Presentation Guru

Presentation Guru

How to get instant feedback from your audience.

presentation quiz tool

Getting your audience engaged is the most important thing you can do when presenting. We previously published an article on Zeetings , a program that lets the audience become part of the story by using an interactive program directly from their smartphones. Here, Farshad has reviewed ten other programs that you can use to make sure your audience becomes part of the story, instead of just listening to it. 

Sometimes the biggest enemy of a presenter is doubt. One can get a bit jittery by looking at uncertain faces in the crowd. You might want to know what your audience is thinking so that you may be able to refine your presentation in case you’re going off track. One of the best ways to find out what your audience is thinking is to use polls. Conducting live polls during a presentation session can help you gather instant feedback and fine tune your presentation on the fly to ensure you can be on top of your game.

There are a number of polling apps, devices and plugins that you can use for conducting live polls during presentations. Different polling tools provide different options, including some which even enable presenters to continuously gather audience feedback and view brief statistics as they present their slides. If you want to use polls in your presentations like a  pro, then here are 10 best polling tools to gather instant audience feedback.

1)  Presentain

Presentain is a presentation web app where you can either upload and present a PDF, PPT or PPTX file or fetch a file using your Google Drive account to present your presentation right from an internet browser. Presentain provides presenters with a URL that can be shared with the audience so they can follow your slides live as you present them, using any internet connected device.

Presentain live polls

Your audience can also take part in Live polls using the same URL, allowing you to not only present your slides by broadcasting them via the internet but also to instantly gather audience feedback by offering them polls. In fact, your audience can even ask you questions using their internet connected devices.

Here is a brief introductory video which shows all the basic features of Presentain.

2)  PollEverywhere

PollEverywhere is an audience response system which enables creating polls in PowerPoint and Google Slides. The PollEverywhere add-in for PowerPoint or the Chrome extension for Google Slides can be used to create polls and gather audience feedback by allowing people to participate in polls via internet connected devices such as smartphones tablets or laptops. Furthermore, your audience can also respond to polls via Twitter.

PollEverywhere has a comprehensive set of features for conducting polls and quizzes using open ended questions, multiple choice questions, true or false quizzes, as well as clickable image and Q&A polls.

PollEverywhere live poll tool

Here is a short video which explains the main features of PollEverywhere.

3)  Mentimeter

Mentimeter is an audience response system which allows presenters to create polls using multiple choice or open ended questions, polls based on a point-based system, or use dual axis or scales to gather audience feedback. Your audience will be able to cast their votes via a designated URL. This means your audience can instantly cast their votes by using their mobile phones, tablets or laptops during a Live presentation session.

MentiMeter live poll tool

Here is an introductory video which explains how Mentimeter works.

Swipe is a comprehensive presentation web app which can not only allow you to conduct polls but you can also use it as a PowerPoint alternative. You can get started with Swipe by uploading a PDF or image file, and even embed videos from YouTube and Vimeo.

With Swipe you can design your slide decks and add polls to your presentations. Like most polling systems, Swipe provides a polling URL for the audience to respond to polls.

5)  ParticiPoll

ParticiPoll is a PowerPoint add-in which can help you add polls to your PowerPoint slides. You can start using Participoll by signing-up for a free account, picking a polling URL and downloading the add-in to start adding polls to your PowerPoint slides. Your audience will be able to respond to polls using your custom polling URL.


The data gathered via Participoll is logged to your account, which means you can login anytime to your Participoll account to view audience feedback.

6) Ask The Room

If you’re looking for a free and easy way of conducting a Live poll during a presentation, you can also use Ask The Room . With Ask The Room you can instantly set up a poll by using options like ‘Yes’, ‘No’ and ‘Don’t Know’. Ask the Room requires no sign-up and you can begin your poll by going to the home page, and clicking on Start Poll. You will be provided with a custom URL to share with your audience where they can poll, and you will be able to see the result in real-time via your browser.

Ask The Room live polls

7) ActiVote

If you are looking for a voting system for educational purposes that comes with associated hardware clickers that your audience can use, then Activote can be a good option. ActiVote is a comprehensive polling system by which you can create polls on your computer and allow your audience to respond using ActiVote clickers.

The primary use of ActiVote is for educational purposes and it can be a good option for conducting quizzes or assessing your students using various voting based activities. ActiVote works with Windows, Mac and Linux.

OMBEA is an audience response system which can be used to insert interactive slides in PowerPoint to conduct polls during presentations. OMBEA not only works with laptops, smartphones and tablets but is also compatible with remote clickers.

OMBEA live poll clicker

You can conduct polls using open ended or multiple choice questions and enable your audience to respond using remote clickers or internet connected devices. This makes OMBEA easy to use and expands the number of devices that can be instantly turned into remote clickers.

9) iClicker

If you are looking for a clicker based polling system, which also supports clicker devices, then iClicker is an audience response system that you should look into. This clicker based polling system enables you to gather audience feedback by allowing them to poll using smartphones, tablets, or clicker remotes.

To find out all about how iClicker works, see the developer’s introductory video given below.

10) ClickAPad

ClickAPad is another comprehensive audience response system which not only provides a polling add-in for PowerPoint but also offers clicker remotes for purchase or rent. ClickAPad has a number of products that you can look into for conducting polls during your events to quickly gather audience opinion regarding a specific topic.

ClickAPad live polls

The tools mentioned above include both free and paid tools, with basic to advanced polling options. Whether you are a teacher, business professional, or just someone looking to conduct a survey during a live presentation, the aforementioned polling tools can help you conduct polls and fine tune your presentation in view of live audience feedback.

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A conference calling platform which allows you to conduct instant polls: How to Deliver Online Presentations During Remote Meetings

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Using audience polls to keep your audience engaged: 7 Surprisingly Simple Ways to Keep Your Audience Hooked

5 More Ways to Get Instant Feedback from your Audience

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presentation quiz tool


presentation quiz tool

Jack Vincent

10th January 2017 at 2:53 pm

These are really good recommendations. I’ve also used a tool called HappyScore , which is a bit different.

Good stuff, Farshad. Thanks!

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27th September 2017 at 3:35 pm

Let me add Meeting Pulse to the list. It works well and looks really nice.

People use it for classes and lectures because the free version allows to poll up to 50 people. It’s also good for business meetings and webcasts. Features include – 15 second to set up a poll – all popular questions types – works for every device – no need to install anything – very simple

You can also run Q&A and create surveys.

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jeremy pokers

22nd November 2017 at 11:02 am

These are really good recommendations. I’ve also used a tool called BugRem , which is a bit different.

presentation quiz tool

Lesley Barringer

23rd November 2017 at 1:55 pm

Hi Jeremy Thank you for your comment! I’ve just visited BugRem’s site to investigate, and it looks interesting and has a free trial too… Thanks again Lesley

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Ben Bradbury

19th December 2017 at 2:08 pm

Great article Farshad! Glisser is also a simple way to collect instant feedback from your audience. All web-based, nothing to download, and their polls are pushed instantly meaning you collect the maximum level of feedback from your audience. You can also share your slides and ask questions through it too.

Check it out here:

presentation quiz tool

Rosie Hoyland

19th December 2017 at 3:17 pm

Thanks for bringing this to our attention, Ben. I’ve just looked at your website – interesting (and useful)…

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John Dineen

4th January 2018 at 2:44 pm

Great post. I stumbled across the post while I was searching for embedded polls. To add another tool to the mix – Pubble Live Q&A:

Pubble’s live Q&A is deigned to be incorporated into the conference / event website. It enables the participants to ask questions and follow the thread live. It includes a presenter mode for the presenter to display selected questions on the main stage.

Moderation is supported. You can also push in questions from Twitter. Lots of other cool features, detailed on the product page above.

5th January 2018 at 11:48 am

Thanks for sharing this John. It looks like your tool would be useful for hosting live audience Q&As. Have you seen our article on this: which gives tips on how best to incorporate Q&A sessions into your presentation?

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Ronnie Overgoor

11th March 2018 at 7:29 pm

Maybe a good idea to add NorthPolls to the list: . NorthPolls is extremely easy to operate by the chairman of the day on the stage via his or her own smartphone.

12th March 2018 at 11:33 am

We’ll check it out Ronnie – thanks

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Heera Malik

4th April 2018 at 6:14 pm

I suggestion to try BugRem tool.

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Leo Budrinca

13th April 2018 at 10:02 am

You can also try for free Hypersay is a platform for interactive presentations that massively increase engagement. Keep your audience engaged with polls, questions, private notes and live slide sharing. Store, enrich & deliver presentations from your cloud.

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17th April 2018 at 3:58 pm

Here’s another free tool for Polling, Quizzing, Audience Questions (and voting), slides follow-through, after-session audience feedback, and instant slide-deck handout.

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Frank Zielen

18th April 2018 at 3:58 pm

Here’s another one: “Poll At Once”.

This is a free native app for iOS and Android. It’s just one touch to start a poll and designed for live audiences. Attendees can just answer A,B,C or D. No sign up and total anonymous.

Check out here: or

Maybe you like it.

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Nidhi Bambalkar

12th May 2018 at 4:17 am

Nice but one more to add i.e. Customer feedback tool.

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15th May 2018 at 9:58 am

That’s a great post. And it really helps. It gets more and more difficult to keep the audience engaged while presenting. We stick to It is a very simple solution for real time feedback on your live stream poll.

15th May 2018 at 11:09 am

Thanks Kate – you’re absolutely right and it’s great to find out what people are using day-to-day.

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Llarry Watson

19th June 2018 at 12:11 pm

Hi! Great blog! To get instant feedback from audience and customers, you can use feedback apps. Feedback apps are cost efficient and provide accurate results. Soft Intelligence Data Centre has engagement apps for organizations and businesses which help in the overall growth. You must check out them once.

19th June 2018 at 12:14 pm

We will do! Thanks for the tip.

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12th July 2018 at 1:00 pm

Nice article! I just wanted to introduce you to a polling based mobile app that I developed recently, called Pollpop ( It’s about organizing polls and discussions within your groups or the public at large. Let me know your thoughts. Cheers!

13th July 2018 at 10:02 am

Thanks Dev – we’ll take a look.

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Melissa R Halvorsen

10th September 2018 at 6:21 pm

I tried to use Presentain, and it’s essentially useless in America. It’s based in Ukraine, and their app isn’t available to the US market. It’s a paid platform, so buyer beware.

presentation quiz tool

18th September 2018 at 1:06 pm

Hi Melissa,

I have previously used Presentain without any issues, however I recently tried it again after seeing your comment and it seems there might be a bug preventing users to log into the app. You can try other options in the post to gather audience feedback as an alternative.

Recently, I used Mentimeter for feedback after a presentation at my organization. I used emoticons representing satisfied and unsatisfied audience and conducted a Live poll and it worked out perfectly.

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Dave Horchak

6th October 2018 at 8:42 pm

The whole idea is assinine. Real science shows once you are part of the group tour measurements are worthless. The audience knowing they are being viewed and measured will give answers they think you want instead of true opinions. Waste of time and money more harm then good as it will support your preconceived notions and give failed erroneous data.

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23rd January 2019 at 4:36 am

I have a new engagement tool for free has a lot of features to engage and attract your audience

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19th July 2019 at 11:05 am

These are really amazing tools. You can also add 2Shoes App in your list. Thanks for sharing.

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Shahani Markus

7th September 2019 at 3:20 pm

Check out – it is a full-fledged voice-of-audience solution (as well as a voice-of-customer and voice-of-employee solution). Its capabilities are best suited for enterprises. It has been used for TV, radio and large conferences as well as in small group meetings.

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brian schott

20th December 2019 at 10:58 pm

Please consider

Pollaborator is a unique, free web app which enables anyone with a google account to create a PARTICIPATIVE poll: in addition to indicating preferences in Pollaborator, respondents can add their own questions/comments for future respondents to indicate their preferences, too. To experiment with Pollaborator go to this link (anyone, no account is needed).

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Elizabeth Keshishyan

23rd December 2019 at 3:22 pm

These are some great tools. I would also add to the list the Swift Polling by ExciteM ( ) which allows for PowerPoint integration and SMS voting. This is a life-saving solution for cases when people do not own smartphones.

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19th April 2020 at 5:21 pm

I can recommend to have a look at Poll For All ( ) The poll result view in the app gets real time updates and can be used in presentations. There is a web app, which can be opened directly in a desktop browser.

21st April 2020 at 4:07 pm

I will take a look – thanks for bringing it to our attention.

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20th June 2020 at 1:51 pm

Hi, farshad! These are a really awesome tool in today’s world to take instant feedback from the audience and most of them I never heard about. I will definitely go to use them and share it as much as possible because it creates a lot of disturbance during a session to ask audience review over a certain topic. Thanks a lot for sharing them!

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Prakriti Sarvouy

21st August 2020 at 11:18 am

Try Pollpop for voting and discussions within your group. It’s pretty slick. You can ask a question to your group (along with images, videos, maps, even other widgets, and options). Ask as a private or semi-private option. Your group gets a chance to vote and discuss the topic. You also get a cool analysis of the voting results, so you clearly know who stands where. You can also add your group members as connections for future discussions.

• App Store: • Play Store: • Website:

17th September 2020 at 11:19 am

This sounds fantastically useful! Thanks for sharing.

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Muhammad Lodhi

18th February 2021 at 4:23 pm

Excellent information and comments by everyone. I am looking for free software to run polls from my PowerPoint presentation for my students without adding any cost to them – they are already paying a hefty price for books and online resources. Poll Everywhere looks good but charges students. Has anyone else a product to share with me. Please send information to me at [email protected] . Thank you for the belp.

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Add interactive quizzes to your presentation!

Creating a quiz just takes a few minutes. Use the links to edit, delete, or start a quiz session. The audience can join the session by flashing the QRCode. You get instant feedback and interaction.


Once a session starts, the audience has 30s to answer (that delay is customizable). Then you can show the results and directly interact with them.

QuizZoodle requires no registration. If you would like to, you can provide an email address to receive reports and analytics.

QuizZoodle is for any professional who needs to interact with an audience: researcher, teacher, salesperson... It is also useful for individuals, for weddings, parties...

People interact through their own connected devices (smartphone, computer, laptop...)

