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NECO Biology Questions and Answers For 2023/2024 (Theory and Objectives)

Biology NECO Questions 2023. I will be showing you the NECO Biology objective and theory questions and answers for free in this post. You will also understand how NECO Biology questions are set and how to answer them.

The National Examinations Council (NECO ) is an examination body in Nigeria that conducts the Senior Secondary Certificate Examination and the General Certificate in Education in June/July and December/January respectively.

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NECO Biology Question and Answers Essay and OBJ (Expo)

The 2023 NECO Biology expo will be posted here today 21st July during the NECO Biology examination. Keep checking and reloading this page for the answers.

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OBJ Answers:







NECO Biology Essay Answers:

The cell theory states that:

– All living organisms are made up of one or more cells.

– The cell is the basic unit of life.

– All cells arise from pre-existing cells.

– Robert Hooke, who discovered cells in 1665 and coined the term “cell”.

– Matthias Schleiden and Theodor Schwann, who proposed the cell theory in 1839-1840.

– Large, brightly colored petals that attract insects.

– Nectar-producing glands to feed the insects.

– A strong, sweet fragrance to attract the insects.

– A landing platform for the insects to rest on.

– Pollen that is sticky and easily attaches to the insects.

– Ginger: Rhizome

– Banana: Rhizome

– Sweet potato: Tuber

– The mouth mechanically breaks down the bread by chewing and mixes it with saliva, which contains enzymes that begin breaking down the carbohydrates in the bread.

– The esophagus moves the food down to the stomach, where it is mixed with stomach acid and enzymes that further break down the bread.

– The small intestine absorbs the nutrients from the bread, such as carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, into the bloodstream.

– The large intestine absorbs water and electrolytes from the remaining food waste, forming feces.

– The rectum stores feces until they can be eliminated through the anus.

Amoeba —> Hydra —> Tilapia —> Toad —> Snake.

(i) Small, lightweight seeds that can be easily carried by the wind.

(ii) Hairs or wings on the fruit that increase surface area and help to catch the wind.

(iii) A dry, papery fruit that splits open easily to release the seeds.

To determine if the shoot of a plant is positively phototropic.


A potted plant, a light source, a ruler, a marker.


(i) Place the plant in a dark room for 24 hours to ensure that it is not positively or negatively phototropic.

(ii) Place the light source at a fixed distance from the plant, with the light shining directly on the plant’s shoot.

(iii) Turn on the light source and leave it on for 24 hours.

(iv) After 24 hours, measure the distance between the tip of the shoot and the light source.

(v) Mark the new position of the shoot tip on the ruler.

(vi) Repeat the experiment two more times, moving the light source to a different position each time.


The shoot of the plant will grow towards them light source, bending in the direction of the light.


The shoot of a plant is positively phototropic and grows towards a light source.

=Aerobic Respiration=

(i) Occurs in the presence of oxygen

(ii) Produces a large amount of ATP

(iii) Carbon dioxide and water are produced as waste products

=Anaerobic Respiration=

(i) Occurs in the absence of oxygen

(ii) Produces a small amount of ATP

(iii) Lactic acid or ethanol is produced as a waste product.

=Complete Metamorphosis=

(i) Four distinct stages: egg, larva, pupa, adult.

(ii) Larva looks completely different from the adult.

=Incomplete Metamorphosis=

(i) Three stages: egg, nymph, adult.

(ii) Nymph looks similar to the adult, just smaller.

– Aim: To determine if chlorophyll is necessary for photosynthesis to take place.

– Apparatus: Two plants of the same species, one with leaves covered in aluminum foil, a light source, test tube, water, and a beaker.

– Method/procedure: Place one plant in a dark room and cover its leaves with aluminum foil. Place the other plant in front of a light source. After a few hours, pluck a leaf from each plant and place them in separate test tubes filled with water. Place the test tubes in a beaker and keep them in the dark.

– Observation: After a few hours, observe the test tubes to see which one has produced more oxygen bubbles.

– Conclusion: If the test tube with the leaf from the plant exposed to light produces more oxygen bubbles, then chlorophyll is necessary for photosynthesis to take place.

(i) Overuse of synthetic fertilizers

(ii) Overgrazing

(iii) Deforestation

(iv) Soil erosion

(i) Hearing loss

(ii) Sleep disturbance.

(i) Crop diversity: Planting different crops in the same field over time to avoid the buildup of pests and diseases.

(ii) Soil health: Planting crops that have different nutrient requirements to maintain soil fertility and prevent soil erosion.

(iii) Pest management: Planting crops that are not susceptible to the same pests and diseases in succession.

(i) Reduced leaves or spines to minimize water loss through transpiration.

(ii) Thick cuticles and waxy coatings to reduce water loss through the epidermis.

(iii) Deep roots to tap into underground water sources.

(iv) CAM photosynthesis to reduce water loss during photosynthesis.

(v) Ability to enter dormancy during drought periods.

(i) Similarity in bone structure between birds and reptiles, especially in the skull and pelvis.

(ii) Presence of scales on bird feet and legs, which are also found in reptiles.

(iii) Similarity in egg-laying and incubation between birds and reptiles.

(i) Detoxification of harmful substances in the blood.

(ii) Production of bile to aid in digestion.

(iii) Storage of glycogen, vitamins, and minerals.

(iv) Regulation of blood glucose levels.

(v) Production of blood clotting factors.

(i) Reforestation: Planting new trees in areas where forests have been cleared or degraded.

(ii) Reduced impact logging: Using sustainable logging practices that minimize damage to the forest ecosystem.

(iii) Protected areas: Establishing and maintaining protected areas for wildlife and biodiversity conservation.

(iv) Community forestry: Encouraging local communities to manage forests sustainably for their own benefit and for the benefit of future generations.

neco biology obj and essay answer 2023

(i) Protection: the calyx protects the flower bud before it opens and the developing fruit after fertilization.

(ii) Support: the sepals of the calyx can provide support for the petals and reproductive structures.

(i) Insulin: regulates blood sugar levels.

(ii) Estrogen: regulates female reproductive system and secondary sexual characteristics.

(iii) Testosterone: regulates male reproductive system and secondary sexual characteristics.

(iv) Adrenaline: prepares the body for “fight or flight” response to stress.

(v) Melatonin: regulates sleep-wake cycles.

(i) Gene therapy: correcting genetic disorders by introducing functional genes into the patient’s cells.

(ii) Predictive medicine: using genetic testing to identify individuals who are at risk for certain diseases and develop personalized prevention or treatment plans.

(i) Large surface area: to maximize light absorption.

(ii) Thin and flat shape: to reduce the distance that light needs to penetrate into the leaf.

(iii) Chlorophyll pigments: to absorb light energy and convert it into chemical energy.


NECO Biology Questions and Answers For Practice

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The questions below are the NECO past questions and answers that will help you in your 2023 NECO Biology Questions.

1. Plants are classified into the following classes except


(b) Coelenterate.

(c) pteridophyta.

(d) thallophyta.

(e) Spermatophyte.

2. The cell wall of plants is rigid due to the presence of?

(a) Cambium

(b) cellulose

(d) chloroplast

3. The structure responsible for the transportation of mineral salt from the root to other parts of the plant is?


(d) sclerenchyma

4. Which of the following cell organelles traps sunlight energy in plant?


(b) Endoplasmic reticulum

(c) Mitochondrion

(d) Ribosome (e) Vacuole

5. The following conditions are necessary for photosynthesis except

(a) Carbon(iv)oxide.

(b) chlorophyll

(c) light energy

6. Which of the following organisms carries out photosynthesis?

(c) paramecium

(d) plasmodium

7. Which of these is an amphibian?

8. A flower with two or more fused carpels is called

(a) Apocarpous

(b) monocarpous

(c) polycarpous

(d) pistillate

(e) syncarpous

9. The response of plants to the stimulus of touch is called?

(a) Chemotropism

(b) geotropism

(c) hydrotropism

(d) phototropism

(e) thigmotropism

10. Which of the following is a bryophyte?

(a) Bladder wort

(b) Fly trap

(c) Liver wort

(d) Pitcher

11. Cellular respiration occurs in the

(a) Chloroplast

(b) endoplasmic reticulum

(c) food vacuole

(d) mitochondrion

(e) nucleus

12. In a moss plant, spores are produced in the

(a) Capsule

(c) rhizoid

13. Exoskeleton is a characteristic feature of

(b) earthworm

(d) millipede

(e) tapeworm

14. Which of the following influences growth in plants?

(a) Acetic acid

(c) Chlorophyll

(d) Ethylene

15. Land snail belongs to the phylum

(a) Annelida

(b) Arthropoda

(c) Echinodermata

(d) Mollusca

(e) nematode

16. The opening of the anthers and stigmas of a bisexual flower at the same time is called

(a) Cleistogamy

(b) dichogamy

(c) homogamy

(d) protandry

(e) protogyny

17. The following are the effect of auxins on plant except in

(a) Flowering

(b) fruiting without fertilization

(c) ripening of fruits

(d) root formation

(e) stem elongation

2020 neco  biology questions and answers

Use the diagram below to answer questions 18 and 19.

18. The  diagram represents the internal structure of a

19. The part labeled I is the

(b) endodermis

(c) phloem (d) root hair (e) xylem

20. Which of these is a water soluble vitamin?

(a) A 

21. The following diseases are airborne except

(a) Clolera

(b) measles

(c) meningitis

(d) pneumonia

(e) small pox.

22. The excretory organ of insects is called

(a) Contractile vacuole

(b) flame cell

(d) malphighian tubule

(e) nephridium

23. Which of these animals undergo metamorphosis

24. Villi are finger-like structures found in the

(a) Large intestine

(c) small intestine

(d) stomach

(e) tongue.

25. In mammals, sperms are formed in the

(a) Cowper’s gland

(b) scrotal sac.

(c) seminal vesicle 

(d) seminiferous tubules

(e) vas deferens

26. Which of the following is not a part of the mammalian brain?

(a) Cerebellum

(b) cerebrum

(c) Olfactory lobe

(d) spinal cord

(e) Thalamus

27. In plant, Chlorosis is caused by the deficiency of

(b) magnesium

(c) nitrogen

(d) potassium

(e) Sulphur

28. Which of the following diseases is not sexually transmitted

(b) Hepatitis

(d) influenza

(e) Syphilis

29. Which of the following is not a caste in a termitarium.

(d) soldiers

(e) workers

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30. The structure responsible for excretion in tape worm is called

(a) Cell membrane

(b) contractile vacuole

(c) flame cell

(d) malphigian tubule

31. The mode of nutrition of mushroom is

(a) autotrophic

(b) epiphytic

(c) parasitic

(d) saprophytic

(e) symbiotic

32. The earthworm is an example of

(b) Coelenterata

(c) Mollusca

(d) nematoda

(e) Platyhelminthes

33. Fat and oil are also known as

(b) fatty acids

(c) glycerol

(e) carbohydrates

34. Gaseous exchange in the lungs occurs at the

(a) Alveolus



(e) trachea

35. The following are pigment except

(c) chromatophores

(d) haemoglobin

(e) melanin

neco biology questions and answers

Use the diagram  below to answer questions 36 – 38.

36. The type of placentation shown above is found in

(a) cana lily

(d) pride of Barbados

(e) sunflower

37. the part labeled x is the

(c) placenta

38. the type of placentation represented in the diagram is

(c) free central

(d) marginal

(e) parietal

39. the growth that occurs at the tip of shoot and root is called

(a) allometric

(c) isometric

(d) primary

(e) secondary

40. carnassial teeth are found in

41. Which of the following bones is not a part of axial skeleton?

(a) Backbone

(e) Sternum  

Use the diagram below to answer questions 42 and 43

2020 neco biology questions and answers

42. The part labeled ii is the

(b) hyaline cartilage

(c) ligament

(d) synovial  cavity

(e) synovial membrane

43. The function of the part labeled iii is to

(a) Soften the bones

(b) join bones together

(c) lubricate joints

(d) protect bones from wearing

(e) reduce friction at joints

44. The part that supplies food and oxygen to the eye is

(a) Choroids

45. The part of the male reproductive system that stores sperm is

(b) epididymis

(c) prostate gland

(d) seminal  vesicle

(e) vas deferens.

46. An organ in bird that grinds its food is

(c) gizzard

47. Which of the following animals exhibit basking

48. The following are functions of the sympathetic nervous system except

(a) Dilation of pupil of eye.

