At the same time, they can adjust the font size, style, and color of labels by using the options in the “Format” tab in PowerPoint. Using different colors for each level enhances the visual difference.

Treemaps excel at illustrating hierarchical structures. These charts make it easy to understand relationships and dependencies. They efficiently use space, compactly displaying a large amount of data, reducing the need for excessive scrolling or navigation. Additionally, using colors enhances the understanding of data by representing different variables or categories.

In some cases, treemaps might become complex, especially with deep hierarchies.  It becomes challenging for some users to interpret the chart. At the same time, displaying detailed information within each rectangle might be constrained by space. It potentially limits the amount of data that can be shown clearly. Without proper labeling and color coding, there’s a risk of misinterpretation.

A heatmap is a data visualization tool that uses color coding to represent values across a two-dimensional surface. In these, colors replace numbers to indicate the magnitude of each cell. This color-shaded matrix display is valuable for summarizing and understanding data sets with a glance [7] . The intensity of the color corresponds to the value it represents, making it easy to identify patterns, trends, and variations in the data.

As a tool, heatmaps help businesses analyze website interactions, revealing user behavior patterns and preferences to enhance overall user experience. In addition, companies use heatmaps to assess content engagement, identifying popular sections and areas of improvement for more effective communication. They excel at highlighting patterns and trends in large datasets, making it easy to identify areas of interest.

We can implement heatmaps to express multiple data types, such as numerical values, percentages, or even categorical data. Heatmaps help us easily spot areas with lots of activity, making them helpful in figuring out clusters [8] . When making these maps, it is important to pick colors carefully. The colors need to show the differences between groups or levels of something. And it is good to use colors that people with colorblindness can easily see.

Check our detailed guide on how to create a heatmap here. Also discover our collection of heatmap PowerPoint templates .

Pie charts are circular statistical graphics divided into slices to illustrate numerical proportions. Each slice represents a proportionate part of the whole, making it easy to visualize the contribution of each component to the total.

The size of the pie charts is influenced by the value of data points within each pie. The total of all data points in a pie determines its size. The pie with the highest data points appears as the largest, whereas the others are proportionally smaller. However, you can present all pies of the same size if proportional representation is not required [9] . Sometimes, pie charts are difficult to read, or additional information is required. A variation of this tool can be used instead, known as the donut chart , which has the same structure but a blank center, creating a ring shape. Presenters can add extra information, and the ring shape helps to declutter the graph.

Pie charts are used in business to show percentage distribution, compare relative sizes of categories, or present straightforward data sets where visualizing ratios is essential.

Real-Life Application of Pie Charts

Consider a scenario where you want to represent the distribution of the data. Each slice of the pie chart would represent a different category, and the size of each slice would indicate the percentage of the total portion allocated to that category.

Step 1: Define Your Data Structure

Imagine you are presenting the distribution of a project budget among different expense categories.

  • Column A: Expense Categories (Personnel, Equipment, Marketing, Miscellaneous)
  • Column B: Budget Amounts ($40,000, $30,000, $20,000, $10,000) Column B represents the values of your categories in Column A.

Step 2: Insert a Pie Chart

Using any of the accessible tools, you can create a pie chart. The most convenient tools for forming a pie chart in a presentation are presentation tools such as PowerPoint or Google Slides.  You will notice that the pie chart assigns each expense category a percentage of the total budget by dividing it by the total budget.

For instance:

  • Personnel: $40,000 / ($40,000 + $30,000 + $20,000 + $10,000) = 40%
  • Equipment: $30,000 / ($40,000 + $30,000 + $20,000 + $10,000) = 30%
  • Marketing: $20,000 / ($40,000 + $30,000 + $20,000 + $10,000) = 20%
  • Miscellaneous: $10,000 / ($40,000 + $30,000 + $20,000 + $10,000) = 10%

You can make a chart out of this or just pull out the pie chart from the data.

Pie chart template in data presentation

3D pie charts and 3D donut charts are quite popular among the audience. They stand out as visual elements in any presentation slide, so let’s take a look at how our pie chart example would look in 3D pie chart format.

3D pie chart in data presentation

Step 03: Results Interpretation

The pie chart visually illustrates the distribution of the project budget among different expense categories. Personnel constitutes the largest portion at 40%, followed by equipment at 30%, marketing at 20%, and miscellaneous at 10%. This breakdown provides a clear overview of where the project funds are allocated, which helps in informed decision-making and resource management. It is evident that personnel are a significant investment, emphasizing their importance in the overall project budget.

Pie charts provide a straightforward way to represent proportions and percentages. They are easy to understand, even for individuals with limited data analysis experience. These charts work well for small datasets with a limited number of categories.

However, a pie chart can become cluttered and less effective in situations with many categories. Accurate interpretation may be challenging, especially when dealing with slight differences in slice sizes. In addition, these charts are static and do not effectively convey trends over time.

For more information, check our collection of pie chart templates for PowerPoint .

Histograms present the distribution of numerical variables. Unlike a bar chart that records each unique response separately, histograms organize numeric responses into bins and show the frequency of reactions within each bin [10] . The x-axis of a histogram shows the range of values for a numeric variable. At the same time, the y-axis indicates the relative frequencies (percentage of the total counts) for that range of values.

Whenever you want to understand the distribution of your data, check which values are more common, or identify outliers, histograms are your go-to. Think of them as a spotlight on the story your data is telling. A histogram can provide a quick and insightful overview if you’re curious about exam scores, sales figures, or any numerical data distribution.

Real-Life Application of a Histogram

In the histogram data analysis presentation example, imagine an instructor analyzing a class’s grades to identify the most common score range. A histogram could effectively display the distribution. It will show whether most students scored in the average range or if there are significant outliers.

Step 1: Gather Data

He begins by gathering the data. The scores of each student in class are gathered to analyze exam scores.


After arranging the scores in ascending order, bin ranges are set.

Step 2: Define Bins

Bins are like categories that group similar values. Think of them as buckets that organize your data. The presenter decides how wide each bin should be based on the range of the values. For instance, the instructor sets the bin ranges based on score intervals: 60-69, 70-79, 80-89, and 90-100.

Step 3: Count Frequency

Now, he counts how many data points fall into each bin. This step is crucial because it tells you how often specific ranges of values occur. The result is the frequency distribution, showing the occurrences of each group.

Here, the instructor counts the number of students in each category.

  • 60-69: 1 student (Kate)
  • 70-79: 4 students (David, Emma, Grace, Jack)
  • 80-89: 7 students (Alice, Bob, Frank, Isabel, Liam, Mia, Noah)
  • 90-100: 3 students (Clara, Henry, Olivia)

Step 4: Create the Histogram

It’s time to turn the data into a visual representation. Draw a bar for each bin on a graph. The width of the bar should correspond to the range of the bin, and the height should correspond to the frequency.  To make your histogram understandable, label the X and Y axes.

In this case, the X-axis should represent the bins (e.g., test score ranges), and the Y-axis represents the frequency.

Histogram in Data Presentation

The histogram of the class grades reveals insightful patterns in the distribution. Most students, with seven students, fall within the 80-89 score range. The histogram provides a clear visualization of the class’s performance. It showcases a concentration of grades in the upper-middle range with few outliers at both ends. This analysis helps in understanding the overall academic standing of the class. It also identifies the areas for potential improvement or recognition.

Thus, histograms provide a clear visual representation of data distribution. They are easy to interpret, even for those without a statistical background. They apply to various types of data, including continuous and discrete variables. One weak point is that histograms do not capture detailed patterns in students’ data, with seven compared to other visualization methods.

A scatter plot is a graphical representation of the relationship between two variables. It consists of individual data points on a two-dimensional plane. This plane plots one variable on the x-axis and the other on the y-axis. Each point represents a unique observation. It visualizes patterns, trends, or correlations between the two variables.

Scatter plots are also effective in revealing the strength and direction of relationships. They identify outliers and assess the overall distribution of data points. The points’ dispersion and clustering reflect the relationship’s nature, whether it is positive, negative, or lacks a discernible pattern. In business, scatter plots assess relationships between variables such as marketing cost and sales revenue. They help present data correlations and decision-making.

Real-Life Application of Scatter Plot

A group of scientists is conducting a study on the relationship between daily hours of screen time and sleep quality. After reviewing the data, they managed to create this table to help them build a scatter plot graph:

Participant IDDaily Hours of Screen TimeSleep Quality Rating

In the provided example, the x-axis represents Daily Hours of Screen Time, and the y-axis represents the Sleep Quality Rating.

Scatter plot in data presentation

The scientists observe a negative correlation between the amount of screen time and the quality of sleep. This is consistent with their hypothesis that blue light, especially before bedtime, has a significant impact on sleep quality and metabolic processes.

There are a few things to remember when using a scatter plot. Even when a scatter diagram indicates a relationship, it doesn’t mean one variable affects the other. A third factor can influence both variables. The more the plot resembles a straight line, the stronger the relationship is perceived [11] . If it suggests no ties, the observed pattern might be due to random fluctuations in data. When the scatter diagram depicts no correlation, whether the data might be stratified is worth considering.

Choosing the appropriate data presentation type is crucial when making a presentation . Understanding the nature of your data and the message you intend to convey will guide this selection process. For instance, when showcasing quantitative relationships, scatter plots become instrumental in revealing correlations between variables. If the focus is on emphasizing parts of a whole, pie charts offer a concise display of proportions. Histograms, on the other hand, prove valuable for illustrating distributions and frequency patterns. 

Bar charts provide a clear visual comparison of different categories. Likewise, line charts excel in showcasing trends over time, while tables are ideal for detailed data examination. Starting a presentation on data presentation types involves evaluating the specific information you want to communicate and selecting the format that aligns with your message. This ensures clarity and resonance with your audience from the beginning of your presentation.

1. Fact Sheet Dashboard for Data Presentation

slide for data presentation

Convey all the data you need to present in this one-pager format, an ideal solution tailored for users looking for presentation aids. Global maps, donut chats, column graphs, and text neatly arranged in a clean layout presented in light and dark themes.

Use This Template

2. 3D Column Chart Infographic PPT Template

slide for data presentation

Represent column charts in a highly visual 3D format with this PPT template. A creative way to present data, this template is entirely editable, and we can craft either a one-page infographic or a series of slides explaining what we intend to disclose point by point.

3. Data Circles Infographic PowerPoint Template

slide for data presentation

An alternative to the pie chart and donut chart diagrams, this template features a series of curved shapes with bubble callouts as ways of presenting data. Expand the information for each arch in the text placeholder areas.

4. Colorful Metrics Dashboard for Data Presentation

slide for data presentation

This versatile dashboard template helps us in the presentation of the data by offering several graphs and methods to convert numbers into graphics. Implement it for e-commerce projects, financial projections, project development, and more.

5. Animated Data Presentation Tools for PowerPoint & Google Slides

Canvas Shape Tree Diagram Template

A slide deck filled with most of the tools mentioned in this article, from bar charts, column charts, treemap graphs, pie charts, histogram, etc. Animated effects make each slide look dynamic when sharing data with stakeholders.

6. Statistics Waffle Charts PPT Template for Data Presentations

slide for data presentation

This PPT template helps us how to present data beyond the typical pie chart representation. It is widely used for demographics, so it’s a great fit for marketing teams, data science professionals, HR personnel, and more.

7. Data Presentation Dashboard Template for Google Slides

slide for data presentation

A compendium of tools in dashboard format featuring line graphs, bar charts, column charts, and neatly arranged placeholder text areas. 

8. Weather Dashboard for Data Presentation

slide for data presentation

Share weather data for agricultural presentation topics, environmental studies, or any kind of presentation that requires a highly visual layout for weather forecasting on a single day. Two color themes are available.

9. Social Media Marketing Dashboard Data Presentation Template

slide for data presentation

Intended for marketing professionals, this dashboard template for data presentation is a tool for presenting data analytics from social media channels. Two slide layouts featuring line graphs and column charts.

10. Project Management Summary Dashboard Template

slide for data presentation

A tool crafted for project managers to deliver highly visual reports on a project’s completion, the profits it delivered for the company, and expenses/time required to execute it. 4 different color layouts are available.

11. Profit & Loss Dashboard for PowerPoint and Google Slides

slide for data presentation

A must-have for finance professionals. This typical profit & loss dashboard includes progress bars, donut charts, column charts, line graphs, and everything that’s required to deliver a comprehensive report about a company’s financial situation.

Overwhelming visuals

One of the mistakes related to using data-presenting methods is including too much data or using overly complex visualizations. They can confuse the audience and dilute the key message.

Inappropriate chart types

Choosing the wrong type of chart for the data at hand can lead to misinterpretation. For example, using a pie chart for data that doesn’t represent parts of a whole is not right.

Lack of context

Failing to provide context or sufficient labeling can make it challenging for the audience to understand the significance of the presented data.

Inconsistency in design

Using inconsistent design elements and color schemes across different visualizations can create confusion and visual disarray.

Failure to provide details

Simply presenting raw data without offering clear insights or takeaways can leave the audience without a meaningful conclusion.

Lack of focus

Not having a clear focus on the key message or main takeaway can result in a presentation that lacks a central theme.

Visual accessibility issues

Overlooking the visual accessibility of charts and graphs can exclude certain audience members who may have difficulty interpreting visual information.

In order to avoid these mistakes in data presentation, presenters can benefit from using presentation templates . These templates provide a structured framework. They ensure consistency, clarity, and an aesthetically pleasing design, enhancing data communication’s overall impact.

Understanding and choosing data presentation types are pivotal in effective communication. Each method serves a unique purpose, so selecting the appropriate one depends on the nature of the data and the message to be conveyed. The diverse array of presentation types offers versatility in visually representing information, from bar charts showing values to pie charts illustrating proportions. 

