Home Blog Business Conference Presentation Slides: A Guide for Success

Conference Presentation Slides: A Guide for Success

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In our experience, a common error when preparing a conference presentation is using designs that heavily rely on bullet points and massive chunks of text. A potential reason behind this slide design mistake is aiming to include as much information as possible in just one slide. In the end, slides become a sort of teleprompter for the speaker, and the audience recalls boredom instead of an informative experience.

As part of our mission to help presenters deliver their message effectively, we have summarized what makes a good conference presentation slide, as well as tips on how to design a successful conference slide.

Table of Contents

What is a conference presentation

Common mistakes presenters make when creating conference presentation slides, how can a well-crafted conference presentation help your professional life, how to start a conference presentation, how to end a conference presentation, tailoring your message to different audiences, visualizing data effectively, engaging with your audience, designing for impact, mastering slide transitions and animation, handling time constraints, incorporating multimedia elements, post-presentation engagement, crisis management during presentations, sustainability and green presentations, measuring presentation success, 13 tips to create stellar conference presentations, final thoughts.

The Britannica Dictionary defines conferences as 

A formal meeting in which many people gather in order to talk about ideas or problems related to a particular topic (such as medicine or business), usually for several days.

We can then define conference presentations as the combination of a speaker, a slide deck , and the required hardware to introduce an idea or topic in a conference setting. Some characteristics differentiate conference presentations from other formats.


Conference presentations are bounded by a 15-30 minute time limit, which the event’s moderators establish. These restrictions are applied to allow a crowded agenda to be met on time, and it is common to count with over 10 speakers on the same day.

To that time limit, we have to add the time required for switching between speakers, which implies loading a new slide deck to the streaming platform, microphone testing, lighting effects, etc. Say it is around 10-15 minutes extra, so depending on the number of speakers per day during the event, the time available to deliver a presentation, plus the questions & answers time.

Delivery format

Conferences can be delivered in live event format or via webinars. Since this article is mainly intended to live event conferences, we will only mention that the requirements for webinars are as follows:

  • Voice-over or, best, speaker layover the presentation slides so the speaker interacts with the audience.
  • Quality graphics.
  • Not abusing the amount of information to introduce per slide.

On the other hand, live event conferences will differ depending on the category under which they fall. Academic conferences have a structure in which there’s a previous poster session; then speakers start delivering their talks, then after 4-5 speakers, we have a coffee break. Those pauses help the AV crew to check the equipment, and they also become an opportunity for researchers to expand their network contacts. 

Business conferences are usually more dynamic. Some presenters opt not to use slide decks, giving a powerful speech instead, as they feel much more comfortable that way. Other speakers at business conferences adopt videos to summarize their ideas and then proceed to speak.

powerpoint presentation for international conference

Overall, the format guidelines are sent to speakers before the event. Adapt your presentation style to meet the requirements of moderators so you can maximize the effect of your message.

The audience

Unlike other presentation settings, conferences gather a knowledgeable audience on the discussed topics. It is imperative to consider this, as tone, delivery format, information to include, and more depend on this sole factor. Moreover, the audience will participate in your presentation at the last minute, as it is a common practice to hold a Q&A session. 

Mistake #1 – Massive chunks of text

Do you intend your audience to read your slides instead of being seduced by your presentation? Presenters often add large amounts of text to each slide since they need help deciding which data to exclude. Another excuse for this practice is so the audience remembers the content exposed.

Research indicates images are much better retained than words, a phenomenon known as the Picture Superiority Effect ; therefore, opt to avoid this tendency and work into creating compelling graphics.

Mistake #2 – Not creating contrast between data and graphics

Have you tried to read a slide from 4 rows behind the presenter and not get a single number? This can happen if the presenter is not careful to work with the appropriate contrast between the color of the typeface and the background. Particularly if serif fonts are used.

Using WebAIM tool to check color contrast

Use online tools such as WebAIM’s Contrast Checker to make your slides legible for your audience. Creating an overlay with a white or black transparent tint can also help when you place text above images.

Mistake #3 – Not rehearsing the presentation

This is a sin in conference presentations, as when you don’t practice the content you intend to deliver, you don’t have a measure of how much time it is actually going to take. 

Locating the rehearsing timing options in PowerPoint

PowerPoint’s rehearse timing feature can help a great deal, as you can record yourself practising the presentation and observe areas for improvement. Remember, conference presentations are time-limited , don’t disrespect fellow speakers by overlapping their scheduled slot or, worse, have moderators trim your presentation after several warnings.

Mistake #4 – Lacking hierarchy for the presented content

Looking at a slide and not knowing where the main point is discouraging for the audience, especially if you introduce several pieces of content under the same slide. Instead, opt to create a hierarchy that comprehends both text and images. It helps to arrange the content according to your narrative, and we’ll see more on this later on.

Consider your conference presentation as your introduction card in the professional world. Maybe you have a broad network of colleagues, but be certain there are plenty of people out there that have yet to learn about who you are and the work you produce.

Conferences help businesspeople and academics alike to introduce the results of months of research on a specific topic in front of a knowledgeable audience. It is different from a product launch as you don’t need to present a “completed product” but rather your views or advances, in other words, your contribution with valuable insights to the field.

Putting dedication into your conference presentation, from the slide deck design to presentation skills , is definitely worth the effort. The audience can get valuable references from the quality of work you are able to produce, often leading to potential partnerships. In business conferences, securing an investor deal can happen after a powerful presentation that drives the audience to perceive your work as the very best thing that’s about to be launched. It is all about how your body language reflects your intent, how well-explained the concepts are, and the emotional impact you can drive from it.

There are multiple ways on how to start a presentation for a conference, but overall, we can recap a good approach as follows.

Present a fact

Nothing grabs the interest of an audience quicker than introducing an interesting fact during the first 30 seconds of your presentation. The said fact has to be pivotal to the content your conference presentation will discuss later on, but as an ice-breaker, it is a strategy worth applying from time to time.

Ask a question

The main point when starting a conference presentation is to make an impact on the audience. We cannot think of a better way to engage with the audience than to ask them a question relevant to your work or research. It grabs the viewer’s interest for the potential feedback you shall give to those answers received.

Use powerful graphics

The value of visual presentations cannot be neglected in conferences. Sometimes an image makes a bigger impact than a lengthy speech, hence why you should consider starting your conference presentation with a photo or visual element that speaks for itself.

an example of combining powerful graphics with facts for conference presentation slides

For more tips and insights on how to start a presentation , we invite you to check this article.

Just as important as starting the presentation, the closure you give to your conference presentation matters a lot. This is the opportunity in which you can add your personal experience on the topic and reflect upon it with the audience or smoothly transition between the presentation and your Q&A session.

Below are some quick tips on how to end a presentation for a conference event.

End the presentation with a quote

Give your audience something to ruminate about with the help of a quote tailored to the topic you were discussing. There are plenty of resources for finding suitable quotes, and a great method for this is to design your penultimate slide with an image or black background plus a quote. Follow this with a final “thank you” slide.

Consider a video

If we say a video whose length is shorter than 1 minute, this is a fantastic resource to summarize the intent of your conference presentation. 

If you get the two-minute warning and you feel far off from finishing your presentation, first, don’t fret. Try to give a good closure when presenting in a conference without rushing information, as the audience wouldn’t get any concept clear that way. Mention that the information you presented will be available for further reading at the event’s platform site or your company’s digital business card , and proceed to your closure phase for the presentation.

It is better to miss some of the components of the conference than to get kicked out after several warnings for exceeding the allotted time.

Tailoring your conference presentation to suit your audience is crucial to delivering an impactful talk. Different audiences have varying levels of expertise, interests, and expectations. By customizing your content, tone, and examples, you can enhance the relevance and engagement of your presentation.

Understanding Audience Backgrounds and Expectations

Before crafting your presentation, research your audience’s backgrounds and interests. Are they professionals in your field, students, or a mix of both? Are they familiar with the topic, or must you provide more context? Understanding these factors will help you pitch your content correctly and avoid overwhelming or boring your audience.