(b) inhibition of saliva secretion

(c) reduction of blood pressure

(d) reduction of urine output

(e) stimulation of ejaculation

49. The following homeostatic mechanisms are carried out by mammals except

(a) Excretion

(b) osmoregulation

(c) pH regulation

(d) reproduction

(e) thermoregulation

50. Part of the brain that controls blood pressure is called

(c) corpus callosum

(d) medulla oblongata

(e) pons varolii

51. Haemorrhage is caused due to the deficiency of vitamin

52. The control method of pests using predators is called

(a) Biological

(b) chemical

(c) cultural

(d) mechanical

(e) physical

53. The following are vectors except

(a) Black fly

(b) butterfly

(c) housefly

(d) mosquito

(e) tsetse fly

54. The deficiency of proteins in a developing child result in

(a) Beri beri

(b) kwashiorkor

(c) night blindness

(d) rickets

55. The theory of “use and disuse” of body parts was propounded by

(a) Carl Linneaus

(b) Charles Darwin

(c) Gregor Mendel

(d) Jean Lamarck

(e) Robert Hooke

56. The knowledge of heredity and variation are not required in

(a) Blood transfusion

(b) crime detection

(c) determination of paternity

(d) longevity

(e) marriage

57. Which of these is not a pollutant

(a) Carbon dioxide

(b) Lead oxide

(c) Nitrogen gas

(d) Nitrogen oxide

(e) sulphur dioxide

58. The topmost layer of a typical soil profile is

(b) coarse sand

(c) fine sand

59. Plants that survive in marine habitats are called

(a) Halophytes

(b) hydrophytes

(c) mesophytes

(d) saprophytes

(e) xerophytes

60. The felling of trees in a forest is called

(a) Afforestation

(b) deforestation

(c) desertification

(d) forest pruning

(e) re-afforestation        

Answer any three questions only

1a. State one role each of the following in photosynthesis

(i) Sunlight

(ii) Chlorophyll

b. List five types of bones found in the forearm of man

c. Mention three functions of a worker caste in termitarium

d. Define ecosystem

e. Draw a well labelled diagram (8-10cm long) of the nephron

2a. Define the following

(ii) Implantation

(iii) Species

(iv) Saprophytes

b (i) State four functions of the mammalian skeleton

(ii) Mention two muscles that bring about movement of a forearm

(iii) Name three digestive enzymes found in the small intestine and state one function of each

3a. (i) Mention three diseases of the liver

(ii) In a tabular form, state five differences between plant and animal cells

b. Using annotated diagrams only, illustrate the carbon cycle.

c. (i) List two types of supporting tissues in plant

(ii) Give two characteristics of a reptile

4a. Define the following terms

(i) Diffusion

(ii) Osmosis

(iii) plasmolysis

b (i) State four effects of overcrowding

(ii) mention two ways of conserving wildlife.

(iii) Give two examples of social animals

c (i) Define metamorphosis

(ii) List two examples of insects that undergo incomplete metamorphosis

(iii) Give two examples of a berry fruit

5a. (i) Draw a well labelled diagram (8-10cm long) of the human alimentary canal

(ii) Complete the table below

Part of digestive systemEnzymes present
3Small intestine

b. T T and t t are monohybrid plants representing tallness and shortness respectively

  • By means of crossing, show the F1 generation
  • Using punnet square method, show the F2 generation
  • Give the phenotypic ratio of the F1 and F2 generations shown above

That’s all about NECO Biology Questions and Answers for 2022 (Theory and Objectives). If you have any questions, kindly drop your question in the comment box.

Last Updated on July 21, 2023 by Admin

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92 thoughts on “NECO Biology Questions and Answers For 2023/2024 (Theory and Objectives)”

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neco biology obj and essay answer 2023


neco biology obj and essay answer 2023




(1ai) The cell theory states that: (i) All living organisms are made up of one or more cells. (ii) The cell is the basic unit of life. (iii) All cells arise from pre-existing cells.

(1aii) (i) Robert Hooke, who discovered cells in 1665 and coined the term “cell”. (ii) Matthias Schleiden and Theodor Schwann, who proposed the cell theory in 1839-1840.

(1bi) (i) Large, brightly colored petals that attract insects. (ii) Nectar-producing glands to feed the insects. (iii) A strong, sweet fragrance to attract the insects. (iv) A landing platform for the insects to rest on. (v) Pollen that is sticky and easily attaches to the insects.

  • Ginger: Rhizome
  • Banana: Rhizome
  • Sweet potato: Tuber

(1c) (i) The mouth mechanically breaks down the bread by chewing and mixes it with saliva, which contains enzymes that begin breaking down the carbohydrates in the bread. (ii) The esophagus moves the food down to the stomach, where it is mixed with stomach acid and enzymes that further break down the bread. (iii) The small intestine absorbs the nutrients from the bread, such as carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, into the bloodstream. (iv) The large intestine absorbs water and electrolytes from the remaining food waste, forming feces.

(v) The rectum stores feces until they can be eliminated through the anus.

(2ai) Amoeba —> Hydra —> Tilapia —> Toad —> Snake

(2aii) (i) Small, lightweight seeds that can be easily carried by the wind. (ii) Hairs or wings on the fruit that increase surface area and help to catch the wind. (iii) A dry, papery fruit that splits open easily to release the seeds.

(2b) =Aim:= To determine if the shoot of a plant is positively phototropic.

=Apparatus:= A potted plant, a light source, a ruler, a marker.

=Method/Procedure:= (i) Place the plant in a dark room for 24 hours to ensure that it is not positively or negatively phototropic. (ii) Place the light source at a fixed distance from the plant, with the light shining directly on the plant’s shoot. (iii) Turn on the light source and leave it on for 24 hours. (iv) After 24 hours, measure the distance between the tip of the shoot and the light source. (v) Mark the new position of the shoot tip on the ruler. (vi) Repeat the experiment two more times, moving the light source to a different position each time.

=Observation:= The shoot of the plant will grow towards them light source, bending in the direction of the light.

=Conclusion:= The shoot of a plant is positively phototropic and grows towards a light source.


=Aerobic Respiration= (i) Occurs in the presence of oxygen (ii) Produces a large amount of ATP (iii) Carbon dioxide and water are produced as waste products

=Anaerobic Respiration= (i) Occurs in the absence of oxygen (ii) Produces a small amount of ATP (iii) Lactic acid or ethanol is produced as a waste product



=Complete Metamorphosis= (i) Four distinct stages: egg, larva, pupa, adult. (ii) Larva looks completely different from the adult.

=Incomplete Metamorphosis= (i) Three stages: egg, nymph, adult. (ii) Nymph looks similar to the adult, just smaller.

  • Aim: To determine if chlorophyll is necessary for photosynthesis to take place.
  • Apparatus: Two plants of the same species, one with leaves covered in aluminum foil, a light source, test tube, water, and a beaker.
  • Method/procedure: Place one plant in a dark room and cover its leaves with aluminum foil. Place the other plant in front of a light source. After a few hours, pluck a leaf from each plant and place them in separate test tubes filled with water. Place the test tubes in a beaker and keep them in the dark.
  • Observation: After a few hours, observe the test tubes to see which one has produced more oxygen bubbles.
  • Conclusion: If the test tube with the leaf from the plant exposed to light produces more oxygen bubbles, then chlorophyll is necessary for photosynthesis to take place.

(3ci) (i) Overuse of synthetic fertilizers (ii) Overgrazing (iii) Deforestation (iv) Soil erosion

(3cii) (i) Hearing loss

(ii) Sleep disturbance

(4ai) (i) Crop diversity: Planting different crops in the same field over time to avoid the buildup of pests and diseases. (ii) Soil health: Planting crops that have different nutrient requirements to maintain soil fertility and prevent soil erosion. (iii) Pest management: Planting crops that are not susceptible to the same pests and diseases in succession.

(4aii) (i) Reduced leaves or spines to minimize water loss through transpiration. (ii) Thick cuticles and waxy coatings to reduce water loss through the epidermis. (iii) Deep roots to tap into underground water sources. (iv) CAM photosynthesis to reduce water loss during photosynthesis. (v) Ability to enter dormancy during drought periods.

(4bi) (i) Similarity in bone structure between birds and reptiles, especially in the skull and pelvis. (ii) Presence of scales on bird feet and legs, which are also found in reptiles. (iii) Similarity in egg-laying and incubation between birds and reptiles.

(4bii) (i) Detoxification of harmful substances in the blood. (ii) Production of bile to aid in digestion. (iii) Storage of glycogen, vitamins, and minerals. (iv) Regulation of blood glucose levels. (v) Production of blood clotting factors.

(4c) (i) Reforestation: Planting new trees in areas where forests have been cleared or degraded. (ii) Reduced impact logging: Using sustainable logging practices that minimize damage to the forest ecosystem. (iii) Protected areas: Establishing and maintaining protected areas for wildlife and biodiversity conservation. (iv) Community forestry: Encouraging local communities to manage forests sustainably for their own benefit and for the benefit of future generations.

neco biology obj and essay answer 2023

(5bi) (i) Protection: the calyx protects the flower bud before it opens and the developing fruit after fertilization. (ii) Support: the sepals of the calyx can provide support for the petals and reproductive structures.

(5bii) (i) Insulin: regulates blood sugar levels. (ii) Estrogen: regulates female reproductive system and secondary sexual characteristics. (iii) Testosterone: regulates male reproductive system and secondary sexual characteristics. (iv) Adrenaline: prepares the body for “fight or flight” response to stress. (v) Melatonin: regulates sleep-wake cycles.

(5ci) (i) Gene therapy: correcting genetic disorders by introducing functional genes into the patient’s cells. (ii) Predictive medicine: using genetic testing to identify individuals who are at risk for certain diseases and develop personalized prevention or treatment plans.

(5cii) (i) Large surface area: to maximize light absorption. (ii) Thin and flat shape: to reduce the distance that light needs to penetrate into the leaf. (iii) Chlorophyll pigments: to absorb light energy and convert it into chemical energy.

neco biology obj and essay answer 2023

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neco biology obj and essay answer 2023

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NECO Biology (2023) Objective & Essays Answers

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Biology 2023





(1ai) The cell theory states that all living organisms are composed of cells, cells are the basic unit of life, and all cells come from pre-existing cells.

(1aii) (Pick any two)

i. Robert Hooke (1665) ii. Anton van Leeuwenhoek (1674) iii. Matthias Schleiden (1838) iv. Theodor Schwann (1839)

(1bi) Pick any five(5) i. Pollinated by insects ii. Usually have brightly colored petals iii. Have large amounts of nectar and pollen iv. Have a wide variety of shapes and sizes v. Have a shallow nectar cup vi. Have a strong scent to attract insects vii. Have a large number of stamens and pistils to ensure cross-pollination

(1bii) I. Ginger – Rhizomes II. Banana – Offsets/Suckers III. Sweet potato – Tubers

(1c) i. Mouth: The bread is chewed and mixed with saliva, which contains enzymes such as amylase that break down the carbohydrates in the bread into simpler sugars.

ii. Esophagus: The bread and saliva mixture is swallowed and passes down the esophagus to the stomach.

iii. Stomach: The stomach further breaks down the carbohydrates in the bread with acids and enzymes.

iv. Small Intestine: The broken-down carbohydrates are absorbed into the small intestine and converted into glucose and other simple sugars.

v. Large Intestine: The glucose and other simple sugars are absorbed into the large intestine, where they are further broken down by bacteria into fatty acids and other substances.

vi. Rectum: The fatty acids and other substances are absorbed into the rectum and passed out of the body as feces. ___________________ ____________________

(3ai) (PICK ANY TWO) I. Rivers II. Streams III. Ponds IV. Lakes V. Wetlands

(3aii) (Pick any Two)

TABULATE *Complete Metamorphosis:* i• Egg stage, Larva stage, Pupa stage, Adult stage ii• Development is gradual iii• Larvae and adults have different shapes and characteristics iv• Wings develop inside the pupal stage v• Development is slow

*Incomplete Metamorphosis:* i• Egg stage, Nymph stage, Adult stage ii• Development is abrupt iii• Nymphs and adults have similar shapes and characteristics iv• Wings develop outside the nymph stage v• Development is fast _____________________

NECO 2023 Biology Practical Answers


3b (loading)…..

(3ci) Pick any four

i. Over-Fertilization: Excessive use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides can deplete the soil of essential nutrients and minerals, leading to poor soil fertility.

ii. Overgrazing: Overgrazing of livestock can cause soil erosion, compaction, and nutrient depletion.

iii. Deforestation: Removal of trees and other vegetation from the land can cause soil erosion and nutrient depletion.

iv. Monocropping: Growing the same crop in the same place year after year can lead to depletion of soil nutrients and increase the risk of pests and diseases.

v. Acid Rain: Acid rain can leach essential nutrients from the soil, leading to poor soil fertility.

(3cii) Pick any two i. Loss of Soil Fertility: Soil pollution can lead to loss of soil fertility due to the accumulation of toxic chemicals and other pollutants.

ii. Loss of Biodiversity: Soil pollution can lead to decreased biodiversity due to the destruction of habitats for organisms that rely on healthy soil.

iii. Contamination of Groundwater: Soil pollution can lead to contamination of groundwater due to the leaching of pollutants into the soil.

iv. Health Risks: Soil pollution can lead to health risks for humans and animals due to the presence of toxic chemicals in the soil.

v. Loss of Agricultural Productivity: Soil pollution can lead to decreased agricultural productivity due to the presence of pollutants in the soil.

(4ai) (i) Crop diversity: Planting different crops in the same field over time to avoid the buildup of pests and diseases. (ii) Soil health: Planting crops that have different nutrient requirements to maintain soil fertility and prevent soil erosion. (iii) Pest management: Planting crops that are not susceptible to the same pests and diseases in succession.

(4aii) (i) Reduced leaves or spines to minimize water loss through transpiration. (ii) Thick cuticles and waxy coatings to reduce water loss through the epidermis. (iii) Deep roots to tap into underground water sources. (iv) CAM photosynthesis to reduce water loss during photosynthesis. (v) Ability to enter dormancy during drought periods.

(4bi) (i) Similarity in bone structure between birds and reptiles, especially in the skull and pelvis. (ii) Presence of scales on bird feet and legs, which are also found in reptiles. (iii) Similarity in egg-laying and incubation between birds and reptiles.

(4bii) (i) Detoxification of harmful substances in the blood. (ii) Production of bile to aid in digestion. (iii) Storage of glycogen, vitamins, and minerals. (iv) Regulation of blood glucose levels. (v) Production of blood clotting factors.