Using the proper method enhances clarity, engages the audience, and ensures that data sets are not just presented but comprehensively understood. By appreciating the strengths and limitations of different presentation types, communicators can tailor their approach to convey information accurately, developing a deeper connection between data and audience understanding.

[1] Government of Canada, S.C. (2021) 5 Data Visualization 5.2 Bar Chart , 5.2 Bar chart .  https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/edu/power-pouvoir/ch9/bargraph-diagrammeabarres/5214818-eng.htm

[2] Kosslyn, S.M., 1989. Understanding charts and graphs. Applied cognitive psychology, 3(3), pp.185-225. https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/ADA183409.pdf

[3] Creating a Dashboard . https://it.tufts.edu/book/export/html/1870

[4] https://www.goldenwestcollege.edu/research/data-and-more/data-dashboards/index.html

[5] https://www.mit.edu/course/21/21.guide/grf-line.htm

[6] Jadeja, M. and Shah, K., 2015, January. Tree-Map: A Visualization Tool for Large Data. In GSB@ SIGIR (pp. 9-13). https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1393/gsb15proceedings.pdf#page=15

[7] Heat Maps and Quilt Plots. https://www.publichealth.columbia.edu/research/population-health-methods/heat-maps-and-quilt-plots

[8] EIU QGIS WORKSHOP. https://www.eiu.edu/qgisworkshop/heatmaps.php

[9] About Pie Charts.  https://www.mit.edu/~mbarker/formula1/f1help/11-ch-c8.htm

[10] Histograms. https://sites.utexas.edu/sos/guided/descriptive/numericaldd/descriptiven2/histogram/ [11] https://asq.org/quality-resources/scatter-diagram

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  • Presentations

How to Present Data & Numbers in Presentations (Like a Pro)

Andrew Childress

Data is more important than ever. But do you know how to present data? Your audience needs information in a way that's easy-to-follow. With charts and graphs, data comes to life.

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In this tutorial, you'll learn how to present data. The intuitive presentation of data and information is essential so that your point comes across. With our tips, we'll help you take flat data tables and convert them to useful and explanatory charts.

Why Present Data and Numbers With Charts?

Often, you’ll find yourself presenting data in PowerPoint. It’s a useful tool to illustrate data and bring numbers to life. But if you go about it the wrong way, you’ll distract and confuse your audience. Remember, the goal of sharing data is to deliver insights.

When you think of how to present data, you've got several options. Words alone should be an automatic no-no. Clustering numerical data in text paragraphs will confuse an audience. Similarly, tables don’t go far enough.

Consider the example below. While this approach may work for a simple dataset, it’s hard to capture value insights at a glance. Keep in mind, you want a viewer to quickly grasp the fundamental meaning of the data instantly.

Data presentation

That’s why your best option is to present data and numbers with charts. These are two related ways to present data that take a truly visual approach. Charts and graphs are forms of infographics. An infographic is a visual illustration meant to show ideas. They look great, they're easy to read, and they work.

Recent research vividly shows their effectiveness. Infographics are read at a rate of 30:1 over text articles. Pair this with the fact that visual information represents 90% of what transmits to a reader’s brain . Clearly, these are tools to keep in your wheelhouse.

As you can see below, the table data above transforms from a complex table to a clear and concise visual. It’s the identical range of data! The magic happens in the display of it. Charts are the key to success in the presentation of data and information.

How to present data

How to Present Data and Numbers in Presentations

We’ve learned that the best way to present data is with charts. Now that you’re armed with this knowledge, you've got many options to choose from.

Premium PowerPoint data presentation templates are your best friend. These take the hard work out of building and sharing data charts. They teach you how to present data in presentations with pre-built options. All you need is your dataset!

For our walkthrough tutorial, we’ll use the Chart Presentation template from Envato Elements. It’s a premium option with 24 custom slide designs inside. Each is easy to customize to meet your data presentation needs.

Chart presentation best way to present data

With the template downloaded and opened in PowerPoint, let’s get to work learning how to present data. Follow the principles below, and you’ll be ready to get started!

1. Assess Your Data

Charts come in all shapes and sizes. There are pie charts, column charts, line charts, and many more. All have many uses, but each is targeted towards different types of data. First, you’ll want to assess the data that you have, and how it would best be presented visually. Let’s work with a sample dataset like the one below.

As you can see, the data has several rows, each representing a different country. Beside these are three columns, each covering sales for a given year. In short, you’re looking at three years of sales forecasts for five countries.

Best way to present data

Reading over the data, it’s tough to instantly gain any insights. Sure, if you look long enough, trends start to emerge. But this is a slow, manual process. And imagine if there were fifty countries and twelve years, for example!

Manual analysis would become nearly impossible in a presentation setting. But by using a chart, you can instantly illustrate trends and forecasts. Any viewer – even an untrained eye – can readily see all key points with a moment’s glance.

2. Choose a Visual

Now that you’ve analyzed your data, you can easily see that a chart is essential. But what kind? We briefly mentioned three styles of charts. When you think of how to present data in presentation form, the trick is to choose the style that best fits your data.

For our example, we’re looking at multiple data points for several categories. Here, these data points are three sales values, for five countries each. Keep these ideas for how to present numbers in mind:

  • A logical visual would group each country together.
  • Then, show each of the three sales figures side by side.
  • You could also reverse it – group the years and show sales for all five countries.

In a case like this, a column chart is the ideal choice. These group data just as described.

presentation of data and information

But when might a different chart type be useful? Imagine if your data included details about Germany’s 2024 sales, for example. Suppose you’re presenting to your marketing team, and they’ve asked how sales of each individual product make up the total. Here, a pie chart would be the perfect option. These show how individual pieces form a whole.

But in this case, we’ve decided on a column chart. Find one in the deck, and let’s insert it. In our template, slide #15 contains a beautiful chart. It’s already built. All you need to do is add your own data.

To do that, click into the chart area, then right-click. From the menu, choose Edit Data. You’ll see an embedded Microsoft Excel spreadsheet launch right inside of PowerPoint. From here, you can simply replace the existing data with the table you already have. As you work, the chart instantly updates itself to match the new data.

Ways to present data

In moments, you’ll be presenting data in PowerPoint with this beautiful chart!

3. Style Your Visual

With your chart placed on the slide, you now have an array of design options. Remember, the goal is to make the chart work perfectly for your own data. These options primarily live on the Chart Design menu, which you can find on PowerPoint’s ribbon. With the chart selected, click on Chart Design.

The template has a beautiful color palette, but you can add your own. It helps to choose a color profile with plenty of contrast. This makes your visual even clearer and easier to read.

To add a new palette, click on the Change Colors drop-down menu. You’ll see an array of color swatches display. Click on one, and it'll apply to your chart.

Presenting data in PowerPoint

You can add a new background by launching the Chart Styles section in the center of the Chart Design menu. For example, you can choose one with a gray background to make the colors really stand out on the slide.

Also, it’s possible to add more context to the data. The horizontal axis in our example is clear enough, listing countries. But there isn’t any explanation of what the vertical axis represents, or the colorful bars. Follow these steps:

  • Open the Add Chart Element dropdown near the upper left of the ribbon.
  • Click  Axis Titles.
  • Choose Primary Vertical.
  • You’ll see Axis Title appear on the chart. This is a text box, which you can select and type into.

Styles how to present data

Finally, back on the Add Chart Element dropdown, choose Legend , and pick a location like Top . Three colorful squares listing the three years shown in the chart will be added to the drawing. These labels aid in the presentation of data and information.

It’s easy to see how to present numbers in chart form, using PowerPoint. Start with a premium template like this, and then customize the chart inside to fit your needs.

4. Add Notes Where Needed

You now know well that charts are the best way to present data. But they don’t have to stand on their own!

Often, it’s useful to add more context. Audiences may understand the data perfectly but have questions. For example: Why are sales for one country climbing, while they are falling in another?

By adding notes where needed, you can add supporting details. It’s best to keep these off of the chart itself. If you clutter up your visual, the value of it diminishes rapidly. Check out an improved example below.

Notes in data presentation

On our slide example, the paragraph section on the left may become a series of quick bullet points. These add supporting details that more fully explain the data shown in the chart.

Again, you may not always need to do this. But never think that a chart must be all-encompassing, explaining every piece of information by itself. The trick is to boost understanding, while remaining clear and concise.

5. Consider an Appendix

You may have extra details that you need to include in your slides.

In our example, imagine that you've got three sales offices in each of the five countries featured. Each of the fifteen makes up a certain percentage of overall sales. This may be key data for your audience, but it would complicate the visual that you just created.

Here, it’s a good idea to add an appendix. An appendix (often at the end of your slide deck) includes more detailed data. You might not review it with a live audience, but they can look at it later in a handout or digital format.

To add an appendix, go to the end of your presentation, and click New Slide on the Home tab. Here, it might be appropriate to share the detailed data in the form of a table. Or, you can add a pie chart, suitable for this style of dataset.

How to present data appendix

To add a chart from scratch, go to the Insert tab, then choose Chart > Pie. The embedded Excel window will return, and again, you can insert your data.

An appendix may not always be necessary. But you should include one (or more) if you've got meaningful data that you aren’t placing into the main slide deck.

The Best Source for Data Presentation Templates (With Unlimited Downloads)

Envato Elements is the best place to find top data presentation templates . For a low monthly rate, you've got access to unlimited downloads of PPT chart templates. You can try as many as you want, finding those that work best for you.

Explore PowerPoint Chart Templates

Elements data presentation

And that isn’t all. As an Elements member, you also have unlimited access to stock photos, music, fonts, and more. These are digital assets that pair perfectly with your data presentation.

Elements is an unbeatable offer because of the unlimited flexibility. With premium templates, you gain access to powerful features not found in free designs:

  • beautiful data visuals that are pre-built and ready to customize
  • stylish, custom fonts to help text stand out
  • media placeholders to add supporting images and videos
  • fully flexible layouts that adapt to your data and other content

The advantages are many. You save hard work, by leaving the slide design tasks to experts. This gives you the time needed to refine your message. Plus, the finished product will wow any audience, thanks to the expertly-crafted graphics . Truly, Envato Elements is the best value for creatives today.

Need a template, but don't want an unlimited subscription? We've got you covered with templates from GraphicRiver . You'll pay-as-you-go, and these templates give you everything you need. They've got pre-made designs for the best way to present data with less work than ever before.

Now Practice the Best Way to Present Data in Presentations

You just learned new ways to present data. Essentially, you saw how to present data in presentations so that your audience  can understand it. Great presenters think of the audience first. They'll thank you for your thoughtful work in how to present numbers and more.

Now, it's your turn! Put these tips on how to present data in presentations to work. Take a flat table in a presentation and convert it with our tips for presenting data in PowerPoint. Just download a template and get started. 

Andrew Childress

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Blog Data Visualization 10 Data Presentation Examples For Strategic Communication

10 Data Presentation Examples For Strategic Communication

Written by: Krystle Wong Sep 28, 2023

Data Presentation Examples

Knowing how to present data is like having a superpower. 

Data presentation today is no longer just about numbers on a screen; it’s storytelling with a purpose. It’s about captivating your audience, making complex stuff look simple and inspiring action. 

To help turn your data into stories that stick, influence decisions and make an impact, check out Venngage’s free chart maker or follow me on a tour into the world of data storytelling along with data presentation templates that work across different fields, from business boardrooms to the classroom and beyond. Keep scrolling to learn more! 

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10 Essential data presentation examples + methods you should know

What should be included in a data presentation, what are some common mistakes to avoid when presenting data, faqs on data presentation examples, transform your message with impactful data storytelling.

Data presentation is a vital skill in today’s information-driven world. Whether you’re in business, academia, or simply want to convey information effectively, knowing the different ways of presenting data is crucial. For impactful data storytelling, consider these essential data presentation methods:

1. Bar graph

Ideal for comparing data across categories or showing trends over time.

Bar graphs, also known as bar charts are workhorses of data presentation. They’re like the Swiss Army knives of visualization methods because they can be used to compare data in different categories or display data changes over time. 

In a bar chart, categories are displayed on the x-axis and the corresponding values are represented by the height of the bars on the y-axis. 

slide for data presentation

It’s a straightforward and effective way to showcase raw data, making it a staple in business reports, academic presentations and beyond.

Make sure your bar charts are concise with easy-to-read labels. Whether your bars go up or sideways, keep it simple by not overloading with too many categories.

slide for data presentation

2. Line graph

Great for displaying trends and variations in data points over time or continuous variables.

Line charts or line graphs are your go-to when you want to visualize trends and variations in data sets over time.

One of the best quantitative data presentation examples, they work exceptionally well for showing continuous data, such as sales projections over the last couple of years or supply and demand fluctuations. 

slide for data presentation

The x-axis represents time or a continuous variable and the y-axis represents the data values. By connecting the data points with lines, you can easily spot trends and fluctuations.

A tip when presenting data with line charts is to minimize the lines and not make it too crowded. Highlight the big changes, put on some labels and give it a catchy title.

slide for data presentation

3. Pie chart

Useful for illustrating parts of a whole, such as percentages or proportions.

Pie charts are perfect for showing how a whole is divided into parts. They’re commonly used to represent percentages or proportions and are great for presenting survey results that involve demographic data. 

Each “slice” of the pie represents a portion of the whole and the size of each slice corresponds to its share of the total. 

slide for data presentation

While pie charts are handy for illustrating simple distributions, they can become confusing when dealing with too many categories or when the differences in proportions are subtle.

Don’t get too carried away with slices — label those slices with percentages or values so people know what’s what and consider using a legend for more categories.