When a session starts, a QRCode and a session code are displayed. The audience can connect at any time using those codes, which remain on screen during the whole presentation.

When you reach a slide that has a question or survey, a countdown shows up, and the audience is prompted to answer with their devices.

When either the countdown is over, or everybody has replied, the results are shown as graphical diagrams.

Research presentation

Training, school

Medical presentation

Commercial and business presentation

Work sessions report

Wedding, bachelorette party, birthday...


Planned for 2016.

  • > add presentation mode for dual screen
  • > add powerpoint plugin

Add support for up to 8 answers

February 2015.

You can now define quizzes and surveys with up to 8 answers in your pdf presentations.

Add pdf support, minor fixes

Septembre 2014.

Create your quiz from your own presentation. By using tags, you can include QuizZoodle into your presentation (powerpoint, Keynote, LaTeX...).


I'm an Associate Professor at LaBRI/ENSEIRB-MATMECA (Bordeaux INP) since 2006. I teach courses in the computer sciences department. I'm the founder of QuizZoodle and I use it all the time for my presentations. Let me know what you think about QuizZoodle, and of course, spread the word around you!

Julien Allali.

I'm an agile coach. In my job I need engagement from working teams or trainees audience. QuizZoodle is an easy tool to interact so I can get live feedback. It's also an effective way to let the participants play with the knowledge we share.

Irène Doan.

I'm a mathematics teacher at ESIA. QuizZoodle breaks the rhythm of my classes: 5 minutes, 10 questions! Take your smartphones and go! On each session, an email gives me the results and student scores. QuizZoodle works easily with my Beamer presentation, try it and adopt!

Alexandre Berard.

QuizZoodle is a dynamic product, regularly updated with new features. We believe in the lean startup model. Feel free to suggest new features!

If you find a bug, need assistance, or want to ask for a feature: [email protected]

For other subjects: [email protected] -- QuizZoodle is hosted by ENIX

© QuizZoodle | 2013 - 2016

Free online quiz maker

Make a quiz with different question types to engage students in a classroom, train employees at work, or play trivia with friends.

Used by 50 million+ people around the world

Make your own quiz with our online quiz maker

Quickly and easily create interactive online quizzes for free! With Quizizz, you can create a quiz that boosts engagement and participation with just a few clicks. Whether you’re looking to create a homework assignment for Math class, or an ice breaker to welcome new faces, there’s something here for everyone.

Quizizz for Schools 

Craft questions that enable students to identify multiple relevant areas, challenging them to think deeply about the image's elements and their relationships.

Two cheerful students are working on their laptops, while a teacher is talking to one of them and pointing at their laptop screen.

Quizizz for Work 

Make employee training and education fun with Quizizz for Work. Our online quiz maker enables you to facilitate live engagement through presentations, quizzes, and polls. Use Quizizz at work for employee onboarding, e-learning, community engagement, and more!

A group of adults working together in a professional setting

Create immersive quizzes complete with images, gifs, audio clips, videos, graphs, illustrations, and so much more! Tap into 12+ question types including Multiple Choice , Drag and Drop, Fill in the Blanks , and Hotspot. With Quizizz, you can also double the fun with power-ups, music, themes, and memes. 

So Many Question Types to Choose From

In this classic activity, learners can complete sentences by filling in the blanks with the right answers.

A screen displaying a question with space to enter answer

Ask your students to reorder a set of jumbled options in ascending, descending, or chronological order.

A screen displaying four options that can be arranged in the correct order

Present learners with the opportunity to select one or more correct answers from a list of options.

A screen displaying question with an option to choose from four options

Gamify your assessment with shuffled text and images that your students can pair together.

A screen displaying question with four options to match

Choose between a plain background or an image and watch as students give shape to their thoughts with colors, highlighters, and more.

A screen displaying a question with an option to draw

Motivate learners to think critically by dragging and dropping the right options to complete a sentence.

A screen displaying a question with four options to drag and drop

Let students take center stage with video responses so you can assess their presentation skills.

A screen displaying a question with an option to video record

Check the pulse of your classroom with a fun poll or vote.

A screen displaying a question with two options to click

Use Lessons to create an instructor-led experience where slides and multimedia are combined with quiz and poll questions.

A screen displaying a slide with a picture

Engage your students’ higher order thinking skills and encourage them to dig deep with open-ended questions.

A screen displaying a question with space to write answer

Analyze speaking skills by allowing students to voice their answers using the audio response feature.

A screen displaying a question with an option to audio record

Prompt your students to choose between a set of drop-down options to fill out the blanks in a piece of text.

A screen displaying about Question type on Quizizz

How to Make a Quiz

Launch: Visit Quizizz , click on ‘Create’, and select the ‘Quiz’ option

Create: Mix and match 15 different question types including Multiple Choice, Reorder, Graphing, and Fill in the Blanks to make your own quiz, or

Search: Import existing questions from over 30M quizzes and lessons created by the Quizizz community, or

Import: Bring in quizzes from your spreadsheets or Google Forms, so you never have to start from scratch

Customize: Add images, videos, gifs, audio clips, equations, and more to your questions and answer options

Host: Choose between multiple game modes including Live, Homework, Team, Test, and Paper Mode to host your quiz and get instant results

Quickly find or create a quiz from the library

Prepare high-quality, interactive quizzes in as little as two minutes.

Browse through 30M+ activities spanning all topics and subjects

Build from scratch, copy entire activities, or make your own quiz by combining content that best meets your students’ needs.

A screen displaying the Quizizz library with a wide range of quizzes and the option to teleport questions from them

Get detailed results at your fingertips

Our online quiz maker provides the exact insights you need to make data-driven instruction a reality.

Identify and immediately adapt to your participants’ needs

See overall performance, the toughest question or topic, and individual progress

A screen displaying accuracy of a student on report

Quizizz easily integrates with your existing tools

Seamlessly integrate our online quiz maker with tools like Google Classroom, Schoology, and Canvas.

Directly share quiz links with the participants in your classroom with just a single click

Update grades and reports in the blink of an eye by syncing Quizizz with your preferred LMS

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The best way to ask questions, explore ideas, and let participants show what they know.

Make an online quiz for free  in minutes.

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PowerPoint logo

PowerPoint Quiz Generator

Generate a quiz from a power point presentation online with ai.

This application accepts a Power Point presentation document and generates a set of quiz questions based on the content. This could be a great tool for educators or students.

File types accepted: pdf, ppt, pptx

Yes, the paid version of this app uses ChatGPT 4 which generates the best result from any text.

This app uses ChatGPT. It uses artificial intelligence to generate a reliable and consistent result, without human intervention.

Yes, you need to subscribe to a paid plan (Start, Standard or Premium) to fully use this app.

Pricing is based on the textual content of your document. For a slide-type document, the price is 1 credit for 10 pages.

For a document where the pages are A4 type with dense content, the price is 1 credit for 1.5 pages.

The more text there is in your document, the higher the number of credits used.

For example, for a 20-page presentation type document with slides, the price is 2 credits. 1 credit = $0.05.

Please note that you still need to subscribe to a paid plan (start, standard or premium) to use this app. For each plan subscribed to, there are already credits included.

The AI might produce fewer questions due to content limitations in the document or internal processing limits. The AI might prioritize generating questions that are relevant and accurate, even if it means producing fewer than the requested number. To increase the total number of questions, consider executing the app multiple times with the same documents. This approach can yield additional questions in subsequent runs.

AI PowerPoint Quiz Maker to Generate a Quiz from PowerPoints

Convert your powerpoint presentations into interactive quizzes with appy pie’s free ai powerpoint quiz generator., generate engaging quizzes from powerpoints.

Quizzes are an excellent way to retain information and are widely used in education, corporate training, and digital marketing. Quizzes keep learners on track and make learning fun, which is crucial in today’s world. Appy Pie’s AI quiz maker is a tool that converts PowerPoint presentations into engaging quizzes, making the process easier and more accessible for everyone.

AI quiz maker is an advanced tool from Appy Pie that allows users to easily create interesting quizzes from PowerPoint presentations, and add them to their apps and websites. It uses artificial intelligence in various processes involved in quiz creation and customization, making the process faster and simpler.

Appy Pie AI quiz maker also provides detailed statistics on quiz performance. These insights help creators determine which parts of their quizzes are effective and which need improvement. By observing user behavior, creators can refine their quizzes for better engagement.

Appy Pie AI quiz maker is an effective platform for teachers to assess students’ knowledge, corporate trainers to evaluate employees, and marketers to engage their audience through quizzes. Its simplicity and AI capabilities make it ideal for anyone needing to create quizzes for learning, business, or marketing purposes.

Benefits of Generating Quizzes from PowerPoint

Quizzes are an excellent way to engage your audience, assess their knowledge, and gather valuable insights. Whether you're an educator, a trainer, or a marketer, extracting quizzes from your presentations through AI can yield numerous benefits. Here are some crucial benefits listed.

  • Boosts Engagement: Quizzes make learning fun and competitive. They capture attention and help people remember information better. Quizzes motivate participants to perform their best and achieve a sense of accomplishment, encouraging continued learning.
  • Identifies Areas for Improvement: Quizzes help educators and trainers identify knowledge gaps. By assessing participants' understanding of specific topics, quizzes provide insights into areas needing further explanation. This allows instructors to adjust their teaching approach, ensuring everyone has a solid grasp of the material.
  • Tailors the Learning Journey: Quizzes provide feedback to help improve performance. They highlight strengths and areas needing improvement, allowing learners to focus on what they need to work on. This helps optimize their time and resources.
  • Gathers Valuable Insights: Quizzes collect data that provides valuable insights into audience preferences, knowledge levels, and engagement patterns. This information can inform future content planning and strategy development, ensuring materials are tailored to the audience's specific needs and interests.
  • Adaptable for Various Applications: Quizzes are versatile and can be customized for many uses. In education, they assess students and monitor progress. In corporate training, they ensure employees understand policies and industry knowledge. Marketing teams use quizzes to engage customers, gather insights, and generate leads. Quizzes are valuable across many industries.
  • Encouraging Active Participation: Quizzes involve participants actively in learning. They make individuals think critically, recall information, and apply their knowledge. This helps them understand the material better. Quizzes keep participants focused and engaged, preventing their minds from wandering.

Why Opt for Appy Pie AI Quiz Maker to Generate Quizzes from PowerPoint?

Appy Pie AI quiz maker is a great platform for making quizzes. It is easy to use and has many useful features. Here are some reasons why you should use Appy Pie AI PowerPoint Quiz Maker.

  • Intuitive and Accessible: The platform is designed to be simple and accessible to users with varying technical skills. The user-friendly interface eliminates the need for extensive training or technical knowledge, enabling anyone to create high-quality quizzes from PowerPoint presentations easily.
  • AI-Powered Efficiency: The AI technology in AI quiz maker creates questions from your PowerPoint presentation, saving time and effort. The AI-generated questions align with your presentation material, reinforcing key points and enhancing learning.
  • Customizable Templates: The platform offers templates that can be customized for any purpose. Whether for teaching, training, or marketing, there are templates that make your quizzes look polished and attractive.
  • Analytics for Continuous Improvement: Appy Pie AI quiz maker provides analytics and reporting to improve quizzes. The analytics offer details on completion rates, average scores, and question-level analysis, helping you understand how participants interact with quizzes and identify areas for improvement.
  • Seamless Integration with App and Website: The platform works well with different platforms, allowing you to share your quizzes widely. You can add quizzes to your apps and websites with ease. This integration helps you reach more people and interact with them on multiple channels.
  • Cost-Effective Solution for All: Appy Pie AI quiz maker is affordable. It has advanced features and flexible pricing plans to suit different needs and budgets. This makes quiz creation accessible to more people and encourages continuous learning and engagement.
  • Advanced Security: Data security is a top priority. The platform uses strong security measures to protect the information generated through quizzes. With secure data storage and encryption protocols, you can confidently create quizzes from PowerPoint presentations, without worrying about unauthorized access or data breaches.


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7 Free PowerPoint Quiz Templates To Download

📩 Free Download – Editable Fun PowerPoint Quiz Game Design Templates of 2022

Here are the best 7 free PPT templates for true or false quiz, trivia quiz, multiple choice quiz, quiz with scoreboards, jeopardy, who wants to be a millionaire styled quiz and more all available for free download. If you’re a teacher, these templates will help you build quizzes for your classroom and review materials before a big test. 

While making a quiz game in PowerPoint is simple, it can get frustrating to design it, hence we have our free quiz templates that have attractive design and takes less than a few minutes to set up. Our templates are perfect for teachers, presenters and educators who: ✅ don’t have much time to create the quiz game, ✅ want to impress the audience with interactive elements and good design.

1. Simple Interactive Quiz

You click on the correct answer, and you move to the next slide. If you answer it wrong, you are asked to retry the same question again. You can also open the game directly in slideshow mode by saving it as PowerPoint Show (.ppsx). ✅ Sound Effects ✅ Unlimited Questions.

Making an Interactive PowerPoint Quiz Game using Hyperlinks - 7 Free PowerPoint Quiz Templates To Download

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We don't ask for your email, grab your instant download below: 📩 Download Template

2. True or False Quiz Game

The user can click and select their answer to be either ‘yes’ or ‘no’. After marking all the answers, the ‘reveal answer’ button shows if they got the answer right or not! This is perfect if you want multiple questions in a single slide! ✅ Trigger Animations ✅ Unlimited Questions.

