difference between an md and a phd

  • PhD vs MD – Differences explained
  • Types of Doctorates

A MD is a Doctor of Medicine, whilst a PhD is a Doctor of Philosophy. A MD program focuses on the application of medicine to diagnose and treat patients. A PhD program research focuses on research (in any field) to expand knowledge.


This article will outline the key differences between a MD and a PhD. If you are unsure of which degree is suitable for you, then read on to find out the focuses and typical career paths of both. Please note this article has been written for the perspective of a US audience.

What is a MD?

MD (also seen stylized as M.D and M.D.) comes from the Latin term Medicīnae Doctor and denotes a Doctor of Medicine.

MDs practice allopathic medicine (they use modern medicine to treat symptoms and diseases). A common example would be your physician, though there are numerous types of medical doctors, with different areas of speciality and as such may be referred to differently.

What is a PhD?

A PhD (sometimes seen stylized as Ph.D.) comes from the Latin term Philosophiae Doctor and denotes a Doctor of Philosophy.

A PhD can be awarded for carrying out original research in any field, not just medicine. In comparison to an MD, a PhD in a Medicinal field is focused on finding out new knowledge, as opposed to applying current knowledge.

A PhD in Medicine therefore does not require you to attend medical school or complete a residency program. Instead, you are required to produce a thesis (which summarizes your research findings) and defend your work in an oral examination.

What is the difference between a MD and a PhD?

Both are Doctoral Degrees, and someone with either degree can be referred to as a doctor. But for clarity, MDs are awarded to those with expertise in practicing medicine and are therefore more likely to be found in clinical environments. PhDs are awarded to researchers, and are therefore more likely to be found in academic environments.

This does not mean that MDs cannot pursue a research career, nor does it mean that a PhD cannot pursue clinical practice. It does mean, however, that PhDs are more suited to those who would wish to pursue a career in research, and that MDs are more suited to those who prefer the clinical aspects of medicine or aspire to become a practicing physician.

It should also be noted that a medical PhD doctorates possess transferable skills which make them desirable to various employers. Their familiarity with the scientific method and research experience makes them well suited to industry work beyond medical research.

Program structure and time

The standard MD program structure sees students undertake 2 years of coursework and classroom-based learning, before undertaking 2 years of rotational work in a clinical environment (such as a hospital). Getting an MD requires attending a medical school (accredited by the Liaison Committee on Medical Education) and completing a residency program. Both of which prepare students to diagnose patients and practice clinical medicine.

The standard PhD program lasts 5 to 7 years and sees students undertake original research (monitored by a supervisor). Getting a PhD requires the contribution of novel findings, which leads to the advancement of knowledge within your field of research. With the exception of some clinical PhDs, a PhD alone is not enough to be able to prescribe medicine.

PhD doctorates are required to summarize the purpose, methodology, findings and significance of their research in a thesis. The final step is the ‘ Viva Voce ’ where the student must defend their thesis to a panel of examiners.

To summarize, a MD program usually lasts 4 years, whilst a PhD program lasts 5 to 7 years. Before being licensed to practice medicine, however, you must first complete a residency program which can last between 3 to 7 years.

What is a MD/PhD?

A MD/PhD is a dual doctoral degree. The program alternates between clinical focused learning and research focused work. This is ideal for those who are interested in both aspects of medicine. According to the Association of American Medical Colleges, an estimated 600 students matriculate into MD-PhD programs each year .

The typical length of a MD/PhD program is 7 to 8 years, almost twice the length of a MD alone. As with a MD, MD/PhDs are still required to attend medical school and must complete a residency program before being able to practice medicine.

In comparison to PhD and MD programs, MD/PhD positions in the United States are scarce and consequently more competitive. The tuition fees for MD/PhD positions are typically much lower than MD and PhD positions are sometimes waived completely.

Those who possess a MD/PhD are commonly referred to as medical scientists. The ability to combine their medical knowledge with research skills enables MD/PhDs to work in a wide range of positions from academia to industrial research.

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PhD vs MD vs MD PhD – What’s right for you?

  • Cracking Med School Admissions Team

For some students, choosing between a career in medicine and one in science seems like an impossible task. Many times, students will engage in research during college and develop an interest in medicine and do not want to give up the ability to do both by pursuing either a PhD or MD. Recognizing this desire, many medical schools have also created MD-PhD combined programs that allow students to get both degrees. With the plethora of options offered for graduate degrees coming out of college, many applicants are unsure of which program is best for them.

In this blog post, we will cover the following topics:

  • PhD vs MD vs MD PhD?

What are the differences between PhD vs MD?

  • MD vs MD PhD – which is right for a future doctor?
  • Pros and Cons of MD PhD
  • Complete List of MSTP Programs
  • Resources for future MD PhD Applicants

Our Students Were Accepted at These MD PhD Programs!

Stanford Medicine

PhD vs MD vs MD PhD

Before we analyze the differences between these programs, we will clearly define what each program consists of.

What is a PhD? PhD programs are funded graduate doctoral degree programs ranging from 4-8 years offered by research universities to teach and mentor graduates to contribute to research in their field, develop societal solutions, and train the next generation of scientists.

What is an MD? MD degrees are granted by allopathic medical schools in the United States, last four years, and prepare graduates to enter the world of medicine as physicians, usually through continued training in residency and fellowship programs.

What is an MD PhD program? MD/PhD programs are funded programs that last 7-9 years and train graduates to be clinical and academic leaders as both physicians and researchers who work closely with patients but also dedicate a significant amount of their time to researching areas adjacent to medicine to improve knowledge and treatment protocols.

When deciding PhD vs MD vs MD PhD, most students will first need to decide what aspects of science are most interesting to them – do they enjoy the interpersonal interactions or working with the biology itself to make new discoveries? First, let’s look at the differences between a PhD vs MD. There are three core differences between getting a PhD and an MD: career opportunities, admissions and training, and cost.

Career Options

As rigorous and prestigious degree programs, both MDs and PhDs have a plethora of career opportunities available to them. Most graduates from MD programs elected to continue their training by completing a residency and fellowship to become specialized and practice medicine. Nonetheless some graduates also choose to pursue alternative careers in public health, business, or education. In fact, 32% of graduates from Stanford’s MD program [1] chose not to a pursue a residency, many drawn by the allure of alternative ways to produce impact in society.

PhD graduates tend to have slightly more options, in both the academic and professional spheres. Many PhD candidates choose to pursue the established path of joining a research university to perform their research while teaching undergraduate and graduate students. This path often is best suited for those extremely passionate about their research topics who seek to mentor younger researchers and students but suffers from department politics attached to rising up professorial ranks and difficulties in receiving funding in certain disciplines.

Many other graduates choose to pursue non-academic work, whether it is joining an established industry company, starting their own companies, or working in public sector agencies. In these endeavors, they are able to leverage much of their subject matter expertise to conduct research, assess business operations and growth options, and contribute to public health or public works initiatives. At the same time, many graduates who take this path may find themselves drifting away from their academic routes and may find a slightly more fast-paced lifestyle than in academia.

Whether you pursue and MD degree or PhD degree, there are several post-graduate career options. 

Admissions and Training

Admissions and training processes and timelines are also highly variable between MD and PhD paths, and require different planning for each.

MD Admissions and Training: MD programs often have extremely long admissions timelines, often starting two years before matriculation when many students begin studying for the MCAT (the medical school admissions exam). In addition, the increasing expectations of applicants has resulted in an increasing number of students taking gap years to adequately prepare to apply. After applying and matriculating, medical students have four years of medical school, followed by anywhere from 3-10 years of post-graduate specialization training. Furthermore, applications often have multiple components, require in-person interviews, and have delayed decision timelines.

PhD Admissions and Training: In contrast, PhD programs have relatively simpler timelines, with most students applying the winter before they plan to matriculate, with many schools not requiring standardized testing (GRE) to apply. After applying, many students receive interviews within a few weeks and an admissions decision soon after. After matriculating, program length can differ significantly, but usually consists of 5-8 years of graduate research and training before one is able to complete their degree.

Despite recruiting students with similar skillsets and backgrounds, medical school and graduate PhD programs have radically different cost structures. While pursuing an MD is a costly endeavor (often ranging from $200-400k), PhDs are usually fully funded and most students receive a generous living stipend. With this in mind, one would assume that most students would naturally gravitate to a PhD. However, while the median biology PhD starting salary is $100k [2] , the median starting salary for a physician is double – at $200k [2] – such that many physicians recoup the cost of their education in the long term. Although the ultimate decision will depend on your desire to take on loans and your career and training area preferences, cost is undoubtably an important component of this decision as well.

What are the differences between MD vs MD PhD

Differences between MD and MD-PhD admissions are neither widely discussed nor well understood, mostly because only 6-7% of students applying to medical school choose to pursue this path. [4]  

MD-PhD programs are one of many dual-degree programs offered by medical schools and allow you to receive medical training while developing expertise in a particular research area. Your research focus can range from hard science like molecular biology and genetics to the social sciences like sociology. Since you would be getting two degrees, a MD-PhD program is designed to take 7-8 years, instead of 4 years for medical school and 5-6 years for a PhD. Usually, MD-PhD candidates will spend their first two years doing pre-clinical coursework with MD students. After completing their pre-medical requirements and taking the STEP 1 exam, MD-PhD students will usually take 3-5 years for their doctoral studies before they return for their final two years of clinical rotations.

In the United States, there are approximately 130 MD-PhD programs and 45 of these programs are known as Medical Scientist Training Programs (MSTP) programs. MSTP programs are funded by the National Institute of Health (NIH) and are very competitive as they offer full tuition coverage, support with living expenses, and a stipend. While some MD-PhD programs are funded by institutions, many of them may not offer the same financial support as an MSTP program.

Since the key difference between the MD and MD-PhD program is the emphasis on research, make sure that you will be able to demonstrate a longstanding commitment to research and that you have tangibly and significantly contributed to research projects, which can take the form of presentations or serving as an author on papers. Also, make sure that your research mentor is prepared to submit a strong recommendation to attest to your readiness for such a rigorous program.

Only 6-7% of medical school applicants apply as an MD PhD candidate

AMCAS most meaningful activity example #2: This applicant chose to write about his work in the emergency room. You can see both the 700 character AMCAS activity description and the 1325 character AMCAS most meaningful essay.

Pros and Cons of Applying MD PhD

Pros of applying md phd vs md, why md phd #1: tuition funding .

There is no doubting it – medical school is very expensive. Since many MD-PhD programs are fully funded with a living stipend on top, many MD-PhD candidates feel that they are being “paid” to pursue this education. While many of their medical school classmates will graduate with tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt, most MD-PhD candidates will not incur any cost during the course of their degree, attracting many looking to avoid accumulating further debt in addition to whatever was accrued during college. Although this funding seems attractive at first, it is important to remember that it comes at the cost of four more years, which could be time spent earning an attending’s salary. Depending on your choice of specialty, receiving this funding could actually be a negative if you aren’t interested in research.

Why MD PhD #2: Allows you to pursue 2 passions

If you are unable to decide between science and medicine, or want to pursue both, applying to an MD-PhD program will allow you to bridge these two disciplines and enjoy the best of both worlds. Many MD-PhD candidates believe that their professional careers would be incomplete without both research and medicine or seek to combine these two passions in their career. These are the exact candidates that MD-PhD programs exist for as they open up many opportunities that may not be available for regular MD students. Especially if you hope to have a career in academia or research-based medical universities, the skills and competencies of doing research and applying for grants is highly prized.

Why MD PhD #3: Receive great research and medical training in a shorter time period

It is undeniable that the condensed time frame of the MD-PhD program is highly appealing to those who seek to pursue both degrees. Instead of taking 9-10 years if completed separately, an MD-PhD program is highly integrated and structured to allow you to focus on one pursuit at a time while still providing continuity so that you can do research during your medical training and medical volunteering while completing your doctoral work. This blend allows for the shorter time period and still allows you to benefit from receiving high quality science and medical instruction.

Cons of Applying MD PhD vs MD

Why not apply md phd #1: time to complete degree .

Although the condensed format is ideal for those who have their hearts set on getting both an MD and a PhD, if you are unsure about pursuing both degrees or have a clear preference for one, the significantly longer educational period is a major factor to consider. A major aspect of the admission process for the MD-PhD is determining if you are prepared to make an almost decade-long commitment to a discipline, institution, and city. The projected 7-8 years to complete an MD-PhD is just that – a projection. Many times, there are factors both inside and outside of your control that can cause this number to vary greatly and increase to up to 10 years. Furthermore, since many people start their MD-PhDs at 23 or 24 years old, they often complete their residency in their late 30s, a fundamentally different time of your life where many of your friends from college may already have families and have been in the workforce for over a decade.

Why not apply MD PhD #2: You can still do research without a PhD

Although MD-PhD students learn how to apply for grants and the research skills necessary to drive their future academic careers, many MD students often pick up these skills if they take a research year, pursue a master’s degree, or spend a significant amount of time doing research in residency and beyond. In fact, while many researchers in academic institutions are PhDs or MD-PhDs, there are also numerous MDs who spend a large amount of their time dedicated to both clinical and basic science research. Furthermore, if your research interests are solely clinical in nature, you may be better served developing these skills in a residency or pursuing a master’s degree than pursuing an MD-PhD, which is usually more suited for basic scientists. Another downside to the MD-PhD is that while you will be focused on trying to pursue two separate paths as a clinician and scientists, many of your peers will be spending all of their time focusing on one of the two, which may put you at a disadvantage compared to them.

Why not apply MD PhD #3: May limit specialty choice

Finally, while MD-PhD students can technically pursue any residency after they graduate medical school, there is often a push to place them in less competitive and non-surgical specialties where they will have less clinical time and therefore more time to dedicate to their research work. Since surgical specialties are highly procedural, research is often a secondary consideration and usually not as prized as surgical dexterity. Furthermore, since you are more valuable to an academic center as a surgeon performing high value elective procedures than as a researcher, there is often a push to have surgeons focus on their clinical work. Similarly, many MD-PhDs may be encouraged to pursue less competitive specialties where they have more time to focus on their research work or where their research funding may be more valuable than the money they bring in from being a clinician. Although an MD-PhD student is free to pursue any specialty that they desire, these pressures are commonplace and often can stifle strong clinical preferences in favor of research potential.

