• Negative Effects of Technology on Society Words: 1456
  • How Technology Has Affected Education Words: 559
  • Interconnection of Nature, Society, and Technology Words: 1137
  • How Technology Has Affected Communication Words: 933
  • Technology in Human Interpretation Words: 1097
  • Why Do Humans Rely So Much on Technology? Words: 842
  • Sociotechnical Ensemble and Technology Theories Words: 1465
  • The Sphere of Information Technology Words: 1107
  • Using Technology in Everyday Life: Pros and Cons Words: 1400
  • Impacts of the Usage of Technology Words: 887
  • Technology: Is It Neutral? Words: 573
  • Social Relations After Impact of Technology Words: 1658
  • Technology and Its Impact on Humanity Words: 3030
  • Smartphone Technology in the Society Words: 1453
  • Technology and Society. Relative Influence. Words: 1636
  • Technology and Interpersonal Communication Words: 1566
  • The Relationships Between Technology Progress and Communication Words: 567

Are We too Dependent on Technology?

Do we rely on technology too much? Read this essay and learn whether people have become overly dependent on technology in the modern world.


How dependent are we on technology, dependence on technology leads to less thinking, dependence on technology leads to less meaningful communication, adverse effects on children dependent on technology, positive effects of technology.

“Are we too dependent on technology?” is a popular question for debate. Many think that people’s dependence on technology is becoming too much. Others believe that humans are not dependent on technology and that reliance on automation has mostly positive effects. This dependence on technology essay aims to answer whether people have become overly dependent on technology.

Technology is a positive thing. The constant advancement in technology means that the execution of duties is becoming easier. Notably, improvements in the use of technology in the medical field have enabled doctors to save more lives.

Similarly, the automation of key processes at the workplace implies that the work environment is not only safer, but productivity is also higher. In fact, it is through technology that parents can stay in touch with their young ones studying abroad. People are now globally connected as a result of using technology. As it is, every action people have to carry out is dependent on technology.

However, the use of technology is raising concerns. First, technology has increased entertainment platforms among particular demographic groups, especially the youths who are constantly hooked on their gadgets for a long time.

Further, the over-reliance on technology is draining the healthy habits that people once used to have, leading to numerous health issues. Under this premise, I concur that people have become overly dependent on technology.

First, the use of technology implies that people are doing less thinking daily. One study has shown that constant use of the brain hinders the development of diseases like Alzheimer’s and dementia in old age. In fact, proper brain development commences during early childhood when children engage in games like puzzles. Unfortunately, people in this generation work their brains less than required (Anderson and Rainie 2).

Reasons Why People Have Become Overly Dependent on Technology

In fact, people take out their calculators even for the simplest of calculations. Juggling one’s memory to remember a friend’s or relative’s number is a thing of the past. People no longer do all the thinking when there are phones with the ability to store contacts. As a result, people’s mental ability is reduced significantly, making them prone to dementia and memory loss as they age.

However, the problem is not the technology; the problem is how people use the technology. Technology is meant to aid processes, increase efficiency as well as productivity, and make life easier. However, people exploit technology by applying it even in simple tasks (Anderson and Rainie 5).

If technology would be applied as a tool other than a means of escaping reality, then its contribution to society would be seen and appreciated. However, people who sit and play video games all day make technology appear like a bad influence, yet some people play these games for relaxation and do productive jobs.

Secondly, through the influence of technology, people have stopped having quality communication with each other. Technology has invaded every aspect of life, making it hard for people to have meaningful conversations.

Notably, technology seems so convenient that word of mouth looks pretty unnecessary. For example, two friends in the same room will likely message each other than directly speak to one another. Most people have taken up the use of gadgets like iPhones and iPads, thereby spending a lot of their time on social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook.

It means that even though people would initially meet and greet, it is no longer possible as they can communicate over the Internet, consequently limiting physical contact. Such an over-reliance on technology implies that most meaningful conversations between people are lost, leading to poor family bonding (Saidam 4).

Nevertheless, reliance on technology is essential in this digital age. The world has evolved into a digital platform, where anybody that has not joined the digital world is left behind on new developments.