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4. Scatter plot

Effective for showing the relationship between two variables and identifying correlations.

Scatter plots are all about exploring relationships between two variables. They’re great for uncovering correlations, trends or patterns in data. 

In a scatter plot, every data point appears as a dot on the chart, with one variable marked on the horizontal x-axis and the other on the vertical y-axis.

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By examining the scatter of points, you can discern the nature of the relationship between the variables, whether it’s positive, negative or no correlation at all.

If you’re using scatter plots to reveal relationships between two variables, be sure to add trendlines or regression analysis when appropriate to clarify patterns. Label data points selectively or provide tooltips for detailed information.

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5. Histogram

Best for visualizing the distribution and frequency of a single variable.

Histograms are your choice when you want to understand the distribution and frequency of a single variable. 

They divide the data into “bins” or intervals and the height of each bar represents the frequency or count of data points falling into that interval. 

slide for data presentation

Histograms are excellent for helping to identify trends in data distributions, such as peaks, gaps or skewness.

Here’s something to take note of — ensure that your histogram bins are appropriately sized to capture meaningful data patterns. Using clear axis labels and titles can also help explain the distribution of the data effectively.

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6. Stacked bar chart

Useful for showing how different components contribute to a whole over multiple categories.

Stacked bar charts are a handy choice when you want to illustrate how different components contribute to a whole across multiple categories. 

Each bar represents a category and the bars are divided into segments to show the contribution of various components within each category. 

slide for data presentation

This method is ideal for highlighting both the individual and collective significance of each component, making it a valuable tool for comparative analysis.

Stacked bar charts are like data sandwiches—label each layer so people know what’s what. Keep the order logical and don’t forget the paintbrush for snazzy colors. Here’s a data analysis presentation example on writers’ productivity using stacked bar charts:

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7. Area chart

Similar to line charts but with the area below the lines filled, making them suitable for showing cumulative data.

Area charts are close cousins of line charts but come with a twist. 

Imagine plotting the sales of a product over several months. In an area chart, the space between the line and the x-axis is filled, providing a visual representation of the cumulative total. 

slide for data presentation

This makes it easy to see how values stack up over time, making area charts a valuable tool for tracking trends in data.

For area charts, use them to visualize cumulative data and trends, but avoid overcrowding the chart. Add labels, especially at significant points and make sure the area under the lines is filled with a visually appealing color gradient.

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8. Tabular presentation

Presenting data in rows and columns, often used for precise data values and comparisons.

Tabular data presentation is all about clarity and precision. Think of it as presenting numerical data in a structured grid, with rows and columns clearly displaying individual data points. 

A table is invaluable for showcasing detailed data, facilitating comparisons and presenting numerical information that needs to be exact. They’re commonly used in reports, spreadsheets and academic papers.

slide for data presentation

When presenting tabular data, organize it neatly with clear headers and appropriate column widths. Highlight important data points or patterns using shading or font formatting for better readability.

9. Textual data

Utilizing written or descriptive content to explain or complement data, such as annotations or explanatory text.

Textual data presentation may not involve charts or graphs, but it’s one of the most used qualitative data presentation examples. 

It involves using written content to provide context, explanations or annotations alongside data visuals. Think of it as the narrative that guides your audience through the data. 

Well-crafted textual data can make complex information more accessible and help your audience understand the significance of the numbers and visuals.

Textual data is your chance to tell a story. Break down complex information into bullet points or short paragraphs and use headings to guide the reader’s attention.

10. Pictogram

Using simple icons or images to represent data is especially useful for conveying information in a visually intuitive manner.

Pictograms are all about harnessing the power of images to convey data in an easy-to-understand way. 

Instead of using numbers or complex graphs, you use simple icons or images to represent data points. 

For instance, you could use a thumbs up emoji to illustrate customer satisfaction levels, where each face represents a different level of satisfaction. 

slide for data presentation

Pictograms are great for conveying data visually, so choose symbols that are easy to interpret and relevant to the data. Use consistent scaling and a legend to explain the symbols’ meanings, ensuring clarity in your presentation.

slide for data presentation

Looking for more data presentation ideas? Use the Venngage graph maker or browse through our gallery of chart templates to pick a template and get started! 

A comprehensive data presentation should include several key elements to effectively convey information and insights to your audience. Here’s a list of what should be included in a data presentation:

1. Title and objective

  • Begin with a clear and informative title that sets the context for your presentation.
  • State the primary objective or purpose of the presentation to provide a clear focus.

slide for data presentation

2. Key data points

  • Present the most essential data points or findings that align with your objective.
  • Use charts, graphical presentations or visuals to illustrate these key points for better comprehension.

slide for data presentation

3. Context and significance

  • Provide a brief overview of the context in which the data was collected and why it’s significant.
  • Explain how the data relates to the larger picture or the problem you’re addressing.

4. Key takeaways

  • Summarize the main insights or conclusions that can be drawn from the data.
  • Highlight the key takeaways that the audience should remember.

5. Visuals and charts

  • Use clear and appropriate visual aids to complement the data.
  • Ensure that visuals are easy to understand and support your narrative.

slide for data presentation

6. Implications or actions

  • Discuss the practical implications of the data or any recommended actions.
  • If applicable, outline next steps or decisions that should be taken based on the data.

slide for data presentation

7. Q&A and discussion

  • Allocate time for questions and open discussion to engage the audience.
  • Address queries and provide additional insights or context as needed.

Presenting data is a crucial skill in various professional fields, from business to academia and beyond. To ensure your data presentations hit the mark, here are some common mistakes that you should steer clear of:

Overloading with data

Presenting too much data at once can overwhelm your audience. Focus on the key points and relevant information to keep the presentation concise and focused. Here are some free data visualization tools you can use to convey data in an engaging and impactful way. 

Assuming everyone’s on the same page

It’s easy to assume that your audience understands as much about the topic as you do. But this can lead to either dumbing things down too much or diving into a bunch of jargon that leaves folks scratching their heads. Take a beat to figure out where your audience is coming from and tailor your presentation accordingly.

Misleading visuals

Using misleading visuals, such as distorted scales or inappropriate chart types can distort the data’s meaning. Pick the right data infographics and understandable charts to ensure that your visual representations accurately reflect the data.

Not providing context

Data without context is like a puzzle piece with no picture on it. Without proper context, data may be meaningless or misinterpreted. Explain the background, methodology and significance of the data.

Not citing sources properly

Neglecting to cite sources and provide citations for your data can erode its credibility. Always attribute data to its source and utilize reliable sources for your presentation.

Not telling a story

Avoid simply presenting numbers. If your presentation lacks a clear, engaging story that takes your audience on a journey from the beginning (setting the scene) through the middle (data analysis) to the end (the big insights and recommendations), you’re likely to lose their interest.

Infographics are great for storytelling because they mix cool visuals with short and sweet text to explain complicated stuff in a fun and easy way. Create one with Venngage’s free infographic maker to create a memorable story that your audience will remember.

Ignoring data quality

Presenting data without first checking its quality and accuracy can lead to misinformation. Validate and clean your data before presenting it.

Simplify your visuals

Fancy charts might look cool, but if they confuse people, what’s the point? Go for the simplest visual that gets your message across. Having a dilemma between presenting data with infographics v.s data design? This article on the difference between data design and infographics might help you out. 

Missing the emotional connection

Data isn’t just about numbers; it’s about people and real-life situations. Don’t forget to sprinkle in some human touch, whether it’s through relatable stories, examples or showing how the data impacts real lives.

Skipping the actionable insights

At the end of the day, your audience wants to know what they should do with all the data. If you don’t wrap up with clear, actionable insights or recommendations, you’re leaving them hanging. Always finish up with practical takeaways and the next steps.

Can you provide some data presentation examples for business reports?

Business reports often benefit from data presentation through bar charts showing sales trends over time, pie charts displaying market share,or tables presenting financial performance metrics like revenue and profit margins.

What are some creative data presentation examples for academic presentations?

Creative data presentation ideas for academic presentations include using statistical infographics to illustrate research findings and statistical data, incorporating storytelling techniques to engage the audience or utilizing heat maps to visualize data patterns.

What are the key considerations when choosing the right data presentation format?

When choosing a chart format , consider factors like data complexity, audience expertise and the message you want to convey. Options include charts (e.g., bar, line, pie), tables, heat maps, data visualization infographics and interactive dashboards.

Knowing the type of data visualization that best serves your data is just half the battle. Here are some best practices for data visualization to make sure that the final output is optimized. 

How can I choose the right data presentation method for my data?

To select the right data presentation method, start by defining your presentation’s purpose and audience. Then, match your data type (e.g., quantitative, qualitative) with suitable visualization techniques (e.g., histograms, word clouds) and choose an appropriate presentation format (e.g., slide deck, report, live demo).

For more presentation ideas , check out this guide on how to make a good presentation or use a presentation software to simplify the process.  

How can I make my data presentations more engaging and informative?

To enhance data presentations, use compelling narratives, relatable examples and fun data infographics that simplify complex data. Encourage audience interaction, offer actionable insights and incorporate storytelling elements to engage and inform effectively.

The opening of your presentation holds immense power in setting the stage for your audience. To design a presentation and convey your data in an engaging and informative, try out Venngage’s free presentation maker to pick the right presentation design for your audience and topic. 

What is the difference between data visualization and data presentation?

Data presentation typically involves conveying data reports and insights to an audience, often using visuals like charts and graphs. Data visualization , on the other hand, focuses on creating those visual representations of data to facilitate understanding and analysis. 

Now that you’ve learned a thing or two about how to use these methods of data presentation to tell a compelling data story , it’s time to take these strategies and make them your own. 

But here’s the deal: these aren’t just one-size-fits-all solutions. Remember that each example we’ve uncovered here is not a rigid template but a source of inspiration. It’s all about making your audience go, “Wow, I get it now!”

Think of your data presentations as your canvas – it’s where you paint your story, convey meaningful insights and make real change happen. 

So, go forth, present your data with confidence and purpose and watch as your strategic influence grows, one compelling presentation at a time.

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Data presentation: A comprehensive guide

Learn how to create data presentation effectively and communicate your insights in a way that is clear, concise, and engaging.

Raja Bothra

Building presentations

team preparing data presentation

Hey there, fellow data enthusiast!

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on data presentation.

Whether you're an experienced presenter or just starting, this guide will help you present your data like a pro. We'll dive deep into what data presentation is, why it's crucial, and how to master it. So, let's embark on this data-driven journey together.

What is data presentation?

Data presentation is the art of transforming raw data into a visual format that's easy to understand and interpret. It's like turning numbers and statistics into a captivating story that your audience can quickly grasp. When done right, data presentation can be a game-changer, enabling you to convey complex information effectively.

Why are data presentations important?

Imagine drowning in a sea of numbers and figures. That's how your audience might feel without proper data presentation. Here's why it's essential:

  • Clarity : Data presentations make complex information clear and concise.
  • Engagement : Visuals, such as charts and graphs, grab your audience's attention.
  • Comprehension : Visual data is easier to understand than long, numerical reports.
  • Decision-making : Well-presented data aids informed decision-making.
  • Impact : It leaves a lasting impression on your audience.

Types of data presentation:

Now, let's delve into the diverse array of data presentation methods, each with its own unique strengths and applications. We have three primary types of data presentation, and within these categories, numerous specific visualization techniques can be employed to effectively convey your data.

1. Textual presentation

Textual presentation harnesses the power of words and sentences to elucidate and contextualize your data. This method is commonly used to provide a narrative framework for the data, offering explanations, insights, and the broader implications of your findings. It serves as a foundation for a deeper understanding of the data's significance.

2. Tabular presentation

Tabular presentation employs tables to arrange and structure your data systematically. These tables are invaluable for comparing various data groups or illustrating how data evolves over time. They present information in a neat and organized format, facilitating straightforward comparisons and reference points.

3. Graphical presentation

Graphical presentation harnesses the visual impact of charts and graphs to breathe life into your data. Charts and graphs are powerful tools for spotlighting trends, patterns, and relationships hidden within the data. Let's explore some common graphical presentation methods:

  • Bar charts: They are ideal for comparing different categories of data. In this method, each category is represented by a distinct bar, and the height of the bar corresponds to the value it represents. Bar charts provide a clear and intuitive way to discern differences between categories.
  • Pie charts: It excel at illustrating the relative proportions of different data categories. Each category is depicted as a slice of the pie, with the size of each slice corresponding to the percentage of the total value it represents. Pie charts are particularly effective for showcasing the distribution of data.
  • Line graphs: They are the go-to choice when showcasing how data evolves over time. Each point on the line represents a specific value at a particular time period. This method enables viewers to track trends and fluctuations effortlessly, making it perfect for visualizing data with temporal dimensions.
  • Scatter plots: They are the tool of choice when exploring the relationship between two variables. In this method, each point on the plot represents a pair of values for the two variables in question. Scatter plots help identify correlations, outliers, and patterns within data pairs.

The selection of the most suitable data presentation method hinges on the specific dataset and the presentation's objectives. For instance, when comparing sales figures of different products, a bar chart shines in its simplicity and clarity. On the other hand, if your aim is to display how a product's sales have changed over time, a line graph provides the ideal visual narrative.

Additionally, it's crucial to factor in your audience's level of familiarity with data presentations. For a technical audience, more intricate visualization methods may be appropriate. However, when presenting to a general audience, opting for straightforward and easily understandable visuals is often the wisest choice.

In the world of data presentation, choosing the right method is akin to selecting the perfect brush for a masterpiece. Each tool has its place, and understanding when and how to use them is key to crafting compelling and insightful presentations. So, consider your data carefully, align your purpose, and paint a vivid picture that resonates with your audience.