List of MSTP Programs

As stated earlier, MSTP MD PhD programs are fully funded by the National Institutes of Health. 

As of 2021, here is the list of MSTP MD PhD programs by state.

University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Medicine http://www.uab.edu/medicine/mstp

Stanford University  http://med.stanford.edu/mstp.html

University of California, Davis School of Veterinary Medicine https://vstp.vetmed.ucdavis.edu/

University of California, Irvine School of Medicine http://www.mstp.uci.edu

University of California, Los Angeles & Cal Tech California Institute of Technology David Geffen School of Medicine http://mstp.healthsciences.ucla.edu

University of California, San Diego School of Medicine http://mstp.ucsd.edu

University of California, San Francisco School of Medicine https://mstp.ucsf.edu/

University of Colorado Denver http://www.ucdenver.edu/academics/colleges/medicalschool/education/degree_programs/mstp/pages/MSTP.aspx


Yale University School of Medicine http://medicine.yale.edu/mdphd

University of Miami Miller School of Medicine http://mdphd.med.miami.edu

Emory University School of Medicine M.D./Ph.D. Program http://med.emory.edu/MDPHD

Northwestern University Medical School http://www.feinberg.northwestern.edu/sites/mstp

University of Chicago Medical Scientist Training Program https://pritzker.uchicago.edu/academics/mstp-landing-page

University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine http://chicago.medicine.uic.edu/mstp

Indiana University School of Medicine, MSTP https://medicine.iu.edu/education/dual-degrees/

University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine https://medicine.uiowa.edu/mstp?

Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine https://mdphd.johnshopkins.edu/

University of Maryland School of Medicine http://mdphd.umaryland.edu


Harvard Medical School/Massachusetts Institute of Technology

There are two MD/PhD programs through Pathways and HST. Read more about Harvard Medical School here:  https://crackingmedadmissions.com/how-to-get-into-harvard-medical-school/ http://www.hms.harvard.edu/md_phd

Tufts University School of Medicine http://sackler.tufts.edu/Academics/MSTP-Welcome

University of Massachusetts Medical School http://umassmed.edu/mdphd

University of Michigan Medical School http://medicine.umich.edu/medschool/education/mdphd-program

University of Minnesota Medical School http://www.med.umn.edu/mdphd

Mayo Medical School https://college.mayo.edu/academics/biomedical-research-training/medical-scientist-training-program-md-phd/

Washington University School of Medicine http://mstp.wustl.edu

Albert Einstein College of Medicine http://www.einstein.yu.edu/education/mstp

Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons http://www.cumc.columbia.edu/mdphd

Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai http://icahn.mssm.edu/education/graduate/md-phd-program

New York University School of Medicine http://www.med.nyu.edu/sackler/mdphd-program

Stony Brook University https://medicine.stonybrookmedicine.edu/mstp

University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry http://www.urmc.rochester.edu/education/md/md-phd

Weill Cornell/Rockefeller/Sloan-Kettering Tri-Institutional MD PhD  Program http://weill.cornell.edu/mdphd

North Carolina

Duke University Medical Center https://medschool.duke.edu/education/degree-programs-and-admissions/medical-scientist-training-program

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Medicine http://www.med.unc.edu/mdphd

Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine http://mstp.cwru.edu

Ohio State University College of Medicine http://medicine.osu.edu/mstp

University of Cincinnati College of Medicine MSTP http://www.med.uc.edu/MSTP

Oregon Health and Science University School of Medicine http://www.ohsu.edu/mdphd


Penn State College of Medicine http://www.pennstatehershey.org/web/mdphd

University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine http://www.med.upenn.edu/mstp

University of Pittsburgh http://www.mdphd.pitt.edu

South Carolina

Medical University of South Carolina https://education.musc.edu/colleges/graduate-studies/academics/dual-degree/mstp

Vanderbilt University School of Medicine MSTP https://medschool.vanderbilt.edu/mstp

Baylor College of Medicine MSTP https://www.bcm.edu/education/programs/md-phd-program

University of Texas Health Science Center Houston Department of Internal Medicine https://gsbs.uth.edu/mdphd/

University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio Department of Neurology, Pharmacology, and Physiology https://lsom.uthscsa.edu/mimg/

University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas https://www.utsouthwestern.edu/

University of Virginia Health System MSTP Program http://mstp.med.virginia.edu

University of Washington School of Medicine http://www.mstp.washington.edu

Medical College of Wisconsin MSTP https://www.mcw.edu/education/medical-scientist-training-program

University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health http://mstp.med.wisc.edu

Read our medical school profiles to learn more about each individual school. 

Now that we have reviewed what MD, PhD, and MD-PhD degrees consists of and how to apply, as well as some of the pros and cons of pursuing a MD-PhD program, we hope that you can make an informed decision about your graduate education! Even if you choose not to pursue an MD or PhD, many institutions have accelerated programs that allow MD or PhD graduates to complete the other degree in a shorter timeframe. Similarly, many medical schools even allow students to apply to add a PhD portion onto their education before they begin their clinical training. Regardless of whichever path is right for you, all three offer incredible opportunities to pursue scientific passions and work towards solving societal issues.

Here are some Cracking Med School Admissions Resources you will find helpful as you think about MD PhD programs:

  • How To Shadow A Doctor
  • Resume, CV, and Cover Letter Edits
  • Premed Timeline: Planning For Medical School Applications

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M.D. vs. PhD. Degrees: What Are the Differences? 

Cait Steele

Cait Williams is a Content Writer at Scholarships360. Cait recently graduated from Ohio University with a degree in Journalism and Strategic Communications. During her time at OU, was active in the outdoor recreation community.

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Maria Geiger

Maria Geiger is Director of Content at Scholarships360. She is a former online educational technology instructor and adjunct writing instructor. In addition to education reform, Maria’s interests include viewpoint diversity, blended/flipped learning, digital communication, and integrating media/web tools into the curriculum to better facilitate student engagement. Maria earned both a B.A. and an M.A. in English Literature from Monmouth University, an M. Ed. in Education from Monmouth University, and a Virtual Online Teaching Certificate (VOLT) from the University of Pennsylvania.

Student considers the difference between MD vs PhD degrees

Chances are, when you hear PhD and MD, you at least know that there is a difference between them. Since both are the titles of doctors, there’s still a lot of ambiguity as to what those specific differences are. In this article, we will look at how MDs and PhDs differ from one another and which one might be a better fit for you. Let’s jump in!  

Doctor of Medicine (MD)  

We’ll start by taking a separate look at MDs. An MD is a medical doctor. Their primary job is to work with patients in a variety of settings such as hospitals, clinics, and a variety of other places where having medical staff is necessary. 

In order to become an MD, students must complete their undergraduate degree and then attend a four year medical school. Medical School is then followed by a residency, where a new doctor completes training under a senior physician. From start to finish, becoming a doctor takes around 8-12 years to finish undergrad, medical school, and residency.  

Area of study  

As a medical doctor, you will generally choose one area of medicine that you would like to focus on. Specialties can be based on a certain part of the body, such as cardiology, podiatry, or neurology. Aspiring medical doctors can also specialize in working with a select group of people, such as geriatrics or pediatrics, or finally, you can specialize in researching things like oncology. The possibilities are plentiful for MDs! 

Where they work  

Where you work will depend on what you choose to specialize in. Again, this could be in a hospital, a smaller clinic, or even across the globe with various organizations that work to provide medical care to underserved populations. Medical expertise is needed in many capacities, meaning that there is never a shortage of places that a medical degree could take you! 

A word about DOs  

Before we move on to PhDs, we have one more thing to clear up that you might have questions about. In addition to MDs, there is another type of doctor called a DO, or a doctor of osteopathic medicine . DOs perform largely all the same functions as MDs, but with a more holistic approach. They attend undergrad just like MDs and then attend a four year DO program structured very similarly to a regular medical school.  

The only difference between these two is where they receive their medical school training and how they approach studying medicine and treating patients. If you are thinking about becoming a medical doctor, you should take some time to explore DOs and what they do!  

Doctorate of philosophy (PhD)  

Okay, now onto PhDs! A doctorate of philosophy, known also as a PhD , doesn’t actually have anything to do with philosophy in most cases. Students earn PhDs in pretty much any field, and is the highest level of education that one can receive.  

In order to complete your PhD, you will need to first complete your undergrad, then a master’s program, and finally apply to PhD programs. Not all PhD programs require that you finish your masters. There are some schools that offer programs that allow you to complete both your masters and your doctorate at the same time.  

Generally, schooling for your PhD takes anywhere from four to eight years to complete. The first year or two of your PhD is spent on coursework, while the remaining years are spent doing research and completing your dissertation.  

There are endless areas of study that offer PhD programs. You can study everything from physical therapy, business management and psychology to health administration, engineering, social work, and so much more. The gist is pretty much that if you can think of a field of study, you can earn your PhD in it!  

Based on the examples of fields you can study, it’s safe to say that what you study will determine where you decide to work. PhD holders are highly educated people; finding a job when you hold a PhD in your field looks pretty good to most employers.  

Common places where you find a high concentration of PhDs are in hospitals, corporate offices, college campuses, and other educational institutions. Remember, though, that’s not a full list of where you could work–the list of places you could work is endless! 

Tuition and Costs  

It’s true, pursuing either one of these degrees is not the cheapest thing, but don’t let numbers scare you off! If anything in this article sounds like it is right for you, explore it thoroughly. There are lots of ways that you can pay for your education, including scholarships, organizations, and programs out there that want to help you do it!

Okay, so for some real talk, the price of either of these degrees can vary a lot. Medical school will generally cost between $276,000 and $375,000 a year (including living expenses and fees). PhD programs cost on average about $81,900 . But, again, this does not mean you have to be able to pay these costs out of pocket. There are a lot of programs for PhDs that work with you to help you pay for some of the costs. There are even some fully funded PhD programs !

Similarly, there are tons of medical scholarships and even tuition free medical schools that you can apply to help offset the costs of a medical degree. There are also options for student loans that you can take out as well. The point is, there are tons of ways to find your education. If a degree like this is right for you, it is possible to achieve with proper planning and determination.

Related: Top scholarships for graduate students


Before jumping all the way in with either of these degrees, shadowing is a great tool that can help you explore your intended field or job. Students who want to attend medical school should shadow at least a few different MDs and DOs prior to applying to medical school.  

But the benefits of shadowing are not just for the medical world. You can ask to shadow just about anyone . Maybe you’d like to shadow a professor who you had during undergrad, a social worker, or someone you know of who works in business. There are no rules about who you can and can’t shadow, you simply have to ask and go from there!  

What is right for you  

Below are some basic questions to help you get your mind started thinking about whether an MD or PhD is right for you. The first set of questions pertains more to MD or DO degrees.  

If you’re thinking about an MD or DO degree…  

Questions to consider.

  • Do you like working with people and helping them during difficult times?  
  • Do you love studying biological sciences ?  
  • Does working in a hospital or clinic sound like an environment you would enjoy? 

If you’re thinking about a PhD…  

  • Is there a specific area or field you would like to study? 
  • Do you have a specific job in mind that you would like, and does it require a PhD? 
  • Have you already earned your undergraduate and master’s degree?

The answers to these questions won’t instantly help you decide, but they should help you think a little deeper about these degrees. 

Key Takeaways

  • Both MDs and PhD holders are highly educated in their fields of study, holding the highest degrees that you can earn 
  • The only way to become a practicing MD is to first obtain your bachelor’s degree, then attended a four year accredited medical school, and then successfully complete all the proper exams to practice medicine 
  • To earn a PhD, you do not have to attend medical school, but you will need to attend a PhD program, complete your undergrad, and usually complete your master’s degree before doing so 
  • There are lots of ways to fund both a PhD and an MD, including scholarships, grants, loans, and partially and fully funded programs for each 

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Frequently asked questions about the differences between MD and PhDs  

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Comparing the differences between MD vs. PhD vs. professional doctorate

Michael Feder

Written by Michael Feder

Marc Booker headshot

Reviewed by Marc Booker , PhD,  Vice Provost, Strategy

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What is a doctorate? Breaking down the three types

Some people might confuse an MD (Doctor of Medicine) with a PhD (Doctor of Philosophy), and vice versa. While both an MD and a PhD are prestigious degrees near the top of the  academic ladder , they each have a different meaning and come with very different requirements.

Different still from both of those degrees are professional doctorates, which allow industry professionals to translate their education and experience into credibility and leadership through research. Professional doctorates have similar requirements to PhDs, such as a dissertation and residency, but focus on the application of research and professional growth over original research.

Upon graduation, those who have earned any of these three degrees can call themselves a “doctor,” but the path to a degree, the purpose behind it and its applications vary based on the choice. MD graduates want to work in medicine and healthcare. PhDs want to bring new knowledge and research to the world. A practice-based doctoral graduate wants to grow in their professional expertise. (If the last one sounds like you, University of Phoenix can help!)

Keep reading to learn more about these doctoral programs and which is right for you.

What does MD stand for?

MD is an abbreviation for Doctor of Medicine and identifies a medical practitioner who has completed undergraduate studies and four years of medical school. An MD program teaches medical students about the human body and diseases through a combination of classroom instruction and hands-on clinical labs.

Several  types of physicians  might have this degree, depending on their area of study. For example, medical practitioners with an MD degree might become a medical doctor and potentially specialize in dermatology, cardiovascular disease, family medicine, oncology, pediatrics, neurology or preventive medicine. As you can see, this degree can lead to a variety of career paths, depending on which specialty interests you and what your medical education is.

