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Template for code highlighting with minted in latex beamer.

Syntax highlighting can be achieved in LaTeX via listings or more recently with minted . The latter package uses Pygments to create beautiful code highlighting and includes fantastic additional features such as line numbering.

Minted's compatibility with the Latex beamer class, however, is restricted and some workarounds (as laid out by Tristan Ravitch in his blog post are needed to assure full functionality of both the beamer class and minted.

latex presentation minted

Here's a template I made for anyone who wants to present code with the beamer class and the minted package, like in the image above:

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Create beautiful code listings with minted, learn how to make code listings in latex look very aesthetic using minted package.

  • Getting started with Minted package

Code Highlighting in LaTeX

  • Minted environment options
  • Floating Lists in LaTeX
  • Code highlight styles in LaTeX

It is very common having to write code listings in LaTeX, in order to illustrate a given algorithm., especially with computer science-related manuals. For this purpose, LaTeX offers the environment verbatim that lets you write code listings like this:

Verbatim code LaTeX

which is obtained by the following code:

which are literal and therefore insensible to control sequences, environments, etc. It also has an in-line equivalent \verb , which lets you enclose in any kind of delimiters the text inside.

Opens in a new tab.


In this section, we are going to see quickly how to install minted . Please note If you can load minted package via \usepackage{minted} and compile without any errors, then you should skip to the next section. The main difference between minted and similar packages is that the former makes use of the additional software Pygments , which provides much better syntax highlighting.

minted also requires a series of LaTeX packages to be installed and up to date in your system: keyval, ifthen, kvoptions, calc, fancyvrb, ifplatform, fvextra, pdftexcmds, upquote, etoolbox, float, xstring 2.3, xcolor lineno, framed, shellesc (for luatex 0.87+) .

All of them come with the usual LaTeX distributions, so probably you don’t have to worry about it. Once you have all of this, you can install minted as any other package, from you LaTeX package manager or from CTAN .

Since minted needs to call Pygments, which is an external program, you need to allow the LaTeX processor to do so by passing it the -shell-escape option. So you need to call the processor like this:

latex presentation minted

The same is true for other compilers if you are using them.

This is an example of minted basic usage. We use the minted environment to write some Python code:

Compiling the first code yields the following result:

latex presentation minted

So we see that the use of minted package is straightforward: we only have to start a minted environment and put inside braces the language highlighting we want.

Code listing of a File in LaTeX

Instead of going smaller, we can go bigger, printing and highlighting whole files. For this purpose there is the \inputminted{tex}{filename.tex} command, where you pass the language highlighting and the file you want to input, and this file is written as a block of minted code.

where ex1.tex file contains the following code:

Compiling the previous code, we get the following result:

latex presentation minted

Inline Code listing in LaTeX

To typeset code inline, the command \mintinline{c}|int i| is provided. Again, the delimiters can be changed, according the listed code. Here is an example:

Compiling this code yields:

latex presentation minted

Minted command and environment options

All the above mentioned minted code highlighting commands accept the same set of options, as a comma-separated list of key=value pairs. Here is a list of the most remarkable ones:

  • autogobble (boolean): Automatically remove all common leading whitespace from code. If you don’t like the work done, you can always use gobble (integer) and pass an integer to it, so that the amount of characters passed is deleted from the start of all lines.
  • bgcolor (string): Sets the background color of the listing. The string must be the name of a previously-defined color.
  • codetagify (list of strings): Highlight special code tags in comments and docstrings. The default list of code tags is: XXX, TODO, BUG, and NOTE .
  • curlyquotes (boolean): When your keyboard doesn’t have left and right quotes, the backtick ` and the single quotation mark ‘ are used as left and right quotes in most places (for example, in LaTeX). minted writes them literally by default, but if this option is set to true, they are substituted by the curly left and right quotes.
  • escapeinside (string): This makes minted escape to LaTeX between the two characters specified in the string. All code between the two characters will be interpreted as LaTeX and typeset accordingly. The escape characters need not be identical. This has a few exceptions, however: escaping does not work inside strings and comments (in the later case, you may want to use the texcomments option).
  • fontfamily, fontseries, fontsize, fontshape : These self-descriptive options let you customize the font used inside the minted environment.
  • linenos (boolean): Enables line numbers. It can be accompanied with numberblanklines (boolean), which enables or disables the numbering of blank lines.
  • mathescape (boolean): Enables the usual math mode inside comments.
  • samepage (boolean): Forces the whole listing to appear in the same page, even if it doesn’t fit.
  • showspaces (boolean): Enables visible spaces with a small horizontal line . You can redefine the invisible space character passing a new macro to the option space (macro); by default, the \textvisiblespace macro is passed.
  • stripall (boolean): This option strips all leading and trailing whitespace from the input.
  • tabsize (integer): This is the number of spaces a tab will be converted to, unless obeytabs (boolean) is active, in which case tabs will be preserved. If you are decided to use tabs, similar options for showing tabs and setting the invisible tabs character are available.

In every boolean option, you can omit the =true part, and just write the option name.

Floating listings

In certain situations, or for certain tastes, it is better to treat the code listings as floating objects. For this matter, minted provides the listing environment that you can wrap around any source code block. As it is usual for floating objects, you can provide a \label{} and a \caption{} , and also the usual placement specifiers, check the first example.

As happens with figures and tables, you can create an index of all of the floating listings in the document using \listoflistings . In case you are going to use floating listings and reference them within the text, you may want to change how \LaTeX counts them: you can choose whether the chapter or the section should be used. In order to do that, you have to load the package with the chapter or section option:

Customizing the syntax highlight

If you are reading this you probably like programming, and in that case you almost sure like to customize the color schemes of your code editors, and the appearance of the minted listings shouldn’t be less.

latex presentation minted

And that’s all for the minted package. I’m sure from now on your listings in LaTeX will look very aesthetic, which will make reading your documents even more pleasing.

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Syntax Highlighting in LaTeX with minted

This post serves as an introduction to minted, a pygments-based syntax highlighter for LaTeX. The post provides a few examples of things you can do with minted, details the installation process, and covers some basic security.

CJ Harries

Read more posts by this author.

This post serves as an introduction to minted , a pygments -based syntax highlighter for LaTeX. Adding pygments to LaTeX streamlines so many things. The post provides a few examples of things you can do with minted , details the installation process, and covers some basic security.

TeX Dependencies

-shell-escape, useful features, what's next.

You can view the code related to this post under the post-01-overview tag .

The easiest way to present code in LaTeX is to use the verbatim environment . It's quick, it preserves formatting, and it requires no set up. It's also very bland. Its ease of use comes at the cost of basically all the context clues well-formatted and styled code can provide.

The next step up (or rather many steps up) is the listings package . Out the box, it supports a broad range of languages. It's eminently configurable. You can define new languages yourself, add different keywords, and style to your heart's content. It's very good at being straightforward. Moving beyond its predefined scopes (or easily discoverable internet styles ) is a challenge, though, because parsing and tokenizing code in LaTeX is just about as hard and ridiculous as it sounds.

minted has become a solid competitor . It uses the pygments project to parse and highlight. You've probably seen pygments in action already . It's a beast of an application that can do just about anything you want re: syntax highlighting. minted isn't quite as flexible, but it does have access to most of the pygments features. Recognizable styles, a massive library of lexers, and simple customization through Python make minted , by way of pygments , a veritable utility knife.

% chktex-file 18



This is verbatim:


echo "Hello, world!"


This is vanilla {\ttfamily listings}:


echo "Hello, world!"


This is vanilla {\ttfamily minted}:


echo "Hello, world!"


There's a bit more to the listings vs. minted debate . Essentially it boils down to where you want to customize. Personally, I feel like a general-purpose scripting language used in all areas of tech is a stronger contender than a typesetting system many of my peers have struggled to learn. I don't know, though (and if I'm wrong, I'd love to hear about it). At its core, TeX tokenizes everything. I'm just not sure that it can achieve the same level of regex wizardry that goes into some of the pygments code.

minted requires a few things to get up and running.

You'll need Python to get started. Pygments needs >=2.6 or >=3.3 , depending on your version of Python. You can lazily install both with any trouble. For example, via dnf ,

$ sudo dnf install python{2,3}

Next you'll need pip , a wonderful package manager for Python. It's ridiculously easy to install . Rather than install it globally (i.e. to /usr/bin ), we're going to install it locally via the --user flag.

$ wget; python --user; rm
This should be sufficient
$ wget; python2 --user; rm
This will install for Python 2 explicitly
$ wget; python3 --user; rm
This will install for Python 3 explicitly

However, this doesn't put pip on our path.

$ which pip
/usr/bin/which: no pip in (<path directories>)

The --user flag installed pip to our user site packages . We can check the base directory, which should have the desired bin , via

$ python -m site --user-base

Since we have an easy way to discover the directory, we have an easy way to add it to our .whateverrc :

$ echo 'export PATH="$(python -m site --user-base)/bin:$PATH"' >> .whateverrc

You can also manually add it, which might be a good idea if you're doing other PATH manipulations.

With pip installed, we can quickly install pygments .

$ pip install --user pygments
This should be sufficient
$ pip2 install --user pygments
This will install for Python 2 explicitly
$ pip3 install --user pygments
This will install for Python 3 explicitly

Installing both isn't necessary. As of writing, Pygments is compatible with
both major versions of Python.

minted provides a list of its dependencies . If you've got access to something like tlmgr , it should be pretty easy to update them.

keyval kvoptions fancyvrb fvextra upquote float ifthen calc ifplatform pdftexcmds etoolbox xstring xcolor lineno framed shellesc

If you don't (e.g. modern RHEL derivatives, I think), you'll have to get creative. This is the easiest route:

$ sudo dnf install 'texlive-*'
Install >5779 Packages

Total download size: >2.4 G
Installed size: >3.8 G
Is this ok [y/N]:

If, like me, you're running an SSD on a budget, the easiest isn't very convenient. Maybe you just don't feel like warehousing all of TeX Live to snag 16 dependencies. If you're not going to install everything, you need to figure out what you have to install. dnf / yum makes this somewhat trivial. If you're stuck with dpkg / dpkg-query , the discovery will be much more involved (but also I think you can run tlmgr so there's that).


# Pulled from
# Loop over all the dependencies
for dependency in "${DEPENDENCIES[@]}"; do
# Check dnf for the parent package and trim its output
dnf provides "tex($dependency.sty)" \
| awk -F':' '/^texlive/{ gsub("-[0-9]+$", "", $1); print $1 }'
# Remove duplicates
PACKAGES=($(echo "${PACKAGES[@]}" | tr ' ' '\n' | sort -u))
# Install dependencies
sudo dnf install "${PACKAGES[@]}"

Convoluted dependency resolution aside, minted itself is a breeze to install (like pygments ; we've already done all the hard work).

$ sudo dnf install texlive-minted

Because minted relies on an external application ( pygments ) to highlight, it can't just run in a tiny, neatly contained environment. TeX essentially exposes streams but, by default, access to the operating system is locked down. -shell-escape neatly sidesteps those restrictions, but it doesn't come without risk. Just like anything else, it's probably not a great idea to provide shell access until you understand what's going on. Don't download random things off the internet and execute them blindly. Don't run in superuser mode all the time. You know, basic stuff.

This is what happens when you try to run minted without -shell-escape . Notice at the beginning that external actions are limited ( restricted \write18 enabled ). The document will not compile (even without -halt-on-error ).

$ pdflatex -interaction=nonstopmode -halt-on-error sample.tex
This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.17 (TeX Live 2016) (preloaded format=pdflatex)
restricted \write18 enabled.
entering extended mode
LaTeX2e <2016/03/31>

Package ifplatform Warning:
shell escape is disabled, so I can only detect \ifwindows.


! Package minted Error: You must invoke LaTeX with the -shell-escape flag.

See the minted package documentation for explanation.
Type H <return> for immediate help.


! ==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced!
Transcript written on sample.log.

With -shell-escape , any external action is available ( \write18 enabled ) and the document compiles.

$ pdflatex -interaction=nonstopmode -halt-on-error -shell-escape sample.tex
This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.17 (TeX Live 2016) (preloaded format=pdflatex)
\write18 enabled.
entering extended mode
LaTeX2e <2016/03/31>
Output written on sample.pdf (1 page, 48380 bytes).
Transcript written on sample.log.

Chances are you're not actually building from the CLI every time. You've probably got an editor with some build commands stored. Don't add -shell-escape to all of your build profiles. It's a pain to toggle custom builds off and on, but having to rebuild your system after an attack is worse. Look for something like User Builds, Custom Commands, or the like.

For example, in TeXstudio , you can add custom builds via Configure TeXstudio > Builds > User Commands. In Texmaker , the same menu is available via User > User Commands > Edit User Commands.

Similarly, in Sublime via the LaTeXTools package , you can add custom builds to your project file (or anywhere else, for that matter).

"path": "."
"name": "Escalated pdflatex",
"target": "make_pdf",
"selector": "text.tex.latex",
"builder": "script",
"script_commands": [

You've already seen how simple it is to add code to a tex file. minted also makes it easy to include external source code without worrying about getting it to play well with your editor. The \inputminted macro lets you load any file while specifying the lexer.





The default style is one of many available to minted . You can check the styles available on your system via

$ pygmentize -L styles
Pygments version 2.2.0, (c) 2006-2017 by Georg Brandl.

* default:
The default style (inspired by Emacs 22).
* emacs:
The default style (inspired by Emacs 22).
* friendly:
A modern style based on the VIM pyte theme.
* colorful:
A colorful style, inspired by CodeRay.
* autumn:
A colorful style, inspired by the terminal highlighting style.
* murphy:
Murphy's style from CodeRay.
* manni:
A colorful style, inspired by the terminal highlighting style.
* monokai:
This style mimics the Monokai color scheme.
* perldoc:
Style similar to the style used in the perldoc code blocks.
* pastie:
Style similar to the pastie default style.
* borland:
Style similar to the style used in the borland IDEs.
* trac:
Port of the default trac highlighter design.
* native:
Pygments version of the "native" vim theme.
* fruity:
Pygments version of the "native" vim theme.
* bw:

* vim:
Styles somewhat like vim 7.0
* vs:

* tango:
The Crunchy default Style inspired from the color palette from the Tango Icon Theme Guidelines.
* rrt:
Minimalistic "rrt" theme, based on Zap and Emacs defaults.
* xcode:
Style similar to the Xcode default colouring theme.
* igor:
Pygments version of the official colors for Igor Pro procedures.
* paraiso-light:

* paraiso-dark:

* lovelace:
The style used in Lovelace interactive learning environment. Tries to avoid the "angry fruit salad" effect with desaturated and dim colours.
* algol:

* algol_nu:

* arduino:
The Arduino® language style. This style is designed to highlight the Arduino source code, so exepect the best results with it.
* rainbow_dash:
A bright and colorful syntax highlighting theme.
* abap:

You can preview any of the styles by visiting the pygments demo and trying out a highlighter. Once pygments has parsed the code, you'll be able to change the style at whim.