What to include in data presentation?

When creating your data presentation, remember these key components:

  • Data points : Clearly state the data points you're presenting.
  • Comparison : Highlight comparisons and trends in your data.
  • Graphical methods : Choose the right chart or graph for your data.
  • Infographics : Use visuals like infographics to make information more digestible.
  • Numerical values : Include numerical values to support your visuals.
  • Qualitative information : Explain the significance of the data.
  • Source citation : Always cite your data sources.

How to structure an effective data presentation?

Creating a well-structured data presentation is not just important; it's the backbone of a successful presentation. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you craft a compelling and organized presentation that captivates your audience:

1. Know your audience

Understanding your audience is paramount. Consider their needs, interests, and existing knowledge about your topic. Tailor your presentation to their level of understanding, ensuring that it resonates with them on a personal level. Relevance is the key.

2. Have a clear message

Every effective data presentation should convey a clear and concise message. Determine what you want your audience to learn or take away from your presentation, and make sure your message is the guiding light throughout your presentation. Ensure that all your data points align with and support this central message.

3. Tell a compelling story

Human beings are naturally wired to remember stories. Incorporate storytelling techniques into your presentation to make your data more relatable and memorable. Your data can be the backbone of a captivating narrative, whether it's about a trend, a problem, or a solution. Take your audience on a journey through your data.

4. Leverage visuals

Visuals are a powerful tool in data presentation. They make complex information accessible and engaging. Utilize charts, graphs, and images to illustrate your points and enhance the visual appeal of your presentation. Visuals should not just be an accessory; they should be an integral part of your storytelling.

5. Be clear and concise

Avoid jargon or technical language that your audience may not comprehend. Use plain language and explain your data points clearly. Remember, clarity is king. Each piece of information should be easy for your audience to digest.

6. Practice your delivery

Practice makes perfect. Rehearse your presentation multiple times before the actual delivery. This will help you deliver it smoothly and confidently, reducing the chances of stumbling over your words or losing track of your message.

A basic structure for an effective data presentation

Armed with a comprehensive comprehension of how to construct a compelling data presentation, you can now utilize this fundamental template for guidance:

In the introduction, initiate your presentation by introducing both yourself and the topic at hand. Clearly articulate your main message or the fundamental concept you intend to communicate.

Moving on to the body of your presentation, organize your data in a coherent and easily understandable sequence. Employ visuals generously to elucidate your points and weave a narrative that enhances the overall story. Ensure that the arrangement of your data aligns with and reinforces your central message.

As you approach the conclusion, succinctly recapitulate your key points and emphasize your core message once more. Conclude by leaving your audience with a distinct and memorable takeaway, ensuring that your presentation has a lasting impact.

Additional tips for enhancing your data presentation

To take your data presentation to the next level, consider these additional tips:

  • Consistent design : Maintain a uniform design throughout your presentation. This not only enhances visual appeal but also aids in seamless comprehension.
  • High-quality visuals : Ensure that your visuals are of high quality, easy to read, and directly relevant to your topic.
  • Concise text : Avoid overwhelming your slides with excessive text. Focus on the most critical points, using visuals to support and elaborate.
  • Anticipate questions : Think ahead about the questions your audience might pose. Be prepared with well-thought-out answers to foster productive discussions.

By following these guidelines, you can structure an effective data presentation that not only informs but also engages and inspires your audience. Remember, a well-structured presentation is the bridge that connects your data to your audience's understanding and appreciation.

Do’s and don'ts on a data presentation

  • Use visuals : Incorporate charts and graphs to enhance understanding.
  • Keep it simple : Avoid clutter and complexity.
  • Highlight key points : Emphasize crucial data.
  • Engage the audience : Encourage questions and discussions.
  • Practice : Rehearse your presentation.


  • Overload with data : Less is often more; don't overwhelm your audience.
  • Fit Unrelated data : Stay on topic; don't include irrelevant information.
  • Neglect the audience : Ensure your presentation suits your audience's level of expertise.
  • Read word-for-word : Avoid reading directly from slides.
  • Lose focus : Stick to your presentation's purpose.

Summarizing key takeaways

  • Definition : Data presentation is the art of visualizing complex data for better understanding.
  • Importance : Data presentations enhance clarity, engage the audience, aid decision-making, and leave a lasting impact.
  • Types : Textual, Tabular, and Graphical presentations offer various ways to present data.
  • Choosing methods : Select the right method based on data, audience, and purpose.
  • Components : Include data points, comparisons, visuals, infographics, numerical values, and source citations.
  • Structure : Know your audience, have a clear message, tell a compelling story, use visuals, be concise, and practice.
  • Do's and don'ts : Do use visuals, keep it simple, highlight key points, engage the audience, and practice. Don't overload with data, include unrelated information, neglect the audience's expertise, read word-for-word, or lose focus.

FAQ's on a data presentation

1. what is data presentation, and why is it important in 2024.

Data presentation is the process of visually representing data sets to convey information effectively to an audience. In an era where the amount of data generated is vast, visually presenting data using methods such as diagrams, graphs, and charts has become crucial. By simplifying complex data sets, presentation of the data may helps your audience quickly grasp much information without drowning in a sea of chart's, analytics, facts and figures.

2. What are some common methods of data presentation?

There are various methods of data presentation, including graphs and charts, histograms, and cumulative frequency polygons. Each method has its strengths and is often used depending on the type of data you're using and the message you want to convey. For instance, if you want to show data over time, try using a line graph. If you're presenting geographical data, consider to use a heat map.

3. How can I ensure that my data presentation is clear and readable?

To ensure that your data presentation is clear and readable, pay attention to the design and labeling of your charts. Don't forget to label the axes appropriately, as they are critical for understanding the values they represent. Don't fit all the information in one slide or in a single paragraph. Presentation software like Prezent and PowerPoint can help you simplify your vertical axis, charts and tables, making them much easier to understand.

4. What are some common mistakes presenters make when presenting data?

One common mistake is trying to fit too much data into a single chart, which can distort the information and confuse the audience. Another mistake is not considering the needs of the audience. Remember that your audience won't have the same level of familiarity with the data as you do, so it's essential to present the data effectively and respond to questions during a Q&A session.

5. How can I use data visualization to present important data effectively on platforms like LinkedIn?

When presenting data on platforms like LinkedIn, consider using eye-catching visuals like bar graphs or charts. Use concise captions and e.g., examples to highlight the single most important information in your data report. Visuals, such as graphs and tables, can help you stand out in the sea of textual content, making your data presentation more engaging and shareable among your LinkedIn connections.

Create your data presentation with prezent

Prezent can be a valuable tool for creating data presentations. Here's how Prezent can help you in this regard:

  • Time savings : Prezent saves up to 70% of presentation creation time, allowing you to focus on data analysis and insights.
  • On-brand consistency : Ensure 100% brand alignment with Prezent's brand-approved designs for professional-looking data presentations.
  • Effortless collaboration : Real-time sharing and collaboration features make it easy for teams to work together on data presentations.
  • Data storytelling : Choose from 50+ storylines to effectively communicate data insights and engage your audience.
  • Personalization : Create tailored data presentations that resonate with your audience's preferences, enhancing the impact of your data.

In summary, Prezent streamlines the process of creating data presentations by offering time-saving features, ensuring brand consistency, promoting collaboration, and providing tools for effective data storytelling. Whether you need to present data to clients, stakeholders, or within your organization, Prezent can significantly enhance your presentation-making process.

So, go ahead, present your data with confidence, and watch your audience be wowed by your expertise.

Thank you for joining us on this data-driven journey. Stay tuned for more insights, and remember, data presentation is your ticket to making numbers come alive! Sign up for our free trial or book a demo ! ‍

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9 Data Presentation Tools for Business Success

  • By Judhajit Sen
  • May 29, 2024

A data presentation is a slide deck that shares quantitative information with an audience using visuals and effective presentation techniques . The goal is to make complex data easily understandable and actionable using data presentation examples like graphs and charts, tables, dashboards, and clear text explanations. 

Data presentations help highlight trends, patterns, and insights, allowing the audience to grasp complicated concepts or trends quickly. This makes it easier for them to make informed decisions or conduct deeper analysis.

Data visualization in presentations is used in every field, from academia to business and industry. Raw data is often too complex to understand directly, so data analysis breaks it down into charts and graphs. These tools help turn raw data into useful information.

Once the information is extracted, it’s presented graphically. A good presentation can significantly enhance understanding and response.

Think of data presentation as storytelling in business presentations with charts. A common mistake is assuming the audience understands the data as well as the presenter. Always consider your audience’s knowledge level and what information they need when you present your data.

To present the data effectively:

1. Provide context to help the audience understand the numbers.

2. Compare data groups using visual aids.

3. Step back and view the data from the audience’s perspective.

Data presentations are crucial in nearly every industry, helping professionals share their findings clearly after analyzing data.

Key Takeaways

  • Simplifying Complex Data: Data presentations turn complex data into easy-to-understand visuals and narratives, helping audiences quickly grasp trends and insights for informed decision-making.
  • Versatile Tools: Various tools like bar charts, dashboards, pie charts, histograms, scatter plots, pictograms, textual presentations, and tables each serve unique purposes, enhancing the clarity and impact of the data.
  • Audience Consideration: Tailor your presentation to the audience’s knowledge level, providing context and using simple visuals to make the information accessible and actionable.
  • Effective Data Storytelling: Combining clear context, organized visuals, and thoughtful presentation ensures that the data’s story is conveyed effectively, supporting better business decisions and success.

Following are 9 data presentation tools for business success.

Bar chart in Data Presentation

Bar charts are a simple yet powerful method of presentation of the data using rectangular bars to show quantities or frequencies. They make it easy to spot patterns or trends at a glance. Bar charts can be vertical (column charts) or horizontal, depending on how you want to display your data.

In a bar graph, categories are displayed on one axis, usually the x-axis for vertical charts and the y-axis for horizontal ones. The bars’ lengths represent the values or frequencies of these categories, with the scale marked on the opposite axis.

These charts are ideal for comparing data across different categories or showing trends over time. Each bar’s height (or length in a horizontal chart) is directly proportional to the value it represents. This visual representation helps illustrate differences or changes in data.

Bar charts are versatile tools in business reports, academic presentations, and more. To make your bar charts effective:

  • Ensure they are concise and have easy-to-read labels.
  • Avoid clutter by not including too many categories, making the chart hard to read.
  • Keep it simple to maintain clarity and impact, whether your bars go up or sideways.

Line Graphs

Line Graphs in Data Presentation

Line graphs show how data changes over time or with continuous variables. They connect points of data with straight lines, making it easy to see trends and fluctuations. These graphs are handy when comparing multiple datasets over the same timeline.

Using line graphs, you can track things like stock prices, sales projections, or experimental results. The x-axis represents time or another continuous variable, while the y-axis shows the data values. This setup allows you to understand the ups and downs in the data quickly.

To make your graphs effective, keep them simple. Avoid overcrowding with too many lines, highlight significant changes, use labels, and give your graph a clear, catchy title. This will help your audience grasp the information quickly and easily.

Data Presentation Tools

A data dashboard is a data analysis presentation example for analyzing information. It combines different graphs, charts, and tables in one layout to show the information needed to meet one or more objectives. Dashboards help quickly see Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) by displaying visuals you’ve already made in worksheets.

It’s best to keep the number of visuals on a dashboard to three or four. Adding too many can make it hard to see the main points. Dashboards are helpful for business analytics, like analyzing sales, revenue, and marketing metrics. In manufacturing, they help users understand the production scenario and track critical KPIs for each production line.

Dashboards represent vital points of data or metrics in an easy-to-understand way. They are often an  interactive presentation idea , allowing users to drill down into the data or view different aspects of it.

Pie Charts in Data Presentation

Pie charts are circular graphs divided into parts to show numerical proportions. Each portion represents a part of the whole, making it easy to see each component’s contribution to the total.

The size of each slice is determined by its value relative to the total. A pie chart with more significant points of data will have larger slices, and the whole chart will be more important. However, you can make all pies the same size if proportional representation isn’t necessary.

Pie charts are helpful in business to show percentage distributions, compare category sizes, or present simple data sets where visualizing ratios is essential. They work best with fewer variables. For more variables, it’s better to use a pie chart calculator that helps to create pie charts easily for various data sets with different color slices. 

Each “slice” represents a fraction of the total, and the size of each slice shows its share of the whole. Pie charts are excellent for showing how a whole is divided into parts, such as survey results or demographic data.

While pie charts are great for simple distributions, they can get confusing with too many categories or slight differences in proportions. To keep things clear, label each slice with percentages or values and use a legend if there are many categories. If more detail is needed, consider using a donut chart with a blank center for extra information and a less cluttered look.

Histogram Data Presentation

A histogram is a graphical presentation of data  to help in understanding the distribution of numerical values. Unlike bar charts that show each response separately, histograms group numeric responses into bins and display the frequency of reactions within each bin. The x-axis denotes the range of values, while the y-axis shows the frequency of those values.

Histograms are useful for understanding your data’s distribution, identifying shared values, and spotting outliers. They highlight the story your data tells, whether it’s exam scores, sales figures, or any other numerical data.

Histograms are great for visualizing the distribution and frequency of a single variable. They divide the data into bins, and the height of each bar indicates how many points of data fall into that bin. This makes it easy to see trends like peaks, gaps, or skewness in your data.

To make your histogram effective, choose bin sizes that capture meaningful patterns. Clear axis labels and titles also help in explaining the data distribution.