How to earn an MD

Becoming a Doctor of Medicine  requires a significant investment of time and money, but the reward can be well worth it. Before medical school, you’ll need to  take the Medical College Admission Test  (MCAT®) and earn a passing score. You’ll also need to build a portfolio of coursework and experience to help you gain admittance to medical school.

Medical school typically takes students four years to complete. You’ll learn the latest techniques and approaches for patient assessment, diagnosis and treatment. Medical schools commonly provide a combination of classroom, research and clinical experience. You’ll work alongside peers and healthcare professionals as you develop skills in general medicine.

You’ll choose a field to specialize in during your final year of medical school. Students have more than 120 options to choose from when specializing, including primary care, pediatrics, geriatrics, emergency medicine and family medicine.

After graduating, you’ll complete residency training to further develop skills in your specialty. Residency typically lasts three to seven years, depending on the field you’ve selected. During the residency portion of your education, you’ll treat patients under the supervision of more experienced physicians.

Even after you begin to practice as an MD, the educational portion of your career never stops. As practices change, patient needs evolve and research continues, MDs benefit from ongoing education to stay current.

What does PhD stand for?

A PhD, or Doctor of Philosophy, is a doctoral degree that recognizes graduates who have completed a full postsecondary program. Students can earn a PhD in more fields than philosophy. After completing the necessary coursework, original research and hands-on experience, you can earn a PhD in fields like science, the humanities and engineering.

Earning a PhD can help unlock a wide range of potential career opportunities. Computer engineers, research scientists, statisticians, healthcare administrators, professors, chemists and other careers commonly require a PhD degree, in addition to appropriate undergraduate study.

How to earn a PhD

Becoming a PhD is also a serious commitment that requires an investment of time, money and energy.

Here is what’s typically required to become a PhD:

  • Complete a bachelor’s degree in your field
  • Complete a master’s degree in an appropriate field
  • Pass any program entrance exams
  • Fulfill coursework, research and hands-on lab requirements in your program
  • Finalize and defend your dissertation as a  doctoral candidate  (unless your program specifies otherwise)

It’s important to note that many PhD programs have different requirements, prerequisites and parameters for students. Check with your preferred institution for a more detailed explanation of these requirements.

What is a professional doctorate?

While some professional or practice-based doctorate programs are medical,  others are designed for professionals in other fields . These programs are meant for scholar-practitioners in disciplines like education, business or psychology. One of the key differences between this degree and a PhD is the focus on applying research to a professional setting rather than conducting theoretical and research-focused studies. Often, programs are differentiated as academic versus professional.

Examples of doctoral degrees are Doctor of Education, Doctor of Nursing Practice and Doctor of Business Administration. Each of these programs focuses on a specific discipline and applying research in those areas to a professional setting.

How to earn a doctorate

While  practitioner doctoral programs  teach different skills, they all share common requirements. You’ll need to complete a bachelor’s degree in your field and sometimes a master’s degree, depending on program requirements.

After completing the necessary coursework and research, students also typically need to finish a supervised thesis and defend their dissertation or capstone project-specific coursework, research and hands-on labs alongside other students in the same field. However, this will depend on the specific program and its requirements.

What does the title “Dr.” really mean?

The term “doctor” or “Dr.” is commonly used today to describe a wide variety of occupations. Students who complete a doctoral degree can earn the title of “Dr.” even though they earned their credentials in a non-medical field like education or business management.

While a variety of professionals can earn a doctorate, the term is often still  reserved for medical practitioners . In conventional use,   doctors typically refer to medical physicians. However, it is appropriate to use “Dr.” if you graduated from any of the three programs discussed above.  

Practitioner doctoral degree programs at University of Phoenix

While University of Phoenix (UOPX) does not have MD or PhD programs, it does offer several professional doctoral degrees that can be earned completely online. Students might choose the UOPX programs because classes are flexible and offered online, and because of the University’s unique “ Scholar-Practitioner-Leader model .”

If you are curious about a doctoral degree, the following programs are available at UOPX:

  • Doctor of Business Administration : This doctorate can help you gain strategic vision and skills to position yourself as a business leader. It explores how to solve organizational problems, how to design and conduct research studies, how to introduce innovative business ideas to the industry and more.
  • Doctor of Management :  This doctorate equips you with critical thinking skills to find creative solutions to complex problems.
  • Doctor of Education : This doctoral program prepares you to use analytical, critical and innovative thinking to improve performance and solve complex problems in education.
  • Doctor of Health Administration : If you’re a health professional who is seeking greater responsibility in shaping the future of the health sector, this doctorate can help you meet the challenges inherent to today’s healthcare landscape, including economic fluctuations, burgeoning patient needs and industry-changing legislation.
  • Doctor of Nursing Practice : This doctorate is designed for working nurses who require a doctorate for advanced practice or nurses who desire their terminal degree. It does not prepare students for professional certification or state licensure as a nurse or as an advanced practice nurse.

These doctoral studies are only some of the many options for professionals who want to gain the highest academic credentials in their fields. Doctoral programs offer significant benefits to program graduates, including newly developed skills, insight into field trends, hands-on research opportunities and leadership capabilities.

Completing a doctoral program is also a strong indication to employers that you’re serious about your career and your field. With so many options for advanced study, these programs are available for most major fields. Even if you have already completed a bachelor’s or master’s degree in your discipline, a doctorate lends further credibility to your reputation and can help prepare you for a leadership position.

Headshot of Michael Feder


A graduate of Johns Hopkins University and its Writing Seminars program and winner of the Stephen A. Dixon Literary Prize, Michael Feder brings an eye for detail and a passion for research to every article he writes. His academic and professional background includes experience in marketing, content development, script writing and SEO. Today, he works as a multimedia specialist at University of Phoenix where he covers a variety of topics ranging from healthcare to IT.

Headshot of Marc Booker


Dr. Marc Booker, University of Phoenix Vice Provost for Strategy, has more than two decades of experience working with online and distance education students at the post-secondary level. He currently oversees critical path academic initiatives to improve the student experience. Dr. Booker is a regular speaker, author and contributor to national higher education associations.

This article has been vetted by University of Phoenix's editorial advisory committee.  Read more about our editorial process.

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MD PhD vs MD: Which is best for you?

mdphd vs md

If you find yourself struggling between pursuing an MD PhD vs MD degree, you've come to the right place. In this blog, we'll explore the similarities and differences between medical doctors and physician-scientists to help you determine how to choose the pathway that is best suited for you.

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Md phd vs md: education.

While those with MD PhD and MD degrees are both medical doctors, MD PhD graduates also possess a PhD and are therefore known as physician-scientists or medical scientists. Obtaining this extra degree requires a different program structure and length compared to MD programs. MD PhD programs are generally 7-8 years in length and require attendance at both medical and graduate school. MD programs, on the other hand, will be completed in four years, half the time it will take MD PhD students. While both programs are classroom-based during the first two years, MD PhD students will move on to graduate school to complete their PhD thesis for between 3-4 years. They will then return to medical school for a year or two completing clinical rotations. Both MD PhD and MD graduates will complete their residency training for between 3-7 years before being licensed to practice medicine.

MD PhD vs MD: Application and Tuition

Whether you're interested in an MD PhD or an MD program, the application process is similar. You'll apply to most programs through AMCAS where you'll complete all sections of the application including the AMCAS work and activities section and you'll upload your coursework, letters of evaluation, and medical school personal statement . Make sure to find out if the schools of your choice require you to take CASPer test. If so, start practicing using CASPer sample questions as soon as you can. In addition to the standard application components, MD PhD applicants will have to complete two additional essays that describe both their reasons for pursuing an MD PhD degree and their research experience. Review our medical school application timelines  blog to ensure you're aware of the application process and corresponding deadlines.

It's no secret that both MD PhD and MD programs are extremely competitive, with acceptance rates on average between 1-4%. There are far fewer MD PhD programs available compared with MD programs and the large benefit of reduced or waived tuition makes for even higher competition, especially in MSTPs vs MD programs. It's a good idea to use our medical school chance predictor to see how your grades and test scores compare with the average scores of accepted individuals into either program. Last year, MD PhD matriculants had an average MCAT score of 516 and an average GPA of 3.80 compared with the 511.5 MCAT score and 3.73 GPA of MD matriculants. So, we can see that in order to be a competitive MD PhD applicant, you'll have to possess a higher GPA and MCAT score than if you were to apply as an MD applicant. Of course, the level of competition varies between schools, and there are certainly MD programs that receive a high volume of applicants competing for few spots making some MD programs more competitive than MD-PhD programs, it's entirely dependant on the school, program, and application cycle.

MD PhD vs MD: Career Outlook and Salary

Although it may seem obvious that students who graduate from MD programs become medical doctors and most practice medicine at hospitals, clinics, medical centers, and private practices, some students are unsure of what a career looks like as a physician-scientist. Many MD PhD graduates choose to complete their residency training in internal medicine, pathology, pediatrics, and neurology, however, many other specialties are also represented, from surgery to radiology to emergency medicine. Internal medicine is also a common specialty choice for MD graduates as well as pediatrics, emergency medicine, and family medicine. According to a study conducted by the AAMC, nearly 80% of all MD PhD graduates enjoy careers as faculty members at medical schools or work for the National Institute of Health (NIH), other research institutions, industry, and federal agencies with many devoting a large portion of their time to research. Also, out of roughly 7000 MD-PhD alumni that took part in this study, 82% said that they would partake in MD-PhD training again, even if they had the chance to go back in time and change their mind.

Physician-scientists not only possess in-depth knowledge in the medical field, they also have knowledge of population health and disease and will be trained to conduct independent research and analysis. With this dual degree, physician-scientists are highly valued for their ability to treat patients while also contributing to detecting health threats, developing new treatments, therapies or even cures. Physician-scientists working in academia can teach and provide clinical service, while also conducting their own, or joint, research. The annual salary for physician-scientists is usually between $60,000-$115,000, depending on the type and place of employment.

Physicians manage and support the health and well-being of those in their care. Through physical examinations, diagnostic testing, treatment, and communication, they can manage and significantly improve the health of their patients. Depending on the type of physician, they may perform surgeries and treat either general or specific illness and disease. Annual salaries generally correspond to level of training and specialization and usually range from $180,000-$280,000

For some, from the moment they put on safety glasses in science class or that time they resuscitate their childhood teddy bear, they knew what they were going to be when they grew up. Not everyone has an immediate passion or the typical “aha” moment later on in life. Sometimes, a student's drive to medicine or research develops later on in life, through experiences, education or even while overcoming hardships, and this is perfectly normal. So, what if you have a passion for both science and medicine? How can you choose whether to pursue an MD degree or a joint MD PhD degree? It's important to choose only once you've considered a variety of factors and are 100% sure in your decision, because the reality is, neither option will be easy and you'll have to be willing to invest the time, money, and effort to be successful.

Find out what drives you.

Start by thinking about what you're interested in and what motivates you to help you determine where your true passions lie. If you know that you are really interested in medicine and in helping others but only have a slight interest in research, then it's probably a good idea to pursue medicine on its own. At nearly twice the length of an MD program, the MD PhD program is no walk in the park. Students should only pursue this joint degree if they have a serious passion for both medicine and research. In addition to feeling passionate about treating patients, if you find yourself interested in the mechanisms behind disease, are curious about the unknowns and can't picture a career that doesn't involve research, it's a good sign that the joint program will be suitable for you.

Determining whether or not you are interested in becoming a medical doctor or a physician-scientist is the first and most important decision you'll have to make when deciding between the two pathways. If you're motivated by your passions, you're likely to enjoy your career because it's actually what you want to do. By putting in the time and effort to be the best version of yourself, you'll have a fulfilling rewarding career.

So, how can you know for sure which path is the best for you? Gain experience in the field well in advance of filling out your applications. This will be closest you'll get to test drive your potential career choice. If you're struggling to decide between an MD and MD PhD program, be sure to gain both clinical and research experience. This will be a great way for you to get hands-on experience in both fields to see which areas really spark your interest and which areas you're not as keen on. Learn how to ask to shadow a doctor , sign up for volunteering experiences that place you in the medical or research field, and partake in scientific experiments where you'll be testing hypotheses to gain research experience. Not only will these experiences be essential when filling out your medical school applications, the key is that through a variety of different experiences, you'll be able to hone in on your interests.

Consider the affordability of each program.

According to the AAMC, approximately 76% of medical school students graduate with debt. For the students that borrow money, the median debt is approximately $200,000 at public medical schools. Of course, with an average physician salary of $300,000, this debt can be repaid, but it can be a rocky start for students as they begin entering their careers. A major benefit of MD PhD programs is the fact that most programs partially cover or completely waive tuition for enrolled students, and many also provide a stipend that can be used to cover the costs of living expenses. Due to this, some students can finish their training debt-free, and potentially even with a decent amount of savings. Now, this isn't to say that you should simply pick a program based on the cost but it's an important factor to consider if you want to pursue either option. What's important is that you pick your path depending on which best aligns with your interests, motivations, and short and long term career goals.

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difference between an md and a phd


MD vs. MD/PhD: Key Differences and Choosing the Best Path

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by internationalmedicalaid

MD/PhD vs. MD: Education

Both MDs and MD/PhDs are medical doctors, but MD/PhDs also hold a PhD and therefore are known as physician-scientists or medical scientists. If you want to obtain this additional title, you will need to take part in a program with a different structure and length than standard MD programs. MD/PhD programs are typically between seven to eight years in length and require one to attend both medical and graduate school. MD programs can be completed in four years (half the time of an MD/PhD program). During the first two years, both programs are classroom-based, but MD/PhD students will move on to grad school to complete their PhD thesis during years three and four. Afterward, they will return to medical school for one to two years to focus on completing clinical rotations. Both MD and MD/PhD students will take part in and spend around three to seven years in a residency program before obtaining their license to practice medicine.