The default styles alone add a tremendous amount of utility to minted . There are many other settings that may be tweaked . Sharing style changes is an easy way to underscore minted 's versatility.

% chktex-file 18




This is the {\ttfamily monokai} style.


echo "Hello, world!"


This is the {\ttfamily colorful} style.


echo "Hello, world!"


This is the {\ttfamily friendly} style.


echo "Hello, world!"


If you want to use the same style throughout your document, minted makes that simple too. The \newminted macro defines a configuration for a specific language, e.g. python . It can then be used as an environment in place of minted by appending code to the end, e.g. pythoncode .

% chktex-file 16
% chktex-file 18
% chktex-file 36






echo "Hello, world!"

echo "Hello, world!"

FOO=($(find . -type f))
# Nothing's perfect
echo "${FOO[@]}"


You can use the same logic with \inputminted via \newmintedfile . Rather than defining a new environment, \newmintedfile creates a new macro. It has an optional name parameter to make things easier (otherwise the macro is called \<language>file ).







Sometime very soon I hope to look explore minted in combination with some other tools to build on its features. I've got some examples in use right now but I need to break them out and annotate them.

Source Code Highlighting with Minted in LaTeX

The minted package provides automatic syntax highlighting for source code listings. It uses the excellent pygments highlighter, which provides very high quality highlighting for a wide range of languages.

This example also shows how you can use minted to typeset LaTeX math embedded in your source code.

Source Code Highlighting with Minted in LaTeX

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Minted in beamer

This snippet

batch lines in a minted environment

works fine in an article document but leads to an error in an frame environment in a beamer document.

Poor Standard's user avatar

  • Please do not post code fragments, always make a complete minimal reproducible example , starting with a class until \end{document} – Commented Jun 21, 2022 at 8:02

Ok: just add the [containsverbatim] option to the frame environment.

Thanks to : LaTex, issue with Beamer and Listings

  • 5 I'd prefer the [fragile] frame option. That's more commonly used and therefore better tested. – Commented Jun 21, 2022 at 8:02

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latex presentation minted

Keine Suchergebnisse

  • Code Highlighting with minted
  • 1 Introduction
  • 2 Basic usage
  • 3 Including code from a file
  • 4 One-line code
  • 5 Custom lexers
  • 6 Colours and stylesheets
  • 7 Captions, labels and the list of listings
  • 8 Reference guide
  • 9 Further reading


This article shows how to use the minted package to format and highlight programming language source code within a L a T e X document, starting with an example:

 Open this example in Overleaf

This example produces the following output:

Example displaying the output of the minted package

There are two important commands here. In the preamble the package is imported by writing

then the tags \begin{minted}{python} and \end{minted} delimit an environment that print the text verbatim in monospaced fonts and also apply colour to comments, keywords and functions. The parameter python is the programming language the source code is written in. minted supports over 150 programming and markup languages as well as configuration files, see the reference guide for a list of supported languages.

Note : For minted to work with your local LaTeX distribution, an additional program called Pygments must be installed. Overleaf can save you the trouble of installing it and having to run special commands to compile your document—on Overleaf, documents that use minted will work "out of the box".

Basic usage

As demonstrated in the following example, the minted environment can be configured to modify visual presentation of the typeset code. Here, the minted environment uses several comma-separated parameters of the form key=value :

Example applying formatting to typeset code produced by the minted package

The parameters used in this example are:

  • frame=lines : draws two lines, one on top and one at the bottom of the code to frame it. Other possible values are leftline , topline , bottomline and single .
  • framesep=2mm : the frame separation is set to 2mm. Other length units can be used.
  • baselinestretch=1.2 : the line spacing of the code set to 1.2.
  • bgcolor=LightGray : background colour set to LightGray . You need to import the xcolor package for this to work. See Using colours in LaTeX to learn more about colour manipulation.
  • fontsize=\footnotesize : font size set to footnotesize . Any other font size can be set.
  • linenos : enables line numbers.

Other options that may be useful are:

  • mathescape : enables math mode in code comments.
  • rulecolor : changes the colour of the frame.
  • showspaces : enables a special character to make spaces visible.

Including code from a file

Code is usually stored in a source file, therefore a command which automatically imports code from a file is very convenient, as demonstrated in the following example:

Using minted to import a code file

The command \inputminted{octave}{BitXorMatrix.m} imports the code from the file BitXorMatrix.m , the parameter octave tells L a T e X the programming language of the code. This command can take two extra parameters to import only part of the file; for instance, to import code from the line 2 to the line 12, the command becomes:

One-line code

If you need to input only a line of code, the command \mint , whose syntax is presented in the next example, will do the trick.

One line code example with minted

The parameter between braces sets the programming language ( html markup language in this case) with the actual text to be formatted being delimited by the '|' character.

Custom lexers

(Please note that due to changes in minted since 2023, the following approach will only work in TeX Live 2022 or earlier .)

By default, minted supports only languages with lexers that are already installed or registered with pygmentize . If you have written a custom lexer, or want to use a lexer for a language that's not yet been installed on Overleaf, you can still use it in your own Overleaf project using the approach mentioned here .

Suppose you have defined a lexer in the file , containing the class NetLogoLexer for the NetLogo language. Upload to your Overleaf project, and then specify as the "language name" when using minted . For example:

Here's another example for the ImageJ Macro language.

Colours and stylesheets

The colour schemes used for code highlighting are saved in stylesheets. You can create your own or use one already available in your L a T e X distribution. See the reference guide for a list of stylesheets included in Overleaf .

Using the borland stylesheet produces the following output:

Output of the minted package using the borland stylesheet

The syntax to set a colouring style is easy, the command \usemintedstyle{borland} uses the colour theme borland to format the source code. You can find more colour schemes in the reference guide .

Captions, labels and the list of listings

Code listings formatted with minted can be included in a float element, just like figures and tables . Captions and labels can be assigned to code listings, and then later be referenced and included in a "List of listings".

The first page of this example contains the following output:

Example listing code fragments

To print the list with all "listing" elements use \listoflistings . In the example above, the default title List of listings is changed to List of source codes by writing

The second page produced by the example above contains the following listing:

An example of listing source codes

Reference guide

Colour styles for minted

name output name output
manni fruity
rrt autumn
perldoc bw
borland emacs
colorful vim
murphy pastie
vs friendly
trac native
tango monokai

Some colour schemes need a dark background to be readable.

Main supported programming languages and configuration files

cucumber abap ada ahk
antlr apacheconf applescript as
aspectj autoit asy awk
basemake bash bat bbcode
befunge bmax boo brainfuck
bro bugs c ceylon
cfm cfs cheetah clj
cmake cobol cl console
control coq cpp croc
csharp css cuda cyx
d dg diff django
dpatch duel dylan ec
erb evoque fan fancy
fortran gas genshi glsl
gnuplot go gosu groovy
gst haml haskell hxml
html http hx idl
irc ini java jade
js json jsp kconfig
koka lasso livescrit llvm
logos lua mako mason
matlab minid monkey moon
mxml myghty mysql nasm
newlisp newspeak numpy ocaml
octave ooc perl php
plpgsql postgresql postscript pot
prolog psql puppet python
qml ragel raw ruby
rhtml sass scheme smalltalk
sql ssp tcl tea
tex text vala vgl
vim xml xquery yaml

Further reading

For more information see:

  • Lengths in LaTeX
  • Code listing
  • Using colours in LaTeX
  • Font sizes, families, and styles
  • Font typefaces
  • Management in a large project
  • Multi-file LaTeX projects
  • Table of contents
  • Single sided and double sided documents
  • The minted package documentation
  • Documentation Home
  • Learn LaTeX in 30 minutes

Overleaf guides

  • Creating a document in Overleaf
  • Uploading a project
  • Copying a project
  • Creating a project from a template
  • Using the Overleaf project menu
  • Including images in Overleaf
  • Exporting your work from Overleaf
  • Working offline in Overleaf
  • Using Track Changes in Overleaf
  • Using bibliographies in Overleaf
  • Sharing your work with others
  • Using the History feature
  • Debugging Compilation timeout errors
  • How-to guides
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Wu Sun, Ph.D.

Use minted syntax highlighting in LaTeX with Visual Studio Code LaTeX Workshop

Created on Thu, Jan 17, 2019 Updated on Sat, Feb 9, 2019

Syntax highlighting in LaTeX is traditionally done with listings . However, as many pointed out, this is a defective solution because the listings package does not have a lexer. Recently, the minted package seems to emerge as a standard and preferred solution to syntax highlighting in LaTeX. This package is now part of the TeXLive distribution.

minted requires Pygments as an external lexer and highlighter. As a result, to use it properly requires enabling --shell-escape option on LaTeX compilers ( latexmk and pdflatex ). Otherwise, it cannot find the pygmentize command. This is a trivial problem if you use LaTeX compilers as standalone programs under a terminal environment. However, if you use an IDE to write LaTeX, this can be quite a hassle. I found a way to configure the VSCode extension LaTeX Workshop so that it can properly compile sources that use the minted package, from a TeX StackExchange post .

Add the following to the VSCode user settings:

This works for VSCode 1.30.2 and LaTeX-Workshop 5.20.1.

Beamer example of syntax highlighting using minted

Wu Sun, Ph.D.

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Allowing page breaks in minted.

Post by kcg » Mon Nov 23, 2020 7:18 pm

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Post by Bartman » Mon Nov 23, 2020 8:33 pm

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Budget 2024 highlights: New employment-linked incentives for employees; ₹1.48 lakh crore allocation for education, employment, skill

The budget for education scheme for madrasas and minorities has gone down from ₹10 crore to ₹2 crore; standard deduction for salaried taxpayers hiked to ₹75,000 from ₹50,000.

Updated - July 23, 2024 09:10 pm IST

Published - July 23, 2024 07:26 am IST

Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman addressing the post-Budget press conference at National Media Center.

Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman addressing the post-Budget press conference at National Media Center. | Photo Credit: Sushil Kumar Verma

Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman presented her seventh straight Budget on July 23 for the fiscal 2024-25, surpassing the record of former Prime Minister Morarji Desai. This the first Budget by the BJP-led NDA government since it was re-elected in June. Read the Budget highlights here.

What are the most significant announcements?

Presenting the Budget, Ms. Sitharaman said the standard deduction for salaried employees will be hiked to ₹75,000, from ₹50,000 under the new income tax regime in FY25. The Union Budget 2024-25 identified nine priorities for generating ample opportunities — Productivity and Resilience in Agriculture, Employment and Skilling, Inclusive Human Resource Development and Social Justice, Manufacturing and Service, Urban Development, Energy Security, Infrastructure, Innovation, Research and Development and Next Generation Reforms.

Also read | Budget 2024: Mobile phones, gold and silver jewellery to get cheaper

India-funded projects in the neighbourhood received the bulk of the allocation for the Ministry of External Affairs under the Union Budget. Nepal secured an allocation of ₹700 crore, which is a jump of ₹150 crore from previous year’s allocation of ₹550 crore. Sri Lanka, which has a number of India-funded projects, has received ₹245 crore, an improvement of ₹95 crore over last year’s funding of ₹150 crore. 

Also read | Budget in Focus: The Hindu’s series on pre-Budget expectations

Benchmark Sensex and Nifty settled marginally lower in volatile trade on July 23 as the government proposed to hike securities transaction tax on futures & options in the Budget for 2024-25. Recovering most of its intra-day losses of over 1,200 points, the 30-share BSE Sensex settled lower by 73.04 points or 0.09% 80,429.04.

Key Updates

  • Budget 2024: Understanding the allocation for Southern States
  • Defence budget pegged at ₹6.21 lakh crore for 2024-25
  • In charts: Key takeaways from Union Budget 2024-25
  • Budget 2024 highlights
  • Catch the latest political and industry reactions on Union Budget 2024-25
  • Union Budget 2024-25: What is cheaper, what is costlier?
  • Stock markets give a thumbs down to Budget
  • Revisions in new tax regime
  • What does the Union Budget say on personal Income Tax?

Allocation for Space projects - Union Budget 2024-25

A Flourish data visualization by Graphics Team 2

Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman allocated about ₹ 1.50 lakh crore to the agriculture sector. Almost all major schemes for farmers see an increase in allocation compared to previous budgets.

However, the fertilisers subsidy is down by about ₹1 lakh crore when compared to the actual expenditure in 2022-23. To address the price rise, the Finance Ministry has also provided ₹10,000 crore to the price stabilisation fund. In the last budget, the allocation was just ₹10 lakh.

Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman’s Budget speech has for the first time signalled that polluting industries, such as iron, steel, and aluminium will have to conform to emission targets.

“A roadmap for moving the ‘hard to abate’ industries from ‘energy efficiency’ targets to ‘emission targets’ will be formulated. Appropriate regulations for transition of these industries from the current ‘Perform, Achieve, and Trade’ mode to ‘Indian Carbon Market’ mode will be put in place,” Ms. Sitharaman said in her address.

For deepening tax base the Finance Minister has proposed to increase Securities Transaction Tax on Futures and Options contracts to 0.2% and 0.1%, respectively. This was expected to curb volatility in the market for which everyone including SEBI was concerned. 

Also now income received on buyback of shares will be taxed in the hands of the recipient. As per the budget proposals now unlisted bonds and debentures, debt mutual funds and market-linked debentures will attract tax on capital gains irrespective of holding period.

Budget 2024: Allocation for MGNREGS scheme lower than last year’s actual expenditure, despite BJP’s poll losses in rural India

Union Budget 2024: Despite BJP’s significant losses in rural seats, Budget did not contain any shift for the rural jobs scheme - Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act scheme (MGNREGS).

Union Budget 2024 - Rupee goes to

To address the housing needs of urban poor and middle class families, the Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman has announced an investment of ₹10 lakh crore under the PM Awas Yojana-Urban 2.0, including the Central assistance of ₹2.2 lakh crore in the next five years.