Scatter Plot

Scatter Plot Data Presentation

Using individual data points, a scatter plot chart is a presentation of data in visual form to show the relationship between two variables. Each variable is plotted along the x-axis and y-axis, respectively. Each point on the scatter plot represents a single observation.

Scatter plots help visualize patterns, trends, and correlations between the two variables. They can also help identify outliers and understand the overall distribution of data points. The way the points are spread out or clustered together can indicate whether there is a positive, negative, or no clear relationship between the variables.

Scatter plots can be used in practical applications, such as in business, to show how variables like marketing cost and sales revenue are related. They help understand data correlations, which aids in decision-making.

To make scatter plots more effective, consider adding trendlines or regression analysis to highlight patterns. Labeling key data points or tooltips can provide additional information and make the chart easier to interpret.

Pictogram Data Presentation

A pictogram is the simplest form of data presentation and analysis, often used in schools and universities to help students grasp concepts more effectively through pictures.

This type of diagram uses images to represent data. For example, you could draw five books to show the number of books sold in the first week of release, with each image representing 1,000 books. If consumers bought 5,000 books, you would display five book images.

Using simple icons or images makes the information visually intuitive. Instead of relying on numbers or complex graphs, pictograms use straightforward symbols to depict data points. For example, a thumbs-up emoji can illustrate customer satisfaction levels, with each emoji representing a different level of satisfaction.

Pictograms are excellent for visual data presentation. Choose symbols that are easy to interpret and relevant to the data to ensure clarity. Consistent scaling and a legend explaining the symbols’ meanings are essential for an effective presentation.

Textual Presentation

Textual Presentation

Textual presentation uses words to describe the relationships between pieces of information. This method helps share details that can’t be shown in a graph or table. For example, researchers often present findings in a study textually to provide extra context or explanation. A textual presentation can make the information more transparent.

This type of presentation is common in research and for introducing new ideas. Unlike charts or graphs, it relies solely on paragraphs and words.

Textual presentation also involves using written content, such as annotations or explanatory text, to explain or complement data. While it doesn’t use visual presentation aids like charts, it is a widely used method for presenting qualitative data. Think of it as the narrative that guides your audience through the data.

Adequate textual data may make complex information more accessible. Breaking down complex details into bullet points or short paragraphs helps your audience understand the significance of numbers and visuals. Headings can guide the reader’s attention and tell a coherent story.

Tabular Presentation

Tabular Presentation in Data Presentation

Tabular presentation uses tables to share information by organizing data in rows and columns. This method is useful for comparing data and visualizing information. Researchers often use tables to analyze data in various classifications:

Qualitative classification: This includes qualities like nationality, age, social status, appearance, and personality traits, helping to compare sociological and psychological information.

Quantitative classification: This covers items you can count or number.

Spatial classification: This deals with data based on location, such as information about a city, state, or region.

Temporal classification: This involves time-based data measured in seconds, hours, days, or weeks.

Tables simplify data, making it easily consumable, allow for side-by-side comparisons, and save space in your presentation by condensing information.

Using rows and columns, tabular presentation focuses on clarity and precision. It’s about displaying numerical data in a structured grid, clearly showing individual data points. Tables are invaluable for showcasing detailed data, facilitating comparisons, and presenting exact numerical information. They are commonly used in reports, spreadsheets, and academic papers.

Organize tables neatly with clear headers and appropriate column widths to ensure readability. Highlight important data points or patterns using shading or font formatting. Tables are simple and effective, especially when the audience needs to know precise figures.

Elevate Business Decisions with Effective Data Presentations

Data presentations are essential for transforming complex data into understandable and actionable insights. Data presentations simplify the process of interpreting quantitative information by utilizing data presentation examples like charts, graphs, tables, infographics, dashboards, and clear narratives. This method of storytelling with visuals highlights trends, patterns, and insights, enabling audiences to make informed decisions quickly.

In business, data analysis presentations are invaluable. Different types of presentation tools like bar charts help compare categories and track changes over time, while dashboards consolidate various metrics into a comprehensive view. Pie charts and histograms offer clear views of distributions and proportions, aiding in grasping the bigger picture. Scatter plots reveal relationships between variables, and pictograms make data visually intuitive. Textual presentations and tables provide detailed context and precise figures, which are essential for thorough analysis and comparison.

Consider the audience’s knowledge level to tailor the best way to present data in PowerPoint. Clear context, simple visuals, and thoughtful organization ensure the data’s story is easily understood and impactful. Mastering these nine data presentation types can significantly enhance business success by making data-driven decisions more accessible and practical.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is a data presentation?

A data presentation is a slide deck that uses visuals and narrative techniques to make complex data easy to understand and actionable. It includes charts, graphs, tables, infographics, dashboards, and clear text explanations.

2. Why are data presentations important in business?

Data presentations are crucial because they help highlight trends, patterns, and insights, making it easier for the audience to understand complicated concepts. This enables better decision-making and deeper analysis.

3. What types of data presentation tools are commonly used?

Common tools include bar charts, line graphs, dashboards, pie charts, histograms, scatter plots, pictograms, textual presentations, and tables. Each tool has a unique way of representing data to aid understanding.

4. How can I ensure my data presentation is effective?

To ensure effectiveness, provide context, compare data sets using visual aids, consider your audience’s knowledge level, and keep visuals simple. Organizing information thoughtfully and avoiding clutter enhances clarity and impact.

Transform Your Data into Compelling Stories with Prezentium

Unlock the full potential of your business data with Prezentium ‘s expert presentation services. Our AI-powered solutions turn complex data into clear, actionable insights, helping you easily make informed decisions. 

Prezentium’s Overnight Presentations ensure you wake up to a stunning, ready-to-use presentation in your inbox by 9:30 am PST. Send your requirements by 5:30 pm PST, and let our team combine business acumen, visual design, and data science to craft a presentation that highlights trends and insights seamlessly.

Our Presentation Specialists transform raw ideas and meeting notes into captivating presentations. Whether you need new designs or bespoke templates, our experts bring your vision to life with precision and creativity.

Enhance your team’s skills with Zenith Learning, our interactive workshops that blend structured problem-solving with visual storytelling. Learn to present data effectively and make a lasting impact in your business communications.

Prezentium’s services are designed to help you make the most of your data, from bar charts to dashboards, ensuring your presentations are informative and visually engaging. Let us help you tell your data’s story in a way that resonates. Contact Prezentium today to elevate your business presentations.

Why wait? Avail a complimentary 1-on-1 session with our presentation expert. See how other enterprise leaders are creating impactful presentations with us.

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Present Your Data Like a Pro

  • Joel Schwartzberg

slide for data presentation

Demystify the numbers. Your audience will thank you.

While a good presentation has data, data alone doesn’t guarantee a good presentation. It’s all about how that data is presented. The quickest way to confuse your audience is by sharing too many details at once. The only data points you should share are those that significantly support your point — and ideally, one point per chart. To avoid the debacle of sheepishly translating hard-to-see numbers and labels, rehearse your presentation with colleagues sitting as far away as the actual audience would. While you’ve been working with the same chart for weeks or months, your audience will be exposed to it for mere seconds. Give them the best chance of comprehending your data by using simple, clear, and complete language to identify X and Y axes, pie pieces, bars, and other diagrammatic elements. Try to avoid abbreviations that aren’t obvious, and don’t assume labeled components on one slide will be remembered on subsequent slides. Every valuable chart or pie graph has an “Aha!” zone — a number or range of data that reveals something crucial to your point. Make sure you visually highlight the “Aha!” zone, reinforcing the moment by explaining it to your audience.

With so many ways to spin and distort information these days, a presentation needs to do more than simply share great ideas — it needs to support those ideas with credible data. That’s true whether you’re an executive pitching new business clients, a vendor selling her services, or a CEO making a case for change.

slide for data presentation

  • JS Joel Schwartzberg oversees executive communications for a major national nonprofit, is a professional presentation coach, and is the author of Get to the Point! Sharpen Your Message and Make Your Words Matter and The Language of Leadership: How to Engage and Inspire Your Team . You can find him on LinkedIn and X. TheJoelTruth

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10 Methods of Data Presentation That Really Work in 2024

Leah Nguyen • 15 July, 2024 • 13 min read

Have you ever presented a data report to your boss/coworkers/teachers thinking it was super dope like you’re some cyber hacker living in the Matrix, but all they saw was a pile of static numbers that seemed pointless and didn't make sense to them?

Understanding digits is rigid . Making people from non-analytical backgrounds understand those digits is even more challenging.

How can you clear up those confusing numbers and make your presentation as clear as the day? Let's check out these best ways to present data. 💎

How many type of charts are available to present data?7
How many charts are there in statistics?4, including bar, line, histogram and pie.
How many types of charts are available in Excel?8
Who invented charts?William Playfair
When were the charts invented?18th Century

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Data Presentation - What Is It?

The term ’data presentation’ relates to the way you present data in a way that makes even the most clueless person in the room understand. 

Some say it’s witchcraft (you’re manipulating the numbers in some ways), but we’ll just say it’s the power of turning dry, hard numbers or digits into a visual showcase that is easy for people to digest.

Presenting data correctly can help your audience understand complicated processes, identify trends, and instantly pinpoint whatever is going on without exhausting their brains.

Good data presentation helps…

  • Make informed decisions and arrive at positive outcomes . If you see the sales of your product steadily increase throughout the years, it’s best to keep milking it or start turning it into a bunch of spin-offs (shoutout to Star Wars👀).
  • Reduce the time spent processing data . Humans can digest information graphically 60,000 times faster than in the form of text. Grant them the power of skimming through a decade of data in minutes with some extra spicy graphs and charts.
  • Communicate the results clearly . Data does not lie. They’re based on factual evidence and therefore if anyone keeps whining that you might be wrong, slap them with some hard data to keep their mouths shut.
  • Add to or expand the current research . You can see what areas need improvement, as well as what details often go unnoticed while surfing through those little lines, dots or icons that appear on the data board.

Methods of Data Presentation and Examples

Imagine you have a delicious pepperoni, extra-cheese pizza. You can decide to cut it into the classic 8 triangle slices, the party style 12 square slices, or get creative and abstract on those slices. 

There are various ways to cut a pizza and you get the same variety with how you present your data. In this section, we will bring you the 10 ways to slice a pizza - we mean to present your data - that will make your company’s most important asset as clear as day. Let's dive into 10 ways to present data efficiently.

#1 - Tabular 

Among various types of data presentation, tabular is the most fundamental method, with data presented in rows and columns. Excel or Google Sheets would qualify for the job. Nothing fancy.

a table displaying the changes in revenue between the year 2017 and 2018 in the East, West, North, and South region

This is an example of a tabular presentation of data on Google Sheets. Each row and column has an attribute (year, region, revenue, etc.), and you can do a custom format to see the change in revenue throughout the year.

When presenting data as text, all you do is write your findings down in paragraphs and bullet points, and that’s it. A piece of cake to you, a tough nut to crack for whoever has to go through all of the reading to get to the point.

  • 65% of email users worldwide access their email via a mobile device.
  • Emails that are optimised for mobile generate 15% higher click-through rates.
  • 56% of brands using emojis in their email subject lines had a higher open rate.

(Source: CustomerThermometer )

All the above quotes present statistical information in textual form. Since not many people like going through a wall of texts, you’ll have to figure out another route when deciding to use this method, such as breaking the data down into short, clear statements, or even as catchy puns if you’ve got the time to think of them.

#3 - Pie chart

A pie chart (or a ‘donut chart’ if you stick a hole in the middle of it) is a circle divided into slices that show the relative sizes of data within a whole. If you’re using it to show percentages, make sure all the slices add up to 100%.

Methods of data presentation

The pie chart is a familiar face at every party and is usually recognised by most people. However, one setback of using this method is our eyes sometimes can’t identify the differences in slices of a circle, and it’s nearly impossible to compare similar slices from two different pie charts, making them the villains in the eyes of data analysts.

a half-eaten pie chart

#4 - Bar chart

The bar chart is a chart that presents a bunch of items from the same category, usually in the form of rectangular bars that are placed at an equal distance from each other. Their heights or lengths depict the values they represent.

They can be as simple as this:

a simple bar chart example

Or more complex and detailed like this example of data presentation. Contributing to an effective statistic presentation, this one is a grouped bar chart that not only allows you to compare categories but also the groups within them as well.

an example of a grouped bar chart

#5 - Histogram

Similar in appearance to the bar chart but the rectangular bars in histograms don’t often have the gap like their counterparts.

Instead of measuring categories like weather preferences or favourite films as a bar chart does, a histogram only measures things that can be put into numbers.

an example of a histogram chart showing the distribution of students' score for the IQ test

Teachers can use presentation graphs like a histogram to see which score group most of the students fall into, like in this example above.

#6 - Line graph

Recordings to ways of displaying data, we shouldn't overlook the effectiveness of line graphs. Line graphs are represented by a group of data points joined together by a straight line. There can be one or more lines to compare how several related things change over time. 

an example of the line graph showing the population of bears from 2017 to 2022

On a line chart’s horizontal axis, you usually have text labels, dates or years, while the vertical axis usually represents the quantity (e.g.: budget, temperature or percentage).

#7 - Pictogram graph

A pictogram graph uses pictures or icons relating to the main topic to visualise a small dataset. The fun combination of colours and illustrations makes it a frequent use at schools.

How to Create Pictographs and Icon Arrays in Visme-6 pictograph maker

Pictograms are a breath of fresh air if you want to stay away from the monotonous line chart or bar chart for a while. However, they can present a very limited amount of data and sometimes they are only there for displays and do not represent real statistics.

#8 - Radar chart

If presenting five or more variables in the form of a bar chart is too stuffy then you should try using a radar chart, which is one of the most creative ways to present data.