3. Randomly Shuffle Answers

This quiz template shuffles the answer order randomly. The player can attempt the same question multiple times, they can proceed ahead only after they get it right. The theme colours can be changed in this customisable free PowerPoint template. ✅ VBA Code: Shuffle all answer options randomly in one-click! ✅ Answer Shape changes colours to indicate correct/wrong answer

download free powerpoint quiz game template for free 1 frame design1 - 7 Free PowerPoint Quiz Templates To Download

4. Quiz with Report Card

This PowerPoint Quiz Game can generate a report card with points, percentage, grades, number of correct/wrong answers and more! It has trigger animations to indicate whether the answer was answered correctly or incorrectly. ✅ VBA Code: Generates Report Card Automatically ✅ Sound Effects & Unlimited Questions

PowerPoint Quiz Game Calculates Grades Free Download Template - 7 Free PowerPoint Quiz Templates To Download

5. Quiz with Player Scoreboards

This PowerPoint Quiz Game can generate a report card with points, percentage, grades, number of correct/wrong answers and more! It has trigger animations to indicate whether the answer was answered correctly or incorrectly. ✅ VBA Code: Generates report card ✅ Answer Shape change colours to indicate correct/wrong answer

PowerPoint Quiz Game with Scoreboard Free Download Template - 7 Free PowerPoint Quiz Templates To Download

6. Millionaire-Themed Quiz Game

As seen in television, this “Who Wants To Be A Millionaire” Themed Quiz-Game is a great concept for building a quiz game. You can download this well-designed PowerPoint Template for free and start adding your own questions and be the host of your very own quiz-game show! ✅ Money-board, Timer and 50/50 Lifeline ✅ Music & Quiz Game-Show

Who Wants to be a Millionaire Quiz Game in PowerPoint - Free Download

7. Jeopardy Quiz Game

As seen in television, this “Jeopardy!” Themed Quiz-Game is perfect for longer quizzes, arrange them by category and dollar values. In this free PowerPoint Jeopardy Template, you can start uploading your clues and responses and become the host of your very own Jeopardy Show! ✅ 4 Categories and 3 Questions ✅ 2 Player Scoreboards to Keep Score

Jeopardy Free PowerPoint Template with Scoreboard - 7 Free PowerPoint Quiz Templates To Download

Are you looking for a way to create timed graded quizzes without the need for programming skills? Look no further than  iSpring QuizMaker , a quiz making tool based on PowerPoint. It provides 14 different question types and flexible scoring parameters, which is especially important for interactive quiz games. They will all maintain the PowerPoint effects intact and look great on any device.

iSpring QuizMaker - 7 Free PowerPoint Quiz Templates To Download

🎯 Free Templates

Download Premium Interactive PowerPoint Quiz Game TEMPLATE

Send Report Card to Google Sheets, Import Questions from Excel and a lot more! Make your quiz game in under 5 minutes!

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presentation quiz tool

16 Best Quiz Maker Apps of 2024 for Maximum Engagement (Compared)

Last updated on March 13th, 2024 at 01:20 pm

In the digital age, the quest to create a quiz that is both engaging and informative has led to the development of an excess of quiz maker apps and online quiz tools. These platforms offer a unique blend of entertainment and education, making them indispensable tools for educators, marketers, and content creators.

The best quiz makers provide a seamless experience for both quiz creators and participants, featuring intuitive interfaces, diverse question types, and rich multimedia integration capabilities. From free quiz makers designed for casual use to advanced online quiz tools tailored for educational and corporate training, the options are vast and varied.

This article explores 16 standout quiz apps that exemplify the best features and capabilities necessary to create a quiz that captivates and educates audiences across the globe.

Table of Contents

1. surveymonkey, 3. google forms, 4. typeform, 6. mentimeter, 8. proprofs quiz maker, 9. flexiquiz, 10. learndash, 11. socrative, 12. classmarker, 13. outgrow, 14. quickquiz, 15. engageform, 16. interact.

What is SurveyMonkey used for?

SurveyMonkey is a powerful online quiz tool known for its comprehensive survey capabilities, but it also excels as a quiz maker. Ideal for businesses and researchers, SurveyMonkey offers a robust quiz app platform to create quizzes that can gauge customer satisfaction, employee feedback, or market research.

presentation quiz tool

Key Features

  • Advanced Analytical Tools: SurveyMonkey provides detailed analytics that helps in understanding quiz results, making it easier to make informed decisions based on the data collected.
  • Wide Range of Question Types: The platform supports various question types, from multiple-choice to slider scales, allowing for the creation of quizzes that can cater to different assessment needs.
  • Security and Privacy: With a strong emphasis on data security and privacy, SurveyMonkey ensures that the information collected through quizzes is handled responsibly, making it a trustworthy option for sensitive data collection.

Why SurveyMonkey Stands Out

SurveyMonkey’s advanced features and analytical capabilities make it one of the best online quiz tools for professional and research-oriented applications. The ability to create quizzes that are both informative and secure positions SurveyMonkey as a top choice for businesses and academic researchers.

  • Team Advantage : €30/user/month for at least 3 users, billed annually. It includes admin tools, integrations, collaboration features, and a cap of 50,000 responses/year.
  • Team Premier : €75/user/month for a minimum of 3 users, billed annually. It encompasses all Advantage features plus phone support, advanced analytics, and a limit of 100,000 responses/year.
  • Enterprise : Offers custom pricing with unlimited surveys and questions, advanced collaboration, and enhanced security. Contact sales for pricing.

What is Quizlet used for?

Quizlet goes beyond being a mere quiz app; it’s a comprehensive learning platform that offers a variety of tools to study, practice, and master any subject. Known for its flexibility and wide range of study modes, Quizlet is a top choice for students and educators aiming to create a quiz for revision or knowledge testing.

presentation quiz tool

  • Versatile Study Modes: With features like flashcards, practice tests, and interactive games, Quizlet supports diverse learning strategies and needs.
  • Community-Driven Content: Users can access millions of study sets or create a quiz based on their unique requirements, benefiting from the shared knowledge of Quizlet’s vast user base.
  • Study Anywhere: Quizlet’s mobile app ensures that learners can engage with content on the go, making it one of the most versatile quiz apps available.

Why Quizlet Stands Out

For those looking to create a quiz for educational purposes, Quizlet offers unmatched versatility and a user-friendly platform, making it one of the best online quiz tools for learners and educators alike.

  • Free 7-day trial then $35.99/year (around $2.99/month) when billed annually, saving 60%.
  • Monthly: $7.99/month without the annual commitment.

What is Google Forms used for?

Google Forms is widely regarded among quiz apps for its simplicity and effectiveness in creating surveys and quizzes. As a free quiz maker, it provides an easy entry point for anyone looking to create a quiz without the need for specialized knowledge or software, making it a go-to tool for educators, businesses, and content creators.

presentation quiz tool

  • Customization at Your Fingertips: Google Forms allows for extensive customization, enabling creators to tailor their quizzes with various themes, colors, and question types.
  • Seamless Integration: The ability to integrate with other Google Workspace tools enhances its functionality, allowing for easy data analysis and collaboration.
  • Accessibility and Convenience: Being part of the Google ecosystem, Google Forms is accessible anywhere, making it incredibly convenient for both creators and respondents.

Why Google Forms Stands Out

Its accessibility, ease of use, and integration capabilities make Google Forms an excellent quiz app for those looking to create a quiz that is both functional and free of charge.

  • For Personal (Free): Access to Google Forms along with Docs, Sheets, Slides, and more with 15 GB of Google Drive storage.
  • Business Standard: $12 USD per user/month with a 1-year commitment. Includes 2 TB per user on Google Drive, shared drives, custom business email, 150 participants in Google Meet, and advanced security and administration controls.

What is Typeform used for?

Typeform elevates the quiz-making experience by focusing on user engagement through beautifully designed, conversational quizzes. Recognized as one of the best online quiz makers, Typeform is perfect for businesses and content creators looking to create quizzes that not only gather insights but also provide an enjoyable experience for the user.

presentation quiz tool

  • Intuitive Design and Flow: Typeform’s unique interface encourages users to focus on one question at a time, mimicking a natural conversation. This design philosophy makes it an excellent choice for those looking to create a quiz with high engagement rates.
  • Customizable Templates: With a wide range of customizable templates, Typeform facilitates the quick creation of quizzes, surveys, and forms that look professional and are aligned with your brand’s aesthetic.
  • Integration Capabilities: Typeform seamlessly integrates with a variety of tools and platforms, enhancing workflow automation and data management for businesses.

Why Typeform Stands Out

Its emphasis on design and user experience sets Typeform apart from other quiz apps, making it a favorite among professionals who prioritize aesthetics and engagement. The ability to create a quiz that feels personal and interactive helps in capturing detailed insights while keeping users entertained.

  • Basic : $25/month for 100 monthly responses and unlimited forms.
  • Plus : $50/month for 1,000 monthly responses, 3 users, brand removal, and custom subdomain.
  • Business : $83/month for 10,000 monthly responses and 5 users, with enhanced analysis features.
  • Enterprise : Custom pricing for bespoke response caps, VIP support, and advanced compliance/integrations.

What is Kahoot! used for?

Kahoot! is at the forefront of gamified learning, making it one of the most popular quiz apps for those looking to create a quiz that is not only educational but also immensely engaging. Its user-friendly design and lively interface make it an ideal choice for educators and trainers seeking to inject fun into their learning environments.

presentation quiz tool

  • Engagement Through Gamification: Kahoot! excels in turning quiz-taking into a competitive and enjoyable game, encouraging active participation with its points system, timed responses, and instant feedback.
  • Ease of Use: One of Kahoot!’s greatest strengths is its straightforward quiz creation process, allowing anyone to create a quiz in minutes.
  • Broad Accessibility: Whether you’re in a classroom or connecting remotely, Kahoot! makes it easy to share and participate in quizzes, broadening its appeal across educational and corporate settings.

Why Kahoot! Stands Out

Kahoot! is a shining example of how effective quiz apps can be in fostering engagement and learning. It stands out as one of the best online quiz tools for those looking to create a quiz that truly resonates with their audience.

  • The basic version for individual teachers offers limited activities and library access with storage for up to 20 activities.
  • Schools and District plans offer unlimited access, advanced question types, LMS integrations, and dedicated support with custom pricing. Contact for a quote.

What is Mentimeter used for?

Mentimeter offers a unique twist to the traditional quiz app by focusing on interactive presentations and real-time polling, alongside quiz functionalities. It’s designed to facilitate audience engagement during live presentations, meetings, or educational sessions, making it an ideal tool for speakers, educators, and corporate trainers.

presentation quiz tool

  • Real-Time Interaction: The ability to engage with your audience in real-time through quizzes, polls, and Q&A sessions makes Mentimeter a standout tool for live events and presentations.
  • Engaging Presentation Options: With a variety of presentation templates and interactive features, Mentimeter helps transform mundane meetings or classes into dynamic and participatory experiences.
  • Ease of Use : Mentimeter is praised for its straightforward interface, allowing presenters to easily create quizzes and interactive content without the need for extensive technical knowledge.

Why Mentimeter Stands Out

Mentimeter’s emphasis on audience participation and real-time feedback makes it an exceptional choice for those looking to create quizzes that enhance live interactions. Its user-friendly quiz app platform and engaging presentation features have made it a popular quiz app among educators and corporate professionals alike, offering a refreshing approach to gathering insights and fostering discussions.

  • Free: Includes up to 50 participants per month, with basic interactive presentation features.
  • Basic: $11.99 USD per presenter/month (billed yearly), offers unlimited participants and additional presentation and export options.
  • Pro: $24.99 USD per presenter/month (billed yearly), including branding and team collaboration features.
  • Enterprise: Custom pricing for comprehensive company-wide features and support.

What is Quizizz used for?

Quizizz takes gamified quizzes and learning to another level, offering a fun, engaging platform that’s perfect for educators, students, and corporate training programs. As one of the best quiz apps for creating competitive, interactive quizzes, Quizizz encourages participation through game-like elements and real-time feedback, making it a favorite for both classroom and remote learning environments.

presentation quiz tool

  • Gamification and Motivation: With points, leaderboards, and customizable avatars, Quizizz makes learning and assessment fun, motivating participants to engage more deeply with the content.
  • Extensive Question Bank: Users can draw from millions of pre-made questions or create their own, saving time while ensuring variety in quiz creation.
  • Reports and Insights: Post-quiz reports provide detailed insights into performance, helping educators and trainers assess understanding and adjust their teaching strategies accordingly.

Why Quizizz Stands Out

Quizizz’s blend of gamification, ease of use, and comprehensive feedback tools positions it as one of the best online quiz makers for educational and training purposes. The ability to create a quiz that is both entertaining and informative makes Quizizz an invaluable tool in engaging audiences and enhancing learning outcomes.

  • Basic : Limited features and storage for individual teachers.
  • Schools : Unlimited storage, premium activities, enhanced data privacy/security. Contact for pricing.
  • Districts : District-level management and security. Custom pricing is available.

What is ProProfs Quiz Maker used for?

ProProfs Quiz Maker is a versatile online quiz tool that caters to a wide range of users, from educators and businesses to individuals looking to create quizzes for fun or personal growth. Known for its simplicity and rich feature set, ProProfs Quiz Maker allows anyone to create quizzes easily, with no technical expertise required.

presentation quiz tool

  • Wide Variety of Quiz Types: Whether you’re looking to create scored quizzes, personality quizzes, or polls, ProProfs Quiz Maker has the functionality to support diverse quiz-making needs.
  • Customization and Branding: Quizzes can be fully customized to match your brand or style, including colors, logos, and backgrounds, enhancing the user experience and consistency.
  • Analytics and Reporting: Detailed analytics provide insights into quiz performance, participant scores, and areas for improvement, making it a powerful tool for data-driven decisions.

Why ProProfs Quiz Maker Stands Out

ProProfs Quiz Maker’s ease of use, combined with its powerful customization and analysis features, make it one of the best quiz makers for both professional and personal use. The platform’s flexibility and comprehensive support materials ensure that anyone can create a quiz that meets their specific goals and engages their target audience effectively.

  • Free : Public quizzes, no reports, with ads.
  • Essentials : $20/month for unlimited quizzes/attempts, ad-free.
  • Business : $40/month for 150-400 users, secure quizzes, timed exams, and advanced reports.
  • Business+ : $200/month for unlimited users, assessment library, API, enterprise security.

What is FlexiQuiz used for?

FlexiQuiz brings a fresh perspective to online quiz-making, offering a robust platform that enables users to create, share, and analyze quizzes with ease. Aimed at educators, businesses, and content creators, FlexiQuiz supports a wide range of quiz formats and customization options, making it a versatile tool for a variety of applications.

presentation quiz tool

  • Comprehensive Customization Options: FlexiQuiz offers extensive customization capabilities, allowing users to tailor quizzes to their exact specifications, including layout, timing, and branding.
  • Automated Grading and Feedback: Save time with automated grading features and provide instant feedback to participants, enhancing the learning and assessment process.
  • Integration and Sharing: Easily share quizzes with a global audience through direct links, email, or integration with your website or LMS, broadening the reach of your content.