While tabling the Union Budget 2024-25, the Finance Minister said that under the PM Awas Yojana Urban 2.0, housing needs of 1 crore urban poor and middle-class families will be addressed with an investment of ₹10 lakh crore. This will include the Central assistance of ₹2.2 lakh crore in the next five years.

The Department of Space received an 18% hike over its expenses in 2023-2024 in the 2024-2025 Union Budget presented by Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on Tuesday. The bulk of the hike goes towards the development of space technologies. The allocation increased marginally for space applications, decreased for space sciences, and almost halved for INSAT satellite systems over the budgeted amount in 2023-2024. 

Since successfully concluding the Chandrayaan-3 mission in August 2023, the future road map of the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has expanded to include a new ‘next generation’ launch vehicle, more ambitious missions to the moon, and an Indian space station. ISRO is also working on its ambitious human spaceflight programme, Gaganyaan. 

The Union government has continued its emphasis on tackling non-communicable diseases, and allocating funds for research in the healthcare sector, with Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on July 23 announcing customs duty exemptions on three cancer treatment drugs — Trastuzumab Deruxtecan, Osimertinib, and Durvalumab.

“To provide relief to cancer patients, I propose to fully exempt three more medicines from customs duties. I also propose changes in the BCD (basic customs duty) on X-ray tubes and flat panel detectors for use in medical X-ray machines under the phased manufacturing programme,” the Finance Minister said.

Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman proposed legislative support to provide financing for leasing aircraft and ships in India in a bid to protect airlines from foreign exchange risks.

“We will seek the required legislative approval for providing an efficient and flexible mode for financing leasing of aircrafts and ships,” the Minister said in her Budget speech on July 23. She said legislative backing for “pooled funds of private equity through a variable company structure” would also be explored. 

Union Budget 2024-25: Major expenditures

Railways has been allocated ₹2.62 lakh crore in the Budget 2024-25, which Union Minister for Railways Ashwini Vaishnaw has termed as ‘historic’ and highest ever allocation.

Mr. Vaishnaw said that even as the Kavach roll out has been low (merely 2.14% of the entire railway network), after the approvals for Kavach 4.0 work on deployment of Kavach will be rapid. He also focused on creation of up to 40,000 new railway jobs.

“Recruitments are in progress, railways focus will be on new projects, connectivity with Kashmir and capitals of Northeastern States,” Mr. Vaishnaw said.

The Budget for Ministry of Minority Affairs saw a menial hike of 2.7% but the coaching and allied schemes for minorities was slashed from the allocated ₹30 crore to ₹10 crore this year.

The interest subsidy on educational loans for overseas education for minorities was also reduced. The budget for education scheme for Madrasas and Minorities has gone down from ₹10 crore to ₹2 crore in the budget of 2024-25.

The government has proposed the allocation of ₹1.28 lakh crore for telecom projects and public sector firms under the Telecom Ministry with a majority of funds earmarked for State-owned BSNL.

Of the total proposed allocation, over ₹1 lakh crore is meant for BSNL and MTNL-related expenses, including ₹82,916 crore infusion in BSNL for technology upgradation and restructuring at BSNL.

“The total net allocation for this demand in BE (Budget Estimate) 2024-25 is ₹1,28,915.43 crore (₹1,11,915.43 crore plus ₹17,000 crore). The additional provision of ₹17,000 crore is met from the balances available under Universal Service Obligation Fund and will be utilised for schemes viz., Compensation to Telecom Service Providers, Bharatnet and Research and Development,” the Budget document said.

Kerala’s much-anticipated and decades-long dream of having an All India Institutes of Medical Sciences (AIIMS)-like institution on its soil was dashed yet again when the proposal found no mention in the Union Budget 2024-25 presented by Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on July 23.

Unlike in the previous years, the anticipation this year that the project might finally come through was intense, particularly because of the presence of two Union Ministers of State from Kerala at the Centre, one of whom is the BJP’s first-ever elected MP from the State.

West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on July 23 dubbed the Union Budget 2024-25 as “politically biased and anti-poor” and slammed the Centre for “depriving” the State. The Chief Minister wondered what wrong West Bengal committed that it had been “deprived” by the Centre.

“Bengal has been completely deprived in this Union budget. This doesn’t look into the interest of the poor. The Budget is politically biased. This is directionless and has no vision. It is only to serve a political mission,” she told reporters on the State Assembly premises.

Khelo India, which is the government’s flagship project to promote sports at the grassroots level, was once again the biggest beneficiary in the union budget for the sports ministry as it was assigned ₹900 crore from the overall allocation of ₹3,442.32 crore on July 23.

Khelo India’s share, announced in the budget presented by Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman in New Delhi, is ₹20 crore more than the revised allocation of ₹880 crore during the previous financial year.

Read details here

The Budget 2024-24 on July 23 allocated ₹1,309.46 crore for census, a significant reduction from 2021-22 when ₹3,768 crore was allocated for the decadal exercise, an indication that it may not be carried out even after a significant delay.

A meeting of the Union cabinet on December 24, 2019 had approved the proposal for conducting census of India 2021 at a cost of ₹8,754.23 crore and updating the National Population Register (NPR) at a cost of ₹3,941.35 crore.

Read the full story here

Budget 2024-25: Taxes

Union Budget 2024-25: Here is a collection of all stories from The Hindu relating to the changes in direct taxes and custom duties.

On Rahul Gandhi’s allegation that that generosity shown towards States like Bihar and Andhra Pradesh is a way to save ‘ kursi ’, FM Nirmala Sitharaman said that the INDIA alliance members couldn’t cross 230 votes but BJP alone reached 240 votes, and with the pre-election alliance, could form the government for the third term. 

“PM Modi is leading free India for the third time. Something that has not happened in the last 60 years has happened now. Party’s that are talking about saving his ‘ kursi ’ should maybe think. Their alliance of almost 37 party’s could not make even 230 (seats) and they are saying that he is doing it to save his ‘ kursi ’. When Mr. Modi became PM for the third time and has been ‘announcing’ to the world about India, putting us at the forefront of the world, helping in development. This time in the Budget, we have allotted ₹1.50 lakh crore for States without any interest for the next 50 years for free. Finance commission did not mention this at all, but we are,” she said.

On TMC’s allegation that the Union Budget reflects the political bankruptcy of Modi Government, FM Sitharaman said if the name of the State is not mentioned in the Budget it doesn’t mean they don’t get anything at all. “As per the proposals, schemes, different projects in different States, every State will get what they have proposed for,” she said.

In a social media post, TMC dismissed the term ‘Union Budget 2024’, renaming it as the ‘Andhra-Bihar Budget’. TMC national general secretary Abhishek Banerjee told reporters in New Delhi that “the net result is zero because Bengal has been constantly tortured and deprived.” “You have seen how Bengal has been consistently deprived by this BJP Government. Has there been a positive outcome of 12 BJP MPs elected from Bengal?,” Ms. Banerjee said outside the Parliament complex.

Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar said the “special help” announced in the Union Budget addressed the State’s concerns, which had previously led to demands for special category status.

Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman skipped any mention of MNREGA, which is one of the biggest rural employment schemes. The allocated budget once again, falls short of the actual expenditure on the scheme in the last financial year. In 2024-25 FY, government has allocated ₹86,000 crore, while in 2023-24, the expenditure including the pending dues to the States, as per the Rural Development Ministry’s website was ₹1.2 lakh crore.

In a first, Home Ministry sets aside a budget of ₹56 crore to establish Bharatiya Bhasha Anubhag for development of a platform to facilitate the translation of various languages into Hindi and vice-versa. Around ₹88 crore allocated for holistic development of Islands in Union Territories. ₹700 crore has been set aside for the first time for Modernisation of Forensic Capacity, which is a crucial element of the newly implemented criminal laws. The budget for rehabilitation and Relief for migrants, which includes Sri Lankan refugees and Tibetans has been slashed. SPG which only protects the Prime Minister has seen an increase of ₹73 crore in budget allocation.

Over ₹200 crore have been earmarked for expenditure on “examination and selection” of the civil servants by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) in the 2024-25 Budget announced.

The Commission conducts the civil services examination annually in three stages -- preliminary, main and interview -- to select officers of Indian Administrative Service (IAS), Indian Foreign Service (IFS) and Indian Police Service (IPS), among others.

The UPSC has been given ₹425.71 crore for the ongoing fiscal in the Budget presented by Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman.

The 2024-25 Union Budget has allocated ₹1,248.91 for expenses incurred by the Council of Ministers, the Cabinet Secretariat and the Prime Minister’s Office, and for hospitality and entertainment of State guests.

The allocated amount is substantially lower than the ₹1,803.01 crore earmarked in 2023-24. A total of ₹828.36 crore has been given for the expenses of the Council of Ministers. It was ₹1,289.28 crore in 2023-24.

The allocation for defence in the Union Budget was ₹6.2 lakh crore for 2024-25, the same as the allocation in the interim budget presented in February and is just a marginal increase from last year. “The capital outlay of ₹1,72,000 crore will further strengthen the capabilities of armed forces. Earmarking of ₹1,05,518.43 crore for domestic capital procurement will provide further impetus to Atmanibharta ,” Defence Minister Rajnath Singh said on social media.

Benchmark Sensex and Nifty settled marginally lower in volatile trade as the government proposed to hike securities transaction tax on futures & options in the Budget for 2024-25.

Recovering most of its intra-day losses of over 1,200 points, the 30-share BSE Sensex settled lower by 73.04 points or 0.09% 80,429.04.

The index gyrated between highs and lows during the day as Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman announced Budget proposals for 2024-25.

The barometer tanked 1,277.76 points or 1.58% to hit a low of 79,224.32 as the Minister announced a hike in STT on F&O trade and an increase in long-term capital gains tax on equities. However, tax exemptions and customs duty cuts helped boost consumer durables and FMCG shares, aiding stocks to recover from the day’s lows.

When asked whether the Budget has specified anything about Railways, Dr. T.V. Somanathan said, “The expenditure budget for railways for the coming year is ₹2,55,393 crore, which is the highest ever and is a very substantial increase in recent years.”

After Union Finance Nirmala Sitharaman proposed new tax structures for charities, foreign shipping companies, rationalisation of capital gains, she said the tax has been brought down because the govt wants more investments. She also reduced corporate tax on foreign companies from 40 to 35%.

After FM Sitharaman announced the review of the Income Tax Act, she said the govt is working towards a simpler taxing regime and she can’t say right now if the old tax regime will be removed. “Working towards the goal of a simpler taxing regime, we came up with the new tax regime. We need to review about the sunset of the old tax regime and come to a decision,” she said.

FM Sitharaman clarified that ₹15,000 crore for Andhra Pradesh is coming through the multi-lateral development assistance which we borrow from the multi-lateral banks. She added that further assistance will also be extended, however, there is no definitive amount.

The angel tax was introduced under the UPA Government in 2012, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman said. “Money laundering issue was being tackled through a tax measure... there is also PMLA act which will tackle the issue,” Revenue secretary Sanjay Malhotra said stressing that angel tax is not required to keep money laundering in check.

India’s tax net will have to be widened, whether it is direct taxation or indirect. There are also now PSU divisions which have been improving because the valuations have gone up and their performance has also substantially increased, the Finance Minister said addressing the press conference. 

She added that revenue mobilisation is not just tax-based, non-tax revenue mobilisations are also coming up. She stressed on asset monetisation -- optimum utilisation of those assets which are lying in the form of unutilised stadiums or lands with PSUs which can be used for better purposes. She added that govt is also looking at generating resources from newer areas and as a result, the revenue forgone will be made up for.

Budget 2024 key takeaways in charts

Union Budget 2024: Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman presented her seventh consecutive Union Budget for FY 2024-25. Here are some key takeaways

In her seventh budget presentation , Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman announced allocating ₹11,11,111 crore towards capital expenditure. This would account for 3.4% of the GDP. Enumerating it as among the policy prerogatives towards investment in infrastructure by central government, she told the house that the significant investments made in previous years have triggered a multiplier effect. 

Read the article here

For every rupee in the government coffer, the biggest pie of 63 paise will come from direct and indirect taxes, according to the Union Budget 2024-25 documents. The remaining 27 paise will come from borrowings and other liabilities, 9 paise from non-tax revenue like disinvestment, and 1 paise from non-debt capital receipts, the Budget documents said. In all, 36 paise will come from direct taxes, including corporate and individual income tax. Income tax will yield 19 paise, while corporate tax will account for 17 paise, it said. 

Among indirect taxes, goods and services tax (GST) will contribute the maximum 18 paise in every rupee of revenue. Besides, the government is looking to earn 5 paise out of every rupee from excise duty and 4 paise from customs levy. The collection from “borrowings and other liabilities” will be 27 paise per rupee, as per the Union Budget 2024-25 presented in Parliament by Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman. The Budget documents provide a fractional break-up for ₹1 that comes in and gets spent. 

On the expenditure side, the outlay for interest payments and States’ share of taxes and duties, respectively, stood at 19 paise and 21 paise for every rupee. Allocation for defence stands at 8 paise per rupee. Expenditure on central sector schemes will be 16 paise out of every rupee, while the allocation for centrally-sponsored schemes is 8 paise. The expenditure on ‘Finance Commission and other transfers’ is pegged at 9 paise. Subsidies and pension will account for 6 paise and 4 paise, respectively. The government will spend 9 paise out of every rupee on ‘other expenditures’. 

Staffs carry the Budget copies after they arrive at the Parliament House for the Union Budget 2024-25 during the Monsoon Session, in New Delhi on July 23, 2024.

Shares of telecom infrastructure companies on July 23 declined more than 4% after Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman said the government will increase the basic customs duty on specified telecom equipment from 10% to 15%.

On the BSE, shares of HFCL tumbled 4.60% to ₹112.10 apiece, Vodafone Idea plunged 4.15% to ₹15.23, Tejas Networks slumped 2.69% to ₹1,278.95, and ITI declined 2.58% to ₹295.10.

The scrip of Bharti Airtel fell 1.50% to trade at ₹1,442.70 per piece, ADC India Communications slipped 2.14% to ₹1,771.95, and Tata Communications dipped 0.97% to trade at ₹1,768.95 on the bourse.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi reacts during the presentation of Union Budget 2024-25 by Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman in Lok Sabha on July 23, 2024.

In the last 10 years, the NDA Government has ensured that the poor and the middle class continue to get tax relief. In this Budget also, a big decision has been taken to reduce income tax and increase standard deduction. TDS rules have also been simplified. These steps will result in additional savings for every taxpayer, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said.