Radar charts show data in terms of how they compare to each other starting from the same point. Some also call them ‘spider charts’ because each aspect combined looks like a spider web.

a radar chart showing the text scores between two students

Radar charts can be a great use for parents who’d like to compare their child’s grades with their peers to lower their self-esteem. You can see that each angular represents a subject with a score value ranging from 0 to 100. Each student’s score across 5 subjects is highlighted in a different colour.

a radar chart showing the power distribution of a Pokemon

If you think that this method of data presentation somehow feels familiar, then you’ve probably encountered one while playing Pokémon .

#9 - Heat map

A heat map represents data density in colours. The bigger the number, the more colour intensity that data will be represented.

voting chart

Most US citizens would be familiar with this data presentation method in geography. For elections, many news outlets assign a specific colour code to a state, with blue representing one candidate and red representing the other. The shade of either blue or red in each state shows the strength of the overall vote in that state.

a heatmap showing which parts the visitors click on in a website

Another great thing you can use a heat map for is to map what visitors to your site click on. The more a particular section is clicked the ‘hotter’ the colour will turn, from blue to bright yellow to red.

#10 - Scatter plot

If you present your data in dots instead of chunky bars, you’ll have a scatter plot. 

A scatter plot is a grid with several inputs showing the relationship between two variables. It’s good at collecting seemingly random data and revealing some telling trends.

a scatter plot example showing the relationship between beach visitors each day and the average daily temperature

For example, in this graph, each dot shows the average daily temperature versus the number of beach visitors across several days. You can see that the dots get higher as the temperature increases, so it’s likely that hotter weather leads to more visitors.

5 Data Presentation Mistakes to Avoid

#1 - assume your audience understands what the numbers represent.

You may know all the behind-the-scenes of your data since you’ve worked with them for weeks, but your audience doesn’t.

sales data board

Showing without telling only invites more and more questions from your audience, as they have to constantly make sense of your data, wasting the time of both sides as a result.

While showing your data presentations, you should tell them what the data are about before hitting them with waves of numbers first. You can use interactive activities such as polls , word clouds , online quizzes and Q&A sections , combined with icebreaker games , to assess their understanding of the data and address any confusion beforehand.

#2 - Use the wrong type of chart

Charts such as pie charts must have a total of 100% so if your numbers accumulate to 193% like this example below, you’re definitely doing it wrong.

bad example of data presentation

Before making a chart, ask yourself: what do I want to accomplish with my data? Do you want to see the relationship between the data sets, show the up and down trends of your data, or see how segments of one thing make up a whole?

Remember, clarity always comes first. Some data visualisations may look cool, but if they don’t fit your data, steer clear of them. 

#3 - Make it 3D

3D is a fascinating graphical presentation example. The third dimension is cool, but full of risks.

slide for data presentation

Can you see what’s behind those red bars? Because we can’t either. You may think that 3D charts add more depth to the design, but they can create false perceptions as our eyes see 3D objects closer and bigger than they appear, not to mention they cannot be seen from multiple angles.

#4 - Use different types of charts to compare contents in the same category

slide for data presentation

This is like comparing a fish to a monkey. Your audience won’t be able to identify the differences and make an appropriate correlation between the two data sets. 

Next time, stick to one type of data presentation only. Avoid the temptation of trying various data visualisation methods in one go and make your data as accessible as possible.

#5 - Bombard the audience with too much information

The goal of data presentation is to make complex topics much easier to understand, and if you’re bringing too much information to the table, you’re missing the point.

a very complicated data presentation with too much information on the screen

The more information you give, the more time it will take for your audience to process it all. If you want to make your data understandable and give your audience a chance to remember it, keep the information within it to an absolute minimum. You should end your session with open-ended questions to see what your participants really think.

What are the Best Methods of Data Presentation?

Finally, which is the best way to present data?

The answer is…

There is none! Each type of presentation has its own strengths and weaknesses and the one you choose greatly depends on what you’re trying to do. 

For example:

  • Go for a scatter plot if you’re exploring the relationship between different data values, like seeing whether the sales of ice cream go up because of the temperature or because people are just getting more hungry and greedy each day?
  • Go for a line graph if you want to mark a trend over time. 
  • Go for a heat map if you like some fancy visualisation of the changes in a geographical location, or to see your visitors' behaviour on your website.
  • Go for a pie chart (especially in 3D) if you want to be shunned by others because it was never a good idea👇

example of how a bad pie chart represents the data in a complicated way

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a chart presentation.

A chart presentation is a way of presenting data or information using visual aids such as charts, graphs, and diagrams. The purpose of a chart presentation is to make complex information more accessible and understandable for the audience.

When can I use charts for the presentation?

Charts can be used to compare data, show trends over time, highlight patterns, and simplify complex information.

Why should you use charts for presentation?

You should use charts to ensure your contents and visuals look clean, as they are the visual representative, provide clarity, simplicity, comparison, contrast and super time-saving!

What are the 4 graphical methods of presenting data?

Histogram, Smoothed frequency graph, Pie diagram or Pie chart, Cumulative or ogive frequency graph, and Frequency Polygon.

Leah Nguyen

Leah Nguyen

Words that convert, stories that stick. I turn complex ideas into engaging narratives - helping audiences learn, remember, and take action.

Tips to Engage with Polls & Trivia

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Data Analysis Presentation Templates

All business people, entrepreneurs, and sales executives listen up every high-quality presentation should be based on reliable research and analysis tools. use these amazing free data analysis powerpoint templates and google slides themes to make sure your ppt hits the nail on the head..

Data Analysis

Easy-to-Use Free Data Analysis PowerPoint Templates and Google Slides Themes for Simplifying Your Data!

  • Data Science: For showing how data can answer big questions.
  • Data Analytics: To explain how you’ve dug into the data.
  • Data Cleansing: To show how you’ve made the data clean and accurate.
  • Backup and Recovery: To teach people how to keep their data safe.
  • Support Model Diagrams: For when you want to show how things work together.
  • Applications of Data Science: To share how data science can be used in real life.
  • Data Analysis Tools: To introduce the tools that help with data work.
  • Easy to Change: You can pick different colors, shapes, and backgrounds.
  • Ready for Any Screen: They work in both standard (4:3) and widescreen (16:9) formats.
  • For Everyone: Whether you’re a student, a teacher, or a business person, these slides are for you.

We're here to help you!

What is a data analysis.

Data Analysis helps you inspect, clean, transform, and model data to discover useful information, informing conclusions, and support decision-making.

What are Data Analysis PowerPoint Templates?

You can use Data Analysis PowerPoint Templates to present data analysis information. These templates provide a framework for visualizing data analysis results and help presenters quickly create a visually appealing slide.

Where can we use these Data Analysis Slides?

You can use Data Analysis Slides in various ways, including presentations, marketing materials, reports, and as part of data science projects. You can also use them to visualize and explain data in classrooms and workshops.

How can I make Data Analysis PPT Slides in a presentation?

Choose an appropriate template for your presentation. There are many online templates available for free in Slide Egg. Ensure that the data you select is relevant to the topic and is presented in an easy-to-understand way. Suppose you want to learn how to use the PowerPoint tool. Visit Tips and tricks for detailed instructions.

Who can use Data Analysis PPT Templates?

Anyone can use Data Analysis PPT Templates to present data in a professional and organized manner. They are handy for businesses, researchers, and students.

Why do we need Data Analysis PowerPoint Slides?

Data Analysis PowerPoint slides provide the ability to quickly and effectively communicate the results of data analysis to an audience. These slides also include visuals, such as charts and graphs, to support the research.

Where can I find free Data Analysis PPT Templates?

Many websites offer free Data Analysis PPT templates. Slide egg is one of the best PowerPoint providers. Our websites' uniquely designed templates help you to identify trends, outliers, and correlations to identify potential areas for improvement.

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Data Charts

It seems that you like this template, free google slides theme, powerpoint template, and canva presentation template.

Do you need different sorts of charts to present your data? If you are a researcher, entrepreneur, marketeer, student, teacher or physician, these data infographics will help you a lot!

We have 30 different data diagrams for you. We have created a lot of different designs using different hues of blue: line, bars, pyramid or pie charts, together with different sorts of icons related to business, health or education, although you can edit and change them. No matter which type of chart you need, you’ll find the perfect one here.

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A Guide to Effective Data Presentation

Key objectives of data presentation, charts and graphs for great visuals, storytelling with data, visuals, and text, audiences and data presentation, the main idea in data presentation, storyboarding and data presentation, additional resources, data presentation.

Tools for effective data presentation

Financial analysts are required to present their findings in a neat, clear, and straightforward manner. They spend most of their time working with spreadsheets in MS Excel, building financial models , and crunching numbers. These models and calculations can be pretty extensive and complex and may only be understood by the analyst who created them. Effective data presentation skills are critical for being a world-class financial analyst .

Data Presentation

It is the analyst’s job to effectively communicate the output to the target audience, such as the management team or a company’s external investors. This requires focusing on the main points, facts, insights, and recommendations that will prompt the necessary action from the audience.

One challenge is making intricate and elaborate work easy to comprehend through great visuals and dashboards. For example, tables, graphs, and charts are tools that an analyst can use to their advantage to give deeper meaning to a company’s financial information. These tools organize relevant numbers that are rather dull and give life and story to them.

Here are some key objectives to think about when presenting financial analysis:

  • Visual communication
  • Audience and context
  • Charts, graphs, and images
  • Focus on important points
  • Design principles
  • Storytelling
  • Persuasiveness

For a breakdown of these objectives, check out Excel Dashboards & Data Visualization course to help you become a world-class financial analyst.

Charts and graphs make any financial analysis readable, easy to follow, and provide great data presentation. They are often included in the financial model’s output, which is essential for the key decision-makers in a company.

The decision-makers comprise executives and managers who usually won’t have enough time to synthesize and interpret data on their own to make sound business decisions. Therefore, it is the job of the analyst to enhance the decision-making process and help guide the executives and managers to create value for the company.

When an analyst uses charts, it is necessary to be aware of what good charts and bad charts look like and how to avoid the latter when telling a story with data.

Examples of Good Charts

As for great visuals, you can quickly see what’s going on with the data presentation, saving you time for deciphering their actual meaning. More importantly, great visuals facilitate business decision-making because their goal is to provide persuasive, clear, and unambiguous numeric communication.

For reference, take a look at the example below that shows a dashboard, which includes a gauge chart for growth rates, a bar chart for the number of orders, an area chart for company revenues, and a line chart for EBITDA margins.

To learn the step-by-step process of creating these essential tools in MS Excel, watch our video course titled “ Excel Dashboard & Data Visualization .”  Aside from what is given in the example below, our course will also teach how you can use other tables and charts to make your financial analysis stand out professionally.

Financial Dashboard Screenshot

Learn how to build the graph above in our Dashboards Course !

Example of Poorly Crafted Charts

A bad chart, as seen below, will give the reader a difficult time to find the main takeaway of a report or presentation, because it contains too many colors, labels, and legends, and thus, will often look too busy. It also doesn’t help much if a chart, such as a pie chart, is displayed in 3D, as it skews the size and perceived value of the underlying data. A bad chart will be hard to follow and understand.

bad data presentation

Aside from understanding the meaning of the numbers, a financial analyst must learn to combine numbers and language to craft an effective story. Relying only on data for a presentation may leave your audience finding it difficult to read, interpret, and analyze your data. You must do the work for them, and a good story will be easier to follow. It will help you arrive at the main points faster, rather than just solely presenting your report or live presentation with numbers.

The data can be in the form of revenues, expenses, profits, and cash flow. Simply adding notes, comments, and opinions to each line item will add an extra layer of insight, angle, and a new perspective to the report.

Furthermore, by combining data, visuals, and text, your audience will get a clear understanding of the current situation,  past events, and possible conclusions and recommendations that can be made for the future.

The simple diagram below shows the different categories of your audience.

audience presentation

  This chart is taken from our course on how to present data .

Internal Audience

An internal audience can either be the executives of the company or any employee who works in that company. For executives, the purpose of communicating a data-filled presentation is to give an update about a certain business activity such as a project or an initiative.

Another important purpose is to facilitate decision-making on managing the company’s operations, growing its core business, acquiring new markets and customers, investing in R&D, and other considerations. Knowing the relevant data and information beforehand will guide the decision-makers in making the right choices that will best position the company toward more success.

External Audience

An external audience can either be the company’s existing clients, where there are projects in progress, or new clients that the company wants to build a relationship with and win new business from. The other external audience is the general public, such as the company’s external shareholders and prospective investors of the company.

When it comes to winning new business, the analyst’s presentation will be more promotional and sales-oriented, whereas a project update will contain more specific information for the client, usually with lots of industry jargon.

Audiences for Live and Emailed Presentation

A live presentation contains more visuals and storytelling to connect more with the audience. It must be more precise and should get to the point faster and avoid long-winded speech or text because of limited time.

In contrast, an emailed presentation is expected to be read, so it will include more text. Just like a document or a book, it will include more detailed information, because its context will not be explained with a voice-over as in a live presentation.

When it comes to details, acronyms, and jargon in the presentation, these things depend on whether your audience are experts or not.

Every great presentation requires a clear “main idea”. It is the core purpose of the presentation and should be addressed clearly. Its significance should be highlighted and should cause the targeted audience to take some action on the matter.

An example of a serious and profound idea is given below.

the main idea

To communicate this big idea, we have to come up with appropriate and effective visual displays to show both the good and bad things surrounding the idea. It should put emphasis and attention on the most important part, which is the critical cash balance and capital investment situation for next year. This is an important component of data presentation.