Why FlexiQuiz Stands Out

FlexiQuiz’s combination of powerful customization, automated features, and ease of sharing makes it an excellent choice for those looking to create a quiz with a professional touch. Its user-friendly quiz app interface and flexible platform cater to a broad audience, ensuring that quizzes not only engage and inform but also reach participants effectively, regardless of location.

  • Essentials : $17/month, 500 responses/month, 1 Admin, unlimited quizzes/questions.
  • Premium : $25/month, 2,000 responses/month, 2 Admins/Trainers, plus learning paths and custom certificates.
  • Enterprise : $60/month, 25,000 responses/month, 15 Admins/Trainers, with API, Single Sign-On, and priority support.

What is LearnDash used for?

LearnDash transforms the WordPress site into a powerful learning management system (LMS), making it a go-to for educators and businesses looking to create a quiz directly within their website. It’s hailed as one of the best online quiz makers for WordPress users, offering a seamless integration that allows for the creation of comprehensive quizzes and courses.

presentation quiz tool

  • Dynamic Quiz Creation: Users can easily create quizzes with a variety of question types, including single choice, multiple choice, free text, sorting, matching, essay, and more.
  • Advanced Quiz Settings : LearnDash provides options for timed quizzes, question banks, random questions, and detailed reporting, enhancing the learning experience.
  • Integration and Engagement: It integrates smoothly with WordPress, offering features like certificates, badges, and course points to motivate and engage learners.

Why LearnDash Stands Out

As a specialized online quiz tool for WordPress, LearnDash excels in delivering a robust and flexible platform for educational content delivery. Its comprehensive quiz functionalities make it a favorite among e-learning professionals and businesses looking to add educational components to their sites.

  • LearnDash Plugin : $199/year for 1 site, with updates/support.
  • MemberDash Plugin : $199/year for 1 site, with updates/support.
  • LearnDash Cloud : $299/year, includes hosting, plugin, ProPanel.

What is Socrative used for?

Socrative is designed for classroom engagement, providing teachers and educators with an intuitive platform to create quizzes, quick question polls, and exit tickets. As one of the best quiz apps for real-time classroom interaction, Socrative supports a dynamic learning environment that encourages student participation.

presentation quiz tool

  • Real-Time Feedback: Offers immediate insight into student understanding, allowing for adjustments in teaching strategies on the fly.
  • Engagement Tools: Features like space races and team games make learning competitive and fun.
  • Ease of Use: Teachers can launch quizzes with a few clicks, and students can join using any device, making it highly accessible.

Why Socrative Stands Out

Socrative is renowned for its user-friendly interface and effectiveness in enhancing classroom learning. Its real-time feedback system and engagement tools position it as a premier choice for educators looking to create a quiz that boosts interaction and comprehension in educational settings.

  • Free: Basic features for up to 5 quizzes, 50 students per activity.
  • Essentials: $9.99 per seat/month billed annually, includes unlimited quizzes, 5 rooms, and advanced reports.
  • Pro: $16.99 per seat/month billed annually, expands Essentials with 300 students per activity, 30 rooms, and priority support.

What is ClassMarker used for?

ClassMarker offers a professional web-based testing service, ideal for businesses, educators, and training organizations seeking to create quizzes and exams online. It stands out as one of the best online quiz tools, thanks to its secure, customizable, and scalable platform that caters to a wide range of assessment needs.

presentation quiz tool

  • Customization and Security: Provides extensive customization options for tests, including private and public settings, time limits, and random question delivery.
  • Detailed Reporting: Offers comprehensive reports on quiz performance, including individual responses and statistics for in-depth analysis.
  • Integration Capabilities: ClassMarker can be integrated with websites and LMS systems, facilitating seamless deployment and management of quizzes and exams.

Why ClassMarker Stands Out

ClassMarker is distinguished by its emphasis on security and customization, making it an ideal solution for high-stakes testing and certification. Its robust reporting and integration capabilities ensure that organizations can efficiently manage and analyze quiz outcomes, solidifying its position as a top-tier online quiz maker for professional use.

  • Professional 1: $396/year for 400 Test credits/month.
  • Professional 2: $792/year for 1,000 Test credits/month.
  • Enterprise: Custom plans available upon request.
  • Credit Packs for bulk or occasional testing range from $25 for 50 Test credits to $1,000 for 5,000 Test credits.

What is Outgrow used for?

Outgrow Quiz Forms emerges as a trailblazer in interactive content creation, setting a new standard for user engagement and personalized learning experiences. As one of the standout quiz apps of 2024, Outgrow specializes in crafting highly engaging quiz forms that not only captivate users but also deliver tailored outcomes based on individual responses.

presentation quiz tool

  • Dynamic Content Personalization : Outgrow’s platform excels in creating quizzes that adapt to user inputs, offering personalized results that enhance user engagement and satisfaction.
  • Comprehensive Analytics Suite : Equipped with a robust analytics tool, Outgrow provides detailed insights into user interactions, enabling creators to analyze performance and optimize content effectively.
  • Intuitive Design Interface : With an easy-to-use design interface, Outgrow allows for the creation of visually appealing quiz forms without the need for extensive technical knowledge.

Why Outgrow Quiz Forms Stand Out

Outgrow Quiz Forms distinguishes itself by focusing on creating interactive, engaging quizzes that not only entertain but also inform and provide value to both the creator and the user. Its emphasis on personalization, backed by powerful analytics and ease of integration, makes it an invaluable tool for anyone looking to elevate their digital content strategy.

  • Freelancer Limited: $14/month when paid annually.
  • Freelancer Pro: $25/month when paid annually.
  • Essentials: $95/month when paid annually.
  • Business: $600/month when paid annually.

What is QuickQuiz used for?

QuickQuiz offers a streamlined approach to quiz creation, focusing on speed and simplicity without sacrificing quality. As one of the most user-friendly quiz apps, it empowers users to quickly create a quiz, distribute it across social media platforms, and gather instant feedback.

presentation quiz tool

  • Rapid Quiz Creation: Features a simple interface for creating quizzes in minutes.
  • Social Sharing Integration: Facilitates easy sharing across social media for wider reach.
  • Instant Feedback System: Collects and displays results immediately, offering quick insights.

Why QuickQuiz Stands Out

For those prioritizing ease and efficiency, QuickQuiz is an exceptional tool. Its focus on rapid creation and distribution, combined with an intuitive feedback system, makes it an ideal choice for engaging audiences with minimal effort.

  • Basic: Free with 1 Quiz Author and limited features.
  • Premium: $9 per month with 5 Quiz Authors and additional features.
  • Pro: $14 per month with Unlimited Quiz Authors and full features.

What is EngageForm used for?

EngageForm specializes in creating quizzes, surveys, and polls designed to maximize audience engagement. It stands out as one of the best online quiz tools for businesses and marketers seeking to understand their audience better and drive interaction through customizable content.

presentation quiz tool

  • Versatile Content Creation: Allows for the development of quizzes, surveys, and polls tailored to specific audience needs.
  • Engagement Analytics: Tracks user interactions to provide insights into content performance.
  • Brand Customization: Offers extensive customization options to align with brand identity.

Why EngageForm Stands Out

EngageForm is distinguished by its focus on engagement and analytics, making it a powerful tool for marketers and businesses. Its ability to create customized, interactive content that resonates with audiences and yields actionable insights positions it as a premier choice for online engagement strategies.

  • Free: For up to 100 responses per month, 50 event participants.
  • Starter: $19/month when billed yearly, for up to 2,500 responses per month.
  • Professional: $49/month when billed yearly, for up to 10,000 responses per month.
  • Business: $149/month when billed yearly, for up to 25,000 responses per month.

What is Interact used for?

Interact stands out in the digital realm as a cutting-edge platform for crafting interactive quizzes, polls, and giveaways that drive engagement, collect leads, and personalize user experiences. As we move into 2024, Interact has solidified its position as one of the premier quiz apps for marketers, educators, and content creators seeking innovative ways to connect with their audience.

presentation quiz tool

  • Lead Generation and Segmentation : Interact excels in creating quizzes that not only engage users but also serve as effective tools for lead capture and segmentation, thanks to its seamless CRM integration.
  • Highly Customizable Quizzes : Offering a wide array of customization options, Interact allows creators to design quizzes that perfectly match their brand’s look and feel, enhancing brand consistency and user experience.
  • Insightful Analytics : With its comprehensive analytics dashboard, Interact provides valuable insights into quiz performance and user responses, enabling creators to fine-tune their content and strategies based on real data.

Why Interact Stands Out

Interact distinguishes itself through its emphasis on creating engaging, purposeful quizzes that go beyond mere entertainment. Its robust lead generation capabilities, coupled with in-depth analytics and a user-friendly interface, make it a powerhouse for any digital marketer or content creator aiming to enhance audience interaction and gather actionable insights.

  • Lite: $27/month paid annually, includes basic integrations and basic analytics.
  • Growth: $53/month paid annually, includes intermediate integrations and advanced analytics.
  • Pro: $125/month paid annually, includes advanced integrations and the option to add up to 9 team members.

As we navigate through the evolving landscape of digital learning and engagement, the significance of quiz apps in 2024 cannot be overstated. These 16 platforms offer a unique blend of interactivity, customization, and analytical insight, making them indispensable tools for educators, businesses, and learners alike.

By harnessing the power of these quiz apps, we can unlock new possibilities for engagement and deepen our understanding across various subjects and fields. As the demand for dynamic and interactive learning experiences continues to grow, these quiz apps stand ready to meet the challenge, shaping the future of education and training in the process.

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Quiz Presentation Templates

Unleash the power of engagement and elevate your quiz with our captivating quiz powerpoint templates and google slides themes. engage your audience with fun trivia, mcqs, and map quizzes our 100% editable slides are available for free download too. ignite the curiosity of the participants and make the show unforgettable to your viewers with our slides.

Quiz Templates

  • Interactive Elements: Our interactive quiz slides are designed to engage your audience. The animated slides bring life to the quiz, ensuring participants stay glued to the screen.
  • Diverse Themes: From a trivia PowerPoint template for a night out with friends to professional interrogation PPT slides for corporate training, our collection has it all.
  • Adaptability: The multiple choice quiz template, Jeopardy-style, continents and oceans map quiz, and other specific templates like the GK quiz cater to various quizzing needs.
  • Editable Nature: The best thing about our quiz PPT templates is they are entirely editable! Whether it's changing colors, and fonts, or adding your graphics, you have full creative freedom.
  • Creative infographic designs: We understand that content needs to be appealing. Our quiz templates come with creative infographic design elements. These are not just pleasing to the eye but make data digestion simpler and fun.
  • Perfect Theme Colors: Each template is crafted with perfect theme colors, ensuring that it captures attention and remains readable, regardless of the projection device.
  • Score Tracking: Add a competitive edge by leveraging the score feature in the templates, giving participants real-time updates on their performance.

We're here to help you!

What are quiz presentation templates.

Quiz Presentation Templates are pre-made templates that allow users to create interactive quiz-style presentations. The templates allow users to add images, text, and other elements to create attractive and informative slides that you can use to test knowledge on a particular topic.

Where can we use these Quiz Presentation Slides?

You can use quiz presentation templates in classrooms, corporate training sessions, team-building activities, online learning, educational presentations, and conferences.

How can I make Quiz Slides in a presentation?

Create individual slides for each question in your quiz. Make sure to include the question, possible answers, and any images or diagrams associated with the question if necessary. Suppose you want to create slides by yourself. Visit Tips and tricks for detailed instructions.

Who can use Quiz Presentation Templates?

Anyone can use Quiz Presentation Templates. They are perfect for educators, trainers, and other professionals who need to create engaging quizzes for their students or colleagues. These templates provide an easy way to create a professional-looking quiz presentation in minutes.

Why do we need to Quiz Presentation Slides?

A Quiz Presentation template is an effective tool to help engage and motivate learners in the classroom. You can use it to make an interactive learning experience where students are challenged to answer questions and think critically.

Where can I find free Quiz Presentation Templates?

Many websites offer free quiz Presentation templates. Slide egg is one of the best PowerPoint providers. Our websites have a selection of uniquely designed templates to customize and create quick and easy quizzes, tests, and surveys.

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How to make a live quiz with AhaSlides

Finally, a way to turn tedious lessons into lively learning showdowns! Said everyone who has used AhaSlides.

AhaSlides Live Quizzes Features

AhaSlides correct order quiz feature

6 Interactive Quizzes

Explore diverse quiz types from Multiple-Choice to Correct Order or Type Answers.

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Play as Teams

Let players compete against others as teams. Teamwork makes the dream work.

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AI Generated Quiz

Our latest artificial intelligence feature lets you convert any text into multiple-choice quizzes and visually appealing content slides.

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Streaks and Leaderboards

Engage participants for good with AhaSlides gamified quizzes - winning streaks, leaderboard, timer, countdowns, music, and more🏃

Overview of AhaSlides Online Quiz Creator

How long should a quiz be?10 questions max
Most common quiz type?Multiple Choice Questions
What is the best online quiz maker?Try AhaSlides quiz website for synchronous and asynchronous quizzes

What is an Online Quiz Creator?

An online quiz creator, or a live quiz, is any quiz presented by a host and played by players in real-time .

Think of some of your favourite game shows. Jeopardy, The Chase, Who wants to be a Millionaire? – they’re all examples of live quiz shows that share the same super basic format: the host asks the question, and the player answers the question.

But live quizzes aren’t just the domain of big-budget TV shows. Nowadays , you can create online quizzes using interactive platforms like AhaSlides that perk up any audience, bring people together, test knowledge, and make any event memorable.

More Engagement Tools from AhaSlides

  • AhaSlides Spinner Wheel
  • AhaSlides Interactive and Free Online Poll Maker
  • AhaSlides Word Cloud

presentation quiz tool

How to Create Online Quizzes

It only takes four simple steps to create online quizzes with AhaSlides custom quiz maker and present them whether at meetings or classes👇

How to make a live quiz with AhaSlides

Sign up for a free AhaSlides account

A free account on AhaSlides lets you create and host exciting live quizzes for up to seven players.

Create a quiz

Choose any quiz type in the 'Quiz and type' section (double check if they let you set points or not!).