This Budget will give a new scale to education and skill. This is a Budget that will give new strength to the middle class. It has come up with strong plans to empower the tribal society, Dalits and backward classes. It will help in ensuring the economic participation of women, Mr. Modi said.

This Budget will provide a new path of progress for small traders and MSMES. There is a lot of focus on manufacturing and infrastructure in the Budget. This will give new impetus to economic development, the Prime Minister said.

This Budget puts emphasis on manufacturing as well as infrastructure; will speed up growth, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said after Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman presented the Union Budget 2024-25 in the Lok Sabha on July 23. He cited Budget’s stress on youth and said its measures will open many new opportunities for youngsters.

Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on July 23 announced to fully exempt 25 critical minerals from custom duties, and reduce basic custom duties (BCD) on two of them. “This will provide a major fillip to the processing and refining of such minerals and help secure their availability for these strategic and important sectors,” Ms. Sitharaman said.

Union Budget 2024 highlights: From income tax changes to focus on employment, here are some key takeaways

Union Budget 2024 Highlights: Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman announces Budget 2024 focusing on employment, skilling, MSMEs, and women-led development with various initiatives.

Simplifying the tax regime for corporate industries, Union Finance Nirmala Sitharaman on Tuesday, proposed new tax structures for charities, foreign shipping companies, rationalisation of capital gains in her 2024 Budget speech . She also reduced corporate tax on foreign companies from 40 to 35%. Ms. Sitharaman’s speech lasted just shy of ninety minutes

“58% of corporate tax came from the simplified tax regime in 2022-23 and more than 2/3rd of taxpayers have used the new personal tax regime last year,” announced Ms. Sitharaman.

Budget 2024 | What measures were announced for women?

We summarise the various schemes announced for girls and women as part of the Union Budget 2024-25

Click here to read all the political and industry reactions

Budget 2024: What is cheaper, what is costlier in FY25

Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman proposes customs duty cuts in 2024 Union Budget to boost domestic manufacturing and exports.

Seeking to attract more funds into the country, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on July 23 said rules for Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) will be simplified. Presenting the Union Budget 2024-25 , the Minister said the government will bring out a five-year vision document for meeting financial needs of the economy.

2024 Union Budget: Nirmala Sitharaman says changes will be made to IBC to strengthen tribunals

Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman announces changes to IBC, strengthening tribunals, and proposing digital infrastructure for productivity and innovation.

Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman proposed a reduction in basic customs duty on gold and silver to 6% and platinum to 6.4%. In her budget speech in Lok Sabha, she also proposed reduction of basic customs duty on mobile phones, mobile charger to 15%.

The Congress on said Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman has taken a leaf out of its 2024 Lok Sabha polls manifesto by announcing an internship programme but “in their trademark style”, the scheme has been designed to “grab headlines with arbitrary targets” rather than a programmatic guarantee.

Read Congress’s reaction here

In an episode of Budget Focus series from The Hindu , we discussed the Budget projections for the Indian Railways. However, there is no mention of the Railways in the Union Budget 2024-25.

Tune in to the podcast here

Budget 2024 | Land reform measures to be undertaken consulting States, says Finance Minister in Budget speech

In the Union Budget 2024-25, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman announced certain measures calculated to improve land and other factors of production

The Finance Minister introduced the Finance Bill in the Lok Sabha. The Budget Session has been adjourned till July 24, 11 a.m.

Stock markets turned highly volatile amid the Union Budget presentation. Sensex tanked 1,266.17 points to 79,235.91 after FM hikes STT on F&O; Nifty tumbles 435.05 points to 24,074.20.

​​ Read the whole story here ​​

In the new tax regime, the tax rate structure is to be revised, the FM announced. For zero to ₹3 lakh - tax rate is zero. For ₹3 lakh to ₹7 lakh - 5%; For ₹7 lakh to ₹10 lakh - 10%; ₹10 lakh to ₹12 lakh - 15%; For ₹12 lakh to ₹15 lakh - 20%; For ₹15 lakh and higher - 30%. With this, a salaried employee stands to save upto ₹17,500 a year in income tax, the FM said.

The government announced the withdrawal of the 2% equalisation levy. Presenting the Budget for 2024-25 in the Lok Sabha, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman said the standard deduction for salaried employees will be hiked to ₹75,000, from ₹50,000 under new income tax regime in FY25. The government raised the deduction limit to 14% from 10% for employers’ contribution for the National Pension System (NPS). 

For those opting for the new tax regime, the standard deduction for salaried employees to be increased from ₹50,000 to ₹75,000. Similarly, deduction for family pension for pensioners to be enhanced from ₹15,000 to ₹25,000. This will provide relief to about 4 crore salaried and pensioner individuals, the FM said. 

Read in detail here

Other major proposals in the Finance Bill relate to withdrawal of an equalisation levy of 2%, expansion of tax benefits to certain funds and entities in the IFSC, and changes to the Benami Transaction Act enforcement.

Securities Transaction Tax on Futures and Options contracts is to be increased to 0.2% and 0.1%, respectively, the FM said. Income received on buyback of shares to be taxed in the hands of the recipient. Tax deduction on NPS contributions to be raised from 10% of salary to 14% of salary. This will cover government employees as well as private companies in the NPS.

The FM said that capital gains taxation is proposed to be hugely simplified. Short-term gains on some financial assets will now attract 20%, while those on all other assets will continue to attract the current rates. “For benefiting lower and middle income classes, I propose to increase the limit of exemption on some financial instruments for capital gains to ₹1.25 lakh a year. Unlisted bonds and debentures, debt mutual funds and market-linked debentures, will attract tax on capital gains irrespective of holding period,” she said.

The TDS rate on e-commerce operators is to be reduced from 1% to 0.1%. I propose to decriminalise delays in payments of TDS upto their filing due date. Simplification of reassessment and reopening of returns. From now, this can be done after three years only if the income involved is ₹50 lakh or more, with a time limit of six years, the FM said. 

The government announced that it will undertake a comprehensive review of the Income Tax Act to make it easy to read. Presenting the Union Budget for 2024-25, Ms. Sitharaman also said the government will come out with SoP (standard operating procedure) for TDS defaults and simplify and rationalise compounding of such offences.

She added that two tax exemption regimes for charitable trusts will be merged into one. Also, 58% of corporate tax have come from simplified tax regime in FY23. More than two-thirds of individuals availed of the new income tax regime, Ms. Sitharaman said in the Lok Sabha. The FM further announced that DPI apps will be developed for credit, e-commerce, education, health, law, MSME service delivery, and urban governance.

To bolster the Indian startup ecosystem, I propose to abolish the so-called Angel Tax for all classes of investors, the FM announced.

For customs, we reduced the number of customs duty rates in 2022-23. I propose to rationalise them after a review over next six months, the FM said. She announced that to provide relief to cancer patients, three more medicines will be fully exempted from customs duty. I propose changes in the basic customs duty on X-ray tubes and flat panel detectors for domestic X-ray machines’ production.

The net tax receipts are estimated at ₹25.83 lakh crore, and the fiscal deficit is estimated at 4.9% of GDP for this year. The gross and net market borrowings through dated securities are estimated at ₹14.01 lakh crore and the ₹11.63 lakh crore, respectively, lower than last year. The government is committed to stay the course on fiscal consolidation, with deficit at below 4.5% of GDP in 2025-26, and with sustained reductions thereafter, the FM said.

She added that GST has reduced compliance burden and logistics costs for trade and industry and enhanced revenues. To multiply its benefits, we will strive to simplify and rationalise the tax structure and expand it to cover more goods, she said.

Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman in her Budget speech proposed creation of employment of about 4.1 crore youth over the next five years. Towards it, the Finance Minister has made an allocation of ₹2 lakh crore.

Similarly, for skilling the citizens so as to generate job opportunities, she proposed ₹1.48 crore. 20 lakh youth will be skilled over a five-year period. A total of 1,000 industrial training institutes will be upgraded, she announced.

She proposed in her speech that a one-time wage would be provided to all first time employees in all sectors. The incentive for first-timers would be provided through Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) 

The Finance Minister said that the government will launch internship opportunities in 500 companies to one crore youth in five years. 

Interns will get exposure to real-life environment and an allowance of ₹5000 per month, she said. The companies will bear training and 10% of training cost from CSR funds. Ms. Sitharaman said employment, skilling, MSME, and middle class are among key focus areas of this Budget. 

The Budget proposes to earmark a significant part of the 50-year interest-free loan, to work with the States on following reforms - Land related reforms in both urban and rural areas, that cover land administration, planning and urban planning and building bye-laws. “Rural land-related actions will include assignment of a unique Aadhaar for all lands, digitisation of terrestrial maps, survey of lands, and establishment of land registry. On labour related reforms, our govt. will facilitate a range of services for labour, including employment and skilling.”

She added that open architecture databases for the widely changing job market, and connecting potential employees with industry will be covered. Shram Suvidha and Samadhan portal will be revamped to enhance ease of compliance for industry and trade.

The FM announced that for space economy, with the govt’s continued emphasis on expanding it by 5 times in the next ten years, a venture capital fund of ₹1,000 crore will be set up. “We will formulate an economic policy framework to delineate the strategy for sustaining high growth with next generation reforms. These reforms will cover all factors of production, including land, labour and capital. This will require collaboration of the Centre and States,” she said.

“Tourism has always been a part of our civilisation. Our efforts to position India as a global destination will also create jobs and unlock opportunities in other sectors. I propose Vishnupath temple at Gaya, and Mahabodhi temple in Bodhgaya, are of immense spiritual importance. We will develop corridors there on the model of the successful Kashi Vishwanath corridor to make them a world-class tourist destination,” the FM said.

She added that a comprehensive development initiative for Rajgir and Nalanda (in Bihar) will be pursued. “We will support tourism in Odisha that has scenic beauty, temples, craftsmanship, natural landscapes, wildlife sanctuaries and pristine beaches,” she said.

Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman announced that ₹2.66 lakh crore has been allocated for rural development, including rural infrastructure. She also said that three crore additional houses will be constructed under the PM Awas Yojana in rural and urban areas. Presenting the Budget for 2024-25 in the Lok Sabha, she said, “This year I have made a provision of ₹2.66 lakh crore for rural development, including rural infrastructure”.

The FM noted that Bihar has frequently suffered from floods, many of them originating outside the country. “Plans to solve these problems in Nepal have not progressed. We will provide support of ₹11,500 crore for flood mitigation projects. Assam grapples with floods every year from the Brahmaputra river and its tributaries that originate outside India. We will provide support to them. Uttarakhand, Sikkim and Himachal Pradesh, that suffered due to landslides and floods, will be provided assistance,” she said.

The Finance Minister announced that the Phase 4 of the PM Gram Sadak Yojana will be launched to provide all-weather roads to 25,000 rural habitats.

FM said the Centre has made significant infrastructure investments in years, triggering a multiplier effect. “This will continue over the next five years. This year, I provided ₹11,11,111 crore for capex, which is 3.4% of GDP. We will encourage States to provide support of similar scale for infrastructure development based on their priorities,” she said.

Private investment in infrastructure will be promoted through Viability Gap Funding and a market-based financing framework would be brought out, she added.

Electricity storage solutions will be worked out for renewable energy. Research and Development on smaller nuclear reactors. Our govt. will partner with the private sector for setting up Bharat Small Reactors, and research and development of new technologies for nuclear energy. Advanced Ultra-Super Critical Thermal Power Plants, with much higher efficiency, have been developed indigenously. An 800 MW commercial plant will be set up, with the government providing the required fiscal support, the FM said.

She added that a roadmap for hard-to-abate industries, from energy efficiency targets to emission targets, will be formulated.

We will bring out a document on appropriate energy transition pathways, that balances the needs of employment and development. In line with the Interim Budget announcement, the Rooftop Solar scheme has been launched to enable 1 crore households to get upto 300 units of free electricity every month. The scheme has seen 1.8 crore registrations and 14 lakh applicants.

Read the whole story here

“High Stamp Duty may be lowered, especially for women. This reform will be made essential condition for urban development schemes,” she said.

Building on the PM Swanidhi scheme for street vendors, we plan a scheme over the next 5 years to promote 100 weekly haats in select cities, the FM announced. 

In partnership with States, and MDBs, the Modi-led NDA Government will promote water supply, sewage treatment and solid waste management projects for 100 large cities, the FM announced.

Under the PM Awas Yojana-Urban, the housing needs of one crore poor and middle class families will be addressed with an investment of ₹10 lakh crore. This will include the central assistance of ₹2.2 lakh crore in the next five years.

“For facilitating term loans to MSMEs, a credit guarantee scheme will be introduced. The scheme will operate on the cooling of credit risks of such MSMEs. A self-financing guarantee fund will provide to each applicant cover of up to ₹100 crore while loan amount may be larger...” she said.

Backward region grant will be provided to 3 districts of Andhra Pradesh, the Finance Minister announced. In her Budget for 2024-25, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman said the Union Government will arrange financial assistance to Bihar through aid from multilateral development agencies.

The government will also set up airports, medical colleges and sports infrastructure in Bihar, she said. The Centre will also formulate plan ‘Purvodaya’ for all-round development of Bihar, Jharkhand, West Bengal, Odisha, and Andhra Pradesh .

Ms. Sitharaman further said the government will support industrial corridor for development in the eastern region. The Finance Minister also said the government will provide e-vouchers directly to 1 lakh students every year with interest subvention of 3% of loan amount.

The government said it will launch three employment-linked schemes. While presenting the Union Budget for 2024-25, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman said the government will provide incentives to 30 lakh youth entering the job market by providing one month’s PF (provident fund) contribution.

She announced that working women hostels will be set up in the country to promote women’s participation in the workforce. She added that the government will provide funds to the private sector, domain experts and others for developing climate-resilient seeds.

An already existing scheme -- MGNREGA (Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee) -- aims to provide 100 days of wage employment in a particular fiscal year to at least one member of every household whose adult members seek manual work.

The government will bring a National Cooperation Policy for the overall development of the country, Finance Minister Nirmamala Sitharaman said. Presenting the Budget for 2024-25, she said the Centre will promote digital public infrastructure for agriculture in partnership with states, while Jan Samarth-based Kisan Credit Card will be introduced in five States. Also, the government will provide finance for shrimp farming and marketing, she added.

The FM said that large-scale vegetable production will be developed closer to major consumption centres. “We will promote farmer producer organisations, coops and startups for vegetable supply chains...,” she said.

For achieving self-sufficiency in pulses and oil seeds, the govt will strengthen their production, storage and marketing. A strategy is being put in place to achieve aatanibharta for oil seeds such as mustard, groundnut, sesame, soybean and sunflower, the Finance Minister said in the Lok Sabha, presenting the Union Budget 2024-2025.