(4c) (i) Reforestation: Planting new trees in areas where forests have been cleared or degraded. (ii) Reduced impact logging: Using sustainable logging practices that minimize damage to the forest ecosystem. (iii) Protected areas: Establishing and maintaining protected areas for wildlife and biodiversity conservation. (iv) Community forestry: Encouraging local communities to manage forests sustainably for their own benefit and for the benefit of future generations.



(5bi) (i) Protection: the calyx protects the flower bud before it opens and the developing fruit after fertilization. (ii) Support: the sepals of the calyx can provide support for the petals and reproductive structures.

(5bii) (i) Insulin: regulates blood sugar levels. (ii) Estrogen: regulates female reproductive system and secondary sexual characteristics. (iii) Testosterone: regulates male reproductive system and secondary sexual characteristics. (iv) Adrenaline: prepares the body for “fight or flight” response to stress. (v) Melatonin: regulates sleep-wake cycles.

(5ci) (i) Gene therapy: correcting genetic disorders by introducing functional genes into the patient’s cells. (ii) Predictive medicine: using genetic testing to identify individuals who are at risk for certain diseases and develop personalized prevention or treatment plans.

(5cii) (i) Large surface area: to maximize light absorption. (ii) Thin and flat shape: to reduce the distance that light needs to penetrate into the leaf. (iii) Chlorophyll pigments: to absorb light energy and convert it into chemical energy.

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2023 NECO Biology Essay and Objective Questions and Answers Expo

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2023 Neco Biology Essay and Objective Questions and Answers

The National Examination Council (NECO) Has Scheduled The 2023 Neco Biology Essay and Objective Questions and Answers Paper To Kick of on Friday 21st July 2023.

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NECO Biology Essay Questions 2023

3a. (i) List two examples of fresh water habitat

3a. (ii) In a tabular form, state two differences between complete and incomplete metamorphosis.

3b. Describe an experiment to show that chlorophyll is necessary for photosynthesis to take place under the following headings:

Aim Apparatus



3c. (i) State four harmful practices that deplete soil fertility.

3c. (ii) Enumerate two effects of noise pollution.

4a. (i) State three principles to be observed in a crop rotation system.

4a. (ii) List five adaptive features of xerophytes.

4b. (i) Enumerate three evidence of convergent evolution to show that birds might have descended from reptilian ancestors.

4b. (ii) List five function of the liver.

4c. Give four methods of conserving forest resources

5a. A pure breed of dominant white coloured rabbit (WW) was crossed with a pure breed of recessive black coloured rabbit (ww). By means of crossing, show the genotypic and phenotypic ratios of F1and F2 generations.

5b. (i) State two functions of calyx in plant.

5b. (ii) Name five animal hormones.

5c. (i) Give three structural adaptations of leaves for photosynthesis.

5c. (ii) Enumerate two ways in which the principles of heredity has contributed to the field of medicine.

2023 NECO Biology Essay and Objective Questions and Answers Expo

Neco Biology Essay Answer 2023

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NECO BIOLOGY ANSWERS •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••


(1ai) The cell theory states that: (i) All living organisms are made up of one or more cells. (ii) The cell is the basic unit of life. (iii) All cells arise from pre-existing cells.

(1aii) (i) Robert Hooke, who discovered cells in 1665 and coined the term “cell”. (ii) Matthias Schleiden and Theodor Schwann, who proposed the cell theory in 1839-1840.

(1bi) (i) Large, brightly colored petals that attract insects. (ii) Nectar-producing glands to feed the insects. (iii) A strong, sweet fragrance to attract the insects. (iv) A landing platform for the insects to rest on. (v) Pollen that is sticky and easily attaches to the insects.

(1bii) – Ginger: Rhizome – Banana: Rhizome – Sweet potato: Tuber

(1c) (i) The mouth mechanically breaks down the bread by chewing and mixes it with saliva, which contains enzymes that begin breaking down the carbohydrates in the bread. (ii) The esophagus moves the food down to the stomach, where it is mixed with stomach acid and enzymes that further break down the bread. (iii) The small intestine absorbs the nutrients from the bread, such as carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, into the bloodstream. (iv) The large intestine absorbs water and electrolytes from the remaining food waste, forming feces. (v) The rectum stores feces until they can be eliminated through the anus. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

(2ai) Amoeba —> Hydra —> Tilapia —> Toad —> Snake

(2aii) (i) Small, lightweight seeds that can be easily carried by the wind. (ii) Hairs or wings on the fruit that increase surface area and help to catch the wind. (iii) A dry, papery fruit that splits open easily to release the seeds.

(2b) =Aim:= To determine if the shoot of a plant is positively phototropic.

=Apparatus:= A potted plant, a light source, a ruler, a marker.

=Method/Procedure:= (i) Place the plant in a dark room for 24 hours to ensure that it is not positively or negatively phototropic. (ii) Place the light source at a fixed distance from the plant, with the light shining directly on the plant’s shoot. (iii) Turn on the light source and leave it on for 24 hours. (iv) After 24 hours, measure the distance between the tip of the shoot and the light source. (v) Mark the new position of the shoot tip on the ruler. (vi) Repeat the experiment two more times, moving the light source to a different position each time.

=Observation:= The shoot of the plant will grow towards them light source, bending in the direction of the light.

=Conclusion:= The shoot of a plant is positively phototropic and grows towards a light source.

=Aerobic Respiration= (i) Occurs in the presence of oxygen (ii) Produces a large amount of ATP (iii) Carbon dioxide and water are produced as waste products

=Anaerobic Respiration= (i) Occurs in the absence of oxygen (ii) Produces a small amount of ATP (iii) Lactic acid or ethanol is produced as a waste product


(3ai) – Rivers – Lakes


=Complete Metamorphosis= (i) Four distinct stages: egg, larva, pupa, adult. (ii) Larva looks completely different from the adult.

=Incomplete Metamorphosis= (i) Three stages: egg, nymph, adult. (ii) Nymph looks similar to the adult, just smaller.

(3b) – Aim: To determine if chlorophyll is necessary for photosynthesis to take place.

– Apparatus: Two plants of the same species, one with leaves covered in aluminum foil, a light source, test tube, water, and a beaker.

– Method/procedure: Place one plant in a dark room and cover its leaves with aluminum foil. Place the other plant in front of a light source. After a few hours, pluck a leaf from each plant and place them in separate test tubes filled with water. Place the test tubes in a beaker and keep them in the dark.

– Observation: After a few hours, observe the test tubes to see which one has produced more oxygen bubbles.

– Conclusion: If the test tube with the leaf from the plant exposed to light produces more oxygen bubbles, then chlorophyll is necessary for photosynthesis to take place.

(3ci) (i) Overuse of synthetic fertilizers (ii) Overgrazing (iii) Deforestation (iv) Soil erosion

(3cii) (i) Hearing loss (ii) Sleep disturbance •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

(4ai) (i) Crop diversity: Planting different crops in the same field over time to avoid the buildup of pests and diseases. (ii) Soil health: Planting crops that have different nutrient requirements to maintain soil fertility and prevent soil erosion. (iii) Pest management: Planting crops that are not susceptible to the same pests and diseases in succession.

(4aii) (i) Reduced leaves or spines to minimize water loss through transpiration. (ii) Thick cuticles and waxy coatings to reduce water loss through the epidermis. (iii) Deep roots to tap into underground water sources. (iv) CAM photosynthesis to reduce water loss during photosynthesis. (v) Ability to enter dormancy during drought periods.

(4bi) (i) Similarity in bone structure between birds and reptiles, especially in the skull and pelvis. (ii) Presence of scales on bird feet and legs, which are also found in reptiles. (iii) Similarity in egg-laying and incubation between birds and reptiles.

(4bii) (i) Detoxification of harmful substances in the blood. (ii) Production of bile to aid in digestion. (iii) Storage of glycogen, vitamins, and minerals. (iv) Regulation of blood glucose levels. (v) Production of blood clotting factors.

(4c) (i) Reforestation: Planting new trees in areas where forests have been cleared or degraded. (ii) Reduced impact logging: Using sustainable logging practices that minimize damage to the forest ecosystem. (iii) Protected areas: Establishing and maintaining protected areas for wildlife and biodiversity conservation. (iv) Community forestry: Encouraging local communities to manage forests sustainably for their own benefit and for the benefit of future generations.


(5bi) (i) Protection: the calyx protects the flower bud before it opens and the developing fruit after fertilization. (ii) Support: the sepals of the calyx can provide support for the petals and reproductive structures.

(5bii) (i) Insulin: regulates blood sugar levels. (ii) Estrogen: regulates female reproductive system and secondary sexual characteristics. (iii) Testosterone: regulates male reproductive system and secondary sexual characteristics. (iv) Adrenaline: prepares the body for “fight or flight” response to stress. (v) Melatonin: regulates sleep-wake cycles.

(5ci) (i) Gene therapy: correcting genetic disorders by introducing functional genes into the patient’s cells. (ii) Predictive medicine: using genetic testing to identify individuals who are at risk for certain diseases and develop personalized prevention or treatment plans.

(5cii) (i) Large surface area: to maximize light absorption. (ii) Thin and flat shape: to reduce the distance that light needs to penetrate into the leaf. (iii) Chlorophyll pigments: to absorb light energy and convert it into chemical energy.

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NECO Biology Questions And Answers 2023 | Essay And Objectives

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This article reveals all you need to know NECO Biology Questions and Answers 2023 | Essay and Objectives. All NECO candidates for 2023 June/July SSCE should take every information contained in this post very serious.

I have specially prepared this article for the benefit of those who will be writing the 2023 June/July NECO examination. If you are sure that you would be sitting for this examination and biology is one of the subjects that you will be writing, pay close attention to all that you are going to see here.

There is good news for you!

Do wish to the complete NECO biology questions and answers before entering the examination venue/hall? If you have answered yes to this question, then you have to read this article to the end.

I have got EXPO for you on 2023 NECO Biology Questions and answers for Essay and Objectives. Do not leave this page if want to get detailed information about it.

Keep reading!

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NECO Biology Answers 2023 (EXPO)

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(i) Setting up of national park and gardens to save wildlife in their natural environment.

(ii) Poaching i.e. uncontrolled and illegal killing of game should be prevented.

(iii) Avoiding the use of pesticides that may kill off many animals

(vi) Prohibiting deforestation and encouraging afforestation

Sexual reproduction involves the fusion of two gametes – male and female gametes during fertilization to form a zygote which develops into a new organism. It involves organisms of the same species.

Sexual reproduction is the fusion or joining of male and female gametes or nuclei from different individual to form a zygote which later develops into an embryo or organism.

(i) biceps (flexor)

(ii) Triceps (extensor)

– When one touches a hot object, the sensory receptor in the skin receives the stimulus

– An impulse is transmitted from the receptor to the spinal cord, via the dorsal root/sensory neurone

– The intermediate neurone in the spinal cord passes on the impulse to the motor neurone

– The motor neurone then sends the impulses to an effector organ (muscle) via the ventral root

– All the neurones are linked by synapses across which impulses are sent

– The muscle upon receiving the impulse contracts causing the hand to be withdrawn from the hot object

(Pick Any Three)

(i) It provides water for photosynthesis

(ii) To get rid of excess water in the plant

(iii) It helps plants to continually draw water from the soil into their stem and leaves.

(iv) Some evaporation of water uses latent energy from plants and therefore keeps the plant cool

(v) It helps in the transport of mineral salts from soil to leaves and growing points of the plant

(i) Growing of cover crops like grasses, sweet potato which covers the surface of the soil

(ii) Contour ploughing: ploughing along the contours of a slope to reduce the speed of runoff water.


Metamorphosis: This is the name given to the change in form shown by insects and amphibians from the egg stage to the adult stage.

(Pick Any Four)

(i) It regulate sex drive (libido)

(ii) It helps in the production of sperm

(iii) It helps in the production of red blood cells

(iv) It is responsible for muscle mass and strength

(v) Cause an increase in bone mass

(vi) Responsible for fat distribution

(i) It deaminates excess amino acid to urea

(ii) It stores iron from broken down cells

(iii) It detoxified poisonous substances and sent to the kidney for excretions

(iv) It supplies heat to the body by its metabolic reactions

(v) It also store fats and releases it at controlled rates into the blood when the need arises

(vi) It stores and releases minerals (iron, copper and potassium and vitamins (A, D and B12)

(i) Oxygen (only in the day)

(ii) Carbon dioxide (only at night)

(iii) Water

(iv) Tannins

(v) Alkaloids

(vi) Resins

(vii) Latex

– The semi-circular canals in the inner ear are responsible for the maintenance of balance with respect to circular motion.

– There are  three semi-circular canals and each is found in one of the geometrical planes (right angle to each other)

– During spinning, the gelatinous cupula in one of the semi-circular canals is set in motion.

– This stimulates the sensory hairs, and impulses are sent through the auditory nerves to the brain for proper body posture.

– When one stops spinning, the gelatinous cupula does not stop moving instantly but continues to move for some time

– This cause the continue feeling of the sensation of spinning

(i)Buccal respiration

(ii)Lung respiration

(iii)Skin respiration



(i) The flowers are not attractive

(ii) The pollen grains are not sticky


(i) The flowers are attractive

(ii) The pollen grains are sticky

(i)Parietal placentation.

(ii) Basal placentation.