Set up your questions

Write the questions and answer options, then play around with the settings to fit your style.

Invite your audience

Hit 'Present' and let participants enter via your QR code if you're presenting live. Put on 'Self-paced' and share the invitation link if you want people to do your test in their own time.

Or Generate Quizzes in Seconds with AhaSlides AI Quiz Generator

AhaSlides AI quiz generator generates multiple choice quiz question

Make Your Own Quiz and Host it Live.

Free quizzes whenever and wherever you need them. Spark smiles, elicit engagement!

Online Quiz Creator Features

presentation quiz tool

Have players work together. Choose from three different team scoring modes.

presentation quiz tool

Spinner Wheel

Pick at random with the spinner wheel ! Great for bonus rounds and icebreakers.

presentation quiz tool

Make a quiz with songs or any trivia with audio. Embed the audio clips to play it on the players’ phones.

presentation quiz tool

Give your players a do-at-home quiz to complete in their own time.

presentation quiz tool

Sprinkle hints if your quiz questions are hard and let players conquer the leaderboard.

presentation quiz tool

Shuffle Options

Don't want anyone to copy each other? Randomising the quiz might be a good idea.

presentation quiz tool

Let players show their love through fun emoji reactions.

presentation quiz tool

Profanity Filter

Automatically block swear words submitted by players.

presentation quiz tool


Beautify your slides with your own images and GIFs, or ours.

on line quiz creator

AI Test Maker

Make a quiz with ease using AhaSlides AI test maker, free for everyone.

presentation quiz tool

See real-time insights of engagement rate, correct answers and tough questions of your quiz in one place.

presentation quiz tool

Custom Link

Make the quiz yours by choosing a unique custom join code for your players.

Pssst, we’re more than a tool to create online quizzes… 💡 AhaSlides is a live engagement platform for any situation. Along with quiz features, we’ve got a whole bunch of others for polling, rating, brainstorming and more fun stuff to engage your audience.

Reference: Benefits of Using Quizzes

Our Partners Across the Globe

AhaSlides helped me a lot in allowing me to host a virtual pub quiz the way I was planning. I'll be using AhaSlides for 100% of my online games.

Alternative Text

We use AhaSlides to run a bi-weekly quiz, which is a great way to stay in contact. We've never had issues, even with 100+ players.

Alternative Text

AhaSlides is definitely an easy quiz maker. We use this for our weekly quiz in our pub - it works really well! I love the versatile user options for quizzes and the quick customer service.

Alternative Text

Free Online Quiz Templates

Save heaps of time and effort by using our free templates. Sign up for free and get access to thousands of quiz templates across general knowledge, pop music, film & TV and more!

General knowledge live quiz template on AhaSlides

General Knowledge

Pub quiz series live quiz template on AhaSlides

Pub Quiz Series

Pop music images live quiz template on AhaSlides

Pop Music Images

Name that Song live quiz template on AhaSlides

Name the Song

Marvel Universe live quiz template on AhaSlides

Marvel Universe

Harry Potter live quiz template on AhaSlides

Harry Potter

3 ways to host a live quiz.

Host a live quiz online with AhaSlides

Host your live AhaSlides quiz over Zoom or any video call platform. Share your screen with the participants and take them through each question as they answer on their phones.

Host your quiz in person. With simple set-up and access through an invitation link or a QR code, your audience can play AhaSlides quizzes with ease!

Host a live quiz offline with AhaSlides

There are no boundaries You can host AhaSlides quizzes for both in-person and remote players, as long as they have a phone and internet connection.

When to Use AhaSlides Live Quiz

No matter the subject, the best live quiz software breaks up monotony with colour and chilled competition.

AhaSlides Quiz for Educators

Lack of student engagement is the real epidemic in every school. While there's no simple solution, educators can amp up engagement a notch with interactive quizzes from AhaSlides.

Transfrom lessons from dry to delightful by diving into daily digestible quizzes.

Give them chill homework with our self-paced test maker, which everyone can access from the comfort of the couch.

With our snapshot report, you can assess students' understanding and know where they fall.

See more: Research on how AhaSlides boosts students' in-class participation rate .

make a quiz

AhaSlides Quiz for Work

Are business meetings becoming monotonous? You might just need to create online quizzes to liven up those boring meetings.

With AhaSlides, you can make a free live quiz that you can use as a team-building exercise, group game, or icebreaker.

Start projects the fun way with a kickoff meeting quiz or start your presentation (even if it’s on PowerPoint!) with a bit of trivia to get the ball rolling.

Before the meeting is adjourned, AhaSlides’ live quiz feature can also be used to carry out a poll or collect feedback instantly from your team.

AhaSlides Quiz or Community & Friends

Spending time with friends is fun on its own. Strengthen your bond with a friendship quiz or test your compatibility with a personality test.

You can create online quizzes for free with AhaSlides! Bring out some excitement at any social event, such as birthdays, weddings, holidays, baby showers, and even casual hangouts by becoming the game master.

AhaSlides trivia maker lets you test your friends’ knowledge about films, TV series, pop culture, history, music, general trivia, and more!

Start making your free quizzes now and let the good times roll in your next gathering!

presentation quiz tool

AhaSlides Quiz for Special Days

It doesn’t matter if it’s a live or virtual celebration this year because AhaSlides is the ultimate gift that will spark the joy of this magical season.

Spread the holiday cheer at home or in the workplace by creating your own quizzes using AhaSlides.

Fire up the competitiveness and playfulness of your family, officemates, or friends with a quiz about Christmas movies, music/jingles, or holiday traditions from around the world.

Customise your quiz to include multiple-choice or image-based questions. You can add in some festive graphics and background music to get in on the holiday spirit!

AhaSlides is free to use and is made simple with our themed templates. You can create online quizzes inspired by other seasons in our template library, such as Thanksgiving and Halloween.

💡 Curious about your options? Check out how AhaSlides stacks up against similar quiz software like Kahoot , Mentimeter , Slido , Google Forms and Poll Everywhere .

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the common rules for a quiz.

Most quizzes have a set time limit for completion. This prevents over-thinking and adds suspense. Answers are typically scored as correct, incorrect or partially correct depending on the question type and number of answer choices.

What is the typical quiz format?

The quiz format can be filled with the fill in the blank, multiple-choice, type answers, match pairs and correct orders.

What are the best quiz topics?

Funny Questions , Geography , History , Modern Technology, Movies , Books & TV Shows and Guess The Song Music Quiz.

What is the most common quiz-scoring method?

One point per correct answer: This is the simplest approach, where the total score equals the number of correct responses. It focuses on rewarding knowledge without punishing guesses.

Quiz with Confidence. Quiz with AhaSlides.

Create free quiz

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Kahoot! stands with Ukraine

Kahoot! is committed to supporting Ukrainian educators and learners affected by the current crisis. To protect the integrity of our platform and our users, we will suspend offering Kahoot!’s services in Russia, with the exception of self-study.

presentation quiz tool

Ukrainian educators and learners need our support

We are deeply troubled and concerned by the violence and loss of life resulting from the Russian invasion of Ukraine. We stand with the people of Ukraine and we hope for the swiftest and most peaceful possible end to the current crisis. 

Kahoot! has received a number of requests from schools and educators in Ukraine requesting the help of our services to continue teaching despite the disruption of the war. We have supported each of these and we are now offering Kahoot! EDU solutions for free for both K-12 and higher education institutions for one year to Ukrainian schools in need. In addition, we are fast-tracking translation and localization of the Kahoot! platform into Ukrainian. 

Suspending commercial services and sales in Russia

Our commercial footprint in the Russian market is very limited. We do not have offices or representation in the country, nor do we have any physical operations or data services there. The overwhelming majority of our users in Russia are teachers and students using our free service.

Kahoot! is abiding by the international sanctions regime, and does not allow sales to sanctioned individuals or entities in Russia. Shortly after the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Kahoot! initiated a process to suspend offering of all commercial services in Russia. This includes but is not limited to online sales, assisted sales, app store sales and prohibiting sales to Russian corporations and organizations.

Prioritizing safe and secure use of the Kahoot! platform

As part of our mission to make learning awesome, and as education remains a fundamental human right, we offer teachers, students and personal users free access to our platform. We do this in more than 200 countries and regions in a spirit similar to public commons services, such as Wikipedia. 

Similarly, inclusivity is one of Kahoot!’s overarching values. As such, our aim is to, whenever and wherever possible, offer children, schools and others the opportunity to use digital tools for impactful education and learning, irrespective of their background or location. This has been our guiding principle also for offering our service in Russia.

Among our first responses to the crisis was to swiftly expand our global moderation team’s monitoring on all Russia-related content to safeguard the integrity of the platform. 

However, as the situation continues to escalate, it is vital that we are able to ensure that our platform is used according to our own guidelines and standards. Therefore, in addition to suspending sales, we will be taking all possible and necessary steps to suspend access to Kahoot! services in Russia, with the eventual exception of self-study mode which will feature only content verified by Kahoot!.

This will enable students, school children and other individual users to continue their learning journeys both safely and responsibly. We will continue to assess ways in which our services can be offered safely and responsibly to support all learners and educators, also those based in Russia. 

Supporting our employees 

At Kahoot!, we are not just a team in name, we are a team in practice. As such, we are committed to the well-being of our employees, especially those with ties to Ukraine, or those that in other ways are particularly affected by the war. We are providing these colleagues with any support we can. 

Acknowledging the current situation, the Kahoot! Group made an emergency aid donation to Save the Children and the Norwegian Refugee Council. This is a contribution to support life-saving assistance and protection for innocent Ukrainian children, families and refugees. 

As the situation in Ukraine continues to develop our teams across the company are actively monitoring the crisis so that we can respond in the most responsible and supportive way possible. 

Our hearts go out to the people of Ukraine, their loved ones, and anyone affected by this crisis. 

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Types of Quizzes and Best Quiz Maker Tools for PowerPoint (2024)

Last updated on February 23rd, 2024

Quiz Maker Tools

Quizzes in PowerPoint are not used as often as they should be. This is because a quiz can go with almost any type of presentation, making it more interesting and engaging. You can incorporate quizzes in your PowerPoint based class lectures, business presentations, staff training sessions, etc. If you are looking to learn about the best ways to create quizzes using PowerPoint, you can learn about various possibilities of making the most out of your presentations with the help of our pick for the best quiz maker tools for PowerPoint .

What is a Quiz?

A quiz is essentially a short test to gauge the knowledge of the person(s) being asked questions. Quizzes are used for a variety of purposes, be it as short tests for grading students, self-assessment, during a competition, or for personality assessment. However, the two broad categories of quizzes include either scored quizzes or personality quizzes.

Best quiz maker tools

Purpose and Types of Quizzes

What is the purpose of a quiz.

Quizzes can be broadly divided into two categories, i.e. a scored quiz or personality quiz. There can be different formats for a quiz including multiple-choice questions, true or false, yes or no, trivia, etc.

Scored Quiz:  A scored quiz is often used to test the knowledge of students and to grade them. Teachers might include a quiz as a part of exams or take a pop quiz to quickly assess the knowledge of students randomly. Scored quizzes might also be used for other purposes such as to score candidates that have applied for a job according to their knowledge of a subject or online quizzes meant as a pastime. You can also use a PowerPoint quiz template with score to present the quiz to an audience including the final score.

Personality Quiz:  In recent years online quizzes have become quite common across various social media platforms to engage online users using web apps. Some quizzes are also used to assess the personality of the individual, such as by using Myers–Briggs Type Indicator questionnaire. However, a personality quiz is not a new phenomenon as they have existed for decades, based on different types of introspective personality test formats. These types of tests don’t have a right or wrong answer but simply grade individuals based on the quiz results. To create a personality quiz, you can use a personality quiz maker tool.

15 Different Types of Quizzes

There are several formats for quizzes including the ones mentioned below. Some of the below-mentioned categories can overlap, where one or more formats might be incorporated to create a single quiz. For example, a multiple-choice quiz can include not only text-based questions but also visuals, fill in the blanks, etc.

1. Multiple Choice Quiz: This includes asking multiple-choice questions from which one or more correct answers must be selected.

2. True or False Quiz: This is a form of a multiple-choice quiz where a true or false answer needs to be provided. Correct answers are scored at the end of the test.

3. Yes or No Quiz: This is another multiple-choice quiz format used with questions that require a Yes or No answer.

4. Trivia: Trivia is a type of quiz used to test knowledge for a variety of topics such as animals, history, pop culture, etc.

5. Fill in the Blanks Quiz: A quiz can also include fill in the blanks to ask short questions where an individual needs to answer the missing parts of the question. Such a quiz may or may not be created with multiple choices given for the blank space.

6. Match-The-Pair Quiz: This is a quiz type where different pairs of images, concepts, or topics are displayed side by side, where the correct pairs need to be matched. For example, if one table consists of country flag and the other with country names, for a match the pair quiz, the one taking the quiz will require matching the correct country flag with the respective country, such as by drawing a line to connect them.

7. Spin the Wheel Quiz: This is a quiz format made popular by TV game shows where the spin of a wheel determines what type of question is asked from the contestant. You can use an animated spin the wheel template for this purpose.

8. Million Dollar Quiz: This is another format made famous from various Tv shows where contestants have the opportunity to win a million dollars by answering multiple-choice questions along with a few unique features such as the ability to contact someone for help or receive hints for some questions.

9. One Page Assessment Quiz: This is a brief format to assess someone’s knowledge or personality by giving them a one-page assessment to fill out.

10. Open Ended Quiz: Such a quiz might contain questions requiring open-ended answers.

11. Closed-Ended Quiz: This quiz can have various formats such as multiple-choice questions, fill-in blanks, yes or no, or true or false questions.

12. Classification / Sequencing Quiz: A quiz might require classifying different pieces of information in a set sequence. For example, let’s say there are names of 20 animals and 2 tables, one for mammals and the other for reptiles. In such a case a quiz can be graded based on how accurately the individual places the correct names of animals according to the right classification.

13. Name Me Quiz: Such a quiz is conducted by providing a hint for the correct answer which can be a person, name, place, animal, etc.

14. Find in Image Quiz: The quiz requires finding the answer from within an image. The question might be displayed along with an image containing the answer (e.g. word cloud).