Ms. Sitharaman said that in the next two years, one crore farmers across the country will be initiated into natural farming supported by certification and branding. Implementation will be through scientific institutions and willing Gram Panchayats. 10,000 need-based bio input resource centres will be established.

“Transforming agricultural research, our govt will undertake a comprehensive review of the agricultural research setup to bring the focus on raising productivity and developing climate-resilient varieties. Funding will be provided in challenge mode including to the pvt sector, domain experts both from the govt and outside and will oversee the conduct of such research,” Ms. Sitharaman said.

She added that 109 new high-yielding and climate-resilient varieties of 32 field and horticultural crops will be released for cultivation by farmers.

The Finance Minister said that the Budget will focus on employment, skilling, MSME and middle class. “Budget for FY25 to provide ₹1.48 lakh crore for education and employment and skill... Implementation of various schemes announced in Interim Budget in February are still underway,” the Finance Minister said. People of India have reinforced their faith in the government led by Mr. Modi and re-elected it for the third term, she said, while presenting the Budget in Lok Sabha.

India’s economic growth continues to shine while the global economy is still in the grip of policy uncertainty, Ms. Sitharaman added. The country’s inflation continues to be stable and is moving towards 4%, and core inflation stands at 3.1%.

On Budget priorities, the Finance Minister said that in the interim Budget the govt promised to present a detailed roadmap for the pursuit of Viksit Bharat. “In line with the strategy set in the interim Budget, this Budget envisages sustained efforts on the following nine priorities for generating ample opportunities for all -- productivity and resilience in agriculture, employment and skilling, inclusive human resource development and social justice, manufacturing and services, urban development, emergency security, infrastructure, innovation R&D, next-gen reforms. Subsequent Budgets will build on these and more priorities and actions,” she said.

Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman is presenting the Union Budget 2024-2025 in Lok Sabha. India’s inflation continues to be low, stable and moving towards the 4% target, the Finance Minister said.

The Budget Session of the Parliament began at 11 a.m. on July 23. Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman will present her seventh budget in the Lok Sabha today.

New Delhi: Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman with a red pouch carrying the Budget documents arrives at the Parliament to present the Union Budget 2024-25, in New Delhi, Tuesday, July 23, 2024. (PTI Photo/Atul Yadav)(PTI07_23_2024_000064B)

Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman opted for an off-white checkered handloom saree with a contrasting purple and pink-hued blouse for the presentation of the first Budget on July 23 of the third term of the NDA Government led by PM Narendra Modi.

Indian shares reversed early gains to drop marginally in morning trade on Tuesday, with volatility rising ahead of the union budget, due at 11 a.m. IST, which could have a huge bearing on the trajectory of markets.

The NSE Nifty 50 and S&P BSE Sensex opened about 0.3% higher but were trading about 0.2% lower as of 10:22 a.m. IST. Volatility rose to a six-week-high of 15.79.

“Volatility will remain elevated today as budget announcements will decide the direction of markets in intraday trade,” said ICICI Securities analysts led by Dharmesh Shah.

A market correction cannot be ruled out, given the high valuations, they added.

The Nifty has hit multiple all-time highs through its roughly 13% rally this year, despite a near 6% slide on June 4 when Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s party returned to power but by unexpectedly having to rely on allies. Still, the index has risen in each of the seven weeks since.

The Union Cabinet headed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi approved the full Budget for 2024-25. Following this, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman will present her seventh budget in the Lok Sabha.

Ms. Sitharaman, the first full-time woman Finance Minister of the country, has presented five full Budgets since July 2019 and an interim budget on February 1, 2024. This is the first Budget of the BJP-led NDA Government in its third term in office.

“I think the problem is that the government is not recognising the real concerns. The real concerns are inflation, especially food inflation, and rampant unemployment and inadequate job creation,” says Economist Jayati Ghosh.

“If you look at the economic survey, the country has achieved, even post covid, a very stable growth pattern in GDP numbers. There is an uptick in manufacturing, agriculture, there is a bit of subsiding in the consumption patterns in country because of lower middle income people getting hurt due to inflation and having lost wealth during COVID,” ASSOCHAM President Sanjay Nayar said in an interview to PTI. 

“The govt has done a tremendous job, looking at the geopolitical, geographic scenario. India looks like a fantastic place to attract investments. The expectation would be to keep catalysing the infrastructure spending. I have told this to PTI that another couple of years of heightened spending on infrastructure is a good idea,” he added.

Emphasising the need for measures to address inflation, particularly the soaring prices of essential commodities and life-saving drugs, Uttar Pradesh Congress President Ajay Rai has voiced the expectations of the middle class for the Union Budget 2024-25.

Expressing his expectations from the budget, Congress leader Ajay Rai said on Tuesday, “In this budget, inflation should be controlled. The price of garlic is ₹500 per kg, and the prices of vegetables and medicines have gone up. The price of life-saving drugs has increased.

Employment opportunities also need to be generated. All these factors need to be worked upon.”

Shiv Sena Uddhav Balasaheb Thackeray’s (UBT) faction leader, Priyanka Chaturvedi, echoed similar expectations, stating that the finance minister should concentrate on tackling unemployment and inflation.

More tax benefits for health insurance under the new tax regime, relaxation in payment norms for MSMEs and incentives for the agri-tech sector are among the expectations of stakeholders from the first budget of the Modi 3.0 government .

Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman is scheduled to present the full Budget for fiscal 2024-25 on July 23, which will be the first major policy document of the new government.

Anup Rau, Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of Future Generali India Insurance Company, said the deduction limit on health insurance premiums under Section 80D of the Income Tax Act has remained unchanged for the past nine years despite the fact that there has been a significant rise in healthcare costs across the country.

Watch what women can expect from Budget here

Union Cabinet headed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi met in Parliament on Tuesday to approve the Union Budget ahead of its presentation by Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi arrived in Parliament this morning to attend the cabinet meeting.On Monday, Prime Minister said the Economic Survey highlighted the prevailing strengths of the economy and identifies areas for further growth and progress as the government “moves towards building a Viksit Bharat”.

Union Ministers Amit Shah, Rajnath Singh and Pralhad Joshi were also seen arriving in the Parliament earlier for the Cabinet meeting today.

Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman met President Droupadi Murmu ahead of presenting the Union Budget 2024 in Parliament, as per tradition.

The Finance Minister and her team briefed the President about the provisions of the Budget.

President Murmu then fed the Finance Minister ‘Curd and Sugar’ which is a symbol of wishes for good luck.


All eyes will be on whether Sitharaman provides the much-expected tax relief for the middle class, leaving more money in their hands, as there is tax buoyancy. Besides, the market also expects staying on the fiscal glide path to lower the fiscal deficit to 4.5 per cent of GDP by 2025-26.

Fiscal Deficit: The budgeted fiscal deficit, which is the difference between the government expenditure and income, for the current fiscal is 5.1 per cent as projected in the Interim Budget in February, against 5.8 per cent in the last fiscal year. The full Budget is expected to provide better-than-earlier projections as there has been tax buoyancy.

Capital Expenditure: The government’s planned capital expenditure for this fiscal year is budgeted at ₹11.1 lakh crore, higher than ₹9.5 lakh crore in the last fiscal year. The government has been pushing infrastructure creation and also incentivising states to step up capex.

Tax Revenue: The Interim Budget had pegged gross tax revenue at ₹38.31 lakh crore for 2024-25, an 11.46 per cent growth over the last fiscal. This includes ₹21.99 lakh crore estimated to come from direct taxes (personal income tax + corporate tax), and ₹16.22 lakh crore from indirect taxes (customs + excise duty + GST).

GST: Goods and Services Tax (GST) collection in 2024-25 is estimated to rise to ₹10.68 lakh crore, an increase of 11.6 per cent. The tax revenue figures will have to be watched out for in the final Budget for the 2024-25 fiscal year.

Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman is set to create history when she presents her seventh straight budget on Tuesday for 2024-25, surpassing the record of former prime minister Morarji Desai.

Setting the tone for the third term of the Modi government, its focus areas may be boosting consumption by giving tax benefits to the middle class. Other priority areas may include agriculture, capex and infra spending and manufacturing push..

With India emerging as the biggest sweet spot in global growth, the budget is expected to address three major trends: global offshoring, digitalization, and energy transition.

Sitharaman, who will turn 65 next month, was in 2019 appointed as India’s first full-time woman finance minister when Prime Minister Narendra Modi won a decisive second term. Since then, she has presented six straight budgets, including an interim one in February this year.

A total of 39 shipyards have registered, and 18 shipyards utilised the benefits under the Centre’s scheme to provide financial support to Indian shipyards for shipbuilding contracts signed between April 1, 2016, and March 31, 2026, according to the Economic Survey. 

“India’s Maritime Vision 2030 outlines over 150 initiatives to improve ports, shipping, and inland waterways and envisions investments of ₹3-3.5 lakh crore. The Maritime Amrit Kaal Vision 2047 outlines over 300 initiatives across 11 key areas to drive growth and development in India’s coastal regions,” according to the Economic Survey 2023-24 tabled in the Parliament on Monday.

“Its vision aims to reduce the average vessel turnaround time (containers) from 25 hours in 2020 to less than 20 hours in 2030. Likewise, it also aims to increase the average ship daily output (gross tonnage) from 16,000 in 2020 to more than 30,000 in 2030.”

Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman will present the estimated receipts and expenditure (2024-25) of the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir (with legislature) in Parliament today.

“I hope that the Budget will face the country’s economic realities. The biggest economic reality is that unemployment rate in 9.2% in the country, inflation is at all time high. Food inflation is particularly very high. Private sector investment is falling. I hope that the government and the Budget will project ways to improve this situation,” TMC MP Saugata Roy.

Indian shares opened higher on July 23, led by financials and public sector companies, as investors brace for policy announcements in the Union Budget due at 11 a.m., which could have a huge bearing on the trajectory of markets.

The NSE Nifty 50 rose 0.24% to 24,568.9, while the S&P BSE Sensex added 0.28% to 80,724.3, as of 9:15 a.m. IST.

  • July 23, 2024 09:26 Rupee rises 3 paise to 83.63 against U.S. dollar in early trade

Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on Tuesday again took a digital tablet wrapped in a traditional ‘bahi-khata’ style pouch as she headed for Parliament to present the full Budget 2024-25 in a paperless format just like the previous years.

Draped in a white silk saree with magenta border, she posed for the traditional ‘briefcase’ picture outside her office, along with her team of officials, before heading to meet the President.

With the tablet carefully kept inside a red cover with a golden-coloured national emblem embossed on it instead of the briefcase, Parliament will be her next destination after the call on President Droupadi Murmu at Rashtrapati Bhawan.

Sitharaman, India’s first full-time woman Finance Minister, had in July 2019 ditched the colonial legacy of a Budget briefcase for the traditional ‘bahi-khata’ to carry Union Budget papers. She used the same in the following year, and in a pandemic-hit 2021, she swapped traditional papers with a digital tablet for carrying her speech and other Budget documents.

“There is no direction in the Budgets presented in the last 10 years. Inflation is skyrocketing, unemployment is high, the growth rate is declining fundamentally. This indicates that the economy isn’t in a healthy situation,” says AAP MP Sandeep Pathak says. 

The government’s steps such as mandatory quality norms and increase in customs duties have significantly helped the domestic toy players to boost exports and reduce dependence on Chinese imports, Economic Survey said on July 22.

It said that India’s emergence as a toy exporting nation can also be attributed to its integration into the global value chain and zero-duty market access for domestically manufactured toys in critical countries such as the UAE and Australia.

The industry has long faced challenges in the global trade landscape, consistently being a net importer of toys for many years.

“Rising exports, coupled with declining imports, transformed India from a deficit to a surplus nation in the trade of toys,” it said.

Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman arrived at the Ministry of Finance ahead of the Union Budget presentation on Tuesday.

The Finance Minister was pictured wearing a white saree with a violet border as she arrived at the Ministry.

Nirmala Sitharaman is set to present the Union Budget 2024 in Parliament today, marking her seventh consecutive budget and eclipsing the late Moraji Desai’s record of six consecutive budgets, which is likely to focus on changes in the income tax structure and improving the ease of doing business in India.

Sitharaman tabled the Economic Survey 2023-24 along with the statistical appendix on Monday.

Minister of State for Finance Pankaj Chaudhary said that the first Union Budget of the third Modi government will be based on his mantra of “Sabka Saath Sabka Vikas”.

“This budget is based on PM Modi’s mantra of Sabka Saath Sabka Vikas,” MoS Chaudhary said.

Chaudhary was among the first from FM Nirmala Sitharaman’s team to reach the North Block offices of the Finance Ministry ahead of the Budget Presentation. Vivek Joshi, Secretary, of the Department of Financial Services and Chief Economic Advisor V. Anantha Nageswaran have also reached the ministry ahead of FM Sitharaman.

Extreme weather, lower reservoir levels and crop damage have affected farm output and led to higher food prices over the past two years, the Economic Survey 2023-24 said on July 22.

Unfavourable weather conditions particularly impacted the production prospects of vegetables and pulses, it said.

“In FY23 and FY24, the agriculture sector was affected by extreme weather events, lower reservoir levels, and damaged crops that adversely affected farm output and food prices. So, food inflation based on the Consumer Food Price Index (CFPI) increased from 3.8% in FY22 to 6.6% in FY23 and further to 7.5% in FY24,” read the consolidated report on the state of the economy in the previous year.

The fiscal deficit for FY 2023-24 was 5.63% of GDP with a target of 5.1% for FY 2024-25. Given the significant share of personal tax in overall direct-tax collections, the government is unlikely to introduce measures that would greatly reduce tax revenue. Here are key expectations from individual taxpayers and potential government changes to minimise fiscal deficit impact:

Changes in simplified tax regime

  • Standard deduction
  • NPS employee contribution deduction
  • Reintroduction of deduction for investment in infrastructure bonds

Changes in old tax regime

  • Affordable housing deduction for interest paid on loan
  • Metro cities for HRA

Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman tabled the Economic Survey 2023-24 in both Houses of Parliament on July 22. The Economic Survey is a comprehensive review or annual report of Indian economy during the closed financial year, prepared by the Economics Division of the Department of Economic Affairs of the Finance Ministry under the guidance of the India’s Chief Economic Advisor (CEA).