Light rays from an external object is refracted by the cornea, aqueous humour, the lens and the vitreous humour. The lens act as the fine adjustment bringing the rays to a focus on the retina. The image formed on the retina of human are inverted and diminished. The brain receives the stimulus via the optic nerves and then interprete it.

(i)Parasitic nutrition


(iii)Carnivorous nutrition

water cycle

(i) Internal fertilization

(ii) External fertilization

– After fertilization, the zygote divides repeatedly and develops into an embryo which consists of the plumule, radicle and one or two cotyledons.

– The primary endosperm nucleus develops into a nutritive tissue called endosperm, which stores food used by the developing embryo

– The synergids and the antipodal cells degenerate

– The ovule changes to form the seed and the interguments form the seed coat

– The micropyle remains where air and water enter the seed.

– The ovary develop into the fruit and the ovary wall forms the fruit wall called the pericarp.

– The style shrivels off, the petals, sepals and the stamens wither and fall off

(i) Red blood cells

(ii) White blood cells

(iii) Blood plasma

(iv) Platelets

(i)They are proteinous in nature

(ii) They speed up the rate of chemical reaction

(iii) They are organic catalyst

(iv) They are specific in function

Mendel’s first law also known as the law of segregation of genes states that during gamete formation, two alleles at a gene locus segregate from each other and each gamete has an equal probability of containing either allele

neco biology question paper

In this section, I will start by showing you all the questions that you should expect in your NECO biology objective questions for 2023.

Candidates should note that all the questions given in this section are predictions that are likely going to be true about NECO 2023.


Each question is followed by FIVE options lettered A to E.

Find out the correct option for each question and shade in pencil in your answer sheet the answer space which bears the same letter as the option you have chosen.

Give only ONE answer to each question. An example is given below.

Which of these organisms is unicellular?

D. Paramecium

E. Spirogyra

The correct answer is ‘paramecium’ which is letter D, and therefore answer D would be shaded.

(A)               (B)               (C)               ( D )               (E)

Erase completely any answer you wish to change.

Do all your rough work on this paper.

1. Which of these organisms exhibit both plant and animal features?

2. Water vapour in the mesophyll layer reaches the atmosphere via the

A. guard cells.

B. lenticels.

C. micropyle.

D. mid rib.

3. Plants with succulent stems and root systems are leaves, sunken stomata and deep

A. epiphytes.

B. hydrophytes.

C. mesophytes.

D. pteridophytes.

E. xerophytes.

4. Which of the following classes of food is stored in the body as energy reserve?

A. Carbohydrates

B. Fats and oil

C. Mineral salts

D. Proteins

E. Vitamins

5. Which of these fruits sticks to the body of animals during dispersal?

B. Caryopsis

E. Schizocarp

See also: NECO Government Questions and Answers for 2023

6. Which of the following groups of organisms causes blackpod disease?

A. Bacteria

B. Bryophytes

C. Protozoans

7. The mouth parts of mosquito are adapted for

A. piercing and chewing.

B. cutting and sucking

C. biting and filtering.

D. biting and licking.

E. piercing and sucking.

8. In housefly, the pair of stump-like wings beneath the first pair of wings is called

A. elytron.

B. halteres

D. squamosa

9. Which of these is NOT an excretory product?

10. The change in colour of a chameleon is an adaptation for

A. feeding.

C. movement.

D. protection.

E. reproduction.

11. A flower made up of one carpel is referred to as

A. apocarpous.

B. monocarpous.

C. monogamous.

D. pericarpous.

E. syncarpous.

12. Which of these soil types plays the most important role in determining the healthy growth of a vegetation?

A. Clay soil

B. Laterite

C. Loamy soil

E. Sandy soil

13. During the inspiration process of breathing in man, which of the following events takes place?

A. Diaphragm becomes dome-shaped.

B. Intercostal muscles relax.

C. rib cage is lowered.

D. Sternum moves forward.

E. Volume of the thorax decreases.

14. Lungs and gills are used for respiration in

C. insects.

15. An association between two organisms where both members benefit is known as

A. commensalism.

B. Cretinism

C. mutualism

D. parasitism

E. saprophytism.

16. The anaerobic process of respiration occurs in the

A. cytoplasm

B. endoplasmic reticulum.

C. mitochondrion.

E. ribosomes.

17. Excessive thyroxine secretion causes

A. hyperactivity.

B. hypoactivity.

C. isoactivity.

D. metamorphosis.

E. sensitivity.

18. The male and female gametes of a flower are

A. stigma and anthers.

B. style and stigma.

C. pollen grains and ovules.

D. Ovary and anthers.

E. anthers and filaments.

19. Which of the following is absent in the mammalian male organ?

A. Epididymis

B. Sperm duct

20. Which of these best defines an association in which the host is harmed?

A. Commensalism

B. Mutualism

C. Parasitism

D. Saprophytism

E. Symbiosis

21. Volvox exists as a/an

22. Meiotic cell division results in the

A. growth of the cell.

B. production of chromosomes.

C. production of gametes.

D. production of two daughter cells.

E. repair of tissues.

plant flower

Use the above diagram to answer questions 23 and 24.

23. The fruit is formed from the part labelled?

24. What is the function of the part labelled I?

A. Develops into fruit

B. Grows into the pollen tube

C. Holds the flower

D. Produces the pollen grains

E. Receives pollen grains

25. The attachment of the embryo to the wall of the uterus is called

A. conception.

B. oogenesis.

C. fertilization.

D. implantation.

E. placentation.


Use the diagram above to answer questions 26 and 27.

26. In which of the labelled parts does a developing embryo obtain its food.

27. The part labelled II in the diagram is called.

A. albumen.

28. Which of the following animals exhibits territoriality?

29. The study of living organisms in relation to their environment is called

A. cytology.

B. ecology.

C. haemotology.

D. mycology.

E. paleontology.

30. Which of the following is the correct sequence of a food chain?

A. Grass →Grasshopper →Toad →Snake →Hawk.

B. Grasshopper →Toad →Hawk →Grass →Snake.

C. Snake →Grass →Hawk →Grasshopper →Toad.

D. Hawk →Grass →Snake →Grasshopper →Toad.

E. Grass →Grasshopper →Toad →Hawk →Snake.

31. Which of these is a pathogen?

A. HIV virus

C. Small pox

32. A bone with large centrum, neural canal and long spine can be found around the

33. Which of these food sources is rich in carbohydrates?

B. Groundnuts

34. Which of these is a morphological variation?

A. Blood groups

B. Colour blindness

D. Tasting PTC

E. Tongue rolling

35. The condition in which light rays from near objects are brought to focus behind the retina is

B. hypermetropia.

C. presbyopia.

D. astigmatism.

E. accommodation.

36. The two digestive enzymes that work in an acid medium are

A. amylase and pepsin.

B. lipase and renin.

C. maltase and erepsin.

D. pepsin and renin.

E. trypsin and lipase.


Study the diagram above and use it to answer questions 37 and 38.

37. In the diagram above, the part labelled II is called

A. contractile vacuole.

B. cytoplasm

C. eyespot.

D. photoreceptor.

E. flagellum.

38. The function of the part labelled III in the diagram is to

A. absorb water from the surrounding.

B. control the activities of the cell.

C. manufacture food.

D. move the organism.

E. store waste products.

39. The part of the nervous system which controls voluntary actions is the

A. cerebellum.

B. cerebrum.

C. medulla oblongata.

D. spinal cord.

E. thalamus.

40. Which of these insects undergoes incomplete metamorphosis?

B. Butterfly

C. Cockroach

D. Housefly

E. Mosquito

41. Which of the following blood groups is a universal recipient?

42. A little food substance in a test tube plus millon’s reagent when heated, tests for the presence of

A. Fats and oil.

B. Simple sugars.

D. Mineral salts.

E. Protein.

43. A child produced from the mating between mother and son (as in goats) is an example of

A. asexual reproduction.

B. cross-breeding.

C. in breeding.

D. out breeding.

E. self-fertilization.

44. The hereditary material controlling a particular trait in organisms is called

A. centrosome.

B. chromatid.

C. chromosome.

E. lysosome.

45. Which of these causes competition in a habitat?

A. Abundance of food.

B. Drought and adverse weather

C. High photosynthetic activities

D. Increase in population

E. Moderate rainfall and temperature

46. Which of these methods is a modern way of food preservations?

C. Refrigeration

47. The association existing between tapeworm and man is

A. holozoic.

B. parasitic.

C. predatory.

D. saprophytic.

E. symbiotic.

48. Sex-linked traits are

A. carried by genes on sex chromosomes.

B. carried by genes on autosomes.

C. most often x-linked.

D. mostly transferred from mother to offspring.

E. often recessive in nature.

49. Which of the following defines a climax community?

A. A stable stage in the succession of organisms

B. A series of changes in the population of organisms

C. Highest attainable stage in species composition

D. A community that changes only when a habitat factor changes

E. The composition and size are the same over a long period of time

50. If a young couple is found to be carriers of baldhead trait, what is the probability that their first child would be baldheaded?

Use the diagram below to answer questions 51 and 52.

human reproductive system

51. Which of the following indicates the direction of movement of sperm introduced into the female reproductive organ.

A. II →I →IV →V




E. VI →IV →II →I

52. Where does fertilization take place?

53. Infertility in females may be as a result of

A. hairs on the body

B. lack of ovulation.

C. menstrual cycle.

D. narrow pelvis.

E. small breasts.

54. In which of the following parts of plants can auxins be found in highest concentration?

B. Lenticel

E. Shoot apex

55. Which of these animals possesses an exoskeleton?

A. Earthworm.

D. Starfish.

E Tapeworm.

56. The central nervous system is made up of which of the following pairs?

A. Brain and spinal cord.

B. Brain and nerves

C. Spinal cord and Sympathetic nervous system

D. Parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems.

E. Brain and Cerebrum

57. Which of the following is an autotrophic mode of nutrition?

A. Holozoic

B. Parasitic

C. Photosynthesis

D. Saprophytic

E. Symbiotic

58. For an organism to survive changes in its environment, it must

A. absorb more water.

B. adapt to the new conditions.

C. find shelter.

D. obtain more food.

E. obtain more light.

59. Which of these cell organelles is associated with energy generation?

A. Chloroplast

B. Endoplasmic reticulum

C. Golgi apparatus

D. Mitochondrion

E. Ribosome

60. In hypogeal germination, the

A. cotyledons are beneath the ground.

B. cotyledons are above the ground.

C. Epicotyl is beneath the ground.

D. Hypocotyl is above the ground.

E. Hypocotyl and cotyledons are above the ground.

The following are the answers to the objective question given in the previous section:


More of the answers to the objective question shall posted shortly. Keep checking this site for timely updates.

More Answers loading…

The following are the questions that you should expect in you NECO Biology theory questions for 2023 June/July examinations:

1a (1) State TWO agents of seed dispersal and give:

TWO examples of seeds and fruits dispersed by each. 6 marks

(ii) Name the TWO stages of photosynthesis. 2 marks

b (1) List the organs of taste and smell in man. 2 marks

(ii) Give Two ways in which genetics has contributed to the improvement of agriculture. 2 marks

c. Explain the role of the following in a food chain.

(i) carnivores.

(ii) decomposers.

(iii) herbivores.

(iv) producers.

2(a) i Make a labelled diagram (8-10cm) of the longitudinal section of the human eye. 10 marks

ii. Define trophic level

(b) State the functions of the following parts of the mammalian skin

(i) Erector muscle.

(ii) Sweat gland.

(c) List SIX evidences of evolution. 6 marks

3(a) i. What is a balanced diet? 2 marks

ii. List FOUR constituents of a balanced diet.

(b) i State the types of blood groups found in humans.

ii. List TWO sensations to which the taste buds respond.

(c) Discuss how the following factors affect population.

iii. Temperature

4(a) i. Define the term “Variation”

ii. By means of crosses, show how children inherit sickle cell anaemia from parents who are carriers. Use “S” to indicate normal gene and “s” to indicate sickle cell gene.

b. What ratio of the F1 generation would be

i. sicklers?

ii. carriers?

iii. normal?

(C) i. List FIVE importance of courtship behaviour in reproduction.

ii. State the first law of thermodynamics.

neco answer

(i) Two agents of seed dispersal:

Guava and mango – dispersed by animal

Cotton and Orchid – dispersed by wind

(ii) two stage of photosynthesis are:

Dark reaction

Light reaction

Organ of taste – Tongue

Organ of smell – Nose

(ii) Genetics has helped in the production of disease-resistant plants.

It has also contributed in the production of high-yielding crops and animals.

Roles of Carnivores in Food Chain

Carnivores play an important role in keeping ecosystem balanced. Predators keep population of prey species from becoming too large. Scavengers like vultures help to prevent diseases from spreading by eating the remains of dead animals.

Roles of Decomposers in Food Chain

Decomposers play a critical role in the flow energy through the food chain in an ecosystem. They break dead organisms apart into smaller inorganic materials. This process helps in making energy available to the producers (plants).


Roles of Herbivores in Food Chain

In a food chain or an ecosystem, herbivores play important role in maintaining a healthy ecosystem. This is done by preventing an overgrowth of vegetation.

Also, many plants rely on the herbivores such as bees and butterfly to help them reproduce.

Roles of Producers in Food Chain

Producers, also known as Autotrophs, make their own food with the help of energy from the sun. they make up the first level of every food chain.

Autotrophs are usually plants or one-celled organisms. Nearly all autotrophs use a process called photosynthesis to create food (a nutrient called glucose) from sunlight, carbon dioxide and water.