MD/PhD vs. MD: Application and Tuition

The application for both programs is similar no matter which you decide to pursue. You will apply to the majority of these programs through the AMCAS , completing all sections of the application, including the AMCAS work and activities section , and uploading your coursework, letters of evaluation, and personal statement . Before submitting your application, it is important to check the requirements of each medical school, as some will require you to take the CASPer exam . If the program you want to apply to requires this exam, begin practicing for the exam by utilizing practice questions as soon as you can to best prepare yourself. In addition to the standard components of an MD program application, MD/PhD applicants will need to complete two additional essays. These essays will describe their reasons for pursuing an MD/PhD program and their previous research experience. Review each college’s application process and timeline to ensure you are aware of the process and any deadlines.

On average, the yearly medical school tuition for students enrolled in an MD program is around $37,000 in-state and $62,000 out-of-state or for those attending a private college. Students who are enrolled in MD/PhD programs often have the benefit of a largely reduced tuition or free tuition as some programs provide waivers and offer stipends to help students afford the cost of living expenses. Currently, forty-nine MD/PhD programs receive funding from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) through the Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP).

MD/PhD vs. MD: Competition

It’s no surprise that both MD/PhD and MD programs are highly competitive. The average acceptance rate of these programs is between 1-4%. Compared to MD programs, there are considerably fewer MD/PhD programs available. The added benefit of tuition waivers makes the competition for these programs even higher. With such high levels of competition, it is a good idea to see how your grades and test scores compare to the average scores of students accepted into the program. Last year, matriculants of MD/PhD programs had an MCAT score of 516 and an average GPA of 3.8. The average MCAT and GPA of MD program students was 511.5 and 3.73, respectively. From this data, we can determine that to be a competitive applicant get into an MD/PhD program, one will need to possess a higher GPA and MCAT score than what is typically required for an MD program. Of course, each college will also have varying levels of competition as some receive a higher volume of applications each year than others. 

If you are considering applying for an MD/PhD program and have already taken the MCAT but did not receive a score of 516 or higher, you may want to consider retaking the MCAT . Retaking the MCAT is not right for all students, but it may help boost your test score and give you an edge when applying to competitive programs. For further personalized help, consider seeking the guidance of medical school admissions consulting .

MD/PhD vs. MD: Salary and Career Outlook

While it may be obvious that those who graduate from an MD program go on to practice medicine as medical doctors within a hospital or clinic environment, some individuals are unsure of what post-grad life would look like for a physician-scientist. The majority of MD/PhD graduates choose to complete their residency in pediatrics, internal medicine, pathology, or neurology. However, many specialties are represented, from emergency medicine to surgery and radiology. Among MD graduates, internal medicine, pediatrics, family medicine, and emergency medicine are the most common specialties. According to AAMC’s study, almost 80% of MD/PhD graduates hold positions at federal agencies, research institutes, medical schools, or the National Institute of Health. Of the 7,000 MD/PhD grads who took part in the study, 82% said they would take part in an MD/PhD program again. 

Physician-scientist possess both in-depth knowledge of the medical field and knowledge of population health and disease. They are also trained to conduct thorough independent research and analysis. Physician-scientists with this dual degree are highly valued for their ability to treat patients, develop new treatments, and detect potential health threats. Those who choose to work in academia often teach and provide clinical services while also conducting their own research. The average annual MD/PhD salary is between $60k and $115k, depending on location and type of employment. 

Physicians manage the health and well-being of patients in their care. This is done through physical exams, treatment, diagnostic testing, and communication. Depending on the type of physician, they may treat specific or general illnesses and diseases and perform surgical procedures. The annual salaries of physicians correspond to their level of training and specialization, but on average, a non MD/PhD salary for physicians ranges from $180k to $280k.

MD/PhD vs. MD: Which is a for You?

For some people, they knew what they wanted to be from the moment they first put on safety glasses in science class or gave their teddy bear an exam with a toy stethoscope. However, not everyone has the “aha” moment or an immediate passion for a field of work. Sometimes, one’s drive and passion for medicine and research develop later in their life. This passion may be formed by experiences, education, or overcoming hardships. What if you have a passion for both medicine and science? How does one choose whether to pursue a joint MD/PhD or an MD degree? You should only choose after you’ve taken the time to consider the variety of factors involved and are 100% confident in your decision. The reality is that neither choice will be easy, and both will require you to invest a lot of time, effort, and money.

Discover What Drives You

Begin by thinking about what you’re interested in and what motivates you—this will help you determine what your true passion is. If you discover that you are highly interested in medicine and want to help others, but you only have a small interest in the field of research, it may be best to pursue a career solely in medicine. With it being twice the length of an MD program, an MD/PhD program is no cakewalk. Students should only pursue this program if they have deep passions for both medicine and research. If you feel passionate about helping and treating patients and are interested in discovering more about the mechanisms behind diseases or can’t imagine a career that doesn’t involve some form of research, then the joint program may be right for you. 

When deciding between these two career pathways, the first decision you will have to make is determining whether you are interested in becoming a physician-scientist or medical doctor. Those who are motivated by their passions are more likely to enjoy their career because they are doing something that they want to do. If you struggle to determine where your passions lie, consider participating in a pre-med shadowing study abroad program . 

Let Your Experiences Guide You

What’s the best way to know which path is right for you? Gain experience in the field you are interested in before filling out your medical school applications. If you are struggling to choose between the two program options, be sure to gain experience in both fields before making your final decision. Getting hands-on experience in both fields is a great way to discover which career path truly sparks your interest. Some ways to gain this hands-on experience are by shadowing a doctor or participating in a healthcare internship. These experiences will be essential when it’s time to fill out your med school application, and through these unique experiences, you will discover your passion.

Consider Each Program’s Affordability

According to data from AAMC, approximately 76% of med school students graduate with some form of college-related debt. For students who take out student loans, the median debt is around $200k. Of course, physicians often earn a high salary, so this debt can be repaid after entering the workforce, but many students experience a rocky start as they begin their careers. One of the biggest benefits of an MD/PhD program is that most of these programs partially cover or waive tuition for students. Students may also receive a stipend to cover the cost of their living expenses. This allows some students to complete their training and graduate debt free. While you shouldn’t choose a program only based on the cost associated with the program, it is an important factor to consider. You should make a decision that best aligns with your passions, motivations, interests, and career goals. 

International Medical Aid provides  global internship opportunities  for students and clinicians who are looking to broaden their horizons and experience healthcare on an international level. These program participants have the unique opportunity to shadow healthcare providers as they treat individuals who live in remote and underserved areas and who don’t have easy access to medical attention. International Medical Aid also provides  medical school admissions consulting  to individuals applying to medical school and PA school programs. We review primary and secondary applications, offer guidance for personal statements and essays, and conduct mock interviews to prepare you for the admissions committees that will interview you before accepting you into their programs. IMA is here to provide the tools you need to help further your career and expand your opportunities in healthcare.

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difference between an md and a phd

Anita E. Kelly Ph.D.

What is the Real Difference between an MD and PhD?

Phds advance knowledge, whereas mds merely apply existing knowledge..

Posted March 7, 2011 | Reviewed by Kaja Perina

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If you ask someone in the psychology world how people with PhDs (Doctor of Philosophy ) differ from those with MD (Doctor of Medicine) you may get an answer like "MDs can prescribe medication , whereas PhDs cannot." That is true. Another difference is that MDs generally make more money in the United States.

MDs are consider by many to be the "real doctors" because they can help with physiological medical problems. That too is true. I certainly don't refer to myself as "Dr. Kelly" in any context other than an academic setting, because people might get the false impression that I could jump in and help in the event of a broken foot or migraine headache.

All that sounds pretty bad for the PhD. But here's the most essential difference between the two degrees: PhDs advance knowledge, whereas MDs merely apply existing knowledge. Unlike the MD who does not need to produce any original research, the person earning a PhD must produce original research and write it up in a thesis or dissertation. Then a committee of experts must deem that thesis as offering an acceptable advancement of knowledge before the PhD is conferred. It typically takes a couple of years longer to earn a PhD than an MD. Part of the reason it takes so long is that the person earning the PhD is being trained on how to think critically about existing knowledge, and it can take a while to find one's niche and fill a gap in the knowledge base.

If you yourself want to make important scientific discoveries and then tell the world about them, you will be much better prepared by getting a PhD than an MD. You also will be much better prepared to criticize studies you read about in virtually any field because you will be trained in critical thinking and writing.

If you are deciding which degree is right for you, ask yourself if you will be content with applying the knowledge you learn (MD) from other people, or if you would like to get in on the action of making the discoveries yourself (PhD). For instance, would you like to be one of the scientists who are figuring out how to reverse the aging process (PhD)? Would you like to see if giving aging mice a particular the enzyme (one that you discover) makes their hair shiny again and restores their fertility (PhD)? Or would you be content giving your future medical patients the proper dose of the medications that arise from this research and then seeing the signs of youth return in your patients (MD)? These are the kinds of questions that college students everywhere should be asking themselves, and yet I have never seen them do so.

This difference in training also means that if you want to know what the cutting -edge knowledge is in a given field, you have to ask a PhD in that field, not an MD. So for instance, let's say you or your mate is having trouble getting pregnant . If you just ask your local obstetrician or gynecologist what the cutting edge discoveries are regarding fertility, that MD is not likely to know. That MD can give you fertility treatments that he or she has learned about and tried with other patients. It should be noted, however, that many MDs make an effort to remain abreast of scientific research long after their degree has been conferred.

The upshot of my message is this: We need both kinds of people, those who apply existing knowledge (such as the MD does in the medical field) and those who advance it (PhDs). But if you think a PhD is less qualified than an MD when it comes to having cutting-edge knowledge, you have that backwards.

Anita E. Kelly Ph.D.

Anita E. Kelly, Ph.D., is a Professor of Psychology at the University of Notre Dame. She is author of The Clever Student and The Psychology of Secrets.

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Ph.D. Vs. MD: What’s The Difference?

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For individuals looking to pursue a doctorate, most are faced with the decision between PhDs ( Doctor of Philosophy) or MDs (Doctor of Medicine) degrees. These two may seem similar in nature, but there are key differences it’s important to understand before you pursue either one. Depending on your professional goals, one may suit you better than the other. Both PhDs and MDs represent the highest level of graduate school one can receive. They are prestigious degrees in both regards but can significantly impact your career path once you’re finished with school. In this article, we’ll discuss what each degree is, the differences between them, and which one may be best for the types of goals an individual seeks. Key Takeaways: Ph.D. MD Used to advance knowledge. Used to apply existing knowledge. Can perform research. Can perform medicine and research. Usually takes four to six years to complete. Usually takes four years to complete. What Is an MD?

MD stands for Doctor of Medicine, meaning those who achieve this level of education are allopathic doctors. This means they are individuals who are licensed to treat and diagnose conditions using tools like x-rays, prescription drugs, and surgery. They can work as broader practitioners or work with a specific specialty.

Pursuing an MD means individuals are pursuing a traditional medical degree where they undergo practical training as they work through graduate school in the hopes of becoming licensed physicians by the time they graduate. Depending on their fields of specialty, their training may vary. Some of these specialties include

Surgery. Surgeons are doctors who specialize in evaluating and treating conditions that require physical changes to the human body. Surgeons use instruments to move live tissues in order to treat a specific ailment or illness. They can perform both open surgery and minimally invasive surgery.

Specific body parts or organs. MDs can also specialize in body parts or organs, becoming a cardiologist who is an expert on the heart, gastroenterologists who specialize in digestive organs, hematologists who specialize in blood, or neurologists who specialize in the nervous system, including the brain, spinal cord, and nerves.

Psychiatry. Psychiatrists are MDs who specialize in mental health, which can include substance use disorders. They are licensed and qualified to assess the mental and physical aspects of psychological problems as well as administer certain prescription drugs to help with these issues.

Geriatric medicine. MDs in geriatrics have additional specialized training in treating the ailments and illnesses of older patients. They often work in outpatient settings, nursing facilities, or hospitals. They often have added knowledge of diseases such as dementia, incontinence, or osteoporosis.

Pediatrics. Pediatricians are MDs who focus on the health of infants, children, adolescents, and young adults, typically up to age 21. These doctors prevent, detect, and manage any physical, behavioral, or developmental issues that may arise in children or young adults.

In order to become an MD, students must attend graduate school with the specific goal of becoming a physician . It’s during this time most choose a specialty and gain specific experience in that area. Because MDs have expertise in practicing medicine, they are more likely to be found in clinical environments.

A standard program for an MD requires students to take two years of coursework in a classroom-based setting. Then, they’ll be required to take two years of rotational work in a clinical environment. They must attend an accredited medical school as well as a residency program that prepares them to diagnose patients and practice medicine.

What Is a Ph.D.?

A Ph.D. or Doctor of Philosophy is a doctoral research degree that requires the completion of intensive research in order to become an expert in a specific field. To receive this type of degree, a Ph.D. must defend a dissertation or a research document. Unlike an MD, a Ph.D. can be awarded for carrying out original research in any field, not just medicine.

A Ph.D. in a medicinal field is focused on finding out new knowledge as opposed to learning current knowledge, like an MD. That means if you pursue a Ph.D. in medicine, you are not required to attend medical school or complete a residency program. Your dissertation and defense of that dissertation are what complete your program.

Ph.D. programs focus almost entirely on conducting, compiling, and contributing to specific research. The standard Ph.D. program lasts anywhere from five to seven years and seeks students undertaking original research that is typically monitored by a supervisor . Achieving a Ph.D. means the student has contributed to novel findings leading to advancement in knowledge.

There is such a wide variety of Ph.D. fields, but it would be impossible to list them all here; however, it’s important to note that most Ph.D. students continue their studies in their field long after graduation is behind them. Typically they will continue their research and participate in other programs that allow for further research.

Individuals working towards a Ph.D. often choose to work in academia, such as at a college or university, where they can continue their research. Others may opt to work for independent companies such as pharmaceutical or engineering companies. Others may use their Ph.D. in fields unrelated to research, such as senior positions in their field of study.

Ph.D. vs. MD FAQ

Is an MD or Ph.D. better?

Depending on your professional goals, an MD degree is better for those interested in practicing medicine, while a Ph.D. is better for individuals looking to advance knowledge in certain fields.