Here are the charts that show key numbers from the Economic Survey 2023-24:

Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman is scheduled to present the Budget for 2024-25 in the Lok Sabha on July 23 . Parliament Session begins on July 22 and will conclude with the passage of the Finance Bill on August 12.

In this series, experts from various fields suggest what the focus of Narendra Modi-led NDA government’s third term should be. Read what the experts have told The Hindu .

Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman tabled the Economic Survey of India 2023-24 , along with a statistical appendix, in both Houses of Parliament on July 22. 

The survey said that the outlook for India’s financial sector appears bright , but it needs to brace for likely vulnerabilities. The Indian financial sector is at a “turnpike moment”, it said, adding that the dominance of banking support to credit is being reduced, and the role of capital markets is rising. 

According to the report, India’s GDP is likely to grow at 6.5 to 7% in the current fiscal year amid global challenges which may impact exports. The growth projected for 2024-25 is lower than the economic growth rate of 8.2% estimated for the previous financial year.

India saw 92 lakh foreign tourist arrivals in 2023, signifying a positive post-pandemic revival, the Chief Economic Advisor has said in the Economic Survey released on July 22.

The survey, which was tabled in Parliament, said India’s tourism industry showed positive signs of revival post-pandemic with an year-on-year increase of 43.5%. The hospitality industry has also met the needs of the increasing numbers of tourists successfully. “In 2023, the highest amount of new supply was created with the addition of 14,000 rooms, bringing the total inventory of chain-affiliated rooms to 183,000 in India,” the survey said.

Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman will present the Union Budget 2024 on July 23 at 11 a.m. It will be a record seventh consecutive Budget presentation for Ms. Sitharaman.

The Budget 2024 presentation will be streamed on various platforms. Viewers can watch the Budget 2024 speech by Nirmala Sitharaman live at The Hindu . Follow our liveblog for all the latest news, reactions, and analysis of Budget 2024. The Finance Minister’s address will also be available to stream live via the Sansad TV .

Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman will be presenting the Union Budget 2024-25 on July 23, 2024.

It will be a record seventh consecutive Budget presentation for Ms. Sitharaman.

Previously, Morarji Desai presented the Union Budget for six times consecutively. Interestingly, Morarji Desai presented budgets for record 10 times followed by former Finance Minister P. Chidambaram 9 times.

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The Winter Olympics are ‘finally’ coming back to Utah

Organizers finally close the deal on decades-long effort to parlay the success of the 2002 winter games into a second event they say will bring unity, prosperity to the state and usa..

Paris • Go ahead, throw on that old volunteer jacket, dust off the red beret and shine up those vintage pins.

The Winter Olympics will be in Utah once again.

“Finally,” said Fraser Bullock, the CEO and president of the Salt Lake City bid committee, “we’re back!”

On Wednesday, the International Olympic Committee’s general assembly voted 83-6 to award the state the 2034 Games. It has long been considered an inevitability, given a public approval rating consistently measured near 80% and the plan to reuse all the facilities from the 2002 Games . However, the bid unexpectedly came under fire for actions the United States has taken in its independent investigation of a doping scandal surrounding China’s swimmers.

Until the final tally came in, local bid committee members were holding their breath

Then, they couldn’t hold back their tears.

“We no longer have to call it our ambition,” said Salt Lake City Mayor Erin Mendenhall, a member of the local bid committee’s delegation, speaking after to a watch party at a restaurant in Paris filled with cowbells and Utah Olympic royalty. “It is our mission.”

(Rick Egan | The Salt Lake Tribune) Crowds cheer as Salt Lake City is announced as hosts for the 2034 Winter Olympics at Salt Lake City Hall, Wednesday, July 24, 2024.

Organizers, state and city officials, donors and select athletes like two-sport Paralympian Dani Aravich and decorated speedskater Apolo Ohno celebrated the selection inside the Palais des Congrès in Paris. At the same time, nearly 3,000 Utahns gathered at Washington Square in Salt Lake City erupted over the news. Their revelry, which took place in the pre-dawn hours of the Pioneer Day holiday, was livestreamed into the IOC session.

(David Goldman | AP) Former US skier Lindsey Vonn jumps after Salt Lake City was named Olympics host again as the IOC formally awarded the 2034 Winter Games to the United States bid, at the 142nd IOC Session, Wednesday, July 24, 2024, in Paris.

France didn’t draw that large of a crowd for the awarding of the 2030 Winter Games at a presentation within its own country, as Gov. Spencer Cox pointed out. Cox said that isn’t a slight against the French.

“We’re just weird in Utah,” he said, “in the best way possible.”

The selection of Utah was more controversial than expected, less because of flaws with Utah’s bid than concerns about U.S. overreach.

The U.S. has rejected the World Anti-Doping Agency’s acceptance of China’s explanation for why 23 of its swimmers tested positive for a performance-enhancing drug prior to the Tokyo Olympics. China has said the positive tests were the result of food contamination. The swimmers were allowed to compete, winning five Olympic medals, and the positive tests were not made public until earlier this year.

The U.S. Justice Department has opened an independent investigation into the doping tests.

To oblige the concerns — which were reiterated by various IOC members for nearly 45 minutes after Salt Lake City’s presentation concluded — local organizers have added language to their host contract recognizing WADA as the “supreme agency” in all doping matters.

“I was really nervous,” said gold-medal alpine skier Lindsey Vonn, the Salt Lake City committee’s chief of athlete experience. “You never know what’s going to happen until the vote’s actually done. And I know that everyone throughout the whole process has been so supportive of our bid. ...

“But that doesn’t mean that we’ll get the vote. And I think we all agree that clean sports is pinnacle in having the Olympics.”

(David Jackson | Park Record) Gov. Spencer Cox makes remarks during a presentation to International Olympic Committee members in Paris on a bid to host the 2034 Winter Olympics, Wednesday, July 24, 2024.

Now that the Games are in hand, the first order of business will be for Gov. Spencer Cox to sign the government assurances required by the IOC. That is expected to take place with little fanfare Wednesday night prior to another celebration at the USA House in Paris. It’s more than a formality, however.

France has been unable to attain such assurances, and that nearly threw its bid for the 2030 Winter Games into disarray in a vote taken just prior to Salt Lake City’s presentation. The French government underwent an upheaval last month that left its prime minister without the authority to ensure the country will cover any budget overruns. Yet putting faith in a promise from President Emmanuel Macron that his country would get the Games delivery contract signed — even though Macron himself cannot sign it — the IOC voted 84-4 to issue an unprecedented conditional approval for the French Alps to host the 2030 Games.

France will have to present the contract by March 31, 2025.

The predicament results from a new system the IOC put in place in 2020 to encourage more hosts to bid on the Olympics and to discourage corruption. The IOC now keeps interested sites in the mix until it deems they are close to being ready to host, at which point it moves them into a “targeted dialogue.” Utah raised its hand as a candidate in 2019 and the IOC moved it to a targeted dialogue on Nov. 29, 2023.

Karl Stoss , the chair of the IOC’s Future Host Commission, noted the ability of officials from differing political parties to be able to come together for Utah’s bid.

“The governor of Utah is from another party than the mayor of Utah of Salt Lake City,” Stoss said. “As they have one goal: Bring back the Games to Salt Lake City, Utah. This is a clear mission between them all the time.”

(David Goldman | AP) Utah Gov. Spencer Cox speaks about Salt Lake City's bid to host the 2034 Winter Olympics, during the 142nd IOC session at the 2024 Summer Olympics, Wednesday, July 24, 2024, in Paris.

Utah will be the third host elected under the new system, following Brisbane for the 2032 Summer Games and France’s 2030 bid. The state will also become just the fourth site to host multiple Winter Games, a group that also includes New York’s Lake Placid. The Salt Lake City-Utah Olympics, which are slated for Feb. 10-26 for the Olympics and March 10-19 for the Paralympics, will be the fifth Winter Games on American soil and 10th overall in the United States.

Organizers estimate Salt Lake City’s second Olympics will cost $4 billion , including $2.83 billion in operating costs. They have promised not to use any public money to fund the 2034 Games, however, and instead plan to rely on private donations, ticket and merchandise sales and licensing and IOC contributions. Some taxpayer money is expected to be spent on infrastructure, however, such as new and extended Trax lines and the creation of the sports and entertainment district in downtown Salt Lake City.

“Those are investments we would do anyway,” Gov. Spencer Cox said Tuesday at an event hosted by the U.S. ambassador to France. “We just want to do them in a way that helps us welcome the world here and that will ultimately benefit the growth that has already happened here.”

While the 2002 Games were meant to put Utah on the map, the 2034 ones will be focused on a grander concept: unity. Bullock said that was the driving force in the decision to pursue the world event a second time.

“The Games have more power than anything else to bring the world together, to bring the nation together and to bring communities together,” Bullock said Tuesday. “And that is going to be a recurring theme of everything we do over the next 10 years.”

The flame for the 2002 Olympics — an event deemed a rousing success — was officially doused on Feb. 24 of that year. Yet Salt Lake City Mayor Erin Mendenhall said she believes for most Utahns it never really went out. The 2034 Games, she said, will rekindle it.

“What we’re about to see ... is a spark of the new fire in Utah and Salt Lake City for the Olympic Movement,” she said Tuesday. “We’ve been keeping that fire burning since 2002, and we’re about to start a brand new one. I think it will undoubtedly sustain us for the next 10 years until we get to 2034.”

(David Goldman | AP) Former US skier Lindsey Vonn makes a selfie with the Salt Lake City delegation after Salt Lake City was named Olympics host again as the IOC formally awarded the 2034 Winter Games to the United States bid, Wednesday, July 24, 2024, in Paris.


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minted vs. texments vs. verbments

Regarding the typesetting of syntax-colored source code, I know that listings is inferior because it doesn't utilize a full lexer. Instead the Python-based solution is recommended. It seems there are three packages to use the Python library pygments instead: minted , texments and verbments .

Most people seem to use minted here. The verbments documentation says it aims to fix issues with minted .

So what are the important differences? Has someone tried all of them?

marczellm's user avatar

2 Answers 2

Comparison as of march 2013 (see updates below).

I'm somewhat familiar with all the common packages that use Pygments. As part of writing my pythontex package, I researched what had been done previously.

  • texments is pretty basic. It doesn't provide access to much of Pygments or fancyvrb 's functionality.
  • minted provides much more complete access to Pygments and fancyvrb , and adds additional functionality like background colors.
  • verbments is more recent than minted , which probably explains why it is apparently less popular. The verbments documentation says that "the minted package cannot split the highlighted source code over pages." Technically, minted can do that fine--the problem is with the listing float that minted provides. (Edit: There are also page break issues when a background color is used, but those can be overcome by not using the package's bgcolor option and using mdframed or a similar package instead.) The verbments solution is to allow listing numbering and captions--but without providing a real float (which would have to solve the page break problem). verbments also provides individual highlighting styles (you can use different Pygments styles for each environment) and a few additional options that minted lacks.

pygmentex is yet another Pygments package (2012-02-12). It includes custom patches for Pygments to allow escaping to LaTeX anywhere. That is nice, but may also make maintenance difficult as Pygments continues to develop. (That feature has been requested in Pygments since early 2010, and is still open.) pygmentex provides an inline command. And it caches output.

And finally, there's my pythontex package. (First release 2012/04/27, but in development for the previous year.) Its main purpose is to allow Python code to be included in a LaTeX document, with a means to execute the code and bring back the output. Adding Pygments highlighting was actually something of an afterthought. pythontex provides most of minted 's functionality, except for a few things like background colors (since these can be so easily added with packages like mdframed ). It caches all highlighted content, using the mechanism I'd already created for caching the output of executed code. It also provides an inline command, allows automatic line number continuation between environments of the same language, and allows fancyvrb settings on a per-language basis. Unicode is supported with the pdfTeX engine.

So this leaves us with many options for Pygments highlighting. Caching is really important for performance, but the downside is that both my approach and the pygmentex approach require compiling (which saves code to an auxiliary file), running a Python script (which uses Pygments to do the highlighting, then saves the output), and compiling a second time (which brings back the highlighted output). One of the really nice things about the \write18 approach used by the other packages is that the highlighting is always up-to-date and only requires a single compile. It probably wouldn't be hard to cache and keep everything up-to-date using LuaTeX. Otherwise, I would think about \pdfmdfivesum (possibly with temp files), except that I don't believe XeTeX has an equivalent. There may not be a good cross-engine alternative to the three-step process.

pythontex is under active development and should continue to provide Pygments highlighting for the foreseable future. While the focus is access to Python, I'm in the midst of a major refactoring that should allow the package to be extended for arbitrary languages, with only a few dozen lines of code needed per extension. The disadvantage of all this is that pythontex isn't quite as nimble as a highlighting-only package.

Edit: After corresponding with Konrad Rudolph, I have decided to maintain minted . Development will be at .

Update from July 2016

As of mid-2016, minted will typically be the best option, unless you need specific features in pythontex or one of the other packages.

Since 2013, texments and verbments are unchanged, at least on CTAN. pygmentex has been updated as of May 2015; based on the commit history , there don't appear to have been any major changes.

Since taking over minted development, I have added several major features.

Caching. minted performs all highlighting in a single compile, caching highlighted code for future runs. The cache is automatically cleaned as long as the .aux file isn't deleted. The cache can be "frozen" for use in situations in which -shell-escape isn't available (many minted -related things shouldn't be edited in such a situation, since it isn't possible to update the cache).

A command for inline code, \mintinline .

Unicode support with pdfTeX.

Arbitrary escapes to LaTeX using the escapeinside option from Pygments 2.0+ (but note that this can be fragile depending on how Pygments tokenizes).

Automatic line breaking at spaces, between all characters, before or after user-specified characters, between space-separated tokens, or between all tokens.

bgcolor compatible with page breaks.

I have recently separated most of the line-breaking code, and some additional extensions to fancyvrb , into a new package called fvextra . The next versions of minted and pythontex will both require fvextra ; these versions will be on CTAN before the end of July 2016. This will leave minted and pythontex with mostly identical features, although minted will still have the advantage of bgcolor , token-based line breaking, and a few Pygments options in the immediate future. pythontex may still have a speed advantage in some cases, mostly when a lot of highlighted code is modified between compiles, but that should typically be minimal.