Adapting Language and Tone for Relevance

Use language that resonates with your audience. Avoid jargon or technical terms that might confuse those unfamiliar with your field. Conversely, don’t oversimplify if your audience consists of experts. Adjust your tone to match the event’s formality and your listeners’ preferences.

Customizing Examples and Case Studies

Incorporate case studies, examples, and anecdotes that your audience can relate to. If you’re speaking to professionals, use real-world scenarios from their industry. For a more general audience, choose examples that are universally relatable. This personal touch makes your content relatable and memorable.

Effectively presenting data is essential for conveying complex information to your audience. Visualizations can help simplify intricate concepts and make your points more digestible.

Choosing the Right Data Representation

Select the appropriate type of graph or chart to illustrate your data. Bar graphs, pie charts, line charts, and scatter plots each serve specific purposes. Choose the one that best supports your message and ensures clarity.

Designing Graphs and Charts for Clarity

Ensure your graphs and charts are easily read. Use clear labels, appropriate color contrasts, and consistent scales. Avoid clutter and simplify the design to highlight the most important data points.

Incorporating Annotations and Explanations

Add annotations or callouts to your graphs to emphasize key findings. Explain the significance of each data point to guide your audience’s understanding. Utilize visual cues, such as arrows and labels, to direct attention.

Engaging your audience is a fundamental skill for a successful presentation for conference. Captivate their attention, encourage participation, and foster a positive connection.

Establishing Eye Contact and Body Language

Maintain eye contact with different audience parts to create a sense of connection. Effective body language, such as confident posture and expressive gestures, enhances your presence on stage.

Encouraging Participation and Interaction

Involve your audience through questions, polls, or interactive activities. Encourage them to share their thoughts or experiences related to your topic. This engagement fosters a more dynamic and memorable presentation.

Using Humor and Engaging Stories

Incorporate humor and relatable anecdotes to make your presentation more enjoyable. Well-timed jokes or personal stories can create a rapport with your audience and make your content more memorable.

The design of your conference presentation slides plays a crucial role in capturing and retaining your audience’s attention. Thoughtful design can amplify your message and reinforce key points. Take a look at these suggestions to boost the performance of your conference presentation slides, or create an entire slide deck in minutes by using SlideModel’s AI Presentation Maker from text .

Creating Memorable Opening Slides

Craft an opening slide that piques the audience’s curiosity and sets the tone for your presentation. Use an engaging visual, thought-provoking quote, or intriguing question to grab their attention from the start.

Using Visual Hierarchy for Emphasis

Employ visual hierarchy to guide your audience’s focus. Highlight key points with larger fonts, bold colors, or strategic placement. Organize information logically to enhance comprehension.

Designing a Powerful Closing Slide

End your presentation with a compelling closing slide that reinforces your main message. Summarize your key points, offer a memorable takeaway, or invite the audience to take action. Use visuals that resonate and leave a lasting impression.

Slide transitions and animations can enhance the flow of your presentation and emphasize important content. However, their use requires careful consideration to avoid distractions or confusion.

Enhancing Flow with Transitions

Select slide transitions that smoothly guide the audience from one point to the next. Avoid overly flashy transitions that detract from your content. Choose options that enhance, rather than disrupt, the presentation’s rhythm.

Using Animation to Highlight Points

Animate elements on your slides to draw attention to specific information. Animate text, images, or graphs to appear as you discuss them, helping the audience follow your narrative more effectively.

Avoiding Overuse of Effects

While animation can be engaging, avoid excessive use that might overwhelm or distract the audience. Maintain a balance between animated elements and static content for a polished presentation.

Effective time management is crucial for delivering a concise and impactful conference presentation within the allocated time frame.

Structuring for Short vs. Long Presentations

Adapt your content and pacing based on the duration of your presentation. Clearly outline the main points for shorter talks, and delve into more depth for longer sessions. Ensure your message aligns with the time available.

Prioritizing Key Information

Identify the core information you want your audience to take away. Focus on conveying these essential points, and be prepared to trim or elaborate on supporting details based on the available time.

Practicing Time Management

Rehearse your presentation while timing yourself to ensure you stay within the allocated time. Adjust your delivery speed to match your time limit, allowing for smooth transitions and adequate Q&A time.

Multimedia elements, such as videos, audio clips, and live demonstrations, can enrich your presentation and provide a dynamic experience for your audience.

Integrating Videos and Audio Clips

Use videos and audio clips strategically to reinforce your points or provide real-world examples. Ensure that the multimedia content is of high quality and directly supports your narrative.

Showcasing Live Demonstrations

Live demonstrations can engage the audience by showcasing practical applications of your topic. Practice the demonstration beforehand to ensure it runs smoothly and aligns with your message.

Using Hyperlinks for Additional Resources

Incorporate hyperlinks into your presentation to direct the audience to additional resources, references, or related content. This allows interested attendees to explore the topic further after the presentation.

Engaging with your audience after your presentation can extend the impact of your talk and foster valuable connections.

Leveraging Post-Presentation Materials

Make your presentation slides and related materials available to attendees after the event. Share them through email, a website, or a conference platform, allowing interested individuals to review the content.

Sharing Slides and Handouts

Provide downloadable versions of your slides and any handouts you used during the presentation. This helps attendees revisit key points and share the information with colleagues.

Networking and Following Up

Utilize networking opportunities during and after the conference to connect with attendees who are interested in your topic. Exchange contact information and follow up with personalized messages to continue the conversation.

Preparing for unexpected challenges during your presenting at a conference can help you maintain professionalism and composure, ensuring a seamless delivery.

Dealing with Technical Glitches

Technical issues can occur, from projector malfunctions to software crashes. Stay calm and have a backup plan, such as having your slides available on multiple devices or using printed handouts.

Handling Unexpected Interruptions

Interruptions, such as questions from the audience or unforeseen disruptions, are a normal part of live presentations. Address them politely, stay adaptable, and seamlessly return to your prepared content.

Staying Calm and Professional

Maintain a composed demeanor regardless of unexpected situations. Your ability to handle challenges gracefully reflects your professionalism and dedication to delivering a successful presentation.

Creating environmentally friendly presentations demonstrates your commitment to sustainability and responsible practices.

Designing Eco-Friendly Slides

Minimize the use of resources by designing slides with efficient layouts, avoiding unnecessary graphics or animations, and using eco-friendly color schemes.

Reducing Paper and Material Waste

Promote a paperless approach by encouraging attendees to access digital materials rather than printing handouts. If print materials are necessary, consider using recycled paper.

Promoting Sustainable Practices

Advocate for sustainability during your presentation by discussing relevant initiatives, practices, or innovations that align with environmentally conscious values.

Measuring the success of your conference presentation goes beyond the applause and immediate feedback. It involves assessing the impact of your presentation on your audience, goals, and growth as a presenter.

Collecting Audience Feedback

After presenting at a conference, gather feedback from attendees. Provide feedback forms or online surveys to capture their thoughts on the content, delivery, and visuals. Analyzing their feedback can reveal areas for improvement and give insights into audience preferences.

Evaluating Key Performance Metrics

Consider objective metrics such as audience engagement, participation, and post-presentation interactions. Did attendees ask questions? Did your content spark discussions? Tracking these metrics can help you gauge the effectiveness of your presentation in conveying your message.

Continuous Improvement Strategies

Use the feedback and insights gathered to enhance your future presentations. Identify strengths to build upon and weaknesses to address. Continuously refine your presentation skills , design choices, and content to create even more impactful presentations in the future.

Tip #1 – Exhibit a single idea per slide

Just one slide per concept, avoiding large text blocks. If you can compile the idea with an image, it’s better that way.

Research shows that people’s attention span is limited ; therefore, redirect your efforts in what concerns presentation slides so your ideas become crystal clear for the spectators.

Tip #2 – Avoid jargon whenever possible

Using complex terms does not directly imply you fully understand the concept you are about to discuss. In spite of your work being presented to a knowledgeable audience, avoid jargon as much as possible because you run the risk of people not understanding what you are saying.