Does an MD or Ph.D. make more money?

This typically depends on the specific specialty or setting, but MDs typically earn more money than those with a Ph.D.

Can an MD research without obtaining a Ph.D.?

Yes, an MD does not need a Ph.D. to conduct research.

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Caitlin Mazur is a freelance writer at Zippia. Caitlin is passionate about helping Zippia’s readers land the jobs of their dreams by offering content that discusses job-seeking advice based on experience and extensive research. Caitlin holds a degree in English from Saint Joseph’s University in Philadelphia, PA.

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MD vs PhD - Which should You study?

31 st October 2019

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If you want to further your position on the career ladder within the medical profession, then a course of postgraduate study may be your best choice. However, there are two options available for those wishing to pursue further qualifications in medicine - a  PhD  (Doctor of Philosophy) or an MD   (Doctor of Medicine).

Which one should you go for? We take a look at the differences between the two to help you decide...

PhD vs. MD: Course Structure

One of the key differences between a PhD and an MD is the structure of the course. While a PhD is generally lab-based and lasts a minimum of 3 years, the MD lasts 2-3 years and combines a student’s research findings with clinical practice.

Both qualifications require a student to submit a thesis or a portfolio of published work at the end of their course.

PhD vs. MD: Career Ambitions

Whether you decide to study for a PhD in Medicine or for an MD qualification, this will have a significant impact upon your career. For the most part, those with an MD are more suited to clinical roles, using their specialist knowledge to diagnose and interact with patients. For those wishing to be working doctors, this may be the ideal option for you.

However, if you’re looking to take your career in a research-based direction, then you may wish to study a PhD.

PhD vs. MD: Academic Prestige

While both the MD and the PhD are highly regarded qualifications, it could be argued that there is (in general) slightly more prestige attached to having a PhD, as the course is longer and the research more thorough.

Having said this, if you want to pursue a career in clinical practice but academic reputation of your qualification isn't that important to you, it isn’t essential to study on a PhD course. There are a number of prestigious institutions (including University of Cambridge) that offer a wide range of renowned MD qualifications. 

PhD vs. MD: Financial restrictions

One of the key things to take into consideration when studying any postgraduate course is the cost. While all courses are going to cost money, it is important that you consider whether or not you can afford the course before making your application. In order to study on an MD or a PhD the majority of students will finance the course through a combination of loans and external funding.

Despite this, studying on an MD or a PhD may become a financial struggle as both courses are very time demanding. However, with an MD, there are some opportunities to find medical paid work during your clinical learning, whereas this is much harder for those studying on a PhD.

Both MD and PhDs typically costs between £4,000 and £6,000 per year, but as the MD course only lasts 2 years (full-time), the cost of fees is a lot lower. 

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What’s the Difference Between MD and PhD Programs?

What’s the difference between MD and PhD programs? Both an MD and a Ph.D. are doctorates awarded to people who finish the highest level of graduate education. However, MD and Ph.D. holders have quite distinct professional paths. Understanding the difference between MD and Ph.D. will help you choose the one that best matches your academic and career goals. Here, we’ll go through the similarities and distinctions between an MD and a Ph.D., as well as some pointers on how to decide between the two. Here are these medical degrees explained:

The Difference Between MD and Ph.D.

MDs are medical doctors who treat patients, whereas PhDs are researchers who specialize in a particular field of study. The Latin phrase medicinae doctor , which translates to teacher of medicine , is where we get the English acronym MD. People who have earned an MD, also known as a Doctor of Medicine, have participated in clinical training during their time in graduate school in order to become physicians upon completion of their studies.

The title philosophiae doctor , from which we get the name Ph.D., literally translates to teacher of philosophy . However, the term is applicable to a wider variety of people than merely philosophy teachers. Students pursuing a Doctor of Philosophy degree, sometimes known as a Ph.D., follow a curriculum distinct from that followed by those pursuing a Doctor of Medicine. Ph.D. candidates are required to undertake research in their respective fields of study rather than getting experience in the workforce. Graduates with PhDs usually find employment in a field relevant to their major or the specialized field they studied.

Dual MD/Ph.D. Programs

An MD/Ph.D. is a dual doctorate. The curriculum alternates between clinical and research-oriented components. This is perfect for people who want to learn both clinical and research-focused aspects of medicine. Approximately 600 students enter MD-PhD programs annually, according to the Association of American Medical Colleges.

MD/ Ph.D. vs MD 

MD Ph.D. graduates are also known as physician-scientists or medical scientists since they hold a Ph.D. in addition to their MD degree. Medical professionals with an MD degree and a Ph.D. are both considered medical doctors. To obtain this additional degree, you will need to participate in a program that is longer and structured differently than MD programs. MD Ph.D. programs typically last anywhere from seven to eight years and require students to attend both medical school and graduate school. On the other hand, medical doctor (MD) programs can be finished in just four years, which is just half the amount of time required for MD Ph.D. students.

Although the initial two years of instruction in both programs take place in classrooms, MD Ph.D. students continue to graduate school to work on their dissertations for an additional three to four years after those first two years. After that, they will return to medical school to complete their clinical training for another year or two. To obtain a license to practice medicine, graduates with an MD or MD Ph.D. degree must first finish a residency program that lasts between three and seven years.

Application and Cost

The application process is the same whether you are interested in an MD Ph.D. or an MD program. Most programs require you to apply through AMCAS. You will fill out all application sections (including the AMCAS work and activities section) and upload your coursework, letters of recommendation, and medical school personal statement. Find out if the CASPer test is required for admission to the schools of your choice. If so, begin practicing with CASPer sample questions as soon as possible. Students will be required to write two additional essays to explain why they want to pursue an MD Ph.D. degree as well as their research experience. 

In public medical schools, the annual tuition and fees for MD students are about $37,000; in private or out-of-state medical schools, the annual tuition and fees are about $62,000. In contrast, students enrolled in MD-PhD programs have access to reduced or even free tuition, as many programs waive tuition and provide financial aid to cover living costs. The National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) funds 49 MD Ph.D. programs through the highly competitive Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP).


Both MD Ph.D. and MD programs are notoriously difficult to get into, with acceptance rates ranging on average from 1 percent to 4 percent. The number of available MD Ph.D. programs is significantly lower than the number of MD programs, and the advantage of significantly reduced or waived tuition contributes to an even higher level of competition, particularly in MSTPs compared to MD programs.

To be a competitive MD Ph.D. applicant, you should have a higher GPA and MCAT score than if you applied as an MD applicant. MD programs have varying levels of competition, and there are MD programs that receive a large number of applicants competing for a limited number of spots. It is entirely dependent on the school, the program, and the application cycle to determine whether or not some MD programs are more competitive than MD-PhD programs.

Salary and Career Prospects

Although it may appear obvious that students who graduate from MD programs become medical doctors and the majority of them practice medicine in hospitals, clinics, medical centers, and private practices, some students are unsure of what a career as a physician-scientist entails. Although many MD Ph.D. graduates choose to complete their residency training in internal medicine, pathology, pediatrics, and neurology, there are also graduates working in a wide variety of other medical specialties, including surgery, radiology, and emergency medicine. Other typical specialties for MD graduates include pediatrics, emergency medicine, and family medicine. One study by the American Association for Medical Education and Research (AAMC) found that nearly 80 percent of MD Ph.D. graduates are employed as professors at medical schools or in research institutions such as the National Institutes of Health (NIH), pharmaceutical companies, and other government agencies. More than 7,000 MD-PhD alumni participated in this study, and 82% said they would do it all over again, even if they could go back in time and do it all over again.

Physician-scientists are trained to not only have in-depth knowledge of the medical field but also of population health and disease, as well as the ability to conduct research and analysis independently. With a dual degree, physician-scientists can treat patients, detect health threats, and develop new treatments, therapies, or cures. When employed in academic settings, physician-scientists have the opportunity to teach, provide clinical services, and conduct their own or joint research. Physician-scientists typically earn between $60,000 and $115,000 per year, depending on the type and location of employment.

Physicians are responsible for managing and supporting the health and wellbeing of the patients in their care. They can manage and significantly improve their patients’ health through physical exams, diagnostic tests, treatment, and communication. Surgical procedures and treatment of illness and disease, either on a general or a specific level, may be performed by doctors of different specialties. The range of annual salaries is usually between $180,000 and $280,000, depending on the level of specialization.

Which Option Is the Most Suitable for You? MD or MD-PhD?

For some students putting on the safety glasses in science class or reviving a childhood teddy bear was a defining moment in choosing the medical field as their future path. However, not everyone is blessed with an immediate passion or the typical “aha” moment. Sometimes, a student’s interest in medicine or research develops later in life through experiences or education, which is perfectly normal. So what if your interests lie somewhere between the two fields of science and medicine? What factors should you consider when deciding between obtaining a degree in medicine (MD) and a joint degree (MD-PhD)? It is essential to choose only after you have considered various factors and are one hundred percent sure about your decision. The reality is that neither choice will be easy, and you’ll need to be willing to invest the necessary amount of time, money, and effort to achieve success.

Why Do Some Students Choose an MD-PhD?

Here are some reasons why people want to be both doctors and scientists.

As a physician-scientist, you’ll have a unique career path. One of the most rewarding aspects of working as a medical researcher is solving a patient’s medical issues while pursuing scientific research that could lead to a clinical cure for that particular disease.

MD-PhD trainees are medical researchers who also have a strong desire to practice medicine in a clinical setting.

The MD-PhD curriculum is designed to integrate the scientific and medical education of the future physician-scientist effectively and efficiently.

In the years leading up to their Ph.D., MD-PhD students complete coursework and receive formal training in research methodology.

Most MD-PhD programs offer trainees financial support in the form of stipends and scholarships to cover tuition costs. This financial support acknowledges the amount of time a student must devote to training in order to pursue a career in both medicine and research (MD-PhD). However, each program’s level of financial assistance varies, and some may provide assistance to only United States citizens and permanent residents.

MD-PhD Training Areas of Research

When applying to specific MD-PhD Programs, one essential factor to consider is the variety of the available graduate degree programs.

Most candidates for MD-PhD programs earn their Ph.D. in a biomedical laboratory discipline like cell biology, biochemistry, genetics, immunology, pharmacology, physiology, neuroscience, or biomedical engineering.

Students in some MD-PhD programs may also complete graduate work in non-laboratory disciplines such as computer science, economics, epidemiology, health care policy, or even the history of medicine and its social and cultural influences.

How to Choose Between an MD and a Ph.D.

Figure out what motivates you the most.

It would help if you first consider what you’re interested in and what drives you. This will help you figure out what you’re passionate about. Suppose you are confident that you are interested in medicine and assisting other people but are only slightly interested in research. In that case, it is probably a good idea to pursue medicine on its own rather than research. The MD Ph.D. program isn’t easy because it takes almost twice as long as an MD program. Students should only go for this joint degree if they are serious about both medicine and research. The joint program may be a good fit for you if you have a strong interest in disease mechanisms, are curious about the unknown, and can’t imagine a career that doesn’t involve research in some capacity.

First and foremost, decide if you want to become a medical doctor or a physician-scientist. People driven by their passions are more likely to find fulfillment in their work because they are doing what they truly want to do. You’ll have a rewarding career only when you have enough motivation to put in the necessary time and effort.

Think About the Dynamics of Your Preferred Job

Doctors spend a lot of time talking to their patients and families, and they need good communication skills. In hospitals, doctors may work unusual hours, even on weekends and holidays; in offices, they can have a more conventional schedule. If you decide to get a Ph.D., you might spend a lot of time working alone in a lab, or you might decide to teach students in your field. Whether you want an MD or a Ph.D. can depend on what kind of work environment and schedule you want.

Trust Your Own Experience

Is it possible to know for sure which path is the best for you? Before submitting your applications, get some hands-on experience in the field. This is the best opportunity to see whether you’ll like your future career path. If you’re torn between an MD and an MD Ph.D. program, make sure you get some clinical and research experience before making a decision. This is an excellent opportunity for you to gain practical experience in both fields and determine which ones pique your interest the most. You could sign up for volunteering opportunities that will give you first-hand experience in medicine or research. These experiences will be crucial when applying to medical school, but they’ll also help you narrow your interests.

Finally, remember that if you are still unsure which path is the best, you could always reach out to our Academic Advisors and seek their guidance.

By setting up a free one-on-one meeting with our friendly and knowledge advisors, you will be able to gain the valuable insight as to which career path you would like to take and how to get there. CLICK HERE TO GET STARTED .

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“M.D.” vs. “Ph.D.” vs. “Dr.”: Are They Synonyms?

Quick: when you hear the word doctor , what do you picture?

Most would probably describe someone in a white lab coat with a stethoscope hanging around their neck or someone in medical scrubs—someone you would seek out if you have a deep cut that needed stitches.

That word doctor , however, is a title assigned to many who don’t come close to that description, many of whom you wouldn’t want stitching up that cut. Take your English professor, for instance. No offense, Dr. Barrett. 

It can all be a bit confusing, which is why it’s important to know who and why someone might be called a doctor , as well as what all those initials and abbreviations after their name mean. Here we break it all down.

What does Dr. mean?

Let’s start with doctor or D r . for short. While the first definition of the word is “ a person licensed to practice medicine,” that doesn’t mean you want to take medical advice from anyone who calls themselves a doctor . There are many looser definitions of the word that follow and, frankly, make things a bit confusing.

For example, the third definition is older slang for a “cook, as at a camp or on a ship,” while the seventh entry is “an eminent scholar and teacher.” Bugs Bunny didn’t help matters either by plying anyone and everyone with his famous greeting,“What’s up, doc?” 

The term doctor can be traced back to the late 1200s, and it stems from a Latin word meaning “to teach.” It wasn’t used to describe a licensed medical practitioner until about 1400, and it wasn’t used as such with regularity until the late 1600s. It replaced the former word used for medical doctors— leech , which is now considered archaic. 

WATCH: When Did The Word "Doctor" Become Medical?

Physician vs. doctor : are these synonyms.