Producers are the foundation of a food chain. They provide energy for all of the consumers in an ecosystem or food chain.

.i) Trophic level can be defined as the step by step in which energy and nutrients are transferred among organisms along a feeding pathway called food chain

human eyes

.i) Functions of Erector Muscles

The erector muscle is a tiny muscle connected to each hair follicle and the skin. When it contracts, it causes the hair to stand erect and Goosebumps forms on the skin.

mammalian skin


Do wish to see more of the theory answers?

All you have to do is to keep visiting this page regularly as the complete answers to the question shall be uploaded as soon as possible.

Keep following this article to the end!

Answer all the questions.

Each question is followed by four options lettered A to D. Find out the correct option for each question and shade in pencil on your answer sheet, the answer space which bears the same letter as the option you have chosen. Give only one answer to each question. An example is given below.

Which part of the gill of fish is involved in gaseous exchange?

A. Gill slits

B. Gill bars

C. Gill covers

D. Gill filaments

The correct answer is Gill filaments, which is lettered D and therefore answer space D would be shaded.

[A]               [B]               [C]               [ D ]

Think carefully before you shade the answer spaces; erase completely any answer you wish to change.

Do all rough work on this question paper.

Now answer the following questions.

  • Which of the following organisms is not classified as an animal?

B. Paramecium

2. An organism that operates at the cellular level of organization, carries out its physiological activities by using its

A. cell membrane.

B. organelles.

C. small size.

D. cytoplasm.

3. The organelle which eliminates water from the body of a protozoan is the

A. plasma membrane.

B. contractile vacuole.

C. nucleus.

D. cell wall.

4. Which of the following cell types has the least number of mitochondria?

A. Cardiac cells of the heart

B Cells of the cornified layer

C. Muscle cells of the bladder

D. Muscle cells of the diaphragm

5. A typical plant cell is mainly distinguished from an animal cell by the possession of

A. chloroplast and nucleus.

B. cell wall and cytoplasm.

C. chloroplast and cell wall.

D. cell wall and mitochondrion.

6. Which of the following characteristics do fungi share in common with animals?”

A. Presence of digestive tract

B. Movement from one place to another.

C. Storage of carbohydrate as glycogen

D. Movement of centrioles during cell division

7. Which of the following processes involves diffusion?

A. Opening and closing of stomatal pores

B. Turgidity of herbaceous plants

C. Absorption of water through the root hairs

D. Absorption of digested food into the villi

8. The mechanism of opening and closing of stomata in plants is based on

A. turgidity and diffusion.

B. turgidity and flaccidity.

C. osmosis and diffusion.

D. diffusion and flaccidity.

9. In cellular respiration energy is made available to organisms by

A. removal of a phosphate group from ADP.

B. breaking off a phosphate group from ATP.

C. adding a phosphate group to glucose.

D. breaking off a hydrogen ion from NADPH.

10. Excretion in Paramecium sp . is by diffusion because

A. its habitat is water and moist places.

B. it has simple, small and few internal organs.

C. it has a large surface area to volume ratio.

D. it has a large efficient meganucleus.

11. The axial skeleton is composed of the

A. skull and vertebral column.

B. limbs and girdles.

C. atlas and axis.

D. radius and ulna.

12. The inorganic components of bone consist of

A. magnesium, sodium and calcium.

B. magnesium, phosphorus and calcium.

C. sodium, phosphorus and calcium.

D. potassium, magnesium and calcium.

13. A pulse is best described as

A. contraction of arteries to let out blood.

B. contraction of veins to allow blood into them.

C. dilation of arteries to accommodate blood rushing through.

D. pumping action of the heart to move blood round the body.

14. The following characteristics are associated with the mammalian lungs except

A. large surface area.

B. expandable lungs.

C. moist surface.

D. highly vascularized.

15. The excretory system in mammals consists of the following parts except

A. two kidneys.

B. two ureters.

C. two bladders.

D. one urethra.

16. The organ that receives reduced flow of blood during vigorous exercise is the

17. The car pinna is strengthened by

A. blood pressure.

B. cartilage.

D. turgor pressure.

18. The relationship between the retina and the brain is similar to that between the

A. cochlea and the auditory nerve.

B. cochlea and the brain.

C. cochlea and the semi-circular canals.

D. eardrum and the brain.

19. Which of the following statements about the development of the foetus is not correct?

A. The circulatory system of the foetus is directly connected to the maternal blood vessels.

B. The foetus depends on the mother’s blood for its food and oxygen. C. The foetus is surrounded by a water sac.

D. Food and oxygen are carried across the placenta to the embryo’s blood.

Use the diagram below to answer questions 20 and 21.

structure of egg

20. The parts that supply food and water to the developing embryo are labelled

A. I and II.

B. III and V.

C. V and VI.

D. II and III.

21. The part labelled III

D. air space.

22. Which of the following statements is true about transpiration? It is the

A. loss of water in the form of vapour from the surface of the leaf.

B. loss of water in the form of vapour from the surface of the root.

C. absorption of water in the form of vapour from the body of the plant.

D. movement of water through the body of the plant.

23. Transportation of water in the xylem tissue involves the following except

A. root pressure.

B. capillary action.

C. transpiration pull.

D. translocation.

24. The following are the major reasons why the butterfly lays eggs under the surface of a leaf except to

A. shade the eggs from the direct rays of the sun.

B. protect the eggs from predators.

C. protect the eggs from being washed away by rain drops.

D. camouflage the eggs.

25. In which of the following organic compounds is the hydrogen-oxygen ratio equal to 2:1?

A. Proteins

B. Carbohydrates

D. Vitamins

26. A man suffering from obesity must avoid meals containing.

A. margarine and butter.

B. rice and beans.

C. carrots and oranges.

D. beef and fish.

27. In testing for starch in a leaf, the leaf is first boiled in water for about a minute so that the

A. cell walls are hardened.

B. cells are killed.

C. chlorophyll is dissolved out.

D. iodine will penetrate.

28. Which of the following food substances is incorrectly linked to its enzyme?

A. Protein – trypsin

B. Fat – lipase

C. Sucrose – pepsin

D. Starch – amylase

29. Which of the following pH values is the best for the action of the enzymes – renin and pepsin in the stomach?

30. The bacterium in a mutualistic association with legumes converts

A. nitrates to ammonia.

B. ammonium compounds to nitrites.

C. nitrogen gas to ammonia.

D. nitrites to nitrates.

31. A herbivore cannot feed on a piece of meat because it has no

A. incisors to cut the meat.

B. canines to tear up the meat.

C. premolars to grind the meat.

D. molars to mash the meat.

32. In a particular habitat the role of an organism is referred to as its

B. biomass.

33. The distribution of organisms in a fresh water habitat like a stream or pond is determined by the following factors except

A. light penetration.

B. pH of the soil.

C. rainfall.

D. temperature.

34. The speed of wind is measured using the

A. wind vane.

B. anemometer.

C. photometer.

D. barometer.

35. Which of the following is a biotic component of an ecosystem?

B. Rainfall

36. A moss plant can withstand drought by means of its

B. rhizoids.

C. antheridia.

D. achegonia.

37. Which of the following factors is the main problem facing xerophytic plants?

A. Competition for sunlight

B. Conservation of excess water

C. Inadequate roots for water absorption

D. Lack of adequate water

38. The following are greenhouse gases except.

A. carbon dioxide.

B. chlorofluorocarbon.

C. methane.

39. Rural-urban migration in developing countries can be prevented by

A. increasing the number of years in school.

B. putting up more factories in urban areas.

C. having boarding schools in rural areas.

D. even distribution of facilities in both regions.

40. Muscles are attached to bones by means of

A. tendons.

B. ligaments.

C. cartilage.

41. In a population, food shortage may lead to

A. an increased survival rate.

B. high reproduction rate.

C. intra-specific competition.

D. low rate of migration

42. The following effects are associated with deforestation except

A. gully erosion.

B. extinction of plant species.

C. migration of wildlife.

D. increase in rainfall.

43. The main reason for the conservation of wildlife is to

A. create national parks for recreation

B. maintain ecological balance in communities.

C. prevent hunters from being cruel to animals.

D. save some species from extinction.

44. Which of the following is an example of variation?

B. Tongue rolling

C. Reproduction

45. The parameters of size, height, weight and colour in a population of living things are examples of

A. environmental variations.

B. non-heritable variations.

C. continuous variations.

D. discontinuous variations.

46. Fingerprints are useful in crime detection because

A. the police have sophisticated fingerprint machines.

B. thieves may leave their prints at the scene of a crime.

C. no two people have the same fingerprint.

D. fingerprints are easy to make.

47. A person with blood group O can be given blood from persons who have blood belonging to

A. group O only

B. group A only.

C. groups A and O.

D. groups A, B and O.

48. A man heterozygous for albino gene marries a woman who is also heterozygous for the gene. Both have normal skin colour. The probability that they will have an albino child is

49. Which of the following statements about heredity is not true? In heredity the traits are

A. carried by genes.

B. contained in the ovum and sperm.

C. always transmitted by one parent.

D. transmitted from parents to offspring.

50. An example of a saprophytic relationship is a/an

A. vulture feeding on decaying meat.

B. mushroom growing on decaying vegetation.

C. boy eating stale bread.

D. earthworm feeding on decaying vegetation.

51. In artificial selection, individuals without desirable traits may be prevented from mating by

A. outbreeding.

B. sterilization

C. inbreeding.

D. genetic engineering.

52. In a family of eight (8) all the children are girls. Which of the following reasons correctly explains this?

A. The woman cannot produce male children.

B. The man has a low sperm count.

C. The Y component of the man’s sex chromosome was always involved.

D. The X component of the man’s sex chromosome was always involved.

53. Which of the following statements is correct about the structure of a chromosome? A chromosome consists of

A. two chromatids joined at the centromere.

B. two chromatids joined at the spindle.

C. two chromatin threads joined at the centrioles.

D. thread-like structures not joined together.

54. Mr. Andrew, his wife and child belong to blood groups A, B and O respectively. The genotypes of both parents are

A. I A I O and I B I B

B. I A I A and I B I B

C. I A I B and I A I O

D. I A I O and I B I O

55. What would be the phenotypic ratio of the offspring of a cross between a heterozygous dominant parent and a double recessive parent?

56. The percentage probability that a normal male married to a carrier woman would have a haemophilic male child is

57. The importance of courtship in animals includes the following except

A. ensuring that the female chooses the right male species.

B. arousing both male and female partners.

C. protection of territory.

D. to coincide with the ovulation period and ensure fertilization.

58. In evolution, analogous structures are significant because they show

A. physiological diversity.

B. functional diversity.

C. genetic diversity.

D structural diversity.

59. Which of the following statements reflects the mechanism of natural selection?

A There are variations within every species

B. Individuals of every species are genetically identical

C. No organism in a species dies before sexual maturity

D. Organisms with selective advantages are less likely to survive

60. Which of the following animals exhibits territoriality?

B. Earthworm

See the answers to NECO Objective Questions below:


Hope you are still reading? Let’s keep going!

More NECO Biology Theory Questions


[ 60 marks]


Answer three questions in all: two questions in Part I and one question in either Part II or Part III. No marks will be awarded for answering questions not peculiar to your own country.

Large labelled diagrams should be used where they make an answer clearer. The names given for chosen species must be English or Scientific and not vernacular.

All questions carry equal marks.

Credit will be given for clarity of expression and orderly presentation of answers.

(a) Write the chemical equation for each of the following processes:

(i) aerobic respiration;

(ii) anaerobic respiration in plants;

(iii) anaerobic respiration in animals.

(b) State four functions which the liver of a patient suffering from cancer of the liver will not be able to perform.

(c) Make a diagram 8-10 cm long of a flame cell and label fully.

(d) Name one appropriate hormone each responsible for the following conditions in plants:

(i) ripening of fruits;

(ii) breaking dormancy in seeds;

(iii) weed control;

(iv) leaf fall.

2 (a) (i) Name two types of germination of seeds giving one example of each type.

(ii) Describe a simple experiment to demonstrate that oxygen, water and warmth are necessary for germination of seeds.

(b) State two distinguishing features each of

(i) epiphytes;

(ii) parasites.

(c) Give two examples of parasitic plants.

3. (a) Write short notes on each of the following:

(i) ecological niche;

(ii) population density

(iii) climax community.

(b) Describe briefly the interactions between abiotic and biotic components of an ecosystem. [8 marks]

4. (a) List four characteristics which can be genetically transmitted in humans. (b) (i) Name two sites each in plants and animals where meiosis occurs.

(ii) State two differences between meiosis and mitosis.

(c) A woman with blood group ‘A’ (heterozygous) claimed that her son who has blood group ‘O’ was fathered by Mr. James who has blood group ‘A’ (homozygous). With the aid of suitable genetic diagrams (i) prove or disprove the woman’s claim; 2

(ii) give reasons to support your answer.

5. (a) Explain the term metamorphosis.

(b) Give two examples each of insects that undergo:

(i) complete metamorphosis;

(ii) incomplete metamorphosis.

(c) (i) Name the different castes of termites.

(ii) State one function of each caste named in 5(c)(i) above.

(iii) State four ways in which termites are of economic importance to humans.

(iv) State two methods of controlling termites.

(a) State five factors to be considered when building a good house in the tropics.

(b) State: (i) five ways in which drinking water can be contaminated;

(ii) three diseases caused by contaminated water;

(iii) two qualities of water which is fit for drinking.