Instead, opt to rehearse your presentation in front of a not-knowledgeable audience to measure the jargon volume you are adding to it. Technical terms are obviously expected in a conference situation, but archaic terms or purely jargon can be easily trimmed this way.

Tip #3 – Replace bulleted listings with structured layouts or diagrams

Bullet points are attention grabbers for the audience. People tend to instantly check what’s written in them, in contrast to waiting for you to introduce the point itself. 

Using bullet points as a way to expose elements of your presentation should be restricted. Opt for limiting the bullet points to non-avoidable facts to list or crucial information. 

Tip #4 – Customize presentation templates

Using presentation templates is a great idea to save time in design decisions. These pre-made slide decks are entirely customizable; however, many users fall into using them as they come, exposing themselves to design inconsistencies (especially with images) or that another presenter had the same idea (it is extremely rare, but it can happen).

Learning how to properly change color themes in PowerPoint is an advantageous asset. We also recommend you use your own images or royalty-free images selected by you rather than sticking to the ones included in a template.

Tip #5 – Displaying charts

Graphs and charts comprise around 80% of the information in most business and academic conferences. Since data visualization is important, avoid common pitfalls such as using 3D effects in bar charts. Depending on the audience’s point of view, those 3D effects can make the data hard to read or get an accurate interpretation of what it represents.

using 2D graphics to show relevant data in conference presentation slides

Tip #6 – Using images in the background

Use some of the images you were planning to expose as background for the slides – again, not all of them but relevant slides.

Be careful when placing text above the slides if they have a background image, as accessibility problems may arise due to contrast. Instead, apply an extra color layer above the image with reduced opacity – black or white, depending on the image and text requirements. This makes the text more legible for the audience, and you can use your images without any inconvenience.

Tip #7 – Embrace negative space

Negative space is a concept seen in design situations. If we consider positive space as the designed area, meaning the objects, shapes, etc., that are “your design,” negative space can be defined as the surrounding area. If we work on a white canvas, negative space is the remaining white area surrounding your design.

The main advantage of using negative space appropriately is to let your designs breathe. Stuffing charts, images and text makes it hard to get a proper understanding of what’s going on in the slide. Apply the “less is more” motto to your conference presentation slides, and embrace negative space as your new design asset.

Tip #8 – Use correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation

You would be surprised to see how many typos can be seen in slides at professional gatherings. Whereas typos can often pass by as a humor-relief moment, grammatical or awful spelling mistakes make you look unprofessional. 

Take 5 extra minutes before submitting your slide deck to proofread the grammar, spelling, and punctuation. If in doubt, browse dictionaries for complex technical words.

Tip #10 – Use an appropriate presentation style

The format of the conference will undoubtedly require its own presentation style. By this we mean that it is different from delivering a conference presentation in front of a live audience as a webinar conference. The interaction with the audience is different, the demands for the Q&A session will be different, and also during webinars the audience is closely looking at your slides.

Tip #11 – Control your speaking tone

Another huge mistake when delivering a conference presentation is to speak with a monotonous tone. The message you transmit to your attendees is that you simply do not care about your work. If you believe you fall into this category, get feedback from others: try pitching to them, and afterward, consider how you talk. 

Practicing breathing exercises can help to articulate your speech skills, especially if anxiety hinders your presentation performance.

Tip #12 – On eye contact and note reading

In order to connect with your audience, it is imperative to make eye contact. Not stare, but look at your spectators from time to time as the talk is directed at them.

If you struggle on this point, a good tip we can provide is to act like you’re looking at your viewers. Pick a good point a few centimeters above your viewer and direct your speech there. They will believe you are communicating directly with them. Shift your head slightly on the upcoming slide or bullet and choose a new location.

Regarding note reading, while it is an acceptable practice to check your notes, do not make the entire talk a lecture in which you simply read your notes to the audience. This goes hand-by-hand with the speaking tone in terms of demonstrating interest in the work you do. Practice as often as you need before the event to avoid constantly reading your notes. Reading a paragraph or two is okay, but not the entire presentation.

Tip #13 – Be ready for the Q&A session

Despite it being a requirement in most conference events, not all presenters get ready for the Q&A session. It is a part of the conference presentation itself, so you should pace your speech to give enough time for the audience to ask 1-3 questions and get a proper answer.

a Q&A slide to start the Q&A session

Don’t be lengthy or overbearing in replying to each question, as you may run out of time. It is preferable to give a general opinion and then reach the interested person with your contact information to discuss the topic in detail.

Observing what others do at conference events is good practice for learning a tip or two for improving your own work. As we have seen throughout this article, conference presentation slides have specific requirements to become a tool in your presentation rather than a mixture of information without order.

Employ these tips and suggestions to craft your upcoming conference presentation without any hurdles. Best of luck!

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how to give the perfect presentation

Step-by-step – presenting internationally, do's & don'ts when presenting to cross-cultural audiences, strategies for native english speakers.

For native English speakers, making a presentation overseas or to an international audience presents some special cross-cultural challenges. Taking the dos and don’ts below into account will ensure that your message is communicated effectively, without embarrassing, insulting, or offending the diverse members of your audience.

1. Speak Clearly

This means enunciating clearly so that people can hear and understand each word you are saying. Don’t mumble, slur your speech, or speak super fast when addressing a crowd whose native language is not English.

2. Speak Slowly

Help your listeners by slowing down. Give them time to catch your words and digest the meaning. Use verbal and non-verbal clues to gauge whether you are being understood. If people ask you to repeat what you have said, look puzzled, or respond inappropriately, most likely they have not understood you. Repeat your idea slowly in the same or different words. If all else fails, write it down.

3. Triangulate your main ideas

This technique involves expressing the same idea three times in slightly different ways. It gives your listeners three chances to catch what you are saying. For example:

4. Use meaningful tempo and intonation

By changing the tone of your voice, varying the tempo, and placing stress on areas you would like to emphasize, you provide added clues to help your listener grasp your message.

5. Provide signposts along the way

Signposts prepare your listeners in advance by informing them about the planned direction of your discussion or presentation, as well as any changes along the way. For example:

“Today I’ll be speaking about three areas: the market for our products in Canada, our new marketing strategy, and the timeline for implementation of this project.”

“Now that we’ve completed this section, let’s turn our attention to…”

6. Use verification loops

In inter-cultural communication, especially, it is valuable to keep checking whether your listeners are following along with your argument. This can be done by asking:

  • “Do you have any questions?”
  • “Is everything clear till now?”
  • “Would you like me to elaborate?”

In this way, listeners have the opportunity to clarify confusion or misunderstanding at an earlier stage.

7. Say numbers and dates slowly

Numbers are often expressed in different ways in different parts of the world, so exercise special care when saying numbers, which are such a critical part of doing business. These include phone numbers, prices, quotations, dates, flight numbers, exchange rates, zip codes, addresses, and so on. For example:

  • $1500 can be expressed as fifteen hundred or one thousand five hundred.
  • 16 can sound like sixty so you should repeat, “That’s sixteen – one six.” (The same is true for all “teen” numbers.)
  • December 20th can sound like December 28th.
  • In India, the terms lakh (representing 100,000) and crore (10,000,000) are used and must be clarified.

8. Write down unfamiliar names or technical terms

Unfamiliar or unknown names and terms are best shown written down on a slide or handout. Repeated use of a term that others don’t know or cannot understand is annoying and thoughtless.

9. Double and triple check time arrangements

Confirm any arrangements related to time or dates. One possible approach is to pretend you’ve forgotten, flip through your papers and say, “So we’re meeting at / on …” and see what the other person has to say.

10. Be careful using English words from other languages

Remember that English is a mongrel language and has adopted words from other languages. Beware that sometimes these adopted words have different meanings or shades of meaning in other languages.

11. Be sincere

By showing genuine sincerity and interest in building a good relationship, a positive atmosphere is created which makes it easier to do business. When both sides assume such goodwill, many potential hurdles can be overcome.