G. Poore's user avatar

  • 3 In my recent feynmp-auto package I used \pdfmdfivesum for avoiding running Metapost if the file didn't change. You can have a look at how it's done; however XeLaTeX hasn't the feature. –  egreg Commented Mar 20, 2013 at 17:32
  • 1 minted v2.0 adds caching capability as well as inline highlighting. –  Adobe Commented Mar 31, 2015 at 13:00
  • 1 Since the answer were given some years have passed. How does it look today? Is minted still preferable? Especially the escape from pygments to LaTeX (as proposed for pygmentex) is of interest to me. Should I start a bounty, open new question? Thanks for the review. –  math Commented Jul 6, 2016 at 6:39
  • 5 @math I've added an update for July 2016. –  G. Poore Commented Jul 8, 2016 at 23:44
  • Any alternative to minted? Minted lacks of captions and some important things. In order to have it you need to write quite a lot of code. –  skan Commented Sep 11, 2019 at 11:29

Current status: minted maintenance has been handed over to Geoffrey Poore.

minted is essentially unmaintained at this point. I tried fixing as many bugs as possible but two things are getting in the way:

  • I don’t have time for side-projects any more. This is unfortunate. In fact, I developed minted mainly for my own master thesis and ended up not using it there due to the fact that some tedious things remained unfixed.
  • Many interesting changes, among them the two most important ones (inline code highlighting, performance improvement via caching and change tracking) would ideally require changes in the upstream Pygments code base, and so far these changes (which have been submitted as patches to Pygments) have not been integrated.

I don’t know how (if) verbments works around this limitation – maybe they are maintaining their own branch of the Pygments project and don’t care for compatibility, or they’re performing some interesting parsing work in LaTeX itself. Either way I applaud the effort. I’d have preferred it if they had built on top of minted (to avoid duplicating work and having several projects doing the same thing) but then I also started my own package instead of building on top of texments so I understand the motivation behind this.

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latex presentation minted

Aucun résultat pour la recherche

  • Code Highlighting with minted
  • 1 Introduction
  • 2 Basic usage
  • 3 Including code from a file
  • 4 One-line code
  • 5 Custom lexers
  • 6 Colours and stylesheets
  • 7 Captions, labels and the list of listings
  • 8 Reference guide
  • 9 Further reading


This article shows how to use the minted package to format and highlight programming language source code within a L a T e X document, starting with an example:

 Open this example in Overleaf

This example produces the following output:

Example displaying the output of the minted package

There are two important commands here. In the preamble the package is imported by writing

then the tags \begin{minted}{python} and \end{minted} delimit an environment that print the text verbatim in monospaced fonts and also apply colour to comments, keywords and functions. The parameter python is the programming language the source code is written in. minted supports over 150 programming and markup languages as well as configuration files, see the reference guide for a list of supported languages.

Note : For minted to work with your local LaTeX distribution, an additional program called Pygments must be installed. Overleaf can save you the trouble of installing it and having to run special commands to compile your document—on Overleaf, documents that use minted will work "out of the box".

Basic usage

As demonstrated in the following example, the minted environment can be configured to modify visual presentation of the typeset code. Here, the minted environment uses several comma-separated parameters of the form key=value :

Example applying formatting to typeset code produced by the minted package

The parameters used in this example are:

  • frame=lines : draws two lines, one on top and one at the bottom of the code to frame it. Other possible values are leftline , topline , bottomline and single .
  • framesep=2mm : the frame separation is set to 2mm. Other length units can be used.
  • baselinestretch=1.2 : the line spacing of the code set to 1.2.
  • bgcolor=LightGray : background colour set to LightGray . You need to import the xcolor package for this to work. See Using colours in LaTeX to learn more about colour manipulation.
  • fontsize=\footnotesize : font size set to footnotesize . Any other font size can be set.
  • linenos : enables line numbers.

Other options that may be useful are:

  • mathescape : enables math mode in code comments.
  • rulecolor : changes the colour of the frame.
  • showspaces : enables a special character to make spaces visible.

Including code from a file

Code is usually stored in a source file, therefore a command which automatically imports code from a file is very convenient, as demonstrated in the following example:

Using minted to import a code file

The command \inputminted{octave}{BitXorMatrix.m} imports the code from the file BitXorMatrix.m , the parameter octave tells L a T e X the programming language of the code. This command can take two extra parameters to import only part of the file; for instance, to import code from the line 2 to the line 12, the command becomes:

One-line code

If you need to input only a line of code, the command \mint , whose syntax is presented in the next example, will do the trick.

One line code example with minted

The parameter between braces sets the programming language ( html markup language in this case) with the actual text to be formatted being delimited by the '|' character.

Custom lexers

(Please note that due to changes in minted since 2023, the following approach will only work in TeX Live 2022 or earlier .)

By default, minted supports only languages with lexers that are already installed or registered with pygmentize . If you have written a custom lexer, or want to use a lexer for a language that's not yet been installed on Overleaf, you can still use it in your own Overleaf project using the approach mentioned here .

Suppose you have defined a lexer in the file , containing the class NetLogoLexer for the NetLogo language. Upload to your Overleaf project, and then specify as the "language name" when using minted . For example:

Here's another example for the ImageJ Macro language.

Colours and stylesheets

The colour schemes used for code highlighting are saved in stylesheets. You can create your own or use one already available in your L a T e X distribution. See the reference guide for a list of stylesheets included in Overleaf .

Using the borland stylesheet produces the following output:

Output of the minted package using the borland stylesheet

The syntax to set a colouring style is easy, the command \usemintedstyle{borland} uses the colour theme borland to format the source code. You can find more colour schemes in the reference guide .

Captions, labels and the list of listings

Code listings formatted with minted can be included in a float element, just like figures and tables . Captions and labels can be assigned to code listings, and then later be referenced and included in a "List of listings".

The first page of this example contains the following output:

Example listing code fragments

To print the list with all "listing" elements use \listoflistings . In the example above, the default title List of listings is changed to List of source codes by writing

The second page produced by the example above contains the following listing:

An example of listing source codes

Reference guide

Colour styles for minted

name output name output
manni fruity
rrt autumn
perldoc bw
borland emacs
colorful vim
murphy pastie
vs friendly
trac native
tango monokai

Some colour schemes need a dark background to be readable.

Main supported programming languages and configuration files

cucumber abap ada ahk
antlr apacheconf applescript as
aspectj autoit asy awk
basemake bash bat bbcode
befunge bmax boo brainfuck
bro bugs c ceylon
cfm cfs cheetah clj
cmake cobol cl console
control coq cpp croc
csharp css cuda cyx
d dg diff django
dpatch duel dylan ec
erb evoque fan fancy
fortran gas genshi glsl
gnuplot go gosu groovy
gst haml haskell hxml
html http hx idl
irc ini java jade
js json jsp kconfig
koka lasso livescrit llvm
logos lua mako mason
matlab minid monkey moon
mxml myghty mysql nasm
newlisp newspeak numpy ocaml
octave ooc perl php
plpgsql postgresql postscript pot
prolog psql puppet python
qml ragel raw ruby
rhtml sass scheme smalltalk
sql ssp tcl tea
tex text vala vgl
vim xml xquery yaml

Further reading

For more information see:

  • Lengths in LaTeX
  • Code listing
  • Using colours in LaTeX
  • Font sizes, families, and styles
  • Font typefaces
  • Management in a large project
  • Multi-file LaTeX projects
  • Table of contents
  • Single sided and double sided documents
  • The minted package documentation
  • Documentation Home
  • Learn LaTeX in 30 minutes

Overleaf guides

  • Creating a document in Overleaf
  • Uploading a project
  • Copying a project
  • Creating a project from a template
  • Using the Overleaf project menu
  • Including images in Overleaf
  • Exporting your work from Overleaf
  • Working offline in Overleaf
  • Using Track Changes in Overleaf
  • Using bibliographies in Overleaf
  • Sharing your work with others
  • Using the History feature
  • Debugging Compilation timeout errors
  • How-to guides
  • Guide to Overleaf’s premium features

LaTeX Basics

  • Creating your first LaTeX document
  • Choosing a LaTeX Compiler
  • Paragraphs and new lines
  • Bold, italics and underlining


  • Mathematical expressions
  • Subscripts and superscripts
  • Brackets and Parentheses
  • Fractions and Binomials
  • Aligning equations
  • Spacing in math mode
  • Integrals, sums and limits
  • Display style in math mode
  • List of Greek letters and math symbols
  • Mathematical fonts
  • Using the Symbol Palette in Overleaf

Figures and tables

  • Inserting Images
  • Positioning Images and Tables
  • Lists of Tables and Figures
  • Drawing Diagrams Directly in LaTeX
  • TikZ package

References and Citations

  • Bibliography management with bibtex
  • Bibliography management with natbib
  • Bibliography management with biblatex
  • Bibtex bibliography styles
  • Natbib bibliography styles
  • Natbib citation styles
  • Biblatex bibliography styles
  • Biblatex citation styles
  • Multilingual typesetting on Overleaf using polyglossia and fontspec
  • Multilingual typesetting on Overleaf using babel and fontspec
  • International language support
  • Quotations and quotation marks

Document structure

  • Sections and chapters
  • Cross referencing sections, equations and floats
  • Nomenclatures
  • Lengths in L a T e X
  • Headers and footers
  • Page numbering
  • Paragraph formatting
  • Line breaks and blank spaces
  • Text alignment
  • Page size and margins
  • Multiple columns
  • Margin notes
  • Supporting modern fonts with X Ǝ L a T e X


  • Environments

Field specific

  • Theorems and proofs
  • Chemistry formulae
  • Feynman diagrams
  • Molecular orbital diagrams
  • Chess notation
  • Knitting patterns
  • CircuiTikz package
  • Pgfplots package
  • Typesetting exams in LaTeX
  • Attribute Value Matrices

Class files

  • Understanding packages and class files
  • List of packages and class files
  • Writing your own package
  • Writing your own class

Advanced TeX/LaTeX

  • In-depth technical articles on TeX/LaTeX


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NeurIPS 2024 Datasets and Benchmarks Track

If you'd like to become a reviewer for the track, or recommend someone, please use this form .

The Datasets and Benchmarks track serves as a venue for high-quality publications, talks, and posters on highly valuable machine learning datasets and benchmarks, as well as a forum for discussions on how to improve dataset development. Datasets and benchmarks are crucial for the development of machine learning methods, but also require their own publishing and reviewing guidelines. For instance, datasets can often not be reviewed in a double-blind fashion, and hence full anonymization will not be required. On the other hand, they do require additional specific checks, such as a proper description of how the data was collected, whether they show intrinsic bias, and whether they will remain accessible. The Datasets and Benchmarks track is proud to support the open source movement by encouraging submissions of open-source libraries and tools that enable or accelerate ML research.

The previous editions of the Datasets and Benchmarks track were highly successful; you can view the accepted papers from 2021 , 2002 , and 2023 , and the winners of the best paper awards 2021 , 2022 and 2023

CRITERIA. W e are aiming for an equally stringent review as the main conference, yet better suited to datasets and benchmarks. Submissions to this track will be reviewed according to a set of criteria and best practices specifically designed for datasets and benchmarks , as described below. A key criterion is accessibility: datasets should be available and accessible , i.e. the data can be found and obtained without a personal request to the PI, and any required code should be open source. We encourage the authors to use Croissant format ( ) to document their datasets in machine readable way.   Next to a scientific paper, authors should also submit supplementary materials such as detail on how the data was collected and organised, what kind of information it contains, how it should be used ethically and responsibly, as well as how it will be made available and maintained.

RELATIONSHIP TO NeurIPS.  Submissions to the track will be part of the main NeurIPS conference , presented alongside the main conference papers. Accepted papers will be officially published in the NeurIPS proceedings .

SUBMISSIONS.  There will be one deadline this year. It is also still possible to submit datasets and benchmarks to the main conference (under the usual review process), but dual submission to both is not allowed (unless you retracted your paper from the main conference). We also cannot transfer papers from the main track to the D&B track. Authors can choose to submit either single-blind or double-blind . If it is possible to properly review the submission double-blind, i.e., reviewers do not need access to non-anonymous repositories to review the work, then authors can also choose to submit the work anonymously. Papers will not be publicly visible during the review process. Only accepted papers will become visible afterward. The reviews themselves are not visible during the review phase but will be published after decisions have been made. The datasets themselves should be accessible to reviewers but can be publicly released at a later date (see below). New authors cannot be added after the abstract deadline and they should have an OpenReview profile by the paper deadline. NeurIPS does not tolerate any collusion whereby authors secretly cooperate with reviewers, ACs or SACs to obtain favourable reviews.

SCOPE. This track welcomes all work on data-centric machine learning research (DMLR) and open-source libraries and tools that enable or accelerate ML research, covering ML datasets and benchmarks as well as algorithms, tools, methods, and analyses for working with ML data. This includes but is not limited to:

  • New datasets, or carefully and thoughtfully designed (collections of) datasets based on previously available data.
  • Data generators and reinforcement learning environments.
  • Data-centric AI methods and tools, e.g. to measure and improve data quality or utility, or studies in data-centric AI that bring important new insight.
  • Advanced practices in data collection and curation that are of general interest even if the data itself cannot be shared.
  • Frameworks for responsible dataset development, audits of existing datasets, identifying significant problems with existing datasets and their use
  • Benchmarks on new or existing datasets, as well as benchmarking tools.
  • In-depth analyses of machine learning challenges and competitions (by organisers and/or participants) that yield important new insight.
  • Systematic analyses of existing systems on novel datasets yielding important new insight.

Read our original blog post for more about why we started this track.

Important dates

  • Abstract submission deadline: May 29, 2024
  • Full paper submission and co-author registration deadline: Jun 5, 2024
  • Supplementary materials submission deadline: Jun 12, 2024
  • Review deadline - Jul 24, 2024
  • Release of reviews and start of Author discussions on OpenReview: Aug 07, 2024
  • End of author/reviewer discussions on OpenReview: Aug 31, 2024
  • Author notification: Sep 26, 2024
  • Camera-ready deadline: Oct 30, 2024 AOE

Note: The site will start accepting submissions on April 1 5 , 2024.


Q: My work is in scope for this track but possibly also for the main conference. Where should I submit it?

A: This is ultimately your choice. Consider the main contribution of the submission and how it should be reviewed. If the main contribution is a new dataset, benchmark, or other work that falls into the scope of the track (see above), then it is ideally reviewed accordingly. As discussed in our blog post, the reviewing procedures of the main conference are focused on algorithmic advances, analysis, and applications, while the reviewing in this track is equally stringent but designed to properly assess datasets and benchmarks. Other, more practical considerations are that this track allows single-blind reviewing (since anonymization is often impossible for hosted datasets) and intended audience, i.e., make your work more visible for people looking for datasets and benchmarks.