(c) Describe the process of administering first aid to a victim of snake bite.

Answer one question only from this part.

(i) What is placentation?

(ii) Name two organs associated with the human placenta.

(b) State five functions of the human placenta.

(c) Write short notes on the following:

(i) viviparity:

(ii) territoriality:

(iii) seasonal migration.

8. (a) Explain the term adaptation in relation to the mode of life of an organism.

(b) Explain how each of the following structures adapt the organisms that possess them to their modes of life:

(i) succulent leaves in Aloe sp .;

(ii) succulent stems and reduced leaves in cactus plants;

(iii) short, strong beaks in fowls;

(iv) counter shading in fish;

(v) tiny scale leaves on needle-like branches of pine trees.

(c) (i) What is population?

(ii) State five effects of overpopulation on a community.

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2023 WAEC Biology Practical Specimen, Questions and Answers

How to Answer NECO Biology Questions

This section the article is for everyone and especially for all those candidates who are desperate to knowing the right thing to do in order to achieve excellent performance in NECO Biology examination.

The following are the special tips on how to answer NECO biology questions:

Once you have settled to take your examination in the examination hall, the next thing that you must do first is to read through the instructions on top of the page before you can proceed with reading the questions.

Most times, some instructions are specific to some questions, maybe one or two questions. Here, you still have to take those instructions very serious.

Before you can proceed to answering NECO biology questions, it is highly recommended that you read carefully to understand any question before you can start to answer the questions.

It is possible to see questions that would be similar to what you have been seeing before, probably in past questions, but they are not the same.

This is the point where it is very necessary that you meticulously go through the question before you answer, to avoid choosing the wrong option for objectives and giving wrong explanations for theory questions.

In every NECO examination, there is/are usually some questions that are specially made compulsory by the Nation Examination Council. These questions are always seen in the paper 2 which is theory aspect of it.

You must ensure that you are able to answer those compulsory questions before you can think of answering any other ones. The compulsory questions do carry special mark.

Just like any other examinations, the complexity of every question in NECO government examination varies. After you have gone through the questions, you would be able to tell which of the questions are simple and the ones that are difficult.

The best approach in such case requires that you answer the questions from the simplest to the most complex ones. This is important because it will help to cushion you against examination tension.

Not only that, it also helps in the management of your time. If you are finding any question difficult to answer, you have to leave it and go to the next. Thereafter, you can re-visit those questions that you have left unanswered.

Though it is advisable that you start answering your question from the simplest, leaving the more difficult ones at the first attempts, it does not imply that you should submit you examination without answering those ones you skipped.

It quite understandable that you may not know all the asked questions, you are still required choose your answers even the ones that you do not really know very well.

Sometime, your guess can fall in place and become the right answer. So always ensure that you attempt all you question before you submit.

After you have attempted the entire given questions, you still have to go through all the answers to check for any errors and possible corrections.

By going through the questions, you would be able to see any skipped question(s), if any and the ones you mistakenly clicked the wrong options.

Get more tips: How to Pass your NECO Examination at One Sitting

It is an error to assume that NECO biology examination is hard. Failure to perform excellently in NECO biology examination is a question of whether the candidate knows the right things to do and if he/she is doing it right.

The poor performance that have been seen in some candidates’ results over the years are as a result of poor application of the basic principles for writing NECO biology examination and some other factors that I am going to show you here.

Inadequate Preparation

This is the most important aspect of the reasons for poor performance in NECO biology that should be considered.

It is obtainable in all areas that when there is poor preparation for any examination they will be poor result. As a good student, you are required to prepare for the NECO biology examination to the point that you would be sure of scoring high.

Reading without Past Questions

During the preparation phase of NECO biology examination and any other subjects, it is very pertinent that candidates make use of past question papers with reference to their answers.

Failure to make use past questions and answers is one the reasons why many candidates are left in abeyance immediately they enter the examination halls for the biology examinations.

Due to the ignorance of the nature of the examination, they will not even know to answer and most time it will result to examination tension and probably fever for the students.

Poor Time Management

Time management is another important factor that can lead to poor performance in every examination. You should learn how to manage your time especially when you are in the examination hall.

The practice of time management starts from the period of the candidate’s preparation for the examination. Once you can answer your past questions comfortably with the limited time that will be provided, you will still manage your time very well on the examination date.

Lack of Adherence to Given Instructions

There are some students who are fond of ignoring instructions when come for examination. Jumping into answering of questions without reading the given instructions is very wrong. This contributes in a big way to poor performance in the examination.

If you want to have good performance in NECO Biology, you have to strictly pay close attention to any given instructions.

Submitting Incomplete Answers

When a candidate submits the examination without attempting all the questions, it will automatically affect his/her score. It is important you answer all the questions before your submission.

I hope that you have enjoyed the information contained in this article. For more assistance on NECO Biology Questions and Answers for 2023/2024 (Essay and Objectives), kindly make use of the comment section below this article.

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NECO Biology Past Questions and Answers | Theory and Objectives –Download PDF.

NECO Biology Past Questions and Answers | Theory and Objectives –Download PDF. The National Examination Council of Nigeria (NECO) Examination is around the corner. This article provides the readers with the information on how to download NECO Biology Past Questions and Answers. NECO Biology Questions are essential for you to know if you want to pass the NECO SSCE Biology Exams 2023.

The NECO Biology past questions and answers is a compiled material in PDF that contains past questions from NECO Biology Exams of previous years. The material comes with answers and is easily downloadable.

You can download the materials here. The instructions on how to download the NECO Biology can be found below. You are expected to follow the instructions in order for you to succeed. The material does not only contain information on NECO Biology Questions and answers but how to pass exams as well. You can see this article on the 21 indispensable steps to pass any exams with high grade .

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  • NECO Commerce Past Questions and Answers | Theory and Objectives –Download PDF.
  • NECO English Past Questions and Answers –Download PDF.

Download also: WAEC past Questions and Answers .

NECO Biology Sample Questions and Answers

PAPER II [Essay] Answer any  FOUR  questions. Write your answers on the answer booklet provided.

1. (a) i. What is respiration? ii. In a tabular form, state four differences between gaseous exchange and aerobic respiration. (b) i. Explain the term residual air. ii. What is the importance of residual air to mammals? (c) State four characteristic features associated with respiratory structures. (d) i. What is oxygen debt? ii. Outline three activities that can result in oxygen debt.

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ANS:  a) b) (i) During breathing out/expiration/exhalation; not all the air is removed from the lungs; the air left inside the lungs during breathing out is residual air. (ii) air is left in the lungs so that the lungs do not collapse; air is always left inside the lungs so that more oxygen can be removed (diffuse) into the blood stream. (c) (d) i. The build up of lactic acid; during strenuous exercise is poisonous and makes the muscles ache; oxygen is needed to break down/get rid of the lactic acid; that is why athletes continue breathing heavily even after the exercise is over; the oxygen needed to get rid of the lactic acid is known as oxygen debt. ii. Running; boxing; swimming /any correct example of strenuous activities.

2. (a) (i) What is sexual reproduction? (ii) Name four organs in mammals that produce sex hormones. (iii) Name one sex hormone produced by each of the organs named in 2(a)(i). (b) In a tabular form outline three differences between reproductions in lizards and birds. (c) (i) How are identical twins forms in humans? (ii) State three characteristics features of identical twins.

3. (a) Define the term osmosis. (b) State two ways each in which osmosis is of importance to: (i) plants; (ii) animals. (c) A normal terrestrial plant was watered daily with a hypertonic solution for about seven (7) days. It was discovered that the plant was not doing well. Explain why. (d) (i)Explain briefly how marine organisms overcome the problem of high salinity in their environment? (ii) List four examples of organisms found in the benthic zone of a marine habitat.

4. (a)  (i) What is conservation? (ii) State six factors responsible for the decline of the abundance and variety of wildlife. (b) Outline six ways in which the government can improve the situation in 4(a) (ii) above. (c) (i) What is Eutrophication? (ii) State two causes of eutrophication.

5. (a) What is reproduction? (b) In a tabular form, state six differences between sexual reproduction and (c) asexual reproduction. (d) State three advantages sexual reproduction. (e) (i) Describe the female reproductive structure of a flowering plant. (ii) List two factors necessary for germination of seeds.

6. (a) (i) What is courtship behaviour? (ii) Outline five benefits derived by the exhibition of courtship behaviour. (b) Describe briefly courtship behavior in the Agama lizard. (c) Describe briefly the mammalian placenta.

7. (a) Explain briefly the role of the skin as a sensory organ. (b) Describe briefly the vegetation of Tropical Rain Forest. (c) List five animals that inhabit the Tropical Rain Forest.

How to Download NECO Biology past Questions and Answers

Here are the instructions to be followed in order to download the NECO Biology Questions and answers without any issue. Please follow our instructions and guide very well.

The cost of the newly updated NECO Past Questions and Answers  is  2,000.00  naira only for One Subject e.g

  • Use of English 1000 naira
  • Biology 1000 naira
  • Chemistry 1000 naira
  • Physics 1000 naira

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Tips on How to Pass NECO Examination 2023

If you want to Past the NECO Examination this year, you will need to follow the instructions below.

  • Practice daily with NECO Past Questions and Answers
  • Write out your subjects, the dates and time.
  • Engage in general revision few days to the examination and dwell more on the subjects you find difficult.
  • Focus on only your first paper a week to the exam. This would make it sweet and you will have energy to read for other papers.
  • Don’t read any other subject when it is two days to a particular subject.
  • When you have two papers that are separated by only one day, read the second one first before going to the subject you have first.
  • Ensure to be in the NECO examination venue at least two hours to the examination so that you would be balanced.
  • Try to be up to date in cases of changes in the timetable.
  • Have a personal copy of the NECO timetable and syllabus.
  • Go through your timetable daily so that you don’t miss any paper.
  • Don’t go to the hall when you are not having paper that day.

Disclaimer: Please note these are not the actual questions and answers that you will find in the NECO Examination this year, but they are the likely questions. to get the actual NECO Past Questions and answers, please call 07063986527.

Download Actual NECO Past Questions and Answers.

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Real NECO Biology Questions And Answers 2023 (Obj & Essay)

Real NECO Biology Questions And Answers 2023 : 2023 Get Free Live Biology (BIO) OBJ & Essay Questions and Answers for NECO June/July Free of charge | NECO June/July Questions and Answers for Free on Biology (Objectives and Theory) The EXPO Room (July 21, 2023).

June/July 2023 NECO Free biology essay and paper (BIO) question and answer answer 

Real NECO Biology Questions And Answers 2023 (Obj & Essay)

Friday, July 21, 2023, 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Biology (Objective & Essay)












INSTRUCTION: Answer 3 Questions Only

The cell theory states that:

- All living organisms are made up of one or more cells.

- The cell is the basic unit of life.

- All cells arise from pre-existing cells.

- Robert Hooke, who discovered cells in 1665 and coined the term "cell".

- Matthias Schleiden and Theodor Schwann, who proposed the cell theory in 1839-1840.

- Large, brightly colored petals that attract insects.

- Nectar-producing glands to feed the insects.

- A strong, sweet fragrance to attract the insects.

- A landing platform for the insects to rest on.

- Pollen that is sticky and easily attaches to the insects.

- Ginger: Rhizome

- Banana: Rhizome

- Sweet potato: Tuber

- The mouth mechanically breaks down the bread by chewing and mixes it with saliva, which contains enzymes that begin breaking down the carbohydrates in the bread.

- The esophagus moves the food down to the stomach, where it is mixed with stomach acid and enzymes that further break down the bread.

- The small intestine absorbs the nutrients from the bread, such as carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, into the bloodstream.

- The large intestine absorbs water and electrolytes from the remaining food waste, forming feces.

- The rectum stores feces until they can be eliminated through the anus.

Amoeba ---> Hydra ---> Tilapia ---> Toad ---> Snake

(i) Small, lightweight seeds that can be easily carried by the wind.

(ii) Hairs or wings on the fruit that increase surface area and help to catch the wind.

(iii) A dry, papery fruit that splits open easily to release the seeds.

To determine if the shoot of a plant is positively phototropic.


A potted plant, a light source, a ruler, a marker.


(i) Place the plant in a dark room for 24 hours to ensure that it is not positively or negatively phototropic.

(ii) Place the light source at a fixed distance from the plant, with the light shining directly on the plant's shoot.

(iii) Turn on the light source and leave it on for 24 hours.

(iv) After 24 hours, measure the distance between the tip of the shoot and the light source.

(v) Mark the new position of the shoot tip on the ruler.

(vi) Repeat the experiment two more times, moving the light source to a different position each time.


The shoot of the plant will grow towards them light source, bending in the direction of the light.


The shoot of a plant is positively phototropic and grows towards a light source.


=Aerobic Respiration=

(i) Occurs in the presence of oxygen

(ii) Produces a large amount of ATP

(iii) Carbon dioxide and water are produced as waste products

=Anaerobic Respiration=

(i) Occurs in the absence of oxygen

(ii) Produces a small amount of ATP

(iii) Lactic acid or ethanol is produced as a waste product

=Complete Metamorphosis=

(i) Four distinct stages: egg, larva, pupa, adult.

(ii) Larva looks completely different from the adult.

=Incomplete Metamorphosis=

(i) Three stages: egg, nymph, adult.

(ii) Nymph looks similar to the adult, just smaller.

- Aim: To determine if chlorophyll is necessary for photosynthesis to take place.