12. Keep a sense of humor

Even with the best of intentions, cultural mistakes may be made from both sides. The best advice is to be relaxed, keep a sense of humor and appreciate the cooperative efforts being made by all sides.


1. avoid slang.

Unless the listeners have lived in your country for a long time, avoid slang. Also be aware that slang changes and the listener may not know the current meaning.

When a recently graduated Canadian student went to teach English in Japan, she learned this the hard way. During her class, one of the students told a particularly amusing anecdote, which the teacher enjoyed very much. Unfortunately, the teacher expressed her enthusiasm by laughing and exclaiming, “Shuuuut uuuuup!” in the lilting tone of voice, characteristic of some North Americans when they hear something they like. The student shifted in his chair, looked awkward and said no more. Later in the same lesson, when the student made another interesting observation, the teacher responded enthusiastically once again by saying, “Gettttt ouuuuut!”, at which the poor young student, red-faced and confused, packed up his belongings, got up and walked out the door, never to return. Slang can be disastrous.

2. Avoid contractions

Contractions may blur the sound of words and make it more difficult to understand you. In some cases, they can lead to direct confusion – as when someone says ‘can’ or ‘can’t’ too quickly. In this case it is better to use ‘can’ and ‘cannot’.

3. Avoid idioms

Using idioms is one of the most common ways of crippling communication with non-native English speakers. These expressions and colloquialisms confuse and confound; avoid them in the interest of greater clarity. Just imagine how these expressions sound to the uninitiated:

  • to strike out
  • to call in sick
  • To be in the black
  • to jump the gun
  • to blow one’s top
  • To do lunch
  • to give the cold shoulder
  • to have a soft corner

4. Avoid double-negatives

This convoluted way of speaking, which may be followed by native speakers, is very hard on non-natives. Spare them the trouble by speaking more directly. For example, instead of saying “I’m not saying it’s impossible…”, just say “ It’s possible…”

5. Avoid understatement

This style of speaking is culturally sensitive and may be misunderstood in intercultural situations. For example, if you state that you’re an okay graphic designer, when in fact you’re very talented, you might be taken at your word.

6. Avoid sarcasm and irony

This is another area in which backstage cultural information is required to interpret the message. Don’t make sarcastic comments about yourself or others. Get your message across in more direct terms.

7. Don’t use curse words

Especially when used outside one’s own culture, curse words often signal disrespect and may damage business relationships. The best policy is to avoid all language that could be offensive.

8. Be careful about humor

Humor is one of the most culturally sensitive forms of communication and doesn’t usually work well in cross-cultural situations. The jokes that you consider funny may be viewed as crude or rude by others. In addition, humor is based on an in-depth understanding of a cultural mindset.

9. Don’t speak loudly

Speak at normal volume. Your foreign listeners are not hard of hearing or deaf. This is not the issue.

10. Don’t assume anything!

This includes: don’t assume the person doesn’t speak English well and don’t assume the person doesn’t know your native language. Many people have studied and traveled widely today and have lived in many different countries. Don’t be caught in an embarrassing situation because of incorrect assumptions.

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About Presentation Prep

created by Rebecca Ezekiel

Being able to speak in public can change your life! Presentation Prep is your complete, free guide to delivering speeches, lectures, and presentations more successfully and confidently. Whether you're a native English-speaker who suffers from public speaking anxiety, or a non-native speaker who needs guidelines for presenting to international audiences, this site will give you everything you need. Presentation Prep is written by Rebecca Ezekiel, an experienced corporate trainer who specializes in the areas of communications, presentations, and cross-cultural skills. Her online English language training videos are watched by millions of students worldwide.

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Create a Conference Presentation

Common types of conference presentations.

  • Full paper  - The length of a full paper is variable, usually between 20 and 40 min, and rarely exceeds one hour. A full paper may be followed by question time.
  • Short paper  - This type of conference presentation can be as short as 10 min, and very often it is one in a series of short papers in a 1- or 2-hour session on a particular conference sub-topic or theme, each followed by 10 minutes question time. Timing is crucial as it is common for short paper sessions to be carefully managed by timekeepers who will ‘terminate’ your paper after the allocated time.
  • Workshop  - The emphasis of most workshops is on their practical nature. Their purpose is for participants to experience a strategy, a technique or a practical demonstration, and to have opportunities to question you about the value or workability of what you are presenting.
  • Poster  - You prepare a poster of your work (one or more A1 displays, including diagrams, text, references or visuals). This is displayed in an area of the conference venue. Your poster may be staffed at particular times when you are required to be available to provide further information or answer questions about your poster.
  • Discussion paper -  It is assumed that participants have read the paper. A summary is presented at the beginning of the paper (usually, but not always by the paper presenter), and the session consists mainly of a discussion or defence of the issues, questions and ideas raised in the paper.
  • Panel presentation/discussion  - You are one of several people on a panel discussing a theme/topic related to the conference. Your role is to be an expert in a particular issue, topic, technology, strategy or you represent an institution, department or company. Normally you receive advanced notice of this, but sometimes you can be asked to be a panel member at the conference.
  • Roundtable discussion  - This is a short paper presentation followed by the presenter facilitating/workshopping discussion with participants in groups.

Preparing your conference presentation

There are significant differences between a written paper, essay or report and a conference presentation. The introduction of a conference presentation should be considerably longer than that of a written text. Repetition is vital in a conference presentation. An audience needs to hear information several times and in slightly different forms to understand it, whereas in a written text the reader can refer back if necessary. Informal rather than formal language should be used in an oral conference presentation.

Think of a ‘catchy’ title as most conferences run parallel sessions and your presentation may compete with numerous presentations offered at the same time.

You will need to submit an abstract to the conference committee for your presentation to be accepted. If you have already written your paper, this task should be fairly easy as the abstract is a summary of the paper which is usually around 200–400 words . Ensure the issues, questions, thesis as well as the conclusion findings are clearly stated in the abstract.

In case the paper has not been written yet, prepare the abstract in such a way that you do not commit yourself to details that will not be addressed in the final paper.

Ensure that you follow guidelines set by the conference organizers regarding length, layout, references, etc. Write the paper as you would an essay, a report, or, more and more commonly, a journal article. The latter is particularly important if the conference proceedings are to be published (refereed or non-refereed). Check previous conference proceedings or journals in your field to ensure consistency with style, referencing, etc.

Presenting your conference presentation

When presenting your conference presentation you need to know your answers to the following questions:

  • Is the purpose clearly stated: are you reporting, comparing, convincing, arguing, questioning…?
  • Is the thesis/topic clearly stated: “In this paper, I want to report the findings of recent research which shows that under certain conditions, dolphins can be taught how to read simple text”?
  • Are your main arguments/ideas supported with evidence?
  • Are all the materials relevant to the topic?
  • Have you demonstrated your knowledge of the subject?
  • Is the level of technicality suited to the audience?
  • How do you reply to audience’s questions: long questions, ‘mini papers’ disguised as questions…?

Organise your presentation

Most presentations are organised according to a predictable pattern. They have three main stages: introduction, body and conclusion (i.e. tell them what you are going to say; then say it; then tell them what you have said).

When a presentation does not have these clear sections, it can be very difficult for listeners to follow what is being said.


This is the most crucial part of any presentation. You need to capture the audience’s interest in your topic and establish rapport with them. Your introduction should let the audience know what they are going to hear in the presentation. They need to know what to expect in order to get interested and to be able to follow you. Giving them an outline of your presentation in your introduction enables them to do this.

You need to:

  • capture the audience’s attention with a question, quotation, anecdote, or interesting statistic, etc.
  • main theme or main argument
  • main points you will cover and the order in which you will cover them.

The body of your presentation must be clearly organised with the main points highlighted. One effective technique is to number your ideas. Any idea which is new to your audience needs to be presented simply with supportive evidence or examples which will make it more easily understood. Each important idea should be presented several times in different ways within the body of your presentation. Your audience needs several opportunities to absorb the full meaning and the significance of the most important ideas. It is also important to state the links between your ideas clearly.