While the term physician is a synonym for doctor , it’s typically used to refer to those who practice general medicine rather than those who perform surgery, aka surgeons . 

A quack , on the other hand, is defined as “ a fraudulent or ignorant pretender to medical skill.”

What does M.D. mean?

Moving on to initials that carry more weight than a nod from Bugs, let’s look at M.D.s .

M.D. , which can be used with or without the periods ( M.D. or MD )  is the designation for a medical doctor. This is earned by attending medical school (typically a four-year program after completing at least one undergraduate degree, plus a residency program), and learning to diagnose patients’ symptoms and offer treatment. 

The initials M and D stem from the Latin title  Medicīnae Doctor. There are many different types of doctors, with different specialties, but if you have a physical ailment, visiting a doctor with the initials M.D. is a good place to start.

Specialty doctors may add even more initials to their title, such as DCN (doctor of clinical nutrition), DDS (doctor of dental surgery), or countless others they acquire with additional training. To make things even more confusing, some may add abbreviations from medical associations they belong to, such as FAAEM (Fellow of the American Academy of Emergency Medicine). 

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What does Ph.D. mean?

As for Ph.D. , this stands for “doctor of philosophy.” It stems from the Latin term Philosophiae Doctor.

You can get a Ph.D. in any number of subjects, from anthropology to mythological studies. It’s not an easy feat, however, as to earn one, you must do original research and write a dissertation . 

Ph.D. vs. M.D .: are these synonyms?

There are two big differences between Ph.D. s and M.D .s. When it comes to medicine, M.D.s can prescribe medications, and Ph.D.s can’t. And yes, it’s possible to be both an M.D. and a Ph.D. In fact, some med schools offer programs in which you can achieve both simultaneously. 

You can also get a professional doctorate degree in a number of fields. For example, you might receive a doctorate of education, an  Ed.D . 

So, in a nutshell, both M.D.s and Ph.Ds can be referred to as doctors . If you’re looking for someone to treat what ails you physically, then you want at least an M.D. following their name. If you want to dig deep into a subject and get advice from someone who has done their own research and who likely knows the latest and greatest developments in a particular area, then you’re probably looking for a Ph.D. And if someone has both, even better—depending on your needs, it may be just what the doctor ordered.

Want more synonyms? Get Thesaurus.com’s sizzling synonyms right in your inbox! 

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Everything You Need to Know About MD-PhD Programs

difference between an md and a phd

Posted in: Applying to Medical School

difference between an md and a phd

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MD-PhD programs are dual-degree programs for pre-medical students who want to both practice medicine and conduct extensive research.

In an MD-PhD program, the medical education of the MD program is combined with the in-depth research training of a PhD program. Students learn to practice medicine, diagnosing and treating patients all while gaining research experience to investigate medical conditions and diseases.

These programs are more intense than standard medical school. Students take additional coursework, typically in the biomedical sciences, graduate training, rotations in different laboratories, and intensive research.

The extra education gives students the tools to advance in the medical field after graduation. If you are interested in investigating diseases as you treat patients and developing innovative ways to provide care, an MD-PhD path may be for you!

What are MD-PhD programs?

MD-PhD programs are unique dual-degree programs designed for students who have an interest in both patient care and research. In these programs, students complete both a medical degree (MD) and a doctorate (PhD). This prepares graduates to function as physician-scientists, seamlessly bridging the gap between the laboratory and the clinical setting.

What is the difference between an MD and an MD-PhD? The difference between MD and MD-PhD graduates is that while both degrees are conferred to medical doctors, MD programs focus on clinical practice. MD-PhD programs, on the other hand, combine medical education with extensive biomedical research training. 

Is MD-PhD easier than MD? MD-PhD programs are not easier than MD programs. They require a longer time commitment, but in the end, provide graduates with a broader skill set to pursue careers that integrate medicine and scientific research.

How rare is an MD-PhD? Only about 3% of students that enroll in medical school are in MD-PhD programs. There are 122 MD-PhD programs in the U.S. and 13 in Canada listed on the AAMC MD-PhD Degree Programs by State directory .

Graduate programs aren’t confined to a specific area of study. Each school with this type of program has its own options for its PhD degree. PhD students commonly choose to specialize in topics such as:

  • Cell biology
  • Biochemistry
  • Pharmacology
  • Neuroscience
  • Biomedical engineering

Upon completion of an MD-PhD program, graduates are awarded the dual degree for their proficiency in both clinical practice and research. 

MD-PhD Program Duration

A significant commitment of time is necessary to complete an MD-PhD program, but the career path is rewarding and well-compensated. 

How many years are MD-PhD programs ? Students can expect to spend 7-8 years total between graduate school and med school, but there is no strict timeline for completing an MD-PhD. Some students complete their programs in as little as six years, and others take as long as 10.

Students usually start with the first year to two years of medical school, followed by 3-5 years of research, then finish with another two years of medical training and clinicals. Current students entering into MD-PhD programs are older , on average, than when these programs first began, and many take longer to complete their studies.

How much does an MD-PhD program cost?

Most MD-PhD programs offer enrolled students tuition-free training and a stipend to cover living expenses.

The cost of an MD-PhD program varies widely depending on the institution, but the stipend and tuition-free training makes many of these programs significantly less burdensome financially compared to standalone MD or PhD programs.

Financial support is available through the Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP) funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Scholarships are offered that cover tuition and provide a stipend for living expenses, making these intensive dual degree programs more attainable.

Not all MD-PhD programs are funded by the MSTP, but some schools offer similar financial support to their MD-PhD students. For any school you plan to apply to, double-check their program website or call an admissions counselor to see if there are options for financial aid. 

MD-PhD Residencies

MD-PhD residencies provide a unique opportunity to bridge the gap between patient care and research. Graduates often enter residency programs to acquire hands-on training in a particular medical specialty. Some even opt for a fellowship in a subspecialty after that. This training phase can range from 3 -7 years, depending on the specialty.

Although they can enter any medical specialty, they frequently gravitate towards specialties with a strong research component. Here are a few common residencies that MD-PhDs typically enter:

  • Internal Medicine: This field covers a broad range of diseases in adults and often involves solving complex medical problems. It’s a popular choice for MD-PhD graduates because of the diversity of patients and conditions, which provides many opportunities for research.
  • Neurology: The complexity and the largely untapped understanding of the nervous system provide abundant research opportunities. Advances in neuroimaging, AI , and genetics also offer tools for physician-scientists to explore the nervous system in unprecedented ways.
  • Psychiatry: Studying the pathophysiology of mental disorders, exploring new therapeutic interventions, and examining the genetic basis of psychiatric conditions are just a sample of the ways an MD-PhD can continue research in this specialty.
  • Pathology: Pathologists often work behind the scenes in medicine, studying the causes and effects of diseases. This field is deeply rooted in medical research, which makes it a good fit for many MD-PhD graduates.
  • Pediatrics : Pediatric physician-scientists research a wide array of topics, including childhood diseases, growth and development, pediatric therapies, and many other areas related to child health.

The choice of residency program should align with each graduate’s clinical interests, research interests, and career goals. There is great flexibility in the MD-PhD pathway, and physician-scientists span all specialties in medicine.

MD-PhD Career Path & Salary

Careers for MD-PhD’s often sit at the intersection of healthcare, academic medicine, and industry. Roles vary from practicing physicians, medical researchers, educators, and policy advisors to leaders in biotech and pharmaceutical companies.

After completing their residency, MD-PhDs typically divide their professional time between research and clinical practice. They often work in academic medical centers or research institutions where they can see patients and conduct research. Their research may be basic, translational, or clinical, depending on their interests and training.

MD-PhDs may also grow to take on teaching roles, educating the next generation of physicians and scientists. This path can bring them to leadership roles such as department chair, dean of a medical college, or even hospital CEO with their unique understanding of both medicine and research.

The salary for MD-PhDs does vary depending on the chosen career path. Earning potential is generally high due to the advanced and specialized nature of their training.

On average, physician-scientists in the US earn a median salary that is well above the national average for all occupations. According to Doximity’s 2023 Physician’s Compensation Report , the average salary for physicians in the Pharmaceutical/Industry employment setting is highest at $392,534.

Those working in academia or research may have different salary scales. These salaries are frequently dependent on research grants, but still typically fall within a comfortable range.

An MD-PhD opens up a wide range of career options, particularly in the intersecting areas of healthcare and research. Below are careers someone with an MD-PhD might pursue:

  • Academic Physician: They divide their time between seeing patients, conducting research, and teaching students and residents. These professionals usually work at medical schools or teaching hospitals.
  • Biomedical Researcher: MD-PhDs often find employment as researchers in the field of biomedical sciences. They can work in research institutions, pharmaceutical companies, or government organizations such as the NIH.
  • Clinical Investigator: These are physicians who conduct research involving human subjects (clinical trials). They develop and implement studies to understand the effects of new drugs or therapeutic strategies.
  • Pharmaceutical/Biotech Industry Professional : Many MD-PhDs work in the pharmaceutical or biotechnology industry. They may be involved in drug development, clinical trials, regulatory affairs, or medical affairs.
  • Medical Director: In this role, an individual would oversee the medical aspect of a healthcare facility, biotech company, or department in a hospital. This position often requires both a medical and research background.
  • Science Policy Analyst/Advisor: They can work in government or nonprofit organizations, helping to shape policies that affect scientific research and healthcare.
  • Public Health Official: Some MD-PhDs choose to work in the public sector, addressing health issues at the population level. They may work for entities like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) or World Health Organization (WHO).
  • Medical Science Liaison: This role often involves serving as a bridge between pharmaceutical companies and healthcare professionals, explaining new therapies and scientific findings to physicians, researchers, and other stakeholders.
  • Medical Educator: MD-PhDs are uniquely qualified to educate future doctors and researchers, teaching in areas such as pharmacology, pathology, genetics, or any other medical specialty. They may design and implement courses, advise students, and contribute to the educational mission of their institution.

These are just a few of the potential career paths. A career choice often depends on an individual’s specific interests, such as which medical specialties they are drawn to, whether they prefer working with patients or in a laboratory, and how they want to contribute to advancing medical science.

Medical Science Training Programs

Some MD-PhD programs in the United States are funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) through the Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP). This means that students receive full tuition remission, health insurance, and a living stipend throughout their training.

Because of this financial support, admission to an MSTP is very competitive. Many schools have financial support available to MD-PhD students even if they are not part of the Medical Scientist Training Program to allow them to focus on their studies and research.

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4 Benefits of Becoming an MD-PhD

Earning dual degrees in medicine and research is an ambitious endeavor, but the impacts you can make on patient care and scientific research are significant and valuable to public health. An MD-PhD degree comes with some great benefits.

1. Interdisciplinary Perspective

The duality of the MD-PhD training allows graduates the ability to translate clinical observations into research questions, then taking research findings to enhance patient care. You will essentially be a bridge to the gap between the laboratory and the clinic.

2. Career Flexibility

Graduates can become practicing physicians, medical researchers, educators, and/or policy advisors. They may also take on leadership roles within academic institutions, hospitals, biotech companies, or pharmaceutical firms. 

The wide range of possible careers allows the flexibility to pursue a path that aligns with your passion.

3. Influential Impact 

The rigorous training in MD-PhD programs allows graduates to drive innovation in healthcare and medical science. This advanced education will have you asking critical questions and finding answers that can change the course of medical treatment and patient care. 

The potential to make significant contributions to the field of medicine is a rewarding and prestigious aspect of this career path.

4. Community and Mentorship

During their training, MD-PhD students join a tight-knit community of fellow dual-degree students, mentors, and faculty. This network can provide valuable support, guidance, and camaraderie during the demanding years of study. 

Post-graduation, this network continues to serve as a resource for collaboration, mentorship, and career advancement.

Are MD-PhD programs more competitive than MD programs?

In general, yes, MD-PhD programs are more competitive than MD programs. 

The statistics here can be a little confusing, though. 10% of applicants are accepted to an MD-PhD program, which is higher than the 3% that get accepted into MD programs. Acceptance rates are nearly the same as traditional medical programs, too.

But the quality of application for MD-PhD programs is inherently higher than traditional pre-meds. Your GPA and MCAT need to be higher, with well-developed extracurricular experiences and glowing letters of recommendation to have a chance at an MD-PhD program. 

Learn more about how we can help you boost your MCAT score.

Preparing to Apply to MD-PhD Programs

Applying for an MD-PhD program is done through AMCAS, just like MD programs. Preparation is key in the application process .

Being proactive, getting relevant experiences, understanding the requirements, and applying to multiple programs will significantly enhance your chances of success in securing a spot in an MD-PhD program. Applicants must be prepared to showcase themselves as doctor material and make a case for their desire to take part in research.

Here are a few tips for increasing your chances at acceptance.

Make sure you have the right extracurriculars under your belt.

Gaining relevant experiences beyond the classroom is crucial to showcase your commitment to a career in medical research. Admissions committees are looking for candidates with experience in research projects. 

It is absolutely necessary to have taken part in research to have a chance at getting into an MD-PhD program.

Check application requirements well in advance.

You’ll be required to meet all the AMCAS application requirements of MD programs. This includes the prerequisite coursework, your MCAT score and GPA, letters of evaluation, and personal statement . 

There are also two additional essays that are required on MD-PhD applications, which we’ll cover later.

We advise checking with each specific medical school on the requirements for their applications . Non-medical graduate programs may ask for your GRE scores. You want to make sure you’ve taken this test well in advance of the AMCAS open date. 

Our advisors can help you craft a personal statement for your MD-PhD that will stand out.

Apply to several programs.

Because of the limited number of programs and the competitive nature of MD-PhD programs, you should apply to multiple programs. Students who have gotten into these programs report applying to as many as 30 programs for the best chance to be accepted. 

Along with MD-PhD programs, we also recommend applying to some MD programs as well. On your AMCAS application, you can easily designate as an MD candidate or MD-PhD candidate.

Even if you don’t make it into the MD-PhD program of a medical school, you will still have the opportunity to be considered for their MD program.