- Apparatus: Two plants of the same species, one with leaves covered in aluminum foil, a light source, test tube, water, and a beaker.

- Method/procedure: Place one plant in a dark room and cover its leaves with aluminum foil. Place the other plant in front of a light source. After a few hours, pluck a leaf from each plant and place them in separate test tubes filled with water. Place the test tubes in a beaker and keep them in the dark.

- Observation: After a few hours, observe the test tubes to see which one has produced more oxygen bubbles.

- Conclusion: If the test tube with the leaf from the plant exposed to light produces more oxygen bubbles, then chlorophyll is necessary for photosynthesis to take place.

(i) Overuse of synthetic fertilizers

(ii) Overgrazing

(iii) Deforestation

(iv) Soil erosion

(i) Hearing loss

(ii) Sleep disturbance

(i) Crop diversity: Planting different crops in the same field over time to avoid the buildup of pests and diseases.

(ii) Soil health: Planting crops that have different nutrient requirements to maintain soil fertility and prevent soil erosion.

(iii) Pest management: Planting crops that are not susceptible to the same pests and diseases in succession.

(i) Reduced leaves or spines to minimize water loss through transpiration.

(ii) Thick cuticles and waxy coatings to reduce water loss through the epidermis.

(iii) Deep roots to tap into underground water sources.

(iv) CAM photosynthesis to reduce water loss during photosynthesis.

(v) Ability to enter dormancy during drought periods.

(i) Similarity in bone structure between birds and reptiles, especially in the skull and pelvis.

(ii) Presence of scales on bird feet and legs, which are also found in reptiles.

(iii) Similarity in egg-laying and incubation between birds and reptiles.

(i) Detoxification of harmful substances in the blood.

(ii) Production of bile to aid in digestion.

(iii) Storage of glycogen, vitamins, and minerals.

(iv) Regulation of blood glucose levels.

(v) Production of blood clotting factors.

(i) Reforestation: Planting new trees in areas where forests have been cleared or degraded.

(ii) Reduced impact logging: Using sustainable logging practices that minimize damage to the forest ecosystem.

(iii) Protected areas: Establishing and maintaining protected areas for wildlife and biodiversity conservation.

(iv) Community forestry: Encouraging local communities to manage forests sustainably for their own benefit and for the benefit of future generations.


(i) Protection: the calyx protects the flower bud before it opens and the developing fruit after fertilization.

(ii) Support: the sepals of the calyx can provide support for the petals and reproductive structures.

(i) Insulin: regulates blood sugar levels.

(ii) Estrogen: regulates female reproductive system and secondary sexual characteristics.

(iii) Testosterone: regulates male reproductive system and secondary sexual characteristics.

(iv) Adrenaline: prepares the body for "fight or flight" response to stress.

(v) Melatonin: regulates sleep-wake cycles.

(i) Gene therapy: correcting genetic disorders by introducing functional genes into the patient's cells.

(ii) Predictive medicine: using genetic testing to identify individuals who are at risk for certain diseases and develop personalized prevention or treatment plans.

(i) Large surface area: to maximize light absorption.

(ii) Thin and flat shape: to reduce the distance that light needs to penetrate into the leaf.

(iii) Chlorophyll pigments: to absorb light energy and convert it into chemical energy.


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2024 NECO BIOLOGY: 2024 NECO Biology (Objective & Essay) Questions and Answers (1262)

Obj & notice section, 2024 neco biology (objective & essay) questions and answers password/pin/code: 1262 ..



Welcome to official 2024 Biology NECO answer page. We provide 2024 Biology NECO Questions and Answers on Essay, Theory, OBJ midnight before the exam, this is verified & correct NECO Bio Expo. NECO Biology Questions and Answers 2024. NECO Bio Expo for Theory & Objective (OBJ) PDF: verified & correct expo Solved Solutions, 2024 NECO Biology (Objective & Essay) Questions and Answers. 2024 NECO EXAM Biology Questions and Answers


(1ai) (i) Setting up of national park and gardens to save wildlife in their natural environment. (ii) Poaching i.e. uncontrolled and illegal killing of game should be prevented. (iii) Avoiding the use of pesticides that may kill off many animals (vi) Prohibiting deforestation and encouraging afforestation (1aii) Sexual reproduction involves the fusion of two gametes male and female gametes during fertilization to form a zygote which develops into a new organism. It involves organisms of the same species. (1aiii) (i) biceps (flexor) (ii) Triceps (extensor) (1b) (i) When one touches a hot object, the sensory receptor in the skin receives the stimulus (ii) An impulse is transmitted from the receptor to the spinal cord, via the dorsal root/sensory neurone (iii) The intermediate neurone in the spinal cord passes on the impulse to the motor neurone (iv) The motor neurone then sends the impulses to an effector organ (muscle) via the ventral root (v) All the neurones are linked by synapses across which impulses are sent (vi) The muscle upon receiving the impulse contracts causing the hand to be withdrawn from the hot object (1ci) (i) It provides water for photosynthesis (ii) To get rid of excess water in the plant (iii) It helps plants to continually draw water from the soil into their stem and leaves. (1cii) (i) Growing of cover crops like grasses, sweet potato which covers the surface of the 'copied from e x a m p l a z a . c o m free' soil (ii) Contour ploughing: ploughing along the contours of a slope to reduce the speed of runoff water.


(2ai) Metamorphosis can be defined as the change of form or structure in an organism after hatching or birth. (2aii) (i) Promotion of sperm production (ii) Aids development of uterine wall (iii) Stimulates growth of testis (iv) Promote development of secondary sexual characters in male (2aiii) (i) Production of bile (ii) Detoxification (iii) Deamination (iv) Source of vitamin (2bi) (i)Oxygen (ii)Acids (iii)Tannins (2bii) When a man spins around a tree several time, there is an increase in metabolism leading to use up of energy. This as a result leads to decrease in energy and in turn causes dizziness


(3ai) (i)Buccal respiration (ii)Lung respiration (iii)Skin respiration (3aii) TABULATE PLEASE =WIND POLLINATED FLOWERS= (i) The flowers are not attractive (ii) The pollen grains are not sticky =INSECT POLLINATED FLOWERS= (i) The flowers are attractive (ii) The pollen grains are sticky (3aiii) (i)Parietal placentation. (ii) Basal placentation. (3bi) Light rays from an external object is refracted by the cornea, aqueous humour, the lens and the vitreous humour. The lens act as the fine adjustment bringing the rays to a focus on the retina. The image formed on the retina of human are inverted and diminished. The brain receives the stimulus via the optic nerves and then interprete it. (3bii) (i)Parasitic nutrition (ii)Symbiosis (iii)Carnivorous nutrition


2024 NECO Biology (Objective & Essay) Questions and Answers 2024 NECO BIOLOGY: 2024 NECO Biology (Objective & Essay) Questions and Answers (1262) Welcome to official 2024 Biology NECO answer page. We provide 2024 Biology NECO Questions and Answers on Essay, Theory, OBJ midnight before the exam, this is verified & correct NECO Bio Expo

(4aii) (i)Internal fertilization (ii)External fertilization (4bi) Fruits is a product of fertilization in flowering plants. When a grain of pollen tube for the sperm to journey down the style and fertilize the ovule. The fertilized ovules become seeds. Fertilization is the death of the flower, as the petals drop or wither at this point and the ovary starts to enlarge and ripen into what we known as fruit (4bii) (i)plasma (ii)red blood cells (iii)white blood cells (iv)platelets


(5ai) (i)They are proteinous in nature (ii) They speed up the rate of chemical reaction (iii) They are organic catalyst (iv) They are specific in function (5aii) Mendel's first law also known as the law of segregation of genes states that during gamete formation, two alleles at a gene locus segregate from each other and each gamete has an equal probability of containing either allele (5aiii)

2024 NECO Biology (Objective & Essay) Questions and Answers 2024 NECO BIOLOGY: 2024 NECO Biology (Objective & Essay) Questions and Answers (1262) Welcome to official 2024 Biology NECO answer page. We provide 2024 Biology NECO Questions and Answers on Essay, Theory, OBJ midnight before the exam, this is verified & correct NECO Bio Expo

(5bi) (i)Bush burning (ii)Overcropping (iii)Overgrazing (5bii) (i)Seasonal migration (ii)Pairing (iii)Territoriality


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2024 NECO Biology Essay And Objectives Questions with Solutions

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neco biology obj and essay answer 2023



(1ai) (PICK ANY THREE) (i) Producers (ii) Consumers (iii) Decomposers (iv) Parasites (v) Symbionts

(1aii) (i) Mandibles (ii) Maxillae (iii) Labium

(1bi) (i) Ultrafiltration: The initial step in blood filtration occurs in the glomerulus of a nephron, where pressure causes water, ions, glucose, urea, and small proteins to pass out of the blood vessels into the Bowman’s capsule (glomerular filtrate). (ii) Reabsorption: As the glomerular filtrate moves through the renal tubules, essential nutrients, glucose, water, and most ions are reabsorbed back into the bloodstream. This selectively conserves nutrients while eliminating waste products. (iii) Secretion: Some substances, such as hydrogen ions (H+), potassium (K+), creatinine, and urea, are actively secreted from the bloodstream into the renal tubules, further concentrating the urine. (iv) Concentration: The collecting duct and loop of Henle regulate the final water and ion balance of the urine, ensuring that waste products are sufficiently concentrated.

(1bii) (PICK ANY TWO) (i) Malleus (ii) Incus (iii) Stapes (iv) Stapedius

(1biii) [in a Tabular form]

-Photosynthesis- (PICK ANY TWO) (i) Process that uses sunlight to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose (ii) Occurs in plant cells, algae, and some bacteria (iii) Releases oxygen as a byproduct (iv) Builds organic molecules (anabolism) (v) Takes place during the day in sunlight

-Respiration- (PICK ANY TWO) (i) Process that breaks down glucose to release energy (ii) Occurs in all living cells (iii) Consumes oxygen (iv) Breaks down organic molecules (catabolism) (v) Takes place continuously, day and night

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(2ai) (PICK ANY FOUR) (i) Lightweight bones (ii) Strong flight muscles (iii) Streamlined body shape (iv) Hollow feathers for insulation and buoyancy (v) Wings modified from forelimbs (vi) Air sacs to reduce body density

(2aii) (i) Pollination vector (e.g., insect, bird, wind) comes into contact with the flower. (ii) Pollen grains from the another stick to the vector’s body. (iii) The vector carries the pollen to another flower of the same species. (iv) Pollen grains are transferred to the stigma of the flower. (v) If pollination is successful, the pollen tube germinates and grows down the style, delivering sperm cells to the ovary. (vi) Fertilization occurs when a sperm cell fuses with an egg cell in the ovary, resulting in seed formation.

(2bi) (PICK ANY THREE) (i) Sticky tongue for catching insects (ii) Large, bulging eyes for increased field of vision (iii) Camouflage skin for blending into the environment (iv) Nocturnal habits to avoid predators (v) Movable eyelids for protection (vi) Glandular skin for defense against predators

(2bii) [In a Tabular form]

-Arteries- (PICK ANY FOUR) (i) Carry blood away from the heart (ii) Thicker, more muscular walls due to higher blood pressure (iii) Narrower lumen (inner diameter) (iv) Elastic recoil to maintain blood pressure (v) Provide nutrients, oxygen, and hormones to tissues (vi) Oxygenated blood, except for pulmonary arteries (vii) High blood pressure

-Veins- (PICK ANY FOUR) (i) Carry blood towards the heart (ii) Thinner, less muscular walls due to lower blood pressure (iii) Wider lumen (iv) Valves to prevent backflow of blood (v) Collect deoxygenated blood from tissues (vi) Return blood to the heart for reoxygenation (vii) Low blood pressure


(3ai) (PICK ANY FOUR) (i) Phototropism (ii) Gravitropism (iii) Thigmotropism (iv) Hydrotropism (v) Chemotropism (vi) Seismonastic

(3aii) (PICK ANY TWO) (i) Loss of fertile topsoil (ii) Reduction in water retention capacity (iii) Increased flooding and sedimentation (iv) Decline in crop yields and vegetation cover (v) Loss of biodiversity

(3bi) Grass → Grasshopper → Lizard → Hawk

(3bii) Check the diagram below

neco biology obj and essay answer 2023

(3biii) (PICK ANY TWO) (i) Oxygen (ii) Water (iii) Glucose (iv) ATP


(4ai) (i) Humerus (ii) Radius (iii) Ulna

(4aii) Check the diagram below

neco biology obj and essay answer 2023

(4bi) (PICK ANY THREE) (i) Insulin (ii) Glucagon (iii) Thyroid hormone (iv) Adrenaline (v) Cortisol (vi) Estrogen

(4bii) -Amoeba- (PICK ANY ONE) (i) Food vacuole (ii) Plasma membrane (iii) Contractile vacuole

-Hydra- (PICK ANY ONE) (i) Gastrovascular cavity (ii) Gastrodermis cells (iii) Choanocytes

-Earthworm- (PICK ANY ONE) (i) Nephridia (ii) Flame cells (iii) Chloragogen cells

-Grasshopper- (PICK ANY ONE) (i) Malpighian tubules (ii) Rectum (iii) Hindgut

(4biii) -Mitochondria- (PICK ANY ONE) (i) Produce energy (ATP) (ii) Regulation of cell death (iii) Control of cellular metabolism (iv) Protein synthesis (v) Calcium homeostasis

-Lysosomes- (PICK ANY ONE) (i) Digesting food particles and old organelles (ii) Detoxification and removal of waste products (iii) Regulation of cell death (autolysis) (iv) Defense against pathogens (v) Bone resorption


(5a) Draw the diagram below

neco biology obj and essay answer 2023

(5bi) [In a Tabular form]

-Monocot Plants- (PICK ANY TWO) (i) Single cotyledon in the seed (ii) Parallel leaf veins (iii) Scattered vascular bundles in the stem (iv) Flower parts in multiples of three (v) No secondary growth (no cambium) (vi) Endosperm in the seed

-Dicot Plants- (PICK ANY TWO) (i) Two cotyledons in the seed (ii) Netted leaf veins (iii) Vascular bundles arranged in a ring in the stem (iv) Flower parts in multiples of four or five (v) Secondary growth (presence of cambium) (vi) No endosperm in the seed

(5bii) (PICK ANY FOUR) (i) Comparative Anatomy: Similarities in the structures and organs of different species, indicating common ancestry. (ii) Paleontology (Fossil Record): Remains of extinct organisms provide evidence of evolutionary change over time. (iii) Biogeography: Distribution of species on Earth supports the idea of evolution through diversification and dispersal. (iv) Molecular Biology: Similarities in DNA and protein sequences indicate shared ancestry and evolutionary relationships. (v) Vestigial Structures: Structures that have no apparent function present in an organism that suggest its evolutionary history. (vi) Developmental Biology: Embryological similarities in different species indicate common evolutionary origins. (vii) Genetic Variation: Mutations and recombination provide raw material for natural selection to work with.