The body is where you develop your main ideas/argument, using supporting ideas/evidence. Use techniques that make it easy for the listener to follow your talk:

  • number your ideas: “ There are three main factors... ”
  • arrange your ideas in logical order, such as chronological; cause and effect; problem–solution
  • use transitional devices to help the audience follow the direction of your talk: “ secondly…; another important point is...; on the other hand…; I would now like to move on and look at another aspect of the research.. .”
  • state the main idea
  • refer to experts, provide examples to illustrate the idea
  • provide statistics, facts, tell anecdotes (if time permits)
  • provide case studies, etc.
  • repeat important ideas using different words so the audience has several opportunities to absorb them
  • don’t make the information too dense – remember the audience is listening, not reading!

The conclusion sums up main points. The conclusion should reinforce the central ideas of the presentation and signal a forceful ending. A weak, inconclusive or apologetic closing detracts from a good presentation. You should show in your conclusion that you have covered all the points that you said you would in your introduction. You should also show that you are confident, and that you have communicated effectively.

It is important to have a strong conclusion so the audience is left with a good impression.

  • Summarise the main ideas of your presentation.
  • Don’t introduce any new ideas.
  • Work towards a strong ending – don’t finish abruptly or say ‘That’s all’. Perhaps leave the audience with something to think about.

Presentation Tips

Advance preparation.

The more you know about your audience, the more likely you will be able to give an effective presentation. Try to find out as much as you can about who will be there, what their background is, why they will be coming, and how much they will already know about the topic. Go to the room where you will make your presentation and get a feel of its size, acoustics, seating, etc. If you can, familiarise yourself with the equipment in the room.

Clear pronunciation

Your voice must be clear and distinct. If you know you have difficulty with pronunciation, speak a little more slowly than usual. Use intonation, stress, changes in pace (slow down at important points, speed up at details, anecdotes) and pause to keep the listeners’ attention, and focus attention on important points.

Body language

It has been estimated that 75% of meaning transferred is non-verbal.  Try to maintain eye contact with your audience as this helps keep your audience engaged. Focus on standing straight and directly facing your audience, using hand gestures to emphasise important information.

Visual aids 

A presentation can be enhanced by the effective use of overhead transparencies (slides), charts, pictures, posters or PowerPoint presentations (with limited graphic/sound gimmicks). They provide variety and can help reinforce points made. However, you are still the main communicator of your message. Be familiar with your visual aids, refer to them specifically and only display them when you are referring to them, otherwise they will only be a distraction.

  • Physical charts, graphs, pictures, etc.: ensure that the size is appropriate for a large room. If necessary, back up with handouts.
  • Video: ensure the segment shown is not too long in relation to the overall length of your presentation.
  • Limit the amount of material on each visual: your listeners should be able to read and understand a visual in five seconds or less.
  • Be sure your visuals are large enough to be seen by everyone: the lettering should usually be minimum 20-22 pt. font.
  • Use diagrams, graphs and charts instead of words where possible.
  • Eliminate unnecessary detail from diagrams, graphs and charts.

Expression and style

Try to speak to your audience using notes rather than memorising or reading your presentation. In order to do this, you will have to practise your presentations as many times as you can. If possible, perform in front of an audience. Otherwise, practise in front of a mirror or record yourself on your phone. This will also give you an idea of how long your presentation will take.

Use a conversation style to make your audience feel personally involved. Each time you use the word ‘you’, the audience feels compelled to pay attention.  

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Adapted from Barthel, A. 2010, ‘Presenting a conference paper’, ELSSA Centre, University of Technology Sydney.   

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Enago Academy

International Conference Presentation Guide: The ultimate do’s and don’ts

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Looking to be a shining star and take your research to the next level? International conferences are a fantastic opportunity to showcase your latest findings, learn from the best in the business, and network with like-minded professionals across the globe.

Whether you are presenting or just attending, with our ultimate do’s and don’ts guide, you’ll be able to navigate the conference like a pro, leaving a lasting impression every attendee. So get ready to pack your bags, grab your business cards, and to make your mark on the world of academic conferences!

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Making your Research easy

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How to make PPT for international conference

“I have absolutely no time !! My paper got selected for one of the upcoming International conferences. I really do not know How to make PPT for international conference ”.  This is the most common situation for most scholars, researchers, and students when they are preparing to attain one International conference, a National Conference, or any webinar.

If you are facing this situation then you are in the right place to get all the details. We will guide you step by step if you’re preparing for your first conference or even if you have experienced several conferences.

How to make PPT for international conference ?

In this article, we will guide you in the right ways to make the PPTs in absolutely simple steps and will also tell you, what are the things you should not do or include while making your ppts and presenting them.

Why PPTs are important for the conference?

Before explaining all the steps let us understand, what is the importance of the PPTs in the conference.

In an international conference, you need to explain your research paper to the audience and the experts present in the Chair or Session Chair.

The best way to explain your idea is to present a PPT where the purpose of the study, literature survey, research process involved, data collection and processing,  sources of data, conclusions, and references get explained in detail.

What to do before making the PPT?

  • Complete writing your research paper for publication in the proper format according to the organizer’s paper format.
  • Before making the PPTs you need to collect all the figures and tables in one place.
  • Get all the permission or NOC of any copyrighted content if you are going to use it in the presentation.
  • Re-check all the facts and figures and their labels.

Steps to make PPT for international conference.

Step-1: choose a  good theme for the powerpoint presentation.

A good theme always catches the attention of the audience. The theme should be white in the background and try not to use any fancy background.

You can choose the existing theme from MS Powerpoint or browse on the internet.

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Step-2: Make a sequence of slides

The sequence of the presentation slide is also an important factor for any presentation.

As a presenter, you must emphasize the sequence as follows

  • The first slide must contain an introduction of the subject and the author’s details(name, designation, department of study, college or institution’s name) (Number of slides must be 1)
  • The second slide must contain the introduction of the study and the purpose of the paper. (Number of slides must be 1 to 2)
  • The next slide must contain the history of the subject or literature survey. (Number of slides must be 1 to 2)
  • You must put the proposed model and procedure of the study/data collection if any in the next couple of slides (Number of slides must be 2 to 4)
  • Study result slides: you can showcase your research finding and your contribution in the next couple of slides. (Number of slides must be 2 to 3)
  • Conclusion slide: This must be after the study result slide. (Number of slides must be 1)
  • Future studies and drawbacks of this study must be included after the conclusion slide. (Number of slides must be 1)
  • References and acknowledgment slide must be included at the last.  (Number of slides must be 1)
  • Thank you slide.  (Number of slides must be 1)

So these are the sequence of the slides and most of the reputed organizations follow this sequence.

Step-3: Emphasize on Data visualization

As a presenter, you might have all the understanding of the data you have presented in the table but while presenting you must convert these data into the chart or visualization format to make it easier for the listeners.

You can choose the various chart format to represent the date like Bar chart, column, pie, bar, Doughnut, Bubble, radar, etc. to represent the data.

Step-4: Use the proper format and source

While presenting you must choose the images, reports, tables/data, etc from credible sources like other journal reports from reputed agencies.

If you are quoting a report published in any newspaper or any opinion of any person, then you must check the originality of the content. Because sometimes the newspapers may publish the first phase information of the news without investing the actual fact.

You can’t miss:  Presenting at a conference for the first time 5 must things to do

Step-5: Use simple words and maintain clear visibility

While creating the PPT for the presentation you must use a simple form of the word which is easily understandable to others.

Maintain clear visibility and maintain proper space between lines. Sometimes the presenters copy all the information as written on paper and put it into the presentation slide which you should not do.

Step-6: Add conclusion, Thank you message and open for Q&A

In the end, you must include the References and conclusion of the presentation.

The listeners and the session chair may ask a few questions about the presentation and research to clear their doubts.

So always prepare for the Q&A after the presentation.

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What you should not do while making slides

  • Do not make your slide s too long
  • Do not use images, facts, figures or quotes from the untrusted sources.

So this is all about How to make PPT for an international conference. Comment below if you have any queries regarding making slides for the International Conference.