The storyboarding below is how an analyst would build the presentation based on the big idea. Once the issue or the main idea has been introduced, it will be followed by a demonstration of the positive aspects of the company’s performance, as well as the negative aspects, which are more important and will likely require more attention.

Various ideas will then be suggested to solve the negative issues. However, before choosing the best option, a comparison of the different outcomes of the suggested ideas will be performed. Finally, a recommendation will be made that centers around the optimal choice to address the imminent problem highlighted in the big idea.


This storyboard is taken from our course on how to present data .

To get to the final point (recommendation), a great deal of analysis has been performed, which includes the charts and graphs discussed earlier, to make the whole presentation easy to follow, convincing, and compelling for your audience.

CFI offers the Business Intelligence & Data Analyst (BIDA)® certification program for those looking to take their careers to the next level. To keep learning and developing your knowledge base, please explore the additional relevant resources below:

  • Investment Banking Pitch Books
  • Excel Dashboards
  • Financial Modeling Guide
  • Startup Pitch Book
  • See all business intelligence resources
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Excel Fundamentals - Formulas for Finance

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Top 10 Demographic Data Presentation Templates with Examples and Samples

Top 10 Demographic Data Presentation Templates with Examples and Samples

Andrea Hooper


Did you know 72% of successful businesses attribute their growth to targeted marketing based on demographic data?

Nike, an American athletic footwear and apparel corporation, transformed its marketing using demographic insights and tailored their campaigns to match specific age groups and interests. It is now among the 50 most valuable companies in the world. 

You can also make more informed decisions with these Top 10 Demographic Data Presentation Templates . Your business deserves the advantage of understanding your audience in ways that go beyond surface-level analytics. 

Imagine you're a business owner aiming to enhance sales and elevate customer engagement. How will you hit the bullseye without knowing your target? Demographic data helps businesses in personalized marketing, product development, and customer satisfaction. Therefore, understanding an audience is the first step toward any business's success. 

SlideTeam's Top 10 Demographic Data Presentation Templates are the perfect find to help you organize your demographic data, ranging from age and gender to location and preferences, and offer your business a strategic edge. With these templates, you can streamline this data into actionable insights, making your decision-making process efficient.

Explore the power of demographic data and amplify your insights by checking out the Data Science Dashboard Templates . Elevate your strategy, captivate your audience, and watch your business grow! 

Each of these templates is also 100% customizable and editable. Download now and tailor it to your specific audience profiles.  

Get set to explore these templates!

Template 1: Enhancing Marketing Strategy by Collecting Customer Demographic and Behavioral Data

Unlock the power of data-driven marketing with this PPT Template. Use it to understand your customers on a deeper level. By collecting and analyzing demographic and behavioral data, your business can tailor its marketing strategies precisely, ensuring maximum impact and relevance. This deck provides a step-by-step guide on harnessing the potential of data, from identifying critical demographic segments to leveraging behavioral insights for targeted campaigns. Let data help you navigate the market, and watch as your strategies yield tangible results. Access your essential template instantly.

Enhancing Marketing Strategy by Collecting Customer Demographic and Behavioral Data

Grab your template now

Template 2: Workforce Assessment Dashboard with Male-Female Demographics Data

Step into the future of your workforce management with this Workforce Assessment Dashboard featuring comprehensive male-female demographics data templates. It is essential to understand the composition of your team as a strategic imperative. This dashboard empowers your organization by providing insights into the gender diversity of your workforce, facilitating informed decision-making. Uncover patterns like starters, leavers, headcounts, and promotions, identify growth opportunities, and create an inclusive workplace culture. Get your hands on the perfect template.

Workforce Assessment Dashboard with Male Female Demographics Data

Use this template now

Template 3: 360 Degree Demographics of our Customers

Transform your business by understanding the intricacies of customer behavior. This PowerPoint Presentation provides a panoramic view of your clientele, capturing their every interaction, preference, and need. You can unlock insights that empower strategic decision-making by scrutinizing the customer journey from every angle. With this template, you can list and depict demographics with a population pyramid , household size , and age group. Elevate your business acumen, foster customer-centric strategies, and witness the impact on your bottom line. Click now to download your template.

Demographics of our Customers

Download and use now

Template 4: Objectives Data Learning Executing Customer Demographics Steps

Our Objectives Data Learning (ODL) framework integrates cutting-edge technology with user-friendly design, employing intuitive icons to guide you through the execution of customer demographic analysis. This innovative template transforms complex data into actionable insights, providing a strategic advantage for your business. This template lets you understand your customer base and make informed decisions. Demystify demographics effortlessly, enhance your market strategies, and elevate your business. You can creatively display elements like defining objectives, gathering data, analyzing and executing, learning, and evolving. Download this template for productivity gains.

Objectives Data Learning Executing Customer Demographics Steps With Icons

Get this template now

Template 5: Data Profiling Dashboard of Gender and Age Demographics

Step into the future of business intelligence with this Data Profiling Dashboard , tailored for gender and age demographics. You can use these invaluable insights to redefine your marketing strategies. This template helps you understand the nuances of gender and age demographics for your business and drives success. Unveil important data profiles such as gender and age per month, gender and general age, average age per month, and individual per age group to find the gender and age composition of an area. Access your essential template instantly.

Data Profiling Dashboard of Gender and Age Demographics

Take charge of our template

Template 6: Data-Driven Funnel Pie Chart for Customer Demographics

This Data-Driven Funnel Pie Chart for Customer Demographics template enhances your business strategy! This PPT Template is the key to unlocking customer preferences, tailoring your approach, and skyrocketing your business success. Understanding your audience is an advantage in a world where personalization is essential. This template helps you ensure every move is strategic and customer-centric. Don't just follow trends; set them with the power of precise customer demographic analysis . Take charge of our template.

Data Driven Funnel Pie Chart for Customer Demographics

Unlock your template now 

Template 7:  Tools to Manage Company Demographics Data

Unlocking the potential of your business requires careful insight into demographics. This PPT Layout is the perfect tool to manage company demographics data. This advanced solution goes beyond just a tool – the navigator simplifies the complexities of managing demographic data, offering invaluable insights into your customer base and workforce. It enables your business to make informed decisions, refine marketing strategies, and create an inclusive workplace environment. Take charge today, turn raw data into actionable intelligence, and propel your business toward success. This template covers CRM software, buyer's persona, consumer and demographic data analysis, and third-party data analysis. Start your journey to success.

Tools to manage company demographics data

Empower your Projects

Template 8: People Places Demographic Household Data

Demographic household data helps guide your business strategy and understand your customers' diverse preferences and needs. This template is like a customized customer service experience that anticipates individual requirements. Use this PPT Design to develop a marketing approach that resonates with specific demographics and a market share that reflects numbers and genuine connections. You're staying relevant by harnessing the power of people's demographic household data. This template isn't just about market share; it helps create an impact on your customers. Optimize your workflow.

People Places Demographic Household Data Customer…

Grab your template

Template 9:  Process Delivery Method Marketing Sales Data

Grab this Process delivery method PPT Template: your all-in-one solution for streamlined marketing and sales data management. Use this slide to help your business quickly organize and analyze demographic data to make data-driven decisions. From targeting the right audience to optimizing sales strategies, this tool is a game-changer for any company striving for success in the digital age. Employ this presentation resource to visually represent information on process delivery methods, marketing sales data, and more creatively. Download our template for quick results.

Process Delivery Method Marketing Sales Data…

Get your hands on the perfect template

Template 10: Demographics Data to Develop Buyer's Persona

This PowerPoint Presentation will increase customer satisfaction by refining the Marketing Strategy (MKT SS V). This innovative tool uses demographic data to craft precise buyer personas, offering businesses a laser-focused approach in their marketing endeavors. This template allows businesses to decode the nuances of their customer base, enabling the creation of marketing strategies that resonate with precision. Don't just market; connect, engage, and elevate your brand with the template. Use this template to display essential elements like age, gender, income, education level, occupation, and location with descriptions and examples. Click here to download your template now.

Demographics data to develop buyers persona

Ignite your productivity

Use these Top 10 Demographic Data Presentation Templates as a strategic toolset for your business to decipher your audience. By blending creativity with data, these templates empower your organization to make informed decisions, tailor your approach, and stay ahead in today's business world. Download these to provide a roadmap to connect with your customers, optimize marketing strategies, and create a more inclusive environment. 

PS As you learn about data-driven decision-making, consider looking at this employee data reporting . Our templates offer comprehensive solutions to help you understand internal demographics, creating a workplace culture that thrives on data-driven insights

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July special: Financial Reporting PPT Templates. Save with bundles 30%

slide for data presentation

Eye-catching ways to present Debtors AR report in PowerPoint


  • July 31, 2024
  • Data Charts for PowerPoint , Financial presentations

Do you need to present your debtors accounts receivable status and analysis of your debtors? Show your data with easy to read visualizations in an understandable and eye-catching format.

Get new, creative ideas on how you can prepare a presentation for debtors analysis or company financial reporting.

Typical debtors or AR report will likely cover those areas:

  • Bad Debts Risk Mitigation Strategy
  • Customer Creditworthiness Evaluation
  • Receivables Performance Analysis
  • Accounts Receivables Dashboards
  • Debt Recovery Measures

Let us show you examples of how such presentation slides can look like.

Get all the graphics presented here – click on the slide pictures to see and download the source illustration. Check the full Debtors Analysis AR Financial Report Presentation (PowerPoint Template)

Present strategy of healthy account receivables situation 

An example of AR strategy can include those points:

  • Customer risk assessment
  • Prompt payments stimulation
  • Outstanding invoices monitoring
  • Overdue payments control
  • Debt recovery measures

You can illustrate them as visual flowchart like we did here:

slide for data presentation

We placed key information from each stage in a separate box and added arrows between them to show the flow. Take a look at colored circles placed on the arrows you can see there icons that support visually every step of the process. 

Presenting FICO model score based assessment of debtors

To show score allocation and creditworthiness of your debtors, you can present them with a series of data charts. 

However, such dashboard slides with multiple charts require special attention to stay readable. See how you can present such FICO score data:

slide for data presentation

We used here two columns layout for two main points:

  • FICO Scoring Allocation 
  • FICO Score Rangers

To separate those columns and add a structure we used frames. In the first frame there is a pie chart showing FICO Scoring Allocation – you can place a representative icon inside such a chart, to express the visualized data . On the other frame you can see score range  divided into five levels from Poor to Excellent one. To give it a more eye-catching look, every level is illustrated by icons with smiley faces from sad to happy.

Presenting customers distribution charts by FICO model can have a form of stacked data chart, comparing last and current year:

slide for data presentation

Notice column chart with last and current year data. 

To make such presentation slide more attractive, we added handcrafted legend in the form of flowchart, illustrated with icons. Can you see the color and shape consistency with the previous slide? 

If you want to express two top creditworthiness levels, you can highlight them by placing brackets and adding total value of those two levels. 

It’s good practice to also add a commentary of presented data, especially if you prepare a presentation that will be sent as a report. Notice how we proposed to visualize it – on the right side of slide there is place for explanation.

Defining key financial metrics DSO or Bad Debt

If you need to explain receivables performance analysis to people who are not 100% familiar with all the terms, it’s good to remind them those essential financial metrics formulas of: 

  • what is Debtor’s Ledgers
  • how to calculate Days Sales Outstanding
  • definition of Bad Debt Ratio
  • calculation of Collection Effectiveness Index

Presenting debtors analysis formulas can look like this: 

slide for data presentation

As there are four items to show, we used matrix structure to present content in the organized way. Each formula is inside a frame and visualized by an icon placed on a blue arrow. We used a full name of variables right inside a formula, for faster understanding without need to use additional legend. 

Show Table of Top Customers evaluation 

To present your top customers by overdue amount, you can use a PowerPoint enhanced table, instead of the default Excel table.

Adding icons to categories and stylizing the table gives a fresh touch to the financial table. Status icons in last column add a quick way for understanding of the customer credit line.

Presentation dashboard slide of AR overview

To present debtors Account Receivables overview, containing multiple data charts, use an organized way to create a slide. 

Using a layout with a grid and consistent design style helps to make such dense slide readable. 

slide for data presentation

Good data visualization practise is to extract the most important data, not only show set of charts. For that, to highlight a key KPI data we used a contrast design rule. See how we extracted and visually underlined the top line with main numbers Balance, Overdue and DSO. Adding a subtle background can do a work. 

Below there is a grid of frames with 5 charts inside:

  • Age analysis off due balance
  • Overdue breakup by region
  • outstanding by status
  • Credit sales vs balance due trend
  • Actual vs estimated cash inflow with 3 months forecast

We removed all unnecessary information from charts to make them simple and easy to understand.  

What to Remember about Visual Presenting Debtors AR report

If you want to present debtors AR report on the slide, remember a few simple rules:

  • use a grid to show complex information on a slide like dense charts or tables.
  • use a highlight color to emphasize key points and headlines,
  • adjust and customize tables and data charts for clear structure and readability,
  • keep the layout simple and clean,
  • remember about white space,
  • enrich your data with icons – properly chosen icons can nicely reflect the meaning of your content and can shorten time needed for understanding.

I’m sure that with these basic design rules, you can make a stunning Debtors AR report presentation and overall impression.

Resource: OpEx Costs Analysis Financial Report PowerPoint Template

The slide examples above are from one of our financial PowerPoint templates. The full presentation is available in the infoDiagram collection of PPT graphics:

If you are in financial reporting, you can extend your data presentation with other topics.