(5biii) (i) Hinge Joints (ii) Pivot Joints (iii) Ball-and-Socket Joints

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2023 NECO Biology Answers Release – See Objective & Essay Questions Here.

The Neco biology answers 2022 for objective essay questions is put. The National Examination Council (NECO) Biology SSCE will be written on Tuesday 26th July 2022.

The Neco Biology exam will comprise of Papers III & II: Objective & Essay which will commence from 10•00 am to 12•30 pm.

neco biology questions

We are posting out NECO Biology questions for candidates that will participate in the examination for practice purposes from Neco biology answers and past questions.

NECO Biology Answers 2022 SSCE.

PAPER-II [Essay] Answer any FOUR questions. Write your answers on the answer booklet provided.

1. (a) i. What is respiration? ii. In a tabular form, state four differences between gaseous exchange and aerobic respiration. (b) i. Explain the term residual air. ii. What is the importance of residual air to mammals? (c) State four characteristic features associated with respiratory structures. (d) i. What is oxygen debt? ii. Outline three activities that can result in oxygen debt.

ANS: a) b) (i) During breathing out/expiration/exhalation; not all the air is removed from the lungs; the air left inside the lungs during breathing out is residual air. (ii) a ir is left in the lungs so that the lungs do not collapse; air is always left inside the lungs so that more oxygen can be removed (diffuse) into the bloodstream. (c) (d) i. The build-up of lactic acid; during strenuous exercise is poisonous and makes the muscles ache; oxygen is needed to break down/get rid of the lactic acid; that is why athletes continue breathing heavily even after the exercise is over; the oxygen needed to get rid of the lactic acid is known as oxygen debt. ii. Running; boxing; swimming /any correct example of strenuous activities.

2. (a) (i) What is sexual reproduction? (ii) Name four organs in mammals that produce sex hormones. (iii) Name one sex hormone produced by each of the organs named in 2(a)(i). (b) In a tabular form outline three differences between reproductions in lizards and birds. (c) (i) How are identical twins forms in humans? (ii) State three characteristic features of identical twins.

3. (a) Define the term osmosis. (b) State two ways each in which osmosis is of importance to; (i) plants; (ii) animals. (c) A normal terrestrial plant was watered daily with a hypertonic solution for about seven (7) days. It was discovered that the plant was not doing well. Explain why. (d) (i)Explain briefly how marine organisms overcome the problem of high salinity in their environment? (ii) List four examples of organisms found in the benthic zone of marine habitat.

4. (a)  (i) What is conservation? (ii) State six factors responsible for the decline of the abundance and variety of wildlife. (b) Outline six ways in which the government can improve the situation in 4(a) (ii) above. (c) (i) What is Eutrophication? (ii) State two causes of eutrophication.

5. (a) What is reproduction? (b) In a tabular form, state six differences between sexual reproduction and (c) asexual reproduction. (d) State three advantages of sexual reproduction. (e) (i) Describe the female reproductive structure of a flowering plant. (ii) List two factors necessary for the germination of seeds.

6. (a) (i) What is courtship behaviour? (ii) Outline five benefits derived from the exhibition of courtship behaviour. (b) Describe briefly courtship behavior in the Agama lizard. (c) Describe briefly the mammalian placenta.

7. (a) Explain briefly the role of the skin as a sensory organ. (b) Describe briefly the vegetation of Tropical Rain Forest. (c) List five animals that inhabit the Tropical Rain Forest.

Neco Biology Objective Questions 2022.

neco biology answers 2018

13. A plant has flowers whose anthers mature and fall off before the stigma is fully developed. What will this prevent? A cross-pollination B insect-pollination C self-pollination D wind-pollination E air pollination.

14. Under which set of conditions will the transpiration rate of a well-watered plant be fastest? A a cool, dry, windless day B a cool, rainy, windy day C a hot, dry, windy day D a hot, rainy, windy day E a dry, dry, rainy day.

15. Which bones form a joint at the shoulder? A humerus and scapula B humerus and ulna C radius and ulna D radius and scapula E femur and collar bone.

16. A motor neuron transmits impulses from A muscle to the spinal cord B receptor to muscle C receptor to the spinal cord D spinal cord to muscle.

17. Where are most nitrogen compounds excreted from humans? A kidneys B liver C rectum D skin E bladder.

18. The cell wall of a plant cell is removed using an enzyme. What would happen if this cell is then placed in distilled water? A It would take longer for the cell to become turgid B Proteins in the cytoplasm would leave through the cell membrane C The cell would become smaller as water passes out D The cell would burst as water moves into it.

Note:  There is nothing like Neco Biology Expo online. Neco Ssce candidates are to desist from patronizing online fraudsters/vendors who say they can provide such services as they are not real.

Keep following, more questions and answers will be added soon.

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Pl’s Is that 2021 question

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Please is the really answers and question??

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Is this 2021 neco

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Your whatsapp contact Pls? it seems you don’t send answers on time or you don’t send at all to some of your client?

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But this is ture question for neco?

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Thank u but is 2021 question

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Where answers girlz eye red oo, lozz😉

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I need more questions

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Please am begging you please,the exam will soon start pls i need de answers

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Good morning sir Please I need your help

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Yep we really need biology answers pls

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I need the answer

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Please update the answer soon

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Please is it the real question

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Pls i need the answers The exam will sooon starr

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You really try

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But you help is not complete

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Thank you very much

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Its helps but not complete

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You guys are d best ever

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Did it work for you i n yh our WAEC

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E go shock you

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Na u saw My people is just 4 practice ooooo na PQ

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Neco 2024 Biology Obj & Essay Question And Answer Now Available

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Number 1-5 Has Been Answered For You

(1ai) (i) Producers (ii) Consumers (iii) Decomposers

(1aii) (i) Mandibles (ii) Maxillae (iii) Labium

(1bi) (i) Filtration: Blood enters the glomerulus through the afferent arteriole and is filtered under pressure in the Bowman’s capsule, removing water, ions, glucose, amino acids, and waste products like urea from the blood. (ii) Reabsorption: As the filtrate moves through the proximal convoluted tubule, loop of Henle, distal convoluted tubule, and collecting duct, essential substances such as water, glucose, and ions are reabsorbed back into the bloodstream. (iii) Secretion: Additional waste products and excess ions are secreted into the tubule from the surrounding capillaries, ensuring the removal of substances not initially filtered or those that need to be regulated. The final product, urine, collects in the renal pelvis, flows through the ureters to the bladder, and is excreted via the urethra.

(1bii) (i) Malleus (Hammer) (ii) Incus (Anvil)

(1biii) PHOTOSYNTHESIS -Converts carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen using sunlight -Only occurs in the presence of light (daytime)

RESPIRATION -Converts glucose and oxygen into carbon dioxide, water, and energy (ATP) -Occurs continuously, day and night


(2ai) (i) Lightweight skeleton (ii) Feathers (iii) Powerful muscles (iv) Streamlined body

(2aii) Pollination is the process where pollen from the anther (male part) of a flower is transferred to the stigma (female part). This can happen through wind, water, or animals like bees. Once on the stigma, the pollen grain grows a tube down to the ovary, allowing the sperm to fertilize the ovules, leading to seed formation.

(2bi) (i) Sticky Tongue (ii) Camouflaged Skin (iii) Sharp Vision:

(2bii) = TABULATE =

= ARTERIES = (i) Carry oxygenated blood away from the heart to the body tissues (ii) Thick walls with three layers: tunica intima, tunica media (muscular and elastic fibers), tunica externa (iii) Generally no valves (except in pulmonary artery and some veins in limbs) (iv) Higher blood pressure (due to closer proximity to the heart and strong contraction of the left ventricle)

= VEINS = (i) Carry deoxygenated blood back to the heart from the body tissues (ii) Thinner walls with three layers: tunica intima, tunica media (less muscular and elastic than arteries), tunica externa (iii) Valves present, especially in limbs, to prevent backflow of blood (iv) Lower blood pressure (as blood has traveled through the body and lost pressure)


(3ai) (PICK ANY FOUR) (i) Phototropism (ii) Gravitropism (iii) Thigmotropism (iv) Hydrotropism (v) Chemotropism (vi) Seismonastic

(3aii) (PICK ANY TWO) (i) Loss of fertile topsoil (ii) Reduction in water retention capacity (iii) Increased flooding and sedimentation (iv) Decline in crop yields and vegetation cover (v) Loss of biodiversity

(3bi) Grass → Grasshopper → Lizard → Hawk

(3bii) Check the diagram below

(3biii) (PICK ANY TWO) (i) Oxygen (ii) Water (iii) Glucose (iv) ATP

(4ai) (i) Humerus (ii) Radius (iii) Ulna

(4aii) Check the diagram below

(4bi) (PICK ANY THREE) (i) Insulin (ii) Glucagon (iii) Thyroid hormone (iv) Adrenaline (v) Cortisol (vi) Estrogen

(4bii) -Amoeba- (PICK ANY ONE) (i) Food vacuole (ii) Plasma membrane (iii) Contractile vacuole

-Hydra- (PICK ANY ONE) (i) Gastrovascular cavity (ii) Gastrodermis cells (iii) Choanocytes

-Earthworm- (PICK ANY ONE) (i) Nephridia (ii) Flame cells (iii) Chloragogen cells

-Grasshopper- (PICK ANY ONE) (i) Malpighian tubules (ii) Rectum (iii) Hindgut

(4biii) -Mitochondria- (PICK ANY ONE) (i) Produce energy (ATP) (ii) Regulation of cell death (iii) Control of cellular metabolism (iv) Protein synthesis (v) Calcium homeostasis

-Lysosomes- (PICK ANY ONE) (i) Digesting food particles and old organelles (ii) Detoxification and removal of waste products (iii) Regulation of cell death (autolysis) (iv) Defense against pathogens (v) Bone resorption

(5a) Draw the diagram below

(5bi) [In a Tabular form]

-Monocot Plants- (PICK ANY TWO) (i) Single cotyledon in the seed (ii) Parallel leaf veins (iii) Scattered vascular bundles in the stem (iv) Flower parts in multiples of three (v) No secondary growth (no cambium) (vi) Endosperm in the seed

-Dicot Plants- (PICK ANY TWO) (i) Two cotyledons in the seed (ii) Netted leaf veins (iii) Vascular bundles arranged in a ring in the stem (iv) Flower parts in multiples of four or five (v) Secondary growth (presence of cambium) (vi) No endosperm in the seed

(5bii) (PICK ANY FOUR) (i) Comparative Anatomy: Similarities in the structures and organs of different species, indicating common ancestry. (ii) Paleontology (Fossil Record): Remains of extinct organisms provide evidence of evolutionary change over time. (iii) Biogeography: Distribution of species on Earth supports the idea of evolution through diversification and dispersal. (iv) Molecular Biology: Similarities in DNA and protein sequences indicate shared ancestry and evolutionary relationships. (v) Vestigial Structures: Structures that have no apparent function present in an organism that suggest its evolutionary history. (vi) Developmental Biology: Embryological similarities in different species indicate common evolutionary origins. (vii) Genetic Variation: Mutations and recombination provide raw material for natural selection to work with.

(5biii) (i) Hinge Joints (ii) Pivot Joints (iii) Ball-and-Socket Joints

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    2023 NECO Biology Answers Release - See Objective & Essay Questions Here. The Neco biology answers 2022 for objective essay questions is put. The National Examination Council (NECO) Biology SSCE will be written on Tuesday 26th July 2022. The Neco Biology exam will comprise of Papers III & II: Objective & Essay which will commence from 10•00 ...

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  23. Neco 2024 Biology Obj & Essay Question And Answer Now Available

    (1) attention :- please dont come here for free answer…be warned (2) attention:- you are advise to send your subscription details on whatsapp… add us on whatsapp with => 09054348225 biology-obj 01-10: eedddeeaae 11-20: dabbcacebd 21-30: bceccdadad 31-40: ddbebaedbc