5 Things you must know before applying for a Conference visa

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Top 10 Conference Agenda Templates with Examples Samples

Top 10 Conference Agenda Templates with Examples Samples

Nawsheen Muzamil


Conferences have been held since time immemorial to address issues concerning general masses. From their first use in politics, today environmentalists, academicians, and business leaders are enthusiastic votaries of it. While conferences can be private or public, it becomes important for organizers to inform about their agendas in advance. A conference agenda is thus super-important for individuals or groups to make up their mind on whether to attend it or not.

A conference agenda, with its specific objectives, filters out the audience and helps the organizers in drawing a sizable crowd. It becomes the organizer’s responsibility to comply with local laws and customs while preparing a conference agenda. Thus, venue and timing becomes another valuable piece of information that should be disclosed in a Conference Agenda Template .

Since a conference agenda template conforms to a standard format, organizers must prepare it meticulously. To avoid this tedium, rely on SlideTeam’s expert-preparations that are 100% editable and compatible with all common PPT Software. Explore this valuable collection of conference agenda templates below to state your convention objectives boldly and clearly.

Template 1: Conference Agenda Planning Template

Looking for an all-in-one PPT Template to showcase your upcoming conference schedules and plans? Explore no further than this editable PPT Presentation to present your conference itinerary. Showcase all your business conferences related to marketing management, environment health, corporate social responsibility, finance, etc, in chronological order. Highlight the individual schedules with respect to day-wise programs and activities. Download it now!

Conference Agenda PPT Presentation

Download this template

Template 2: Conference Agenda Template

Planning to host business conferences back to back? Then, schedule your convention activities and enlist all major tasks with this editable conference agenda template. Specify the time and venue for individual conferences related to HR discussions, annual general board meetings, organizational growth and finance planning. Categorize activities by dates and time. Your search for a one-day conference agenda template, or two-day conference agenda template is also met with this conference itinerary PPT Presentation. Download it now.

Conference Agenda PowerPoint Template Bundles

Template 3: Conference Meeting Agenda Template Report

Share all relevant details of any of your upcoming conferences with this agenda document report. Add details of time and venue, beside the list of participants, including speakers, organizers, and prominent audiences with this dedicated template. Document contact details for better coordination during the convention. Use this PPT Compilation to its fullest potential by visiting the download link below.

Bi fold conference meeting agenda document report

Template 4: One-Page Business Conference Agenda Flier Template

Looking for a succinct design to update your audience on the upcoming business conference? Here’s a one-pager flier template to end your quest! Share essential details of your conference such as theme, venue, time, and date via this editable PPT Layout. Not only this, illustrate the event flow, and share a brief of the prominent speakers and organizers. To add to the utility of this official document, supplement it with accurate contact details. Grab this PPT layout now!

One page business conference flyer presentation

Template 5: Conference Meeting Agenda in One-Page Presentation Report 

Here is a more direct approach to share your meeting agenda. Download this editable PPT Layout to share the basic details of your conference meeting in a simple and concise manner. Highlight date, time, and location, along with the facilitators organizing the meeting. Mention keynote speakers, and share the schedule of the conference flow. Add relevant contact details for the audience to clear their queries ahead of the meeting. Grab this easy-to-edit conference itinerary PPT Design now!

Conference meeting agenda in one page presentation report

Template 6: Marketing and Sales Conference Agenda Template

Is your company hosting a conference on marketing and sales and you need to spread the word? Then, use this content-ready design to fill in the details of your convention spanning across days. Highlight the main activities under the sales and marketing banner. Use this editable layout to illustrate your schedules. Support this PPT Layout with a copyright image and get started on conference preparations by downloading it from the link below.

Marketing and sales conference agenda PPT

Template 7: Conference Agenda of Business Meeting Template

If a large scale business meeting is in offing, here’s a conference agenda template to lay down the timetable of activities and programs. Specify programs and schedule their timings over the span of more than a day to follow. Mention breaks, important sessions by keynote speakers etc to inform the participants of all activities. To claim this content-ready design, click the download link below.

Conference agenda of business meeting

Template 8: Template for Conference Agenda on Environment Health and Climate Change 

With the entire world sharing their concerns on environment imbalance, and you want to contribute with a conference on issues related to this, use our PPT Template. Showcase the main highlights of your upcoming conference on environmental health and climate change. Outline the activities to be done with this one-day conference agenda template. Replicate this editable slide and you can create a multi-day long conference schedule. To utilize this PPT Layout to its complete potential, click the link below.

Conference agenda on environment health and climate change

Download this template 

Template 9: Annual Business Meeting Conference Agenda with Event Presenter Template

Aiming to host an annual business conference meeting with your colleagues and top management? Then, use this content-ready PPT Design to schedule and demonstrate the order of activities with special mention of recesses. Moreover, dig deep into each session by identifying its keynote speaker. Use this editable conference itinerary layout to share accurate conference information upfront. Download now.

Annual Business Meeting Conference Agenda With Event Presenter

Template 10: Template for Annual Sales Conference Schedule with Other Details 

Deploy this detailed structure to represent your conference agenda. Present details of your one-day conference beginning with the primary host and attendees of your day long program. Then, fill in the necessary convention program to demonstrate details like topic and presenter against their assigned time slots. Download now!

Annual sales conference schedule with other details

We hope you found the ideal sample conference agenda template from this collection. You can also reach out to us to place your customization requests. 

PS: Looking for a way to steer office communication? A memo template can do wonders in getting urgent messages across office pods efficiently and professionally. We have collated this wonderful guide for you replete with memo templates in this regard. Check out now!

FAQs on Conference Agenda Templates

What is meant by a conference.

A conference is a meeting of individuals with a common professional or academic interest, typically for exchanging ideas, discussing and resolving issues, making decisions, and establishing or maintaining contacts. Conferences can be held in person or virtually and can range in size from small, informal gatherings to large, international events with thousands of participants.

How is a conference different from an All-hands?

A conference and an all-hands meeting are two different types of events, typically used for different purposes.

A conference is a gathering of individuals from different organizations or industries, typically to discuss a specific topic or share knowledge and ideas. Conferences often include keynote speeches, panel discussions, and networking opportunities.

An all-hands meeting is a company-wide gathering of employees, typically used to share company updates, goals, and progress. All-hands meetings often include presentations from senior leaders and interactive sessions for employees to ask questions and provide feedback.

While conferences are more focused on networking and knowledge sharing with external individuals, all-hands meetings focus on internal communication and building company culture within an organization.

How long does a conference run?

The length of a conference can vary, depending on its purpose and size. Some conferences may last only a few hours, while others can run for several days. Larger international conferences can last a week or more. The exact duration of a conference will depend on its agenda, which outlines the topics to be covered and the schedule of events. Here are some categories of conferences based on their duration:

  • One-day conferences: Industry Summit, Executive Forum
  • Two-day conferences: Marketing Summit, Leadership Conference
  • Th ree-day conferences: Global Entrepreneurship Summit, Human Resources Conference
  • Multi-day conferences (4-7 days): International Consumer Electronics Show (CES), World Economic Forum
  • Week-long conferences: Summer Research Conference, International Conference on Artificial Intelligence
  • Month-long conferences: International Festival of Arts and Ideas, Edinburgh International Festival.

What is a conference agenda?

An agenda is a detailed plan or schedule of activities, events, and discussions that will take place during a conference. It outlines the topics to be covered, the order in which they will be discussed, the speakers who will present, and the times at which each event will occur. The agenda serves as a roadmap for the conference and helps participants understand what they can expect to happen and when. An effective agenda ensures that the conference runs smoothly and that all participants have a clear understanding of the schedule and their role in the events.

How do you write a conference agenda?