Essentially, technology makes communication among people easier and can impact many people at a go without having to do bulk communication. Take, for example, a company doing job advertisements over the Internet. The adverts will likely be spotted and gain more audiences than when placed in a newspaper.

The primary reason for this phenomenon is that the world has evolved into a digital age, where people are slowly getting away from traditional means of communication. Further, social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter save people the costs and inconveniences of traveling many miles to communicate, while it is possible to do so online.

The belief that technology is an essential application camouflages the various dangers associated with its use. It is believed that one way to stay afloat in the world today is keeping with trends of technological advancements and being part of the group. This way, one is kept updated and aware of what is happening worldwide.

Therefore, there is a need to join social sites like Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. One downside of operating these sites is requiring personal information before activating an account. Further, one has to link up with their friends and give personal details like their date of birth and location, among others. While adults may exercise dissemination of such information with caution, youths may not.

Thus, it is easier for anyone to get vital information about individuals, stalk them, and manipulate the information for their benefit. Besides, sharing such information should be a private business and not public, as everyone can gain access to you from wherever they are located. Notably, privacy is an essential element of life that is highly violated using technology.

The general population’s health is deteriorating with the advent of technology and the technological age. First, technology is applied for many purposes, even for the simplest tasks. Among the tasks are simple mathematical calculations that are manually feasible.

However, people choose to use their gadgets even when unnecessary because they do not want to leave their comfort zones. Not very long ago, children used to enjoy outdoor games. They would go around playing with other children in their community and, in the process, boost their stamina and immunity. Such interactions exposed the children to social life and various challenges like solving conflicts.

As a result, these children were smart in life and grew up as better people. It is not the case nowadays; the trend is that young children are exposed to games like PlayStation, gamepads, and joysticks rather than communal games. In effect, the children grow up with low self-esteem and communication problems as they are not used to being around people (Anderson and Rainie 2).

Further, their thinking is limited to themselves, meaning they grow up with selfishness, an inability to make friends, and poor behavioral characteristics.

Despite the negative impact of technology today, its contribution to making life easier and more convenient, as well as its simplicity to use, implies that the role of technology is crucial. One useful technological gadget is the cell phone. About 82% of the United States population is estimated to have a cell phone (Campbell 3).

Such ownership implies ease of access to information and convenience in communication. Notably, pressing just a single button on the cell phone would generate a lot of helpful information for the user. For instance, using smartphones means that people can improve their linguistic abilities and ease of messaging, which are now a big part of how people communicate.

On the other hand, all these developments in the world of technology imply that human beings are losing their culture and reality with the world. Nowadays, it seems like people cannot communicate and exist with all the available gadgets, as their use has been extended from official to private. For instance, the use of computers at the office makes work easier.

However, should all the data on official documents be lost in these computers, the companies cannot operate. Secondly, people are so used to communicating through the Internet and over the phones that should these gadgets not exist anymore, they would have difficulty communicating or maintaining touch with each other (Saidam 5).

As it is, individuals have made it seem like life would end should these gadgets be absent. On the contrary, people in previous generations would communicate and maintain constant touch with each other before the gadgets were developed.

While people would use their thoughts, get into discussions, and convene to solve pertinent issues, nowadays, people surf answers to every need. The dependency on computers has made people highly vulnerable to losing their identity (Saidam 5).

Culturally, people lose track of who they are and what is acceptable for them. A lot of cultural dilution occurs with the use of technology, like the Internet. Ideally, people start to adopt what they see online and practice it in their daily lives (Anderson and Rainie 5).

For instance, some people tend to envy the Western ways of doing things more than their traditional outlook on life. Ultimately, individuals act and behave the same with the proliferation of values.

Despite the convenience created by technology, people have become too dependent on technology. Everyday life activities are managed through technological gadgets and applications. People now rely on alarms to wake up. Phones are used to check the time and for constant communication throughout the day.

Once people get to the office, they log into emails, respond to them, and later log onto social networking sites, where they spend the better part of the day. Ideally, individuals check up on their friends and families through instant messaging on Facebook.