Q: How will paper accepted to this track be cited?

A: Accepted papers will appear as part of the official NeurIPS proceedings.

Q: Do I need to submit an abstract beforehand?

A: Yes, please check the important dates section for more information.

Q: My dataset requires open credentialized access. Can I submit to this track?

A: This will be possible on the condition that a credentialization is necessary for the public good (e.g. because of ethically sensitive medical data), and that an established credentialization procedure is in place that is 1) open to a large section of the public, 2) provides rapid response and access to the data, and 3) is guaranteed to be maintained for many years. A good example here is PhysioNet Credentialing, where users must first understand how to handle data with human subjects, yet is open to anyone who has learned and agrees with the rules. This should be seen as an exceptional measure, and NOT as a way to limit access to data for other reasons (e.g. to shield data behind a Data Transfer Agreement). Misuse would be grounds for desk rejection. During submission, you can indicate that your dataset involves open credentialized access, in which case the necessity, openness, and efficiency of the credentialization process itself will also be checked.


A submission consists of:

  • Please carefully follow the Latex template for this track when preparing proposals. We follow the NeurIPS format, but with the appropriate headings, and without hiding the names of the authors. Download the template as a bundle here .
  • Papers should be submitted via OpenReview
  • Reviewing is in principle single-blind, hence the paper should not be anonymized. In cases where the work can be reviewed equally well anonymously, anonymous submission is also allowed.
  • During submission, you can add a public link to the dataset or benchmark data. If the dataset can only be released later, you must include instructions for reviewers on how to access the dataset. This can only be done after the first submission by sending an official note to the reviewers in OpenReview. We highly recommend making the dataset publicly available immediately or before the start of the NeurIPS conference. In select cases, requiring solid motivation, the release date can be stretched up to a year after the submission deadline.
  • Dataset documentation and intended uses. Recommended documentation frameworks include datasheets for datasets , dataset nutrition labels , data statements for NLP , data cards , and accountability frameworks .
  • URL to website/platform where the dataset/benchmark can be viewed and downloaded by the reviewers. 
  • URL to Croissant metadata record documenting the dataset/benchmark available for viewing and downloading by the reviewers. You can create your Croissant metadata using e.g. the Python library available here:
  • Author statement that they bear all responsibility in case of violation of rights, etc., and confirmation of the data license.
  • Hosting, licensing, and maintenance plan. The choice of hosting platform is yours, as long as you ensure access to the data (possibly through a curated interface) and will provide the necessary maintenance.
  • Links to access the dataset and its metadata. This can be hidden upon submission if the dataset is not yet publicly available but must be added in the camera-ready version. In select cases, e.g when the data can only be released at a later date, this can be added afterward (up to a year after the submission deadline). Simulation environments should link to open source code repositories
  • The dataset itself should ideally use an open and widely used data format. Provide a detailed explanation on how the dataset can be read. For simulation environments, use existing frameworks or explain how they can be used.
  • Long-term preservation: It must be clear that the dataset will be available for a long time, either by uploading to a data repository or by explaining how the authors themselves will ensure this
  • Explicit license: Authors must choose a license, ideally a CC license for datasets, or an open source license for code (e.g. RL environments). An overview of licenses can be found here:
  • Add structured metadata to a dataset's meta-data page using Web standards (like and DCAT ): This allows it to be discovered and organized by anyone. A guide can be found here: . If you use an existing data repository, this is often done automatically.
  • Highly recommended: a persistent dereferenceable identifier (e.g. a DOI  minted by a data repository or a prefix on ) for datasets, or a code repository (e.g. GitHub, GitLab,...) for code. If this is not possible or useful, please explain why.
  • For benchmarks, the supplementary materials must ensure that all results are easily reproducible. Where possible, use a reproducibility framework such as the ML reproducibility checklist , or otherwise guarantee that all results can be easily reproduced, i.e. all necessary datasets, code, and evaluation procedures must be accessible and documented.
  • For papers introducing best practices in creating or curating datasets and benchmarks, the above supplementary materials are not required.
  • For papers resubmitted after being retracted from another venue: a brief discussion on the main concerns raised by previous reviewers and how you addressed them. You do not need to share the original reviews.
  • For the dual submission and archiving, the policy follows the NeurIPS main track paper guideline .

Use of Large Language Models (LLMs): We welcome authors to use any tool that is suitable for preparing high-quality papers and research. However, we ask authors to keep in mind two important criteria. First, we expect papers to fully describe their methodology, and any tool that is important to that methodology, including the use of LLMs, should be described also. For example, authors should mention tools (including LLMs) that were used for data processing or filtering, visualization, facilitating or running experiments, and proving theorems. It may also be advisable to describe the use of LLMs in implementing the method (if this corresponds to an important, original, or non-standard component of the approach). Second, authors are responsible for the entire content of the paper, including all text and figures, so while authors are welcome to use any tool they wish for writing the paper, they must ensure that all text is correct and original.


Reviewing will be single-blind, although authors can also submit anonymously if the submission allows that. A datasets and benchmarks program committee will be formed, consisting of experts on machine learning, dataset curation, and ethics. We will ensure diversity in the program committee, both in terms of background as well as technical expertise (e.g., data, ML, data ethics, social science expertise). Each paper will be reviewed by the members of the committee. In select cases where ethical concerns are flagged by reviewers, an ethics review may be performed as well.

Papers will not be publicly visible during the review process. Only accepted papers will become visible afterward. The reviews themselves are also not visible during the review phase but will be published after decisions have been made. Authors can choose to keep the datasets themselves hidden until a later release date, as long as reviewers have access.

The factors that will be considered when evaluating papers include:

  • Utility and quality of the submission: Impact, originality, novelty, relevance to the NeurIPS community will all be considered. 
  • Reproducibility: All submissions should be accompanied by sufficient information to reproduce the results described i.e. all necessary datasets, code, and evaluation procedures must be accessible and documented. We encourage the use of a reproducibility framework such as the ML reproducibility checklist to guarantee that all results can be easily reproduced. Benchmark submissions in particular should take care to ensure sufficient details are provided to ensure reproducibility. If submissions include code, please refer to the NeurIPS code submission guidelines .  
  • Was code provided (e.g. in the supplementary material)? If provided, did you look at the code? Did you consider it useful in guiding your review? If not provided, did you wish code had been available?
  • Ethics: Any ethical implications of the work should be addressed. Authors should rely on NeurIPS ethics guidelines as guidance for understanding ethical concerns.  
  • Completeness of the relevant documentation: Per NeurIPS ethics guidelines , datasets must be accompanied by documentation communicating the details of the dataset as part of their submissions via structured templates (e.g. TODO). Sufficient detail must be provided on how the data was collected and organized, what kind of information it contains,  ethically and responsibly, and how it will be made available and maintained. 
  • Licensing and access: Per NeurIPS ethics guidelines , authors should provide licenses for any datasets released. These should consider the intended use and limitations of the dataset, and develop licenses and terms of use to prevent misuse or inappropriate use.  
  • Consent and privacy: Per  NeurIPS ethics guidelines , datasets should minimize the exposure of any personally identifiable information, unless informed consent from those individuals is provided to do so. Any paper that chooses to create a dataset with real data of real people should ask for the explicit consent of participants, or explain why they were unable to do so.
  • Ethics and responsible use: Any ethical implications of new datasets should be addressed and guidelines for responsible use should be provided where appropriate. Note that, if your submission includes publicly available datasets (e.g. as part of a larger benchmark), you should also check these datasets for ethical issues. You remain responsible for the ethical implications of including existing datasets or other data sources in your work.
  • Legal compliance: For datasets, authors should ensure awareness and compliance with regional legal requirements.


The following committee will provide advice on the organization of the track over the coming years: Sergio Escalera, Isabelle Guyon, Neil Lawrence, Dina Machuve, Olga Russakovsky, Joaquin Vanschoren, Serena Yeung.


Lora Aroyo, Google Francesco Locatello, Institute of Science and Technology Austria Lingjuan Lyu, Sony AI

Contact: [email protected]

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  1. Code Highlighting with minted

    then the tags \begin{minted}{python} and \end{minted} delimit an environment that print the text verbatim in monospaced fonts and also apply colour to comments, keywords and functions. The parameter python is the programming language the source code is written in. minted supports over 150 programming and markup languages as well as configuration files, see the reference guide for a list of ...

  2. PDF The minted package: Highlighted source code in LaTeX

    The command is minted \mintinline provided for inline use. Code can be typeset inline: \mintinline. X\mintinline {python}{print(x**2)}X. X X. print(x**2) The syntax is options language delim code delim . The \mintinline[ ]{ } delimiters can be a single repeated character, just like for . They can also be \verb.

  3. Minted in beamer overlays

    I realise similar questions have been asked before, but no solution worked for me so far. Consider this document: \documentclass{beamer} \usepackage{minted} \begin{document} \begin{frame}[frag...

  4. Template for code highlighting with minted in LaTeX beamer

    26 Oct 2013. Syntax highlighting can be achieved in LaTeX via listings or more recently with minted. The latter package uses Pygments to create beautiful code highlighting and includes fantastic additional features such as line numbering. Minted's compatibility with the Latex beamer class, however, is restricted and some workarounds (as laid ...

  5. Create Beautiful Code Listings with Minted

    Code listing of a File in LaTeX. Instead of going smaller, we can go bigger, printing and highlighting whole files. For this purpose there is the \inputminted{tex}{filename.tex} command, where you pass the language highlighting and the file you want to input, and this file is written as a block of minted code.

  6. Caption and label on Minted code

    Loading minted.sty with newfloat option enables you to customize the listing environment, caption.sty offers \captionof for captions outside floating environments. Check their docs for further (plenty of) options. Putting it together: \documentclass{article} \usepackage[newfloat]{minted} \usepackage{caption} \newenvironment{code}{\captionsetup ...

  7. CTAN: Package minted

    minted - Highlighted source code for. L. a. T. X. The package that facilitates expressive syntax highlighting in LaTX using the powerful Pygments library. The package also provides options to customize the highlighted source code output using fancyvrb . Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (881.6k).

  8. Syntax Highlighting in LaTeX with minted

    Convoluted dependency resolution aside, minted itself is a breeze to install (like pygments; we've already done all the hard work). $ sudo dnf install texlive-minted. -shell-escape. Because minted relies on an external application ( pygments) to highlight, it can't just run in a tiny, neatly contained environment.

  9. Source Code Highlighting with Minted in LaTeX

    The minted package provides automatic syntax highlighting for source code listings. It uses the excellent pygments highlighter, which provides very high quality highlighting for a wide range of languages. This example also shows how you can use minted to typeset LaTeX math embedded in your source code. The minted package provides automatic ...

  10. Configure minted style in LaTeX for code highlighting

    This is the easiest with XeLaTeX or LuaLaTeX where you can set the monospaced font (i.e., the font used for minted, and also for \texttt, \verb etc) with the fontspec package. For pdfLaTeX there are various packages to set the document font (or sometimes only the mono font) but there the choices are much more limited.

  11. Beamer Presentations: A Tutorial for Beginners (Part 1 ...

    This five-part series of articles uses a combination of video and textual descriptions to teach the basics of creating a presentation using the LaTeX beamer package. These tutorials were first published on the original ShareLateX blog site during August 2013; consequently, today's editor interface (Overleaf) has changed considerably due to the ...

  12. latex

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  13. Code Highlighting with minted

    Note: For minted to work with your local LaTeX distribution, ... As demonstrated in the following example, the minted environment can be configured to modify visual presentation of the typeset code. Here, the minted environment uses several comma-separated parameters of the form key=value:

  14. Use minted syntax highlighting in LaTeX with Visual Studio Code LaTeX

    Recently, the minted package seems to emerge as a standard and preferred solution to syntax highlighting in LaTeX. This package is now part of the TeXLive distribution. minted requires Pygments as an external lexer and highlighter. As a result, to use it properly requires enabling --shell-escape option on LaTeX compilers ( latexmk and pdflatex ).

  15. Inline code and short verb with minted

    the minted~2 package to highlight source code inline. If you already use. \mintinline{latex}{\usepackage{minted}} \end{document} It is also possible to add a short verb sign: from the Dokumentation: \newmintinline['macro name']{'language'}{'options'}. If a 'macro name' is not specified, then the created macro is called \'language'inline.

  16. Which programming languages does the minted package support?

    Which programming languages does the minted package support? The minted package provides automatic syntax highlighting for source code listings—here's an example showing how to use it. minted uses the excellent pygments highlighter, which provides very high-quality syntax highlighting for a wide range of languages . About.

  17. Allowing page breaks in minted

    Hello, I am currently using minted along with the listing package. Is it possible to allow this to split in half for large amounts of code and allow a page break rather than moving it onto a separate page? Thank you. \begin{listing} \begin{listing}[H] \begin{minted}[linenos, breaklines, firstnumber=last]{python} \end{minted}

  18. Global settings for minted

    32. Yes, there is the \setminted command for setting options for the whole document. From the package documentation: You may wish to set options for the document as a whole, or for an entire language. This is possible via \setminted[<language>]{<key=value,...>}. Language-specific options override document-wide options.

  19. Budget 2024 highlights: New employment-linked incentives for employees

    The Budget 2024 presentation will be streamed on various platforms. Viewers can watch the Budget 2024 speech by Nirmala Sitharaman live at The Hindu . Follow our liveblog for all the latest news ...

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    France has been unable to attain such assurances, and that nearly threw its bid for the 2030 Winter Games into disarray in a vote taken just prior to Salt Lake City's presentation. The French ...

  21. minted vs. texments vs. verbments

    It doesn't provide access to much of Pygments or fancyvrb 's functionality. minted provides much more complete access to Pygments and fancyvrb, and adds additional functionality like background colors. verbments is more recent than minted, which probably explains why it is apparently less popular. The verbments documentation says that "the ...

  22. Code Highlighting with minted

    then the tags \begin{minted}{python} and \end{minted} delimit an environment that print the text verbatim in monospaced fonts and also apply colour to comments, keywords and functions. The parameter python is the programming language the source code is written in. minted supports over 150 programming and markup languages as well as configuration files, see the reference guide for a list of ...

  23. Call For Datasets & Benchmarks 2024

    NeurIPS 2024 Datasets and Benchmarks Track If you'd like to become a reviewer for the track, or recommend someone, please use this form.. The Datasets and Benchmarks track serves as a venue for high-quality publications, talks, and posters on highly valuable machine learning datasets and benchmarks, as well as a forum for discussions on how to improve dataset development.