See discounted bundles here https://blog.infodiagram.com/financial-reporting-ppt-template-bundles  


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Sales Tax Holidays by State, 2024

Sales tax A sales tax is levied on retail sales of goods and services and, ideally, should apply to all final consumption with few exemptions . Many governments exempt goods like groceries; base broadening , such as including groceries, could keep rates lower. A sales tax should exempt business-to-business transactions which, when taxed, cause tax pyramiding . holidays, designated periods when select goods or services are exempted from state (and sometimes local) sales taxes, continue to be politically popular among the states: 19 have held or will be holding sales tax A tax is a mandatory payment or charge collected by local, state, and national governments from individuals or businesses to cover the costs of general government services, goods, and activities. holidays in 2024, one more than last year .

They also take different forms in different places. In recent years, Florida has exempted outdoor recreational equipment from its state sales tax during the summer, while Iowa and Oklahoma have exempted clothing during their holidays. Sales tax holidays are politically popular with elected officials because they offer direct discounts, whether real or perceived, to consumers in a highly visible way. Consumers often believe they’re getting a good deal. Thus, they remain popular despite their economic inefficiencies, unintended consequences, and frequent inability to achieve their stated goals.

Proponents of sales tax holidays claim they create economic growth by increasing retail activity within their timeframes. However, studies show that much of the increased shopping during holidays is shopping that consumers would have done at other times but moved to the holiday timeframe to take advantage of discounts. While some consumers make incidental “impulse” purchases during these holidays, those additional purchases are not enough to justify the revenue costs associated with these holidays, even if such impulse purchases are desirable. Since sales tax holidays shift the timing of demand but do little to increase its magnitude, sales tax holidays reduce state and local tax collections for little or no economic benefit.

Additionally, states often schedule sales tax holidays to exempt specified goods and services during times when demand for these goods and services is highest, such as back-to-school products in August and hurricane preparedness supplies before storm seasons. As a result, most of these revenue losses are associated with retail transactions that would have occurred without the added incentive. The prevalence of sales tax holidays is indicative of deeper structural weaknesses in state tax codes: the existence of a sales tax holiday A sales tax holiday is a period of time when selected goods are exempted from state (and sometimes local) sales taxes . Such holidays have become an annual event in many states, with exemptions for such targeted products as back-to-school supplies, clothing, computers, hurricane preparedness supplies, and more. is a tacit admission that the sales tax is overly burdensome throughout the rest of the year.

While these revenue losses may not be particularly large, they still have to be offset by revenue generated elsewhere, which is a net negative for states’ overall economic health since other revenue sources are often more economically damaging than sales taxes. And states that can consistently cover these holidays out of surplus revenues could better utilize their excess funds on more economically efficient tax reforms, particularly rate reductions.

Proponents of sales tax holidays sometimes suggest that they encourage out-of-state consumers to travel for discounts, increasing in-state sales. Since so many states now have tax holidays, and because the holidays often apply to lower-cost items that wouldn’t justify a large detour, their effect on consumer behavior is dubious. Furthermore, while compliance is undeniably low, a consumer who makes a sales-tax-free, out-of-state purchase intended to be consumed in their own state is legally obligated to pay use tax on that purchase.

Tax holidays also incentivize consumers to put off shopping for selected items. A lower-income family that waits to buy school supplies until a back-to-school sales tax holiday on the weekend before school starts—a point when many families have already finished their shopping—might have been better off if they had shopped earlier, when products are most likely to be well stocked. This is just one aspect of sales tax holidays that can inadvertently harm lower-income consumers. Because sales tax holidays induce high demand for an often narrow, predetermined set of goods during a limited timeframe, retailers often increase prices to avoid running out of stock. Though this aspect of sales tax holidays is difficult to study, some research has suggested companies can absorb up to 20 percent of the benefit of sales tax holidays through price increases, hurting consumers with the lowest incomes. These shoppers are also the most likely to face difficulties in being able to prepare for sales tax holidays by increasing household savings or requesting time off work. If governments truly want to help low-income consumers, targeted assistance policies are better options. Better yet, policymakers could permanently ease tax burdens by trimming rates year-round—but permanent solutions tend to be deprioritized when politically easier temporary gimmicks like sales tax holidays persist.

In addition to their inefficiencies as a vehicle for tax relief, sales tax holidays often have economically distortive structural flaws. For example, by imposing a cap on the price of goods that qualify for the sales tax holiday, consumers may be influenced to purchase a less expensive and lower quality product when they otherwise would have purchased a higher quality product that exceeds the specified price threshold. Low price caps can also disadvantage goods from small businesses whose prices may be higher.

The compliance costs associated with sales tax holidays are further damaging to small businesses. Additional short-term staffing is often necessary to handle the induced spikes in demand, and that can be harder to schedule for businesses with fewer employees. Moreover, small businesses may find it more difficult to absorb the spending slowdowns in the weeks immediately before and after sales tax holidays, as consistent revenue is more important when margins are thin. Even if overall revenue remains only slightly changed, the timing distortions can be painful. Additionally, the work required to comply with sales tax holiday provisions (e.g., determining which products qualify for exemption and changing cash register settings in accordance) can be especially difficult for small businesses, which are often unable to sustain entire teams dedicated to legal compliance.

Sales tax holiday structures vary widely from state to state, exacerbating these compliance difficulties. Beyond the differences in product lists and price caps, different states treat shipping, handling, layaway sales, and “rain check” sales differently. The difficult task of compliance must often be done on short notice, because details sometimes aren’t agreed to until just weeks before holidays are scheduled to take place. Take Massachusetts ’ sales tax holiday for this year: it must occur at some point during August. Massachusetts legislators chose to give the Massachusetts Department of Revenue multiple weeks to determine when the 2024 state sales tax holiday will be held. Statutorily, it may not need to be for weeks. Such administrative delays encourage administrative slowdowns which could be harmful, or at least, not as helpful, if they choose dates during which demand is low for the qualifying set of goods and services covered under the state’s sales tax holiday.

For small online retailers selling into Massachusetts, among others, this is a nightmare. There are legal consequences for over-collecting sales tax from consumers, so they need to adjust to sales tax holidays that may be called at the last moment, on an evolving range of products, and often with definitions that require careful product-by-product eligibility judgments.

Some businesses thrive on sales tax holidays while others struggle to comply with them. Some consumers benefit from them while others might be inadvertently hurt by them. Sales tax holidays pick winners and losers—and their costs aren’t offset by any meaningful economic benefit.

Nevada recently implemented a sales tax holiday for National Guard members. SB 50 requires Nevada National Guard members to pay the sales tax on eligible items, then submit a request for a refund of the tax, a copy of the letter of exemption issued to the person, and the receipt issued to the person by the retailer indicating that the person paid the tax. Only then will Nevada National Guard members receive a refund and benefit from the sales tax holiday. Is this an efficient or desirable system?

From a political standpoint, sales tax holidays are harmful because they create space for politicians and regulators to pick political favorites in the process of selecting eligible products. They also pave the way for lobbyists to solicit policymakers in hopes of securing a sales tax holiday exemption for their products. Because small retail businesses often lack resources for lobbying, and because there is no way for legislators to perfectly know what consumers want. The lists of goods included in tax holidays can become an unholy matrimony of centralized economic planning and corporate lobbying. Any decision about which goods are and aren’t exempt will discriminate against some consumers.

Overall, sales tax holidays are an inefficient vehicle for providing tax relief or generating additional economic activity. They often end up hurting the taxpayers they intend to help. They inject unnecessary instability into government and business revenue streams; create administrative and compliance costs for businesses, governments, and consumers; and do not promote long-term economic growth. Several states realized these downfalls and accordingly abandoned their sales tax holidays in recent years. However, their electoral utility remains an incentive for policymakers, and with 19 states offering sales tax holidays in 2024—an increase over recent years—it doesn’t look like they’re going away any time soon.

For a more detailed analysis of the arguments for and against sales tax holidays, see our 2022 full-length report .

Stay informed on the tax policies impacting you.

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Alabama Sales Tax Holidays

  • Portable generators and power cords ($1,000)
  • Severe weather preparedness supplies ($60)
  • Computers, computer software, and school computer supplies ($750)
  • Clothing ($100 or less)
  • School supplies, school art supplies, school instructional material ($50)
  • Books ($30)

Alaska Sales Tax Holiday*

  • All retail sales (no cap)
  • * = Alaska does not assess a state sales tax rate. However, the state constitution allows municipalities, defined as cities and boroughs, to assess a local option sales tax. Only one municipality, the Skagway Borough, passed a resolution enacting a local sales tax holiday from October 1, 2024 – March 31, 2024.

Arkansas Sales Tax Holiday

  • Clothing ($100)
  • Clothing accessories/cosmetics ($50)
  • Electronic devices (no cap)
  • School supplies, school art supplies, school instructional material (no cap)

Connecticut Sales Tax Holiday

  • Clothing and footwear ($100)

Florida Sales Tax Holidays

  • Impact-resistant doors, windows, and garage doors (no cap)
  • Gas ranges/cooktops: (no cap)
  • ENERGY STAR appliances:
  • Washers/Dryers/Water Heaters ($1,500)
  • Refrigerators ($4,500)
  • Wide range of goods/services related to summer family activities, with some admissions prices exempt from July 1-end of year (See this infographic for specifics:
  • Computers ($1,500)
  • School supplies ($50)
  • Learning aids and jigsaw puzzles ($30)
  • Disaster preparedness supplies (See this infographic for specifics:
  • Tools/tool-related equipment

Iowa Sales Tax Holiday

  • Clothing ($99.99 and less)

Louisiana Sales Tax Holiday

  • Firearms, ammunition, and hunting supplies (no cap, though it only applies to consumer purchases, not business or commercial purchases).

Maryland Sales Tax Holidays

  • Solar water heaters and ENERGY STAR products (no cap)
  • Some backpacks (first $40 exempt from sales tax)

Massachusetts Sales Tax Holiday

  • Virtually all retail items for personal consumption ($2,500 or less). Last year, there were many exceptions, though, so check the MA DOR website for current year exemptions and dates (both TBD).
  • Motor vehicles
  • Telecommunications services
  • Electricity
  • Tobacco products
  • Marijuana or marijuana products
  • Alcoholic beverages
  • Any single item whose price is more than $2,500; for items above $2,500 purchased during the sales tax holiday, the first $2,500 is exempt from sales tax
  • Layaway sales
  • Rentals for periods of longer than 30 days

Mississippi Sales Tax Holidays

  • School supplies ($100)
  • Firearms, ammunition, hunting supplies, and firearm safety equipment (excluding safes) (no cap)

Missouri Sales Tax Holidays

  • ENERGY STAR products ($1,500)
  • PCs and related hardware supplies ($1,500)
  • Computer software ($350)
  • Graphing calculators ($150)

Nevada Sales Tax Holiday*

  • All purchases (no cap) by Nevada National Guard members. Must apply through Commanding Officers minimum thirty days in advance.
  • (*) = Nevada amended its state sales tax holiday provisions for National Guard through SB 50 during its 2023 legislative session. Under prior law, Nevada businesses selling qualified goods and services during the sales tax holiday simply exempted the qualifying products from the state sales tax. As of the 2024 state sales tax holiday, consumers must first pay the sales tax, then submit three separate documents to receive a refund of the sales tax. This introduces inefficiencies and creates the distinct possibility of National Guard members not going through the trouble of filing to receive the small benefit the state sales tax holiday provides.

New Mexico Sales Tax Holidays

  • Bookbags, maps, and globes ($100)
  • Clothing, footwear, and accessories ($100)
  • Computers (including tablets and e-readers with computing functions) ($1,000)
  • Computer-related supplies ($500)
  • Calculators ($200)
  • School supplies ($30)
  • Many different categories of retail items at qualifying small businesses ($500) (see infographic below for specifics)

Ohio Sales Tax Holiday

  • Most tangible retail purchases (excludes motor watercraft and alcohol/tobacco/vape/marijuana) ($500)

Oklahoma Sales Tax Holiday

South carolina sales tax holiday.

  • Clothing and footwear (no cap)
  • Computers, printers/printer supplies, and software (excluding business purchases and handheld phones) (no cap)
  • School supplies (no cap)
  • Select bed/bath products and related products (no cap)

Tennessee Sales Tax Holiday

  • Computers, laptops, and tablets ($1,500)
  • School supplies/school art supplies ($100)
  • Food and food ingredients (excluding alcohol) (no cap)

Texas Sales Tax Holidays

  • Hurricane shutters and emergency ladders ($300)
  • Portable generators ($3,000)
  • Specific emergency preparation supplies ($75) (see the following webpage for specifics:
  • WaterSense products for personal/business use (no cap)
  • Generally water-conserving products (personal use only) (no cap)
  • ENERGY STAR air conditioners ($6,000), refrigerators ($2,000), and other specified products (no cap) (see the sources below for specifics)
  • School supplies and backpacks ($100)

Virginia Sales Tax Holiday

  • ENERGY STAR and WaterSense products ($2,500)
  • Gas-powered chain saws ($350)
  • Portable generators ($1,000)
  • School supplies ($20)
  • Emergency and hurricane preparedness items ($60)

West Virginia Sales Tax Holiday

  • Clothing and footwear ($125)
  • Laptops and tablets ($500)
  • School instructional materials ($20)
  • Sports equipment ($150)

Previous Versions

Sales tax holidays by state, 2023, sales tax holidays: bad policy any year, but especially in response to high inflation, sales tax holidays by state, 2021, sales tax holidays by state, 2020, sales tax holidays by state, 2019, sales tax holidays by state, 2018, sales tax holidays by state, 2017, sales tax holidays by state, 2016, sales tax holidays by state, 2015, sales tax holidays by state, 2014, sales tax holidays by state, 2013, sales tax holidays by state, 2012, sales tax holidays by state, 2011.


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