Once they know they are fine, they hardly create time to visit them. In fact, the type of communication between families and friends is diluted to fit social circles. Back at home, children hardly go out to play because they are constantly engrossed in their play stations.

The consequence is that the children have poor social skills, perform poorly in school, and have limited problem-solving skills. People hardly put their brains to the task because they mainly rely on technology to carry out simple arithmetic functions. Individuals are growing old and suffering from memory problems, all because they exploit the application of technology and become over-reliant on technology.

Works Cited

Anderson, Janna, and Lee Rainie. Millennials will Benefit and Suffer Due to their Hyperconnected Lives . Washington DC: Pew Research Center, 2012. Print.

Campbell, Marilyn A. “The Impact of the Mobile Phone on Young People’s Social Life.” Social Change in the 21st Century Conference , QUT Carseldine, Brisbane, 2005. Print.

Saidam, Sabri M. On Route to an E Society: Human Dependence on Technology and Adaptation Needs . 2004. Web.

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Home > Blog > Tips for Online Students > Is Society Too Dependent On Technology? 10 Shocking Facts

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Is Society Too Dependent On Technology? 10 Shocking Facts

technology dependent essay

Updated: June 19, 2024

Published: May 26, 2020


Is Society Too Dependent On Technology?

Technology plays a major role in our lives, and most of us may find it hard to remember a time when phones, computers, tablets, and other devices weren’t a part of everyday life. While technology certainly makes life easier and more convenient, many wonder whether or not our society is too dependent on technology.

Fact #1: According to a study by Penn State , 77% said that society as a whole relied too much on technology to succeed.

So, is society too dependent on technology? There are even more shocking facts out there to prove it.

Is Society Too Dependent On Computers/Phones?

Technology, of course, has many innumerable benefits. But this dependency on phones and computers has impacted humans negatively, too.

First and foremost, it has led users to be completely engrossed in their devices. In fact, there is even a term to describe this: “nomophobia” (no-mobile-phone-phobia) which is when a person has an actual fear of losing or being away from their phone.

Fact #2: According to Trendhunter , 66% of the population suffers from nomophobia today.

What Are The Effects Of Technology?

What does this addiction to technology do to us? Well, even if we are not addicted, technology can have an impact on our mental, physical, and emotional health and wellbeing. From causing stiff necks to heightened anxiety, technology has seeped through all aspects of our lives. And, if not used moderately, technology can really harm us, despite all its benefits — ultimately, by making us too dependent on it.

The Effects Of Technology On Entertainment

At the beginning of the 20th century, there were many ways that people could be entertained, which usually involved interacting with others without a device between them. For instance, people could attend dances, live events, amusement parks, or simply play a game of stickball with their friends from the neighborhood.

Though we still do these activities for entertainment, it’s much less so than before. The way we entertain ourselves these days has changed dramatically since phones, computers, and similar technologies have been interwoven into our lives.

Fact #3: The type of entertainment we get from technology today is known as “passive” entertainment. This could be anything from binge-watching a show on Netflix to listening to a podcast. It does not require much effort. Passive entertainment, or passive leisure, is different from active entertainment or active leisure, which involves the exertion of physical or mental energy.

The Effects Of Technology On How We Communicate

Technology has had an effect on how we communicate. Back in the day, people had to communicate primarily by talking to each other in person. Over time, technology gave us the unique ability to communicate with people who were far away from us, whether it was by making a phone call, sending an email, or shooting off a text.

Now, with a click of a button, we can talk to anyone in the world, any time of day — albeit with a few exceptions (being in a place without Internet or phone service). This may be good in theory, but the basic principles of healthy communication have been broken down. Think about it: has someone ever dumped you via a text message?

The Social Effect Of Technology

There’s no denying the fact that technology has made it easy for us to talk to our friends instantaneously. But, at the same time, many of us have forgotten how to interact with others without the devices between us. Or, they are able to use the device as a cover-up.

For example, technology has led to an increase in instances like cyberbullying, which is one of the many dangers of technology among young people.