MD-PhD Application Timeline

Get your medical school application in early — the same goes for MD-PhD applications. In fact, it’s even more important to have your primary application in as soon as possible to give yourself plenty of time to write your secondary essays. 

The MD-PhD application process follows the AMCAS application timeline :

  • May: AMCAS application opens. You’ll receive your secondary application shortly after you submit your primary. 
  • July-August: Submit your supplemental application within two weeks.
  • October-March: Prepare for and attend all scheduled interviews.
  • December-March: Application committees make final decisions. For schools with rolling admissions, this may happen shortly after an interview. Other institutions wait until after all interviews are complete to make decisions.
  • March-April: Applicant decisions are made.
  • June-August: Your MD-PhD begins.

Additional Essays in the MD-PhD Application

The MD-PhD application process includes two additional essays that showcase your commitment to a career as a physician-scientist. 

MD-PhD Essay

The MD-PhD Essay is your opportunity to express why you have chosen the dual-degree path and how it aligns with your career goals. Discuss your motivation for pursuing the ambitious MD-PhD degree. You should explain why both clinical practice and research are integral to your career vision and share personal experiences that ignite your interest in this path.

Describe your career goals and how integrating clinical practice and scientific research will allow you to achieve those goals. If you’re interested in a particular field, discuss how the blend of clinical and research training in the MD-PhD program will enhance your contributions to this field.

Significant Research Experience Essay

This essay is your chance to elaborate on your research experiences and demonstrate your scientific curiosity, perseverance, and ability to work independently. You’ll explain the objectives of the research project you have been involved in, your role in achieving these objectives, and the significance of the research.

You can also write about instances where you faced challenges and had to use your problem-solving skills, perseverance, and critical thinking to overcome them. Highlight your ability to learn from others, like your mentors, how you can collaborate, and contribute to a team-oriented goal.

If your work led to any significant findings, presentations, or publications, be sure to include this. Use this opportunity to communicate your passion for research and how these experiences have prepared you for a career that combines patient care and scientific investigation.

MD-PhD: The career path that moves medicine forward.

MD-PhD candidates have a commitment to both medical practice and research on this path. The journey is long and at times challenging, but for those driven by a passion for both clinical medicine and biomedical research, the reward lies in the unique ability to contribute to the advancement of healthcare as a physician-scientist.

Speak with a member of our enrollment team who can help you prepare your MD-PhD application.

Picture of Kachiu Lee, MD

Kachiu Lee, MD

Dr. Lee specializes in BS/MD admissions. She was accepted into seven combined bachelor-medical degree programs. She graduated Summa Cum Laude from Northwestern University and proceeded to Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago, IL. After completing a dermatology residency at Brown University, Dr. Lee pursued a fellowship in Photomedicine, Lasers, and Cosmetics at Massachusetts General Hospital and was a Clinical Fellow at Harvard Medical School. Academically, she has over 100 peer-reviewed publications and lectures internationally.

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Difference Between MD and Phd

• Categorized under Career & Education , Miscellaneous | Difference Between MD and Phd


MD and Phd are both higher degrees. MD stands for Doctor of Medicine, and Phd stands for Doctor of philosophy.

The first difference that can be mentioned of the two, is that MD is associated with treating patients, and Phd is related to a doctor’s degree in other fields.

While MD pertains to a higher degree in medicine, a Phd can be obtained in various fields, like arts and the sciences. A person that has a MD degree can prescribe medicines, where as a person with a Phd cannot prescribe medicines. Phd is completely research oriented.

When discussing the origin of MD and Phd, the former was launched first. The origin of Doctor of Medicine is traced to the ninth century, when it was introduced in the medieval Arabic universities. The Doctor of Philosophy is known to have originated in the Middle Ages, in the European universities.

There is also the difference of time when studying for the degrees. While a person gets a MD after about four years, a person will only get a Phd in four to seven years. Getting a Phd also depends on the submission of the thesis paper.

Doctor of Philosophy comes from Latin philosophiæ doctor, which means ‘teacher of philosophy’. The Doctor of Medicine also comes from Latin, and means ‘teacher of medicine’.

A person gets a MD degree after two years of course work, and two years of rotational work, in some hospital or clinic. On the other hand, a person gets a Phd after he submits his thesis paper. The thesis is examined by a group of experts, and the person may also be called to defend his work.

1. MD stands for Doctor of Medicine, and Phd stands for Doctor of philosophy.

2. While MD pertains to a higher degree in medicine, a Phd can be obtained in various fields, like arts and the sciences.

3. A person with a MD degree can prescribe medicines

4. A person gets a MD degree after two years of course work, and two years of rotational work, in some hospital or clinic. On the other hand, a person gets a Phd only after his thesis paper has been approved.

5. The origin of Doctor of Medicine is traced to the ninth century, when it was introduced in the medieval Arabic universities. The Doctor of Philosophy is known to have originated in the Middle Ages, in the European universities.

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Cite APA 7 S, P. (2011, July 28). Difference Between MD and Phd. Difference Between Similar Terms and Objects. http://www.differencebetween.net/miscellaneous/difference-between-md-and-phd/. MLA 8 S, Prabhat. "Difference Between MD and Phd." Difference Between Similar Terms and Objects, 28 July, 2011, http://www.differencebetween.net/miscellaneous/difference-between-md-and-phd/.


Two glaring inaccuracy about PhDs: 1) completely research oriented, and 2) don’t treat patients. There are many clinical PhD (like a clinical psychologist), and the number of clinical fields in which one may obtain a clinical PhD continues to grow (nursing is an example). Also, in the USA, one frequently completes 3 years of post-college coursework toward a PhD, and then begins working on a dissertation/thesis. In many fields, the graduate of a PhD program is then expected to acquire specialized skills in a post-doctoral position, which typically lasts 3-7 years. Non-clinical, research PhDs may use the postdoctoral fellowship to acquire experience and skills in a clinical setting, and then independently engage in primary patient care after becoming certified by the appropriate “board” or governing body.

An MD is a professional doctorate like DBA, EdD, PsyD. There is normally a larger taught element and the dissertation/thesis is normally shorter and more directly applied to practice. A PhD requirement is ‘an original contribution to the body of ‘human scientific knowledge’’, Hence, although the research element is greater, more rigorous and generally more theoretical. It does not mean this knowledge cannot be applied. I blame the yanks. Credentials, credentials, credentials amid a myriad of ‘multi-guess’ testing originated there, as did professional Doctorates. (I remember when Oxford never awarded an MBA but an MPhil (Business Administration). Now the SAID Business School is a cash cow). In another field; aviation. US CPL/ATPL written exams (all multi-guess; questions and answers available to memorise) are a joke in comparison to the British/European/ANZAC ones. Yankie influence dilution of the meaning of a terminal award called Doctor. Let’s also not forget that University originated via the Church. A Doctor of the church was awarded to great and gifted theologians. Medical doctors were awarded the title, in effect, for a first degree plus professional qualification, on an honorary basis.

I thank you very much for this so good, intensified, and condensed clarification/explanation about the fundamental difference between PhD and MD. Really i have searched for a long time for this informations and i think now, that i have reached my goal! Thanks a lot and have a nice night 🙂

Awesome. Because all of this information is at best misleading and at worst downright false. Don’t EVER believe one source.

Apologies. Person commenting before you had the facts. Original poster is so off base its infuriating.

Technically, an MD is considered a technical masters degree [like a J.D. [lawyer] or Pharm.D. [pharmacist], D.P.T. [physical therapist] etc.]. The trend is to add the word “doctor” to all these technical masters degrees and we keep seeing more fields adding the word “doctor” to their programs. These technical masters are training for a specific job that usually require a license as well. They are not a doctorate. You can complete medical school and get an MD degree and still not be licensed to practice medicine. You need further clinical work and to pass licensing exams to be able to practice medicine. A Doctorate [like a Ph.D]. is indeed a research degree and the highest level of education one can have. Many research granting institutions make a distinction such that in order to be the Principle Investigator [PI]on a study receiving grant money you need a doctorate [Ph.D or equivalent]. although an M.D. can be a co-PI with a Ph.D. as can an M.D. who has completed further formal research after the master’s level M.D. The term “Doctor” for physician came more recently [started in Scotland I believe] and used to be reserved for someone with an actual doctorate.

Do one iota of research before you spread BS.

“Typically, they do 1-2 years of internship. Unlike psychiatrists, psychologists are also trained in giving psychological tests (like IQ tests or personality tests). Because of their medical training, psychiatrists can prescribe medication — probably the most commonly known distinction between the two fields.”

The article is easy to understand it might miss some marks but it puts it in perspective. The comments I’m like – what are they talking about?

Sorry to burst your bubble, but the statement “When discussing the origin of MD and Phd, the former was launched first […]” is completely inaccurate: The first doctoral degree i.e. PhD was awarded in medieval Paris around 1150. The first medical degree i.e. MD was awarded in 1703 in Glasgow. Therefore, the actual PhD degree came first, and not the MD degree. If we discuss ‘origins’ we could easily argue that medieval Arabs practiced doctoral studies that could have easily been the precursors to the PhD degree as opposed to the MD degree.

I think you are also wrong. What is at the end a MD? A degree in medicine, the qualification to certify that you can work as a physician. The Schola Medica Salernitana in Italy (from 11th until 13th century) was the first university recorded to grant a “medical degree” as you said before.

Also, I don’t know why remains that “doctor” word in both cases because in any of them, MD or Ph.D., you are able to teach. Actually, to become a professor is a long way ahead.

By the way, a physician just holding a MD can barely teach because hasn’t started his/her residency yet.

PS: I didn’t know that medicine takes only four years in some places, because in the European Union and other countries is a minimum of six years term.

I’m sorry, but your statement is false. Yes, in some countries MD is a lower qualification and it is basically the medical degree.

In most countries, PhD and MD qualifications are at the same level. After achieving basic, and at least masters level postgraduate qualifications, you can apply for a doctorate. MD is usually clinically-focused, and PhD more philosophical. Medical doctors and specialists can also do PhD rather than MD – it depends on the focus of their research.

Still, many countries differ.

In East Africa, all professors that teach medical students and supervise them as consultants at referral hospitals are almost all Ph.D. holders. It is misleading therefore for the original poster to infer that only a person with an MD can prescribe medicine.

Ph.D. is the highest degree awarded by an accredited university. It takes 5 years approximately post Masters to obtain. Most MD’s follow the research of a Ph.D. It is grossly inaccurate to put M.D. before Ph.D. The correct way to list degrees obtained would be Ph.D., M.D., M.S. Ask any Tier I Research Institution. M.D.’s hijacked the term doctor when they truly are physicians, as J.D.’s are lawyers and cannot call themselves doctor.

I absolutely agree with you. Its comnon knowledge that physicians acquire the title of Doctor before they even get a Msc in thier field. On the other hand,one needs to get a masters and then do some serious research work before acquiring the title.

In general, an MD applies existing knowledge. A PhD creates NEW knowledge. The PhD is the highest academic degree that can be earned. The term “doctor” as it pertains to medical personnel has been corrupted. Its original meaning was someone who has risen to a sufficient level that he can teach others and is derived from “docere” to teach. Most doctors graduate with Batchelors degrees. Typically MBBS which stands for Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery, or in Latin: Medicinae Baccalaureus Baccalaureus Chirurgiae. To be strictly correct, medical doctors should really adopt the title “physician” to avoid confusion.

I invented illness diseases cause and treatment.(1)piles (2) gripe heat motion place patient desire dead sudden wants no extra life, breast cancer,head ache half,full gead ache birth 10/15,days continously head ache i invented only one or two times dose head ache dead always.aids,asthma,one invetion product stomach if consumed sux to seven numbers illness of stomach ache curable (i) long instestine no needs of surgery (ii)small intestine(iii)gall bladder(iv) kidney , prostate gland breast cancer, etc

please, I want you guys to help me with this. The degree of a person who did medicine in 6 years.

In most universities in North America, and M.D. is an undergraduate degree, whereas a Ph.D. is a graduate degree.

MD is never considered an undergraduate degree.Undergraduate degrees are baccalaureate and that is the least prerequisite for MD.You could say then that MD is a graduate program.to bolster this residency is called postgraduate program all over North America

Hello everyone

I hold my M.D degree, gained it after the Master degree in orthopedic, and always noticed that books authors in orthopedic writing their degrees as ( M.D, Ph.D ) !! Is that right??

Can I make the same or not??

What is the difference in abbreviation: DR (capital “R”) and Dr (small “r”)

If anybody is rating any academic qualifications, it should be based on the academic course credits of such a degree. Medical schools in the US are after a bachelor’s degree & last another 3 or 4 years. PhDs are bachelor’s degree & another 3 or 4 years. In the UK, medical schools are 6 years after secondary education & PhDs 3 years after a 4 year bachelor’s degree & the durations of the medical school terms & learning times are much longer than any of those others. The MDs are after some residency further training & the researches are more broad-based, with clinical outcome or health service output advancements as outcomes. So, it should be easy to evaluate those trainings. In the final analysis, I believe that we will all do well to respect each other after these facts are laid bare for all “to use their tongues to count their teeth!

MD is a lower degree than PhD. Don’t get it wrong. MD is equivalent to Masters level e.g MPhil in academia. I have recently gone through MD admission which is how I found out. It’s never at same level with PhD.

And MD is not fully qualified to teach because even in PhD you must take teaching training alongside to be able to qualify to lecture afterwards.

The confusion occurred because some countries decided that medical doctors (which is a quack title to start with) should be written after any qualified medical practitioner’s name to identify themselves.

MD in most of the world means ‘Medical Doctorate’, and not ‘Medical Doctor’. A Medical Doctorate is a doctorate just like PhD but is more clinically focussed. Thus, even a medical practitioner can continue their studies and choose to do a doctorate in philosophy or medicine, depending on their research field.