15. Drag and Drop Sort Quiz: These are interactive quizzes that require a digital device such as a smartphone or computer to drag and drop items to complete the quiz. Such a quiz might be available online via a mobile, desktop, or web app. To make an interactive quiz you normally use interactive quiz maker in PowerPoint or a 3rd. party tool.

Difference Between Quizzes, Surveys, and Polls

While many people consider quizzes, surveys, and polls to be similar, they are in essence quite different.

Quizzes: As mentioned earlier, quizzes are short tests that are either graded or come with no correct answer to assess someone’s personality. Quizzes can be used to test knowledge, as a form of entertainment, or personality assessment.

Surveys: Unlike a quiz, surveys are used to gather qualitative or quantitative information. Surveys are used for a variety of purposes such as to assess customer needs, to gather feedback, assess employee or employer satisfaction, gathering census data, for scientific research, etc. Since surveys fall under a broader category than quizzes they are not only used for statistical and human research but also for spatial measurement (e.g. photogrammetry or construction surveying), geological, astronomical, and purposes.

Polls: A poll is a method used for a number of purposes including gathering opinions, during surveys, to elect individuals (e.g. general elections conducted in a country), in arts, entertainment, and media, as well as in mathematical or scientific models (e.g. a query conducted by a server in a set order, also called a polling system or polling model in queueing theory).

Best Quiz Maker Tools

Different quiz-maker tools can be used to create quizzes to make your PowerPoint presentations interactive and engage your audience. Below is a list of our picks for some of the best online quiz-maker tools. Some work with PowerPoint, but other tools are independent products.

1. iSpring Suite (PowerPoint)

The iSpring Suite is a PowerPoint based app for PC that enabled creating quizzes and surveys in PowerPoint. While the application suite has a number of features including the ability to record, edit and create interactive learning courses; you can also use the suite for making interactive graded quizzes.

2. Kahoot (Web)

Kahoot is a platform for making online games using quizzes, discussions, and surveys for e-learning, business, or personal use. Kahoot can be accessed via browser or the Kahoot apps for Android and iOS.

3. Genially (Web)

Genially is a web app that enables users to create different types of interactive content including online presentations, infographics, class lessons, quizzes, and the like. You can also use Genially during webinars or online meetings to display your interactive content via Zoom, Google Meet, and other platforms. To learn more about this online quiz maker, see the video given below.

Articulate 360 Quizmaker (PowerPoint)

Articulate 360 Quizmaker is a tool for creating quizzes for your presentations, e-learning courses and uploading them to a Learning Management System (LMS). using Articulate 360 Quizmaker, you can create quizzes, surveys, and drag and drop assessments.

TypeForm (Web)

TypeForm is an online tool that makes it easy to quickly design and share quizzes, surveys, polls, and different types of forms. TypeForm also provides integration with various famous platforms including Slack, Zapier, Autopilot, Airtable, Hubspot, Google Sheets, Mailchimp, Google Analytics, and Salesforce.

Creating a Quiz in PowerPoint

If you want to create a quiz in PowerPoint, the best way of doing that is to either use Forms in PowerPoint or to make use of an interactive quiz template for PowerPoint.

Microsoft Forms

Microsoft Forms is a feature available to Microsoft 365 users that enables creating forms in PowerPoint. This feature can also be used for making a PowerPoint quiz. Using Microsoft Forms you can not only conduct quizzes but also see detailed results based on the responses received from end users.

Quiz PowerPoint Templates

Animated quiz tabs powerpoint template.

Animated quiz tabs PowerPoint template

4 Options Multiple Choice PowerPoint Template

The format of this PowerPoint template is similar to a ‘Million Dollar Quiz’. This interactive template can be used to create multiple choice PowerPoint questions, where the user can click on an option to reveal whether the answer was correct. Wrong answers get highlighted in red, whereas clicking on the correct answer highlights it in green.

4 options multiple choice PowerPoint template

Go to Download 4 Options Multiple Choice PowerPoint Template

Creating a Quiz in Google Slides

Unlike PowerPoint, Google Slides has fewer options for creating different types of interactive quizzes. However, with a bit of creativity, you can easily create a functional quiz using Google Slides.

Create a Quiz Slide Deck in Google Slides

You can manually create a quiz slide deck in Google Slides by linking different slides to slide elements. Below is a video with a brief tutorial regarding how to create a quiz slide deck in Google Slides. You can also create a copy of this quiz template for Google Slides to create your quiz.

Bjorn’s Quiz Decks Studio

A quick and easy method for creating a quiz in Google Slides is by using a third-party app. One of the available quiz-making apps for Google Slides is Bjorn’s Quiz Decks Studio. You can integrate this app via Add-ons -> Get Add-ons in Google Slides . Simply search for the add-on and integrate it into Google Slides. you will get a new tab with the app’s name that can be used for creating quizzes in Google Slides. Bjorn’s Quiz Decks Studio is a premium tool that is available on a 7-day trial version.

Final Words

Making a quiz, be it in PowerPoint or by using a web or mobile app can help you better engage your audience by providing them with something interesting. Quizzes are not only useful in the academic setting but also for formal meetings, where you can help gauge the knowledge of your audience before showing them trends, analytics, forecasts, and project information to help make certain details memorable.

The tools and presentation templates for PowerPoint and Google Slides mentioned above can help you create quizzes for your remote meetings, webinars, and even presentations conducted in person at the workplace or an event.

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About Farshad

IT professional, communications specialist and Blogger!

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presentation quiz tool

  • Create Quiz

How to Create an Exciting Presentation Quiz

  • Create a quiz
  • Copy the quiz link
  • Add it to your presentation

engaging ai quiz maker example

Use an Engaging Quiz Template

Level up your presentation with a fun quiz. Choose from our wide selection of quizzes, add your own touch, and share it with your audience.

personality quiz

Personality Quiz

Live quiz experience, knowledge assessment quiz, knowledge test – math, buzzfeed style trivia, matching quiz, trivia quiz.

quiz competition

Quiz Competition

Skill assessment quiz, make an engaging quiz from scratch.

Are you leading a corporate training session, speaking at an event, or teaching a lesson in class? Add a quiz to your presentation to give your crowd a fun and interactive experience.

Improve audience engagement in three quick and simple steps:

1. Create a quiz

Click here to start creating a knowledge quiz or here to build a personality quiz . When you’re done, click on ‘Publish’ or ‘Save’ to save your work.

2. Copy the quiz link

Once the quiz is set up, save it and click on “Embed & Share”. You can also access it from your items dashboard .

Select “Share Link” in the pop-up window, and copy the link.

3. Add it to your presentation

Add the link to your presentation notes and message it to your audience during the meeting or convert it to a QR code and add it to the relevant slide so that people can scan it.

Try this live quiz

Ready to get started?

Enhance Any Presentation With a Quiz

Whether you’re a teacher, team lead, corporate trainer, or public speaker, you probably know that a successful presentation can make or break your audience’s focus and concentration.

Adding a game element, like a live quiz to your presentation can help you enhance your presentation and captivate their attention. Whether you use it for a PowerPoint presentation at work or an in-class quiz for your students, it could be greatly beneficial. Read on for some fun audience quiz ideas for you to work with.

Gauge Your Audience’s Knowledge With a True/False Quiz

A  true/false question  is essentially a trivia question with two answer options to choose from – true or false. This quiz type is perfect for live presentations because it’s fast and dynamic.

Use it as an icebreaker at the beginning of your presentation to engage your audience while getting to know them. It will help you understand how familiar they are with your topic and give you a chance to adapt your talk to their knowledge if needed.

You could also use a  true/false quiz  at the end of your presentation to discover how much information the audience retained.

Excite Your Audience With a Trivia Competition

A trivia quiz tests people’s grasp of a subject in a gamified way by asking knowledge questions and measuring how many correct answers they get.   Use a trivia quiz  to create a competition that engages that competitive spirit in your quiz participants.

Here are a few tips to consider when making your presentation quiz competition:

  • If you want to grab your audience’s attention or boost engagement in training sessions, let them know that you’ll be ending the lesson with a challenging trivia contest.
  • You could also start off the session with a trivia competition and spend the rest of the time going through the answers, keeping the suspense alive while sharing information and knowledge.
  • Introduce a time element by defining the winner as the person who gets the most correct answers in the shortest amount of time to make the contest more exciting and make sure it doesn’t take too long. You could add a quiz timer or bring a stopwatch for extra pressure.
  • Add a prize to the mix to give people an extra incentive to take part. It doesn’t have to be big, it could be a voucher, a free event ticket, or even a silly sticker set. As long as it gives the winner recognition and puts a smile on their face, it will do the job. Using an online stopwatch during the quiz for each question will also add a bit of suspense.

While people are answering the questions you can look at the results dashboard to see submissions and results. Here you can view the ratio between correct and incorrect answers as well as the timestamp. If you want, you can use this information for live commentary during the contest.

Try this trivia competition

Use a picture quiz to end your lesson with a bang.

Adding visually stimulating content to your presentation can grab people’s attention and leave a lasting impression. A  picture quiz  uses engaging images to draw people in and illustrate the questions, answer options, and results. Conclude any topic of discussion with an image quiz to sum things up in a way that your quiz participants will enjoy and remember.

Spark Conversation With a Resonating Quiz

Sometimes it can be challenging to get an audience to shift from the comfortable position of being a passive listener to being an active participant. A good quiz can be a big step in the right direction.

All you need to do is ask 2-3 surprising trivia questions or challenging personality questions. After people answer them privately they will be more inclined to discuss the question topics in the group because they are already invested and involved.

Encourage Introspection With a Personality Quiz

While trivia is the classic choice for a quiz night or live presentations, a personality quiz can also enrich any class or lecture, and add depth as well as fun to your audience’s experience.

Unlike trivia quizzes, personality quizzes are less about knowledge and more about self-discovery. They don’t have incorrect or correct answers, they ask for your opinions or preferences and use them to tell you something about yourself.

Use a personality quiz  in your presentation to connect with your audience. Let’s say you’re giving a lecture about learning styles, you could start it off with a “What type of learner are you?” quiz to put them in touch with themselves in the context of your topic.

You could also invite them to share their results and talk about the experience to encourage them to empathize and connect with each other. It’s a memorable and experiential way to introduce a topic that could otherwise seem distant or theoretical.

Try this personality quiz

Why choose our quiz maker for your next presentation.

Make each member of your audience feel like a game show contestant. Create any  type of quiz  quickly and easily. Boost engagement, get to know your audience, and inspire them to learn.

Quick & Easy

You don’t have to spend hours trying to create a quiz inside a PowerPoint presentation. Our quiz maker is easy-to-use and ideal for making entertaining quizzes quickly.

Start from scratch with our intuitive  quiz builder  or use one of our pre-design templates. No coding, no learning curve, and no prior skills required. Simply sign in and start creating. Your quiz can be up and running in minutes.

Colorful & Engaging

The average person prefers to interact with colorful visuals and easy-to-understand text. Create a quiz that pops with a range of color styles, images, and even videos.

  • Get people curious and excited with a bright cover image.
  • Keep them entertained by adding pictures to your questions and answer options.
  • End off with a visual results page that they will remember.

You can also choose the color theme and design of your quiz to fit the style of your presentation.

Make Any Type of Quiz

Whether you want to assess or share knowledge, encourage self-discovery, or simply have some fun we have the quiz format for you.

There are so many types of quizzes you can choose from. Make a personality test or a trivia, a multiple choice quiz or a yes/no quiz, a skill assessment or a diagnostic quiz, the possibilities are endless. All you need to do is choose the most convenient option for your needs, and start creating.

Make any type of quiz from scratch or from a template. Use different kinds of questions and layouts to keep things interesting.

Strong & Reliable

Whether you’re doing an in-class quiz or working remotely you need a quiz maker you can trust. You don’t need any glitches or surprises during your presentation.

Our quiz maker is built to handle high-volume participation and perform smoothly even if your wifi or network connection is weak.

Responsive & Mobile Friendly

We make sure that your quiz will look great on any screen or device. Run it on the big screen or send it to your audience to answer on their phones, tablets, or laptops. The questions and images will automatically adjust to their screen size to give them the optimal display.

FAQs About Presentation Quizzes

How to create your own quiz.

Creating your own quiz starts with selecting a goal and a topic. Based on that you can figure out which types of quizzes to create.

If, for example, you want to find out how much your audience knows about the French Revolution, make a knowledge quiz. If, on the other hand, you wish to help your audience discover what type of travelers they are, make a personality quiz.

Next, it’s time to write the result cards. Think about what message you want to give your audience based on their quiz answers. It’s usually best to keep these positive and encouraging.

Now move on to your questions. Make sure that they are clear and easy to understand, and don’t forget to include a number of answer options for people to choose from. If you’re making a personality quiz you should also associate each answer option with the relevant result.

Quiz-making is simplest when you have a user-friendly tool to work with. Ours lets you use a template or start from scratch. Adding visual elements to your quiz is also a good idea since it contributes significantly to engagement and completion levels.

Go to the top of this page for detailed guidelines, or simply get started right now .

What makes a quiz good?

A good quiz is one that gets people involved and gives them value. So, to make a good quiz you need to focus on your audience and figure out what would interest and challenge them.

On a more practical level, a good quiz usually uses friendly and humorous language, has 5-10 questions, fun images, and feel-good result cards.

For an extra boost, make your quiz more exciting by adding a quiz timer, or hiding results till the very end, personalizing it with skip logic, and increasing interactivity with CTA buttons, and answer explanations. Click here for more tips and best practices.

How to create a quiz competition?

To create a quiz competition you first need to make a trivia quiz. Then decide on the rules of the game. Something like the winner will be the first person to get all the questions right.

Introduce the competition dramatically to create a gameshow-like atmosphere. Of course, you could include a prize for the winner and runners-up to seal the deal.

How to integrate a quiz into your presentation?

You can integrate a quiz in your presentation in three ways:

  • Copy the title and cover image of your quiz into your presentation and configure them as a hyperlink to your quiz. This option is good if you’re solving the quiz with your audience in person, or if your audience members each have individual access to the presentation.
  • Create a slide to introduce the quiz and send the quiz link to your audience members via chat or messaging app. This option is good for remote presentations, where each participant is supposed to take the quiz separately.
  • Turn your quiz link into a QR code and add it to your quiz slide for your audience to scan. This one is best for in-person presentations or remote presentations that are screen shared.