In order to write a detailed conference agenda, make sure to incorporate the following features:

  • Define the purpose and theme of the conference.
  • Determine the length and format of the conference (e.g. half-day, full-day, multi-day).
  • Identify keynote speakers and sessions to be included.
  • Allocate time slots for each session, including breaks and networking opportunities.
  • Provide detailed information for each session, including speaker names, titles, and descriptions.
  • Consider including interactive elements, such as panels, roundtables, and workshops.
  • Make sure to allow for sufficient time for Q&A.
  • Provide a clear and concise schedule for attendees, including start and end times for each session.
  • Review and revise the agenda as needed 

What is a conference itinerary?

A conference itinerary is a schedule or plan that outlines the events and activities for a conference. It typically includes:

  • Start and end times of the conference
  • Locations of all events and activities
  • Names and descriptions of keynote speakers, sessions, and workshops
  • Time slots for meals, breaks, and networking opportunities
  • Contact information for conference organizers and attendees
  • Other important details, such as transportation arrangements, hotel information, and local attractions.
  • The conference itinerary serves as a guide for attendees to help them plan their time effectively and make the most of the conference experience.

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How to deliver an oral presentation

Georgina wellstead.

a Lister Hospital, East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust

Katharine Whitehurst

b Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital

Buket Gundogan

c University College London

d Guy's St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK

Delivering an oral presentation in conferences and meetings can seem daunting. However, if delivered effectively, it can be an invaluable opportunity to showcase your work in front of peers as well as receive feedback on your project. In this “How to” article, we demonstrate how one can plan and successfully deliver an engaging oral presentation.

Giving an oral presentation at a scientific conference is an almost inevitable task at some point during your medical career. The prospect of presenting your original work to colleagues and peers, however, may be intimidating, and it can be difficult to know how to approach it. Nonetheless, it is important to remember that although daunting, an oral presentation is one of the best ways to get your work out there, and so should be looked upon as an exciting and invaluable opportunity.

Slide content

Although things may vary slightly depending on the type of research you are presenting, the typical structure is as follows:

  • Opening slide (title of study, authors, institutions, and date)
  • Methodology
  • Discussion (including strengths and weaknesses of the study)


Picking out only the most important findings to include in your presentation is key and will keep it concise and easy to follow. This in turn will keep your viewers engaged, and more likely to understand and remember your presentation.

Psychological analysis of PowerPoint presentations, finds that 8 psychological principles are often violated 1 . One of these was the limited capacity of working memory, which can hold 4 units of information at any 1 time in most circumstances. Hence, too many points or concepts on a slide could be detrimental to the presenter’s desire to give information.

You can also help keep your audience engaged with images, which you can talk around, rather than lots of text. Video can also be useful, for example, a surgical procedure. However, be warned that IT can let you down when you need it most and you need to have a backup plan if the video fails. It’s worth coming to the venue early and testing it and resolving issues beforehand with the AV support staff if speaking at a conference.

Slide design and layout

It is important not to clutter your slides with too much text or too many pictures. An easy way to do this is by using the 5×5 rule. This means using no more than 5 bullet points per slide, with no more than 5 words per bullet point. It is also good to break up the text-heavy slides with ones including diagrams or graphs. This can also help to convey your results in a more visual and easy-to-understand way.

It is best to keep the slide design simple, as busy backgrounds and loud color schemes are distracting. Ensure that you use a uniform font and stick to the same color scheme throughout. As a general rule, a light-colored background with dark-colored text is easier to read than light-colored text on a dark-colored background. If you can use an image instead of text, this is even better.

A systematic review study of expert opinion papers demonstrates several key recommendations on how to effectively deliver medical research presentations 2 . These include:

  • Keeping your slides simple
  • Knowing your audience (pitching to the right level)
  • Making eye contact
  • Rehearsing the presentation
  • Do not read from the slides
  • Limiting the number of lines per slide
  • Sticking to the allotted time

You should practice your presentation before the conference, making sure that you stick to the allocated time given to you. Oral presentations are usually short (around 8–10 min maximum), and it is, therefore, easy to go under or over time if you have not rehearsed. Aiming to spend around 1 minute per slide is usually a good guide. It is useful to present to your colleagues and seniors, allowing them to ask you questions afterwards so that you can be prepared for the sort of questions you may get asked at the conference. Knowing your research inside out and reading around the subject is advisable, as there may be experts watching you at the conference with more challenging questions! Make sure you re-read your paper the day before, or on the day of the conference to refresh your memory.

It is useful to bring along handouts of your presentation for those who may be interested. Rather than printing out miniature versions of your power point slides, it is better to condense your findings into a brief word document. Not only will this be easier to read, but you will also save a lot of paper by doing this!

Delivering the presentation

Having rehearsed your presentation beforehand, the most important thing to do when you get to the conference is to keep calm and be confident. Remember that you know your own research better than anyone else in the room! Be sure to take some deep breaths and speak at an appropriate pace and volume, making good eye contact with your viewers. If there is a microphone, don’t keep turning away from it as the audience will get frustrated if your voice keeps cutting in and out. Gesturing and using pointers when appropriate can be a really useful tool, and will enable you to emphasize your important findings.

Presenting tips

  • Do not hide behind the computer. Come out to the center or side and present there.
  • Maintain eye contact with the audience, especially the judges.
  • Remember to pause every so often.
  • Don’t clutter your presentation with verbal noise such as “umm,” “like,” or “so.” You will look more slick if you avoid this.
  • Rhetorical questions once in a while can be useful in maintaining the audience’s attention.

When reaching the end of your presentation, you should slow down in order to clearly convey your key points. Using phases such as “in summary” and “to conclude” often prompts those who have drifted off slightly during your presentation start paying attention again, so it is a critical time to make sure that your work is understood and remembered. Leaving up your conclusions/summary slide for a short while after stopping speaking will give the audience time to digest the information. Conclude by acknowledging any fellow authors or assistants before thanking the audience for their attention and inviting any questions (as long as you have left sufficient time).

If asked a question, firstly thank the audience member, then repeat what they have asked to the rest of the listeners in case they didn’t hear the first time. Keep your answers short and succinct, and if unsure say that the questioner has raised a good point and that you will have to look into it further. Having someone else in the audience write down the question is useful for this.

The key points to remember when preparing for an oral presentation are:

  • Keep your slides simple and concise using the 5×5 rule and images.
  • When appropriate; rehearse timings; prepare answers to questions; speak slowly and use gestures/ pointers where appropriate; make eye contact with the audience; emphasize your key points at the end; make acknowledgments and thank the audience; invite questions and be confident but not arrogant.

Conflicts of interest

The authors declare that they have no financial conflict of interest with regard to the content of this report.

Sponsorships or competing interests that may be relevant to content are disclosed at the end of this article.

Published online 8 June 2017

The International Conference on Libraries and Performance Measurement

14th international conference proceedings & presentations.

Full conference proceedings are now available for download: 14th International Conference 2021 (PDF) .

An overview of the 2021 Conference Programme is available in Ex Ordo .

Presentation slides and papers are also available via Ex Ordo. To access individual presentations and papers, you will need to set a free Ex Ordo account. Once you have set up an account, please click on the presentation in the session overview and scroll to the bottom of the page to find the powerpoint file (.pptx) and final paper submission (.pdf), when available.

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Training (2023 EIC)

Training recordings (links to youtube) and presentations (slides in pdf) for the 2023 international emissions inventory conference.