I know a fellow who obtained his doctor of veterinary science He was called a Vet at that time He then went on to complete a PhD in veterinary science after five years of additional study in a specific research area

Bachelor degree = BS = bull sh** Masters degree = MS = more sh** PhD = pike it higher and deeper

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Written by : Prabhat S. and updated on 2011, July 28 Articles on DifferenceBetween.net are general information, and are not intended to substitute for professional advice. The information is "AS IS", "WITH ALL FAULTS". User assumes all risk of use, damage, or injury. You agree that we have no liability for any damages.


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Which research degree should I do—MSc, MD, or PhD?

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You should think carefully about what kind of research degree you want. If you want only a taste of research or are doing it only to improve your chances at a specialist registrar interview, go for the MSc. This is usually a one year taught course with an experimental project and is a good way of learning the basics of science. If you wish to do more detailed science and are considering a career in academic medicine, then think about a PhD. This will mean more time commitment (at least three years) and more intellectual commitment. The compromise degrees are the MD or MS. These usually require two years of work and therefore permit more in-depth research than the MSc. The MD or its equivalent is popular among medics. When deciding which degree to go for you should check all the various regulations and also the fees that may be entailed.

At the end of the day the choice is up to you. The key questions are: why are you doing research and how much time and energy do you want to commit to it?

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Adenomyosis vs. Endometriosis: Know the Difference

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Reviewed by Bruce Lessey, MD, PhD

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Your period is at it again. Debilitating cramps, heavy bleeding, complete exhaustion, and nothing seems to help. If you’re starting to wonder if something more than a “bad period” could be to blame, these are just some of the common — and super frustrating — symptoms of endometriosis and adenomyosis. These two misunderstood (and often misdiagnosed) conditions can wreak havoc on your cycle, fertility, and overall well-being. 

“Both endometriosis and adenomyosis can be difficult to diagnose, and for many women, the diagnosis is never made,” says Bruce Lessey, MD, PhD, a reproductive endocrinologist & infertility specialist and the scientific advisor at Cicero Diagnostics .

We’re here to help you understand the difference between these conditions and what symptoms to look out for so you can advocate for the care you deserve. 

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Is it adenomyosis or endometriosis?

The main difference between adenomyosis and endometriosis is in what tissue is responsible and where that tissue grows.

Dr. Lessey explains that when adenomyosis occurs, “endometrial-like tissue grows into the muscle wall of the uterus, thickening it and causing significant inflammation.” Because the tissue grows inside the uterine wall, the condition is sometimes called “internal endometriosis.” 

Adenomyosis can cause heavy, painful, or prolonged periods, leg pain, and infertility, among other symptoms. 

Endometriosis , on the other hand, is when tissue similar (but not identical) to the lining of the uterus grows outside the uterus in places it shouldn’t — like your fallopian tubes, ovaries, or internal abdomen lining. “This growth can make it difficult to get pregnant for a variety of reasons,” says Lessey. Women with unexplained infertility are especially likely to have endometriosis as an underlying cause of infertility.

Additional symptoms of endometriosis may include pain before, between, and during periods, gastrointestinal symptoms, and pain with sex, to name a few. 

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Because adenomyosis and endometriosis can cause similar symptoms, they often get misdiagnosed as dysmenorrhea (painful periods). For some women with endometriosis, infertility is their only symptom, and others have no symptoms at all, also known as silent endometriosis. 

Uterine fibroids are another condition with symptoms similar to those of adenomyosis and endometriosis. “Fibroids are myometrial muscle cells that mutate and begin to grow, forming tumors inside or on the uterus,” adds Lessey. Some fibroids don't cause any symptoms, but others can cause severe menstrual cramps, heavy periods, and pain during sex.

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How are adenomyosis and endometriosis diagnosed?

Thanks to recent technological advances, diagnosing adenomyosis and endometriosis is typically noninvasive. Most providers start with a physical exam to assess if your uterus is enlarged. 

A transvaginal ultrasound often follows. Still, the accuracy can vary, and endometriosis might not show up. On average, it can take 7 to 9 years for women to get the correct diagnosis of endometriosis, as ultrasounds and MRIs may miss smaller patches of uterine tissue. 

The only sure way to diagnose the condition is through laparoscopy , a minimally invasive surgery that can diagnose and remove endometriosis. For adenomyosis, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the most reliable diagnosis method. 

“Besides imaging or surgery, an endometrial biopsy using the  ReceptivaDx test can help identify inflammation on the uterine lining most often associated with endometriosis or adenomyosis,” says Lessey. In fact, it's the only test that can identify leading causes of unexplained infertility in a single sample.

When to see a healthcare provider

While some discomfort during your period is normal, it’s important to trust your instincts and recognize when your symptoms may be signaling something more serious. You know your body best, and chalking things up to "just a heavy, painful period" could lead to potential complications down the road. 

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Also, although endometriosis is more common, it can often look a lot like adenomyosis, so talking to your provider and getting an ultrasound and an MRI to diagnose and rule out other conditions accurately is vital. 

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Adenomyosis, endometriosis, and fertility

When it comes to fertility, Lessey adds: “One of the biggest misconceptions is that of physicians who don’t think endometriosis or adenomyosis causes infertility or IVF failure. Whether a patient goes through her obstetrician or is already being seen in an IVF center, the likelihood of infertility caused by these conditions increases with the increasing number of failures, regardless of overt symptoms."

Remember, you are your own best advocate. If you are experiencing any concerning symptoms, or even if you’re unsure, contact your healthcare provider — and mention the ReceptivaDx test while you’re at it.  

Early diagnosis and intervention can make a big difference in managing these conditions, improving your chances of conception, and minimizing their impact on your overall well-being.

Dealing with adenomyosis and endometriosis can be challenging, but you're not alone. There's support available, and you can find ways to manage your symptoms and live a fulfilling life.

Blair Sharp  is a freelance writer who lives in Minnesota with her husband and son. Her words have been published in various publications, including Parents, SheKnows, The Bump, and Insider. Find her writing daily on  LinkedIn and check out her weekly newsletter, Hey Freelancer!  Head to her website  www.blairsharp.com for more.

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Novavax or Nothing? For Some, It’s Their COVID Vaccine Choice

Sept. 11, 2024 – Social media platforms lit up minutes after the FDA announced its authorization of the updated Novavax COVID-19 vaccine right before Labor Day weekend. It was the last of three vaccines authorized for 2024-2025, and the news was greeted with glee by many.

“That’s great!” proclaimed one Reddit user, as others posted “Yes!!” and “Bravo!” In All About Novavax, a private Facebook group of more than 1,000 members, many reposted the FDA announcement and began to compare notes about when they expect to be able to get it. Another group that had submitted petitions to the FDA, urging the agency not to delay the Novavax authorization for this year, posted, “We did it!” and “Success!” after the announcement. 

In terms of doses given, Novavax trails far behind Moderna’s and Pfizer’s COVID vaccines, placing dead last. Estimates vary, but as of Aug. 10, in the U.S., more than 400 million Pfizer doses had been given, more than 251 million Moderna, and 83,047 Novavax doses, according to data researchers.  

But for many, Novavax is #1 – the one and only COVID vaccine they would consider. This enthusiasm for Novavax isn’t new. As far back as 2022, news reports described a kind of Novavax fan club – a term that irritates some – and it’s still here. 

What accounts for this passionate support of Novavax? It’s complicated and personal.

It’s a ‘Traditional’ Vaccine

Some say they prefer Novavax is because it’s a more traditional vaccine, compared to the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, which are made with messenger RNA technology, said William Schaffner, MD, an infectious disease doctor at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville and a spokesperson for the Infectious Diseases Society of America.

Some people are still skeptical about the mRNA technology, he said, which they still regard as new, even though “it isn’t new anymore because we’ve given millions and millions of doses.” 

Even so, “Novavax is made in a much more traditional fashion, and it’s reassuring to those who are antsy about the mRNA vaccine,” Schaffner said. “It takes a protein part of the virus, links it to an immune system stimulant, an adjuvant, and then it’s injected and stimulates the immune system.” It’s the same way flu vaccines are made.

“The mRNA vaccine is in effect a blueprint [for the protein], which is then injected into the body; the body actually makes the protein, and then the immune system responds to it.” 

One of the advantages of the mRNA vaccines over traditional ones, Schaffner said, is that they are easier and faster to make.  And this can let you update mRNA vaccines somewhat faster than you can update traditional vaccines, letting you better keep up with changing variants, he said.

Tradition appeals to Sam Biller, 58, of Tampa, FL, who said he is choosing Novavax this year again after first getting a Johnson & Johnson vaccine and then a previous Novavax shot because he prefers what he calls the “proven technology” of Novavax.

If the “traditional” aspect of the Novavax vaccine persuades people to get vaccinated, Schaffner said, he’s all for it, noting the lagging interest recently in getting updated vaccines. According to the CDC, only 22.9% of U.S. adults have gotten the updated 2023-2024 COVID-19 vaccine.

Plus: Fewer Side Effects 

Fewer side effects in the short term, in general, is another big draw of the Novavax shot, said Peter Chin-Hong, MD, a professor of medicine and infectious disease specialist at the University of California San Francisco School of Medicine. 

"For short-term side effects, like fever, myalgia (muscle pains), headache, in the studies – [although] there aren’t head-to-head comparisons – fewer participants in the Novavax studies reported those, compared to people in the Pfizer or Moderna trials.”

Other research has also found the mRNA vaccines to be the most reactive. Some researchers compared people who received an mRNA vaccine as their first booster, then got either Novavax or an mRNA vaccine as a second booster. They found the Novavax group had fewer side effects but higher rates of infection. No differences in immune responses were found between the two groups. 

The immune system stimulant used in the Novavax vaccine, Chin-Hong said, compared to others in “traditional” vaccines, helps explain why it produces less severe side effects. 

“For traditional vaccines, it’s all about the adjuvant,” he said. 

Novavax’s adjuvant is called Matrix-M, derived from compounds in the bark of a Soapbark tree. According to Chin-Hong, the Novavax adjuvant is “not as well-known for causing as many side effects” as some others, such as the shingles vaccine adjuvant.

Judy, 74, a Northern Virginia retiree who asked that just her first name be used, had seven mRNA vaccines before switching to Novavax in May.

“The first six were Pfizer,” she said in an email. “Each one partially disabled me for a couple of days,” with fatigue, a sore arm, a headache, body aches, and malaise over 2 to 3 days. The seventh shot was Moderna's after her pharmacy ran out of Pfizer doses. 

“Moderna really kicked me in the behind,” she said. 

She prepared once again for side effects when she went for the Novavax in May but was surprised. 

“I had a very limited reaction; I had a mild temperature with a mild headache; no sore arm. I went to bed earlier than usual, and while I was tired the next day, I was up and out of bed and ready for my coffee,” she said.

Adam Van Bavel, 45, of Baltimore, said he has long COVID, and the mRNA vaccines left him dealing with symptoms for 2 to 3 days, including a high fever, chills, a headache, and congestion. The Novavax shot only left him sore where the needle went in. He calls it an “easy decision.”

Every time he got the mRNA vaccine, “I was down for a day,” recalled Paul Hennessy, 34, an entertainment project manager in Los Angeles. After he switched to Novavax twice last year, he was fine the next day, he said.

Rare Allergic Reactions: PEG

For some, it’s the risk of a serious allergic reaction linked with the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines. Both mRNA COVID vaccines use polyethylene glycol (PEG) as a stabilizer. PEG is also found in foods, cosmetics, and other products. Serious allergic reactions to PEG are rare but do happen.

While the cause of these reactions has been debated, it’s not proven, according to some research.

Even so, Moderna and Pfizer caution anyone who’s had a severe allergic reaction to any ingredient in their COVID vaccines not to get them. 

Vaccine Scorecards

Discussion on social media is brisk about the “better” COVID vaccine for this year, in terms of preventing infection and targeting the “right” variant.

In early June, the FDA advised vaccine makers that this year’s formula should be monovalent vaccines targeting JN.1. The agency then said the preferred JN.1 lineage is the KP.2 strain.

This year’s Novavax targets JN.1, the “parent strain” of currently circulating variants, the company said, and “has shown robust cross-reactivity against JN.1 lineage viruses, including KP.2.3, KP.3, KP.3.11 and LB.1.”

The updated mRNA vaccines from Moderna and Pfizer target the KP.2 strain. 

“Antibody data shows the Novavax JN.1 spike vaccine and the Moderna/Pfizer KP.2 vaccine have comparable virus neutralization levels of the currently circulating variants,” said Matthew Frieman, PhD, a professor of viral pathogen research at the University of Maryland School of Medicine in Baltimore. “There have been no differences in clinical protection between the mRNA and protein vaccines, demonstrating that they are all functioning to protect from severe disease and hospitalization.” 

Novavax Advocates on a Mission  

Don Ford, an activist in Los Angeles, has advocated for Novavax for 2 years, has organized letter-writing campaigns, and sent a petition urging the FDA and CDC to approve the Novavax vaccine for 2024-2025. Ford said he much prefers Novavax for himself and his family, which includes a cancer patient.

“We’ve been very aggressive,” he said of his efforts, writing to the Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC) of the FDA and calling in to make public oral comments when allowed. 

Once the Novavax authorization came through, he pasted a “Success!” headline on the online materials.

Next Up: Finding the Shot

Soon after the authorization, those in search of a Novavax vaccine began posting on social media, asking where to find it this year and offering tips. They know from experience they often have to shop around to find it and there can be a lack of awareness about the vaccine. 

Distribution, Schaffner reminds people, has nothing to do with the FDA or the CDC, but exclusively the company. According to Novavax, the vaccine will be available “in thousands of locations across the country, including retailers, regional grocers and independent pharmacies.”

Peter Liepmann, MD, 70, a family doctor in Pasadena, CA, and his wife belong to a health plan that doesn’t stock Novavax, so they decided to pay out of pocket last fall for their preferred vaccine. And they had to hunt. “We had to look around to find a small, independent pharmacy that had it,” he said. “Most of the big chains said  they had it but didn’t.” 

After calling half a dozen places, he found it.

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