Fact #4: According to DoSomething.org , about 37% of young people between the ages of 12 and 17 have been bullied online. 30% have had it happen more than once.

The Effects Of Technology On The Way We Travel

Technology has strongly impacted the way we travel. Today, we are able to find where we are going much more efficiently. This started with inventions like trains, automobiles, and planes. And, centuries later, we have taken this light years further by utilizing the internet and phone apps to make travel easier and more accessible.

Fact #5: In 2019, more than 37 million Americans traveled overseas . In 2002, less than twenty years prior, that number was 23 million. There’s no question that this can be largely attributed to advancements in technology, making travel more affordable and accessible.

However, this has brought humans further away from our hunter-gatherer roots; most of us would have a hard time surviving or even getting around in a foreign place without access to technology. Technology makes it easier for people to travel who otherwise wouldn’t feel confident doing so, but there’s no denying that it’s made us have more dependence on technology.

The Effects Of Technology On How We Research

A long time ago, people would get their information by doing the research themselves, usually with the help of books, a librarian, interviewing experts, or conducting experiments themselves. This could be a rather long process, and you may never come across the answer you’re looking for.

Nowadays, you can quickly type the question you have into a search engine and find your answer. Yet, there is a downside. With the easy access to information, there’s often a lot of misinformation out there, too. Some of it isn’t even written by humans.

Fact #6: According to writer Max Read of NYMag , “…less than 60 percent of web traffic is human; some years, according to some researchers, a healthy majority of it is bot.”

Image by Comfreak from Pixabay

Knowing the signs: how to tell if you’re too dependent on technology.

There’s nothing wrong with using technology to make life easier and more convenient. It’s when we become too dependent on it that we need to take a step back and re-evaluate our reliance on technology.

If you’re wondering whether or not you’re too dependent on technology, ask yourself if these statements apply to your life:

  • Nothing can be done without Internet access. If you lose Internet access, you’re done working for the day.
  • You lose track of time when you’re online.
  • You use calculators for simple calculations.
  • You feel anxious without connection.
  • You are addicted to your mobile phone and/or you allow machines to dictate your responses/behaviors.
  • You feel buyer’s remorse everytime you buy a new device and/or you obsess over the latest gadgets.
  • You have a hard time disconnecting and focusing on the present. You find you’re not living in the present and often record moments instead of appreciating them.
  • You don’t have phone numbers and/or addresses memorized.
  • You find it difficult to sleep.
  • You don’t go out enough; socialization takes place on your phone.
  • You haven’t been creative in a while.
  • You’re not able to have important and serious conversations in person.
  • It’s been a while since you’ve shopped at a brick-and-mortar store.
  • You feel like something’s missing when you don’t have your phone.
  • You have little concern for your privacy.

Most of us probably will have answered “yes” to at least a few of these statements. But, if you’ve answered yes to a majority of them, then it may be time to start addressing your reliance on technology.

The Dangers Of Technology Dependence

If you think you are too dependent on technology but wondering why technology is bad for society, well, this dependence can be dangerous. Technology can impact us physically, mentally, and emotionally if we are not careful. It can also be harmful to others. Here’s how.

1. Anxiety And Depression

Technology dependence has been linked to anxiety and depression . Whether this comes from the fact that we are withdrawn from others, the pressures from social media , the rise of cyber bullying, or the bright phone screen that is detrimental to our sleep, all of this is taking a toll on our mental health .

Fact #7: According to a study by the University of Missouri , “We found that if Facebook users experience envy of the activities and lifestyles of their friends on Facebook, they are much more likely to report feelings of depression,” said Margaret Duffy, a professor and chair of strategic communication.

2. Impatience

Technology has made us much more impatient than ever before. Because people can be available and accessible at all times, this has led us to believe that people should be accessible and available at all times. Most of us may get frustrated when someone does not answer their phone right away, or if we see that someone has seen a message but has not yet responded. For many, many years, hearing back from someone could take a long time; it was the norm.