  • Best Practices for Developing Point Inventories, by Julia Gamas, US EPA; Art Diem, US EPA (Link to YouTube in progress)

      Point Source Best Practices Training_508 (pdf) (10 MB)

  • EIS, NEI, and Speciation, by Chris Chapman, US EPA; Lindsay Dayton, US EPA; Karl Seltzer, US EPA (Link to YouTube in progress)

      EIConference2023_EIS_NEI_Training_508 (pdf) (19.7 MB)

powerpoint presentation for international conference

  • Oil and Gas Emissions, Melissa Weitz, US EPA; Stephanie Bogle, US EPA; Mike Pring, ERG; Regi Oommen, ERG (Link to YouTube in progress)

       EIC 2023 Oil and Gas Training (pdf) (3.5 MB)

  • MOVES Training, by Aaron Letterly, US EPA; Daniel Bizer-Cox, US EPA; Laura Berry, US EPA (Link to YouTube and slides in progress)
  • CAERS and Controls, by Julia Gamas, US EPA; Chris Chapman, US EPA  (Link to YouTube in progress)

       Reporting Control Devices in CAERS_508 (pdf) (4 MB)

  • Nonpoint Best Practices, by Hannah Derrick, Abt Associates; David Cooley, Abt Associates; Jennifer Snyder, US EPA (Link to YouTube in progress)

       2023 Nonpoint Training Emissions Inventory Training (pdf) (2.2 MB)

       Nonpoint Best Practices (pdf) (8.2 MB)

  • SIP Emission Inventories: Basics, Regional Haze, and Ozone and PM2.5, by Marc Houyoux, US EPA (Link to YouTube in progress)

       Emissions Inventory Guidance Training (pdf) (3 MB)

  • Air Emissions Inventory Home
  • Data and Documentation
  • Reports and Summaries
  • Air Pollutants Emissions Trends Data
  • Air Emissions Reporting Requirement (AERR)
  • Emissions Inventory System (EIS) Gateway
  • EIS User's Manual and How To's
  • Emissions Inventory System (EIS) Bridge Tools
  • Emissions Development Tools
  • Emissions Inventory Guidance
  • Emissions Inventory Listservs
  • Points of Contact
  • Frequent Questions

Advancing social justice, promoting decent work ILO is a specialized agency of the United Nations

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News Releases

Presentations invited for 2024 astm international conference on advanced manufacturing (icam).

powerpoint presentation for international conference

Presentations are invited for the 2024 ASTM International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing (ICAM 2024), hosted by the ASTM International Additive Manufacturing Center of Excellence (AM CoE) and supported by more than a dozen ASTM technical committees. This conference will be held Oct. 28 – Nov. 1, 2024 at the Hilton Atlanta in Atlanta, GA.

ICAM 2024 is ASTM International’s ninth annual flagship event related to standardization, qualification, and certification with a focus on industry-specific requirements addressing the entire advanced manufacturing processes and value chains.

The five-day conference will consist of 27 symposia covering major topics and key areas in additive and advanced manufacturing. It is organized by more than 100 scientific organizing committee members, all advanced manufacturing experts from industry, academia, government and regulatory agencies, national labs, and more.

Authors are invited to submit their abstract, outlining the scope of their presentation, to one of the 27 different conference topics. These topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Feedstock materials,
  • Fatigue and fracture,
  • Microstructure and Mechanical Behavior,
  • Non-Destructive Evaluation,
  • Construction,
  • Industry 4.0,
  • Modelling, simulations, and digital twins
  • Robotics and Automation, and more.

Explore the comprehensive list of conference topics, along with recently updated guidelines and modifications to the Student Presentation and Poster Competition, on the ICAM 2024 website .

ICAM sets the stage to bring experts from around the world to exchange the latest developments in the field of advanced manufacturing with emphasis on the transition of research to application. For more information about ICAM 2024, important deadlines, and abstract submission, please visit https://amcoe.org/event/icam2024/ .  

AM CoE Media Contact : Tessa Sulkes, tel +1.610.832.9677; [email protected]

Media Inquiries : Gavin O’Reilly , tel +1.610.832.9618; [email protected]  

Release #11758

Global Health Week events mark 30th anniversary of landmark Cairo conference

Illustration of multi-cultural people in a crowd

April 18, 2024 — The Department of Global Health and Population (GHP) at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health is presenting Global Health Week from April 22 to 26. The event will mark the 30th anniversary of the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) held in Cairo, Egypt. At the conference, delegates developed a Programme of Action emphasizing that the protection of individual human rights—including gender equity and reproductive health and rights—must be at the heart of population and development programs. During Global Health Week, experts will analyze the ICPD agenda’s progress and setbacks, discuss current and future priorities in global health, and explore topics not addressed in Cairo, such as climate change and LGBTQIA+ issues.

“Thirty years ago, delegates from 179 countries met for a landmark conference that reshaped population and development policy discussions. Our Global Health Week symposium is a great opportunity to hear from scholars who were at the 1994 conference and who have been working on Cairo’s Programme of Action ever since,” said Marcia Castro , chair of the Department of Global Health and Population and Andelot Professor of Demography,

Visit the Global Health Week website for more information and registration links for each event.

Schedule of events

  • Faculty Debate: “Resolved: High quality evidence about what works is the most important gap in maternal health policymaking” Monday, April 22 / 1–2 pm / Building 1, Room 1208 and Zoom Speakers: Kevin Croke  and Margaret McConnell
  • Shifting global health paradigms and effective advocacy: Feminists making the impossible possible in Cairo Tuesday, April 23 / 1–2 pm / Zoom Carmen Barroso, participant in the 1994 ICPD and former director of the Western Hemisphere Region of International Planned Parenthood Federation, and Kelly Blanchard, president of Ibis Reproductive Health, discuss shifting population and global health paradigms and the impact of advocacy and civil society engagement.
  • “The Janes” movie screening and discussion Wednesday, April 24 / 5–8 pm / Building 1, Room 1208 Hosted by Jaqueline Bhabha
  • “I was obligated to accept”: Coercion and autonomy in global family planning programs 30 years after Cairo Thursday, April 25 / 1–2 pm / Zoom Brown Bag Seminar presented by public health researcher and feminist social demographer Leigh Senderowicz
  • Global Health Week symposium and poster day Friday, April 26 / 1:30–5 pm with reception / Joseph B. Martin Center, 77 Avenue Louis Pasteur, Boston Natalia Kanem, executive director of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), will present the keynote address and panelists will discuss the Cairo conference and beyond.

—  Kimberly Ploeg and Jessica Majano

Illustration: iStock / Angelina Bambina

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  • Pi Sigma Alpha 2024 Conference Presentations

Sasha, Sam, and Abby posing for a picture with a photo backdrop that says The George Washington University: The Graduate School of Political Management.

From left to right: Sasha, Sam, and Abby.

Pi Sigma Alpha , the national honor society for political science students, holds an annual conference for students to showcase their research. This year it took place at George Washington University in Washington D.C. on Feb 16th-18th. Three of our students went to the conference to present their research.

Sasha presenting her thesis to an audience.

Sasha Poletes presented on “Protections Against Gender Based Violence in Uzbekistan: Assessing the Legislative process.”

Abby presenting her thesis to an audience.

Abby Tank presented on “Democracy and Organized Crime: The Case of Brazil.”

Sam presenting his thesis to an audience.

Sam Creemer presented on “The Impact of 1968.”

Our students do amazing research and we are always excited when they have opportunities to showcase it! If you would like to join the next Pi Sigma Alpha conference, check out the Pi Sigma Alpha conference page or reach out to a professor to learn more.

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Mettler-toledo international inc. announces webcast of presentation at the bofa securities 2024 healthcare conference.

COLUMBUS, Ohio, April 25, 2024 --( BUSINESS WIRE )--Mettler-Toledo International Inc. (NYSE:MTD) today announced it will webcast its presentation at the BofA Securities 2024 Healthcare Conference on Wednesday, May 15, 2024, at 8:40am Pacific Time (11:40pm Eastern Time). To listen to the live audio webcast of the call, visit Events and Presentations on the Investor section of the Company’s website, investor.mt.com .

METTLER TOLEDO (NYSE: MTD) is a leading global supplier of precision instruments and services. We have strong leadership positions in all of our businesses and believe we hold global number-one market positions in most of them. We are recognized as an innovation leader and our solutions are critical in key R&D, quality control, and manufacturing processes for customers in a wide range of industries including life sciences, food, and chemicals. Our sales and service network is one of the most extensive in the industry. Our products are sold in more than 140 countries and we have a direct presence in approximately 40 countries. With proven growth strategies and a focus on execution, we have achieved a long-term track record of strong financial performance. For more information, please visit www.mt.com .

View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20240425917926/en/

Adam Uhlman Head of Investor Relations METTLER TOLEDO Direct: 614-438-4794 [email protected]


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