How do I host an interactive quiz?

Hosting an interactive quiz is easy, all you need is a bit of gusto and enthusiasm. The rest will take care of itself.

Write an exciting introduction that you can easily relay to your audience. Use it to prepare them for the experience without divulging too much information. After all, you want to keep them curious.

Depending on the quiz goals, you could also include a timer for each question. Add commentary during the quiz based on what you see on your dashboard. Things like “responses are starting to come in”, “I’m seeing some interesting results”, etc.

At the end of the quiz, you can share your dashboard showing the results on the presentation screen. Use the data as a conversation starter for the next section of your presentation, or as a way to announce the winner with flair. Just remember to make it fun, and interesting, and speak to your audience to keep them engaged.

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Blog > Quiz Ideas for your Presentation

Quiz Ideas for your Presentation

02.21.20   •  #powerpoint #quiz #trivia #ideas.

It's no secret that people love participating in quizzes. That's why they are so perfect for engaging your audience when you're doing a presentation. In this article, you'll learn what kind of quizzes there are and why you should use them. Also, we prepared a list of 50 creative questions about all kinds of topics that you can use for your next presentation or quiz night!

presentation quiz tool

Types of Quizzes and Quiz Ideas

There are many types of quizzes. However, the main distinction is between trivia and personality quizzes. The names are pretty much self-explanatory. In the Trivia Quiz , there are questions about knowledge and facts. In a presentation, they can be used for checking what your audience already knows about the topic you are about to present. But they are also perfect for testing your attendees knowledge after your presentation, making sure they remember what you just talked about. You can also just throw trivia question into the main part of your presentation, just as a little playful element. With Personality Quizzes on the other hand, there is no right or wrong. You're asking about a personality trait, hobby, or whatever else you'd like to know about your audience. Those are perfect as ice breakers in the beginning, and for connecting with your audience instantly. They can be as serious or as fun as you want them to be. The last category here is the Yes-/No-Quiz or True-/False-Quiz . You can either ask personality or trivia questions with this category. When formulating them, be sure that they can be answered with either Yes/True or No/False, and add a "Not certain" option if necessary.

Type of Quiz Perfect for Example Question
Trivia Quiz Checking the knowledge of your audience, contributing facts in a fun way What is the Capital of Norway?
Personality Quiz Connecting with your audience, breaking the ice, adding fun elements to your presentation Which one is your favourite colour?
Yes-/No-Quiz (True-/False-Quiz) Doing a quick poll, possible with both trivia and personality based questions Do you use presentation software other than PowerPoint?

How to integrate a Quiz in your Presentation

Quizzes at presentations are great, but how do you incorporate them best? You can of course just put the question on the slide and then let your audience raise their hands at the answer they like best. But that has many flaws, like no anonymity, people influencing each others votes, and no possibility to record the results. We recommend using a PowerPoint Plugin like SlideLizard , which makes poll creation and conduction as easy as it can be. You type in your questions (or choose one of the templates) and some possible answers, your attendees connect with a link on their smartphone and vote for their preferred answer. You can show the results to your audience immediately afterwards. Simply download the tool for free , install it and open up PowerPoint. In this video, you'll learn how to create your quiz polls.

50 Creative Questions for your Quiz

This is a collection of 50 questions - both trivia and personality - you can ask your audience when doing a presentation. They're sorted into categories.

  • Arts and Culture
  • Modern Technology
  • Movies, Books & TV-Shows

Arts and Culture Quiz Questions

presentation quiz tool

Where can you find the Mona Lisa?

  • Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
  • The Vatican Museum, Italy
  • ✔ Louvre, Paris
  • Uffizi Gallery, Italy

Which of the following does not classify as a Standard ballroom dance?

"The Scream" was painted by...

  • ✔ Edvard Munch
  • Vincent van Gogh
  • Claude Monet

In which city does Romeo and Juliet take place?

Funny Quiz Questions

presentation quiz tool

Have you ever… (Multiple Choice)

  • Had a crush on your boss?
  • Peed in the swimming pool?
  • Taken shampoo and conditioner from hotels?
  • Told barefaced lies to your mother?
  • Denied receiving work emails when in fact you did?

Why did you decide to join this event today?

  • Knowledge building
  • Speaker line-up
  • Networking opportunities
  • My boss made me

Would you rather...

  • have spaghettis as fingers
  • or have potatoes as feet?

Which of these embarrassing things have already happened to you?

  • falling over in public
  • texting something to someone by accident that they really shouldn't have seen
  • calling your significant other by another name
  • saying "Thanks, you too!" after the person who sold you the ticket at the cinema wished you fun at the movie.

You're going to a party. Who are you?

  • The one who just stands in the corner hoping to go home as soon as possible.
  • The one who befriends the house pet and spends their night talking to the pet instead of the people.
  • The one who constantly makes Snapchat and Instagram stories about how amazing the party is and meanwhile misses most of the party.
  • The one who goes totally crazy.
  • The one who constantly plays weird songs that everybody is annoyed by.

Geography Quiz Questions

presentation quiz tool

What is the longest river in the world?

  • Mississippi

Which continents have you been to? (Multiple Choice)

  • North America
  • South America

What is the most spoken language in the world?

  • ✔ Mandarin Chinese

Which of these cities is not capital of a country?

  • ✔ Rio de Janeiro

Which U.S. state has the second longest coastline (following Alaska)?

History Quiz Questions

presentation quiz tool

Who is the Greek goddess for wisdom and warfare?

Bill Clinton famously a stray cat who was "First Cat" during his presidency. What was his name?

Which colour was Saint Patrick's day originally associated with?

In what year did Neil Armstrong land on the moon?

  • He never did.

Which famous leader is also called "the sun king"?

  • King Alfred
  • ✔ Louis XIV
  • Julius Caesar
  • Alexander the Great

Modern Technologies Quiz Questions

presentation quiz tool

What Social Media Platforms do you use? (Multiple Choice)

How much time does the average person spend on their phone in a day?

How much time do you spend on your phone in a day (approximately and on average)?

  • less than an hour
  • more than 4 hours

In what year was the company Microsoft founded?

What was the very first message sent over the Internet?

  • ✔ 'lo' // with the intent of typing "login", but the system shut down after typing the first two letters
  • 'hello world'

Movies & Books Quiz Questions

presentation quiz tool

What is the best-selling book of all time?

  • ✔ The Lord of the Rings
  • Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
  • The Little Prince
  • To Kill a Mockingbird

How many books do you read in one year?

  • more than 40

Which one of these actors/actresses has not won an Oscar (yet)?

  • Audrey Hepburn
  • ✔ Johnny Depp
  • Reese Witherspoon

What's your Harry Potter house?

What's your preferred Genre of movies?

  • Sci-Fi/Fantasy

Music Quiz Questions

presentation quiz tool

What music do you listen to? (Multiple Choice)

Which one of these hits is NOT in the Top 10 of the best-selling singles of all time (worldwide)?

  • White Christmas by Bing Crosby
  • ✔ Y.M.C.A by Village People // sold "only" 12 million copies, the others over 20 million
  • I Will Always Love You by Whitney Houston
  • In The Summertime by Mungo Jerry

Choose a band to listen to on repeat:

  • The Beatles
  • Backstreet Boys

Choose an artist to listen to on repeat:

  • Taylor Swift
  • Elvis Presley
  • Michael Jackson

The famous soundtrack for Pirates of the Caribbean was composed by...

  • ✔ Hans Zimmer
  • John Williams
  • James Horner
  • Howard Shore

Random Quiz Questions

presentation quiz tool

The best pet is...

  • a hamster, rabbit or guinea pig
  • some reptile
  • something not on this list
  • no pet for me, thanks!

What is the most common fear amongst the below mentioned?

  • ✔ public speaking

My favourite subject in school was... (Multiple Choice)

The best way to spend a holiday is...

  • on the beach
  • in the mountains

What sports do you do? (Multiple Choice)

  • Ball Sports

Science Quiz Questions

presentation quiz tool

Why are flamingos pink?

  • There is no specific reason, they are just born that way.
  • ✔ because of their shrimp-based diet
  • because of a gene mutation
  • to stand out more in the wild

How many steps should you walk in a day?

And how many steps does the average American walk in a day?

presentation quiz tool

How much blood does a grown-up's body approximately contain?

The apes that are the closest relatives to human beings are...

  • ✔ bonobo and chimpanzee
  • gorilla and chimpanzee
  • gorilla and orangutan

Which one is the only planet that orbits the sun in a clockwise direction?

Work Quiz Questions

presentation quiz tool

How many PowerPoint presentations are given in a day?

  • ✔ 30 million

According to statistics, these are the top 5 time-wasting activities at work. Which one do you waste time on? (Multiple Choice)

  • (too many) Meetings
  • browsing online (including Social Media!)
  • procrastination

How much of the available time at work is actually used for working (on average)?

What are your biggest motivations at work? (Multiple Choice)

  • interaction and communication with colleagues
  • interesting tasks
  • personal growth and taking responsibility
  • possible promotions

When is your most productive time in the day? (Multiple Choice)

  • in the morning
  • around noon
  • at afternoon
  • in the evening
  • late at night
  • I have no specific time

What kinds of quizzes are there?

There are trivia quizzes - they test your knowledge on a topic, and personality questions - which each person has to answer individually for themselves.

What are good questions for trivia nights?

You will find questions from various disciplines in our list of 50 questions, which you can read in our article.

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About the author.

presentation quiz tool

Pia Lehner-Mittermaier

Pia works in Marketing as a graphic designer and writer at SlideLizard. She uses her vivid imagination and creativity to produce good content.

presentation quiz tool

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Do you want to make your presentations more interactive.

With SlideLizard you can engage your audience with live polls, questions and feedback . Directly within your PowerPoint Presentation. Learn more


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The big SlideLizard presentation glossary

Audience demographics.

Audience Demographics are the characteristics of listeners like age, gender, cultural backgrounds, group affiliations and educational level. The speaker has to consider all these characteristics when adapting to an audience.

.pps file extension

A .pps file is a slide show. They are similiar to .ppt files but they open as a slide show if you double-klick them. They later got replaced by .ppsx files.

Visual Communication

If there are used images or videos for communication, it is visual communication. Visual Communication is almost used everywhere like on television, posts on social media (Instagram, Facebook), advertisement.

Concept Presentation

In a concept presentation, you have to give general information as well as try to convince the audience with good arguments and deliver a solution concept.

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Create, present a live PowerPoint quiz with animated leaderboard

presentation quiz tool

Every Poll Everywhere employee can give a presentation to the company on any topic they choose. We call them Lunch and Learn presentations, and the cornerstone of any good L&L is the trivia quiz at the end.

These quizzes are played straight from the speaker’s PowerPoint deck by way of Poll Everywhere Competitions . Everyone playing earns points for answering questions quickly and correctly. An animated leaderboard appears between questions to show everyone who is in the lead.

Competitions gives you the tools to create and play interactive quizzes on any topic. Our own L&L quizzes include the history of Rome, the rise of the LGBT movement, and Disney movies through the ages. In this post, I show you how to get started with Poll Everywhere for PowerPoint and how to create your first competition.

You can put these ideas into action right away with a free Poll Everywhere account. Sign up, follow the steps below, and create your first PowerPoint quiz in minutes.

Get Started

Download Poll Everywhere for PowerPoint

If this is your first time hearing about Poll Everywhere, welcome. Poll Everywhere is how you grab and keep audience attention with live, interactive activities embedded directly into your presentation. The audience responds using their phones and devices. The results appear live in your PowerPoint presentation, or on the web.

Download Poll Everywhere for PowerPoint. On PC, Poll Everywhere is added to the PowerPoint menu ribbon. On Mac, Poll Everywhere is a separate application that runs alongside PowerPoint. Either way, the basics are the same: create Poll Everywhere activities, add them to your deck, and present them just like any other PowerPoint slide.

PowerPoint displaying a Poll Everywhere activity on a tablet and iPhone displaying Poll Everywhere remote control mode

Make sure Poll Everywhere is installed on the computer you plan to present your PowerPoint from, and that you are signed in to your Poll Everywhere account. If you do not have Poll Everywhere for PowerPoint on the computer you are presenting from, or you’re not logged in, your Poll Everywhere slides will not function correctly.

Use Competitions to create a PowerPoint quiz

Now that you have Poll Everywhere for PowerPoint installed, it’s time to create your first competition. Poll Everywhere Competitions are fully customizable trivia games that you control. Create and present as many multiple choice questions as you wish. You control the pacing. Questions may have one correct answer, or several.

Participants play along on the web using their phones or other devices. They earn points for correct responses and speed. An animated leaderboard appears between questions to update everyone on who is in the lead. The final leaderboard includes a colorful burst of confetti to celebrate the winner.

Check out the video above the see Competitions in action. Here’s something not in the video: each question in a Poll Everywhere competitions gets its own slide in PowerPoint. That means you can put content slides between question slides to extend the same competition throughout your presentation. This is a great way to hold audience interest throughout a long presentation.

Read more: 9 interactive ideas for squashing boring PowerPoint

Example PowerPoint quiz using Competitions

Before the holiday break, Poll Everywhere held a Lunch and Learn about different Christmas traditions from around the world. You can see the questions below. Just copy and paste them into Poll Everywhere to reproduce this competition for yourself. I also marked which response is correct for each question; you’ll want to remove those marks in the copied presentation.

What Christmas beverage is also known as ‘Milk Punch’?

  • White Russian
  • Steamed Milk
  • Eggnog (correct)
  • Bailey’s Irish Cream

What well-known Christmas carol became the first song ever broadcast from space in 1965?

  • Jingle Bells (correct)
  • Silent Night
  • Deck the Halls
  • White Christmas

What country or region does the poinsettia, the traditional red Christmas flower, come from?

  • Mexico & Central America (correct)
  • The Nordics
  • Spain & Italy

True or False: In some South American countries wearing colored underwear will determine your fate for the new year. Red underwear means you’ll find love. Gold means wealth, and white signifies peace.

  • Ture (correct)

Many historians consider Santa Claus to be based on what real historical figure?