Another way that our dependence on technology is dangerous is because it can impact our memory and the happy emotions that come with memory. Since technology has given us the ability to use memory cards on a device to store our information, we have not been accessing our brain’s memory as much as we are capable of doing.

Fact #8: A scientific article entitled “ The Brain In Your Pocket ” states that “Across three studies, we find that those who think more intuitively and less analytically when given reasoning problems were more likely to rely on their smartphones (i.e., extended mind) for information in their everyday lives.”

4. Addiction

Technology has increased the rate of technological addiction, which is characterized as the uncontrollable urge to constantly and consistently use technological devices or the programs, apps, and platforms that come with them. Technological addiction is more common among teenagers, but children and adults are seeing the effects as well.

Fact #9: According to the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation , “Researchers have found evidence that people who overuse technology may develop similar brain chemistry and neural patterning to those who are addicted to substances.” This can cause or worsen anxiety, depression, and even play a role in suicide in extreme cases.

5. Skill Replacement

Technology gives us the opportunity to learn new skills no matter where we are located. People can start businesses from scratch that run entirely online. However, this quick access to skills can present the same problem as with memorization. Because we turn to our devices for a particular skill-set (for instance, using a water intake app instead of knowing how much water we should be drinking on our own), it can impact our natural skill attainment abilities.

Image by Mediamodifier from Pixabay

The role of technological dependence on advancement and innovation.

So, technology helps us advance as a society, but are all the dangers of being dependent on technology actually hindering us and pushing us backwards? Many experts think so .

The more we become attached to certain devices and dependent on types of technology, the more we’ll work to improve those particular devices (while simultaneously losing our abilities to socialize, memorize, find solutions, and learn skills) and the less we’ll have the focus, desire, and ability to invent something new. Therefore, we need to reduce our dependence on technology if we want to keep innovating and bringing new ideas to fruition in the future.

Finding The Balance Of Technology And Society

Technology has so many advantages and benefits for society, and it’s important for us to not lose sight of that as we critique the problems with relying on it too much. Like with anything, moderation is a good way to not become too dependent. To mitigate this, we need to find a healthy balance between technology and society. This could mean limiting the amount of time you spend on your phone, to giving yourself an opportunity to find the answer to a problem without immediately searching for it online.

Is society too dependent on technology? Technology is a great resource in the classroom, and it can help us obtain the skills we need for a successful career. But, this must come in combination with learning how to navigate the requirements of academia and a future profession without completely relying on technology.

Fact #10: At University of the People, you can start earning your degree online and completely tuition-free — one of the great benefits of our program and technology — and find that balance on your own. Check out UoPeople’s degree programs today!

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Essays on Dependence on Technology

Embark on a critical exploration of our growing reliance on technology with our collection of essay samples on dependence on technology. As digital tools increasingly weave into the fabric of daily life, understanding the nuances of this dependency is more important than ever. These essays serve as a guide for students to navigate through the complex landscape of technological integration, highlighting both its benefits and potential pitfalls.

Unpacking the Layers of Technological Dependence

Our essays delve into the multifaceted nature of our reliance on technology, examining how it influences everything from personal relationships to professional environments. Students are encouraged to explore the psychological, social, and economic dimensions of technology dependence, providing a well-rounded perspective on the subject.

The Double-Edged Sword of Technological Advancement

Through critical analysis, these samples discuss the dual nature of technological advancement. While technology offers unprecedented opportunities for innovation and connectivity, it also poses challenges such as privacy concerns, digital divide, and potential impacts on mental health . Essays encourage readers to weigh the pros and cons of our digital era, fostering a balanced understanding.

Ethical and Societal Implications

Highlighting the ethical considerations of technology use, our essays prompt readers to consider the broader societal impacts of digital dependence. From issues of data security to the consequences of screen addiction, students are invited to critically assess the ethical dilemmas that accompany our digital lives.

Towards a Sustainable Digital Future

Concluding with a forward-looking perspective, these essays explore pathways towards a more sustainable and mindful interaction with technology. Discussions on digital literacy, responsible tech use, and the importance of fostering digital well-being guide students towards cultivating a healthier relationship with technology.

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