  • An Austrian monk
  • A Dutch mayor
  • A Greek bishop (correct)
  • An Italian merchant

In what modern-day country was Saint Nicholas born?

  • Turkey (correct)

What is a popular Christmas dinner dessert item in Brazil?

  • Rabanadas (correct)
  • Brigadeiros

In which Asian country do people celebrate Dec. 25 by eating a frosted sponge cake decorated with strawberries?

  • Japan (correct)

On Jan. 6, Mexicans traditionally eat King Cake, or the Rosca de Reyes. Inside is hidden a figurine of baby Jesus. Whoever eats the slice of cake with the baby traditionally has to bring which of the following to a Feb. 2 party?

  • Tamales (correct)
  • Tacos de canasta
  • Another King Cake

Person holding iPhone displaying Competitions leaderboard, with confetti on the floor

Copy and past this competition into your own Poll Everywhere account. Click the button below to open the Poll Everywhere activity creator, then paste the text into the appropriate fields.

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Free Quiz PowerPoint Template

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A Quiz PowerPoint Template is a PowerPoint template that can help teachers, trainers, or presenters execute quizzes in PowerPoint presentation format. It usually has questions-and-answer sessions, feedback slides, and other features that can make a learning session more interactive.

Thus, it comes with multiple options, including multiple-choice, true-false, and short-answer questions, which, when used, make understanding and knowledge assessment more valuable and the learning sessions more engaging.

You can find more free  Education Templates  here.

Quiz PowerPoint Template

Features of the Quiz PowerPoint Template

Quiz PowerPoint Template is meticulously designed to enhance interactivity and engagement, offering several standout features:

  • Customizable Question Slides: Use your quiz to promote your own objectives. You can edit text directly, change background images, or add pictures relevant to your topic.
  • Interactive Answer Selection: Students can highlight or mark the intended answers to proceed through a dynamic set of questions.
  • Immediate Feedback for Answers: 48 Arrange your quiz so that once a player submits an answer, the system immediately indicates to the player that the answer they chose was correct.
  • Various Question Types: We acknowledge multiple-choice, true // false, fill-in-the-blank, Jumbolt, and others as types of challenges that support the flexibility of content delivery to audiences.
  • Scoring System: Report the scores on the board to monitor them automatically. Due to the extensive attention they will dedicate to the session, this can result in rivalry among the participants.
  • Animated Transitions: Complex but smooth animations between questions positively contribute to the overall presentation, entertaining the audience visually.
  • Timer Functionality: Add countdown timers to each question to instill competition and fun in the show, similar to that witnessed in reality shows.
  • Easy-to-follow Navigation: Made with a sleek user interface to enable a presenter to slide forward or backward conveniently in case of a quiz.
  • Integration with Multimedia: Use audio tracks with the quiz questions and answers so that the quiz is much more than just a list of questions.
  • Custom End Screens: They should be able to provide feedback to the players, including congratulating them on their achievement, directing them to further learning, or suggesting what they need to do in the next level based on their score.

Each feature is added to enhance the audience’s engagement with your content so they do not forget the message you are passing as soon as the quiz is over.

How to Use the Quiz PowerPoint Template

The best tool to entice the participants can be as simple as an incredible and interactive PowerPoint quiz; however, such a technique must be used with great consideration. Below are some guidelines to follow when designing quizzes that appeal to your target group and meet the objectives of the presentation.

Know Your Audience

The first is identifying your target audience and what type of information they expect to receive in your presentation. Are you writing for high school readers using a style that will make your high school students embrace professionalism? In the case of producing a quiz, it must be designed to be concordant with the age and knowledge level of the target group and with the specific objective.

Set Clear Objectives

What is the purpose or motive for adding a quiz to your presentation? It should have a target of benefiting an academic program, training program, or marketing communications program. Do you want to measure recall, comprehension, attitudes, etc.? These are the goals toward which your quiz should be geared.

Keep It Relevant

The quiz’s content should also be relevant to your presentation’s overall message. Ensure that every question and its corresponding answer stimulate and revive the topic.

Practice Makes Perfect

Reviewing all PowerPoint presentations before presenting is advisable to confirm whether all the interactivity features are functioning as desired. No one wants a technical error to outshine the content of a webpage or an article being worked on.

Analyze and Adapt

Take advice from quizzes and make changes in your teaching strategy. Do you have particular inquiries that often pose a problem to your audience? Perhaps you should review that section again or provide a different approach to the data presented in that segment. One key characteristic that can signify the successful implementation of the interactive presentation is its ongoing improvement.

Benefits of Using the Quiz PowerPoint Template

Employing the Quiz PowerPoint Template has significant advantages. It can transform a typical panorama of slides into something entertaining, informative, and participatory.

Here are some of the key advantages:

  • Increased Engagement: Lively tests call for concentration and contribute to the causes of engagement where the audience engages in the learning process.
  • Immediate Feedback:  Each question offers the opportunity to provide feedback that allows the participants to study immediately, which brings great educational value to our presentation.
  • Versatility: Thus, the template will be useful for educators, marketers, or corporate trainers to present the information needed for any type of training, from the basics of a particular subject to marketing principles and other corporate activities.
  • Improved Retention: The audience’s involvement through questions and answers helps keep the information presented in mind better since people tend to be more attentive when asked questions.
  • Customization and Flexibility: While creating the quiz, you have ample freedom to make changes in the presentation to suit your presentation or theme.
  • Interactive Learning: Features such as time challenges and scoring add creativity to learning and make it well-received by people with different learning types.
  • Ease of Use: The template for the article’s subject is simple and does not require PowerPoint mastery to develop an appealing quiz.
  • Scalability: This assessment technique can be administered to a small group or a large group, making quizzes a flexible learning aid whether you are giving a presentation or conducting a training session.

How to Create a Quiz PowerPoint Template

Of course, it may seem daunting at first glance, but setting up an interactive quiz in PowerPoint is not as complicated as expected. Here are the steps to follow:

Step 1: Choose Your Design

For questions and answers, choose a suitable shade that will blend with your branding or the content of a particular test. The template need not be very colorful or full of fancy designs that can overshadow the data presented in the template.

Step 2: Structure Your Slides

You should now design the framework of your quiz based on the information outlined above. Where will each question be placed? Right and wrong answers could be defined as the answers that vary depending on certain conventional or moral values and the well-defined answers to a given problem or question. Is there a ‘results’ slide after the quiz that gives students results?

Step 3: Add Interactivity

Exploit the usually available PowerPoint options. Spry’s links, animations, and triggers can all help you accomplish your goals and build the experience you envision in your creation.

Step 4: Test and Refine

Finally, as soon as you have developed your chosen template, you must try it out or run it through its paces. Make sure that all the clickable parts, buttons, and scrolls are natural and easy to use. As such, be prepared to be dynamic to answer the questions being posed by the data.

Step 5: Launch and Gather Data

Generally, after you have properly developed your quiz, go ahead and take it to your fans. Be ready to collect information from them; it could be as simple as getting them to complete a polling tool or as complex as getting them to be active participants during the survey.

Step 6: Analyze Results

Try to embrace the fact that you have to study the behavior of the audience so that you can learn how they handle the material. Which of those questions would be most effective? What revised ideas should be introduced in future presentations?

Step 7: Refine and Redeploy

Having gathered the requisite information, revise and modify your quiz template so that you can continue to positively impact your audience.

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What is Docker?

Docker is an open platform for developing, shipping, and running applications. Docker enables you to separate your applications from your infrastructure so you can deliver software quickly. With Docker, you can manage your infrastructure in the same ways you manage your applications. By taking advantage of Docker's methodologies for shipping, testing, and deploying code, you can significantly reduce the delay between writing code and running it in production.

The Docker platform

Docker provides the ability to package and run an application in a loosely isolated environment called a container. The isolation and security lets you run many containers simultaneously on a given host. Containers are lightweight and contain everything needed to run the application, so you don't need to rely on what's installed on the host. You can share containers while you work, and be sure that everyone you share with gets the same container that works in the same way.

Docker provides tooling and a platform to manage the lifecycle of your containers:

  • Develop your application and its supporting components using containers.
  • The container becomes the unit for distributing and testing your application.
  • When you're ready, deploy your application into your production environment, as a container or an orchestrated service. This works the same whether your production environment is a local data center, a cloud provider, or a hybrid of the two.

What can I use Docker for?

Fast, consistent delivery of your applications.

Docker streamlines the development lifecycle by allowing developers to work in standardized environments using local containers which provide your applications and services. Containers are great for continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) workflows.

Consider the following example scenario:

  • Your developers write code locally and share their work with their colleagues using Docker containers.
  • They use Docker to push their applications into a test environment and run automated and manual tests.
  • When developers find bugs, they can fix them in the development environment and redeploy them to the test environment for testing and validation.
  • When testing is complete, getting the fix to the customer is as simple as pushing the updated image to the production environment.

Responsive deployment and scaling

Docker's container-based platform allows for highly portable workloads. Docker containers can run on a developer's local laptop, on physical or virtual machines in a data center, on cloud providers, or in a mixture of environments.

Docker's portability and lightweight nature also make it easy to dynamically manage workloads, scaling up or tearing down applications and services as business needs dictate, in near real time.

Running more workloads on the same hardware

Docker is lightweight and fast. It provides a viable, cost-effective alternative to hypervisor-based virtual machines, so you can use more of your server capacity to achieve your business goals. Docker is perfect for high density environments and for small and medium deployments where you need to do more with fewer resources.

Docker architecture

Docker uses a client-server architecture. The Docker client talks to the Docker daemon, which does the heavy lifting of building, running, and distributing your Docker containers. The Docker client and daemon can run on the same system, or you can connect a Docker client to a remote Docker daemon. The Docker client and daemon communicate using a REST API, over UNIX sockets or a network interface. Another Docker client is Docker Compose, that lets you work with applications consisting of a set of containers.

The Docker daemon

The Docker daemon ( dockerd ) listens for Docker API requests and manages Docker objects such as images, containers, networks, and volumes. A daemon can also communicate with other daemons to manage Docker services.

The Docker client

The Docker client ( docker ) is the primary way that many Docker users interact with Docker. When you use commands such as docker run , the client sends these commands to dockerd , which carries them out. The docker command uses the Docker API. The Docker client can communicate with more than one daemon.

Docker Desktop

Docker Desktop is an easy-to-install application for your Mac, Windows or Linux environment that enables you to build and share containerized applications and microservices. Docker Desktop includes the Docker daemon ( dockerd ), the Docker client ( docker ), Docker Compose, Docker Content Trust, Kubernetes, and Credential Helper. For more information, see Docker Desktop .

Docker registries

A Docker registry stores Docker images. Docker Hub is a public registry that anyone can use, and Docker looks for images on Docker Hub by default. You can even run your own private registry.

When you use the docker pull or docker run commands, Docker pulls the required images from your configured registry. When you use the docker push command, Docker pushes your image to your configured registry.

Docker objects

When you use Docker, you are creating and using images, containers, networks, volumes, plugins, and other objects. This section is a brief overview of some of those objects.

An image is a read-only template with instructions for creating a Docker container. Often, an image is based on another image, with some additional customization. For example, you may build an image which is based on the ubuntu image, but installs the Apache web server and your application, as well as the configuration details needed to make your application run.

You might create your own images or you might only use those created by others and published in a registry. To build your own image, you create a Dockerfile with a simple syntax for defining the steps needed to create the image and run it. Each instruction in a Dockerfile creates a layer in the image. When you change the Dockerfile and rebuild the image, only those layers which have changed are rebuilt. This is part of what makes images so lightweight, small, and fast, when compared to other virtualization technologies.

A container is a runnable instance of an image. You can create, start, stop, move, or delete a container using the Docker API or CLI. You can connect a container to one or more networks, attach storage to it, or even create a new image based on its current state.

By default, a container is relatively well isolated from other containers and its host machine. You can control how isolated a container's network, storage, or other underlying subsystems are from other containers or from the host machine.

A container is defined by its image as well as any configuration options you provide to it when you create or start it. When a container is removed, any changes to its state that aren't stored in persistent storage disappear.

Example docker run command

The following command runs an ubuntu container, attaches interactively to your local command-line session, and runs /bin/bash .

When you run this command, the following happens (assuming you are using the default registry configuration):

If you don't have the ubuntu image locally, Docker pulls it from your configured registry, as though you had run docker pull ubuntu manually.

Docker creates a new container, as though you had run a docker container create command manually.

Docker allocates a read-write filesystem to the container, as its final layer. This allows a running container to create or modify files and directories in its local filesystem.

Docker creates a network interface to connect the container to the default network, since you didn't specify any networking options. This includes assigning an IP address to the container. By default, containers can connect to external networks using the host machine's network connection.

Docker starts the container and executes /bin/bash . Because the container is running interactively and attached to your terminal (due to the -i and -t flags), you can provide input using your keyboard while Docker logs the output to your terminal.

When you run exit to terminate the /bin/bash command, the container stops but isn't removed. You can start it again or remove it.

The underlying technology

Docker is written in the Go programming language and takes advantage of several features of the Linux kernel to deliver its functionality. Docker uses a technology called namespaces to provide the isolated workspace called the container. When you run a container, Docker creates a set of namespaces for that container.

These namespaces provide a layer of isolation. Each aspect of a container runs in a separate namespace and its access is limited to that namespace.

  • Install Docker
  • Get started with Docker


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  2. Powerpoint quiz game

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  3. Animated PowerPoint Quiz Template For Conducting Quizzes

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  4. How to create an interactive quiz in PowerPoint Create QUIZ

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  5. 10 free interactive PowerPoint Quiz Templates (2022) (2022)

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  6. How to make a Quiz on PowerPoint 2010

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    How to Use the Quiz PowerPoint Template. The best tool to entice the participants can be as simple as an incredible and interactive PowerPoint quiz; however, such a technique must be used with great consideration. Below are some guidelines to follow when designing quizzes that appeal to your target group and meet the objectives of the presentation.

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  25. What is Docker?

    The Docker daemon. The Docker daemon (dockerd) listens for Docker API requests and manages Docker objects such as images, containers, networks, and volumes.A daemon can also communicate with other daemons to manage Docker services. The Docker client. The Docker client (docker) is the primary way that many Docker users interact with Docker.When you use commands such as docker run, the client ...